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L1[00:02:23] *** Denyol[Away] is now known as Denyol
L2[00:03:11] <williewillus> !gf EntityAIHarvestFarmland.currentTask
L3[00:03:22] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L4[00:04:20] *** PrinceCat is now known as PrinceCat`Away
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L6[00:04:52] <williewillus> !sf field_179501_f currentTask 0 => harvest, 1 => replant, -1 => none
L7[00:07:38] <blood> McJty: https://github.com/McJty/RFToolsDimensions/blob/d3ec114/src/main/java/mcjty/rftoolsdim/dimensions/RfToolsDimensionManager.java#L376-L383
L8[00:07:50] <blood> ive been told you are reusing ID's for undeleted dimensions?
L9[00:07:59] <McJty> yes
L10[00:08:05] <McJty> what no
L11[00:08:06] <blood> this goes against DimensionManager entirely
L12[00:08:09] <blood> if that is the case
L13[00:08:10] <McJty> For 'deleted' dimensions
L14[00:08:19] <blood> are you deleting the dimension via proper ?
L15[00:08:32] <McJty> Define: 'via proper'?
L16[00:08:40] <blood> standard deletion so Forge knows about it
L17[00:09:18] <McJty> DimensionManager.unregisterDimension(id)
L18[00:09:22] <McJty> That's what I do
L19[00:10:53] <blood> ok so if you call that
L20[00:10:58] <blood> you wiped the world folder entirely?
L21[00:11:27] <McJty> yes it should do that. Unless there is a bug of course
L22[00:11:42] <blood> are you regenerating the world?
L23[00:11:43] <McJty> It is the 'safeDeleteDimension' method in that same file
L24[00:11:44] <blood> or is this a new world
L25[00:11:48] <McJty> what?
L26[00:11:54] <blood> same WorldProvider etc?
L27[00:12:13] <McJty> I use one WorldProvider for all my dimensions. A custom one
L28[00:12:17] <blood> im trying to figure out why you are freeing the dim id
L29[00:12:20] <blood> instead of reusing it
L30[00:12:29] <blood> it doesnt make much sense to me unless you are changing the world type entirely
L31[00:12:36] <blood> is your only reason to refresh the world?
L32[00:13:23] <blood> you shouldnt need to unregister a thing, just unload the world, wipe the data then load it back up
L33[00:13:26] <McJty> Well this happens when people make dimensions and then remove them. So I free those ID's properly so they can be reused later
L34[00:13:35] <blood> there is no need to free the id though
L35[00:13:38] <blood> oh
L36[00:13:41] <McJty> But why wouldn't I?
L37[00:13:42] <blood> so tied to player?
L38[00:13:54] <McJty> Sorry but this is confusing
L39[00:14:01] <McJty> What *exactly* is the problem here?
L40[00:14:26] <McJty> RFTools Dimensions is a mod which is a bit similar to what mystcraft did back in 1.7.10
L41[00:14:35] <McJty> i.e. players create custom dimensions with various features and stuff
L42[00:14:54] <blood> just trying to figure out why the re-use but i see now
L43[00:14:54] <McJty> In contrast with mystcraft they can also remove worlds (at least I don't think mystcraft allowed that)
L44[00:15:09] <blood> it would of made more sense to PR against Forge
L45[00:15:12] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L46[00:15:13] <blood> rather than construct your own DimensionManager
L47[00:15:26] <McJty> PR for what? There is no problem that I know about?
L48[00:15:41] <blood> an event for removal would of been good
L49[00:15:51] <blood> ill just track unregisterDimension
L50[00:16:13] <blood> WorldEvent.Delete would be a good idea for your use-case
L51[00:16:25] <mallrat208> ... huh
L52[00:17:16] <blood> mallrat208: ?
L53[00:18:17] <blood> McJty: for example https://github.com/McJty/RFToolsDimensions/blob/d3ec114/src/main/java/mcjty/rftoolsdim/dimensions/RfToolsDimensionManager.java#L336
L54[00:18:28] <blood> could of just PR'd Forge for that with an added event
L55[00:18:40] <blood> to handle dimension deletions
L56[00:18:50] <McJty> Well I don't see why I need that? It is working fine
L57[00:19:00] <blood> im saying other mods dont know what you are doing if its in your mod
L58[00:19:02] <blood> thats my point
L59[00:19:21] <McJty> Well the dimensions belong to my mod too. And I'm using the proper unregister thing
L60[00:19:21] <mallrat208> Why would other mods care about the RFTools dimensions being reused?
L61[00:19:28] <McJty> So not sure what else there is that I could do
L62[00:19:36] <williewillus> I don't understand what the problem is :P
L63[00:19:39] <blood> mallrat208: SpongeForge is a bridge between Plugins and Mods and tries to make them work in harmony
L64[00:19:50] <blood> it is hard to track what some mods do when they dump all this new logic into their own mods
L65[00:19:54] <mallrat208> .. So why would other mods care if they're reused
L66[00:19:57] <blood> rather than benefit everyone
L67[00:20:01] <blood> because SpongeForge needs to know
L68[00:20:08] <blood> in order to properly handle events
L69[00:20:15] <blood> as wlel as world registry
L70[00:20:45] <McJty> Well if such an event gets added to Forge then I'll support it
L71[00:21:00] <blood> ok i'll PR Forge then to handle this for you
L72[00:21:09] <McJty> Note however, that it has to get into forge for 1.10 too
L73[00:21:10] <blood> a ticket would be nice though
L74[00:21:13] <McJty> As my mods are dual version
L75[00:21:16] <blood> obviously
L76[00:21:20] <blood> it would only make it into latest
L77[00:21:33] <williewillus> if you want the event then you should be the one making the ticket :P
L78[00:21:34] <blood> please create a ticket of DimensionManager improvements you need
L79[00:21:39] <McJty> ...
L80[00:21:41] <blood> ill add it=)
L81[00:21:44] <mallrat208> he doesnt need them
L82[00:21:47] <williewillus> you're the one needing it lol
L83[00:22:13] <blood> other mods benefit
L84[00:22:19] <blood> just because your mod doesnt, doesnt mean it isnt needed
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L86[00:22:32] <McJty> Only spongeforge as far as I can see
L87[00:22:40] <McJty> I cannot imagine any other mod doing anything useful with that info
L88[00:22:52] <blood> ? a World management mod
L89[00:22:59] <blood> has to have that information
L90[00:23:25] <McJty> What would that mod do?
L91[00:23:32] <blood> manage deletions/creations of worlds
L92[00:23:44] <williewillus> the point is that people who don't need it have no obligation to go through the trouble of making tickets :P
L93[00:23:45] <McJty> Well I will *not* allow that
L94[00:23:51] <blood> you dont have to allow it, the mod does
L95[00:23:52] <williewillus> and those that care about it should make the tickets they need
L96[00:23:54] <McJty> RFTools Dimensions cannot be removed by anything except by my mod
L97[00:25:49] <blood> yea ill PR Forge to fix that
L98[00:26:00] <blood> then you can just use Forge's DimensionManager
L99[00:26:17] <McJty> Which I'm already doing so that's fine
L100[00:26:31] <blood> right i mean you can wipe out the logic on your end and just hook into FOrge
L101[00:26:38] <blood> assuming it supports what you need
L102[00:27:06] <McJty> The logic on my end that is still there is needed for my own bookkeeping
L103[00:27:10] <McJty> i.e. dimension power and stuff
L104[00:27:14] <blood> well yea any custom stuff sure
L105[00:27:28] <blood> i mean as far as dimension management itself such as creation/deletions
L106[00:27:51] <McJty> The only thing I need in forge is the unregisterDimensionID() which I already have and am already using
L107[00:27:53] <blood> DimensionManager needs some loving anyway
L108[00:27:53] <McJty> So that's fine
L109[00:30:06] <blood> how big are these dimensions?
L110[00:30:44] <blood> Player X creates an RFTool dimension, is there a limit to size?
L111[00:31:39] <McJty> These dimensions are just regular dimensions. i.e. they grow if you move
L112[00:31:48] <McJty> i.e. chunks get regenerated
L113[00:31:58] <blood> right so they are meant to be a full player world?
L114[00:32:06] <blood> with no limits
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L116[00:32:15] <McJty> yes
L117[00:32:41] <blood> is there a limit on how many dimensions can be created?
L118[00:32:43] <blood> per player?
L119[00:32:52] <McJty> By default not but that can be set in the config
L120[00:33:01] <McJty> Dimensions are 'owned' by a player
L121[00:33:04] <blood> because from a server standpoint
L122[00:33:10] <blood> this doesnt make much sense due to performance
L123[00:33:13] <blood> from a client standpoint, this is fine
L124[00:33:17] <blood> single player
L125[00:33:21] <McJty> Well I don't always agree with that
L126[00:33:26] <McJty> If done properly dimensions can be good for a server
L127[00:33:29] <blood> you would never want players creating/deleting worlds
L128[00:33:31] <McJty> i.e. void worlds are very good for performance
L129[00:33:32] <blood> performance would be destroyed
L130[00:33:43] <McJty> People do it
L131[00:33:51] <McJty> Hermitcraft people have rftools dimensions enabled
L132[00:33:59] <McJty> Forgecraft/SF3 has dimensions enabled
L133[00:34:02] <McJty> And they are used heavily
L134[00:34:07] <McJty> It is really not such a problem as many people think
L135[00:34:20] <blood> right but performance will not be good the more dimensions are created
L136[00:34:23] <blood> and i bet they all set limits
L137[00:34:28] <blood> which is my point
L138[00:34:47] <McJty> Number of dimensions does not decrease performance
L139[00:34:51] <McJty> It does increase diskspace
L140[00:34:54] <blood> from a server standpoint, it makes more sense to let the server have control if these are really going to be full player worlds
L141[00:34:58] <blood> of course it does
L142[00:34:59] <McJty> Numbers of 'used' dimensions of course has an impact
L143[00:35:03] <blood> all it takes is 1 player to go into the dimension
L144[00:35:08] <McJty> But a dimension that is not used is just using diskspace
L145[00:35:09] <blood> completely separate spawn caps
L146[00:35:11] ⇨ Joins: kevev (~kevev@cpe-67-11-215-146.satx.res.rr.com)
L147[00:35:17] <kevev> Howdy all :)
L148[00:35:24] <blood> and another world tick for all world logic
L149[00:35:25] <McJty> blood, that's why many servers set rftools dimensions to void only
L150[00:35:30] <McJty> blood, spawn caps don't matter that much then
L151[00:35:37] <blood> but you said they generate chunks etc
L152[00:35:43] <blood> so are these void worlds or not?
L153[00:35:44] <McJty> Void chunks are chunks
L154[00:35:49] <blood> right but if they arent generating chunks
L155[00:35:53] <blood> like blocks
L156[00:35:54] <McJty> On SF3 rftools dimensions are void
L157[00:35:59] <McJty> By default you can get any kind of world
L158[00:36:03] <kevev> Anyone got time to help me minimize player moved too quickly! & Can't keep up! issues?
L159[00:36:05] <blood> still would want limits
L160[00:36:16] <blood> no server is going to have no cap on that and give players full control :P
L161[00:36:20] <McJty> blood, limits are possible. By default the mod has no limits but you can set them
L162[00:36:42] <blood> DimensionTools was another mod that tried to do the same thing
L163[00:36:54] <blood> to fix all the perf issues, he just used 1 world and generated it all inside
L164[00:37:18] <McJty> Well I cannot do that with rftools dimensions
L165[00:37:18] <blood> if RFTools dimensions are void worlds, what do you do in them?
L166[00:37:22] <McJty> build
L167[00:37:28] <McJty> People like to play in void worlds
L168[00:37:33] <McJty> That's why skyblock packs are so succesful
L169[00:37:34] <blood> right but you could do it like 1 world
L170[00:37:35] <blood> set regions
L171[00:37:40] <blood> 1 region per player
L172[00:37:41] <McJty> No
L173[00:37:47] <McJty> Because these worlds can be very different
L174[00:37:50] <McJty> i.e. you can customize them
L175[00:37:59] <McJty> The sky color, day/night speed, biomes, ...
L176[00:38:06] ⇨ Joins: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-129-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se)
L177[00:38:14] <McJty> For example, an eternal day dimension is different from a normal void dimension
L178[00:38:15] <McJty> And so on
L179[00:38:17] <blood> biome customization isnt bound by the world, you can have 1 world with a huge variation
L180[00:38:20] <kevev> I have tried the server on a raspberry pi, odroid XU4, Windows 10 i5 12GB RAM.
L181[00:38:22] <blood> sky/day sure
L182[00:38:26] <kevev> java.exe -Xms256M -Xmx768M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -jar forge-1.10.2- nogui
L183[00:38:40] <mallrat208> Im thinking they've never used your mod they're telling you to change
L184[00:38:57] <kevev> Mods: BetterFps-1.3.2.jar JurassiCraft-2.0.4.jar llibrary-1.7.1-1.10.2.jar
L185[00:39:08] <blood> mallrat208: im just talking in terms of performance
L186[00:39:21] <blood> void worlds at start sure
L187[00:39:23] <blood> not much is being done
L188[00:39:26] <blood> but as they build, it will get worse
L189[00:39:34] <blood> especially as the number of dimensions are added
L190[00:39:36] <mallrat208> except that's not all they are
L191[00:39:44] <mallrat208> They -can- be void worlds. they are literally anything
L192[00:39:50] <McJty> blood, in practice it doesn't turn out to be that bad really. RFTools Dimensions has been around for a while
L193[00:39:55] <McJty> It is heavily used. Even on servers
L194[00:40:12] <blood> is there a large server using it with a ton of dimensions and maintaining 20 TPS?
L195[00:40:16] <McJty> With and without (or very little) restrictions
L196[00:40:19] <blood> i would like to see this =)
L197[00:40:32] <McJty> Forgecraft servers have always used them a lot
L198[00:40:48] <McJty> With about 10-20 dimensions usually
L199[00:40:55] <blood> minecraft just isnt built on performance for having too many worlds
L200[00:41:09] <blood> when they have 1 thread per world, that will fix it
L201[00:41:17] <blood> but DinnerBone hasnt delivered on his promise
L202[00:41:25] <blood> probably stuck in the backburner now
L203[00:41:41] <blood> however i guess i can push some improvements that would benefit your mod
L204[00:43:03] <blood> i think the ability to customize mob spawning would help for sure
L205[00:43:07] <blood> unless your mod offers that?
L206[00:43:16] ⇦ Quits: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@p5B23C6BC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Die Sprache der Politik ist daf�r gemacht, dass L�gen wahr klingen und das T�ten angemessen wirkt. (George Orwell))
L207[00:43:42] <kevev> anyone?
L208[00:43:45] <kevev> :D
L209[00:44:38] *** fry|sleep is now known as fry
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L212[00:48:34] <blood> McJty ^
L213[00:48:54] <McJty> sorry, was afk
L214[00:48:57] <McJty> Reading back
L215[00:49:07] <blood> i also need to PR Entity Activation Range for Forge
L216[00:49:12] <McJty> Yes, customizing mob spawning is already a part of RFTools Dimensions
L217[00:49:14] <blood> as entities are a huge burden on performance
L218[00:49:53] <blood> you can customize biome spawns, chunk spawns, spawn tick rates, limits etc?
L219[00:50:24] <McJty> No (I do have another mod that can do that however: In Control). But with rftools dimensions you can set a dimension to peaceful and you can 'add' mob spawns
L220[00:50:25] <blood> or does it just focus on spawn limits? and now what can spawn where
L221[00:50:35] <McJty> brb
L222[00:50:37] <blood> ah k
L223[00:50:49] <Denyol> do textures still have to be 16x16?
L224[00:51:02] <blood> ok im going to add a fix on Sponge side for RFTools dimensions
L225[00:51:04] <Denyol> I know in older mc versions they did
L226[00:51:06] <blood> ill let you know when it is fixed
L227[00:52:16] <blood> https://github.com/McJty/RFToolsDimensions/issues/68
L228[00:52:18] <blood> Sponge bug
L229[00:52:40] ⇦ Quits: williewillus (~williewil@cpe-24-28-24-13.austin.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L230[00:53:16] <blood> https://github.com/McJty/RFToolsDimensions/issues/63
L231[00:53:20] <blood> sponge bug as well
L232[00:53:47] <blood> same bug actually =)
L233[00:54:35] <McJty> Ah thanks for looking at those!
L234[00:54:46] <McJty> Denyol, nope
L235[00:54:51] <blood> any time you get a bug with Sponge in log
L236[00:54:54] <blood> pass it to me
L237[00:54:57] <McJty> Denyol, I don't even know a version of MC where that was a limitation
L238[00:55:04] <blood> assuming you know it works in Forge
L239[00:55:15] <Denyol> Ok good, cuz I was looking at RFTools and It didnt look like 16x16 textures
L240[00:55:41] <McJty> The current set of rftools textures is 16x16 except for front panel which is 32x32 for many blocks
L241[00:56:45] <kevev> blood: Denyol: McJty: What would be the best channel to ask my performance question in? I don't want to bug if this is only Dev channel.
L242[01:02:15] ⇨ Joins: CoolerExtreme (~CoolerExt@
L243[01:02:49] <McJty> Just ask and we'll ban you if it is not the right question :-)
L244[01:02:53] <McJty> Just kidding
L245[01:03:00] <kevev> McJty: lol
L246[01:03:11] <kevev> Well I am not sure what to ask.
L247[01:03:43] <kevev> I am having the pull back issue when flying. Server shows Can't keep up! error
L248[01:03:52] <kevev> Might be a mod. Just not sure.
L249[01:04:03] <kevev> I posted mod list and what I'm running on.
L250[01:04:45] ⇦ Quits: CoolerExtreme__ (~CoolerExt@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L251[01:05:04] <kevev> Win 10 i5-4690K 3.5Ghz 12GB RAM
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L255[01:06:02] <kevev> Also error showing player moved too fast. Read lots of tutorials suggesting crazy java options. Nothing seems to work.
L256[01:06:13] <kevev> That's about it McJty.
L257[01:06:34] <blood> kevev: your server cant keep up with chunk loads
L258[01:06:48] <blood> in SpongeForge, i optimized chunks greatly
L259[01:06:50] <kevev> I'm a Unix/Linux admin. Used to be a Windows admin in previous life. So I hope I won't be too noob. :p
L260[01:07:02] <kevev> blood: ahh
L261[01:07:15] <kevev> Well the mods I run may not run on sponge. I tried it before.
L262[01:07:37] <McJty> Most mods should be compatible with spongeforge I would think
L263[01:07:38] <blood> the only mod that doesnt run on sponge is AE2 but there is a patched version for it
L264[01:07:50] <blood> however there are a few issues im fixing atm with some mods that do different things
L265[01:07:51] <kevev> orly?
L266[01:08:00] <blood> such as RFTools
L267[01:08:14] <blood> StorageDrawers has a dupe bug that im fixing now
L268[01:08:15] <kevev> BetterFPS JurassiCraft llibrary is what I use.
L269[01:08:29] <blood> how many players does your server have?
L270[01:08:36] <kevev> 1-2
L271[01:08:39] <kevev> It's for my daughter.
L272[01:08:41] <blood> then you dont need SpongeForge
L273[01:08:45] <kevev> lol
L274[01:08:46] <blood> stick to Forge only
L275[01:09:02] <blood> Sponge is really if you want to load a decent sized server
L276[01:09:07] <kevev> OK. Any suggestions for helping performance?
L277[01:09:09] <blood> and need protections, plugins etc
L278[01:09:18] <blood> hrmm well SF would definitely fix perf
L279[01:09:20] <blood> that is for sure =)
L280[01:09:25] <kevev> only my daughter and her friend are in whitelist.
L281[01:09:29] <blood> do this
L282[01:09:33] <blood> backup the entire server
L283[01:09:37] <blood> then add SpongeFOrge and test
L284[01:09:39] <blood> 1.10.2?
L285[01:09:45] <kevev> uhhh checking.
L286[01:09:56] <kevev> yes 1.10.2
L287[01:10:00] <blood> http://files.minecraftforge.net/spongepowered
L288[01:10:04] <blood> grab latest SF there
L289[01:10:07] <blood> backup server first
L290[01:10:12] <blood> pop SF into mods folder
L291[01:10:15] <blood> then test again
L292[01:10:23] <kevev> spongepowered.org?
L293[01:10:27] <blood> i just pasted it
L294[01:10:31] <kevev> gotcha
L295[01:10:45] <blood> http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/org/spongepowered/spongeforge/1.10.2-2202-5.1.0-BETA-2093/spongeforge-1.10.2-2202-5.1.0-BETA-2093.jar
L296[01:10:46] <kevev> latest 1.10.2?
L297[01:10:57] <blood> make sure you are using at least Forge 2202
L298[01:11:27] <kevev> when you say Forge you mean minecraftforge correct?
L299[01:11:28] <blood> once you add SF, you should see a significant performance improvement
L300[01:11:38] <blood> yes
L301[01:12:02] <blood> however we do cut some corners to do it =)
L302[01:12:08] <blood> such as entity activation ranges
L303[01:12:12] <kevev> blood: lol OK
L304[01:12:42] <blood> however there are a bunch of rules to keep it as close to vanilla as possible
L305[01:12:46] <blood> and fully configurable
L306[01:13:16] <blood> i also recommend adding the plugin Nucleus so your daughter and friend can setup homes around the world
L307[01:13:20] <blood> and tp to eachother easily
L308[01:13:37] <blood> https://github.com/NucleusPowered/Nucleus/releases
L309[01:13:45] <kevev> blood: cool
L310[01:13:49] <blood> contains a ton of useful additions
L311[01:13:56] <kevev> blood: I am actually running this version of forge forge-1.10.2-
L312[01:13:57] <blood> basically "essentials" that every server needs
L313[01:14:07] <blood> update to 2202
L314[01:14:07] <kevev> Will the version of sf work?
L315[01:14:08] <blood> as that is old
L316[01:14:21] <kevev> I forget how to update. Just replace or do I run the jar?
L317[01:14:27] <blood> just replace the jar with new one
L318[01:14:52] <kevev> ok so run forge 2202 first? Or just run the sf jar you gave me?
L319[01:15:06] <blood> you dont run SF jar ever
L320[01:15:10] <blood> SpongeForge is literally a coremod
L321[01:15:13] <blood> just put it in mods
L322[01:15:19] <blood> and launch Forge as you normally would
L323[01:16:07] <kevev> blood: ahhhh OK. :D
L324[01:16:56] <Denyol> Why does onBlockActivated return a boolean?
L325[01:16:56] <kevev> blood: Do I need the sf jar in client mod folder or install?
L326[01:16:59] ⇨ Joins: CoolerExtreme__ (~CoolerExt@
L327[01:17:05] <kevev> I know some mod jar require that.
L328[01:17:48] ⇦ Quits: kinggoesgaming (uid23106@id-23106.tooting.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L329[01:18:46] <blood> not required on client
L330[01:18:50] <blood> just server
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L334[01:21:11] <McJty> Denyol, returning true indicates success and then minecraft will not attempt to use the item itself
L335[01:21:20] <Denyol> oh ok thx
L336[01:22:10] <McJty> have to go
L337[01:22:12] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-224-154-146.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
L338[01:22:14] <kevev> blood: wow it started up quicker.
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L340[01:24:03] <kevev> blood: Much better! :D
L341[01:24:18] <kevev> I need to see why I lost graphics mod now..
L342[01:24:53] <kevev> I am guessing that is only client side mod I need to update.
L343[01:25:04] <blood> chunks loading smoother now right?
L344[01:25:12] <kevev> blood: Hell ya dude!
L345[01:25:14] <kevev> :D:D
L346[01:25:20] <blood> yea has a ton of man hours into that =)
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L348[01:25:30] <kevev> Dayam. Someone should pay you $
L349[01:25:34] <blood> well we have a team
L350[01:25:48] <kevev> team blood? :p
L351[01:25:51] <blood> so joint effort
L352[01:26:01] ⇦ Quits: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-129-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L353[01:26:08] <kevev> Thank You to team Sponge! All hail team Sponge!
L354[01:26:23] <blood> for example, Deamon is world gen god
L355[01:26:24] <kevev> My daughter is going to be so happy in the morning!
L356[01:26:36] <blood> anything done in Sponge dealing with world gen is usually his code
L357[01:26:54] <blood> as for chunk performance, i handled that bit
L358[01:27:48] <blood> be sure to add nucleus
L359[01:27:56] <blood> then she can do things like /home myhome
L360[01:27:57] ⇦ Quits: Davnit (~Davnit@72-189-115-20.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L361[01:28:00] <kevev> blood: I will. Reading up on that now.
L362[01:28:03] <blood> err /sethome myhome
L363[01:28:03] <blood> etc
L364[01:28:07] <blood> tons of commands
L365[01:28:14] <blood> bunch of other plugins on sponge forums
L366[01:28:16] <kevev> I bet this server will run on the Odroid XU4 now. :)
L367[01:28:29] <Denyol> How would I go about saving a List of slave tile entities to nbt
L368[01:28:54] <blood> kevev: #spongedev for sponge issues
L369[01:29:07] <Denyol> Would I save the tile entity's position?
L370[01:29:25] <Denyol> Because wouldnt loading that not work if the chunk its in is unloaded?
L371[01:29:30] <Denyol> (For a multiblock btw)
L372[01:29:42] <Denyol> In a master-slave system
L373[01:29:58] <kevev> blood: ok
L374[01:35:19] *** Davnit_ is now known as Davnit
L375[01:35:48] <kevev> yikes! Still using old versio of forge. Dloading...
L376[01:40:04] ⇦ Quits: Umbraco (~Umbraco@113x37x12x233.ap113.ftth.ucom.ne.jp) ()
L377[01:43:21] <kevev> blood: Thank You for the help! Have a great weekend. :)
L378[01:44:33] ⇦ Quits: kevev (~kevev@cpe-67-11-215-146.satx.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
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L380[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20170128 mappings to Forge Maven.
L381[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20170128-1.11.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20170128" in build.gradle).
L382[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L384[02:14:20] <Denyol> theres no limit on the amount of data in an NBTTagCompound?
L385[02:15:30] <killjoy> check the source on it
L386[02:15:41] <killjoy> also depends on what you consider data
L387[02:16:01] <killjoy> you're limited by the amount of memory/disk space you have.
L388[02:17:05] <Denyol> So I can store 99 stacks of items in NBT data?
L389[02:17:11] <killjoy> sure
L390[02:17:31] <Akkarin> technically you are also limited by processing power. Tons of data = tons of time spent on decoding
L391[02:17:40] <Denyol> true
L392[02:17:44] <Akkarin> even though it shouldn't be that bad since it's binary already
L393[02:17:48] <killjoy> that's not limiting if you're patient
L394[02:17:50] <Akkarin> quite close to its target format even
L395[02:17:53] <Denyol> Anyone know how AE does it?
L396[02:18:13] <Akkarin> Sure. Let's see how well users react to Windows declaring the program to hang
L397[02:18:14] ⇦ Quits: blood (unknown@ool-45741267.dyn.optonline.net) ()
L398[02:18:14] <killjoy> ItemStack.writeToNBT
L399[02:18:32] <Denyol> So AE does store all that in nbt
L400[02:18:37] <killjoy> sure
L401[02:18:40] <killjoy> iunno
L402[02:18:50] <killjoy> It's what I'd do
L403[02:18:52] <Akkarin> Which it does rather fast actually when you interact with the window in any way
L404[02:19:05] <Denyol> Ok ill try 90 stacks of items
L405[02:19:07] <Denyol> or 99
L406[02:19:10] <killjoy> minecraft sends itemstacks over network via nbt
L407[02:19:17] <Akkarin> and btw. AE does not produce a hell lot of data. It may have big numbers but those barely take any additional space. What does take space is having tons of items.
L408[02:19:28] <Akkarin> (different ones that is)
L409[02:19:41] <killjoy> <3 varint
L410[02:19:50] <Akkarin> NBT afaik does not make use of VarInts
L411[02:19:57] <killjoy> sadly
L412[02:20:09] <killjoy> though varint is only smaller up to a point
L413[02:20:16] <Denyol> I guess If I only limited storage to one time of item, I could just count the items
L414[02:20:22] <killjoy> since for every byte of data it has, there's an extra bit
L415[02:20:27] <Akkarin> VarInts are particularly bad when you expect to store lots of data
L416[02:20:39] <Akkarin> since an 8 byte number at worst becomes a 10 byte number
L417[02:20:59] <Akkarin> by default it also deals rather badly with negative numbers (to be expected)
L418[02:21:06] <killjoy> How would it handle all 1's, e.g. -1
L419[02:21:20] <Akkarin> -1 takes up the max by default unless you use zig zagging
L420[02:21:28] <Akkarin> e.g. you move the signing bit from the msb to the lsb
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L423[02:24:56] <killjoy> Ok, so there is a limit for nbt in the network.
L424[02:24:59] <killjoy> It's 2097152L
L425[02:25:24] <killjoy> if you're saving it locally, go crazy
L426[02:25:55] <Akkarin> ... why is that a long
L427[02:26:09] <killjoy> because decompiler
L428[02:26:24] <killjoy> the argument for max takes a long
L429[02:26:50] <Akkarin> well I may repeat the question then
L430[02:27:35] <killjoy> It's 2MB
L431[02:27:53] <killjoy> or maybe that's bits
L432[02:28:28] <killjoy> in which case, it's 256 KB
L433[02:28:37] <Denyol> I don't like how IntelliJ doesn't automatically add method params like eclipse does
L434[02:28:53] <killjoy> then use eclipse
L435[02:28:59] <killjoy> or find a plugin
L436[02:29:03] <Denyol> But IntelliJ is better
L437[02:29:06] <Denyol> so far
L438[02:29:09] <killjoy> preach
L439[02:33:01] <killjoy> NBTBase#read:depth is never used...
L440[02:33:10] <killjoy> yet it's checked to make sure it's < 512
L441[02:34:19] <Akkarin> well proguard does switch out "constants" against their respective values in code
L442[02:34:42] <Akkarin> if you aren't running it with sufficient passes it won't realize that the parameter is unused after applying that optimization though
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L444[02:36:21] <killjoy> It's still there because nbttagcompound and nbttaglist use it
L445[02:36:30] <Akkarin> or that yeah
L446[02:36:34] <killjoy> they send it recursively to other nbt
L447[02:36:45] <killjoy> it's a big circle jerk
L448[02:36:53] <killjoy> oh wait...
L449[02:36:56] <killjoy> I get it now
L450[02:36:57] <Akkarin> aka it is actually being used you just didn't look hard enough
L451[02:37:06] <killjoy> It is used
L452[02:37:19] <killjoy> You can't have more than 512 nested compounds or lists
L453[02:37:32] <killjoy> I remember how that caused some servers to crash because of malicious clients
L454[02:38:10] <killjoy> just imagine
L455[02:38:21] <killjoy> [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]*16
L456[02:39:03] <Akkarin> pff the attack wasn't really new
L457[02:39:12] ⇦ Quits: romibi (~quassel@cable-static-7-174.rsnweb.ch) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L458[02:39:15] <killjoy> never said that
L459[02:39:15] <Akkarin> keyword zip bomb
L460[02:39:27] ⇨ Joins: p455w0rd (~p455w0rd@c-68-39-246-30.hsd1.in.comcast.net)
L461[02:39:56] <Akkarin> those things would go far deeper than anything you'd use to crash a stupid server with a small heap size
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L475[03:20:11] <Denyol> is using "ItemStackHelper.getAndSplit(inventory, index, count);" acceptable instead of writing all that stuff in decrStackSize
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L483[03:42:59] <ixuser> hey
L484[03:46:26] <ixuser> if i do some changes to the source code in idea and dont want to rerun "runClient", if there a better way to recompile and reload the library in the running instance?
L485[03:46:49] <killjoy> I suggest using your IDE's debug feature
L486[03:47:04] <killjoy> otherwise, there's some JVM arguments you can use
L487[03:50:25] <ixuser> debugging is a good option but im not sure if the changes are immdediately visible in the running session, i ll try it
L488[03:50:41] <killjoy> with eclipse, building is automatic
L489[03:51:02] <killjoy> there's a config option in intellij, but you have to manually build if debugging
L490[03:52:29] <Akkarin> hotswapping changes are immediately visible when executed
L491[03:52:41] <Akkarin> e.g. if you change your constructor contents it'll obviously not run again
L492[03:52:47] <Akkarin> also: ctrl + f9 exists in IntelliJ
L493[03:53:00] <killjoy> but you can't add methods/fields
L494[03:53:03] <killjoy> classes are fine
L495[03:53:08] <Akkarin> use jRebel then
L496[03:53:12] <killjoy> not innerclases
L497[03:53:44] <Akkarin> even though I believe the newer versions hate Forge to death ... for obvious reasons
L498[03:59:18] <gigaherz> Denyol: you shouldn't have any "decrStackSize" at all. that's IInventory, and IInventory shouldn't be used in mods
L499[03:59:48] <Denyol> Oh, what should be used to add an inventory to a Tile Enity?
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L502[04:01:02] <gigaherz> Capabilities.
L503[04:01:04] <gigaherz> IItemHandler
L504[04:01:49] <Denyol> Oh, how do I use that>
L505[04:02:07] *** A1b3 is now known as Abastro
L506[04:03:35] <killjoy> kenzierocks, https://www.namecheap.com/domains/registration/results.aspx?domain=kenzie.rocks
L507[04:03:51] <killjoy> you should totally buy that
L508[04:04:40] ⇦ Quits: Abastro (~Abastro@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L509[04:05:23] <ixuser> nice, hotswapping works, thank you
L510[04:06:14] <gigaherz> Denyol: https://gist.github.com/gigaherz/fafed49f5f2e6121bc1f9bf8414dc648
L511[04:06:16] <gigaherz> like this
L512[04:06:34] ⇨ Joins: A1b3 (~Abastro@
L513[04:06:39] <Denyol> Thx, ill look through that
L514[04:06:43] *** A1b3 is now known as Abastro
L515[04:07:02] <gigaherz> (and yes, I just wrote it in the 5m inutes since you asked how to use that ;P)
L516[04:08:00] <gigaherz> oops made a mistake
L517[04:08:38] <gigaherz> there.
L518[04:08:52] <Denyol> Where would I check if an item is valid for a slot
L520[04:09:25] <gigaherz> Denyol: inside the itemstackhandler
L521[04:09:30] <gigaherz> override insertItem
L522[04:09:35] <Denyol> oh, ok
L523[04:09:49] <gigaherz> ctrl-o or ctrl-shift-o in idea
L524[04:09:50] <gigaherz> ;P
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L527[04:13:42] <Denyol> So i can delete all the IInventory stuff?
L528[04:15:06] <barteks2x> So I setup forge dev (not MDK) environment, and it crashes on startup with this: http://pastebin.com/xK5JyZU7 ,any idea what could be wrong?
L529[04:15:24] <barteks2x> oh, I see
L530[04:15:27] <barteks2x> nonnull
L531[04:15:27] ⇦ Quits: Abastro (~Abastro@ (Remote host closed the connection)
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L533[04:15:49] <barteks2x> how to disable that things?
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L536[04:17:22] <Abastro> Sound with null ID?
L537[04:18:30] <gigaherz> Denyol: yes.
L538[04:18:41] <gigaherz> if you have a GUI
L539[04:18:44] <gigaherz> you'll haveto use SlotItemHandler
L540[04:18:47] <gigaherz> instead of just Slot
L541[04:18:53] ⇦ Quits: killjoy (~killjoy@cpe-2606-A000-1118-8158-57-2593-DBC0-A86B.dyn6.twc.com) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
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L543[04:19:47] <Denyol> and SlotItemHandler can be subclassed just like Slot?
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L546[04:22:04] <Denyol> Also If I don't want to allow an item in a slot I return the stack in insertItem?
L547[04:23:32] <gigaherz> yes return it unused
L548[04:23:52] <Denyol> ok
L549[04:23:56] <gigaherz> you may also want to override the method in the custom slot class
L550[04:24:06] <gigaherz> (isItemValid)
L551[04:24:10] <gigaherz> just to save time
L552[04:24:22] <gigaherz> since the normal isItemValid would try to insert, and then compare the output
L553[04:28:23] <Denyol> "A TileEntity has thrown an exception during loading, its state cannot be restored. Report this to the mod author
L554[04:28:24] <Denyol> java.lang.ClassCastException: net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound cannot be cast to net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList"
L555[04:28:31] <Denyol> on ITEMS_CAPABILITY.readNBT(inventory, null, tag);
L556[04:29:03] <gigaherz> hmmm
L557[04:29:13] <gigaherz> did you use a tag compound with that same exact name before?
L558[04:29:27] <Denyol> what do you mean?
L559[04:29:39] <gigaherz> I mean if your old readFromNBT had a "inventory" key in it
L560[04:29:49] <Denyol> yes, it did
L561[04:29:54] <gigaherz> yeah that's the problem, then
L562[04:29:56] <Denyol> Ill delete that world then...
L563[04:30:39] <gigaherz> wait wait
L564[04:30:41] <gigaherz> if (compound.getTagId("inventory") == Constants.NBT.TAG_LIST)
L565[04:30:45] <gigaherz> add that as protection
L566[04:31:07] <Denyol> ive already replaced the world...
L567[04:31:12] * gigaherz shrugs
L568[04:31:32] <Denyol> errors gone
L569[04:31:43] <Denyol> I would have changed it, If the mod actually had a playerbase
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L572[04:47:46] <barteks2x> Any idea how to make IDEA not autoimport stuff and do formatting for me? (trying to fix a vanilla bug in forge)
L573[04:48:09] <TechnicianLP> do not hit the buttons to do so?
L574[04:48:22] <barteks2x> it automatically changes fully qualified class name to import
L575[04:50:22] <barteks2x> there has to be a way to do it, I just can't find it in config
L576[04:52:47] <gigaherz> settings -> general -> Auto Import ?
L577[04:53:02] <gigaherz> there's a "optimize inmports on the fly" in there
L578[04:53:15] <gigaherz> -n
L579[04:53:34] <barteks2x> any way to make it per-project?
L580[04:53:44] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L581[04:55:24] <gigaherz> barteks2x: it should be per-project? you see "for current project" at the top?
L582[04:55:49] <barteks2x> ah, yes. I don't like how per-project and global settings are mixed in the same place
L583[04:56:31] <gigaherz> yeah, I wish it was more explicit
L584[04:56:54] <barteks2x> And it still autoimports flly qualified class names
L585[04:56:57] <gigaherz> like some dropdown with "Apply these changes to... [current project/global]"
L586[04:57:44] <barteks2x> Ideally I want it to become a dumb text editor with syntax highlighting and autocomplete
L587[04:58:06] <Denyol> gigaherz, how would I make the ItemStackHandler in one TE return all the values for a different TE, e.g. make the first TE1 return TE2's getStackInSlot
L588[04:58:19] <gigaherz> Denyol: you don't need to
L589[04:58:21] <gigaherz> just make getcapability
L590[04:58:27] <gigaherz> return the result of the other TE's getCapability
L591[04:58:35] <Denyol> oh, ok ill try that
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L593[04:59:13] <Denyol> so on getCapability if it has TE2 return its ItemStackHandler, otherwise return TE1's ItemStackHandler
L594[05:00:33] <Denyol> ?
L595[05:01:41] <gigaherz> I have no idea what you meant with that ;P
L596[05:02:28] <Denyol> ill post some example code
L597[05:02:38] <gigaherz> teOther = world.getTileEntity(pos.east()); if (teOther instanceof TE1) inventoryOther = teOther.getcapability(ITEMS, WEST);
L598[05:03:45] <gigaherz> or if you don't care what "TE1" is, and just want to return any inventory it may have, if (teOther.hasCapability(ITEMS, WEST)) inventoryOther = teOther.getcapability(ITEMS, WEST);
L599[05:03:55] <Denyol> actually, ill explain. I have a base TE class that has the inventory capability, the TE also has a variable "TileEntityBase master", and if master != null I want to return master's inventory
L600[05:04:27] <gigaherz> eh
L601[05:04:31] <Denyol> instead of the TE's own inventory
L602[05:04:35] <gigaherz> give matser a .getInventory() method
L603[05:04:41] <gigaherz> and return your inventory object from there
L604[05:04:43] <gigaherz> and just use that
L605[05:04:48] <Denyol> ok
L606[05:05:45] <Denyol> its complainging about an Unchecked cast on "(T) getMaster().getInventory();"
L607[05:05:56] <gigaherz> @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
L608[05:05:58] <gigaherz> no way around it
L609[05:06:40] <Denyol> oh, wait, I want to return the masters capability
L610[05:06:43] <Denyol> not its inventory
L611[05:06:49] <gigaherz> nono
L612[05:07:01] <gigaherz> that'd be ok as it is
L613[05:07:08] <gigaherz> since the "capability" is just the inventory
L614[05:07:13] <Denyol> oh yeh
L615[05:07:28] <Denyol> Ive got this, https://hastebin.com/ecenopatot.java
L616[05:09:16] <Denyol> Attempting to use it in a MultiBlock slave-master system
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L619[05:13:08] <barteks2x> should I use getPatches or genForgePatches task?
L620[05:13:25] <gigaherz> genPatches
L621[05:13:57] <barteks2x> and what is the difference?
L622[05:14:11] <gigaherz> one is a super-task of the other
L623[05:15:00] <barteks2x> I was running getForgePathes before, but it frose at extractForgeRangemap, I was waiting >5 minutes
L624[05:16:28] <barteks2x> argh... IDEA already made a mess in imports
L625[05:16:41] <gigaherz> that's normal
L626[05:16:48] <gigaherz> extract rangemap takes a while the first time
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L628[05:17:20] <barteks2x> this time it finished in under 1 minute (I stopped the previous task)
L629[05:17:43] <gigaherz> you stopped it in the middle of extractForgeRangemap?
L630[05:17:54] <barteks2x> yes, is that bad?
L631[05:17:56] <gigaherz> I'm not sure that's a good thing to do.
L632[05:18:01] <gigaherz> it could have left things half-done
L633[05:18:07] <gigaherz> and it may be thinking it's fully done
L634[05:18:11] <barteks2x> it was taking over 5 minutes, closer to 10 already
L635[05:18:15] <gigaherz> yeah normal
L636[05:18:18] <gigaherz> the first time
L637[05:18:39] <Ordinastie> gigaherz, it not just "it takes a long time", it actually freezes
L638[05:18:46] <barteks2x> Does clean task reset it?
L639[05:18:50] <gigaherz> Ordinastie: does it?
L640[05:19:01] <gigaherz> first time I hear of it actually freezing
L641[05:19:11] <Ordinastie> I once forgot it for more than an hour
L642[05:19:16] <gigaherz> last I heard it was just that it takes a long time the first time
L643[05:19:20] <gigaherz> if it does actually freesze
L644[05:19:24] <gigaherz> then maybe it was ok
L645[05:19:26] <barteks2x> I also have the issue that sometimes "configure build" takes forever for no reason
L646[05:19:54] <Ordinastie> I always cancel it now if it take longer than a minute
L647[05:20:20] <barteks2x> anyone tried to debug the issue?
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L651[05:21:29] <barteks2x> Anyway, I already have a fix, but I have no idea if it doesn't break anything
L652[05:21:49] <barteks2x> (it shouldn't but minecraft is weird sometimes)
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L655[05:23:11] <barteks2x> ah... I didn't know clean removes the projects
L656[05:23:20] <barteks2x> why there is no warning... it actually removes code
L657[05:23:36] <Ordinastie> no it doesn't ôO
L658[05:23:50] <barteks2x> it removed everything from projects
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L660[05:24:00] <barteks2x> only build.gradle files left
L661[05:24:12] <Ordinastie> well, that's IDEA for you
L662[05:24:20] <barteks2x> it was the gradle clean task
L663[05:24:34] <gigaherz> technically the project folders are build output so... ;P
L664[05:24:50] <barteks2x> but they are technically also code that you modify
L665[05:24:54] <gigaherz> yes
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L667[05:25:03] <gigaherz> but even setupForge will happily overwrite your changes
L668[05:25:22] <gigaherz> you have to be paranoid when using forge's gradle commands ,P
L669[05:25:22] <barteks2x> I still think it should be separate task for that instead of clean
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L671[05:27:22] <barteks2x> what... I reran setupForge and my patches are still there
L672[05:27:57] <gigaherz> then genPatches had done its job and it just reapplied them?
L673[05:29:29] <barteks2x> why did it update some random json file for me?
L674[05:29:45] <barteks2x> specifically jsons/1.11.2.json
L675[05:29:59] <gigaherz> it happens to everyone
L676[05:30:07] <gigaherz> dunno why it's not like that in the repository
L677[05:30:10] <gigaherz> just ignore the file
L678[05:30:23] <barteks2x> so I shouldn't add it to commit?
L679[05:31:08] <gigaherz> nope
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L683[05:35:35] <barteks2x> And I ended up with detached head state
L684[05:35:42] <barteks2x> how does it happen O.o
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L690[05:48:49] <gigaherz> barteks2x: bad checkout
L691[05:48:55] <gigaherz> yo ucan use git branch
L692[05:49:04] <gigaherz> to create a branch from that detached commit
L693[05:49:09] <barteks2x> that's what happens when I use gui for git
L694[05:49:32] <gigaherz> I use tortoisegit, and I don't have those problems
L695[05:49:32] <barteks2x> anyway, PR submitted
L696[05:49:33] <gigaherz> ;p
L697[05:49:49] <gigaherz> yay, welcome to the peopoe waiting for PRs club ;p
L698[05:50:03] <barteks2x> it's one line fix, with another line of comment
L699[05:50:53] <fry> number of lines doesn't corellate strongly with the review effort
L700[05:51:20] <barteks2x> I still have no idea if it doesn't actually break something
L701[05:51:21] <gigaherz> and h aving a PR reviewed and approved doesn't correlate with it being merged, either
L702[05:52:04] <barteks2x> because it's rendering and it's the first time I really touch it
L703[05:52:20] <barteks2x> (at least in forge)
L704[05:52:56] <gigaherz> you could have pasted the link here, to make it easier for fry to take a peek at it ;P
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L706[05:53:18] <barteks2x> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/3666 here, but probably too late already
L707[05:53:48] <fry> TOO LATE
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L711[06:04:26] <Denyol> Ok, "readNBT(inventory, null, tag);" on a "Capability<IItemHandler>" is causing the error "java.lang.ClassCastException: net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound cannot be cast to net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList"
L712[06:04:50] <gigaherz> isnt' that hte same error you had before?
L713[06:05:02] <Denyol> yeh
L714[06:05:12] <Denyol> ill try the "if (compound.getTagId("inventory") == Constants.NBT.TAG_LIST)" tho, apparently deleting the world didnt work
L715[06:05:36] <Denyol> also what should Constants be?
L716[06:05:40] <Denyol> where is that from?
L717[06:05:48] <gigaherz> it's part of forge?
L718[06:06:00] <gigaherz> does IDEA not find it?
L719[06:06:12] <Denyol> nope
L720[06:06:24] <Denyol> oop, I made it
L721[06:06:34] <Denyol> its imported now
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L723[06:13:24] <Denyol> Im also getting "class me.denyol.blockbank.tileentity.vault.TileEntityVaultWall is missing a mapping! This is a bug!: on "super.writeToNBT(tag);"
L724[06:13:35] <Ordinastie> you need to register your TE class
L725[06:13:41] <TechnicianLP> ^
L726[06:13:56] <Denyol> oh yeah, forgot about that :/
L727[06:15:03] <Denyol> gigahertz: if (compound.getTagId("inventory") == Constants.NBT.TAG_LIST), doesn't let it read the inventory now
L728[06:15:33] <Denyol> gigaherz*
L729[06:16:05] <Denyol> oh wait, it is nvm
L730[06:16:33] <Denyol> but im still getting the error
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L752[07:47:01] <Shambling> what are the meat and potatoes you would consider from a tech mod? Ore doubling/smelter/armor/weapons/tools? Anything else would be considered core items?
L753[07:47:41] <TechnicianLP> a unique concept
L754[07:49:38] <Shambling> so basically anything fun and useful :p ok
L755[07:49:41] <Shambling> that is easier to go with
L756[07:49:42] <Shambling> lol :P
L757[07:51:13] <TechnicianLP> !gp p_135058_2_
L758[07:54:47] <Savos> Not forge related, but does anyone have a recommendation for a 30+ inch 21:9 gaming display?
L759[07:55:57] <Shambling> holy crud
L760[07:56:02] <Shambling> a big wallet
L761[07:56:39] <Shambling> I usually have best results with acer for cheap prices, asus makes good monitors as well. Stay away from Dell and HP
L762[07:57:00] <Shambling> aside from that, not really any suggestions other than make sure both inputs are the type you want, as the more converters the more problems
L763[07:57:58] <Savos> Cheers
L764[07:58:13] <Naiten> So, whenever my entities are unloaded/loaded back or when I rejoin the server, this magnificent magic happens: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTB5XTKCKMw
L765[07:58:20] <Shambling> oh and make sure you get the refresh rate that you want, those sizes they start really cheaping out on refresh rate
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L772[08:04:11] <Shambling> 1.10.2 -> 1.11.2 what is the change for state.getPropertyNames()? state.getProperties(). ?
L773[08:05:35] <Shambling> while I ask this, I am searching google and the source code
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L776[08:15:03] <Shambling> !gp func_190916_E
L777[08:15:40] <Shambling> !help
L778[08:16:00] <Shambling> !gm func_190916_E
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L781[08:21:26] <Shambling> hmmm most of these changes are fairly simple, off to work land
L782[08:30:05] <Shambling> there, semi-working copy of open harvest for 1.11.2
L783[08:30:30] <Shambling> now I simply should fork it and make it available for compairing to master and bugfixes for other people
L784[08:30:43] <Shambling> as I don't think setting mainhand to null is an accepted feature in 1.11.2 :D
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L788[08:39:59] <TechnicianLP> the max damage on items is Int.Max_VAL? or does it get cut of somewhere?
L789[08:44:20] <PaleoCrafter> it's Short.MAX_VALUE - 1
L790[08:45:06] <TechnicianLP> thx
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L792[09:06:02] <gigaherz> I wish mc would use variable-length integers for storage
L793[09:06:05] <gigaherz> in a general sense
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L795[09:07:39] <PaleoCrafter> I wish mc did a lot of stuff differently :P
L796[09:10:59] <RandomX45> @Savos: I know this is late, but keep in mind that bigger screens with acceptable DPIs will put more strain on your GPU's pixel shading hardware. So your games will run at lower speeds if you don't have a beefy enough GPU.
L797[09:11:39] <Savos> I have a GTX 1080
L798[09:12:31] <RandomX45> okay, just making that point known... because once you max out your pixel shader the only way to fix is to either lower your res or buy a better GPU
L799[09:12:44] <Savos> Cheers:D
L800[09:12:54] <RandomX45> I made that mistake :P
L801[09:13:25] <RandomX45> running at non-native reses sucks.
L802[09:14:06] <RandomX45> It's better if you can keep the same scale... (i.e 16:9, 4:3 ect), but still sucks.
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L809[09:51:50] <Ordinastie> it's getting better and better : http://puu.sh/tE0Gi.png
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L811[09:56:23] <fry> PLS
L812[10:00:24] <PaleoCrafter> well, go ahead and update, Ordinastie :P
L813[10:00:32] <Ordinastie> I AM! :'(
L814[10:00:42] <PaleoCrafter> do it faster
L815[10:01:02] <Ordinastie> that's what she said
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L817[10:19:26] <shadowfacts> So I'm setting up a new 1.11.2 project, and running setupDecompWorkspace outputs "There are no mappings for 1.11.2"
L818[10:19:45] <shadowfacts> I'm using the latest snapshot which was working for a different project a couple days ago
L819[10:19:51] <shadowfacts> Did something change and is there any way around it?
L820[10:21:31] <PaleoCrafter> shadowfacts, the current mappings simply are for 1.11, not 1.11.2
L821[10:21:34] <PaleoCrafter> but they work either way
L822[10:21:46] <shadowfacts> I understand that, what I'm saying is that they don't work
L823[10:21:52] <PaleoCrafter> oh, what
L824[10:24:29] <LexMobile> if you specify the mappings it should work no matter the mc version
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L826[10:31:33] <shadowfacts> Ah, it was because I was still on FG 2.1
L827[10:31:37] <shadowfacts> switching to 2.2 fixes it
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L833[10:48:41] <Shambling> ordinaste, what was that spongebob thing in reference to?
L834[10:49:52] <Shambling> switching comps, using tightvnc to view my main PC to use irc is inefficient
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L837[10:50:23] <Kragnoth> there
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L839[10:53:10] <Shambling> is there a common way of forking a repo to update to newer version of minecraft to let people have access to an updated source? does git automatically make the fork visible and clone the main text?
L840[10:53:41] <Shambling> I haven't really done much with forking yet, but would like to make a version avaible for 1.11.2, as it doesn't seem like anyone is updating it, and I think its a cool treecapitator replacement
L841[10:57:30] <IoP> are you sure you don't want a new branch? Also git != github
L842[11:00:00] <Shambling> well I know I have to use a git push origin master after I make my changes. git pulls from github, so sorry if I simplify things due to lack of knowledge of differences
L843[11:00:14] <Shambling> its not my repo, so not sure on the branch thing
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L846[11:11:33] <williewillus> hm
L847[11:11:46] <williewillus> I'm trying to figure out what bit 4 on the entity AI tasks is
L848[11:11:59] <williewillus> bit 1 is movement, and bit 2 is head movement/look
L849[11:12:07] <williewillus> but bit 4 usage seems to vary
L850[11:12:22] <PaleoCrafter> 'Misc'? :P
L851[11:14:33] <Ordinastie> what the way to trigger a block/chunk redraw again ?
L852[11:14:59] <Ordinastie> nvm
L853[11:16:01] <williewillus> notifyBlockUpdate
L854[11:16:07] <williewillus> or markBlockRangeForRerender
L855[11:16:09] <barteks2x> I hate how switch...case works in java...
L856[11:16:22] <williewillus> you mean how it works in every other C extended family language? :P
L857[11:16:23] <barteks2x> it's *almost* useful
L858[11:16:40] <williewillus> anyways, I think bit 4 is 'swimming'
L859[11:16:42] <barteks2x> variable declarations leak through to the next one
L860[11:17:40] <williewillus> not if you introduce a new scope
L861[11:17:41] <williewillus> using {}
L862[11:18:02] <barteks2x> and add enother indent level
L863[11:18:37] * TechnicianLP didnt know that was a thing ....
L864[11:19:06] <barteks2x> what? a {} created by itself?
L865[11:19:15] <barteks2x> or the switch...case behavior?
L866[11:19:15] <williewillus> 'case's don't introduce new scopes, switch is literally just a goto dispatched on the switch value
L867[11:20:19] <DaMachinator> barteks2x: are you using break; after (each) case(s)
L868[11:20:24] <barteks2x> yes
L869[11:21:25] <barteks2x> I probably should change it to if..else
L870[11:22:10] <williewillus> the break doesn't end any scope either, if you want variable isolution use {} as always
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L872[11:22:13] <williewillus> *isolation
L873[11:22:29] <barteks2x> or just use if..else chain
L874[11:22:29] <williewillus> blame K+R when they made designed it ;p
L875[11:22:32] <barteks2x> much less painful
L876[11:22:41] <williewillus> *designed it
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L880[11:27:03] <Shambling> I always used a { and } right under case, just seemed simpler to follow similar code like if and else use
L881[11:27:21] <Shambling> still need the break, but still...
L882[11:27:44] <Shambling> sometimes the most hilarious bugs I've introduced were in forgetting break in a large switch statement
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L884[11:42:44] <DaMachinator> would someone please explain to me how an NBTTagCompound works?
L885[11:42:58] <McJty> It doesn't work. It is just a way to store data
L886[11:43:13] <McJty> And MC uses it to save your tile entity/item data
L887[11:43:25] <McJty> And some other things
L888[11:43:59] <DaMachinator> I'm trying to store a HashSet of BlockPos objects to WorldSavedData.
L889[11:44:49] <McJty> You can store that as an NBTTagList with NBTTagCompounds having 3 tags each (x, y, and z)
L890[11:45:03] <McJty> Or you can store that as three int arrays which might be more efficient
L891[11:45:09] <McJty> i.e. an array with all x coordinates, and so on
L892[11:45:31] <barteks2x> or one array of ints
L893[11:45:37] <McJty> That too
L894[11:46:49] <DaMachinator> i'd need to use vectors rather than arrays, though
L895[11:47:01] <McJty> DaMachinator, what?
L896[11:47:19] <McJty> NBTIntArray would work well
L897[11:47:35] <DaMachinator> correct me if i am wrong, but java arrays have a fixed size that is declared when they are created
L898[11:47:55] <DaMachinator> int[6] intArray = {1,2,4,5,2,6};
L899[11:48:15] <McJty> new int[var] works just fine
L900[11:48:34] <williewillus> by the way, if you're storing blockpos'es and don't care about external editability
L901[11:48:39] <williewillus> you can just use a single long
L902[11:48:41] <williewillus> instead of an int array
L903[11:48:42] <McJty> So you create an int array with 3 times the blockpos set size
L904[11:48:47] <williewillus> BlockPos.fromLong/toLong
L905[11:48:51] <williewillus> saves some bytes
L906[11:48:53] <DaMachinator> when a relay block is placed in the world
L907[11:48:58] <McJty> That works too
L908[11:49:00] <DaMachinator> it stores its position to the hashset
L909[11:49:30] <williewillus> NBTTagList of NBTTagLongs
L910[11:49:31] * barteks2x hates BlockPos.to/fromLong
L911[11:49:42] <williewillus> lol
L912[11:49:55] <DaMachinator> when an energynet block queries that position and finds nothing there (since there seems to be no reliable way to detect when a block is removed), the blockpos is removed from the HashSet
L913[11:50:10] <williewillus> NBT is a serialization format
L914[11:50:12] <DaMachinator> the HashSet must be saved to WorldSavedData per dimension
L915[11:50:14] <McJty> DaMachinator, yes, that's fine but that has nothing to do with this
L916[11:50:17] <williewillus> it's only used when writing to disk
L917[11:50:29] <McJty> You serialize the hashset to a list of longs for writing
L918[11:50:37] <McJty> And when reading you construct the hashset from that list again
L919[11:50:47] <DaMachinator> ok i'm even more confused now
L920[11:50:59] <williewillus> NBT is a saving format
L921[11:51:04] <williewillus> it has nothing to do with your program logic
L922[11:51:11] <DaMachinator> ok
L923[11:51:15] <williewillus> it's just like json, if you've heard of that
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L925[11:51:28] <williewillus> in your normal mod logic you just work with normal java objects
L926[11:51:32] <DaMachinator> i have, given that all of the block models are done in json
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L928[11:51:40] <gigaherz> DaMachinator: didn't I already explain to you how to do it?
L929[11:51:56] <DaMachinator> gigaherz: maybe, but i still haven't a clue what i am doing
L930[11:51:56] <gigaherz> you were the one I showed how to do a WorldSavedData right?
L931[11:52:03] <gigaherz> the idea was always
L932[11:52:04] <DaMachinator> the forge docs aren't really helpful
L933[11:52:08] <williewillus> I don't understand what you're confused about though
L934[11:52:08] <gigaherz> to have a HAshSet in memory
L935[11:52:15] <gigaherz> and convert into NBTTagList on saving
L936[11:52:20] <gigaherz> and then read the NBTTagList on loading
L937[11:52:36] <gigaherz> I even showed you my rift storage manager
L938[11:52:37] <DaMachinator> i have no idea how any of these NBTTagThings work
L939[11:52:37] <McJty> That NBTTagList only exists during saving/loading
L940[11:52:44] <McJty> It doesn't exist in your logic
L941[11:52:44] <DaMachinator> gigaherz: i have no recollection of this
L942[11:52:54] <williewillus> whenever you see *anything* NBT that means you are saving/loading
L943[11:52:55] <gigaherz> I even showed you my rift storage class
L944[11:52:58] <gigaherz> which does it for a Map<>
L945[11:53:17] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderRift/rift/storage/RiftStorageWorldData.java#L66
L946[11:53:20] <DaMachinator> i have no recollection of this
L947[11:53:22] <McJty> williewillus, not always. Item manipulation sometimes involves NBT manipulation without loading/saving (immediatelly)
L948[11:53:23] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderRift/rift/storage/RiftStorageWorldData.java#L87
L949[11:53:27] * gigaherz shrugs
L950[11:53:32] <williewillus> McJty: yes but I am simplifying :P
L951[11:53:40] <williewillus> minecraft does not know how to save a java.util.HashSet to the disk. it DOES know how how to save NBT tags though
L952[11:53:45] <williewillus> so you convert the former to the latter
L953[11:53:48] <williewillus> so mc can save it for you
L954[11:54:19] <DaMachinator> ok thank you
L955[11:54:51] <williewillus> so to convert a HashSet<BlockPos> to something mc knows how to save, you would make it an NBTTagList with NBTTagLongs inside
L956[11:54:53] <gigaherz> DaMachinator: as an explanation:
L957[11:55:04] <gigaherz> NBTTagCompound is a special kind of Map
L958[11:55:15] <DaMachinator> what is an NBTTagList, how do i get one, and how does one iterate over it
L959[11:55:15] <gigaherz> it's like a Map<String, NBTBase>
L960[11:55:25] <gigaherz> while an NBTTagList is like a List<NBTBase>
L961[11:55:39] <williewillus> 1. ^ 2. you counstruct it 3. it has a size() method
L962[11:55:49] <gigaherz> and NBTBase can be anything from NBTInt, NBTBoolean, or other NBTTagCompounds and NBTTagLists
L963[11:56:08] <gigaherz> just use it a bit
L964[11:56:14] <gigaherz> play around with it
L965[11:56:21] <gigaherz> try to insert data and read it back
L966[11:56:25] <DaMachinator> ...
L967[11:56:37] <williewillus> ?
L968[11:56:49] <DaMachinator> does one just NBTInt thingy = 1?
L969[11:56:54] <williewillus> no...
L970[11:56:56] <gigaherz> no
L971[11:56:57] <gigaherz> you do
L972[11:56:58] <williewillus> you construct it
L973[11:56:58] <McJty> This is still java
L974[11:57:01] <williewillus> like any other java object
L975[11:57:04] <gigaherz> tagCompound.setInteger
L976[11:57:06] <McJty> NBTInt is a class. You have to instantiate it
L977[11:57:08] <McJty> Using 'new'
L978[11:57:20] <DaMachinator> NBTInt thingy = new NBTInt(1);
L979[11:57:24] <gigaherz> yes
L980[11:57:34] <DaMachinator> i now have an NBTInt called "thingy"
L981[11:57:38] <McJty> But for this you need NBTTagLong though
L982[11:57:47] <McJty> At least if you plan to go with the blockpos.toLong method
L983[11:58:20] <DaMachinator> does NBTTagList have .push() and/or .pop() methods to add things to it?
L984[11:58:34] <williewillus> use your ide
L985[11:58:35] <williewillus> and look
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L987[11:59:18] <DaMachinator> time to find out where the package is
L988[11:59:42] <williewillus> ctrl+n, NBTTagList, enter :P
L989[11:59:47] <williewillus> or whatever it was for eclipse
L990[11:59:49] <Lumien> If you use eclipse CTRL SHIFT T
L991[12:01:38] <DaMachinator> so an NBTTagCompound is an NBTTag that contains other NBTTags?
L992[12:01:49] <williewillus> yes
L993[12:01:53] <DaMachinator> like a HashMap of NBTTags?
L994[12:01:59] <williewillus> it's a map from string to any other nbt tag
L995[12:02:09] <DaMachinator> ok...
L996[12:02:18] <williewillus> look at the methods on it
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L998[12:02:41] <DaMachinator> WorldSavedData seems to want me to feed it NBTTagCompounds to save
L999[12:03:03] <williewillus> ?
L1000[12:03:07] <williewillus> you are passed a compound
L1001[12:03:09] <williewillus> put your stuff in it
L1002[12:03:11] <williewillus> then return it
L1003[12:04:12] <williewillus> look at how the other WSD's do it (MapData is a good example)
L1004[12:04:34] <DaMachinator> um
L1005[12:04:37] <DaMachinator> oh
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L1007[12:08:02] <DaMachinator> do blocks know their BlockPos or do i need a TileEntity to get that
L1008[12:08:15] <McJty> Every block has only one instance
L1009[12:08:19] <McJty> So how can it even know its own position?
L1010[12:08:39] <McJty> There is one dirt block instance in memory. Even if you are looking at a mountain of dirt
L1011[12:09:36] <barteks2x> but many methods in Block get BlockPos as argument
L1012[12:10:27] <McJty> DaMachinator, but in any case, you should not need a tile entity to be able to get a position of a block
L1013[12:10:36] <McJty> The position should be something you get from your context
L1014[12:13:35] <DaMachinator> hmm
L1015[12:13:43] <DaMachinator> overriding onBlockAdded should work
L1016[12:13:52] <DaMachinator> key word being *should*
L1017[12:14:00] <DaMachinator> time to add lots of logging statements
L1018[12:14:26] <williewillus> what's the purpose of ItemStackHolder?
L1019[12:14:37] <williewillus> vs just referring directly
L1020[12:16:16] <williewillus> asking because I add banner patterns in preinit with certain itemstacks
L1021[12:16:34] <williewillus> and it doesn't work. looking at it with a debugger it shows an entirely different item than what it actually is
L1022[12:16:45] <williewillus> *than what I registered it as
L1023[12:19:35] <McJty> The purpose is probably exactly what it says in the comment
L1024[12:19:44] <McJty> But I haven't used it myself so no idea how it really works
L1025[12:19:53] <williewillus> okay then forget that question, anyone know about the problem I stated?
L1026[12:21:39] <gigaherz> what did you ask? XD
L1027[12:22:00] <williewillus> adding banner patterns in preinit, which requires constructing an itemstack (in this case, iron sword)
L1028[12:22:14] <williewillus> later, the crafting recipe doesn't work and the itemstack shows "vine" inside
L1029[12:22:22] <gigaherz> hmmm
L1030[12:22:28] <gigaherz> is adding banner patterns supported?
L1031[12:22:33] <williewillus> using enumhelper
L1032[12:22:52] <williewillus> i remember it working in 1.9
L1033[12:23:16] <gigaherz> hmm I see
L1034[12:23:29] <gigaherz> and it doesn't appear that the banner patterns are referenced directly
L1035[12:23:58] <williewillus> the recipe uses Enum.values()
L1036[12:24:21] <williewillus> my pattern shows up it just fails the stack matching with the crafting interface
L1037[12:24:33] * gigaherz nods
L1038[12:25:18] <gigaherz> wait, waht fails?
L1039[12:25:26] <gigaherz> getCraftingResult?
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L1042[12:28:37] <williewillus> wait never mind the items match
L1043[12:28:44] <williewillus> the logic in this recipe is just a bit screwy..
L1044[12:29:20] <williewillus> oh lol nvm
L1045[12:29:23] * williewillus facepalms
L1046[12:30:23] <McJty> The famous programmer facepalm moment
L1047[12:30:39] <williewillus> I forgot vanilla requires you to have a dye when you add a pattern
L1048[12:30:42] <williewillus> >_>
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L1065[13:45:44] <barteks2x> where are my irc logs!? They disappeared
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L1067[13:46:42] <barteks2x> ... any way to use discord without updating?
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L1069[13:59:54] <Ordinastie> well, that was dumb
L1070[14:00:14] <Ordinastie> to have fancy demo for some tickable block, I made the block have the render based on it
L1071[14:00:22] <Ordinastie> except it tick server side only :x
L1072[14:03:42] <Ordinastie> not sure how to handle that :/
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L1074[14:11:22] <gigaherz> Ordinastie: vanilla uses tileentities ;P
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L1080[14:33:39] <diesieben07> williewillus, followup: @ItemStackHolder is for referring to itemstacks from other mods without hard-dependencies
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L1082[14:34:08] <williewillus> ah I see
L1083[14:35:57] <diesieben07> although really it is mostly convenience, since you could just @ObjectHolder and construct the ItemStack manually
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L1089[15:16:09] <heldplayer> Is there something in Forge that is enforcing @Nonnull annotations, or possibly IDEA doing this? Because my code is getting called by vanilla with null values on methods with parameters marked as Nonnull because that's what the contract for them is
L1090[15:16:39] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L1091[15:17:23] <diesieben07> IntelliJ adds runtime checks for the annotations
L1092[15:18:02] <heldplayer> That's what I thought but I'm not sure where to look to disable that
L1093[15:18:35] <diesieben07> Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Add runtime assertions for not-null...
L1094[15:19:38] <heldplayer> Thanks! <3
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L1109[15:34:09] <killjoy> Missing nullable annotation
L1110[15:34:33] <killjoy> because @MethodParametersAreNonnullByDefault is on every package
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L1124[16:40:33] <TechnicianLP> weird problem: if i place a block with a custom model, getQuads gets called; if i close and reopen the world, everything turns into missingno models, without getQuads being called ... any ideas what could cause this?
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L1126[16:41:39] <gigaherz> TechnicianLP: show us how you register your model, and your model
L1127[16:45:02] <TechnicianLP> https://gist.github.com/TechnicianLP/e6c528bc76da358ca9ecf7b9521ee0c9
L1128[16:46:12] <TechnicianLP> this: ModelLoaderRegistry.registerLoader(new MechanicsModelLoader()); is the first thing in preinit
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L1130[16:52:35] <williewillus> show the block class
L1131[16:53:08] <williewillus> (also this isn't relevant but why linked list of quads? 0.o)
L1132[16:53:57] <diesieben07> LinkedList is basically never the right choice
L1133[16:54:12] <williewillus> do you hear that it's the sound of your cache crying
L1134[16:54:20] <williewillus> ;p
L1135[16:54:22] <gigaherz> specially in Java's case, where you can't iterate through the nodes
L1136[16:54:41] <williewillus> either way I think I know the problem but want to see the block class to be sure
L1137[16:54:42] <diesieben07> well, you kinda can with a ListIterator
L1138[16:54:55] <gigaherz> at least in other languages/environments, you have like, ListNode, and then you can .addBefore/.addAfter
L1139[16:55:10] <TechnicianLP> can the defaultstate containe unlistedproperties?
L1140[16:55:21] <williewillus> don't set default values for your unlisted props
L1141[16:55:25] <williewillus> that's what I wanted to see
L1142[16:55:26] <diesieben07> no, you can only create those in getExtendedState
L1143[16:55:57] <williewillus> I ran into the "missing model on reload" problem in botania a while ago and that's because I was setting default values for unlisted props
L1144[16:56:00] <williewillus> so remove that if you're doing it
L1145[16:56:09] <TechnicianLP> ok .. thank you guys ;)
L1146[16:56:23] <TechnicianLP> yeah i was removing random bits ... and after that one it worked
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L1149[16:58:37] <TechnicianLP> but why does that happen?
L1150[17:00:36] <williewillus> the default state is used for serializaiton/synchronization. unlisted props/extended state are only for renderingh
L1151[17:01:11] <TechnicianLP> yeah but why dont they get ignored?
L1152[17:01:22] <williewillus> that means more patches to vanilla :P
L1153[17:01:32] <williewillus> extended states are added by forge
L1154[17:02:22] <Shambling> I think this is possible, but I've got a question. Can a dimension be generated with visible borders, and in addition, can default vanilla behavior be changed per dimension.
L1155[17:02:36] <williewillus> what's "visible borders"
L1156[17:02:49] <Shambling> lets say I want to have a 'smelting' dimension, where furnaces and other blocks that smelt items, generate randomly more product and run faster, i sthat possible
L1157[17:02:57] <Shambling> visible borders: bound by a visible cube
L1158[17:03:00] <Shambling> lets say a skyblock
L1159[17:03:10] <Shambling> can't move outside of set dimensions x,y,z
L1160[17:03:19] <williewillus> i mean you can render a box yourself?
L1161[17:04:00] <TechnicianLP> or place unbreakable blocks
L1162[17:04:01] <Shambling> ok visible limits aren't really important. can you keep a player from moving outside of an area without putting down some sort of unbreakable blocks?
L1163[17:04:14] <Shambling> yeah so unbreakable blocks it probably is then
L1164[17:04:20] <Ordinastie> is that exactly what world borders are ?
L1165[17:04:24] <Ordinastie> *isn't
L1166[17:04:26] <williewillus> yeah :P
L1167[17:04:38] <gigaherz> yep
L1168[17:04:40] <Shambling> I suppose if they are invisible that works fine
L1169[17:04:46] <gigaherz> they are 30 million on each cardinal direction by default
L1170[17:04:50] <Shambling> wait... are world borders a thing?
L1171[17:04:50] <gigaherz> but can be set smaller
L1172[17:04:56] <gigaherz> since like, 1.8
L1173[17:04:59] <Shambling> I thought that was a pocket edition thing, lol
L1174[17:05:13] <Shambling> oh wait no, there is a 1.8 map that has that glowing border.. ooo
L1175[17:05:17] <TechnicianLP> ./worldborder
L1176[17:05:21] <Shambling> sweet, ok
L1177[17:05:32] <gigaherz> yeah the one with the achievements
L1178[17:05:40] <gigaherz> that would giveyou half a block extra each
L1179[17:05:44] <Shambling> can multiple of those exist in the same dimension, seperating each set of chunks, or does it have to be per dimension
L1180[17:05:54] <TechnicianLP> 1/dim
L1181[17:05:56] <gigaherz> one per, I think
L1182[17:05:58] <Shambling> kk
L1183[17:06:03] <gigaherz> I don't even know if other dimensions can have them
L1184[17:06:07] <Shambling> I'm thinking maybe I've got an idea for a magic/tech mod
L1185[17:06:28] <TechnicianLP> all worlds have a manager for that
L1186[17:07:02] <TechnicianLP> World#<init>: this.worldBorder = providerIn.createWorldBorder();
L1187[17:07:10] <Shambling> I'll just need to figure out how to effect tile entities differently depending on dimension
L1188[17:07:31] <Shambling> err affect?
L1189[17:08:32] <TechnicianLP> you could maybe also extend the WorldBorder class (i have no clue how exactly that works though)
L1190[17:08:32] <gigaherz> affect.
L1191[17:09:07] <TechnicianLP> i thin TEs have a world ref
L1192[17:10:11] <Shambling> I'm a very bad artist, are there things like MIT license for textures/texture packs? or should I bribe my brother with energy drinks for texture work
L1193[17:10:23] <gigaherz> Creative Commons
L1194[17:10:37] <gigaherz> CC-BY is similar to MIT/BSD, but for art stuff
L1195[17:10:38] <Shambling> ah so its called creative commons for texture packs/textures. k, cool thanks
L1196[17:10:53] <gigaherz> CC-BY-SA is similar to GPL, but for art stuff
L1197[17:11:02] <Shambling> I just... I work better with textures that aren't purple and black cubes to sketch out ideas
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L1199[17:11:58] <gigaherz> heh
L1200[17:12:05] <gigaherz> my programmer art looks like: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/ender-rift
L1201[17:13:27] <Shambling> though technically I think I could get away with no textures for this mod if I was creative
L1202[17:13:43] <Shambling> gigaherz if that isn't art, I don't know what is :P
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L1204[17:14:06] <Shambling> 8 eyeballs on sticks next to an angry nintendo robot
L1205[17:14:31] <gigaherz> wat XD
L1206[17:14:40] <Shambling> must be thinking of a different robot : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R.O.B.
L1207[17:14:55] <gigaherz> Shambling: thing is: the base textures for the rift structure, are just iron and redstone
L1208[17:15:05] <gigaherz> and the base texture fort he inventory stuffs, is the hopper one
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L1212[17:26:03] <Abastro> Are there any PG texture generator for MC?
L1213[17:29:32] <gigaherz> I'm not aware
L1214[17:29:39] <gigaherz> but the fun of procedural is making it yourself ;P
L1215[17:30:04] <Shambling> yup
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L1218[17:48:32] <Abastro> :/) okay, I wanted it since I am bad at texture art.
L1219[17:48:51] <Abastro> Maybe it's only me, so I have to do it myself
L1220[17:49:19] <gigaherz> you coudl try asking around?
L1221[17:49:27] <gigaherz> there may be some artist interested in helping you
L1222[17:49:34] <gigaherz> and by around I meant like, in the forums or something
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L1226[17:51:16] <Abastro> I couldn't find someone, it seems that there are too many modders looking for an artist.
L1227[17:51:33] <Abastro> Like games and such.
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L1229[17:52:51] <Kirito> Hm that was weird.
L1230[17:52:57] <Kirito> Wouldn't let me talk, eh.
L1231[17:52:59] <Kirito> Is there a way to draw directly on Minecraft? Eg. adding another "health" bar that's controlled differently
L1232[17:53:06] <gigaherz> what kind of things do you need textures for, Abastro?
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L1234[17:54:06] <Abastro> gigaherz; As normal, blocks, items, and entities.
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L1238[18:02:03] <gigimoi> Anyone know why when running the client from IntelliJ idea it doesn't recognize my gpu/drivers, but gradlew runClient does? This is the log I get from idea: https://hastebin.com/raw/jihowiyoma
L1239[18:02:37] <gigaherz> Kirito: oops I forgot to answer
L1240[18:02:47] <gigaherz> you want the game overlay event
L1241[18:02:57] <gigaherz> gigimoi: problem with latest nvidia drivers
L1242[18:02:59] <Kirito> gigaherz: Not a problem :) Thanks, I'll check it out
L1243[18:03:01] <gigaherz> downgrade to the ones right before that
L1244[18:03:38] <gigaherz> there's a few opengl-based games that have similar issues, not just minecraft
L1245[18:04:12] <gigimoi> I wasn't able to gradlew runClient until I downgraded, this is a different issue.
L1246[18:04:41] <gigaherz> uhm
L1247[18:04:47] <gigaherz> waht version drivers are you on?
L1248[18:05:09] <gigimoi> 376.33
L1249[18:05:13] <gigaherz> 376.33 should work just fine
L1250[18:05:24] <gigaherz> try uninstalling 3d vision
L1251[18:05:29] <gigaherz> or downgrading even further
L1252[18:05:48] <gigaherz> I use 376.33 without 3d vision, and they work fine for me
L1253[18:06:11] <gigimoi> I never installed it, almost certain this is a different issue since I can run it outside of idea no problem.
L1254[18:06:35] <gigaherz> no it isn't
L1255[18:06:55] <gigaherz> it's EXACTLY the same issue I had when I upgraded to 378.49
L1256[18:07:02] <gigaherz> downgrading fixed it for me
L1257[18:07:22] <gigaherz> it MAY have a different cause
L1258[18:07:30] <gigaherz> but it would be quite a bit of a coincidence
L1259[18:07:32] <gigaherz> that for me
L1260[18:07:41] <gigaherz> 378.49 worked in the normal launcher and with runClient
L1261[18:07:48] <gigaherz> but failedwith that exact error in IDEA
L1262[18:09:18] <gigimoi> I'll try downgrading further but I'd be surprised if that's the fix
L1263[18:15:39] <gigaherz> you may want to try restarting IDEa or the entire pc in between
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L1265[18:16:15] <gigimoi> I'll give restarting my pc a try, restarted idea and no change after downgrading to 376.19
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L1276[18:40:28] <Disconsented> Double checking: Stand alone potion effects don't need to have anything done with them do they?
L1277[18:40:43] <williewillus> what does "stand alone" mean
L1278[18:40:45] <Disconsented> I.E. Register
L1279[18:40:51] <Disconsented> Potion effects without a potion
L1280[18:40:59] <williewillus> that makes no sense
L1281[18:41:05] <williewillus> PotionEffect = Potion + time
L1282[18:41:08] <williewillus> + amplifier
L1283[18:41:17] <williewillus> are you talking about PotionType?
L1284[18:41:33] <williewillus> PotionType is the stuff you brew and put on arrows
L1285[18:42:00] <Disconsented> I mean a Potion then and that also answers my question
L1286[18:42:13] <williewillus> Potions need to be registered
L1287[18:42:17] <williewillus> and PotionTypes do as well
L1288[18:42:34] <williewillus> PotionEffect is just a Potion + two numbers so it doesn't make sense to register those
L1289[18:42:54] <A1b3> Is it worth time to develop mc mods, or I should stop it when I lose my interest on MC?
L1290[18:43:07] <williewillus> that question is 100% on you to answer for yourself :P
L1291[18:43:21] <williewillus> you're the only one who knows your own time's worth
L1292[18:44:37] <A1b3> Thanks :D
L1293[18:44:56] <gigaherz> I earn like, $100 every 3 months ;P
L1294[18:45:02] <gigaherz> it's not very lucrative
L1295[18:45:11] <williewillus> i mean not just financially
L1296[18:45:20] <williewillus> some modders don't play much any more but they still like making the mod itself
L1297[18:45:28] <williewillus> so it all depends on what you like to do
L1298[18:45:43] <gigaherz> yeah that's why I keep modding
L1299[18:45:48] <gigaherz> not because I enjoy playing what I mod
L1300[18:45:55] <gigaherz> but becauseI enjoy seeing other people enjoy my mods
L1301[18:47:27] <A1b3> So it's independent with actually playing MC?
L1302[18:48:25] <gigimoi> gigaherz I did a clean install of 376.33 and I'm good now, not sure if I did something wrong when I downgraded. Thanks
L1303[18:50:21] <gigaherz> heh
L1304[18:50:22] <gigaherz> np
L1305[18:51:10] <A1b3> One of the problem was that cost per work keeps decreasing.
L1306[18:52:03] <A1b3> *earning per work
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L1308[18:53:06] <gigaherz> "oh so making axes is independent from being a lumberjack?"
L1309[18:53:18] <gigaherz> yes ofc.
L1310[18:53:36] <gigaherz> modders usually enjoy playing mc, but often don't have time to do both ;P
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L1312[18:55:30] <A1b3> I see.
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L1314[18:57:10] <A1b3> It seems that earning decreases very slowly with occasional updates, while earning per work decreases faster.
L1315[18:57:42] <gigaherz> if you are looking at modding JUST for the money
L1316[18:57:47] <gigaherz> you are probably doing it wrong.
L1317[18:57:51] <gigaherz> there's jobs that pay quite a lot more
L1318[18:58:03] <A1b3> Well, I'm definitely not.
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L1320[19:00:25] <A1b3> The earning I said includes the interest it gets and the satisfaction it gives.
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L1349[20:14:33] <LexMobile> If you're in modding to make money sod off
L1350[20:14:48] <LexMobile> If you are in it because you enjoy it then have at it
L1351[20:14:56] <LexMobile> If you stop enjoying it sod off
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L1354[20:28:50] <Akkarin> What if I'm in it for the hugs? :o
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L1356[20:33:59] <LexMobile> Then you go to cons, and find out that the hugs are more then you expected.
L1357[20:34:09] <tterrag> speaking of cons
L1358[20:34:10] <tterrag> :C
L1359[20:34:34] <LexMobile> This community has a inappropriate amount of touching at cons :p
L1360[20:35:10] <tterrag> being on wisdom tooth surgery recovery makes looking at all the food that much worse ;_;
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L1362[20:38:21] <Akkarin> inappropriate amount of hugs? there is no such thing!
L1363[20:42:27] <williewillus> tterrag: did you just get it done? :P
L1364[20:42:32] <tterrag> williewillus: tuesday
L1365[20:42:43] <tterrag> still can't really eat anything though
L1366[20:43:12] <williewillus> yeah i couldn't go back to normal food for about 1-1.5 weeks, sucks :P
L1367[20:43:53] <tterrag> I've heard up to 2. here's hoping it's faster
L1368[20:44:49] <tterrag> how long ago was yours?
L1369[20:45:26] <williewillus> 3 weeks, I'm basically back to normal now
L1370[20:45:58] <tterrag> oh wow, that recently
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L1373[20:52:57] <gigimoi> What's the best way to override in-hand item rendering these days? With a fbx/obj/etc model, not this weird json format.
L1374[20:53:15] <williewillus> in-hand is no different than anywhere else?
L1375[20:53:29] <williewillus> give an example of what you mean
L1376[20:53:34] <williewillus> also the json format is extremely simple :P
L1377[20:53:44] <Scorp> I grabbed actually additions to test my mod with. What is the 'CF' power they use? Never heard of it?
L1378[20:53:59] <gigimoi> I want to render a makehuman model inhand
L1379[20:54:11] <williewillus> Scorp: probably their own internal sys
L1380[20:54:13] <gigimoi> the json format doesn't quite work for that :p
L1381[20:54:16] <williewillus> gigimoi: I don't know what that is
L1382[20:54:33] <gigimoi> it generates a fairly realistic human model
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L1384[20:54:51] <williewillus> okay I don't see how this has to do specifically with the hand
L1385[20:54:56] <williewillus> the model loader loads models for all perpsectives
L1386[20:55:23] <Scorp> williewillus, I thought they'd use RF?
L1387[20:55:29] <tterrag> RF is dead
L1388[20:55:35] <williewillus> (or it should be)
L1389[20:55:36] <gigimoi> I'm going to need a little more handholding than that unfortunately
L1390[20:55:44] <tterrag> it's never even technically been ported past 1.7
L1391[20:55:48] <gigimoi> wtf rf is dead how long was I asleep
L1392[20:55:52] <tterrag> *every* RF implementation on 1.8+ is unofficial
L1393[20:56:01] <williewillus> gigimoi: so what is the format of the model you want to load
L1394[20:56:19] <gigimoi> It's an fbx
L1395[20:56:22] <tterrag> gigimoi: forge can natively load .obj and .b3d by just pointing to them
L1396[20:56:28] <tterrag> fbx is a no, you'd have to convert it
L1397[20:56:34] <Scorp> I may try with the minecraft forge equivalent. Is it just as easy to implement?
L1398[20:56:43] <gigimoi> Converting to .obj is fine
L1399[20:56:54] <tterrag> Scorp: I assume you mean FE, in which case yes
L1400[20:58:11] <williewillus> Scorp: actually additions uses FE internally
L1401[20:58:19] <Scorp> Hrm ok. I may try to use that then
L1402[20:58:29] <williewillus> it just displays the meters as "RF" or "Tesla" to make people feel better
L1403[20:58:29] <williewillus> :P
L1404[20:58:30] <Scorp> any docs on it?
L1405[20:58:48] <williewillus> the interface itself + any documentation on capabilities
L1406[21:00:12] <Scorp> Whats the thing I need to implement
L1407[21:00:38] <williewillus> are you familiar with the capability system?
L1408[21:01:28] <Scorp> No
L1409[21:01:33] <williewillus> if not read this: https://gist.github.com/williewillus/c8dc2a1e7963b57ef436c699f25a710d or this: https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/datastorage/capabilities/
L1410[21:01:50] <Scorp> Currently I have it working with the cofh api implementing Ienergyhandler etc
L1411[21:03:07] <williewillus> yeah so the idea is you decouple the interface implementations from the tile/item/entity. instead of implementing a million interfaces on the TE, the TE holds onto implementations of the interfaces internally (kinda like a component system). the articles should make it clear
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L1413[21:05:22] <LexMobile> Meant to say a large amount of inappropriate hugs
L1414[21:05:33] <Scorp> Hrm, not sure I understand but ok :P
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L1417[21:06:30] <williewillus> Scorp: so for example if you had an inventory, instead of treating the TE itself like an inventory, you ask the TE "do you have an inventory?" and the TE gives you an object back
L1418[21:06:51] <williewillus> it just helps decouple things
L1419[21:07:03] <tterrag> why am I even looking at twitter
L1420[21:07:04] <Scorp> Hrm ok
L1421[21:07:20] <Scorp> tterrag, Why not?
L1422[21:07:27] <tterrag> because it's just pictures of food
L1423[21:07:33] <tterrag> sprinkled with politics rants
L1424[21:07:36] <williewillus> lol
L1425[21:07:39] <tterrag> neither of which I want right now
L1426[21:08:08] <Scorp> tterrag, Politics on twitter is just depressing me too now :P
L1427[21:08:09] <Scorp> williewillus, So how do I get the energy thing implemented or the other method
L1428[21:08:18] <williewillus> did you read the whole article already wow :P
L1429[21:09:00] <Scorp> I skipped over parts
L1430[21:09:20] <williewillus> so when I say "the Capability Interface is IEnergyStorage" you know what to do from here?
L1431[21:09:42] <Scorp> I can try to work it out
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L1433[21:10:10] <williewillus> see, in my gist, the "Making things have a capability" section
L1434[21:10:17] <williewillus> and also the "terminology" section at the top
L1435[21:13:44] <Scorp> I think i will try to implement method first to just get it working then do the other thing later
L1436[21:13:53] <williewillus> ?
L1437[21:14:03] <Scorp> If you can do it that way
L1438[21:14:11] <williewillus> what way?
L1439[21:14:16] <Scorp> Just implement it
L1440[21:14:20] <williewillus> no, you can't do that
L1441[21:14:23] <Scorp> ah k :P
L1442[21:14:55] <williewillus> or, you're "allowed to" but nothing would recognize it
L1443[21:15:24] <williewillus> read the articles through more slowly and I think it should become more intuitive
L1444[21:16:49] <Scorp> any example code I can see instead?
L1445[21:16:58] <tterrag> no
L1446[21:17:52] <Scorp> :(
L1447[21:18:40] <tterrag> understand, don't copy
L1448[21:21:06] <Scorp> I better learn from looking at it rather than docs imo
L1449[21:21:33] <williewillus> well the doc establishes the base terminology
L1450[21:21:36] <williewillus> and ideas
L1451[21:21:57] <williewillus> the actual code behind it should be nothing (override 2 methods and construct 1 object in FE's case)
L1452[21:22:13] <Scorp> hrm k
L1453[21:22:45] <Scorp> I'll try to implement tomoro, I got to go now. Thanks for help :)
L1454[21:22:51] <williewillus> np
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