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L20[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20170531 mappings to Forge Maven.
L21[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20170531-1.11.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20170531" in build.gradle).
L22[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L27[02:32:51] <gigaherz|work> https://twitter.com/Dinnerbone/status/869818165404086273
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L37[03:51:32] <Meronat> Even the comments there aren't safe.
L38[03:52:07] <gigaherz|work> safe?
L39[03:52:37] <fry> covfefe?
L40[03:53:01] <Meronat> Safe from covfefe.
L41[03:53:03] <gigaherz|work> ah
L42[03:53:05] <gigaherz|work> well
L43[03:53:08] <gigaherz|work> it's a meme now
L44[03:53:11] <gigaherz|work> we should just get used to it.
L45[03:53:12] <fry> nobody is safe :P
L46[03:53:23] <gigaherz|work> people will forget where it came from, before the meme is forgotten
L47[03:54:43] <fry> no they won't, we live in the internet age :P
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L49[04:02:31] ⇦ Quits: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L50[04:04:46] <Subaraki> anyone knows how to hardcode text for a book ?
L51[04:05:57] <Subaraki> https://hastebin.com/ofafawisij.sm
L52[04:07:14] <gigaherz|work> book contents are in NBT
L53[04:07:27] <gigaherz|work> http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/maps/maps-discussion/1568002-giving-a-player-a-written-book-with-data-already
L54[04:08:24] <Subaraki> https://hastebin.com/ukapagopel.cpp
L55[04:08:26] <Subaraki> got that done
L56[04:08:33] <Subaraki> its the formatting im having trouble with
L57[04:09:00] <gigaherz|work> hmmmm
L58[04:09:36] <gigaherz|work> I'm not sure that lang files support formatting codes
L59[04:09:58] <Subaraki> thats why i add in the formatting myself
L60[04:10:03] <gigaherz|work> oh I see, sorry
L61[04:10:03] <Subaraki> the lang filesj ust have the text
L62[04:10:37] <Subaraki> let me get a picture P:
L63[04:10:53] <Subaraki> also, i dont know how to skip a line
L64[04:11:00] <Subaraki> it says \n
L65[04:11:10] <Subaraki> which becomes \\n in java ..
L66[04:11:14] <Subaraki> which worksi n dev
L67[04:11:19] <Subaraki> but not in the launcher
L68[04:11:24] <Subaraki> it just shows up as \\n
L69[04:12:20] <Subaraki> i could write the book out, save it's nbt, and maybe load its nbt from a saved nbt file or something ?
L70[04:12:29] <Subaraki> instead of doing it manually in code
L71[04:19:58] <gigaherz|work> you can parse nbt from json
L72[04:20:05] <gigaherz|work> so you can include the nbt as a single string
L73[04:20:10] <gigaherz|work> and parse it from json?
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L75[04:21:28] <Subaraki> ....http://i.imgur.com/AeDMZzK.png
L76[04:21:38] <Subaraki> sounds like a plan
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L80[04:38:15] <Subaraki> welp
L81[04:38:16] <Subaraki> http://i.imgur.com/LjwTGpY.png
L82[04:38:18] <Subaraki> thats better
L83[04:38:27] <Subaraki> now i need to find out what the cr thingies are
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L85[04:39:53] MineBot sets mode: +v on testingtesting123
L86[04:39:58] <Ordinastie> Carriage Return
L87[04:40:26] <testingtesting123> oh, heh, got +v...
L88[04:40:30] <testingtesting123> the fun of nickserv :P
L89[04:40:55] <testingtesting123> (I'm amadornes, just looking for srg names, don't mind me... :P)
L90[04:41:27] <Subaraki> carriage return ?
L91[04:41:30] <AshIndigo> How are you talking? Your on a webclient
L92[04:41:30] <Subaraki> \n ?
L93[04:41:32] <testingtesting123> there we go \o/
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L95[04:41:42] <Ordinastie> \\r
L96[04:41:55] <Subaraki> hm
L97[04:42:11] <Subaraki> String line = System.lineSeparator();
L98[04:42:12] <Subaraki> yah
L99[04:42:14] <Subaraki> might be that
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L110[05:10:51] <barteks2x> I have a very stupid race condition in my code that I'm not quite sure how to solve...
L111[05:11:46] <Subaraki> tell us more
L112[05:14:34] <barteks2x> I have replmplemented version of async chunk loading that also loads cubes. It should support simultanously requestibg async and sync load. Async load checks if a cube is already queued, and if not- adds it to queue. Sync load removed it from the queue and does the async loading synchronously. The problem is that in that time async loader may add another one. And loading 2 at once = very bad. Another thing may also
L113[05:14:35] <barteks2x> happen - The sync loading code doesn't add a task, so before the synload finishes loading, calling async load again will make another task
L114[05:14:50] <barteks2x> the code for ti is largely based on forge async loading
L115[05:15:47] <barteks2x> even if I remove the tasj later there will still be time before the cube is added to the real cube map where async loading may be called
L116[05:17:26] <barteks2x> this is the one that happens once a week and when detected it's too late to find out what caused it
L117[05:17:59] <barteks2x> hm... wondering how forge does it
L118[05:18:54] <barteks2x> I don't see anything in forge that would prevent it O.O
L119[05:20:49] <barteks2x> I will see if I can reproduce it with just forge...
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L124[05:37:07] <barteks2x> wait... it's me brwaking things I think
L125[05:37:21] <barteks2x> Ithink I see what I did wrong, what I described would happen only with 2 threads requesting chunks
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L129[05:50:31] <barteks2x> it's so confusing...
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L131[06:00:09] <Subaraki> rendering hadn, help ? :s http://i.imgur.com/q1fa9Jh.png
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L137[06:56:01] <gigaherz|work> https://twitter.com/Dinnerbone/status/869881903507283968
L138[06:56:05] <gigaherz|work> pre 7 is out \o/
L139[06:58:31] <gigaherz|work> so they changed the meme
L140[06:58:39] <gigaherz|work> instead of removing herobrine, they now add covfefe
L141[06:58:58] <gigaherz|work> n owait it was "added some new bugs" in snapshots
L142[06:59:46] <Subaraki> waddup with the coffee thing though
L143[06:59:52] <Subaraki> have seen that shit all over the place
L144[07:00:07] <gigaherz|work> trump said something
L145[07:00:21] <gigaherz|work> https://twitter.com/i/moments/869774424572018688
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L153[07:33:22] <Subaraki> okay so it doesn't mean anything
L154[07:35:10] <gigaherz|work> there's guesses
L155[07:35:22] <gigaherz|work> but nothing definitive
L156[07:35:32] <gigaherz|work> and Trump likes that because it means he's talked about
L157[07:35:40] <gigaherz|work> and trump is an attention whore
L158[07:39:48] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@2001:af0:8000:1c01:6af7:28ff:fe37:5d6a) (Remote host closed the connection)
L159[07:48:57] <gigaherz|work> github is down! panick!
L160[07:50:25] ⇦ Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L161[07:53:04] <AshIndigo> ahhh!
L162[07:53:29] <fry> up for me :P
L163[07:54:03] <gigaherz|work> https://status.github.com/
L164[07:55:28] <fry> both the site and fetch work for me
L165[07:55:36] <fry> guess I'm in the surviving shard :P
L166[07:56:37] <quadraxis> and... status now says 'everthing fine'
L167[07:57:33] <quadraxis> full server covfefe
L168[07:57:54] <fry> lol
L169[07:58:03] <fry> I must've fixed it :P
L170[08:03:04] <Subaraki> any reason why a property override isn't being called? i got 2
L171[08:11:57] ⇨ Joins: risux (~risux@cpe-76-85-182-109.neb.res.rr.com)
L172[08:14:18] <risux> If I obtain the ItemStack from the player's main hand, and it's Item is an instance of ItemBlock, do I use getMetadata() on the ItemStack to figure out exactly which sub block is being held?
L173[08:14:31] <Subaraki> yeah
L174[08:14:34] <Subaraki> offcourse =)
L175[08:14:42] <Subaraki> the item still has meta like any other
L176[08:14:51] <risux> Alright, so then I have another question based off of that.
L177[08:15:28] <risux> How do I obtain the blockstate from the Block that correlates with that metadata ID?
L178[08:15:56] <risux> Im using Block.getBlockFromItem() already, so I have the Block instance.
L179[08:16:03] <risux> But I need the blockstate
L180[08:16:16] <gigaherz|work> there's no direct relation
L181[08:16:27] <Subaraki> yeah, i was gonna say the same thing
L182[08:16:32] <gigaherz|work> so no
L183[08:16:36] <Subaraki> blockstates is for stuff inside the world
L184[08:16:39] <gigaherz|work> you do NOT use getMetadata to figure out the sub-block
L185[08:16:45] <gigaherz|work> you can only use it to figure out a sub-itemblock
L186[08:17:03] <gigaherz|work> whatever block gets placed onto the world when you rightclick with that itemstack is completely arbitrary
L187[08:17:03] <risux> Alright, so how might I do that?
L188[08:17:05] <gigaherz|work> it MAY match
L189[08:17:08] <gigaherz|work> but it may not
L190[08:17:23] <gigaherz|work> and there's simply no way to get the proper one besides actually placing it
L191[08:17:45] <risux> Obviously the game has to obtain that information from somewhere to know what Block to place though.
L192[08:17:53] <gigaherz|work> nope
L193[08:17:59] <Subaraki> what ?
L194[08:18:07] <gigaherz|work> the ItemBlock implementation has onItemUse
L195[08:18:15] <Subaraki> so using a blockitem with metadata doesnt correlate with the block placed ?
L196[08:18:26] <risux> ^
L197[08:18:29] <gigaherz|work> which MAY use the stack's metadata, but may not
L198[08:18:44] <gigaherz|work> Subaraki: not necessarily
L199[08:18:44] <Subaraki> ah, giga is just diving into details again :P
L200[08:18:52] <gigaherz|work> realluy
L201[08:19:16] <Subaraki> no ? i mean, if you use the method with the meta onItemUse you can manually place the block with correlating meta right ?
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L203[08:19:34] <Subaraki> how else does wool work ?
L204[08:19:41] <quadraxis> getStateForPlacement is what decides I believe
L205[08:19:47] <gigaherz|work> stack#onItemUse -> block#canPlaceBlockAt -> stack#getMetadata -> block#getStateForPlacement -> placeblockAt -> block#onBlockPlacedBy
L206[08:19:54] <gigaherz|work> iirc, that's the DEFAULT sequence
L207[08:20:01] <gigaherz|work> but a custom ItemBlock can change ANYTHING from the process
L208[08:20:02] <quadraxis> and the point is it doesn't _have_ to use the same meta
L209[08:20:05] <gigaherz|work> heck
L210[08:20:07] <gigaherz|work> just look at doors
L211[08:20:20] <gigaherz|work> there isn't even the assumption that there's one specific block placed
L212[08:20:21] <gigaherz|work> it can be many
L213[08:20:35] <risux> I just need it to obtain a texture essentially.
L214[08:20:38] <gigaherz|work> there's simply no single way to match block<->item
L215[08:22:16] <risux> Okay basically what I'm doing now is getting the itemstack held, getting the item from that, using Block.getBlockFromItem() to obtain the Block, then getting the default state and using that with my block to obtain the texture from it in my IBakedModel.
L216[08:22:17] <gigaherz|work> risux: yo ucan try to call the item's getMetadata(int), and pass on that value to block#getStateForPlacement
L217[08:22:18] *** Redfoxmoon_ is now known as Redfoxmoon
L218[08:22:23] <gigaherz|work> but there's no guarantee that this will work
L219[08:22:44] <gigaherz|work> there's no guarantee that it won't crash, either
L220[08:22:50] <gigaherz|work> so you will need some whitelist/blacklist
L221[08:22:59] <gigaherz|work> alternatively
L222[08:23:02] <gigaherz|work> you can try to call onItemUse
L223[08:23:08] <gigaherz|work> with a custom virtual world object
L224[08:23:14] <gigaherz|work> and see which calls to setBlockState happen
L225[08:23:20] <IoP> *triggered* 1!!!!1!
L226[08:23:34] <gigaherz|work> that's going to be the most complicated, but the most effective
L227[08:23:56] <risux> Hm, interesting.
L228[08:24:46] <IoP> How tumblrinas have missed that MC community still use words like blacklist. Weird... Or did you ban them?
L229[08:25:08] <gigaherz|work> wat?
L230[08:27:01] <IoP> oh You have missed it and those stupid bug reports: https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/51088/alternative-term-to-blacklist-and-whitelist lucky you
L231[08:27:29] <Subaraki> http://i.imgur.com/suUxlwZ.png
L232[08:27:32] <gigaherz|work> uhm
L233[08:27:40] <Subaraki> for some stupid reason my second property isn't registered
L234[08:27:42] <gigaherz|work> anyone who thinks blacklist and whitelist have any relation whatsoever to skin color
L235[08:27:45] <gigaherz|work> is racist
L236[08:27:54] <gigaherz|work> not the terms, the person who mistakes them for race-related concepts
L237[08:27:55] <risux> gigaherz, How is getStateForPlacement supposed to work at all if it calls getStateFromMeta() which just obtains the block's default state?
L238[08:28:02] <Lord_Ralex> remember, people threw a fit over target gigaherz|work ;)
L239[08:28:10] <gigaherz|work> risux: anyone who WANTS to implement it, can
L240[08:28:19] <risux> Ah
L241[08:28:38] <gigaherz|work> getStateForPlacement is what the default ItemBlock calls
L242[08:28:43] <gigaherz|work> with the value returned from getMetadata(int)
L243[08:29:39] <IoP> gigaherz|work: sadly e.g. https://github.com/graphite-project/graphite-web/issues/1569
L244[08:29:41] <risux> I suppose I'm not seeing how that would be useful in this case.
L245[08:30:16] <gigaherz|work> IoP: i'd consider those people toxic and I'd probably ban them
L246[08:30:26] <IoP> hmmm I need to implement some blacklist feature in my project. And master-slave something
L247[08:30:27] <gigaherz|work> anyone who gets offended for shit like that doens't deserve to help
L248[08:30:51] <IoP> not even professional help from mental care?
L249[08:31:06] <gigaherz|work> nono I mean they don't deserve the privilege to help my projects
L250[08:31:08] <gigaherz|work> ;p
L251[08:31:42] <risux> lol
L252[08:32:03] <risux> I had no idea people even got offended at Blacklist/Whitelist. That's insane
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L254[08:35:29] <barteks2x> It didn't even occur to be that it could be seen this way until now (and what I saw the question about alternative terms my first reaciton was " why would you want this" and then several seconds later I realized)
L255[08:35:42] <IoP> Can someone who has idea (community edition) installed check how much files its directory contain?
L256[08:35:58] <barteks2x> which directory?
L257[08:36:03] <barteks2x> installation directory?
L258[08:36:08] <IoP> yup
L259[08:36:21] <barteks2x> I have it on linux but I can check
L260[08:36:28] <IoP> even better
L261[08:36:51] <barteks2x> 12747 for version 2017.1.3
L262[08:37:08] <IoP> size?
L263[08:37:18] <barteks2x> 836MB
L264[08:37:54] <IoP> cool. It might fit in my quota then. Admins already left and can't request more :/
L265[08:38:06] <IoP> Of course I could try coding with atom
L266[08:38:25] <Lord_Ralex> barteks2x, how many plugins though?
L267[08:38:49] <gigaherz|work> :/
L268[08:38:50] <barteks2x> Plugins aren't installed in that directory probably, gentoo would scream at me
L269[08:38:57] <Lord_Ralex> oh yeah, der
L270[08:38:58] <gigaherz|work> disk space quotas, in 2017?
L271[08:38:58] <gigaherz|work> wtf
L272[08:38:58] <Lord_Ralex> derp*
L273[08:38:59] <gigaherz|work> XD
L274[08:39:10] <IoP> yup
L275[08:39:23] <Lord_Ralex> tbf, we use VMs at work for some stuff
L276[08:39:27] <IoP> I was something like 1 GB and 50k files
L277[08:39:48] <risux> Sorry, what, I couldn't hear you through the 4TB of data flowing through my hard drive.
L278[08:39:49] <gigaherz|work> I remember back when my user account at uni was like 80mb or some shit like that
L279[08:40:03] <barteks2x> the IDEA index may be much larger
L280[08:40:06] <Lord_Ralex> my poor desktop at work is just a 240GB ssd
L281[08:40:07] <Lord_Ralex> lol
L282[08:40:27] <Lord_Ralex> our public shared drive has 7GB free, our shared network drive has 30GB free
L283[08:40:33] <barteks2x> actually .IDEA<wahtever> is only 150MB
L284[08:40:41] <risux> :o
L285[08:40:45] <barteks2x> *.IdeaIC2017.2
L286[08:40:52] <kashike> my desktop is a 256GB SSD
L287[08:40:55] <kashike> and I do fine :P
L288[08:40:55] <IoP> ffs. I really need to talk with admin tomorrow. I don't understan wth he has done but most of shell calls from applications are failing
L289[08:40:57] <Lord_Ralex> yeah, ultimate is 1.1GB heh
L290[08:41:09] <Ivorius> Omfg
L291[08:41:17] <Lord_Ralex> but they bundle the jre
L292[08:41:32] <Ivorius> I thought I tricked java generics to let me use the current class as a generic
L293[08:41:33] <Lord_Ralex> which is 200MB
L294[08:41:35] <kashike> custom jdk
L295[08:41:38] <kashike> not just jdk
L296[08:41:41] <risux> My desktop has the 4TB drive + 128GB SSD for boot.. but I had to do a 512GB SSD in my laptop.
L297[08:41:44] <Lord_Ralex> what makes it custom
L298[08:41:46] <Ivorius> And it works in the IDE but fucks up on build
L299[08:41:47] <Ivorius> whyyyyyy
L300[08:41:49] <barteks2x> I don't even have ssd :(
L301[08:41:58] <Lord_Ralex> oh, openjdk
L302[08:42:07] <barteks2x> Ivorius, because IDEA is less strict about things
L303[08:42:11] <barteks2x> I had it happen a few times
L304[08:42:26] <Ivorius> It's not about strict
L305[08:42:26] <kashike> Lord_Ralex: "etBrains Runtime is a runtime environment for running IntelliJ Platform based products on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. JetBrains Runtime is based on OpenJDK project with some modifications. These modifications include: Subpixel Anti-Aliasing, enhanced font rendering on Linux, HiDPI support, ligatures, some fixes for native crashes not presented in official build, and other
L306[08:42:28] <Ivorius> It's about fucked
L307[08:42:29] <kashike> small enhancements. "
L308[08:43:03] <barteks2x> so no clue what is your issue
L309[08:43:04] <Lord_Ralex> ah
L310[08:43:17] <kashike> risux: I don't understand how people use that much storage, really
L311[08:43:24] <IoP> ffs xfce4-screenshot using 100% CPU. How on earth
L312[08:43:24] <kashike> all I've got is a 250GB SSD in my desktop
L313[08:43:28] <kashike> nothing else
L314[08:43:29] <Ivorius> So basically my class is
L315[08:43:29] <Ivorius> public class RCExpect<T extends RCExpect<T>> extends IvExpect<T>
L316[08:43:36] <gigaherz|work> I have a 240gb ssd in this macbook
L317[08:43:38] <barteks2x> When I had 160Gb I couldn't imagine how someone could use 0.5TB
L318[08:43:41] <gigaherz|work> it has 60gb spare
L319[08:43:46] <barteks2x> now I have 1TB and its always almost full
L320[08:43:49] <Ivorius> and a method might be
L321[08:43:49] <Ivorius> public T named(String name)
L322[08:43:50] <gigaherz|work> but the 500gb SSD in my home desktop
L323[08:43:54] <gigaherz|work> has like 400gb used
L324[08:43:55] <kashike> how though barteks2x
L325[08:43:58] <kashike> what do you store
L326[08:44:00] <Lord_Ralex> i have 60GB free on my 240GB, but it's generally software
L327[08:44:02] <risux> kashike, I store music, games, movies, pictures, and all sorts of projects on there.
L328[08:44:02] <IoP> When I han 240 MB ...
L329[08:44:02] <Ivorius> So theoretically T is always RCExpect
L330[08:44:03] <gigaherz|work> and that's on top of the 2x2TB HDDs
L331[08:44:06] <Ivorius> But it doesn't work
L332[08:44:07] <gigaherz|work> and the 128gb coding SSD
L333[08:44:10] <barteks2x> kashike, Windows 10
L334[08:44:12] <gigaherz|work> and the 64gb temp drive ssd
L335[08:44:20] <Ivorius> Which means I can't chain calls :(((
L336[08:44:49] <risux> (also applications)
L337[08:44:50] <barteks2x> Ivorius, exactly what I had happen, I think you may need to explicitly state the type somewhere in the chain
L338[08:44:53] <kashike> https://gist.github.com/kashike/5bd7bf5a2f9b7bc018b9dcc3fbbe02de
L339[08:46:32] <kashike> ~/workspace is 18GB, ~/wworkspace is 18GB, ~/sources is 12GB, minecraft/ftb data is 6GB
L340[08:47:02] <gigaherz|work> I have quite a big downloads folder
L341[08:47:05] <risux> What I can't understand is how a minecraft environment gets larger than 500MB
L342[08:47:09] <gigaherz|work> and multiple steam games installed
L343[08:47:24] <gigaherz|work> and all the tv series I watch (in 1080p)
L344[08:47:59] <kashike> risux: minecraft assets (sounds, etc) takes up a lot when you have a wide variety of versions - plus libraries, levels themselves
L345[08:48:16] <risux> Ah, that seems pretty fair
L346[08:48:25] <Ivorius> barteks2x: But I can't
L347[08:48:28] <Ivorius> It's recursive
L348[08:48:56] <barteks2x> I mean when actually using them, I think I've run into the same issue
L349[08:51:34] <Ivorius> Ah fuck it, non-chained it's gonna be
L350[08:51:38] <Ivorius> But fuck java
L351[08:51:40] <Ivorius> For this
L352[08:52:08] <barteks2x> risux, I also have lots of old worlds sometimes. My CubicChunks workspace is 3.6GB
L353[08:52:59] <risux> I used to save my worlds, but I lost data on a failed drive once because I didn't take necessary precautions, so I gave up on worlds.
L354[08:53:25] <barteks2x> I just can't be bothered to delete them and I frequently need to test creatig new worlds
L355[08:54:01] <barteks2x> my run directory is only 1.9GB... I'm wondering where is everything else
L356[08:54:21] <barteks2x> oh.... .gradle 1.1GB
L357[08:54:27] <risux> Mine is probably like 100MB
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L360[08:58:21] <Ivorius> Apparently it works sometimes and sometimes not
L361[08:58:26] <Ivorius> I'm gonna have a blast with this shit
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L363[08:59:26] <Intektor> I get a multiple mods error on my server right now, what is that?
L364[08:59:31] <Intektor> and how can I fix it?
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L366[09:04:16] <diesieben07> Intektor, you get a what now?
L367[09:05:59] <Ivorius> Multiple mods error
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L369[09:06:03] <Ivorius> Sounds like pre-modloader days :D
L370[09:07:52] <nekosune> ugh, why is public void registerItems(RegistryEvent.Register<Item> event) not working
L371[09:07:58] <Intektor> diesieben07, putty does not show the full error report, but this is good enough https://pastebin.com/Ccxq8MAx
L372[09:08:19] <diesieben07> nekosune, define "not working" and show more of your code.
L373[09:08:21] <nekosune> .... oki, may be because its not static -_-
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L375[09:08:43] <diesieben07> Intektor, no that is not enough... the actual error is not shown
L376[09:08:45] <nekosune> Sorry, I may have just rubber-ducked this
L377[09:08:58] <nekosune> yeah I did
L378[09:09:18] <Intektor> ok
L379[09:09:20] <Intektor> wait
L380[09:11:34] <nekosune> sorry about the confusion there
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L384[09:46:40] <darkshadow543> I am trying to get used to the changes made by 1.8, I just need a little help understanding the new texture system
L385[09:46:59] <gigaherz|work> the textures are pretty much the same, what changed is the models
L386[09:47:02] <gigaherz|work> in 1.7 and earlier
L387[09:47:12] <gigaherz|work> models were hardcoded -- pure java code
L388[09:47:20] <gigaherz|work> models == the "shape" of the things
L389[09:47:26] <gigaherz|work> in 1.8+, everything are 3d models
L390[09:47:34] <gigaherz|work> even the seemingly flat icons of inventory items
L391[09:47:45] <gigaherz|work> they ALWAYS have the depth thing you see when they are in your hand
L392[09:48:00] <gigaherz|work> so, in order to allow resourcepacks to customize those models
L393[09:48:08] <gigaherz|work> mojang made a json-based format for it
L394[09:48:25] <gigaherz|work> which describes the boxes used by the models
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L396[09:48:40] <gigaherz|work> alternatively, you can use .obj or .b3d model formats
L397[09:49:00] <gigaherz|work> https://gist.github.com/williewillus/57d7093efa80163e96e0
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L407[10:40:15] <barteks2x> is there *any* possibel situation where a null lambda argument would suddenly become non-null when passed as argument to other method?
L408[10:40:48] <gigaherz> wat o_O
L409[10:42:12] <barteks2x> ^exactly my reaction when I saw my debug output
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L412[10:48:16] <barteks2x> I see the issue but still no clue how the debug output got there
L413[11:14:34] <barteks2x> And I still don't see why it would ever crash normally
L414[11:14:41] <barteks2x> because the thing that makes it crash is never used that way
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L433[12:36:21] <nekosune> I got it working! http://i.imgur.com/0Gqu8j0.png
L434[12:38:47] <gigaherz> what am I looking at?
L435[12:39:17] <nekosune> A pig zombie that spawns when a player is killed by a pig zombie
L436[12:39:37] <gigaherz> hmm I'd have expected it to be a normal zombie
L437[12:39:38] <gigaherz> ;P
L438[12:40:35] <nekosune> maybe, I do have other versions
L439[12:40:48] <nekosune> http://i.imgur.com/Ef3VPO4.png
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L441[12:57:00] <z0ttel> nekosune: hehe
L442[12:57:24] <z0ttel> nekosune: I had a plan to have shapeshifters take player skins and attack other players...
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L444[13:08:20] <nekosune> Nice
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L450[13:46:28] <KissOfFate> gigaherz you changed your name?
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L452[13:49:28] <gigaherz> no, I got disconnected, and this is the default
L453[13:49:54] <killjoy> reconnect is faster than timeout unfortunately
L454[13:49:57] <diesieben07> why is ghz name always a discussion in here?`:D
L455[13:49:58] <killjoy> so we get ghosted users
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L459[14:12:52] <KissOfFate> well when you aren't tired can you check out my repo, because I am using the same code as you and it doesn't work lol
L460[14:12:59] <KissOfFate> gigaherz
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L466[14:35:10] <dirius77> If I have a generator with a lower weight, is it guaranteed to run before one with a higher weight? The documentation uses the words 'tend to'
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L468[14:36:06] <TechnicianLP> wieght?
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L471[14:40:37] <dirius77> the second value you pass to the registerWorldGenerator function
L472[14:44:53] <TechnicianLP> ah ... i was think of generator as in making energy ... never used worldgen ...
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L474[14:45:09] <diesieben07> not sure why the docs say "tend to"
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L476[14:45:11] <diesieben07> that makes no sense
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L478[14:49:51] <dirius77> Yeah it could be a little more clear.
L479[14:52:19] <diesieben07> feel free to submit a PR :)
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L481[14:54:59] <dirius77> I'll have to go and check how it works then, but I should.
L482[14:55:33] <gigaherz> the phrase means that
L483[14:55:43] <gigaherz> it will be as low as the number makes it need to be
L484[14:55:44] <gigaherz> so like
L485[14:55:56] <gigaherz> if there's others with smaller/bigger numbers
L486[14:56:03] <gigaherz> that changes the exact ordering
L487[14:56:30] <gigaherz> so things with smaller numbers tend to be at one end
L488[14:56:36] <gigaherz> and things with bigger numbers tend to be at the other
L489[14:56:57] <gigaherz> but it is possible that you think "oh 1000 will be quite far", but then have 50 mods using 1001 and you are first regardless
L490[14:57:04] <gigaherz> hence "tend to".
L491[14:58:14] <dirius77> It still seems as if it would be better to explain that they run in order from least to greatest.
L492[14:58:33] <dirius77> tend to makes it seem as if it's not guaranteed that something with weight 1 will run before something with weight 2
L493[14:58:45] <quadraxis> that could be deliberate
L494[14:59:27] <dirius77> It is a sorted list though, since I decided to go look for myself. Things with weight 1 will always run before things with weight 2
L495[14:59:33] <quadraxis> as in, the implementation details aren't part of the 'contract'
L496[14:59:44] <quadraxis> it is currently, of course
L497[15:00:02] <quadraxis> but that doesn't mean it will never change
L498[15:00:17] <gigaherz> I think they simply chose that wording
L499[15:00:25] <gigaherz> because they can't promise that the number you choose is big or small
L500[15:00:50] <quadraxis> or it could just be badly worded, it's hard to be certain
L501[15:01:00] <gigaherz> oph sure
L502[15:01:06] <gigaherz> they most probably didn't give it THAT much thought
L503[15:01:20] <gigaherz> (and they is most probably lex, unless it's cp-w)
L504[15:02:00] <dirius77> I'll put in a pull request changing it anyway
L505[15:02:31] <gigaherz> sure
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L514[15:18:03] <LexMobile> The old javadocs seem to be perfectly fine
L515[15:18:12] <LexMobile> Tho, I wouldnt call ti weight i'd call it priority
L516[15:18:24] <LexMobile> or more specifically inverse priority
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L518[15:20:28] <dirius77> Yeah that might make more sense. I was just a little confused by it, since I have two generators, and one needs to run after the other every time. The 'tend to' part made me a bit unsure if the weight would actually do that.
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L524[15:32:49] <jay_> what is the best free password cracker
L525[15:33:15] <AshIndigo> Wat
L526[15:33:26] <jay_> oops wrong discussion
L527[15:34:04] <diesieben07> no matter the discussion... WAT? :D
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L530[15:36:34] <diesieben07> SatanicSanta, are you really using AWS to connect to IRC? :D
L531[15:36:41] <SatanicSanta> diesieben07: I am
L532[15:36:47] <diesieben07> lol
L533[15:38:29] <SatanicSanta> needed a bouncer :P
L534[15:38:42] <diesieben07> and of all places you chose AWS? ok.. :D
L535[15:38:42] <SatanicSanta> and AWS is free for the first year
L536[15:38:52] <diesieben07> well, some stuff is free :P
L537[15:39:12] <SatanicSanta> well i almost used heroku but it was a royal pain in the ass
L538[15:39:36] <diesieben07> also... if you have a bouncer, why did you just connect? :D
L539[15:39:52] <SatanicSanta> i havent set it to join this channel automatically
L540[15:40:30] <diesieben07> very useful bouncer :D
L541[15:40:47] <SatanicSanta> well, it is useful, i'm just lazy
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L560[16:25:56] <barteks2x> what does "JNI global" mean in heap dump?
L561[16:26:04] <barteks2x> (trying to find out why I'm leaking worlds)
L562[16:26:30] <gigaherz> something related to JNI I suppose
L563[16:26:33] <gigaherz> but no idea ;P
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L565[16:26:50] <gigaherz> within minecraft
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L567[16:27:00] <gigaherz> the biggest jni I can think of is lwjgl
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L569[16:27:52] <barteks2x> it's in BuildCraft TilePipeHolder O.O
L570[16:28:05] <barteks2x> (I have BC in my dev env because I;'m debugging it right now)
L571[16:28:14] <barteks2x> amnd discovered that something is leaking worlds
L572[16:28:31] <barteks2x> and TilePipeHolder is the closest GC root VisualVM found
L573[16:28:48] <barteks2x> it's not even static field
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L581[16:51:53] <SatanicSanta> I asked a couple days ago but still haven't figured it out: Is there a way to have client commands show up in the /help list and able to have usage info appear when using /help?
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L583[16:57:56] <diesieben07> SatanicSanta, you would have to intercept ClientChatEvent and somehow mangle your client command into the help list that way, not very pretty
L584[16:58:06] <SatanicSanta> ew
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L586[16:58:19] <diesieben07> well, not much else you can do, as the help command runs entirely server side
L587[16:58:30] <diesieben07> so it can never have an idea about client commands
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L589[16:58:48] <dirius77> I have a fun problem with WorldSavedData. I'm creating a value per chunk using IWorldGenerator. However, all the values filled in durring the initial world gen come back as null, but any generated due to a player exploring return just fine.
L590[16:59:03] <SatanicSanta> diesieben07: alright well then I'll just not worry about it i guess
L591[16:59:35] <diesieben07> dirius77, please show your code
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L593[17:00:47] <dirius77> I'm not sure which part of it to show. I guess the WorldSavedData yes?
L594[17:01:02] <diesieben07> Yes, and where you set the values
L595[17:01:57] <dirius77> https://pastebin.com/ngBxts2w
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L598[17:03:31] <dirius77> The generator just calls the get and set with the chunk values provided by the generate function.
L599[17:03:38] <dirius77> and the random
L600[17:04:14] <diesieben07> uhm, ok so...
L601[17:04:25] <diesieben07> why do you need this set during worldgen in the first place?
L602[17:05:43] <dirius77> It doesn't have to be durring worldgen. I just felt it was the most apt place.
L603[17:05:53] <diesieben07> well, what are these values?
L604[17:06:19] <dirius77> Each chunk in the world is given a random attunement and random strength.
L605[17:06:32] <diesieben07> Do they ever change later?
L606[17:06:41] <dirius77> Yes, they will be.
L607[17:06:58] <diesieben07> well, what you could do is compute them lazily when they are first needed
L608[17:08:23] <dirius77> They will be used later in worldgen by structures that can only appear if the chunk they're in is above a certain strength
L609[17:08:33] <dirius77> Which I guess I could just do as needed in that generator
L610[17:08:38] <dirius77> rather than filling them all in.
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L612[17:08:55] <diesieben07> the strength is completely random based on chunk coords, right?
L613[17:09:42] <dirius77> Yes
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L615[17:09:53] <dirius77> I think that I'll still have the same problem then though, just with less chunks.
L616[17:10:06] <diesieben07> So just do the calculation in place instead of going through worldsaveddata
L617[17:10:11] <diesieben07> that would be much faster anyways
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L619[17:11:24] <dirius77> It will be changed later though. So once the number is created it needs to be fixed, and will be influenced by things the player does.
L620[17:11:38] <dirius77> so it wont just be whatever it's default value was forever.
L621[17:11:39] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L622[17:12:03] <diesieben07> ok, just for completeness sake show your generator please
L623[17:12:45] <dirius77> https://pastebin.com/u1e6AqbU
L624[17:12:49] <dirius77> I think I found the problem
L625[17:13:19] <diesieben07> wtf is this: PlanarMagic.proxy.attunementHandler ?
L626[17:13:34] *** DrDisconsented is now known as Disconsented
L627[17:13:58] <dirius77> a shim over WorldAttunement.
L628[17:14:04] <dirius77> It just calls the equivalent function
L629[17:14:14] <diesieben07> i... what even... why would you do that
L630[17:14:19] <diesieben07> and why is it in your proxy?
L631[17:14:30] <dirius77> https://pastebin.com/sR8pYgQq
L632[17:14:39] <dirius77> because it'll do other things later.
L633[17:14:59] <PaleoCrafter> just a remark regarding your methodology: wouldn't a noise function be nicer for this kinda stuff? you wouldn't want vast difference in values between adjacent junks
L634[17:15:02] <PaleoCrafter> *chunks
L635[17:15:17] <dirius77> Yes the noise function would be nicer but that's a different problem
L636[17:15:34] <dirius77> I did randoms because it's easier to work with atm
L637[17:15:54] <PaleoCrafter> sure, just pointing it out, could be that you weren't aware of it ^^
L638[17:16:25] <dirius77> Yeah I made a mess with it earlier so I just cut it out till I got this part working
L639[17:16:38] <dirius77> I have located my problem through the slow process of using breakpoints though
L640[17:16:45] <diesieben07> what was it, i am curious
L641[17:17:37] <dirius77> in the get function of WorldAttumenet I didn't have a getPerWorldStorage within the if(instance ==null) statement
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L644[17:18:05] <dirius77> so it was grabbing a copy of WorldAttunement that was global instead of the one unique to the world.
L645[17:19:19] <diesieben07> ah right, that would do it :D
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L647[17:20:10] <dirius77> You always miss the little things.
L648[17:20:52] <dirius77> Now if I wasn't mortified of GUI's in this game, I'd make it just put those values on a map or something as colors. But for now it's just a command that I have to fly between chunks and run in game >_<
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L651[17:26:10] <PaleoCrafter> could look into hooking into JourneyMap :P
L652[17:26:16] ⇦ Quits: primetoxinz (~primetoxi@ip68-107-226-229.hr.hr.cox.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L653[17:26:27] <PaleoCrafter> I know that FTBUtils displays claimed chunks on its (mini)map
L654[17:26:58] <dirius77> Yeah that could work. Do you happen to know what the range of value's that minecrafter perlin noise outputs is?
L655[17:27:14] <dirius77> minecrafts*
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L657[17:27:24] <PaleoCrafter> nope, sorry, never dabbled with it myself
L658[17:27:30] <PaleoCrafter> barteks2x would know
L659[17:27:36] <dirius77> it looks like it's -6 to 6, but I'm not sure.
L660[17:27:41] * PaleoCrafter runs away, giggling
L661[17:27:49] <barteks2x> dirius77, it depends on amount of octaves
L662[17:28:09] <barteks2x> heavily depends on that, it increases exponentially with amount of octaves
L663[17:28:39] <dirius77> Ah, alright.
L664[17:28:56] <barteks2x> first octave has -1 to 1, eachoctave adds double the previous one
L665[17:29:03] <barteks2x> so 2 octaves will have -3 to 3
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L667[17:29:27] <dirius77> That explains why at 3 octaves my range seems to be -6,6
L668[17:29:36] <barteks2x> it's (2^octaves) - 1
L669[17:29:40] <barteks2x> max
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L671[17:29:47] <barteks2x> and min is that *-1
L672[17:30:09] <dirius77> So it should be -7,7 then?
L673[17:30:12] <dirius77> for 3?
L674[17:30:13] <barteks2x> also depending on which one you use there may be some huge discontinuities on Y axis
L675[17:30:16] <barteks2x> yes
L676[17:30:31] <dirius77> Alright, I must have just gotten unlucky with my sample
L677[17:30:36] <barteks2x> and these discontinuities depend on at what Y coordinate you start generating it
L678[17:31:08] <barteks2x> (with high amount of octaves it's just very very unlikelyy all of them will be -1 or 1 so it's unlikely to get the true min/max value)
L679[17:31:21] <barteks2x> it
L680[17:31:28] <barteks2x> s possible if you sample it right
L681[17:31:38] <barteks2x> but if your sampling is random - it's unlikely
L682[17:33:18] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L683[17:34:00] <dirius77> Alright.
L684[17:34:14] <barteks2x> also frequency also isn't straighforward
L685[17:34:17] <dirius77> Now I just need to figure out how to get the values I want out of it.
L686[17:34:41] <barteks2x> instead of each new octave being 2x the frequency, it's half the frequency
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L688[17:36:10] <barteks2x> so the actual frequency of the highest value octave is (freq / (1 << (octaves - 1)))
L689[17:36:51] <dirius77> I'm not completely sure what frequency does to a noise map. I don't have much experience with them
L690[17:37:31] *** diesieben07 is now known as diesieben|away
L691[17:38:07] <barteks2x> output it to image
L692[17:38:12] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L693[17:38:12] <barteks2x> and you will see
L694[17:38:17] <barteks2x> or I cna show you
L695[17:39:17] <dirius77> I think I can set up outputting to an image.
L696[17:40:27] <barteks2x> basically, the distance between consecutive mmax value outputs is approximately `/frequency
L697[17:40:32] <barteks2x> * 1/frequency
L698[17:41:12] ⇨ Joins: Elliot (webchat@
L699[17:42:08] <barteks2x> here the frequency would be about 0.1: http://i.imgur.com/wdUSGG4.png
L700[17:42:22] <barteks2x> if you want it zoomed in twice, halve the frequency
L701[17:42:38] <dirius77> Ok, so the higher the frequency the more jagged it is.
L702[17:42:48] ⇦ Quits: Elliot (webchat@ (Client Quit)
L703[17:42:54] <barteks2x> higher frequency - it's more zommed out
L704[17:43:10] <dirius77> okay. I can work with that.
L705[17:43:59] <barteks2x> normally, adding one octave means overlaying another noise with 2x higher freuency and 2x smaller values on top, but in CM it means adding one with half the frequency and 2x the values
L706[17:44:57] <barteks2x> (visually it would mean that the roughness if it is visible on smaller scale)
L707[17:45:54] <dirius77> I have to go for now, but thank you! This was very helpful.
L708[17:46:11] ⇦ Quits: dirius77 (~spencer@cpe-76-179-169-223.maine.res.rr.com) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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L718[18:40:07] <barteks2x> oh got I have 14000 entities loaded clientside
L719[18:40:14] <barteks2x> and they are NOT items or falling blocks
L720[18:40:34] <barteks2x> 10000 of them are rendered
L721[18:41:29] <barteks2x> And I think it's increasong...
L722[18:43:52] <barteks2x> and according to profiler all of them seem to be creepers
L723[18:44:07] <barteks2x> and zombies
L724[18:44:22] <barteks2x> and skeletons, bacisally aggressive mobs
L725[18:44:56] <barteks2x> no... and ut took my mouse cursor. 37000 now...
L726[18:46:07] <barteks2x> how to ungrab the mouse when NOT in debugger?
L727[18:46:28] <Corosus> heh
L728[18:46:53] <barteks2x> and without using left arrow, up arrow, home and end keys
L729[18:46:58] <Corosus> just alt tab to idea, mash f9 till you get it back, ive gotten used to having chat gui open so it already doesnt have my mouse
L730[18:47:11] <Corosus> otherwise i would have looked into a real solution
L731[18:47:20] <Corosus> in windows i could just hit windows key, linux not so much
L732[18:47:21] <barteks2x> what does F9 do?
L733[18:47:32] <Corosus> if you are using breakpoints, f9 resumes
L734[18:47:37] <Corosus> sorry i assumed a breakpoint
L735[18:47:38] <barteks2x> it's not in breakpoint
L736[18:47:56] <barteks2x> the game just froze because there are 37000 entities rendered clientside
L737[18:48:11] <Corosus> ah, thats a pickle
L738[18:48:26] <barteks2x> and I want to debug WHY
L739[18:48:29] <barteks2x> but don't have a mouse
L740[18:48:33] <barteks2x> *cursor
L741[18:48:47] <barteks2x> serverside seems just fine
L742[18:49:05] <Corosus> hmmmmm "On some systems, the XF86Ungrab keysym is bound to the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Keypad /. However this possibility is often turned off"
L743[18:49:26] <barteks2x> it is
L744[18:49:37] <barteks2x> I do have a terminal open
L745[18:49:42] <barteks2x> and can alt+tab into it
L746[18:49:53] <Corosus> try "xdotool key XF86Ungrab"
L747[18:50:15] <barteks2x> nothing
L748[18:50:18] <Corosus> boo
L749[18:50:54] <barteks2x> what would be the key combination top pause in IDEA?
L750[18:51:02] <barteks2x> it is possible to pause execution
L751[18:51:07] <barteks2x> but I need key combination for it
L752[18:51:18] <Corosus> from the dropdown, doesnt look to have one
L753[18:52:49] <barteks2x> I started with debugging buildcraft issue, but then got a crash I was trying to reproduce and fix for last few days appeared twice in a row, so i tried to reprduce that again, but then I couldn't so tried to go back to BuildCraft issue and the game started becoming progressively slower... dupicating entities clientside?
L754[18:53:38] <Corosus> strange
L755[18:54:19] <barteks2x> oh well, waiting for the next frame where the game maybe pauses
L756[18:54:54] <barteks2x> it's really not common to be "waiting for the next frame" in a game...
L757[18:56:33] <barteks2x> really no way to force ungrabbing the mouse on linux?
L758[18:56:51] <Corosus> still looking, cant find one aside from binding XF86Ungrab
L759[18:56:56] <barteks2x> I would ask on another channel but don't remembe rhow to swigch channels with keyboard
L760[18:56:58] <Corosus> i dont have xdotool installed by default here apparently
L761[18:57:00] <barteks2x> in hexchat
L762[18:57:03] <Corosus> lol
L763[18:57:14] <Corosus> what if you replugged mouse xD
L764[18:57:28] <Corosus> i have like 3 connected so it'd be a pain to try
L765[18:57:31] <barteks2x> wait... I have 2 of them... I can make another pointer!
L766[18:57:39] <Corosus> :U
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L770[19:00:10] <Corosus> ok heres a fun idea
L771[19:00:45] <Corosus> navigate to idea code window, shift shift to open EntityRenderer, move to its main render method, enable breakpoint with ctrl+8
L772[19:00:50] <Corosus> maybe itll trigger xD
L773[19:01:02] <Corosus> though wait that wont release mouse
L774[19:01:05] <Corosus> foiled again
L775[19:01:16] <barteks2x> adding second moouse cursor wiill definitely work... once I have xinput
L776[19:01:19] <barteks2x> I think it was named like that
L777[19:01:43] <Corosus> wait i keep forgetting your in run mode not debug mode
L778[19:02:01] <Corosus> good luck
L779[19:02:07] <barteks2x> also my left and up arrow keys are broken
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L781[19:02:35] <barteks2x> what was my last message? I got diasconnected
L782[19:02:41] <Corosus> whip up a different java program that runs Mouse.setGrabbed(false);
L783[19:02:47] <Corosus> "also my left and up arrow keys are broken"
L784[19:03:11] <barteks2x> meaning they don;t work, don't do anything when pressed
L785[19:03:38] <Corosus> the challenge intensifies
L786[19:04:51] <barteks2x> I can use numpad arrows but IDEA is stupid and doesn't react to them
L787[19:05:23] <Corosus> neat, theres an fml system property to prevent mouse from ever being grabbed
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L789[19:05:59] <barteks2x> there is but it makes actually doing anything in the game painful
L790[19:06:32] <barteks2x> anyway, how to switch IDEA tabs with keyboard?
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L792[19:07:20] <Corosus> switching editor tabs is alt left/right
L793[19:07:41] <elliot_> Hello, I was wondering how you find the way a fire-block is facing? It has weird facing data. I’ve struggled for a week now
L794[19:08:01] <barteks2x> and how to add breakpoint at current line again?
L795[19:08:13] <Corosus> ctrl 8
L796[19:09:11] <barteks2x> F8 or 8?
L797[19:09:16] <barteks2x> neither seems to work
L798[19:09:16] <Corosus> 8
L799[19:09:21] <Corosus> tried works here
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L801[19:09:57] <barteks2x> which 8?
L802[19:10:15] <Corosus> not numpad 8
L803[19:10:40] <barteks2x> nope, doesn't do anything
L804[19:10:52] <Corosus> rip
L805[19:11:01] <elliot_> The block has properies={age, north, east, south, east}. That’s it, how would I check if the fire block was facing north in code? ;-; please
L806[19:11:08] <Corosus> i hope your issue is easy to reproduce cause it sounds like you might have to kill the process
L807[19:11:33] <Corosus> i think the withProperty method would help elliot_, like...
L808[19:11:43] <barteks2x> it probably isn't reproducible at all
L809[19:11:49] <barteks2x> because I've never seen it happen
L810[19:11:55] <barteks2x> and didn't change any related code recently
L811[19:12:49] <elliot_> Corosus, isn’t that for setting not getting data?
L812[19:13:11] <Corosus> ehhhh yeah i think youre right
L813[19:13:13] <Corosus> hrm
L814[19:14:04] <barteks2x> I was able to enable some existing breakints in shift+F8
L815[19:15:52] <Corosus> this might tell you if its facing east or not: world.getBlockState(poss).getProperties().get(BlockFire.EAST);
L816[19:15:54] <Corosus> untested
L817[19:16:16] <elliot_> I’ve been searching online for a week straight now, I’ve checked every thread on the forums with “DirectionProperty” or Directions. But no one ever seems to try and check the direction a fireblock is facing. It doesn’t have a “direction” group, it’s just “age, north, east, south, west”. Trying to use any direction property throws me an error saying it doesn’t match the dataset. OH MY GOD THANYOU COROSUS, Let me check.
L818[19:18:18] <Corosus> hard to find a proper example in mc source code
L819[19:18:40] <elliot_> Oh, “ public static final BlockStateBoolean EAST = BlockStateBoolean.of("east");"
L820[19:18:50] <elliot_> In the MC Code, I see where you go it.
L821[19:20:06] <Corosus> yeah im thinking it sets all false but one of those each time it has to set its direction so youll have to maybe check all of them each time till you find one thats true
L822[19:20:19] <Corosus> other blocks just use 'facing' and do it a bit more sanely i think
L823[19:21:07] <Corosus> ohhh
L824[19:21:18] <Corosus> even better
L825[19:21:21] <elliot_> Huh?
L826[19:21:43] <Corosus> world.getBlockState(poss).getValue(BlockFire.EAST);
L827[19:21:52] <Corosus> that but the AGE is how it gets its age
L828[19:22:25] <Corosus> so find the correct direction that returns true and it should be correct?
L829[19:23:53] <elliot_> Well I’m abroad atm, but I wrote down both solutions and will check then when I get home, but I think I understand now
L830[19:24:08] <Corosus> cool cool :D
L831[19:24:17] <elliot_> Thank you so much!
L832[19:24:28] <elliot_> They kinda got lazy on the fireblock ;)
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L835[19:25:41] <Corosus> no prob
L836[19:25:59] <Corosus> the fire block is really old and im guessing they just didnt feel a need to update it more properly
L837[19:26:04] <barteks2x> any way to skip a for each loop when in debugger?
L838[19:27:05] <barteks2x> (it's already in that loop)
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L843[19:30:39] <Corosus> set a breakpoint to after it and hit f9?
L844[19:31:42] <barteks2x> it's the "render all the 37000 entities" loop...
L845[19:32:52] <barteks2x> I definitely don't want to render all of them
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L847[19:42:50] <Flashfire> Is there a way to replace a vanilla mob AI with a slightly modified version?
L848[19:43:25] <Flashfire> I want to replace skeleton ranged AI with a version that uses "instanceof ItemBow" instead of the bow having to be the vanilla bow, but the AI field is final
L849[19:43:50] <Flashfire> I mean, can reflection override final?
L850[19:52:19] <barteks2x> O.O I have 500000 scheduled tasks clientside. Each of them is probably a packet to be processed
L851[19:52:40] <barteks2x> probably mostly mob spawn packets...
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L854[20:07:01] <barteks2x> I see what happened... but this is another one of those "impossible chunkloading things"
L855[20:08:43] <barteks2x> a chunk that is in player view distance got unloaded somehow, so it's lost it's "keep it loaded" ticket from PlayerCubeMap, and now each tick it got unloaded and realoaded... each time sending the "newly loaded" entities to player
L856[20:11:33] <barteks2x> I really hate multithreading...
L857[20:11:46] <barteks2x> async chunk loader is near damn impossible to get right
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L860[20:18:46] <barteks2x> I see one solution: nuke the chunk loading code and rewrite it
L861[20:31:49] <Flashfire> So I figured it out
L862[20:32:18] <Flashfire> I just made a new instance with an override, used reflection to get the old task to remove it, and added the new one
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L887[22:52:02] <Tris> Stupid question; Can element groups be used in place of a parent/child relationship in mob models effectively?
L888[22:52:17] <Tris> (Asking because I cna't scale anything that's parented, but I can scale freely in an element group.)
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L890[23:02:04] <Flashfire> My game was so laggy and I kept closing stuff but it never got any better
L891[23:02:16] <Flashfire> Then after like 15m I see my framerate limit is 5fps
L892[23:02:19] <Flashfire> lol
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L900[23:18:12] <killjoy> Um.. did trump coin a word?
L901[23:22:50] <Tris> Probably.
L902[23:23:11] <Flashfire> http://trumpipsum.net/
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L905[23:25:39] <mezz> if you can call it word
L906[23:26:00] <mezz> https://twitter.com/MerriamWebster/status/869782666572443648
L907[23:27:37] <killjoy> I was confused when dinnerbone used it in his tweet yesterday
L908[23:28:04] <mezz> just everyone cashing in quick on the meme before it dies heh
L909[23:28:15] <killjoy> That's how words are created anyway
L910[23:28:29] <mezz> eh not exactly
L911[23:28:45] <killjoy> it's how words are added to the dictionary.
L912[23:28:46] <mezz> give it some time, if people are still saying it in a month then sure
L913[23:28:58] <mezz> for now it has no meaning
L914[23:28:59] <killjoy> That's what I'm saying
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