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agowa339 is now known as agowa338
L15[01:41:36] <PitchBright> Is there a way
for me to make it so that a client won't timeout and lose
connection to server, if I'm debugging the server in
L16[01:43:34] <McJty> Debug faster?
L17[01:43:37] <McJty> Seriously though, no
L18[01:45:07] <PitchBright> haha... so hard
when i'm stepping through
L19[01:48:25] ⇦
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timeout: 206 seconds)
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L23[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV]
Pushing snapshot_20161105 mappings to Forge Maven.
L24[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV]
Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20161105-1.10.2.zip
(mappings = "snapshot_20161105" in build.gradle).
L25[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live
(every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed)
MCPBot mapping exports can be found here:
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Parts: MrIbby (~MrIbby@ ())
L35[02:49:48] <Ordinastie> PitchBright,
there an option in the property file for the server
L36[02:51:35] <PitchBright> I've got
it set to 0
L37[02:52:00] <PitchBright> I think clients
disconnect because they're not getting a response from the
server, while I'm stepping through debugging
L38[02:52:45] <Ordinastie> and vice
L39[02:53:09] ⇨
Joins: Koward
L40[02:54:50] <PitchBright> would setting
it to 0 not mean "no timeout"?
L41[02:55:07] <Ordinastie> no idea
L42[02:55:15] <Ordinastie> I think I set
mine to 10mins
L43[02:55:20] <Ordinastie> that should be
L44[02:55:43] <PitchBright> according to
the mc wiki, any non-zero value is what activates a timer
L45[02:56:10] <PitchBright> I don't
think it's an "idle" thing anyway
L46[02:56:25] <PitchBright> it seems to me
to be a "server's not responding" thing
L47[03:02:17] ⇦
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minecreatr is now known as Mine|dreamland
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L55[03:35:48] <Koward> So all imports in a
class are loaded when the class is loaded. That pisses me off and
force to use @SideOnly annotations.
L56[03:36:01] <Ordinastie> not at all
L57[03:36:23] <Ordinastie> imports are just
coding convenience, they don't exist in compiled class
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Joins: ThePsionic
L60[03:58:16] <Subaraki> Koward, if
you're referncing client side stuff in a packet or something
like that, you can always put like the player and the world in the
clientproxy and get them trough there
L61[04:00:16] <Subaraki> quick question, if
I have a folder full of nothing, or only one texture, and someone
adds a texture pack, and i check that folder for any files present,
will it return one, or the size of the texture pack ?
L62[04:00:20] <Subaraki> 's
L63[04:00:59] <Ordinastie> you answered
your question
L64[04:01:19] ⇨
Joins: TechnicianLP
L65[04:01:20] <Ordinastie> if you check the
folder, you get the folder's content
L66[04:01:40] <Koward> I just had a class
with static method registerItems and registerItemsRender. A state
mapper is used in the registerItemRender. While it is never called
in server, it will crash. registerItems will load the class, and it
will to load what's called in registerItemRender despite it
never being called.
L67[04:02:19] <Ordinastie> classloading it
really complex and unintuitive
L68[04:02:33] <Ordinastie> that's why
it's advised against using SideOnly
L69[04:02:59] <PitchBright> hey Subs
L70[04:03:02] <PitchBright> how's it
L71[04:03:08] <Subaraki> hey pitches
L72[04:03:10] <Subaraki> sup
L73[04:03:25] <Subaraki> doin' fine n
L74[04:03:29] <PitchBright> right on
L75[04:03:31] <Subaraki> whabout you
L76[04:03:41] <PitchBright> doin'
good, still bangin' away
L77[04:03:47] <Koward> I understand but
while it bothers me a lot, SideOnly does fix this problem. If the
method is scrapped out, what's in it (in my example the state
mapper) won't be loaded and therefore no crash.
L79[04:04:27] <Koward> Two solutions
without any SideOnly : everything directly in client proxy class,
or only keeping client methods in the own class (never mixing
L80[04:04:40] <PitchBright> ya you'd
show me that right now when i'm starving >:(
L81[04:07:21] *
Subaraki tries to figure a way out for people to add different
textures for customization without having to restrict to what i
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L83[04:07:57] *
Xenose tries of the make sub folders for json files...
L84[04:07:59] <Xenose> =P
L85[04:08:04] <Xenose> hi!
L86[04:08:14] <Subaraki> o/
L87[04:08:19] <Subaraki> sub folders for
json files ?
L88[04:08:40] <Xenose> yea new
L89[04:09:05] <Xenose> tested lots of stuff
cant get it to work =/
L90[04:09:06] <Ordinastie>
L91[04:09:11] <Xenose> tested
L92[04:09:26] <Ordinastie> that works
L93[04:09:35] <Ordinastie> except you have
to take in account context
L94[04:09:45] <Ordinastie> where a folder
is alread automatically prepended
L95[04:10:02] <Xenose> hmm
L96[04:10:06] <Ordinastie> like textures/
or models/
L97[04:10:34] <Xenose> so i need to add it
myself now with a custome loction?
L98[04:11:10] <Ordinastie> "it"
L99[04:11:11] ⇦
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L100[04:11:39] <Xenose> textures/ or
L101[04:12:12] <Ordinastie> no, vanilla
already adds it
L102[04:12:31] <Xenose> okay
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L106[04:14:41] <Subaraki> what would be
the best way to add an indetermined array of resourcelocations ? i
though reading the directory would do it
L107[04:14:57] <Ordinastie> what are you
trying to do ?
L108[04:16:25] <Subaraki> load x textures,
get the texture names to make a resloc out of it
L109[04:16:35] <Ordinastie> no,
L110[04:17:01] <Xenose> have a folder were
you take in all the png or files
L111[04:17:20] <Xenose> with java? i
L112[04:17:37] <Subaraki> ^
L113[04:17:55] <Ordinastie> that's
not possible to make it work with resource packs
L114[04:18:01] <Subaraki> :/
L115[04:18:30] <Xenose> well i was
thinking the names of the file itself and then add it plus
L116[04:18:57] <Subaraki> yeah, but that
would mean people have to open the mod file
L117[04:19:05] <Ordinastie> now, if you
actually tell me what you want to do, maybe there is a way
L118[04:19:08] <Xenose> nope create a
L119[04:20:28] <Subaraki> i want to read a
directory to get the texture files out. this is needed for an item
that can be worn like armor, which is customizable
L120[04:21:10] <Subaraki> depending on the
items nbt, it will show a certain texture
L121[04:21:12] <Ordinastie> you're
not telling what you want to do, you telling HOW you want to do
L122[04:21:21] <Subaraki> i want to make a
fashion mod ?
L123[04:21:39] <Ordinastie> how's the
NBT filled then ?
L124[04:21:44] <Subaraki> gui
L125[04:21:55] <Subaraki> inventory, with
buttons, packets
L126[04:22:13] <Subaraki> only one item
needed that way. just send the nbt around
L127[04:22:33] <Ordinastie> what is it
filled with ?
L128[04:22:36] <Subaraki> player by
default has the item, with no nbt, so nothing will be drawn
L129[04:22:42] <Subaraki> i think integers
L130[04:23:00] <Subaraki> i was thinking
about a list
L131[04:23:21] <Subaraki> so index will be
the nbt
L132[04:23:49] <Subaraki> in that case, if
some people have different packs or so, it'll just show a
missing texture, or not render at all because of an oob
L133[04:23:53] <Ordinastie> you're
still talking about detail implementations here...
L134[04:24:11] <Subaraki> i thought you
were asking for it
L135[04:24:19] <Subaraki> what is the nbt
filled with ? integer
L136[04:26:03] <Ordinastie> well, I have a
mod for user provided blocks, and as result too, they can't be
customized with RP either
L137[04:26:06] ⇦
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L138[04:26:56] *
Xenose is starving went for food.
L139[04:27:09] <Subaraki> ah, resource
L140[04:27:10] ***
Xenose is now known as Xenose_AFK
L141[04:27:19] <Ordinastie> Xenose, you
really have problems with punctuation :x
L142[04:27:41] <Xenose_AFK> well sry
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L144[04:28:42] <Subaraki> so no resource
packs ...
L145[04:28:52] *
Subaraki thinks
L146[04:29:13] <Subaraki> but if people
were to add the textures in the jar, it would work
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L148[04:29:25] <Ordinastie> ew
L149[04:30:09] <Ordinastie> because if the
textures are use added, they're not part of the jar, so you
need custom resource loading
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L151[04:31:04] <Subaraki> yeah ...
L152[04:31:23] <Subaraki> but if
resourcepacks don't work, i need to load up the directory to
get custom files, right ?
L153[04:31:34] <Ordinastie> yes
L154[04:31:42] <Subaraki> its not pretty,
but that's the only way
L155[04:31:51] <Ordinastie> and it would
most likely be a directory outside mods
L156[04:31:59] <Ordinastie> (at least,
that what I did)
L157[04:32:45] ⇦
Quits: ThePsionic (~ThePsioni@ip5457f909.direct-adsl.nl) (Quit:
L158[04:33:56] <Subaraki> people would
just have to like unzip resource packs in that folder right ?
L159[04:34:55] <killjoy1> what's bad
with resource packs?
L160[04:35:09] <killjoy1>
IResourcePackReloadListener is great
L161[04:35:09] <Subaraki> resource packs
substitute already existing textures
L162[04:35:23] <Ordinastie> killjoy1,
incompatible with user provided content
L163[04:35:40] ***
MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L164[04:35:42] <killjoy1> is that supposed
to be an excuse?
L165[04:35:56] <Subaraki> explain thine
L166[04:36:01] <Ordinastie> it's not
an excuse
L167[04:36:29] <Ordinastie> it's that
if you have user provided content, you can't use RP
L168[04:36:53] <Ordinastie> although
L169[04:37:03] <killjoy1> never stopped
L170[04:37:05] <Subaraki> unless they put
it in the jar, and i load it from the jar
L171[04:37:28] <Ordinastie> killjoy1, what
did you do ?
L172[04:38:37] ⇦
Quits: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net) (Ping timeout: 186
L173[04:38:56] <killjoy1> wait.. I synced
a config
L174[04:38:59] <killjoy1> different
L175[04:39:13] <killjoy1> doesn't
stop mojang
L176[04:39:31] <Ordinastie> hum what
L177[04:39:53] <killjoy1> they do
loottables via resourcepacks
L178[04:40:08] <Subaraki> because they are
looking for them
L179[04:40:10] <Ordinastie> that's
not added content
L180[04:40:22] <Subaraki> i cannot look
for textures i potentially do not know how much their are
L181[04:40:30] <Subaraki> (that wasnt
L182[04:41:01] <killjoy1> as long as you
can unregister items, you *could* make a mod that adds blocks using
L183[04:41:20] <Ordinastie> first,
L184[04:41:32] <Ordinastie> you can't
use RP for that, because they're client side only
L185[04:41:51] ⇦
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L186[04:41:58] <Subaraki> can i not load
resourcepacks ?
L187[04:42:05] <Subaraki> because all i
need is the textures
L188[04:42:05] <Ordinastie> and I forgot
what I was going to say next :x
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timeout: 186 seconds)
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L194[04:43:43] <killjoy1> could've
sworn server had resource loading. not packs, but still
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timeout: 206 seconds)
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Connection reset by peer)
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L204[05:07:56] ***
Xenose_AFK is now known as Xenose
L205[05:09:06] <Subaraki> Ordinastie, if I
were to load a text file from my assets, a text file with an array
in it (might be even a json file) with all the names of the
L206[05:09:37] <Subaraki> load them as
resource locations
L207[05:09:44] <Subaraki> would people be
able to make resource packs then ?
L208[05:10:19] <Ordinastie> and how to you
plan to add to that file ?
L209[05:10:39] <Subaraki> the basic mod
would have one as well
L210[05:10:44] <Subaraki> oh wait
L211[05:10:49] <Subaraki> you can't
rp that file
L212[05:10:53] <Subaraki> right ?
L213[05:11:05] <Ordinastie> it'll
override it
L214[05:11:11] <Subaraki> yeah that's
the point
L215[05:11:22] <Subaraki> people add the
json with the array of the texture names
L216[05:11:34] <Subaraki> unless
there's more then one rp ...
L217[05:11:38] <Subaraki> that would defy
the point of it
L218[05:11:44] <Subaraki> fack
L219[05:12:14] <Ordinastie> why are you so
adamant on using RP anyway ?
L220[05:12:26] <Subaraki> easier for
people to add textures ?
L221[05:12:39] <Ordinastie> aren't
they already adding them with the "fashion" packs ?
L222[05:13:04] <Xenose> add a default set
of texture set? and copy?
L223[05:13:13] <Xenose> textures*
L224[05:13:26] <Subaraki> if the fashion
packs are loaded externally, i'm afraid people will be
reluctant of using the mod
L225[05:13:40] <Subaraki> or i'll get
spam questions on why the rp's wont work or something
L226[05:14:06] <Subaraki> different
mechanic see ?
L227[05:14:18] <Subaraki> but maybe
i'll have to resort to loading them externally
L228[05:14:27] <Subaraki> because
rp's are indeed impossible
L229[05:14:28] <Subaraki> oh well
L230[05:14:56] <Xenose> write a program
that creates the jar files for them?
L231[05:14:56] <Subaraki> where would i
put the folder to load ? in documents ?
L232[05:14:59] <Subaraki> or the mod
directory ?
L233[05:15:33] <Ordinastie> just do what I
L234[05:15:46] <Ordinastie> have external
packs and forget about RP
L235[05:16:10] <Subaraki> how do people
handle your packs ?
L236[05:16:16] <Subaraki> got a git link
L239[05:18:42] <killjoy1> Ordinastie, you
know github has a place to put releases, right?
L240[05:19:20] <Ordinastie> yeah, I
started that to have an online backup somewhere
L241[05:19:37] <Ordinastie> not necessary
anymore because it's on curseforge anyway but never bothered
to change it
L242[05:19:51] ⇦
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L243[05:21:51] <Subaraki> pfffffff
L244[05:21:57] <Subaraki> all that code
L245[05:22:05] <Subaraki> so you load
jsons from zips ?
L246[05:22:46] <Subaraki> okay
L247[05:22:57] <Subaraki> i'll go
ahead and try to read png's from a zip P:
L248[05:24:57] ⇦
Quits: killjoy1 (~killjoy@ (Ping timeout: 206
L249[05:33:39] ⇦
Quits: AstralSorcerer (~AstralSor@ (Ping timeout:
206 seconds)
L250[05:44:32] <Subaraki> ooh, you even
put support for just folders =)
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L256[05:58:26] <ScottehBoeh> Good
L257[05:58:38] <ScottehBoeh> Today I work
on counting Player/zombie kills :D
L258[05:58:43] <Xenose> Good after noon
L259[05:58:49] <ScottehBoeh> xD
L260[06:01:13] <ScottehBoeh> Best event to
use when checking the death of an entity?
L261[06:01:27] <ScottehBoeh> Wanting to
detect if the entity is a Zombie & killer is Player
L262[06:04:10] <Subaraki> livingdeathevent
L263[06:06:59] <ScottehBoeh> Ah thanks
L264[06:07:08] <ScottehBoeh> I've set
up a CommonPlayerData that adds Zombie Kills and pLayer kIlls
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L267[06:15:01] <ScottehBoeh> I have:
L268[06:15:05] <ScottehBoeh> if
(source.getDamageType() ==
L269[06:15:15] <ScottehBoeh> what should I
put for finding out if the damage source is the Player?
L270[06:16:27] <ScottehBoeh> Oh! got it :D
L271[06:18:17] ⇦
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L275[06:20:16] <Subaraki> Ordinastie, I
just noticed I can't make resourcelocations of the zipped
L276[06:20:20] <Subaraki> at least, I
think I can't
L277[06:20:31] <Subaraki> because you need
the resource domain, which is the modid
L278[06:20:31] <Ordinastie> you
L279[06:20:36] <Subaraki> and the zips
aren't the moddid
L280[06:20:41] ⇦
Quits: zabi94 (~zabi94@93-47-62-125.ip111.fastwebnet.it) (Read
error: Connection reset by peer)
L281[06:20:43] <Subaraki> aargh
L282[06:20:45] <Subaraki> xD
L283[06:20:48] <Subaraki> still
L284[06:21:39] <ghz|afk> Subaraki: what
are you trying to do?
L285[06:21:59] <Subaraki> loading textures
from zip in a directory, and turn them into resourcelocations
L286[06:22:01] <Subaraki> x)
L287[06:22:09] <Subaraki> the latter is
not possible directly from the zip
L288[06:22:26] <ghz|afk> just a random
L289[06:22:26] *
Subaraki conciders extracting somewhere i can get them as
L290[06:22:28] <Subaraki> yeah
L291[06:22:37] <ghz|afk> can't you
have them in resourcepack format?
L292[06:22:52] <Subaraki> as far as i
know, no
L293[06:22:58] <ghz|afk> why not?
L294[06:23:00] <Subaraki> because i
don't have any textures to begin with
L295[06:25:45] <Subaraki> wait
L296[06:25:50] <Subaraki> what's the
rp form ghz|afk ?
L297[06:25:51] ⇦
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L298[06:26:05] <ghz|afk> it's just a
L299[06:26:13] <ghz|afk> with a .info file
in it
L300[06:26:18] <ghz|afk> and
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L302[06:27:40] <Subaraki> would that work
if it had just the domain but there's no texture to replace
L303[06:28:16] <ghz|afk> of course
L304[06:28:35] <ghz|afk> the resourcepack
"list" is scanned top to bottom
L305[06:28:46] <ghz|afk> the first one to
find a resource, returns it
L306[06:30:59] <Subaraki> so
L307[06:31:18] <Subaraki> uhm
L308[06:31:38] <Subaraki> the thing still
is, i'd need to scan the zip for the files added
L309[06:31:52] <Subaraki> so i just scan
the rp directory as well
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L311[06:32:08] <Subaraki> and check for
any zips that may be a rp for fashion packs ?
L312[06:32:32] <ghz|afk> dunno I'd
personally have an explicit list of reslocs that people want
L313[06:32:37] ⇦
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timeout: 206 seconds)
L314[06:32:40] <ghz|afk> instead of
relying on scanning stuff yourself
L315[06:33:26] <ghz|afk> however
L316[06:34:08] <Subaraki> that list could
be very long x)
L317[06:34:10] ⇦
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L319[06:34:21] <ghz|afk> well if it's
very long
L320[06:34:33] <ghz|afk> it will take a
long time to inject everything into the texture atlas, and may even
make the atlas too big ;P
L321[06:34:37] <Subaraki> i could make
people add a boolean to the json isFashionPack : true
L322[06:34:46] <Subaraki> ah :s
L323[06:35:11] <Subaraki> maybe i need to
throw this idea out
L324[06:35:27] <ghz|afk> it dpeends on how
long is very long
L325[06:35:27] <ghz|afk> ;P
L326[06:35:46] <ghz|afk> IResourceManager
has a getAllResources
L327[06:36:01] <Subaraki> i dont
L328[06:36:05] <Subaraki> up to people
L329[06:36:08] <ghz|afk> you could have
like assets/domain/fashion/
L330[06:36:16] <ghz|afk> and then say
L331[06:37:06] <ghz|afk> wait
L332[06:37:23] <ghz|afk> I think
that's not what you want
L333[06:37:29] <ghz|afk> since it's
used for sounds.json
L334[06:37:35] <ghz|afk> itjust returns
all the sounds.json
L335[06:37:38] <ghz|afk> instead of just
the first one
L336[06:38:07] <Subaraki> i just want to
make a mod that ignores armor and renders pretty clothes like in
mmorpgs :(
L337[06:38:46] <ghz|afk> wait it's
just for armor textures?
L338[06:39:05] *** V
is now known as Vigaro
L339[06:39:06] <Subaraki> kinda yeah
L340[06:39:16] <ghz|afk> if so, you
don't need to stitch them into the atlas
L341[06:39:28] <Subaraki> really ?
L342[06:39:34] <ghz|afk> armor textures
aren't stitched
L343[06:39:39] <Subaraki> (not that i was
thinking about that anyway)
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L345[06:39:50] <ghz|afk> only the
item/block textures are
L346[06:39:53] <Subaraki> but i'd
still need to be able to make it resourcelocations, right ?
L347[06:40:05] <ghz|afk> you don't
"make" them resourcelocations
L348[06:40:16] <ghz|afk> resourcelocations
are just identifiers
L349[06:40:19] <ghz|afk> when you want to
use a texture
L350[06:40:28] <ghz|afk> that resloc is
used as a key to lookup the resource manager
L351[06:40:35] <ghz|afk> which will search
through the resourcepacks
L352[06:40:40] <Subaraki> so, i read my
zip, i get textures
L353[06:40:40] <ghz|afk> so
L354[06:40:50] <ghz|afk> no
L355[06:41:34] <Subaraki> then whut
L356[06:41:38] <ghz|afk> you make a
resourcepack loader for "fashion packs" and then tell
mc/forge that those zips are fashion packs
L357[06:41:49] ⇦
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L360[06:42:29] <Subaraki> okay
L361[06:42:31] <Subaraki> now you lost me
L362[06:42:45] <ghz|afk> mc by default has
FileResourcePack and FolderResourcePack
L363[06:42:55] <ghz|afk> File is for
loading resourcepack zips
L364[06:43:04] <ghz|afk> Folder is for
loading resourcepacks from a folder, without zip
L365[06:43:11] <Subaraki> hmmm, yes
L366[06:43:23] <ghz|afk> both extend
L367[06:44:01] <ghz|afk> if you look at
the type hierarchy for AbstractResourcePack
L368[06:44:21] <ghz|afk> FML has custom
classes for loading the mod jars and mdk build folders are
L369[06:45:15] <Subaraki> @.@
L370[06:45:18] <Subaraki> most likely
L371[06:45:32] <ghz|afk> yeah so it would
be possible for you to have a fashion pack loader
L372[06:45:37] <ghz|afk> extending
L373[06:45:47] <ghz|afk> that has some
rules regarding what/how it loads
L374[06:45:54] <Subaraki> okay,
that's sweet
L375[06:46:00] <Subaraki> i hope that
L376[06:46:08] <Subaraki> got a minute to
join me in my channel ?
L377[06:46:11] <ghz|afk> (because if
it's just a standard zip, you may as well just ask people to
put them as plain old resource packs)
L378[06:46:17] <Subaraki> i'd like to
ping you there if i need more info P:
L379[06:47:34] <Subaraki> it's
L380[06:48:07] <ghz|afk> if you don't
prefix the channel with a #, I can't click on it to join
L381[06:48:32] <ghz|afk> unless it's
not on irc ;P
L382[06:48:53] <Subaraki> #SubHaven
L383[07:08:44] ⇦
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Client: www.textualapp.com)
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L390[07:44:45] <TangentDelta> I want to
strip the CPU core out of the tile entity and implement it as a
seperate "CoreSixtyFive" that implements an
"ICoreCPU" interface.
L391[07:45:02] <TangentDelta> For what
reason? Interchangable CPU cores :D
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L398[08:42:14] <Subaraki> how does one
enable alpha on drawing textures ?
L399[08:42:24] <Subaraki>
glstatemanageenablealpha doesn't seem to suffice
L400[08:50:22] ⇦
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L403[08:56:11] <Subaraki> is there a
maximum on the gui's zlevel ?
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L412[09:23:28] *
Subaraki tries to create mirror image
L413[09:23:36] *
Subaraki notices mirror image has like a life of its
L414[09:23:43] <Subaraki> this is
disturbing x)
L416[09:36:04] ***
Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
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L425[09:56:28] <TangentDelta> Lol,
L426[09:57:01] ⇦
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L427[09:57:02] <Subaraki> thanks :)
L428[10:06:17] <ScottehBoeh> I have
another question
L429[10:06:52] <ScottehBoeh> I've
started to learn how to use objectMouseOver etc
L430[10:07:07] <ScottehBoeh> and I was
wondering how possible it is to have the right click event check if
the player is lookin at an item on the ground, and if so, he picks
it up?
L431[10:07:26] <Subaraki> very
L432[10:07:36] <Ordinastie> really not
L433[10:07:40] <Ordinastie> and not
L434[10:07:49] <ScottehBoeh> Couldn't
you have it delete the item on the floor and put one in your
L435[10:07:50] <Subaraki> its an
L436[10:07:56] <ScottehBoeh> Yeah. Kill
the entity
L437[10:08:05] <Subaraki> i don't see
why its hard
L438[10:08:18] <Subaraki> you can even
mouseOver server side
L440[10:08:39] <Ordinastie> except
raytrace don't hit items
L441[10:08:42] <Naiten> Pls dont punch me
for 1.7
L442[10:08:58] <ScottehBoeh> Naiten!
L443[10:09:09] <ScottehBoeh> I've
been using RoW more recently, I love the little miners train
L444[10:09:28] <ScottehBoeh> Raytrace
doesn't hti items? O.o. darn
L445[10:09:40] <Subaraki> does it not hit
items ?
L446[10:09:45] <Subaraki> it hits
L447[10:09:49] <Naiten> Which little
train? Or you mean one that's indev for narrow gauge?
L448[10:09:49] <Subaraki> that's
L449[10:10:00] <ScottehBoeh> The one with
the 2man lever
L450[10:10:09] <ScottehBoeh> the
"Back and fourth, sqweak sqweak"
L451[10:10:26] <ScottehBoeh> the classic
comedy one xD
L452[10:10:33] <Naiten> What O_o
L453[10:10:49] <ScottehBoeh> It's
just a platform with wheels
L454[10:11:15] <ScottehBoeh> with a
two-handled lever that gets pushed up and down to make it
L455[10:11:22] <Naiten> Ah
L456[10:11:25] <Naiten> a handcar
L457[10:11:29] <ScottehBoeh> Ah. yeah
L458[10:12:08] <Naiten> Welp, I've
put tracks from TESR to ISBRH, but not textures are fkd up on big
L459[10:12:19] <Naiten> And the frustum
can't be affected
L460[10:13:51] <Naiten> I guess I just
gotta move to 1.10 already
L461[10:14:13] <ScottehBoeh> Subaraki You
can check if its an Entity. How would I cast that entity?
L462[10:14:24] <ScottehBoeh> Entity entity
= getTheEntityBeingLookedAt?
L463[10:14:27] <Subaraki> instanceof
L464[10:14:34] <ScottehBoeh> ah
L465[10:14:40] <Subaraki> if enity
instanceof entityitem
L466[10:14:42] <Subaraki> then cast
L467[10:15:15] <Subaraki> also,
raytraceresult.entityHit is the entity you'd want
L468[10:16:02] <ScottehBoeh> Ah :D Got
L469[10:16:56] <ScottehBoeh> how about
getting that entities name? (as in the actual item name) and
casting it as a String?
L470[10:17:03] <ScottehBoeh> (trying to
get it to show a string text with the item name)
L471[10:18:28] <ScottehBoeh> nvm got
L472[10:18:28] <ScottehBoeh>
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L474[10:19:34] <ScottehBoeh> no. thats
wrong :\
L475[10:21:13] <ScottehBoeh> Ended up
using this:
L476[10:21:14] <ScottehBoeh> String
entityName = ((EntityItem)
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Quits: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872A6E.access.telenet.be) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L480[10:27:24] <Corosus> anyone have a
guide for curse mod dependencies, tinkers has mantle setup as a
required library, and when you download tinkers via curse client,
it downloads mantle, yet with my weather2 mod, i have coroutil as a
required library, yet it is not downloaded when i download
weather2, im lost as to what im missing here
L483[10:28:50] ***
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L486[10:32:47] <ScottehBoeh> Uugh this is
paining me
L487[10:32:54] <ScottehBoeh> It
doesn't want to detect the Entity
L488[10:33:00] <ScottehBoeh> I think
he's right. You can't find em
L489[10:33:08] <ScottehBoeh> (not without
a custom entity for items)
L490[10:34:03] <diesieben07> you can find
them just fine
L491[10:34:06] <diesieben07> you just have
to search manually
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L493[10:35:57] <Ordinastie> he meant with
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cpw is now known as cpw|out
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L496[10:43:46] <PitchBright> how's
the sql thing goin' diesieben07 ?
L497[10:43:47] ⇦
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L498[10:44:01] <diesieben07> which part?
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L500[10:44:29] <PitchBright> any part
L501[10:44:30] <PitchBright> in
L502[10:44:50] ⇦
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L503[10:44:53] <diesieben07> basically i
am now using JDBI + hikariCP
L504[10:45:10] <diesieben07> so i can have
nice annotation-based DAOs which open/close connectinos on the
L505[10:45:17] <PitchBright> oh ya? what
are your thoughts on Hikari? You like it?
L506[10:45:22] <diesieben07> but since i
have a connection pool that does not actually open/close
L507[10:45:29] <diesieben07> well, it
seems reasonable enough and works :D
L508[10:45:38] <PitchBright> cool
L509[10:45:43] <PitchBright> what's
JDBI do?
L510[10:45:53] <diesieben07> auto-generate
L511[10:46:28] <PitchBright> googled
that... interesting
L512[10:46:29] <diesieben07> so have a
methd like @SqlQuery("SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE id =
:id") String getFoo(@Bind("id") int id)
L513[10:46:40] <diesieben07> and it does
bytecode magic to implement that
L514[10:47:36] <diesieben07> and you can
choose whether to open one connection per DAO and close it when you
close the DAO (for that you impleemnt AutoCloseable on the
L515[10:47:49] <diesieben07> or whether
every method call opens and closes a connection, in which case you
do not have to close the DAO ever
L516[10:48:27] <PitchBright> what are the
pro's vs con's of doing sql, vs nbt for stuff like
you're doing?
L517[10:48:43] <diesieben07> uhhh
L518[10:48:57] <diesieben07> NBT is just
not the right tool for the job :P i need a DB
L519[10:49:15] <PitchBright> you're
storing a lot of info, about a player, correct?
L520[10:49:41] <diesieben07> players,
friend relations, authentication tokens, etc. etc.
L522[10:50:19] <PitchBright> man i wish I
could do that stuff
L523[10:50:27] <diesieben07> i had a LOT
of help with that query :P
L524[10:50:34] <diesieben07> i am no sql
wizard by any means
L525[10:50:48] <diesieben07> but yeah, i
am not writing my own DB :D
L526[10:50:52] <Ordinastie> diesieben07,
so here, @SqlQuery is like the impl for the method ?
L527[10:51:02] <diesieben07> yes, it tells
JDBI how to implement it
L528[10:51:16] <diesieben07> and i have
registered mappers for how to convert the SQL data into UUID,
L529[10:51:30] <diesieben07> you can even
have say like an Optional<UUID> as the result
L530[10:51:35] <diesieben07> and it will
be empty if there was nothing found
L531[10:51:37] ⇦
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L533[10:52:20] <gr8pefish> that's
cool, I never thought about using a DB for MC stuff
L534[10:52:37] <diesieben07> it's not
even *really* MC stuff
L535[10:52:42] <diesieben07> well, yeah it
L536[10:52:48] <diesieben07> but this is
not just a mod, it is more like a server network :D
L537[10:53:10] <gr8pefish> I know it
wouldn't be a typical mod ;)
L538[10:53:36] <diesieben07> so there is a
(non-mc) central server which manages the DB and the other
(minecraft) servers
L539[10:54:04] <diesieben07> on startup
the game authenticates you with that and then you can join lobbies
through a fancy gui and it assigns you to one of the game servers,
loads the map onto there, etc. etc.
L540[10:54:28] <PitchBright> crazy
L541[10:54:53] <diesieben07> not my idea
L542[10:54:59] <diesieben07> where is
scotteh when you need him :D
L543[10:56:35] <gr8pefish> sounds super
interesting, gl with that!
L544[10:56:53] <diesieben07> thanks
L545[10:56:57] <ScottehBoeh> :D
L546[10:57:01] <diesieben07> if soeone
wants to help ... :D
L547[10:57:08] <diesieben07> i am the only
coder at the moment, and this is a lot of work:D
L548[10:57:12] <PitchBright> ya, i'm
definitely curious. I'll keep buggin' you for updates. I
want to do some stuff that will involve MC>mysql
L549[10:57:46] <PitchBright> i wish i was
knowledgeable enough to help out
L550[11:03:56] <alexiy> Am I right that
when the block state of server world changes, it sends a packet to
L551[11:05:14] <diesieben07> usually
L552[11:06:03] ***
amadornes is now known as amadornes[Streaming]
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(~Alex_hawk@2001:8003:84cf:5b00:556f:1d28:5aef:ce10) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L554[11:08:47] <Subaraki> how would i
mirror a model ?
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L556[11:09:02] <diesieben07> as in IBaked?
or what?
L557[11:09:10] <Subaraki> sorry
L558[11:09:23] <Subaraki> drawing the
player in an inventory screen
L559[11:09:41] <Subaraki> just noticed
that rotating it 180° doesn't mirror it (offcourse)
L560[11:10:06] <Subaraki> is there some
fancy gl stuff i can do to draw a model mirrored ?
L561[11:10:11] <diesieben07> mirror
left<>right means scale(-1, 1, 1)
L562[11:10:18] <Subaraki> aha, okay,
thanks !
L563[11:10:20] <diesieben07> mirror
top<>bottom means scale(1, -1, 1)
L564[11:11:58] <alexiy> In my case, I
would like to send packets myself. Is it possible to cancel server
packet sending?
L565[11:12:34] <diesieben07> why? please
describe the effect you want to achieve
L566[11:16:23] <alexiy> I need to remove a
block and set it at another position without notifying neighbor
L567[11:18:41] <diesieben07>
world.setBlockState has a flags parameter
L568[11:18:46] <diesieben07> read the
documentation on that
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L573[11:43:27] <alexiy> so, 1 is only
doing update, 2 is only sending to client, 3 is doing both?
L574[11:44:08] <Subaraki> yes
L575[11:44:17] <Subaraki> best way to stop
armor from rendering ?
L576[11:44:25] <diesieben07> any
L577[11:45:27] <Subaraki> yes
L578[11:45:28] <Subaraki> any
L579[11:45:37] <Subaraki> from the armor
layer in player renderer
L580[11:45:45] <Subaraki> get the layer
and remove it ?
L581[11:45:53] <Subaraki> but that's
too much
L582[11:45:56] <alexiy> ok, thanks
L583[11:46:00] <Subaraki> i'm more
looking to render parts invisible
L584[11:46:07] <Subaraki> like the head,
or the chest
L585[11:48:19] <diesieben07>
LayerBipedArmor has a method setModelSlotVisible
L586[11:48:33] <diesieben07> you can do
something similar but set it invisible
L587[11:49:58] <Subaraki> yeah... still
trying to figure how to reach the layers
L588[11:50:03] <Subaraki> i'm
currently in the renderplayerevent
L589[11:50:12] <Subaraki> don't feel
like i need to be here
L590[11:50:41] <diesieben07> you have to
iterate the layer list
L591[11:52:09] <Subaraki> does it have a
getter ?*
L592[11:52:20] <diesieben07> Nope
L593[11:54:04] <Subaraki> that's
L594[11:54:09] <Subaraki> lets look into
asm ...
L595[11:54:22] ***
RichardG_ is now known as RichardG
L596[11:54:32] <Subaraki> or
L597[11:54:39] <diesieben07>
L598[11:54:44] <howtonotwin>
L599[11:54:53] <howtonotwin> asm is
completely overkill
L600[11:55:09] <howtonotwin> like
destroying the universe to kill a fly
L601[11:56:19] <Subaraki> xD
L602[11:56:51] ⇦
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L605[12:00:00] ⇦
Quits: Naiten (Naiten@ (Read error: Connection reset
by peer)
L606[12:02:03] <Subaraki> wait, it's
in a renderer.
L607[12:02:14] <Subaraki> i don't
call reflection every time i render right ?
L608[12:02:16] ⇦
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L609[12:03:54] <diesieben07> you can use
MethodHandles if you have a performance problem
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L611[12:16:16] <ghz|afk> Subaraki: just to
clarify something
L612[12:16:24] <Subaraki> yes?
L613[12:16:28] <ghz|afk> in reflection,
the slow part is obtaining the Method/Field object
L614[12:16:38] <ghz|afk> once you have it
resolved, invoking it is not too slow
L615[12:16:47] <ghz|afk> it IS one or two
orders of magnitude slower than a normal call
L616[12:16:59] <Subaraki> ah, okay
L617[12:17:02] <ghz|afk> you could still
invoke thousands of reflection calls per frame
L618[12:17:04] <ghz|afk> without feeling
L619[12:17:13] <Subaraki> but i'm
having a hard time getting the field
L620[12:17:28] <ghz|afk> that's a
whole other story
L621[12:17:28] <diesieben07>
L622[12:17:32] <Subaraki> because
reflection doesn't look at inheritence
L623[12:17:36] <Subaraki> i used that
L624[12:17:40] <ghz|afk> ?
L625[12:17:54] <Subaraki> Field f =
L626[12:18:00] <ghz|afk> not
L627[12:18:03] <ghz|afk> pass in the class
L628[12:18:10] <ghz|afk> the class that
contains the field
L629[12:18:13] <Subaraki>
java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: layerRenderers
L630[12:18:17] <Subaraki> aah okay
L631[12:19:02] <heldplayer> When is the
correct time to register keybindings in the latest Forge?
L632[12:19:47] <Subaraki> Object o =
L633[12:19:48] <Subaraki> ?
L634[12:20:23] <ghz|afk> heldplayer: same
as usual?
L635[12:20:30] <heldplayer> Which
L636[12:20:40] <ghz|afk> no idea I
haven't done keybindings
L637[12:20:41] <ghz|afk> ;p
L638[12:21:15] <heldplayer> nvm problem
L639[12:31:45] ⇦
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L642[12:41:10] <Subaraki> okay
L643[12:41:13] <Subaraki> this wont
L644[12:41:20] <Subaraki> can't set
the model parts to invisible
L645[12:41:32] <Subaraki> not in pre nor
L646[12:41:57] <Subaraki> i'm gonna
have to remove the layer all together, or skip rendering it
L647[12:42:33] <ghz|afk> note it
won't skip custom armor stuffs that are implemented by adding
new layers
L648[12:42:34] <ghz|afk> ;P
L649[12:47:15] <Subaraki> :/
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L651[12:56:03] <gr8pefish> hmm, so this is
more of an IDE question, but how do you get the IDEA resources not
working to be fixed? I tried adding the inheritOutputDirs to the
gradle file, but that didn't do it. I'm pretty sure it
has something to do with the output path, but I can't remember
what I did to fix it last time.
L652[12:56:26] <ghz|afk> shouldn't be
needed anymore
L653[12:56:27] <williewillus>
inheritOutputDirs hasnt been needed for a long time now, how did
you set up the environment?
L654[12:56:38] <williewillus> it should
just be setupDecompWorkspace + import build.gradle
L655[12:56:39] <ghz|afk> make sure there
isn't any typo in the paths
L656[12:56:51] <ghz|afk> i prefer to
import first, then setup inside IDEA ;P
L657[12:57:08] <gr8pefish> I did setup
then imported the gradle then refreshed gradle in idea
L658[12:57:37] <gr8pefish> here's a
hint, every time I refresh gradle and try to run it prompts me that
the output dir isn't set and I need to do so.
L659[12:58:19] ⇦
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L660[12:59:44] <gr8pefish> IF I try to do:
"inherit project compile output path," it just spits out
the same error; I am forced to do "use module compile output
path", and I set both of them to the build dir, but that
obviously isn't working as intended
L661[12:59:53] <williewillus> go to
project structure and check "Project compiler
L662[13:00:26] <williewillus> and set all
the modules to inherit
L663[13:00:40] <gr8pefish> Ah I bet
that's it, thanks willie :)
L664[13:00:59] <ghz|afk> gr8pefish: I had
the output error once
L665[13:01:00] <williewillus> mine is set
to <mod directory/build/classes
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L667[13:01:04] <ghz|afk> I dumped that
folder and started over
L668[13:01:09] <ghz|afk> ;P
L669[13:02:27] <electrolitic> Do most
people work on mods individually or with other people?
L670[13:02:32] <williewillus> either
L671[13:02:46] <gr8pefish> yeah I had that
issue before giga, but it keeps popping up, so I want ot figure out
the root cause :P
L672[13:02:59] <williewillus> did setting
the Project compiler output fix it
L673[13:03:35] <gr8pefish> running right
L674[13:04:26] <gr8pefish> yes, looks like
it! simple, but easy to forget. Thanks again willie :D
L675[13:06:18] ⇦
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L681[13:24:52] <howtonotwin> Proof that I
am a masochist.
L682[13:27:38] *
gr8pefish shudders
L683[13:28:48] <williewillus> and also
that you want to make it unmaintainable by anyone else :P
L684[13:28:53] <howtonotwin> At least now
I can mathematically prove that my itemblocks actually match with
the block.
L685[13:28:54] *
howtonotwin wins award for most useless everything.
L687[13:45:37] <howtonotwin> Would
appreciate reviews :D
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L692[14:17:03] <Subaraki> ghz|afk, what
about i disable the renderer altogether and render a new player
model and armor layer ?
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L695[14:32:12] <ghz|afk> Subaraki: hmm
dunno, maybe you can somehow wrap-replace the player renderer and
redirect the drawing to your custom code if your stuff is
L696[14:32:26] <williewillus> what are you
trying to achieve?
L697[14:32:35] <ghz|afk> "fashion
L698[14:32:41] <ghz|afk> that disable the
normal armor
L699[14:32:43] <williewillus> wholesale
replacing of things is always bound to cause compat issues
L700[14:33:05] <williewillus> can you just
wrap the armor layer instead of the whole player renderer?
L701[14:33:28] <ghz|afk> plenty of mods
add custom layers for drawing special stuff, though
L702[14:33:33] <Subaraki> i should look
into that
L703[14:33:48] <ghz|afk> although they
also do that to draw fancy items
L704[14:33:52] <ghz|afk> so .... :/
L705[14:33:52] <Subaraki> the idea about
the fashion is though that it could hide eveything else to be
L706[14:34:00] <Subaraki> like in
L707[14:34:22] <williewillus> there is no
general way to do that, I think the furthest you could go is
selective disabling of each layer
L708[14:34:26] <Subaraki> so if any worn,
or wanted, substuting the entire render is possible
L709[14:34:33] <Subaraki> yeah
L710[14:34:42] <Subaraki> make a copy of
the original list of layers
L711[14:34:43] <ghz|afk> yeah
L712[14:34:44] <williewillus> i would not
subsittute entire things
L713[14:34:48] <ghz|afk> maybe add a
compatibility list
L714[14:34:50] <Subaraki> and set that
back when not wearing fashion
L715[14:34:54] <ghz|afk> that enumerates
all known armor-related layers
L716[14:35:11] <ghz|afk> and wrap-replaces
them with a disableable version
L717[14:35:13] ⇦
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L721[14:39:06] <gr8pefish> anyone know of
a way to get better/increased hotswapping using intelliJ (some
plugin perhaps)?
L722[14:39:27] <ghz|afk> I don't
think the JVM itself allows hotswapping more
L724[14:41:18] <gr8pefish> yeah I looked
at that. Not a big deal, just wanted to know if any alternatives
L725[14:41:38] <gr8pefish> it would be
nice, but is not necessary
L726[14:43:45] ⇦
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L737[15:03:58] <ScottehBoeh> You should
totally add an easy way for Singleplayer inventory tabs
L738[15:04:09] <gr8pefish> howtonotwin, oh
rendering master, if I have a model that extends ModelBiped, in the
render method, can I translate/move the entire player? I know how
to translate the extra model parts easily enough, but the whole
player is a bit trickier. Or perhaps that player translation needs
to be called elsewhere? (It's just visual)
L739[15:11:35] <howtonotwin> I am not in
fact a rendering master
L740[15:11:46] <howtonotwin> I am a model
system code-explorer
L741[15:11:48] <howtonotwin> :P
L742[15:12:33] <gr8pefish> *minecraft
modeling system domain expert :P
L743[15:16:29] <ScottehBoeh> WHat would be
the best way to go around a massive loot system?
L744[15:16:48] <ScottehBoeh> Saving that
the player has already checked a place, surely that would consist
of lag?
L745[15:21:36] <williewillus> what do you
mean massive
L746[15:24:10] <gr8pefish> what's the
best way/method call to check what the block is under a
L747[15:24:41] <williewillus>
world.getBlockState(new BlockPos(player.posX, player.posY-1,
player.posZ))? :P
L748[15:25:23] <gr8pefish> yup that might
work. but I actually just thought of a better way to do what I need
:P thanks though
L749[15:25:36] ⇦
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L750[15:25:49] <williewillus> i mean what
other way is there lol
L751[15:29:44] <gr8pefish> Oh it
wasn't specific to the method call, more to the idea. As in I
could check the item in the player's main hand (instead of the
block beneathe them) to do what I need.
L752[15:35:05] ⇦
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(~Everseeki@pool-100-6-80-90.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Big
Gulps, huh? Alright... Welp, see ya later)
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L765[16:14:08] <TangentDelta> I'm so
close to getting my CPU functioning 100% like the real thing.
L767[16:16:29] <barteks2x> someone really
should update that
L768[16:16:43] <TangentDelta> Lol.
L770[16:18:53] ⇦
Quits: AnrDaemon (~ZNC@darkdragon-nln.starlink.ru) (Ping timeout:
186 seconds)
L771[16:19:16] <barteks2x> that one time
when I wanted to do something properly in gradle by reading the
documentation and ended up doing it wrong becuase it was
L772[16:19:31] ⇦
Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@ (Quit:
L773[16:20:02] <TangentDelta> It's
hard to RTFM when the manual is wrong :(
L774[16:21:56] <ghz|afk> I use this for
L778[16:22:44] <ghz|afk> those are just 3
random links
L779[16:22:57] <ghz|afk> (I mean
there's more lines involved in the process ;P)
L780[16:23:21] <barteks2x> I know, I got
corrected here some time ago (a few months ago) about doing it the
wrong way
L781[16:23:32] <barteks2x> But I
didn't know where I found it
L782[16:23:36] <barteks2x> now I found it
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L785[16:27:24] <TechnicianLP>
TangentDelta: whic cpu?
L786[16:27:31] <TangentDelta> 6502
L787[16:27:48] ***
Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L788[16:28:21] <ghz|afk> isn't that
the one on the NES? or gameboy?
L789[16:28:51] <TangentDelta> NES used it,
gameboy did not.
L790[16:29:19] <ghz|afk> hmm gameboy was a
L791[16:29:34] <ghz|afk> ah not even
L792[16:29:34] <TangentDelta> It's a
sharp CPU of some sort.
L793[16:29:35] <ghz|afk> Sharp LR35902
core @ 4.19 MHz
L794[16:29:53] <TangentDelta> Probably the
best power efficiency at the time :P
L795[16:30:22] <ghz|afk> OOOOH
L796[16:30:24] <ghz|afk> I knew it was
L797[16:30:25] <ghz|afk> Nintendo's
Game Boy and Game Boy Color handheld game systems used an
8080-derived processor with some Z80 instructions added (CB prefix)
as well as unique auto-increment/decrement addressing modes.
L798[16:30:49] <ghz|afk> so yeah gameboy
does have a partial Z80 ;P
L799[16:30:49] ⇦
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L800[16:31:32] ⇦
Quits: p455w0rd (~p455w0rd@ (Ping timeout: 198
L801[16:31:38] <TangentDelta> I thought
about doing a Z80 since I could cheat and used CP/M as an OS, but I
looked at the instruction set and said "nope."
L802[16:32:05] <ghz|afk> XD
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L804[16:32:10] <TechnicianLP> what are you
L805[16:32:20] <ghz|afk> that said, I did
implement a 6502
L806[16:32:28] <ghz|afk> not 100% accurate
to the timings of the nes
L807[16:32:36] <TangentDelta> It's
the instruction set that x86 was partially based on. So, lot of
multi-byte opcodes.
L808[16:32:36] <ghz|afk> andp robably
bugged somewhere
L809[16:32:37] <ghz|afk> but it had most
of the opcodes
L810[16:32:41] <ghz|afk> including some
uncodumented combinations
L811[16:33:14] ⇦
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L812[16:33:30] <ghz|afk> weññ not really
L813[16:33:40] <TangentDelta> The 6502 is
a nice,simple, well-documented CPU. It's probably one of the
easiest to simulate.
L814[16:33:43] <ghz|afk> the cpus at the
time were done to save as much on hardware
L815[16:33:54] <ghz|afk> so the unmapped
opcode bytes
L816[16:33:57] <ghz|afk> would simply be
"don't care"
L817[16:34:00] <TangentDelta> Yeah.
L818[16:34:03] <ghz|afk> rather than
hardwired to an illegal exception
L819[16:34:18] <ghz|afk> and NES games did
make use of many of those unexpected instructions
L820[16:34:47] <TechnicianLP> so you are
basiclywriting an emulator for a cpu?
L821[16:34:57] <TangentDelta> Yes.
L822[16:35:19] <TechnicianLP> sounds
L823[16:35:42] <TangentDelta> Oh...it
passed the test program. It's getting hung up during the BCD
mode tests which I haven't implemented.
L824[16:35:45] <TangentDelta>
L825[16:35:52] <TangentDelta> Do I want to
implement BCD?
L826[16:36:09] <ghz|afk> probably
L827[16:36:10] <TangentDelta> I'd
only need to add onto the addition and subtraction
L828[16:37:10] <TangentDelta> BCD is dumb.
It basically goes from 0x00 to 0x99, counting 0x01, 0x02,
0x03...0x08, 0x09, 0x10...
L829[16:37:32] ⇦
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L830[16:37:57] <TangentDelta>
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L832[16:38:27] <TangentDelta> The 6502
came out towards the end of the calculator wars, so it kind of
makes sense.
L833[16:42:12] ⇦
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L834[16:42:21] ⇦
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186 seconds)
L835[16:44:41] <ghz|afk> TangentDelta: no
not just calculators
L836[16:44:53] <ghz|afk> BCD is also
useful for when you are outputting numbers to 7-segment
L837[16:45:08] <ghz|afk> youi can just do
maths with the BCD digits directly
L838[16:45:44] <ghz|afk> BCD became
obsolete when pixel displays became standard, and computers would
use hardware character generators instead of punch cards and
7-segment displays
L839[16:46:10] ⇦
Quits: Koward (~Koward@2a02:2788:344:2d0:59b8:9c4:a857:d706) (Ping
timeout: 384 seconds)
L840[16:46:22] <ghz|afk> but even then,
consoles like the NES, without real character generators, would use
BCD sometimes in order to compute numbers for like, score
L841[16:46:57] <TangentDelta> The NES SoC
does not have BCD.
L842[16:47:10] <ghz|afk> well then not the
nes specifically
L843[16:47:12] <ghz|afk> but others in the
same era
L844[16:47:13] <ghz|afk> ;P
L845[16:48:03] <ghz|afk> either way, you
don't implement BCD because it's useful, but because
it's fun
L846[16:48:14] <TangentDelta> Lol.
L847[16:48:37] <TangentDelta> It looks
like it's just some simple bitshifts and ANDs.
L848[16:49:01] <ghz|afk> x86 has a funny
L849[16:49:02] <ghz|afk> AAAA
L850[16:49:08] <ghz|afk> Ascii Adjust
After Addition
L851[16:49:21] <TangentDelta> Lol
L852[16:49:26] <ghz|afk> it's for
fixing the output of a BCD sum done using normal ALU
L853[16:49:34] <ghz|afk> so that the
output is BCD
L854[16:50:34] <TangentDelta> I tried
disassembling the BIOS of an old 286 luggable I have to try and
replace the hard-coded boot device. I have to say, x86 is one of
the more challenging architectures to disassemble.
L855[16:51:18] <TangentDelta> It's
one thing to reverse engineer a piece of software with a known
entry point. A BIOS assembled from various ROM dumps is a different
story altogether.
L856[16:52:58] <ghz|afk> BLEH
L857[16:53:04] <ghz|afk> I bought a bottle
of coke zero earlier
L858[16:53:14] <ghz|afk> the liquid inside
tastes like diet coke
L859[16:53:20] <ghz|afk> someone messed up
the recipe in the factory
L860[16:53:29] <ghz|afk> or the bottle
fell into the wrong line
L861[16:53:30] <ghz|afk> whichever
L862[16:53:47] <ghz|afk> maybe its wrongly
L863[16:53:58] <ghz|afk> either way
L864[16:54:02] <barteks2x> idea did
something confusing again. I had it set up to run some script
before running the mod, but now I deleted that script and
regenerated run configurations. But it still tries to find that
script and shows error when it can't. How to remove that
L865[16:54:04] <ghz|afk> I'm fairly
sure this isn't coke zero
L866[16:54:33] <ghz|afk> in the run
configs dialog
L867[16:54:35] <TangentDelta> ghz|afk: Did
it expire?
L868[16:54:39] <ghz|afk> there's a
"Before launch"
L869[16:54:46] <ghz|afk> TangentDelta:
dunno I bought it today
L870[16:54:49] <barteks2x> ghz|afk,
it's not there in run configuration anymore
L871[16:54:56] <ghz|afk> it's illegal
to sell expired products so I doubt it
L872[16:55:11] <ghz|afk> no idea
L873[16:55:16] <howtonotwin> David's
theory of relativity: It is impossible to measure whether a can of
diet coke fell into a line for coke zero or if the package for coke
zero fell into the line for diet coke.
L874[16:55:18] <ghz|afk> wipe the .idea
folder and re-import?
L875[16:55:36] <barteks2x> or grep -r
nameOfTheScript :D
L876[16:55:43] <ghz|afk> howtonotwin:
that'd be David's uncertainty principle
L877[16:55:44] <ghz|afk> ;P
L878[16:56:43] <barteks2x> my mind
diesn't work right... I was 100% sure it complains about that
cript, but it actually couldn't find java executable
L879[16:56:45] <howtonotwin> I think
that's more "it's impossible to know both the taste
and health effects of soda (or indeed any unhealthy but tasty food)
exactly simultaneously"
L880[16:57:05] ⇦
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L882[17:02:58] <howtonotwin> has anyone
ever made a mod themed around vanilla transport systems?
L883[17:03:06] <howtonotwin> like upgraded
water-ice channels
L884[17:03:15] <howtonotwin> and stuff
like that?
L885[17:04:26] <barteks2x> that could be
L886[17:05:43] <howtonotwin> actually,
that + shulker boxes
L887[17:05:53] <howtonotwin> ...ok first
thing to do: backport those
L888[17:06:00] <howtonotwin> :P
L889[17:07:24] ⇦
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L890[17:08:50] <ghz|afk> howtonotwin:
"slippery ice", "super-slippery ice",
"frictionless ice"
L891[17:09:03] <ghz|afk>
"accelerating ice"
L892[17:09:19] <howtonotwin> I was just
gonna call it "water ice"
L893[17:09:20] <howtonotwin> :P
L894[17:09:22] <barteks2x> you could
probably make resourcepack for some mod to get similar effect
L895[17:09:23] <ghz|afk> "improved
slime block"
L896[17:09:26] <howtonotwin> or
"everlasting sleet"
L897[17:09:31] <ghz|afk> "perfect
slime block"
L898[17:09:42] <ghz|afk> "magical
slime block" (bounces you MORE than you fell)
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L900[17:10:08] <howtonotwin> aka slowest
way to overflow your y-level
L901[17:10:17] <howtonotwin> :P
L902[17:10:25] <barteks2x> it
wouldn't overflow your Y level because there is max
L903[17:10:33] <barteks2x> (max falling
L904[17:10:56] <howtonotwin> :(
L905[17:11:19] <ghz|afk> pwoered
L906[17:11:35] <howtonotwin>
L907[17:11:41] <barteks2x> unless you did
some math to figure out the bouncing speed needed to go higher than
you fell from, but that would get unstable at some height
L908[17:11:44] <ghz|afk> "Potion of
L909[17:11:49] <ghz|afk> if falling, slows
you down
L910[17:11:53] <ghz|afk> if elytra, it
accelerates you
L911[17:12:07] *
howtonotwin takes it
L912[17:12:12] <howtonotwin> :P
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L914[17:13:48] <howtonotwin> wonder if
it'll be considered bad taste to resurrect piston-warp
L915[17:13:53] <ghz|afk> or making broken
tools be actual broken tools that you can still repair on an
L916[17:13:56] <ghz|afk> like the ticon
L917[17:14:03] <howtonotwin> that's
not "transport" :P
L918[17:14:04] <ghz|afk> that must have
been done at some point?
L919[17:14:13] <ghz|afk> right you said
L920[17:14:35] <ghz|afk> howtonotwin: not
if you make it a special piston
L921[17:14:37] <ghz|afk> "Ender
L922[17:14:40] <ghz|afk> instead of
L923[17:14:48] <ghz|afk> teleports you
above the piston on contact
L924[17:14:50] <ghz|afk> or behind
L925[17:15:24] <TangentDelta> Oh,
that's cute. Minecraft steals my mouse when I try debugging
L926[17:15:29] <ghz|afk> OH
L927[17:15:35] <ghz|afk> howtonotwin: this
is something I started ages ago
L928[17:15:40] <ghz|afk> but I never got
around to fully implement
L929[17:15:43] <ghz|afk> piston
L930[17:15:53] <ghz|afk> so like
L931[17:15:55] <ghz|afk> a normal piston
L932[17:16:01] <ghz|afk> [P]
L933[17:16:08] <ghz|afk> [P|--]
L934[17:16:17] <ghz|afk> my idea was to
add extension blocks, placed behind them
L935[17:16:21] <ghz|afk> [X][P]
L936[17:16:26] <ghz|afk>
L937[17:16:34] <ghz|afk> each extension,
would let the piston extend 1 more
L938[17:16:43] <ghz|afk> the total length
would be based on the signal strength
L939[17:16:48] <Shambling> bottle of coke
zero tastes like diet coke... here I am thinking to myself, how can
you distinguish the flavor vile versus the flavor bile
L940[17:16:49] <ghz|afk> 0 - 0%
L941[17:16:51] <ghz|afk> 15 = 100%
L942[17:17:10] <ghz|afk> Shambling: I
actually likecoke zero more than sugared coke
L943[17:17:50] <Shambling> I just
can't stand the taste of fake sugar, I'd rather drink
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L945[17:18:18] <ghz|afk> note that, the
recipe may not be 100% the same everywhere
L946[17:18:28] <ghz|afk> maybe I just like
the spanish "CocaCola Zero"
L947[17:18:45] <AshIndigo__> I like cherry
coke the best
L948[17:18:52] *
ghz|afk shudders
L949[17:19:02] <AshIndigo__> Normal coke
is second
L950[17:19:04] <ghz|afk> it tastes like
cough medicine
L951[17:19:08] <ghz|afk> horrible.
L952[17:19:27] <AshIndigo__> Your
L953[17:24:31] ⇦
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L955[17:32:28] <Koward> Is there any nice
way to divide blockstates into separate blocks without breaking a
world ?
L956[17:35:10] <Shambling> cough medicine
doesn't generally taste delicious :o
L957[17:35:41] <AshIndigo__> :/
L958[17:37:19] ***
MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
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L960[17:44:37] <gr8pefish> does a
ModelRenderer's texture sheet size have to be something
specific (like a factor of 64) or can it be any size?
L961[17:45:07] <ghz|afk> well given that
there's a textureWidth and textureHeight
L962[17:45:12] <ghz|afk> I assume
it's whatevere you put there
L963[17:45:12] <ghz|afk> ;p
L964[17:45:18] <ghz|afk> by default
L965[17:45:51] <gr8pefish> okay yeah I
figured as much, must be some error with reloading resources not
working. I'll try it with actually restarting MC
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L967[17:46:51] <ghz|afk> gr8pefish: you
may want to limit yourself to powers of two
L968[17:46:54] <ghz|afk> for
L969[17:47:01] <gr8pefish> ah, good idea,
will do
L970[17:47:01] ⇦
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L971[17:48:14] <TangentDelta> Well...the
CPUis just looping over and over towards the end of the test
program. It's not getting trapped, so I assume that it passes
all the tests :D
L972[17:49:49] <ghz|afk> LOL
L974[17:49:59] <ghz|afk> apoparently the
"NES Classic" is basically a limited Retropie
L975[17:50:07] <ghz|afk> runs a linux
kernel with a custom emulator
L976[17:51:08] <TangentDelta> That's
kind of silly :P
L977[17:57:07] ⇦
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Connection reset by peer)
L978[18:02:28] <Koward> IMO what's
more interesting about it is the controller. I would not say no to
a NES controller from Nintendo for my emulators, chinese fake ones
are just bad.
L979[18:03:58] ⇦
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(~Shambling@24-181-186-74.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com) (Quit:
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error: Connection reset by peer)
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amadornes is now known as amadornes[OFF]
L993[18:41:25] <TangentDelta> Time to dust
off my limit openGL knowledge and make a scalable GUI
L994[18:47:51] <ScottehBoeh> I need
L995[18:47:58] <ScottehBoeh> what would
you like to ever see in an Apocalypse mod
L996[18:48:10] <TangentDelta>
L997[18:48:50] <ScottehBoeh> ah the
notorious cheese wedge
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L999[18:48:52] <ScottehBoeh> Good
L1000[18:49:21] <ScottehBoeh> Anyone here
good with GUI's want to help me with something quick?
L1001[18:49:44] <ghz|afk> Apocalypse as
L1002[18:49:49] <ghz|afk> in the middle
L1003[18:49:50] <ghz|afk> or post-
L1004[18:49:51] <ScottehBoeh>
L1005[18:49:54] <ScottehBoeh>
L1006[18:49:56] <ScottehBoeh> Book of
L1007[18:50:04] <ghz|afk> so
L1008[18:50:09] <ScottehBoeh>
POst-apocalypse, Nuclear War and crazy infected people. Yea
L1009[18:50:14] <ghz|afk> yeah so
L1010[18:50:17] <ghz|afk> we already have
the zombies
L1011[18:50:20] <ghz|afk> we need
L1012[18:50:29] <ghz|afk> "ruined
city" biome
L1013[18:50:48] <ghz|afk> "world
scar" features with bits of nether-like terrain and deep
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L1015[18:54:36] <ScottehBoeh> I've
got a whistle feature, where you press F to whistle
L1016[18:54:39] <ScottehBoeh> (To get
attention of other players xD)
L1017[18:54:43] <ScottehBoeh> It's
really fun to do
L1018[18:56:42] <ghz|afk> HMMM, road
biome, a bit like river biome
L1019[18:56:56] <ghz|afk> but with
deteriorated paved roads
L1020[18:56:59] <ScottehBoeh> oh :D thats
a good idea
L1021[18:57:03] <Shambling> large cities,
blind steve's everywhere that don't react to anything,
but eerily turn their heads to face the player at all times.
L1022[18:57:35] <ghz|afk> GAH!!
L1023[18:57:41] <ghz|afk> why's my
handleUpdateTag not called?!
L1024[18:57:50] <Shambling> I do like the
paved road biome idea :P
L1025[18:58:02] <Shambling> maybe it
couldn't... handle it
L1026[18:58:17] <ghz|afk> yeah but
L1027[18:58:24] <ghz|afk> getUpdateTag
does get called
L1028[18:58:33] <ghz|afk> so why does the
client not receive it?
L1030[18:58:58] <Fridtjof> but whenever i
setupDecompWorkspace, the change does not show up in the file
i'm transforming
L1031[18:59:10] <Fridtjof> I also did
gradle clean beforehand
L1032[18:59:10] <ghz|afk> Fridtjof: no
one is going to kill you
L1033[18:59:23] <Fridtjof> good
L1034[18:59:24] <ghz|afk> just the rules
say this channel doens't help 1.7.10
L1035[18:59:24] <Fridtjof> phew
L1036[18:59:41] <ghz|afk> specially not
when doing coremodding ;P
L1037[18:59:46] <ghz|afk> use 1.10.2, and
use Reflection ;P
L1038[18:59:47] <Fridtjof> theystilldont
L1039[19:00:10] <Fridtjof> unfortunately,
not an option for me :|
L1040[19:01:02] <ghz|afk> if lex bans
people for doing it, it's equivalent to the rules saying so
L1041[19:01:25] <Fridtjof> well okay
L1042[19:01:53] <ghz|afk> either way, I
have no idea.
L1043[19:02:20] <ghz|afk> so don't
feel as if I have the knowledge but I refuse to share it
L1044[19:02:21] <ghz|afk> ;P
L1045[19:02:26] <TangentDelta> Argh. So
without jumping through a bunch of silly hoops I can't set the
scale per-element.
L1046[19:02:33] <TangentDelta> I'll
just downsize the textuer then :P
L1047[19:02:57] <Fridtjof> i'll do
some more research then
L1048[19:02:58] <Fridtjof> thanks anyway
⇦ Quits: Samario
(~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: You
think you are above consequences.)
L1050[19:06:19] <howtonotwin> idea or
L1051[19:06:33] <TangentDelta> Me?
L1052[19:06:35] <howtonotwin> Fridtjof,
L1053[19:06:41] <TangentDelta> Oh.
L1054[19:06:46] <howtonotwin> xD
L1055[19:06:48] *
TangentDelta goes back into hiding
L1056[19:06:56] <ghz|afk> IDEA ftw
L1057[19:06:59] <Fridtjof> howtonotwin
L1058[19:07:10] <howtonotwin> try
refreshing the project
L1059[19:07:17] <TangentDelta> Idea feels
a lot less bloated than Eclipse.
L1060[19:07:30] <TangentDelta> I
don't know if that's true...
L1061[19:07:30] <Fridtjof> invalidate and
restart? TangentDelta
L1062[19:07:38] <howtonotwin> ATs create
a new MC jar and store it in the gradle cache
L1063[19:07:55] <Fridtjof> ...whoops
meant to ping howtonotwin
L1064[19:07:58] <howtonotwin> so if you
don't refresh the project you still get the old vanilla
L1065[19:08:04] <Fridtjof> so yeah it
kept skipping all the tasks
L1066[19:08:07] <howtonotwin> the refresh
button on the gradle panel
L1067[19:08:30] <ghz|afk> NOW IT
L1068[19:08:32] <ghz|afk> WTF?!
L1069[19:08:38] <ghz|afk> all I did was
remove other TEs
L1070[19:08:40] <ghz|afk> and now it
L1071[19:08:42] <howtonotwin> magic
L1072[19:08:57] <Fridtjof> specifically
L1073[19:08:58] <Fridtjof> oh
L1074[19:08:59] <Fridtjof> did that
already and it didnt change anything
L1075[19:09:12] <ghz|afk> is there a
packet limit that would "cut off" some TE tags?
L1076[19:09:14] <ghz|afk> XD
L1078[19:09:41] <howtonotwin> where is
the at file?
L1079[19:10:07] <Fridtjof>
L1080[19:10:33] <howtonotwin> ah
L1081[19:10:41] <howtonotwin> ok so this
is 1.10 knowledge
L1082[19:10:47] <howtonotwin> may not
actually affect 1.7
L1083[19:10:49] <howtonotwin>
L1084[19:10:56] <Fridtjof> in
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L1086[19:10:57] <howtonotwin> pull that
out of META-INF
L1087[19:10:57] <Fridtjof> attributes
'FMLAT': 'accessTransformer.cfg'
L1088[19:11:11] <howtonotwin> name it
something related to your mod
L1089[19:11:20] <howtonotwin> and change
that line to natch
L1090[19:11:23] <howtonotwin>
L1091[19:11:32] <howtonotwin> maybe
L1092[19:11:53] <Fridtjof> ooooooh
L1093[19:11:56] <Fridtjof> i found
L1094[19:11:58] <Fridtjof>
L1095[19:12:02] <howtonotwin> eeh
L1096[19:12:03] <howtonotwin> no
L1097[19:12:05] <howtonotwin> do not
L1098[19:12:06] <Fridtjof> ran it and now
all the libs are gone
L1099[19:12:09] <Fridtjof> well
L1100[19:12:10] <howtonotwin> yeah
L1101[19:12:13] <howtonotwin> :P
L1102[19:12:22] <howtonotwin>
L1103[19:12:36] <howtonotwin> every
single thing using the MC/forge libs
L1104[19:12:44] <howtonotwin> is broken
L1105[19:12:56] <Fridtjof> but hey i can
rebuild them now
L1106[19:12:59] <Fridtjof> so just this
L1107[19:13:03] <Fridtjof> i'd
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L1109[19:13:58] <Fridtjof> but yeah the
modid_at method was for 1.6 or sth according to the old wiki
L1111[19:14:24] <howtonotwin> it's
back that way in 1.9 and up
L1112[19:14:29] <howtonotwin> which makes
me think it never changed
L1113[19:14:35] <howtonotwin> but
L1114[19:14:44] <howtonotwin> meanwhile
I'm trying to figure out where Scala's ::.unapply is
L1115[19:14:51] <howtonotwin> OH
L1116[19:14:57] <Fridtjof> oooh
L1117[19:14:59] *
howtonotwin has an epiphany
L1118[19:15:21] <howtonotwin> durr case
classes have that method written automatically
L1119[19:20:00] <Fridtjof> holy shit
howtonotwin your method worked
L1120[19:20:31] *
howtonotwin scuttles off to doc that on the rtd page
L1121[19:20:52] <howtonotwin> :P
L1122[19:20:57] <Fridtjof> after
regenerating everything my at still wasnt applied
L1123[19:20:59] <Fridtjof> iirc rtd
doesnt even have anything on ATs rn
L1124[19:21:02] <howtonotwin> yeah
L1125[19:21:10] <ghz|afk> yeah because
you shouldn't use them
L1126[19:21:15] <howtonotwin> well they
L1127[19:21:17] <howtonotwin> may as
L1128[19:21:20] <Fridtjof> ^
L1129[19:21:21] <ghz|afk> if there's
something you need to do
L1130[19:21:30] <ghz|afk> that has no
other way to achieve it but to use an AT
L1131[19:21:35] <ghz|afk> and you are
able to make a case out of it
L1132[19:21:39] <ghz|afk> forge would
accept a PR for that AT
L1133[19:21:59] <howtonotwin>
L1134[19:22:18] <ghz|afk> if Reflection
can resolve the issue, then AT isn't needed ;P
L1135[19:22:22] <howtonotwin> and
reflection is almost always good enough
L1136[19:22:42] <howtonotwin> the true
cost of reflection is in actually creating references to Methods
and stuff
L1137[19:22:52] <howtonotwin> actually
invoking is fast enough
L1138[19:23:09] <howtonotwin> so as long
as you cache those you'll be fine in 90% of cases
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L1140[19:24:57] <Fridtjof> howtonotwin
alright... it didnt work
L1141[19:24:58] <Fridtjof> i'll do
reflection now
L1142[19:24:59] <Fridtjof> with
L1143[19:25:24] <howtonotwin> alright so
I'll write something along the lines of "create and cache
a MethodHandle in most cases, here's how to work ATs in the
off chance you need one; if it's good enough to be in Forge PR
it to forge_at."
L1144[19:25:36] <howtonotwin> but where
should I put it?
L1145[19:25:50] <ghz|afk> howtonotwin:
expect any docs on ATs to be rejected
L1146[19:26:10] <ghz|afk> info on the
forge wiki, maybe
L1147[19:26:17] <ghz|afk> since
that's specifically info for writing new forge code
L1148[19:26:24] <ghz|afk> but on the
modding docs... I doubt it will be accepted
L1149[19:26:36] <howtonotwin> alright
L1150[19:26:59] <Fridtjof> i want to
access a private field on objects?
L1151[19:27:00] <Fridtjof> how do i cache
L1152[19:27:17] <ghz|afk> something =
L1153[19:27:21] <ghz|afk> keep that
L1154[19:27:27] <Fridtjof> yes
L1155[19:27:27] <ghz|afk> and just call
L1156[19:27:29] <ghz|afk> whenever you
need the value
L1157[19:27:33] <Fridtjof>
L1158[19:27:35] <Fridtjof> i see
L1159[19:27:36] <Fridtjof> thank
L1160[19:27:41] <ghz|afk> the slow part
is the lookup
L1161[19:27:44] <howtonotwin> E.g.
Botania has a class filled with static fields of those
L1162[19:28:00] <ghz|afk> the getter is
one or two orders of magnitude slower than a raw access
L1163[19:28:03] <ghz|afk> but still
L1164[19:28:16] <howtonotwin> and
it's all MethodHandles.classfoo_bar.invokeExact(obj)
L1165[19:29:29] <electrolitic> Why are
fluid textures 512 pixels long?
L1166[19:29:39] <howtonotwin>
they're animated
L1167[19:29:55] <ghz|afk> see the meta
file that is next to them?
L1168[19:29:58] <howtonotwin> 512/16 =
L1169[19:29:59] <ghz|afk> it defines the
animation properties
L1170[19:29:59] <electrolitic> Ah. I
L1171[19:30:16] <howtonotwin> each 16x16
is one of 32 frames of the animation
L1172[19:30:27] <electrolitic> Oh
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timeout: 384 seconds)
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Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
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AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L1176[19:39:50] <electrolitic> I
can't believe it's animated. I never noticed.
L1177[19:40:08] <electrolitic> In its
still state that is
L1178[19:42:26] <TangentDelta> Baking the
models/textures takes a while, even with a fairly powerful
computer. Couldn't MC just cache the pre-baked textures and
re-bake them if an event is triggered?
L1179[19:42:47] ***
Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
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L1181[19:47:04] <howtonotwin> it
L1182[19:47:15] <howtonotwin> oh
L1183[19:47:47] <howtonotwin> well it
L1184[19:47:51] <howtonotwin> but it
L1185[19:47:57] <howtonotwin> that's
L1186[19:53:29] <ghz|afk> so I'm
changing the way my Ender-Rift mod works
L1187[19:53:40] <ghz|afk> it will now
have an actual over-time power usage
L1188[19:53:46] <ghz|afk> based on the
number of items inside
L1189[19:53:55] <ghz|afk> and the
insert/extract cost will be on the interface/browser
L1190[19:53:57] <ghz|afk> either
L1191[19:54:03] <ghz|afk> I implemented a
powered/unpowered state
L1193[19:54:17] <ghz|afk> and I was
toying around with giving it a tiny bit of animation ;P
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L1195[19:54:47] *
howtonotwin only sees how pretty it all is
L1196[19:54:54] <Roburrito> Why thank
L1197[19:54:58] *
Roburrito prims hair
L1198[19:54:59] <howtonotwin> xD
L1199[19:55:38] <Shambling> not going to
lie, that looks alot better than the icon that you have for the
curse page. :P
L1200[19:56:03] <Shambling> I keep
thinking its some sort of weird eyeball in a peppermint candycane
frame :P
L1201[19:56:25] <ghz|afk> oh that IS an
old screenshot
L1202[19:56:32] <ghz|afk> from back when
I tried to implement it in 1.7.10
L1203[19:56:36] <ghz|afk> I regret
L1204[19:57:22] <Shambling> the
screenshot, or 1.7.10? :P
L1205[19:58:43] <howtonotwin> my skin is
such a piece of crap
L1206[19:58:53] *
howtonotwin can't take it anymore
L1207[19:59:41] ***
diesieben07 is now known as diesieben|away
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timeout: 195 seconds)
L1211[20:14:02] <ghz|afk> I'm
thinking the text may be too crappy ;p
L1212[20:14:28] <howtonotwin> yeah the
text doesn't really work
L1213[20:14:34] <howtonotwin> everything
else is great
L1214[20:14:48] <ghz|afk> it's one
italics away from a 90s logo ;P
L1215[20:15:24] <howtonotwin>
L1216[20:15:48] <ghz|afk> yep. refresh
L1217[20:15:48] *
howtonotwin hears "Sliders" intro
L1218[20:15:51] <TangentDelta> Lol. This
7-segment disply widget I made works really well.
L1219[20:16:09] <TangentDelta> I could
make a scalable one by manually drawing rectangles...
L1220[20:16:12] <ghz|afk> it's so
retro it looks nice ;P
L1221[20:16:22] <howtonotwin> Needs the
letters to be connected
L1222[20:16:28] <howtonotwin> :P
L1223[20:16:43] <TangentDelta> Whoah that
looks nice ghz|afk
L1224[20:17:34] <TangentDelta> I
haven't played around with your mod at all. When I get around
to setting up my modded server I'll be sure to add it :D
L1225[20:18:47] <ghz|afk> yeah it's
just... better. without the inner glow and gradient
L1227[20:19:27] <TangentDelta> Yeah, way
L1229[20:20:52] <TangentDelta> :D
L1230[20:20:53] <ghz|afk> any font
suggestions? Audiowide is nice, but not sure
L1231[20:21:00] <ghz|afk> heh
L1232[20:27:09] <ghz|afk> meh I'll
keep Audiowide, I really like it in smallcaps mode (where the
lowercase letters are just the uppercase letters but smaller)
L1233[20:29:34] <ghz|afk> there
L1235[20:31:42] <ghz|afk> so
L1236[20:32:00] <ghz|afk> I was thinking
about possibly adding "tiers" in the rift
L1237[20:32:06] <ghz|afk> or more
L1238[20:32:12] <ghz|afk> different
"cage sizes"
L1239[20:32:30] <ghz|afk> and have the
rift capacility be limited by the structure size
L1240[20:32:56] <ghz|afk> and have the
orb dimensions grow based on the stored contents
L1241[20:33:55] <ghz|afk> (in the future
-- it would be too much work to include in the next release,
specially if I want to release tomorrow XD -- which isn't
going to happen but I can hope ;P)
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Connection reset by peer)
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384 seconds)
L1244[20:49:09] <Fridtjof> I broke
L1245[20:49:32] <Fridtjof> can you give
me a quick rundown how it can break?
L1247[20:51:06] <Fridtjof> or
specifically in this case?
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Vigaro is now known as V
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tterrag is now known as tterrag|ZZZzzz
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Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L1264[22:43:23] <electrolitic> It's
nice to get an extra hour of sleep.
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(~electroli@104-184-56-125.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net) (Quit:
L1266[22:49:56] <killjoy1> I'm going
to use that extra hour by seeing a movie at 12:30a
L1267[22:50:05] <killjoy1> gotta leave
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L1278[23:12:04] <Tarig> hey guys bit of a
dumb question but I can't seem to find anything on it, for
itemblocks using the forge blackstate json is there a way to
actually get the inventory state to bind to the item?
L1279[23:12:51] <Tarig> currently I have
a block that renders in world but in hand and inventory missing
model and default transforms
L1280[23:13:50] <Tarig> I know I can use
setCustomModelResourceLocation but I hardly think this is
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ZNC - http://znc.in)
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AshIndigo__ is now known as AshIndigo-Asleep