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L7[01:52:08] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20170910 mappings to Forge Maven.
L8[01:52:11] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20170910-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20170910" in build.gradle).
L9[01:52:22] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L19[03:03:04] <killjoy> heh. one of the loading texts for halo 5 forge is "Getting Req'd"
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L43[06:29:33] <Subaraki> ghz|afk, hey i need some help plox
L44[06:29:35] <Subaraki> with ModelHandle
L45[06:30:09] <Subaraki> my textures are in assets/modid/textures
L46[06:30:20] <Subaraki> and i can replace a texture for the model great when using example : wool
L47[06:30:27] <Subaraki> blocks/wool_colored_red
L48[06:30:45] <Subaraki> but when i try my texture (patch:wing_right)
L49[06:30:51] <Subaraki> it renders a mising texture
L50[06:31:04] <Subaraki> is the modelhandle not able to get other textures then vanilla ?
L51[06:31:08] <Subaraki> or is it me doing stuff wrong ?
L52[06:33:14] <ghz|afk> hmmm
L53[06:34:11] <ghz|afk> all my textures are like "mymod:blocks/something"
L54[06:34:12] <ghz|afk> and they work
L55[06:34:13] <ghz|afk> so dunno
L56[06:34:17] <ghz|afk> there's no reason why it shouldn't work
L57[06:34:20] <Subaraki> do i need to bind some texture map maybe ?
L58[06:34:50] <ghz|afk> well yes
L59[06:34:58] <ghz|afk> you'd need to stitch those textures into the atlas
L60[06:35:03] <ghz|afk> and bind the atlas
L61[06:35:08] <ghz|afk> that's how it works by default
L62[06:35:31] <Subaraki> oh
L63[06:35:41] <Subaraki> so if its just standalone textures it wouldnt work
L64[06:35:48] <Subaraki> maybe that's the problem
L65[06:35:56] <ghz|afk> the ModelHandle is really just the same as block/item models
L66[06:36:05] <ghz|afk> so they have the same limitations
L67[06:36:24] <Subaraki> thats why ^^
L68[06:36:27] <ghz|afk> it would be possible to use non-atlas textures
L69[06:36:31] <ghz|afk> but I haven't really coded that in
L70[06:36:32] <Subaraki> let me bind my textures to the map
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L72[06:36:45] <Subaraki> how again ...?
L73[06:36:48] <Subaraki> stitch event ?
L74[06:37:20] <ghz|afk> TextureStitchEvent.Pre
L75[06:38:30] <Subaraki> thanks
L76[06:38:56] <Subaraki> also, when loading the json itself, the texture given (while not registered as item or so) doesn't load either
L77[06:38:58] <Subaraki> is that normal ?
L78[06:43:07] <ghz|afk> yes, you have to stitch all the textures needed that haven't been referenced directly or indirectly by the blockstate or item model loading process
L79[06:43:57] <Subaraki> String body_tex = "patch:blocks/faerie"; event.getMap().registerSprite(new ResourceLocation("patch:faerie.png"));
L80[06:43:58] <Subaraki> ?
L81[06:44:37] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/ClientProxy.java#L97
L82[06:44:49] <ghz|afk> same id, no .png or anything
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L85[08:15:10] <Subaraki> anyone got mad math skills ?
L86[08:15:24] <Subaraki> i'm looking for a nice algorithm to make wings move P:
L87[08:15:38] <Subaraki> i got everything set up, all i need is some good rotation stuff
L88[08:15:52] <Subaraki> rotate((float)rotation, 0, 1, 0);
L89[08:15:52] <Subaraki> rotate(-(float)rotation/2f, 0, 0, 1);
L90[08:15:52] <Subaraki> rotate((float)rotation, 1, 0, 0);
L91[08:16:10] <Subaraki> rotation being ticks existed in math.sin
L92[08:16:26] <Subaraki> it creates some flapping movement, its not pretty though
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L95[08:21:05] <katrix> So I recently updated Forge and saw that the FMLLog class was not deprecated for outside use, and recommended me to use the logger I was handed in preInit instead.
L96[08:21:20] <katrix> However some registration events are fired before preInit.
L97[08:21:30] <katrix> What logger should I use at that point?
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L107[08:55:34] <TechnicianLP> katrix: you could look at howw the logger is passed/created and call that manually ...
L108[08:56:18] <katrix> That's what I'm doing currently, however it seems kind of stupid as the supplied logger is supplied for a reason
L109[08:56:22] <Ordinastie> katrix, https://github.com/Ordinastie/MalisisCore/blob/1.12/src/main/java/net/malisis/core/MalisisCore.java#L86
L110[08:56:39] <ben_mkiv> Subaraki, look for ease in/out stuff
L111[08:56:48] <ben_mkiv> so they would move more smooth
L112[08:56:51] <Subaraki> got a ncie movement
L113[08:56:57] <Subaraki> now i'm puzzled with his body texture
L114[08:57:14] <Subaraki> i'm using player view to rotate the center body
L115[08:57:17] <Ordinastie> the stupid part is that the logger gets passed to you via the event, it's pointless, it's the same instance you get anyway
L116[08:57:21] <Subaraki> but it gets offset depending on how you look at it
L117[08:57:32] <ghz|afk> Subaraki: ah, I was about to suggest: http://fooplot.com/#W3sidHlwZSI6MCwiZXEiOiJzaW4oeC0wLjUqc2luKHgpKSIsImNvbG9yIjoiIzAwMDAwMCJ9LHsidHlwZSI6MTAwMH1d
L118[08:58:04] <Subaraki> nice :o
L119[08:58:11] <Subaraki> could've been nice
L120[08:58:21] <katrix> I guess it makes it easier for Forge to give you a special logger in the future, but it would have to be passed on construction to be useful
L121[08:59:56] <Subaraki> looks really nice ghz|afk , thanks !
L122[09:02:39] <ghz|afk> :)
L123[09:03:52] <Subaraki> aah, i got the problem for the offset
L124[09:03:57] <Subaraki> gif anyone ? :D
L125[09:03:59] <Subaraki> *uploading*
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L127[09:07:38] <Subaraki> https://i.imgur.com/5L7W6Sk.gif
L128[09:09:36] <ben_mkiv> lovely
L129[09:11:13] <jamierocks> \o/ 2000 stars
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L134[09:40:40] <BrainStone> Hi. Is it possible to make recipes in JSONs conditional?
L135[09:40:52] <ghz|afk> yes
L136[09:40:57] <ghz|afk> there's conditions and condition factories
L137[09:41:05] <BrainStone> So that a recipe only enables when a mod is present
L138[09:41:09] <BrainStone> Oh that's nice
L139[09:41:12] <ghz|afk> forge has a condition for it
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L141[09:41:36] <BrainStone> Have a link or a search term for it?
L142[09:41:39] <ghz|afk> "conditions": [{"type":"forge:mod_loaded", "modid":"whatever"}] or something like that
L143[09:41:46] <BrainStone> Neat
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L146[09:50:54] <BrainStone> ghz are there any docs on it? https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/search.html?q=recipe yields nothing
L147[09:52:46] <ghz|afk> no idea
L148[09:53:16] <ghz|afk> best source of information I know of, besides other mods, is the CraftingHelper class
L149[09:53:19] <ghz|afk> in the init method
L150[09:53:22] <ghz|afk> there's calls to registerC
L151[09:53:28] <ghz|afk> that's short for "register condition"
L152[09:53:51] <ghz|afk> you can see which data they expect
L153[09:54:35] <malte0811> https://gist.github.com/LexManos/2a11d4f7aa9d680d861dae4faf9dcfa6 gives the main ideas, may be slightly outdated though.
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L159[10:53:06] <BrainStone> Hm. Seems like by default no coditions are available
L160[10:53:57] <malte0811> Mod loaded and or should be available
L161[10:54:28] <BrainStone> I checked the interface IConditionFactory.
L162[10:54:35] <BrainStone> Only classes in mods implement it
L163[10:54:50] <BrainStone> Also couldn't find anything in the JSONS of forge or minecraft
L164[10:54:55] <malte0811> Does your IDE show lambdas?
L165[10:55:16] <malte0811> Forge cheats, it registers in code and forbids mods to do so
L166[10:55:41] <BrainStone> I think eclispe shows lambdas
L167[10:55:46] <BrainStone> Not 100% sure though
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L169[10:56:17] <BrainStone> I wish I could find some documentation on it
L170[10:56:26] <malte0811> Check net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper#init for the registration
L171[10:57:15] <BrainStone> Ok. I see it
L172[10:57:36] <BrainStone> By default, multiple conditions are or'ed or and'ed?
L173[10:57:48] <malte0811> No idea
L174[11:00:58] <BrainStone> and'ed
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L176[11:14:06] <viveleroi> what does "fatally missing registry entries" mean? I have the exact same mods on the server as on the client so I'm confused
L177[11:15:01] <malte0811> Any custom builds? Any config differences?
L178[11:15:11] <malte0811> builds as in mod jars
L179[11:16:13] <viveleroi> no I just copied the entire mod folder over. it's a custom modpack, worked last night, then I updated a few mods
L180[11:16:58] <viveleroi> there was a yabba update that removed blocks/items so I reverted that and reverted my world
L181[11:17:28] <viveleroi> but now that error shows 100% of the time, so I'm confused
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L184[11:31:43] <viveleroi> I regenerated configs on both sides and it seems to work now, thanks
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L188[11:49:42] <BrainStone> Where did I mess up?
L189[11:49:44] <BrainStone> Exception loading model for variant brainstonemod:air#inventory for item "minecraft:air", normal location exception
L190[11:49:57] <BrainStone> Can't remember using air anywhere
L191[11:55:40] <MalkContent> did you not get a stacktrace?
L192[11:55:48] <BrainStone> I did
L193[11:55:54] <BrainStone> But it's just the normal stacktrace
L194[11:56:37] <BrainStone> https://hastebin.com/ufezebureq.trace
L195[11:57:21] <BrainStone> I mean of course it can't find "brainstonemod:models/item/air.json"
L196[11:57:27] <BrainStone> I'm not trying to register air
L197[11:58:51] <MalkContent> i'd look up the places where you add models then
L198[12:09:04] <MalkContent> probably something where you get a block name
L199[12:09:15] <BrainStone> I'm checking
L200[12:10:41] <MalkContent> so i've been playing a good bit of ksp recently
L201[12:10:52] <MalkContent> and thought of doing timewarping in mc
L202[12:11:08] <MalkContent> is it possible to just up the tickrate somehow?
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L205[12:12:24] <halvors> What is the difference between Block.neighborChanged() and Block.onNeighborChanged() ?
L206[12:12:56] <ghz|afk> iirc, one's for notifying when block inventories change or such, so things like comparators can refresh the value
L207[12:13:02] <ghz|afk> the other is for when a neighbouring block changes
L208[12:13:18] <ghz|afk> don't ask me which
L209[12:14:01] <halvors> ghz|afk: Figured out that it's Block.neighborChanged() for when actual blocks change.
L210[12:14:37] <halvors> These methods should really not have so similar name.
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L212[12:16:15] <ghz|afk> yeah, but it's not easy to fix it
L213[12:16:17] <ghz|afk> like
L214[12:16:31] <ghz|afk> one notifies of a neighbour "cell" getting a new blockstate assigned to it
L215[12:16:51] <ghz|afk> the other notifies of a block's data (that is, it's "state") changing
L216[12:17:14] <ghz|afk> so neighborStateChanged would be almost as confusing
L217[12:17:25] <ghz|afk> maybe if it was neighborContentsChanged
L218[12:17:28] <ghz|afk> for the redstone one
L219[12:17:28] <BrainStone> Hm. Can't find anything
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L221[12:18:03] <ghz|afk> BrainStone: any chance you are passin in a null stack or a stack with null item?
L222[12:18:24] <BrainStone> There is a chanve, since I updated my mod from 1.10
L223[12:18:29] <ghz|afk> to 1.12?
L224[12:18:36] <BrainStone> To 1.11 and then 1.12
L225[12:18:44] <BrainStone> 1.11 worked without issues
L226[12:18:46] <ghz|afk> in 1.12 the registry events were moved from before preinit
L227[12:18:48] <ghz|afk> to after preinit
L228[12:18:56] <BrainStone> Would the source help?
L229[12:19:00] <ghz|afk> so if your clientproxy model registration is being done in preinit
L230[12:19:06] <ghz|afk> that would mean your items may still be null
L231[12:19:11] <BrainStone> I'll check that
L232[12:19:26] <ghz|afk> you should use ModelRegistryEvent as the perfect time to do model-related stuff
L233[12:20:17] <BrainStone> Is it an @EventHandler or a @SubscribeEvent event?
L234[12:20:36] <ghz|afk> it's an event bus event, like the registry events and such
L235[12:20:41] <ghz|afk> that means @SubscribeEvent
L236[12:20:54] <BrainStone> Thanks
L237[12:21:00] <ghz|afk> @Mod.EventHandler is only for lifecycle events (fmlpreinitializationevent and such)
L238[12:21:32] <BrainStone> Ah. So only FML events?
L239[12:22:03] <ghz|afk> that's not really a good indication, since many fml events are also event bus ;P
L240[12:22:12] <BrainStone> And ModelRegistryEvent is only fired client side, right?
L241[12:22:20] <ghz|afk> yes
L242[12:22:24] <BrainStone> Ok
L243[12:22:26] <ghz|afk> use your client proxy
L244[12:22:35] <ghz|afk> with @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(Side.CLIENT)
L245[12:22:48] <ghz|afk> and making the ModelRegistryEvent handler static
L246[12:22:58] <ghz|afk> then you don't have to worry about registration
L247[12:23:10] <BrainStone> Ok
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L254[12:45:11] <BrainStone> Still not working
L255[12:45:31] <BrainStone> Same error
L256[12:46:06] <BrainStone> https://github.com/BrainStone/brainstone/blob/1.12.x/src/main/java/brainstonemod/client/ClientProxy.java#L28
L257[12:46:56] <Ordinastie> I'm betting Item.getItemFromBlock returns null which translates to AIR
L258[12:48:56] <BrainStone> Hm. But how else am I supposed to register it? xD
L259[12:49:19] <Ordinastie> wrong question
L260[12:49:45] <Ordinastie> first, debug and check if that's what's actually happening
L261[12:49:54] <Ordinastie> second, if that's the case, debug why it happens
L262[12:50:02] <BrainStone> Right. I'm about to do that
L263[12:53:10] <BrainStone> That's not what's happening
L264[12:53:41] <BrainStone> Item.getItemFromBlock returns the correct Item at the time the method is being called
L265[12:53:52] <Ordinastie> is the item in the registry ?
L266[12:53:57] <BrainStone> Yes
L267[12:54:32] <BrainStone> The block and custom render stuff works. I just get this error out of nowhere
L268[12:54:48] <Ordinastie> well, you'll have to debug deep within vanilla stuff then
L269[12:54:57] <Ordinastie> good luck with that
L270[12:55:02] <BrainStone> Yay. Fun
L271[12:55:13] <BrainStone> I guess I'll just leave it as it is
L272[12:55:23] <BrainStone> Definetly not worth it
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L275[13:09:13] <BrainStone> Ok. I found the issue
L276[13:09:42] <BrainStone> It was me trying to register Block models the wrong way
L277[13:12:43] <BrainStone> *facepalm*
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L287[13:52:29] <Shambling> Is there an event hook for lightning strikes?
L288[13:53:08] <Shambling> looking through forge right now and google, but a quick yes or no will save me more time if anyone knows off the top of their head. :)
L289[13:54:09] <Shambling> I'm thinking of making an add-on for mystical crops that removes the seeds from crafting recipes, and you get them by having lightning strike wheat on farmland that is over a block of the type of item you want the seeds for
L290[13:54:28] <Shambling> and if there is an event hook, it'll save alot of if/else/then code :P
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L292[13:55:10] <Raycoms> If I want to make a block which is exactly the same like the wallsign, do I have to do anything but creating model, blockState, texture and block?
L293[13:56:26] <Raycoms> hmm, for some reason it still displays the sign texture
L294[13:56:32] <Shambling> hmmm you'd think the forge docs on events would have a list of events ...
L295[13:57:32] <Shambling> you need to make sure the model json references your texture
L296[13:58:10] <Raycoms> It does
L297[13:59:04] <Shambling> * EntityStruckByLightningEvent is fired when an Entity is about to be struck by lightening.<br> well I found my answer in the github code
L298[13:59:15] <Shambling> so I guess that should be easy enough to code around. ciao
L299[13:59:23] <Raycoms> https://pastebin.com/3CAPupyB the block and model
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L301[14:13:25] <Raycoms> is there a way to get a Model for the tileEntity from the json and not from the Model java file?
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L304[14:25:58] <Raycoms> Like I have a json model but I think the tilentitySpecial renderer wants a .java model
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L311[15:05:26] <Raycoms> Or is there a world to convert a json model to .java?
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L317[16:07:18] <Raycoms> Wow, I can really make an instance of ItemFood...
L318[16:07:20] <Raycoms> that's sad
L319[16:09:55] <IoP> which forge version includes warning about recursive worldgen=
L320[16:11:20] <quadraxis> 1.11.2-
L321[16:17:39] <IoP> k
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L324[16:59:46] <halvors> How is automation handled on TE's implementing item capability?
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L326[17:13:06] <TechnicianLP> halvors: (im guessing what you meant) if some pipe wants to pull items from you it calls getCap(Cap, <side its on>) and then the corresponding methods in the IItemHandler - if you want to actively push items youd have to check if the surrounding te's have the cap and insert into them
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L330[17:24:41] <halvors> TechnicianLP: Yeah, but how can i define what slot EnumFacing.UP should be etc?
L331[17:24:56] <halvors> Otherwise it whould be random right?
L332[17:24:58] <halvors> would*
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L336[18:45:19] <Raycoms> How can I check if a food produces another food in the furnace?
L337[18:50:07] <Raycoms> itemStack.getItem() instanceof ItemFood && !ItemStackUtils.isEmpty(FurnaceRecipes.instance().getSmeltingResult(itemStack) if someone wants to know
L338[18:52:31] <mezz> yup, but also check that the result is ItemFood. maybe some modder is a madman and smelting their food makes charred garbage
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L342[19:10:01] <Raycoms> Oh good point
L343[19:10:13] <Raycoms> Anyway instance of ItemFood would already check for null as well
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L381[22:52:38] <blood> how do you restrict what provider type your biome can spawn in with 1.12?
L382[22:52:53] <blood> well generate
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L384[23:12:15] <blood> got it =)
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