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L4[00:13:00] <gr8pefish> Hi all. How can I force my capability to save? I can manually call serializeNBT, but that doesn't seem to work. What I am doing is some data gets saved when the player dies, and then is loaded when they respawn. However, I can't seem to 'save' the changes.
L5[00:13:16] <gr8pefish> The event: https://github.com/gr8pefish/IronBackpacks/blob/master-1.10/src/main/java/gr8pefish/ironbackpacks/events/ForgeEventHandler.java#L147
L6[00:14:08] <gr8pefish> The call that doesn't save: https://github.com/gr8pefish/IronBackpacks/blob/master-1.10/src/main/java/gr8pefish/ironbackpacks/util/helpers/IronBackpacksHelper.java#L284
L7[00:14:17] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|dreamland
L8[00:15:08] <gr8pefish> The capability itself: https://github.com/gr8pefish/IronBackpacks/blob/master-1.10/src/main/java/gr8pefish/ironbackpacks/capabilities/player/PlayerDeathBackpackCapabilities.java#L156
L9[00:15:46] <gr8pefish> And if, somehow, I'm just fundamentally misunderstanding how it all goes together, feel free to let me know that as well.
L10[00:16:35] <gr8pefish> Oh, not: the method in the capability, to update the data does work, just not here through death.
L11[00:16:44] <gr8pefish> *note
L12[00:19:48] <mallrat208> Are you by chance saving to the dead player rather than the new cloned player?
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L14[00:21:17] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L15[00:21:44] <mallrat208> http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/datastorage/capabilities/
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L26[00:51:51] <gr8pefish> mallrat208, thanks, but I don't think that is it. The data copies over, it is just the change right before death that doesn't.
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L41[01:59:47] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160927 mappings to Forge Maven.
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L43[02:00:01] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L70[03:50:22] <Subaraki> how does one get a world from dimension id again ?
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L74[03:56:29] <Subaraki> i need to get the overworld by dimension id if i'm osmewhere else :/
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L76[04:00:19] <quadraxis> MinecraftServer#worldServerForDimension(int)
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L78[04:00:59] <Subaraki> oh hye thanks :)
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L80[04:02:08] <ThePsionic> TIL cloudberries are actual things
L81[04:02:21] <Subaraki> but i was wondering, I could set the entity dead if the player was absent in lets say the overworld. and respawn it when the player is in the lets say nether. is there an event that handles dimension switching ? is onEntityJoinWorld good ? I don't know if PlayerchangedDimension event is fired when already changed or not at all
L82[04:02:31] <Subaraki> cloudberries ThePsionic ?
L83[04:02:43] <ThePsionic> Subaraki: cloudberries
L84[04:02:53] <Subaraki> was that ?
L85[04:02:54] <ThePsionic> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubus_chamaemorus
L86[04:03:08] <ThePsionic> I only knew it from Cloudberry Kingdom, no idea it's an actual berry
L87[04:03:43] <Subaraki> oooh
L88[04:04:02] <Subaraki> most of those silly names you think they came up with actually really exist
L89[04:04:08] <ThePsionic> Ikr
L90[04:04:15] <Subaraki> just like obsidian
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L92[04:04:24] <Subaraki> i thought for a while it was a nice thing miencraft made x)
L93[04:04:34] <Subaraki> then again, real obsidian isn't pruprle ._.
L94[04:04:37] <ThePsionic> I knew that was a half-gem
L95[04:05:16] <ThePsionic> technically it's not even a gem but just volcanic glass
L96[04:05:21] <ThePsionic> but it qualifies as a gem enough
L97[04:05:25] <ThePsionic> for me at least
L98[04:05:45] <ThePsionic> kinda similar to Lapis Lazuli also being a real-life dye
L99[04:06:11] <ThePsionic> or a semi-precious gem-turned-dye at least
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L102[04:17:52] <Wuppy> such dutch news "this week is the week after last week"
L103[04:17:53] <Wuppy> orly?
L104[04:17:57] <Wuppy> hadn't noticed yet
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L110[04:35:36] <ThePsionic> Wuppy: wat
L111[04:36:04] <Wuppy> an NOS presentator literlaly just said that
L112[04:36:36] <ThePsionic> nice
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L153[06:58:04] <Ordinastie> well, he's not wrong
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L159[07:35:03] <Hunterz> !seen Noppes
L160[07:42:04] <BordListian> holy shit i just realized how bad web development is
L161[07:44:58] <LatvianModder> http would be alot easier if it had classes
L162[07:45:15] <LatvianModder> like.. page1.html extends parentPage.html
L163[07:45:27] <BordListian> web development is based on like 12 different layers of garbage
L164[07:45:30] <LatvianModder> html*
L165[07:45:39] <LatvianModder> Just like people
L166[07:45:45] <BordListian> it's like
L167[07:45:55] <BordListian> HTML is browser specific
L168[07:45:59] ⇦ Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L169[07:46:00] <BordListian> Javascript is shitty
L170[07:46:09] <BordListian> PHP is shittier (somehow)
L171[07:46:23] <BordListian> and you can't control any of these things
L172[07:46:32] <BordListian> and at the end of the day, people who host websites are like
L173[07:47:03] <BordListian> "oh i gotta make money, better put some more things that i can't control at all and are possibly dangerous to my users on my website"
L174[07:47:11] <LatvianModder> Just wait til you realize that linux and windows differences are the worst. e.g / vs \ in filenames, case-specific filesnames, \n vs \r, etc
L175[07:47:12] <BordListian> amazing
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L178[07:59:16] <g> <+LatvianModder> http would be alot easier if it had classes
L179[07:59:17] <g> <+LatvianModder> like.. page1.html extends parentPage.html
L180[07:59:23] <g> we call those templates and there's a ton of way to do it
L181[07:59:34] <g> lots of people use underscore or moustache for it
L182[07:59:45] <g> (but those require JS)
L183[08:00:06] <LatvianModder> you mean copy-pasting the same code to every html document?
L184[08:00:21] <LatvianModder> I want java-like html structure :P
L185[08:00:30] <g> Basically you'd probably have a base template, which has most of your head and whatever parts of the body are common to every page
L186[08:00:39] <g> and then your pages inherit the template and just specify what they need to
L187[08:00:56] <g> so your pages have just the content
L188[08:01:06] <g> but as I say, you need _some kind_ of templating framework to do that
L189[08:02:10] <g> if you don't have a server-side webapp, and you don't care about people without JS, you use a JS-based templating engine
L190[08:02:21] <g> otherwise you can find them for most languages - php, python, node, java..
L191[08:03:21] <g> it does make life so much easier :P
L192[08:03:42] <MiniDigger> I use gwt at work. writing websites with the beauty of OOP and Java and compiling that into javascript ^^
L193[08:04:24] <g> to be fair, JS is improving greatly lately
L194[08:04:47] <g> there's no running away from the prototypes, but ES6 added "class" wrappers and promises
L195[08:04:54] <g> and I think ES7 has proposed language-level async
L196[08:06:18] <g> idk, it's what you're used to, a lot of these "compilers" tend to die out after a while
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L198[08:07:03] <g> and we'll have webassembly soon(tm)
L199[08:07:32] <g> so you'll be able to write an interpreter in the browser for, eg, python, and have it about as fast as js
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L202[08:32:14] <Ordinastie> rah fuck :x
L203[08:32:52] <Ordinastie> fixing the sorting of TE before rendering doesn't completely fix the transparency because chunks are not ordered either :x
L204[08:34:17] <barteks2x> I'm just curious... how glass transparency even works in vanilla? Everywhere I read it says that it requires sorting, and I don't think it's all sorted in VBOs/display lists
L205[08:35:28] <Ordinastie> it is for translucent layer
L206[08:37:07] <barteks2x> so as I move... minecraft updates all display lists for chunks with glass?
L207[08:37:45] <barteks2x> That just seemed like it would be way too slow to work
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L222[09:40:48] <gigaherz> barteks2x:
L223[09:40:52] <gigaherz> normal glass is CUTOUT
L224[09:40:58] <gigaherz> tinted glass is TRANSLUCENT
L225[09:41:03] <barteks2x> I mean colored glass
L226[09:41:26] <gigaherz> for the chunk you reside in, it will sort whenever you change which block the camera is in
L227[09:41:37] <gigaherz> for the other chunks, it will re-sort whenever you cross a chunk boundary
L228[09:41:38] <gigaherz> IIRC
L229[09:41:51] <barteks2x> And how isn't that horribly slow?
L230[09:42:01] <gigaherz> because it doesn't happen too often
L231[09:42:05] <gigaherz> it IS horribly slow
L232[09:42:17] <gigaherz> all order-independent transparency rendering systems are horribly slow
L233[09:42:35] <gigaherz> (or require complex hardware, which isn't the case on normal computers)
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L235[09:42:55] <gigaherz> mc uses an approximation of it
L236[09:43:03] <gigaherz> in which it only sorts when your "point of view" changes
L237[09:43:06] <gigaherz> and hopes for the best
L238[09:43:09] <barteks2x> I wish I could disable transcluency to get some extra fps on my old computer
L239[09:43:09] <gigaherz> it is NOT perfect
L240[09:43:25] <gigaherz> it is possible, with shaders
L241[09:43:40] <gigaherz> to use dithering-based transparency
L242[09:43:49] <gigaherz> and then run something like FXAA to smooth out those pixels
L243[09:44:09] <gigaherz> with that kind of transparency
L244[09:44:17] <barteks2x> so it's cpu usage vs gpu usage
L245[09:44:17] <gigaherz> the alpha value is the probability that each pixel is drawn
L246[09:44:30] <gigaherz> and it uses a noise pattern for randomness
L247[09:44:37] <fry> gigaherz: you mean order-dependent :P
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L249[09:44:55] <gigaherz> fry: no, those are called "order-independent transparency" algorithms
L250[09:45:12] <gigaherz> order-dependent transparency is what the hardware provides
L251[09:45:15] <barteks2x> I interpreted it as "you pass information in whatever order you want and it does the magic"
L252[09:45:22] <gigaherz> the algorithm "converts" it into independent
L253[09:45:34] <gigaherz> in effect: it sorts for you
L254[09:46:44] <gigaherz> so as I was saying
L255[09:46:49] <gigaherz> that's a technique used in modern games
L256[09:46:52] <gigaherz> for drawing leaves and such
L257[09:48:28] <gigaherz> but the technique is ancient
L258[09:49:01] <gigaherz> it was common in like, the NES/SNES era to use checkerboard patterns to do 50% transparency for sprite shadows
L259[09:49:11] <gigaherz> this is an evolution of that
L260[09:49:25] <gigaherz> but yeah, requires shaders
L261[09:50:55] <barteks2x> the more I now about renering the more it all looks like a giant hack/workaround for many fundamental issues
L262[09:51:24] <gigaherz> yup
L263[09:51:47] <fry> still less of a hack than entity physics in MC :D
L264[09:52:12] <gigaherz> the "goal" for researchers has always been realtime raytracing
L265[09:52:20] <gigaherz> but it has proven to be far too inefficient
L266[09:52:30] <barteks2x> Even when done in hardware?
L267[09:52:35] <gigaherz> yup
L268[09:52:47] <gigaherz> you need dedicated hardware to do it fast
L269[09:52:52] <gigaherz> basically:
L270[09:53:10] <gigaherz> raytracing will start from a target pixel
L271[09:53:17] <gigaherz> then calculate a ray, and see where it hits
L272[09:53:21] <barteks2x> so basically a totally different kind of GPUs
L273[09:53:22] <gigaherz> then once it hits
L274[09:53:40] <gigaherz> it will decide how much reflects, how much refracts, and how much diffuses
L275[09:53:44] <gigaherz> I mean
L276[09:53:56] <gigaherz> how much comes from reflection, how much comes from refraction, and how much comes from diffusion
L277[09:54:18] <gigaherz> for reflection and refraction, it will create two new rays
L278[09:54:31] <gigaherz> that it will cast, one outside the object, and one within the object
L279[09:54:43] <gigaherz> and for diffusion, it will see if there's any light in direct line-of-sight to that point
L280[09:54:49] <gigaherz> and compute the incidence of the light based on the angle
L281[09:55:07] <gigaherz> (diffuse + specular highlights)
L282[09:55:32] <gigaherz> so for a raytracing-oriented gpu
L283[09:55:40] <barteks2x> I once tried to do soem raytracing in java myself, I ended up with image I now use as my avatar of github and minecraftforum
L284[09:55:41] <gigaherz> you'd need to be able to do a lot of branching out and recursivity
L285[09:55:55] <gigaherz> which GPUs are notoriously bad at
L286[09:56:03] <Subaraki> anyone done some ai before ?
L287[09:56:08] <gigaherz> not in mc
L288[09:56:11] <gigaherz> ;P
L289[09:56:18] <Subaraki> i'm making a pet that follows you
L290[09:56:26] <Subaraki> but all it does is standing aorund and teleporting
L291[09:56:34] <Subaraki> all i did was copying the wolf code, really :P
L292[09:56:37] <gigaherz> uh check how the dogs work?
L293[09:56:56] <gigaherz> well that's the problem, you copied it, you didn't understand it ;p
L294[09:57:27] <barteks2x> as another thing I finally got worldgen skylight in cubic chunks working. Slow but working.
L295[09:57:36] <gigaherz> heh
L296[09:57:58] <gigaherz> I had an idea for that while i was talking about my engine yesterday
L297[09:58:29] <barteks2x> The slowness may be result of map that looks like farlands, but worse and going all the way down to -infinity
L298[09:58:46] <barteks2x> (that's what I use for testing it)
L299[09:59:09] <gigaherz> but even my idea has flaws ;P
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L301[10:00:34] <barteks2x> I have *some* idea for totally different kind of skylight but I have no idea if once implemented it would even work
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L303[10:03:20] <gigaherz> my idea roughly was to store a skylight grid per vertical chunk
L304[10:03:48] <gigaherz> and that does work if you have the values provided beforehand
L305[10:03:55] <gigaherz> but often, you don't know or have to refresh
L306[10:03:55] <barteks2x> similar to heightmap?
L307[10:03:57] <gigaherz> yes
L308[10:04:04] <gigaherz> in fact
L309[10:04:08] <gigaherz> I do store a heightmap in my engine
L310[10:04:12] <gigaherz> so that
L311[10:04:16] <fry> vanilla does that now, btw :P
L312[10:04:22] <barteks2x> And how do you update it if someone breaks the top block?
L313[10:04:27] <gigaherz> if heightat(x,y) == max, look in the chunk above
L314[10:04:34] <gigaherz> barteks2x: that's the issue
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L317[10:04:43] <barteks2x> That's why I have OpacityIndex
L318[10:04:49] <gigaherz> short answer: copy thevalue from the chunk above -- if loaded
L319[10:05:00] <gigaherz> long asnwer: WTF do you do if not loaded?
L320[10:05:15] <barteks2x> the long answer is shorter
L321[10:05:19] <gigaherz> yes :D
L322[10:05:48] <fry> either assume full skylight, or assume full darkness, or store the cached value from the upper chunk
L323[10:06:49] <barteks2x> With opacity index, I simply update the rul-length encoded list of opacities and get the top one
L324[10:06:55] <gigaherz> so my idea was:
L325[10:07:08] <gigaherz> I have the approximate height of the terrain
L326[10:07:15] <gigaherz> at a given x,z
L327[10:07:27] <gigaherz> this, ofcourse, doesn't take into account the stuff people may have built
L328[10:07:35] <barteks2x> ^that would be the job of world generator itself if it does weird things that don't work well with light code
L329[10:07:38] <gigaherz> or secondary "layers"
L330[10:07:45] <gigaherz> so
L331[10:07:58] <gigaherz> the world generator can provide a "this is where the ground starts
L332[10:08:12] <gigaherz> and lower the default skylight based on thisvalue
L333[10:08:24] <gigaherz> such as, elevation+128 to elevation - 128
L334[10:08:40] <barteks2x> That was my idea too
L335[10:08:45] <gigaherz> (at +128 itwould default to full, at -128 it would default to black)
L336[10:09:43] <gigaherz> another optimization would be
L337[10:09:50] <gigaherz> to store the light info separately from the full chunk contents
L338[10:09:55] <gigaherz> so that you can keep a lot more opacity data
L339[10:10:03] <gigaherz> for non-loaded blocks
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L344[10:32:03] <Ordinastie> question : how can I have parts of my model with a translucent texture without having them hide the rest of the model
L345[10:32:19] <Ordinastie> (TESR/OBJ)
L346[10:33:49] <LatvianModder> nbt.setUniqueId sets 2 different longs.. WHAT. Why not just make a new type that writes to longs?!
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L349[10:45:52] <x3n0ph0b3> why go to the trouble? it's just 16 bytes.
L350[10:46:29] <x3n0ph0b3> oh I see what you're saying. yeah, I don't know why not just have another method.
L351[10:46:35] <x3n0ph0b3> meh
L352[10:46:53] <x3n0ph0b3> you can always just make a util for it if it bothers you that much. I dunno why tho
L353[10:49:19] <LatvianModder> UUID is not 16 bytes. Especially if you have 2 string keys. UUID is 128 bytes. But 2 keys is more than 1 key + it reads the object twice
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L355[10:53:12] <gigaherz> uhh no
L356[10:53:23] <gigaherz> it's most definitely not 128 bytes
L357[10:53:43] <gigaherz> it needs 128 *bits* of storage
L358[10:53:49] <gigaherz> the string representation takes more space, yes
L359[10:53:55] <gigaherz> but you shouldn't even be storing the UUID as a string
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L365[11:10:02] <jordibenck> hey there, anyone out here who could help me with some model rendering issue?
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L368[11:11:58] <Hink> I just setup my Minecraft Forge development environment and crashed: http://pastebin.com/9W7WddnK
L369[11:12:11] <Hink> Something referencing a "org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Pixel format not accelerated"
L370[11:12:21] <Hink> I am running the latest graphics drivers.
L371[11:13:10] ⇦ Quits: Hink_ (~Hink@pool-74-104-130-219.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Client Quit)
L372[11:13:13] <BordListian> are you using an intel graphics card?
L373[11:13:20] <Hink> BordListian— yes I am.
L374[11:13:29] <BordListian> does normal minecraft work?
L375[11:13:58] <BordListian> also says here you need a java version below u60
L376[11:14:05] <BordListian> *8u60
L377[11:14:48] <BordListian> well, only applies to first and second generation intel hd cards
L378[11:15:18] <Hink> Ok, so I should install a JDK below u60.
L379[11:15:22] <Hink> Let me try that first.
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L384[11:18:26] <Hink> Oracle's website is requiring me to login to download a legacy Java version.
L385[11:18:30] <Hink> Seriously...
L386[11:18:40] ⇦ Quits: RichardG (~richardg8@ (Quit: You saw nothing.)
L387[11:18:46] <BordListian> the worst
L388[11:18:56] <Hink> I don't want to make an account.
L389[11:18:58] <Hink> Wtf
L390[11:19:28] <BordListian> why do websites have to be shitty
L391[11:20:17] <BordListian> other things websites have done today that is equivalent to killing infinite puppies: have an anti-adblock script that pops up even if you disable all your adblockers
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L393[11:24:52] <Ordinastie> for some reason,
L394[11:24:53] <Ordinastie> malisiscore.config.sortTileEntities.comment1=Enable this option to sort Tile Entities before rendering.
L395[11:24:57] <Ordinastie> gets translated fine
L396[11:25:03] <Ordinastie> malisiscore.config.sortTileEntities.comment3=Can affect performances.
L397[11:25:05] <Ordinastie> doesn't
L398[11:25:13] <Ordinastie> the other way around actually
L399[11:25:54] <Hink> Hehe, Imma just use JDK 7, fuck your stupid website in the ass Oracle.
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L403[11:33:58] <Subaraki> so, apparantly, spawning an entity when you log in makes it derp and it doesn't do anything apart from teleport to your location (it's a wolf)
L404[11:34:17] <Subaraki> but i do not see any alternatives to spawning a wolf bound to a player :/
L405[11:34:38] <Subaraki> anyone got an idea on how i could spawn a wolf when the player logs in ?
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L407[11:41:36] <Ordinastie> how can I detect \r\n in a translated string ?
L408[11:42:35] <jordibenck> string.contains?
L409[11:42:54] <Ordinastie> lol
L410[11:43:20] <Ordinastie> no, the issue I have is that it looks like it's already escaped inside
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L418[11:53:48] <Subaraki> e.setDead(); doesnt kill my ntity ....
L419[11:53:50] <Subaraki> why ?..8
L420[11:53:51] <Subaraki> ._.
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L422[11:54:47] MineBot sets mode: +v on RichardG
L423[11:55:31] <BordListian> is it spamming the console?
L424[11:55:31] <Subaraki> it's called server side only
L425[11:55:35] <Subaraki> is that why ?
L426[11:55:42] <Subaraki> nah, i call it on logging out
L427[11:55:54] <BordListian> hm
L428[11:56:07] <BordListian> maybe it unloads the entity before killing it?
L429[11:56:14] *** Vigaro is now known as V
L430[11:56:23] <Subaraki> the entity is not null on time of setting dead
L431[11:56:34] <Subaraki> but that might be possible
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L433[11:57:20] <Hink> lear
L434[11:57:31] <BordListian> rael
L435[11:57:59] <Hink> In my IntelliJ IDEA project where do I put the logo file referenced in the mcmod.info?
L436[11:58:21] <Hink> Do I put it in the root project or the resource folder (the same folder of the info file)?
L437[11:58:49] <Biochemic> shouldn't it go in the same dir as the mcmod.info?
L438[11:59:09] <Ordinastie> yes it should
L439[12:00:14] <Biochemic> k^^
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L450[12:18:32] <Subaraki> i have made over 4 new entities
L451[12:18:37] <Subaraki> and one of them is not fucking moving
L452[12:18:39] <Subaraki> aaaargh
L453[12:18:49] * Subaraki throws minecraft out of the window
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L462[12:34:28] <ThePsionic> Subaraki: "over 4"
L463[12:34:29] <ThePsionic> so 5?
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L468[12:43:30] <Biochemic> does dataWatcher entry 17 contain the armor-value @playerEntity?
L469[12:45:42] <Biochemic> because its float and is referenced @EntityPlayer.getAbsorptionAmount()?
L470[12:46:15] <Hink> Is there a way to get the mcmod.info to pull the mod version automatically? It seems the ${version} stays "${version}"
L471[12:46:29] <plp> subaraki: iirc, setDead() doesn't guarantee the entity gets despawned
L472[12:46:36] <plp> try setHealth(0.0f)
L473[12:48:29] ⇨ Joins: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-129-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se)
L474[12:49:21] <plp> or kill()
L475[12:51:21] ⇦ Quits: Nitrodev (~Nitrodev@87-92-124-216.bb.dnainternet.fi) (Quit: Veni, Vidi, Non reliquit in)
L476[12:51:50] <PaleoCrafter> Hink, it will only be replaced when you build your mod using gradle
L477[12:51:56] <PaleoCrafter> (specifically the processResources task, iirc)
L478[12:52:15] ⇨ Joins: Kenny164 (~pkinney@host217-42-126-116.range217-42.btcentralplus.com)
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L480[12:56:30] ⇨ Joins: Kano (~Kano@
L481[12:56:44] <Biochemic> ok nvm EntityPlayer.getAbsorptionAmount() does return the armor value actually xD
L482[12:57:15] * ThePsionic opens IDEA
L483[12:57:23] * ThePsionic lets it sit open for 4 hours without using it
L484[12:57:26] * ThePsionic closes IDEA
L485[12:57:28] <ThePsionic> productive day
L486[12:57:40] <Biochemic> xDDD
L487[12:58:00] <Biochemic> hilariously productive
L488[12:59:09] ⇦ Quits: Actuarius (~Actuarius@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L491[13:02:28] <jordibenck> Someone could help me with some rendering issue?
L492[13:04:24] <PaleoCrafter> do not ask to ask
L493[13:04:27] ⇦ Quits: ThePsionic (~ThePsioni@ip5457f909.direct-adsl.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
L494[13:05:35] <jordibenck> my block is rendering in the world but not in my hand
L495[13:05:41] <jordibenck> dont know why it isnt
L496[13:05:58] ⇨ Joins: fry (~rainwarri@
L497[13:05:58] MineBot sets mode: +o on fry
L498[13:06:04] <BordListian> did you register a model for the itemblock
L499[13:06:12] ⇨ Joins: Actuarius (~Actuarius@
L500[13:06:12] MineBot sets mode: +v on Actuarius
L501[13:06:13] <PaleoCrafter> not rendering at all or as pink/black cube?
L502[13:06:18] <jordibenck> pink black
L503[13:06:25] <PaleoCrafter> then --^
L504[13:06:30] <BordListian> ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation
L505[13:06:41] <jordibenck> ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(Item.getItemFromBlock(block), 0, new ModelResourceLocation(Reference.MODID + ":" + location, "inventory"));
L506[13:06:52] <BordListian> ok
L507[13:07:03] <BordListian> do you have a model in your item models folder?
L508[13:07:18] <jordibenck> the json?
L509[13:07:22] <BordListian> ye
L510[13:07:25] <jordibenck> yup
L511[13:07:46] <sham1> o/
L512[13:07:53] <PaleoCrafter> make sure the directory is assets/<modid>/models/item/ (item without the s)
L513[13:08:16] <jordibenck> it is
L514[13:08:31] <BordListian> is it throwing resource pack errors?
L515[13:08:35] <jordibenck> nope
L516[13:08:37] <jordibenck> no errors at all
L517[13:08:39] <BordListian> like missing variant
L518[13:08:41] <BordListian> wut
L519[13:09:21] <BordListian> also you can do new ModelResourceLocation(block.getRegistryName(), "inventory")
L520[13:09:36] <PaleoCrafter> pastebin fml-client-latest.log
L521[13:09:40] <jordibenck> doenst work
L522[13:10:37] <BordListian> oh
L523[13:11:00] <jordibenck> http://pastebin.com/iFxtqW3p
L524[13:12:00] <BordListian> oh dude i remember you
L525[13:12:14] <jordibenck> o o
L526[13:12:15] <BordListian> you had that problem with using the wrong modids everywhere
L527[13:12:22] <jordibenck> huh
L528[13:12:25] <jordibenck> no
L529[13:12:43] <PaleoCrafter> is the registry name BlockCardBlock perchance? :P
L530[13:12:49] <PaleoCrafter> (should be snake_case btw)
L531[13:13:09] <jordibenck> it is yes
L532[13:13:14] <jordibenck> is that the problem
L533[13:13:26] <jordibenck> so test_block ?
L534[13:13:33] <BordListian> oh registry names should be snake_case now?
L535[13:13:40] <Koward> Yes.
L536[13:13:49] <BordListian> dangit
L537[13:14:29] <PaleoCrafter> they always should have been snake_case :P
L538[13:14:58] <PaleoCrafter> only that in 1.11 will be the first version to enforce it
L539[13:15:18] ⇦ Quits: rebecca (~rebecca@60-241-180-77.static.tpgi.com.au) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L540[13:15:18] <PaleoCrafter> jordibenck, take a look at line 406 of your pastebin
L541[13:15:22] ⇦ Quits: Kano (~Kano@ ()
L542[13:15:39] <gr8pefish> Does anyone know the best way to send additional data to the client when opening a GUI? I currently have a IGuiHandler, and the appropriate IMessage ready to go, but I'm not sure where to put the code to send the message from server to client.
L543[13:16:13] ⇨ Joins: MoxieGrrl (~MoxieGrrl@173-23-172-139.client.mchsi.com)
L544[13:16:17] <PaleoCrafter> you could just send it right after calling openGui, gr8pefish, the network layer ensures that the open packet arrives first :P
L545[13:16:26] <jordibenck> ah i see paleo
L546[13:16:35] *** Mine|dreamland is now known as minecreatr
L547[13:16:35] <Koward> @PaleoCrafter the registry names too will be enforced ?
L548[13:16:36] ⇨ Joins: Nitrodev (~Nitrodev@87-92-124-216.bb.dnainternet.fi)
L549[13:16:44] <PaleoCrafter> I'd assume so
L550[13:17:00] <PaleoCrafter> if Mojang doesn't do it, Forge will
L551[13:17:12] <Koward> What's the best way to move away from wrongly cased names without breaking worlds ?
L552[13:17:31] <PaleoCrafter> there's a missing mapping event
L553[13:17:41] <Koward> Oh yeah right I forgot
L554[13:17:42] <PaleoCrafter> not sure if it's broken atm, though xD
L555[13:17:53] <Koward> x)
L556[13:18:08] <BordListian> >there's a missing mapping event
L557[13:18:18] <BordListian> whelp
L558[13:18:22] <PaleoCrafter> hm? :P
L559[13:18:39] <BordListian> bwm had some small scale world corruption at some point
L560[13:18:43] <PaleoCrafter> gr8pefish, if you don't want to rely on TCP, you could also send a packet from the client requesting the data and then just answer it from the server
L561[13:18:53] ⇦ Quits: MoxieGrrl_ (~MoxieGrrl@173-23-172-139.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L562[13:19:20] ⇨ Joins: Kano (~Kano@
L563[13:19:32] <gr8pefish> I'm goign to try it via sendign a message server -> client right after openGui(), but if that doesn't work I will do the 2 message system. Thanks a lot!
L564[13:19:41] ⇦ Quits: Kano (~Kano@ (Client Quit)
L565[13:22:27] *** Jezza is now known as Jezza|AFK
L566[13:23:52] <gr8pefish> sweet, that worked perfectly. Thanks PaleoCrafter!
L567[13:23:56] ⇨ Joins: Kano (~Kano@
L568[13:24:01] <PaleoCrafter> you're welcome
L569[13:24:52] <jordibenck> paleo now it´s still not working
L570[13:25:10] <PaleoCrafter> well, the name wasn't the issue :P
L571[13:25:14] <PaleoCrafter> you fucked up something about the location
L572[13:25:18] ⇦ Quits: Kano (~Kano@ (Client Quit)
L573[13:26:19] <PaleoCrafter> what's the line you call the method with setCustomMRL look like?
L574[13:26:53] ⇨ Joins: Kano (~Kano@2602:306:bd18:8a0:d5da:cb6e:d0b2:ebe0)
L575[13:27:07] <jordibenck> ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(Item.getItemFromBlock(block), 0, new ModelResourceLocation(Reference.MODID + ":" + location, "inventory"));
L576[13:27:14] <jordibenck> location is: test_block
L577[13:27:58] ⇦ Quits: Kano (~Kano@2602:306:bd18:8a0:d5da:cb6e:d0b2:ebe0) (Client Quit)
L578[13:28:07] <Koward> I'd like to check something : I add a permanent PotionEffect when wearing an item. I do so by adding it each tick (with 1 tick duration). This seems prone to bad performance and weird bugs, any idea ?
L579[13:28:13] ⇨ Joins: rebecca (~rebecca@60-241-180-77.static.tpgi.com.au)
L580[13:28:57] <TechnicianLP> you could tie it to a attribute modifier
L581[13:29:16] ⇨ Joins: Kano (~Kano@2602:306:bd18:8a0:d5da:cb6e:d0b2:ebe0)
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L587[13:31:25] <Hink> How can I manipulate the way that you move your head in Minecraft?
L588[13:31:47] <Hink> Set the viewing position/orientation etc.
L589[13:32:05] <jordibenck> PaleoCrafter, you have an idea?
L590[13:32:28] <PaleoCrafter> not really, no
L591[13:32:35] <BordListian> dude what
L592[13:32:51] <BordListian> is your model called test_block.json then
L593[13:32:59] <jordibenck> it is yes
L594[13:33:02] <BordListian> ok
L595[13:35:55] <Subaraki> oh, hi jordibenck :)
L596[13:36:01] <jordibenck> hi :)
L597[13:36:16] <jordibenck> still figuring out that issue of last night ^^
L598[13:36:46] <PaleoCrafter> do you maybe have a repo for your mod? seeing the context for this would be quite helpful
L599[13:36:47] <BordListian> what is Reference.MODID btw
L600[13:36:54] <jordibenck> yugiohmod
L601[13:36:58] <jordibenck> i dont have a repo
L602[13:37:01] <jordibenck> will setup
L603[13:37:02] <BordListian> fuq
L604[13:38:51] ⇨ Joins: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk)
L605[13:39:22] <gr8pefish> Hmm. Paleo, is there any way to make the message arrive in time for initGui()? Currently it is being received after it, and I would ideally want that extra data to be used in initGui, as it is mostly static (it is a tooltip).
L606[13:39:44] <PaleoCrafter> I don't think there is
L607[13:40:06] <Ordinastie> why you don't just open you gui from your message directly and get rid of your guihandler ?
L608[13:41:03] <PaleoCrafter> I guess that's an option, if you need a container on the server side, you can still keep the handler for that, iirc
L609[13:41:20] <gr8pefish> Yeah I guess I could do that. It just seems like a bit of overkill, when all I need to do is update 1 string on the client from the saved data (on the server) from the item that opens the gui.
L610[13:41:47] <Ordinastie> wait, the data in on the item ?
L611[13:41:48] <PaleoCrafter> where does the server get said string from?
L612[13:42:02] <gr8pefish> Yes the data is on the item
L613[13:42:02] <PaleoCrafter> if from the stack's NBT, you have access to that on the client :P
L614[13:42:12] <Ordinastie> ^
L615[13:42:19] <gr8pefish> Oh do I? Alright, will look into that
L616[13:42:22] <gr8pefish> thanks guys
L617[13:51:56] <gr8pefish> Lol. So the reason I didn't look into the NBT data in the item earlier was because I thought I already tried that, since I had code to load it in already in the GUI code. But I forgot I added a server-side only check for loading in the data to prevent some old bug. Add a new else clause and the relevenat code to load in the data made it work just fine. Thanks again ord and paleo
L618[13:52:15] <jordibenck> PaleoCrafter, https://github.com/jordibenck/Yu-Gi-Oh_Mod
L619[13:52:34] <jordibenck> might contain a lot of worse code ^^
L620[13:52:38] <minecreatr> what function do I override in Item for when the item is used to left click a block?
L621[13:52:57] <PaleoCrafter> I don't think there is one, minecreatr, you need to hook PIE
L622[13:52:59] ⇨ Joins: illy (~LordIllyo@2602:304:cf32:f980:d7b4:c6fb:fb09:5c82)
L623[13:53:10] <PaleoCrafter> thanks a loot for streaming the panels, btw
L624[13:53:16] <PaleoCrafter> *lot :D
L625[13:53:23] <minecreatr> PaleoCrafter, no prob, what event should I subscribe to?
L626[13:53:34] <PaleoCrafter> PlayerInteractEvent.LeftClickBlock xD
L627[13:53:43] <minecreatr> oh, PIE xD
L628[13:53:45] <PaleoCrafter> yeah :P
L629[13:53:55] <PaleoCrafter> look at its firing though, maybe there is a method
L630[13:54:10] <minecreatr> I thought you meant Proto Indo European, and I wodnered when we started talking about linguistics PaleoCrafter
L631[13:54:27] <PaleoCrafter> lol
L632[13:54:32] <minecreatr> because you see PIE in a lot of etymologies, and been seeing those in my english class xD
L633[13:55:01] <gr8pefish> haha context is vital :P
L634[13:57:16] ⇦ Quits: sinkillerj (~sinkiller@nc-67-232-14-224.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L635[13:58:53] <sham1> pie is good
L636[14:01:52] ⇨ Joins: fivestang (~fivestang@d216-121-228-97.home3.cgocable.net)
L637[14:06:12] <jordibenck> PaleoCrafter, you found something?
L638[14:06:42] <plp> jordibenck: you're not calling registerRenders
L639[14:06:50] <jordibenck> i know
L640[14:06:56] <jordibenck> i call V2
L641[14:07:10] <plp> from registerRenders....
L642[14:07:12] <jordibenck> because the minecraftloader shouldnt be used
L643[14:08:05] <Subaraki> what's a good updatefrequency to give to regisetered entities ?
L644[14:08:16] <jordibenck> the block is rendering in the world but not in my hand plp
L645[14:08:34] ⇦ Quits: Nitrodev (~Nitrodev@87-92-124-216.bb.dnainternet.fi) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L646[14:08:47] <PaleoCrafter> oh... you call ClientProxy.init actually in init
L647[14:08:53] <PaleoCrafter> move that to pre-init
L648[14:09:01] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872a6e.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L649[14:09:43] ⇨ Joins: ScottehBoeh (~ScottehBo@
L650[14:09:47] <ScottehBoeh> Ohai
L651[14:10:05] <Subaraki> minecreatr, there is actually, it's called onItemUsed
L652[14:10:10] <Subaraki> or even onItemUsedFirst
L653[14:10:15] <Subaraki> that handles block clicking
L654[14:10:22] <minecreatr> I thought thats right click? Subaraki ?
L655[14:10:25] <BordListian> isn't used rightclick
L656[14:10:32] <gr8pefish> Yeah it's right click
L657[14:10:52] <Subaraki> ah yeah
L658[14:10:54] <Subaraki> my derp
L659[14:11:09] <Subaraki> i think there's onblockbreak
L660[14:11:14] <Subaraki> or onblockstartbreaking
L661[14:11:22] ⇨ Joins: IoP (jikuja@irc.ioppi.info)
L662[14:11:39] <jordibenck> PaleoCrafter, you mean proxy.init() in my mod file in the init method move to the preInit method right?
L663[14:11:40] <Subaraki> you could also trigger a look vector when using onItemSwing, see if it collides with a block within x blocks and get that block
L664[14:12:19] <Subaraki> registerModEntity(EntityPetBuddy.class, "pet_buddy", 0, PetBuddy.MODID, 64, 250, false);
L665[14:12:21] <IoP> Did someone kick me or did my auth fail?
L666[14:12:27] <Subaraki> is 250 to high for an update frequency ?
L667[14:12:57] <Subaraki> o think your auth failed iop
L668[14:13:08] <kashike> IoP: 2016-09-24 18:09:41 <-- IoP (jikuja@irc.ioppi.info) has quit (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L669[14:13:10] <kashike> auth fail
L670[14:13:24] <IoP> k
L671[14:13:50] <IoP> I just don't understand why irssi decided to close the window for channel
L672[14:14:11] <IoP> probably caused by rediction.
L673[14:14:18] <IoP> redirection
L674[14:14:19] <kashike> most likely
L675[14:14:45] <PaleoCrafter> yes, jordibenck
L676[14:16:54] ⇦ Quits: auenf (David@DC-24-199.bpb.bigpond.com) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L677[14:17:46] <ScottehBoeh> ok, quick question
L678[14:17:47] <jordibenck> PaleoCrafter, that makes an error
L679[14:17:52] <ScottehBoeh> Say I was to make a weapon with Ammunition
L680[14:17:56] <PaleoCrafter> wot
L681[14:18:01] <jordibenck> nullpointer
L682[14:18:09] <ScottehBoeh> If I were to use vectors, does that require me to have a bullet entity? Surely I can have it detect if its player, and if it is, it damages them.
L683[14:18:11] ⇨ Joins: auenf (David@DC-24-199.bpb.bigpond.com)
L684[14:18:42] <PaleoCrafter> you don't really need an entity, no, ScottehBoeh
L685[14:18:49] <PaleoCrafter> jordibenck, you should be able to debug that yourself
L686[14:20:03] ⇦ Quits: AstralSorcerer (~AstralSor@u-of-rochester-128-151-150-17.wireless.rochester.edu) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L687[14:21:21] <ScottehBoeh> Do you have an example of what kind of code I could use to implement vectors instead of an entity bullet
L688[14:21:27] <ScottehBoeh> I'm assuming it would come under onItemUsed
L689[14:23:43] <PaleoCrafter> you don't "implement vectors", you just use vector maths, although probably not even directly :P
L690[14:24:19] <PaleoCrafter> you basically want a ray trace, I don't know where Vanilla has this stuff though xD
L691[14:25:48] <ScottehBoeh> Actually...
L692[14:25:55] <ScottehBoeh> I think diesieben helped me with hitVecs
L693[14:26:02] <ScottehBoeh> Im going to look into that
L694[14:27:04] <ScottehBoeh> Me and Diesieben have been working on this insane ww2 mod
L695[14:27:08] <ScottehBoeh> Oh god I can't wait to show you guys.
L696[14:27:27] <PaleoCrafter> you've shown a few models already :P
L697[14:27:40] <ScottehBoeh> True
L698[14:27:44] <gr8pefish> that sounds awesomne
L699[14:27:48] <gr8pefish> *awesome
L700[14:27:50] <PaleoCrafter> and diesieben has shared a few GUI screenshots, not sure if in here or another channel
L701[14:28:14] <ScottehBoeh> Development has been quite slow lately, I insisted on us getting other developers involved to speed up process but I can't find anyone who's interested in joining
L702[14:28:27] <jordibenck> PaleoCrafter, i got it working now
L703[14:28:28] <ScottehBoeh> (He's been on a pretty dope holiday in Spain last 2 weeks)
L704[14:28:32] <jordibenck> thanks so much ^^
L705[14:28:55] <PaleoCrafter> was it the initialisation phase? :P
L706[14:29:05] <jordibenck> yes it was ._.
L707[14:29:34] <ScottehBoeh> Paleo,
L708[14:29:38] <ScottehBoeh> Would you ever be interested? :o
L709[14:29:43] ⇦ Quits: gr8pefish (~gr8pefish@24-121-241-166.flagcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) (Quit: I'm gone)
L710[14:29:56] <PaleoCrafter> you don't want to rely on me :P
L711[14:30:09] <ScottehBoeh> oh :(
L712[14:31:03] <ScottehBoeh> I'm pretty new to coding. Which, you could guess, sometimes ticks off Diesie xD
L713[14:31:08] <ScottehBoeh> But he's so into this project now.
L714[14:31:17] <ScottehBoeh> And I'm learning over time from what he pushes every day
L715[14:31:48] <ScottehBoeh> For example, I used to register all my blocks in the main mod class, instead of creating a secondary class that could do all the messy block registry lines on its own.
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L717[14:34:15] <barteks2x> I'm at the point where I want to implement async chunk loading for cubic chunks. And which idea is less bad: Copypaste forge code for that with some changes into the mod, or use Mixin hacks to modify forge code?
L718[14:36:48] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|away
L719[14:38:03] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-203-206.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
L720[14:40:47] <ScottehBoeh> PaleoCrafter, do you know anyone else who would be interested? I feel like Take's carrying a lot of weight on his back :\
L721[14:42:40] ⇦ Quits: Hink (~Hink@pool-74-104-130-219.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L722[14:47:19] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@ (Quit: Leaving.)
L723[14:50:06] <PaleoCrafter> I bet fry totally has space on his to-do list
L724[14:50:21] <barteks2x> as it's more of mixin question, will ask on #spongedev
L725[14:50:57] <PaleoCrafter> barteks2x, reuse as much of Forge's system and copy-paste where necessary
L726[14:51:15] <PaleoCrafter> still infinitely better than doing mad ASM hax, even if it's as nicely wrapped as Mixins
L727[14:51:26] <barteks2x> Reusing is only possible if I use Mixin, in a very hacky way
L728[14:51:46] <fry> you could, you know, make a PR with changes you need
L729[14:52:02] <barteks2x> Like adding Y coordinate to chunks in async IO code?
L730[14:53:31] <TankCR> so I ran the build script but the results were not in the structure that I see when I look in a mod Jar, so I guessed at what I needed based upon another mod, now durring init it tells me "net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: ROCK" an error that I don't get when I run it inside of intelliJ
L731[14:53:44] <barteks2x> to reuse the forge system, I would need to do some hacks to actually use the forge code (new queueChunkLoad, and then extend QueuedChunk and ChunkIOProvider, and make them non-final)
L732[14:54:07] <PaleoCrafter> TankCR, did you run gradlew build or another task?
L733[14:54:22] <barteks2x> that's why I think it may be better to actually copypaste it
L734[14:54:33] <ScottehBoeh> Fry, would you ever be interested in joining Mine and Diesieben's project?
L735[14:54:35] <TankCR> gradlew
L736[14:54:46] <PaleoCrafter> shit, I forgot the :P
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L738[14:54:49] <PaleoCrafter> I was joking, ScottehBoeh :P
L739[14:54:49] <Subaraki> could someone explain me why on god's holy earth one out of my 6 entities that is registered and coded just like the others, doesn't act like the others ! it stays in place for ages and moves around all jiterish
L740[14:54:51] <ScottehBoeh> Oh rip xD
L741[14:54:57] <fry> not sure I'll have the time to, sorry :P
L742[14:55:15] ⇦ Quits: plp (~plp@ (Quit: Leaving)
L743[14:55:18] <ScottehBoeh> No problem :) I gotta hunt people down >:D
L744[14:55:18] <PaleoCrafter> fry's a busy man, implementing $xy being one of his top priorities, I'm sure :P
L745[14:55:55] <PaleoCrafter> if you only run gradlew, nothing at all should be built, TankCR, you need "gradlew build", without the quotes, obviously
L746[14:56:34] <TankCR> gradlew.bat and I ran the gradlew build command, lol
L747[14:57:05] <PaleoCrafter> and you grapped the jar from build/libs?
L748[14:57:39] <TankCR> ha, didn't see that
L749[14:58:04] <TankCR> it gave me 2 jars
L750[14:58:07] <nekosune> TankCR: you grabbed the jar inside build/libs right? not tried to make it from the classes folder?
L751[14:58:24] <nekosune> oh PaleoCrafter already asked XD
L752[14:58:27] <PaleoCrafter> :P
L753[14:58:49] <PaleoCrafter> I'm not sure why I used two 'p's in "grabbed" though <.<
L754[14:59:07] <TankCR> hmm, I am assuming it was supposed to name the jar properly, so maybe something wrong in my gradle config?
L755[14:59:19] <nekosune> what do you have for modid?
L756[14:59:37] <PaleoCrafter> you need to change the archiveBaseName and version properties, most likely
L757[14:59:48] <nekosune> errr archiv >... Okay i shut up, obviously fail today
L758[14:59:49] <TankCR> thought I did, but I will check, thanks
L759[15:02:50] <TankCR> ok, so got modname.jar and modname-sources.jar
L760[15:04:13] <TankCR> what is the -sources for?
L761[15:05:00] <gigaherz> for debugging your mod
L762[15:05:11] <gigaherz> and for coding with it as a dependency
L763[15:05:45] <PaleoCrafter> If you upload your mod to maven and include that as an artifact, maven will grab it automatically when stuff depends on your mod
L764[15:05:49] <gigaherz> you can even generate a maven repository tree, upload to some random server,
L765[15:05:57] <gigaherz> and let others use your mod as a maven dependency from their development environments
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L767[15:10:40] <Subaraki> is there a way to build a regular minecraft client instead of dev environement ?
L768[15:10:48] <Subaraki> for testing ?
L769[15:10:54] <Subaraki> something like gradlew client or so ?
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L771[15:13:20] <TankCR> gigaherz: PaleoCrafter: thanks guys
L772[15:13:23] <PaleoCrafter> You can use runClient
L773[15:13:37] <PaleoCrafter> Subaraki ^
L774[15:14:11] <TankCR> PaleoCrafter: based upon your name are you a dev for a dinosaur mod?
L775[15:14:16] <Subaraki> o/ thanks
L776[15:14:19] <Subaraki> trying now
L777[15:14:24] <Ivorius> He wanted to be TankCR
L778[15:14:26] <Ivorius> But failed
L779[15:14:30] <TankCR> ouch
L780[15:14:31] <PaleoCrafter> Yep
L781[15:14:32] ⇨ Joins: moxiegrrl__ (~MoxieGrrl@173-23-172-139.client.mchsi.com)
L782[15:14:39] <Ivorius> :P
L783[15:14:51] <PaleoCrafter> And I'm a horribly uncreative person, hence I stuck with the name
L784[15:14:52] <TankCR> did you ever release something?
L785[15:15:11] <PaleoCrafter> https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/vanilla-immersion
L786[15:15:30] <PaleoCrafter> First project I ever actually finished xD
L787[15:16:01] <TankCR> cool, I am sooo close I can taste it, lol
L788[15:16:49] ⇦ Quits: MoxieGrrl_ (~MoxieGrrl@173-23-172-139.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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L791[15:19:16] <TankCR> lol
L792[15:19:45] <TankCR> yes. it launched no errors!!!
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L794[15:21:58] *** Jezza|AFK is now known as Jezza
L795[15:22:39] <Subaraki> welp, the client crashed because of a keybind
L796[15:22:48] <Subaraki> that happens once in 100 times
L797[15:22:50] <Subaraki> ugh
L798[15:22:57] <TankCR> anyone know if there is a tutorial on adding a new inv tab?
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L802[15:24:19] <nekosune> TankCR: Create a new class extending CreativeTabs
L803[15:24:28] <Subaraki> TankCR, its pretty easy
L804[15:24:34] <Subaraki> here, let me link you my code
L805[15:24:37] <nekosune> create a new instance of it, where everything can access, then use setCreativeTab();
L806[15:25:16] <Hink> In what way could I allow a client-side mod to have additional axis of head motion. Like left/right tilt etc? Would I need to write a new renderer?
L807[15:25:45] <Subaraki> https://github.com/ArtixAllMighty/Rpg-Addon-BerserkMageArcher/blob/master/subaraki/BMA/item/BmaItems.java#L62-L67 TankCR
L808[15:26:02] <Subaraki> Hink, most likely.
L809[15:26:18] *** fry is now known as fry|sleep
L810[15:26:21] <Subaraki> or, you could set the player's head invisible
L811[15:26:25] ⇦ Quits: fivestang (~fivestang@d216-121-228-97.home3.cgocable.net) (Quit: Lost terminal)
L812[15:26:29] <Subaraki> add a new renderlayer like the head
L813[15:26:34] <Hink> I looked at the Minerift mod for the Oculus Rift: https://github.com/mabrowning/minecraft-vr-base/tree/master/src/main/java/com/minecraft_vr/render
L814[15:26:43] ⇨ Joins: MoxieGrrl (~MoxieGrrl@173-23-172-139.client.mchsi.com)
L815[15:26:43] <Subaraki> and hook into every movement of the head, plus yours
L816[15:26:52] <Hink> I just don't get how the rendering code works.
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L818[15:28:12] <Subaraki> as far as i understand, he actually implements the textures being able to be tilted sideways
L819[15:28:23] ⇦ Quits: jordibenck (~jordi@ (Quit: Leaving)
L820[15:28:24] <Subaraki> or the camera
L821[15:28:25] ⇦ Quits: MoxieGrrl_ (~MoxieGrrl@173-23-172-139.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L822[15:28:58] <Subaraki> i'm pretty sure miencraft is only made to render light etc on a flat plane
L823[15:29:17] <Subaraki> when tilting your head, the camera tilts, but that doesn't necesairely mean the world / lighting will as well
L824[15:29:35] <Subaraki> then again, i'm just saying. i'm no expert
L825[15:29:40] <Hink> Hm, but didn't secret super settings use to manipulate all sorts of things like roll your head about and stuff?
L826[15:30:11] <TechnicianLP> i think the viewport shouldnt alter the lighting (no gl expert)
L827[15:30:32] <Subaraki> yeah sorry
L828[15:30:34] <Subaraki> my bad
L829[15:30:37] <Subaraki> was just rambling
L830[15:30:46] <Subaraki> after reading some more, it looks like he's just adding more depth to it
L831[15:31:01] <Subaraki> gui's drawn at a certain point etc
L832[15:31:17] ⇨ Joins: ThePsionic (~ThePsioni@ip5457f909.direct-adsl.nl)
L833[15:31:17] <Subaraki> maybe it's just an adapter for vr, not actually altering stuff
L834[15:31:30] <Hink> I'm trying to make a head-tracking mod for MC.
L835[15:31:46] <Hink> For things like TrackIR EyeX freetrack etc.
L836[15:34:08] ⇨ Joins: Samario (~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net)
L837[15:34:56] * ThePsionic thinks about getting a 128GB microSD card for 3DS
L838[15:35:57] <TechnicianLP> What nand?
L839[15:36:08] <TechnicianLP> which*
L840[15:37:10] ⇨ Joins: fivestang (~fivestang@d216-121-228-97.home3.cgocable.net)
L841[15:38:00] <ScottehBoeh> Someone make a playable Piano
L842[15:38:03] <ScottehBoeh> with Midi input and all
L843[15:38:13] <ScottehBoeh> Imagine that in a server hub :o
L844[15:38:22] <ScottehBoeh> It reminds me of those "Play me" pianos you find at Airports/Train Stations
L845[15:38:37] <ThePsionic> TechnicianLP: Samsung EVO
L846[15:39:03] <ThePsionic> It works in a 3DS as long as you format it to FAT32 first
L847[15:41:45] <TechnicianLP> thats a really nice sd card ... even though i meant something entirely different (the firmware)
L848[15:43:18] <ThePsionic> It's a 3DS fuck do I know
L849[15:43:26] <howtonotwin> SquareWheel: A typo? I feel bad for not catching that.
L850[15:43:45] <howtonotwin> Also fyi that message was 10 before 12 my time
L851[15:45:07] *** Kolatra is now known as Kolatra|away
L852[15:46:26] <Subaraki> can you add ai to an entity after initialization ?
L853[15:46:36] <Subaraki> like give an entity attack ai when he's holding a weapon ?
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L856[15:47:13] <howtonotwin> test it :P
L857[15:48:31] <Subaraki> i wouldn't know where ._.
L858[15:48:33] <Subaraki> or how
L859[15:48:43] <Subaraki> and if i can even remvoe it afterwards
L860[15:48:45] <SquareWheel> I feel bad for not catching it too. Largely the problem was I just didn't understand the system well enough to know where to look for the problem.
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L862[15:49:07] <howtonotwin> well now you know :P
L863[15:49:19] <SquareWheel> Indeed. And learned some useful debugging tricks along the way, so it wasn't all for naught.
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L866[15:50:35] <SquareWheel> Still don't know why item/generated is buggered though. It tries to look under /blocks/item/generated.json for the blockstate.
L867[15:50:44] <howtonotwin> yeah no that was be being dumb
L868[15:51:01] <howtonotwin> I was a bit distracted that day ._.
L869[15:51:09] <SquareWheel> You know what's up?
L870[15:51:50] <howtonotwin> just use builtin/generated with "transform": "forge:default-item"
L871[15:52:01] <SquareWheel> Oh, I noticed the dynbucket uses that.
L872[15:52:24] <howtonotwin> ModelDynBucket best Model :P
L873[15:52:45] <howtonotwin> simple case study for eons to come
L874[15:52:58] <SquareWheel> Riight. Simple.
L875[15:53:17] <SquareWheel> Actually I might have a better understanding of it if I check now.
L876[15:53:59] <ThePsionic> FYI: Hacktoberfest 2016 just started https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/
L877[15:54:56] <howtonotwin> And here I am, not even having watched the Minecon panel recordings as the rest of the world continues to have fun ;_;
L878[15:55:45] <ThePsionic> Addn.: PRs only start counting from Oct. 1
L879[15:59:38] <Subaraki> what was announced for 1.11 ?
L880[15:59:47] <SquareWheel> Adventure!
L881[15:59:58] <howtonotwin> exploration update
L882[16:00:02] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L883[16:00:13] <howtonotwin> also I think the official minecon recording is on YT already
L884[16:00:46] <howtonotwin> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5b1kMBSb-tQ
L885[16:01:18] <howtonotwin> First hour should be it
L886[16:01:56] <howtonotwin> correction: starts somewhere between 1:00:00 and 1:30:00
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L888[16:02:59] <howtonotwin> More correction: 1:33:~~ ish
L889[16:03:11] <howtonotwin> :P
L890[16:05:12] <HassanS6000> Is there any way to check what mod sends a certain IMessage?
L891[16:06:10] <Subaraki> might be an event that exists onmessagesend or messagehandler or so
L892[16:06:45] <HassanS6000> Okay thanks I'll check it out
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L899[16:22:13] <BordListian> furnaces are confusing
L900[16:22:49] <BordListian> either that, or something went wrong with decompiling
L901[16:23:32] <BordListian> oh no
L902[16:23:38] <BordListian> it's the former
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L904[16:30:07] <ScottehBoeh> Diesieben is back :D
L905[16:30:17] <ScottehBoeh> Now we can start the fun sql stuff
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L915[16:38:23] <Ivorius> '; DROP TABLE DIESIEBEN07;
L916[16:39:43] <Subaraki> llaaamaaaas :D
L917[16:39:48] <Biochemic> better: DROP DATABASE DIESIEBEN07; xDDD
L918[16:39:58] ⇦ Quits: sww1235 (~sww1235@bananas.cs.colostate.edu) (Remote host closed the connection)
L919[16:43:42] <ScottehBoeh> DROP DATABASE MICROPHONE; //drop da mic
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L924[16:49:16] ⇨ Joins: TankCR (~KRoy.Loca@
L925[16:49:20] <TankCR> is there a quick way to test serverside on a mod, short of actually standing up a full server?
L926[16:50:25] <TankCR> when I try to debug the serverside it says it can't find gradle.start
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L928[16:57:20] <raoulvdberge> When rendering a transparent texture in a GUI it does a bit weird: http://imgur.com/a/pOo4M
L929[16:57:25] <raoulvdberge> Full screen, it renders fine
L930[16:57:30] <raoulvdberge> Windowed, it renders almost completely white
L931[16:59:17] <Biochemic> TankCR, to run it you can use gradle runServer in command line ^^
L932[17:00:49] <Biochemic> in Netbeans i usually use -PmainClass=GradleStartServer as param
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L934[17:02:12] <TankCR> I found the issue, the classpath for it was wrong ion the config
L935[17:03:08] <Biochemic> ah okay
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L941[17:18:10] <Ivorius> I hope somebody finds a small bug for me to fix
L942[17:18:18] <Ivorius> Then I can release a
L943[17:18:22] <Ivorius> It's a once in a lifetime chance
L944[17:18:52] <gigaherz> you'll spend an uncomfortably loing time on 1.1.1(.0)
L945[17:19:01] <gigaherz> and then when you find a minor thing
L946[17:19:11] <gigaherz> you'll test the fix hoping to release
L947[17:19:17] <Subaraki> geezus fuck, getting skin's from other players got amzingly hard ._.
L948[17:19:19] <gigaherz> and you'll find something bigger to fix that warrants a 1.1.2
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L950[17:19:44] <BordListian> every span of time spent on is an uncomfortably long time on
L951[17:23:08] <TankCR> anyone know of a tutorial for creating a new tab?
L952[17:23:47] <Subaraki> TankCR, i've send you all you needed just before
L953[17:23:50] <Subaraki> it's really easy
L954[17:23:59] <TankCR> oh shoot sorry, missed it
L955[17:24:04] ⇦ Quits: KnightMiner (~KnightMin@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L956[17:24:06] <Ivorius> Nah man, I'm not the type to give up quickly
L957[17:24:11] <Ivorius> It's just move to
L958[17:24:25] <Subaraki> TankCR, this is all you need :
L959[17:24:26] <Subaraki> https://github.com/ArtixAllMighty/Rpg-Addon-BerserkMageArcher/blob/master/subaraki/BMA/item/BmaItems.java#L62-L67
L960[17:24:34] <Subaraki> and it works like a charm
L961[17:25:19] <TankCR> awesome Thankyou!
L962[17:25:32] <TankCR> can you add an item to multiple tabs or only one?
L963[17:25:56] <Subaraki> as far as i know, only one
L964[17:26:15] <Subaraki> never looked at how all items are in one tab, and then the tab where every single item is displayed
L965[17:26:19] <Subaraki> i think it's possible
L966[17:26:28] <TankCR> thats what I was thinking
L967[17:26:52] <Subaraki> you should experiment. but as far as i know, setcreativeTab overwrites any other if called more then once
L968[17:27:11] ⇦ Quits: MrZoidbergMD (Zoidberg@have.i.gone.mad.panicbnc.org) (Quit: See ya)
L969[17:27:20] <Subaraki> must be hard coded
L970[17:27:35] <Subaraki> why would you want to put it in two tabs anywya ? :)
L971[17:27:51] <Subaraki> anyone has a block or entity that loads skins from other players ?
L972[17:28:07] <Subaraki> cause that shit got crazy as all hell since 1.7.10
L973[17:28:15] <Subaraki> (updating an old mod)
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L980[17:33:02] <SquareWheel> If I have 3 model variants but only 2 are active at the same time, can I communicate that to Forge? eg. A&B or A&C will only ever be used, never all three.
L981[17:33:31] <gigaherz> nope
L982[17:33:49] <SquareWheel> Alright, thanks. Gonna have to come at this from a new angle then.
L983[17:33:56] <gigaherz> why, though?
L984[17:34:08] <gigaherz> waht is your issue?
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L986[17:34:45] <gigaherz> because there MAY be a way for you to achieve a similar result
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L988[17:34:49] <gigaherz> if you just explain your situation
L989[17:35:05] <gigaherz> I'm just not sure what situation this is ;P
L990[17:35:25] <SquareWheel> I have two layers. layer0 is a base material, layer1 is a dynamic graphic. I was going to have two different variants for layer1 that will be specified in code.
L991[17:35:45] <SquareWheel> Instead I'll combine B&C into just B and write it differently in MRL return code.
L992[17:36:08] <SquareWheel> Just means reworking things a bit.
L993[17:36:13] <gigaherz> I still have no idea what you mean XD
L994[17:36:51] <howtonotwin> Define "I was going to have two different variants for layer1 that will be specified in code"
L995[17:37:03] <SquareWheel> Okay, I'll just explain properly.
L996[17:37:15] <gigaherz> I have this feeling that this may be a big XY problem ;P
L997[17:37:39] <SquareWheel> layer0 specifies the base material (iron, gold, etc). layer1 species a petal graphic that represents how much fluid is in the watering can item.
L998[17:37:46] <gigaherz> so wait
L999[17:37:49] <gigaherz> first of all
L1000[17:37:56] <gigaherz> layer0, layer1, ... this is an ITEM model, right?
L1001[17:37:58] <howtonotwin> GHz: 1) this is a watering can
L1002[17:38:01] <howtonotwin> 2) yes
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L1004[17:38:11] <gigaherz> okay
L1005[17:38:16] <howtonotwin> 3) Item model spec'd in a blockstate JSON for reference
L1006[17:38:22] <SquareWheel> Anyway, I just wanted to change the petal color based on type of fluid in the can (specified by NBT data).
L1007[17:38:31] <howtonotwin> tintindex?
L1008[17:38:42] <SquareWheel> I was wondering about that, but right now it's just a different texture.
L1009[17:38:48] <SquareWheel> I might switch over if it'd make sense.
L1010[17:39:35] <gigaherz> okay
L1011[17:39:40] <gigaherz> so
L1012[17:39:46] <gigaherz> it's easy to achieve, really
L1013[17:40:10] <SquareWheel> I think I know how to do it. :)
L1014[17:40:11] <TankCR> Subaraki: do you know if you can set the icon to a Block instead of an item?
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L1016[17:40:23] <Subaraki> yes offcourse :)
L1017[17:40:28] <gigaherz> this can be done using blockstates variants and an ItemMeshDefinition
L1018[17:40:37] <gigaherz> with forge blockstates stuff
L1019[17:40:41] <Subaraki> MyBlocks.blockObject
L1020[17:40:44] <Subaraki> should suffice
L1021[17:40:45] <SquareWheel> Yep, got that stuff working already. That was my last 4 days actually.
L1022[17:40:56] <gigaherz> the ItemMeshDefinition can simply generate like
L1023[17:41:02] <gigaherz> "material=gold&level=2"
L1024[17:41:04] <Subaraki> or create a second tab for blocks ? :)
L1025[17:41:22] <gigaherz> or whatever the variant list was like
L1026[17:41:44] <SquareWheel> I appreciate the info - and would have been super useful when I got started - but I have a working variants system right now actually.
L1027[17:42:38] <SquareWheel> I just wasn't sure how combining variants worked, such as if I could get away with only registering A&B or A&C. But I guess not.
L1028[17:42:52] <howtonotwin> you don't "combine variants" not really
L1029[17:43:09] <howtonotwin> blockstate JSONs define variants
L1030[17:43:09] <SquareWheel> Seems it's "all possible variants" must be registered.
L1031[17:43:19] <gigaherz> if you use an ItemMeshDefinition
L1032[17:43:23] <howtonotwin> and variants are mapped from strings
L1033[17:43:27] <gigaherz> you have to register the variant names for all variants that will be used
L1034[17:43:28] <TankCR> is there a getTabIconBlock, it doesn't seem to like that
L1035[17:43:43] <howtonotwin> you can view a blockstate as a Map<String, Variant>
L1036[17:43:43] <gigaherz> wat?
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L1039[17:44:18] <howtonotwin> indeed, strings like "gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8" are valid variant strings
L1040[17:44:22] <gigaherz> when forge loads a blockstates file, it just puts them in a table
L1041[17:44:47] <gigaherz> then separately, other parts of the code link the blocks/items with the models from that table
L1042[17:45:10] <howtonotwin> now the default way of taking an IBlockState and finding an MRL for it, is by making a comma-delimited string of properties and values
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L1044[17:45:28] <howtonotwin> and the forge blockstate format simply exploits this
L1045[17:45:37] <gigaherz> this isn't iblockstate, though
L1046[17:45:38] <gigaherz> it's items
L1047[17:45:42] <gigaherz> items don't have states
L1048[17:46:01] <howtonotwin> yeah, getting to it
L1049[17:46:04] <gigaherz> and mc will only loads the strings you specify in registerItemVariants or wahtever
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L1051[17:46:44] <howtonotwin> you define properties and the values for them in a forge blockstate and the loader takes care of finding the Cartesian product of them all.
L1052[17:47:12] <howtonotwin> but none of that is really built-in to the system, it just makes the most common usecase easier
L1053[17:47:20] <Ordinastie> because somehow a simple mapper ItemStack->Model was a way too complicated system to handle...
L1054[17:50:14] <gigaherz> really, the loading is simply a map string->model
L1055[17:50:22] <howtonotwin> And as a part of this, forge blockstates allow "partial variant definitions" that are spliced together to form the final "complete variant" for each possible variant string. The partial variant merging is in ForgeBlockStateV1.Variant::sync iirc.
L1056[17:50:29] <gigaherz> computed from all the combinations present in the blockstates file
L1057[17:50:33] <gigaherz> and then it matches up against the
L1058[17:50:37] <gigaherz> iblockstate->string
L1059[17:50:40] <gigaherz> or item+meta -> string
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L1061[17:51:14] <gigaherz> or itemmeshdefinition->string
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L1063[17:53:18] <TankCR> well I can't seem to set the CreativeTabs icon to a block instead of item, I wonder what I am missing
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L1065[17:54:06] <gigaherz> TankCR: Item.getItemFromBlock(theBlock)
L1066[17:54:33] <TankCR> do I declare htat inside of the CreativeTabs, or prior to?
L1067[17:54:42] <gigaherz> wat
L1068[17:54:57] <gigaherz> the creative tab has a method to return the item to display as the icon
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L1070[17:55:21] <gigaherz> you can use that to obtain the corresponding item for a block (if it has one)
L1071[17:55:38] <TankCR> public Item Item.getItemFromBlock(admtBlock)
L1072[17:56:01] <gigaherz> lol no, not at all
L1073[17:56:04] <howtonotwin> wut
L1074[17:56:14] <howtonotwin> Item.getItemFromBlock is a static method on Ite
L1075[17:56:16] <howtonotwin> *Item
L1076[17:59:10] <Biochemic> is there a better way to check, if sender is op @ICommand.canCommandSenderUseCommand(ICommandSender sender), than finding the player and get its capabilities?
L1077[17:59:17] <TankCR> got it thankyou
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L1080[18:11:24] <SquareWheel> Don't suppose there's an ItemStack "create" event I could tap into?
L1081[18:11:58] <howtonotwin> no
L1082[18:12:13] <SquareWheel> Right now I'm assigning NBT data on crafting. But it'd be nice to assign it when acquired through JEI or other means.
L1083[18:12:42] <SquareWheel> Well actually JEI doesn't do that. Creative menu then.
L1084[18:13:12] <howtonotwin> there's a method in Item that provides the creative menu items iirc
L1085[18:14:02] <gigaherz> SquareWheel: givei the NBT when you add them to the creative tab
L1086[18:14:08] <gigaherz> give it*
L1087[18:14:13] <SquareWheel> Oh, that's interesting.
L1088[18:14:17] <gigaherz> getSubItems on the Item class
L1089[18:14:18] <SquareWheel> Never even thought of that.
L1090[18:14:22] <gigaherz> or block, I guess
L1091[18:14:41] <SquareWheel> /give would still be a problem.
L1092[18:15:33] <howtonotwin> if(bad(nbt)) correctNBT(nbt) else nbt
L1093[18:15:37] <howtonotwin> tada :P
L1094[18:15:59] <SquareWheel> Yeah, guess I'll just add something like that to any common event.
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L1096[18:19:37] <SquareWheel> Would it be possible to add multiple variations of the same item to the creative menu through that approach?
L1097[18:20:18] <howtonotwin> ofc
L1098[18:20:27] <howtonotwin> that's why it's named that :P
L1099[18:20:45] <howtonotwin> See stone (or maybe potions?)
L1100[18:22:18] <SquareWheel> Looks like stone just does this.setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.BUILDING_BLOCKS);
L1101[18:22:54] <SquareWheel> It does do a setDefaultState() in its constructor though...
L1102[18:23:08] <howtonotwin> Stone is also andesite and diorite iirc
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L1104[18:23:17] <howtonotwin> they use metadata to differentiate
L1105[18:23:22] <quadraxis> Block.getSubBlocks()
L1106[18:24:36] <SquareWheel> Ah, so through list.add
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L1108[18:24:45] <SquareWheel> Brb
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L1116[18:42:50] <SquareWheel> Woo, it works
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L1126[19:29:45] <SquareWheel> howto, you had a document somewhere on using item blockstates with properties, right? Wanted to review it to see if it'd be a better fit than using NBT data.
L1127[19:30:46] <howtonotwin> one mo
L1128[19:31:09] <howtonotwin> properties as in overrides or blockstates?
L1129[19:31:26] <howtonotwin> also I don't think blockstate jsons can deal with overrides
L1130[19:31:53] <SquareWheel> Uh, think it had to do with overrides.
L1131[19:32:02] <howtonotwin> The float ones?
L1132[19:32:15] <howtonotwin> (ItemStack, World, EntityLivingBase) -> float
L1133[19:32:32] <SquareWheel> Don't recall that. It was either a gist or part of your forked Forge docs I think.
L1134[19:32:36] <SquareWheel> Either that or I dreamt it.
L1135[19:32:37] <howtonotwin> https://github.com/howtonotwin/MCForgeDocumentation/blob/models/docs/models/overrides.md
L1136[19:32:44] <howtonotwin> don't fret :P
L1137[19:32:50] <SquareWheel> Yeaah
L1138[19:33:22] <SquareWheel> I read them all earlier but didn't know enough to make sense of them. Might do better now.
L1139[19:33:37] <howtonotwin> wait they didn't make sense?
L1140[19:33:42] <howtonotwin> spill nao!
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L1142[19:33:47] <howtonotwin> must fix :P
L1143[19:34:11] <SquareWheel> Well it was just jumping in a bit deep. I mean, when I started earlier I didn't even know what an MRL did.
L1144[19:34:30] <SquareWheel> It was a more technical reference than a tutorial.
L1145[19:35:28] <howtonotwin> part of that is just that github doesn't preserve the order the pages are meant to be in :P But yes will fix.
L1146[19:35:57] <SquareWheel> If you'd like, I can review them now that I know a bit more and offer up anything I think might be confusing.
L1147[19:36:05] <howtonotwin> yes please
L1148[19:36:07] <SquareWheel> Would like to give back somehow.
L1149[19:36:20] <howtonotwin> start a review on the PR
L1150[19:36:22] <howtonotwin> thank you
L1151[19:36:45] <SquareWheel> So everything under /models, right?
L1152[19:36:49] <howtonotwin> yep
L1153[19:37:05] <SquareWheel> I'll check the index for the order.
L1154[19:37:30] <howtonotwin> also the first commit took what used to be the Blockstates section and split it apart
L1155[19:38:13] <howtonotwin> but that shouldn't matter as every resulting change outside models/ was just renames anyway iirc
L1156[19:38:45] <SquareWheel> I'm looking at mkdocs.yml for the order now.
L1157[19:45:38] <SquareWheel> Would you prefer this as a list of notes, or a pull request?
L1158[19:47:22] <howtonotwin> github has a PR review feature now
L1159[19:47:30] <howtonotwin> so you can just do that I think
L1160[19:49:12] <SquareWheel> Ah, maybe we should clarify here. Is the PR this project being merged back into the official Forge repo, or another PR?
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L1162[19:50:54] <howtonotwin> "PR this project"?
L1163[19:52:30] <howtonotwin> There should be a big button somewhere here: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/Documentation/pull/61 that says "Review this PR" or something
L1164[19:52:42] <HassanS6000> What are possible causes of running out of memory when running gradle setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies?
L1165[19:52:55] <howtonotwin> decompilation nomming everything
L1166[19:52:55] <HassanS6000> https://gyazo.com/938768bb9c8d9e4aa00059befa178ac6
L1167[19:53:09] <SquareWheel> Oh okay, so PR 61 on the official Forge. That's all I needed to know.
L1168[19:53:15] <howtonotwin> supplying more ram is basically all you can do
L1169[19:53:15] <HassanS6000> Yeah but my RAM usage is like 5%
L1170[19:53:21] <HassanS6000> How to gibs more RAM
L1171[19:53:48] <howtonotwin> -Xmx4G to the JVM should do it
L1172[19:53:57] <howtonotwin> gradle has a conf file somewhere...
L1173[19:54:22] <howtonotwin> ah yes
L1174[19:54:32] <howtonotwin> in ~/.gradle/gradle.properties
L1175[19:54:40] <nekosune> is there any way to block nether portal generation in an area?
L1176[19:55:10] <howtonotwin> add org.gradle.jvmargs="-Xmx3G"
L1177[19:56:38] <HassanS6000> Ah found it
L1178[19:56:41] <HassanS6000> Thanks howtonotwin <3
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L1180[19:57:04] <howtonotwin> np
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L1185[20:06:19] <SquareWheel> Looks like I can't suggest changes via Github review. Pencil icon says I need push access.
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L1190[20:30:18] <SquareWheel> I hope you like nitpicking, howto.
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L1196[20:54:32] <thecodewarrior> Not complaining or debating the decision, but is there any reason you can think of the this PR would be closed? https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/2936 I thought it was promising, but was closed in what appeared to be a cleanup PR sweep.
L1197[20:55:07] <RANKSHANK> it goes against mipmapping iirc
L1198[20:55:18] <thecodewarrior> Ah.
L1199[20:55:39] <thecodewarrior> Still a 16x32 texture should mipmap fine. right?
L1200[20:56:10] <thecodewarrior> And it should still complain about artifacts with weird resolutions.
L1201[20:57:49] <RANKSHANK> Hmm dunno then
L1202[20:59:22] <thecodewarrior> He mentioned that I needed "exc lines" in one of the patch files. I asked what they were but he never said. What are they and could they have meant it was closed? Also it may have been him weeding out the 1.9.4 PRs. I should update it to 1.10
L1203[21:00:02] <RANKSHANK> Ahhh yeah that'd make sense if it's 1.9.4
L1204[21:00:16] <thecodewarrior> You know what exc lines are?
L1205[21:00:22] <thecodewarrior> I have no idea.
L1206[21:03:57] <RANKSHANK> wait
L1207[21:04:02] <RANKSHANK> look at the raw patch file
L1208[21:04:15] <RANKSHANK> https://github.com/thecodewarrior/MinecraftForge/blob/8bde8e5adaed739026384b24008995b9073bc516/patches/minecraft/net/minecraft/client/renderer/texture/TextureAtlasSprite.java.patch#L22-L25
L1209[21:04:24] <RANKSHANK> probably exclusion lines
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L1212[21:05:02] <RANKSHANK> nothing is removed here so there's probably unbracketed code.
L1213[21:06:39] <thecodewarrior> Huh? You mean the lines that are +- the exact same thing?
L1214[21:09:11] <thecodewarrior> I also could do with not renaming p_188538_1_ to sizeInfo. Unneccisary patches.
L1215[21:09:46] <thecodewarrior> I can spell! Honist!
L1216[21:10:13] <TehNut> Was Aug12 the day that Lex deleted the master branch?
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L1218[21:10:18] <RANKSHANK> Mmm yeah dunno maybe just try rebasing
L1219[21:10:18] <TehNut> Because that closed a bunch of PRs
L1220[21:10:23] <thecodewarrior> Firstly, what's an exclusion line?
L1221[21:11:36] <LexLap2> exc != exclusion
L1222[21:11:46] <LexLap2> exc == exceptor, its what we use to rename parameters
L1223[21:12:02] <LexLap2> you need to add to forge.exc to make your new function remap the parameter names correctly
L1224[21:12:15] <LexLap2> so you dont get shit like p_188538_1_ to sizeInfo
L1225[21:12:15] <RANKSHANK> ^ Ahh sorry was grasping at straws
L1226[21:12:30] <LexLap2> as that just fuking muddies the patch file and we have no idea what youre ACTUALLY doing
L1227[21:13:12] <thecodewarrior> Ok. I don't recall if I had done that or if it was forge. :P If it was me I was being stupid.
L1228[21:13:53] <LexLap2> you did it, by making the new function
L1229[21:14:04] <LexLap2> how the hell would our tools know that the new functions need to be renamed?
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L1231[21:14:56] <thecodewarrior> Ah. So did MCP rename the p_gobldegook to sizeInfo, then I used sizeInfo and then MCP never mapped it back because it couldn't know?
L1232[21:15:16] <thecodewarrior> It's been a while. I don't remember what exactly I did.
L1233[21:15:17] <LexLap2> basically yes
L1234[21:15:23] <thecodewarrior> Ok, cool.
L1235[21:16:23] <thecodewarrior> Also, would a patch like the one I made to textureutil, where i initialize the map with 0x7FFF00FF, be appropriate?
L1236[21:16:39] <LexLap2> no idea what the hell you're talking about
L1237[21:17:53] <thecodewarrior> I added a few lines to TextureUtil that cleans the texture map with 50% magenta before uploading the textures. That way you can see exactly what's being written and not. (it's a config option, off by defualt)
L1238[21:18:02] <LexLap2> no idea what the hell you're talking about
L1239[21:18:08] <thecodewarrior> Ok. :P
L1240[21:18:42] <LexLap2> Well, I do, but i dont give a shit and only code talks.
L1241[21:18:47] <thecodewarrior> Ok.
L1242[21:18:52] <thecodewarrior> Fair enough.
L1243[21:18:59] <LexLap2> I can see the debugging potential, but only for Forge itself, not for modders.
L1244[21:19:14] <thecodewarrior> Yeah, thus the config option.
L1245[21:19:31] <LexLap2> id just throw it in as a test mod in the dev env if we cared
L1246[21:19:34] <LexLap2> but I dont, so meh
L1247[21:20:33] <LexLap2> need to figure out why the hell my mod is being derpy :/
L1248[21:20:37] <LexLap2> I hate rendering
L1249[21:29:54] <SquareWheel> howtonotwin - I wasn't able to do the github review but I made a doc with some notes.
L1250[21:30:04] <howtonotwin> Ok.
L1251[21:30:17] <SquareWheel> Pastebin work?
L1252[21:30:28] <howtonotwin> anything is fine
L1253[21:30:58] <SquareWheel> http://pastebin.com/zL7BzmpW
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L1255[21:31:16] <howtonotwin> thanks
L1256[21:31:19] <SquareWheel> This was from looking over the pages in order, not specifically the PR. The diff was too difficult to get an overview of it all.
L1257[21:32:02] <SquareWheel> Consider it a first pass. If you find it useful, you can let me know what type of notes you found useful and we can do a second pass.
L1258[21:32:31] <howtonotwin> alright then.
L1259[21:32:49] <howtonotwin> I'll save it this into my todo list and I'll be back tomorrow.
L1260[21:32:52] <howtonotwin> Thanks again!
L1261[21:33:06] <SquareWheel> Sure, no problem. Just happy to be able to contribute something back.
L1262[21:33:34] <SquareWheel> If it's not clear what I'm going for in some of these, I can submit as a PR. Just let me know.
L1263[21:33:49] <howtonotwin> ok
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L1265[21:36:33] <TankCR> anyone have experience with ore gen? Mine is spawning at too high a rate, I changed chance all the way down to 8, and its still spawning a ton, I must be missing something https://github.com/tankcr/everything_adamantium/blob/master/src/main/java/tankcmod/evadamant/world/OreGen.java
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