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L8[00:17:58] <FusionLord> anyone know what the repo/branch of the current 1.10.2 build of EnderIO is from?
L9[00:19:17] <FusionLord> tterrag would know but is in zzz land
L10[00:20:59] <TehNut> I assume the 1.10 branch
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L14[00:38:48] <FusionLord> http://puu.sh/pZWku/8c520d2239.png is that not what i have? ...
L15[00:39:35] <TehNut> Check your log
L16[00:41:09] <FusionLord> log says... forgeSrc-1.10.2-
L17[00:41:47] <TehNut> i'unno
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L26[01:18:33] <FusionLord> Enchantment.getEnchantmentByLocation would the param be "soulBound" or "enderio:soulBound"?
L27[01:25:55] <TehNut> enderio:soulBound
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L32[01:34:34] <workshopcraft> do we have a method for injecting json models into a mod AFTER its been released other than resource packs? (ideally a folder of jsons in config for custom blocks)
L33[01:35:09] <Ordinastie_> no, you're basically describing a resource pack
L34[01:35:28] <workshopcraft> which kinda sucks for modpack makers but ok
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L36[01:37:19] <Ordinastie_> why?
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L38[01:43:14] <workshopcraft> if i create a way for modpack makers to add custom blocks/items in a mod via configs the modpack maker needs to add a resource pack to the modpack instead of a json in configs
L39[01:44:02] <capitalthree> speaking as a modpack maker, usually the last thing on my mind is wanting *more* blocks or items
L40[01:44:15] <capitalthree> it's like, how the fuck do I not have 4 types of this thing
L41[01:44:26] <Ordinastie_> well, if your goal is to add custom blocks, then it's a mod that you want, and there is one that already exists for that
L42[01:45:01] <Ordinastie_> I think what you want is that : http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2222071-do-it-yourself-decorative-blocks-1-9-4-1-0-09-07
L43[01:45:01] <workshopcraft> for blocks with custom models?
L44[01:45:11] <workshopcraft> hmm
L45[01:46:14] <workshopcraft> its not just custom blocks. (bad) example : i have a barrel mod. If i offered a way for pack maker to create their own custom barrel with unique recipe, storage size and 3d model
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L48[01:47:20] <Ordinastie_> well, *you* can't really offer that, only the mod makers can offer customisability
L49[01:48:52] <Ordinastie_> if you want visual customization, it's what resource packs are for, but as they're client side, it can't be mandatory anyway
L50[01:49:25] <Ordinastie_> if you feature customisation (like recipe or storage size), then it's the mods themselve that need to handle that
L51[01:49:43] <Ordinastie_> they have to be designed that way
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L54[01:59:33] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160713 mappings to Forge Maven.
L55[01:59:37] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160713-1.10.2.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160713" in build.gradle).
L56[01:59:48] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L66[02:30:01] <Digitalsabre> Aside from Opis, are there other ways of watching the performance of Minecraft and seeing where there are issues?
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L69[02:36:13] <IoP> Digitalsabre: java mission control/flight recorder, btrace, visualvm & other profilers
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L75[03:01:21] <FusionLord> is there a way to catch a TileEntity before it is deleted because a block no longer exists?
L76[03:01:49] <FusionLord> meaning the mod no longer has said block
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L80[03:25:18] <Dragroth> @FusionLord: my blocks, using tileEntitys, have the method breakBlock containing the .removeTileEntity(pos) call. Maybe u can do something there.
L81[03:25:42] <FusionLord> that would require the block to still exist
L82[03:25:54] <FusionLord> that block class is no more.
L83[03:26:05] <FusionLord> just gonna add legacy support.
L84[03:26:32] <Ordinastie_> FusionLord, what you want doesn't exist
L85[03:26:53] <Ordinastie_> if the block class is gone, then there is nothing to create the TE in the first place
L86[03:26:59] <Dragroth> or add a air-like block if that fits your problem
L87[03:27:03] <FusionLord> and that was the question, Thank you Ordinastie_
L88[03:27:26] <Ordinastie_> actually, that's not entirely true
L89[03:28:02] <Ordinastie_> IIRC it check if the block at the pos hasTilEntity
L90[03:29:02] <Ordinastie_> if the block class is gone, it will be some dummy air block where hasTileEntity returns false, so no TE will try to be loaded
L91[03:29:47] <FusionLord> and still doesn't pass the NBTTagCompound?
L92[03:30:04] <Ordinastie_> pass to what ?
L93[03:31:49] <FusionLord> an event
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L95[03:32:13] <FusionLord> obviously not, its ok... I added Legacy support
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L100[03:38:01] <Dragroth> im using the class ModelBakery to register ItemVariants... is it possible to not use that class? i dont want to use any Side.CLIENT or .SERVER stuff. :/
L101[03:38:30] <Ordinastie_> register models in your proxy
L102[03:42:28] <FusionLord> ^ Dragroth
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L108[03:56:31] <Dragroth> hm...i have no idea how to do that. im fairly new to modding. i tried to copy the registermethod from ModelBakery to my proxy but that didnt work at all. :D
L109[03:57:39] <Ordinastie_> -_-
L110[03:57:48] <Ordinastie_> no, you have to learn programming first
L111[03:58:18] <Dragroth> yes. ty anyways.
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L125[04:53:28] <Ugaps> Guys, I tried setting up a workspace in Intellij recently, and while the minecraft server runs fine, the client won´t launch because it can´t find an openGL context. Full crash log here: http://pastebin.com/7HzG8ciG
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L134[05:03:40] <FusionLord> Ugaps post the full log.
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L136[05:05:20] <FusionLord> actually that may be the full log, re-run setupdecompworkspace and refresh the gradle project
L137[05:08:15] <IoP> Ugaps: Intel GPU? HD graphics 2000/3000 or older?
L138[05:08:56] <ghz|afk> Ugaps: that doens't have anything to do with forge, I believe
L139[05:08:57] <ghz|afk> http://hopper.minecraft.net/help/pixel-format-not-accelerated/
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L141[05:09:13] <ghz|afk> On first- and second- generation Intel HD graphics chipsets, a Java version below 8u60 is needed on Windows 10. The new Minecraft launcher available on minecraft.net/download as a .MSI should automatically resolve issues on these chipsets.
L142[05:09:28] <ghz|afk> your java may be too new for your gpu
L143[05:10:03] <ghz|afk> this would show on dev, since it uses the system's JRE, rather than the embedded one on the launcher
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L145[05:10:30] <ghz|afk> if that's the case, you could solve it by installing an older JDK/JRE, and using that one for devleoping mc
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L147[05:11:49] <FusionLord> the new launcher was released ?
L148[05:11:56] <ghz|afk> wat?
L149[05:12:11] ⇦ Quits: mezz (~mezz@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L150[05:12:23] <ghz|afk> by "new minecraft launcher" they mena the one they released like 3 years ago
L151[05:12:33] <ghz|afk> for Windows
L152[05:12:45] <FusionLord> Dinnerbone was working on a new launcher...
L153[05:14:11] <ghz|afk> yeah but we have only seen that one screenshot
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L155[05:15:14] MineBot sets mode: +v on mezz
L156[05:15:35] <FusionLord> 4 screen shots 2 here: https://twitter.com/Dinnerbone/status/730058645354991616 1 here: https://twitter.com/MansOlson/status/730062943627423745 and 1 here: https://twitter.com/MansOlson/status/730747694956810240
L157[05:16:47] <IoP> "This launcher will support OSX too. Haven't fully decided on how to support linux yet."
L158[05:16:57] <Ugaps> ghz|afk, so what you´re saying is that I should get a different java version? Damn it
L159[05:17:17] <Ugaps> Does anybody know the exact version of minecraft´d bundled java?
L160[05:17:37] <FusionLord> Ugaps, you need minecraft jdk/jre pre java8update60
L161[05:17:53] <ghz|afk> H:\Minecraft\runtime\jre-x64\1.8.0_25
L162[05:17:59] <ghz|afk> but you don't need THAT old
L163[05:18:04] <ghz|afk> just anything with a number < 60 should do
L164[05:18:22] <IoP> You could try windows' compatibility options. Might work or not.
L165[05:18:46] <Ugaps> I will see if that works, thanks a ton
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L167[05:19:26] <IoP> I experimented that with FTB launcher: got two negative feedback and one posive for https://github.com/Slowpoke101/FTBLaunch/blob/c0998c54766dac113e92d340b00bca5a19de5f9a/src/main/java/net/ftb/util/OSUtils.java#L576
L168[05:20:07] <FusionLord> Ugaps, JDK: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/java-archive-javase8-2177648.html#jdk-8u51-oth-JPR JRE: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/java-archive-javase8-2177648.html#jre-8u51-oth-JPR
L169[05:21:09] <hch12907> how to put a block at the BlockPos?
L170[05:21:34] <FusionLord> World.setBlockState
L171[05:22:53] <FusionLord> hmm... at Initial TileEntity.readNBT worldObj == null lame... anyone know of a way to make changes to the world at time of reading?
L172[05:24:30] <ghz|afk> there's no world yet
L173[05:24:48] <ghz|afk> I'm not even sure that the world is valid in the onLoad
L174[05:25:17] <ghz|afk> you may need to make the TE tickable and run it once on the first tick
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L177[05:26:20] <FusionLord> seems like that is overkill...
L178[05:29:54] <ghz|afk> it is
L179[05:30:00] <ghz|afk> maybe someone knows a better way
L180[05:30:08] <ghz|afk> but I couldn't find any, when I tried it some weeks ago
L181[05:30:46] <FusionLord> seperate TE that does that that converts to the new TileEntity on first tick?
L182[05:31:13] <ghz|afk> that soundsl ike overkill too ;P
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L184[05:31:57] <FusionLord> not really... atleast the ticking TE isn't presisting in the world to tick when not needed
L185[05:32:11] <ghz|afk> but hm
L186[05:32:16] <ghz|afk> you'd still have the same issue
L187[05:32:19] <ghz|afk> after the world loads
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L189[05:32:31] <ghz|afk> the TE is created from the class NOT from whatever "createTileEntity" returns
L190[05:32:37] <ghz|afk> from the class name*
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L193[05:34:27] <FusionLord> what I am doing is converting the old multiblock that stores the blocks it replaced to a single block but I don't want to discard the other blocks incase it picked up someones machine or such
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L195[05:35:50] <ghz|afk> oh so you want to restore whatever was there before?
L196[05:35:59] <ghz|afk> so it woudl be a one-time thing?
L197[05:36:11] <FusionLord> yeah
L198[05:36:13] <ghz|afk> after loading, it would change stuff, then setBlockState to the new block?
L199[05:36:19] <FusionLord> yeah
L200[05:36:23] <FusionLord> and new TE
L201[05:36:28] <ghz|afk> ah then making it tickable isn't even overkill
L202[05:36:42] <ghz|afk> since it's going to replace itself in 1T
L203[05:36:48] <FusionLord> right now they are the same TE
L204[05:37:04] <FusionLord> that is why I said that I should make a different TE
L205[05:37:21] <FusionLord> just to load the nbt and replace those blocks, then pass the NBT to the new TE
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L210[05:40:15] <ghz|afk> FusionLord: yup sounds like a plan
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L212[05:43:22] <hch12907> setBlockState requires IBlockState, can I cast a block to IBlockState?
L213[05:43:52] <hch12907> or is there a method to return IBlockState?
L214[05:44:35] <Lumien> Block.getDefaultState()
L215[05:46:21] <ghz|afk> and if you want anything other thna the default state
L216[05:46:31] <ghz|afk> Block.getDefaultState().withProperty(PROP, value)
L217[05:46:37] <ghz|afk> yo ucan do withProperty as many times as you need
L218[05:46:46] <ghz|afk> Block.getDefaultState().withProperty(PROP, value).withProperty(PROP2, value2)...
L219[05:47:15] <hch12907> thanks
L220[05:47:23] <ghz|afk> keep in mind, however, that the world grid only stores the 4bit metadata, so setting extra properties won't give any advantage
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L223[05:52:52] <hch12907> what is the difference between returning true in onItemUse() and returning false?
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L225[05:54:21] <ghz|afk> one plays the use animation
L226[05:54:23] <ghz|afk> the other does not
L227[05:54:47] <ghz|afk> although it's not even true/false anymore
L228[05:56:32] <ghz|afk> there's EnumActionResult wiht SUCCESS, PASS, FAIL, so that mc can decide if an action should be retried with the offhand
L229[05:56:38] <ghz|afk> which tells me you are not even using 1.9 ;P
L230[05:56:50] <hch12907> well i am stuck at 1.8.9
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L232[05:57:10] <hch12907> my school's internet speed's way too slow
L233[05:59:40] <ghz|afk> it's ok
L234[05:59:50] <ghz|afk> you should still mention it if you use anything older than latest
L235[05:59:59] <ghz|afk> so that there's no confusions is something changes
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L243[06:17:54] <Naiten> Hi guys. I was out of modding since 1.7.10... And now i cant even add a single block
L244[06:18:03] <Naiten> Lots of methods are deprecated
L245[06:18:10] <Naiten> SideOnly stuff is gone
L246[06:18:19] <Naiten> No tutorials are present, as usual
L247[06:18:31] <Naiten> somebody halp Dx
L248[06:18:35] <FusionLord> hmm... TE doesn't seem to tick :/
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L255[06:27:27] <Naiten> how do i even register a block now
L256[06:27:39] <Naiten> GameRegistry.registerBlock is deprecated
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L258[06:29:52] <Nentify> GameRegistry.register I think but I can't get it to work myself
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L261[06:31:43] <Nentify> The docs describe what you need to do but explains nothing about preinit/etc/an example
L262[06:32:06] <Wuppy> http://i.imgur.com/FPSR9GT.png
L263[06:33:07] <Naiten> dont get this IForgeRegistryEntry thing
L264[06:33:15] <Naiten> wth do i do with it
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L266[06:34:47] <Naiten> welp
L267[06:35:05] <Ordinastie_> most methods are deprecated in block because now you're supposed to use the IBlockState version of those methods
L268[06:35:09] <Nentify> i dont think yo uneed to use that
L269[06:35:20] <Ordinastie_> SideOnly is not gone
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L271[06:35:57] <Ordinastie_> there may be no tutorials, but there are docs : http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
L272[06:36:13] <Ordinastie_> FusionLord, your TE needs to implement ITickable
L273[06:36:26] <Ordinastie_> use the right one too
L274[06:36:33] <Nentify> Ordinastie_: do you know of any small/example mods registering a simple block or something?
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L276[06:36:42] <Ordinastie_> to register a block, you use GameRegistry.register()
L277[06:37:11] <Ordinastie_> only difference with before is that now you have to manually register the itemBlocks too if you want one for your block
L278[06:37:28] <Ordinastie_> and IForgeRegistryEntry is implemented by Block and Item
L279[06:37:47] <Naiten> evey major update i feel like a total dum bass trying to figure out how to do basic stuff
L280[06:37:55] <Naiten> okay, thanks Ordinastie_
L281[06:38:27] <Nentify> http://i.nentify.me/fTFx90Pr.png
L282[06:38:31] <Nentify> do you know why this doesnt work?
L283[06:39:03] <Ordinastie_> define "doesn't work"
L284[06:39:11] <Nentify> no block in building blocks
L285[06:39:26] <Ordinastie_> <Ordinastie_> only difference with before is that now you have to manually register the itemBlocks too if you want one for your block
L286[06:39:26] <Naiten> Nentify, setRegistryName() ?
L287[06:39:41] <Naiten> oh srry
L288[06:39:46] <Nentify> the docs said to do that
L289[06:39:52] <Nentify> ooh ok ordin ill take a look
L290[06:40:59] <FusionLord> Thanks Ordinastie_ , I already am... seems the block is being removed for some reason.
L291[06:41:13] <Ordinastie_> removed ?
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L293[06:42:08] <FusionLord> removed from world
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L296[06:43:03] <Ordinastie_> you mean, like you place the block and then it magically disapears ?
L297[06:44:18] <FusionLord> no
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L299[06:45:02] <FusionLord> meaning I load the world and it disappears, it reads the NBT from the TE but then there is no block and I assume the TE is gone as there is no tick
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L301[06:45:29] <Ordinastie_> what do you mean there is no block ?
L302[06:45:35] <Ordinastie_> it's AIR ?
L303[06:45:56] <Ordinastie_> (pretty sure it's not, otherwise you wouldn't read NBT for your TE)
L304[06:46:07] <FusionLord> yeah... pretty sure that is what no block means right?
L305[06:46:42] <Ordinastie_> ok, then tell me how your determine that there is no block
L306[06:47:11] <FusionLord> well I can place stone where the block is supposed to be
L307[06:48:01] <Ordinastie_> and your TE is a block you place manually ? from an item in hand ?
L308[06:48:42] <FusionLord> I'm loading a world that has an old block and I am trying to migrate it.. yeah the block was placed correctly
L309[06:48:53] <Ordinastie_> ah
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L311[06:49:53] <Ordinastie_> so the block isn't in the registry anymore, but somehow, your TE class is still there on the classpath ?
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L315[06:50:58] <workshopcraft> does the block have the same name
L316[06:51:03] <FusionLord> no I still have the block... empty class but still have .... the block doesn't have the blockstate structure and is being removed based on that
L317[06:51:40] <FusionLord> Thanks Ordinastie_
L318[06:51:55] <workshopcraft> oh wait, your trying to go from 1.7.x to 1.8.x+?
L319[06:51:57] <workshopcraft> ouch
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L321[06:52:01] <workshopcraft> good luck with that >.<
L322[06:52:04] <FusionLord> no not that
L323[06:52:10] <Ordinastie_> the blockstates don't matter when loading a world
L324[06:52:42] <Ordinastie_> the IBlockState will just be what your return from getStateFromMeta
L325[06:53:21] <Ordinastie_> however, if you have overriden hasTileEntity() and createTileEntity(), you should still have your TE like your should
L326[06:53:30] <FusionLord> yeah the BlockClass is completely empty other than creatNewTileEntity and Constructor calling super(Material.ROCK)
L327[06:53:51] <Ordinastie_> wait, you don't set a registry name and register the block ?
L328[06:54:05] <FusionLord> i do... that is in a seperate class
L329[06:54:15] <FusionLord> my BlockRegistration Class
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L331[06:57:31] <Naiten> Ordinastie_, what is about creating ItemBlock for viewing my block in inventory?
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L333[06:57:51] <Ordinastie_> what about it?
L334[06:58:03] <Naiten> it has no setRegistryName method
L335[06:58:22] <Naiten> oh wait
L336[06:58:30] <Naiten> )m
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L338[06:59:38] <FusionLord> :/ even adding the blockstate stuff back in doesn't help... the log doesn't say missing BlockID or TileEntity... which it was before, so that is fixed.. not sure why this is being such a pain...
L339[07:00:46] <hch12907> is updating from 1.8.9 to 1.9.x or 1.10.x painful?
L340[07:00:47] <Ordinastie_> when you can replace a block just by placing another one in it's place, it usually because of a desync between client and server
L341[07:00:57] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> hch12907: not really
L342[07:00:57] <FusionLord> yes i can
L343[07:01:04] <FusionLord> I already told you that
L344[07:01:26] <FusionLord> and the TileEntity logs this from readNBT "[graves]: Loading Legacy Grave!"
L345[07:01:40] <workshopcraft> 1. are you replacing the world from a backup each time you load it. 2. did the name (modid+name) change between updates?
L346[07:01:52] <hch12907> :| updating from 1.7.x to 1.8 nearly killed me, dem model JSONs...
L347[07:01:53] <FusionLord> but then the block is gone... I also checked to make sure my code isn't setting that block
L348[07:02:38] <workshopcraft> hch12907, i still have 403 missing jsons for my crops >.<
L349[07:03:37] <hch12907> i know your pain
L350[07:03:53] <Ordinastie_> FusionLord, tbh, at this point, you should rely more on proper debugging over random questionning on IRC
L351[07:03:55] <workshopcraft> this is only version 1.2 of the mod
L352[07:04:03] <workshopcraft> i have updates planned up to 1.5+ >.<
L353[07:04:06] <hch12907> but with the bash scripts, things are tad lot better
L354[07:04:40] <workshopcraft> this is all new content hch, i cant use scripts to scratch build 3d models for me :P
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L357[07:05:27] <workshopcraft> also 1.8.9 -> 1.9 is way easier than 1.7->1.8
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L359[07:07:38] <workshopcraft> 1.9->1.10 in some cases need no real update
L360[07:08:05] <Naiten> 1.8 update killed my perfect hardcoded parametric curved railways
L361[07:08:18] <Naiten> i know that pain too Dx
L362[07:09:42] <workshopcraft> it did?
L363[07:09:52] <workshopcraft> you know we have TESR's right?
L364[07:10:04] <Naiten> TESR = killer of fps in my case
L365[07:10:10] <workshopcraft> i guess
L366[07:10:17] <Naiten> when you have lots of railway tracks laying around
L367[07:10:18] <Ordinastie_> TESR is for animations ONLY
L368[07:10:35] <workshopcraft> well thats plain not true
L369[07:10:47] <workshopcraft> i use it to render entityitem's and text on my barrels :P
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L371[07:11:23] <Naiten> i managed to hardcode railway rendering in 1.8 after all, but that was a very long period of pain and suffering
L372[07:11:29] <Ordinastie_> fair enough, as long as your don't render the barrel too
L373[07:11:40] <Naiten> *using blockstates and models
L374[07:11:51] <workshopcraft> my barrels are json models
L375[07:12:07] <Ordinastie_> yeah, I ditched the JSON altogether
L376[07:12:24] <workshopcraft> i'm adding forestry wood support atm
L377[07:14:17] <Naiten> welp, actually ISmartBlockModel allows to hardcode rendering without dropping fps
L378[07:14:45] <Naiten> now i only have to recall how i did that year ago
L379[07:14:52] <gigaherz> there's also the FastTESR
L380[07:15:11] <gigaherz> TESRs that match the FastTESR pattern, which doesn't allow doing gl state changes, can also be cached
L381[07:15:35] <Ordinastie_> what's the point ?
L382[07:15:36] <gigaherz> they behave like smart blocks, xcept they have full access to the TE
L383[07:15:44] <Ordinastie_> ah
L384[07:15:56] <Ordinastie_> so it's just for TE access ?
L385[07:16:06] <gigaherz> yep, it's like a TESR, registers like a TESR
L386[07:16:21] <gigaherz> just gets pushed into a batched vertexbuffer call
L387[07:18:24] <Naiten> hi, giga
L388[07:18:41] <gigaherz> actually, I don't think they are actually cached like the world renderer does
L389[07:18:49] <gigaherz> the batch is still assembled every frame
L390[07:18:54] <gigaherz> but it's an intermediate solution
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L392[07:20:07] <gigaherz> one draw call for all FastTESRs, as opposite to one or more draws per TESR
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L394[07:23:35] <Ordinastie_> yeah, but I was wondering, to know if that's shomething I could use
L395[07:23:38] <Ordinastie_> but apparently not
L396[07:24:05] <Ordinastie_> with my system, there would be no benefit
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L406[07:43:28] <Naiten> is there anything really exiting in 1.9/1.10 update? i mean, i terms of modding
L407[07:45:00] <workshopcraft> polar bears?
L408[07:45:04] <workshopcraft> structures?
L409[07:45:14] <workshopcraft> i'm interested in seeing what someone does with structures
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L412[07:46:46] <Naiten> structures?
L413[07:47:14] <Naiten> will anybody be able to add one easily or what?
L414[07:47:23] <workshopcraft> i've not looked
L415[07:47:51] <workshopcraft> i hope there will be a means to spawn in structures saved with the new blocks they added
L416[07:50:58] <Naiten> trying to load obj into 1.10.2 atm, somewhy it's not seeing my model, i got java.io.FileNotFoundException: row:models/block/blockTrack.obj.json
L417[07:51:09] <Naiten> though i have file placed right http://i.imgur.com/0IFMnPi.png
L418[07:51:24] <Naiten> and i also have procy thing with OBJLoader.INSTANCE.addDomain(RoWM.MODID);
L419[07:51:36] <Naiten> can anybody help me, please?
L420[07:52:34] <workshopcraft> i think it doesnt like capitalisation?
L421[07:52:35] <workshopcraft> iirc
L422[07:52:47] <workshopcraft> maybe i'm wrong >.<
L423[07:53:00] <workshopcraft> pretty sure textures are a pig for that though
L424[07:53:26] <kashike> block_track
L425[07:53:34] <Naiten> capitalisation in which place? also, it's adding .json extension for my filename
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L428[07:54:07] <Naiten> .obj.json is the problem thing, idk why it happens
L429[07:54:22] <Naiten> oh, hi kashike. do you remember me?
L430[07:54:58] <workshopcraft> OH
L431[07:55:00] <workshopcraft> yeah
L432[07:55:01] <workshopcraft> err
L433[07:55:17] <kashike> I do yes
L434[07:55:17] <workshopcraft> not sure how obj's are loaded in 1.10.2
L435[07:56:07] <FusionLord> Ordinastie_, well I figured it out... I wouldn't place the block because Minecraft didn't know how to process the blockstate that was already stored... added getStateFromMeta and getMetaFromState back in an it works
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L440[07:58:17] <gigaherz> Naiten:
L441[07:58:22] <gigaherz> where do you use the .obj files?
L442[07:59:09] <FusionLord> awesome migration from the old graves to new graves seems to work flawlessly now woot!
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L444[08:01:06] <FusionLord> Naiten, its looking for the file blockTrack.obj.json, not blockTrack.obj
L445[08:01:29] <Naiten> FusionLord, that's what i said 6 minutes ago
L446[08:01:54] <workshopcraft> hmm
L447[08:01:55] <Naiten> gigaherz, wait a sec pls
L448[08:02:06] <FusionLord> guessing you have "model": "row:blockTrack.obj.json" inside of your blockTrack.json
L449[08:02:17] <workshopcraft> can i blindly reference a block from another mod if i check the mod is loaded?
L450[08:02:32] <gigaherz> FusionLord: that's how it should be
L451[08:02:36] <FusionLord> no
L452[08:02:38] <FusionLord> wrong
L453[08:02:42] <gigaherz> I mean
L454[08:02:49] <gigaherz> "modid:model.obj" on the blockstates
L455[08:02:56] <gigaherz> didn't see the .json there
L456[08:02:59] <gigaherz> but
L457[08:02:59] <FusionLord> :P
L458[08:03:09] <gigaherz> if you try to use "something.obj" from the setCustomModelResourceLocation
L459[08:03:13] <gigaherz> then it will do that
L460[08:03:18] <gigaherz> and try to look for the json
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L462[08:03:27] <gigaherz> that's why I asked wehre the obj file is being referenced
L463[08:03:40] <FusionLord> gigaherz, we don't really have any code to go off of that is what I wrote what I did
L464[08:03:53] <gigaherz> workshopcraft: there's the @ItemStackHolder nnotation
L465[08:04:00] <gigaherz> which can be used to get a reference to an itemstack from another mod
L466[08:04:05] <gigaherz> without having to query it manually
L467[08:04:23] <gigaherz> andi t will remain null if the mod isn't loaded
L468[08:04:41] <gigaherz> so just do like
L469[08:04:45] ⇦ Quits: Ordinastie_ (~Ordinasti@87-231-58-94.rev.numericable.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
L470[08:05:05] <workshopcraft> well i'm not adding the recipe unless Loader.isModLoaded("forestry") is true
L471[08:05:15] <FusionLord> Naiten, post your client proxy and blockTrack.json files please
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L473[08:05:23] <gigaherz> workshopcraft: but you need to get the ItemStack somehow?
L474[08:05:28] <gigaherz> how do you reference it?=
L475[08:05:32] <gigaherz> if you do like
L476[08:05:35] <gigaherz> ForestryItems.Something
L477[08:05:38] <workshopcraft> i'm not referencing it yet
L478[08:05:40] <gigaherz> then it's a direct reference
L479[08:05:42] <gigaherz> and it wouldn't work
L480[08:05:42] <workshopcraft> i need to figure that bit out
L481[08:05:50] <gigaherz> hence why I suggest the @ItemStackHolder
L482[08:05:52] <gigaherz> you use it like
L483[08:06:04] <gigaherz> @ItemStackHolder("themod:theitem")
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L485[08:06:13] <gigaherz> public static ItemStack theitem=null;
L486[08:06:26] <gigaherz> and forge will take care of assigning it IF the mod is present
L487[08:06:34] <FusionLord> ForgeRegisteries.ITEMS.getItemFromLocation("modid:item") ?
L488[08:06:44] <gigaherz> that's a possibility
L489[08:06:47] <gigaherz> but an uglier one
L490[08:06:54] <gigaherz> why use that if @ItemStackHolder does it for you? ;P
L491[08:07:20] <FusionLord> good point I just didn't know that annotation existed :P
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L493[08:08:06] <workshopcraft> oh this is ideal
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L495[08:08:48] <gigaherz> oh and there's two optional args, meta=number and nbt="{nbt json}"
L496[08:08:55] <FusionLord> gigaherz, also if you don't want a field dedicated to an itemstack you are going to use once
L497[08:08:57] <workshopcraft> i have 29 recipes to write :>
L498[08:09:08] <gigaherz> FusionLord: sure
L499[08:09:39] <FusionLord> based on those optional args seems like the field would be worth it tho
L500[08:10:08] <FusionLord> s/field/@Annotation
L501[08:10:15] <workshopcraft> err
L502[08:10:15] <gigaherz> yep that's why it exists
L503[08:10:18] <workshopcraft> what does it return?
L504[08:10:21] <gigaherz> even though it seems to be underused ;P
L505[08:10:24] <gigaherz> workshopcraft: it's an annotation
L506[08:10:27] <gigaherz> it doesn't return anything
L507[08:10:40] <gigaherz> [15:06] (gigaherz): @ItemStackHolder("themod:theitem")
L508[08:10:40] <gigaherz> [15:06] (gigaherz): public static ItemStack theitem=null;
L509[08:10:43] <gigaherz> you write that
L510[08:10:46] <gigaherz> and it gets assigned for you
L511[08:10:48] <FusionLord> it just sets the field to either null if nonexistant or to the ItemStack
L512[08:11:02] <workshopcraft> oh
L513[08:11:05] <workshopcraft> crud :P
L514[08:11:17] <gigaherz> the alternative is what FusionLord said
L515[08:11:23] <workshopcraft> umm
L516[08:11:24] <gigaherz> or some other variant of it
L517[08:11:27] * workshopcraft checks
L518[08:11:36] <gigaherz> [15:07] (FusionLord): ForgeRegisteries.ITEMS.getItemFromLocation("modid:item") ?
L519[08:11:41] <FusionLord> ^
L520[08:11:44] <FusionLord> beat me to it
L521[08:11:53] ⇦ Quits: agowa338 (~Thunderbi@p54918C36.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L522[08:12:13] <FusionLord> seems Naiten fell off the face of the universe
L523[08:12:20] <gigaherz> or alternatively, Item.REGISTRY.getObject(new ResourceLocation("modid:item"))
L524[08:12:30] <FusionLord> gigaherz, no
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L526[08:12:41] <gigaherz> FusionLord: they are the same registry ;P
L527[08:12:46] <FusionLord> don't suggest that way, use the forge registry
L528[08:12:51] <gigaherz> Item.REGISTRY is the same instance ;P
L529[08:12:57] <FusionLord> Lex said so... ALL HAIL LEX!
L530[08:13:09] <FusionLord> :P
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L533[08:14:55] <FusionLord> hmm... is it possible to remove old ids from the world so that the console doesn't get that spam everytime?
L534[08:17:46] <Naiten> gigaherz, FusionLord, i'm just dum bass --- added proxy but forgot to call it. things are fine now
L535[08:17:47] <Naiten> http://i.imgur.com/dSJQK4j.png
L536[08:18:08] <Naiten> i was out of modding for really long -.-
L537[08:18:21] <Naiten> busy with study and scientific research -.-
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L540[08:18:51] <FusionLord> on its side? and missing texture :P
L541[08:19:04] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> Anyone know what would cause this http://puu.sh/q0fiO.txt
L542[08:19:38] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> inb4 1.7, it's not my choice
L543[08:19:56] <workshopcraft> invalid stacksize?
L544[08:20:06] <gigaherz> !gf func_77980_a 1.7.10
L545[08:20:07] <workshopcraft> oh
L546[08:20:13] <gigaherz> eh
L547[08:20:13] <workshopcraft> is it an array of itemstacks
L548[08:20:14] <gigaherz> !gm func_77980_a 1.7.10
L549[08:20:18] <gigaherz> onCrafting
L550[08:20:19] <Naiten> FusionLord, welp, that's not a problem now.
L551[08:20:20] <gigaherz> hmmm
L552[08:20:42] <workshopcraft> i had that error when i forgot that arrays of item stacks start at 0
L553[08:20:56] <gigaherz> no idea what onCrafting did on 1.7.10
L554[08:20:59] <gigaherz> on 1.9.4 it does
L555[08:21:00] <FusionLord> tterrag|ZZZzzz, looks pretty vanilla to me...
L556[08:21:05] <gigaherz> playerIn.addStat(StatList.getCraftStats(this.item), amount);
L557[08:21:05] <gigaherz> this.item.onCreated(this, worldIn, playerIn);
L558[08:21:19] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> It's happening when they craft my block
L559[08:21:22] *** tterrag|ZZZzzz is now known as tterrag|phone
L560[08:21:25] <FusionLord> onCrafting event called when Item was pulled out of the crafting table
L561[08:21:27] <gigaherz> hmmmm
L562[08:21:37] <gigaherz> hmmm
L563[08:21:59] <FusionLord> method not event
L564[08:21:59] <gigaherz> nah no idea ;P
L565[08:22:00] <FusionLord> :P
L566[08:22:19] <FusionLord> tterrag|phone, invalid meta when crafting?
L567[08:22:21] <gigaherz> I don't have any 1.7.10 environment to look at
L568[08:22:56] <tterrag|phone> I'm on mobile atm so I can't look at the code
L569[08:22:58] <tterrag|phone> I just wanted to know if anyone had seen it before because it's a new one to me
L570[08:23:02] <tterrag|phone> FusionLord: the recipe is dead simple though :/
L571[08:23:03] <gigaherz> anyone happens to have a 1.7.10 environment setup?
L572[08:23:09] <gigaherz> it woudl come in handy
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L574[08:23:22] <FusionLord> tterrag|phone, minetweaks? creating a invalid meta stack
L575[08:23:25] <gigaherz> we'd just need to know what ItemStack#onCrafting does that may cause index out of bounds
L576[08:23:25] <gigaherz> ;P
L577[08:24:19] ⇦ Quits: PBlock96 (~PBlock96@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L578[08:24:30] <tterrag|phone> https://github.com/creatubbles/ctb-mcmod/blob/1.7/src/main/java/com/creatubbles/ctbmod/CTBMod.java#L69
L579[08:24:37] <FusionLord> that log doesn't show what mods are installed
L580[08:24:40] <tterrag|phone> I really doubt there is any custom recipes being added
L581[08:24:43] <tterrag|phone> Does it not
L582[08:25:05] <tterrag|phone> yes it does
L583[08:25:08] <FusionLord> it does... sorry missed them
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L586[08:25:38] <FusionLord> oh... so yeah no custom recipes
L587[08:26:15] <gigaherz> FusionLord: do you ahve a 1.7.10 environment to look at the mc code for that method?=
L588[08:26:27] <FusionLord> Decompiling now
L589[08:26:48] <gigaherz> it has to be some array access
L590[08:26:57] <gigaherz> directly in the onCrafting method
L591[08:27:06] <gigaherz> not in some other function call, otherwise it would show on the stack trace
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L593[08:29:15] <tterrag|phone> mhm
L594[08:29:23] <tterrag|phone> Thanks for looking into it FusionLord
L595[08:30:01] <FusionLord> np
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L597[08:30:49] <hch12907> welp, just noticed that there's a new slab called purpur slab, more work for me
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L606[08:38:03] <FusionLord> wtf? http://puu.sh/q0gb6/1ead050e46.png
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L610[08:39:14] <FusionLord> strange ran it again and no issues
L611[08:39:18] <FusionLord> -.-
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L616[08:44:06] <FusionLord> tterrag|phone, cannot reproduce...
L617[08:44:25] <FusionLord> same mode setup other than MinecraftEDU
L618[08:45:19] ⇦ Quits: agowa339 (~Thunderbi@p54918C36.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L619[08:45:27] <FusionLord> mod*
L620[08:46:31] ⇨ Joins: agowa339 (~Thunderbi@p54918C36.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L621[08:47:28] <hch12907> i wonder if 1.8.9 mods is compatible with <1.8.8 MC...
L622[08:48:57] <gigaherz> 1.8.8 is almost identical to 1.8.9
L623[08:49:12] <gigaherz> if you set in the dependencies that it works with forge@[1.8.8,1.8.9]
L624[08:49:21] <gigaherz> it would most probably load in both with no changes
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L628[08:49:28] <gigaherz> that's why
L629[08:49:31] <FusionLord> tterrag|phone, gigaherz, the line in question is p_77980_2_.addStat(StatList.objectCraftStats[Item.getIdFromItem(this.field_151002_e)], p_77980_3_);
L630[08:49:34] <gigaherz> when 1.8.9 forge was released
L631[08:49:37] <gigaherz> they added a condition
L632[08:49:41] <gigaherz> that mods that are for 1.8.9
L633[08:49:42] <gigaherz> eh
L634[08:49:44] <gigaherz> that mods that are for 1.8.8*
L635[08:49:48] <gigaherz> are also accepted on 1.8.9
L636[08:50:02] <gigaherz> note that this doens't work the other way around, since forge 1.8.8 never had that that exception programmed in
L637[08:50:13] *** Lunatrius` is now known as Lunatrius
L638[08:50:31] <gigaherz> FusionLord: aha, so the item ID is outside the accepted range of IDs for the statistics?
L639[08:50:44] <gigaherz> weird.
L640[08:50:50] <FusionLord> yes, but I cannot reproduce
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L642[08:51:12] <FusionLord> same mod versions forge version.. I just don't have MinecraftEDU
L643[08:51:13] <gigaherz> I wonder how they managed to get the "objectCraftStats" array broken that way
L644[08:51:38] <gigaherz> maybe MinecraftEdu adds a lot of blocks/items
L645[08:51:42] <gigaherz> and it overflows that array
L646[08:51:48] <gigaherz> but that wouldn't make sense
L647[08:51:55] <gigaherz> since there's plenty of absurdly big modpacks
L648[08:52:31] <FusionLord> MinecraftEDU may replace the ItemStack class... I only say this as the line numberes don't match up... not even close. IDK if that matters
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L651[08:53:41] *** TTFT|Away is now known as TTFTCUTS
L652[08:53:50] <gigaherz> FusionLord: you can find Minecraftedu on... certain places
L653[08:53:50] <gigaherz> ;P
L654[08:54:07] <gigaherz> nhah nevermind
L655[08:54:10] <gigaherz> it's some old version
L656[08:54:17] <gigaherz> nah*
L657[08:55:04] <FusionLord> UCHIJA FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (mceduforge-0.jar) MCEDUForge custom forge?
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L659[08:55:20] <FusionLord> and FML
L660[08:56:27] <tterrag|phone> The lines almost never line up
L661[08:58:29] <FusionLord> tterrag|phone, I don't think that it is your mods fault
L662[08:59:29] ⇦ Quits: agowa338 (~Thunderbi@p54918C36.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L663[08:59:45] <FusionLord> if only I had a valid email :/ http://education.minecraft.net/getstarted/
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L670[09:03:30] <tterrag|phone> FusionLord: I figured that much. I will have to test with mcedu another time
L671[09:03:36] <tterrag|phone> Thanks for looking at it though
L672[09:04:45] <FusionLord> yeah np
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L674[09:05:18] <FusionLord> its lame that MCEDU can be so closed... and then you get beef when it seems your mods is crashing... :?
L675[09:05:53] <gigaherz> well it's a commercial product so... XD
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L677[09:08:12] <FusionLord> ... xD http://puu.sh/q0hDT/98b5945217.png someone used this service to get into a steam account xD
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L679[09:10:05] <gigaherz> wtf is that?
L680[09:10:49] <FusionLord> you can send text messages to that number and they show up on the web
L681[09:11:04] <FusionLord> for people that don't want to give their personal number
L682[09:11:12] <FusionLord> or don't have a phone
L683[09:11:30] <gigaherz> oh
L684[09:11:34] *** covers1624_ is now known as covers1624
L685[09:13:03] <FusionLord> and this is why you don't want to use your personal number http://puu.sh/q0hTa/50d4c0b845.png
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L689[09:14:36] <FusionLord> seems a lot of people use it for steam recovery/hacking
L690[09:15:51] <FusionLord> this looks dangerious http://puu.sh/q0i2v/44df504406.png
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L721[09:56:27] <electrolitic> Is there a compareItems or compareItemStacks method somewhere out there, rather than making my own?
L722[09:56:43] <electrolitic> or something like that.
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L724[09:58:02] <workshopcraft> just realised that supporting forestry means i need to add 58 json files :P
L725[09:58:42] <PaleoCrafter> electrolitic, what should be considered in that comparison? :P
L726[09:58:50] <electrolitic> If they are the same item or not
L727[09:59:08] <PaleoCrafter> oh, so an equals implementation :P
L728[09:59:15] <electrolitic> Yeah
L729[09:59:20] <PaleoCrafter> there are some in ItemStack, with various "accuracy"
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L731[10:00:20] <electrolitic> I can't believe they don't override the equals method :/
L732[10:00:30] <mort> #forgegradle seems to be idle. I need to add -Xlint:deprecation to javac to see where I'm using a deprecated API, but can't figure out how to do that when using gradle.
L733[10:00:34] <electrolitic> Whatever, I'll figure it out.
L734[10:00:50] <PaleoCrafter> you cannot implement equals on ItemStacks safely :P
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L736[10:01:02] <electrolitic> Why not?
L737[10:01:16] <PaleoCrafter> everybody thinks of something else when they say "are these two stacks equal" :P
L738[10:01:45] <electrolitic> Oh.
L739[10:01:51] <electrolitic> Like what defines it as equal :/
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L741[10:03:24] <kashike> some people care if the display name/lore matches, some don't. some care if damage matches, some don't
L742[10:03:38] <PaleoCrafter> oh, kashike, I wanted to talk to you!
L743[10:03:44] <workshopcraft> OMG
L744[10:03:45] <workshopcraft> no errors
L745[10:03:46] <kashike> did you?
L746[10:03:49] <PaleoCrafter> sorta
L747[10:03:52] <workshopcraft> forestry wood based barrels :D
L748[10:04:08] <PaleoCrafter> you are working/have worked on a MC dev IDEA plugin? :P
L749[10:04:18] <kashike> yes
L750[10:04:58] <PaleoCrafter> funny enough, I've started work on one ages ago, too xD
L751[10:05:19] <PaleoCrafter> main feature(s) currently being great support for localisation
L752[10:05:21] <kashike> mort: compileJava { options.compilerArgs += ['-Xlint:deprecation'] }
L753[10:06:05] <kashike> though I stick this in all my buildscripts: https://gist.github.com/kashike/741fa0508c9df94e48af6fbd7c09d8e0
L754[10:06:19] <kashike> PaleoCrafter: hmm?
L755[10:06:29] <mort> thanks
L756[10:06:42] <PaleoCrafter> I was wondering if you might want to incorporate some of my ideas into your plugin xD
L757[10:06:49] <PaleoCrafter> since I've basically abandoned mine
L758[10:07:06] <kashike> well it's open source https://github.com/DemonWav/MinecraftDevIntelliJ
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L760[10:07:43] <kashike> I'm currently without a computer, so I'm personally not able to work on anything really ;P
L761[10:07:51] <PaleoCrafter> ah, cool
L762[10:08:14] <PaleoCrafter> I'll see if I can contribute some of my stuff!
L763[10:08:28] <PaleoCrafter> and whoa, GitHub really looks different with Segoe
L764[10:08:30] <PaleoCrafter> but I like it
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L778[10:28:13] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I have 2 questions with the ModelResourceLocations given from an IStateMapper. 1) When using the forge blockstate json, do the ModelResourceLocations that I put in the map follow the same format as vanilla? 2) Am I allowed to use extended block states with unlisted properties as keys in the result of invoking IStateMapper.putStateModelLocations?
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L780[10:29:17] <PaleoCrafter> Unh0ly_Tigg, 1) Yes 2) No, those aren't available at the stage that state mappers run in
L781[10:30:09] <Unh0ly_Tigg> wait...
L782[10:30:13] <FusionLord> what does the plugin do?
L783[10:30:21] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I just realized, I don't need unlisted properties...
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L785[10:31:11] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I can just do things like what fences do, and override getActualState (or whatever replaces it since mojang is deprecating it, apparently)
L786[10:31:49] <PaleoCrafter> don't worry about those deprecations
L787[10:31:57] <FusionLord> ignore the deprecating
L788[10:31:59] <PaleoCrafter> it's Mojang's way of letting people know "don't call this directly"
L789[10:32:11] <Unh0ly_Tigg> ...
L790[10:32:16] <PaleoCrafter> add the annotation to your override and your IDE will stop complaining ;)
L791[10:32:26] <Unh0ly_Tigg> then they're not using deprecation right.
L792[10:32:39] <gigaherz> we know.
L793[10:32:47] <gigaherz> but that's what we get in the jars so /shrug
L794[10:33:08] <Unh0ly_Tigg> Sometimes I just want to fly over to mojang's office, and go "wtf?!"
L795[10:33:25] <FusionLord> Unh0ly_Tigg, Can yo imagine how long the list of thing they haven't done right since the begining of time?
L796[10:34:10] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I mean, I've even found unnecessary code in some of the json serializers...
L797[10:36:01] <Unh0ly_Tigg> in net.minecraft.util.text.Style.Serializer.deserialize, they don't need to do a null check on the result of getAsJsonObject() on the element given to them.
L798[10:36:48] <Unh0ly_Tigg> since getAsJsonObject casts the element to JsonObject, when they can call that method, the result won't be null.
L799[10:37:06] <Unh0ly_Tigg> it's guaranteed to be non-null.
L800[10:37:47] <PaleoCrafter> who knows, maybe those were auto-generated? :P
L801[10:38:38] <PaleoCrafter> you sorta should be glad that you have the deprecation, btw :P
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L803[10:38:48] <Unh0ly_Tigg> why?
L804[10:38:53] <PaleoCrafter> we've got a whole host of helpful annotations with them :P
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L806[10:39:05] <Unh0ly_Tigg> like what?
L807[10:39:19] <PaleoCrafter> nullability stuff, mostly
L808[10:39:46] <kashike> <+PaleoCrafter> you sorta should be glad that you have the deprecation, btw :P
L809[10:39:52] <kashike> s/deprecation/annotations
L810[10:40:55] <PaleoCrafter> that's why I said 'sorta' :P that we have deprecations implies that we have general annotation support :P
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L812[10:41:27] <Unh0ly_Tigg> if my block has an associated tile entity, is that tile entity available when Block.getActualState is called?
L813[10:41:34] <diesieben07> sure
L814[10:41:46] <Unh0ly_Tigg> ok.
L815[10:41:58] <Unh0ly_Tigg> that's going to make my life much easier...
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L819[10:49:33] <hch12907> is there a way to override onItemUse() so that an empty bottle will be returned to player after using the item?
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L821[10:52:05] <hch12907> also, is an itemstack destroyed immediately after it reaches its durability limit?
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L823[10:52:29] <hch12907> is "if(stack.getItemDamage() == stack.getMaxDamage())" possible
L824[10:52:40] <Unh0ly_Tigg> for tools, when you finish use it and the durability is 0, it will break.
L825[10:52:49] <Unh0ly_Tigg> finish using*
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L827[10:53:24] <Unh0ly_Tigg> so, for vanilla tools, when the durability becomes -1, they break.
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L829[10:54:02] <Unh0ly_Tigg> usually, you want to start out at max damage, and move towards 0 durability when using something.
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L831[10:56:56] <hch12907> so, it breaks after it reaches -1?
L832[10:57:12] <hch12907> basically if(stack.getItemDamage() < 0)?
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L834[10:57:40] <Unh0ly_Tigg> when the item use state is over, yes.
L835[10:57:56] <Unh0ly_Tigg> provided you are removing durability during item use.
L836[10:58:03] <Unh0ly_Tigg> vs after.
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L841[11:01:36] <hch12907> thanks!
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L845[11:07:36] <electrolitic> When would mark a TilEntity as dirty?
L846[11:07:48] <gigaherz> when you need the neighbours to notice the change
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L854[11:13:05] <Unh0ly_Tigg> with Block.dropBlockAsItemWithChance, is it called before or after the possible tile entity is removed from the world?
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L858[11:15:43] <diesieben07> after.
L859[11:16:03] <barteks2x> I finally figured out what causes my rendering issues. I'm sending chunks too early. So early that player position (and ChunkRenderer positions) aren't correctly initialized
L860[11:16:16] <gigaherz> not bad
L861[11:16:16] <gigaherz> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/Mountains.png
L862[11:16:19] <Unh0ly_Tigg> diesieben07, ok, so, how would I get the same effect, but before tile entity removal?
L863[11:16:33] <gigaherz> I need to expand the generation horizontally
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L865[11:16:37] <gigaherz> so the features are larger
L866[11:16:40] <diesieben07> look at the forge patches in BlockFlowerPot
L867[11:16:45] <diesieben07> they do exactly this :D
L868[11:17:00] <gigaherz> but my new formulas for generating terrain work much better
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L871[11:19:12] <Unh0ly_Tigg> diesieben07, are you refering to https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.10.x/patches/minecraft/net/minecraft/block/BlockFlowerPot.java.patch#L22-L44 ?
L872[11:19:22] <diesieben07> yes.
L873[11:19:32] <diesieben07> you need removedByPlayer and harvestBlock
L874[11:19:41] <diesieben07> if you have the same stuff there, you will have the TE in getBlocks
L875[11:19:49] <diesieben07> or rather, the whole block will still be there
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L879[11:22:44] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I've got a bed block (well, 2 blocks, but different states), and I have 4 properties stored as tile entities, and I need the tile entity to do pick block and item dropping right.
L880[11:22:57] <barteks2x> my chunk rendering issue was one line fox in serverside code...
L881[11:23:02] <barteks2x> *fix
L882[11:23:33] <Unh0ly_Tigg> my only issue I can see now, is that I've set the mobility flag to destroy, and I don't know what methods pistons call when they destroy blocks like regular beds.
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L886[11:27:32] <diesieben07> Unh0ly_Tigg, it calls dropBlockAsItemWithChance
L887[11:27:40] <diesieben07> before it destroys the block afaik
L888[11:27:46] <diesieben07> but it completely ignores blocks that have a TE.
L889[11:27:51] <diesieben07> or something
L890[11:28:29] <diesieben07> actually ok it does not
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L894[11:31:25] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I'm using the tile entity strictly for extra data storage.
L895[11:31:35] <diesieben07> The piston doesn't care :PO
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L898[11:32:49] <diesieben07> I don't really get your issue
L899[11:33:23] <Unh0ly_Tigg> if I didn't use tile entities, I'd need to use 24576 different block instances, because of the sheer amount of combinations...
L900[11:34:56] <Unh0ly_Tigg> 3 places for 16 different colors, 6 wood types, head vs foot, occupied vs not, 4 different rotations, adds up to a lot of combos.
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L902[11:35:54] <diesieben07> Yes. And?
L903[11:35:58] <diesieben07> You are using a TE now, right?
L904[11:36:02] <diesieben07> So waht is the problem=
L905[11:36:41] <Unh0ly_Tigg> if I declare the wood types, and the 3 color options as regular properties, would that cause a problem with the block state enumeration?
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L908[11:37:55] <diesieben07> 1536 to be exact (16x6x2x2x4)
L909[11:38:19] <Unh0ly_Tigg> no, 16x16x16x6x2x2x4
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L911[11:38:29] <diesieben07> Oh
L912[11:38:31] <Unh0ly_Tigg> 3 different places for 16 different colors
L913[11:38:38] <diesieben07> so 393216
L914[11:38:39] <Unh0ly_Tigg> blanket, pullover, and pillow.
L915[11:38:42] <Unh0ly_Tigg> yeah.
L916[11:38:45] <diesieben07> yeah don't do that via blockstates.
L917[11:38:53] <diesieben07> or listed properies
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L919[11:39:20] <Unh0ly_Tigg> then how am I going to do block state -> model variant mapping?
L920[11:40:02] <diesieben07> you seriously have 393216 variants in your blockstate json?
L921[11:40:12] <Unh0ly_Tigg> forge blockstate json.
L922[11:40:22] <diesieben07> thats just an abbreviation
L923[11:40:26] <diesieben07> it expands to the same thing
L924[11:41:02] <Unh0ly_Tigg> alter textures based on the 3 color options, the wood type, rotate based on orientation, and model based on head vs foot.
L925[11:41:24] <Unh0ly_Tigg> granted, when I was doing this in 1.7.10, I had a tesr doing the actual rendering.
L926[11:41:45] <diesieben07> i think honestly the best option would be to do this dynamcally at runtime by implementing IBakedModel and baking the models as needed based on unlisted properties from the TE
L927[11:42:03] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I didn't ever think about that...
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L929[11:42:34] <diesieben07> because just baking that many models all at once? when only a fraction of them are going to get used? seems like a waste of RAM
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L932[11:43:57] <Unh0ly_Tigg> but I know how to do the model definition in blockstates, and I'd rather not have to resort to runtime dynamic generation/rendering, like I was doing in 1.7.10.
L933[11:44:12] <diesieben07> it is not anything like you were doing in 1.7.10
L934[11:44:28] <diesieben07> TESR = rendered every frame; dynamic baked model is more like ISBRH, but fancier
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L936[11:46:07] <Intektor> can someone solve this? t has to be eleminated and I need alpha. http://i.imgur.com/gmx3pYW.png
L937[11:47:23] <PaleoCrafter> that's an y at the beginning of (2), right, Intektor?
L938[11:47:32] <Intektor> yes
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L940[11:50:35] <kashike> messy writing, heh
L941[11:51:01] <PaleoCrafter> I think it's x=v*a^t*t*cos(a), y=v*a^t*t*sin(a)-0.5*g*t^2 xD
L942[11:52:52] <PaleoCrafter> what motion is that describing btw, Intektor? :P
L943[11:53:10] <Intektor> the minecraft bow
L944[11:54:01] <PaleoCrafter> alpha being the angle you shot from?
L945[11:54:04] <Intektor> yes
L946[11:54:08] ⇨ Joins: agowa338 (~Thunderbi@p54918C36.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L947[11:54:08] <Intektor> andI need this angle
L948[11:54:58] <PaleoCrafter> WA doesn't come up with a solution without t http://goo.gl/wndA1O :P
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L950[11:55:22] <gigaherz> uhm
L951[11:55:31] <gigaherz> wouldn't computing the target forthe bow involve differential equations?
L952[11:55:41] <gigaherz> it's easier to just compute the trajectory overtime
L953[11:55:45] <gigaherz> and see when it crosses the ground
L954[11:55:47] <PaleoCrafter> yeah ^
L955[11:56:03] <gigaherz> take the current speed
L956[11:56:14] <gigaherz> and increment t by an amount that would move thep osition "up to" one block
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L958[11:56:50] <gigaherz> (using the length of the speed vector)
L959[11:57:02] <gigaherz> and then see if the block you are is still air or not
L960[11:57:15] <gigaherz> or maybe up to half a block
L961[11:57:17] <gigaherz> or up to a quarter
L962[11:57:18] <gigaherz> either way
L963[11:57:21] <gigaherz> iteratively is easy
L964[11:57:27] <gigaherz> computing a hard value is hellish.
L965[11:57:37] <Intektor> whut?
L966[11:57:48] <Intektor> I want the angle required to hit x/y
L967[11:58:01] <Intektor> the only problem is the air resistance
L968[11:58:11] <gigaherz> oh right
L969[11:58:15] <gigaherz> yo uwere doing an aimbot
L970[11:58:22] <gigaherz> not just drawing the trajectory on screen
L971[11:58:25] <abab9579> It's a bit trivial diff. equation.
L972[11:58:43] <gigaherz> don't the skeletons already do that?
L973[11:58:49] <gigaherz> or are skeleton arrows different somehow?
L974[11:58:51] <Intektor> hm
L975[11:58:52] <Intektor> well
L976[11:58:56] <Intektor> you might be right
L977[11:59:02] <Intektor> but where is this?
L978[11:59:07] <tterrag|phone> Can't you initialize an EntityArrow with a target?
L979[11:59:09] <gigaherz> EntitySkeleton?
L980[11:59:14] <tterrag|phone> Pretty sure you can...
L981[11:59:58] <PaleoCrafter> EntityAIAttackRangedBow :P
L982[12:00:06] <Intektor> even if
L983[12:00:11] <Intektor> I need it on the client
L984[12:00:32] <PaleoCrafter> oh, wait, attackEntityWithRangedAttack does the actual spawning
L985[12:00:33] <tterrag|phone> y
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L988[12:02:30] <PaleoCrafter> I only noticed now that WA's loading screen is a cellular automaton xD
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L993[12:11:29] <Intektor> but is this really aimbot?
L994[12:11:49] <Intektor> I mean does a skeleton really hit on 180m if it wanted to?
L995[12:12:39] <tterrag|phone> Why are you making an aimbot
L996[12:12:47] <tterrag|phone> and probably yes
L997[12:13:10] <tterrag|phone> I'm sure there is some fizzing to skeleton aim but it starts with perfect aim
L998[12:13:14] <tterrag|phone> fuzzing*
L999[12:13:42] <Intektor> Ok, I'll try
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L1010[12:24:34] <Intektor> wait
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L1084[14:04:21] <n3tn0> hello, ive created a custom guihelper and screen that needs to be activated by doing player.opengui(instance, world, x, y, z)
L1085[14:04:34] <n3tn0> if i want the gui to come up on startup, where do i put this code
L1086[14:04:51] <n3tn0> so that i can access all the parameters necessary to start it
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L1088[14:06:16] <n3tn0> hello??
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L1090[14:07:22] <gigaherz> n3tn0: hello
L1091[14:07:30] <gigaherz> be patient, people may be eating dinner or something
L1092[14:07:34] <sokratis12GR> ^
L1093[14:07:36] <n3tn0> ok sorry
L1094[14:07:41] <gigaherz> anyhow
L1095[14:07:51] <gigaherz> what od you mean "on startup"?
L1096[14:07:57] <n3tn0> when the player joins
L1097[14:08:03] <gigaherz> when a player logs joins the world?
L1098[14:08:05] <n3tn0> im trying to create a map mod.
L1099[14:08:06] <n3tn0> yes
L1100[14:08:24] <gigaherz> you may want to use the EntityJoinWorldEvent, since I believe the PlayerLoggedInEvent is too early
L1101[14:08:46] <n3tn0> i read something about that, put how do i access the world, x, y and z variables?
L1102[14:08:50] <gigaherz> EntityJoinWorldEvent is used for *all* entities, though, so you'll haveto filter out
L1103[14:08:51] <gigaherz> well
L1104[14:08:55] <gigaherz> the world will be in the player itself
L1105[14:09:04] <gigaherz> entity.worldObj or entity.getWorld whichever the case may be
L1106[14:09:04] <n3tn0> ok. and player.posx
L1107[14:09:09] <n3tn0> for the locations?
L1108[14:09:13] <gigaherz> and the x,y,z is up to you
L1109[14:09:22] <gigaherz> the gui system doesn't care what's in there
L1110[14:09:30] <gigaherz> for block GUIs, it's generally the coords of the block
L1111[14:09:38] <gigaherz> so that the client side can get to the data
L1112[14:09:41] <n3tn0> ahh ok
L1113[14:09:46] <gigaherz> but if it's a playerbound gui
L1114[14:09:50] <gigaherz> then x,y,z don't matter
L1115[14:10:04] <gigaherz> you could store the entity ID in it
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L1117[14:10:19] <gigaherz> so that the server-side Container object knows which player it is
L1118[14:10:25] <n3tn0> ahh ok... let me try that. this is my first mod, right now im trying to at least get stuff drawn on screen
L1119[14:10:28] <gigaherz> but the client side will know itself already so it doesn't matter on the client
L1120[14:10:29] <n3tn0> ok
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L1131[14:19:32] <OrionOnline> Hey Guys
L1132[14:19:41] <OrionOnline> Can somebody tell me what this is all about: https://gist.github.com/OrionDevelopment/24d80081c27af946b69397c1c3b1bfe2
L1133[14:19:50] <OrionOnline> And what i need todo to make it dissappear?
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L1136[14:22:28] <LexManos> it means that its on the classpath and Forge didnt add it there so it doesnt support the ordering or management Forge has.
L1137[14:22:33] <LexManos> If this is in dev, thats fine.
L1138[14:22:41] <LexManos> If you're doing it at runtime thats BAD
L1139[14:23:15] <OrionOnline> It happens in my dev
L1140[14:23:20] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L1141[14:23:22] <OrionOnline> Was kWas kinda worried
L1142[14:23:38] <OrionOnline> It is my first time actually trying to make an api
L1143[14:23:44] <LexManos> There isnt much we can do about dev it shouldbe fine tho.
L1144[14:23:51] <OrionOnline> Okey
L1145[14:24:02] <OrionOnline> Thank you Lex, your help was greatly appreciated
L1146[14:24:10] <LexManos> Forge has a way to figuring things out if say
L1147[14:24:17] <LexManos> ModA provides API 1.0
L1148[14:24:23] <LexManos> and ModB provides API 1.5
L1149[14:24:24] <n3tn0> gigaherz i created a joinGame function in the main class and added tried to add the entityjoinworld event there but nothing happened, good or bad
L1150[14:24:30] <n3tn0> as in no errors but no gui
L1151[14:24:47] <LexManos> Without us being able to control the classpath 1.0 would be used instead of 1.5.
L1152[14:25:34] <OrionOnline> Yeah i figured out what it does, i was just wondering if i needed todo anything else then @API on the package. It have to say that this is a nice system though
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L1154[14:35:56] <n3tn0> where is the proper place to put entityjoinworld event? i cant seem to get it to run when in the main java class
L1155[14:37:00] <n3tn0> also what function should it be? ive seen joinWorld, onEntityJoinWorld, and entityJoinWorld. which is correct?
L1156[14:37:31] <OrionOnline> n3tno what do you mean what function
L1157[14:37:34] <OrionOnline> The name or what?
L1158[14:37:53] <OrionOnline> Method names for events are irrelevant
L1159[14:38:10] <OrionOnline> The only thing that matters is the event type as ONLY parameter
L1160[14:38:18] <n3tn0> ahhh
L1161[14:38:22] <OrionOnline> and the annotation @Subscribe event
L1162[14:38:27] <OrionOnline> @
L1163[14:38:33] <OrionOnline> @SubscribeEvenz
L1164[14:38:35] <n3tn0> how does forge know what to call then?
L1165[14:38:36] <OrionOnline> Dammit
L1166[14:38:36] <OrionOnline> XD
L1167[14:38:38] <n3tn0> xD
L1168[14:38:45] <OrionOnline> @SubscribeEvent
L1169[14:38:52] <OrionOnline> Needs to be on the Method
L1170[14:38:56] <OrionOnline> Directly above it
L1171[14:39:01] <OrionOnline> Just as with @override
L1172[14:39:05] <OrionOnline> and @Mod
L1173[14:39:07] <n3tn0> up
L1174[14:39:09] <n3tn0> yup*
L1175[14:39:29] <OrionOnline> And donnot forget to regsiter an instance of the class containing the method with the MinecraftForge Event bus
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L1178[14:44:20] <n3tn0> how do i do that?
L1179[14:44:45] <n3tn0> i think thats what im missing
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L1193[14:55:45] <OrionOnline> n3tn0, MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new ClassThatHoldsTheMethod())
L1194[14:55:58] <n3tn0> oriononline ok thanks ill try that
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L1207[15:23:38] <primetoxinz> how do you make a bakedmodel not cull faces?
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L1210[15:26:01] <diesieben07> primetoxinz, is it a model implemented in code? if so faces returned when getQuads receives null for the side do not get culled
L1211[15:26:13] <diesieben07> otherwise: override shouldSideBeRendered in yoru Block.
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L1214[15:28:51] <primetoxinz> thanks, that works!
L1215[15:29:01] <primetoxinz> it was code implemented btw
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L1219[15:31:16] <Javaschreiber> Is the daily mcp-data for 1.10 usable or are they too unstable?
L1220[15:31:43] <gigaherz> mcp mappings are just name
L1221[15:31:46] <gigaherz> there's no stability involved
L1222[15:35:41] <Javaschreiber> Ok, in that case, are the previously mapped names mapped again?
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L1228[15:56:50] <SparkVGX> morning/evening
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L1236[16:23:03] <Nentify> are there any suggested tutorials for dealing with GUIs?
L1237[16:23:37] <gigaherz> it's easy enough
L1238[16:23:48] <gigaherz> and hasn't changed much at all since ancient minecraft
L1239[16:23:55] <gigaherz> so any tutorial that deals with GUIs should do
L1240[16:24:00] <Nentify> ive never touched it before
L1241[16:24:10] <IoP> Don't do GUI. Problem solved [x]
L1242[16:24:11] <gigaherz> then first "choice"
L1243[16:24:13] <Nentify> ok ill look around, was hoping that was the case
L1244[16:24:14] <gigaherz> is it a block GUI
L1245[16:24:21] <gigaherz> or any other container
L1246[16:24:26] <Nentify> yeah a block
L1247[16:24:27] <gigaherz> or something client-only for like, configuration?
L1248[16:24:41] <gigaherz> okay then
L1249[16:24:47] <gigaherz> look for Container GUI tutorials
L1250[16:24:54] <Nentify> thanks :)
L1251[16:24:55] <gigaherz> or GuiContainer or similar terms
L1252[16:25:12] <gigaherz> the way container GUIs work
L1253[16:25:17] <gigaherz> is that there's a Container object on the server
L1254[16:25:22] <gigaherz> and a GuiContainer object on the client
L1255[16:25:32] <gigaherz> (which indirectly has its own Container)
L1256[16:25:50] <gigaherz> and the Gui manages drawing
L1257[16:26:05] <gigaherz> while the container object manages the data, synchronizes items in the slots, and such
L1258[16:26:33] <Nentify> i see, ty!
L1259[16:26:54] <gigaherz> if, after you learn this, want to help other new users
L1260[16:26:58] <gigaherz> you can write documentation for http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
L1261[16:27:15] <gigaherz> by editing/adding here: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/Documentation
L1262[16:27:21] <gigaherz> and then making a Pull Request for the changes
L1263[16:27:31] <Nentify> oh it's publicly editable nice
L1264[16:27:42] <gigaherz> it's community-edited
L1265[16:27:46] <Nentify> i'll take a look at some point
L1266[16:27:52] <gigaherz> but it goes through Pull Requests
L1267[16:27:54] <TechnicianLP> nice ascii art
L1268[16:27:58] <gigaherz> so there's checking ;P
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L1278[16:43:02] <mort> hey
L1279[16:43:35] <mort> so, my block renders in the inventory, but in the world, it's just a hole in the world.
L1280[16:44:21] <mort> blockstates/creativeGenerator.json: http://pbin.in/4X
L1281[16:44:33] <mort> models/block/creativeGenerator.json: http://pbin.in/rT
L1282[16:44:56] <mort> models/item/creativeGenerator.json: http://pbin.in/wz
L1283[16:45:05] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L1284[16:46:09] <mort> anyone got any clue wat's wrong?
L1285[16:46:47] <diesieben07> mort, any errors in the log?
L1286[16:46:54] <mort> nope
L1287[16:47:49] <diesieben07> show your block class and where you register the thing
L1288[16:49:56] <mort> main file (Steambly.java): http://pbin.in/qR
L1289[16:50:04] <mort> CreativeGeneratorBlock.java: http://pbin.in/qR
L1290[16:50:14] <mort> SteamBlock.java: http://pbin.in/vM
L1291[16:50:24] <mort> SteamblyBlockContainer.java: http://pbin.in/2w
L1292[16:52:53] <mort> any idea?
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L1298[17:03:49] <mort> diesieben07
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L1300[17:04:17] <diesieben07> whoops, i got distracted sowwy
L1301[17:04:31] <mort> it's k
L1302[17:05:03] <diesieben07> don't use BlockContainer. Ever.
L1303[17:05:19] <mort> why's that?
L1304[17:05:23] <gigaherz> BlockContainer is a legacy of a past we'd rather forget
L1305[17:05:32] <gigaherz> sortof
L1306[17:05:43] <gigaherz> forge has its own way to have blocks with tileentities
L1307[17:05:45] <gigaherz> just have a standard Block
L1308[17:05:49] <gigaherz> and override hasTileEntity
L1309[17:05:52] <gigaherz> and createTileEntity
L1310[17:06:02] <gigaherz> no need for BlockContainer or ITileEntityProvider
L1311[17:06:21] <mort> alright, I'll do that
L1312[17:08:58] <mort> hasTileEntity() in Block has been deprecated though
L1313[17:10:42] <mort> and neither createTileEntity nor createNewTileEntity can be overridden because they don't exist in Block
L1314[17:11:10] <diesieben07> the latter is not true
L1315[17:11:15] <diesieben07> and you have the wrong hasTileEntity
L1316[17:11:22] <tterrag|phone> wrong http://i.imgur.com/wFET5Eh.png
L1317[17:12:40] <mort> tterrag|phone: does that implement ITileEntityProvider?
L1318[17:12:51] <diesieben07> No.
L1319[17:12:55] <mort> diesieben07: soeh, how do I get the correct hasTileEntity
L1320[17:13:04] <diesieben07> use the one thats not deprecated :P
L1321[17:13:13] <diesieben07> what tt showed is the Block class.
L1322[17:13:23] <mort> oh
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L1324[17:13:54] <mort> right, should've noticed the net.minecraft.block > Block at the top
L1325[17:15:02] <mort> moved from `int metadata` to `IBlockState state`, that's pretty sane
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L1327[17:16:54] <mort> yay, now my block exists in the world
L1328[17:16:55] <mort> thanks.
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L1335[17:39:07] <Unh0ly_Tigg> diesieben07, so, you recommended I use IBakedModels for this, the only way I can see of putting those in, in a way that gets redone when the resource managers reload, it to use ModelBakeEvent. Is this right?
L1336[17:40:07] <diesieben07> you could write a custom model loader
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L1338[17:40:20] <diesieben07> but ModelBakeEvent works as well
L1339[17:40:26] <primetoxinz> is there a way to get quads at an angle?
L1340[17:41:02] <diesieben07> primetoxinz, i think you will have to use an obj or b3d model, but ye.s
L1341[17:41:22] <primetoxinz> ugh
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L1343[17:41:34] <primetoxinz> I would have to compltely rewrite
L1344[17:41:58] <diesieben07> uh... no? you just change the model file
L1345[17:42:22] <primetoxinz> custom model, not a file
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L1347[17:42:28] <diesieben07> Oh oh
L1348[17:42:34] <diesieben07> well, then... just add quads at an angle :P
L1349[17:42:38] <primetoxinz> how?
L1350[17:42:51] <diesieben07> like any other quad.
L1351[17:42:57] <primetoxinz> .-.
L1352[17:43:04] <primetoxinz> ok, I'll try
L1353[17:43:12] <diesieben07> like.. even vanilla does it now that i think of it
L1354[17:43:24] <diesieben07> flowers are a cross. at a 45° angle.
L1355[17:43:28] <primetoxinz> ok
L1356[17:43:37] <primetoxinz> I'll look
L1357[17:43:49] <Unh0ly_Tigg> the verticies for each quad don't *have* to line up along the x, y, or z axis...
L1358[17:44:16] <Unh0ly_Tigg> there just has to be 4 of them, otherwise it's not a quad.
L1359[17:45:02] <kashike> ffs
L1360[17:45:14] <kashike> why is it so hard to find a server download for FTB modpacks
L1361[17:46:31] <mort> I generally just grab the correct forge version, run it with --installServer, and copy over the mods and config from the client
L1362[17:46:36] <mort> generally works pretty well
L1363[17:46:54] <kashike> well I can't run a client currently :P
L1364[17:47:17] <Unh0ly_Tigg> http://www.feed-the-beast.com/projects/ftb-infinity-evolved-skyblock/files/2293082 bottom of the page has a server version.
L1365[17:47:34] <Unh0ly_Tigg> that's for infinity evolved skyblock.
L1366[17:47:58] <Unh0ly_Tigg> http://www.feed-the-beast.com/modpacks has all of the modpacks that ftb publishes
L1367[17:48:05] <kashike> seems like Unstable 1.10 doesn't have a server download, then
L1368[17:48:07] <kashike> http://www.feed-the-beast.com/projects/ftb-unstable-1-10/files/2313799
L1369[17:48:40] <mort> why can't you run a client?
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L1371[17:49:09] <kashike> let's just say the only computer I have currently can't even handle a vanilla client :P
L1372[17:49:39] <mort> but it can presumably handle the launcher
L1373[17:49:53] *** manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L1374[17:50:24] <mort> just download it via the launcher and copy the files from ~/ftb/FTBUnstable18/minecraft, no need to play the game
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L1377[17:51:17] <Unh0ly_Tigg> is there a way I can achieve the effect of the blockstate json (block state variant -> model resource + textures + rotations) in code?
L1378[17:52:07] <diesieben07> fake it via an IResourcePack? but ... dont do that
L1379[17:52:23] <Unh0ly_Tigg> no, I want a sane and quick solution.
L1380[17:52:43] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I also want this to work in a way that resource packs can override if they wish.
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L1382[17:53:04] <diesieben07> a blockstate.json provides both of those things
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L1384[17:53:56] <Unh0ly_Tigg> and you mentioned that I should do dynamic runtime model baking for this, because of the hundreds of thousands of different possible block states.
L1385[17:54:08] <diesieben07> yes
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L1387[17:54:20] <diesieben07> but that would not use variants at all
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L1390[17:57:09] <mort> is there a way to make forge reload all textures and models other than restarting the game?
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L1392[17:57:57] <diesieben07> in fact vanilla can do that for you: F3+S
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L1394[17:58:20] <mort> oh neat
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L1396[18:02:13] <mort> doesn't seem to work for me though
L1397[18:02:28] <mort> unless it doesn't reload the mcmeta
L1398[18:02:58] <diesieben07> yeah i dont think it does that
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L1402[18:07:47] <mort> reloading it client side seems to be f3+t
L1403[18:08:21] <mort> also, none of the f3+xx commands work on my keyboard, which is kind of annoying
L1404[18:08:26] <mort> can get them working with xdotool though
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L1406[18:11:35] <mort> it doesn't seem to reload changes to the models nor the changes to mcmeta, nor changes in the actual png files
L1407[18:12:11] <mort> I assume it just reloads an actual resource pack if applicable, not the stuff packaged in the mod's .jar
L1408[18:12:37] <diesieben07> oh it does reload stuff
L1409[18:12:53] <diesieben07> you just have to make sure your IDE has acutally propagated the changes to the build dir
L1410[18:12:59] <diesieben07> eclipse does that by itself afaik
L1411[18:13:08] <mort> oh right, that makes a ton of sense actually
L1412[18:13:11] <diesieben07> intellij needs you to do Project > Build
L1413[18:13:27] <mort> doesn't help to modify src/ when it reads run/
L1414[18:13:31] <mort> also, no IDE, just vim
L1415[18:13:41] <diesieben07> ah you are that crazy person
L1416[18:13:56] <mort> well
L1417[18:13:59] <mort> one of the crazy people
L1418[18:14:21] <diesieben07> i've been in this channel i think for over 2 years and you are the 2nd person who does not use an IDE for modding :P
L1419[18:15:12] <mort> if last ime was some time around november last year, that might've been me too
L1420[18:15:24] <diesieben07> maybe :D
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L1423[18:20:08] <mort> anyways, I mostly do C/python/JS, none of which really benefit a lot from an IDE
L1424[18:22:37] <primetoxinz> vanilla quads don't allow for parallelograms , do they?
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L1426[18:24:22] <diesieben07> primetoxinz, they are pretty much normal OpenGL quads.
L1427[18:24:39] <primetoxinz> well, I must be doing something wrong then
L1428[18:24:50] <diesieben07> don't ask me though i dont do rendering :P
L1429[18:25:01] <primetoxinz> know anyone that can help?
L1430[18:25:23] <diesieben07> fry definitely would but hes not here fo ra while
L1431[18:25:27] <gigaherz> primetoxinz: the only ocndition about quads is they have to form a plane
L1432[18:25:36] <primetoxinz> ok
L1433[18:25:37] <gigaherz> the relative location of the verticesdoesn't matter -- EXCEPT
L1434[18:25:46] <gigaherz> there's concept of "front face" and "back face"
L1435[18:25:55] <gigaherz> and by default, the gpu will only draw front faces
L1436[18:26:23] <gigaherz> and it decides where thefront is, based on if the vertices go clockwise or counter-clockwise
L1437[18:26:28] <gigaherz> IIRc opengl is CCW by default
L1438[18:26:45] <gigaherz> so you'd want the vertices to be like: bottomleft, bottomright, topright, topleft
L1439[18:27:11] <gigaherz> (bottomleft doesn't need to be the first -- there doesn't even need to be a "bottomleft" per se)
L1440[18:27:48] <primetoxinz> ok, so the issue I'm having is lets say I have Quad from 0,0,0 to 1,1,0, I want that quad to make a "slope", but it doesn't, it just remakes the quad at 1,0,0 1,1,0
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L1442[18:29:08] <gigaherz> primetoxinz: do you have code to show?
L1443[18:29:16] <gigaherz> it may be easier to see what you are doing wrong
L1444[18:29:56] <primetoxinz> https://github.com/primetoxinz/StacksOnStacks/blob/multipart/src/main/java/com/primetoxinz/stacksonstacks/render/RenderIngot.java#L28
L1445[18:30:33] <primetoxinz> https://imgur.com/QqM2ERF this is what that does
L1446[18:30:50] <gigaherz> ehh
L1447[18:30:58] <gigaherz> you are using functions from charset
L1448[18:31:07] <gigaherz> we can't be expected to know how that's implemented
L1449[18:31:10] <primetoxinz> ok
L1450[18:31:32] <primetoxinz> I'm thinking the issue is that I only input 2 vertices and the other 2 a calculated by his lib
L1451[18:31:40] <primetoxinz> are*
L1452[18:31:53] <gigaherz> yep sounds like it may be too simplified for your purpose
L1453[18:31:57] <primetoxinz> mmhmm
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L1455[18:32:32] <gigaherz> or you could talk with the creator of charset, see if there's some way?
L1456[18:33:00] <primetoxinz> will do
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L1459[18:33:34] <shambling> vazkii is maintaining right? is it the creator, or vazkii that you'd want to talk to at this point?
L1460[18:33:54] <shambling> and somehow I feel like I'm mispelling a name
L1461[18:34:21] <primetoxinz> vazkii just ported it, didn't write it
L1462[18:34:30] <primetoxinz> I'm just using a render lib
L1463[18:34:52] <primetoxinz> so, definitely the creator
L1464[18:35:39] <shambling> yeah if he just ported he might not have gone into the gutty works
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L1466[18:35:53] <shambling> 'just' ported it sounds wrong. I didn't mean that negatively
L1467[18:36:15] <primetoxinz> heh
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L1469[18:36:22] <primetoxinz> doesn't sound negative
L1470[18:37:05] <shambling> ok how often do people disable items based on configs? I'd think disabling an 'acacia' trapdoor in quark would simply disable the recipe, but it looks like it actually changes the world blocks
L1471[18:37:28] <primetoxinz> why register the block if it has no recipe?
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L1474[18:37:47] <primetoxinz> makes more sense to just not add it
L1475[18:37:54] <shambling> compatibility with deprecated blocks if someone changes server settings
L1476[18:38:07] <primetoxinz> it is compatible
L1477[18:38:12] <primetoxinz> the block would just disappear
L1478[18:38:30] <shambling> technicially compatible with world gen, just imagine if you used 'x name' wood fence during a mob farm though, rofl
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L1480[18:39:20] <shambling> it does require less load time and memory though I'm sure, just was suprised that turning off unique wood type doors flagged a /fml confirm
L1481[18:39:35] <KnightMiner> If something is disabled, I expect it is for a reason, thus it shouldn't still exist in the world
L1482[18:40:37] <KnightMiner> If you disabling a feature it is the same as removing a mod, expect things requiring that to no longer work
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L1484[18:41:32] <shambling> yeah thats fine, its common programming behavior. I might even regen the world anyways
L1485[18:42:00] <shambling> in case any villages were spawning with those unique fences/doors. I just don't want to mess with having a million of non-oredicted wood items
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L1489[18:47:57] <SparkVGX> how do most people go about adding "mana" to their mod?
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L1494[18:52:18] <netz> copypasta.
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L1496[18:53:25] <netz> a more useful piece of information would be how do few people add mana to their mod.
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L1502[19:06:19] <SparkVGX> haha okay, how do few people add mana to their mod?
L1503[19:08:16] <killjoy> there's not main api for mana like RF afaik
L1504[19:08:21] <killjoy> so they make it themselves
L1505[19:08:35] <killjoy> unless you want to make a thaumcraft addon
L1506[19:11:19] <Shambling> are unbreakable blocks -1 hardness?
L1507[19:11:27] <KnightMiner> Shambling: yes
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L1509[19:11:56] <KnightMiner> Note it is not the same for blast resistance, most unbreakable ones just use a very big number
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L1512[19:16:51] <SparkVGX> Thank you @killjoy. I think I will add my own capability to the player that handles the amount of magic points a player has.
L1513[19:17:05] <killjoy> magic is supposed to be mysterious anyway
L1514[19:17:15] <killjoy> if we knew enough about it, we'd just call it science
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L1517[19:19:08] <SparkVGX> In the stormlight archive series/cosmere universe, magic and science are blended anyway :3
L1518[19:19:17] <SparkVGX> Electricity is just magic with a different name
L1519[19:20:57] <SparkVGX> also, is there a nice way of just drawing some debug text to the screen? I don't really wanna go the how images gui route
L1520[19:21:20] <Ordinastie_> you can use the player chat
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L1522[19:21:34] <killjoy> in the client rendering?
L1523[19:21:49] <killjoy> look at the fontrenderer also
L1524[19:22:02] <SparkVGX> ty
L1525[19:22:04] <killjoy> sending it to chat has the possibility of spamming
L1526[19:22:25] <Ordinastie_> which you don't really care anyway
L1527[19:23:03] <SparkVGX> since it's debug stuff, it wouldn't make it to release anyway :D I'll have a look at both though since font renderer might be easier long term
L1528[19:23:22] <Ordinastie_> clearly not
L1529[19:23:46] <Ordinastie_> https://github.com/Ordinastie/MalisisCore/blob/1.9.4/src/main/java/net/malisis/core/MalisisCore.java#L262
L1530[19:30:05] <electrolitic> Does NBT simply hold a bunch of maps?
L1531[19:30:21] <electrolitic> Or is it a map? Or something?
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L1533[19:31:25] <Ordinastie_> it's simply a map
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L1535[19:32:07] <SparkVGX> oh cool <Ordinastie_>. So if I stick something like that in a helper class, can just call that from anywhere
L1536[19:32:22] <SparkVGX> What do you normally use that method for?
L1537[19:32:52] <Ordinastie_> for debug mostly
L1538[19:33:17] <Ordinastie_> you case use to at runtime too, but keep in mind that if called on the server, it will send the message for all the connected clients
L1539[19:34:01] <SparkVGX> I can see myself using it for right clicking with magic batteries to see values contained.
L1540[19:34:15] <Ordinastie_> sure
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L1579[20:53:33] <Naiten> so, i guess i put all my TE NBT stuff into writeInternal now, right?
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L1591[21:02:35] <Naiten> so will writeToNBT be {...my code... return super.writeToNBT(tag); } ?
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L1594[21:03:05] <williewillus> yeah
L1595[21:03:09] <kashike> yup
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L1601[21:07:48] <Delenas> o/ I've got 99 problems and OpenGL is one of them. Can anyone help me get a line to render?
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L1605[21:11:09] <SparkVGX> Do I use fontrenderer in my onPlayerTick?
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L1607[21:13:31] <williewillus> SparkVGX: !xy describe what you want to achieve/do
L1608[21:13:51] <SparkVGX> !xy fontrenderer
L1609[21:14:16] <williewillus> lol, !xy means "Descibe your intentions/what you want to do, not technical details"
L1610[21:14:26] <SparkVGX> oh ahah. Thanks!
L1611[21:14:34] <williewillus> though an !xy command for actuarius that tells you that would be nice ;p
L1612[21:14:51] <SparkVGX> !xy update text on screen
L1613[21:15:04] <williewillus> its not a real command lol
L1614[21:15:14] <SparkVGX> haha damn
L1615[21:15:43] <williewillus> http://xyproblem.info/ anyways describe what you want to achieve
L1616[21:16:39] <SparkVGX> So what I wanna do is take the int value i store in my capability, and display it on the screen. I would assume I should do this using font renderer, but I need a pointer in the direction of where I should place the code so it updates nicely
L1617[21:17:00] <williewillus> on screen as in in a gui, in a hud, on the player model, ?
L1618[21:17:59] <SparkVGX> maybe in the HUD. The player should be able to walk around and see it in the corner of their screen or by their health or something
L1619[21:19:06] <SparkVGX> I originally had it spamming into the chat, but that's not a good long term solution
L1620[21:19:09] <williewillus> cool, you want to use an eventhandler for one of the RenderGameOverlayEvent subtypes or mayyybe RenderWorldLastEvent, probably the former though
L1621[21:19:16] <Ordinastie_> maybe I should read the code I write when I update... http://puu.sh/q0Xid.png :x
L1622[21:19:22] <williewillus> and then in that evthandler use the mc fontrenderer to render the text
L1623[21:19:35] <williewillus> Ordinastie_: lol
L1624[21:19:46] <williewillus> whys EnumFacing formatted differently in the signature?
L1625[21:20:23] <williewillus> oh i see, interface class enum
L1626[21:20:37] <williewillus> thats kinda noisy for me but cool
L1627[21:21:26] <Ordinastie_> yeah, the theme is like that
L1628[21:22:14] <Ordinastie_> that error would be funny if it wasn't the third one in a row -_-
L1629[21:22:40] <Ordinastie_> for the method, I know exactly what happened too
L1630[21:23:30] <SparkVGX> That's excellent thank you willie
L1631[21:23:35] <Ordinastie_> like, the signature changed, @Override make the line error, don't really want to manually edit the signature, so I just redo the override by just writing should, Ctrl+Space
L1632[21:23:49] <Ordinastie_> just didn't even notice the method name :x
L1633[21:24:14] <Naiten> what do i do if i want TE to have a field which can be only set from constructor or readFromNBT? final is not compatible with readFromNBT...
L1634[21:24:28] <Ordinastie_> you can't
L1635[21:24:33] <williewillus> just make it unfinal :P
L1636[21:24:48] <williewillus> its just how it is with network syncing and stuff
L1637[21:26:07] <Delenas> Anyone able to help me figure out why this isn't rendering any lines? https://bitbucket.org/ostenvighx/things-inventories/src/f8fc92dd38ad7abc67bf860bec2e9f97cb1ab6cd/src/main/java/nanobird/tai/regulator/client/RenderRegulator.java?at=master&fileviewer=file-view-default
L1638[21:27:05] <williewillus> they dont show up at all?
L1639[21:27:15] <Delenas> Nothing shows up, not even the block now
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L1643[21:28:08] <Naiten> williewillus, oh, protected will work i guess, right?
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L1645[21:28:38] <williewillus> for what?
L1646[21:28:39] <Naiten> taking in account i just dont set the value anywhere else
L1647[21:28:51] <williewillus> protected is an access modifier it has nothing to do with final :P
L1648[21:29:14] <Naiten> for protecting the field from writing from another mods or like that
L1649[21:29:26] <Delenas> Code there is supposed to render 20 red lines from the center of the block to dodecahedron vertices around the block
L1650[21:29:30] <williewillus> just make it private then? :P
L1651[21:29:42] <Naiten> of
L1652[21:29:44] <Naiten> oh
L1653[21:29:46] <williewillus> and no one is going to bother to write another mod's fields like that
L1654[21:29:49] <Naiten> private + getter
L1655[21:29:50] <Ordinastie_> (you could argue that final act like an access modifier in a way :p)
L1656[21:29:56] <williewillus> not really
L1657[21:30:01] <williewillus> access modifiers control what is visible
L1658[21:30:10] <williewillus> not if the var is mutable or not :P
L1659[21:30:12] <Ordinastie_> emphasys on "in a way" :p
L1660[21:30:18] <Ordinastie_> ok ok*
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L1663[21:31:11] <SparkVG> Willie, in your HUDHandler, is your profile section "manaBar" defined somewhere else? or is it only mentioned within the hudhandler
L1664[21:33:06] <Naiten> williewillus, suddenly, matlab is handy for making calculus for my mod: http://i.imgur.com/YAzfIxy.jpg http://i.imgur.com/u6YUj71.jpg
L1665[21:33:39] <williewillus> SparkVG: just there
L1666[21:33:47] <SparkVG> thank you
L1667[21:34:18] <williewillus> those just show up in the shift+f3 debug pie just remember to end the sections you start and it'll be fine
L1668[21:34:27] <williewillus> not sure why vaz put those in to begin with tbh :P
L1669[21:35:00] <SparkVG> haha :D
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L1672[21:48:59] <SparkVG> williewillus, I can't seem to build botania with gradle. Seems to be missing "private.properties". Did I do something wrong?
L1673[21:51:08] <TehNut> There is a reason it's called "private.properties"
L1674[21:51:14] <TehNut> It's a private property file that you need to supply
L1675[21:53:39] <Delenas> All it has is a curseforge api key
L1676[21:54:44] <Delenas> So.. "cfkey=" in a file should do it?
L1677[21:55:35] <SparkVG> Thanks team ^_^;;
L1678[21:55:37] * Delenas goes back to troubleshooting TESR line drawing..
L1679[21:56:07] <FusionLord> Does anyone know if it is possible to remove block IDs from the world?
L1680[21:56:33] <Delenas> For what reason? o.o
L1681[21:56:51] <FusionLord> I removed some blocks from my mod.
L1682[21:57:01] <SparkVG> don't they auto delete? O.o
L1683[21:57:25] <SparkVG> eg with a message saying "these blocks are missing" when you load
L1684[21:57:27] <FusionLord> the blocks do... the IDs stay in the world data
L1685[21:57:55] <FusionLord> yes I get that screen
L1686[21:58:23] <FusionLord> I want to remove the ids from the world so the console doesn't spam missing IDs everytime the world loads
L1687[21:58:38] <FusionLord> basically I want to clean up after myself
L1688[21:58:38] <SparkVG> I am a super idiot. I didn't even see the private.properties.example file.
L1689[21:58:54] <Delenas> ^5 SparkVG
L1690[21:58:57] <Ordinastie_> tbh, that should be wrapped
L1691[21:59:24] <Ordinastie_> if you're building for yourself, you shouldn't have to make a separate file containing dummy data
L1692[21:59:48] <Delenas> Does anyone have a good example of TESR basics?
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L1694[22:00:48] <FusionLord> Delenas, https://instagram.com/accounts/password/reset/confirm/1lcbd3m/4da-9e91fc0b32aadc7308290777d7251192/
L1695[22:00:51] *** SparkVG is now known as SparkVGX
L1696[22:00:54] <FusionLord> oops not that link
L1697[22:00:59] <FusionLord> glad that is timed out :P
L1698[22:01:05] <SparkVGX> lol
L1699[22:01:05] <Delenas> brb resetting your password o3o
L1700[22:01:15] <FusionLord> https://gist.github.com/FusionLord/fd4a1ccec287470c49494db2f384dad6
L1701[22:01:18] <FusionLord> there you go
L1702[22:02:19] <Delenas> So, uh
L1703[22:02:55] <netz> workman layout~!
L1704[22:03:00] <Delenas> That tells me nothing.
L1705[22:03:17] <FusionLord> Delenas, what were you looking for exactly then?
L1706[22:03:37] <williewillus> i thought removed blocks were freed from the idmap
L1707[22:03:38] <Delenas> How to translate to a point around a block and draw a point and/or line
L1708[22:03:39] <netz> thought TESRs were dead?
L1709[22:03:45] <williewillus> and available for reuse
L1710[22:03:48] <williewillus> netz: uh no? :P
L1711[22:04:10] <Ordinastie_> nono, they're still here and misused 90% of the time
L1712[22:04:11] <FusionLord> williewillus, nope :/ still prints in console when loading the world
L1713[22:04:12] <Delenas> TESRs won't die. You'll just about always need something done in code.
L1714[22:04:13] <williewillus> they're discouraged whenever possible because theyre several times slower
L1715[22:04:21] <williewillus> but they arent dead
L1716[22:04:31] <williewillus> Delenas: I'd say the opposite
L1717[22:04:44] <williewillus> most things should be done in the static renderer few things need to be done in a TESR nowadays
L1718[22:04:50] <williewillus> and you can even use both
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L1720[22:05:03] <FusionLord> I use both :P
L1721[22:05:04] <williewillus> so have the dynamic/code-needing part in a tesr and the rest in a static model
L1722[22:05:16] <Delenas> That's what this regulator is
L1723[22:05:29] <Ordinastie_> I use both, and I even have the same code workign for both \o/
L1724[22:05:34] <Delenas> A static crystal in the middle, and little items rendered around it in a sphere.
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L1743[23:00:29] <FusionLord> what is the git function to copy 1 branch to another?
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L1745[23:00:35] <FusionLord> is it rebase onto
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L1747[23:00:58] <killjoy> merge?
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