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L21[01:53:34] <Subaraki> masa, https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/telepad?comment=17
L22[01:53:39] ⇨ Joins: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-129-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se)
L23[01:53:43] <Subaraki> it apperantly resyncs when opening a chest
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L25[01:59:40] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20161025 mappings to Forge Maven.
L26[01:59:44] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20161025-1.10.2.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20161025" in build.gradle).
L27[01:59:54] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L50[03:58:41] <alexiy> what is the purpose of 'api' source set? Is it for putting other mods API or for putting my API?
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L52[04:04:37] <sham1> o/
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L60[04:49:47] <Wuppy> \o
L61[04:51:00] <SquareWheel> Howdy
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L72[06:17:26] <Subaraki> no event for breeding animals or the like ? trying to know when a player has bred two animals
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L85[07:23:41] <wundr|mobile> Can anyone suggest a way to double item drops?
L86[07:24:36] <wundr|mobile> Like mine a block, get double the output?
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L89[07:32:58] <Subaraki> block drops event wundr|mobile ?
L90[07:33:18] <Subaraki> dont know if that exists
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L92[07:33:44] <Subaraki> blockEVent.harvestDropEvent
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L95[07:35:35] <Subaraki> why isn't livingspawnevent firing when i'm spawning a cow with a spawn egg ?
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L97[07:43:31] <JustWhoAmI> gigaherz,
L98[07:43:48] <JustWhoAmI> if in my actionPerformed, I wanted to change a value server-side
L99[07:43:51] <JustWhoAmI> how would I do it?
L100[07:43:55] <JustWhoAmI> Imessage?
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L103[07:53:22] <Wuppy> is steam down for anyone else or just me? internet says it's online but I can't get in :V
L104[07:55:09] <AshIndigo> I'm on mobile so I can't load a game but I can see my friends online
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L106[07:55:28] <Wuppy> login is broken for me atm
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L108[07:58:30] <JustWhoAmI> online for me
L109[07:59:37] <JustWhoAmI> GUys
L110[07:59:55] <JustWhoAmI> How do Iuse methods in a TileEntity in my IMessageHandler
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L113[08:06:37] <masa> you get the TE from world and then call the methods
L114[08:07:52] <masa> Subaraki: I think there was something like a breed event or an offspring event or something added recently
L115[08:08:34] <Subaraki> should check in updated forge then P:
L116[08:09:01] <Subaraki> masa, did you get my message from before ?
L117[08:09:15] <masa> yes
L118[08:09:46] ⇨ Joins: Thefjong (~Thefjong@3e6b1b1c.rev.stofanet.dk)
L119[08:10:19] <masa> I was looking at the bed/sleeping code yesterday trying to understand what happens when that desync glitch happens... still no idea really, unless the EntityPlayerMP.connection reference points to an outdated net handler or something
L120[08:10:48] <masa> do you have any idea if that glitch happens in single player too, or only in multiplayer?
L121[08:10:53] <Subaraki> would there be a way to force a sync ? send a packet a few ticks after calling the TP code ?
L122[08:10:58] <Subaraki> it might be multiplayer only
L123[08:11:14] <Subaraki> i have never head such a bug, and i play sp only
L124[08:11:15] <masa> I would need to set up a server and run the client in debug mode and then try to reproduce the glitch...
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L126[08:12:03] <masa> yeah well no need for nasty workarounds if we could find out what/why is causing the issues, and then just change the TP code accordingly
L127[08:12:46] <Subaraki> check the chest code to see what that does to fix it ?
L128[08:12:49] <masa> hmm, all of MC network code runs over TCP, right? or does it?
L129[08:12:54] <Subaraki> can tell us more what is wrong
L130[08:13:01] <Subaraki> no clue tbh :/
L131[08:13:05] <Subaraki> never really looked into that
L132[08:13:12] <masa> well I just understood that the chest syncs the inventory as that's what they were talking about
L133[08:13:28] <Subaraki> yeah
L134[08:13:45] <masa> it probably won't fix anything else that is wrong with the player at that point
L135[08:13:54] <Subaraki> yeah, most likely
L136[08:14:03] <Subaraki> but noone complains about being stuck or teleporting back
L137[08:14:17] <Subaraki> only dupe items and inventory content not doing what it should (aka dysnced)
L138[08:14:22] <masa> well how often do people sleep right after teleporting? :p
L139[08:14:30] <Subaraki> xD
L140[08:14:32] <Subaraki> good question
L141[08:14:41] <Subaraki> you should try that
L142[08:14:48] <Subaraki> i'm going to ask my users to test that
L143[08:15:44] <masa> anyway, if all MC network stuff is TCP, then I could set up a ssh-tunnel from my server box to my dev PC and run a server in debug mode to help with debugging
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L145[08:16:10] <masa> so if you have free time to help with debugging some day, we could try to reproduce the problem
L146[08:16:33] <masa> unfortunately I have a lot of other things to do lately so I'm not sure when I'll have time to do that
L147[08:20:08] <Subaraki> just ping me
L148[08:20:16] <Subaraki> i'm free very often, all the time
L149[08:20:43] <masa> alright
L150[08:31:57] <JustWhoAmI> Subaraki, I seem to be having a number of weird issues with my gui
L151[08:31:59] <JustWhoAmI> can you help?
L152[08:32:23] <Subaraki> offcourse :)
L153[08:32:25] <Subaraki> tell me
L154[08:32:35] <JustWhoAmI> ty :D
L155[08:32:50] <JustWhoAmI> I'll give you my code first
L156[08:34:23] <JustWhoAmI> GuiHandler: http://pastebin.com/uDdRNvxV
L157[08:34:31] <JustWhoAmI> Mod class: http://pastebin.com/vhFkVTqk
L158[08:34:37] <JustWhoAmI> TE: http://pastebin.com/JUZcN6Pn
L159[08:34:55] <JustWhoAmI> GuiMessageHandler implements IMessageHandler: http://pastebin.com/W4PLs9Jq
L160[08:35:40] <JustWhoAmI> GuiContainer for the TE: http://pastebin.com/Xq0rQ2Ke
L161[08:36:06] <JustWhoAmI> GuiMessage implements IMessage: http://pastebin.com/Ug8fyWuW
L162[08:36:13] <JustWhoAmI> Alright I think that's all the required code
L163[08:37:00] <JustWhoAmI> now problem number 1: you might see that in my GuiContainer, upon the pressing of a button I send an IMessage to the server, in order to set some values in a TE (rf and gas)
L164[08:37:18] <JustWhoAmI> However, upon pressing, this is the exception shown:
L165[08:41:31] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@2001:af0:8000:1c01:6af7:28ff:fe37:5d6a) (Quit: Leaving.)
L166[08:41:43] <JustWhoAmI> http://pastebin.com/C0Pw6cGp
L167[08:42:27] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@ti0107a400-1168.bb.online.no) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L168[08:42:44] <Subaraki> do you not have a repo ?
L169[08:42:47] <Subaraki> like github or so ?
L170[08:42:52] <Subaraki> you should concider it P:
L171[08:42:58] <JustWhoAmI> Yeah will do haha
L172[08:43:04] <JustWhoAmI> so it doesn't reset my rf
L173[08:43:06] <JustWhoAmI> BUT
L174[08:43:19] <JustWhoAmI> if i attempt using the button when rf is being filled simultaneously
L175[08:43:25] <JustWhoAmI> it resets my rf
L176[08:43:27] <JustWhoAmI> any clue?
L177[08:43:51] <JustWhoAmI> fyi, the line mentioned from greatblitz in the exception is: te.es.setEnergyStored(message.rf);
L178[08:44:31] <JustWhoAmI> if i were to break the block and place it somewhere else (while there is rf in block) rf will not reset, instead it will throw that exception
L179[08:44:44] <Subaraki> (TileEntityTestBlock) world.getTileEntity(new BlockPos(x, y, z)));
L180[08:44:57] <Subaraki> for security, you should check if the TE is indeed your teTestBlock
L181[08:45:01] <JustWhoAmI> which file we talking about?
L182[08:45:03] * Subaraki contineus looking t code
L183[08:45:04] <JustWhoAmI> Handler?
L184[08:45:06] <Subaraki> guihandler
L185[08:45:08] <Subaraki> yeah
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L188[08:47:24] <Subaraki> are you using java 1.8 ?
L189[08:47:55] <JustWhoAmI> let me check
L190[08:47:59] <JustWhoAmI> would that make a difference?
L191[08:48:17] <Subaraki> not really, but it would be better. most certainly for upcoming 1.11 iirc
L192[08:48:19] <Subaraki> anyway
L193[08:48:34] <Subaraki> your packet message could be made 2 lines shorter by simply doing
L194[08:48:34] <JustWhoAmI> how do I check?
L195[08:48:36] <Subaraki> ((WorldServer)ctx.getServerHandler().playerEntity.worldObj).addScheduledTask(
L196[08:48:52] <Subaraki> and if you're using java 1.8 : ((WorldServer)ctx.getServerHandler().playerEntity.worldObj).addScheduledTask(() -> {
L197[08:48:56] <Subaraki> code
L198[08:49:02] <Subaraki> });
L199[08:49:05] <TechnicianLP> my code: https://gist.github.com/TechnicianLP/c1d65473b18ba4d0334eef021ede6bd7
L200[08:49:46] <Subaraki> also, JustWhoAmI : build path, configure build path, libraries
L201[08:49:57] <Subaraki> at the bottom it shows what jre you're using
L202[08:50:16] <JustWhoAmI> jre1.8.0
L203[08:50:18] <JustWhoAmI> so yeah
L204[08:50:36] <Subaraki> great, you can use lambdas then :)
L205[08:50:43] <JustWhoAmI> alrighty! :D
L206[08:51:18] <Subaraki> you use the fmlcommonhandler TechnicianLP ?
L207[08:51:47] <Subaraki> they always recomanded me to use the worldserver from the context
L208[08:51:53] * Subaraki digs into forge documentation
L209[08:52:29] <TechnicianLP> i used wha was recommended to me ..
L210[08:52:33] <JustWhoAmI> Subaraki, you're correct: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=20135.0 according to diesieben anyway
L211[08:52:43] <Subaraki> lol, well, in either way, it does the job right ;)
L212[08:52:44] <JustWhoAmI> > The Runnable you pass to this method will be executed on the main thread. The IThreadListener instance is Minecraft.getMinecraft() on the client and (WorldServer) ctx.getServerHandler().playerEntity.worldObj on the server. See below for examples.
L213[08:53:18] <Subaraki> fmlcommonhandler returns a worldserver object as well though
L214[08:54:45] <Subaraki> the one from the context comes from the player directly
L215[08:55:00] <Subaraki> the one from the fml handler seems to be comming from an interface
L216[08:55:14] <JustWhoAmI> wait what
L217[08:55:14] <JustWhoAmI> Lambda expressions are allowed only at source level 1.8 or above
L218[08:55:19] <JustWhoAmI> but
L219[08:55:42] <Subaraki> that is loaded when the server starts
L220[08:55:45] <Subaraki> either one is good really
L221[08:55:53] <Subaraki> you do use 1.8
L222[08:56:15] <JustWhoAmI> https://gfycat.com/PiercingPoisedConey Subaraki
L223[08:56:16] <Subaraki> it's because something odd is going on, like, the code you wrote after the lambda isn't correct
L224[08:56:39] <Subaraki> just try to make a lambda with no code in it
L225[08:56:52] <Subaraki> like, comment out the rest, or cut it out and paste it elsewhere to save in later
L226[08:57:02] <JustWhoAmI> should I just quickfix and "Change project compilance and JRE to 1.8"?
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L228[08:57:11] <JustWhoAmI> that's one of the two quickfixes offered
L229[08:57:16] <Subaraki> ((WorldServer)ctx.getServerHandler().playerEntity.worldObj).addScheduledTask(() -> {});
L230[08:57:18] <Subaraki> nah
L231[08:57:21] <Subaraki> it already should be
L232[08:57:25] <JustWhoAmI> but my jre seems to be 1.8 (see the gfy above)
L233[08:57:37] <Subaraki> if the above doesn't work, use the quickfix
L234[08:57:59] <JustWhoAmI> yeah, didn't work
L235[08:58:00] <Subaraki> return null; should be outside of the lambda too btw. just aying in case of
L236[08:58:04] <JustWhoAmI> using quickfix
L237[08:58:06] <Subaraki> okay, quickfix then
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L239[08:58:49] <JustWhoAmI> alright
L240[08:58:50] <JustWhoAmI> done, works
L241[08:59:00] <JustWhoAmI> I removed the final attributes
L242[08:59:01] <Subaraki> also, you can write a BlockBos to a long
L243[08:59:06] <Subaraki> and recreate a blockpos from long
L244[08:59:16] <Subaraki> so you don't have t owrite each individual coord to the buffer
L245[08:59:34] <Subaraki> buf.writeLong(pos.toLong()
L246[08:59:42] <JustWhoAmI> but in theory shouldn't it work?
L247[08:59:43] <Subaraki> pos = BlockPos.fromLong(buf.ReadLong)
L248[08:59:52] <Subaraki> it does work, yes, but that's messy
L249[08:59:57] ⇨ Joins: Fye (~Fye@dynamic-adsl-84-220-170-49.clienti.tiscali.it)
L250[09:00:00] <Subaraki> you use 6 lines of code where you could use 2
L251[09:00:02] <JustWhoAmI> yeah
L252[09:00:10] <JustWhoAmI> alright i'll update and then run
L253[09:00:12] <Subaraki> and not to mention the lenght of your line checking for the TE
L254[09:00:23] <Subaraki> also, securtiy, check if wthe te is actually yours before casting it
L255[09:00:50] <Subaraki> won't change anything for now, but it's better coding. (if anyone disagrees, please tell me ! )
L256[09:02:30] <Subaraki> this.mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(new ResourceLocation("testmod:textures/gui/container/tile.png"));
L257[09:02:48] <Subaraki> this should be referencing a static resourcelocation, to prevent it creating a new resourcelocation every tick
L258[09:02:50] <Subaraki> just sayon'
L259[09:02:53] <Subaraki> sayin' *
L260[09:03:06] <Subaraki> perfromance stuff yada yada yada
L261[09:04:01] <Subaraki> why are you using a try/catch in the button click ?
L262[09:04:16] <Subaraki> and there's no need to super the actionPerformed
L263[09:04:18] <Subaraki> it's empty
L264[09:04:38] <JustWhoAmI> the try catch
L265[09:04:42] <JustWhoAmI> is because
L266[09:04:47] <JustWhoAmI> hold on i'll tell you why
L267[09:04:59] <JustWhoAmI> <diesieben07> well, yeah
L268[09:04:59] <JustWhoAmI> <diesieben07> someone at mojang wrote a new GUI, and something in their actionPerformed throws an IOEception
L269[09:04:59] <JustWhoAmI> <diesieben07> so their IDE complained
L270[09:04:59] <JustWhoAmI> <diesieben07> with a quickfix: add to emthod signature
L271[09:04:59] <JustWhoAmI> <diesieben07> which they did.
L272[09:05:06] <JustWhoAmI> diesieben07> but then the caller of actionPerformed has the same problem. so they did the same thign there
L273[09:05:06] <JustWhoAmI> <diesieben07> and so on.
L274[09:05:06] <JustWhoAmI> <diesieben07> i think at least like 5 times
L275[09:05:55] <JustWhoAmI> so yeah that's why
L276[09:06:32] <JustWhoAmI> should I remove super call to actionPerformed?
L277[09:06:55] <JustWhoAmI> Subaraki
L278[09:06:56] <Subaraki> yeah, it's pointless
L279[09:07:46] <JustWhoAmI> if I remove the super call
L280[09:07:52] <JustWhoAmI> then i can remove the try
L281[09:08:17] <Subaraki> yeah
L282[09:08:23] <JustWhoAmI> alright, i'll launch
L283[09:08:26] <JustWhoAmI> make a new world
L284[09:08:27] <JustWhoAmI> stuff
L285[09:08:31] <Subaraki> testBlockTE.gastank.getGas().getGas() < the second getGas should be named something like, getGasName
L286[09:08:36] <Subaraki> because that's just confusing
L287[09:09:25] <Subaraki> i think your main problem for the reset, is the block not being notified ?
L288[09:09:25] <JustWhoAmI> ikr
L289[09:09:29] <JustWhoAmI> but its mekanism
L290[09:09:31] <JustWhoAmI> not mine sadly
L291[09:09:38] <Subaraki> in your packet handler, when recieving the message, you should call world.notifyblock
L292[09:09:40] <JustWhoAmI> the library in general is poorly coded
L293[09:09:44] ⇦ Quits: covers1624 (~covers162@ppp122-232-6.static.internode.on.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L294[09:09:53] <Subaraki> ah :/
L295[09:09:59] <Subaraki> well, go complain to Mekanism x)
L296[09:10:33] <JustWhoAmI> you bet i did: https://github.com/aidancbrady/Mekanism/issues/3896 this was about an issue with their api
L297[09:10:46] <JustWhoAmI> but the devs have been inactive for over a month
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L299[09:11:21] ⇨ Joins: covers1624 (~covers162@ppp122-232-6.static.internode.on.net)
L300[09:12:41] <Subaraki> well damn
L301[09:13:00] <Subaraki> maybe you should not use that library as soon as possible, and make your own, or fix theirs xD
L302[09:13:13] <Subaraki> inactive for over a month smells like a bad futur for your mod
L303[09:14:06] <JustWhoAmI> i know and it just makes me sad :( it's such a cool mod
L304[09:14:11] <JustWhoAmI> but from dev perspective
L305[09:14:16] <JustWhoAmI> it just depresses me
L306[09:14:37] * Subaraki googles mekanism
L307[09:14:48] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L308[09:17:44] ⇦ Quits: AshIndigo_ (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L309[09:18:57] <JustWhoAmI> Subaraki, after that world.notifyBlockUpdate, anything I need to change in my update tag/packet emthods?
L310[09:19:07] <Subaraki> no
L311[09:19:24] <Subaraki> the notify should 'force' the packet
L312[09:19:31] <Subaraki> so it will save and sync
L313[09:22:50] <JustWhoAmI> Subaraki, now clicking the button does nothing
L314[09:22:53] <JustWhoAmI> no exception
L315[09:22:56] <JustWhoAmI> nothing
L316[09:23:13] <wundr|mobile> Subaraki: I've been using that, but I can't get it to work without throwing an error and preventing any drops
L317[09:23:31] *** wundr|mobile is now known as wundr|school
L318[09:23:42] <Subaraki> well wundr|school, what did you try ?
L319[09:23:46] <JustWhoAmI> http://pastebin.com/EcPkAjAD
L320[09:23:52] <Subaraki> have you any code samples ?
L321[09:23:53] <JustWhoAmI> Here's the updated GuiMessageHandler
L322[09:24:36] <Subaraki> well, why does it do nothing ?
L323[09:24:42] <Subaraki> use breakpoints
L324[09:24:55] <Subaraki> also
L325[09:24:56] <Subaraki> world.notifyBlockUpdate(p, world.getBlockState(p), world.getBlockState(p), 3);
L326[09:25:02] <Subaraki> this needs to be inside the runnable x)
L327[09:25:05] <Subaraki> aka lambda
L328[09:25:18] <JustWhoAmI> OH WOW i didn't put it there?
L329[09:25:23] <Subaraki> nope x)
L330[09:25:29] <Subaraki> you put it outside xD
L331[09:25:39] <JustWhoAmI> *smashes head in wall*
L332[09:25:55] <Subaraki> x)
L333[09:26:46] <wundr|school> If the event's harvester's item has a specific enchant and the block in question is an ore, then:
L334[09:27:23] <JustWhoAmI> Subaraki, would the notify be inside the if statement or outside? i'm guessing inside
L335[09:27:36] <Subaraki> inside offcourse
L336[09:28:02] <Subaraki> wundr|school, please use pastebin :o (idk, but i feel like you were not going to)
L337[09:28:53] <wundr|school> (i wasnt woops, nice catch)
L338[09:29:55] <wundr|school> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/DfZ2nV4s
L339[09:31:50] <JustWhoAmI> yeah, still won't work
L340[09:32:02] <JustWhoAmI> i'll be back after some itme, just frustrated
L341[09:32:04] <JustWhoAmI> cya
L342[09:32:10] <wundr|school> Bai
L343[09:32:14] *** JustWhoAmI is now known as JWAI|afk
L344[09:32:16] <JWAI|afk> Bai
L345[09:33:09] <Subaraki> wundr|school, why copy ?
L346[09:33:41] <Subaraki> oh, so you double them ?
L347[09:33:51] <wundr|school> It was a leftover from testing, but should work
L348[09:34:00] <wundr|school> Yeah, double the drop list
L349[09:34:12] <wundr|school> Ofc it doesnt work and thats the problem
L350[09:37:53] <Subaraki> wundr|school, how bout this ? http://pastebin.com/3taBcFGi
L351[09:38:05] *** TTFT|Away is now known as TTFTCUTS
L352[09:38:39] <Subaraki> you make a new list that is the old list, and add the entire content to the old list
L353[09:39:46] <Subaraki> also note : http://pastebin.com/3KqxD6t0
L354[09:39:56] <Subaraki> don't know if that might change something
L355[09:40:13] <Subaraki> but most likely, you'd have a better chance by doubling the stacksize, then to make the list longer
L356[09:41:16] <Subaraki> for(ItemStack theDrop : event.getDrops()){theDrop.stackSize+=theDrop.stackSize;}
L357[09:41:36] <Subaraki> wont double it if it's higher then 32 though
L358[09:41:47] <Subaraki> might be funky with unstackable items
L359[09:41:52] <wundr|school> ArrayList(List) is valid constructor?
L360[09:41:53] <Subaraki> but it's an example x)
L361[09:41:56] <Subaraki> yeah
L362[09:42:06] <wundr|school> Odd
L363[09:42:27] <Subaraki> but as shown in the dropsevent explenation, the dropsChance determines what will drop
L364[09:42:34] <wundr|school> And while i could double the stack, some modders use mulitple drop stacks
L365[09:42:35] <Subaraki> so doubling the list just gives more stuff to drop
L366[09:42:39] <Subaraki> not actually more drops
L367[09:42:50] <Subaraki> if i understood correctly
L368[09:43:08] <wundr|school> Now i'm lost
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L371[09:44:06] <gigaherz|work> oooh https://twitter.com/Dinnerbone/status/790925431293747200
L372[09:44:27] <wundr|school> Hey, that's pretty good!
L373[09:45:22] <gigaherz|work> is that seed-like value meaningful?
L374[09:45:29] ⇦ Quits: AshIndigo (~AshIndigo@ (Remote host closed the connection)
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L376[09:46:29] <r4wk> knowing Searg_e , probably
L377[09:47:31] <TechnicianLP> the launcher states 2.0 O.o
L378[09:47:50] <wundr|school> Ooooh
L379[09:47:58] <wundr|school> Gtg
L380[09:48:04] ⇦ Parts: wundr|school (uid131782@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:2:2:2c6) ())
L381[09:50:54] <LatvianModder> gigaherz|work: https://twitter.com/SeargeDP/status/789179254768492544
L382[09:52:54] <gigaherz|work> OOOOOOOh
L383[09:53:02] <gigaherz|work> SWITCH! SWITCH! SWITCH!
L384[09:53:11] <LatvianModder> Shh, no panic :P
L385[09:56:25] ⇨ Joins: Kano (~Kano@2604:180:2:11bc::a3b8)
L386[09:56:41] <gr8pefish> \o/ hype
L387[10:00:40] ⇨ Joins: edr (~edr@d-65-175-180-73.cpe.metrocast.net)
L388[10:02:02] <gigaherz|work> the new launcher works well enough -- even in mac ;p
L389[10:02:25] <fry> it even works in wine :P
L390[10:02:52] <gigaherz|work> heh
L391[10:02:54] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L392[10:04:20] <barteks2x> wait, how? It can't install java on wine...
L393[10:04:28] <gigaherz|work> not java
L394[10:04:32] <gigaherz|work> the launcher is a native .exe
L395[10:04:46] <fry> and sure it can
L396[10:04:49] <fry> :P
L397[10:04:50] <barteks2x> I know, but it downloads it's own java to run mc, right?
L398[10:04:50] <gigaherz|work> it doesn't "install java"
L399[10:04:53] <fry> yup
L400[10:04:57] <gigaherz|work> it has its own java package
L401[10:05:01] <gigaherz|work> so it doesn't haveto run the java installer
L402[10:05:07] <gigaherz|work> it just unzips right thre in the folder
L403[10:05:13] <barteks2x> ...does java reallyy work on wine?
L404[10:05:19] <LatvianModder> *Please be Java 8 for 1.11*
L405[10:05:33] <gigaherz|work> LatvianModder: the launcher has used java8 for like 3 years?
L406[10:05:42] <gigaherz|work> maybe 2
L407[10:06:21] <LatvianModder> I know, its silly how long they have delayed it for MC itself
L408[10:06:23] <fry> even lwjgl works in wine, which I'm a bit more surprised about :P
L409[10:06:28] <gigaherz|work> heh
L410[10:06:35] ⇨ Joins: iso2013 (~iso2013@c-67-176-10-45.hsd1.co.comcast.net)
L411[10:06:38] <LatvianModder> lwjgl2 or 3 or both?
L412[10:06:48] <barteks2x> mc uses 2
L413[10:06:56] <gigaherz|work> well it doesn't surprise me that much, opengl already works by dynamic binding as it is
L414[10:06:58] <LatvianModder> LWJGL3 changed its natives. No longer seperate for 64x systems
L415[10:07:04] <barteks2x> And I don't think they will switch to lwjgl3 anytime soon
L416[10:07:04] <LatvianModder> and I think it depends on Java 8 now
L417[10:07:33] <LatvianModder> No, that would be too much work, wouldnt it? Im working on a game using LWJGL3 and its inputs/windows are way different
L418[10:08:13] <barteks2x> I didn't even get to handling input yet in what i'm working on now...
L419[10:08:34] <LatvianModder> I wonder who is the person who translates MC to latvian..
L420[10:08:57] <LatvianModder> It cant be automatic, right? Because its translated too good to be machine :D
L421[10:09:14] ⇨ Joins: Abastro (~Abastro@
L422[10:09:40] <gigaherz|work> does lwjgl3 also have the issue where after going from fullscreen back to windowed, you can't resize anymore? ;P
L423[10:09:53] <barteks2x> I was surprised how they translated Mooshroom :D
L424[10:09:55] <LatvianModder> Not sure
L425[10:10:22] <LatvianModder> I know it goes to fullscreen perfectly fine. I havent tried going back from it. But I only do that on startup once so
L426[10:10:56] <fry> gigaherz|work: fixed a long time ago, iirc :D
L427[10:10:57] <barteks2x> Anyway, I'm not installing wine. Just nope. It always messes up my file type associations
L428[10:11:32] <fry> you know you can put it in a container/chroot? :P
L429[10:11:44] <barteks2x> I still didn't full remove all bits and pieces left over from last wine installation
L430[10:12:21] <barteks2x> and I was never able to get anything that uses X working in chroot :(
L431[10:12:42] <fry> what distro? :P
L432[10:12:45] <barteks2x> debian
L433[10:12:50] <fry> heh, me too
L434[10:12:59] <fry> but I had no problem with X :P
L435[10:13:26] <barteks2x> I always have those weird issue nobody else has
L436[10:13:38] ⇦ Quits: gigaherz|work (~gigaherz@ ()
L437[10:14:06] <barteks2x> like for example not being able to use bumblebee (that allows to use nvidia optimus)
L438[10:15:35] ⇦ Quits: smbarbour (~smbarbour@c-73-211-171-154.hsd1.il.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L439[10:15:52] <SquareWheel> Small pet peeve: You need to update version numbers twice, in your @Mod annotation and build.gradle file. Is there a nice way to have one inherit from the other?
L440[10:16:15] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L441[10:16:44] <LatvianModder> yes
L442[10:16:47] <LatvianModder> useMetadata = true
L443[10:16:55] <LatvianModder> Thats what I use, at least
L444[10:17:12] <LatvianModder> it will override your version with the one from mcmod.info (which is overriden by build.gradle on build)
L445[10:17:29] <LatvianModder> or you can use replace & replaceIn
L446[10:17:52] <SquareWheel> useMetadata would just goes in the main mod file?
L447[10:18:03] <LatvianModder> one of @Mod parameters
L448[10:18:14] <barteks2x> wait, is it the kind of launcher that actually uses "web technology" inside?
L449[10:18:30] <SquareWheel> Huh, neat. Thanks!
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L453[10:28:27] <Koward> I can't test the mod I'm working on on my laptop (jvm memory limit exceeded), so I'd like to reduce consumption by toggling off some mods that are imported as dependencies for mod compatibility. Is there a way to quickly enable&disable them ?
L454[10:29:24] <gigaherz> barteks2x: I believe so, yes
L455[10:29:38] <barteks2x> I hate those things...
L456[10:29:54] <gigaherz> it works smoothly
L457[10:30:04] ⇨ Joins: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@p5B23C07C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L458[10:30:43] <barteks2x> But I'm sure it uses just as much memory as java. You get memory usage of java and portability of native application...
L459[10:30:56] ⇨ Joins: nathan72419 (~nathan724@1-36-239-040.static.netvigator.com)
L460[10:32:03] <gigaherz> it loaded 3 exes here
L461[10:32:07] <gigaherz> the main one, at 20mb
L462[10:32:16] <gigaherz> a "--type=gpu-process" at 16mb
L463[10:32:34] <gigaherz> and a "--type=renderer --no-sandbox ..." at 43mb
L464[10:33:12] <LatvianModder> Koward: Idea?
L465[10:34:14] <Koward> LatvianModder: Yep.
L466[10:35:09] <LatvianModder> Go to module Dependencies tab and mark soft deps as Provided
L467[10:35:48] ⇨ Joins: luacs1998 (~sayuka@abrarsyed.com)
L468[10:35:54] <luacs1998> https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/59b7m0/help_us_test_the_new_minecraft_launcher_check_the/
L469[10:35:55] <luacs1998> hmmm
L470[10:36:20] <LatvianModder> you should read backlogs, luacs1998 :P
L471[10:36:26] <luacs1998> lol
L472[10:36:29] <LatvianModder> This is already old topic :P
L473[10:36:36] <luacs1998> znc kicked me from here because of nickserv
L474[10:36:46] <LatvianModder> oh I see you just joined
L475[10:36:54] <LatvianModder> See the 1st comment there
L476[10:37:00] <LatvianModder> Java 8 hype! Can't stop it now!
L477[10:37:19] <luacs1998> kek
L478[10:39:39] <luacs1998> ps
L479[10:39:47] <luacs1998> dinnerbone tweeted about it an hour ago
L480[10:39:49] <luacs1998> LOL
L481[10:40:30] <Necro> I hope they really end up changing the game to Java 8.
L482[10:41:11] ⇨ Joins: AstralSorcerer (~AstralSor@u-of-rochester-128-151-150-18.wireless.rochester.edu)
L483[10:41:22] <LatvianModder> ... In Minecraft 1.15!
L484[10:41:36] <LatvianModder> Which at this update speed should be here around march :Kappa:
L485[10:41:39] <fry> http://imgur.com/eCzcbZJ
L486[10:43:27] <luacs1998> kek
L487[10:43:53] <luacs1998> holy crap
L488[10:43:59] <luacs1998> resource downloading is so slow...
L489[10:44:23] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L490[10:44:30] ⇨ Joins: otho (~otho@
L491[10:44:53] <LatvianModder> Uploaded Jun 22 2015
L492[10:45:01] <LatvianModder> kek
L493[10:45:17] <fry> yes :P
L494[10:46:52] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@ti0107a400-1168.bb.online.no) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L495[10:47:49] <luacs1998> mojang wat http://i.imgur.com/5mQmpFJ.png
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L500[10:53:47] <nathan72419> how to generate flower in vanilla biome /
L501[10:53:48] <nathan72419> ?
L502[10:55:25] <nathan72419> do i have to use an event handler for this ?
L503[10:55:48] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~znc@ti0107a400-1168.bb.online.no)
L504[10:59:16] <barteks2x> nathan72419, you need to register IWorldGenerator
L505[10:59:36] <barteks2x> (assuming you want to do it in world generation)
L506[10:59:50] <nathan72419> u mean using GameRegistry.registerWorldGenerator(new WorldGeneration(), 0);
L507[10:59:51] <nathan72419> ?
L508[10:59:56] <nathan72419> i did
L509[11:00:08] <barteks2x> so what is the problem?
L510[11:00:15] <nathan72419> i opened the world
L511[11:00:28] <nathan72419> and nothing shows up on the ground
L512[11:00:36] <barteks2x> existing world or new world?
L513[11:00:44] <nathan72419> new world of course
L514[11:00:53] <barteks2x> can you show the code?
L515[11:01:19] <nathan72419> wait a sec
L516[11:01:26] <barteks2x> (on pastebin obviously)
L517[11:02:08] <nathan72419> http://pastebin.com/xWZhdUiw
L518[11:02:11] <nathan72419> yea of coz
L519[11:02:13] <nathan72419> lol
L520[11:03:47] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L521[11:06:07] <barteks2x> chunkX + rand.nextInt(16) + 8;
L522[11:06:17] <barteks2x> chunkX is chunk position...
L523[11:06:33] <barteks2x> not the beginning of a chunk in block coords
L524[11:07:02] <nathan72419> so how should i correct it ?
L525[11:07:16] <barteks2x> I'mm sure you copied that code from vanilla
L526[11:07:34] <nathan72419> yup
L527[11:07:52] <nathan72419> but why is that wrong though ?
L528[11:07:57] <barteks2x> vanilla has chunkX that is actually multiplied by 16
L529[11:08:02] <barteks2x> (chunk size is 16 blocks)
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L531[11:08:16] <nathan72419> so i should *16 it right
L532[11:08:33] <barteks2x> yes, if you followed the vanilla code backwards you would see how chunkX is calculated
L533[11:08:43] <nathan72419> chunkX*16
L534[11:08:50] <nathan72419> and chunkZ*16
L535[11:08:56] <barteks2x> yes
L536[11:09:25] <barteks2x> I'm writing readthedocs pages about worldgen now, so sometime soon it should be explained there
L537[11:10:46] <nathan72419> thx
L538[11:10:50] <nathan72419> let me try again
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L541[11:13:24] <nathan72419> um
L542[11:13:29] <nathan72419> wat should the y be
L543[11:15:35] <barteks2x> the height at which you want your flowers to be
L544[11:16:28] *** AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L545[11:17:19] <barteks2x> if you choose random height - it will generate flowers only im places they can be places
L546[11:17:22] <barteks2x> *placed
L547[11:17:55] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L548[11:20:47] <nathan72419> how to set the flowers placeable anywhere
L549[11:20:50] <nathan72419> except air
L550[11:21:08] <nathan72419> i tried protected boolean canPlaceBlockOn(Block block)
L551[11:21:08] <barteks2x> this would need to be done in your flower block class
L552[11:21:08] <nathan72419> {
L553[11:21:08] <nathan72419> return block != Blocks.air;
L554[11:21:08] <nathan72419> }
L555[11:21:11] <nathan72419> it didnt work
L556[11:21:12] <nathan72419> yea
L557[11:21:19] <nathan72419> i put it in the block class
L558[11:21:31] <barteks2x> you extend BlockFlower, right?
L559[11:21:37] <nathan72419> oh
L560[11:21:45] <nathan72419> what if i dont extend it
L561[11:21:51] <nathan72419> oh
L562[11:21:52] <nathan72419> ok
L563[11:22:06] <barteks2x> nothing, just that game may not see it as flower, I don't know exactly
L564[11:22:16] <barteks2x> but the method used by flower generator is canBlockStay
L565[11:22:36] <barteks2x> instead of canPlaceBlockOn
L566[11:22:45] <nathan72419> yea i am using 1.7.10
L567[11:23:04] <barteks2x> oh...
L568[11:23:08] <barteks2x> then I don't know
L569[11:23:12] <Koward> LatvianModder: Meh, I set the dependencies to provided without any effect, unfortunately.
L570[11:23:19] <barteks2x> I don't even have 1.7 source
L571[11:23:19] ⇦ Quits: nathan72419 (~nathan724@1-36-239-040.static.netvigator.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L572[11:23:47] <barteks2x> and 1.7.10 isn't really supported here
L573[11:26:36] <LatvianModder> Koward: thats weird. That should work
L574[11:26:50] <LatvianModder> And I know for sure, because I do that all the time
L575[11:27:02] <LatvianModder> unless you have those dependencies in /mods folder
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L578[11:34:07] <Koward> I may be missing something. It's not my mod and the whole project has a messy structure
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L591[12:05:43] <barteks2x> When writing the docs, should I assume that the reader can read minecraft code? There are way too many vanilla implementations of WorldGenerator to explain all of them
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L596[12:25:48] <barteks2x> or should I describe all vanilla WorldGenerators?
L597[12:27:06] <barteks2x> there is >40 of them
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L599[12:29:24] <Tarig> pick a few and then point to where they can find the rest
L600[12:29:47] <gigaherz> yeah give a couple examples
L601[12:29:53] <gigaherz> no point in beinh exhaustive
L602[12:30:04] <Tarig> that way they have a bit a primer so they can understand the rest
L603[12:30:55] <barteks2x> WorldGenMinable is a big exception to one rule here
L604[12:33:52] <barteks2x> no idea why mojang made it that way :(
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L606[12:34:54] <killjoy> Has anyone tried the new launcher?
L607[12:35:05] <killjoy> I think we'll need to update the installer
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L612[12:37:53] <killjoy> or maybe...
L613[12:37:59] <illy> beep o/
L614[12:38:00] <killjoy> It deleted all my version jsons
L615[12:38:07] ⇦ Quits: KnightMiner (~KnightMin@107-1-23-59-ip-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L616[12:38:40] <xcube> Where would be a good place for a getPlayersViewingBlock(...BlockPos) method? It is to prevent modders form messing around with PlayerChunkMapEntry
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L618[12:40:55] <gigaherz> some special class?
L619[12:41:55] <gigaherz> I mean like, ForgeSomething.getPlayersViewingBlock
L620[12:42:07] <xcube> ya
L621[12:42:20] <gigaherz> there's a ForgeChunkManager
L622[12:42:27] <gigaherz> may fit there
L623[12:43:04] <xcube> I was thinking of patching PlayerList, as it would be a good place for the method... might it also fit there? or should we avoid such a patch
L624[12:43:22] <gigaherz> eh dunno
L625[12:43:34] <gigaherz> I personally don't see the point of sticking it in a vanilla class for no reason
L626[12:44:45] <xcube> My main motive for doing this is do that mods will be compatible with Cubic Chunks (the one barteks2x and I are working on)
L627[12:45:25] <gigaherz> hmmm is that method something that woudl be world-specific?
L628[12:46:59] <xcube> as in? Cubic Chunks supports both non-cubic and cubic worlds? I am a bit confused
L629[12:47:34] <barteks2x> I think he asks if this method would give different results for different World
L630[12:49:12] <xcube> It allows the modder to specify the y coordinate to the api... right now it is lost when using PlayerChunkMapEntry like https://github.com/lumien231/Random-Things/blob/5bca01c4d5e2f4ae4bb5ba2ac870aad969170b21/src/main/java/lumien/randomthings/network/MessageUtil.java
L631[12:49:44] ⇦ Quits: Koward (~Koward@2a02:2788:7d4:4dd:681b:e9ec:1c07:8aec) (Quit: Leaving)
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L633[12:51:50] <barteks2x> technically we could return a special kind of chunk that has Y coordinate information from world.getChunkFromBlockCoords... but that would mean it will only work when mod uses this exact method
L634[12:52:04] <barteks2x> nevermind, didn't read the whole code
L635[12:53:35] <Lumien> Are you talking about a patch in Forge? I doubt you will get a patch for a specific mod in there.
L636[12:54:31] <xcube> getPlayersViewingBlock() is useful for more than just Cubic Chunks compatibility... It is much easer than reflecting the list form PlayerChunkMapEntry by hand
L637[12:55:23] <barteks2x> randomthings is one of the mods that don't use reflection here
L638[12:55:51] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@ti0107a400-1168.bb.online.no) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L639[12:56:11] <Lumien> Pretty sure i did before, i don't think it's necessary anymore
L640[12:57:39] <barteks2x> but it still uses the internals of PlayerChunkMap(Entry). Bug given that there is a no-hacks way to do it in vanilla - such patch probably won't be accepted
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L642[13:00:08] <Intektor> is there a quick way to read a bytebuffer from a datainputstream without putting them in seperately(what seems to be consuming a lot of time)
L643[13:00:37] <fry> where do you get datainputstream from?
L644[13:00:45] <Intektor> from my socket
L645[13:01:34] <fry> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/nio/channels/SocketChannel.html
L646[13:01:35] <killjoy> bytebuf.write(stream)
L647[13:01:39] <killjoy> could try that
L648[13:02:13] <Intektor> I want to read dude :D
L649[13:02:32] ⇦ Quits: ThePsionic (~ThePsioni@ip5457f909.direct-adsl.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
L650[13:02:33] <killjoy> the bytebuf reads it
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L653[13:03:30] <killjoy> Intektor, Use IOUtils.toByteArray()
L654[13:03:35] <killjoy> it's part of apache io
L655[13:03:47] <killjoy> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30026060/java-inputstream-to-bytebuffer
L656[13:04:03] <fry> or do the fast thing and use nio :P
L657[13:04:04] ⇨ Joins: minecreatr (~minecreat@tterrag.com)
L658[13:04:50] <Intektor> not my whole packet is bytes, a lot of it is also other info
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L661[13:05:03] <killjoy> everything is bytes
L662[13:05:22] <Intektor> I know, I mean BytebUffer
L663[13:05:22] <Intektor> lol
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L677[13:58:37] <Intektor> oh shit http://i.imgur.com/SuEvYwf.png
L678[14:01:45] <sham1> o/
L679[14:02:02] <LatvianModder> o/
L680[14:03:11] ⇨ Joins: zabi94 (~zabi94@
L681[14:03:53] <sham1> I am return from the Haskell channel in my grand quest to do better coding
L682[14:04:08] <g> attempting to manually fix a player file
L683[14:04:14] <g> just out of interest, what is OnGround used for?
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L686[14:05:44] <killjoy> one use is for drag
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L688[14:06:21] <killjoy> if onGround is set to false, you walk a lot slower (think jumping)
L689[14:06:26] <g> ah, I see
L690[14:06:32] <g> 0 is false, right?
L691[14:06:36] <g> also, is it something I need to edit if I, eg, move a player's coords to be above the ground?
L692[14:06:37] <killjoy> false is false
L693[14:06:39] <killjoy> this isn't c
L694[14:06:47] <g> the nbt editor I'm using has it set to 0
L695[14:06:54] <g> (nbtexplorer)
L696[14:06:54] <killjoy> onGround is updated automatically
L697[14:06:55] <illy> #inculde <c.h>
L698[14:07:09] <g> OK, so I don't need to worry about that
L699[14:07:13] <sham1> This should be C
L700[14:07:15] <sham1> well
L701[14:07:16] <killjoy> updated in onLivingUpdate()
L702[14:07:17] <sham1> No
L703[14:07:29] <killjoy> sham1, *Points towards motd*.
L704[14:07:37] <g> the issue I'm trying to fix is.. really odd
L705[14:07:43] <g> and seems to be related to https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-100678
L706[14:07:53] <sham1> I caught myself
L707[14:08:23] <sham1> I'm just going to say it, having 0 be false should be more of a feature nowadays
L708[14:08:38] <killjoy> remove the portal
L709[14:08:47] <g> well, the thing is, there is no portal
L710[14:08:54] <g> this is as a result of teleporting
L711[14:09:15] <killjoy> last resort: delete player.dat
L712[14:09:26] <g> that does fix it
L713[14:09:31] <sham1> Last resort, a nuke
L714[14:09:32] <g> but I'd rather figure out why it happens
L715[14:09:34] <sham1> Good job
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L721[14:26:48] <TvL2386> waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
L722[14:26:59] <TvL2386> hits self on head
L723[14:27:19] <TvL2386> too much info
L724[14:27:23] <sham1> self.hit(head);
L725[14:27:33] <TvL2386> :)
L726[14:27:48] <TvL2386> learning curve is so incredibly steep
L727[14:27:54] <sham1> Indeed
L728[14:28:01] <sham1> 'Tis is programming after all
L729[14:28:29] <killjoy> sham1, this isn't python territory
L730[14:28:59] <sham1> Don't step on snek
L731[14:29:05] <TvL2386> lol
L732[14:29:23] <sham1> Also, that could have been Rust
L733[14:29:30] <sham1> And you'd never know
L734[14:29:48] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@d8d8721d2.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
L735[14:29:48] <killjoy> or any variable named self
L736[14:30:01] <killjoy> not python
L737[14:30:10] <killjoy> gotta drop the ;
L738[14:30:26] <sham1> Gotta be PEP8 compliant
L739[14:30:47] <TvL2386> maybe it was Ruby?
L740[14:30:53] <TvL2386> then you don't need to drop the ;
L741[14:31:03] <sham1> Even in other languages: https://i.imgur.com/wG51k7v.png
L742[14:31:06] <TvL2386> //// JetpacksNG.logger.info("onArmorTick event for chestplate");
L743[14:31:12] <TvL2386> whooops!
L744[14:31:13] <killjoy> querydns. yay or nay?
L745[14:31:19] <killjoy> *querydsl
L746[14:31:20] <sham1> Meh
L747[14:31:31] <sham1> So, what do you like of the link
L748[14:31:33] <killjoy> it's an sql api
L749[14:31:52] <killjoy> http://www.querydsl.com/
L750[14:31:54] <TvL2386> yuck!
L751[14:32:12] <sham1> Until I am able to compose my queries in a Query monad, I will not be happy
L752[14:32:24] <sham1> Also
L753[14:32:28] <sham1> >MongoDB support
L754[14:32:33] <sham1> Gotta support the meme db
L755[14:32:55] <killjoy> Nah, Microsoft SQL is bae
L756[14:33:07] <killjoy> I should go before I'm late for work
L757[14:33:15] <sham1> Stay in IRC
L758[14:33:20] <killjoy> no
L759[14:33:25] <sham1> Use your various computers to stay in touch
L760[14:33:32] <sham1> Unless you are driving
L761[14:33:36] <sham1> In which case, don't
L762[14:34:07] <TvL2386> irssi :)
L763[14:35:46] ⇦ Quits: kimfy (~kimfy@ (Quit: Leaving)
L764[14:37:56] <g> you don't _have_ to drop the ; in python.. :P
L765[14:38:01] <g> it's a sign of a python golfer!
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L767[14:39:13] <sham1> Meanwhile in Haskell-land, we could use braces and ;
L768[14:39:15] <sham1> However
L769[14:39:23] <sham1> We choose not to
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L771[14:39:51] <g> haskell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqvCNb7fKsg
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L776[14:46:42] <Ivorius> Wow, I cannot even set up my 1.7 project anymore
L777[14:46:47] <Ivorius> For a bugfix release
L778[14:46:54] <Ivorius> The gradle stuff is just suddenly broken
L779[14:47:18] <Ivorius> (well, my dependency stuff at least)
L780[14:52:59] <LatvianModder> Easiest way to fix 1.7.10 bugs: Don't
L781[14:53:13] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L782[14:53:19] <Ivorius> blah
L783[14:53:27] <Ivorius> More than half my downloads are 1.7
L784[14:53:33] <Ivorius> I'd at least like it to be stable
L785[14:53:36] <Ivorius> I'm not gonna expand it
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L793[15:09:09] <LexManos> So just putting this out there, I need a OSX test laptop. So i can dev/test shit on OSX {as it doesnt work in a vm -.-} anyone know a good test bed for ~1K?
L794[15:09:32] <g> totally works in a VM if you have enough time
L795[15:09:37] <g> anyway, sometimes apple has refurbs up
L796[15:09:40] <g> they're usually a bit cheaper
L797[15:10:36] <LexManos> IDEALLY id be able to install like 5 copies of OSX because aparently OSX lepard isnt compatible with osx puma or chupacabra.
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L799[15:13:48] <Shambling> so what test cases aren't working with OSX that has you vexed enough to want to buy that shit?
L800[15:14:19] <LexManos> I dont know, which is the issue I have zero test bed for OSX.
L801[15:14:21] <Shambling> I'd look at a tech school auctioning off old adobe photoshop computers. We can't wait to get rid of our mac shit
L802[15:14:23] <LexManos> Ive needed one for a while.
L803[15:14:27] <gigaherz> I installed OSX in vmware in windows some time ago
L804[15:14:29] <gigaherz> not fun.
L805[15:14:32] <gigaherz> wouldn't recommend. XD
L806[15:14:40] <LexManos> id rather get real hardware.
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L808[15:14:53] <Shambling> even for 5 year old stuff that shit is overpriced
L809[15:14:58] <LexManos> Plus, as its literally JUST for testing shit, its a tax writeoff
L810[15:15:18] <Shambling> so main job testing?
L811[15:15:37] <Shambling> hrmmmm.... I'd still look at a second hand imac, laptops are kinda shit
L812[15:16:04] <Shambling> my god are they gorgeous, but if I can bend it in half with my torn rotator cuff, its kinda weak.
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L815[15:16:31] <illy> Lex mind if I PM you about the wrapper?
L816[15:16:35] <LexManos> sure
L817[15:16:36] <Shambling> a1278 I think was a fairly good one. I'd donate one to you, but I don't think I could get it past my supervisor
L818[15:16:42] <gigaherz> now NEW do you need it?
L819[15:16:44] <gigaherz> how*
L820[15:16:46] <gigaherz> https://www.amazon.com/Apple-MacBook-MC118LL-15-4-Inch-Laptop/dp/B002C744K6/ref=sr_1_4?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1477426608&sr=1-4&keywords=macbook
L821[15:17:07] <LexManos> I need it to be able to run minecraft relativly well.
L822[15:17:21] <LexManos> And IDEs like eclipse/mono/intellij
L823[15:17:22] <Shambling> that would be a fairly decent one, but no idea how he would install 5 versions of mac os X on it with 250gb hdd
L824[15:17:24] <LexManos> Thats about it..
L825[15:17:31] <gigaherz> yeah then this would be off the table: https://www.amazon.com/Apple-13-Inch-MacBook-T7200-Processor/dp/B004FG793G/ref=sr_1_7?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1477426608&sr=1-7&keywords=macbook
L826[15:17:42] <Shambling> well I suppose... 20 gigs per OS, and have a data partition
L827[15:18:22] <gigaherz> ah
L828[15:18:25] <gigaherz> this one's decent
L829[15:18:26] <gigaherz> https://www.amazon.com/Apple-MacBook-MC965LL-13-3-Inch-Solid-State/dp/B005CWHZP4/ref=sr_1_11?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1477426608&sr=1-11&keywords=macbook
L830[15:19:08] <gigaherz> (I mean, as far as macs go ;P)
L831[15:19:20] <Shambling> bit pricey for what its got
L832[15:19:46] <gigaherz> it's a core i5, though
L833[15:19:49] <Shambling> true
L834[15:19:58] <Shambling> you don't happen to live in upstate NY do you Lex? lol
L835[15:20:23] <gigaherz> bit more pricey, but core i7:
L836[15:20:23] <Shambling> we're trying to figure out what to do with all our i5 macs. :P
L837[15:20:24] <gigaherz> https://www.amazon.com/Apple-MacBook-13-3-Inch-ThunderBolt-Yosemite/dp/B015GED9Q6/ref=sr_1_19?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1477426763&sr=1-19&keywords=macbook+air
L838[15:20:37] <Shambling> yeah if you hate USB ports
L839[15:20:51] <Shambling> oh wow, that one actually ahs 2 USB
L840[15:20:55] <gigaherz> yeh
L841[15:21:18] <Shambling> geeksquad training right out the window there
L842[15:21:35] <Shambling> literally one of the questions "How many usb ports does the macbook air have" "1" :P
L843[15:21:39] <gigaherz> similar offer:
L844[15:21:39] <gigaherz> https://www.amazon.com/MacBook-MD226LL-Computer-Certified-Refurbished/dp/B01MCT99JA/ref=sr_1_23?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1477426882&sr=1-23&keywords=macbook+air
L845[15:22:17] <Shambling> that one definitely looks like a good dev machine. Problem is, what version of minecraft, as 1.10.2 requires like 6+ gigs ram now :(
L846[15:22:26] <gigaherz> not really
L847[15:22:33] <Shambling> well not if you're doing one mod
L848[15:22:34] <gigaherz> you only need 6+ gb to play big modpacks
L849[15:22:42] <gigaherz> he said testing and IDE
L850[15:22:44] <Shambling> so I guess a dev environtment still be good
L851[15:22:46] <gigaherz> 4gb should handle that much ;P
L852[15:25:46] <LexManos> Sham... no but I will be in boston in march
L853[15:26:38] <LexManos> Well also remember ram wise, there is what the OS takes, then there is what the IDE takes then there is MC
L854[15:26:46] <LexManos> so 8GB+ would be preferred
L855[15:27:14] <gigaherz> oh not bad
L856[15:27:15] <gigaherz> https://www.amazon.com/Apple-MacBook-13-3-Inch-Laptop-Yosemite/dp/B00NS5MY8U/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1477427249&sr=8-3&keywords=macbook+8gb
L857[15:27:31] <gigaherz> that's not far from the one I got at my current job
L858[15:28:37] <gigaherz> https://www.amazon.com/MacBook-250GB-Flash-Intel-Graphics/dp/B00Q3YZMAA/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1477427319&sr=8-4&keywords=macbook+i7+8gb
L859[15:28:50] <gigaherz> that one has 256gb SSD, which is nice
L860[15:31:30] <gigaherz> I take back what I said about the previous link, it's an older i7
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L862[15:33:29] <gigaherz> anyone with actual mac experience?
L863[15:33:39] <gigaherz> I know what the numbers would mean on PC, but I have no idea how MC performs with those specs
L864[15:33:40] <gigaherz> ;P
L865[15:33:53] <kashike> kenzierocks: is a mac user, if around
L866[15:34:09] <gigaherz> all I know is:
L867[15:34:31] <gigaherz> I started the new beta launcher, ran MC vanilla snapshot
L868[15:34:43] <gigaherz> and it was 18fps, on a 2015 macbook pro ;P
L869[15:35:06] <Shambling> such intel, many frames
L870[15:35:06] <gigaherz> but Iwas at work, with the work stuff opened in the background
L871[15:35:09] <LexManos> i'll let you guys fight it out for a while. Ive stated what I need it for. so if you can find it and shoot me a few links at the end of the day that'd be nice.
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L875[15:39:58] <g> I've successfully installed OSX under virtualbox before
L876[15:40:07] <g> but updating the OS later totally borked it
L877[15:40:39] <gigaherz> problem isn't installing, it's that it performs... poorly
L878[15:42:02] <g> mm, that's true
L879[15:44:07] <gigaherz> heh my OSX VM just asked if I want to update to Sierra ;P
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L885[16:03:19] <bartman> I have a mbp and I get 100+ fps
L886[16:03:26] <bartman> but I have a geforce gt 650
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L888[16:03:41] <bartman> intergrated is always crap
L889[16:04:04] <bartman> there is a mac event on the 27th you should wait till then, should at least drop the prices for you
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L895[16:15:29] <xcube> Anyone know how to add a spectator hotbar command?
L896[16:19:35] <barteks2x> looking at the code, no way to do that
L897[16:19:55] <barteks2x> there is even separate texture for these things
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L900[16:27:22] <LatvianModder> Can @Mod.EventBusSubscriber be used on any class or just the @Mod one?
L901[16:29:55] <xcube> LatvianModder: Would MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register() work?
L902[16:30:14] <LatvianModder> ofc, im just interested in this feature
L903[16:30:33] <LatvianModder> Its a lot easier to use annotation on event bus than register every bus you have
L904[16:30:45] <LatvianModder> (since I listen to like 100 events, I split mine per category)
L905[16:30:58] <Ordinastie> but it only works for static methods
L906[16:31:20] <Ordinastie> you can't register instances with it
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L908[16:35:10] <tterrag> xcube: no, it wouldn't
L909[16:35:18] <tterrag> lifecycle events are not posted to the forge bus
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L911[16:43:40] <gigaherz> LatvianModder: any class
L912[16:43:46] <gigaherz> I use it on my clientProxies
L913[16:43:51] <LatvianModder> oh cool
L914[16:43:53] <gigaherz> for ModelREgistryEvent
L915[16:43:57] <g> yeah I use it on a separate class
L916[16:44:00] <gigaherz> the only limitation is that it only works for statics
L917[16:44:01] <LatvianModder> nice
L918[16:44:04] <LatvianModder> so?
L919[16:44:06] <LatvianModder> :P
L920[16:44:13] <gigaherz> so nothing
L921[16:44:18] <gigaherz> it's the only limitation ;P
L922[16:44:23] <LatvianModder> Isnt that even faster from Forge's perspective?
L923[16:44:49] <Ordinastie> why would it be ?
L924[16:44:52] <LatvianModder> I dont see how that's a limitation. If dont want to extend event handlers
L925[16:45:11] <LatvianModder> I thought invoking static methods is faster than ones that require object (a.k.a non-static)
L926[16:45:12] <gigaherz> I mean that if you have non-static methods
L927[16:45:14] <gigaherz> it won't work on them
L928[16:45:35] <gigaherz> didn't mean that it becomes less useful because of it
L929[16:45:49] <LatvianModder> well yeah, but I dont see how thats a limitation :P
L930[16:45:57] <LatvianModder> does it work on private methods though?
L931[16:45:58] <gigaherz> ...
L932[16:46:19] <tterrag> because it's bad OO, really
L933[16:46:28] <gigaherz> can you use it on non-static methods? no, hence, it's a limitation
L934[16:46:34] <gigaherz> even if you feel like thel imitation has no value to you
L935[16:46:36] <gigaherz> it still is
L936[16:46:36] <gigaherz> ;P
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L959[17:22:45] <shartte> oh god
L960[17:23:25] <g> yes?
L961[17:23:55] <Ordinastie> good try, but you're not even half of a god
L962[17:24:09] <g> A third is more than most people! :o
L963[17:30:19] <kenzierocks> mac opinions?
L964[17:30:37] <kenzierocks> get one with 16gb if you're doing serious development on it, sometimes i hit close to my 8gb limit
L965[17:31:42] <kenzierocks> they run minecraft at around 30fps with vanilla stuff
L966[17:31:49] <kenzierocks> but can hit 60fps easily with like optifine
L967[17:32:02] <kenzierocks> System Information: Model: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014) • CPU: Intel Core i7-4578U (4 Threads, 2 Cores) @ 3.00 GHz • Memory: 8.00 GB • Uptime: 1 day • Disk Space: 499.05 GB • Graphics: Intel Iris • Screen Resolution: 1280 x 800 (HiDPI Mode) • OS: macOS Sierra (Version 10.12.1, Build 16B2553a)
L968[17:32:05] <kenzierocks> there's all my information
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L970[17:35:49] <PitchBright> i get 60fps w/Vanilla on 5 year old mac
L971[17:36:35] <kenzierocks> that could have been because i was running it with like 100 mods
L972[17:36:41] <kenzierocks> let me get current snapshot fps
L973[17:36:58] <PitchBright> ya you said 30fps with vanilla stuff
L974[17:37:11] <kenzierocks> that was what i remembered
L975[17:37:19] <kenzierocks> from like 3-4 years ago
L976[17:37:24] <kenzierocks> i don't tend to play vanilla
L977[17:37:32] <PitchBright> should be better than that though
L978[17:37:49] <PitchBright> i don't either, I just happen to have a near vanilla dev open now
L979[17:38:35] <PitchBright> 2.5ghz Intel Core i5
L980[17:39:51] <PitchBright> i've noticed that on my server, historically... mac users have much better FPS, vs PC users
L981[17:39:58] <kenzierocks> video settings: https://i.imgur.com/1HvlEdV.png snapshot 16w42a about 40-50fps
L982[17:40:25] <PitchBright> that's with Opifine?
L983[17:40:27] <kenzierocks> no
L984[17:40:32] <kenzierocks> plain vanilla
L985[17:40:49] <PitchBright> hm, Fast gfx
L986[17:40:52] <PitchBright> I'm on Fancy
L987[17:41:02] <PitchBright> everything cranked
L988[17:41:08] <PitchBright> animations, etc
L989[17:41:39] <PitchBright> you're on a macbook though, i'm on an imac
L990[17:41:47] <PitchBright> maybe that makes the difference
L991[17:43:08] <kenzierocks> probably
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L1064[20:50:04] <wundrweapon> is there a way to ensure that every instance of a specific item always has a specific enchantment, like some of the swords in Metallurgy 4?
L1065[20:50:14] <wundrweapon> (those even worked in tabs)
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L1078[21:23:20] <wundrweapon> ...searge?
L1079[21:23:28] <TehNut> ?
L1080[21:23:40] <wundrweapon> i didnt think he'd be here is all lol
L1081[21:23:51] <TehNut> why? He's one of the devs of MCP
L1082[21:24:01] <wundrweapon> MCP != Forge
L1083[21:24:12] <wundrweapon> anyways
L1084[21:24:32] <TehNut> Forge relys on MCP
L1085[21:24:39] <wundrweapon> well duh
L1086[21:24:47] <wundrweapon> anyways, since nobody seems to have any ideas for my issue, I'll be taking my leave
L1087[21:25:05] <TehNut> Explain your question?
L1088[21:25:12] <TehNut> You want items in a tab to have enchantments?
L1089[21:25:32] <TehNut> I swear I already answered that question from you a few days ago
L1090[21:25:45] <wundrweapon> you might've, I tend to not remember things
L1091[21:26:13] <wundrweapon> but the thing is, it has to go beyond just tabs - it has to /always/ have the enchant
L1092[21:26:31] <TehNut> Well you can't really achieve that
L1093[21:26:40] <TehNut> JEI will always show the enchantments, so you're fine there
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L1095[21:26:52] <TehNut> But /give will not work unless the user specifies the NBT
L1096[21:27:17] <wundrweapon> that sucks
L1097[21:27:29] <TehNut> I mean, it's the same with Tinker's Tools
L1098[21:27:39] <wundrweapon> what if i used a PlayerTickEvent handler
L1099[21:27:40] <wundrweapon> how so?
L1100[21:27:46] <TehNut> oh god please don't
L1101[21:27:53] <wundrweapon> then I shan't
L1102[21:27:57] <TehNut> Tinker Tools rely on NBT to determine all their properties
L1103[21:28:13] <TehNut> If you /give one, you'll end up with a "default" tool with no real properties
L1104[21:29:12] <wundrweapon> that's... weird
L1105[21:29:16] <wundrweapon> anyways, igtg
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L1110[21:38:50] <PitchBright> I'm trying to get an entity's inventory to display the contents in the correct slots, but the inventory's itemstacks appear to be filling the slots in order. The nbt data on the itemstacks in the entity's inventory, show that they have the correct slot number associated with them.
L1111[21:40:17] <PitchBright> i'm sure i'm just newbin' it up... and overlooking something stupid simple. Any ideas on which method facilitates loading stacks into the correct slot based on what's in the nbt tags?
L1112[21:40:42] <TehNut> You're saving the slot number, correct?
L1113[21:40:59] <PitchBright> ya, the slot number is on the stack in the nbt
L1114[21:41:15] <TehNut> And you're reading that back and calling setStackInSlot() or whatever equivalent?
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L1116[21:43:31] <PitchBright> i dont' have a setStackInSlot()... but i do have a getStackInSlot()
L1117[21:43:44] <PitchBright> am I missing the former?
L1118[21:43:54] <TehNut> Oh, a normal IItemHandler then
L1119[21:44:00] <TehNut> How are you deserializing this NBT?
L1120[21:45:38] <PitchBright> I have to think about that question... bear with me xD
L1121[21:46:11] <PitchBright> I'm doin' readEntityFromNBT... and getting the TagList...
L1122[21:47:19] <TehNut> don't explain it, show me >.>
L1123[21:47:45] <PitchBright> okay cool thanks http://pastebin.com/WuwQ4wUd
L1124[21:49:53] <PitchBright> is the problem on Line 10?
L1125[21:51:40] <TehNut> Yes. YOu're not setting the array index based on the value of the NBT
L1126[21:51:48] <TehNut> you're just going in order of 0 -> inventory size
L1127[21:52:17] <PitchBright> okay... awesome... thanks so much Nut.
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L1151[23:09:39] <killjoy> Why can't sql have standards?
L1152[23:11:39] <sham1> It does
L1153[23:11:42] <Ordinastie> ^
L1154[23:12:06] <sham1> It's just that not everyone always follows them
L1155[23:14:14] <sham1> Like sometimes MySQL does its own thing, and sometimes Oracle does its own thing, and sometimes Microsoft SQL Server does its own thing...
L1156[23:14:49] <sham1> Well, s/MySQL/MariaDB/
L1157[23:16:18] <Ordinastie> a friend of mine recently started learning programming in some school, and they're learning SQL with firebird... :x
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L1159[23:16:47] <Ordinastie> I was trying to help him with some assignment, I was facepalming every 2 min -_-
L1160[23:16:55] <killjoy> there's 3 ways to create a primary key
L1161[23:17:05] <Ordinastie> IFNULL ? nope, doesn't know it
L1162[23:17:07] <killjoy> only 1 way is universal
L1163[23:17:08] <Ordinastie> stuff like that
L1164[23:19:42] <sham1> Yeah, and the universal should be the one that is the standard
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L1166[23:21:49] <Lord_Ralex> oracle....
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L1169[23:27:04] <sham1> Oracle is supposedly a decent database
L1170[23:27:27] <Lord_Ralex> we're getting off it at work
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L1173[23:31:36] <Lord_Ralex> huh, oracle finally added limit stuff.... 3 years ago
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