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L1[00:07:10] ⇦ Quits: PrinceCat (~PrinceCat@58-6-199-119.dyn.iinet.net.au) (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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L15[01:19:25] <Delenas> What could be a reason a gui opens, then instantly closes again?
L16[01:23:05] <kenzierocks> Delenas: what forge version are you on?
L17[01:23:13] <kenzierocks> i know the initial 1.10 builds had that bug
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L19[01:23:27] <Delenas> 1.10.2-
L20[01:23:43] <Delenas> Ah, really? That may be it.
L21[01:23:59] <kenzierocks> nope, that build is too new i think
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L24[01:24:29] <kenzierocks> fixed Build 1.10-
L25[01:26:53] <Delenas> Mnf. Ballocks.
L26[01:29:30] <Delenas> Just about all the code is in https://github.com/ZornTaov/BedcraftAndBeyond/tree/feature/storage/src/main/java/zornco/bedcraftbeyond/storage (except the implementation, over in bcb/frames/wooden/BlockWoodenBed and TileWoodenBed
L27[01:29:56] <Delenas> I've looked over it a good bit, though. Everything is recieved properly, synced, and nothing seems out of place.
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L38[02:00:02] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160704 mappings to Forge Maven.
L39[02:00:05] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160704-1.10.2.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160704" in build.gradle).
L40[02:00:12] <Delenas> Just updated jei.. not that, either.
L41[02:00:16] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L42[02:02:27] ⇨ Joins: Hunterz (~hunterz@
L43[02:03:15] <mezz> Delenas, check the log, remove code until it works?
L44[02:03:29] <Delenas> I've been. :/
L45[02:04:21] <Delenas> Even a "blank" gui explodes.
L46[02:04:46] <mezz> I'm not sure your acceptedMinecraftVersions is valid syntax, is it?
L47[02:05:01] <Delenas> It's loading fine? o.o
L48[02:06:15] <mezz> check F3's game version, maybe it wasn't actually updated forge
L49[02:06:37] <Delenas> No, it's v2005
L50[02:06:50] <Delenas> On 1.10.2.
L51[02:07:06] <mezz> nothing in logs?
L52[02:07:14] <Delenas> For the guis? Nope.
L53[02:07:49] <mezz> is it just your guis that close?
L54[02:08:19] <Delenas> Yeah.
L55[02:08:54] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
L56[02:10:25] <mezz> put a breakpoint in EntityPlayer.closeScreen()
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L58[02:10:36] <mezz> see what calls it
L59[02:11:12] <Delenas> The gui doesn't call it.
L60[02:11:33] <mezz> that doesn't matter, something is closing the screen
L61[02:11:56] <mezz> now is the time to make 0 assumptions and see what actually happens
L62[02:12:36] <Delenas> No, I mean
L63[02:12:48] <Delenas> I put the breakpoint. The gui didn't call it, it still exited.
L64[02:13:08] <mezz> ok, put a breakpoint everywhere this.openContainer is set in EntityPlayer
L65[02:13:21] <mezz> I think you can put a breakpoint on the field itself
L66[02:13:25] <mezz> at least in intellij
L67[02:16:21] <Delenas> Okay. What am I looking for here?
L68[02:16:36] <Delenas> I see open container being set to GuiStorage / ContainerStorage.
L69[02:16:38] <mezz> looking for it being set to your container, and then what happens next
L70[02:17:16] <mezz> you want to find what is setting it to something other than your container
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L72[02:18:16] <Delenas> All I see is it going straight to closeContainer in EntityPlayerMP
L73[02:19:26] <mezz> okay good, put your breakpoint in EntityPlayerMP.closeContainer() and see what is calling it
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L76[02:20:53] <Delenas> I don't see a stacktrace. I see it from onBlockActivated (openGui) and right to closeContainer.
L77[02:21:36] <mezz> your debugger should show you the stack
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L80[02:22:30] <Delenas> https://1drv.ms/i/s!AkONx47UJ-w2kRxdaFHM51znX0ln
L81[02:22:33] <Delenas> No stack.
L82[02:22:36] ⇨ Joins: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872A6E.access.telenet.be)
L83[02:23:22] <mezz> your stack filter appears to be active
L84[02:23:54] <mezz> when you hover over it will say "Show All Frames"
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L88[02:25:54] <Delenas> Okay.
L89[02:26:16] <Delenas> All I see is it trying to reopen the gui (even though it's already open) in forge's network handler.
L90[02:26:19] <Delenas> Nothing else.
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L93[02:28:04] <mezz> that doesn't happen when you open a vanilla container
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L95[02:29:25] <Delenas> It does, however, happen when I open one of Forestry's chests.
L96[02:29:53] <mezz> ok
L97[02:31:24] <mezz> seems to happen for modded guis
L98[02:31:31] <Delenas> ...wait a second.
L99[02:32:29] <Delenas> I figured it out. x.x
L100[02:32:51] <mezz> what was it?
L101[02:33:04] <Delenas> I had added extra info about the gui (block side and a string) to the player's nbt data, then removed it after I accessed it in GuiHandler.
L102[02:33:20] <Delenas> Forge reopening the gui with that method didn't have the information, so obviously, the gui failed.
L103[02:33:36] <mezz> ah, ok
L104[02:33:36] ⇦ Quits: itachi1706 (~itachi170@doserver.itachi1706.com) (Quit: Bye :P)
L105[02:33:45] <Delenas> Which brings up a point.
L106[02:33:57] <Delenas> What would be the best way of handling that kind of temporary info?
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L108[02:34:13] <mezz> what is the relevance of the info?
L109[02:34:46] <mezz> if you have different gui per side, open the right gui from the server. do not make the client figure out which with data
L110[02:35:07] <mezz> not sure what the string would be used for
L111[02:35:58] <Delenas> The system I'm using needs to know which side the block is clicked on and a "storage name" to figure out which thing to access in a list.
L112[02:36:25] <Delenas> I can't just pass that through the openGui method, so I tried adding it temporarily to the player.
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L115[02:36:52] <mezz> storing to the player is not guaranteed to be synced in time for your gui opening, even in the best of cases
L116[02:37:19] <mezz> for forestry I store some extra data in the packet ID sometimes
L117[02:37:25] <mezz> but you can't fit a string there
L118[02:37:29] <Delenas> It's not synced. The same code is run on client and server.
L119[02:38:13] <Delenas> It's something both sides know about without extra processing, I just need to pass it to the gui handler.
L120[02:39:22] <mezz> ok
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L122[02:41:12] <mezz> check out Forestry's GuiHandler.java
L123[02:41:19] <mezz> it may give you some ideas
L124[02:41:32] <mezz> basically you have GuiHandler.ID_STORAGE
L125[02:41:40] <mezz> but really you can encode extra data there in unused bits
L126[02:41:55] <Delenas> The only other way I would know how to handle it would be to store the storage id in a static field. Same problem, though- if forge reopens the gui, then the extra data there is lost anyway.
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L129[02:44:46] <Delenas> My problem here is the fact that these storage blocks are compartmentalized. It won't always be the same identifier, even if two players are clicking the same block at the same side at the same time. It depends on the clicked location, and.. yeah. x.x
L130[02:45:40] <mezz> can you explain?
L131[02:45:53] <Delenas> Okay, so
L132[02:46:33] <Delenas> I have a part system. A modular system designed so beds can say "I accept two storage parts, a set of linens, and addons". This is the storage parts.
L133[02:46:57] <mezz> ok
L134[02:47:40] <Delenas> Storage parts are generic- the guis too. A part can say "I have this gui design" while another could be completely different. End goal being a bed could have a "normal" drawer, and a "reinforced" drawer, and the exact same gui code works for both of them without extra work involved.
L135[02:48:30] <Delenas> Catch being that the code requires an identifier- a way to figure out which part is being accessed, based on where they clicked on the containing block.
L136[02:48:36] <mezz> ok
L137[02:49:36] <mezz> instead of GuiHandler.ID_STORAGE send something like GuiHandler.ID_STORAGE_EAST_HEAD
L138[02:49:50] <Delenas> I've got all this code working. The guis show up, they draw, slots are proper. All that. My problem is passing that identifier (and the clicked block side) to the gui handler.
L139[02:50:14] <mezz> in Forestry I didn't want to write out all those permutations so I wrote a way to encode that data into the ID dynamically.
L140[02:50:51] <Delenas> The real problem here is the fact that I can't encode that information. Every time I'd want to add or change the storage slots of a block, I'd need to modify everything.
L141[02:51:18] <mezz> I am not changing your existing system in any way
L142[02:51:34] <mezz> I am moving the data from getEntityData into the GuiHandler.ID
L143[02:51:57] <Delenas> Missing what I'm saying here.
L144[02:52:07] <Delenas> These storage blocks could add new slots at any time.
L145[02:52:19] <mezz> are you arguing against your existing system?
L146[02:53:52] <Delenas> I'm trying to figure out why Forge can't pass along an nbt compound with the packet or something. x.x
L147[02:54:20] <mezz> please reconsider what I have said
L148[02:54:42] <Delenas> To have a potentially infinite set of combinations for something that could be shared like this is.. well. I find it limited.
L149[02:55:15] <mezz> side is EnumFacing, only 6 values. head and foot is just another bit
L150[02:55:20] <Delenas> I hear what you're saying. You want me to re-encode the identifier and side into the integer for the gui ID.
L151[02:55:52] <Delenas> But when I hit beds that have six drawers, or end tables with two in the same block, or a dresser with six in the same block. It gets absurd.
L152[02:56:19] <mezz> I think you should determine what you are hitting in onBlockActivated and open the appripriate gui instead of making the guiHandler figure it out
L153[02:56:56] <mezz> it may take a lot of IDs but there are many to use
L154[02:58:16] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L155[02:58:42] <Delenas> I would still run into the exact same problem if I used specifics.
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L157[02:59:13] <mezz> the data is tied to the packet though, it will never be desynced or out of date
L158[02:59:19] <Delenas> It would require me to hand code all the slots of all my storage blocks /everywhere/ to open the guis for them. And that breaks the point of this generic system. x.x
L159[02:59:56] <Delenas> If I have a damned drawer, it doesn't matter WHERE the drawer is, what block it's IN. This system opens that gui for that drawer.
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L161[03:00:59] <mezz> you can write function to encode the data, and decode on the other side
L162[03:01:03] <mezz> it will be handled the same as now
L163[03:01:44] <Delenas> The problem here is that I can't open a gui for handling nbt data, it's all tied to blocks and the world.
L164[03:01:52] <gigaherz|work> no it isn't
L165[03:02:05] <gigaherz|work> you can easily create a container that works from an item, or capability, or anything else
L166[03:02:29] <Delenas> If there's an item in a slot in a block, then I'm out of luck. Because I can't just pass that extra data.
L167[03:02:38] <gigaherz|work> ?
L168[03:02:41] <gigaherz|work> https://github.com/gigaherz/Enderthing/tree/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderthing/gui
L169[03:02:57] <gigaherz|work> this gui+container works from an inventory in WorldSavedData
L170[03:03:14] <gigaherz|work> there isn't an item nor block involved xcept as a way to find the right inventory
L171[03:03:17] <mezz> I have guis on entities, tile entities, and items
L172[03:03:38] <mezz> with item storage
L173[03:04:36] <Delenas> All I need to do is pass a string to the gui handler. That's all I need.
L174[03:05:20] <mezz> don't be this guy :p https://twitter.com/slipperyseal/status/598324845647040513
L175[03:05:34] <Delenas> I could do it with an integer, sure. But I find bit encoding and that bull to be ridiculous when it could be supported easily.
L176[03:07:12] <Delenas> So, you're saying pass the extra data as an int and an integer only, in with the id, is the only way this is happening.
L177[03:07:14] <mezz> I am recommending this solution after rewriting my gui handling 2 or 3 times on a fairly large mod. I can't make you do anything but I'm not sure I can help you find a different solution either, since I haven't come up with it either
L178[03:08:11] <Delenas> At that point I might as well say screw forge's gui handling and rewrite the packet handler to make one I can add an nbt compound to.
L179[03:09:52] <Delenas> I'd be sitting there saying id_bed_head, id_bed_foot, id_dresser_1, dresser_2, dresser_3, dresser_4, dresser_5, dresser_6, nightstand_1, nightstand_2, stone_bed_1, stone_bed_2,... do you see how this would get retarded?
L180[03:10:13] <gigaherz|work> Delenas: well you can't pass a string
L181[03:10:21] <gigaherz|work> yo ucna pass random numbers in x,y,z
L182[03:10:26] <gigaherz|work> or in id
L183[03:10:35] <mezz> I told you, encode it using a function like what I linked
L184[03:10:42] <mezz> you don't need to write them all out by hand
L185[03:11:19] <mezz> just some bit shifting
L186[03:11:47] <gigaherz|work> can't you like
L187[03:11:59] <gigaherz|work> have a deterministic method to assign numbers to each part?
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L189[03:12:20] <gigaherz|work> or something, dunno
L190[03:16:05] <Delenas> Can someone at least tell me WHY forge is closing then immediately reopening the same gui every time openGui is called?
L191[03:16:15] <Delenas> A sanity check?
L192[03:17:15] <mezz> probably a bug with no noticeable negative effects
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L194[03:20:42] <Delenas> Sigh. Maybe I should develop a pull to make the gui handler use a BlockPos, and be able to include a compound. I really don't want to dick around with bitshifting. That seems like a crap workaround for something that could easily just be added right to the packet and fixed. There's even tag parsers in the packet handlers. So, nyeh.
L195[03:21:14] <mezz> sounds good
L196[03:22:25] <mezz> not like you're going to laden the network with gui requests
L197[03:23:13] <Delenas> I mean, really. If you don't use the extra nbt, you aren't adding any overhead.
L198[03:23:55] <mezz> even if you are it's basically nothing
L199[03:24:12] <Delenas> And if you are, and you're doing it stupidly, then it's your own fault. But an extra string, or an int is nothing. A hundred itemstacks or something, yeah- you're an idiot.
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L201[03:30:25] <mezz> I'm off to sleep. good luck with your PR, ping me with it when you're done
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L228[05:52:11] <masa> any idea why mobs sometimes rarely seem to have higher than normal max health, but their current health is still at the normal maximum?
L229[05:56:13] <masa> example: http://masa.dy.fi/temp/minecraft/requiem_1.9.4/2016-06-08_17.50.45.png
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L237[06:41:48] <SolarShrieking> o/
L238[06:42:32] <SolarShrieking> Hey, does anyone know what happened to EntityInteractEvent? For some reason it just seems to have disappeared O_O
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L240[06:46:49] <PaleoCrafter> SolarShrieking, the new PlayerInteractEvent has a subclass that replaces it
L241[06:47:12] <SolarShrieking> oh?
L242[06:47:35] <SolarShrieking> ah, #EntityInteract
L243[06:47:36] <SolarShrieking> thanks
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L245[07:06:41] <SolarShrieking> ugh, Ubuntu update fuxd my laptop
L246[07:06:42] <SolarShrieking> :(
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L258[07:29:55] <SolarShrieking> D: It's triggering 4 times
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L260[07:33:04] <PhantomPhreak> rip
L261[07:35:11] <LatvianModder> I loled - StatList.reinit() - @Deprecated //MODDER DO NOT CALL THIS ITS JUST A EVENT CALLBACK FOR FORGE
L262[07:35:18] <SolarShrieking> lol
L263[07:35:34] * PhantomPhreak calls it, just for lols
L264[07:35:48] <LatvianModder> MODDER YOU BAD
L265[07:35:54] <PhantomPhreak> ;-;
L266[07:36:01] <SolarShrieking> Does anything about this scream "Will trigger 4 times" to you? http://i.imgur.com/uuNGbj9.png
L267[07:36:10] <SolarShrieking> ignore silly debug messages printed to chat
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L269[07:36:50] <LatvianModder> isnt addVelocity client side only method?
L270[07:37:02] <SolarShrieking> probs, I'm just dicking around in this method
L271[07:37:20] <SolarShrieking> getting used to FML after a few years of doing only Vanilla dev xD
L272[07:37:27] <LatvianModder> why is it in try-catch?
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L276[07:37:46] <SolarShrieking> raisins
L277[07:37:58] <FusionLord> anyone know where debug keybindings are handled?
L278[07:38:13] <SolarShrieking> Theoretically .getItem() could throw a NPE on that event
L279[07:38:18] <PhantomPhreak> LatvianModder: because of the .getCurrentItem().getItem(), rather than using a null check..fo some reason
L280[07:38:29] <PhantomPhreak> SolarShrieking: that's why you do null checks
L281[07:38:43] <SolarShrieking> I've been up for 40h ;-; I just want to sleep
L282[07:38:44] <SolarShrieking> xD
L283[07:39:07] <LatvianModder> getItem() wont throw null exception
L284[07:39:17] <SolarShrieking> tell that to my crashed client
L285[07:39:30] <LatvianModder> ok, I meant, ItemStack.getItem() wont. This one can, because getCurrentItem() can be null
L286[07:39:44] <SolarShrieking> ah, well yeh.
L287[07:39:45] <PhantomPhreak> idk why it's triggering 4 times, but twice I could see because client/server side
L288[07:39:57] <LatvianModder> ah, yes that too
L289[07:40:01] <LatvianModder> you do Everything server side
L290[07:40:14] <LatvianModder> and do check if you are on server side, use !world.isRemote
L291[07:40:20] <LatvianModder> isRemote = isClient side
L292[07:41:26] <SolarShrieking> argh, messed with it just enough for the hotswap not to work
L293[07:42:20] <SolarShrieking> alrighty, that got rid of two of the messages
L294[07:42:23] <SolarShrieking> two left lol
L295[07:42:39] <SolarShrieking> s/two/one
L296[07:45:38] <PhantomPhreak> so, when you right click the entity, it fires twice?
L297[07:45:54] <LatvianModder> No
L298[07:45:57] <LatvianModder> Well
L299[07:46:01] <LatvianModder> Yes. On server and client
L300[07:46:17] <LatvianModder> You should only do something if its server side, 99% of the time
L301[07:46:21] <PhantomPhreak> according to the docs, it's only supposed to fire once on the server, and once on the client
L302[07:46:44] <SolarShrieking> 1s, lemme try something
L303[07:46:47] <LatvianModder> The method is the same on both sides. So it calls the same method from both sides
L304[07:47:24] <PhantomPhreak> LatvianModder: well, yeah, but he was saying it was firing 4 times, and once he set it to server only, then it fired twice
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L308[07:48:15] <SolarShrieking> I think I derped hardcore, loading debug now.
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L310[07:50:45] <SolarShrieking> yeah nvm. It's still doing it. hmph.
L311[07:51:40] <PhantomPhreak> you sure you only have it registered once?
L312[07:52:33] <SolarShrieking> yep, double checked, even tried a separate class for the event and singularly registered that
L313[07:55:58] <SolarShrieking> I should note that I am not very good with serverside/clientside interactions, the last time I even dealt with that on a Modded level was back in like 1.2.5
L314[07:56:20] <PhantomPhreak> ...I haven't done like anything with 1.9+, but maybe something with the offhand?
L315[07:56:35] <PhantomPhreak> is their a field on the event for which hand it is or something?
L316[07:56:55] <SolarShrieking> The message that doesn't require a hand gets sent 2x as well
L317[07:56:56] <SolarShrieking> so not that
L318[07:57:06] <PhantomPhreak> hmm
L319[07:57:13] <SolarShrieking> oh, very interesting.
L320[07:57:40] <SolarShrieking> Other events only sending the message once.
L321[07:57:46] <SolarShrieking> wai u du this
L322[07:59:21] <PhantomPhreak> try adding the value of event.hand to your debug message
L323[07:59:28] <PhantomPhreak> just for fun
L324[07:59:41] <PhantomPhreak> let's see what it's firing with
L325[07:59:58] <SolarShrieking> getHand()?
L326[08:00:14] <SolarShrieking> oh look at that
L327[08:00:28] <SolarShrieking> MAIN_HAND in one, OFF_HAND in the other.
L328[08:00:37] <SolarShrieking> even though there's nothing in my off hand
L329[08:01:01] <PhantomPhreak> it still fires, so you'll have to handle that
L330[08:01:08] <PhantomPhreak> or just let them both fire
L331[08:01:30] <SolarShrieking> I wouldn't have ever thought of that. post-1.7 scrub
L332[08:01:53] <PhantomPhreak> I haven't touched anything outside of the base mod class in 1.8+ lol
L333[08:02:23] <SolarShrieking> xD
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L335[08:04:39] <SolarShrieking> && e.getHand().equals(EnumHand.OFF_HAND) #WalksAway
L336[08:04:51] <SolarShrieking> woops, meant MAIN_HAND
L337[08:04:52] <SolarShrieking> ffs
L338[08:05:01] <PhantomPhreak> but
L339[08:05:08] <PhantomPhreak> why limit it to just the main hand
L340[08:05:16] <PhantomPhreak> why not USE the main hand
L341[08:05:30] <SolarShrieking> hm?
L342[08:05:37] <PhantomPhreak> s/main/off
L343[08:05:58] <SolarShrieking> because, the off hand is silly
L344[08:06:33] <PhantomPhreak> still
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L358[08:44:22] <Xilef11> could someone help me improve this https://gist.github.com/Xilef11/82205f9d006ff18e2112f6d15ba7653b
L359[08:53:00] <LatvianModder> WHAT. IS. THAT
L360[08:54:11] <LatvianModder> Does it HAVE to scan items?
L361[08:54:32] <LatvianModder> Why cant it store color and just change it on rightclick?
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L365[08:59:07] <Xilef11> it has to detect items, yes. the ugliness comes from using the oredict for dyes :/
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L369[09:19:56] <FusionLord> anyone have any ideas of how to make this smoother... http://puu.sh/pPWR1/e280908662.jpg
L370[09:20:05] <FusionLord> top left corner
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L372[09:21:48] <Coolway99> so question
L373[09:22:04] <Coolway99> should config checking be methods or variables?
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L376[09:24:12] <sham1> Coolway, why not both
L377[09:24:49] <Coolway99> also, another question
L378[09:25:23] <Coolway99> with capabilities, should it be "hasCap" then "getCap", or is "getCap" then a null check better?
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L380[09:28:07] <sham1> I'd rather use hasCap and getCaö
L381[09:28:17] <abab9579> Is there a way to get code on runtime on Minecraft? Without coremodding.
L382[09:30:42] <FusionLord> hmm... seems pointless for InGameGuiForge.renderFood to be public static if the draw method always overrides it :/
L383[09:30:57] <Ordinastie_> abab9579, what do you mean ?
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L385[09:31:23] <LatvianModder> FusionLord: you could try enabling smooth lines with GL
L386[09:31:42] <abab9579> I mean doing ASM inspection on Runtime.
L387[09:31:46] <LatvianModder> But disable them after drawing, because it will screw with everything else
L388[09:32:03] <abab9579> Basically I just want to check if a method is calling another method.
L389[09:32:07] <LatvianModder> abab9579: that sounds like.. a core mod
L390[09:33:18] <abab9579> Oh, no..
L391[09:33:27] <FusionLord> LatvianModder, Thanks but that doesn't seem to make any difference...
L392[09:34:04] <Ordinastie_> FusionLord, not sure what you meant, but static methods can't be overriden
L393[09:34:08] <abab9579> I thought coremod should only for the cases when modification is needed.
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L395[09:35:03] <FusionLord> Ordinastie_, who said anything about a method?
L396[09:35:21] <Ordinastie_> same with fields
L397[09:36:16] <FusionLord> what I mean with override was the value
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L400[09:38:26] <FusionLord> line 92 of InGameGuiForge always overrides the value of renderFood ignoring what it may have been set to.
L401[09:39:14] <masa> abab9579: umm, break points?
L402[09:40:05] <gigaherz|work> FusionLord: you mean overwrites ;P
L403[09:40:37] <Ordinastie_> I would look, but I don't even have that class
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L405[09:40:51] <gigaherz|work> he means GuiIngameForge
L406[09:41:28] <gigaherz|work> (I guess)
L407[09:41:33] <abab9579> Well, I need it on runtime on Minecraft.
L408[09:41:34] <Ordinastie_> he did
L409[09:42:06] <gigaherz|work> abab9579: what?
L410[09:42:10] <gigaherz|work> you mean outside dev?
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L412[09:42:36] <gigaherz|work> then yes, you'd need to make a coremod
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L414[09:42:43] <gigaherz|work> that hooks into the caller
L415[09:42:50] <gigaherz|work> and notifies you that the call is about to happen
L416[09:43:10] <FusionLord> same thing :P
L417[09:43:59] <gigaherz|work> or in other words: you can't just do some magic that tells you when a method calls another, that's something the debugging engine does
L418[09:44:07] <gigaherz|work> which means you'd need to attach a debugger externally
L419[09:44:22] <gigaherz|work> (or internally, but not sure how that would work)
L420[09:44:37] <Ordinastie_> concretely, what are you trying to do?
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L423[09:54:28] <abab9579> So any inspection on the codes are impossible?
L424[09:55:22] <abab9579> Since originally ASM allows code inspection without modification.
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L428[09:59:28] <abab9579> + What I want to try is check if some WorldProvider added by mods just adds some behavior to vanilla or it completely overrides vanilla implementation, on WorldProvider#updateWeather().
L429[09:59:46] <abab9579> (This is, really, why I need Capabilities for World)
L430[10:02:01] <gigaherz|work> well I don't know if you can manually somehow call the ASM functions to analyze a class that has already been loaded
L431[10:02:07] <gigaherz|work> it's just not something any of us has done, I guess
L432[10:02:11] <gigaherz|work> either way, time for me to leave work
L433[10:02:12] <gigaherz|work> later
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L444[10:15:09] <FusionLord> the Icons spritesheet doesn't have TextureAtlasSprite map does it?
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L449[10:33:50] <Coolway99> this is one of the most confusing bugs...
L450[10:34:08] <Coolway99> the client container isn't talking to the server container
L451[10:34:11] <Coolway99> and I don't know why
L452[10:34:52] <ghz|afk> [17:14] (FusionLord): the Icons spritesheet doesn't have TextureAtlasSprite map does it?
L453[10:34:54] <ghz|afk> wat
L454[10:35:23] <ghz|afk> before 1.8, there were two atlas textures, one for icons, and one for blocks, and yes, each one had its own collection of TextureAtlasSprite, which would implement IIcon
L455[10:35:32] <ghz|afk> but that's not a thing anymore since 1.8
L456[10:36:00] <FusionLord> The HUD icons sprite sheet, and TextureAtlasSprite contains all the information for an entry on the sprite sheet
L457[10:36:27] <FusionLord> I was just curious if there as a map of them to access them easier
L458[10:38:19] <abab9579> Such a classloaders; Anyway, getting bytes for certain class was easy enough.
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L460[10:42:41] <ghz|afk> oh
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L462[10:42:48] <ghz|afk> you mean the texture that has the GUI stuff
L463[10:42:49] <ghz|afk> yeah no
L464[10:43:00] <ghz|afk> that's not an atlas like the other one
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L479[11:04:27] ⇨ Joins: Ward0w (kiwiirc@LFbn-1-6044-76.w90-110.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L480[11:04:35] <Ward0w> Hi
L481[11:04:52] <Ward0w> Where can I find a list of available events ?
L482[11:06:19] ⇨ Joins: Nitrodev (~Nitrodev@87-92-75-66.bb.dnainternet.fi)
L483[11:06:39] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L484[11:07:08] <williewillus> in your IDE go to the Event class and show all subclkasses
L485[11:07:29] <HellSinker74> I like clkasses :)
L486[11:07:56] <Ward0w> in what folder is it located ?
L487[11:08:29] <williewillus> go to class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.Event
L488[11:08:33] <williewillus> all Events subclass of that class
L489[11:08:39] <williewillus> *Events are subclasses
L490[11:11:26] <Ward0w> I'm probably stupid but I don't find it ...
L491[11:11:42] <williewillus> use your ide to open the class
L492[11:11:45] <williewillus> Ctrl+N in idea
L493[11:12:23] <Ward0w> But i've to know where the class is to open it
L494[11:12:27] <gigaherz> no
L495[11:12:33] <gigaherz> press shift twice
L496[11:12:36] <gigaherz> it will open a small window
L497[11:12:41] <gigaherz> then enter "Event.java"
L498[11:12:48] <williewillus> ctrl+n works better for that since it only shows classes :P
L499[11:13:02] <gigaherz> yeah but double-shift is awesome so it's worth teaching
L500[11:13:02] <gigaherz> ;P
L501[11:15:18] <Ward0w> Does it works on eclipse ?
L502[11:15:25] <williewillus> ctrl shift t i think
L503[11:15:30] <abab9579> Finally; http://imgur.com/l75ge2W got it.
L504[11:15:32] <abab9579> https://github.com/Abastro/BetterRain/blob/master/src/main/java/org/blockartistry/mod/DynSurround/world/WorldProviderWeatherHandle.java
L505[11:16:28] <kenzierocks> yes, ctrl+shift+t for eclipse
L506[11:16:33] <kenzierocks> or cmd on osx
L507[11:16:47] <Ward0w> Ctrl shift T works , but when i type Event there is a lot of different classes
L508[11:17:07] <kenzierocks> it tells you where they come from
L509[11:17:17] <kenzierocks> pick one and find out
L510[11:20:15] <Ward0w> easy to say
L511[11:20:47] <kenzierocks> yea, because it is https://i.imgur.com/rEAS71O.png
L512[11:21:07] <kenzierocks> it literally states what package it's in
L513[11:21:11] <williewillus> I already tokld you which event to go
L514[11:21:18] <williewillus> net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler look for it
L515[11:22:40] <Ward0w> williewillus: nothing came out when i search that
L516[11:22:50] <williewillus> >_<
L517[11:22:54] <williewillus> search for "Event"
L518[11:22:59] <williewillus> then pick the one I told you from the list
L519[11:23:01] <williewillus> its not hard
L520[11:23:50] <gigaherz> Ward0w: you search for even, then look for one that shows " net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler" on the right? how's that so complicated?
L521[11:23:50] <gigaherz> XD
L522[11:23:53] <gigaherz> Event*
L523[11:25:34] <Ward0w> maybe i'm blinf, or maybe it'sn ot in the list https://framapic.org/lhmJF7iRZmkY/WaqlzRlhw7Vr.png
L524[11:25:37] <Ward0w> blind*
L525[11:25:56] <kenzierocks> oh, you're on 1.7.10
L526[11:26:19] <kenzierocks> cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler i think
L527[11:26:23] <Ward0w> oh yeah sorry,I should have said that
L528[11:26:48] <gigaherz> yep
L529[11:26:54] <gigaherz> if you are on anything older than 1.9.4, say it.
L530[11:27:14] <LatvianModder> Need help with bits.. so if I have a number = 2 | 4 | 8 | 64; how do I check if it contains bit 8? number & 8 != 0?
L531[11:27:18] <kenzierocks> yea
L532[11:27:25] <kenzierocks> wait, bit 8 ?
L533[11:27:28] <kenzierocks> or the number 8
L534[11:27:36] <LatvianModder> well.. number I guess
L535[11:27:37] <gigaherz> if oyu want to test for he bit that has value 8
L536[11:27:42] <gigaherz> yes value&8 != 0
L537[11:27:43] <LatvianModder> test
L538[11:27:46] <LatvianModder> ok, thanks
L539[11:27:58] <gigaherz> but the bit with value 8 is bit 3: bit 0 is 1, bit 1 is 2, bit 2 is 4, bit 3 is 8
L540[11:28:05] <gigaherz> 2^N
L541[11:28:25] <LatvianModder> so... flags & 8 != 0, not flags & 3 != 0, right?
L542[11:28:46] <gigaherz> yes
L543[11:28:53] <LatvianModder> oke
L544[11:28:55] <gigaherz> bitvalue = (1<<bitnumber)
L545[11:29:01] <gigaherz> so technically
L546[11:29:02] <LatvianModder> BUT
L547[11:29:08] <gigaherz> (1<<3)==8
L548[11:29:33] <LatvianModder> if the number was byte (-128 to 127), I have to (flags & 0xFF) first, or no?
L549[11:29:50] <kenzierocks> no, it will perform int promotion
L550[11:29:51] <gigaherz> no
L551[11:30:05] <gigaherz> only if you want to check values >=128
L552[11:30:29] <LatvianModder> ah, right. and 0xFFFF for short, 8 x F for int, etc
L553[11:31:00] <gigaherz> actually bit 7 would still work
L554[11:31:27] <gigaherz> since it's just sign-extending
L555[11:31:36] <LatvianModder> I always think of last bit as "mark this number positive if 0 and negative if 1" :P
L556[11:31:48] <gigaherz> it is, sortofg
L557[11:32:03] <gigaherz> there's multiple ways to do negatives with bits
L558[11:32:04] <LatvianModder> negative - 1 :P
L559[11:32:21] <LatvianModder> I will probably have to learn bits n stuff in uni.. oh boy
L560[11:32:25] <gigaherz> the most simple to understand would be sign-magnitude
L561[11:32:29] <LatvianModder> I signed up for uni today btw.. adulting!
L562[11:32:32] <gigaherz> where one bit is reserved for the sign
L563[11:32:36] <gigaherz> independenctly of the number
L564[11:32:45] <gigaherz> so there would be 0..127
L565[11:32:50] <gigaherz> and -0 to -127
L566[11:33:02] <gigaherz> but sign-magnitude is hard to process by the hardware
L567[11:33:06] <gigaherz> so it's never really used
L568[11:33:07] <LatvianModder> -1 to -128, not?
L569[11:33:09] <gigaherz> no
L570[11:33:15] <gigaherz> sign-magnitude would have two zeros
L571[11:33:17] <gigaherz> then
L572[11:33:23] <gigaherz> the next syustem would be "one's complement"
L573[11:33:25] <gigaherz> in which
L574[11:33:36] <Ward0w> is there an event like playerMoveEvent in 1.7.10 ?
L575[11:33:37] <gigaherz> the negative value is the same as positive, with the bits inverted
L576[11:33:44] <gigaherz> which still has that same issue
L577[11:33:46] <gigaherz> of two zeros
L578[11:33:52] <gigaherz> and still needs special hardware treatment
L579[11:34:08] <LatvianModder> so, hardware takes care of all magic behind it?
L580[11:34:17] <gigaherz> so they developed "two's complement", in which the negatives are offset by one
L581[11:34:29] <gigaherz> the fun thing: it needs no special handling for adding/subtracting
L582[11:34:31] <gigaherz> it just works
L583[11:34:40] <gigaherz> you can do unsigned add/subtract with two's complement
L584[11:34:44] <gigaherz> without special hardware for it
L585[11:35:01] <gigaherz> sure, the negatives have a different range than the positives
L586[11:35:14] <LatvianModder> so, number + 1 is actually magical bit shifting?
L587[11:35:14] <gigaherz> but it only has one zero, and no special hardware support for addition/subtraction
L588[11:35:21] <gigaherz> ofc
L589[11:35:29] <gigaherz> there's a logic circuit called a "half adder"
L590[11:35:46] <gigaherz> which computes the sum of two bits
L591[11:35:53] <gigaherz> and then an extended circuit called a "full adder"
L592[11:36:05] <gigaherz> which rather than one output bit
L593[11:36:15] <gigaherz> it has two inputs, carry-in
L594[11:36:17] <gigaherz> and carry-out
L595[11:36:24] <gigaherz> so you can chain multiple full adders
L596[11:36:43] <gigaherz> and get a circuit that performs both unsigned and two's complement sums
L597[11:37:08] <gigaherz> [18:36] (gigaherz): it has two inputs, carry-in
L598[11:37:08] <gigaherz> [18:36] (gigaherz): and carry-out
L599[11:37:14] <LatvianModder> Previously only I have worked with bits using bitshifter chips. to make led matrix work super easy
L600[11:37:16] <gigaherz> I mean it has 3 actual inputs, and 2 actual outputs ;P
L601[11:37:30] <gigaherz> bit shifting is used in multiplication
L602[11:37:35] <gigaherz> not in adding
L603[11:37:37] <LatvianModder> << 2?
L604[11:37:51] <gigaherz> number<<1 is the same as number*2
L605[11:37:51] <LatvianModder> << was smth like * 2, but magical
L606[11:37:55] <LatvianModder> ah
L607[11:38:06] <gigaherz> number<<2 is the same as number*4
L608[11:38:09] <gigaherz> so
L609[11:38:13] <gigaherz> if you want to multiply by 5
L610[11:38:16] <gigaherz> it's actually 4 + 1
L611[11:38:17] <gigaherz> so
L612[11:38:20] <gigaherz> number<<2 + number
L613[11:38:26] <gigaherz> gives you number*5
L614[11:38:39] <LatvianModder> https://github.com/LatvianModder/LatLib/blob/master/src/main/java/com/latmod/lib/io/Bits.java#L37-L57
L615[11:38:46] <gigaherz> so
L616[11:38:56] <LatvianModder> This is a helper I wrote, because Im terrible at remembering which side << >> is which :P
L617[11:38:56] <gigaherz> if you have a circuit that can perform shifts and additions in a "loop"
L618[11:39:01] <gigaherz> you have a multiplication unit
L619[11:39:06] <gigaherz> ofc that's rather slow
L620[11:39:14] <gigaherz> so modern multiplication units have multiple shifters
L621[11:40:04] <gigaherz> imagine
L622[11:40:37] <gigaherz> a unit that can do <<3, <<2, <<1 in parallel, and then optionally sum those numbers along with the input, based on a bit pattern
L623[11:40:55] <gigaherz> then for byte*byte, you only need to run that twice
L624[11:41:35] <gigaherz> but the second time, rather than inputting B you input the B>>4 as the bit pattern
L625[11:41:44] <gigaherz> so you can do the multiplication in 2 cycles rather than 8
L626[11:42:18] <gigaherz> the more shifters you have, the more costly the hardware is, though
L627[11:42:40] <kenzierocks> but in minecraft, there is no cost!
L628[11:42:44] <kenzierocks> build a million!
L629[11:42:56] <LatvianModder> so, back to where I started.. in number 7, num&1 != 0 == true, num&2 != 0 == true, num&4 != 0 == true, num&8 != 0 == false, right?
L630[11:43:13] <gigaherz> yes
L631[11:43:19] <gigaherz> 7 in binary is 111
L632[11:43:27] <gigaherz> 4 in binary is 100
L633[11:43:29] <LatvianModder> kenzierocks: thanks to this philosophy, we have FTB Infinity, which runs, for most, at 8 fps :P
L634[11:43:35] <gigaherz> so 111&100==100
L635[11:43:38] <gigaherz> which is true
L636[11:43:40] <gigaherz> while
L637[11:43:44] <gigaherz> 8 in binary is 1000
L638[11:43:45] <gigaherz> and
L639[11:43:49] <gigaherz> 0111&1000=0000
L640[11:43:52] <kenzierocks> LatvianModder: i was talking about building a cpu in minecraft, but lol :P
L641[11:43:55] <gigaherz> which is false
L642[11:45:29] <LatvianModder> kenzierocks: still my fav convo on minecraft performance: http://pastebin.com/tRkFs8g0
L643[11:46:41] <gigaherz> I used to think Minecraft runs like crap
L644[11:46:45] <FusionLord> easy to understand? :P http://puu.sh/pQ4KQ/c530d39aee.jpg
L645[11:46:49] <gigaherz> then I started writing a proof of concept minecraft clone
L646[11:46:55] <gigaherz> I don't think Minecraft runs like crap anymore
L647[11:46:55] <gigaherz> XD
L648[11:46:58] <LatvianModder> FusionLord: I approve
L649[11:47:09] <kenzierocks> dangit LatvianModder and gigaherz, now i want to make a calculator in minecraft again...
L650[11:47:10] <LatvianModder> Will there be an API?
L651[11:47:23] <FusionLord> just noticed a missing pixel on the food icon
L652[11:47:33] <LatvianModder> :O
L653[11:47:42] <gigaherz> kenzierocks: that sounds painful
L654[11:47:45] <kenzierocks> gigaherz: they've really improved the performance of minecraft
L655[11:47:50] <FusionLord> ^
L656[11:47:51] <kenzierocks> it's actually decent
L657[11:47:59] <kenzierocks> also it is not painful because worldedit
L658[11:48:03] ⇦ Quits: Ward0w (kiwiirc@LFbn-1-6044-76.w90-110.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
L659[11:48:07] <gigaherz> kenzierocks: yes, but compare it with MC Win10 edition
L660[11:48:07] ⇦ Quits: pknad505 (~pknad505@host213-123-224-107.in-addr.btopenworld.com) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L661[11:48:12] <gigaherz> worldgen takes a fraction of a second
L662[11:48:34] <FusionLord> then rewrite worldgen with forge :P
L663[11:48:40] <gigaherz> and it can handle stupid view ranges without sweat
L664[11:48:40] <kenzierocks> i assume the Win10 edition was built without all the cruft of a 7 year old game?
L665[11:48:46] <gigaherz> yup
L666[11:48:47] <gigaherz> and it's C++
L667[11:48:53] <kenzierocks> that doesn't mean shit
L668[11:48:55] <gigaherz> and it uses proper graphics features
L669[11:49:01] <gigaherz> it does
L670[11:49:11] <gigaherz> because they can cheat ;p
L671[11:49:21] <kenzierocks> and by "proper graphics features" do you mean directx?
L672[11:49:32] <williewillus> that point doesn't work
L673[11:49:34] <gigaherz> no I mean shaders and such
L674[11:49:36] <williewillus> it only uses DX on windows
L675[11:49:40] <williewillus> openGL everywhere else
L676[11:49:45] <kenzierocks> what williewillus
L677[11:49:48] <kenzierocks> the win10 version?
L678[11:49:53] <gigaherz> modern DX and modern opengl aren't that different
L679[11:49:58] <williewillus> you think dx exists on Android? :P
L680[11:49:58] <kenzierocks> except threading
L681[11:50:05] <williewillus> the w10 codebase is nearly identical to PE
L682[11:50:09] <williewillus> just more xbox crap slapped on
L683[11:50:13] <kenzierocks> lol
L684[11:50:22] <gigaherz> yeh
L685[11:50:29] <gigaherz> it's "mcpe win10 edition"
L686[11:50:30] <gigaherz> ;P
L687[11:50:33] <williewillus> if you look at w10 edition's assets fodler you can see both openGL and DX shaders
L688[11:50:41] <gigaherz> they made the GUIs work a lot like the java one, though
L689[11:50:42] <kenzierocks> when can we start adopting vulkan
L690[11:50:43] <gigaherz> which is nice
L691[11:50:51] <gigaherz> vulkan lol
L692[11:50:54] <williewillus> gigaherz: meh it's not exactly the same
L693[11:51:00] <williewillus> which bothers me a lot more than if they just made it different
L694[11:51:07] <gigaherz> mc has issues making use of opengl1.x features
L695[11:51:09] <williewillus> it feels awkward
L696[11:51:28] <gigaherz> last time I used it, it didn't feel awkward to me
L697[11:51:39] <williewillus> you know how nitpicky I amwith those kinds of things lol
L698[11:52:03] <gigaherz> oh hey they changed the main menu?
L699[11:52:09] <williewillus> ffs I get irritated when the particles aren't consistent between the two versions :P
L700[11:52:17] <gigaherz> yeah but like
L701[11:52:24] <gigaherz> the furnace and such
L702[11:52:33] <gigaherz> used to have the icon on the output slot bigger than the inputs
L703[11:52:35] <gigaherz> that was fixed
L704[11:53:07] <gigaherz> the only real difference in the gui right now, is the "X" button on the topright
L705[11:53:36] <gigaherz> I retract that, the tooltips are slightly broken
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L708[11:59:43] <FusionLord> 3d HUD... https://youtu.be/yIJM84LRRzI
L709[11:59:57] <williewillus> y
L710[12:00:06] <FusionLord> y not
L711[12:00:14] <williewillus> coolness ^ usefulness vvv
L712[12:00:15] <williewillus> :P
L713[12:00:26] <gigaherz> that's.. highly annoyng XD
L714[12:00:49] <williewillus> reminds of that whole time around 2007 where every wanted 3d effects
L715[12:00:51] <gigaherz> it may be useful in building a VR mod
L716[12:01:00] <gigaherz> but if it spins like that all the time, nope.
L717[12:01:04] <williewillus> which spawned stuff like vista's aero :P
L718[12:01:09] <gigaherz> Aero was nice
L719[12:01:15] <williewillus> it is
L720[12:01:22] <gigaherz> it allowed me to see stuff moving behind the current window
L721[12:01:22] <gigaherz> ;P
L722[12:01:40] <gigaherz> and it brought realtime thumbnails on the taskbar.
L723[12:02:02] <williewillus> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIaNKB_eakM
L724[12:04:31] ⇦ Quits: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-135-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L725[12:05:37] <FusionLord> with back side https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fi1-rbiNW08&feature=youtu.be
L726[12:06:05] <FusionLord> just messisng with things... original idea make it render on the player's hand
L727[12:06:10] <williewillus> that makes less sense lol
L728[12:06:47] <FusionLord> like a watch
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L737[12:43:18] <justJanne> If you require people to identify before joining, could you *please* either migrate to a network that supports SASL, or make the EsperNet guys support it?
L738[12:44:02] <justJanne> It's a huge hassle ending up in #RegisterYourNameMoron every single time just because some moron (to reuse the insult) decided to make a +r channel on a network without SASL
L739[12:44:29] <Rushmead> Capabilties or IInventory for Inventorys in 1.10.2?
L740[12:44:45] *** kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L741[12:45:46] <Coolway99> Capabilities
L742[12:47:03] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L743[12:49:39] <Inari> hi, is there some good explanation of how the whole block/item stuff works in 1.9? (what unlocalized name is used for, what registry name is used for, how it finds the blockstate files and so on)
L744[12:49:51] <williewillus> justJanne: SASL worked fine for me?
L745[12:49:56] <williewillus> but nowadays I usea bouncer
L746[12:49:58] <TehNut> Unlocalized names are used for localization (translating between languages)
L747[12:49:58] <williewillus> but I recall it working
L748[12:50:11] <TehNut> Registry names are used as a frontend for numeric ID's
L749[12:50:59] ⇦ Quits: williewillus (williewill@Get.A.Free.Bouncer.At.PanicBNC.com) (Quit: Bye!)
L750[12:51:18] <PaleoCrafter> huh, wasn't there an RTD article on that topic?
L751[12:51:43] ⇨ Joins: williewillus (~williewil@cpe-24-28-24-13.austin.res.rr.com)
L752[12:51:51] <Inari> well thats one part, also like how the blockstate is tied in or such stuff :f if not i guess i'll have ot look through MC or forge code
L753[12:51:52] <TehNut> http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/blocks/blocks/
L754[12:51:53] <gigaherz> justJanne: I have been using sasl for at least a year
L755[12:51:53] <gigaherz> ;P
L756[12:51:54] <williewillus> justJanne: just tried it https://gyazo.com/2a5354749e5a99107a851ff09746b459
L757[12:51:54] <justJanne> williewillus: "CAP: SASL authentication failed" and "CAP: SASL authentication aborted"
L758[12:52:00] <justJanne> It definitely doesn't work here.
L759[12:52:08] <gigaherz> [20:48] gigaherz!gigaherz@105.red-88-6-85.staticip.rima-tde.net gigaherz You are now logged in as gigaherz.
L760[12:52:08] <gigaherz> [20:48] SASL authentication successful
L761[12:52:18] <williewillus> check your client I guess
L762[12:52:19] <gigaherz> are you using PLAIN auth?
L763[12:52:19] <kenzierocks> i know i use SASL for znc
L764[12:52:21] <justJanne> I'll try again
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L768[12:52:56] <justJanne> hm, does seem to work.
L769[12:52:57] <TehNut> Inari: The blockstate (for blocks) is blockstates/registryname.json
L770[12:52:58] <justJanne> Maybe quassel just required an update.
L771[12:53:04] <justJanne> for the past few months, it's not worked a single time
L772[12:53:19] <Inari> TehNut: and it in turn seems to specify the model, which specifies the textures?
L773[12:53:36] <TehNut> http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/blockstates/states/
L774[12:53:43] <Inari> yeah, looking at that now :P
L775[12:53:46] <justJanne> thanks anyway, that makes even being on this channel a few times easier
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L778[12:57:47] <Inari> TehNut: okay, makes sense ^^ icons for blocks seem to have been removed? or at least i dont see any iconregister anymore
L779[12:58:02] <TehNut> All of it is through the blockstate/model file
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L781[12:58:59] <Inari> hm, coudlnt find any example of icons in blockstate or such, but will look further
L782[12:59:18] <williewillus> has the state rtd + rendering gist been linked yet? xD
L783[12:59:35] <williewillus> I should get on with Edition 2 of that gist
L784[12:59:37] <Inari> havent seen a rendering gist
L785[12:59:45] <williewillus> https://gist.github.com/williewillus/57d7093efa80163e96e0
L786[12:59:53] <PaleoCrafter> Edition 2 being an RTD article, williewillus? :P
L787[12:59:56] <williewillus> yes
L788[13:00:05] <PaleoCrafter> gud
L789[13:00:09] <williewillus> PaleoCrafter: https://gist.github.com/williewillus/425f0b0187d0b084afb14f9d24ce5546
L790[13:01:20] <PaleoCrafter> gud²
L791[13:04:51] <Inari> well, look good will have to look through that properly ^^ but before that: what happend to onBlockPreDestroy?
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L794[13:11:03] <williewillus> probably got renamed
L795[13:11:07] <williewillus> !mh onBlockPreDestroy
L796[13:11:16] <Inari> yeah but i cant find anything named like it :D
L797[13:11:18] <williewillus> eh guess that wouldn't work because blockpos
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L799[13:12:42] <williewillus> oh it's just gone
L800[13:12:45] <williewillus> vanilla got rid of it
L801[13:12:56] <williewillus> comparing the code in Chunk where it used to be called
L802[13:13:05] <Inari> ah :f
L803[13:13:39] <williewillus> breakblock is called like right after though so it should be able to substitute
L804[13:14:06] <Inari> it was used to make the tile entitiy drop its contents when its blockcontainer is broken
L805[13:14:15] <williewillus> yeah that's in breakblock now
L806[13:14:15] <PaleoCrafter> yeah, use breakBlock
L807[13:14:20] <Inari> okay, thanks
L808[13:14:29] <williewillus> and also don't use BlockContainer
L809[13:14:38] <Inari> all the changes
L810[13:14:39] <Inari> :D
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L813[13:18:01] <Inari> hm, another question i cant seem to have much look with googling... how to generate the forge javadocs?
L814[13:18:13] <PaleoCrafter> why would you want to? :P
L815[13:18:15] <williewillus> we used to generate them but not anymore
L816[13:18:24] <williewillus> they're mostly useless when you're not in IDE
L817[13:18:27] <Inari> PaleoCrafter: to see all events of block, and comments to the events
L818[13:18:39] <williewillus> just do it in the ide
L819[13:18:56] <williewillus> afaik we got rid of it because it took so much space and no one ever used them
L820[13:19:21] <Inari> sure, just thought maybe there was a way for the user to generate them
L821[13:19:52] <Inari> i generally find a website format more informative, especailly when intellij again decides to not want to show me what i want to see
L822[13:20:42] <williewillus> !gm func_175690_a
L823[13:20:50] <PaleoCrafter> learn to use your tools properly then :P
L824[13:21:27] <Inari> :P well time to figure out how to find a list of block events then
L825[13:21:41] <Inari> that isnt just decompiled bytecode
L826[13:21:47] <williewillus> uhh
L827[13:21:51] <PaleoCrafter> use setupDecompWorkspace
L828[13:21:52] <williewillus> you should have the source
L829[13:21:52] <PaleoCrafter> god dammit xD
L830[13:21:53] <williewillus> ^
L831[13:22:19] <Inari> does that work again? I recall people using setupDevWorksapce
L832[13:22:21] <Inari> since Decomp failed
L833[13:22:33] <williewillus> it was broken for max 1 week
L834[13:22:34] <williewillus> lol
L835[13:22:40] <PaleoCrafter> and that was aeons ago :P
L836[13:22:41] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|away
L837[13:22:43] <Inari> well okay ten :p
L838[13:22:56] <Inari> i dont get all the new news!
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L840[13:23:07] <williewillus> i wonder where taht old news came from lol
L841[13:24:05] <Inari> think form someone in #oc who ported to 1.9 and found setupDevWorkspace worked, and some twitter, though i dont recall from who
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L846[13:33:09] <HellSinker74> who currently has the claim to the intellectual property of Sky Block? or has it been released into the public domain?
L847[13:33:24] <raoulvdberge> Is there a Optional.Property annotation?
L848[13:33:37] <williewillus> raoulvdberge: what would that be used for?
L849[13:33:47] <raoulvdberge> hm so this is the problem
L850[13:33:49] <Inari> williewillus: did you mean onBlockDestroyedByPlayer/onBlockDestroyedByExplosion? cant find onBlockBreak
L851[13:33:51] <raoulvdberge> i'm using IC2's BasicSink
L852[13:33:57] <raoulvdberge> which is a property on a TE
L853[13:33:59] <williewillus> Inari: Block.breakBlock
L854[13:34:08] <williewillus> what is a "property" :P
L855[13:34:10] <raoulvdberge> class field
L856[13:34:17] <williewillus> you mean a blockstate property?
L857[13:34:29] <Inari> ah... confusing that it isnt an event haha :p thanks
L858[13:34:30] <raoulvdberge> no a field in a class lol
L859[13:34:40] <williewillus> call them fields lol
L860[13:34:43] <williewillus> and no
L861[13:34:54] <raoulvdberge> so what do I do then, for the BasicSink at least
L862[13:35:05] <williewillus> you never finished waht your problem was xD
L863[13:35:24] <raoulvdberge> well I need IC2's BasicSink
L864[13:35:25] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:2c46:ba9a:f06f:cb9e)
L865[13:35:27] <raoulvdberge> but when IC2 isn't loaded
L866[13:35:29] <raoulvdberge> it'll crash
L867[13:35:33] <raoulvdberge> because BasicSink doesn't exist
L868[13:35:36] <PaleoCrafter> so you want a soft dependency :P
L869[13:35:40] <williewillus> yeah :P
L870[13:35:44] <raoulvdberge> how do I do that?
L871[13:35:52] <raoulvdberge> bundle it in my jar?
L872[13:35:55] <williewillus> no
L873[13:36:09] <williewillus> or well, is BasicSink part of the ic2 api?
L874[13:36:13] <williewillus> or the proper mod
L875[13:36:15] <raoulvdberge> yes
L876[13:36:19] <raoulvdberge> part of api
L877[13:36:50] <PaleoCrafter> I'd create my own interface exposing the necessary methods, create a field of that type and initialise that field with a delegating implementation if IC2 is present, a dummy otherwise
L878[13:36:50] <williewillus> you need to do the soft-depending on a class level
L879[13:36:55] <williewillus> ^
L880[13:37:08] <raoulvdberge> good idea
L881[13:37:40] <PaleoCrafter> could even add some fallback behaviour to the dummy
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L883[13:46:49] <HellSinker74> what I'm trying to get at is - if I started a project called Open Sky Block in say Unity 5 or something will I have any concerns legally?
L884[13:47:52] <HellSinker74> guess this is the wrong place perhaps :(
L885[13:48:08] <TehNut> this is a modding channel, why would we know
L886[13:48:41] <HellSinker74> I was really hoping someone here would know who to contact - hence the original question...
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L888[13:52:07] <gigaherz> HellSinker74:
L889[13:52:09] <Inari> okay, last quesiton fro today :D world.markBlockForUpdate is world.scheduleBlockUpdate now? or notiftBlockUpdate?
L890[13:52:12] <gigaherz> will you be copying code from MC?
L891[13:52:15] <williewillus> notifyBlockUpdate
L892[13:52:17] <gigaherz> will you be copying textures from MC?
L893[13:52:23] <HellSinker74> no
L894[13:52:29] <gigaherz> then you are ok
L895[13:52:50] <HellSinker74> ty
L896[13:52:53] <gigaherz> mc isn't patented
L897[13:53:08] <gigaherz> in fact, in the country where mojang resides, there aren't even software patents per se
L898[13:53:15] <gigaherz> so it's all about copyright
L899[13:53:15] <HellSinker74> marching cubes was for a while ...
L900[13:53:26] <gigaherz> mc isn't marching cubes
L901[13:53:29] <Inari> okies, thanks
L902[13:53:30] <HellSinker74> I know
L903[13:53:45] <gigaherz> and the point of copyright is about making copies of the data, not about replicating the "feel"
L904[13:53:49] <HellSinker74> I don't know how they go away with that though
L905[13:53:50] <gigaherz> that's called being part of the genre
L906[13:54:06] <williewillus> ...the hell?
L907[13:54:12] <williewillus> theres a block in TF
L908[13:54:14] <gigaherz> just look at all the mc "clones" on the android store
L909[13:54:17] <williewillus> that prics you when you click it
L910[13:54:20] <gigaherz> and on steam
L911[13:54:25] <gigaherz> williewillus: lol
L912[13:54:26] <HellSinker74> ye
L913[13:54:26] <williewillus> but instead of pricking you in onClick it schedules a tick
L914[13:54:33] <williewillus> and pricks you in updaetTick
L915[13:54:37] <williewillus> by checking if youre swinging
L916[13:54:39] <williewillus> ????
L917[13:54:42] <gigaherz> wat XD
L918[13:54:43] <diesieben07> haha
L919[13:54:56] <diesieben07> there are people that dont know onBlockClicked exists
L920[13:55:17] <gigaherz> but it must use onBlockClicked to schedule?
L921[13:55:19] <williewillus> but it's implemented, and schedules an update
L922[13:55:22] <gigaherz> :/
L923[13:55:24] <williewillus> mightve been tacked on
L924[13:55:30] <williewillus> theres commented out modloader code in the class so
L925[13:55:31] <williewillus> :P
L926[13:55:36] <gigaherz> lol
L927[13:57:00] <williewillus> ah I guess they want constant pricking while youre digging the block
L928[13:57:04] <williewillus> which onblockclicked doesnt provide
L929[13:57:07] <williewillus> but still
L930[14:00:03] <gigaherz> hmm I implemented reverse ambient occlusion by mistake XD
L931[14:02:13] <williewillus> !mh getMixedBrightnessForBlock
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L936[14:11:42] <gigaherz> SHIT, that's why it wasn't quite working -- it's still broken ¬¬
L937[14:12:32] <Dragroth> Hey im trying to spawn particles but i cant get it to work. vanilla particles; tried isRemote and !isRemote; Do need anything else besides the method "spawnParticle"?
L938[14:12:44] <williewillus> has to be on the client side
L939[14:12:46] <williewillus> and show code
L940[14:13:06] <Dragroth> its just one line:
L941[14:13:07] <Dragroth> worldObj.spawnParticle(EnumParticleTypes.getByName("reddust"), this.pos.getX(), this.pos.getY() + 1,
L942[14:13:07] <Dragroth> this.pos.getZ(), (float) 1.0 + worldObj.rand.nextFloat(), (float) 2.5 + worldObj.rand.nextFloat(),
L943[14:13:07] <Dragroth> (float) 1.0 + worldObj.rand.nextFloat());
L944[14:13:16] <diesieben07> why are you using getByName?!
L945[14:13:21] <diesieben07> and where is that code located?
L946[14:13:57] <Dragroth> its part of a method in a tileEntity, i just tried to use the get method
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L948[14:14:08] <diesieben07> What method? where is it called from?
L949[14:14:24] <diesieben07> in short, you need to call it on the client
L950[14:14:36] <williewillus> use the proepr enum instead of using hacks to preserve the old strings
L951[14:14:37] <diesieben07> "isRemote" won't help you if the code is never called on the client in the first place.
L952[14:14:48] <williewillus> thats how you get codebases like this nice one I'm working on right now
L953[14:14:53] <diesieben07> haha
L954[14:15:21] <Dragroth> ^^ i just tried everything :D thats why i used it^^
L955[14:15:30] <williewillus> EnumParticleTypes.REDSTONE
L956[14:15:50] <diesieben07> Show your whole TE class.
L957[14:15:55] <diesieben07> on pastebin or something
L958[14:16:04] <kenzierocks> i really appreciate ProjectRed's frames
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L960[14:16:25] <kenzierocks> i have a whole thing setup, and even though half of it is other mod stuff, it still moves it
L961[14:16:36] <kenzierocks> that's better than I could get with redpower.
L962[14:17:40] <Dragroth> http://pastebin.com/t27Sp4Uw
L963[14:18:05] <Dragroth> its called by a scheduled BlockUpdate
L964[14:18:09] <diesieben07> oh god.
L965[14:18:12] <diesieben07> Dont use usernames...
L966[14:18:15] <diesieben07> for a start.
L967[14:18:25] <diesieben07> and there you have it
L968[14:18:30] <diesieben07> scheduled block updates are entirely serverside.
L969[14:18:48] ⇨ Joins: OrionOnline (~OrionOnli@dslb-088-077-209-068.088.077.pools.vodafone-ip.de)
L970[14:18:52] <Dragroth> i started modding like 6 days ago. im sorry. :D
L971[14:19:29] <Dragroth> meh. :/ mb. but thank u ill try to...hm...redo everything :D
L972[14:19:30] <diesieben07> use a WeakReference<EntityPlayer> if you want to hold on to the player.
L973[14:20:42] <HellSinker74> @diesieben07 thanx for that info - I was wondering about that earlier...
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L976[14:23:30] <HellSinker74> funny thing - I see people log in; and I've been using their mods for years - would just like to say thanks to the community at large ;)
L977[14:23:32] <diesieben07> about what? :D
L978[14:23:38] <HellSinker74> WeakRef
L979[14:23:41] <diesieben07> Ah
L980[14:24:21] ⇨ Joins: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-135-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se)
L981[14:25:09] <PaleoCrafter> if you need to hold onto an ID of a player to identify them later on, use the UUID :P
L982[14:25:30] <PaleoCrafter> which would be more appropriate here, it seems
L983[14:25:32] <gigaherz> it's awesome the difference some shitty "ambient occlusion" causes on the visual quality
L984[14:25:45] <HellSinker74> I am still learning Java - but have background in C-family and know OOP like a natural
L985[14:26:10] <PaleoCrafter> screenshot, gigaherz? :P
L986[14:26:20] <diesieben07> WeakRef + UUID is what I would do
L987[14:26:30] <diesieben07> WeakRef for fast access and then the UUID in case they disappear
L988[14:27:27] <HellSinker74> I like Stellar Skies - but no one I know can use it (performance)
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L991[14:28:30] <gigaherz> PaleoCrafter: better
L992[14:28:30] <gigaherz> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/2016-07-03-2039-04.mp4
L993[14:28:31] <gigaherz> before
L994[14:28:37] <gigaherz> after: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/2016-07-04-2125-58.mp4
L995[14:28:49] <gigaherz> the AO isn't even correct
L996[14:28:56] <gigaherz> it doesn't handle the "outer edges"
L997[14:29:03] <gigaherz> so it looks weird
L998[14:29:04] <PaleoCrafter> definitely looks better, yeah
L999[14:29:20] <PaleoCrafter> by far not perfect, yep :P
L1000[14:30:24] <PaleoCrafter> I think the grass texture is too saturated, btw :P
L1001[14:30:40] <HellSinker74> @gigaherz: language/engine and platform?
L1002[14:30:47] <PaleoCrafter> or too high gamma or something
L1003[14:32:20] <HellSinker74> @PaleoCrafter: I'm guessing they are placeholder textures for testing code...
L1004[14:33:07] <PaleoCrafter> of course, I'll still complain about it :P
L1005[14:33:20] ⇦ Quits: Drullkus (~Dru11kus@2601:646:8301:ead3:a9d7:96d5:777f:20ea) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L1010[14:36:45] <gigaherz> HellSinker74: C#, MonoGame (I started it years ago on XNA, and undusted it the other day)
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L1014[14:42:39] <HellSinker74> @gigaherz how are you doing the textures, with an atlas, or per material per instance?
L1015[14:42:53] <HellSinker74> instance/subobject whatever
L1016[14:44:09] <HellSinker74> I've got to about the same point using Unity 5 - but I found out more recently you can apply materials per subobject, and there is no need for an atlas...
L1017[14:44:44] <HellSinker74> before then - I was just using IDs and an atlas, which always made me cry ;(
L1018[14:45:24] <HellSinker74> anyway - looks good ;)
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L1022[14:52:29] <HellSinker74> @gigaherz: Here's a tune I composed; you have my express permission to use it if you like http://sinkers.noip.me/Banada.mp3
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L1024[15:03:19] <Corosus> i need a github repo with 1.9.4+ SoundEvent use for their mods, anyone know of one?
L1025[15:03:35] <williewillus> you mean examples of how to do soundevents?
L1026[15:03:39] <HassanS6000> What item type is a rose?
L1027[15:03:41] <Corosus> yeah
L1028[15:03:44] <williewillus> botania
L1029[15:03:46] <williewillus> also this mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/effects/sounds/
L1030[15:03:47] <Corosus> kk thx
L1031[15:03:52] <Corosus> ah ye
L1032[15:05:06] <gigaherz> back
L1033[15:05:16] <gigaherz> [21:42] (HellSinker74): @gigaherz how are you doing the textures, with an atlas, or per material per instance?
L1034[15:05:21] <gigaherz> right now it's a pre-composed atlas
L1035[15:05:38] <williewillus> when are we getting modding support /s
L1036[15:05:43] <gigaherz> I haven't worked on that part, just got something together
L1037[15:06:02] <gigaherz> [21:43] (HellSinker74): I've got to about the same point using Unity 5 - but I found out more recently you can apply materials per subobject, and there is no need for an atlas...
L1038[15:06:08] <gigaherz> the point of using an atlas is speed
L1039[15:06:14] <williewillus> it stillstitches them internally probably
L1040[15:06:21] <gigaherz> the batching can only work when objects share a material
L1041[15:06:33] <HellSinker74> perhaps
L1042[15:06:34] <gigaherz> so the two options are a texture array with texture index on the vertices
L1043[15:06:42] <gigaherz> or an atlas
L1044[15:07:12] <gigaherz> the array option is only useful for a limited number of textures, I doubt it would work well if there's a thousand separate sprites
L1045[15:07:22] <HellSinker74> well - if that is the case I'd go back to my old method... :/
L1046[15:07:34] <HellSinker74> I'll have to look into that some more though
L1047[15:08:06] <gigaherz> btw your tune sounds nice
L1048[15:08:22] <gigaherz> but it sounds more sci-fi than fantasy?
L1049[15:08:31] <HellSinker74> I was using a texture atlas of 64x64 pixel textures, with capacity for the shader to handle 16 sheets of 8192x8192
L1050[15:08:47] <HellSinker74> as for the tune yeah
L1051[15:09:01] <gigaherz> so this proof of concept
L1052[15:09:05] <gigaherz> I don't really plan on releasing it
L1053[15:09:09] <gigaherz> at least not in any serious way
L1054[15:09:14] <HellSinker74> I actually kind of strapped it together to get my mind off of RL problems a few weeks back
L1055[15:09:24] <gigaherz> but it's a playground for the cases where I think
L1056[15:09:29] <gigaherz> "wouldn't it be better if MC did X?"
L1057[15:09:35] <gigaherz> so one of the Xs
L1058[15:09:38] <HellSinker74> indeed;P
L1059[15:09:42] <gigaherz> was "wouldn't it be better to work with slabs?"
L1060[15:09:51] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1061[15:09:53] <gigaherz> so in my implementation, the blocks are 1x1x0.5
L1062[15:10:13] <gigaherz> well 1x0.5x1
L1063[15:10:14] <gigaherz> ;P
L1064[15:10:27] <gigaherz> another X that I may implement someday
L1065[15:10:31] <gigaherz> is that I don't want bloc-based trees
L1066[15:10:41] <gigaherz> I want them to be static entities
L1067[15:10:55] <gigaherz> made of segments that you can break individually
L1068[15:10:57] <HellSinker74> I've done a 16x16x16 chunk @ voxel size in Unity 5 before - I could get acceptable view distances w/ shaders on a GTX 960 - but it would die on much less
L1069[15:10:58] <gigaherz> and when you break a segment
L1070[15:11:11] <gigaherz> the detached parts would become dynamic entities and gain physics
L1071[15:11:13] <HellSinker74> basically scale player x16
L1072[15:11:33] <HellSinker74> thats a nice effect
L1073[15:11:45] <gigaherz> I haven't really been able to test the performance
L1074[15:11:51] <gigaherz> worldgen is a bit too slow
L1075[15:11:56] <gigaherz> although I could do a test
L1076[15:12:02] <gigaherz> double or triple the view range and see what happens
L1077[15:12:03] <HellSinker74> have you seen this btw procworld.blogspot.com.au
L1078[15:12:24] ⇦ Quits: Drullkus (~Dru11kus@2601:646:8301:ead3:a9d7:96d5:777f:20ea) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1079[15:12:28] <HellSinker74> its nice but commercial
L1080[15:12:45] *** big_Xplo|AFK is now known as big_Xplosion
L1081[15:12:52] <gigaherz> yeah I'll do that
L1082[15:12:58] <gigaherz> I'll dobule the view range and see what happens ;p
L1083[15:13:20] <gigaherz> what's the max in mc, 32?
L1084[15:13:26] <HellSinker74> yeah 32 chunk
L1085[15:13:33] <gigaherz> let me first test in mc
L1086[15:13:40] <gigaherz> see what kind of frame rate I get
L1087[15:13:57] <HellSinker74> as for world gen are you using simplex noise - the patent on it is only for 4D and higher
L1088[15:14:05] <gigaherz> yup
L1089[15:14:08] <HellSinker74> good
L1090[15:14:10] <gigaherz> I'm using a simplex base
L1091[15:14:24] <gigaherz> with the alpha-beta iterations from a perlin class I had
L1092[15:14:57] <gigaherz> I have 3 separate simplex sources
L1093[15:15:06] <gigaherz> a 3D one for the terrain density
L1094[15:15:12] <gigaherz> a 2D one for the terrain height variance
L1095[15:15:17] <gigaherz> and a 2D one for the terrain roughness
L1096[15:15:43] <gigaherz> my plan is to add another lookup for the temperature
L1097[15:15:46] <HellSinker74> with your worldgen whats taking up the most time - resource memory allocation or the actual world generation?
L1098[15:15:51] <gigaherz> and then decide on the biome based on those values
L1099[15:16:29] <gigaherz> hmm it's a bit hard to say
L1100[15:16:39] <gigaherz> I'm using a low-priority thread pool
L1101[15:16:46] <gigaherz> and I enqueue everything
L1102[15:16:50] <gigaherz> on average
L1103[15:17:03] <HellSinker74> I found with unity - it took a while just to instantiate the chunks - even though the world gen was quite fast
L1104[15:17:03] <gigaherz> it generates the terrain on ~100ms per chunk (16x16x256)
L1105[15:17:25] <HellSinker74> yeah that a bit up there
L1106[15:17:29] <gigaherz> and anywhere 30-100ms for the meshes
L1107[15:17:46] <gigaherz> it would take less
L1108[15:17:48] <gigaherz> in single core
L1109[15:17:50] <HellSinker74> what platforms are your target?
L1110[15:17:54] <gigaherz> but since there's many things running at once, meh.
L1111[15:18:17] <gigaherz> right now it's just Windows/DX
L1112[15:18:22] <gigaherz> but MonoGame can target other platforms
L1113[15:18:25] <gigaherz> I just haven't bothered
L1114[15:18:29] <gigaherz> I know OGL works
L1115[15:18:34] <gigaherz> but I don't keep that up to date
L1116[15:18:34] <HellSinker74> if just windows - I could maybe optimize your code further - and you could P/Invoke it...
L1117[15:18:46] <gigaherz> nah it's not that serious of a project
L1118[15:18:50] <HellSinker74> ok
L1119[15:18:59] <gigaherz> if I wanted to optimize it using C/C++, I can do that myself
L1120[15:19:10] <gigaherz> I can do low-level if it comes to that
L1121[15:19:14] <HellSinker74> kk
L1122[15:19:20] <gigaherz> but really, it's just something to pass the time with
L1123[15:19:48] <HellSinker74> "/Fa:out.ilasm" ftw
L1124[15:20:14] <gigaherz> okay test begin: about to set mc to 32 chunk view radius
L1125[15:21:30] <HellSinker74> yeah something is def up if that is multithread...
L1126[15:21:57] <gigaherz> ~55fps
L1127[15:22:42] <HellSinker74> yeah - I think I managed going to rediculous size (512 chunks) and was at about 25-30 FPS - was nice, but I didn't stick with that...
L1128[15:22:50] <gigaherz> and it derped
L1129[15:22:52] <HellSinker74> and without shaders...
L1130[15:22:53] <gigaherz> minimized itself
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L1132[15:23:01] <gigaherz> and I have this bug where I can't restore from minimized
L1133[15:23:23] <HellSinker74> sorry I don't know monogame very well...
L1134[15:23:42] <gigaherz> it's a bug
L1135[15:23:46] <gigaherz> if you maximize the window
L1136[15:23:49] <gigaherz> and then press the windows key
L1137[15:23:51] <gigaherz> it minimized
L1138[15:23:53] <gigaherz> for some stupid reason
L1139[15:24:06] <gigaherz> it minimizes*
L1140[15:24:15] <gigaherz> anyhow it's generating.
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L1143[15:24:57] <HellSinker74> btw: not sure what the normal netiquette is here - but since this is so off topic - would you like to continue the chat with PNs...
L1144[15:25:04] <gigaherz> I have to set the thread pool to leave one thread open for the rendering XD
L1145[15:25:17] <gigaherz> feel free to join #gigamc
L1146[15:25:22] <HellSinker74> ok
L1147[15:25:26] <gigaherz> I'm alone there
L1148[15:25:26] <gigaherz> XD
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L1169[16:07:53] <williewillus> the structure system looks big and scary :/
L1170[16:07:58] <williewillus> and TF has shittons of weorldgen using it
L1171[16:08:07] <williewillus> thisll be fun
L1172[16:09:27] ⇦ Quits: yopu (~yopu@184-89-191-67.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1173[16:09:27] <gigaherz> been meaning to ask, TF = Twilight Forest?
L1174[16:09:33] <williewillus> yes
L1175[16:10:16] <williewillus> what's the point of the IntCache class?
L1176[16:10:54] <gigaherz> wat
L1177[16:11:18] <gigaherz> is it like some IntMap with bad name?
L1178[16:11:25] <gigaherz> or is it actually caching boxed Integers
L1179[16:11:30] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L1180[16:11:33] <gigaherz> cache[1] = Integer(1)
L1181[16:11:57] <gigaherz> reminds me of a conversation with someone
L1182[16:12:03] <gigaherz> they claimed C#'s VM sucks
L1183[16:12:07] <williewillus> which one are you looking at?
L1184[16:12:16] <gigaherz> and they had to cache Vector3's
L1185[16:12:19] <gigaherz> but
L1186[16:12:20] <williewillus> i meant the one in world.gen.layer IntCache which seems to be a int[] pool
L1187[16:12:20] <gigaherz> in C#
L1188[16:12:23] <gigaherz> Vector3 is a struct
L1189[16:12:42] <gigaherz> so doing "new Vector3" isn't actually allocating memory
L1190[16:12:45] ⇦ Quits: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@p5B23C061.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1191[16:12:46] <williewillus> the one in nmutil IntegerCache seems to be a giant cache of boxed Integers
L1192[16:12:54] <gigaherz> and having a Vector3[]serves absolutely no advantage
L1193[16:13:01] <gigaherz> williewillus: I'm not looking at any
L1194[16:13:11] <gigaherz> I was asking what kind of absurdity it is
L1195[16:13:16] <williewillus> oh lol
L1196[16:13:30] <williewillus> the one in gen.layer is a int[] pool, the one in util is like the java one but bigger
L1197[16:13:50] <gigaherz> but yeah
L1198[16:14:09] <gigaherz> "XNA is bad because it uses .NET and you have to do a lot of new Vector and it's so slow I had to pool them to avoid allocations"
L1199[16:14:09] *** big_Xplosion is now known as big_Xplo|AFK
L1200[16:14:14] <gigaherz> I facepalmed so hard.
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L1206[16:20:28] <ThomasRules> I'm getting a ClassNotFound exception for net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker in 1.10.2 forge 2007
L1207[16:20:40] <ThomasRules>
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L1210[16:23:49] <diesieben07> ThomasRules, post the full log, how did you install forge exactly and what launcher are you using?
L1211[16:23:57] <ThomasRules> curse
L1212[16:24:17] <ThomasRules> log: http://pastebin.com/t3mkpKeH
L1213[16:25:27] <diesieben07> looks like curse is broken :D
L1214[16:25:31] ⇦ Quits: yopu (~yopu@184-89-191-67.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1215[16:26:24] <ThomasRules> im installing now as a test to see if curse broke just that version (or the download corrupted for some reason)
L1216[16:26:51] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:b88d:5a0a:dbd9:51a7) (Quit: Leaving)
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L1218[16:28:09] <ThomasRules> ok, works fine
L1219[16:28:10] <Girafi> Curse had problems with 1.10 when it just came out, for like half a day with that error. Are you sure you have the latest version of the Curse launcher?
L1220[16:28:10] <williewillus> !gf field_75026_c
L1221[16:28:15] <ThomasRules> *2006
L1222[16:28:33] <ThomasRules> is fine, is broken
L1223[16:28:47] <Girafi> I'm using 2007 in Curse Voice right now, no problem for me. The installation probably just corrupted somehow
L1224[16:29:05] <ThomasRules> any way to refresh it on curse?
L1225[16:29:18] <Girafi> Just select it again, after you installed 2006 :)
L1226[16:30:57] <ThomasRules> still crashing :(
L1227[16:31:02] <ThomasRules> 2006 loads fine
L1228[16:33:07] <williewillus> !gm func_151552_a
L1229[16:33:28] ⇦ Quits: Bugboy1028 (Bugboy1028@Somebody.needs.a.hug.PanicBNC.ninja) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1230[16:34:01] <diesieben07> ThomasRules, delete .minecraft/versions/<version thats problematic>
L1231[16:34:09] <ThomasRules> just done that
L1232[16:34:16] ⇦ Quits: Samario (~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: See ya.)
L1233[16:34:19] <ThomasRules> its redownloading now
L1234[16:35:37] <ThomasRules> nope :(
L1235[16:35:39] <ThomasRules> same error
L1236[16:36:10] <ThomasRules> do I need to manually grab some libs from somewhere?
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L1239[16:38:00] <diesieben07> does it work if you install that version using the forge installer?
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L1241[16:41:39] <ThomasRules> yep - loads fine
L1242[16:42:09] <ThomasRules> only seems to crash when using curse and that specific version
L1243[16:42:11] <diesieben07> and does it now work from curse?
L1244[16:42:20] <ThomasRules> no
L1245[16:42:34] <diesieben07> ask the curse people then :D
L1246[16:42:47] <ThomasRules> I think curse downloads its own libs to a separate folder
L1247[16:43:20] <Girafi> Do you have any mods installed ThomasRules?
L1248[16:43:30] <Girafi> Because I can use 2007 just fine on Curse
L1249[16:43:34] <ThomasRules> with and without doesn't matter
L1250[16:43:52] <ThomasRules> I tried it on a separate instance without and the same error showed
L1251[16:43:53] <TehNut> Try #curseforge
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L1254[16:48:16] <FusionLord> ThomasRules, when does it crash? on startup?
L1255[16:48:25] <ThomasRules> yes
L1256[16:48:31] <ThomasRules> instantly
L1257[16:48:48] <FusionLord> as soon as you hit play in the vanilla launcher?
L1258[16:49:05] <ThomasRules> when loading with curse, yep
L1259[16:49:09] ⇦ Quits: Noppes (~Noppes@ip56530f2e.direct-adsl.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1260[16:49:15] <ThomasRules> without curse, it loads just fine
L1261[16:51:05] <FusionLord> yeah seems strange I just followed the normal steps and it loaded fine... are you putting special characters in the profile name?
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L1266[16:59:59] <ThomasRules> no special characters - it's called "Vanilla 1.10"
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L1270[17:09:05] <williewillus> !gm func_151554_b
L1271[17:09:09] <williewillus> !gm func_151554_b 1.7.10
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L1276[17:27:03] <SparkVGX> g'Morning
L1277[17:28:12] <diesieben07> g'Night
L1278[17:36:36] <SparkVGX> well then :P
L1279[17:36:49] <diesieben07> well, it's half past midnight here :P
L1280[17:36:58] <diesieben07> not sure that counts as morning :D
L1281[17:37:04] <SparkVGX> oh right haha
L1282[17:37:13] <SparkVGX> ofcourse it is! it's just VERY early morning
L1283[17:37:28] <diesieben07> lol
L1284[17:44:40] <williewillus> !gm func_151554_b 1.7.10
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L1287[17:53:24] <williewillus> !mh rotateAroundY
L1288[17:53:30] <williewillus> !gm rotateAroundY 1.7.10
L1289[17:53:43] <williewillus> !gm func_72442_b
L1290[17:53:49] <williewillus> damn class rneames
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L1293[18:13:57] <williewillus> gigaherz: https://i.gyazo.com/b65895470a99942eb0bab7eea8bffc9d.png
L1294[18:13:59] <williewillus> no words xD
L1295[18:14:05] <williewillus> (to be fair the comment was there already)
L1296[18:14:39] <diesieben07> WAT.
L1297[18:14:50] <diesieben07> that... i hope that does not really woork
L1298[18:15:00] <williewillus> it probably does in physical client
L1299[18:15:06] <diesieben07> well, duh.
L1300[18:15:11] <diesieben07> but that's not the point :D
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L1307[18:31:59] <SparkVGX> !gm StatCollector
L1308[18:32:26] <SparkVGX> Hey y'all, what did stat collector get changed to?
L1309[18:32:35] <SparkVGX> from minecraft util
L1310[18:33:17] ⇦ Quits: IceDragon (~ThatGuy@ (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1311[18:33:32] <tterrag> I18n
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L1313[18:33:57] <williewillus> !gm func_151539_a
L1314[18:35:19] <williewillus> !gm func_151538_a
L1315[18:35:20] ⇨ Joins: IceDragon (~ThatGuy@
L1316[18:36:50] <gigaherz> SparkVGX: it's called I18n, but there's two classes with that name
L1317[18:37:00] <gigaherz> avoid the one that isn't in the client package
L1318[18:37:15] <gigaherz> if you need translation on the server, remember: it doens't work
L1319[18:37:26] <gigaherz> server-side translations only include vanilla strings, and only in en-US
L1320[18:37:44] <SparkVGX> Excellent, thank you gigaherz & tterrag :)
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L1333[19:07:54] <FusionLord> I'm having an issue with my fluid block, it has a missing texture. https://gist.github.com/FusionLord/2bac10f01c916f9cdff7dd5f85949c41
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L1337[19:18:28] <SparkVGX> !gm IIconRegister
L1338[19:18:47] <tterrag> everything about that command is wrong
L1339[19:18:48] <SparkVGX> !gm registerIcon
L1340[19:18:58] <SparkVGX> Sorry ^_^;;
L1341[19:19:03] <tterrag> gm is for methods
L1342[19:19:07] <tterrag> and IIconRegister is 1.7
L1343[19:19:55] <FusionLord> when registering fluids do you have to self stitch the textures?
L1344[19:20:01] <SparkVGX> Ah okay. Could you please point me to an example of how textures are loaded now?
L1345[19:20:16] <tterrag> SparkVGX: use models
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L1348[19:23:18] <SparkVGX> Ah, everything is a json file that points to the texture file?
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L1350[19:24:26] <tterrag> no. everything has a model now
L1351[19:24:33] <tterrag> there is no "just a texture" anymore
L1352[19:25:16] <tterrag> that said, for a basic item/block the model is usually no more than a few lines
L1353[19:25:44] <diesieben07> or rather the model is already present and you just refernece it from the blockstate json
L1354[19:25:45] <tterrag> look around at some other mods to see how they do it
L1355[19:26:40] <SparkVGX> That makes sense. I'm currently looking at TinkersConstruct. Just trying to see where they register the resource
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L1358[19:28:23] <electrolitic> Does anyone know of a good example of a TileEntity to look at to learn from?
L1359[19:28:54] <diesieben07> that's not really possible...
L1360[19:28:58] <diesieben07> What do you want the TE to do?
L1361[19:29:08] <electrolitic> I suppose I want to make a custom furnace?
L1362[19:29:11] <SparkVGX> Tile entities are usually pretty specific
L1363[19:29:20] <diesieben07> It's like asking "how do I make a tool" - it depends on what the tool should do ;)
L1364[19:29:26] <diesieben07> look at the furnace then :)
L1365[19:29:28] <FusionLord> then look a Vanilla Furnace ...
L1366[19:29:42] <electrolitic> Alright. It uses vanilla methods etc...
L1367[19:30:03] <FusionLord> Has anyone here messed with fluid I cannot get my textures to work
L1368[19:30:30] <diesieben07> you need to register them using TextureStitchEvent if they are not used elsewhere already
L1369[19:30:45] <FusionLord> Thank you I just asked that question :P
L1370[19:32:14] <tterrag> electrolitic: and?
L1371[19:32:41] <electrolitic> Is it necesary or recommended to extend TileEntity for most of your own?
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L1373[19:33:21] <tterrag> all
L1374[19:33:30] <tterrag> if you don't extend TileEntity it's not a TileEntity then is it?
L1375[19:34:58] <electrolitic> I suppose not.
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L1379[19:43:55] <FusionLord> ok so after stitch the buckets look right, but the blocks not so much.... -.-
L1380[19:45:28] <SparkVGX> Do I have to register the resource location when I add it to the game registry? I liked being able to have that automatically done in my parent item class
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L1382[19:46:28] <diesieben07> you can either call thing.setRegistryName and then GR.register(thing) or you can do GR.register(thing, <name>)
L1383[19:46:36] <diesieben07> the 2nd is a shortcut for the 1st
L1384[19:49:19] <SolarShrieking> hng, having trouble getting my sound to play within the game.
L1385[19:49:39] <SparkVGX> Thank you diesieben07, that works :)
L1386[19:49:45] <diesieben07> SolarShrieking, show your code and stuff
L1387[19:49:51] <tterrag> http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/effects/sounds/
L1388[19:49:52] <SolarShrieking> It's registered and everything, and I can access it using /playsound modid:soundname
L1389[19:50:53] <SparkVGX> make a gist/pastebin Sol
L1390[19:51:46] <SolarShrieking> on it, 1s
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L1393[19:54:58] <SolarShrieking> https://gist.github.com/SolarShrieking/123591eb47e022c48c0ed3476cc90ee2
L1394[19:55:42] <tterrag> >nootnoot
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L1396[19:55:48] <SolarShrieking> Test sound, lol
L1397[19:55:56] <diesieben07> where exactly is the playSound called?
L1398[19:56:25] <SolarShrieking> within an EntityInteractEvent
L1399[19:56:43] <SolarShrieking> I'm assuming its some confusion of client/server things
L1400[19:57:31] <diesieben07> well, the method you are using only works properly (with how you are using it) if called on BOTH client and server
L1401[19:57:41] <diesieben07> if you want it to be purely serverside, pass null as the first arg
L1402[19:58:23] <SolarShrieking> oh wow
L1403[19:58:30] <SolarShrieking> thanks, lol
L1404[19:58:48] <SolarShrieking> I'm gonna read up more on client/server interactions, because it's one of the few things that keeps getting me stuck
L1405[19:59:01] <diesieben07> it's explained in the article tt linked above
L1406[20:00:37] <SolarShrieking> I've had that page open for hours, not sure how I missed it lol
L1407[20:00:49] * SolarShrieking is a chronic skimmer
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L1412[20:03:13] <SolarShrieking> regardless, thank you diesieben07 and tterrag
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L1418[20:37:37] <SolarShrieking> Do you know how I would go about playing a vanilla sound through this means?
L1419[20:38:37] <diesieben07> the SoundEvents class has all the vanilla SoundEvents as constants
L1420[20:40:42] <SolarShrieking> ty. Sorry, I don't mean to ask so many questions
L1421[20:41:05] <diesieben07> Lol thats what this channel is for :P
L1422[20:44:17] <tterrag> hm. I'm have a button, and something else in the foreground, and using zLevel to ensure that the button is drawn overtop of the other thing, which works but there's no blending happening
L1423[20:44:22] <tterrag> any way I can get that to work?
L1424[20:44:34] <tterrag> http://i.imgur.com/XqI9RTp.png
L1425[20:44:48] <tterrag> you can see that the icon clearly overlaps the render, and is at alpha 0.5, but doesn't blend with it
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L1429[20:57:28] <tterrag> anyone?
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L1434[21:17:44] <SolarShrieking> aww, the constants within SoundEvents aren't enums
L1435[21:17:45] <SolarShrieking> :(
L1436[21:18:03] <Ordinastie_> why does it matter ?
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L1438[21:19:29] <SolarShrieking> Trying to check if a string is equal to said enum. However, I'm not 100% if I can check if a string is equal to the name of a constant.
L1439[21:19:48] <diesieben07> said enum? what?
L1440[21:19:55] <diesieben07> and why do you have a string?
L1441[21:20:01] <tterrag> don't make stringly-typed APIs .-.
L1442[21:20:10] <tterrag> magic strings are bad
L1443[21:20:17] <SolarShrieking> magic strings are magic tho
L1444[21:20:20] <tterrag> just pass around SoundEvent directly
L1445[21:20:25] <tterrag> there is NO NEED to convert it to a string
L1446[21:25:32] <SolarShrieking> https://gist.github.com/SolarShrieking/e5f1a88c40855cd548645f6478b76071
L1447[21:25:34] <SolarShrieking> not code
L1448[21:26:36] <diesieben07> getAmbientSound does not return a string?
L1449[21:26:42] <diesieben07> it returns a SoundEvent.
L1450[21:27:17] <SolarShrieking> getAmbientSound?
L1451[21:27:36] <diesieben07> yes, that gives the ambient sound for an entity.
L1452[21:27:45] <diesieben07> isn't that what you want? your text said so.
L1453[21:27:57] <SolarShrieking> Correct, I wasn't aware that was a method.
L1454[21:33:53] <SolarShrieking> er, is it?
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L1456[21:34:18] <diesieben07> in EntityLiving, yes
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L1461[21:40:01] <SolarShrieking> diesieben07: it appears to be a protected method
L1462[21:40:28] <diesieben07> reflection to the rescue :P
L1463[21:40:37] <SolarShrieking> lol
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L1465[21:51:48] <FusionLord> is there an event for when the player's arm is rendered in First person
L1466[21:53:14] <FusionLord> RenderHandEvent... must have skipped it 10 times -.-
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L1471[22:22:43] <SparkVGX> I'm having a dratted difficult time converting to the new texture system. For whatever reason, it wont find my files. Texture or 3D model
L1472[22:23:25] <SparkVGX> It's finding my lang files, so I know it has access to it
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L1475[22:26:21] <SparkVGX> net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelLoaderRegistry$LoaderException: Exception loading model stormlight:item/gemStoneBlock with loader VanillaLoader.INSTANCE, skipping
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L1483[22:57:32] <killjoy> heh. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/124356505687293955/199183150721531906/13495180_10209789707127575_8432359262099113817_n.png
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L1489[23:03:53] <iPixeli> Its been too long since I've modded...
L1490[23:03:55] <iPixeli> Whats an easier way to find mappings other than MCPBot or looking at MCP's CSVs?
L1491[23:04:07] <tterrag> I don't think there is one
L1492[23:04:37] <iPixeli> Is there a way to ask mcp bot about previous versions :D?
L1493[23:04:51] <tterrag> add it on the end
L1494[23:04:57] <iPixeli> :O
L1495[23:04:59] <tterrag> i.e. !gm foo 1.7.10
L1496[23:05:04] <iPixeli> :OOO
L1497[23:05:09] <iPixeli> :}
L1498[23:05:33] <killjoy> there's always bspkrs' mapping viewer
L1499[23:05:48] <killjoy> https://github.com/bspkrs/MCPMappingViewer
L1500[23:05:58] <tterrag> there is no conf dir anymore
L1501[23:06:01] <tterrag> how is that meant to work?
L1502[23:06:18] <iPixeli> ^
L1503[23:06:20] <killjoy> you point it to where the csv is
L1504[23:06:45] <killjoy> you just need the joined.srg
L1505[23:06:56] <iPixeli> Oh, I've tried that before, but I didn't see the use.... it basically just shows the csvs....
L1506[23:07:07] <iPixeli> or does it have magic now?
L1507[23:07:12] <killjoy> mcpbot needs a web interface
L1508[23:07:38] * iPixeli searches logs... I remember something.........
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L1511[23:11:14] <iPixeli> Why does forge break the moment you setup a new workspace of a new version of forge?
L1512[23:11:32] <iPixeli> I don't remember it asking to delete the stuff in <user>/gradle/caches
L1513[23:13:40] <killjoy> is this your own mod or foge?
L1514[23:13:43] <killjoy> *forge
L1515[23:13:55] <iPixeli> killjoy, thank you... i see how to use the mapper gui now.
L1516[23:14:01] <iPixeli> both?
L1517[23:14:09] <killjoy> are you developing a PR for forge?
L1518[23:14:20] <iPixeli> no
L1519[23:15:19] <iPixeli> I had a workspace of 1.9 working just fine. Then setup 1.10.2 working fine... went back to 1.9 - eclipse says its missing two things from the caches/.../1.9 folder
L1520[23:16:15] <killjoy> did you run the eclipse task?
L1521[23:16:33] <iPixeli> specifically forgeSrc-1.9- and \start
L1522[23:16:48] <iPixeli> Do you really need to rerun it when ever you want to open a different workspace?
L1523[23:16:52] <killjoy> yes
L1524[23:16:58] <killjoy> if you change versions, you need to run eclipse
L1525[23:17:03] <iPixeli> then this explains sooo much
L1526[23:18:57] <iPixeli> yay it works
L1527[23:23:38] <killjoy> when in doubt, gradle eclipse
L1528[23:23:53] <LatvianModder> *ahem* gradle idea
L1529[23:24:18] <LatvianModder> for workspace.. for mods, its gradlew ideaModule :P
L1530[23:24:40] <killjoy> that's blasphemy
L1531[23:24:44] <killjoy> never run gradle idea
L1532[23:24:50] <killjoy> idea takes care of that for you
L1533[23:25:16] <LatvianModder> how can it, without a workspace?
L1534[23:25:26] <killjoy> import the gradle project
L1535[23:25:30] ⇦ Quits: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1536[23:25:34] <LatvianModder> Oh. Ha, no
L1537[23:25:45] <iPixeli> the idea is bad
L1538[23:25:48] <LatvianModder> That doesnt really work well when you have 10 mods in your DevEnv
L1539[23:25:49] <iPixeli> so is that ^
L1540[23:26:10] *** iPixeli is now known as Pix
L1541[23:26:18] <killjoy> At least in eclipse, you can import multiple projects at once
L1542[23:26:32] *** Pix is now known as iPixeli
L1543[23:26:45] <LatvianModder> So I better keep each mod with their own build.gradle in seperate folders, and another Forge folder, where I do gradlew setupDecompWorkspace idea, and import modules from each mod
L1544[23:26:59] <LatvianModder> You can do that in idea too
L1545[23:27:13] <iPixeli> I just keep em all separate
L1546[23:27:36] <killjoy> there's a bash command for that
L1547[23:27:57] <LatvianModder> isnt there a command for everything though?
L1548[23:28:17] <LatvianModder> or python import...
L1549[23:28:24] <killjoy> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7470165/how-to-go-to-each-directory-and-execute-a-command
L1550[23:28:48] <killjoy> I bet there's also an app for that
L1551[23:29:07] <iPixeli> in bash?
L1552[23:29:14] <iPixeli> script it?
L1553[23:29:22] <killjoy> bash can do anything
L1554[23:29:28] <killjoy> I bet you can even make a game with it.
L1555[23:29:33] <killjoy> it would be laggy, but it's possible
L1556[23:29:58] <iPixeli> you could throw into the non existant device
L1557[23:30:12] <killjoy> you mean /dev/null?
L1558[23:30:15] <iPixeli> mhm
L1559[23:30:31] <killjoy> sudo mv / /dev/null
L1560[23:30:31] <iPixeli> just cuz
L1561[23:30:49] <iPixeli> oh my
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