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L11[00:26:57] <BordListian> how to check if two banners are equal 101
L12[00:27:05] <BordListian> boolean bothnull = (patternsA == null || patternsA.tagCount() == 0) && (patternsB == null || patternsB.tagCount() == 0);
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L16[00:31:47] <BordListian> for some reason you can sometimes get banners that have a pattern list set but its empty
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L21[00:37:05] <killjoy> If only there was some sort of equals method for nbt
L22[00:37:46] <killjoy> Something like NBTBase.equals(Object)
L23[00:37:48] <BordListian> there is
L24[00:37:57] <killjoy> \/s
L25[00:37:59] <BordListian> but it's not gonna work
L26[00:38:13] <killjoy> I guess you gotta make your own
L27[00:38:39] <BordListian> it would work if that list wasn't randomly null
L28[00:39:07] <kashike> is func_181123_a not what you're looking for?
L29[00:39:15] <BordListian> func what
L30[00:39:21] <BordListian> can i get a srg name in here
L31[00:39:26] <killjoy> !!gm 181123
L32[00:39:27] <MCPBot_Reborn> === MC 1.10.2: net/minecraft/nbt/NBTUtil.areNBTEquals (eb.a) UNLOCKED ===
L33[00:39:28] <MCPBot_Reborn> Name : a => func_181123_a => areNBTEquals
L34[00:39:29] <MCPBot_Reborn> Descriptor : (Lef;Lef;Z)Z => (Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTBase;Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTBase;Z)Z
L35[00:39:29] <MCPBot_Reborn> Comment : None
L36[00:39:30] <MCPBot_Reborn> SRG Params : NBTBase p_181123_0_, NBTBase p_181123_1_, Z p_181123_2_
L37[00:39:31] <MCPBot_Reborn> MCP Params : NBTBase nbt1, NBTBase nbt2, boolean compareTagList
L38[00:39:32] <MCPBot_Reborn> Last Change: 2016-03-05 05:20:21.826980-05:00 (mrpingouin)
L39[00:39:38] <BordListian> again
L40[00:39:42] <BordListian> it would work
L41[00:39:51] <BordListian> if that list wasn't randomly null
L42[00:39:55] ⇦ Quits: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-108-184.buckeyecom.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L43[00:40:02] <killjoy> btw, that's a terrible name
L44[00:40:26] <killjoy> could we not have just overloaded equals?
L45[00:40:27] <BordListian> yeah it's pretty dumb especially as equals is overridden on every single nbtbase extending class
L46[00:41:02] <killjoy> static equals methods catch nulls
L47[00:41:20] <BordListian> ah
L48[00:41:21] ⇦ Quits: electrolitic (~electroli@104-184-56-125.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L49[00:41:23] <BordListian> wait
L50[00:41:47] <BordListian> does that mean it'd return true for comparison of an nbttaglist of size 0 and null
L51[00:42:01] <killjoy> isn't size an int?
L52[00:42:06] <killjoy> int can't be null
L53[00:42:16] <BordListian> nbttaglist of size 0 is nbttaglist
L54[00:42:21] <TehNut> null list vs list of size 0
L55[00:42:24] <killjoy> []
L56[00:42:40] <killjoy> someone probably tried to remove it by setting null
L57[00:42:46] <killjoy> or it's just not initialized
L58[00:42:50] <BordListian> you're right
L59[00:42:55] <BordListian> someone probably tried that
L60[00:43:11] <BordListian> in this dev enviroment that has vanilla, forge and my thing
L61[00:43:25] <BordListian> and i'm not touching nbt tags
L62[00:43:30] <BordListian> only reading them
L63[00:43:32] <killjoy> I know I do that for enchantments, but it's just to fix a client-side rendering issue of mine.
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L65[00:43:50] <killjoy> I throw away the itemstack after I render it.
L66[00:44:13] <TehNut> Banners default to a null list
L67[00:44:16] <killjoy> I guess technically null != []
L68[00:44:45] <killjoy> everything defaults to a null everything
L69[00:44:54] <BordListian> yeah i have no idea how i got two empty banners that are somehow not stacking
L70[00:45:09] <BordListian> because one has null and one has a 0 length list
L71[00:45:28] <killjoy> just say empty list
L72[00:45:33] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L73[00:45:40] <killjoy> save yourself some keystrokes
L74[00:46:11] <BordListian> *shrugs*
L75[00:46:30] <BordListian> somehow the rest of this stuff is working tho which is pretty great
L76[00:46:59] <BordListian> oddly, players are not EntityLiving
L77[00:47:04] <killjoy> how often do you gets [] banners?
L78[00:47:12] <killjoy> EntityLiving is for mobs
L79[00:47:14] <BordListian> i got one so far
L80[00:47:26] <killjoy> Then it's too rare to fix
L81[00:47:39] <killjoy> is it really that much of an issue?
L82[00:47:42] <BordListian> well i fixed it
L83[00:47:50] <BordListian> yes it's that much of an issue
L84[00:48:06] <BordListian> it's a banner detector
L85[00:48:12] <BordListian> detecter?
L86[00:48:47] <BordListian> it would be weird to put two identical banners infront of the detector (or wearing it on your head) and it not triggering
L87[00:49:09] * killjoy is confizzled
L88[00:50:07] <BordListian> the AABB constructor for one blockpos correctly adds 1 but the one for two blockpos doesn't
L89[00:50:47] <killjoy> banners?
L90[00:51:07] <BordListian> in general
L91[00:52:14] <BordListian> so if you make a new AABB with the two blockpos constructor but put the same blockpos twice it will make an empty AABB
L92[00:52:29] <BordListian> whereas putting one blockpos creates a 1x1x1 AABB
L93[00:58:33] ⇦ Quits: RichardG (~richardg8@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L94[01:00:29] *** Vigaro is now known as V
L95[01:00:47] <killjoy> AABB is out of my experience
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L106[01:26:19] <HACKhalo2> alright, so apparently the wiki has been archived... why, if I can ask?
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L109[01:35:09] <BordListian> because all information is soon to be taken exclusively from githubs of other mods
L110[01:35:38] <sham1> Or gitlabs
L111[01:37:24] <sham1> Also, there is only one github
L112[01:37:58] <HACKhalo2> so, the Github Wiki is now the official one?
L113[01:38:11] <HACKhalo2> or has it not been made yet?
L114[01:38:12] <TehNut> http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
L115[01:38:27] <sham1> Contributions are welcome
L116[01:39:03] <HACKhalo2> I'm willing to contribute, I just need to know where
L117[01:39:23] <TehNut> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/Documentation/
L118[01:39:35] <sham1> Damn it
L119[01:39:38] <sham1> Was too slow
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L121[01:41:11] <HACKhalo2> alright, thanks. I'll pull it down on my laptop and start writing up/filling in information on my stupid long work shifts
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L123[01:43:07] <HACKhalo2> I'm assuming Access Transformers haven't changed between 1.7.10 and now, yes?
L124[01:43:42] <sham1> I don'
L125[01:43:50] <sham1> think so
L126[01:43:54] <sham1> But you should not use them
L127[01:44:07] <McJty> Sometimes you cannot avoid them
L128[01:44:36] <McJty> Note that AT's haven't changed but the methods can have changed so you will have to update them most likely
L129[01:44:47] <sham1> And I said should not use
L130[01:44:49] <sham1> Not not use
L131[01:45:05] <HACKhalo2> I can avoid it, but the Reflection overhead I have is stupid
L132[01:45:17] <McJty> For what are you using an AT?
L133[01:45:34] <sham1> HACKhalo2, https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/invoke/MethodHandles.html
L134[01:46:17] <sham1> If you have that in your code as a static final variable, the invocation overhead is no more than invoking a normal field or a method
L135[01:46:25] <sham1> Basically, the JIT optimises it
L136[01:46:35] <sham1> Exists since Java7
L137[01:46:37] <McJty> I have a few AT's that change a method from private to public so that I can override it
L138[01:46:42] <McJty> Hard to do that with reflection I think
L139[01:46:53] <sham1> McJty, why not make them protected then
L140[01:46:59] <HACKhalo2> I need to make some RenderManager variables public so I can draw outlines
L141[01:47:12] <sham1> Well, MethodHandles it is
L142[01:47:15] <McJty> I could also do that of course
L143[01:47:35] <sham1> Because making the method public is probably excessive
L144[01:48:05] <McJty> HACKhalo2, In such a situation I usually just copy over the private method to my own code
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L146[01:48:44] <sham1> Yeah, you probably could draw some outlines yourself
L147[01:48:58] <McJty> I usually end up making changes to it anyway to suit my needs
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L149[01:50:56] <HACKhalo2> well, what I'm currently doing is hooking into the renderPositionX through Z and drawing an outline when the RenderEngine draws the block
L150[01:51:26] <sham1> Okay?
L151[01:51:28] <HACKhalo2> because why do it twice?
L152[01:52:00] <HACKhalo2> extremely hacky, but it works, other then the overhead from Reflection
L153[01:52:53] <sham1> If you use methodhandles, there will be no overhead
L154[01:53:43] <HACKhalo2> I'm looking at how to use methodhandles now
L155[01:54:06] <sham1> For private fields, you first get the Field object of the thing you are looking for
L156[01:54:56] <sham1> Then in MethodHandles.Lookup there is this method called unReflectSetter and unReflectGetter, that give you a "getter" and a "setter" of the field
L157[01:54:56] <HACKhalo2> alright, already have those
L158[01:55:18] <sham1> Umn, show your code
L159[01:55:22] <sham1> I want to see
L160[01:56:14] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L161[01:56:26] <HACKhalo2> https://gist.github.com/HACKhalo2/4ff97148767753c9607217473ce5d855 <-- using the old reflection code
L162[01:56:51] <sham1> Okay
L163[01:58:18] <sham1> Let me make you an example of how they are to be used
L164[01:59:25] <HACKhalo2> from what you said so far, instead of manually using setAccessible, I use MethodHandle.Lookup with the getter and setter
L165[01:59:28] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160731 mappings to Forge Maven.
L166[01:59:31] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160731-1.10.2.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160731" in build.gradle).
L167[01:59:41] <sham1> You still need setAccessible AFAIK
L168[01:59:42] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L169[01:59:47] <HACKhalo2> oh
L170[01:59:50] <sham1> It does not hurt for it to be there
L171[01:59:56] <HACKhalo2> alright
L172[01:59:56] <sham1> Let me just write the example for you
L173[02:00:00] <HACKhalo2> okay
L174[02:00:01] <sham1> It will be easier
L175[02:00:04] <HACKhalo2> :P
L176[02:00:25] <HACKhalo2> especially since my brain is barely working after 14 hours at work
L177[02:03:25] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L178[02:03:48] <Tazz> anyone got any architectural design styles that they really like in MC? XD
L179[02:05:11] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098)
L180[02:09:00] <sham1> https://gist.github.com/sham1/adc411d265d5fb38096238c996251aa3
L181[02:09:10] <sham1> Note that I have not actually tested this code anywhere
L182[02:09:25] <sham1> I just wrote it how I remember the procedure
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L184[02:10:50] <HACKhalo2> hrm, alright
L185[02:11:32] <HACKhalo2> might need some casts if MethodHandle doesn't do them, but I think I get the jist of it
L186[02:12:02] <HACKhalo2> and they update when the class that uses them updates, yes?
L187[02:12:21] <sham1> What do you mean
L188[02:13:13] <HACKhalo2> like, if renderPositionX goes from 0 to 5, my MethodHandle will return 5 with the getter?
L189[02:13:29] <sham1> Of course
L190[02:13:34] <HACKhalo2> okay, sweet
L191[02:14:02] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L192[02:14:05] <HACKhalo2> Reflection is a bunch of magic to me, so I tend to try and avoid it when I can
L193[02:14:25] <sham1> This is reflection, but faster
L194[02:14:35] <sham1> Thank you Java 7
L195[02:14:36] <HACKhalo2> faster is better
L196[02:15:05] <HACKhalo2> alright, thank you so much sham1
L197[02:15:24] <HACKhalo2> now to go back and tinker some more before I pass out
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L206[02:48:50] <Subaraki> rendering registering changed ? what's IRenderFactory ?
L207[02:49:49] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L208[02:51:00] <BordListian> >an interface for render factories
L209[02:51:04] <BordListian> i'm screaming
L210[02:53:53] <sham1> Why
L211[02:54:33] ⇦ Quits: butchster (butchster@CPE5039555ca95c-CM5039555ca959.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L212[02:54:34] <sham1> factories are good
L213[02:54:46] <Subaraki> so i implemented that
L214[02:54:58] <Subaraki> and returned 'this' in the interface method
L215[02:55:06] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L216[02:55:09] <sham1> In Java 8 you can have it be a lambda expression
L217[02:55:15] ⇨ Joins: butchster (butchster@CPE5039555ca95c-CM5039555ca959.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
L218[02:55:24] <Subaraki> yeah, but lets not go for that right now
L219[02:55:30] <Subaraki> some people might stll have old java
L220[02:55:41] <sham1> They should update
L221[02:56:51] <Subaraki> the problem is the registering now
L222[02:58:13] <Subaraki> RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityPainting.class, (IRenderFactory)(new RenderPaintingLate(null)));
L223[02:58:17] <Subaraki> this seems all but legit :s
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L232[03:18:33] <hch12907> are there any changes to item models? my item is as large as a block since i updated to 1.9
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L256[03:40:23] <hch12907> interesting...
L257[03:40:23] <hch12907> http://i.imgur.com/JADYD37.png
L258[03:40:45] <hch12907> when i attempt to click on the item, it disappears
L259[03:41:04] *** Darkevilmac is now known as DarkevilAway
L260[03:41:25] <BordListian> seen a similar thing in better with mods
L261[03:42:07] <BordListian> while it's in the crafting grid as a 0 stack you can even continue crafting with it
L262[03:42:27] <hch12907> are there ways to fix it?
L263[03:44:02] <BordListian> yeah probably
L264[03:44:29] <BordListian> are you the author or do you want it fixed in a pack?
L265[03:44:57] <hch12907> i am the author
L266[03:45:21] ⇨ Joins: RichardG (~richardg8@
L267[03:45:21] MineBot sets mode: +v on RichardG
L268[03:45:34] <hch12907> just figured it out, need to do itemStack.copy() first, modify the itemstack and return it
L269[03:46:09] <hch12907> which is weird as it worked perfectly in 1.8
L270[03:46:19] <hch12907> without the itemStack.copy()
L271[03:49:28] <BordListian> wait are you fucking with me
L272[03:49:31] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L273[03:49:36] <BordListian> you can set velocity and add velocity
L274[03:49:39] <BordListian> but you can't get it
L275[03:49:42] <BordListian> ???????
L276[03:49:59] <hch12907> at which class?
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L280[03:50:08] <BordListian> EntityPlayer
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L282[03:51:07] <killjoy> posX - prevPosX
L283[03:51:32] <BordListian> but why
L284[03:51:49] <killjoy> motionX is only updated client-side from what I've experienced
L285[03:52:01] <killjoy> and it's not sent to the clients either
L286[03:52:26] <BordListian> additional question
L287[03:52:33] <BordListian> what's the order of coodinates on addVelocity
L288[03:52:43] <BordListian> x,z,y or x,y,z?
L289[03:52:44] <killjoy> xyz
L290[03:52:53] <BordListian> ok
L291[03:52:55] <killjoy> when ever is it xzy?
L292[03:53:34] <BordListian> atleast one occasion
L293[03:53:39] <BordListian> that i don't remember at all
L294[03:53:53] <hch12907> my item model terribly big(as big as a block) in 1st person and 3rd person
L295[03:53:55] <BordListian> even better, the argument names are switched
L296[03:54:13] <hch12907> even in the world(as entity) it is big
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L301[03:59:01] <Subaraki> it can't seem to load in a file located in src/main/resources/subaraki/art/file.png
L302[03:59:18] <Subaraki> subaraki:art/file.png doesnt do it
L303[03:59:29] <Subaraki> and neither are a bunch of other ways of spelling it :(
L304[03:59:45] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L305[03:59:50] <BordListian> subaraki:subaraki/art/file.png ?
L306[04:00:04] <Subaraki> :o
L307[04:00:06] <Subaraki> maybe
L308[04:00:10] <BordListian> hm
L309[04:00:21] <Subaraki> java.io.FileNotFoundException: subaraki:subaraki/art/gib.png
L310[04:00:22] <Subaraki> :/
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L313[04:03:59] <BordListian> doing a thing to make hot blocks provide updrift for the elytra but i have no idea what vel means
L314[04:04:13] <BordListian> so i'm blindly typing in values and shooting thousands of blocks into the air
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L317[04:09:37] <Subaraki> vel is probably velocity
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L321[04:12:53] <BordListian> in terms of value
L322[04:13:07] <BordListian> i'm assuming meters per tick
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L345[04:55:35] <MalkContent> there an easy way to remove unused imports?
L346[04:55:48] <MalkContent> i always remove them all and readd every redlined thing :x
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L349[04:57:30] <BordListian> is there actually any info on how BossInfo works at all
L350[04:57:42] <BordListian> it's like a magical class, seperate from everything
L351[04:58:24] <MalkContent> (eclipse btw)
L352[04:59:16] <MalkContent> i only remember that unused imports would be remarked automatically in school projects, never happened for coding for minecraft though
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L354[05:01:41] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L355[05:02:07] <MalkContent> nvm, got it :)
L356[05:04:04] <BordListian> ah, that's why
L357[05:04:07] <BordListian> wow
L358[05:04:14] <BordListian> it's literally a packetsender
L359[05:04:33] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L360[05:05:33] <Subaraki> gradlew's not detecting my java 8 install :/
L361[05:06:04] <Subaraki> gradlew's not detecting my java 8 install :1.6 ??
L362[05:06:54] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@
L363[05:10:08] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L364[05:11:13] <IoP> ... JAVA_HOME or PATH
L365[05:12:19] <Subaraki> both set to 1.8
L366[05:13:06] *** amadornes[OFF] is now known as amadornes
L367[05:13:16] <Subaraki> java home : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_91
L368[05:13:34] <Subaraki> path : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_91\bin;
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L370[05:14:32] MineBot sets mode: +v on RichardG
L371[05:15:13] <gigaherz> Subaraki: what do you mean "not detecting"
L372[05:15:16] <gigaherz> what does it say?
L373[05:15:36] <gigaherz> don't just give us your interpretation, show logs to go along with it
L374[05:16:02] <Subaraki> http://pastebin.com/WGNpYDe8
L375[05:16:16] <gigaherz> that has nothing to do with finding java8
L376[05:16:19] <gigaherz> it means you don't have
L377[05:16:37] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/build.gradle#L44
L378[05:16:45] <gigaherz> java 8 source compatibility assigned
L379[05:16:50] <gigaherz> since forge defaults to 6
L380[05:17:00] <BordListian> still!?
L381[05:17:11] <gigaherz> MC is compiled to java6
L382[05:17:15] <gigaherz> so forge will remain java6
L383[05:17:35] <BordListian> i thought there was a big push towards java8 last year
L384[05:17:43] <gigaherz> nah
L385[05:17:49] ⇦ Quits: RichardG (~richardg8@ (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L386[05:17:49] <gigaherz> it was just us modders who stopped giving fucks about it
L387[05:18:10] <Subaraki> well then <_<
L388[05:19:17] ⇨ Joins: Naiten (Naiten@86-102-26-30.xdsl.primorye.ru)
L389[05:19:21] <BordListian> and here i thought adding some really hacky bossinfo code would make this work
L390[05:20:10] <Subaraki> thanks gigaherz :) that worked
L391[05:20:16] <gigaherz> np
L392[05:20:59] <BordListian> oh do i need to manually add tracked players
L393[05:21:09] <BordListian> boy oh boy
L394[05:23:35] <gigaherz> I wish I knew how the boss info bar works
L395[05:23:43] <gigaherz> so I could know if what you are saying sounds crazy or not
L396[05:23:44] <gigaherz> XD
L397[05:23:52] <BordListian> i'm looking at wither code
L398[05:24:07] <BordListian> it adds any entities it tracks to the bossinfo tracking
L399[05:24:21] <BordListian> which is essentially just sending a bunch of messages
L400[05:25:55] <BordListian> ya gaia guardian does the same thing
L401[05:28:01] <gigaherz> sounds like a prime target for a forge capability ;P
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L404[05:28:15] <BordListian> it already has one for rendering
L405[05:28:24] <BordListian> because botania, i assume
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L409[05:33:21] <secknv> hello
L410[05:33:53] <secknv> erm is this where I should ask for help with blockstates jason files
L411[05:34:02] <secknv> json*
L412[05:35:04] <secknv> basically my problem is that one of the blocks my mod adds has a huge size while held on hand and while floating on the floor as item
L413[05:35:11] <secknv> compared to vanilla blocks
L414[05:35:41] <secknv> what is messing with my head is that another block my mod adds is perfectly normal
L415[05:36:11] <secknv> and I know the problem comes from the block model json
L416[05:36:27] <secknv> (sry I already noticed this isn't really about blockstates)
L417[05:36:48] <secknv> but I have no idea how to fix it
L418[05:37:20] <gigaherz> your model jsons should have "parent":"block/block"
L419[05:37:22] <gigaherz> or you should use
L420[05:37:35] <gigaherz> "transform":"forge:default-block" on the forge blockstates file
L421[05:38:35] <secknv> that goes in the same level as the "textures" thing?
L422[05:39:06] <gigaherz> yes
L423[05:39:25] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/elementsofpower/blockstates/analyzer.json#L5
L424[05:39:27] <secknv> ok imma run it
L425[05:39:56] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Enderthing/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/enderthing/models/block/blockEnderKeyChest.json#L2
L426[05:40:03] <secknv> thanks for that
L427[05:40:05] <secknv> also
L428[05:40:17] <secknv> what it the forge marker and why should I put that in
L429[05:40:32] <gigaherz> the forge marker makes the blockstates file load with the forge blockstates loader
L430[05:40:33] <gigaherz> if not set
L431[05:40:39] <gigaherz> it will load with the vanilla blockstates loader
L432[05:40:46] <secknv> thanks
L433[05:40:54] <gigaherz> forge blockstates enables a different feature set
L434[05:41:09] <gigaherz> http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/blockstates/forgeBlockstates/
L435[05:41:42] <secknv> I went there and did not see this
L436[05:41:44] <secknv> sry for derp
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L438[05:42:07] <BordListian> EntityPlayerMP only exists on the server, right?
L439[05:43:23] <gigaherz> "exists" no
L440[05:43:45] <gigaherz> but it's used only on the server thread, yes
L441[05:43:56] <gigaherz> however, you shouldn't rely on "instanceof EntityPlayerMP" for testing things
L442[05:44:07] <BordListian> it's for bossinfo
L443[05:44:13] <BordListian> it only takes EntityPlayerMP
L444[05:44:17] <BordListian> for tracking
L445[05:44:29] <gigaherz> yeah that logic should only run on the server thread
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L447[05:49:10] <BordListian> can i get the amount of ticks the server has been running for somehow?
L448[05:49:26] <BordListian> or do i just keep track of it myself with the server tick event
L449[05:49:33] <gigaherz> no idea
L450[05:49:39] <gigaherz> I know how to get the total ticks for a world
L451[05:49:53] <gigaherz> but never checked if the server itself has a counter
L452[05:50:11] <gigaherz> yes it does!
L453[05:50:23] <gigaherz> MinecraftServer#getTickCounter
L454[05:50:24] <gigaherz> ;P
L455[05:50:33] <BordListian> that's good
L456[05:51:08] <BordListian> cause i feel running large bounding box searches for other players every tick might be a little slow :P
L457[05:51:22] <gigaherz> wat
L458[05:51:42] <gigaherz> why do you need to search for other players?!
L459[05:52:17] <BordListian> RandomThings had an evil tear item that would give you a boss healthbar for a little while
L460[05:52:25] <BordListian> but it got removed in a recentish commit
L461[05:52:29] <gigaherz> sure
L462[05:52:30] <BordListian> trying to bring it back
L463[05:52:32] <gigaherz> but I mean
L464[05:52:41] <gigaherz> entities ALREADY have a system that lets you know which players are seeing them
L465[05:52:56] <gigaherz> and events for when a player starts and stops watching an entity
L466[05:53:07] <BordListian> what does seeing mean in this context?
L467[05:53:14] <gigaherz> within rendering range
L468[05:53:15] <BordListian> chunkloaded?
L469[05:53:16] <BordListian> ah
L470[05:53:25] <gigaherz> the 128 block limit on the server, that is
L471[05:53:26] <BordListian> okay that would be a lot smarter
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L474[05:54:54] ⇨ Joins: hch12907 (~hch12907@
L475[05:55:58] <gigaherz> BordListian: http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/datastorage/extendedentityproperties/#synchronizing-data-with-clients
L476[05:56:01] <gigaherz> take a look at that
L477[05:56:08] <gigaherz> I wrote it for IEEPs, which are now gone from forge
L478[05:56:15] ⇦ Quits: sokratis12GR (kiwiirc@ (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
L479[05:56:17] <gigaherz> but the event descriptions will still be useful to you
L480[05:56:53] <BordListian> appreciated
L481[05:57:37] <gigaherz> specifically you will be interested on the EntityTracker, and the PlayerEvent.StartTracking and StopTracking
L482[05:58:04] <gigaherz> (stoptracking isn't that necessary)
L483[05:59:32] <secknv> hm what exactly does the transform forge default block do though
L484[06:00:29] <BordListian> why is stoptracking not necessary tho
L485[06:00:30] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L486[06:00:48] <gigaherz> BordListian: it may be necessary to you
L487[06:00:56] <gigaherz> if you have to send a "stop showing boss bar" message
L488[06:01:08] <BordListian> ye
L489[06:01:08] <gigaherz> but for like, synchronizing random visual stuff on an entity
L490[06:01:15] <BordListian> i see
L491[06:01:23] <gigaherz> it doesn't matter since the entity is just discarded from the client
L492[06:02:42] <gigaherz> secknv: in forge blockstates files
L493[06:02:50] <gigaherz> "transform" is equivalent to the "display" on model jsons
L494[06:02:55] <gigaherz> forge has special presets
L495[06:03:12] <gigaherz> "forge:default-block", "forge:default-item", ...
L496[06:03:16] <secknv> oh I see
L497[06:03:31] <secknv> so how does the item one work
L498[06:04:01] <gigaherz> the item one has the same transforms as item/generated.json
L499[06:04:03] <secknv> I have this http://pastebin.com/AxyWviBK
L500[06:04:11] <gigaherz> while the block one has the same transforms as block/block.json
L501[06:04:31] <gigaherz> secknv: you can remove the "display" section, and use "parent":"item/generated"
L502[06:04:38] <gigaherz> that's the 1.9+ way of doing it in vanilla
L503[06:04:57] <secknv> and that will fix the gigantic ingot in my hand
L504[06:05:11] <secknv> this is originally someth I had done for 1.7 yes
L505[06:05:19] <secknv> trying to update and keep doing it
L506[06:05:44] <secknv> but I am noob so I have to come here and annoy you
L507[06:06:08] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Enderthing/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/enderthing/models/item/enderCard.json
L508[06:06:13] <gigaherz> this is all you need for an item model json
L509[06:06:21] <gigaherz> don't worry, that's why we are here
L510[06:06:28] <gigaherz> if I didn't want to help people
L511[06:06:37] <gigaherz> I wouldn't have answered when you asked for help
L512[06:07:11] <secknv> thanks
L513[06:08:01] <secknv> when I become a real pro I'll come here and pay it back by helping the new noobs
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L515[06:10:22] <secknv> on the item json for the block item
L516[06:10:33] <secknv> what do I do with the display field
L517[06:11:18] <secknv> http://pastebin.com/ct9wS1zX
L518[06:11:27] <secknv> thats what I have
L519[06:11:43] <gigaherz> you shouldn't need anything there
L520[06:11:53] <gigaherz> what does the uranium ore json look like?
L521[06:12:02] ⇨ Joins: RedEnergy (~forwo@5850-AMTS-2-58.dialup.samtel.ru)
L522[06:12:07] <secknv> so leave it just as it is
L523[06:12:22] <gigaherz> no I mean
L524[06:12:27] ⇨ Joins: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk)
L525[06:12:27] <gigaherz> you shouldn't need a display section at all
L526[06:12:36] <secknv> http://pastebin.com/iV8Gwdgd
L527[06:12:41] <secknv> this is the blockstate
L528[06:12:53] <gigaherz> not the blockstate
L529[06:12:55] <gigaherz> the block model json
L530[06:13:15] <secknv> http://pastebin.com/JRnmBU1v
L531[06:13:17] ⇦ Parts: RedEnergy (~forwo@5850-AMTS-2-58.dialup.samtel.ru) ())
L532[06:13:33] <gigaherz> thought so
L533[06:13:40] <gigaherz> yep you can safely remove that "display" section completely
L534[06:13:48] <secknv> ok
L535[06:13:53] <gigaherz> cube_all already handles it for you, now
L536[06:14:09] ⇦ Quits: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L537[06:14:39] <secknv> is there a place where these premade parenst are listed or something like that
L538[06:14:40] ⇨ Joins: HACKhalo2 (~HACKhalo2@66-227-242-159.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com)
L539[06:15:04] <secknv> I was wondering about the diuferences between block/block and block/cube_all
L540[06:15:22] <gigaherz> block/block is a base
L541[06:15:29] <gigaherz> it has the default block transforms
L542[06:15:33] <gigaherz> for when it's held in the hand
L543[06:15:34] <gigaherz> then
L544[06:15:36] <gigaherz> block/cube
L545[06:15:41] <gigaherz> extends block/block
L546[06:15:48] <gigaherz> and adds the faces for a cube
L547[06:15:56] <gigaherz> east, west, north, south, up, down
L548[06:15:59] <gigaherz> and then on top of that
L549[06:16:02] <gigaherz> block/cube_all
L550[06:16:05] ⇨ Joins: irctc496 (~irctc496@
L551[06:16:09] <gigaherz> extends block/cube
L552[06:16:10] <irctc496> hi
L553[06:16:14] <gigaherz> and says that all the 6 faces
L554[06:16:23] <gigaherz> should be assigned the same "all" texture
L555[06:17:14] <secknv> so for a block that looks like this http://imgur.com/a/XYt7K
L556[06:17:30] <secknv> the best would be?
L557[06:17:45] <gigaherz> are all sides identical?
L558[06:17:54] <secknv> it's also made so that it has a specific facing when you place it
L559[06:17:56] <secknv> no
L560[06:18:00] <secknv> sides are difference
L561[06:18:05] <secknv> different*
L562[06:18:07] <gigaherz> are all sides identical except one?
L563[06:18:13] <gigaherz> or each side is different?
L564[06:18:30] <secknv> its not like that I think
L565[06:18:33] <secknv> 1 sec
L566[06:18:37] <gigaherz> if each side is different, you want block/cube
L567[06:18:41] ⇦ Quits: HACKhalo2 (~HACKhalo2@66-227-242-159.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L568[06:18:44] <gigaherz> then in the textures part
L569[06:18:46] <gigaherz> you'll have
L570[06:18:50] <gigaherz> "north": "whatever",
L571[06:18:54] <gigaherz> "east": "whatever",
L572[06:18:55] <gigaherz> ...
L573[06:18:57] <secknv> http://pastebin.com/ZteVUeMi
L574[06:19:02] <secknv> this is the model right now
L575[06:19:21] <gigaherz> oh
L576[06:19:24] <irctc496> how can I build a mod from it's source code? I tried gradlew build and there is no jar files?
L577[06:19:25] <gigaherz> so it's actually a complex model
L578[06:19:27] <gigaherz> well
L579[06:19:30] <gigaherz> take a look at it
L580[06:19:32] <secknv> I did it with mrcrayfish's model creator
L581[06:19:36] <gigaherz> see the texture "aliases"
L582[06:19:41] <secknv> yes
L583[06:19:50] <gigaherz> are "0", "1", "2", "3"
L584[06:19:51] <secknv> the 0,1,2,3
L585[06:19:55] <gigaherz> that's the ones you'll be reassigning
L586[06:20:03] <gigaherz> since that model already has its own "elements"
L587[06:20:12] <gigaherz> it makes no sense to have cube as the parent
L588[06:20:19] <gigaherz> so yes, block/block is the right one FOR THAT CASE
L589[06:20:29] <secknv> thanks
L590[06:20:58] <secknv> the important thing is the models elements so
L591[06:21:05] <secknv> model's
L592[06:21:14] <gigaherz> the "elements" is the actual shape of the model
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L594[06:21:46] <gigaherz> the "textures" is what those shapes look like
L595[06:21:57] <gigaherz> and the "parent" is data that you want to reuse from other models
L596[06:22:01] <gigaherz> so everything is important
L597[06:22:06] <gigaherz> they just serve different purposes
L598[06:22:39] <secknv> so because I have a custom model, I dont want to reuse the cube model
L599[06:22:57] <gigaherz> yeah, but you do want to reuse the default transforms
L600[06:23:05] <irctc496> gigaherz look at my question
L601[06:23:17] <secknv> and those transforms are in the block/block
L602[06:23:21] <gigaherz> irctc496: gradlew build leaves the jar files in build/libs
L603[06:23:28] <irctc496> huh ok
L604[06:23:49] <irctc496> I found the jar file thx
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L606[06:25:09] <secknv> I get the feel that it's actually pretty simple now that you've explained it
L607[06:25:35] <irctc496> gigaherz is there way I can reload forge without minecraft restart?
L608[06:25:51] <gigaherz> reload forge what?
L609[06:26:00] <irctc496> reload forge to see new mods
L610[06:26:06] <irctc496> in mods folder
L611[06:26:13] <gigaherz> no
L612[06:26:14] <gigaherz> yo ucan't
L613[06:26:18] <gigaherz> mods are loaded before mc loads
L614[06:26:24] <gigaherz> by the time mc starts, it's too late to add anything new
L615[06:26:38] <irctc496> ok
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L617[06:29:03] <secknv> another thing I'm struglling with on 1.10 is how to make glass part of the block see-through
L618[06:29:04] <secknv> http://imgur.com/a/ze1Sb
L619[06:29:16] <secknv> as you can see here the item in hand is ok
L620[06:29:24] <secknv> but the placed block is derped
L621[06:29:28] <gigaherz> there's a method in Block
L622[06:29:30] <gigaherz> that you can override
L623[06:29:37] <secknv> what is it
L624[06:29:41] ⇦ Quits: Abastro (~Abastro@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L625[06:30:09] <secknv> in 1.7 I had someth like EnumWorldBlockLayer.CUTOUT I think
L626[06:30:18] <gigaherz> there
L627[06:30:19] <gigaherz> getBlockLayer
L628[06:30:42] <gigaherz> return CUTOUT if it has 1bit (all or nothing) transparency, or TRANSLUCENT if you want semi-transparent areas
L629[06:30:49] <gigaherz> note that TRANSLUCENT is slower
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L631[06:31:12] MineBot sets mode: +v on RichardG
L632[06:31:23] <BordListian> probably neglegible
L633[06:31:26] <secknv> yes I remember those things
L634[06:31:37] <gigaherz> BordListian: nope
L635[06:31:45] <secknv> the method I have from 1.7 is public EnumWorldBlockLayer getBlockLayer()
L636[06:31:50] <gigaherz> TRANSLUCENT blocks require sorting
L637[06:31:56] <secknv> but now the enum part cant be resolved
L638[06:31:57] <gigaherz> secknv: the name of the enum changed
L639[06:32:02] <gigaherz> it's now BlockRenderLayer
L640[06:32:03] <secknv> yes!
L641[06:32:06] <secknv> thanks!
L642[06:32:20] <secknv> wooo
L643[06:32:29] <BordListian> yeah but vanilla stained glass uses it
L644[06:32:33] <BordListian> right
L645[06:32:34] <gigaherz> BordListian: yes
L646[06:32:39] <gigaherz> it's not TOO bad
L647[06:32:43] <gigaherz> because mc avoid re-sorting too often
L648[06:32:48] <gigaherz> it will jsut resort when you change chunks
L649[06:32:49] <secknv> I forgot to check vanilla source for it
L650[06:32:56] <secknv> sry for retard
L651[06:32:57] <gigaherz> and it will sort each chunk independently from the rest
L652[06:33:03] <secknv> inexperienced*
L653[06:33:10] <gigaherz> secknv: we all make mistakes.
L654[06:33:16] <masa> is that why vanilla rendering is often derped near water/ice until you do F3+A?
L655[06:33:39] <gigaherz> no idea
L656[06:33:58] <BordListian> goddamnit
L657[06:33:59] <masa> ie. water columns or ice render all funky and in the wrong order
L658[06:34:06] <BordListian> i keep getting nullpointers
L659[06:35:43] <BordListian> wow, dumb
L660[06:36:19] <BordListian> wait no, that's not it
L661[06:38:50] *** abab9579 is now known as Abastro
L662[06:44:11] <sham1> o/
L663[06:44:40] <secknv> o/
L664[06:44:44] ⇨ Joins: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@p5b23cf56.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L665[06:51:17] <BordListian> http://image.prntscr.com/image/c924ee3b52284460991a3d19033b3a2d.png
L666[06:51:19] <BordListian> got eem
L667[06:51:41] <sham1> Like a boss
L668[06:52:20] <BordListian> if something dies it doesn't unwatch
L669[06:52:24] <BordListian> goddamnit
L670[06:52:25] ⇨ Joins: abab9579 (~Abastro@
L671[06:52:48] <sham1> LivingEntityDiesEvent or something like that
L672[06:52:52] <BordListian> ye
L673[06:53:05] <BordListian> makes me wonder if playerjoin calls watch
L674[06:54:03] ⇦ Quits: Abastro (~Abastro@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
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L679[07:06:38] <Subaraki> is there an irc for the miencraft forums ?
L680[07:06:41] <Subaraki> their shit isnt working
L681[07:06:45] <Subaraki> i need to yell at somoen
L682[07:07:05] ⇨ Joins: yopu (~yopu@184-89-191-67.res.bhn.net)
L683[07:07:35] <Subaraki> can't even add a fucking download link
L684[07:07:38] <Subaraki> can't save changes
L685[07:07:42] <Subaraki> crashes browser
L686[07:07:43] <Subaraki> wtf
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L701[07:39:49] <gigaherz> [14:08] (Subaraki): crashes browser
L702[07:39:58] <gigaherz> if a website crashes a browser, the problem is the browser.
L703[07:47:11] <BordListian> most of the time
L704[07:48:14] <RANKSHANK> unless it's IE then it's the website for not providing an IE proof variant
L705[07:52:24] <RANKSHANK> this idea pluggin keeps getting fancier https://www.dropbox.com/s/0er1rmbu30rpyj3/Screenshot%202016-07-31%2022.51.31.png?dl=0
L706[07:53:04] <gigaherz> event browser?
L707[07:56:01] ⇨ Joins: pWn3d (~pWn3d@188-22-85-171.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L708[07:57:05] <RANKSHANK> yup, alt-insert shortcut allows it to be brought up :P
L709[07:57:53] <pWn3d> Hi, anybody knows something about 1.9/10 item rendering, or specifically animations?
L710[08:00:34] <RANKSHANK> like bow pulling?
L711[08:01:11] <pWn3d> No, more advanced, like bow pulling with a 3d model
L712[08:01:22] <BordListian> isn't that pretty much the same
L713[08:01:28] ⇨ Joins: Samario (~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net)
L714[08:01:31] <BordListian> considering that anything can be a 3d model now
L715[08:02:03] <RANKSHANK> yup ^
L716[08:02:30] <RANKSHANK> look at how item bow uses addPropertyOverride in its constructor
L717[08:02:52] <BordListian> speaking of that
L718[08:02:55] <pWn3d> a bow just has 3 textures
L719[08:02:57] <BordListian> how would i scale an item up?
L720[08:03:21] <BordListian> does it just get a bigger model?
L721[08:03:23] <RANKSHANK> TRSR translation in the model class
L722[08:03:30] <RANKSHANK> and yes
L723[08:03:42] <BordListian> TRwhat
L724[08:03:46] <RANKSHANK> you'd need a custom EntityItem if you want a bigger AABB
L725[08:03:55] <RANKSHANK> the translation matrix in your model class
L726[08:04:13] <BordListian> why would i need a bigger AABB?
L727[08:05:40] <RANKSHANK> pWn3d yup and if you look in the bow's model it uses the overrides to switch out the texture based on the results from the IPropertyOverrideGetter
L728[08:06:16] <pWn3d> I'm looking for a proper replacement from 1.7 IItemRender with Translations/rotations
L729[08:06:49] <RANKSHANK> BordListian dunno :P I thought you meant by 'just a bigger model' you were looking for a corresponding bigger Item
L730[08:07:06] <RANKSHANK> pWn3d if you actually look it handles it.
L731[08:07:16] <RANKSHANK> stop being lazy and read
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L738[08:22:43] <BordListian> float f = (float)charge / 20.0f;
L739[08:22:50] <BordListian> this is like a completely useless line of code
L740[08:23:03] <BordListian> if ((f = (f * f + f * 2.0f) / 3.0f) > 1.0f) { follows directly after it
L741[08:23:29] <BordListian> very good mojang
L742[08:23:31] <Ordinastie_> so not useless
L743[08:23:40] <BordListian> it's a declaration
L744[08:23:44] <BordListian> well
L745[08:23:49] <BordListian> i suppose
L746[08:23:59] <BordListian> bleh
L747[08:24:07] <pWn3d> hm, why is it useless?
L748[08:24:29] <Ordinastie_> yes, please explain
L749[08:24:30] <BordListian> it's not, really
L750[08:25:17] <pWn3d> f is set to charge/20; then f is set to (f² +2*f)/3
L751[08:25:37] <Ordinastie_> it *could* be incorporated in the next one into meaningless numbers, true, but that would not be a good thing
L752[08:26:07] <BordListian> I'm aware.
L753[08:26:27] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L754[08:26:33] <pWn3d> it's already hard to read, adding the charge/20 into the f would make it impossible to read
L755[08:26:56] <pWn3d> *into if statement
L756[08:27:27] <Ordinastie_> it would be charge² / 400 + charge / 10
L757[08:27:32] <Ordinastie_> something like that
L758[08:27:41] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L759[08:28:39] <BordListian> onPlayerStoppedUsing of ItemBow is obscene
L760[08:29:54] <BordListian> I also enjoy the fact that Nocking and Loosing an arrow have events
L761[08:30:03] <RANKSHANK> after trying to create a neutered TextureMap, it's mild in terms of mojang code :P
L762[08:30:06] <BordListian> but an arrow impacting something doesn't
L763[08:30:53] <Ordinastie_> what do you call neuteured TextureMap ?
L764[08:31:33] <RANKSHANK> I was building one to stitch a bunch of custom animated textures together
L765[08:31:50] <RANKSHANK> for entities. This was about a year back though
L766[08:31:58] *** V is now known as Vigaro
L767[08:32:23] <RANKSHANK> so one without all the event calls and TextureMap specific references
L768[08:32:31] ⇨ Joins: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-108-184.buckeyecom.net)
L769[08:32:44] <RANKSHANK> BordListian isn't that under LivingAttackEvent?
L770[08:32:53] <RANKSHANK> so you'd get the arrow from the damage source?
L771[08:32:58] <BordListian> blocks
L772[08:38:53] ⇦ Quits: Samario (~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
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L776[08:47:07] <diesieben07> BordListian, ThrowableImpactEvent
L777[08:47:22] <diesieben07> actually...
L778[08:47:26] <diesieben07> does that fire for arrows? idk
L779[08:47:49] <diesieben07> nope.
L780[08:47:52] <diesieben07> nvm me.
L781[08:48:31] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L782[08:48:32] <pWn3d> as I thought, addPropertyOverride does not help in any way, it just replaces textures.
L783[08:48:47] <BordListian> there's a throwable impact event?
L784[08:48:49] <RANKSHANK> @db7 EntityArrow isn't a throwable ;)
L785[08:48:57] <BordListian> that's pretty sexy.
L786[08:48:59] <diesieben07> yes i realized that now :D
L787[08:49:15] <RANKSHANK> pWn3d and models, and rotations, and translations, and scaling
L788[08:49:15] ⇨ Joins: raoulvdberge (uid95673@id-95673.richmond.irccloud.com)
L789[08:49:26] <pWn3d> but only fixed defined states?
L790[08:49:50] <diesieben07> there is an animation API.
L791[08:50:02] <diesieben07> what do you want to achieve, is the question.
L792[08:50:06] <pWn3d> I need a replacement for IItemrenderer with GLTranslate etc
L793[08:50:14] <gigaherz> no you do not
L794[08:50:23] <gigaherz> what do you want to achieve?
L795[08:50:35] <pWn3d> gun recoil/reload animations
L796[08:50:50] <diesieben07> > there is an animation API.
L797[08:51:03] <pWn3d> yes but it's close to zero documented
L798[08:51:16] <diesieben07> and that's why you wnat the old system back?
L799[08:51:23] <diesieben07> which is also not documented, by the way? :D
L800[08:51:37] <pWn3d> but it's easy to use ;-)
L801[08:51:59] <diesieben07> and a pain for everyone....
L802[08:52:17] <pWn3d> I don't need a replacement for IItemRender, but a replacement for the things I could do with it
L803[08:52:23] <gigaherz> and very very easy to use wrongly
L804[08:52:30] <diesieben07> and i disagree, GL is not easy.
L805[08:52:43] <diesieben07> well, the replacement is the animation API.
L806[08:53:09] <pWn3d> I'm master student, I have taken university courses about 3d engine creation, no problem with OpenGL^^
L807[08:53:11] <Ordinastie_> I wonder, did anybody ever managed to use the animation API ? besides fry I mean
L808[08:53:32] <pWn3d> that's the problem about the animation api, nobody knows how to use it
L809[08:53:43] <diesieben07> well, look at the code then...
L810[08:53:54] <diesieben07> if you are a master student reading java should not be a problem for you :P
L811[08:53:59] <pWn3d> I looked at it, but couldn't really understand it :-/
L812[08:54:07] <gigaherz> there's examples of how to use the code, in the debug files of forge
L813[08:54:13] <gigaherz> but it's not really clear
L814[08:54:22] <gigaherz> also there's two distinct "uses" of the animation system
L815[08:54:23] <pWn3d> that's the problem, pretty much nothing is explained
L816[08:54:27] <diesieben07> plus, you can use a custom ItemOverrideList to do whatever you wnat.
L817[08:54:29] <gigaherz> applying transforms to json models
L818[08:54:32] <diesieben07> you can have a different model every frame
L819[08:54:34] <gigaherz> and using .b3d model animations
L820[08:54:36] <diesieben07> the animatino api does nothing different.
L821[08:55:14] <Ordinastie_> also, somethig something MalisisCore :D
L822[08:55:29] <diesieben07> shaddap.
L823[08:55:43] <pWn3d> Is there a good tutorial/explanation on ItemOverrideList?
L824[08:56:04] <gigaherz> you basically create a custom model loader
L825[08:56:16] <gigaherz> from it you'll handle a specific string that you identify as your custom model
L826[08:56:23] <gigaherz> and return a custom IModel
L827[08:56:34] <gigaherz> from there you'll handle getDepenendies and getTextures
L828[08:56:40] <gigaherz> to tell mc what else you require for this model
L829[08:56:44] <gigaherz> and in the bake method
L830[08:56:48] <gigaherz> you'll return a custom IBakedModel
L831[08:57:02] <gigaherz> and this IBakedModel, has .getOverrides or something like that
L832[08:57:04] <gigaherz> which is the key
L833[08:57:26] <gigaherz> on that method, you'll be able to return a custom ItemOverrideList
L834[08:57:41] <gigaherz> whjere you can update the model state and return different models depending on the animation state
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L836[08:59:44] <pWn3d> but again this is about different models? I don't want to define like every animation with 100 different models?
L837[08:59:56] <gigaherz> no, the point is
L838[09:00:02] <gigaherz> you can return the same model in different states
L839[09:00:07] <gigaherz> apply a transform or whatever
L840[09:00:38] <pWn3d> ah, so i can apply additional rotation/translation to it?
L841[09:00:44] <gigaherz> by hand, but yes
L842[09:00:53] <gigaherz> I mean you'll be transforming it on cpu
L843[09:00:57] <gigaherz> not through opengl transforms
L844[09:01:11] <gigaherz> although hm
L845[09:01:21] <gigaherz> that's a lie
L846[09:01:28] <pWn3d> matrices are usually calculated on the cpu anyway
L847[09:01:41] <gigaherz> yes but they aren't usually applied to each vertex position on cpu
L848[09:01:41] <gigaherz> ;P
L849[09:01:42] <pWn3d> and then passed to the shader
L850[09:01:56] <pWn3d> not, that should be done in the vertex shader
L851[09:02:13] <gigaherz> anyhow
L852[09:02:22] <gigaherz> IBakedModel#getItemCameraTransforms
L853[09:02:35] <gigaherz> it's deprecated, but it can be used to provide transforms
L854[09:02:43] <gigaherz> that will be applied to the camera before rendering
L855[09:02:47] <gigaherz> so you can basically use the same model
L856[09:02:55] <gigaherz> just return different item camera transforms based on state
L857[09:03:12] <pWn3d> but deprecated means next version it's gone?
L858[09:03:16] <gigaherz> no
L859[09:03:26] <gigaherz> it may be gone someday
L860[09:03:28] <gigaherz> but you don't know when
L861[09:03:29] <gigaherz> ;P
L862[09:03:33] <pWn3d> -.-
L863[09:03:37] <gigaherz> but really
L864[09:03:39] <gigaherz> it's a vanilla method
L865[09:03:43] <gigaherz> so it won't get removed like that
L866[09:03:55] <gigaherz> the idea is
L867[09:03:55] <gigaherz> IPerspectiveAwareModel
L868[09:03:58] <pWn3d> but thx, I will try if I can get it to work
L869[09:04:07] <gigaherz> has a handlePerspective
L870[09:04:14] <gigaherz> where you can return different models AND transforms
L871[09:04:17] <gigaherz> so
L872[09:04:22] <gigaherz> rather than implement getItemCameraTransforms
L873[09:04:27] <pWn3d> yes but it has no reference to itemstack ?
L874[09:04:33] <gigaherz> yep
L875[09:04:35] <gigaherz> but
L876[09:04:46] <gigaherz> that's solved by the ItemOverrideList
L877[09:04:57] <gigaherz> in ItemOverrideList#handleItemState
L878[09:04:58] <pWn3d> if handlePerspective would get Entity and Itemstack parameters...
L879[09:05:03] <gigaherz> you return a model wrapper
L880[09:05:07] <gigaherz> with a specific state info in it
L881[09:05:19] <gigaherz> and then later
L882[09:05:41] <gigaherz> in IPerspectiveAwareModel#handlePerspective
L883[09:05:46] <gigaherz> you return the right transform matrix from it
L884[09:06:20] <gigaherz> so in short:
L885[09:06:44] <Rushmead> is it possible to render a entity's view onto a seperate window outside the game?
L886[09:07:04] <hch12907> how do mods.curse.com work?
L887[09:07:25] <hch12907> i released a version, and it is verified
L888[09:07:41] <gigaherz> ICustomModelLoader { accepts; loadModel } -> IModel { getDependencies; getTextures; bake; } -> IBakedModel { getOverrides; } -> ItemOverrideList { handleItemState; } -> IPerspectiveAwareModel { handlePerspective; }
L889[09:07:50] <hch12907> on curseforge it recognizes the latest one, but on curse it doesnt seem to recognize it
L890[09:08:12] <gigaherz> hch12907: mods.curse.com will prefer a release version for an older mc
L891[09:08:19] <gigaherz> rather than a beta version for the latest mc
L892[09:08:23] <gigaherz> so if you have a release 1.7.10
L893[09:08:28] <gigaherz> it will never show a beta for 1.10.2
L894[09:08:33] <gigaherz> and it will show the mod as being "1.7.10"
L895[09:08:44] <gigaherz> I never link to mods.curse.com anymore
L896[09:08:47] <gigaherz> I just link to the curseforge page
L897[09:08:56] <hch12907> i have release 1.9.4
L898[09:09:02] <pWn3d> thx, who came up with all that -.-, This not in anyway more complicated than 1.7 /s
L899[09:09:02] <hch12907> but it shows beta 1.8.9
L900[09:09:12] <gigaherz> pWn3d: of course it is more complicated
L901[09:09:20] <gigaherz> problem is
L902[09:09:29] <gigaherz> you haven't seen all the crap people put inside IItemRenderers
L903[09:09:39] <gigaherz> it's annoying that it's gone
L904[09:09:42] <gigaherz> but none of us want it back.
L905[09:09:51] <Ordinastie_> hum
L906[09:10:16] <diesieben07> QUIET ORDINASTIE!
L907[09:10:24] <diesieben07> :D
L908[09:10:58] <pWn3d> Actually I want it back :-)
L909[09:11:24] <Rushmead> Anyone?
L910[09:11:27] <RANKSHANK> before I go digging; anyone know where blockstates are translated to strings for the ModelRSSLocation?
L911[09:11:32] <diesieben07> really? you want slow, horribly performing direct-access GL code to render your models?
L912[09:11:43] <pWn3d> I never had fps problems
L913[09:11:45] <diesieben07> instead of nice, fast, modern (sortof) gl code that can be batched?
L914[09:12:02] <diesieben07> imagine the whole inventory being rendered in one swoop and cached in a display list
L915[09:12:04] <diesieben07> like chunks
L916[09:12:10] <diesieben07> thats not possible in any way with iitemrenderer
L917[09:12:10] <RANKSHANK> Rushmead, probably, though you'd have to OpenGL the living tater tots out of that
L918[09:12:28] <diesieben07> RANKSHANK, IStateMapper
L919[09:12:41] <pWn3d> what have people put into IItemrender that was horrible? I'm just interested
L920[09:12:42] <RANKSHANK> Thanks @db7!
L921[09:13:06] <Ordinastie_> ^ does that even ping you? ><
L922[09:13:11] <diesieben07> no :D
L923[09:13:20] <diesieben07> "I'm just gonna change this random ass immediate-mode flag somewhere in my IItemRenderer and fuck everythign up down the line and NOBODY knows what's wrong"
L924[09:13:25] <diesieben07> ^thats why pWn3d
L925[09:13:29] <Rushmead> hmm. i want multiple cameras, but prefably not multiple games...
L926[09:13:46] <pWn3d> You mean setting a a GLState and not putting in back afterwards?
L927[09:13:53] <pWn3d> *it
L928[09:13:53] <Ordinastie_> diesieben07, to be fair, that's mosty mojang that does that :p
L929[09:13:59] <diesieben07> sure :D
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L933[09:15:23] <RANKSHANK> Rushmead like a security camera sort of thing?
L934[09:16:09] <Rushmead> No not really. Example: TV Studio, multiple cameras. EIther output as video device inputs or as seperate windows...
L935[09:17:32] <pWn3d> that would be really hard
L936[09:18:02] <diesieben07> you would have to render to a framebuffer of some sort
L937[09:18:06] <diesieben07> and then find a way to export that
L938[09:18:07] <diesieben07> fun :D
L939[09:18:18] <Rushmead> Yeah, that sounds way over my head.
L940[09:18:25] <RANKSHANK> is it just for recording?
L941[09:18:34] <Rushmead> Yeah and Livestreaming
L942[09:18:38] <pWn3d> You would need to deeply hack into the rendering, create other render targets and then write them to outputs
L943[09:18:43] <Wuppy> I just spend like 2 hours playing pokemon soul silver :O
L944[09:18:44] <RANKSHANK> invisible client entity
L945[09:18:58] <RANKSHANK> so another client and hook it up to lan
L946[09:19:12] <Rushmead> Basically MineCamera on steroids.
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L948[09:24:35] <Rushmead> hmmm
L949[09:24:37] <Rushmead> oh well
L950[09:24:42] <Rushmead> I'll just have 1 client being the camera
L951[09:24:45] <Rushmead> with MineCamera
L952[09:24:50] <Rushmead> and 1 client being me
L953[09:25:34] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L954[09:28:36] <RANKSHANK> much easier lol
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L956[09:30:39] <hch12907> what does canPlayerEdit do?
L957[09:30:58] <hch12907> in EntityPlayer
L958[09:31:42] <diesieben07> checks if the given stack can be placed on the given side of the position
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L968[09:37:23] <irctc496> hi
L969[09:37:48] <irctc496> how can I backport a 1.8 mod to 1.7.10?
L970[09:37:56] <Wuppy> good luck with that :P
L971[09:37:58] <Wuppy> :o*
L972[09:38:05] <Wuppy> the difference between 1.8 and 1.7 is massive
L973[09:38:25] <irctc496> and how do I backport?
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L975[09:39:18] <diesieben07> You don't. Don't bother with 1.7.10.
L976[09:39:40] <williewillus> well you have every right to
L977[09:39:43] <williewillus> you just don't get support
L978[09:41:47] <pWn3d> There are enough tutorials for 1.7 out there
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L980[09:43:45] <Wuppy> irctc496, there's a lot of tutorials on updating 1.7 to 1.8
L981[09:43:53] <Wuppy> why not follow those, in erverse :P
L982[09:44:00] <williewillus> what are you backporting?
L983[09:44:14] <irctc496> chisels and bits mod
L984[09:44:17] <williewillus> lol
L985[09:44:20] <pWn3d> o.0
L986[09:44:31] <Wuppy> uhhh
L987[09:44:37] <Wuppy> irctc496, how much modding experience do you have?
L988[09:44:38] <luacs1998> anyone has a good guide for porting 1.8 to 1.10? :D
L989[09:44:40] <pWn3d> That does not work with 1.7 because of performance
L990[09:44:41] <irctc496> mods name is "chisels and bits"
L991[09:45:05] <williewillus> luacs1998: I had this gist for 1.8->9 a while back, maybe it'll help https://gist.github.com/williewillus/e37edde85dc78d2e138c
L992[09:45:10] <williewillus> and 9->10 should be trivial
L993[09:45:30] <pWn3d> chisel and bits can
L994[09:45:36] <pWn3d> 't work on 1.7
L995[09:45:43] <williewillus> well it can
L996[09:45:47] <williewillus> but you basically would have to rewrite it
L997[09:45:50] <pWn3d> with 1fps
L998[09:45:53] <williewillus> so "backporting" it isn't really possible
L999[09:45:54] <irctc496> on the faq it says you can backport it
L1000[09:46:06] <williewillus> it means you are allowed to
L1001[09:46:07] <luacs1998> williewillus, define trivial haha
L1002[09:46:12] <irctc496> yes
L1003[09:46:24] <williewillus> luacs1998: "in botania, moving from 1.9->10 was 2 compile errors" trivial ;P
L1004[09:46:31] <luacs1998> wao
L1005[09:46:32] <luacs1998> ok
L1006[09:46:32] <irctc496> XD
L1007[09:46:44] <pWn3d> porting from 1.7 to 1.10 is 6k errors :-/
L1008[09:46:45] <williewillus> some other mods could run without a recompile
L1009[09:46:46] <diesieben07> also "most 1.9.4 mods just work on 1.10.x" trivial ;)
L1010[09:47:02] <williewillus> pWn3d: if you're strategic about it it's not *too* bad
L1011[09:47:17] <luacs1998> i know
L1012[09:47:23] <williewillus> pWn3d: if you just go down the error list one by one you're gonna have a bad time :D
L1013[09:47:30] <luacs1998> i'm thinking which i should target for FE - 1.9.4 or 1.10.2
L1014[09:47:42] <luacs1998> and the greater question of whether to sync up with sponge
L1015[09:48:10] <irctc496> forge developers should create universal api
L1016[09:48:20] <williewillus> what does that even mean
L1017[09:48:26] <luacs1998> irctc496, top kek
L1018[09:48:35] <pWn3d> I think they would if it was easy ....
L1019[09:48:37] <luacs1998> forge as it is now is as universal as you'll get
L1020[09:48:45] <irctc496> luacs1998 what
L1021[09:48:48] <williewillus> also https://xkcd.com/927/
L1022[09:48:54] <williewillus> irctc496: define "universal"
L1023[09:49:26] <pWn3d> I think he means working with more versions like from 1.7 to 1.10
L1024[09:49:46] <irctc496> yeah
L1025[09:49:48] <williewillus> the overhead of that would be huge
L1026[09:49:54] <williewillus> not to mention the upkeep cost
L1027[09:50:00] <diesieben07> thats why things like sponge exist
L1028[09:50:02] <luacs1998> that's why i said "top kek"
L1029[09:50:13] <irctc496> what does top kek means?
L1030[09:50:16] <luacs1998> diesieben07, i wouldn't jump to conclusions so quickly
L1031[09:50:17] <diesieben07> if you want mods in the form of how we have them today, a universal api is not viable
L1032[09:50:19] <luacs1998> irctc496, google it
L1033[09:50:26] <secknv> guys
L1034[09:50:30] <secknv> project FAIL
L1035[09:50:30] <irctc496> luacs is it swear?
L1036[09:50:31] <secknv> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/FAIL
L1037[09:50:37] <williewillus> yes
L1038[09:50:41] <williewillus> but thats an experiment
L1039[09:50:55] <williewillus> and it's not going to completely cross-version everything
L1040[09:50:57] <irctc496> luacs1998 is it swear?
L1041[09:51:05] <luacs1998> no
L1042[09:51:07] <irctc496> ok
L1043[09:51:13] <pWn3d> he just laughed at you ;-)
L1044[09:51:18] <irctc496> oh ok
L1045[09:51:19] <irctc496> :D
L1046[09:51:21] <williewillus> lol
L1047[09:51:28] <luacs1998> diesieben07, bukkit was a failed state because it didn't manage to keep up with changes in mc that its plugins wanted
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L1049[09:51:47] <pWn3d> wasn't bukkit killed by license drama?
L1050[09:51:47] <luacs1998> haven't been following sponge dev lately but thank god they're not going that way for now
L1051[09:51:56] <irctc496> yeah bad dmca
L1052[09:52:01] <luacs1998> that was the final straw
L1053[09:52:02] <Lord_Ralex> the dmca did not kill it
L1054[09:52:07] <williewillus> yeah
L1055[09:52:09] <williewillus> it was dying already
L1056[09:52:12] <Lord_Ralex> the team chose to stop because of the new eula stuff
L1057[09:52:13] <irctc496> :D
L1058[09:52:15] <williewillus> the 1.8 update was cobbled together
L1059[09:52:30] <irctc496> so why spigot is not died?
L1060[09:52:37] <Lord_Ralex> because they don't care
L1061[09:53:09] <irctc496> bukkit team is just made of lawyers that accept every eula:D
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L1064[09:58:34] <pWn3d> I think I should try the animation system, going into lands no human has entered before...
L1065[10:01:55] <pWn3d> If it would work, it would be so clean, no dirty hack...
L1066[10:02:02] <Naiten> hi everybody \o
L1067[10:02:03] <hch12907> are there some proper tutorials for GUI?
L1068[10:02:54] <pWn3d> For 1.7.10 there are a lot, for newer idk.
L1069[10:03:33] <pWn3d> what version do you need?
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L1081[10:27:41] <williewillus> it hasnt changed much
L1082[10:27:44] <williewillus> guis, I mean
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L1084[10:33:44] <williewillus> where are forge's junit tests loicated?
L1085[10:34:21] <williewillus> oh nvm, they just go in the same package
L1086[10:39:51] <MalkContent> does it make sense to make static methods in Item classes?
L1087[10:40:36] <MalkContent> or are there generally multiple objects of the same item around
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L1089[10:49:16] <gigaherz> MalkContent: the same item class can be used for multiple items
L1090[10:49:23] <gigaherz> just like how most food items are just ItemFood
L1091[10:50:38] <MalkContent> so when you register multiple "items", each needs an instance?
L1092[10:52:16] <gigaherz> ofc
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L1094[10:52:27] <gigaherz> if they are actually different items, that is
L1095[10:52:33] <gigaherz> you can have subtypes
L1096[10:52:42] <gigaherz> but that's a different thing
L1097[10:53:15] <MalkContent> kay. the more you know
L1098[10:53:20] <gigaherz> I'm talking how there's ItemAxe -- each type of axe is a separate item with a separate registry name
L1099[10:53:31] <gigaherz> but they all share the same implementation
L1100[10:53:48] <gigaherz> still
L1101[10:53:52] <gigaherz> Statics are not really needed
L1102[10:54:06] <gigaherz> you could just have the method be an instance method
L1103[10:54:18] <MalkContent> mm
L1104[10:54:28] <gigaherz> but calling a static could be slightly faster in certain situations
L1105[10:55:30] <MalkContent> as in: you don't have to ((MyItem)(ItemStack.getItem())).myItemsFunction() ^^
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L1108[10:57:14] <williewillus> gigaherz: CAH zaps that in the majority of situations :P
L1109[10:57:37] <gigaherz> MalkContent: wat
L1110[10:58:23] <williewillus> thats why you keep instances of your items
L1111[10:58:33] <williewillus> like what mc does in Items.<whatever>
L1112[10:58:46] <MalkContent> a. right
L1113[10:58:56] <MalkContent> i forgot i did that
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L1121[11:19:39] <Subaraki> what happened to enumchatformatting ?
L1122[11:19:58] <Subaraki> oh... it just lost its enumpart
L1123[11:20:01] <Subaraki> durp
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L1125[11:20:57] <gigaherz> https://github.com/kashike/migration/wiki/1.8.9-to-1.9
L1126[11:21:11] <gigaherz> this has a lot of names that changed in 1.9+
L1127[11:21:22] <gigaherz> if you can't find something, you can look it up there
L1128[11:21:23] <gigaherz> ;P
L1129[11:21:33] ⇦ Quits: Lythom (~Lythom@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1130[11:21:49] <gigaherz> see also the link on the right
L1131[11:21:56] <gigaherz> for the on 1.9 to 1.9.4 name changes
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L1134[11:28:24] <MalkContent> wow. i fiddled with something for 3 hours and it works right away
L1135[11:28:37] <MalkContent> i think i'll better stop before i find out how wrong i actually am
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L1140[11:42:57] <williewillus> the forge version checker only runs client side correct?
L1141[11:43:01] <williewillus> or is it both
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L1145[11:45:29] <williewillus> oh great, it runs on both sides - just what I needed
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L1150[11:48:40] <esteth> Hey folks. I’m trying to build a block with 3 states: UNLIT, BURNING, and BURNED_OUT. I’ve created an EnumProperty to store these values, and my blockstate json replaces the textures when the property value changes, but my block only ever shows up with the default purple checkerboard texture.
L1151[11:49:16] <esteth> I’m not sure what the right way is to debug what’s going wrong - is this just a case of “keep trying to change things until it works”, or is there an easy(ish) way of debugging?
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L1153[11:51:23] <RANKSHANK> I couldn't tell you in all honesty, I personally just bash at it till it works
L1154[11:51:44] <williewillus> post the jsons and the block class
L1155[11:53:50] <esteth> http://pastie.org/10925078
L1156[11:54:10] ⇨ Joins: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-129-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se)
L1157[11:54:28] <esteth> seems like even if I ignore the states, the unlit texture never loads
L1158[11:54:47] <esteth> oops sorry, that has half-changed stuff. one moment
L1159[11:55:11] <BordListian> alright so if i want an item to be slighly bigger i need a custom model class right
L1160[11:55:28] <esteth> http://pastie.org/10925081
L1161[11:55:31] <williewillus> BordListian: ? what do you mean bigger
L1162[11:55:39] <williewillus> you can just scale the existing one up if it uses json
L1163[11:55:45] <williewillus> through json
L1164[11:55:47] <BordListian> how do i do that
L1165[11:55:54] <BordListian> hol up
L1166[11:55:56] <williewillus> well be more detailed about what you want to accomplish
L1167[11:55:58] <BordListian> lemme grab the reference
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L1169[11:56:22] <BordListian> well, it's a regular bow but it's gotta be twice the size
L1170[11:56:39] <williewillus> esteth: any errors in the log on startup?
L1171[11:57:00] <williewillus> BordListian: then have your item json use the bow texture/model but change the "display" tags to scale it up
L1172[11:57:25] <BordListian> oh i see it
L1173[11:57:32] <BordListian> it's documented on the minecraft wiki
L1174[11:57:35] <esteth> williewillus: oh wow the log points me straight at the problem
L1175[11:57:37] <esteth> thanks
L1176[11:57:40] <williewillus> :P
L1177[11:57:42] <BordListian> very good
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L1179[11:57:59] <BordListian> now i can finally become hawkeye gough in minecraft
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L1181[12:00:38] <Naiten> hi williewillus \o remember me buggin you about IBakedModel textures? i'm still trying to fix that, found out textures are loaded and even the output List<BakedQuads> has it's atlasSprites okay. Ended up sticking sout whereever possible, lol
L1182[12:00:50] <BordListian> i got confused because someone mentioned transformation matrices on custom renderers
L1183[12:00:53] <williewillus> so its just a lighting thing?
L1184[12:01:13] <Naiten> williewillus, idk it's still not working :D
L1185[12:01:30] <williewillus> ?shrug
L1186[12:02:30] <Naiten> the code http://pastebin.com/tkb1DtY2 the log http://pastebin.com/L05fraFe
L1187[12:02:52] <Naiten> at least i can tell now that textures are loaded okay
L1188[12:02:59] <Naiten> as [02:55:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [net.railsofwar.row.tracks.ModelTrack:getQuads:81]: ROW LOADED QUADS TEXTURES TextureAtlasSprite{name='row:block/blockTrack', frameCount=1, rotated=false, x=0, y=0, height=128, width=128, u0=0.0, u1=0.125, v0=0.0, v1=0.25}
L1189[12:03:00] <Naiten> [02:55:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [net.railsofwar.row.tracks.ModelTrack:getQuads:84]: ROW DEFAULT QUADS TEXTURES TextureAtlasSprite{name='row:block/blockTrack', frameCount=1, rotated=false, x=0, y=0, height=128, width=128, u0=0.0, u1=0.125, v0=0.0, v1=0.25}
L1190[12:03:17] <Naiten> ^ equal sprites
L1191[12:06:49] <Naiten> this is getting ridiculous though
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L1196[12:11:32] <Naiten> i'm loading exactly same model with exactly same texture via json blockstate and programmatically, and somehow they are not equal and the latter is rendered in black
L1197[12:12:34] <williewillus> what do you mean by "not equal"
L1198[12:12:50] <williewillus> the data in the quads is not equal?
L1199[12:13:01] <Naiten> quads.equals(defaultQuads) = false
L1200[12:13:20] <williewillus> what part of which one is not equal?
L1201[12:13:21] <Naiten> gonna investigate further
L1202[12:13:25] <Naiten> idk yet
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L1205[12:16:22] <OrionOnline> Is there a ItemStack GSON Deserializer build in into MC?
L1206[12:16:34] <OrionOnline> Or do i need to write one myself?
L1207[12:16:58] <williewillus> not sure, but nbt and json are super similar so you can probably go to nbt then go to json from there
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L1209[12:17:51] <OrionOnline> That sounds like a good ides :P
L1210[12:17:57] <OrionOnline> idea:P
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L1212[12:19:13] <OrionOnline> williewillus, i would probably need to write a deserializer for each of the NBT types though right?
L1213[12:19:30] <williewillus> ?
L1214[12:19:51] <williewillus> I'm pretty sure (like 80%) mc already has nbt/json/back utils
L1215[12:20:28] <gigaherz> nbt-as-string isn't quite json, though
L1216[12:21:11] <gigaherz> so serializing an item ends up being json with item=getRegistryName().toString(), meta=meta, stackSize=stackSize, nbt=jsonstring(nbt.toString())
L1217[12:22:15] <OrionOnline> gigaherz, but deserialzing nbt from a string, is not that easy
L1218[12:23:39] <OrionOnline> As serializing is okey, but i was initialy hoping that the LootTable support nbt and stuff, but it looks like that the LootEntryItem only can deserialize items, not meta and nbt
L1219[12:24:12] <williewillus> because there's separate loot functions to set nbt and meta
L1220[12:24:16] <williewillus> set_tag and set_data
L1221[12:24:37] <williewillus> and my tesrs rendering baked models are lagging like fuck for some reason and I can't figure out why >.<
L1222[12:24:39] <OrionOnline> Ah i see now
L1223[12:24:48] <williewillus> nglDrawArrays is dominating the time but I can't optimize for that
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L1225[12:26:07] <williewillus> well hm
L1226[12:26:20] <oitsjustjose> So, quick question - feel free to call me an idiot - is there a way to grab other SubscribeEvents' added drops? I'm looking to add compatibility to my Crop Handler with Roots, and right now the right-click event isn't registering one of Roots' added drops in the getDrops() list.
L1227[12:26:25] <williewillus> the model is pretty crappily made (there's lots of cubes, I just ported the techne model directly)
L1228[12:26:30] <williewillus> i could probbaly remake it to use less
L1229[12:26:50] <williewillus> fire the harvest drops event manually perhaps
L1230[12:27:03] <williewillus> oh wait I misread
L1231[12:27:03] <williewillus> nvm
L1232[12:27:12] <williewillus> yeah just report it and try to get it added
L1233[12:27:17] <OrionOnline> oitsjustjose, change the priority maybe?
L1234[12:27:40] <oitsjustjose> it's basically the same issue that ForgeCraft was having with Pam's Harvestcraft, except my crop harvesting has been around forever with a shlew of other features.
L1235[12:27:56] <oitsjustjose> OrionOnline I'll try that - lower priority, right? assuming that Roots' addition is done at Normal priority
L1236[12:28:00] <williewillus> yeah
L1237[12:28:03] <OrionOnline> yeah
L1238[12:28:09] <OrionOnline> I use that in my API too
L1239[12:28:30] <OrionOnline> So i would have say it is roots fault if it is not high enough in the event handlers tree.
L1240[12:28:42] <oitsjustjose> Yeah, he's not adding a priority to his.
L1241[12:29:13] <oitsjustjose> I'll try changing mine up - I'm specifically working on a debug set for this, so hopefully I can get it to wokr
L1242[12:29:15] <oitsjustjose> **work
L1243[12:30:12] <Subaraki> has something changed with sending packets since 1.7.2 ?
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L1245[12:31:04] <diesieben07> one tiny thing, yes
L1246[12:31:19] <Subaraki> which one ?
L1247[12:31:28] <diesieben07> read the warning here: http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/networking/simpleimpl/
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L1250[12:33:05] <Subaraki> ah yes I remember now
L1251[12:33:14] <Subaraki> well, of we go to rewrite davidee's entire packet handling ...
L1252[12:33:23] <williewillus> wat
L1253[12:33:37] <williewillus> if it used simpleimpl it shuold be couple lines in every handler
L1254[12:33:44] <williewillus> if they used some thing else though... :P
L1255[12:33:46] <Subaraki> it didnt x)
L1256[12:33:55] <williewillus> this mod existed prior to 1.7? :P
L1257[12:34:28] <Subaraki> he has an IPacket for packet, a class that extends MessageToMessageCodec<FMLProxyPacket, IPacket>
L1258[12:34:36] <williewillus> barf
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L1260[12:34:49] <Subaraki> well
L1261[12:34:55] <Subaraki> delete everything ! \o/
L1262[12:35:26] <williewillus> mods porting from below 1.7 to 1.7 usually just hackjobbed their existing system into netty instead of just using the dead simple simpleimpl :P
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L1265[12:41:36] <Naiten> williewillus, i've extracted all of the BakedQuad fields into lists, and it shows that sprites, faces and tint indices are equal whilst vertexData is not
L1266[12:42:10] <Naiten> it gets more and more ridiculous
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L1273[12:54:38] <Naiten> aaaaahhh, VertexFormat is also different!
L1274[12:56:17] <Naiten> [03:54:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [net.railsofwar.row.tracks.ModelTrack:getQuads:88]: ROW LOADED QUADS FORMAT format: 4 elements: 3,Position,Float 4,Vertex Color,Unsigned Byte 2,UV,Float 4,Padding,Byte
L1275[12:56:17] <Naiten> [03:54:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [net.railsofwar.row.tracks.ModelTrack:getQuads:93]: ROW DEFAULT QUADS FORMAT format: 5 elements: 3,Position,Float 4,Vertex Color,Unsigned Byte 2,UV,Float 3,Normal,Byte 1,Padding,Byte
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L1277[12:56:43] <williewillus> see what the obj loader is baking to
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L1281[13:04:08] <secknv> so I have this http://pastebin.com/9VZuRAZj
L1282[13:04:21] <secknv> and then on other class this http://pastebin.com/5rih1Rfd
L1283[13:04:48] <secknv> eclipse underlines it and says "Type mismatch: cannot convert from void to Block"
L1284[13:05:07] <secknv> however if I remover the .setHarvestLevel it eclipse no longer complains
L1285[13:05:48] <Naiten> williewillus, started doing that immediately, right before you posted. still can't find the right place in the code, huh
L1286[13:05:50] <secknv> Could anyone explain to me what this is about please?
L1287[13:06:12] <williewillus> setHarvestLevel doesnt return block
L1288[13:06:42] <secknv> ok I got that but
L1289[13:06:57] <secknv> what am I supposed to do
L1290[13:07:26] <diesieben07> don't try to use the return value as a Block
L1291[13:07:30] <secknv> on the mc source code eclipse doesnt complay
L1292[13:07:31] <williewillus> do it in the ctor
L1293[13:07:41] <secknv> waht nvm what I just said
L1294[13:07:44] <secknv> what is the ctor
L1295[13:07:48] <williewillus> basics :V
L1296[13:07:49] <diesieben07> constructor
L1297[13:07:50] <williewillus> constructor
L1298[13:07:53] <secknv> okok
L1299[13:08:02] <sham1> factory method
L1300[13:08:06] <secknv> I just didnt know that abbreviation xD
L1301[13:09:11] <secknv> so what you just told me is to put the harvest level inside the BlockNkOre
L1302[13:09:41] <secknv> but the point of that was to allow me to easily add different ores
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L1304[13:10:02] <secknv> with different harvest levels for example
L1305[13:10:03] <diesieben07> do it outside the constructor then.
L1306[13:10:13] <secknv> where then
L1307[13:10:16] ⇨ Joins: IoP (jikuja@irc.ioppi.info)
L1308[13:10:31] <diesieben07> where you initialize the Block.
L1309[13:10:55] <secknv> COPPER_ORE = new BlockNkOre().etc
L1310[13:11:00] <secknv> this is the init no?
L1311[13:11:10] <diesieben07> yes.
L1312[13:11:20] <diesieben07> now call setHarvestLevel on the block instance.
L1313[13:11:42] <secknv> BlockNkOre().setHarvestLevel("pickaxe", 1);
L1314[13:11:51] <secknv> doesnt work because it doesnt return block
L1315[13:11:57] <secknv> or so says eclipse
L1316[13:12:00] <diesieben07> don't try to store the result in anything
L1317[13:12:01] <diesieben07> just call it.
L1318[13:13:59] <secknv> I cant just call it inside the registerBlock method because Gameregistry.register doesnt take it
L1319[13:14:11] <secknv> it says it needs to be block
L1320[13:14:26] <secknv> where should I call it
L1321[13:15:27] <diesieben07> dude...
L1322[13:15:32] <diesieben07> you have a Block instance
L1323[13:15:34] <diesieben07> you call this method on it
L1324[13:15:35] <diesieben07> done.
L1325[13:17:07] ⇦ Quits: IoP (jikuja@irc.ioppi.info) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1326[13:17:38] <secknv> Wait I know that this is not java tutorial land but I am a bit confused
L1327[13:18:06] <secknv> isnt the instance what gets created when I call the constructor with the new blabla thing?
L1328[13:20:09] <sham1> yes
L1329[13:20:17] <sham1> Exactly
L1330[13:20:54] <secknv> then I just told the otehr guy that I cant because putting .setHarvestLevel on it makes it not be a block type
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L1332[13:21:04] <diesieben07> jesus christ
L1333[13:21:07] <sham1> Why not do it in the constructor
L1334[13:21:11] <sham1> NOT THAT HARD
L1335[13:21:12] <diesieben07> ignore whatever setHarvestLevel gives you back
L1336[13:21:16] <diesieben07> it does NOT give you anything back
L1337[13:21:21] <diesieben07> do not try to store the result in a field
L1338[13:21:23] <sham1> Or that
L1339[13:21:26] <diesieben07> do not try to store it in a local variable
L1340[13:21:29] <diesieben07> do not try to call methods on it
L1341[13:21:34] <diesieben07> do not pass go, do not collect $400.
L1342[13:21:41] <sham1> 200*
L1343[13:21:55] <diesieben07> shaddap, the german version i have has 400DM :D
L1344[13:22:07] <secknv> I'm sorry for being slow on this
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L1346[13:22:28] <sham1> I don't even remember what my monopoly uses
L1347[13:22:30] <sham1> Probably €
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L1349[13:24:11] <diesieben07> yeah mine is ages old
L1350[13:24:22] <sham1> Anyway
L1351[13:24:36] <sham1> Do what Diesieb says is the moral of the story
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L1354[13:26:42] <secknv> look here http://pastebin.com/UUPPz3dF
L1355[13:27:29] <sham1> Umn, what language are the comments
L1356[13:27:34] <sham1> Just curious
L1357[13:27:36] <secknv> fail language
L1358[13:27:45] <secknv> i meant to put /
L1359[13:27:56] <secknv> wait
L1360[13:28:00] <secknv> nvm
L1361[13:28:12] <secknv> those are not relevant anyways
L1362[13:28:18] <secknv> anyway*
L1363[13:28:30] <secknv> but it's a mix of portuguese and english
L1364[13:28:31] <diesieben07> you are STILL trying to store the result of setHarvestLevel in a field
L1365[13:28:34] <diesieben07> You cannot do htat.
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L1369[13:30:26] <williewillus> also obvious comments are obvious
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L1371[13:31:42] <electrolitic> Adding a capability seems to make it possible to pull out or push into a slot. Is there a way to make certian slots only push in and others only pull out?
L1372[13:31:57] <electrolitic> well, the Item Handler capability
L1373[13:32:00] ⇨ Joins: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk)
L1374[13:32:09] <sham1> Yeah, why have comments at all when the code is self-documenting
L1375[13:32:09] ⇨ Joins: HACKhalo2 (~HACKhalo2@66-227-242-159.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com)
L1376[13:33:02] <Diddi> So in mc 1.7.10 there was that IItemRenderer Interface which doesn't seem to exist in 1.10.2 anymore. What is the replacement for that?
L1377[13:33:09] <williewillus> oh hehe
L1378[13:33:13] <sham1> Baked models
L1379[13:33:18] <williewillus> welcome to the club, it's doesn't exist anymore
L1380[13:33:22] <williewillus> use the new model system
L1381[13:33:45] <williewillus> electrolitic: something like insertItem(int slot, ItemSTack stack, boolean simulate) { if (slot == 4) return super.insertItem() else <do nothing> }
L1382[13:34:25] <williewillus> Diddi: this may help you on your journey :P https://gist.github.com/williewillus/57d7093efa80163e96e0
L1383[13:34:29] <williewillus> I need to get on with my rewrite of that
L1384[13:34:33] <MalkContent> if i replace the itemstack in an inventory slot, does the old one get deleted automatically?
L1385[13:34:42] <MalkContent> or is that memleak danger
L1386[13:34:42] <williewillus> yes
L1387[13:34:45] <electrolitic> Oh. I'm using an ItemStackHandler. Should I just extend that class and override those methods?
L1388[13:34:50] <sham1> >Memleak
L1389[13:34:51] <williewillus> electrolitic: yup
L1390[13:34:51] <sham1> Kek
L1391[13:34:55] <electrolitic> Cool, thank you!
L1392[13:34:56] <sham1> Just kek
L1393[13:35:09] <MalkContent> ?
L1394[13:35:09] <williewillus> MalkContent: depends on if something else is holding on to the stack of course
L1395[13:35:17] <williewillus> but most inventorey impls are just an array
L1396[13:35:47] <MalkContent> right
L1397[13:36:30] <MalkContent> so garbage cleanup magic i assume
L1398[13:36:45] <williewillus> again depends on if someone else has the stack :P
L1399[13:36:52] <williewillus> but then its their responsibility
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L1401[13:37:09] <MalkContent> yea
L1402[13:37:18] <MalkContent> im wondering if something else has it
L1403[13:38:06] <MalkContent> you can't have looping references prevent garbage cleanup, no?
L1404[13:39:14] <williewillus> the gc is very smart
L1405[13:39:17] <williewillus> very very very smart :P
L1406[13:39:32] <williewillus> so yes it'll detect isolated cycles in the graph and zap them
L1407[13:39:33] <MalkContent> i shall throw my hands in the air and just dont care then ^^
L1408[13:39:51] <sham1> It's very smart because it has to be
L1409[13:39:59] <williewillus> well you should care, lots of java programmers don't and it bites them, but don't sweat over it
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L1412[13:49:40] <Naiten> I officially announce that some parts of Minecraft / Forge code confuses and infuriates me.
L1413[13:49:58] <williewillus> any modder typing their first hello world should know that :D
L1414[13:49:59] <Naiten> confuse and infuriate *
L1415[13:50:05] <williewillus> also did you find what it bakes to?
L1416[13:50:09] <williewillus> it should be in OBJModel
L1417[13:51:00] <Naiten> No, it's not there. It's not anywhere. But i've looked at the elements order in my log, looked at the DefaultVertexFormats class and what do you think matched?
L1418[13:51:06] <Naiten> DefaultVertexFormats.ITEM!
L1419[13:51:16] <Naiten> ITEM, CARL
L1420[13:51:26] <williewillus> lots of the custom loaders bake to item
L1421[13:51:30] <williewillus> forge json does as well
L1422[13:51:35] <williewillus> block is rarely used if ever
L1423[13:51:45] <williewillus> and Attributes.DEFAULT... should match item
L1424[13:51:53] <Naiten> No it does not.
L1425[13:52:29] <williewillus> welp then theres your problem
L1426[13:52:37] <Tombenpotter> Hey, has anyone played with the new template system? I have an issue (here is the non copypaste) https://puu.sh/ql36S.png
L1427[13:52:48] <williewillus> Tombenpotter: vazkii has in quark
L1428[13:53:12] <Tombenpotter> Well, I'll take a look, but my issue is a bit strange
L1429[13:53:16] <Naiten> Attributes.DEFAULT_BAKED_FORMAT has only 4 elements - position, colour, UV, padding. DefaultVertexFormats.ITEM has position, colour, UV, normal and padding
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L1431[13:53:59] <Naiten> I've already tried baking to DefaultVertexFormats.ITEM and (surprisingly!) it worked
L1432[13:54:46] <gigaherz> they have the same number of bytes
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L1434[13:54:52] <gigaherz> the difference is in what the last 4 bytes mean
L1435[13:55:08] <gigaherz> for ITEM, it's nx,ny,nz,padding
L1436[13:55:09] <williewillus> oh and yeah thats probably why your models were black
L1437[13:55:10] <williewillus> missing normals
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L1439[13:55:25] <gigaherz> for BLOCK, it's lightmap coords
L1440[13:55:26] <Tombenpotter> Thing is, the structures saved only seem to work on the same game. Like, if I restart the game or try to load them from my assets (and I know I have the right path) it doesn't work
L1441[13:55:42] <williewillus> welp
L1442[13:55:50] <Naiten> They weren't -__- The vertexFormat used for baking was missing normals
L1443[13:55:52] <williewillus> extended states are completely fucked in the latest forge versions
L1444[13:56:28] *** Mine|dreamland is now known as minecreatr
L1445[13:57:16] <Naiten> is there anything not fucked in this god-forsaken game -____-
L1446[13:57:22] <Tombenpotter> Cows! :D
L1447[13:57:43] <Naiten> welp
L1448[13:59:22] <Naiten> at least now i can be like "yo, somebody has the same problem i faced a month ago, but i can help them since i've spent a week investigating this"
L1449[13:59:47] <Naiten> in a rare occasion somebody decides to load and texture a model programmatically
L1450[14:00:08] <williewillus> i shouldve caught that earlier
L1451[14:00:10] <Naiten> which will almost never happen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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L1453[14:00:11] <williewillus> black models -> normals missing
L1454[14:01:08] <Naiten> welp, this situation gave me +1 to debug skill
L1455[14:01:37] <sham1> Level up
L1456[14:01:50] <Naiten> ba-doom-tsss
L1457[14:01:57] <BordListian> what the fuck
L1458[14:02:08] <sham1> What is it
L1459[14:02:11] <Tombenpotter> That pretty much sums up what I'm thinking
L1460[14:02:18] <Tombenpotter> Why would files not work
L1461[14:02:26] <Tombenpotter> Like they work, restart the game, not work
L1462[14:02:30] <electrolitic> Is there a good 1.10.2 mod to test the ability to pull items out and insert items into a TileEntity?
L1463[14:03:00] <BordListian> nevermind
L1464[14:03:05] <electrolitic> Unless hoppers are sufficient.
L1465[14:03:09] <BordListian> there was a bunch of magical java 7-8 code
L1466[14:03:13] <BordListian> and it didn't make any sense
L1467[14:03:19] <BordListian> but i found what i was looking for
L1468[14:03:37] <williewillus> hoppers are
L1469[14:03:41] <williewillus> except pulling from the top
L1470[14:03:43] <williewillus> and pushing to bottom
L1471[14:03:52] <williewillus> actually nvm they aren't really at all :P
L1472[14:03:58] *** blood_ is now known as blood|away
L1473[14:03:59] <Diddi> So is there an easy way to color an item (during runtime)?
L1474[14:03:59] <williewillus> hopper ducts might be
L1475[14:04:03] <williewillus> yes
L1476[14:04:07] <williewillus> same way as always
L1477[14:04:12] <electrolitic> Actually
L1478[14:04:13] <RANKSHANK> Diddi tintindex
L1479[14:04:21] <electrolitic> I tried that, but it won't insert into my TileEntity. Hoppers will, however.
L1480[14:04:23] <Tombenpotter> The only reason I can think of.. Is that when you save a template with the structure blocks, it creates a file and adds it to a list. Which means that the file is broken, and nobody knows about it, because unless you restart the game you don't actually use it!
L1481[14:04:37] <Tombenpotter> Does that make sense?
L1482[14:04:40] <williewillus> how does that make the file broken?
L1483[14:04:56] <Tombenpotter> Well, if you try to load a structure from the file it doesn't work
L1484[14:05:10] <williewillus> well reread your message, you jumped from "added to a list" to "it's broken"
L1485[14:05:12] <Tombenpotter> It doesn't work with vanilla MC, it doesn't work if I load them
L1486[14:05:14] <williewillus> i don't connect :P
L1487[14:05:28] <Tombenpotter> Save a template -> create a file AND add to list
L1488[14:05:37] <williewillus> how is that breaking the file?
L1489[14:05:45] <williewillus> i mean adding to a list is a pretty normal thing to do?
L1490[14:05:57] <Tombenpotter> If you don't restart, it uses the version that's in the list, and it doesn't need to load it from the file
L1491[14:06:14] <williewillus> yeah
L1492[14:06:15] <Tombenpotter> However, when you reload the game, it HAS to get the version from the file
L1493[14:06:25] <williewillus> well I feel this is pretty natural
L1494[14:06:29] <Tombenpotter> Yep
L1495[14:06:33] <Tombenpotter> But it doesn't work
L1496[14:06:33] <williewillus> using files that the game is using while it is running is a bad idea
L1497[14:06:39] <williewillus> this is like opening level.dat while the world is loaded
L1498[14:07:14] <williewillus> if I'm understanding you correctly you're saying changes to the .nbt file on disk while mc is running is not reflected in mc
L1499[14:07:20] <Tombenpotter> No
L1500[14:07:34] <williewillus> i don't get it then :P
L1501[14:07:48] <Tombenpotter> I'm saying that loading a template from the .nbt file doesn't work
L1502[14:07:49] <Tombenpotter> At all
L1503[14:08:08] <williewillus> do you know why it doesn't?
L1504[14:08:18] <Tombenpotter> Nope
L1505[14:08:21] <williewillus> and also quark seems to be doing it fine 0.o
L1506[14:08:28] <williewillus> though it does it through worldgen
L1507[14:08:44] <Tombenpotter> But it's a pretty simple test. Save a structure using the blocks. Load it in the world with the load structure block
L1508[14:08:52] <Tombenpotter> Restart, try to load another one
L1509[14:08:55] <williewillus> probably should report it then
L1510[14:09:25] <Tombenpotter> I'd just need someone to confirm, and prove that I didn't somehow fuck things up :P
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L1513[14:09:48] <williewillus> i'll reproduce it. so it's just save a structure, relog, and try to load it?
L1514[14:10:00] <williewillus> or no relog
L1515[14:10:11] <Tombenpotter> Both
L1516[14:10:19] <Tombenpotter> Save, load. Restart game, try to load it again
L1517[14:11:01] <RANKSHANK> -_- just spent 20 minutes debugging generator code to find that I was just calling blockpos.up instead of assigning it to something
L1518[14:11:33] <williewillus> report it and I'll add a supporting comment
L1519[14:11:44] <Tombenpotter> I will
L1520[14:11:54] <Tombenpotter> Just trying to figure out if it needs a separate account or not
L1521[14:12:40] <secknv> is there any way I can have a generic BlockOre class and create different blocks from it each with it's own harvest level?
L1522[14:12:46] <Tombenpotter> Apparently it does
L1523[14:13:48] * Naiten sighs of relief as he can implement his flexible railways now and go on with updating the mod.
L1524[14:14:15] <williewillus> um
L1525[14:14:18] <williewillus> i just saved and loaded fine
L1526[14:14:22] <williewillus> without relog
L1527[14:14:23] <Naiten> welp, it's 5am and i'm kinda tired. bye williewillus, bye everybody, thanks for helping, cya
L1528[14:14:26] <williewillus> trying with relog now
L1529[14:14:50] <electrolitic> Don't know if this is the proper thing to do, but I couldn't extract items out of the input slot by clicking because I override the extract method, so I made another handler that I used for the TileEntity's Container. Is there a better way?
L1530[14:14:52] <williewillus> okay still works with relog
L1531[14:14:54] <williewillus> now restarting game
L1532[14:14:59] <Tombenpotter> Alrights
L1533[14:15:07] <electrolitic> Like, I used ItemStackHandler for the slots
L1534[14:15:16] <williewillus> electrolitic: yeah so here's what I did.
L1535[14:15:23] <williewillus> for the handler I pass around internally
L1536[14:15:26] <williewillus> there's no restrictions
L1537[14:15:36] <electrolitic> ???
L1538[14:15:38] <williewillus> but when queried through getCapability I wrap it
L1539[14:15:43] <electrolitic> oh
L1540[14:16:03] <electrolitic> This whole wrapping thing seems like a basic concept, but it kinda confuses me.
L1541[14:16:17] <williewillus> something like this
L1542[14:16:18] <williewillus> https://github.com/sinkillerj/ProjectE/blob/MC19/src/main/java/moze_intel/projecte/gameObjs/tiles/CollectorMK1Tile.java#L37-L46
L1543[14:16:22] <williewillus> its a bit derpy but thats the idea
L1544[14:16:45] <williewillus> internally the handler is unrestricted, externally you can only take out, and only out of the upgrade slot
L1545[14:17:26] <williewillus> Tombenpotter: worked wth restart as well
L1546[14:17:30] <williewillus> are you pressing load twice?
L1547[14:17:33] <Tombenpotter> Really?
L1548[14:17:59] <electrolitic> Do you maintain or make ProjectE?
L1549[14:18:01] <Tombenpotter> I just get kicked out of the UI and an error message appears in chat saying that the template wasn't found
L1550[14:18:11] <williewillus> electrolitic: i'm onthe team yes
L1551[14:18:16] <electrolitic> Wow, cool.
L1552[14:18:24] <williewillus> Tombenpotter: hmmm
L1553[14:18:26] <williewillus> what forge version?
L1554[14:18:34] <williewillus> I'm on 2041 with no mods loaded
L1555[14:18:50] <Tombenpotter>
L1556[14:19:11] <williewillus> is it something youre saving maybe
L1557[14:19:12] <williewillus> ?
L1558[14:19:22] <williewillus> i just made a 3x3x3 of bone blocks
L1559[14:19:29] <Tombenpotter> https://puu.sh/ql4LE.png
L1560[14:19:29] ⇨ Joins: SupaHam (~SupaHam@supaham.com)
L1561[14:19:44] <Tombenpotter> Hmm, could it be cause I saved mod blocks?
L1562[14:20:00] <williewillus> let me try saving mod blocks in my botania dev env
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L1564[14:22:46] <Tombenpotter> Yep
L1565[14:22:59] <Tombenpotter> 2x2 purpur blocks worked fine
L1566[14:23:02] ⇦ Parts: SupaHam (~SupaHam@supaham.com) ())
L1567[14:23:42] <Tombenpotter> Is it still a MC bug or is it a forge bug? Hmm
L1568[14:24:14] <electrolitic> So what would happen if on the same tick a player pulls an item out of an inventory and some type of itemduct pulls the item out?
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L1570[14:24:29] <electrolitic> Or is that not possible?
L1571[14:24:37] <williewillus> it still worked for a modded block for me
L1572[14:24:43] <williewillus> a basic block but still modded
L1573[14:24:46] <Tombenpotter> Really? o.O
L1574[14:24:52] <diesieben07> electrolitic, MC is single threaded, so things happen one after the other
L1575[14:24:55] <diesieben07> first one wins
L1576[14:24:59] <electrolitic> Oh
L1577[14:25:12] <Tombenpotter> The block I'm using is one with blockstates, but still
L1578[14:25:16] <Tombenpotter> No TE or anything
L1579[14:26:58] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-203-206.access.telenet.be)
L1580[14:27:57] <Tombenpotter> I'll try to restart a new world
L1581[14:28:17] <Tombenpotter> Maybe the world is corrupt or something?
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L1585[14:33:18] <Tombenpotter> Nope, still not working oO
L1586[14:33:19] <Tombenpotter> https://puu.sh/ql5Eh.png
L1587[14:34:19] <Tombenpotter> What is happening there
L1588[14:35:13] <Tombenpotter> williewillus: did you try modded with blockstate?
L1589[14:35:18] <williewillus> yes
L1590[14:35:30] <Tombenpotter> And I bet it worked
L1591[14:35:49] <HACKhalo2> So I'm assuming Proxies have changed?
L1592[14:35:57] <williewillus> they havent
L1593[14:36:01] <williewillus> if youre talking about sidedproxy
L1594[14:36:04] <williewillus> they havent for a long time :P
L1595[14:36:20] <HACKhalo2> I remember having a CommonProxy and doing f=some fuckery with it
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L1598[14:38:54] <williewillus> mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/sides/
L1599[14:39:15] <Tombenpotter> I doubt sending you a zip with all my files would help
L1600[14:39:41] <Tombenpotter> But it's happening on a new world, and only with modded bloks
L1601[14:39:45] <Tombenpotter> blocks*
L1602[14:40:05] <williewillus> any modded blocks or specific ones
L1603[14:40:33] <Tombenpotter> I don't know, I only have one block and its different blockstates on my env at the moment
L1604[14:40:49] <Wuppy> is there some way for me to get a file back from a few hours ago on windows?
L1605[14:40:56] <Wuppy> the file randomly got corrupted
L1606[14:41:05] <secknv> any1 know where in the mc source the harvest levels for the ores are defined?
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L1611[14:48:44] <williewillus> what the fuck
L1612[14:49:26] <Tombenpotter> ?
L1613[14:49:41] <williewillus> my blockstates are going crazy because of the recent forge changes
L1614[14:49:49] <Tombenpotter> What's happened?
L1615[14:49:49] <williewillus> my blocks disappear clientside on chunk reload but not really
L1616[14:49:54] <williewillus> and when they resync all the nbt data is gone
L1617[14:50:20] <Tombenpotter> ..wow
L1618[14:51:03] <williewillus> actually all the nbt of this one gets wiped regardless
L1619[14:51:34] <williewillus> trying to condense it into a test mod but yay getting fires lit under me
L1620[14:51:43] <williewillus> and worse is modpacks use unstable forges
L1621[14:51:56] <williewillus> so botania is totally broken until i get a fix somehow
L1622[14:53:16] <Tombenpotter> Haha
L1623[14:54:06] <Tombenpotter> I think I'm going to let this issue go for now
L1624[14:54:21] <Tombenpotter> I'll go back to it a bit later, because I absolutely don't understand what's up
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L1628[15:03:25] <williewillus> more redpower screens today :D
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L1630[15:03:40] <williewillus> hydraulic press is apparently a thing in RP now :P http://imgur.com/luyp4nG
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L1632[15:06:10] <MalkContent> is charset still a thing btw?
L1633[15:06:27] <MalkContent> last i know its only being maintained not developed anymore
L1634[15:06:42] <williewillus> vaz is holding it in shape
L1635[15:06:46] <williewillus> otherwise no
L1636[15:07:15] <MalkContent> i just wish there was a mod that did nothing but the damn wires from rp2
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L1639[15:10:12] <gigaherz> MalkContent: code it? ;P
L1640[15:10:22] <MalkContent> i guess
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L1642[15:10:45] <MalkContent> i'd have to annoy the hell out of everybody with my questions though :P
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L1644[15:11:04] <MalkContent> and i wanna finish the current thing first
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L1647[15:12:22] <MalkContent> mcmultipart in yet, btw?
L1648[15:12:30] <amadornes> nope
L1649[15:12:41] <amadornes> still rewriting... for like the 3rd time
L1650[15:12:52] <MalkContent> see. totally can't start with wires mod anyways ^^
L1651[15:13:16] <gigaherz> MalkContent: incidently
L1652[15:13:17] <gigaherz> https://mods.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/redstone-paste
L1653[15:13:22] <gigaherz> I have used this, and it's nice for simple things
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L1655[15:14:33] <amadornes> and SuperCircuitMaker should be coming out pretty soon :D
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L1657[15:17:58] <shadowfacts> but ama, have you rewritten it enough times yet? :P
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L1665[15:24:53] <amadornes> dunno, shadowfacts
L1666[15:24:55] <amadornes> probably not
L1667[15:25:19] <shadowfacts> heh
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L1671[15:35:52] <MalkContent> sorry, was away giga. and yea, i know that :) it's nice, but i need them isolated colored wires and bundled cables
L1672[15:36:06] <MalkContent> also: yay supercircuitmaker ^^
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L1674[15:36:24] <MalkContent> still secretly hoping for tiny pigs in tiny minecarts
L1675[15:37:12] <MalkContent> is the supercircuitmaker kindof like the integrated ciruits project red did?
L1676[15:37:21] <MalkContent> those were pretty neat
L1677[15:37:27] <StormyMode> If possible could someone help me? I've spent a couple hours using "MrCrayfish's Model Creater" it generated the json file. Then realising for a 1.7.10 mod - models use TESR. I'm a bit stuck.. XD
L1678[15:37:55] <gigaherz> nono
L1679[15:37:59] <gigaherz> TESR is different
L1680[15:38:08] <StormyMode> :S
L1681[15:38:15] <gigaherz> the thing 1.7.10 models used was ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler
L1682[15:38:20] <gigaherz> ISBRH for short
L1683[15:38:26] <kenzierocks> also why are you writing for 1.7.10 :(
L1684[15:38:29] <StormyMode> And TESR for adv-models?..
L1685[15:38:42] <gigaherz> TESR is for dynamic things
L1686[15:38:45] <gigaherz> and still exists on newer mc
L1687[15:38:51] <gigaherz> things like the beacon beam
L1688[15:38:53] <gigaherz> are drawn with TESR
L1689[15:39:11] <StormyMode> My friends have a development server which they play on. I wanted to create a mod so that I could still play with the mod - with my friends on the 1.7 server. kenzierocks
L1690[15:39:12] <MalkContent> i read bacon beam
L1691[15:39:25] <kenzierocks> why is that on 1.7.10
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L1693[15:39:40] <StormyMode> Because the dev-pack we all play is on 1.7? kenzierocks
L1694[15:40:00] <MalkContent> dev-pack?
L1695[15:40:01] <kenzierocks> sigh, people don't update their stuff
L1696[15:40:10] <gigaherz> people mod because people play because people mod
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L1698[15:40:25] <gigaherz> that's why there's still people modding and playing on 1.2.5
L1699[15:40:25] <gigaherz> ;P
L1700[15:40:36] <kenzierocks> i used to do that for tekkit classic
L1701[15:40:36] <StormyMode> It's not that kenzierocks. There aren't enough updated mods on 1.9/1.10 :/
L1702[15:40:44] <gigaherz> yes there are
L1703[15:40:46] <kenzierocks> before all the mods were available on 1.7.10
L1704[15:40:48] <gigaherz> it's just not THE mods
L1705[15:40:55] <gigaherz> 1.7.10 is like XP
L1706[15:41:05] <gigaherz> people didn't want to update to windows 7 "because some stuff wans't available"
L1707[15:41:11] <gigaherz> or "becuase it's different"
L1708[15:41:24] <gigaherz> the issue really is that forge 1.8 took too long to get traction
L1709[15:41:28] <MalkContent> 1.8.9 is a bit of a vista
L1710[15:41:31] <StormyMode> gigaherz, let me re-edit what I'm saying. There aren't enough mods that I like in 1.10 yet XD
L1711[15:41:31] <gigaherz> so people grew used to 1.7.10
L1712[15:41:44] <gigaherz> StormyMode: what mods do you like?
L1713[15:42:30] <StormyMode> gigaherz, I know you're about to give me substitutions for the mods I like. But.. I'd rather stick with my interests..
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L1715[15:42:39] <gigaherz> no I'm just curious
L1716[15:42:45] <kenzierocks> looks like buildcraft isn't up yet, IC2 is coming http://jenkins.ic2.player.to/job/IC2_110/
L1717[15:43:03] <gigaherz> mekanism is in beta
L1718[15:43:12] <gigaherz> botania has been around for a while
L1719[15:43:15] <gigaherz> enderio is around
L1720[15:43:19] <williewillus> kenzierocks: gigaherz: I've given up on convincing people a long time ago :P
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L1722[15:43:27] <kenzierocks> all the COFH stuff is updated
L1723[15:43:32] <kenzierocks> williewillus: :(
L1724[15:43:34] <williewillus> is it?
L1725[15:43:37] <gigaherz> is it?
L1726[15:43:37] <williewillus> i don't think so
L1727[15:43:40] <williewillus> no
L1728[15:43:44] <gigaherz> I thought they gave up porting thermal foundation
L1729[15:43:56] <StormyMode> AE2, IC2, TE4, THAUM, Ruins and more..
L1730[15:44:12] <kenzierocks> huh
L1731[15:44:13] <kenzierocks> maybe not
L1732[15:44:21] <MalkContent> i don't see the problem with people still playing 1.7 if what they want isn't in the new versions yet
L1733[15:44:27] <StormyMode> Unless AE is in most packs I'm like this *gun points towards temple. bang*
L1734[15:44:28] <Girafi> IC2 is on 1.10.2 ? :)
L1735[15:44:32] <williewillus> yes
L1736[15:44:35] <williewillus> its on the btm server rn
L1737[15:44:44] <williewillus> which I totally skipped woops
L1738[15:44:46] <StormyMode> It's my good ol' friend Girafi \o/
L1739[15:44:47] <Girafi> Questionmark as in wondering why Stormy listed it
L1740[15:44:55] <Girafi> Hi o/
L1741[15:44:58] <StormyMode> Not the IC2 I like Girafi ;)
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L1744[15:45:12] <kenzierocks> gigaherz: do you know why they gave up on it?
L1745[15:45:21] <gigaherz> kenzierocks: no I don't know the people
L1746[15:45:32] <Girafi> It is basically IC2 experimental, which was what people used in 1.7.10 ? :)
L1747[15:45:32] <gigaherz> all I know is they had a few tweets, then silence
L1748[15:45:43] <StormyMode> Anyway.. Too late to start modding in 1.10. I've spent ages experimenting with code in 1.7.10 for the past week.
L1749[15:46:09] <gigaherz> it's never too late, but anyhow
L1750[15:46:14] <gigaherz> read up on ISBRH
L1751[15:46:18] <masa> "in the pas tweek" lol
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L1753[15:46:27] <masa> you can't spend ages in a week
L1754[15:46:28] <gigaherz> this channel doesn't officially help people develop for old versions
L1755[15:46:29] <gigaherz> and right now
L1756[15:46:31] <StormyMode> Meh. Anyway. I'm lazy to mod in 1.10.
L1757[15:46:33] <gigaherz> anything before 1.9.4 is old versions
L1758[15:46:34] <gigaherz> ;P
L1759[15:46:38] <StormyMode> Wow...
L1760[15:46:41] <StormyMode> -.-
L1761[15:46:45] <williewillus> its not wow
L1762[15:46:48] <williewillus> think of how old it is
L1763[15:46:50] <masa> 1.7.10 is complete crap compared to the current version
L1764[15:46:52] <StormyMode> Segregation :(
L1765[15:46:55] <williewillus> not really
L1766[15:47:02] <williewillus> its "no support for the ancient version"
L1767[15:47:06] <StormyMode> XD
L1768[15:47:15] <williewillus> you can mod for whatever you want (like I said I've given up on convincing people)
L1769[15:47:22] <williewillus> but youre not going to receive any support for it
L1770[15:47:24] <StormyMode> Not really ancient. Bit of an exaggeration. Tekkit classic is ancient.
L1771[15:47:25] <RANKSHANK> you realize a good hunk of the people here work to improve forge and you are pretty much spitting on that by joining the 'hold back the community' cre?
L1772[15:47:31] <williewillus> StormyMode: 1.7 is 3 years old
L1773[15:47:34] <MalkContent> it's got railcraft though
L1774[15:47:52] <StormyMode> RANKSHANK was that to me?
L1775[15:47:56] <williewillus> MalkContent: ?
L1776[15:48:02] <williewillus> rc is close to completion
L1777[15:48:08] <MalkContent> ik
L1778[15:48:08] ⇨ Joins: esteth (~esteth@cpc95730-lewi18-2-0-cust417.2-4.cable.virginm.net)
L1779[15:48:33] <williewillus> and bc is taking a while because alex has real life, and he wants to make gameplay changes instead of straight porting
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L1781[15:48:58] <williewillus> also, does vanilla have threaded file io now? 0.o
L1782[15:49:02] <williewillus> i see classes in vanilla relating to it
L1783[15:49:07] <williewillus> but I thought we had to patch our own in
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L1785[15:50:33] <esteth> Is there a list of major changes between the API in various MC/Forge versions somewhere? I’m new to modding and I find lots of documentation for 1.6 and 1.7 - I’d like to know what I have to watch out for in terms of incompatibility
L1786[15:50:49] <williewillus> there isnt a centralized place
L1787[15:50:57] <gigaherz> i'm not aware of one single list
L1788[15:50:58] <esteth> The forge official docs are great but they’re not exactly comprehensive.
L1789[15:51:03] <gigaherz> yeah
L1790[15:51:05] <williewillus> asking here and looking on other mods on github is what i do
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L1792[15:51:10] <gigaherz> because almost no one writes docs
L1793[15:51:13] <gigaherz> after learning new things
L1794[15:51:14] <gigaherz> ;P
L1795[15:51:16] <williewillus> lol
L1796[15:51:26] <williewillus> i find it fun sometimes to do so
L1797[15:51:26] <gigaherz> and I include myself in the blame
L1798[15:51:33] <esteth> OK, thanks :)
L1799[15:51:36] <kenzierocks> oh and guess what
L1800[15:51:40] <kenzierocks> i wrote a custom record mod
L1801[15:51:46] <kenzierocks> except that converting audio is hard whoops
L1802[15:51:55] <gigaherz> converting audio?
L1803[15:51:57] <kenzierocks> so it currently requires you have FFmpeg installed to convert audio
L1804[15:52:08] <MalkContent> o.O
L1805[15:52:08] <kenzierocks> gigaherz: if you don't put an ogg into minecraft, it won't work
L1806[15:52:11] <gigaherz> why not just require whatever file format mc uses?
L1807[15:52:20] <kenzierocks> .ogg? because end users will complain
L1808[15:52:24] <gigaherz> just tell people to get some random mp3-to-ogg converter
L1809[15:52:43] <kenzierocks> you think that works for 50+ files that I know people will try to stick in?
L1810[15:53:11] <kenzierocks> plus, this way you can shove videos in the folder too :)
L1811[15:53:29] <MalkContent> i know there's a radio mod
L1812[15:53:33] <MalkContent> that plays internet streams
L1813[15:53:44] <kenzierocks> this plays audio from a folder on your computer
L1814[15:53:45] <MalkContent> and i'm pretty sure that's not ogg
L1815[15:53:57] <kenzierocks> it also talks to the server
L1816[15:54:02] <kenzierocks> and downloads audio from the server
L1817[15:54:04] <MalkContent> so i'm pretty sure that there's a way to get non-ogg audio playing in minecraft
L1818[15:54:06] <kenzierocks> and creates new items for it
L1819[15:54:18] <kenzierocks> MalkContent: yea, you don't use the built-in soundsystem
L1820[15:54:30] <kenzierocks> which I decided to do for some reason
L1821[15:54:34] <Necr0> you can always just use another sound engine..
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L1823[15:54:50] <kenzierocks> like java.sampled :{
L1824[15:55:13] <Necr0> it's not like you are bound to minecrafts sound system
L1825[15:55:22] <kreezxil> Is there a known fix for when the mappings table goes whack and the wrong blocks are displayed in the world? or is world wiping the only solution?
L1826[15:55:32] <kenzierocks> i dunno, can I pull audio controls from minecraft?
L1827[15:55:43] <kenzierocks> i'd like to actually mute/lower volume if the user requests it
L1828[15:56:38] <Necr0> you should be able to read out the game settings
L1829[15:56:39] <kenzierocks> > public float getSoundLevel(SoundCategory category)
L1830[15:56:41] <kenzierocks> i guess so
L1831[15:56:56] <kenzierocks> still, sampled isn't the most fantastic audio player
L1832[15:57:00] <williewillus> oh huh nvm
L1833[15:57:07] <williewillus> mc has threaded chunk saving but not loading
L1834[15:57:09] <williewillus> misread the code
L1835[15:57:10] <kenzierocks> it also has no support for mp3
L1836[15:57:22] <kenzierocks> is there any java sound library that supports mp3/
L1837[15:57:42] <williewillus> mp3 is a shitty format that needs to die anyway x_X
L1838[15:58:19] <gigaherz> yeah but anything better has patent issues
L1839[15:58:29] <kreezxil> williewillus: yeah, like vinyl.
L1840[15:58:30] <gigaherz> (and vorbis isn't really better)
L1841[15:58:41] <williewillus> ??
L1842[15:58:49] <kenzierocks> williewillus: most audio comes as mp3 or wav
L1843[15:58:53] <kenzierocks> at least most audio I have
L1844[15:58:56] <diesieben07> there is no need to use your own audi system...
L1845[15:58:59] <williewillus> it's shitty not because it's lossy but because of all the licensing shit around it
L1846[15:59:05] <kreezxil> most audio comes in my ears
L1847[15:59:12] <diesieben07> the paulscode thing can accept additional codecs
L1848[15:59:14] <kenzierocks> or you can buy AAC on itunes :)
L1849[15:59:37] <kenzierocks> diesieben07: I remember that it has additional codecs, do you know where I can get them?
L1850[15:59:50] <kenzierocks> i remember way back when, audiomod or something added them
L1851[15:59:56] <gigaherz> http://www.paulscode.com/forum/index.php?topic=496.0
L1852[15:59:57] <kenzierocks> modloader days
L1853[16:00:06] <gigaherz> #1 on google "paulscode mp3"
L1854[16:00:07] <diesieben07> yeah
L1855[16:00:22] <diesieben07> idk if there is an mp3 one :D
L1856[16:00:33] <diesieben07> ah yeah what giga linked :D
L1857[16:01:10] <kenzierocks> weeee, nothing on maven
L1858[16:01:19] <kenzierocks> time to store everything in the libs folder
L1859[16:01:24] <MalkContent> im getting flashbacks to the time where i wanted to see if i can get the doppler effect working
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L1862[16:02:38] <kreezxil> there's a new mod out called mxTune, that plays mml files
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L1871[16:13:15] <RANKSHANK> what's the best these way to attach data to a chunk? is it still an external pos>data map?
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L1873[16:13:53] <williewillus> yeah basically, chunk coords -> data in a WSD
L1874[16:14:31] <RANKSHANK> fair enough :P thanks
L1875[16:14:58] <williewillus> how do I fork a java process to the background from commandline? >_<
L1876[16:15:13] <williewillus> doing `java -jar modelcreator.jar &` still links it to my terminal :P
L1877[16:17:55] <RANKSHANK> run disown maybe?
L1878[16:17:56] <RANKSHANK> dunno
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L1880[16:18:28] <williewillus> that did the trick, thanks
L1881[16:18:36] <williewillus> `java -jar modelcreator.jar & disown`
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L1893[16:31:06] <secknv> guys is there a way to set the smelting times for mod ingots in the vanilla furnace?
L1894[16:32:05] <gigaherz> no furnace is fixed-time
L1895[16:32:09] <gigaherz> you can set input and output
L1896[16:32:19] <gigaherz> but it will always take the same amount of time to smelt
L1897[16:32:36] <secknv> so I would have to make my own version of a furnace
L1898[16:32:46] <secknv> to have whatever times I want
L1899[16:32:52] <gigaherz> if you want to change the smelting speeds, yes.
L1900[16:32:58] <secknv> ok thanks man
L1901[16:33:06] ⇨ Joins: JamEngulfer (~JamEngulf@host86-137-175-107.range86-137.btcentralplus.com)
L1902[16:34:49] <diesieben07> would be pretty easy for forge to add a hook, since vanilla already has a method getCookTime
L1903[16:34:56] <diesieben07> it just returns constant 200
L1904[16:34:59] <diesieben07> but would be easy to change
L1905[16:35:55] <gigaherz> heh
L1906[16:35:58] <gigaherz> I didn't know that
L1907[16:36:32] <gigaherz> hmmm
L1908[16:36:38] <gigaherz> how would such a hook work, though?
L1909[16:36:47] <gigaherz> some extra field on the Item?
L1910[16:37:04] <diesieben07> yeah just call getBurnTime on the item
L1911[16:37:09] ⇦ Quits: Goof (~Goof@plebcraft.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1912[16:37:10] <diesieben07> *cookTime
L1913[16:37:29] <gigaherz> yeah forge switching that 200 with stack.getItem().getCookTime(stack)
L1914[16:37:30] <diesieben07> and that returns 200 by default and you can override it
L1915[16:37:30] ⇨ Joins: Vaevictus (~vae@kesq-06-093.dsl.netins.net)
L1916[16:37:32] <gigaherz> sound like the best option
L1917[16:37:49] <gigaherz> secknv: fancy learning how to make a pull request to forge? ;P
L1918[16:38:05] <diesieben07> it's even syncing that in the furnace already
L1919[16:38:09] <diesieben07> so the 200 is not hardcoded
L1920[16:38:23] <secknv> lol I was on github right now
L1921[16:38:48] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1922[16:39:25] <Vaevictus> on one of my lesser machines, forge crashes java, but the machine can run 1.10.2 without crashing. does forge have specific requirements beyond vanilla? (i'm guessing graphics accelleration?)
L1923[16:39:49] <gigaherz> yo ucould try disabling the progressbar
L1924[16:40:19] <gigaherz> edit your splash.properties
L1925[16:40:25] <gigaherz> and set enabled=false
L1926[16:40:43] <secknv> gigaherz I'd love to but I am a noob at java, forge and mc modding
L1927[16:41:12] <secknv> how ever I'm always interested in learning
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L1929[16:41:29] <diesieben07> if you guys think it's a good idea I'll make a quick pr, should not be too hard
L1930[16:41:46] <secknv> if you're talking about the cooktime thing
L1931[16:41:47] <gigaherz> diesieben07: I think it's interesting
L1932[16:41:48] <secknv> then by all means
L1933[16:41:55] <diesieben07> ok then :D
L1934[16:41:55] <gigaherz> specially given that they seem to have made it ready for us
L1935[16:42:03] <gigaherz> so if you have the environment ready
L1936[16:42:07] <gigaherz> mine's from like 1.9.4 ;p
L1937[16:42:08] <diesieben07> i have
L1938[16:42:14] <diesieben07> i still need to finish that data-fixer thing
L1939[16:42:19] <gigaherz> heh
L1940[16:42:20] <secknv> what does a quick pr stand for btw
L1941[16:42:25] <diesieben07> but it's a pain in the ass so i am procrastinating
L1942[16:42:30] <gigaherz> PR = Pull Request
L1943[16:42:31] <diesieben07> PR = PullRequesst
L1944[16:42:32] <secknv> #sryfornoob
L1945[16:42:38] <gigaherz> quick means "not taking a long time to program"
L1946[16:42:43] <gigaherz> since it's basically two lines edit
L1947[16:42:49] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1948[16:43:02] <diesieben07> but i need to run clean setup again... rip
L1949[16:43:05] <secknv> thanks for clarifying
L1950[16:43:09] <gigaherz> a single line change on TileEntityFurnace, and a single addition to the Item class
L1951[16:45:53] <secknv> oh I see it
L1952[16:46:01] <secknv> it is indeed just set to return 200
L1953[16:46:06] <gigaherz> yep
L1954[16:46:16] <gigaherz> 200 ticks == 10 seconds
L1955[16:46:50] <secknv> so what we have to do is instead of that, create a property of items called cooktime and have it look for ir
L1956[16:46:52] <secknv> it*
L1957[16:47:05] <secknv> or something like that right
L1958[16:47:47] ⇨ Joins: candybar (~foo@adsl-074-181-053-011.sip.sav.bellsouth.net)
L1959[16:48:14] <gigaherz> sortof, yes
L1960[16:48:24] <gigaherz> instead of returning 200
L1961[16:48:29] <gigaherz> we'd do like "stack.getItem().getCookTime(stack)"
L1962[16:48:29] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1963[16:48:40] <gigaherz> that is, we'd forward this number to the Item class
L1964[16:48:44] <gigaherz> this call*
L1965[16:48:52] <gigaherz> then the Item would be responsible to returning a number
L1966[16:48:56] <gigaherz> be it 200, or 20
L1967[16:49:09] <gigaherz> btw
L1968[16:49:18] <gigaherz> if this gets merged, I WILL be using it on my Survivalist mod
L1969[16:49:25] <gigaherz> since my rocks smelting into nuggets is SLOW
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L1972[16:53:05] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1973[16:53:19] <diesieben07> anything else I should put into getCookTime except the stack?
L1974[16:55:33] <secknv> idk
L1975[16:56:03] <Necr0> the world maybe?
L1976[16:56:29] <diesieben07> could pass the TileEntity, but that woudl limit it being called by other mods
L1977[16:56:31] <gigaherz> hmm World and BlockPos, maybe
L1978[16:56:33] <diesieben07> but yeah the world
L1979[16:56:43] <gigaherz> Idon't think passingthe TE would make sense
L1980[16:56:44] <diesieben07> what if there is a "portable furnace" kinda thign thats in na item?
L1981[16:56:49] <diesieben07> it doesn't have a BlockPos
L1982[16:56:55] <gigaherz> make it @Nullable ?
L1983[16:56:59] <diesieben07> ew :D
L1984[16:57:05] <secknv> why do you need the world for cooktime?
L1985[16:57:19] <gigaherz> secknv: maybe someone wants to make an item that cooks faster in the nether?
L1986[16:57:20] <diesieben07> things take shorter in the nether because its hot? :D
L1987[16:57:22] <diesieben07> haha
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L1989[16:57:32] <secknv> oh that seems legit
L1990[16:57:37] <gigaherz> diesieben07: hmmmm
L1991[16:57:46] <secknv> but you could do that on the item itself no?
L1992[16:57:56] <secknv> have a check for the world and set different cooktimes
L1993[16:58:00] <gigaherz> int getCookTime(World, BlockPos, ItemStack) { return getCookTime(ItemStack); }
L1994[16:58:09] <diesieben07> yes but you can't check for the world if you dontr HAVE the world :P
L1995[16:58:12] <gigaherz> then make the non-world-aware version return 200
L1996[16:58:30] <diesieben07> that's even worse :D
L1997[16:58:38] <diesieben07> nullable BP is it
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L1999[16:58:43] <secknv> lol
L2000[16:59:02] <secknv> why do we need the blockpos again?
L2001[16:59:14] <gigaherz> secknv: to see if the furnace is next to lava
L2002[16:59:17] <diesieben07> :D
L2003[16:59:24] <williewillus> hrmf
L2004[16:59:29] <RANKSHANK> lol
L2005[16:59:29] <williewillus> idk how else to optimize this
L2006[16:59:29] <secknv> gg
L2007[16:59:38] <sham1> What is this talk about portable furni
L2008[16:59:42] <williewillus> pretty complex baked model rendered spinning around in a tesr
L2009[16:59:45] <secknv> furnaces*
L2010[16:59:47] <williewillus> drops framerate pretty considerably
L2011[16:59:48] <gigaherz> sham1: TileEntityFurnace
L2012[16:59:51] <gigaherz> has getCookTime
L2013[16:59:53] <gigaherz> which returns 200
L2014[16:59:54] <RANKSHANK> linkypoos willy?
L2015[17:00:05] <gigaherz> diesieben07 is creating a vanilla edit
L2016[17:00:09] <gigaherz> to make Item have this method
L2017[17:00:11] <williewillus> RANKSHANK: to what?
L2018[17:00:11] <gigaherz> and the TE call the item
L2019[17:00:17] <gigaherz> so items can chooseto smelt faster or slower
L2020[17:00:49] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L2021[17:01:03] <williewillus> made it better by usaing facequads properly and by changing the model to have less quads but it still halves my framerate looking at a small grid of them
L2022[17:01:04] <sham1> Interesting...
L2023[17:01:15] <RANKSHANK> williewillus probably the TESR & bake model. Just looking for a gander, dunno if I can offer much
L2024[17:01:18] <sham1> I could see some usecases
L2025[17:01:25] <gigaherz> yeah i gave one:
L2026[17:01:28] <gigaherz> my Survivalist mod
L2027[17:01:30] <gigaherz> has "ore rocks"
L2028[17:01:33] <gigaherz> which smelt into nuggets
L2029[17:01:34] <RANKSHANK> maybe you'll have to map the location and then batch them in a custom pass in an event
L2030[17:01:45] <gigaherz> so I want to make them smelt in 2 seconds rather than 10
L2031[17:02:12] <secknv> put lava below furnace for smelt in .5 secs
L2032[17:02:42] <sham1> 10 ticks
L2033[17:02:47] <sham1> hmm
L2034[17:03:29] <sham1> At that point I would declare all tech mod furnaces sort of useless
L2035[17:04:48] <secknv> I'd still want an electric furnace
L2036[17:05:05] <secknv> instead of a coal powered lava boosted one
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L2039[17:06:38] <sham1> I hope they add explosions back into IC
L2040[17:07:17] <williewillus> i thought they did
L2041[17:07:33] <williewillus> RANKSHANK: RenderTileFloatingFlower and models/block/miniIsland.json
L2042[17:07:33] <williewillus> https://github.com/williewillus/Botania/tree/improvedfloaters
L2043[17:07:36] <electrolitic> I thought nukes were the coolest thing (when they weren't crazy expensive)
L2044[17:08:11] <sham1> And I really wist that we would get more complex power systems into mods than just "RF yet again"
L2045[17:08:57] <gigaherz> what kind of complexity would you expect?
L2046[17:09:26] <williewillus> gigaherz: obviously nothing short of full electrical simulation
L2047[17:09:32] <secknv> what 10 years till I'm king of forge modding
L2048[17:09:40] <secknv> and I give you electromaster mod
L2049[17:09:50] <secknv> 5/7 ign
L2050[17:09:54] <secknv> powersystem
L2051[17:10:10] <secknv> real electromagnetism physics
L2052[17:10:16] <secknv> amps and volts
L2053[17:10:29] <sham1> Well, in older IC2 (dunno about current one) energy was in packets. EU/t. And you had to think about it harder than "Let me put this flux conduit here lol"
L2054[17:10:29] <secknv> gg support me on patreon rn pls
L2055[17:10:42] <secknv> still like that
L2056[17:10:51] <sham1> And let us not forget rotary
L2057[17:10:51] <secknv> not really think hard
L2058[17:10:59] <secknv> rotary is the best I've seen
L2059[17:11:09] <gigaherz> i'd like to see some proper steampunk
L2060[17:11:10] <sham1> Something that makes people think
L2061[17:11:15] <gigaherz> with steam pressure AND temperature
L2062[17:11:23] <williewillus> did FSP have that?
L2063[17:11:26] <secknv> ic2 all you gotta think about it just not connect higher eu/t than you should
L2064[17:11:28] <williewillus> someones porting it i know
L2065[17:11:29] <gigaherz> fsp?
L2066[17:11:31] <secknv> or machines blow
L2067[17:11:33] <williewillus> flaxbeards
L2068[17:11:33] ⇦ Quits: HACKhalo2 (~HACKhalo2@66-227-242-159.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L2069[17:11:39] <sham1> I have thought about making fluidcraft kind of steampunk-y
L2070[17:11:39] <gigaherz> haven't heard of it ;P
L2071[17:12:24] <sham1> But I would probably implement the whole pipe system around pressure
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L2073[17:12:36] <gigaherz> I want to make a "power network"
L2074[17:12:38] <gigaherz> system
L2075[17:12:39] <gigaherz> where
L2076[17:12:47] <gigaherz> rather than have energy nubmers traveling around
L2077[17:12:52] <gigaherz> the whole network is considered as a whole
L2078[17:13:00] <secknv> how so?
L2079[17:13:02] <gigaherz> with a generation value and consumer value
L2080[17:13:04] <gigaherz> and
L2081[17:13:11] <Necr0> so like eu2?
L2082[17:13:13] <gigaherz> everything works so long as the generation > the consumption
L2083[17:13:22] <gigaherz> Necr0: eu2?
L2084[17:13:23] <secknv> that should overload
L2085[17:13:25] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L2086[17:13:28] <Necr0> extra utilities
L2087[17:13:36] <sham1> you mean generation >= consumption, right
L2088[17:13:42] <gigaherz> yes
L2089[17:13:56] <williewillus> is there a way to "snapshot" the vertex data in the tess
L2090[17:13:57] <williewillus> ?
L2091[17:13:58] <gigaherz> Necr0: I haven't seen it
L2092[17:14:04] <diesieben07> god damn you intellj
L2093[17:14:09] <diesieben07> it reorganized all imports again
L2094[17:14:10] <secknv> if you generate more power that you're consuming, you have a problem
L2095[17:14:15] <gigaherz> wat
L2096[17:14:29] <gigaherz> oh you have auto-reformat enabled?
L2097[17:14:44] <diesieben07> optimize imports on the fly
L2098[17:14:50] <diesieben07> BUT it says it is per-project
L2099[17:14:51] <diesieben07> but its not.
L2100[17:14:55] <diesieben07> which is infuriating
L2101[17:15:08] <diesieben07> i want it on in my projects but OFF for the forge dev
L2102[17:15:14] <diesieben07> which is apparently impossible
L2103[17:15:39] <RANKSHANK> williewillus how many of these are in a grid?
L2104[17:15:54] <williewillus> i had an 8x8 grid and it dropped me from 120 to 40
L2105[17:16:01] <williewillus> which is better than it used to be
L2106[17:16:04] <williewillus> but still meh
L2107[17:16:12] <williewillus> (was 6 before I changed the model)
L2108[17:16:15] <sham1> Hmm, areas of high pressure and low pressure
L2109[17:16:25] <gigaherz> [00:14] (secknv): if you generate more power that you're consuming, you have a problem
L2110[17:16:32] <gigaherz> the idea was that it was generation capacity
L2111[17:16:37] <gigaherz> and it would just scale to wahtever you use
L2112[17:16:38] <gigaherz> basically
L2113[17:16:45] <gigaherz> it would be 0 maintenance
L2114[17:16:54] <gigaherz> you'd only ever have to think about how many generators are around
L2115[17:16:56] <secknv> yes like factorio I see
L2116[17:16:57] <gigaherz> and then
L2117[17:16:59] <gigaherz> the "batteries"
L2118[17:17:09] <gigaherz> would be in terms of "time"
L2119[17:17:11] <gigaherz> as in
L2120[17:17:25] <gigaherz> like how real life batteries are measured in "Amp-hours"
L2121[17:17:40] <secknv> but I'd be kinda fun to actually have to program your energy generation to match your needs exactly
L2122[17:18:03] <gigaherz> sure
L2123[17:18:04] <williewillus> is there a int to int hashmap anywhere in mc's libs?
L2124[17:18:13] <gigaherz> but I hate that kind of micromanagement so I'd disable that ;P
L2125[17:18:20] <secknv> xD
L2126[17:18:25] <williewillus> oh there's trove
L2127[17:18:28] <diesieben07> williewillus, TIntIntHashMap yeah
L2128[17:18:30] <williewillus> wonder if fastutil has one
L2129[17:18:44] <diesieben07> the original one probably does,but the one mc has is stripped
L2130[17:19:03] <williewillus> why 0.o
L2131[17:19:14] <diesieben07> idk :D
L2132[17:19:52] *** amadornes is now known as amadornes[OFF]
L2133[17:21:15] <secknv> well I'm headin out to bed gnight guys
L2134[17:21:38] <secknv> It's been a pleasure annyoing y'all for forge tutorials
L2135[17:21:40] <williewillus> bleh you have to use the long ass ctor to specify the no entry value
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L2138[17:23:52] ⇨ Joins: linuxuser9000 (~gordon@
L2139[17:25:51] <RANKSHANK> williewillus that's brutal. It's some pretty lean code too
L2140[17:26:19] ⇨ Joins: candybar (~foo@adsl-074-181-053-011.sip.sav.bellsouth.net)
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L2143[17:27:19] <williewillus> im gonna see how bad it is in 1.7
L2144[17:27:29] <williewillus> if I can get it equal to 1.7 i'm calling it there :P
L2145[17:28:59] <williewillus> bleh its good in 1.7
L2146[17:29:03] <williewillus> not sure what the problem is
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L2148[17:30:57] <StormyMode> Most of you are going to hate this. But it needs to be said. There are some hurtful things out there. http://pastebin.com/NsFM9cAa
L2149[17:32:39] <RANKSHANK> williewillus the recent updates killed the item frames too.. may be something related to that
L2150[17:33:02] <StormyMode> :L
L2151[17:33:05] <williewillus> overhead of baked models
L2152[17:33:15] <williewillus> but it still distills to tess calls
L2153[17:33:18] *** gigaherz is now known as ghz|afk
L2154[17:33:21] <ghz|afk> night ppl
L2155[17:33:24] <williewillus> so i'm slightly confused why its that bad
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L2157[17:37:03] <diesieben07> ok i am doing *something* wrong...
L2158[17:37:15] <diesieben07> ran gradle clean; gradle setup like... 3 times now
L2159[17:37:19] <diesieben07> and my edits are STILL there...
L2160[17:37:25] <williewillus> StormyMode: sorry, man. Hope things get better. that's all I can really say or deserve to say from a 28 line paste. Take it easy.
L2161[17:37:28] <diesieben07> oh.
L2162[17:37:30] <williewillus> diesieben07: i do clean setupForge
L2163[17:37:33] <williewillus> idk the difference
L2164[17:37:34] <williewillus> but it works
L2165[17:37:36] <diesieben07> cause i didnt clean the pathces
L2166[17:37:38] <diesieben07> fuck my life
L2167[17:37:38] ⇦ Quits: linuxuser9000 (~gordon@ (Quit: Leaving)
L2168[17:38:25] <RANKSHANK> is it just as bad if you comment out all the translations and cache the lookup? If so it's out of your hands
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L2170[17:38:46] <StormyMode> williewillus: Almost everyone is involved in this against me. Even the people we call 'friends' in this channel.
L2171[17:39:06] <williewillus> StormyMode: pm?
L2172[17:39:14] <StormyMode> Why? williewillus?
L2173[17:39:16] <williewillus> RANKSHANK: visualvm says the overhead is in nglDrawArrays
L2174[17:39:17] ⇦ Quits: Emris (~Miranda@ (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org)
L2175[17:39:38] <williewillus> it's easier to talk without having to switch into modding mode every other message
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L2177[17:39:40] <williewillus> lol
L2178[17:39:47] <StormyMode> idk
L2179[17:40:29] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L2180[17:42:57] <RANKSHANK> wait williewillus what's your graphics hardware like? maybe you aren't supporting a call so it's falling back to cpu
L2181[17:43:14] <williewillus> 2013 intel igpu, and I doubt it
L2182[17:43:17] <williewillus> it's just tess calls
L2183[17:43:26] <williewillus> if tess calls didn't work i probably have a comp from the 80's
L2184[17:43:40] <williewillus> and the tess calls are passed to vbo's
L2185[17:43:47] <williewillus> hmm lemme try with vbos off
L2186[17:43:51] <williewillus> so it falls back to display lists
L2187[17:44:44] ⇨ Joins: candybar (~foo@adsl-074-181-053-011.sip.sav.bellsouth.net)
L2188[17:45:36] <raoulvdberge> How do I read / write a TextComponentBase to a bytebuf
L2189[17:45:46] <williewillus> eh no differrence between displaylist/vbo
L2190[17:46:08] <StormyMode> http://pastebin.com/NsFM9cAa -FML bye.
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L2192[17:46:31] <williewillus> raoulvdberge: check the chat packets
L2193[17:46:35] <Necr0> is there an easy way to get a baked model or a list of baked quads from a resource location?
L2194[17:46:51] <williewillus> Necr0: from a ModelResourceLocation, yes
L2195[17:47:06] <Necr0> how?
L2196[17:47:29] <williewillus> raoulvdberge: its seems like mc just converts the textcomp to json then writes the string
L2197[17:47:39] <raoulvdberge> interesting, thanks
L2198[17:48:38] <williewillus> IBakedModel model = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getBlockRendererDispatcher().getBlockModelShapes().getModelManager().getModel(<mrl>);
L2199[17:48:51] <williewillus> Necr0: ^ several hoops but pretty simple
L2200[17:49:13] <williewillus> and that assumes that that model has already been loaded and baked
L2201[17:49:49] ⇦ Quits: TechnicianLP (~Technic@p4FE1C698.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L2202[17:51:22] <RANKSHANK> Yeah I'm not seeing what the hold up is. it's loading 64 quads to the buffer directly.
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L2206[17:53:55] <williewillus> its probably because its done every frame
L2207[17:54:42] <RANKSHANK> yeah maybe, which would describe why vanilla equivalents see a similar hit
L2208[17:55:27] <williewillus> but then why does it work well in 1.7 is the question, modelbases are supposed to be less efficient >_<
L2209[17:55:55] <RANKSHANK> they're probably more efficient on a per frame upload sort of deal
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L2212[18:00:21] <Necr0> williewillus ModelLoader.getModel(ResourceLocation location).bake should work if the model wasn't baked already right?
L2213[18:00:41] <williewillus> yes, but you have to make sure any textures the model uses are loaded
L2214[18:00:55] <williewillus> if a texture isn't refernced by a model at load time it isn't loaded and stitched
L2215[18:01:00] <diesieben07> ugh i need to build my new pc... http://i.imgur.com/e7yVyF2.png
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L2217[18:03:28] <diesieben07> looks alright? https://github.com/diesieben07/MinecraftForge/commit/f7381cfd5df23d33790a4069c3dc50aab43ed245
L2218[18:04:00] <williewillus> yup
L2219[18:04:22] <diesieben07> why is my commit called "o" though... damn it
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L2221[18:04:26] <williewillus> lol
L2222[18:04:51] <RANKSHANK> lol that site gits the best of us
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L2224[18:05:01] <williewillus> ...
L2225[18:05:18] <RANKSHANK> I should probably leave now
L2226[18:05:25] <kenzierocks> o no
L2227[18:07:47] <diesieben07> done: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/3141
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L2232[18:16:04] <Necr0> I feel kinda stupid right now. I can just add my model parts as variants and they should automatically be baked, right?
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L2236[18:22:07] <mrkirby153> So... Are a large amount of byte arrays normal for MC?
L2237[18:22:13] <williewillus> yes
L2238[18:22:15] <RANKSHANK> diesieben07 you gotta check your git again
L2239[18:22:24] <diesieben07> ?
L2240[18:22:28] <mrkirby153> williewillus, 470k of them?
L2241[18:22:36] <williewillus> what owns them?
L2242[18:22:38] <RANKSHANK> shadowfacts left a pretty relevant comment
L2243[18:22:42] <diesieben07> oh
L2244[18:22:45] <diesieben07> goddamn.
L2245[18:22:49] <shadowfacts> kek
L2246[18:22:54] <mrkirby153> williewillus, how do I view that in Java Mission Control?
L2247[18:23:02] <williewillus> not sure, i havent used jmc much
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L2249[18:23:35] <williewillus> lol diesie
L2250[18:23:43] <mrkirby153> I'll poke around
L2251[18:23:48] <kenzierocks> haha diesieben07
L2252[18:23:57] <williewillus> let me sample how many byte arrays I hvae in a normal run
L2253[18:24:02] <diesieben07> i'm tired, ok? :D
L2254[18:24:16] <kenzierocks> add `run` to your global gitignore :)
L2255[18:24:34] <mrkirby153> williewillus, This is a modpack with 100+ mods on it BTW
L2256[18:24:46] <williewillus> byte arrays are used for chunk data, lighting, biomes, and all that so it's not inconceivable they would b ecommon but here lets see
L2257[18:25:10] <diesieben07> how do I fix this the easist?
L2258[18:25:27] <diesieben07> ah i know
L2259[18:25:30] <williewillus> easiest? nuke and remake ;p
L2260[18:25:55] <williewillus> mrkirby153: byte[] is highest but it's only 17% for me
L2261[18:25:58] <kenzierocks> um no williewillus
L2262[18:26:00] <shadowfacts> just remove the files and commit
L2263[18:26:05] <mrkirby153> williewillus, Huh. Something must be leaking
L2264[18:26:13] <mrkirby153> Because it's 60% and 1.13GB of heap used
L2265[18:26:20] <kenzierocks> git rm -r --cached run && git commit -m 'tmp remove' && git rebase -i HEAD~2
L2266[18:26:28] <kenzierocks> then flatten the two together
L2267[18:26:29] <kenzierocks> and push
L2268[18:26:30] <mrkirby153> Because I'm seeing GC pauses of 1+ seconds
L2269[18:27:00] <williewillus> yeah 17% of a 1G heap used by byte[] for me
L2270[18:27:02] <williewillus> which is like 86M
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L2272[18:27:19] <williewillus> though I had my render dist down
L2273[18:27:22] <williewillus> lemme turn it back up
L2274[18:27:41] <williewillus> eh still 18-20 ish
L2275[18:28:25] <mrkirby153> That's odd
L2276[18:28:44] <williewillus> jmc can show you whats spawning the most byte[]'s right?
L2277[18:28:50] <williewillus> or was that yourkit
L2278[18:29:07] <mrkirby153> I dunno
L2279[18:29:08] <shadowfacts> http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,41008.0.html that title though
L2280[18:29:10] <mrkirby153> It's probably the latter
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L2282[18:29:51] <shadowfacts> also he posted it 8 minutes after Lex locked his other thread xD
L2283[18:29:55] <williewillus> lol
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L2286[18:32:00] <RANKSHANK> bahaha
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L2289[18:35:21] <williewillus> ugh my block models that depend on nbt are not working for some reason
L2290[18:35:26] <williewillus> when the chunk reloads they go missing model
L2291[18:36:06] <Shambling> is that the whole forge fixing a broken vanilla bug thing?
L2292[18:36:18] <Shambling> because it seems like reloading chunks is causing issues with storage drawers mod as well
L2293[18:36:42] <williewillus> probably
L2294[18:36:42] <Shambling> I've been reading alot of nbt focused items losing their rendering and going invisible
L2295[18:37:05] <Shambling> what version was that changed in forge? 2027?
L2296[18:37:09] <williewillus> yes
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L2298[18:37:21] <Shambling> maybe try your mod pre-2027 and see if it does the same behavior, if you don't have dependancies that you can't comment out at least
L2299[18:38:20] <Shambling> its weird how a vanilla 'bug' was relied on by so many mods to function properly for rendering
L2300[18:38:31] <williewillus> my getQuads is not even being called at all (?!)
L2301[18:39:48] <williewillus> thing is my floating flowers are fine
L2302[18:39:51] <williewillus> its just the normal ones
L2303[18:40:32] <Shambling> hrmmm... different rendering calls?
L2304[18:44:59] <Shambling> like... this the botania floating flowers you're talking about? Do the regular flowers make calls to the blocks they are on? Because I'd imagine the rendering would make calls to the container block (not sure what you'd consider the block the flower is on) but the floating ones wouldn't
L2305[18:45:53] <Shambling> so maybe a bug with the lighting and deciding to not render the flowers because it has decided they aren't visible in that chunk
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L2307[18:47:07] <Necr0> is there an item equivalent for IBakedModel?
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L2319[19:05:48] <Necr0> just realized that the cactus block has a bottom texture even tough you can never see it.
L2320[19:06:16] <Shambling> did I misread on reddit where bonnie said he was making it so you could repair tinkers items in your crafting bench?
L2321[19:06:41] <Necr0> nvm. you can see it when you look at the dropped item from below
L2322[19:07:20] <Shambling> glass floors I'd imagine
L2323[19:08:48] <Shambling> oh I see about the repairing in inventory, it requires a tool sharpener. :P
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L2331[19:30:52] <williewillus> Necr0: items use IBakedModel as well
L2332[19:30:53] ⇦ Quits: MalkContent (kiwiirc@p4FDCFFBE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
L2333[19:31:17] <Necr0> oh okay, thanks!
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L2335[19:33:35] <williewillus> wtf the models work again :P
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L2337[19:35:20] <Zander> Hello
L2338[19:36:37] <Zander> Hey can someone help me with some code? It is not forge related but the people over at the Spigot IRC are pretty useless.
L2339[19:36:43] *** Zander is now known as Sollux-Captor
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L2341[19:37:10] <williewillus> a more focused question would probbaly be better
L2342[19:37:24] <williewillus> instead of just help, but just ask and whoever wants to can answer
L2343[19:37:28] <Sollux-Captor> Yeah, but I was just wondering if you were willing to help first.
L2344[19:37:40] <williewillus> if you just ask whoever answers you is willing ;p
L2345[19:37:54] <Sollux-Captor> I get you.
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L2347[19:38:40] <mrkirby153> Is there a tutorial on using the RF API? Or do I have to just read the docs?
L2348[19:38:43] <Sollux-Captor> Anyways, I'm trying to make a catalog inventory menu with buttons (items) that allow you to switch back and forth between pages of items.
L2349[19:39:25] <Sollux-Captor> I'm wondering where I am going wrong with this and why the hell my code is exponentially looping.
L2350[19:39:27] <Sollux-Captor> http://hastebin.com/edunutotol.avrasm
L2351[19:39:39] <Sollux-Captor> That also has some output for demonstration.
L2352[19:40:31] <Sollux-Captor> I've been at this literally all day with no avail to make an inventory that is navigatable between itself.
L2353[19:40:47] <Ordinastie_> fix your indentation first
L2354[19:41:06] <Ordinastie_> unreadable this way
L2355[19:41:07] <Sollux-Captor> There is nothing wrong with my indentation. Maybe hatebin broke it.
L2356[19:41:18] <Sollux-Captor> Let me go see
L2357[19:41:19] <williewillus> lines 14 and 16
L2358[19:41:24] <Ordinastie_> you have mixed tab and spaces
L2359[19:41:24] <williewillus> exact same if condition
L2360[19:41:41] <Ordinastie_> williewillus, BARRIER != BANNER
L2361[19:41:48] <williewillus> derp
L2362[19:42:32] <Sollux-Captor> Yeah no, sorry Ordinastie_ . Hastebin is just being weird and it wont let me fix it.
L2363[19:42:45] <williewillus> heh I was confused by the lack of mcp names for a moment, forgot it was bukkit thought it was sponge
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L2365[19:43:31] <Sollux-Captor> Haha yeah. I was talking over at the spigot IRC but like I said, they are pretty useless.
L2366[19:44:11] <Necr0> is there a simple way to tell my item what variant it should use? or do have to do it using a custom baked model?
L2367[19:44:21] <williewillus> what do you mean?
L2368[19:44:26] <Ordinastie_> so each time change the page, you openCatalog ?
L2369[19:44:39] <Sollux-Captor> yeah
L2370[19:44:48] <williewillus> Necr0: you want to establish a (item, meta) -> ModelResourceLocation? use aptly named ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation
L2371[19:44:55] <Ordinastie_> why
L2372[19:45:27] <Necr0> williewillus: no i want to do it based on NBT
L2373[19:45:38] <williewillus> use the 1.9 predicate override system
L2374[19:45:51] <williewillus> see the ItemBow constructor and bow.json
L2375[19:46:04] <williewillus> the bow is sensitive on entity but you get the stack as wsell
L2376[19:46:07] <williewillus> so you can check nbt there
L2377[19:46:18] <Sollux-Captor> Ordinastie_, it is the only way I can think of to update the menu.
L2378[19:46:30] <williewillus> was it ever laid out anywhere what the default value of an unlisted property should be?
L2379[19:46:43] <williewillus> if i set mine to something not null, it fucks my models
L2380[19:46:49] <williewillus> and/or blockstates
L2381[19:47:05] <Sollux-Captor> Essentially what I'm trying to do is pagination.
L2382[19:47:09] <Ordinastie_> yeah, I don't know what system it is using, but that looks awful
L2383[19:47:15] <Necr0> oh, okay thanks!
L2384[19:47:36] <Ordinastie_> any reason why you don't pass the page index in openCatalog ?
L2385[19:48:22] <Sollux-Captor> The pageView was supposed to be the index
L2386[19:48:26] <Ordinastie_> also, those scheduleSyncDelayedTask look weird
L2387[19:48:37] <Ordinastie_> yes, but again, why
L2388[19:48:45] <Sollux-Captor> Yeah, forget about those. I don't think those should be there.
L2389[19:48:52] <Sollux-Captor> That was just for testing reasons.
L2390[19:49:05] <Ordinastie_> remove them, test again
L2391[19:49:11] <Sollux-Captor> I have
L2392[19:49:27] <Ordinastie_> then show clean code, indented correctly
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L2394[19:49:55] <Sollux-Captor> Ordinastie_ that is not my fault.
L2395[19:50:04] <Sollux-Captor> It is nice and clean in my IDE
L2396[19:50:10] <Ordinastie_> NO ITS NOT
L2397[19:50:21] <Ordinastie_> <Ordinastie_> you have mixed tab and spaces
L2398[19:50:37] <Sollux-Captor> I checked and everything is indented, not spaced.
L2399[19:50:43] ⇦ Quits: HACKhalo2 (~HACKhalo2@66-227-242-159.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2400[19:50:48] <Sollux-Captor> I'm telling you that it is just hastebin being stupid
L2401[19:50:52] <williewillus> then use gist
L2402[19:50:57] <Ordinastie_> line 32
L2403[19:51:09] <Ordinastie_> to 37
L2404[19:54:08] <Sollux-Captor> Here, this should be indented correctly.http://paste.ee/p/99ONQ
L2405[19:54:58] <Ordinastie_> first, no need to box here : pageView.put(player.getUniqueId(), new Integer(i + 1))
L2406[19:55:59] <Sollux-Captor> Anyways, the real problem is is that the click event loops more and more every time I press one of my navigation buttons.
L2407[19:56:41] <Ordinastie_> then, for the sake of readability, don't use anonymous classes when you have huge chunks of code for them
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L2409[19:57:14] <Sollux-Captor> Yeah?
L2410[19:58:32] <Ordinastie_> can you show a screen of what it looks like ?
L2411[19:58:55] <Ordinastie_> also you confirm it still happens even when you removed the runnable ?
L2412[19:59:30] <Sollux-Captor> Yeah, but first let me get my code back in to a runnable state. It is throwing me a nullpointer now.
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L2414[20:03:38] <Sollux-Captor> Almost got it back to a semi working state
L2415[20:03:57] ⇦ Quits: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-129-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L2416[20:04:34] * Ordinastie_ wonders how many have set up breakpoint for the most common exceptions to avoid having to restart everytime a dumb mistake is made
L2417[20:06:28] <Ordinastie_> probably not enough
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L2421[20:10:55] <Sollux-Captor> Ok, I got it. I'll show you what happens now.
L2422[20:13:02] <Ordinastie_> (with the updated code of course)
L2423[20:13:32] <Sollux-Captor> Yeah, I got a screen cap. Waiting for it to upload
L2424[20:16:43] <Sollux-Captor> Alright so here is my updated code
L2425[20:16:44] <Sollux-Captor> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/2a5976f17c0e8445e7f533774ba2fb54
L2426[20:17:26] <Ordinastie_> if set the name of the gist to be .java, at least you have color formatting
L2427[20:17:28] <Sollux-Captor> here is my output
L2428[20:17:29] <Sollux-Captor> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/caa0a0e09c06e168497687e8fd0a058f
L2429[20:17:50] <Sollux-Captor> well I've never used gist before
L2430[20:18:21] <Ordinastie_> and you can have different files in 1 gist
L2431[20:18:38] <Sollux-Captor> Good to know. Like I've said, I've never used gist.
L2432[20:18:40] <Ordinastie_> also, you output seem normal
L2433[20:19:40] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L2434[20:21:02] <Sollux-Captor> Hold on, I'm trying to upload this little clip. It is being really weird with uploading.
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L2437[20:22:34] <Sollux-Captor> ShareX is having me install dropbox. my god.
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L2439[20:23:54] <Ordinastie_> I assume you don't control MenuItemClicked
L2440[20:24:43] <Sollux-Captor> And by control you mean?
L2441[20:24:48] <Ordinastie_> not your class
L2442[20:24:56] <Sollux-Captor> No, it is my class.
L2443[20:25:03] ⇦ Quits: blood|away (unknown@ool-4574115b.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L2444[20:25:54] <Ordinastie_> using Java 8 by chance ?
L2445[20:27:29] <Ordinastie_> is InventoryMenu yours too ?
L2446[20:29:04] <Sollux-Captor> Yes that is mine too.
L2447[20:29:09] <Sollux-Captor> I think I might be using java 8
L2448[20:29:21] <Sollux-Captor> Anyways, I finally got this stupid video clip uploaded
L2449[20:29:22] <Sollux-Captor> https://www.dropbox.com/s/rj2jbjm0z7dzsvv/2016-07-31_21-28-46.mp4?dl=0
L2450[20:29:28] <Sollux-Captor> This just shows the behavior
L2451[20:29:56] <Sollux-Captor> It looks as if it is scrolling through all of the menus really fast instead of just going to the next step up
L2452[20:30:05] ⇨ Joins: blood_ (unknown@ool-4574115b.dyn.optonline.net)
L2453[20:30:57] <Ordinastie_> by using Java 8, I mean do you requires your users to have Java 8
L2454[20:31:27] <Sollux-Captor> Uh. . I don't think so. The user would be the server
L2455[20:32:28] <Ordinastie_> it's not whether you think or not, it's a choice you have to make
L2456[20:32:40] <Ordinastie_> but apparently not, so I guess no lambdas here
L2457[20:33:02] <Sollux-Captor> Yes, I'm using java 8
L2458[20:33:52] <Ordinastie_> to be clear, you compile for Java 8, and the server HAVE TO have Java 8 installed too, right ?
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L2460[20:34:37] <Sollux-Captor> I don't actually think so
L2461[20:34:52] <Sollux-Captor> I don't think the server needs to be java 8
L2462[20:35:12] <howtonotwin> What you think is irrelevant, what matters is what you WANT
L2463[20:35:32] <howtonotwin> You can choose to force J8, or can not, it's your choice
L2464[20:35:44] <Ordinastie_> do you want to say "hey, if you want to use my mod, you need Java 8"
L2465[20:35:54] <Sollux-Captor> This isn't a mod
L2466[20:35:59] <Ordinastie_> it doesn't matter
L2467[20:36:06] <kenzierocks> plugin, whatever
L2468[20:36:10] <kenzierocks> your code
L2469[20:36:11] <Ordinastie_> do you want to say "hey, if you want to use my shit, you need Java 8"
L2470[20:36:18] <Sollux-Captor> It doesn't matter. Sure, java 8.
L2471[20:36:23] ⇨ Joins: flappy (~flappy@85-76-151-97-nat.elisa-mobile.fi)
L2472[20:36:42] <Sollux-Captor> This is for personal use. I am not distributing this
L2473[20:37:04] <Ordinastie_> well, Java 8 it is then
L2474[20:37:09] <Sollux-Captor> Java 8 is fine with me
L2475[20:37:15] <Ordinastie_> that good, lambdas will simplify your code
L2476[20:37:37] <Sollux-Captor> I'm not seeing how this is going to help with my current issue.
L2477[20:38:00] <Ordinastie_> next question, if you control both InventoryMenu and MenuItemClicked (and I assume IMenuItemClicked) why do you rely on the display name of the itemStack to know what action to take ?
L2478[20:38:45] <Sollux-Captor> Because there is no simple way to just compare items in bukkit unlike forge.
L2479[20:39:22] <Sollux-Captor> It is easiest to see if the clicked items has the same display name and is of the same type
L2480[20:39:38] <Ordinastie_> but *you* control the data
L2481[20:39:56] <Ordinastie_> when you set the option with setInvOption, why not pass the actual action to take
L2482[20:40:17] ⇨ Joins: Lunatrius` (~Lunatrius@
L2483[20:40:57] <Sollux-Captor> because one of the parameters in the InventoryMenu constructor is of IMenuItemClicked which is an interface.
L2484[20:41:50] <Sollux-Captor> I have to declare the actions of the inventory items when making a new InventoryMenu object
L2485[20:42:46] <Sollux-Captor> I do not think the event will trigger if other wise.
L2486[20:43:03] <Ordinastie_> menu.setInvOption(17, new ItemStack(), action)
L2487[20:43:35] <Ordinastie_> when you call onMenuItemClicked() with MenuItemClicked , you can have the event remember the action
L2488[20:43:39] <Ordinastie_> and simply defer
L2489[20:43:54] <Ordinastie_> and lambdas really helps too have clean code for that
L2490[20:44:24] <Sollux-Captor> Can you give me a quick example or something?
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L2492[20:45:07] <Sollux-Captor> Can you give me a quick example or something.
L2493[20:45:14] <Sollux-Captor> damnit
L2494[20:45:18] <Sollux-Captor> woops, up arrow key
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L2497[20:45:31] <Ordinastie_> menu.setOption(index, itemStack, event -> menu.setPage(menu.currentPage +1));
L2498[20:45:34] <Ordinastie_> something like that
L2499[20:46:38] <Ordinastie_> new InventoryMenu(title, numSlots, something, clickEvent -> clickEvent.getAction().apply());
L2500[20:47:21] <Ordinastie_> obviously, you need to modify your object to store relevant data about the actions
L2501[20:47:48] <Ordinastie_> you could completely remove the MenuItemClicked entirely
L2502[20:48:30] <Sollux-Captor> And that would do what exactly?
L2503[20:48:34] <Ordinastie_> (I know it has drifted away from your issue, but honnestly, I don't see any issue in your vid)
L2504[20:49:38] <Sollux-Captor> The only issue in the video is that a.) it is just scrolling to fast and taking in more then one click or b.) stupidly broken
L2505[20:49:52] <Ordinastie_> what I'm saying is, instead of having a global functional interface for your menu, you would have if for the slots directly
L2506[20:50:07] <Ordinastie_> which is way cleaner
L2507[20:50:14] <Sollux-Captor> TAlright
L2508[20:50:18] <Sollux-Captor> Alright*
L2509[20:51:05] <Ordinastie_> nothin prevents you to have if for both too, like if none is found for the slot, then use the global menu one
L2510[20:51:12] <Sollux-Captor> I see where you are getting at but like why would I completely remove MenuItemClicked? What is better about doing that?
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L2512[20:51:45] <Ordinastie_> so you're not tempted to have your huge if/else if/else if again :p
L2513[20:51:49] <Sollux-Captor> I think I much rather do it your way though even if it means pretty much rewriting everything
L2514[20:52:09] <Ordinastie_> one aditional thing too
L2515[20:52:14] <Ordinastie_> your pageView is pointless
L2516[20:52:27] <Ordinastie_> I guess it's a static one
L2517[20:52:43] <Sollux-Captor> Trust me, that is not mine. That is what the shits over at spigot suggested I try and do
L2518[20:53:25] <Ordinastie_> your menu object doesn't exist outside this method anyway
L2519[20:53:47] <Ordinastie_> so just use that object, that you know only applies for the player
L2520[20:53:51] <Ordinastie_> store the page in there
L2521[20:53:52] <Sollux-Captor> Well I have multiple different menus but that is besides the point.
L2522[20:54:24] <Sollux-Captor> The whole thing is essentially an interactive inventory banner maker and cataloger.
L2523[20:55:04] <Ordinastie_> and that's not pretty either : https://gist.github.com/anonymous/2a5976f17c0e8445e7f533774ba2fb54#file-btb-L49-L83
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L2525[20:55:16] <Sollux-Captor> Anyways, for the "new InventoryMenu(title, numSlots, something, clickEvent -> clickEvent.getAction().apply());" What exactly is that last parameter intended to do?
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L2531[20:56:38] <Ordinastie_> same thing as new IMenuItemClicked() { public void onMenuItemClick(MenuItemClicked clickEvent) { clientEvent.GetAction.apply(); } }
L2532[20:57:22] <Ordinastie_> I suggest you read about lambdas in J8
L2533[20:57:41] <Sollux-Captor> Yeah, I know nothing about lambdas so I should probably do so
L2534[20:58:01] <Sollux-Captor> or I think I know nothing about lambdas
L2535[20:58:25] <Ordinastie_> when you have a functional interface, which means an interface that does one thing (like IMenuItemClicked), you can simplify the writing and java know what it refers too
L2536[20:58:54] <howtonotwin> a lambda looks like this (function params) -> { body; body; body; }
L2537[20:59:23] <howtonotwin> If the body is only one statement, you can omit the {}, like this (params) -> 1+1
L2538[20:59:51] <howtonotwin> As you can see, you can also omit return, as the above defines a function that returns 2
L2539[21:00:09] <Ordinastie_> if there is only 1 param, you can omit the paren too
L2540[21:00:13] <howtonotwin> The parameters look like a normal param list, as so (int i, Object o)
L2541[21:00:18] <howtonotwin> that too
L2542[21:00:37] <Ordinastie_> well, the types can be omitted too
L2543[21:00:39] <howtonotwin> You can also omit the param type if it can be inferred
L2544[21:00:47] <howtonotwin> like so i -> i*5
L2545[21:01:14] <howtonotwin> You can also use method references that look like Receiver::method
L2546[21:01:22] <howtonotwin> But you'll have to research that yourself
L2547[21:01:23] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
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L2549[21:01:37] <Sollux-Captor> as for the getAction(); That would just be a getter method that gets the action of an inventory slot that was set by setOption(...)?
L2550[21:01:47] <Ordinastie_> yes
L2551[21:02:16] <Ordinastie_> you don't even necessarily have to store is in the even
L2552[21:02:17] <Ordinastie_> *event
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L2554[21:02:33] <Sollux-Captor> Would I want to make that a map then? Get the action of key slot number
L2555[21:03:01] <howtonotwin> that would work.
L2556[21:03:03] <Ordinastie_> maybe yes
L2557[21:03:17] <Ordinastie_> depends on what data you get in the first place when player clicks the slot
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L2559[21:03:49] <Sollux-Captor> I get what ever is in MenuItemClicked
L2560[21:04:09] <Ordinastie_> but that's your object, you constructed that yourself
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L2562[21:04:20] <Ordinastie_> from some data passed by MC or whatever
L2563[21:04:27] <Sollux-Captor> Oh ok then
L2564[21:04:49] <Sollux-Captor> You can basically get all of the data that is in my class from MC
L2565[21:05:09] <Ordinastie_> I know MC will only send the slot index to the client, but maybe on the sever, before that you retreive your own slot object etc.
L2566[21:05:17] ⇨ Joins: auenf (David@DC-24-199.bpb.bigpond.com)
L2567[21:05:29] <howtonotwin> Also, if you don't want to roll your own functional interfaces you can use the stuff under java.util.function
L2568[21:05:46] <Sollux-Captor> Yeah?
L2569[21:05:49] <Ordinastie_> (hence the apply() used earlier)
L2570[21:06:00] <howtonotwin> Like your class that handles events
L2571[21:06:13] <howtonotwin> You don't really need that if you just use the ones already defined
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L2573[21:06:42] <Ordinastie_> in your case, Consumer<MenuItemClicked>
L2574[21:07:15] <howtonotwin> That means a function taking MenuItemClicked and returning void
L2575[21:08:15] <Sollux-Captor> Well I'm going to try what Ordinastie suggested first
L2576[21:08:21] <Sollux-Captor> See how things go from there.
L2577[21:09:02] <Ordinastie_> and then when you'll have stuff like menu.setOption(slotIndex, itemStack, player::closeInventory); you'll realise it feels so nice :p
L2578[21:10:05] <Ordinastie_> or menu.setOption(slotIndex, itemStack, menu::nextPage); / menu.setOption(slotIndex, itemStack, menu::previousPage);
L2579[21:10:38] <howtonotwin> player::closeInventory is a kind of shorthand for (params) /*discarded*/ -> player.closeInventory, except not really
L2580[21:10:56] <Ordinastie_> also, back to your issue, maybe you should just clear the inventory and resets the stacks from that, don't recreate the menu entirely
L2581[21:11:09] <Sollux-Captor> You said that I would be passing IMenuItemClicked to that method, right?
L2582[21:11:40] <Ordinastie_> what you pass is what you need
L2583[21:12:11] <Sollux-Captor> So I'm basically passing anything
L2584[21:12:16] <Sollux-Captor> ?
L2585[21:13:09] <howtonotwin> Whatever you want to pass, your decision
L2586[21:13:34] <Ordinastie_> if you know you don't need anything, you don't have to pass any param in your action, so you choose an interface that has no params for its methodf
L2587[21:14:16] <Ordinastie_> in your case, what will you need ? just the itemStack ? the slotIndex ? the full event ?
L2588[21:14:59] <Ordinastie_> if you need the full event, then yes, you need your IMenuItemClicked (or the J8 builtin equivalent Consumer<MenuItemClicked>
L2589[21:14:59] <Sollux-Captor> Alright
L2590[21:15:06] <howtonotwin> Also note that lambdas can't really do state, not that it seems to matter.
L2591[21:15:44] <Ordinastie_> but remember that if you use lambdas you already have access to current variables inside, like menu, player, etc
L2592[21:16:06] <howtonotwin> But those variables must be final or "effectively final"
L2593[21:16:17] <Ordinastie_> true
L2594[21:17:00] <Sollux-Captor> the player can be final, the menu can be final as well unless the event is to switch between menus
L2595[21:17:03] <Sollux-Captor> ?
L2596[21:17:03] <howtonotwin> "effectively final" means the variable isn't explicitly declared final, but is never reassigned and therefore acts final anyway
L2597[21:17:19] <Sollux-Captor> I got that.
L2598[21:17:26] ⇨ Joins: Hink (~Hink@pool-71-184-194-139.bstnma.fios.verizon.net)
L2599[21:17:26] <Ordinastie_> Sollux-Captor, I suggest you don't replace your menu ever
L2600[21:17:47] <Ordinastie_> when you chage page, don't call openCatalog
L2601[21:17:56] <Ordinastie_> change the page inside your menu object
L2602[21:18:04] <Ordinastie_> and reassign slot contents there
L2603[21:18:11] <Sollux-Captor> Alright
L2604[21:19:13] <Ordinastie_> and if I were you, I would try to clean that too : https://gist.github.com/anonymous/2a5976f17c0e8445e7f533774ba2fb54#file-btb-L49-L83
L2605[21:19:37] <Ordinastie_> not really sure how, but there must be a better way
L2606[21:20:56] <howtonotwin> Can't you set the 0-45 in one go, then one by one switch out the others outside the loop?
L2607[21:20:59] <Sollux-Captor> I'll try to make that better but I'm not sure because that is basically just the inventory maker.
L2608[21:21:31] <Sollux-Captor> No I cannot because I am getting all my items from a giant pool of items
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L2611[21:22:25] <Ordinastie_> my take on it : one method to set the right menu, the 5 calls to setInvOption
L2612[21:22:39] <Ordinastie_> one method to set the banner slots, based on currentPage in the menu
L2613[21:22:50] <Ordinastie_> there you can have the loop
L2614[21:23:06] <Ordinastie_> skip the index % 9 == 0
L2615[21:23:22] ⇨ Joins: Goof (~Goof@plebcraft.net)
L2616[21:23:31] <Sollux-Captor> The thing is is that I have int j because before when I tried things out side of the loop, it skipped over items within the catalog
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L2618[21:23:33] <Sollux-Captor> config
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L2620[21:24:01] <Sollux-Captor> % 8? Since there are only 8 banners per row.
L2621[21:24:37] <Ordinastie_> probably (index + 1) % 9
L2622[21:24:42] *** DarkevilAway is now known as Darkevilmac
L2623[21:24:48] <howtonotwin> 8*que == 45?
L2624[21:24:51] <Ordinastie_> but it's up to you to not mess the indexes and stuff for your catalog
L2625[21:25:15] ⇦ Parts: gamax92 (gamax92@The.Dragon.Slayer.PanicBNC.eu) (Leaving))
L2626[21:25:45] <Sollux-Captor> I might not because that would just mean a lot of iteration alignment and parsing for the correct thing in a YML
L2627[21:25:55] <Ordinastie_> nope
L2628[21:26:16] <Ordinastie_> you stil have i
L2629[21:26:28] <Ordinastie_> and j can be deducted from i
L2630[21:26:40] <Ordinastie_> (yes, all your j = 1, j = 2 are useless :))
L2631[21:27:29] <Sollux-Captor> essentially I'm just checking for the key name in the yml followed by the number of the iteration + the offset of where to actually start within the YML. https://gist.github.com/anonymous/80112920be2a3670ec5b5d703354a7ca
L2632[21:28:15] <Sollux-Captor> Offset of 0 will start at 1 and end at 40.
L2633[21:28:33] <Sollux-Captor> offset of 40 will start at 40 and end at 80. pretty simple
L2634[21:29:54] <Ordinastie_> still, that doesn't contradict what I said
L2635[21:30:40] <Ordinastie_> (had to double check that word on google translate, it felt wrong ><)
L2636[21:30:40] <Sollux-Captor> Did I say it did? I was just explaining how I'm currently setting up the pages
L2637[21:31:02] <Ordinastie_> <Sollux-Captor> I might not because that would just mean a lot of iteration alignment and parsing for the correct thing in a YML
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L2639[21:32:46] <howtonotwin> Why do blocks define a sensible toString but Items still have the className@hashcode thing?
L2640[21:32:48] <Sollux-Captor> Well that is because I didn't understand what you meant at first
L2641[21:34:08] <Ordinastie_> do you use git ?
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L2643[21:35:37] <howtonotwin> Ordinastie_: that is quite possibly the randomest thing I've seen today.
L2644[21:36:17] <Ordinastie_> I'm asking if he has a github or similar, not quite random in a chan like this :)
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L2647[21:36:34] <howtonotwin> aha!
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L2651[21:40:19] <Sollux-Captor> You said not to use a map to store the actions?
L2652[21:40:31] <Ordinastie_> I did not
L2653[21:40:41] <Sollux-Captor> I don't remember what you said.
L2654[21:40:44] <Sollux-Captor> Hehe
L2655[21:41:20] <Ordinastie_> if you had a slot object, that would be a convenient place to store it, but if you don't, Map<int, Consumer<MenuStuffClick>> should work
L2656[21:41:39] <Sollux-Captor> Alright
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L2659[21:44:18] <Ordinastie_> Sollux-Captor, you didn't answer do you have github ?
L2660[21:44:45] <Sollux-Captor> Oh, woops, did not see that question. I do but I really do not like to use it.
L2661[21:44:49] <Sollux-Captor> I use bitbucket
L2662[21:44:56] <Ordinastie_> that explains :p
L2663[21:45:05] <Sollux-Captor> Explains what?
L2664[21:45:14] <Ordinastie_> why you don't like to use it
L2665[21:45:20] <Sollux-Captor> Oh, haha
L2666[21:45:21] <tterrag|away> not really...from my experience github is better than bitbucket in every way .-.
L2667[21:45:27] *** tterrag|away is now known as tterrag
L2668[21:45:32] <tterrag> bitbucket UI just feels clunky
L2669[21:45:34] <Sollux-Captor> You have to pay for private repos though
L2670[21:45:37] <tterrag> this is true
L2671[21:45:42] <tterrag> unless you are a student
L2672[21:45:55] <Ordinastie_> do you really need a private repo though ?
L2673[21:46:00] <tterrag> why would you need a private repo though?
L2674[21:46:02] <Sollux-Captor> Also I think bitbucket is more organized actually.
L2675[21:46:26] <Sollux-Captor> For reasons
L2676[21:46:31] <tterrag> don't really agree there
L2677[21:46:35] <tterrag> particularly their issue system
L2678[21:46:40] <Lord_Ralex> i mean, bitbucket is also software you can run on your own hardware too
L2679[21:46:42] <tterrag> GH isn't great but bb is a mess from what I've seen
L2680[21:46:49] <tterrag> Lord_Ralex: so is github :P
L2681[21:46:51] <tterrag> it's called gitlab
L2682[21:46:54] <Lord_Ralex> true
L2683[21:46:58] <Lord_Ralex> forgot about gitlan
L2684[21:46:59] <Lord_Ralex> lab
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L2686[21:47:25] <Lord_Ralex> but since atlassian has all their stuff mixed together, it plays really well with their tools
L2687[21:47:32] <Lord_Ralex> still would use github though, lol
L2688[21:47:41] <Sollux-Captor> I'm already using Confluence for things so I thought it was just easier to use bitbucket.
L2689[21:48:36] <howtonotwin> Say, does forge swallow logger debug messages? They don't seem to be getting through.
L2690[21:49:54] <tterrag> only if you use the forge logger
L2691[21:49:56] <tterrag> which you shouldn't
L2692[21:50:18] <howtonotwin> which should I use then?
L2693[21:50:27] <tterrag> your own?
L2694[21:50:54] <tterrag> Logger.getLogger
L2695[21:50:58] <tterrag> erm
L2696[21:51:00] <tterrag> LogManager.getLogger
L2697[21:51:19] <howtonotwin> in my preinit I get the logger off event.getModLog, should that change?
L2698[21:51:30] <Ordinastie_> look what it does
L2699[21:52:02] <tterrag> same thing
L2700[21:52:10] <tterrag> in which case no, it should not swallow debug messages
L2701[21:52:53] <tterrag> actually...I might be mistaken
L2702[21:52:58] <tterrag> I thought I had used debug level in the past but maybe not
L2703[21:53:03] <tterrag> looks like I just used info
L2704[21:53:08] <Ordinastie_> unless you did LogManager.getLogger("your mom") then it's normal
L2705[21:53:18] <howtonotwin> It lets warns through, and it does show the modid in brackets
L2706[21:53:18] <tterrag> Ordinastie_: not quite
L2707[21:53:31] <tterrag> all log4j loggers use the parent configuration (forge's)
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L2709[21:53:55] <howtonotwin> Can I override that then?
L2710[21:54:02] <Ordinastie_> I wish it was simpler to alter the print level for the logger
L2711[21:54:16] <Ordinastie_> you have to use an XML or something, it's annoying
L2712[21:54:35] <Ordinastie_> but yes, debug and trace aren't output to sysout
L2713[21:54:52] <Sollux-Captor> It would be Consumer<MenuItemClicked> not Consumer<IMenuItemClicked> ?
L2714[21:55:12] <howtonotwin> doesn't matter, whatever the class is called
L2715[21:55:14] <tterrag> howtonotwin: read the javadoc on getModLog
L2716[21:55:16] <Ordinastie_> yes, look at consumer
L2717[21:55:30] <howtonotwin> alright
L2718[21:55:33] <Sollux-Captor> Alright, thanks.
L2719[21:55:40] *** cpw is now known as cpw|out
L2720[21:55:52] <Sollux-Captor> Certainly wayyy more helpful then those idiots over at spigot.
L2721[21:56:28] <Sollux-Captor> Time to put this into practice (was just taking some notes and making sure of things)
L2722[21:56:49] <Ordinastie_> well, imma go to bed soon, I'll check your homework tomorrow
L2723[21:57:11] <Sollux-Captor> Who me?
L2724[21:57:16] <Ordinastie_> yup
L2725[21:57:20] <Sollux-Captor> Haha
L2726[21:57:22] <Sollux-Captor> Fine
L2727[21:57:33] <Sollux-Captor> I was hoping to get this done tonight though
L2728[21:57:38] <Sollux-Captor> Hopefully I can
L2729[21:58:11] <Ordinastie_> yeah, that's how I help
L2730[21:58:22] <Ordinastie_> I don't fix your problems, I tell you to rewrite everything
L2731[21:59:08] <Sollux-Captor> Yeah thanks, does not help that I am on a deadline with this. haha
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L2733[22:01:32] <Sollux-Captor> Meh, I should probably get to bed as well.
L2734[22:01:41] <Sollux-Captor> Guess it wont be finished tonight.
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L2736[22:06:08] <Ordinastie_> Got a bunch of emails telling me that posts were added to my thread
L2737[22:06:12] <Ordinastie_> was getting worried
L2738[22:06:29] <Ordinastie_> turns out all the issues I add were fixed by themselves :p
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L2741[22:11:43] <theFlaxbeard> I'm not too up to date on the way item rendering works after 1.8 - but would it be possible with the current system to have two layers on an item, one that's set to transparent where the first layer is. Something that would effectively work like this - http://puu.sh/qlwop/1de4f4325c.png
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L2743[22:12:22] <howtonotwin> Yes, use the layer# textures in the JSON, and define the number of layers somewhere in the Item class
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L2745[22:12:40] <howtonotwin> I don't remember which method you have to override, but it's pretty easy
L2746[22:13:30] <Ordinastie_> if the first layer is supposed to be a mask for the second, I'm not so sure
L2747[22:15:47] <theFlaxbeard> Yeah, a mask effect is what I'm looking for
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L2749[22:18:14] <howtonotwin> tterrag: would this http://hastebin.com/okapihosoj.json work as the logger properties file?
L2750[22:18:17] <Ordinastie_> depending on your use case, you might want to use custom icon loading instead
L2751[22:18:32] <theFlaxbeard> Hmm
L2752[22:18:37] <Ordinastie_> howtonotwin, test it? :)
L2753[22:19:04] <tterrag> howtonotwin: I know little to nothing about log4j configuration
L2754[22:19:24] <Ordinastie_> also I wonder, is it possible/easy to capture logging ?
L2755[22:19:36] <tterrag> theFlaxbeard: yell at fry about the lack of GL item rendering
L2756[22:19:39] <tterrag> which would make what you want easy
L2757[22:19:49] <Ordinastie_> like if I wanted to print on screen in MC for example
L2758[22:19:50] <theFlaxbeard> I could generate and save the masked item files separately using something like python and imagemagick I guess - but that'd be more clunky and I'd have to manually set all the files I want masked
L2759[22:21:46] <Ordinastie_> theFlaxbeard, based on how desperate you are, I can interest you in a lib that allows old timey item rendering :)
L2760[22:22:08] <theFlaxbeard> Not all that desperate :P
L2761[22:22:25] <Ordinastie_> :'(
L2762[22:22:36] <theFlaxbeard> I might go the manual route - have my mod output a list of all the files and then have an external program save the masked items
L2763[22:22:57] <Ordinastie_> if that's not desperation, I don't know what is
L2764[22:22:59] <theFlaxbeard> Is it possible to assign items an icon based on NBT?
L2765[22:23:12] <theFlaxbeard> Well I'd rather not require another lib for what is essentially a minor visual feature
L2766[22:23:53] <Ordinastie_> but you would benefit for much more too :p
L2767[22:24:18] <howtonotwin> you shouldn't mask the texture externally, should you? what happens when you have a resource pack?
L2768[22:24:38] <howtonotwin> Do you just create the masks by hand again?
L2769[22:24:40] <tterrag> exactly, it doesn't make sense
L2770[22:24:49] <tterrag> GL access from item renders SHOULD EXIST in forge
L2771[22:24:50] <tterrag> but it does not
L2772[22:24:58] <tterrag> it is a severe limitation that has existed since 1.8
L2773[22:25:26] <theFlaxbeard> howtonotwin: Only my mod's textures are masked. I'd include the program
L2774[22:25:37] <theFlaxbeard> If someone skinned my mod, then they would have no reason to not update the masks
L2775[22:25:47] <Ordinastie_> at this point, just use custom loading for the icons directly
L2776[22:25:58] <theFlaxbeard> Sounds like a pain :P
L2777[22:26:02] <Ordinastie_> not really
L2778[22:26:15] <Ordinastie_> should be pretty much the same
L2779[22:26:18] <Ordinastie_> as externally
L2780[22:26:30] <theFlaxbeard> So how would custom loading work
L2781[22:26:37] <theFlaxbeard> would that enable me to use GL?
L2782[22:26:52] <theFlaxbeard> (I'm still not sure how to do the masking if I have GL, but I guess I'll cross that bridge when i get to it)
L2783[22:26:55] <tterrag> you could manually manipulate the texture
L2784[22:27:00] <Ordinastie_> no, you would write the icon the same way your extern program would
L2785[22:27:01] <tterrag> physically apply the mask
L2786[22:27:35] <theFlaxbeard> That would mean I'd have to use java-based tools to modify the icon though, which I have no experience with
L2787[22:27:41] <theFlaxbeard> wheras imagemagick is easy :P
L2788[22:27:58] <tterrag> for a simple mask it's ridiculously easy
L2789[22:28:02] <tterrag> just use awt
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L2791[22:28:39] <Ordinastie_> isn't it like 5 LOC if you do that manually ?
L2792[22:28:55] <tterrag> perhaps
L2793[22:29:37] <theFlaxbeard> Alright so I should start with manually loading the icons?
L2794[22:29:46] <Ordinastie_> well, that's what I would do
L2795[22:29:59] <tterrag> that part isn't really hard. just use TExtureStitchEvent :P
L2796[22:30:00] <Ordinastie_> not sure how to make the models use those icons though
L2797[22:30:16] <tterrag> you register them to a RL and use that RL in your model
L2798[22:30:28] <tterrag> texturestitchevent can intercept that RL loading and replace it
L2799[22:30:29] <Ordinastie_> right, not with JSON then
L2800[22:30:33] <tterrag> sure with json
L2801[22:30:36] <tterrag> does it matter?
L2802[22:31:32] <Ordinastie_> I don't know, it quickly gets super messy with JSON if you need something slightly custom
L2803[22:32:03] <theFlaxbeard> So do I need to touch the loading of the icons for the base item itself?
L2804[22:32:16] <theFlaxbeard> (The apple in my example image)
L2805[22:32:26] <tterrag> you would need to replace it yes
L2806[22:32:34] <tterrag> that would be the point
L2807[22:32:52] <tterrag> load base texture -> apply mask -> stitch to atlas
L2808[22:32:59] <theFlaxbeard> Makes sense
L2809[22:33:52] <theFlaxbeard> I only want to apply the mask if the item has a specific NBT tag - meaning I'll keep the base texture stitched and then also stitch a version with the mask, correct?
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L2813[22:38:26] <tterrag> ah yeah
L2814[22:38:57] <theFlaxbeard> And there shouldn't be a reason I have to alter the rendering setup for the nbt-less item, right?
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L2817[22:40:56] <tterrag> nope
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L2820[22:46:48] <theFlaxbeard> tterrag: So do I call registerSprite() on the TextureMap that's passed in Pre and then save that?
L2821[22:46:57] <theFlaxbeard> er, save the returned TextureAtlasSprite
L2822[22:51:09] <McJty> LatvianModder, here?
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L2824[22:55:53] <tterrag> theFlaxbeard: I guess
L2825[22:56:52] <theFlaxbeard> I'm not entirely sure how I use that sprite
L2826[22:57:19] <tterrag> you will probably need a custom model
L2827[22:57:35] <tterrag> or, you could register the sprite to some predefined REsourceLocation and use that in your json model
L2828[22:58:13] <tterrag> something like modid:[texturename]_masked
L2829[22:58:42] <theFlaxbeard> The masking operation would be performed on what, the TextureAtlasSprite?
L2830[22:58:50] <theFlaxbeard> which I'd then insert to the map?
L2831[23:02:04] <tterrag> yes
L2832[23:03:10] <electrolitic> Is it more comomon to have an input slot of a TileEntity only accept ItemStacks that make an output ItemStack, or accept anything in the input?
L2833[23:03:31] <electrolitic> common*
L2834[23:03:49] <tterrag> either way is decently common
L2835[23:03:52] <tterrag> I'm partial to the former
L2836[23:04:16] <electrolitic> Do most people have a preference?
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L2843[23:08:14] <tterrag> you'd have to ask most people :P
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