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L3[00:22:35] <moony> Currently experimenting with various optimization arguments. This should be fun.
L4[00:23:16] <moony> Game seems to be much faster with this random bundle i've assembled so far :P
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L11[01:53:01] <gigaherz> Uhm... went to sleep. Sorry Lex if I gave the impression that I don't like the way the recipe system works -- that's not the case.
L12[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20180102 mappings to Forge Maven.
L13[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20180102-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20180102" in build.gradle).
L14[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L22[03:13:40] <McJty> I'm trying to run a server command as a player but with elevated permissions:
L23[03:13:40] <McJty> https://bpaste.net/show/5ef410845778
L24[03:13:44] <McJty> But it is still giving errors
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L26[03:32:25] <McJty> Hmm problem is that CommandSenderWrapper still delegates the canUseCommand to the underlying player even if its own permission level is raised
L27[03:32:29] <McJty> That looks like a bug isn't it?
L28[03:32:44] <McJty> What's the point of 'withPermissionLevel()' if it is not using that?
L29[03:33:46] <gigaherz|work> probably a feature that was never fully implemented
L30[03:35:22] <McJty> Hmm. I think I'm going to make my own CommandSenderWrapper then
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L44[04:47:46] <TechnicianLP> the state of a block to use for model gets queried after the repsective tile was loaded i presume?
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L54[05:47:43] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
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L74[08:50:40] <barteks2x> is there something that can tell me which packets add up to 150kB/s when I'm standing still on MC server?
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L77[08:53:14] <barteks2x> a small modded server use whole 150kB/s on average when standing still, and causes everyone else on my lan to have 500-1000 ping in other games
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L85[09:25:32] <quadraxis> gm playMoodSoundAndCheckLight
L86[09:25:39] <quadraxis> !gm playMoodSoundAndCheckLight
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L93[11:03:35] <SuperCoder79> is there a way to disable forge automatic bucket creation?
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L95[11:06:24] <PaleoCrafter> for a specific fluid or globally?
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L98[11:22:05] <Protected> Hi all. Suggestions on how to identify which mod or mods are responsible for world leaks?
L99[11:23:17] <Commoble> Generate new worlds with one mod active at a time until you find it
L100[11:24:30] <gigaherz> or if you like spreadsheets
L101[11:24:37] <gigaherz> use one to manage bisection state
L102[11:24:43] <gigaherz> and have half the mods at a time
L103[11:24:55] <Commoble> ooh
L104[11:25:22] <Protected> I see, thanks
L105[11:25:31] <Commoble> mind you, there might be a specific block or contraption that's causing the leak so you'll have to plop down a bunch of stuff and let it run
L106[11:26:25] <gigaherz> there's also a small possibility that it's a combination of factors
L107[11:26:38] <gigaherz> like one mod doing something that causes another mod to change its behaviour
L108[11:26:56] <gigaherz> so it IS possible to go one by one, and find nothing
L109[11:27:35] <Commoble> and if you do binary search it's possible that the conflicting pair are in separate halves
L110[11:28:00] <gigaherz> yup
L111[11:31:52] <barteks2x> well it's also possible to attempt to amanyze heap dump
L112[11:31:59] <barteks2x> but I never succeeded there
L113[11:34:10] <Protected> Another question; What could be causing all metadata to be stripped from random chunks (not too often?) Does anyone know of any mod that has been caught doing this sort of thing?
L114[11:34:26] <Protected> *tile entity metadata, as far as I know
L115[11:35:23] <Protected> For this one it's hard to test each mod using individual instances, since I'd have to get people to play on each one
L116[11:38:04] <barteks2x> I remember something about dormant chunks causing some issues but I may be completely off here
L117[11:44:53] <Protected> I do have dormant chunks enabled, I'll try getting rid of that, thanks
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L123[12:16:29] <tterrag> I just found what I think is a very obscure vanilla bug
L124[12:16:29] <tterrag> Particle.interpPosX/Y/Z is updated in renderParticles but renderLitParticles is called first
L125[12:16:29] <tterrag> so the values in renderLitParticles will always be one frame behind
L126[12:16:33] <tterrag> worth a forge patch?
L127[12:16:41] <Commoble> probably not
L128[12:16:48] <tterrag> why not?
L129[12:17:28] <Ordinastie> probably the same reason you asked if it was worth a patch in the first place :p
L130[12:17:52] <PaleoCrafter> wat
L131[12:18:08] <tterrag> paleo go back to discord
L132[12:18:13] <PaleoCrafter> nuh
L133[12:18:30] <PaleoCrafter> the 'wat' was directed at Ordi's message
L134[12:18:48] <tterrag> it's a pretty small bug but I spent about 30 minutes figuring out what the hell was going on
L135[12:18:53] <tterrag> and it's an easy patch
L136[12:19:00] <Corosus> should at least report to mc jira
L137[12:19:11] <tterrag> yeah I'm gonna check there
L138[12:19:21] <tterrag> what vanilla particles actually use the lit render?
L139[12:19:27] <Corosus> flame
L140[12:19:37] <tterrag> fxLayer 3 that is
L141[12:19:39] <tterrag> flame does? hm
L142[12:19:43] <Corosus> pretty sure it does
L143[12:20:56] <tterrag> it doesn't override getFXLayer
L144[12:21:50] <Corosus> oh it cheats by overriding getBrightnessForRender
L145[12:21:58] <Corosus> hmm lets see what else
L146[12:22:14] <tterrag> I don't think anything in vanilla uses it
L147[12:22:18] <tterrag> wait maybe the blockcrack?
L148[12:22:28] <tterrag> no that's layer 1
L149[12:23:12] <Corosus> mob appearance uses 3
L150[12:23:29] <Corosus> sweep attack
L151[12:23:44] <Corosus> item pickup O_o
L152[12:23:46] <tterrag> mob appearance?
L153[12:23:54] <Corosus> thats the one that has the mob in your face
L154[12:23:59] <tterrag> oh
L155[12:24:00] <Corosus> for that potion effect or whatever
L156[12:24:08] <tterrag> none of those are going to be easy to show the bug with lol
L157[12:24:13] <Corosus> yeaaaaahhh
L158[12:24:22] <Commoble> elder guardians?
L159[12:24:28] <tterrag> ^ yes
L160[12:25:34] <tterrag> like I could report it but I'd basically just have to say "trust me I'm a modder"
L161[12:25:55] <tterrag> I could ping mr. f
L162[12:26:27] <PaleoCrafter> fry? :P
L163[12:26:55] <tterrag> >.>
L164[12:28:04] <PaleoCrafter> it's not like he's actually around
L165[12:31:39] <Ordinastie> he's too important to be seen around commoners like us now
L166[12:32:33] <gigaherz> note like he was around so often before
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L168[12:41:31] <illy> morning o/
L169[12:42:39] <gigaherz> I just noticed I wrote "note" instead of "not"
L170[12:42:41] * gigaherz shudders
L171[12:43:02] <PaleoCrafter> still works, kinda
L172[12:43:16] <gigaherz> the more I get used to spoken english, the more mistakes I make while writing
L173[12:54:34] <Ordinastie> that got to me too
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L183[13:29:18] <rallias> Question that my Google-Fu is having a hard time answering... is it possible to set the client-side as not required, but if it exists it must be within a specific version range?
L184[13:29:49] <PaleoCrafter> yes, @NetworkCheckHandler
L185[13:30:09] <gigaherz> you'll need a custom network check, as PaleoCrafter pointed out
L186[13:30:10] <gigaherz> :P
L187[13:30:24] <gigaherz> acceptableRemoteVersions only has "*" to mean "optional"
L188[13:30:41] <rallias> Ok, thank you!
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L190[13:30:54] <Naiten> Oh hi there.
L191[13:31:37] <gigaherz> Ohai here
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L193[13:32:52] <Naiten> One quick question, is there any chance to cache rendering stuff for single blocks using Forge tools? 1.10.2 / 1.12.2
L194[13:33:08] <gigaherz> elaborate? :P
L195[13:33:10] <Naiten> Or do i have to invent the bicycle yet again
L196[13:33:13] <Naiten> Erm
L197[13:33:27] <gigaherz> models are already cached
L198[13:33:45] <gigaherz> and the block quads are cached on the rendering meshes of the sub-chunks
L199[13:33:55] <gigaherz> so no idea what you are referring to ;P
L200[13:34:28] <Naiten> My blocks have several parameters set up by user, and the geometry is generated out of pre-made obj models which are combined in a specific way according to said parameters.
L201[13:34:53] <Naiten> And no, blockstate won't work, because there are too much combinations for that.
L202[13:35:13] <Naiten> And it's easier to generate mesh than to make it by hand and put into blockstates...
L203[13:35:16] <gigaherz> right, so "is there any chance to cache"? yes
L204[13:35:20] <gigaherz> but you'll have to cache things yourself
L205[13:35:21] <gigaherz> ;P
L206[13:35:21] <Naiten> Welp
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L208[13:35:34] <Naiten> Last time i did modding
L209[13:35:41] <Naiten> (a while ago on 1.10.2)
L210[13:36:04] <PaleoCrafter> hm, there hasn't been followup to this, right? https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/4154
L211[13:36:27] <Naiten> It ended to a stance where it tries to regenerate the mesh every time any other block in a chunk is changed
L212[13:36:34] <Naiten> Thus creating a lag
L213[13:36:45] <Naiten> Welp
L214[13:37:41] ⇨ Joins: SparkVGX (SparkVGX!~SparkVGX@
L215[13:37:42] <Naiten> If i am to cache, is it gonna be like a hasmap with my param combo as a key and quads as the value?
L216[13:38:12] <Naiten> I really have little idea on how to design the system
L217[13:38:12] <PaleoCrafter> something like that, yes
L218[13:38:35] <PaleoCrafter> if you want to be really fancy and automatically discard stuff when not needed any more etc., you can use one of Guava's cache things
L219[13:38:38] <gigaherz> the "proper" way in terms of program design
L220[13:38:42] <gigaherz> would be to build a state object
L221[13:38:55] <gigaherz> with all the values, that implements equals+hashcode
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L223[13:39:07] <gigaherz> (or Equatable<T> if that's a thing in java)
L224[13:39:27] <gigaherz> since you have to pass the data to the model
L225[13:39:35] <gigaherz> you SHOULD already have such an object
L226[13:40:10] <gigaherz> (good practive dictates that you create an immutable object to carry over the state from getExtendedState into the IBakedModel)
L227[13:40:23] <gigaherz> so it's a matter of making it comparable/equatable
L228[13:40:42] <gigaherz> so that it works within a Map<StateObject, List<Quad>>
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L230[13:48:23] <Naiten> Aaaargh, trying to run my old workspace, nothing is working properly
L231[13:48:28] <gigaherz> XD
L232[13:48:51] <gigaherz> just take the chance to update to latest forge, and rerun setupDecompWorkspace and refresh the IDE
L233[13:49:40] <Commoble> and then start copying all your old classes over
L234[13:50:15] <PaleoCrafter> wat
L235[13:50:54] <gigaherz> no need, worst case jsut "git clean -dfx" to remove all untracked files, and start over from a clean workspace ;P
L236[13:51:12] <gigaherz> and even that is almost never needed
L237[13:54:25] <Naiten> Welp, starting from a clean workspace yet another time is gonna free me from old spaghetti code and old bugs
L238[13:54:54] <Naiten> But i'll also have to damage my brains trying to code everything again...
L239[13:55:13] <Naiten> I've already forgot how things were done D:
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L241[13:58:47] <Naiten> Welp, i have 3 enums, 2 integers and a boolean as params... I guess i should make that StateObject class with all those fields and to compare instances i can just && equals on the fields, right?
L242[13:59:29] <gigaherz> yes but a map will need hashCode
L243[13:59:57] <gigaherz> just grab a random prime number like 313
L244[13:59:59] <gigaherz> and do like
L245[14:00:11] <PaleoCrafter> can also use Objects.hash :P
L246[14:00:20] <gigaherz> oh java has a tool for that?
L247[14:00:24] <PaleoCrafter> I think that was it, anyways
L248[14:00:28] <Commoble> Wait, that's 12 different possible states, that'll fit in a blockstate
L249[14:00:28] <PaleoCrafter> it's quite bad
L250[14:00:50] <gigaherz> Commoble: I assume that's 3 separate enum fields with a bunch of values each
L251[14:00:52] <Commoble> nvm I misread
L252[14:00:53] <gigaherz> not 3 enum entries ;P
L253[14:01:00] <PaleoCrafter> Commoble, integers from the -2^31 to 2^31-1 range will fit? :P
L254[14:01:21] <gigaherz> and the same for integers, I think it's not 2 possible integer values ;P
L255[14:01:50] <gigaherz> lol
L256[14:01:51] <gigaherz> public static int hash(Object... values) {
L257[14:01:51] <gigaherz> return Arrays.hashCode(values);
L258[14:01:51] <gigaherz> }
L259[14:02:00] <Naiten> Just like gigah said, Commo
L260[14:02:12] <gigaherz> ah
L261[14:02:16] <gigaherz> java uses 31 for the prime
L262[14:02:17] <gigaherz> ;P
L263[14:02:19] <PaleoCrafter> yeh
L264[14:02:26] <gigaherz> result = 31 * result + (element == null ? 0 : element.hashCode());
L265[14:02:26] <PaleoCrafter> Guava has a hashing thing as well, iirc
L266[14:02:37] <gigaherz> but yeah
L267[14:02:38] <PaleoCrafter> huh
L268[14:02:47] <PaleoCrafter> what Java version are you on?
L269[14:02:49] <gigaherz> that's pretty much waht I suggested, xcept with an array instantiation in the middle
L270[14:02:54] <gigaherz> 1.8.0_112
L271[14:03:01] <PaleoCrafter> oh, wait, I looked at the long instance :D
L272[14:03:27] <gigaherz> so y eah
L273[14:03:35] <gigaherz> that's perfectly usable, jsut not very efficient ;P
L274[14:03:52] <PaleoCrafter> indeed
L275[14:03:56] <gigaherz> so my suggestion was going to be:
L276[14:04:17] <gigaherz> int hashCode = boolean_value ? 1 : 0;
L277[14:04:30] <gigaherz> hashCode = hashCode * PRIME + integer1;
L278[14:04:32] <gigaherz> hashCode = hashCode * PRIME + integer2;
L279[14:04:39] <gigaherz> hashCode = hashCode * PRIME + enum1.ordinal();
L280[14:04:41] <gigaherz> ...
L281[14:04:44] <gigaherz> return hashCode; :P
L282[14:05:12] <PaleoCrafter> I can't remember, was it good or bad to use different primes? xD
L283[14:05:19] <gigaherz> if the enums are nullable, then just slap an if (enumvalue != null=
L284[14:05:26] <Naiten> That looks indeed like an example from wikipedia
L285[14:05:33] <gigaherz> if you chain them like this, it won't matter
L286[14:05:39] <gigaherz> but you can use different primes like:
L287[14:05:52] <gigaherz> int hashCode = value1 + PRIME1 * value2 + PRIME2 * value3 + ... ;
L288[14:05:57] <gigaherz> using increasingly large primes
L289[14:06:29] <Naiten> wiki has 17, 31, 13 tho
L290[14:06:33] <gigaherz> in that case it's best to make the primes grow faster, rather than using consecutive primes
L291[14:06:38] <Naiten> / not increasing
L292[14:06:46] <gigaherz> yeah but that's meaningless
L293[14:06:48] <gigaherz> you can sort the primes
L294[14:06:49] <gigaherz> ;P
L295[14:06:49] <PaleoCrafter> addition is commutative :P
L296[14:06:57] <gigaherz> and then they would be increasing
L297[14:07:05] <Naiten> welp
L298[14:07:09] <gigaherz> also large numbers aren't needed for a hashcode
L299[14:07:21] <gigaherz> but if you wanted to be slightly more "cryptographically safe"
L300[14:07:29] <Naiten> i'm stupid sometimes q:
L301[14:07:32] <gigaherz> you'd want the hash function result to have a chance to touch all bits
L302[14:07:47] <gigaherz> but yeah for hashCode, no point.
L303[14:07:58] <barteks2x> except when you know roughtly the pattern of your values and you know using small primes will result in a lot of hash collisions
L304[14:08:12] <gigaherz> true
L305[14:08:19] <barteks2x> like in case of BlockPos
L306[14:08:33] <gigaherz> yeah for cases like that
L307[14:09:04] <gigaherz> it's even better to use shift
L308[14:09:09] <gigaherz> rather than a prime
L309[14:09:32] <Naiten> welp
L310[14:09:34] <gigaherz> x + (y<<10) + (z<<20)
L311[14:09:49] <barteks2x> in case of BlockPos, yes. And that's what MC is doing there. It attempts to fit as many bits of coordinates as possible into an int
L312[14:10:21] <PaleoCrafter> works nicely with the coordinate limit of 30 million
L313[14:10:24] <gigaherz> will generate fully unique numbers for x,y,z between [-512,511] or [0,1023]
L314[14:10:26] <PaleoCrafter> although there's some bits left, iirc
L315[14:10:33] <gigaherz> yes
L316[14:10:35] <gigaherz> well
L317[14:10:40] <gigaherz> if you encode into LONG, it does
L318[14:10:45] <gigaherz> if you hashCode into INT, then not so much
L319[14:10:46] <PaleoCrafter> oh, right
L320[14:10:51] <barteks2x> for a single player, it will pretty much always be unique values
L321[14:10:53] <PaleoCrafter> I was remembering the BlockPos.toLong one
L322[14:11:04] <gigaherz> yep I almost fell into that trap too
L323[14:11:06] <barteks2x> BlockPos.toLong should die
L324[14:11:10] <gigaherz> XD
L325[14:11:12] <PaleoCrafter> tsk
L326[14:11:18] <Naiten> one int is just something liek x % 100 + 100 * y % 100 + 10000 * z % 100
L327[14:11:21] <gigaherz> only because you are doing cubic chunks ;P
L328[14:11:28] <gigaherz> it's a perfectly sensible thing otherwise ;P
L329[14:11:31] <Naiten> And the other is a radius of a railway curve
L330[14:11:45] <Naiten> Idk if there's gonna be any pattern in that
L331[14:11:54] <gigaherz> Naiten: doesn't matter
L332[14:12:05] <gigaherz> hashCode is really just an optimization
L333[14:12:17] <Naiten> I only guess that peeps are gonna use smaller radii all the time and leave bigger alone
L334[14:12:18] <gigaherz> the idea is: if two hashcodes are different, the objects MUST be different
L335[14:12:24] <gigaherz> it's a quick-false
L336[14:12:29] <Naiten> welp
L337[14:12:42] <gigaherz> so long as you don't break that precondition
L338[14:12:53] <gigaherz> a "bad" hashCode will jsut be less efficient
L339[14:12:53] <barteks2x> techically 'return 0" is a valid implementation :D
L340[14:13:16] <Naiten> oh, you!
L341[14:13:19] <gigaherz> yup
L342[14:13:26] <gigaherz> but "return rand()" is not!
L343[14:13:39] <gigaherz> since it will return different values for equal objects
L344[14:13:44] <PaleoCrafter> welllllll
L345[14:13:56] <PaleoCrafter> https://xkcd.com/221/
L346[14:13:57] <Naiten> Welp, that's kinda clear
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L348[14:14:14] <gigaherz> PaleoCrafter: except in that case XD
L349[14:14:15] <Naiten> now i gonna have a bath of geometry
L350[14:14:23] <Naiten> dine with some trigonometry
L351[14:14:46] <Naiten> and write yet another chunk of code for parametric railway tracks
L352[14:14:48] <gigaherz> wont' trigonometry be jealous that you bathed with geometry before your date with her?
L353[14:15:07] <Naiten> erm
L354[14:15:16] <barteks2x> also I think BlockPos is very unreasonable thing to do, it saves 4 bytes over the network, when they could encode X, Y and Z as VarInts and save even more instead
L355[14:15:19] <Naiten> meant 'eat the trig'
L356[14:15:26] <barteks2x> *BlockPos.toLong
L357[14:15:28] <Naiten> not 'with'
L358[14:15:38] <Ordinastie> oh, naughty
L359[14:15:53] <Naiten> How dare you!
L360[14:15:54] <Naiten> lul
L361[14:16:20] <Naiten> Welp, as for 1.10.2 it was the only big problem i had
L362[14:16:47] <Naiten> Also had issues with passengers riding trains, but i guess it's fixable
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L364[14:17:06] <Naiten> And as for 1.12, did they change something significant?
L365[14:17:22] <Naiten> Like, when they removed ISBRH and put IBM instead
L366[14:17:23] <gigaherz> recipes are no longer in code -- they use json
L367[14:17:35] <Naiten> :/
L368[14:17:37] <Commoble> I still need to figure out how that works
L369[14:17:37] <gigaherz> achievements are gone, there's now advancements
L370[14:17:41] <Naiten> D:<
L371[14:17:48] <gigaherz> which are also json
L372[14:17:54] <Naiten> damn json
L373[14:17:57] <Naiten> is taking over
L374[14:18:01] <gigaherz> get used to it
L375[14:18:08] <gigaherz> mc is becoming data-driven, and it's for the best
L376[14:18:33] <Naiten> Is making a custon crafting facilities a pain tho?
L377[14:18:36] <gigaherz> Commoble: nothing special
L378[14:18:37] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Survivalist/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/survivalist/recipes/andesite.json
L379[14:18:47] <Commoble> I know, I just haven't actually looked at them yet
L380[14:18:55] <barteks2x> just waiting for when some part of mojangs jsons will become turing complete :D
L381[14:18:55] <Naiten> Not just benches, but processing stuff like furnace / brewery
L382[14:18:57] <gigaherz> Naiten: for custom crafting recipes,
L383[14:18:58] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Survivalist/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/survivalist/recipes/_factories.json
L384[14:19:02] <gigaherz> there's the _factories.json file
L385[14:19:08] <gigaherz> just like how I have ingredient and condition there
L386[14:19:14] <gigaherz> you can declare custom recipe factories
L387[14:19:26] <Naiten> What's recipe factory?
L388[14:19:30] <gigaherz> then in the recipe file
L389[14:19:30] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Survivalist/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/survivalist/recipes/chainmail.json#L2
L390[14:19:46] <gigaherz> the "type" becomes the factory entry name, with your modid as domain
L391[14:19:53] <gigaherz> a recipe factory is an object
L392[14:20:02] <gigaherz> that receives a json context
L393[14:20:05] <gigaherz> and outputs an IRecipe
L394[14:20:18] <barteks2x> basscially a deserializer for recipes?
L395[14:20:20] <gigaherz> so you have a chance to parse json values
L396[14:20:26] <gigaherz> yup
L397[14:20:46] <gigaherz> so for a fully dynamic recipe where no values are needed
L398[14:20:49] <gigaherz> it would end up just being
L399[14:20:54] <gigaherz> {"type":"yourmod:yourfactory"}
L400[14:21:06] <gigaherz> but it's discouraged to do that unless you REALLY need to
L401[14:21:15] <gigaherz> try to shove as much of the info as you can into the json
L402[14:21:39] <gigaherz> when datapacks arrive in 1.13
L403[14:21:45] <Naiten> blergh
L404[14:21:46] <Naiten> json
L405[14:21:48] <gigaherz> you'll want people to be able to customize your recipes as much as possible
L406[14:21:51] <gigaherz> ;P
L407[14:21:53] <Naiten> nope
L408[14:21:55] <Naiten> i don't
L409[14:21:58] <gigaherz> yes you do
L410[14:22:01] <gigaherz> ;P
L411[14:22:17] <Naiten> and i don't want people to be able to put some other model in place of my locomotive
L412[14:22:23] <Commoble> why not
L413[14:22:24] <Naiten> e.g.
L414[14:22:25] <gigaherz> why not
L415[14:22:32] <Commoble> that sounds amazing
L416[14:22:32] <Naiten> because a) it's a locomotive
L417[14:22:34] <gigaherz> the whole point of using mods is that you customize things
L418[14:22:40] <Commoble> no, now it's a snake
L419[14:22:49] <Commoble> with arms
L420[14:22:52] <gigaherz> so making a mod, but then preventing others from customizing it... is against the spirit of modding :D
L421[14:23:03] <Naiten> b) even if they put a locomotive model there, all the fine settings of animations will be lost
L422[14:23:16] <Naiten> it just won't work out
L423[14:23:20] <gigaherz> sure
L424[14:23:24] <gigaherz> hence "as much as possible"
L425[14:23:29] <gigaherz> if it's not feasible, just don't do it
L426[14:23:38] <barteks2x> you could still have all the animated parts as separate models
L427[14:23:45] <barteks2x> and a big model for the static parts
L428[14:23:58] <barteks2x> and someone could for example make a more detailed one for a resource pack
L429[14:24:22] <barteks2x> unless I dopn't get someting about models and it's not possible
L430[14:24:27] <Naiten> bartek, if it's a different loco, all the moving part have different dimensions and different positions
L431[14:24:31] <Commoble> and?
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L433[14:24:47] <Commoble> either A) it'll be ugly enough that nobody will bother changing it, or
L434[14:24:51] <Naiten> and coded animations won't work with that
L435[14:24:55] <Commoble> B) even if they did does it really matter
L436[14:25:01] <Naiten> argh
L437[14:25:15] <Naiten> who even wants to change anything in a mod
L438[14:25:16] <Naiten> it's like
L439[14:25:22] <Naiten> you tune it for yourself
L440[14:25:25] <Commoble> the guy who made the mod, for one
L441[14:25:42] <Naiten> then you go to a sever, and it has completely different settings of the mod
L442[14:25:48] <Naiten> and you have to adapt
L443[14:26:05] <Naiten> what's the point of all this 'let users customize things'
L444[14:26:09] <parzivail> do entities not call readEntityFromNBT on the clientside?
L445[14:26:19] <Commoble> when you are making a mod you are literally a user customizing things
L446[14:26:31] <barteks2x> clientside meaning when running the client or client thread?
L447[14:26:41] <parzivail> on the client thread, rather
L448[14:27:01] <gigaherz> well, think about it: are the entities loading from disk, in the client thread?
L449[14:27:13] <barteks2x> deserialization from packets?
L450[14:27:20] <gigaherz> nope
L451[14:27:24] <parzivail> well i'd assume the server would send the client what it'd need to know
L452[14:27:25] <gigaherz> that uses the datamanager stuff
L453[14:27:55] <gigaherz> parzivail: if you are implementing your own entity
L454[14:27:57] <parzivail> so if i have a value that the client needs to know about, it's got to be in DataWatcher?
L455[14:27:57] <barteks2x> The way serializing stuff works in MC is *weird*.
L456[14:28:03] <gigaherz> look for EntityDataManager and DataParameter
L457[14:28:06] <gigaherz> as used in vanilla entities
L458[14:28:17] <gigaherz> that's how network values are synchronized for entities
L459[14:28:23] <parzivail> got it.
L460[14:28:57] <gigaherz> as an easy to see example, SLIME_SIZE inside EntitySlime.java
L461[14:28:59] <Naiten> Commoble, nope, i'm not just customizing things, i'm adding entirely new things into the game. And i want them to be kinda consistent and working fine
L462[14:29:12] <Commoble> adding new things to the game is customizing the game
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L464[14:29:22] <Commoble> also if people want to break things that's their prerogative
L465[14:30:14] <Naiten> whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L466[14:30:20] <Commoble> now you're getting it
L467[14:31:38] <Naiten> nope, i just don't want to start a holywar here :P
L468[14:31:43] <Naiten> i'm still not into the thing
L469[14:32:05] <gigaherz> it's one thing I learned with Survivalist
L470[14:32:12] <gigaherz> I released the thing with the values I thought were "best"
L471[14:32:21] <gigaherz> then I started getting requests like
L472[14:32:30] <gigaherz> "can you make it possibleto disable this feature?"
L473[14:32:37] <gigaherz> "can you make it possible to not require this item forcrafting?"
L474[14:32:39] <gigaherz> etc
L475[14:32:47] <Commoble> yeah, if someone wants to make a change to your mod it's generally because they want it to be better, not worse
L476[14:32:49] <gigaherz> everyone has an opinion.
L477[14:33:03] <Commoble> (for varying definitions of "better)
L478[14:33:03] <gigaherz> someone thinks it's fun to require clay to make cobblestone
L479[14:33:14] <gigaherz> others things it breaks the game and would rather not use your mod than have that as a feature
L480[14:33:16] <Naiten> You won't get requests to tweak the crafting if you don't have crafting
L481[14:34:13] <Naiten> https://i.imgur.com/ceqSpHg.png
L482[14:34:13] <Commoble> like I started working on a rock overhaul specifically because I played on a server with Mineralogy installed and it pissed me off in so many different ways
L483[14:34:41] <Commoble> "hey I got an idea let's make rock drop smooth stone instead of cobblestone that won't break anything"
L484[14:35:03] <Commoble> "it's okay you can make cobblestone if you find some gravel"
L485[14:36:07] <Commoble> "also for the block textures we're gonna find some HD rock images on google and scale them down"
L486[14:36:41] <Naiten> Welp
L487[14:36:53] <Naiten> At least it's not solid color model
L488[14:39:37] <Commoble> so I went and made 16 different rock textures and got them all to spawn in layers like this https://image.prntscr.com/image/9-74He13S5CqaJJHP2bM6w.png
L489[14:40:39] <Commoble> then I started making stairs and stone bricks and all those things and I got lazy and just palette-swapped the vanilla textures
L490[14:40:40] <gigaherz> ewh rock textures from google ;P
L491[14:41:10] <Commoble> they still look great though https://image.prntscr.com/image/ZynFPbXmTDepQh1xNhFDNg.png
L492[14:42:10] <Commoble> then something about metadata that I can't remember started bothering me and I decided to shelve it until 1.13 happens and metadata gets nerfed
L493[14:43:19] <Naiten> Okay, thanks for help, peeps, see ya
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L508[17:14:37] <TechnicianLP> That rocks mod definitly looks good - any ideas on when 1.13 will drop?
L509[17:15:06] <gigaherz> no date so far as I know
L510[17:15:16] <gigaherz> Mojang said they'd resume snapshots in jaunary
L511[17:15:31] <gigaherz> and they mentioned that nothing new is really planned, just bugfixing and stabilizing
L512[17:15:41] <gigaherz> so my guess would be late january early february
L513[17:15:56] <gigaherz> but they could easily come out next year and be like, "pre1!"
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L519[18:07:32] <primetoxinz> hey, how do I setup forge-dev tests? I set the intellij run config module to the test module but they still don't load
L520[18:08:00] <primetoxinz> to clarify this is actual forge dev not normal mod dev
L521[18:13:27] <gigaherz> yeah I haven't managed it
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L524[18:14:47] <gigaherz> the closest I got was to redefine the test sources as normal sources, but then the real test programs wouldn't work
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L526[18:23:32] <illy> I just open up an eclipse environment to do tests...
L527[18:23:41] <gigaherz> primetoxinz: I might have found a way: at in the gradle file for the projects/Forge
L528[18:23:53] <gigaherz> I added inside sourceSets, at the end before the closing brace:
L529[18:23:53] <gigaherz> main.runtimeClasspath += test.output
L530[18:24:41] <gigaherz> this allows forge to find the test sources at runtime
L531[18:25:00] <gigaherz> https://i.imgur.com/xLUYA4V.png
L532[18:26:11] <primetoxinz> oddly enough that doesn't work for me
L533[18:26:22] <gigaherz> you have to synchronize the gradle project
L534[18:26:37] <gigaherz> using the blue refresh arrow in the gradle panel
L535[18:26:37] <primetoxinz> ah, ofc
L536[18:26:52] <primetoxinz> I usually have auto-sync on :P
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L538[18:28:34] <moony> Is there a list of all -Dfml options avaliable?
L539[18:29:34] <gigaherz> search for System.getProperty("fml.
L540[18:29:38] <gigaherz> in the source tree
L541[18:33:24] <moony> thanks
L542[18:34:50] <gigaherz> welp gotta sleep
L543[18:34:52] * gigaherz poofs
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L573[23:11:07] <Abastro> Hello, I have something to ask about @API and mod sorting order.
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L576[23:12:52] <Abastro> Anyone?
L577[23:24:30] <McJty> Well you didn't ask a question yet
L578[23:24:35] <McJty> Only that you have something to ask
L579[23:34:49] <killjoy> at least 9minecraft links to the credit
L580[23:35:13] <killjoy> and links to the official links
L581[23:36:41] <killjoy> I mean minecraft6
L582[23:36:44] <killjoy> *sux
L583[23:36:47] <killjoy> *six
L584[23:36:50] <killjoy> derp
L585[23:48:19] <Abastro> Oh
L586[23:48:34] <Abastro> I had question with @API
L587[23:48:45] <Abastro> It has some problem with dependency
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L589[23:49:15] <Abastro> So that I can't have multiple API mods in one dev environment.
L590[23:54:57] <killjoy> Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't it say how to properly schedule a task in the network docs?
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