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L8[00:21:25] <williewillus> !gm func_147446_b
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L16[00:54:23] ⇨ Joins: tschm (~tschm@xdsl-78-34-190-72.netcologne.de)
L17[00:55:58] <tschm> how would you do a gui similar to the ae2 gui? This would not work like a standard slot, right?
L18[00:56:27] <tschm> the amount would be a custom label drawn over the slot area and the item itself is just some kind of ghost item?
L19[00:56:28] <killjoy> I think someone's asked this before
L20[00:56:38] <tschm> btw, can i search for that?
L21[00:56:52] <kenzierocks> .logs
L22[00:56:54] <kenzierocks> hmm
L23[00:56:55] <kenzierocks> .log
L24[00:57:08] <kenzierocks> ah, that doesn't have search
L25[00:57:26] <killjoy> actually, that was about sending the items to the client
L26[00:57:55] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L27[00:58:10] <killjoy> tschm, just keep track of where you draw itemstacks
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L43[01:47:10] <gigaherz> tschm: I do it by keeping a special inventory class in the client Container
L44[01:47:28] <gigaherz> which knows all the items from the server
L45[01:47:35] <gigaherz> but pretends that there's just N (the visible space)
L46[01:47:41] <gigaherz> and when the scrollbar value changes
L47[01:47:48] <gigaherz> it changes which N are shown
L48[01:47:51] <gigaherz> (incl search)
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L50[01:50:59] * gigaherz_d yawns
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L52[01:51:13] <gigaherz_d> did any of what I said get through?
L53[01:51:36] <gigaherz_d> eh doesn't matter
L54[01:53:29] <PitchBright> o/
L55[01:54:24] <PitchBright> I'm struggling a little bit with gettin my entity to render properly in SMP. Seems to work fine in SSP. I'm fairly newb at this stuff though, so I'm hoping I'm overlooking something simple.
L56[01:54:33] <PitchBright> https://gist.github.com/PitchBright/33f68bb2597ee538476a6c8273a625b3
L57[01:55:12] <PitchBright> I feel like the client is seeing different values of e_profile, than the server is.
L58[01:55:43] <PitchBright> Is that the case?
L59[01:56:57] <gigaherz_d> do you synchronize the value?
L60[01:57:19] <PitchBright> *thinking*
L61[01:57:42] <PitchBright> sorry man, I"m not sure I know what you mean. :(
L62[01:57:52] <gigaherz_d> well actually, that wouldn't make much sense
L63[01:58:42] <gigaherz_d> you probably shouldn't be doing what you do, either way
L64[01:58:48] <gigaherz_d> storing the GameProfile on the entity
L65[01:59:01] <PitchBright> oh no?
L66[01:59:11] <PitchBright> I thought it would be a good idea to do what Skulls do
L67[01:59:24] <PitchBright> :S
L68[01:59:38] <gigaherz_d> skulls store the GameProfile object?
L69[01:59:41] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20161020 mappings to Forge Maven.
L70[01:59:45] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20161020-1.10.2.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20161020" in build.gradle).
L71[01:59:52] <gigaherz_d> hmmm they do
L72[01:59:55] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L74[02:00:15] <PitchBright> so my approach should be okay there then?
L75[02:00:15] <gigaherz_d> oh
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L77[02:00:58] <gigaherz_d> they manage their own GameProfile instances and cache
L78[02:01:27] <gigaherz_d> you'll notice they don't ask the MinecraftServer class, though
L79[02:01:37] <PitchBright> oh 1 sec
L80[02:02:17] <PitchBright> I thought they did with func_152109_d()
L81[02:05:00] *** gigaherz_d is now known as gigaherz
L82[02:05:00] <gigaherz> anyhow, gotta get to work
L83[02:05:00] *** gigaherz is now known as ghz|afk
L84[02:05:00] <ghz|afk> oh and, the tileentity does sync the data, by encoding it as NBT and sending it to the client
L85[02:05:00] <ghz|afk> so you'll need to transfer the data too, using packets or something
L86[02:05:00] * ghz|afk poofs
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L90[02:05:24] <PitchBright> ah sweet... thanks dude.. I appreciate the help with it
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L112[03:49:47] <barteks2x> once again half of the internet is working fine, and the other half isn't...
L113[04:01:49] <Subaraki> is there a way to change the angle of the player's arm ?
L114[04:01:54] <Subaraki> my renderlayer doesnt cut the trick :/
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L119[04:16:32] <barteks2x> and rendering holes appear again...
L120[04:17:14] <barteks2x> do they appear in vanilla? (no matter how long you wait it won't render them until you change a block)
L121[04:27:18] <Subaraki> render holes ?
L122[04:27:23] <Subaraki> like dispaearing faces ?
L123[04:27:33] <Subaraki> is your block set to translucent ?
L124[04:28:07] <Subaraki> *opaque
L125[04:28:23] <Subaraki> isvisuallyopaque (false) and isopaqueblock(false)
L126[04:31:18] <Subaraki> how do i chaneg the player model ??
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L128[04:33:35] <Subaraki> i can change the offset but not the rotation angles
L129[04:36:09] <barteks2x> chunks not rendering. I just want to know if it happens in vanilla
L130[04:36:59] <Subaraki> no clue barteks2x :/
L131[04:37:10] <Subaraki> god, even renderplayer event doesnt have the render manager ?!
L132[04:37:23] <barteks2x> i've never seen it happen in vanilla but there are bug reports about it
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L135[04:52:19] <barteks2x> my connection is weird... literally half of the internet doesn't work or is extremely slow
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L137[04:59:39] <Subaraki> is there no way to edit the player's model ? rpe, post, and renderlayers have no effect whatsoever in trying to edit the rotation angles of the player's arms
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L140[05:05:51] <Ordinastie> considering there is a mod that adds emotes, I assume there is a way
L141[05:07:37] <barteks2x> is it just me that ./gradlew build takes forever?
L142[05:08:41] <Ordinastie> barteks2x, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p85xwZ_OLX0
L143[05:08:41] <barteks2x> waiting for it to finish for almost 10 minutes already
L144[05:09:44] <barteks2x> I'm not going to restart my computer again, I did it 1 hour ago already when I ran out of memory
L145[05:09:57] <Ordinastie> not the computer, the build
L146[05:10:01] <barteks2x> I tried
L147[05:10:07] <barteks2x> Now I'm waiting
L148[05:10:23] <barteks2x> I already started it with --debug option
L149[05:10:32] <barteks2x> stuck at [org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultClientConnectionOperator] Connecting to libraries.minecraft.net:443
L150[05:13:37] <barteks2x> every few minutes it goes forward a bit each time stuck when connecting to libraries.minecraft.net:443
L151[05:17:24] <Subaraki> Ordinastie, did that mod ever update ?
L152[05:17:39] <Subaraki> because i was able to change arm rotation in 1.7 as well
L153[05:17:41] <Ordinastie> apparently yes
L154[05:17:57] <Ordinastie> it's used in the hermitcraft pack
L155[05:20:20] <barteks2x> it's still going...
L156[05:21:04] <Subaraki> https://github.com/Vazkii/Emotes/commit/f131ec83a70f4c7f99d0d6e6f884042e8f2aace3
L157[05:21:07] <Subaraki> original mod author
L158[05:21:10] <Subaraki> last edit, 2 years ago
L159[05:21:13] <Subaraki> :/
L160[05:21:18] <Subaraki> they must have updated it
L161[05:21:24] * Subaraki googles hermit craft
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L163[05:22:37] <Ordinastie> Subaraki, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AngIMLvnArM&list=PL7VmhWGNRxKhMmDXZSvfjdhvAY45MNG-g&index=1
L164[05:23:05] <Ordinastie> you see it at the beginning
L165[05:28:21] <Subaraki> i can find no such mod in the official download pack ?
L166[05:31:46] ⇦ Quits: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-129-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L167[05:35:38] <Subaraki> i mean, Post render should handle this correctly
L168[05:35:49] <Subaraki> because all rotation is set before that
L169[05:35:59] <Subaraki> so modifying it in post (after all other rotation) should set it
L170[05:36:06] <Subaraki> why isn't it doing that though ?
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L174[05:42:23] <SquareWheel> Nuts, did Mojang remove the premium account checker script on their website?
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L176[05:47:43] <IoP> use namemc
L177[05:47:48] <IoP> or API
L178[05:50:46] <SquareWheel> Looks like namemc doesn't have premium info.
L179[05:51:00] <Subaraki> Ordinastie, https://github.com/Vazkii/Emotes/blob/master/MODSRC/vazkii/emotes/client/asm/ClassTransformer.java
L180[05:51:00] <SquareWheel> It used to be at http://minecraft.net/haspaid.jsp, but I guess they killed that.
L181[05:52:04] <Subaraki> fucker used asm
L182[05:54:08] <Subaraki> and this is called in between post and pre this.mainModel.setRotationAngles(f6, f5, f8, f2, f7, f4, entity);
L183[05:54:24] <Subaraki> and rendering happens before post
L184[05:54:53] <Subaraki> so doing anything in post is worht nothing, apart from rendering something else to the player, which can as well be done in a render layer
L185[05:56:14] <barteks2x> ./gradlew build iSTILL didn't finish
L186[05:57:19] <barteks2x> I started it almost 1 hour ago
L187[05:58:06] <barteks2x> gragle says it's 52%
L188[05:58:10] <barteks2x> *gradle
L189[06:00:37] ⇦ Quits: quadraxis (~quadraxis@cpc77293-basf12-2-0-cust699.12-3.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L190[06:01:50] <barteks2x> it's done :D
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L193[06:05:21] <barteks2x> can anyone test if gitter.im doesn't load only for me?
L194[06:05:59] <Ordinastie> it loads
L195[06:06:34] <barteks2x> I suspect it has something to do with that weird network setup with fortiguard here...
L196[06:07:50] ⇨ Joins: JustWhoAmI (~admin@
L197[06:09:05] <JustWhoAmI> Anyone who could help out? http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=42744.0
L198[06:10:17] <barteks2x> I can't even use proxy because they are blocked...
L199[06:14:32] <Quetzi> JustWhoAmI, I remember seeing an open issue on the Mekanism GitHub about that very thing
L200[06:14:48] <JustWhoAmI> Quetzi, as it happens, it was made by me :)
L201[06:15:20] <JustWhoAmI> Huh... did I not link to the issue in my post?
L202[06:15:35] <JustWhoAmI> I thought I did let me check
L203[06:15:41] <Quetzi> you did, yes
L204[06:15:51] <JustWhoAmI> oh kk
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L206[06:17:14] <barteks2x> it started working for no reason after I tried several different ways to bypass it, all of them blocked.
L207[06:17:48] <Quetzi> JustWhoAmI, also https://github.com/aidancbrady/Mekanism/issues/3645
L208[06:18:06] *** Drullkus is now known as Drull|zzz
L209[06:21:00] <JustWhoAmI> ooh Quetzi thanks for showing me that
L210[06:21:03] <JustWhoAmI> will ref in new issue
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L241[07:42:53] <JustWhoAmI> ghz|afk, what exactly happens when you use the BlockEntityTag?
L242[07:47:15] <JustWhoAmI> I get that when you break the block, you drop that new itemstack returned by getPackedStack()
L243[07:47:26] <JustWhoAmI> but when you place the block
L244[07:47:30] <JustWhoAmI> what exactly happens?
L245[07:47:45] <JustWhoAmI> I expected to see something related to the itemstack in onBlockPlacedBy
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L256[08:30:34] <Ordinastie> hum what ? Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.minecraft.client.resources.I18n.format(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;
L257[08:31:11] *** V is now known as Vigaro
L258[08:31:34] <TechnicianLP> wrong i18n?
L259[08:31:49] <TechnicianLP> forget what i just said -.-
L260[08:31:53] <Ordinastie> wait no, I'm stupid
L261[08:31:59] <Ordinastie> I put the dev jar ><
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L264[08:39:49] <sham1> :P
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L272[08:53:10] <JustWhoAmI> ghz|afk, ping me when you're here please :)
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L275[09:06:40] <JustWhoAmI> Can someone explain how exactly removedByPlayer works
L276[09:06:52] <JustWhoAmI> Javadoc says:
L277[09:06:52] <JustWhoAmI> @param willHarvest True if Block.harvestBlock will be called after this, if the return in true.
L278[09:06:53] <JustWhoAmI> * Can be useful to delay the destruction of tile entities till after harvestBlock
L279[09:07:19] <JustWhoAmI> How exactly does this delay destruction of TEs?
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L297[10:11:22] *** diesieben|away is now known as diesieben07
L298[10:12:38] <diesieben07> JustWhoAmI, regarding removedByPlayer: if you do nothing in that method, the block will not be removed in the getDrops method, i.e. you can access the TileEntity there
L299[10:12:48] <diesieben07> you can then remove it in harvestBlock
L300[10:13:07] <JustWhoAmI> if I return true?
L301[10:14:09] <diesieben07> no
L302[10:14:23] <diesieben07> if harvestBlock is false, you just call super and return that, i.e. normal behavior (just remove the block)
L303[10:14:38] <diesieben07> if it is true, i.e. the block will drop, you just return true, withotu actualyl removing the block
L304[10:14:46] <diesieben07> it will then still be there in getDrops
L305[10:14:54] <diesieben07> and in harvestBlock (called after getDrops) you then remove it
L306[10:15:15] <diesieben07> ehhh actually harvestBlock is what calls getDrops
L307[10:15:18] <JustWhoAmI> So basically, if i return true in harvestBlock, I can modify the getDrops
L308[10:15:29] <diesieben07> no.... that is not at all what i said.
L309[10:15:33] <diesieben07> one second
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L311[10:19:00] <ghz|afk> JustWhoAmI: check the flowerpot
L312[10:19:25] <ghz|afk> the methods after FORGE START
L313[10:19:56] <diesieben07> JustWhoAmI, amazing paint diagram: http://i.imgur.com/nkq0cgl.png
L314[10:19:59] *** ghz|afk is now known as gigaherz
L315[10:20:06] <diesieben07> left one is "normal", right one is what you need to do
L316[10:22:59] <BordListian> ooohhh
L317[10:23:05] <BordListian> so thats how you make a block stay
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L319[10:23:06] <BordListian> sexy
L320[10:23:08] <JustWhoAmI> So diesieben07 basically I need it to stop calling setBlockToAir?
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L322[10:23:26] <diesieben07> well, only if willHarvest is true
L323[10:23:28] <sham1> Still better diagrams than what I can do
L324[10:23:39] <diesieben07> because if it's false, the player broke e.g. stone with a fist
L325[10:23:45] <diesieben07> so harvestBlock will never be called, the block would stay
L326[10:24:00] <BordListian> err what
L327[10:24:03] <JustWhoAmI> right so if willHarvest is true
L328[10:24:26] <JustWhoAmI> i need to stop it from calling SetBlockToAir
L329[10:24:35] <BordListian> right
L330[10:24:48] <JustWhoAmI> or atleast have harvestBlock wait for getDrops first
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L332[10:24:53] <JustWhoAmI> how do i do that? return true?
L333[10:25:19] <diesieben07> in harvestBlock you call super (taht will call getDrops and spawn the drops), tehn you do setBlockToAir
L334[10:26:17] <JustWhoAmI> and in what way do I modify removedByPlayer?
L335[10:26:25] <JustWhoAmI> OH
L336[10:26:27] <JustWhoAmI> WAIT
L337[10:26:39] <JustWhoAmI> harvestBlock gets called only if I return true
L338[10:26:48] <diesieben07> if willHarvest is true: default behavior. otherwise simply return true
L339[10:26:56] <JustWhoAmI> so if (willHarvest) { return true }
L340[10:27:00] <diesieben07> false from removedByPlayer means ABORTTTT!!!
L341[10:27:14] <JustWhoAmI> oh
L342[10:27:29] <diesieben07> return willHarvest ? true : super.removedByPlayer(willHarvest);
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L344[10:41:33] <Ordinastie> is there a reason why it's not the default behavior ?
L345[10:41:48] <diesieben07> ask mojang :P
L346[10:41:57] <Ordinastie> it's not added by forge ?
L347[10:42:27] <JustWhoAmI> gigaherz, I got that retain RF thing to work
L348[10:42:28] <diesieben07> remvoedByPlayer? sure it is.
L349[10:43:02] <sham1> Argh, my ass is burning ;_;
L350[10:43:15] <JustWhoAmI> I didn't get why I needed to add that BlockEntityTag thing tho
L351[10:43:20] <JustWhoAmI> did it through simple nbt
L352[10:43:35] <JustWhoAmI> I used readfromnbt in onBlockPlacedBy
L353[10:43:42] <JustWhoAmI> and writetonbt in getdrops
L354[10:43:57] <JustWhoAmI> the writetonbt is pretty similar to the way you did your tape mo
L355[10:43:58] <JustWhoAmI> mod*
L356[10:44:36] <JustWhoAmI> in onblockplacedby tho, I used the standard checks for TEs then did this: if (stack.hasTagCompound()) te.readFromNBT(stack.getTagCompound());
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L368[11:13:59] <JustWhoAmI> gigaherz, k i'm terrified now
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L372[11:17:18] <JustWhoAmI> Is there an example for how to use ItemStackHandler? I'm guessing just create an instance, and return in get/hasCap?
L373[11:19:15] <Ordinastie> vanilla
L374[11:19:27] <JustWhoAmI> but aren't the vanilla ones "hacks"?
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L378[11:23:00] <JustWhoAmI> Ordinastie, I got dc'ed can you reiterate your message
L379[11:23:14] <JustWhoAmI> last message I have on log is > but aren't the vanilla ones hacks?
L380[11:23:16] <Ordinastie> http://sbnc.khobbits.co.uk/log/logs/minecraftforge.htm
L381[11:23:21] <JustWhoAmI> ooh
L382[11:23:24] <JustWhoAmI> thanks
L383[11:23:44] <JustWhoAmI> So I didn't miss a thing
L384[11:24:00] <JustWhoAmI> so yeah, aren't the vanilla ones hacks
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L387[11:35:07] <BlueMonster> is there a way to fix my energy level not being synced between client and server?
L388[11:35:16] <Subaraki> packets ?
L389[11:35:29] <Subaraki> if its a block, there's another way
L390[11:35:35] <Subaraki> block / TE
L391[11:35:49] <BlueMonster> whats the other way?
L392[11:36:03] <Subaraki> https://github.com/ArtixAllMighty/Telepads2016/blob/master/subaraki/telepads/tileentity/TileEntityTelepad.java#L56-L76
L393[11:36:30] <Subaraki> that's tile entity
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L396[11:38:00] <Subaraki> markdirty and blockpos.notify should aid in triggering those packets
L397[11:38:26] <BlueMonster> so markdirty every tick where something happens should make it work nicely?
L398[11:40:33] <McJty> markDirty is not for syncing to the client. That's just for making your tile dirty so that it gets saved next time MC decides to save the chunk
L399[11:40:59] <McJty> To sync to the client you typically need some kind of network packet
L400[11:41:21] <McJty> I have a tutorial on that here: http://modwiki.temporal-reality.com/mw/index.php/Render_Block_TESR_/_OBJ-1.9
L401[11:41:38] <McJty> brb
L402[11:42:32] <Subaraki> BlueMonster, no
L403[11:42:35] <Subaraki> don't do that on tick
L404[11:42:42] <Subaraki> you mark dirty when you chnage something
L405[11:42:46] <Subaraki> which saves the data
L406[11:42:56] <Subaraki> and may/will trigger the packet sending i posted above
L407[11:43:05] <Subaraki> world.notifyblock is even better imo
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L410[11:44:24] <JustWhoAmI> say I wanted to have 2 of my slots input from two different sides of the block, and 1 output slot export from another. How would I do that? make 3 ItemStackHandlers and return each for the corresponding direction?
L411[11:44:40] <JustWhoAmI> btw i mean automatic input/output
L412[11:45:37] <Subaraki> ?
L413[11:45:46] <Subaraki> JustWhoAmI, capabilties have a facing option
L414[11:46:00] <Subaraki> thing.getCapability(capabilty, facing);
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L416[11:46:54] <JustWhoAmI> Yes, but how would I manage three different slots (2input1output) all from one cap?
L417[11:47:13] <Subaraki> multiple slots switched on side ?
L418[11:48:00] <JustWhoAmI> where would I have the switch?
L419[11:48:44] <Subaraki> in the capability ?
L420[11:49:36] <JustWhoAmI> so I'd create a custom implementation of IItemHandler?
L421[11:49:42] <Necro> yes
L422[11:49:54] <Subaraki> @Override
L423[11:49:54] <Subaraki> public <T> T getCapability(Capability<T> capability, EnumFacing facing) {
L424[11:49:54] <Subaraki> if (capability == CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY) {
L425[11:49:54] <Subaraki> return (T) inventory;
L426[11:49:54] <Subaraki> }
L427[11:49:55] <Subaraki> return super.getCapability(capability, facing);
L428[11:49:57] <Subaraki> }
L429[11:49:59] <Subaraki> sorry for spam :s
L430[11:50:12] <Subaraki> you can return different stuff there ^
L431[11:50:25] <kenzierocks> https://gist.github.com
L432[11:50:58] <Subaraki> http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/datastorage/capabilities/#exposing-a-capability
L433[11:51:01] <Subaraki> its in the forge docs really
L434[11:51:03] <JustWhoAmI> Yes, but I'd need to return the slot, not the capability. If I wanted to do it based on direction
L435[11:51:10] <Subaraki> yeah true
L436[11:51:13] <JustWhoAmI> wouldn't I need 3 separate ItemStackHandlers?
L437[11:51:16] <Subaraki> maybe you do need 3 capabilties then
L438[11:51:24] <JustWhoAmI> exactly, so I suppose
L439[11:51:35] <JustWhoAmI> that I do need a custom impl. of IItemHandler
L440[11:51:48] *** diesieben07 is now known as diesieben|away
L441[11:51:58] <BlueMonster> CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY.cast() is a thing btw :D
L442[11:52:01] <JustWhoAmI> might be able to just extend ItemStackHandler and add a switch somewhere
L443[11:52:06] *** Drull|zzz is now known as Drullkus
L444[11:52:11] <JustWhoAmI> whats that method?
L445[11:52:15] <Ordinastie> JustWhoAmI, what you describe is exactly how furnaces work...
L446[11:52:30] <JustWhoAmI> aren't they ISidedInvs. tho?
L447[11:52:43] <Ordinastie> can you look ?
L448[11:53:41] <JustWhoAmI> TileEntityFurnace right?
L449[11:55:11] <JustWhoAmI> yeah
L450[11:55:17] <JustWhoAmI> it has no has/getCaps
L451[11:55:24] <JustWhoAmI> and implements ISidedInv
L452[11:55:44] <JustWhoAmI> public class TileEntityFurnace extends TileEntityLockable implements ITickable, ISidedInventory
L453[11:55:45] <Ordinastie> ...
L454[11:56:03] <Ordinastie> guess I'm just currently imagining it...
L455[11:56:13] <BlueMonster> is RF : FU, 1:1?
L456[11:59:41] <Subaraki> don't forget isidedinventory is vanilla
L457[11:59:48] <Subaraki> and stackhandlers forge
L458[11:59:51] <Subaraki> iirc ...
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L469[12:33:43] <tschm> what is the magic of "ghost items"? How can i do that? so an item slot that does not really hold an item, but just a reference to an item stack or something
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L471[12:34:07] <sham1> It's an itemstack that has something but you cannot grab
L472[12:34:16] <sham1> You need a custom Slot class
L473[12:34:56] <tschm> alright, cusotm slot classes.. alright, more to learn
L474[12:35:11] <sham1> The code is pretty self-explanatory
L475[12:37:15] <tschm> do you have a sample?
L476[12:37:34] <sham1> Nah
L477[12:37:45] <sham1> It shall be left as an exercise to the reader
L478[12:37:59] <tschm> i see..
L479[12:38:10] <sham1> Or in other words, I have not done it
L480[12:38:26] <sham1> I think I know how to do it
L481[12:42:10] <gr8pefish> tschm, here's how I do it: https://github.com/gr8pefish/IronBackpacks/blob/master-1.10/src/main/java/gr8pefish/ironbackpacks/container/slot/GhostSlot.java
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L483[12:42:53] <gr8pefish> Basically put an itemstack of 1 in the slot, and then don't remove anything when it is "taken out"
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L486[12:51:02] <x3n0ph0b3> the amount of times I wanted to abuse some kind of ghost slot functionality and was too lazy.. and it was this easy lol
L487[12:51:21] <x3n0ph0b3> It just never really occurred to me. I feel pretty dumb XD
L488[12:51:39] <sham1> Happens to all of us
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L491[12:55:34] <PaleoCrafter> although you should do some defensive copying in putStack, I'd say :P
L492[13:00:12] <sham1> I have been about 2 months without being able to code in Haskell
L493[13:00:19] <sham1> I don't know how I did it, but I did
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L510[13:43:16] <wundrweapon> why won't the Register<Item> event register anything?
L511[13:43:55] <wundrweapon> I have it set to register an array of items (event.getRegistry().registerAll(Item[])), and I put it pn the EVENT_BUS, but nothing happens
L512[13:46:07] <Ordinastie> why do you use an event instead of registering them directly ?
L513[13:46:54] <wundrweapon> when the update was made to add the function, I recall Lex saying that he'd begin using that as the recommended registry method for blocks, items, etc
L514[13:47:12] <Ordinastie> ôO
L515[13:47:44] <wundrweapon> ?
L516[13:48:45] <Ordinastie> just call GameRegistry.register
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L518[13:57:56] <PaleoCrafter> is the event actually fired, wundrweapon?
L519[13:58:03] <PaleoCrafter> Have you put the proper annotation on it?
L520[13:58:32] <wundrweapon> @SubscribeEvent, although I'm not certain if that's the correct one for register
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L523[13:59:55] <PaleoCrafter> it is
L524[14:00:22] <PaleoCrafter> is it fired (check with a breakpoint or sysout
L525[14:02:55] <wundrweapon> I'll cehck hang on
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L528[14:06:58] <wundrweapon> odd... it doesn't seem to be firing
L529[14:07:15] <wundrweapon> nor does my ModelLoader thing
L530[14:07:22] <wundrweapon> so that's two problems :/
L531[14:07:44] <wundrweapon> but models can be dealt with another time
L532[14:07:56] <PaleoCrafter> pastebin relevant code
L533[14:08:19] <wundrweapon> my main mod class, register event, or both?
L534[14:08:21] <x3n0ph0b3> pastebin your irrelevant code too
L535[14:09:29] <wundrweapon> http://pastebin.com/0idefpWG
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L539[14:20:48] <wundrweapon> a new analysis of the code suggests that it's registering the Register event, but not actually running it
L540[14:20:59] <wundrweapon> models, howwever, appear to run
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L564[15:13:32] <MasterKrain> Hi, can someone tell me where i can find the minecraft source code in eclipse? (while working on my mod)
L565[15:14:40] <AbrarSyed> its attached as a sourcejar. just pick any MC class and hit f4
L566[15:14:55] <AbrarSyed> or look for the forge jar in your libraries and expand it to see the MC classes
L567[15:15:10] <MasterKrain> thanks
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L569[15:18:47] <gigaherz> MasterKrain: that is assuming you did setupDecompWorkspace
L570[15:18:57] <gigaherz> if you do setupDevWorkspace or setupCIWorkspace, it won't have the sources attached
L571[15:19:01] <MasterKrain> yeah ofc
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L574[15:21:36] <howtonotwin> wundrweapon, did you fix it yet? the pastebins link is broken.
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L576[15:22:27] <wundrweapon> @howtonotwin no I haven't, link died due to expiration time
L577[15:22:52] <howtonotwin> paste again?
L578[15:23:46] <wundrweapon> hang on
L579[15:24:40] <wundrweapon> http://pastebin.com/uNcnw57i
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L581[15:25:27] <howtonotwin> oh right
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L583[15:25:34] <howtonotwin> I think the events fire before preinit
L584[15:25:50] <wundrweapon> ?
L585[15:26:01] <howtonotwin> you register the handlers in preinit
L586[15:26:07] <howtonotwin> and the events have fired before preinit
L587[15:26:14] <gigaherz> the new registry events should be static methods
L588[15:26:17] <howtonotwin> just use @Mod.EventBusSubscriber
L589[15:26:20] <howtonotwin> ^
L590[15:26:21] <gigaherz> registered with @Mod.EventBusSubscriber
L591[15:26:38] <gigaherz> and no, you can't rely on stuff from like, config
L592[15:27:02] <howtonotwin> and you shouldn't use config in registering blocks/items anyway
L593[15:27:25] <gigaherz> yeah
L594[15:27:29] <gigaherz> you store the confi elsewhere
L595[15:27:29] <wundrweapon> so (1) make the register(Register<Item>) method static, and (2) use EventBusSubscriber?
L596[15:27:32] <gigaherz> and access it as-needed
L597[15:27:33] <howtonotwin> yes
L598[15:28:01] <wundrweapon> do i still need to throw it on the EVENT_BUS in preinit?
L599[15:28:03] <howtonotwin> no
L600[15:28:07] <wundrweapon> nice
L601[15:28:17] <howtonotwin> the entire point of EventBusSubscriber is not to that xD
L602[15:28:21] <Ordinastie> gigaherz, question is, what's the point of all this ?
L603[15:28:23] <howtonotwin> *do
L604[15:28:39] <gigaherz> Ordinastie: so far as I understand, it's so that there's a 100% precise place for registration
L605[15:28:44] <gigaherz> so that there isn't any doubt when it should happen
L606[15:28:53] <Ordinastie> there wasn't any
L607[15:29:06] <Ordinastie> except now, you're not sure when it happens
L608[15:29:17] <gigaherz> it also makes it very hard for mods to rely on config values for registration
L609[15:29:22] <gigaherz> which was always bad ;P
L610[15:29:41] <wundrweapon> uuuh annotation is disallowed for this location
L611[15:29:50] <wundrweapon> should I transfer the methods to Main?
L612[15:30:01] <gigaherz> the annotation goes on the class
L613[15:30:10] <gigaherz> @Mod.EventBusSubscriber on the class
L614[15:30:14] <gigaherz> and @SubscribeEvent on the static methods
L615[15:30:15] <wundrweapon> ahhh ok
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L617[15:30:30] <wundrweapon> coolio
L618[15:30:37] <killjoy> Did EventBusSubscriber replace EventHandler?
L619[15:30:43] <gigaherz> no
L620[15:30:43] <wundrweapon> no
L621[15:30:52] <killjoy> then what is it. I haven't modded in a while
L622[15:30:55] <gigaherz> @Mod.EventBusSubscriber is equivalent to
L623[15:31:02] <gigaherz> EVENT_BUS.register(instance)
L624[15:31:05] <gigaherz> but for static methods
L625[15:31:10] <killjoy> so auto register
L626[15:31:14] <gigaherz> but only statics.
L627[15:31:18] *** Vigaro is now known as V
L628[15:31:20] <Ordinastie> not register instance, register class
L629[15:31:22] <killjoy> makes sense
L630[15:31:29] <gigaherz> the annotation does
L631[15:31:29] <wundrweapon> now you mentioned poorly-written config code. where should I put it and how should I change it?
L632[15:31:35] <gigaherz> EVENT_BUS.register(theClass)
L633[15:31:40] <gigaherz> which grabs static methods
L634[15:31:44] <killjoy> do you put it on the class?
L635[15:31:50] <gigaherz> and it goes in the clas
L636[15:31:57] <gigaherz> when forge constructs your mod
L637[15:32:04] *** V is now known as Vigaro
L638[15:32:04] <gigaherz> it scans the class metadata table
L639[15:32:08] <gigaherz> for those annotations
L640[15:32:16] <gigaherz> and automatically registers them into the event bus
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L657[16:15:21] <LexManos> anyone good with rendering and can tell me why this doesnt render red lines? http://pastebin.com/kFAzSvaA
L658[16:16:12] <MasterKrain> Can anyone tell me how to register entities in 1.10.2?
L659[16:16:45] <MasterKrain> i mean how to render entities
L660[16:17:28] <MasterKrain> because RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler seems to be deprecated
L661[16:18:55] <Ordinastie> Lex, does super do translations ? ?
L662[16:19:42] <LexManos> No, the lines render fine, just black not red.
L663[16:19:48] <Ordinastie> ah
L664[16:20:00] *** fry is now known as fry|sleep
L665[16:20:59] <Ordinastie> glColor set to black possibly
L666[16:21:37] <Ordinastie> other than that, I don't see
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L669[16:23:49] <Necro> @MasterKrain use RenderingRegistry#<T extends Entity>registerEntityRenderingHandler(Class<T> entityClass, IRenderFactory<? super T> renderFactory)
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L673[16:26:27] <MasterKrain> necro how do i interpret that in code
L674[16:26:49] <MasterKrain> or did you mean . with #
L675[16:27:18] <Ordinastie> yes
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L677[16:28:42] <MasterKrain> doesnt work
L678[16:28:55] <MasterKrain> @Necro can you clarify?
L679[16:29:32] <Necro> Here's an example on how to use it: https://github.com/Necr0/ConvenientAdditions/blob/master/src/main/java/convenientadditions/proxy/ClientProxy.java#L30
L680[16:30:50] <MasterKrain> thank you
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L684[16:42:47] <MasterKrain> @Necro is it correct that i need to make my own Render class?
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L686[16:47:36] <Necro> @MasterKrain depends on whether or not there is already a Render class you can use or not. So it depends on the type of entity you want to create.
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L689[16:48:19] <MasterKrain> @Necro a throwing entity
L690[16:49:18] <MasterKrain> for which there only are snowball- and potionrenderers, but they ask for a RenderItem which i dont know what to put there
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L692[16:52:26] <Necro> since these are meant to render snowballs (,potions and enderpearls?) which have entities with the same texture as the item it takes these items.
L693[16:53:21] <MasterKrain> @Necro yeah, but what do I need to put there?
L694[16:55:39] <LexManos> LatvianModder, does FTBUtils have a maven repo, and mind helping/making something for me?
L695[16:55:43] <Necro> if you have an item that will be thrown it's that item. so it asks for an item so it knows what the entity is supposed to look like.
L696[16:57:18] <LatvianModder> it doesn't have maven, but I can make a GitHub release
L697[16:58:19] <MasterKrain> @Necro but it doesnt work if i literally put a reference to the item there
L698[16:58:33] <LexManos> PM?
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L700[16:59:08] <LatvianModder> sure
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L703[17:00:22] <Necro> MasterKrain: Any errors? Are you sure you create the item before referencing it?
L704[17:01:04] <MasterKrain> @Necro yes, but it just doesnt accept Item type
L705[17:01:26] <MasterKrain> it wants a RenderItem type
L706[17:06:04] ⇦ Quits: Vazkii (~Vazkii@ (Quit: seeya m8 thx 4 playin)
L707[17:08:01] <Necro> MasterKrain: use Minecraft#getRenderItem(), so Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem()
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L709[17:08:39] <MasterKrain> @Necro thank you!
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L727[17:53:04] <Minecraft> I <3 Modded
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L737[17:55:47] <pig> rip
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L747[18:05:01] <infinitefoxes_> I'm at a complete loss for why performance in my mod is so bad
L748[18:05:27] <Ordinastie> fps or TPS ?
L749[18:05:32] <infinitefoxes_> both
L750[18:05:36] <infinitefoxes_> I'll try to explain
L751[18:05:44] <gigaherz> what do you have a lot of?
L752[18:05:48] <gigaherz> lots of entities
L753[18:05:55] <gigaherz> lots of draw calls
L754[18:06:02] <gigaherz> lots of event handlers
L755[18:06:07] <gigaherz> lots of AABB lookups
L756[18:06:21] <infinitefoxes_> essentially, this is boiling down to my world generation
L757[18:06:31] <gigaherz> ah, touchy subject, then
L758[18:06:37] <infinitefoxes_> even disabling all my entities, TEs, renderers, etc
L759[18:06:40] <infinitefoxes_> performance is horrible
L760[18:06:43] <infinitefoxes_> unplayable
L761[18:06:51] <gigaherz> have you run a profiler?
L762[18:06:53] <infinitefoxes_> yes
L763[18:06:56] <Ordinastie> even when not generating new chunks ?
L764[18:06:57] <gigaherz> see what the hot code is?
L765[18:06:59] <infinitefoxes_> which leads me to point two
L766[18:07:16] <infinitefoxes_> all the research I've done with a profiler points to lighting being the culprit
L767[18:07:25] <gigaherz> lots of lighting updates? ;P
L768[18:07:30] <infinitefoxes_> it would seem so
L769[18:07:34] <infinitefoxes_> Minecraft is constantly struggling to do light updates
L770[18:07:40] <gigaherz> what do your blocks do that would cause lighting updates?
L771[18:07:46] <Ordinastie> do you have blocks that update themselves ?
L772[18:07:50] <gigaherz> setBlockState, for example
L773[18:07:55] <infinitefoxes_> I'm not generating any transparent, ticking, or light-emitting blocks
L774[18:08:01] <gigaherz> no need
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L776[18:08:23] <infinitefoxes_> these blocks are almost entirely static for the most part
L777[18:08:28] <gigaherz> every setBlockState unless it has bit 0 (value 1) turned off
L778[18:09:01] <gigaherz> no wait that's flag bit 2 (value 4)
L779[18:09:15] <gigaherz> Flag 4 prevents the block from being re-rendered, if this is a client world.
L780[18:09:21] <infinitefoxes_> I'll double check
L781[18:09:33] <Ordinastie> infinitefoxes_, <Ordinastie> even when not generating new chunks ?
L782[18:09:40] <infinitefoxes_> yes, it happens even when not generating chunks
L783[18:09:59] <gigaherz> and it goes away if you remove worldgen for your blocks
L784[18:10:06] <gigaherz> and have your mod around but without your blocks in it?
L785[18:10:09] <infinitefoxes_> well, I should've been more specific
L786[18:10:14] <infinitefoxes_> I'm talking about my own custom dimension
L787[18:10:31] <infinitefoxes_> disabling all the world gen would leave just air
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L789[18:11:22] <Ordinastie> the profiler should tell you what triggers the lighting updates
L790[18:12:02] <infinitefoxes_> from what I can tell, it's coming from Chunk#playMoodSoundAndCheckLight
L791[18:12:08] <infinitefoxes_> so I can't narrow it down at all
L792[18:12:17] <infinitefoxes_> at least, unless I'm being blind
L793[18:12:50] <infinitefoxes_> even if I just generate my entire dimension with dirt, this issue still happens
L794[18:13:00] <Ordinastie> I don't have this method...
L795[18:13:09] <infinitefoxes_> my bad, copy-paste fail
L796[18:13:13] <infinitefoxes_> World#playMoodSoundAndCheckLight
L797[18:13:58] <gigaherz> infinitefoxes_: I didn't mean disable the entire thing
L798[18:14:03] <gigaherz> but you can generate stone, rather than your own blocks
L799[18:14:14] <gigaherz> if it stops happening, then it's your blocks
L800[18:14:17] <infinitefoxes_> I have, and the issue still occurs
L801[18:14:19] <gigaherz> if it still happens, thne it's not your blocks
L802[18:15:01] <gigaherz> Ordinastie: I do, maybe older mappings?
L803[18:15:02] <Ordinastie> infinitefoxes_, if you let it run without moving for a while, does it stop ?
L804[18:15:46] <infinitefoxes_> Ordinastie: it eventually returns to normal after 2-5 minutes of standing still
L805[18:16:24] <Ordinastie> resetRelightChecks() should clear the lag right away
L806[18:16:27] <gigaherz> playMoodSoundAndCheckLight runs every tick, like it or not
L807[18:16:40] <Ordinastie> question is, should you do it or not
L808[18:16:40] <gigaherz> so it can't be the issue
L809[18:16:46] <Ordinastie> gigaherz, it is
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L812[18:16:55] <gigaherz> i mean, not that it gets called
L813[18:16:58] <gigaherz> must be what happens inside
L814[18:17:06] <Ordinastie> obviously
L815[18:17:24] <infinitefoxes_> I should mention that these issues happen both client-side and server-side
L816[18:17:31] <gigaherz> uh?
L817[18:17:46] <gigaherz> that method is only called on the client so....
L818[18:17:55] <Ordinastie> it only exists on the client even
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L820[18:18:27] <infinitefoxes_> let me grab the snapshot I took with jprofiler
L821[18:18:42] <infinitefoxes_> there's a few methods of interest, playMoodSounds was just the most prominent
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L823[18:20:15] <gigaherz> would you be able to run with a dedicated server (that means client connected to the server), and capture tracesfor BOTH the client and the dedicated server at the same time?
L824[18:20:33] <gigaherz> then see what they have in common
L825[18:21:24] <infinitefoxes_> yes, I can
L826[18:21:31] <infinitefoxes_> I'll do that
L827[18:22:16] <gigaherz> I can't stay and help, though
L828[18:22:19] <gigaherz> gotta sleep ;P
L829[18:22:27] <infinitefoxes_> that's fine
L830[18:22:31] *** gigaherz is now known as ghz|afk
L831[18:22:46] <ghz|afk> and either way, I have no idea what could cause a custom dimension to lag so much
L832[18:22:58] <ghz|afk> unless your daylight changes very often
L833[18:23:07] <ghz|afk> although that shouldn't matter
L834[18:23:35] <ghz|afk> iirc mc does blockskylight*actualskylight to compute the real sky light value
L835[18:23:57] <ghz|afk> (or I coudl be wrong ;P)
L836[18:23:59] <ghz|afk> anyhow
L837[18:24:04] * ghz|afk poofs
L838[18:27:55] <infinitefoxes_> measuring the server-side of things, it seems that Chunk#updateSkylightNeighborHeight is taking a significant chunk of CPU time
L839[18:28:50] <Ordinastie> if you change the generator for your dimension, does it still happen ?
L840[18:33:12] <infinitefoxes_> splitting the client/server and measuring them separately revealed something very interesting with my code
L841[18:33:25] <infinitefoxes_> going to see if I can fix it with this new info
L842[18:33:37] <Ordinastie> what is it?
L843[18:35:05] <infinitefoxes_> well, it appears one of the developers is trying to open world files on the client side
L844[18:35:24] <infinitefoxes_> separating the client and server revealed the bug since the client can't physically do that anymore
L845[18:35:30] <infinitefoxes_> very dumb...
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L855[19:25:57] <Kane_Hart> Hey
L856[19:26:05] <Kane_Hart> Whats with 1.10 or whatever version world gen?
L857[19:26:15] <Kane_Hart> I noticed it locks the player thread up on the server these days.
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L886[20:56:57] <Cisien> is there any way to track down what mod is causing a packet to be too big?
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L889[21:00:58] <MrIbby> Cisien: This looks helpful: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9q5qri919r3b0g2/endercompass_opis.jpg?raw=1
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L892[21:02:16] <Cisien> my client can't connect to the server, opis won't help
L893[21:03:02] <Cisien> I probably just need to roll back my changes and update one at a time until it works :/
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L916[22:35:35] <KomradeSpectre> I'm pretty glad the tutorials on modding on MC are far better than the ones I followed with Expression2 in Gmod.
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L918[22:41:39] <TankCR> hey, anyone use Dynmap
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L947[23:56:38] <kenzierocks> yo williewillus
L948[23:56:53] <kenzierocks> is there a standard place for entity models?
L949[23:57:01] <kenzierocks> like models/entities/
L950[23:57:03] <kenzierocks> or something
L951[23:57:08] *** TTFTCUTS is now known as TTFT|Away
L952[23:57:23] <kenzierocks> tutorials are severly lacking
L953[23:58:15] ⇨ Joins: Kaiyouka (~IdiotNono@c-75-71-231-133.hsd1.co.comcast.net)
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