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L16[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20171026 mappings to Forge Maven.
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L18[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L26[04:56:07] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L27[04:57:33] <PaleoCrafter> kashike, saw the original issue?
L28[04:58:20] <kashike> yeah PaleoCrafter
L29[04:58:26] <kashike> made me giggle
L30[04:58:50] <PaleoCrafter> Also, what you're doing looking at my repos D:
L31[04:59:11] <kashike> I'm watching that repo :P
L32[04:59:25] <PaleoCrafter> Interesting
L33[04:59:56] <kashike> it is?
L34[05:00:54] <PaleoCrafter> Well, it is for me because it's weird that somebody probably pays more attention to that repo than I do xX
L35[05:01:05] <kashike> lol
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L74[08:53:51] <barteks2x> "best" constructor argument I found so far in the decompiled code: "framebufferOutIn"
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L78[09:14:09] <gigaherz|work> https://twitter.com/Dinnerbone/status/923547683683520513
L79[09:22:36] <barteks2x> anyone has any idea if/how Minecraft shader code can be reused to render some part of GUI with shaders enabled?
L80[09:23:15] <barteks2x> The idea of input and output framebuffer seems to make it unnecessarily hard...
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L82[09:25:21] <barteks2x> looks like Shader class isn't really shader but more like ShaderRenderer, and ShaderManager is what I thought Shader would be
L83[09:32:30] <PaleoCrafter> barteks2x, if you "only" want shaders, I would just circumvent the Vanilla system
L84[09:35:37] <barteks2x> Why? I would need to rewrite most of the shader creation code myself
L85[09:35:57] <barteks2x> and ShaderManager seems to do what I need
L86[09:36:30] <barteks2x> well, I would need to specify jsons :(
L87[09:36:41] <barteks2x> that's a good argument against it
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L101[10:46:08] <barteks2x> ok, I broke everything: [17:45:28] [main/INFO] [STDERR]: [org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinConfig:onSelect:448]: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: cubicchunks.asm.CubicChunksMixinConfig
L102[10:46:19] <barteks2x> My own class is not found in dev environment
L103[10:46:31] <barteks2x> any idea HOW!?
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L116[13:06:51] <barteks2x> I can't get texture coordinates passed into my shader, the texture is there and works, but texture coordinates don't. This is my code: https://hastebin.com/asoqucatih.java any idea why that happens?
L117[13:07:00] <barteks2x> also uploading shader code...
L118[13:07:27] ⇦ Quits: h404bi (~h404bi@ (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L119[13:08:27] <barteks2x> https://hastebin.com/ehulohidof.cpp
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L126[13:39:27] <ybden> barteks2x: nono, you can't multiply a vector by a matrix
L127[13:39:38] <ybden> you have to multiply the matrix by the vector
L128[13:39:45] <barteks2x> that part works, opengl allows it that way
L129[13:39:54] <ybden> what
L130[13:40:10] <ghz|afk> ybden: can't you?
L131[13:40:18] <ghz|afk> I think you can but the result wouldn't be what you expect
L132[13:40:18] <barteks2x> and if it works with open source linux drivers (which are stupidly strict about stuff) it should be ok
L133[13:40:30] <barteks2x> well, I just had to transpose the matrix
L134[13:41:29] <ybden> ghz|afk: I thought you couldn't
L135[13:41:40] <ghz|afk> my maths are fuzzy
L136[13:41:54] <barteks2x> well, in normal linear algebra the result is just different kind of vector
L137[13:42:02] <barteks2x> but opengl has only one, so it works either way
L138[13:42:28] <barteks2x> (vertical vs horizontal if I translate it correctly)
L139[13:43:20] <ghz|afk> yep
L140[13:43:21] <ghz|afk> well
L141[13:43:29] <ghz|afk> "row vector" vs "column vector" is the english naming
L142[13:43:41] <barteks2x> right, I didn't remember english names
L143[13:43:44] <ghz|afk> and matrices are multiplied in one direction or the other
L144[13:43:51] <ghz|afk> depending on if they are row-major or column-major
L145[13:44:07] <barteks2x> and if it doesn't work, I can just transpose it
L146[13:44:31] <barteks2x> took me a while to figure out all the mistakes, especially when one of them was reverse order of verticies
L147[13:45:01] <barteks2x> now I just don't knwo why my UV attribute always has constant value
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L149[13:46:05] <barteks2x> the 2 instead of 1 for texCoord is because I was a bit desperate and wanted to see if it doesn't by any chance use picel coordinates
L150[13:46:46] <barteks2x> also any way to reload just that one resource without getting ingame in dev environment?
L151[13:46:55] <barteks2x> because restarting MC over and over again is annoying
L152[13:47:48] <ybden> barteks2x: other than the multiplication order, I don't really see anything wrong with that, although admittedly I'm unfamiliar with the JSON spec... (also it shouldn't be using pixel coords)
L153[13:48:18] <barteks2x> I know it shouldn't. The Json seems to be fine, but I'm not really sure anymore
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L157[14:23:18] <Corosus> how to I get the 'name' field from a mods @Mod annotation?
L158[14:23:36] <ghz|afk> check how the modlist gui does it
L159[14:24:26] <Corosus> thought of checking that, but that only contains the one from mcmod.info, does that mean the one set in the code is overriden as its not showing up as the one set in the code?
L160[14:24:32] <Corosus> not sure if those are the same field
L161[14:24:45] <barteks2x> I'm still stuck :(
L162[14:24:46] <ghz|afk> dunno
L163[14:25:06] <barteks2x> To me it seems like it works for vanilla by accidennt
L164[14:25:10] <Corosus> i guess ill still check that gui and find out more info on it
L165[14:25:18] <PaleoCrafter> Corosus, do you want to get it from the *class* or just the name for a given modid?
L166[14:26:01] <Corosus> getting it from the class is probably closest to what i want
L167[14:27:27] <barteks2x> How the hell does it even work!?
L168[14:27:37] <barteks2x> It uses glDrawArrays without binding any VBO...
L169[14:28:21] <barteks2x> is there anyone around who actually knows how MC rendering code works?
L170[14:28:34] <barteks2x> (or how it doesn't work if that's the case)
L171[14:29:17] <PaleoCrafter> the universal answer (i.e. including Mojang) to that question would probably be "no" :P
L172[14:29:48] <PaleoCrafter> Corosus, hm, you can either use normal reflection or ASMDataTable, but why do you deal with the class at all? :P
L173[14:30:41] <Corosus> its a weird niche requirement for a work thing, but looking at the entries from Loader.instance().getModList(), it does appear to get replaced with the file data so meh
L174[14:30:55] <Corosus> will probably just say this thing we want to do isnt doable and move on
L175[14:31:28] <Corosus> oh wait
L176[14:31:34] <PaleoCrafter> mind explaining roughly what it is you want to do? :P there's the smell of XY on the air
L177[14:32:02] <Corosus> mod.descriptor.get("name") has it \o/
L178[14:34:17] <Corosus> i just need to make sure its set correctly so we can make sure the student is doing what we tell them to do ;)
L179[14:36:49] <barteks2x> I think trying to use vanilla shader code for it was a really bad idea...
L180[14:36:54] <barteks2x> or reusing any vanilla code for it
L181[14:37:28] <Corosus> they probably bind the vbo somewhere when setting up parts of the shader
L182[14:37:51] <Corosus> im only familiar with vertex shader stuff atm, but not entirely how they do their own
L183[14:37:55] <barteks2x> I'm not even in world when I'm using it
L184[14:38:05] <barteks2x> I'm using it in world customization GUI
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L192[15:36:45] <barteks2x> it FINALLY works
L193[15:37:23] <barteks2x> fixed vertex shader: https://hastebin.com/wijuregeyo.nginx
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L211[17:29:42] <ybden> barteks2x: what did you have to change?
L212[17:29:55] *** Santa|afk is now known as SatanicSanta
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L217[18:43:16] <Galaxtone> and... I'm back
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L221[20:10:03] <informer> hey there! I'm just starting my journey into mod development and already found myself caught up in errors hahaha
L222[20:10:23] <informer> I can't seem to get my mcmod.info to load and I'm having trouble loading textures
L223[20:10:53] <informer> if anyone can point me to a good link for learning more about these I'd appreciate it
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L233[21:37:10] <williewillus> !gf ShaderLinkHelper.staticShaderLinkHelper
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L236[21:56:37] ⇦ Parts: Cast0077 (~Cast0077@24-151-68-108.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com) ())
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L238[22:03:32] ⇨ Joins: Reika (~Reika@reika.kalseki.mods.abrarsyed.com)
L239[22:06:40] <Galaxtone> sigh
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L241[22:07:10] <Galaxtone> Nothing like trying to add a PropertyBool and the blockstate just gives up
L242[22:09:18] <Galaxtone> *facepalm*
L243[22:09:28] <Galaxtone> I forgot about meta -> state and vice versa
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L245[22:19:21] <StormCloud> How do I use MCPBot_Reborn?
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L248[22:33:23] <StormCloud> !help
L249[22:34:22] <StormCloud> dcc
L250[22:34:25] <StormCloud> !dcc
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