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L1[00:00:01] <Lymia> I'd put a submodule in a package so it's in one place (hierarchy-wise)
L2[00:00:20] <DebugsPeople> ?
L3[00:00:25] <Lymia> So I'd choose thaumictinkerer.kami.common.block
L4[00:00:49] <TehNut> Well that just shows that it's all preference. Because to me, that is a "just why" package structure
L5[00:00:57] <DebugsPeople> same
L6[00:01:14] <DebugsPeople> I have all my items in the same place and all my entities in the same place
L7[00:01:16] <TehNut> All of my items should be in blah.item.*
L8[00:01:22] <TehNut> Then organize in packages from there
L9[00:01:27] <DebugsPeople> (don't have any blocks)
L10[00:01:58] ⇨ Joins: Hunterz (~hunterz@
L11[00:01:59] <Lymia> I don't like it because it ends up splitting things that are part of one component into different packages and files way too much
L12[00:02:11] <Lymia> It doesn't bother me when it's just item/block, but.
L13[00:02:17] <Nosirrom> wow, after 2 weeks of porting my 1.7.10 mod I finally got to the main menu
L14[00:02:21] <Lymia> Then you extend the pattern to tileentity/inventory/packet, and whatever else.
L15[00:02:31] <DebugsPeople> lol nice Nosirrom xD
L16[00:02:36] <Lymia> And then it becomes a mess because classes all relating to one "thing" in the game goes all over the place.
L17[00:02:51] <Lymia> It doesn't help that I use Scala, and would rather keep all of that in one file -- putting it in different packages... well....
L18[00:03:04] <TehNut> But I know that *all* of my inventory code is in blah.inventory
L19[00:03:13] <Lymia> Why is that useful to you?
L20[00:03:14] <TehNut> *All* of my GUI code is in blah.gui
L21[00:03:23] <TehNut> Because I know where all similar objects are
L22[00:03:25] <Lymia> (OK, it wouldn't stop me, but, putting classes that go in different packages in one file is really just why)
L23[00:04:06] <Lymia> Why's it important that similar objects go together? I'd consider the block for my custom crafting table, and the interface for it to be more "similar" than my GUI for a sheep sheerer and a crafting table.
L24[00:04:14] <Lymia> Since I'd more often edit the former as one unit
L25[00:04:16] <TehNut> Because I prefer them to be together?
L26[00:06:14] <Lymia> Less trivially, it lets you put different classes for one thing together into a "module", where you can use things like package private visibility, etc.
L27[00:06:36] <DebugsPeople> won't you have to include a runtime and stuff when programming with scala?
L28[00:06:42] <TehNut> Yes, and you *prefer* that
L29[00:06:50] <TehNut> Forge ships Scala
L30[00:07:00] <DebugsPeople> ok
L31[00:07:12] ⇨ Joins: airbreather (~airbreath@d149-67-99-43.nap.wideopenwest.com)
L32[00:07:22] <Lymia> The classes for the tileentity of a block, and the block itself are going to be far closer related (in the sense of how closely they interact), and how often they need to change together.
L33[00:08:58] <Lymia> Me... and, uh, I'd expect pretty much authority on good programming practice. In more abstract programming terms, it's the equivalent of putting Foo and FooFactory in types.Foo and factories.FooFactory. Which is not particularly helpful.
L34[00:09:40] <TehNut> ok
L35[00:11:32] <DebugsPeople> the word "preference" is hard to understand, isn't it
L36[00:11:47] <DebugsPeople> yes, your approach might very well be better
L37[00:12:24] <DebugsPeople> but that doesn't change that other people just like to have all of their items in one place
L38[00:12:26] <killjoy> I'm having troubles rendering an entity when the world isn't loaded (main menu)
L39[00:12:56] <killjoy> It works when the game starts, but not after leaving a game
L40[00:13:10] <killjoy> has anything changed in 1.9.4 that would cause this?
L41[00:13:26] <DebugsPeople> hm?
L42[00:13:36] <DebugsPeople> why render in the main menu?
L43[00:13:47] <killjoy> It's not in the main menu but in another menu
L44[00:13:59] <Lymia> I would hope that in programming, an approach being better would trump simply preferences. Because in more severe cases, that preference could, say, be a risk of writing insecure code, for example, preferring to use string manipulation functions versus DOM for XML.
L45[00:14:04] <killjoy> I just say main menu because it's the easiest way to say there is no world
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L47[00:14:27] <DebugsPeople-> alright, any errors?
L48[00:14:30] <killjoy> nope
L49[00:14:55] <killjoy> I've even run it through the debugger. Everything runs
L50[00:15:09] <DebugsPeople-> that's ... strange
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L52[00:15:28] <killjoy> Let me link you the code
L53[00:15:28] <DebugsPeople-> maybe some layers or something changes, idk
L54[00:15:33] <DebugsPeople-> going to bed now sry
L55[00:15:54] <Lymia> eeesh
L56[00:16:01] <Lymia> So, you want to render an entity when the world isn't loaded?
L57[00:16:13] <Lymia> Does simply nothing render?
L58[00:16:24] <killjoy> yes until the world loads
L59[00:16:24] <Lymia> Is it your entity, or just some arbitary entity
L60[00:16:26] <killjoy> then nothing
L61[00:16:32] <killjoy> yes
L62[00:16:37] <killjoy> and no
L63[00:16:43] <killjoy> https://git.io/vrgws
L64[00:16:54] <killjoy> it extends EntityLivingBase
L65[00:17:00] ⇦ Quits: DebugsPeople (~DebugsPeo@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L66[00:17:05] <Lymia> oof
L67[00:17:22] <TehNut> wow that a mod I have not heard of in a LONG time
L68[00:17:25] <killjoy> bear in mind I didn't write most of that
L69[00:17:25] <Lymia> So it renders only when the world isn't loaded?
L70[00:17:27] <Digitalsabre> I did what I needed to do to this mod… how do I get it back as a jar? xD
L71[00:17:36] <TehNut> gradlew build
L72[00:17:41] <killjoy> it's the only way the gui is accessable
L73[00:18:09] <killjoy> The entity https://git.io/vrgwC
L74[00:18:27] <Lymia> bleh. I don't understand Minecraft's rendering well enough to know what to make of this
L75[00:18:47] <Lymia> Closest thing I've ever done was rendering a small 3D snapshot in a GUI
L76[00:19:00] ⇦ Quits: DebugsPeople- (~DebugsPeo@2a02:810d:95c0:880:e16b:b6c:7f7b:976e) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L77[00:19:09] <Lymia> And I did that with raw GL calls since it wasn't an entity or anything anyway.
L78[00:21:11] <Digitalsabre> Thanks, TehNut… now where will I find it once it's done? xD
L79[00:21:17] <TehNut> build/libs
L80[00:21:28] <Digitalsabre> Oh… that jar file is empty. xD
L81[00:22:55] <Digitalsabre> All that's in there is a folder called META-INF.
L82[00:24:37] <Digitalsabre> It runs fine in Eclipse.
L83[00:24:54] <Digitalsabre> But when I build it, there's no mod in the .jar file
L84[00:27:36] <tterrag> post build script
L85[00:27:53] <tterrag> you also, your source is in src/main/java yes?
L86[00:28:28] <Digitalsabre> It wasn't, no. Once I put it there, it worked fine.
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L88[00:31:38] <killjoy> Figured it out.
L89[00:31:46] <killjoy> switched from renderEntityStatic to doRenderEntity
L90[00:32:39] <Digitalsabre> Okay… so… hopefully this works.
L91[00:33:01] ⇨ Joins: Upthorn (~ogmar@108-85-88-44.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net)
L92[00:35:21] <Lymia> Also.
L93[00:35:26] ⇨ Joins: Ordinastie_ (~Ordinasti@87-231-58-94.rev.numericable.fr)
L94[00:35:27] <Lymia> Does MLP mod for Minecraft
L95[00:35:35] <Lymia> Imply making the player characters ponies?
L96[00:36:16] <Lymia> Thinking of all the potential mod compatibility implications of that makes my head hurt.
L97[00:36:17] <fry> that is a thing, yes
L98[00:36:30] <fry> haha, compatibility
L99[00:36:36] <fry> as if anyone ever thinks of that :D
L100[00:37:03] <Lymia> Every mod ever needs new animations and models
L101[00:37:17] <fry> I'm working on that :P
L102[00:38:09] <Lymia> If it's a different entity
L103[00:38:19] <Lymia> Probably some mods that are overzealous about preventing automation do stupid things.
L104[00:39:37] <Lymia> I mean
L105[00:39:42] <Lymia> Not that they don't already do
L106[00:44:27] ⇦ Quits: theFlaxbeard (~theFlaxbe@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L107[00:55:18] <Nosirrom> sometimes I just get lost in the json
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L109[01:01:39] <killjoy> Lymia... only certain armors
L110[01:01:52] <killjoy> if the armor uses the same model as the player, it can be adapted
L111[01:02:17] <Lymia> I mean
L112[01:02:20] <killjoy> Also, last I checked, hats was weird.
L113[01:02:28] <Lymia> Hats should be easy
L114[01:02:32] <Lymia> They go on arbitary mobs
L115[01:02:49] <Lymia> Does it have some nasty hardcoding for players?
L116[01:03:01] <killjoy> likely. I haven't peeked at the source
L117[01:03:21] <killjoy> I suspect it doesn't postRender on bipedHead
L118[01:03:44] <killjoy> minelp also does some nasty scaling for foals
L119[01:04:12] <killjoy> Actually, it's probably relying on the AABB
L120[01:06:21] <Lymia> And then
L121[01:06:26] <Lymia> There's just plain lols to deal with
L122[01:06:30] <Lymia> Like horses riding horses
L123[01:06:42] <killjoy> no.
L124[01:06:44] <killjoy> they're ponies
L125[01:06:49] <killjoy> so it would be ponies riding horses
L126[01:07:00] <Lymia> This does not mitigate the sillines
L127[01:07:02] <Lymia> ness* :P
L128[01:07:15] <killjoy> have you not seen the horse drawn horse-drawn carriages?
L129[01:09:44] <Lymia> Well.
L130[01:09:53] <Lymia> I guess now I'm warned ahead-of-time of an obviously incompatible mod
L131[01:10:15] <Lymia> When I go ahead and make "the magic mod with all the pretty dresses". :P
L132[01:10:15] <fry> what do you do with player model? :P
L133[01:10:19] <killjoy> never know until you try
L134[01:10:21] <killjoy> I just render it
L135[01:10:21] <fry> ah, dresses
L136[01:10:31] <Lymia> (And other fancy clothes)
L137[01:10:37] <killjoy> I got it working, fry
L138[01:10:41] <killjoy> I was calling the wrong method
L139[01:10:41] <Lymia> But other fancy clothes probably won't involve weird models.
L140[01:11:13] <Lymia> It is something I should keep in mind
L141[01:11:21] <Lymia> Now I remember that spider queen mod from how long ago too.
L142[01:11:27] <Lymia> It's something mods do; replace the player model
L143[01:12:54] <fry> I hope someday to make it as easy as changing a line in the json
L144[01:13:48] <killjoy> Well here's some code to keep in mind I guess. https://git.io/vrgrX
L145[01:15:03] <Lymia> I can't hope to hit every mod, and a mod that provides outright non-bipedal models.... eh, yeah.
L146[01:15:24] <killjoy> I've constantly been asked to add dresses
L147[01:15:33] <Lymia> I don't care enough to potentially redesign cosmetic armors for that.
L148[01:15:59] <killjoy> You might not have to.
L149[01:16:31] <Lymia> I'm planning on starting a magic/exploration mod. Where you slowly end up realizing that the magic you are rediscovering was that of a civilization of effectively magical girls.
L150[01:16:35] <Lymia> At least... that's the current plan.
L151[01:16:51] <killjoy> So.. you're making a magical girl mod?
L152[01:17:02] <Lymia> Eeeh.
L153[01:17:27] <killjoy> rule 1 of being a magical girl. Don't tell anyone you are a magical girl
L154[01:17:29] <Lymia> Not sure I can say that. Depends on how I design how the player actually ends up using spells/whatever from the mod.
L155[01:17:30] <killjoy> s/girl/mod
L156[01:17:57] <Lymia> I've been having lots of idea for general plot (more like backstory), reserach systems, and crafting systems.
L157[01:18:07] <Lymia> And bosses, but, not so much how to execute actually giving the player new toys to play with
L158[01:18:50] <Lymia> I can't call it a magical girl mod if there's no transformation sequences.
L159[01:19:05] <killjoy> and that weird glow while doing it
L160[01:19:24] <Lymia> And I might downplay that part
L161[01:19:38] <killjoy> http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/prettyguardiansailormoon/images/0/02/Sailor_Moon_Transformation_by_meganjm.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100419230439
L162[01:19:39] <Lymia> And make it slightly less... dissonant in its tone. :p
L163[01:20:03] <Lymia> But I haven't started a line of code yet, so, it's just ideas.
L164[01:20:35] <killjoy> should start on the abstract now
L165[01:20:49] <Lymia> I want to finish another project first
L166[01:20:52] <Lymia> Before considering this one
L167[01:21:30] <killjoy> I was like that once.
L168[01:21:37] <killjoy> I had an idea for a mod that would be great.
L169[01:21:53] <killjoy> Not a functional mod, mind you. One that could work on a vanilla server.
L170[01:22:02] <killjoy> I wanted to make a rich book editor
L171[01:22:21] <Lymia> I have a project to finish and release. :p
L172[01:22:23] <killjoy> never started it
L173[01:22:36] <Lymia> That's something I'd want to get out of the way first.
L174[01:22:44] <killjoy> And the project lifecycle never ends
L175[01:22:48] <Lymia> Otherwise.
L176[01:22:51] <Lymia> I have two incomplete projects
L177[01:22:53] <Lymia> And 0 completed projects.
L178[01:23:25] <Lymia> The mod idea I have is ambitious enough that I probably won't be able to release it for quite a bit
L179[01:24:59] <killjoy> This is the "mod" I wanted to make. https://github.com/killjoy1221/Calligraphy
L180[01:25:49] <Lymia> Mostly, my motivation for this mod is...
L181[01:26:01] <Lymia> So many mods add content, and "new toys" for the player.
L182[01:26:01] <killjoy> Notice how it's mostly empty
L183[01:26:09] <killjoy> aethetics?
L184[01:26:18] <Lymia> But those new toys have no purpose. Invinciarmor is nice and all, but
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L186[01:26:36] <Lymia> If all you've added to challenge it is a single boss, that doesn't really work.
L187[01:27:29] <Lymia> And Thaumcraft has lots of weapons and tools, but, ultimately, all the challenge it has for it is a single endgame dungeon. Better than Draconic Evolution, at least.
L188[01:27:49] <Lymia> And its addons don't bother adding new enemies and stuff to match its increased power level.
L189[01:28:37] <Lymia> Meanwhile, Twilight Forest is pure exploration, and almost goes entirely the other way. It barely adds any "new toys" that aren't somewhat similar to things in Minecraft already.
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L191[01:30:04] <Lymia> So I'd like to try and make something more like a mix of Twilight Forest's additional "challenging" content and something like Thaumcraft actually adding lots of things the player can use and do too.
L192[01:30:26] <killjoy> lots of dungeon loot?
L193[01:30:58] <Lymia> Maybe more similar to RPG mods. I don't know how those are actually designed.
L194[01:31:04] <Lymia> However, I'd like to not "take over" the game.
L195[01:31:16] <Lymia> And make it compatible with other mods, and only ever do anything if you actually start the mod.
L196[01:31:51] <Lymia> And have it "work" with other mods well to.
L197[01:31:53] <Lymia> too*
L198[01:32:22] <Lymia> So you could go through the dungeons my mod adds with Thaumcraft equipment if you wanted, and not bother with all the stuff that starts research or mod-specific resources.
L199[01:32:30] <Lymia> That's the idea, anyway
L200[01:37:15] <Lymia> Hmm. :P
L201[01:37:17] <Lymia> I guess, in short
L202[01:37:36] <Lymia> I want to try and make a mod that tries to avoid all the... eh... "meh" feeling I get from a lot of mods.
L203[01:38:02] <Lymia> It seems like the mods are about "Look at all the cool stuff this mod can do!" rather than adding new content to the game, as an "expansion pack" would.
L204[01:38:09] <Digitalsabre> So, I write code to make FortuneOres drop a Rutile chunk for Mariculture, but when I mine the ore, the game just crashes…
L205[01:39:23] ⇦ Quits: Gil (uid147942@id-147942.brockwell.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L206[01:40:17] <Lymia> killjoy, I'd have to decide where to start too. :P
L207[01:40:25] <Lymia> worldgen? Research/crafting?
L208[01:40:40] <killjoy> Which part is most important?
L209[01:40:47] <Lymia> I mean
L210[01:40:51] <Lymia> It all kinda is
L211[01:41:06] <killjoy> Start from step 1 I guess
L212[01:41:29] <Lymia> I definitely want all the fancy worldgen in by first release.
L213[01:41:40] <Lymia> So I have something to distinguish myself from the other "mostly incomplete" magic mods. :P
L214[01:42:03] <Lymia> Then again
L215[01:42:18] <Lymia> xycraft or whatever that mod with the glowing ores was content to release with literally no content but decorative blocks
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L217[01:44:55] <Lymia> Well, I'll eventually figure it out
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L274[04:52:41] <ghz|afk> Okay I give up
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L276[04:53:10] <ghz|afk> I triedto annotate one of my mods, and the result is just stupid
L277[04:53:14] <ghz|afk> what's the proper way of doing it?
L278[05:00:37] <fry> solve problems one by one as they arise.
L279[05:00:46] <ghz|afk> these aren't problems
L280[05:01:04] <ghz|afk> this is just the dump of "method overrides annotated method but does not annotate" stuff
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L282[05:02:41] <fry> annotate then
L283[05:02:48] <ghz|afk> that's my question, how?
L284[05:02:53] <fry> example?
L285[05:03:05] <ghz|afk> the @MethodReturnsNonnullByDefault
L286[05:03:13] <fry> create package-info.java
L287[05:03:16] <ghz|afk> should I add it to my own stuff? my packages? or where?
L288[05:03:18] <fry> yes
L289[05:03:35] <ghz|afk> so then afterward, I'd have to manually annotate anything where I DO want to return null
L290[05:03:42] <fry> yes
L291[05:03:44] <ghz|afk> ugh
L292[05:03:53] <ghz|afk> I regret saying I liked that mc was going to have annotations
L293[05:04:03] <fry> stop using nulls everywhere
L294[05:05:48] <ghz|afk> and now idea isn't showing me any warnings
L295[05:05:52] <ghz|afk> while I KNOW there are some
L296[05:06:02] <ghz|afk> (I'm calling methods with null that should warn)
L297[05:06:08] <fry> example?
L298[05:06:29] <ghz|afk> setentityBoundingBox(null)
L299[05:06:44] <ghz|afk> although that may be an inspection only
L300[05:06:52] <ghz|afk> sorry I'm horribly frustrated right now -- not a nice way to take up
L301[05:07:30] <fry> that makes a warning for me
L302[05:07:36] <fry> (highlights the "null")
L303[05:07:43] <ghz|afk> yeah I mean at compile time
L304[05:07:48] <ghz|afk> I hit rebuild to get a list
L305[05:07:57] <fry> javac doesn't check null annotations
L306[05:07:57] <ghz|afk> yesterday it was showing some compile-time warnings
L307[05:08:15] <ghz|afk> not about the nulls in methods, but about methods overriding annotated methods
L308[05:08:28] <ghz|afk> oh wait, nevermind
L309[05:08:30] <ghz|afk> that was deprecation
L310[05:08:32] <fry> you either need an annotation processor (findbugs or similar), or rely on ide checks
L311[05:08:55] <ghz|afk> I was using the inspections panel
L312[05:09:20] <ghz|afk> there we go
L313[05:09:31] <ghz|afk> "@NotNull/@Nullable problems (180 items)"
L314[05:09:34] * ghz|afk sighs
L315[05:09:52] <fry> Constant conditions & exceptions -> Passing 'null' argument to parameter annotated as @NotNull (at line 363)
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L317[05:16:23] <Cypher121> given a block and TE with an itemstack, how can I render said stack on the block without TESR?
L318[05:16:48] <ghz|afk> you need a smart model
L319[05:17:03] <ghz|afk> yo uneed to pass the itemstack through extended states
L320[05:17:14] <ghz|afk> and then you return the item model quads as part of the model quads
L321[05:17:18] <ghz|afk> however
L322[05:17:30] <ghz|afk> note that you'll have to forge a re-render for it to change
L323[05:17:33] <ghz|afk> force*
L324[05:17:55] <Cypher121> will block update with re-render flag suffice?
L325[05:18:00] <ghz|afk> yep
L326[05:18:06] <Cypher121> was it 2 or 4?
L327[05:18:09] <ghz|afk> 8
L328[05:18:12] <Cypher121> shit
L329[05:19:28] <ghz|afk> notifyBlockUpdate doesn't even use bit 1,2,4
L330[05:19:43] <ghz|afk> (bits with values 1,2,4 -- that's bits 0,1,2 ;P)
L331[05:19:49] <Cypher121> yeah
L332[05:20:05] <ghz|afk> the only bit that gets used is bit 3 (8), and only on the client
L333[05:22:19] <Cypher121> so first I override getExtendedState in the block
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L335[05:26:19] <Cypher121> and apparently make a stack property
L336[05:27:34] <ghz|afk> in createBlockState
L337[05:27:42] <ghz|afk> you have to return an ExtendedBlockState
L338[05:27:49] <ghz|afk> with an array of normal properties
L339[05:27:53] <ghz|afk> and an array of unlisted properties
L340[05:28:05] <ghz|afk> where you add an unlisted property that can hold your stack
L341[05:28:38] <ghz|afk> then on getExtendedState, you do .withProperty(the unlisted property, the value)
L342[05:28:59] <ghz|afk> I'd suggest you send a copy of the stack, since it will be used from the render thread
L343[05:29:22] <ghz|afk> then onyour model, you'll receive the extended state on the .getQuads method
L344[05:29:31] <ghz|afk> (or in the ISmartBlockModel in 1.8.9
L345[05:29:34] <Cypher121> do I have to make my own property for stack?
L346[05:29:39] <Cypher121> 1.9
L347[05:29:56] <ghz|afk> no idea
L348[05:30:03] <ghz|afk> I know some of the theory, not the specifics ;P
L349[05:31:14] <PaleoCrafter> geez, Kotlin really isn't worth the effort it takes to properly build with it xD
L350[05:31:51] <Cypher121> wat
L351[05:32:22] <Cypher121> that's how you tell you're doing something wrong in one sentence
L352[05:32:59] <PaleoCrafter> nah, I'm just having to do extra work :P
L353[05:33:10] <PaleoCrafter> https://github.com/PaleoCrafter/VanillaImmersion/blob/master/build.gradle#L78-L89 for example
L354[05:33:50] <PaleoCrafter> I *could* PR it to ForgeGradle but that'd require reflection without changing the whole system, as far as I am aware
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L356[05:45:24] <ghz|afk> FUCK now do I un-exclude from auto-import
L357[05:45:25] <ghz|afk> XD
L358[05:47:11] <ghz|afk> found it
L359[05:47:56] <Cypher121> ok, so I think I managed to make an extended state
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L361[05:50:16] <Cypher121> now when I get state in getQuads, I cast it to IExtendedBlockState and get the property
L362[05:50:34] <Cypher121> and then somehow build a list of quads out of an obj model and a stack
L363[05:51:04] <ghz|afk> nono, you get the model FROM the stack
L364[05:51:30] <ghz|afk> ItemModelMesher#getmodel(stack)
L365[05:51:45] <ghz|afk> you'll have to get to that through Minecraft
L366[05:51:49] <Cypher121> yeah, but I ALSO have the base model
L367[05:52:27] <ghz|afk> ... yes
L368[05:53:19] <ghz|afk> ModelLoaderRegistry.getModel
L369[05:55:46] <Cypher121> won't I get back this very model class I'm writing now?
L370[05:56:02] <ghz|afk> uh not the original location
L371[05:56:05] <ghz|afk> the MODEL location
L372[05:56:08] <ghz|afk> for the .obj file
L373[05:56:29] <Cypher121> oh, ok
L374[05:56:36] <ghz|afk> although
L375[05:56:40] <ghz|afk> that won't cause the textures to stitch
L376[05:56:44] <ghz|afk> if you want to do it right
L377[05:57:12] <ghz|afk> one way to do it properly would be to create a custom model loader
L378[05:57:18] <ghz|afk> that handles some special reslocs
L379[05:57:39] <ghz|afk> such as like, "yourmodid:special/yourmodel"
L380[05:57:55] <ghz|afk> and then returns an IModel
L381[05:58:07] <ghz|afk> and this IModel can return the real model from getDependencies
L382[05:58:22] <ghz|afk> along with any misc textures you may need in getTextures (which doens't seem like your case)
L383[05:58:34] <ghz|afk> then when someone calls .bake on this IModel
L384[05:58:42] <ghz|afk> you return the smart model you were writing
L385[05:58:51] <ghz|afk> this is instead of using modelbakeevent
L386[05:59:47] <Cypher121> ._.
L387[06:00:13] <ghz|afk> note that you STILL need to use .getModel and such
L388[06:00:21] <ghz|afk> that will just ensure the dependencies are also loaded
L389[06:00:39] <Cypher121> maybe I'll just use tesr for the stack
L390[06:00:46] * ghz|afk nods
L391[06:01:03] <Cypher121> why is it so fucking hard to do things properly
L392[06:01:36] <ghz|afk> blame mojang
L393[06:01:42] <ghz|afk> ;P
L394[06:02:03] <Cypher121> i do
L395[06:02:10] <Cypher121> doesn't help
L396[06:03:26] <Cypher121> i'll just wait until they decide they want to do something like this, find out they'll spend more time on it than notch spent on all alpha versions combined, and do yet another full rewrite
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L398[06:04:40] <ghz|afk> dude they still use ModelRenderer for entities, they just can't be arsed to make that better
L399[06:04:40] <ghz|afk> ;P
L400[06:18:10] <ghz|afk> I hate that there isn't in idea a way to say "mark param as nullable" instead of "simplify to false"
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L402[06:18:31] <sokratis12GR> Guys is there a way to check what mods are installed ? (Not via the Menu)
L403[06:19:34] <Biochemic> in the FMLPostInitialisationEvent you can check that, i think
L404[06:19:42] <ghz|afk> sokratis12GR: what are you trying to do?
L405[06:20:05] <sokratis12GR> I'm trying to get the installed mod's modids and then list them into a file
L406[06:20:38] <ghz|afk> why?
L407[06:21:12] <sokratis12GR> it can be useful as utility
L408[06:21:28] <ghz|afk> forge already shows the whole list in case of crash
L409[06:21:45] <sokratis12GR> No i mean for like MineTweaker
L410[06:22:07] <ghz|afk> yo ucan press F3+H ingame to enable "advanced" tooltips
L411[06:22:15] <ghz|afk> which show the item "id"
L412[06:22:24] <ghz|afk> "modid:name" on the tooltip
L413[06:22:46] <sokratis12GR> oh, yeah that makes what i'm trying to do useless
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L415[06:23:49] <Biochemic> lol xD
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L417[06:23:55] <sokratis12GR> Well, is there a way to get the Biomes names ?
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L420[06:24:16] <sokratis12GR> I mean modded and vanilla ones
L421[06:25:48] <sokratis12GR> nvm, that is useless too xD
L422[06:26:07] *** sokratis12GR is now known as sokratis|afk
L423[06:26:31] <PaleoCrafter> ghz|afk, write a plugin for that "mark as nullable" thing :P
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L426[06:35:42] <ghz|afk> THIS IS SO BORING
L427[06:36:00] <ghz|afk> spent like na hour removing the "omfg you aren't annotating" stuff
L428[06:36:08] ⇨ Joins: agowa338 (~Thunderbi@p54919D96.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L429[06:36:18] <ghz|afk> and like 2 hours ADDING @Nullable all over the place to compensate
L430[06:36:49] <Cypher121> ghz|afk: just switch to kotlin already :P
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L432[06:36:57] <ghz|afk> how would that help in any way?
L433[06:37:43] <Cypher121> much better and more concise nullability restriction?
L434[06:37:47] ⇦ Quits: Lunatrius (~Lunatrius@cpe- (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L435[06:37:52] <ghz|afk> sure
L436[06:37:54] *** Lunatrius` is now known as Lunatrius
L437[06:38:09] <ghz|afk> I'd still haveto go file by file, adding nullability to random parameters and method
L438[06:38:26] <ghz|afk> and no, using "less nulls" is not really an useful choice here
L439[06:39:25] <ghz|afk> I would avoid some annotations, yes, but then i'd have to write even more code just to handle the "special value that isn't null but does the same as null in practice"
L440[06:39:52] <PaleoCrafter> ghz|afk, uhm... like on MC methods you override?
L441[06:40:01] <ghz|afk> nah
L442[06:40:05] <ghz|afk> in my own stuff
L443[06:40:10] <PaleoCrafter> ah, okay
L444[06:40:14] <ghz|afk> I made all my packages default-nonnull
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L448[07:01:16] <TobyO> hey
L449[07:01:29] <TobyO> What's the best place to report a forge bug?
L450[07:02:14] <PaleoCrafter> GitHub issues
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L454[07:14:01] <TobyO> ta
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L467[08:24:01] <Wuppy> I should play Minecraft again....
L468[08:25:25] <TobyO> turns out the obj loader doesn't accept faces with more than 4 verticies
L469[08:26:09] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L470[08:26:30] <Ordinastie_> nope
L471[08:26:58] <TobyO> but it tries to
L472[08:27:11] <Ordinastie_> tries to what ?
L473[08:27:30] <ghz|afk> faces with more than 4 vertices just don't make sense
L474[08:27:31] <TobyO> it has a for loop to itterate through verticies of a face
L475[08:27:37] <ghz|afk> they aren't supported "by design"
L476[08:28:16] <ghz|afk> tell the 3d program to use quads whenever possible, and leave the rest as triangles
L477[08:28:16] <TobyO> but it takes default vertices
L478[08:28:20] <ghz|afk> ?
L479[08:28:52] <TobyO> the line is this: v.setTextureCoordinate(TextureCoordinate.getDefaultUVs()[i]);
L480[08:28:56] <Ordinastie_> ghz|afk, yeah, it's not like anybody would use an obj for a TESR
L481[08:29:16] <ghz|afk> wat?
L482[08:29:23] <TobyO> wat to me?
L483[08:29:29] <ghz|afk> no to Ordinastie_
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L485[08:29:48] <TobyO> sarcasm? I am planning to do exactly that
L486[08:29:58] <ghz|afk> TobyO: but yea, how does that relate to obj not liking faces with > 4 vertices?
L487[08:29:59] <Ordinastie_> 4 vertexes per face should only be a limitation for block rendering
L488[08:30:03] <ghz|afk> no
L489[08:30:08] <ghz|afk> it's a bad idea for anything
L490[08:30:33] <ghz|afk> the loader would have to split into quads regardless
L491[08:30:40] <Ordinastie_> no
L492[08:30:40] <ghz|afk> or triangles
L493[08:31:09] <Ordinastie_> I you want to draw polygon, there is no reason to be limited by the loader
L494[08:31:25] <TobyO> can the image just be mapped onto the face? I though you linked points in your image to points in an object
L495[08:31:29] <ghz|afk> the loader generates BakeQuads
L496[08:31:40] <ghz|afk> it doesn't KNOW anything but bakequads
L497[08:32:00] <TobyO> ah, so it's a limitation of how it's written
L498[08:32:10] <ghz|afk> okay here is the thing:
L499[08:32:25] <Ordinastie_> TobyO, it's an abomination that should never have been pulled :)
L500[08:32:47] <ghz|afk> opengl drawing modes: point list, line list, line strip (connected lines), trinagle list, triangle strip, triangle fan (two types of connected triangles), quad list, quad strip (and I don't remember if there's quad fans)
L501[08:33:06] <ghz|afk> there's simply no way to draw a mesh where some arbitrary face has > 4 vertices
L502[08:33:20] <TobyO> break it up into triangles
L503[08:33:23] <ghz|afk> yep
L504[08:33:24] <Ordinastie_> yes there is, it's called polygon :)
L505[08:33:27] <ghz|afk> which requires a complex algotirhm
L506[08:33:38] <ghz|afk> Ordinastie_: you can't have primitives OF DIFFERENT TYPE in one drawing command
L507[08:33:44] <ghz|afk> yo uhave to draw that one face separately
L508[08:33:46] <TobyO> not really, it's how opengl draws everything
L509[08:33:52] <ghz|afk> TobyO: nono
L510[08:34:27] <fry> TobyO: getDefaultUVs is for default uvs, as in the uvs that are generated if there are no uvs in the model
L511[08:34:32] <Ordinastie_> I know, but anyway, I'm glad I don't have to use that loader
L512[08:34:34] <ghz|afk> TobyO: triangulating a polygon is a complex algorithm, because if you do it in the "dumb" way you end up with triangles that are very thin
L513[08:34:42] <ghz|afk> which hurts many shader algorithms
L514[08:34:50] <ghz|afk> Ordinastie_: the loader works just fine
L515[08:34:52] <fry> so, the loader should work fine with textured faces with >3 vertices
L516[08:34:53] ⇨ Joins: MattDahEpic (~MattDahEp@174-16-169-205.hlrn.qwest.net)
L517[08:34:56] <TobyO> fry: it still uses the index of the original verticies so goes out of bounds
L518[08:35:00] <ghz|afk> you just can't do "fancy" things with it
L519[08:35:03] <ghz|afk> that no one does anyhow
L520[08:35:12] <TobyO> fry: that bit of code can never work
L521[08:35:13] <ghz|afk> if you want to draw polygons, use a different loader.
L522[08:35:21] <fry> notice the "else" at the beginning of that line
L523[08:35:48] <ghz|afk> it simply makes no sense to make all the effort of supporting obj faces with > 4 vertices
L524[08:36:00] <fry> it's already done
L525[08:36:06] <MattDahEpic> so if im releasing new versions of mods for 1.9.4, does this update json look good?: https://gist.github.com/MattDahEpic/e2fd90d247d924745102bb5e089434a8
L526[08:36:17] <Lordmau5> !findm func_175667_e
L527[08:36:34] <sokratis12GR> MattDahEpic: yep
L528[08:36:35] <TobyO> fry: that case can never work. it's saying only do this for >4 vertices but then trying to use an index > 3
L529[08:36:36] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L530[08:37:03] <Lordmau5> !findm func_175668_a
L531[08:37:13] <Lordmau5> !findm func_175680_a
L532[08:37:13] <fry> yes, but that case doen't fire for most models
L533[08:37:13] <sokratis12GR> you might want to add 1.9-latest 1.9.4-latest
L534[08:37:15] <TobyO> It should probably just have an assert somewhere or throw a real error rather than attempt something not possible
L535[08:37:32] <fry> yes, it's a bug, but it doesn't mean that "the obj loader doesn't accept faces with more than 4 verticies"
L536[08:37:56] <TobyO> no, that's exactly what it means. it doesnt accept faces with more than 4 vertices
L537[08:38:06] <TobyO> it just doesn't handle the case properly
L538[08:38:09] <ghz|afk> wait so shade did make the effort of suporting it?
L539[08:39:12] <fry> it may still not support them, but that would not be due to that line of code
L540[08:40:29] <MattDahEpic> attempting to setupDecompWorkspace with 1.9.4-1909 gives https://gist.github.com/MattDahEpic/70bb6f6d462c8e2d6e0a8d7603a52f4b any help?
L541[08:40:44] <Lordmau5> ForgeGradle 2.2, MattDahEpic
L542[08:40:46] <ghz|afk> did you change forgegradle to 2.2?
L543[08:40:50] <TobyO> That's what I mean. It doesn't support them. Not due to that line of code. That line of code should never be reached. I mean, why have default v.setTextureCoordinate(TextureCoordinate.getDefaultUVs() if it cant actually be used
L544[08:41:15] <fry> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.9.4/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/client/model/obj/OBJModel.java#L269
L545[08:41:18] ⇨ Joins: zid (~zid___@d51A5F7F0.access.telenet.be)
L546[08:41:43] <TobyO> yep, that wants to be an assert
L547[08:42:15] <TobyO> and get rid of defaultUVs as they can't ever be used
L548[08:42:31] <Lordmau5> alright this is cool - so there are a bunch of places within the World class that reference the "chunkProvider" field and not use the "getChunkProvider" method
L549[08:42:36] <TobyO> (by that bit of code in any case)
L550[08:43:18] <Lordmau5> and obviously, "isChunkLoaded" is protected, so I can't override that in my FakeWorldWrapper >_>
L551[08:44:07] <TobyO> protected is overridable, private is not
L552[08:44:07] <Lordmau5> The procedure to "how to make PRs to forge" is explained on the repo, right?
L553[08:45:30] <zid> am I doing something wrong trying to import the build.gradle from the mdk for a new project? I've done it like this before but now it doesn't seem to work: https://i.imgur.com/I66JhGN.png
L554[08:45:53] <zid> it's stuck on gradle: configure project:
L555[08:46:27] <ghz|afk> Lordmau5: wiki page
L556[08:46:37] <ghz|afk> zid: IDEa or Eclipse?
L557[08:46:52] <zid> oh yes, this is IDEa and using the latest 1.9.4 version
L558[08:46:57] <ghz|afk> IDEA*
L559[08:47:02] <zid> I think it's 1909?
L560[08:47:05] <ghz|afk> yeh
L561[08:47:19] <Lordmau5> uhm
L562[08:47:22] <Lordmau5> https://i.lordmau5.com/1463838445-915 alright then
L563[08:47:22] <ghz|afk> I haven't imported a new project with it
L564[08:47:29] <ghz|afk> but the procedure should still work as usual
L565[08:47:30] <Lordmau5> oh git is missing, wonderful
L566[08:47:41] <zid> I'll try 1908 and see if that works
L567[08:47:45] <ghz|afk> unpack MDK files -> open project from idea -> wait to import
L568[08:47:54] <ghz|afk> -> run setupDecompWorkspace from gradle panel
L569[08:48:03] <ghz|afk> -> run genIntellijRuns from gradle panel
L570[08:48:08] <ghz|afk> -> refresh project from gradle panel
L571[08:48:10] <ghz|afk> ...
L572[08:48:15] <ghz|afk> this that what you did, or something different?
L573[08:48:34] <MattDahEpic> changing forgegradle to 2.2 doesnt work: https://gist.github.com/MattDahEpic/d84498e6abe26f203fd8eca760b83407
L574[08:48:44] <zid> I haven't even gotten there yet. I just opened idea, clicked on import project and selected the build.gradle file
L575[08:48:55] <zid> cpw explained it to do it like this in his video
L576[08:48:57] <ghz|afk> MattDahEpic: mappings
L577[08:49:03] <ghz|afk> 0518 or newer
L578[08:49:07] <sokratis12GR> ^^^
L579[08:49:08] <MattDahEpic> !latest
L580[08:49:17] <ghz|afk> also
L581[08:49:17] <ghz|afk> JEI
L582[08:49:19] <ghz|afk> you are using 1.9
L583[08:49:22] <ghz|afk> not 1.9.4
L584[08:49:28] <ghz|afk> ah no
L585[08:49:29] <ghz|afk> nevermind
L586[08:49:30] <ghz|afk> misread
L587[08:49:35] <Lordmau5> just wanted to say
L588[08:49:36] <Lordmau5> xD
L589[08:49:48] <ghz|afk> Isaw it as
L590[08:49:51] <ghz|afk> 1.9:4 XD
L591[08:50:25] <zid> let me retry using the console first
L592[08:50:42] <Lordmau5> Gradle, get your shit together
L593[08:50:47] <Lordmau5> I have git installed
L594[08:51:48] <ghz|afk> zid: ah, yeah that method is the most straightforward, and it has never failed me so far
L595[08:51:57] <ghz|afk> for 1.8.9 and 1.9 at least
L596[08:52:07] <ghz|afk> hence why I suggest doing it that way
L597[08:52:27] <zid> that's what I did though, worked fine for 1.8.9 :/ I'll poke around some more and see if I can figure something out
L598[08:52:50] <ghz|afk> what versiuon of IDEa, for reference?
L599[08:52:53] <Wuppy> hahah someone made Donald Trump in Unreal https://www.facebook.com/denys.almaral.cg/videos/1025972244150353/
L600[08:52:55] <ghz|afk> I'm still on idea 15
L601[08:53:01] <ghz|afk> (15.0.6)
L602[08:53:06] <zid> latest one 2016.1
L603[08:53:14] <ghz|afk> just .1, not .1.1?
L604[08:53:15] <zid> oh wait
L605[08:53:20] <zid> nevermind
L606[08:53:22] <zid> 15.0.6
L607[08:53:31] <zid> been using webstorm too much
L608[08:53:40] <ghz|afk> :)
L609[08:54:34] <Lordmau5> yo ghz|afk can I just import the build.gradle of the Forge repo into IntelliJ the same way I do it for my own mods?
L610[08:54:57] <ghz|afk> Lordmau5: nah
L611[08:54:59] <ghz|afk> I wish
L612[08:55:07] <ghz|afk> you can import
L613[08:55:12] <ghz|afk> but it won't import correctly
L614[08:55:27] <ghz|afk> and you'll haveto mess with the content sources and shit, so may as well jsut use Eclipse
L615[08:56:13] <Lordmau5> sounds bullshit to me, but okay
L616[08:56:26] <Lordmau5> But the other question that popped to my head
L617[08:56:37] <Lordmau5> is it Gradle's fault that it can't import it correctly or Forge's?
L618[08:57:06] <ghz|afk> it's a side-effect of forge having a complicated structure
L619[08:57:22] <Lordmau5> ah
L620[08:57:24] <ghz|afk> I think idea 2016 made it a bit better
L621[08:57:38] <ghz|afk> but idea 15 can't import gradle projects that have content sources outside the project root
L622[08:57:45] <ghz|afk> while eclipse doesn't mind
L623[08:58:16] <Lordmau5> hmm
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L625[08:59:15] <zid> by the way ghz|afk using the console and a fresh download it's stuck again: https://i.imgur.com/AAI4nxz.png or should it take 10min?
L626[08:59:23] *** ghz|afk is now known as gigaherz
L627[08:59:27] <gigaherz> I suppose i'm not afk right now
L628[08:59:27] <gigaherz> ;P
L629[08:59:44] <gigaherz> nope download should be quick
L630[08:59:53] <gigaherz> the part that takes a few minutes is :decompileMc
L631[09:00:13] <zid> yeah I know, I'll try another version of forge and update the build.gradle afterwards
L632[09:00:28] <gigaherz> doesn't look like it's version-specific
L633[09:00:33] <gigaherz> if it's internet connectivity
L634[09:00:43] <gigaherz> it may even happen if you import a 1.9 mdk
L635[09:01:22] <gigaherz> oh hey
L636[09:01:25] <gigaherz> .1910 is up
L637[09:01:37] <zid> btw it worked using 1908 <.<
L638[09:01:48] <gigaherz> :/
L639[09:02:09] <gigaherz> that makes no sense, though
L640[09:02:10] <gigaherz> Build 1.9.4-
L641[09:02:10] <gigaherz> LexManos: Update example mod for new mappings.
L642[09:02:14] <gigaherz> oops sorry lex!
L643[09:02:47] <gigaherz> the change for 1909 really doesn't change anything that could explain the difference
L644[09:02:58] <gigaherz> the dependency libs that the project relies on, just wouldn't "not work" for 1909
L645[09:03:08] <gigaherz> maybe the connectivity issuie is over?
L646[09:03:20] <zid> that would be a very big coincidence
L647[09:03:49] <zid> aaaanyway, let's try 1910
L648[09:03:56] ⇨ Joins: Vazkii (~Vazkii@a79-169-163-74.cpe.netcabo.pt)
L649[09:04:15] <sokratis12GR> gigaherz: dependencies should be like that right ? dependencies = "required-after:ArmorPlus@[1.13.2-1.9.4,)"
L650[09:04:52] <Lordmau5> ergh, it's missing the minecraftforge stuff somehow?
L651[09:04:54] <gigaherz> in your @Mod, yes
L652[09:05:06] <sokratis12GR> ok
L653[09:05:20] <Lordmau5> net.minecraftforge.common => cannot resolve symbol :<
L654[09:05:21] <MattDahEpic> what happened to EntityPlayerMP.playerNetServerHandler
L655[09:06:52] <gigaherz> aha 1910 doesn't actually change anything for end users -- only forge itself
L656[09:07:00] <MattDahEpic> and ChunkCoordIntPair
L657[09:07:20] <gigaherz> .connection
L658[09:07:39] <Lordmau5> and ChunkPos
L659[09:07:47] <gigaherz> for reference: https://gist.github.com/LexManos/44dd211f90f498ad4015279b103dff86
L660[09:08:12] <sokratis12GR> Will 1911 include the Armors EnumHelper Update ?>
L661[09:08:38] <zid> Vazkii, since you joined, is morphtool licensed under the same licence as botania?
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L663[09:09:33] <Vazkii> zid, CC-3.0
L664[09:09:37] <Vazkii> Some variant of it, it's on curseforge
L665[09:09:45] <zid> allright, thanks
L666[09:11:15] <gigaherz> sokratis12GR: maybe, maybe not.
L667[09:11:25] <gigaherz> sokratis12GR: have patience ;p
L668[09:12:22] <MattDahEpic> everything in I18n is depreciated?
L669[09:12:46] <Lordmau5> alright gigaherz I got it setup in IntelliJ :>
L670[09:13:01] <gigaherz> :)
L671[09:13:05] <Lordmau5> pretty easy tbh - just opened the build.gradle within the \projects dir, lol
L672[09:13:20] <gigaherz> idea 2016?
L673[09:13:21] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@ti0107a400-2313.bb.online.no) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L675[09:13:23] <Lordmau5> ofc
L676[09:13:25] <gigaherz> yeah
L677[09:13:28] <gigaherz> as I said
L678[09:13:30] <gigaherz> THAT doesn't work in idea 15
L679[09:13:31] <gigaherz> ;P
L680[09:13:33] <Lordmau5> ah
L681[09:13:38] <Lordmau5> well then people should update ;)
L682[09:13:46] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~znc@ti0107a400-2313.bb.online.no)
L683[09:13:51] <gigaherz> but idea 2016 has some issues importing mdk projects, IIRC
L684[09:13:53] <gigaherz> so meh
L685[09:13:54] <gigaherz> ;P
L686[09:15:20] ⇦ Quits: Fye (~Fye@dynamic-adsl-84-220-169-44.clienti.tiscali.it) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L687[09:15:24] <sokratis12GR> I do have patience :P
L688[09:15:32] <Lordmau5> how would I add my own mod's sources to this now to test stuff
L689[09:16:07] <gigaherz> put the mod in there somewhere
L690[09:16:13] <zid> don't know if this is the place to report this but since it's such a small error I thought you wouldn't mind, in the examplemod in the init method of the main class it says Blocks.dirt.getUnlocalizedName(), should be DIRT
L691[09:16:15] <gigaherz> and add a new sources root to the project
L692[09:16:20] <gigaherz> from idea's "project structure"
L693[09:16:36] <gigaherz> so that it gets compiled together with forge
L694[09:16:46] <gigaherz> or well
L695[09:16:50] <gigaherz> that MAY work
L696[09:16:52] <gigaherz> never checked
L697[09:16:55] <gigaherz> maybe it doesn't ;P
L698[09:22:38] <sokratis12GR> how I can create custom texture for a creative tab without the grey [Tab Button] look ugly ? xD
L699[09:23:15] <sokratis12GR> Do I need to add texture to the Tab Button as well ?
L700[09:23:33] <Lordmau5> okay so what if I want to make a new method within the World class that is e.g. "getProfiler()" (returning .theProfiler) and adjust all "this.theProfiler" to "this.getProfiler()"? - Do I add said method at the bottom of the file, after the "FORGE START"?
L701[09:23:38] <Cazzar> sokratis12GR: look at how the search creative tab does.
L702[09:24:05] <Lordmau5> as in, after the last method?
L703[09:24:27] <sokratis12GR> http://imgur.com/swwIboD here is my texture
L704[09:24:45] <gigaherz> Lordmau5: look at how other accessors are added?
L705[09:25:12] <Lordmau5> there are other accessors after FORGE START, but they don't change anything in the code as far as I see, that's why I am confused
L706[09:25:33] <gigaherz> oh I see what you mean
L707[09:25:39] <Lordmau5> e.g. getLootTableManager - not being used within the World class other than returning the field
L708[09:26:02] <gigaherz> well the accesses *inside* the world class can just use the field as is?
L709[09:26:20] <gigaherz> or is it used on other classes too?
L710[09:26:29] <Lordmau5> uhm, override classes would benefit from this
L711[09:26:31] <Lordmau5> e.g. my FakeWorldWrapper
L712[09:26:35] <gigaherz> [16:12] (MattDahEpic): everything in I18n is depreciated?
L713[09:26:36] <Lordmau5> considering that someone got a crash with this:
L714[09:26:37] <gigaherz> deprecated*
L715[09:26:39] <Lordmau5> http://hastebin.com/eqeciloheh.coffee
L716[09:26:45] <gigaherz> and yes, use the client-only one if you don't want deprecated warnings
L717[09:26:46] <gigaherz> ;P
L718[09:26:58] <gigaherz> this will crash in the server
L719[09:27:05] <gigaherz> which will be a good indication that you arep robably doing something wrong
L720[09:27:08] <Lordmau5> the methods there refer over to "isChunkLoaded" - and that method is not using the *already available* "getChunkProvider()" method, but refer to the "this.chunkProvider" field
L721[09:27:08] <gigaherz> ;P
L722[09:27:39] <Lordmau5> wait, I might not have to do the getProfiler method
L723[09:27:54] <Lordmau5> the major thing is the chunkProvider, which is not being set in the constructor, but rather at a later point
L724[09:28:18] <Lordmau5> so yea I think this is all that's needed to properly function
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L731[09:34:43] <Lordmau5> errrrrrr https://i.lordmau5.com/1463841256-916 okay then
L732[09:35:40] <Lordmau5> I probably just ditch these, eh?
L733[09:37:13] <fry> when woeking on forge patches - disable idea's import managing thingy
L734[09:37:31] <Lordmau5> oh alright
L735[09:38:05] <Lordmau5> "Optimize imports on the fly"?
L736[09:38:06] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L737[09:38:44] <sokratis12GR> How I can change the texture of the button ? http://imgur.com/0urRRPu
L738[09:44:46] <AKTheKnight> gaah. Virgin Media decided to block imgur (WHY?) so I can't look at imgur links without a proxy
L739[09:44:57] <gigaherz> lol
L740[09:45:12] <AKTheKnight> They did it last year too. And nobody knows why
L741[09:45:33] <AKTheKnight> https://twitter.com/imgur/status/733843422868426752
L742[09:48:41] <zid> how difficult would you rate this mod idea: override the look of a piece of armor (for example Blood Magic's bound armor) to another piece of armor (for example vanilla diamond armor), is this possible at all? If so, is this a good project to get started on modding?
L743[09:49:08] <gigaherz> not really, rather messy in fact
L744[09:49:13] <gigaherz> not easy*
L745[09:49:34] <gigaherz> since the armor model/texture are overrides on the armor class
L746[09:50:59] <zid> okay, I see, I'll think of something else in the meantime :)
L747[09:51:09] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L748[09:52:38] <sokratis12GR> lol Items in 1.9.4 haven't changed much from 1.7.10
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L753[10:07:21] <Lordmau5> ha.öä
L754[10:07:23] <Lordmau5> wow
L755[10:07:28] <Lordmau5> halp fry * - https://i.lordmau5.com/1463843247-917
L756[10:07:45] <Lordmau5> I only changed one line there (as indicated by the + - and + +) but why are the other things changed as well ;_;
L757[10:07:55] <fry> context
L758[10:08:10] <fry> this is fine
L759[10:08:16] <Lordmau5> oh, alright
L760[10:08:42] <Lordmau5> it just looks like it changed so many lines here and it's making me wonder if I forgot to turn another option off https://i.lordmau5.com/1463843314-918
L761[10:08:45] <Lordmau5> so yea :<
L762[10:09:06] ⇦ Quits: MattDahEpic (~MattDahEp@174-16-169-205.hlrn.qwest.net) (Quit: sleep, school, or food)
L763[10:10:08] <fry> is that replacing neccesary?
L764[10:10:29] <Lordmau5> the main replacing that is necessary would be the "this.chunkProvider" to "this.getChunkProvider()"
L765[10:10:45] <Lordmau5> because that is not being set when I call the World constructor for my FakeWorldWrapper
L766[10:11:11] <Lordmau5> and "isChunkLoaded", for example, doesn't call the method but the field
L767[10:11:36] <Lordmau5> and whilst I was at it, I just moved the "this.worldInfo" over to "this.getWorldInfo()" as well (that's the huge blob there)
L768[10:12:15] ⇨ Joins: phoenix616 (~phoenix61@2001:41d0:8:bde1::1)
L769[10:12:50] <Lordmau5> in the end, only this.chunkProvider => this.getChunkProvider() would be necessary - the other ones are being set through the constructor
L770[10:12:51] <phoenix616> hi
L771[10:13:04] <Lordmau5> should I change only the this.chunkProvider stuff then to keep it lightweight, fry?
L772[10:13:13] <fry> lesser patch is better
L773[10:13:20] <fry> why do you need to change chunkProvider?
L774[10:13:20] <Lordmau5> alright, I'm on it :p
L775[10:13:31] <Lordmau5> sec
L776[10:13:45] <Lordmau5> http://hastebin.com/eqeciloheh.coffee check this at line 25 / 26
L777[10:13:58] <Lordmau5> via. !findm that method resolves to "World.isChunkLoaded"
L778[10:14:03] <Lordmau5> which is not using "this.getChunkProvider()" properly
L779[10:14:12] <Lordmau5> I can't override the "isChunkLoaded" method because it's protected
L780[10:14:56] <phoenix616> does anybody know what crucial step I might be missing when rendering my own stuff that would cause this behaviour: https://youtu.be/CG1y_aBPnvw ? (left one is my mod, right is another one, same code as far as I can tell)
L781[10:15:42] <Lordmau5> then again, give me a second...
L782[10:15:48] <fry> what MC version are you on?
L783[10:15:51] <Lordmau5> I might not have to do a patch after all
L784[10:19:18] <Lordmau5> okay, this *would* work, but it *might* cause issues afterwards
L785[10:19:28] ⇦ Quits: baegmon (~baegmon@cpe-60-225-55-120.nsw.bigpond.net.au) ()
L786[10:19:32] <Lordmau5> so in my FakeWorldWrapper constructor I'm setting "this.chunkProvider = wrappedWorld.getChunkProvider()"
L787[10:19:36] <Lordmau5> but that is only being set **once**
L788[10:19:47] <Lordmau5> what if the chunkProvider of the wrappedWorld is changing at a later point?
L789[10:19:56] <Lordmau5> I still have the reference to the old chunkProvider, no?
L790[10:20:44] <fry> what MC version are you on?
L791[10:20:48] <Lordmau5> 1.8.9
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L793[10:21:00] <Lordmau5> Thought that was towards phoenix, sorry
L794[10:21:09] <fry> 1.9.4: WorldServer.isChunkLoaded: return this.getChunkProvider().chunkExists(x, z);
L795[10:21:20] <Lordmau5> yea, alright, then it's a 1.8.9 only bug
L796[10:24:14] <Lordmau5> thanks for looking that up in that case, fry :P
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L801[10:28:49] <TechnicianLP> can rotation be applied in the forge blockstate json on the base model just as with the submodels in variants?
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L806[10:51:33] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L807[10:52:40] <williewillus> $ close 2882
L808[10:52:42] <Actuarius> Issue 2882 closed.
L809[10:56:29] <williewillus> TechnicianLP: I assume so, since "defaults" is just another variant
L810[10:56:37] <williewillus> that's merged into every other one
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L814[11:13:41] <theFlaxbeard> For some reason the clientside version of my TE isn't loading a stored value from NBT on world load
L815[11:13:46] <theFlaxbeard> do I have to manually send a packet?
L816[11:14:28] <theFlaxbeard> Wait never mind, might have something to do with the new return type on writeToNBT
L817[11:15:16] <williewillus> they are synced differently now
L818[11:15:17] <williewillus> https://gist.github.com/williewillus/7945c4959b1142ece9828706b527c5a4
L819[11:15:28] <williewillus> basically need to implement getUpdateTag
L820[11:16:23] ⇦ Quits: KnightMiner (~KnightMin@adsl-68-255-5-212.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L821[11:16:36] <masa> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uh0xaLHSN0o omfg the things people come up with in vanilla O_o :DD
L822[11:17:25] <theFlaxbeard> So writeToNBT(super.getUpdateTag()) should cover everything right
L823[11:18:49] <williewillus> i just do writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound()) directly because super's writeToNBT takes care of coords+id
L824[11:22:52] <williewillus> lol piston translocation bug is op
L825[11:25:32] ⇦ Quits: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@p5B23C30C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Die Sprache der Politik ist daf�r gemacht, dass L�gen wahr klingen und das T�ten angemessen wirkt. (George Orwell))
L826[11:26:03] <sokratis12GR> do enchantments ids have the same problem <changing> like the items ids and such ?
L827[11:27:27] *** blood|sleep is now known as blood_
L828[11:27:48] <williewillus> they work in pretty much the same way
L829[11:27:58] <williewillus> what problems do you mean?
L830[11:28:52] <williewillus> mmmh I just need tico and BM to update then I can move my world to 1.9.4 :P
L831[11:28:59] <williewillus> wait bm updated nvm
L832[11:29:03] ⇦ Quits: DebugsPeople (~DebugsPeo@2a02:810d:95c0:880:dd79:daa6:49a1:e6fb) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L833[11:29:34] <sokratis12GR> i mean like changing if other mods with enchantments are installed
L834[11:30:03] <masa> oh btw do you is there anything special about the teleposition focus item or whatever it was called, like does it have partial NBT syncing ot something?
L835[11:30:07] <masa> *now
L836[11:30:12] <masa> *know
L837[11:30:59] <masa> I noticed in someone's stream yesterday that shift + clicking those items into my bag causes client side ghost items
L838[11:32:06] <williewillus> sokratis12GR: it uses the same ID-assigning system items use
L839[11:32:08] <williewillus> as o f1.9
L840[11:32:26] <williewillus> masa: you use IItemHandler for your bag?
L841[11:32:29] <sokratis12GR> well then they also have that issue xD
L842[11:33:09] <williewillus> sokratis12GR: what issue?
L843[11:33:16] <williewillus> you haven't said what this mystical issue is yet
L844[11:33:24] <williewillus> masa: this might be what you're seeing https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/2804
L845[11:34:12] <sokratis12GR> if an other mod with enchantments is installed in the crafting event if I use ids for enchantments they get the wrong enchantment (the one that they are suppose to get can't be obtained)
L846[11:34:41] <masa> nope, I am handling it myself in my inventories, and nothing else I've tested/seen seems to do it
L847[11:34:54] <williewillus> sokratis12GR: of course
L848[11:35:00] <williewillus> do it properly like you do with items
L849[11:35:03] <williewillus> i.e. use the registry name
L850[11:35:04] *** Mine|dreamland is now known as minecreatr
L851[11:35:08] <masa> oh yeah I should update that PR to the master branch too I guess...
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L853[11:35:10] <williewillus> do not use int ids
L854[11:35:20] <sokratis12GR> yep xD I was just wondering if it was for enchantments the same way
L855[11:35:32] <williewillus> as long as you use string names you should be fine
L856[11:35:35] <williewillus> so it's not an issue :P
L857[11:36:09] <williewillus> mmm I might go on a labeling spree for pr's
L858[11:36:25] <masa> there is no way to "move" PRs to different branches in github is there?
L859[11:36:26] <williewillus> since older ones are labeled I assume they all should be
L860[11:36:55] <TobyO> Does anyone know how to prevent an obj model rendering black for a TESR?
L861[11:37:11] <williewillus> show code
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L864[11:38:38] <TobyO> http://pastebin.com/vz8rs9bH
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L866[11:38:56] <TobyO> trying to follow this tutorial: http://modwiki.temporal-reality.com/mw/index.php/Render_Block_TESR_/_OBJ-1.9
L867[11:40:54] <masa> how would I build or otherwise test Forge changes with mods?
L868[11:41:01] <masa> *build forge and use it
L869[11:41:56] <PaleoCrafter> just run it as you would normally and put the mod in the mods folder, masa :P
L870[11:42:04] <PaleoCrafter> or heck, even create a mod in the test source set and use that
L871[11:42:09] <masa> that didn't seem to work
L872[11:42:22] <masa> oh well actually hmm
L873[11:42:42] <masa> it would need to be a deobf version? or would forgegradle handle it?
L874[11:43:17] <PaleoCrafter> FML itself does runtime deobf since 1.8.9, doesn't it?
L875[11:43:32] <PaleoCrafter> so wouldn't have to be a deobf version
L876[11:43:35] <masa> no idea how all that works
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L878[11:44:39] <williewillus> you can just throw obf mods into mods/ and it works
L879[11:45:06] <masa> so mappings won't matter either then?
L880[11:45:30] <williewillus> yeah
L881[11:45:53] <williewillus> as in they won't matter
L882[11:46:03] <williewillus> there's so many feature PR's .-.
L883[11:46:07] <simon816> williewillus, stahp with giving me github emails :p
L884[11:46:21] <williewillus> I'm doing my job :P
L885[11:47:17] <williewillus> i'll finish the second page of PR's and do the 3rd/4th later :P
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L887[11:48:31] <masa> yeah it won't start, I get a NoClassDefFoundError for one of my items
L888[11:48:37] <williewillus> or make fry turn off the Actuarius comments for label adding :P
L889[11:48:43] <fry> nope
L890[11:49:06] <williewillus> :P
L891[11:49:38] <williewillus> i personally don't care, i don't have emails on
L892[11:49:41] <PaleoCrafter> where is that xy command btw, fry? :P
L893[11:49:46] <fry> nope
L894[11:49:50] <williewillus> lol
L895[11:49:51] <fry> :P
L896[11:50:45] <PaleoCrafter> then just make it open source already, darn it
L897[11:50:46] <Matthew> yeah the Actuarius comments are getting annoying -.- pollutes mah gihub feed
L898[11:51:07] <Necr0> are there wildcards for blockstate json variants?
L899[11:51:45] <fry> you're not helping my motivation of opening my source, PaleoCrafter :P
L900[11:52:03] <PaleoCrafter> tsk
L901[11:52:35] <PaleoCrafter> shouldn't me actually willing to PR something be motivation enough? :P
L902[11:53:07] <fry> nope
L903[11:53:37] <iTitus> How does the bot actually work=
L904[11:53:43] <williewillus> you give it commands
L905[11:53:45] <williewillus> it does stuff
L906[11:53:47] <williewillus> profit
L907[11:53:53] <iTitus> Commands via IRC?
L908[11:53:57] <williewillus> yes
L909[11:54:03] <fry> $account iTitus
L910[11:54:03] <Actuarius> <iTitus> has account Some(iTitus)
L911[11:54:06] <fry> like dis
L912[11:54:16] <iTitus> interesting ;)
L913[11:58:47] <williewillus> okay done spamming everyone for now, next is the next two pages of PR's lol
L914[11:59:07] <iTitus> poor williewillus ;)
L915[11:59:23] <williewillus> poor people that actually leave github emails on :D
L916[11:59:51] <iTitus> well I am getting spammed too, but idc
L917[12:00:03] <williewillus> web notifications are easy because "dismiss all" :P
L918[12:00:38] <williewillus> but really if we actually took some effort to organize things, we would get things taken much faster :P
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L920[12:00:51] <iTitus> that's true ;)
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L922[12:03:44] <williewillus> $ labels add 2884 Bug
L923[12:03:46] <Actuarius> Added labels [Bug] for issue 2884; new labels: [Bug].
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L936[12:29:38] <Wuppy> ugh C++ can be so frustrating at times :V
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L941[12:54:40] <theFlaxbeard> What's the 1.9.4 replacement for I18n?
L942[12:54:52] <iTitus> the other I18n ;)
L943[12:54:55] <PaleoCrafter> ^
L944[12:54:58] ⇨ Joins: wizjany (~wizjany@2604:180::c1e2:128b)
L945[12:55:02] <iTitus> Or TextComponentTranslation
L946[12:55:14] ⇨ Joins: Jomik (~Jomik@x1-6-10-0d-7f-b1-0b-c2.cpe.webspeed.dk)
L947[12:55:17] <iTitus> depends on your use case
L948[12:55:27] <theFlaxbeard> Which should I use for what cases
L949[12:55:59] ⇦ Quits: Korobi (korobi@is.a.ninja.korobi.io) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L950[12:56:37] <williewillus> client I18n for any client translating
L951[12:56:50] <williewillus> if serverside send TextComponentTranslation to client
L952[12:56:54] <iTitus> ^
L953[12:57:19] ⇨ Joins: Korobi (korobi@is.a.ninja.korobi.io)
L954[12:58:02] <Jomik> Is a correct (basic) way of loading models for an item, to first call ModelBakery.registerItemVariants(item, modelResourceLocation); and then ModelLoader.setCustomMeshDefinition(item, itemMeshDefinition); ? And also, why ModelBakery and then ModelLoader instead of ModelLoader twice?
L955[12:58:18] <Jomik> This is something I've more or less looked up on the interwebz, as we're still lacking 1.9 tutorials.
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L957[12:59:32] <PaleoCrafter> all you need is ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation
L958[13:00:16] <diesieben07> registerItemVariants is just if you need it to load models that you haven't used in setCustomModelResourceLocation
L959[13:00:21] <diesieben07> e.g. for a ItemMeshDefinition
L960[13:00:39] <williewillus> no
L961[13:00:55] <williewillus> just setCustomMRL will do (see primer for details :P)
L962[13:01:08] <diesieben07> but what if you don't need sCustomMRL?
L963[13:01:21] <diesieben07> if you use just setCustomMeshDefinition you need to tell it about the models.
L964[13:01:24] <PaleoCrafter> mebbe the no was just to Jomik, not you :D
L965[13:02:21] <williewillus> yeah :P I read back old messages when I come back from old to new and reply like that :P
L966[13:02:33] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L967[13:02:37] <Jomik> :D
L968[13:03:09] <PaleoCrafter> williewillus, no fix for left clicks in creative yet? (PR #2880)
L969[13:03:25] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L970[13:04:13] <williewillus> was it just left clicks or were there more?
L971[13:04:16] <Jomik> Oh, so setCustomMRL actually registers with ModelBakery too?
L972[13:04:21] <williewillus> and yeah i forgot I'll get to it today if I can
L973[13:04:29] <williewillus> Jomik: yes registerItemVariants is called inside setCustomMRL
L974[13:04:41] <PaleoCrafter> I've only noticed it with left clicks
L975[13:04:48] <PaleoCrafter> but then again, I'm only using left and right click block :D
L976[13:04:53] <Jomik> So, when is what I described used? O.o
L977[13:05:20] <diesieben07> you mean registerItemVariants?
L978[13:05:47] <masa> if you need to change the model based on NBT for example
L979[13:06:02] <williewillus> well let's actually define what it does
L980[13:06:16] <williewillus> registerItemVariants says "I will need the model at this path in the future. Please load and bake it."
L981[13:06:18] <diesieben07> registerItemVariants just says "please make sure this is loaded"
L982[13:06:23] <williewillus> heh
L983[13:06:42] <Jomik> Haha
L984[13:06:46] <williewillus> so if you have something that changes model based on nbt
L985[13:06:51] <williewillus> (custom mesher)
L986[13:07:03] <williewillus> then you have to call registerItemVariants to declare what paths youll use up front
L987[13:07:08] <williewillus> so they get loaded
L988[13:07:11] <Jomik> Oooooh
L989[13:07:15] <Jomik> Cool, thanks.
L990[13:07:15] <williewillus> though now nbt should really be done using 1.9 overrides
L991[13:07:18] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L992[13:07:49] <masa> except that system sucks monkey balls for more complex things
L993[13:07:56] <Jomik> overrides? Like this ? http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Model#Example:_Fishing_Rod
L994[13:08:11] <masa> yes
L995[13:08:23] <williewillus> yes but for the most basic NBT
L996[13:08:30] <williewillus> that is a much simpler system
L997[13:08:55] <masa> https://github.com/maruohon/enderutilities/tree/master/src/main/resources/assets/enderutilities/models/item
L998[13:09:11] <masa> take a look at my Ender Bow models for example... that becomes nasty with overrides :p
L999[13:09:17] <sokratis12GR> So guys how I can "re-texture" add texture to the tab button ? http://imgur.com/0urRRPu
L1000[13:09:19] ⇨ Joins: Davnit_ (~Davnit@71-47-97-111.res.bhn.net)
L1001[13:10:03] <williewillus> the tab button is not a texture
L1002[13:10:06] <williewillus> it's just an itemstack
L1003[13:10:08] <williewillus> :P
L1004[13:10:37] <Jomik> I don't know where I can link the forge javadocs or source code, but look up CreativeTabs#setBackgroundImageName
L1005[13:10:49] <iTitus> I think he means the background of the tab button
L1006[13:10:53] <Jomik> williewillus, I think he means the background of the "tab" it self.
L1007[13:10:57] <williewillus> oh
L1008[13:11:18] <iTitus> I don't think one can change that especially for one tab
L1009[13:11:25] <iTitus> It can be changed with resource packs though
L1010[13:11:32] <sokratis12GR> so if I create an Item that has the form of the button and place it there with texture and such will work right ?
L1011[13:11:35] ⇦ Quits: Davnit (~Davnit@71-47-97-111.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1012[13:11:48] <iTitus> the item will not be big enough
L1013[13:12:16] <sokratis12GR> How you know :D
L1014[13:12:39] <iTitus> I believe in numbers ;)
L1015[13:12:44] <iTitus> my god told me :P
L1016[13:13:06] <sokratis12GR> Well, It don't kills to try :P
L1017[13:13:13] <iTitus> yeah
L1018[13:13:31] <iTitus> but a specific hook would be nice
L1019[13:14:13] <Jomik> What is "setBackgroundImageName" used for then?
L1020[13:14:23] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@ti0107a400-2313.bb.online.no) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1021[13:14:32] <iTitus> the background behind the shown items
L1022[13:14:35] <sokratis12GR> the background of the inventory it self
L1023[13:14:47] <iTitus> the part that is yellow in the pic ;)
L1024[13:14:49] <sokratis12GR> well I showed in my image xD
L1025[13:14:53] <sokratis12GR> GG
L1026[13:14:54] <Jomik> Oh, yeah. I thought that's what you meant.
L1027[13:15:04] <Jomik> You meant the background of the little tab button, ahhh.
L1028[13:15:10] <sokratis12GR> yep
L1029[13:15:22] <sokratis12GR> I found the texture size of the button time to test it :D
L1030[13:15:49] <PaleoCrafter> sokratis12GR, please at least add the emboss effect to that texture
L1031[13:15:56] <PaleoCrafter> it looks terrible
L1032[13:16:29] <sokratis12GR> yeah i know :P the texture is WIP heh
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L1034[13:20:15] <masa> hehe, someone just called optifine "op define"
L1035[13:20:38] <masa> that's... one way to describe i?
L1036[13:20:41] <masa> *it
L1037[13:22:16] <williewillus> oh yes you can set the background of the tab itself
L1038[13:22:22] <williewillus> it's a bit cheaty but possible
L1039[13:22:42] <iTitus> how?
L1040[13:23:02] <Ordinastie_> I just finished Firewatch,that was nice
L1041[13:23:07] <williewillus> you have to put a texture into minecraft's domain
L1042[13:23:16] <williewillus> assets/minecraft/textures/gui/container/creative_inventory/tab_botania.png
L1043[13:23:31] <williewillus> and then called setBackground with "botania.png"
L1044[13:23:39] <PaleoCrafter> yeah, that's what sokratis already did :P
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L1046[13:23:47] <williewillus> so whats the problem :P
L1047[13:23:50] <PaleoCrafter> they want to change the actual tab :P
L1048[13:23:51] <williewillus> or did I miss it xD
L1049[13:23:53] <PaleoCrafter> like, the ledger
L1050[13:23:55] <williewillus> oh
L1051[13:23:58] <williewillus> well
L1052[13:24:09] <williewillus> i guess you could catch some sort of gui event and render it yourself :P
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L1054[13:24:22] <PaleoCrafter> probably
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L1056[13:25:13] <sokratis12GR> What is a structure of a JSON file for an item in 1.9 ?
L1057[13:25:29] <sokratis12GR> 1.9.4*
L1058[13:29:11] <iTitus> item model file?
L1059[13:29:15] <sokratis12GR> yep
L1060[13:29:31] <iTitus> you can look that up in the minecraft wiki actually
L1061[13:29:43] <Jomik> http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Model#Example:_Torch_2
L1062[13:30:25] *** Kolatra|away is now known as Kolatra
L1063[13:30:55] <sokratis12GR> right now i'm using this: https://paste.ee/p/oobrl With some modification in the JSON file to make the Item Larger paste it in the back of a creative tab and Vualla!
L1064[13:31:26] <Jomik> What does it look like then? >.o
L1065[13:31:49] <sokratis12GR> in 1.9 the scale and such are areleady done
L1066[13:31:56] <williewillus> it's "voila" btw ;p
L1067[13:31:57] <sokratis12GR> you don't need to correct them
L1068[13:32:06] <sokratis12GR> anyway :P
L1069[13:32:17] <sokratis12GR> Voila! :D
L1070[13:32:19] <Necr0> i wanna change the weather events so they will be called for updateWeatherBody() in World and i want to make the patch as small as possible. any ideas? https://gist.github.com/Necr0/60a141a1db283c09a754dda129647725
L1071[13:32:54] <williewillus> second one imo
L1072[13:32:55] <williewillus> the extra lines is worth the clarity and control
L1073[13:33:05] <sokratis12GR> PaleoCrafter: is it now better :P http://imgur.com/mJAiD6A
L1074[13:33:05] <williewillus> maybe make it changeable?
L1075[13:36:45] <sokratis12GR> hmm Will it work if I for example create a custom resource pack with the creative tab texture then make the mod to automatic copy-paste the files from it to the resource pack location ?
L1076[13:37:22] <sokratis12GR> nvm, this will change the color of all the creative tabs ...
L1077[13:37:44] <Necr0> well in theory the event listener could just cancel the event and set the value by calling WorldInfo.setThunderTime(int) itself. so making it changable wouldn't really open new possibilities
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L1081[13:50:21] <capitalthree> Necr0: when you post on a forum is it automatically necroposting?
L1082[13:51:36] <Necr0> capitalthree: I sure hope don't hope so.
L1083[13:52:12] <capitalthree> :P
L1084[13:52:40] <Jomik> +1 capitalthree
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L1086[13:52:45] <Necr0> I suck at writing. >.< I tend towards doubling words.
L1087[13:53:07] <Jomik> :p
L1088[13:53:41] <Jomik> Can you use blockstates on items? O.o
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L1092[13:55:31] <sokratis12GR> So close, but so far
L1093[13:55:31] <sokratis12GR> http://imgur.com/VovppTP
L1094[13:56:01] <Jomik> Haha :p
L1095[13:56:42] <sokratis12GR> did minecraft hardcoded the items so they can't be bigger than the slots ?
L1096[13:57:36] <AKTheKnight> OOh sokratis12GR That looks cool
L1097[13:58:50] <sokratis12GR> ty, http://imgur.com/EdtY7gN gg time to resize it more :P
L1098[13:58:53] <Jomik> Why do you want to change it tho? :p
L1099[13:59:03] <sokratis12GR> to look cool :D
L1100[14:02:05] <TehNut> Jomik: You can't use blockstates, but you can map inventory models to variants in the blockstate.
L1101[14:02:33] <Jomik> Ohh
L1102[14:02:37] ⇦ Quits: theFlaxbeard (~theFlaxbe@65-128-183-164.mpls.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1103[14:02:41] <TehNut> https://github.com/TehNut/Soul-Shards-The-Old-Ways/blob/1.9-NoLib/src/main/java/com/whammich/sstow/registry/ModRenders.java#L43
L1104[14:03:16] <TehNut> https://github.com/TehNut/Soul-Shards-The-Old-Ways/blob/1.9-NoLib/src/main/resources/assets/soulshardstow/blockstates/item/ItemMaterials.json#L9
L1105[14:03:18] <Jomik> Oh, sweet.
L1106[14:03:56] <sokratis12GR> O.o Hmm JSON scale doesn't change the scale gg
L1107[14:05:03] <Jomik> How do I set a default texture in a blockstate? I simply need 1 variant, and would like to avoid creating a block and item json?
L1108[14:05:16] ⇨ Joins: theFlaxbeard (~theFlaxbe@65-128-185-214.mpls.qwest.net)
L1109[14:05:21] <Jomik> https://gist.github.com/Jomik/95db3862613da291af90a60861d31774
L1110[14:05:23] <Jomik> This is what I tried...
L1111[14:05:39] <TehNut> add an inventory{} block
L1112[14:05:50] <TehNut> and register with the method linked in first link above
L1113[14:05:58] <TehNut> use "inventory" instead of "type=blah"
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L1115[14:06:02] <Jomik> Ooooooh
L1116[14:06:30] <Jomik> inventory { textures ?
L1117[14:06:44] <TehNut> Yeah
L1118[14:07:21] <Jomik> Oh, for a block?
L1119[14:07:30] <TehNut> Same thing
L1120[14:07:34] <TehNut> Item.getItemFromBlock()
L1121[14:08:11] <williewillus> Necr0: it's easier to judge when it's actual code so I just say write what you think is better and everyone else will pick at it :P
L1122[14:08:55] <Jomik> TehNut, Oh. I got my block registered fine and all, both as an item and as a block. But, I need to apply the textures to it. I know I can do it with a blockstate.json, a block.json and an item.json. But I'd prefer doing this in one file?
L1123[14:08:57] <sokratis12GR> guys there is Forge Json right ?
L1124[14:09:16] <Jomik> sokratis12GR, http://mcforge-cn.readthedocs.io/en/latest/blockstates/forgeBlockstates/
L1125[14:09:21] <TehNut> Yeah... use the inventory{} block like I told you :I
L1126[14:09:39] <sokratis12GR> Noty blockstates xD
L1127[14:09:46] <sokratis12GR> Items in general
L1128[14:10:04] <Jomik> Oh, don't think so sokratis12GR
L1129[14:10:16] <TehNut> sokratis12GR: Hm?
L1130[14:10:43] <sokratis12GR> I mean Items, Nothing to do with blocks
L1131[14:10:53] <sokratis12GR> blockstates are mainly for blocks
L1132[14:10:54] <Jomik> TehNut, Doesn't work :( https://gist.github.com/Jomik/a3552829f6f20aaa8ae3b957f30312f7
L1133[14:11:07] <williewillus> coughprimer
L1134[14:11:08] <williewillus> :D
L1135[14:11:11] <TehNut> See my links above. That is an item without a block.
L1136[14:11:12] <williewillus> i really need to rtd-ify it
L1137[14:11:20] <williewillus> it's very wall-y right now
L1138[14:11:29] <Jomik> TehNut, I need a block. Not an item :D
L1139[14:11:35] <TehNut> That was at Sokratis
L1140[14:11:38] <Jomik> OH
L1141[14:11:39] <Jomik> D:
L1142[14:11:48] <TehNut> But if you scroll down a couple lines in my link, you'll see a block :P
L1143[14:12:40] <sokratis12GR> I have this: https://paste.ee/p/2RjDn the only thing that don't change is the scale
L1144[14:12:44] <Jomik> Yeah, but you don't have one without variants?
L1145[14:13:46] <TehNut> Jomik: Can you show all your code?
L1146[14:14:03] <TehNut> And you should be able to replace the variant string with "inventory"
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L1148[14:15:47] <Jomik> TehNut, Let me push it to github then :p
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L1150[14:17:11] <sokratis12GR> TehNut: Do you know why the JSON file don't do the scale thing properly ?
L1151[14:18:11] <DebugsPeople> What json file
L1152[14:18:18] <sokratis12GR> https://paste.ee/p/2RjDn
L1153[14:18:23] <TehNut> Nope
L1154[14:18:35] <sokratis12GR> it renders like a normal item
L1155[14:18:39] <TehNut> Do you know of any mods that edit that bit of the creative tab?
L1156[14:18:39] <AKTheKnight> Anyone here modding with idea on linux?
L1157[14:18:59] <TehNut> Not currently, but I have a little in the past
L1158[14:19:13] <sokratis12GR> Well I have seen some but forgot their names :P
L1159[14:19:18] <DebugsPeople> What version are you on?
L1160[14:19:22] <AKTheKnight> Did you run into an issue where in debug mode the mouse wasn't being released from minecraft?
L1161[14:19:33] <TehNut> Oh, I remember Matthew talking about that
L1162[14:19:41] <TehNut> There's an arg you have to add for that...
L1163[14:19:43] <DebugsPeople> sokratis12GR what mc version
L1164[14:19:46] <sokratis12GR> 1.9
L1165[14:19:58] <DebugsPeople> You have to add _righthand
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L1167[14:20:11] <DebugsPeople> And another one for _lefthand
L1168[14:20:19] <sokratis12GR> an example ?
L1169[14:20:20] <DebugsPeople> Look at item/handheld
L1170[14:20:27] <DebugsPeople> In the stock minecraft
L1171[14:20:29] <sokratis12GR> it is item/generated
L1172[14:20:35] <TehNut> item/generated has those
L1173[14:20:54] <TehNut> He's not making a handheld item. It's an item that's supposed to display completely over the tab part of the Creative Tab window
L1174[14:20:55] <DebugsPeople> Item/handheld also has them, it's for swords and such though
L1175[14:21:01] <AKTheKnight> TehNut: Any chance you might be able to find out which arg? I've been struggling to find a solution. Might just go back to W10 if needed
L1176[14:21:10] <DebugsPeople> Lol wat
L1177[14:21:23] <DebugsPeople> Completely over the tab part :O
L1178[14:21:24] <TehNut> Well I just pinged him, so whenever he gets around, he'll probably let you know
L1179[14:21:29] <sokratis12GR> http://imgur.com/VovppTP <look at the tab>
L1180[14:21:31] <AKTheKnight> Awesome thanks :)
L1181[14:22:06] <DebugsPeople> Oh lol
L1182[14:22:25] <DebugsPeople> Isn't there a better way to do it?
L1183[14:22:32] <sokratis12GR> nope xD
L1184[14:22:51] <DebugsPeople> Lol
L1185[14:23:00] <DebugsPeople> And won't it mess up nei?
L1186[14:23:01] <TehNut> If you could figure out a mod that did it, I could tell you how they did it >.>
L1187[14:23:11] <TehNut> JEI has a blacklist to hide it
L1188[14:23:29] <sokratis12GR> yeah 1 sec launching FTB Infinity Evolved
L1189[14:23:45] <sokratis12GR> it will take like 30 sec- 1 min
L1190[14:26:34] <DebugsPeople> !gc CreativeTab
L1191[14:26:46] <DebugsPeople> !gc CreativeTabs
L1192[14:26:50] <Jomik> TehNut, https://github.com/Jomik/ScratchPad/blob/master/src/main/java/jomik/scratchpad/init/SCBlocks.java
L1193[14:26:50] <Jomik> https://github.com/Jomik/ScratchPad/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/scratchpad/blockstates/test_block.json
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L1195[14:28:15] <sokratis12GR> well none in FTB Infinity Evolved has it
L1196[14:28:28] <DebugsPeople> Why do you need it though
L1197[14:28:52] <sokratis12GR> for look :D
L1198[14:28:57] <DebugsPeople> I mean it's probably possible to render it via gl
L1199[14:29:17] <sokratis12GR> how ?
L1200[14:29:18] <DebugsPeople> Check if the creative tab is open and draw over it
L1201[14:29:25] <sokratis12GR> nope it doesn't
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L1203[14:29:33] <DebugsPeople> ?
L1204[14:29:46] <sokratis12GR> you can't unless you use resource packs
L1205[14:29:52] <DebugsPeople> No other mod needs it for looks :P
L1206[14:29:55] <DebugsPeople> Lol wat?
L1207[14:30:10] <sokratis12GR> you can't change the Tab unless you have resource pack xD
L1208[14:30:19] <sokratis12GR> I will try to find a way around
L1209[14:30:26] <DebugsPeople> Do it manually
L1210[14:30:34] <DebugsPeople> Render over it
L1211[14:30:57] <sokratis12GR> Like overlay ?
L1212[14:31:13] <DebugsPeople> Yea?
L1213[14:31:18] <DebugsPeople> On render tick
L1214[14:31:24] <DebugsPeople> glstatemanager
L1215[14:31:46] <sokratis12GR> ok but how to give the Tab Texture ?
L1216[14:31:52] <sokratis12GR> I mean the path ?
L1217[14:32:22] <DebugsPeople> Glstatemanager.bindtexture
L1218[14:32:22] <DebugsPeople> Or smth
L1219[14:32:32] <DebugsPeople> And then a resourcelocatiom
L1220[14:32:44] <DebugsPeople> Not sure will check when I'm home
L1221[14:33:29] <sokratis12GR> But how to make the overlay only in the page ArmorPlus is ? because if alot of mods are installed the page of where ArmorPlus is different
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L1224[14:34:38] <DebugsPeople> Well, you don't have to draw over the icon?
L1225[14:34:44] <DebugsPeople> Idk, I'll check
L1226[14:34:58] <DebugsPeople> You can probably also get the tab position
L1227[14:35:01] <Jomik> You can get the index of your CreativeTab I know
L1228[14:35:08] <Jomik> So you can get or calculate the position of it.
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L1231[14:36:23] <sokratis12GR> Well, nvm I think the background will be enough of style :P
L1232[14:37:27] <sokratis12GR> Time to animate the Lava Armor Textures
L1233[14:37:30] <sokratis12GR> cya
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L1235[14:44:43] <sokratis12GR> lol can't you animate the armor's model texture ?
L1236[14:44:59] <TehNut> Not without a custom renderer
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L1241[14:55:37] <raoulvdberge> Small question, shouldn't Forge have a IItemHandler hook in TileEntityHopper.insertStack?
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L1243[15:05:15] <gigaherz> raoulvdberge: it's on an upper level
L1244[15:05:53] <raoulvdberge> oh, it's in captureDroppedItems
L1245[15:06:04] <gigaherz> that's the one :D
L1246[15:06:15] <raoulvdberge> what about modders that use putStackInInventoryAllSlots immediatly?
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L1250[15:07:02] <diesieben07> raoulvdberge, nothing we can do about that, the method takes an IInventory.
L1251[15:07:21] <diesieben07> also noting we can do about mods checking instanceof IInventory
L1252[15:07:41] <gigaherz> yeh that's why the official stance is "fuck those mods"
L1253[15:08:12] <Necr0> so https://github.com/Necr0/MinecraftForge/blob/f9880501fa70e30e188160c9572b4021b252e06b/patches/minecraft/net/minecraft/world/World.java.patch#L634
L1254[15:09:31] <raoulvdberge> OK
L1255[15:09:32] <LatvianModder> Thats cool, I have no idea whats going on in that patch. You updated method names?
L1256[15:09:43] <raoulvdberge> time to get rid of my IInventory and ISidedInventory checks
L1257[15:10:00] <AKTheKnight> 10 points to latvian for the honesty :P
L1258[15:10:12] <LatvianModder> :D
L1259[15:10:28] <gigaherz> Necr0: what's the rationale behind the method-wrappers?
L1260[15:11:31] <diesieben07> raoulvdberge, if you wanna be 100% backwards compat, do this: https://gist.github.com/diesieben07/014c5393e532a78dd5ec750e3b0f0668
L1261[15:11:51] <raoulvdberge> diesieben07: thanks :-D
L1262[15:12:03] <raoulvdberge> actually this will clean up my code quite a bit
L1263[15:12:05] <raoulvdberge> inventory handling is a mess
L1264[15:12:12] <Necr0> gigaherz what exactly do you mean?
L1265[15:13:02] <gigaherz> line 38 to 45
L1266[15:13:04] <gigaherz> what's that doing?
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L1270[15:14:45] <raoulvdberge> oh THANK GOD IItemHandler has a simulate option
L1271[15:15:27] <Necr0> if you mean in the world.patch file that, i only changed the updateWeatherBody anything else isn't done by me.
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L1274[15:17:44] <Necr0> hmm i forgot something .. >.< generating the patches again
L1275[15:18:42] <raoulvdberge> so is the slot argument in insertItem 0-based? and just loop over getSlots?
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L1277[15:19:09] <diesieben07> of course it's 0 based
L1278[15:19:15] <diesieben07> we are not in lua here :D
L1279[15:19:26] <raoulvdberge> :P
L1280[15:19:37] <raoulvdberge> no but i thought that from different sides you get different slot ids
L1281[15:19:48] <diesieben07> no
L1282[15:20:00] <diesieben07> that would be handleded when you get the capability
L1283[15:20:05] <diesieben07> getCapability has a side argument
L1284[15:21:05] <raoulvdberge> cool
L1285[15:21:24] <raoulvdberge> porting all my IInventory tiles to use capabilities will be ... interesting :p
L1286[15:21:40] <diesieben07> lot's of code deletion :D
L1287[15:21:54] <raoulvdberge> yes
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L1290[15:25:42] <Giraffestock> https://sr.ht/tyY4.txt
L1291[15:25:53] <Giraffestock> mod causing that crash for some users ^
L1292[15:25:54] <Giraffestock> any ideas?
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L1294[15:26:20] *** agowa339 is now known as agowa338
L1295[15:26:22] <fry> reliably?
L1296[15:26:39] <Giraffestock> on start, after OpenAL initialization
L1297[15:27:10] <Giraffestock> but different processors, different mc versions, not everyone
L1298[15:27:15] <fry> this sometimes happens if you move/resize window during the loading, due to the way the loading screen interacts with X
L1299[15:27:25] <Giraffestock> oh, both are using OS drivers
L1300[15:27:36] <fry> the workaround is to not move/resize the window :P
L1301[15:27:46] <Giraffestock> huh, thanks
L1302[15:28:04] <fry> (until the loading is done)
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L1324[16:20:48] <DebugsPeople> why does it load my mod twice now ...
L1325[16:20:58] ⇦ Quits: Samario (~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Samario1)))
L1326[16:21:54] <DebugsPeople> oh ffs ....
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L1328[16:24:45] <DebugsPeople> help :((
L1329[16:25:47] <diesieben07> provide more info
L1330[16:27:46] <TehNut> Using all the information you have provided us, it can only be one thing
L1331[16:27:52] <TehNut> u fukt up
L1332[16:30:03] <DebugsPeople> but idk what I did
L1333[16:31:10] <diesieben07> first: dev or prod?
L1334[16:31:25] <DebugsPeople> dev
L1335[16:31:50] <DebugsPeople> minecraft starts -> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Multiple entries with same key: TheRcMod=FMLMod:TheRcMod{} and TheRcMod=FMLMod:TheRcMod{}
L1336[16:31:53] <diesieben07> IDE?
L1337[16:31:57] <DebugsPeople> IDEA
L1338[16:32:08] <diesieben07> wait, there are two different versions there
L1339[16:32:12] <diesieben07> that is really strange
L1340[16:32:16] <DebugsPeople> yeah ..
L1341[16:32:27] <DebugsPeople> I have never build a jar or something
L1342[16:32:35] <DebugsPeople> only mod in is jei
L1343[16:32:44] <DebugsPeople> which I put in just now, it happened before
L1344[16:32:57] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L1345[16:33:27] <diesieben07> clean the project, this should not be happening
L1346[16:34:29] ⇦ Quits: Forecaster (~Forecaste@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1347[16:34:56] <DebugsPeople> now it works
L1348[16:35:02] <DebugsPeople> deleted build and classes
L1349[16:37:49] <DebugsPeople> sorry :S
L1350[16:37:54] <shadowfacts> !latest 1.9
L1351[16:38:32] <DebugsPeople> shadowfacts, 1.9.4-
L1352[16:38:58] <shadowfacts> what?
L1353[16:39:10] <shadowfacts> I wanted what MCPBot gave me, the latest mappings version
L1354[16:39:44] <DebugsPeople> oh lol :D
L1355[16:39:52] <DebugsPeople> !latest 1.9
L1356[16:39:59] <DebugsPeople> !latest 1.9.4
L1357[16:40:35] <DebugsPeople> is that a pm?
L1358[16:40:43] <TehNut> A notice
L1359[16:40:56] <DebugsPeople> how does that work?
L1360[16:41:04] <TehNut> It's like a PM, but not
L1361[16:41:09] <DebugsPeople> ok
L1362[16:41:19] <DebugsPeople> there's 60 ticks a second?
L1363[16:41:19] <gigaherz> wat.
L1364[16:41:21] <diesieben07> lol i like how you found that explanatino satisfactory
L1365[16:41:23] <gigaherz> "if (entity.getCapability(SPELLCAST, EnumFacing.UP) == null)"
L1366[16:41:31] <diesieben07> DebugsPeople, 20
L1367[16:41:32] <DebugsPeople> xD
L1368[16:41:39] <DebugsPeople> I'm counting them
L1369[16:41:41] <DebugsPeople> it's 60
L1370[16:41:44] <gigaherz> hmm wait nevermind
L1371[16:41:47] <gigaherz> it says "always false"
L1372[16:41:54] <gigaherz> I read it twice, and it said "always true" in my brain
L1373[16:41:55] <gigaherz> XD
L1374[16:41:56] <TehNut> No, there are definitely 20 ticks in a second
L1375[16:42:06] <DebugsPeople> why do I get 60 :S
L1376[16:42:10] <diesieben07> show code.
L1377[16:42:28] <PaleoCrafter> sure you're not counting rendered frames? :P
L1378[16:42:39] <DebugsPeople> https://gist.github.com/DebugsPeople/21608ed61d8e92b2c7503f5a3ccce032
L1379[16:42:52] <gigaherz> DebugsPeople: I really feel that you are counting on a per-frame location rather than a tick location
L1380[16:43:03] <DebugsPeople> render ticks would be 172 or smth
L1381[16:43:07] <diesieben07> WorldTick fires per dimensino
L1382[16:43:09] <gigaherz> that's counting once per world object
L1383[16:43:17] <diesieben07> there are 3 default dimensinos
L1384[16:43:20] <DebugsPeople> oh
L1385[16:43:20] <gigaherz> overworld, nether, end
L1386[16:43:21] <diesieben07> 20x3 = 60
L1387[16:43:25] <DebugsPeople> yeah that makes sense
L1388[16:43:38] <gigaherz> you want to have separate objects per world
L1389[16:43:55] <gigaherz> or only count in the overworld
L1390[16:44:00] <TehNut> So obviously, the solution is to just divide the ticks you get by the amount of worlds there are
L1391[16:44:35] * diesieben07 throws rocks at TehNut
L1392[16:44:44] * TehNut dodges and uses splash
L1393[16:44:50] <PaleoCrafter> oh, somebody said Jehova?
L1394[16:44:58] <DebugsPeople> how can I get the world from the event
L1395[16:45:01] <diesieben07> Splash is not very effective.
L1396[16:45:03] <DebugsPeople> or rather the dimension id
L1397[16:45:05] * diesieben07 is waterproof
L1398[16:45:17] <diesieben07> event.world.provider.dimensionID
L1399[16:45:22] <diesieben07> but why are you not on 1.9?
L1400[16:45:31] <PaleoCrafter> *Jehovah apparently
L1401[16:46:10] <LatvianModder> I should probably make a mod for 1.7.2 <.<
L1402[16:46:18] * PaleoCrafter slaps LatvianModder
L1403[16:46:26] <LatvianModder> :D
L1404[16:46:33] <LatvianModder> Nah, im on 1.9.4 train
L1405[16:46:39] * DebugsPeople slaps LatvianModder with a big fat fish
L1406[16:46:40] <PaleoCrafter> gud
L1407[16:47:10] <LatvianModder> few more bugs to fix, but... http://imgur.com/a/EI8gj
L1408[16:48:07] <DebugsPeople> oh, that mod?
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L1413[16:54:16] <DebugsPeople> is it possible to get all the dimension ids?
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L1416[16:55:23] <PaleoCrafter> sure
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L1419[17:00:49] <gigaherz> gah this took SO F*ING LONG XD
L1420[17:01:07] <gigaherz> I just finished dewraning one of my mods
L1421[17:01:13] <gigaherz> dewarning*
L1422[17:01:48] <gigaherz> all of my packages are "default nonnull", all the methods that require nulls are @Nullable, and I even de-nulled a couple classes
L1423[17:02:15] <gigaherz> I have to admit I did find some redundant nullchecks
L1424[17:02:20] <gigaherz> and some needed ones
L1425[17:02:26] <gigaherz> but that only added to the time ;P
L1426[17:02:53] <LatvianModder> DebugsPeople: in 1.9, easy
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L1428[17:03:41] <LatvianModder> in 1.8-, probably something in DimensionManager
L1429[17:05:42] <Nosirrom> blockstatecontainer does not like my custom property
L1430[17:06:00] <Necr0> my old 1.7.10 slowly starts functioning in 1.9.4 again :D
L1431[17:06:18] <DebugsPeople> wait, I don't even need that, why do I use the worldtickevent :P
L1432[17:09:10] <DebugsPeople> tick event is even crazier ...
L1433[17:09:15] <DebugsPeople> 250
L1434[17:09:19] <LatvianModder> Necr0: \o/
L1435[17:09:33] <LatvianModder> man, its probably so terrible to go directly from 1.7 to 1.9
L1436[17:09:39] <DebugsPeople> why?
L1437[17:09:55] <PaleoCrafter> not any more terrible than from 1.7 to 1.8, I'd say :P
L1438[17:09:57] <LatvianModder> 3x more changes than 1.8 - 1.9
L1439[17:10:13] <LatvianModder> yeah, but you must do both, sorta
L1440[17:10:19] <LatvianModder> its not like 1.8 changes just disappear :P
L1441[17:10:29] <PaleoCrafter> 1.9 didn't change *that* much
L1442[17:10:38] <LatvianModder> just names mostly
L1443[17:10:43] <LatvianModder> of methods
L1444[17:10:49] <DebugsPeople> and the hands
L1445[17:11:22] <DebugsPeople> what's up with TickEvent?
L1446[17:11:28] <gigaherz> it just adds up
L1447[17:11:35] <DebugsPeople> why does it trigger 250 times
L1448[17:11:43] <PaleoCrafter> TickEvent is the super class
L1449[17:11:47] <DebugsPeople> oh ...
L1450[17:11:57] <DebugsPeople> so it's every kind of tick
L1451[17:11:59] <gigaherz> it gets called for each ticking "thing"
L1452[17:11:59] <PaleoCrafter> yep
L1453[17:12:20] <gigaherz> 1.7.10 -> 1.8, model system
L1454[17:12:26] <PaleoCrafter> although I always thought event handlers weren't sensible to subtypes
L1455[17:12:33] <gigaherz> 1.8 -> 1.8.9, generic types and other stuff
L1456[17:13:01] <gigaherz> 1.8.9 -> 1.9, names of things, dual wield, new registries, new potion system, ...
L1457[17:13:05] <PaleoCrafter> 1.7.10 -> 1.8 also is block states, I'd say
L1458[17:13:12] <gigaherz> oh yeah and blockstates XD
L1459[17:13:20] <gigaherz> so if you do 1.7.10 -> 1.9
L1460[17:13:29] <gigaherz> you have blockstates, models, generics, etc
L1461[17:13:31] <gigaherz> all at once
L1462[17:13:36] <gigaherz> the task becomes just that much more annoying
L1463[17:13:41] <Necr0> the model system along side block states was the most work to fix i would say
L1464[17:13:58] <gigaherz> it requires the most "rewrites"
L1465[17:14:13] <DebugsPeople> ahh, I shall possibly use ServerTickEvent
L1466[17:14:17] <PaleoCrafter> yeah, it's just the most tedious
L1467[17:14:44] <PaleoCrafter> stuff like the registries etc. can be done pretty quickly and stuff like the potions might just affect a few mods
L1468[17:14:59] <Necr0> I didn't actually look into itemstackhandlers yet. are they easy to use?
L1469[17:15:16] <PaleoCrafter> oh, right, caps
L1470[17:15:46] <PaleoCrafter> yes, they are easy to use :P
L1471[17:15:51] <PaleoCrafter> they aren't technically mandatory, though
L1472[17:16:06] <diesieben07> nothing is mandatory :D
L1473[17:16:10] <diesieben07> you can just make a no-op mod.
L1474[17:16:21] <PaleoCrafter> well, I mean, the model changes etc. are a must
L1475[17:16:31] <PaleoCrafter> if you want your mod to stay the same
L1476[17:16:33] <gigaherz> PaleoCrafter: well, givne that the forge stance is "ignore IInventory, fuck the mods that rely on it"
L1477[17:16:39] <diesieben07> not if you don't have blocks or itmes :D
L1478[17:16:41] <gigaherz> I'd say it's sortof mandatory if you use 1.8.9+
L1479[17:16:41] <gigaherz> ;P
L1480[17:16:51] <gigaherz> assuming your mod has inventories.
L1481[17:17:11] <PaleoCrafter> it is mandatory, de facto
L1482[17:17:16] <Necr0> none of my inventories actually work yet. for now i just fixed them so that there are no compilation errors.
L1483[17:17:19] <PaleoCrafter> diesieben07, you know what I mean :P
L1484[17:17:32] *** diesieben07 is now known as diesietroll
L1485[17:17:35] <PaleoCrafter> you can keep IInventory, but you can't keep IIcon stuff
L1486[17:17:36] <diesietroll> No.
L1487[17:17:38] <gigaherz> [00:14] (Necr0): I didn't actually look into itemstackhandlers yet. are they easy to use?
L1488[17:17:39] <gigaherz> yes.
L1489[17:17:40] *** diesietroll is now known as diesieben07
L1490[17:17:44] <gigaherz> and nicer than IInventory and such
L1491[17:17:51] <gigaherz> and it has "simulate" ;P
L1492[17:18:04] <Necr0> neat
L1493[17:18:22] <gigaherz> the capability system is annoying because you need a lot of boilerplace to create a new capability
L1494[17:18:26] <gigaherz> but as an user? piece of cake.
L1495[17:18:29] <PaleoCrafter> btw, I'm upset with you, diesieben07
L1496[17:18:44] <diesieben07> How so?
L1497[17:18:45] <PaleoCrafter> you didn't react to my joke when you threw stones
L1498[17:18:53] <PaleoCrafter> it was purrfect
L1499[17:19:05] *** diesieben07 is now known as diesiecat
L1500[17:19:06] <diesiecat> purr
L1501[17:19:10] *** diesiecat is now known as diesieben07
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L1504[17:21:27] <PaleoCrafter> does anybody know a channel where McJty usually hangs around?
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L1506[17:23:35] <Nosirrom> I keep getting a invalidly named value in my createBlockState method of my block using my custom enum http://pastebin.com/xjXCi9fY
L1507[17:25:24] <TehNut> PaleoCrafter: When he's on IRC, this one
L1508[17:25:36] <Nosirrom> http://pastebin.com/JKqhUSN2 the block that I'm using the enum with
L1509[17:25:37] <PaleoCrafter> okay, thanks :D
L1510[17:25:52] <TechnicianLP> can the whole model be rotatet with the forge blockstate json?
L1511[17:26:28] <PaleoCrafter> Nosirrom, whatever getName returns must match ^[a-z0-9_]+$
L1512[17:26:40] <Nosirrom> no capitals?
L1513[17:26:43] <PaleoCrafter> so all lowercase, alphanumeric which may contain underscores
L1514[17:26:45] <PaleoCrafter> no capitals
L1515[17:27:10] <PaleoCrafter> and no spaces
L1516[17:27:30] ⇦ Quits: cpw (~cpw@24-212-222-42.cable.teksavvy.com) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
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L1520[17:29:21] <Nosirrom> maybe I should go learn regex
L1521[17:29:41] <TechnicianLP> try regexr
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L1524[17:33:22] <Temportalist> TechnicianLP: yes
L1525[17:33:51] <Temportalist> TechnicianLP:
L1526[17:33:52] <Temportalist> https://github.com/TheTemportalist/EsoTeriCraft/blob/1.9.4/src/main/resources/assets/esotericraft/blockstates/BlockPillar.json
L1527[17:33:59] <Temportalist> https://github.com/TheTemportalist/EsoTeriCraft/blob/1.9.4/src/main/resources/assets/esotericraft/blockstates/BlockPillar.json#L14
L1528[17:34:24] <Temportalist> That "y: 90" specifies the degrees, but can only be multiples of 90
L1529[17:34:49] <TechnicianLP> its only documented for submodels in the docs ....
L1530[17:35:11] <TechnicianLP> but thanks
L1531[17:35:26] <PaleoCrafter> uhm, nope: https://gist.github.com/RainWarrior/0618131f51b8d37b80a6#file-forge-blockstate-v1-specs-L18-L19
L1532[17:36:07] <TechnicianLP> http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/blockstates/forgeBlockstates/
L1533[17:36:08] ⇦ Quits: Poppy (~Poppy@chello085216146055.chello.sk) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L1534[17:36:27] <TechnicianLP> but thanks again
L1535[17:36:34] <PaleoCrafter> huh, I thought that had a reference to the specs
L1536[17:37:01] <TechnicianLP> i dont see any references
L1537[17:37:15] <PaleoCrafter> yeah, I misremembered
L1538[17:42:14] *** mumfrey is now known as Mumfrey
L1539[17:43:19] <raoulvdberge> does MC 1.9 have a utility method for throwing itemstacks in world already? then i can remove mine
L1540[17:43:27] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L1541[17:43:59] <diesieben07> check out InventoryHelper
L1542[17:44:30] <raoulvdberge> thanks
L1543[17:44:42] <gigaherz> it was in 1.8.9 too, just private XD
L1544[17:46:16] <raoulvdberge> nice, got all my inventory interactions converted to IItemHandler. now just my own inventories :p
L1545[17:46:38] <raoulvdberge> so happy i got rid of that inventory pushing code
L1546[17:47:33] *** kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
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L1548[17:53:02] <gigaherz> GEH I can download Xubuntu on a torrent at 15MB/s, so I know my internet isn't broken
L1549[17:53:15] <gigaherz> but I can't watch a twitch stream without spending > 50% of the time "buffering"
L1550[17:53:23] <raoulvdberge> 10 files changed, 177 insertions(+), 286 deletions(-)
L1551[17:53:35] <raoulvdberge> after changing to IItemHandler for inventory interaction
L1552[17:53:43] <gigaherz> heh
L1553[17:54:03] ⇨ Joins: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-135-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se)
L1554[17:54:05] <gigaherz> do you use ItemStackHelper for IItemHandler interactions? ;P
L1555[17:54:20] <gigaherz> no wait
L1556[17:54:21] <gigaherz> what's the name
L1557[17:54:30] <gigaherz> ItemHandlerHelper
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L1563[17:57:36] <raoulvdberge> now IItemHandler
L1564[17:57:41] <raoulvdberge> * no
L1565[17:57:55] <gigaherz> check that class out
L1566[17:57:55] <gigaherz> ;P
L1567[17:58:31] <raoulvdberge> OH GOD copyStackWithSize :D
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L1569[17:59:37] <raoulvdberge> insertItem is handy too, was writing that loop myself :p
L1570[18:00:05] <Cypher121> canItemStacksStack(ItemStack
L1571[18:00:16] <Cypher121> fuck, I can't even pronounce that on a first try
L1572[18:00:45] <TehNut> canStackedItemStacksStackItemStacks(ItemStack stack1, ItemStack stack2)
L1573[18:01:59] <Cypher121> TehNut: http://inception.davepedu.com/
L1574[18:03:03] <diesieben07> I refuse to let this beautiful movie be reduced to this (admittedly awesome) sound!
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L1578[18:06:51] <mezz> $ label add 2862 Bug
L1579[18:06:52] <Actuarius> You (account Some(mezz)) can't access the $ command
L1580[18:07:11] <mezz> $labels add 2862 Bug
L1581[18:07:14] <diesieben07> lol fry just cannot NOT show that he's using scala
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L1583[18:07:32] MineBot sets mode: +v on mDiyo
L1584[18:07:41] <mezz> $ labels add 2862 Bug
L1585[18:07:42] <Actuarius> You (account Some(mezz)) can't access the $ command
L1586[18:07:44] <mezz> boo
L1587[18:07:52] <mDiyo> I'm looking for a mod that can place fluids as blocks in the world. Suggestions?
L1588[18:08:19] <Cypher121> for version?
L1589[18:08:26] <mDiyo> 1.6.4. Old as sin.
L1590[18:08:43] <Cypher121> oh shi
L1591[18:09:02] <Cypher121> I don
L1592[18:09:07] <diesieben07> uhhh
L1593[18:09:09] <diesieben07> how abotu vanilla?
L1594[18:09:13] <diesieben07> dispensers place buckets
L1595[18:09:18] <Cypher121> I don't think BC had flood gates
L1596[18:09:20] <mDiyo> Vanilla doesn't have fluids in tanks.
L1597[18:10:08] <diesieben07> put them in buckets :P
L1598[18:10:10] <diesieben07> /s
L1599[18:10:25] <mDiyo> You say that sarcastically... but the problem is I put a fluid from a bucket into a tank and can't get it out.
L1600[18:10:40] <diesieben07> i thought you said put it into the world as blocks
L1601[18:11:21] <mDiyo> No, I want to put it back in the world from the tanks that it's in
L1602[18:11:36] <Cypher121> seriously, why the hell .equals is not overridden by itemstacks? it breaks maps
L1603[18:11:46] <diesieben07> Cypher121, it never was
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L1605[18:12:00] <mezz> itemstacks can't be used in maps period, it's a giant scary mess heh
L1606[18:12:15] <mDiyo> Because you generally don't want to hang onto itemstacks for things?
L1607[18:12:35] <mDiyo> You want the individual item and its data, not an instance of it.
L1608[18:12:38] <diesieben07> no but say you have an itemstack in the map with 1 size
L1609[18:12:40] ⇦ Quits: RawringNymNym (~maria@BMTNON3746W-LP130-05-1176475589.dsl.bell.ca) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1610[18:12:47] <diesieben07> and then you call get() with size 5 on it, you wont get anything
L1611[18:12:55] <Cypher121> you want item, meta, nbt and size
L1612[18:12:59] <diesieben07> then you make equals ignore size ... hilarity ensues
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L1615[18:13:24] <mezz> look at JEI if you want to see some serious ItemStack handling business... the rabbit hole goes deep
L1616[18:13:31] <mDiyo> What are you trying to do that you want instances of items?
L1617[18:13:34] <diesieben07> really either use an Equivalence (from guava) or a TCustomHahsMap
L1618[18:14:10] <diesieben07> then everyyone can decide for themselves
L1619[18:15:22] <Cypher121> in fact I want to store a list of recipes in form of ItemStack -> ItemStack
L1620[18:15:38] <diesieben07> List<Pair<ItemStack, ItemStack>> and iterate
L1621[18:15:54] <Cypher121> diesieben07: thanks, I just threw up
L1622[18:16:01] <diesieben07> that's what vanilla does.
L1623[18:16:09] <mDiyo> You could do what vanilla crafting tables do
L1624[18:16:18] <TehNut> I wrote a wrapper for ItemStack
L1625[18:16:24] <diesieben07> that's overkill for a 1<>1 mapping
L1626[18:16:43] ⇦ Quits: Ordinastie_ (~Ordinasti@87-231-58-94.rev.numericable.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
L1627[18:17:24] <mezz> Cypher121, you can create keys from itemStacks for a map with this heh https://github.com/mezz/JustEnoughItems/blob/1.9/src/main/java/mezz/jei/util/StackHelper.java#L337
L1628[18:17:25] *** amadornes[AFK] is now known as amadornes[OFF]
L1629[18:17:53] <mezz> probably overkill but you get the idea...
L1630[18:18:15] <mezz> there are a lot of ways to compare itemStacks and none of them are very simple
L1631[18:18:36] ⇨ Joins: killjoy (~killjoy@
L1632[18:18:51] <gigaherz> if you don't use NBT, you can represent it as a string "1xmodid:whatever@2"
L1633[18:18:55] *** Vigaro is now known as V
L1634[18:18:58] <gigaherz> but since some stacks have nbt...
L1635[18:19:14] <diesieben07> Cypher121, some java 8 for you: http://i.imgur.com/IwxI1lb.png
L1636[18:19:16] <gigaherz> you could put the nbt at the end
L1637[18:19:29] <gigaherz> "1xmodid:whatever@2{tag,tag,tag}"
L1638[18:19:32] <gigaherz> that's allow comparisons
L1639[18:19:35] <gigaherz> that'd*
L1640[18:19:57] <gigaherz> not very efficient though, if you build that string every compare
L1641[18:19:59] <mezz> gigaherz, some tags are for data like energy, and aren't used to differentiate items
L1642[18:20:28] <gigaherz> true
L1643[18:20:29] <mezz> depends on the size of your map, creating a string is better for me than iterating over a long long list
L1644[18:20:42] <gigaherz> I suppose it depends on how loose you want the comparison to be
L1645[18:20:51] <diesieben07> might as well go the wrapper route then
L1646[18:20:53] <Cypher121> well, that's what I have now https://gist.github.com/Cypher121/3e302d5dd1552b740ed0c13fde43235c
L1647[18:20:53] <diesieben07> instead of the string
L1648[18:20:58] <diesieben07> or a TCustomHashMap
L1649[18:21:09] <Cypher121> I guess I can switch to TCustomHashMap
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L1657[18:53:32] ⇨ Joins: DebugsPeople (~DebugsPeo@
L1658[18:53:57] <DebugsPeople> what happened to the 1.4.7 AABBPool.addOrModifyAABBInPool?
L1659[18:54:06] <DebugsPeople> !gm addOrModifyAABBInPool
L1660[18:54:12] ⇨ Joins: JamEngulfer (~JamEngulf@host86-128-156-175.range86-128.btcentralplus.com)
L1661[18:54:57] <diesieben07> DebugsPeople, 1.4.7?! nowadays AABBs are not pooled. you just create new ones
L1662[18:55:11] <DebugsPeople> ok
L1663[18:55:13] <DebugsPeople> I guess
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L1666[19:00:01] <DebugsPeople> why is Math.PI / 2.0f not a float?
L1667[19:00:15] <Cypher121> because PI is double
L1668[19:00:26] <Cypher121> so double / float = double
L1669[19:00:43] <DebugsPeople> oh
L1670[19:00:51] <DebugsPeople> but why
L1671[19:01:05] <DebugsPeople> why doesn't it keep the last one
L1672[19:01:07] <DebugsPeople> :(
L1673[19:01:07] <diesieben07> it always chooses the "largest" type
L1674[19:01:10] <killjoy1> PI is a double
L1675[19:01:12] <diesieben07> double has more precisiou
L1676[19:01:13] ⇦ Quits: Noc7is (~Noc7is@ip174-74-51-159.om.om.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L1677[19:01:16] <DebugsPeople> oh
L1678[19:01:22] <diesieben07> and it will never make you loose precision
L1679[19:01:33] <diesieben07> so it converts the float "up" to a double
L1680[19:01:36] <killjoy1> just (float)(PI/2)
L1681[19:01:46] <diesieben07> or just use doubles
L1682[19:01:49] <DebugsPeople> yeah, did that
L1683[19:02:17] <DebugsPeople> why do so many games and stuff use float then?
L1684[19:02:26] <DebugsPeople> faster?
L1685[19:02:51] <killjoy1> it's a 32 bit floating point
L1686[19:02:59] <killjoy1> though 64 is more efficient
L1687[19:03:09] <diesieben07> on a 64 bit processor it probably makes no difference
L1688[19:03:15] <diesieben07> on 32 bit, doubles are slow
L1689[19:03:21] <diesieben07> because they have to be emulated probably
L1690[19:03:28] <killjoy1> who's even using 32 bit anymore?
L1691[19:03:45] <diesieben07> no idea
L1692[19:03:53] <Cypher121> i
L1693[19:04:02] <Cypher121> i'd say it's probably a legacy thing
L1694[19:04:35] <DebugsPeople> yeah, that makes sense
L1695[19:04:59] ⇦ Quits: Seppon (~Noppes@82-168-99-26.ip.telfort.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1696[19:05:18] <gigaherz> double takes longer on some operations
L1697[19:05:24] <DebugsPeople> getClass() == EntityRcCar.class <- isn't this instanceof?
L1698[19:05:31] <gigaherz> divisions take a whole lot more cycles to process
L1699[19:05:39] <gigaherz> take*
L1700[19:05:49] <killjoy1> so I should * 0.5?
L1701[19:05:52] <DebugsPeople> oh, interesting
L1702[19:06:08] <gigaherz> this didn't matter on 32bit so much, since most apps would use the x87 fpu
L1703[19:06:15] <gigaherz> and in it, all operations are 80bit
L1704[19:06:17] <diesieben07> killjoy1, the jit probably does that for you
L1705[19:06:39] <gigaherz> on hardsware, * (1/N) is much faster then /N, yes
L1706[19:06:53] <gigaherz> but optimizers can precompute constants for you, sometimes
L1707[19:06:59] <gigaherz> not always though
L1708[19:07:05] <gigaherz> regardless
L1709[19:07:23] <gigaherz> you should only worry about micro-optimization if both macro-optimization and algorithmic optimization have already been exhausted
L1710[19:07:41] <gigaherz> and both micro- and macro-optimization are best performed by the compiler/optimizer anyhow
L1711[19:08:06] <gigaherz> well some parts of macro-optimization
L1712[19:08:13] <Cypher121> I hate when people pay too much attention to micro-optimisations
L1713[19:08:23] <diesieben07> yeah jit is more micro thn macro
L1714[19:08:25] <gigaherz> just... avoid calling code you don't need to run, anbd make sure your loops exit asap
L1715[19:09:19] <killjoy1> With processors as fast as they are now, optimizations don't matter (as much)
L1716[19:09:41] <killjoy1> At least that's what they say
L1717[19:09:44] <gigaherz> sortof
L1718[19:09:50] <gigaherz> I mean, it would be nice
L1719[19:10:04] <Cypher121> like, I know that one guy who always uses >> and << instead of division and multiplication by powers of two and `a = a ^ a` instead of `a = 0`
L1720[19:10:07] <gigaherz> but MCPE(Win10 edition) generates the nether in < 2 seconds
L1721[19:10:14] <gigaherz> so they still matter.
L1722[19:10:23] <gigaherz> and it's not because mcpe is C++ ;P
L1723[19:10:26] <killjoy1> generation is different
L1724[19:10:31] <killjoy1> lots of cpu there
L1725[19:10:32] <killjoy1> LOTS
L1726[19:10:34] <gigaherz> yep
L1727[19:10:36] <DebugsPeople> arg this old version is such a mixture of client and server code and packets everywhere
L1728[19:10:52] <gigaherz> but it's one of the parts where mc code is less efficient
L1729[19:11:03] <DebugsPeople> `((this.worldObj.isRemote) && (this.thePlayer != null)) || ((!this.worldObj.isRemote) && (this.thePlayer == null))`
L1730[19:11:09] <DebugsPeople> like wtf
L1731[19:11:16] <gigaherz> way
L1732[19:11:19] <gigaherz> wat*
L1733[19:11:42] *** Darkevilmac is now known as DarkevilAway
L1734[19:11:55] <DebugsPeople> idek
L1735[19:12:02] <gigaherz> Y U NO write "((thePlayer != null) == worldObj.isRemote)"
L1736[19:12:03] <gigaherz> ;P
L1737[19:12:20] * gigaherz loves boolean tricks
L1738[19:12:33] * killjoy1 saves snippet for later
L1739[19:12:52] <Cypher121> ((thePlayer == null) ^ worldObj.isRemote
L1740[19:12:54] <Cypher121> )
L1741[19:13:01] <gigaherz> that works in java?
L1742[19:13:03] <killjoy1> though it would probably be boolean flag = this.thePlayer == null;
L1743[19:13:05] <diesieben07> yep
L1744[19:13:07] <diesieben07> ^ is xor
L1745[19:13:08] <gigaherz> I didn't think there was boolean xor
L1746[19:13:16] <diesieben07> its really just the int xor
L1747[19:13:17] <Cypher121> well, != instead of ^
L1748[19:13:23] <Cypher121> who cares
L1749[19:13:25] <diesieben07> because booleans are ints ont eh stack
L1750[19:13:31] <diesieben07> but yeah
L1751[19:13:36] <killjoy1> 0 vs 1
L1752[19:13:39] <killjoy1> yup
L1753[19:13:48] <gigaherz> but yeah other than that
L1754[19:13:49] <diesieben07> well, in theory anything but 0 is true
L1755[19:13:54] <gigaherz> Cypher121's version is equivalent to mine
L1756[19:13:54] <gigaherz> ;P
L1757[19:13:59] <killjoy1> only in groovy
L1758[19:14:04] <killjoy1> null == 0
L1759[19:14:07] <killjoy1> == false
L1760[19:14:09] <diesieben07> also in java bytecode
L1761[19:14:11] <Cypher121> it's exactly 1 symbol shorter
L1762[19:14:13] <gigaherz> C
L1763[19:14:19] <gigaherz> in fac,t there's no "false" at all in C
L1764[19:14:25] <gigaherz> and NULL is "(void*)0"
L1765[19:14:31] <gigaherz> so they ARE 0
L1766[19:14:31] <gigaherz> ;P
L1767[19:15:02] <gigaherz> it's funny how C didn't actually have nulls
L1768[19:15:08] <gigaherz> but they were added to it regardless
L1769[19:15:15] <killjoy1> so null was a common pointer?
L1770[19:15:26] <gigaherz> "null" isn't a keyword at all
L1771[19:15:29] <gigaherz> it's a #define
L1772[19:15:35] <gigaherz> on stdio.h or something
L1773[19:15:46] <gigaherz> #define NULL (void*)0
L1774[19:15:47] <killjoy1> global var?
L1775[19:15:51] <gigaherz> probably with extra parens
L1776[19:15:54] <gigaherz> #define NULL ((void*)0)
L1777[19:15:57] <gigaherz> no, a macro
L1778[19:16:04] <killjoy1> well...
L1779[19:16:08] <gigaherz> would get replaced to 0 on the preprocessor
L1780[19:16:08] <killjoy1> That's C for you
L1781[19:16:13] <gigaherz> and then the actual code would simply read "0"
L1782[19:16:13] <gigaherz> ;p
L1783[19:16:23] <Cypher121> c preprocessor: the best and the worst
L1784[19:16:28] <gigaherz> if(theVar != (void*)0) ...
L1785[19:16:42] <gigaherz> although more often than not
L1786[19:16:47] <gigaherz> you'd use the fact that there's no booleanr
L1787[19:16:48] <gigaherz> s
L1788[19:16:49] <gigaherz> and just write
L1789[19:16:52] <gigaherz> if(theVar)
L1790[19:17:08] <gigaherz> since any number, including pointers, can be compared to 0, as a boolean
L1791[19:17:19] <killjoy1> So how long do you think it will be before windows components start getting written in TS?
L1792[19:17:29] <Cypher121> ts?
L1793[19:17:32] <killjoy1> typescript
L1794[19:17:38] <killjoy1> it's a javascript subset
L1795[19:17:44] <gigaherz> superset?
L1796[19:17:44] <Cypher121> yeah, I know
L1797[19:17:49] <killjoy1> yeah, that
L1798[19:17:50] <Cypher121> sideset
L1799[19:17:51] <gigaherz> it adds types ;P
L1800[19:17:59] <killjoy1> Set<Language>
L1801[19:18:10] <killjoy1> VSCode is written in it
L1802[19:18:13] <gigaherz> overlapping-set
L1803[19:18:14] <gigaherz> ;P
L1804[19:18:24] <gigaherz> anyhow
L1805[19:18:27] <gigaherz> "javascript with types".
L1806[19:18:36] <killjoy1> like obj-c
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L1808[19:18:51] <gigaherz> literally: typescript types are used for static analysis at compile time
L1809[19:18:58] <gigaherz> and it outputs plain old javascript, with the types dropped
L1810[19:19:14] <wiresegal> what's the replaceement for I18n in 1.9.4? it seems to be deprecated... a whole lot of things are
L1811[19:19:18] <killjoy1> I'm sure a few apps are written in javascipt
L1812[19:19:20] <gigaherz> wiresegal: there's two I18n
L1813[19:19:23] <gigaherz> one's common
L1814[19:19:26] <gigaherz> one's client-only
L1815[19:19:29] <wiresegal> ah
L1816[19:19:36] <killjoy1> the one in the resources package
L1817[19:19:39] <gigaherz> the common one is deprecated, because it has unexpected behaviour when used on the server
L1818[19:19:52] <gigaherz> the client one, which you'll recognize because it only has one useful method: .format
L1819[19:20:04] <gigaherz> supports everything you'd have done on the other one
L1820[19:20:12] <wiresegal> ok ._.
L1821[19:20:22] <gigaherz> but it will crash on load if you use it on server code
L1822[19:20:27] <wiresegal> fair enough
L1823[19:20:33] <killjoy1> no translations on server.
L1824[19:20:33] <killjoy1> got it
L1825[19:20:41] <DebugsPeople> I don't think you have to send a packet to kill an enity, do you?
L1826[19:20:42] <gigaherz> the common one can be used on server
L1827[19:20:51] <gigaherz> but it only uses the en_US.lang from the SERVER JAR
L1828[19:20:53] <DebugsPeople> it should get synchronized by itself
L1829[19:20:55] <diesieben07> DebugsPeople, on the server to directly kill it call setDead
L1830[19:20:57] <gigaherz> which means, no mod translations
L1831[19:20:59] <diesieben07> that just kills it immediately
L1832[19:21:24] <killjoy1> though players don't "despawn"
L1833[19:21:25] <DebugsPeople> what happens when it get's called on clien?
L1834[19:21:31] <wiresegal> hm... also, is there a way to generically access a protected method (on any instance of that item)
L1835[19:21:36] <wiresegal> it's @SideOnly debugs
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L1837[19:21:44] <killjoy1> they'll show up in minimaps (sometimes) until they hit respawn
L1838[19:21:44] <diesieben07> then the client entiy dies and you get weird things happening
L1839[19:21:46] <diesieben07> dont do that.
L1840[19:21:50] <DebugsPeople> ok :D
L1841[19:21:58] <wiresegal> but i need to call onFoodEaten ;-;
L1842[19:22:14] <killjoy1> wiresegal, extend, override, cast
L1843[19:22:31] <killjoy1> you can promote visibility
L1844[19:22:35] <wiresegal> ?
L1845[19:22:53] <killjoy1> that's if you create the instance yourself
L1846[19:22:59] <wiresegal> i'm trying to call it on, in theory, ANY itemfood
L1847[19:23:03] <killjoy1> otherwise, use an AT
L1848[19:23:05] <diesieben07> reflection
L1849[19:23:05] <DebugsPeople> was world.isRemote different in 1.4.7 as in Side.isClient() or smth?
L1850[19:23:07] <gigaherz> you can use reflection to get to the method ;P
L1851[19:23:08] <wiresegal> can't do an AT
L1852[19:23:09] <diesieben07> no dont at -_-
L1853[19:23:12] <wiresegal> tried the AT
L1854[19:23:15] <killjoy1> then reflection it is
L1855[19:23:15] <wiresegal> it failed miserably
L1856[19:23:25] <gigaherz> the nuse reflection
L1857[19:23:26] <DebugsPeople> wait, world.isRemote basically is the same
L1858[19:23:27] <gigaherz> then*
L1859[19:23:31] <wiresegal> no it isn't debugs
L1860[19:23:50] <wiresegal> even on the client, the methods are called twice, once with isRemote=true and once with isRemote=false
L1861[19:24:02] <killjoy1> that's in a singleplayer world
L1862[19:24:06] <killjoy1> because server/client threads
L1863[19:24:10] <Grist> Hi just some quick questions about the distinction between blocks and itemblocks - what exactly is the distinction? are they itemBlocks in inventories, and Blocks in the world? should I register both or just one with the game registry? Should their registrynames be the same, or is there a format I should use for those? do I need to define their models and textures seperatel? is there a need to have both?
L1864[19:24:19] <killjoy1> blocks are blocks
L1865[19:24:22] <killjoy1> itemblocks are items
L1866[19:24:32] <killjoy1> make sense?
L1867[19:24:34] <gigaherz> DebugsPeople: http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/sides/
L1868[19:24:36] <gigaherz> read that
L1869[19:24:41] <gigaherz> will clarify the mess that are "sides"
L1870[19:25:00] <Cypher121> register both, same name, you need to register item models separately
L1871[19:25:03] <DebugsPeople> no yes, I get it
L1872[19:25:08] <Cypher121> that's about it I guess
L1873[19:25:42] <Grist> okay so I register both with the same name, should I do one before the other in a certain order? are there docs someone can point me to about this ahaha
L1874[19:25:42] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@ti0107a400-2313.bb.online.no) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1875[19:25:44] <DebugsPeople> if world.isRemote is true it's the logical client
L1876[19:25:45] <gigaherz> Grist: an ItemBlock is an Item designed to handle Blocks.
L1877[19:25:56] <gigaherz> otherwise, they are identical.
L1878[19:26:12] <DebugsPeople> was messing something up
L1879[19:26:12] <gigaherz> and as for Block vs ItemBlock
L1880[19:26:20] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~znc@ti0107a400-2313.bb.online.no)
L1881[19:26:21] <Grist> alright, so does every block need an ItemBlock?
L1882[19:26:24] <gigaherz> nope
L1883[19:26:29] <Grist> okay
L1884[19:26:30] <gigaherz> up to 1.9, it was opt-out
L1885[19:26:39] <gigaherz> you could pass null as the itemblock class
L1886[19:26:42] <gigaherz> and it would just not make one
L1887[19:26:49] <gigaherz> (1.8/1.8.9)
L1888[19:26:54] <gigaherz> in 1.9+, it's opt-in
L1889[19:27:03] <gigaherz> you have to manually register the Itemblock for any block that needs one
L1890[19:27:15] <gigaherz> note however: no itemblock means the block *can't* drop as its own thing
L1891[19:27:19] <gigaherz> or be taken from the creative inventory
L1892[19:27:23] <gigaherz> or from NEI/JEI
L1893[19:27:30] <gigaherz> it simply doesn't exist as an item at all
L1894[19:27:41] <gigaherz> example: the Sign block, and the Sign item
L1895[19:27:44] <gigaherz> they are separate things
L1896[19:27:48] <Grist> and so should I make an itemblock for every single block that a player should conceivably be able to have in their inventory?
L1897[19:28:16] <gigaherz> you can use the default implementation if that works for you
L1898[19:28:24] <Grist> like Tinkers fluids wouldn't have itemblocks, just blocks, whereas anything that can be held needs an itemblock?
L1899[19:28:42] <Grist> or are itemblocks only for things like signs and rails where the item is different from the block?
L1900[19:28:47] <gigaherz> no
L1901[19:28:54] <gigaherz> itemblocks are what normal blocks have
L1902[19:29:05] <gigaherz> signs and such have non-itemblock items
L1903[19:29:30] <gigaherz> calling Item.getItemFromBlock for a skull, will return null
L1904[19:30:06] <gigaherz> because there's no registered itemblock for the "head" block
L1905[19:30:35] <gigaherz> there's no reason why that's setup like that, though
L1906[19:30:55] <Grist> alright
L1907[19:31:02] <gigaherz> so really
L1908[19:31:24] <gigaherz> gameRegistry.register(new ItemBlock(theBlock).setRegistryName(theBlock.getRegistryName()));
L1909[19:31:34] <gigaherz> for any block that needs to have an item form
L1910[19:31:36] <Grist> so item blocks are just inventory representations of blocks as opposed to world representations of blocks?
L1911[19:31:38] <gigaherz> if you are on 1.9+
L1912[19:31:40] <Grist> cool
L1913[19:31:44] <gigaherz> yup
L1914[19:31:52] <gigaherz> anything in hand/ground/inventory is an ItemStack
L1915[19:31:56] <gigaherz> which points to an Item
L1916[19:32:06] <gigaherz> while anything on the world grid is an IBlockState, that points to a Block
L1917[19:32:08] <Grist> and do I have to have a model json for the block as well as the itemblock?
L1918[19:32:21] <gigaherz> yes but no
L1919[19:32:28] <gigaherz> in the vanilla way, yes
L1920[19:32:32] <gigaherz> but forge alloys you to avoid them
L1921[19:32:36] <Grist> nice
L1922[19:32:42] <gigaherz> you can define all the models with just the blockstates json file
L1923[19:32:51] <gigaherz> even for non-block items
L1924[19:33:02] <gigaherz> there are some drawbacks
L1925[19:33:04] <gigaherz> most notably:
L1926[19:33:15] <gigaherz> a resourcepack won't be able to replace just ONE of the models
L1927[19:33:21] <Grist> ah
L1928[19:33:22] <gigaherz> it will have to overwrite the whole blockstates json file
L1929[19:33:39] <gigaherz> so you can't have "overlay" resource packs
L1930[19:33:43] <gigaherz> that just change a few things
L1931[19:34:04] <Grist> this whole blockstates and json thing seems far more complicated to me than the old way of doing things, but I'm sure I'll get used to it ahaha
L1932[19:34:14] <gigaherz> it sounds worse than it is
L1933[19:34:18] <gigaherz> once you catch the idea
L1934[19:34:21] <gigaherz> it's nice
L1935[19:34:28] <gigaherz> it does have some higher initial effort
L1936[19:34:29] <gigaherz> but it pays off
L1937[19:34:41] <Grist> cool
L1938[19:34:44] <Grist> thank you for the help!
L1939[19:34:46] <Cypher121> i'm currently staring at a custom model loader
L1940[19:34:48] <gigaherz> np
L1941[19:35:08] <Cypher121> which was written with a single goal to have all models defined in a single file models/models.json
L1942[19:35:19] <Cypher121> and I don't know whether to laugh or to cry
L1943[19:35:43] <gigaherz> I'd facepalm, sigh, and wave my head in resignation
L1944[19:36:35] ⇨ Joins: Noc7is (~Noc7is@ip174-74-51-159.om.om.cox.net)
L1945[19:37:13] <Cypher121> it uses a bunch of deprecated shit, such as ItemCameraTransforms and ItemTransformVec3f
L1946[19:37:38] <Cypher121> fucks up the format of "textures" object
L1947[19:38:05] <Cypher121> and I'm not even halfway through it
L1948[19:39:36] <Grist> so a method like this might be a good way to register all my blocks? http://hastebin.com/analarikuy.vhdl
L1949[19:40:24] <Grist> oh and one other question - when I do setCreativeTab, I should do that on the itemBlock and not the Block, right?
L1950[19:40:45] <gigaherz> I suppose
L1951[19:40:45] <Cypher121> yeah, something like this, although I usually prefer to set block registry name in constructor
L1952[19:41:05] <gigaherz> Grist: nah, the one from the block gets called
L1953[19:41:21] <gigaherz> ItemBlock#getCreativeTab calls block.getCreativeTab ;p
L1954[19:41:32] <Grist> oh haha alright cool
L1955[19:42:16] <gigaherz> really you don't have to mess with ItemBlock normally
L1956[19:42:22] <gigaherz> there's only 2 cases where you may want to
L1957[19:42:30] <Grist> and do light levels still work the old way where 15 is the highest and 0 is the lowest?
L1958[19:42:37] <Grist> ooh messing with things tell me more hahhaa
L1959[19:42:38] <gigaherz> 1. if you have subblocks, and you want to also have subitems for each subblock
L1960[19:43:14] <gigaherz> I was about to say "2. if you want to give the block special tooltips"
L1961[19:43:26] <gigaherz> but I remembered that calls block.addInformation also so it's not the case anymore ;P
L1962[19:43:53] <gigaherz> in fact
L1963[19:44:13] <Cypher121> gigaherz: after staring at that loader for some more time, I decided to cry
L1964[19:44:16] <Grist> huh I guess what I have learned is that I should really just read the block and itemblock classes ahaha
L1965[19:44:18] <gigaherz> the getMetadata isn't even needed anymore
L1966[19:44:40] <gigaherz> yeap. the only use for an ItemBlock RIGHT NOW, is to allow different subitems to have different unlocalized names.
L1967[19:44:47] <gigaherz> since ItemBlock does
L1968[19:44:57] <gigaherz> public String getUnlocalizedName(ItemStack stack) { return this.block.getUnlocalizedName(); }
L1969[19:45:03] <gigaherz> doesn't pass over the stack to the block
L1970[19:45:13] <gigaherz> so you can't have metadata-dependant unlocalized names
L1971[19:45:36] <gigaherz> which means it's the one single use for custom ItemBlocks ;P
L1972[19:45:51] <Grist> so like all the colours of wool have different itemBlocks?
L1973[19:46:00] <gigaherz> no
L1974[19:46:19] <gigaherz> it has one ItemBlock
L1975[19:46:27] ⇦ Quits: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-108-184.buckeyecom.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1976[19:46:33] <gigaherz> oh wait I retract this statement
L1977[19:46:37] <gigaherz> [02:44] (gigaherz): the getMetadata isn't even needed anymore
L1978[19:46:41] <gigaherz> it's in Item, not ItemBlock
L1979[19:46:48] <gigaherz> still needed for blocks with subblocks
L1980[19:46:50] <gigaherz> ;p
L1981[19:47:09] ⇨ Joins: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-108-184.buckeyecom.net)
L1982[19:47:11] <gigaherz> Grist: wool uses metadata numbers
L1983[19:47:13] <gigaherz> 0..15
L1984[19:47:16] <gigaherz> for the 16 different colors
L1985[19:47:19] <Grist> yes
L1986[19:47:21] <gigaherz> ifyou look at that class
L1987[19:47:30] <gigaherz> you'll see it overrides getUnlocalizedName(ItemStack)
L1988[19:47:36] <gigaherz> and in it, returns a custom unlocalized name
L1989[19:48:51] <Grist> in which class?
L1990[19:49:03] <gigaherz> ItemCloth
L1991[19:49:25] ⇦ Quits: AnrDaemon (~ZNC@darkdragon-nln.starlink.ru) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1992[19:49:37] <gigaherz> which is a misnomer
L1993[19:49:39] *** Kolatra is now known as Kolatra|away
L1994[19:49:40] <gigaherz> it shoudl be ItemColored
L1995[19:49:40] <Grist> oh haha thanks I was looking for an ItemWool
L1996[19:49:55] <gigaherz> or ItemColoredBlock
L1997[19:50:06] <gigaherz> it's used for stained clay and stained glass and panes
L1998[19:50:11] <gigaherz> and carpet
L1999[19:50:15] <gigaherz> not just "cloth"
L2000[19:50:24] <Grist> Ohh I see
L2001[19:50:51] <Grist> so a case like wool would be one where you want multiple itemBlocks per block
L2002[19:51:23] <gigaherz> ....no, not multiple itemblocks, there's still just one ItemBlock instance
L2003[19:51:34] <gigaherz> just the itemstack can take multiple metadata numbers
L2004[19:51:43] <gigaherz> and they represent different item variants
L2005[19:52:05] <gigaherz> the same metadata value is used for the durability vlaue in tools and weapons
L2006[19:52:12] <gigaherz> so it has multiples uses
L2007[19:52:22] <gigaherz> sometimes it represents subitems, sometimes not
L2008[19:52:26] <gigaherz> in the case of wool, it does
L2009[19:54:13] *** V is now known as Vigaro
L2010[19:54:24] <Grist> block metadata is different than item metadata though right?
L2011[19:54:33] <Grist> blocks have way fewer values IIRC
L2012[19:54:37] <gigaherz> yup
L2013[19:54:45] <gigaherz> block metadata is 4 bits (16 values)
L2014[19:54:55] <Grist> I havent modded for about 4 years hahaha picking up the pieces
L2015[19:54:56] <gigaherz> while item metadata is 16 bits (65536 values)
L2016[19:55:31] <gigaherz> although I don't remember if it allows negatives
L2017[19:55:34] <gigaherz> may be 32768 ;p
L2018[19:56:09] <Grist> cool
L2019[19:56:22] ⇨ Joins: AnrDaemon (~ZNC@darkdragon-nln.starlink.ru)
L2020[19:56:41] <Grist> so how do I let the itemblock just use the block model and texture?
L2021[19:57:38] <gigaherz> make a client proxy if you don't have one
L2022[19:57:50] <gigaherz> and on it, make a method that gets called on preinit, if you don't have one yet
L2023[19:57:51] <gigaherz> and then call
L2024[19:58:01] <gigaherz> ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation
L2025[19:58:13] <gigaherz> as you would for an item
L2026[19:58:20] <gigaherz> just for the itemblock (Item.getItemFromBlock)
L2027[19:58:29] <gigaherz> then
L2028[19:58:39] ⇨ Joins: CoolSquid (~CoolSquid@ti0011a400-2417.bb.online.no)
L2029[19:58:45] <gigaherz> if you use forge blockstates, you'll want a variant string that matches the one you specified in it (usually "inventory")
L2030[19:59:21] <Grist> ah so I want to have a reference to the itemBlock still?
L2031[19:59:22] <gigaherz> and if you are using vanilla style, you'll want an item model
L2032[19:59:25] <gigaherz> in models/item/
L2033[19:59:35] <gigaherz> no Grist, use Item.getItemFromBlock
L2034[19:59:40] <Grist> oh!
L2035[19:59:45] <gigaherz> then
L2036[19:59:51] <gigaherz> in the item json
L2037[19:59:52] <gigaherz> you can use
L2038[20:00:06] <gigaherz> "parent": "modid:block/theblockmodel"
L2039[20:00:13] <gigaherz> to reuse the same model
L2040[20:00:38] <gigaherz> check the jsons for vanilla items/blocks for reference
L2041[20:05:00] <Grist> alright so I can't just point it to the same json file?
L2042[20:06:20] <Grist> is there a guide to this whole models thing somewhere or something like can someone give me a link to how this grammar works
L2043[20:06:45] <DebugsPeople> look at the vanilla models
L2044[20:06:52] <DebugsPeople> and try some stuffs
L2045[20:07:04] <Grist> alright
L2046[20:07:16] <Grist> should I just parent cube_all?
L2047[20:07:50] <Grist> and also, is there an equivalent to ModelLoader for blocks? how do I set the models for blocks?
L2048[20:09:38] <gigaherz> night ppl
L2049[20:09:45] *** gigaherz is now known as ghz|afk
L2050[20:11:36] <DebugsPeople> I don't know if you have to lol
L2051[20:13:32] <DebugsPeople> Grist,
L2052[20:14:41] <Grist> yes?
L2053[20:17:41] ⇦ Quits: Noc7is (~Noc7is@ip174-74-51-159.om.om.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L2054[20:21:10] <DebugsPeople> I don't know if you actually have to
L2055[20:21:13] <DebugsPeople> sorry, lol
L2056[20:21:19] <DebugsPeople> rip reactiontime
L2057[20:26:20] <Grist> wait I don't have to?
L2058[20:26:25] <Grist> then how do I set the texture?
L2059[20:26:49] <Grist> aagh I just need a concise explanation of this new system somewhere
L2060[20:27:26] <DebugsPeople> {
L2061[20:27:26] <DebugsPeople> "parent": "block/cube_all",
L2062[20:27:26] <DebugsPeople> "textures": {
L2063[20:27:26] <DebugsPeople> "all": "blocks/stone_andesite"
L2064[20:27:26] <DebugsPeople> }
L2065[20:27:27] <DebugsPeople> }
L2066[20:28:25] <DebugsPeople> with all being the texture
L2067[20:28:45] <Grist> oh hey found willieW's gist about this wooOO
L2068[20:28:46] <DebugsPeople> base directory is assets/yourmodid/textures
L2069[20:28:50] <DebugsPeople> ahh, nice
L2070[20:28:57] <Grist> all shall be revealed
L2071[20:28:59] <DebugsPeople> I suck at explaining, sorry :P
L2072[20:29:16] <Grist> thank you for your help!
L2073[20:29:30] <DebugsPeople> what did I do lol
L2074[20:32:49] ⇦ Quits: Vazkii (~Vazkii@a79-169-163-74.cpe.netcabo.pt) (Quit: bOI)
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L2078[20:46:46] <wiresegal> getStateFromMeta is deprecated in 1.9.4, what are we supposed to use?
L2079[20:48:58] <tterrag> nothing?
L2080[20:49:01] <tterrag> why would you call that?
L2081[20:49:34] ⇨ Joins: Optimoos (~Optimoos@d104-205-230-42.abhsia.telus.net)
L2082[20:50:04] <raoulvdberge> anyone have an example of a TE that has an itemhandler as capability?
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L2086[20:51:09] <wiresegal> i'm not calling it, i'm extending it.
L2087[20:51:25] <wiresegal> how are we supposed to load from a savestate without it ._.
L2088[20:51:48] <tterrag> depends who added the annotation
L2089[20:52:03] <tterrag> (I assume forge)
L2090[20:52:05] <tterrag> but then, why?
L2091[20:52:22] <wiresegal> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L2092[20:52:25] <tterrag> !gm getStateFromMeta
L2093[20:52:41] <tterrag> it's not patched...
L2094[20:53:14] <tterrag> I don't know enough about 1.9.4 to say
L2095[20:53:42] <Optimoos> I'm trying to write a small Botania addon (a version of the Orechid that only works in certain dimensions), but I'm a noob and not entirely sure what I should be doing with the API from github. Can anyone provide me some direction?
L2096[20:54:09] <tterrag> copy it and put it in your project's src/api/java
L2097[20:54:09] ⇦ Quits: CoolerExtreme (~CoolerExt@ (Quit: Leaving)
L2098[20:54:24] <tterrag> (or just build against an API jar, if such a thing exists)
L2099[20:55:48] <wiresegal> you can build against botania itself
L2100[20:55:59] <wiresegal> just drop it in libs/ and run setupDecompWorkspace
L2101[20:56:25] <Cypher121> raoulvdberge: TileEntityChest
L2102[20:56:45] <Optimoos> Cool, ty both, I'll start with that
L2103[20:57:03] <kashike> tterrag: annotations in net.minecraft come from Mojang.
L2104[20:57:11] <tterrag> I figured
L2105[20:57:16] <tterrag> so mojang itself deprecated it
L2106[20:57:39] <tterrag> wiresegal: that's excessive and prone to issues
L2107[20:58:14] <Cypher121> so what's the replacement?
L2108[20:58:15] <tterrag> firstly, it would require a deobf version, but that's not a huge deal. mostly the fact that you will have internal code available to reference
L2109[20:58:28] <tterrag> it's best to *just* use the API
L2110[20:58:30] <tterrag> when possible
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L2112[21:04:27] <wiresegal> yeah, i'm still confused as to what I SHOULD use for getStateFromMeta then
L2113[21:05:06] <wiresegal> seeing as mojang uses it in their code ._.
L2114[21:05:07] <mezz> it's deprecated by mojang, worry about it when they remove it :P
L2115[21:05:57] <mezz> their annotations are not airtight, it's a big codebase and sometimes they're just pushing things in one direction and it's incomplete
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L2118[21:12:18] <LexDesktop> Mojang, incomplete... you don't say!
L2119[21:12:51] <LexDesktop> But,for those ones in particular, yes it's not going away until they finally kill the metadata compleetly and just treat them all as blockstates
L2120[21:13:01] <LexDesktop> however, MOST of the annotations from mojang are correct.
L2121[21:13:29] <Cypher121> assuming a block with property "ore" that takes these 4 values, is this a correct blockstate? https://gist.github.com/Cypher121/8cc7f1b109d2b39b12a933d1398bcda0
L2122[21:15:17] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L2123[21:16:07] ⇦ Quits: blood_ (unknown@ool-4574115b.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L2124[21:17:02] <tterrag> hm...all this time I thought the MC font was monospace
L2125[21:17:04] <tterrag> is it not?
L2126[21:17:44] <williewillus> Cypher121: almost
L2127[21:17:45] <LexDesktop> Technically no.
L2128[21:17:46] <tterrag> I am creating a loading bar in the chat using # and spaces, and the bar grows as I replace spaces with # characters
L2129[21:17:50] <williewillus> you haven't specified a model
L2130[21:20:11] <williewillus> dammit tico update so I can move my world to 1.9.4 :D
L2131[21:21:22] <Cypher121> williewillus: better now?
L2132[21:21:44] <williewillus> yeah, remove block/ from that model path since that's auto-added inside blockstate jsons
L2133[21:21:50] <williewillus> then it should be good
L2134[21:22:46] <Cypher121> ok, now what would be the best way to specify all inventory variants?
L2135[21:22:52] ⇦ Quits: agowa338 (~Thunderbi@p54919153.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: agowa338)
L2136[21:22:55] <tterrag> does this look awful? :P http://i.imgur.com/Hje6ABT.gifv
L2137[21:23:04] ⇨ Joins: agowa338 (~Thunderbi@p54919153.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L2138[21:23:17] <Cypher121> do I have to just keep adding "inventory_copper": ..., "inventory_tungsten": ..., and so on?
L2139[21:23:53] <Cypher121> tterrag: looks a bit too fast to justify a progress bar
L2140[21:23:58] <Cypher121> other than that pretty cool
L2141[21:23:59] <tterrag> Cypher121: it can be longer
L2142[21:24:02] <tterrag> it's called *testing* :D
L2143[21:24:07] <williewillus> Cypher121: no you can set the variant directly
L2144[21:24:14] <TehNut> tterrag: since when do you make bukkit plugins :P
L2145[21:24:15] <kashike> tterrag: pipe might look nicer
L2146[21:24:20] <kashike> that box is too big
L2147[21:24:22] <tterrag> pipe?
L2148[21:24:24] <tterrag> | ?
L2149[21:24:26] <tterrag> I'll try
L2150[21:24:26] <kashike> |
L2151[21:24:40] <williewillus> Cypher121: ModelLoader.setCustomMRL(Item.getItemFromBlock(b), <meta>, new MRL(<path>, "ore=copper"))
L2152[21:24:41] <williewillus> etc.
L2153[21:24:44] <tterrag> heh that's way too small. maybe it'd work with spaces though
L2154[21:24:54] <tterrag> nope
L2155[21:25:08] <tterrag> maybe two pipes per space?
L2156[21:25:08] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@ti0107a400-2313.bb.online.no) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2157[21:25:19] <tterrag> yeah taht works
L2158[21:25:26] <Cypher121> wouldn't I need "transform": "forge:default-block" inside inventory variants?
L2159[21:25:30] <williewillus> yes
L2160[21:25:35] <williewillus> just put it in defaults
L2161[21:25:46] <kashike> [ | | | | | | | | | | | | | ]
L2162[21:25:48] <williewillus> it won't affect the in-world appearancce
L2163[21:25:53] <Cypher121> oh
L2164[21:25:55] <Cypher121> that's cool
L2165[21:25:58] <Cypher121> thanks
L2166[21:26:11] <tterrag> kashike: MC font isn't monospace
L2167[21:26:15] <tterrag> so a space is 2x the width of a pipe
L2168[21:26:38] <DebugsPeople> what happened to entity yOffset?
L2169[21:26:46] <kashike> ah, I always forget what font is like
L2170[21:27:20] <DebugsPeople> oh wait, it's just not used in Entitiy
L2171[21:28:17] <killjoy1> I hate it when I accidentally import java.awt.List
L2172[21:28:49] <williewillus> DebugsPeople: it got moved into a method
L2173[21:28:54] <DebugsPeople> wtf is IDEA doing, using way too much cpu
L2174[21:28:55] <williewillus> Entity.getYOffset
L2175[21:28:58] <DebugsPeople> yea
L2176[21:29:01] <DebugsPeople> found it
L2177[21:29:12] <DebugsPeople> was just confused as to why it returned 0 up until now
L2178[21:29:23] <DebugsPeople> then rememebered I can override it
L2179[21:29:27] <Cypher121> williewillus: if I have variants that are just "name": [{}] can I remove them?
L2180[21:29:54] <williewillus> if you use them? no
L2181[21:30:02] <Cypher121> k
L2182[21:31:10] <wiresegal> hey, willie, botaniamisc.baubletooltip gets the non-deprecated I18n annoyed
L2183[21:31:40] <wiresegal> it puts "Format error: " before it
L2184[21:32:10] <williewillus> what does it say after?
L2185[21:32:49] <williewillus> also wat that lang key isn't in my en_US.lang 0.o
L2186[21:33:03] <williewillus> wait found it
L2187[21:33:16] <wiresegal> it says the actual thing after
L2188[21:33:23] ⇨ Joins: Elucent (~elucent__@d47-69-239-56.col.wideopenwest.com)
L2189[21:33:23] <wiresegal> but it's probably complaining about %key%
L2190[21:33:29] <wiresegal> you should just use %s prolly
L2191[21:33:47] ⇦ Quits: agowa338 (~Thunderbi@p54919153.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L2192[21:34:02] <williewillus> %key% is a thing? :P
L2193[21:34:05] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~znc@ti0107a400-2313.bb.online.no)
L2194[21:34:24] <williewillus> or did we substitute that manually
L2195[21:34:29] <wiresegal> manually
L2196[21:34:31] <wiresegal> with a .replace
L2197[21:34:36] *** Mumfrey is now known as mumfrey
L2198[21:34:46] <williewillus> blegh yeah
L2199[21:34:58] <wiresegal> also hey, i just reproduced a bug on your repo \o/
L2200[21:35:04] <williewillus> which one
L2201[21:35:22] <wiresegal> #293
L2202[21:35:35] <wiresegal> every time i load my world, my hopperhocks become... something.
L2203[21:35:45] <williewillus> okay yeah
L2204[21:35:48] <williewillus> i probably know why
L2205[21:35:52] <wiresegal> they turn into oxeye daisies
L2206[21:35:52] <williewillus> its the new te syncing stuff
L2207[21:35:52] <wiresegal> WHAT
L2208[21:36:00] <williewillus> lol
L2209[21:36:03] <wiresegal> i'm just utterly confused
L2210[21:36:13] <wiresegal> but they drop hopperhocks, so
L2211[21:36:31] <williewillus> wat
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L2213[21:36:36] <DebugsPeople> xD
L2214[21:36:42] <williewillus> if the subtile type is missing it should have the missing texture
L2215[21:36:44] <williewillus> 0.o
L2216[21:36:54] <wiresegal> it's only an oxeye on isRemote=true
L2217[21:36:56] <wiresegal> ._.
L2218[21:37:24] <Elucent> what is going on with ItemAxe in 1.9?
L2219[21:37:42] <williewillus> wiresegal: like the literal block is the vanilla flower?
L2220[21:37:45] <wiresegal> no
L2221[21:37:50] <wiresegal> but... lemme get a screenie
L2222[21:37:53] <TehNut> It's broken. Extend ItemTool and set the type to axe in harvest level
L2223[21:38:22] <tterrag> lol
L2224[21:38:30] <tterrag> vanilla OPEN_FILE click event is busted?
L2225[21:38:34] <DebugsPeople> lel, "hur dur, we're mojang, let's break some more stuff"?
L2226[21:38:39] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L2227[21:38:41] <williewillus> not really
L2228[21:38:48] <wiresegal> williewillus: http://imgur.com/b4lOKmN
L2229[21:38:53] <tterrag> Caused by: java.io.IOException: Failed to open file
L2230[21:38:57] <tterrag> yeah, it's busted.
L2231[21:39:02] <williewillus> oh that
L2232[21:39:08] <wiresegal> it's a daisy, what
L2233[21:39:09] <wiresegal> why
L2234[21:39:15] <williewillus> that's a dummy property
L2235[21:39:30] <williewillus> bc botania flowers extend BlockFlower they receive all the blockstate properties BlockFlower has
L2236[21:39:39] <williewillus> it's set to oxeye_daisy for everything
L2237[21:39:45] <Grist> williewillus, I spent last night and tonight reading your gist on the new rendering system and I feel... enlightened and uplifted and like I have great power. One question, is the assets/modid/models/item and assets/modid/blockstates distinction necessary, or is there a way to put everything in one directory?
L2238[21:39:47] <wiresegal> fair enough xD
L2239[21:39:47] <tterrag> williewillus: new ClickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.OPEN_FILE, future.get().getPath()))
L2240[21:39:59] <tterrag> and I am 100% positive the file from future.get() is valid (I just wrote to it)
L2241[21:40:03] <Grist> or at least models/item and models/block or something
L2242[21:40:04] <williewillus> so yeah it's proably the subtile is just not syncing
L2243[21:40:10] <wiresegal> probably
L2244[21:40:27] <DebugsPeople> wait, if I overwrite applyPlayerinteraction do I have to return PASS so other interact Events still get triggered after?
L2245[21:40:47] <tterrag> why the hell does mojang use reflection to invoke Desktop methods
L2246[21:40:53] <wiresegal> because mojang
L2247[21:41:06] <williewillus> you return PASS if you want to say "I didn't try anything" or "nothing meaningful happened"
L2248[21:41:24] <williewillus> Grist: they are distinct, however like the primer said items are just special cases of blockstates
L2249[21:41:40] <williewillus> if you use forge blockstate json you can setCustomMRL to them :P
L2250[21:41:49] <williewillus> I keep all my items split out though
L2251[21:42:27] <Grist> so if for the item forge_marker is 1, I can use setCustomMRL?
L2252[21:42:29] <williewillus> tterrag: maybe platform-specific stuff? idk that api well
L2253[21:42:46] <tterrag> they don't do anything special
L2254[21:42:46] <williewillus> Grist: then you can setCustomMRL to variants in that blockstate json (which is what an MRL is in the first place)
L2255[21:43:26] <williewillus> you can do whatever but I personally advise against dumping a ton of items into 1 forge blockstate json
L2256[21:44:10] <Grist> ohHH so in ResourceLocation constructor, the first string specifies the json file to use and the second string specifies the variant?
L2257[21:44:19] <DebugsPeople> tfw you don't get why you can't bind the rcentity, but you're using the wrong remote type :S
L2258[21:44:24] <Grist> *ModelResourceLocation that is
L2259[21:44:45] <williewillus> yup
L2260[21:44:52] <williewillus> that's always what an MRL is
L2261[21:44:58] <williewillus> items just have a little special magic around them
L2262[21:45:11] <williewillus> since there's no such thing as "itemstates" for items
L2263[21:45:20] <wiresegal> what exactly is the functional difference between PASS and FAIL in EnumActionResult?
L2264[21:46:00] <williewillus> PASS means "try the next interaction"
L2265[21:46:09] <williewillus> FAIL or SUCCESS usually cause interactions to terminate
L2266[21:46:16] <wiresegal> but FAIL doesn't always
L2267[21:46:22] <williewillus> yeah
L2268[21:46:29] <wiresegal> you can FAIL your first item and then use your second
L2269[21:46:58] <williewillus> yeah so like on my 1.9 primer be optimistic on the client side (because that's where interactions initiate) and truthful serverside
L2270[21:47:08] <williewillus> a lot of vanilla methods return SUCCESS on client side
L2271[21:47:14] <wiresegal> ahhh
L2272[21:47:33] <williewillus> but if you know that in that case you want other things to be tried you can do PASS
L2273[21:48:45] <williewillus> wiresegal: anyways does that flower model glitch happen randomly or only when you reload a chunk
L2274[21:48:56] <wiresegal> reload a chunk maybe, world definitely
L2275[21:49:01] <wiresegal> i've never seen it happen otherwise
L2276[21:49:19] <wiresegal> also mana cookies aren't working?
L2277[21:49:25] <williewillus> okay yeah its the te syncing
L2278[21:49:37] <tterrag> ok, I think this bug is java ironically
L2279[21:49:45] <williewillus> wiresegal: not working how? 0.o
L2280[21:49:52] <williewillus> tterrag: what's the java bug haha
L2281[21:49:56] <tterrag> new File(mcDataDir, "some/path") -> if mcDataDir = "." which it usually does
L2282[21:50:00] <tterrag> then you get ./some/path
L2283[21:50:11] <tterrag> then when you call toURI() you get C:/parent/path/./some/path
L2284[21:50:20] <tterrag> Desktop.browse() will NOT accept that path
L2285[21:50:25] <tterrag> without the /./ it works fine
L2286[21:50:39] <williewillus> that's dumb
L2287[21:50:40] <williewillus> :P
L2288[21:50:46] <tterrag> even though /./ is perfectly valid
L2289[21:50:50] <tterrag> (really, I blame windows)
L2290[21:51:10] <tterrag> I'm trying to find a programmatic way to remove the ./ other than substrings
L2291[21:51:14] <wiresegal> not working as in... it's giving me half a shank of saturation and that's it
L2292[21:51:30] <tterrag> obviously I can jstu do new File("some/path") but idk if mcDataDir is ALWAYS .
L2293[21:52:36] <wiresegal> willie, you're applying one tick of saturation. ONE tick. ._.
L2294[21:52:40] ⇦ Quits: RawringNymNym (~maria@ (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L2295[21:52:52] <williewillus> it's like that in master
L2296[21:53:01] <williewillus> https://github.com/Vazkii/Botania/blob/66a5c5e57817c258154c517dfe66e91f3c1549cc/src/main/java/vazkii/botania/common/item/ItemManaCookie.java#L36
L2297[21:53:02] <wiresegal> really?
L2298[21:53:05] <Grist> on which side and in which stage if initialization should I run addRecipe?
L2299[21:53:18] <wiresegal> ...huh.
L2300[21:53:32] <williewillus> Grist: both and init
L2301[21:53:32] <tterrag> AHA
L2302[21:53:42] <Grist> thanks!
L2303[21:53:44] <tterrag> getCanonicalFile says it removes redundant paths
L2304[21:54:07] <tterrag> this explains why the screenshot link in chat has always been busted for me
L2305[21:54:09] <tterrag> they do the same thing
L2306[21:54:18] <tterrag> File file1 = new File(gameDirectory, "screenshots");
L2307[21:54:39] <williewillus> so probably works on *nixes
L2308[21:54:44] <tterrag> yeah
L2309[21:54:44] <williewillus> lemme try the screenshot links
L2310[21:54:47] <wiresegal> i got no idea why, but in 1.7.10 it filled your bar completely...
L2311[21:54:50] <tterrag> I'm on w7 here
L2312[21:55:09] <DebugsPeople> ok, something is messed up right here lol
L2313[21:55:15] <williewillus> did the potioneffect constructor take like seconds or seomthing in 1.7?
L2314[21:55:15] <williewillus> idk
L2315[21:55:33] <wiresegal> yes. yes it did.
L2316[21:55:33] <TehNut> Yeah, screenshot link is borked for me, too
L2317[21:55:38] <TehNut> run/./screenshots
L2318[21:55:39] <williewillus> heh yeah screenshot links work
L2319[21:55:40] <williewillus> linux
L2320[21:55:45] <TehNut> W10
L2321[21:55:49] <Cypher121> I'd recommend using Path/Paths instead of File though
L2322[21:55:50] <wiresegal> Mac
L2323[21:55:56] <Cypher121> and java.nio in general
L2324[21:56:32] <wiresegal> yeah, willie, it was duration * 20 in 1.7.10 :P
L2325[21:57:00] <williewillus> lol okay I'll relook over all PotionEffect constructions :P
L2326[21:57:01] <tterrag> Cypher121: that's j7
L2327[21:57:02] <tterrag> so...no
L2328[21:57:06] <tterrag> not gonna happen
L2329[21:57:13] <tterrag> though I agree nio is better
L2330[21:57:21] <williewillus> i thought you built for j7?
L2331[21:57:28] <tterrag> on this mod, no
L2332[21:57:32] <tterrag> but we're talking about vnailla
L2333[21:57:37] <tterrag> they may have fixed this in 1.9, idk
L2334[21:57:41] <tterrag> haven't checked
L2335[21:58:01] <tterrag> if not, a simple forge patch with getCanonicalFile would fix it
L2336[21:58:23] <Cypher121> oh, neat. vals in kotlin singletons aren't properly initialized on load
L2337[22:00:46] <wiresegal> really?
L2338[22:00:59] <wiresegal> you mean they're initialized by lazy from first class reference?
L2339[22:01:48] <wiresegal> because yeah, initialization in objects doesn't get run until the object itself is referenced
L2340[22:01:59] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L2341[22:02:03] <Cypher121> wait, actually that's not even the case. initializer is ignored even for var
L2342[22:02:26] <wiresegal> you can even take it one step further and use va(l/r) x: Type by lazy { initializer }
L2343[22:02:27] ⇨ Joins: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-108-184.buckeyecom.net)
L2344[22:02:28] <tterrag> https://gfycat.com/DisastrousHeftyArcticseal
L2345[22:02:29] <tterrag> gif ception
L2346[22:02:42] <Cypher121> wiresegal: field is not initialized when method is called
L2347[22:02:44] <wiresegal> that value won't be initialized until it itself is referenced, if it's lazy
L2348[22:02:56] <Cypher121> so I have val ORE_TYPES = PropertyEnum...
L2349[22:03:11] <Cypher121> and then createBlockState() = BlockStateContainer(this, ORE_TYPES)
L2350[22:03:13] <wiresegal> WHOA that's neat, tterag
L2351[22:03:21] <wiresegal> oh that's different
L2352[22:03:24] <Cypher121> and ORE_TYPES is passed to constructor as null
L2353[22:03:46] <wiresegal> yeah, because ClassName(val foo: Bar) is evaluated as
L2354[22:03:56] <wiresegal> init { this.foo = foo }
L2355[22:04:13] <wiresegal> and it can't do that until AFTER the super call happens
L2356[22:04:22] <tterrag> wiresegal: it's far from perfect...especially the memory usage
L2357[22:04:44] <wiresegal> ah well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L2358[22:04:54] <wiresegal> Cypher121: the way I got around that is a bit... iffy
L2359[22:05:08] <wiresegal> I AT'd blockState and manually reset it in my init {} block
L2360[22:05:59] <TehNut> Wow that's pretty good quality
L2361[22:06:19] <tterrag> TehNut: the result gif there is 7.8MB
L2362[22:06:21] <tterrag> not too bad
L2363[22:06:28] <tterrag> I resize down to 500px
L2364[22:06:37] <TehNut> Going to add quality settings?
L2365[22:06:49] <tterrag> perhaps
L2366[22:06:55] <tterrag> that's not where the memory usage is though
L2367[22:07:01] <tterrag> let me turn on F3...
L2368[22:07:13] ⇦ Quits: Seiklus (webchat@c-73-46-200-26.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L2369[22:07:17] <TehNut> nono, I want to turn it *up* :P
L2370[22:07:38] <wiresegal> I have just created yet ANOTHER belt that makes you think twice about using the Sash >:D
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L2372[22:07:48] <DebugsPeople> rip, I don't know how to use GL
L2373[22:07:58] <tterrag> TehNut: good luck with that
L2374[22:07:59] <TehNut> nobody does
L2375[22:08:16] <wiresegal> we just reload changed classes until it works
L2376[22:08:42] <Cypher121> wiresegal: in any case, it means that method of the object is called before the <init> of same object
L2377[22:08:43] <tterrag> not nobody ;(
L2378[22:08:48] <DebugsPeople> lol
L2379[22:08:49] <Cypher121> that's just bs
L2380[22:09:14] <wiresegal> Cypher121: it's called in the init of Block, that's why
L2381[22:09:18] <tterrag> TehNut: https://gfycat.com/RemorsefulMiniatureBeardedcollie
L2382[22:09:22] <tterrag> watch the memory when it starts writing
L2383[22:09:46] <Cypher121> oh, I see
L2384[22:09:47] <tterrag> BufferedImage sucks
L2385[22:10:11] <wiresegal> when I say 'food item' what springs to mind firs
L2386[22:10:14] <wiresegal> *first
L2387[22:10:15] <TehNut> Yeah that won't phase my system
L2388[22:10:28] <tterrag> that's with the 500px gif...let me remove the size cap
L2389[22:10:37] <TehNut> remove cap, gimme a build
L2390[22:10:40] <TehNut> i wanna try :p
L2391[22:10:41] <williewillus> lol
L2392[22:10:43] <tterrag> uhh ok
L2393[22:10:59] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54961723.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L2394[22:11:15] <wiresegal> cake it is
L2395[22:11:34] <williewillus> wiresegal: were all of the potioneffect constructors in seconds in 1.7?
L2396[22:11:43] <williewillus> I got rid of all my 1.7 workspaces so I can't check xD
L2397[22:11:55] <wiresegal> williewillus: no. However, the thing for itemfood was.
L2398[22:12:06] <DebugsPeople> probably using the wrong constant even :P
L2399[22:12:09] <wiresegal> PotionEffect has always been in ticks.
L2400[22:12:12] <williewillus> wat
L2401[22:12:31] <williewillus> i thought you said the constructor took seconds in 1.7
L2402[22:12:43] <williewillus> i'm asking if all of the ctors did
L2403[22:12:45] <wiresegal> no, the ItemFood setPotionEffect did
L2404[22:12:46] <williewillus> or just the 3param one
L2405[22:12:47] <wiresegal> that's it
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L2407[22:12:56] <Cypher121> moved that shit to package-level, works now
L2408[22:12:57] <williewillus> but it takes a potioneffect 0.o
L2409[22:12:57] <wiresegal> none of the potioneffect constructors did ._.
L2410[22:12:58] <Cypher121> ugh
L2411[22:13:05] <wiresegal> it didn't use to
L2412[22:13:08] <williewillus> ah
L2413[22:13:09] <williewillus> okay
L2414[22:13:15] <tterrag> TehNut: you get dropfile because I'm lazy https://dropfile.to/2RARPDs
L2415[22:13:20] <williewillus> so it only affects this
L2416[22:13:24] <tterrag> this is 1.8.9 because get off my back I"ll port soon
L2417[22:13:32] <TehNut> Puush does files, too, you know >.>
L2418[22:13:33] <wiresegal> yes, and any other theoretical food items you may have had
L2419[22:13:34] <tterrag> finals just ended
L2420[22:13:41] <tterrag> TehNut: puush has stopped working for me
L2421[22:13:42] <tterrag> entirely
L2422[22:13:45] <TehNut> wat
L2423[22:13:49] ⇦ Quits: Wastl2 (~Wastl2@x4e34ed27.dyn.telefonica.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2424[22:13:52] <tterrag> it never finishes an upload
L2425[22:13:52] <TehNut> Then get ShareX :P
L2426[22:13:55] <tterrag> that IS sharex
L2427[22:13:59] <TehNut> ohgod
L2428[22:14:03] <DebugsPeople> why do I only notice my nullpointer exceptions after I launch the game
L2429[22:14:07] <DebugsPeople> before it crashes
L2430[22:14:15] <TehNut> download the file you stupid website
L2431[22:14:19] <wiresegal> willie... Natural Pledge is making people choose things other than the sash >:D
L2432[22:14:33] <williewillus> and what would other things be?
L2433[22:14:35] <wiresegal> (we provide a 12-slot toolbelt and a belt which eats food for you)
L2434[22:14:43] <williewillus> okay :P
L2435[22:14:50] <tterrag> TehNut: this site is slower than I remember :P
L2436[22:14:53] <wiresegal> both are so much better imo, but now there's actually a choice
L2437[22:14:55] <TehNut> Yeah that isn't downloading at all...
L2438[22:14:58] <tterrag> weird
L2439[22:14:59] <tterrag> ok
L2440[22:15:04] <TehNut> Like, I mean, the button isn't doing shit
L2441[22:15:36] <DebugsPeople> is GL11.LINE valid?
L2442[22:15:51] <williewillus> what do you mean valid?
L2443[22:15:53] <wiresegal> because come on, what good choices are there for belts besides the sash in botania alone
L2444[22:16:08] <TehNut> the other sash in botania
L2445[22:16:11] <wiresegal> >.>
L2446[22:16:13] <DebugsPeople> as in valid for glBegin
L2447[22:16:15] <DebugsPeople> but it's not
L2448[22:16:16] <tterrag> TehNut: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwDDNuT6abxISW5SSS1yemxMTzg/view?usp=sharing
L2449[22:16:24] <tterrag> DebugsPeople: it's GL_LINE
L2450[22:16:31] <tterrag> GL11.LINE is not a constant
L2451[22:16:32] <tterrag> use your IDE
L2452[22:16:39] <DebugsPeople> GL_LINE_STRIP
L2453[22:16:40] <DebugsPeople> yea
L2454[22:16:43] <DebugsPeople> meant that
L2455[22:16:46] <tterrag> that's a different thing
L2456[22:16:48] <DebugsPeople> oh
L2458[22:17:14] <DebugsPeople> probably used the wron one
L2459[22:17:15] <tterrag> those are your choices :P
L2460[22:17:34] <tterrag> https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glBegin.xml
L2461[22:17:41] <Grist> Have entities changed much in 1.8 and 1.9 from 1.7?
L2462[22:18:04] <williewillus> no
L2463[22:18:16] <williewillus> datawatcher changed (got a lot better) in 1.9
L2464[22:18:35] <TehNut> tterrag: how do i do it
L2465[22:18:39] <tterrag> TehNut: oh right
L2466[22:18:42] <tterrag> hold F7 to record :P
L2467[22:18:43] <TehNut> :P
L2468[22:18:46] <tterrag> too lazy to set up a keybind yet
L2469[22:19:14] ⇨ Joins: Wastl2 (~Wastl2@x4e34e3ad.dyn.telefonica.de)
L2470[22:20:10] <TehNut> Maximized window @1080p is using 1.8Gb to 2.3Gb
L2471[22:20:40] <tterrag> not bad
L2472[22:20:50] <tterrag> I tried adding a forced GC after writing each frame
L2473[22:20:52] <tterrag> that did not go well
L2474[22:21:37] <TehNut> 3836x1048 is using ~2.8Gb
L2475[22:22:03] <williewillus> does it stream to disk when recording?
L2476[22:22:15] <DebugsPeople> what's the translate for GL?
L2477[22:22:44] <TehNut> LOL THAT FILE SIZE
L2478[22:22:45] ⇦ Quits: KnightMiner (~KnightMin@adsl-68-255-5-212.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2479[22:22:54] <williewillus> what do you mean what's the translate? :P
L2480[22:22:55] ⇨ Joins: Maxis (~Maxis@c-71-236-11-85.hsd1.ga.comcast.net)
L2481[22:22:56] <TehNut> 86Mb :D
L2482[22:23:14] <tterrag> williewillus: it uses a single FileOutputStream to write the entire gif, so yes?
L2483[22:23:23] <tterrag> williewillus: here's my hacky algorithm http://pastebin.com/LcUfDcuf
L2484[22:24:02] <tterrag> the gif writer is some random library code I found on github :P
L2485[22:24:06] <tterrag> works well enough it seems
L2486[22:24:55] <williewillus> oh i meant does it write to disk as it goes (with buffering) or it gets it all and dumps it all at the end
L2487[22:25:13] <williewillus> but yeah works well enough :P
L2488[22:25:26] ⇦ Quits: CoolSquid (~CoolSquid@ti0011a400-2417.bb.online.no) (Quit: Leaving)
L2489[22:25:42] <TehNut> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByXj47mmwJwAb2ZNV0o4NUNlbm8/view?usp=sharing The high res gif
L2490[22:25:44] <tterrag> it does seem to buffer
L2491[22:25:46] <tterrag> reading the code
L2492[22:25:51] <tterrag> but it's a hot mess
L2493[22:25:56] <DebugsPeople> the coordinates you have to translate
L2494[22:26:05] <tterrag> xyz?
L2495[22:26:16] <DebugsPeople> yes
L2496[22:26:21] <tterrag> what about ti
L2497[22:26:22] <williewillus> what about them
L2498[22:26:37] <DebugsPeople> are they relative to the player, are they absolute?
L2499[22:26:42] <tterrag> TehNut: now you see why I downsize
L2500[22:26:51] <TehNut> hehe
L2501[22:27:00] <tterrag> DebugsPeople: that question has a lot of answers
L2502[22:27:03] <williewillus> yeah
L2503[22:27:06] <tterrag> they are relative to the current transformation matrix
L2504[22:27:11] <williewillus> depends on where in the code you are
L2505[22:27:28] <TehNut> Perfect quality recording though
L2506[22:27:34] <DebugsPeople> I want to draw a line from my entity, a vectory
L2507[22:27:38] <tterrag> other than being 20fps :P
L2508[22:27:39] <DebugsPeople> *vector
L2509[22:27:53] <tterrag> DebugsPeople: if you are in the entity renderer, you are already transformed relative to the entity's position
L2510[22:28:00] <TehNut> Eh, GIF's don't need to be a high framerate
L2511[22:28:05] <tterrag> that's what I figured
L2512[22:28:12] <tterrag> though oddly enough, a frametime of 50ms is too slow
L2513[22:28:19] <tterrag> even though 1000/20 = 50
L2514[22:28:22] <DebugsPeople> https://gist.github.com/DebugsPeople/5aeb9dd5d96fdb0031a201b659436519
L2515[22:28:22] <williewillus> see how the f3+b renders the entity's look vec
L2516[22:28:29] <DebugsPeople> f3+b?
L2517[22:28:33] <TehNut> Oh I crashed
L2518[22:28:37] <tterrag> get rid of that translate
L2519[22:28:47] <DebugsPeople> sure?
L2520[22:28:48] <tterrag> pretty sure entities are already translated
L2521[22:28:57] <williewillus> DebugsPeople: if you do f3+b in 1.8+
L2522[22:28:57] <tterrag> question: does the rest of your entity render fine?
L2523[22:29:00] <DebugsPeople> yes
L2524[22:29:01] <TehNut> http://tehnut.info/share/foQtS05hfC.txt
L2525[22:29:02] <williewillus> mc draws a blue line out of the entity
L2526[22:29:02] ⇦ Quits: Grist (~Grist@ (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L2527[22:29:03] <tterrag> then nevermind
L2528[22:29:05] <williewillus> wherever its looking
L2529[22:29:23] <DebugsPeople> where is that rendering?
L2530[22:29:39] <DebugsPeople> oh, you meant the keybind *facepalm
L2531[22:29:40] *** wiresegal is now known as wiresleepgal
L2532[22:29:45] <tterrag> TehNut: was there an error in your log prior to that
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L2534[22:30:05] <tterrag> "Error writing gif." or "Could not create gif file."
L2535[22:31:02] <TehNut> Ah yes http://tehnut.info/share/zsL3Tt1tng.txt
L2536[22:31:05] <Cypher121> what's a good way to render stack in world?
L2537[22:31:23] <tterrag> well that's self explanatory
L2538[22:31:24] <TehNut> Huh, I didn't have it open in anything
L2539[22:31:25] <TehNut> wierd
L2540[22:31:28] <Cypher121> more specifically horizontally on top of a block with TESR
L2541[22:31:31] <tterrag> yay windows file locks
L2542[22:31:42] <TehNut> \o/
L2543[22:35:50] <DebugsPeople> where is that debug rendering williewillus? :P
L2544[22:40:32] <DebugsPeople> yay it works
L2545[22:44:16] ⇦ Quits: Temportalist (uid37180@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:0:913c) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L2546[22:45:16] <williewillus> Cypher121: Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItem(stack, transformtype)
L2547[22:45:24] <williewillus> with appropriate GL setup beforehand
L2548[22:45:31] *** Kolatra|away is now known as Kolatra
L2549[22:46:22] <DebugsPeople> we gotta have hot code push or smth like that
L2550[22:46:24] <DebugsPeople> :P
L2551[22:46:44] <TehNut> hotswapping?
L2552[22:46:56] <TehNut> That's a thing in both Idea and Eclipse
L2553[22:46:56] <DebugsPeople> like the new android stuffs
L2554[22:47:06] <DebugsPeople> is it?
L2555[22:47:13] <TehNut> Which do you use?
L2556[22:47:19] <DebugsPeople> idea
L2557[22:47:23] <williewillus> you mean like hot code reloading without relaunching?
L2558[22:47:26] <williewillus> yeah thats hotswapping
L2559[22:47:33] <TehNut> Run in debug instead of hitting "run"
L2560[22:47:44] <TehNut> The bug icon instead of the triangle
L2561[22:47:51] <DebugsPeople> i know that part
L2562[22:48:04] <tterrag> TehNut: literally the same instruction for eclipse btw
L2563[22:48:05] <tterrag> lol
L2564[22:48:07] <TehNut> Then after you change your code, Run (from top nav bar) -> Reload Changed Classes
L2565[22:48:11] <TehNut> Really/
L2566[22:48:16] <tterrag> http://i.imgur.com/VZhzyF8.png
L2567[22:48:20] <TehNut> When I used Eclipse it was much more involved to set it up
L2568[22:48:35] <tterrag> no...always just been press debug
L2569[22:48:39] <TehNut> ..
L2570[22:48:42] <TehNut> google lied
L2571[22:48:47] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-203-206.access.telenet.be)
L2572[22:49:25] <DebugsPeople> that's amazing, thx :D
L2573[22:49:27] <williewillus> yeah eclipse just does it on the fly
L2574[22:49:35] <williewillus> idea you have to trigger a reload
L2575[22:50:05] <williewillus> i actually think you can set idea to "constantly compile changed classes" but not sure if that reloads as well
L2576[22:50:33] <DebugsPeople> sure eclipse does that?
L2577[22:50:59] <williewillus> from what other people have told me :P
L2578[22:51:12] <williewillus> last time I used eclipse was in my HS CS class 4 years ago lol
L2579[22:51:16] <DebugsPeople> LOL
L2580[22:51:25] <williewillus> then I found idea
L2581[22:51:40] <DebugsPeople> i found idea through android studio
L2582[22:52:34] <tterrag> I can 100% assure you eclipse does this
L2583[22:52:37] <tterrag> I use it literally every day
L2584[22:54:02] <DebugsPeople> this is so trippy
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L2586[22:55:44] <DebugsPeople> is the Player.cameraYaw/Pitch in radians or degrees?
L2587[22:57:47] <williewillus> everything is in degrees
L2588[22:57:50] <williewillus> in mc
L2589[22:58:11] <DebugsPeople> lol
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L2591[23:01:32] <Cypher121> anyone has a good hash for itemstacks?
L2592[23:02:39] <DebugsPeople> uhh, what?
L2593[23:03:23] <williewillus> you mean a hashcode implementation? :P
L2594[23:03:27] <Cypher121> yes
L2595[23:03:58] <Cypher121> I found myself headbanging a wall
L2596[23:04:12] <Cypher121> in an attempt to use ItemStacks as keys for trove hashmap
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L2598[23:04:25] <DebugsPeople> williewillus, can I set something like the return results in a subscribe EntityInteract?
L2599[23:04:55] <DebugsPeople> (EnumActionResult)
L2600[23:05:17] <williewillus> not yet
L2601[23:05:29] <williewillus> I'm working on something that will let you\
L2602[23:05:32] <DebugsPeople> :S
L2603[23:05:37] <DebugsPeople> wat to do
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L2612[23:05:46] <williewillus> what is this event for?
L2613[23:05:52] <williewillus> rip bouncer
L2614[23:05:54] <DebugsPeople> dafuck
L2615[23:06:02] <DebugsPeople> yea
L2616[23:06:10] ⇨ Joins: Abrar|gone (~AbrarSyed@ipv6.abrarsyed.com)
L2617[23:06:10] MineBot sets mode: +o on Abrar|gone
L2618[23:06:20] <DebugsPeople> entityinteract binds an entity
L2619[23:06:30] <DebugsPeople> if you do it somewhere else it unbinds
L2620[23:06:38] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L2621[23:06:50] <DebugsPeople> well now it binds and instantly unbinds again
L2622[23:07:22] ⇨ Joins: Cazzar (~CazzarZNC@vocaloid.lovers.at.cazzar.net)
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L2628[23:08:43] <DebugsPeople> they be back
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L2631[23:12:31] <Kolatra> is there an event for crafting items?
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L2634[23:13:43] <williewillus> yeah theres the old FML ItemCraftedEvent i think
L2635[23:13:57] <DebugsPeople> williewillus?
L2636[23:14:02] <williewillus> wat
L2637[23:14:03] <Kolatra> found it, thanks willie
L2638[23:14:08] <DebugsPeople> nth...
L2639[23:15:05] <williewillus> I'm working on the PIE stream breaking thing, someone else needs the same thing
L2640[23:15:19] <DebugsPeople> PIE?
L2641[23:15:22] <DebugsPeople> sounds good
L2642[23:15:30] <williewillus> PlayerInteractEvent
L2643[23:15:35] <DebugsPeople> ahh
L2644[23:16:35] <McJty> Since I'm using FG 2.2 for 1.9.4 mods I very often have the problem that gradlew build simply hangs very soon after starting
L2645[23:16:42] <McJty> Interrupting and starting again often helps
L2646[23:16:46] <McJty> Anyone else noticed this?
L2647[23:16:48] <williewillus> masa had that problem I think
L2648[23:16:52] <williewillus> or maybe it was someone else
L2649[23:16:57] <McJty> hmm ok
L2650[23:17:01] <williewillus> it went fine for me the last time I tried to build
L2651[23:17:02] <killjoy1> by hang, you mean stops and never responds?
L2652[23:17:06] <McJty> yes
L2653[23:17:20] <killjoy1> dunno. Haven't been using the forge plugin
L2654[23:17:55] ⇦ Quits: Seiklus (webchat@c-73-46-200-26.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L2655[23:22:14] <DebugsPeople> and apparently I have to include yOffset myself :S
L2656[23:27:26] *** Mine|away is now known as minecreatr
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L2662[23:42:01] <killjoy1> mezz, how do you search by mod in jei?
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L2664[23:42:21] <killjoy1> nvm
L2665[23:42:58] <McJty> I have a problem with my The One Probe mod. tlove was streaming on FC2 and he had these two weird characters in front of the tooltip text: http://i.imgur.com/5MWTqce.png
L2666[23:43:08] <McJty> I was online at the same time with same mods and on same server and I didn't have that problem
L2667[23:43:22] <McJty> Anyone recognize what those A symbols could mean and where they come from?
L2668[23:43:48] <McJty> Probably a client side thing since we were on same server and I didn't have it
L2669[23:43:55] <McJty> But he didn't add any other client side mods
L2670[23:44:04] <williewillus> locale?
L2671[23:44:20] <McJty> hmm
L2672[23:44:23] <williewillus> that's the only thing that i can think of that would cause differnet behavour
L2673[23:44:31] <williewillus> but idk why that specifically happens
L2674[23:44:36] <McJty> I can only assume he is using english too
L2675[23:44:44] <McJty> But I will ask him if he is online
L2676[23:44:54] <McJty> But if that's the problem then how can I solve that?
L2677[23:45:52] <mezz> McJty, check that you're using the right FontRenderer. some itemStacks have a custom FontRenderer for their tooltips that uses special characters for formatting
L2678[23:46:19] <McJty> Well this is not a tooltip however. This is custom rendering code
L2679[23:46:23] <McJty> mc.fontRendererObj.drawStringWithShadow(txt, (float)x, (float)y, 16777215);
L2680[23:46:28] <McJty> That's how I'm rendering the text
L2681[23:46:41] <mezz> what is the source of the text?
L2682[23:46:52] <McJty> It is sent from the server through a packet
L2683[23:47:40] *** Vigaro is now known as V
L2684[23:47:44] <mezz> what I mean is, the text you have there looks the same as what's on a tooltip. if that is the source of the text, you must use their fontRenderer as well
L2685[23:48:06] <McJty> The text is text that I provide myself
L2686[23:48:11] <mezz> okay
L2687[23:48:14] <McJty> I mean the mod has its own api
L2688[23:48:38] <McJty> hmm
L2689[23:48:50] <mezz> The only time I've seen something like that was with someone using characters like that for custom text formatting
L2690[23:48:54] <mezz> besides that I have no idea
L2691[23:49:44] <McJty> Hmm, the text does come from the item though in the end
L2692[23:50:16] <McJty> stack.getDisplayName()
L2693[23:50:34] <mezz> I think you should send the item over the network and get the text and fontRenderer on the client for locale and formatting
L2694[23:50:38] <McJty> And the mod id comes from ModContainer.getName()
L2695[23:50:55] <McJty> What about the modid? That's wrong too
L2696[23:51:02] <McJty> And that's ModContainer.getName()
L2697[23:51:22] <mezz> I have some special code to get around that, it was used in waila too, one sec
L2698[23:51:58] <mezz> feel free to use this, it's MIT https://github.com/mezz/ModNameTooltip/blob/1.9/src/main/java/mezz/modnametooltip/TooltipEventHandler.java#L33
L2699[23:52:31] <McJty> aha thanks
L2700[23:53:16] <McJty> Can't I do the same thing with the item too?
L2701[23:53:30] <McJty> To avoid the need of having that other font renderer at client side
L2702[23:53:48] *** Davnit_ is now known as Davnit
L2703[23:54:37] <McJty> Hmm but still
L2704[23:54:47] <McJty> mezz, that code in the end simply returns modContainer.modName() isn't it?
L2705[23:54:52] <McJty> It doesn't actually do anything on that
L2706[23:55:00] <McJty> So I don't see how that would solve the thing
L2707[23:55:55] <mezz> oh, I saw your tooltip was "ironchest" and I assumed that was what you were referring to as an issue. it does not have to do with the weird a symbol
L2708[23:56:30] <McJty> Actually my mod is more correct then WAILA in that sense :-)
L2709[23:56:39] <McJty> I show the correct name of the chest
L2710[23:56:55] <mezz> yes, but you show the unfriendly mod name heh
L2711[23:57:03] <McJty> yes I will fix that at least
L2712[23:57:04] <mezz> I am happy to see it's working better already
L2713[23:57:27] ⇨ Joins: Cooler (~CoolerExt@
L2714[23:59:19] <McJty> It is annoying that I cannot reproduce that A problem though
L2715[23:59:58] <mezz> it's very odd
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