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L1[00:00:53] ⇨ Joins: Davnit (~Davnit@72-189-115-20.res.bhn.net)
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L4[00:22:31] *** DarkevilAway is now known as Darkevilmac
L5[00:28:48] <LexManos> <killjoy> Would #3532 also fix using notch jars with forge?
L6[00:28:49] <LexManos> ?
L7[00:29:03] <killjoy> mods that use notch names
L8[00:29:10] <LexManos> <Aaron1011> since I don't think forge actually loads notch -> srg mappings
L9[00:29:11] <LexManos> We do
L10[00:29:18] <LexManos> <Aaron1011> it uses the binary patches to convert the notch-named mc soruces to srg-named sources
L11[00:29:25] <LexManos> Those are only for adding in our code changes
L12[00:30:27] <LexManos> Mods don't use notch names
L13[00:30:34] <LexManos> unless some twat breaks Gradle
L14[00:32:16] <killjoy> forge mods don't, yes.
L15[00:32:37] *** Darkevilmac is now known as DarkevilAway
L16[00:32:59] <LexManos> meh, don't really care about liteloader mods, they SHOULD be using SRG names but thats a different thing
L17[00:33:17] <killjoy> we're not because forge is the only thing allowed to use the mappings.
L18[00:33:19] <LexManos> but yes, Forge fully deobfusicates those mods to SRG as well at runtime.
L19[00:33:48] * LexManos still doesn't understand why liteloader is used but hey whatever
L20[00:37:25] <LexManos> btw dont quote me on this.
L21[00:37:48] <LexManos> But there may come a day where we drop support for any non-srg named mods in Forge.
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L23[00:38:08] <LexManos> Only doing a onetime deobf to srg names of the MC jar on the client, to do speed ups.
L24[00:38:20] <killjoy> on install?
L25[00:38:40] <LexManos> First run probably, could get away with install but i'd prefer doing both.
L26[00:39:22] <LexManos> Besides liteloader, are there any other serious loaders that we should care to be compatible with?
L27[00:39:32] <killjoy> optifine?
L28[00:39:35] <LexManos> And note, I don't take things that are created 'cuz fuck forge' seriously.
L29[00:39:55] <LexManos> Optifine, We'll have to talk to him, but it literally just 1 command line argument for him to release as srg
L30[00:40:08] <LexManos> MCP has supported that seince before Forge did
L31[00:40:57] * LexManos would still prefer him to open/slectivly open source so we can work on making his stuff cleaner base edit wise.
L32[00:41:26] <killjoy> I have a feeling he uses the patcher plugin though.
L33[00:41:57] <LexManos> if he uses FG then its even better its just a build.gradle line to release a srg jar
L34[00:42:26] <killjoy> he *does* use xdelta for class diffs
L35[00:45:08] <LexManos> does he? Last i remember he was doing full class replaces but then agian i havent looked in forever
L36[00:46:26] <killjoy> if you use the installer, it generates full classes which are replaced on the classloader.
L37[00:46:35] <killjoy> At least that's what I gather from simply looking at it
L38[00:47:15] <LexManos> got a link to the thread? i should look at it again
L39[00:50:41] <killjoy> No thread.
L40[00:50:54] <killjoy> I mess around with the jar.
L41[00:59:40] <tterrag> yeah I had a poke in the jar to see if I could read the patches once
L42[00:59:44] <tterrag> they are definitely deltas, not full replaces
L43[01:01:19] <McJty> Anyone here know what I have to change to this blockstate to get the submodel *and* the translucent layer to show at the same time: https://bpaste.net/show/33085a929f51
L44[01:01:33] <McJty> As it is now the translucent layer only shows if 'contents' property is equal to empty
L45[01:01:36] <McJty> i.e. if there is no submodel
L46[01:03:01] <LexManos> ah nice ya he has switched to deltas
L47[01:03:28] <LexManos> it isn't the patcher plugin I dont think as we bundle them all into a binpatches.lzma
L48[01:03:45] <killjoy> maybe he's still using ant/maven
L49[01:04:04] <LexManos> possibly, if it was open source i'd go look ;)
L50[01:04:17] <LexManos> either way he should be able to push our srg names easily
L51[01:04:43] <LexManos> out*
L52[01:09:44] <killjoy> >if it was open source
L53[01:09:51] <killjoy> I've seen people post code with no build script
L54[01:10:10] <LexManos> Optifine is one that i'd build the buildscripts for him.
L55[01:10:37] <killjoy> Would've thought abrar would do that
L56[01:10:49] <mezz> heh hell will freeze over twice when optifine goes open source and lex PRs them a buildscript
L57[01:10:52] <killjoy> but I guess you can too
L58[01:12:43] <LexManos> abrar might but hes busy becomding a doctor or something
L59[01:13:09] <killjoy> good for him
L60[01:13:11] <LexManos> As for optifine, it does do some good for some people.
L61[01:13:26] <LexManos> But it doesn't do nearly as much good as it/the community claims.
L62[01:14:11] <McJty> I use it and I get marginal benefits. i.e. perhaps 5% or so
L63[01:14:25] <killjoy> I'd use it for the ctm
L64[01:14:31] <LexManos> I jsut have personal differences of philosophies then he does, I like open source things unless there is major reason not to. Such as a 3rd party owns the source.
L65[01:14:34] <killjoy> imo, it needs to be a separate mod
L66[01:14:48] <Ashindigo> Ive found that optifine breaks more than it helps
L67[01:14:54] <LexManos> ya, modulrized would be good. So that the feature can be seperated from the performance enchancements.
L68[01:15:02] <McJty> Is what Optifine does that hard that nobody could try to make an Open Source version that does similar things?
L69[01:15:02] <killjoy> well...
L70[01:15:05] <killjoy> there's lite
L71[01:15:11] <McJty> Or at least parts of it
L72[01:15:18] <killjoy> but nothing that's just "pretty"
L73[01:15:19] <LexManos> Ash: That is myt findings as well. For those with 1/2 way decent computers it harms, for those with shit computers tho.. it helps a lot.
L74[01:15:30] <McJty> Ashindigo, recent versions of optifine for recent versions of MC are actually pretty good
L75[01:15:38] <McJty> I use it all the time in combination with various mods with no issues
L76[01:15:53] <LexManos> Its not hard, its just that nobody wants to do it. And I dont have the rendeirng chops to do it myself
L77[01:16:25] <LexManos> I'd basically just have to resort to decompiling Optifine and remaking it from that. Which is legally dubious, and morally wrong.
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L80[01:16:45] <killjoy> mcpatcher is opensource
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L82[01:16:58] <killjoy> but I don't understand the javasist
L83[01:17:13] <mezz> in a lot of cases it's not clear what Optifine does exactly without decompiling
L84[01:17:29] <killjoy> Most of the issues I've ran into with optifine has to do with capes
L85[01:17:30] <LexManos> mm problem with that IIRC is its ease of use for the end user. It does a static patch job in the installer vs jut being a drop in mods folder thing.
L86[01:17:51] <LexManos> mezz: Exactly, which is why I think every coremod should be open source!
L87[01:18:22] <McJty> Except for work I've never made anything that isn't Open Source
L88[01:19:18] <LexManos> Except for things that were in projects with others, or contract work. Every non-trivial thing ive done is open source.
L89[01:19:28] <killjoy> I only close source code I'm not proud of
L90[01:19:51] <LexManos> that the thing, I think that's why a lot of mods/coremods are closed.
L91[01:19:59] <mezz> a lot of closed source coremods seem to be out of dislike of forge and getting yelled at
L92[01:20:06] <McJty> Plenty of code that I'm not proud of is still available for everyone to laugh at :-)
L93[01:20:14] <LexManos> Because they are afrade to open it due to ridicule. The 'people will steal it' is just an excuse
L94[01:20:31] <LexManos> well mezz, thats your job to fix.
L95[01:20:36] <mezz> I realize
L96[01:20:51] <LexManos> Like I said, i don't get why people find "Why?" such a incindeary question.
L97[01:21:45] <LexManos> holy shit, Optifine edits 203 vanilla class files?!?!
L98[01:22:06] <killjoy> insane
L99[01:22:48] <LexManos> Im guessing a lot of them are 1 line edits to...
L100[01:23:04] <mezz> you've been nicer too but there are people who will not PR even with me handling it because they are super incredibly upset from past experience. it's a kid's game and a lot of modders are going to be younger and very sensitive to criticism
L101[01:23:17] <mezz> yeah I took one look at decompiled Optifine and realized I had no idea what I was getting into
L102[01:23:21] <LexManos> meh cant help that
L103[01:23:32] <LexManos> if they are that way we don't want their input
L104[01:23:43] <killjoy> decompiled optifine still uses notch names
L105[01:23:46] <killjoy> so... yeah
L106[01:23:59] <LexManos> half tempted to decompile optifine... just to see what he changed in 203 classes...
L107[01:24:01] ⇦ Quits: Upth (~ogmar@108-85-88-44.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L108[01:24:09] <killjoy> I did it last week.
L109[01:24:18] <killjoy> I'll never get that time back
L110[01:25:38] <mezz> it's a relic of ancient times... kept alive by an evil magician
L111[01:25:54] <killjoy> who won't tell you his secrets?
L112[01:26:00] <mezz> mhm
L113[01:26:18] <killjoy> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SnQ0nSpNac
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L115[01:27:43] <LexManos> so
L116[01:28:06] <LexManos> thinking about it.. it wouldnt be hard to make a script to decompile optifine and check the diffs...
L117[01:28:10] <LexManos> in srg names...
L118[01:28:25] <mezz> have fun? lol
L119[01:28:25] <LexManos> I should stop this is going down a bad rabbit hole...
L120[01:28:30] <mezz> what are you doing anyway?
L121[01:28:30] <killjoy> whenever I deobfuscate something manually, it always misses things
L122[01:28:44] <killjoy> last time, nearly none of the BlockPos methods got renamed
L123[01:28:50] <LexManos> smooth
L124[01:29:03] <killjoy> That's where my weekend went
L125[01:33:15] ⇨ Joins: Hgrebnednav_ (~Hgrebnedn@d8d874662.access.telenet.be)
L126[01:33:56] <killjoy> I think for a lot of things, he's just wrapping some code inside if (Config.someSEtting)
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L130[01:50:34] <killjoy> Woah. Trippy. http://testufo.com/#test=mprt
L131[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20161218 mappings to Forge Maven.
L132[02:00:11] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20161218-1.11.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20161218" in build.gradle).
L133[02:00:13] <LexManos> a bit yes, how much a steady screen can change based on how you focus
L134[02:00:23] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L135[02:00:32] <mezz> that really hurt my eyes
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L145[02:53:45] <TvL2386> good morning guys
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L147[02:54:13] <TvL2386> I'm looking for examples on how to create some kind of indicator on the screen which shows the remaining power in an armor piece
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L150[03:07:35] <Hunterz> try these: https://github.com/coolAlias/Forge_Tutorials/blob/master/IExtendedEntityPropertiesTutorial.java - i think its outdated
L151[03:08:30] <Hunterz> https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/datastorage/capabilities/
L152[03:09:27] <TvL2386> thx!
L153[03:09:54] <Hunterz> np
L154[03:11:19] ⇦ Quits: Upth (~ogmar@108-85-88-44.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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L172[04:15:40] <ghz|afk> TvL2386: you don't need capabilities for that
L173[04:15:55] <ghz|afk> just handle the game overlay event
L174[04:16:25] <ghz|afk> example: https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/renderers/MagicContainerOverlay.java
L175[04:17:35] <ghz|afk> I do it in the "post-EXPERIENCE" phase (Post event, EXPERIENCE phase), so that it will draw after the main elements, but only if the main gui is drawing
L176[04:18:01] *** ghz|afk is now known as gigaherz
L177[04:18:03] * gigaherz yawns
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L182[04:24:33] <LexManos> !gm func_190962_b
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L186[04:46:39] <Toluene> So I have a branch that I made a while ago and then just copied over the new stuff from the updated master instead of doing it the right way, is there a way to save the differences from current master and the branch then roll the branch back and do it the right way and then just take those differences and make them a single commit after all that?
L187[04:46:45] <Toluene> Any git experts out there.
L188[04:49:10] <gigaherz> hmm dunno if git will wantto do th at
L189[04:49:18] <gigaherz> but you could have two copies of the folder
L190[04:49:23] <gigaherz> andcreate a diff externally
L191[04:49:47] <gigaherz> afterward
L192[04:50:07] <gigaherz> "rolling back" and applying the patch should become possible
L193[04:50:20] <gigaherz> or actually
L194[04:50:23] <gigaherz> you don't need to
L195[04:51:01] <gigaherz> Toluene: checkout the "bad" branch
L196[04:51:04] <gigaherz> then do
L197[04:51:22] <gigaherz> "git reset --mixed <master>"
L198[04:51:30] <gigaherz> where <master> is the branch name
L199[04:51:35] <gigaherz> like master if it's local
L200[04:51:39] <gigaherz> or "origin/master" if it's a remote
L201[04:51:41] <gigaherz> or whatever
L202[04:51:57] <gigaherz> the --mixed flag tells git to change the underlying commit
L203[04:52:02] <gigaherz> but leave the checkout data lone
L204[04:52:05] <gigaherz> alone*
L205[04:52:10] <gigaherz> meaning afterward you can do
L206[04:52:26] <gigaherz> "git add" and "git commit" and such to commit those changes again
L207[04:52:35] <gigaherz> on top of the new history
L208[04:53:02] <gigaherz> and once you are done, you can push with "git push --force" to force overwrite history
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L210[04:53:11] <gigaherz> just make sure you are really pushing the right thing ;P
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L212[04:55:46] <Toluene> Okay thanks. I'll see if I can do that.
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L215[05:00:11] <Toluene> gigaherz, Looks like it's going to work but can I do something like 'git reset --mixed master' but have it do master but one commit less?
L216[05:02:19] <gigaherz> yo ucan
L217[05:02:22] <gigaherz> use the exact hash id
L218[05:02:26] <gigaherz> of the previous one
L219[05:02:33] <gigaherz> instead of "master"
L220[05:02:45] <Toluene> Ah okay.
L221[05:02:49] <gigaherz> you can shorten the hash id, btw
L222[05:02:56] <gigaherz> just somed 10-15 digits do
L223[05:02:58] <gigaherz> usually
L224[05:03:26] <gigaherz> so like, "git reset --mixed 1b65121a1"
L225[05:04:50] <Toluene> Awesome looks like that one is perfect. That's exactly what I needed.
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L227[05:05:01] <Toluene> And the history will be the same as master now?
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L229[05:05:26] <Toluene> Should be one commit behind and one commit ahead after the change.
L230[05:06:08] <gigaherz> it should, yes
L231[05:07:55] <Toluene> Interesting I think I need to roll back completely before all the bad stuff and push that first. Then do that thing.
L232[05:08:29] <Toluene> "Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind its remote counterpart."
L233[05:08:38] <Toluene> Whatever that means.
L234[05:11:51] <gigaherz> that means you ahve to force-push
L235[05:11:54] <gigaherz> a normal push won't be allowed
L236[05:12:38] <gigaherz> git only lets you rewrite history if you use the "--force" flag on the push
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L238[05:13:07] <gigaherz> or "--force-with-lease" which will only let you force-push if the remote matches your local version
L239[05:13:15] <gigaherz> (prevents force-pushing on top of other people's new commits)
L240[05:13:35] <gigaherz> by local version I mean, the local cache of the remote
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L242[05:14:02] <Toluene> "This branch is 1 commit ahead, 1 commit behind master." Woot woot.
L243[05:15:16] <Toluene> Now I need to do that to my other backported branches. Should be even easier now though. Thanks so much.
L244[05:15:33] <gigaherz> :)
L245[05:18:24] <Toluene> git checkout <broken_branch>, git reset --mixed 511d5e0, git add --all, git commit -m "BACKPORT from 1.11-1.2.3", git push --force
L246[05:18:30] <Toluene> rinse and repeat.
L247[05:22:00] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L248[05:22:34] <Toluene> Here's a logistical problem: Is there any reason I should reset into the version (minecraft) ahead of the version in the branch or just do it from master for all the versions?
L249[05:22:59] <gigaherz> your choice, really
L250[05:23:24] <gigaherz> I have come to believe frontporting works better than backporting, though
L251[05:23:36] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L252[05:23:44] <gigaherz> that means
L253[05:23:53] <gigaherz> work on the latest if you want
L254[05:24:09] <gigaherz> but then do the merging from the oldest into the newest
L255[05:24:13] <gigaherz> doing the approriate updates along the way
L256[05:24:15] <gigaherz> however
L257[05:24:21] <gigaherz> that may not be the case for minecraft mods
L258[05:24:28] <gigaherz> since the system has changed so much
L259[05:25:01] <Necro> Is there any particular guide to Gradle that any of you would recommend or should I just use the Gradle's own one?
L260[05:25:47] <gigaherz> I never read any kind of guide
L261[05:25:48] <gigaherz> ;P
L262[05:25:58] <gigaherz> I just went with examples from other mods XD
L263[05:26:06] <gigaherz> I guess I still don't really know gradle
L264[05:26:17] <LatvianModder> What do you want to do, Necro ?
L265[05:27:03] <Necro> I want to automate bigger parts of my build process so I want to get to know Gradle.
L266[05:27:55] <Necro> I tried just looking up other modder's files for reference but it didn't work out all that well.
L267[05:29:08] <PaleoCrafter> Gradle's own guide is pretty good
L268[05:29:09] <LatvianModder> Well, what do you want to automate? You can generate -api, -deobf jars, have dependencies, upload archives to maven (though I dont know the latter one, you can still do it)
L269[05:30:35] <Toluene> gigaherz, It's just that I had a mod I updated from 1.7.10 all the way to 1.11, It was extremely trivial to backport from the 1.11 -> 1.10.2 -> 1.9.4, 1.8.9 was a little more involved and I don't think I'll keep maintaining the 1.7.10 unless the features are going to merge automatically anyway.
L270[05:31:43] <Toluene> I'm sure I could refactor in such a way that most of the common code was easily mergeable and all the 1.7.10 garbage I'd leave alone.
L271[05:33:35] <Necro> I want to understand Gradle's fundamentals to begin with. I know that I can do a lot of stuff using Gradle and there are also plugins like CurseGradle to stretch it's possibilities even further. But for now I just look at my build file and think: "What a mess, I wonder I didn't break it long ago."
L272[05:34:40] <Necro> I just look at my build file and think: "How does this even work at all?"
L273[05:35:10] <LatvianModder> Toluene: please dont support 1.7.10, we *really* gotta move on now :P
L274[05:37:20] <Toluene> I don't really support it, I just figured I'd update it one last time for a material energy pack that uses the mod. Just in case.
L275[05:38:15] <Toluene> I wont be doing the same for my other mods as I update them.
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L277[05:41:24] <Toluene> If I merge commit changes from master will the commit itself stay in the history or just the commits within the merge?
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L279[05:42:42] <LatvianModder> I think merge creates a new commit
L280[05:43:03] <Toluene> Ah darn I wanted something that wouldn't funk up the history.
L281[05:45:05] <Toluene> I guess it shouldn't matter how many commits the old branch is ahead of master by anyway since I shouldn't be touching them other than to merge from master.
L282[05:45:11] <LatvianModder> Toluene: https://xkcd.com/1597/
L283[05:45:47] <Toluene> Heh, pretty much.
L284[05:46:04] * LatvianModder has never merged commits
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L292[06:19:47] <Toluene> How would I resolve this conflict. I mean I know how to resolve it but I don't know how to tell the tools what to do. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/79514/Screenshots/Screenshot%202016-12-18%2004.18.27.png
L293[06:20:19] <Toluene> How do I tell it to ignore what's on those other lines.
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L296[06:22:27] <Xalcon> not sure, I use TortoiseGit for merge conflicts. Have you tried "git mergetool"?
L297[06:22:54] <gigaherz> anyone here has experience with the The One Probe api?
L298[06:23:21] <Xalcon> i think the general idea on conflicts is to fix the file and re-commit it
L299[06:23:22] <gigaherz> Toluene: sorry never done conflict resolution on cmdline
L300[06:23:41] <gigaherz> I can do it with TortoiseGit, or with SourceTree -- well DiffMerge
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L304[06:32:28] <Toluene> Oh I see now, you just manually edit the files and remove the crusty bits and commit it like normal and git is smart enough to just accept it.
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L309[06:58:51] <hasunwoo> Why do i have to translate to -x, -y, -z to draw world overlay?
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L313[07:12:31] <gigaherz> hasunwoo: because it's the offset between the player eyes position and the camera position
L314[07:12:34] <gigaherz> for third-person mode
L315[07:15:16] <Toluene> What the heck is going on. Every time I merge a commit from master into a branch it merges the branch into master then merges commit into the branch.
L316[07:15:42] <LatvianModder> See, this is why you always follow XKCD example
L317[07:28:27] <gigaherz> hmf, I need someone who has used the one probe
L318[07:28:31] <gigaherz> as in, for modding
L319[07:28:43] <gigaherz> mcjty, where are youuuuu
L320[07:29:02] <Toluene> Just use Waila/HWYLA like an adult.
L321[07:29:09] <gigaherz> I do ahve WAILA support
L322[07:29:16] <gigaherz> I'm adding theoneprobe support
L323[07:29:20] <Toluene> Oh you adding plugins
L324[07:29:33] <Ashindigo> Hwyla?
L325[07:29:43] <gigaherz> problem is, I need the "item model" to be different than the pick block
L326[07:29:44] <Xalcon> is WAILA still maintained? last release was in may :(
L327[07:29:47] <gigaherz> and I don't know if it's even supported
L328[07:29:51] <gigaherz> Xalcon: barely
L329[07:29:56] <Toluene> What Waila is called when it's not officially released to a minecraft version
L330[07:30:02] <Toluene> Ashindigo, ^
L331[07:30:23] <Ashindigo> Oh
L332[07:30:32] <Toluene> The code is Waila though
L333[07:31:58] <Toluene> gigaherz, Sounds like one of those features many wouldn't have even thought to add support for.
L334[07:32:18] <gigaherz> Toluene: well if it's not supported
L335[07:32:34] <gigaherz> my structure blocks will show upas "Block of Iron" and "Redstone Block" respectively
L336[07:32:43] <gigaherz> instead of "Rift Structure" ;P
L337[07:32:55] <gigaherz> because that's what they return from getpickblock
L338[07:33:25] <Toluene> Your mod doesn't replace the blocks?
L339[07:33:36] <Toluene> post structure
L340[07:34:05] <gigaherz> ?
L341[07:34:11] <Toluene> post-structure*
L342[07:34:17] <gigaherz> when the structure is assembled
L343[07:34:20] <gigaherz> the block is a structure block
L344[07:34:27] <gigaherz> but WAYLA/etc show an item model
L345[07:34:28] <gigaherz> not a block model
L346[07:34:37] <gigaherz> so they have to get the item from the world in order to draw the "icon"
L347[07:34:40] <gigaherz> in wayla
L348[07:34:43] <gigaherz> there's an itemstack provider
L349[07:34:50] <gigaherz> but I can't find anything like that for the one probe
L350[07:34:56] <Toluene> It doesn't replace the blocks of Iron and Redstone with a custom block? is what I'm asking.
L351[07:36:09] <Toluene> Then again I assume this is why people use custom blocks in the first place for structure blocks to avoid the nonsense.
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L353[07:44:49] <gigaherz> Toluene: yes it does, that's what I meant by "the block is a structure block"
L354[07:44:51] <gigaherz> I do replace them
L355[07:45:08] <gigaherz> but the structure block returns its original block when dropped and when middle-clicked
L356[07:45:55] <gigaherz> the structure block never exists as an item, xcept for the purpose of showing the icon on WAILA
L357[07:46:01] <Toluene> So The One Probe is using what block is dropped instead of the block it is.
L358[07:46:08] <gigaherz> yes
L359[07:46:08] <Toluene> Interesting.
L360[07:46:13] <gigaherz> by necessity
L361[07:46:32] <gigaherz> you can't just draw in-world models on GUI easily
L362[07:46:51] <gigaherz> problem is
L363[07:46:58] <gigaherz> the dropped item is NOT the one I want for an icon
L364[07:47:04] <gigaherz> hence the mismatch
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L433[08:04:24] <Xalcon> o__o
L434[08:04:31] <Toluene> Dat split
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L436[08:05:06] <Lunatrius> Logging has changed a bit apparently, is there a way to set the logging level to trace more easily (instead of having to override the log4j2 config)?
L437[08:05:59] <Toluene> Is there any way forge gradle plugin can turn off the gradle daemon when setupDecompWorkspace is passed in or is it too late by the time the plugin is loaded?
L438[08:06:45] <Toluene> Can't use Logger anymore Lunatrius?
L439[08:07:12] <Lunatrius> It doesn't show debug or lower by default
L440[08:07:27] <Lunatrius> It used to log them into the log file but even that seems to be gone now
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L457[08:09:52] <gigaherz> Lunatrius: that has never worked for me, I always use "warn" to force the logs to show in my dev env ;p
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L460[08:10:24] <gigaherz> Toluene: why would you need to turn *off* the gradle daemon?
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L465[08:11:29] <Lunatrius> In the past I used this to override the default configuration (attached it to the workspace with some gradle magic that broke quite a while ago) https://gist.github.com/44f40d2e9f50d3794c4db74cdf5c15f4
L466[08:11:31] <Toluene> Because people are still not putting the jvm args for xmx > 1g in their projects.
L467[08:11:46] <Toluene> And it will fail if you don't set it manually.
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L469[08:14:24] <Toluene> The daemons I believe are set to something like -Xmx=1g. Which is a good thing but setupDecompWorkspace really breaks with only a gig.
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L471[08:16:40] <Toluene> I guess I could just stop being lazy and type --no-daemon after it on first runs
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L481[08:42:04] <Toluene> Any way to add arguments to the eclipse launch configs from build.gradle?
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L484[08:47:04] <Toluene> Looks like ForgeGradle is doing it already just need to track down how
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L486[09:02:28] <gigaherz> Toluene: just havea global gradle.properties?
L487[09:02:34] <gigaherz> or include a project one in your mods?
L488[09:02:45] <gigaherz> I have a global one for -Xmx3G
L489[09:02:49] <gigaherz> affects anything I do with gradle
L490[09:02:54] <gigaherz> which is just mods.
L491[09:03:07] <Toluene> But will that be added to the launch xml generated by running gradle eclipse?
L492[09:03:12] <Toluene> I don't believe so
L493[09:03:19] <Toluene> That's what I want it for.
L494[09:03:19] <gigaherz> why would the launch xml matter?
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L496[09:03:57] <Toluene> Because I want to put some arguments in there like window width and height for convenience.
L497[09:04:10] <gigaherz> how does that relate to the gradle daemon?
L498[09:04:18] <gigaherz> you are talking about two separate things here
L499[09:04:40] <Toluene> I wasn't talking about the daemon.
L500[09:04:48] <gigaherz> oh wait
L501[09:04:51] <gigaherz> you asked something else inb etween
L502[09:04:55] <gigaherz> we were talking about different things
L503[09:05:09] <gigaherz> my answe was to
L504[09:05:09] <gigaherz> [15:11] (Toluene): Because people are still not putting the jvm args for xmx > 1g in their projects.
L505[09:05:09] <gigaherz> [15:11] (Toluene): And it will fail if you don't set it manually.
L506[09:06:08] <Toluene> I do add the properties file for gradle myself but I don't want to have to do that every time I want to work with a mod if they are dumb.
L507[09:06:30] <gigaherz> then use a global one
L508[09:06:33] <gigaherz> in your user profile ;p
L509[09:07:12] <gigaherz> -Xmx doesn't automatically use more ram, it just increases the limit
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L512[09:12:54] <Toluene> I wasn't for that very specific solution because I don't already fix it. I just wanted to know if it was fixable in ways where I don't have to manually do sooo much stuff.
L513[09:14:19] <gigaherz> so yeah regarding customizing the configs from gradle, no idea sorry ;p
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L516[09:24:45] <Toluene> I could edit the xml file afterwards I think.
L517[09:25:47] <Toluene> I found where ForgeGradle does it but I don't know how it's applicable to from within the gradle config itself.
L518[09:25:49] <Toluene> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/ForgeGradle/blob/c438b06df6339a6763e1549ebfa7b039100c1c0c/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/gradle/tasks/GenEclipseRunTask.java#L82
L519[09:26:21] <Subaraki> sasl ?
L520[09:26:26] <Subaraki> wrong channel ._.
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L528[09:46:42] <drownzz> Oh hello all
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L530[09:49:59] <drownzz> I have a lil problem, I am making custom bow + arrows, everything is working fine except that the vanilla bow can also shoot my custom arrows which I don't want to, have to prevent the vanilla bow from shooting my custom arrow ?
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L534[10:04:21] <TvL2386> weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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L542[11:05:37] <ScottehBoeh> iChun is live on twitter
L543[11:05:51] <ScottehBoeh> Oh.. it WAS live
L544[11:07:05] <LatvianModder> on twitter?
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L576[12:37:34] <PaleoCrafter> ugh, either the MS VisualStudio JavaScript Project System is a really big thing or the VS installer is just broken q.q
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L579[12:43:17] <Lunatrius> The VS installer can take a reaaaaaaally long time under some circumstances
L580[12:43:28] <Lunatrius> Took 2 hours to install once
L581[12:43:55] <Lunatrius> It should pick up the pace eventually
L582[12:44:03] <PaleoCrafter> I had it running even longer earlier, then cancelled it and that took almost as long xD
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L590[13:05:58] <williewillus> does the jvm optimize boolean arrays into bitfields or does it keep them all in their byte-size expanded form?
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L596[13:12:25] <Xalcon> bit sure about the jvm, but neither .net nor native c++ compilers do that so I doubt jvm will do it... you would neither save memory nor would you save cpu cycles since you need to save the bit offset too if you want to access it
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L599[13:14:09] <heldplayer> williewillus: Depends on JVM but Oracle's doesn't
L600[13:14:10] <Xalcon> ah, you were talking about arrays, lol :P sorry - but still, i doubt the JVM does that - cpus only address memory byte-wise, which means you have to do some bitshifting just to get your boolean
L601[13:15:09] <heldplayer> http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se7/jvms7.pdf
L602[13:15:16] <heldplayer> Page 11 at the top
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L605[13:16:46] <heldplayer> If you need a big array of booleans, consider using a BitSet
L606[13:16:48] <Xalcon> they use and int to store a boolean? o_o
L607[13:16:56] <Xalcon> an*
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L609[13:17:57] <heldplayer> They use a byte to store a boolean
L610[13:18:05] <Xalcon> not sure if their wording is just off but an integer is normally a 2 byte (or 4 byte, depending on the language) value...
L611[13:18:09] <Shambling> couldn't you store like... alot of booleans in a byte?
L612[13:18:20] <williewillus> that was my question :P
L613[13:18:32] <Shambling> so a byte is simply an 8 place array of booleans :P
L614[13:18:58] <Shambling> can java even do bit shifting? I know >> and << were some of my favorite math functions back in the day
L615[13:19:03] <williewillus> wat
L616[13:19:06] <Xalcon> yes, but you need more cpu cycles to get your boolean from an 8 byte integer
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L618[13:19:18] <williewillus> of course you can bit shift
L619[13:19:28] <williewillus> that's a fundamental operation
L620[13:19:56] <Shambling> I'd assume it was, but some languages are a little too high level
L621[13:20:09] <Xalcon> *cough* lua *cough*
L622[13:20:14] <williewillus> lua doesnt have bitshift?
L623[13:20:17] <Xalcon> nope
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L625[13:20:21] <Shambling> why use fast code, when you can call a 50 layered class that is so abstract even an artist wouldn't understand it
L626[13:20:24] <williewillus> anyways it would be cool if you could AND or OR 256-long boolean arrays with 3 instructions ;p
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L640[13:59:03] <ScottehBoeh> Is there a command parameter that allows me to select a specific java version when executing a .jar
L641[13:59:19] <ghz|afk> uhm
L642[13:59:23] <ghz|afk> when you "execute" a jar
L643[13:59:34] <ghz|afk> it actually runs "java.exe -jar <filename>"
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L645[13:59:40] <ghz|afk> so you can just make sure to run the right java.exe
L646[14:00:01] <ghz|afk> you can do this by making sure the right java folder is in the PATH environment variable
L647[14:06:09] <heldplayer> It's faster to pack booleans in arrays and have a little more CPU instructions to unpack them than to have them all occupy a byte because if your array is really big you'll need to do more memory accesses
L648[14:07:13] <ghz|afk> uhm
L649[14:07:21] <ghz|afk> sortof
L650[14:07:36] <ghz|afk> depends on how localized your accesses are
L651[14:07:41] <ScottehBoeh> When we're talking Ubuntu/Linux based systems, I'm clueless on where the java directory is container
L652[14:07:44] <ScottehBoeh> contained*
L653[14:07:51] <ghz|afk> whereis java
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L655[14:08:34] <ghz|afk> probably something like /usr/share/jdk-xxx-x with symlinks on /usr/bin/ and /usr/lib/
L656[14:09:27] <ghz|afk> heldplayer: if you have very random-acces
L657[14:09:34] <ghz|afk> very random access patterns*
L658[14:09:54] <heldplayer> Well yeah
L659[14:09:55] <ghz|afk> then the cost of random memory access (cache misses) will be big on both
L660[14:10:00] <ghz|afk> at which point
L661[14:10:23] <ghz|afk> the cost of packing/unpacking may become more relevant
L662[14:11:02] <ghz|afk> but yes
L663[14:13:54] <ghz|afk> set(int n, boolean v) { array[n/32] = array[n/32] & ~(1<<(n%32)) | ((int)v)<<(n%32); } get(n) { return ((array[n/32]>>(n%32))&1) == 1; }
L664[14:13:55] <ghz|afk> can be faster
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L676[14:48:25] <Tencao> This may sound like a weird question, but why is getSlotFor on player inventory client side only?
L677[14:49:01] <ghz|afk> because mojang's obfuscator removed it on the server
L678[14:49:04] <ghz|afk> due to it not being used there
L679[14:49:12] <ghz|afk> they share code
L680[14:49:35] <ghz|afk> anything that's @SideOnly was simply removed for not being used in the other side
L681[14:50:03] <Tencao> So is there a more simple way to decrease stack size without iterating through every slot
L682[14:50:33] <ghz|afk> getSlotFor does iterate through the itemstacks
L683[14:50:35] <ghz|afk> so no
L684[14:50:42] <ghz|afk> just replicate what it does in your own code
L685[14:51:13] <Tencao> Damn, was hoping to not make my code more messy but as long as it works that's fine
L686[14:51:32] <ghz|afk> but wait
L687[14:51:42] <ghz|afk> if you are just shrinking the stack
L688[14:51:49] <ghz|afk> just call .shrink(1) (.stackSize--) on it
L689[14:52:08] <ghz|afk> well
L690[14:52:11] <ghz|afk> in 1.10 and earlier
L691[14:52:18] <ghz|afk> you'll have to find the slot to set it to NULL
L692[14:52:25] <Tencao> I'm on 1.10.2
L693[14:57:00] <Tencao> Infact, I'll just make a new method that combines the check for item, slot, and decrease rather than calling 3 identical methods
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L695[15:05:51] <TvL2386> hey guys
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L699[15:27:07] <TvL2386> hey guys, I read that spawned particles on the server are sent to the client. Using vanilla particles here (EnumParticleTypes.VILLAGER_HAPPY). I'm now seeing [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [tvl2386.jetpacksng.item.ItemJetpack:onArmorTick:117]: Particle spawned
L700[15:27:15] <TvL2386> every tick
L701[15:27:19] <TvL2386> but on the client I see nothing
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L703[15:29:56] <Ordinastie> because you made the critical mistake of thinking that sysout is debugging
L704[15:30:55] <TvL2386> well, I used it to tell me wether the code is executed and if it's on the server or the client
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L706[15:32:12] <TvL2386> Ordinastie: why is it not debugging then?
L707[15:32:34] <Ordinastie> google debugging then :)
L708[15:33:35] <TvL2386> Debugging is the process of finding and resolving of defects that prevent correct operation of computer software or a system
L709[15:33:45] <TvL2386> which is what I'm doing! :D
L710[15:33:48] <TvL2386> weeeeeeeeeeeee
L711[15:33:52] <Ordinastie> -_-
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L714[15:36:31] <TvL2386> but seriously: how could I do it better / more efficient?
L715[15:36:35] <TvL2386> breakpoints?
L716[15:36:51] <Ordinastie> breakpoint, going step by step
L717[15:37:03] <Ordinastie> and reading the actual code inside the methods you call
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L729[16:14:24] <Baughn> Isn't 1.10 supposed to have a progrss-bar thing when loading?
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L731[16:14:29] <LordSkittles_> o/
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L734[16:17:23] <LordSkittles_> hey all, I am having some trouble with 1.10 blockstates, I was wondering if someone could help me out?
L735[16:18:18] <ghz|afk> just ask
L736[16:18:31] <ghz|afk> by first asking if someone can help
L737[16:18:37] <ghz|afk> you make people waste time answering ;p
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L740[16:23:02] <Xalcon> ^ this.... i love people who come into my office "may I ask you a question?".... "you already did."
L741[16:26:16] <heldplayer> Xalcon: Can I ask you a question?
L742[16:26:29] <heldplayer> Well guess I know the answer now
L743[16:26:36] <heldplayer> Thanks
L744[16:26:55] <Xalcon> :P
L745[16:27:16] <LordSkittles_> Well my issue is that I have an ore block that has 4 variants, the item block works fine, it renders and localises as all the correct values in inventories, as entities etc... but when I try to place any of them.... they all place the default state... no matter what I try
L746[16:28:20] <Xalcon> can you show us some code? block class and blockstate json would be helpful
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L748[16:29:27] <LordSkittles_> Sure thing. Give me a sec Xalcon :)
L749[16:29:54] <LordSkittles_> Block: https://bitbucket.org/SkittleLord/arcane-mastery/src/c4a7add42f6608367aa81aac4e6ca753cc409662/src/main/java/com/lordskittles/arcanemastery/core/block/BlockOreCrystal.java?at=develop&fileviewer=file-view-default
L750[16:30:28] <LordSkittles_> blockstate json :) https://bitbucket.org/SkittleLord/arcane-mastery/src/c4a7add42f6608367aa81aac4e6ca753cc409662/src/main/resources/assets/arcanemastery/blockstates/orecrystal.json?at=develop&fileviewer=file-view-default
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L755[16:35:39] <Xalcon> please try setting your block using /setblock
L756[16:35:53] <Xalcon> i think its an issue with your itemblock code
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L762[16:37:57] <Xalcon> @LordSkittles /setblock ~ ~ ~ modid:block_registry_name meta
L763[16:38:44] <LordSkittles_> Xalcon, I can set it correctly using setblock
L764[16:38:49] <LordSkittles_> I have tested this
L765[16:39:04] <Xalcon> than its an issue with your itemblock, im looking into it right now
L766[16:39:27] <Xalcon> ah, you dont override getMetadata
L767[16:39:33] <Xalcon> by default this returns 0
L768[16:40:26] <Xalcon> ah wait, whats that ArcaneModItemBlock class >_>
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L770[16:41:10] <ghz|afk> yep you just get a custom ItemBlock and in it just override getMetadata(int) to return the block meta corresponding to the given item meta
L771[16:41:28] <ghz|afk> you don't normally need to override anything else in the ItemBlock
L772[16:41:33] <LordSkittles_> wow... can't believe I forgot something as simple as that XD
L773[16:41:37] <Xalcon> :P
L774[16:41:44] <Xalcon> i did that error myself
L775[16:41:53] <LordSkittles_> It's been a while since I have modded XD I haven't modded since 1.7.10
L776[16:41:53] <ghz|afk> it's silly that it comes hardcoded to 0 by default
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L779[16:52:27] <dwinget> I have a 1.10.2 question on armor models
L780[16:52:49] <ghz|afk> k
L781[16:52:56] <dwinget> Has anyone been able to figure out how to use blender .obj file for the armor models
L782[16:53:07] <dwinget> I have seen this done for 1.7.10 but not 1.10.2
L783[16:53:42] <ghz|afk> well, you'd have to load the model using the model manager (ModelLoaderRegistry.getModel)
L784[16:53:52] <ghz|afk> then, you'd need a highly customized ModelBiped
L785[16:54:10] <ghz|afk> that can take the baked quads from that model, and draw them
L786[16:54:20] <ghz|afk> instead of drawing the standard cubes
L787[16:54:56] <Xalcon> is there a way to get a texture onto the block texture atlas in code? or do i really need to load my own texture?
L788[16:55:24] <ghz|afk> Xalcon: you can add its resourcelocation in the TextureStitchEvent
L789[16:55:32] <ghz|afk> and mc will do the job
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L791[16:55:38] <Xalcon> ah, i'll try that
L792[16:55:58] <dwinget> baked quads>
L793[16:55:59] <dwinget> ?
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L795[16:56:28] <Xalcon> i was playing around with baked quads, but i just want dynamic overlays - baked quads would require a ton of models
L796[16:56:29] <ghz|afk> in 1.8, mc introduced a whole new system for tracking item and block models
L797[16:56:33] <ghz|afk> in this system
L798[16:56:41] <ghz|afk> the shapes are loaded from disk and then "baked"
L799[16:56:46] <ghz|afk> into a more efficient representation
L800[16:57:02] <ghz|afk> this is the IBakedModel, which returns BakedQuad instances
L801[16:57:04] <LatvianModder> Is there a forge tutorial for custom block models?
L802[16:57:11] <LatvianModder> I cant find one
L803[16:57:37] <ghz|afk> those BakedQuads, have the data stored in packed arrays
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L805[16:57:51] <Xalcon> yeah, i was playing around with IPerspectiveModel and ModelLoader, but I couldnt get it right without creating a ton of model jsons
L806[16:57:52] <dwinget> It is sounding like I would almost have to rewrite or override a lot to be able to use the .obj files
L807[16:57:53] <ghz|afk> with all the bytes neatly placed out in the format the gpu prefers
L808[16:58:02] <ghz|afk> on top of that system
L809[16:58:07] <ghz|afk> forge added the custom model loader
L810[16:58:17] <ghz|afk> which on top of the vanilla json models
L811[16:58:21] <ghz|afk> can load .OBJ and .B3D
L812[16:58:32] <ghz|afk> so when you want to load a .OBJ model
L813[16:58:39] <ghz|afk> you would use this custom model loader system
L814[16:58:45] <ghz|afk> which will give you an IModel instance
L815[16:58:53] <ghz|afk> from which you can .bake your own IBakedModels
L816[16:59:01] <ghz|afk> from which you can request the quads
L817[16:59:02] <dwinget> I have seen that and played with that for items and blocks, but I couldn't get the armors to work
L818[16:59:02] <ghz|afk> and those quads
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L820[16:59:07] <ghz|afk> can be rendered using the tesellator
L821[16:59:40] <ghz|afk> if you look at Item#getArmorModel or whatever the name is
L822[16:59:47] <ghz|afk> you'll see it returns a ModelBiped
L823[17:00:03] <dwinget> Ya I have seen that
L824[17:00:03] <ghz|afk> this ModelBiped comes with its own set of ModelRenderer instances
L825[17:00:08] <ghz|afk> which have some cubes and such
L826[17:00:17] <ghz|afk> you can't get rid of that completely
L827[17:00:28] <ghz|afk> but you can use your own custom ModelRenderers
L828[17:00:34] <ghz|afk> that ignore all the cubes mess
L829[17:00:44] <ghz|afk> and just override the draw method with something that calls the tesellator
L830[17:00:50] <ghz|afk> and draws your IBakedModel quads
L831[17:01:18] <ghz|afk> it's not trivial
L832[17:01:22] <ghz|afk> but it can be done
L833[17:01:23] <ghz|afk> ;P
L834[17:01:30] <dwinget> I am seeing that.
L835[17:01:57] <ghz|afk> I have this helper library
L836[17:02:03] <ghz|afk> which has this class
L837[17:02:04] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/gigaherz/Commons/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/common/client/ModelHandle.java
L838[17:02:08] <ghz|afk> that I use for managing models
L839[17:02:08] <dwinget> I am a ASP.net developer that is used to C# and the MVC famework so trying to wrap my head around this is kinda hard
L840[17:02:28] <ghz|afk> I don't have code specifically for armor models
L841[17:02:37] <ghz|afk> but it could be used for the task if so
L842[17:02:50] <ghz|afk> anyhow, I show this to you so you can see how to load and process the models
L843[17:02:54] <ghz|afk> so you get the quads
L844[17:02:57] <ghz|afk> and how to draw them
L845[17:03:17] <ghz|afk> the key functions are loadModel and renderModel near the bottom
L846[17:03:38] <dwinget> Thanks. I am going to look at this and see what I can come up with
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L856[17:30:27] <dwinget> The draw method that you were talking about is that they render Method that is inside the ModelRenderer class?
L857[17:35:22] <ghz|afk> i guess
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L859[17:48:14] <dwinget> Thanks ghz you have given me a good direction to look into.
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L882[19:45:15] <Disconsented> Don't surpose there is a post RightClickBlock event is there?
L883[19:45:55] <killjoy> ItemUseEvent?
L884[19:47:13] <Disconsented> Cheers
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L888[19:54:31] <DarkZek> Hello?
L889[19:55:39] <DarkZek> Could anybody help me with this, I ran gradlew build and looked in the build folder and found no jar. Do I need to make the whole build folder a jar or what?
L890[19:55:47] <killjoy> it's in build/libs
L891[19:57:23] <DarkZek> Oh my gosh, thanks!
L892[19:57:26] <DarkZek> Lol
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L916[22:36:58] <killjoy> I just found javadocs on microsoft msdn
L917[22:39:04] <killjoy> quote from microsoft: "Both C# and Java have built-in garbage collection. What does this mean? Forgetaboutit!"
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L924[23:17:01] <blood_> anyone know how I add a simple AT for a forge mod? I added attributes 'FMLAT': 'mod_at.cfg' to build.gradle within the jar section under manifest and it didnt seem to work.
L925[23:17:15] <blood_> is this only supported for coremods?
L926[23:17:29] <mezz> it is supported for any mod, one sec and I'll find a commit that adds one
L927[23:17:41] <killjoy> dev time?
L928[23:17:42] <blood_> k thanks, i need to add an AT to get TerrainControl working
L929[23:17:45] <blood_> yes this is dev
L930[23:17:53] <blood_> so i can test it properly
L931[23:18:02] <killjoy> You have your cfg in src/main/resources/META-INF?
L932[23:18:09] <blood_> i named it .at
L933[23:18:14] <blood_> err.cfg
L934[23:18:18] <blood_> terraincontrol_at.cfg
L935[23:18:33] <killjoy> did you re-setupDecompWorkspace?
L936[23:18:37] <blood_> yup
L937[23:18:56] <killjoy> Can I see your build script?
L938[23:18:56] <mezz> blood_, compare against this https://github.com/mezz/TextureDump/commit/b71cbb60b8b1121f606640ee2be6910775660999
L939[23:18:59] <blood_> public-f net.minecraft.util.registry.RegistrySimple field_82596_a # registryObjects
L940[23:19:03] <blood_> i need that public
L941[23:19:22] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L942[23:19:48] <blood_> yea i have same thing
L943[23:19:51] <blood_> let me paste build script
L944[23:20:31] <blood_> https://gist.github.com/bloodmc/5fe64b0039bea3ba96cb5a7dc28e1588
L945[23:21:14] <mezz> what about this? https://github.com/mezz/TextureDump/commit/b71cbb60b8b1121f606640ee2be6910775660999#diff-c197962302397baf3a4cc36463dce5eaR51
L946[23:21:26] <blood_> nope i didnt add that
L947[23:21:27] <blood_> required?
L948[23:21:43] <mezz> it has to be there in the jar if you distribute it
L949[23:21:51] <blood_> oh im just testing dev atm
L950[23:21:54] <blood_> but sure let me add it
L951[23:21:56] <mezz> if you're just having dev-time issue then it's not relevant
L952[23:22:21] <blood_> k added it
L953[23:23:08] <mezz> after that's all set, I do setupdecompworkspace and it should see it. there are bugs in FG so you might have to run it twice or something if you don't see anything about the AT in the gradle log
L954[23:23:49] <mezz> if the gradle log looks good, then you can refresh the project in your IDE and it should work
L955[23:23:53] <blood_> ok let me add it again
L956[23:23:55] <blood_> err
L957[23:23:56] <blood_> run it again
L958[23:32:50] <blood_> mezz: thanks that worked
L959[23:32:59] <blood_> i wiped build folder entirely and ran it again
L960[23:33:03] <blood_> seems like a bug in FG as you said
L961[23:33:06] <mezz> cool
L962[23:33:38] <mezz> yeah there's a few open bugs but nobody really has time to work on it
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L964[23:40:18] <McJty> Wasn't there a way to use blockstates for items too?
L965[23:42:36] <Necro> yes using custom model meshes and registering the needed variants yourself. https://github.com/Necr0/ConvenientAdditions/blob/1.11/src/main/java/convenientadditions/item/adventurersPickaxe/CustomModelMeshAdventurersPickaxe.java
L966[23:43:06] <McJty> ok thanks
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L968[23:51:19] <McJty> I can't get it to work:
L969[23:52:08] <McJty> https://bpaste.net/show/a45efd3f9bd0
L970[23:52:11] <McJty> But he left...
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