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L1[00:06:06] ⇦ Quits: Corosus (~Corosus@135-23-126-120.cpe.pppoe.ca) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
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L8[00:16:04] <Tazz> ohttps://screencloud.net/v/nZWy I love swing sometimes XD
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L11[00:17:17] <killjoy1> javafx is better
L12[00:17:25] <Tazz> killjoy1, imo not really
L13[00:17:40] <Tazz> it relies to heavily on web technologies
L14[00:18:09] <killjoy1> I like how it properly supports desktop scaling
L15[00:19:41] ⇦ Quits: auenf (David@DC-72-89.bpb.bigpond.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L16[00:20:20] <Tazz> javafx also doesnt have a good api for custom component rendering like swing does because it relies upon CSS too much
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L18[00:20:51] <Tazz> but then again swing is crazy hard to master because of threading and whatnot
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L20[00:21:18] <killjoy1> Also I always get classnotfounderrors when I try to use javafx in minecraft
L21[00:21:38] <Tazz> lol
L22[00:21:47] <Tazz> why exactly would you do that? D
L23[00:22:32] <Tazz> also love functional programming haha
L24[00:22:32] <Tazz> entry.getContents().stream().map(SyndContent::getValue).collect(Collectors.joining(" ")).replaceAll("<.*?>","").replaceAll("&.*?;","").trim()
L25[00:22:58] <Tazz> literally converting a list of strings to a single string and stripping html out of it
L26[00:23:05] <Tazz> in like 1 line XD
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L34[00:31:10] <Lordmau5> o/
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L37[00:37:04] <Tazz> o/ Lordmau5
L38[00:37:11] <Lordmau5> sup :p
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L40[00:37:25] <Tazz> binge coding my arse off you?
L41[00:41:21] ⇨ Joins: LordSaad (~LordSaad@
L42[00:41:33] <LordSaad> whats the event for block placing called?
L43[00:41:55] <LordSaad> i assumed itd be like spigot's BlockPlaceEvent, but that doesn't exist i dont think
L44[00:42:25] <LordSaad> i think i found it... is it PlaceEvent?
L45[00:42:28] <tterrag> BlockEvent.PlaceEvent
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L48[00:49:40] <Tazz> killjoy1, https://screencloud.net/v/1JaT how does it look with DroidSans?
L49[00:49:46] <Tazz> or is it better with the original font
L50[00:49:46] <Tazz> Xd
L51[00:49:55] *** mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
L52[00:50:13] <killjoy1> not sure
L53[00:50:41] <tterrag> I'm not a fan of either of those fonts :P
L54[00:50:57] <Tazz> tterrag, got a better suggestion?
L55[00:51:00] <tterrag> no
L56[00:51:02] <tterrag> I'm not a font guy
L57[00:51:09] <Tazz> imo the droidsans is fine but its like kinda thin XD
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L59[00:51:51] <tterrag> right
L60[00:51:56] <tterrag> what was the font you had on the left in the first screenshot?
L61[00:52:01] <killjoy1> droidsand Bold
L62[00:52:05] <killjoy1> or Strong
L63[00:52:07] <tterrag> o
L64[00:52:15] <killjoy1> meaning suggesting
L65[00:52:18] <tterrag> that wasn't bad. but I don't knwo how it'd look on the right
L66[00:52:20] <killjoy1> I'm not sure what the original was
L67[00:52:32] <killjoy1> I'm a fan of Ubuntu
L68[00:53:31] <killjoy1> Can't go wrong with Times New Roman
L69[00:53:37] <killjoy1> Maybe Calibri?
L70[00:54:15] <TehNut> I'm a Consolas guy myself
L71[00:56:03] <ecx> sharing screenshots now are we?
L72[00:56:21] <killjoy1> It's a bit one-sided
L73[00:56:23] <ecx> I think you shouldn't use a serif for that
L74[00:56:31] <ecx> Try Verdana
L75[00:56:38] <killjoy1> meh, just use a decorative font
L76[00:56:44] <ecx> if you insist on a programmer looking font, try Lucida Console
L77[00:56:45] <killjoy1> Jokerman's good
L78[00:56:52] <ecx> if you insist on monospace, use Consolas
L79[00:57:06] <killjoy1> heck, comic sans has never gone wrong.
L80[00:57:09] <ecx> fair warning: Consolas is proprietary and not all systems will support it, so provide a backup. Courier New is fine.
L81[00:57:34] ⇦ Quits: Horfius (~quassel@cpe-66-67-5-87.rochester.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L82[00:57:44] ⇦ Quits: LordSaad (~LordSaad@ (Quit: Leaving)
L83[00:58:08] <ecx> Here's what I wrote today: http://i.imgur.com/ph2U7CL.png
L84[00:58:22] <Tazz> killjoy1, http://screencloud.net/v/3CC3 thoughts?
L85[00:58:32] <ecx> Better
L86[00:58:40] <killjoy1> sure.
L87[00:58:41] <killjoy1> why not?
L88[00:58:52] <killjoy1> I have no strong feelings
L89[00:59:10] <ecx> Test
L90[00:59:38] <ecx> .
L91[00:59:45] <Tazz> I guess Ill wait for Yulife Xd
L92[01:00:26] <Tazz> ecx, thats nice
L93[01:00:35] <ecx> Thanks, I'm just porting it
L94[01:00:39] <Tazz> haha
L95[01:00:43] <tterrag> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ussCHoQttyQ
L96[01:00:54] <ecx> people back from 2012 will recognize it :)
L97[01:01:02] <Tazz> I wrote a parallelizer for the boot sequence of this app
L98[01:01:02] <killjoy1> I didn't get any applause
L99[01:02:13] <Tazz> it literally breaks the boot sequence down into a tree of dependent taskss and runs them dependencies first in a parallel sequence XD
L100[01:03:18] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|dreamland
L101[01:03:32] <tterrag> that sounds nice for you but hell for anyone trying to use the system themself :P
L102[01:04:12] <Tazz> tterrag, how would it be hell?
L103[01:04:16] <Tazz> D:
L104[01:04:22] <Tazz> its like easy as hell to use...
L105[01:06:49] <tterrag> I just see lots of edge cases cropping up when there are tons of tasks
L106[01:07:02] <tterrag> threading always starts out feeling nice but it never fails to come back to bite you :D
L107[01:07:30] <Tazz> tterrag, eh its definitely possible it only took me like a half hour to write but imo it should be fine
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L120[01:59:59] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160610 mappings to Forge Maven.
L121[02:00:02] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160610-1.9.4.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160610" in build.gradle).
L122[02:00:13] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L136[03:18:04] <Deas> hi is there a guide to porting a mod from 1.8.9 to 1.9(.x)?
L137[03:20:04] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> https://gist.github.com/williewillus/e37edde85dc78d2e138c
L138[03:21:01] <Deas> tterrag|ZZZzzz: +1
L139[03:21:05] <Deas> thanks
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L141[03:24:29] ⇨ Joins: OrionOnline (~OrionOnli@152-240.eduroam.rwth-aachen.de)
L142[03:24:43] <OrionOnline> Good Morning
L143[03:25:16] <OrionOnline> I have a question regarding caps on ItemStacks. How am i Supposed to synchronise them?
L144[03:25:30] <gigaherz|work> they are implicitly encoded to NBT
L145[03:25:40] <gigaherz|work> IIRC
L146[03:26:02] <gigaherz|work> so long as you also add them on the client, the normal sync of itemstacks should handle that
L147[03:26:14] <gigaherz|work> or I may be wrong, in which case I'd like to know so I don't misinform others ;P
L148[03:26:38] <OrionOnline> I was testing it in both directoins
L149[03:26:42] <OrionOnline> directions*
L150[03:27:06] <OrionOnline> Is it possible to have them sync from Server to Client automatically
L151[03:27:13] <OrionOnline> Or only from Client to Server?
L152[03:28:09] <gigaherz|work> the only situation where itemstacks are sent from client to server, is creative mode
L153[03:28:22] <gigaherz|work> any other situation should only ever happen server->client
L154[03:28:31] <OrionOnline> So if i add them on the Server it should be fine?
L155[03:28:33] <gigaherz|work> (unless you manually send a packet)
L156[03:28:34] <OrionOnline> Hmmm....
L157[03:28:49] <OrionOnline> Needs some more debugging before i come back to this
L158[03:29:01] <OrionOnline> Will warn you gigaherz|work when i know more
L159[03:29:16] <gigaherz|work> okay
L160[03:29:34] <gigaherz|work> tbh, I never used caps on itemstacks myself, so I only know the theory ;P
L161[03:31:34] <OrionOnline> Yeah
L162[03:31:38] <OrionOnline> I kinda need to
L163[03:31:56] <OrionOnline> Right now i have like three or four Interface that people using the API need to implement on the Item
L164[03:32:33] <OrionOnline> Seeing that we are updating to 1.9/1.10 i am rebuilding everything from scratch
L165[03:32:38] <OrionOnline> New model system
L166[03:32:44] <OrionOnline> New Caps System
L167[03:32:49] <OrionOnline> Everything from Scratch
L168[03:33:09] <OrionOnline> Right now i am haveing some issues with the model system and the new ItemOverrideList
L169[03:33:42] <OrionOnline> In particular with chaining models.....
L170[03:34:54] ⇦ Quits: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L171[03:53:03] <Deas> does net.minecraft.util.MathHelper not exist for 1.9?
L172[03:53:27] <Deas> oh nvm it changed name
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L177[04:08:38] <Drullkus> Hail!
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L186[04:24:59] <Deas> how'd you debug stuff using eclipse? do you have to close and reopen the lacunher every time?
L187[04:25:14] <Deas> s/launcher/mcclient/
L188[04:25:45] ⇨ Joins: Ordinastie_ (~Ordinasti@87-231-58-94.rev.numericable.fr)
L189[04:26:19] <Lordmau5> if you have hotswap, no
L190[04:26:55] <gigaherz|work> unless it's disbled, eclipse will hotswap code as soon as you click the save button
L191[04:27:10] <Deas> ah
L192[04:27:15] <gigaherz|work> in idea, it saves automatically, but you haveto click the "build"/"make" button yourself
L193[04:27:29] <gigaherz|work> (in order to hotswap)
L194[04:27:33] <Deas> so i dont even have to leave the world?
L195[04:27:40] <gigaherz|work> nope
L196[04:27:50] <gigaherz|work> however, you WILL have to reload if you changed the method signature
L197[04:27:57] <Deas> good 2 know
L198[04:27:57] <gigaherz|work> or class structure
L199[04:28:01] <gigaherz|work> also
L200[04:28:11] <gigaherz|work> if you assign values on a constructor
L201[04:28:18] <gigaherz|work> hotswapping won't change that
L202[04:28:22] <Deas> or if you crash :D roflmao
L203[04:28:26] <gigaherz|work> so if the object is a singleton, those values won't update themselves
L204[04:28:50] <gigaherz|work> I think "static final" values do get updated, though
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L212[05:02:20] <Deas> is there a way to print messages into the console?
L213[05:02:28] <Deas> for debugging
L214[05:04:57] <Ivorius> ... wat
L215[05:06:28] <gigaherz|work> System.out.println works, but yuou should use a logger
L216[05:06:39] <gigaherz|work> then you can do YourMod.logger.debug/warning/error/...
L217[05:06:45] <Ivorius> Or possibly consider stopping modding
L218[05:06:50] <Ivorius> And doing half a year of Java plain first
L219[05:06:59] <Ivorius> Modding is kind of a rough start
L220[05:07:00] <Deas> wow rude
L221[05:07:16] <Deas> im just asking if there a different way then syso
L222[05:07:18] <Ivorius> I speak from experience.
L223[05:07:33] <Deas> good for you, but dont asume things
L224[05:07:42] <Ivorius> > is there a way to print messages into the console?
L225[05:07:42] <Deas> theres no reason to be rude
L226[05:07:46] <Ivorius> > don't assume things
L227[05:08:01] <Ivorius> I'm not at all rude
L228[05:08:16] <Ivorius> I don't think modding is a good start to programming
L229[05:08:51] <Deas> body said anything about starting to programming, dont assume things
L230[05:08:56] <Deas> its rude
L231[05:09:44] <Ivorius> That's psychologically impossible
L232[05:09:58] <Ivorius> Almost all of your life experience is immediate associations :P
L233[05:10:36] <Ivorius> Granted, your question read very much like a 'what's a sysout'
L234[05:10:56] <Ivorius> But then again, it kind of is... You print to the console, for debugging, the same way any time
L235[05:11:06] <Ordinastie_> germans are not particularly know for their psychological flexibility :p
L236[05:11:25] <Ivorius> lol
L237[05:19:09] <gigaherz|work> Deas: if you never used a logger with modding, just do "logger = event.getModLog()" on your preinit, and let the IDE suggest the creation of a new field ;P
L238[05:19:26] <gigaherz|work> (or look at any other mod on github, most of them have this)
L239[05:19:26] <Ivorius> Get back to work you bum
L240[05:19:32] <gigaherz|work> compiling.
L241[05:19:50] <Ordinastie_> <insert xkcd compiling comic here>
L242[05:19:52] <gigaherz|work> https://xkcd.com/303/
L243[05:20:21] <Ordinastie_> and today was the day gigaherz|work came out as my bot
L244[05:20:32] <gigaherz|work> IRC needs an !xkcd compiling
L245[05:21:20] <Ivorius> Just get Shocky
L246[05:29:38] ⇨ Joins: K-4U|Work (~K-4U@ipv6.k-4u.nl)
L247[05:29:50] <K-4U|Work> So uhm.. I just looked if my email address was found in any leaks
L248[05:30:03] <K-4U|Work> it found my email in a database dump from minecraftforge.net
L249[05:30:05] <Ivorius> tfw BlockFurnace
L250[05:30:06] <Ivorius> if (active)
L251[05:30:06] <Ivorius> {
L252[05:30:06] <Ivorius> worldIn.setBlockState(pos, Blocks.lit_furnace.getDefaultState().withProperty(FACING, iblockstate.getValue(FACING)), 3);
L253[05:30:06] <Ivorius> worldIn.setBlockState(pos, Blocks.lit_furnace.getDefaultState().withProperty(FACING, iblockstate.getValue(FACING)), 3);
L254[05:30:06] <Ivorius> }
L255[05:30:18] <K-4U|Work> Who admins that forum?
L256[05:30:25] <Ivorius> Apparently Mojang is aware of the TE issue
L257[05:30:30] <Ivorius> And chooses to ignore it themselves
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L259[05:31:15] <Ivorius> K-4U|Work: You can submit a curse issue
L260[05:31:27] <Ivorius> Head Admin is still citricsquid I believe
L261[05:31:29] <K-4U|Work> What does curse have to do with that?
L262[05:31:38] <Ivorius> Oh, Fogre
L263[05:31:39] <Ivorius> *Forge
L264[05:31:43] <Ivorius> I read Forums
L265[05:31:56] <K-4U|Work> Why would i come in here if it was the minecraftforums? ;)
L266[05:31:56] <Ivorius> That would be Lex / Abrar I think
L267[05:32:16] <Ivorius> I didn't see you specifically come in
L268[05:32:21] <Ivorius> Most people just idle in here
L269[05:32:27] <K-4U|Work> i don't :P
L270[05:32:32] <K-4U|Work> too busy, too much pings
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L273[05:36:50] <K-4U|Work> anyway LexLap LexMobile LexDesktop
L274[05:37:52] <Ordinastie_> wow, that's some fearless pinging :)
L275[05:38:01] <BaronNox> THat’s what I thought
L276[05:38:46] <K-4U|Work> i am fearless
L277[05:39:38] <AKTheKnight> Yeah you're probably gonna get banned
L278[05:39:51] <K-4U|Work> let's talk about the consequences later
L279[05:40:04] <Ordinastie_> nah, most likely kicked only
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L281[05:40:12] <gigaherz|work> depends
L282[05:40:26] <gigaherz|work> not if the pinging was actually something important
L283[05:40:33] <K-4U|Work> which, it REALLY is
L284[05:40:33] <gigaherz|work> but if it was a purposeful waste of time
L285[05:40:34] <gigaherz|work> such as
L286[05:40:38] <gigaherz|work> "what?" "nothing."
L287[05:40:43] <gigaherz|work> then yes, a ban would probably come next
L288[05:41:10] <gigaherz|work> however, it's 4am+-2 hours in the US so...
L289[05:41:43] <K-4U|Work> So, in two hours :P
L290[05:44:10] <Ivorius> Just try pinging him every 5 minutes
L291[05:44:13] <Ivorius> Until he wakes up
L292[05:45:53] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L293[06:04:15] <sokratis12GR> Guys how I can make a recipe take items that has the same name ?
L294[06:04:21] <sokratis12GR> from any mod
L295[06:04:30] <MrZoidbergMD> Does anybody know if there are scripts to download the latest version of minecraft mods from curse? Or at least display the latest version?
L296[06:04:45] <MrZoidbergMD> (which will work on non windows systems)
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L298[06:05:43] <gigaherz|work> curse doesn't really want people to download mods without visiting the pages, or at least using their app
L299[06:05:51] <gigaherz|work> it's their source of income
L300[06:06:16] <gigaherz|work> so even if something like that exists, it would be wrong to help people bypass that ;P
L301[06:06:18] <sokratis12GR> don't you know that you visit some other pages before actually visiting a mod's page ? :P
L302[06:07:01] <sokratis12GR> + that ghz said
L303[06:07:08] <MrZoidbergMD> is their at least a way to check for new versions? i dont want to go to every mod site of every mod in a modpack to check for new versions every day...
L304[06:07:28] <sokratis12GR> Curse Voice ?
L305[06:07:48] <sokratis12GR> http://bot.notenoughmods.com/
L306[06:08:08] <sokratis12GR> forge ? xD
L307[06:08:33] <sokratis12GR> You can see if a new version is available via forge ingame
L308[06:08:59] <MrZoidbergMD> Thanks for the site
L309[06:09:01] <MrZoidbergMD> Thats nice
L310[06:09:17] <MrZoidbergMD> i wouldn’t bet that every mod implemented the update feature in forge, yet?
L311[06:09:34] <sokratis12GR> some actually have their own one
L312[06:09:42] <gigaherz|work> whic his often bad
L313[06:09:55] <gigaherz|work> many mods with their own update system do things wrong ;P
L314[06:10:06] <gigaherz|work> (stall initialization and things like that)
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L318[06:13:01] *** clienthax was kicked by MineBot (Banned: Paying people to annoy us at con by making fun of a child. (65535d)))
L319[06:13:27] <Ordinastie_> lol, I forgot that one
L320[06:13:53] <heldplayer> 179.5 years, wow
L321[06:16:21] <sokratis12GR> o.o
L322[06:16:23] <sokratis12GR> gg
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L326[06:28:16] <sham1> What is the maximum amount of burn time in vanilla furnace
L327[06:36:20] <wiresegal> is there one?
L328[06:36:26] <wiresegal> probably maxint or something
L329[06:37:00] <sham1> Well, it is indeed an Int
L330[06:37:37] <sham1> But the problem is that there is some limit where after you put enough into the burn time, the GUI does not look correct
L331[06:39:58] <masa> having an identical method signature in multiple interfaces that will be implemented by the same class is fine, right?
L332[06:40:15] <masa> for example public void markDirty()
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L334[06:44:20] <sokratis12GR> Do I need to use OreDictionary in a crafting recipe so it can accept any items with the same OreDicionary name from every mod ?
L335[06:45:15] <masa> yes, you just define the recipe as a ShapedOreRecipe() for example
L336[06:45:27] <sokratis12GR> ok ty
L337[06:46:15] <masa> https://github.com/maruohon/enderutilities/blob/master/src/main/java/fi/dy/masa/enderutilities/setup/EnderUtilitiesBlocks.java#L101
L338[06:47:15] <sokratis12GR> that works for chisels too ?
L339[06:47:51] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@2001:af0:8000:1c01:6af7:28ff:fe37:5d6a) (Quit: Leaving.)
L340[06:47:55] <masa> ?
L341[06:48:11] <sokratis12GR> like the different types of cobblestone that can be chiseled ?
L342[06:48:50] <masa> if the mods adding those stones add them to the oredictionary, and if the recipe uses oredictionary, then yes
L343[06:49:15] <sokratis12GR> ok ty ^^
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L346[07:04:04] <sokratis12GR> It is mean less to do GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ModItems.CHAINMAIL, 12), "SSX", "SXS", "XSS", 'S', new ItemStack(Items.IRON_INGOT, 1)); when you can do GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ModItems.CHAINMAIL, 12), "SSX", "SXS", "XSS", 'S', new ItemStack(Items.IRON_INGOT) without the " , 1 " in the end right ?
L347[07:04:41] ⇨ Joins: harmony (~harmony@
L348[07:08:24] <BaronNox> new ItemStack(itemIn) calls new ItemStack(itemIn, 1) where the ‚1‘ defines stackSize.
L349[07:08:40] <masa> you can also just give it Items.IRON_INGOT instead of a stack, but that only works for meta 0
L350[07:09:14] <sokratis12GR> but meta is important for my recipes
L351[07:09:25] <sokratis12GR> i mean different values
L352[07:09:29] <masa> yes, but not for ingredients like iron ingots
L353[07:09:43] <sokratis12GR> true
L354[07:10:05] <sokratis12GR> so just Items.IRON_INGOT without creating new stack would do it
L355[07:10:28] <masa> does the recipe you pasted actually give 12 pieces of chainmail? or what is chainmail, is it a material and not armor?
L356[07:10:34] <masa> yes
L357[07:10:42] <sokratis12GR> yes it is used to craft the chain armor
L358[07:10:45] <masa> ok
L359[07:10:47] ⇦ Parts: lclc98 (~lclc98@ (Leaving))
L360[07:11:06] <sokratis12GR> Minecraft: "Items.CHAINMAIL_BOOTS" and such
L361[07:11:46] <gigaherz|work> sokratis12GR: I already did that on my Survivalist mod ;p
L362[07:12:02] <gigaherz|work> (crafting "chainmail" item that is used to craft the chainmail armor ;P)
L363[07:12:18] <sokratis12GR> when you did that lol
L364[07:12:20] <gigaherz|work> feel free to check my version if you want
L365[07:12:23] <masa> is the recipe using Fire still in the game?
L366[07:12:27] <sokratis12GR> no
L367[07:12:28] <gigaherz|work> some months ago
L368[07:12:35] <gigaherz|work> ;P
L369[07:12:44] <sokratis12GR> Welp I needed to add it to my mod
L370[07:12:57] <sokratis12GR> because of the "Reinforced Chain Armor"
L371[07:14:14] <masa> "Chain armor cannot be crafted anymore due to the item form of fire being removed." in 1.8 snapshots
L372[07:16:12] <masa> I found a nastu item loss bug in my mod yesterday while playing with it on a server...
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L374[07:16:44] <masa> I was moving all my stuff into my own chest which I just managed to craft finally, and then it ate all the items :D
L375[07:17:05] <masa> luckily I had only moved all my basic blocks and not my ores yet at that point
L376[07:17:33] <BaronNox> :D
L377[07:17:35] <masa> but it did eat all my cobble, stone, dirt, sand, gravel, basalt, soul sand, end stone, granite, diorite, andesite etc
L378[07:17:47] <gigaherz|work> sokratis12GR: It's ok, I don't mind duplication, I was just suggestiong you can look at my survivalist mod to see how I did it, if you want
L379[07:18:01] <sokratis12GR> I saw it :P
L380[07:18:11] <masa> apparently I had never tested using item type Memory Cards set to Private in a Handy Chest while developing stuff :p
L381[07:19:08] <sokratis12GR> why my event public void onPlayerCraftedItem(PlayerEvent.ItemCraftedEvent event) when triggered with "Shift-Click on a the recipe output" don't give the Item Enchantment ?
L382[07:19:40] <sokratis12GR> https://github.com/sokratis12GR/ArmorPlus/blob/1.9.4/src/main/java/sokratis12GR/ArmorPlus/resources/GlobalEventsArmorPlus.java#L34
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L387[07:37:00] <Snapples> Is there a function for "return next best block position that is air"?
L388[07:37:42] <Snapples> Basicially a search algorithm.
L389[07:39:42] <sham1> WHat is meant by best
L390[07:39:48] <sham1> What is your heuristic
L391[07:40:38] <Snapples> closest to a specific position.
L392[07:40:54] <sham1> You search in a radius
L393[07:41:06] <sham1> And check if the position has an air block
L394[07:41:09] <sham1> If so, return
L395[07:41:15] <sham1> If not, continue search
L396[07:41:50] <Snapples> Yea, like that. Better if I search in a sphere around my block.
L397[07:42:01] <Snapples> I guess there's no premade function like that.
L398[07:42:03] <sham1> Well, it would
L399[07:42:16] ⇦ Quits: gigaherz|work (~gigaherz@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L400[07:42:21] <sham1> It could search in a sphere
L401[07:44:14] ⇦ Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L402[07:44:56] <Snapples> Actually dropped items do something like that.
L403[07:45:15] <Snapples> If they get submerged, they seem to try to find the closest gap to wander to.
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L414[08:43:24] <ProbablePrime> I'm trying to detect when a player leaves the end. the usual player dimension change event doesn't trigger. Is there an alternative i can try?
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L422[09:19:07] <Deas> hi, does 1.9 mods also run on 1.9.4?
L423[09:19:17] <sham1> o
L424[09:19:20] <sham1> No
L425[09:19:48] <Deas> is there any major diffierence between them ?
L426[09:19:56] <Deas> should be easy to port the difference?
L427[09:20:16] <sham1> Yes, you could port. But you cannot just take a 1.9 jar and have it in 1.9.4
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L429[09:20:55] <sham1> Because that will not work
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L443[09:56:04] <Ordinastie_> !gf field_150960_a
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L447[10:05:15] <Lordmau5> o/
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L449[10:06:21] <sham1> \o
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L463[10:48:36] <Ordinastie_> hum, yes, good coding! http://puu.sh/pnNTf.png
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L465[10:51:16] <McJty> hing wrong with the forge download site? The changelogs are all empty it seems. From version 1955 on
L466[10:51:20] <McJty> For 1.9.4 that is
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L469[10:55:13] <ghz|afk> McJty: your sentence appears to be cut at the beginning ;P
L470[10:55:40] <ghz|afk> 1.9 latest is gone too
L471[11:02:37] <McJty> 1.9 works fine for me
L472[11:02:42] <McJty> Just the 1.9.4 changelogs
L473[11:03:58] <McJty> My sentence was a (partially failed) copy/paste from another channel :-)\
L474[11:04:05] <Ordinastie_> addComponent(new SlopeComponent()); => http://puu.sh/pnOVO.jpg :D
L475[11:06:34] <ghz|afk> McJty: I dont' mean working
L476[11:06:41] <ghz|afk> I mean there's literally no "Latest" box on the 1.9 page
L477[11:06:42] <ghz|afk> ;p
L478[11:06:46] <ghz|afk> only recommended
L479[11:06:54] <McJty> ah ok
L480[11:08:19] <ghz|afk> anyhow you can see the changelog ;P
L481[11:08:19] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/commits/master
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L498[11:56:46] <sham1> I just went into the Modder support subforum
L499[11:56:58] <sham1> I have yet again lost my faith in humanity
L500[11:58:28] <thor12022> just be glad there isn't a minecraft.stackexchange.com
L501[11:58:48] <thor12022> well. maybe that'd be better.
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L532[13:15:46] <raoulvdberge> In what cases will a TE NOT save? Besides not calling markDirty
L533[13:16:59] <ghz|afk> the TE should save even if you don't call markDirty
L534[13:17:18] <ghz|afk> there only reason the TE wouldn't save correctly
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L536[13:17:36] <ghz|afk> is if you don't call super.writeToNBT/super.readFromNBT
L537[13:18:15] <ghz|afk> or if the TE isn't registered
L538[13:18:29] <raoulvdberge> what is markDirty used for then?
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L553[13:55:30] <ghz|afk> [20:18] (raoulvdberge): what is markDirty used for then?
L554[13:55:33] <ghz|afk> sorry I was ingame
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L558[13:57:14] <ghz|afk> markDirty on the server DOES cause it to save more often
L559[13:57:23] <ghz|afk> but not calling it won't prevent saving the TE
L560[13:57:47] <diesieben07> uh if the TE is the only thing that changed in the chunk yes it would prevent it..
L561[13:57:48] <diesieben07> right?
L562[13:57:49] <ghz|afk> on top of that, markDirty updates the comparators
L563[13:57:51] <ghz|afk> no
L564[13:57:56] <ghz|afk> it still saves when you press escape
L565[13:58:01] <ghz|afk> or when certain amount of time has passed
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L567[13:58:16] <ghz|afk> even if no TEs requested the saving
L568[13:58:19] <ghz|afk> at least from what I'm reading
L569[13:58:21] *** big_Xplosion is now known as big_Xplo|AFK
L570[13:58:27] <diesieben07> k then
L571[13:58:42] <raoulvdberge> i had some issues back in the day with 1.7.10
L572[13:58:47] <raoulvdberge> when not calling markDirty it wouldn't save
L573[13:58:53] <ghz|afk> the needsSaving method has a boolean param
L574[13:59:12] <raoulvdberge> where do you see that param?
L575[13:59:28] <ghz|afk> if it's true, it will save if there are TEs, unless it has already saved that chunk, unless isModified is true
L576[13:59:37] <ghz|afk> in the Chunk class
L577[13:59:46] <raoulvdberge> ah i see it
L578[13:59:57] <ghz|afk> if the param is NOT set to true, it will save if 600 ticks have passed
L579[13:59:59] <raoulvdberge> i think some other mod is preventing saves from happening
L580[14:00:04] <ghz|afk> OR if isModified has been set
L581[14:00:04] <raoulvdberge> as i'm getting reports of tiles not saving state
L582[14:00:15] <raoulvdberge> is that even possible?
L583[14:00:20] <ghz|afk> so that param means "force"
L584[14:00:25] <ghz|afk> or similar
L585[14:00:26] <ghz|afk> dunno
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L587[14:01:14] <ghz|afk> that code's decompiling is rather ugly ;P
L588[14:04:45] <ghz|afk> (or maybe it was ugly before compiling)
L589[14:05:52] <raoulvdberge> also, what is TE#invalidate used for?
L590[14:06:33] <MrZoidbergMD> I set up an 1.9.4 forge server with a bunch of mods. i get the „MrZoidbergMD moved too quickly“ message very often and then my player is set back a few blocks… but i get them in creative and sometimes while running WITHOUT any items/rings/… is there a way to disable this check completly?
L591[14:07:11] <diesieben07> raoulvdberge, invalidate is used to mark a TE object as "removed from the world"
L592[14:07:34] <diesieben07> so if something is holding onto that TE object (hopefully through a WeakReference) it can know it's no longer valid and they need to check the world again
L593[14:09:53] <raoulvdberge> ah okay thanks
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L603[14:49:57] <thecodewarrior> I still can't get over how brilliantly horrible the BTM 2.0 web page is.
L604[14:52:11] <thor12022> I never realized I much I hated/missed the marque tag until now
L605[14:54:25] <ghz|afk> BTM?
L606[14:57:09] <thor12022> http://btm.asie.pl/16.2/
L607[14:58:40] <diesieben07> it's not even table layout
L608[14:58:44] * diesieben07 is dissapoint
L609[14:59:30] <ghz|afk> there are tables, though ;P
L610[14:59:35] *** Mine|dreamland is now known as minecreatr
L611[14:59:40] <ghz|afk> this is from BEFORE the table layouts were common
L612[14:59:47] <ghz|afk> what's missing, is frames
L613[15:00:04] <ghz|afk> with the obligatory noframes.html
L614[15:00:09] <diesieben07> haha
L615[15:01:04] <Ordinastie_> I remember back then, the first thing you did when starting a page, is find a good "Under construction" animated gif :p
L616[15:01:12] <ghz|afk> one? ;P
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L629[15:58:23] <TechnicianLP> graldew just crashes with a nullpointer (no error message) in deompilemc any hints? http://hastebin.com/lisupitoli.coffee
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L639[16:01:31] <sham1> Something about this thread disturbs me
L640[16:01:35] <sham1> http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,39592.0.html
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L683[16:12:14] <LexMobile> Check out @LexManos's Tweet: https://twitter.com/LexManos/status/741377313686724612?s=09
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L686[16:15:48] <AKTheKnight> Oh poop. Time to change the passwords. Ahh well
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L688[16:16:04] <ghz|afk> hmf
L689[16:16:04] ⇦ Parts: Aroma1997 (~Aroma1997@2604:a880:800:10::168:d001) ())
L690[16:16:07] <ghz|afk> I seem to have an account there
L691[16:16:16] <ghz|afk> but I don't have any saved credentials
L692[16:16:25] <ghz|afk> which means I haven't logged into the forums in a long long time
L693[16:17:08] * ghz|afk shrugs
L694[16:17:17] <ghz|afk> it requires uppercase, lowercase AND numbers
L695[16:17:26] <ghz|afk> which means I couldn't possibly have used my "standard pattern" in there
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L700[16:22:35] <LexMobile> All passwords are in process of being purged and randomized
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L702[16:22:57] <LexMobile> So after its done everyone will be logged out and forced to use the forgot password to make a new one
L703[16:25:33] <sham1> A little inconvenient, but probably the best solution
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L707[16:30:51] <OrionOnline> Hey Guys, What is the recommended way to replace the "public ModelBiped getArmorModel (EntityLivingBase entity, ItemStack stack, int slot)" method when moving to 1.9? I heard something about layers...
L708[16:31:21] <ghz|afk> ?? getArmorModel still exists
L709[16:31:42] <ghz|afk> it just has an extra param
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L712[16:34:12] <OrionOnline> He....
L713[16:34:55] <OrionOnline> I donnot see it anymore in 1.9....
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L715[16:35:21] <OrionOnline> You are right....
L716[16:35:23] <OrionOnline> Derp
L717[16:35:38] <OrionOnline> Typed getAmorModel in the search two times
L718[16:38:58] <AKTheKnight> Honestly it's a pretty good response to the issue: Tell everyone, reset passwords. Better than some places *looks at lifeboat*
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L720[16:39:37] <OrionOnline> In 1.8 i had to use the addVariantName method to register variant names
L721[16:39:42] <OrionOnline> That one is gone
L722[16:40:03] *** DRedhorse is now known as DonAway
L723[16:40:03] <OrionOnline> I suspect it got replaced by the registerVariant Method right?
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L727[16:41:20] <ghz|afk> OrionOnline: you don't need it anymore
L728[16:41:27] <OrionOnline> Why?
L729[16:41:30] <ghz|afk> unless you use ItemMeshDefinitions
L730[16:41:41] <ghz|afk> because the model registry calls it for you
L731[16:42:03] <ghz|afk> setCustomModelResourceLocation will also add the corresponding variant name
L732[16:42:12] <OrionOnline> I use ItemMeshDefinitions
L733[16:42:16] <ghz|afk> ah
L734[16:42:19] <ghz|afk> then yeah
L735[16:42:27] <ghz|afk> there's registerVariants or whatever
L736[16:42:32] <ghz|afk> which can take all the variant names at once
L737[16:43:12] <OrionOnline> https://gist.github.com/OrionDevelopment/514d3b0533025f391bd19dac062a6a9a
L738[16:43:40] <sham1> MFW I get thanked on the forum by diesieb
L739[16:44:37] <OrionOnline> sham1, praise the great and masterfull sieben
L740[16:44:56] <diesieben07> i just always forget to say thank you to good posts :D
L741[16:45:04] <diesieben07> you got lucky i remembered this time :P
L742[16:45:10] <sham1> :P
L743[16:45:21] <sham1> I seldom post there
L744[16:45:36] <sham1> Because the forums look like
L745[16:45:42] <diesieben07> OrionOnline, why is that a ItemMeshDefition?! It just returns the same ModelResourceLocation every time...
L746[16:45:46] <sham1> An average day at tech support
L747[16:46:18] <OrionOnline> It is my testing one
L748[16:46:24] <diesieben07> well you picked a particularly horrible topic :D
L749[16:46:57] <diesieben07> also Ernio's maymays make it much better :D
L750[16:47:41] <sham1> But yeah, for a person who supposedly learns Pascal at school, he does not understand how programming or google works
L751[16:47:42] *** fry is now known as fry|sleep
L752[16:47:45] <OrionOnline> I am running tests from 1.9/1.10 with simplified methods
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L754[16:48:04] <diesieben07> ugh the more that i look at the NIO FileSystem api the more it sucks
L755[16:48:26] <diesieben07> so many things in java are *supposedly* abstracted away, but if you actually try to use them in an abstract way things fall apart
L756[16:49:07] <sham1> A quick question regarding NIO. Does file IO use ByteBuffers
L757[16:49:18] <diesieben07> well... technically, yes
L758[16:49:36] <diesieben07> the textbook version is you have a Channel which you read from / write to
L759[16:49:45] <diesieben07> and then you read into a Bytebuffer / write from a BytebUffer
L760[16:50:06] <sham1> Ah
L761[16:50:29] <sham1> *vietnam flashbacks to char[] buffering data*
L762[16:50:35] <diesieben07> but that's mostly useful when you can actually work with arbitrary chunked input
L763[16:50:41] <diesieben07> e.g. if you want to hash a big file
L764[16:50:54] <diesieben07> if you say want to read a config file it's much less useful
L765[16:51:17] <sham1> FOr a config file, you probably would indeed use the Reader from tthe old IO
L766[16:51:36] <diesieben07> yeah
L767[16:51:46] <diesieben07> although NIO has compat methods like Files.newBufferedReader
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L769[16:52:22] <diesieben07> the annoying thing with the FileSystem API though is: say you view a zip file as a FileSystem (yes, you can do that)
L770[16:52:35] <diesieben07> and then want to e.g. treat a normal directory and a zip file the same in your code
L771[16:52:46] <diesieben07> there is no way to do that, since you need to *close* a zip-backed FileSystem
L772[16:52:55] <diesieben07> but closing the default FileSystem throws.
L773[16:53:05] <diesieben07> and there is no method "isCloseable" on FileSystem...
L774[16:54:29] <sham1> ZIPs have directories, sort of
L775[16:54:37] <sham1> They can be analogies to read-only filesystems
L776[16:54:50] <diesieben07> i know
L777[16:54:55] <diesieben07> NIO let's you do that
L778[16:55:11] <diesieben07> say you have a Path that points to "some/file.zip"
L779[16:55:17] <sham1> Mmm
L780[16:55:21] <diesieben07> and you do FileSystems.newFileSystem(path)
L781[16:55:32] <diesieben07> you get a FileSystem where root is "/" and that root points to the zip root
L782[16:55:40] <diesieben07> and you can read and write like you would to normal files
L783[16:56:39] <sham1> But one has to close the filesystem
L784[16:56:46] <sham1> Because it is a ZIP
L785[16:56:57] <diesieben07> yes.
L786[16:57:02] <diesieben07> FileSystem implements closeable
L787[16:57:11] <diesieben07> but you can't write abstract code with it
L788[16:57:25] ⇦ Quits: Spacebuilder2020 (~Spacebuil@c-24-9-212-53.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Po-ta-to, boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.)
L789[16:57:26] <diesieben07> because the default FileSystem (that points to normal files on disk) does not just silently ignore closing
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L792[16:57:37] <diesieben07> and there is no way to find out if you CAN close any given FileSystem
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L794[16:57:55] <sham1> Well that is dumb
L795[16:57:57] <diesieben07> so i'd have to catch UnsupportedOperationException, which is just horrible
L796[16:57:58] <diesieben07> yes.
L797[16:58:00] <diesieben07> that's what i meant :P
L798[16:58:31] <sham1> If your FileSystem cannot be closed, yet you implement Closable, why not just ignore it
L799[16:58:37] <sham1> Come on Oracle
L800[16:58:38] <diesieben07> exactly.
L801[16:58:40] <sham1> You can do better
L802[16:58:52] <diesieben07> and thats not the only shortcoming
L803[16:58:59] <TechnicianLP> at least grale is working again (after updating it)
L804[16:59:02] <diesieben07> if you have a path that points to a file inside a zip file
L805[16:59:02] <fry|sleep> wrap dat shit :D
L806[16:59:48] <diesieben07> and turn it into a URI you get something like "zip:file:/path/to/file.zip!/file/inside/zip.txt"
L807[17:00:08] <diesieben07> but if you pass that URI to Paths.get() to get a Path object back out it throws a random exception from the ZipFileSystem provider
L808[17:00:18] <sham1> Umn
L809[17:02:51] ⇦ Quits: Spacebuilder (~Spacebuil@c-24-9-212-53.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- IRC with a difference)
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L812[17:06:33] <diesieben07> oh so actually the default FileSystem is explicitly excluded from being closeable...
L813[17:06:40] <diesieben07> all others must actually close
L814[17:06:41] <diesieben07> wtf.
L815[17:07:14] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L816[17:07:38] <Ordinastie_> can't you find a SO post that explains why? :)
L817[17:07:53] <diesieben07> tried, not many people use this API
L818[17:08:52] <sham1> Oracle pls
L819[17:10:12] ⇦ Quits: Nitrodev (~Nitrodev@87-92-75-66.bb.dnainternet.fi) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L820[17:10:33] <sham1> I would have just had all FileSystem be closable and have the "real" FIleSystem be implemented as: @Override public void close() { /* NO-OP */ }
L821[17:10:40] <sham1> Or something along those lines
L822[17:10:41] <diesieben07> exactly
L823[17:10:53] <diesieben07> then you COULD just use try-with-resources
L824[17:10:56] <sham1> But that would apparently make the most sense
L825[17:11:00] <diesieben07> now i have to do some try-finally bullshit
L826[17:11:19] <LexMobile> Hey guys whats the irc command to auto op someone?
L827[17:11:50] <sham1> Pre-java7 savagery
L828[17:14:08] <sham1> That would be: /msg ChanServ FLAGS #minecraftforge $PERSON +O
L829[17:14:28] <sham1> Where person is the Nickserv nick of the person who you want to auto-op
L830[17:17:45] <sham1> That was from the EsperNet's site
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L833[17:19:01] MineBot sets mode: +o on Flamegoat
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L836[17:19:31] <Ordinastie_> so, who is this new OP?
L837[17:19:48] <sham1> A flaming goat apparently
L838[17:19:51] <TehNut> IIRC he does server stuff for Forge
L839[17:19:52] <Flamegoat> o/
L840[17:20:01] <sham1> \o
L841[17:20:03] <Flamegoat> Systems guy.
L842[17:20:04] <TehNut> o/
L843[17:20:15] <sham1> Congratz
L844[17:20:45] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
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L846[17:22:51] <sham1> Also, nice job with detecting the SQL injection
L847[17:26:17] ⇦ Quits: Samario (~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: See ya.)
L848[17:26:20] <OrionOnline> Was there a problem in 1.9 with it not applying ExtendedState on OBJModels?
L849[17:33:06] <OrionOnline> Hmm Anybody having issues with the OBJModels not rendering in 1.9?
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L854[17:40:33] <ghz|afk> OrionOnline: I never had any problem with my obj models
L855[17:40:46] <ghz|afk> but I don't use extended states or custom baked models
L856[17:40:55] <OrionOnline> Hmm for some reason my getExtendedState Method is not called for the OBJModels
L857[17:41:38] <ghz|afk> that makes no sense
L858[17:41:44] <ghz|afk> getExtendedState gets called for any block
L859[17:41:53] <ghz|afk> regardless of it using extended states or not
L860[17:41:57] <ghz|afk> do you have @Override on it?
L861[17:50:39] <Temportalist> Do you have to use an ICustomModelLoader for providing an ItemOverrideList for item models?
L862[17:51:06] <diesieben07> you technically don't have to but it's the cleanest solution imho
L863[17:51:11] <Temportalist> Okay
L864[17:51:13] <Temportalist> Second question
L865[17:51:41] <Temportalist> Would I be able to join the quads of two item override lists, while scaling one of them down?
L866[17:51:50] <diesieben07> ItemOverrideLists don't have quads
L867[17:52:03] <Temportalist> err i baked models
L868[17:52:13] <diesieben07> then yes, sure.
L869[17:52:18] <Temportalist> goal is to have one item model full size, and one smaller in a corner
L870[17:53:00] <diesieben07> you would have to apply a TRSR to the quads manually
L871[17:53:03] <diesieben07> not sure how to do that
L872[17:53:46] <Temportalist> :/ hmmmm
L873[17:54:11] <diesieben07> "boolean leftHandHackery" - ... oh fry.
L874[17:54:57] ⇨ Joins: Horfius (~quassel@cpe-67-253-209-23.rochester.res.rr.com)
L875[17:55:12] <sham1> sounds fun
L876[17:55:56] <diesieben07> http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/a/28251
L877[17:56:48] <sham1> Matrices
L878[17:57:01] <sham1> Well this got interesting
L879[17:57:22] <Temportalist> hehehe
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L882[17:57:50] <Temportalist> Will I need an IBakedModel to be returned from the ICustomModelLoader?
L883[17:58:02] <diesieben07> well, first an IModel which then bakes into an IBakedModel
L884[17:58:18] <diesieben07> for getting the vertex (i.e. position) out of the BakedQuad: you need the VertexFormat
L885[17:58:30] <diesieben07> the VertexFormat has a list of VertexFormatElement
L886[17:58:42] <diesieben07> these tell you the type (byte, short, etc.) and usage (position, texture, etc.)
L887[17:58:58] <diesieben07> you want to search for the the position elemenets and their offsets (stored in the offsets list)
L888[17:59:04] <diesieben07> this is certainly... complex
L889[17:59:06] <sham1> Who will be the brave soul who shall tell melonslice that to send two variables via a packet you have two spots in [to|from]Bytes for reading/writing
L890[17:59:32] <diesieben07> at this point i just want him gone
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L892[18:04:10] <diesieben07> WHOOOO goddamn finally
L893[18:04:17] <Ordinastie_> what don't you have a preformatted post that say "In order to mod, you must know basic programming concepts" and close them after ?
L894[18:04:29] <diesieben07> because... idk
L895[18:04:59] <diesieben07> finally google chrome (or youtube, or... idk) fixed the issue that when i unplugged my headphones while a YT video was open it would reload the page and reset the video
L896[18:05:20] <Temportalist> diesieben07: ICustomModelLoader https://gist.github.com/anonymous/7c52e82f5545453b34a1c3ef4392931c
L897[18:05:28] <Ordinastie_> when you reload a page, youtube doesn't put the video where it was ?
L898[18:05:58] <diesieben07> oh it does
L899[18:06:16] <diesieben07> but it was doing the weird thing where it would on reload use the flash player (and if it was diabled it would display an error page)
L900[18:06:26] <diesieben07> AND it would do it even if the video was paused so it would just start playing
L901[18:06:35] ⇦ Quits: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-108-184.buckeyecom.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L902[18:06:42] <diesieben07> Temportalist, looks fine
L903[18:07:03] <sham1> grumble grumble chrome grumble
L904[18:07:20] <diesieben07> well, at least it works now
L905[18:07:25] <diesieben07> i discovered that by accident
L906[18:07:41] <Temportalist> diesieben07: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/754b56aa20eed11d52b0d11dc1291b9c
L907[18:08:02] <diesieben07> because to work around it i put my sound-driver into "one-device" mode where it has the same audio device in windows for phones in and not in
L908[18:08:18] <Ordinastie_> the only thing I'd like from youtube, is the ability to reverse the order of a playlist
L909[18:08:20] <diesieben07> but that causes the problem that i cannot control the volume for both indivicually so it cannot auto-mute when i take out the headphones
L910[18:08:35] <diesieben07> Ordinastie_, https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/reverse-playlist-for-yout/phmkjpaalnpngdifcgejpakhfleamlag
L911[18:08:37] <Ordinastie_> because fuck those morons that put the newest videos on the top of the playlist :/
L912[18:09:01] <diesieben07> yep :D
L913[18:09:12] <Ordinastie_> I use FF, but I don't really want to install another plugin just for that anyway
L914[18:09:48] <diesieben07> http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/running-chrome-extensions-in-firefox-what-you-need-to-know/
L915[18:09:50] <Ordinastie_> also, I want JD2 to fix the youtube plugin to have the playlist number in the filename again :/
L916[18:10:56] <Temportalist> diesieben07: this is the start https://gist.github.com/anonymous/13ea5826847761670e76900d2363f2e1
L917[18:11:21] <Temportalist> Would I be able to also define a model via json from which to render underneath a second model?
L918[18:11:44] <Temportalist> is that what the original model is?
L919[18:11:48] <diesieben07> where a model comes from does not matter
L920[18:12:26] ⇦ Quits: OrionOnline (~OrionOnli@ip-80-236-234-75.dsl.scarlet.be) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L921[18:12:29] <ghz|afk> Temportalist: yes
L922[18:12:34] <Temportalist> cool
L923[18:12:52] <ghz|afk> the model system will get the quads from all the models
L924[18:12:55] <ghz|afk> then composite a new model from that
L925[18:13:01] <ghz|afk> note that it will be composited on load
L926[18:13:32] <ghz|afk> the final IBakedModel will be a generic one, that won't know where it came from
L927[18:13:39] <Temportalist> hmm right now the model is empty...
L928[18:14:32] <ghz|afk> well then it will be composited together with an empty model ;p
L929[18:14:42] <ghz|afk> but I want to repeat
L930[18:14:47] <ghz|afk> I see that you have item overrides and such
L931[18:14:58] <ghz|afk> those will NOT be present in the final model, if you use a blockstates file with submodels
L932[18:15:04] <sham1> faithsOfHumanityLost++;
L933[18:15:33] <ghz|afk> ?
L934[18:16:07] ⇨ Joins: minot (~minot@pool-100-1-168-123.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net)
L935[18:16:13] <sham1> The Modder Support thread I tangled myself into
L936[18:16:27] <sham1> The guy does not understand a clear question
L937[18:16:58] <ghz|afk> does he really not understand, or is he trying to play dumb and dodge it? ;P
L938[18:17:15] <ghz|afk> (no idea if it's that kind of question)
L939[18:17:30] <Temportalist> ghz|afk: This is what i've got so far. I have a models/item/ItemMulti.json file which I want to server as the backdrop for the item which it is rendering. Then I am attempting to make a model which will take that models/item/.json backdrop model, and put another item model on top of it (because this second model rely's upon the nbt data of the stack)
L940[18:17:59] <ghz|afk> wat
L941[18:18:04] ⇦ Quits: PBlock96 (~PBlock96@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L942[18:18:17] <ghz|afk> if you want the item model depend on the NBT data
L943[18:18:21] <ghz|afk> you'll have to use item overrides
L944[18:18:34] <ghz|afk> which means you won't be able to make use of the blockstate submodels
L945[18:18:47] <ghz|afk> at least not as a way to select which submodel to use
L946[18:18:50] <sham1> Well, he does manage to dodge he question
L947[18:18:54] <Temportalist> so no automatically loading in that backdrop?
L948[18:19:02] <ghz|afk> you CAN automatically load
L949[18:19:08] <ghz|afk> that's what the IModel's dependencies are for
L950[18:19:12] <Temportalist> ah
L951[18:19:16] <sham1> So, not sure if [he is] stupid or trolling
L952[18:19:41] <diesieben07> Ordinastie_, that is still there.
L953[18:19:59] <ghz|afk> just return all the appropriate resource locations from the IModel's dependencies, and then you'll have them available when you get .bake called on that IModel
L954[18:20:00] <Ordinastie_> last time I checked it was bugged
L955[18:20:20] *** Kaiyouko is now known as Kaiyouka
L956[18:20:25] <Ordinastie_> *videonumber* wasn't added to the filename
L957[18:20:27] <Temportalist> ghz|afk: so like this? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/070ad31ff883bb889bb91115e3b43926
L958[18:20:34] <Ordinastie_> or whatever the keyword is now
L959[18:22:14] <ghz|afk> I suppoe
L960[18:22:25] <ghz|afk> my scala (or whatever that is) isn't great
L961[18:22:56] <diesieben07> Ordinastie_, works fine for me: http://i.imgur.com/K7Td1tI.png http://i.imgur.com/nPyZCMd.png
L962[18:22:56] <ghz|afk> meh tired
L963[18:23:00] * ghz|afk yawns
L964[18:23:06] *** mumfrey is now known as Mumfrey
L965[18:23:16] <Ordinastie_> oh, so maybe the fixed it already
L966[18:23:20] <Ordinastie_> lemme try
L967[18:23:47] <Ordinastie_> it's updating at least :p
L968[18:26:03] <Ordinastie_> diesieben07, does the filename has the number too ?
L969[18:26:16] <diesieben07> You can choose it however you like...
L970[18:26:37] <Temportalist> diesieben07: Is there a way to make a baked model from just a texture?
L971[18:26:42] <Temportalist> In this case, for an item.
L972[18:26:48] <diesieben07> sure.
L973[18:26:53] <diesieben07> you have to create the quads
L974[18:27:02] <Temportalist> continue...
L975[18:27:13] <diesieben07> that's where my knowledge ends
L976[18:27:16] <Temportalist> hahaha
L977[18:27:24] <diesieben07> Ordinastie_, http://i.imgur.com/y36MjgL.png
L978[18:27:26] <diesieben07> works fine
L979[18:27:50] <ghz|afk> Temportalist: not directly from code -- well not easily
L980[18:27:55] <Ordinastie_> not for me : http://puu.sh/pogpt.png > http://puu.sh/pogqh.png
L981[18:28:05] <ghz|afk> yo ucan check how the forge blockstates loader does it
L982[18:28:14] <Temportalist> would the originalModel passed to handleItemState be of any use here?
L983[18:28:17] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L984[18:28:30] <ghz|afk> but basically you want a "builtin/generated" with the one texture as "layer0"
L985[18:28:39] <diesieben07> ok first of all, you watch the crappy US versino of that show?
L986[18:28:42] <diesieben07> shameon you.
L987[18:29:09] <Ordinastie_> diesieben07, well, once I watched the UK ones, I moved on :p
L988[18:29:22] <diesieben07> the US ones are just... poor ramsey
L989[18:29:31] <diesieben07> but yeah not sure why it doesnt work for you
L990[18:29:45] <Ordinastie_> works for the package, not the filename
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L992[18:31:03] <Ordinastie_> and the US version is probably better than the french one
L993[18:31:17] <Ordinastie_> where it's not even ramsey ><
L994[18:31:26] <diesieben07> haha
L995[18:32:20] <Ordinastie_> I think, what makes the US worse is mainly because he doesn't do the voice over himself :s
L996[18:32:29] <diesieben07> wait... what?
L997[18:33:46] <diesieben07> oh the narration?
L998[18:33:47] <diesieben07> yeah.
L999[18:33:52] <Ordinastie_> yeah
L1000[18:33:58] <Ordinastie_> "voix off" in french <<
L1001[18:34:09] <diesieben07> it's just not the same show
L1002[18:34:18] <diesieben07> in the US it's all just screaming and shouting and drama
L1003[18:34:26] <diesieben07> in the UK it's actually doing something useful
L1004[18:35:20] <Ordinastie_> I watched some of the Hotel Hell too, they were ok too
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L1006[18:35:34] <ghz|afk> night ppl
L1007[18:35:37] <williewillus> night
L1008[18:35:37] * ghz|afk poofs
L1009[18:35:42] <diesieben07> night
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L1011[18:36:29] <Ordinastie_> ohhhh
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L1013[18:36:35] <Ordinastie_> I think I found out why
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L1015[18:36:56] MineBot sets mode: +o on LexDesktop
L1016[18:37:23] <Ordinastie_> yes
L1017[18:37:46] <diesieben07> is it the package name being constant?
L1018[18:37:48] <Ordinastie_> turns out, if you don't put ".*ext*" it doesn't take in account the format at all
L1019[18:38:00] <williewillus> i have a super strange bug...
L1020[18:38:05] <diesieben07> hu
L1021[18:38:07] <diesieben07> that is weird
L1022[18:38:09] <Ordinastie_> like it doesn't know it's a video
L1023[18:38:13] <diesieben07> ah
L1024[18:38:21] <diesieben07> the code for JD2 is a mess btw
L1025[18:38:22] <williewillus> one of my caps specifically, gets wiped when the dediserver is stopped while the player is logged in. no other case.
L1026[18:38:29] <diesieben07> i once checked out their repo... oh my god
L1027[18:38:30] <williewillus> logging off then stopping server works, integrated server works
L1028[18:38:35] <williewillus> kicking then stopping works, etc.
L1029[18:38:38] <williewillus> and just that one cap
L1030[18:38:45] <williewillus> .-.
L1031[18:38:51] <Ordinastie_> diesieben07, maybe but it's soooooo useful ^^
L1032[18:39:12] <diesieben07> i know :D
L1033[18:39:16] <diesieben07> i use it all the time
L1034[18:39:24] <diesieben07> the code is a mess but it works amazingly well
L1035[18:39:34] <Ordinastie_> yeah
L1036[18:39:48] <diesieben07> i just wonder how the heck they are makign money
L1037[18:40:02] <Ordinastie_> I use it with a debrider (same word in english ?), works great
L1038[18:40:11] <diesieben07> no idea what that is
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L1040[18:40:58] <Ordinastie_> paid access to fast download over many of the regular hosts
L1041[18:41:05] <diesieben07> Ah
L1042[18:41:07] <Ordinastie_> I use this one : http://real-debrid.fr/
L1043[18:41:26] <Ordinastie_> 16€ for 6 months, it's fair
L1044[18:41:40] <diesieben07> but they always have to fight against the actual hosters
L1045[18:41:56] <diesieben07> because of course tehy are the losers in this scenario
L1046[18:41:56] <Ordinastie_> not my problem :p
L1047[18:42:08] <diesieben07> well, eventually all the multihosters go bust
L1048[18:42:28] <Ordinastie_> I downloaded 400Go last saturday, at 30-40MB/s
L1049[18:42:51] <diesieben07> plus the source i use usually uploads to zippyshare which has no captchas and no speed limit (or one higher than my bandwidth) for unregistered users :P
L1050[18:42:54] <diesieben07> so... i dont really care
L1051[18:43:26] <Ordinastie_> does someone have the original Filename format for youtube video in JD2 ?
L1052[18:43:57] <diesieben07> *3D* *360* *VIDEO_NAME* (*H*p_*FPS*fps_*VIDEO_CODEC*-*AUDIO_BITRATE*kbit_*AUDIO_CODEC*).*EXT*
L1053[18:44:07] <Ordinastie_> thx
L1054[18:46:05] <Ordinastie_> yeah \o/ http://puu.sh/pohrB.png
L1055[18:46:45] <diesieben07> lol y u download so much :D
L1056[18:47:02] <Ordinastie_> because I watch so much :(
L1057[18:47:17] <diesieben07> and you do that offline... because?
L1058[18:47:42] <Ordinastie_> I don't watch everything offline
L1059[18:48:06] <diesieben07> aha
L1060[18:48:18] <Ordinastie_> but for Dota2 casts, I often forward to fights, so it's faster and easier from MPC
L1061[18:49:07] <diesieben07> yes you have a point there
L1062[18:49:25] <diesieben07> i wish YT would fix their stupid auto quality, too
L1063[18:49:32] <diesieben07> i can watch 1080p@60 just fine
L1064[18:49:37] <diesieben07> but if i leave it on auto it never switches to that
L1065[18:50:12] <Ordinastie_> it does switch to best for me
L1066[18:50:38] <Temportalist> HEY LOOK IT WORKED
L1067[18:50:40] <Ordinastie_> I used to have a plugin just for that
L1068[18:50:51] <Temportalist> Okay, now to work on smaller icons
L1069[18:51:00] <diesieben07> i did too but it stopped working
L1070[18:51:17] <Temportalist> diesieben07: you mentioned something about http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/28249/calculate-new-vertex-position-given-a-transform-matrix/28251#28251 and making the quads smaller?
L1071[18:51:24] <diesieben07> yes
L1072[18:51:35] <diesieben07> you get a TRSR (or a matrix) for the scaling you want
L1073[18:51:37] <Ordinastie_> double check if there isn't an option in the YT settings
L1074[18:52:10] <diesieben07> what settings? :D
L1075[18:52:20] <diesieben07> it DOES switch, but only to 720
L1076[18:52:28] <Ordinastie_> ah
L1077[18:52:36] <diesieben07> if i put it to 1080 manually it plays fine
L1078[18:52:44] <diesieben07> it can JUST about keep up for some videos
L1079[18:52:47] <diesieben07> but it works fine
L1080[18:52:51] <Temportalist> How would I apply the 4x4 TRSR transformation to the quads?
L1081[18:53:02] <diesieben07> thats what the link is for
L1082[18:53:34] <Ordinastie_> also, those settings
L1083[18:53:45] <Ordinastie_> assuming you have an account and are logged in :)
L1084[18:53:49] <Ordinastie_> http://puu.sh/pohQz.png
L1085[18:53:57] <Ordinastie_> (better with actual link :x)
L1086[18:54:05] <diesieben07> yes i do have an account
L1087[18:55:08] <diesieben07> and yes i have that selected
L1088[18:55:19] <Ordinastie_> get a better connexion then :p
L1089[18:55:32] <diesieben07> the connection is fine
L1090[18:55:42] <diesieben07> it plays 1080@60 without buffering
L1091[18:55:49] <Temportalist> diesieben07: but specifically, how do I apply a TRSR to a baked quad?
L1092[18:56:03] <Ordinastie_> JD2 only download from youtube at 600k/s :(
L1093[18:56:10] <diesieben07> thats YTs fault
L1094[18:56:17] <diesieben07> they limit the dl rate to the bitrate
L1095[18:56:37] <diesieben07> Temportalist, well, first you gotta get the position out the baked quad, you need to analyze the VertexFormat for that
L1096[18:56:43] <diesieben07> i dont know the exact details though
L1097[18:56:47] <Ordinastie_> yeah, depends on the videos too
L1098[18:59:11] <capitalthree> is there a channel for server admins?
L1099[19:00:27] <Temportalist> ghz|afk: think you would be able to provide some insight into scaling quads?
L1100[19:00:59] *** Vigaro is now known as V
L1101[19:11:19] <Temportalist> diesieben07: would this last comment be along the lines of what i am looking for? http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,32863.msg171991.html#msg171991
L1102[19:12:15] <diesieben07> looks like... something
L1103[19:13:28] ⇦ Quits: KnightMiner (~KnightMin@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1104[19:13:35] <Temportalist> diesieben07: maybe https://github.com/SlimeKnights/Mantle/blob/master/src/main/java/slimeknights/mantle/client/model/TRSRBakedModel.java?
L1105[19:13:51] <diesieben07> dude i am not the right guy to talk to here :P
L1106[19:13:56] <Temportalist> i know
L1107[19:13:57] <diesieben07> i am in way over my head
L1108[19:14:05] <Temportalist> so am I haha
L1109[19:14:09] *** V is now known as Vigaro
L1110[19:16:14] <Ordinastie_> that proves the system is bad
L1111[19:16:19] <Temportalist> hahaha
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L1116[19:30:04] <Temportalist> diesieben07: ghz|afk: any ideas on how I would figure out the transform I want?
L1117[19:30:33] * diesieben07 throws IHateOpenGLException();
L1118[19:30:41] <Temportalist> hehehe
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L1120[19:34:00] * Temportalist decides to test random shit and hopes he doesnt breeak the client
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L1122[19:38:45] <williewillus> narrowing casts in java just drop bits right
L1123[19:38:49] <williewillus> for long to int
L1124[19:39:04] <diesieben07> yeah i think so
L1125[19:39:07] <Temportalist> i thnk so
L1126[19:39:22] <diesieben07> 2x (i think so) = definitely
L1127[19:39:23] <diesieben07> :D
L1128[19:39:49] <williewillus> lol
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L1131[19:45:08] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> I believe they keep the sign bit
L1132[19:45:15] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> But maybe not?
L1133[19:45:32] <Temportalist> i think it would
L1134[19:46:50] <diesieben07> not really
L1135[19:47:13] <diesieben07> it just happens to work out that if you have say a -1 in a long and take the lowest 32 bits its still a -1
L1136[19:47:38] <diesieben07> but it certainly doesnt always convert negative numbers to negatives
L1137[19:48:09] <diesieben07> for that there would be Ints.saturatedCast
L1138[19:49:31] <Ordinastie_> easy to test, what long -2147483649 convert to when casted ?
L1139[19:50:13] <Temportalist> hmmm, no matter the order I put the quads into the array list, my original texture always seems to render on top of the texture I am adding to the quads (the scaled one)
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L1142[19:56:17] <Temportalist> How would I determine which ItemCameraTransform to use in handleItemState?
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L1145[20:15:44] <Ordinastie_> damn, that's depressing :( http://puu.sh/polTx.png
L1146[20:19:54] <Temportalist> How the crap do I determine what transforms to return in a IBakedModel?
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L1150[20:37:02] <Temportalist> diesieben07: do you know IPerspectiveAwareModel?
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L1153[20:39:24] <BaronNox> Mmh ok. I think I need some guidance here. I have a gui with slots and when I decrease the stack size in one of those slots (doing it on server’s side to avoid desync) and then increase an int. Do I now need a packet handler to send a packet to the client to update the int (which gets drawn as label in said gui?
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L1168[21:41:32] <luacs1998> eh forge forums got hacked?
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L1171[21:54:27] <elucent> i'm making a gui for some in-game documentation, and i can renderItemIntoGUI just fine with items, but if i try to do it with blocks they appear darkened
L1172[21:55:06] <elucent> am i missing some kind of state manager call, or some special function?
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L1202[23:18:12] <sfxplayer> how to you rotate a model from a blockstate json
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L1207[23:38:32] *** Vigaro is now known as V
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