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L7[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20180122 mappings to Forge Maven.
L8[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20180122-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20180122" in build.gradle).
L9[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L21[04:37:14] <McJty> Bah, why is there no world instance in BiomeEvent.CreateDecorator
L22[04:37:46] <McJty> Are there events for tree generation?
L23[04:38:01] <gigaherz|work> yes
L24[04:38:04] <gigaherz|work> well
L25[04:38:04] <gigaherz|work> sorta
L26[04:38:37] <McJty> Oh I found DecorateBiomeEvent
L27[04:38:39] <McJty> I think that can do it
L28[04:38:52] <gigaherz|work> https://github.com/gigaherz/NaturalTrees/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/nattrees/NaturalTrees.java#L97
L29[04:38:58] <gigaherz|work> this is how I did it.
L30[04:39:12] <McJty> yes, DecorateBiomeEvent. Thanks
L31[04:39:20] <gigaherz|work> to replace vanilla tree generation with my own tree stuffs
L32[04:44:09] <McJty> Hmm that event is another bus it seems
L33[04:44:15] <gigaherz|work> yes
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L35[04:44:32] <gigaherz|work> thought you knew, so I didn't mention :P
L36[04:44:46] <gigaherz|work> MinecraftForge.TERRAIN_GEN_BUS
L37[04:45:08] <McJty> Thanks
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L39[04:54:01] <McJty> Hmm.. I set the result to DENY but the jungle tree still grows
L40[04:58:53] <McJty> Hmm I think I have to actually calculate the chunkposition with (x-8)>>4, (z-8)>>4 because decoration happens offset with 8/8 isn't it?
L41[05:00:06] <gigaherz|work> hmmm dunno
L42[05:00:46] <gigaherz|work> I'm at work so I don't know waht ev.getPos() contains
L43[05:01:04] <gigaherz|work> but maybe.
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L50[07:23:25] <McJty> gigaherz|work, I found the problem. Apparently you can not have fine control per tree but only per chunk
L51[07:23:34] <McJty> The event is called with a chunk coordinate but not for every single tree
L52[07:24:12] <McJty> Very annoying...
L53[07:28:56] <McJty> Ok. I may be able to solve this by providing my own biome decorator
L54[07:37:10] <gigaherz|work> oh... right, yes
L55[07:37:28] <gigaherz|work> now that you mention it, I do use it on a per-chunk basis, and not per-tree
L56[07:40:08] <McJty> I'm thinking about a number of solutions
L57[07:40:17] <McJty> One is that I deny the generation of trees but do it manually in my event
L58[07:40:33] <McJty> The other is a custom biome decorator but that seems more complicated
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L60[07:45:06] <McJty> Argh, these events don't pass nearly enough information
L61[07:45:22] <McJty> I don't get the decorator or biome in the Decorate event
L62[07:45:58] <gigaherz|work> BiomeGenBase gen = ev.getWorld().getBiomeGenForCoords(ev.getPos());
L63[07:46:09] <gigaherz|work> BiomeDecorator decorator = gen.theBiomeDecorator;
L64[07:46:14] <gigaherz|work> that's what I did
L65[07:46:44] <McJty> ok that would work yes
L66[07:46:45] <McJty> Thanks
L67[07:47:51] <Arcanitor> making a custom armor model by overriding getArmorModel(); why are some of the faces of a box overlapping in the texture?
L68[07:48:06] <Arcanitor> specifically the top and bottom face are overlapping the front and back face for some reason
L69[07:48:27] <gigaherz|work> if you make your boxes EXACTLY the same size as the player model, they will "fight" that way
L70[07:48:37] <gigaherz|work> your boxes should be slightly larger, like the vanilla armor model does
L71[07:51:05] <Arcanitor> now i have to figure out how to scale my models...
L72[07:51:42] <Arcanitor> gigaherz|work: right now my boxes are 10w*8h*2d, scale 1
L73[07:52:01] <gigaherz|work> try scale 1.01?
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L75[07:53:09] <gigaherz|work> welp time to leave work
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L77[07:53:36] <Arcanitor> gigaherz|work: do i scale every box up by 1.01 or is there a general scale function i can call on the ModelRenderer object
L78[07:53:48] <gigaherz|work> hmm can't remember from memory
L79[07:54:45] <Arcanitor> there's no scale function on ModelRenderer
L80[07:56:06] <gigaherz|work> you can always loop through the boxes, I guess
L81[07:56:11] <gigaherz|work> as I said, gotta leave work
L82[07:56:17] * gigaherz|work poofs
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L87[08:03:11] <Arcanitor> that didn't work
L88[08:03:18] <Arcanitor> my model is squish
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L92[08:11:46] <Arcanitor> anyone know where is 0,0 on a texture in ModelRenderer offset coordinates?
L93[08:12:18] <Arcanitor> seems to be that Y+ = down, and presumably X+ = right
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L98[08:47:09] <Arcanitor> ok, i figured out my problem
L99[08:47:19] <Arcanitor> the trick is to not use negative values for box dimensions
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L111[10:14:52] <Overreacted> Could anyone tell me why getHorseVariant returns a correct value when I call it using entityJoinWorldEvent on a superflat world, but returns mostly 0 on a default generated world? I'm struggling to figure it out.
L112[10:18:53] <malte0811> Has anyone here ever had issues with UnpackedBakedQuad.Builder's having null textures when they shouldn't?
L113[10:31:22] <Arcanitor> Can ModelRenderer support animated textures?
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L116[11:03:49] <Arcanitor> I have a ModelBiped for a custom armor renderer, with a bunch of ModelRenderers attached to it.
L117[11:03:58] <Arcanitor> For some reason, two arbitrary pieces of it are not rendering.
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L139[14:47:46] <ben_mkiv> GuiWinGame so thats a thing...
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L141[14:47:59] <ben_mkiv> but what element would i use for multiline text?
L142[14:48:12] <ghz|afk> element?
L143[14:48:18] <ghz|afk> just use drawStringWrapping?
L144[14:48:23] <ghz|afk> or you want scrolling also?
L145[14:49:01] <ben_mkiv> my ide cant find drawStringWrapping
L146[14:49:11] <ben_mkiv> or did you mean drawString and it supports wrapping?
L147[14:49:23] <ghz|afk> nope
L148[14:49:43] <ghz|afk> there's something
L149[14:49:52] <ghz|afk> maybe that name was my own
L150[14:49:56] <ben_mkiv> fontRenderer.drawSplitString()
L151[14:49:59] <ben_mkiv> did you mean that?
L152[14:50:13] <ben_mkiv> drawSplitString(String str, int x, int y, int wrapWidth, int textColor)
L153[14:50:18] <ghz|afk> drawSplitString
L154[14:50:22] <ben_mkiv> ok, thanks
L155[14:50:22] <ghz|afk> yes that ;P
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L165[15:17:16] <ben_mkiv> is there a way to access the settings of AI Tasks from entities?
L166[15:17:31] <ben_mkiv> like for example what item is used for EntityAITempt
L167[15:19:44] <Commoble> probably, lemme look
L168[15:24:26] ⇨ Joins: Lord_Ralex (Lord_Ralex!~Ralex@2604:180:0:ba7::da25)
L169[15:24:46] <Commoble> EntityLiving.tasks.taskEntries is a Set of EntityAITaskEntries, each of which holds an EntityAIBase
L170[15:25:56] <Commoble> so you go through all of those, check if it's an instance of the AI class you need, and if it is cast it to that type and get the info from it
L171[15:27:40] <Commoble> mind you the fields on the EntityAIBase classes are typically private but you can probably get at them with access transformers
L172[15:44:44] <ben_mkiv> sounds like coremod stuff :/
L173[15:49:25] <Commoble> I haven't used access transformers myself but I don't think they're coremod stuff
L174[15:49:50] <Commoble> in the sense that the whole point of them is to prevent you from having to go and edit the actual vanilla code from private to public
L175[15:50:21] <ben_mkiv> actually i just want to read them
L176[15:50:31] <ben_mkiv> i can remove them and readd them with new values :P
L177[15:50:41] <Commoble> still need to change private fields to public if you want to read them :/
L178[15:50:51] <Ordinastie> you can use reflectiopn
L179[15:51:00] <Commoble> yeah that's what I was getting at
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L181[15:51:49] <ghz|afk> technically if you have an AT, you are coremodding, just "soft" coremodding, vs "hard" codemodding (ASMing)
L182[15:52:29] <barteks2x> at some point it all depends on definition of coremodding
L183[15:52:39] <barteks2x> for some definition of it, @SideOnly would be coremodding
L184[15:52:45] <ghz|afk> yup
L185[15:52:55] <ghz|afk> technically, it's forge itself coremodding
L186[15:52:58] <ghz|afk> (same for ATs)
L187[15:53:16] <ghz|afk> but you are causing the code to get patched more than it would have been otherwise
L188[15:54:36] <barteks2x> also reflection for me had one huge downside: unless the modder does things exactly the right way it is very likely to break in other mod's dev environment when using different mappings version
L189[15:55:04] <barteks2x> I had it happen to me
L190[15:55:39] <barteks2x> (as in other mod breaking in my dev environment due to using reflection)
L191[15:55:51] <ghz|afk> yes if you do like
L192[15:56:09] <ghz|afk> hardcode the "pretty name" alongside the srg name
L193[15:56:16] <ghz|afk> it CAN fail on another mapping version
L194[15:56:42] <barteks2x> which is what pretty much all mods do
L195[15:56:47] <ben_mkiv> oh because the names are mapped, forgot about that
L196[15:56:54] <barteks2x> because the only alternative is parsing the mappings file yourself
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L198[15:57:05] <ben_mkiv> but wouldnt it rather break if the vanilla name changes?!
L199[15:57:25] <barteks2x> define "vanilla name"
L200[15:57:34] <barteks2x> you have srg names, which don't change, and the MCP names
L201[15:58:02] <ben_mkiv> well the name of a class/method for example
L202[15:58:43] <ben_mkiv> or are those all generated by the decompiler?
L203[15:59:04] <barteks2x> class names onbly sometimes change across MC versions
L204[15:59:26] <barteks2x> then you have SRG names that never change and MCP (human-readable) names that can change with MCp mappings version update
L205[15:59:50] <barteks2x> in dev environment everything has the pretty MCP names
L206[16:00:04] <barteks2x> but when running from launcher, you have just SRG names everywhere
L207[16:00:41] <barteks2x> that issue is my only complaint about using reflection
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L212[16:25:14] <LexMobile> 13:52 <ghz|afk> technically, it's forge itself coremodding
L213[16:25:40] <LexMobile> Yes, but we know what we are doing, and we're open source, so you can see what we are doing. So... we're like 5,000x better then any other coremod :P
L214[16:26:27] <ghz|afk> XD
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L221[17:13:35] <SuperCoder79> lol
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L225[17:46:39] <Arcanitor> ghz|afk: my texture problem was solved by not using negative values for the length, width, and depth args
L226[17:48:13] <ghz|afk> I don't remember what your texture problem was so... okay :P
L227[17:48:24] <ghz|afk> good to know you solved it, regardless
L228[17:50:07] <Arcanitor> the mapping was messed up
L229[17:50:35] <Arcanitor> my ModelRenderers were grabbing their textures from effectively random parts of my texture file
L230[17:51:00] <ghz|afk> oh, you asked while I was at work, right?
L231[17:51:15] <ghz|afk> yeah sorry boundary effect
L232[17:51:20] <ghz|afk> but as I said, good to know ;P
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L234[17:53:35] <Arcanitor> just wanted to tell you for future reference, in case anyone else has a similar problem
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L237[18:32:00] <Ordinastie> how do you return early from a static init?
L238[18:34:47] <Ordinastie> short answer, you can't :(
L239[18:35:26] <quadraxis> just call a static method and return from that?
L240[18:35:50] <Ordinastie> at this point, I'll just wrap the code inside the if()
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L242[18:53:27] <ben_mkiv> oO its probably something else like you tried return; with code following
L243[18:53:35] <ben_mkiv> then just do a if(true)return;
L244[18:55:59] <Ordinastie> no, you just can't
L245[18:57:07] <ben_mkiv> https://pastebin.com/raw/jscthX0D
L246[18:57:10] <ben_mkiv> this compiles fine
L247[19:00:41] <kashike> that's not a static init
L248[19:00:42] <kashike> lol
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