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L1[00:00:07] <capitalthree> well some manufacturers do
L2[00:00:21] <capitalthree> sandisk's mp3 players all support vorbis and flac for like a decade now xD
L3[00:00:28] <RANKSHANK> Or rockbox may have a solution for your player :P
L4[00:00:40] <capitalthree> it's the responsibility of us users to make the industry care
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L6[00:01:00] <mezz> lol
L7[00:01:05] <capitalthree> throwing up your hands and saying "mp3 is the codec for music" is just as stupid as "windows is the os for gaming"
L8[00:01:11] <capitalthree> yeah, with that attitude I guess it is
L9[00:01:13] <mezz> if that worked then beats headphones would not exist, you're being an idealist
L10[00:01:26] <capitalthree> what?
L11[00:01:26] <RANKSHANK> Eww beats
L12[00:01:36] <capitalthree> wtf does beats have to do with this
L13[00:01:59] <mezz> they're awful headphones, and also the most popular. opinion of informed consumers does not affect them at all
L14[00:02:06] <RANKSHANK> "Monitors" = overly heavy bass. Beats logix ;)
L15[00:02:14] <capitalthree> they're not the most popular
L16[00:02:30] <capitalthree> the most popular headphones = whatever apple ships with iphones this year
L17[00:02:53] <capitalthree> most consumers don't buy into the beats hype, it's just that the ones that do pay 3x what shit is worth so it's a good racket
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L19[00:03:16] <kenzierocks> apple earphones are pretty good
L20[00:03:21] <capitalthree> calling beats the most popular headphones definitely needs to be backed up with stats
L21[00:03:36] <capitalthree> kenzierocks: for $5 earbuds they're fine though they sell them for quite a bit more iirc :P
L22[00:03:45] <mezz> whatever you're just going to be argumentative regardless of the gist
L23[00:03:53] <kenzierocks> they're more durable than any $5 earbuds my friends get
L24[00:03:54] <kenzierocks> so....
L25[00:03:58] <capitalthree> I can order the HTC oem earbuds for like $3 and they're imo a smidge better
L26[00:04:07] <capitalthree> any earbuds for $5 at a corner store are total shit
L27[00:04:12] <capitalthree> but if you shop online...
L28[00:04:14] <kenzierocks> they also fit my ears like gold
L29[00:04:16] <tterrag|away> if you think beats being the literal most popular headphones was the point of what he was saying, then you need to rethink
L30[00:04:20] <kenzierocks> other earbuds feel really funky
L31[00:04:27] <kenzierocks> and keep popping out
L32[00:05:17] <RANKSHANK> I feel you kenzierocks I try to use buds seldomly as possible
L33[00:05:25] <tterrag|away> the point is that (probably) >50% of users of these audio apps wouldn't know what an ogg was if you asked
L34[00:05:35] <tterrag|away> all songs are just "mp3s"
L35[00:05:42] *** TTFTCUTS is now known as TTFT|Away
L36[00:05:51] <tterrag|away> even if they are...whatever...m4a..flac...aac
L37[00:06:02] <kenzierocks> the good old days when all audio players were called mp3 players
L38[00:06:24] <RANKSHANK> That's probably part of the issue though
L39[00:06:57] <capitalthree> that's why I try to catch myself and say DAP
L40[00:08:30] <kenzierocks> wtf is a DAP?
L41[00:08:33] <Keridos> hm, why does my client see only blocks with meta 0 when I have blockst that save states to meta and back working correctly?
L42[00:08:49] <kenzierocks> "my, you're looking quite DAPper today, capitalthree"
L43[00:09:18] <RANKSHANK> Ugh this reminds me I still need to jury rig my ipods 30 pin slot to hold a micro usb port :/
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L47[00:13:30] * kenzierocks twiddles thumbs https://i.imgur.com/siyYwjq.png
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L49[00:16:30] <capitalthree> digital audio player :P
L50[00:18:15] <Keridos> this is really weird, still do not find why the heck everything works except that my client just sees metadata 0 blocks
L51[00:19:03] <mezz> what are you using to "see" the blocks?
L52[00:19:07] <mezz> check f3
L53[00:19:24] <mezz> waila is pretty busted if you're using that
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L55[00:21:40] <Keridos> mezz: it shows the correct states
L56[00:21:58] <Keridos> but vanilla creative mode middle click picks meta 0 item too
L57[00:22:10] <Keridos> so i guess something is missing in my implementation
L58[00:22:20] <Keridos> or its a bug in forge, but i doubt that
L59[00:22:30] <Keridos> shouldnt it get the correct meta from the states?
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L61[00:23:19] <kenzierocks> no
L62[00:23:25] <mezz> check the pick block implementation, it's a separate method and may by overriding things strangely
L63[00:24:42] <Keridos> return new ItemStack(item, 1, block.getDamageValue(world, pos));
L64[00:24:54] <Keridos> that should be correct
L65[00:24:55] <mezz> ok, so look at getDamageValue
L66[00:25:28] <mezz> I'll bet it returns 0
L67[00:25:45] <Keridos> ah
L68[00:25:54] <Keridos> thanks for the guidance
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L70[00:26:02] <mezz> no problem
L71[00:26:08] * Keridos overrides damagedropped now
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L73[00:26:34] <Zidane> For anyone around, I've made my own CustomModelLoader as well as my own implementation of IModel...how do I tie the model to the block?
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L75[00:28:27] <RANKSHANK> You should get the block handed to you when it's bound to your loaders rss key
L76[00:29:11] <Zidane> Oh I'm silly, that is specified in the json file for the blockstate
L77[00:29:13] <Zidane> Ignore me :p
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L83[00:38:44] <kenzierocks> can a mod create new items on the client based on something the server has?
L84[00:39:23] <mezz> it's possible but very tricky
L85[00:39:33] <kenzierocks> go on :)
L86[00:39:48] <mezz> well first what's your use-case?
L87[00:40:21] <kenzierocks> the server will define the custom record items (since the client may not have the audio files) and then provide the audio
L88[00:40:38] <mezz> okay
L89[00:40:41] <kenzierocks> I can't create these records in advance on the client because each server has it's own "set of music"
L90[00:40:53] <mezz> OpenComputers does something similar with program disks
L91[00:41:17] <mezz> you should look there. note that it's not compatible with JEI though. we're working on a solution but it seems a bit far-off
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L93[00:41:50] <kenzierocks> ok
L94[00:42:51] <mezz> basically when the client has its first world-tick, it can send a packet to the server saying "send me your extra item data" and then when it receives a reply it can create the items
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L96[00:43:06] <kenzierocks> ok
L97[00:43:07] <mezz> that's past the point where JEI builds the item list though, so it does not show up there.
L98[00:43:28] <kenzierocks> is that in https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.10/src/main/scala/li/cil/oc/client/PacketHandler.scala ?
L99[00:43:33] <kenzierocks> and if so, what line?
L100[00:43:40] <mezz> I don't know the specifics
L101[00:43:53] <Hunterz> PlayerUseItemEvent is in the latest version LivingEntityUseItemEvent ?
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L103[00:44:27] <mezz> kenzierocks, it looks like they call it LootDisk
L104[00:44:32] <kenzierocks> ok
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L106[00:46:29] <kenzierocks> i see, it hooks into getSubItems
L107[00:46:38] <kenzierocks> i hope that doesn't break terribly :P
L108[00:47:04] *** DarkevilAway is now known as Darkevilmac
L109[00:48:16] <mezz> getSubItems is only used by the creative menu and JEI pretty much
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L122[01:35:12] <sokratis12GR> for some reason https://paste.ee/p/dKU07 is crashing on the normal launcher but not in the workspace
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L127[01:53:05] <Dragroth> NoSuchMethodError often is caused by Sideonly methods. Im new to modding but u can check if that method is only client so the server cant use it
L128[01:54:42] <sokratis12GR> nvm i fixed the issue
L129[01:54:54] <sokratis12GR> it was my `case-sensitive` system that did the `gradlew build`
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L131[01:55:06] <sokratis12GR> i had to to do `gradlew clean` to fix the issue
L132[01:57:36] <Dragroth> okay. i would have been surprised if i were right anyways :D
L133[01:59:31] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160722 mappings to Forge Maven.
L134[01:59:34] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160722-1.10.2.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160722" in build.gradle).
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L136[01:59:45] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L141[02:07:21] <kenzierocks> can I add my own resource pack like FML does for my mod?
L142[02:08:10] <sham1> ofcourse
L143[02:08:16] <kenzierocks> ...how
L144[02:08:32] <sham1> That is left as an exercise for the reader
L145[02:09:05] <kenzierocks> :<
L146[02:09:34] <kenzierocks> guess i'll just inject it in with ATs
L147[02:13:08] <sham1> Don't
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L149[02:13:50] <kenzierocks> well then tell me the real way sham1
L150[02:13:55] <kenzierocks> or you can sit the fuck down
L151[02:14:12] <sham1> Let me try to remember the process
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L154[02:15:06] <sham1> I think you need to define an IResource
L155[02:15:20] <kenzierocks> IResourcePack?
L156[02:15:30] <sham1> well, that
L157[02:15:35] ⇨ Joins: OrionOnline (~OrionOnli@ip-80-236-234-229.dsl.scarlet.be)
L158[02:15:45] <sham1> there should be methods for loading stuff
L159[02:16:22] <sham1> Then you need to put that resourcepack instance to the resourcemanager
L160[02:16:37] <sham1> That I think you can find in the Minecraft class
L161[02:17:04] <OrionOnline> Good Morning everyone
L162[02:19:50] <Dragroth> good morning :)
L163[02:19:51] <OrionOnline> I have a question on how to implement something...
L164[02:19:58] <sham1> You can access the IResourceManager by reflection
L165[02:20:19] <OrionOnline> I am currently debating creating a steampunk style molten metal transport system
L166[02:20:38] <kenzierocks> sham1: aka using an AT because i think it's way better than reflection
L167[02:20:40] <kenzierocks> :D
L168[02:20:49] <sham1> FUCK NO
L169[02:20:56] <sham1> It breaks compatibility
L170[02:21:01] <kenzierocks> with....?
L171[02:21:07] <sham1> Everything
L172[02:21:10] <kenzierocks> because?
L173[02:21:21] <sham1> Because it essentially is just ASM
L174[02:21:28] <kenzierocks> that's right
L175[02:21:31] <kenzierocks> it is
L176[02:21:42] <kenzierocks> still don't get how it breaks compatibility with "everything"
L177[02:21:53] <kenzierocks> ATs are merged, so that's fine, mods are compatible
L178[02:22:07] <kenzierocks> it might break mods using reflection, depends on how they do it?
L179[02:22:21] <sham1> Why do you think ATs even are better than reflection
L180[02:22:30] <sham1> Reflection is as fast as normal field access
L181[02:22:36] <Lumien> It's convenient :P
L182[02:22:46] <OrionOnline> Using something like casts to transport them
L183[02:22:58] <OrionOnline> And blocks that have the liquid visible inside them
L184[02:23:12] <kenzierocks> ATs are as fast as normal field access
L185[02:23:19] <OrionOnline> Yet i have models that are complexisch OBJ models and i would like to render liquid inside them
L186[02:23:20] <kenzierocks> and they don't mysteriously break if you dont check them
L187[02:23:53] <sham1> Neither does reflection
L188[02:24:09] <sham1> Fields and methods do not just disappear undocumented
L189[02:24:45] <kenzierocks> uh
L190[02:24:48] <kenzierocks> in minecraft they do
L191[02:24:51] <kenzierocks> :D
L192[02:24:56] <kenzierocks> also obfuscation
L193[02:25:02] <sham1> What about it
L194[02:25:06] <sham1> You can use SRG names
L195[02:25:11] <kenzierocks> not at dev time
L196[02:25:19] <sham1> And?
L197[02:25:21] <kenzierocks> you have to use both SRG and dev name
L198[02:25:28] <kenzierocks> which means you need a method for swapping it
L199[02:25:36] <kenzierocks> which means you need to detect obf
L200[02:25:40] <sham1> There's an entire helper class for that
L201[02:26:00] <kenzierocks> but why should I do that when I can use ATs and get it for free
L202[02:26:04] <kenzierocks> and get type checking
L203[02:26:10] <kenzierocks> and a bunch of other cool stuff
L204[02:26:15] <sham1> Because reflection is considered better
L205[02:26:32] <kenzierocks> because it's less...what?
L206[02:26:44] <sham1> It changes the base class less
L207[02:27:10] <kenzierocks> also srg names change
L208[02:27:16] <kenzierocks> i had this happen with worldedit
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L210[02:27:29] <kenzierocks> and it remained broken for 2 MC versions
L211[02:27:35] <kenzierocks> because no one ever ran the code
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L213[02:28:17] <sham1> Tell me, why are you such a defender of ASM and ATs
L214[02:29:10] <OrionOnline> How does the enchantment table both use a TESR and a standard block?
L215[02:29:25] <kenzierocks> because they're a one-off thing that gives me compile errors and type checking and will actually break if things change
L216[02:29:29] <sham1> It probably renders the book as TESR
L217[02:29:33] <kenzierocks> i don't have to remember to update the fields
L218[02:29:35] <kenzierocks> on every mod
L219[02:30:14] <Lumien> Orion you can just register a tesr but keep the block render type as model
L220[02:30:58] <OrionOnline> And then it will render both the model and the tesr?
L221[02:31:04] <sham1> yes
L222[02:31:21] <OrionOnline> Ah okey
L223[02:31:24] <OrionOnline> Nice good to know
L224[02:31:55] <OrionOnline> Now i need to find out how to render fluids with a TESR as they are blockmodels now
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L226[02:33:06] <sham1> y rendering some vertices that have the UV coords of the fluid in question
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L228[02:34:36] <OrionOnline> Yeah
L229[02:34:42] <OrionOnline> I am aware of that
L230[02:34:53] <OrionOnline> I just need to figure out the math to do it
L231[02:36:02] <OrionOnline> Boh it is a long time since i made a tesr.........
L232[02:36:16] <OrionOnline> the x y z is blockcoords right not screen coords?
L233[02:37:04] ⇨ Joins: Zed (~Zed@
L234[02:37:16] <sham1> To get relative coordinates you translate by the x, y, and z
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L236[02:40:49] <Dragroth> ItemTooltipEvent is clientside? i want to use the playerstats to generate an itemtooltip. what event is the best for that?
L237[02:41:16] <sham1> Why not zoirberg
L238[02:42:05] <Lumien> Drag maybe write the stats to the nbt of the item?
L239[02:42:10] <Lumien> And then add it to the tooltip on the client
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L241[02:43:43] <Dragroth> yeah but ill have to get the EntityPlayerMP and right now im stuck there... so i tried to get the MP by using an event
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L247[02:49:04] <shredder8910> Hey guys, how's it going?
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L269[04:05:32] <SatanicSanta> Am I missing something about setting colission bounds for a block? I've got getBoundingBox and addCollisionBoxToList functioning as I expect them to
L270[04:13:35] <Cazzar> You add the collison box to the supplied list IIRC.
L271[04:13:43] <Cazzar> !gm addCollisionBoxToList
L272[04:13:55] <SatanicSanta> I am doing that.
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L274[04:19:13] <SatanicSanta> Gah. I'm tired. I'll be back tomorrow about this issue, assuming I don't figure it out in the morning.
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L304[05:45:22] <MalkContent> what can i look at to understand how to use the itemhandler for inventories?
L305[05:45:40] <MalkContent> already got the ItemStackHandler and the doublechest thing
L306[05:45:57] <MalkContent> and i don't find any place they get called from
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L308[05:50:00] <wolfboyft> hello
L309[05:50:16] <sham1> hi
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L312[05:52:42] <sham1> To get relative coordinates you translate by the x, y, and z
L313[05:52:45] <sham1> ofcourse
L314[05:52:55] <sham1> Meh
L315[05:53:03] <sham1> Wrong window in focus
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L340[06:46:59] <DarkS_> hi
L341[06:47:08] <wolfboyft> Heyo
L342[06:47:09] <rebecca> hi
L343[06:47:28] <sham1> hello
L344[06:47:42] <rebecca> hey sham1 :)
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L349[06:52:00] <Inari> Hi there
L350[06:53:00] <Inari> rendering again ^^ been wondering, the only reason i use a TESR for some blocks now is to draw text. is there some approach to uh.. statically rendering text yet? (i..e hwen text cahnges, its drawn to a texture and that then drawn.. or something of the sort)
L351[06:53:04] <Inari> and woudl that even improve anything
L352[06:55:14] <sham1> Not yet
L353[06:55:23] <sham1> but you could help with that
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L358[07:03:58] <wolfboyft> I'm now away.
L359[07:04:34] <rebecca> trying to get a block to break on a random tick event but.. i'm doing something wrong
L360[07:04:36] <rebecca> http://paste.ofcode.org/ZZJqUUFb56EQVwN2rKKY42
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L362[07:04:51] <sham1> how so
L363[07:05:34] <rebecca> well, nothing decays
L364[07:05:38] <rebecca> (breaks)
L365[07:05:55] <sham1> Umn, first of all
L366[07:06:25] <sham1> Why compare (worldIn.isRemote == false) when you could do !worldIn.isRemote
L367[07:06:43] <DarkS_> world.destroyBlock(pos, dropBlockAsItem); try that
L368[07:07:42] <rebecca> sham1: the former seems neater to me.. and also to the person who's code i'm stealing ;)
L369[07:07:53] <rebecca> DarkS_: ok
L370[07:09:09] <masa> does updateTick() get called at all?
L371[07:09:36] <rebecca> masa: maybe not.
L372[07:10:11] <rebecca> is there a quick and dirty print-to-MC-console i can include in a method to check if it is run?
L373[07:10:14] <masa> slap either a good old System.out.printf("plop\n"); in there, or a break point in eclipse
L374[07:10:26] <rebecca> ok :D
L375[07:10:56] <sham1> masa, why not System.out.println("plop");
L376[07:11:12] <masa> the funny thing about printf() vs. println() is that Forge doesn't muddy printf() with the prefix timestamp/logger stuff ;D
L377[07:11:30] <masa> so you can fit more stuff per line without it getting stupidly long
L378[07:11:30] <sham1> wat
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L380[07:11:45] <masa> and it is easier to see between the mc log messages
L381[07:12:23] <masa> in o ther words, I think Forge re-routes prntln() through the logger or something?
L382[07:12:38] <masa> but luckily not printf() :p
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L384[07:12:47] <sham1> That is a fluke
L385[07:12:56] <sham1> Also, I don't understand why java has no printfln
L386[07:13:02] <sham1> or printlnf
L387[07:13:14] <Drtro_> Is this a place to discuss mod ideas, or do you guys actually read the section on Minecraft Forums?
L388[07:13:28] <sham1> Well, we can talk here
L389[07:13:34] <sham1> What do you have
L390[07:15:13] <Drtro_> I've been wanting a mod that helps with building. It has basically 2 items. A pallet that basically opens up a gui to select any block available in the game. And you can build with those. They leave semi transparent blocks that you wan walk through unless shift clicking or something. Then there's a paintbrush where you can go back and complete your build. Basically a builders wand that works on these ghost blocks. Would help a
L391[07:15:14] <Drtro_> ton for planning builds and such
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L393[07:18:09] <rebecca> masa: yep, no 'plop's, so it's not trying to run the updateTick method
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L395[07:21:35] <rebecca> maybe because i haven't put the setTickRandomly in a constructor
L396[07:22:14] <masa> but it was in the constructor in your paste?
L397[07:23:22] <masa> oh wait
L398[07:24:13] <masa> you probably want to use randomTick() instead of updateTick() for this, although the vanilla Block class by default calls updateTick() from randomTick()
L399[07:24:25] <rebecca> ok
L400[07:24:37] <masa> and you seem to extend by BlockEnderUtilities so it shouldn't change that
L401[07:24:41] <masa> *my
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L403[07:24:51] <masa> but still
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L406[07:31:03] <rebecca> masa: no joy with randomTick either
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L411[07:38:46] <masa> hmm, how long did you wait for it?
L412[07:40:10] <rebecca> a couple of minutes
L413[07:40:46] <rebecca> is that too impatient?
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L415[07:41:15] <Cazzar> There's a gamerule to speed it up
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L417[07:42:00] <masa> yep /gamerule randomTickSpeed
L418[07:42:02] <Cazzar> http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tick#Block_tick
L419[07:42:04] <masa> default is 3
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L421[07:44:15] <rebecca> oh, that's neat
L422[07:44:31] <rebecca> tried setting it to 1 and 1000, no change
L423[07:45:00] <DarkS_> set it to 20000
L424[07:46:01] <rebecca> yeah, still no change
L425[07:46:22] <rebecca> and they should be decaying faster than leaf blocks right?
L426[07:48:57] <Cazzar> setTickRandomly?
L427[07:50:03] <gravityfox> hey
L428[07:50:11] <gravityfox> is there a forge event for when a client joins a server?
L429[07:50:45] <rebecca> Cazzar: yes but I suspect my attempt at setting this has failed. i'm quite new to java so i'm probably doing something stupid
L430[07:51:48] <sham1> Did you try to look at what grass does with random ticks
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L432[07:53:30] <rebecca> sham1: yeah, been looking at vanilla code. some other blocks set this.setTickRandomly(true); in eg: " protected BlockCrops()"
L433[07:53:41] <sham1> but what method they use to tick
L434[07:53:49] <rebecca> but ice for instance does it in public BlockIce()
L435[07:53:59] <masa> rebecca: well based on your paste, as long as you are creating the block using the constructor you have, it should set random ticks to true
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L437[07:54:12] <rebecca> masa: ahh, ok
L438[07:55:07] <masa> but if you create i tusing one of the vanilla constructors then that setTickRandomly() wouldn't get called
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L442[07:57:22] <rebecca> masa: ok
L443[07:59:21] <masa> ie. are you creating the block instance by calling BlockBrownian() with matching parameters?
L444[08:00:31] <masa> and also note that if you change the constructors, you need to launch the game again, it won't work on-the-fly in debug mode because they only get called once during the preInit phase
L445[08:01:07] <gravityfox> hello? client join server event?
L446[08:01:10] <gravityfox> is that a thing?
L447[08:01:32] <gravityfox> this would need to be a clientside event
L448[08:01:57] <rebecca> masa: *hides* i don't understand what you're asking
L449[08:02:44] <rebecca> yeah, i have been completely closing and re-launching it
L450[08:03:57] <abec> gravityfox, idk about an event on the client, but PlayerEvent.PlayerLoggedInEvent is called on the server
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L452[08:06:38] <masa> oh lol, I was like "what is thus really the only place where they check for shift key down?" in GuiContainer when I selected the one isShiftKeyDown() call, but of course because this is mojang they actually hard code the Keyboard.isKeyDown() calls for it in two other places
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L470[08:40:46] <MalkContent> is the ItemHandler capability even used in vanilla code?
L471[08:40:59] <MalkContent> as in: does anything ultilize it to handle inventory stuff
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L475[08:55:09] <sham1> yes
L476[08:55:23] ⇨ Joins: maxlowry123 (~IceChat9@pool-71-244-115-181.albyny.fios.verizon.net)
L477[08:55:24] <sham1> Forge provides IItemHandlers as wrappers for vanilla stuff
L478[08:55:34] <sham1> So it can be uniformly used
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L485[09:13:36] <MalkContent> sham1: do i just give an inventory the cap and it gets used without me doing anything further?
L486[09:13:51] <sham1> yes
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L488[09:13:58] <MalkContent> huh
L489[09:14:01] <MalkContent> thx
L490[09:14:04] <sham1> For instance you can have a cap and then hoppers can interract
L491[09:14:34] <MalkContent> i just didnt see any get-cap stuff
L492[09:14:53] <sham1> It's probably hidden
L493[09:15:55] <MalkContent> alright then
L494[09:17:00] <masa> aren't mods these days supposed to wotk in the dev environment too without a deobf version?
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L496[09:18:25] <sham1> yes
L497[09:18:28] <shadowfacts> yes
L498[09:18:34] <shadowfacts> if you add it to run/mods you don't have to do anything
L499[09:18:38] <sham1> At least with maven dependencies
L500[09:18:40] <sham1> Or that
L501[09:18:50] <shadowfacts> if you add it to the dev workspace, you need to use the deobfCompile configuration
L502[09:19:06] <sham1> Or deobfProvide
L503[09:19:25] <shadowfacts> ^ one of the deobf configurations
L504[09:19:42] <masa> hmm, I wonder why it doesn't work for any mods that I have tried and needed...
L505[09:20:14] <masa> huh, well it does seem to work for one of mine at least
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L507[09:22:53] <masa> but tinkers doesn't work, as wel las ender io, even though I cloned the enderio repo and built a deobf version, it still just crashed on load
L508[09:23:01] <shadowfacts> works for me masa, https://github.com/shadowfacts/ExtraRails/blob/master/build.gradle#L61-L62
L509[09:23:27] <masa> well I meant dropping them in mods/
L510[09:24:02] <masa> itäs annoying having to stick stuff to the deps and re-setup the dev environment, because I don't need the code, just the mod to test stuff against
L511[09:24:17] <shadowfacts> ah
L512[09:24:25] <shadowfacts> EIO does work for me when I stick it in run/mods
L513[09:24:31] <shadowfacts> haven't used TiCon
L514[09:24:45] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L515[09:24:58] <masa> EIO crashed for me with some abstract method error in BlockPainted/Slab or something
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L525[09:35:55] <masa> hmm, winkers just crashes with ClassNotFoundExceptions
L526[09:35:59] <masa> *tinkers
L527[09:36:10] <masa> is tehre something from with my dev env...
L528[09:36:11] <shadowfacts> I'm going to make a Winker's Construct mod now, masa :P
L529[09:36:17] <masa> cool :D
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L533[09:39:21] <masa> uh what... s/from/wrong/
L534[09:40:13] <Ordinastie_> shadowfacts, beats wanker's construct
L535[09:40:27] <shadowfacts> lmao
L536[09:44:51] <sham1> Wanker's construction sound interesting
L537[09:48:43] <shadowfacts> What's the launch blackboard key for checking if the env is deobfuscated?
L538[09:51:33] <Ordinastie_> https://github.com/Ordinastie/MalisisCore/blob/1.9.4/src/main/java/net/malisis/core/MalisisCore.java#L99
L539[09:52:01] <shadowfacts> thanks
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L546[10:08:48] <Intektor> I know this is a minecraft irc, but maybe you know something about android, too. So I am developing a game for android, and on startup, I get this error. everything works fine in the initialisation, but as soon it should render something, this error pops up:
L547[10:08:49] <Intektor> 07-22 17:07:24.671 12851-12934/de.intektor.pixelshooter A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0xffffff95216000 in tid 12934 (GLThread 6442)
L548[10:09:06] <Intektor> something with my gl
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L553[10:18:41] <Cazzar> When you accidentally leave a ping to google.com running for nearly 8 hours: 27419 packets transmitted, 27146 received, 0% packet loss, time 28357252ms
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L558[10:29:07] <shadowfacts> lol
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L560[10:32:52] <infinitefoxes_> is there a reason the End disables sky lighting?
L561[10:33:45] <infinitefoxes_> I changed the generation to my floating island generator and now the performance has dropped off a cliff
L562[10:34:15] <infinitefoxes_> actual chunk generation isn't taking long, but the integrated server is basically stalling and generating extremely slowly
L563[10:34:29] <infinitefoxes_> I profiled it a bit and found that a huge chunk of server time is being taken by skylight rechecks
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L565[10:35:38] <infinitefoxes_> disabling sky lighting in the world provider significantly improves the issue, but it's still not perfect
L566[10:36:08] <infinitefoxes_> if I place a dirt block layer directly above the void, the issue suddenly resolves itself
L567[10:37:05] <infinitefoxes_> so I'm at a loss at what I can do now
L568[10:37:09] <capitalthree> interesting. think you could get away with a layer of pseudo-air or only opaque blocks?
L569[10:37:27] <capitalthree> alternately, a block that disappears itself immediately?
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L571[10:39:06] <infinitefoxes_> I'll try that out
L572[10:40:44] <infinitefoxes_> it seems I wasn't exactly correct with the dirt layer solution
L573[10:40:56] <infinitefoxes_> depending on how far away from the void it is, performance changes
L574[10:41:31] <infinitefoxes_> the closer it gets to the void, the more the game struggles
L575[10:41:45] <infinitefoxes_> and vice versa, the closer I get it to my islands, the game starts struggling again
L576[10:41:55] <quadraxis> hmm I was having trouble with lighting lag
L577[10:43:49] <infinitefoxes_> a lot of these relight calls are being made from World#playMoodSoundAndCheckLight
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L579[10:46:14] <infinitefoxes_> will just have to delve deeper I suppose
L580[10:46:28] <infinitefoxes_> seems the Nether resets the relight counter for the same reason
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L583[10:50:28] <quadraxis> i'm wondering, if a column is fully transparent, the game might not mark it as checked?
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L598[11:29:54] <quadraxis> Mojang, why does your code rely on integer overflow to work properly?
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L600[11:30:10] <linuxdaemon> lol
L601[11:30:15] <linuxdaemon> because mojang
L602[11:31:32] <Necr0> what exactly relies on the overflow?
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L605[11:35:18] <quadraxis> seems like Chunk.checkSkylightNeighborHeight() can get called with Inter.MAX_VALUE as maxValue param
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L607[11:36:42] <quadraxis> but then it adds one when calling updateSkylightNeighborHeight(), so the result is negative, hence less than zero
L608[11:36:56] <quadraxis> so that doesn't iterate from 0 to 2 billion
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L610[11:38:50] <diesieben07> quadraxis, except it never gets called with MAX_VALUE
L611[11:39:14] <diesieben07> its called from Chunk.recheckGaps
L612[11:39:27] <diesieben07> in there it uses a i = Math.min(i, getChunksLowestHorizon) loop
L613[11:39:38] <diesieben07> and getChunksLowestHorizon always returns at most 256 since thats the world height
L614[11:39:47] <diesieben07> so the highest the value can be is 256
L615[11:40:47] <quadraxis> when I looked at getChunksLowestHorizon() it returns Chunk.getLowestHeight()
L616[11:41:33] <diesieben07> yes
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L618[11:42:11] <quadraxis> that can return MAX_VALUE
L619[11:42:25] <diesieben07> how?
L620[11:42:42] <quadraxis> it returns the chunks hieghtMapMinimum field
L621[11:43:11] <diesieben07> ok yes it can happen if the whole chunk has nothing in it
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L626[11:54:02] <xEviLSpaWnx> When i play minecraft my game will randomly freeze, then the screen will either turn white or go black (Mostly black) ... How would i find out whats causing this to happen and why?
L627[11:59:08] <diesieben07> xEviLSpaWnx, post the FML log for a start
L628[12:07:01] <xEviLSpaWnx> Which one the latest one or?
L629[12:09:00] <diesieben07> yes the last one of course
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L632[12:16:53] <MattDahEpic> i cant figure out why my blocks render in the inventory but not in the world. any help? code: https://github.com/MattDahEpic/MobDropOres/tree/1.10.X/src/main/java/com/mattdahepic/mobdropores
L633[12:17:01] <xEviLSpaWnx> Thats not what i asked as it saves more than one log ;)
L634[12:18:14] <MattDahEpic> fml-client-latest.log, xEviLSpaWnx
L635[12:18:32] <xEviLSpaWnx> Thank you, 1 sec
L636[12:20:14] <z0ttel> MattDahEpic: any exceptions while loading?
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L639[12:22:48] <MattDahEpic> z0ttel, https://gist.github.com/MattDahEpic/2952b123c99905f53489855447ad66d3
L640[12:22:54] <kenzierocks> does Forge have an on join game event?
L641[12:22:58] <xEviLSpaWnx> http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/760820f5
L642[12:23:12] <MattDahEpic> kenzierocks, yes. client or server-side?\
L643[12:23:16] <kenzierocks> client
L644[12:23:22] <kenzierocks> actually wait
L645[12:23:25] <kenzierocks> no you're right, server
L646[12:24:10] <z0ttel> MattDahEpic: it's looking for mob_ore1 but you have only a blockstate file for mob_ore
L647[12:24:56] <MattDahEpic> yes, but all the blocks work off of the mob_ore blockstate file
L648[12:26:32] <z0ttel> ehm - nope?
L649[12:26:53] <MattDahEpic> the fact that they all render in the inventory means that they should be
L650[12:27:07] <z0ttel> it uses the registry name for blockstate location
L651[12:27:19] <MattDahEpic> -_-
L652[12:27:22] <z0ttel> you set the resource location manually for your item
L653[12:30:25] <diesieben07> xEviLSpaWnx, looks like a problem with chiselAndBits
L654[12:31:18] <xEviLSpaWnx> Oh who's mod is that i forget?
L655[12:32:18] <ghz|afk> http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/chisels-bits
L656[12:32:23] <ghz|afk> says it there on the website
L657[12:33:02] <xEviLSpaWnx> Thanks
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L664[12:50:46] <thecodewarrior> how/can I register custom metadata sections. There doesn't appear to be any way to get the MetadataSerializer from minecraft without reflection.
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L666[12:57:54] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> So use reflection?
L667[12:58:36] <thecodewarrior> I was just wondering if there was another way I was missing. I'll go with reflection.
L668[12:58:50] <Drtro_> Pumps in 1.10. What the hell is taking so long?
L669[12:58:58] <kenzierocks> by the way sham1
L670[12:59:10] <kenzierocks> i figured out a way to inject the pack without reflection/ATs
L671[12:59:15] <kenzierocks> dummymodcontainer
L672[12:59:53] <shadowfacts> Drtro_ they already exist?
L673[13:00:05] <thecodewarrior> For ReflectionHelper, do I need to include notch names or just deobf/mcp
L674[13:00:25] <shadowfacts> MCP and SRG
L675[13:00:38] <thecodewarrior> Ok.
L676[13:01:21] <Drtro_> shadowfacts, in like 2 mods, that I don't feel like adding just for a tank
L677[13:01:59] <shadowfacts> http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/ranged-pumps?gameCategorySlug=mc-mods&projectID=247496
L678[13:02:02] <shadowfacts> it doesn't add a tank
L679[13:02:25] <shadowfacts> so you want a tank but you don't want to add a mod that has a tank?
L680[13:02:30] <shadowfacts> or pump
L681[13:02:35] <shadowfacts> pick one
L682[13:02:37] <Drtro_> ranged pumps is stupid. You set the range to 0 which should pump directly under it, but no, it pumps some random coordinate
L683[13:03:10] <IoP> Did you report that?
L684[13:03:14] <shadowfacts> ^
L685[13:03:28] <shadowfacts> mod developers don't magically know when you find a bug
L686[13:03:43] <ghz|afk> everyone assumes "someone else must have reported that"
L687[13:03:44] <ghz|afk> so no one does.
L688[13:03:44] <IoP> or "Cant be bothered"?
L689[13:03:56] <ghz|afk> if they even think of reporting bugs are all
L690[13:04:05] <ghz|afk> many people may simply thing "pff this sucks, it has bugs"
L691[13:04:09] <ghz|afk> and not even think of reporting
L692[13:08:14] <Drtro_> I have, since you were quick to jump to conclusions
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L695[13:11:22] <ghz|afk> Drtro_: we weren't trying to jump to conclusions
L696[13:11:26] <ghz|afk> it just happens way too often ;P
L697[13:11:36] <ghz|afk> heck, I'm guilty of it myself
L698[13:11:42] <ghz|afk> too lazy to report, assume someone else will
L699[13:12:31] <Inari> hmm... so i have an api pacakge, in which i have an interface, but it has a lot of functions, so i'd like to have a default implementation that people can just extend if they want/can. I put that into the API pacakge too I assume?
L700[13:12:38] <Drtro_> Most people don't report because modders are cunts and expect people to automatically know what to report in a bug report
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L702[13:13:52] <IoP> nice thing to say in the channel with shitloads of modders
L703[13:14:58] <Ordinastie_> Drtro_, not really, modders expect to read and use common sense
L704[13:15:25] <xEviLSpaWnx> Its true though :)
L705[13:15:52] <Necr0> Inari: if you want others to use it sure. otherwise no.
L706[13:16:29] <IoP> and some bug reporting backends includes logs automatically. (not talking mc mods now but ...)
L707[13:16:59] <masa> huh that was weird, some 40s delay on the bot for my gm query
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L711[13:19:33] <ghz|afk> [20:13] (Drtro_): Most people don't report because modders are cunts and expect people to automatically know what to report in a bug report
L712[13:19:33] <ghz|afk> uhh
L713[13:19:44] <ghz|afk> all we expect is logs, and version numbers
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L715[13:20:02] <ghz|afk> which, if there's a crash, the full logs contain.
L716[13:20:15] <ghz|afk> so primarily logs. pastebin the logs and most modders will be ok
L717[13:20:19] <IoP> and some explanation what triggered the problem if possible
L718[13:20:24] <ghz|afk> ofc
L719[13:21:30] <ghz|afk> "I'm using MC x.x.x with forge x.y.z and your mod version a.b.c, andwhen I do <whatever>, it crashes. Logs attached."
L720[13:21:44] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L721[13:21:46] <ghz|afk> more often than not, that's plenty info
L722[13:21:52] <ghz|afk> and if it isn't, we'd ask for more
L723[13:21:56] <ghz|afk> however
L724[13:22:17] <ghz|afk> some modders ARE idiots, but that also applies to anyone else in life
L725[13:22:44] <Drtro_> "Why don't you just like, not do what causes the bug."
L726[13:22:52] *** kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L727[13:23:05] <Ordinastie_> Drtro_, please tell use who said that
L728[13:23:07] <Ordinastie_> *us
L729[13:23:20] <masa> :D
L730[13:23:30] <Intektor> how do I get the plock the player is standing on?
L731[13:23:50] <Intektor> block
L732[13:23:52] <masa> yep well I would be glad to not do what causes the bug, if someone just tells me that "hey this thing in your mod does X instead of Y"
L733[13:25:20] <Ordinastie_> only way I see a modder says something like that, it would be more in the like of "try to avoid doing that until I fix it and release a new version"
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L735[13:26:55] <IoP> #ftb yesterday: https://paste.ee/p/KpxYv
L736[13:27:34] <Necr0> Intektor just take the player's positon, create a new blockpos from it with the y decreased by 1, and world getBlockstate for that blockpos.
L737[13:27:41] <Ordinastie_> ahah
L738[13:28:05] <Intektor> yeah already did that, but there could already been a method for that so..
L739[13:29:30] <gravityfox> So PlayerEvent.PlayerLoggedInEvent is not called on the client apparently
L740[13:31:28] <masa> what are you using it for?
L741[13:36:29] <masa> if I reflect a method, do I need to use the exact class of the target for ReflectionHelper.findMethod(), or can I use a super class too?
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L744[13:42:28] <gravityfox> i need to know when a client connects to and disconects from a server
L745[13:42:43] <gravityfox> i have custom networking code
L746[13:42:58] ⇨ Joins: Noppes (~Noppes@ip56530f2e.direct-adsl.nl)
L747[13:43:06] <gravityfox> but i need to know when a player disconnects so i can reset the auto-configuration
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L749[13:44:27] <DarkS_> masa, can use super
L750[13:44:57] <gravityfox> i just can't seem to find a client event for connecting and disconnecting from servers
L751[13:45:11] ⇨ Joins: blood_ (unknown@ool-4574115b.dyn.optonline.net)
L752[13:46:45] <gravityfox> can no one here help me?
L753[13:46:52] <gravityfox> or does such an event just not exist at all
L754[13:48:40] ⇦ Quits: Seppon (~Noppes@ip56530f2e.direct-adsl.nl) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L755[13:48:49] <shadowfacts> PlayerLoggedInEvent and PlayerLoggedOutEvent
L756[13:49:04] <shadowfacts> be patient, you waited 6 minutes before complaining
L757[13:51:52] <gravityfox> i asked this question several hours ago
L758[13:52:01] <gravityfox> no one gave me a working answer
L759[13:52:13] <gravityfox> also I found it, it was just in a weird spot
L760[13:52:43] <gravityfox> someone else pointed me at FMLNetworkEvent
L761[13:53:29] <Inari> several hours :D
L762[13:54:00] <masa> ?
L763[13:54:11] <gravityfox> look 6 hours back
L764[13:55:59] <Intektor> http://i.imgur.com/MJjOGfP.png am I doing something wrong, my block isn't getting registered
L765[13:56:14] <Intektor> ?
L766[13:56:25] <Ordinastie_> what makes you think it's not registered ?
L767[13:56:37] <shadowfacts> you need to register an ItemBlock as well
L768[13:56:43] <Intektor> it is not in the creative tab
L769[13:56:48] <Intektor> and I can't give it with /give
L770[13:56:52] <Ordinastie_> there are no blocks in the tab
L771[13:56:54] <Ordinastie_> only items
L772[13:56:55] <shadowfacts> ItemBlocks aren't registered automatically anymore
L773[13:57:01] <Intektor> oh really? thats new to me
L774[13:57:11] <Intektor> how can I register that one?
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L776[13:58:08] <Ordinastie_> you make it, then register it
L777[13:58:16] <diesieben07> GameRegistry.register(new ItemBlock(myBlock), myBlock.getRegistryName())
L778[13:58:28] <Intektor> ah ok thanks
L779[13:58:36] <Ordinastie_> or wait for someone to spoonfeed you
L780[13:58:55] <shadowfacts> kek
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L783[14:04:37] <SatanicSanta> Regarding my question last night around 2 AM PST: I figured it out.
L784[14:04:48] <SatanicSanta> New question: Is it possible to use the same block state JSON for multiple blocks?
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L786[14:05:39] <diesieben07> Of course.
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L788[14:10:59] <Intektor> there is a terror attack right now only a few kilometers away from my place O.o
L789[14:11:15] <Intektor> in munich
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L799[14:36:39] <plathrop> Intektor :-( stay safe
L800[14:38:25] <masa> why are there so many terrorist assholes on this planet
L801[14:38:44] <masa> obviously they don't have enough minecraft in their lives
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L803[14:40:26] <SatanicSanta> diesieben07: How might it be done?
L804[14:40:35] <diesieben07> custom state mapper
L805[14:41:51] <SatanicSanta> is there documentation for state mappers somewhere?
L806[14:42:20] <SatanicSanta> Ah, never mind
L807[14:42:23] <diesieben07> i don't know but should be pretty straightforward.
L808[14:42:50] <SatanicSanta> It is explained in willie's 1.8 rendering primer :D
L809[14:43:01] <diesieben07> :D
L810[14:43:13] <diesieben07> IStateMapper is basically just a mapper IBlockState => ModelResourceLocation
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L815[14:53:27] <ghz|afk> there's "custom" state mappers
L816[14:53:30] <ghz|afk> and truly custom ones
L817[14:53:49] <ghz|afk> as in, you can use the standard builder if you just want to ignore some blockstate properties
L818[14:53:53] <ghz|afk> but still keep the normal semantics
L819[14:54:02] <ghz|afk> that can be done with the vanilla state mapper builder
L820[14:54:29] <ghz|afk> but I don't know that you can use that one to point to a different file
L821[14:54:34] <DarkS_> ghz|afk you are not afk! I got you!
L822[14:55:24] <SatanicSanta> ghz|afk: Yeah I couldn't see a way to do that with the builder
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L824[14:55:34] <SatanicSanta> implement IStateMapper in a new class seemed to do the trick though
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L826[14:56:20] <DarkS_> o/ fusion
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L847[15:42:33] <infinitefoxes_> is there a way to play the item use/equip animation manually?
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L852[15:59:58] <Necr0> infinitefoxes_: you mean like >EntityPlayer>.swingArm(EnumHand)
L853[16:00:12] <infinitefoxes_> not the swinging animation
L854[16:00:17] <infinitefoxes_> the one that plays when you equip armor in your hand
L855[16:00:19] <infinitefoxes_> or switch items
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L857[16:01:07] <ghz|afk> infinitefoxes_: ItemRenderer#resetEquippedProgress ?
L858[16:02:11] ⇨ Joins: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-135-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se)
L859[16:06:07] <infinitefoxes_> ghz: just what I was looking for, thanks
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L871[16:38:05] <diesieben07> best error reporting (verbatim): "but it error".
L872[16:38:24] <shadowfacts> lol
L873[16:39:10] <sham1> "THis dun wurk"
L874[16:39:45] <SatanicSanta> So for some reason, when I try to give my block the FACING state from BlockDirectional, I get an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at GameRegistry.register. Using BlockHorizontal.FACING does not have this issue... What.
L875[16:40:09] <sham1> Show actual code
L876[16:40:30] <sham1> Both block and the registration code
L877[16:40:41] <shadowfacts> lol, just opened that post, diesieben07 xD
L878[16:40:52] <diesieben07> yeah
L879[16:41:12] <SatanicSanta> https://gist.github.com/elifoster/e94980f6121ec5ff9b34a44f92d1885a
L880[16:41:21] <sham1> shadowfacts, diesieben07, link me
L881[16:41:29] <shadowfacts> http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,40750.0.html
L882[16:41:39] <shadowfacts> "next i will use...but it error"
L883[16:42:20] <sham1> I never understood why people don't have the common sense to actually give more details about their errors than "dun work"
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L885[16:45:48] <sham1> Should not take too much brainpower to be able to post the most rudimentary of logs and stuff
L886[16:46:03] <sham1> Oh, and then people do not even bother linking their code in their first post in the thread
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L906[17:40:13] <SatanicSanta> diesieben07: I'm mostly confused by "I think you know, but pretend idiot."
L907[17:40:38] <diesieben07> i think he means "... but pretend you are not understanding"
L908[17:40:49] <SatanicSanta> Either way it makes no sense :P
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L916[18:42:46] <SatanicSanta> Pretty sure I fixed that FACING issue... I was using the horizontalIndex rather than the index, causing the meta to be -1. I guess.
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L939[20:44:45] <electrolitic> Is it possible to increase the size of a Slot?
L940[20:44:58] <electrolitic> Like, visually larger
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L947[21:03:46] <Lymia> electrolitic, look at Chisel's code?
L948[21:04:18] <electrolitic> Oh, good idea
L949[21:06:11] <rebecca> so this works wonderfully for picking a random block face on the horizontal plane ( "nextpos = pos.offset(EnumFacing.Plane.HORIZONTAL.random(rand));" )
L950[21:07:21] <rebecca> but i'm not sure how to include top and bottom faces to that random face offset
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L952[21:07:56] <williewillus> rebecca: you mean you want a random offset out of all 6 dirs?
L953[21:08:03] <rebecca> yeah :D
L954[21:08:06] <williewillus> then its just EnumFacing.random(Random)
L955[21:08:30] <williewillus> oh god what is this nasty waila skin in allthemods make it go away
L956[21:08:30] <rebecca> oh, neat :D
L957[21:08:41] <rebecca> thanks williewillus :)
L958[21:10:00] <abab9579> Is it possible to add details on json models? (With a mod)
L959[21:10:06] <williewillus> oh its another mod called "What Is That"
L960[21:10:10] <williewillus> it looks ugly :?
L961[21:10:14] <williewillus> abab9579: what do you mean?
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L963[21:11:47] <abab9579> Reading details from model and apply it to the baked models.
L964[21:12:19] <williewillus> no, you would have to define your own model format and custom loader basically
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L966[21:12:42] <williewillus> model jsons only support the vanilla grammar
L967[21:12:50] <williewillus> if I understand you correctly
L968[21:12:55] <williewillus> you want to specify additional stuff in the json
L969[21:13:02] <williewillus> which basically means a custom model format
L970[21:13:58] <abab9579> So is it also impossible to insert some reading logic to model loader?
L971[21:14:18] <williewillus> no, the loaders only support the vanilla format and nothing more
L972[21:14:23] <williewillus> you can register your own format+loader
L973[21:17:21] <abab9579> Then, custom format logic is possible but not to have enhanced vanilla format, is it correct?
L974[21:17:37] <williewillus> well you could make your custom format the same as the vanilla format + more stuff
L975[21:21:31] <abab9579> Would I have to implement vanilla format part manually?
L976[21:23:32] <abab9579> Or will it be able to use vanilla classes there?
L977[21:26:56] <williewillus> you probably could reuse
L978[21:27:13] <williewillus> just reflect to get their GSON instances (if they're not public already
L979[21:27:33] <electrolitic> Can you override methods in java using reflection?
L980[21:28:47] <electrolitic> Actually, ignore that
L981[21:28:54] <williewillus> no :P
L982[21:30:53] <electrolitic> So it's impossible to change a slot's size, since in the private method drawSlot the size is set to 16 no matter what :/
L983[21:31:02] <williewillus> custom gui :P
L984[21:31:06] <electrolitic> Oh
L985[21:31:10] <williewillus> draw your own slots! :D
L986[21:31:18] <electrolitic> Sounds.... like a fun thing to do
L987[21:31:23] <williewillus> lol
L988[21:32:02] <abab9579> williewillu.s: thanks. for another way.. what is normal way to do animation?
L989[21:32:23] <electrolitic> Couldn't I just copy the whole GuiContainer class into my own class and extend that one?
L990[21:32:52] <rebecca> thanks williewillus, just what i needed
L991[21:32:52] <rebecca> http://i.imgur.com/xEXDBj0.png
L992[21:33:04] <electrolitic> I think I'm going to give it a try :)
L993[21:33:19] <rebecca> the red-edge blocks are randomly hopping around
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L996[21:36:01] <williewillus> as a player, I hate core/dep mods SO MUCH >.<
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L999[21:45:05] <electrolitic> Are core mods just mods that require you to have another mod installed?
L1000[21:45:15] <williewillus> it means different things at different times
L1001[21:45:34] <williewillus> What most modders name as core mods (like AromaCore, etc.) are usually requirements
L1002[21:45:44] <williewillus> "coremods" are hacky mods that directly edit MC
L1003[21:45:52] <williewillus> sometimes the former is the lastter as well
L1004[21:46:07] <williewillus> but my statement above was referring to the former though I hate the latter as well :P
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L1006[21:47:28] <electrolitic> How do they edit mc? Do they literally change the code in mc's files, do they use reflection, or what?
L1007[21:47:44] <williewillus> editing the class as it's loading
L1008[21:47:49] <williewillus> (bytecode)
L1009[21:47:53] <electrolitic> Oh
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L1011[21:48:32] <williewillus> i don't like it because 95% of the time there's a better solution that doesn't need it and if you do it wrong you screw the game for other mods
L1012[21:49:50] <MattDahEpic> since the blockstate (for rendering) is gotten by the registry name, can you make it use a different name for the block rendering
L1013[21:50:03] <williewillus> use a different name for what
L1014[21:50:10] <electrolitic> That's kinda cool that you can do that though. I wish I knew how it's done, just for the sake of knowing it. Whatever though.
L1015[21:50:11] <williewillus> you're referring to 2-3 different processes here :D
L1016[21:50:28] <williewillus> IBlockState -> MRL and MRL -> Bakedmodel?
L1017[21:50:59] <williewillus> you customize the first with a statemapper and the latter with a blockstate json
L1018[21:51:26] <electrolitic> I think that Chisel's thing that appears to be a larger slot is really just a larger sprite.
L1019[21:51:41] <electrolitic> The slot's clickbox isn't any different :/
L1020[21:51:50] <williewillus> understandeable
L1021[21:51:57] <williewillus> i wouldnt rewrite a gui just to get bigger slots lol
L1022[21:51:58] <electrolitic> But I could be wrong, Idk
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L1024[21:52:24] <MattDahEpic> the underlying problem is that my blocks render in the inventory (because i set the name manually), but not in the world (because it is gotten by the registry name or something)
L1025[21:52:43] <williewillus> do you have blockstate jsons in place?
L1026[21:52:49] <MattDahEpic> yes
L1027[21:52:57] <williewillus> and they match the registry names of your blocks?
L1028[21:53:11] <williewillus> the convention is blockstate jsons have the same name as the registry name of the block
L1029[21:53:20] <williewillus> i would advise against going against that
L1030[21:54:55] <MattDahEpic> well i have to because of the way i have the blocks set up, so is there a way to set what blockstate a block usesbesides renaming them?
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L1032[21:55:07] <electrolitic> Haha, I've always been so confused as to what I have to name things, so I name them all the same as the registryName, be it the texture, the model json or the blockstate json.
L1033[21:55:21] <MattDahEpic> williewillus, https://github.com/MattDahEpic/MobDropOres/tree/1.10.X
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L1035[21:56:26] <KnightMiner> You can change the name for the state mapper
L1036[21:57:00] <KnightMiner> The class I think is simply called IStateMapper, which is fed into the model loader
L1037[21:58:33] <KnightMiner> https://github.com/SlimeKnights/TinkersConstruct/blob/master/src/main/java/slimeknights/tconstruct/world/WorldClientProxy.java#L137
L1038[21:58:57] <electrolitic> I still don't understand all the state stuff. I'm sure I'll get around to learning it :/
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L1040[21:59:43] <KnightMiner> IStateMapper is pretty simple to use if you know what you are going for
L1041[22:00:22] <williewillus> yes but unless you need it you shouldnt be changing the name
L1042[22:01:09] <williewillus> are there errors in the log first of all?
L1043[22:01:22] <KnightMiner> There are a couple odd cases where its useful, but yes, I would agree that generally it should not change
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L1073[23:26:22] <lbpfan950> http://paste.ubuntu.com/20554756/
L1074[23:26:52] <williewillus> lol
L1075[23:27:31] <RANKSHANK> Lmfao
L1076[23:28:40] <RANKSHANK> I'm pretty tempted to cook up a PR for LootContext caps :P
L1077[23:28:49] <williewillus> wat
L1078[23:29:03] <lbpfan950> hai
L1079[23:29:05] <williewillus> why would those need caps
L1080[23:29:11] <williewillus> you have world access
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L1082[23:29:43] <lbpfan950> tfw wehn they ignoer u
L1083[23:29:48] <lbpfan950> ;-;
L1084[23:30:09] <RANKSHANK> Yeah but it'd be smoother to bake in data on instantiation
L1085[23:30:15] <williewillus> what data
L1086[23:30:21] <williewillus> give me a case where that is even needed
L1087[23:30:22] <lbpfan950> waht is da topic
L1088[23:30:43] <williewillus> loot contexts are tied to the world (the only required nonnull field)
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L1090[23:32:10] <RANKSHANK> Well it's not needed, just can make instantiation and switching a tad more efficient
L1091[23:32:25] <williewillus> caps are for more dynamic things like entities and TE's not value-like objects such as loot contexts that serve only to expose data
L1092[23:32:36] <williewillus> youre speaking very vageuly lol
L1093[23:32:44] <williewillus> instantiation is "efficient" enough
L1094[23:32:48] <williewillus> "switching" what?
L1095[23:33:15] <RANKSHANK> Yeah true lol I guess my usecase is niche
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L1097[23:34:38] <williewillus> seeing as you haven't given me a valid concrete case yeah pretty niche
L1098[23:34:39] <williewillus> lol
L1099[23:34:50] <lbpfan950> ;;--;;
L1100[23:35:13] <williewillus> lbpfan950: if you want people to "talk to you" bring something up to discuss lol
L1101[23:35:23] <lbpfan950> such as?
L1102[23:35:27] <williewillus> anything
L1103[23:35:38] <lbpfan950> is http://paste.ubuntu.com/20554756/ not sufficient?
L1104[23:35:45] <williewillus> I looked at it
L1105[23:35:46] <williewillus> loled
L1106[23:35:48] <williewillus> then closed it
L1107[23:35:53] <williewillus> not much to say
L1108[23:36:39] <lbpfan950> know da issue?
L1109[23:36:47] <williewillus> no
L1110[23:36:53] <williewillus> report it to his github like you should be :P
L1111[23:37:00] <rebecca> Wow, Minecraft handles my 'brownian motion' custom block astoundingly well. This http://i.imgur.com/HdhSTG0.png + time = http://i.imgur.com/BYPHtWY.png
L1112[23:37:09] <lbpfan950> alrighty
L1113[23:37:32] <RANKSHANK> Yeah it's just a vague idea at the moment willy :P trying to reduce the overhead on something that can be spammed and abused for loot rolls
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L1115[23:38:57] <williewillus> i don't think you should be worrying about "spamming" of loot contexts
L1116[23:39:09] <williewillus> when BlockPoses are "spammed" several million a second and the vm seems fine
L1117[23:40:06] <williewillus> they aren't created very often and when they are they're fast it only serves to expose information, theres nothing slow about a loot context by itself
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