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L1[00:13:51] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:7009:ed50:7b35:8384)
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L4[00:34:42] ⇨ Joins: PinkYoshi (uid230648@id-230648.charlton.irccloud.com)
L5[00:34:48] <PinkYoshi> can someone please help me?
L6[00:35:01] <mezz> dunno, depends :)
L7[00:35:07] <PinkYoshi> What is the best way to check the lore of a bow (BEFORE) an arrow is fired, and to ignore all arrows not fired by a bow with that lore?
L8[00:35:22] <mezz> lore?
L9[00:35:24] <PinkYoshi> and then to know which arrow was created by a bow with that lore on it and which one was not
L10[00:35:27] <PinkYoshi> item lores in minecraft
L11[00:35:28] <PinkYoshi> So like say
L12[00:35:37] <PinkYoshi> I set the item lore to be "A great bow that summons a skeleton"
L13[00:35:53] <PinkYoshi> I only want arrows who were fired by a bow like that to spawn a skeleton when they stop moving.
L14[00:36:01] <PinkYoshi> At the moment, all arrows spawn a skeleton when they stop moving.
L15[00:36:12] <mezz> subscribe to ArrowNockEvent and check the bow for lore
L16[00:36:31] <PinkYoshi> ArrowNockEvent does that deal with the arrow origin?
L17[00:36:44] <mezz> from the docs, "ArrowNockEvent is fired when a player begins using a bow."
L18[00:36:55] <PinkYoshi> ok
L19[00:36:57] <PinkYoshi> what about...
L20[00:37:02] <PinkYoshi> after the arrow has fired?
L21[00:37:13] <mezz> ArrowLooseEvent
L22[00:37:20] <PinkYoshi> What I mean is
L23[00:37:32] <PinkYoshi> is there any data attached to the arrow that tells me what bow item had fired it?
L24[00:37:59] <mezz> no, but both events pass you the bow
L25[00:38:11] <PinkYoshi> What?
L26[00:38:13] <PinkYoshi> They do?
L27[00:38:28] <mezz> go look
L28[00:38:28] <PinkYoshi> oh.
L29[00:38:30] <PinkYoshi> okay
L30[00:38:41] <PinkYoshi> One issue. I'm setting the arrow to dead..
L31[00:38:47] <PinkYoshi> to prevent multiple spawns
L32[00:38:50] <McJty> And even if it didn't you could probably get it from player.getHeldItem() too
L33[00:38:57] <mezz> I guess thre is also EntityArrow#shootingEntity and you can possibly get it from held item
L34[00:38:59] <mezz> yep ^
L35[00:39:10] <PinkYoshi> why does this seem really hard i know it's simple
L36[00:39:25] <PinkYoshi> I just can't wrap my head around having to check different events to connect the logic
L37[00:39:31] <PinkYoshi> I'm used to doing everything in one swoop
L38[00:39:42] <mezz> you can probably do what you want with one event
L39[00:40:38] <PinkYoshi> ok I'll make this very direct. The steps I need are: Counteract skeleton spawning in my worldtick so it doesn't happen twice, and then add a check and somehow pass the check to the worldtick event because right now that's where the skeleton spawns happen (only if it's an arrow instance and only if the arrow stopped moving, then the arrow is set to dead)
L40[00:40:45] <mezz> when your subscription to ArrowLooseEvent detects the lore-bow, cancel the event and fire your special arrow instead
L41[00:40:46] <PinkYoshi> Then I need to check the lore on the bow
L42[00:40:57] <PinkYoshi> I don't have a special arrow.
L43[00:41:01] <PinkYoshi> I'm using vanilla arrows.
L44[00:41:12] <PinkYoshi> Sorry I didn't specify that
L45[00:41:14] <mezz> it'll be easier to make a special arrow entity
L46[00:41:24] <mezz> probably
L47[00:41:48] <PinkYoshi> I want to finish this in ten minutes. and I mostly have it all.
L48[00:41:58] <PinkYoshi> It's basically done I just need to change it so only lores cause the spawn
L49[00:42:13] <mezz> if you're in a rush you're just going to be frustrated and frustrate anyone trying to help :P
L50[00:42:25] <PinkYoshi> Sorry mezz
L51[00:42:46] <mezz> if you were an expert you might do it in 10 minutes, but you have to learn this stuff and that always take way way longer
L52[00:44:14] <PinkYoshi> oh okay
L53[00:44:17] <PinkYoshi> Yeah I know there's a learning curve
L54[00:44:21] <mezz> if you have it all complete, you can just check the arrow's shootingEntity's held item for the bow
L55[00:44:27] <McJty> I made 17 mods and I don't think I could do it in 10 minutes :-)
L56[00:44:33] <PinkYoshi> ok gimme a few minutes I'll be ready to get helped.
L57[00:44:39] <PinkYoshi> I need extra focus it turns out
L58[00:44:40] <McJty> But then I haven't done a lot with entities yet
L59[01:01:01] <TomyLobo> i'm trying to find an ocean monument in my modded map (biomes o plenty installed, realistic terrain generator installed and selected)
L60[01:01:14] <TomyLobo> i was thinking, maybe there is a field containing that kind of information?
L61[01:01:44] <mezz> there is a /locate command in minecraft now
L62[01:01:50] <mezz> try /locate [tab]
L63[01:02:11] <mezz> it should help you find nearby structures
L64[01:02:18] <TomyLobo> unknown command
L65[01:02:25] <TomyLobo> i'm on 1.10.2
L66[01:02:35] <mezz> I think it was added in 1.11
L67[01:02:42] <TomyLobo> would make sense
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L69[01:10:29] <PinkYoshi> mezz I need someone patient to sit through some issues with me and help me.
L70[01:10:40] <PinkYoshi> are you up for it? I can send you the code and we can go to pm so I don't flood here?
L71[01:11:03] <mezz> sure
L72[01:11:12] <PinkYoshi> thank you it's really appreciated
L73[01:11:26] <mezz> use gist.github.com to paste code
L74[01:11:30] <PinkYoshi> okay
L75[01:13:35] <PinkYoshi> https://gist.github.com/ToshieCosed/2182573806ef5b2d0ad9c3c841cd592c
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L80[01:58:08] <PinkYoshi> Could someone help me get around this? :'stackTagCompound' has private access in net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
L81[01:58:16] <PinkYoshi> I need it for figuring out lores on items..
L82[01:58:19] <killjoy> use the getter
L83[01:59:32] <PinkYoshi> I'm trying to do like this here
L84[01:59:33] <PinkYoshi> https://gist.github.com/ToshieCosed/b838808a36c9cef3e42f859106b7bd5a
L85[01:59:38] <PinkYoshi> It doesn't use a getter so how do I do it?
L86[01:59:49] <PinkYoshi> "if (this.stackTagCompound.hasKey("display", 10)) "
L87[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20170605 mappings to Forge Maven.
L88[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20170605-1.11.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20170605" in build.gradle).
L89[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L90[02:00:23] <PinkYoshi> I think I found it...
L91[02:02:42] <TomyLobo> using a debugger, I'm trying to get a ChunkProviderServer instance for the world i'm currently in
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L93[02:03:10] <TomyLobo> however, i cant seem to even get off the ground, since FMLServerHandler.instance().getServer() returns null
L94[02:03:37] <killjoy> server will be null in multiplayer
L95[02:03:56] <TomyLobo> it's single player
L96[02:04:04] <TomyLobo> i tried both with and without "open to lan"
L97[02:04:11] <killjoy> Use FMLCommonHandler.instance().getSidedDelegate().getServer();
L98[02:05:22] <TomyLobo> ah, that works
L99[02:07:24] <TomyLobo> killjoy, ok it worked briefly during world loading
L100[02:07:42] <killjoy> Minecraft.getMinecraft().getIntegratedServer()
L101[02:11:15] <PinkYoshi> omg testing my lore thing now I'll be happy if it works
L102[02:11:37] <killjoy> Maybe you should be using a capability
L103[02:13:17] ⇨ Joins: KGS (~KGS@h-158-174-9-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se)
L104[02:14:23] <TomyLobo> FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().field_71437_Z.field_71305_c[0].field_73020_y.field_186029_c \o/
L105[02:14:54] <TomyLobo> i hopethat worldServers[0] is the overworld :)
L106[02:15:00] <kashike> it is
L107[02:15:10] <kashike> well
L108[02:15:15] <kashike> unless some retarded mod replaces it
L109[02:15:17] <kashike> :)
L110[02:15:19] <TomyLobo> ^^
L111[02:15:49] <killjoy> I usually check for something like that before fixing bugs related to other mods
L112[02:16:11] <killjoy> Are they doing things super dumb? No. I'm not going to fix it
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L115[02:21:52] <TomyLobo> ^^
L116[02:22:03] <TomyLobo> btw, is there a way to get a beanshell or something?
L117[02:22:52] <PinkYoshi> heyyy it looks like the boolean worked but isn't being set (the lore is not detected? )
L118[02:26:54] <PinkYoshi> https://gist.github.com/ToshieCosed/a025f022793299034625061ad10437f7
L119[02:27:05] <PinkYoshi> can someone please help me.
L120[02:27:17] <PinkYoshi> This all works , except the lore check never evaluates to true.
L121[02:27:36] <PinkYoshi> if I force it to true, the spawn works.
L122[02:29:23] <kashike> does the item have lore?
L123[02:32:35] <PinkYoshi> I used this: /give @a minecraft:bow 1 0 {Unbreakable:1,ench:[{id:48,lvl:10000},{id:49,lvl:10000},{id:50,lvl:10000},{id:51,lvl:10000}],display:{Lore:["1"]}}
L124[02:32:57] <PinkYoshi> it works when I bypass the lore check
L125[02:33:03] <PinkYoshi> so the only thing is the lore checking >.<
L126[02:33:25] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L127[02:34:58] <PinkYoshi> my debug is outputting 1
L128[02:34:59] <PinkYoshi> 1
L129[02:35:11] <PinkYoshi> so it is finding the lore as a string the match is failing?
L130[02:38:37] <PinkYoshi> well... I'm trying .toString wish me luck
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L132[02:46:23] <PinkYoshi> AHA
L133[02:46:25] <PinkYoshi> It works
L134[02:46:33] <PinkYoshi> and now not every arrow shot by everything summons a skeleton.
L135[02:46:50] <PinkYoshi> I had to use .contains because for some fruity reason exact case matching does not work on lores
L136[02:50:55] <PinkYoshi> so i'm a newbie. where does it put the built jar file?
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L138[02:59:24] <TomyLobo> i want to iterate chunk coordinates in a square centered around the origin, ordered by distance. anyone aware of an algorithm?
L139[03:01:03] <PinkYoshi> TomyLobo can you tell me where forgegradle for IDEA will store my .jar file after I do build jar?? how do I get the mod file from my code to go into minecraft forge without the IDE?
L140[03:01:16] <TomyLobo> PinkYoshi, i have no idea
L141[03:01:19] <TomyLobo> ...why you would ask me
L142[03:01:21] <PinkYoshi> oh how do you compile your mods?
L143[03:01:27] <PinkYoshi> well i'm assuming you also compile mods to .jar files
L144[03:01:31] <PinkYoshi> 'm wondering if you know how it goes
L145[03:01:42] <PinkYoshi> i can't figure out where my .jar file goes!
L146[03:01:55] <TomyLobo> ok you seem to be unaware of how irc works
L147[03:01:55] <PinkYoshi> i've been googling it for a half hour I guess i'm desperate
L148[03:02:10] <TomyLobo> do not highlight people in order to get a response to your initial questions
L149[03:02:22] <PinkYoshi> uhm I didn't highlight you? >.<
L150[03:02:26] <PinkYoshi> I just typed your name.
L151[03:02:33] <TomyLobo> yes, that is called highlighting
L152[03:02:42] <PinkYoshi> then how will anyone know who i'm addressing?
L153[03:02:45] <TomyLobo> and what you did counts as random highlighting
L154[03:03:02] <PinkYoshi> uh okay sorry if I annoyed you I was just wondering and it seemed like you were active anyway
L155[03:03:03] <TomyLobo> PinkYoshi, address the channel with your initial question
L156[03:03:08] <TomyLobo> if anyone wants to respond, they will
L157[03:03:13] <PinkYoshi> I did I asked like twice earlier.
L158[03:03:29] <TomyLobo> tough
L159[03:03:32] <PinkYoshi> wow
L160[03:03:38] <PinkYoshi> Well I wasn't intending to annoy
L161[03:06:02] <kashike> PinkYoshi: build/libs/
L162[03:06:52] <PinkYoshi> there appears to be no folder..
L163[03:07:06] <kashike> wat
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L165[03:08:35] <PinkYoshi> http://imgur.com/a/j5pxP
L166[03:08:39] <PinkYoshi> please see what I mean >.<
L167[03:08:57] <kashike> you did run the build task, yes?
L168[03:09:02] <kashike> Tasks -> build -> build
L169[03:09:20] <PinkYoshi> tasks->build->jar
L170[03:09:29] <kashike> that's not the build task
L171[03:09:31] <kashike> that's the jar task
L172[03:09:31] <PinkYoshi> ok
L173[03:09:42] <PinkYoshi> trying the build task thought i did that one too but we'll see
L174[03:10:47] <PinkYoshi> now it looks like the folders are still the same >.<
L175[03:11:20] <kashike> no build/libs?
L176[03:11:22] <kashike> wat
L177[03:11:30] <PinkYoshi> f-sakes it's failing... i think
L178[03:11:37] <PinkYoshi> yet when I run it, it works.. -.-"
L179[03:11:52] <kashike> heh
L180[03:12:08] <PinkYoshi> This is a forge essentials problem!!
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L216[08:14:13] <ghz|afk> hmmm
L217[08:14:29] <ghz|afk> the twitch app thing seems to enjoy loading with wow's tab as default even though wow isn't even installed anymore
L218[08:14:32] <ghz|afk> anyone knows how to change that?
L219[08:15:49] <kashike> no idea, don't think the webapp has that
L220[08:16:33] <ghz|afk> nah the desktop one, the same one that has minecraft modpacks and such
L221[08:17:04] <kashike> it's not available for linux, so I don't care for it much
L222[08:17:08] <kashike> really wish they would, though
L223[08:17:26] <ghz|afk> it REALLY doesn't like to open the minecraft tab by default
L224[08:17:33] <ghz|afk> I disabled "addon maangement"
L225[08:17:46] <ghz|afk> and now it opens in the "home" tab instead
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L227[08:18:31] <ghz|afk> I really wish they didn't have all the social stuff in the same app
L228[08:18:39] <ghz|afk> I don't care one bit about friends lists or stuff like that
L229[08:18:52] <ghz|afk> i just wanted the modpack management (and wow addon management while I played)
L230[08:19:06] <kashike> too bad I guess :P
L231[08:19:27] <ghz|afk> yeah it's a common trend these days
L232[08:19:32] <ghz|afk> to shove social crap everywhere
L233[08:19:41] <ghz|afk> as if everything MUST have a friends list and share button
L234[08:19:43] <kashike> make sure to like, comment, and subscribe!
L235[08:21:59] <kashike> I have a hard time naming classes sometimes, and one of those times is now
L236[08:22:01] <kashike> sigh
L237[08:22:44] <ghz|afk> someone might argue that if you can't think of a good name for it, the class may not belong there
L238[08:23:25] <kashike> well in this case, it needs to be here, I just can't think of a name for it that sounds.. right
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L258[10:12:50] <SquareWheel> Packet question - I'm sending a Map of data using toBytes/fromBytes. I have the keys on both ends, so am just syncing the values.
L259[10:12:57] <SquareWheel> I thought the order would be deterministic because I'm reading/writing using the same keys, but one user reported the data was being sent out of order.
L260[10:13:07] <SquareWheel> Should I be using ByteBufUtils.writeTag to serialize it from NBT, thus ensuring the data order is preserved?
L261[10:15:30] <diesieben07> the order depends on your Map implementation. For HashMap it is undefined. If you want a consistent order you have to use LinkedHashMap
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L263[10:16:16] <SquareWheel> Oh shoot, you're right. That data isn't deterministic after all.
L264[10:17:01] <SquareWheel> Hrmm, so using a LinkedHashMap would probably mean less data being sent in packets than serializing from NBT.
L265[10:17:10] <diesieben07> i dont see what NBT has to do with it...
L266[10:17:39] <SquareWheel> I figure if I do a writeNbt/readNbt type thing, it'll serialize it nicely without me having to worry about order. But require more data.
L267[10:22:50] <diesieben07> it would write the size and then key,value pairs
L268[10:22:58] <diesieben07> which is probably what you should, too
L269[10:23:02] <diesieben07> what type are the keys?
L270[10:23:26] <SquareWheel> A custom data class
L271[10:23:52] <SquareWheel> Here's how it looks now: https://github.com/WesCook/Nutrition/blob/1.11/src/main/java/ca/wescook/nutrition/network/PacketNutritionResponse.java#L36-L51
L272[10:24:16] <diesieben07> hm.
L273[10:24:26] <diesieben07> well, you have to write some identifier
L274[10:26:01] <SquareWheel> So, would that be like <write string>, <write float>?
L275[10:28:37] <diesieben07> if the key is string and the value is float, yes
L276[10:29:35] <SquareWheel> Well, I could get a string from the key at least. I would only need to use it for this little handshake bit.
L277[10:29:48] <malte0811> The map shouldn't be the problem IMO since you are iterating over a list of keys, not map.keySet. The list comes from a file[], maybe try sorting that array before reading it to the list? https://github.com/WesCook/Nutrition/blob/61219152b3b74250d1995846a4cafe3b48fe742e/src/main/java/ca/wescook/nutrition/utility/Config.java#L118
L278[10:30:02] <malte0811> And a list has a fixed order
L279[10:30:56] <diesieben07> if you want it sorted might as well use a TreeMap
L280[10:33:43] <malte0811> That would increase access time for the whole runtime IIRC (ok, probably not by any significant amount)? My idea requries sorting once while reading the configs and no changes to code running while playing
L281[10:33:43] <SquareWheel> Hrmm, I see. So while the real data I'm sending is stored as a Map, the looping on both sides is still through a deterministic list.
L282[10:34:08] <malte0811> It isn't deterministic, File.listFiles doesn't define an order of return values
L283[10:34:08] <diesieben07> you also have to think about whether all this is premature optimization
L284[10:34:12] <diesieben07> how often/when are you sending this?
L285[10:34:32] <SquareWheel> On food hunger changes, and when the GUI opens.
L286[10:34:45] <SquareWheel> Not an obscene amount, but not a insignificant either.
L287[10:35:05] <SquareWheel> Didn't realize listFiles wasn't deterministic.
L288[10:35:13] <diesieben07> what is this data about even?
L289[10:35:16] <SquareWheel> Guess that makes sense. Might change by OS or some such.
L290[10:35:47] <SquareWheel> Check the image here: https://github.com/WesCook/Nutrition
L291[10:36:03] <SquareWheel> The Nutrients on the left are the data class/key. They store info like the name, icon, color.
L292[10:36:10] <SquareWheel> The data on the right are the Floats. They're Mapped together.
L293[10:36:20] <diesieben07> and the stuff on the left is constant?
L294[10:36:22] <SquareWheel> Both client and server store a list of Nutrients.
L295[10:36:35] <SquareWheel> Yeah, they should be.
L296[10:36:42] <SquareWheel> Read in from the configs.
L297[10:37:13] <diesieben07> well, then it's not constant
L298[10:37:20] <diesieben07> the client doesnt have the config
L299[10:38:03] <diesieben07> you could use an FML registry, then you would have IDs for every element
L300[10:38:24] <SquareWheel> Wait, why doesn't the client have the config?
L301[10:38:37] <diesieben07> because configs are not synced.
L302[10:38:52] <SquareWheel> Granted one side might change them and break expectations, but a lot of mods will break if configs aren't consistent.
L303[10:39:11] <diesieben07> those mods should be fixed then imo
L304[10:39:30] <SquareWheel> I thought about syncing that on server connection, but it's a fair bit of data.
L305[10:39:40] <SquareWheel> Large JSONs.
L306[10:39:51] <diesieben07> i see 5 strings and 5 itemstacks.
L307[10:39:57] <diesieben07> thats not a "fair bit of data"
L308[10:40:03] <SquareWheel> It also stores a list of foods in each nutrient.
L309[10:40:11] <SquareWheel> https://github.com/WesCook/Nutrition/tree/1.11/src/main/resources/assets/nutrition/configs
L310[10:40:12] <diesieben07> does the client need to know that?
L311[10:40:26] <SquareWheel> Yes, as it shows that info on tooltips.
L312[10:40:58] <diesieben07> those jsons are not bad
L313[10:41:27] <diesieben07> the items can be sent as IDs
L314[10:41:46] <diesieben07> thats probably not even a kilobyte of data
L315[10:42:04] <SquareWheel> With default configs, anyway. It's meant to be customizable.
L316[10:42:18] <diesieben07> even if you have 1000 items in a category that is 2000 bytes
L317[10:42:19] <diesieben07> that's nothing
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L319[10:43:52] <SquareWheel> I might consider doing so in the future to make life easier for server owners, but most mods carry the expectation that client and server configs will be kept in sync.
L320[10:44:34] <diesieben07> that expectation is sadly carried over from the "block ID config" days
L321[10:44:38] <diesieben07> it's a bad expectation :D
L322[10:45:36] <SquareWheel> I don't disagree, but for right now I'd not like to add the complexity.
L323[10:46:00] <SquareWheel> Even with both sides being synced, I still have the issue of packets being non-deterministic right now.
L324[10:46:14] <diesieben07> just send the name for the category as key-identifier then
L325[10:46:32] <diesieben07> and if thats still too much for you, create an ID
L326[10:47:02] <SquareWheel> So send as "nutrient.name, nutrient.float"?
L327[10:47:10] <diesieben07> by sending the key you have the much better optimization available of only sending the entries that changed instead of the full set
L328[10:47:13] <diesieben07> yes
L329[10:48:05] <SquareWheel> That's actually true. If it were bigger data that'd probably be worth optimizing for.
L330[10:49:28] <SquareWheel> malte0811 suggested sorting the data after it was read in from file. Would that be enough to make it deterministic without an identifier? Would simplify things.
L331[10:49:42] <malte0811> Probably
L332[10:49:44] <diesieben07> well, then you need a map that preserves order
L333[10:49:47] <diesieben07> HashMap does not do that.
L334[10:50:06] <malte0811> He isn't iterating over the map, he is iterating over a list
L335[10:50:06] <diesieben07> it would be, but very ... fragile
L336[10:50:12] <diesieben07> wat...
L337[10:50:18] <SquareWheel> The data itself is stored as a map, but the nutrients on both side are stored as a list.
L338[10:50:21] <diesieben07> the original question was about a map...
L339[10:50:32] <SquareWheel> Sorry, I use both in different places.
L340[10:50:45] <diesieben07> what is "the data itself" and what are "the nutrients" in this scenario?
L341[10:50:47] <SquareWheel> eg. I read it in as a map by iterating over a list.
L342[10:51:19] <SquareWheel> Nutrients are a data class, stored in a list. They're also use as keys in the map that stores the nutrient data.
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L345[10:52:14] <diesieben07> i give up
L346[10:52:20] <diesieben07> your terms are so generic...
L347[10:52:31] <SquareWheel> :< Not trying to be difficult.
L348[10:52:49] <diesieben07> you have the type of nutrients, which come from a config file
L349[10:52:56] <diesieben07> and then you have a value for every one of those nutrients, the percentage
L350[10:53:04] <diesieben07> the latter needs to be sent to the client.
L351[10:54:25] <SquareWheel> nutrientList = List<Nutrient> - Stored client and server-side
L352[10:54:26] <SquareWheel> nutrientData = Map<Nutrient, Float> - Canonical version stored on server, dummy copy stored on client and updated via sync packet.
L353[10:54:49] <SquareWheel> I store a dummy version so it has a local cache to show before it syncs.
L354[10:54:50] <diesieben07> and the float is the percentage i see in the screenshot, right?
L355[10:54:53] <SquareWheel> Yes
L356[10:55:32] <diesieben07> so, either sort the list in a deterministic manner (by name for example)
L357[10:55:35] <diesieben07> or just send the name
L358[10:55:42] <diesieben07> the latter is preferable
L359[10:56:04] <SquareWheel> Okay, I can work on sending an identifier.
L360[10:56:17] <diesieben07> you already have the name in the json
L361[10:58:40] <SquareWheel> If you're curious why there's a split of the List and Map, originally I just stored everything as a Map. I had the server tracking which player had which nutrient data and such. Then I looked up how to save data to a player file... ended up having to refactor the entire thing to use capabilities instead.
L362[10:59:01] <SquareWheel> The cap was stored just server-side though, and I needed to have the nutrients client-side as well.
L363[11:00:58] <SquareWheel> And it's actually nice being able to iterate through the nutrient data without having to access the player cap all the time, which has some messy syntax and IDE warnings.
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L365[11:02:46] <diesieben07> Use kotlin and make yourself an extension function :P
L366[11:03:14] <diesieben07> amount = player.nutrients[myNutrient]
L367[11:03:22] * diesieben07 runs
L368[11:03:22] <kashike> diesieben07: you using kotlin in any public stuff yet?
L369[11:03:30] <diesieben07> wellllll
L370[11:03:41] <SquareWheel> Kotlin looks pretty sweet, honestly
L371[11:03:56] <diesieben07> i am working on the umptieths (is that how you spell that) rewrite of my (unused) modding library, now in kotlin
L372[11:04:08] <diesieben07> and i am using it for a project at work
L373[11:04:13] <kashike> interesting
L374[11:04:15] <diesieben07> but nothing "public"
L375[11:04:29] <kashike> I'm still writing new things for java
L376[11:04:49] <SquareWheel> Are you using Forgelin?
L377[11:04:49] <diesieben07> If you need to write java for some reason, don't start using Kotlin
L378[11:04:51] <diesieben07> it will drive you mad
L379[11:04:54] <diesieben07> No
L380[11:05:13] <diesieben07> my @Mod works just fine without it, i dont see the need for it
L381[11:05:17] <kashike> last time I tried kotlin it was super buggy in the IDE
L382[11:05:25] <kashike> haven't tried since
L383[11:06:00] <SquareWheel> Isn't Kotlin by JetBrains? Would expect it to work well in IDEA.
L384[11:06:06] <diesieben07> yes it is
L385[11:06:15] <kashike> it is, yes, but it still has bugs :P
L386[11:06:20] <diesieben07> i wouldn't call it super buggy. occasionally it freaks out and i have to reboot idea, maybe like once a day if i am doing something crazy
L387[11:06:33] <kashike> yeah, when I tried, whole IDE imploded on itself
L388[11:06:49] <diesieben07> and there are some things i am still waiting on
L389[11:07:35] <diesieben07> java-8 style lambda codegen would be nice for example
L390[11:07:41] <diesieben07> and default methods
L391[11:08:02] <kashike> the other thing that's preventing me from using it, is that there's not enough codestyle config options for kotlin yet
L392[11:08:50] <SquareWheel> Oh, there's no buf.writeString. :|
L393[11:09:00] <diesieben07> ByteBufUtils
L394[11:10:50] <SquareWheel> Gotchya
L395[11:12:41] <SquareWheel> Alright, so if I'm not just iterating through the nutrient list, I'll need to do while the buffer stream instead.
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L401[11:34:09] <kashike> diesieben07: :+1: for #3953
L402[11:34:55] <diesieben07> thx :)
L403[11:36:15] <SquareWheel> Wait, a ByteBuf is different from a ByteBuffer? whyy
L404[11:36:33] <diesieben07> because a netty bytebuf is much more useful
L405[11:36:49] <diesieben07> and just a bit more high-level
L406[11:37:07] <diesieben07> you can easily convert though, there are nioBuffer methods on ByteBuf
L407[11:37:19] <SquareWheel> No .hasRemaining method that I can so, so harder to iterate through.
L408[11:37:31] <SquareWheel> though*
L409[11:37:46] <diesieben07> isReadable
L410[11:38:23] <diesieben07> or just forEachByte :P
L411[11:39:05] <SquareWheel> Oh, could I do that in a foreach loop? Would be cleaner.
L412[11:39:28] <diesieben07> No, forEachByte takes a lambda
L413[11:40:12] <SquareWheel> Ah, okay. Seems to be the trend. The new JS foreach (ES6) does the same.
L414[11:40:38] <diesieben07> it just opens up space for opimimization
L415[11:40:58] <diesieben07> ArrayList.forEach(lambda) can be implemented in a different way than say ImmutableList.forEach
L416[11:41:08] <diesieben07> both optimized for their internal data structures
L417[11:41:31] <SquareWheel> Makes sense
L418[11:47:36] <SquareWheel> Huh, seemed to work first try.
L419[11:48:16] <SquareWheel> dies, could you double check this makes sense? Not super familiar with byte streams, so would appreciate the confirmation.
L420[11:48:17] <SquareWheel> https://pastebin.com/5Jq0Wpyi
L421[11:48:42] <SquareWheel> It seems to auto-increment, so I don't need to track state in the loop.
L422[11:49:18] <Ordinastie> I usually write the size first
L423[11:49:52] <diesieben07> that works though, you dont need the size if you dont have any data after the map
L424[11:49:59] <Ordinastie> also, can't you have an int identifier for your nutrients ?
L425[11:50:15] <diesieben07> you should lift the getCapability call out of the loop
L426[11:50:20] <SquareWheel> I'd need to generate one on both sides, Ord.
L427[11:50:22] <SquareWheel> Could do.
L428[11:50:33] <diesieben07> no, should, not could :P
L429[11:50:51] <diesieben07> getCapability for attatched capabilities is a map lookup
L430[11:51:45] <SquareWheel> I can look into ways of generating a short ID from the string. Hash functions would be too long.
L431[11:52:30] <diesieben07> just use an FML registry if you are going to do that
L432[11:52:35] <SquareWheel> I could move the getCapability call second, get the entire results list at once, and loop through that. Bit more complex though.
L433[11:53:11] <SquareWheel> Not familiar with those. The system used by potions, etc?
L434[11:53:21] <SquareWheel> Didn't realize it was open to modders.
L435[11:53:28] <diesieben07> yep, they are
L436[11:55:17] <SquareWheel> Seems like if I'm going that way, I'd want to move my entire system over rather than manage it myself.
L437[11:55:29] <SquareWheel> This is Capabilities all over again. :p
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L439[12:23:01] <TechnicianLP> is there a way to stop github from making a fork when i hit any key on a file in another repository? im like constantly delete my accidentally forked repos ...
L440[12:24:24] <SquareWheel> GreaseMonkey script to block the hotkey?
L441[12:24:44] <TechnicianLP> hotkey = any key on the keyboard ...
L442[12:24:57] <TechnicianLP> (any character)
L443[12:25:14] <SquareWheel> That seems strange...
L444[12:26:40] <SquareWheel> Is it triggering the "Fork and Edit" button somehow?
L445[12:27:57] <ghz|afk> maybe github implemented some auto-edit-mode when you try to type stuff
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L447[12:28:33] <kashike> https://help.github.com/articles/using-keyboard-shortcuts/
L448[12:29:35] <SquareWheel> If you know web dev, you can set some breakpoints down to try and figure out what's happening.
L449[12:29:48] <SquareWheel> Chances are they minify their JS though. So have fuuun
L450[12:30:56] <ghz|afk> would be stupid not to
L451[12:30:57] <ghz|afk> ;P
L452[12:31:23] <ghz|afk> will become even harder if WebAssembly becomes common
L453[12:31:44] <SquareWheel> I really hope we see a proper language other than S-Expressions for wasm.
L454[12:31:54] <SquareWheel> I don't want to debug that nonsense
L455[12:32:22] <SquareWheel> I expect browsers will be able to decode the binary in the dev tools at least, though.
L456[12:32:35] <ghz|afk> I assume we'll get source-level debugging with source maps or whatever
L457[12:32:58] <SquareWheel> Yeah, that would be ideal. Don't think SourceMaps will be required though, unfortunately.
L458[12:33:11] <SquareWheel> We have that now for minified JS sites, but almost nobody includes them.
L459[12:33:22] <ghz|afk> given what it's intended purpose is
L460[12:33:32] <ghz|afk> I'd hope that binary->source tables will be external
L461[12:33:44] <ghz|afk> sortof like .pdb files for vc++
L462[12:34:01] <SquareWheel> Well if it works the same way as it does now, it would be a small line referencing the map file.
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L496[16:19:44] <LexMobile> 09:50 <diesieben07> getCapability for attatched capabilities is a map lookup
L497[16:19:47] <LexMobile> It shouldnt be,,,
L498[16:20:18] <diesieben07> ah right, not a map lookup but a for loop
L499[16:20:37] <diesieben07> still, not just a simple "return this field" as it is with "normal" capabilities
L500[16:20:57] <LexMobile> yes, which unless someone fucks something up, or adds like a thousand caps, should be faster then a hash.
L501[16:20:58] <LexMobile> but ya
L502[16:21:19] <diesieben07> there is no reason to keep calling getCapabilitiy in a loop
L503[16:21:25] <diesieben07> which is what he was doing
L504[16:21:36] <LexMobile> sadly can't be just a return cuz dynamic shit :/ I have debaited on writing a dynamic flattener... but meh
L505[16:21:41] <LexMobile> And yes saw that, its bad
L506[16:22:00] <diesieben07> oh, like a thing that compiles it down to hardwired bytecode?
L507[16:22:39] <LexMobile> ya wouldnt be to hard to do, just grab each handler and pull out the if/else's
L508[16:22:43] <diesieben07> yeah
L509[16:23:02] <diesieben07> but writing asm is always... "fun" :D and there are probably more important things
L510[16:23:15] <LexMobile> lots more, hence why I havent done it ;)
L511[16:24:18] <LexMobile> If I DID do it i'd probably re-write the API to be a Map<[Cap&Side], Handler> instead of just gathering a list of providers.
L512[16:24:30] <LexMobile> And wireing things up myself. But meh.
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L535[18:31:40] <risux> How have x, y, and z of Render.doRender() changed from 1.7 to 1.10?
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L537[18:34:35] <Corosus> not sure if they did...
L538[18:36:12] <risux> Well, I have a renderer that uses them, and after updating, it appears as if the rendering is just all over the place. I believe X and Z are inverted too.
L539[18:38:12] <risux> Kinda hard to describe what I'm looking at.
L540[18:38:26] <Corosus> maybe something relating to model rendering changed rather than doRender?
L541[18:38:59] <risux> I'm just using the tessellator to draw some quads
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L543[18:41:18] <Corosus> for my RenderFlyingBlock i still do the same glTranslatef to the x y z for 1.10.2 just like its 1.7.10 code
L544[18:42:41] <Corosus> though theres some extra code, agh its so ugly
L545[18:43:01] <Corosus> for some reason im also using worldrenderer.setTranslation in the newer one
L546[18:43:13] <Corosus> worldrenderer being the VertexBuffer
L547[18:43:45] <Corosus> might be because this code is fugly copypasta from falling sand https://github.com/Corosauce/weather2/blob/1.10.x/src/main/java/weather2/client/entity/RenderFlyingBlock.java#L140
L548[18:44:03] <risux> huh, that might have something to do with it
L549[18:46:56] <Corosus> wow this code translates for the x y z twice, yay ports of ports of ports of ports, i cant wait to rewrite this thing as a shader
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