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L12[00:28:40] <LexDesktop> willieaway, make small test mod
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L53[02:00:02] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160813 mappings to Forge Maven.
L54[02:00:05] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160813-1.10.2.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160813" in build.gradle).
L55[02:00:16] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L61[02:26:33] <gigaherz> morning people
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L64[02:27:53] <Wuppy> sup gigaherz :)
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L66[02:29:14] <Ordinastie_> so I'm looping through the cells of a Table row for rendering
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L68[02:29:37] <Ordinastie_> how can I prevent a CME when adding/removing elements for that row ?
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L70[02:41:02] <gigaherz> lock it?
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L75[02:54:32] <Lach_01298> I'm trying to setup a dev environmet with forestry source it works except when i try to load a world it freezes on building terrain the log says: [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Exception caught during firing event net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.PopulateChunkEvent$Post@1d2bb5c8:
L76[02:54:32] <Lach_01298> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.minecraft.world.World.getBiome(Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;)Lnet/minecraft/world/biome/Biome;
L77[02:54:38] <Lach_01298> any help?
L78[02:57:56] <kenzierocks> uh
L79[02:58:09] <kenzierocks> how exactly did you set up a dev environment with forestry source
L80[03:01:21] <Lach_01298> i downloaded the source and ran gradle setupdecompworkspace then gradle eclipse
L81[03:01:50] <Lach_01298> and imported that into eclipse
L82[03:03:11] <kenzierocks> hmm ok
L83[03:03:30] <kenzierocks> that's weird then
L84[03:03:52] <Lach_01298> it loads the game but not worlds
L85[03:04:02] <kenzierocks> you got the source from https://github.com/ForestryMC/ForestryMC ?
L86[03:04:31] <Lach_01298> yeah
L87[03:04:54] <kenzierocks> and setupdecompworkspace went perfectly fine?
L88[03:04:58] <kenzierocks> no errors of any sort?
L89[03:05:04] <Lach_01298> yeah
L90[03:05:28] <kenzierocks> you're using GradleStart to run it, correct?
L91[03:06:02] <Lach_01298> yeah
L92[03:07:25] <kenzierocks> if you look in the log for the game
L93[03:07:37] <kenzierocks> do you see something like "Managed to load a deobfuscated name"
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L95[03:10:27] <Ordinastie_> Lach_01298, if you open the class, do you find the method ?
L96[03:10:40] <kenzierocks> that'd also be good to look at
L97[03:10:50] <kenzierocks> ctrl+shift+t, type World
L98[03:11:08] <Lach_01298> yes it does say [main/INFO] [FML]: Managed to load a deobfuscated Minecraft name- we are in a deobfuscated environment. Skipping runtime deobfuscation
L99[03:12:23] <Lach_01298> i do find the method
L100[03:13:21] <kenzierocks> that is really bizzare
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L102[03:13:44] <Ordinastie_> that means there is a diff between the jar in the classpath and the jar in the ref libs
L103[03:14:00] ⇦ Parts: RANKSHANK (~Michael@ppp121-44-60-13.lns20.syd4.internode.on.net) ())
L104[03:14:04] <kenzierocks> hmmm
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L106[03:14:27] <kenzierocks> Lach_01298: can you see what the package is for the BlockPos parameter in that method?
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L108[03:14:39] <kenzierocks> in your eclipse sources
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L110[03:17:05] <Ordinastie_> gigaherz, you said "lock it", I say "how ?"
L111[03:17:26] <gigaherz> no idea ;P
L112[03:17:34] <gigaherz> I only have some experience with C#
L113[03:17:40] <Lach_01298> oh i think its useing the refrence libarys included in the source instead of the ones in the link forge poject
L114[03:17:41] <kenzierocks> use ReentrantLock?
L115[03:17:43] <gigaherz> and in C#, I'd use a RederWriterLock
L116[03:17:54] <kenzierocks> we have a readwritelock too I think
L117[03:18:00] <kenzierocks> but I think you need full locking for this
L118[03:18:03] <gigaherz> ReaderWriterLock*
L119[03:18:12] <sham1> Is someone needing a lock
L120[03:21:05] <Lach_01298> ok i unlinked the forge folder and ran it and it worked
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L122[03:22:19] <Lach_01298> so you don't need a forge folder if one of the others have it?
L123[03:22:31] <Ordinastie_> you shouldn't have a forge folder
L124[03:23:09] <Ordinastie_> forge and mc source is packaged into forgeSrc jar that is added to the referenced libs of your mod project when you do gradlew eclipse
L125[03:23:14] <Lach_01298> so it should only be my project and the forestry project?
L126[03:23:26] <Ordinastie_> no
L127[03:23:33] <Lach_01298> ok
L128[03:23:35] <Ordinastie_> if you want your mod to depend on forestry
L129[03:23:44] <Ordinastie_> if you need to add the dependency in your build.gradle
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L131[03:25:51] <kenzierocks> .-. dependency managment is hard but useful
L132[03:26:09] <Ordinastie_> (note that it's possible to have multiple projects for multiple mods and a "forge project" but it's not recommended
L133[03:26:21] <Lach_01298> ok
L134[03:27:06] <Ordinastie_> so, unless you need to modify forestry source directly, you want real dependcy via build.gradle
L135[03:27:56] <Lach_01298> so i should use a main folder with my mod in and gradle in it and link it with the forestry source
L136[03:28:05] <Ordinastie_> no
L137[03:28:08] <kenzierocks> you should not need the forestry source
L138[03:28:13] <Ordinastie_> you add dependency via gradle.build
L139[03:28:18] <kenzierocks> build.gradle
L140[03:28:57] <Ordinastie_> assuming they do upload to maven
L141[03:29:15] <kenzierocks> assuming they upload you mean
L142[03:29:22] <kenzierocks> you can pull dependencies from anywhere
L143[03:29:28] <kenzierocks> maven is just convinently mapped
L144[03:29:43] <kenzierocks> i wrote handlers for dropbox, curseforge, and more
L145[03:29:46] <Lach_01298> so do i just put the standard forestry jar in my mods folder
L146[03:29:50] <kenzierocks> no
L147[03:30:10] <Lach_01298> how it get tthe forestry code then
L148[03:30:22] <kenzierocks> build.gradle
L149[03:30:27] <Ordinastie_> it automatically downloads the jar
L150[03:30:33] <Lach_01298> ok
L151[03:31:02] <kenzierocks> hmmm, i don't know if they have maven
L152[03:31:10] <kenzierocks> looks like it might be a jenkins download
L153[03:31:18] <Ordinastie_> kenzierocks, yes, and with that same reasonning, you don't need to upload either, you could directly build from github
L154[03:31:24] <Ordinastie_> but that's a bit out of scope
L155[03:31:37] <kenzierocks> uh, what
L156[03:32:23] <Ordinastie_> nothing prevents you to write a handler that uses the source from git directly
L157[03:33:08] <kenzierocks> well
L158[03:33:13] <kenzierocks> probably not if you hack
L159[03:33:21] <kenzierocks> i'm talking a custom ivy resolver
L160[03:33:32] <kenzierocks> it just tells gradle how to map the dependency string to a url
L161[03:33:55] <kenzierocks> you might be able to use URLs as dependenceis directly?
L162[03:33:57] <kenzierocks> i forget
L163[03:34:10] <Ordinastie_> I don't know, I don't do gradle well :p
L164[03:34:14] <Lach_01298> so just put a URL under dependencies?
L165[03:34:24] <Ordinastie_> anyway looking at their gradle, it doesn't look like they upload to maven
L166[03:34:54] <Ordinastie_> so, maybe just do download the jar and put it in libs
L167[03:35:19] <kenzierocks> grab the dev jar from http://jenkins.ic2.player.to/job/Forestry/
L168[03:35:25] <kenzierocks> or the regular jar actually
L169[03:35:47] ⇨ Joins: gigaherz|phone (~gigaherz@161.red-88-8-167.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)
L170[03:36:01] <kenzierocks> completely off topic: I got my inserters working :DDDD
L171[03:36:20] <kenzierocks> just need to update the chests faster
L172[03:36:24] <gigaherz|phone> Meh, i give up. Power comes and goes. I'll just sleep more >_>
L173[03:36:43] <Ordinastie_> Lach_01298, usually, the correct way to add dependency is that way : https://github.com/Ordinastie/MalisisDoors/blob/1.8.9/build.gradle#L39
L174[03:37:04] <gigaherz|phone> Annoying part is it waits for my computer to be on...
L175[03:37:08] <Ordinastie_> but, if not uploaded, you can use the way the line below
L176[03:37:18] <Ordinastie_> by specifying the file directly
L177[03:37:53] <gigaherz|phone> So if I wait an hour or so, then boot my pc and it happens again, I'll have to blame my computer...
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L181[03:48:47] <Lach_01298> sorry i was afk
L182[03:49:14] <Lach_01298> so do i just import the forestry jar into my project?
L183[03:49:47] <Ordinastie_> you let gradle do it for you
L184[03:50:17] ⇦ Quits: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L185[03:50:52] <Lach_01298> so i put the url for the jar into dependencies
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L187[03:51:32] <Ordinastie_> it's supposed to be a maven url, but they don't appear to have one, so do like I linked
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L193[03:58:57] <Lach_01298> i put the address of the file on my computer in but when i ran it it didn't load forestry
L194[03:59:14] <Lach_01298> do i need to run gradle again
L195[04:00:42] <Ordinastie_> well, you need to redo gradlew eclipse at least
L196[04:01:09] <Ordinastie_> and then you'll find the jar in your referenced lib
L197[04:03:50] <Lach_01298> ok that worked thanks
L198[04:05:17] ⇦ Parts: Lach_01298 (~Lach_0129@14-200-43-252.static.tpgi.com.au) (thanks for the help))
L199[04:09:35] <killjoy> I've been working on a thing. https://gist.github.com/killjoy1221/50961f4572a6e26c2d4eb76dd7f908fd
L200[04:09:44] <killjoy> I've been using Rectangle up to this point
L201[04:15:00] <LexDesktop> ugh
L202[04:15:26] <LexDesktop> time for bed, aparently asi has taken it upon himself to comment on every open issue in Forge u.u
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L213[04:42:37] <gigaherz> lets see if the power holds now...
L214[04:42:46] <gigaherz> I'd be sad if somehow having my computer on makes it fail
L215[04:43:00] <gigaherz> (no it's not triggering the breakers)
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L229[05:03:21] <MalkContent> stupid question, but Item.getRegistryName() is the name you registered it under, right?
L230[05:07:29] <gigaherz> yes
L231[05:07:31] <gigaherz> including modid
L232[05:08:06] <MalkContent> thx
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L237[05:30:22] <MalkContent> ookay... itemstacks with different metadata but same item can stack?
L238[05:31:54] <gigaherz> no?
L239[05:32:46] <MalkContent> then why do these... god dammit
L240[05:33:50] <BordListian> wut
L241[05:34:51] <MalkContent> wut indeed
L242[05:41:51] <LatvianModder> i know
L243[05:41:57] <LatvianModder> setHasSubtypes(true)
L244[05:42:08] <LatvianModder> MalkContent: ^
L245[05:42:28] <MalkContent> yea, i noticed that about a minute ago. now just starting to verify that rectified things
L246[05:43:51] <MalkContent> yep
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L248[05:46:41] <MalkContent> getItemStackLimit() is depcrecated
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L250[05:47:08] <LatvianModder> yeah
L251[05:47:10] <MalkContent> do i still use maxStackSize or do i return the stacklimit in getItemStackLimit(ItemStack)?
L252[05:47:25] <LatvianModder> max stack size works
L253[05:47:32] <LatvianModder> if you dont need to anything advanced
L254[05:47:46] <MalkContent> kk
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L258[06:22:18] <MalkContent> when i got ItemModelMesher.register(item, meta, new ModelResourceLocation(item.getRegistryName() + "_" + meta, "inventory")), where should the json/texture for that be?
L259[06:24:37] <MalkContent> had it without the + _ meta before and thought the json was going from item.getRegistryName()
L260[06:31:59] <adox> what is the best way to install minecraft for intellij if i develop multiple mods?
L261[06:32:37] <gigaherz> just have each mod in a separate project
L262[06:33:02] <gigaherz> trying to cram them all together into one "workspace" is more effort than it's worth
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L264[06:35:20] <Koward> I'm looking for an open source big mod project that is considered to be well organized and using good modding practices.
L265[06:35:56] *** amadornes[OFF] is now known as amadornes
L266[06:36:01] <MalkContent> try opencomputers
L267[06:36:11] <gigaherz> how attached areyou to what people consider the "java coding style"?
L268[06:38:43] <MalkContent> srsly. when i set the ModelResourceLocation("mymod:test", "inventory"), the items json should be at assets/mymod/models/item/test.json, right?
L269[06:44:55] <Koward> Well it depends what people consider "java coding style". Java is known for having many terrible programmers, "java coding style" is sometimes considered an insult.
L270[06:45:26] <adox> why :decompileMc takes so long>
L271[06:46:30] <Koward> Finding a mod that respects any kind of convention is already an hard task itself, honestly.
L272[06:47:32] <gigaherz> adox: the mc jar is more and more complex
L273[06:47:58] <gigaherz> since they made it keep generic type metadata, and then annotation metadata
L274[06:48:06] <gigaherz> it has been giving the decompiler more work to do
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L276[06:53:58] <MalkContent> *eyelid twitches*
L277[06:55:25] <gigaherz> Koward:
L278[06:55:28] <gigaherz> take a look at mine
L279[06:55:28] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/tree/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderRift
L280[06:55:39] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/tree/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower
L281[06:55:41] <gigaherz> mine plural.
L282[06:55:52] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Survivalist/tree/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/survivalist
L283[06:56:04] <MalkContent> i hate this new item json crap ;_;
L284[06:56:04] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Enderthing/tree/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderthing
L285[06:56:24] <gigaherz> item json crap?
L286[06:56:28] <Ordinastie_> MalkContent, +1
L287[06:56:46] <Wuppy> agreed
L288[06:56:52] <gigaherz> [13:38] (MalkContent): srsly. when i set the ModelResourceLocation("mymod:test", "inventory"), the items json should be at assets/mymod/models/item/test.json, right?
L289[06:56:53] <gigaherz> yes.
L290[06:57:03] <gigaherz> so long as you call ModelLoader.setCustomMRL during PRE-init
L291[06:58:00] <Ordinastie_> that's why I ditched then altogether :p
L292[06:58:00] <MalkContent> okay. what does it do without setCustomMRL?
L293[06:58:07] <gigaherz> nothing
L294[06:58:09] <gigaherz> it just won't load a model
L295[06:58:18] <Wuppy> Ordinastie_, you stopped modding because of item jsons?
L296[06:58:22] <gigaherz> so when it tries to find a model for it
L297[06:58:24] <gigaherz> it won't be there
L298[06:58:45] <MalkContent> does it work in specific cases?
L299[06:58:46] <gigaherz> ah I see
L300[06:58:47] <gigaherz> [13:22] (MalkContent): when i got ItemModelMesher.register(item, meta, new ModelResourceLocation(item.getRegistryName() + "_" + meta, "inventory")), where should the json/texture for that be?
L301[06:58:49] <gigaherz> that's outdated
L302[06:58:54] <gigaherz> it won't work correctly anymore
L303[06:58:55] <Ordinastie_> Wuppy, no, I made my own system with blackjack and hookers
L304[06:59:01] <gigaherz> you should use ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation
L305[06:59:02] <Wuppy> haha
L306[06:59:17] <gigaherz> stop reading old tutorials, they are ALL wrong one way or another
L307[06:59:19] <Wuppy> I have to say, blackjack and hookers does sound better than jsons :P
L308[06:59:27] <MalkContent> cause i got it loading the model i specified when i is item.getRegistryName()
L309[06:59:31] <MalkContent> it*
L310[07:00:29] <MalkContent> okay. trying with modelloader then
L311[07:00:44] <gigaherz> remember to call it from PRE init phase
L312[07:00:45] <gigaherz> not init
L313[07:00:55] <gigaherz> it's too late if you call it from init, since the list has already been processed
L314[07:02:48] <MalkContent> yep. thankfully already watched out for that. once you had problems with pre/post stuff you don't wanna deal with that again ^^
L315[07:03:12] <gigaherz> yeah but ItemModelMesher would only work on init (if it worked at all)
L316[07:03:20] <gigaherz> while ModelLoader is designed to be called on preinit
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L318[07:05:10] <MalkContent> okay it works
L319[07:05:41] ⇨ Joins: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-108-184.buckeyecom.net)
L320[07:05:50] <MalkContent> i hate it when you want to do trivial things and it takes forever because some convention changed and you didnt get the memo
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L322[07:07:24] <gigaherz> well
L323[07:07:29] <gigaherz> that... changed in early 1.8
L324[07:07:34] <gigaherz> around april last year
L325[07:07:52] <gigaherz> or was that 2 years ago?
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L328[07:12:17] <MalkContent> :/
L329[07:13:20] <gigaherz> when fry introduced the model system
L330[07:13:24] <gigaherz> with .b3d
L331[07:13:30] <gigaherz> and later shadekiller added .obj
L332[07:13:46] ⇦ Quits: Naiten (Naiten@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L333[07:13:49] <gigaherz> when the model system was introduced, ModelLoader.setCustomMRL became a thing
L334[07:14:07] <adox> how do i fix gradlestart not found in module?
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L336[07:14:15] <gigaherz> adox: open the configuration editor
L337[07:14:23] <gigaherz> and in "Use classpath of module:" choose the _main one
L338[07:14:31] <gigaherz> for both Minecraft client and Minecraft server
L339[07:14:39] <gigaherz> it's an issue between forgegradle and idea 2016
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L341[07:17:23] <Koward> Thank you gigaherz
L342[07:17:38] <gigaherz> np
L343[07:18:05] <adox> didn't work
L344[07:18:15] <gigaherz> :/
L345[07:18:25] <gigaherz> hmmm
L346[07:18:46] <gigaherz> these are the steps I use to import/create idea projects
L347[07:19:06] <gigaherz> 1. open the build.gradle file from idea and let it import
L348[07:19:13] <gigaherz> 2. open the gradle panel and doubleclick setupDecompWorkspace
L349[07:19:33] <gigaherz> 3. run the genIntellijRuns task (not needed when upgrading projects)
L350[07:19:43] <gigaherz> 4. click the blue refresh icon on the gradle panel
L351[07:20:55] <adox> what command do i need to add in order to see why setupDecompWorkspace failed?
L352[07:21:07] <gigaherz> uh if it failed, it may be running out of memory
L353[07:21:24] <gigaherz> http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/gettingstarted/#from-zero-to-modding
L354[07:21:29] <gigaherz> see the remarks note in there
L355[07:23:42] <MalkContent> hrrrrrrm. so i got a init() method in the client/commonproxy
L356[07:24:32] <MalkContent> nvm
L357[07:24:41] <MalkContent> ill do some more thinking...
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L359[07:28:21] <MalkContent> if i call registerHandlers() in the commonproxy init(), it would not execute the overridden registerHandlers() in the clientproxy, right?
L360[07:28:47] <Ordinastie_> yes it would
L361[07:29:11] <Ordinastie_> concrete example: createBlockState called from BLock
L362[07:29:23] <MalkContent> i thought it only would execute the super.registerHandlers(), from the clientproxy perspective
L363[07:29:47] <gigaherz> the whole point of overrides
L364[07:29:51] <gigaherz> is that when youcall the parent
L365[07:29:56] <gigaherz> it really calls the child's instead
L366[07:30:09] <gigaherz> if they didn't, they wouldn't be overrides, they'd be replacements
L367[07:30:19] <gigaherz> it would break the polymorphism principle
L368[07:30:36] <MalkContent> so what i said would be true, if i got rid of the @Override annotation?
L369[07:30:45] <gigaherz> no
L370[07:30:50] <gigaherz> @Override is only a hint for hte IDE
L371[07:30:57] <gigaherz> to warn you if there isn't a method in the parent
L372[07:31:20] <gigaherz> it has no effect in the semantics
L373[07:31:31] <gigaherz> if you assign ClientProxy to a variable of type CommonProxy
L374[07:31:36] <gigaherz> and you call .registerHandlers on it
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L376[07:31:43] <gigaherz> it WILL call the ClientProxy's override if it has one
L377[07:32:22] <SparkVGX> Hey all, working on updating a 1.8.9 mod, would someone please tell me the command to see what func_181673_a was renamed to?
L378[07:32:27] <gigaherz> the same applies to the internal "this" parameter of an object
L379[07:32:30] <MalkContent> the thing is, i am calling the clientproxy's init
L380[07:32:44] <gigaherz> SparkVGX: try doing !gm func_181673_a
L381[07:32:44] <MalkContent> which it doesn't have, so it takes the commonproxy's
L382[07:32:51] <SparkVGX> !gm func_181673_a
L383[07:33:00] <SparkVGX> no results unfortunately :s
L384[07:33:04] <MalkContent> and the commonproxy init calls registerHandlers
L385[07:33:12] <gigaherz> MalkContent: yes, and the commonproxy's "this" if of type CommonProxy
L386[07:33:20] <gigaherz> but points to an instance of ClientProxy
L387[07:33:49] <Ordinastie_> SparkVGX, !gm func_181673_a 1.8.9
L388[07:33:58] <MalkContent> okay. that is so weird
L389[07:34:03] <SparkVGX> !gm func_181673_a 1.8.9
L390[07:34:03] <gigaherz> it's not weird
L391[07:34:07] <gigaherz> it's the principle of OOP
L392[07:34:13] <SparkVGX> Thanks Ordie :D
L393[07:34:35] <gigaherz> in C#
L394[07:34:48] <gigaherz> there's an explicit way to distinguish overrides from replacements
L395[07:34:54] <gigaherz> but java doesn't have one
L396[07:35:08] <Ordinastie_> what is even a "replacement" ?
L397[07:35:19] <MalkContent> if i would call super.registerHandlers from the commonproxy's init (which doesn't have a super, but let that be besides the point), would clientproxy.init execute the commonproxies registerHandlers?
L398[07:35:20] <gigaherz> Ordinastie_: he wants to call CommonProxy#registerHandlers
L399[07:35:24] <gigaherz> rather than ClientProxy's override
L400[07:35:37] <Ordinastie_> you can't
L401[07:35:39] <MalkContent> no, i don't want to
L402[07:35:50] <gigaherz> MalkContent: yes
L403[07:35:55] <gigaherz> if you did call super.* explicitly
L404[07:35:58] <gigaherz> you would call the parent's
L405[07:36:02] <gigaherz> but why?
L406[07:36:12] <gigaherz> why not just call super.registerHandlers() from the clientproxy?
L407[07:36:18] <gigaherz> and also
L408[07:36:21] <Ordinastie_> and I was asking you, what do you call repacement ?
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L410[07:36:33] <gigaherz> Ordinastie_: a method that does not override, but has the same name
L411[07:36:36] <MalkContent> i call super.registerHandlers from the clientproxy registerHandlers
L412[07:36:57] <gigaherz> C# allows you to do
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L414[07:37:11] <gigaherz> class A {public int x() {...} }
L415[07:37:14] <MalkContent> and i didnt want to call registerHandlers from the clientproxy init, if the registerHandlers from the commonproxy init already calls it
L416[07:37:19] <Ordinastie_> oh, so if you cast to parent first, you can call parent method ?
L417[07:37:24] <gigaherz> class B : A { public new float x() {...} }
L418[07:37:30] <gigaherz> you can even change the return type
L419[07:37:43] <gigaherz> yep
L420[07:37:49] <gigaherz> if your variable is of the parent type
L421[07:37:51] <Ordinastie_> didn't know that
L422[07:37:54] <gigaherz> the method table only contains the parent's entry
L423[07:37:56] <gigaherz> not the child
L424[07:38:02] <gigaherz> since the child's method is a different entry in the method table
L425[07:38:54] <MalkContent> i just hope this is right now
L426[07:39:10] <gigaherz> MalkContent: I'm wondering why you have code in your CommonProxy at all
L427[07:39:12] <MalkContent> and not just working because its just logical client/server
L428[07:39:15] <gigaherz> just put that stuff on your @Mod event handlers ;P
L429[07:39:18] <Ordinastie_> that's why the concept of CommonProxy is stupid and confusing
L430[07:39:31] <gigaherz> logical client/server has no effect on that
L431[07:39:48] <gigaherz> the lifecycle phases run before logical client/server are even a thing
L432[07:41:08] <gigaherz> there's two proxies that can be created:
L433[07:41:16] <MalkContent> idk, i just thought it'd be the proper structure
L434[07:41:20] <gigaherz> one's instantiated in the client jar
L435[07:41:24] <gigaherz> and one's instantiated in the server jar
L436[07:41:27] <MalkContent> i saw the cool kids doing it
L437[07:41:30] <gigaherz> yeah
L438[07:41:35] <gigaherz> because they copypasted from tutorials that did it
L439[07:41:44] <gigaherz> no other reason ;p
L440[07:41:54] <gigaherz> it's not specifically bad
L441[07:42:00] <Ordinastie_> also please revise your definition of cool
L442[07:42:02] <gigaherz> it just leads to confusion ;P
L443[07:42:22] <MalkContent> and i do like the structure of it
L444[07:42:26] <gigaherz> Ordinastie_: "cool kids" are those idiots that thing they are cool, but the rest of the world sees are pitiful ;P
L445[07:42:31] <gigaherz> as*
L446[07:43:12] <gigaherz> MalkContent: what I do is
L447[07:43:21] <gigaherz> interface IModProxy { stuff }
L448[07:43:34] <gigaherz> class ClientProxy implements IModProxy { implementations }
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L450[07:43:42] <gigaherz> class ServerProxy implements IModProxy { dummy methods }
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L452[07:43:57] <gigaherz> and all the common code, it goes in the @Mod event handlers
L453[07:44:20] <gabizou|laptop> gigaherz still around?
L454[07:44:28] <gigaherz> no it's my ghost talking
L455[07:44:28] <MalkContent> yea, i got that :)
L456[07:45:03] <Ordinastie_> tbh, I think the way SidedProxy is done is dumb
L457[07:45:06] <gabizou|laptop> ok I'll check back later.
L458[07:45:09] <gabizou|laptop> :P
L459[07:45:12] <gigaherz> XD
L460[07:45:34] <gabizou|laptop> gigaherz so basically, there's a huge system that is in place from Sponge that tracks a ton of stuff
L461[07:45:47] <Ordinastie_> I've never seen any use for a Server side proxy
L462[07:46:06] <gabizou|laptop> and I noticed that you do set worldIn.restoringBlockSnapshots in the head and tail when you're changing the block/tileentity
L463[07:46:14] <gigaherz> Ordinastie_: @SideOnly(SERVER) is basically just the server GUI, I believe?
L464[07:46:25] <Ordinastie_> imo, a @ClientHandler() annotation that is automatically registered for FML events would be way smarter
L465[07:46:35] <MalkContent> you could do stuff that should only happen on real servers
L466[07:46:40] <gigaherz> MalkContent: yes
L467[07:46:48] <gabizou|laptop> so correct me if I'm wrong: when that flag is true, basically no block.onRemoved logic is performed, correct?
L468[07:46:49] <gigaherz> but almost all the cases of that
L469[07:46:51] <gigaherz> are server-only mods
L470[07:46:52] <MalkContent> like broadcasting ip to places and what have you
L471[07:46:52] <Ordinastie_> gigaherz, I'm not talking about @SideOnly, I'm talking about @SidedProxy
L472[07:46:55] <gigaherz> that just refuse to work on client
L473[07:47:12] <gigaherz> Ordinastie_: I know, but for me, @SidedProxy is a way to call @SideOnly without crashing at load
L474[07:47:12] <gigaherz> ;P
L475[07:47:33] <gigaherz> so in order to find a use for the server proxy
L476[07:47:34] <Ordinastie_> gigaherz, yes, and what I'm saying would acheive the same
L477[07:47:46] <gigaherz> I consider what exists that is SERVER to begin with
L478[07:47:56] <Ordinastie_> nothing AFAIK
L479[07:48:02] <gigaherz> which is the server gui
L480[07:48:05] <gigaherz> and a couple command methods
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L482[07:49:03] <gigaherz> gabizou|laptop: hmmm I con't really remember what it did, give me a minute ;P
L483[07:49:10] <gigaherz> all I know is it prevents drops from happening
L484[07:49:20] <Ordinastie_> well, the fact that you wrote : <gigaherz> class ServerProxy implements IModProxy { dummy methods } still proves my point
L485[07:49:21] <gabizou|laptop> i'll investigate to see if my theory is correct
L486[07:49:45] <gigaherz> gabizou: so far as I see
L487[07:49:52] <gigaherz> it's primary use is in dropBlockAsItemWithChance
L488[07:50:00] <gigaherz> it's cancelled if it's restoring
L489[07:50:05] <MalkContent> why would you even write a serverproxy if you don't implement anything in it tho
L490[07:50:16] <gigaherz> MalkContent: because I still need to be able to call the methods
L491[07:50:22] <gigaherz> without null-checks all over the place
L492[07:50:34] <MalkContent> soooo... dont register a server proxy?
L493[07:50:37] <gigaherz> just those methods are not supposed to doanything on a dedicated server
L494[07:50:50] <gigaherz> that'd leave the proxy instance null in a dedicated server?
L495[07:51:08] <gigaherz> I want "proxy.preInit()" to still work
L496[07:51:11] <gigaherz> just not do anything
L497[07:51:16] <MalkContent> a, now i got it
L498[07:51:20] <MalkContent> fair enough
L499[07:51:32] <MalkContent> no commonproxy -> needs server proxy
L500[07:52:13] <gigaherz> yep
L501[07:52:29] <gigaherz> in your case, commonproxy also doubles as serverp roxy
L502[07:52:34] <gigaherz> server proxy*
L503[07:52:46] <Ordinastie_> but that's meh
L504[07:53:00] <gigaherz> in the interface design, there is one more class
L505[07:53:04] <gigaherz> but their purpose is more specific
L506[07:53:05] <MalkContent> mhm
L507[07:53:09] <gigaherz> so there's less room for confusion
L508[07:53:19] <gabizou|laptop> gigaherz that's unfortunate then, but I guess it'll just have to be hooked. Is your mod 1.8.9 as well? I'm curious if the 1.8.9 cuase tracker suffers from a similar issue.
L509[07:53:36] <gabizou|laptop> granted, I kinda did overhaul how drops are performed :3
L510[07:53:42] <gigaherz> hmmm I did have a 1.8.9 version
L511[07:53:44] <gigaherz> but it's unsupported
L512[07:53:50] <gigaherz> I don't plan on making any updates to it
L513[07:54:04] <gigaherz> I only support 1.9.4+ these days
L514[07:54:05] <SparkVGX> How do I go about making an addon for another mod? I would like to just use import com.mod.etc for the other mod to reference it but not quite sure how to go about it
L515[07:54:07] <gigaherz> no time for more ;P
L516[07:54:17] <gigaherz> SparkVGX: depends
L517[07:54:22] <gigaherz> does the mod have a maven repository?
L518[07:54:31] <gigaherz> if so, add it as a dependency to your build.gradle
L519[07:54:32] <SparkVGX> It doesn't
L520[07:54:33] <gigaherz> if not
L521[07:54:37] <gigaherz> then you'll ahveto add it as a lib
L522[07:54:53] <SparkVGX> when I do that, is that just adding the .jar file?
L523[07:55:03] <gigaherz> yes...ish
L524[07:55:11] <gigaherz> there's more stuff to take into consideration
L525[07:55:18] <gigaherz> such as if you have a dev jar or an obfuscated one
L526[07:55:46] <SparkVGX> I have the obfuscated one I suppose
L527[07:55:54] <SparkVGX> could I use BON for that?
L528[07:55:57] <gigaherz> BON2
L529[07:56:00] <gigaherz> ;P
L530[07:56:02] <SparkVGX> ^
L531[07:56:07] <gigaherz> yes you could use it
L532[07:56:19] <SparkVGX> thank you kindly
L533[08:03:19] ⇦ Quits: hasunwoo (~hasunwoo@ (Quit: Bye)
L534[08:03:20] <SparkVGX> !gm func_71045_bC 1.8.9
L535[08:06:55] ⇦ Quits: turmfalke (~turmfalke@p20030056CF06BAB6D3978EDA5BA28718.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L538[08:16:13] <SparkVGX> !gm func_181673_a 1.8.9
L539[08:18:54] <SparkVGX> Stupid question, but im having issues switching on an enum in java >,<
L540[08:19:44] <Ordinastie_> you have issues with asking question because that's not one
L541[08:20:14] <SparkVGX> I hadn't gotten there yet lol sorry, accidentally pushed enter, will just be a sec
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L543[08:20:34] <SparkVGX> switch(DetectedType[Mod.clientEventHandler.nearestType.ordinal()]) { etc... }
L544[08:20:52] ⇨ Joins: IceDragon (~ThatGuy@
L545[08:20:59] <gigaherz> that line looks weird
L546[08:21:01] <Ordinastie_> that's decompilation artifact
L547[08:21:03] <gigaherz> smells bad, in a way
L548[08:21:46] <Ordinastie_> switch(nearestType) { case SOMETHING : doStuff(); }
L549[08:23:16] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L550[08:26:54] <SparkVGX> Ordie, you are a champion :) Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I appreciate it.
L551[08:27:33] <Ordinastie_> that still wasn't a question though
L552[08:27:42] <Ordinastie_> and "Ordi", no E
L553[08:28:17] *** Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
L554[08:28:45] <gigaherz> "Ordi" means "barley" in Catalan
L555[08:29:21] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L556[08:31:53] ⇨ Joins: OrionOnline (~OrionOnli@ip-80-236-237-169.dsl.scarlet.be)
L557[08:33:55] <SparkVGX> Ordi* sorry ^_^;;
L558[08:35:17] <SparkVGX> !gm func_71515_b 1.8.9
L559[08:37:49] <OrionOnline> >
L560[08:38:13] <gigaherz> anyone wants tohelp me debug something? ;P
L561[08:38:21] <gigaherz> I have my Packing Tape mod
L562[08:38:31] <gigaherz> and when you unpack something
L563[08:38:42] <gigaherz> the same click will also activate the unpacked block itself
L564[08:38:43] <gigaherz> as in
L565[08:38:47] <gigaherz> I have a packed chest
L566[08:38:54] <gigaherz> and unpack it, it immediately opens and shows the gui
L567[08:38:56] <gigaherz> I want to avoid that XD
L568[08:42:06] <gigaherz> nevermind! derp "return false;" where it should have been true.
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L572[08:47:33] <SparkVGX> --username name --password password to use a specific account, correct?
L573[08:48:45] <LatvianModder> or --username name --uuid shortUUID
L574[08:49:10] <LatvianModder> which will work the same except faster, but you wont be able to log in onlinemode servers
L575[08:50:26] <SparkVGX> Thank you :)
L576[08:51:33] <SparkVGX> I've referenced another mod as part of the library so I could make my addon to that mod, builds fine in debug but when I try to gradlew build, i get this error. "warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.6"
L577[08:51:40] <SparkVGX> how can I fix this?
L578[08:51:54] <gigaherz> that's not an error.
L579[08:51:56] <gigaherz> that's normal
L580[08:52:06] <gigaherz> it means you are using JDK8 to build java6
L581[08:52:19] <gigaherz> so there are some corner cases in which it may fail
L582[08:52:32] <gigaherz> you can almost always ignore it
L583[08:52:38] <gigaherz> if it failsto build
L584[08:52:41] <gigaherz> it'sbecause of some other reason
L585[08:53:30] <OrionOnline> Anyone experience with X.509 Certificates in the chat?
L586[08:53:37] <gigaherz> not me ;p
L587[08:54:30] <diesieben07> suggestions/comments/etc.? https://git.io/v6urA instead of https://git.io/v6e5r
L588[08:54:36] <diesieben07> OrionOnline, a TINY bit, why? :D
L589[08:55:28] <OrionOnline> diesieben07, I need to aquire one, so that i can setup a IdentityServer for Webapps over SSL
L590[08:55:50] <OrionOnline> I have been looking everywhere but i just find normal SSL certificates
L591[08:55:50] <diesieben07> so like, a real one? not a self-signed one?
L592[08:56:03] <OrionOnline> diesieben07, i can make self signed ones for developing
L593[08:56:04] <OrionOnline> That is fine
L594[08:56:06] <diesieben07> what is a "normal SSL certificate"? :D
L595[08:56:33] <gigaherz> what's the difference?
L596[08:56:40] <OrionOnline> What i mean with a normal SSL certificates are the ones used to verifiy Websites and there servers in a browser (for webshops for example)
L597[08:56:49] <OrionOnline> gigaherz, see that is what i cannot seem to figure out
L598[08:56:53] <diesieben07> those still have to be stored in a file of some sort
L599[08:56:57] <gigaherz> wait you want a CLIENT certificate?
L600[08:57:00] <diesieben07> X.509 is just a file format afaik
L601[08:57:10] <OrionOnline> gigaherz, no a server one
L602[08:57:16] <gigaherz> then you just want a server one.
L603[08:57:33] <gigaherz> I have no idea what X.509 is, but just any SSL server certificate should do?
L604[08:57:40] <OrionOnline> I need a certifacte that allows my client to verify that it is talking to the right Server and no one is some tricking with it
L605[08:57:47] <gigaherz> yes
L606[08:57:50] <gigaherz> that's a normal SSL cert
L607[08:57:50] <OrionOnline> Okey
L608[08:57:53] <OrionOnline> Good to know then
L609[08:57:56] <OrionOnline> Thanks guys
L610[08:57:56] <gigaherz> that's the whole purpose of it
L611[08:58:12] <diesieben07> if you control the client, you don't to buy one even ;)
L612[08:58:15] <diesieben07> self-signed is fine then
L613[08:58:19] <diesieben07> (right?)
L614[08:58:24] <gigaherz> yes
L615[08:58:31] <diesieben07> good, i am doing it right then :D
L616[08:58:34] <gigaherz> but then you need to manage your own accepted fingerprints
L617[08:58:38] <diesieben07> yeah
L618[08:59:22] <gabizou> gigaherz would it be too much to ask if you were to change your head and tail to just do a normal variable on your block onBlockBreak whatever logic?
L619[08:59:34] <OrionOnline> diesieben07, hmm so a self signed one of which i check the fingerprint myself is fine....
L620[08:59:36] <gabizou> though I can't imagine forge mods don't change that field either.
L621[08:59:40] <gigaherz> gabizou: it's not my block
L622[08:59:47] <gabizou> the world.isRestoringfoobar
L623[08:59:49] <gabizou> it's not?
L624[08:59:54] <gigaherz> the Packing Tape item converts any block into a packed block
L625[08:59:56] <gigaherz> by replacing it
L626[08:59:59] <SparkVGX> Giga, am I adding the main mod incorrectly to my library if I'm getting cannot find symbol when trying to build?
L627[09:00:02] <gabizou> oh I see
L628[09:00:02] <gigaherz> and then storing the old info on the new block's TE
L629[09:00:17] <diesieben07> OrionOnline, yes.
L630[09:00:18] <gabizou> and because of block states, it has to call block.onRemove
L631[09:00:26] <diesieben07> that is just as safe as a "trusted" one
L632[09:00:37] <gigaherz> gabizou: mc does, I can't tell it not to
L633[09:00:38] <diesieben07> trusted jsut means that cleints that are not yours (e.g. browsers) can still verify
L634[09:00:48] <gigaherz> I just do setBlockState(Myblock.defaultstate)
L635[09:00:50] <OrionOnline> Hmm Okey, now onto extracting the ASP.Net Identity classes from our existing infrastructure.....
L636[09:00:52] <gabizou> well, mc does, and I do :P
L637[09:00:56] <gabizou> and I can :3
L638[09:01:02] <gigaherz> yeah
L639[09:01:02] <SparkVGX> Giga, am I adding the main mod incorrectly to my library if I'm getting cannot find symbol when trying to build?
L640[09:01:08] <gigaherz> SparkVGX: yes and no
L641[09:01:14] <gigaherz> you are adding it correctly to your IDE
L642[09:01:16] <gigaherz> but not to gradle
L643[09:01:18] <diesieben07> no comments on my updated PR? :(
L644[09:01:26] <gigaherz> diesieben07: i'm trying to read
L645[09:01:27] <gabizou> but yeah, i'll write a quick fix for it, have a handy link to dl the mod for dev testing?
L646[09:01:30] <gigaherz> but people are pinging me ;p
L647[09:01:31] <diesieben07> ok :)
L648[09:01:34] <SparkVGX> Forgive me, but how do I add it to gradle?
L649[09:01:39] <gabizou> ping gigaherz
L650[09:01:40] <gigaherz> SparkVGX: no idea ;P
L651[09:01:51] <gigaherz> never did it ;P
L652[09:02:01] <gigaherz> maybe ask in #forgegradle ;P
L653[09:02:06] <SparkVGX> ^_^ thank you anyway. I will
L654[09:02:09] <gabizou> SparkVGX the default build.gradle with forgegradle mentions how to add mod dependencies
L655[09:02:17] <gigaherz> yeah -- maven ones ;p
L656[09:02:18] <OrionOnline> diesieben07, which PR?
L657[09:02:22] <SparkVGX> Thank you gabizou :D
L658[09:02:27] <gigaherz> [15:54] (diesieben07): suggestions/comments/etc.? https://git.io/v6urA instead of https://git.io/v6e5r
L659[09:02:34] <gigaherz> OrionOnline ^
L660[09:06:28] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L661[09:07:03] <OrionOnline> diesieben07, regarding that PR: I deam it a good idea if you would make the recipe list public
L662[09:07:10] <OrionOnline> Or at least readonly public
L663[09:07:24] <diesieben07> uh yeah i forgot that
L664[09:07:29] <OrionOnline> That way mods like JEI can read it witouth reflection
L665[09:07:30] <diesieben07> i wanted to add getRecipe(stack)
L666[09:07:30] <OrionOnline> Okey
L667[09:07:30] <diesieben07> derp
L668[09:07:40] <diesieben07> oh and also the full list, yeah
L669[09:08:00] <gigaherz> wrote a comment, it was easier to explain in-context
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L672[09:09:41] <diesieben07> gigaherz, the getOutput0 is just internal for the AbstractFurnaceRecipe
L673[09:09:44] <diesieben07> nobody else should all it but that class
L674[09:11:56] <gigaherz> also, I'd add GameRegistry methods for the furnace recipes, rather than just deprecate what's there?
L675[09:12:46] <diesieben07> OrionOnline, https://git.io/v6uo6
L676[09:12:52] <diesieben07> why do we need methods in GameRegistry?
L677[09:12:59] <diesieben07> BrewingRecipeRegistry doesn't have those either.
L678[09:13:16] <gigaherz> dunno, consistency?
L679[09:13:34] <diesieben07> consistent would be to NOT have them because brewing doesn't have them either :P
L680[09:13:34] <gigaherz> but if there's other recipe registries elsewhere, /shrug
L681[09:14:02] <diesieben07> like, there also isn't GameRegistry.registerCapability :D
L682[09:14:23] * gigaherz shrugs
L683[09:14:29] <gigaherz> I do like the idea ;P
L684[09:14:42] <gigaherz> I was just thinking in terms of how we register crafting recipes
L685[09:14:58] <diesieben07> yeah but personally i do not really like those being in GR either :D
L686[09:14:58] <gigaherz> I'm ok either way ;p
L687[09:15:17] <gigaherz> thne there's one thing that I don't quite like
L688[09:15:20] <diesieben07> GR is just like this... dumping ground for everything registerable
L689[09:15:31] <gigaherz> calling it "FurnaceRecipes" rather than "SmeltingRecipes" ;P
L690[09:15:39] <gigaherz> but it's just nitpicking
L691[09:15:40] <diesieben07> yeah i was debating that
L692[09:15:44] <diesieben07> i can rename it if you want
L693[09:15:50] <diesieben07> or if more than one person wants :P
L694[09:16:03] <diesieben07> i think it would be better actually
L695[09:16:11] <diesieben07> since the recipe describes the process, not the machine
L696[09:16:23] <MalkContent> does the order in which you add slots to a container matter?
L697[09:16:36] <MalkContent> or only the slots index
L698[09:16:48] <diesieben07> mhmm i love intellij :D http://i.imgur.com/bqUzWJw.png
L699[09:17:01] <gigaherz> http://www.strawpoll.me/10982868
L700[09:17:03] <gigaherz> votes! ;P
L701[09:17:03] ⇨ Joins: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk)
L702[09:17:15] <barteks2x> just think whicgo line by line and ask: what this line does. If you don't know, ask me
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L704[09:17:31] <barteks2x> wrong window
L705[09:17:37] <barteks2x> I was explaining someone something...
L706[09:17:38] <gigaherz> gogo click on the poll and vote! ;P
L707[09:17:49] <OrionOnline> diesieben07, to force peeps to use the proper channels make that method return an ImmutableList
L708[09:17:59] <OrionOnline> That way no one cna screw with it
L709[09:18:06] <diesieben07> it returns an unmodifiable list
L710[09:18:09] <gigaherz> MalkContent: no, besides the slot index in the container methods
L711[09:18:13] <diesieben07> but its a view of the actual list
L712[09:18:24] <OrionOnline> diesieben07, missed that one XD
L713[09:18:48] <MalkContent> excellent
L714[09:19:03] <gigaherz> MalkContent: note that stuff like transferStackInSlot
L715[09:19:17] <gigaherz> when you use the mergeItemStack or whatever it was called
L716[09:19:19] <gigaherz> it will search in order
L717[09:19:24] <gigaherz> so in that method, the order does matter
L718[09:19:36] <gigaherz> if you change it, the shift-click choice may vary
L719[09:19:40] <MalkContent> hm. right. also it's a list
L720[09:19:52] <MalkContent> a well. better add slots in the correct order to be sure
L721[09:21:16] <sham1> I like the name Other(which=)
L722[09:23:05] <diesieben07> -_-
L723[09:24:27] <sham1> :P
L724[09:24:28] <MalkContent> and thus sham1 gained another golden star for cheeky replies
L725[09:25:21] <sham1> But if I am being serious, I would go with SmeltingRecipe
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L729[09:27:38] <MalkContent> whatchu need that for anyways, giga
L730[09:28:05] <MalkContent> cause in my mind the problem is that in a regular old vanilla furnace, you can smelt AND cook
L731[09:28:21] <MalkContent> and smelting recipe would be inaccurate if it includes anything non-smelty
L732[09:28:28] <MalkContent> even stuff like making charcoal
L733[09:28:32] ⇦ Quits: SparkVGX (~SparkVGX@ (Quit: This quit message was sponsored by Pepsi. Just as good as coke, we promise!)
L734[09:29:31] <gabizou> gigaherz wait what? FurnaceRecipe vs SmeltingRecipe?
L735[09:29:40] <diesieben07> Yep
L736[09:29:50] <gabizou> are we wanting to rename them from nms?
L737[09:29:56] <diesieben07> lol no
L738[09:30:03] <diesieben07> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/3141
L739[09:30:23] <gabizou> oh I see
L740[09:30:40] <gabizou> you know this is going to be fun
L741[09:30:48] <diesieben07> why? :D
L742[09:30:56] <gabizou> wait, can the client be told how long a recipe will be?
L743[09:31:08] <diesieben07> yup
L744[09:31:09] <gabizou> or is it just like added content, where the client must have the same recipe registered locally
L745[09:31:11] <diesieben07> vanilla already does that
L746[09:31:18] <diesieben07> the getCookTime method in vanilla is fully functional
L747[09:31:19] <gigaherz> https://twitter.com/ThePracticalDev/status/764202797210431489
L748[09:31:23] <diesieben07> it just returns constant 200
L749[09:31:26] <gabizou> lol
L750[09:31:46] <gabizou> then I give you my +1 diesieben07
L751[09:31:53] <diesieben07> <3
L752[09:32:07] <sham1> D'aww
L753[09:32:23] <gabizou> though this is going to be absolutely hilarious for sponge compat, iirc we have our own construct, so inb4 more transformation magic
L754[09:32:46] <gabizou> (we totally don't make some classes transformed to be superclassed by another class
L755[09:34:02] <gabizou> also diesieben07 question about that PR, since it relies on itemstacks, is it possible to add predicates to figure out what matches?
L756[09:34:19] <gabizou> instead of relying on the oredictionary.itemmatches
L757[09:34:26] <howtonotwin> there is a matches method in the interface :P
L758[09:34:28] <diesieben07> ^
L759[09:34:39] <diesieben07> you can implement SmeltingRecipe::matches to do wahtever the heck you want
L760[09:34:46] <gabizou> oic
L761[09:35:23] <diesieben07> one thing i am not sure about is that currently all vanilla recipes go into one SmeltingRecipe instance
L762[09:35:27] <diesieben07> is that desirable?
L763[09:35:36] <gabizou> probably not
L764[09:35:39] <diesieben07> that includes all mod-added recipes that use the old API
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L766[09:35:59] <diesieben07> the problem is if i change that, i have to patch much more in nms.FurnaceRecipes
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L768[09:36:25] <gabizou> the default smelting recipe is a mutable instance, right?
L769[09:36:30] <sham1> What kind of methods is the "cons cons" notation used for
L770[09:36:46] <howtonotwin> cons cons?
L771[09:37:06] <sham1> ::
L772[09:37:13] <diesieben07> i use it instead of # now :P
L773[09:37:17] <diesieben07> because :: is pretty
L774[09:37:21] <howtonotwin> Java 8 method refs
L775[09:37:29] ⇨ Joins: PieGuy128 (~PieGuy128@MTRLPQ5031W-LP130-01-1279338914.dsl.bell.ca)
L776[09:37:38] <diesieben07> gabizou, VanillaSmeltingRecipe has references to the two HashMaps from nms.FurnaceRecipes
L777[09:37:41] <sham1> And C++ namespace and class things
L778[09:37:47] <diesieben07> and just replicates vanilla functionality
L779[09:37:50] <sham1> as in std::cout
L780[09:38:09] <howtonotwin> like stream.map(SomeClass::func) == stream.map(o -> o.func)
L781[09:38:12] <gabizou> still kinda meh to modify
L782[09:38:15] <diesieben07> sham1, it is called paamayim nekudotayim, please.
L783[09:38:20] <diesieben07> :P
L784[09:38:36] <gabizou> also diesieben07 wouldn't it be better to have a table instead of two maps?
L785[09:38:44] <gabizou> wait no
L786[09:38:45] <diesieben07> ask vanilla :P
L787[09:38:50] <diesieben07> and no indeed
L788[09:39:31] <sham1> Also, "::" is the operator used in scala to prepend things to a list
L789[09:39:45] <gabizou> diesieben07 Object2FloatMap :3
L790[09:39:49] <diesieben07> lol
L791[09:40:00] <howtonotwin> But it isn't an operator :3
L792[09:40:25] <gabizou> though I don't know if that's included in the default mc libs
L793[09:40:34] <sham1> I'd say that it is
L794[09:40:36] <gabizou> since grum made a smaller fastutil
L795[09:40:50] <sham1> Even if it is scala magic
L796[09:40:58] <howtonotwin> a :: b is just a method call b.::(a). In java it'll be called $colon$colon
L797[09:41:09] <gabizou> howtonotwin you mean in bytecode
L798[09:41:26] <howtonotwin> If you try to use Java interop you'll see it
L799[09:41:38] <gabizou> true
L800[09:41:51] <sham1> And why does that disqualify it from being an operator
L801[09:42:00] <sham1> Just because it is a method
L802[09:42:32] <sham1> It also it a class
L803[09:42:38] <diesieben07> well, what is the difference between method an doperator then?
L804[09:42:42] <howtonotwin> none
L805[09:42:43] <diesieben07> if you can override operators like methods?
L806[09:42:50] <diesieben07> just that operators are made up of symbols?
L807[09:42:53] <gabizou> yes
L808[09:43:05] <gigaherz> no
L809[09:43:07] <howtonotwin> Just some considerations with whitespace and precedence
L810[09:43:09] <diesieben07> now for testing this smelting recipe thing: DIRT TO DIAMOND! :D
L811[09:43:17] <gabizou> diesieben07 you mean coal
L812[09:43:20] <sham1> Oh jeez
L813[09:43:22] <diesieben07> No :D
L814[09:43:22] <gigaherz> "and" is an operator in many langauges
L815[09:43:27] <gigaherz> the main difference is usually in how it's used
L816[09:43:37] <diesieben07> smelt dirt to diamond ;)
L817[09:43:55] <gigaherz> methods are invoked using the method call operator (.) or in C++, the arrow operator
L818[09:43:56] <sham1> AKA smelt the dirt away
L819[09:43:57] <howtonotwin> a.func(b) == a func b <=> a.+(b) == a + b
L820[09:44:09] <gigaherz> while operators are their own syntactic element
L821[09:44:10] <howtonotwin> except you cant do afuncb but you can a+b
L822[09:44:26] <sham1> Yiu forgot backticks from around your func there
L823[09:44:30] <howtonotwin> Nope
L824[09:44:30] <gigaherz> howtonotwin: that's only a matter of tokenizing
L825[09:44:32] <howtonotwin> no need
L826[09:44:33] <sham1> a `func` b
L827[09:44:37] <gigaherz> you could use a zero-width non-break space
L828[09:44:41] <howtonotwin> :P
L829[09:44:44] <sham1> You don't haskell it seems
L830[09:44:48] <gigaherz> and then it would look like afuncb
L831[09:44:57] <howtonotwin> Hascalator :D
L832[09:45:03] <gigaherz> but the lexer would see a<zwnbsp>func<zwnbsp>b
L833[09:45:28] <gigaherz> however I'm not aware of any programming language accepting a zwnbsp as an actual whitespace
L834[09:46:18] <howtonotwin> `this is a very strange thing` is actually a valid identifier name in Scala
L835[09:46:32] <howtonotwin> backticks make everything a valid token
L836[09:46:51] <gigaherz> the part of me that knows shell scripting says that should be running a command and returning the output
L837[09:46:51] <gigaherz> ;P
L838[09:47:03] <howtonotwin> Oh god the quoting horrors D:
L839[09:47:48] <sham1> To me that just shouts "Make every function infix"
L840[09:47:59] <sham1> Which means that it was just curried
L841[09:48:46] <diesieben07> whee my PR is actually broken.
L842[09:49:00] <sham1> Sounds fun
L843[09:49:26] <gigaherz> diesieben07: whee!... how so?
L844[09:49:43] <diesieben07> getDuration is designed to return -1 on no match
L845[09:49:48] <diesieben07> but none of the implementations do that
L846[09:49:55] <diesieben07> so everything uses the vanilla cooking time -_-
L847[09:50:10] <gigaherz> heh
L848[09:50:17] <sham1> :P
L849[09:50:30] <gigaherz> speaking about that
L850[09:50:42] <gigaherz> why not make the methods that query a recipe be the ones that return null/-1?
L851[09:51:00] <diesieben07> instead of?
L852[09:52:17] <gigaherz> diesieben07: right now, you have "for each recipe, if output != null, return output"
L853[09:52:20] <gigaherz> my suggestion would be
L854[09:52:26] <gigaherz> "if matches, return getOutput()"
L855[09:52:31] <gigaherz> and similarly
L856[09:52:37] <gigaherz> "if matches, return getDuration()"
L857[09:52:44] <diesieben07> i know but
L858[09:52:50] <diesieben07> that would cause vanilla recipes to do the lookup twice
L859[09:52:52] <diesieben07> once for matches
L860[09:52:55] <diesieben07> then for getOutput
L861[09:53:17] <gigaherz> oh you call the vanilla recipe registry still?
L862[09:53:23] <gigaherz> I assumed you'd redirect the methods to your new one
L863[09:53:25] <diesieben07> no
L864[09:53:33] <diesieben07> the old methods add to the old maps
L865[09:53:36] <diesieben07> and i read from the old maps
L866[09:53:50] <gigaherz> yeah I assumed you'd have redirectedthose
L867[09:53:50] <gigaherz> XD
L868[09:53:52] <diesieben07> also fuck me, experience is (of course) broken
L869[09:55:22] <diesieben07> currently smelting experience is based on the output
L870[09:55:29] <diesieben07> this approach would change that to being based on the input
L871[09:55:31] <diesieben07> is that... alright?
L872[09:55:58] <gigaherz> based on the output?!
L873[09:56:11] <diesieben07> yes.
L874[09:56:40] <diesieben07> thats how vanilla does it since it's easier
L875[09:56:42] <gigaherz> oh wait
L876[09:56:43] <gigaherz> experience
L877[09:56:44] <gigaherz> nevermind
L878[09:56:47] <gigaherz> yeah
L879[09:56:52] <gigaherz> getexperience is called on the results
L880[09:56:54] <gigaherz> on pickup
L881[09:57:03] <diesieben07> so i'd have to hack something in so SlotFurnaceOutput knows the recipe
L882[09:57:04] <gigaherz> rather than on the input, on smelt
L883[09:57:18] <gigaherz> orthe accumulated XP
L884[09:57:28] <gigaherz> since there can be many outputs
L885[09:57:33] <diesieben07> can there?
L886[09:57:34] <gigaherz> and they could presumably be from different recipes
L887[09:57:37] <diesieben07> yeah right
L888[09:57:38] <gigaherz> I mean
L889[09:57:40] <gigaherz> different mods' wood
L890[09:57:44] <gigaherz> smelting to charcoal
L891[09:57:47] <diesieben07> so the TileEntityFurance needs to remember the XP
L892[09:57:49] ⇦ Quits: Nitrodev (~Nitrodev@85-23-77-207.bb.dnainternet.fi) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L893[09:57:53] <diesieben07> ugh this is getting more intrusive than I'd like
L894[09:57:58] <howtonotwin> Can't you keep a counter for XP in the slot, then pull that out?
L895[09:58:01] <gigaherz> maybe it's not worth having the XP in there
L896[09:58:09] <gigaherz> howtonotwin: no
L897[09:58:10] <diesieben07> but where should that go then?
L898[09:58:14] <gigaherz> because the xp would get lost
L899[09:58:35] <gigaherz> yo ucan leave a hopper feeding stuff to smelt, and then come back later and pull the output all at once
L900[09:58:37] <gigaherz> and right now
L901[09:58:45] <gigaherz> vanilla computes the experience based on what's on the slot at the time
L902[09:58:53] <gigaherz> I'm not sure that should change, really.
L903[09:58:59] <gigaherz> it would be nice
L904[09:59:03] <gigaherz> but it's too intrusive IMO
L905[09:59:06] <diesieben07> it wouldn't be too hard
L906[09:59:09] <diesieben07> but it would break mod furni
L907[09:59:23] <diesieben07> which the curreent stuff doesnt beacause the methods in FurnaceRecipes just redirect
L908[09:59:34] <diesieben07> so keep the XP mechanics as is?
L909[09:59:43] <diesieben07> in vanilla FurnaceRecipes?
L910[09:59:43] <gigaherz> I believe it's the best choice
L911[09:59:53] <diesieben07> aw
L912[09:59:54] <diesieben07> oh well
L913[10:01:50] <gigaherz> IMO it would be nice to have the furnace spit out the xp out the front, as it cooks, but that's not how vanilla works, so it doesn't belong in forge ;P
L914[10:03:04] <howtonotwin> Once you have enough furnaces, I believe that would become more efficient than an Ender Dragon farm :P
L915[10:08:36] <diesieben07> "fixed", as in, removed the feature :_D
L916[10:10:19] <diesieben07> yay https://gfycat.com/DisfiguredOldEft
L917[10:11:02] <gigaherz> lol
L918[10:11:11] <SquareWheel> Make it a multiblock and I think we can call it balanced.
L919[10:11:14] <Ordinastie_> a bit OP
L920[10:11:19] <Ordinastie_> you should probably consume 2 dirts
L921[10:11:22] <gigaherz> diesieben07: I think Lex wil lappreciate that joke ;P
L922[10:11:24] <Ordinastie_> oh wait, no you can't :p
L923[10:11:37] <diesieben07> joke?
L924[10:11:45] <diesieben07> oh the dirt to diamond
L925[10:11:50] <gigaherz> yep XD
L926[10:12:02] <sham1> Can I make the smelting go faster
L927[10:12:08] <diesieben07> yes sure
L928[10:12:10] <gigaherz> yes that's the point
L929[10:12:12] <diesieben07> that debug thing is 50 ticks
L930[10:12:14] <sham1> Cool
L931[10:12:15] <diesieben07> instead of the usual 200
L932[10:12:15] <gigaherz> that's 99% of the point of that PR
L933[10:12:16] <gigaherz> XD
L934[10:12:25] <gigaherz> the other 1% is the registry ;P
L935[10:12:44] <sham1> Now I can have my melting take place in the Nether and have it be supercharged
L936[10:12:53] <diesieben07> shiiiit
L937[10:12:59] <diesieben07> i need to add a world param :Pü
L938[10:13:05] <gigaherz> XD
L939[10:13:11] <gigaherz> lol.
L940[10:13:15] <diesieben07> should I?
L941[10:13:21] <gigaherz> dunno
L942[10:13:26] <diesieben07> cannot be reliable though
L943[10:13:34] <gigaherz> i'd say yes, but it would have to be @nullable
L944[10:13:34] <diesieben07> and would need much more patches...
L945[10:13:38] <gigaherz> and eh.
L946[10:13:43] <gabizou> wait, is multiblock merged?
L947[10:13:50] <diesieben07> because i cannot leave the vanilla calls to FurnaceRecipes alone
L948[10:14:31] <gabizou> diesieben07 oh quick question, how easy would it be for sponge to add a hook to grab the resulting items and exp
L949[10:14:43] <gabizou> with your PR that is
L950[10:14:45] <diesieben07> exp is not changed anymore by this at all
L951[10:14:52] <gabizou> no?
L952[10:14:54] <diesieben07> nope
L953[10:15:00] <diesieben07> because it doesn't really work that way in vanilla
L954[10:15:04] <diesieben07> too intrusive to change it
L955[10:15:16] <gigaherz> vanilla computes the xp based on what's being removed from the slot
L956[10:15:20] <gigaherz> rather than what was smelted
L957[10:15:20] <diesieben07> resulting items, SmeltingRecipeRegistry.getOutput(input)
L958[10:15:27] <diesieben07> gives you the ItemStack
L959[10:15:40] <gigaherz> it doesn't care what it came from, only that the output slot contains X coal
L960[10:15:43] <MalkContent> so it's smeltingreciperegistry now?
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L962[10:16:09] <diesieben07> yes
L963[10:16:17] <diesieben07> and sham1 sorry, but World context is not really feasable
L964[10:16:23] <sham1> Well
L965[10:16:31] <sham1> I shall deal with it another way
L966[10:16:51] <MalkContent> but what about the cooking and the charring and the baking
L967[10:17:11] <diesieben07> shaddap :D
L968[10:17:13] <sham1> My own custom furnace
L969[10:17:25] <sham1> To be used with my fire elemental stuff
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L972[10:17:53] <diesieben07> also... StatList.initCraftableStats
L973[10:17:55] <diesieben07> really??
L974[10:18:05] <diesieben07> how does that not break with brewing?
L975[10:18:24] <sham1> Because that's why
L976[10:18:38] <gigaherz> do mods actually add brewing recipes?
L977[10:18:56] <gigaherz> I mena has anyone actually used it? XD
L978[10:18:59] <diesieben07> there is a registry :D
L979[10:19:04] <diesieben07> also... wow
L980[10:19:07] <gigaherz> I don't recall coming across it on any modpack XD
L981[10:19:10] <diesieben07> brewing does not count as crafting in vanilla
L982[10:19:19] <diesieben07> but ... buying from a villager does?! the heck?
L983[10:19:21] <sham1> Pfft
L984[10:19:28] <gigaherz> lol
L985[10:19:32] <diesieben07> but now i need to patch that method, don't i.
L986[10:19:40] <sham1> The fuck Mojang
L987[10:19:42] <BordListian> ghz, i've seen atleast 2 mods that add brewing recipes
L988[10:19:58] <BordListian> but one of them is crafting harmonics, so that probably doesn't count
L989[10:23:12] <gigaherz> hmmm
L990[10:23:14] <gigaherz> anyone bored?
L991[10:23:34] <diesieben07> somewhat, why? :D
L992[10:23:58] <gigaherz> Potion of Undeath: a strong poison, that practically kills you, but grants you undeath for a period of time. you become sensitive to sunlight, and when the effect fades, if you didn't heal yourself, you die
L993[10:24:55] <howtonotwin> That would be rather useful and confusing as a splash
L994[10:24:58] <gigaherz> Potion of the Underworld: you take on the aspects of a Nether creature, becoming immute to fire, stronger, your attacks cause flames, but you can't exist near flamable materials
L995[10:25:24] <gigaherz> (well you can, but they burn.)
L996[10:25:39] <BordListian> shouldn't you also take damage in water
L997[10:25:41] <BordListian> and rain
L998[10:25:43] <gigaherz> true
L999[10:27:12] <gigaherz> Potion of the Otherworld: you take on the aspects of an End creature, double-jumping causes you to teleport randomly, but you grow taller and get tunnel vision
L1000[10:27:30] <BordListian> that's like
L1001[10:27:32] <BordListian> the worst potion
L1002[10:27:32] <howtonotwin> Isn't that basically chorus fruit?
L1003[10:27:41] <gigaherz> + a pumpkin in your head
L1004[10:27:44] <gigaherz> combined. ;p
L1005[10:27:51] <howtonotwin> Oh god no
L1006[10:27:57] <BordListian> who would make that?
L1007[10:28:01] <howtonotwin> Why not the enderman vision shader
L1008[10:28:11] <howtonotwin> then at least it'll look pretty
L1009[10:28:11] <gigaherz> that too ;p
L1010[10:28:17] <gigaherz> anyhow
L1011[10:28:19] <gigaherz> bb in a bit
L1012[10:28:21] <gigaherz> need a few groceries
L1013[10:28:39] <Zaggy1024> hmm, I'm getting an error that gradle can't download ForgeGradle 2.2, is that happening to anyone else?
L1014[10:28:58] <Zaggy1024> using setupForge on the 1.10.x branch
L1015[10:32:08] <LatvianModder> "You Grow Taller" yeah, its totally that simple to do
L1016[10:32:51] <unascribed> but it is? elytra should have sufficiently genericized the code that would cause issues
L1017[10:33:01] <unascribed> expand the hitbox, modify the height field, move the camera up
L1018[10:33:09] <unascribed> hm, getEyeHeight
L1019[10:33:24] <howtonotwin> How does vanilla do the spectate from inside mobs effect?
L1020[10:33:35] <unascribed> probably renderViewEntity
L1021[10:33:47] <howtonotwin> thanks
L1022[10:33:51] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L1023[10:33:52] <unascribed> note *probably*
L1024[10:34:06] <unascribed> tmk that lets you set the camera to belong to arbitrary entities, but I've never used it myself
L1025[10:37:32] <howtonotwin> Where is that method defined? Search comes up empty.
L1026[10:37:45] <unascribed> Minecraft, it's a field as far as I know
L1027[10:38:32] <howtonotwin> Found it, thanks
L1028[10:39:23] <howtonotwin> Ctrl+Alt+H is a godsend!
L1029[10:40:07] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1030[10:46:00] <LatvianModder> asie suddenly has been Very interested in Forge repo
L1031[10:46:24] <williewillus> not really
L1032[10:46:31] <williewillus> he does a pass througfh every once in a while
L1033[10:46:44] <williewillus> instead of always watching it like we do
L1034[10:46:48] <LatvianModder> Why though
L1035[10:46:55] <williewillus> what do you mean why :P
L1036[10:47:12] <williewillus> we dothe same thing commenting on stuff, he's just bunched it all into one timeframe
L1037[10:47:21] <LatvianModder> That looks very weird when I get 50 notifications from Forges repo and asies face is on all of them
L1038[10:47:34] <williewillus> not weirder than 50 prs getting autoclosed heh
L1039[10:48:18] <LatvianModder> well they were targetting master branch
L1040[10:48:28] <LatvianModder> And yay for it not coming back
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L1046[11:12:25] <gigaherz> so, back
L1047[11:12:48] <gigaherz> anyone knows a non-horribly-hacky way in mc/forge to replace a block without the original block dropping its items?
L1048[11:13:46] <diesieben07> world.setBlockState? :D
L1049[11:14:11] <TehNut> I assume you mean an inventory of some sort?
L1050[11:14:12] <gigaherz> no that counts as breakint the original block and dropping the contents
L1051[11:14:20] <gigaherz> yes TehNut
L1052[11:14:24] <diesieben07> ohhh you mean breakBlock
L1053[11:14:25] <diesieben07> i see
L1054[11:14:25] <diesieben07> hrm
L1055[11:14:26] <gigaherz> this is for my Packing Tape block
L1056[11:14:30] <gigaherz> mod*
L1057[11:14:36] <gigaherz> specifically
L1058[11:14:36] <gigaherz> https://github.com/SpongePowered/SpongeForge/issues/823
L1059[11:14:40] <gigaherz> this compatibility issue with Sponge
L1060[11:14:53] <gabizou> mm? what's up?
L1061[11:14:55] <gabizou> oh
L1062[11:15:05] <gigaherz> I currently set restoringBlockSnapshots before calling setBlockState
L1063[11:15:11] <gigaherz> I was wondering if there is ANY better way
L1064[11:15:11] <gabizou> yeah, I know :P
L1065[11:15:16] <gigaherz> yeah but they don't
L1066[11:15:21] <gabizou> well, there is partially not really any better way
L1067[11:15:30] <gigaherz> and I was asking if anyone knows if a better way exists ;P
L1068[11:15:36] <diesieben07> well
L1069[11:15:43] <diesieben07> you could replicate Chunk::setBlockState
L1070[11:15:46] <gabizou> I mean, if you depended on sponge, you can :P
L1071[11:15:48] <diesieben07> and just not call breakBlock
L1072[11:15:48] <gabizou> diesieben07 nononon
L1073[11:15:49] <diesieben07> :P
L1074[11:15:53] <gigaherz> XD
L1075[11:15:54] <gabizou> fuck you if you tell people to do that
L1076[11:15:58] <diesieben07> why? :D
L1077[11:15:58] <gigaherz> XD
L1078[11:16:08] <gabizou> seriously fuck you if you resort to doing that
L1079[11:16:12] <diesieben07> i don't
L1080[11:16:15] <diesieben07> i am just asking why
L1081[11:16:22] <gigaherz> don't worry, I don't plan to XD
L1082[11:16:26] <gigaherz> it would be WORSE than what I do now
L1083[11:16:45] <gigaherz> if that was my only choice, i'd rather coremod, or just dump the whole idea into the trash
L1084[11:16:46] <gigaherz> ;P
L1085[11:16:58] <gabizou> gigaherz it's something I can fix for SF
L1086[11:17:10] <gabizou> just requires some patch I can add
L1087[11:18:14] <howtonotwin> Is there a way to register a mapping from Class<Entity> to a shader (for loadEntityShader)?
L1088[11:18:47] <howtonotwin> Well really any logic for Entity -> shader
L1089[11:19:42] <diesieben07> ClientRegistry.registerEntityShader
L1090[11:21:00] <howtonotwin> herp de derp I am blind XD Thanks
L1091[11:21:06] <MalkContent> if i got a parentclass with a static final variable and i want a subclass that is exactly the same but with a different value for that static final variable
L1092[11:21:18] <howtonotwin> That wont work
L1093[11:21:19] <MalkContent> how would one go about that :I
L1094[11:21:22] <williewillus> then it shouldn't be static
L1095[11:21:26] <howtonotwin> it would do nothing
L1096[11:21:48] <MalkContent> drats
L1097[11:22:12] <MalkContent> can't override that field or anything
L1098[11:22:21] <diesieben07> nope
L1099[11:22:26] <diesieben07> static is bound to the class
L1100[11:22:34] <howtonotwin> You can have some kind of generic companion object
L1101[11:22:38] <diesieben07> you can think of it as a non-static field in the Class<?> object
L1102[11:22:51] <diesieben07> you couldn't override anything there either, because Class is final
L1103[11:23:28] <williewillus> what do you need something like this for?
L1104[11:23:29] <williewillus> xy :P
L1105[11:23:57] <MalkContent> got 2 guis that are the same xcept for the texture
L1106[11:24:14] <diesieben07> make a nonstatic method getTexture?
L1107[11:24:38] <howtonotwin> And then have two instances of the same GUI class?
L1108[11:24:51] <howtonotwin> like you have a class BaseGUI
L1109[11:25:13] <howtonotwin> and then you instantiate it twice, maybe with an anonymous class, to set the texture
L1110[11:26:14] <tterrag> or...maybe...a constructor parameter?
L1111[11:26:15] <MalkContent> right.
L1112[11:26:21] <MalkContent> yea, tterrag
L1113[11:26:24] <MalkContent> just did that
L1114[11:27:26] <MalkContent> welp. i was so interested in the problem i asked that i didn't care enough about my actual problem. now i know more and also googled class object ^^
L1115[11:28:15] <tterrag> keep in mind that what diesieben07 said was a simplification
L1116[11:28:18] <tterrag> that's not how it works at all
L1117[11:28:26] <gigaherz> anyone knows how to draw a message in the middle of the screen like the jukebox does, or how they showed the bed do in thesnapshot?
L1118[11:28:32] <gigaherz> or is that hardcoded in current versions?
L1119[11:28:46] <diesieben07> tterrag, internally it does ;)
L1120[11:29:14] <tterrag> gigaherz: GuiIngameForge#renderToolHighlight
L1121[11:29:18] <tterrag> hardcoded sadly
L1122[11:29:23] <MalkContent> yea, i didn't google class object to understand the analogy. i googled it because i never got confronted with the thing at all
L1123[11:30:35] <diesieben07> i meant the literal java.lang.Class insteance
L1124[11:30:40] <gigaherz> hmmmmm
L1125[11:30:46] <diesieben07> not the general class object concept
L1126[11:30:47] <gigaherz> I could make use of that
L1127[11:32:07] <MalkContent> yea, i got that
L1128[11:35:05] <gigaherz> tterrag: that isn't what the jukebox draws with, is it?
L1129[11:35:15] <tterrag> doesn't appear so
L1130[11:36:37] <gigaherz> aha guiIngame#setRecordPlaying
L1131[11:36:40] <gigaherz> still hardcoded.
L1132[11:37:18] <gigaherz> hmmm if recordIsPlaying is false
L1133[11:37:22] <gigaherz> it doesn't do the color thingy
L1134[11:37:32] <tterrag> this.mc.ingameGUI.setRecordPlayingMessage(itemrecord.getRecordNameLocal());
L1135[11:37:33] <tterrag> yep
L1136[11:37:43] <tterrag> RenderGlobal#playRecord
L1137[11:37:44] <gigaherz> setRecordPlaying(message, false)
L1138[11:37:49] <gigaherz> that may work
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L1143[11:40:26] <BordListian> didn't even know that chisels and bits blocks are multiparts
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L1145[11:40:56] <williewillus> in TRSRTransformation.quatFromXYZ
L1146[11:41:01] <williewillus> what units are tohse in?
L1147[11:41:08] <gigaherz> degrees, I'd assume
L1148[11:41:12] <gigaherz> since the json files use degrees
L1149[11:41:25] <gigaherz> tterrag: works: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/MC/2016-08-13_18.40.41.png
L1150[11:41:34] <gigaherz> now I need to actually require the paper ;P
L1151[11:41:36] <tterrag> neat
L1152[11:41:39] <tterrag> it's not all rainbow-ey ?
L1153[11:41:43] <gigaherz> nope
L1154[11:41:45] <williewillus> oh no it's radians
L1155[11:41:57] <williewillus> just looked at it and it doesn't convert before sin/cos so it's radians
L1156[11:41:57] <gigaherz> Minecraft.getMinecraft().ingameGUI.setRecordPlaying("Requires paper to work!", false);
L1157[11:42:07] <BordListian> wat
L1158[11:42:08] <gigaherz> and localization ;P
L1159[11:42:20] <gigaherz> and an issue on mcpbot
L1160[11:42:23] <gigaherz> to rename that to
L1161[11:42:32] <gigaherz> setNotificationMessage(message, doRainbow)
L1162[11:44:00] <tterrag> oh there's a doRainbow
L1163[11:44:01] <tterrag> heh
L1164[11:44:03] <tterrag> that's hilarious
L1165[11:45:28] <gigaherz> tterrag: it's also used when you mount an entity
L1166[11:45:34] <gigaherz> to show the "press shift to dismount"
L1167[11:45:37] <tterrag> ah
L1168[11:45:44] <williewillus> https://i.gyazo.com/c8181d491b011abe8dc0240070a32123.png
L1169[11:45:57] <gigaherz> and in the snapshots, to show the "Can't sleep" message
L1170[11:46:02] <tterrag> I might have to abuse that method...
L1171[11:46:15] <tterrag> no more chat message notifications
L1172[11:46:27] <TehNut> does it work with line breaks?
L1173[11:46:34] <gigaherz> no idea
L1174[11:47:12] <tterrag> fontrenderer.drawString(this.recordPlaying, -fontrenderer.getStringWidth(this.recordPlaying) / 2, -4, l + (l1 << 24 & -16777216));
L1175[11:47:14] <tterrag> no, it does not
L1176[11:47:26] <TehNut> aw
L1177[11:50:21] <gigaherz> thinking about it, mc doesn't even support centered multiline text, does it?
L1178[11:50:29] <raoulvdberge> What is the correct way to place fluids in the world? setBlockState doesn't appear to let the fluid "flow", it just remains there statically
L1179[11:50:41] <gigaherz> raoulvdberge: place the dynamic version of the fluid?
L1180[11:50:56] <gigaherz> otherwise, give it a fake block update
L1181[11:51:05] <raoulvdberge> I'm using the block param from Fluid
L1182[11:51:27] <gigaherz> then call onNeighborChange or whatever it was
L1183[11:52:31] <gigaherz> hmmmm
L1184[11:52:40] <gigaherz> for iterating through player inventory
L1185[11:52:50] <gigaherz> should I use .inventory, or the IItemHandler capability?
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L1189[12:03:02] <MalkContent> hmm
L1190[12:03:11] <MalkContent> java can't switch case for instanceof
L1191[12:03:33] <MalkContent> i want to check an item vs a list of items that are applicable
L1192[12:03:38] <MalkContent> there a smooth way to do that?
L1193[12:03:52] <diesieben07> item in the minecraft sense?
L1194[12:03:55] <MalkContent> yea
L1195[12:04:04] <diesieben07> what does "applicable" mean?
L1196[12:04:11] <gigaherz> MalkContent: if-chain, then
L1197[12:04:24] <gigaherz> although please specify
L1198[12:04:26] <MalkContent> like, i allow itemtool and itemhoe inside th e slots
L1199[12:04:28] <gigaherz> in case there's a better choice
L1200[12:04:33] <gigaherz> use the tool class
L1201[12:04:39] <MalkContent> hoes aint tools
L1202[12:04:40] <gigaherz> rather than instanceof
L1203[12:05:07] <diesieben07> Stream.of(ItemTool.class, ItemHoe.class).anyMatch(cl -> cl.isInstance(myObject))
L1204[12:05:08] <diesieben07> :D
L1205[12:05:35] <gigaherz> isInstance works with subclasses too?
L1206[12:05:44] <diesieben07> sure
L1207[12:05:45] <williewillus> id think so
L1208[12:05:46] *** tterrag is now known as tterrag|away
L1209[12:05:50] <diesieben07> it's instanceof in method form
L1210[12:06:03] <gigaherz> thinking about it, I guess instanceof calls that?
L1211[12:06:08] <diesieben07> not really
L1212[12:06:14] <diesieben07> but both use the same underlying vm mechanic
L1213[12:06:18] <gigaherz> I see
L1214[12:06:26] <diesieben07> so Class::isInstance doesn't have horrible perofrmance
L1215[12:06:30] <MalkContent> alright, I'll ride with that then :D
L1216[12:06:35] <diesieben07> i.e. it's not a true native call, it's an intrinsic
L1217[12:06:40] <williewillus> whats the difference between that and isAssignableFrom
L1218[12:06:42] <BordListian> oh hey, there's a list of tickable tile entities in world tick event
L1219[12:06:47] <diesieben07> isAssignableFrom takes a class
L1220[12:06:50] <diesieben07> isINstance takes an Object
L1221[12:06:51] <BordListian> *rubs hands together*
L1222[12:06:55] <williewillus> oh derp
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L1224[12:08:34] <gigaherz> it works :3
L1225[12:08:35] <gigaherz> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/MC/2016-08-13-1907-53.mp4
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L1227[12:09:00] <gigaherz> no one did answer, though
L1228[12:09:00] <gigaherz> [18:52] (gigaherz): hmmmm
L1229[12:09:00] <gigaherz> [18:52] (gigaherz): for iterating through player inventory
L1230[12:09:00] <gigaherz> [18:52] (gigaherz): should I use .inventory, or the IItemHandler capability?
L1231[12:09:20] <williewillus> either works :P
L1232[12:09:24] <williewillus> the cap is just wrapping the former
L1233[12:09:26] <MalkContent> neato
L1234[12:09:48] <TehNut> i think it needs the rainbow enabled
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L1236[12:10:45] <gigaherz> TehNut: only if the player has clicked more than 5 times in les than 5 seconds ;P
L1237[12:11:01] <gigaherz> but no I won't make a tick handler just for that ;P
L1238[12:11:08] <BordListian> hm
L1239[12:11:21] <BordListian> does a block need to have a tileentity to function as an inventory?
L1240[12:11:28] <BordListian> or can it pretend to be an inventory?
L1241[12:11:41] <gigaherz> it needs a TileEntity in order to have data attached to it
L1242[12:11:49] <gigaherz> but in like, an enderchest
L1243[12:11:53] <gigaherz> you can work without a TE
L1244[12:12:01] <diesieben07> to other blocks though you need a TE
L1245[12:12:01] <gigaherz> since there's no real data attached
L1246[12:12:03] <BordListian> enderchests have TEs
L1247[12:12:06] <diesieben07> otherwise you cannot expose capabilities
L1248[12:12:11] <diesieben07> enderchests have the TE for rendering only
L1249[12:12:17] <BordListian> goddamnit
L1250[12:12:21] <gigaherz> however, as diesieben07 said
L1251[12:12:28] <gigaherz> if you want that inventory to exist in the block
L1252[12:12:29] <diesieben07> but you can make your TE non-ticking
L1253[12:12:32] <gigaherz> for hoppers and such
L1254[12:12:35] <diesieben07> then it only takes a bit of memor ;)
L1255[12:12:37] <diesieben07> *y
L1256[12:12:38] <gigaherz> you will need a TE.
L1257[12:12:52] <BordListian> i wanted a pushable empty crate that can be filled with items
L1258[12:13:04] <gigaherz> blockstates.
L1259[12:13:13] <gigaherz> you can have the empty one be a different blockstate, that doesn't have a TE
L1260[12:13:21] <BordListian> that's why i was asking
L1261[12:13:31] <BordListian> can the empty crate function as an inventory
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L1263[12:13:40] <BordListian> as in, pretend to be a block that can receive items from another block
L1264[12:13:41] <gigaherz> for gui, yes
L1265[12:13:43] <gigaherz> but not for hoppers
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L1267[12:13:50] <BordListian> then it can't be done
L1268[12:14:04] <BordListian> and blockstates won't help :P
L1269[12:14:22] <gigaherz> well if you require it to work with hoppers, then yeah no
L1270[12:15:22] <gigaherz> maybe if you ask mojang nicely, they'll port that feature from MCPE to the java one ;P
L1271[12:15:45] <BordListian> >asking mojang nicely
L1272[12:15:47] <diesieben07> what feature? :D
L1273[12:15:49] <gigaherz> however if they make furnaces and dispencers pushable
L1274[12:15:52] <BordListian> i'm sure there's a filthy workaround
L1275[12:16:05] <gigaherz> 99.9% of the redstone stuffs will stop working :D
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L1277[12:16:09] <gigaherz> including elevators and such
L1278[12:16:12] <diesieben07> oh that
L1279[12:16:24] <diesieben07> that makes me so angry, people using furni for that...
L1280[12:16:33] <diesieben07> use obsidian, thats its ONLY FUCKIGN PURPOSE
L1281[12:16:34] <diesieben07> gah
L1282[12:16:41] <gigaherz> it's ugly though
L1283[12:16:42] <gigaherz> ;P
L1284[12:16:49] <BordListian> don't want inventories to move, necessarily
L1285[12:16:51] <diesieben07> furnaces aren't? Yes they are :D
L1286[12:16:54] <gigaherz> and takes longer to mine if you misplace it
L1287[12:16:59] <BordListian> like it can stay in place the moment it has one item in it
L1288[12:17:11] <gigaherz> yeah but
L1289[12:17:19] <gigaherz> in both the vanilla method and the forge method
L1290[12:17:25] <gigaherz> "te instanceof IInventory"
L1291[12:17:31] <gigaherz> and "te.hasCapability"
L1292[12:17:35] ⇦ Quits: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-108-184.buckeyecom.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1293[12:17:40] <gigaherz> the calls go through the TE ;P
L1294[12:17:42] <diesieben07> wasn't there a proposal for block-only caps?
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L1296[12:17:59] <gigaherz> it woudl be nice to have cap accessors on Block
L1297[12:18:07] <gigaherz> that, by default, do nothing
L1298[12:18:20] <gigaherz> or forward it to the TE, if one exists
L1299[12:18:32] <gigaherz> hasCapability(IBlockState, Capability, EnumFacing)
L1300[12:18:34] <gigaherz> getCapability(IBlockState, Capability, EnumFacing)
L1301[12:18:46] <diesieben07> would also be nice to have CapabiltiyProvider<T> and then T replaces EnumFacing :D
L1302[12:18:47] <gigaherz> eh
L1303[12:18:51] <gigaherz> +World+BlockPos
L1304[12:19:33] <gigaherz> then the default impl could do {te=world.getTileEntity(); if te != null return te.hasCapability() else return false; }
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L1307[12:20:04] <williewillus> people might start putting stateful fields in their block classes with some map pos->data, isnt that what te's are for
L1308[12:20:18] <diesieben07> people are stupid
L1309[12:20:21] <diesieben07> not news :P
L1310[12:20:35] <gigaherz> williewillus: the point is, it would allow you to provide a virtualized capability
L1311[12:20:41] <gigaherz> that automatically changes the blockstate if required
L1312[12:20:45] <gigaherz> to add a TE
L1313[12:20:48] <sham1> Extra extra. People being stupid
L1314[12:20:48] <gigaherz> but
L1315[12:20:59] <gigaherz> it would require EVERYONE changing their capability calls
L1316[12:21:03] <gigaherz> so it's not going to happen
L1317[12:21:24] <gigaherz> it's haking long enough for people to even understand caps
L1318[12:21:26] <gigaherz> XD
L1319[12:21:39] *** kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L1320[12:21:56] <sham1> Even though capabilities are easy to understand
L1321[12:22:03] <sham1> Or at least, should be
L1322[12:22:17] <MalkContent> just misstyped /give as /gime
L1323[12:22:22] <gigaherz> this seems to help -> https://gist.github.com/gigaherz/2dbaaff11e32940cc9500e863071b69b
L1324[12:22:22] <MalkContent> i want a /gimme command
L1325[12:22:30] <sham1> ./giib
L1326[12:22:33] <sham1> ./gib*
L1327[12:22:37] <gigaherz> I wish gist had mnemonic aliases
L1328[12:22:40] <diesieben07> /want
L1329[12:22:49] <sham1> Nice diagram
L1330[12:22:59] <sham1> What did you use, MS paint?
L1331[12:23:05] <gigaherz> word. msword.
L1332[12:23:11] <sham1> Umn
L1333[12:23:13] <sham1> Okay then
L1334[12:23:21] <williewillus> ModelBakeEvent is fired after everything has been loaded from disk right?
L1335[12:23:27] <gigaherz> no
L1336[12:23:28] <gigaherz> before
L1337[12:23:30] <williewillus> wtf
L1338[12:23:37] <williewillus> ugh
L1339[12:23:37] <gigaherz> so anything added to the map won't even attempt to load
L1340[12:23:51] <sham1> Why did you do that with word
L1341[12:24:01] <gigaherz> sham1: because I know how word does it
L1342[12:24:07] <gigaherz> and I can manage ;p
L1343[12:24:13] <williewillus> do we have a post bake event
L1344[12:24:18] <gigaherz> while other apps i'd have to learn from scratch
L1345[12:24:24] <diesieben07> gigaherz, what are you talking about?
L1346[12:24:31] <gigaherz> diesieben07: my link, at the bottom
L1347[12:24:38] <diesieben07> loading from disk = ICustomModelLoader::getModel
L1348[12:24:43] <diesieben07> *loadModel
L1349[12:24:46] <gigaherz> uh?
L1350[12:24:49] <diesieben07> which is definitely called BEFORE ModelBakeEvent
L1351[12:24:50] <sham1> You could have used any graphics programs to draw the diagram
L1352[12:24:52] <williewillus> yes but I want to wrap something loaded normally
L1353[12:24:56] <williewillus> with another layer
L1354[12:24:59] <diesieben07> ModelBakeEvent is called after baking
L1355[12:25:02] <sham1> And you went with a word processor
L1356[12:25:10] <williewillus> so my statement was true
L1357[12:25:16] <diesieben07> yes
L1358[12:25:17] <williewillus> it's fired after everything "normal" has been loaded from disk
L1359[12:25:23] <williewillus> then why is this null x.x
L1360[12:25:24] <gigaherz> wait, crap
L1361[12:25:26] <gigaherz> brainfart
L1362[12:25:33] <diesieben07> the registry in the event is populated
L1363[12:25:39] <gigaherz> ModelBakeEvent is run after the models load, but before they are assigned to items/blocks
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L1366[12:29:20] <williewillus> okay it's broken then
L1367[12:29:23] <williewillus> it does't have items present
L1368[12:29:29] <williewillus> or rather it only has some present
L1369[12:30:37] ⇦ Quits: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-108-184.buckeyecom.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1372[12:40:11] <williewillus> agh amateur mistake
L1373[12:40:15] <williewillus> i didn't registerItemVariatns
L1374[12:41:24] <kenzierocks> wow williewillus
L1375[12:41:27] <kenzierocks> get gud
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L1380[12:45:21] <heldplayer> !gf field_184791_bI
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L1383[12:46:51] <gigaherz> there we go
L1384[12:46:52] <gigaherz> https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/packing-tape/files
L1385[12:46:58] <gigaherz> new version up ;P
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L1389[13:14:22] <Jolteffect> evening guys, after a little titbit of advice again if i may. related to PropertyEnum. I am using this statement inside my TE - EnumSolarTier solarTier = this.worldObj.getBlockState(this.pos).getValue(BlockSolarPanel.TIER); this returns a specific property "black", how would i select another property from the same state value please?
L1390[13:14:51] <williewillus> you want another IBlockState but with the value for that proeprty set to something else?
L1391[13:15:11] <Jolteffect> TIER15(15, 0, "tier15", 32768, 1000000000,"black", MapColor.BLACK, TextFormatting.BLACK);
L1392[13:15:19] <williewillus> wat
L1393[13:15:30] <Jolteffect> i am after another one of those values
L1394[13:15:39] <williewillus> but you want it in the IBlockState right
L1395[13:15:43] ⇦ Quits: AnrDaemon (~ZNC@ppp95-165-144-62.pppoe.spdop.ru) (Quit: q)
L1396[13:15:48] <Jolteffect> no
L1397[13:15:52] <williewillus> ???
L1398[13:15:53] <diesieben07> what DO you want then?
L1399[13:15:57] <diesieben07> dont talk code
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L1401[13:16:00] <diesieben07> talk behavior
L1402[13:16:28] <Jolteffect> i want the value 100000000 as a return value inside my TE to set a local variable
L1403[13:16:29] <williewillus> if you want "another one of those values" it's your enum and you get to do whatever you want to get another instance of it :P
L1404[13:16:34] <williewillus> uhhh
L1405[13:16:36] <williewillus> it's your enum
L1406[13:16:41] <williewillus> you should know how to get that out of it
L1407[13:16:55] <williewillus> this isn't even a blockstates problem anymore :P
L1408[13:16:59] <diesieben07> i dont even know what you mean by that statement
L1409[13:17:06] <diesieben07> "as a return value to set a local variable"
L1410[13:17:08] <diesieben07> what.?!
L1411[13:17:33] <diesieben07> gotta go
L1412[13:17:39] <williewillus> lol he's out
L1413[13:17:57] <Jolteffect> haha killed him with noobness already :)
L1414[13:18:07] <williewillus> yes because you're not being clear
L1415[13:18:33] <Jolteffect> it's difficult to explain over text, especially when your not 100% clear what your asking for...
L1416[13:18:52] <Jolteffect> but if you can be a little patient I will givge the right info :)
L1417[13:19:10] <williewillus> yes but you talk like it's a blockstate issue and after a bit of confusing explanation I think it's now a fundamental java knowledge issue :P
L1418[13:19:12] <williewillus> so make it clear
L1419[13:19:28] <Jolteffect> ok i'll attempt that for you pal no worries
L1420[13:21:04] <Jolteffect> I have a block with 16 varients, each varient has a different state value. 0 - 15, based upon the value of the state I can recover properties from my Enum.
L1421[13:21:05] <BordListian> enum classes make me angry
L1422[13:21:18] <williewillus> Jolteffect: okay
L1423[13:21:27] <williewillus> BordListian: they make people who don't know how to use them right angry :P
L1424[13:21:33] <Jolteffect> now i want to recover state 15's specific property
L1425[13:21:34] <williewillus> at least they are not type-weak sugared ints
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L1427[13:21:49] <Jolteffect> TIER15(15, 0, "tier15", 32768, 1000000000,"black", MapColor.BLACK, TextFormatting.BLACK);
L1428[13:22:00] <BordListian> they should be static fields of values
L1429[13:22:01] <williewillus> show your whole enum
L1430[13:22:03] <Jolteffect> that is 1 of 16 lines of enum values
L1431[13:22:09] <williewillus> BordListian: that's what they are?...
L1432[13:22:19] <BordListian> primitive values
L1433[13:22:24] <williewillus> no
L1434[13:22:25] <williewillus> fuck that
L1435[13:22:34] <BordListian> and string should be a primitive
L1436[13:22:42] <williewillus> lol you have no idea what you're saying
L1437[13:22:44] <BordListian> make java great for once
L1438[13:23:04] <williewillus> Jolteffect: you get an Enum from an IBlockState by doing getValue
L1439[13:23:09] <williewillus> then you get fields out of that enum using normal java
L1440[13:23:19] ⇨ Joins: Pieterv24 (~Pieterv24@5ED4A028.cm-7-5c.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L1441[13:23:20] <Jolteffect> like this yeaj? EnumSolarTier solarTier = this.worldObj.getBlockState(this.pos).getValue(BlockSolarPanel.TIER);
L1442[13:23:23] <williewillus> yes
L1443[13:23:25] <williewillus> then what?
L1444[13:23:34] <Jolteffect> ok well that is return the value of black
L1445[13:23:41] <Jolteffect> returning.
L1446[13:23:48] <williewillus> that is the enum object
L1447[13:23:59] <williewillus> you want something IN the enum
L1448[13:24:08] <williewillus> this is basic java field access :/
L1449[13:24:11] <williewillus> post your enum class
L1450[13:24:16] ⇦ Quits: PieGuy128 (~PieGuy128@MTRLPQ5031W-LP130-01-1279338914.dsl.bell.ca) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1451[13:24:17] <Jolteffect> in here?
L1452[13:24:20] <williewillus> in pastebin
L1453[13:24:22] <williewillus> link here
L1454[13:24:22] <Jolteffect> pastebin better for you
L1455[13:24:27] <BordListian> Sometype somevar = solarTier.somefield
L1456[13:24:44] <BordListian> bleh
L1457[13:24:47] <Jolteffect> http://pastebin.com/F2JXugbQ
L1458[13:24:57] <williewillus> I said your enum
L1459[13:24:58] <williewillus> not your TE
L1460[13:25:28] <Jolteffect> http://pastebin.com/r64JT2DM
L1461[13:25:51] <BordListian> what the fuck
L1462[13:25:53] <williewillus> there's getters in there for what you need
L1463[13:25:57] <williewillus> is this even your code?
L1464[13:26:10] <Jolteffect> yes, believe it or not
L1465[13:26:14] <BordListian> pastebin just thought my paste triggered spam protection even though its your paste
L1466[13:26:19] <williewillus> then how do you not know how to access a field?
L1467[13:26:21] <williewillus> you have getters
L1468[13:26:22] <williewillus> use them
L1469[13:27:12] <williewillus> getValue on IBlockState returns an instanceof EnumSolarTier which has getters for all the info you want
L1470[13:27:35] <Jolteffect> thats my confusion then
L1471[13:27:44] <williewillus> that's really big confusion...
L1472[13:28:00] <williewillus> accessing a member using `.` is super basic
L1473[13:28:45] <Jolteffect> if you look at the TE pastbon, under update you will see II use the getters.
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L1475[13:29:06] <williewillus> is this someone else's mod you're trying to work on or?
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L1477[13:29:22] <williewillus> and no you don't use them
L1478[13:29:24] <williewillus> you use getValue
L1479[13:29:30] <williewillus> but the enum has its own getters
L1480[13:29:42] <Jolteffect> no it's my mod
L1481[13:29:43] <williewillus> this is getting into java basics so I don't know what further to say :P
L1482[13:29:46] <Jolteffect> im learning
L1483[13:30:29] <Jolteffect> im only 2 weeks into my venture
L1484[13:30:34] <williewillus> okay
L1485[13:30:37] ⇦ Quits: AnrDaemon (~ZNC@ppp95-165-144-62.pppoe.spdop.ru) (Client Quit)
L1486[13:30:46] <williewillus> getValue returns an *instance* of EnumSOlarTier
L1487[13:30:52] ⇨ Joins: AnrDaemon (~ZNC@ppp95-165-144-62.pppoe.spdop.ru)
L1488[13:30:53] <williewillus> all the info is stored in *fields* of that object
L1489[13:30:55] <williewillus> so get them out
L1490[13:31:02] <Jolteffect> great, that is what i needed to know
L1491[13:31:20] <williewillus> 0.O how did you write all the getters and meta methods without knowing that? 0.o
L1492[13:31:34] <Jolteffect> i was confused because i thought .getvalue was returning a specific value, that being "black"
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L1494[13:31:42] <williewillus> no, getValue is returning your enum
L1495[13:31:43] <BordListian> by looking at another class that uses enums and copying some code?
L1496[13:31:56] <Jolteffect> easy guys
L1497[13:32:01] <williewillus> because the proeprty is IProperty<EnumSolarTier> so getValue returns EnumSolarTier
L1498[13:32:07] <williewillus> and he's right
L1499[13:32:09] <Jolteffect> i know what getter's setters do
L1500[13:32:11] <williewillus> don't copy what you don't understand
L1501[13:32:13] <Jolteffect> I know how to use them
L1502[13:32:22] <BordListian> i didn't say that
L1503[13:32:27] <williewillus> okay so it was confusion over getValue
L1504[13:32:32] <Jolteffect> yeah thats all
L1505[13:32:35] <McJty> williewillus, if I never copied what I didn't understand I never would have written rftools dimensions :-)
L1506[13:32:44] <BordListian> ^
L1507[13:32:45] <williewillus> next time look at the signature of it, it'll tell you it's IProperty<T> -> T
L1508[13:32:55] <BordListian> sometimes i don't even understand my own code
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L1510[13:32:59] <williewillus> McJty: yes but you make some effort to eventually understand it bit by bit
L1511[13:33:00] <McJty> The trick is to avoid your 'not understanding' being in the way of it working
L1512[13:33:04] <McJty> yes that's true
L1513[13:33:04] <williewillus> yeah
L1514[13:33:20] <McJty> But to be realistic, even now after all these days there are still some gray areas for me in dimension building
L1515[13:33:26] <McJty> s/days/months
L1516[13:33:34] <Jolteffect> Will, i am making the effort to understand it :), spent 4 hours on the subject before i asked the very question in here
L1517[13:33:48] <williewillus> yeah, it's all good
L1518[13:33:55] <williewillus> the method signature tells you everything
L1519[13:35:01] <Jolteffect> now i you ask me about conceptual division of methods in the layered architecture of protocols at an IP transport layer, I could tell you the in's and out's, but we have to start somehow right :)
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L1521[13:36:07] <Jolteffect> i'' explain my confusion as well
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L1523[13:36:23] <Jolteffect> the way i learn what stuff does is like this.
L1524[13:36:27] <Jolteffect> LogHelper.logInfo("JUSTSOLARS --------------Get Value = " + this.worldObj.getBlockState(pos).getValue(BlockSolarPanel.TIER));
L1525[13:36:41] <BordListian> oh
L1526[13:36:49] <Jolteffect> this returned "black" which is why i got confused
L1527[13:36:56] <williewillus> yeah that's misleading
L1528[13:37:00] <gigaherz> that's the toString of the enum
L1529[13:37:02] <BordListian> then your enum overrides tostring wrongly
L1530[13:37:07] <gigaherz> rather than print logs
L1531[13:37:10] <williewillus> BordListian: well not wrongly...
L1532[13:37:13] <gigaherz> it's best to learn to use the debugger
L1533[13:37:13] <BordListian> okay
L1534[13:37:14] <williewillus> it was just made to do that
L1535[13:37:15] <gigaherz> set a breakpoint
L1536[13:37:16] <BordListian> i was gonna say
L1537[13:37:21] <gigaherz> and then youcan see the contents from the debugger
L1538[13:37:28] <BordListian> but you ninja'd my own correction :P
L1539[13:37:34] <williewillus> and this would be resolved by looking at the method sig
L1540[13:37:37] <williewillus> instead of printing :P
L1541[13:37:57] <Jolteffect> well i learned something :), so thank you/
L1542[13:38:03] <williewillus> no prob
L1543[13:38:30] <williewillus> sorry if I sounded frustrated, had trouble understanding what the problem was lol
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L1545[13:39:31] <Jolteffect> thats ok, i see it alot in here over the past few days, which is why i spent 4 hours trying to underst it myself, before running in chat and asking questions
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L1550[13:52:01] <howtonotwin> Apparently running decompileMc thrice simultaneously is not good for a potato laptop. Who knew?
L1551[13:53:08] <MalkContent> at least you're gonna have a baked potato
L1552[13:53:27] <howtonotwin> I love baked potato :D
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L1554[13:54:30] <MalkContent> any kind of potato really :)
L1555[13:55:00] <sham1> But can you into potato?
L1556[13:55:04] <howtonotwin> You know it's bad when a text messaging program lags to hell.
L1557[13:55:32] <MalkContent> in fact I have a leftover potato from lunch in the kitchen which i am gonna get right now. unless someone else got there first
L1558[13:56:01] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-203-206.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
L1559[13:57:18] <sham1> I just looked at how Haskell handles having polyiadic functions, and let me just say this, my mind is blown how smart it is handled
L1560[13:58:05] <sham1> polyvariadic*
L1561[13:59:11] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-203-206.access.telenet.be)
L1562[14:02:16] <howtonotwin> There must a BOINC project for donating CPU power to potato computers
L1563[14:02:47] <sham1> CPU as a Service
L1564[14:02:51] <gigaherz> crowdsourced gaming?
L1565[14:02:59] <gigaherz> that'd be a bit laggy? ;P
L1566[14:03:07] <gigaherz> sham1: that's called the cloud.
L1567[14:03:22] <sham1> there is no cloud
L1568[14:03:23] <sham1> It
L1569[14:03:26] <howtonotwin> No, I've run decompileMc thrice at the same time
L1570[14:03:32] <sham1> is just someone else
L1571[14:03:36] <sham1> 's computer
L1572[14:03:58] <gigaherz> howtonotwin: kill two, let the last one finish?
L1573[14:03:58] <MalkContent> well that's just not true
L1575[14:04:02] <MalkContent> could also be your own
L1576[14:04:07] <illy> rsync all the .gradle caches :P
L1577[14:04:22] <howtonotwin> Thank god eclipse finally exited
L1578[14:04:26] <sham1> Fucking apostrophe being right next to the Return key
L1579[14:04:28] <MalkContent> also: potato was gone ;_;
L1580[14:05:11] <sham1> MalkContent: cannot into potato
L1581[14:05:27] <howtonotwin> User too potato error
L1582[14:07:23] <sham1> It's way too dark here in this car I am in to see my keys and aim at the apostrophe vs Return
L1583[14:07:36] <sham1> Thankfully I am but a passanger
L1584[14:08:28] <howtonotwin> 2/3 done (WOO!)
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L1587[14:10:56] <howtonotwin> All done! \o/
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L1600[14:35:27] <williewillus> is there an order insensitive pair class anywhere in the mc libs?
L1601[14:36:08] <gigaherz> I'm not aware of any such thing
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L1611[14:47:12] <SatanicSanta> Is it possible to have 2 separate models in a blockstate json, regardless of the variant? In the submodel documentation, it looks like you can only add submodels for specific variants
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L1613[14:50:02] <SatanicSanta> Actually, hrm. That may not be what I want :|
L1614[14:51:22] <howtonotwin> You may want to use 1.9's format if it is
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L1616[14:51:55] <howtonotwin> But no, submodels in defaults just don't work in forge's format
L1617[14:52:43] <SatanicSanta> I don't think I'd want a submodel anyway
L1618[14:53:00] <SatanicSanta> Ideally, this blockstate json would be a combination of two blockstate jsons, but I am guessing that's impossible
L1619[14:53:25] <SatanicSanta> I could render the part I need to add to the base blockstate in a TESR, but that is not ideal
L1620[14:53:30] <SatanicSanta> since it's a static model
L1621[14:53:52] <LexDesktop> !gm 16777215
L1622[14:54:03] <LexDesktop> !gm func_77948_v
L1623[14:54:13] <williewillus> what do you mean "combination of two blockstate jsons"
L1624[14:54:36] <williewillus> and yes, 1.9's vanilla blockstate can combine multiple models into one
L1625[14:55:00] <SatanicSanta> I have this blockstate https://github.com/Esteemed-Innovation/Flaxbeards-Steam-Power/blob/1.9/src/main/resources/assets/steamcraft/blockstates/pipe.json
L1626[14:55:18] <SatanicSanta> and I have another block that uses that same pipe connection rendering stuff, but has another model on top of it
L1627[14:55:34] <williewillus> oh yeah no that's not possible rn
L1628[14:55:37] <SatanicSanta> GHA
L1629[14:55:42] <williewillus> blockstate jsons have no concept of inheritance
L1630[14:55:46] <williewillus> just copy and replace :P
L1631[14:55:57] <SatanicSanta> ugh
L1632[14:56:00] <williewillus> wait
L1633[14:56:02] <SatanicSanta> it'll be like 3x larger
L1634[14:56:03] <williewillus> why can't you copy this json
L1635[14:56:10] <williewillus> and just stick another { "apply" }
L1636[14:56:31] <SatanicSanta> dont those "when" things need every state to be defined?
L1637[14:56:37] <williewillus> no
L1638[14:56:39] <SatanicSanta> oh
L1639[14:56:43] <SatanicSanta> I will try tha
L1640[14:56:43] <williewillus> whatever matches matches
L1641[14:57:15] <SatanicSanta> In that case, I think this is a pretty okay option :D
L1642[14:58:42] <williewillus> it just matches everything in "when" top down and if everything passes or there is nothing in when then the "apply" variant is applied
L1643[14:59:10] <williewillus> that's why your pipe_center works, it passes for every blockstate
L1644[14:59:19] <SatanicSanta> I see
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L1650[15:22:28] <LexDesktop> gabizou, You there?
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L1652[15:25:39] <howtonotwin> What, in the name of cake, is this logic in TileEntityBeacon? o_O
L1653[15:25:48] <williewillus> howtonotwin: what part of it? :P
L1654[15:26:34] <Nepharius> Hey, is there something wrong with the EntityRenderRegistry in Forge 1.10.2- registerEntityRenderingHandler throws a error when given the required parameters
L1655[15:26:44] <howtonotwin> If(glass) getColor else ( if(!pane) (if(!passable) breakout) getColor )
L1656[15:26:45] <howtonotwin> wtf
L1657[15:26:49] <williewillus> Nepharius: which one are you using?
L1658[15:26:55] <williewillus> the factory one?
L1659[15:26:58] <Nepharius> yep
L1660[15:27:12] <williewillus> during preinit right
L1661[15:27:16] <Nepharius> yes
L1662[15:27:19] <gigaherz> howtonotwin: decompiler stuff
L1663[15:27:36] <Zaggy1024> Lex, what kind of test would you want? something to automate averaging the FPS with and without VBO clouds?
L1664[15:30:07] <gigaherz> Zaggy1024: people in the gamedev industry don't count performance in fps, they count the milliseconds it takes for a frame to be sent to the gpu, and presented, and then say like "this algorithm adds 5ms per frame"
L1665[15:30:12] <gigaherz> it's much more reliable as a number
L1666[15:30:24] <Zaggy1024> well in that case the built in profiler should be adequate
L1667[15:30:39] <Zaggy1024> I already provided numbers from it that clearly show that the performance is much better
L1668[15:30:45] <Zaggy1024> and that's still the case in 1.10
L1669[15:30:55] <gigaherz> in which gpu?
L1670[15:31:06] <Zaggy1024> I have a GTX 970
L1671[15:31:15] <gigaherz> do you ahve some crappy laptop with intel gpu around, for comparison?
L1672[15:31:21] <Zaggy1024> well..
L1673[15:31:33] <Zaggy1024> I do, but not with a dev env set up
L1674[15:32:29] <Zaggy1024> but it should be better on anything that supports it (which should be anything that vanilla MC works on, IIRC) because it's not redoing the vertices every frame
L1675[15:33:19] <gigaherz> sounds nice
L1676[15:33:21] <Nepharius> Here is the error I get: http://imgur.com/a/jhxR5 Have I missed something? As I recall the old and the new one got the same name
L1677[15:33:22] <Zaggy1024> but meh, I'll see if I can pull the frame times from the profiler
L1678[15:33:24] <williewillus> i have a 2013 intel igpu, if you put your test setup up I can do it
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L1680[15:33:33] <Zaggy1024> and print them out for the two renderers
L1681[15:33:33] <gigaherz> I'd test on my laptop but yeah no dev env on it
L1682[15:34:06] <gigaherz> mine's a gen-2 intel cpu, with gtx520m in it
L1683[15:34:09] <gigaherz> in case you want numbers ;P
L1684[15:34:33] <Zaggy1024> if you haven't seen the code already, what the renderer does is it creates a display list/VBO with the cloud vertices and then uses texture translation to move the clouds
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L1686[15:37:06] <Zaggy1024> haha the performance might still outdo vanilla even with the VBO being recreated each frame, just because there would be less draw calls, as I understand it
L1687[15:37:50] <gigaherz> yeah
L1688[15:38:19] <williewillus> what does vanilla do, draw out all the boxes? :P
L1689[15:38:38] <gigaherz> for 3d clouds? yes.
L1690[15:38:44] <gigaherz> (IIRC)
L1691[15:38:44] <Zaggy1024> it uses a gigantic loop to place the vertices each time, recalculating the UVs at the same time
L1692[15:38:51] <williewillus> ouch
L1693[15:38:52] <Zaggy1024> so...it's about as inefficient as it can be
L1694[15:39:07] <Zaggy1024> without doing extraneous stuff anyway :P
L1695[15:39:34] <howtonotwin> Why are there UVs for what seems to be a flat whiteness?
L1696[15:39:58] <williewillus> clouds are drawn from a texture
L1697[15:40:00] <williewillus> it's not just white
L1698[15:42:08] <Zaggy1024> hmm, anyone know how easy it would be to reset the profiler map in a tick handler?
L1699[15:42:33] <Zaggy1024> I'd rather not profile it in the code of the renderer because then it would always be profiling even in release
L1700[15:43:23] <howtonotwin> Why would profiling in the rendering imply profiling after release?
L1701[15:43:53] <Zaggy1024> mmh actually, nvm
L1702[15:43:54] <howtonotwin> You can just put the profiling into a new branch and it won't go into the PR
L1703[15:43:58] <Zaggy1024> I wasnt' thinking about it right
L1704[15:44:18] <Zaggy1024> no the profiling needs to be in the PR so that it can be tested against vanilla in future releases
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L1707[15:45:12] <Zaggy1024> but then...I still need to profile the vanilla renderer, rather not put more in the patches, so it'd still be good to use the vanilla profiler
L1708[15:46:20] <LexDesktop> <Zaggy1024> Lex, what kind of test would you want? something to automate averaging the FPS with and without VBO clouds?
L1709[15:46:42] <LexDesktop> Yes, something I can run and have it verify your claims, your provided numbers, but for all I know you pulled those numbers out of your ass
L1710[15:46:48] <LexDesktop> or it's a special case for ONLY your computer.
L1711[15:46:51] <Zaggy1024> yeah
L1712[15:47:00] <Zaggy1024> but FPS or time spent in the renderer?
L1713[15:47:01] <LexDesktop> So having a test mod that we can use to profile it is imporant
L1714[15:47:03] <Zaggy1024> which is preferred?
L1715[15:47:06] <LexDesktop> Time spent
L1716[15:47:08] <Zaggy1024> k
L1717[15:47:10] <LexDesktop> FPS doesnt matter
L1718[15:47:54] <LexDesktop> Ideally it wouldnt even actually RENDER it, but more simluate it and we wouldnt have to boot up MC's render engine at all.
L1719[15:48:03] <LexDesktop> but no clue how to do graphical unit tests :/
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L1721[15:49:13] <Zaggy1024> mmh I don't think that's possible
L1722[15:49:22] <Zaggy1024> at least not profiling the vanilla renderer
L1723[15:49:39] <howtonotwin> Whatever happened to the JDK's profiler?
L1724[15:52:20] <Zaggy1024> I just hope it's not gonna screw up the profiling stack to clear it in a tick handler
L1725[15:52:26] <gabizou> Lex, i'm here
L1726[15:53:17] <gabizou> I'm guessing you were going to ask about the javahome for mod search?
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L1729[15:53:45] <gigaherz> Nepharius: did you get an answer?
L1730[15:54:07] <Nepharius> not rly
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L1732[15:54:41] <gigaherz> okay then
L1733[15:54:44] <gigaherz> the old method
L1734[15:54:49] <gigaherz> took a renderer instance directly
L1735[15:54:50] <gigaherz> the new one
L1736[15:54:52] <gigaherz> takes a factory
L1737[15:54:56] <gigaherz> if you use java8
L1738[15:55:00] <gigaherz> you can do like RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityBall.class, RenderBall::new);
L1739[15:55:20] <LatvianModder> isnt it just new RenderBall()?
L1740[15:55:23] <gigaherz> this requires a constructor with RenderManager parameter
L1741[15:55:35] <williewillus> show code
L1742[15:55:36] <gigaherz> no LatvianModder, that's the old deprecated method
L1743[15:55:40] <LatvianModder> ah
L1744[15:55:58] <LatvianModder> RenderBall::new is equal to () -> new RenderBall(); ?
L1745[15:56:01] <gigaherz> yes
L1746[15:56:17] <gigaherz> well
L1747[15:56:20] <gigaherz> in this case
L1748[15:56:22] <howtonotwin> well it's equal to (param1, param2) -> new RenderBall(params)
L1749[15:56:31] <gigaherz> (renderManager) -> new RenderBall(renderManager)
L1750[15:56:33] <howtonotwin> *paramN
L1751[15:56:43] <LatvianModder> sugar ontop sugar lol
L1752[15:56:45] <howtonotwin> ITS COMPLICATED OK
L1753[15:56:50] <williewillus> not really
L1754[15:56:51] <howtonotwin> :P
L1755[15:56:55] <williewillus> it's one sugar layer
L1756[15:56:55] <gigaherz> it's jsut a method reference
L1757[15:56:59] <gigaherz> it looks for an exact match
L1758[15:57:15] <gigaherz> and builds up the lambda for you
L1759[15:57:36] <howtonotwin> Well, the resulting bytecode isn't equivalent to a normal lambda, but...
L1760[15:57:45] <williewillus> yeah it is...
L1761[15:57:47] <diesieben07> nope
L1762[15:57:54] <diesieben07> normal lambda desugars to a method
L1763[15:58:03] <diesieben07> ::new just points to the constructor directly
L1764[15:58:06] <howtonotwin> No, a lambda makes a private method and invokedynamics it
L1765[15:58:06] <SatanicSanta> williewillus: So, I tried what you said. Oddly it's complaining about missing variants, even though there aren't any, and it is using multipart >.>
L1766[15:58:08] <williewillus> interesting
L1767[15:58:11] <LexDesktop> gab: Ya, i was gunna ask you to update it, but decided to say fuyck it and do it myself seince its a 1 line change.
L1768[15:58:21] <LexDesktop> Figured you wouldnt give a shit
L1769[15:58:23] <howtonotwin> a method ref directly invokedynamics the method
L1770[15:58:35] <gabizou> yeah, don't care personally
L1771[15:58:36] <williewillus> TIL
L1772[15:58:44] <diesieben07> well, it doesn't invokedynamic the actual method
L1773[15:58:45] <diesieben07> whatever :D
L1774[15:58:59] <williewillus> i thought for example it would generate a wrapper around the constructor that implements IRenderFactory
L1775[15:59:11] <LatvianModder> "normal lambda desugars to a method" 100% sugar free!
L1776[15:59:14] <howtonotwin> It does, all 3 ways
L1777[15:59:17] <williewillus> like `render -> new RenderSnowball(render)` would
L1778[15:59:22] <sham1> Microphone aquire
L1779[15:59:24] <williewillus> wait so I don't get how the bytecode's different
L1780[15:59:25] <sham1> Woot
L1781[15:59:26] <howtonotwin> Just really wierdly
L1782[15:59:29] <howtonotwin> javap
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L1785[15:59:59] <gigaherz> williewillus: the bytecode wouldn't be
L1786[16:00:06] <gigaherz> the difference is one generates the private method wrapper
L1787[16:00:07] <gigaherz> the other does not
L1788[16:00:20] <gigaherz> the call's bytecode*
L1789[16:00:28] <diesieben07> williewillus, Foo::new => make object that invokes new Foo(). () -> new Foo(); => Foo lambda$0() { ... }; make object that invokes lmabda$0
L1790[16:00:43] <gigaherz> and no williewillus, it doesn't actually generate a class
L1791[16:00:49] ⇦ Parts: nikita488 (~Nikita@mm-224-75-44-37.mgts.dynamic.pppoe.byfly.by) (Leaving))
L1792[16:00:50] <gigaherz> invokedynamic is there to avoid that
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L1794[16:04:12] <williewillus> yeah but i mean it must generate some sort of shim that *looks* like something that implements IRenderFactory right
L1795[16:04:16] <williewillus> even if it isnt a full class
L1796[16:04:39] <gigaherz> yes
L1797[16:04:41] <diesieben07> it delegates that to runtime
L1798[16:04:42] <gigaherz> but that happens elsewhere
L1799[16:04:51] <diesieben07> it just compiles to a library call
L1800[16:05:04] <diesieben07> and that library can change to provide better perofrmance than just "spit out a class"
L1801[16:05:05] <SatanicSanta> Ah, apparently you always have to specify the model in apply objects
L1802[16:06:14] <williewillus> yeah i see it. cool. invokedynamic basically returns a "thing" that knows how to createRenderFor. for lambda the "thing" calls lambda$0 for methodref the "thing" calls it directly
L1803[16:06:19] <williewillus> making the "thing" is in the vm
L1804[16:06:28] <williewillus> sound right?
L1805[16:06:36] <diesieben07> Not yet
L1806[16:06:45] <diesieben07> right now its just java code that generates a new class using ASM ;)
L1807[16:06:59] <diesieben07> and not quite, invokedynamic invokes the library
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L1809[16:07:06] <diesieben07> and the library returns a CallSite
L1810[16:07:20] <diesieben07> that CallSite is basically a method that creates the interface object
L1811[16:07:34] <williewillus> well eventually its adapted back into seomthing that the interface method is recognized on, at runtime :P
L1812[16:07:37] <diesieben07> right now that CallSite gets bound to the new class' constructor
L1813[16:07:43] <williewillus> I thought noncapturing lambdas didnt make classes?
L1814[16:07:47] <diesieben07> they do
L1815[16:07:51] <diesieben07> but they only get constructed once
L1816[16:07:59] <diesieben07> and then the library returns a ConstantCallSite which always gives out the same object
L1817[16:08:17] <diesieben07> which the JVM knows is a proper constat
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L1822[16:12:50] <raoulvdberge> What is the isHere(IInventory inv, int slotIn) alternative for SlotItemHandler?
L1823[16:12:57] <raoulvdberge> isSameInventory?
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L1825[16:13:32] <gigaherz> raoulvdberge: wtf does that do?
L1826[16:14:14] <gigaherz> oh, getSlotfromInventory
L1827[16:14:27] <gigaherz> which is only ever called from ItemWrittenBook
L1828[16:14:54] <diesieben07> do it manually
L1829[16:14:58] <diesieben07> SlotItemHandler has getItemHandler
L1830[16:15:17] <diesieben07> hrm but it doewsnt have getIndex
L1831[16:15:27] <raoulvdberge> let me try that
L1832[16:15:28] <diesieben07> ah but you can use getSlotIndex
L1833[16:15:41] <gigaherz> wtf does this code even do?!
L1834[16:15:44] <shadowfacts> Lex, someone on GitHub's being an ass: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/2872#issuecomment-239641873
L1835[16:16:07] <diesieben07> checks if the Slot has the given inv and index
L1836[16:16:16] <gigaherz> yes I mean
L1837[16:16:22] <gigaherz> the code in ItemWrittenBook
L1838[16:16:28] <gigaherz> that calls it
L1839[16:17:16] <diesieben07> it updates the client i guess
L1840[16:17:16] <LexDesktop> The annoying thing is, you cant purge things from your timeline
L1841[16:17:20] <gigaherz> ah, SPacketSetSlot
L1842[16:17:26] <gigaherz> it's synchronizing the book contents
L1843[16:17:27] <LexDesktop> so even deleting the comment still has it show up on my timeline :/
L1844[16:19:11] <gigaherz> maybe you could contact gh about it, but his choice of words is rather mild
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L1852[16:25:22] <Nepharius> okay thanks, it kind of works now
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L1854[16:28:25] <Zaggy1024> seems as though I may not have a choice but to add more to the patch to profile it :|
L1855[16:30:41] <gigaherz> can you not just make use of mc's own profiling stuff?
L1856[16:30:47] <gigaherz> (I don't knwo how it works, just asking)
L1857[16:35:05] <Zaggy1024> I tried to
L1858[16:35:22] <Zaggy1024> but it messes it up if I clear the profiler while inside a section
L1859[16:35:27] <Zaggy1024> as I expected it might
L1860[16:36:17] <gigaherz> what do yo umean clear the profilder?
L1861[16:36:30] <gigaherz> reset it to 0 so it starts counting from scratch?
L1862[16:40:33] <gigaherz> Zaggy1024: you could save the section list, clear, then startSection the old section list items?
L1863[16:40:46] <gigaherz> you'd need to reflect the old section list items, but that's doable
L1864[16:41:10] <Zaggy1024> well, I thought about that, but that's a huge amount of work to avoid one added patch section..
L1865[16:42:14] <Zaggy1024> the profiler is just not workable for this
L1866[16:42:37] <Zaggy1024> I have to be able to enable it as well, and I can't do that in a tick handler because that's already in a profiler section
L1867[16:42:39] <gigaherz> then jsut put a stopwatch around the code
L1868[16:42:42] <gigaherz> and measure it yourself
L1869[16:42:51] <gigaherz> or hmm
L1870[16:42:58] <gigaherz> you could allocate your own Profiler object
L1871[16:42:59] <gigaherz> for the tests
L1872[16:43:21] <Zaggy1024> hmm? that doesn't really make sense
L1873[16:43:26] <gigaherz> ?
L1874[16:43:32] <Zaggy1024> but I'm doing a stopwatch, yeah
L1875[16:43:36] <gigaherz> it don't display on the graph on the debug screen
L1876[16:43:39] <Zaggy1024> in RenderGlobal so I can catch the vanilla renderer
L1877[16:43:56] <Zaggy1024> no I mean because then I'd still have to start and end sections for that profiler obj
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L1893[17:13:11] <Zaggy1024> http://i.imgur.com/60nN53A.png
L1894[17:13:16] <Zaggy1024> how's that? :P
L1895[17:13:34] <raoulvdberge> wow
L1896[17:13:45] <raoulvdberge> ..that is pretty good :P
L1897[17:13:47] <Zaggy1024> (ignore the change in the text, I edited the code while between two prints :P)
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L1899[17:14:27] <Zaggy1024> now the question is, how should this test be activated?
L1900[17:14:32] *** amadornes[Streaming] is now known as amadornes
L1901[17:14:38] <Zaggy1024> currently it just prints it once every 10 seconds for as long as you're in a world :P
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L1904[17:18:04] <Zaggy1024> this is with flat clouds http://i.imgur.com/yAkO5dh.png
L1905[17:19:23] <Zaggy1024> and the Forge clouds are actually probably a little faster than that as well, because every time it switches off and on again, it rebuilds the VBO
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L1907[17:20:00] <Zaggy1024> although I could make it discount the first frame pretty easily...
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L1909[17:20:53] <Noc7is> How might I go about fixing this lighting problem? I'm pretty sure it has to do with being rendered inside of the block, it should look more like the model on the left. This is part of a TESR on 1.7.10: http://i.imgur.com/ZZ3Zmmf.png
L1910[17:21:46] <MalkContent> is there an inbuilt way to get an itemstack from a string? like getItemStack("minecraft:dirt, 1, 0")
L1911[17:22:07] <MalkContent> mid building it myself, but then i thought "good chance that already exists" :D
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L1913[17:22:25] <Zaggy1024> meh I guess with a 10s average it doesn't make a diff
L1914[17:23:19] <Ordinastie_> MalkContent, not builtin
L1915[17:23:22] <Ordinastie_> but if you want : https://github.com/Ordinastie/MalisisCore/blob/1.9.4/src/main/java/net/malisis/core/util/ItemUtils.java#L280
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L1917[17:25:08] <MalkContent> thx, I'm good though :)
L1918[17:25:23] <MalkContent> how's the thing parse the /give command though
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L1921[17:28:25] <Ordinastie_> look at the give command ?
L1922[17:28:26] <MalkContent> trying to find it for the last 5 minutes
L1923[17:28:26] <Ordinastie_> CommandGive
L1924[17:28:26] <MalkContent> package?
L1925[17:28:49] <Ordinastie_> Ctrl+Shit+T
L1926[17:29:07] <MalkContent> o nice
L1927[17:29:07] <MalkContent> that is gonna remove so many headaches with the damn search
L1928[17:29:54] <Zaggy1024> lol nice typo :P
L1929[17:30:40] <MalkContent> "no, i don't want to search the buildpath libraries right now"
L1930[17:30:41] <Noc7is> Never mind
L1931[17:30:41] <Ordinastie_> other useful shortcuts :
L1932[17:30:41] <Ordinastie_> F4 for type hierarchy
L1933[17:30:41] <Ordinastie_> Ctrl+Alt+H for call hierarchy
L1934[17:31:39] ⇦ Quits: MineBot (MineBot@minebot.services.esper.net) (*.net *.split)
L1935[17:32:28] <Ordinastie_> ?
L1936[17:32:28] <Ordinastie_> Ctrl+Shift+O for auto organize imports
L1937[17:32:28] <Ordinastie_> Zaggy1024, what typo ?
L1938[17:32:28] <MalkContent> yay for the last one
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L1942[17:33:14] <Ordinastie_> you have Ctrl+Shit+F too for auto format but honnestly, it should be set to be done automatically on save
L1943[17:33:32] <Ordinastie_> (as well as auto imports for me)
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L1945[17:35:32] <Zaggy1024> "<Ordinastie_> Ctrl+Shit+T"
L1946[17:35:51] <Ordinastie_> oh didn't even see that one
L1947[17:36:01] <Zaggy1024> haha I thought you might not
L1948[17:36:04] <Zaggy1024> I didn't notice it at first
L1949[17:37:26] <sham1> <C-S-t>
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L1964[18:19:31] <MalkContent> ItemStack.isItemEqual don't work with the wildcardvalue, does it?
L1965[18:19:55] <MalkContent> i mean, from the code I'd say no, but I thought I'd ask, just in case there was black magic at work
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L1967[18:23:04] <MalkContent> ahaaaa there's oredict.itemMatches :)
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L1972[18:34:14] <MalkContent> huh. everythings working. look at that
L1973[18:34:36] * MalkContent does a little dance
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L1982[19:27:09] <Zaggy1024> put in the PR for the clouds with a test mod
L1983[19:28:53] <SquareWheel> Any idea why there's not an Items.BONEMEAL item? Can't find it anywhere.
L1984[19:29:12] <TehNut> Bonemeal is a subitem of ItemDye
L1985[19:29:22] <SquareWheel> Ah, okay.
L1986[19:29:36] <SquareWheel> Cheers, thanks.
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L2000[20:07:46] <SatanicSanta> Is it *impossible* to render an item with a TESR now? Or is it simply not recommended anymore?
L2001[20:09:04] <SatanicSanta> I'd prefer to not do it, but I don't really see how else I can have an item that is built out of a block model JSON *and* a vanilla not-JSON model
L2002[20:19:09] <howtonotwin> Blockstates?
L2003[20:19:34] <howtonotwin> Just define both models in the same blockstate file and use that instead of a normal item model
L2004[20:20:04] <bspkrs> About to kick up a game of Cards Against Humanity! Check http://bspk.rs/CAH/ for details!
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L2007[20:20:53] <howtonotwin> "Block"state isn't really accurate with forge installed; items can use blockstates too (but only with forge).
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L2009[20:23:11] <kenzierocks> idk bspkrs
L2010[20:23:15] <kenzierocks> should I join
L2011[20:23:18] <bspkrs> yis
L2012[20:23:33] <kenzierocks> actually i'm eating soon i better not
L2013[20:24:25] <bspkrs> we'll be going for a while, for sure
L2014[20:24:37] <SatanicSanta> bspkrs: heh, throwback to the ol' CAH squad
L2015[20:24:45] <howtonotwin> pinging SatanicSanta in case they didn't see the note on using blockstates
L2016[20:24:48] <SatanicSanta> I did
L2017[20:24:54] <SatanicSanta> howtonotwin: I'm not sure what you mean
L2018[20:25:01] <howtonotwin> Define a blockstate JSON
L2019[20:25:09] <howtonotwin> And within it, define both models
L2020[20:25:16] <SatanicSanta> One of the models is not a JSON model.
L2021[20:25:20] <SatanicSanta> ModelChest
L2022[20:25:21] <howtonotwin> no difference
L2023[20:25:36] <howtonotwin> it's still a model
L2024[20:25:44] <howtonotwin> and then tell the item to use that model
L2025[20:25:50] <howtonotwin> *blockstate
L2026[20:25:59] <SatanicSanta> erm
L2027[20:26:06] <SatanicSanta> this is the inventory variant
L2028[20:26:15] <howtonotwin> Yep
L2029[20:26:16] <SatanicSanta> the block itself is fine, just not when rendered in an inventory
L2030[20:26:19] <howtonotwin> no difference
L2031[20:26:38] <howtonotwin> { inventory: { model: main, submodel: other } }
L2032[20:27:00] <howtonotwin> and then setCustomMRL(item, meta, new MRL(path, "inventory"))
L2033[20:27:10] <kenzierocks> aren't blockstates the best
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L2035[20:27:48] <howtonotwin> To quote the ever so lovely host of the wonderful CAH game: yis
L2036[20:29:21] <LexDesktop> Zaggy1024, you there?
L2037[20:30:29] <Zaggy1024> kinda
L2038[20:30:47] <Zaggy1024> I'm on VNC on my phone :P
L2039[20:31:15] ⇦ Quits: p455w0rd (~p455w0rd@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L2040[20:31:46] <LexDesktop> okay well looking at your cloud render
L2041[20:32:18] ⇦ Quits: MalkContent (kiwiirc@p4FDCD02E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
L2042[20:32:37] <LexDesktop> what im thinking is you move the body of RenderGlobal.renderClouds to a new method "public void renderCloudsVanilla(float partialTicks, int pass)" right where you have your if statement now.
L2043[20:32:48] <SatanicSanta> howtonotwin: java.io.FileNotFoundException: minecraft:models/block/chest.json
L2044[20:33:08] <Zaggy1024> hmm
L2045[20:33:25] <LexDesktop> Then you add a field to RenderGlobal something like ICloudRenderer which has render(RenderGlobal rg, int tickCount, float partialTicks, int pass)
L2046[20:33:26] <Zaggy1024> but then if vanilla changes the test won't show that
L2047[20:33:26] <howtonotwin> use the item model for chests
L2048[20:34:03] <LexDesktop> Then you make the default value for that field, a anon class that does {this.renderCloudsVanilla(); }
L2049[20:34:03] <howtonotwin> say "item/chest" instead of "block/chest"
L2050[20:34:22] <Zaggy1024> there's already a cloud render handler in the dimension code thigh
L2051[20:34:25] <Zaggy1024> *though
L2052[20:34:42] <LexDesktop> yes I know but it needs to be something new because it needs a 'pass' parameter at the very least.
L2053[20:34:54] <LexDesktop> cuz vanilla uses it.
L2054[20:35:22] <LexDesktop> then for your profiling mod, you just have a TimedCloudRender(parent){timer.start(); parent.render(); timer.stop(); }
L2055[20:35:28] <SatanicSanta> howtonotwin: Except that since it's a blockstate json it is looking in block/ regardless of what I put there.
L2056[20:35:41] <LexDesktop> and you do renderGlobal.cloudRenderer = timed; to swap it out.
L2057[20:35:47] <LexDesktop> kinda get what im going at?
L2058[20:36:55] <SatanicSanta> howtonotwin: As evident by FileNotFoundException: minecraft:models/block/item/chest.json
L2059[20:37:21] <LexDesktop> It'd be less edits this way, and it would move the timing/debug still out of Forge itself and into the test mod.
L2060[20:37:32] <Zaggy1024> indeed, makes sense
L2061[20:37:51] <Zaggy1024> I'm not looking at the code ATM though, so what's the pass parameter?
L2062[20:38:02] <LexDesktop> I'd say just use IRenderHandler but sadly that doesn't have the pass parameter :/
L2063[20:38:34] <Zaggy1024> anaglyph pass?
L2064[20:38:47] <LexDesktop> probably
L2065[20:38:50] <LexDesktop> it effects the color
L2066[20:39:06] <howtonotwin> Well I appear to have broken my brain, sorry. You can use a TESR for an item, just not sure how off the top of my head.
L2067[20:39:25] <LexDesktop> yup
L2068[20:39:32] <SatanicSanta> I dunno if that would even work, since all the TESR does is render ModelChest all fancy
L2069[20:39:34] <howtonotwin> Or just use a custom baked model
L2070[20:39:35] <LexDesktop> 0/1 are the alaglyph
L2071[20:39:38] <LexDesktop> 2 == normal render
L2072[20:39:39] <SatanicSanta> the other model is static and thus not used by the TESR
L2073[20:39:41] <howtonotwin> never mind am dumb
L2074[20:39:55] <SatanicSanta> so it would probably just look like a weird chest :P
L2075[20:40:13] <Zaggy1024> there's a static field for the anaglyph pass
L2076[20:40:28] <Zaggy1024> in a Forge class, can't remember which
L2077[20:41:44] <howtonotwin> If you put a translate before calling the chest's render in the TESR it'll be fine I think.
L2078[20:41:59] <SatanicSanta> what?
L2079[20:42:44] <howtonotwin> In your TESR, if you use it to render a chest for your item, you can move the GL state around, scale it, whatever
L2080[20:42:54] <SatanicSanta> Yes
L2081[20:43:02] <howtonotwin> And it will take effect inside the chest's render too
L2082[20:43:11] <howtonotwin> That's the principle behind a GL state leak :P
L2083[20:44:55] <SatanicSanta> I have no idea what you're talking about. How would my TESR effect the chest's TESR in any way?
L2084[20:45:11] <howtonotwin> Because you'd call the chest's tesr from inside yours
L2085[20:45:25] <SatanicSanta> why would I do that? All I need is the model :P
L2086[20:45:34] <SatanicSanta> see: https://github.com/squeek502/VeganOption/blob/1.10.2/java/squeek/veganoption/blocks/renderers/RenderComposter.java
L2087[20:46:35] <mrkirby153> So, is a tickrate monitor basically subscribing to WorldTickEvent and comparing diffs between the last tick?
L2088[20:47:13] <howtonotwin> Well then why'd you say this? <SatanicSanta> so it would probably just look like a weird chest :P
L2089[20:47:17] <LexDesktop> net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer.anaglyphField
L2090[20:47:39] <LexDesktop> only problem with that is that it doesnt set itself to 2 ever {alaglyph disabled}
L2091[20:47:43] <LexDesktop> should probably do that...
L2092[20:47:55] <SatanicSanta> howtonotwin: it would not include what used to be (and is in that link I just provided) modelLegs
L2093[20:47:56] <LexDesktop> wouldnt fuck up anything in vanilla as that field isnt used anywhere
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L2097[20:48:51] <howtonotwin> Well if you're using a TESR, why can't you just render everything you need? TESR does mean full GL control.
L2098[20:49:36] <LexDesktop> TESRs should be ANIMATIONS ONLY
L2099[20:49:39] <LexDesktop> what the fuck are you doing?
L2100[20:49:43] <SatanicSanta> what Lex said.
L2101[20:49:53] <SatanicSanta> I'm not going to render static legs in a TESR. That's dumb.
L2102[20:50:15] <LexDesktop> 90% of TESRs should be TESR+Normal block
L2103[20:50:20] <LexDesktop> For example, the chest.
L2104[20:50:33] <SatanicSanta> The TESR is not even the problem here lmao
L2105[20:50:37] <LexDesktop> Should have 4 models. Bottom, top, closed, open.
L2106[20:51:04] <LexDesktop> When open/closed, TESR == noop Model == open/closed.
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L2108[20:51:19] <LexDesktop> When animating: TESR == Top*rotation, Model == Bottom.
L2109[20:51:57] <SatanicSanta> Lex: The fuck that I am doing is attempting to get an item model working for something made up of a vanilla model (not json) and a json model
L2110[20:52:19] <SatanicSanta> and whose vanilla model is rendered in a TESR
L2111[20:53:35] <LexDesktop> Vasilla model, as in entities?
L2112[20:53:48] <LexDesktop> Oh you're the guy trying to reimplement CB's Crap?
L2113[20:53:56] <SatanicSanta> what
L2114[20:53:57] <SatanicSanta> no
L2115[20:54:10] <SatanicSanta> ModelChest
L2116[20:54:17] <SatanicSanta> the block uses ModelChest.
L2117[20:54:29] <SatanicSanta> and it spins it around and overlays stuff on it
L2118[20:54:32] <SatanicSanta> with a tesr
L2119[20:54:49] <LexDesktop> thats.. weird..
L2120[20:55:24] <LexDesktop> the overlay shouldnt be anything beyond another model rotated to the right spot.
L2121[20:55:37] <LexDesktop> And I would advise NOT using ModelChest code wise.
L2122[20:55:49] <SatanicSanta> I'm not even concerned about the TESR at this point
L2123[20:56:13] <SatanicSanta> [18:07:47] <SatanicSanta> Is it *impossible* to render an item with a TESR now? Or is it simply not recommended anymore? [18:09:05] <SatanicSanta> I'd prefer to not do it, but I don't really see how else I can have an item that is built out of a block model JSON *and* a vanilla not-JSON model
L2124[20:56:30] <SatanicSanta> The TESR works fine, I just need a way to get the item model working.
L2125[20:56:41] <LexDesktop> normal models
L2126[20:57:03] <SatanicSanta> gah
L2127[20:57:16] <LexDesktop> DO NOT use ModelChest
L2128[20:57:19] <SatanicSanta> Why?
L2129[20:58:15] <LexDesktop> Because you shouldnt use code based models
L2130[20:58:19] <LexDesktop> Load it from disc
L2131[20:58:28] <SatanicSanta> So I'm just going to recreate the entire chest model from scratch in JSON?
L2132[20:58:38] <LexDesktop> it exists in json IIRC.
L2133[20:58:41] <SatanicSanta> It does not.
L2134[20:58:42] <howtonotwin> chests do not exist in JSON
L2135[20:59:21] <SatanicSanta> Here is a gif to show what it is that I'm working on and why it is a TESR https://gfycat.com/IdleMiserlyAnophelesmosquito
L2136[20:59:45] <LexDesktop> Well then make them exist in json
L2137[20:59:49] <SatanicSanta> >.>
L2138[20:59:54] <LexDesktop> there shouldnt be a reason for them to not exist in json
L2139[20:59:59] <LexDesktop> Blame Mojang for being dumb
L2140[21:00:29] <LexDesktop> They are aparently just 3 rectangels, so a simple JSON model
L2141[21:00:53] <SatanicSanta> So, the solution here is to recreate the chest model and use that for this block's item model?
L2142[21:01:00] <LexDesktop> yes
L2143[21:01:07] <SatanicSanta> ugh
L2144[21:01:15] * SatanicSanta grinds his teeth at mojang
L2145[21:01:40] <LexDesktop> n eed to talk to fry|back18aug when he gets back about chest models.
L2146[21:01:54] <LexDesktop> Its just BEGGING to be batched
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L2150[21:09:05] <Zaggy1024> Lex, how would the cloud renderer field work with the per world provider cloud renderer?
L2151[21:10:04] <LexDesktop> Like I said, it would be added after that check, where your if statement is now.
L2152[21:10:11] <LexDesktop> So the provider hook would take presidence
L2153[21:12:34] <Zaggy1024> hmm, but you can set the renderer for the providers
L2154[21:12:46] <illy> Lex, the bot you were talking about yesterday do you want it to close PRs not pointed to the defualt branch automatically or do you want it to mark them as unmergeable with a message?
L2155[21:12:46] <LexDesktop> ya i just saw that...
L2156[21:13:19] <LexDesktop> if you can make it like the CLA bot where it has that '1/2 tests passed' thing that'd be awesoe.
L2157[21:13:50] <masa> SatanicSanta: here is my chest model: https://github.com/maruohon/enderutilities/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/enderutilities/models/block/chest.json
L2158[21:14:06] <masa> just a dummy non-animated chest
L2159[21:14:26] <SatanicSanta> Is it an exact duplicate of the vanilla chest model?
L2160[21:14:29] <LexDesktop> Its a item, it doesnt need to be animated.
L2161[21:14:36] <masa> it should be yes
L2162[21:14:40] <SatanicSanta> thanks
L2163[21:14:43] <SatanicSanta> saved me a shit ton of time :P
L2164[21:16:12] <illy> I wonder if github lets us make custom status checks
L2165[21:16:20] <kenzierocks> yes
L2166[21:16:45] <kenzierocks> https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/statuses/
L2167[21:16:48] <SatanicSanta> masa: Do you happen to also have dummy chest textures? :P
L2168[21:17:27] <masa> https://github.com/maruohon/enderutilities/tree/master/src/main/resources/assets/enderutilities/textures/blocks
L2169[21:17:37] <masa> memorychest and handychest there
L2170[21:17:38] <LexDesktop> the chest should have its own textures...
L2171[21:17:48] <SatanicSanta> its an entity
L2172[21:17:52] <SatanicSanta> so its textures are in an annoying map
L2173[21:18:04] <LexDesktop> really? where?
L2174[21:18:18] <SatanicSanta> textures/entity/chest/*.png
L2175[21:18:52] <illy> kenzierocks: thanks now to parse it all the jsons :D
L2176[21:19:02] <LexDesktop> well thats dumb, but you can refer to those textures IIRC just need to specify the full path
L2177[21:19:08] <SatanicSanta> no
L2178[21:19:16] <kenzierocks> no problem illy
L2179[21:19:27] <SatanicSanta> Lex: Because of the order that the texture map is in, I cannot do that.
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L2181[21:19:55] <LexDesktop> ?
L2182[21:20:04] <SatanicSanta> https://puu.sh/qAwCZ/a9256b187f.png
L2183[21:20:06] <LexDesktop> If you reference the texture it'd be stitched in
L2184[21:20:48] <illy> Lex anyother features you need/want
L2185[21:21:05] <LexDesktop> Dunno yet, we'll see.
L2186[21:21:30] <LexDesktop> Ideally we'd have jenkins build PRs and test them *pokes Flamegoat * But not sure how to get that setup sexurly
L2187[21:21:43] <LexDesktop> Securely**
L2188[21:21:46] <LexDesktop> <.< >.>
L2189[21:22:20] <illy> Tracis CI could do that
L2190[21:22:40] <illy> travis*
L2191[21:22:46] * illy cant spell tonight
L2192[21:22:46] <kenzierocks> "sexurly" lol
L2193[21:23:11] <kenzierocks> travis can totally test PRs
L2194[21:23:18] <kenzierocks> and it has decent integration as well
L2195[21:23:24] <illy> I could pr it for you
L2196[21:23:40] <kenzierocks> but then how would you test that PR illy
L2197[21:23:47] <kenzierocks> dun-dun-dun!
L2198[21:23:57] <illy> Local fork
L2199[21:24:19] <illy> and the pr the fork to test the PR test
L2200[21:24:56] <LexDesktop> essentially yes, but I think that things may bork if we tried to use a 3rd party CI like travis
L2201[21:25:13] <LexDesktop> and I dont really WANT to use a 3rd party because techniocally what we do is illegal and I dont want to bring others into it.
L2202[21:25:34] <LexDesktop> Not to mention the build process would eat A LOT of their resources
L2203[21:25:58] <kenzierocks> mm
L2204[21:26:08] <kenzierocks> makes sense
L2205[21:26:46] <illy> how long is a normal Forge build take on the ci?
L2206[21:28:42] <LexDesktop> 15-20 mins
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L2208[21:52:05] <Flamegoat> What, get off my lawn.
L2209[21:52:06] <Flamegoat> Oh sorry
L2210[21:52:08] <Flamegoat> I got poked :D
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L2212[21:55:39] <Flamegoat> Hrm, I'll look at the git listener and see if we can check for PR's - will also consider security implementations.
L2213[21:56:31] <Flamegoat> Or considerations as the case may be.
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L2216[22:00:08] <illy> Woo found a library that supprots status *thought I wasing to have to do it myself*
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L2218[22:00:58] <kenzierocks> illy: you should make a status update
L2219[22:01:00] <kenzierocks> :P
L2220[22:01:41] * illy stabs kenzierocks
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L2222[22:01:52] <illy> stop being punny
L2223[22:01:55] * kenzierocks PATCH /user/kenzierocks
L2224[22:02:20] <illy> gradle genPatches kenzierocks :p
L2225[22:02:25] <kenzierocks> lol
L2226[22:02:50] <kenzierocks> gradle stab -Duser.name=illy
L2227[22:07:24] * illy is ded
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L2241[22:42:54] <hasunwoo> Can anyone tell how to get Item from its unlocalizedname without modid?
L2242[22:43:29] <McJty> You can't safely in general
L2243[22:43:32] <McJty> As there can be multiople
L2244[22:43:35] <McJty> multiple
L2245[22:43:48] <McJty> Why do you need that?
L2246[22:44:03] <hasunwoo> I want to save and load itemstack using file
L2247[22:44:10] <McJty> Don't use unlocalizedname
L2248[22:44:12] <McJty> Use the registry name
L2249[22:44:27] <hasunwoo> How to get registry name from Item?
L2250[22:44:32] <McJty> getRegistryName()
L2251[22:44:42] <McJty> Unless you are on 1.7.10?
L2252[22:44:58] <hasunwoo> I am on 1.7.10
L2253[22:45:07] <McJty> ah. a) why, b) no idea then
L2254[22:45:53] <hasunwoo> I want to make a mod for 1.7.10 skyblock
L2255[22:46:39] <McJty> Why not make one for 1.10.2? There is more need for that there
L2256[22:46:49] <McJty> For 1.7.10 there are already plenty of mods helping with skyblocks
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L2262[22:53:42] *** Mine|dreamland is now known as minecreatr
L2263[22:54:27] *** hasunwoo was kicked by LexDesktop (1) Stop making mods for 1.7.10, 2) Unlocalized names HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE REGISTRY))
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L2266[22:56:29] <LexDesktop> http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,41437.msg219598.html#msg219598
L2267[22:56:36] <LexDesktop> ISO of people who want to make SRG files.
L2268[22:58:47] <kenzierocks> ISO?
L2269[22:59:13] <sweetpi> in search of
L2270[22:59:18] <kenzierocks> ah
L2271[22:59:33] <kenzierocks> kashike: ^ ?
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L2273[22:59:41] <kenzierocks> i know you've made diffs for versions before
L2274[22:59:45] <McJty> Is there a forge event that is called before or after all entities start ticking? i.e. to indicate the start of the TE tick loop?
L2275[22:59:56] <kenzierocks> all entities or all tile entities
L2276[23:00:02] <McJty> Tile Entities in my case
L2277[23:01:06] <ShoweringSanta> Is there documentation of fluid blockstate jsons anywhere?
L2278[23:01:11] *** ShoweringSanta is now known as SatanicSanta
L2279[23:01:24] <hasunwoo> Last time i use coremod to insert event hooks inside World class
L2280[23:02:33] <McJty> Ah WorldTickEvent might be what I need here
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L2282[23:05:11] <Abastro> Coremod...
L2283[23:07:06] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-203-206.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
L2284[23:09:01] <LexDesktop> Why do you need that?
L2285[23:09:54] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-203-206.access.telenet.be)
L2286[23:10:46] <LexDesktop> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/3189 stupid people
L2287[23:18:09] <mrkirby153> Call me crazy, but is there a way to intentionally bring the TPS down on a dimension?
L2288[23:18:37] <luacs1998> mrkirby153, why would you want to do that
L2289[23:18:48] <mrkirby153> Server admin tools
L2290[23:18:49] <luacs1998> the server will realize it's slowing down and skip ticks iirc to catch up
L2291[23:19:08] <SatanicSanta> lmao that PR
L2292[23:19:18] <quadraxis> Someone made this for 1.8->1.9
L2293[23:19:20] <quadraxis> https://gist.github.com/bonii-xx/dcb1b6a9a1d13b69a1c9
L2294[23:19:23] <mrkirby153> luacs1998, I know it does that, but sometimes it doesn't exactly
L2295[23:19:24] <quadraxis> for IDEA
L2296[23:19:41] <luacs1998> SatanicSanta, still doesn't beat the stupidest PR i've seen
L2297[23:19:49] <SatanicSanta> luacs1998: link?
L2298[23:19:51] <luacs1998> someone tried to pull an xray mod into forge
L2299[23:19:56] <luacs1998> two years ago
L2300[23:20:05] <SatanicSanta> o.o
L2301[23:20:13] <SatanicSanta> why.
L2302[23:20:20] <howtonotwin> ytf
L2303[23:20:28] <kenzierocks> it'll make modding easier for everyone™
L2304[23:20:35] <kenzierocks> (and by everyone I mean me!)
L2305[23:21:02] <luacs1998> anyway while i have you guys here https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/3155
L2306[23:21:23] <luacs1998> LatvianModder's PR, i'm plugging it because i want it for FE too
L2307[23:21:42] <luacs1998> @lex if you want hooks pull this first and i can write the hook PR
L2308[23:22:08] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-203-206.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Ik ga weg)
L2309[23:22:10] <mrkirby153> oooh, I like that idea
L2310[23:22:10] <LexDesktop> Still havent had time to sit down and look it over
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L2312[23:22:22] <LexDesktop> and last time I asked if it supported my examples
L2313[23:22:40] <LexDesktop> his response was "sorta" so its not really encouraging
L2314[23:22:40] <luacs1998> last time you asked was a few months back, that was my work
L2315[23:22:45] <luacs1998> iir
L2316[23:22:51] <luacs1998> iirc that was my work (2899)
L2317[23:22:58] <LexDesktop> no this was like 2 days ago
L2318[23:23:01] <mrkirby153> Didn't forge get relicensed or is that a different thing?
L2319[23:23:08] <luacs1998> aye 2 days ago then
L2320[23:23:12] <LexDesktop> Yes it did
L2321[23:23:20] <mrkirby153> What's it now?
L2322[23:24:17] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-203-206.access.telenet.be)
L2323[23:24:23] <quadraxis> LGPL 2.1
L2324[23:24:34] <mrkirby153> I thought it always was LGPL
L2325[23:25:03] <luacs1998> lex, i'm assuming your examples were detailed in this comment https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/2899#issuecomment-222331289
L2326[23:25:22] <quadraxis> RE: license https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/3007
L2327[23:26:30] <luacs1998> and my response in the comments directly below
L2328[23:26:39] <mrkirby153> I was thinking about getting back into modding
L2329[23:26:40] <luacs1998> if you have any more cases you'd like me to address
L2330[23:26:45] <luacs1998> i'll be happy to do so
L2331[23:27:44] <Abastro> How frequent getCelestialAngle/calculateCelestialAngle got called by modders?
L2332[23:32:26] <McJty> Abastro, it is sometimes called by mods that want to do something with time
L2333[23:32:33] <McJty> Like decide if it is noon or something
L2334[23:32:44] <McJty> For solar panels and such
L2335[23:32:48] <mrkirby153> Whoah, forge has test mods?
L2336[23:32:53] <Abastro> Oh no why they should check noon with that
L2337[23:33:05] <McJty> Abastro, how else?
L2338[23:33:20] <Abastro> For amount of light
L2339[23:33:57] <Abastro> calculateSunlightFactor or getSubtractedSkylight
L2340[23:34:12] <LexDesktop> Thats one of the examples yes
L2341[23:34:17] <LexDesktop> the other is in tehre somewhere
L2342[23:34:26] <LexDesktop> related to nether, and shit like that
L2343[23:34:39] <McJty> Abastro, where are those functions?
L2344[23:34:54] <Abastro> Thought and getCelestialAngle is best for noon.
L2345[23:35:00] <luacs1998> this one? https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/2899#issuecomment-221433628
L2346[23:35:05] <Abastro> Oh no..
L2347[23:35:49] <Abastro> McJty they are used to calculate amount of skylight. Definitely better for solar panels
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L2349[23:35:58] <McJty> Abastro, yes but where are they?
L2350[23:36:00] <luacs1998> @lex yes, i believe that's covered too
L2351[23:36:03] <McJty> I can't find functions with that name
L2352[23:36:12] <Abastro> WorldProvider?
L2353[23:36:14] <luacs1998> i guess lat said "sorta" because he didn't really know what you wanted
L2354[23:36:34] <Abastro> getSubtractedSkylight should be on World
L2355[23:36:38] <McJty> Abastro, nope
L2356[23:36:55] <luacs1998> but from my understanding of both the API and your comments i can say that "yes, it supports your examples"
L2357[23:37:34] <LexDesktop> I dont care what you beeleive
L2358[23:37:37] <LexDesktop> code or stuf
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L2361[23:38:33] <Abastro> McJty, i remembered the name wrong. It was getSunBrightnessFactor
L2362[23:39:12] <McJty> ok. That uses getCelestialAngle itself though. But yes, would be better
L2363[23:41:19] <Abastro> Well, yes.
L2364[23:42:38] *** PrinceCat is now known as PrinceCat`Away
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L2366[23:44:04] ⇨ Joins: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@184-88-190-37.res.bhn.net)
L2367[23:46:54] <mrkirby153> I thought git rebase -i HEAD~<whatever> didn't squash commits, you'd have to tell it to
L2368[23:47:28] <kenzierocks> that's true
L2369[23:47:37] <kenzierocks> the "-i" stands for interactive
L2370[23:47:48] <kenzierocks> you have to tell it to do anything
L2371[23:47:53] <mrkirby153> I know, I butcher my commit history every so often XD
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L2373[23:48:14] <mrkirby153> I dunno if the wiki is outdated, but https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/wiki/If-you-want-to-contribute-to-Forge#how-to-squash-commits doesn't go into full detail
L2374[23:48:29] <mrkirby153> Just a minor nuance. I doubt it really matters
L2375[23:49:40] <LexDesktop> Not any more, Github lets me squash when I pull
L2376[23:49:53] <mrkirby153> Fancy
L2377[23:50:02] <kenzierocks> ooh yea
L2378[23:50:06] <kenzierocks> that is pretty cool
L2379[23:50:23] <mrkirby153> It just does the rebasing for you? (I wouldn't really know, never worked on a project like this)
L2380[23:51:09] <luacs1998> yep
L2381[23:51:34] <mrkirby153> http://i.imgur.com/W30RmBK.png That's what happens when you tell developers to learn git
L2382[23:52:16] <howtonotwin> That looks pretty clean actually
L2383[23:52:47] <mrkirby153> I guess you could argue that
L2384[23:52:52] <howtonotwin> There's a slow master branch that is always stable, a live dev branch, and several topic branches. There also seems to be a hotfix in there
L2385[23:53:12] <mrkirby153> That never was the intention
L2386[23:53:24] <howtonotwin> That's actually a common pattern :P
L2387[23:53:39] <howtonotwin> or at least is should be
L2388[23:53:40] <mrkirby153> howtonotwin, This was people who have no idea how to git attempting to use it
L2389[23:54:05] <mrkirby153> There was no branching there, which makes it so bad
L2390[23:54:14] <howtonotwin> then what are the lines?
L2391[23:54:22] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-203-206.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
L2392[23:54:35] <mrkirby153> Git's auto merging of upstream commits I think
L2393[23:54:44] <mrkirby153> That was from earlier this year
L2394[23:56:31] <mrkirby153> howtonotwin, A lot of those commits were "Merge branch 'develop' from 'http://github.com/$Something/$repo'"
L2395[23:57:07] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-203-206.access.telenet.be)
L2396[23:57:17] <mrkirby153> I wish we could do feature branches
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L2399[23:58:10] <howtonotwin> git help everyday is great in both senses of the phrase :P
L2400[23:58:36] <mrkirby153> I wrote a short guide on the basics of git
L2401[23:58:51] <mrkirby153> (Mostly copy/pasted from git-scm.com)
L2402[23:58:54] <kenzierocks> wow
L2403[23:58:55] <kenzierocks> giteveryday - A useful minimum set of commands for Everyday Git
L2404[23:59:06] <kenzierocks> actually a part of stand alone git
L2405[23:59:08] <mrkirby153> They didn't read the thing I wrote
L2406[23:59:20] <SatanicSanta> I prefer to just read the docs.
L2407[23:59:34] <howtonotwin> what's the f in rtfd.io anyway?
L2408[23:59:47] <mrkirby153> SatanicSanta, I don't think they even know what docs are
L2409[23:59:52] <SatanicSanta> howtonotwin: fucking i believe
L2410[23:59:53] <mrkirby153> Thats the level I was given to work with
L2411[23:59:55] <TehNut> read the fucking docs
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