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L24[01:59:48] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160924 mappings to Forge Maven.
L25[01:59:51] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160924-1.10.2.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160924" in build.gradle).
L26[02:00:02] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L59[04:16:48] <JustRamon> Is there a way to debug forge commands? currently I have to restart the game to try out new code
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L61[04:17:40] <PaleoCrafter> uhm... debugging them shouldn't be any different from other code
L62[04:18:44] <JustRamon> well, to register the command, you have to create a new instance of it during the server start event.
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L64[04:19:02] <JustRamon> Meaning I can't change the code after the game has started
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L66[04:19:17] <Ordinastie> you can still hotswap
L67[04:19:26] <PaleoCrafter> ^ just can't add new commands
L68[04:19:34] <JustRamon> hmm
L69[04:21:13] <JustRamon> Well, hotswapping code doesn't seem to work. If I add a simple "addchatmessage" to my command (without any conditions) It doesn't do anything on command
L70[04:22:56] <Ordinastie> hotswap only allows you to change method contents
L71[04:23:12] <Ordinastie> you can't modify class structure or method signatures
L72[04:24:03] <ghz|afk> note also, that lambdas are compiled into methods, so changing a lambda will more often than not, result in signature changes
L73[04:24:28] <PaleoCrafter> ^ if it's a closure
L74[04:24:31] <ghz|afk> (capturing one extra variable means adding a parameter to the function, and so on)
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L76[04:28:15] <JustRamon> http://pastebin.com/KHau4BbH <- So that shouldn't work?
L77[04:28:34] <PaleoCrafter> that should work
L78[04:28:43] <ghz|afk> yes that should work
L79[04:28:43] <PaleoCrafter> note that if you're using IDEA, you need to trigger a rebuild
L80[04:28:49] <JustRamon> oh right
L81[04:28:53] <ghz|afk> just hit "make project"
L82[04:29:00] <ghz|afk> no need for rebuild ;P
L83[04:29:05] <PaleoCrafter> that's what I mean :P
L84[04:29:16] <ghz|afk> yeah but you said rebuild, and people will inevitable click the "rebuild project" option
L85[04:29:17] <ghz|afk> ;P
L86[04:29:22] <ghz|afk> inevitably*
L87[04:29:22] <JustRamon> Ahh. I'm new to idea, that's something I didn't know
L88[04:29:27] <JustRamon> Thanks for the help guys :D
L89[04:29:31] <ghz|afk> there's an option to auto-build
L90[04:29:35] <PaleoCrafter> I use a custom hotkey, so I don't know the actual option :P
L91[04:29:35] <ghz|afk> but meh, I prefer it off.
L92[04:29:41] <ghz|afk> also it doesn't work in debug mode anyhow
L93[04:30:10] <ghz|afk> PaleoCrafter: it's the "down arrow with 0/1 numbers" icon next to the configuration selector
L94[04:30:19] <PaleoCrafter> idc :P
L95[04:30:38] <ghz|afk> btw have they shown 1.11 features yet?
L96[04:30:53] <PaleoCrafter> nope, only tomorrow 11am local time
L97[04:30:56] <sham1> what do they have planned
L98[04:31:03] <ghz|afk> aha
L99[04:31:07] <ghz|afk> sham1: that's the whole point
L100[04:31:12] <ghz|afk> they haven't said anything
L101[04:31:24] <PaleoCrafter> only that it's supposedly going to be good
L102[04:31:31] <sham1> I really with they do some more internal work
L103[04:31:38] <ghz|afk> they said it's focused on survival
L104[04:31:40] <sham1> some optimisation maybe
L105[04:31:49] <ghz|afk> that's all I know about it
L106[04:32:37] <sham1> Meanwhile, I'm just waiting for about 100+ packages to emerge
L107[04:32:53] <ghz|afk> heh, emerge
L108[04:33:01] <ghz|afk> hadn't heard that word in a while ;P
L109[04:33:14] <sham1> :P
L110[04:33:16] <PaleoCrafter> I only hope that the modding panel (which runs in parallel) gets streamed as well or at least recorded
L111[04:33:25] <sham1> my monthly update schedule
L112[04:35:36] <ghz|afk> do we have no one with a proper camera & tripod attending?
L113[04:35:56] <ghz|afk> (I mean, as a backup)
L114[04:36:06] <PaleoCrafter> I don't know, actually :P
L115[04:36:23] <PaleoCrafter> one of the PAX panels was recorded by someone from the community, so
L116[04:36:45] <ghz|afk> yaaay I made a hatchet
L117[04:36:58] <ghz|afk> stick + string + flint
L118[04:37:03] <ghz|afk> for my survivalist mod
L119[04:37:20] <ghz|afk> not really any achievement
L120[04:37:24] <ghz|afk> but I hadn't done any modding for a while
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L122[04:41:42] <ghz|afk> is there any up-to-date table of stock oredict names?
L123[04:42:32] <JustRamon> Because minecon is in a completely different timezone, I'll probably be staying up super late to see panels xD
L124[04:44:30] <PaleoCrafter> ghz|afk, http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/utilities/oredictionary/ :P
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L126[04:46:29] <ghz|afk> PaleoCrafter: that doesn't have an exhaustive table of everything forge adds a name for ;P
L127[04:46:53] <PaleoCrafter> then look at the OreDictionary source :P
L128[04:46:55] <ghz|afk> but yeah nevermind
L129[04:46:57] <ghz|afk> I did
L130[04:47:42] <ghz|afk> anyhow, I'll have to make do with using flint explicitly
L131[04:50:29] <ghz|afk> was the old wiki removed?
L132[04:50:36] <ghz|afk> there used to be this page
L133[04:50:37] <ghz|afk> http://web.archive.org/web/20160820042513/http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Common_Oredict_names
L134[04:50:43] <PaleoCrafter> it was removed, yes
L135[04:50:46] <ghz|afk> which had some mod oredict names
L136[04:50:57] <PaleoCrafter> because it used to be just horrendously outdated
L137[04:51:00] <ghz|afk> horribly outdated, but it was better than nothing
L138[04:51:00] <ghz|afk> ;P
L139[04:51:38] <PaleoCrafter> the rtd article is supposed to serve as a replacement for that particular page :P
L140[04:52:03] <ghz|afk> yeah xcept for the "these mods are known to register these strings" part
L141[04:52:04] <ghz|afk> ;P
L142[04:52:17] <PaleoCrafter> because that's totally unnecessary :P
L143[04:52:24] * ghz|afk shrugs
L144[04:53:09] <PaleoCrafter> it was intentionally left out such that not everyone and their sister add their "SuperAwesomeCraft" mod to the list :P
L145[04:53:25] <ghz|afk> yeah I understand
L146[04:53:28] <PaleoCrafter> I, for instance, have never heard of B0bCraft :P
L147[04:57:10] <sham1> Well now you have
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L150[04:58:54] <Koward_> Do we really have to keep Item ID limit in mind ? Are they really modpacks with that many items ? 32k for god's sake
L151[04:59:14] <sham1> I wouldn't doubt it
L152[04:59:25] <Koward_> *sigh*
L153[05:00:13] ⇦ Quits: auenf (David@DC-24-199.bpb.bigpond.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L154[05:00:24] <ghz|afk> Koward: there are ineeded modpacks that reach id limit
L155[05:00:25] <ghz|afk> but IMO
L156[05:00:28] <ghz|afk> that's not modder's fault
L157[05:00:37] <ghz|afk> that's people making ridiculous modpacks
L158[05:00:59] <ghz|afk> "oh hey I'll add 50 mods that do the same tech mechanics just slightly different!"
L159[05:01:00] <sham1> FTB Unleached retro remix ultra
L160[05:01:07] <ghz|afk> "and also 30 mods that do magic slightly different!"
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L162[05:01:33] <sham1> But every mod needs Thermal Expansion /s
L163[05:01:42] <sham1> modpack rather
L164[05:02:37] <Koward_> I personally hate modpacks, I think this trend is the plague of MC, but I'm not alone working on a mod and the head author is fond of them.
L165[05:03:11] <sham1> Modpacks are not bad per say
L166[05:03:15] <ghz|afk> modpacks are good
L167[05:03:18] <sham1> But when they are too large
L168[05:03:30] <ghz|afk> but the "everything in one" modpacks are just stupid
L169[05:03:39] <ghz|afk> I like thematic packs
L170[05:03:44] <ghz|afk> specially story-driven ones
L171[05:04:07] <sham1> I like all skyblock packs
L172[05:04:17] ⇨ Joins: raoulvdberge (uid95673@2001:67c:2f08:6::1:75b9)
L173[05:04:39] <raoulvdberge> Using block/orientable, how can I make the side textures rotate like the top texture does?
L174[05:05:19] <ghz|afk> uvlock
L175[05:05:23] <ghz|afk> either true or false
L176[05:05:53] <ghz|afk> wait side texture?
L177[05:06:01] <raoulvdberge> yes?
L178[05:06:19] <Koward_> I just feel like all good modpacks are relatively short lists with what everyone would naturally pick and so they don't seem really useful. On the other hand, modpacks with a big list are just "LET'S THROW ALL THE THINGS WE CAN" packs and just don't have good gameplay.
L179[05:06:23] <ghz|afk> you mean for the cases where it's looking up or down?
L180[05:06:37] <ghz|afk> I don't think orientable handles those
L181[05:06:46] <ghz|afk> it's designed for the dispenser and dropper
L182[05:06:54] <ghz|afk> which always have the side textures the same direction
L183[05:07:22] <raoulvdberge> ghz|afk: http://i.imgur.com/6V3F2Jg.png
L184[05:07:28] <raoulvdberge> i want that side texture to also face in my direction
L185[05:07:32] <raoulvdberge> like the top tex
L186[05:08:13] <ghz|afk> make your own thing
L187[05:08:40] <ghz|afk> instead of using block/orientable
L188[05:08:42] <raoulvdberge> how?
L189[05:08:59] <raoulvdberge> it seems like the MC engine handles the x, y stuff
L190[05:09:07] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/enderrift/blockstates/blockProxy.json
L191[05:09:09] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L192[05:09:19] <ghz|afk> instead of using block/orientable
L193[05:09:21] <ghz|afk> use a plain model
L194[05:09:26] <ghz|afk> and handle the rotations on the blockstate
L195[05:09:40] <ghz|afk> eh sorry wrong file
L196[05:09:42] <raoulvdberge> I see
L197[05:09:46] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/enderrift/blockstates/blockInterface.json
L198[05:10:15] <ghz|afk> the rotation angles will vary depending on where the model looks where you have 0 rotation
L199[05:10:25] <ghz|afk> I recommend either making it look north, or south
L200[05:10:29] <ghz|afk> and then rotating the rest
L201[05:11:02] <ghz|afk> although it is possible to rotate when the model defaults to "up", the resulting blockstates file isn't that nice
L202[05:11:15] <raoulvdberge> blockInterface.json
L203[05:11:33] <raoulvdberge> uhm
L204[05:11:39] <raoulvdberge> I'm already doing those x, y changes based on dir
L205[05:11:45] <raoulvdberge> block/orientable doesn't handle that
L206[05:11:50] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L207[05:13:05] <raoulvdberge> ghz|afk: this is my json file: http://pastebin.com/7i92k63Q
L208[05:13:37] <ghz|afk> then add "uvlock":true
L209[05:13:39] <ghz|afk> on your defaults
L210[05:13:49] <raoulvdberge> that messes up everything
L211[05:13:57] <ghz|afk> then no idea
L212[05:14:12] <ghz|afk> try something
L213[05:14:21] <ghz|afk> put it in the north direction
L214[05:14:25] <ghz|afk> when the rotations are 0
L215[05:14:28] <ghz|afk> if it looks wrong in that case
L216[05:14:32] <ghz|afk> then your textures are wrong
L217[05:14:41] <ghz|afk> once it looks right in the north direction
L218[05:14:46] <ghz|afk> then it should look right in any other
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L223[05:34:27] <sham1> my god, building firefox takes approx forever
L224[05:35:02] <sham1> ...and now Wine
L225[05:35:40] <PaleoCrafter> hehe, nice, we can include all sorts of markdown extensions in the docs now :3
L226[05:35:50] <PaleoCrafter> TeX all the way!
L227[05:36:25] <JustRamon> Is there an easy way to make aliases for commands?
L228[05:36:37] <JustRamon> Like /r && /reply
L229[05:36:42] <sham1> alias alias="command"
L230[05:36:52] <PaleoCrafter> extend the command you want to alias and change the name? :P
L231[05:37:04] <JustRamon> Hmm. Alrighty then :P
L232[05:38:22] <jordibenck> is it possible to display a picture on a block or on a couple of blocks/
L233[05:38:26] <jordibenck> like a tv monitor?
L234[05:38:45] <sham1> nothing is impossible
L235[05:38:51] <sham1> but it might be challenging
L236[05:38:54] <jordibenck> is it hard to do?
L237[05:38:55] <jordibenck> ah
L238[05:39:45] <jordibenck> you have an idea how to get me started?
L239[05:40:07] <sham1> Read up on how to draw to textures and how to render them
L240[05:40:46] <jordibenck> ye will do
L241[05:41:24] <PaleoCrafter> that assumes you actually want to draw an in-world view or something
L242[05:41:41] <jordibenck> yes
L243[05:42:48] <jordibenck> So like i have a rectangle of blocks, and the top of the block contains a piece of a picture
L244[05:43:01] <jordibenck> or 1 big picture on all those blocks
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L246[05:45:37] <Ordinastie> jordibenck, you mean that : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDooWf3P3Io ?
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L248[05:48:06] <jordibenck> ye something like that
L249[05:48:22] <jordibenck> the idea I have is this:
L250[05:48:29] <PaleoCrafter> inb4 legitimate use for MalisisCore :P
L251[05:48:41] <Ordinastie> PaleoCrafter, that doesn't even work anymore :(
L252[05:48:47] <jordibenck> there is a rectangle of 4 x 2 blocks on the ground
L253[05:49:11] <jordibenck> and when I put an item in the slot of my block, the rectangle displays a picture
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L255[05:56:11] <Subaraki> is Ordinastie nearby ?
L256[05:56:23] <Ordinastie> maybe
L257[05:56:35] <Subaraki> :P
L258[05:56:58] <Subaraki> i had to leave yesterday when you were saying to redraw the chunk for my lighting problem
L259[05:57:18] <Subaraki> i followed the complete debug route also, and everything is called both sides
L260[05:57:27] <Ordinastie> if placing a block doesn't change the light, it's not a redraw problem
L261[05:57:42] <Subaraki> then i have to let the client know what the server is doing
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L263[05:58:31] <Subaraki> are their vanilla packets or stuff I can use to update/sync a chunk ?
L264[05:58:44] <Subaraki> or do i send packets meselfs ?
L265[05:58:52] <Ordinastie> it's supposed to be synced when you call it on the server
L266[05:59:05] <Ordinastie> it calls a notifyLight or something
L267[05:59:13] <Ordinastie> debug that, check what's received on the client
L268[05:59:14] <Subaraki> this.notifyLightSet(pos);
L269[05:59:21] <Subaraki> debugged it
L270[05:59:52] <Subaraki> it does a loop on the eventlistener and calls this : ((IWorldEventListener)this.eventListeners.get(i)).notifyLightSet(pos);
L271[06:00:01] <Subaraki> there's only 2 items in the list for each side
L272[06:00:09] <Subaraki> and each side calls that line in the loop ^
L273[06:00:19] <Subaraki> (882 in World class)
L274[06:00:43] <Ordinastie> and ?
L275[06:00:50] <Ordinastie> don't stop there
L276[06:05:40] <Subaraki> notifyLightSet calls upon one line : this.setLightUpdates.add(pos.toImmutable()); in RenderGlobal
L277[06:06:04] <Ordinastie> that's client side
L278[06:06:23] <PaleoCrafter> http://i.imgur.com/5ZLkop7.png do we want a dank meme generator and gif finder for the docs? xD
L279[06:07:23] <Subaraki> which get's itterated over and calls markBlocksForUpdate
L280[06:07:24] <Subaraki> yeah
L281[06:07:31] <Subaraki> which means it's called client side right ?
L282[06:07:36] <Subaraki> do i need to chech server side ?
L283[06:07:39] <Subaraki> check *
L284[06:07:52] <Ordinastie> you need to check everything if you want to understand why it doesn't work
L285[06:10:36] <Subaraki> well, notifyLightSet for ServerWorldEventHandler is empty o.O
L286[06:12:34] <Ordinastie> is that the only handler ?
L287[06:13:35] <Subaraki> no
L288[06:13:40] <Subaraki> but the other one in server is also empty
L289[06:13:46] <Subaraki> for setLightFor
L290[06:14:14] <Ordinastie> what's the other listener ?
L291[06:17:35] <Subaraki> PathWorldListener
L292[06:18:16] <PaleoCrafter> hm, no dedotated wam gif to be found on giphy
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L295[06:21:18] <Subaraki> i sould be checking on checkLightFor really ...
L296[06:21:23] <Subaraki> setLightFor works
L297[06:21:26] <Subaraki> stupid me
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L306[06:51:07] <Subaraki> pfff
L307[06:51:09] <Subaraki> light <_<
L308[06:51:20] <Subaraki> where do torches get theirs ?
L309[06:51:24] <Subaraki> how does that work ?
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L311[06:51:43] <Subaraki> can't find any results when searching for Blocks.TORCH or BlockTorch
L312[06:51:50] <Ordinastie> the ligthValue
L313[06:52:15] <JustRamon> So if you join a server with a mod installed wich contains forge commands (and you have that mod installed too), will the commands run via the server or via the player?
L314[06:52:43] <Ordinastie> the player
L315[06:52:48] <Ordinastie> run on the server
L316[06:53:37] <JustRamon> Hmm.. I'll push my code up the github in a bit, and maybe you can help to try and find out if it will run correctly on a server ;)
L317[06:54:46] <Ordinastie> there are plenty of commands in MC already that you can look
L318[06:55:58] <JustRamon> I could
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L328[07:56:57] <raoulvdberge> Is there a way to rotate the texture of a specific side of a block?
L329[07:57:13] <raoulvdberge> I could use "y" but that rotates all the sides
L330[07:57:51] <PaleoCrafter> you could make it a multipart model and rotate the individual parts
L331[07:57:59] <PaleoCrafter> (each part being a single-quad model)
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L341[08:43:07] <IoP> Am I stupid or.... https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.10.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/fml/relauncher/CoreModManager.java#L94 there class private, later
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L343[08:43:38] <Ordinastie> IoP, ?
L344[08:43:42] <IoP> loadPlugins are injected for injectData(): https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.10.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/fml/relauncher/CoreModManager.java#L146
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L346[08:44:11] <IoP> How am I supposed to use that coremodlist if its class is private?
L347[08:44:44] <PaleoCrafter> why would you want to access the list?
L348[08:45:22] <IoP> because I wanted list of all coremod transformers forge has found
L349[08:46:30] <IoP> I used reflection to get coreModInstance from FMLPluginWrapper instances but there must be something cleaner
L350[08:47:50] <PaleoCrafter> FML already logs all transformers and coremods?
L351[08:50:19] <IoP> well. it "logs" you you grep
L352[08:50:55] <IoP> And no I won't suggest any logging changes to forge to make it better. Last time I did...well
L353[08:52:48] <JustRamon> Is there some kind of chatevent in forge? if not, how would I go about doing such thing?
L354[08:57:37] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L355[08:57:39] <ghz|afk> is that logo competition still ongoing?
L356[08:57:52] <PaleoCrafter> nope :P
L357[08:58:09] <ghz|afk> who won? ;P
L358[08:58:18] <PaleoCrafter> look it up on the forums :P
L359[08:58:24] <ghz|afk> got a link? XD
L360[08:58:51] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L361[08:58:57] <IoP> sorry, no link in backlog :/
L362[08:59:17] <PaleoCrafter> http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=42067.0 tsk
L363[08:59:21] <ghz|afk> "Once I get a moment I will have a post up announcing the winner."
L364[08:59:22] <ghz|afk> welp
L365[08:59:24] <ghz|afk> ;P
L366[08:59:45] <PaleoCrafter> they edited the initial post :P
L367[09:00:05] <IoP> :/ no half naked man with hammer
L368[09:00:21] <ghz|afk> oh!
L369[09:02:11] <PaleoCrafter> guess why I've been working on the webdesign the last couple of days :P
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L372[09:04:42] <ghz|afk> it's built around that logo? ;P
L373[09:04:51] <PaleoCrafter> I adjusted the colours, yeah xD
L374[09:05:07] <ghz|afk> so I had another silly idea for a logo
L375[09:05:20] <ghz|afk> it would have been a stick with an anvil at the end
L376[09:05:23] <PaleoCrafter> implementing a forum theme atm, http://paleocrafter-mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/new-brand-theme docs are kinda done
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L383[09:22:35] <sham1> That's a nice looking theme
L384[09:24:22] <PaleoCrafter> thanks :P
L385[09:24:36] <PaleoCrafter> it's also actually more functional than the default one, in a way
L386[09:25:11] <PaleoCrafter> because I added some python extensions to enhance the code blocks
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L394[09:57:02] <JustRamon> Hmm. So I found ServerChatEvent, but I can't get it working
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L403[10:19:47] <howtonotwin> raoulvdberge: Rotating textures is done like this: { elements [ ... { faces { north { rotation: <multiple of 90> } } } ... ] }
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L405[10:34:01] <ghz|afk> anyone happens to know how to write minetweaker integrations?
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L407[10:36:29] <PaleoCrafter> https://github.com/jaredlll08/ModTweaker look at this, ghz|afk?
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L410[10:36:41] <ghz|afk> I did
L411[10:36:47] <ghz|afk> I learned nothing ;p
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L413[10:37:59] <BordListian> MineTweakerAPI.registerClass on a class with @ZenClass and @ZenMethod annotations?
L414[10:38:49] <ghz|afk> but ,is that all?
L415[10:39:01] <ghz|afk> I see the methods there using IItemStack and stuff like that
L416[10:39:08] <ghz|afk> but I have no idea how to even begin to use that
L417[10:39:13] <ghz|afk> or if I can just use ItemStack directly
L418[10:40:00] <BordListian> hm
L419[10:42:45] <BordListian> apparently you can call InputHelper.ToStack(IItemStack) to make it into an actual ItemStack
L420[10:43:22] <BordListian> fuck
L421[10:43:26] <BordListian> no you can't i'm an idiot
L422[10:43:51] <ghz|afk> that's in modtweaker ;P
L423[10:43:59] <BordListian> yeah
L424[10:44:07] <BordListian> BWM just copies that class apparently
L425[10:44:52] <ghz|afk> I feel like the modtweaker api is just BS
L426[10:44:53] <LatvianModder> if jared was here..
L427[10:44:59] <ghz|afk> most user-unfriendly api I have seen so far ;P
L428[10:45:03] <howtonotwin> IItemStack is magical in that it does things like specify stacks in oredict names etc.
L429[10:45:06] <ghz|afk> minetweaker*
L430[10:45:07] <howtonotwin> i think
L431[10:45:12] <ghz|afk> howtonotwin: yeah
L432[10:45:15] <ghz|afk> that's what I'm missing
L433[10:45:27] <ghz|afk> if input.isOredictName() call method with string input
L434[10:45:32] <ghz|afk> else call method with itemstack input
L435[10:45:37] <ghz|afk> >_<
L436[10:45:56] <howtonotwin> well, MT IS open source :P
L437[10:46:09] <howtonotwin> Time to wear out your f key
L438[10:46:16] * ghz|afk sighs
L439[10:47:53] <BordListian> wear out the c and v keys instead :P
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L442[10:50:04] <howtonotwin> breakpoint a @ZenMethod and see how it has been called?
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L446[10:58:55] <LatvianModder> longest line in my code probably
L447[10:58:56] <LatvianModder> SilItems.Modules.MODULE_LIST.forEach((key, value) -> ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(value, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(new ResourceLocation(value.getRegistryName().getResourceDomain(), "modules/" + key), "inventory")));
L448[10:59:27] <ghz|afk> that's because it's a composite line
L449[10:59:44] <ghz|afk> you could move the constructor for the resloc into its own method
L450[10:59:53] <ghz|afk> and then the construction for the modelresloc to another method
L451[10:59:58] <LatvianModder> Yeah but.. nah :P
L452[11:00:15] <LatvianModder> even Idea complains about me doing those things
L453[11:00:37] <ghz|afk> or at least the call to setCustomMRL as a method
L454[11:00:37] <ghz|afk> ;p
L455[11:01:05] <ghz|afk> SilItems.Modules.MODULE_LIST.forEach(TheClass::registerModel)
L456[11:01:11] <ghz|afk> that's be much neater ;P
L457[11:01:36] <LatvianModder> yeah I think ill do that
L458[11:01:45] <LatvianModder> otherwise im forcing to use one specific location for models
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L463[11:05:10] <LatvianModder> wtf is ModelBakery.MISSING_MODEL_MESH
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L465[11:05:20] <LatvianModder> and EMPTY_MODEL_RAW
L466[11:05:27] <LatvianModder> wtf. didnt even bother to remove spaces
L467[11:06:11] <howtonotwin> The missing model is actually JSON o_O?
L468[11:06:19] <LatvianModder> appearently
L469[11:07:01] <howtonotwin> replaceAll("\'", "\"")
L470[11:07:03] <howtonotwin> MOJANG!
L471[11:08:09] <BordListian> can we leak a different missing model model into the minecraft namespace somehow
L472[11:08:53] <LatvianModder> ofc we can, even with simple reflection
L473[11:08:54] <luacs1998> LatvianModder, man, FE has wway longer stuff than that
L474[11:09:09] <LatvianModder> Thats nothing to be proud of :P
L475[11:10:28] <BordListian> fire emblem?
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L477[11:12:15] <luacs1998> nah
L478[11:12:21] <luacs1998> LatvianModder's competitor
L479[11:12:54] <Subaraki> would it be possible to recreate an airblock that gives of light ?
L480[11:12:56] <LatvianModder> * when competitors work together to make one Forge PR
L481[11:13:08] <Subaraki> ( question before i start doing research )
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L483[11:13:23] <LatvianModder> yes. VERY easily
L484[11:13:32] <PaleoCrafter> some nice svastikas going through the Minecon stream chat
L485[11:13:52] <LatvianModder> is it on youtube.com/user/TeamMojang?
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L487[11:14:17] <PaleoCrafter> yeah
L488[11:14:28] <LatvianModder> WTF is that chat
L489[11:15:10] <LatvianModder> http://ss.latmod.com/pc/2016-09-24_19.15.08.mp4
L490[11:15:44] <IoP> only 11k viewers
L491[11:16:55] <PaleoCrafter> the twitch stream only has 141 :P
L492[11:17:02] <howtonotwin> Subaraki: object `ItBurns!` extends BlockAir { setLightLevel(1) }
L493[11:17:08] <howtonotwin> should be it actually :P
L494[11:17:18] <Subaraki> oh
L495[11:17:19] <Subaraki> nice :)
L496[11:17:32] <howtonotwin> Javafied as required ofc
L497[11:17:38] <BordListian> is that
L498[11:17:44] <BordListian> kotlin or something
L499[11:17:47] <howtonotwin> scala
L500[11:17:51] <BordListian> ew
L501[11:17:56] <howtonotwin> not again >.<
L502[11:18:05] <howtonotwin> that's 3 and counting
L503[11:18:14] <PaleoCrafter> don't dare to think that Scala is Kotlin :P
L504[11:18:33] <BordListian> dude you're using a meme language that compiles to java
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L506[11:18:46] <BordListian> of course that's 3 and counting
L507[11:18:53] <PaleoCrafter> it does not compile to fucking Java, but JVM Bytecode, huge difference
L508[11:18:55] <Qball> whats the meme language
L509[11:19:02] <howtonotwin> ah yes `abstract class Monad[M[_]]` can be represented in Java :P
L510[11:20:05] <Qball> why do people keep using languages that use the JVM instead of just using Java
L511[11:20:10] <howtonotwin> ^ that's a type constructor with kind (* -> *) -> *, equivalent to Haskell's Monad typeclass
L512[11:20:24] <PaleoCrafter> there's a Kotlin project that wants to provide a few type classes, half the stuff is missing and you just find comments like // Higher kinded types are not supported by Kotlin
L513[11:20:34] <PaleoCrafter> Qball, because Java is a piece of crap
L514[11:20:40] <BordListian> i like how more than 20 years ago they held an intervention about how compilicated programming had gotten
L515[11:20:43] <Qball> how
L516[11:20:44] <BordListian> and it solved nothing
L517[11:20:55] <Qball> how is java crap
L518[11:21:03] <BordListian> well, it is
L519[11:21:13] <BordListian> :p
L520[11:21:17] <howtonotwin> Class<generics>.blah but obj.<generics>method() for some reason
L521[11:21:25] <Qball> Ive heard lots of people say it is but when I ask how they give bias answers
L522[11:21:28] <howtonotwin> that's nitpicking and I'll stop now
L523[11:21:35] <Qball> I want an unbiased answer
L524[11:21:57] <LatvianModder> im on your side Qball!
L525[11:21:59] <howtonotwin> scala has XML literals. That's already a -50 charisma to the language >.<
L526[11:22:09] <howtonotwin> I'm serious
L527[11:22:15] <LatvianModder> I've just started C++ and.. well Java is waay superior
L528[11:22:31] <Qball> yet C++ is still widely used
L529[11:22:36] <PaleoCrafter> just wait for dotty to become mainstream, howtonotwin :P
L530[11:22:36] <BordListian> even C is superior to C++
L531[11:22:44] <Qball> isn't C++ made by MicroSoft
L532[11:22:50] <howtonotwin> no
L533[11:22:51] <BordListian> maybe
L534[11:22:53] <BordListian> maybe not
L535[11:22:55] <howtonotwin> C# is
L536[11:22:55] <LatvianModder> everything is made by microsoft
L537[11:23:21] <BordListian> the c++ standard describes the language designers as undefined
L538[11:23:24] <Qball> i Knew Microsoft made a C language just never can remember if it was ++ or #
L539[11:23:45] <PaleoCrafter> well, C# technically isn't "made" by Microsoft anymore either, iirc
L540[11:24:04] <Lord_Ralex> and it's going downhill, heh
L541[11:24:13] <BordListian> is it?
L542[11:24:34] <BordListian> everyone was all excited about roslin right before i graduated
L543[11:24:38] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L544[11:24:43] <LatvianModder> aaaanyway. we are in #minecraftforge channel. Where mods are made for minecraft. in java. so Java here is the best language :P
L545[11:24:56] <BordListian> no lat
L546[11:24:57] <howtonotwin> acceptable logic :P
L547[11:25:02] <BordListian> mods are made in jvm
L548[11:25:07] <PaleoCrafter> ^ :P
L549[11:25:10] <LatvianModder> But not really supported :P
L550[11:25:12] <ghz|afk> C# is still the best languate, though ;P
L551[11:25:18] <ghz|afk> but can't use it for mods, sadly
L552[11:25:19] <howtonotwin> I'll just watch this from afar xD
L553[11:25:25] <ghz|afk> so Java it is.
L554[11:25:28] <LatvianModder> oh im sorry
L555[11:25:30] <PaleoCrafter> if anything, F#, ghz|afk :P
L556[11:25:30] <LatvianModder> let me read rules
L557[11:25:34] <BordListian> you see
L558[11:25:35] <Qball> shit did I just start a debate of the best language
L559[11:25:38] <LatvianModder> Banned topics:
L560[11:25:38] <LatvianModder> 'MC would be better in {insert language here}'
L561[11:25:38] <howtonotwin> and possibly spam everyone's mailbox with PoisonPills
L562[11:25:43] <ghz|afk> LatvianModder: yep
L563[11:25:54] <ghz|afk> no one is suggesting mc would be better in it
L564[11:25:54] * howtonotwin wants to stop this
L565[11:25:56] <BordListian> language discussions are like politics
L566[11:25:59] <howtonotwin> like rn
L567[11:25:59] <BordListian> never say something is good
L568[11:26:06] <LatvianModder> Or bad
L569[11:26:09] <howtonotwin> CEASEFIRE!
L570[11:26:13] <BordListian> no, bad is okay
L571[11:26:29] <LatvianModder> Ok. You are bad. Is that ok? :P
L572[11:26:35] <howtonotwin> yes
L573[11:26:41] <BordListian> you can call everything garbage but never play favorites
L574[11:26:43] <LatvianModder> no no. You are defective. This is way worse :P
L575[11:26:47] <howtonotwin> now stop
L576[11:26:55] <PaleoCrafter> funny enough that fewer people have been kicked for language debates than for coremodding, while only the former sorta is banned according to the rules
L577[11:26:56] <howtonotwin> or kish
L578[11:26:59] <ghz|afk> see that's why those topics are banned
L579[11:27:04] <howtonotwin> just stop please
L580[11:27:18] <ghz|afk> people inevitably stop talking about the languages
L581[11:27:21] <IoP> rules?
L582[11:27:22] <howtonotwin> are we done?
L583[11:27:26] <BordListian> coremodding is so banned, putting a rule against coremodding into the topic would violate the channel rules
L584[11:27:31] <ghz|afk> and start giving opinions about the other people themselves
L585[11:27:33] * howtonotwin peeks out of hidey-hole
L586[11:27:39] * howtonotwin goes back in
L587[11:27:52] <LatvianModder> You don't obey to rules. That's a paddlin
L588[11:28:11] <Qball> does anyone in here know about Skript
L589[11:28:19] <BordListian> oh no
L590[11:28:20] <howtonotwin> por favor, en ingles?
L591[11:28:24] <LatvianModder> its misspelled Script. What else?
L592[11:28:30] <BordListian> it's not misspelled :V
L593[11:28:36] <howtonotwin> so like FAIL?
L594[11:28:39] <Qball> he knows what it is
L595[11:28:41] <howtonotwin> skript is?
L596[11:28:55] <BordListian> Skript is the german word for script
L597[11:29:04] <LatvianModder> Skript is a failure by its name already :P
L598[11:29:20] <howtonotwin> "on burn of fuel" lol
L599[11:29:23] <LatvianModder> I thought germans only use english words for things #fireBurn!
L600[11:29:31] <howtonotwin> "loop-block" o_O
L601[11:29:37] <PaleoCrafter> go back to Kindergarten and learn about this, LatvianModder :P
L602[11:29:43] <howtonotwin> builtin loop variable names O_O
L603[11:29:46] <BordListian> holy shit paleo
L604[11:29:49] <Qball> https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjW5di8tqjPAhUh44MKHW-kCx4QFggeMAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Fnjol.ch%2Fprojects%2Fskript%2F&usg=AFQjCNHN8BxxYiMfeiQiKXnRg2jYu21LkQ&sig2=_uc9S1FvUxzM4MeS252CeQ&bvm=bv.133700528,d.amc
L605[11:30:05] <LatvianModder> Childrengarten :P
L606[11:30:23] <Qball> thats what I was talking about
L607[11:30:27] ⇦ Quits: Samario (~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L608[11:30:34] <Qball> but anyway Lula is best langue
L609[11:30:39] <howtonotwin> lula?
L610[11:30:45] <Qball> my bad Lua
L611[11:30:52] <LatvianModder> Lula sounds way better
L612[11:30:56] <PaleoCrafter> oh, you mean LUA? hurr durr
L613[11:31:09] <Qball> yea
L614[11:31:14] <Qball> I missed spelt it
L615[11:31:20] <howtonotwin> missed spelt
L616[11:31:26] <BordListian> missed spelt
L617[11:31:35] <LatvianModder> missed spelt
L618[11:31:45] <BordListian> lula is bessed langue
L619[11:31:45] <PaleoCrafter> don't Lua people usually get pissed off if you write it like it's an acronym? :P
L620[11:31:58] <howtonotwin> concat $ repeat "missed spelt\n"
L621[11:32:02] <BordListian> isn't it purtogese for mun
L622[11:32:04] <LatvianModder> Language Using Acroynms, duh
L623[11:33:25] <PaleoCrafter> not sure if it's portuguese, but it does mean "Moon" in some Romance language, yes
L624[11:34:06] <Ordinastie> do you mean "Luna" ?
L625[11:34:16] <Qball> isn't it like the only language to start indexing at 1
L626[11:34:32] <LatvianModder> Luna is moon
L627[11:34:45] <PaleoCrafter> yeah, in Latin and probably a few other derived languages :P
L628[11:34:53] <LatvianModder> Latin is the ultimate language
L629[11:34:55] <PaleoCrafter> but "Lua" also is moon in some derivative :P
L630[11:34:58] <LatvianModder> how did they name things
L631[11:35:14] <Ordinastie> never seen it like that
L632[11:35:34] <IoP> Qball: ML's tuples start from 1
L633[11:35:43] ⇦ Parts: Qball (Elite17280@this.bnc.isnt.from.chi-town.elitebnc.org) (I gtg bye))
L634[11:35:49] <LatvianModder> daw
L635[11:35:52] <IoP> o_O
L636[11:36:09] <Lord_Ralex> ada let's you define what the start is for indexing
L637[11:36:12] <IoP> I knew it. ML is too scary to handle
L638[11:36:12] <PaleoCrafter> LatvianModder, Latin as we know it is itself a derivative of the language of the Latin people :P
L639[11:36:13] <Ivorius> Lula is blessed langue ? ?
L640[11:36:29] <Ivorius> Pray for lula
L641[11:36:37] <PaleoCrafter> fuck off with your emoji
L642[11:36:54] <LatvianModder> #DieInAFire
L643[11:36:55] <Ivorius> Not my fault your client is shit PaleoCrafter :P
L644[11:36:57] <LatvianModder> .. Ava Ire
L645[11:37:13] <LatvianModder> Oh, no, my client displays emojis. That's the problem
L646[11:37:18] <PaleoCrafter> ^
L647[11:37:40] <Ivorius> Are you seriously hating on Emojis
L648[11:37:42] <Ivorius> That's so 2008
L649[11:38:02] <Ivorius> Emojis are literally what's wrong with today's world
L650[11:38:44] ⇦ Quits: zml (~zml@minions.aoeu.xyz) (Quit: WeeChat 1.5)
L651[11:39:03] <LatvianModder> Exactly
L652[11:39:06] <LatvianModder> Emojis are literally what's wrong with today's world
L653[11:39:11] <LatvianModder> :P
L654[11:39:35] ⇦ Quits: abec (~abecderic@dslb-178-010-247-072.178.010.pools.vodafone-ip.de) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L655[11:40:12] <BordListian> Emojis are literally what's wrong with today's world
L656[11:40:55] <howtonotwin> please
L657[11:41:11] <heldplayer> Hey, but at least Chrome can render them properly on Windows now
L658[11:41:17] <heldplayer> Wait, that's not a good thing
L659[11:42:05] <heldplayer> https://ss.heldplayer.blue/UuvS8TIP
L660[11:45:31] <LatvianModder> oh yeah, whats up with the new ugly emojis
L661[11:45:40] <LatvianModder> with black outline etc
L662[11:45:58] <Ivorius> #blacklinesmatter
L663[11:46:03] <LatvianModder> xD
L664[11:48:08] <heldplayer> It's the Windows 10 style emojis
L665[11:48:43] <LatvianModder> I love anything that is svg.. but emojis are just ugly :P
L666[11:48:52] <heldplayer> https://ss.heldplayer.blue/SmSv759h
L667[11:49:01] <LatvianModder> + i think we might have more emojis than other symbols now lol
L668[11:49:44] <ghz|afk> the more emojis gain popularity
L669[11:49:51] <ghz|afk> the more people will want extra detail
L670[11:49:56] <ghz|afk> extra variants
L671[11:50:19] <ghz|afk> in the future
L672[11:50:21] ⇨ Joins: Vazkii (~Vazkii@
L673[11:50:31] <ghz|afk> the unicode emoji area will be turing complete
L674[11:50:34] <LatvianModder> Unicode >> Emojicode
L675[11:50:47] <quadraxis> https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/53o71c/the_unicode_consortium_a_nonprofit_corporation/
L676[11:50:56] <ghz|afk> and true emoji professionals will be able to script them into showing actual faces of themselves making that specific facial expression
L677[11:50:58] <ghz|afk> maybe even animated
L678[11:51:01] <quadraxis> "the Unicode Consortium, a non-profit corporation that reviews and develops new emojis"
L679[11:51:13] <PaleoCrafter> jesus, all dem kids on the Minecon stream
L680[11:51:15] <ghz|afk> and it is ok
L681[11:51:24] <ghz|afk> there has been writing systems that used pictures in the past
L682[11:51:27] <ghz|afk> it's just coming back
L683[11:51:37] <Ivorius> I imagine the Unicode Consortium as this group of old dudes in a large meeting hall with giant chairs
L684[11:51:49] <LatvianModder> not far from truth
L685[11:51:53] <Ivorius> Somebody holds up an emoji idea and they all vote on it to be in or not
L686[11:51:59] <ghz|afk> I imagine them as a bunch of old nerds in a small office
L687[11:52:09] <howtonotwin> someone make that esolang
L688[11:52:17] <howtonotwin> maybe like piet
L689[11:52:22] <ghz|afk> playing D&D in between sessions
L690[11:52:32] <howtonotwin> the difference between emoji controls the program
L691[11:52:37] <PaleoCrafter> http://www.emojicode.org/ ?
L692[11:52:42] <PaleoCrafter> it's a start
L693[11:53:10] ⇦ Quits: KnightMiner (~KnightMin@107-1-23-59-ip-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L694[11:53:10] ⇦ Quits: Katrix (~Katrix@2a02:fe0:cb10:2420:1d9f:6034:40f3:e861) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L695[11:53:27] <ghz|afk> PaleoCrafter: I was picturing it the other way around
L696[11:53:29] <howtonotwin> but mix in a bit of befunge for self-modification
L697[11:53:31] ⇨ Joins: KnightMiner (~KnightMin@107-1-23-59-ip-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
L698[11:53:54] <ghz|afk> emoji variants work through prefixes
L699[11:53:57] <ghz|afk> so it would be RPN
L700[11:54:03] ⇨ Joins: Katrix (~Katrix@2a02:fe0:cb10:2420:3dee:7372:aa77:73b)
L701[11:55:45] <ghz|afk> Are we <receiver><person:My mother><equals><partyhat><eggplant><conditional> tonight?
L702[11:56:14] <PaleoCrafter> u wot
L703[11:56:16] <howtonotwin> wot
L704[11:56:24] <howtonotwin> balance your tags xD
L705[11:56:36] <ghz|afk> lol
L706[11:56:38] <ghz|afk> it's not html
L707[11:56:39] <PaleoCrafter> eggplant and "My mother" in one sentence sounds kinda wrong
L708[11:56:44] <ghz|afk> exactly
L709[11:56:49] <ghz|afk> that's why it's the "false" branch of the conditional
L710[11:57:41] <howtonotwin> oh
L711[11:57:42] <howtonotwin> OH
L712[11:58:02] <BordListian> goddamnit
L713[11:58:18] <ghz|afk> I'm picturing unicode having that kind of "codepoint" eventually ;P
L714[11:58:22] <BordListian> if you get hired at the unicode consortium i will drink bleach
L715[11:59:03] <ghz|afk> lol don't worry
L716[11:59:09] <ghz|afk> I have no intention of ever working there
L717[11:59:15] <BordListian> thank god
L718[11:59:31] <BordListian> :P
L719[12:00:04] <ghz|afk> oh nice
L720[12:00:05] <ghz|afk> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z27f6WkDWwk
L721[12:00:11] <ghz|afk> found the link with 10s remaining
L722[12:01:18] <PaleoCrafter> already annoyed by the presenter xD
L723[12:01:19] <ghz|afk> (of course, as usual, the first thing I do on a youtube stream is collapse the chat)
L724[12:01:56] <ghz|afk> so
L725[12:02:03] <ghz|afk> my minetweaker integration appears to work
L726[12:02:11] <ghz|afk> I was able to successfully add a drying recipe
L727[12:02:17] <Ivorius> wow im so excited
L728[12:02:19] <Ivorius> literally shaking
L729[12:02:20] <ghz|afk> now I need the corresponding remove methods
L730[12:02:43] <PaleoCrafter> forgot injecting your Insulin again, Ivorius?
L731[12:02:52] <ghz|afk> Ivorius: get that seen, it's not normal
L732[12:04:10] ⇨ Joins: AstralSorcerer (~AstralSor@
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L736[12:07:51] <Ivorius> I'm bored already man
L737[12:07:58] <Ivorius> Will there be something happening or what
L738[12:08:19] <PaleoCrafter> in 20 minutes the actually opening will commence
L739[12:08:32] <PolarizedIons> Well the schedule is here: https://minecraft.net/en/minecon/schedule/
L740[12:09:34] <PaleoCrafter> is half the spam in the chat some variation of "/clear chat"? q.q
L741[12:10:25] <ThePsionic> in the meantime, i feel like it doesn't quite fit the "modlet" tag anymore http://i.imgur.com/cc2fpa1.png
L742[12:10:44] ⇦ Quits: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L743[12:11:10] <ThePsionic> that screenshot didn't work
L744[12:11:26] <LatvianModder> 11:00am - 12:00pm ROOM 304 Mining The Code - One Mod at a Time
L745[12:11:42] <LatvianModder> Thats the one about modded minecraft, a.k.a the only one I will be interested in?
L746[12:11:48] <PaleoCrafter> yep
L747[12:12:03] <Ivorius> There are several about mods
L748[12:12:04] <LatvianModder> 11am american time.. thats about 21pm my time.. more or less
L749[12:12:20] <PaleoCrafter> > American time
L750[12:12:22] <LatvianModder> yeah no. those other ones dont seem to be modding related
L751[12:12:40] <LatvianModder> what?
L752[12:12:52] <PaleoCrafter> as if there's one universal American time :P
L753[12:12:55] <LatvianModder> yes
L754[12:13:14] <LatvianModder> 6-10 hours in the past
L755[12:13:37] <LatvianModder> And since I have no idea where minecon is, I will assume its 10 hours away :P
L756[12:13:37] <Ivorius> That's a long panel man
L757[12:13:57] <PaleoCrafter> an hour passes faster than you'd assume :P
L758[12:14:01] <quadraxis> minecon is -8
L759[12:14:13] <LatvianModder> and im +2. see, I win
L760[12:14:24] <LatvianModder> I always win
L761[12:14:37] <PaleoCrafter> I thought it was UTC-7?
L762[12:14:46] <howtonotwin> normally is
L763[12:14:50] <howtonotwin> but daylight savings
L764[12:14:52] <quadraxis> the handful of people who live in +14 win
L765[12:15:28] <ThePsionic> ok another try at sharing a screenshot
L766[12:15:28] <ThePsionic> http://i.imgur.com/WCqyUEV.png
L767[12:15:55] <PaleoCrafter> howtonotwin, according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTC%E2%88%9207:00 it *is* daylights saving time :P
L768[12:16:32] <ghz|afk> meh can't be bothered
L769[12:16:37] <ghz|afk> I'll jsut wait for people to tell me what's new
L770[12:16:42] <ghz|afk> need some groceries so bb in a bit
L771[12:17:21] <howtonotwin> groceryhertz
L772[12:17:38] <LatvianModder> world needs to stop using daylight saving time
L773[12:17:40] <howtonotwin> I swear half the time you go afk it's for groceries xD
L774[12:17:45] <howtonotwin> then there's Russia
L775[12:17:45] <LatvianModder> all of it. at once
L776[12:17:54] <howtonotwin> it started DST, and then never stopped
L777[12:19:33] <howtonotwin> oh it stopped ~2 yrs ago
L778[12:19:50] * howtonotwin plays "yay!" sound effect
L779[12:20:13] <sham1> And there was much rejoicing
L780[12:20:42] <howtonotwin> main = forever rejoice
L781[12:21:47] <sham1> Stop hogging my CPU
L782[12:22:15] <howtonotwin> howtonotwin@sham1:~$ yes ok
L783[12:26:05] <kenzierocks> $ dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/howtonotwin/self
L784[12:26:10] <Actuarius> You (account Some(kenzierocks)) can't access the $ command
L785[12:26:19] <kenzierocks> lolwut
L786[12:28:15] ⇦ Quits: TechnicianLP (~Technic@p4FE1D75D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese)
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L798[12:50:42] <ghz|afk> ugh
L799[12:50:47] <ghz|afk> dunno why I loaded the stream
L800[12:51:01] <ghz|afk> I would have preferred not to see that bit
L801[12:51:02] <ghz|afk> ;p
L802[12:52:37] <shartte> ... same here
L803[12:56:39] <williewillus> get on the picobtm server
L804[12:56:55] <williewillus> and watch the stream in 144x50@20
L805[12:57:03] <williewillus> in mc
L806[12:57:22] <ThePsionic> lel
L807[12:57:34] <shartte> ahahaha
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L810[13:04:54] <ghz|afk> williewillus: lol I just saw your tweet
L811[13:05:01] <ghz|afk> https://twitter.com/williewillus/status/779743023508754433
L812[13:05:37] <shartte> Doesnt make the content any better :P
L813[13:06:02] <williewillus> we can shittalk in the mumble/game chat thuogh :P
L814[13:06:30] <shartte> haha. i guess i should just tune in for the 1.11 thing tomorrow and ignore the rest
L815[13:06:58] <plp> how would one go about controlling which item models would be rendered into the gui vs other places?
L816[13:07:13] <shartte> There are multiple ways
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L819[13:07:30] <williewillus> plp: perspective aware models
L820[13:07:45] <plp> do i have to make a custom model loader?
L821[13:07:49] <williewillus> no
L822[13:08:03] <williewillus> you want a different model in the inv only and another model elsewhere right
L823[13:08:03] <ghz|afk> no but it's the best way to get them injected
L824[13:08:11] <plp> yup
L825[13:08:12] <williewillus> no, you just use modelbake event 0.o
L826[13:08:20] <ghz|afk> that won't let you have dependencies
L827[13:08:22] <williewillus> and inject a perspectiveawaremodel into the MRL in question
L828[13:08:25] <ghz|afk> with a custom loader
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L830[13:08:33] <williewillus> meh :P
L831[13:08:35] <ghz|afk> you can require the actual models from getDependencies of the IModel
L832[13:08:43] <ghz|afk> and they will be available in .bake()
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L835[13:08:52] <plp> ugh
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L838[13:09:04] <ghz|afk> plp: it's not hard
L839[13:09:07] <plp> was hoping i wouldn't have to deal with custom model loaders
L840[13:09:14] <ghz|afk> that's the easy part, really
L841[13:09:18] <plp> i tried the model bake event thing
L842[13:09:22] <plp> didn't work
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L859[13:09:26] <williewillus> what's "didn't work"
L860[13:09:27] <plp> was probably doing something wrong
L861[13:09:29] <shartte> custom model loaders are easy
L862[13:09:34] <williewillus> and show your perspectiveawaremodel
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L874[13:09:59] <plp> the problem wasn't the model
L875[13:10:00] <shartte> what is happening on that stream? is that "look at what cool thing we made in MC"?
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L877[13:10:11] <ghz|afk> plp look
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L879[13:10:17] <ghz|afk> you first make a model loader class
L880[13:10:17] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/gigaherz/Everpipe/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/everpipe/pipe/client/PipeBakedModel.java#L277
L881[13:10:26] <plp> i was replaced the model via modelbakeevent
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L884[13:10:35] <ghz|afk> this class will return an IModel on its loadModel
L885[13:10:36] <plp> but a different model was still being loaded
L886[13:10:42] <ghz|afk> if the right resloc is passed to accepts
L887[13:10:43] <ghz|afk> then
L888[13:10:44] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/gigaherz/Everpipe/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/everpipe/pipe/client/PipeBakedModel.java#L223
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L890[13:10:46] <ghz|afk> the IModel
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L893[13:10:56] <ghz|afk> where you can indicate your dependant models
L894[13:10:58] <plp> i think i need to take another look at the flow of events in forge
L895[13:11:02] <ghz|afk> and in the bake method
L896[13:11:02] <williewillus> that's a lot of code
L897[13:11:11] <ghz|afk> you return your custom IBakedModel
L898[13:11:32] <ghz|afk> if you scroll up, there's the actual baked model
L899[13:11:33] <plp> yeah... which is why i'm here. got tired of following everything
L900[13:11:42] <ghz|afk> it's that simple.
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L902[13:11:52] <ghz|afk> you just register the model as usual
L903[13:11:55] <ghz|afk> and from a forge blockstates file
L904[13:11:57] <shartte> It's a lot of code because the base classes sadly dont come with sane defaults
L905[13:12:00] <ghz|afk> you reference your special resource location
L906[13:12:09] <ghz|afk> you need 3 pieces for it
L907[13:12:17] <ghz|afk> ICustomModelLoader ( accepts + loadModel)
L908[13:12:22] <ghz|afk> IModel (getDependencies + bake)
L909[13:12:28] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L910[13:12:31] <ghz|afk> IPerspectiveAwareModel (handlePerspective)
L911[13:12:53] <ghz|afk> the other methods you can leave them to their "defaults"
L912[13:13:06] <ghz|afk> which are either null or Collections.emptyList() depending on the case
L913[13:13:08] <plp> ghz: yeah, seems i got that method right
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L915[13:13:17] <plp> i was just hoping there was a quicker way
L916[13:13:27] <ghz|afk> you spent more time here complaining
L917[13:13:35] <ghz|afk> than it would take to tell your IDE to generate those classes for you
L918[13:13:37] <ghz|afk> ;P
L919[13:13:38] <williewillus> the event takes much less code but whatever
L920[13:13:41] <PaleoCrafter> williewillus, I think I've found an issue with PIE :P
L921[13:13:48] <williewillus> what
L922[13:13:54] <ghz|afk> williewillus: how do you require other models, then?
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L925[13:14:23] <ghz|afk> I guess you could just call loadModel yourself
L926[13:14:31] <ghz|afk> but then it won't be detected during the resourcemanager reload
L927[13:14:33] <PaleoCrafter> when you start breaking a block which cancels the event by continuously left clicking, then stop, the break process isn't reset
L928[13:14:36] <ghz|afk> it will crash weirdly if it's missing
L929[13:14:42] <PaleoCrafter> and when you then do a simple left click, it will continue breaking
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L933[13:16:50] <williewillus> hmm okay I'll take a look
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L935[13:17:09] <plp> ghz: i missed that getDependencies part
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L937[13:17:12] <plp> didn't think of that
L938[13:17:30] <plp> i was thinking i had to write the code to read the files myself
L939[13:17:54] <plp> lol
L940[13:18:27] <plp> thanks
L941[13:19:11] <williewillus> why are we reading a book on minecon
L942[13:19:19] <PaleoCrafter> I don't get it either
L943[13:19:44] <PaleoCrafter> also, all the fucking kids getting crazy at the mention of Stampy
L944[13:20:57] <williewillus> uh what's that
L945[13:21:03] <jordibenck> hey Ordinastie you here?
L946[13:21:06] <williewillus> oh it's a novel wtf
L947[13:21:32] <ghz|afk> plp: but but, that's the whole reason I suggested it! ;P
L948[13:21:57] <PaleoCrafter> never heard of the author
L949[13:22:17] <williewillus> this cringe
L950[13:22:33] <shartte> Thank god I muted it
L951[13:24:18] <PaleoCrafter> I'm kind of thankful that I don't know the author, less disappointment
L952[13:25:33] <shartte> I am just not sure who this is for
L953[13:25:46] <shartte> Is it for the kids attending it (who paid good money) or is this a press conference?
L954[13:26:33] <barteks2x> It's so evil that in idea "cut" is the first option when right clicking selection...
L955[13:26:46] <PaleoCrafter> y u use your mouse
L956[13:27:12] <barteks2x> because I can't remember all of those shortcuts
L957[13:28:01] <barteks2x> I probably could, but using mouse isn't slow enough to give me a reason
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L960[13:29:51] <barteks2x> I only remember those that I use frequently, like find a class by name, or refactor->rename
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L970[13:54:48] <plathrop> Is there some way to lower the spawn rate of blazes in Quark? I want them in my pack, but I'd rather not be completely over-run by them like I am with the default settings.
L971[13:55:58] <plathrop> Oops, wrong chan, sorry
L972[13:59:49] <ghz|afk> no idea ;P
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L975[14:12:54] <McJty> plathrop, did you check the config?
L976[14:13:29] <plathrop> McJty: Yeah, there's a config here called "Spawn Weight" but no comments on how to adjust it. Time to experiment.
L977[14:14:06] <gigaherz> lower weight means the mob is chosen less times during the spawn cycles
L978[14:14:11] <gigaherz> (I presume)
L979[14:14:58] <plathrop> Or, derp, I could look at the source. I blame lack of coffee
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L985[14:17:53] <plathrop> gigaherz yeah, that looks like it. thanks all! Sorry for the OT question
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L987[14:21:59] <gigaherz> np ;P
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L1008[15:14:02] <LatvianModder> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=US67Tlb8gyE
L1009[15:14:02] <LatvianModder> Thank goodness
L1010[15:14:22] <LatvianModder> Im still interested about "Java news" since Java for Win 10 edition is out of question
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L1013[15:21:28] <sham1> addons
L1014[15:21:38] <sham1> hmm
L1015[15:22:31] <sham1> I wonder how much they allow people to customise
L1016[15:22:39] <MrIbby> they'll be as powerful as minetest mods...
L1017[15:22:53] <sham1> What now?
L1018[15:23:18] <MrIbby> Minetest is a Minecraft clone written in C++
L1019[15:23:27] <sham1> Ah
L1020[15:23:32] <sham1> And how powerful are those mods
L1021[15:23:55] <MrIbby> It has a "mod" API that loads Lua scripts as "mods"
L1022[15:24:38] <sham1> Ah, so nothing to worry about then
L1023[15:24:42] <MrIbby> For example: https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/blob/master/mods/farming/init.lua
L1024[15:25:50] <sham1> Well if the API was powerful enough, it could rival Java MC ecosystem
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L1026[15:26:40] <sham1> Because I have a feeling that Microsoft wants people to slowly move out of the Java version
L1027[15:26:59] <MrIbby> Definitely
L1028[15:27:09] <sham1> And I don't blame them
L1029[15:27:21] <sham1> The WIn10/PE has better performance
L1030[15:27:44] <MrIbby> But sadly, I don't think they'll make an OS X version
L1031[15:28:10] <sham1> Well it's microsoft, what do you expect
L1032[15:28:40] <sham1> They want to monopolise Minecraft, which goes against the very thing that made it popular
L1033[15:28:50] <sham1> The fact that it is cross-platform
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L1035[15:29:45] <thecodewarrior> Has anyone here found any reliable code for getting the player from the raytrace? I need to change the hitboxes depending on what item the player is holding.
L1036[15:30:12] <sham1> Well there is a method for raytracing for entities
L1037[15:30:18] <sham1> I just don't remember what it is
L1038[15:30:23] <shartte> MrIbby: what are you basing that on? The video only shows declarative customization, but no actual imperative programming.
L1039[15:30:37] <shartte> MrIbby: I mean't your statement comparing addons to minetest mods
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L1041[15:34:09] <thecodewarrior> In block? the only raytracing things in there seem to be collisionRayTrace and rayTrace, neither of which accept an entity as a parameter.
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L1043[15:34:57] <sham1> thecodewarrior, why should it accept the entity as a parameter
L1044[15:35:04] *** Derpywolf20 is now known as XDjackieXD
L1045[15:35:12] <sham1> That makes no sense
L1046[15:35:36] <sham1> The raytracer should only return the entity x units in front of you if there is any
L1047[15:35:38] <thecodewarrior> I dunno, you just said there's a method for entity raytracing, were you talking about something other than that?
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L1049[15:35:56] <sham1> It shouldn't also filter it out for you
L1050[15:35:58] *** XDjackieXD is now known as direderp20
L1051[15:36:03] <sham1> It should only do the raytrace
L1052[15:36:13] <thecodewarrior> I need certain selection boxes to turn on and off based upon whether the player is holding a wrench
L1053[15:36:20] *** direderp20 is now known as XDjackieXD
L1054[15:36:28] <sham1> And?
L1055[15:36:48] <sham1> Check if your specific entity is in your raytrace, if so do what you wish with it
L1056[15:36:54] <gigaherz> so, I was thinking of adding an option to my mod, that makes you receive damage when punching things with bare hands
L1057[15:36:58] <gigaherz> i wonder what the best approach would be
L1058[15:37:02] <gigaherz> and how much damage
L1059[15:37:09] <sham1> Config file
L1060[15:37:28] <sham1> I'd do a JSON file to piss off everyone
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L1062[15:37:35] <gigaherz> I mean which approach for how to receive the damage
L1063[15:37:50] <gigaherz> ofc it will be a config option
L1064[15:37:51] <gigaherz> ;P
L1065[15:37:55] <thecodewarrior> sham1: So you're saying that I should reverse raytrace?
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L1067[15:38:04] <sham1> What? No!
L1068[15:38:40] <sham1> I mean that you cast your ray, which travels x units forward
L1069[15:38:48] <thecodewarrior> I'm not casting the ray.
L1070[15:38:58] <sham1> Then how are you raytracing
L1071[15:39:02] <thecodewarrior> I'm not
L1072[15:39:08] <thecodewarrior> I'm changing the raytracing code of the block
L1073[15:39:17] <thecodewarrior> but it depends on the item the player is holding
L1074[15:39:22] <sham1> But
L1075[15:39:25] <gigaherz> wat
L1076[15:39:28] <sham1> I thought you said
L1077[15:39:33] <gigaherz> wait
L1078[15:39:40] <gigaherz> "the raytracing code of the block"
L1079[15:39:47] <gigaherz> what do you mean with that
L1080[15:39:49] <gigaherz> which function?
L1081[15:39:56] <thecodewarrior> Block.collisionRayTrace
L1082[15:40:09] <thecodewarrior> Or in this case, the MCMultiPart equivalent. But it should be identical.
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L1084[15:40:45] <gigaherz> but that's used from a shitton of places
L1085[15:40:50] <amadornes> raytracing only really matters on the client
L1086[15:40:51] <amadornes> or it should
L1087[15:40:58] <amadornes> in the case of MCMP that's not a thing
L1088[15:41:09] <amadornes> but it'll change in the 2.0 update
L1089[15:41:34] <amadornes> for a normal block you could just get the player from Minecraft (if on the client)
L1090[15:41:37] <amadornes> and check against that
L1091[15:41:39] <thecodewarrior> So the raytracing won't be done on the server in MCMP 2?
L1092[15:41:44] <thecodewarrior> Raytracing happens on the server too.
L1093[15:41:45] <amadornes> in a multipart... not so sure
L1094[15:42:02] <amadornes> I *think* you may actually be able to do it too... but I can't say for sure
L1095[15:42:04] <thecodewarrior> Whenever you click it raytraces on the server.
L1096[15:42:09] <gigaherz> actually rayTrace is used on the server -- for projectiles and fishjing hooks
L1097[15:42:14] <amadornes> yes
L1098[15:42:14] <thecodewarrior> And players
L1099[15:42:19] <amadornes> but not for interaction
L1100[15:42:22] <amadornes> it happens on the client
L1101[15:42:27] <amadornes> and the client tells the server where to click
L1102[15:42:29] <thecodewarrior> As far as I can tell it does.
L1103[15:42:41] <amadornes> same applies to breaking blocks, for example
L1104[15:42:43] <gigaherz> thecodewarrior: I have a feeling your only choice would be to set a boolean to true elsewhere
L1105[15:42:47] <gigaherz> and check it in your block
L1106[15:43:03] <gigaherz> or a field to the player
L1107[15:43:04] <gigaherz> whichever
L1108[15:43:07] <thecodewarrior> Ok.
L1109[15:43:14] <gigaherz> as in
L1110[15:43:22] <gigaherz> EntityPlayer#something() {
L1111[15:43:32] <amadornes> but yeah... I'll try to get custom block breaking going for MCMP 2.0
L1112[15:43:32] <gigaherz> currentlyProcessingPlayer = this;
L1113[15:43:38] <gigaherz> ... code that calls rayTrace
L1114[15:43:43] <gigaherz> currentlyProcessingPlayer = null;
L1115[15:43:44] <amadornes> and send a packet from the server to the client to break the part
L1116[15:43:44] <gigaherz> }
L1117[15:43:47] <thecodewarrior> I did have some code that iterated through the online players and checked their look vectors against the passed look vector, but that didn't work for some reason.
L1118[15:43:53] <amadornes> much like what happens with vanilla blocks
L1119[15:44:05] <gigaherz> no that would be horrible ;P
L1120[15:44:08] <amadornes> yes, that is most likely going to fail
L1121[15:44:09] <thecodewarrior> I'm not calling raytrace though.
L1122[15:44:18] <gigaherz> imagine two players happen to be looking at 0,0 because they were just teleported
L1123[15:44:19] <gigaherz> ;P
L1124[15:44:37] <gigaherz> thecodewarrior: no, but you may be able to use some event's .Pre/.Post for it
L1125[15:44:40] <gigaherz> maybe
L1126[15:44:42] <gigaherz> if you are lucky
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L1128[15:46:05] <thecodewarrior> I think my look vector code wasn't finding the player because the look vector wasn't actually inside the raytrace. or something. maybe. idk. It seems like the best option though.
L1129[15:47:33] <gigaherz> deciding based on the look vector seems like the worst possible kludge to me
L1130[15:48:35] <thecodewarrior> why?
L1131[15:54:11] <gigaherz> what happens if two players are standing on top of the block, looking straight down?
L1132[16:01:04] <thecodewarrior> well I just find which of the players' look vector is along the same line as the passed look vector. I won't only check direction.
L1133[16:03:08] <howtonotwin> if I do /tp @a 0 70 0 0 90, all players are basically identical in terms of position and look vector
L1134[16:04:21] <MrIbby> shartte: Minetest's engine is open-source. If you have a feature in mind and enough experience with C++, you can make it and open a PR. Despite this, Minetest still does not have an implementation of mobs anywhere near Minecraft's.
L1135[16:04:51] *** helinus is now known as helinus|off
L1136[16:04:55] <MrIbby> There are Lua alternatives like CME that implement Minecraft-like mobs, but it's not practical to implement something as complex as mob AI in Lua. (A related thread at https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=13676 discusses this and more.)
L1137[16:05:23] <thecodewarrior> Then it picks the first one. It's barely a problem. How often will everyone be at the same position and looking the same direction?
L1138[16:05:40] <MrIbby> Meanwhile, Mojang is creating an add-on API, which will presumably be closed-source. From the video, all we know is that a mob is made with a model, a texture, and a JSON... You can't do an awful lot, and no one except Mojang will be able to develop the API.
L1139[16:06:16] <shartte> MrIbby: I took a look at that addon site, there is no language anywhere that there is an actual API
L1140[16:07:31] <MrIbby> Do you get my general message?
L1141[16:07:34] <shartte> That's why I was asking. Maybe I've overlooked some information they put out.
L1142[16:07:37] <shartte> No I don't.
L1143[16:07:49] <MrIbby> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=US67Tlb8gyE
L1144[16:08:12] <MrIbby> ^ That's the video that was linked earlier
L1145[16:08:49] <shartte> And you said regarding that "they'll be as powerful as minetest mods...". And I still wonder: How do you arrive at that conclusion?
L1146[16:10:52] <shartte> Okay, I've glanced at minetest mods. They also seem to be severely underpowered.
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L1149[16:15:26] <MrIbby> shartte: Mojang is trying to do what Minetest (and Forge) has already done; allow users to add or modify content.
L1150[16:15:54] <shartte> From what we have seen so far though, it only looks like they will allow parameters of existing logic to be modified, not new logic to be added.
L1151[16:16:10] <shartte> At least there is no mention of any actual API, just modification of JSON files.
L1152[16:16:40] <shartte> Sure you can re-use the existing creeper behavior for a chicken, and modify its parameters or whatever. but comparing that to something like forge seems like a stretch.
L1153[16:17:01] <MrIbby> Yes, so to revise my statement, Minecraft Add-Ons will be even less powerful than Minetest mods
L1154[16:17:20] <shartte> I was just curious if you had seen something I might have missed tbh :)
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L1156[16:17:51] <shartte> They are talking about "first steps" yada yada. So who knows what'll come afterwards.
L1157[16:18:43] <MrIbby> But based on Minetest, we can take a few guesses
L1158[16:19:36] <shartte> Well, i wouldn't even count on that
L1159[16:19:50] <shartte> If they want to keep parity for mobile, there won't be any scripting language supported modding I guess
L1160[16:20:03] <shartte> Due to how at least the iOS app store doesn't permit that
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L1162[16:22:36] <MrIbby> Oh no, I don't have any high hopes for Add-Ons
L1163[16:25:23] <MrIbby> Minetest sets the limits for modifying a game written in C++
L1164[16:25:51] <MrIbby> If we're lucky, Add-Ons will be as powerful as Minetest mods--which isn't much
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L1167[16:28:48] <MrIbby> If anything, they're Mojang's attempt at a hybrid of Minetest mods and Bukkit plugins
L1168[16:29:32] <gigaherz> has mojang annoucned something I missed?
L1169[16:29:56] <MrIbby> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=US67Tlb8gyE
L1170[16:30:09] <gigaherz> oh, for pocket
L1171[16:30:33] <gigaherz> yeah they aren't going to give much control to people, there
L1172[16:30:45] <gigaherz> it will have to be something that's installable akin to a resource pack
L1173[16:31:35] <gigaherz> so yeah
L1174[16:31:41] <gigaherz> mob behaviours in style of the look tables.
L1175[16:31:45] <gigaherz> loot*
L1176[16:32:30] <gigaherz> you really can do a lot with just a list of AI "actions" and their priorities, I guess
L1177[16:32:59] <gigaherz> specially if they were to have something for states and triggers
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L1179[16:33:34] <shartte> Yeah, but it'll be nowhere close to even bukkit plugins
L1180[16:33:40] <shartte> Maybe some of the simpler ones
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L1183[16:33:48] <gigaherz> no of course not
L1184[16:34:08] <gigaherz> so far as that video indicates, it's just mob behaviour scripts
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L1193[16:47:21] <thecodewarrior> Is there an easy way to get a blockstate as an IModel that I can bake with various textures?
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L1196[16:48:11] <shartte> hmmm, you mean after the normal model baking
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L1198[16:49:34] <thecodewarrior> Or before. I basically have a bunch of elements of a FastTESR that I want to load from JSON files, but I don't want to require seperate model files for each of the four sides and four corners etc. So if I used a blockstate I could apply transforms to them.
L1199[16:50:09] <howtonotwin> blockstates jsons already load is IModels
L1200[16:50:11] <howtonotwin> *as
L1201[16:50:45] <thecodewarrior> I want to be able to do something like "north": { "model":"mymodel" }, "south": { "model":"mymodel", "rotateFormatWhatever" }
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L1203[16:51:32] <thecodewarrior> How do I get the IModel. I don't want a baked model I want to bake it myself with seperate textures. I basically am going to render it multiple times, one with the base texture, and additionally with overlay textures.
L1204[16:52:18] <howtonotwin> something something ModelBakery. I'll check. brb codeventuring
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L1206[16:53:42] <thecodewarrior> Code diving is fun isn't it. :)
L1207[16:54:07] <thecodewarrior> I already looked around but I don't understand the model system enough.
L1208[16:54:13] <thecodewarrior> I had no idea what I was doing.
L1209[16:54:38] <howtonotwin> err I have a gist
L1210[16:54:50] <howtonotwin> so many brain-threads open rn
L1211[16:55:12] <thecodewarrior> At least there aren't _too_ many race conditions. :D
L1212[16:55:20] <howtonotwin> https://gist.github.com/howtonotwin/b17f1528ce68508399919038dfe59b7f
L1213[16:55:57] <howtonotwin> This is an excerpt of a WIP PR to the RTD page
L1214[16:56:14] <thecodewarrior> Thanks!
L1215[17:01:04] <gigaherz> hmmm I just had an idea to balance a bit mc
L1216[17:01:15] <gigaherz> make it so that creeper's explosion power depends on its life
L1217[17:01:29] <gigaherz> so if they explore with half a heart left, they barely break anything
L1218[17:01:32] <gigaherz> explode*
L1219[17:01:39] <howtonotwin> Now, are some parts of your model static and other parts dynamic?
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L1222[17:04:54] <thecodewarrior> Define dynamic? It's a catwalk model, so I have the bottom and sides. There are also additions you can make that will overlay over the other model... wait a minute. I don't think I'll need a custom loader. Just something to inject the models to be baked.
L1223[17:05:20] <gigaherz> dynamic = animated or otherwise impossible to know in advance
L1224[17:06:05] <howtonotwin> That might not even need a TESR
L1225[17:06:30] <gigaherz> what oyu describe sounds like the job for a custom model
L1226[17:06:46] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Everpipe/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/everpipe/pipe/client/PipeBakedModel.java
L1227[17:06:49] <howtonotwin> see ModelDynBucket for dynamic parts
L1228[17:06:51] <gigaherz> something like what I do for the pipe here
L1229[17:07:07] <gigaherz> it has custom loader that requests dependant models
L1230[17:07:14] <gigaherz> custom state tracker to "simplify" the blockstates file
L1231[17:07:31] <gigaherz> and the actual IBakedModel that assembles the pieces as needed
L1232[17:07:49] <gigaherz> it should be a good reference for what you are trying to achieve
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L1234[17:08:37] <thecodewarrior> Yeah, but there are a LOT of variants if I have to bake every combination.
L1235[17:09:22] <thecodewarrior> Mostly thinking about launching time and memory.
L1236[17:09:29] <gigaherz> no you don't bake every combination
L1237[17:09:37] <gigaherz> you receive the data from the IBlockState/IExtendedBlockState
L1238[17:09:44] <gigaherz> and build the model on the fly
L1239[17:10:11] <thecodewarrior> What's the difference between that and a FastTESR?
L1240[17:10:18] <gigaherz> it's cached on the world grid
L1241[17:10:27] <gigaherz> so it will only run the code when the world grid needs re-rendering
L1242[17:10:28] <thecodewarrior> Are FastTESR's not?
L1243[17:10:30] <gigaherz> nope
L1244[17:10:35] <gigaherz> they are still drawn once per frame
L1245[17:10:37] <gigaherz> just all at once
L1246[17:10:40] <thecodewarrior> Oh. ok.
L1247[17:10:46] <gigaherz> (I believe)
L1248[17:10:51] <thecodewarrior> That makes sense.
L1249[17:12:05] <gigaherz> oh and
L1250[17:12:05] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Everpipe/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/everpipe/client/ClientProxy.java#L26,L27
L1251[17:12:25] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Everpipe/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/everpipe/blockstates/block_pipe.json
L1252[17:12:33] <gigaherz> that's all the "code" needed to get the other file to work
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L1254[17:13:30] <gigaherz> "everpipe:custom/pipe" is the key, there
L1255[17:13:46] <gigaherz> it's what triggers the custom model loader
L1256[17:13:53] <thecodewarrior> Would it be worth it to cache the models? I already have a model system that does that.
L1257[17:13:54] <gigaherz> and gets the custom model injected
L1258[17:14:02] <gigaherz> yeah
L1259[17:14:06] <gigaherz> but you'd want an invalidation system
L1260[17:14:08] <thecodewarrior> Ok.
L1261[17:14:16] <gigaherz> otherwise the game would get big over time, I think?
L1262[17:14:28] <gigaherz> but it really depends on how much work you are doing
L1263[17:14:34] <gigaherz> it may be worth storing the rotated pieces
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L1265[17:14:42] <gigaherz> but it may not be worth storing the "assembled" models
L1266[17:14:58] <gigaherz> so I guess what I'd do is cache the transformed parts
L1267[17:15:03] <gigaherz> individually
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L1269[17:16:57] <thecodewarrior> Yeah. the most complicated model has:
L1270[17:18:07] <thecodewarrior> four facing directions, N materials (at the moment it's 4), and some number of true/false decorations (at the moment it's 2), and the following true/false parts:
L1271[17:18:08] <thecodewarrior> north, south, east, west, bottom, NE connector, NW connector, SE connector, SW connector, north bottom landing, south bottom landing, east bottom landing, west bottom landing, north top landing, south top landing, east top landing, west top landing
L1272[17:18:40] <gigaherz> so I'm watching someone watching someone watching someone
L1273[17:18:40] <howtonotwin> wait
L1274[17:18:40] <gigaherz> https://www.twitch.tv/rendogtv
L1275[17:18:49] <howtonotwin> can't you maybe use 1.9 multipart models?
L1276[17:19:04] <thecodewarrior> So that's a little over 2 million models per material
L1277[17:19:04] <gigaherz> howtonotwin: the point is NOT to compute all the combinations on load
L1278[17:19:21] <thecodewarrior> and the caching would just cache any model that's been baked.
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L1281[17:23:23] <thecodewarrior> make that four million
L1282[17:30:09] <gigaherz> so
L1283[17:30:18] <gigaherz> I was thinking about that whole AI json stuff
L1284[17:30:19] <gigaherz> https://gist.github.com/gigaherz/a6dd86528691b95568de90669235028b
L1285[17:30:22] <gigaherz> this is what I came up with
L1286[17:33:28] <howtonotwin> why is the player range condition "@distance" but the cat range condition it's own prop "range"?
L1287[17:33:49] <gigaherz> oh, I forgot to change that bit
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L1289[17:35:28] <gigaherz> there, submitted that idea to the FAIL project ;P
L1290[17:35:28] <gigaherz> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/FAIL/issues/2
L1291[17:36:53] <howtonotwin> "entity type" but "switch_to"?
L1292[17:37:09] <howtonotwin> let's not make this into another NBT, please :P
L1293[17:37:32] <gigaherz> eep
L1294[17:37:48] <gigaherz> more copypasta
L1295[17:37:49] <howtonotwin> and there's no "aggressive" state
L1296[17:38:02] <howtonotwin> but you're switching into it from flee
L1297[17:38:19] <gigaherz> thx for proofreading
L1298[17:38:23] <gigaherz> ;P
L1299[17:38:31] <gigaherz> itwas meant to be "wander"
L1300[17:39:05] <howtonotwin> and it's not meant to have a target, right?
L1301[17:39:28] <howtonotwin> additionally, what other values can target have other than @entity?
L1302[17:39:34] <howtonotwin> can you target a block pos?
L1303[17:39:42] <howtonotwin> absolute? relative?
L1304[17:39:44] <howtonotwin> etc.
L1305[17:40:07] <gigaherz> the way I picture it
L1306[17:40:10] <gigaherz> it would depend on the task
L1307[17:40:26] <gigaherz> the "chase" task would have a target property holding an entity
L1308[17:40:34] <gigaherz> while a "move_to" task would have a target blockpos
L1309[17:41:31] <RANKSHANK_mob1> Shouldn't there be a proximity condition for switching to explode from creep?
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L1312[17:42:27] <gigaherz> RANKSHANK_mob1: if there isn't one, there should be
L1313[17:42:49] <gigaherz> but... the point of this was the structure, not the exact AI details
L1314[17:42:50] <gigaherz> ;P
L1315[17:42:50] <howtonotwin> so the core of the system really only manages keeping track of the state, choosing tasks, and deserializing the JSON?
L1316[17:43:00] <gigaherz> that would be my idea, yes
L1317[17:43:03] <howtonotwin> and the tasks themselves deal with figuring out what the data means
L1318[17:43:06] <gigaherz> yup
L1319[17:43:17] <gigaherz> that leaves the bulk of the complexity in actual proper code
L1320[17:43:25] <gigaherz> and reduces the risk of the AI breaking the game
L1321[17:43:58] <howtonotwin> so the events tag would be an List<ImmutableMap<String, String>>?
L1322[17:44:07] <howtonotwin> what happens if two conditions overlap?
L1323[17:44:14] <gigaherz> first one on the array would win
L1324[17:44:27] <gigaherz> this would be evaluated once per tick or similar
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L1326[17:47:41] <gigaherz> EWH
L1327[17:47:44] <howtonotwin> eh?
L1328[17:47:45] <gigaherz> that's why I didn't want to have comments in it
L1329[17:47:47] <howtonotwin> the red is ugly :P
L1330[17:47:54] <howtonotwin> you can use __comment
L1331[17:48:53] <gigaherz> I know, but that's horrible
L1332[17:49:00] <gigaherz> I was hoping gist wouldn't be retarded ;P
L1333[17:49:20] <howtonotwin> so the source, condition, and switch_to properties are part of FAIL's core but everything else is extra?
L1334[17:49:50] ⇦ Quits: KnightMiner (~KnightMin@107-1-23-59-ip-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1335[17:50:17] <gigaherz> howtonotwin: yeah
L1336[17:50:24] <gigaherz> i'm undecided on that
L1337[17:50:31] <gigaherz> a "properties" block would be cleaner
L1338[17:50:49] <gigaherz> but it would add unnecessary nesting depth
L1339[17:51:09] <howtonotwin> and the events are therefore a List[{ val source: String; val condition: Condition /* Some complex AST? */; val switchTo: String; val other: String Map String }]?
L1340[17:51:19] <howtonotwin> mind the scala :P
L1341[17:51:23] <howtonotwin> structural types
L1342[17:51:43] <howtonotwin> imagine the {} block being it's own class or interface
L1343[17:52:50] <Ruuubi> Uhm is Vazkii here ? I don't know which nick he has in IRC :S
L1344[17:53:21] <howtonotwin> he's normally Vazkii here too
L1345[17:53:29] <howtonotwin> but he's not here rn from the looks of it
L1346[17:53:36] <gigaherz> he's not here right this moment, it seems
L1347[17:53:37] <Ruuubi> okay. thanks
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L1351[17:58:25] <gigaherz> decided to change it to use "tags":{} for defining data
L1352[17:58:28] <gigaherz> looks cleaner.
L1353[18:01:01] <howtonotwin> would it be possible to select a state from a random set?
L1354[18:02:14] <howtonotwin> e.g. if a villager is nearby my special zombie goes into either "summon" (friends to attack village) or "attack" mode.
L1355[18:03:45] <gigaherz> howtonotwin: I suppose?
L1356[18:05:44] <gigaherz> how does "switch_to": [ { "state": "name", "weight": 0.5} , ... ]
L1357[18:05:45] <gigaherz> sound? ;P
L1358[18:08:52] <howtonotwin> that's good
L1359[18:09:18] <howtonotwin> but why not just switch_to: { "name": 0.5, ... }?
L1360[18:09:45] <gigaherz> because I have been wondering about the whole tags stuff
L1361[18:10:01] <gigaherz> thinking that they may belong inside "switch_to"
L1362[18:10:10] <gigaherz> "set": {
L1363[18:10:14] <gigaherz> "state": "new state",
L1364[18:10:20] <gigaherz> "target": ...
L1365[18:10:21] <gigaherz> }
L1366[18:10:31] <howtonotwin> that does make sense
L1367[18:11:15] <howtonotwin> also, will the minecon panels be recorded anywhere?
L1368[18:11:56] <gigaherz> no idea
L1369[18:11:58] <gigaherz> no one knows
L1370[18:12:07] <gigaherz> we don't even know if the forge panel will be streamed by anyone
L1371[18:12:11] <gigaherz> the hermitcraft one wasn't.
L1372[18:12:27] <gigaherz> it was a friend of one of the hermits who streamed it over periscope
L1373[18:12:36] <howtonotwin> periscope?
L1374[18:12:36] ⇨ Joins: thecodewarrior (~thecodewa@75-128-36-21.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com)
L1375[18:12:41] * howtonotwin likes periscopes
L1376[18:13:06] <gigaherz> it's a "life streaming" service
L1377[18:13:07] <howtonotwin> tcw must be so confused lol
L1378[18:13:14] <gigaherz> unlike twitch which is for gaming
L1379[18:13:23] <gigaherz> periscope is for random stuff
L1380[18:13:48] <gigaherz> tcw?
L1381[18:13:55] <howtonotwin> the_code_warrior
L1382[18:13:59] <gigaherz> why?
L1383[18:14:09] <gigaherz> oh I see
L1384[18:14:12] <howtonotwin> he joined right as I said /me likes periscopes
L1385[18:14:13] <gigaherz> he just joined as you said that
L1386[18:14:14] <gigaherz> XD
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L1395[18:34:04] <tankcr> trying to init item.sword the same way I did for a standard item, but it doesn't work, is there a different way that you init it?
L1396[18:35:32] <tankcr> https://snag.gy/guNktv.jpg
L1397[18:37:50] <gigaherz> the popup says it
L1398[18:37:55] <gigaherz> it's expecting a ToolMAterial
L1399[18:37:57] <gigaherz> you didn't provide one
L1400[18:39:05] <tankcr> ok, I thought I set it in the ADMTClaw class, but must not have correctly, is it correct to set it in the init, or should I build it into the class, or can you?
L1401[18:39:39] <gigaherz> wahtever you prefer.
L1402[18:39:46] <tankcr> ok, thanks
L1403[18:40:26] <tankcr> is this correct?
L1404[18:40:27] <tankcr> ADMTClaw.ToolMaterial admtClaw = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("admtclaw", 2, 2500, 4.0F, 6.0F, 22);
L1405[18:40:52] <gigaherz> the material is "admtclaw"?
L1406[18:41:19] <gigaherz> I mean
L1407[18:41:25] <gigaherz> that string is meant to describe the material name
L1408[18:41:30] <tankcr> hmm, I would have to create the material of admtclaw wouldn't I
L1409[18:41:33] <gigaherz> like, "iron" or "gold"
L1410[18:41:48] <gigaherz> i'm just being picky
L1411[18:42:00] <gigaherz> but it feels like "admtclaw" isn't what you'd expect as a material name
L1412[18:42:02] <gigaherz> ;P
L1413[18:42:08] <tankcr> welll, I guess it should be adamantium then
L1414[18:42:19] <gigaherz> yeah that's feel better ;P
L1415[18:42:31] <gigaherz> or "yourmod:adamantium" if you want to avoid conflicts
L1416[18:42:39] <gigaherz> no idea if ":" is supported there
L1417[18:43:53] <tankcr> ok, so then I would pass admtClaw to the init as the material, correct?
L1418[18:44:22] <gigaherz> you shouldn't need me to answer that ;P
L1419[18:44:35] <gigaherz> i'ts just a parameter like any other ;P
L1420[18:44:39] <tankcr> maybe I should call it admtClawMat to make it easier to remember and id
L1421[18:45:11] <gigaherz> do you use smurf-naming for everything?
L1422[18:45:11] <gigaherz> ;P
L1423[18:45:26] <gigaherz> or it's just because the claw is adamantium?
L1424[18:45:37] <gigaherz> I'd just do like
L1425[18:45:43] <gigaherz> clawMaterial
L1426[18:45:48] <gigaherz> unless you have other claws
L1427[18:45:52] <gigaherz> meh
L1428[18:45:55] <gigaherz> I'm tired
L1429[18:45:59] <gigaherz> i'll go to sleep
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L1431[18:46:00] <gigaherz> night
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L1440[19:13:33] <SquareWheel> Time to work on more rendering fun today.
L1441[19:15:05] <howtonotwin> "yay" sound effect
L1442[19:16:36] <SquareWheel> Not sure if you saw, but I think I resolved the issue from yesterday. As simple as using builtin/generated instead of item/generated.
L1443[19:16:52] <howtonotwin> item/generated is the "correct" way of doing item models
L1444[19:17:00] <howtonotwin> and I could swear it worked before
L1445[19:17:10] <howtonotwin> idk why it broke for you
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L1447[19:17:20] <howtonotwin> glad you found a way around it though
L1448[19:17:36] <SquareWheel> Dang computer ghosts
L1449[19:17:49] <howtonotwin> I might have to break out the git bisect
L1450[19:17:54] <howtonotwin> poor cpu
L1451[19:18:04] <howtonotwin> decompiling MC 10 times in one day
L1452[19:18:29] <howtonotwin> once I ran decompileMc on 3 different projects across different forge versions
L1453[19:18:38] <howtonotwin> simultaneously
L1454[19:19:51] <howtonotwin> at that point I felt as if I myself was in a superposition of being alive and being dead by explosion.
L1455[19:20:15] <SquareWheel> The smoke filling the computer case was probably unrelated.
L1456[19:20:29] <howtonotwin> I have a Toshiba Satellite
L1457[19:20:37] <howtonotwin> what is this computer case you speak of
L1458[19:29:03] <howtonotwin> so what are you working on rn?
L1459[19:30:46] <SquareWheel> Well, the first layer is now working correctly. I have it generated nicely from within a for loop. For whatever reason though, adding a second variant to the blockstate causes things to break. Trying to work out why that is.
L1460[19:30:59] <howtonotwin> you must order them a certain way
L1461[19:31:11] <howtonotwin> properties are ordered alphabetically
L1462[19:31:27] <SquareWheel> Huh. That I did not know.
L1463[19:31:39] <howtonotwin> so 'foo=bar,gaf=am,qux=0'
L1464[19:31:47] <SquareWheel> Does that matter in the json file too?
L1465[19:31:49] <howtonotwin> no
L1466[19:31:52] <howtonotwin> only in the for loop
L1467[19:32:11] <howtonotwin> if you did top=...,material=...
L1468[19:32:20] <howtonotwin> that would break bc top > material
L1469[19:32:25] <howtonotwin> etc.
L1470[19:32:30] <SquareWheel> Will give it a go.
L1471[19:32:47] <Ordinastie> not sure what for loop you're talking about, but it needs to be alphabetically ordered in the json
L1472[19:33:57] <SquareWheel> The loop to iterate through my variants and create MRLs for them.
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L1474[19:34:11] <SquareWheel> I ordered it in the json just in case though.
L1475[19:34:17] <howtonotwin> for { material <- materials; other <- others; variant = s"material=$material,other=$other"; mrl = new MRL(..., variant) } ModelLoader.setCustomMRL(item, mrl)
L1476[19:34:21] <howtonotwin> that kind of loop
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L1481[19:35:04] * howtonotwin plays a tiny violin
L1482[19:35:33] <SquareWheel> Doesn't look like the order was the issue.
L1483[19:35:40] <SquareWheel> Or at least, not the only issue.
L1484[19:35:42] <howtonotwin> logs?
L1485[19:35:48] <howtonotwin> images?
L1486[19:35:56] <howtonotwin> gist all the things really :P
L1487[19:36:13] <SquareWheel> I'll restart MC in case the hotswap wasn't working for this code.
L1488[19:36:39] <howtonotwin> hotswap will never work for model registering code, will it?
L1489[19:36:39] <Ordinastie> you're trying to hotswap model definitions?
L1490[19:36:48] <howtonotwin> hotswap is for code
L1491[19:37:01] <SquareWheel> I updated code and JSONs. So did hotswap and reload texture cache.
L1492[19:37:08] <howtonotwin> it won't work on data structures like the model cache
L1493[19:37:18] <Ordinastie> depends
L1494[19:37:34] <howtonotwin> reloading the cache will not reregister your model mappings
L1495[19:37:35] <Ordinastie> but probably not in that case
L1496[19:38:26] <SquareWheel> Just to check, when specifying two variants I just string them together with commas, right?
L1497[19:38:29] <SquareWheel> ModelResourceLocation(getRegistryName(), "amount=0,material=iron")
L1498[19:38:32] <howtonotwin> yes
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L1500[19:39:22] <SquareWheel> So our error is... Exception loading model for variant wateringcans:watering_can#amount=2,material=iron for item "wateringcans:watering_can", normal location exception:
L1501[19:39:27] <SquareWheel> Maybe my JSON is structured wrong.
L1502[19:39:32] <howtonotwin> entire log please
L1503[19:39:49] <howtonotwin> model errors fill the log with dozens of stacktraces
L1504[19:40:05] <SquareWheel> http://pastebin.com/0jC637ph
L1505[19:41:33] <Ordinastie> don't know much about models, but doing a for loop to register them sounds really weird
L1506[19:41:37] <howtonotwin> Caused by: net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelBlockDefinition$MissingVariantException
L1507[19:41:42] <howtonotwin> why...
L1508[19:41:48] <howtonotwin> how...
L1509[19:42:02] <SquareWheel> Haha, I'm glad I find new ways to stump you.
L1510[19:42:11] <howtonotwin> more data nao!!!!1!
L1511[19:42:19] <SquareWheel> ALright I'll push to the repo.
L1512[19:42:42] <howtonotwin> it doesn't even have a cause...
L1513[19:43:27] <SquareWheel> https://github.com/WesCook/WateringCans/blob/master/src/main/java/ca/wescook/wateringcans/items/ItemWateringCan.java#L41-L74
L1514[19:43:34] <SquareWheel> I went with an anonymous function as suggested.
L1515[19:43:56] ⇦ Quits: RichardG (~richardg8@ (Quit: You saw nothing.)
L1516[19:44:07] <howtonotwin> if you're in a dev env lambdas are ok
L1517[19:44:25] <howtonotwin> and further they have been obfuscating fine since May so it's also ok
L1518[19:44:37] <howtonotwin> that made very little sense
L1519[19:44:39] <howtonotwin> ignore
L1520[19:44:53] <SquareWheel> In May a change to forge allowed them to work with the MC obfuscation?
L1521[19:45:34] <SquareWheel> I've written some JS so anonymous functions/closures feel normal to me.
L1522[19:46:00] <Ordinastie> that could/should be a one liner almost
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L1524[19:46:48] <Ordinastie> first make a isGold(itemStack) method
L1525[19:46:52] <howtonotwin> you call client-only code from your all-sided constructor?
L1526[19:46:56] <howtonotwin> he has 4 materials
L1527[19:47:03] <howtonotwin> this isn't complete yet
L1528[19:47:03] <SquareWheel> 2 in testing, will be 4.
L1529[19:47:12] <SquareWheel> The mesh definitions code will probably be a one liner by the end though.
L1530[19:47:20] <SquareWheel> Just build the string dynamically.
L1531[19:48:16] <Ordinastie> make a MRL getter
L1532[19:48:20] <Ordinastie> ModelLoader.setCustomMeshDefinition(this, this::getMRL);
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L1534[19:48:24] MineBot sets mode: +v on RichardG
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L1536[19:49:00] <SquareWheel> Just for code cleanliness sake?
L1537[19:49:09] <Ordinastie> yes
L1538[19:49:15] <Ordinastie> if you're using Java 8
L1539[19:50:04] <SquareWheel> I don't really need any features of Java 8, but I can't be arsed to install the J7 JDK...
L1540[19:50:19] <Ordinastie> wut ?
L1541[19:50:51] <SquareWheel> I figured the JDK you're using sets the minimum target,
L1542[19:51:05] <howtonotwin> nah
L1543[19:51:09] <Ordinastie> what you compile for sets the minimum target
L1544[19:51:14] <howtonotwin> you can set lower targets
L1545[19:51:20] <SquareWheel> Ah, useful
L1546[19:51:24] <Ordinastie> it's just a the question whether you want to force your users to have J8
L1547[19:51:28] <Ordinastie> and basically, you should
L1548[19:51:33] <howtonotwin> (most people say yes)
L1549[19:51:40] <Ordinastie> like you really should have J8 already installed
L1550[19:52:01] <howtonotwin> right ok I
L1551[19:52:07] <howtonotwin> nvm keyboard
L1552[19:54:37] <SquareWheel> You mentioned that sidedness might be an issue. That's something I need to learn more about still. But as I understand my @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) might not be going far enough.
L1553[19:55:03] <howtonotwin> SideOnly is actually the opposite
L1554[19:55:31] <howtonotwin> it means "if side doesn't match literally delete me completely from the loaded class"
L1555[19:55:58] <howtonotwin> which means calling it is a NoSuchMethodError or something equally fatal
L1556[19:56:39] <howtonotwin> you MUST do it through ClientProxy
L1557[19:56:39] <SquareWheel> I read a bit about it. As I understood, it could cause some issues with dedicated servers and built-in servers not acting the same. IIRC?
L1558[19:56:59] <howtonotwin> https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/sides/
L1559[19:57:34] <SquareWheel> Will move to the client proxy. Might that be related to the weird behavior we're seeing?
L1560[19:57:41] <Ordinastie> no
L1561[19:58:10] <barteks2x> f***.
L1562[19:58:18] <barteks2x> I deleted wrong file
L1563[19:58:31] ⇦ Quits: mrkirby153 (mrkirby153@the.government.stole-your.pw) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L1564[19:58:32] <barteks2x> Uncommited, not yet staged
L1565[19:58:47] <SquareWheel> Edit undo? :<
L1566[19:58:52] <Ordinastie> barteks2x, eclipse ?
L1567[19:58:54] <barteks2x> idea
L1568[19:59:02] <Ordinastie> should have a restore feature too
L1569[19:59:06] <barteks2x> undo doesn't work
L1570[19:59:15] <Ordinastie> not undo, Restore
L1571[19:59:33] <barteks2x> Where it is?
L1572[19:59:37] <barteks2x> I can't find it
L1573[19:59:40] <Ordinastie> dunno, I use eclipse
L1574[19:59:47] <barteks2x> and don't want to destroy my chances of restoring it
L1575[19:59:48] <Ordinastie> google might know though
L1576[20:00:10] <quadraxis> VCS
L1577[20:00:20] <quadraxis> local history
L1578[20:01:07] <barteks2x> restored, thanks
L1579[20:01:36] ⇨ Joins: mrkirby153 (mrkirby153@the.government.stole-your.pw)
L1580[20:02:57] <SquareWheel> So I should just treat @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) as an optimization, correct? I should still do everything through proxies?
L1581[20:03:05] <howtonotwin> not even an optimization
L1582[20:03:11] <howtonotwin> and yes to proxies
L1583[20:03:40] <howtonotwin> you use it whenever you access a client only class from double-sided classes
L1584[20:03:55] <howtonotwin> bc the jvm's way of classloading is stupid
L1585[20:04:13] <howtonotwin> if I have @SideOnly(CLIENT) class A
L1586[20:04:15] ⇨ Joins: edr (~edr@d-65-175-151-56.cpe.metrocast.net)
L1587[20:04:22] <howtonotwin> and @SideOnly(SERVER) class B
L1588[20:04:33] <howtonotwin> and a plain-old class C
L1589[20:04:38] <howtonotwin> (C is on both sides)
L1590[20:04:52] <howtonotwin> and C has a method clientMagic() { A.blah(); )
L1591[20:05:04] <howtonotwin> and also a method serverMagic() { B.blah(); }
L1592[20:05:47] <SquareWheel> We're working through the client proxy now. :)
L1593[20:05:53] <howtonotwin> and you have another double-sided class D { magic() { new C(); } }
L1594[20:06:04] <howtonotwin> then when D::magic
L1595[20:06:06] <howtonotwin> is called
L1596[20:06:10] <howtonotwin> then it loads class C
L1597[20:06:26] <howtonotwin> the jvm then notes that class C references classes A and B
L1598[20:06:36] <howtonotwin> even though they haven't even been used yet
L1599[20:06:48] <Ordinastie> actually, not in your example
L1600[20:07:11] <howtonotwin> on the server, A doesn't exist and makes the jvm yell
L1601[20:07:22] <howtonotwin> and on the client, B doesn't exist and makes the jvm yell
L1602[20:07:30] <howtonotwin> anyway I have to scram for ~15 min
L1603[20:07:31] <howtonotwin> brb
L1604[20:08:05] <primetoxinz> hmm InitMapGenEven is not called in superflat, weird
L1605[20:08:09] <SquareWheel> So D>C>A and D>C>B depending on client or server. But if it makes the JVM yell, it seems like maybe not such a good approach?
L1606[20:08:09] <primetoxinz> Event*
L1607[20:08:24] <Ordinastie> SquareWheel, his example is bad
L1608[20:08:49] <Ordinastie> but basically, you shouldn't be using @SideOnly yourself
L1609[20:09:02] <howtonotwin> I am OFFENDED /s
L1610[20:09:06] <Ordinastie> only when overriding a method from a vanilla class that has it
L1611[20:09:12] <SquareWheel> I think I just got that code from McJty's tutorial and never touched it again.
L1612[20:10:04] <SquareWheel> Well, he does it in Client. Nevermind.
L1613[20:14:18] ⇨ Joins: AbrarSyed (~AbrarSyed@ipv6.abrarsyed.com)
L1614[20:14:18] *** ipo.esper.net sets mode: +o AbrarSyed
L1615[20:14:41] <SquareWheel> Looking more closely at this error log. I notice it switches between "normal location exception" and "blockstate location exception".
L1616[20:15:36] *** AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L1617[20:16:32] <SquareWheel> Hrmm. I have gold before iron in my json. That's not alphabetical.
L1618[20:17:13] <SquareWheel> Er, said that backwards.
L1619[20:26:27] <SquareWheel> So, MissingVariantException. Presumably that means my MRL isn't mapping to my JSON variant for some reason.
L1620[20:30:19] <howtonotwin> it can also mean that the JSON is wrong somehow
L1621[20:30:29] <howtonotwin> I suggest that you use breakpoints
L1622[20:30:30] <howtonotwin> lots of
L1623[20:30:52] <SquareWheel> I'd be able to make better sense of them if I understood what Forge was supposed to be doing versus what it is.
L1624[20:31:01] <SquareWheel> Will play with it though.
L1625[20:31:18] <SquareWheel> Also going to see if I can get it working with item/generated, as that weirdness might be related.
L1626[20:32:08] <howtonotwin> breakpoint ModelLoader:325
L1627[20:32:19] ⇨ Joins: Drullkus (~Dru11kus@
L1628[20:32:28] <howtonotwin> and add a condition that the item be your watering can
L1629[20:33:17] *** Drullkus is now known as Drull|Con
L1630[20:33:38] <howtonotwin> at MLR:149 is where the blockstate starts loading
L1631[20:33:47] <SquareWheel> When it says: "Could not load item model either from the normal location * or from the blockstate", does normal location refer to the /models file?
L1632[20:34:30] <howtonotwin> models/item yes
L1633[20:34:34] <howtonotwin> iirc
L1634[20:35:07] <howtonotwin> methinks your blockstate json is loading and is doing something unexpected with the variants
L1635[20:36:15] <SquareWheel> Okay, watching MLR now. First thing it loads is dynbucket.
L1636[20:36:28] <howtonotwin> yeah you don't want to sit in that loop :P
L1637[20:36:37] <howtonotwin> use conditional breakpoints
L1638[20:36:43] <SquareWheel> If it's only forge and my mod, it shouldn't take too long to iterate through.
L1639[20:36:47] <SquareWheel> I only really add one item.
L1640[20:36:56] <howtonotwin> actually it'll likely be the next one :P
L1641[20:37:20] <howtonotwin> but this is also for MC's items
L1642[20:37:24] <SquareWheel> First variant is #amount=8,material=iron
L1643[20:37:30] <SquareWheel> Bit odd. Should start at amount=0.
L1644[20:37:41] <howtonotwin> doesn't matter though
L1645[20:38:37] <SquareWheel> Seeing a normalException.
L1646[20:38:44] <howtonotwin> that's good
L1647[20:38:51] <howtonotwin> jump into loadModels
L1648[20:39:09] <primetoxinz> !gm spawnVillagers
L1649[20:39:24] <primetoxinz> why won't you reply to me mcpbot D:
L1650[20:40:25] ⇦ Quits: MrIbby (~MrIbby@ ()
L1651[20:40:28] <howtonotwin> It works for me
L1652[20:40:34] <SquareWheel> So in this case, is normalException just Forge looking for a /models/item first and failing, and recording it before moving on?
L1653[20:40:40] <primetoxinz> D: what the heck
L1654[20:40:42] <howtonotwin> yes
L1655[20:40:43] <howtonotwin> !!gm spawnVillagers
L1656[20:40:44] <MCPBot_Reborn> === MC 1.10.2: net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureVillagePieces$Village.spawnVillagers (axb$n.a) UNLOCKED ===
L1657[20:40:44] <MCPBot_Reborn> Name : a => func_74893_a => spawnVillagers
L1658[20:40:45] <MCPBot_Reborn> Descriptor : (Laid;Lawg;IIII)V => (Lnet/minecraft/world/World;Lnet/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureBoundingBox;IIII)V
L1659[20:40:46] <MCPBot_Reborn> AT : public net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.StructureVillagePieces$Village func_74893_a(Lnet/minecraft/world/World;Lnet/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureBoundingBox;IIII)V # spawnVillagers
L1660[20:40:47] <MCPBot_Reborn> Comment : Spawns a number of villagers in this component. Parameters: world, component bounding box, x offset, y offset, z offset, number of villagers
L1661[20:40:47] <MCPBot_Reborn> SRG Params : World p_74893_1_, StructureBoundingBox p_74893_2_, I p_74893_3_, I p_74893_4_, I p_74893_5_, I p_74893_6_
L1662[20:40:48] <MCPBot_Reborn> MCP Params : World worldIn, StructureBoundingBox structurebb, int x, int y, int z, int count
L1663[20:40:49] <MCPBot_Reborn> Last Change: 2016-06-27 17:03:33.524190-04:00 (_bot_update_)
L1664[20:40:50] <howtonotwin> tada
L1665[20:41:01] <primetoxinz> not even help works for me
L1666[20:41:09] <howtonotwin> lol
L1667[20:41:14] <SquareWheel> Double exclamation points?
L1668[20:41:14] <primetoxinz> so confused
L1669[20:41:21] <howtonotwin> two means public out
L1670[20:41:27] <primetoxinz> !!help
L1671[20:41:28] <howtonotwin> one means PM
L1672[20:41:28] <SquareWheel> Ah
L1673[20:41:31] <primetoxinz> see
L1674[20:41:32] <primetoxinz> nothing
L1675[20:41:38] <howtonotwin> !!help
L1676[20:41:52] <howtonotwin> interesting
L1677[20:41:53] <primetoxinz> ok, maybe it won't do help at all
L1678[20:41:59] <howtonotwin> public output help is still PM
L1679[20:42:05] <howtonotwin> It said it though xD
L1680[20:42:09] <primetoxinz> !!gm spawnVillagers
L1681[20:42:10] <MCPBot_Reborn> === MC 1.10.2: net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureVillagePieces$Village.spawnVillagers (axb$n.a) UNLOCKED ===
L1682[20:42:11] <MCPBot_Reborn> Name : a => func_74893_a => spawnVillagers
L1683[20:42:11] <MCPBot_Reborn> Descriptor : (Laid;Lawg;IIII)V => (Lnet/minecraft/world/World;Lnet/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureBoundingBox;IIII)V
L1684[20:42:12] <MCPBot_Reborn> AT : public net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.StructureVillagePieces$Village func_74893_a(Lnet/minecraft/world/World;Lnet/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureBoundingBox;IIII)V # spawnVillagers
L1685[20:42:13] <MCPBot_Reborn> Comment : Spawns a number of villagers in this component. Parameters: world, component bounding box, x offset, y offset, z offset, number of villagers
L1686[20:42:14] <MCPBot_Reborn> SRG Params : World p_74893_1_, StructureBoundingBox p_74893_2_, I p_74893_3_, I p_74893_4_, I p_74893_5_, I p_74893_6_
L1687[20:42:14] <MCPBot_Reborn> MCP Params : World worldIn, StructureBoundingBox structurebb, int x, int y, int z, int count
L1688[20:42:15] <MCPBot_Reborn> Last Change: 2016-06-27 17:03:33.524190-04:00 (_bot_update_)
L1689[20:42:17] <primetoxinz> rude
L1690[20:42:27] <howtonotwin> now please don't spam chat with those commands xD
L1691[20:42:31] <primetoxinz> sorry
L1692[20:42:35] <primetoxinz> I just wanted it to work :(
L1693[20:42:46] <howtonotwin> it was broken for a minute there
L1694[20:42:52] <howtonotwin> you were justified
L1695[20:43:08] <primetoxinz> pming still doesn't work
L1696[20:43:20] <SquareWheel> model.location="mincraft:builtin/missing" -Maybe of interest?
L1697[20:43:25] ⇦ Quits: primetoxinz (~primetoxi@ip68-107-226-229.hr.hr.cox.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L1698[20:43:38] ⇨ Joins: primetoxinz (~primetoxi@ip68-107-226-229.hr.hr.cox.net)
L1699[20:43:53] <howtonotwin> where is that SQ?
L1700[20:44:11] <howtonotwin> *SW
L1701[20:44:21] <SquareWheel> Variables list on a breakpoint of modelLoaderRegistry.getModel().
L1702[20:44:45] <howtonotwin> what line exactly?
L1703[20:44:53] <SquareWheel> 325
L1704[20:45:18] <howtonotwin> thought you were inside oops :P
L1705[20:45:42] <howtonotwin> go into that method
L1706[20:46:00] <howtonotwin> the RL should be correct, no?
L1707[20:46:33] <SquareWheel> Looks right to me.
L1708[20:46:47] <howtonotwin> alright just run to line 149
L1709[20:47:00] <howtonotwin> the accepted loader should be VariantLoader
L1710[20:47:09] <SquareWheel> Correct
L1711[20:47:17] <howtonotwin> inwards!
L1712[20:47:32] <primetoxinz> villages are such a MESS
L1713[20:47:33] <SquareWheel> Onwards and inwards
L1714[20:47:51] <howtonotwin> go into the call at 1181
L1715[20:48:07] <howtonotwin> and then go in again at the super call
L1716[20:48:09] <SquareWheel> Of which file?
L1717[20:48:24] <primetoxinz> what would be the best way to make a village have no villagers depending on the x,z of the village?
L1718[20:48:29] <howtonotwin> ModelLoader
L1719[20:48:53] <howtonotwin> kill them all :D
L1720[20:49:11] <primetoxinz> hmm
L1721[20:49:23] <primetoxinz> idk when I would do that
L1722[20:49:39] <howtonotwin> see whatever generates them
L1723[20:49:43] <howtonotwin> and then murder them
L1724[20:50:00] <primetoxinz> well, goes all the way up to MapGenVillage
L1725[20:50:20] <primetoxinz> don't have the work in InitMapGen
L1726[20:50:23] <primetoxinz> world*
L1727[20:50:50] <SquareWheel> So the call at 1181 is loader.getModelBlockDefinition(variant). Neither loader nor getModelBlockDefinition have supers.
L1728[20:50:58] <howtonotwin> go in
L1729[20:51:01] <howtonotwin> and go in again
L1730[20:51:15] <SquareWheel> Oh, there is under getModelBlockDefinition's try/catch.
L1731[20:51:50] <howtonotwin> so you're in ModelBakery::loadModelBlockDefinition?
L1732[20:52:09] <howtonotwin> so far the RL seems fine right?
L1733[20:52:16] <SquareWheel> Er, one sec.
L1734[20:52:38] <SquareWheel> Okay, there now.
L1735[20:52:43] <SquareWheel> Getting obfuscatey in here.
L1736[20:52:46] <howtonotwin> lol
L1737[20:52:59] <howtonotwin> you should be able to reach line 185 inside the if
L1738[20:53:17] <primetoxinz> there is no way to know when an entity is spawned .-.
L1739[20:53:19] <howtonotwin> iff you can, go in
L1740[20:53:32] ⇦ Quits: Drull|Con (~Dru11kus@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1741[20:54:23] <howtonotwin> prime: Figure out where villages spawn yourself, scan the area for villagers, then kill them?
L1742[20:54:52] <howtonotwin> this feels like command block hackery all over again lol
L1743[20:54:54] ⇦ Quits: Upthorn (~ogmar@108-85-88-44.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1744[20:54:57] <primetoxinz> yeah D:
L1745[20:55:16] <primetoxinz> InitMapGenEvent gives nothing, only can replace the MapGenBase
L1746[20:55:40] <primetoxinz> and villages are fucking mess, so no just replacing a little bit of code
L1747[20:55:54] <howtonotwin> SW: inside loadMultipart MBD?
L1748[20:57:31] <SquareWheel> It's pretty weird. Setting a breakpoint in ModelBakery just grinded the Forge loading sequence to a halt.
L1749[20:57:38] <SquareWheel> Not at the breakpoint, mind you.
L1750[20:58:03] <SquareWheel> Testing with just one on loadModelBlockDefinition.
L1751[20:58:33] <howtonotwin> oh am i dumb >.<
L1752[20:58:35] <SquareWheel> Interestingly when I do that it warns "Method breakpoints may dramatically slow down debugging"
L1753[20:58:42] <howtonotwin> oh?
L1754[20:58:46] <howtonotwin> fancy :P
L1755[20:58:57] <primetoxinz> are you putting it on the method itself?
L1756[20:59:04] <howtonotwin> anyway, modelbakery:200
L1757[20:59:11] <SquareWheel> I was, yeah.
L1758[20:59:18] <primetoxinz> that's why it said that
L1759[20:59:26] <howtonotwin> breakpoint that, and wait until you get one of your models
L1760[21:00:11] <SquareWheel> Oh boy giving me all the vanilla ones.
L1761[21:00:17] <SquareWheel> Okay time to learn how to do a conditional breakpoint.
L1762[21:01:05] <howtonotwin> just rightclick the thing in the top right corner
L1763[21:01:12] <howtonotwin> properties and enable condition
L1764[21:01:22] <SquareWheel> Yeah, just working out the syntax for it.
L1765[21:01:25] <howtonotwin> location.domain equals yourmodid
L1766[21:01:35] <howtonotwin> made correct java
L1767[21:01:51] <howtonotwin> it's literally just a normal java expression in the context of the breakpoint
L1768[21:02:02] <primetoxinz> I really want to just make a PR to make this possible, but I don't have any hopes for it being accepted in an amount of time I'm willing to wait :(
L1769[21:02:02] <SquareWheel> location.getResourceDomain() == "wateringcans"
L1770[21:02:10] <howtonotwin> no
L1771[21:02:12] <howtonotwin> interning
L1772[21:02:16] <howtonotwin> use equals
L1773[21:02:28] <SquareWheel> Oh, right.
L1774[21:02:29] <howtonotwin> fucking java
L1775[21:02:31] <SquareWheel> Dumb Java.
L1776[21:02:38] <howtonotwin> == is almost always wrong -.-
L1777[21:03:18] <SquareWheel> Okay, got a hit.
L1778[21:03:23] <howtonotwin> prime: 1.11 will do it for you ;P
L1779[21:03:29] <howtonotwin> hopefully
L1780[21:03:30] <primetoxinz> oh?
L1781[21:03:37] <howtonotwin> "internal changes"
L1782[21:03:43] <primetoxinz> they better be good
L1783[21:03:52] ⇦ Quits: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk) ()
L1784[21:03:56] <primetoxinz> maybe villages will be structure files
L1785[21:04:04] <howtonotwin> just run to line 208
L1786[21:04:18] <howtonotwin> and inspect `list` for correct model
L1787[21:04:39] <howtonotwin> and i mean inspect
L1788[21:04:45] <SquareWheel> Okay, list of 18 mapVariants.
L1789[21:05:01] <howtonotwin> that seems off
L1790[21:05:07] <SquareWheel> I've only run through it once.
L1791[21:05:13] <howtonotwin> no difference
L1792[21:05:17] <howtonotwin> the blockstate loads once
L1793[21:05:24] ⇨ Joins: Upthorn (~ogmar@108-85-88-44.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net)
L1794[21:05:25] <howtonotwin> and is cached for the rest of them
L1795[21:05:30] <SquareWheel> Ah
L1796[21:05:43] <howtonotwin> that's what that nullcheck was for earlier in the stack
L1797[21:05:57] <howtonotwin> if the cache contains it, use it, otherwise load it and cache it
L1798[21:06:18] <SquareWheel> Well this looks like all the different variants.
L1799[21:06:28] ⇦ Quits: BlayTheNinth (~blay09@x4d0c1354.dyn.telefonica.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1800[21:06:41] <howtonotwin> I thought it was 8*2 = 16 variants
L1801[21:06:44] <howtonotwin> did you add one?
L1802[21:06:56] <SquareWheel> Yeah. So 9*2
L1803[21:07:08] <SquareWheel> I forgot the empty state before.
L1804[21:07:21] <howtonotwin> that's just weird now
L1805[21:07:42] <howtonotwin> it conatins all the variants but it's complaining about missing ones?
L1806[21:08:03] <SquareWheel> [18:30:36] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: Exception loading model for variant wateringcans:watering_can#amount=1,material=iron for item "wateringcans:watering_can", blockstate location exception:
L1807[21:08:24] <howtonotwin> o_O
L1808[21:08:35] <howtonotwin> drop to frame and go into the loading method then
L1809[21:08:58] <SquareWheel> That sounds like a line from the Matrix.
L1810[21:09:25] <howtonotwin> except for the o_O face I was making as I wrote it xD
L1811[21:09:41] <SquareWheel> loadModel or loadItemModels?
L1812[21:09:48] <SquareWheel> Or loadVariantItemModels...
L1813[21:09:56] <howtonotwin> ModelBakery:200
L1814[21:10:03] <howtonotwin> loadMultipartMBD
L1815[21:10:53] <SquareWheel> Okay, moved the breakpoint up to that.
L1816[21:11:06] <howtonotwin> wut
L1817[21:11:18] <howtonotwin> breakpoints have nothing to do with this part?
L1818[21:11:43] <howtonotwin> drop to frame means "abandon stack frame; go to beginning of method"
L1819[21:12:01] <SquareWheel> Oh. I figured you were referring to the Frames menu in the debugger.
L1820[21:12:19] <howtonotwin> in the top left you have the stack frames, correct
L1821[21:12:37] <howtonotwin> if you select a method and M2, you'll see a Drop to Frame button
L1822[21:12:56] <howtonotwin> that means "restart this method"
L1823[21:13:09] <howtonotwin> so restart loadMultipartMBD
L1824[21:13:13] <SquareWheel> Ah, Drop Frame
L1825[21:13:15] <primetoxinz> public void setIsWillingToMate(boolean willingToTrade) { this.isWillingToMate = willingToTrade; }
L1826[21:13:20] <primetoxinz> that parameter doesn't seem right
L1827[21:13:39] <primetoxinz> trading love <3
L1828[21:13:50] <howtonotwin> I think we should blame tambre
L1829[21:14:27] <howtonotwin> the same guy set the method and param names within a minute of each other
L1830[21:14:39] <howtonotwin> wut
L1831[21:15:38] <kashike> and? not hard to do :p
L1832[21:15:56] <howtonotwin> the method is a setter
L1833[21:16:06] <howtonotwin> and somehow the setter name and param do not match
L1834[21:16:24] <kashike> and?
L1835[21:16:26] <kashike> not a big deal
L1836[21:16:34] <kashike> simple to fix
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L1838[21:18:56] <howtonotwin> It warns if you try to set something already set
L1839[21:19:08] <howtonotwin> and I tried and used gp again and it didn't show
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L1841[21:23:07] <kashike> howtonotwin: https://github.com/ModCoderPack/MCPBot-Issues/issues/283
L1842[21:23:13] <kashike> and that is how you resolve things like this
L1843[21:23:43] <howtonotwin> oh right
L1844[21:23:53] <howtonotwin> I need to use the sleep >.<
L1845[21:24:28] <howtonotwin> SW: I assume you are intelligent enough to figure out how blockstates are loaded?
L1846[21:24:42] <howtonotwin> Most of it is just JSON deserialization
L1847[21:25:04] <SquareWheel> Well, I'll keep digging in and see where this wild journey takes me.
L1848[21:25:12] <howtonotwin> If you can locate the issue yourself that'd be wonderful as I need to leave.
L1849[21:25:17] <SquareWheel> I just hope there isn't a spooky computer ghost at the end.
L1850[21:25:22] <howtonotwin> :P
L1851[21:25:24] <howtonotwin> Good night!
L1852[21:25:30] <SquareWheel> Nighty night. Thanks again
L1853[21:25:34] <howtonotwin> np
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L1867[22:42:20] <tjehu> Can anyone direct me to a good place to learn how to mod for 1.7.10?
L1868[22:43:56] <tjehu> I want to learn how to mod, but I'm not sure where or how to start.
L1869[22:44:28] <tjehu> I've had a little bit of prior coding experience, I just don't know how to set up the environment nor use Forge.
L1870[22:44:45] <tjehu> Well, Forge's API. Obviously I have used Forge itself. :P
L1871[22:47:13] <tjehu> Anyone? I thought this would be the right place to ask, being all about Minecraft Forge...
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L1873[22:48:38] <kashike> first step: don't mod for ancient minecraft versions >.>
L1874[22:48:46] <tjehu> It's not that ancient.
L1875[22:48:59] <tjehu> I'd mod for later ones, if any of the good mods had updated yet.
L1876[22:49:11] <tjehu> Still waiting on Thermal Expansion and a bunch of others.
L1877[22:49:54] <tjehu> Problem is that I want my modpack I use to be able to work with it, and until that updates to 1.10 I'm stuck with 1.7.10.
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L1879[22:50:30] <tjehu> Not much of a point in building a mod I can't use, so I figured I'd learn how to do it for 1.7.10 and then update it later.
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L1882[22:53:10] <LexMobile> Thermal expansion will never happen
L1883[22:53:15] <LexMobile> Quit modding for old shit
L1884[22:54:24] <LexMobile> And yes in the tech world its ancient over 2 years old
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L1891[23:25:08] <tjehu> I'll figure it out myself then. And it isn't that old. The release date may be, but for modded servers it is basically the latest version, seeing as that idiot DMCA-d Bukkit and Cauldron shut down as a result.
L1892[23:25:31] <tjehu> Thermal Expansion will probably update, but they update with servers, not clients.
L1893[23:26:07] <tjehu> Hence why they haven't updated to 1.8+ yet. There is no functioning Bukkit+Forge combination for anything higher than 1.7.10 right now.
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L1895[23:26:35] <SquareWheel> Jesus...
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L1898[23:53:51] <LexMobile> Wow you're a moron but as I'm at con you don't get the usual bitchslapping
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