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L24[01:19:51] <shadekiller666> i'm going to need to figure out a good way of documenting the new OBJLoader stuff...\
L25[01:19:52] <tterrag> anyone worked with lwjgl beyond minecraft?
L26[01:19:58] <shadekiller666> cuz its still not in
L27[01:20:13] <shadekiller666> despite it being just as documented as the B3DLoader
L28[01:20:18] <tterrag> what is the best way to handle Vector*f -> FloatBuffer conversion?
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L37[01:34:21] <shadekiller666> lex, iirc you said that i needed to write documentation for the OBJLoader in order for my latest changes to be pulled into forge right?
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L39[01:39:03] <shadekiller666> does that mean you want javadocs for every method? or a wiki page on how to use it?
L40[01:39:08] <shadekiller666> or both?
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L47[01:59:30] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160726 mappings to Forge Maven.
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L49[01:59:44] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L59[02:26:28] <Raegous> What's the normal way to loop through all ItemStacks in the game?
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L63[02:35:47] <masa> that makes no sense
L64[02:36:28] <masa> do you mean all stacks in an inventory, or all registered items?
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L67[02:46:36] <killjoy> for all items, iterate Item.REGISTRY
L68[02:46:50] <killjoy> it implements Iterable<Item>
L69[02:46:52] <Tazz> does Item.REGISTRY implement Iterable>?
L70[02:47:03] <Tazz> and you totally answered that you fricken ninja
L71[02:47:18] <killjoy> you can even do forEach if you're on java 8
L72[02:47:28] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L73[02:47:41] <Tazz> but awesome Im glad to see Mojang embracing actual Java practices and actual programming concepts rather than throwing shit together
L74[02:47:52] <Tazz> like Im not sure what Block is supposed to be design pattern wise...
L75[02:47:59] <Tazz> like god object or like what?
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L77[02:48:23] <killjoy> block and item are similar
L78[02:48:36] <Tazz> well yes but for sanity sake
L79[02:48:38] <killjoy> one instance for all
L80[02:48:51] <killjoy> items and blocks are singletons (kind of)
L81[02:48:56] <Tazz> Block implements like a god object pattern but also maintains a MVC style passing system and whatnot
L82[02:48:58] <killjoy> (but not really)
L83[02:49:20] <Tazz> like you said they are kinda singleton objects but in actuality they can be instantiated whenever XXD
L84[02:49:32] <Tazz> its like get your shit together XD
L85[02:49:33] <killjoy> and multiple times
L86[02:49:41] <killjoy> I disagree
L87[02:49:51] <Tazz> elaborate?
L88[02:50:06] <killjoy> what is it exactly you don't like?
L89[02:50:38] <Tazz> the fact that there is a god object
L90[02:50:45] <Tazz> Block in this case
L91[02:50:45] <killjoy> vs what?
L92[02:51:31] <killjoy> How would you rather do it?
L93[02:52:10] <Tazz> vs like having a true MVC system where say Block is primarily a descriptor component for what listeners it manages and the properties for the block itself nothing more nothing less
L94[02:52:23] <Tazz> to play devils advocate I do however enjoy how it is atm
L95[02:52:37] <Tazz> I do enjoy that your not obligated to implement any functions whatsoever
L96[02:52:45] <Tazz> however I just feel its very wrong
L97[02:52:52] <Tazz> it could definitely be better imo
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L99[02:54:25] <Tazz> personally I probably would have abused the hell out of Guava's eventbus or made something relatively similar...
L100[02:54:45] <tterrag> <killjoy> you can even do forEach if you're on java 8 <- foreach has existed long before java 8 ...
L101[02:55:07] <Tazz> tterrag, well foreach as a control flow structure yes
L102[02:55:09] <killjoy> I mean Iterator.forEach(Consumer)
L103[02:55:12] <Tazz> but forEach as a function not really
L104[02:55:17] <tterrag> oh, of course
L105[02:56:08] <Tazz> I most definitely enjoy .forEach and the other functional things in Java8 however I dont feel as if they need to be there XD
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L107[02:57:35] <Tazz> like there are languages on the JVM that have amazing interoperability with Java *cough* Scala *cough* Clojure *coough* *cough* that have these things inherently
L108[02:57:48] <Tazz> no need to jump on the bandwagon to appease a handful of people
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L111[03:03:15] <sham1> o\
L112[03:03:29] <Tazz> /o sham1
L113[03:03:45] <Wuppy> ^o
L114[03:03:53] <Tazz> Wuppy!!!
L115[03:04:01] <Wuppy> that is me
L116[03:04:07] <Tazz> rofl I love just screaming your name
L117[03:04:15] <Wuppy> hahaha
L118[03:04:22] <sham1> His nick is perfect for yelling
L119[03:04:36] <killjoy> \_o_/
L120[03:04:38] <Tazz> just like 4am and screaming Wuppy at the top of my voice
L121[03:04:49] <Wuppy> lol, good job :P
L122[03:04:57] <Tazz> idk
L123[03:04:58] <Tazz> it works
L124[03:05:03] <Tazz> somehow
L125[03:05:13] <Tazz> I should really code something XD
L126[03:05:21] <Tazz> Im like literallly itching to code something XD
L127[03:06:11] <sham1> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L128[03:06:16] <Wuppy> then go code something
L129[03:06:21] <sham1> JUST DO IT
L130[03:06:34] <Tazz> well Im not sure what I want to do right now
L131[03:06:46] <Wuppy> things
L132[03:06:48] <Tazz> I wanna work on Eschelle but like its incubating due to lack of motivation to continue that branch
L133[03:06:48] <Wuppy> and stuff
L134[03:06:53] <killjoy> I had a request earlier. Wanna take it?
L135[03:07:09] <killjoy> It's basically was Streak was
L136[03:07:13] <Tazz> I redesigned the compilation pipeline to support lots of important compilation techniques and optimization techniques and whatnot
L137[03:08:11] <Tazz> killjoy, tell me more? D
L138[03:08:32] <killjoy> "Going 88 blocks per hour gives you a fire trail"
L139[03:08:42] <Tazz> lol
L140[03:08:45] <killjoy> which is super slow
L141[03:08:48] <Tazz> I already did that XD
L142[03:08:52] <Tazz> not the 88 blocks per hour thing
L143[03:08:59] <Tazz> but the fire trail while running yeah been there done that XD
L144[03:09:13] <killjoy> exactly. Streak was the first thing I thought of
L145[03:09:15] <Tazz> I believe I still even have the code XD
L146[03:09:26] <killjoy> Don't you hate it when someone asks you to make a mod that already exists?
L147[03:09:32] <Tazz> Im pretty sure its on github in my herbarium repository XD
L148[03:09:34] <Tazz> ikr
L149[03:09:36] <sham1> Having to go almost 142 km/h to timetravel
L150[03:09:42] <sham1> Well that's just annoying
L151[03:10:18] <killjoy> yup 39.3 m/s
L152[03:10:24] <Tazz> but my car only does 141.999999 km/h :/
L153[03:10:34] <killjoy> but wouldn't accelleration make more sense than speed when it comes to time travel?
L154[03:10:49] <Tazz> you would think right?XD
L155[03:11:03] <killjoy> from 88 mph to 88 mphph
L156[03:11:14] <sham1> 88 mph^2
L157[03:11:15] <killjoy> or 88 miles/hour^2
L158[03:11:42] <Tazz> but isnt there a theorized method of timetravel involving traveling a great distance faster than light? or something like that..its been a while XD
L159[03:11:51] <killjoy> but that's impossible
L160[03:11:54] <killjoy> unless...
L161[03:12:00] <killjoy> we change the speed of light
L162[03:12:09] <Tazz> well we could totally do that
L163[03:12:10] <sham1> That would abuse time dialation
L164[03:12:11] <Wuppy> go ahead killjoy
L165[03:12:18] <Tazz> but like speed of light is absolutely constant
L166[03:12:22] <killjoy> Futurama did it
L167[03:12:30] <Wuppy> if you change the speed of light, you'd be a millionaire in a day :P
L168[03:12:37] <Tazz> XD
L169[03:12:44] <sham1> Nobel prizes
L170[03:12:46] <Tazz> if I changed the speed of light Im pretty sure people would call me nuts
L171[03:12:47] <sham1> All of them
L172[03:12:49] <sham1> Ever
L173[03:12:57] <killjoy> https://theinfosphere.org/Speed_of_light
L174[03:13:03] <Wuppy> sham1, if you control the speed of light, probably :P
L175[03:13:09] <killjoy> Something's up with that css
L176[03:13:34] <Tazz> rofly
L177[03:13:42] <Tazz> "To get around relativity"
L178[03:13:45] <Tazz> smh
L179[03:13:53] <sham1> One does not simply
L180[03:14:37] <killjoy> There's also an engine the moves the universe
L181[03:14:41] <Tazz> how does one get around relativity...doesnt relativity state that it is bending space/time around massive objects instead of actually being an active force?
L182[03:15:23] <killjoy> scifi doesn't have to be scientifically sound
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L184[03:15:55] <Tazz> exactly
L185[03:16:11] <Tazz> but the scifi that is scientifically sound is alot more enjoyable XXD
L186[03:16:35] <killjoy> next on the list of star trek technologies we've invented?
L187[03:16:45] <killjoy> teleporter or phaser?
L188[03:16:59] <killjoy> first was the flip phone
L189[03:17:52] <sham1> What about doors that open themselves when you go near them
L190[03:18:19] <killjoy> do automatic doors predate flip phones?
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L193[03:18:35] <Tazz> I believe so XD
L194[03:18:39] <Tazz> but I could totally be wrong XD
L195[03:19:14] <killjoy> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjlF_iSo1Og
L196[03:19:28] <geratheon> I want those doors. https://media.giphy.com/media/NzrLS4AQcidWg/giphy.gif
L197[03:19:37] <Tazz> yes
L198[03:19:38] <Tazz> I do
L199[03:19:42] <Tazz> most definitely
L200[03:19:43] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L201[03:19:50] <Tazz> its 10x better than taking the warning label off of everything
L202[03:21:21] <Wuppy> hmm now to update my portfolio....
L203[03:21:54] <Tazz> I get to update mine soon with the driply stuff Ive been doing XD
L204[03:22:58] <Wuppy> I've got 4 projects to add plus I want to update the other pages on my website
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L211[04:03:37] <Raegous> Item.REGISTRY doesn't seem to exist for me
L212[04:03:44] <killjoy> what version?
L213[04:03:50] <Raegous> I may just be being an idiot, 1.7.10
L214[04:03:57] <killjoy> It's Item.itemRegistry
L215[04:04:09] <Raegous> Okay I thought so
L216[04:04:24] <killjoy> !gf Item.Registry
L217[04:04:30] <killjoy> !gf Item.REGISTRY
L218[04:04:40] <killjoy> !gf 150901 1.7.10
L219[04:07:06] <Raegous> !gf Item.itemRegistry
L220[04:07:10] <Raegous> !gf Item.itemRegistry 1.7.10
L221[04:09:42] <Raegous> How can I get an item's display name?
L222[04:09:55] <killjoy> getUnlocalizedName()
L223[04:10:07] <killjoy> then localize it using I18n.format
L224[04:10:08] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L225[04:11:06] <Raegous> !gf I18n.format 1.7.10
L226[04:11:14] <Raegous> How can I find what the second argument is?
L227[04:11:20] <killjoy> those are params.
L228[04:11:22] <killjoy> like String.format
L229[04:11:37] <Raegous> Oh I'm an idiot
L230[04:11:37] <Raegous> inspected it
L231[04:11:40] <killjoy> it can be safely left out
L232[04:11:46] <Raegous> Thanks for all the help :)
L233[04:11:53] <killjoy> format(key) is the same as format(key, new Object[0])
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L235[04:13:15] <Raegous> Yeah I had forgot Java had the ... argument thing
L236[04:13:25] <killjoy> varargs
L237[04:13:28] <Raegous> Ahh yes
L238[04:13:43] <Raegous> How can I get the damage of an item? Create an itemstack with count 0?
L239[04:13:44] <Tazz> which are a total pain in the ass in like C
L240[04:13:59] <killjoy> damage are in the itemstack
L241[04:13:59] <tterrag> Raegous: items do not have damage
L242[04:14:08] <killjoy> itemstacks have damage/metadata
L243[04:14:18] <killjoy> slash blockstates(?)
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L245[04:15:01] <Raegous> Ohh, then by iterating through Item.itemRegistry will I see wool only once?
L246[04:15:25] <killjoy> Just a sec
L247[04:15:27] <Tazz> I want to say yes
L248[04:15:30] <Tazz> but my heart says no
L249[04:15:44] <tterrag> your heart is wrong
L250[04:16:02] <killjoy> see Item.getSubItems
L251[04:16:06] <Raegous> Awesome
L252[04:16:45] ⇨ Joins: gigaherz|work (~gigaherz@
L253[04:17:02] <Raegous> Can I use null for the CreativeTabs?
L254[04:17:10] <tterrag> that method is CLIENT ONLY
L255[04:17:22] <killjoy> List<ItemStack> items = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Item i : Item.REGISTRY) {i.getSubItems(it, null, items);}
L256[04:17:23] <Wuppy> man... planning driving exams in the netherlands is hell :V
L257[04:17:24] <gigaherz|work> Hmm...
L258[04:17:36] <Wuppy> the first option for my exam right now is fucking november
L259[04:17:38] <sham1> mhhh
L260[04:17:41] <sham1> mmh*
L261[04:17:43] <gigaherz|work> has anyone done yet, a mod for 1.9+, that extends the offhand slot to multiple slots
L262[04:17:49] <gigaherz|work> corresponding with each hotbar slot?
L263[04:18:43] <killjoy> like the old dual wielding mod?
L264[04:18:58] <gigaherz|work> I can't say I used it
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L266[04:19:10] <gigaherz|work> maybe it owuld be interesting to have slots based on what you have on the main hand
L267[04:19:12] <gigaherz|work> like
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L269[04:19:29] <gigaherz|work> "Weapon", "Tool", "Building Material"
L270[04:19:47] <gigaherz|work> and be able to put a shield for the weapon slot
L271[04:19:53] <Tazz> tterrag, hey the heart wants what the heart wants
L272[04:19:54] <gigaherz|work> a torch for the tool
L273[04:19:59] <Tazz> XD
L274[04:20:22] <gigaherz|work> so no matter if you have a shovel or a pickaxe, you'd still have torches there
L275[04:20:23] <gigaherz|work> hmm
L276[04:20:56] <gigaherz|work> so you'd need to split axes away
L277[04:21:47] <sham1> Axes are tools
L278[04:21:54] <gigaherz|work> yes
L279[04:22:00] <gigaherz|work> but they are often also used as weapons
L280[04:22:23] <gigaherz|work> so people would want to be able to choose if they want torches, or shield
L281[04:22:29] <gigaherz|work> to go along with the axe
L282[04:22:45] <gigaherz|work> but then someone may have a work-axe and a kill-axe
L283[04:22:54] <gigaherz|work> so meh
L284[04:23:15] <gigaherz|work> probably best to just have a secondary hotbar
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L286[04:28:15] <RANKSHANK> Can't bring your kill axe to work, that's for sure
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L288[04:28:23] <RANKSHANK> Unless it's your last day
L289[04:28:31] <sham1> Can I axe you a question
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L292[04:32:50] <Raegous> Anyone know why ant warns 'warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.6' during build?
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L296[04:39:04] <gigaherz|work> Raegous: no idea WHY but everyone gets it and it's not an issue.
L297[04:39:20] <Raegous> Gotcha
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L301[04:50:36] <Inari> what does everyone get? :o
L302[04:51:28] <gigaherz|work> Inari: bootstrap bla blas source 1.6 blah blah
L303[04:51:40] <gigaherz|work> blah*
L304[04:55:32] <IoP> it might be issue if IDE is not configured properly.
L305[04:56:19] <IoP> Raegous: https://blogs.oracle.com/darcy/entry/how_to_cross_compile_for
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L336[06:59:53] <irctc496> Hi
L337[07:00:26] <mort> Hi
L338[07:01:17] <irctc496> How do I port a 1.7.10 mod to 1.10.2?
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L340[07:01:43] <Inari> um..
L341[07:01:52] <Ordinastie_> irctc496, did you make the 1.7.10 mod ?
L342[07:01:55] <Inari> irctc496: thats kind of a broad question
L343[07:02:10] <irctc496> hmm no? ı just got the source code
L344[07:02:25] <Ordinastie_> do you have any programming knowledge ?
L345[07:02:36] <Ivorius> Any by any he means > 1 year
L346[07:02:47] <Inari> you cahnge the mappings/Mc version over.. maybe gradleforge version too, refresh teh gradle project, then you start replacing the changes classes, methods, and ways things are done, including rendering. make json models and blockstates, etc... but thats just a rough overview :P
L347[07:03:18] <irctc496> where can I found a tutorial
L348[07:03:31] <Inari> hows is your programming knowledge?
L349[07:03:53] <irctc496> little bit of java (enought for making a little mod)
L350[07:04:12] ⇦ Parts: waffle (~Desk@c110-21-204-45.carlnfd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au) ())
L351[07:04:15] <Inari> well theres the documentation linked in the topic... theres also https://github.com/kashike/migration/wiki/1.8.9-to-1.9 about class name changes and such
L352[07:04:30] <Inari> and https://gist.github.com/williewillus/57d7093efa80163e96e0 about rendering.. and this too i suppose https://gist.github.com/williewillus/e37edde85dc78d2e138c
L353[07:04:35] <Ordinastie_> I doubt it's enough
L354[07:04:38] <Inari> not sure if that helps you though
L355[07:04:53] <mort> I'd look up wuppy's tutorial for porting a 1.7 mod to 1.8
L356[07:05:01] <Inari> even i had to ask plenty of stuff xD and i do have a bit more programming knowledge (I like to think anyway :P)
L357[07:05:02] <irctc496> so if I change all the class names in code will it work?
L358[07:05:05] <Ordinastie_> people that know how to code already, have enough difficulties updating their own mod
L359[07:05:06] <Wuppy> :O
L360[07:05:14] <Inari> irctc496: no..
L361[07:05:16] <mort> When you get it working on 1.8, it's mostly just changing imports
L362[07:06:13] <Ordinastie_> irctc496, you won't be able to update yourself
L363[07:06:22] <irctc496> why?
L364[07:06:26] <Ordinastie_> best bet is to find someone bored enough to update it yourself
L365[07:06:43] <Ordinastie_> because it's a lot of work, requiring a lot of knowledge you don't have
L366[07:07:17] <irctc496> where can I find the 1.7.10 to 1.8 tutorial?
L367[07:07:27] <mort> He could manage it if he's willing to read compiler error messages and grep through the Minecraft source code
L368[07:07:36] <Ordinastie_> you're not listening
L369[07:07:42] <Ordinastie_> you need to learn to code first
L370[07:07:47] <irctc496> yes I do
L371[07:08:26] <irctc496> dude.. nothing is impossible
L372[07:08:28] <mort> http://www.wuppy29.com/minecraft/1-8-tutorial/updating-1-7-to-1-8-part-1-setup-mod-file/ will get you through some of the changes, including the new model system
L373[07:09:12] <Ordinastie_> irctc496, I don't say it's impossible, I say you need 1 year to properly learn programming, then start to learn about minecraft and how to update the mod
L374[07:09:29] <irctc496> oh, ok
L375[07:09:46] <Ordinastie_> randomly reading out of date tutorial on the web you don't understand will just be a waste of time
L376[07:11:15] <Ordinastie_> like I said, maybe you can find someone willing to update it for you
L377[07:11:22] <mort> Not that out of date, not that much has changed since 1.8 so porting an 1.8 mid
L378[07:11:37] <mort> mod* to 1.10 isn't that hard
L379[07:12:12] <Ordinastie_> porting your own mod when you know code and how MC workd, no, it's not that hard
L380[07:12:24] <Ordinastie_> porting someone else's mod is way harder
L381[07:12:49] <mort> True, it will definitely take a heck of a lot of time, and be frustrating
L382[07:12:52] <Ordinastie_> if you don't know how MC work internally, that's not necessarily much harder, but it's time consuming
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L384[07:13:34] <Ordinastie_> add on top of that little to know programming knowledge...
L385[07:13:45] <gigaherz|work> specially the changes from 1.7.10 to 1.8, which often require discarding a lot of hardcoded models, and remaking them as json/obj
L386[07:14:01] <gigaherz|work> that can be frustrating enough on its own
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L388[07:14:16] <mort> Definitely
L389[07:15:01] <gigaherz|work> and hopefully the original code has all the @Override annotations where they belong
L390[07:15:08] <mort> He'll probably not finish, but if he wants to try, I'll at least give some resources which makes it easier
L391[07:15:19] <gigaherz|work> that helps a LOT with finding methods that don't exist anymore
L392[07:16:46] <mort> And the compiler will point out every import that doesn't work anymore, and grepping through the source code will tell what the new package name is
L393[07:17:02] <gigaherz|work> model system, removal of IItemRenderer, switch to BlockPos and EnumFacing
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L395[07:17:25] <gigaherz|work> generic parameters
L396[07:17:41] <gigaherz|work> offhand slot, more vanilla enums for things
L397[07:17:46] <irctc496> how do I change ItemRenderer to new model system
L398[07:17:46] <Ordinastie_> that big of a leap requires another skill not everybody has
L399[07:17:55] <gigaherz|work> the new registry system in forge
L400[07:18:07] <Ordinastie_> understanding precisely the purpose of some code just by readin it
L401[07:18:15] <gigaherz|work> new sound definition system, loot tables, ...
L402[07:18:32] <irctc496> I'm scared :D
L403[07:18:55] <gigaherz|work> irctc496: depends on the renderer's implementation
L404[07:18:57] <mort> You probably should be, it's an enormous job and lots to learn on your own
L405[07:19:01] <Ordinastie_> irctc496, what mod is it ?
L406[07:19:29] <gigaherz|work> if it came from techne, there's programs that can convert the original .tcn files to .obj or .json
L407[07:19:29] <irctc496> better to not say.. Thermal Expansion 3 XD
L408[07:19:57] <gigaherz|work> weren't the TE people working on that themselves? or did they give up?
L409[07:20:06] <irctc496> I think they give up
L410[07:20:13] <irctc496> cause no update since 1.7.10
L411[07:20:39] <gigaherz|work> that doesn't mean anything
L412[07:20:49] <gigaherz|work> I mean they may be slowly working toward it, bit by bit
L413[07:21:24] <gigaherz|work> https://twitter.com/TeamCoFH
L414[07:21:30] <gigaherz|work> they had some tweets back in match
L415[07:21:31] <gigaherz|work> then nothing.
L416[07:21:34] <gigaherz|work> march*
L417[07:21:40] <irctc496> does anybody know TE alternatives for 1.10 ?
L418[07:21:51] <gigaherz|work> of course
L419[07:22:19] <gigaherz|work> EnderIO is a thing, then there's NeoTech, TechReborn, and others
L420[07:22:21] <gigaherz|work> it's not THE SAME
L421[07:22:26] <gigaherz|work> but they serve a similar purpose
L422[07:22:42] <gigaherz|work> one thing about 1.8+ mods
L423[07:22:47] <gigaherz|work> is that things have split up
L424[07:22:51] <gigaherz|work> there's a lot of smaller mods
L425[07:22:59] <gigaherz|work> that have bits and pieces of what used to be monolithic mocs in 1.7.10
L426[07:23:05] <irctc496> but I need machines like magma cruicible? is any of these mods have machines like that?
L427[07:24:25] ⇦ Quits: Nitrodev (~Nitrodev@85-23-77-207.bb.dnainternet.fi) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L428[07:25:46] <gigaherz|work> maybe
L429[07:25:52] <gigaherz|work> I don't know every single mod ;P
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L431[07:27:44] <irctc496> and neotech is not 1.10.2
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L433[07:31:13] <irctc496> looks like the only 1.10.2 tech mod pack is ftb unstable
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L435[07:44:04] <gigaherz|work> yeah packs are slow... oh he left
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L468[09:16:01] <Wuppy> :o I've just played Minecraft for the first time in months/years
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L470[09:21:09] <gigaherz|work> heh
L471[09:21:14] <gigaherz|work> modded or vanilla
L472[09:22:07] <Wuppy> ftb infinite evolved expert, about as modded as it gets :P
L473[09:22:46] <Wuppy> it's also hard as hell :o
L474[09:22:53] <gigaherz|work> and 1.7.10
L475[09:22:55] <gigaherz|work> so meh.
L476[09:22:56] <Wuppy> yeah
L477[09:23:06] <gigaherz|work> expert mode is bs, imo
L478[09:23:10] <gigaherz|work> I understand the appeal
L479[09:23:16] <gigaherz|work> it's just not my thing
L480[09:23:19] <gigaherz|work> I hate grinding
L481[09:23:26] <Wuppy> is it that grindy?
L482[09:23:39] <gigaherz|work> I consider long crafting chains to be grindy
L483[09:23:44] <Wuppy> from what I know it's mostly just ensuring you need something from all mods
L484[09:23:46] <Wuppy> which is nice
L485[09:24:41] <gigaherz|work> well
L486[09:24:47] <gigaherz|work> it's just all the intermediate steps
L487[09:24:50] <gigaherz|work> in order to achieve something
L488[09:24:54] <Wuppy> hmm true
L489[09:25:29] <gigaherz|work> A needs B which can't be done until you have C running which requires D which uses a ton of E which ...
L490[09:25:42] <Wuppy> you don't like factorio either do you?
L491[09:25:47] <gigaherz|work> nope
L492[09:26:15] <Wuppy> yeah, having that collection of requirements is one of the things I like about factorio
L493[09:26:18] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L494[09:26:39] <gigaherz|work> I think the most complex crafting chains I have been able to tolerate was when trying to get a Mekanism jetpack
L495[09:27:28] <gigaherz|work> when I have the most fun, is when each step has its own purpose
L496[09:27:54] <Lymia> Honestly.
L497[09:27:59] <Lymia> I wish Minecraft crafting wasn't the mess it is.
L498[09:28:17] <Lymia> Complex crafting chains probably wouldn't be a thing if Minecraft had Terraria's crafting system.
L499[09:28:46] <Inari> Lymia: but compelx crafting chains are neat to automate ;D
L500[09:29:12] <Lymia> ten again
L501[09:29:15] <Lymia> then*
L502[09:29:32] <Lymia> https://i.stack.imgur.com/OswXz.png
L503[09:29:33] <Lymia> I don't think
L504[09:29:42] <Lymia> Any Minecraft mods have anything quite like this.
L505[09:29:51] <Lymia> OreSpawn's big bertha recipe I guess
L506[09:30:30] <gigaherz|work> I hate things based on drop chance
L507[09:31:12] <Lymia> It works better in Terraria's design than Minecraft's IMO.
L508[09:31:32] <gigaherz|work> there we go
L509[09:31:34] <Lymia> Minecraft mods should defs not play with rare drops.
L510[09:31:34] <gigaherz|work> alone at work
L511[09:31:40] <gigaherz|work> 10min to make sure they didn't forget something
L512[09:31:43] <gigaherz|work> and i'll leave too
L513[09:31:43] <gigaherz|work> ;P
L514[09:32:25] <Lymia> (Terraria's pretty exploration focused, and you can't stop mobs from spawning in areas just by placing down torches or whatever. So you're constantly fighting junk mobs most of the time when you aren't at base.)
L515[09:32:43] <Lymia> (So for a lot of these components you'd end up getting them just by being in the biome for long enough through normal play)
L516[09:32:56] <Lymia> If you tried that in Minecraft... eh.
L517[09:33:05] <gigaherz|work> mob farms.
L518[09:33:08] <Lymia> I guess it'd work if you were a mod that added dimensions with large numbers of spawners, or just lots of dark spaces.
L519[09:33:10] <gigaherz|work> I mean
L520[09:33:21] <gigaherz|work> that exists already: Mending and such from fishing
L521[09:33:30] <gigaherz|work> some people do AFK fishing just to get books
L522[09:33:39] <gigaherz|work> others do AFK villager breeding
L523[09:33:45] <Lymia> ick
L524[09:33:59] <gigaherz|work> breeding at least gives you endless books
L525[09:34:01] <Lymia> I'm not very fond of stuff you have to explicitly go grind for, or build a farm of some kind for.
L526[09:34:02] <gigaherz|work> fishing just one
L527[09:34:17] <gigaherz|work> well that's how the enchanting system works
L528[09:34:32] <Lymia> (I used mods that avoided most of that, so :V)
L529[09:34:51] <gigaherz|work> I hate that enchanting requires xp
L530[09:34:58] <gigaherz|work> i'd very much prefer it was some rare ore
L531[09:35:26] <gigaherz|work> get rare ore -> craft magical ink -> write down enchantment on book -> apply
L532[09:35:29] <Lymia> I think the core problem is that you don't fight mobs a lot in "normal" gameplay.
L533[09:36:20] <gigaherz|work> yeah I tend to focus on defenses the first couple nights
L534[09:36:23] <Lymia> If Terraria had the XP enchanting system, it'd be less of a problem since fighting mobs is part of normal gameplay, and not something you can avoid outside your base, pretty much.
L535[09:36:27] <gigaherz|work> then I have a perimeter with no mobs
L536[09:36:28] <Lymia> But in Minecraft.
L537[09:36:43] <gigaherz|work> so the worst that happens is that I need stuff from the outside
L538[09:36:44] <Lymia> A lot of the game is avoiding mobs, in a sense. Lighting places up, etc.
L539[09:37:05] <gigaherz|work> in a way, it would be interesting if torches did burn out
L540[09:37:08] <Lymia> ... so... yeah, I'd agree.
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L542[09:37:13] <gigaherz|work> but I know i'd hate it
L543[09:37:19] <gigaherz|work> and i'd mod it so they don't
L544[09:37:20] <Lymia> A rare ore would be much in line with the rest of Minecraft's design, actually, I think.
L545[09:37:29] <Lymia> (For enchanting)
L546[09:37:31] <gigaherz|work> yep
L547[09:37:47] <gigaherz|work> the xp system was one of the biggest disappointments, imo
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L549[09:37:56] <gigaherz|work> I was hoping for permanent stat upgrades
L550[09:38:40] <gigaherz|work> stuff like, spend 10 levels' worth of upgrade points, and you get one permanent extra heart
L551[09:38:54] <gigaherz|work> or 5% extra walk speed
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L553[09:41:01] <gigaherz|work> well, time to leave. ;P
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L563[10:00:06] <Wuppy> I sure didn't miss the mini heart attakcs you get when you're jumped by a creeper though... fuck me
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L585[10:40:51] <plathrop> Good morning. Can't complain; it wouldn't do any good >.<
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L588[10:46:17] <OrionOnline> :P
L589[10:46:36] <OrionOnline> I am battling some rendering artifacts and have no idea why they are happening
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L592[10:50:24] <OrionOnline> Can somebody tell me why this artifact is only visible from one side of the block: http://i.imgur.com/EhFeVqh.png - http://i.imgur.com/HzGAqK1.png Code: https://github.com/SmithsGaming/Armory/blob/Development-1.10.2/src/main/com/smithsmodding/armory/client/render/tileentity/TileEntityRendererConduit.java
L593[10:51:28] <Ordinastie_> it's z-fighting
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L595[10:52:40] <OrionOnline> Hmm
L596[10:52:41] <OrionOnline> Okey
L597[10:52:45] <OrionOnline> Let me try to fix that
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L599[10:54:35] <OrionOnline> Thanks Ordinastie_, i have been at this for a couple of hours and could not figure it out !!!!
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L603[10:55:48] <Ordinastie_> you're rendering the red part at the same height than the grey one, right ?
L604[10:56:18] <OrionOnline> Yes
L605[10:56:28] <Ordinastie_> then that's why
L606[10:56:41] <Ordinastie_> the grey part is static model ? and the red part is TESR ?
L607[10:56:45] <OrionOnline> The grey part is a standard model, the red part is molten iron and is rendered by the TESR
L608[10:57:07] <OrionOnline> So yeah the conduit it self is a static model
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L610[10:57:42] <OrionOnline> But right now my transport logic is a bit flawed....
L611[10:57:50] <OrionOnline> So i will need to fix that now
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L635[12:43:07] <Inari> i wish i could do int y = p?.blub() ?? -1; in java
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L639[12:53:30] <capitalthree> Inari: switch to kotlin :D
L640[12:53:53] <Inari> i've only ever heard people complain about that haha
L641[12:54:09] <capitalthree> well this is the minecraft mod community. people complain about anything slightly different
L642[12:54:20] <capitalthree> have you heard any real complaints about it besides "this looks different than what I'm used to"?
L643[12:56:13] <plathrop> ooh another language to play with!
L644[12:56:36] <Inari> capitalthree: mostly just people saying they hate it
L645[12:56:58] <capitalthree> Inari: well did they give any reasons?
L646[12:57:10] <Inari> dunno :D
L647[12:57:13] <capitalthree> I honestly can't think of a single reason to prefer java over kotlin that isn't just, "I'm already used to it"
L648[12:57:21] <capitalthree> no wait I take that back
L649[12:57:30] <capitalthree> kotlin doesn't have "condition ? yesval : noval"
L650[12:57:33] <capitalthree> I kinda like that operator :P
L651[12:57:47] <capitalthree> but it's not a big deal because it has if expressions, which are the same. "if (condition) yesval else noval"
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L654[12:58:23] <capitalthree> seriously though kotlin has the elvis operator with the exact syntax you just asked for
L655[12:58:28] <Inari> capitalthree: about every language has that xD
L656[12:58:31] <capitalthree> and other great stuff for handling nullability
L657[12:58:40] <plathrop> I dunno, don't underestimate the value of familiarity, especially in programming language choice.
L658[12:58:53] <capitalthree> in kotlin, "Int" is a non-null type, and "Int?" is the nullable form
L659[12:58:58] <capitalthree> it handles it quite well
L660[12:59:58] <capitalthree> and it uses flow typing to save you from casting. so: if (x is String) {...}
L661[13:00:08] <capitalthree> in ... I don't have to assign a new identifier and cast to String, I just use x as String
L662[13:00:26] <capitalthree> same with not-null checks on a nullable type
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L664[13:01:41] <capitalthree> and the killer feature for me is type inferrence. in 'val a = "hi"', a is statically typed as String.
L665[13:01:59] <capitalthree> saves you a lot of boilerplate (especially when using generics), without losing any static type-safety
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L667[13:03:10] <capitalthree> Inari: anything else you wish you could do in java?
L668[13:03:41] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L669[13:03:48] <Inari> manual memory management, enforced GC cleanup? :p
L670[13:03:58] <capitalthree> ah hehe. kotlin won't help with that
L671[13:03:59] <Inari> storing the state of the JVM to reload later?
L672[13:04:11] <capitalthree> sounds like you'd love rust
L673[13:04:15] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L674[13:04:18] <Inari> yeah well
L675[13:04:25] <Inari> except writing minecraft modsin rust is gonna be a bit awkward
L676[13:04:26] <capitalthree> oh, kotlin also targets jvm 6 but has lambdas of course. so no need for silly hacks like retrolambda
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L678[13:04:39] <capitalthree> Inari: right. you'll just have to deal with the gc when making minecraft mods
L679[13:05:00] <capitalthree> chances are, if you're smart enough to even know what manual memory management is, your mod's code is gonna be the least of minecraft's problems
L680[13:07:43] <capitalthree> Inari: can I link you my very simple mod in kotlin so you can get an idea of what it's like?
L681[13:08:32] <capitalthree> https://github.com/elytra/LingeringLoot/tree/master/src/main/kotlin/lingerloot
L682[13:09:00] <Inari> i doubt i'd ever really use kotlin for a mod
L683[13:09:24] <Inari> might be neat, but reduces the chances of someone else ever maintaining it even more than when its jsut my mod
L684[13:09:25] <capitalthree> aw D:
L685[13:09:25] <Inari> :D
L686[13:09:37] <Inari> and java 8 isnt too bad
L687[13:09:39] <capitalthree> it increases the chance of me maintaining it xD
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L689[13:09:54] <capitalthree> honestly I think the main reason I haven't ended up collaborating on a larger mod is writing in java annoys me xD
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L691[13:10:26] <capitalthree> java 8 does have some incredibly important improvements but java is still a disappointment
L692[13:10:42] <capitalthree> it was great in its time but it hasn't kept up with modern programming languages
L693[13:12:15] <capitalthree> I just wish people were more willing to try new things :/
L694[13:12:39] <capitalthree> when it's a new jvm language with the exact same execution model as the one you know, and you'd just be learning new syntax, it's really not that hard a transition
L695[13:12:53] <capitalthree> but yeah minecraft modders are stubborn xD
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L699[13:16:28] <capitalthree> Inari: oh well. you brought up a feature, I told you how to get it. can't blame me for that :3
L700[13:16:58] <Inari> im not? :P
L701[13:17:04] <capitalthree> ok :)
L702[13:17:20] <capitalthree> oh... one more thing. one of the really cool null-handling features of kotlin is that you can define an extension function on a nullable form of a type
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L704[13:17:55] <capitalthree> so I can do this: def String?.nullOrEmpty = {this == null || this == ""}
L705[13:18:16] <capitalthree> and then: val strMaybe: String? = null; strMaybe.nullOrEmpty // true, not exception
L706[13:19:03] <capitalthree> so with that, you can pretty much de-ugly dealing with possibly null values in all instances
L707[13:19:30] <infinitefoxes_> I'm trying to send extra data about a mob to the client after I spawn it, but it seems the client doesn't have the entity by the time it gets my packet
L708[13:21:13] <infinitefoxes_> even if I setup an event handler for when a player starts tracking my entity, the client still only has the entity maybe 1/10 of the time
L709[13:21:26] <capitalthree> infinitefoxes_: is it an option to stash that extra data with the datawatcher?
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L711[13:21:56] <capitalthree> seems easier than using a custom packet, unless I'm missing something
L712[13:22:10] <capitalthree> the data watcher is *for* defining extra properties on entities
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L714[13:22:51] <capitalthree> if that's not an option, my other 2 suggestions are:
L715[13:23:07] <capitalthree> - have the client send a request for the data in the EntityJoinsWorldEvent
L716[13:23:23] <capitalthree> - have the server send it right away, but have the client cache it and look in the cache in the EntityJoinsWorldEvent
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L718[13:24:06] <infinitefoxes_> if I pause execution of the server for a bit to allow the client to spawn the entity in fully it works though
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L724[13:24:50] <infinitefoxes_> I'm not entirely sure I could shove it into the datawatcher
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L728[13:25:13] <infinitefoxes_> my packet basically says "assign player's pet to entity X"
L729[13:25:26] <infinitefoxes_> not the other way around
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L732[13:26:08] <infinitefoxes_> and I wouldn't be able to get where my entity in the world unless my player object has a reference
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L734[13:26:19] <infinitefoxes_> I'll try your second suggestion though
L735[13:26:37] <capitalthree> I think you could use the datawatcher, and then just pick up on the value in EntityJoinsWorldEvent, and store it how you need to
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L737[13:27:32] <infinitefoxes_> yeah you're right
L738[13:27:39] <infinitefoxes_> would the client have all of the datawatcher values by then?
L739[13:27:56] <capitalthree> honestly I have no idea D: haven't used the datawatcher myself
L740[13:28:03] <capitalthree> that's a very important question, hope somebody knows
L741[13:28:23] <capitalthree> if not, then I think the request is the best way
L742[13:28:48] <capitalthree> unless you can set up callbacks with the data watcher
L743[13:28:57] <capitalthree> which I also don't know xD
L744[13:32:10] <gigaherz> infinitefoxes_: datawatchers are used for assigning the thrower entity
L745[13:32:13] <gigaherz> for snowballs and such
L746[13:32:32] <gigaherz> so yes, you could use them for tracking the owner or target of a pet
L747[13:33:25] <gigaherz> oh wait I just re-read, you want to give the PLAYER a reference to the entity
L748[13:33:31] <gigaherz> I wouldn't do that
L749[13:33:36] <gigaherz> justgive the player an entity ID
L750[13:33:43] <gigaherz> and let the player look it up whenever it needs to
L751[13:34:14] <infinitefoxes_> I completely forgot about entity IDs
L752[13:34:18] <infinitefoxes_> I'll look into that, thanks
L753[13:35:38] <infinitefoxes_> on a small side note
L754[13:35:44] <infinitefoxes_> is it possible to prevent my entity from being saved to disk?
L755[13:36:29] <infinitefoxes_> er well, never mind
L756[13:36:31] <infinitefoxes_> I wouldn't need to do that
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L760[13:40:15] <infinitefoxes_> using an entity ID instead of a reference works perfectly
L761[13:40:18] <infinitefoxes_> not sure what I was thinking haha
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L793[14:25:39] <OrionOnline> Is it still required to have a default constructor on a TileEntity??
L794[14:27:01] <gigaherz> the TE must have a parameterless constructor, yes
L795[14:27:10] <gigaherz> if you have other constructors that's up to you
L796[14:27:23] <gigaherz> but TEs that get loaded from disk don't use createTileEntity
L797[14:27:31] <gigaherz> they use reflection to construc from class name
L798[14:27:47] <gigaherz> +t
L799[14:28:28] <OrionOnline> ... Bleh what is that for a stupid and weird implementation....
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L801[14:33:45] <diesieben07> in pre java 8 it is kinda clean
L802[14:33:51] <diesieben07> in java 8 you would register using MyTe::new
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L812[14:55:02] <theFlaxbeard> How do I add an item to a vanilla loot pool?
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L814[14:57:09] <diesieben07> theFlaxbeard, loottableloadevent
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L816[14:59:53] <shredder8910> Any idea why `itemStack.getItemDamage()` returns 32767 sometimes? Causes getUnlocalizedName to throw null exception
L817[15:00:08] <shredder8910> I mean, ArrayIndexOutOfBounds
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L819[15:00:34] <theFlaxbeard> Thanks
L820[15:00:45] <theFlaxbeard> shredder8910: That's the wildcard value AFAIK
L821[15:01:00] <theFlaxbeard> used to signify that any damage value works for things like recipes or oredict
L822[15:01:57] <OrionOnline> Any one any idea what could cause this: http://i.imgur.com/bjKHBpS.png ?? I tried flipping the normals but the faces on top still donnot appeasr
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L826[15:17:56] <masa> that sheep looks so sporty and out-going :p
L827[15:18:22] <masa> on a long afternoon run
L828[15:21:04] <Ordinastie_> OrionOnline, is it an obj model ?
L829[15:23:25] <OrionOnline> Yeah, spolved it, flipped the normals twice like a derp.....
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L851[16:07:30] <shredder8910> IN 1.7.10 how do I get the name displayed in Inventory of an item?
L852[16:07:35] <shredder8910> Rather, ItemStack
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L855[16:09:03] <diesieben07> you stop using 1.7.10.
L856[16:09:11] <diesieben07> and then you ask again ;)
L857[16:15:55] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> shredder8910: just call getLocalizedName...or was it getDisplayName
L858[16:15:56] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> one of those
L859[16:15:59] *** tterrag|ZZZzzz is now known as tterrag
L860[16:16:45] <shredder8910> Wish I could, diesieben07, which I could... Writing mod for FTB Infinity Evolved
L861[16:16:52] <diesieben07> that is not a reason.
L862[16:17:11] *** amadornes[OFF] is now known as amadornes
L863[16:17:37] <shredder8910> Well I plan on expanding the mod to later versions as soon as this one actually works
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L894[17:38:09] <SatanicSanta> Quick question: For block model elements, can we simply omit faces that are not seen ever?
L895[17:38:35] <SatanicSanta> eg, { "from": [whatever], "to": [whatever], "faces": { "north": { } } }
L896[17:41:17] <masa> yep just leave out the object from inside faces
L897[17:41:45] <SatanicSanta> masa: so, if i wanted to not have anything for south, would I do "south": {}, or just not have a south object
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L899[17:42:17] <masa> no south object at all
L900[17:42:21] <SatanicSanta> sweet, thanks.
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L909[18:14:03] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Looking att Pam's harvestcraft, I see that it is possible to both support 1.9.4 and 1.10.2 in the same minecrraft file, what do I need to do to achieve that?
L910[18:14:21] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Same mod file*
L911[18:15:31] <diesieben07> Ferdz_TheWeeb, if you compile with 1.9.4: Nothing. If you compile with 1.10.2: set acceptableMinecraftVersions to "[1.9.4,1.10.2]" in your @Mod
L912[18:16:17] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Should I be worrying about method names not existing on other versions and stuff like that?
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L915[18:16:53] <diesieben07> test your mod :D
L916[18:16:59] <diesieben07> obviously there are changes
L917[18:17:04] <diesieben07> but i don't know them off the top of my head.
L918[18:17:09] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> And is there a launch configuration I can modify with gradlew eclipse so I can test both 1.9.4 and 1.10.2 to make sure everything runs smoothly?
L919[18:17:21] <diesieben07> you will need two workspaces for that
L920[18:18:48] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> What happens if I'm using a method with two different names depending on the version? Do I have to go through reflexion or is there a better option?
L921[18:19:00] <williewillus> if the signature didn't change youre good
L922[18:19:06] <williewillus> if it did then you need to recompile separately
L923[18:19:19] <williewillus> i mean signature as in type signature
L924[18:19:23] <williewillus> use the bot to confirm
L925[18:19:54] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Alright I'll check it out
L926[18:20:45] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> What about 1.8.9 and 1.9.4, is there easy cross-compatibility available there too?
L927[18:21:02] <diesieben07> no.
L928[18:21:33] <williewillus> well depends on the mod
L929[18:21:46] <williewillus> if the mod does little to nothing sure :P
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L931[18:22:09] <williewillus> but very low probability of that being the case
L932[18:23:01] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> I'm guessing mine doesn't
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L935[18:27:34] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> I'm going to try it out, thanks for the info guys!
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L941[18:40:53] <williewillus> is there a way to have player specific attribute modiifers?
L942[18:41:02] <williewillus> *player-sensitive
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L944[18:42:46] <electrolitic> Anybody have opinions on if it's a good idea to get windows 10 or stick with windows 7?
L945[18:43:14] <williewillus> i have it
L946[18:43:23] <williewillus> it's fine
L947[18:43:31] <williewillus> most of the changes don't even affect anyone imo
L948[18:43:48] <williewillus> (I also use linux like 10x more so probably not a good source)
L949[18:43:55] <electrolitic> Oh
L950[18:43:59] <diesieben07> willie, what do you mean by player sensitive exactly?
L951[18:44:08] <diesieben07> electro i use it as well, i don't have problems
L952[18:44:29] <williewillus> diesieben07: items can have attr modifiers belong to them, I want that to change based on the player holding it
L953[18:44:45] <Darkevilmac> electrolitic, It's fine I haven't experienced anything huge as far as issues go besides the search stuff being different.
L954[18:45:18] <Darkevilmac> Considering it's pretty much last chance you might as well.
L955[18:45:27] <diesieben07> hrm, no i don't think that's possible willie
L956[18:45:46] <williewillus> boo
L957[18:46:49] <electrolitic> Also, I don't have to bindTexture to the same location if I'm drawing more than once, right?
L958[18:47:44] <Ordinastie_> once a texture is bound, it's used for all subsequent drawing
L959[18:47:49] <Ordinastie_> until you bind another texture
L960[18:47:55] <electrolitic> Alright, thanks
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L963[18:53:23] <Darkevilmac> I haven't done anything with guis in a while any idea what would cause items to pretty much instantly snap back to a slot after I try and click them?
L964[18:55:10] <Darkevilmac> nevermind I'm dumb.
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L967[19:01:32] <electrolitic> for drawTexturedModalRect, is (0,0) the top left most pixel, or is (1,1)?
L968[19:02:21] <electrolitic> I'll go with 0,0 since it's logical, but... whatever.
L969[19:03:48] <TehNut> 0, 0
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L973[19:29:41] <electrolitic> What in the world? I have an int progress that when it equals 120 does something. It does that as I expected, but I print out its value in another method and it's always 0. It does the thing it would do at 120, however. Any ideas?
L974[19:29:57] <williewillus> thats kinda vague, code maybe?
L975[19:30:07] <williewillus> and maybe you're doing it from another side?
L976[19:30:10] <williewillus> (client/server)
L977[19:30:18] <electrolitic> one sec
L978[19:31:07] <electrolitic> https://github.com/electrolitic/Extrafuels/blob/master/src/main/java/electrolitic/extrafuels/init/tile/TileEntityFuelRefiner.java#L153
L979[19:31:13] <electrolitic> The line I selected always prints 0
L980[19:31:25] <williewillus> who calls that?
L981[19:31:36] <williewillus> i bet it's getting called clientside
L982[19:31:38] <electrolitic> My Gui
L983[19:31:42] <williewillus> and youre not syncing the progress field
L984[19:31:46] <williewillus> yeah :P
L985[19:31:48] <electrolitic> ???
L986[19:32:00] <williewillus> https://github.com/electrolitic/Extrafuels/blob/master/src/main/java/electrolitic/extrafuels/init/tile/TileEntityFuelRefiner.java#L59
L987[19:32:06] <williewillus> that line only runs on the server
L988[19:32:11] <williewillus> thanks to your remote check
L989[19:32:14] <williewillus> on the client it's always 0
L990[19:32:22] <williewillus> do you understand the difference between the sides?
L991[19:32:33] <williewillus> if not give this document a whirl mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/sides/
L992[19:32:34] <electrolitic> Yes, but how do I make the two talk?
L993[19:32:37] <electrolitic> Oh
L994[19:32:40] <electrolitic> Maybe that will tell me
L995[19:32:47] <williewillus> it won't thats a conceptual doc
L996[19:32:51] <electrolitic> oh
L997[19:33:33] <williewillus> in this case you can leverage the Container to do syncing for you
L998[19:33:41] <electrolitic> Oh
L999[19:33:54] <electrolitic> I'll try a few things.
L1000[19:34:07] <williewillus> see vanilla ContainerFurnace.updateProgressBar and detectAndSendChanges
L1001[19:34:20] <williewillus> don't do the whole getField/setField crap but the general idea is there
L1002[19:35:19] <electrolitic> So then the two TileEntities are seperate objects?
L1003[19:35:25] <williewillus> yes
L1004[19:35:27] <williewillus> one for client
L1005[19:35:29] <williewillus> one for server
L1006[19:35:32] <electrolitic> Ah
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L1016[19:54:17] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> What exactly is customProperties used for in @Mod ?
L1017[19:55:36] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> I'm looking for a way to enable the config button when looking at my mod through the list
L1018[19:55:49] <TehNut> guiFactory
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L1020[19:56:43] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Thanks
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L1024[20:07:49] <electrolitic> Do I need to get into channels in order to sync the client Gui with the Container?
L1025[20:08:20] <theFlaxbeard> Is there any event that fires when an entity spawns?
L1026[20:08:29] <theFlaxbeard> All I can find is LivingJoinedWorldEvent which fires on world load too
L1027[20:08:29] <williewillus> electrolitic: wat...
L1028[20:08:43] <electrolitic> Well, how would you sync them? where do I send the changes to?
L1029[20:08:47] <williewillus> theFlaxbeard: you mean like natural spawn?
L1030[20:08:49] <theFlaxbeard> Yeah
L1031[20:08:55] <williewillus> electrolitic: did you look at the ContainerFurnace?
L1032[20:09:05] <electrolitic> No, I'll take a look
L1033[20:09:36] <theFlaxbeard> I'm not too picky about what spawns it covers, just want to find a way to get all mob spawns and not loads. There's nothing I can find to differentiate the two at first glance.
L1034[20:09:36] <williewillus> i told you to do that above xD
L1035[20:09:45] <electrolitic> Sorry, wasn't paying attention D:
L1036[20:09:47] <williewillus> well it's because theyre basically the same thing :P
L1037[20:10:15] <williewillus> "spawning", if you're not talking about natural vs spawner spawns is just invoking the spawnEntityInWorld method from a different place :P
L1038[20:10:32] <theFlaxbeard> Right
L1039[20:10:35] <theFlaxbeard> I'm trying to replace a spawned entity with one of my own
L1040[20:10:48] <theFlaxbeard> If it only works on natural spawns that's fine, if it works on spawner spawns too that's also fine
L1041[20:10:53] <williewillus> whats wrong with EntityJoinWorldEvent then?
L1042[20:10:58] <theFlaxbeard> It fires on world load
L1043[20:11:04] <theFlaxbeard> so eventually all of them will be converted to my mob
L1044[20:11:09] <theFlaxbeard> if I quit+reload :P
L1045[20:12:17] <williewillus> oh youre in luck hehe, LivingSpawnEvent.SpecialSpawn will fire for all spawner and "natural" spawns
L1046[20:12:41] <theFlaxbeard> How did I miss something called LivingSpawnEvent
L1047[20:12:42] <theFlaxbeard> oops
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L1051[20:23:02] <electrolitic> So is detectAndSendChanges called all the time, or only while you have the gui open?
L1052[20:24:22] <williewillus> while you're viewing it
L1053[20:24:25] <williewillus> so the latter
L1054[20:24:54] <electrolitic> Ah, that's nice. I always worry about things causing lag somehow
L1055[20:25:16] <williewillus> heh yeah PE's former author
L1056[20:25:28] <williewillus> had the TE send its own packet to everyone around whenever one person had it open
L1057[20:25:31] <williewillus> lagfest
L1058[20:25:45] <electrolitic> PE?
L1059[20:25:49] <williewillus> ProjectE
L1060[20:25:52] <electrolitic> Oh
L1061[20:25:56] <williewillus> I found it and cleaned it out for 1.9/10 :P
L1062[20:26:04] <williewillus> the Container sync stuff I mean
L1063[20:26:07] <electrolitic> Wow, that would suck
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L1065[20:26:18] <williewillus> yeah if you had a power flower and like 50 people around it
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L1067[20:26:32] <williewillus> one person opening it would murder tps
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L1072[20:40:20] <electrolitic> Where does sendProgressBarUpdate send the data?
L1073[20:41:38] <electrolitic> Oh, nvm
L1074[20:41:42] <electrolitic> found my answer
L1075[20:42:05] <williewillus> it comes back to updateProgressBar
L1076[20:42:11] <williewillus> note that your args get truncated to shorts
L1077[20:42:21] <williewillus> before going over the network
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L1079[20:47:59] <LexManos> !gm func_110536_a
L1080[20:51:09] <electrolitic> Oh my god, it works!
L1081[20:51:27] <williewillus> yay
L1082[20:51:50] <electrolitic> I gotta look over that stuff again, gotta make sure I completely understand it
L1083[20:51:50] <williewillus> i hope you didnt use the getfield/setfield crap the furnaces have though :P just set java fields directly with it
L1084[20:51:55] <electrolitic> Nah
L1085[20:52:14] <electrolitic> I just updated them all if one update was necesary.
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L1088[20:52:41] <electrolitic> Erm, that's not what I meant to say
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L1090[20:52:57] <williewillus> lol
L1091[20:53:08] <electrolitic> Oh, I just put all the values in an array and went through them
L1092[20:53:17] <electrolitic> Rather than the stupid switch thing
L1093[20:53:45] <williewillus> i mean that wastes more bandwidth right
L1094[20:53:55] <williewillus> or maybe idk what you mean by using array
L1095[20:54:18] <electrolitic> Here, I'll throw it up and you tell me if it's really inefficient or something
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L1098[20:55:13] <electrolitic> oh
L1099[20:55:14] <electrolitic> wait
L1100[20:55:22] <electrolitic> I dunno
L1101[20:55:28] *** Mine|away is now known as minecreatr
L1102[20:55:50] <electrolitic> I'm gonna make things work more cleanly right now, since it's all kinda... weirdly done.
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L1104[20:57:08] <electrolitic> I don't even understand how that syncs them? You're still just updating the tile in the container, aren't you?
L1105[20:57:10] <electrolitic> In the end
L1106[20:57:19] <williewillus> the tile updates itself
L1107[20:57:36] <electrolitic> Then why do you set its fields in the container?
L1108[20:58:04] <williewillus> the furnace caches copies of the furnace's state variables. when the tile's fields don't match with the cached copies SERVER side, it sends a packet to the client
L1109[20:58:08] <williewillus> the client sets the fields in the TE
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L1111[20:59:16] <williewillus> vanilla's system isnt perfect but just the idea of how it works is enough to use it :P
L1112[20:59:39] <williewillus> basically: call IContainerListener.sendProgressBarUpdate when you want updateProgressBar to get called on the client
L1113[20:59:43] <williewillus> thats pretty much it
L1114[20:59:58] <electrolitic> Ohhh
L1115[21:00:17] <williewillus> detectAndSendChanges is called every tick by mc to recheck if things need to be resent
L1116[21:00:25] <williewillus> actually nto sure if every tick
L1117[21:00:29] <williewillus> but often
L1118[21:01:38] <electrolitic> I've noticed that Thermal Expansion's progress bars go across real cleanly. Any idea how that's done?
L1119[21:01:44] <electrolitic> Or maybe I'm crazy
L1120[21:01:55] <shadowfacts> client-side interpolation probably
L1121[21:02:29] <electrolitic> Wow, that's really cool
L1122[21:02:48] <williewillus> do they?
L1123[21:02:55] <williewillus> i feel like its the same as vanilla
L1124[21:02:56] <electrolitic> Maybe they just have more pixels in their GUIs
L1125[21:03:01] <williewillus> maybe
L1126[21:04:24] <electrolitic> And does anybody know if foreach loops are more, less, or the same efficient as normal for loops?
L1127[21:05:15] <TehNut> Aren't they more or less identical?
L1128[21:05:49] <shadowfacts> the difference is negligible, IIRC
L1129[21:06:49] <theFlaxbeard> Hmm... Cancelling SpecialSpawn doesn't seem to actually cancel the spawn
L1130[21:07:29] <williewillus> actually when it matters they can be quite different
L1131[21:07:34] <williewillus> but it usually doens't matter
L1132[21:07:39] <williewillus> and the jit is magical
L1133[21:08:21] <quadraxis> foreach over waht?
L1134[21:08:24] <williewillus> theFlaxbeard: no, it prevents the natural spawn code from runnign (giving mobs armor, etc)
L1135[21:08:29] <williewillus> i presume over normal colls
L1136[21:08:36] <williewillus> foreach over arrays is syntactical sugar
L1137[21:08:44] <theFlaxbeard> Ah. Any way I can stop the spawn other than setDead which throws a warning in the console
L1138[21:08:55] <williewillus> what kind of warning?
L1139[21:09:01] <theFlaxbeard> [21:06:44] [Server thread/WARN]: Tried to add entity Zombie but it was marked as removed already
L1140[21:09:12] <theFlaxbeard> since it's marked dead when the spawn code runs
L1141[21:09:50] <williewillus> hm
L1142[21:09:56] <williewillus> no clean solution to the problem i dont think
L1143[21:10:08] <williewillus> could just add a timer to it and kill it a couplke ticks after it spawns :P
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L1148[21:26:29] <electrolitic> This might sound stupid, but how do you set yourself to away?
L1149[21:27:24] <williewillus> like name wise or irc wise?
L1150[21:27:27] <williewillus> irc wise, /away
L1151[21:27:31] <williewillus> name wise just set another nick
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L1162[21:51:51] <Prospector> is there any good way to hide the default F3+H durability counter? I have my own included that starts at 1 instead of 0 to avoid confusion
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L1164[21:52:11] <Prospector> When F3+H is enabled, it shows both, and it's bugging me
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L1166[21:53:47] <TehNut> Could use the tooltip event and remove it
L1167[21:54:11] <williewillus> > starts at 1
L1168[21:54:19] <williewillus> god what kind of programmer are you??!?!?!1 /s
L1169[21:55:25] <LexManos> <electrolitic> And does anybody know if foreach loops are more, less, or the same efficient as normal for loops?
L1170[21:55:29] <LexManos> Its literally the same thing
L1171[21:56:28] <Prospector> I guess tooltip event works
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L1177[22:07:28] <williewillus> i mean, foreaches over collections generate an intermediary iterator+any garbage that iterator makes. But in 99.9999% of situations its negligible vs a int-counter loop thanks to jit
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L1179[22:11:06] <LexManos> itterators are actually faster then get(int) in MOST collections
L1180[22:11:31] <LexManos> slightly more 'garbage' meaning there is a object created at the beginning, but thats negelegable
L1181[22:12:03] <williewillus> yeah
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L1183[22:12:37] <electrolitic> I'm not really much of a programmer. Sorry.
L1184[22:12:44] <electrolitic> As much as I'd like to be.
L1185[22:12:46] <williewillus> thats nothing to be sorry about lol
L1186[22:13:03] <williewillus> just that the difference is negligible
L1187[22:13:11] <williewillus> so dont need to worry about it :P
L1188[22:13:17] <electrolitic> Alright
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L1201[23:02:00] <MattDahEpic> id download your engine if i could make an account... https://i.imgur.com/p2hb0kk.png
L1202[23:04:27] <KnightMiner> They are called "Epic games", most likely don't want people pretending to be part of the company with the word "Epic" in their name
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L1207[23:21:06] <shredder8910> Why would you say iterators are faster than get(int)?
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L1209[23:25:07] <McJty> Being faster (if they even are) is not the reason why you should use iterators or not
L1210[23:25:16] <McJty> You use them because they make better code
L1211[23:25:24] <shredder8910> agreed
L1212[23:25:35] <shredder8910> That's why I love streams
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