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L1[00:01:28] <kenzierocks> basic cubes would be easy to code a converter....non-blocky-ness is the problem here
L2[00:01:43] <kenzierocks> since the models are primarily/only composed of boxes
L3[00:02:24] <elan_oots> Or you could write a converter into another format that MC can use
L4[00:02:28] <elan_oots> Like OBJ or something I think
L5[00:02:59] <Zidane> obj is likely the ticket and I'd really prefer if they got converted into said format
L6[00:03:20] <Zidane> I don't have a big understanding OF obj and the composition of the format
L7[00:03:26] <Zidane> So unsure how best to do it
L8[00:03:47] <elan_oots> Why did you make them in a custom format in the first place?
L9[00:04:02] <Zidane> It wasn't me, this predates me attempting to do something with it
L10[00:04:08] <elan_oots> Ah
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L40[01:19:07] <kenzierocks> can anyone help me with rotating a submodel as well as the base model?
L41[01:19:14] <kenzierocks> it seems that I can only do one or the other.
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L45[01:32:20] <hasunwoo> Can anyone explain me how partial tick works?
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L47[01:46:29] <tterrag> hasunwoo: what about it
L48[01:46:33] <tterrag> it's the partial time between ticks
L49[01:46:38] <tterrag> mostly used for smooth animating
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L51[01:49:39] <hasunwoo> What is units of partial tick? milisecond or microsecond?
L52[01:49:59] <TehNut> Isn't it per-frame?
L53[01:50:24] ⇦ Quits: killjoy (~killjoy@2606:a000:1118:c06d:7559:b4d8:dd33:3069) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L54[01:54:21] <Abastro> Tick.
L55[01:55:09] <Abastro> partialTick is in [0,1)
L56[01:56:37] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L57[01:59:55] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160626 mappings to Forge Maven.
L58[01:59:58] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160626-1.9.4.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160626" in build.gradle).
L59[02:00:09] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L62[02:04:00] <Hunterz> 1 second have 20 ticks
L63[02:04:33] <Hunterz> when server lags it is < 20
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L65[02:11:07] <hasunwoo> Why partial tick is in [0,1)?
L66[02:11:28] <kenzierocks> it's a fraction of a tick
L67[02:11:33] <kenzierocks> it resets with each new tick
L68[02:11:39] <kenzierocks> so [0,1]
L69[02:11:44] <kenzierocks> erm [0,1)
L70[02:11:46] <hasunwoo> Okay
L71[02:13:19] <xaero> try considering the value of partial ticks when you have < 20 FPS and more than 20 FPS
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L73[02:17:33] <hasunwoo> if fps is lower than 20, partial tick can be grather than 1
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L75[02:17:43] <hasunwoo> I don't know lol
L76[02:20:57] <tterrag> it'll never be greater than 1
L77[02:22:50] <wizjany> .-.
L78[02:23:05] <wizjany> the moment partialtick would hit 1
L79[02:23:11] <wizjany> that signfies the start of the next full tick
L80[02:23:15] <wizjany> and thus partial tick is reset to 0
L81[02:23:36] <wizjany> also tps and fps are unrelated
L82[02:23:45] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L83[02:24:22] <kenzierocks> what about SPS
L84[02:24:24] <kenzierocks> seconds per second
L85[02:24:39] <wizjany> hopefully always 1
L86[02:24:50] <wizjany> unless we are talking blackholes or strange parts of the universe
L87[02:25:05] <kenzierocks> well....technically my second is probably not the same as your second
L88[02:25:16] <kenzierocks> but very minute difference
L89[02:26:05] <wizjany> well
L90[02:26:15] <wizjany> seconds per second is always 1
L91[02:26:27] <kenzierocks> yea
L92[02:26:33] <wizjany> even if we are in difference frames of reference in relativistic terms
L93[02:26:38] <wizjany> and our seconds are different lengths
L94[02:26:43] <wizjany> our seconds per seconds should stil be 1
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L117[03:55:36] <tterrag> hm. I could do with a tooltip render event
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L122[04:14:18] * gigaherz yawns
L123[04:14:20] <gigaherz> morning ppl
L124[04:14:29] <gigaherz> tterrag: why render event?
L125[04:15:19] <tterrag> gigaherz: well, I'd like to be able to render something custom inside it
L126[04:15:26] <tterrag> and I can't really do that because I'd have to recreate all the box calculation logic
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L132[04:23:38] <tterrag> gigaherz: here's the event class so far http://pastebin.com/RrAnd4i6
L133[04:23:44] <tterrag> lol
L134[04:23:47] <tterrag> why did it ...
L135[04:24:00] <tterrag> http://pastebin.com/tYNPRfmN
L136[04:24:01] <tterrag> there
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L138[04:24:49] <gigaherz> hmmm
L139[04:24:58] <gigaherz> no "after background, but before text"?
L140[04:27:28] <tterrag> could potentially be done
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L142[04:29:31] <tterrag> gigaherz: is this too clunky? http://pastebin.com/ShU7wgz0
L143[04:29:40] <tterrag> I like it because it'd be .Post.Background and .Post.Text
L144[04:29:49] <tterrag> but it may be annoying :P
L145[04:30:19] <gigaherz> and confusing -- someone would use .Post
L146[04:30:23] <gigaherz> and expect only called once
L147[04:31:28] <tterrag> well, I need to make them subclasses of Post
L148[04:31:33] <tterrag> otherwise I'm copying code
L149[04:31:46] <tterrag> I could make Post package-private
L150[04:31:58] <gigaherz> you could make them subclass Post, wihtout being nested?
L151[04:32:10] <gigaherz> but that wouldn't solve the issue
L152[04:32:11] <gigaherz> XD
L153[04:32:16] <gigaherz> it would just hide it
L154[04:32:40] <tterrag> yes, that was in addition to moving them outside of the Post class
L155[04:37:46] <tterrag> gigaherz: pre is working :P http://i.imgur.com/mEeFLqm.png
L156[04:38:04] <gigaherz> yay!
L157[04:38:18] <gigaherz> I suppose you forced a small width?
L158[04:41:07] <tterrag> yeah
L159[04:41:17] <tterrag> public void onTooltipRenderPre(RenderTooltipEvent.Pre event) {
L160[04:41:17] <tterrag> event.setMaxWidth(20);
L161[04:42:28] ⇨ Joins: RawringNymNym (~maria@BMTNON3746W-LP140-06-1096638498.dsl.bell.ca)
L162[04:45:16] <tterrag> gigaherz: post works now too :D http://i.imgur.com/8ex8o1Y.png
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L164[04:45:55] <gigaherz> heh
L165[04:46:07] <gigaherz> wait
L166[04:46:27] <gigaherz> did you do two text draws?
L167[04:46:31] <gigaherz> one behind and one in front?
L168[04:46:42] <tterrag> one in PostBackground and one in PostText
L169[04:46:49] * gigaherz nods
L170[04:47:04] <tterrag> code is now here https://github.com/tterrag1098/MinecraftForge/tree/rendertooltipevent
L171[04:47:11] <tterrag> javadocs tomorrow
L172[04:47:14] <tterrag> too late
L173[04:47:40] <gigaherz> k
L174[04:50:00] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L175[04:51:02] <tterrag> $ labels add 3034 Feature
L176[04:51:03] <Actuarius> Added labels [Feature] for issue 3034; new labels: [Feature].
L177[04:51:05] <tterrag> ;)
L178[04:51:06] <tterrag> night now :D
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L181[05:09:53] <sham1> Giga, I have another question about Visual Studio
L182[05:10:46] ⇨ Joins: [Master]Jason (kiwiirc@
L183[05:11:53] <sham1> If my project has /SUBSYSTEM specified as Windows, am I still able to get a console to debug with stdout and stderr
L184[05:11:57] <[Master]Jason> hi
L185[05:12:09] <sham1> hello
L186[05:12:21] <gigaherz> yes
L187[05:12:32] <sham1> Good
L188[05:12:39] <[Master]Jason> look at our irc colors
L189[05:12:41] <gigaherz> you can call AllocConsole() and use the ReadConsole/WriteConcole methods
L190[05:13:12] ⇦ Parts: [Master]Jason (kiwiirc@ ())
L191[05:13:22] <gigaherz> although I suppose the stdio api would still work
L192[05:13:26] <sham1> Yeah
L193[05:13:36] <gigaherz> anyhow AllocConsole
L194[05:13:38] <sham1> I hope I can just use std::cout and std:cerr after that
L195[05:13:40] <sham1> K
L196[05:13:41] <gigaherz> just keep in mind it won't be attached
L197[05:13:42] <sham1> Thanks
L198[05:13:43] <gigaherz> it will have its own
L199[05:14:09] <sham1> Attached?
L200[05:14:18] *** lxkm|work is now known as lxkm
L201[05:14:19] <gigaherz> even if you call it from cmd
L202[05:14:24] <gigaherz> it won't stick to that same console window
L203[05:14:27] <gigaherz> it will open independently
L204[05:14:32] <gigaherz> and then show its own separate one
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L206[05:14:38] <sham1> Ah
L207[05:15:22] <sham1> Because with wxWidgets, it requires the entry point to be WinMain, and that can be done with SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS, but then one does not get the console by default
L208[05:15:28] <sham1> Kind of annoying honestly
L209[05:15:33] ⇨ Joins: patrick96 (~patrick96@
L210[05:15:42] <gigaherz> well you could just not use stdio ;P
L211[05:15:54] <gigaherz> show a log window using wx ;p
L212[05:16:04] <sham1> Probably should
L213[05:16:09] <gigaherz> and create your own write function that adds lines to it
L214[05:17:26] <sham1> Or maybe I could specify under SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE to have the /ENTRY be WinMain
L215[05:17:31] <sham1> That would do it
L216[05:17:40] <gigaherz> no it wouldn't
L217[05:18:46] <sham1> Welp, no harm in trying
L218[05:18:49] <gigaherz> WinMain has completely different params to main()
L219[05:19:00] <sham1> Yes
L220[05:19:39] ⇨ Joins: abab9579 (~Abastro@
L221[05:24:13] <sham1> And it did work
L222[05:25:38] ⇦ Quits: Abastro (~Abastro@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L223[05:31:09] <sham1> Although it probably is just safer to put a lot of #ifdef _WIN32 macros and AllocConsole and do that stuff there
L224[05:31:46] <AEnterprise> !gm func_98265_a 1.7.10
L225[05:39:05] <covers1624> !dcc
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L239[06:42:45] <Master801> What's the new method for setting the rgba for the world renderer in 1.8.9?
L240[06:50:04] <gigaherz> .color?
L241[06:51:34] <gigaherz> so........
L242[06:51:41] <gigaherz> javascript 2016
L243[06:51:52] <gigaherz> what's new? a "**" operator for exponentiation
L244[06:52:14] <Master801> 1.8 -- Tessellator.getInstance().getWorldRenderer().setColorRGBA(R, G, B, A)
L245[06:52:21] <Master801> 1.8.9 -- ?
L246[06:52:29] <gigaherz> .color(r,g,b,a) ?
L247[06:53:07] <Master801> It doesn't seem like it's working the previous code doesn't have any vertices set but it colors it anyway?
L248[06:53:29] <Master801> *1.8 version of the code
L249[06:53:36] <gigaherz> the whole system changed
L250[06:53:55] <gigaherz> if you wanted a call that you could do once
L251[06:54:01] <gigaherz> and it would use the same color for all vertices
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L253[06:54:04] <gigaherz> that doesn't exist anymore.
L254[06:54:14] <gigaherz> yo uhave to do
L255[06:54:29] <gigaherz> wr.pos(x,y,z).color(r,g,b).tex(u,v).endVertex
L256[06:54:38] <Master801> Okay, I think I understand what you're saying.
L257[06:54:39] <gigaherz> the exact sequence depends on which vertex format you are using
L258[06:54:55] <gigaherz> for example DefaultVertexFormats.ITEM
L259[06:54:57] <gigaherz> will require
L260[06:55:08] <gigaherz> wr.pos(x,y,z).color(r,g,b).tex(u,v).normal(x,y,z).endVertex()
L261[06:55:52] <Master801> Ah, I see it now.
L262[06:56:29] *** cj89898|Sleep is now known as cj89898|Away
L263[06:56:32] <gigaherz> however, here is a recommendation: if you have a model that isn't fully generated dynamically
L264[06:56:36] <gigaherz> use a .obj/.b3d model instead
L265[06:56:44] <gigaherz> you can draw them from a TESR/Entity just fine
L266[06:56:54] <gigaherz> and it will be more efficient than calling the wr.*
L267[06:56:57] <gigaherz> manually
L268[06:57:18] <gigaherz> I made this class for that purpose: https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/renderers/ModelHandle.java
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L270[06:58:14] <gigaherz> this is an example of how I use it: https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/renderers/RenderBall.java
L271[06:58:57] <Master801> https://github.com/master801/BetterFonts/blob/1.8.9/src/main/java/me/isuzutsuki/betterfonts/rendering/string/StringCache.java
L272[06:59:07] <Master801> That's what I'm trying to update from 1.8 to 1.8.9
L273[06:59:18] <LatvianModder> No *slaps*
L274[06:59:23] <LatvianModder> Update to 1.9.4
L275[06:59:31] <Master801> I know
L276[06:59:33] <sham1> No *slaps*
L277[06:59:36] <Master801> I want to take it slow though
L278[06:59:38] <sham1> Update to 1.10
L279[06:59:43] <gigaherz> 1.9.4===1.10
L280[06:59:48] <gigaherz> for most purposes ;P
L281[06:59:57] <sham1> But you get a larger version number
L282[07:00:07] <gigaherz> yes nd you have to do extra work to ensure it works on 1.9.4
L283[07:00:08] <gigaherz> ;P
L284[07:00:16] <gigaherz> while something built on 1.9.4 sortof just works on 1.10
L285[07:00:32] <gigaherz> (well nto sortof -- 1.10 forge has code to accept 1.9.4 version mods)
L286[07:00:38] *** DRedhorse is now known as DonAway
L287[07:01:19] <LatvianModder> Thats exactly why I said 1.9.4 not 1.10
L288[07:01:23] <LatvianModder> sham1: http://imgur.com/gallery/2pbqbhg
L289[07:01:30] ⇦ Quits: Gil (uid147942@id-147942.brockwell.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L290[07:02:34] <sham1> Does not matter if it is compatible or not
L291[07:02:45] <sham1> The patches to forge will probably be coming to 1.10
L292[07:02:50] <sham1> But dunno
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L295[07:14:12] <LatvianModder> Whoa https://github.com/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue
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L297[07:15:00] <sham1> WHat is it
L298[07:15:18] <LatvianModder> I removed "author:LatvianModder" and now I see ALL issues on GitHub :D
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L300[07:19:37] <heldplayer> LatvianModder: https://github.com/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Apublic+
L301[07:20:35] <LatvianModder> Yeah, there we go
L302[07:21:08] <LatvianModder> I searched is:private lol and got issues from private repos im in..
L303[07:23:52] <kashike> https://github.com/issues?utf8=✓&q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+author%3ALatvianModder
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L309[07:37:40] <BaronNox> I have a slot in my te’s inventory which acts as input slot and I want to decrease the stacksize by 1. Do I do that on serverside?
L310[07:37:56] <gigaherz> yes.
L311[07:38:07] <sham1> where else would you do it at if not at server
L312[07:38:19] <Ordinastie_> both sides if the gui is opened and you want it to be more responsive
L313[07:38:22] <gigaherz> anything that is logic, belongs on the server, unless it's related to the player inputs
L314[07:38:40] <BaronNox> If I do it on both sides it desyncs Ordinastie_
L315[07:38:56] <Ordinastie_> it shouldn't
L316[07:39:27] <gigaherz> unless you don't have all the required data on the client
L317[07:39:47] <gigaherz> if you sync all the necessary data to the client while the gui is open
L318[07:39:54] <gigaherz> you should be able to predict what the server will do
L319[07:40:34] <BaronNox> How do I sync the data? With SimpleNetworkWrapper?
L320[07:40:58] <sham1> For instance
L321[07:41:04] <gigaherz> it's one way
L322[07:41:12] <gigaherz> you could also use progressbar packets
L323[07:41:24] <gigaherz> if it's numeric data
L324[07:41:26] <gigaherz> but meh
L325[07:41:30] <gigaherz> it's best to have a custom sync packet
L326[07:41:37] <gigaherz> that way you can pack all the data in one place
L327[07:41:43] <gigaherz> rather than send a dozen individual packets
L328[07:45:06] <sham1> I am still quite annoyed by the fact that Wikipedia uses https
L329[07:45:33] <gigaherz> why so?
L330[07:46:23] <sham1> Well, let's just say that cross-platform TLS support is not fun to build on windows
L331[07:46:34] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L332[07:46:41] <sham1> Damn OpenSSL for being annoying to build
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L334[07:47:24] <gigaherz> why do you need crossplatform tls? can't you like use libcurl to fetch the data?
L335[07:48:03] <sham1> I suppose
L336[07:48:08] <gigaherz> although I suppose you'd have to compile it
L337[07:48:13] <gigaherz> unless you find msvc builds of libcurl
L338[07:48:23] <sham1> libcurl depends on openssl
L339[07:48:26] <sham1> For https
L340[07:48:51] <Cazzar> y'know https://curl.haxx.se/latest.cgi?curl=win32-devel-msvc
L341[07:49:19] <sham1> Althoug, it's not a dealbreaker for me
L342[07:49:38] <sham1> I had some trouble building OpenSSL for 64 bit windows, but aside from that, it works
L343[07:49:44] <gigaherz> The recent-version-off-a-mirror system has no info about your requested package "win32-devel-msvc"! :-( This is most likely because there is no up-to-date release for "win32-devel-msvc".
L344[07:49:46] <gigaherz> heh
L345[07:50:07] ⇦ Quits: TechnicianLP (~Technic@p4FE1D6CE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Live long and prosper \v//)
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L347[07:51:06] <GunnerWolf> Anybody know what replaced StatCollector.translateToLocal in 1.9.4?
L348[07:51:13] <gigaherz> ooooh
L349[07:51:14] <gigaherz> https://curl.haxx.se/dlwiz/?type=devel&os=Win64
L350[07:51:24] <gigaherz> GunnerWolf: I18n.translateToLocal BUT
L351[07:51:32] <gigaherz> that's the one that works on the server
L352[07:51:37] <gigaherz> it's deprecated and should be avoided
L353[07:51:48] <gigaherz> for client use, there's another I18n that has a I18n.format method
L354[07:51:50] <gigaherz> use that one,.
L355[07:51:54] <gigaherz> -,
L356[07:52:02] <GunnerWolf> Alright, thanks
L357[07:52:14] <gigaherz> sham1: https://curl.haxx.se/dlwiz/?type=devel&os=Win64
L358[07:52:23] <sham1> Tnx
L359[07:52:29] <gigaherz> they don't have 32bit packages
L360[07:52:31] <gigaherz> only win64 ;p
L361[07:52:50] <GunnerWolf> it's 2016, 32bit should be deprecated ;)
L362[07:53:05] <gigaherz> it is, so far as I'm concerned
L363[07:53:06] <gigaherz> ;P
L364[07:53:29] <gigaherz> sham1: ah wait meh
L365[07:53:33] <gigaherz> it's mingw sources
L366[07:53:34] <gigaherz> for gcc
L367[07:53:35] <gigaherz> not msvc
L368[07:53:59] <sham1> Although, I am fine with my current setup for fetching things
L369[07:54:24] <sokratis12GR> how I can give a player an item ?
L370[07:54:45] <sham1> You add it to their inventory
L371[07:55:02] <sham1> Well, an itemstack representing the item
L372[07:55:11] <sokratis12GR> because I tried using this: event.player.dropItem(ModItems.ARMORPLUS_BOOK, 1); but ghost items appeared
L373[07:55:44] <gigaherz> sokratis12GR: InventoryPlayer#addItemStackToInventory, if it returns false, InventoryHelper.spawnItemStack
L374[07:56:23] <sham1> Or because players have IItemHandler capabilities
L375[07:56:27] <sokratis12GR> ok, but why do ghost items appear ?
L376[07:56:28] <sham1> That could be used as well
L377[07:56:37] <gigaherz> you may be spawning them on the client, sokratis12GR
L378[07:56:38] <sham1> sokratis12GR: are you adding them on client
L379[07:56:43] <sokratis12GR> yeah
L380[07:56:44] <gigaherz> check that player.world.isRemote is false
L381[07:56:46] <sham1> You have to add them on server
L382[07:56:50] <sokratis12GR> kk
L383[07:57:11] <gigaherz> the answer of "why ghost X?" is always "because you did something on the client"
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L387[08:07:14] <BaronNox> Mmh for some reason the gui is synced now.
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L399[08:31:58] <BaronNox> It’s not actually synced :C If I put a stack of size 10 in the slot the client will decrease it to 9 and then the server will do the same. If I remove the stack before the server had the chance to decrease it it will jump back up to 10.
L400[08:32:12] <BaronNox> Does any1 know how to fix that?
L401[08:33:28] <gigaherz> nope
L402[08:33:30] <gigaherz> live with it
L403[08:33:41] <gigaherz> either don't do it on the client at all
L404[08:34:09] <gigaherz> (let the server do it, and then send the updates whenever it's done)
L405[08:34:22] <gigaherz> or you'll have to accept the fact that the client's prediction CAN make mistakes.
L406[08:35:47] <BaronNox> I could fix it by letting the server decrease the stack and send a packet to the client containing the counter I need for the gui to render, right?
L407[08:35:54] <BaronNox> Everything would be in sync then
L408[08:35:55] <Ordinastie_> vanilla behavior is, when the result received from the client differs from the result calculated by the server, then the server resends the whole inventory
L409[08:36:47] <gigaherz> just in case it woudl occur to you, there IS one solution to this
L410[08:37:02] <gigaherz> but the side-effects are bad: let the client tell the server that you did remove it after the stack was processed
L411[08:37:07] <gigaherz> and let the server believe it
L412[08:37:11] <gigaherz> if you did that, it would seem to work
L413[08:37:16] <gigaherz> except, it could easily be abused to cheat
L414[08:37:31] <gigaherz> so you should never allow that ;P
L415[08:37:37] <BaronNox> :D
L416[08:38:37] <Ordinastie_> one question though, how can you remove it on the server before it can do the decrease ?
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L418[08:41:01] <BaronNox> Nothing get’s removed on the server until I remove it by clicking on the stack in the inventory.
L419[08:41:47] <Ordinastie_> what are you doing exactly, and how do you know it's not removed on the server ?
L420[08:42:53] <BaronNox> For testing purposes I have a TE which implements ITickable. In update() I have a „timer“ and every now and then it checks the input slot for an itemstack. If there is a stack it will decrease it’s stacksize by 1 and increase a float by 1. The float is getting rendered as label in the gui.
L421[08:43:11] <BaronNox> its*
L422[08:43:24] <elan_oots> So that seems like intended behavior
L423[08:43:41] <Ordinastie_> and you update on the server only ?
L424[08:43:46] <elan_oots> If it only checks so often and you put a stack in and take it out before the timer triggers it seems like nothing should happen
L425[08:44:40] <BaronNox> I update the stack on server only, yes
L426[08:45:45] <Ordinastie_> how the client is decreased then ?
L427[08:47:02] <BaronNox> As far as I understand it the server is synced with the client so it updates the client automatically
L428[08:47:11] <Ordinastie_> yes
L429[08:47:14] <BaronNox> and it works
L430[08:47:16] <BaronNox> mostly
L431[08:47:27] <Ordinastie_> the inventory is automatically synced (your float is not)
L432[08:47:56] <Ordinastie_> but then my question is, how can you observe the client decrease before the server ?
L433[08:47:57] <BaronNox> yep and how do i sync the float? I was going to use packets for that
L434[08:49:36] <BaronNox> I don’t have to obseve the client decrease at all do I? I mean the server handles everything and then just notifies the client about changes
L435[08:49:52] <Ordinastie_> <BaronNox> It’s not actually synced :C If I put a stack of size 10 in the slot the client will decrease it to 9 and then the server will do the same. If I remove the stack before the server had the chance to decrease it it will jump back up to 10.
L436[08:50:11] <BaronNox> That’s the old behavior when logic runs on server and client
L437[08:50:39] <Ordinastie_> well, in that case, it's because your timer is not synced
L438[08:51:28] <BaronNox> How do I fix that?
L439[08:51:44] <Ordinastie_> make sure your timers are synced correctly
L440[08:52:01] <BaronNox> How do I do that? Sry im new to syncing in mc :C
L441[08:52:08] <Ordinastie_> use your own packet
L442[08:53:24] <GunnerWolf> Is having a block's model extend outside the block a bad idea? I've heard it causes lighting issues, would I be better splitting it into multiple blocks?
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L444[08:55:03] <BaronNox> I tried but ran into the problem of how to modify something via packets. My packet carries a variable for the timer but how do I set the timer on the receiving end when onMessage is called?
L445[08:56:06] <gigaherz> you have two options
L446[08:56:11] *** amadornes[OFF] is now known as amadornes
L447[08:56:15] <gigaherz> either your packet identifies the TE that should receive it
L448[08:56:28] <gigaherz> or your packet can identify the GUI id
L449[08:56:40] <gigaherz> if you choose the latter, it will only work for when the gui is open
L450[08:57:04] <gigaherz> if you choose the former, you'll need to send the blockpos x,y,z in order to find the TE in the client
L451[08:57:07] <gigaherz> then
L452[08:57:11] <gigaherz> you either use player.openContainer
L453[08:57:17] <gigaherz> or world.getTileEntity
L454[08:57:33] <gigaherz> however, make sure to schedule a task
L455[08:57:38] <gigaherz> because the network is in a separate thread
L456[08:58:39] <BaronNox> http://paste.ubuntu.com/17910099/ is my current packet implementation
L457[08:59:22] <gigaherz> well there you go
L458[08:59:24] <gigaherz> you already have the task
L459[08:59:30] <gigaherz> and you have access to the player AND the world
L460[08:59:33] <gigaherz> it's up to you ;p
L461[08:59:47] <gigaherz> although
L462[08:59:52] <gigaherz> that code is for server-received packets
L463[09:00:01] <BaronNox> yeah
L464[09:00:06] <gigaherz> you can't use getServerHandler() for client packets
L465[09:00:14] <BaronNox> I know^^
L466[09:00:24] <gigaherz> use the client handler instead ;P
L467[09:00:59] <gigaherz> waht I do
L468[09:01:02] <gigaherz> is
L469[09:01:08] <gigaherz> Mod.proxy.handleThisMessage(x)
L470[09:01:22] <gigaherz> so that I don't have to reference Minecraft.getMinecraft().addScheduledTask directly from the packet
L471[09:01:25] <gigaherz> it's cleaner that way
L472[09:01:25] <gigaherz> ;P
L473[09:01:51] <BaronNox> Ohhhh fancy. Thank you a lot :)
L474[09:02:00] <williewillus> I always use Minecraft directly in my client packethandlers ?shrug :P
L475[09:02:02] <williewillus> seems to work
L476[09:02:31] <gigaherz> it does
L477[09:02:35] <williewillus> can't use a lambda with it though
L478[09:02:41] <williewillus> because it gets pulled up to the class
L479[09:02:57] <gigaherz> ?
L480[09:03:05] <gigaherz> I'm using
L481[09:03:11] <williewillus> Minecraft.getMinecraft().addScheduledTask( ()-> ...) breaks
L482[09:03:13] <gigaherz> Minecraft.getMinecraft().addScheduledTask(() -> Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.addVelocity(message.vx, message.vy, message.vz));
L483[09:03:15] <williewillus> if ... accesses client classes
L484[09:03:17] <gigaherz> works just fine
L485[09:03:20] <williewillus> doesn't work for me
L486[09:03:27] <williewillus> the lambda gets pulled up and crashes the server
L487[09:03:46] <williewillus> I meant doing it directly in the packethandler class
L488[09:04:12] <elan_oots> There's no Minecraft instance on the server
L489[09:04:17] <elan_oots> If I recall correctly
L490[09:04:23] <williewillus> yes
L491[09:04:26] <williewillus> the class itself doesn't exist
L492[09:04:34] <elan_oots> So it'll work fine running in local
L493[09:04:44] <elan_oots> But if you run the server by itself then RIP
L494[09:04:47] <GunnerWolf> Is there a simple way to detect if a mob is harmed by water? (IE endermen, blazes etc)
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L496[09:07:32] <BaronNox> How do I send a packet to the client? SimpleNetworkWrapper only has a sendToServer() but no sendToClient() method.
L497[09:07:45] <BaronNox> SendToPlayer?
L498[09:08:56] <sham1> sendTo
L499[09:09:11] <sham1> It takes an EntityPlayerMP
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L501[09:14:36] <williewillus> $ labels add 3041 Feature
L502[09:14:37] <Actuarius> Added labels [Feature] for issue 3041; new labels: [Feature].
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L505[09:19:14] <williewillus> !gm func_175643_b
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L509[09:28:24] <BaronNox> I think this packet would work now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17911336/ But how do I get the player for SimpleNetworkWrapper#sendTo(…) in my te (http://paste.ubuntu.com/17911519/)?
L510[09:29:10] <williewillus> you can send to everyone who has the chunk tracked
L511[09:29:30] <williewillus> but unfortunately there's no util for that
L512[09:29:36] <williewillus> I use this instead https://github.com/williewillus/Botania/blob/bc0ca77960d0cca0a72fab496d813de7d0e815ee/src/main/java/vazkii/botania/common/network/PacketHandler.java#L24-L41
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L514[09:32:16] <BaronNox> This is smart. ty :)
L515[09:32:46] <williewillus> yeah FML provides a raw "send to people in radius x of point y", but it doesn't consider people who have tiny render distances who won't have it loaded
L516[09:32:51] <williewillus> so I check to make sure it's loaded as well
L517[09:33:18] ⇦ Quits: elan_oots (~elan_oots@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L518[09:33:43] <Coolway99> I thought render != loaded...
L519[09:33:56] <williewillus> bad wording
L520[09:34:05] <williewillus> I meant "tracked"
L521[09:34:18] <williewillus> meaning it has been sent to the client and exists on the client
L522[09:34:36] <Coolway99> basically, the clients with tiny render distances don't care about what goes on graphically outside of them?
L523[09:34:38] ⇨ Joins: Nitrodev (~Nitrodev@87-92-75-66.bb.dnainternet.fi)
L524[09:34:54] <williewillus> I'm not sure how it works precisely
L525[09:35:12] <williewillus> but I'm pretty sure reducing your render dst also reduces your tracking range on the server
L526[09:35:18] <williewillus> meaning the server will send you less
L527[09:35:37] <Coolway99> would make sense, less data to process
L528[09:35:54] <Coolway99> and if something were to go in your tracking range, the server just tells the client
L529[09:36:17] <williewillus> well for chunks the only way your tracking changes is if you're moving
L530[09:39:11] <Coolway99> so, on today's agenda
L531[09:39:34] <Coolway99> work out some concepts and then work out the kinks in my XP system
L532[09:40:07] <Coolway99> also, I have been testing my forge PR this entire time, it works flawlessly for what I wanted it to do XD
L533[09:40:25] <BaronNox> Timer is synced now :3
L534[09:40:29] ⇨ Joins: OrionOnline (~OrionOnli@ip-80-236-235-107.dsl.scarlet.be)
L535[09:42:59] <OrionOnline> Hey guys
L536[09:43:12] <williewillus> BaronNox: how often are you syncing it? just wondering
L537[09:43:16] <OrionOnline> I am looking for some support regarding on how to implement a particular featuer
L538[09:43:19] <OrionOnline> feature*
L539[09:43:29] <williewillus> just ask :P
L540[09:43:47] <OrionOnline> I have a Forge as blokc to heat up metals
L541[09:44:00] <OrionOnline> The idea of it all is that those blocks basically share their fuel
L542[09:44:06] <OrionOnline> But nothing else
L543[09:44:19] <OrionOnline> My system for 1.7 broke during the port to 1.9/1.10
L544[09:44:32] <BaronNox> sfor testing purposes it’s at every 60 ticks.
L545[09:44:58] <BaronNox> that sentence…. For testing purposes it’s at 60 ticks*
L546[09:46:07] <OrionOnline> How would i best make it store the fuel for the structure?
L547[09:47:34] <williewillus> so are you looking to fix your 1.7 code or make something new?
L548[09:47:37] <williewillus> not sure what you're asking\
L549[09:48:00] <OrionOnline> Something new
L550[09:48:07] <OrionOnline> Would probabaly be better
L551[09:48:14] <williewillus> does a TE not suffice?
L552[09:48:35] <OrionOnline> It is a TE, the problem i am having happens when two of those 'structures' merge
L553[09:49:33] <OrionOnline> For somereason, it breaks then
L554[09:52:13] <OrionOnline> Which is a big nuecance
L555[09:52:37] ⇨ Joins: Xuros (~Xuros@c-174-56-62-183.hsd1.nm.comcast.net)
L556[09:58:14] <Coolway99> this is strange
L557[09:58:19] <Coolway99> apparently, XP Orbs have a health O.o
L558[09:58:34] <Coolway99> of 2 and a half hearts
L559[09:59:04] <OrionOnline> :P They are a Entity so yeat
L560[09:59:06] <OrionOnline> yeah*
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L562[09:59:49] <Coolway99> also, I found something interesting that can be a glitch
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L564[10:00:08] <Coolway99> if the spectator is the nearest player, then the orbs' logic doesn't go towards them
L565[10:00:21] <Coolway99> but because of the way the logic is written, the orbs don't move, period
L566[10:00:25] <Coolway99> even if another player is closer
L567[10:02:14] <BaronNox> how can another player be closer when the spectator is the closest?
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L569[10:03:54] ⇨ Joins: Intektor (~Intektor4@p5B274076.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L570[10:04:34] <Intektor> Id like to cancel the chat message, when a player joins/leaves the game
L571[10:04:55] <Intektor> how can I do this?
L572[10:05:39] <Intektor> the problem with ClientChatRecievedEvent, is, that its very ugly to check it this way
L573[10:05:43] <Coolway99> look into events and look into code
L574[10:05:58] <Coolway99> there's a PlayerLoginEvent
L575[10:06:08] <Coolway99> and a PlayerLogoutEvent
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L577[10:07:06] <Intektor> yes, but there is no suck field like send chat message
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L579[10:14:54] <Coolway99> don't mind me, just putting some quadratics into code
L580[10:17:10] <gigaherz> oops!
L581[10:17:11] <gigaherz> [17:16:48] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.ThreadGroup:uncaughtException:-1]: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.client.resources.I18n
L582[10:17:19] <gigaherz> I seem to have I18n.format on server code XD
L583[10:17:49] <gigaherz> yep. getItemStackDisplayName
L584[10:20:58] ⇦ Quits: PBlock96 (~PBlock96@ (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L585[10:25:05] <gigaherz> williewillus: https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/1.9.4/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/network/AddVelocityPlayer.java#L51
L586[10:25:14] <gigaherz> I just ran that on a dedicated non-dev server
L587[10:25:21] <gigaherz> and it works just fine :/
L588[10:25:24] <williewillus> ?shrug
L589[10:25:53] <gigaherz> lambdas fail when they contain obfuscated names
L590[10:25:58] <gigaherz> but this is a Runnable :/
L591[10:26:16] <williewillus> ?
L592[10:26:30] <williewillus> it fails for me because the lambda is noncapturing and is thus pulled up to a static method in the Handler class
L593[10:26:38] <williewillus> and the Handler is instantiated on both sides
L594[10:26:38] <gigaherz> oh?
L595[10:26:40] <williewillus> which crashes
L596[10:26:53] <williewillus> thats what I ran into at least
L597[10:27:09] <gigaherz> hmm maybe mine isn't being turned into static
L598[10:27:21] <williewillus> it should be though since its noncapturing
L599[10:27:23] <williewillus> I'll try again
L600[10:28:00] <gigaherz> the decompiled code still contains a lambda
L601[10:28:20] * gigaherz shrugs
L602[10:28:26] <williewillus> Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Attempted to load class net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/WorldClient for invalid side SERVER
L603[10:28:36] <gigaherz> wait worldclient?
L604[10:28:43] <gigaherz> I'm not using worldclient
L605[10:28:50] ⇨ Joins: PBlock96 (~PBlock96@
L606[10:29:07] <gigaherz> Minecraft.getMinecraft().addScheduledTask
L607[10:29:11] <gigaherz> I do that
L608[10:29:11] <gigaherz> ;P
L609[10:29:19] <williewillus> that's my crash message
L610[10:29:39] <gigaherz> yeah dunno, lucky me, I suppose
L611[10:29:53] <gigaherz> I use the proxy for everything else
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L624[11:10:51] <terraflops> can anyone explain the forge handshake?
L625[11:11:07] <terraflops> or at least how I would go about recompiling forge?
L626[11:11:14] <williewillus> wat
L627[11:11:15] *** DonAway is now known as DRedhorse
L628[11:11:19] <williewillus> how are those two related :P
L629[11:12:37] ⇦ Quits: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872a6e.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L630[11:16:23] <terraflops> trying to either workaround or figure out the problem :P
L631[11:16:38] <terraflops> also if I delete the digital signature and checksum info from forge, would it break?
L632[11:18:10] <williewillus> you should be describing what you want to achieve
L633[11:18:18] <williewillus> not random will this break :P
L634[11:18:26] <williewillus> and if you have to ask the answer's probably yes :D
L635[11:18:51] ⇨ Joins: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-135-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se)
L636[11:19:31] <terraflops> okay... so it's going to be a long story but here goes:
L637[11:19:32] <gigaherz> terraflops: you'd have to explicitly disable signature checks
L638[11:19:43] <gigaherz> but yeah, explain properly your issue, not your solution
L639[11:19:58] <gigaherz> because whatever you are doing, if you need to edit the jar by hand, you are doing it wrong
L640[11:20:06] <terraflops> my graphics driver is trash. Already tried 1.2 million different versions and everything.
L641[11:20:09] <gigaherz> and you should be using a coremod/tweaker instead
L642[11:20:28] <terraflops> because it doesn't handle display lists or something properly
L643[11:20:36] <williewillus> wat
L644[11:20:48] <williewillus> what are you even running on? :P
L645[11:20:56] <terraflops> intel integrated graphics :P
L646[11:21:13] <williewillus> display lists are ancient as hell
L647[11:21:15] <terraflops> anyways it makes an access violation in native code.
L648[11:21:16] <terraflops> I know
L649[11:21:23] <williewillus> 0.o
L650[11:21:26] <williewillus> what kind of intel?
L651[11:21:29] <kenzierocks> yea...
L652[11:21:33] <terraflops> ivy bridge
L653[11:21:36] <williewillus> I have a haswell from 2013 and it runs VBO's and shaders fine
L654[11:21:38] <kenzierocks> even my intel 4000 had those
L655[11:21:53] <williewillus> well "fine" is reletive but they run
L656[11:21:58] <terraflops> The issue apparently affects ivy bridge to the newest skylake
L657[11:22:02] <terraflops> meaning it still hasn't been fixed...
L658[11:22:04] <williewillus> ouch :P
L659[11:22:13] <williewillus> so how does this do with manual hackpatching forge :D
L660[11:22:16] <terraflops> workarounds were to change graphics processors but... can't do that
L661[11:22:20] <terraflops> so anyway continuing on
L662[11:22:38] <terraflops> so instead of fixing the problem I've decided to work around it by trying to disable some code
L663[11:22:45] <terraflops> in the mod that tries to use them display lists
L664[11:22:50] <terraflops> That is LogisticsPipes
L665[11:23:01] <terraflops> so then I tried a bytecode edit; didn't work
L666[11:23:03] <williewillus> i mean...the whole game is drawn using display lists
L667[11:23:15] <terraflops> yeah but it's probably some corner case or something like that
L668[11:23:36] <terraflops> like it doesn't just crash into the ground
L669[11:23:39] <williewillus> how does it bring us to forge then :P
L670[11:23:51] <terraflops> okay so LogisticsPipes renders its crafting signs a certain way
L671[11:24:03] <terraflops> that causes my crappy drivers to crash
L672[11:24:09] <terraflops> so I was like well I don't need these signs so byebye
L673[11:24:25] <terraflops> modified the logistics source to disable rendering of those pesky signs
L674[11:24:45] <terraflops> launches fine... plays fine... until I try to join a public server running the normal version
L675[11:24:55] <williewillus> normal version of?
L676[11:24:59] <terraflops> of logistics pipes
L677[11:25:03] <terraflops> the one with the signs still intact
L678[11:25:13] <terraflops> so here's what happens
L679[11:25:20] <terraflops> (This is 1.7.10 forge)
L680[11:25:33] <terraflops> I'm assuming the handshake hasn't changed much
L681[11:25:40] ⇦ Quits: PBlock96 (~PBlock96@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L682[11:25:59] <terraflops> a nullpointerexception is thrown in checkModList in FMLNetworkHandler
L683[11:26:09] <terraflops> so on and so forth no connection
L684[11:26:26] <terraflops> so im like well we don't need any mod list checking either
L685[11:26:26] *** eyamaz|mia is now known as eyamaz
L686[11:26:34] <terraflops> and that's where I'm at.
L687[11:26:34] <williewillus> uh
L688[11:26:37] <williewillus> that's kinda vital
L689[11:26:49] <terraflops> pah don't worry the FTB launcher does it too
L690[11:27:03] <terraflops> we'll just say "yup got all the mods lemme in"
L691[11:27:18] <terraflops> now it doesn't happen with the normal version of logisticspipes
L692[11:27:22] <williewillus> just because something is crashing doesn't mean it's a good idea to remove it
L693[11:27:28] <williewillus> just report it to LP and make them fix it
L694[11:27:39] <williewillus> what is the crash?
L695[11:27:45] <terraflops> That's pretty unfair to ask them to fix something for crappy graphics drivers
L696[11:27:56] <williewillus> mod network list checking has 0 to do with your graphics drivers
L697[11:28:01] <terraflops> it doesn't
L698[11:28:13] <terraflops> the mod checking interferes with my ability to put in a modified version of logistics
L699[11:28:19] <terraflops> that doesn't crash my graphics drivers
L700[11:28:21] <williewillus> it shouldn't
L701[11:28:26] <williewillus> if you used the same modid and version
L702[11:29:08] <terraflops> yeah that's what I find really weird
L703[11:29:23] <williewillus> that's what you should be investigated instead of tearing out core FML internals
L704[11:29:24] <williewillus> :P
L705[11:29:27] <williewillus> what's the crashlog?
L706[11:29:30] <terraflops> http://pastebin.com/QKwUT5Rn
L707[11:29:43] <terraflops> I mean I find it impossible to understand D:
L708[11:29:52] <terraflops> without taking a huge debugger out and finding out
L709[11:30:31] <terraflops> ooh and it doesn't crash
L710[11:30:44] <terraflops> it simply disconnects me with java.lang.NullPointerException and some stuff
L711[11:30:59] <Coolway99> that's probably a mod then :/
L712[11:31:22] <williewillus> is this server a pure forge server
L713[11:31:31] <williewillus> or does it have other crap
L714[11:31:37] <williewillus> (cauldron)
L715[11:32:11] <LexManos> -.-
L716[11:32:18] <LexManos> Do not fuck around with Forge internals
L717[11:32:33] <williewillus> the line your crash is at is Map<String,String> modList = modListPacket.modList();
L718[11:32:41] <terraflops> yeah I know
L719[11:32:42] <williewillus> which meansthe server sent a bad mod list packet?
L720[11:32:46] <LexManos> If you 'simply recompiled' the mod in question you would need to make zero changes to forge
L721[11:33:02] <terraflops> tried that and that's why I'm stuck at this
L722[11:33:04] <terraflops> it's really weird
L723[11:33:10] <LexManos> then you fucked up
L724[11:33:14] <terraflops> I did :(
L725[11:33:19] <williewillus> do you have your modified source anywhere
L726[11:33:26] <williewillus> of LP
L727[11:34:05] <Coolway99> is there a way to prevent vanilla components from being drawn on screen?
L728[11:34:05] <terraflops> I tried with an unmodified LP built from source
L729[11:34:07] <terraflops> does the same thing
L730[11:34:14] <williewillus> Coolway99: like what?
L731[11:34:20] <Coolway99> more specifically, I want to prevent the vanilla XP Bar from being drawn
L732[11:34:31] <williewillus> Coolway99: there's a gui render overlay event
L733[11:34:32] <terraflops> apparently the checkModList stuff gets called from userEventTriggered in HandshakeMessageHandler
L734[11:34:33] <williewillus> or somethiung like that
L735[11:34:40] <Coolway99> wait a minute, I feel like an idiot for asking
L736[11:34:48] <Coolway99> there has to be something for that in native minecraft already anyways
L737[11:34:49] <terraflops> which means that it does something like state.accept(context, null)
L738[11:34:56] <williewillus> terraflops: don't look there
L739[11:34:56] <terraflops> and the null gets pushed into the checkModList
L740[11:35:00] <williewillus> that has nothing to do with your problem
L741[11:35:17] <williewillus> your problem, now I'm pretty sure is, the release builds of LP have extra versioning info or something
L742[11:35:22] <williewillus> that your build does not contain
L743[11:35:32] <williewillus> which causes the mod list comparison to mess up
L744[11:35:57] <terraflops> well I figured that the release builds of LP had something so I did something else too
L745[11:36:04] <williewillus> that's vague
L746[11:36:06] <williewillus> just show your modified source
L747[11:37:05] <terraflops> http://pastebin.com/bExp2esN
L748[11:37:19] <terraflops> changed renderSign by putting a branch that'll always return
L749[11:37:40] <terraflops> but so I did a bytecode edit on a release build of LP
L750[11:37:56] <terraflops> and changed Manifest.MF to remove all the SHA-256 hashes of the classes
L751[11:38:11] <williewillus> 0.o
L752[11:38:13] <terraflops> and deleted the RS485.SF and the RS485.RSA files inside
L753[11:38:16] <williewillus> ..
L754[11:38:20] <terraflops> and it did the same thing
L755[11:38:31] <kenzierocks> >.>
L756[11:38:34] <terraflops> but I left all the stuff at the top
L757[11:38:44] <williewillus> so did you RECOMPILE LP or did you EDIT the binary?
L758[11:38:44] <terraflops> like the fml stuff and the implementation version stuff
L759[11:38:47] <kenzierocks> the mod /probably/ checks for signature data
L760[11:38:48] <terraflops> I did both
L761[11:38:49] <williewillus> which one is it?
L762[11:38:51] <williewillus> 0.o
L763[11:38:56] <terraflops> same result
L764[11:39:08] <williewillus> yeah it probably checks for signature data
L765[11:39:22] <terraflops> D: I haven't solved discrete log for composite moduli yet
L766[11:39:29] <williewillus> in the rejections checking as well
L767[11:39:30] <terraflops> (Actually, nobody has)
L768[11:39:35] <williewillus> so you're probably SOL :P
L769[11:39:58] <terraflops> Well I still have one more idea
L770[11:40:07] <williewillus> and that is? :P
L771[11:40:10] <terraflops> Is there a way to get the memory address of that particular method?
L772[11:40:13] <williewillus> no
L773[11:40:25] <williewillus> and the JVM would not let you do anyrthing remotely close to that
L774[11:40:35] <terraflops> I was planning on using sun.misc.Unsafe to help me remove that
L775[11:40:42] <williewillus> do you even know what you're saying?
L776[11:40:46] <williewillus> :P
L777[11:41:02] <williewillus> write a coremod that patches LP to return there
L778[11:41:04] <williewillus> done
L779[11:41:13] <kenzierocks> coremods for lyfe
L780[11:41:22] <williewillus> /s
L781[11:41:28] <kenzierocks> :P
L782[11:41:29] <williewillus> but in this case it's actually the cleanest solution
L783[11:41:49] <williewillus> i presume when you edited the binary you literally opened the class file and edited it?
L784[11:42:11] <terraflops> yep
L785[11:42:19] <williewillus> yeah that ain't gonna fly
L786[11:42:31] <sham1> >i presume when you edited the binary you literally opened the class file and edited it?
L787[11:42:35] <sham1> >yep
L788[11:42:37] <sham1> Why would you
L789[11:42:38] <williewillus> the bytecode has a lot of metadata that will flip shit
L790[11:42:46] <terraflops> used a bytecode editor
L791[11:42:48] <williewillus> that's why libraries like ASM exist
L792[11:42:51] <terraflops> loaded the mod fine :P
L793[11:42:55] <williewillus> anyways your solution is clear
L794[11:43:01] <williewillus> write a coremod that patches that method of LP to return
L795[11:43:16] *** cpw|out is now known as cpw
L796[11:43:50] <terraflops> dear me this looks harder than JNA :P
L797[11:44:01] <williewillus> it's not
L798[11:44:23] <Coolway99> there's no "way" to prevent the XP Bar from getting drawn completely
L799[11:44:44] <Coolway99> there's two conditions that make the entire bar + level get drawn
L800[11:44:47] <LexManos> yes there is you were jsut told it
L801[11:45:01] <williewillus> RenderGameOverlayEvent with subtype EXPERIENCE
L802[11:45:14] <williewillus> prevents the bar and level from drawing
L803[11:45:17] <LexManos> and no dont make a coremod if you cant manually edit bytecode correctly, you probably cant edit it using asm right either.
L804[11:45:31] <williewillus> :P
L805[11:45:37] <Coolway99> ...
L806[11:45:46] <terraflops> the mod's bytecode works it's just the signatures that mess it up
L807[11:46:00] <williewillus> just because it works doesn't mean it's not unstable
L808[11:46:03] <terraflops> a coremod is just a regular mod that implements IFMLLoadingPlugin?
L809[11:46:16] <LexManos> then kill the fucking signatures
L810[11:46:25] <williewillus> you're on your own now I don't remember how to do coremods anymore :P
L811[11:46:30] <LexManos> either way we do not endorse or help people fuck with bytecode in this channel
L812[11:47:13] <Coolway99> errrrr, there's no subtype EXPERIENCE for RenderGameOverlayEvent
L813[11:47:17] ⇦ Quits: synthetica (~synthetic@cpe-76-188-199-137.neo.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L814[11:47:33] <williewillus> https://gyazo.com/9356c697751dbed62f29d381d143707a
L815[11:48:13] <LatvianModder> lol
L816[11:48:55] <Coolway99> bleh
L817[11:49:04] <Coolway99> reading the minecraft source code teaches you nothing, apparently
L818[11:49:20] <williewillus> ?
L819[11:49:27] <cpw> wtf is going on?
L820[11:49:33] <williewillus> i mean you had the RenderGameOverlayEvent open right? :P
L821[11:49:58] <Coolway99> no, when I said something about there not being an event, I was reading GuiIngame
L822[11:50:01] <gigaherz> Coolway99: on the contrary, it teaches you a lot
L823[11:50:06] <williewillus> oh that's because forge replaces it
L824[11:50:08] <williewillus> with GuiIngameForge
L825[11:50:09] <gigaherz> genreally how NOT to do things
L826[11:50:10] <gigaherz> ;p
L827[11:50:13] <williewillus> lol
L828[11:50:15] <LexManos> Thats because its not in GuiIngame.
L829[11:51:08] <terraflops> Also on an unrelated note: is there a way to make a mod load before all the others?
L830[11:51:16] <cpw> before:*
L831[11:51:32] <williewillus> oh btw since people are here...any updates on the substitution situation? https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/2825
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L833[11:52:27] <cpw> right good
L834[11:52:42] <cpw> williewillus, i am gonna be working on test systems to make sure it works
L835[11:52:50] <williewillus> yay
L836[11:52:55] * cpw is currently working on a minecraft test harness for junit
L837[11:52:58] <williewillus> ooh
L838[11:53:00] <gigaherz> :O
L839[11:53:02] <williewillus> I always wanted one of those
L840[11:53:03] <Coolway99> is there any plus to a white on black theme?
L841[11:53:04] <cpw> heh
L842[11:53:09] <williewillus> but there's so much coupling inside
L843[11:53:11] <gigaherz> Coolway99: eye stress
L844[11:53:16] <cpw> there's surprisingly little actually
L845[11:53:25] <cpw> the biggie is that you want tests to be re-entrant
L846[11:53:36] <cpw> so you need to armslength the classloading of minecraft
L847[11:53:45] <cpw> so you can throw it all away for another test pass
L848[11:53:52] <Coolway99> cause I like white on black a lot more, but I got so used to black on white for eclipse
L849[11:54:06] <cpw> it's mostly intended for registry type stuff
L850[11:54:19] <gigaherz> Coolway99: I use dark themes for all apps that allow me to use one
L851[11:54:21] <cpw> but i hope to use it aggressively in FAIL too, so fail mods will be able to get some automatica tests
L852[11:54:25] <gigaherz> I even use a custom theme for mirc
L853[11:54:37] <williewillus> dark themes are great
L854[11:54:41] <Coolway99> which causes this weird effect on my screen, because every time I switch to IRC the screen dims a bit, and back to eclipse it gets a bit brighter
L855[11:54:56] <williewillus> but yeah good to know its being worked on, thanks!
L856[11:55:35] <cpw> williewillus, one week until fail begins :)
L857[11:55:45] <LatvianModder> what the heck is fail
L858[11:55:50] <cpw> project FAIL
L859[11:55:55] <LatvianModder> Ive heard the name
L860[11:56:01] <cpw> forge abstraction interaction layer
L861[11:56:08] <williewillus> a NOVA that actually exists ;)
L862[11:56:14] <cpw> or Forge A? I? Layer
L863[11:56:18] <cpw> basically
L864[11:56:22] <Coolway99> bleh, time to hunt for a eclipse theme that keeps the old colors
L865[11:56:32] <LatvianModder> So... we wont have to update mods when MC updates?
L866[11:56:36] <cpw> my attempt at building a data-driven way to define primary content in forge type mods
L867[11:56:40] <williewillus> if your mod is basic enough
L868[11:56:52] <cpw> williewillus, i'm hoping that many mods can uptake the basics
L869[11:57:02] <williewillus> anyways, in the latest PE release, I found some more interesting jsons
L870[11:57:09] <williewillus> seems they moved the mob rendering to a model system
L871[11:57:24] <cpw> yes
L872[11:57:33] <cpw> expect that to land in java edition eventually
L873[11:57:42] <williewillus> hopefully :P
L874[11:57:49] <Coolway99> SOO MANY COLORS
L875[11:57:49] <cpw> bascially, my plan is to leverage the crap out of the existing model system
L876[11:57:50] <Coolway99> https://www.dropbox.com/s/f5jwbng9ssgeyna/Screenshot%202016-06-26%2012.57.23.png?dl=0
L877[11:58:12] <cpw> what a horror show Coolway99
L878[11:58:14] <williewillus> that theme looks pretty bleh
L879[11:58:17] <williewillus> that left pane
L880[11:58:20] <Coolway99> that's the default dark theme
L881[11:58:22] <williewillus> 0.o
L882[11:58:24] <cpw> intellij+darcula ftw!
L883[11:58:27] <williewillus> wow that looks terrible :P
L884[11:58:28] <Coolway99> also
L885[11:58:30] <LatvianModder> THE COLORS OH MY
L886[11:58:37] <kenzierocks> cpw: do you think Sponge would be able to take advantage of the MC junit stuff?
L887[11:58:39] <Coolway99> eclipse seemed to have to re-render itself
L888[11:58:40] <LatvianModder> Am I still the only person using light themes?
L889[11:58:44] <cpw> kenzierocks, no idea
L890[11:58:47] <williewillus> LatvianModder: yes
L891[11:58:47] <cpw> possibly?
L892[11:58:48] <williewillus> :P
L893[11:58:52] <kenzierocks> LatvianModder: no!
L894[11:58:54] <LatvianModder> .. darn it
L895[11:59:04] <cpw> LatvianModder, i find the dark themes less eye straining
L896[11:59:04] <williewillus> how can you stand getting your eyes burned out by the blazing sun of the background constnatly
L897[11:59:09] <cpw> which matters to these old old eyes
L898[11:59:14] <LatvianModder> Probably. Gonna try it out now
L899[11:59:20] <kenzierocks> williewillus: i don't know
L900[11:59:27] <kenzierocks> i can't read if i switch to a dark theme
L901[11:59:27] <LatvianModder> Only dark themed soft I have, is Sublime
L902[11:59:29] <cpw> darcula + solarized dark @ intellij is VERY nice
L903[11:59:31] <kenzierocks> but /only/ in eclipse
L904[11:59:31] <LatvianModder> and its dark by default, so
L905[11:59:36] <kenzierocks> i use dark everywhere else
L906[11:59:40] <LatvianModder> solarized dark? whats that?
L907[11:59:48] <kenzierocks> solarized dark is the best thing
L908[11:59:54] ⇨ Joins: Drullkus (~Dru11kus@c-67-180-188-243.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L909[11:59:54] <cpw> it's solarized but tailored for a dark theme
L910[12:00:05] <kenzierocks> my eclipse right now https://i.imgur.com/ySWShM1.png
L911[12:00:22] <williewillus> my eyes
L912[12:00:25] <cpw> ow
L913[12:00:33] <cpw> it's even worse on linux
L914[12:00:39] <cpw> the renders don't even work properly there
L915[12:00:47] <cpw> so you get glitchy whitespace over everything
L916[12:01:08] <cpw> i see no attraction in modern eclipse
L917[12:01:20] <cpw> and i speak as a dedicated user for 14 years
L918[12:02:04] <williewillus> heh this is a horror show, dark gtk theme + "gtk" eclipse theme https://gyazo.com/55b567894d4a27b21ad63dfa56caf0ab
L919[12:02:16] <cpw> yup
L920[12:02:18] <cpw> looks about right
L921[12:02:31] ⇦ Quits: Drullkus (~Dru11kus@c-67-180-188-243.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L922[12:02:31] <cpw> that's pretty much what eclipse looks like for me these days
L923[12:03:20] <LatvianModder> Coolway99: how did you get your colors so pretty? for me dracula is just.. not pretty :P
L924[12:03:29] <kenzierocks> apparently eclipse osx doesn't tell OSX to use dark scrollbars https://i.imgur.com/ZtiRTPk.png
L925[12:03:34] <Coolway99> just use the default eclipse theme
L926[12:03:42] <Coolway99> default dark eclipse theme
L927[12:03:46] <LatvianModder> oh, thats eclipse? darn
L928[12:03:48] <williewillus> so many mods lol
L929[12:03:54] <williewillus> or projects
L930[12:03:57] <gigaherz> eclipse dark on winedows looks like crap
L931[12:04:02] <gigaherz> it's horrible
L932[12:04:06] <gigaherz> worse than just having it ont he default
L933[12:04:33] <williewillus> what fonts do you guys use in IDE, defaults?
L934[12:04:53] <gigaherz> it's not the fonts, it's the fact that the menubar, scrollbars, and other stuff, are still "os-themed"
L935[12:05:13] <gigaherz> http://i.stack.imgur.com/Z269G.png
L936[12:05:15] <gigaherz> random pic from google
L937[12:05:37] ⇦ Quits: portablejim (~portablej@2001:4830:1200:8083:3c59:e7e:f65e:2aa8) (Remote host closed the connection)
L938[12:05:57] <kenzierocks> williewillus: I use anon pro
L939[12:06:11] <kenzierocks> http://www.marksimonson.com/fonts/view/anonymous-pro
L940[12:06:53] <LatvianModder> How do I remove that margin line in Idea?
L941[12:07:14] <Coolway99> while I'm sitting in the eclipse marketplace, why was nodeclipse missing from my install
L942[12:07:37] <LatvianModder> got it
L943[12:08:03] <LatvianModder> There should be "noeclipse" on your pc :P
L944[12:08:10] <williewillus> what are you guys' opinions on ligatures?
L945[12:08:26] <gigaherz> good on typographic contexts, bad on monospaced
L946[12:08:48] <LatvianModder> *googles that*
L947[12:09:01] <LatvianModder> looks like combined letters... why is that useful?
L948[12:09:16] <williewillus> some people like how it looks
L949[12:09:31] <williewillus> it displays as the actual symbol rather than the combination of characters used to make it
L950[12:11:20] <terraflops> well in Norwegian Bokmål the ae is a ligature
L951[12:11:34] <Coolway99> so it seems like the issue with the left pane is just eclipse being derp
L952[12:11:45] <Coolway99> I'm using Neon, which actually hasn't been released yet
L953[12:11:48] <Coolway99> soooo >.>
L954[12:12:13] <kenzierocks> #betasoftware
L955[12:12:27] <terraflops> wait what happens when Eclipse gets to Z?
L956[12:12:33] * Coolway99 quietly checks for updates
L957[12:12:47] <williewillus> they start going ubuntu
L958[12:12:52] <williewillus> Adventurous Aardvark
L959[12:12:53] <Coolway99> oh yeah, they have been going in order, haven't they?
L960[12:12:55] <williewillus> lol
L961[12:13:01] <Coolway99> Luna, Mars, Neon
L962[12:13:05] <williewillus> yeah
L963[12:13:20] <Coolway99> so what happened to A?
L964[12:13:27] <Coolway99> what was A? O.o
L965[12:13:54] <williewillus> they probably didn't start there :P
L966[12:13:59] <kenzierocks> there's also two Gs
L967[12:14:00] <terraflops> I remember Indigo, Juno, Kepler, Luna, and Mars.
L968[12:14:05] ⇨ Joins: MinecraftWero (~textual@
L969[12:14:06] <kenzierocks> Ganymede/Galileo
L970[12:14:09] <kenzierocks> https://wiki.eclipse.org/Simultaneous_Release
L971[12:14:26] <Coolway99> don't mind me, there's only updates for absolutely everything
L972[12:14:41] <williewillus> earliest named one is Callisto
L973[12:14:49] <kenzierocks> they're breaking the space theme with Oxygen :(
L974[12:14:51] <williewillus> and they skipped D and had two G's
L975[12:14:59] <williewillus> Neon already broke it
L976[12:15:01] <williewillus> :P
L977[12:15:03] <kenzierocks> actually they did that with Indigo
L978[12:15:04] <Coolway99> neon was released 4 days ago? XD
L979[12:15:21] <williewillus> only eclipse I used was Indigo
L980[12:15:25] <williewillus> I found idea shortly :P
L981[12:15:34] <kenzierocks> yea Coolway99
L982[12:15:42] <kenzierocks> > June 22/2016 - Release day
L983[12:15:44] <Coolway99> I've been using it for a couple of months
L984[12:16:02] <terraflops> The download for Java EE is still stuck in Kepler :(
L985[12:17:02] <williewillus> java EE itself has been stuck
L986[12:17:05] <williewillus> :P
L987[12:17:13] ⇦ Quits: SanAndreasP (~SanAndrea@ip-2-201-0-69.web.vodafone.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L988[12:17:28] <williewillus> oracle doesn't care about it apparently
L989[12:17:49] <Coolway99> I've never seen a reason to use it
L990[12:17:59] <gigaherz> yo uare not an enterprise, though ;P
L991[12:18:00] <williewillus> of course its for etnerprise :P
L992[12:18:42] <terraflops> Well I use it for making servlets :P
L993[12:18:49] <terraflops> still doing mods with Notepad++
L994[12:18:56] <terraflops> reallly sucks
L995[12:19:29] <Coolway99> oh dear, it seems like I have no disk space on my C drive left
L996[12:19:34] <Coolway99> ~ 186 MB
L997[12:19:41] <terraflops> dear me how much space do you have?
L998[12:19:51] <Coolway99> on my C drive? Only 60 GB
L999[12:19:55] <TehNut> Oh I had taht on my media PC last week
L1000[12:20:03] <TehNut> 45Gb text file was eating it all >.>
L1001[12:20:05] <williewillus> lol I constantly have to be careufl of my linux partition since I sized it too small when I made it >.<
L1002[12:20:12] <williewillus> I'm always hovering at 4-6G free space
L1003[12:20:15] <Coolway99> do you dare look at my partitioning system?
L1004[12:20:25] <terraflops> ^ that was the same for me until my hard drive partially failed
L1005[12:20:36] <gigaherz> FUCK
L1006[12:20:38] <Coolway99> https://www.dropbox.com/s/2xohcw5k2ema4op/Screenshot%202016-04-17%2019.46.11.png?dl=0
L1007[12:20:39] <gigaherz> Ark crashed
L1008[12:20:40] <terraflops> now I have a block of 90 GB of "free space" that has tons of bad sectors
L1009[12:20:43] <gigaherz> when I loadedit back
L1010[12:20:50] <gigaherz> I was elsewhere
L1011[12:20:56] <gigaherz> far away from where I was when it crashed
L1012[12:21:07] <williewillus> lol wtf Coolway99
L1013[12:21:12] <gigaherz> and I can't find my poison badass argy and my chamion quetz
L1014[12:21:33] <williewillus> why the dual linux installs?
L1015[12:21:35] <TehNut> http://i.imgur.com/7LTZjWH.png
L1016[12:21:47] <Coolway99> what do you mean? there's 3 linux installs
L1017[12:22:16] ⇨ Joins: SanAndreasP (~SanAndrea@ip-2-201-0-254.web.vodafone.de)
L1018[12:22:50] <williewillus> wat
L1019[12:23:00] <williewillus> didnt even see that one
L1020[12:23:02] <williewillus> why :P
L1021[12:23:26] <williewillus> TehNut: lol
L1022[12:23:35] <TehNut> i wasn't lol'ing at the time
L1023[12:23:41] <Coolway99> well, lets see if neon broke itself
L1024[12:23:44] <TehNut> I couldn't even use tab complete to do anything
L1025[12:23:47] <terraflops> :O coolway you have an embedded ssd? :P
L1026[12:23:49] <williewillus> heh
L1027[12:24:08] <TehNut> http://i.imgur.com/HuLYvhD.png
L1028[12:24:16] <TehNut> Gedit crashed a couple million lines later
L1029[12:24:48] <terraflops> meh forget ubuntu desktop; use ubuntu core
L1030[12:24:54] <williewillus> forget that use arch
L1031[12:24:55] <williewillus> ;)
L1032[12:25:00] <terraflops> and if you don't like snappy just remove those annoying shell scripts that tell you to use snappy --help
L1033[12:25:22] <Coolway99> I have an embedded SSD and a regular SSD
L1034[12:25:24] <Coolway99> SSD everywhere
L1035[12:30:04] ⇨ Joins: PBlock96 (~PBlock96@
L1036[12:30:57] <williewillus> bleh
L1037[12:31:02] <Coolway99> ooo, I like this theme
L1038[12:31:05] <williewillus> I'm so bad at osu on my mechanical keyboard for soem reason :/
L1039[12:31:15] <Coolway99> https://www.dropbox.com/s/czbv5r048r50u2o/Screenshot%202016-06-26%2013.31.09.png?dl=0
L1040[12:31:28] <Coolway99> VibrantInk color theme with Eclipse Dark theme
L1041[12:31:51] <Ordinastie_> oh god
L1042[12:31:55] <TehNut> those white scrollbars though *shudders*
L1043[12:31:56] <Ordinastie_> have some decency, will you?
L1044[12:31:58] <TehNut> And that box in the task list
L1045[12:32:29] <Coolway99> the scroll bars I don't think I can help :/
L1046[12:32:36] <Coolway99> maybe if I reboot eclipse...
L1047[12:32:49] <TehNut> Nope that's a Windows thing
L1048[12:33:21] <TehNut> Honestly, those scroll bars are why I changed to IDEA >.>
L1049[12:37:21] <masa> this is my color theme, which I', so sued to at this point that I wouldn't accept any others anymore http://masa.dy.fi/temp/minecraft/enderutilities/eclipse_2016-06-26.png
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L1051[12:38:17] <gigaherz> masa: yeah I couldn't possibly use that
L1052[12:38:22] <williewillus> y u no capabilities // conversation derail
L1053[12:38:26] <gigaherz> that's worse than just having black-on-white text
L1054[12:39:29] <Coolway99> I don't understand why people like the flat package view
L1055[12:39:42] <Coolway99> but meh, opinions
L1056[12:39:54] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1057[12:40:16] * LatvianModder is learning JavaScript
L1058[12:40:24] <masa> willieaway: who what?
L1059[12:40:35] <masa> gigaherz: elaborate? :p
L1060[12:40:56] <LatvianModder> onstanceof IInventory? AHAA
L1061[12:41:31] <gigaherz> masa: the dark code editor
L1062[12:41:34] <gigaherz> with bright everythingelse
L1063[12:41:35] <LatvianModder> you actually meant tileEntity.hasCapability()
L1064[12:41:51] <gigaherz> the contrast is what hurts my eyes
L1065[12:42:05] <gigaherz> when it's dark, everything has to be dark
L1066[12:42:05] <masa> yes, please tell me how to clear IItemHandler inventories ;)
L1067[12:42:21] <gigaherz> cast to IItemHandlerModifiable and set all slots to null
L1068[12:42:22] <gigaherz> ;P
L1069[12:42:36] <masa> gigaherz: hmm, well actually I tweaked that theme from an existing theme, and I made more pleasing to my eyes by reducing the contrast a bit
L1070[12:43:04] <masa> gigaherz: yes good plan, it will only crash on every TileEntity that way! ;p
L1071[12:43:25] <gigaherz> ?
L1072[12:43:43] <gigaherz> wiat you try to wipe other TE's inventories, not your own?
L1073[12:43:45] <masa> are you saying you actually expose IItemHandlerModifiable inventories? :o
L1074[12:43:58] <primetoxinz> any idea what could cause this when trying to connect to my server? https://gist.github.com/primetoxinz/bc0a3b3c113c5ecccaf9bff645624c50
L1075[12:43:58] <gigaherz> ofc
L1076[12:43:59] <masa> that is from my builder's wand template/move code
L1077[12:44:05] <gigaherz> I use ItemStackHandler for all of mine
L1078[12:44:05] <gigaherz> XD
L1079[12:44:12] <masa> so yes, I'm actually making a copy of the block and then wiping the original
L1080[12:44:33] <gigaherz> I don't expose the IItemHandlerModifiable directly, but instanceof would pass
L1081[12:44:34] <gigaherz> ;P
L1082[12:44:39] <masa> but IItemHandler has nothing to clear the inventory
L1083[12:45:10] <masa> that's why I have theblockSnapshot there, and by using that the IInventory clear() is also somewhat redundant
L1084[12:45:23] <Wuppy> lol https://www.facebook.com/skynews/videos/1362672097080717/
L1085[12:46:09] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1086[12:50:47] <Coolway99> hmmm...
L1087[12:51:10] <Coolway99> I'm trying to think of a good place to make a "new" Xp Bar
L1088[12:51:21] <williewillus> where the old one was
L1089[12:51:44] <Coolway99> bleh, I'm trying to make one with a bit more functionality
L1090[12:51:55] <williewillus> what is "functionality"
L1091[12:51:58] <williewillus> :P
L1092[12:52:04] <williewillus> its a bar it dispalys info that's kinda it
L1093[12:52:18] <Coolway99> well, I'm kind of re-writing the XP system
L1094[12:52:56] ⇦ Quits: psxlover (psxlover@athedsl-385389.home.otenet.gr) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1096[12:55:06] <Coolway99> which will seem to have the weird effect of both breaking and not breaking intermod compatability at the same time :/
L1097[12:55:09] ⇦ Quits: synthetica (~synthetic@cpe-76-188-199-137.neo.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L1098[12:55:16] <Coolway99> minecraft being included as a mod
L1099[12:55:20] ⇦ Quits: Noppes (~Noppes@82-168-99-26.ip.telfort.nl) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1100[12:55:53] <Coolway99> cause by default, the XpBar renders the EntityPlayer#experience and EntityPlayer#experienceLevel
L1101[12:56:12] <Coolway99> which are directly used in things like enchanting
L1102[12:57:11] <Coolway99> but the way I have it, I can "disconnect" it from the player and directly into my capability, which makes things get interesting
L1103[12:57:31] <Coolway99> rewriting the enchantment system without even touching it \o/
L1104[12:59:37] ⇦ Quits: Vazkii (~Vazkii@a79-169-163-74.cpe.netcabo.pt) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1105[13:03:49] ⇨ Joins: TechnicianLP (~Technic@p4FE1D6CE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1106[13:05:45] *** tterrag|ZZZzzz is now known as tterrag
L1107[13:07:42] <Coolway99> williewillus, what's a ScaledResolution
L1108[13:08:05] <Coolway99> I would assume you know, since botania draws it's mana bar directly on the XpBar
L1109[13:09:03] <terraflops> oh wow
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L1112[13:09:47] <tterrag> Coolway99: minecraft doesn't use the windows pixel density, it "scales" it down so that things look more "pixeley"
L1113[13:09:55] <tterrag> notice that all GUIs have the same pixel scale
L1114[13:10:08] <tterrag> ScaledResolution is just a helper to tell you what that scaled size is
L1115[13:10:39] ⇨ Joins: theFlaxbeard (~theFlaxbe@65-128-188-122.mpls.qwest.net)
L1116[13:11:44] <terraflops> ooh thx everyone
L1117[13:11:51] <terraflops> now I can play FTB Infinity Skyblock again :D
L1118[13:12:16] <tterrag> williewillus: so the tooltip render event looks ok to you?
L1119[13:12:18] <tterrag> missing anything?
L1120[13:12:59] ⇨ Joins: Unh0ly_Tigg (~Robert@c-76-115-95-185.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
L1121[13:13:43] <terraflops> hmm... what's the difference between using ASM and using an external library like Javassist?
L1122[13:14:51] <kenzierocks> using ASM?
L1123[13:14:56] <kenzierocks> you mean the ASM library?
L1124[13:14:58] <terraflops> yeah
L1125[13:15:19] <kenzierocks> the ASM library lets you do whatever you want to the bytecode
L1126[13:15:23] <kenzierocks> read, write, etc.
L1127[13:15:34] <LatvianModder> <Coolway99> williewillus, what's a ScaledResolution
L1128[13:15:34] <LatvianModder> it transforms actual width/height in the one MC uses
L1129[13:15:41] <kenzierocks> javassist, if i recall correctly, handles bytecode stuff for you
L1130[13:16:08] <LatvianModder> ScaledResolution sr = new ScaledResolution(mc); sr.getScaledWidth(), Height(), getScaleFactor()
L1131[13:18:30] <LexManos> What part of we dont support coremodding in here don't you guys understand?
L1132[13:19:26] <Unh0ly_Tigg> So, I was creating a new block class for my mod, and I noticed that certain Block methods were marked as @Deprecated, like getStateFromMeta, and getBoundingBox, but there is no documentation that I can find as to why. Can anyone explain why these methods are marked as such?
L1133[13:19:44] <TechnicianLP> mojang being funny
L1134[13:19:47] <kenzierocks> mojang annotated those for some reason
L1135[13:19:47] <TehNut> Ignore them
L1136[13:20:07] <Lordmau5> hmm...
L1137[13:20:18] <Lordmau5> are there any known issues with the DrawBlockHighlightEvent in combination with Stained Glass?
L1138[13:20:29] <Unh0ly_Tigg> well then.
L1139[13:20:30] <Lordmau5> as in, when you draw something over blocks in that
L1140[13:20:32] <tterrag> it's not "some reason"
L1141[13:20:36] <LexManos> Its because they are working on removing it...
L1142[13:20:38] <tterrag> they have been moved to IBLockState
L1143[13:20:49] <tterrag> if you don't like the warning, put @Deprecated on your override
L1144[13:20:53] <LexManos> you shoudlnt be using it except for the EXPLICIT implementation to let MC use it
L1145[13:21:30] <Lordmau5> Hmm?
L1146[13:21:35] <Lordmau5> Was that towards me :3?
L1147[13:21:44] <LexManos> twards tigg
L1148[13:21:48] <Lordmau5> ah, alright
L1149[13:21:59] <Lordmau5> regarding the deprecated methods, ah.
L1150[13:22:25] <Unh0ly_Tigg> ok, but getStateFromMeta is deprecated, so if I didn't want to use that, what would be the alternative?
L1151[13:22:50] <tterrag> no alternative, you shouldn't be calling it
L1152[13:23:11] ⇨ Joins: MoxieGrrl_ (~MoxieGrrl@173-23-172-139.client.mchsi.com)
L1153[13:23:13] <sham1> Hmm
L1154[13:23:23] <Unh0ly_Tigg> but when I override it in my classes, it's fine?
L1155[13:23:44] <LexManos> yes
L1156[13:23:45] <Unh0ly_Tigg> ok
L1157[13:23:54] <LexManos> its deprected until mojang can remove it
L1158[13:23:58] <Unh0ly_Tigg> good to know.
L1159[13:24:06] <LexManos> but as the state system is a hack on top of the old metadata system
L1160[13:24:15] <sham1> Regarding that however, once they are removed, I really do wonder how the ItemBlock -> placed Block dynamic will work in the future without getStateFromMeta
L1161[13:24:17] <LexManos> you have to deal with this intermediate spot
L1162[13:24:24] <LexManos> you should NEVER CALL the functions
L1163[13:24:35] <Ordinastie_> what about nbt serialization ?
L1164[13:24:40] <LexManos> nope
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L1166[13:24:45] <kenzierocks> sham1: maybe ItemBlock will get states!
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L1168[13:24:48] <LexManos> use state/property names
L1169[13:24:58] <sham1> Proper itemstates...
L1170[13:25:04] <sham1> That would be nice
L1171[13:25:05] <Ordinastie_> how would you store a state in a TE then ?
L1172[13:25:07] <kenzierocks> what i'm concerned about is using /give with states
L1173[13:25:10] <Unh0ly_Tigg> inb4 ItemStateContainer. /s
L1174[13:25:17] <sham1> Would be nice
L1175[13:25:21] <kenzierocks> the command would explode in length
L1176[13:25:28] <tterrag> Ordinastie_: use Block.getStateId
L1177[13:25:47] <sham1> kenzierocks: it already does with NBT
L1178[13:25:59] <Ordinastie_> tterrag, then it's world dependant
L1179[13:26:10] <tterrag> .....and?
L1180[13:26:14] <sham1> ^
L1181[13:26:25] <kenzierocks> schematics?
L1182[13:26:25] ⇦ Quits: MoxieGrrl_ (~MoxieGrrl@173-23-172-139.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1183[13:26:29] <Ordinastie_> for example
L1184[13:26:40] <LexManos> thats exactly what you're doing kenzierocks 1.11 allows for states now.
L1185[13:26:43] <LexManos> no more metadata
L1186[13:26:52] <sham1> Not even for items?
L1187[13:27:08] <Unh0ly_Tigg> kenzierocks, serialize property values and registry names?
L1188[13:27:19] <kenzierocks> yea, probably
L1189[13:27:46] <Unh0ly_Tigg> that's what I'm doing for my new mod, to handle configuring ore gen.
L1190[13:27:55] <sham1> Welp, that shall be figured out once Mojang has killed off metadata
L1191[13:28:10] <LatvianModder> they cant
L1192[13:28:14] <LatvianModder> fully
L1193[13:28:24] <kenzierocks> they probably can
L1194[13:28:25] <sham1> How so
L1195[13:28:32] <LatvianModder> otherwise all past worlds will be incompatitable
L1196[13:28:49] <tterrag> he's right, at some point it has to be converted to a number
L1197[13:28:51] <LexManos> they can
L1198[13:29:01] <tterrag> even if it's a local mapping
L1199[13:29:04] <Lordmau5> I've switched over to the stateID stuff
L1200[13:29:13] <tterrag> but that number can be so hidden down that it's basically nonexistent
L1201[13:29:14] <LexManos> they just need to explode the meta into full ids and go that route
L1202[13:29:18] <tterrag> ^
L1203[13:29:18] <LexManos> it's essentially what they do right now
L1204[13:29:24] <Lordmau5> tterrag, you know my fake state thing, right?
L1205[13:29:35] <LatvianModder> Right. Will items too have states?
L1206[13:29:36] <Lordmau5> am I supposed to just save the state-id and load it later on again in the NBT?
L1207[13:29:39] <LexManos> they are 1/2 switched to IBlockState as the new holder
L1208[13:29:47] <sham1> LatvianModder: I certainly hope so
L1209[13:29:58] <LexManos> that has been discussed
L1210[13:30:06] <LexManos> its sorta in the works with the model system
L1211[13:30:07] <LatvianModder> if they do, I hope they wont have 2 of each. Like IBlockStates & IItemState. It could be just IState
L1212[13:30:11] <LexManos> but right now, no.
L1213[13:30:21] <sham1> Like, there already are "Item states"
L1214[13:30:25] <sham1> But they are pretty meh
L1215[13:30:27] <LatvianModder> sorta
L1216[13:30:44] <LatvianModder> not really. You can just pass params to model registry, like type=x
L1217[13:30:45] <williewillus> not really
L1218[13:31:01] <LatvianModder> but it isnt bound with item itself or anything
L1219[13:31:07] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I think besides the loading old worlds, the only reason block 'metadata' is still a thing is to save space when writing world data to file, because otherwise, save files would be *much* bigger if they stored state data directly for each block.
L1220[13:31:18] <williewillus> blockstates are a core engine concept, item property overrides are just for a limited subsystem
L1221[13:31:19] <LatvianModder> nop
L1222[13:31:30] <kenzierocks> hey, not to derail the conversation or anything
L1223[13:31:36] <LatvianModder> Unh0ly_Tigg: just have a registry of states. Just like with BlockIDs
L1224[13:31:41] <kenzierocks> but is there a way to render a specific blockstate for the GUI item?
L1225[13:31:52] <Lordmau5> we just discussed the stateID stuff, kenzierocks
L1226[13:31:53] <kenzierocks> and maybe the other item areas as well
L1227[13:32:01] <Lordmau5> I assume that's probably what you're looking for :D
L1228[13:32:02] <kenzierocks> what Lordmau5
L1229[13:32:08] <Lordmau5> Block.getStateID
L1230[13:32:09] <LexManos> Umm tigg no
L1231[13:32:10] <Lordmau5> and Block.getStateForID
L1232[13:32:16] <Lordmau5> getStateByID*
L1233[13:32:17] <LexManos> metadata doesnt exist anymore on the disk
L1234[13:32:19] <kenzierocks> but how do I tell the renderer to use it
L1235[13:32:28] <LexManos> it's literally an ID
L1236[13:32:33] <Lordmau5> uh
L1237[13:32:38] <Lordmau5> gimme a sec...
L1238[13:32:40] <Unh0ly_Tigg> ok
L1239[13:32:49] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I can understand that.
L1240[13:32:57] <Lordmau5> brb gotta bring some stuff out :<
L1241[13:32:58] <LexManos> when loaded they simply do id = id | extraBits << 8;
L1242[13:32:58] <sham1> Can you?
L1243[13:33:24] <LatvianModder> Which Forge branch should I now go with for new features? 1.10 or master?
L1244[13:33:37] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I just wish that 'metadata' wasn't still limited to 4 bits of data.
L1245[13:33:45] <williewillus> that's what's going to change :P
L1246[13:33:54] <Unh0ly_Tigg> >.>
L1247[13:34:04] <sham1> No more metadata, no more 16 permutation gap on saving
L1248[13:34:10] <tterrag> in an ideal world, a block would declare how many IDs it needs
L1249[13:34:18] <LexManos> thats the goal
L1250[13:34:23] <LexManos> that just hasnt been implemented yet
L1251[13:34:31] <tterrag> and then it would have that much "metadata" (not really metadata) to work with
L1252[13:34:32] <LexManos> why is this going on this long? its a simple concepot
L1253[13:34:41] <tterrag> so the many blocks which use NO Meta at all would stop "wasting" 16 IDs
L1254[13:34:48] <LexManos> Who is still confused?
L1255[13:34:58] <sham1> Anyway
L1256[13:35:00] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I'm not.
L1257[13:35:11] <sham1> How has everyone's day been
L1258[13:35:29] <tterrag> williewillus: you didn't answer me :P
L1259[13:35:37] <williewillus> you asked something?
L1260[13:35:46] <williewillus> i mightve been eating :P
L1261[13:36:03] <Unh0ly_Tigg> sham1, my dad is going to be working from germany for the week. (I live in oregon, so it's a long distance)
L1262[13:36:05] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:2945:e207:67d4:78a)
L1263[13:36:09] <LatvianModder> Lex: I know you really want to check out my PermissionAPI before I make a PR so you can tell me already if its trash or worth PRing: https://gist.github.com/LatvianModder/b179ddcac33f867edcd98b74222926cc
L1264[13:36:12] <sham1> Nicew
L1265[13:36:17] <sham1> Which part of Germany
L1266[13:36:18] <tterrag> who needs food
L1267[13:36:32] <tterrag> <tterrag> williewillus: so the tooltip render event looks ok to you? <tterrag> missing anything?
L1268[13:36:40] <Coolway99> hrmmm...
L1269[13:36:43] <williewillus> yes it looks fine
L1270[13:36:47] <Coolway99> what do I need to draw on the GUI for MC?
L1271[13:36:51] <williewillus> I just needed the final width of the tooltip
L1272[13:37:01] <tterrag> well that's a bit tricky
L1273[13:37:10] <tterrag> since forge's rendering code adds some magic numbers to the width before drawing
L1274[13:37:12] <sham1> Coolway99: some way to do OpenGL calls, usually through WorldRenderer
L1275[13:37:16] <tterrag> but it should be "close" enough
L1276[13:37:19] <williewillus> yeah
L1277[13:37:23] <sham1> And tesselator
L1278[13:37:24] <williewillus> better than copying all of GuiUtils :P
L1279[13:37:26] <LexManos> LatvianModder, have you figured out how to do context info?
L1280[13:37:27] <Coolway99> I don't have a world...
L1281[13:37:38] <sham1> Coolway99: it does not need a world
L1282[13:37:43] <sham1> It's just a name
L1283[13:37:44] <Unh0ly_Tigg> sham1, I'd say it's a good chance that it's any city where there's a Solar World building.
L1284[13:37:45] <williewillus> WorldRenderer is just its name
L1285[13:37:48] <williewillus> and it got renamed in 1.9
L1286[13:37:50] <williewillus> to VertexBuffer
L1287[13:37:57] <Coolway99> ah
L1288[13:38:01] <tterrag> williewillus: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/1631
L1289[13:38:06] <sham1> Unh0ly_Tigg: I don't know it. I live in another country
L1290[13:38:06] <LatvianModder> context info? Well, world, entity, blockPos is all you need by default. Anything else can go in custom map
L1291[13:38:12] <tterrag> I suggested your latest PR almost a year and a half ago :P
L1292[13:38:13] <sham1> I don't follow what happens in Germany
L1293[13:38:31] <luacs1998> LatvianModder, did you remember what we talked about in 2899?
L1294[13:38:31] <tterrag> of course, you solved it differently
L1295[13:38:33] <tterrag> but the problem is the same
L1296[13:38:36] <williewillus> tterrag: :P
L1297[13:38:56] <tterrag> jesus there's been 6 new PRs since mine last night
L1298[13:38:57] <tterrag> you all are busy
L1299[13:39:01] <Unh0ly_Tigg> sham1, this is the us version of their site: http://www.solarworld-usa.com/
L1300[13:39:02] <tterrag> oh wait
L1301[13:39:05] <tterrag> 5 are from mezz
L1302[13:39:06] <LatvianModder> Not really. wow, you even remember the issue ID? :D
L1303[13:39:07] <tterrag> >.>
L1304[13:39:21] <luacs1998> haha
L1305[13:39:32] <williewillus> he split out all his fluid fixes :P
L1306[13:39:33] <sham1> Aww, solar world has no business here :(
L1307[13:39:43] <Wuppy> this weekend is the fucking worst :V
L1308[13:39:45] <luacs1998> my family is big on the lottery so we just throw 4 digit numbers around
L1309[13:39:46] <Coolway99> what objects do I need to draw, that's my true question
L1310[13:39:49] <Wuppy> friends of mine are at the best festival in the world
L1311[13:39:58] <Unh0ly_Tigg> sham1, what country?
L1312[13:39:59] <Wuppy> and I'm just sitting here at home :'(
L1313[13:40:02] <sham1> Finland
L1314[13:40:15] <Wuppy> even fucking headhunterz returned :V
L1315[13:40:25] <sham1> At this time of the year, solar panels could actually be kind of worth it
L1316[13:40:41] <Unh0ly_Tigg> yeah...
L1317[13:40:49] <sham1> Because midnight sun
L1318[13:40:52] <sham1> And all that
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L1320[13:41:43] <LatvianModder> luacs1998: what do you think of my PermissionsAPI (PAPI for short, because it sounds hilarious)?
L1321[13:42:05] <Unh0ly_Tigg> by the way, for anyone curious. I'd recommend Solar World panels over Solar City panels, the solar city panels would cost more in the long run, since they tend to only last ~5 years, versus the ~20-25 years that solar world panels last...
L1322[13:42:40] <Unh0ly_Tigg> also, solar world panels are more efficient.
L1323[13:42:55] <LatvianModder> We should start making Solar Wind panels, hang them in space with very very long cables and get all the energy
L1324[13:43:32] <Coolway99> how do I get a VertexBuffer object?
L1325[13:43:49] <luacs1998> LatvianModder, just give me easy-to-use wrappers like these: https://github.com/ForgeEssentials/ForgeEssentials/blob/189/develop/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/permission/PermissionManager.java#L163
L1326[13:44:05] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I think, instead of long cables for that, we should work on getting wireless energy transmission working at longer distances than induction.
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L1328[13:44:20] <Unh0ly_Tigg> We basically need to invent tesseracts...
L1329[13:44:25] <Coolway99> nah
L1330[13:44:26] <kenzierocks> we should build a time machine to get tesla's ideas
L1331[13:44:30] <Coolway99> use lasers
L1332[13:45:22] <sham1> We need better power generators
L1333[13:45:29] <sham1> Like for instance fusion
L1334[13:47:07] <LatvianModder> luacs1998: so your code has 2 differences - it puts sender (the permission requester, I suppose) inside Context (which I think I will do too, makes more sense). BUT since its ICommandSender, it wont work with offline players (Lex told that it Has to work with offline players) so GameProfile would be much better in this case. Two - you dont have default
L1335[13:47:07] <LatvianModder> permission, so it wont work without a permission handler. And since this goes in Forge, it Has to work without a handler mod, a.k.a on its own
L1336[13:47:36] <luacs1998> yeah why can't forge provide a default handler mod
L1337[13:47:48] <LatvianModder> Because Impl doesnt go in Forge
L1338[13:48:04] <LatvianModder> Thats why it is PermissionAPI. So you dont have to have a handler
L1339[13:48:10] <luacs1998> i'll defer to lex about that
L1340[13:48:34] <Coolway99> bleh, are there any tutorials for drawing things on screen?
L1341[13:48:35] <LatvianModder> Leeeeeex. Im not saying his full nick since this isnt important. Still. Leeeeeeex
L1342[13:48:46] <luacs1998> but what i have is basically IPermProvider provider = new ForgePermProvider()
L1343[13:48:48] <LatvianModder> Coolway99: depends on what?
L1344[13:49:02] <Coolway99> Player's GUI
L1345[13:49:05] <luacs1998> then the ForgePermProvider is overriden by whatever mod wants to register a perm provider
L1346[13:49:09] <Coolway99> like the hotbar and all that
L1347[13:49:17] <Coolway99> I've never drawn things to the GUI before
L1348[13:49:18] <LatvianModder> Just check how GuiScreen / Gui draws rectangles etc
L1349[13:49:28] <luacs1998> ensures the same behaviour whether there is an impl or not
L1350[13:49:35] <Coolway99> they use this.draw
L1351[13:49:42] <Coolway99> and I'm not a GUI
L1352[13:49:47] <luacs1998> for simplicity's sake i'll call it a "null impl"
L1353[13:49:56] <LatvianModder> hmmp. Another gui would be rather easy to draw, just call its drawScreen()
L1354[13:51:00] <Coolway99> fair enough.
L1355[13:51:21] <LatvianModder> luacs1998: I will give you few examples - #1 - Thing X by default should be used only by OPs, and not players. If I check permission "mymod.thingx" with your PermissionManager, what does it return, true or false?
L1356[13:52:07] <LatvianModder> And remember, that there is no config files or anything for players, pure default impl
L1357[13:52:21] <luacs1998> my permissionmanager? check for op status
L1358[13:52:43] <LatvianModder> So by default, it always returns permission based on OP status?
L1359[13:53:25] <luacs1998> if you don't have a permission mod installed
L1360[13:53:31] <LatvianModder> Alright
L1361[13:53:37] <luacs1998> basically your tristate - true, false or idk
L1362[13:53:59] <LatvianModder> So it doesnt return boolean but.. er.. EnumHasPermission? :P
L1363[13:54:02] ⇨ Joins: Abastro (~Abastro@
L1364[13:54:03] <Unh0ly_Tigg> So, I have a question in regards to mcp srgs. mcpbot doesn't have 1.10 as a valid srg target, but class name mappings exist for things like EntityPolarBear in the 1.10 forge versions. How is this possible?
L1365[13:54:05] <LatvianModder> TRUE, FALSE, DUNNO
L1366[13:54:38] <tterrag> williewillus: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/3034/commits/3b9addcfee282148ae068799073f420a3612e48d
L1367[13:54:41] <tterrag> read ok to you? :P
L1368[13:54:49] <luacs1998> i'm thinking about it - boolean or enum
L1369[13:54:56] <Unh0ly_Tigg> Optional<Boolean>
L1370[13:54:56] <luacs1998> dunno can be a null boolean
L1371[13:55:09] <luacs1998> Unh0ly_Tigg, you need to get at least something back
L1372[13:56:00] <williewillus> not sure how useful the html tags are anymore since we haven't generated html docs in ages
L1373[13:56:03] <williewillus> but yeah thats fine to me
L1374[13:56:11] <tterrag> williewillus: they work in eclipse, for instance
L1375[13:56:24] <tterrag> http://i.imgur.com/DIuqrBB.png
L1376[13:56:45] <tterrag> they are useful outside of browsers :P
L1377[13:57:56] <luacs1998> LatvianModder, if you have anything else for me comment on your gist
L1378[13:58:02] <luacs1998> it's 3am and i really need to sleep
L1379[13:58:25] <LatvianModder> Ok, good night :P I will tweak my code and see what happens
L1380[13:58:40] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1381[13:59:11] <Coolway99> $10 says this fails horribly
L1382[13:59:49] <Coolway99> and it doesn't work
L1383[13:59:50] <kenzierocks> does Forge do anything weird to classes
L1384[14:00:06] <kenzierocks> eclipse has trouble doing hotswap on TileEntity classes
L1385[14:00:44] <diesieben07> running genPatches on battery... i am sure this is a great idea.
L1386[14:00:57] <diesieben07> the only thing i know of is event classes
L1387[14:02:32] <Unh0ly_Tigg> capabilities?
L1388[14:02:45] <diesieben07> those are just normal patches
L1389[14:02:50] <diesieben07> to the base TE class
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L1392[14:04:33] <kenzierocks> idk, eclipse states "class modifier changes are not implemented" or something
L1393[14:05:20] <diesieben07> strange
L1394[14:05:52] <Coolway99> I ask again, any tutorials on how to draw to the screen in 1.9.4?
L1395[14:06:43] <LatvianModder> ...
L1396[14:06:53] <LatvianModder> Noone writes tutorials for that
L1397[14:06:57] <LatvianModder> because its too simple
L1398[14:07:24] <Coolway99> well then teach someone who has never drawn to the screen
L1399[14:07:25] <terraflops> You mean drawing in immediate mode?
L1400[14:07:38] <Coolway99> I have no idea about any terms
L1401[14:07:49] <Coolway99> so I guess, I want the changes to be instant
L1402[14:09:26] <terraflops> okay well pretty much you render it like a 3d object (kinda?)
L1403[14:09:41] <terraflops> except you change the matrix so it makes it look like you're staring at it if that makes sense
L1404[14:10:51] <terraflops> Try http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5467218/opengl-2d-hud-over-3d
L1405[14:10:51] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1406[14:10:53] <Coolway99> not one bit
L1407[14:11:25] <terraflops> or you could do it the reaally dumb way like I do :D
L1408[14:12:19] <Coolway99> I can't understand that ode one bit 9.6
L1409[14:12:23] <Coolway99> *code
L1410[14:12:40] <Coolway99> like I said, never rendered something before
L1411[14:12:47] <terraflops> There's probably a Minecraft abstraction somewhere but...
L1412[14:12:53] <terraflops> here's an even dumber idea :D
L1413[14:13:09] <terraflops> so you use glReadPixels to read all the pixels of the stuff in
L1414[14:13:17] <terraflops> use it like a BufferedImage
L1415[14:13:23] <terraflops> and then you can glDrawPixels all the pixels back :D
L1416[14:13:26] <terraflops> What could go wrong/
L1417[14:13:32] <Coolway99> that is indeed even dumber
L1418[14:13:43] <Coolway99> how hard is it to draw an image on screen?
L1419[14:14:11] <tterrag> not hard
L1420[14:14:13] <tterrag> Gui has a method for it
L1421[14:14:18] <tterrag> drawTexturedModalRect
L1422[14:14:29] <Coolway99> but I don't know how to draw the GUI
L1423[14:15:12] <terraflops> oh I've done that before :D Just forgot everything about it
L1424[14:15:14] <terraflops> oops
L1425[14:15:33] <terraflops> but what about for drawing arbitrary images?
L1426[14:15:56] <Coolway99> I don't even know where in code my code gets called
L1427[14:16:13] <Coolway99> GuiIngame tells me squat about the forge events
L1428[14:17:14] <unascribed> quick question; should IInteractionObject be used?
L1429[14:17:17] <tterrag> what event
L1430[14:17:21] <tterrag> you haven't told us anything
L1431[14:17:25] <tterrag> you just asked "how do I draw"
L1432[14:17:27] <tterrag> you see how vague that is?
L1433[14:18:12] <Coolway99> the event is RenderGameOverlayEvent
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L1435[14:18:47] <Coolway99> on the "EXPERIENCE" event type
L1436[14:19:04] <Coolway99> I cancel rendering of the normal XP bar
L1437[14:19:26] <Coolway99> then call my own code
L1438[14:19:36] <Coolway99> the event gives me a resolution and partial ticks
L1439[14:19:51] <Coolway99> dasit
L1440[14:20:32] <tterrag> so what I told you will work fine
L1441[14:20:36] <tterrag> extend Gui and use its methods
L1442[14:20:39] ⇨ Joins: Falkreon (~Frost@97-121-69-42.omah.qwest.net)
L1443[14:20:51] <Coolway99> how do I draw that GUI?
L1444[14:21:47] <tterrag> >extend Gui and use its methods
L1445[14:22:18] <Coolway99> yes
L1446[14:22:24] <Coolway99> >how do I draw that GUI
L1447[14:22:34] <kenzierocks> call (use) the methods....
L1448[14:22:51] <Coolway99> how do I draw my finished GUI is my question
L1449[14:22:51] <kenzierocks> they're all called draw*
L1450[14:22:59] <kenzierocks> call the methods!!!!!!!
L1451[14:23:06] ⇨ Joins: linuxdemon (~linuxdemo@dc1.walterbarnes.net)
L1452[14:23:11] <Coolway99> because I can't get it to render on screen
L1453[14:23:15] <Falkreon> coolway- a lot of it's actually automatic
L1454[14:23:34] <Falkreon> just override, in your gui
L1455[14:23:35] <Falkreon> drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer
L1456[14:23:42] <Falkreon> and the foreground layer one too
L1457[14:23:44] <unascribed> he's using a render event
L1458[14:23:46] <unascribed> so it's all manual
L1459[14:23:47] <Falkreon> oh.
L1460[14:23:50] <unascribed> no GuiScreen usefulness
L1461[14:24:13] <Coolway99> wait
L1462[14:24:15] <Coolway99> nevermind
L1463[14:24:23] <Coolway99> now I feel like a douche, it was too small for me to notice
L1464[14:24:41] <Coolway99> scaling it up by 10 times shows it
L1465[14:24:57] <terraflops> Why are we still drawing in immediate mode?
L1466[14:25:10] <unascribed> because an engine rewrite is a lot of work
L1467[14:25:34] <unascribed> I already tried to get Falkreon to write me a voxel engine
L1468[14:25:44] <Yato> and that never really happened
L1469[14:25:47] <terraflops> :c that's why minecraft runs so slowly compared to other games
L1470[14:25:55] <unascribed> Yato, congrats, first #minecraftforge message ever
L1471[14:25:58] <gigaherz> no itisn't
L1472[14:26:08] <unascribed> either way
L1473[14:26:10] <gigaherz> terraflops: all the drawing is immediate mode
L1474[14:26:11] <unascribed> Minecraft isn't 100% immediate mode
L1475[14:26:13] <Falkreon> ...somewhat. It's also using hashmaps keyed on ChunkCoordinatePairs...
L1476[14:26:20] <unascribed> the main stuff that's still immediate-mode is GUIs
L1477[14:26:21] <gigaherz> there's no such thing as not being immediate mode in gpus
L1478[14:26:24] <Falkreon> like the organization makes me want to stab things
L1479[14:26:25] <unascribed> and that's not worth caring about
L1480[14:26:32] <gigaherz> there's just some level of caching possible
L1481[14:26:34] <gigaherz> but in the end
L1482[14:26:43] <gigaherz> any game engine ends up batching draw calls
L1483[14:26:45] <unascribed> chunks are display lists / VBOs (depending on settings)
L1484[14:26:46] <gigaherz> and pushing them to the gpu
L1485[14:26:49] <gigaherz> every single frame
L1486[14:26:59] <unascribed> yes, but the contrast with "immediate mode" is
L1487[14:27:00] <gigaherz> yep that works for models
L1488[14:27:01] <tterrag> you can batch in you GUI if you want to
L1489[14:27:04] <unascribed> are you streaming vertexes, or commands
L1490[14:27:10] <gigaherz> nah
L1491[14:27:11] <unascribed> former is immediate mode
L1492[14:27:13] <unascribed> latter is non-immediate
L1493[14:27:14] <gigaherz> "immediate mode" as a concept
L1494[14:27:16] <gigaherz> is vs "retained mode"
L1495[14:27:20] <gigaherz> which was an early way to do graphics
L1496[14:27:28] <gigaherz> whre the api would maintain a scene graph in memory
L1497[14:27:34] <gigaherz> in the driver, or even the gpu
L1498[14:27:46] <gigaherz> and you'd adjust the position/scale/rotation of each object
L1499[14:27:51] <gigaherz> at driver level
L1500[14:28:11] <gigaherz> you just don't do that on any thing post-directx 1
L1501[14:28:12] <gigaherz> ;P
L1502[14:28:40] <gigaherz> VBOs, displaylists, etc, are still immediate mode -- you send the draw calls every frame
L1503[14:28:53] <Falkreon> so I need to learn how to manage GUIs for inventory blocks. sadly.
L1504[14:29:02] <unascribed> gigaherz, yes, but you don't stream the vertices
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L1506[14:29:08] <gigaherz> unascribed: depends
L1507[14:29:09] <unascribed> which is the contrast most people care about
L1508[14:29:14] <unascribed> sure, "immediate mode" is the incorrect term
L1509[14:29:31] <gigaherz> for a GUI
L1510[14:29:36] <gigaherz> it's almost always uncached
L1511[14:29:41] <unascribed> in the general case, immediate mode refers to glBegin / glEnd apposed to glVertexPointer / glCallList / etc
L1512[14:29:51] <unascribed> ...yes, I know
L1513[14:29:53] <unascribed> that's what I said
L1514[14:30:01] <unascribed> and is how you went off on this tangent about what immediate mode really means
L1515[14:30:01] <Falkreon> glDrawArrays, glCallList, etc*
L1516[14:30:03] <gigaherz> you have some sort of "sprite bacthing" system which does sorting and such
L1517[14:30:03] <kenzierocks> glBegin? what is this, 2009?
L1518[14:30:04] <Falkreon> apples, apples
L1519[14:30:09] <kenzierocks> gl core or bust
L1520[14:30:13] <unascribed> kenzierocks, yes actually
L1521[14:30:17] <gigaherz> but for 3d geometry, you usually cache it on gpu
L1522[14:30:21] <unascribed> Minecraft came out in 2009
L1523[14:30:32] <gigaherz> kenzierocks: uh no
L1524[14:30:36] <gigaherz> glBegin was already obsolete in 2009
L1525[14:30:37] <BlueMonster> is a single chest supposed to have the same break pattern as it would if it were a double chest?
L1526[14:30:38] <gigaherz> even in 2001
L1527[14:30:38] <gigaherz> ;P
L1528[14:30:48] <unascribed> either way
L1529[14:30:49] <kenzierocks> yea but it was still widely used :P
L1530[14:30:56] <unascribed> IInteractionObject
L1531[14:30:58] <gigaherz> only in mc
L1532[14:30:59] <unascribed> should it be used
L1533[14:30:59] <Falkreon> oh and while we're starting fights, sprite atlases are BS.
L1534[14:30:59] <gigaherz> ;P
L1535[14:31:04] <gigaherz> anything else would use glDrawArrays
L1536[14:31:10] <kenzierocks> vim is the best editor @ Falkreon
L1537[14:31:11] <gigaherz> if not VBOs
L1538[14:31:14] <Falkreon> lol
L1539[14:31:15] <unascribed> as someone with white outlines around my dark oak planks in modded because my atlas is too big
L1540[14:31:17] <unascribed> yes, agreed
L1541[14:31:19] <Falkreon> didn't we have this fight kenzie
L1542[14:31:22] <kenzierocks> idk
L1543[14:31:23] <Falkreon> I feel like we talked about this
L1544[14:31:30] <kenzierocks> spaces are better than tabs
L1545[14:31:40] <kenzierocks> explicit is better than implicit
L1546[14:31:47] <gigaherz> kenzierocks: Visual Studio is the best editor. there I said it ;P
L1547[14:31:50] <Falkreon> tabs are better for indent, spaces for formatting
L1548[14:31:59] <Falkreon> but I'm not as rigorous as I should be with that
L1549[14:31:59] <gigaherz> tabs are bad for all uses
L1550[14:32:04] <kenzierocks> you know, just `import this`
L1551[14:32:20] <gigaherz> XD
L1552[14:32:28] <gigaherz> in the end
L1553[14:32:31] <gigaherz> it's all up to taste
L1554[14:32:36] <gigaherz> and what matters most, is consistency
L1555[14:32:38] <Falkreon> gigaherz- I understand the argument on that. I think the more people you need to work with, the more spaces make sense.
L1556[14:32:41] <gigaherz> if a file contains tabs, keep using tabs
L1557[14:32:59] <gigaherz> if a file contains 4-space indents, use that
L1558[14:33:05] <gigaherz> if it contains 3-space indents, though
L1559[14:33:09] <gigaherz> either quit that job
L1560[14:33:11] <gigaherz> or shoot someone
L1561[14:33:17] <Falkreon> because the less you can tell someone "use spaces here and tabs there", and the more you need to hold a line like "if I see tabs I'm rejecting the pull"
L1562[14:33:37] <kenzierocks> main complaint for tabs is that a bunch of things display them differently
L1563[14:33:41] <gigaherz> for me it would be:
L1564[14:33:44] <unascribed> that's a GOOD thing
L1565[14:33:48] <kenzierocks> e.g. github displays as 4-width on the site
L1566[14:33:50] <unascribed> I like big indents, maybe you don't
L1567[14:33:53] <gigaherz> "I set the tab size to 5, if anything is out of aligned, I reject"
L1568[14:33:54] <kenzierocks> and 8-width on the client
L1569[14:33:54] <tterrag> what about 2-space indents :D
L1570[14:33:56] <unascribed> don't force your goddamn 8col tabs on me
L1571[14:33:57] <kenzierocks> and i can't change it
L1572[14:33:59] <gigaherz> alignment*
L1573[14:34:03] <gigaherz> tterrag: those are ok
L1574[14:34:06] <unascribed> or your 2col for that matter
L1575[14:34:07] <gigaherz> ;P
L1576[14:34:09] <kenzierocks> unascribed: but i can't change it
L1577[14:34:13] <kenzierocks> and that makes me mad
L1578[14:34:14] <unascribed> that's your problem
L1579[14:34:15] <unascribed> use an editor
L1580[14:34:19] <Falkreon> kenzie- you can, you set your tab width
L1581[14:34:28] <Falkreon> yay we started fights!
L1582[14:34:29] <unascribed> every editor that's worth anything lets you change your tab width
L1583[14:34:33] <unascribed> >.>
L1584[14:34:37] <gigaherz> tterrag: optimal is 4, 2 and 8 are meh, anything else is heresy ;P
L1585[14:34:40] <kenzierocks> unascribed: Falkreon: chrome?
L1586[14:34:45] <kenzierocks> can you change tab width in chrome
L1587[14:34:46] <Falkreon> nah
L1588[14:34:46] <unascribed> chrome
L1589[14:34:51] <kenzierocks> precisely.
L1590[14:34:55] <Falkreon> I don't use chrome.
L1591[14:35:00] <kenzierocks> what about firefox
L1592[14:35:02] <unascribed> who the hell uses a web browser to view code
L1593[14:35:08] <kenzierocks> you know what fuck you all
L1594[14:35:12] <Falkreon> I do, to peek at sources
L1595[14:35:12] <unascribed> unless it's for cursory glances
L1596[14:35:14] <kenzierocks> i'll be sitting here
L1597[14:35:14] <unascribed> in which case
L1598[14:35:15] <kenzierocks> coding
L1599[14:35:15] <unascribed> WHY DO YOU CARE
L1600[14:35:22] ⇨ Joins: Aroma1997 (~Aroma1997@
L1601[14:35:27] <unascribed> unless you're immersed in the code the tab size doesn't matter
L1602[14:35:36] <unascribed> either way
L1603[14:35:40] <unascribed> #liquiddistraction
L1604[14:35:47] <unascribed> Falkreon needs gui help
L1605[14:36:02] <Falkreon> you know what? IDE GUIs ruin my code immersion
L1606[14:36:13] <unascribed> I could probably help him but he got in IRC for some reason after seeing IInteractionObject
L1607[14:36:16] <Falkreon> I need an immersive code workbench
L1608[14:36:19] <unascribed> I was talking about IGuiHandler and he ignored me :L
L1609[14:36:24] <kenzierocks> your arguments ruin my code immersion
L1610[14:37:03] <unascribed> the impression I got is IInteractionObject is garbage vanilla code no mod should use
L1611[14:37:05] <unascribed> is that correct
L1612[14:37:11] <unascribed> (like BlockContainer)
L1613[14:37:26] <Falkreon> BlockContainer has rendering code stuck to it. IInteractionObject does not.
L1614[14:37:34] <Lordmau5> o/ again
L1615[14:37:59] <Falkreon> it *looks* to me like it signals the gui container id to the client.
L1616[14:38:22] <diesieben07> yes, but there is no way for mods to hook into it
L1617[14:38:24] <unascribed> to my knowledge the modded way of doing this is, and has been for a long time, IGuiHandler
L1618[14:39:03] <diesieben07> and even for vanilla its used half-assedly
L1619[14:39:14] <Lordmau5> so back to the question I had before and sadly didn't get a response to: Are there known issues with the DrawBlockHighlightEvent in combination with Stained Glass when you render something above the block?
L1620[14:39:23] <diesieben07> e.g. villagers dont use the id at all
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L1622[14:39:58] <diesieben07> actualyl, they do, nvm
L1623[14:40:06] <diesieben07> but its scattered all through the code
L1624[14:40:18] <Falkreon> alright. Second question, more important: is there a concrete implementation of IInventory or similar that I can just instance to manage an inventory for me serverside?
L1625[14:40:33] <diesieben07> dont use Iinventory
L1626[14:40:34] <unascribed> InvBasic iirc
L1627[14:40:41] <Falkreon> InvBasic is an IInventory impl
L1628[14:40:41] <unascribed> you need to use IInventory for legacy compat
L1629[14:40:41] <diesieben07> use IitemHandler and in that case there are implementations
L1630[14:40:44] <unascribed> I already told him about caps
L1631[14:40:45] <unascribed> he's going to use them
L1632[14:41:07] <Falkreon> caps is exactly what I'm looking for, but I don't see an IItemHandler impl
L1633[14:41:22] <unascribed> http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/datastorage/capabilities/
L1634[14:42:00] <diesieben07> use your ide.
L1635[14:42:03] <unascribed> ItemStackHandler seems to be the "default" impl
L1636[14:42:07] <diesieben07> it can tell you about implementations.
L1637[14:42:31] <terraflops> Is it possible to load mods after everything's loaded?
L1638[14:42:41] <diesieben07> uh, hardly
L1639[14:42:41] <diesieben07> why?
L1640[14:42:54] <terraflops> idk it seems like an interesting thing to do
L1641[14:43:01] <unascribed> due to the way the lifecycle events work
L1642[14:43:02] <Coolway99> welp, I forgot that I was stealing the XP bar's names in the profiler
L1643[14:43:06] <unascribed> that's pretty much imposssible
L1644[14:43:12] <Coolway99> so I tried turning back on the xp bar for testing
L1645[14:43:17] <Coolway99> and I crashed MC XD
L1646[14:43:31] <terraflops> okay what about just adding blocks/items?
L1647[14:43:37] <unascribed> you can't do that outside of init
L1648[14:43:39] <unascribed> so no.
L1649[14:43:46] <Lordmau5> :<
L1650[14:43:48] <unascribed> (well, you CAN, but don't.)
L1651[14:43:50] <Falkreon> besides, you'd have to rebake and that'd be Bad.
L1652[14:44:06] <diesieben07> that is the least of problems :D
L1653[14:44:12] <unascribed> now, here's something you can do at runtime freely
L1654[14:44:14] <Coolway99> actually, that's not what crashed it O.o
L1655[14:44:15] <unascribed> register and unregister event handlers
L1656[14:44:21] <Falkreon> it's the least *damaging* but it'd take forever.
L1657[14:44:41] <diesieben07> unascribed, well, forge will scream horribly in the log, but yes you can
L1658[14:44:47] <unascribed> as said
L1659[14:44:49] <unascribed> you CAN, but don't
L1660[14:44:55] <diesieben07> :D
L1661[14:45:38] <Lordmau5> Without the overlay: https://i.lordmau5.com/1466970332-1368 | With the overlay: https://i.lordmau5.com/1466970342-1369
L1662[14:45:45] <Lordmau5> only happens with stained glass, which is strange
L1663[14:46:21] <unascribed> if you want a suggestion on something to blindly try and see what happens
L1664[14:46:25] <unascribed> glDepthMask
L1665[14:46:31] <sokratis12GR> Why the view button on the http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ doesn't work ?
L1666[14:46:42] <tterrag> Lordmau5: yeah I think he's right
L1667[14:46:43] <unascribed> what view button?
L1668[14:46:47] <tterrag> your alpha blending is not happening
L1669[14:46:51] <Lordmau5> oh?
L1670[14:46:54] <tterrag> so it just completely occludes the stained glass
L1671[14:46:56] <Lordmau5> how would I use the glDepthMask then
L1672[14:47:01] <tterrag> glDepthMask(true)
L1673[14:47:02] <unascribed> pass it false to not write to the depth buffer
L1674[14:47:06] <unascribed> pass it true to write to it
L1675[14:47:09] <tterrag> err right
L1676[14:47:14] <unascribed> so you actually want false
L1677[14:47:31] <Lordmau5> unascribed, I love you
L1678[14:47:32] <Lordmau5> https://i.lordmau5.com/1466970456-1370
L1679[14:47:34] <Lordmau5> <3
L1680[14:47:36] <sokratis12GR> this view button http://imgur.com/Z0jNdpT
L1681[14:47:49] <Falkreon> yeah. It's weird though, because the translucent blocks paint back-to-front, so it feels like you're drawing earlier
L1682[14:47:56] <Falkreon> on the first pass?
L1683[14:48:11] <Falkreon> well it works now. Good.
L1684[14:48:20] <tterrag> sokratis12GR: it's a problem with rtd
L1685[14:48:24] <tterrag> I don't control that link. it's weird
L1686[14:48:43] <sokratis12GR> oh, ok
L1687[14:48:44] <unascribed> Lordmau5, make sure you reset it
L1688[14:48:48] <unascribed> otherwise stuff will be very weird
L1689[14:48:50] <Lordmau5> yea, doing that
L1690[14:48:53] <Lordmau5> oh?
L1691[14:49:00] * Lordmau5 disables that temporarily
L1692[14:49:04] <Falkreon> lol
L1693[14:49:09] <unascribed> >leaking state
L1694[14:49:10] <unascribed> >2016
L1695[14:49:16] <Lordmau5> looks the same to me
L1696[14:49:22] <Falkreon> I really wish we had more push/pop ops
L1697[14:49:23] <unascribed> you'd need to do it earlier in the rendering phase
L1698[14:49:30] <Lordmau5> ah
L1699[14:49:33] <unascribed> Falkreon, and I wish pushAttrib/popAttrib were implemented
L1700[14:49:51] <unascribed> like this https://github.com/unascribed/Laminate/blob/master/src/main/java/com/unascribed/laminate/internal/gl/StateManagerGLAccess.java
L1701[14:50:23] <unascribed> for the record I've tested that code for all of five seconds
L1702[14:50:25] <unascribed> no idea if it works properly
L1703[14:50:43] <tterrag> sokratis12GR: best way is "Project Home" -> github link on right pane
L1704[14:50:47] <Lordmau5> wasn't too long ago that we agreed on the attrib stuff being a bad thing
L1705[14:50:52] <Lordmau5> it fucked with several mods
L1706[14:50:56] <unascribed> it's a bad thing because it desyncs the state manager
L1707[14:51:05] <unascribed> pushAttrib/popAttrib are good because they prevent state leakage
L1708[14:51:05] <Lordmau5> also epilepsy warning https://i.lordmau5.com/1466970614-1372
L1709[14:51:11] <Lordmau5> that was flickering way faster on my screen though
L1710[14:51:13] <Falkreon> no like https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glPushAttrib.xml
L1711[14:51:30] <sokratis12GR> Ok, ty
L1712[14:51:32] <Falkreon> gl manages its own state. Why the heck are we doing it in java
L1713[14:51:37] <unascribed> because mojang
L1714[14:51:40] <Falkreon> ^
L1715[14:51:45] <unascribed> the state manager doesn't even DO anything
L1716[14:51:56] <unascribed> it just keeps track of the state on the client side, which saves minimal amounts of traffic
L1717[14:52:02] <unascribed> and it breaks lots of things
L1718[14:52:21] <Falkreon> this is why I just forward crap in glow
L1719[14:52:30] <tterrag> well it keeps track of the state and avoids unnecessary GL calls
L1720[14:52:31] <Falkreon> too much potential for mess
L1721[14:52:32] <unascribed> by the way
L1722[14:52:33] <unascribed> finish glow
L1723[14:52:35] <tterrag> but that's all it does
L1724[14:52:51] <tterrag> and of course it gets corrupted all the time and causes more trouble than its worth
L1725[14:52:55] <unascribed> exactly
L1726[14:52:58] <Falkreon> tterag- maybe that's a job for drivers, since they're emulating immediate mode in the first place
L1727[14:53:09] <Falkreon> ^_^
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L1729[15:02:29] <Falkreon> Alright, so in some ways this makes sense, and in others it's not what I expected
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L1732[15:04:14] <Falkreon> I've got a TileEntity tagged so that a Capability<IItemHandler> will be injected. I'm aware that I need to override the ICapabilityProvider methods. But not to return the injected capability? O_o
L1733[15:05:12] <Ordinastie_> it's your TE, why do you need the cap to be injected ?
L1734[15:05:42] <Falkreon> So you're saying I could skip the injection and provide one. That's useful.
L1735[15:05:55] <Falkreon> That gives me the opportunity to actually supply an inventory
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L1738[15:08:41] <LexManos> seriously not sure how this is hard to understand
L1739[15:09:03] <LexManos> its not like there are tons of examples on how to do it properly written by us who know, in the forge codebase...
L1740[15:09:11] *** linuxdaemon is now known as opinion
L1741[15:09:47] <Falkreon> *shrug* The docs lead with how to inject a capability.
L1742[15:10:10] <Falkreon> That doesn't even seem like a likely case now.
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L1745[15:11:47] <Falkreon> I guess I'm right back where I started, is there a concrete reference implementation of IItemHandler? Because I see a reference now for Capability<IItemHandler> but not the inventory itself
L1746[15:11:56] <LexManos> Do you control the object that you're trying to inject into?
L1747[15:11:59] <Falkreon> I do.
L1748[15:12:07] <LexManos> then just fucking implement ICapProvider
L1749[15:12:29] <LexManos> Look at all the vanilla TEs that have inventories for examples on how to implement IItemHandler
L1750[15:12:31] <Falkreon> TileEntity already does that for me. I just need to provide an IItemHandler. I want to know if there's a reference implementation
L1751[15:12:55] <LexManos> the methods are simple:
L1752[15:13:01] <gigaherz> Falkreon: he means override hasCapability and getCapability
L1753[15:13:05] <LexManos> if (CAP == IITEMHANDER) return MY_ITEM_HANDLER;
L1754[15:13:09] <gigaherz> Falkreon: look: https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderRift/blocks/TileGenerator.java#L36,L82
L1755[15:13:10] <LexManos> Done
L1756[15:13:10] <Falkreon> I have so overridden them, it's in the docs
L1757[15:13:14] <gigaherz> the selected section
L1758[15:13:27] <gigaherz> you'll also need to store and load the data on your NBT methods
L1759[15:13:29] <Falkreon> what I'm asking is if there's a reference implementation in Forge for IItemHandler
L1760[15:13:36] <gigaherz> yes, in the debug files
L1761[15:13:41] <LexManos> Then you're done
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L1763[15:14:17] <LexManos> also if you do suppresswarnings you dont need to use cast()
L1764[15:14:42] <Falkreon> gigaherz- thanks for that. So you just wrote a pocket impl in an inner class.
L1765[15:14:51] <gigaherz> if you have handled the inventory in your hasCapability, getCapability, writeToNBT and readFromNBT,
L1766[15:15:05] <gigaherz> Falkreon: the ItemStackHandler is the reference implementation
L1767[15:15:09] <gigaherz> that handles chest-like inventories
L1768[15:15:19] <gigaherz> I used an anonymous extension in order to be able to filter the inputs
L1769[15:15:25] <gigaherz> and provide change notification to markDirty
L1770[15:15:33] <Falkreon> pow. Okay, that's what I need. brb
L1771[15:15:44] *** tterrag is now known as tterrag|away
L1772[15:16:35] * LexManos mutters that you shouldnt need a 'reference implementation' of a documented interface.. But also mentions that there are tons of 'refernce' implementations if you would of just SEARCHED
L1773[15:16:45] <gigaherz> as for loading and saving, you can do: https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/1.9.4/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderRift/blocks/TileGenerator.java#L274
L1774[15:16:56] <gigaherz> and the corresponding: https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/1.9.4/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderRift/blocks/TileGenerator.java#L305
L1775[15:17:02] <LexManos> In Eclipse, Right click the Interface, 'Open Type Hiarachy' shows you all implementations
L1776[15:17:38] <Falkreon> LexManos- It matters because I don't want to write an inventory if Forge provides one. Too many opportunities for automation bugs, item dupes, shiftclick crashes, etc.
L1777[15:17:46] ⇦ Parts: Aroma1997 (~Aroma1997@ ())
L1778[15:17:56] <gigaherz> in IDEA, you cna select a type, and then do NAvigate->Type Hierarchy
L1779[15:18:16] <LexManos> Or you could copy the name and do a text search
L1780[15:18:44] <LexManos> Its all basic descovery options instead of sitting here getting others to search for you
L1781[15:19:18] <gigaherz> or rightclick -> goto -> implementations, which shows a quick-access list
L1782[15:19:20] <Falkreon> I searched, and I read the docs. That's more than most questions have behind them.
L1783[15:19:21] <gigaherz> (idea)
L1784[15:19:30] <gigaherz> anyhow
L1785[15:19:50] <Necr0> I'm planning on doing a PR to give access to the player's auto-jump distance (hard-coded atm) but I don't know where I'm supposed to save the value.
L1786[15:19:52] <Falkreon> I'm not and will not use idea, but I know how to back-search references in eclipse, so don't.
L1787[15:20:27] <LexManos> You obviously dont because you didn't.
L1788[15:20:28] <gigaherz> Necr0: is that really something that belongs in forge?
L1789[15:20:35] <LexManos> We dont care what IDE you use, just use it.
L1790[15:20:36] <gigaherz> feels like mod material
L1791[15:20:40] <gigaherz> "Auto-jump Tweaks"
L1792[15:20:48] <gigaherz> which could easily be client-only
L1793[15:20:51] <LexManos> Access to, not actually setting
L1794[15:20:54] <Falkreon> yeah lex, gigaherz answered my question. We're done here.
L1795[15:20:56] <LexManos> we do the same thing with reach distance.
L1796[15:21:06] <gigaherz> oh right
L1797[15:21:08] *** MineBot sets mode: +b *!*@97-121-69-42.omah.qwest.net
L1798[15:21:08] *** Falkreon was kicked by MineBot (Banned: (1h) Okay bye))
L1799[15:21:15] <LexManos> not in the mood for dumb
L1800[15:21:24] <gigaherz> I was picturing the actual settings ;P
L1801[15:21:25] <sham1> To be fair
L1802[15:21:32] <sham1> When is anyone ever in the mood for dumb
L1803[15:21:39] <gigaherz> I can take a bit
L1804[15:21:48] <gigaherz> sometimes I like to feel smarted by helping people who have issues grasping concepts
L1805[15:21:52] <gigaherz> smarter*
L1806[15:22:03] <gigaherz> but it's a limited thing
L1807[15:22:06] <gigaherz> otherwise I'd be a teacher
L1808[15:22:13] <LexManos> He wasnt looking for a 'reference implementation' he was looking for something to copy/use because he couldnt figure out basic programming on his own.
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L1810[15:22:20] <LexManos> SERIOUSLY not in the mood for those type of people.
L1811[15:22:39] <Necr0> yes i don't wanna add a config option but you can't access the value at the moment since it's hard-coded and there is no event handler i could use there.
L1812[15:22:48] <gigaherz> yep sorry misunderstood
L1813[15:23:26] <gigaherz> is adding a field to the player something acceptable in forge?
L1814[15:23:29] <LexManos> Necr0, as I fucking said, look at the reach distance hook we have
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L1825[15:41:14] <gigaherz> heh, cool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wfa-iBgzXA
L1826[15:43:05] <terraflops> Does forge nowadays do runtime deobfuscation? Like if I executed JavaScript would it use class names like Minecraft?
L1827[15:43:46] <gigaherz> yes
L1828[15:43:57] <gigaherz> but it wouldn't have .getPlayer()
L1829[15:44:01] <gigaherz> it would have func_<whatever>
L1830[15:44:16] <gigaherz> the "pretty names" are only during development
L1831[15:44:31] <gigaherz> on an actual minecraft, it's SRG-named
L1832[15:45:23] <terraflops> hmm interesting. So I could use the mappings to reverse the SRG names into readable ones by assigning them to variables...
L1833[15:45:23] ⇨ Joins: MoxieGrrl (~MoxieGrrl@173-23-172-139.client.mchsi.com)
L1834[15:45:38] <terraflops> melikes JavaScript
L1835[15:45:56] <sham1> Umn
L1836[15:45:59] <primetoxinz> any texturers about willing to help me?
L1837[15:46:15] *** mumfrey is now known as Mumfrey
L1838[15:46:19] <Coolway99> geez, there is a lot that goes into drawing the level text on the Xp bar
L1839[15:46:26] <Coolway99> it draws the text like 5 times
L1840[15:46:39] <Coolway99> with slightly different offsets
L1841[15:46:53] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1842[15:47:00] <williewillus> !mh setPositionAndRotation2
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L1845[15:47:57] <Coolway99> I've done the pointless!
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L1847[15:49:51] <terraflops> so gigaherz >P what's currently in your mod?
L1848[15:49:52] ⇦ Quits: Coolway99 (~cway@ (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Cway)))
L1849[15:50:06] <gigaherz> terraflops: which one?
L1850[15:50:13] <terraflops> the magic one
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L1852[15:50:25] <gigaherz> http://minecraft.curseforge.com/members/gigaherz/projects
L1853[15:50:29] <gigaherz> ah
L1854[15:50:34] <Coolway99> I lost connection right after I sent the dropbox link
L1855[15:50:40] <gigaherz> well I have the wands and staves
L1856[15:50:48] <Coolway99> well... I have a custom XP bar >.>
L1857[15:50:50] <Coolway99> https://www.dropbox.com/s/ckbkt6ouuz01vn3/Screenshot%202016-06-26%2016.47.39.png?dl=0
L1858[15:51:01] <gigaherz> which can cast a bunch of different spells combinations
L1859[15:51:10] <gigaherz> then I have the rings, which can store extra elements
L1860[15:51:17] <gigaherz> and charge wands and other rings over time
L1861[15:51:26] <gigaherz> and I have a machine that can break down things
L1862[15:51:29] <gigaherz> into their component elements
L1863[15:51:40] <Coolway99> blarg
L1864[15:51:44] <gigaherz> but there's way more planned:
L1865[15:51:56] <Coolway99> I have a custom XP system that's not bound to the player's XP, that's all I care about
L1866[15:51:58] <Coolway99> hmmph
L1867[15:52:00] <gigaherz> a lot more spell combinations -- I consider only 10-20% to be done
L1868[15:52:14] <gigaherz> a ritual system -- i haven't yet decided how to approach it
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L1870[15:52:24] <terraflops> hmm and bottomless storage too? :D
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L1873[15:52:58] <gigaherz> magic augment equipment -- possibly with a separate equipment tab for stuff like wrist, ankle, etc
L1874[15:53:11] <gigaherz> (on top of the Baubles slots for rings and such)
L1875[15:53:22] <terraflops> interesting.
L1876[15:53:29] <gigaherz> and I'm considering someone's suggestion
L1877[15:53:34] <gigaherz> to make a tattoo system
L1878[15:53:39] <gigaherz> with runes
L1879[15:53:39] <terraflops> :O
L1880[15:54:16] <gigaherz> the tattoos would be permanent augments
L1881[15:54:25] ⇦ Quits: MoxieGrrl (~MoxieGrrl@173-23-172-139.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1882[15:54:35] <gigaherz> a "rune of efficacy" would increase the effective output of the spells
L1883[15:54:38] ⇦ Quits: Abastro (~Abastro@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1884[15:54:48] <terraflops> so sorta like a blood magic thing but far more magical?
L1885[15:54:51] <gigaherz> a "rune of sensing" may give night vision or such
L1886[15:55:17] <gigaherz> rather than "more magical"
L1887[15:55:19] <gigaherz> more "raw"
L1888[15:55:28] <gigaherz> the mod wouldn't handle complex actions
L1889[15:55:37] <gigaherz> you can tell the air to move, and cause winds
L1890[15:55:54] <gigaherz> you can give heat to things and make them burst into flames
L1891[15:56:31] <terraflops> sigh. All these people making real mods. I make joke mods.
L1892[15:56:50] <gigaherz> but complex actions, such as "if I receive damage, heal me"
L1893[15:56:57] <gigaherz> would require the spell to have a "brain"
L1894[15:57:01] <gigaherz> to be a program
L1895[15:57:15] <gigaherz> so that wouldn't be possible -- at least not without a ritual
L1896[15:57:50] <gigaherz> and the ritual wouldn't actually program such a spell
L1897[15:58:05] <terraflops> so much work to make endgame items D:
L1898[15:58:30] <gigaherz> you'd actually hold a healing spell inside a gemstone, and then put a rune around it that is bound to your life force
L1899[15:58:44] <gigaherz> so when the life force drops, the binding breaks and the spell is released -- once.
L1900[15:58:54] <gigaherz> that's the most complex thing you can imagine from my mod
L1901[15:58:54] <gigaherz> ;P
L1902[15:59:14] <gigaherz> well
L1903[15:59:17] <gigaherz> and traps and such
L1904[15:59:31] <gigaherz> a rune bound to the ground
L1905[15:59:39] <gigaherz> that, when disturbed, releases a fire spell
L1906[15:59:45] <gigaherz> that sort of thing
L1907[15:59:49] <terraflops> so complicated
L1908[16:00:09] <gigaherz> no, my original idea was complicated.
L1909[16:00:16] ⇨ Joins: agowa339 (~Thunderbi@p549185A8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1910[16:00:18] <gigaherz> I wanted to make a ritual system that would be an actual program
L1911[16:00:33] <gigaherz> you'd have spelldust of different elements
L1912[16:00:38] <gigaherz> and certain specific blocks
L1913[16:00:53] <gigaherz> and the dust would cause an action when the block under it receives a certain signal
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L1915[16:00:58] <terraflops> ooh you should make players program your special assemblyish language
L1916[16:01:03] <terraflops> with elements :D
L1917[16:01:08] <gigaherz> then you'd have like
L1918[16:01:42] <gigaherz> "earth on top of an emerald block" would be an "entity sensor" and activate the spelldust when an entity enters a certain range
L1919[16:01:55] <gigaherz> then you'd have other combinations for logic operations
L1920[16:01:57] <gigaherz> looping
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L1923[16:02:03] <gigaherz> and activating effects
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L1925[16:02:11] <gigaherz> but that's just WAY too complicated.
L1926[16:02:17] <gigaherz> I don't have the time to program that ;P
L1927[16:02:26] *** Davnit__ is now known as Davnit
L1928[16:02:38] <Coolway99> make the ritual block
L1929[16:02:40] <Coolway99> that when right clicked
L1930[16:02:47] <Coolway99> just brings them to the "java for dummies" site
L1931[16:02:48] <terraflops> see I'm trying to make a mod with a world interactor
L1932[16:03:06] ⇦ Quits: NoChance (~nochance@206.ip-51-254-139.eu) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1933[16:03:13] <terraflops> pretty much you program stuff in JavaScript that lets you interact with Minecraft code
L1934[16:03:57] <terraflops> but then I realized it's difficult to balance
L1935[16:04:00] ⇦ Quits: Davnit_ (~Davnit@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1936[16:04:07] <gigaherz> jasvascript ingame?
L1937[16:04:13] <terraflops> yep
L1938[16:04:20] <gigaherz> hopefully very sandboxed
L1939[16:04:28] <terraflops> but not like opencomputers
L1940[16:04:39] <terraflops> so your code can directly influence attributes of items and such
L1941[16:04:47] <gigaherz> so like command blocks
L1942[16:04:48] <terraflops> only problem is crashes :(
L1943[16:04:52] <gigaherz> but in javscript
L1944[16:04:52] <gigaherz> ;P
L1945[16:04:53] <terraflops> even better than command blocks
L1946[16:05:13] <terraflops> like... well
L1947[16:05:15] <cj89898|Away> so you can change a block's hardness from in-game?
L1948[16:05:18] <terraflops> yeah lol
L1949[16:05:34] <cj89898|Away> might as well make it an in-game eclipse xD
L1950[16:06:12] <cj89898|Away> Anyways... I'm away for a reason xD
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L1956[16:12:41] <untamemadman> I am trying to setup forge for 1.10 and I am getting the following when running "gradlew setupdecompworkspace": http://paste.ubuntu.com/17933378/
L1957[16:12:49] <untamemadman> Could anyone help me out?
L1958[16:13:13] ⇦ Quits: PBlock96 (~PBlock96@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1959[16:13:28] <untamemadman> That might below in #ForgeGradle tho, I'm not sure
L1960[16:13:34] <untamemadman> belong*
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L1963[16:17:32] <diesieben07> untamemadman, looks like maven central spat out an invalid pom file or something, did you try again? what do you get when you go to that link in your browser?
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L1965[16:20:03] <untamemadman> https://libraries.minecraft.net/com/google/code/findbugs/jsr305/3.0.1/jsr305-3.0.1.pom gives me a page saying http://paste.ubuntu.com/17933845/
L1966[16:20:40] <untamemadman> The files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/json page just doesn't load
L1967[16:21:08] *** MineBot sets mode: -b *!*@97-121-69-42.omah.qwest.net
L1968[16:21:11] <untamemadman> And the https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/google/code/findbugs/jsr305/3.0.1/jsr305-3.0.1.pom page says http://paste.ubuntu.com/17933894/
L1969[16:21:12] <gigaherz> the libraries one is normal
L1970[16:21:17] <gigaherz> it's the fallback address
L1971[16:21:27] <gigaherz> but the minecraftforge one is supposed to work
L1972[16:21:33] <gigaherz> I got a 1.2mb json file
L1973[16:22:49] ⇨ Joins: Ferdz_TheWeeb (~Ferdz_The@
L1974[16:23:19] <untamemadman> https://i.gyazo.com/cd6171654f33b53d533b1b29b0e59bd5.png
L1975[16:23:22] <untamemadman> Is what I see
L1976[16:25:50] ⇦ Quits: Forecaster (~Forecaste@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1977[16:26:03] <gigaherz> canyou open a terminal and do a nslookup files.minecraftforge.net?
L1978[16:26:07] ⇦ Quits: MinecraftWero (~textual@ (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
L1979[16:26:12] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> My block shows up as https://gyazo.com/973a43dcb80bc32e585ee8f911809020 instead of https://gyazo.com/e349ec8847c6530b7ca9e1b71876a6de when I'm using a 135 degrees transform, can anyone tell me how to not have the texture act weird like this?
L1980[16:26:29] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> I already tried uvlock and it didn't help
L1981[16:26:34] <gigaherz> for me it results in
L1982[16:26:35] <gigaherz> Name: files.minecraftforge.net
L1983[16:26:35] <gigaherz> Address:
L1984[16:28:10] ⇨ Joins: Forecaster (~Forecaste@
L1985[16:29:02] <untamemadman> I got
L1986[16:29:03] <untamemadman> Name: files.minecraftforge.net
L1987[16:29:11] <untamemadman> Address:
L1988[16:29:17] <untamemadman> So that looks fine
L1989[16:29:52] <gigaherz> hmf
L1990[16:30:05] <gigaherz> so the dns resolves correctly
L1991[16:30:15] <gigaherz> but it could still be an antivirus
L1992[16:30:17] <gigaherz> or the ISP
L1993[16:30:24] <gigaherz> do you have an antivirus with "web protection"?
L1994[16:30:52] <untamemadman> I don't have any antivirus cus they just get in the way otherwise
L1995[16:30:52] ⇦ Quits: Ordinastie_ (~Ordinasti@87-231-58-94.rev.numericable.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
L1996[16:30:57] <gigaherz> or do you have some ISP "antivirus" service?
L1997[16:32:12] <untamemadman> Nothing on my ISP end afaik and I have been able to run before its only since trying to run for Minecraft 1.9 and 1.10
L1998[16:32:28] <gigaherz> thing is,m the json file is the same for all versions
L1999[16:32:31] <gigaherz> and the status code 400
L2000[16:32:36] <gigaherz> implies that there's invalid data on the request
L2001[16:32:49] <gigaherz> I can only imagine a few reasons why that would ever happen
L2002[16:32:51] <gigaherz> and none are good
L2003[16:34:15] <untamemadman> Well I just tried it again on Firefox and the json file downloaded so its just the Gradle command that causes the error
L2004[16:34:31] <gigaherz> :/
L2005[16:35:02] <untamemadman> Could I save the file in the correct space in my modding enviroment then?
L2006[16:35:31] <untamemadman> Would that work?
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L2009[16:37:57] <gigaherz> I have no idea.
L2010[16:38:05] <gigaherz> THAT does belong on #forgegradle ;P
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L2012[16:40:35] <Coolway99> and, the plan is set in progress
L2013[16:40:36] <Coolway99> https://www.dropbox.com/s/4llj0fsdddap9cv/Screenshot%202016-06-26%2017.40.05.png?dl=0
L2014[16:41:13] <untamemadman> Okay, thank you :)
L2015[16:41:52] <TehNut> why do the numbers have 2 shadows
L2016[16:42:50] ⇦ Quits: Nitrodev (~Nitrodev@87-92-75-66.bb.dnainternet.fi) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2017[16:44:43] <heldplayer> What, do you not have 2 shadows?
L2018[16:45:09] ⇨ Joins: Abastro (~Abastro@
L2019[16:45:26] <TehNut> i have 0 shadows. light burns. i sit in darkness all day and only leave my room at night
L2020[16:46:40] <heldplayer> Not even a small light?
L2021[16:46:50] <Coolway99> like the light from a monitor?
L2022[16:48:23] <TehNut> no light
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L2028[17:00:23] *** tterrag|away is now known as tterrag
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L2031[17:13:42] <Coolway99> hey, does casting an int to a byte only take the last 8 bits?
L2032[17:14:21] <tterrag> yes, it's a truncation
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L2037[17:29:07] <OrionOnline> I have a question regarding TileEntitySpecialRenderers
L2038[17:29:19] <OrionOnline> Do i need a blockstate file with them or not?
L2039[17:29:26] <unascribed> you always need a block model
L2040[17:29:28] <unascribed> but it can be empty
L2041[17:29:40] <unascribed> keep in mind TESRs are very expensive and you should not use them to render static content
L2042[17:29:45] <unascribed> generally you want a model *and* a TESR
L2043[17:29:49] <unascribed> or you want to render a model in your TESR
L2044[17:29:50] ⇦ Quits: Abastro (~Abastro@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L2045[17:29:58] <OrionOnline> I am rendering chests---
L2046[17:30:05] <gigaherz> you can do that with mixed
L2047[17:30:10] <gigaherz> render the bottom part on a static model
L2048[17:30:13] <gigaherz> and the lid on a TESR
L2049[17:30:20] <OrionOnline> Not sure if it is the best route, but vanilla and IronChests use TESR
L2050[17:30:21] ⇦ Quits: BlueMonster (uid82864@id-82864.tooting.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L2051[17:30:25] <gigaherz> yep
L2052[17:30:29] <gigaherz> so does Enderthing ;P
L2053[17:30:30] <unascribed> the best route is what gigaherz just said
L2054[17:30:34] ⇦ Quits: Ferdz_TheWeeb (~Ferdz_The@ (Quit: Leaving)
L2055[17:30:35] <unascribed> for bonus points
L2056[17:30:36] <gigaherz> but only because we are lazy
L2057[17:30:40] <unascribed> don't use the TESR while not animating
L2058[17:30:41] <OrionOnline> As the model changes depending on the API I am keeping it to a TESR at least for now
L2059[17:30:58] <gigaherz> the ideal situation is what unascribed said:
L2060[17:31:07] <gigaherz> have 4 "states" on the block
L2061[17:31:12] <gigaherz> closed, opening, open, closing
L2062[17:31:29] <gigaherz> closed and open would be fully static
L2063[17:31:35] <gigaherz> and the other two would only have the bottom part
L2064[17:31:38] <gigaherz> and the lid would be drawn on TESR
L2065[17:31:39] <OrionOnline> I know what the ideal situation is, my problem right now is that I would need to build a whole model bake system to wrapn the ModelChest
L2066[17:31:53] <OrionOnline> Which is not happening for soething that is in Beta...
L2067[17:31:55] <unascribed> wat?
L2068[17:32:08] <unascribed> just recreate the model yourself
L2069[17:32:11] <unascribed> it's not complicated....
L2070[17:32:15] <gigaherz> just because chests use ModelChest
L2071[17:32:18] <gigaherz> doesn't mean you have to
L2072[17:32:23] <OrionOnline> I know
L2073[17:32:49] <OrionOnline> But i am testing stuff right now, once i have something for hte API working, i can always decide to change the way it is rendered
L2074[17:33:04] <unascribed> temporary means permanent
L2075[17:33:14] <OrionOnline> probably, but not sure
L2076[17:33:30] <OrionOnline> I like the TESR approach as i donnot know what the modules do
L2077[17:34:01] <OrionOnline> I knwo for a fact athat one module has a rotating eye when the chest picks something up, which i cannot do in a Model system
L2078[17:34:19] <OrionOnline> Or at least not very easy and nicely coded
L2079[17:34:48] <OrionOnline> How do i tell the blockstate that it should use a TESR?
L2080[17:34:59] <unascribed> TESRs are registered separately
L2081[17:35:13] <OrionOnline> Yet i am still getting a warning about my chest not having model....
L2082[17:35:14] <unascribed> and sure, you can do that with a model system
L2083[17:35:20] <unascribed> the ender eye is a model
L2084[17:35:25] <unascribed> render the model and rotate it
L2085[17:35:36] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav__ (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872A6E.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L2086[17:35:39] <OrionOnline> I know i can
L2087[17:36:01] <OrionOnline> It is just an insance amount of hassle to code it, for an tiny mode that just adds a couple modules to chests
L2088[17:36:12] <OrionOnline> It would take days to code it
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L2100[17:54:18] <Coolway99> are there any utils for working with color?
L2101[17:54:35] <Coolway99> I can't seem to split an int into 4 bytes and then reconstruct it properly, it's weird
L2102[17:55:07] <LatvianModder> easy
L2103[17:55:19] <gigaherz> int r = (color>>0)&255
L2104[17:55:23] <gigaherz> int g = (color>>8)&255
L2105[17:55:29] <gigaherz> int b = (color>>16)&255
L2106[17:55:35] <gigaherz> int a = (color>>24)&255
L2107[17:55:38] <tterrag> lol >> 0
L2108[17:55:39] <gigaherz> the >>0 can be excluded ofc
L2109[17:55:40] <LatvianModder> https://github.com/LatvianModder/LatLib/blob/master/src/main/java/com/latmod/lib/util/LMColorUtils.java#L52-L100
L2110[17:55:45] <gigaherz> but it's there for alignment ;p
L2111[17:55:50] <Coolway99> I do that
L2112[17:55:57] <gigaherz> then the opposite:
L2113[17:56:11] <Coolway99> then I use a combo of bitwise or's and bitshifts to reconstruct it
L2114[17:56:14] <gigaherz> int color = (r) | (g<<8) | (b<<16) | (a<<24)
L2115[17:56:29] <gigaherz> extra parens there for consistency ;p
L2116[17:56:30] <LatvianModder> what?
L2117[17:56:30] <Coolway99> perhaps my issue is casting to bytes :/
L2118[17:56:38] <gigaherz> yes.
L2119[17:56:41] <LatvianModder> gigaherz: thats.. wait, what?
L2120[17:56:43] <LatvianModder> https://github.com/LatvianModder/LatLib/blob/master/src/main/java/com/latmod/lib/util/LMColorUtils.java#L54
L2121[17:56:46] <gigaherz> LatvianModder: ?
L2122[17:57:01] <gigaherz> LatvianModder: I may have reversed r and b
L2123[17:57:05] <tterrag> yeah gigaherz yours is ABGR
L2124[17:57:06] <tterrag> lol
L2125[17:57:07] ⇨ Joins: Abastro (~Abastro@
L2126[17:57:12] <LatvianModder> The best kind :D
L2127[17:57:13] <gigaherz> I'm a DirectX person
L2128[17:57:20] <gigaherz> tterrag: yup
L2129[17:57:24] <tterrag> MC is (A)RGB
L2130[17:57:25] <gigaherz> that's how many gpus prefer the colors
L2131[17:57:25] <gigaherz> XD
L2132[17:57:40] <Coolway99> because on my end
L2133[17:57:46] <LatvianModder> 'prefer' why couldnt all tech work the same lol
L2134[17:57:48] <gigaherz> memory order: rr,gg,bb,aa -> int order 0xaabbggrr
L2135[17:57:49] <Coolway99> a nice green gets transformed into orangish yellow
L2136[17:58:09] <gigaherz> LatvianModder: some AMD gpus used to prefer 0xAARRGGBB while the rest were optimized for 0xAARRGGBB
L2137[17:58:17] <gigaherz> it's fun ;P
L2138[17:58:26] <LatvianModder> But why though :P
L2139[17:58:37] <gigaherz> they just chose differently.
L2140[17:58:45] <gigaherz> so if you have them the wrong color format
L2141[17:58:53] <gigaherz> they had to spend extra cycles swapping the components
L2142[17:58:59] <LatvianModder> also, why do they even have AA at all? I thought GL / whatever engine is used should take care or alpha?
L2143[17:59:03] <tterrag> gigaherz: you just posted the same thing twice
L2144[17:59:12] <gigaherz> 0xAABBGGRR*
L2145[17:59:16] <LatvianModder> and gpu should only render RGB
L2146[17:59:16] <tterrag> lol
L2147[17:59:20] <tterrag> LatvianModder: uwotm8
L2148[17:59:22] <gigaherz> LatvianModder: lol no
L2149[17:59:26] <tterrag> and where does the alpha value come from?
L2150[17:59:28] <tterrag> magic?
L2151[17:59:39] <LatvianModder> Doesnt OpenGL calculate it?
L2152[17:59:41] <gigaherz> nope
L2153[17:59:44] <tterrag> calculate from *what*
L2154[17:59:48] <tterrag> again, magic?
L2155[17:59:52] <Coolway99> huh
L2156[17:59:59] <Coolway99> it seems my issue was indeed I was casting to bytes
L2157[18:00:00] <LatvianModder> From.. putting all the rectangles over each other on screen :P
L2158[18:00:12] <gigaherz> that makes no sense XD
L2159[18:00:24] <gigaherz> the way a gpu works is roughly
L2160[18:00:31] <LatvianModder> I dont know how computers work, and as long as LWJGL takes care of it, I dont really bother to find out :P
L2161[18:00:36] <tterrag> you are making no sense
L2162[18:00:39] <gigaherz> it receives vertex and texture data from the system
L2163[18:00:51] <gigaherz> then it passes this data from a vertex transform "program" (vertex shader)
L2164[18:00:53] <tterrag> nothing would ever have any alpha if it wasn't specfied
L2165[18:01:07] <gigaherz> then it does stuff with those vertices and interpolates one value for each screen pixel
L2166[18:01:24] <gigaherz> and then it passes those interpolated values to the fragment program (fragment shader)
L2167[18:01:27] <LatvianModder> I always thought that it works like a printer.. you send an array of pixels and it puts them on screen. since screen cant be transparent (though that would be really fun) I assumed that it only needs RGB data
L2168[18:01:32] <gigaherz> and then AFTER the vertex program
L2169[18:01:39] <gigaherz> the resulting RGBA color is evaluated
L2170[18:01:58] <gigaherz> blended, discarded (alpha testing), and written to the buffers
L2171[18:02:11] <gigaherz> and if you enable SSAA, the shader is run more than once per pixel
L2172[18:02:23] <gigaherz> (MSAA only runs the fragment shader once per pixel)
L2173[18:02:53] <gigaherz> LatvianModder: that was true
L2174[18:03:00] <gigaherz> in the 90s
L2175[18:03:05] <gigaherz> Playstation 1 era gpus
L2176[18:03:12] <LatvianModder> Thats how I built my computer to work lol
L2177[18:03:16] <gigaherz> which were just "triangle blitters"
L2178[18:03:37] <gigaherz> an extension to the 2D blitting feature of DirectDraw-like acceleration
L2179[18:03:43] <gigaherz> but that didn't last long
L2180[18:03:53] ⇦ Quits: OrionOnline (~OrionOnli@ip-80-236-235-107.dsl.scarlet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
L2181[18:04:03] <tterrag> LatvianModder: generally there is a background color
L2182[18:04:11] <tterrag> so no the monitor isn't transparent
L2183[18:04:16] <tterrag> but that doesn't mean alpha values are irrelevant
L2184[18:04:32] <LatvianModder> I mean literally transparent, so that you can see the circuits in background :D
L2185[18:04:41] <tterrag> I know what you meant
L2186[18:04:46] <gigaherz> you can, on LCD screens
L2187[18:04:50] <gigaherz> just use a microscope
L2188[18:04:54] <gigaherz> you CAN see the transistors
L2189[18:04:56] <gigaherz> as they run
L2190[18:05:18] <LatvianModder> I *think* I have LED screens, but im not sure
L2191[18:05:29] <gigaherz> "LED" means led backlight
L2192[18:05:33] <LatvianModder> wait, yep, the sticker on monitor says its led :D
L2193[18:05:37] <gigaherz> as opposite to a cfl (compact fluorescent lamp)
L2194[18:05:43] <Coolway99> that's what LED means
L2195[18:05:46] <gigaherz> it's still TFT LCD
L2196[18:05:46] <tterrag> led is poisonous
L2197[18:05:50] <LatvianModder> I thought its like.. every pixel is LED :P
L2198[18:05:53] <gigaherz> no
L2199[18:05:55] <gigaherz> that's OLED
L2200[18:06:01] <gigaherz> which are Organic LEDs
L2201[18:06:04] <gigaherz> one per subpixel
L2202[18:06:20] <gigaherz> but those have certain manufacturing "issues"
L2203[18:06:21] <tterrag> LatvianModder: I think it'd do you well to make something outside of MC using opengl
L2204[18:06:25] <gigaherz> that make them only viable either tiny
L2205[18:06:27] <gigaherz> or huge
L2206[18:06:35] <tterrag> all the crap MC has overtop of GL makes it hard to see the basics
L2207[18:06:38] <gigaherz> the average size of a computer monitor pixel can't be OLED
L2208[18:06:39] <gigaherz> ;P
L2209[18:06:50] <Coolway99> 4k?
L2210[18:06:53] <gigaherz> nehe's opengl tutorials
L2211[18:06:58] <tterrag> 4k is a resolution, not a size
L2212[18:07:04] <Coolway99> yes and no
L2213[18:07:06] <gigaherz> Coolway99: maybe a 24" 4k woudl be able to be oled
L2214[18:07:11] <gigaherz> but not a 27" 2.5k
L2215[18:07:18] <tterrag> I'm partial to http://www.learnopengl.com/
L2216[18:07:23] <tterrag> was very helpful last semester :P
L2217[18:07:27] <gigaherz> I learned with nehe ;P
L2218[18:07:32] <tterrag> however it is C++
L2219[18:07:34] <tterrag> not lwjgl
L2220[18:07:38] <Coolway99> I have a 15" 1080p monitor
L2221[18:07:40] <tterrag> soooo do whatever you want :D
L2222[18:07:42] <gigaherz> http://nehe.gamedev.net/
L2223[18:07:56] <LatvianModder> tterrag: https://youtu.be/yUwYcpD4vN0?t=6m8s
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L2225[18:09:08] <tterrag> and many places in the code I'm reading you use alpha
L2226[18:09:14] <tterrag> so WHY do you not understand how it's useful?
L2227[18:10:19] <LatvianModder> .. you talkin with me or coolway?
L2228[18:10:28] <tterrag> you?
L2229[18:10:42] <LatvianModder> I didnt say I dont understand how its useful
L2230[18:10:49] <LatvianModder> I said that I dont understand how it works :P
L2231[18:10:55] <LatvianModder> I use alpha all the time
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L2234[18:12:23] <tterrag> <LatvianModder> also, why do they even have AA at all? I thought GL / whatever engine is used should take care or alpha?
L2235[18:12:36] <tterrag> I don't know what you're saying anymore
L2236[18:12:46] <LatvianModder> I was talking about Video cards
L2237[18:12:57] <LatvianModder> 02:01:31 L<•LatvianModder> I always thought that it works like a printer.. you send an array of pixels and it puts them on screen. since screen cant be transparent (though that would be really fun) I assumed that it only needs RGB data
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L2241[18:19:21] <Coolway99> well, using that printer analogy
L2242[18:19:35] <Coolway99> if you decrease how much you printed based on alpha
L2243[18:19:49] <Coolway99> something fully transparent would just be whatever color the paper is
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L2246[18:38:07] <Cypher121> if one of properties does not affect block render at all, can I just omit it in blockstate json?
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L2259[19:23:27] <tterrag> so if I wanted to render a "fake" block in a GUI (with IBlockAccess context) how would I do this ?
L2260[19:23:47] <gigaherz> fake?
L2261[19:24:04] <tterrag> fake as in I'm providing my own IBlockAccess to fake a world context :P
L2262[19:24:07] <tterrag> but real in every other way
L2263[19:24:23] <gigaherz> wait so you want to draw a block from within a gui
L2264[19:24:32] <gigaherz> just like how the player draws in the inventory screen?
L2265[19:24:48] <tterrag> no
L2266[19:24:52] <tterrag> it has to look like it would in-world
L2267[19:25:11] <tterrag> I found a way though
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L2269[19:25:23] <diesieben07> BlockRendererDispatcher#renderBlock
L2270[19:25:50] <gigaherz> yep I was just about to paste that
L2271[19:26:01] <gigaherz> and say you'll be needing yo provide your own VertexBuffer context
L2272[19:26:09] <gigaherz> to*
L2273[19:26:44] <diesieben07> That's just Tessellator.getBuffer
L2274[19:26:49] <tterrag> yep
L2275[19:26:53] <gigaherz> yeah I meant like the transform, rotation etc
L2276[19:26:58] <tterrag> I remembered that EIO does exactly what I want so I'm dumb :P
L2277[19:27:01] <gigaherz> it's not going to magically be aligned with the world grid
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L2279[19:29:26] <gigaherz> so, I think I decided how I'll add fluid support to my Ender-Rift mod
L2280[19:29:26] <diesieben07> uhm
L2281[19:29:29] <diesieben07> WHAT. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,40107.0.html
L2282[19:29:54] <tterrag> yeah, that's the thing. where is it going to render if I just do brd.renderBlock(state, new BlockPos(0, 0, 0), new FakeBlockAccess(state), Tessellator.getInstance().getBuffer());
L2283[19:30:04] <gigaherz> diesieben07: heh
L2284[19:30:32] <gigaherz> tterrag: well if you do it from a gui
L2285[19:30:37] <gigaherz> it would draw in gui coordinates
L2286[19:30:43] <gigaherz> so it would be at pixel 0,0 to 1,1
L2287[19:30:44] <gigaherz> ;P
L2288[19:30:53] <tterrag> ._.
L2289[19:31:23] <gigaherz> you'd want to .translate(x,y) then .scale(16,16) to make it icon-sized
L2290[19:31:29] <diesieben07> like... is that a troll? probably, right? because if not... what.
L2291[19:31:48] <gigaherz> diesieben07: I imagine it's some 10 year old who has been led to believe knowing someone's ip can be used to attack you
L2292[19:31:58] <gigaherz> even if not
L2293[19:32:06] <gigaherz> the best way to answer to that is assuming that situation
L2294[19:32:07] <diesieben07> well, in that case i don't wnat to just delete it.
L2295[19:32:47] <gigaherz> something like "Please calm donw. Knowing your IP means nothing. Even if they did, that won't give them any knowledge about where you live."
L2296[19:32:56] <gigaherz> down*
L2297[19:35:54] <gigaherz> I'd probably add that if they believe someone is actually at their house, they should call 911 (or 112 in europe) , not post in the forge forums
L2298[19:36:49] <diesieben07> i think 911 even works in europe now, at least some places
L2299[19:37:05] <gigaherz> could be
L2300[19:37:35] <diesieben07> lol, googled "911". first result: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porsche_911
L2301[19:38:11] <diesieben07> 2nd result... 9/11
L2302[19:38:13] <diesieben07> wtf google
L2303[19:38:28] <gigaherz> XD
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L2305[19:40:15] <TehNut> Is it possible to sub out a TE without doing a block substitution?
L2306[19:41:07] <diesieben07> sounds horrible
L2307[19:41:45] <TehNut> I just want to override readFromNBT() in TileEntityStructure to remove the 32 block limit
L2308[19:42:57] <diesieben07> hack nameToClassMap / classToNameMap in TileEntity and put your class in for the structure TE
L2309[19:43:09] <diesieben07> but this is of course global, meaning no other mod can do the same thing :D
L2310[19:43:17] <TehNut> ewww
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L2312[19:43:48] <diesieben07> well, what you are doing is ewww :P
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L2314[19:48:28] <tterrag> during the GUI render, is the z-scale really small or something?
L2315[19:48:39] <tterrag> when I rotate on the y axis the block goes really skinny...very strange
L2316[19:48:47] <tterrag> wait
L2317[19:48:54] <tterrag> no...nvm
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L2319[19:49:17] <tterrag> oh yeah that was it. if I translate 100 on the z it's fine
L2320[19:49:24] <tterrag> it was clipping or something
L2321[19:51:30] <tterrag> ok, getting somewhere http://i.imgur.com/4sBRBZd.png
L2322[19:51:38] <tterrag> 2 questions, why is the top black, and why is it missing a texture? :P
L2323[19:51:54] <gigaherz> bindTexture(LOCATION_BLOCKS_TEXTURE) =
L2324[19:52:10] <gigaherz> and you should use the right lighting system
L2325[19:53:09] <gigaherz> "=" was meant to be a "?"
L2326[19:53:24] <tterrag> yes I bound it
L2327[19:53:30] <tterrag> (otherwise no pink&black, right?)
L2328[19:53:39] <tterrag> I found why though, it's not getting the right model
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L2330[19:55:41] <tterrag> gigaherz: it's going through BlockModelShapes
L2331[19:55:48] <tterrag> that's not right, is it? because that doesn't account for extended state
L2332[19:55:54] <tterrag> that's just a dumb map lookup
L2333[19:56:11] <gigaherz> hm?
L2334[19:56:32] <gigaherz> you are calling BlockRendererDispatcher#renderBlock?
L2335[19:56:36] <diesieben07> renderBlock calls getExtendedState
L2336[19:56:56] <gigaherz> because yeah, if so, then case MODEL: .. state = state.getBlock().getExtendedState
L2337[19:57:13] <tterrag> I mean the line above that
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L2339[19:57:23] <tterrag> getModelForState
L2340[19:57:32] <tterrag> that chokes on an ExtendedStateImplementation, which is all my block uses
L2341[19:57:38] <gigaherz> yes that's expected
L2342[19:57:48] <diesieben07> yes, because you are not supposed to pass in an extended state into renderBlock
L2343[19:57:50] <gigaherz> the model then gets the .getQuads(state
L2344[19:57:55] <diesieben07> renderBlock expects the state as it comes from the world
L2345[19:57:58] <diesieben07> i.e. only metadata based
L2346[19:58:03] <tterrag> what?
L2347[19:58:05] <gigaherz> nah
L2348[19:58:08] <tterrag> I get an extended state from getDefaultState()
L2349[19:58:12] <gigaherz> it should work with an extendedstate there
L2350[19:58:24] <gigaherz> just that state should not contain unlisted properties
L2351[19:58:25] <gigaherz> yet
L2352[19:58:36] <gigaherz> the idea is
L2353[19:58:49] <gigaherz> normal state -> getModel gets the standard non-extended baked model
L2354[19:58:49] <gigaherz> then
L2355[19:58:53] <tterrag> I'm confused as to how this works in the world but not with what I'm doing
L2356[19:58:55] <gigaherz> getQuads(extended state)
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L2358[19:59:11] <gigaherz> is the one that ends up reading the state and returning the extended quads
L2359[19:59:16] <tterrag> this is all I'm doing http://pastebin.com/qkKeruhc
L2360[19:59:20] <tterrag> NO extended stuff here
L2361[19:59:21] <gigaherz> so no idea why it's not working
L2362[19:59:50] <diesieben07> what is block.getMetaProp?
L2363[20:00:03] <tterrag> diesieben07: a getter for the property. it's not important
L2364[20:00:11] <diesieben07> is it an unlisted propery?
L2365[20:00:17] <tterrag> no
L2366[20:00:23] <tterrag> that wouldn't even work there
L2367[20:00:25] <gigaherz> hmmm
L2368[20:00:25] <gigaherz> state = state.getActualState(blockAccess, pos);
L2369[20:00:35] <gigaherz> does the FakeBlockAccess by any chancereturns the extended state?
L2370[20:00:42] <tterrag> no
L2371[20:00:43] <gigaherz> or calling getActualState
L2372[20:00:46] <gigaherz> on that
L2373[20:00:54] <tterrag> it returns the state passed in the constructor
L2374[20:00:56] <tterrag> and nothing else
L2375[20:01:06] <gigaherz> and getActualState is *not* returning the extended, right?
L2376[20:01:15] <gigaherz> otherwise it would also crash on the normal world rendering code :/
L2377[20:01:39] <tterrag> no of course not
L2378[20:01:55] <tterrag> here look https://github.com/Chisel-Team/Chisel/blob/1.9/dev/src/main/java/team/chisel/common/block/BlockCarvable.java
L2379[20:02:28] <gigaherz> hmm
L2380[20:02:31] <gigaherz> just to remove variables
L2381[20:02:36] <tterrag> fixed it
L2382[20:02:37] <tterrag> IBlockState state = ((IExtendedBlockState)block.getDefaultState().withProperty(block.getMetaProp(), 4)).getClean();
L2383[20:02:38] <gigaherz> if you use the other code to draw a sand block?
L2384[20:02:43] <gigaherz> ah
L2385[20:02:44] <tterrag> but...what
L2386[20:04:08] <tterrag> still trying to figure out why the top is dark
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L2388[20:05:54] <gigaherz> hmm what do you return on other blockpos than 0,0,0?
L2389[20:06:09] <tterrag> air
L2390[20:07:56] <tterrag> oh I see
L2391[20:07:58] <tterrag> it's upside-down ?
L2392[20:08:07] <Unh0ly_Tigg> So, was working on some code that allows me to push/pull 4 bit values in a 64 bit bundle value, and I created tests that were failing regardless of what I was doing, since either my math was off, or some weirdness. I ended up getting the answers I wanted by converting to hex string representations of the numbers I wanted to manipulate...
L2393[20:08:26] <diesieben07> that sounds horrible
L2394[20:08:59] <Unh0ly_Tigg> yeah, and one of my methods, flips long values bitwise, ended up getting it working with "Long.parseLong(new StringBuilder(Long.toBinaryString(value)).reverse().toString(), 2)"
L2395[20:09:08] <tterrag> gigaherz: the problem is 1. the block is rendered upside-down, and 2. the top is the bottom, so it's against y=0
L2396[20:09:11] <tterrag> which I guess means no lighting?
L2397[20:09:18] <tterrag> which is strange because if you go under the world, all the bedrock is lit up
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L2399[20:10:03] <diesieben07> Unh0ly_Tigg, Long.reverse / reverseBytes?
L2400[20:10:23] <Unh0ly_Tigg> reverse does two's complement reversing.
L2401[20:10:50] <Unh0ly_Tigg> reverseBytes reverses the byte order, I needed to reverse the bit order.
L2402[20:10:59] <diesieben07> what the hell is bit order?
L2403[20:11:07] <diesieben07> and doesnt what you have above also reverse the bits?
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L2405[20:11:40] <Unh0ly_Tigg> 10000101 -> 10100001 is the sort of thing I was going for, but at a 64 bit scale.
L2406[20:11:51] <diesieben07> rerse should do that
L2407[20:11:52] <gigaherz> tterrag: hmm I went to the bathroom, and I was thinking
L2408[20:11:57] <tterrag> as you do
L2409[20:11:59] <Unh0ly_Tigg> you'd think that...
L2410[20:12:06] <gigaherz> could it be that the block rendering code puts the lightmap coords
L2411[20:12:19] <gigaherz> but you draw with .ITEM which interprets those values as normals?
L2412[20:12:38] <tterrag> perhaps
L2413[20:13:06] <Unh0ly_Tigg> diesieben07, from the Long.reverse javadoc: "Returns the value obtained by reversing the order of the bits in the two's complement binary representation of the specified long value."
L2414[20:13:08] <tterrag> no :P
L2415[20:13:12] <tterrag> switched it to BLOCK and same thing
L2416[20:13:18] * gigaherz nods
L2417[20:13:19] <tterrag> it definitely has to do with y=0
L2418[20:13:25] <gigaherz> well use blockpos 1,1,1?
L2419[20:13:37] <gigaherz> it's not like it affects you
L2420[20:13:51] <tterrag> wait no it's not
L2421[20:13:57] <gigaherz> I mean you may need to adjust the translation, but it would remove that variable
L2422[20:13:57] <tterrag> I just tried 0, 1, 0
L2423[20:14:00] <tterrag> still black on the bottom
L2424[20:14:03] <portablejim> I'm struggling to implement an item with an inventory (and have it work properly). What method should be used to open an inventory when an item is right clicked, and which side should it be used on?
L2425[20:14:15] <tterrag> I mean
L2426[20:14:18] <tterrag> I can just hide the bottom
L2427[20:14:22] <tterrag> it looks fine if I scale negatively
L2428[20:14:24] <diesieben07> Unh0ly_Tigg, Long.toBinaryString(Long.reverse(0b10000101)) - gives me 1010000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 which is exactly what you want.
L2429[20:16:03] <Unh0ly_Tigg> ok
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L2431[20:16:38] <Unh0ly_Tigg> and it turns out, that because of how I solved my set and get methods, I don't need to deal with flipping longs anymore...
L2432[20:16:40] <Unh0ly_Tigg> >.>
L2433[20:19:43] <tterrag> gigaherz: http://i.imgur.com/bfHPfcJ.png
L2434[20:19:45] <tterrag> depth is the issue now
L2435[20:19:58] <tterrag> I disabled depth because it was clipping the GUI...now I'm not sure what to do :P
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L2437[20:21:19] <tterrag> actually, I can just translate z up by 10 and it's fine
L2438[20:21:20] <tterrag> :P
L2439[20:21:50] <tterrag> lighting is weird here http://i.imgur.com/F9OON5l.png
L2440[20:21:51] <tterrag> idk why
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L2442[20:23:26] <gigaherz> tterrag: hmm translate to like +250?
L2443[20:23:41] <tterrag> translate what?
L2444[20:23:55] <gigaherz> the blocks?
L2445[20:23:55] <tterrag> the z?
L2446[20:23:58] <gigaherz> yes
L2447[20:24:03] <tterrag> it doesn't change anything
L2448[20:24:07] <tterrag> that artifact is AO
L2449[20:24:27] <gigaherz> oh nevermind, I didn't read one of the lines
L2450[20:24:27] <gigaherz> XD
L2451[20:24:32] <gigaherz> [03:21] (tterrag): actually, I can just translate z up by 10 and it's fine
L2452[20:24:35] <gigaherz> I missed that one XD
L2453[20:26:38] <tterrag> no ideas on the lighting? :P
L2454[20:27:28] <gigaherz> nope. XD
L2455[20:27:41] <tterrag> it only happens in a few cases http://i.imgur.com/M1JuPpk.png
L2456[20:27:45] <tterrag> fry|sleep: halp
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L2458[20:29:42] <gigaherz> night ppl
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L2463[20:38:56] <Abastro> Hi PitchBright :)
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L2479[21:32:38] <williewillus> !gm func_70679_bo
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L2482[21:36:04] <kenzierocks> it's coming together https://i.imgur.com/cUF5DyL.png
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L2490[21:50:01] <tterrag> is there no vec2i or equivalent in MC or any of its libraries?
L2491[21:50:01] <Cypher121> is this a valid blockstate? I'm getting errors on every single branch https://gist.github.com/Cypher121/39900ba04f28610546163598ea43a368
L2492[21:50:04] <tterrag> that is a right pain
L2493[21:50:42] <williewillus> Cypher121: since you are specifying them vanilla style
L2494[21:50:49] <williewillus> you need to add [] around the variants
L2495[21:50:59] <williewillus> "center=true,side=north": [{ ... }]
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L2497[21:51:21] <williewillus> right now it thinks "center=true,side=north" is a property and "y" is a value for that property
L2498[21:52:06] <Cypher121> there's actually a Point2i in javax.vecmath, but that package generally tends to be shit in my experience
L2499[21:53:30] <Cypher121> williewillus: is there any other way to define 2 properties? I haven't found any online and when I tried doing "center: { true: { side: { north: {" I got same errors
L2500[21:53:43] <williewillus> unfortunately not
L2501[21:54:34] <Cypher121> =\
L2502[21:54:46] <williewillus> the way you have it in your gist is fine
L2503[21:54:48] <williewillus> just add the []
L2504[21:54:53] <Cypher121> well, that's kinda disappointing, but thanks
L2505[21:56:12] <Cypher121> and all rotations are off by 90, fml
L2506[21:56:43] <williewillus> going off your gist
L2507[21:56:59] <williewillus> the roations for each side don't depend on center?
L2508[21:57:08] <williewillus> if that's the case you can do it forge style
L2509[21:58:03] <Cypher121> yeah, I tried removing "center" completely, but that didn't work either
L2510[21:58:08] <Cypher121> missing variant galore
L2511[21:58:11] <williewillus> you can't remove it completely
L2512[21:58:16] <williewillus> it needs to be there even though its empty
L2513[21:58:33] <Cypher121> so
L2514[21:58:48] <Cypher121> center: { true: {}, false: {} }, side: ...?
L2515[21:58:56] <williewillus> yes
L2516[21:59:18] <williewillus> the forge style is just sugar that generates all the vanilla strings udnerneath
L2517[21:59:28] <williewillus> so you need to specify those even though no changes are happening there
L2518[21:59:44] <Cypher121> I see
L2519[22:00:22] <Cypher121> as for center, if it's false block isn't rendered at all, so it doesn't matter
L2520[22:03:22] <tterrag> really need to fix the blackness :/ http://i.imgur.com/2moznyy.gifv
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L2526[22:10:39] <Cypher121> tterrag: is the gif supposed not to load?
L2527[22:10:55] <Cypher121> because the whole page is black for me
L2528[22:11:40] <tterrag> no, it's imgur, pretty standard image hosting site
L2529[22:11:43] <tterrag> idk why it wouldn't work
L2530[22:11:49] <Cypher121> probably my connection
L2531[22:11:51] <tterrag> unless your browser is from 2008
L2532[22:12:02] <Cypher121> my connection is from 1600
L2533[22:12:13] <Cypher121> all hail our comcast overlords
L2534[22:13:52] <Cypher121> but yeah, the whole screen was black, so I had no idea whether it's intentional :P
L2535[22:14:10] <tterrag> shouldn't be
L2536[22:14:23] <tterrag> this is what I see :P http://i.imgur.com/bQAmKqZ.png
L2537[22:14:28] <tterrag> though...now I see the irony of what I just did
L2538[22:15:21] <Cypher121> ah, the lighting
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L2541[22:20:18] <elan_oots> How do I update a 1.9.4 workspace to 1.10.2?
L2542[22:22:32] <TehNut> you wait for forge to update to 1.10.2
L2543[22:22:38] <elan_oots> oh
L2544[22:22:44] <elan_oots> right
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L2546[22:23:37] <TehNut> Now, if you can settle for 1.10, you change the MC version in your build.gradle to 1.10
L2547[22:24:05] <elan_oots> Hm I may be able to settle
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L2561[22:47:21] <Disconsented> Whats the best way to handle mod dependencies that may or may not be present?
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L2564[22:48:03] <TehNut> What do you mean?
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L2566[22:48:57] <Disconsented> Say I want to support Tinkers Construct and I write up some classes to do so, what do I do if Tinkers is not present?
L2567[22:49:12] <TehNut> Don't load the class :P
L2568[22:49:39] <TehNut> if (Loader.isModLoaded("tconstruct") {doStuff();}
L2569[22:52:30] <Disconsented> Is there a forge mechanism for unloading/not loading classes or do I need to handle that myself?
L2570[22:53:25] <TehNut> Just make sure the mod is loaded before you do anything with your compat stuff
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L2573[22:55:03] <Disconsented> Hmm okay, time to experiment
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L2582[23:11:44] <LexManos> you cant unload classes in java {well you can but its annoying}
L2583[23:12:25] <Disconsented> So dont load them or make them do nothing?
L2584[23:13:29] <LexManos> Dont load them
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L2586[23:13:51] <LexManos> you can use FML to detect what other mods are installed
L2587[23:13:59] <LexManos> and then only call those classes when those are there
L2588[23:18:45] <tterrag> lex, any chance you could look over https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/3034 ?
L2589[23:19:05] <tterrag> I initially made it for myself but apparently a lot of people want it :P
L2590[23:19:10] <tterrag> I think I'm finally done editing it
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