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L1[00:00:11] <mezz> not vanilla bug label? ;D
L2[00:00:16] <tterrag> $ labels add 2892 Feature
L3[00:00:17] <Actuarius> Added labels [Feature] for issue 2892; new labels: [Feature].
L4[00:00:19] <tterrag> eh it's not really a bug
L5[00:00:23] <mezz> shh
L6[00:00:26] <tterrag> I could have labeled it regression I suppose
L7[00:00:28] <capitalthree> how do you satisfy your IDE that a field is public, after using ATs?
L8[00:00:35] <tterrag> capitalthree: redo setupDecompWorkspace
L9[00:00:54] <capitalthree> I did and then restarted intellij D:
L10[00:01:12] <capitalthree> maybe I need to reimport the project
L11[00:01:16] <tterrag> then your AT did not work
L12[00:01:17] <mezz> yes
L13[00:01:19] <tterrag> did gradle say it found it?
L14[00:01:36] <mezz> I do ./gradlew idea after that to set up the project again
L15[00:01:52] <capitalthree> ahh ok thanks
L16[00:02:00] <tterrag> >using gradlew idea
L17[00:02:05] <capitalthree> D:
L18[00:02:08] <capitalthree> did I just fuck up my shiz
L19[00:02:19] <capitalthree> tterrag: my AT works great when I build on the command line with ./gradlew build :P
L20[00:02:20] <tterrag> most people just import the buld.gradle :P
L21[00:02:28] <mezz> ah
L22[00:02:46] <mezz> capital then your IDE is looking at the old stuff
L23[00:02:47] <tterrag> (to this day I don't know exactly what that means...just that it's what you do)
L24[00:03:30] <capitalthree> apparently it still is D:
L25[00:03:33] <capitalthree> even after gradlew idea
L26[00:04:35] <capitalthree> tterrag: I don't know what that means either
L27[00:04:46] <tterrag> don't ask me. I use eclipse :P
L28[00:04:48] <tterrag> works great here :D
L29[00:05:00] <mezz> except the debugging *cough*
L30[00:05:26] <mezz> capital, reimport your project
L31[00:05:42] <tterrag> mezz: I have no idea what happened there
L32[00:05:50] <tterrag> I may have changed it with the game running which of course wouldn't work
L33[00:05:53] <mezz> heh
L34[00:06:01] <tterrag> it usually tells you so, but meh
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L36[00:09:34] <capitalthree> ok mezz tterrag it's working now :D <3 <3
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L38[00:09:43] <mezz> cool
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L43[00:27:47] <mezz> when is it good to update with a block update vs without? pretty sure I have a good concept of this but I'd like to hear thoughts from someone else
L44[00:27:59] <mezz> for world.setBlockState
L45[00:28:41] ⇦ Quits: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@p5B23C30C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Die Sprache der Politik ist daf�r gemacht, dass L�gen wahr klingen und das T�ten angemessen wirkt. (George Orwell))
L46[00:28:46] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L47[00:32:47] <capitalthree> pretty sure the only reason to do it without is for performance reasons or to be intentionally stealthy against other mods
L48[00:32:55] <capitalthree> but I'd avoid it unless it's a performance necessity
L49[00:33:58] <fry> if the client doesn't need to know about the change (air -> pseudo-air) or you plan to sync the whole chunk in the same tick, then probably
L50[00:36:09] <tterrag> hey fry I have another PR to merge :P
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L52[00:39:49] <fry> someone will look at it someday :P
L53[00:40:07] <tterrag> ._.
L54[00:40:09] <LexManos> Why are you working in bytecode tterrag ?
L55[00:40:13] <fry> I don't want to spend every morning excusively revieving your prs :P
L56[00:40:14] <tterrag> hm?
L57[00:40:19] <tterrag> what are you talking about?
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L59[00:41:06] <tterrag> I was explaining AT syntax to capitalthree, that's all.
L60[00:41:21] <tterrag> well, not really AT specifically, just bytecode method sigs
L61[00:41:59] <LexManos> He being retarded again?
L62[00:42:52] <tterrag> not really...just wanting to know how ATs worked. from what I can tell, he had a valid reason, if a bit overcomplicated
L63[00:43:47] <capitalthree> lol lex still hates me
L64[00:44:01] <capitalthree> works fine for me :)
L65[00:46:19] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
L66[00:48:26] <mezz> fry can you look over my PR https://gist.github.com/mezz/6f4a2ec10cab825c735307243760f49c
L67[00:49:19] <fry> hi
L68[00:49:25] <mezz> hello
L69[00:49:34] <mezz> thanks
L70[00:49:58] <capitalthree> uh oh
L71[00:50:02] <capitalthree> it says secret, but I was able to read it :P
L72[00:50:13] <fry> if only all PRs took that much time :P
L73[00:50:15] <capitalthree> is this scala? it's not sensible code so it must be some fancy ast ;)
L74[00:50:26] * capitalthree makes trollface at fry
L75[00:52:10] <fry> you can tell it's not java because no semicolon :P
L76[00:52:48] <Drullkus> Did someone run out of semicolors?
L77[00:52:57] <Drullkus> Take my extra semicolons! ;;;;
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L86[01:23:48] <capitalthree> so the people who told me adding transparency to the rendering would be a pain in the ass, weren't kidding D:
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L106[01:59:53] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160523 mappings to Forge Maven.
L107[01:59:57] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160523-1.9.4.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160523" in build.gradle).
L108[02:00:08] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L121[02:55:46] <killjoy> Is there a better way to do this? https://gist.github.com/killjoy1221/041d9241b80e6f49a75ba110e460ed67
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L124[03:07:04] <sokratis12GR> Guys is there any difference in ItemAxe from 1.8.9 to 1.9 ?
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L127[03:12:07] <capitalthree> man. after all that silliness, I guess I'm back to realizing I need access transformers, for EntityItem.age >_<
L128[03:12:35] <capitalthree> !gm EntityItem.age 1.8.9
L129[03:12:42] <capitalthree> !gm age 1.8.9
L130[03:12:54] <Ordinastie_> gf ?
L131[03:13:15] <capitalthree> !gf age 1.8.9
L132[03:13:19] <capitalthree> so m is method and f is field?
L133[03:13:25] <capitalthree> thanks Ordinastie_ :D
L134[03:13:29] <Ordinastie_> yes
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L137[03:16:12] <capitalthree> it's so weird
L138[03:16:18] <capitalthree> I don't even need write access to age
L139[03:16:26] <capitalthree> but the getter for it is @SideOnly for Client
L140[03:16:39] <capitalthree> what the hell is the point of doing @SideOnly for a getter o_o
L141[03:16:41] <Lordmau5> just wanted to say, isn't there a getAge method
L142[03:16:49] <capitalthree> Lordmau5: yeah. for clients :P
L143[03:17:08] <gigaherz|work> capitalthree: mc uses some sort of "optimizing obfuscator", that removes unused methods
L144[03:17:13] <capitalthree> and of course my IDE doesn't process those annotations so I thought things were great until I ran the server and it crashed
L145[03:17:29] <capitalthree> gigaherz|work: yeah. @SideOnly makes sense for stuff that will add a lot to the bytecode size...
L146[03:17:34] <capitalthree> not for a simple getter for an int xD
L147[03:17:34] <gigaherz|work> nono
L148[03:17:38] <gigaherz|work> @SideOnly is forge
L149[03:17:44] <capitalthree> wait really?
L150[03:17:53] <gigaherz|work> it exists as a way to say "the mc jar only has this on one side"
L151[03:18:00] <capitalthree> so it's the forge team's fault that EntityItem.getAge is sided to client? :P
L152[03:18:04] <gigaherz|work> NO
L153[03:18:10] <capitalthree> ohhhhh
L154[03:18:11] <capitalthree> I see
L155[03:18:12] <gigaherz|work> when mcp decompiles
L156[03:18:18] <Ordinastie_> still no
L157[03:18:18] <gigaherz|work> it merges the client jar and server jar
L158[03:18:24] <Ordinastie_> well yes
L159[03:18:26] <capitalthree> ok well annotations or otherwise, it's dumb of minecraft to only have that on the client :P
L160[03:18:36] <gigaherz|work> and methods that are only on one side, get marked @SideOnly
L161[03:18:42] <Ordinastie_> mojang probably have them on both sides
L162[03:18:42] <gigaherz|work> it is
L163[03:18:50] <Ordinastie_> it's the obfuscation that removes them automatically
L164[03:18:52] <gigaherz|work> the original source code is the same most probably
L165[03:18:56] <capitalthree> is an AT the best solution here?
L166[03:18:56] <sokratis12GR> Guys isn't an ItemAxe supposed to work like this ? https://paste.ee/p/Jmdjy
L167[03:19:09] <gigaherz|work> just use reflection
L168[03:19:12] <Ordinastie_> or reflection
L169[03:19:19] <gigaherz|work> unless you need to call it hundreds of times per tick
L170[03:19:39] <gigaherz|work> just make sure to cache the Field class
L171[03:19:49] <capitalthree> hmm I guess probably not hundreds of times per tick :P
L172[03:19:55] <gigaherz|work> don't use ReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue every time, that's wasteful
L173[03:20:38] ⇦ Quits: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L174[03:20:42] <capitalthree> aight. got it. avoiding ATs is good
L175[03:20:47] <capitalthree> reflection is gross but less gross than bytecode hacking xD
L176[03:20:50] <gigaherz|work> use "theField = ReflectionHelper.findField; theField.setAccessible" once, and then reuse the field object whenever you need a value
L177[03:21:54] <gigaherz|work> I wrote this little class a while ago
L178[03:21:55] <gigaherz|work> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/KeyBindingInterceptor.java#L13
L179[03:22:07] <gigaherz|work> it's halfway between using reflection manually, and using a MethodHandle
L180[03:23:01] <gigaherz|work> the main difference is, it isn't fixed to one instance of an object
L181[03:26:24] <TechnicianLP> doesnt reflectionhelper already call the setaccessible on the fields?
L182[03:26:41] <gigaherz|work> not findField, I believe
L183[03:26:49] <gigaherz|work> maybe I'm wrong, though
L184[03:27:59] <TechnicianLP> Field f = clazz.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
L185[03:27:59] <TechnicianLP> f.setAccessible(true);
L186[03:28:15] * gigaherz|work shrugs
L187[03:28:32] <gigaherz|work> maybe I'll fix that when I get home ;P
L188[03:29:32] <gigaherz|work> meanwhile, pretend my code doesn't have the "setAccessible(true)" line ;P
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L191[03:37:35] <sokratis12GR> Guys why when I'm trying to load this Item ItemAxe my game is crashing ? https://paste.ee/p/Zc9hF
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L193[03:37:52] <capitalthree> gigaherz|work: thanks for all the help :) and one more question
L194[03:37:53] <capitalthree> 03:13:30 [esper] -MCPBot_Reborn(~MCPBot_Re@mcpbot.bspk.rs)- Name : c => field_70292_b => age
L195[03:38:06] <capitalthree> do I just use "age" and "field_70292_b" in findField, or also "c"?
L196[03:38:37] <Ordinastie_> just srg and mcp
L197[03:38:38] <gigaherz|work> yeah, no "c" -- you'll never encounter an environment using obfuscated names
L198[03:38:57] <gigaherz|work> forge does runtime deobf to make mc into srg names
L199[03:39:23] <gigaherz|work> so in production, you'll always see "field_xxxx_y"
L200[03:39:28] <gigaherz|work> while in dev, you should usually see "age"
L201[03:39:34] <gigaherz|work> (unless the name changes in the mappings)
L202[03:39:34] <TechnicianLP> sokkratis do you have a crashlog for us?
L203[03:40:30] <capitalthree> ok cool :)
L204[03:40:48] <sokratis12GR> here TechnicianLP https://paste.ee/p/eGKp2
L205[03:41:59] <sokratis12GR> it says that something is wrong with super(material) but why ?
L206[03:42:28] <gigaherz|work> no that's not what it says
L207[03:42:35] <Ordinastie_> did you look the line where it actually crashes ?
L208[03:42:39] <gigaherz|work> it says "ArrayIndexOutOfBounds: 5"
L209[03:43:04] <TechnicianLP> ATTACK_DAMAGES[material.ordinla()] where the array has a size of 5
L210[03:43:23] <Ordinastie_> oh wait, he doesn't have to, someone will tell him exactly what's wrong
L211[03:44:10] <sokratis12GR> oh, I didn't saw that
L212[03:44:33] <gigaherz|work> you need to read the things exactly, instead of panicking and coming here stright out
L213[03:45:22] <capitalthree> gigaherz|work: that makes me sad how you went to the trouble of making FieldHelper so generic, but then make it a private inner class :P
L214[03:45:41] <gigaherz|work> capitalthree: I use it twice in there! ;P
L215[03:45:56] <capitalthree> gigaherz|work: everyone else would use it twice too if you stuck it in some lib xP
L216[03:46:00] * capitalthree shrugs
L217[03:46:01] <gigaherz|work> if I ever have an use for it elsewhere, I'll pull it out
L218[03:46:04] <capitalthree> I'm being silly, it's not a big deal
L219[03:46:07] <gigaherz|work> no they wouldn't
L220[03:46:11] <gigaherz|work> my lib would mostly be ignored
L221[03:46:14] <TechnicianLP> acessing private vlues in a private inner class is fun ....
L222[03:46:16] <capitalthree> I guess libs do tend to be ignored
L223[03:46:18] <gigaherz|work> and I'd have an extra dependency to worry about
L224[03:46:38] <Ordinastie_> capitalthree, yup :x
L225[03:46:41] <gigaherz|work> which would mean my mod would be used less, since some people (me included) try to avoid mods with dependencies ;P
L226[03:46:49] <Ordinastie_> people don't want hard dep
L227[03:47:13] <Ordinastie_> gigaherz|work, meh I don't think users care
L228[03:47:32] <gigaherz|work> so my helper classes are duplicated on each mod, and within each mod, I just put them wherever they annoy me the least
L229[03:47:34] <gigaherz|work> in this case
L230[03:47:43] <gigaherz|work> an inner class means it doesn't add yet another file to the treeview
L231[03:47:48] <Ordinastie_> if you made a separate lib, that wouldn't really affect your download count
L232[03:48:39] <capitalthree> gigaherz|work: I don't avoid mods with dependencies :P
L233[03:49:02] <capitalthree> but I guess as long as the duplicated code is small, meh
L234[03:49:11] <Ordinastie_> but modders avoid dependencies when they're not their own :(
L235[03:49:41] <TechnicianLP> cofh needs ts core .... i think it isnt really effected by it
L236[03:49:49] <gigaherz|work> for me, it's part "NIH", part not always finding some clear copy-paste-friendly maven instructions
L237[03:50:02] <gigaherz|work> although I'm learning how to use maven deps so the latter is becoming smaller
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L239[03:50:22] <gigaherz|work> there's also a bit of not wanting to annoy users in there
L240[03:50:46] <gigaherz|work> I do plan on making a lib-mod at some point
L241[03:50:52] <gigaherz|work> with the guidebook I made
L242[03:50:58] <gigaherz|work> so I can use it from my other mods
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L244[03:52:08] <capitalthree> I do not suffer from NIH
L245[03:52:21] <capitalthree> if I find a library and it's easier for me to learn to use it than write stuff myself, sign me the fuck up :P
L246[03:52:36] <capitalthree> though my current mod is dep free (other than the kotlin libs) only because it's a tiny toy mod
L247[03:53:58] <gigaherz|work> meh I wouldn't really call it "NIH" so much as I tend to have the feeling that I could do it better
L248[03:54:11] <gigaherz|work> so, since I mod for fun
L249[03:54:18] <gigaherz|work> I have a tendency to actually TRY to do it better
L250[03:54:33] <gigaherz|work> but i'm generally lazy so I tend to leave things only half done
L251[03:54:41] <gigaherz|work> which means I rarely actually do it better
L252[03:55:03] <capitalthree> ok sweet my mod works serverside :D
L253[03:55:08] <fry> a lot of people don't take their own time into account when considering deps
L254[03:55:08] <Ordinastie_> capitalthree, well that was my goal
L255[03:55:09] <gigaherz|work> :D
L256[03:55:14] <capitalthree> gigaherz|work: if you take that logic too far, you could make the entire minecraft better
L257[03:55:17] <capitalthree> it's not exactly that well made
L258[03:55:22] <gigaherz|work> I know
L259[03:55:24] <gigaherz|work> I want to
L260[03:55:28] <capitalthree> but there's something to be said for taking the base that exists and rolling with it ;)
L261[03:55:39] <gigaherz|work> I know I shouldn't but oh I want to clone minecraft SO badly
L262[03:55:40] <capitalthree> but ok, cool, make a better minecraft and make a good mod api
L263[03:55:41] <fry> I can totally write the whole MC way better, given about 5 years, probably
L264[03:55:42] <capitalthree> I want it to happen
L265[03:55:48] <capitalthree> honestly though what's wrong with minetest?
L266[03:55:51] <capitalthree> that's where we should focus imo
L267[03:55:56] <gigaherz|work> it's wrong
L268[03:55:58] <gigaherz|work> as in
L269[03:56:00] <capitalthree> ah? :P
L270[03:56:07] <gigaherz|work> there's "little things" that just don't work the same
L271[03:56:16] <fry> I looked at minetest a bit, and the code I looked at was horrible :P
L272[03:56:20] <capitalthree> ahh
L273[03:56:20] <gigaherz|work> and they annoy the heck out of me
L274[03:56:24] ⇦ Quits: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L275[03:56:28] <capitalthree> fry: worse than minecraft? :P
L276[03:56:35] <fry> yup
L277[03:56:47] <fry> less readable than decompiled MC code
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L280[03:56:58] <gigaherz|work> wasn't minetest written in some "fancy" language?
L281[03:57:09] <fry> and I do know C++, so that wasn't the issue :P
L282[03:57:27] <gigaherz|work> ah it's C++?
L283[03:57:39] <Disconsented> Throw your application in and make the ultimate sacrifice fry ;)
L284[03:57:51] <gigaherz|work> wasn't there a mc clone in like python?
L285[03:57:55] <tterrag> game is in lua
L286[03:58:01] <tterrag> core is C++
L287[03:58:02] <gigaherz|work> oooh, lua
L288[03:58:07] <gigaherz|work> yeah that must be what I remember
L289[03:58:09] <tterrag> took all of 2 seconds to find out
L290[03:58:09] <tterrag> https://github.com/minetest
L291[03:58:10] <tterrag> lol
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L293[03:58:15] <gigaherz|work> why I chose not to read any of the code
L294[03:58:54] <gigaherz|work> although I'm guilty of doing that myself
L295[03:59:08] <gigaherz|work> I started writing a game engine a while ago
L296[03:59:12] <gigaherz|work> the core was C++
L297[03:59:21] <gigaherz|work> used my GDDL syntax for data files
L298[03:59:23] <gigaherz|work> and lua for scripting
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L300[04:00:22] <tterrag> something tells me this might not be the best place to put the overlay... :P http://i.imgur.com/6RHGlZM.png
L301[04:00:59] <gigaherz|work> i'd try to show a "nameplate" like items on item frames do
L302[04:01:14] <tterrag> that would work but paintings can be large
L303[04:01:16] <tterrag> REALLY large
L304[04:01:26] <gigaherz|work> ahy
L305[04:01:27] <gigaherz|work> -y
L306[04:01:38] <gigaherz|work> how about the same you did
L307[04:01:49] <gigaherz|work> but with a semitransparent rectangle behind
L308[04:01:53] <tterrag> http://i.imgur.com/D0UPZN6.png
L309[04:01:59] <gigaherz|work> 0x3f000000
L310[04:02:01] <gigaherz|work> or similar
L311[04:02:01] <tterrag> well, I was more worried that it blocked looking at the actual painting
L312[04:02:21] <gigaherz|work> move it some 8-12px down
L313[04:03:14] <tterrag> how would that help? :P
L314[04:03:34] <tterrag> I could just put it on the edge of the screen
L315[04:03:36] <gigaherz|work> it would leave some more visible space around the crosshairs
L316[04:03:44] <gigaherz|work> or hm
L317[04:03:50] <gigaherz|work> WAILA-style, top-center
L318[04:04:49] <gigaherz|work> in fact, I'd probably just use WAILA if it's enabled ...
L319[04:05:28] <tterrag> perhaps
L320[04:05:37] <tterrag> I don't yet pull in any mod APIs but I well could
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L322[04:05:47] <tterrag> no idea how to use mcjty's new thing
L323[04:06:13] <TechnicianLP> new thing?
L324[04:06:32] <tterrag> https://github.com/mcjty/TheOneProbe
L325[04:07:01] <gigaherz|work> probe?
L326[04:07:09] <gigaherz|work> are there any screenshots of that?
L327[04:07:11] <gigaherz|work> I can't picture it
L328[04:07:16] <fry> 9 days old, must be way better than waila
L329[04:07:22] <tterrag> https://github.com/McJty/TheOneProbe/wiki
L330[04:07:25] <fry> it is known that newer = better
L331[04:07:44] <gigaherz|work> oh that's fancy
L332[04:08:08] <tterrag> I still prefer WAILA currently just because the API is so dang flexible
L333[04:08:16] <gigaherz|work> tterrag: HMMMM
L334[04:08:18] <tterrag> you can do pretty much anything you want with waila
L335[04:08:23] <gigaherz|work> how about you only show that info while sneaking?
L336[04:08:46] <gigaherz|work> or the other way around for discoverability
L337[04:08:56] <LatvianModder> tterrag: why not both? :P
L338[04:08:58] <tterrag> that could work
L339[04:09:09] <tterrag> LatvianModder: effort?
L340[04:09:21] <gigaherz|work> although so long as it doesn't show up in F1, you could just tell people to go into "screenshot mode" ;P
L341[04:09:51] <tterrag> it uses the overlay event so it doesn't
L342[04:09:54] <tterrag> but shifting is a good idea
L343[04:09:55] <LatvianModder> https://github.com/LatvianModder/FTBLib/blob/1.9/src/main/java/com/feed_the_beast/ftbl/FTBLibEventHandler.java#L64-L81
L344[04:09:56] <tterrag> I just did that :P
L345[04:10:04] <gigaherz|work> :)
L346[04:10:07] <LatvianModder> so much effort :P
L347[04:10:16] <tterrag> wat is wit
L348[04:10:26] <gigaherz|work> wit?
L349[04:10:50] <LatvianModder> wut, wat is wit
L350[04:11:01] <gigaherz|work> is it some waila-like mod called "What is This", by any chance?
L351[04:11:05] <LatvianModder> http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/wit-what-is-that
L352[04:11:11] <gigaherz|work> almost!
L353[04:11:32] <LatvianModder> I think it came out before Waila was updated to 1.9
L354[04:11:42] <tterrag> wow that overlay is ugly
L355[04:11:45] <LatvianModder> Waila is still better
L356[04:12:07] <gigaherz|work> yeah, they didn't even bother to use the tooltip textures for it ;P
L357[04:14:42] <LatvianModder> I like how people recreate what already exists all the time. like, I know im being hypocritical, but still, why bother making something new when Waila exists?
L358[04:15:01] <gigaherz|work> because WAILA wasn't updated yet
L359[04:15:05] <gigaherz|work> and they didn't want to wait
L360[04:15:40] <LatvianModder> Prof still working on it though? With all that mojang n stuff probably doesnt have much time for his own mods
L361[04:15:42] <Quetzi> that's the 2nd WAILA clone i've seen this week
L362[04:15:46] <capitalthree> maybe I can update my new Lingering Loot feature to 1.9 before waila does
L363[04:16:02] <capitalthree> you won't have tooltips but you will have items spazzing out before they despawn
L364[04:16:46] <tterrag> I never really got the remaking thing either
L365[04:16:48] <LatvianModder> hey, maybe I should make a block/entity viewer mod too? that will be totally useful and original!
L366[04:16:53] <tterrag> a lot of new modders try to recreate something they know
L367[04:17:00] <fry> it's not like waila is open source or anything https://bitbucket.org/ProfMobius/waila/src
L368[04:17:05] <tterrag> that's just going to bore you
L369[04:17:10] <tterrag> fry: yeah exactly
L370[04:17:13] <tterrag> anyone could have updated waila
L371[04:17:23] <tterrag> I considered it strongly, but at that point Darkhax was already working on it
L372[04:17:25] <LatvianModder> I think I even have write access to some mods there
L373[04:17:26] <gigaherz|work> that involves touching other people's code
L374[04:17:29] <capitalthree> I come from the perspective of a lazy minecraft player, who finally started modding because I felt like there were basic things that need to exist and don't
L375[04:17:32] <gigaherz|work> there's a LOT more NIH in that
L376[04:17:51] <fry> it's not like someone actually bothered to port the waila to 1.9, make a PR and get it accepted https://bitbucket.org/ProfMobius/waila/pull-requests/40/19/commits
L377[04:17:55] <capitalthree> I started with editing several other mods
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L379[04:19:05] <Darkhax> tterrag what was it I was working on?
L380[04:19:14] <tterrag> weren't you doing waila for 1.8+?
L381[04:19:20] <LatvianModder> gigaherz|work: No problem with touching other people's code :P https://github.com/progwml6/ironchest/pull/68
L382[04:20:00] <Darkhax> No, but as of 1.9 I now bundle a fallback mod with WAWLA for when Waila is not installed.
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L385[04:31:02] <tterrag> gigaherz|work: I think it's pretty slick :P http://i.imgur.com/TxVmTvg.gifv
L386[04:31:51] <tterrag> loads too fast to appreciate my animation most of the time :(
L387[04:31:51] <gigaherz|work> heh
L388[04:34:33] <tterrag> fff
L389[04:34:41] <tterrag> vanilla changed listFormattedStringToWidth to use Arrays.asList
L390[04:34:41] <gigaherz|work> uuuu?
L391[04:34:55] <gigaherz|work> ?
L392[04:35:11] <LatvianModder> yeah, isnt that like.. better?
L393[04:35:20] <tterrag> no, because it returns a readonly list
L394[04:35:24] <gigaherz|work> I have no idea what list... is
L395[04:35:48] <LatvianModder> well yeah, because you format the string and that list should be immutable
L396[04:35:58] <tterrag> what?
L397[04:36:01] <tterrag> nothing to do with formatting
L398[04:36:18] <tterrag> it used to just split the string and return a normal list
L399[04:36:18] <LatvianModder> split/format/wrap whatever :P
L400[04:36:30] <tterrag> here's my code http://pastebin.com/T8MFurJD
L401[04:37:11] <Lordmau5> I helped out with some major bug in 1.8.9 iirc that prevented proper sync on dedicated servers
L402[04:37:14] <LatvianModder> List<String> mylist...; mylist.addAll(font.listFormattedString...); myList.add(...);
L403[04:37:26] <Lordmau5> or rather, the 1.5.10 build of it
L404[04:37:47] <Lordmau5> That's the good side of open source mods - other people can help out if they want to
L405[04:38:00] <tterrag> LatvianModder: or what I did...
L406[04:38:02] <tterrag> which is less lines
L407[04:38:26] <LatvianModder> well, since that doesnt work anymore, you have to do it differently now
L408[04:39:01] <tterrag> man read my code
L409[04:39:06] <tterrag> I already fixed it
L410[04:39:19] <tterrag> there's even a comment :x
L411[04:39:28] <LatvianModder> oh, didnt see that Lists.newArrayList() :P
L412[04:39:48] <Lordmau5> difference between .newList and .newArrayList btw?
L413[04:39:53] <LatvianModder> thats pretty much what I wrote, just a little bit faster I guess
L414[04:39:56] <fry> tterrag: https://gist.github.com/RainWarrior/fa9ce41b9c12295c6b07344fb9689874
L415[04:41:31] <Lordmau5> Mat.min
L416[04:41:38] <Lordmau5> :>
L417[04:42:36] <tterrag> fry: few problems with that, but thanks. I fixed them up :P
L418[04:42:49] <tterrag> for one, min(2, xxx) and then i == 2 <- never gonna happen :P
L419[04:43:05] <fry> i == 1
L420[04:43:11] <tterrag> yeah, got it, lol
L421[04:43:25] <fry> I gave this code literally 0 brain power
L422[04:43:34] <fry> why were you building a new list anyway?
L423[04:43:47] <tterrag> <tterrag> vanilla changed listFormattedStringToWidth to use Arrays.asList
L424[04:44:11] <fry> why were you building a list before?
L425[04:44:27] <fry> or better yet, why were you modifying the list before?
L426[04:44:35] <tterrag> eh...why not?
L427[04:45:06] <fry> because it's a very error-prone default behavior to have :P
L428[04:45:32] <tterrag> O_o java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException: Task com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFutureTask@1c9f03f5 rejected from java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@69933cb[Terminated, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 1]
L429[04:45:34] <tterrag> what did I do
L430[04:46:08] <tterrag> hm...somehow a shutdown is being called before it shouldbe
L431[04:47:53] <tterrag> ahh I see
L432[04:49:00] ⇨ Joins: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-135-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se)
L433[04:53:21] <LatvianModder> ListenableFutureTask
L434[04:53:29] <LatvianModder> You were messing with the time machine again?
L435[04:53:47] <Lordmau5> lmao
L436[04:58:25] <Ivorius> Is drawScreen now being concurrently called with initGUI?
L437[04:58:38] <Ivorius> I get very odd ConcurrentModificationExceptions
L438[04:59:40] <tterrag> erm...GL cannot be done in a thread
L439[04:59:43] <tterrag> so I severely doubt that
L440[04:59:57] <gigaherz|work> hmmm initGui may be called from the logic, and gl from the rendering
L441[05:00:03] <gigaherz|work> I thoguht those two were on different threads?
L442[05:00:16] <gigaherz|work> and draw*
L443[05:00:41] ⇦ Quits: killjoy (~killjoy@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L444[05:00:42] <tterrag> there is only one thread with GL context, the client thread
L445[05:00:48] <tterrag> I don't think initGui is called from any other thread
L446[05:00:59] <gigaherz|work> I thought client ticking was on a different thread from client rendering
L447[05:01:02] * gigaherz|work shrugs
L448[05:01:12] <Lordmau5> lmfao https://i.redditmedia.com/cJAV8JDfoJqA0RFAp6Fqs1xR3rdk1m6lamAEH-HzkrE.jpg?w=1024&s=951399cd12f22e932944eb449fff7776 - I love you, reddit
L449[05:01:40] <gigaherz|work> wat
L450[05:01:55] <Lordmau5> My mom's co-worker couldn't attend a work event so she asked if I could Photoshop him into the office photo. This is what is now being passed around her office. He's 6'3".
L451[05:02:00] <Lordmau5> that's the title
L452[05:02:45] * gigaherz|work facepalms
L453[05:02:47] <Ivorius> It's definitely threaded
L454[05:02:57] <Ordinastie_> i find it more disturbing that you find it hilarious
L455[05:02:57] <Ivorius> I just tried running over it calling nothing
L456[05:03:06] <Ivorius> (just Thread.sleep)
L457[05:03:09] <Ivorius> Still the same crash
L458[05:03:16] <Ivorius> So it must be from some other thread
L459[05:03:36] <gigaherz|work> Ivorius: what do you need to do on initGui that conccurrently excepts?
L460[05:03:49] <Ivorius> On initGUI I build a cached list of items
L461[05:03:59] <Ivorius> Which I render in drawScreen
L462[05:04:02] <Ivorius> Very standard really
L463[05:04:17] <gigaherz|work> synchronize the list access? ;P
L464[05:04:33] <Ivorius> I guess
L465[05:05:08] <gigaherz|work> what was the keyword for that in java?
L466[05:05:15] <gigaherz|work> C# uses lock(object){}
L467[05:05:33] <Ordinastie_> synchronize ? ><
L468[05:05:35] <gigaherz|work> I recall "public synchronized X()" methods
L469[05:05:47] <gigaherz|work> but I can't remember how I used to do it on a code block
L470[05:05:49] <Cazzar> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/concurrency/syncmeth.html
L471[05:05:57] <Cazzar> and
L472[05:06:01] <Cazzar> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/concurrency/locksync.html
L473[05:06:14] <gigaherz|work> ah so it's just synchronized in both
L474[05:06:42] <Lordmau5> > syncmeth
L475[05:06:47] <Lordmau5> okay
L476[05:08:15] <gigaherz|work> lunchtime
L477[05:10:22] <sokratis12GR> Guys do I change the Attack speed with AttributeModifiers ?
L478[05:10:46] <tterrag> Ivorius: they are NOT on different threads
L479[05:10:49] <tterrag> your error is elsewhere
L480[05:10:50] <tterrag> [06:10:39] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.creatubbles.ctbmod.client.gui.upload.GuiUploadScreenshot:initGui:110]: Init: Thread[Client thread,5,main]
L481[05:10:50] <tterrag> [06:10:39] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.creatubbles.ctbmod.client.gui.upload.GuiUploadScreenshot:drawForegroundImpl:175]: Draw:Thread[Client thread,5,main]
L482[05:11:01] <Ivorius> Dude, I just added synchronized
L483[05:11:03] <Ivorius> And now it works
L484[05:11:16] <tterrag> then you have something screwy elsewhere. it's NOT caused by vanilla threading
L485[05:11:28] <Ivorius> I don't thread myself
L486[05:11:34] <Ivorius> Never touched it in my mods
L487[05:11:42] <tterrag> post your code
L488[05:11:44] <Ivorius> Note that I'm on 1.8
L489[05:11:47] <Ivorius> Not 1.8.9
L490[05:11:48] <Cazzar> Yes, though as tterrag just mentioned, both are in the client thread
L491[05:11:54] <tterrag> this is 1.9, it was not different in 1.8
L492[05:12:20] <tterrag> my best guess: you open a GUI from a packet
L493[05:13:10] <Ivorius> Possible
L494[05:13:12] <Ivorius> Yes
L495[05:13:34] <tterrag> there we go
L496[05:13:38] <tterrag> don't do that
L497[05:13:43] <tterrag> Minecraft.getMinecraft().addScheduledTask()
L498[05:13:49] <Ivorius> [12:13:40] [Netty Local Client IO #0/INFO] [STDOUT]: [ivorius.reccomplex.gui.table.GuiTable:initGui:87]: Thread[Netty Local Client IO #0,5,main]
L499[05:13:50] <Ivorius> Yep
L500[05:14:14] <Ivorius> Scheduled tasks? Eww
L501[05:14:19] <tterrag> I suspect this would have manifested in other more obscure ways later on
L502[05:14:28] <tterrag> NEVER interact with game code directly from packet handlers
L503[05:15:20] <Ivorius> Aha
L504[05:15:30] <Ivorius> So I wrap every onMessage thing in a scheduled task?
L505[05:15:52] <Ordinastie_> pretty much
L506[05:16:26] <tterrag> yep
L507[05:16:32] <Ordinastie_> that's what I use : https://github.com/Ordinastie/MalisisCore/blob/1.8.9/src/main/java/net/malisis/core/network/IMalisisMessageHandler.java
L508[05:16:53] <tterrag> I love that GH hasn't updated their syntax highlighting for "default"
L509[05:16:58] <tterrag> they've only had a few years
L510[05:18:13] <Ivorius> I'ma copy that, Ordi
L511[05:18:14] <Ivorius> Thanks
L512[05:18:23] <Ordinastie_> noooo!
L513[05:18:25] <Ordinastie_> go use my core!
L514[05:18:35] <Ivorius> It's MIT :P
L515[05:18:55] <Ordinastie_> yeah, I blame PaleOff for that
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L525[05:59:08] <MaelstromPhx> any way to turn item entity data back into an entityitem?
L526[06:01:43] <Cazzar> I wonder how many ADSL ISPs let you actually change your DSLAM profile at will
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L528[06:04:36] <gigaherz|work> Cazzar: no idea what that even is
L529[06:04:36] <gigaherz|work> XD
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L531[06:06:09] <Cazzar> gigaherz|work: how technically do you know ADSL?
L532[06:06:29] <gigaherz|work> not very, I know it's a switched network, with explicit virtual circuits
L533[06:06:37] <Cazzar> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_subscriber_line_access_multiplexer
L534[06:06:43] <gigaherz|work> yeah reading that
L535[06:06:58] <gigaherz|work> I meant more the "dslam profile" thing
L536[06:06:59] <gigaherz|work> ;p
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L538[06:08:32] <gigaherz|work> so the DSLAM is the thing at the "other end" of the copper cables?
L539[06:08:38] <Cazzar> Yes
L540[06:08:51] <gigaherz|work> and what woudl the profile do? ;P
L541[06:09:02] <Cazzar> The profile controls stuff like SNR targeting, interleaving and a few others
L542[06:09:16] <gigaherz|work> ah
L543[06:09:42] <Cazzar> Though some of that is also controlled at the CPE
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L545[06:12:28] <gigaherz|work> meh I don't even care anymore
L546[06:12:40] <gigaherz|work> I have fiber ;P
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L551[06:19:33] <Cazzar> I have a FTTN install coming soon
L552[06:19:50] <Cazzar> Node with literally 70m of copper between me and the node
L553[06:19:56] <Cazzar> I believe
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L555[06:23:57] <masa> we have glass fiber coming to within 30cm or so from my home server box ;p
L556[06:24:48] <masa> I currently have a 8.7ms ping to my home server from my student apartment
L557[06:25:42] <gigaherz|work> I have no idea where the fiber reaches
L558[06:26:04] <gigaherz|work> I know I have two devices on my living room
L559[06:26:33] <gigaherz|work> (one being my router, no idea about the other)
L560[06:26:39] <gigaherz|work> but I don't recall there being an optical cable
L561[06:26:46] <gigaherz|work> looked more like copper wire
L562[06:27:43] <gigaherz|work> but I don't know if there's optical cable right outside the door
L563[06:28:53] <gigaherz|work> so it's probably FTTB/FTTH
L564[06:29:54] <gigaherz|work> I don't have real numbers for performance/ping times
L565[06:30:04] <gigaherz|work> since I use powerline adapters to extend the network to the rooms
L566[06:30:09] <iTitus> do you have complex numbers then?
L567[06:30:14] * iTitus hides
L568[06:30:21] * gigaherz|work slaps iTitus
L569[06:30:36] <gigaherz|work> no
L570[06:30:41] <gigaherz|work> i only have imaginary numbers, duh
L571[06:30:44] <gigaherz|work> I do not have reals
L572[06:30:50] <gigaherz|work> so i'm missing the real part of the complex too
L573[06:30:53] <gigaherz|work> which leaves the imaginary!
L574[06:30:59] <iTitus> that's quite sad
L575[06:31:17] <gigaherz|work> namely:
L576[06:31:37] <gigaherz|work> 15-40ms ping, 150mbps down, 30mbps up
L577[06:31:41] <gigaherz|work> when connected through powerline
L578[06:31:51] <gigaherz|work> using the nearest node in speedtest.net
L579[06:31:59] <gigaherz|work> the line is 300/30
L580[06:32:13] <gigaherz|work> and I know the limit to 150 is due to the powerline
L581[06:32:27] <gigaherz|work> because it's also limited to 150ish when transfering a file to my flatmate's computer
L582[06:33:27] <gigaherz|work> I want to buy some 5m ethernet cable so I can put the powerline adapter directly on the wall socket, without the extender cable
L583[06:33:44] <gigaherz|work> some cat6 or something
L584[06:34:01] <gigaherz|work> in fact, let me check the prices on amazon or something, I'll jsut order it right now
L585[06:35:09] <gigaherz|work> MEH
L586[06:35:12] <gigaherz|work> 6eur
L587[06:35:15] <gigaherz|work> too cheap XD
L588[06:35:37] <gigaherz|work> (shipping price is 3eur, i'd be paying 150% ;P)
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L593[07:05:16] <Wuppy> people just keep on remixing this guy xD http://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/6780335/e11724d4/fuck_fuck._de_fuckin_remix.html
L594[07:06:59] <iTitus> lol
L595[07:07:02] <iTitus> tf is that?
L596[07:07:24] <Wuppy> well, the first 8 seconds or so is a recording of some guy with tourettes
L597[07:07:47] <Wuppy> and now dutch people have made 15 different videos replacing bits of a song with him
L598[07:08:20] <Wuppy> even YMCA http://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/6776909/9a87de2c/tijdloze_plaat.html
L599[07:08:48] <AKTheKnight> Wow
L600[07:09:01] <Wuppy> but I prefer the top one, the original artist of that track made this remix xD
L601[07:09:18] <Wuppy> plus the original track is great
L602[07:12:48] <PaleoCrafter> how can you tell he has tourettes, Wuppy? :P
L603[07:13:08] <Wuppy> well...
L604[07:13:14] <Wuppy> I don't know, just a guess
L605[07:13:55] <gigaherz|work> hat page seems to have adblock detection
L606[07:13:59] <gigaherz|work> which means it's not worth my time ;P
L607[07:14:17] <Wuppy> gigaherz|work, it's the worst website I know, doesn't even work on chrome for me
L608[07:14:22] <Wuppy> but the content is hilarious
L609[07:19:40] <PaleoCrafter> both works on chrome for me and doesn't say anything about AdBlock xD
L610[07:19:47] <PaleoCrafter> might be due to the fact that I'm not using ABP though
L611[07:20:13] <Wuppy> I dont use adblock
L612[07:20:26] <Wuppy> I believe it's because the videos use flash or somethign
L613[07:21:03] <Cazzar> nope
L614[07:21:06] <Cazzar> EU cookie law
L615[07:21:21] <AKTheKnight> I just pressed ok
L616[07:21:27] <PaleoCrafter> JW Player is HTML5
L617[07:21:31] <Wuppy> yep you get a full screen green image about cookies :P
L618[07:21:37] <gigaherz|work> PaleoCrafter: oh I have no idea if it mentioned adblock
L619[07:21:39] <gigaherz|work> I can't read that language
L620[07:21:40] <gigaherz|work> ;P
L621[07:21:43] <PaleoCrafter> lol
L622[07:21:51] <gigaherz|work> all I know is I had no means to close the overlay that showed up
L623[07:22:05] <PaleoCrafter> maybe it was the cookie one? :P
L624[07:22:06] <Wuppy> it's basically a long dutch message about the fact that the cookie law sucks
L625[07:22:09] <Cazzar> gigaherz|work: I don't read it either, but I figured out cookie: https://www.cookielaw.org/the-cookie-law/
L626[07:22:25] <gigaherz|work> I'm used to cookie banners just simply being banners, not preventing use
L627[07:22:49] <AKTheKnight> the cookie law
L628[07:22:51] <AKTheKnight> om nom nom
L629[07:23:12] <Cazzar> It doesn't revoke usability.
L630[07:23:19] <PaleoCrafter> the directive dates back to 2011? Oo
L631[07:23:19] <Cazzar> Just redirects you temporarily.
L632[07:23:37] <Cazzar> Funny thing
L633[07:23:47] <Cazzar> I had a website hosted in the EU back around the cookie law
L634[07:23:51] <Cazzar> We didn't give a shit
L635[07:24:02] <gigaherz|work> Cazzar: I tried clicking everywhere, I found no place to click that would close that overlay
L636[07:24:03] <gigaherz|work> XD
L637[07:24:12] <gigaherz|work> okay not "everywhere"
L638[07:24:18] <gigaherz|work> I clicked in a couple places, didn't work, gave up.
L639[07:24:19] <PaleoCrafter> I haven't seen the notifications pop up around some time last year, so either the countries weren't very strict or...
L640[07:24:32] <gigaherz|work> I have seen notifications for a few years
L641[07:24:37] <gigaherz|work> (Spain here)
L642[07:25:04] <Cazzar> gigaherz|work: You didn't try the obvious? http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1464006307
L643[07:25:09] <AKTheKnight> I ignore most of the notifications. But I get them a lot
L644[07:25:11] <PaleoCrafter> ah, Germany already had its own law
L645[07:25:19] <PaleoCrafter> which wasn't quite as strong or something
L646[07:25:30] <Cazzar> LITERALLY ANY OF THE TEXT
L647[07:25:44] <gigaherz|work> Cazzar: nope
L648[07:25:58] <PaleoCrafter> btw, gigaherz|work, Dutch is close enough to English, I'd say :P
L649[07:26:03] <gigaherz|work> so far as I'm concerned, if a thing looks like a button, then everything should be clickable, not just the text
L650[07:26:15] <gigaherz|work> and if there's no visual indication that the text is a link, I assume it isn't
L651[07:26:22] <gigaherz|work> "hover" isnt' enough.
L652[07:26:24] <PaleoCrafter> the "hier" is underlined :P
L653[07:26:32] <Cazzar> You'd hate navigating my site
L654[07:26:38] <gigaherz|work> possibly
L655[07:27:07] <PaleoCrafter> ugh, no indication whatsoever apart from the pointer cursor, Cazzar D:
L656[07:27:15] <gigaherz|work> I have very strong feelings about misleading UI concepts and missing visual cues
L657[07:27:19] <PaleoCrafter> oh, the contact links actually have a hover effect xD
L658[07:27:48] <Cazzar> There is some
L659[07:27:54] <PaleoCrafter> oh, and the text gets ever so slightly darker :D
L660[07:28:05] <PaleoCrafter> for the post titles, that is
L661[07:30:15] <iTitus> It worked for me and I use an ad blocker (on chrome)
L662[07:30:25] <Lordmau5> god damn it
L663[07:30:38] <Lordmau5> why did I read that as "oh, and the text gets ever so slightly danker"
L664[07:30:40] <Lordmau5> jesus christ, brain, calm your memes >_>
L665[07:30:50] <iTitus> danke
L666[07:31:01] <Lordmau5> no
L667[07:31:01] <Lordmau5> dank memes
L668[07:31:07] <gigaherz|work> Lordmau5: you need some meme-free time
L669[07:31:08] <iTitus> german for thanks
L670[07:31:16] <iTitus> so...
L671[07:31:16] <gigaherz|work> or you'll end up speaking in memes
L672[07:31:26] <Lordmau5> oh shit waddup
L673[07:31:26] <Cazzar> Lordmau5: you'd fit right in at my workplace
L674[07:31:26] <Lordmau5> :p
L675[07:31:29] <iTitus> no memes for me :(
L676[07:31:40] <gigaherz|work> I still have no idea what that crap means
L677[07:31:48] <gigaherz|work> I stopped following memes a while ago
L678[07:31:54] <Lordmau5> you know what time it is again soon?
L679[07:32:03] <iTitus> Overwatch release time?
L680[07:32:08] <gigaherz|work> if you are in the UK
L681[07:32:13] <gigaherz|work> it will soon be 13:37
L682[07:32:48] <Lordmau5> https://soundcloud.com/lordmau5/sets/gangnamcore-2-stuff
L683[07:32:49] <Lordmau5> it's soon time for Gangnamcore 3
L684[07:33:12] <Cazzar> PaleoCrafter: body links are a lot more obvious
L685[07:33:13] <Cazzar> http://cazzar.net/tutorials/forgegradle/ForgeGradle-and-Java-8-A-Hackers-Guide/
L686[07:33:17] <Cazzar> Subtle though
L687[07:33:17] <gigaherz|work> that says "2" in the url ;P
L688[07:33:23] <PaleoCrafter> true
L689[07:33:49] <Lordmau5> yea
L690[07:33:51] <PaleoCrafter> although I personally associate dotted underlines with abbrevations :P
L691[07:33:51] <gigaherz|work> those "subtle" links remind me of some intrusive ad systems
L692[07:33:56] <Lordmau5> because those were my submissions for Gangnamcore 2
L693[07:33:58] <PaleoCrafter> or that
L694[07:33:59] <gigaherz|work> that would replace words on the article
L695[07:34:01] <gigaherz|work> with spam links
L696[07:34:02] <Lordmau5> said album has ~700 songs
L697[07:34:33] <Lordmau5> https://triple-q.bandcamp.com/album/gangnamcore-2-part-i-no-stopping - https://triple-q.bandcamp.com/album/gangnamcore-2-part-ii-only-opping
L698[07:36:01] <gigaherz|work> Cazzar: actually your site isn't that bad. The "hidden" links are mostly in <hN>, which is only semi-confusing, and content links are slightly underlined which is just mildly annoying ;P
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L710[08:09:17] <sokratis12GR> Guys is there anything special about the Bow's Texture ?
L711[08:10:55] <sokratis12GR> nvm, Found that it has different names in the texture
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L724[08:48:43] <Wuppy> hehe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgda5GGExNs
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L726[08:49:52] <Inari> Hm, whats the event for /me? ServerChatEvent doesnt seem to get htat
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L734[09:02:56] <MaelstromPhx> using the event.setCanceled(true) for LivingDeathEvent should prevent the entity from dying right?
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L736[09:06:03] <Temportalist> Hey, so if capabilities (specifically for entity player's) only serialize and deserialize on the server side, at what point would it be appropriate to send a packet to the client to deserialize the data loaded from the server?
L737[09:06:31] <gigaherz|work> MaelstromPhx: doing that will cancel the code, but you'd have to give the living entity some health otherwise it will just die next tick
L738[09:06:40] <MaelstromPhx> ah okay
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L740[09:09:07] <sokratis12GR> lol bows require 4 json files to render the texture properly
L741[09:10:00] <Temportalist> Where is willieaway's primer on capabilities?
L742[09:10:26] <Wuppy> woohoo, time to go oldschool tonight, we've got a Playstation 2 and a Gamecube set up now :D
L743[09:12:07] <thor12022> https://gist.github.com/williewillus/c8dc2a1e7963b57ef436c699f25a710d
L744[09:12:11] <gigaherz|work> sokratis12GR: not "the texture", they use one model per drawing phase
L745[09:12:19] <Temportalist> Thanks thor12022
L746[09:12:47] <AKTheKnight> wuppy, will your json gen be updated to 1.9 or naah?
L747[09:12:49] <thor12022> I may or may not have had it open for the last few days
L748[09:12:52] <Inari> can't find any other message/chat/action/emote events either..
L749[09:13:14] <Wuppy> AKTheKnight, I've kind of retired MC modding (for now at least) so probably not
L750[09:13:35] <AKTheKnight> Ahh okay. Fair enough. Thanks for making it in the first place, helped a lot :)
L751[09:13:44] <Wuppy> thanks :)
L752[09:13:50] <gigaherz|work> welp, time to leave work!
L753[09:13:54] <gigaherz|work> cya from home
L754[09:13:54] <sokratis12GR> gigaherz|work: are they require ? Can't I just use 1 texture ?
L755[09:14:21] <gigaherz|work> sokratis12GR: but then the string and arrow wouldn't change to show the bow more and more drawn
L756[09:14:36] <sokratis12GR> oh, yeah..
L757[09:14:48] <gigaherz|work> idle -> with arrow -> with arrow and half drawn -> with arrow and fully drawn
L758[09:15:00] <sokratis12GR> yeah i already made them :P
L759[09:15:18] <gigaherz|work> but yeah, gotta leave work ;P
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L761[09:15:44] <Wuppy> at 4PM gigaherz?
L762[09:15:50] <Wuppy> that sounds like a job I'd want :P
L763[09:17:21] <Temportalist> thor12022: have you worked with capabilities on entities?
L764[09:17:48] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L765[09:18:40] <Temportalist> Wuppy: it's 10am here haha
L766[09:18:55] <Wuppy> giga lives in spain, as far as I know they have the same time zone as here
L767[09:19:24] <Temportalist> Yeah, I'm in the US
L768[09:19:36] <thor12022> no, that's next on my todo list, but I haven't had a big enough block of time to sort it out
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L770[09:20:22] <AKTheKnight> 3:20pm here. My day is over :P
L771[09:20:39] <Wuppy> wot? how?
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L773[09:21:28] <AKTheKnight> Last year of college so nothing happening
L774[09:21:49] <AKTheKnight> Apart from exams *gulp*
L775[09:22:15] <Wuppy> good luck :)
L776[09:22:43] <AKTheKnight> Thanks :)
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L778[09:24:22] <Wuppy> we dont do exams anymore, we have conversations about what we learned over each period and you get graded on that :P
L779[09:24:36] <Wuppy> then again, game development (programming) is a hard thing to make proper exams about
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L781[09:27:31] <Temportalist> thor12022: I can share with you what I have so far, but I found a bug where nbt data isn't loaded on the client
L782[09:29:22] <Temportalist> Wuppy: true. I am just starting out in that major. I have exams in general programming coursees and mathematics, but thats it
L783[09:31:02] <Wuppy> a game development major or a programming major?
L784[09:35:44] <Ivorius> I think I did it
L785[09:35:49] <Ivorius> I think I updated to 1.8
L786[09:35:54] <Ivorius> woohoo lol
L787[09:36:33] ⇨ Joins: alex_6611 (~alex_6611@p5DE7821A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L788[09:37:34] <Temportalist> Wuppy: Game Programming (technnically programming major, but specializing in games) w/ mathematics minor
L789[09:37:48] <Wuppy> cool, where is it?
L790[09:37:50] <MaelstromPhx> is it possible to assign armor pieces to a zombie?
L791[09:38:25] <Temportalist> Wuppy: Id rather not say specifically, due to personal confidentiality. But it is in the US
L792[09:38:31] <Temportalist> MaelstromPhx: yes
L793[09:38:35] <Wuppy> ah okay, no problem :)
L794[09:38:35] <Temportalist> what mc version?
L795[09:38:49] <MaelstromPhx> 1.9
L796[09:39:06] <Wuppy> I have 0 privacy on here anyway... my FB profile is literally 2 googles away :P
L797[09:39:13] <Temportalist> !gm setEntityEquipmentSlot
L798[09:39:39] <Temportalist> MaelstromPhx: something like entitylivingbase.setEntityEquipmentSlot
L799[09:39:54] <Temportalist> It passes a stack and an EnumEquipmentSlot
L800[09:40:32] <MaelstromPhx> cool thanks
L801[09:40:33] <Cazzar> Wuppy same
L802[09:40:56] <Wuppy> writing the book under my personal name with promotion under my online name, easy enough :P
L803[09:45:19] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@2001:af0:8000:1c01:6af7:28ff:fe37:5d6a) (Quit: Leaving.)
L804[09:46:01] *** AEnterpriseAFK is now known as AEnterprise
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L808[09:53:14] *** big_Xplo|AFK is now known as big_Xplosion
L809[09:54:52] <MaelstromPhx> Temportalist: the entitylivingbase doesnt seem to have that method
L810[09:55:28] <MaelstromPhx> the only thing i can find that might be close is replace item in inventory
L811[09:55:50] <Temportalist> setItemStackToSlot
L812[09:56:07] <Temportalist> ah, thats in the player
L813[09:56:08] <Temportalist> hmmm
L814[09:56:11] <Temportalist> gimme a sec
L815[09:56:35] <Temportalist> EntityLivingBase -> public abstract void setItemStackToSlot(EntityEquipmentSlot slotIn, @Nullable ItemStack stack);
L816[09:56:37] <ghz|afk> [16:15] (Wuppy): at 4PM gigaherz?
L817[09:56:37] <ghz|afk> [16:15] (Wuppy): that sounds like a job I'd want :P
L818[09:56:41] <ghz|afk> 8 to 4 supposedly
L819[09:56:46] <Ivorius> LatvianModder: Oh nice, did you fix relative graphs?
L820[09:56:46] <ghz|afk> although I get to work at around 9 usually ;P
L821[09:56:56] <Wuppy> ah, I'd rather have 9 to 5 then
L822[09:56:58] <Wuppy> because sleep
L823[09:57:01] <Ivorius> No wait
L824[09:57:08] <ghz|afk> yeah that was my plan
L825[09:57:11] <ghz|afk> but I just leave at 4 regardless
L826[09:57:12] <ghz|afk> ;P
L827[09:57:14] <Ivorius> They still broken, just look better lol
L828[09:57:19] *** ghz|afk is now known as gigaherz
L829[09:57:25] <gigaherz> I'm useless by this time either way
L830[09:57:26] <Wuppy> lol, you lazy :P
L831[09:57:26] <gigaherz> XD
L832[09:57:37] ⇦ Quits: AtomicBlom (uid81541@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:1:1:3e85) (Excess Flood)
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L835[09:59:13] <MaelstromPhx> works Temportalist thanks
L836[09:59:21] <Temportalist> :)
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L838[10:07:53] <MaelstromPhx> also is there any way to check if an item is say equipable in the helm slot?
L839[10:10:25] <Temportalist> Yes
L840[10:10:35] <Temportalist> ELB.getItemStackFromSlot
L841[10:11:44] <MaelstromPhx> wouldnt that return the item in the slot?
L842[10:13:11] ⇨ Joins: DovahOfKiin (~admin@
L843[10:13:35] <Temportalist> yes
L844[10:13:39] <Temportalist> oh
L845[10:13:46] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L846[10:13:49] <Temportalist> if an item IS EQUIPABLE
L847[10:13:53] <Temportalist> missed that :P
L848[10:14:27] <MaelstromPhx> i think i found it
L849[10:14:37] <Temportalist> isValidArmor
L850[10:14:42] <Temportalist> Item.isValidArmor
L851[10:14:48] <MaelstromPhx> ye
L852[10:14:49] <MaelstromPhx> ty
L853[10:15:10] <Temportalist> Easiest way is to just look at the ContainerPlayer and if the armor slots allow it
L854[10:15:17] <Temportalist> which calls Item.isValidArmor
L855[10:16:52] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055 (~Brandon@
L856[10:19:09] <Temportalist> thor12022: I think i figured out a way to sync data from server to client on entity load
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L858[10:24:14] ⇨ Joins: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@p5B23C30C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L859[10:24:48] <MaelstromPhx> http://imgur.com/0fLYSiJ
L860[10:24:52] <MaelstromPhx> pimped zombie :D
L861[10:30:04] <LatvianModder> Ivorius: lol. "They broken, just look better"
L862[10:30:11] ⇨ Joins: Nitrodev (~Nitrodev@87-92-75-66.bb.dnainternet.fi)
L863[10:36:21] <sokratis12GR> lol why this don't do the animation ? https://paste.ee/p/AsTqm + https://paste.ee/p/8nYRY + https://paste.ee/p/FdBzd + https://paste.ee/p/KfgLf ; The Textures are done but the animation stays at the beginning and no errors are thrown
L864[10:37:02] <DovahOfKiin> Is there a way to make IRecipe.matches() to ignore metadata/damage?
L865[10:38:13] <gigaherz> use OreDictioanry.WILDCARD_VALUE on the recipe
L866[10:43:02] ⇨ Joins: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be)
L867[10:44:05] <Ivorius> LatvianModder, I made you two issues
L868[10:44:14] <Ivorius> Possibly 4, GH is not sure yet
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L871[10:49:22] ⇨ Joins: AndersBillLind (~anders@
L872[10:51:02] <AndersBillLind> My event taking a FMLServerStartingEvent as parameter is not called during serverStart
L873[10:51:27] ⇨ Joins: Samario (~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net)
L874[10:51:32] <AndersBillLind> It has @Mod.EventHandler before
L875[10:51:39] <AKTheKnight> !help
L876[10:51:41] <AndersBillLind> Why isnt it called?
L877[10:51:51] <AKTheKnight> !gf p_i1917_3_
L878[10:52:02] <AndersBillLind> I thought it was problem with eclipse being java ee first, so I installed a pure java developent eclipse
L879[10:55:53] <thor12022> is this in your main mod class, or somewhere else?
L880[10:56:53] <Ordinastie_> wrong annotation, EventHandler is for Mod events
L881[10:56:58] <Ordinastie_> you want @SubscribeEvent
L882[10:57:53] <IoP> fyi github more or less down
L883[10:59:41] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L884[11:00:02] <LatvianModder> Ivorius: it created 4 xP
L885[11:00:07] <AndersBillLind> thor12022: mod class
L886[11:00:11] <AndersBillLind> It works on every other computer
L887[11:00:23] <AndersBillLind> Setting a breakpoint does not hit
L888[11:02:54] *** MoxieGrrl_ is now known as MoxieGrrl
L889[11:05:14] <AndersBillLind> ,
L890[11:06:10] <AndersBillLind> I tried @SubScribeEvent instead, with the same result
L891[11:06:16] <AndersBillLind> The method will not be called
L892[11:06:37] <Ordinastie_> you need to register the instance to the buss too
L893[11:06:48] <Wuppy> hodor
L894[11:07:08] <AndersBillLind> But why just on one computer, how do I register it to the bus?
L895[11:11:33] <Inari> whats the standard way to provide libs a mod needs to run? just stick them in wiht the download thats to be put into /mods/?
L896[11:12:07] ⇦ Quits: MaelstromPhx (~maelstrom@ ()
L897[11:14:05] <AndersBillLind> Where do I register class in the event bux?
L898[11:14:49] <capitalthree> oh my fucking god. minecraftforums censor the word "arse"
L899[11:15:58] <AndersBillLind> I tried to add in preInit of my mod the following: FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(this);
L900[11:16:31] <AndersBillLind> Without luck
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L904[11:21:12] <Inari> also anyone around now happen to know which event catches /me?
L905[11:22:15] ⇦ Quits: gigaherz (gigaherz@133.red-83-54-239.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L906[11:24:06] <AndersBillLind> registerCommand
L907[11:24:25] ⇦ Quits: Drullkus (~Dru11kus@2601:646:9680:6504:d8c5:ed66:12da:7d6b) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L908[11:26:19] *** V is now known as Vigaro
L909[11:28:04] <Inari> AndersBillLind: i mean like, as an event fro when a message with it is sent?
L910[11:28:17] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L911[11:30:08] <AndersBillLind> You are not talking about those commands that starts with you typing t and then /?
L912[11:31:03] <Inari> I am... but about the /me command tahts already in the game
L913[11:31:15] <Inari> it doesnt trigger ServerChatEvent
L914[11:31:17] <AndersBillLind> Oh, ok
L915[11:31:20] <Inari> and there doesnt seem to be any action/emote event
L916[11:34:20] <sokratis12GR> Inari: did you took a look at the class "CommandEmotion" ?
L917[11:34:37] ⇨ Joins: gigaherz (~gigaherz@51.red-88-8-164.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)
L918[11:34:39] <sokratis12GR> CommandEmote*
L919[11:35:02] ⇨ Joins: Isi (~Isi@24-217-148-149.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com)
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L921[11:35:28] <Inari> nope, didnt see that... so i set its action listener to my own and call the default listener from my own listener?
L922[11:35:52] <Inari> command listener that is
L923[11:36:11] <sokratis12GR> I love that they set this command's perm level to 0 heh
L924[11:36:19] ⇦ Quits: gigaherz_m (gigaherz@51.red-88-8-164.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L925[11:37:03] <Inari> or amybe i'll use CommandEvent
L926[11:37:19] <sokratis12GR> what are you trying to do ?
L927[11:37:31] <Inari> getting the text someone emotes to output it on irc
L928[11:37:55] <sokratis12GR> but they have to be connected right ?
L929[11:37:59] <Inari> yeah
L930[11:38:01] ⇦ Quits: gigaherz (~gigaherz@51.red-88-8-164.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L931[11:38:32] <sokratis12GR> So they connect to irc via ingame or they need to have their browsers open ?
L932[11:38:56] <Inari> im not sure where browsers entered the equation xD but no, its a server side mod
L933[11:39:09] <Inari> and it connects to irc :p not that that part matters
L934[11:39:42] <sokratis12GR> well are you trying to get their names ?
L935[11:39:53] <Inari> yeah
L936[11:40:12] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L937[11:40:31] <sokratis12GR> did you try with sender.getName() ?
L938[11:40:47] ⇦ Parts: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) ())
L939[11:41:01] <Inari> well my issue so far was to even know what event to use, so no have not, but trying something like that now
L940[11:41:30] ⇨ Joins: MGR (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L941[11:41:40] <sokratis12GR> well the event is registerServerCommand
L942[11:41:41] <MGR> Hello, I have an issue which I can't peg to a particular mod
L943[11:41:58] <Inari> sokratis12GR: but id ont want to listne to it being registered
L944[11:42:23] <Inari> CommandEvent works though, thanks
L945[11:42:33] <sokratis12GR> kk
L946[11:42:40] <MGR> this is my latest.log : https://gist.github.com/MajorGeneralRelativity/46359505ad2d6f5aa8f116dd13f17c8f
L947[11:42:49] <Inari> now just to translated irc format codes to mc format codes
L948[11:43:06] <MGR> Starting on line 13, the console gets spammed with "Skipping Entity with id"
L949[11:43:17] <sokratis12GR> lol irc has format codes ?
L950[11:43:19] <MGR> It repeats about 50 times, and then stops for a couple minutes, then it spams again
L951[11:43:25] <PaleoCrafter> oh, GitHub has issues
L952[11:43:29] <PaleoCrafter> already wondered why I don't see my commit :D
L953[11:43:37] <Inari> sokratis12GR: yeah
L954[11:43:43] ⇨ Joins: Cooler (~CoolerExt@
L955[11:43:47] <Inari> sokratis12GR: not all cleints support them though
L956[11:44:12] <sokratis12GR> well I'm sure webchat don't support them at all
L957[11:44:20] <Inari> wouldnt be too sure there
L958[11:44:36] <MGR> does anybody have any clue what could be causing my issue?
L959[11:44:39] <sokratis12GR> I'm mainly using Kiwiirc
L960[11:46:05] <PaleoCrafter> channels may disable formatting as well
L961[11:48:31] ⇦ Quits: Stiforr (~Stiforr@ip72-216-8-185.pn.at.cox.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L970[12:05:35] *** Mine|dreamland is now known as minecreatr
L971[12:07:34] <theFlaxbeard> Is there a nice way to force a TE to update without changing the blockstate?
L972[12:08:03] ⇨ Joins: lKinx (kiwiirc@
L973[12:08:33] <lKinx> Anyone know how to get the server instance?
L974[12:08:47] <gigaherz> theFlaxbeard: update as in re-render? or get recreated?
L975[12:08:48] <asie> lKinx: Depends on your situation.
L976[12:08:55] <theFlaxbeard> Force a TE to send a packet
L977[12:08:56] <theFlaxbeard> sync
L978[12:09:03] <gigaherz> notifyBlockUpdate
L979[12:09:20] <lKinx> It's in my common proxy. The end goal is to use getPlayerByUsername, which I can do as long as I have the server instance
L980[12:09:26] <theFlaxbeard> gigaherz: Thanks!
L981[12:09:31] <asie> You can get it from the WorldServer
L982[12:09:41] <asie> which is a server-side instance of World
L983[12:10:19] <asie> if you want to cheat, however, FMLCommonHandler has a getServer() - but that might not be too encouraged? not sure
L984[12:10:27] <gigaherz> lKinx: isntead of having a "common" proxy, it would be best to have an interface
L985[12:10:35] <gigaherz> but that's unrelated
L986[12:10:39] <Inari> hah, i used that just earlier!
L987[12:10:42] ⇨ Joins: MrZoidbergMD (~mrzoidber@
L988[12:10:47] <gigaherz> since the server instance also exists in the client jar
L989[12:11:09] <gigaherz> and the @Mod class is a good enough place to have common stuff
L990[12:11:24] <lKinx> asie: The FMLCommonHandler did the trick, thanks.
L991[12:13:17] <lKinx> Next question: I'm using one item file for my armor that has subtypes (i.e. red, orange, etc. helmets, chests, legs, boots)
L992[12:13:45] <lKinx> In get armor material, is there a way to determine which subtype I have? As far as I remember, that data is usually in an itemstack, not an item...
L993[12:14:24] <MrZoidbergMD> Is there a function i can override (or something else) which is triggered when somebody/something breaks a block/TileEntity on client & server? I tried breakBlock() but its only called on the Server side... :/
L994[12:15:13] <sokratis12GR> onBlockDestroyed ?
L995[12:16:11] <MrZoidbergMD> I can only find onBlockDestroyedByPlayer and byExplosion. If i use both, do i have all kinds of destruction/breaking covered?
L996[12:17:23] ⇨ Joins: Blue_Monster122 (uid82864@id-82864.tooting.irccloud.com)
L997[12:19:09] <Temportalist> Has anyone had issues with GitHub where you push but nothing shows up on the github.com repo?
L998[12:19:52] <PaleoCrafter> yeah
L999[12:20:02] <PaleoCrafter> see https://status.github.com/
L1000[12:20:10] ⇨ Joins: Drullkus (~Dru11kus@2601:646:9680:6504:d8c5:ed66:12da:7d6b)
L1001[12:20:17] <Temportalist> AH
L1002[12:20:20] <Temportalist> THATS WHY
L1003[12:20:24] <PaleoCrafter> hehe
L1005[12:20:34] <PaleoCrafter> first thing I checked when I noticed it :P
L1006[12:20:45] <PaleoCrafter> lol
L1007[12:20:52] <Temportalist> Oh well
L1008[12:20:55] <Temportalist> I saved all the branches
L1009[12:20:57] <Temportalist> nbd
L1010[12:21:15] <Temportalist> There seem to be issues today
L1011[12:21:29] <Temportalist> Welp. Guess im not doing modding today because I needed to build via jenkins haha
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L1013[12:23:28] <Ivorius> [19:17:14] [Client thread/ERROR]: domain #pandorasbox is missing a resource manager - it is probably a side-effect of automatic texture processing
L1014[12:23:29] <Ivorius> wut
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L1016[12:26:10] <masa> huh what, I pushed some stuff to github but they don't show up on the repo page
L1017[12:26:33] <masa> oh
L1018[12:26:37] <thor12022> github's been wonky today
L1019[12:26:42] <masa> people were just talking about it, haha
L1020[12:28:03] <Temportalist> hehe
L1021[12:29:47] <PaleoCrafter> my push actually came through already :D
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L1033[12:49:25] <MaelstromPhx> how can i access an items armor rating?
L1034[12:50:41] <masa> how about that commit message: https://github.com/maruohon/enderutilities/commit/2687824e799f21cdfeaa7e70d26ec1bfa2706f00
L1035[12:51:34] <PaleoCrafter> I like it, masa
L1036[12:52:49] ⇦ Parts: MGR (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Leaving))
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L1041[12:59:20] <thor12022> MaelstromPhx: ArmorMaterial#getDamageReductionAmount(int)
L1042[13:00:11] <MaelstromPhx> how would i get that from an item/itemstack? does it have a material property?
L1043[13:00:21] ⇨ Joins: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk)
L1044[13:01:15] <thor12022> ItemArmor#getArmorMaterial()
L1045[13:03:53] <MaelstromPhx> is there something like that for weapons and damage as well?
L1046[13:04:02] <Temportalist> Is there a way to pass username to runClient task?
L1047[13:04:11] <Necr0> are entity ids the same on the client and the server world?
L1048[13:04:22] <MrZoidbergMD> Yeah there ist... Arguments: --username blah@example.com --password 1234
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L1050[13:06:14] <thor12022> there is also a ToolMaterial enum that contains relevant information
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L1055[13:16:14] <MrZoidbergMD> Is there a place where i can lookup alternatives to @Deprecated methods? like getStateFromMeta?
L1056[13:16:35] <Temportalist> --refresh-dependencies doesnt seem to be refreshing deps from artifactory
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L1058[13:18:19] <McJty> MrZoidbergMD, most of those deprecated methods still have to be used (like that one)
L1059[13:18:27] <McJty> Add @Deprecated annotation
L1060[13:19:18] <MrZoidbergMD> Ah okay thank you. Was a bit afraid after i saw this ;)
L1061[13:19:53] <thor12022> generally, if there's a replacement it will be listed in the comment
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L1065[13:26:40] <Temportalist> MrZoidbergMD: Unknown command-line option '--username'.
L1066[13:28:14] <MrZoidbergMD> I added that as Program arguments in my IDE (idea)...
L1067[13:28:34] <Temportalist> This is a gradle task. runClient gradle task is generated by forgegradle
L1068[13:29:06] <Temportalist> When you manually create a run config, --username works, but im looking for a way to specify username for the runClient forgegradle configuration
L1069[13:29:24] <MrZoidbergMD> oh okay.. sorry than i understood you wrong :/
L1070[13:30:17] <Temportalist> no worries!
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L1073[13:41:52] <MrZoidbergMD> So you want to set username/password in your build.gradle?
L1074[13:42:26] <lKinx> Is there a new method for getDigSpeed? I basically don't want to be able to destroy blocks when I'm holding a specific item
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L1076[13:45:14] <Temportalist> WHY?!?!?! http://mods.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/226321-bloodmoon
L1077[13:45:50] <thor12022> getStrVsBlock
L1078[13:46:28] <thor12022> what's wrong with Blood Moon?
L1079[13:47:17] <Temportalist> Horror
L1080[13:47:18] <AKTheKnight> How would I add the enchant look to an item without adding an actual enchant?
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L1084[13:48:30] <thor12022> Item#hasEffect()
L1085[13:52:33] <lKinx> Anyone know what render file applies the pumpkin overlay?
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L1087[13:55:32] <AKTheKnight> thor12022: that only returns whether it has an effect though doesn't it?
L1088[13:58:10] <thor12022> yes, override it to return true for your item
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L1091[13:59:05] <AKTheKnight> Ahh thanks
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L1093[14:00:21] <raoulvdberge> ARGH gradle
L1094[14:00:24] <raoulvdberge> its been a half an hour
L1095[14:00:27] <raoulvdberge> didn't code a single thing yet
L1096[14:00:31] <raoulvdberge> because the fucking build tool doesn't work
L1097[14:01:53] <lKinx> Hmm... is the pumpkin overlay a gui?
L1098[14:02:05] <raoulvdberge> lKinx: no it is rendered in ingamegui
L1099[14:02:11] <lKinx> ah thanks
L1100[14:02:12] <iTitus> I think it is blur.png?
L1101[14:02:42] <iTitus> ah
L1102[14:02:43] <iTitus> found it
L1103[14:02:53] <iTitus> textures/misc/pumpkinblur.png
L1104[14:06:00] <gigaherz> ^ I have a resourcepack "fix" that replaces that with a non-BS overlay ;P
L1105[14:07:46] <raoulvdberge> What do I use instead of i18n?
L1106[14:07:51] <raoulvdberge> And why is it deprecated
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L1108[14:08:11] <iTitus> raoulvdberge, you use the other I18n
L1109[14:08:16] <Necr0> how does one go about syncing entity fields? it looks like the entity ids on the server and client world aren't the same.
L1110[14:08:24] <iTitus> Or TextComponentTranslation
L1111[14:09:27] <Lordmau5> someone who's playing Rocket League in here?
L1112[14:09:33] <Lordmau5> I'm very, VERY proud of this save: https://streamable.com/yr0s
L1113[14:09:35] <Lordmau5> jesus...
L1114[14:10:02] <iTitus> impressive
L1115[14:10:13] <iTitus> never played the game but saw some footage ;)
L1116[14:10:20] <AKTheKnight> wow
L1117[14:11:47] <gigaherz> that's no a save, Lordmau5, that's a lifetime's worth of luck spent in one game
L1118[14:11:48] <gigaherz> ;p
L1119[14:11:51] <gigaherz> not*
L1120[14:12:00] <Lordmau5> :D
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L1122[14:12:15] <Lordmau5> also also
L1123[14:12:18] <Lordmau5> knowing I like memes:
L1124[14:12:21] <Lordmau5> http://www.rocketleaguegame.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/New_Chat_Only.jpg
L1125[14:12:24] <Lordmau5> that is the original, right?
L1126[14:12:32] <Lordmau5> http://i.imgur.com/LWdWSou.png - :^)
L1127[14:12:45] <Lordmau5> they do have a good font, gotta say
L1128[14:13:28] <lKinx> Is there a way to get the itemstack instance from within an item file? as far as I remember, you can't. I'm trying to work around the removal of getArmorTexture()
L1129[14:14:31] <raoulvdberge> What happens with the itemstack returned in TileEntity.writeToNBT now?
L1130[14:15:15] <tterrag> wh...what?
L1131[14:15:32] <lKinx> i don't think an itemstack was ever returned in writeToNBT...
L1132[14:15:43] <raoulvdberge> oh sorry I mean NBTTagCompound
L1133[14:16:06] <gigaherz> the resulting tag is written to disk
L1134[14:16:06] <tterrag> that's the tag
L1135[14:16:10] <gigaherz> or network
L1136[14:16:11] <tterrag> what happens is whatever the caller wants
L1137[14:16:12] <gigaherz> or whatever
L1138[14:16:17] <raoulvdberge> why does it have to be returned now
L1139[14:16:31] <gigaherz> because it gives you the choice to return a completely different tag
L1140[14:16:34] <gigaherz> than what was given to you
L1141[14:16:39] <tterrag> I prefer it
L1142[14:16:51] <raoulvdberge> ah ok cool
L1143[14:16:53] <tterrag> it was annoying to have to do NBTtagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound(); foo.writeToNBT(tag);
L1144[14:17:03] <tterrag> now you can just do NBTTagCompound tag = foo.writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound());
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L1146[14:18:38] <raoulvdberge> FINALLY crafters renamed to listeners
L1147[14:18:52] <raoulvdberge> i've asked this every update
L1148[14:18:54] <raoulvdberge> will do it again
L1149[14:18:57] <raoulvdberge> why still the worldObj lol
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L1151[14:23:55] <Delenas> Given a blockstate, world, and position, is it possible to grab a block's actual localized name? Oak planks just gives me "Wooden Planks"..
L1152[14:24:36] ⇦ Quits: MaelstromPhx (~maelstrom@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1153[14:24:49] <McJty> yes
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L1156[14:25:19] <iTitus> raoulvdberge, because the filed cannnot be named "world"
L1157[14:25:25] <McJty> Delenas, block.getMetaFromState(state) to get the meta. Then use that and the item from the block to get an itemstack
L1158[14:25:33] <iTitus> (Atleast I think so)
L1159[14:25:36] <tterrag> no... McJty no
L1160[14:25:38] <McJty> Delenas, Item.getItemFromBlock(block)
L1161[14:25:39] <tterrag> that is unsafe
L1162[14:25:44] <McJty> tterrag, how so?
L1163[14:25:50] <raoulvdberge> iTitus: why not? there is no field world in TE
L1164[14:25:53] <tterrag> nowhere is it guaranteed that block meta == item meta
L1165[14:25:58] <tterrag> most of the time? maybe
L1166[14:26:04] <tterrag> but a lot of the time it's not
L1167[14:26:08] <McJty> tterrag, so how then?
L1168[14:26:11] <tterrag> see: slabs
L1169[14:26:18] <tterrag> getPickBlock is probably your best bet
L1170[14:26:24] <tterrag> if it's in world
L1171[14:26:25] <iTitus> raoulvdberge, there are technical reasons
L1172[14:26:48] <iTitus> that's also the reason why the parameters are named worldIn etc
L1173[14:27:00] <Delenas> I'm using a command to grab a blockstate with coords. I can get the BLOCK fine, that works perfectly.
L1174[14:27:25] <Delenas> ( Said command is used to add/remove a block whitelist )
L1175[14:28:58] *** tterrag is now known as tterrag|away
L1176[14:29:06] <Necr0> how does one go about syncing entity fields? it looks like the entity ids on the server and client world aren't the same.
L1177[14:29:20] <tterrag|away> Necr0: DataManager
L1178[14:30:21] <McJty> Ha I hate that package level @NotNull in MC now...
L1179[14:31:13] <IoP> o_O
L1180[14:31:15] <tterrag|away> yes, it needs to die
L1181[14:31:21] <tterrag|away> as well as all the @Deprecated that mean nothing
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L1183[14:31:40] <tterrag|away> I was considering it may be possible for forge to patch out/in annotations without patch files, using some kind of AT-esque system
L1184[14:31:41] <McJty> I don't mind @NotNull in general but it should tell the truth
L1185[14:31:49] <tterrag|away> fieldname -annotation1 +annotation2
L1186[14:31:57] <McJty> Now intellij keeps bugging me about 'if's that are always failing but they are not
L1187[14:32:03] *** Mine|away is now known as minecreatr
L1188[14:32:12] <raoulvdberge> heh, i need to make a custom blockstate if i want to have neighbour notification stuff?
L1189[14:32:27] <tterrag|away> no
L1190[14:32:30] <raoulvdberge> what about getWeakPower and all that block deprecated stuff, is that also in blockstate now?
L1191[14:32:37] <tterrag|away> just use the deprecated block methods
L1192[14:32:41] <tterrag|away> there is nothing wrong with them
L1193[14:32:46] <raoulvdberge> there are no alternatives?
L1194[14:32:47] <tterrag|away> you are "supposed" to use the blockstate ones but it's stupid
L1195[14:32:55] <tterrag|away> no one is going to make a custom blockstate for every single block
L1196[14:33:27] <raoulvdberge> no but they removed onNeighborBlockChange
L1197[14:33:39] <tterrag|away> it's just onNeighborChange or something
L1198[14:33:40] <raoulvdberge> and notifyNeighbors.. now actually calls the blockstate
L1199[14:33:45] <McJty> No not that one
L1200[14:33:51] <McJty> neighbourChange()
L1201[14:33:54] <raoulvdberge> no onNeighborChange is for a TE
L1202[14:33:58] <raoulvdberge> ah okay
L1203[14:34:11] <tterrag|away> >or something
L1204[14:35:00] <MrZoidbergMD> public void onNeighborChange(IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, BlockPos neighbor)
L1205[14:35:05] <McJty> tterrag|away, I suppose pickBlock fails on blocks that have no item?
L1206[14:35:08] <McJty> I mean returns null
L1207[14:35:12] <MrZoidbergMD> Works on 1.9.4
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L1209[14:35:25] <McJty> MrZoidbergMD, yes but I found that you cannot use that for redstone
L1210[14:35:30] <McJty> Because redstone logic needs a World
L1211[14:35:35] <McJty> Use neighbourChange for redstone logic
L1212[14:36:04] <MrZoidbergMD> oh good to know thanks
L1213[14:36:11] <McJty> neighborChanged I mean actually
L1214[14:36:11] <tterrag|away> McJty: all blocks *should* have a pick block, unless there is literally no way to create it in the world, in which case I think that's fine
L1215[14:36:41] <McJty> tterrag|away, well given that in 1.9 an itemblock is no longer registered automatically
L1216[14:37:05] <McJty> I'll use block.getLocalizedName() in the very rare case that I encounter a block that has no itemblock
L1217[14:37:14] <McJty> i.e. when getPickedBlock() returns null
L1218[14:37:19] <tterrag|away> that sounds alright
L1219[14:37:31] <tterrag|away> but really, if a block doesn't have an itemblock but it should, that is not your problem
L1220[14:37:35] <tterrag|away> that is a bug in a mod
L1221[14:37:57] <tterrag|away> anyways, out for food
L1222[14:38:05] ⇦ Quits: iTitus (~iTitus@p2003005B4D5B50C144DAD8A8EAF41552.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L1223[14:38:05] * Delenas bluh. These variants are not returning getLocalizedName right..
L1224[14:38:10] ⇦ Quits: Isi (~Isi@24-217-148-149.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1225[14:38:33] <McJty> Delenas, hmm?
L1226[14:39:25] <Delenas> McJty- I'm looking at a wood plank/slab in world. Command getting run can grab the blockstate and everything else, but I can't figure out how to make the variants return their unlocalized name correctly.
L1227[14:40:33] <McJty> itemStack.getDisplayName()
L1228[14:40:33] <McJty> That's what I use
L1229[14:40:33] <Delenas> All I'm getting from planks, for example, is tile.wood, not tile.wood.oak
L1230[14:40:33] <raoulvdberge> Yes i always convert it to itemstack
L1231[14:40:33] <raoulvdberge> And then get the name
L1232[14:40:46] <Delenas> Well, yes. But how do I get an itemstack when mods fight over how meta is handled?
L1233[14:41:02] <McJty> Delenas, make an ItemStack from getPickedBlock as tterrag|away suggested and get the display name from that
L1234[14:41:13] <Delenas> Oh.
L1235[14:41:16] <McJty> blockstate.getPickedBlock(...).getDisplayName()
L1236[14:41:34] <McJty> brb
L1237[14:45:14] <McJty> hmm have to go. Later!
L1238[14:45:16] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-203-206.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
L1239[14:45:21] <lKinx> What initialization phase is the proper place to use EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial? I keep gettting a NoSuchMethodException
L1240[14:45:30] <lKinx> i tried preinit and init
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L1255[15:24:14] <raoulvdberge> My tile entity data packet isn't being sent on world launch in 1.9.4, how do I fix this?
L1256[15:24:40] <gigaherz_e> getUpdateTag?
L1257[15:24:45] <gigaherz_e> does that one get called?
L1258[15:25:22] <raoulvdberge> oh no, I just implemented getUpdatePacket
L1259[15:25:29] <raoulvdberge> return new SPacketUpdateTileEntity(pos, 1, writeToUpdatePacketNBT(new NBTTagCompound()));
L1260[15:25:33] <raoulvdberge> shouldn't that work too?
L1261[15:27:00] <gigaherz_e> getUpdateTag uses writeToNBT/readFromNBT
L1262[15:27:06] <gigaherz_e> to send the whole TE data
L1263[15:27:26] <gigaherz_e> eh by default it uses writeNbtInternal
L1264[15:27:32] <gigaherz_e> which only includes the TE position and such
L1265[15:27:45] <raoulvdberge> so something like this
L1266[15:27:45] <raoulvdberge> return writeToUpdatePacketNBT(super.getUpdateTag());
L1267[15:27:46] <raoulvdberge> should work
L1268[15:27:49] <raoulvdberge> from getUpdateTag
L1269[15:27:50] <gigaherz_e> yes
L1270[15:27:53] <raoulvdberge> nice
L1271[15:28:09] <gigaherz_e> note that the alues will be sent to readFromNBT
L1272[15:28:17] <gigaherz_e> so you need to be able to handle that from readFromNBT
L1273[15:28:24] <gigaherz_e> IIRC
L1274[15:28:25] <raoulvdberge> what if I override onDataPacket
L1275[15:29:16] *** V is now known as Vigaro
L1276[15:29:33] <gigaherz_e> from what I heard mentioned
L1277[15:29:46] <gigaherz_e> the values from getUpdateTag get sent directly to readFromNBT
L1278[15:29:57] <gigaherz_e> Mojang doesn't use a special method for it
L1279[15:29:59] <raoulvdberge> ugh
L1280[15:30:03] <raoulvdberge> what the actual fuck
L1281[15:30:19] <gigaherz_e> you can do like
L1282[15:30:22] <raoulvdberge> what was wrong with the old system
L1283[15:30:33] <gigaherz_e> if (tag.hasKey("T", X))
L1284[15:30:36] <gigaherz_e> readUpdateTag
L1285[15:30:36] <gigaherz_e> else
L1286[15:30:44] <gigaherz_e> <readFromNBT>
L1287[15:30:53] <raoulvdberge> i suppose i could do that ye
L1288[15:30:59] <gigaherz_e> where "T" is something that only exists in the update tag
L1289[15:31:12] <raoulvdberge> will that work with inheritance
L1290[15:31:22] <gigaherz_e> wat?
L1291[15:31:27] <gigaherz_e> how's inheritance related?
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L1293[15:32:09] <raoulvdberge> but onDataPacket is still getting called
L1294[15:32:11] <raoulvdberge> in the netplayhandler
L1295[15:32:24] <gigaherz_e> for getUpdatePacket, yes
L1296[15:32:35] <gigaherz_e> but the initial data is now sent on the chunk packet
L1297[15:32:44] <gigaherz_e> to make sending more efficient
L1298[15:32:50] <raoulvdberge> duuumb
L1299[15:33:48] <MrZoidbergMD> Can someone point me in the right direction for custom models in 1.9? I want to make a block which behaves like a pipe: has different parts depending on the neighbor blocks. I cant make a json file for every possible combination. Is there something else i can use? I saw Tools to make 3D models for MC - does anyone know which ones are working for 1.9?
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L1301[15:33:55] <gigaherz_e> yo ucan just send the same data you use to store to disk?
L1302[15:34:14] <gigaherz_e> MrZoidbergMD: they work mostly like 1.8 models
L1303[15:34:24] <gigaherz_e> and for pipe-like blocks
L1304[15:34:28] <gigaherz_e> you can use forge blockstates
L1305[15:34:31] <gigaherz_e> or the 1.9 predicates
L1306[15:34:45] <gigaherz_e> this is a forge blockstates file
L1307[15:34:50] <gigaherz_e> compatible with 1.8+
L1308[15:34:50] <gigaherz_e> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/enderrift/blockstates/blockProxy.json
L1309[15:35:34] <TechnicianLP> predicates?
L1310[15:36:21] <MrZoidbergMD> Thanks gigaherz_e that looks like something i want :)
L1311[15:36:46] <gigaherz_e> https://gist.github.com/williewillus/57d7093efa80163e96e0
L1312[15:36:51] <gigaherz_e> you may want to read through this
L1313[15:36:54] <gigaherz_e> lots of hints and tricks
L1314[15:37:14] <gigaherz_e> TechnicianLP: yup
L1315[15:37:21] <gigaherz_e> look at the vanilla redstone wire json
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L1319[15:38:50] <gigaherz> TechnicianLP: https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/elementsofpower/blockstates/spell_wire.json
L1320[15:38:51] <AKTheKnight> giga. gg spelling :P
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L1322[15:39:01] <MrZoidbergMD> Yeah i already starting reading that is awesome thanks a lot!
L1323[15:39:42] <Elucent> is there a way to directly modify player speed?
L1324[15:40:11] <Elucent> im trying to make it so that player movement speed increases as armor protection decreases
L1325[15:41:14] <gigaherz> hmm you could implement your own armor modifier "source"
L1326[15:41:16] <gigaherz> eh
L1327[15:41:23] <gigaherz> your own attribute modifier source*
L1328[15:41:40] <gigaherz> in 1.9 at least
L1329[15:41:47] <gigaherz> armor has getAttributeModifiers thing?
L1330[15:41:54] <gigaherz> you could technically apply your own attribute modifiers
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L1332[15:43:04] <Elucent> any documentation on that?
L1333[15:43:32] <MrZoidbergMD> Can someone recommend an easy tool for these obj files? Or is that a standard format and it doesn't matter which one i use?
L1334[15:45:16] <Elucent> nvm, i think i get it
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L1336[15:53:05] <PaleoCrafter> willieaway!
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L1360[16:49:07] <capitalthree> did MathHelper go away in 1.9?
L1361[16:49:59] <tterrag|away> no
L1362[16:50:01] <P3pp3rF1y2> net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper
L1363[16:50:03] <tterrag|away> don't think so
L1364[16:50:08] *** tterrag|away is now known as tterrag
L1365[16:50:17] <P3pp3rF1y2> just moved to a different package
L1366[16:50:51] <P3pp3rF1y2> btw, BlockPos and Vec3d are in the same package as well
L1367[16:51:23] <capitalthree> ok cool thanks P3pp3rF1y2
L1368[16:51:28] <P3pp3rF1y2> np
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L1375[17:06:33] <Nepha> How do I get the actual screen dimensions? I'm trying to to center a screen overlay but width and height from the GuiScreen class don't return any usable values
L1376[17:06:44] <lKinx> scaled resolution
L1377[17:06:45] <lKinx> i think
L1378[17:07:55] <gigaherz> Minecraft.getMinecraft().displayWidth/Height
L1379[17:07:57] <tterrag> unnecessary
L1380[17:08:03] <gigaherz> but why do you need it?
L1381[17:08:04] <tterrag> GuiScreen has xSize and ySize
L1382[17:08:13] <tterrag> eh nvm
L1383[17:08:19] <tterrag> width and height should be the screen width and height
L1384[17:08:23] <tterrag> what do you mean they aren't usable?
L1385[17:08:56] <Nepha> I thought so, but they return 65 for width and 360 for height
L1386[17:09:12] <gigaherz> width and height from GuiScreen are the scaled resolution
L1387[17:09:14] <Nepha> * in fullscreen
L1388[17:09:15] <gigaherz> at which the gui draws
L1389[17:09:25] <tterrag> of course. that's what you should use :P
L1390[17:09:32] <gigaherz> which would be 360x65 virtual pixels
L1391[17:09:34] <tterrag> if you are using pixel perfect values you're doing it wrong :D
L1392[17:09:50] <gigaherz> the scaled resolution is pixel-perfect ;P
L1393[17:09:59] <Nepha> hm okay
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L1395[17:10:01] <gigaherz> jsut not 1:1
L1396[17:10:06] <tterrag> you know what I mean
L1397[17:10:11] <tterrag> Nepha: this sounds like xy problem
L1398[17:10:14] <tterrag> what do you want to do, exactly?
L1399[17:10:17] <gigaherz> wait 65 width but 360 height?
L1400[17:10:21] <gigaherz> that sounds wrong
L1401[17:10:24] <Nepha> yep
L1402[17:10:39] <Nepha> that's what i meant
L1403[17:11:15] <tterrag> still: tell us what you want to do, not how you tried to do it
L1404[17:11:19] <gigaherz> well you can do
L1405[17:11:28] <Nepha> centering a gui
L1406[17:11:38] <gigaherz> (width - xSize)/2
L1407[17:11:42] <gigaherz> (height - ySize)/2
L1408[17:11:43] <tterrag> ^
L1409[17:11:46] <gigaherz> for x/y offset
L1410[17:11:52] <gigaherz> that's how ALL the guis do it
L1411[17:12:04] <Nepha> using GuiContainer i can use guiLeft/guiTop but Guiscreen doesn't offer those
L1412[17:12:15] <gigaherz> guiLeft = (width - xSize)/2
L1413[17:12:19] <gigaherz> computed during initgui
L1414[17:12:26] <gigaherz> look it up ;P
L1415[17:12:46] <Nepha> that's the first thing i tried but i get negative values for the horizontal offset
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L1417[17:13:00] <tterrag> post your GUI
L1418[17:13:24] <gigaherz> you may be doing something else wrong
L1419[17:13:36] <gigaherz> show your code and we'll be able to tell you if that's the case
L1420[17:13:49] <PaleoCrafter> what... the... fuck, PIE.RightClickBlock is triggered twice for me
L1421[17:13:52] <PaleoCrafter> for *some* reason
L1422[17:14:04] <tterrag> PIE :D
L1423[17:14:34] <PaleoCrafter> yes, PIE :P
L1424[17:14:46] * TechnicianLP wants cookies
L1425[17:15:01] <P3pp3rF1y2> PaleoCrafter, perhaps once for each of the hands?
L1426[17:15:15] <P3pp3rF1y2> that was happening to me recently, had to filter by main hand
L1427[17:15:24] <PaleoCrafter> ffs
L1428[17:15:29] <PaleoCrafter> that's it :D
L1429[17:15:32] <tterrag> lol
L1430[17:15:54] <P3pp3rF1y2> yeah, it triggers even if you have empty hands and thus you would think only main hand would trigger it
L1431[17:16:04] <PaleoCrafter> I wonder why this isn't an issue with my other handlers for this event though Oo
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L1433[17:18:30] <Nepha> http://pastebin.com/ekvRANHz
L1434[17:19:25] <TechnicianLP> it is private ...
L1435[17:19:37] <Nepha> oops
L1436[17:20:43] <Nepha> okay, try it again
L1437[17:23:29] <tterrag> why are k and l instance fields
L1438[17:23:31] <tterrag> why even have them at all
L1439[17:24:03] <tterrag> also, super.drawScreen() already calls drawDefaultBackground() afaik
L1440[17:25:31] <gigaherz> isn't drawDefaultBackground the one with the dirt?
L1441[17:25:41] <gigaherz> GuiScreen doesn't have a background by default
L1442[17:25:59] <PaleoCrafter> it's the translucent black :P
L1443[17:26:12] <gigaherz> ah
L1444[17:26:39] <gigaherz> well regardless -- no it's not there by default
L1445[17:26:40] <gigaherz> ;p
L1446[17:26:50] <tterrag> hm, suppose not
L1447[17:27:23] <PaleoCrafter> but that issue with the off hand really was disturbing me, lol
L1448[17:27:54] <PaleoCrafter> I was like "why the fuck doesn't it insert an item, I even see it here, it gets inserted .___."
L1449[17:28:33] <P3pp3rF1y2> yeah, in my case i had a switch which was immediately getting turned off
L1450[17:29:03] <P3pp3rF1y2> thought that was some client sync issue at first and then found out it gets triggered twice
L1451[17:29:12] <Nepha> all those variables are just there beacuse I was lazy and copied that from another gui i made which uses those variables
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L1455[17:33:06] <TechnicianLP> i had written heavy guiContainer code for 1.7 (dint test it yet in newer versions): http://pastebin.com/UqDKLv7R
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L1457[17:35:48] <Nepha> using (kinf of) the same code for a container works perfectly, that's the weird thing
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L1459[17:39:54] <gigaherz> Nepha: I see that you don't actually set xSize or ySize?
L1460[17:40:14] <gigaherz> no wait nevermind
L1461[17:40:16] <gigaherz> this isn't a container
L1462[17:40:21] <gigaherz> you just set them right there in the vars
L1463[17:40:33] <gigaherz> fields*
L1464[17:41:07] <gigaherz> this.drawTexturedModalRect(this.k, this.l, 0, 0, 175, 230);
L1465[17:41:21] <gigaherz> nevermind
L1466[17:41:28] <gigaherz> that .k and .l confused me
L1467[17:42:05] <gigaherz> you should draw the background before calling super
L1468[17:42:24] <gigaherz> otherwise if you ever add some buttons -- or some mod adds buttons -- they'd draw behind thebackground ;P
L1469[17:43:15] <gigaherz> Nepha: so, what IS actually happening?
L1470[17:43:17] <gigaherz> when you run that code?
L1471[17:43:26] <Nepha> http://imgur.com/f79tO8L
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L1473[17:45:32] <gigaherz> how do you open the gui screen?
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L1475[17:45:51] <Nepha> rightclicking the block you see
L1476[17:45:56] <gigaherz> no I mean
L1477[17:46:00] <gigaherz> what function you use to display it
L1478[17:48:23] <Nepha> what exactly do you mean? the handler I use?
L1479[17:48:37] <Delenas> ..Why is literally everything deprecated in 1.9.4. What. Where are the notes on this @.@
L1480[17:49:54] <tterrag> Delenas: ignore them, for the most part
L1481[17:50:23] <gigaherz> Delenas: mojang allowed annotations to not be removed during obfuscation
L1482[17:50:34] <gigaherz> Nepha: when you rightclick the block
L1483[17:50:37] <gigaherz> you must be calling something
L1484[17:50:40] <gigaherz> to cause the gui to open
L1485[17:50:56] <Delenas> So, they're prepping for meta removal I take it? Internally?
L1486[17:51:27] ⇦ Quits: blood_ (unknown@ool-4574115b.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1487[17:51:30] <Nepha> player.openGui(Main.instance, 2, world, x, y, z); which goes to return new GuiScanner((TileEntityScanner) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z));
L1488[17:51:32] <gigaherz> they are moving toward using the IBlockState for working with blockstuffs
L1489[17:51:45] <gigaherz> Nepha: but you said this is not a GuiContainer?
L1490[17:52:10] <gigaherz> the guihandler + openGui method is only for gui containers
L1491[17:52:26] <gigaherz> to use a guiscreenm you should be using displayGuiScreen, from the client side
L1492[17:52:33] <gigaherz> -m
L1493[17:53:38] <Nepha> okay, thought I'd just leave the "getServerGuiElement" part empty
L1494[17:53:58] <gigaherz> well it will sortof work
L1495[17:54:03] <gigaherz> it's just not correct
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L1497[17:54:35] <TobyO> hey all
L1498[17:54:38] <Delenas> Okay, so. I take it the forge deprecated stuff will have a comment, and it's "safe" to use vanilla deprecated stuff until the next build?
L1499[17:54:55] <gigaherz> it's safe to use until mojang decides to remove it
L1500[17:55:01] <gigaherz> forge did NOT deprecate that stuff
L1501[17:55:04] <gigaherz> it was mojang themselves
L1502[17:55:11] <Delenas> Whee.
L1503[17:55:21] <gigaherz> the idea is
L1504[17:55:23] <gigaherz> instead of
L1505[17:55:24] <TobyO> I've just found serializeNBT and deserializeNBT on ItemStackHandler. What am I supposed to do with the returned nbt in serializeNBT?
L1506[17:55:27] <gigaherz> block.getActualState
L1507[17:55:30] <gigaherz> a caller shoudl use
L1508[17:55:33] <gigaherz> state.getActualState
L1509[17:55:35] <gigaherz> for your code
L1510[17:55:37] <Delenas> I hope 1.10 isn't a clusterfuck again. This looks like the start of it. x.x
L1511[17:55:38] <gigaherz> you can just add
L1512[17:55:40] <gigaherz> @Deprecated
L1513[17:55:44] <gigaherz> to your overrides
L1514[17:55:48] <gigaherz> which will shut up the compiler
L1515[17:55:57] <gigaherz> (stop it from printing a warning)
L1516[17:56:07] <Delenas> I18n?
L1517[17:56:12] <gigaherz> there's two I18n
L1518[17:56:18] <gigaherz> one is client-only
L1519[17:56:20] <gigaherz> the other is common
L1520[17:56:27] <gigaherz> you should use the client-only one wherever possible
L1521[17:56:31] <Delenas> Well. Yeah.
L1522[17:56:35] <gigaherz> I18n.format(...)
L1523[17:56:45] <gigaherz> if you are printing something on the server side
L1524[17:56:50] <Delenas> Why would a server need to care about translations? Not it's job.
L1525[17:56:54] <gigaherz> you have to remember, the server does NOT load resources
L1526[17:57:07] <gigaherz> it only has the default en_US language strings from the server jar
L1527[17:57:17] <gigaherz> which means, no mod translations, and no other languages
L1528[17:57:22] <gigaherz> so
L1529[17:57:28] <gigaherz> wherever possible, use the client-only I18n
L1530[17:57:29] ⇦ Quits: Zyferus (~Zyferus@172-3-154-217.lightspeed.mssnks.sbcglobal.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1531[17:57:39] <gigaherz> and if you really need to print a lang string on the server, remember the limitations.
L1532[17:58:12] <gigaherz> I only used the common I18n for one single method: I happend to override Item#getItemStackDisplayName
L1533[17:58:17] <gigaherz> because the stock one didn't fit my pattern
L1534[17:58:25] <gigaherz> and that method isn't client-only
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L1538[18:03:25] <Delenas> So, wait.
L1539[18:03:50] <Delenas> If Block.getActualState is deprecated in favor of it moving to an IBlockState, how do I move the existing code?
L1540[18:04:50] <TechnicianLP> get actualstate is deprecated?
L1541[18:05:00] <gigaherz> it's marked as deprecated
L1542[18:05:04] <gigaherz> it's not REALLY deprecated
L1543[18:05:09] <gigaherz> you just shouldn't be calling it from outside
L1544[18:05:12] <Delenas> Mojang is doing funny things.
L1545[18:05:15] <Delenas> For reasons.
L1546[18:05:17] <gigaherz> they used @Deprecated
L1547[18:05:18] <gigaherz> to mean
L1548[18:05:20] <gigaherz> @Internal
L1549[18:05:28] <TechnicianLP> in 1.9.4?
L1550[18:05:29] <gigaherz> simply "don't call this from outside, please"
L1551[18:05:33] <gigaherz> no
L1552[18:05:33] <Delenas> Yup
L1553[18:05:37] <gigaherz> we just got it in 1.9.4
L1554[18:05:51] <gigaherz> because 1.9.4 allows annotations to stay during obfuscation
L1555[18:05:55] <gigaherz> while they were removing them before
L1556[18:06:17] <gigaherz> they PROBABLY were there in 1.9
L1557[18:06:28] <gigaherz> which is when IBlockState got .getActualState and such
L1558[18:06:35] ⇨ Joins: heliophobicdud (webchat@
L1559[18:06:42] <gigaherz> so now in 1.9.4, we know that external calls should be doing
L1560[18:06:48] <gigaherz> state.getActualState(world,pos)
L1561[18:06:49] <gigaherz> isntead of
L1562[18:06:59] <gigaherz> state.getBlock().getActualState(state,world,pos)
L1563[18:07:12] ⇦ Quits: theFlaxbeard (~theFlaxbe@65-128-185-214.mpls.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1564[18:07:14] <gigaherz> they just chose an annotation that also warns when you override the internal method
L1565[18:08:27] ⇨ Joins: theFlaxbeard (~theFlaxbe@65-128-185-214.mpls.qwest.net)
L1566[18:10:04] <TechnicianLP> wel you can turn hat warning off ... (after turning them on because mine were off by default)
L1567[18:10:09] ⇨ Joins: DebugsPeople- (~DebugsPeo@
L1568[18:10:17] ⇦ Quits: heliophobicdud (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1569[18:10:42] <Nepha> changed it to use displayGuiScreen to open the Gui, but that didn't fix my centering problem
L1570[18:11:49] ⇨ Joins: heliophobicdud (~Alex@
L1571[18:12:33] <PaleoCrafter> !!calc 0.0625 * 4
L1572[18:12:33] <gigaherz> PaleoCrafter: Result(s): 0.25
L1573[18:12:39] <PaleoCrafter> hehe
L1574[18:12:56] <gigaherz> Nepha: did you try computing guiLeft/guiTop on draw?
L1575[18:13:02] <Delenas> Also. For block updates, should I be using onNeighborChanged or neighborChanged? o.o
L1576[18:13:07] <gigaherz> maybe the number it just wrong on initgui for some reason XD
L1577[18:13:35] <gigaherz> Delenas: onNeighborChange is for when tileentity.markDirty is called
L1578[18:13:45] <gigaherz> allows neighbour blocks to refresh things like comparator levels
L1579[18:14:00] <gigaherz> neighborChanged is what the old onNeighborBlockChanged is called now
L1580[18:14:11] ⇦ Quits: moog (~moog@24-176-156-144.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L1581[18:14:33] ⇨ Joins: Zyferus (~Zyferus@172-3-154-217.lightspeed.mssnks.sbcglobal.net)
L1582[18:14:36] <Nepha> yep, didn't work
L1583[18:14:46] <PaleoCrafter> gigaherz, aren't you worried that I abuse you as a bot? :P
L1584[18:15:23] <gigaherz> no
L1585[18:15:29] <gigaherz> that script exists for the benefit of everyone
L1586[18:15:42] <gigaherz> Nepha: then I honestly have no idea what could be wrong
L1587[18:15:43] ⇦ Quits: DebugsPeople (~DebugsPeo@2a02:810d:95c0:880:68d2:aee5:7a30:b7f8) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1588[18:15:58] <PaleoCrafter> gigaherz, you should have said yes, would be another reason for fry to open source Actuarius :P
L1589[18:17:00] <TechnicianLP> !!calc 42
L1590[18:17:28] * gigaherz shrugs
L1591[18:17:35] <gigaherz> TechnicianLP: Result(s): 42
L1592[18:17:58] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:e4fe:e9d9:30ed:9083)
L1593[18:18:20] <PaleoCrafter> what's that script actually doing, gigaherz? does it consult WA?
L1594[18:18:53] <gigaherz> WA?
L1595[18:19:00] <PaleoCrafter> WolframAlpha
L1596[18:19:02] <gigaherz> nahh
L1597[18:19:09] <gigaherz> it calls a DLL
L1598[18:19:12] <PaleoCrafter> ah
L1599[18:19:14] <gigaherz> that I wrote in C
L1600[18:19:16] <PaleoCrafter> would be cool though :P
L1601[18:19:21] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L1602[18:19:24] <gigaherz> which parses the inputs
L1603[18:19:30] <gigaherz> then calls the <math.h> functions
L1604[18:19:32] <gigaherz> and then returns the output
L1605[18:19:38] <gigaherz> + some helpers
L1606[18:20:24] <Nepha> meh, thanks anyways
L1607[18:20:44] <gigaherz> it MUST be something silly
L1608[18:20:54] <gigaherz> did you take a look at other GuiScreens that are already in the game?
L1609[18:21:39] <LexManos> hehe
L1610[18:21:45] <LexManos> S2S reqrite SOOO worth it.
L1611[18:21:53] <gigaherz> S2S?
L1612[18:21:54] <LexManos> First genPatches after setup, 6 mins.
L1613[18:22:04] <LexManos> All subsequant genPatches, 32 seconds!
L1614[18:22:08] <gigaherz> oooh
L1615[18:22:37] * LexManos half tempted to force a genPatches during the setupForge process
L1616[18:22:40] <TobyO> Is there a method for merging two itemstacks?
L1617[18:22:52] <LexManos> But i'll just keep with my gradlew setupForge && gradlew genPatches script
L1618[18:23:19] ⇦ Quits: MrKick|Away (~MrKickkil@ipv6.chozo.nl) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1619[18:24:08] <LexManos> http://puu.sh/p2Sc3/8d5c808a1d.png ... what...
L1620[18:24:19] <gigaherz> Nepha: I noticed something
L1621[18:24:27] <gigaherz> none of the vanilla GuiScreens actually draw a background like that?
L1622[18:24:49] <Nepha> what vanilla blocks/items use asimple GuiScreen?
L1623[18:24:51] * PaleoCrafter goes kill himself
L1624[18:24:57] <PaleoCrafter> must... obey
L1625[18:25:01] <tterrag> Nepha: command block? :P
L1626[18:25:02] <gigaherz> command block, and book
L1627[18:25:11] <tterrag> most GuiScreens are menus
L1628[18:25:14] <tterrag> pause menu etc
L1629[18:25:24] <gigaherz> the only one that draws a background is the book
L1630[18:25:25] <Nepha> i was thinking about the sign, but that one uses a container aswell
L1631[18:26:25] ⇨ Joins: PrinceCat (~PrinceCat@124-170-166-53.dyn.iinet.net.au)
L1632[18:26:33] <gigaherz> and yeah it just does
L1633[18:26:45] <Delenas> Also has WAILA updated to capabilities yet? >.>
L1634[18:26:51] <gigaherz> (width - bookImageWidth)/2 at the beginning of drawScreen
L1635[18:27:01] <gigaherz> Delenas: why woudl they?
L1636[18:28:03] <gigaherz> although it would be nice
L1637[18:28:06] <Delenas> Because it's nice, and other mods (coughTOPcough) could hook to it too?
L1638[18:28:11] <gigaherz> some "CapabilityWaila"
L1639[18:28:30] <gigaherz> but no, so far as I know, it's stil lthe old api ;P
L1640[18:28:44] <Delenas> Also it familiarizes Waila with caps so they can hook stuff themselves?
L1641[18:28:46] <tterrag> uh
L1642[18:28:51] <tterrag> waila doesn't use interfaces on blocks
L1643[18:28:55] <tterrag> how exactly would it use caps?
L1644[18:29:04] <PaleoCrafter> I suppose the extra information you provide?
L1645[18:29:16] <PaleoCrafter> have the item have a cap
L1646[18:29:29] <gigaherz> tterrag: client-side cap with "getItemStack" / "getBody" etc
L1647[18:29:35] <tterrag> bleh
L1648[18:29:37] <gigaherz> instead of having registered providers manually
L1649[18:29:46] <tterrag> currently providers are not block-bound
L1650[18:29:48] <tterrag> and that's a good thing
L1651[18:29:49] <gigaherz> the api would become 90% simpler
L1652[18:29:50] <gigaherz> ;P
L1653[18:30:09] <tterrag> unless it's super easy to attach caps of your own to other mods' blocks
L1654[18:31:05] <gigaherz> actually
L1655[18:31:06] <Tazz> my C compiler generated its first transcompilation :D
L1656[18:31:07] <gigaherz> caps are for TEs only
L1657[18:31:08] <gigaherz> not blocks
L1658[18:31:12] <gigaherz> so it wouldn't really work
L1659[18:31:22] <tterrag> exactly
L1660[18:31:23] ⇦ Quits: KnightMiner (~KnightMin@adsl-68-255-5-212.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1661[18:31:25] <tterrag> this is why we need block caps
L1662[18:31:26] <tterrag> *cough* lex
L1663[18:31:51] <gigaherz> hmm block caps... they'd be "shared"?
L1664[18:32:00] <gigaherz> as in, just one instance for the block, not one per block-in-the-world
L1665[18:32:57] <PaleoCrafter> http://i.imgur.com/1YgaHDH.png not quite sure if I wanna keep that bowl on top as means for putting in the ingredient :/
L1666[18:33:16] <PaleoCrafter> and not at all sure for the blaze powder :D
L1667[18:33:24] <DebugsPeople-> shisha?
L1668[18:33:25] <DebugsPeople-> :D
L1669[18:33:33] <PaleoCrafter> brewing stand, duh :P
L1670[18:33:35] *** tterrag was kicked by LexManos (tterrag))
L1671[18:33:41] <DebugsPeople-> xD
L1672[18:33:42] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep|@
L1673[18:33:42] ⇨ Joins: tterrag (~tterrag@tterrag.com)
L1674[18:36:43] <Nepha> hm, as far as I can tell the book's gui is doing the same thing as I do
L1675[18:37:31] <PaleoCrafter> I didn't really follow, what was your issue, Nepha? xD
L1676[18:37:55] ⇨ Joins: MCE626 (Contact.MC@ip72-220-217-129.sd.sd.cox.net)
L1677[18:38:20] ⇨ Joins: Upth (~ogmar@108-204-125-173.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net)
L1678[18:39:24] <Nepha> my GUI is off-center and I have no idea why
L1679[18:39:46] <Nepha> using the same stuff MC uses for their GUIs/containers
L1680[18:39:52] <PaleoCrafter> code?
L1681[18:40:13] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1682[18:40:22] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:f91d:e584:64ec:f647) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1683[18:40:53] <PaleoCrafter> despite my current project I should still have my GUI knowledge :D
L1684[18:40:58] <Nepha> http://pastebin.com/ekvRANHz
L1685[18:42:17] <PaleoCrafter> and it's just the texture that's off center, not the GUI as a whole (including the background)?
L1686[18:43:53] <TobyO> guiTop and guiLeft are already defined aren't they?
L1687[18:44:29] <Nepha> well, at the moment the whole GUI is just a texture
L1688[18:44:38] <PaleoCrafter> only in GuiContainer, TobyO
L1689[18:44:45] <TobyO> ah okay
L1690[18:44:48] <Nepha> and no, they are not defined for GuiScreen
L1691[18:44:57] <PaleoCrafter> Nepha, I mean including the default semi-translucent background :P
L1692[18:45:29] <Nepha> that covers the entire screen
L1693[18:45:35] <Nepha> can that thing even be offset?
L1694[18:45:44] <Nepha> http://imgur.com/f79tO8L
L1695[18:45:49] <Nepha> here's a picture
L1696[18:45:55] <PaleoCrafter> could be some messed up GL state
L1697[18:46:02] <PaleoCrafter> but that doesn't look like it ^^
L1698[18:46:09] <PaleoCrafter> what's your texture's size?
L1699[18:46:29] <PaleoCrafter> like, the file, not just the part you're rendering
L1700[18:46:45] *** mDiyo|zzz is now known as mDiyo
L1701[18:47:31] <Nepha> 256x256
L1702[18:47:52] <PaleoCrafter> okay... good
L1703[18:47:56] <GerbShert> What is the easiest ways to get the display name of a user in-game if I have thier uuid?
L1704[18:48:07] <PaleoCrafter> have you actually checked the guiLeft and guiTop values? are they negative perchance?
L1705[18:48:35] <PaleoCrafter> (they should be for that result xD)
L1706[18:48:42] <Nepha> guiTop seems fine, but guiLeft is indeed negative
L1707[18:49:19] <Nepha> because this.width return 65 for fullscreen
L1708[18:49:23] <PaleoCrafter> dafuq
L1709[18:49:35] <PaleoCrafter> but it still works fine for Vanilla?
L1710[18:49:55] <Nepha> you mean if other GUIs work? yes
L1711[18:50:21] <PaleoCrafter> that is some fucked up shit right there
L1712[18:50:25] <PaleoCrafter> how are you opening the GUI?
L1713[18:51:17] <Nepha> mc.displayGuiScreen(new GuiScanner(tileEntity));
L1714[18:51:27] <tterrag> debug breakpoint in
L1715[18:51:27] <tterrag> darkosto [6:45 PM]
L1716[18:51:27] <tterrag> The problem with the 1.9 version is the amount of lag it generated
L1717[18:51:27] <tterrag> [6:46]
L1718[18:51:27] <tterrag> The blocks are checking for connection to other blocks and the higher the fps you have the worse performance you get when near chisel blocks
L1719[18:51:29] <tterrag> [6:46]
L1720[18:51:31] <tterrag> It's unplayable
L1721[18:51:33] <tterrag> tterrag [6:47 PM]
L1722[18:51:35] <tterrag> getting near chisel blocks shouldn't change anything
L1723[18:51:38] <tterrag> [6:47]
L1724[18:51:40] <tterrag> if you have something constantly redrawing chunks that is going to destroy performance, yes
L1725[18:51:42] <tterrag> darkosto [6:47 PM]
L1726[18:51:44] <tterrag> It's chisel
L1727[18:51:46] <tterrag> tterrag [6:47 PM]
L1728[18:51:49] <tterrag> blame the dumb model system
L1729[18:51:50] <PaleoCrafter> you alright, tterrag?
L1730[18:51:51] <tterrag> darkosto [6:47 PM]
L1731[18:51:53] <tterrag> I've tested this
L1732[18:51:55] <tterrag> [6:47]
L1733[18:51:56] <GerbShert> lol
L1734[18:51:57] <tterrag> and it only happens within 30ish blocks
L1735[18:52:02] ⇦ Parts: tterrag (~tterrag@tterrag.com) (http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.))
L1736[18:52:19] <PaleoCrafter> he probably wanted to be kicked again :3
L1737[18:52:30] ⇨ Joins: tterrag (~tterrag@tterrag.com)
L1738[18:52:34] <tterrag> I hit copy
L1739[18:52:36] <tterrag> I swear to god
L1740[18:52:41] <tterrag> stupid ZNC doesn't let me part
L1741[18:52:42] <GerbShert> Welcome back x3
L1742[18:52:58] *** gigaherz is now known as ghz|afk
L1743[18:53:01] <tterrag> what do I do there? I can't leave the channel
L1744[18:53:05] <tterrag> whatever
L1745[18:53:09] <tterrag> ignore that...
L1746[18:53:10] <PaleoCrafter> Nepha, have you tried getting the width yourself through ScaledResolution?
L1747[18:53:15] <tterrag> nekosune: put a breakpoint in setWorldAndResolution(Minecraft, int, int)
L1748[18:53:22] <tterrag> (in GuiScreen)
L1749[18:53:28] <PaleoCrafter> Nepha*
L1750[18:53:34] <tterrag> yes
L1751[18:53:36] <tterrag> -_-
L1752[18:53:37] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6425.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 4.3.2 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L1753[18:53:39] <PaleoCrafter> :_P
L1754[18:53:41] <tterrag> I should quit
L1755[18:53:58] <PaleoCrafter> I should too
L1756[18:54:21] <tterrag> I mean life
L1757[18:54:24] <tterrag> .-.
L1758[18:54:43] ⇨ Joins: moog (~moog@24-176-156-144.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com)
L1759[18:55:39] <PaleoCrafter> maybe I do too?
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L1762[18:57:48] <Nepha> gonna try that
L1763[18:59:36] <Nepha> where do i get the scale from
L1764[18:59:37] <Nepha> ?
L1765[18:59:44] <PaleoCrafter> hm?
L1766[19:00:49] <Nepha> for the scale resolution
L1767[19:00:53] <Nepha> scaled*
L1768[19:01:06] <PaleoCrafter> you pass it this.mc? :P
L1769[19:02:37] <tterrag> what?
L1770[19:02:40] <tterrag> no that's called BY MC
L1771[19:02:43] <tterrag> I said put a break point there
L1772[19:02:44] <tterrag> not call it
L1773[19:03:00] <PaleoCrafter> I was suggesting trying to get the width directly from ScaledResolution
L1774[19:03:23] <Nepha> tterrag did that and it stopped there
L1775[19:03:40] <tterrag> ok great. but I meant for you to inspect the width and height values and see what they are
L1776[19:04:13] *** kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L1777[19:04:29] ⇦ Quits: TobyO (~TobyO@host86-131-91-248.range86-131.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L1778[19:04:40] <Nepha> still 65/350
L1779[19:05:05] <PaleoCrafter> weird af
L1780[19:05:22] <PaleoCrafter> change your GUI scale to small for a moment, would you?
L1781[19:05:33] <heliophobicdud> Does anyone know/remember of a mod that changed other mods ore gen?
L1782[19:05:34] <heliophobicdud> I'm looking for some ideas.
L1783[19:05:55] ⇨ Joins: gudenau (~gudenau@2602:302:d1a5:3830:d98b:96d4:f22d:6ae0)
L1784[19:05:59] <gudenau> Hello world!
L1785[19:06:22] <heliophobicdud> Hello there, gudenau.
L1786[19:06:24] <gudenau> I have two questions, is there a canPlaceBlock that passes the placer?
L1787[19:06:50] ⇦ Quits: Delenas (~Delenas@2600:1016:b008:8d74:2085:6d38:2c1c:4ffd) (Quit: Console.Write("Goodbye, world!");)
L1788[19:06:52] <gudenau> Is there a method like onItemUseFirst for left clicking?
L1789[19:07:12] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:e4fe:e9d9:30ed:9083) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1790[19:08:22] <PaleoCrafter> you could use PlayerInteractEvent for that second one, gudenau
L1791[19:08:39] <PaleoCrafter> because there is no existing method like that
L1792[19:08:53] <gudenau> I'm guessing I would need to use an event for the other thing as well?
L1793[19:09:07] <PaleoCrafter> that I don't know
L1794[19:09:13] <PaleoCrafter> and I just closed my IDE :P
L1795[19:09:44] <Nepha> on small it works
L1796[19:09:57] ⇨ Joins: Snapples (~snow@pD958977D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L1798[19:10:45] <gudenau> Interesing, it seems that I made a block that you can not break.
L1799[19:10:46] <gudenau> Oops.
L1800[19:10:49] <PaleoCrafter> heh
L1801[19:11:09] <PaleoCrafter> Nepha, well, then, we kinda narrowed it down :D
L1802[19:11:31] <capitalthree> how do I get mappings for a mc version again?
L1803[19:11:39] <capitalthree> also howdy PaleoCrafter :D
L1804[19:11:40] <PaleoCrafter> .!mappings <version>
L1805[19:11:44] <Snapples> I need a Keyboard InputEvent that reacts to ingame (not GUI) Keypresses, but the FML one is deprecated, what are my alternatives?
L1806[19:11:46] <capitalthree> I keep loving kotlin more and more
L1807[19:11:49] <capitalthree> !mappings 1.9
L1808[19:11:50] <PaleoCrafter> lol
L1809[19:11:55] <capitalthree> !mappings 1.9.4
L1810[19:12:00] <capitalthree> .!mappings 1.9.4
L1811[19:12:29] <capitalthree> it's not working D:
L1812[19:12:40] <PaleoCrafter> because I'm stupid, lol
L1813[19:12:45] <PaleoCrafter> it's latest
L1814[19:12:50] <PaleoCrafter> !!latest 1.9.4
L1815[19:12:51] <MCPBot_Reborn> === Latest Mappings ===
L1816[19:12:52] <MCPBot_Reborn> MC Version Forge Gradle Channel
L1817[19:12:53] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.9.4 snapshot_20160523
L1818[19:13:15] <PaleoCrafter> Snapples, deprecated, where? :P
L1819[19:13:20] <PaleoCrafter> I don't see any deprecation
L1820[19:13:49] <Snapples> Well, the registration for FML events is deprecated, the .bus() part
L1821[19:13:56] <capitalthree> PaleoCrafter: you're not stupid <3
L1822[19:14:14] <PaleoCrafter> because the Forge and FML bus were merged a long time ago, Snapples? :P
L1823[19:14:28] <PaleoCrafter> capitalthree, but I'm tired and will go to sleep in a bit :P
L1824[19:14:35] <Snapples> So I can just use the Forge bus to register for FML events?
L1825[19:14:40] <gudenau> I wish @SubscribeEvent marked methods as used. ._.
L1826[19:14:41] <PaleoCrafter> yep
L1827[19:14:50] <Snapples> Neat, thanks!
L1828[19:14:54] <PaleoCrafter> gudenau, IDEA allows that :P
L1829[19:15:09] <capitalthree> PaleoCrafter: rest well!
L1830[19:15:13] <capitalthree> gudenau: me too
L1831[19:15:17] <PaleoCrafter> just hit alt-enter when your caret is on the method name and select the thingy
L1832[19:15:40] <PaleoCrafter> capitalthree, that feature actually only got introduced lately in the IDEA Kotlin plugin :D
L1833[19:15:48] <capitalthree> holy crap PaleoCrafter you're right, I just tried that
L1834[19:15:54] <capitalthree> very nice
L1835[19:16:00] <PaleoCrafter> "Don't mark declarations annotated with XYZ as unused" or something like that
L1836[19:16:05] <capitalthree> yep
L1837[19:16:10] <capitalthree> which is just what I hoped it would be
L1838[19:16:25] <capitalthree> as opposed to "don't mark this specific thing as unused" or "add an @Ignore annotation here"
L1839[19:16:35] <PaleoCrafter> yeah, no, that's another option :P
L1840[19:16:41] <capitalthree> not a classy option!
L1841[19:16:58] <capitalthree> then again, kotlin's not a classy language. *shades* let lets me make package-level vals and defs!
L1842[19:17:43] <PaleoCrafter> I still like me my utility objects :P
L1843[19:18:29] <gudenau> PaleoCrafter, how?
L1844[19:18:42] <PaleoCrafter> I explained it :P
L1845[19:18:44] <PaleoCrafter> alt-enter and select it
L1846[19:18:50] <gudenau> Oh.
L1847[19:19:00] <gudenau> Thanks.
L1848[19:19:50] <PaleoCrafter> You're welcome
L1849[19:19:54] * PaleoCrafter actually goes to be now
L1850[19:19:56] <PaleoCrafter> Night, folks
L1851[19:20:10] <gudenau> I should port this over to 1.9.4, my wrench will be *fun* to do.
L1852[19:20:12] <gudenau> Night.
L1853[19:20:17] ⇦ Quits: raoulvdberge (uid95673@id-95673.richmond.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1854[19:20:20] <heliophobicdud> I might be over my head on this one, but, undoing other mod's world gen in a world?
L1855[19:20:20] <heliophobicdud> Has that been done before by any other mod?
L1856[19:20:27] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L1857[19:20:48] <gudenau> You should be able to remove it's world gen handlers.
L1858[19:21:16] <heliophobicdud> Alright. That's a start. Thanks, gudenau.
L1859[19:21:28] <DebugsPeople-> is it not possible to have 2 superclasses ? :S
L1860[19:21:46] *** DebugsPeople- is now known as DebugsPeople
L1861[19:24:01] <gudenau> It is not.
L1862[19:24:08] <gudenau> That is what interfaces are for.
L1863[19:26:02] <Nepha> I have no idea why but after going through all of the GUI scales ingame it works on all of them
L1864[19:26:52] <gudenau> Ok, EWWWW
L1865[19:27:11] <gudenau> It plays the block breaking animation when canceling that event.
L1866[19:28:11] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@ti0107a400-2313.bb.online.no) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L1867[19:28:27] <DebugsPeople> but interfaces can't have states :(
L1868[19:28:45] <gudenau> Yeah, that is why you need to keep that in mind while making things.
L1869[19:29:11] <DebugsPeople> and I kinda need states in both classes :/
L1870[19:29:12] <DebugsPeople> oh well
L1871[19:29:13] <DebugsPeople> rip me
L1872[19:29:28] <Snapples> Works perfectly, thanks, PaleOff
L1873[19:29:29] <gudenau> What are you doing?
L1874[19:29:31] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:48c4:e9ff:fe08:6fa6)
L1875[19:30:10] <DebugsPeople> making an rc mod
L1876[19:30:20] <DebugsPeople> and I have one superclass baseEntity
L1877[19:30:26] <DebugsPeople> and one weaponizedEntity
L1878[19:30:42] <DebugsPeople> but well, gonna put everything in the baseEntity ig
L1879[19:30:46] <gudenau> Make the weapon one extend base, then the other things extent weapon.
L1880[19:31:06] <gudenau> BAH
L1881[19:31:15] <gudenau> How do I prevent the block breaking animation?
L1882[19:32:01] <DebugsPeople> that won't work
L1883[19:32:14] <DebugsPeople> my entity is extending another entity
L1884[19:32:39] <DebugsPeople> and other entities which are also weaponized don't extend that one
L1885[19:33:12] <gudenau> WeaponizedRC extends Weaponized extends RC extends Entity?
L1886[19:33:28] <DebugsPeople> ?
L1887[19:34:02] <DebugsPeople> the weaponized is also used by others that don't need the plane as a superclass
L1888[19:34:35] <gudenau> Welp.
L1889[19:37:04] ⇦ Quits: Snapples (~snow@pD958977D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: leaving)
L1890[19:39:58] <DebugsPeople> yea
L1891[19:41:27] <gudenau> Time to port to 1.9.4.
L1892[19:41:52] <gudenau> Been so long since Forge was on latest.
L1893[19:44:06] <gudenau> mezz, what was I supposed to use on newer JEI plugins?
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L1895[19:45:01] <mezz> huh?
L1896[19:45:31] <gudenau> Wasn't there some sort of block slot that you added to JEI?
L1897[19:46:25] <mezz> please figure out what you're asking before asking me :P
L1898[19:46:45] <mezz> there is a vanilla plugin that probably shows what you want
L1899[19:47:13] <gudenau> Like, for crafting it has a crafting table and such.
L1900[19:47:16] <gudenau> Sorry.
L1901[19:47:25] <mezz> ah, ok
L1902[19:47:27] <mezz> that's this https://github.com/mezz/JustEnoughItems/blob/1.9/src/main/java/mezz/jei/plugins/vanilla/VanillaPlugin.java#L89-L91
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L1907[19:48:17] <gudenau> Thanks, now I just need to sort out the 1.8->1.9.4 stuff. Wish me luck.
L1908[19:48:30] <mezz> good luck!
L1909[19:49:05] <gudenau> BlockPos is gone, yay.
L1910[19:49:14] <mezz> false
L1911[19:49:44] <mezz> lots of shuffling around but not a lot really changed
L1912[19:49:52] <gudenau> It is gone from where it is.
L1913[19:51:21] <gudenau> Lots of methods changed aswell.
L1914[19:51:37] ⇦ Quits: MCE626 (Contact.MC@ip72-220-217-129.sd.sd.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L1915[19:51:58] <gudenau> Neat, exactly 100 errors!
L1916[19:52:17] <heliophobicdud> Only! Luck!
L1917[19:52:26] <heliophobicdud> :P
L1918[19:52:58] <gudenau> I have, 3 blocks and three items I think.
L1919[19:54:03] <gudenau> Wow, setBlockBounds changed.
L1920[19:54:42] <lKinx> yeah it's now an aabb
L1921[19:56:42] <gudenau> getBoundingBox is deprecated. Huh.
L1922[19:58:22] <gudenau> Ok, 12 blocks and two items.
L1923[19:58:30] <gudenau> three items*
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L1926[20:00:26] <gudenau> So, if getBoundingBox is deprecated, what am I supposed to use?
L1927[20:02:25] <lKinx> look at the other blocks
L1928[20:02:40] <lKinx> i dont remember what method but you return an aabb
L1929[20:02:53] ⇨ Joins: Poppy (~Poppy@chello085216146055.chello.sk)
L1930[20:03:02] <gudenau> They are using getBoundingBox.
L1931[20:03:05] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~znc@ti0107a400-2313.bb.online.no)
L1932[20:03:06] <gudenau> .-.
L1933[20:03:14] <DebugsPeople> is player.inventory.getCurrentItem() the same as player.getHeldItem(EnumHand.MAIN_HAND)?
L1934[20:03:28] <lKinx> I believe so DebugsPeople
L1935[20:03:50] <gudenau> Yeah, gonna need to fiddle with the hand stuff for my wrench.
L1936[20:03:52] <gudenau> Woopie.
L1937[20:05:26] <DebugsPeople> gonna use player.heldItemMainhand just to be on the safe side (kotlin)
L1938[20:08:40] ⇦ Quits: gudenau (~gudenau@2602:302:d1a5:3830:d98b:96d4:f22d:6ae0) (Quit: Leaving)
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L1940[20:10:06] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1941[20:10:44] <williewillus> DebugsPeople: no, inventory.getCurrentItem is the one the mouse is holding in a gui
L1942[20:10:46] <williewillus> iirc
L1943[20:10:54] <DebugsPeople> ok
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L1952[20:56:35] <Zorn_Taov> does anyone know how to get Inventory Tweaks into a 1.8.9 dev environment?
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L1954[20:57:11] <williewillus> drop it in mods/?
L1955[20:57:27] <Zorn_Taov> crashes with http://pastebin.com/FKLqLp06
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L1959[21:08:43] <HassanS6000> !gm field_145811_e 1.8
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