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L1[00:04:11] *** TTFTCUTS is now known as TTFT|Away
L2[00:04:31] <McJty> Bah, I need to find a way to delay my teleportation code until I'm out of the global entity tick loop
L3[00:04:46] <McJty> Seems moving the code to item.onUpdate() wasn't ok since that appears to be called within that loop as well
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L7[00:14:52] <tterrag> McJty: seems pretty easy, bounce it over to some event handler on WorldTickEvent or some such
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L12[00:32:33] <McJty> Well not convinced WorldTickEvent is safer as I also got a CME there with some entity related stuff (different mod)
L13[00:32:44] <McJty> But I'm going to try to bounce it off to the tile entity that the player is teleporting too
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L15[00:33:29] <McJty> (which may not be chunkloaded so I have to see if I can get that to tick at least once)
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L19[01:17:45] <RANKSHANK> McJty could you addScheduleTask() like you would a packet?
L20[01:18:26] <McJty> The problem is that that makes it run in the main event thread but if you are already in the main event thread (which is the case for me) then it just executes immediatelly
L21[01:18:47] <McJty> So that's really only useful if you are in a network packet
L22[01:19:39] <killjoy1> What's the best way to call something from some thread to run on the client thread?
L23[01:20:01] <killjoy1> my usecase: reading image data and loading it to the texturemanager
L24[01:20:17] <McJty> killjoy1, Minecraft.getMinecraft().addScheduledTask(callableToSchedule) I think
L25[01:20:56] <killjoy1> That beats the way I've been doing it
L26[01:25:56] <RANKSHANK> McJty but the runnables are run at the start of the tick before the entity list is accessed, or am I reading it wrong? so if you do () -> teleportEntity(); it'd be called before the entity update loop is started
L27[01:26:14] <killjoy1> it's good for what I'm using.
L28[01:26:19] <McJty> RANKSHANK, only if you are not in the main event thread already
L29[01:26:26] <McJty> If you are in the main event thread they get called immediatelly
L30[01:26:36] <McJty> Making it identical to just doing a straight call
L31[01:27:08] <RANKSHANK> Ahhh I see it
L32[01:27:30] <RANKSHANK> make a temp thread just for adding the runnable :D
L33[01:28:05] <McJty> That sounds a bit heavy and clumsy
L34[01:28:14] <McJty> Anyway I do it in WorldTick now and I'm having people test that out
L35[01:28:30] <tterrag> McJty: if worldtick fails, server tick would probably work
L36[01:28:34] <tterrag> assuming it's only serverside
L37[01:28:41] <McJty> yes it is
L38[01:30:53] <tterrag> killjoy1: lol, that was exactly my usecase too
L39[01:31:25] <tterrag> https://github.com/creatubbles/ctb-mcmod/blob/1.9/src/main/java/com/creatubbles/ctbmod/common/http/DownloadableImage.java#L110-L150
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L41[01:35:06] <killjoy1> I'm basically making a ImageBufferDownload for resources.
L42[01:35:29] <killjoy1> as a way to convert old resources
L43[01:35:58] <McJty> tterrag, btw, WorldTick seems to be called server side only as well
L44[01:36:09] <tterrag> yep, but at a different point in the tick
L45[01:36:29] <tterrag> killjoy1: that's essentially what mine is :P
L46[01:36:34] <tterrag> but instead of converting, it's just loading on the fly
L47[01:38:16] <killjoy1> Hm.. am I abusing placeholder resource locations?
L48[01:38:38] ⇦ Quits: Lirianer (~Lirianer@r186-55-95-59.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L49[01:38:39] <killjoy1> I'm literally static final NULL = new ResourceLocation("NULL")
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L51[01:39:55] <tterrag> considering that really means minecraft:NULL yes :P
L52[01:40:22] <killjoy1> It's impossible for that to be a legit location right now.
L53[01:41:59] <killjoy1> I'm using it in a map to represent a loading texture
L54[01:42:18] <killjoy1> No, I don't have the texture, but it's on the way.
L55[01:42:21] <killjoy1> Don't order more
L56[01:43:56] <tterrag> there's a billion better ways to do that :P
L57[01:44:03] <tterrag> center your system around Futures for one
L58[01:44:16] <killjoy1> I'll have to learn them
L59[01:44:28] <tterrag> guava extends them quite nicely
L60[01:44:39] <tterrag> MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator for one
L61[01:44:49] <killjoy1> I need to learn the concept of futures
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L65[01:47:35] <tterrag> it's just an object that says "this will be done at some point"
L66[01:47:49] <tterrag> so instead of ResourceLocation you would return Future<ResourceLocation>
L67[01:49:12] <tterrag> but with guava you can return a ListenableFuture, which the user could do something like downloadImage(...).addListener(() -> {...}, MoreExecutors.sameThreadExecutor())
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L69[01:49:28] <tterrag> I believe j8 has a similar construct, but you'd have to hard require it of course
L70[01:50:35] <tterrag> ahh yes CompletableFuture
L71[01:50:45] <tterrag> I'm more familiar with guava though
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L74[01:59:57] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160827 mappings to Forge Maven.
L75[02:00:01] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160827-1.10.2.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160827" in build.gradle).
L76[02:00:11] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L77[02:05:43] <killjoy1> tterrag, how would I convert this to a future? https://git.io/v6pso
L78[02:06:28] <tterrag> first off stop spawning a new thread for each download. have an executor for that
L79[02:06:38] <tterrag> you can use guava's listening executor, which will feed you back listenable futures
L80[02:06:42] <tterrag> then just return that
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L85[02:11:49] <killjoy1> Well it's kind of hard to do that because I'm using a vanilla class
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L88[02:17:42] <tterrag> killjoy1: stop doing that then :D
L89[02:17:48] <tterrag> it is not hard to read an image from a remote site
L90[02:17:51] <tterrag> (my code does it)
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L93[02:28:09] <killjoy1> I figured the executors out.
L94[02:28:24] <killjoy1> Unfortunately, I'm embedding callables
L95[02:30:45] <killjoy1> Here's the callable class https://gist.github.com/killjoy1221/99a4350a8d953d0b5cad0d83b9f0d866
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L101[02:36:44] <tterrag> killjoy1: what's the problem with that?
L102[02:36:57] <tterrag> that's perfect, in fact
L103[02:37:02] <killjoy1> It's not really a problem
L104[02:37:10] <tterrag> feed the callable into a ListeningExecutorService and it gives you a ListenableFuture<T>
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L110[02:52:12] <killjoy1> How's this? (impl) https://gist.github.com/killjoy1221/981ac00eb99d8dfc21b349239ab18c27
L111[02:53:09] <tterrag> uhh...unless your internet speeds are astronomical that's never going to work
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L113[02:53:18] <killjoy1> Not using network
L114[02:53:18] <tterrag> a future is meant to be checked in the FUTURE...not immediately after
L115[02:53:24] <tterrag> wait
L116[02:53:27] <tterrag> then what are you downloading?
L117[02:53:38] <killjoy1> I'm updating local resources
L118[02:53:47] <killjoy1> at least in this instance
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L120[02:54:03] <tterrag> uhh
L121[02:54:08] <killjoy1> Specifically, this code is going to be used to force someone's skin using a resource pack
L122[02:54:41] <tterrag> so why did you have ThreadDownlaodImageData then?
L123[02:54:47] <killjoy1> And I want to run it through the ImageBufferDownload
L124[02:54:54] <killjoy1> That's different
L125[02:55:04] <killjoy1> I figured it would be easier to do this first
L126[02:55:27] <tterrag> ok well...I don't even see the need for async if it's a local resource
L127[02:55:37] <killjoy1> If it was from the network, I'd give the ImageLoader a url instead of a resourcelocation
L128[02:55:47] <killjoy1> Reading the image still takes a bit
L129[02:55:47] <tterrag> either way
L130[02:55:51] <killjoy1> ImageIO is slow
L131[02:55:53] <tterrag> that's not how you use a future :P
L132[02:56:26] <tterrag> conv.isDone() will probably never be true immediately after you submit the task
L133[02:57:59] <killjoy1> Well I'm using a singlethreadexecutor
L134[03:01:19] <tterrag> ?
L135[03:01:21] <tterrag> and?
L136[03:02:14] <killjoy1> How would you do it?
L137[03:04:25] <tterrag> getPlayerTexture would return a Future<ResourceLocation>
L138[03:04:30] <tterrag> or rather, ListenableFuture
L139[03:05:44] <killjoy1> and then?
L140[03:06:01] <tterrag> well you said before you were using NULL to represent "not done yet"
L141[03:06:26] <tterrag> the same principle applies here. except the future object itself will change to say that it's done
L142[03:06:36] <tterrag> and better yet, the caller can add a listener to execute once the future completes
L143[03:09:53] <killjoy1> So what? I just move the get() to the caller?
L144[03:10:35] <killjoy1> Also, this method is being called every render.
L145[03:11:06] <tterrag> hm I see what you are doing then
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L148[03:15:19] <tterrag> killjoy1: something along these lines is a bit cleaner imo https://gist.github.com/tterrag1098/7de204a273cb7d59e0612616d4910260
L149[03:15:24] <tterrag> avoids constantly polling the future
L150[03:16:48] *** tterrag is now known as tterrag|ZZZzzz
L151[03:16:56] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> night :P
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L158[03:40:23] <killjoy1> Is linux 25? http://imgur.com/L1vyr2T
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L162[03:51:16] <kashike> killjoy1: https://twitter.com/bbotezatu/status/768756952528723969
L163[03:51:49] <killjoy1> Got a CMAKE lying around?
L164[03:51:55] <kashike> https://twitter.com/Linux/status/768862388179173376
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L166[03:53:14] <killjoy1> "probably"
L167[03:53:17] <killjoy1> that's a big if
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L176[04:13:10] <LatvianModder> "wont be big and professional"
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L193[05:27:18] <PitchBright> Any Minecraftforge.net forum admins around?
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L195[05:28:08] <RANKSHANK> If it's urgent you can ping them otherwise say what you need to :P
L196[05:29:10] <PitchBright> not an emergency, but i don't know who on here is a forum admin... that said... I think I can't recover my password because the email address for the account, was based on my previous ISP :(
L197[05:30:03] <PitchBright> the thing asks me to enter my password twice...
L198[05:30:06] <PitchBright> "Password security has recently been upgraded. Please enter your password again."
L199[05:30:42] <PitchBright> so when I enter it a 2nd time, it fails. I figured a password reset was in order, so I thought I'd go that route.
L200[05:31:39] <RANKSHANK> Yeah there was a site wide reset a few months back due to a breach, dunno how much luck you'll have without access to your email though
L201[05:32:50] <PitchBright> awe man... my account is pretty old... I'd hate to lose it
L202[05:33:10] <PitchBright> "I can prove I'm me!!"
L203[05:35:05] <RANKSHANK> maybe try bringing in flame goat since he's the website guru. if you have a twitter that'd be a pretty good way to reach him
L204[05:37:39] <RANKSHANK> or maybe here even, dunno how partial he is to IRC pings
L205[05:40:46] <PitchBright> I'm a little nervous about pinging anybody in here, who has a red icon beside their name xD
L206[05:41:15] <PitchBright> Flamegoat: are you around?
L207[05:44:21] <PitchBright> I'll try again later. Thanks RANKSHANK :)
L208[05:44:42] <RANKSHANK> np, just try to float around to see if you can catch anything :P
L209[05:44:53] <RANKSHANK> something something IRL and time zones
L210[05:45:04] <PitchBright> sounds good
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L230[07:34:42] <RANKSHANK> wtf
L231[07:35:03] <RANKSHANK> why is there a @SideOnly getter for worldObj in FallingBlock?
L232[07:35:31] <sham1> Because vanilla
L233[07:36:45] <RANKSHANK> I guess that's the only possible explanation :P
L234[07:36:54] <RANKSHANK> not a good one, but the only one :D
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L238[08:01:00] <Lylac> hello
L239[08:02:08] <TechnicianLP> o/
L240[08:03:38] <Lylac> where can i go to learn more about the Vec3 class in the minecraft util package?
L241[08:04:30] <Ordinastie_> learn more ?
L242[08:04:39] <Ordinastie_> just read the code for the class
L243[08:05:09] <gigaherz> it's mostly self-explaining, if you know what a vector is and how they work in maths
L244[08:05:28] <Lylac> then i will search for that
L245[08:05:48] <gigaherz> hopefully you use Eclipse or IDEA
L246[08:05:54] <gigaherz> with setupDecompWorkspace?
L247[08:05:55] <gigaherz> if so
L248[08:06:02] <gigaherz> both IDEs have a "go to type name" function
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L250[08:06:12] <gigaherz> which can show you the decompiled source for that class
L251[08:06:14] <gigaherz> or any other
L252[08:06:22] <Lylac> i use idea, yeah I am familiar with that function
L253[08:06:33] <gigaherz> in IDEA, I double-shift all the time
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L265[08:54:57] <LatvianModder> Double-shift ftw
L266[08:55:20] <LatvianModder> solves 99% of "where do I find this class/file"
L267[08:58:30] <IoP> ctrl+n should be faster for that for classes
L268[09:08:15] <sham1> Meh, short corded headphones are the worst
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L270[09:14:08] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L271[09:14:15] <sham1> http://i.imgur.com/VC0t9Lk.png
L272[09:14:24] <sham1> Something does not match...
L273[09:14:52] <Lylac> oh vanilla code
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L277[09:22:54] <hch12907> what IDE did you guys use? I am kinda tired of using eclipse..
L278[09:23:10] <sham1> IDEA
L279[09:23:28] <sham1> Or Emacs using Eclipse as a backend ;P
L280[09:24:07] <sham1> Depends on where I am working
L281[09:27:00] <sham1> So yeah
L282[09:27:05] <sham1> I'd say, use IDEA
L283[09:29:34] <Ordinastie_> damn generics :x
L284[09:29:54] <Ordinastie_> I have : public interface ICallback<U> extends Comparable<ICallback<U>> and public class CallbackRegistry<T extends ICallback<U>, U>
L285[09:30:23] <Ordinastie_> oh nvm
L286[09:30:24] <Ordinastie_> I'm dumb
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L288[09:31:02] <Ordinastie_> also, wtf ?
L289[09:31:16] <Ordinastie_> you told me uBlock is awesome so much better than ABP
L290[09:31:25] <Ordinastie_> but I just had a fucking advert on youtube -_-
L291[09:34:33] <TehNut> I have never had an ad on Youtube since using uBlock
L292[09:34:33] <hch12907> why is uBlock awesomer than ABP?
L293[09:34:37] <TehNut> I got them all the time on ABP
L294[09:34:43] <TehNut> uBlock didn't sell out
L295[09:35:14] <gigaherz> uBlock blocks better
L296[09:35:23] <gigaherz> the "acceptable ads" stuff aside
L297[09:35:42] <gigaherz> uBlock works on a certain porn site, while adblock didn't
L298[09:37:10] <sham1> :P
L299[09:37:12] <sham1> Priorities
L300[09:37:30] <sham1> And I don't mind youtube ads as long as they are skipabke
L301[09:38:03] <gigaherz> I have never seen an ad on youtube, even after switching to uBlock
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L303[09:40:16] <sham1> I hope uBlock has a thing for "show ads for certain sites"
L304[09:40:25] <TehNut> It does
L305[09:40:29] <gigaherz> ofc
L306[09:40:37] <sham1> What about certain youtubers
L307[09:40:44] <gigaherz> no, only sites ;P
L308[09:40:53] <sham1> Bah
L309[09:41:18] <gigaherz> one of the points of uBlock is that it's more lightweight
L310[09:42:08] <gigaherz> A Youtube channel
L311[09:42:08] <gigaherz> There is a user script on Greasy Fork: YouTube - whitelist channels in uBlock Origin. I can't vouch for the script, you will have to find out yourself whether it works.
L312[09:42:37] <gigaherz> https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/22308-youtube-whitelist-channels-in-ublock-origin
L313[09:42:54] <gigaherz> it's a greasemonkey script that selectively disables uBlock for specific youtube channels
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L317[09:49:11] <Ordinastie_> I have issues designing my system, I'm not sure how to handle it properly :/
L318[09:49:44] <gigaherz> which system?
L319[09:50:14] <Ordinastie_> I have a CallbackRegistry with public void registerCallback(ICallback<U> callback, ICallbackPredicate predicate) and public CallbackResult<U> processCallbacks(Object... params)
L320[09:51:38] <Ordinastie_> (fuck I can't find my words :x)
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L322[09:52:23] <Ordinastie_> the idea is you're supposed to extend it and give users a narrower addCallback/processCallback so it doesn't use object vararg
L323[09:52:24] <sham1> so many parametres
L324[09:52:28] <sham1> wait no
L325[09:52:57] <Ordinastie_> so you'd have that : http://puu.sh/qQifw.png
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L327[09:54:59] <Ordinastie_> god I'm not even sure what to ask :x
L328[09:55:05] <Ordinastie_> or how to ask it :s
L329[09:58:06] <Ordinastie_> I'll just code random stuff until I have something that looks semi decent I think :x
L330[10:02:48] <Ordinastie_> humpf, see what I mean ?
L331[10:02:49] <Ordinastie_> public void registerCallback(C callback)
L332[10:02:49] <Ordinastie_> {
L333[10:02:49] <Ordinastie_> registerCallback(callback, (P) (ICallbackPredicate) params -> true);
L334[10:02:49] <Ordinastie_> }
L335[10:03:22] <Ordinastie_> it's the first time I ever needed to chain cast like this
L336[10:03:29] <Ordinastie_> doesn't really feel right :x
L337[10:06:06] <Ivorius> Eh, seen worse
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L341[10:18:45] <Ordinastie_> here is what I have : http://puu.sh/qQjuv.png
L342[10:20:20] <Ordinastie_> that'd be nice if there was a way to hide the parent public methods :s
L343[10:20:43] <sham1> protected
L344[10:21:10] <Ordinastie_> yeah, but they still need to be public for when I don't extend the class and instanciate it directly
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L346[10:21:23] <howtonotwin> remember that subclasses can override protected with public
L347[10:21:34] <Ordinastie_> howtonotwin, but i'd want the other way around
L348[10:21:36] <sham1> What a specific edge case
L349[10:21:37] <Ordinastie_> I know it's not possible
L350[10:22:07] <Ordinastie_> it would break the basic principle of OOP but still :p
L351[10:22:11] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L352[10:22:28] <Naiten> is there an ability to flip V coordinate in ForgeModel JSON?
L353[10:22:37] <sham1> flip(V)
L354[10:22:42] <sham1> ;P
L355[10:22:54] <Ordinastie_> basically, what I mean is that : http://puu.sh/qQjIj.png
L356[10:22:57] <Naiten> sham1, http://i.imgur.com/AutbNOM.png
L357[10:23:09] <Ordinastie_> to see only the ModEventRegistry one
L358[10:23:45] <Naiten> sham1, block is IBM and flip_v is enabled when loading model, item is .json
L359[10:23:59] <sham1> why
L360[10:24:20] <Naiten> what
L361[10:24:22] <Ordinastie_> and that's where I hesitate about the design
L362[10:24:40] <Ordinastie_> I could make CallbackRegistry abstract and make them protected
L363[10:24:50] <Ordinastie_> force users to make their own impl eveytime
L364[10:25:01] <Ordinastie_> not sure I want that
L365[10:28:03] <Naiten> sham1, oh, never mind, found how that's done. Sorry for inconvenience :c
L366[10:28:11] <sham1> :P
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L369[10:46:05] <Naiten> sham1, http://i.imgur.com/L3ndIZp.png
L370[10:46:21] <sham1> nice
L371[10:46:22] <Naiten> diesel fuel, yay \o/
L372[10:46:59] <Naiten> should learn conventions on adding fluids now :C
L373[10:51:00] <Naiten> sham1, are there 'dictionaries' for inter-mod support of fluids and ores, right?
L374[10:51:11] <sham1> not for fluids
L375[10:51:25] <sham1> Just check if a certain fluidid exists in FluidRegistry
L376[10:51:34] <sham1> In your case it could be "disel"
L377[10:51:41] <sham1> If so, use that
L378[10:51:44] <sham1> If not, don'y
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L381[10:53:54] <Naiten> sham1, is there anywhere i can read about adding fluids in 1.10? or what's the latest version with same mechanics?
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L383[10:54:26] <Naiten> i mean, is it similar to 1.9 or 1.8 or even 1.7?
L384[10:54:30] <sham1> Yesd
L385[10:54:38] <sham1> I can write up something after I get back from sauna
L386[10:54:51] * Naiten did nothing related to liquids
L387[10:55:01] <Naiten> *ever
L388[10:55:02] <sham1> Fluids*
L389[10:55:07] <sham1> They can also be gasses
L390[10:55:23] <Naiten> erm, language barriers
L391[10:55:27] <PaleoCrafter> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.10.x/src/test/java/net/minecraftforge/debug/ModelFluidDebug.java could use this as a reference
L392[10:55:37] <TehNut> !dc
L393[10:55:43] <TehNut> er
L394[10:55:45] <TehNut> !dcc
L395[10:55:49] <TehNut> Right?
L396[10:55:52] <sham1> I think I could actually make a fluid page to the docs
L397[10:56:01] <Naiten> PaleoCrafter, \o/
L398[10:58:54] <Naiten> oh, there's even some kind of pseudo-physics for liquids
L399[10:59:15] <Naiten> class TestGas extends Fluid ... density = -1000;
L400[10:59:27] <Naiten> negative density, yay
L401[11:00:07] * Naiten being like 'wat?'
L402[11:00:13] <howtonotwin> gasses
L403[11:00:23] <howtonotwin> negative density makes fluids flow upwards
L404[11:00:25] <sham1> negative density
L405[11:00:27] <sham1> It raises
L406[11:01:07] <Naiten> if speaking of actual real-life density, it can't be negative
L407[11:01:16] <howtonotwin> <grammarnazi>"Raises" is a transitive verb. It must operate on an object. The word you wanted was "rises."</grammarnazi>
L408[11:01:55] <Naiten> gases rise because their density is lesser than air density
L409[11:02:05] <howtonotwin> In magical MCland 0 is the density of air or something :P
L410[11:02:32] <Naiten> ?\_(?)_/?
L411[11:03:07] <howtonotwin> Same thing how Celsius has 0 at freezing point but you can still go lower
L412[11:03:20] <howtonotwin> But temperature is the average kinetic energy per particle
L413[11:03:31] <howtonotwin> so it doesn't actually make sense to have negative temperature
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L415[11:04:05] <howtonotwin> But we do it anyway by offsetting the scale by a couple hundred degrees
L416[11:04:15] <Naiten> ^ that's why _thermodynamic_ temperature which is 'average kinetic energy per particle' as you say, is meausred in kelvins
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L418[11:04:56] <Naiten> and scale goes from 0 and upper
L419[11:06:03] <Naiten> but whatever
L420[11:06:06] <howtonotwin> That's what "offsetting the scale by a couple hundred degrees" means.
L421[11:06:45] <Naiten> howtonotwin, it's not kelvin scale is offset, it's centigrade scale is offset
L422[11:06:49] <howtonotwin> Because the Celsius scale is the Kelvin scale except +-273.15
L423[11:06:50] <Naiten> :P
L424[11:06:58] <howtonotwin> s/+-/-
L425[11:07:00] <howtonotwin> xD
L426[11:07:03] <Naiten> howtonotwin, i know -_-
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L428[11:07:21] <Naiten> but whatever
L429[11:07:37] * Naiten does powerlifting now http://i.imgur.com/y0Sv2fB.png
L430[11:07:54] <howtonotwin> I was referring to the C scale when I said "offsetting", not the K scale. :P And now we stop.
L431[11:08:41] <howtonotwin> But can you carry a 36*64*(9^9) m^3 of cobblestone?
L432[11:08:56] <howtonotwin> s/9^9/9^8/
L433[11:09:57] <Naiten> in the magic blackhole called 'inventory', yea
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L435[11:15:07] <howtonotwin> wolfram alpha just interpreted "density of stone" as "Population density of Stone, Staffordshire, UK" -.-
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L437[11:19:51] <TehNut> well isn't that what you wanted?
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L439[11:20:39] <howtonotwin> Apparently an inventory full of 8*compressed cobble is 4.4e-11 of the earth's mass. We're gonna need some bags of holding :P
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L443[11:26:57] <Naiten> howtonotwin, y u no e-3 e-6 e-9 e-12 scientific format
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L447[11:30:29] <Ivorius> https://youtu.be/06m2lb5D2Jk :>
L448[11:30:55] <Ivorius> Think I'm gonna make a tool out of it too
L449[11:31:08] <TehNut> neat
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L451[11:34:33] <sham1> Ivorius, that... is really cool
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L453[11:37:46] <Koward> I wonder where is defined for example how many ticks it takes for 1.0F Breakspeed to break a block.
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L457[11:44:11] <gigaherz> Koward: in mojang's source, it may have been a constant somewhere
L458[11:44:17] <gigaherz> but in the code we have, it's probably all over th ep lace
L459[11:44:27] <howtonotwin> I believe every tick you spend breaking a block, you add the speed (with enchantment and other effects) to the current breaking damage, and when breaking dmg >= block hardness*30 the block breaks.
L460[11:46:04] <howtonotwin> If the block breaks on the first tick, it is insta-mined and the next block starts being mined next tick. If it is not, there is a 1/4 sec delay before you mine the next block.
L461[11:46:07] ⇦ Quits: minot (~minot@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L462[11:46:14] <howtonotwin> http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Breaking#Speed
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L472[12:04:46] <Curle> o/
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L474[12:07:13] <Pearle> and one RIP for me
L475[12:07:26] <Pearle> as soon as i joined, my internet went off :L
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L477[12:08:39] <Pearle> there we go
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L481[12:16:52] <williewillus> !gm func_178923_d
L482[12:17:01] <williewillus> !gm func_71407_l
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L486[12:28:16] <sibomots> in 1.10.x, choosing new block ID's for new ores. I stumbled upon the post by Grum http://bit.ly/2boW1qY. As of 1.10 no more limits. To be clear - the real limit is just MAX_INT? (2^32 -1 ) ?
L487[12:28:38] ⇦ Quits: Koward (~Koward@2a02:2788:7d4:4dd:b43e:cf47:54c3:5800) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L488[12:28:50] <McJty> You don't choose block ID's in 1.10.2
L489[12:28:51] <PaleoCrafter> the limit technically still is 4096
L490[12:28:54] <PaleoCrafter> but --^
L491[12:29:25] <McJty> Even in 1.7.10 you didn't have to chose block ID's anymore
L492[12:29:26] <diesieben07> basically there can be 4096 blocks at once, IDs are dynamically assigned
L493[12:29:33] <gigaherz> sibomots: mc still has 12 bits for the internal block ID, you just don't get to choose
L494[12:29:38] <williewillus> you do GameRegistry.register(<yourblock>) and fml does literally everything else
L495[12:30:19] <gigaherz> similarly, there's still a 4bit metadata, but unlike the id, you DO have to manage that ;P
L496[12:30:33] <williewillus> well only in one spot
L497[12:30:40] <williewillus> the rest of the time you pretend itdoesnt exist ;p
L498[12:30:46] <gigaherz> well two functions... 3 tops ;P
L499[12:30:52] <gigaherz> but you have to keep it in mind
L500[12:30:53] <gigaherz> like
L501[12:30:59] <gigaherz> "only these two properties are saved"
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L506[12:39:01] <sibomots> i'm reading sample code that is misleading. nevermind, i'll just read more source. thx.
L507[12:39:42] <Pearle> i'm reading the source of the TARDIS mod by DarkholmeTenk, most of this code shouldn't work, but it does. Efficiently.
L508[12:39:44] <Pearle> kthxbai.
L509[12:43:38] <PaleoCrafter> interesting versioning system on that mod
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L514[12:59:28] <Pearle> yeah.
L515[12:59:35] <Pearle> Interesting code base on that mod.
L516[12:59:38] <Pearle> Check the github.
L517[12:59:40] <Pearle> Main file.
L518[12:59:46] <Ivorius> Is there a reverse JsonToNBT?
L519[12:59:50] <Pearle> You'll immediately hate darkholm
L520[13:00:07] <Ivorius> Turning NBT to Json
L521[13:00:20] <PaleoCrafter> Ivorius, I think the toString methods are implemented to generate JSON
L522[13:00:58] <Ivorius> Looks good
L523[13:00:59] <Ivorius> Thanks
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L525[13:02:00] <PaleoCrafter> Pearle, are you referring to the formatting or the fact that they just dumped all references in there?
L526[13:02:13] <Pearle> Everything.
L527[13:02:19] <Pearle> The spacing gets me the most.
L528[13:02:23] <gigaherz> Ivorius: JsonToNBT#getTagFromJson
L529[13:02:23] <Pearle> Like, the fuck?
L530[13:02:24] <Pearle> :L
L531[13:02:33] <gigaherz> oh weait nevermind
L532[13:02:34] <gigaherz> I misread
L533[13:02:44] <gigaherz> yeah as PaleoCrafter said, you just .toString the NBT
L534[13:02:49] <gigaherz> it's not QUITE json, but close enough
L535[13:02:54] <Ivorius> I was about to say, you just reversed the verb :D
L536[13:03:04] <gigaherz> no
L537[13:03:06] <Ivorius> Not quite json? wut?
L538[13:03:07] <gigaherz> the class name is misleading
L539[13:03:22] <gigaherz> it does stuff like
L540[13:03:25] <gigaherz> tag:1b
L541[13:03:27] <gigaherz> for "byte"
L542[13:03:34] <gigaherz> it's meant for debugging
L543[13:03:37] <gigaherz> not serializing ;P
L544[13:03:44] <Ivorius> Hmm
L545[13:03:50] <gigaherz> the only reason JsonToNBT exists, is decoding chat commands
L546[13:03:57] <Ivorius> But it's still compatible?
L547[13:04:03] <gigaherz> with a JSON parser? no
L548[13:04:08] <Ivorius> JsonToNBT(nbt.toString) will give out the same, I mean
L549[13:04:53] <gigaherz> I can't say I have tried
L550[13:04:55] <Ivorius> Can I use it to reliably let players edit NBT is what I want to say
L551[13:05:05] <gigaherz> probably not
L552[13:05:16] <Ivorius> Welp, it's too late to turn back
L553[13:05:20] <Ivorius> I already invested like 6 minutes
L554[13:05:26] <gigaherz> lol
L555[13:05:36] <gigaherz> why do players need to edit json?
L556[13:05:41] <Ivorius> Not players
L557[13:05:42] <Ivorius> Creators
L558[13:05:48] <gigaherz> can't they use NBT Explorer?
L559[13:05:53] <Ivorius> Is that ingame?
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L561[13:06:04] <gigaherz> no but there's an ingame one
L562[13:06:15] <Ivorius> *shrug*
L563[13:06:16] <Curle> NBTEditor?
L564[13:06:20] <gigaherz> https://github.com/DavidGoldman/NBTEdit
L565[13:06:23] <gigaherz> 1.7.10 though
L566[13:06:25] <gigaherz> maybe someone ported it
L567[13:06:30] <Curle> Someone should make a dev version of that
L568[13:06:33] <Curle> for debugging
L569[13:06:59] <gigaherz> yep
L570[13:06:59] <gigaherz> https://github.com/kanomiya/NBTEdit
L571[13:07:04] <gigaherz> there's at least on 1.10.2 port
L572[13:07:06] <Ivorius> Yah looks pretty good
L573[13:07:19] <Ivorius> But I can still use a basic version of this stuff in my toolkit
L574[13:07:26] <Ivorius> Since it doesn't take long to implement
L575[13:07:42] <gigaherz> at least one*
L576[13:08:15] <gigaherz> https://github.com/MoeBoy76/NBTEdit/commits/master
L577[13:08:16] <gigaherz> two
L578[13:08:16] <gigaherz> ;P
L579[13:08:24] <gigaherz> well this one is 1.10, but I guess it works on 1.10.2 ;P
L580[13:08:24] <Ivorius> Tho, screw it, if this exists the json part isn't work it
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L587[13:43:18] <TechnicianLP> is there a way to fix the mipmap limit? (i have 36px images)
L588[13:45:21] <McJty> 36? You should always use a power of two
L589[13:45:34] <McJty> Non power of two images are going to give lots of trouble in other areas too (not only mipmapping)
L590[13:47:23] <TechnicianLP> thats why im asking if theres a way to fix those issues ... (or ill have to redo those images (again -.-))
L591[13:47:44] <PaleoCrafter> the to fix the issues is making power of two textures :P
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L593[13:48:16] <McJty> yes really
L594[13:48:42] <TechnicianLP> ok
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L596[13:57:51] <Ordinastie_> TechnicianLP, actually, think if you're using 36px img, it might just disable mipmapping entirely
L597[13:59:23] <TechnicianLP> 4 -> 2
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L607[14:38:12] <Ordinastie_> question, if I subscribe to both FMLStateEvent and FMLPreInit, which one is called first ?
L608[14:38:23] <Ordinastie_> or is it undetermined ?
L609[14:38:38] <PaleoCrafter> try it? :P
L610[14:39:20] <Ordinastie_> can't compile yet ><
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L613[14:41:46] <PaleoCrafter> I don't think you're capable at all of subscribing to FMLStateEvent
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L616[14:42:11] <Ordinastie_> really ?
L617[14:42:14] <Ordinastie_> why not ?
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L621[14:42:46] <PaleoCrafter> looks to me like @EventHandler methods are added to a direct class->method map
L622[14:43:02] <PaleoCrafter> and FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent only checks the event's direct class
L623[14:45:28] <PaleoCrafter> if you can somehow register directly to the event bus (i.e. with a coremod dummy container), you can capture supertypes
L624[14:47:03] <Ordinastie_> well, I wish I could just get the event bus directly
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L627[14:49:35] <PaleoCrafter> *maybe* you can access it through FMLConstructionEvent? (the FMLStateEvent handler only is fired subsequently, obviously)
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L634[15:14:14] <Ordinastie_> I love how I made a calback system to allow method calls for FMLState events so that I don't necessarily have to reference them from the main mod class
L635[15:14:30] <Ordinastie_> only to realise I don't have any place else to register that callback that the main mod class :(
L636[15:15:08] <PaleoCrafter> lol
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L638[15:17:15] <Ordinastie_> I want my MalisisRegistry to only have registerStuff() methods, that you call when you want to register something, so my registerBlockComponent() method that automatically loops through blocks to find the components need to move
L639[15:17:25] <Ordinastie_> or at least, not be visible from outside
L640[15:18:02] <Ordinastie_> I would do modEventRegistry.addCallback(MalisisRegistry::registerBlockComponents)
L641[15:18:08] <Ordinastie_> but I have nowhere to call that from :(
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L645[15:24:30] <Ordinastie_> I just thought about static {}
L646[15:24:32] <Ordinastie_> that'll do
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L650[15:30:14] <Javaschreiber> Can somemone tell me where I can find the FMLDeactivationEvent? It is in the @Mod-Annotation file but seems not to be implemented.
L651[15:30:26] <Javaschreiber> * It is mentioned
L652[15:31:03] <diesieben07> it's not implemented.
L653[15:34:31] <Ordinastie_> and another bonus point for lambdas : you don't have to make full javadoc for them :p
L654[15:35:21] <sham1> :P
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L656[15:36:04] <sham1> Let the types guide you
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L658[15:37:53] <xJon> Hello guys, is it possible to have a client-side only mod sending a message into chat?
L659[15:38:29] <PaleoCrafter> sure
L660[15:38:36] <xJon> Well I can't manage to do it
L661[15:38:51] <xJon> my message is sent through the onPlayerLogin() event
L662[15:39:00] <xJon> and the whole function is being called through the client proxy
L663[15:39:20] <Ordinastie_> player.sendChatMessage
L664[15:39:30] <PaleoCrafter> do you literally mean sending a message? i.e. acting on the player's behalf and send it to all players
L665[15:39:31] <Ordinastie_> or player.addChatMessage if you want only the current player to see it
L666[15:39:57] <xJon> I'm working with 1.7.10, there's no sendChatMessage?
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L668[15:40:10] <PaleoCrafter> update, god dammit
L669[15:40:10] <Ordinastie_> ah, neverming, 1.7.10 is dead
L670[15:40:28] <xJon> Well it's a mod for my modpack
L671[15:40:38] <sham1> Someone pick up that phone
L672[15:40:42] <sham1> Because I called it
L673[15:41:00] <PaleoCrafter> sham1, pls
L674[15:42:28] <xJon> I can't manage to get it working.
L675[15:42:47] <xJon> I have the onPlayerLogin() being called through the client proxy
L676[15:43:10] <xJon> so I see the chat message on single player, but not on other Forger servers (that don't have the mod installed)
L677[15:43:19] <xJon> Forge*
L678[15:44:17] <sham1> Wait, is this like a cross-server chat or what
L679[15:44:33] <xJon> What's that? Forge server with no mods/plugins
L680[15:44:46] <xJon> And I want only the player to see the message in chat, not everybody
L681[15:45:02] <sham1> merf
L682[15:45:08] <xJon> But I want him to see it when he logins to either single player worlds, or servers
L683[15:45:56] <xJon> I want it to work for every login basically, and to show only client-side
L684[15:46:57] <xJon> Is that possible?
L685[15:47:41] <sham1> What sorts of messages
L686[15:48:01] <sham1> what purpose
L687[15:48:05] <xJon> Chat messages, normal, for informing
L688[15:48:07] <Ordinastie_> hum, what can't I cast a Consumer<T> into IFMLEventCallback<T> ? http://puu.sh/qQBEy.png
L689[15:48:43] <sham1> Well it's not exactly a consumer now is it
L690[15:48:56] <Ordinastie_> because that would only work at the lambda level duh -_-
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L692[15:49:25] <Ordinastie_> I swear my brain has fried a little with this heat :/
L693[15:50:13] <sham1> Meh, I read that to mean "why cannot this be turned into a consumer"
L694[15:52:00] <xJon> sham1: Any idea?
L695[15:52:20] <xJon> https://github.com/xJon/Jons-Exclusives/blob/master/src/main/java/xjon/jexclusives/proxy/ClientProxy.java#L41
L696[15:52:23] <xJon> https://github.com/xJon/Jons-Exclusives/blob/master/src/main/java/xjon/jexclusives/event/ClientPlayerEvents.java#L38
L697[15:52:33] <sham1> I know nothing about 1.7.10
L698[15:52:33] <xJon> (Link to code)
L699[15:52:46] <xJon> So you don't know if it's possible or not?
L700[15:52:48] <sham1> And even if I did, I would not support it
L701[15:52:56] <xJon> Out of disrespect?
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L703[15:53:11] <sham1> I would not support it because it is deprecated
L704[15:53:16] <sham1> Nothing to do with respect
L705[15:53:22] <sham1> Just pragmatism
L706[15:53:32] <xJon> But I just need to know if it's possible or not
L707[15:53:42] <PaleoCrafter> and the answer is yes :P
L708[15:53:58] <xJon> Really? could you help me with that PaleoCrafter?
L709[15:54:40] <PaleoCrafter> nope, not touching anything but the current version with a 10 foot pole :P
L710[15:55:01] <xJon> I can get you an 11 foot
L711[15:55:12] <xJon> D; anybody that can help me with that chat issue?
L712[15:55:54] <sham1> You really have a dilema
L713[15:56:07] <PaleoCrafter> iirc, addChatMessage was introduced in 1.7
L714[15:56:20] <xJon> I am using addChatMessage()
L715[15:56:32] <PaleoCrafter> but?
L716[15:56:49] <xJon> But the whole onPlayerLogin() function is not being called when I'm logging into a server without my mod installed
L717[15:57:02] <xJon> (function-event)
L718[15:57:44] <diesieben07> of course. PlayerLoggedInEvent is server-side
L719[15:58:02] <diesieben07> why is it ina class called "ClientPlayerEvents"? That makes no sense
L720[15:58:05] <xJon> I was afraid this is the case. So is there any other way around that?
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L722[15:58:29] <xJon> diesieben07 Well I didn't know that, and I'm calling these events from my client proxy
L723[15:58:31] <diesieben07> update to 1.10.2, then ask again and I will happily give you advice.
L724[15:58:44] <xJon> Again, this mod is for my 1.7.10 modpack
L725[15:58:48] <diesieben07> i don't care.
L726[15:59:00] <diesieben07> why are you making a modpack in that ancient of a version?
L727[15:59:03] <xJon> I'm just explaining
L728[15:59:11] <xJon> Because modders don't update their good mods
L729[15:59:13] <xJon> http://the-1710-pack.com/
L730[15:59:19] <sham1> But you should
L731[15:59:21] <diesieben07> you are not helping the case.
L732[15:59:23] <sham1> Make a trend
L733[15:59:43] <diesieben07> Make modding great again!
L734[15:59:46] <xJon> I will have a 1.7.10 version AND a 1.10.2 version
L735[15:59:51] <xJon> but first I want the mod to help my modpack
L736[15:59:52] <diesieben07> ... I'll show myself out.
L737[15:59:56] <xJon> xD
L738[16:00:08] <xJon> Is there a way around PlayerLoggedInEvent being called client-side?
L739[16:00:10] <sham1> Das Trump
L740[16:00:11] <Ordinastie_> ok, how bad is it to have compareTo() always return 0?
L741[16:00:19] <diesieben07> bad bad.
L742[16:00:23] <diesieben07> there will not be support for 1.7.10 in this chat room
L743[16:00:37] <diesieben07> it is equivalent to equals always returning true
L744[16:00:40] <sham1> compareTo always returning zero breaks the contract
L745[16:00:42] <xJon> welp
L746[16:01:08] <Ordinastie_> I have a list for my callbacks, that needs to be ordered by their priority
L747[16:01:23] <Ordinastie_> except the list doesn't just hold the callbacks
L748[16:01:29] <diesieben07> Comparator.comparingInt(Callback::getPriority)
L749[16:01:34] <Ordinastie_> it holds a Pair<Callback, Predicate>
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L751[16:02:15] <Ordinastie_> yeah, you're right, providing the comparator is probably better that let the default compareTo from Pair ><
L752[16:02:16] <diesieben07> Ordering.natural().onResultOf(Callback::getPriority).onResultOf(Pair::getLeft)
L753[16:02:48] <sham1> I...it's beautiful
L754[16:02:57] <Ordinastie_> diesieben07, in that order ?
L755[16:03:00] <diesieben07> yes.
L756[16:03:26] <sham1> The order looks off
L757[16:03:28] <howtonotwin> Natural ordering on the result of Callback::getPriority on the result of Pair get left
L758[16:03:30] <howtonotwin> makes sense
L759[16:03:33] <diesieben07> ^
L760[16:03:42] <sham1> merf
L761[16:03:45] <sham1> Compose
L762[16:04:05] ⇦ Quits: xJon (~xJon@ (Quit: Leaving)
L763[16:04:11] <Ordinastie_> well, that made my Eclipse freeze ôO
L764[16:04:28] <diesieben07> your fault for using that "IDE" :P
L765[16:04:40] <sham1> Something like this if '.' is a composition operator
L766[16:05:21] <sham1> Wait
L767[16:05:36] <sham1> How does one compose java Function<?, ?>
L768[16:05:48] <howtonotwin> compose or andthen
L769[16:06:05] <howtonotwin> iirc
L770[16:06:23] <Ordinastie_> diesieben07, except that doesn't work :p
L771[16:06:33] <Ordinastie_> The type Pair does not define getLeft(Object) that is applicable here
L772[16:06:57] <sham1> (Pair::getLeft).andThen((Callback::getPriority))
L773[16:07:07] <howtonotwin> parens?
L774[16:07:26] <sham1> Because I don't know if method references return Function<T, R>
L775[16:07:26] <howtonotwin> And you can't be saying that Pair doesn't define a method to get values
L776[16:07:37] <howtonotwin> method refs don't return anything
L777[16:07:52] <sham1> But they are an expression aren't they
L778[16:07:54] <howtonotwin> yes
L779[16:08:02] <howtonotwin> they don't have a type like most types
L780[16:08:04] <Ordinastie_> Callback already implements so I don't need to compose
L781[16:08:13] <sham1> What witchcraft is this
L782[16:08:17] <howtonotwin> They act like a general input -> output
L783[16:08:33] <sham1> An expression without a value
L784[16:08:40] <howtonotwin> and the compiler has to figure out which interface/class you are implementing and splices in some magic to make that happen
L785[16:08:43] <sham1> My brain is frying
L786[16:09:49] <sham1> It would have been so good if method references could have been used to stand for Function<T,R> like that
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L788[16:10:07] <diesieben07> can they not?
L789[16:10:12] <howtonotwin> So the type of Callback::getPriority is just Callback -> int, no class, and the compiler magicks around and makes that into a Function<Callback, Integer> with type inference or something.
L790[16:10:48] <sham1> Time for me to do some testing
L791[16:11:15] <howtonotwin> We have two interfaces that represent a function A -> B in the Forge env
L792[16:11:21] <howtonotwin> java.util.function.Function
L793[16:11:26] <sham1> And the guava one
L794[16:11:26] <howtonotwin> and scala.Function1
L795[16:11:30] <howtonotwin> and that one ok
L796[16:11:35] <diesieben07> the scala one doesnt count
L797[16:11:42] <howtonotwin> but the method ref works the same on all 3
L798[16:11:46] <diesieben07> and the guava one is legacy because guava supports java 6
L799[16:11:48] <diesieben07> yes
L800[16:11:56] <howtonotwin> even though their common superclass is just Object
L801[16:11:57] <diesieben07> thats the niceness of the java 8 lambdas
L802[16:12:15] <diesieben07> they can stand in for any single abstract method interface
L803[16:12:16] <howtonotwin> So therefore the ref doesn't have a normal type as we know it.
L804[16:12:17] <diesieben07> whether new or not
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L806[16:12:35] <Ordinastie_> I still don't know how to make that comparator work :s
L807[16:12:50] <diesieben07> Callback has a method getPriority, yes?
L808[16:12:58] <Ordinastie_> Callback IS comparable
L809[16:13:07] <diesieben07> oh
L810[16:13:09] <Ordinastie_> my issue with Pair is the right that wasn't
L811[16:13:14] <diesieben07> well then.
L812[16:13:25] <diesieben07> Comparator.comparing(Pair::getLeft())
L813[16:13:48] <diesieben07> ah no
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L816[16:15:50] <Ordinastie_> diesieben07, ahah found it
L817[16:15:59] <Ordinastie_> you need the generic
L818[16:16:03] <diesieben07> yeah
L819[16:16:06] <Ordinastie_> so it knows what's what
L820[16:16:08] <howtonotwin> I think that's the second time I've fried sham's brain :D
L821[16:16:10] <Ordinastie_> makes sense
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L824[16:16:59] <sham1> Well this time it was because I was trying to do stuff that seems normal to me in other languages
L825[16:17:12] <sham1> But does not work in Java because reasons
L826[16:17:28] <sham1> I was just trying to compose the functions
L827[16:17:48] <howtonotwin> You can use a cast to beat the compiler into submission I think
L828[16:17:59] <sham1> But that's fugly
L829[16:18:09] <howtonotwin> ((Function) blah).compose(blah)
L830[16:18:15] <howtonotwin> dont quote me on that
L831[16:18:26] <Ordinastie_> PaleoCrafter, btw, you were right, FMLStateEvent is not called
L832[16:18:40] <sham1> Well I have eclipse open so I can confirm that
L833[16:18:49] <sham1> Just give me a second
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L835[16:19:09] <sham1> Welp, this works
L836[16:19:14] <sham1> Function<String, Integer> test = ((Function<String, Integer>)Integer::parseInt).andThen(Main::plusOne);
L837[16:19:25] <sham1> But it's fugly
L838[16:19:33] <howtonotwin> oh god what have we done
L839[16:19:36] <secknv> so createTileEntity gets called everytime a block is placed right?
L840[16:19:50] <Pearle> only when a tileentity is created from a block
L841[16:19:54] <Pearle> block != tileentity
L842[16:19:54] <sham1> Damn you Haskell. You have cursed me to try and compose everything
L843[16:20:05] <Ordinastie_> on the plus side, I can now do MalisisRegistry.onInit(e -> this::doStuff); \o/
L844[16:20:24] <Ordinastie_> secknv, yes
L845[16:20:56] <Ordinastie_> and also everytime the IBlockState for that position changes, unless you override TileEntity::shouldRefresh
L846[16:20:59] <secknv> the tile entities get auto-deleted when a block is brocken right?
L847[16:21:05] <Ordinastie_> yes
L848[16:21:47] <secknv> but say I was trying to optimise my looping-through-all-the-blocks-in-x-radius-of-player
L849[16:21:54] <secknv> into a list of my TE
L850[16:22:05] <secknv> that loops and check if any of them is near
L851[16:22:24] <LexManos> what?
L852[16:22:29] <secknv> is there a method that's called when the block is broken or the TE is destroyed
L853[16:22:38] <secknv> that I can use to delete TE entry from said list
L854[16:22:39] <Pearle> onBlockBroken?
L855[16:22:42] <LexManos> What are you doin?
L856[16:23:27] <secknv> so I have a copper coil block and I want compasses to point at it if it's powered and compass in x radius of it
L857[16:23:29] <Ordinastie_> secknv, breakBlock in your block
L858[16:23:52] <Ordinastie_> thats what's removes the TE, so if you override, call super
L859[16:24:22] <secknv> because I am very bad at java and forge I had a for loop go through all the blocks in x radius of player and check if it was my TE
L860[16:24:30] <secknv> Ordinastie_ thx
L861[16:24:43] <secknv> trying to do something better rn
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L864[16:25:25] <secknv> this is all happening inside an addPropertyOverride for the compass
L865[16:28:12] <secknv> very nice I see the if hasTE thingy delete it
L866[16:28:19] <secknv> nice tip
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L868[16:45:08] <secknv> why is createTileEntity getting called twice though
L869[16:45:29] <Ordinastie_> client server
L870[16:45:34] <secknv> both createTileENtity and BlockedPlacedBy are getting called 2 times when I place a block
L871[16:45:37] <howtonotwin> If something is getting called twice, normally blame sidedness
L872[16:45:37] <secknv> oh lol
L873[16:45:48] <secknv> can I fix it with and @sided
L874[16:45:52] <Ordinastie_> NO!
L875[16:45:54] <secknv> or does it need to be 2 sided
L876[16:45:55] <howtonotwin> NONONONONO
L877[16:45:58] <howtonotwin> world.isRemote
L878[16:46:04] <secknv> yes right
L879[16:46:06] <Ordinastie_> and it needs to be on both sides
L880[16:46:08] <secknv> forgot sorry
L881[16:46:16] <secknv> ty guys
L882[16:46:29] <secknv> erm remote world is server right
L883[16:46:34] <howtonotwin> no
L884[16:46:38] <howtonotwin> isRemote is client
L885[16:46:44] <howtonotwin> !isRemote is server
L886[16:47:02] <secknv> I am missing the logic behind this
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L888[16:47:20] <howtonotwin> The world exists on the server
L889[16:47:41] <Ordinastie_> isRemote is kinda isSlave
L890[16:47:43] <howtonotwin> therefore, on the client, the world is remote, as it exists somewhere else
L891[16:47:51] <secknv> oh very bice
L892[16:47:52] <Ordinastie_> or isAuthoritative
L893[16:47:54] <secknv> nice*
L894[16:47:59] <howtonotwin> on the server it is here and therefore not remote
L895[16:48:14] <Ordinastie_> well !isAuthoritative
L896[16:48:58] <secknv> so I guess since all I'm doing is adding and removing from a list of TE
L897[16:49:15] <secknv> it doesnt really matter if I go with the isRemote or !isRemote check
L898[16:49:17] <secknv> right
L899[16:49:27] <howtonotwin> NONONONONO
L900[16:49:42] <howtonotwin> The client and server will be stepping all over themselves if you don't
L901[16:49:46] <Ordinastie_> populate your list only on the client
L902[16:49:49] <howtonotwin> I assume you're using a static field
L903[16:49:51] <secknv> yes
L904[16:49:59] <Ordinastie_> also don't
L905[16:50:20] <howtonotwin> if you don't side check, the sides will race against each other and comodify the list.
L906[16:50:24] <howtonotwin> and yes, don't
L907[16:50:33] <secknv> 1st why should I populate it only on the client
L908[16:50:46] <secknv> 2nd why is a static field bad for this
L909[16:50:57] <Ordinastie_> the list serves for rendering of the item
L910[16:51:02] <howtonotwin> because you need the list on the client for the compass property to know about it
L911[16:51:02] <Ordinastie_> what rendering is done on server ?
L912[16:51:19] ⇦ Parts: Aroma1997 (~Aroma1997@2604:a880:800:10::168:d001) ())
L913[16:51:39] <howtonotwin> If you have an SP world, there are two threads running on the same JVM
L914[16:52:01] <howtonotwin> in that case, the client and server share static fields and such
L915[16:52:14] <howtonotwin> If both sides manage to modify the list simultaneously
L916[16:52:18] <howtonotwin> it explodes
L917[16:52:58] <secknv> but if I write an if(isRemote) on all the places there is list modify code
L918[16:53:04] <secknv> it's ok no?
L919[16:53:07] <howtonotwin> yes
L920[16:53:32] <secknv> because correct me if wrong but this sort of list needs to be static right
L921[16:53:56] <secknv> to keep track of all the diferent instances of the TE
L922[16:54:40] <howtonotwin> yes
L923[16:55:20] <Ordinastie_> it doesn't HAVE TO
L924[16:55:52] <secknv> if I unstaticate it wont I have a different list for every instance of my TE
L925[16:57:12] <Ordinastie_> depends on where you put your list
L926[16:57:39] <howtonotwin> Well you can place it into your BlockCoil (or whatever) class, which is a singleton, as an instance field. But then the instance of BlockCoil is static.
L927[16:58:12] <secknv> and doing that is better than it being static?
L928[16:58:14] <howtonotwin> Basically there's has to be something static SOMEWHERE down the line
L929[16:58:21] <howtonotwin> no it makes no difference
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L931[17:01:10] <secknv> so I have this in the CoilBlock class http://pastebin.com/sijAQuda
L932[17:01:26] <secknv> what did I derp to still get [net.secknv.nkmod.tileentity.TileEntityCoil@768e0168, net.secknv.nkmod.tileentity.TileEntityCoil@34fe7a40]
L933[17:01:31] <secknv> on the log
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L935[17:01:39] <secknv> when I place just 1 it logs a list with 2
L936[17:02:50] <Ordinastie_> do you ever clear the list ?
L937[17:03:28] <secknv> on the same class http://pastebin.com/jGGyedjG
L938[17:03:51] <diesieben07> ok so
L939[17:03:56] <diesieben07> this is never going to work with manually clearning the list
L940[17:04:02] <diesieben07> you need to use WeakReferecnes
L941[17:04:30] <diesieben07> i haven't been following closely, what exactly are you trying to do? :D
L942[17:04:46] <Ordinastie_> have the TE impact the animation of the player compas
L943[17:04:48] <Ordinastie_> s
L944[17:04:56] <diesieben07> on that thing still
L945[17:05:00] <Ordinastie_> lol
L946[17:05:01] <diesieben07> what's the radius now? :D
L947[17:05:08] <diesieben07> it used to be 3 blocks...
L948[17:05:09] <Ordinastie_> 7x7x7
L949[17:05:11] <Ordinastie_> I think
L950[17:05:18] <secknv> yes still 3 blocks
L951[17:05:19] <diesieben07> just scan the chunk TE map...
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L953[17:05:24] <sham1> 7 to every direction I hope
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L955[17:05:36] <diesieben07> 7x7x7 is like 2 chunks max
L956[17:05:47] <secknv> well for scalabilty and stuff
L957[17:05:48] <howtonotwin> 4
L958[17:05:48] <diesieben07> just scan the lists, that is infinitely easier than what you are doing
L959[17:05:56] <diesieben07> right, 4
L960[17:05:57] <howtonotwin> do you even math bruh xD
L961[17:06:00] <Ordinastie_> is that list accessible ?
L962[17:06:00] <diesieben07> 3d is hard
L963[17:06:03] <diesieben07> sure is
L964[17:06:08] <diesieben07> has a public getter even
L965[17:06:25] <howtonotwin> m8 this is 2D
L966[17:06:32] <sham1> But will the compass be webscale
L967[17:07:06] <secknv> my idea was to add TE to list when block placed and remove it when block broken
L968[17:07:08] <secknv> so that http://pastebin.com/e7mzNsSz
L969[17:07:19] <secknv> I could use that thing in the compass override
L970[17:07:22] <diesieben07> like i siad, that will not work
L971[17:07:31] <diesieben07> it just screams memory leak
L972[17:07:40] <Ordinastie_> yes
L973[17:07:41] <diesieben07> plus it is unnecessary
L974[17:08:57] <secknv> so you were saying the position of every TE in a chunk is known?
L975[17:09:02] <diesieben07> yes...
L976[17:09:07] <diesieben07> Chunk::getTileEntityMAp
L977[17:09:15] <diesieben07> gives you a Map<Blockpos, TE> for all Tes in that chunk
L978[17:09:37] <diesieben07> so you scan that for all eligble chunks and you are good
L979[17:09:48] <howtonotwin> I think we have a getChunksInAABB too. Don't quote me though.
L980[17:10:16] <Ordinastie_> is there, I know i had to make my own
L981[17:11:28] <secknv> hm I'll try to come up with something not so stupid that uses that TE map
L982[17:11:48] <secknv> thx
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L1032[19:57:27] <Eccles> when I try to start minecraft from eclipse (1.7.10) to test something, all the text in the main menu buttons is replaced by random textures, which are different each time I open it. Any ideas?
L1033[19:57:40] <williewillus> are you on a mac?
L1034[19:57:53] <Eccles> yes indeed!
L1035[19:58:01] <williewillus> try disabling the forge splash screen
L1036[19:58:07] <williewillus> in config/splash.properties
L1037[19:58:15] <Eccles> will do, one sec
L1038[20:01:28] <Eccles> at risk of seeming like the noob I am, where in the folder I downloaded forge into is all the…stuff?
L1039[20:03:15] <howtonotwin> somewhere in your gradle file there should be a line runDir = ...
L1040[20:03:31] <williewillus> what do you mean stuff? :P
L1041[20:03:34] <howtonotwin> If not, there should be assetDir = ...
L1042[20:03:49] <williewillus> the run environment is in the eclipse/ folder in 1.7 iirc
L1043[20:03:58] <howtonotwin> The folder in which MC is run is either runDir or assetDir/..
L1044[20:04:40] <howtonotwin> so config/splash.properties would be under that
L1045[20:05:16] <Eccles> ah, found it in eclipse/config/splash.properties
L1046[20:06:23] <Eccles> okay, disabled it. that fixed it
L1047[20:06:30] <Eccles> but why was it doing that?
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L1049[20:09:53] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> no one really knows :P
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L1051[20:11:11] <Eccles> well, okay! Is it only an issue when running from Eclipse? I've never had that happen otherwise
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L1054[20:19:47] <williewillus> Eccles: the times it's happened it's always been on a mac, hence that was the first thing I asked
L1055[20:19:57] <williewillus> no one really knows exactly why though
L1056[20:20:35] <Ordinastie_> did I mention I love Zero Punctuation ? ><
L1057[20:21:13] <primetoxinz> but ? is a punctuation :3
L1058[20:21:35] <Ordinastie_> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAJRw4flK40&index=128&list=PLAbMhAYRuCUhC85vZRvBBdYPJk-9pLN-8
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L1064[21:09:09] <Tazz> yo williewillus whats up with the font in botania? XD
L1065[21:09:16] <Tazz> its kinda like hard to read...
L1066[21:09:18] <williewillus> ?
L1067[21:09:27] <williewillus> in the lexicon?
L1068[21:09:32] <williewillus> it's the standard mc unicode font
L1069[21:09:49] <Tazz> yeah
L1070[21:09:56] <Tazz> like its seriously bad XD
L1071[21:10:01] <williewillus> no it isn't :P
L1072[21:10:02] <Tazz> 1 sec Ill screenie it for you
L1073[21:10:04] <williewillus> it's the standard font
L1074[21:10:10] <williewillus> okay
L1075[21:11:01] <Tazz> http://i.imgur.com/XTCKVD3.png
L1076[21:11:15] <williewillus> that's your resource pack
L1077[21:11:18] <tterrag> ^
L1078[21:11:21] <Tazz> hmm true
L1079[21:11:25] <Tazz> I didnt think about that
L1080[21:11:27] <tterrag> but also, are you on Normal GUI size?
L1081[21:11:50] <tterrag> try large
L1082[21:11:52] <Tazz> but I havent seen other places it was like that...mostly why I assumed it was a botania thing
L1083[21:11:56] <Ordinastie_> williewillus, are you rendering font with scale < 1 ?
L1084[21:12:02] <williewillus> no idea
L1085[21:12:14] <williewillus> the lexicon code is basically 100% unchanged
L1086[21:12:18] <williewillus> :P
L1087[21:12:21] <Tazz> yeah no Im on large and its still is like borked XD
L1088[21:12:28] <Tazz> so it must be my resource pack XD
L1089[21:12:36] <Tazz> fair enough haha
L1090[21:12:46] <williewillus> well it is for sure because the standard font doesn't look like that
L1091[21:12:46] <Ordinastie_> it looks like that because the font scale doesn't match gui scale
L1092[21:12:49] <Tazz> thanks anyways williewillus, and tterrag
L1093[21:13:25] <Tazz> not sure Im going to sacrifice my resource pack for a random font bug >.>
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L1095[21:13:35] <Tazz> if it gets too bad I may have to haha
L1096[21:13:47] <tterrag> actually normal might look better
L1097[21:13:53] <Ordinastie_> Tazz, at least check what it looks like without the RP
L1098[21:14:00] <Tazz> yeah I can do that haha
L1099[21:14:22] <Tazz> everything is built to be supportive of my resourcepack though XD
L1100[21:14:26] <Ordinastie_> but if I'm right, it will still look bad
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L1102[21:14:29] <Tazz> haha
L1103[21:14:32] <Tazz> Im checking now
L1104[21:15:04] <Tazz> actually holy crap its not so bad without the resource pack either haha
L1105[21:15:07] <Tazz> checking the book now
L1106[21:15:15] <Tazz> yeah the book is fine
L1107[21:15:24] <Ordinastie_> screen ?
L1108[21:15:48] <williewillus> Ordinastie_: no scaling before rendering text
L1109[21:15:49] <tterrag> it looks like the font uses a different pt size
L1110[21:15:53] <Tazz> http://i.imgur.com/3Pd1kWs.png
L1111[21:16:05] <Tazz> williewillus, I totally made that mistake before haha
L1112[21:16:07] <tterrag> the text seems bigger
L1113[21:16:11] <primetoxinz> you're not using optifine are you Tazz?
L1114[21:16:13] <tterrag> which of course would break scaled rendering entirely
L1115[21:16:13] <Tazz> no
L1116[21:16:21] <primetoxinz> ok, you could just turn custom font off if you were
L1117[21:16:26] <tterrag> Tazz: on a whim, try resource pack + normal size
L1118[21:16:28] <Tazz> not that Im aware of haha
L1119[21:16:33] <williewillus> if there was a problem with the lexicon w default textures vaz (and I) would have gotten lots more reports ;p
L1120[21:16:34] <Tazz> tterrag, normal size UI?
L1121[21:16:38] <tterrag> yes
L1122[21:16:56] <Tazz> uh I think it was on normal when I sent willie the first ping.. XXD
L1123[21:17:01] <Tazz> but I can check again if you want
L1124[21:17:48] <tterrag> that's what I said initially
L1125[21:17:50] <tterrag> try large, then
L1126[21:17:56] <Tazz> http://i.imgur.com/Nc4ijn4.png its actually still pretty haha
L1127[21:18:01] <Tazz> tterrag, its on large now :X
L1128[21:18:22] <tterrag> and with the resource pack, is the text still broken?
L1129[21:18:26] <RANKSHANK> you could probably just pull out the font/gui textures from the pack and let it fall back to default for those
L1130[21:18:28] <Tazz> yes
L1131[21:18:38] <tterrag> *sigh*
L1132[21:18:40] <Tazz> RANKSHANK, I may do that haha Im not to fond of the font anyways haha
L1133[21:18:46] <tterrag> could you just post a screenshot of the resource pack with large and normal ?
L1134[21:18:50] <tterrag> of the book
L1135[21:18:52] <Tazz> yeah
L1136[21:19:17] <Tazz> the first one that I sent was normal
L1137[21:19:18] <Tazz> heres large
L1138[21:20:48] <Ordinastie_> missing the link ? :p
L1139[21:20:56] <Tazz> http://i.imgur.com/iPtmXSJ.png
L1140[21:21:12] <Tazz> sorry takes a minute to switch packs due to the amount of mods haha
L1141[21:21:26] <Ordinastie_> that's really weird
L1142[21:21:48] <Tazz> Ordinastie_, what is? XD
L1143[21:21:50] <Tazz> the font being weird?
L1144[21:22:12] <Ordinastie_> that kind of failed font is usually because of scaled down rendering
L1145[21:22:15] <Tazz> I ddint think of it the first time but yeah its most likely the font itself being borked
L1146[21:22:26] <Tazz> Ive faced this before while workign on my own mod haha
L1147[21:22:33] <williewillus> https://github.com/williewillus/Botania/blob/d2aa4e0ebcf6b7bf10fdd10f76d04086f1364617/src/main/java/vazkii/botania/client/gui/lexicon/button/GuiButtonInvisible.java#L102-L102
L1148[21:22:44] <Vazkii> dude same
L1149[21:23:12] <Vazkii> I made a rule to not ping me on urls but it still pings me :(
L1150[21:23:23] <Tazz> haha
L1151[21:23:23] <williewillus> lol
L1152[21:23:49] <Tazz> hey Vazki anyways haha
L1153[21:23:55] <Ordinastie_> tss, look at him complaining that his mod is famous :p
L1154[21:24:01] <Tazz> haha
L1155[21:24:10] <tterrag> Tazz: there's no way that's large
L1156[21:24:11] <Vazkii> I'd say that 80% of my pings come from here and links to my code
L1157[21:24:12] <tterrag> it looks identical
L1158[21:24:20] <Tazz> tterrag, it is
L1159[21:24:30] <tterrag> http://i.imgur.com/iPtmXSJ.png http://i.imgur.com/XTCKVD3.png
L1160[21:24:32] <tterrag> flick between those
L1161[21:24:34] <tterrag> they are not different sizes
L1162[21:24:40] <Tazz> ik
L1163[21:24:45] <tterrag> -_-
L1164[21:24:48] <primetoxinz> lel
L1165[21:25:05] <howtonotwin> "some guy: how do I do X" "me: Quark/Botania does it, here" :P
L1166[21:25:06] <Tazz> small is the only setting that is different for some reason
L1167[21:25:16] <williewillus> how big is your window?
L1168[21:25:21] <Tazz> lol
L1169[21:25:23] <tterrag> omg...your window is tiny
L1170[21:25:43] <Tazz> I have my PC connected to my TV...
L1171[21:25:49] <Tazz> kik
L1172[21:25:52] <Tazz> lol*
L1173[21:25:55] *** AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L1174[21:25:56] <tterrag> 1300x700 it appears
L1175[21:25:59] <tterrag> or something like that
L1176[21:26:06] <Tazz> lol
L1177[21:26:08] <tterrag> maybe 1280x720, 720p ?
L1178[21:26:12] <Tazz> Im not sure haha
L1179[21:26:12] <tterrag> do you have a 720p TV??
L1180[21:26:14] <Tazz> yes
L1181[21:26:19] <tterrag> I wasn't aware that existed
L1182[21:26:22] <Tazz> maybe
L1183[21:26:25] <Tazz> idk
L1184[21:26:25] <Tazz> haha
L1185[21:26:32] <tterrag> are you sure your comp settings aren't just screwed up
L1186[21:26:39] <Tazz> they could be afaik
L1187[21:26:42] <tterrag> I severely doubt your TV is 720p
L1188[21:26:53] <tterrag> check your resolution settings
L1189[21:26:57] <Ordinastie_> tterrag, why not ?
L1190[21:26:59] <Tazz> doing it right now XD
L1191[21:27:08] <Ordinastie_> do you think TVs when from SD to FullHD directly? :p
L1192[21:27:13] <tterrag> yes
L1193[21:27:15] <tterrag> they did
L1194[21:27:20] <Ordinastie_> no they didn't
L1195[21:27:22] <Tazz> 1360x768
L1196[21:27:22] <Tazz> XD
L1197[21:28:04] <Ordinastie_> well, they didn't went to fullHD directly from SD, but there stil were just HD TVs
L1198[21:28:06] <Tazz> as far as pixel density Im not sure haha
L1199[21:28:09] <Ordinastie_> cost less
L1200[21:28:22] <Ordinastie_> is your TV old ?
L1201[21:28:30] <Tazz> relatively
L1202[21:28:37] <Ordinastie_> 10y ?
L1203[21:28:46] <Tazz> definitely no XD
L1204[21:28:59] <Ordinastie_> well, you probably have full HD then :p
L1205[21:29:08] <tterrag> does your settings allow you to change resolution to 1080
L1206[21:29:10] <Tazz> like I said I have no idea haha
L1207[21:29:12] <Tazz> yes
L1208[21:29:14] <tterrag> then do that
L1209[21:29:16] <tterrag> for the love of god
L1210[21:29:29] <Ordinastie_> lol
L1211[21:29:34] <Tazz> I think
L1212[21:29:38] <Tazz> idk
L1213[21:29:38] <Tazz> haha
L1214[21:29:43] <tterrag> anyways, my guess: the resource pack dev uses a 1080 monitor with large GUI size and it looked fine to him
L1215[21:29:51] <tterrag> what he didn't realize is that normal GUI size doesn't use a PoT scaling factor
L1216[21:29:57] <tterrag> so it screws up everything
L1217[21:30:04] <Tazz> fair enough lol
L1218[21:30:22] <tterrag> and he probably doesn't care because I'd hazard a guess that most people use GUI size large
L1219[21:30:39] <Ordinastie_> tterrag, how can that even be possible ?
L1220[21:30:45] <tterrag> Ordinastie_: what do you mean?
L1221[21:31:10] <Ordinastie_> large GUI is just multiplying the scale by 3
L1222[21:31:30] <Ordinastie_> you still have to design you font with scaling by 1 in mind
L1223[21:31:43] <tterrag> vanilla unicode font is 8pt
L1224[21:31:49] <Ordinastie_> yes
L1225[21:31:51] <tterrag> this resource pack looks like 10pt
L1226[21:32:17] <Ordinastie_> and in large gui, it will be drawn over 30px
L1227[21:32:49] <tterrag> no, font height is always 9px (8)
L1228[21:32:53] <tterrag> it's a constant in the font renderer
L1229[21:33:04] <Ordinastie_> yes, but the scaling is just glScale
L1230[21:33:04] <Tazz> ^^
L1231[21:33:15] <Tazz> like it literally is a constant XD
L1232[21:33:17] <tterrag> which is why it fails
L1233[21:33:29] <Ordinastie_> oh I see what you mean
L1234[21:33:33] <Tazz> and its hardly noticeable without actually lookign at it XD
L1235[21:33:36] <tterrag> because 10 is not a power of two
L1236[21:33:44] <Tazz> like I didnt know it was a constant till I looked at the font renderer code XD
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L1238[21:34:04] <tterrag> the resource pack author has broken a fundamental assumption of the font renderer
L1239[21:34:07] <tterrag> that ALL fonts are 8pt
L1240[21:34:24] <tterrag> (16, 32, 64 would also work, but definitely not 10 or 12 or whatever this is)
L1241[21:35:04] <tterrag> aaaanyways...I need to sleep
L1242[21:35:07] *** tterrag is now known as tterrag|ZZZzzz
L1243[21:35:13] <Tazz> night tterrag|ZZZzzz
L1244[21:35:26] <Ordinastie_> I should go too, but too hot :/
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