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L1[00:00:06] <GenerousGuava> maybe someone here can help me with this problem I have in my GUI code
L2[00:00:08] <GenerousGuava> well two problems
L3[00:00:18] <GenerousGuava> first https://github.com/wingertge/FruityLib/blob/cd60b2e3684f03335d07c1c04d2158412ca9b7cd/src/main/kotlin/org/generousg/fruitylib/client/gui/components/GuiComponentTankLevel.kt#L53-L53
L4[00:00:31] <Flashfire> covers1624 where might I find your armor hook
L5[00:00:42] <GenerousGuava> what could be causing the renderTank method to leak? the FPS slows down more and more as time goes on
L6[00:01:01] <covers1624> armor hook?
L7[00:01:10] <covers1624> i have an armor hook?
L8[00:01:15] <Flashfire> Yeah I was told your lib has a hook I can use to make animated armor
L9[00:01:20] <Flashfire> It's the reason I got the lib : P
L10[00:01:21] <GenerousGuava> that would be related to EntityRendererHooks right?
L11[00:01:57] <Waterpicker> Are there any circustances where an entitty won't have an int id?
L12[00:01:59] <GenerousGuava> it was just a suggestion I had earlier since he needs to add a custom rendering layer to armour
L13[00:02:02] <covers1624> No. that was an internal mod container to load ccl's overriden RenderItem class before any mods
L14[00:02:11] <Flashfire> Ah
L15[00:03:08] <GenerousGuava> would it be possible to hook into that to render a custom shiny overlay similar to enchantments
L16[00:03:22] <GenerousGuava> cause thats what this is about
L17[00:03:23] <Flashfire> ^
L18[00:03:45] <Flashfire> Animated armour is just a secondary thing, i already did it but it breaks compatibility with certain mods
L19[00:04:15] <covers1624> Isnt there a PR open for this?
L20[00:04:22] <Flashfire> Don't think so
L21[00:04:28] <Flashfire> Should be though
L22[00:04:59] <covers1624> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/4105
L23[00:05:10] <Flashfire> Nice find
L24[00:05:16] <Flashfire> I didn't word my search right
L25[00:05:20] <covers1624> I follow the repo
L26[00:05:35] <Flashfire> RANKSHANK commented 10 days ago
L27[00:05:38] <Flashfire> Aw yeah
L28[00:06:05] <covers1624> Without ASM this would be incredibly hacky to pull off, and CCL is no longer a coremod as 1.12.
L29[00:08:31] <GenerousGuava> I've never looked into pull requests for forge, how long would something like this take to get added? I don't need it but I'm curious about that stuff :P
L30[00:08:41] <GenerousGuava> Also I saw your comment Flashfire :D
L31[00:08:44] <covers1624> Depends on what it is.
L32[00:09:26] *** TTFTCUTS is now known as TTFT|Away
L33[00:10:10] <GenerousGuava> it seems to be a full framework as a pull request, passed all tests and mezz labeled it as feature 1.12 5 days ago
L34[00:10:20] <GenerousGuava> theres one conflicting file that needs to be resolved
L35[00:13:04] <GenerousGuava> well anyway does either of you have any idea what might be causing the leak in my method I mentioned earlier?
L36[00:13:31] <GenerousGuava> its a pretty severe one, frames go from all green to all red in about 5-10s
L37[00:14:48] <GenerousGuava> actually i have an idea I might be really stupid
L38[00:15:36] <capitalthree> I looked and couldn't see anything but I'm not good at graphics code
L39[00:15:45] <GenerousGuava> yea I have an idea I just need to test it real quick
L40[00:17:46] <GenerousGuava> yup I'm a dunce
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L42[00:18:42] <GenerousGuava> I mixed up the drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer code with the code I put into the constructor in OpenModsLib
L43[00:18:57] <GenerousGuava> so I was adding more and more instances of my gui components to the root element
L44[00:19:03] <GenerousGuava> hence the leak
L45[00:19:34] <GenerousGuava> it also solved the drawHoveringText issue
L46[00:20:03] <GenerousGuava> thats what happens when you don't fully understand your own framework :P
L47[00:20:47] <capitalthree> oops! well glad you found it before I try to use your framework!
L48[00:21:06] <GenerousGuava> well it wasn't an issue with the framework just with my usage of it :P
L49[00:21:13] <capitalthree> hehe fair enough then
L50[00:21:20] <capitalthree> is there documentation though? how do I know I'll be able to use it right xD
L51[00:21:46] <GenerousGuava> for some reason I thought the root object gets recreated each frame but that just happens on initialisation
L52[00:22:20] <GenerousGuava> well its kind of WIP so I didn't write a documentation yet :P I can write up the basics real quick
L53[00:22:41] <GenerousGuava> most stuff is behind the scenes so it shouldnt be too much work
L54[00:22:46] <capitalthree> oh ok so just general minecraft issue anyways
L55[00:22:55] <capitalthree> I'm sure I'll mess that up whether I use your framework or not so may as well!
L56[00:23:53] <GenerousGuava> no its not a general minecraft issue the root object is something I create in the framework :P anyways I'll write up a short GitHub wiki for all the features I have right now
L57[00:24:00] <capitalthree> ahh ok
L58[00:24:14] <capitalthree> no urgency
L59[00:24:30] <capitalthree> before I start a new mod I want to port lingering loot 3.0 both forwards and backwards
L60[00:25:17] <Flashfire> I guess I'll just wait for that PR then
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L62[00:34:30] <Flashfire> Hey got a question for creative people here
L63[00:34:43] <kashike> what is said question
L64[00:34:59] <Flashfire> What would I call a custom enchantment that enhances the tools in this mod https://media-elerium.cursecdn.com/attachments/210/347/8.png
L65[00:35:19] <Flashfire> Name has to be descriptive of that it applies to these spectrite tools/armour
L66[00:35:36] <kashike> what does the enchantment do?
L67[00:35:52] <Flashfire> Basically it increases the tier of anything it's used on
L68[00:35:57] <Flashfire> It will do what it does better
L69[00:36:16] <Flashfire> The sword that applies instant damage II will apply instant damage III
L70[00:36:22] <Flashfire> Etc
L71[00:36:42] <kashike> Enhance? :P
L72[00:36:55] <Flashfire> Spectrite Enhance was all I could think of
L73[00:36:58] <Flashfire> But that's kinda boring
L74[00:37:17] <Flashfire> Something that sounds cool
L75[00:37:28] <Flashfire> Because with my mod as the only mod this is the best enchantment
L76[00:37:57] <Flashfire> Used on the right item of course
L77[00:39:05] <kashike> hmm
L78[00:39:33] <kashike> Enlighten? :P
L79[00:39:50] <Flashfire> Hmm not descriptive enough
L80[00:39:55] <Flashfire> Something involving color
L81[00:40:12] <Flashfire> Like Ultraviolet
L82[00:40:16] <Flashfire> But not sure about that one
L83[00:41:23] <GenerousGuava> Vibrant
L84[00:41:24] <GenerousGuava> maybe
L85[00:41:33] <kashike> that sounds nice
L86[00:41:42] <Flashfire> Vibrant sounds alright
L87[00:41:53] <Flashfire> That's the best so far anyway
L88[00:42:09] <Flashfire> Maybe "vibrance" would be better
L89[00:43:04] <Flashfire> "Vivid"
L90[00:43:24] <Flashfire> Oh come on
L91[00:43:32] <Flashfire> A synonym for colorful on thesaurus.com is "gay"
L92[00:43:37] <kashike> lol
L93[00:44:59] <Flashfire> "Superchromatic"
L94[00:45:01] <Flashfire> lol
L95[00:46:56] <Flashfire> Or even "ultrachromatic" if I want to make up words
L96[00:51:16] <Flashfire> Any more opinions?
L97[00:51:24] <Flashfire> I'm going to bed now so won't be able to see late ones
L98[00:51:51] <kashike> nope
L99[00:52:09] <Flashfire> Ok
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L101[01:13:02] ⇨ Joins: Hunterz (~hunterz@
L102[01:20:39] <GenerousGuava> I'm putting way too much effort into this wiki :P
L103[01:20:48] <kashike> hm?
L104[01:20:52] <GenerousGuava> but whatever I would've set one up eventually anyways
L105[01:20:59] <kashike> what wiki?
L106[01:21:06] <GenerousGuava> I'm writing a wiki for my library, since capitalthree wants to use it :P
L107[01:21:14] <kashike> link again? :P
L108[01:22:24] <GenerousGuava> https://github.com/wingertge/FruityLib
L109[01:24:21] <GenerousGuava> I just saved the page Im working on so you can get an idea ;P
L110[01:25:03] <kashike> you should enable editing from anyone in your repo settings, I'll help a bit :P
L111[01:25:23] <GenerousGuava> Sure one sec
L112[01:26:13] <GenerousGuava> There we go its set
L113[01:30:29] ⇦ Quits: Flashfire (~Samuel@d24-36-3-248.home1.cgocable.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L114[01:34:08] <GenerousGuava> Alright I'm done with the registration page now :P
L115[01:34:10] <GenerousGuava> That was a big one
L116[01:35:46] <GenerousGuava> if you want to handle the formatting I can just write the content without looking at that :P
L117[02:00:04] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20170709 mappings to Forge Maven.
L118[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20170709-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20170709" in build.gradle).
L119[02:00:18] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L120[02:53:45] <gigaherz> hmmm anyone knows if there's any mod that gives villagers the ability to put things into chests when their inventory fills up? ;P
L121[03:02:58] <TechnicianLP> if i have something like a pipe that renders the stacks traversing it - is it worth to use a FastTesr (or does the constant translating/scaling of quads slow i down enough to not make a difference? (dont want to benchmark ... (and i guess it also depends on the models ...))
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L123[03:04:40] <Ordinastie> unless you need to do some custom GL on them, always use FastTESR
L124[03:05:28] <Ordinastie> the translation/scaling, should be done on the quads direclty, and not with glScale/glTranslate
L125[03:06:17] <TechnicianLP> yes - thats the easy part ... i was just concerned about efficiency ...
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L127[03:06:40] <Ordinastie> what efficiency ?
L128[03:07:53] <TechnicianLP> well ive read that a constnat transforming of quads can potentially be more time-expensive thatn rendering it with gl ... (but i guess it was soeone with not much knowledge then ..)
L129[03:08:15] <TechnicianLP> but how does one handle builtin-renderers? display missingmodel? or is there a more fancy way?
L130[03:08:21] <fry> yes, potentiually, but I haven't seen it happen :P
L131[03:09:08] <fry> you'd need a very high number of primitives and a very low overall number of TESRs on the screen
L132[03:09:16] <fry> and very little GL use :P
L133[03:09:28] <Ordinastie> I think if you had to do the draw calls anyway (like if you had to bind custom texture) then yes, it might be a little more efficient to use glTranslate/glScale instead of manually doing that
L134[03:10:22] <Ordinastie> but in case of manual translate/scale vs draw call, I'm pretty sure draw calls are more expansive
L135[03:14:00] <gigaherz> just to put it in perspective
L136[03:14:13] <gigaherz> the recommended draw call count for a mobile game, should not exceed 50 per frame
L137[03:14:42] <gigaherz> for low-end hardware (think, consoles), around 300, and for high-end PC hardware, around 1500
L138[03:16:26] <gigaherz> does mc have a draw call counter anywhere?
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L140[03:16:38] <fry> lol no :P
L141[03:16:55] <gigaherz> owh, I'd have liked to how how crazy the number is ;P
L142[03:19:04] <TechnicianLP> how does one handle tesritems in a fasttesr? (vanilla has a few of them as well ...)
L143[03:19:16] <fry> you don't
L144[03:19:29] <fry> one of the reasons they are horrible :P
L145[03:19:35] <gigaherz> TechnicianLP: avoid tesritems like a plague
L146[03:19:57] <gigaherz> the fact that vanilla does it, is no excuse
L147[03:20:11] * TechnicianLP has 0 tesritems
L148[03:20:26] <fry> you can always do what RP2 did and render a crate :P
L149[03:21:51] <gigaherz> or you can do this:
L150[03:21:51] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Enderthing/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/enderthing/models/block/ender_key_chest.json
L151[03:22:01] <gigaherz> it's a closed chest model in json
L152[03:22:15] <fry> not every item TESR is a chest though :P
L153[03:22:25] <gigaherz> the annoying part is it requires stitching the chest entity png to the atlas
L154[03:22:29] <gigaherz> which has a lot of empty space
L155[03:22:50] <TechnicianLP> ghz: i had done something about that once ... /me searches the code
L156[03:23:14] <gigaherz> I know, fry, but they all *should* be block TESRs in their item form
L157[03:23:31] <gigaherz> so in most cases, the animation the TESR was made to play, doesn't even apply while as an item
L158[03:23:43] <fry> yes yes yes
L159[03:23:58] <fry> most vanilla TESRs can be simple block models
L160[03:25:30] <TechnicianLP> https://gist.github.com/TechnicianLP/d80bf657feb07fc9e626c9a5123f0ea8
L161[03:26:08] <TechnicianLP> (code from the time i tried removing all tesrs from mc ... (i gave up after banners kept trolling me))
L162[03:26:21] <fry> yes, banners are the problematic case
L163[03:26:40] <fry> and shields :P
L164[03:29:28] <capitalthree> is onBlockAdded called any time a tileentity is loaded up?
L165[03:32:18] <Ordinastie> no
L166[03:32:33] <Ordinastie> it's called when a block is set in the world
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L168[03:52:57] <GenerousGuava> The wiki is getting along capitalthree :P
L169[03:53:10] <GenerousGuava> https://github.com/wingertge/FruityLib/wiki
L170[03:53:36] <GenerousGuava> I made some changes while I was writing it, I'll push them as soon as I'm done.
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L172[04:13:52] <capitalthree> GenerousGuava: cool! meanwhile, I'm working on a friend's java code, and forgetting semicolons like every 5 seconds xP
L173[04:15:10] <capitalthree> I can't even remember to do java-style variable declarations xD
L174[04:15:41] <GenerousGuava> :D
L175[04:15:59] <capitalthree> oh cool you even have stuff for multiblocks
L176[04:16:19] <GenerousGuava> Yea it's pretty generic but it handles all the tracking and stuff
L177[04:16:58] <GenerousGuava> the building and destroying needs to be implemented on a case by case basis
L178[04:19:16] <GenerousGuava> And I just added the info I forgot about StoreOnDrop to the Synchronisation page :P
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L180[04:22:45] <GenerousGuava> Alright and that's some prettyfication done. Pretty sure the wiki is complete now for all the features that I know are currently working.
L181[04:22:55] <GenerousGuava> Might add a page for the RPC system
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L188[05:28:10] <GenerousGuava> alright now I'm done for real :P
L189[05:28:36] <GenerousGuava> currently building the library both obfuscated and deobf so I can upload it to GitHub
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L193[05:48:49] <GenerousGuava> alright capitalthree its all up now, the GitHub source is current and I added a release here https://github.com/wingertge/FruityLib/releases/tag/v0.1.0-pre
L194[05:49:14] <GenerousGuava> just remember to download compatlayer, their maven is broken :P
L195[05:49:29] <GenerousGuava> I'll go to bed now. Cya
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L211[07:05:06] <IoP> cool? http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/1b86b4a5
L212[07:07:18] <Ordinastie> wasn't that fix already ?
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L214[07:12:00] <Ivorius> diesieben07 ^
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L216[07:19:19] ⇨ Joins: ScottehBoeh (~ScottehBo@
L217[07:19:31] <ScottehBoeh> Which event should I use for player quitting a Save/Server?
L218[07:33:12] <masa> hmm, trying to unlock reciper for a FakePlayer crashes when it tried to send a packet to the player...
L219[07:33:29] <Ivorius> PlayerLoggedOutEvent I believe ScottehBoeh
L220[07:33:30] <masa> would this be somehting that is supposed to work or not?
L221[07:34:13] <masa> FakePlayer being able to utilize a RecipeBook and need to unlock recipes that is
L222[07:34:56] <TechnicianLP> it would be cool if it uses the recipebook of the player that set the recipe ...
L223[07:35:52] <TechnicianLP> but probably not ... (how would you unlock them for the fakeplayer ...)
L224[07:36:58] <Ivorius> TechnicianLP: Probably calling recipes().unlock
L225[07:36:59] <Ivorius> Or something :P
L226[07:37:30] <Ivorius> Recipes have resource locations now after all
L227[07:37:46] <masa> well, wouldn't it unlock by the FakePlayer crafting items, just like for normal players?
L228[07:38:30] <masa> hmm, the issue though would be that then I'd need to save and load the FakePlayers...
L229[07:38:42] <masa> so that the RecipeBook is preserved
L230[07:38:56] <Ivorius> You could use WorldSavedData for that
L231[07:43:38] <masa> well, I got this working now anyway, by commenting out the recipe book lines from the crafting inventory stuff
L232[07:44:11] <masa> the 1.12 port of Autoverse was almost zero effort except for this crafting inventory related stuff which changed quite a lot
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L235[08:06:59] <ScottehBoeh> How can one set what armor a mob is wearing? I swear I've done it before.. but I can't remember.
L236[08:08:03] <capitalthree> masa: I've had that problem. take a look at https://github.com/elytra/LingeringLoot/blob/master/src/main/kotlin/lingerloot/hardcore/ExtraFakePlayers.kt
L237[08:08:10] <capitalthree> I dunno if you still need it
L238[08:08:27] <capitalthree> but in particular look at the FakeNetworkManager if you want to prevent crashes when things try to send packets to FakePlayer
L239[08:12:06] <TechnicianLP> capitalthree: lol that variablename ...
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L242[08:14:31] <Unh0ly_Tigg> So, forge recently introduced the RegistryEvent stuff for registering blocks and items and whatnot during predefined events. Is there something specific I can use for OreDictionary based registrations?
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L244[08:18:18] <TechnicianLP> oredict has been preinit iirc - BUT you should probably move into the registration-event for your items (forge is planning to allow multipel versions of one mod to load at once (and the reload all registries with specific mods enabled))
L245[08:18:44] <Unh0ly_Tigg> ok, that's good to know.
L246[08:22:35] <capitalthree> TechnicianLP: hehe thanks
L247[08:24:59] <capitalthree> is there an event that's guaranteed to fire when an entity despawns?
L248[08:26:22] <masa> despawns or dies or is removed from the world? I think there is an IWorldEventListener called or something, but I don't remember anything else
L249[08:26:44] <masa> *when entities are removed from the world
L250[08:26:53] <capitalthree> I want to catch any way it might be removed from the world
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L252[08:30:07] <masa> look at World#onENtityRemoved() or whatever it was
L253[08:35:20] <capitalthree> hm ok so I have to add event listeners to a world
L254[08:35:29] <capitalthree> how do I make sure I add exactly one and only one listener to each world?
L255[08:36:27] <quadraxis> add on world load, remove on world unload
L256[08:37:15] <masa> is there a reason to remove?
L257[08:37:28] <capitalthree> yeah won't it just get garbage collected?
L258[08:37:43] <quadraxis> it will probably
L259[08:38:11] <masa> it should, unless the world leaks, ie. something holds a ref to it... but that's another story
L260[08:38:13] <capitalthree> I also can't find the events for worlds loading and unloading >_>
L261[08:38:23] <masa> WorldEvent.Load
L262[08:39:31] <capitalthree> and I can subscribe to that the normal way with @SubscribeEvent?
L263[08:40:18] <TechnicianLP> look at its baseclass ... if its Event - yes
L264[08:40:57] <capitalthree> ok cool it is
L265[08:40:58] <capitalthree> thanks!
L266[08:43:03] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L267[08:44:17] <capitalthree> wow an IWorldEventListener has to implement every one of a bunch of methods >_>
L268[08:46:50] <quadraxis> you can make an abstract base class with a bunch of 'do nothing' methods if you want
L269[08:47:23] <capitalthree> ok
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L273[09:29:27] <ScottehBoeh> How does one get the games current volume levels?
L274[09:29:31] <ScottehBoeh> eg master, music, player etc
L275[09:31:15] <ScottehBoeh> ah options.getSoundLevel
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L282[10:27:08] <Ivorius> Any Kotlin experts here
L283[10:27:14] <Ivorius> Why does this not work?
L284[10:27:14] <Ivorius> val<T> extract : (Parameter<T>) -> T
L285[10:27:28] <Ivorius> It recognizes the <T> generic but it doesn't work on the right
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L289[10:31:56] <ARuther> Easy beginner question, how do I register blocks? Is it RegistryEvent.Register<Block> for the block and RegistryEvent.Register<Item> for the ItemBlock?
L290[10:32:12] <ARuther> I would have guessed RegistryEvent.Register<ItemBlock> but that doesn't seem to be a thing
L291[10:32:54] <ARuther> Do I have to pair the two events somehow? I did it how I thought would work, but somehow I'm getting the ItemBlock associated with a different Item, and the Block doesn't have an ItemBlock associated with it.
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L293[10:35:38] <ScottehBoeh> DONE
L294[10:35:39] <ScottehBoeh> http://i.imgur.com/FR3hAFl.png
L295[10:35:53] <ScottehBoeh> Spent all day finishing the menu, its looking really nice :) Background fog moves too
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L303[10:54:48] <gigaherz> [17:31] (ARuther): Easy beginner question, how do I register blocks? Is it RegistryEvent.Register<Block> for the block and RegistryEvent.Register<Item> for the ItemBlock?
L304[10:54:51] <gigaherz> yup
L305[10:54:56] <gigaherz> and no need to "pair" anything
L306[10:55:16] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/PackingTape/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/packingtape/ModPackingTape.java#L41
L307[10:55:18] <gigaherz> this is how I do it
L308[10:55:21] <gigaherz> you can be more or less organized
L309[10:55:22] <gigaherz> but that works
L310[10:55:33] <gigaherz> createItemBlock is a helper method I have
L311[10:55:35] <gigaherz> that does basically
L312[10:55:46] <gigaherz> new ItemBlock(theBlock).setRegistryName(theBlock.getRegistryName())
L313[10:56:25] <ARuther> Ah, thanks
L314[10:56:52] <ARuther> How does the ItemBlock know which Block it goes with?
L315[10:57:04] <gigaherz> you pass it into the constructor
L316[10:57:24] <gigaherz> and mc keeps a map for reverse lookups
L317[10:57:34] <ARuther> Hmmm
L318[10:57:38] <ARuther> I am passing the Block
L319[10:57:45] <ARuther> But my ItemBlock is attaching itself to a different Item, instead of the Block
L320[10:57:54] <gigaherz> do the registry names match?
L321[10:58:15] <gigaherz> it makes no sense for it to be attaching to another item
L322[10:58:30] <ARuther> itemBlock.setRegistryName(block.getRegistryName)
L323[10:58:35] <ARuther> That should work, right?
L324[10:58:43] <gigaherz> yep
L325[10:58:46] <gigaherz> that's what I suggested ;p
L326[10:58:50] <ARuther> Right
L327[10:58:54] <gigaherz> [17:55] (gigaherz): new ItemBlock(theBlock).setRegistryName(theBlock.getRegistryName())
L328[10:59:06] <ARuther> Yeah, just making sure
L329[10:59:17] <gigaherz> can you show code?
L330[10:59:22] <ARuther> Sure, one second
L331[10:59:24] <gigaherz> pastebin or gist or your github repository
L332[10:59:41] <ARuther> https://hastebin.com/alobatucet.java
L333[10:59:54] <ARuther> This has been an attempt to follow along with shadowfacts' tutorial
L334[11:00:15] <gigaherz> ewh, I never liked those tutorials
L335[11:00:22] <gigaherz> which use a "modblocks" class with lists and stuff
L336[11:00:31] <ARuther> The Lists are my addition
L337[11:00:39] <ARuther> Since the tutorial is for 1.10 and RegistryEvents weren't a thing
L338[11:00:58] <ARuther> Or at least that wasn't how you registered items, they were probably still a thing
L339[11:01:44] <gigaherz> those events were added in 1.10.2
L340[11:02:12] <ARuther> Point is, the tutorial was using GameRegistry.register, which doesn't work anymore
L341[11:02:29] <gigaherz> my suggestion
L342[11:02:33] <gigaherz> ionstead of doing those things in init
L343[11:02:38] <gigaherz> do them directly in the registerAll call
L344[11:02:59] <gigaherz> forge ensures that register<Block> gets called before regsiter<Item>
L345[11:03:07] <ARuther> huh, OK
L346[11:03:07] <gigaherz> which means you can instantiate the blocks in the register method
L347[11:03:10] <ARuther> I'll give that a shot
L348[11:03:13] <gigaherz> without fear of them being null in the items one
L349[11:03:18] <ARuther> Right, nice
L350[11:03:53] <gigaherz> also you can make those event methods static
L351[11:03:58] <gigaherz> and use @Mod.EventBusSubscriber
L352[11:04:07] <gigaherz> to ask forge to automatically register the event methods for you
L353[11:04:17] <gigaherz> instead of using EVENT_BUS.register(new ModBlocks())
L354[11:04:23] <ARuther> Oh, cool, neat
L355[11:04:34] <ARuther> Do I put that above or below @SubscribeEvent?
L356[11:04:34] <gigaherz> @EventbusSubscriber only works with statics, though
L357[11:04:36] <ARuther> Or do I replace it?
L358[11:04:39] <gigaherz> it goes in the class
L359[11:04:41] <gigaherz> not in the method
L360[11:04:51] <ARuther> Oh gotcha
L361[11:06:23] <ARuther> Made those changes, but I've still got the same problem
L362[11:06:54] <ARuther> Copper Ore has no ItemBlock, but I can place it and the texture loads, Copper Ingot (an item) has its texture replaced with Copper Ore's
L363[11:07:34] <gigaherz> sec, I'm downgrading my firefox from beta to latest release
L364[11:07:43] <gigaherz> (the beta is giving me some issues)
L365[11:08:36] <gigaherz> ahh much better
L366[11:09:50] <ARuther> If I remove Copper Ingot, Copper Ore loads the ItemBlock correctly and works fine.
L367[11:09:54] <ARuther> So maybe the problem is in ModItems
L368[11:10:42] <gigaherz> my suggestion is, try making your blocks like this: https://gist.github.com/gigaherz/237e3824041a60280e7acddda91d3f55
L369[11:10:46] <gigaherz> and similarly for items
L370[11:10:47] ⇦ Parts: malte0811 (~malte0811@p54825E2A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) ())
L371[11:10:55] <gigaherz> and if it still fails, pastebin your moditems ;p
L372[11:11:06] <gigaherz> brb
L373[11:12:30] <gigaherz> and about models
L374[11:12:48] <gigaherz> the official stance is that you shouldn't have the model registration code embedded into the items
L375[11:13:01] <gigaherz> the proper way is to have in your clientproxy, or some client-only class
L376[11:13:08] <gigaherz> @EventBusSubscriber(Side.CLIENT)
L377[11:13:15] <gigaherz> public class ItemModels {
L378[11:13:29] <ARuther> Oh, or like put the function calls in ClientProxy?
L379[11:13:34] <gigaherz> @SubscribeEvent public static void registerModels(ModelRegistryEvent event) {
L380[11:13:37] <gigaherz> andi n here call
L381[11:14:03] <gigaherz> ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(item1, meta, new ModelResourceLocation(item1.getRegistryName(), "inventory"));
L382[11:14:08] <gigaherz> for each applicable item
L383[11:14:12] <gigaherz> and each applicable meta
L384[11:14:17] <ARuther> Ah, OK
L385[11:18:31] <ARuther> Moving my ingotcopper registration from init to registerBlocks fixed it
L386[11:18:33] <ARuther> Weird
L387[11:20:59] <ARuther> Well, thanks for the help.
L388[11:22:40] <gigaherz> :)
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L402[12:14:15] <ScottehBoeh> Is there an event for shift-clicking items in the inventory?
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L413[13:08:32] <LexMobile> !gm getMaxStackSize
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L416[13:11:52] <Aroma1997> is there a hook/event somewhere where I can send packets from the server to the client before the client joins the server (during the handshake)
L417[13:12:10] <Aroma1997> or directly afterwards?
L418[13:12:20] <killjoy> Yes, it's in the network events
L419[13:13:22] <TechnicianLP> something like config-syncing? (need that as well ...)
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L421[13:13:29] <Aroma1997> yes
L422[13:13:46] <Aroma1997> killjoy: do you by any chance know where exactly that is?
L423[13:14:46] <killjoy> FMLNetworkEvent.ServerConnectionFromClientEvent
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L425[13:15:28] <Aroma1997> thanks
L426[13:15:36] <killjoy> There's other events in that class as well
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L428[13:17:50] <Aroma1997> thanks that did it
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L430[13:33:03] <primetoxinz> any way to choose the directory for a @Config?
L431[13:37:43] <gigaherz> PaleoCrafter: hey, I was looking at the vanilla immersion page, and you say that doing chests would be tedious... couldn't you show it in a "hybrid" way? Something like... http://i.imgur.com/9CG89oq.png
L432[13:39:01] <fry> dat jpeg
L433[13:39:04] <gigaherz> (that's a slice of the hotbar, so it looks like crap)
L434[13:39:34] <gigaherz> hm? it's actually a png, the icons are blurry because I rescaled them ;P
L435[13:39:57] <gigaherz> (using the transform tool, cos it was just a concept)
L436[13:40:09] <fry> tis a meme my young padawan
L437[13:47:55] <killjoy> .needsmorejpeg
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L439[13:55:06] <PaleoCrafter> gigaherz, hm... that'd be an option
L440[14:01:06] <gigaherz> so, asking again, since this seems to be more active than earlier
L441[14:01:07] <gigaherz> [09:53] (gigaherz): hmmm anyone knows if there's any mod that gives villagers the ability to put things into chests when their inventory fills up? ;P
L442[14:02:28] * TechnicianLP has no clue
L443[14:02:44] <fry> TIL villagers have inventory
L444[14:03:18] <gigaherz> yup they hold 8 stacks ;p
L445[14:03:28] <malte0811> How am I meant to register custom IRecipes in 1.12? I am not supposed to use RecipeSorter any more and I can't find a new place to register them
L446[14:03:51] <gigaherz> malte0811: you should use json wherever possible
L447[14:04:03] <gigaherz> but RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipe>
L448[14:04:16] <malte0811> It isn't possible to use json in my case, pretty sure
L449[14:04:27] <malte0811> Thanks
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L451[14:06:58] <Shambling> remember everyone, burp your subaru after feeding it a new water pump :|
L452[14:07:33] <Shambling> you would think after spending US $1250, I wouldn't have cooling problems anymore. But it looks like either there is air in the thermostat, or the thermostat is bad
L453[14:07:47] <Shambling> Any exciting developments on the forge side of things? :P
L454[14:09:13] <gigaherz> wat...
L455[14:09:27] <gigaherz> oh, car, cooling system, air bubbles in cooling circuit
L456[14:10:00] <gigaherz> nah
L457[14:10:01] <Shambling> yeah mine is old enough that the air doesn't purge out of the system without burping it
L458[14:10:17] <Shambling> and I don't have a cap modified to allow a burping funnel be put in top
L459[14:10:34] <Shambling> apparently you put a funnel in the radiator cap, and let the air pass through the system slowly by letting it run
L460[14:10:44] <Shambling> one of those weird upside down thermostats
L461[14:10:46] <gigaherz> wait
L462[14:10:47] <gigaherz> maybe
L463[14:10:51] <gigaherz> "Fix MC-68754, Screen is not resizeable after exiting fullscreen due to LWJGL bug"
L464[14:10:54] <gigaherz> hmm that IS interesting
L465[14:11:06] <Shambling> I had gotten that before
L466[14:11:08] <Shambling> it was weird
L467[14:11:23] <Shambling> I was like "I love this fake fullscreen mod" "oh wait, I'm stuck in full screen forever until I delete options.txt"
L468[14:12:02] <TechnicianLP> s/options.txt/system32 ;)
L469[14:15:46] <LexMobile> 0.o
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L471[14:31:47] <Shambling> yeah I tried deleting system32 before on an old system to see how far it would go
L472[14:31:55] <Shambling> suprisingly on windows 95, it went pretty far
L473[14:32:07] <Shambling> might have been DOS I was thinking about though
L474[14:33:26] <LexMobile> Thats the point, back in the day a lot of things had fucked up permissions by default which meant people can do that on user accounts.
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L476[14:34:29] <IoP> or no permissions at all?
L477[14:35:05] <Shambling> hello, I would like to talk about our lord and savior rm -rf
L478[14:36:00] <IoP> It's nerfed :/
L479[14:36:25] <Shambling> :)
L480[14:36:52] <IoP> same with ctrl+alt+backspace :/
L481[14:37:27] <fry> cat "test... test... test..." | perl -e '$??s:;s:s;;$?::s;;=]=>%-{<-|}<&|`{;;y; -/:-@[-`{-};`-{/" -;;s;;$_;see'
L482[14:38:14] <IoP> next step in process of making linux safer is to disable magic sysrq+b
L483[14:38:47] <fry> there's nothing magic about alt + sysrq + b :P
L484[14:44:59] <IoP> b = boss ;)
L485[14:46:51] <fry> might have to do 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq' first on modern systems
L486[14:48:12] <IoP> ffs
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L490[15:13:23] <tterrag> anyone got a clue what could cause this? https://github.com/Chisel-Team/Chisel/issues/476
L491[15:13:29] <tterrag> the only lead I have is this https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.12.x/patches/minecraft/net/minecraft/world/chunk/Chunk.java.patch#L23-L24
L492[15:14:14] <tterrag> fry: you might be the only person who has a clue >.>
L493[15:17:48] <fry> worldgen is scary
L494[15:18:09] <quadraxis> re patch: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/3537
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L496[15:19:19] <fry> what are you returning from the no-arg getLightOpacity?
L497[15:20:09] <fry> and yes, that PR might fix it
L498[15:23:10] <tterrag> fry: I don't even override it
L499[15:23:17] <tterrag> because without state context, I don't have a meaningful return
L500[15:23:43] <fry> you should return fully opaque value
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L502[15:23:53] <fry> as a meaningful safety
L503[15:24:01] <tterrag> also, his issue report has that PR
L504[15:24:03] <quadraxis> there is a tate context
L505[15:24:13] <quadraxis> state
L506[15:24:17] <tterrag> he's using 2388 which is from just last week
L507[15:24:19] <quadraxis> just not a world+pos
L508[15:24:23] <tterrag> oh true
L509[15:24:28] <tterrag> right because it's a state method
L510[15:24:39] <tterrag> I'll make a test build and let him try it
L511[15:24:49] <quadraxis> your current impl will work fina for the state method
L512[15:25:17] <quadraxis> and then you can use the dafault state,world,pos method, which just calls that
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L514[15:26:35] <quadraxis> pr causes the problem here, because it makes the check to use the state method effective
L515[15:26:49] <tterrag> I see
L516[15:26:58] <tterrag> well yeah, I've already changed it to the other method
L517[15:27:18] <quadraxis> hopefully that should fix things
L518[15:31:15] <tterrag> ok, I gave him a test build. now we wait :P
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L522[15:44:47] <mcmaur> how to get the player? I need after a onServerChatEvent
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L525[15:56:39] <c64cosmin> is there any way of bindTexture the lightMap, I'm curious on how it looks
L526[15:57:33] <fry> yes
L527[15:57:56] <fry> EntityRenderer.lightmapTexture
L528[15:58:30] <quadraxis> https://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/minecraft.gamepedia.com/3/3c/1.9_lighting_curves_(gamma%3D0).png as a reference
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L533[16:10:26] <TechnicianLP> random question: how does one call a string that tells you how to pronounce something?
L534[16:10:56] <gigaherz> uhm, what do you mean?
L535[16:11:02] <gigaherz> just a phonetic representation?
L536[16:11:33] <fry> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Phonetic_Alphabet
L537[16:11:37] <TechnicianLP> well if i for example google "noun" it says "/naʊn/"
L538[16:11:40] <TechnicianLP> yes
L539[16:11:55] <gigaherz> yep that's just IPA
L540[16:13:18] <gigaherz> but like, if you want to use it in describing a process, dunno
L541[16:13:34] <gigaherz> "IPA representation" or similar I guess
L542[16:13:41] <fry> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phonetic_transcription
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L545[16:20:16] <howtonotwin> The purpose of ForgeBlockstateV1::getSubmodelPermuations is to choose all possible combinations of the submodels and join each combo with the base Variant, right?
L546[16:21:13] <TechnicianLP> i was trying to google the ipa of "Mc" (mək) - but mcdonalds is strong ... (if you dont know how to explain yourself to google)
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L548[16:24:38] <fry> https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/73900/when-does-the-name-prefix-mc-take-stress
L549[16:25:23] <howtonotwin> Does the order of submodels in a variant in getSubmodelPermutations return value matter?
L550[16:26:05] <howtonotwin> It's a map so I don't think it does, but there's also a sort that seems to imply that it does.
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L554[16:42:29] <tterrag> quadraxis: that doesn't seem to have fixed it :/
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L560[16:50:47] <quadraxis> well then I am perplexed
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L562[16:54:36] <tterrag> quadraxis: scratch that
L563[16:54:36] <tterrag> it does
L564[16:54:40] <tterrag> I botched that test build
L565[16:55:08] <quadraxis> ah, lol
L566[16:55:16] <quadraxis> well I'm glad it's working
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L578[18:19:35] <howtonotwin> fry, I defiled the Forge blockstate code: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/4154. As far as testing it goes, I think it's pretty explosion resistant. I'm not quite sure if I missed something, especially with submodels, so I'm asking you for an expert's opinion.
L579[18:20:02] <Shambling> defiled you say?
L580[18:20:33] <howtonotwin> I filled it up with lambdas
L581[18:20:35] <howtonotwin> :P
L582[18:20:49] <howtonotwin> And added a third level of cartesian products
L583[18:25:51] <Waterpicker> Is there a way to create a faux entity?
L584[18:30:12] <capitalthree> what do you mean by faux?
L585[18:30:17] <capitalthree> does it work to create an entity and make it invisible?
L586[18:32:09] <Waterpicker> no mob disguise.
L587[18:32:15] <Waterpicker> but I found something.
L588[18:32:25] <Waterpicker> I do have another question related to reflection.
L589[18:32:56] <capitalthree> ask it!
L590[18:33:19] <Waterpicker> ANd yes I need to use reflection unlesss you know another method for changing the fields of the FMLMessage.EntitySpawnMessage.
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L600[19:05:18] <capitalthree> Waterpicker: there's access transformers, but doing reflection (if you do it correctly, with cached lookups) is better, when it's an option.
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L611[19:28:58] <GenerousGuava> access transformers are so much easier to use tho
L612[19:31:15] <capitalthree> yeah but I think a good rule of thumb is, don't tamper with global state for things you can do in a self contained way
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L615[19:37:13] <howtonotwin> I thought ATs weren't really global?
L616[19:38:24] <howtonotwin> That they are used to make the lib a mod compiles against different so the compilation succeeds, but then at runtime with the obf forge lib+mod everything is public anyway?
L617[19:38:35] <howtonotwin> Or am I misinformed?
L618[19:40:05] <capitalthree> oh. maybe so.
L619[19:40:21] <capitalthree> hmm if that's true then I don't know why I'd ever use reflection instead of ATs
L620[19:40:28] <capitalthree> I'm going to have to ask unascribed why he gave me that advice :P
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L622[19:40:50] <howtonotwin> ATs apparently have a history of breaking Gradle if you bork them
L623[19:40:51] <capitalthree> the times I've used ATs were when I needed to subclass something and override a private method
L624[19:41:05] <capitalthree> because you actually need to make it not private to change the jvm binding behavior
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L626[19:41:49] <capitalthree> or at least I'd think you would
L627[19:42:10] <capitalthree> if everything's public at runtime, I guess that's a non-issue, but the AT still makes it a lot easier to get the code to compile
L628[19:42:51] <howtonotwin> Also it might be that using ATs causes Gradle to generate a whole new forge lib for just that mod, so if you have to mods at the same forge version normally if you run sDW in one the cache can be used for the other, but ATs break that
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L630[19:43:02] <howtonotwin> *two mods
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L632[19:45:36] <capitalthree> yeah. setupDecompWorkspace builds a custom forge jar
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L634[19:49:37] <ryantheleach> It may have worked that way once. but AT's these days absolutely change the visibility. you can run into problems with inheritance when stuff moves from private to protected/package private.
L635[19:50:15] <ryantheleach> But I'm not sure that they ever did work that way
L636[19:51:33] <capitalthree> so if I change visibility specifically to change inheritence behavior, is that likely to cause other problems?
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L642[19:55:30] <howtonotwin> If any subclass has another method sharing the name it'll blow up
L643[19:55:36] <howtonotwin> *signature
L644[19:56:58] <howtonotwin> The superclass will get the invokespecials that call the private made into invokevirtuals and then suddenly you have dynamic dispatch when you expected static dispatch.
L645[19:58:48] <howtonotwin> Aside from that it shouldn't be able to break anything.
L646[19:59:18] <ryantheleach> Yeah, pretty sure that with the mcp naming conventions it won't clash?
L647[19:59:42] <ryantheleach> it would only be if you were AT'ing a non obfuscated method, or maybe you could get clashes only at dev time?
L648[19:59:44] <howtonotwin> And then if you AT something protected/pkgprv public it won't do much interesting bc it's invokevirtual already.
L649[20:00:22] <howtonotwin> I'm just inferring what happens if ATs actually do transform bytecode :P
L650[20:00:28] <howtonotwin> I don't know the details
L651[20:01:25] <howtonotwin> But good point, map conventions probably constrain the explosions to nonobf methods and/or dev time.
L652[20:01:30] <howtonotwin> *mcp
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L655[20:18:12] <capitalthree> howtonotwin: to be fair, I can't think of any reason why someone would make a subclassed EntityItem renderer, override one of the functions, and expect static dispatch of the super version
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L657[20:18:34] <howtonotwin> No that's not what I meant
L658[20:18:59] <howtonotwin> I meant class Base { public void something() {} private void implementationDetail() {} }
L659[20:19:24] <howtonotwin> And then class Sub extends Base { public void other() {} private void implementationDetail() {} }
L660[20:19:42] <howtonotwin> When Java compiles a private method call it uses static dispatch with invokespecial
L661[20:20:02] <howtonotwin> So then an AT makes implementation detail less private
L662[20:20:40] <howtonotwin> And then you get Sub::implementationDetail, a class you didn't mean to change, overriding Base:implementationDetail
L663[20:21:02] <howtonotwin> And Base starts calling Sub::implementationDetail when it doesn't mean to
L664[20:22:17] <howtonotwin> (Both Base and Sub are classes not part of your mod and that you had no intention of touching)
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L666[20:25:04] <capitalthree> howtonotwin: ok, yeah. we're talking about the same thing
L667[20:25:30] <capitalthree> I'm just saying in the specific case where I used it, it's unlikely that someone would have an implementation detail with the same function name if they didn't mean to override it
L668[20:26:31] <howtonotwin> Yeah ATs are safer on the less OO classes like the item renderer because no one is going to subclass them
L669[20:35:30] <capitalthree> except for me!
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L671[20:36:12] <howtonotwin> Wait why
L672[20:38:22] <ryantheleach> Couldn't help but giggle at that. literally no-one. :P
L673[20:40:31] <capitalthree> howtonotwin: my mod, Lingering Loot, gives items an about-to-despawn animation
L674[20:41:27] <capitalthree> https://github.com/elytra/LingeringLoot/blob/master/src/main/kotlin/lingerloot/RenderLLEntityItem.kt
L675[20:42:16] <capitalthree> tl;dr I hijacked RenderEntityItem.transformModelCount, which does the transforms based on item rotation and bob
L676[20:42:20] <ryantheleach> Should just make them explode. make people clean their stuff up properly in trashcans.
L677[20:42:29] <capitalthree> well that's what lingering loot hardcore mode does
L678[20:42:34] <capitalthree> but that's off by default :P
L679[20:42:35] <ryantheleach> wait really?
L680[20:42:43] <capitalthree> oh man you should check it out if you play 1.11.2
L681[20:42:47] <capitalthree> I am very proud of lingering loot hardcore mode
L682[20:42:58] <capitalthree> I have to do ports to other versions. that is a very recent feature
L683[20:43:06] <capitalthree> dropped items do all kinds of stuff, eg, blocks place themselves
L684[20:43:58] <capitalthree> https://github.com/elytra/LingeringLoot/blob/master/src/main/kotlin/lingerloot/hardcore/HardcoreDespawnDispatcher.kt
L685[20:44:32] <capitalthree> https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/lingering-loot
L686[20:44:54] <capitalthree> the new version is up to 9 downloads xD I still don't know how to get internet famous
L687[20:45:37] <capitalthree> anyways howtonotwin let me know if you think what I'm doing is crazy, but it seems to work well
L688[20:46:17] <ryantheleach> Yeah I read the source. remind me never to drop IC2 reactor components in your mod.
L689[20:46:39] <capitalthree> :D
L690[20:46:47] <ryantheleach> a stack of nukes despawned, welp.
L691[20:46:52] <capitalthree> well just remember that it's a joke feature on what's otherwise a utility mod :P
L692[20:47:01] <howtonotwin> lol
L693[20:47:04] <ryantheleach> better propell the remainder and make them explosion proof.
L694[20:47:05] <capitalthree> don't let that dissuade you from installing Lingering Loot for its normal purpose (extending despawn times)
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L696[20:56:11] <GenerousGuava> god I hate UVs
L697[20:56:52] <GenerousGuava> spent about 30 minutes making my turbine model and then I've spent the last 2 hours trying to fix these damn UVs
L698[20:58:21] <howtonotwin> Is it an OBJ?
L699[20:58:53] <GenerousGuava> yea
L700[21:02:10] <GenerousGuava> thats what it looks like sans texture http://imgur.com/a/WAtMl
L701[21:02:26] <GenerousGuava> the UVs for the turbine blades are a pain in the ass to all align properly
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L704[21:05:22] <howtonotwin> Ouch
L705[21:05:46] <GenerousGuava> at least each set of turbine blades is its own object so I can just transfer the UVs between them once the first is done
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L707[21:08:06] <howtonotwin> Can't you whip up some python for that?
L708[21:08:21] <howtonotwin> Both between the sets and for each blade
L709[21:08:37] <GenerousGuava> not sure
L710[21:08:51] <GenerousGuava> between the sets is easy though theres a built in thing for that
L711[21:14:20] <howtonotwin> Someone should make a plugin
L712[21:14:31] <howtonotwin> You click a face, and then an "island" in the texture
L713[21:14:51] <howtonotwin> And then it automatically tries to orient and size everything
L714[21:16:02] <GenerousGuava> well it has automapping which works alright normally, but it doesn't jive too well with low res textures since it's not snapped to pixels
L715[21:17:38] <GenerousGuava> http://imgur.com/a/SYhaa this is what the automapping looks like for the turbine blades
L716[21:17:55] <GenerousGuava> all the edges are in the middle of pixels and stuff
L717[21:18:35] <howtonotwin> Mm yeah
L718[21:33:13] <GenerousGuava> finally got it decent enough
L719[21:33:19] <GenerousGuava> now to break out the old wacom :P
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L722[22:14:34] <howtonotwin> UniversalBucket:136: if(!getEmpty().isEmpty())
L723[22:14:45] <howtonotwin> logic.exe has failed to start
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L725[22:15:07] <mezz> different kinds of empty :P
L726[22:16:14] <howtonotwin> oic :P
L727[22:16:56] <kashike> add more empty
L728[22:17:04] <howtonotwin> That really ought to be getEmptyBucket() or getEmptyStack(), but oh well
L729[22:17:05] <kashike> getEmpty().isEmpty(ItemStack.EMPTY)
L730[22:17:08] <kashike> :P
L731[22:17:13] <howtonotwin> The void is too powerful
L732[22:17:50] <mezz> getEmpty for the universal bucket existed before the itemstack one, and I didn't really want to change it and break mods that use the method
L733[22:18:05] <mezz> I guess it could be deprecated and we can add getEmptyBucket
L734[22:19:13] <kashike> there a reason to do so?
L735[22:19:41] <mezz> clarity
L736[22:19:49] <howtonotwin> The meth has no javadoc and the name is obviously not unambiguous enough
L737[22:20:40] <kashike> just name is 'e', make it nice and short
L738[22:21:09] <howtonotwin> I'd say no to that but I have a method named 'r' in my util package
L739[22:21:47] <kashike> ...why
L740[22:22:06] <howtonotwin> NBT+scala.Dynamic+typeclasses
L741[22:22:19] <kashike> got a link? :P
L742[22:22:28] <howtonotwin> val stack = something.getNBT.r.scala.dynamic.fun.as[ItemStack]
L743[22:22:44] <ryantheleach> r?
L744[22:22:50] <howtonotwin> The r is needed because of a safety built in to the language that prevents things from going nuts
L745[22:23:00] <howtonotwin> In scala r normally means "richly this somehow"
L746[22:23:05] <howtonotwin> *richify
L747[22:23:23] <GenerousGuava> can anyone tell me why my access transformers all broke out of nowhere?
L748[22:23:34] <howtonotwin> See: http://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/scala/Dynamic.html
L749[22:23:44] <GenerousGuava> my IntelliJ was having issues with the forge dep so I reran setupDecompWorkspace
L750[22:23:51] <GenerousGuava> now all my ATs are invalid
L751[22:24:13] <howtonotwin> Sometimes sDW twice magically unbreaks things
L752[22:24:43] <GenerousGuava> nope :P
L753[22:24:58] <GenerousGuava> 4 Broken Access Transformer lines:
L754[22:24:58] <GenerousGuava> --- net.minecraft.itemHandler.Container field_75148_f
L755[22:24:58] <GenerousGuava> --- net.minecraft.itemHandler.InventoryBasic field_70481_b
L756[22:24:58] <GenerousGuava> --- net.minecraft.itemHandler.InventoryBasic field_70482_c
L757[22:24:58] <GenerousGuava> --- net.minecraft.multiblockEntity.EntityTracker field_72794_c
L758[22:25:18] <GenerousGuava> I pmed the bot to check if the mappings have been updated but they're still the same
L759[22:25:57] <howtonotwin> Progressively get more aggressive as you nuke parts of the caches Gradle keeps and rerun sDW ?
L760[22:26:02] <howtonotwin> Works for me, at least
L761[22:26:46] <ryantheleach> howtonotwin: kashike looking up richify scala doesn't find much
L762[22:26:56] <GenerousGuava> btw how can I get old mappings from the bot? they're all 1.12 but I'm still runing 1.11.2
L763[22:27:14] <howtonotwin> I think you pass a version after the field name
L764[22:27:27] <howtonotwin> ryantheleach, no it's a library func I wrote
L765[22:27:54] <ryantheleach> Right, but you said it's a common naming convention? for richify?
L766[22:28:00] <ryantheleach> I can't even find details of richify
L767[22:28:04] <howtonotwin> It's just that when you see a function called `r` most scalists think "that means 'rich'"
L768[22:28:15] <kashike> GenerousGuava: see !latest
L769[22:28:16] <howtonotwin> It's not a very well defined thing ?
L770[22:28:20] <howtonotwin> But you see it sometimes
L771[22:28:36] <ryantheleach> literally only 1 google result ? I've been trying to learn scala.
L772[22:29:00] <killjoy> why?
L773[22:29:39] <ryantheleach> sadist? more exposure to more ideas of programming? and scala seemed to have the most features crammed into one language?
L774[22:29:58] <killjoy> all the young kids are learning kotlin
L775[22:29:58] <ryantheleach> also jvm, so familiar libraries
L776[22:30:04] <howtonotwin> ryantheleach, you see short method names like "r" whenever you need to make some implicit call explicit but short
L777[22:30:05] <ryantheleach> I don't want a better java
L778[22:30:13] <ryantheleach> I wanted to learn about other programming styles
L779[22:30:47] ⇦ Quits: quadraxis (~quadraxis@cpc77293-basf12-2-0-cust699.12-3.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L780[22:30:59] <GenerousGuava> I just realised MCPBot tells you the last change date, which was 2014 for my method so thats not the issue
L781[22:31:30] <howtonotwin> Worst comes to worst nuke gradle with "gradle cleanCache" and start again
L782[22:32:17] <howtonotwin> Also IDK how AT errors are formatted but I don't see any actually access specifiers in those 4 lines
L783[22:32:22] <GenerousGuava> right, I tried clean. I always mix those up
L784[22:32:56] <GenerousGuava> yea they do have the access modifiers in the file :P
L785[22:33:58] <GenerousGuava> I got rid of two I didn't need anymore, but these two are still acting up
L786[22:33:58] <GenerousGuava> public net.minecraft.itemHandler.Container field_75148_f # playerList
L787[22:33:59] <GenerousGuava> public net.minecraft.multiblockEntity.EntityTracker field_72794_c # trackedEntityHashTable
L788[22:34:15] <GenerousGuava> strangely, this one doesn't complain
L789[22:34:16] <GenerousGuava> public net.minecraft.item.ItemStack field_77994_a # stackSize
L790[22:36:39] <GenerousGuava> and fyi, I'm just making stackSize public so the jar can run on 1.10 and 1.11 :P
L791[22:37:57] <howtonotwin> Yeah I'm out of ideas :P
L792[22:38:26] <GenerousGuava> Ok now I'm stumped
L793[22:38:44] <GenerousGuava> I ran clean, cleanCache and even invalidated the IntelliJ cache
L794[22:39:02] <GenerousGuava> still no luck
L795[22:40:32] <howtonotwin> Did any classes change packages?
L796[22:40:53] <GenerousGuava> Don't think so
L797[22:41:36] <GenerousGuava> I think I moved some stuff inside my library, but I haven't changed any version since the last sDW
L798[22:41:57] <howtonotwin> ...summon the Darkness That Is Beyond and use Its Powers to bring forth Wrath on Gradle.
L799[22:42:04] <GenerousGuava> :D
L800[22:42:28] ⇦ Quits: KnightMiner (~KnightMin@adsl-75-5-73-47.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L801[22:42:32] <howtonotwin> You do this by gaining a value of type Void, btw
L802[22:43:35] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael (~Lathanael@p54960F83.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L803[22:46:36] <GenerousGuava> oh my god I know why this isn't working
L804[22:46:41] <GenerousGuava> fuck you IntelliJ....
L805[22:47:25] ⇦ Quits: Delaxarnyazer (~Delaxarny@ip56572345.direct-adsl.nl) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L806[22:47:27] <GenerousGuava> just because I rename a property on a class from inventory to itemHandler doesn't mean you're supposed to change the word inventory in every single file.....
L807[22:47:38] <killjoy> it did that to me once
L808[22:47:47] <killjoy> You need to uncheck a box during the refactor
L809[22:48:03] <GenerousGuava> yea I always forget that
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L811[22:48:50] <ryantheleach> or limit the scope
L812[22:49:28] <howtonotwin> On another note, is "Compactified Hypertoroidal Manifold" too much for "Miniaturized Nether Portal"?
L813[22:49:51] <killjoy> It's not enough
L814[22:49:55] <killjoy> Be more like Aperture
L815[22:50:04] <howtonotwin> I'm not even sure if you CAN compactify a torus
L816[22:50:17] <killjoy> "Aperture Science 1800 Megawatt Supercolliding Super button
L817[22:50:28] <killjoy> Or just "The Button"
L818[22:50:50] <ryantheleach> Mini Dimensional Gate?
L819[22:50:51] <howtonotwin> "This test is not meant to measure the effects of exposure to The Button"
L820[22:50:56] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p5496027B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L821[22:51:07] <killjoy> I actually got the name wrong
L822[22:51:13] <howtonotwin> lol
L823[22:51:14] <GenerousGuava> The worst thing I have in my mod is the "KaidenCorp™ OmniWrench 3000" :P
L824[22:51:19] <ryantheleach> Nether Portal InACan
L825[22:51:21] <killjoy> 1500 Megawatt Aperture Science Heavy Duty Super-Colliding Super Button
L826[22:51:32] <howtonotwin> Lol ryantheleach
L827[22:51:37] <killjoy> MASHDSCSB
L828[22:51:59] <howtonotwin> Those keys after MASH are close-ish
L829[22:52:06] <howtonotwin> I think that was intentional
L830[22:54:27] <ryantheleach> P.I.S.S Can? Portal Inside Super Small Can?
L831[22:54:33] <ryantheleach> cannister?
L832[22:54:47] <howtonotwin> LOL
L833[22:54:58] <howtonotwin> Actually...
L834[22:55:09] <howtonotwin> My mod is going to have multiple levels of nether
L835[22:55:24] <killjoy> like robot hell?
L836[22:55:36] <howtonotwin> I believe the correct way to do this is to have more and more technobabble per level
L837[22:55:46] <killjoy> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLPkKZS6q9k
L838[22:55:50] <ryantheleach> as long as you keep the x8 scaling/
L839[22:56:15] <howtonotwin> Well we don't know if it's hell, it's unsurvivable to entities ? (read: I'm lazy)
L840[22:56:25] <howtonotwin> And yeah, each level doubles the scale factor
L841[22:56:51] <howtonotwin> This mod is another item movement mod, but this time it's more like vanilla
L842[22:57:25] <ryantheleach> Have 3 layers, detect if the player rapidly popped 3 layers then entered another portal, if so, pop them out another layer. they will wonder if they were in hell the whole time.
L843[22:57:43] <howtonotwin> :P
L844[22:57:49] <killjoy> That's some inception shit
L845[22:57:51] <howtonotwin> No pipes, just weird water and ice, hopper like objects that collect and make entity items, etc.
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