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L9[00:34:23] <terribleperson> So should I be
setting up my proxies in my main mod class, like the examples in
the TR wiki do? Or should I be setting up a separate class to hold
L10[00:34:45] ⇦
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L11[00:35:31] <terribleperson> rather, they
always get their own classes
L12[00:36:12] <terribleperson> but the TR
wiki says "if you want to register renderers and so on from
your ClientProxy you should not do that as a subclass of your
mainclass" while setting them up as a subclass of the main
L13[00:36:35] ⇨
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L14[00:37:09] <Corosus> i think its
referring to the CommonProxy as the 'mainclass'
L15[00:37:21] <Corosus> i generally still
have the references to the proxy in my main forge mod file
L17[00:39:05] <McJty> Even though I made
that wiki I don't actually recommend that approach
L18[00:39:10] <McJty> Best to keep the
proxies seperate classes
L19[00:41:58] <terribleperson> ah i
L20[00:42:14] <terribleperson> over in Deep
resonance you have each proxy in its own java file in a Proxy
L21[00:46:15] <terribleperson> but the TR
wiki says "To use it, you have to make the nested ServerProxy
and ClientProxy class inside the class with the @SidedProxy
L22[00:46:29] <terribleperson> Am I just...
misunderstanding that?
L23[00:47:45] ⇦
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L27[01:12:14] <McJty> terribleperson, Sorry
ran out of time. Have to go
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L29[01:17:38] <Denyol> How do I use tools
with durability in my crafting recipes?
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Die Sprache der Politik ist daf�r gemacht, dass L�gen wahr klingen
und das T�ten angemessen wirkt. (George Orwell))
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L37[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV]
Pushing snapshot_20170225 mappings to Forge Maven.
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Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20170225-1.11.zip
(mappings = "snapshot_20170225" in build.gradle).
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L46[02:19:58] <Denyol> woot first mod
submitted to curseforge
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L58[03:27:03] <Ashindigo_> Woo
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L70[05:24:26] <Corosus> hngggggg so much
gradle build stalling at 'resolving dependencies'
L71[05:24:35] <Corosus> damn web requests
stop timing out so much
L72[05:27:52] <Corosus> bleh
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L77[05:46:54] <Ashindigo_> Are web clients
automatically quieted?
L78[05:47:37] <Corosus> i believe so
L79[05:48:00] <Ashindigo_> Ok
L80[05:48:40] <gigaherz> not all
L81[05:48:47] <gigaherz> just the ones that
have webchat in the ident string
L82[05:53:17] <Corosus> yeah, mibbit for
sure, webchat maybe...
L83[06:00:29] <kashike> /mode +q
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L106[09:23:20] <Denyol> findp
L107[09:28:48] <Denyol> !sp p_i46446_3_
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L112[09:35:19] <Denyol> ahh, why doesnt
java support mutltiple inheritance :/
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L114[09:37:20] <diesieben07> Denyol, it
L115[09:37:29] <diesieben07> just not the
terrible parts of it.
L116[09:37:37] <Denyol> ? You can extend
multiple classes?
L117[09:37:41] <diesieben07> No.
L118[09:37:42] <diesieben07>
L119[09:37:45] <kashike> extend no,
implement yes
L120[09:37:50] <diesieben07> you can
inherit behavior from multiple interfaces
L121[09:37:56] <Denyol> But I want the
methods from both classes
L122[09:37:57] <diesieben07> you
can't inherit state from multiple classes
L123[09:38:03] <diesieben07> you
L124[09:38:06] <Denyol> So I don't
need to re write them
L125[09:38:09] <diesieben07> make the
classes interfaces.
L126[09:38:14] <kashike> you should
rethink your structure if you need to extend 2 classes
L127[09:39:04] <Denyol> Ill give my
example, I have a Abstract BlockBase class that handles registering
to the registry and textures, but now I want to extend BlockSapling
in another class, but I still want BlockBase's methods
L128[09:39:18] <gigaherz> Denyol: yeah
java can't do that
L129[09:39:19] <gigaherz> sorry ;p
L130[09:39:27] <diesieben07> The BlockBase
class is a bad idea.
L131[09:39:31] <Denyol> If its an
interface i end up re writing the code anyway
L132[09:39:32] <diesieben07> don't
use inheritance to share code.
L133[09:39:47] <Denyol> its not exactly
L134[09:39:58] <Denyol> its more utility
methods that need to be done for each block anyway
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L136[09:40:02] <diesieben07> yes
L137[09:40:05] <diesieben07> that's
called sharing code.
L138[09:40:15] <Denyol> Why shouldnt
L139[09:40:17] <diesieben07> and you
can't put "textures" in the block class anyways
wihtout crashing servers.
L140[09:40:30] <Denyol> its only called
client side
L141[09:40:33] <Denyol> via proxy
L142[09:40:36] <diesieben07> doesn't
L143[09:40:38] <diesieben07> it has to go
in the proxy.
L144[09:41:00] <Denyol> The implementation
is in the blockbase, but its only ever called in the proxy
L146[09:41:08] <gigaherz> Denyol: that
doesn't matter to java
L147[09:41:11] <diesieben07> yes. the
server will load your blockbase class
L148[09:41:12] <gigaherz> the method is
loaded regardless
L149[09:41:21] <diesieben07> the entire
L150[09:41:26] <Denyol> So I should use
L151[09:41:29] <diesieben07> No.
L152[09:41:30] <gigaherz> no you should
L153[09:41:31] <gigaherz> in fact
L154[09:41:32] <diesieben07> You should
use your proxy.
L155[09:42:26] <gigaherz> the ONLY thing
that should ever use @SideOnly, are overrides to *vanilla* methods,
that reference @SideOnly classes in their parameters
L156[09:42:40] <diesieben07> ...or that
have @SideOnly themselves.
L157[09:42:43] <gigaherz> note, only if
they reference @SideOnly classes
L158[09:42:47] <gigaherz> if they just
have @SideOnly
L159[09:42:47] <Denyol> Ik, but I dont
exactly see an issue with having a method that isnt called
L160[09:42:53] <gigaherz> IMO, they should
still use the proxy
L161[09:43:07] <gigaherz> diesieben07: no
if you allow yourself to do that
L162[09:43:18] <gigaherz> then you allow
yourself to put client-only code in your server classes
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L164[09:43:26] <gigaherz> it's a
failure of consistency
L165[09:43:33] <diesieben07> you
can't relaly help it if you have to override a vanilla
L166[09:43:45] <gigaherz> I use helpers on
the proxy
L167[09:43:50] <Denyol> If you insist Ill
move that part of code to my proxy, but so far it hasnt caused
L168[09:43:51] <diesieben07> e.g.
L169[09:43:55] <diesieben07> you MUST use
@SideOnyl with taht
L170[09:43:57] <diesieben07> if you
override it.
L171[09:44:11] <gigaherz> no you do
L172[09:44:26] <gigaherz> the code will
just not override
L173[09:44:27] <diesieben07> last time i
checked there were some issues if you didn't.
L174[09:44:31] <gigaherz> the @Override
annotation is only informational
L175[09:44:37] <diesieben07> i know
L176[09:44:41] <gigaherz> you either call
client-only code, or you don't
L177[09:45:03] <gigaherz> Denyol:
it's bad practice
L178[09:45:13] <Denyol> so the issue with
sharing methods is what? I was always told to not repeat
L179[09:45:19] <diesieben07> Denyol,
anyways... as for your base block class, make a method like
L180[09:45:21] <diesieben07> or
L181[09:45:24] <diesieben07> which does
all the necessary stuff
L182[09:45:28] <gigaherz> Denyol: sharing
code is good
L183[09:45:33] <gigaherz> you
shouldn't base inheritance on that
L184[09:45:37] <gigaherz> that's the
L185[09:45:40] <diesieben07> but since you
should register your blocks in RegistryEvent.Register<Block>
L186[09:45:51] <diesieben07> the point of
such a utility method is questionable
L187[09:46:03] <Denyol> my blocks are
registered in the preinit
L188[09:46:08] <diesieben07> that's
the old way.
L190[09:46:56] <diesieben07> the
"proper" way is to have a bunch of static final fields
holding your blocks
L191[09:47:09] <diesieben07> and then in
that event you do event.registerAll(MYBLOCK1, MYBLOCK2, ...)
L192[09:47:25] <Denyol> what is
"RegistryEvent.Register<Block>" for?
L193[09:47:26] <diesieben07> ehh,
L194[09:47:29] <Denyol> never heard of
L195[09:47:34] <diesieben07> it tells you
when you should register yoru blocks.
L196[09:47:36] <gigaherz> it's
L197[09:47:39] <gigaherz> when the
registry is loaded
L198[09:47:50] <gigaherz> and ready to
L199[09:47:54] <gigaherz> those events
trigger BEFORE preinit
L200[09:47:57] <Denyol> Is there any use
of that over in pre init
L201[09:48:00] <gigaherz> yes
L202[09:48:09] <gigaherz> it makes the
code more organized
L203[09:48:17] <gigaherz> also enforces
the fact that registration should not depend on config
L204[09:48:28] <gigaherz> since config
filename is given in preinit, and that happens before preinit
L205[09:48:28] <Denyol> mine doesnt
L206[09:48:30] <diesieben07> it's a
separation of concerns
L207[09:48:38] <diesieben07> you
don't tell the registry what to register
L208[09:48:42] <diesieben07> the registry
asks you when it's ready.
L209[09:48:53] <gigaherz> it also allows
optional registries
L210[09:48:53] <gigaherz> like
L211[09:48:56] ⇦
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L212[09:48:58] <gigaherz> mod-provided
L213[09:49:01] <gigaherz> with
L214[09:49:08] <gigaherz> if a mod
isn't present
L215[09:49:11] <Denyol> oh
L216[09:49:13] <gigaherz> the method will
never run
L217[09:49:19] <gigaherz> so you
won't attempt to register things on a missing registry
L218[09:49:49] <diesieben07> there is also
ModelRegistryEvent for any ModelLoader.* calls
L219[09:49:55] <diesieben07> which you
should use over preInit
L220[09:50:02] <gigaherz> forge ensures
that <Block> runs before <Item> and <Item> runs
before anything else
L221[09:50:26] <gigaherz> hence why I can
do the createItemBlock calls in <Item> without crashing
L222[09:51:02] <gigaherz> oh and
L223[09:51:10] <gigaherz> I'm guilty
of the inheritance problem myself:
L225[09:51:34] <Denyol> Im busy
re-arranging all my code to fix it
L226[09:51:38] <gigaherz> however, I only
use thosefor setRegistryName and setUnlocalizedName
L227[09:51:48] <gigaherz> never models or
rendering ;P
L228[09:51:56] <diesieben07> registering
stuff in constructors is a bad idea :P
L229[09:52:03] <Denyol> why?
L230[09:52:11] <diesieben07> ruins any
ability to test your code
L231[09:52:14] <diesieben07> well, not
L232[09:52:17] <diesieben07> but it makes
it a LOT harder.
L233[09:52:22] <gigaherz> I'm not
L235[09:52:30] <gigaherz> only
setRegistryName and setUnlocalizedName
L236[09:52:32] <Denyol> but I guess I
could put that in a Util class
L237[09:52:40] <diesieben07> yeah
that's ... not very good
L238[09:52:49] <diesieben07> setRegName
and setUnlocalizedName are ok
L240[09:53:18] <fry> "if S is a
subtype of T, then objects of type T may be replaced with objects
of type S (i.e. an object of type T may be substituted with any
object of a subtype S) without altering any of the desirable
properties of T (correctness, task performed, etc.). "
L241[09:53:30] <diesieben07> ugh not that
stupid "all my blocks as an enum" pattern
L242[09:53:39] <diesieben07> i want to
choke that youtuber who invented taht so bad
L243[09:53:44] <Denyol> why not?
L244[09:53:52] <diesieben07> so much
bloated unnecessary code.
L245[09:53:58] <diesieben07> that adds no
L246[09:54:04] <gigaherz> xcept making you
feel smug
L247[09:54:20] <Denyol> yeah, I can get
the material, register and creative tab just from the enum
L248[09:54:23] <fry> I want to choke
whoever invented "fields as duplicates for map keys" but
I do see the value in doing that, so meh :P
L249[09:54:35] <diesieben07> whats wrong
with public static final Block myBlock = new
MyBlock("nameHere", materialHere)
L250[09:54:50] <Denyol> not much
L251[09:54:53] <diesieben07> instead of
having the variables in an enum and then just referencing them from
the block construction...
L252[09:54:56] <diesieben07> it adds no
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L254[09:55:09] <gigaherz> diesieben07: you
can't for(ModBlock block : ModBlocks.values()) with that
L255[09:55:11] <fry> why use
SomeClass.myBlock if I can use Blocks.get("myBlock")?
L256[09:55:13] <gigaherz> I have seen MANY
people do it
L257[09:55:18] <gigaherz> fry: it's
L258[09:55:22] <fry> no it's not
L259[09:55:27] <gigaherz> you use
SomeClass.myBlock MANY MANY times usually
L260[09:55:35] <diesieben07> yes it
L261[09:55:40] <fry> if I do, I create a
local variable :P
L262[09:55:45] <gigaherz> map as a
replacement for field access
L263[09:55:49] <gigaherz> is even worse
than the opposite
L264[09:56:09] <fry> if the field is the
only way to get the block, then it's fine
L265[09:56:18] <diesieben07> fry, also
Blocks.myBlock is statically checked. nbot at runtime.
L266[09:56:34] <diesieben07> well, there
is always Block.REGISTRY.get
L267[09:56:36] <fry> if we actually have a
whole special thing for registering blocks with string names, I
can't help but point out the redundancy :P
L268[09:56:40] <diesieben07> so if you
want a map, use that.
L269[09:56:46] <gigaherz> IMO
L270[09:56:51] <gigaherz> the registration
is just paperwork
L271[09:56:55] <gigaherz> to allow OTHERS
to find my stuff
L272[09:57:01] <diesieben07> ^
L273[09:57:09] <TechnicianLP> what are
Gameregistry.ObjectHolder and Gameregistry.ItemStackHolder
L274[09:57:15] <fry> except other use
magic like @InjectWhatever to get the convenience of the field
L275[09:57:20] <fry> yup, that
L276[09:57:26] <gigaherz> TechnicianLP:
for automatically obtaining registrable objects
L277[09:57:34] <gigaherz> IMO
L278[09:57:38] <gigaherz> that's good
for dependency objects
L279[09:57:39] <diesieben07> the main
advantage is the static compiler checking.
L280[09:57:42] <gigaherz>
soft-dependencies without crashing
L281[09:57:48] <diesieben07>
MyBlocks.doesNotExist won't compile.
L282[09:58:01] ***
RichardG_ is now known as RichardG
L283[09:58:02] <diesieben07>
registry.get("doesNotExist") will jsut give you air...
which is terrible
L284[09:58:03] <fry> if you only use
Block, and not a subtype, then there's no need for compiler
L285[09:58:08] <gigaherz> I use it
L287[09:58:14] <diesieben07> nothing to do
with types.
L288[09:58:17] <diesieben07> it's
abotu the names existing
L289[09:58:20] <gigaherz> as a way to get
a reference to the Guidebook item
L290[09:58:25] <fry> what if the mod is
not there? :P
L291[09:58:26] <gigaherz> for use in
L292[09:58:34] <diesieben07> i am talking
about my own blcoks
L293[09:58:57] <TechnicianLP> can i put
those annotations nywhere?
L294[09:59:05] <diesieben07> afiak
L295[09:59:08] <gigaherz> TechnicianLP:
public statics
L296[09:59:50] <gigaherz> it wouldn't
make sense on an instance field, it would require forge to
intercept all class instantiation ;P
L297[10:00:17] <fry> I wouldn't use
ObjectHolder for my own block, I would either get it from the
registry or get it from the field, if I really needed it :P
L298[10:00:36] <diesieben07> of
L299[10:00:40] <diesieben07> for your own
blocks it's stupid
L300[10:00:47] <gigaherz> but then again,
so is using the registry
L301[10:00:50] <diesieben07> (people still
misuse this thing a lot...)
L302[10:01:02] <fry> but the fact that I
need to have the instance of the subtype points to some issue with
the encapsulation of the block logic :P
L303[10:01:33] <fry> ideally I would just
ask for the "capability" instead :P
L304[10:01:58] <gigaherz> dynamic stuff:
registry, soft-dependencies: @ObjectHolder, hard-dependencies: @OH
or direct field access on their code, my own stuff: direct field
access through my mod class
L305[10:02:11] <gigaherz> that's my
opinion on it ;P
L306[10:02:20] <diesieben07> agreed
L307[10:03:37] <Denyol> gigaherz: what
does event.getRegistry().registerAll( do?
L308[10:03:53] <TechnicianLP> register
everything you give it ...
L309[10:04:14] <Denyol> but does the block
need to call GameRegistry.register(this); and register its
L310[10:04:37] <gigaherz> Denyol: the
event lets you register many things at once
L311[10:04:44] <gigaherz> it replaces all
the GameRegistry.register(X) calls
L312[10:04:53] <gigaherz> with one single
call to registerAll(block1, block2, block3, ...)
L313[10:05:03] <gigaherz> and similarly
for items
L314[10:05:21] <Denyol> and it handles the
itemblocks for you?
L315[10:05:26] <gigaherz> nope
L316[10:05:28] <gigaherz> not at all
L317[10:05:32] <gigaherz> hence why in the
<Item> event
L318[10:05:34] <gigaherz> I have
L319[10:05:37] <gigaherz>
.createItemBlock() calls
L320[10:05:39] <gigaherz> for my
L321[10:05:49] <gigaherz> alongside with
all the items
L323[10:06:10] <Denyol> where are
L324[10:06:17] <Denyol> oh
L325[10:06:52] <gigaherz> ntoe that
itemblocks are OPTIONAL
L326[10:06:58] <gigaherz> that's whey
forgestopped doing them automatically
L327[10:07:05] <gigaherz> because
it's best for blocks that don't need an itemblock
L328[10:07:06] <gigaherz> to not have
L329[10:07:33] <gigaherz> which is why
it's good NOT to have a generic block base class
L330[10:07:43] <gigaherz> with an
automatic itemblock registration
L331[10:07:52] <gigaherz> it helps do
things right
L332[10:08:01] <Denyol> Im getting rid of
it now
L334[10:08:39] <gigaherz> it's one
L335[10:08:51] <gigaherz> not necessarily
THE way
L336[10:08:56] <Denyol> well Im changing
it this way now, so :P
L337[10:08:59] <gigaherz> like diesieben07
L338[10:09:01] <gigaherz> you could
L339[10:09:10] <gigaherz> public
staticfinal Block block1 = new Block1();
L340[10:09:14] <gigaherz> and then in the
event just do
L341[10:09:19] <gigaherz>
registerAll(block1, ...)
L342[10:09:25] <gigaherz> without having
the constructor in it
L344[10:09:45] <gigaherz> you gain the
ability to use final, that way
L345[10:09:51] <Denyol> can i just call
loadBlocks() in the event?
L346[10:09:53] <gigaherz> well
L347[10:10:06] <gigaherz> think about
L348[10:10:16] <diesieben07> you
L349[10:10:19] <gigaherz> if you have the
fields initialized already, you don't need loadBlocks
L350[10:10:20] <gigaherz> ;P
L351[10:10:26] <diesieben07> but you
should really separate instatiation and registration
L352[10:10:30] <gigaherz> in a way, your
registry event would REPLACE loadBlocks
L353[10:10:31] <diesieben07> they are
separate things.
L354[10:10:32] <Denyol> I am now
L355[10:10:54] <diesieben07> and then
there is no point not moving the instatiation to the field
L356[10:10:59] <diesieben07> which makes
you able to use final
L357[10:11:02] <diesieben07> which is
always nice
L358[10:11:55] <Denyol> ok ill do it with
L359[10:12:03] <gigaherz> good
L360[10:12:09] <gigaherz> then you
won't need loadBlocks at all
L361[10:12:10] <TechnicianLP> looks like
@ObjctHolder can be used for any registry type ...
L362[10:12:18] <gigaherz> TechnicianLP:
that's the idea
L363[10:12:31] <gigaherz> that's why
it's @ObjectHolder
L364[10:12:37] <gigaherz> and not
@BlockHolder and @ItemHolder
L365[10:12:37] <gigaherz> ;P
L366[10:12:39] <TechnicianLP> but its in
gameregistry class
L367[10:12:52] <gigaherz> so?
L368[10:12:58] <gigaherz>
L369[10:13:01] <gigaherz> works for ALL
registries too
L370[10:13:37] <gigaherz> all standard
registries, that is
L371[10:13:49] <gigaherz> it excludes
entities and tileentities ;P
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L373[10:14:49] <TechnicianLP> because you
only register the classes for those?
L374[10:15:04] <kashike> because
they're done a different way :P
L375[10:15:21] <gigaherz> yeah
L376[10:15:24] <gigaherz> IMO,
L377[10:15:32] <gigaherz> there should be
a standard registry of EntityFactory objects
L378[10:15:38] <gigaherz> with all the
stuff you pass into registerModEntity
L379[10:15:45] <gigaherz> and IMO
L380[10:15:54] <Shambling> is there a way
to invert the colors of a block without touching its default
L381[10:16:01] <gigaherz> TileEntities
shouldn't require a registry -- minecraft should always call
L382[10:16:17] <gigaherz> I think
it's bad that it's possible to replace a block's TE
without its knowledge
L383[10:17:10] <gigaherz> Shambling: not
without a TESR
L384[10:17:14] <diesieben07> there is an
entity registry now
L385[10:17:26] <diesieben07> but i
don't think you can register directly do it wihtout things
going wrong
L386[10:17:32] <gigaherz> yes but you
can't use it directly
L387[10:17:38] <gigaherz> since forge
needs extra data for the entities
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L389[10:17:56] <gigaherz> so the registry
is hidden away
L391[10:18:19] <gigaherz> becuase you are
in <Block>
L392[10:18:22] <gigaherz> and itemblocks
are <Item>s
L393[10:18:24] <Denyol> nvm I mixed up the
L394[10:18:27] <Shambling> ok I guess it
would just be easier to create a new item based off of the parent
L395[10:18:28] <Denyol> yeah sox
L396[10:18:39] <Shambling> was thinking of
having several configs for my dyingworld mod
L397[10:19:08] <Shambling> exploding
crops, crops that turn into mushrooms that give off wither effects,
saplings that get converted into big puffballs that explode in a
harm potion
L398[10:19:26] <Denyol> lets see if things
broke now that ive moved all my code :P
L399[10:19:35] <Shambling> so I was
thinking of using the chorus fruit thingy as a base
L400[10:21:16] <Shambling> gosh, realistic
terrain generator deserts are pretty
L401[10:23:22] <Denyol> welp its crashing
L402[10:25:07] <Ashindigo_> Yay
L404[10:28:30] <Denyol> oh nvm i think I
know why
L405[10:29:09] ***
diesieben07 is now known as diesieben|away
L406[10:29:12] <Shambling> one thing I
always screw up with minecraft, is Y or Z up and down?
L407[10:29:27] <Ashindigo_> Y right?
L408[10:29:40] <Shambling> I think its
supposed to be Z, but with minecraft I think they use the wrong
left hand rule or something
L409[10:29:53] <Shambling> but Y I think
is what minecraft uses, I wanted to confirm
L410[10:29:55] <Shambling> off to
L411[10:30:35] <Shambling> yeah its Y,
L412[10:31:33] <Ashindigo_> Cheers
L413[10:33:33] <gigaherz> regarding the up
L414[10:33:41] <gigaherz> there's two
frames of thought:
L415[10:33:54] <gigaherz> for CAD-like
L416[10:34:03] <gigaherz> you think of a
work table, or a floor
L417[10:34:21] <gigaherz> so X,Y are the
horizontal plane coords, and Z becomes the elevation
L418[10:34:26] <Shambling> how do you guys
get a random block out of Blocks?
L419[10:34:54] <gigaherz> for movies,
games, and other camera-based systems
L420[10:34:56] <Shambling> I thought I
could do Blocks.randValue; but it seems like you need to feed the
L421[10:35:02] <gigaherz> the X,Y is the
"drawing surface" -- the canvas
L422[10:35:18] <gigaherz> and Z is the
distance from the canvas (near plane)
L423[10:35:30] <gigaherz> so there's
no "supposed to be"
L424[10:35:35] <Shambling> so that is how
they explain it?
L425[10:35:39] <gigaherz> yes
L426[10:35:49] <gigaherz> so you choose
Y-up or Z-up depending on how you see it
L427[10:35:51] <Shambling> sounds like
artsy fartsy people just wanted to be different from engineers and
L428[10:35:58] <gigaherz> if you think of
a moving camera object
L429[10:35:59] <Shambling> =P
L430[10:36:01] <gigaherz> you will use
L431[10:36:10] <gigaherz> if you think of
a floor plan, you will use Z-up
L432[10:36:23] <gigaherz> and games are
more often than not, Y-up
L433[10:36:43] <gigaherz> which makes
terrain systems silly
L434[10:36:53] <gigaherz> lots of x,z
L435[10:37:24] <Shambling> bbiab, gotta go
to a farmers market meeting
L436[10:37:27] <Shambling> whoooo boy
L437[10:38:26] ⇦
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L438[10:42:12] <Shambling> what is
Blocks.DIRT considered? is that an array? some kind of hash table?
L439[10:42:27] <Shambling> where blocks is
what I'm asking about, DIRT just being a way to reference a
part of Blocks
L440[10:42:39] <Denyol> gigaherz my
registerBlocks are not being called
L441[10:42:40] <Shambling> I had a brain
fart and can't remember the name of that java type :P
L442[10:42:52] <gigaherz> Denyol:
L443[10:42:55] <gigaherz> on the
L444[10:43:10] <Denyol> oh yeah forgot
L445[10:46:09] <Denyol> the registerBlocks
isnt being called still
L446[10:46:34] <Denyol> all it has is
"event.getRegistry().registerAll( splicer );" splicer
being a public static final Block
L447[10:46:51] <gigaherz> does the method
have @SubscribeEvent?
L448[10:46:55] <Denyol> yes
L449[10:46:58] <gigaherz> is it
L450[10:47:02] <Denyol> yes
L451[10:47:17] <gigaherz> and theclass has
L452[10:47:21] <Denyol> yeah
L453[10:47:34] <gigaherz> then it should
get called
L454[10:47:41] <Denyol> its not
L455[10:48:00] <Denyol> I dont thing,
considering the block is also not showing up in my creative
L456[10:48:11] <gigaherz> public static
void registerBlocks(RegistryEvent.Register<Block> event)
L457[10:48:22] <gigaherz> put a breakpoint
L458[10:48:30] <Denyol> I have, it wasnt
L459[10:48:33] <gigaherz> don't just
go with things that may have other causes ;P
L460[10:48:43] <Denyol> the
"registerItems(RegistryEvent.Register<Item> event)"
breakpoint stopped
L461[10:48:56] <Denyol> but not on the
L462[10:49:01] <gigaherz> pastebin?
L463[10:49:08] <Denyol> the whole
L464[10:49:15] <gigaherz> the method
should do
L466[10:50:09] <gigaherz> are you SURE it
doesn't get called?
L467[10:50:15] <Denyol> 100%
L468[10:50:24] <gigaherz> it looks right
to me
L469[10:50:24] <Denyol> otherwise the
breakpoint would have stopped there
L470[10:51:31] <Denyol> odd
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L472[10:51:50] <Denyol> maybe it needs to
be initialised in that event
L473[10:55:07] <Denyol> thats super odd,
the event is not being called
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L498[12:57:11] <OrionOnline> Good Day. I
have an UUID from a player. Is there a way i can get the entity
from that?
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L501[13:03:49] <gigaherz> OrionOnline: on
the server, yes -- assuming the player is online
L502[13:03:56] <OrionOnline> Yeah
L503[13:04:01] <OrionOnline> It is for
L504[13:04:14] <gigaherz> look for
L505[13:04:21] <gigaherz> you should be
able to figure out how to get to it
L506[13:06:31] ⇦
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L508[13:11:46] <OrionOnline> @gigaherz,
idea does not seem to find anything with regards to that method
L509[13:13:32] <Alexbegt> MinecraftServer
and WorldServer have that method
L510[13:16:27] ⇦
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L511[13:16:38] <Alexbegt>
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L514[13:17:39] <Shambling> hmmmm only
thing I can think of to do to get a random block from blocks is to
make my own list from blocks.NAME that I want to use, and randomly
pick from there
L515[13:18:03] <Shambling> does anyone
have a cleaner method? I'd like to pick from a random
selection from blocks to change one block to another when an event
hits on that block.
L516[13:19:05] <Shambling> I suppose
making my own wouldn't be bad, because then I could only have
the ones I definitely want, and could even put my own method into
the class like getRand() would return a random block from my
L517[13:19:17] <OrionOnline> @Alexbegt,
you are right. They are there....... Why would this not pop up in
L518[13:20:30] <Alexbegt> Don't
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L525[13:43:19] <gigaherz> terribleperson:
you CAN do it in preinit
L526[13:43:27] <gigaherz> it's
perfectly fine to do so
L527[13:43:31] <LexMobile> no its
L528[13:43:37] <LexMobile> it's now
considered bad practice
L529[13:43:42] <gigaherz> but, it's
much more organized if you use the new events
L530[13:43:47] <gigaherz> so if you are
writing new mod code
L531[13:43:47] <terribleperson> i mean,
I'm writing a mod from scratch so it's not like I have
the trouble of changing a big code base. I'd like to do
everything right to start with.
L532[13:43:53] <gigaherz> or you want to
cleanup existing code
L533[13:43:58] <gigaherz> it's
recommended to switch to the new system
L534[13:44:18] <gigaherz> in that
L535[13:44:42] <gigaherz> the best
practices is to use public static final fields for storing your
L536[13:44:46] <gigaherz> and then
register them in the events
L537[13:47:12] <gigaherz> that moment when
you finish terraforming the terrain after removing a whole
mountain, and it feels like it had never been there :3
L538[13:47:21] <gigaherz>
L539[13:48:39] <LexMobile> static final
null fields with @ObjectHolder tags'
L540[13:48:48] ***
Darkevilmac is now known as DarkevilAway
L541[13:49:13] <gigaherz> eh I can't
possibly agree with using objectholder for my own items &
L542[13:49:48] <gigaherz> but /shrug
L543[13:50:26] <fry> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L544[13:51:00] <PaleoCrafter> it'd be
really nice if there was something like Kotlin's lateinit with
immutability in Java xD
L545[13:51:30] <gigaherz> some
L546[13:51:58] <PaleoCrafter> basically,
only on a language level :P
L547[13:53:19] <Shambling> sometimes I
feel like the new good practices are just there to confuse people
L548[13:53:50] <gigaherz> only the people
who have trouble adapting to the new ideas
L549[13:53:50] <gigaherz> ;P
L550[13:53:58] <Shambling> does it make it
easier for the mod to not crash other mods, or to call your objects
if they are registered that way?
L551[13:54:13] <gigaherz> @ObjectHolder is
awesome for getting hold of dependency items and lbocks
L552[13:54:24] <gigaherz> or if you want
to avoid having public statics referenced in your code
L553[13:54:28] <TechnicianLP>
Conventions>Loading Stages still mentions registering
items/blocks in preinit
L554[13:54:29] <Shambling> because
honestly, I'm still learning java, and that is about as far
from C programming as my poor brain can adapt
L555[13:54:42] <gigaherz> then you can
have auto-initialized instance fields only where you need
L556[13:54:43] <LexMobile> if you
can't agree then you're wrong
L557[13:55:07] <LexMobile> inializing them
int he static constructor is bad and most likely will lead to
issues because of using undefined state of the rest of the MC
L558[13:55:15] <Shambling> I'm not
saying its not good, just that it is so far away from programming
in C and C++ from when I learned to program, that I have no bloody
clue what you're even talking about now
L559[13:56:03] <PaleoCrafter> I usually go
for register(field = new Class())
L560[13:56:09] <Shambling> I'll just
need to look at someone's code tha is currently using it, and
try to digest what you're referencing
L561[13:56:24] ⇦
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L562[13:56:38] <LexMobile> thats fine
paleo, as that isnt in the staic constructor
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L565[13:57:27] <PaleoCrafter> yeah, it
still isn't as nice as @ObjectHolder would be if there was
some kind of "write once" modifier though :P
L566[13:58:38] <LexMobile> why do you need
a write-once modifier?
L567[13:59:19] <LexMobile> and the point
with ObjectHolder is even your shit can be replaced
L568[13:59:24] <terribleperson> @gigaherz
okay so in your mods you... instantiate your blocks " public
static BlockEnderRift rift;" and then you initialize them and
pass them to event.getRegistry().registerAll
L569[13:59:24] <LexMobile> so you should
use it in case it is
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L571[14:01:05] ⇦
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L572[14:02:06] <Ordinastie>
terribleperson, proper terms are important here : instanciating
means creating a new instance, keyword being "new"
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L575[14:05:36] <terribleperson>
@ordinastie sorry, declared "rift" of type
L576[14:05:40] <terribleperson> yes?
L577[14:05:40] <PaleoCrafter> started
working on the replacement for forgedevelop.com btw, Lex
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L579[14:06:01] <gigaherz> terribleperson:
that's how I did it
L580[14:06:05] <gigaherz> doesn't
mean it's the best possible code ;P
L581[14:06:18] <gigaherz> as lex said,
it's recommended to use @ObjectHolder for them
L582[14:06:21] <terribleperson> yeah there
doesn't seem to be "best possible code" out there
for me to examine
L583[14:06:31] <terribleperson> so
I'm trying to piece together what I'm supposed to be
L584[14:06:36] <gigaherz> sec
L585[14:07:49] <LexMobile> cool, also
pretty sure i wrote some example code when the event was made
L586[14:08:21] <Ashindigo_> The new site
is pretty nice looking on mobile
L588[14:10:08] <gigaherz> that'd be
L589[14:10:13] <gigaherz> note that
L590[14:10:19] <gigaherz> the
@ObjectHolders do NOt need to be in your main mod class
L591[14:10:28] <gigaherz> the idea is that
you can declare them in the places you need access to them
L592[14:11:12] <gigaherz> lex, to confirm,
the block objectholders, get called before or after the item
L593[14:12:25] <LexMobile> before
L594[14:12:42] <gigaherz> :thumbsup:
L595[14:13:04] <LexMobile> those are the
special cased ones, ive bounced the idea of definiging a dependancy
system but ... meh
L596[14:13:15] <Akkarin> bounce it
L597[14:13:18] <Akkarin> pls q.q
L598[14:13:24] <Akkarin> I'll buy you
a cookie!!!
L599[14:13:38] <terribleperson> okay so
@ObjectHolder is a forge annotation that takes a... string? Placing
@ObjectHolder before a field does.. what, gets you that registered
object in the field?
L600[14:13:53] <LexMobile> IIRC it goes
Block->Holders->Item->Holders->Others In
L601[14:14:00] *
gigaherz nods
L602[14:14:15] <gigaherz> terribleperson:
forge scans for fields using that annotation
L603[14:14:21] <gigaherz> then looks at
the type of the field
L604[14:14:22] <gigaherz> so like
L605[14:14:27] <gigaherz> @ObjectHolder
applied to Block
L606[14:14:32] <gigaherz> will look in the
Blocks registry
L607[14:14:44] <LexMobile> Note it can
also be on a class!
L608[14:14:52] <gigaherz> hm?
L609[14:15:00] <TechnicianLP> can
@OBjectHolder handle subclasses of Item/BLock?
L610[14:15:01] <LexMobile>
L611[14:15:06] <Akkarin> It can cook you
L612[14:15:09] <gigaherz> hmmm
L613[14:15:10] <LexMobile> public class
L614[14:15:10] <Akkarin> (it can do that,
L615[14:15:16] <gigaherz> and it fills in
all the fields based on name?
L616[14:15:21] <LexMobile> public static
final Block dirt = null;
L617[14:15:27] <gigaherz> TechnicianLP:
probably not, but no idea ;P
L618[14:15:28] <LexMobile> public static
final Block grass = null;
L619[14:15:29] <LexMobile> }
L620[14:15:33] <LexMobile> is the same
L621[14:15:36] <gigaherz> oooh that's
L622[14:15:40] <LexMobile> public class
L623[14:15:52] <LexMobile>
L624[14:15:59] <LexMobile> public final
Block dirt = null;
L625[14:16:08] <LexMobile>
L626[14:16:10] <Shambling> do you cook
L627[14:16:19] <LexMobile> public final
Block grass = null;
L628[14:16:20] <LexMobile> }
L629[14:16:44] <LexMobile> you can also
mix and match, if the fields dont match the registry name
L630[14:17:27] <LexMobile> the way I
personally recomend using it, is to have a single Block/Items class
for your mod somewhere and just @ObjectHolder the class
L631[14:17:36] <LexMobile> cleanest,
L632[14:18:44] <LexMobile> hell if you
wanted to you could do something like this:
L633[14:19:39] <LexMobile> @mod MyClass {
@ObjectHolder(MODID) public static Blocks {} @ObjectHolder(MODID)
public static Items} and then reference everywhere else in your mo
by doing MyMod.Blocks.SomeName
L634[14:20:33] <Akkarin> isn't that a
little awkward to work with in your IDE considering that nothing is
going to be defined unless the IDE is aware of the
L635[14:21:52] *
fry still prefers doing
L636[14:22:10] <Akkarin> pls full di is
where it's at
L637[14:22:12] *
Akkarin hides
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L639[14:23:47] <Ashindigo_> Full di?
L640[14:24:07] <PaleoCrafter> DI =
dependency injection :P
L641[14:24:11] <Akkarin> yep
L642[14:24:16] <LexMobile> this is dep
L643[14:24:32] <Ashindigo_> Ah
L644[14:24:35] <LexMobile> and you could
do reg.get in your inializer if you want to shutup your IDE
L645[14:24:48] <LexMobile> but again as
the registries are reloaded multiple times during the life of the
L646[14:24:55] <Akkarin> so I could inject
a Block into an Item type field or constructor? ;-)
L647[14:24:56] <LexMobile> doing anyhting
in a static initalizer is bad
L648[14:25:01] <terribleperson> Okay so
you can use @ObjectHolder to populate a field with something from
some registry. anything that's been registered you can put
into a field? If you put the annotation above a field, it uses the
annotation string as the name that it's looking for in the
registry. If you put the annotation above a class, it tries to
populate all the fields in the class based on the... field
L649[14:25:33] <LexMobile> items are
registered as domain:entry
L650[14:25:38] <fry> @ObjectHolder
basically does reg.get for you with magic at appropriate
L651[14:25:47] <LexMobile> so if you put
it on a field you need to supply both
L652[14:25:53] <terribleperson> yeah, i
see that
L653[14:26:02] <LexMobile> if you put it
on a class it assumes the fields are under that domain with the
entry name of the field name
L654[14:26:04] <Akkarin> ah ... well in
that case it's pretty damn close to the DI concepts
L655[14:26:14] <Akkarin> much nicer than
your usual static all the things
L657[14:26:56] <terribleperson> what
happens if you get it wrong?
L658[14:26:57] <LexMobile> yup the magic,
like i said is the fact that, atleast on the client, the registry
can be reloaded multiple times in the life of a single minecraft
L659[14:27:13] <LexMobile> so if you have
a save that has substitutions enabled you don't have to do
L660[14:27:17] <LexMobile> it just
magically works
L661[14:27:42] <LexMobile> if you get it
wrong the field is nulled
L662[14:28:00] <terribleperson>
'cause you already set it to null?
L663[14:28:05] <terribleperson> or it just
does that ANYWAYS
L664[14:28:20] <LexMobile> no cuz
registry.get(name) returns null.
L665[14:28:27] <LexMobile> Atleast im
pretty sure thats what it does...
L666[14:28:54] <Akkarin> Would be nice if
it did actually gave you some indication unless, of course, it lets
you grab third party mod instances as well
L667[14:29:11] <LexMobile> yup
L668[14:29:12] <terribleperson> Okay, so
if you use @objectholder to populate fields, and can even use it
inside your mod to get your own objects (is that
L669[14:29:20] <LexMobile> yes
L670[14:30:51] <LexMobile> it doesn't
give indication because getting a null is valid for soft
dependancies, and yes you should use it to grab your own entries as
well because it allows for magic handeling of substitutions
automatically. and you shouldnt have issues with messing up the
names because well you're the one registereing shit.
L671[14:31:59] <fry> I'd still go
with doing reg.get exactly when you need the object as a starting
point, without ever storing it in a field somewhere; if it becomes
a performance problem - then you can think how to cache it :P
L672[14:32:46] <terribleperson> okay,
I'm confused here. I think I understand @objectholder now (and
I'll be using it to GET my own objects), but you recommended
"static final null fields with @ObjectHolder tags" to
pass to the registration event, at least that's what I thought
you were saying
L673[14:33:00] <terribleperson> can't
use object holder to get an object i haven't registered
L674[14:33:02] <terribleperson>
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Quits: ThePsionic (~Psi@ip5457f909.direct-adsl.nl) (Quit:
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L678[14:35:18] <terribleperson> or... the
event runs first, so I... defined a field of some name, the type
being one of my blocks, then the event runs, registers them, and
then forge goes back and populates the field with the registered
L679[14:36:26] <TechnicianLP>
@ObjectHolder can handle subtypes as well ... /me likes it
L680[14:36:35] <gigaherz> terribleperson:
did you see my example?
L681[14:37:00] <LexMobile> fry.. no
L682[14:37:01] <gigaherz> event runs ->
object gets registered -> holder injection runs -> field gets
L683[14:37:03] <LexMobile> thats fucking
L684[14:37:12] <LexMobile> reg.get() is
expensive as shit
L685[14:37:24] <terribleperson> gigaherz:
Okay, so I've got the order right with my last tentative
L686[14:37:25] <fry> semantically, doing
field access Blocks.someBlock (if it's annotated with
ObjectHolder) field should be equivalent to doing
reg.get("someBlock") instead (at the point of the
L687[14:37:35] <LexMobile> no.. its
L688[14:37:47] <fry> note the word
L689[14:37:49] <LexMobile> one if a
pointer get
L690[14:38:00] <LexMobile> the toehr is a
shitload of method calls and hashing lookups
L691[14:38:06] <fry> I'm not talking
about performance
L692[14:38:07] <gigaherz> terribleperson:
for practical purposes, yes
L693[14:38:07] <LexMobile> MASSIVLY
L694[14:38:30] <fry> when you're
trying to understand ObjectHolder, thing about reg.get
L695[14:38:33] <LexMobile> Minecraft
modding is a horrible nightmare performance wise
L696[14:38:45] <terribleperson> the event
runs, the object is registered, forge goes back and gives you the
registered object. and since the event and the holder injection run
before ANYTHING else
L697[14:38:55] <terribleperson> anything
else you do with that field is referencing the registered
L698[14:39:05] <terribleperson> same as
anything you or anyone else does later
L699[14:39:32] <fry> if you access the
field before the object is registered, you get whatever's in
the registry at that point (null)
L700[14:39:41] <fry> if you access after,
you get your object
L701[14:39:53] <LexMobile> after the
events are done*
L702[14:40:03] <fry> if you access it
after some shenanigans with reloading, and the object is changed,
you get the new object
L703[14:40:05] <LexMobile> so accessing
the field in the event handler wont work
L704[14:40:27] <fry> yes, the only caveat
is during that event
L705[14:40:47] <LexMobile> basically tho,
if you use the registry events, preinit all object holders are
L706[14:41:12] <fry> so, think of object
holders as more performant registry.get :P
L707[14:41:28] <fry> much more performant
apparently :P
L708[14:41:37] <LexMobile> very much
L709[14:42:07] <terribleperson> so if I
were rewriting your OWN mod, instead of public static
BlockEnderRift rift; I'd do public static final BlockEnderRift
rift = null; and annotate it with
L710[14:42:25] <LexMobile> yes
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L712[14:42:41] <terribleperson>
....awesome, guys. Thank you Lex and gigaherz
L713[14:42:52] <LexMobile> the final also
prevents stupid people from diretly assigning it when they
L714[14:42:56] <Akkarin> well setting it
to null will probably cause your IDE to yell at you a bunch
L715[14:43:05] <LexMobile> depends on your
L716[14:43:10] <fry> I don't think
that's the way performance optimizations should be done (very
magical special case for one specific thing), but meh :P
L717[14:43:10] <LexMobile> Mot dont
L718[14:43:15] <Akkarin> IntelliJ does
L719[14:43:20] <terribleperson> Is Eclipse
going to yell at me?
L720[14:43:28] <LexMobile> it
L721[14:43:36] <terribleperson> I used to
hate it but I don't now. Either it's gotten lighter, or
it's just that I have a better computer.
L722[14:43:39] <Akkarin> but I guess
non-final + no initialization does as well?
L723[14:43:46] <terribleperson> now I have
to go because I have to be somewhere in 17 minutes and haven't
even showered yet.
L724[14:43:50] <terribleperson> See
L725[14:44:29] <LexMobile> by one specific
thing you mean an entire complex systemm... bu whatever dont feel
like arguing that right now cuz its dumb
L726[14:44:44] <TechnicianLP> why arent
capabilities in a normal registry?
L727[14:44:58] <PaleoCrafter> IDEA
doesn't complain about non-final + no intialisation, even if
you put @Nonnull on the field xD
L728[14:45:33] <osum4est> how would i go
about rendering a different item instead of my own while holding
it? I've got it working for regular minecraft blocks and
items, but it doesn't work for items with custom renderers
(ie. tinker's bows)
L729[14:45:34] <Akkarin> yeah since it
essentially says "oh there is no value so it's probably
intended to change at some point"
L730[14:45:45] <fry> I'm sure there
ecists a combination of idea settings that will yell at you for it
L731[14:45:48] <fry> *exists
L732[14:45:52] <PaleoCrafter>
L733[14:45:54] <Akkarin> Well
L734[14:45:58] <LexMobile> because caps
dont need nearly as much complexity as a normal registry
L735[14:46:09] <LexMobile> they dont need
to be synced across the network or in save files
L736[14:47:10] <LexMobile> there is also
no such thing as substitutions in caps.. as that'd break the
entire point
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L738[14:47:20] <TechnicianLP> osum4est:
basically you create a IBakedModel for your item that just return
the Quads of the IBaked Model of the item you want to mimic ...
(you probably should support all subinterfaces of IBakedModel as
⇨ Joins: secknv
L740[14:48:31] <Shambling> dang, I think I
might be stuck out here for the next few hours if I don't want
to get soaked
L741[14:48:37] <secknv> what do I use do
display a chat message to just the player that used my item?
L742[14:48:45] <Mitch> Hey there - trying
to run debug mode but getting this error:
http://pastebin.com/7muU4v5c - this also occurs on
standard run configuration and also on a fresh install, has anyone
seen this before?
L743[14:49:14] <Mitch> Using eclipse
L744[14:49:54] <PaleoCrafter> why are you
using the runClient task?
L745[14:53:00] <osum4est> TechnicianLP,
would this work for items without custom models? and can you think
of any other mods that do this that are open source?
L746[14:55:19] <TechnicianLP> if it does
not have a custom model it will most likely use the
VanillaModelWrapper class
L747[14:56:45] <osum4est> ok got it. any
examples you can think of?
L748[14:57:28] <TechnicianLP> not really
L749[14:58:45] ⇦
Quits: Shambling
(~Shambling@24-181-186-74.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
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L751[15:02:11] <TechnicianLP> will a call
to World.getTileEntity load the chunk at that position?
L752[15:04:12] <Dark> I would assume yes,
but I don't know if it changed in the new versions
L753[15:04:29] <TechnicianLP> any way to
prevent that?
L754[15:04:37] <Dark> check if the chunk
is loaded
L756[15:06:44] <Mitch> using runClient to
test the launch
L757[15:06:51] <Dark> its 1.7.10 code but
might help
L758[15:07:23] <TechnicianLP>
World#isBlockLoaded is what i added now
L759[15:07:33] <TechnicianLP> *use
⇨ Joins: airbreather_
L761[15:16:04] <Mitch> Hey there - trying
to run debug mode but getting this error:
http://pastebin.com/7muU4v5c - this also occurs on
standard run configuration and also on a fresh install, has anyone
seen this before? Using eclipse/recommended 1.11.2 forge
L762[15:16:11] ⇦
Quits: airbreather (~airbreath@d149-67-99-43.nap.wideopenwest.com)
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L763[15:18:00] <Mitch> I would make a
forums post, but can't seem to register
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Quits: OrionOnline
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Quits: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@gateway.insomnia247.nl) (Ping
timeout: 192 seconds)
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L769[15:46:39] <LexMobile> cant
L770[15:46:43] <LexMobile> thats not
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L772[15:51:52] *
gigaherz facepalms
L773[15:52:03] <gigaherz> I auto-crafted
an extra void resource miner, instead of a void ore miner XD
L774[15:53:31] <Mitch> Apologies, did send
across a contact us form, getting 'You are not permitted to
register an account on this site'
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L776[16:00:56] ⇦
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L778[16:07:05] <osum4est> how can i create
and register a custom item renderer in 1.10? in 1.7 you could
implement iitemrenderer and register it with the forgeclient. how
can i do that for 1.10?
L779[16:09:18] ***
fry is now known as fry|sleep
L780[16:09:37] ⇦
Quits: jackmcbarn (~jackmcbar@gateway02.insomnia247.nl) (Ping
timeout: 192 seconds)
L781[16:16:43] <LexMobile> 0.o
L782[16:17:30] <LexMobile> i'll have
flame look into that. what browser/site are you using?
L783[16:17:40] <LexMobile> also if
possible can you get a screenshot
L784[16:18:09] ***
DarkevilAway is now known as Darkevilmac
⇨ Joins: Shambling
L786[16:23:10] <Shambling> ok so... I want
to feed a modified position to setBlockState, why is there no setX
L787[16:23:42] <Shambling> do I really
need to modify it with a vector simply to create a new position
that is offset by 1 z? lol
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L789[16:24:11] <Ordinastie> pos.south()
L790[16:24:11] <Shambling> or does
down(int) work for that?
L791[16:24:26] <Shambling> err meant y,
not z
L792[16:24:31] <Ordinastie> maybe check
the code ?
L793[16:24:45] <Shambling> I've
scrolled through the methods, I guess down(int) is probably the
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L795[16:25:13] <Shambling> question
though, is does that modify the code, or simply return the
L796[16:25:34] <Ordinastie> what does that
mean ?
L797[16:25:35] <Shambling> guess it
doesn't matter, if I'm only calling it once it will just
modify an event position that has already been called
L798[16:25:52] <Ordinastie> just look at
the actual code of the method
L799[16:25:53] <Shambling> well lets say I
want to world.destroyBlock(event.getPos(), false)
L800[16:26:08] <Shambling> if I wanted to
destroy the block under, would I just feed it
world.destroyBlock(event.getPos().down(), false)
L801[16:26:31] <Shambling> external
libraries in idea? I always just go through the source code in
build source lol
L802[16:27:03] <Ordinastie> Ctrl+Click on
the method should show you the source
L803[16:28:31] ***
Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
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L805[16:28:55] <Shambling>
L806[16:28:58] <Shambling> wow thats easy
L807[16:29:37] <Shambling> so question on
vanilla, does mycelium destroy farmland and spread, or does it only
replace dirt/grass?
L808[16:29:52] <Shambling> because if it
can destroy farmland, I don't need to do any further block
L809[16:30:10] <Shambling> otherwise
I'll need to rand through the other 8 blocks and randomly
change those to mycelium as well
L810[16:30:37] <Shambling> I
'think' it can replace farmland, I'll go test
L811[16:30:56] <Shambling> dangit test
world, why are you an ocean
L812[16:31:24] <drazuam> I thought it only
replaced dirt
L813[16:31:30] <drazuam> pretty sure it
doesn't even replace grass
L814[16:31:45] <Shambling> dang
L815[16:31:56] ⇦
Quits: TechnicianLP (~Technicia@p4FE562D6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L816[16:32:06] <Shambling> lets play
waiting for spread ticks
L817[16:32:18] <Shambling> spreads only in
L818[16:32:26] <Shambling> hell let me
just go look at the dang class itself, probably faster
L819[16:32:43] ⇦
Quits: johnnyhostile (~irssi@castlevania.bhgdo.com) (Quit:
L820[16:32:49] <drazuam> if
(iblockstate.getBlock() == Blocks.DIRT &&
iblockstate.getValue(BlockDirt.VARIANT) == BlockDirt.DirtType.DIRT
&& worldIn.getLightFromNeighbors(blockpos.up()) >= 4
&& iblockstate1.getLightOpacity(worldIn, blockpos.up())
<= 2)
L821[16:32:52] <drazuam> there's the
L822[16:34:11] <Shambling> ha you found it
alot faster than me, thanks
L823[16:34:26] <Shambling> well I could
always 'fix' it with a little override. But that would
cause undesired behavior
L824[16:34:37] <Shambling> a good
programmer would probably make their own clone block that had the
behavior they wanted
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L826[16:35:28] <Shambling> I could always
kill the farmland by drying up water within a 5 block radius
L827[16:36:49] <Shambling> really is too
bad mycelium doesn't kill grass, ah well
L828[16:37:07] <Shambling> guess my dream
of having a mushroom death land spread across the world will
require alot more work :P
L829[16:40:20] <gigaherz> make grass die
off and turn into podzol, and then podzol into dirt? ;P
L830[16:40:35] <gigaherz> then dirt can
turn int mycelium freely ;P
L831[16:40:39] ⇦
Quits: Gaelan (~Gaelan@98-125-192-55.dyn.centurytel.net) (Quit:
L832[16:41:35] <Shambling> yeah it'll
require learning alot more, because alot of this modpack uses
biome's o plenty for the wasteland biomes
L833[16:42:06] <Shambling> and all the
grass in that is BoP grass
L834[16:42:27] <Shambling> though I
suppose if it inherits from base grass, I might be able to make
calls on that and ignore the fact its from another mod
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L840[16:53:56] <Shambling> is there a
simple way to see if a block is of base type dirt?
L841[16:54:06] <Shambling> I think
I'm going through way too many levels here, and there must be
a simpler way
L842[16:54:50] <Shambling> I was thinking
I could use getDirtBlockState(state) somewhere, but I'm not
sure where to apply that to the blockstate
L843[16:55:54] ***
cpw|out is now known as cpw
L844[16:56:05] ⇦
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L845[16:57:50] <Shambling> dangit nm, that
is probably from BoP api
L846[16:58:00] <Shambling> I'll go
look at base grass and see how minecraft does it
L847[17:04:19] <mrkirby153> Hmm, not sure
why, but my block isn't showing up in my creative tab
L848[17:05:26] ⇦
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L851[17:08:35] <osum4est> how can i create
and register a custom item renderer in 1.10? in 1.7 you could
implement iitemrenderer and register it with the forgeclient. how
can i do that for 1.10?
L852[17:08:47] <gigaherz> there's no
such thing
L853[17:08:55] <gigaherz> what exactly do
you need to customize?
L854[17:09:11] <gigaherz> there's
other ways to do many of the things people did with custom
L855[17:10:16] <osum4est> :/ dang. I need
to make it look like you are holding a different block/item instead
of mine. both in the hand and in the inventory. ideally i would
also be able to draw a box around the item in the inventory as
L856[17:12:16] ⇦
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account has been auto selected for removal due to login
L857[17:12:17] <osum4est> and the item
rendered must be able to be changed at runtime
L858[17:12:25] <gigaherz> that you can
L859[17:12:26] ⇦
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(ntzrmtthih@Join.The.DarkSide.We.Have.Coookies.PanicBNC.us) (Remote
host closed the connection)
L860[17:12:56] <gigaherz> choosing an item
at runtime is one of the easier parts of using custom models
L861[17:13:09] <gigaherz> you have two
L862[17:13:30] <gigaherz>
ItemMeshDefinition, or item overrides
L863[17:13:48] <gigaherz> given that you
need to return the model of a different thing
L864[17:13:55] <gigaherz> I think
overrides are your only choice
L865[17:14:40] <osum4est> ok, cool. where
do i start? is there an example somewhere or is it pretty
L866[17:16:35] <gigaherz> sec
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L868[17:18:53] <mrkirby153> When adding a
block, do I have to do anything special to get the block to show up
in my inventory? because it isn't right now
L869[17:18:57] <gigaherz> eh
L870[17:18:59] <gigaherz> meh
L871[17:19:06] <gigaherz> osum4est: let me
guide you through it.
L872[17:19:13] <gigaherz> the basis for
using custom models
L873[17:19:16] <osum4est> gigaherz,
awesome thanks
L874[17:19:24] <gigaherz> hmm
L875[17:19:29] <gigaherz> have you done
normal models in 1.10.2?
L876[17:19:37] <gigaherz> as in, with the
json files and all that stuff
L877[17:20:04] <osum4est> i've only
done as item, and set "item/handheld" as its parent with
L878[17:20:06] <gigaherz> mrkirby153: in
thecreative menu, or in general?
L879[17:20:10] <gigaherz> osum4est:
L880[17:20:14] <mrkirby153> Both
L881[17:20:16] <gigaherz> did you use a
blockstates file, or just vanilla json?
L882[17:20:24] <mrkirby153> I am using a
blockstate file
L883[17:20:30] <gigaherz> that was to
osum4est ;P
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L885[17:20:36] <mrkirby153> Oh sorry
L886[17:20:49] <osum4est> gigaherz,
vanilla json
L887[17:20:51] <gigaherz> mrkirby153:
errors in the log?
L888[17:21:06] <gigaherz> osum4est: okay
L889[17:21:14] <gigaherz> as you may or
may not know
L890[17:21:20] <gigaherz> you can use
blockstates json files for both blocks and items
L891[17:21:30] <gigaherz> (vanilla allows
it for blocks, forge allows it also for items)
L892[17:21:47] <gigaherz> now, this is
important, because in order to use a custom model, you'll need
to go through a blockstates file
L893[17:22:00] <gigaherz> so, the key for
L894[17:22:08] <gigaherz> is to create
your own simple ICustomModelLoader
L895[17:22:18] <gigaherz> this interface
has two methods, accepts, and loadModel
L896[17:22:32] <gigaherz> in accepts, you
want to compare the provided location, against a pattern
L897[17:23:15] <gigaherz> something like,
"yourmod:custom/specialitem", which will show up in the
accepts call, as
L898[17:23:28] <gigaherz> I like to use
custom/ as a way to distinguish from normal models in the resources
L899[17:24:14] <gigaherz> now, in the
blockstates file for your item, you'll have to reference
L900[17:24:14] <osum4est> gigaherz, ok, so
accepts basically just determines whether to call loadModel or
L901[17:24:20] <gigaherz> yes
L902[17:24:27] <gigaherz> the blockstates
json + the accepts test
L903[17:24:40] <gigaherz> will determine
that your item, and only your item, needs to get this custom
L904[17:24:58] <gigaherz> then from
loadModel, you'll want to return your own simple IModel
L905[17:25:24] <gigaherz> this IModel has
getTextures and getDependencies, which can be used to tell forge
that you require other models to be loaded
L906[17:25:37] <gigaherz> if you
don't need anything specific, you can just return
L907[17:25:40] <mrkirby153> Huh, it
decided to start working again
L908[17:25:56] <mrkirby153> Wait, I think
I lied
L909[17:25:57] <gigaherz> the key of
L910[17:25:57] ⇦
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L911[17:26:01] <gigaherz> is the bake
L912[17:26:10] <gigaherz> from it
L913[17:26:19] <gigaherz> you will want to
return a custom IBakedModel
L914[17:26:26] <gigaherz> in the baked
model is where all the magic will happen
L915[17:26:49] <osum4est> so return the
bakedmodel of the item i want to show?
L916[17:26:54] <gigaherz> nope
L917[17:26:56] <mrkirby153> gigaherz,
Apparently the block isn't being registered
L918[17:26:59] ⇦
Quits: Vazkii (~Vazkii@ (Quit: seeya
m8 thx 4 playin)
L919[17:26:59] <gigaherz> you need a
custom IBakedModel
L920[17:27:08] <gigaherz> which will in
turn return the right model
L921[17:27:10] <gigaherz> i'll get to
L922[17:27:17] <mrkirby153> Even though
I'm registering it
L923[17:27:34] <gigaherz> mrkirby153: give
me a minute, it's annoying to switch conversations ;P
L924[17:27:40] <mrkirby153> Okay
L925[17:27:45] <gigaherz> osum4est:
L926[17:27:48] <gigaherz> in normal
L927[17:27:58] <gigaherz> they would just
have getQuadscalled
L928[17:28:08] <gigaherz> and the model
would just return a bunch of quads to draw from there
L929[17:28:11] <gigaherz> but
L930[17:28:17] <gigaherz> mojang gave us
L931[17:28:29] <gigaherz> which is used to
provide different models *dynamically*
L932[17:28:33] <gigaherz> based on the
state of the item
L933[17:28:52] <gigaherz> the standard
L934[17:28:56] <gigaherz> handles some
L935[17:29:08] <gigaherz> and just applies
the new model
L936[17:29:17] <gigaherz> but you can
customize the ItemoverrideList
L937[17:29:33] <gigaherz> by overriding
its applyOverride method
L938[17:29:40] <gigaherz> and returning a
different resourcelocation
L939[17:29:43] <gigaherz> OR
L940[17:29:49] <gigaherz> alternatively,
you can override handleItemState
L941[17:30:00] <gigaherz> and return a
fully customized baked model from it
L942[17:30:59] <gigaherz> so in short:
ICustomModelLoader -> IModel -> IBakedModel ->
ItemOverrideList#handleItemState -> getQuads
L943[17:31:38] <gigaherz>
L944[17:31:50] <osum4est> ok, so how do i
get the quads of an existing item?
L945[17:31:53] <gigaherz> remember to
register the loader, otherwise it won't actually trigger
L946[17:32:29] <gigaherz> look at
L947[17:32:57] <gigaherz> you'll see
it calls .....getModelManager().getModel
L948[17:33:00] <osum4est> got it
L949[17:33:04] <gigaherz> you'd have
to do something similar
L950[17:33:14] <gigaherz> just making sure
you return the right item's model
L951[17:33:26] <gigaherz> hence why I said
it may be enough to work at the applyOverride level
L952[17:34:06] ⇦
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L953[17:34:10] <gigaherz> if you have an
ItemStack to get the model from
L954[17:34:19] <gigaherz> you can use
L955[17:35:18] <gigaherz> if ALL you need
is to use some other item's model without changing it
L956[17:35:28] <gigaherz> you can just
override handleItemStack, to call getItemModel
L957[17:35:36] <gigaherz> with an
itemStack built from the data in your item
L958[17:35:36] <osum4est> ok cool. so will
this define the model for all itemstacks of my item, or can i have
a different model for each itemstack?
L959[17:35:54] <gigaherz> this gets called
for each itemstack
L960[17:35:55] <gigaherz> each frame
L961[17:36:04] <osum4est> ok,
L962[17:36:16] <gigaherz> or at least each
"item change" ;P
L963[17:36:49] <gigaherz> no it must be
each frame, otherwise the animation thing wouldn't work
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L965[17:38:00] <gigaherz> mrkirby153: can
you show code?
L966[17:38:17] <osum4est> so in my mind
i've always thought a model just defined the shape of a 3d
object. in minecraft, a model is the shape, texture, inventory
icon, etc. ?
L968[17:38:33] <gigaherz> osum4est:
there's no such thing as "inventory icon"
L969[17:38:43] <gigaherz> mc uses 3d
shapes even in the inventory
L970[17:39:00] <gigaherz> that is, they
have that thick edge that you see when you hold them in your
L971[17:39:10] <gigaherz> it just happens
to be seen exactly from the front, so it doesn't show
L972[17:39:19] <gigaherz> but yes
L973[17:39:21] <gigaherz> in games
L974[17:39:30] <gigaherz> the model
usually has references to materials
L975[17:39:43] <gigaherz> although it
doesn't need to be the case
L976[17:39:58] <gigaherz> generally
L977[17:40:09] <gigaherz>
"model" means shape + materials + other properties
L978[17:40:16] <osum4est> gigaherz, oh, ok
got it. how hard would it be to layer my own texture on top of the
model i'm using in the inventory?
L979[17:40:50] <gigaherz> i'm not
sure what you mean
L980[17:41:17] <gigaherz> you mean your
own model, or one of the dynamic ones that you get from other
L981[17:41:42] <osum4est> gigaherz,
basically if possible, i would like to show another border around
the model that i got from another item. or i guess show my own
model on top of theirs
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L983[17:42:19] <gigaherz> okay this is
when it gets complicated
L984[17:42:23] <gigaherz> because item
models don't have to be flat
L985[17:42:43] <gigaherz> so "adding
a new layer" or "adding a border" may just simply
not make sense
L986[17:43:43] <gigaherz> jsut think of
block models
L987[17:44:52] <osum4est> but can i render
another model in front of the one from the other item?
L988[17:44:56] <gigaherz> yes
L989[17:45:14] <gigaherz> however, it is
not as straightforward ;P
L990[17:45:30] <gigaherz> the idea
L991[17:45:39] <gigaherz> on the
handleItemState on the override list
L992[17:45:49] <gigaherz> you can return a
slightly different custom IBakedModel
L993[17:45:51] <gigaherz> in this
L994[17:46:11] <gigaherz> you will want to
return a combined set of quads
L995[17:46:13] <gigaherz> from
L996[17:46:23] <gigaherz> this list would
contain quads from both the original item
L997[17:46:26] <gigaherz> and your
L998[17:46:40] <gigaherz> you can build
this item model from within handleItemState
L999[17:46:50] <gigaherz> by calling
getquads on the other item's model
L1000[17:47:01] <gigaherz> and combining
those quads with your own
L1001[17:47:02] <gigaherz> however
L1002[17:47:10] <gigaherz> you probably
want to cache those combined models
L1003[17:47:15] <gigaherz> and not do
this every single frame
L1004[17:47:28] <osum4est> ok, sounds
L1005[17:47:32] <gigaherz> mrkirby153:
are you calling ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation?
L1006[17:47:37] <mrkirby153> Do I have
L1007[17:47:39] <gigaherz> from PRE-init?
or ModelRegistryEvent?
L1008[17:47:40] <gigaherz> yes
L1009[17:47:46] <gigaherz> otherwise
there's no item model for your thing
L1010[17:47:48] <osum4est> gigaherz,
thank you for all of your help!!!
L1011[17:47:56] <mrkirby153> Why
doesn't MC handle that by default anymore?
L1012[17:48:23] <mrkirby153> Also, what
would I set the resource location to?
L1013[17:48:24] <gigaherz> mrkirby153: it
hasn't done that since 1.8
L1014[17:48:43] <mrkirby153> IT's
been a long time since I've made a mod (Someting like 1.6 I
L1015[17:48:58] <gigaherz> option 1
(vanilla-style): a resourcelocation where you have a
L1016[17:49:16] <gigaherz> option 2
(forge-style): a resourcelocation where you have a blockstates
L1017[17:49:45] <mrkirby153> Okay
L1018[17:49:54] <gigaherz> so like, new
L1019[17:49:55] <gigaherz> or
L1020[17:50:07] <gigaherz> new
L1021[17:50:16] <gigaherz> whatever you
type in there
L1022[17:50:24] <gigaherz> will
correspond to a variant string in your blockstates file
L1023[17:50:47] <mrkirby153> So, if I
want the block to look like it does in the world in my inventory
(the isometric looking thing) what would I put in my item model?
(vanilla one)
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L1025[17:51:11] <gigaherz> {
"parent": "yourmod:blocks/yourblockname"
L1026[17:51:22] <gigaherz> assuming that
the parent model has
L1027[17:51:29] <mrkirby153> That
L1028[17:51:43] <gigaherz> {
"parent": "block/block" -- or "cube"
or "cube_all" that inherit from block/block
L1029[17:51:58] <gigaherz> yup
L1030[17:52:03] <gigaherz> example:
L1031[17:52:03] <ScottehBoeh> Hello
everyone :) I've got a banner tile entity that I want to
change color when clicked. Sofar, I've got an integer NBT data
saving (a number index for the textures of the banner). Anyone know
how I can get my render class for the tile entity to load the tiles
nbt data?
L1035[17:53:34] <mrkirby153> gigaherz, Is
it also true that I have to register a block item for my
L1036[17:53:41] <gigaherz> that is on top
of calling
0, new ModelResourceLocation(myBlock.getRegistryName(),
L1037[17:53:50] <gigaherz> mrkirby153:
since 1.9.4, yes
L1038[17:53:58] <mrkirby153> Fun
L1039[17:54:07] <mrkirby153> Why was that
descision made?
L1040[17:54:13] <gigaherz>
L1041[17:54:15] <gigaherz> because
L1042[17:54:16] <gigaherz> it's
L1043[17:54:21] <gigaherz> and 99.9% of
the modders didn't know
L1044[17:54:32] <gigaherz> so everyone
ended up with itemblocks for blocks that didn't need
L1045[17:54:42] <gigaherz> bloating the
item table unnecessarily
L1046[17:55:08] <gigaherz> in order to
improve the coding practices of modders
L1047[17:55:10] <gigaherz> it was made
L1048[17:55:15] <mrkirby153> What kind of
blocks wouldn't need an itemblock?
L1049[17:55:26] <Zidane> Ones that
aren't in the inventory
L1050[17:55:27] <mrkirby153> Ones that
you can't obtain?
L1051[17:55:35] <gigaherz> example:
L1052[17:55:44] <gigaherz> the door item,
does not correspond with the door block
L1053[17:55:48] <gigaherz> there's
no "door block"
L1054[17:55:56] <gigaherz> there's
the "lower half" and the "upper half"
L1055[17:56:17] <mrkirby153> So my model
has the checkered "missing texture" texture instead of
looking like my block
L1056[17:56:21] <gigaherz> better
example: liquids
L1057[17:56:31] <gigaherz> you don't
want an item liquid
L1059[17:56:40] <gigaherz> you want the
bucket, and forge has the universal bucket for it
L1060[17:56:47] <gigaherz> mrkirby153:
errors in the lod?
L1061[17:56:48] <gigaherz> log*
L1062[17:56:56] <mrkirby153> Oh yea
L1063[17:57:04] <gigaherz> either you
didn't call ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation
L1064[17:57:09] <gigaherz> or you
didn't call it from PRE init
L1065[17:57:21] <gigaherz> or you made a
typo ;P
L1066[17:57:21] <mrkirby153> One
L1067[17:57:26] <gigaherz> the log should
L1068[17:57:27] <mrkirby153> I think it
was a typo
L1069[17:57:58] ***
PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L1070[17:58:07] <mrkirby153> Also, does
Forge play nicely with JRebel?
L1071[17:58:18] <gigaherz> haven't
heard of JRebel so no idea ;P
L1072[17:58:35] <gigaherz> oh some plugin
for eclipse
L1073[17:58:39] <gigaherz> I favor IDEA
L1074[17:58:48] <gigaherz> ah no wait, it
does support intellij
L1075[17:59:08] <gigaherz> hmmm
L1076[17:59:20] <gigaherz> dunno what the
advantage is over the normal hotswap
L1077[17:59:24] <mrkirby153> What goes in
the "parent" field? Is it
L1078[17:59:52] <gigaherz> pretty
L1079[18:00:02] <gigaherz> modid can be
skipped if it's "minecraft"
L1080[18:00:10] <gigaherz> so like
L1081[18:00:15] <gigaherz>
L1082[18:00:19] <gigaherz> vs
L1083[18:00:49] <gigaherz> minecraft
prepends the "models/" internally
L1084[18:01:39] <mrkirby153> Because
it's not working as it should
L1085[18:01:49] <gigaherz> what do the
logs say?
L1086[18:01:59] <mrkirby153>
L1087[18:02:10] <gigaherz> do you call
ML.setCustomMRL from preinit?
L1088[18:02:22] <osum4est> gigaherz, does
it matter if i register the new model loader in preInit, init or
L1089[18:02:30] <gigaherz> osum4est: yes,
it matters
L1090[18:02:32] <gigaherz> it must be
L1091[18:02:36] <gigaherz> otherwise it
would be too late
L1092[18:02:45] <gigaherz> since the item
model list is processed right before init gets called
L1093[18:03:03] <osum4est> gigaherz, got
it, thanks
L1094[18:03:45] <mrkirby153> Do I call
ML.setCustomMRL from pre-init always?
L1095[18:04:00] <gigaherz> unless you
prefer to use ModelRegistryEvent
L1096[18:04:28] <gigaherz> as I just told
osum4est, mc processes the model list before preinit happens
L1097[18:04:36] <mrkirby153> Huh, one of
the tutorials I was looking at said call it in init
L1098[18:04:51] <gigaherz> that was
probably using ItemModelMesher.whatever
L1099[18:05:00] <gigaherz> which was the
ancient way before like, april 2015
L1100[18:05:17] <gigaherz> ever since we
got the model loader pipeline
L1101[18:05:25] <gigaherz> it has been
required to use preinit
L1102[18:05:41] <mrkirby153> There we
L1103[18:05:47] <mrkirby153> Now why
isn't this documented anywhere?
L1104[18:06:27] <gigaherz> well
there's some docs, a bit segregated
L1107[18:07:16] <mrkirby153> Okay, I
think I got this figured out now
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L1110[18:11:35] ***
MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L1111[18:12:06] <ScottehBoeh> Can I get a
TE's NBT data in it's Render Class?
L1112[18:12:27] <ScottehBoeh> My TE
contains the texture index, I want my Render Class to get the
texture index from the TE
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L1114[18:13:12] <williewillus> you get
the te instance in the renderer :P
L1115[18:13:17] <gigaherz> why the NBT
L1116[18:13:18] <gigaherz> it's a
L1117[18:13:22] <gigaherz> you get the
instance on your TESR
L1118[18:13:35] <gigaherz> just... access
the value
L1119[18:14:04] <ScottehBoeh> Ah. yeah I
got it
L1120[18:14:07] <ScottehBoeh> :D
L1121[18:17:59] <osum4est> gigaherz, so
do i replace my old vanilla json with the blockstates version? and
use that json when registering?
L1122[18:18:47] <gigaherz> well if you
register with like "mymod:myitem"
L1123[18:18:59] <gigaherz> forge will
first look for "models/item/myitem.json"
L1124[18:19:05] <gigaherz> and then
L1125[18:19:14] <gigaherz> so if you
remove the item json, and create a blockstates json
L1127[18:20:11] <gigaherz> xcept
that's for a custom block model
L1128[18:20:17] <gigaherz> so you'd
want the custom model in "inventory"
L1129[18:20:18] <gigaherz> ;P
L1130[18:20:47] <ScottehBoeh> Anyone here
a fan of LOTR? I'm making LOTR-esc mod
L1131[18:21:31] <ScottehBoeh> I've
got a map ready and everything :)
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L1134[18:22:50] <gigaherz> ScottehBoeh:
there was that "old-style" map mod
L1136[18:23:12] <gigaherz> sadly not on
L1137[18:23:32] <osum4est> gigaherz,
cool. now you said to put
"model":"yourmod:custom/specialitem", into the
block states file. what does that reference?
L1138[18:23:49] <gigaherz> that
L1139[18:23:52] <gigaherz> woudl get
translated into
L1140[18:24:07] <gigaherz>
"yourmod:models/block/custom/specialitem" (yes with blcok
in it, even if it's an item)
L1141[18:24:17] <gigaherz> which you
haveto handle in your accepts method
L1142[18:24:39] <osum4est> ok, but it
doesn't matter that i dont have an actual model at that
L1143[18:25:04] <gigaherz> nope -- so
long as your ICustomModelLoader catches it
L1144[18:25:14] <osum4est> got it
L1145[18:34:00] <Shambling> how does one
reference podzol as a block?
L1146[18:34:26] <Shambling> it seems to
be a dirt variant, so I guess I'm asking, how do I place
variants of blocks using setBlockState
L1147[18:34:44] <gigaherz>
L1148[18:34:53] <gigaherz> look at the
dirt class for what properties are available
L1149[18:35:43] <Shambling> ah ok that
makes sense
L1150[18:35:46] <Shambling> thanks
L1151[18:35:52] <Shambling> I was almost
that far, but I kept getting the wrong fields
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L1154[18:41:11] <gigaherz> noyce!
L1155[18:42:24] <osum4est> gig
L1156[18:43:02] <osum4est> gigaherz, what
do i want to return in getDefaultState in the IModel?
L1157[18:44:13] <gigaherz> null will
L1158[18:44:15] <gigaherz> whatever you
return there
L1159[18:44:25] <gigaherz> will get given
to you in bake
L1160[18:44:37] <gigaherz> note that bake
can receive other things
L1161[18:44:43] <gigaherz> such as
L1162[18:45:00] <gigaherz> (which is info
about rotation/translation/scale specified in the
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L1165[18:47:52] <ScottehBoeh> My banners
work :) Doesn't save NBT data when I leave.. That's
probably an easy fix
L1166[18:49:18] <gigaherz> yo uamde fully
custom banners?
L1167[18:55:34] <osum4est> gigaherz, so
what do i want to return in get overrides? i've created my own
itemoverridelist class that overrides handleItemState and returns
the model of "models/block/cobblestone" (for now)
L1168[18:55:56] <gigaherz> just ignore
the other methods, you only care about handleItemState
L1169[18:56:26] <osum4est> sorry, i meant
in the getOverrides() method of IBakedModel
L1170[18:56:43] <gigaherz> oh, keep a new
instance of your custom ItemOverrideList
L1171[18:56:46] <gigaherz> and just
return that
L1172[18:57:15] <osum4est> ok, and the
List<ItemOverride> that it takes in, can that just be
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L1175[18:57:44] <gigaherz> no,
L1176[18:57:46] <gigaherz> otherwise it
would crash
L1177[18:57:55] <osum4est> ok
L1178[18:57:55] <gigaherz> look at the
implementation of ItemOverrideList and you'll see ;p
L1179[18:58:16] <osum4est> yup that
would've been bad haha
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amadornes is now known as amadornes[OFF]
L1181[19:00:49] <osum4est> then finally,
how do i get the list of bakedquads of the item to return in
L1182[19:01:16] <osum4est>
L1183[19:11:33] <gigaherz> no you
don't call handleItemState yourself
L1184[19:11:34] <gigaherz> the idea
L1185[19:11:40] <gigaherz> you have a
"main" IBakedModel
L1186[19:11:45] <gigaherz> that only
implements getOverrides
L1187[19:12:02] <gigaherz> and then a
"real" IBakedModel that implements getQuads
L1188[19:12:27] <gigaherz> the simplest
way to handle it is
L1189[19:12:30] <gigaherz> on the
L1190[19:12:33] <gigaherz> you do
L1191[19:12:48] <gigaherz> new
L1192[19:13:05] <gigaherz> and then this
baked model adds the quads from the given model into an internal
L1193[19:13:11] <gigaherz> that it can
then return from getQuads itself
L1194[19:13:25] <Shambling> wow is that a
super convoluted way to place a block of podzol, but it is
L1195[19:13:31] <Shambling> thanks again
L1196[19:14:03] <gigaherz> lol
L1197[19:14:08] <gigaherz> np
L1198[19:14:20] <Shambling>
L1199[19:14:38] <Shambling> there has got
to be a shorter way of doing that without creating a blockstate and
then putting that in the setBlockState
L1200[19:14:51] <gigaherz> nope lol
L1201[19:14:54] <gigaherz> that's
how it works XD
L1202[19:15:18] <Shambling> why on earth
do they even have that as a dirt type, considering it shares no
useful properties with dirt
L1203[19:15:26] <Shambling> i.e. you
can't till podzol, so why is it a variant :\
L1204[19:15:38] <Shambling> you can hoe
coarse dirt, so at least that makes sense as a variant
L1205[19:16:09] <Shambling> I mean
I'm not going to complain about it not being hoeable, as that
actually helps my nefarious needs
L1206[19:16:12] <gigaherz> duno, I'd
have put it in grass
L1207[19:16:20] <gigaherz> but yeah
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L1210[19:17:41] <Shambling> my mod has
gone a bit darker. Now if you want some free podzol, all you need
to do is plant a sapling. 50% of the time you'll randomly get
between 0 and 9 podzol around the sapling ;D
L1211[19:17:48] <Shambling> oh and
you'll get hit by lightnign and the sapling dies
L1212[19:21:18] <osum4est> gigaherz, so
then in the IModel.bake() do i return the "main" or
"real" ibakedmodel
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L1214[19:21:42] <gigaherz> osum4est: the
main one
L1215[19:22:01] <gigaherz> your item will
be "bound" to the main model
L1216[19:22:08] <gigaherz> and then each
frame, mc will get the real model from it
L1217[19:26:03] <osum4est> then who calls
the real bakedmodel's getquads method? if it's not
registered with imodel...
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L1220[19:30:35] <gigaherz> osum4est:
RenderItem does
L1221[19:30:57] <gigaherz>
L1222[19:31:00] <gigaherz> does
L1223[19:31:05] <gigaherz> IBakedModel
ibakedmodel = this.getItemModelWithOverrides(stack,
entitylivingbaseIn.world, entitylivingbaseIn);
L1224[19:31:05] <gigaherz>
this.renderItemModel(stack, ibakedmodel, transform,
L1225[19:31:11] <gigaherz> which
L1226[19:31:18] <gigaherz> mc will
L1227[19:31:41] <gigaherz>
getItemModel(your stack) ->
getOverrides().handleItemStack(yourstack) ->
renderItemModel(returned model) -> getQuads
L1228[19:31:58] <gigaherz> that's
why I said the "main" model only needs
L1229[19:32:06] <gigaherz> while the
"real" model will have getQuads
L1230[19:32:31] <gigaherz> you return the
real model from handleItemState
L1231[19:32:39] <gigaherz> which gets
called on your main model
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L1235[19:43:21] <osum4est> gigaherz, how
do i get the quads from an itemstack?
L1236[19:43:26] <tterrag> -> only
means lambda to me now
L1237[19:43:31] <tterrag> and I used to
give instructions like that too
L1238[19:43:31] <tterrag> :P
L1239[19:43:50] <gigaherz> XD
L1240[19:44:00] <gigaherz> osum4est:
L1241[19:44:18] <gigaherz> you call the
getItemModel method from wahteveritwas
L1242[19:44:21] <gigaherz> and then from
that model
L1243[19:44:23] <gigaherz> you call
L1244[19:44:29] <tterrag> why would you?
just call vanilla methods for rendering
L1245[19:44:35] <tterrag> don't
bother with quads manually
L1246[19:44:36] <gigaherz> he's
making a custom model
L1247[19:44:49] <gigaherz> that uses
another item's model, and adds some extra quads to it
L1248[19:45:43] <tterrag> ah...
L1249[19:46:18] <tterrag> at runtime, or
bake time?
L1250[19:47:00] <osum4est> runtime!
L1251[19:49:25] <tterrag> so call
getItemModel, wrap that, return it's quads + yours
L1252[19:50:21] <osum4est> sorry.. what
do i call getItemModel on?
L1253[19:50:38] <tterrag> the stack
L1254[19:50:55] <tterrag> or, whatever
gigaherz said
L1255[19:51:19] <tterrag> point is, get
the IBakedModel from the itemstack
L1256[19:51:35] <gigaherz> osum4est: we
talked about that earlier XD
L1257[19:52:10] <gigaherz>
L1258[19:52:30] <osum4est> oh...
L1259[19:52:45] <gigaherz> that is,
L1260[19:52:58] <osum4est> then when
calling getQuads can i pass in null for state and side?
L1261[19:53:12] <tterrag> yes, items have
L1262[19:57:11] <osum4est> hmmm very
helpful strackstrace not telling me where in my code the NPE
occurred... just that it happened while rendering my item
L1263[19:58:30] <tterrag> link?
L1264[19:58:59] <gigaherz> no
"caused by"?
L1265[19:59:14] <gigaherz> and yeah,
pastebin the stacktrace at least ;P
L1266[19:59:23] <osum4est> one sec
L1268[20:02:17] <tterrag> what do you
return from handlePerspective?
L1269[20:03:51] <osum4est> what class is
that apart of? i don't think i've overriden it or
implemented it anywhere
L1270[20:04:33] <gigaherz> what do you
return from getItemCameraTransforms?
L1271[20:05:10] <gigaherz> if you
don't implement IPerspectiveAwareModel, you need to return
valid getItemCameraTransforms
L1272[20:05:13] <gigaherz> so that may be
the reason
L1273[20:05:16] <osum4est> null
L1274[20:05:31] <gigaherz> yeah
that's it, then
L1275[20:05:42] <osum4est> so implement
iperspectiveawaremodel in both the main and real baked model?
L1276[20:05:55] <gigaherz> only the real
one, I think
L1277[20:06:38] <osum4est> then what to
return in handlePerspective?
L1278[20:08:15] <gigaherz> well,
you'd want the same that the item's model uses
L1279[20:08:18] <gigaherz> so...
L1280[20:08:27] <gigaherz> if the model
you get from getItemModel is IPerspectiveAwareModel
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L1282[20:08:31] <gigaherz> forward the
calls to that
L1283[20:08:50] <gigaherz> if not, then
you'd have to convert from getItemCameraTransforms
L1284[20:09:18] <terribleperson>
@Shambling: What sort of nightmare mod are you creating? All
I've heard so far is something about mycelium, and planting
saplings and then they're struck by lightning and the soil
around them ruined.
L1285[20:09:19] ***
Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L1286[20:09:21] <gigaherz> similarly to
how IPerspectiveAwareModel.MapWrapper does it
L1287[20:09:28] <terribleperson>
L1288[20:09:41] <tterrag> don't
implement IPerspectiveAwareModel if you don't need it
L1289[20:09:50] <tterrag> also what is
this about a "main and real" baked model
L1290[20:09:58] <gigaherz> eh random
terms I made up on the spot
L1291[20:09:58] <osum4est> well
getItemModel only returns IBakedModel, which does not implement
IPerspectiveAwareModel, so should i just forward
getItemCameraTransforms to the item model?
L1292[20:10:08] <tterrag> probably
L1293[20:10:15] <gigaherz> while
explaining the process
L1294[20:10:27] <osum4est> im assuming do
the same for getParticleTexture, isGui3d, and
L1295[20:10:33] <gigaherz> I had to
distinguish between the IBakedModel that gets returned from
L1296[20:10:45] <gigaherz> and the
IBakedModel wrapper that gets returned from
L1297[20:10:59] <gigaherz> and it's
L1298[20:11:04] <tterrag> (they can be
the same model)
L1299[20:11:08] <gigaherz> so my
originality isn't too high
L1300[20:11:10] <tterrag> but in this
case, I see what you mean
L1301[20:12:03] <osum4est> WOAH
L1302[20:12:07] <osum4est> IT
L1303[20:12:38] <osum4est> this is
L1304[20:12:55] <osum4est> and you guys
are gods
L1305[20:13:15] <gigaherz> lol thx
L1306[20:13:32] <gigaherz> we just spend
a lot of time helping others with crazy stuff like this ;P
L1307[20:13:41] <gigaherz> half of the
mod things I have done
L1308[20:13:53] <gigaherz> are excuses to
learn how to use some modding feature
L1309[20:13:58] <gigaherz> so that I can
explain it to others better
L1310[20:14:59] <osum4est> :D and
that's why this community is awesome! one last thing, in
handleItemState should i be making a new bakedmodel every time it
runs? I'm assuming i should probably cache it...
L1311[20:15:14] <gigaherz> you should
cache it
L1312[20:15:25] <osum4est> awesome
L1313[20:15:26] <gigaherz> HOW to cache
it, that's a whole other topic ;P
L1314[20:15:33] <gigaherz> since you may
have multiple showing at once
L1315[20:15:40] <gigaherz> so you'd
have to have a cache able to handle that
L1316[20:15:58] <gigaherz> maybe some
Map<ItemStack, BakedModelWrapper>
L1317[20:16:13] <gigaherz> but be careful
about over-caching
L1318[20:16:46] <gigaherz> maybe
Map<IBakedModel, BakedModelWrapper> would be best
L1319[20:16:47] <osum4est> can i not just
have one bakedmodelreal and just make a setter for the itemstack?
that gets called when handleItemState gets called with a new
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Connection reset by peer)
L1321[20:16:57] <gigaherz> that way you
avoid duplicating in case multiple itemstacks have the same
L1322[20:17:08] <gigaherz> well
L1323[20:17:16] <gigaherz> suppose this
L1324[20:17:22] <gigaherz> you have 5 of
your item
L1325[20:17:27] <gigaherz> each one with
a different state
L1326[20:17:31] <gigaherz> showing a
different model
L1327[20:17:48] <gigaherz> if you
don't have a cache able to remember those 5 different
L1328[20:18:00] <gigaherz> you'll be
recomputing the quads list every frame, 5 times
L1329[20:18:14] <osum4est> ohh becuase
there isn't a different itemoverridelist for each itemstack.
theres only one for the whole item?
L1330[20:18:20] <gigaherz> exactly
L1331[20:18:24] <gigaherz> well
L1332[20:18:33] <gigaherz> one for the
whole "main" bakedmodel
L1333[20:18:38] <osum4est> right
L1334[20:18:38] <gigaherz> of which
there's only one for your Item
L1335[20:18:43] <gigaherz> hence
L1336[20:18:52] <gigaherz> one
ItemOverrideList should cache multiple "real"
L1337[20:18:58] <tterrag> please
don't use baked models for keys
L1338[20:19:37] <gigaherz> ideally
you'd want to use the ResourceLocation of the model
L1339[20:19:48] <gigaherz> which means
you wouldn't be able to call getItemModel
L1340[20:20:37] <gigaherz> but I have no
idea how you could possibly obtain the MRL
L1341[20:21:06] <gigaherz> since
ItemModelMesher#shapers is private
L1342[20:21:11] <gigaherz> I mean besides
L1343[20:22:01] <osum4est> no but couldnt
i call getModelManager().getModel(resource location)
L1344[20:22:13] <gigaherz> yes but you
need to obtain that resource location
L1345[20:22:34] <gigaherz> if you look at
the implementation of getItemModel
L1346[20:22:34] <osum4est> oh, and theres
not a way to get the resource location from the itemstack
L1347[20:22:39] <gigaherz> it does
L1348[20:22:45] <gigaherz>
L1349[20:22:50] <gigaherz>
L1350[20:22:56] <gigaherz> the
"shapes" field, isn't public
L1351[20:23:04] <gigaherz> you'd
have to use reflection for it
L1352[20:23:06] <gigaherz> it's
L1353[20:23:10] <gigaherz> just not
L1354[20:23:29] <gigaherz> !gf
L1355[20:23:36] <gigaherz> !gf
ItemModelMesher.shapes 1.10.2
L1356[20:23:42] <gigaherz> oops
L1357[20:23:45] <gigaherz> !gf
ItemModelMesher.shapers 1.10.2
L1358[20:24:11] <osum4est> so why would
just making a map of <ItemStack, IBakedModel> be bad?
L1359[20:24:28] <gigaherz> yes
L1360[20:24:42] <tterrag> why?
L1361[20:24:48] <tterrag> itemstacks are
not map keys
L1362[20:24:54] <tterrag> they do not
implement equals or hashcode in any meaningful way
L1363[20:25:07] <gigaherz> because
there's no way to know if two itemstacks are equal or
L1364[20:25:10] <gigaherz> if they share
a model or not
L1365[20:25:11] <tterrag> also, a model
lookup is not expensive
L1366[20:25:11] <gigaherz> etc
L1367[20:25:23] <osum4est> oh
L1368[20:25:26] <tterrag> you can cache a
model->model map as long as you A) use WEAK keys and B) clear on
resource reload
L1369[20:25:39] <gigaherz> so... you
could use ReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(ItemModelMesher.class,
mesher, "field_178092_c", "shapers")
L1370[20:25:48] <gigaherz> (and cache the
result, only call that once ;P)
L1371[20:26:02] <gigaherz> if you choose
to go the "ugly" route
L1372[20:26:20] <gigaherz> except for
that reflection call, it's the best approach, IMO
L1373[20:26:26] <tterrag> pls no
L1374[20:26:35] <osum4est> lol
L1375[20:26:39] <gigaherz> alternatively,
tterrag's suggestion is more practical
L1376[20:26:42] <gigaherz> and
doesn't require hacks
L1377[20:27:18] <gigaherz> and yeah I
forgot, you want to register a resource manager reload
L1378[20:27:25] <gigaherz> to get
notified of reloads, so you can wipe your caches
L1379[20:28:14] <osum4est> yet i can
implement that in ICustomModelLoader
L1380[20:28:18] <osum4est> yep*
L1381[20:28:52] <osum4est> so what do you
mean by a model, model map?
L1382[20:29:31] <gigaherz> a map, that
has weakrefs of IBakedModels as keys
L1383[20:29:38] <gigaherz> and your
"real" model class as values
L1384[20:30:11] <gigaherz> WeakHashMap
would probably help with that
L1385[20:30:26] <osum4est> so the
weakrefs of IBakedModels be the models of the itemstack?
L1386[20:30:39] <gigaherz> yup the
returned values from getItemModel
L1387[20:30:39] <tterrag> realistically
how many of these will exist at once?
L1388[20:30:53] <PitchBright> o/
L1389[20:31:15] <osum4est> got it.
tterrag, probably less than 5 per player
L1390[20:31:48] <tterrag> only 5?
L1391[20:32:08] <osum4est> probably
L1392[20:32:14] <gigaherz> osum4est: and
how many distinct "original models" would there be in
L1393[20:32:26] <osum4est> the number of
items in your game
L1394[20:32:35] <gigaherz> okay so in the
worst case scenario
L1395[20:32:46] <gigaherz> you could have
as many models as items are in the game
L1396[20:32:54] <gigaherz> in the
L1397[20:32:58] <osum4est> i suppose so,
L1398[20:33:48] <osum4est> hover you can
only have 27 in your inventory at once. how often does the resource
maanger reload?
L1399[20:34:06] <osum4est> i mean
L1400[20:34:14] <gigaherz> whe nyou open
the resource packs window and choose a new one
L1401[20:34:18] <gigaherz> or when you
use F3+T
L1402[20:34:21] <osum4est> oh
L1403[20:35:00] <osum4est> could i
subscribe to an event that fires when you move something out of
your inventory, see if it is my item, and remove it from the
L1404[20:35:00] <tterrag> let's back
L1405[20:35:02] <tterrag> what is this
L1406[20:36:01] <osum4est> basically it
is a handheld auto crafter. the item itself hold the items stack of
what you are crafting and by the prss of a button you can craft
more that go into that itemstack
L1407[20:36:19] <osum4est> if you've
played ark, its kind of how it auto crafts things when you run
L1408[20:36:28] <tterrag> ok
L1409[20:36:31] <tterrag> so why the
model madness?
L1410[20:36:46] <osum4est> so when you
hold the crafter, you are holding the item it is crafting
L1411[20:37:11] <osum4est> and you can
use the item while holding the crafter
L1412[20:37:18] <gigaherz> all the model
madness came about when he asked if it was possible to add some
overlay to it
L1413[20:37:27] <tterrag> oh
L1414[20:37:33] <tterrag> so when you
said 5, you meant 5 crafters
L1415[20:37:38] ***
Mumfrey is now known as mumfrey
L1416[20:37:39] <osum4est> yeah
L1417[20:37:56] <tterrag> ok I don't
see much need for any complex caching then
L1418[20:38:09] <tterrag> *what* item is
being wrapped will change fairly infrequently
L1419[20:38:21] <osum4est> ^ right
L1420[20:38:27] <tterrag> the model you
give in the overrides should just be a simple wrapper, no extra
L1421[20:38:34] <tterrag> the
"original" model would have all the lookup mess
L1422[20:38:43] <gigaherz> doesn't
handleItemStack get called per frame?
L1423[20:39:31] <tterrag> sure
L1424[20:39:38] <tterrag> but the wrapper
model doesn't even need to have an overrides
L1425[20:39:43] <gigaherz> right
L1426[20:39:47] <osum4est> tterrag, i
plan on adding my own quads to it, giving it a border that
distguishes the crafter from a regular stack of that item
L1427[20:40:06] <osum4est> doesn't
that mean i need the extra logic?
L1428[20:40:15] <gigaherz> no
L1429[20:40:17] <gigaherz> you only need
L1430[20:40:41] <gigaherz> new
ArrayList<>(); list.add(originalModel.getQuads());
L1431[20:41:04] <gigaherz> and
customQuads can be static/singleton
L1432[20:42:33] <osum4est> where would i
put that? in the get quads of the "main"
L1433[20:42:48] <gigaherz> no, in the
constructor of the "real" bakedmodel
L1434[20:43:25] <gigaherz> the
"main" one only cares about getOverrides
L1435[20:43:28] <gigaherz> it has no
other purpose
L1436[20:44:06] <osum4est> oh, right.
thats what i was planning on doing
L1437[20:46:01] <osum4est> so in the
caching, is there a way to get around calling getItemModel every
time? or is it not that bad
L1438[20:46:13] <tterrag> actually, I
made a mistake
L1439[20:46:18] <tterrag> the result of
getOVerrides is not cached anywhere
L1440[20:46:22] <tterrag> it is called on
demand every time
L1441[20:46:31] <tterrag> so yes, you
will need some kind of caching before that
L1442[20:47:05] <gigaherz> I'd put
the cache inside ItemOverrideList, though
L1443[20:47:11] <gigaherz> he only needs
one instance of that class
L1444[20:47:23] <gigaherz> since there
will only be one "main" IBakedModel returned by
L1446[20:50:05] <tterrag> sure except
your cache is null always
L1447[20:50:11] <osum4est> whoops
L1448[20:50:15] <osum4est> besides that
L1449[20:50:52] <osum4est> changed map to
WeakHashMap and instantiated it
L1450[20:51:09] <gigaherz> hmmm
L1451[20:51:12] <gigaherz> I was thinking
about it
L1452[20:51:17] <gigaherz> instead of
L1453[20:51:34] <gigaherz> wouldn't
you need getRenderItem().getItemModelWithOverrides(ItemStack,
L1454[20:51:51] <gigaherz> since the
other item may have its own overrides XD
L1455[20:52:49] <gigaherz> also
L1456[20:52:50] <gigaherz>
L1457[20:53:02] <gigaherz>
Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem() -- keep this in a
L1458[20:53:16] <gigaherz> you don't
need to fetch that every single frame ;P
L1459[20:53:29] <gigaherz> I mean, not
that it matters
L1460[20:53:33] <tterrag> meh
L1461[20:53:38] <tterrag> that's a
simple field return
L1462[20:53:46] <tterrag> don't
worry about unimportant optimizations now
L1463[20:53:53] <gigaherz> but yeah
L1464[20:53:59] <gigaherz> you should
call getRenderItem().getItemModelWithOverrides(
L1465[20:54:09] <gigaherz> instead of the
other one
L1466[20:54:24] <osum4est> ok, ill make
that change
L1467[20:54:29] <gigaherz> and I'm
going to sleep
L1468[20:54:39] <gigaherz> good luck with
getting the whole thing to work ;P
L1469[20:54:43] <gigaherz> night
L1470[20:54:47] ***
gigaherz is now known as ghz|afk
L1471[20:54:51] <osum4est> alrighty.
thank you so much gigaherz!
L1472[20:54:58] <ghz|afk> np, yw
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L1478[21:06:26] <terribleperson> Oh,
right. I still need to ask about the thing I actually joined this
IRC to ask. I'm not really clear on proxies. I understand that
you... oh, okay, i think I kinda get it now. you make two proxy
classes and pass them to the annotation. When forge starts up, it
populates the field with ONE of those, based on where it's
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L1480[21:07:30] <terribleperson> but I
see some people create an abstract common proxy and have the server
and client proxy inherit from it
L1481[21:08:40] <Aurilux> Some do that,
yeah. Personally, because its how I first learned it, I make the
ClientProxy extend the CommonProxy (server)
L1482[21:08:42] <terribleperson> some
people have a proxy interface and have their server and client
proxy implement it
L1483[21:09:29] <terribleperson> either
way, they have their proxy field be of the parent proxy type,
whatever they did
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L1485[21:09:39] <Aurilux> Correct
L1486[21:10:03] <terribleperson> so in
your case your proxy field is of type CommonProxy, yes?
L1487[21:10:11] <Aurilux> Yes
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L1489[21:13:25] <terribleperson> Okay.
Now, I also see that you usually want the client proxy to be able
to do EVERYTHING, because I can't think of very many reasons
you'd want code to only be executed on dedicated servers
(maybe if you had some tools for server managers that you
didn't care about having available to solo players, or if you
wanted to make sure people couldn't snoop certain things on
dedicated servers)
L1490[21:13:37] <terribleperson> so what
approach do you take? what approach do most people take?
L1491[21:13:54] <terribleperson> have
things that can be done on servers on the common proxy and handle
GUI stuff on the client proxy?
L1492[21:14:06] <Aurilux> Exactly
L1493[21:14:21] <terribleperson> and you
just... inherit or implement all the common stuff from the parent
L1494[21:14:44] <terribleperson> yeah
okay that makes sense to me.
L1495[21:14:57] <Aurilux> You'll
want to declare all methods in the ServerProxy, but they are just
empty if they are client only
L1496[21:15:12] <Aurilux> You'll
override them to give them functioanlity in the client proxy
L1497[21:15:20] <terribleperson> yeah
L1498[21:15:46] <terribleperson> so uh...
anyone here have examples of things that they actually only did on
the server proxy and NOT on the client proxy?
L1499[21:16:11] <primetoxinz>
L1500[21:16:23] <terribleperson> like for
OPs and admins?
L1501[21:16:31] <primetoxinz> wait, no
that's in ServerStarting
L1502[21:16:37] <osum4est> tterrag, dont
know if you'd know, but when rendering the item stack it
doesn't use its variant. (ie. rendering granite renders
L1503[21:16:39] <Aurilux> Yeah, about to
say :P
L1504[21:17:16] <Aurilux> I think server
only things are very rare. Lemme check through my stuff real quick
L1505[21:19:23] <Aurilux> Looks like
I've never come across a situtation where I needed server only
stuff in my proxy
L1506[21:19:58] <terribleperson> okay,
L1507[21:20:31] <primetoxinz> lol been
going through mod githubs to see if I can find as used
L1508[21:20:36] <primetoxinz> a*
L1509[21:23:36] <tterrag> osum4est: how
are you getting the model?
L1510[21:23:46] <osum4est> tterrag,
L1511[21:23:51] <tterrag> passing in
L1512[21:24:21] <osum4est> the itemstack
to get the renderer of, and the world and entity that are passed
into handleItemState
L1513[21:27:33] <tterrag> not sure
L1514[21:27:36] <tterrag> that should
handle damage values just fine
L1515[21:28:39] <osum4est> weird. and
also items aren't transformed correctly (in wrong position).
when i override getItemCameraTransforms, i return the models's
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L1517[21:53:11] <terribleperson> i guess
having 3 proxy classes makes sense from a naming perspective, at
the very least. since if you only do a common proxy class and
client proxy class, your common proxy class isn't actually
common. At the same time, gigaherz's "IModProxy"
approach makes sense to me, since if you have an abstract proxy
class that the two ACTUAL proxy classes inherit from, your abstract
class isn't actually a proxy either and
L1518[21:53:11] <terribleperson> calling
it commonproxy is misleading.
L1519[21:54:16] <terribleperson> so i
guess I'll be having 3 proxy classes and calling the abstract
one... something. ProxyBase?
L1520[21:56:39] <terribleperson> Hey,
arguments for interface base proxy class vs abstract base proxy
L1521[21:56:49] <Aurilux> Whatever makes
sense to you. Honestly, that is the only benefit to making both
proxies extend a common interface (naming). I prefer having the
client extend common because its reduces the number of files by one
L1522[21:57:10] <Aurilux> Hmmm
L1523[21:57:29] <terribleperson> is it
just the standard "abstract classes can implement methods that
both the client and server proxy use and then you can call them
with super?
L1524[21:58:23] <primetoxinz> ugh for
some reason whenever I break point in intellij I lose my
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L1527[21:59:03] <Aurilux> Well, first
off, if the method applies to both you wouldn't have to call
super. They inherit the method functionality by being a
L1528[22:00:13] <Aurilux> Unless, that
is, the method shares most functionality and requires a few changes
between them, then you would call super.method() followed by the
rest of the code
L1529[22:00:33] <terribleperson> yeah,
whereas with interface i guess I'd have to reimplement
L1530[22:00:36] <terribleperson> so uh...
abstract it is.
L1531[22:02:33] <tterrag> there's
many schools of thought on proxy design
L1532[22:02:37] <tterrag> end of the day,
it doesn't matter
L1533[22:02:39] <tterrag> do what
L1534[22:02:43] <Aurilux> ^
L1535[22:02:53] <Aurilux> Then optimize
L1536[22:03:11] <tterrag> it's not
even a matter of optimization
L1537[22:03:22] <tterrag> interface vs 3
classes vs 2 classes
L1538[22:03:24] <tterrag> there's no
real difference
L1539[22:03:26] <tterrag> other than
L1540[22:04:00] <Aurilux> Oh, I thought
you were still speaking of interface vs. abstract class
L1541[22:04:07] <terribleperson> yeah no
i was
L1542[22:04:13] <terribleperson> i
decided on 3 classes already
L1543[22:04:33] <terribleperson> but yeah
I can't form preferences without information, so I was trying
to gather the information.
L1544[22:04:36] <tterrag> IMO if you are
putting something *common* in a proxy, you're doing it wrong
L1545[22:04:57] <terribleperson> yeah
that's the impression I got. There is no common proxy. No such
L1546[22:05:06] <terribleperson>
it's not a proxy if it's common.
L1547[22:05:32] <terribleperson> but that
L1548[22:05:58] <Aurilux> Well, if
tterrag says so looks like I may have to reconsider my proxy
procedures ;P
L1549[22:07:03] <terribleperson> i see a
lot of people setting up some init stuff that has to happen either
way in common
L1550[22:07:32] <tterrag> but then why is
it there at all
L1551[22:07:39] <terribleperson> yeah
that's.. i just asked myself that
L1552[22:07:40] <tterrag> it should be
outside of the proxy entirely
L1553[22:07:50] <terribleperson>
"...well, but if you're going to set up the proxy from
the main mod class anyways, why" <- was typign
L1554[22:08:43] <terribleperson> can just
do it before you do the proxy stuff in the main mod class
L1555[22:09:39] <osum4est> tterrag, i
fixed the issue with rendering different damage values. i turns out
it wasn't a problem with the rendering but with my logic. i
made a new ItemStack of the item i wanted, rather than calling
itemstack.copy() doh!
L1556[22:09:53] <tterrag> uhh yeah
L1557[22:10:25] <osum4est> still have the
issue of items in wrong place, if you have any ideas
L1558[22:10:58] <tterrag> pic?
L1559[22:11:09] <osum4est> yep one
L1561[22:12:22] <osum4est> wrong place,
and in some items it seems, no color?
L1562[22:12:36] <tterrag> hm...only the
hand is wrong?
L1563[22:13:07] <osum4est> nah it should
be pointed forwards a bit. lemme screenshot how it should
L1564[22:13:34] <osum4est> ok just
refresh the imgur page and it should there
L1565[22:13:46] <terribleperson> like...
okay, I'm examining McJty's DeepResonance stuff now. in
PreInit he... does some stuff, then calls proxy.preInit(the FML
event), which... both of the proxy classes call super.preInit(the
FML event) before they do anything else.
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L1567[22:14:21] <terribleperson> So why
not move the logic from the proxy base class (there CommonProxy) to
the main mod class PreInit?
L1568[22:14:35] <tterrag> that is
L1569[22:15:05] <Aurilux> tterrag, going
back to proxies, what about handlers? I override the
registerHandler method in my client to call super then add
client-specific handlers. Is that the way to do it or is there a
better way?
L1570[22:15:08] <terribleperson> i guess
in that case I'll do in interface
L1571[22:15:13] <terribleperson>
L1572[22:15:17] <tterrag> handlers?
L1573[22:15:23] <tterrag> event
L1574[22:15:26] <Aurilux> Yes
L1575[22:15:35] <tterrag> well if
you're me, you just put @Handler on the class
L1576[22:15:36] <tterrag> :P
L1577[22:16:06] <Aurilux> Oh, that's
right. Just learned about that today
L1578[22:16:11] <tterrag> hm?
L1579[22:16:16] <terribleperson>
L1580[22:16:32] <tterrag> it's my
own thing
L1581[22:16:35] <tterrag> hence "if
you're me"
L1582[22:16:51] <Aurilux> Oh, I thought
you were talking about this: @Mod.EventBusSubscriber
L1583[22:16:53] <terribleperson> your own
L1585[22:17:03] <tterrag> Aurilux: that
annotation is more limited, and was added very recently
L1586[22:17:06] <tterrag> I made ^^ about
2 years ago
L1587[22:17:34] <Aurilux> Got it
L1588[22:17:56] <tterrag> it was much
more useful back when FML and Forge had their own event buses
L1589[22:18:03] <tterrag> as it would
infer from methods in the class which buses it needed to register
L1590[22:18:31] <Aurilux> Just took a
look at it... that kind of stuff is beyond me at the moment
L1591[22:19:22] <terribleperson> so
what's it do, grab any method in the class that takes a forge
event and set it up as an event handler?
L1592[22:19:49] <Aurilux> Pretty
L1593[22:20:11] <terribleperson> oh,
@tterag: If you use an interface for your proxy base... what do you
call it?
L1594[22:20:31] <Aurilux> You still have
to use the @Mod.SubscribeEvent on the methods
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L1596[22:20:55] <tterrag> terribleperson:
I don't use an interface
L1597[22:21:04] <terribleperson> So you
just use.. what, an empty class?
L1598[22:21:12] <tterrag> I use two
classes only
L1599[22:21:22] <terribleperson> common
and client?
L1600[22:21:29] <tterrag> yup
L1601[22:21:47] <tterrag> common is more
or less just for definitions
L1602[22:22:36] <terribleperson> ah,
okay. I *was* going to do that but the idea of the server proxy
being NAMED CommonProxy bothered me, and the idea of naming it
ServerProxy and having ClientProxy inherit from ServerProxy ALSO
bothered me.
L1603[22:22:37] <terribleperson>
L1604[22:23:24] <tterrag> the number of
things that require specifically server-only code is minimal
L1605[22:23:27] <tterrag> near zero,
L1606[22:23:40] <terribleperson> yeah I
was trying to come up with an example of server-only code bothered
L1607[22:23:41] <tterrag> in all of my
mods I've never actually had to worry about code that was
unsafe on the client
L1608[22:23:42] <terribleperson>
L1609[22:23:52] <tterrag> so to me, the
serverside proxy being called "common" makes more
L1610[22:24:10] <tterrag> osum4est: I
really have no clue why that would be like that
L1611[22:24:14] <tterrag> though, your
color issue is probably separate
L1612[22:24:46] <osum4est> tterrag, and
the color issue is only on some items
L1613[22:24:55] <tterrag> osum4est: yes,
those with IItemColor's for them
L1614[22:25:03] <tterrag> you probably
need to implement your own IItemColor which proxies to the
underlying item
L1615[22:25:51] <osum4est> tterrag, where
do i set the iitemcolor for the model/when setting quads?
L1616[22:26:05] <tterrag> IitemColor is
for an item, not a model
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L1618[22:27:17] <tterrag>
L1619[22:28:56] <osum4est> so then do i
have to register a new color handler from the items i'm
rendering or do i need to set the color of the quads somehow?
L1620[22:34:28] <tterrag> you need to
register a color handler for YOUR item
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L1624[22:45:55] <osum4est> tterrag,
oooooh ok, cool thanks
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L1632[23:07:00] <tterrag> I would
question whether your perspective is working at all
L1633[23:07:14] <tterrag> I think for
regular items, the in-hand render is the only one with any unique
perspective transforms
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L1643[23:56:24] <osum4est> whats the
sound event for the "pop" when picking up an item?
L1644[23:56:44] <tterrag> I think it is
actually called pop
L1645[23:56:49] <tterrag> lemme
L1646[23:58:23] <tterrag> nope
L1647[23:58:27] <tterrag>