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L1[00:00:52] <TheUnknownFew> alright, well I think I found the issue
L2[00:01:03] <TheUnknownFew> as for how to solve it, not oh so sure yet
L3[00:01:35] <TheUnknownFew> the issue was that I was thinking I was skipping all the way to the GuiScreen.confirmClick but GuiMainMenu overrides that
L4[00:03:55] <TheUnknownFew> well I at least know the source now, but it is getting late soe im going to head off to bed
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L13[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20180110 mappings to Forge Maven.
L14[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20180110-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20180110" in build.gradle).
L15[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L49[06:12:22] <gigaherz|work> snapshot! https://twitter.com/Dinnerbone/status/951063925247881216
L50[06:13:16] <gigaherz|work> \o/
L51[06:13:16] <gigaherz|work> Added new block tag minecraft:enderman_holdable
L52[06:13:48] <gigaherz|work> \o/-ish
L53[06:13:48] <gigaherz|work> Changed translation files from .lang (key=value) to .json ("key": "value")
L54[06:14:03] <gigaherz|work> some people will be very annoyed by that ;P
L55[06:14:10] <Ordinastie> ffs ><
L56[06:14:15] <gigaherz|work> Teleporting to things in other dimensions is now allowed
L57[06:14:16] <gigaherz|work> \o/
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L60[06:39:31] <Raycoms> Hey folks, I added a capability for chunks (1.12) and I use it to store some info. But for some reason it is not working nicely on the server side, on the client side it sets all the chunks nicely
L61[06:39:49] <Raycoms> but on the server side one chunk here and there forgets the data I set
L62[06:53:29] <Raycoms> I am checking and I write all the chunks and then I do markDirty on each
L63[06:53:42] <Raycoms> after that I fly over them and on the server side they don't have the data
L64[06:57:11] <Raycoms> or do I have to set needsSaving or wasModified?
L65[06:58:17] <Raycoms> I tried those, doesn't change the problem
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L67[07:10:51] <Abastro> I guess this example will help: https://github.com/JamiesWhiteShirt/MinecraftForge/blob/2a933e2094f73e69749c478d921e75bb3d26ead4/src/test/java/net/minecraftforge/debug/ChunkCapabilityPollutionTest.java
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L70[07:20:48] <Raycoms> I used that example already =P
L71[07:24:43] <Raycoms> But he doesn't mark the chunk as dirty
L72[07:25:49] <Raycoms> I mean it works for around 80% of the chunks I store it in
L73[07:25:56] <Raycoms> but 20% don't have the data for some weird reason
L74[07:27:24] <Abastro> Oh. So did you actually check the data directly?
L75[07:28:18] <Raycoms> Yes, I'm sure that it runs through all the chunks I need
L76[07:28:33] <Raycoms> but then I use public void onEnteringChunk(@NotNull final PlayerEvent.EnteringChunk event) to check each chunk
L77[07:28:38] <Raycoms> and some of them don't have the data
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L79[07:30:19] <Ordinastie> how do you check data presence ?
L80[07:32:00] <Raycoms> I check if the chunk has the colony I told him to have
L81[07:32:31] <Ordinastie> use the debugger check there first
L82[07:33:16] <Raycoms> Oh I don't believe it, I fixed it =P
L83[07:33:33] <Raycoms> The tick event I used to load the chunks, stored a few of them in other dimensions ....
L84[07:33:44] <Raycoms> That was stupid xD
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L96[09:57:11] <Raycoms> I have a problem with configurations, I have 1 value which players have set and I have another value which I want to be by default the other value of the config/16, is there a way for that?
L97[09:57:28] <Raycoms> like "if the other value != default -> adapt it"
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L103[10:31:24] <TheUnknownFew> Hi, I was here last night and was able to find the source of my issue, however I am still unsure as to how exactly I can solve my issue. The issue i'm having is that I cannot open a link via the press of a button from the MainMenu. The issue I face is that since my main menu extends GUImainmenu, super.confirmClick() obviously calls the method from the class im extending. The grandparent method in GuiScreen has the functionality
L104[10:31:24] <TheUnknownFew> that I want in order to open up a link.
L105[10:32:57] <Ordinastie> does the parent overrides the method ?
L106[10:33:21] <TheUnknownFew> yes, the parent class overrides confirmClick but never calls super.confirmClick
L107[10:33:34] <Ordinastie> then you can't do anything
L108[10:33:41] <Ordinastie> besides reimplementing it yourself
L109[10:34:41] <TheUnknownFew> Figured that would be about what I would have to do, but how would I open a link? I copied the code from confrimClick in guiscreen but it doesnt open the link, rather throws an error
L110[10:34:57] <Ordinastie> fix the error
L111[10:35:39] <TheUnknownFew> let me get you my error, because that is part of what im having an issue with
L112[10:37:55] <TheUnknownFew> https://i.imgur.com/i7dXw39.png
L113[10:38:56] <TheUnknownFew> https://i.imgur.com/yG5vJUR.png
L114[10:39:10] <TheUnknownFew> and then it prints <UNKNOWN> because the throwable is null
L115[10:40:13] <TheUnknownFew> which this is the same code that is in openWebLink in GuiScreen
L116[10:42:54] <Ordinastie> not why they do it that way
L117[10:43:12] <Ordinastie> but maybe you should try to understand the code instead of just copy pasting it ?
L118[10:43:44] <Ordinastie> just call stuff directly, no need to use reflection
L119[10:44:09] <TheUnknownFew> Why do they do it that way?
L120[10:44:19] <Ordinastie> I don't know
L121[10:48:44] <TheUnknownFew> Also I understood what the code was doing, but typically if I ever have to duplicate functionality, I try and keep it the same way it was done elsewhere. just didnt work out this time
L122[10:51:19] <gigaherz> for reference, I do this from my book's gui to open a link:
L123[10:51:19] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Guidebook/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/guidebook/guidebook/drawing/VisualLink.java#L70
L124[10:51:28] <TechnicianLP> TheUnknownFew: you know there are events to support adding GuiButtons to an arbitrary GuiScreen? no need to extend ...
L125[10:51:48] <TechnicianLP> (unless you are pre 1.7.10)
L126[10:51:50] <Raycoms> Can I update the configuration value from code, easily?
L127[10:51:56] <Ordinastie> gigaherz, any reason for th reflection ?
L128[10:52:16] <gigaherz> at the time of writing, clickedLinkURI was private
L129[10:52:17] <Ordinastie> or you just mindlessly copy pasted vanilla code you sheep! <<
L130[10:52:19] <gigaherz> I guess it still is
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L132[10:52:42] <TheUnknownFew> No I did not know there were events, TechnicianLP
L133[10:52:45] <gigaherz> and GuiConfirmOpenLink doesn't work unless clickedLinkURI is set beforehand
L134[10:53:14] <TheUnknownFew> What are the events?
L135[10:53:16] <Ordinastie> I'm not talking about that
L136[10:53:21] <Ordinastie> I'm talking about openWebLink
L137[10:53:45] <gigaherz> oh
L138[10:53:55] <gigaherz> that I copypasted from vanilla
L139[10:53:57] <gigaherz> 100%
L140[10:54:03] <TheUnknownFew> That is what I tried to do too
L141[10:54:05] <TheUnknownFew> didnt work
L142[10:54:10] <gigaherz> I think
L143[10:54:58] <gigaherz> yep
L144[10:55:03] <gigaherz> GuiScreen#openWebLink
L145[10:56:34] <TheUnknownFew> oh good. . . GuiConfirmOpenLink applies the same id to the cancle and confirm buttons -.-
L146[10:56:39] <gigaherz> thinking about it I could have used a ReflectionHelper call with the book's Gui instance
L147[10:56:59] <gigaherz> noi it does not?
L148[10:57:20] <TheUnknownFew> I just clicked on all 3 of the buttons in the confirm menu and they all opened the link
L149[10:57:21] <gigaherz> no*
L150[10:57:28] <gigaherz> uhm
L151[10:57:29] <TechnicianLP> TheUnknownFew: i dont know the names off hand but search for class with GUI and Event in their name ...
L152[10:57:33] <gigaherz> what?
L153[10:57:33] <TheUnknownFew> output the id and the id was 1000 each time
L154[10:57:55] <gigaherz> wait no that's not how it works
L155[10:58:04] <gigaherz> the ID you receive, is the button that opened the link
L156[10:58:13] <gigaherz> "result" is true if you want to open the link
L157[10:58:15] <gigaherz> false if cancelled
L158[10:58:44] <TheUnknownFew> what about copy to clipboard?
L159[10:58:50] <TheUnknownFew> false as well?
L160[10:59:02] <gigaherz> yes
L161[10:59:09] <gigaherz> that's handled by GuiConfirmOpenLink
L162[10:59:15] <gigaherz> see actionPerformed there
L163[10:59:23] <TheUnknownFew> yeah I have already
L164[11:00:44] <TheUnknownFew> alright, well baby steps. Cancle doesnt go back to the main menu, but that should be easily fixable with mc.displayGuiScreen(this);
L165[11:01:59] <TheUnknownFew> cool, it is all working now
L166[11:02:21] <TheUnknownFew> Thanks gigaherz
L167[11:03:01] <Raycoms> I was able to update the configuration value for the session automatically from the code, do I have to do anything specific for it to be persisted to the file?
L168[11:03:29] <TheUnknownFew> write it to the file
L169[11:03:58] <TheUnknownFew> or rather config.save()
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L173[11:24:49] <Raycoms> TheUnknownFew how will I do config.save? do I have to store it in the proxy?
L174[11:25:28] <gigaherz> Raycoms: you use @Config annotations?
L175[11:25:34] <Raycoms> giga yes
L176[11:25:53] <TheUnknownFew> Well how I did it was I made my own config class with methods to access the various configurations
L177[11:25:56] <gigaherz> then I believe the idea is that it's saved automatically when you use the "save" button from the mod config GUI?
L178[11:26:10] <gigaherz> but I haven't used that myself yet
L179[11:26:25] <Raycoms> the thing is that I want to set it from another class
L180[11:26:29] <TheUnknownFew> using a Configuration, I did if (config.changed()) {config.save()}
L181[11:26:49] <Raycoms> Like I am setting the "townHallRange" from within the colonyLoader since we changed the mechanism
L182[11:27:01] <Raycoms> and I need to recalc the optimal range depending on what the user put in his config
L183[11:27:09] <TheUnknownFew> https://github.com/TeamElysia/ArtisansTabs/blob/master/src/main/java/zed/artisanstabs/config/ArtisansConfig.java
L184[11:27:16] <Raycoms> Since we want to go from block based colony size to chunk based size
L185[11:27:23] <TheUnknownFew> This is how I did it
L186[11:28:30] <TheUnknownFew> can simply just make getters and setters for each of the different configuration values, but since I made them static I can just access this info from anywhere
L187[11:29:15] <Raycoms> the thing is, I tried your approach, but the config, since it's based on @notation broke after I did that
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L189[11:30:08] <TheUnknownFew> how so?
L190[11:31:00] <TheUnknownFew> like how did it break
L191[11:34:51] <Raycoms> it made the config look like being without the @notation
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L193[11:35:35] <TheUnknownFew> got a github repo I can look at?
L194[11:37:18] <Raycoms> https://github.com/Minecolonies/minecolonies/blob/version/1.12/src/main/java/com/minecolonies/coremod/MineColonies.java
L195[11:38:56] <TheUnknownFew> what line are you changing the configurations on?
L196[11:41:28] <Raycoms> Ah no that's where I have the config, sec I'll show you where I want to change it
L197[11:41:45] <Raycoms> https://github.com/Minecolonies/minecolonies/blob/version/1.12/src/main/java/com/minecolonies/coremod/colony/ColonyManager.java#L792
L198[11:41:47] <Raycoms> basically here
L199[11:47:27] <TheUnknownFew> so try moving your Configuration to a new class and make static methods to change the values of the configuration. IIRC if you call the "config.get("key", "default value", "comment")" setting what ever in "default value" should change the actual value of the configuration
L200[11:48:16] <TheUnknownFew> you are currently doing all of that in your mod initialization so for instance I did this in my mod initialization "FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(new ArtisansConfig());"
L201[11:49:42] ⇦ Quits: h404bi (h404bi!~h404bi@ (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L202[11:50:58] <TheUnknownFew> https://i.imgur.com/mhFDcG7.png
L203[11:55:21] <TheUnknownFew> https://github.com/TeamElysia/ArtisansTabs/blob/master/src/main/java/zed/artisanstabs/commands/CommandGetNBT.java#L356
L204[12:04:32] <Raycoms> ty will take a look at it =)
L205[12:06:40] <TheUnknownFew> np :) im going to have to leave right now anyways soo good luck with that and hope I was able to help
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L208[12:16:45] <gigaherz> hmmm
L209[12:16:51] <gigaherz> anyone bored and wants to code a funny mod? ;P
L210[12:16:58] <gigaherz> I was watching the beginning of this
L211[12:16:59] <gigaherz> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOp0djkGAGg
L212[12:17:20] <gigaherz> and I thought "hey... would be... interesting... if endermen could take things from your chests..."
L213[12:18:00] ⇨ Joins: Byteflux (Byteflux!~byte@byteflux.net)
L214[12:26:44] <McJty> And of course with knowledge on Refined Storage and Applied Energistics too :-)
L215[12:27:15] <xaero> there could be classes of endermen each with their own "appeasement ritual"
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L217[12:30:42] <xaero> endermen would feel too much like a tax man xD
L218[12:31:08] <xaero> and killing the ender dragon will finally "subdue" them
L219[12:32:08] <gigaherz> "There's only two things they ask of you. Pay your tax, and don't look directly at their eyes. So that, and you will be safe, fail, and you will be hunted."
L220[12:32:15] <gigaherz> Do*
L221[12:33:58] <gigaherz> "Why do they do that?"
L222[12:34:05] <gigaherz> "The dragon demands it."
L223[12:35:26] <gigaherz> "Lost in an old fortress, long buried underground, lies a portal. They came through it, but they ran out of power. Take their hearts, pulsing with alien energy. You will need them to power their tech."
L224[12:35:37] <gigaherz> "I can not tell you what will be on the other side. No one has come back alive."
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L227[12:39:51] <gigaherz> "Their eyes long for their home. Separated from their mind, they will gaze upon the only thing that could have brought them back."
L228[12:41:24] <gigaherz> would be nice to give mc some lore
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L230[12:55:44] <kashike> gigaherz: latest snapshot: translations are now .json
L231[12:58:49] <Twisted_Code> Anyone familiar enough with crash reports to tell me why this happened? My understanding of crash reports is roughly limited to "where to find the trace back because that tends to mention the mod responsible"... and that's about it.
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L233[12:59:05] <Twisted_Code> https://gist.github.com/macks2008/f49c3a25284c09d9e798612ebf3fae08
L234[12:59:10] <TechnicianLP> woah gigaherz: suggest that to mojang that sounds awesome ... (the lore part)
L235[13:00:08] <Ordinastie> Twisted_Code, you have mods for 1.8
L236[13:00:59] <Twisted_Code> The client runs fine when I'm not connected to a server, so you must mean on the server?
L237[13:01:29] <Ordinastie> I mean on whatever this crash reports comes from
L238[13:02:02] <Twisted_Code> huh, so client. Wonder why it runs fine otherwise?
L239[13:02:23] <Twisted_Code> Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I'll look into it
L240[13:03:48] <Twisted_Code> Wait, I gave you the wrong crash report Ordinastie! I grabbed the one from a year ago, not the January 2018 report. One moment
L241[13:04:58] <Twisted_Code> https://gist.github.com/macks2008/b2b531affd291aacf9114509649f70d9
L242[13:06:03] <Ordinastie> you'll need full log, not just crash report
L243[13:06:20] <Twisted_Code> okay. will do
L244[13:08:35] <Twisted_Code> FML-server-latest (it's long): https://gist.github.com/macks2008/3002066eef21335ae6e91730bd28c61f
L245[13:09:44] <Ordinastie> !gm 71396
L246[13:10:38] <gigaherz> kashike: yep I saw
L247[13:10:48] <gigaherz> [13:13] (gigaherz|work): Changed translation files from .lang (key=value) to .json ("key": "value")
L248[13:10:48] <gigaherz> [13:14] (gigaherz|work): some people will be very annoyed by that ;P
L249[13:11:24] <Commoble> eh, you can probably write a script in python or whatever to convert them
L250[13:11:48] <gigaherz> not even
L251[13:11:53] <gigaherz> just some regex
L252[13:11:55] <gigaherz> to convert
L253[13:12:18] <gigaherz> ([^=]+)=(.+)
L254[13:12:34] <gigaherz> into "\1":"\2"
L255[13:12:45] <gigaherz> and then add the braces on the first and last line ;P
L256[13:12:54] <Commoble> I have no idea what you're talking about
L257[13:13:04] <gigaherz> yo udon't know regular expressions?
L258[13:13:25] <Ordinastie> you missed the coma
L259[13:13:29] <gigaherz> true
L260[13:13:29] <Commoble> I'm familiar with them but I don't know what thing you're using to apply them
L261[13:13:39] <gigaherz> Commoble: search&replace in any decent IDE
L262[13:14:46] <gigaherz> IDEA uses $1 and such instead of |1
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L264[13:14:51] <gigaherz> but yeah:
L265[13:14:51] <gigaherz> https://i.imgur.com/PBt9hx6.png
L266[13:15:03] <gigaherz> tooltip shows what the result of the replcement will be
L267[13:15:32] <Ordinastie> I would have gone (.*?)=(.*)
L268[13:15:47] <gigaherz> hmmm non-greedy matching?
L269[13:16:23] <Ordinastie> Twisted_Code, there is nothing pointing to the actual error
L270[13:16:39] <gigaherz> I know it exists but it's not a "tool" I commonly use
L271[13:16:47] <Ordinastie> the crash report is about a crash report crashing
L272[13:17:06] <Twisted_Code> great. that's useful....
L273[13:17:13] <Twisted_Code> hmmm
L274[13:17:41] <Twisted_Code> I think I saw another crash report next to this one. Maybe that one has the error
L275[13:18:19] <Twisted_Code> nope
L276[13:18:28] <Twisted_Code> The other is from a week ago
L277[13:18:44] * Twisted_Code facedesks
L278[13:18:53] <Ordinastie> anyway, 1.7.10 is dead, just update already
L279[13:19:48] <Twisted_Code> I know, and I do have a 1.10 server, but I'm trying to familiarize myself with witchery so I can feel comfortable trying to update it from scratch
L280[13:20:48] <Twisted_Code> (You know, seeing as Emoniph is dead to the Internet :-/ )
L281[13:28:53] <Twisted_Code> Anyway, thanks for trying. Guess it's back to the default method of debugging: trial and error
L282[13:30:36] <Twisted_Code> either that or trying to get my 1.10 port of witchery off the ground. I have exactly nothing so far; not even a development environment. Time to fix that :-)
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L294[14:30:04] <TheUnknownFew> gigaherz, soo. . . a krampus mod?
L295[14:31:07] <TheUnknownFew> was just reading up about the enderman mod stealing from chests :P
L296[14:32:44] <Commoble> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNTD8seCALc
L297[14:33:38] <TheUnknownFew> lol
L298[14:35:42] <TheUnknownFew> so when are the names stored in language files applied to items? On resource reload?
L299[14:37:35] <gigaherz> nah
L300[14:37:43] <gigaherz> mc loads the language file into a dictionary
L301[14:37:51] <gigaherz> and then getDisplayName or similar functions
L302[14:38:01] <gigaherz> do I18n.format("language.key")
L303[14:38:21] <TheUnknownFew> ah ok, well hmm
L304[14:38:50] <TheUnknownFew> I'll have to look more into that. thanks
L305[14:40:07] <TheUnknownFew> so say I have "this.that" in my lang file and that was added to the lang file while the game was running. All I'd have to do to have it show up as displayed in the lang file is I18n.format("this.that") ?
L306[14:41:49] <gigaherz> nono if you add things while the game is running
L307[14:41:57] <gigaherz> the dictionary (map) is still out of date
L308[14:42:26] <gigaherz> you'd have to ensure the resources are updated (by hitting build on intellij, or whatever you haveto do in eclipse), and then use F3+T to cause a resource reload
L309[14:43:03] <TheUnknownFew> is there a way of adding to the dictionary while the game is running?
L310[14:43:30] <gigaherz> I guess, but I have never tried
L311[14:43:35] <TheUnknownFew> because I have buttons that display depending on certain things of variable nature
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L313[14:43:44] <gigaherz> uhm
L314[14:43:51] <gigaherz> thne that's the wrong thing to do
L315[14:43:56] <Commoble> so you add a language entry for each thing they could say
L316[14:43:59] <gigaherz> I18n.format can take arguments
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L318[14:44:07] <gigaherz> so you can do thing like
L319[14:44:20] <gigaherz> stuff.gets=Player gets %s
L320[14:44:42] <gigaherz> I18n.format("stuff.gets", itemStack.getItemStackDisplayName())
L321[14:45:18] <TheUnknownFew> oh ok
L322[14:45:27] <gigaherz> or in a button, you can update the button's label
L323[14:45:51] <gigaherz> GuiButton has a displayString field
L324[14:45:55] <TheUnknownFew> welll I should rephrase that. it isnt my button, rather im integrating a mod to work with mine
L325[14:46:08] <gigaherz> wat
L326[14:46:21] <TheUnknownFew> cacti, look it up
L327[14:46:33] <TheUnknownFew> it conflicts with my mod so im making it a soft dependency
L328[14:46:40] <TheUnknownFew> anywho, I've got to leave for work
L329[14:46:41] <TheUnknownFew> cya
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L339[16:03:18] <Abastro> Can I assume OpenGL 2.0 on clients?
L340[16:04:04] <gigaherz> in theory, no
L341[16:04:06] <gigaherz> in practice, yes
L342[16:04:51] <Abastro> Because I want FBO support and I heard that
L343[16:05:13] <Abastro> OpenGL 2.0 clients typically support FBOs.
L344[16:05:15] <Abastro> Thanks!
L345[16:09:35] <Abastro> Finally I can conveniently RTT then.
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L356[16:40:34] <williewillus> !gm func_180426_a
L357[16:41:06] <williewillus> !sm func_180426_a setPositionAndRotationDirect Sets a target for the client to interpolate towards over the next few ticks
L358[16:42:28] <Ordinastie> so... not direct
L359[16:43:48] <gigaherz> yeah the names are a bit... opposite
L360[16:44:16] <gigaherz> setPositionAndRotation sets (and clamps) the position and rotation AND updates also the prev* values so that it will not interpolate ...
L361[16:44:32] <gigaherz> while Direct skips the clamping, but interpolates
L362[16:47:02] <williewillus> stopgap for the mcpbot issue :P
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L381[18:49:18] <Raycoms> besides entering chunks, is there an event for loading them? On the server side?
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L391[20:24:15] <TheUnknownFew> welp, ive returned from work :P
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L393[20:54:10] <TheUnknownFew> gigaherz, so I tried the format method and it didnt really do anything.
L394[20:56:30] <TheUnknownFew> im investigating the ins and outs of the method though
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L397[20:58:21] <TheUnknownFew> and I've ensured resources are being reloaded
L398[21:07:43] <TheUnknownFew> so I looked at it and the method doesnt do what I actually want it to do. I'm fairly certain I'd have to programmatically add the localization keys to the lang file and reload resources in order for this to work
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