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L11[00:31:52] <killjoy> Why can I connect to IRC but not anything else?
L12[00:35:16] <Barteks2x> I had this kind of issues a few times, they usually went away after a while for no reason
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L15[00:36:05] <Fendirain> What's the best way to get a Logs meta?
L16[00:36:32] <killjoy1> the block?
L17[00:37:02] <Fendirain> Yes, To spawn an item in world.
L18[00:37:10] <killjoy1> use the blockstate
L19[00:38:30] <Fendirain> How? Sorry, Its been a while since I attempted modding, and it has changed quite a bit since the last time.
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L21[00:41:56] <killjoy1> Fendirain, worldIn.setBlockState(pos, Blocks.DIRT.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockDirt.VARIANT, BlockDirt.DirtType.DIRT));
L22[00:42:06] <killjoy1> that's for dirt
L23[00:42:28] <Fendirain> Thanks.
L24[00:44:49] * Ashindigo_ wonders why his config isn't working
L25[00:44:56] * Ashindigo_ never actually saved it
L26[00:45:15] <killjoy1> A while ago, I was wondering the same thing
L27[00:45:26] <killjoy1> I was using json, and the contents of the json file was "INSTANCE"
L28[00:45:34] <killjoy1> can you guess what my problem was?
L29[00:46:02] <Ashindigo_> Coding at 5am?
L30[00:46:15] <killjoy1> I used an enum
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L32[00:52:31] <Fendirain> That helps me place it into the world, But I need the Meta to make an ItemStack to spawn it in the world.
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L34[01:00:24] ⇦ Quits: glasspelican (~quassel@stanley.glasspelican.ca) (Remote host closed the connection)
L35[01:01:40] <killjoy1> Fendirain, use Block.getItem
L36[01:02:12] <killjoy1> the pos argument is used for nbt
L37[01:02:35] <killjoy1> or just used Block.damageDropped() to get the meta
L38[01:03:06] <killjoy1> alternatively, state.getValue(VARIANT)).getMetadata()
L39[01:08:46] <Fendirain> Thanks, Just what I needed.
L40[01:09:11] <killjoy1> heck, you can bypass it entirely by calling BlockOldLog.EnumType
L41[01:09:35] <killjoy1> *EnumType.SPRUCE.getMetadata()
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L49[01:44:06] <Fendirain> Yep, Pretty much solved the issue I was working on. Is it possible to easily get the meta from a different mods logs (BOP in this case)?
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L53[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20170118 mappings to Forge Maven.
L54[02:00:10] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20170118-1.11.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20170118" in build.gradle).
L55[02:00:21] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L87[03:57:26] <blupilot> Does anyone know where I can find documentation or a tutorial for the Forge Energy API
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L356[04:17:30] <Naiten> Hi there
L357[04:17:43] <Naiten> Is there a way to prevent IModelBaked block from being culled?
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L360[04:23:04] <ghz|afk> Naiten: if you draw it yourself on an entity/TESR, use GlStateManager.cullMode
L361[04:23:14] <ghz|afk> set it back to front afterward
L362[04:23:16] <Naiten> It's not a TESR
L363[04:23:30] <Naiten> just a block with IBM
L364[04:23:39] <ghz|afk> then no, you'dh ave to make it two-sided manually, I think
L365[04:23:44] <ghz|afk> that is, doubling thequads
L366[04:23:50] <ghz|afk> and having one point outward, and one point inward
L367[04:23:52] <Ordinastie> ghz|afk, I think he means it's culled because out of frustum
L368[04:23:52] <ghz|afk> for each side
L369[04:24:05] <Naiten> Not as big deal as having tesr
L370[04:24:09] <ghz|afk> ah, then the answer is a definite no
L371[04:24:10] <ghz|afk> ;P
L372[04:24:10] <Naiten> or me wrong?
L373[04:24:19] <ghz|afk> what exactly are you trying to achieve?
L374[04:24:29] <ghz|afk> because there's different kinds of culling and the answer depends
L375[04:24:29] <ghz|afk> ;P
L376[04:24:31] <Naiten> my blocks can be 32m long
L377[04:24:35] <Naiten> get out of chunk
L378[04:24:38] <ghz|afk> yeah no
L379[04:24:38] <Naiten> got culled
L380[04:24:42] <ghz|afk> make your blocks 1x1x1
L381[04:24:46] <ghz|afk> and just place more pieces of them
L382[04:24:46] <Naiten> -_-
L383[04:24:52] <ghz|afk> with parts of the model each
L384[04:25:08] <Naiten> this will be PINA
L385[04:25:37] <ghz|afk> either that or TESR with the bounds tweaked
L386[04:25:44] <Ordinastie> Pain In Naiten's Ass ? :p
L387[04:26:07] <Naiten> Ordinastie, exactly
L388[04:26:19] <ghz|afk> you speak of yourself in third person, now?
L389[04:26:49] <Naiten> I sometimes do that, but atm I care more about block rendering
L390[04:28:42] <Naiten> also, I manage to model this https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/red-arrow-electric-narrow-gauge-railway-soller-mallorca-spain-june-runs-soller-to-palma-takes-hour-photo-43466232.jpg
L391[04:28:53] <ghz|afk> heh
L392[04:28:54] <Naiten> I can replicate the drifting meme
L393[04:36:00] <Naiten> http://www.minecraftuniversity.com/forge/liquid_dictionary_list/ is this up to date?
L394[04:36:07] <Naiten> Why there is no oil?
L395[04:37:01] <ghz|afk> looks like 1.7.10 fluid list
L396[04:41:03] <Naiten> where do i find info on how to use this? google suggests crap
L397[04:41:44] <ghz|afk> what is "this"?
L398[04:41:54] <ghz|afk> fluids are just fluids
L399[04:41:56] <ghz|afk> like blocks and items
L400[04:41:58] <ghz|afk> they are registered
L401[04:42:10] <ghz|afk> and then there's FluidStacks of them that can be obtained from tanks and items
L402[04:43:55] * Naiten needs code examples
L403[04:44:12] <Naiten> okay, how do I see fluids list?
L404[04:44:12] <ghz|afk> sorry then, I haven't actually used the fluid stuffs
L405[04:44:18] <Naiten> at least default forge ones
L406[04:44:24] <ghz|afk> ForgeRegistries.liquids?
L407[04:44:27] <ghz|afk> or fluids
L408[04:44:31] <ghz|afk> you can enumerate them
L409[04:44:53] <ghz|afk> ah no there's no liquids there
L410[04:45:07] <ghz|afk> FluidRegistry is its own thing
L411[04:45:42] <ghz|afk> FluidRegistry#getRegisteredFluids seems like what you want?
L412[04:46:16] <Naiten> looks like Forge itself only has water and lava
L413[04:48:08] <ghz|afk> because those are the vanilla ones
L414[04:48:13] <ghz|afk> why would forge "know" mod liquids?
L415[04:49:20] <Naiten> that page listed forge liquids?
L416[04:49:48] <ghz|afk> no it lists "common liquids"
L417[04:49:56] <Naiten> oh well
L418[04:50:20] <ghz|afk> pyrotheum, cryotheum, liquid redstone and liquid ender are added by thermal expansion
L419[04:50:31] <ghz|afk> flux is fromthaumcraft
L420[04:50:53] <ghz|afk> ah liquid coal and steam are TE too
L421[04:51:25] <Naiten> oh, okay
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L424[04:58:56] <blupilot> Hey guys, newbie modder, how would i make my crafting recipe accept all kinds of wood planks
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L426[05:06:57] <Ivorius> Use OreDictionary.WILDCARD as the metadata
L427[05:07:26] <blupilot> Ah, tyvm
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L442[05:48:32] <Redrield> Is the normal way for mods to add recipes through the CraftingManager (server side)?
L443[05:48:54] <ghz|afk> no
L444[05:49:19] <ghz|afk> the normal way is to call GameRegistry.addRecipe/addShapedRecipe/addShapelessRecipe
L445[05:49:32] <ghz|afk> on both sides.
L446[05:50:01] <Redrield> Does that call back to the CraftingManager in the end? Or does GameRegistry have its own stored recipes
L447[05:50:03] <ghz|afk> (well, both jar-sides, not threads, since the lifecycle events only happen once per instance)
L448[05:50:12] <ghz|afk> yes it calls the crafting manager
L449[05:50:23] <ghz|afk> public static void addRecipe(IRecipe recipe)
L450[05:50:23] <ghz|afk> {
L451[05:50:23] <ghz|afk> CraftingManager.getInstance().getRecipeList().add(recipe);
L452[05:50:23] <ghz|afk> }
L453[05:50:35] <ghz|afk> and so on
L454[05:50:55] <Redrield> Alright, that's all i needed to know
L455[05:50:56] <Redrield> Thanks!
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L457[06:05:57] <masa> what is the best way of copying a JsonObject?
L458[06:07:08] <Ivorius> Using Google and finding a StackOverflow question
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L460[06:22:03] <masa> works every time
L461[06:22:19] <Ashindigo_> _every_
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L464[06:40:30] <ghz|afk> I once had a question that was NOT in SO
L465[06:40:47] <ghz|afk> the dread and despair that caused me, was inimaginable.
L466[06:41:04] <ghz|afk> I shudder at the thought of those moments
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L469[06:59:46] <Tencao> So, I'm going a player.hasAchievement, however only server side is returning true
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L471[06:59:52] <Tencao> Anyway to get this client side?
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L474[07:03:43] <Naiten> This is weird http://i.imgur.com/Pxrg8zg.png http://i.imgur.com/P6S75qr.png
L475[07:04:30] <Naiten> I've tried triangulating, checked normals, but doors are still darker than should
L476[07:08:30] <LatvianModder> !gf field_76636_d
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L489[08:12:03] <ghz|afk> "hipsterpig tried to play minecraft." "Maincraft is too mainstream!" "Hipsterpig is now pig."
L490[08:12:27] <ghz|afk> Minecraft*
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L493[08:24:14] <Naiten> Is there a way to romove white shading? http://i.imgur.com/grZ2ovO.png http://i.imgur.com/zQZESur.png
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L502[08:56:05] <ghz|afk> https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/5opl31/help_us_test_the_new_minecraft_launcher_now_with/
L503[08:56:11] <ghz|afk> new launcher is now available for linux
L504[08:56:24] <IoP> does it ship jre?
L505[08:57:00] <ghz|afk> it's "linux-oriented"
L506[08:57:07] <ghz|afk> they released an AUR package
L507[08:57:12] <ghz|afk> with proper dependency stuff
L508[08:57:16] <ghz|afk> it won't even self-update
L509[08:57:21] <ghz|afk> leaving the task to the package manager
L510[08:57:33] <kashike> I installed in 10 minutes ago, on arch
L511[08:57:35] <kashike> works quite nice
L512[08:57:47] <ghz|afk> they are possibly going to release other packages, if there's demand for them
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L514[08:59:01] <IoP> .deb is in the list
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L517[09:00:57] <ghz|afk> ah nice, I didn't notice that ;P
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L528[09:48:17] <ghz|afk> yay, the "rebased" fernflower almost compiles (tests don't quite build yet)
L529[09:54:27] * Ashindigo_ claps
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L531[10:07:02] <kashike> ghz|afk: rebasing Forge FF off upstream?
L532[10:07:08] <ghz|afk> yup
L533[10:07:11] <ghz|afk> lex asked yesterday
L534[10:07:14] <ghz|afk> and I was bored enough
L535[10:07:36] <ghz|afk> it "works"
L536[10:07:41] <ghz|afk> the tests just don't match the output
L537[10:07:45] <ghz|afk> due to things like variable name choices
L538[10:08:06] <kashike> ah, was going to say that's quite a coincidence seeing as it was talked about in a privatr channel yesterday :P
L539[10:09:11] <ghz|afk> now I have to check which ones are "my" fault, and which ones are just due to tests changing in a different way than forge's modifications
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L541[10:10:47] <ghz|afk> the changes are like: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/ff_tests.PNG
L542[10:11:03] <ghz|afk> so I may have used the wrong thing during conflict resolution
L543[10:12:35] <ghz|afk> Hmm this one fails because I don't have testData/classes/PlayerSelector.class
L544[10:12:41] <ghz|afk> which I guess comes from MC
L545[10:13:16] <ghz|afk> yes, the original code tests fail the same way.
L546[10:13:44] *** cpw|out is now known as cpw
L547[10:14:29] <ghz|afk> hmm in this one I like the "actual" output more than the expected XD
L548[10:14:29] <ghz|afk> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/ff_tests2.PNG
L549[10:18:58] <ghz|afk> aha! the anonymous class stuff IS broken :)
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L552[10:23:11] <ghz|afk> almost all of the other test failures are due to mismatching names
L553[10:23:17] <ghz|afk> debug symbols don't appear to be applied
L554[10:27:13] <ghz|afk> dafuq
L555[10:27:20] <ghz|afk> oh nevermind
L556[10:27:25] <ghz|afk> I was running the other window XD
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L558[10:32:47] <ghz|afk> so yeah if anyone wants to check the changes so far: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/FernFlower/compare/master...gigaherz:rebase?expand=1
L559[10:32:57] <ghz|afk> I gotta rest a bit
L560[10:32:59] * ghz|afk is semi-sick
L561[10:33:50] <ghz|afk> I think the first change may be one of the most important: ff upstream is java8
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L563[10:39:57] <ghz|afk> I want to reduce differences with upstream, which means more changes with the old one
L564[10:49:25] <SquareWheel> Is it possible to set the "length" of a fluid, similar to how lava flows less far than water?
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L566[10:49:44] <ghz|afk> SquareWheel: i would assume so
L567[10:49:46] <ghz|afk> no idea how, though
L568[10:49:53] <SquareWheel> I did a search but can't even find the lava class in my IDE.
L569[10:50:07] <ghz|afk> that's because there isn't one
L570[10:50:12] <ghz|afk> both use the same class
L571[10:50:15] <SquareWheel> Well that would do it.
L572[10:50:21] <ghz|afk> with if lava else water
L573[10:50:54] <ghz|afk> if you search for uses of Material.LAVA
L574[10:51:13] <ghz|afk> you'll see it's used in BlockStaticLiquid/BlockDynamicLiquid
L575[10:51:24] <ghz|afk> which is the class used by vanilla liquids
L576[10:51:49] <SquareWheel> Thanks, that helps.
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L578[10:52:08] <SquareWheel> I guess the Forge implementation (BlockFluidClassic/Finite) would probably work differently though, so may not be able to copy.
L579[10:52:16] <ghz|afk> yeah you won't be able to copy
L580[10:52:21] <ghz|afk> but it may give you an idea to how it's done
L581[10:52:30] <SquareWheel> I'll take a look, thanks.
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L593[11:40:34] <Barteks2x> looks like all gtk2 programs will forever remain unusable on my windows installation :( , more reasons to use linux for now
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L595[11:46:06] <Baughn> Barteks2x: Also, reasons not to use the GIMP toolkit. :P
L596[11:46:20] <Baughn> But it's nice being still able to run legacy apps, yeah.
L597[11:46:22] <Baughn> ====
L598[11:46:37] <Barteks2x> gtk3 fixes that but some things including hexchat seem stuck on gtk2
L599[11:46:45] <Baughn> I observed a MITM of files.player.to earlier today.
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L601[11:47:00] <Baughn> Probably nowhere close to the actual server. The internet is just becoming hostile.
L602[11:47:00] <Barteks2x> and gtk2 scrolling is horribly broken with my touchpad on windows
L603[11:47:07] <Baughn> Someone injected Javascript in the Sampler jar.
L604[11:47:27] <Baughn> ...which broke it, of course, but it could just as easily have been something that'd actually work. And steal my CCNs or something.
L605[11:47:53] <Baughn> This is to say, it's time to stop fucking around and actually use HTTPS everywhre.
L606[11:56:28] <IoP> probably your ISP or NSA
L607[11:57:02] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L608[11:57:48] <Baughn> Well, I don't think the NSA would be interested in injecting ad code.. and I'm on a business line, so I certainly *hope* it's not my ISP.
L609[11:57:51] <Baughn> Does it matter?
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L611[11:58:37] <IoP> I does if you want to find entity to blame and maybe even file a complain
L612[11:59:40] <Baughn> I don't, particularly. I want people to stop using HTTP.
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L630[13:10:39] <killjoy> What's this about http?
L631[13:11:58] <diesieben07> well, http is plain text and insecure and we should all use https
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L634[13:12:42] <killjoy> ah.
L635[13:12:54] <killjoy> at least always for authentication stuff
L636[13:13:12] <diesieben07> no, not just that... always :D
L637[13:13:27] <diesieben07> if you download something over http, you have no idea what you're getting.
L638[13:13:31] <killjoy> that requires admins to learn ssl
L639[13:13:34] <diesieben07> you can't know if there is a MITM
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L641[13:16:18] <Lord_Ralex> and https isn't a magic bullet
L642[13:16:30] <Barteks2x> I remember when some old internet explorer version liked to warn me very frequently about http
L643[13:16:50] <diesieben07> https especially doesnt help with stupid antivirus programs :D
L644[13:17:02] <Lord_Ralex> or work proxies
L645[13:19:36] <diesieben07> yeah proxies are basically just a glorified mitm
L646[13:19:54] <killjoy> supposed to tunnel
L647[13:20:46] <killjoy> tunnelling is level 3, http/s is level 4
L648[13:21:12] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-224-154-146.access.telenet.be) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Jorrit)))
L649[13:21:20] <Lord_Ralex> but then that's moved beyond https
L650[13:21:22] <fry> tunnelling can be level2 :P
L651[13:21:28] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~jorrit@94-224-154-146.access.telenet.be)
L652[13:22:52] <Lord_Ralex> (using an ssh tunnel myself at work anyways for irc)
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L664[14:33:37] <TechnicianLP> ok so i have a IModel in which i want to use a submodel; i probably need to add the model to the dependencylist, but where do i get the baked model then?
L665[14:34:06] <gigaherz> in your bake method
L666[14:34:37] <TechnicianLP> well i need it there ... but where do i fetch it from?
L667[14:35:05] <gigaherz> ModelLoaderRegistry.getModel
L668[14:35:31] <diesieben07> thats the unbaked model
L669[14:35:50] <fry> which you can bake :P
L670[14:35:51] <gigaherz> yes but chances are you want to bake it using specific settings
L671[14:35:57] <gigaherz> so you can just call .bake on it
L672[14:36:02] <fry> ^
L673[14:36:12] <gigaherz> you can give it TRSRTransformations and such
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L676[14:48:25] <LatvianModder> !gc kn
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L678[15:03:40] <TechnicianLP> what is the ENumFacing in getQuads for?
L679[15:05:07] <diesieben07> null => those quads are always visible. not-null => those quads are only visible if the given side is not covered
L680[15:05:13] <diesieben07> i.e. for culling
L681[15:05:27] <gigaherz> basically if the face is on the edge of the block space
L682[15:05:35] <Ashindigo_> So when was Travis added to the forge git?
L683[15:05:38] <gigaherz> and it's touching a block that would hide it
L684[15:05:48] <gigaherz> it lets you indicate that those quads should not be shown
L685[15:06:02] <gigaherz> so mc won't call getQuads with the side parameter for the sides that shouldn't be drawn
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L687[15:06:21] <gigaherz> anything that should always be drawn, return it only when face=null
L688[15:07:07] <Mraof> Is there still no way of making a weapon/tool enchantable that doesn't rely on it extending ItemSword or ItemTool or whatever?
L689[15:07:14] <Mraof> Or has there been a way that I just never noticed
L690[15:07:55] <Mraof> Besides just making your own enchantment table or whatever, I mean
L691[15:08:22] <gigaherz> hmmm
L692[15:08:28] <gigaherz> not sure
L693[15:09:21] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L694[15:10:05] * Ashindigo_ goes off to celebrate a bit
L695[15:11:02] <Mraof> I guess making entirely new enchantments that do the same thing might work, but that also seems like a terrible solution
L696[15:12:20] <killjoy> Technically you can put any ench on any item
L697[15:12:25] <Mraof> Yeah
L698[15:12:39] <Mraof> But I mean through normal means, like using an enchantment table
L699[15:13:29] <gigaherz> I feel like it would be easier to require books on an anvil or similar
L700[15:19:05] <Mraof> Hmm
L701[15:19:22] <Mraof> Even with an anvil you can't apply tool enchantments to a weapon, for example
L702[15:21:30] <Mraof> Unless I'm doing something wrong somehow
L703[15:26:48] <gigaherz> right :/
L704[15:28:46] *** Darkevilmac is now known as DarkevilAway
L705[15:29:57] <Barteks2x> reordering fields in Chunk can affect isAreaLoaded performance by >10% O.o
L706[15:30:44] <Ashindigo_> magic!
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L708[15:33:39] <diesieben07> cache misses are fun!
L709[15:34:23] <Barteks2x> well, i figure out it may help from blog that talked about false sharing
L710[15:35:08] <diesieben07> false sharing might have a role in it, but all this stuff needs careful investigation
L711[15:35:28] <diesieben07> basically, if you re-order fields, you change how cache prefetching and cache lines affect things
L712[15:35:35] <diesieben07> because suddenly different fields are in the same cache line
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L714[15:37:07] <Barteks2x> still surprizing it may affect lighting performance (because in many cases call to checkLightFor just uses isAreaLoaded and fails, or succeeds and then lighting is updated in 1 block)
L715[15:37:46] *** DarkevilAway is now known as Darkevilmac
L716[15:37:55] <Barteks2x> and worldge performance, or basically everything that inolves blocks
L717[15:38:11] <Barteks2x> because all of that goes through getLoadedChunk
L718[15:39:56] *** Darkevilmac is now known as DarkevilAway
L719[15:41:16] *** DarkevilAway is now known as Darkevilmac
L720[15:43:53] <Barteks2x> There is no way my optimized lighting code is correct, it's 3x faster than vanilla
L721[15:44:17] <diesieben07> i am very curious how you always arrive at your performance numbers.
L722[15:44:26] <Barteks2x> using JMH
L723[15:44:41] <Barteks2x> I literally copyypate vanilla code into my JMH project until it compiles and works
L724[15:44:52] <Barteks2x> and then create a simple test that does what I want
L725[15:44:58] <diesieben07> that... does not sound very accurate or representative to the actual game...
L726[15:45:02] <Barteks2x> generate a chunk, or spread and unspread light in this case
L727[15:45:24] <Barteks2x> it's as accurate as is possible without just measuring stuff ingame
L728[15:46:34] <Barteks2x> but yes, it may affect the numbers. Still being able to see disassembly with profiling results is helpful
L729[15:47:00] <Barteks2x> any better idea for measuring performance if anything in MC?
L730[15:47:20] <killjoy> Performance can be measured in launchpad
L731[15:47:32] <Barteks2x> launchpad? what is that?
L732[15:47:35] <killjoy> no, that's not the name..
L733[15:47:43] <killjoy> mission control
L734[15:48:14] <Barteks2x> that will tell you the performance more or less but it definitely won't tell you why the slow parts are slow
L735[15:48:29] <killjoy> It helped me find a memory leak once
L736[15:48:36] <TechnicianLP> what do have to return from getDepndencies in IModel? MRL(modid:models/block) returns a FileNotFound
L737[15:49:00] <Barteks2x> I found memory leaks using visualvm without issues.
L738[15:49:25] <Barteks2x> But I usually founf that when methid inlining is involved, samplers don't give useful results
L739[15:49:40] <Barteks2x> and profilers affect merformance way more than extracting the code into JMH project would
L740[15:50:32] <Barteks2x> it may be useful if you want to blame some mod/a block withing a mod
L741[15:50:56] <Barteks2x> but it's not useful when trying to find parts of relatively low level methods that cause performancee issues
L742[15:51:44] <Barteks2x> also, controlling lighting ingame is quite hard
L743[15:56:35] <diesieben07> well, but you also have to test with real data.
L744[15:56:45] <diesieben07> benchmarking is hard ;)
L745[15:57:03] <Barteks2x> I'm testing lighting by placing a torch and then removing it
L746[15:57:13] <Barteks2x> just not withing full minecraft world
L747[15:59:03] <Barteks2x> I was testing worldgen performance by generating about 20x20x20 cubes of size 16x16x16
L748[15:59:14] <Barteks2x> that isn't too far away from real test
L749[15:59:34] <diesieben07> if you say so :P
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L751[16:02:27] <Barteks2x> For lighting I also tested it in 2 edge cases: one where it keeps changing the lighting, and one where nothing actually changes (close to "1 block changed")
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L754[16:10:48] <TechnicianLP> ok after event more trying around: i cant sem to figure out in which format the mrl i return from getDependencies in IModel are ...
L755[16:12:45] ⇦ Quits: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872A6E.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L756[16:13:00] <diesieben07> should be the same format like everywhere
L757[16:13:05] <diesieben07> but i havent used it myself
L758[16:13:09] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L759[16:13:35] <gigaherz> TechnicianLP: hmm it's a "full path", so like "minecraft:models/block/asdf"
L760[16:13:44] <gigaherz> not sure if the .json would be needed at the end
L761[16:13:53] <gigaherz> no wait
L762[16:14:01] <gigaherz> Everpipe.location("block/pipe_core.obj");
L763[16:14:04] <gigaherz> I'm using
L764[16:14:12] <gigaherz> "everpipe:block/pipe_core.obj"
L765[16:14:15] <gigaherz> so the models/ isn't needed
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L767[16:21:04] <gigaherz> so lex or someone who knows how the fernflower fork was developed,
L768[16:21:04] <gigaherz> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/FernFlower/compare/master...gigaherz:rebase?expand=1
L769[16:21:08] <gigaherz> I have this thing rolling
L770[16:21:22] <gigaherz> tests mostly pass, and the ones that differ from expected, is because the output is better even
L771[16:21:39] <gigaherz> but I have no idea how to run the tests that involve mc stuff
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L773[16:26:56] <TechnicianLP> yay model with missingtexture ...
L774[16:27:00] <TechnicianLP> thank you guys
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L779[16:43:44] <LexManos> to runt he mc test
L780[16:43:53] <LexManos> IIRDC you have to edit the file to point tot he right MC jar
L781[16:43:59] <LexManos> in srg names
L782[16:44:19] <LexManos> or.. did I push the one where you pointed it at a forge dev workspace...
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L784[16:46:02] <gigaherz> hmm
L785[16:46:12] *** fry is now known as fry|sleep
L786[16:46:27] <gigaherz> the MinecraftDecompilationTest has only "private static final String MC_JAR = "minecraft_ff_in.jar";
L787[16:46:29] <gigaherz> so I guess not
L788[16:48:34] <SquareWheel> I'm surprised I can't find anything online about setting the fluid "length" in Forge. Not even any questions on the forums.
L789[16:49:03] <gigaherz> SquareWheel: from what I saw, vanilla fluids just change how much the height is reduced each step
L790[16:49:53] <SquareWheel> Hrmm. I wonder if I subtract 1.0 then, if there'd be no trail whatsoever.
L791[16:50:25] <SquareWheel> I'm doing kind of a silly thing in attaching a TE to a fluid block, so I wanted to avoid having the flowing blocks altogether.
L792[16:50:58] <gigaherz> the height (LEVEL property) is integer, not float ;P
L793[16:51:38] * SquareWheel shakes fist
L794[16:51:45] <gigaherz> so you want a non-flowing block?
L795[16:51:55] <SquareWheel> Ideally, yeah.
L796[16:52:23] <SquareWheel> I wonder if BlockFluidFinite can do that. Not a lot of info about that either, compared to Classic.
L797[16:52:54] <gigaherz> BlockFluidFinite is special
L798[16:53:24] <gigaherz> it tries to implement a rudimentary idea of finite liquids
L799[16:53:43] <gigaherz> that said
L800[16:53:48] <gigaherz> try to set the quanta per block to 1?
L801[16:54:03] <gigaherz> then it will be either 1 or 0
L802[16:54:12] <gigaherz> that is, full, or nothing
L803[16:54:39] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L804[16:55:22] <SquareWheel> Still a bit novice there. Would I override getQuantaValue, or is that a variable I can set elsewhere?
L805[16:57:00] <gigaherz> setQuantePerBlock
L806[16:57:03] <gigaherz> just call it
L807[16:57:54] <SquareWheel> Ohh, under Base.
L808[16:58:17] <SquareWheel> Will give that a go, thanks.
L809[17:03:20] *** fry|sleep is now known as fry|sleep|sleep
L810[17:03:36] <killjoy> heh https://i.reddituploads.com/358be8b0a6304f4a8290ddd25b536a1b?fit=max&h=1536&w=1536&s=64d52bcc082295fe9ae2730eb00d5cc6
L811[17:04:20] <SquareWheel> That worked beautifully, thanks.
L812[17:04:27] <SquareWheel> Still likes to flow even as only a source block, but that's no big deal.
L813[17:04:33] <gigaherz> killjoy: lol
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L820[17:20:28] <gigaherz> [00:18] (@gigaherz): YAY
L821[17:20:28] <gigaherz> [00:18] (@gigaherz): https://blog.mozilla.org/opendesign/arrival/
L822[17:20:28] <gigaherz> [00:18] (@gigaherz): the least ugly new logo for mozilla, won
L823[17:21:02] <SquareWheel> It's a clever idea, though I'm not really sure it makes for a great logo.
L824[17:21:13] <gigaherz> did you see the other options?
L825[17:21:15] <gigaherz> ;P
L826[17:21:43] <SquareWheel> It'd be cool for something more specific like "The Mozilla Dev Blog".
L827[17:22:02] <SquareWheel> I did... it could have been a lot worse.
L828[17:22:18] <SquareWheel> Beats a giant dinosaur anyway.
L829[17:22:30] ⇨ Joins: jamierocks (~jamierock@dev.jamierocks.uk)
L830[17:22:42] <gigaherz> yeah
L831[17:22:48] <gigaherz> I suck at graphic design
L832[17:22:58] <gigaherz> so I couldn't possibly think of anything better
L833[17:23:15] <gigaherz> but the other proposals were just... bad
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L837[17:36:57] <gigaherz> crap, I found a problem
L838[17:37:02] <gigaherz> one of the failed tests isn't just cosmetic
L839[17:37:06] <gigaherz> it actually violates a dependency
L840[17:37:08] *** amadornes is now known as amadornes[OFF]
L841[17:37:30] <killjoy> Where did gigaherz touch you?
L842[17:37:45] <gigaherz> that's the problem -- I don't know where I touched
L843[17:37:46] <gigaherz> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/ff_dependency.PNG
L844[17:37:59] <gigaherz> I only know that the result is wrong
L845[17:38:52] <gigaherz> my best guess is somewhere in InitializerProcessor
L846[17:39:11] <gigaherz> i guess I'll have to understand it ;P
L847[17:51:06] ⇦ Quits: Ashindigo_ (uid202308@id-202308.hathersage.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L848[17:51:57] <LexManos> ya
L849[17:52:00] <LexManos> interesting
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L851[17:52:08] <LexManos> the one on the right is the better one
L852[17:52:12] <LexManos> maybe someone fixed it up stream?
L853[17:52:51] <LexManos> looks like it wont be a drop in replacement for the current version
L854[17:53:03] <LexManos> but hey 1.12 could probably use it
L855[17:53:33] <LexManos> wait.. no...
L856[17:53:34] <gigaherz> it's not, though
L857[17:53:42] <gigaherz> because the field is assigned in the static initializer
L858[17:53:48] <LexManos> ya, its an order thing
L859[17:54:04] <LexManos> dunno, I know this is a area I worked a lot on. Re-reading the code, the left is correct.
L860[17:54:56] <killjoy> Yah, cuz field initializers are run before static blocks I think
L861[17:55:11] <gigaherz> hmf, if I revert the forge changes to isExprentIndependent
L862[17:55:15] <gigaherz> it looks as expected
L863[17:55:34] *** Darkevilmac is now known as DarkevilAway
L864[17:55:38] <gigaherz> in this test case.
L865[17:55:45] <gigaherz> I don't know if it's messing up other cases in the process
L866[17:56:03] <LexManos> have you figured out how to run the full MC?
L867[17:56:08] <gigaherz> nope
L868[17:56:24] <gigaherz> I got sidetracked
L869[17:56:37] <LexManos> go figure it out
L870[17:56:40] <gigaherz> I took some random forge-xx-xx-.jar I had around
L871[17:56:48] <gigaherz> (srg named)
L872[17:56:50] <LexManos> that wouldnt be t
L873[17:56:57] <LexManos> it would be the minecraft_ff_in from MCP
L874[17:57:08] <gigaherz> I see
L875[17:57:27] <gigaherz> any specific mc version?
L876[17:57:51] <LexManos> dont think so
L877[17:57:59] <LexManos> as you compare it to the out file
L878[17:58:00] <LexManos> i think
L879[17:58:14] <gigaherz> I can't actually find any minecraft_ff_in in my gradle folder :/
L880[17:58:23] <LexManos> its not in your gradle folder
L881[17:58:30] <LexManos> its in the tmp folder from mcp
L882[18:00:26] <gigaherz> I see, so I'd have to setup mcp?
L883[18:01:32] ⇦ Quits: c233 (~c233@ (Quit: Leaving)
L884[18:02:00] <LexManos> yes
L885[18:07:25] *** DarkevilAway is now known as Darkevilmac
L886[18:11:28] <gigaherz> hmm
L887[18:11:29] <gigaherz> java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.FileNotFoundException: F:\Temp\decompiler_test_2890793208631759799_dir\decompiled\bulk.jar (The system cannot find the file specified)
L888[18:11:53] <LexManos> something fucky happened
L889[18:12:00] <LexManos> thats the temp file it's suposed to create
L890[18:12:05] <LexManos> no write access to temp folder?
L891[18:12:29] <gigaherz> hmm
L892[18:12:38] <gigaherz> I see F:\Temp\decompiler_test_2890793208631759799_dir\decompiled\minecraft_ff_in.jar
L893[18:12:54] <gigaherz> so it has been able to write that just fine
L894[18:13:30] <gigaherz> or is that the filename it created instead of "bulk"?
L895[18:14:36] <LexManos> probably it usually keeps the input name
L896[18:14:45] <gigaherz> okay if I tell it to unpack MC_JAR (the field), it finishes
L897[18:15:28] <gigaherz> okay I have the unpacked folder, I guess I have to manually compare it with the other decompiled sources?
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L899[18:15:58] <gigaherz> (other = the ones generated by the latest version)
L900[18:17:44] <Shambling> is it bad that all the graphics on that page you linked hurts my inner child?
L901[18:17:46] <gigaherz> yeah as I suspected, that block of code I commented out, causes all the static fields to be assigned in the static initializer
L902[18:17:53] <Shambling> like... I think my brain is bleeding now
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L904[18:21:59] <gigaherz> hmmm the new version appears to be smarter about unnecessary imports
L905[18:22:52] <gigaherz> I see some issue where instead of i,j,k it outputs lvt_2_1_
L906[18:23:43] <gigaherz> (most local variables seem to use this format instead of whatever the old one would have chosen)
L907[18:24:21] <LexManos> interesting, thats always a pain
L908[18:24:26] <gigaherz> there's also some generics issue
L909[18:24:33] <gigaherz> before: Set<Integer> set = Sets.<Integer>newHashSet();
L910[18:24:37] <LexManos> the lvt one are USUALLY the correct ones
L911[18:24:48] <gigaherz> after: HashSet lvt_4_1_ = Sets.newHashSet();
L912[18:25:15] <LexManos> ubteresting...
L913[18:25:27] <LexManos> interesting** thats pulling the name from the lvt
L914[18:25:32] <LexManos> it SHOULD have the generic info in it
L915[18:25:42] <gigaherz> it's probably my fault
L916[18:26:16] <gigaherz> I had to reshuffle a few things to put your lvt stuff in with the lvt changes in ff
L917[18:26:30] <gigaherz> I'll guess i messed something up in there
L918[18:26:48] <gigaherz> (hopefully the same messing-up causes both)
L919[18:27:32] <LexManos> did they fix the lvt shit?
L920[18:27:40] <LexManos> before they only had one indexable
L921[18:27:46] <gigaherz> that's still the same
L922[18:27:55] *** diesieben07 is now known as diesieben|away
L923[18:27:56] <LexManos> Lame, they should fix that
L924[18:28:00] <gigaherz> butit has changed in some way
L925[18:28:05] <gigaherz> caused a whole bunch of conflicts
L926[18:28:11] <gigaherz> and I must have done it wrong
L927[18:29:28] <gigaherz> wait no it's not the same at all
L928[18:29:52] <gigaherz> their lvt stuff changed from
L929[18:29:52] <gigaherz> private Map<Integer, String> mapVarNames = Collections.emptyMap();
L930[18:29:53] <gigaherz> to
L931[18:30:00] <gigaherz> private List<LocalVariable> localVariables = Collections.emptyList();
L932[18:30:08] <gigaherz> and they iterate over that list
L933[18:32:14] <LexManos> interesting...
L934[18:32:24] <LexManos> i'd of done a multimap but i guess thats a way to hack it in
L935[18:32:47] <LexManos> i assume the LocalVariable can have multiple with the index the same?
L936[18:32:48] <killjoy> does ff use guava?
L937[18:32:51] <LexManos> nope
L938[18:33:06] <LexManos> it SHOULD, as its open source/in intellij now.
L939[18:33:30] <LexManos> But that would require a lot of re-writing. And honestly I dont think anyone wants to wade into the mess that is this code
L940[18:33:36] <gigaherz> they moved to java8 instead, there's a few lambdas and a whole bunch of diamond operators now ;P
L941[18:33:54] <LexManos> 0.o
L942[18:33:58] <LexManos> they require J8 now?
L943[18:34:10] <LexManos> that means its a definite no-no tille 1.12
L944[18:34:18] <gigaherz> yep
L945[18:34:22] <gigaherz> unless we want to backport
L946[18:35:54] ⇦ Quits: Shambling (~Shambling@24-181-186-74.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L947[18:38:58] <gigaherz> I found a possible bug :3
L948[18:43:29] <gigaherz> okay ducktape applied, if it works then I'll think of a better solution ;P
L949[18:44:50] <gigaherz> gah so close
L950[18:44:58] <gigaherz> expected: Set<Integer> set = Sets.<Integer>newHashSet();
L951[18:45:04] <gigaherz> got: Set lvt_4_1_ = Sets.newHashSet();
L952[18:45:12] <gigaherz> at least it's not HashSet anymore? :/
L953[18:46:26] <LexManos> what is the return type of newHashSet?
L954[18:46:48] <gigaherz> Set<T> -- with the T inferred from the type of the destination
L955[18:47:04] <gigaherz> eh you mean the function itself
L956[18:47:17] <gigaherz> public static <E> HashSet<E> newHashSet() {
L957[18:47:17] <gigaherz> return new HashSet<E>();
L958[18:47:17] <gigaherz> }
L959[18:48:25] <gigaherz> hmm I wonder if I messed up printing the generic type, and not assigning it
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L961[18:51:42] <gigaherz> nope the varType is not a GenericType
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L963[18:58:38] <gigaherz> meh far too tired for this
L964[18:58:41] <gigaherz> nearly 2am
L965[18:58:50] <gigaherz> I'll go sleep and check that tomorrow
L966[18:59:00] <gigaherz> night ppl
L967[18:59:02] *** gigaherz is now known as ghz|afk
L968[19:03:36] <illy> Lec looks like mojang doesnt ship the JRE for linux in the json so I can't use it for the wrapper
L969[19:03:43] <illy> Lex*
L970[19:08:21] <LexManos> so.. hopw does the linux launcher work?
L971[19:08:55] <illy> I think they build it into the binray
L972[19:09:11] <illy> one second
L973[19:09:37] <illy> curl http://launchermeta.mojang.com/mc-staging/launcher.json
L974[19:10:33] ⇨ Joins: Waterpicker (~Waterpick@2602:306:35ba:ca40:ad82:8108:e1de:422d)
L975[19:11:02] <Waterpicker> How can you check if a method is being fired on the client, server or both.
L976[19:15:17] <illy> Yeah this is what the linux json looks like https://gist.github.com/Illyohs/fba2011e5e49ff68b0f4ef16381730a1
L977[19:16:39] <LexManos> interesting, have you poked the linux launcher, without linux installed?
L978[19:16:41] <LexManos> what happens?
L979[19:17:00] <LexManos> either way ya, the wrapper looks fine, dont know if you've made a example or not.
L980[19:17:17] <LexManos> Would be nice to see a Forge installer set with it, and the build.gradle change
L981[19:17:40] * Waterpicker sits patiently. :3
L982[19:18:00] <LexManos> im not answering your question because its stupid
L983[19:18:38] <LexManos> its like the fundemental thing that minecraft needs to determine if it should do logic or not, there are literally thousands of examples on how to do it in the vanilla code base.
L984[19:19:17] <illy> Ill work on that. the gradle plugin had problem of somehow breaking osx for some reason not know to man that and using sed instead of gradle us is simpler than using gradle surprisingly enough
L985[19:19:44] <LexManos> well we're gradle, and we need to run on all OS's so..
L986[19:19:57] <illy> Ill get that done
L987[19:20:06] <LexManos> should be simple enough as download file then cat
L988[19:21:49] <illy> does windows have cat?
L989[19:21:54] * illy opens vM
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L991[19:22:38] <LexManos> it doesnt, but java does
L992[19:22:56] <LexManos> out = new FileOutputStream()
L993[19:23:13] <LexManos> for (in : files) out.write(in)
L994[19:23:37] <killjoy> well windows has bash now, so it has whatever you want it to have
L995[19:23:52] <LexManos> windows doesnt have shit now
L996[19:23:56] <illy> Im expexting everying to have win10
L997[19:24:03] <illy> im not*
L998[19:24:18] <illy> spelling is not in me today
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L1000[19:24:28] <LexManos> I REALLY hate people who spout that "windows has bash!"
L1001[19:24:32] <LexManos> NO NO IT DOESNT
L1002[19:24:41] <LexManos> WINDOWS 10 DOES, or atleast a sub-set
L1003[19:24:45] <SatanicSanta> Is it possible to easily delay an explosion until the end of a tick?
L1004[19:24:52] <LexManos> Windows 10 != ALL WINDOWS!
L1005[19:25:42] <killjoy> fair enough
L1006[19:25:59] <killjoy> you had me at "windows doesn't have shit"
L1007[19:26:08] *** illy is now known as illy[Laptop]
L1008[19:26:14] <SatanicSanta> I'm causing an explosion that will likely destroy the TE in ITickable#update, but subclasses of this TE (rightfully) expect the TE in the current position to be that TE, which, if the block is destroyed, is not true; it's air
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L1010[19:27:00] <LexManos> rightfully?
L1011[19:27:03] <SatanicSanta> yes
L1012[19:27:15] <LexManos> Really?
L1013[19:27:17] <SatanicSanta> because if you are in a TE and you do worldObj.getBlock(pos) you expect that to be your block
L1014[19:27:22] <LexManos> Why?
L1015[19:27:30] <illy> vim build.gradle
L1016[19:27:46] <SatanicSanta> >.>
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L1019[19:29:29] <SatanicSanta> LexManos: Do people normally do `IBlockState state = worldObj.getBlockState(pos); if (state.getBlock() == MY_BLOCK) { ... the entire logic of the te ... }` because i dont see that ever
L1020[19:30:44] <SatanicSanta> And either way I'd prefer to avoid changing every subclass of this TE
L1021[19:30:48] <SatanicSanta> theres many
L1022[19:30:55] *** SatanicSanta was kicked by LexManos (Dont ping me, and MOST people don't give a shit about the block itself and just use the data in the TE.))
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L1024[19:31:49] <SatanicSanta> lex: Unless you are dealing with the blockstate in that position (directional blocks come to mind) which is common
L1025[19:32:03] <LexManos> nope
L1026[19:32:06] <LexManos> not even then
L1027[19:32:19] <SatanicSanta> then what do people do?
L1028[19:32:51] <LexManos> Hold the information they need in the TE
L1029[19:32:54] <LexManos> seriously...
L1030[19:32:59] <LexManos> its not fucking complicated
L1031[19:33:00] <SatanicSanta> what?
L1032[19:33:05] <SatanicSanta> the fuck does that even mean
L1033[19:33:09] <SatanicSanta> hold what data?
L1034[19:33:10] <LexManos> private EnumFacing direction;
L1035[19:33:38] <LexManos> onLoad(){ direction = magicToGetTheDirectionFromTheBlockStateBecauseIFeelSpecialAndAmNotEncodingItInThENBT() }
L1036[19:33:48] <SatanicSanta> I mean onLoad doesn't even work but ok
L1037[19:33:59] <SatanicSanta> it's called before the block exists iirc
L1038[19:34:06] <SatanicSanta> something like that
L1039[19:34:09] *** MineBot sets mode: +b *!*@
L1040[19:34:09] *** SatanicSanta was kicked by MineBot (Banned: (1h) 1) Yes it does, 2) Quit bitching and apply some logic.))
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L1051[20:19:13] <SquareWheel> When replacing an item drop with a custom EntityItem, it doesn't seem to respect the player throw trajectory anymore. It just flies randomly in 360 degrees around the player.
L1052[20:19:31] <SquareWheel> I know I can add velocity in the entity itself, but I'm not sure of the numbers. Not sure which class that would be in to copy.
L1053[20:19:37] <SquareWheel> Any suggestions?
L1054[20:21:54] <tterrag> when would be the proper time to add an IWorldEventListener?
L1055[20:22:18] <SquareWheel> I'd ask the NSA.
L1056[20:23:27] <illy> every time I see someone make a NSA joke I somehow change it into NASA then I think why does NASA want all of our data...
L1057[20:26:24] <illy> set jre7
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L1059[20:37:58] <SquareWheel> The item collision code explains so much... if (this.onGround) {this.motionY *= -0.5D;}
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L1061[20:59:52] <SquareWheel> I can get the pitch and yaw of the previous entity... Not sure how to use that with addVelocity.
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L1063[21:00:05] <SquareWheel> No getVelocity method, sadly.
L1064[21:03:01] <SquareWheel> Ooh, found it. entity.motionX/Y/Z.
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