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L1[00:00:15] <thecodewarrior> Then try putting a breakpoint and checking the position and making sure it's correct
L2[00:00:27] <thecodewarrior> If not those than it's something a bit more complicated.
L3[00:02:19] ⇨ Joins: Poppy (~Poppy@chello085216146055.chello.sk)
L4[00:02:29] <Nosirrom> maybe best to start from the beginning, my writeTONBT and readFromNBT don't seem to be working on the client side
L5[00:02:43] <Nosirrom> I thought a packet could sync it, but apparantly not
L6[00:03:22] <Nosirrom> but read and write from NBT are only running on server thread it seems
L7[00:04:02] ⇨ Joins: DovahOfKiin (~admin@
L8[00:04:45] <thecodewarrior> In the TE there's getDescriptionPacket and onDataPacket, those handle syncing. return a SPacketUpdateTileEntity and call te.markDirty() whenever you change something that needs to sync. Also don't write anything to the update packet that isn't needed on the client, just to save bandwidth.
L9[00:04:52] <DovahOfKiin> This german fluid tutorial I'm following uses the method ModelBakery.addVariantName, but he is in 1.8 and I'm in 1.9. What is the equivalent of this method in 1.9? It doesn't seem to exist
L10[00:08:28] <Nosirrom> well, marking dirty was the only thing I needed to do it seems.
L11[00:08:42] <Nosirrom> and those data packet methods I just put in there
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L13[00:10:03] <DovahOfKiin> any idea people?
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L16[00:13:55] <thecodewarrior> !gm ModelBakery.addVariantName
L17[00:14:02] <thecodewarrior> !gm ModelBakery.addVariantName 1.8
L18[00:14:10] <thecodewarrior> !gm addVariantName 1.8
L19[00:14:12] ⇦ Quits: Temportalist (uid37180@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:0:913c) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L20[00:14:27] <TehNut> It's in ModelLoader
L21[00:14:28] <thecodewarrior> Ah, forge method. :P not a mapping.
L22[00:14:41] <TehNut> I forget the method, one sec
L23[00:14:56] <TehNut> Oh, no it's not I lied
L24[00:15:05] <TehNut> ModelBackery.registerItemVariants
L25[00:15:12] <TehNut> i can spell i promise
L26[00:15:37] *** mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
L27[00:15:57] <DovahOfKiin> haha
L28[00:16:52] <DovahOfKiin> TehNut, that requiresa modelresourcelocation too..?
L29[00:17:10] <TehNut> hm?
L30[00:17:11] <DovahOfKiin> addvariantname (in the video I'm watching) required only the item
L31[00:17:20] <TehNut> so does that
L32[00:17:33] <TehNut> the second param is a vararg, you don't need to pass anything
L33[00:17:52] <DovahOfKiin> Oh wait
L34[00:17:58] <DovahOfKiin> yeah I didn't notice the periods
L35[00:18:02] <DovahOfKiin> sorry for the trouble
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L43[00:40:53] <MCPBot_Reborn> MCPBot_Reborn is now in read-only mode. Commands that change database data are currently disabled.
L44[00:42:10] <MCPBot_Reborn> === Mappings Commit ===
L45[00:42:14] <MCPBot_Reborn> Total: 2837 method changes committed, 4649 field changes committed, 4134 method parameter changes committed
L46[00:42:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> [STABLE CSV] Pushing stable_24 mappings to Forge Maven.
L47[00:42:21] <MCPBot_Reborn> [STABLE CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_stable-24-1.9.zip (mappings = "stable_24" in build.gradle).
L48[00:42:31] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L49[00:42:35] <MCPBot_Reborn> MCPBot_Reborn is no longer in read-only mode. All commands are now available again.
L50[00:42:57] <MCPBot_Reborn> MCPBot_Reborn is now in read-only mode. Commands that change database data are currently disabled.
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L52[00:46:49] ⇨ Joins: DovahOfKiin (~admin@
L53[00:46:56] <DovahOfKiin> Can someone take a look at this:
L54[00:46:57] <DovahOfKiin> http://i.imgur.com/o7qj5HI.png
L55[00:47:14] <Nosirrom> I can't, it's all blurry
L56[00:47:53] <DovahOfKiin> Hold on
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L58[00:51:20] <Nosirrom> what is wrong though?
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L61[00:58:24] <DovahOfKiin> Nosirrom This is the code: http://pastebin.com/D34z9am1 It's been taken from a video I'm watching. How is he able to reference the variable "loc" inside that nested class without an error?
L62[01:01:39] <Nosirrom> no idea, but do you really need to? just create the location inside the class
L63[01:01:52] <DovahOfKiin> ik but it just bothers me
L64[01:02:05] <DovahOfKiin> he's able to pull it off when it just shouldn't be possible
L65[01:02:21] <Ordinastie_> ...
L66[01:02:24] <Ordinastie_> of course it's possible
L67[01:02:43] <DovahOfKiin> how?
L68[01:02:50] <Ordinastie_> and your IDE should definitely tell you why it can't
L69[01:03:20] <DovahOfKiin> Cannot refer to the non-final local variable loc defined in an enclosing scope
L70[01:03:29] <Ordinastie_> exactly
L71[01:03:36] <DovahOfKiin> He's not marked it final either
L72[01:03:38] ⇦ Quits: Ratys (~Ratys@ (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L73[01:03:42] <Ordinastie_> exactly
L74[01:04:06] <DovahOfKiin> So he shouldn't be able to do it
L75[01:04:16] <DovahOfKiin> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjchNO_Jmow 14:40 min
L76[01:05:22] <Nosirrom> lol
L77[01:05:25] <Nosirrom> the method is static
L78[01:05:43] <Ordinastie_> doesn't matter
L79[01:06:18] <Ordinastie_> it requires it to be final, if it doesn't error in the video, I'm pretty sure that's because he doesn't save the file
L80[01:06:29] <Tazz> ++-
L81[01:07:26] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055 (~Brandon@
L82[01:07:33] <DovahOfKiin> I'll just define it inside the nested class as Nosirrom said
L83[01:07:48] <Ordinastie_> just make it final :x
L84[01:08:01] <TehNut> ^
L85[01:08:06] <Nosirrom> make it final if you have to reuse it
L86[01:08:15] <Tazz> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
L87[01:08:15] <DovahOfKiin> yeah
L88[01:08:15] <Tazz> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
L89[01:08:18] <Nosirrom> all of my modelLocations are different so I just define it inside
L90[01:08:18] <Tazz> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
L91[01:08:22] <TehNut> jeezus tazz
L92[01:08:24] <Tazz> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
L93[01:08:25] *** Tazz was kicked by fry (Tazz))
L94[01:08:34] <DovahOfKiin> 20 secs in, he does another nested class
L95[01:08:42] <DovahOfKiin> with the same variable
L96[01:08:46] <DovahOfKiin> I'll just finalize it now
L97[01:08:51] <Ordinastie_> lol, fry, script or good reflexes ? :p
L98[01:09:00] <fry> java6 reauires you to make local variables final if you want to use them in anonymous classes
L99[01:09:04] <fry> *requires
L100[01:09:08] <fry> good reflexes :P
L101[01:09:30] <DovahOfKiin> Can someone explain the reasoning behind that?
L102[01:09:48] <Ordinastie_> ah right, for J7+ it just complains when you reassign it, forgot that
L103[01:10:28] <fry> keywords: closures, lexical scope
L104[01:11:27] <MCPBot_Reborn> MCPBot_Reborn is no longer in read-only mode. All commands are now available again.
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L106[01:13:06] ⇦ Quits: DovahOfKiin (~admin@ (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by admin_!~admin@
L107[01:13:32] <fry> basically, what happens if you define an anonymous class that captures the local variable, then you update that variable, and the use the class? does it use the old or the new value?
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L109[01:14:36] ⇦ Quits: PBlock96 (~PBlock96@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L110[01:15:39] <fry> here's a longer explanation: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4732544/why-are-only-final-variables-accessible-in-anonymous-class
L111[01:16:05] <Ordinastie_> hah, for a moment, I thought you wouldn't link anything, I was worried you were sick or something
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L115[01:26:51] <DovahOfKiin> Uhh
L116[01:27:28] <DovahOfKiin> fry and Ordinastie_ I had a powercut, so the only two messages I've seen are "here's a longer explanation" and "hah, for a moment". What did I miss?
L117[01:27:44] <Ordinastie_> nothing
L118[01:27:45] <TehNut> nothing
L119[01:27:48] <fry> :P
L120[01:27:49] ⇨ Joins: agowa338 (~Thunderbi@p549185A1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L121[01:28:23] <fry> scroll to the bottom: http://sbnc.khobbits.co.uk/log/logs/minecraftforge.htm
L122[01:29:53] <DovahOfKiin> alright ty
L123[01:29:58] *** AEnterpriseAFK is now known as AEnterprise
L124[01:30:15] <DovahOfKiin> I think this one liner from fry explains it quite well: basically, what happens if you define an anonymous class that captures the local variable, then you update that variable, and the use the class? does it use the old or the new value?
L125[01:38:11] <thecodewarrior> How do I send changes to an entities rotation to clients?
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L131[01:50:19] <thecodewarrior> Is the entity rotation pitch/yaw even synced?
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L133[01:59:55] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160517 mappings to Forge Maven.
L134[01:59:58] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160517-1.9.4.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160517" in build.gradle).
L135[02:00:09] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L146[02:31:49] <thecodewarrior> Is there a way to manually fire an entity tracking packet? I want to update the client immediately once they change the position/rotation, but I can't figure out how. I'd like to not use a custom packet if possible.
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L153[02:43:43] <killjoy> thecodewarrior, send it to the player's sendqueue
L154[02:44:28] <thecodewarrior> What's the sendqueue?
L155[02:45:34] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L156[02:47:27] <LexDesktop> !gm field_73251_h
L157[02:47:30] <LexDesktop> !gf field_73251_h
L158[02:48:17] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L159[02:49:00] <thecodewarrior> Does that still require me to construct the packet myself?
L160[02:49:15] <thecodewarrior> I'm thinking it might be easier to make my own packet at this point.
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L163[03:03:33] <LexDesktop> !gm func_177424_a
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L165[03:10:00] <LexDesktop> !gf field_187286_f
L166[03:10:42] <LexDesktop> !gm func_72688_a
L167[03:10:58] <LexDesktop> !gm func_72863_F
L168[03:11:17] <LexDesktop> !gm func_186028_c
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L175[03:21:08] <thecodewarrior> Ok, got it working with a custom packet.
L176[03:22:03] ⇨ Joins: baegmon (~baegmon@CPE-60-225-55-120.nsw.bigpond.net.au)
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L186[03:38:06] <insaneau> rendering question, if i have a block that i want to be fully rendered by TESR, how can i tell it to have "no" json? I tried just having blanks and it always gave me the pink and black cube.
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L194[04:03:00] <DovahOfKiin> Do I need to have a model file for my fluids too?
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L201[04:22:51] <Digitalsabre> Is there in 1.7.10, or is there not, a way to remove worldgen of a particular set of items without actually removing them from the game entirely?
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L204[04:25:08] <Necr0> my mod finally compiled for 1.8. 573 errors all fixed!
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L206[04:27:33] <LexDesktop> !gm func_185343_d
L207[04:27:41] <LexDesktop> !gm func_181079_c
L208[04:28:00] <LexDesktop> ff
L209[04:29:14] <Digitalsabre> Are there any mods that can do what I mentioned earlier for items from other mods?
L210[04:30:15] <LexDesktop> !fsm func_181079_c setPos Sets the position, MUST not be name 'set' as that causes obfusication conflicts with func_185343_d
L211[04:33:29] <Ordinastie_> why does it conflicts ?
L212[04:36:25] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L213[04:36:58] <Digitalsabre> Wait… with a little googling, I can apparently do what I want to do with cofhcore…?
L214[04:37:09] <Digitalsabre> Am I even asking in the right place?
L215[04:37:52] <Ordinastie_> nothing wrong in asking here, but I not convinced it's even doable
L216[04:38:03] ⇨ Joins: auenf (David@DC-53-50.bpb.bigpond.com)
L217[04:38:06] <Digitalsabre> Seems like, though.
L218[04:39:12] ⇦ Quits: DovahOfKiin (~admin@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L220[04:52:09] <Digitalsabre> Tryin' it out. Just removed black flowers. Gonna see if it works.
L221[04:57:31] <Digitalsabre> Well… it didn't work, but I'm not sure why.
L222[04:58:18] <Digitalsabre> I'm sure I gave it the right name.
L223[04:58:33] ⇦ Quits: ThomasRules (~ThomasRul@host86-176-191-24.range86-176.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L224[05:05:49] <Digitalsabre> Trying setting its rarity to 0. Set it to 99 and got tons of them… someone doesn't understand that rarity is a direct measure of how rare, not a direct measure of how common. >.>;
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L226[05:08:29] <Digitalsabre> Works.
L227[05:08:32] <Digitalsabre> Good.
L228[05:12:46] ⇦ Quits: aidancbrady (~aidancbra@c-24-125-34-75.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
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L233[05:24:19] <linuxdemon> does anyone know of a good way to stop a players armor from rendering?
L234[05:27:47] <PaleoCrafter> linuxdemon, possibly RenderPlayerEvent.SetArmorModel ?
L235[05:29:37] <linuxdemon> possibly, I'll look in to extending RenderPlayer and see what I can do
L236[05:31:39] <linuxdemon> nevermind, no need for that, just setting the result to 0 works, thanks PaleoCrafter
L237[05:37:41] <Saucier> Is it normal that the event 'onBlockAdded' triggers twice on server side after placing a block ? [1.7.10] http://pastebin.com/XaQVfVcQ
L238[05:38:01] <Saucier> Only happens if I extend 'Block'. If I extend 'BlockContainer' it does only trigger once.
L239[05:39:18] <PaleoCrafter> Saucier, how do you know it's twice on the server? :P
L240[05:39:46] <Ordinastie_> PaleoCrafter, sysout says server thread
L241[05:39:58] <PaleoCrafter> oh, didn't even see those lines :D
L242[05:40:13] <Ordinastie_> Saucier, put a break point and find out where it's called from
L243[05:40:26] <PaleoCrafter> yeah ^
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L249[06:05:33] <LexDesktop> http://puu.sh/oV2HQ/a02d2bda56.png ya... I'll get right on that....
L250[06:06:18] <Digitalsabre> Is that English?
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L253[06:10:10] <baegmon> So he's asking about writing a server for Diablo 3...? LOL
L254[06:10:37] <sokratis12GR> Guys when an item has a metadata like 4164/2 how do i get its id ?
L255[06:11:10] <sokratis12GR> or by its name when there are multiple of this type of items
L256[06:11:19] <sokratis12GR> like tconstruct:ingots
L257[06:15:42] <ghz|afk> wat
L258[06:15:52] <ghz|afk> what do you have?
L259[06:16:11] <ghz|afk> and what do you need?
L260[06:17:10] <sokratis12GR> ItemStack(Item.getItemById(4164), 1)}); how to make it to check an other metadata like 4164/2 do I just need to add ":" ?
L261[06:17:44] <ghz|afk> that makes no sense
L262[06:17:50] <ghz|afk> first of all
L263[06:17:53] <ghz|afk> WHY do you have an ide AT ALL?
L264[06:17:55] <ghz|afk> id*
L265[06:17:55] <Ordinastie_> I guess some programing knowledge would help there
L266[06:17:55] <LexDesktop> why the hell are you working with ids?
L267[06:18:25] <ghz|afk> please tell my you are upgrading a very old mod
L268[06:18:41] <ghz|afk> (it would be horrible even then, but at least would make a tiny bit of sense)
L269[06:18:50] <ghz|afk> second,
L270[06:19:01] <ghz|afk> yo ucan't make it "check" other meta values
L271[06:19:03] <sokratis12GR> No, I need to for recipes with items of other mods
L272[06:19:05] <ghz|afk> you can't enumerate subitems
L273[06:19:19] <ghz|afk> if you want to allow all subitems
L274[06:19:26] <ghz|afk> then use OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE
L275[06:19:28] <ghz|afk> in place of the metadata
L276[06:19:34] <ghz|afk> but if you need only SOME meta values
L277[06:19:38] <ghz|afk> you'll haveto create multiple recipes
L278[06:19:51] <ghz|afk> if you want to create recipes for items from other mods, you get the items BY NAME
L279[06:19:56] <ghz|afk> NEVER BY ID
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L281[06:20:02] <sokratis12GR> ok
L282[06:20:12] <sokratis12GR> but tconstruct:ingots has many variations
L283[06:20:17] <ghz|afk> so does the id
L284[06:20:24] <ghz|afk> xcept the id is internal
L285[06:20:36] <ghz|afk> and changes depending on which order mods were installed
L286[06:20:45] <ghz|afk> so you can't ever rely on it
L287[06:20:47] <ghz|afk> ever.
L288[06:20:53] <sokratis12GR> ok ok i get it
L289[06:21:16] <Ordinastie_> what annoys me is, when you'll realise he's asking how to make an itemStack with metadata, you'll just tell him how :x
L290[06:21:21] <ghz|afk> (with exceptions that we would explain if you were to be in that situation)
L291[06:21:58] <ghz|afk> Ordinastie_: oh no I know that, note how I didn't say it back when i mentioned wildcard
L292[06:21:59] <ghz|afk> ;p
L293[06:22:22] <Digitalsabre> Doesn't each tconstruct:ingots "variation" have a distinct damage value?
L294[06:22:34] <ghz|afk> yes, those are metadata numbers really
L295[06:22:41] <ghz|afk> "damage" is just repurposing the metadata
L296[06:23:03] <ghz|afk> like in stack.getMetadata
L297[06:23:08] <ghz|afk> vs stack.getItemDamage
L298[06:23:23] <ghz|afk> you should use getMetadata for any purpose involving subitems and non-dmage-related tasks
L299[06:23:30] <Digitalsabre> It also has its own unlocalized name. :P
L300[06:23:31] <ghz|afk> and .getItemDamage for obtaining damage values
L301[06:23:36] <ghz|afk> both can be overriden separately
L302[06:23:48] <ghz|afk> and either of them could be remapped to NBT instead of using the damage number
L303[06:23:55] <ghz|afk> eh metadata number*
L304[06:24:08] <ghz|afk> (bad habits are strong ¬¬)
L305[06:24:39] <Digitalsabre> Heh.
L306[06:25:34] <Digitalsabre> I don't have habits. I started writing Better Breeding Redux last year and when I realized that _everything_ that mod was supposed to do wasn't in any tutorial anywhere, I gave up. xD
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L311[06:57:05] <PaleoCrafter> Digitalsabre, I'd count that as a bonus point? if it isn't any tutorial, chances are it's a pretty unique idea :P
L312[06:57:40] <Digitalsabre> Maybe, but I'm not strong enough in Java and I don't know how things in MCF fit together well enough to make them work.
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L315[07:32:57] <baegmon> anyone have a clue what "RightClickItem.invoke(.dynamic)" means? google returns one post that doesn't really have anything on the matter
L316[07:37:46] <ghz|afk> wat
L317[07:37:50] <ghz|afk> where do you see that?
L318[07:38:02] <Ordinastie_> probably a stacktrace
L319[07:38:17] <baegmon> stacktrace lol its the only thing that comes up from the error
L320[07:38:54] <ghz|afk> can you apste the whole stack trace?
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L322[07:42:30] <Tazz> woah srry
L323[07:42:36] <Tazz> passed out at the kb
L324[07:42:47] <ghz|afk> wtf
L325[07:43:08] <ghz|afk> you have a probelm, dunno what problem exactly, but there's a problem involved
L326[07:43:15] <Tazz> lol
L327[07:43:21] <baegmon> http://pastebin.com/w3End3MH
L328[07:43:51] <baegmon> so weird lol I'm 90% sure its a nullpointer error but I'm not getting anything in my console after updating IDEA tonight maybe I should downgrade
L329[07:44:09] <Ordinastie_> that's the whole trace ?
L330[07:44:10] <ghz|afk> is that all?
L331[07:44:16] <ghz|afk> that looks cut off
L332[07:44:28] <ghz|afk> it's missing lines above that
L333[07:44:44] <ghz|afk> and yes it's most probably an NPE
L334[07:44:49] <ghz|afk> .getServer won't work on client
L335[07:45:31] <baegmon> I'm gonna try reinstalling IDEA now lol that + system details stuff is the only thing that prints out wasn't like this y'day
L336[07:46:21] <baegmon> and yep I'm aware of that, its running on the server though so I probably messed up somewhere :P
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L338[07:51:40] <masa> amadornes: seems that you don't currently include the gradle stuff within the framez 3 repo btw, or is that on purpose?
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L340[07:56:56] <amadornes> I don't include anything but the source, no, masa :P
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L342[07:57:12] <amadornes> since my deps change all the time I don't want to have to tweak that
L343[07:57:17] <amadornes> plus it's easier for me if it's that way
L344[07:57:23] <amadornes> because then I keep people from building it
L345[07:57:46] <amadornes> they can look at the source and see what I do
L346[07:57:54] <amadornes> but not build it and use it, because it's not done yt
L347[07:57:58] <amadornes> * yet
L348[07:58:07] <masa> hehe, ok
L349[07:58:10] <amadornes> in fact, I haven't even tested it on a server yet
L350[07:58:14] <ghz|afk> masa's plains, foiled
L351[07:58:19] <ghz|afk> plans*
L352[07:58:23] <amadornes> yup
L353[07:58:40] <Necr0> what should i use to replace markBlockForUpdate(BlockPos)?
L354[07:59:00] <amadornes> notifyBlockUpdate()
L355[07:59:13] <masa> ghz|afk: yep, now I'm going to waste time to try to do it anyway... ;D
L356[07:59:20] <ghz|afk> IBlockState state = world.getBlockState(pos); notifyBlockUpdate(pos, state, state, 3)
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L358[07:59:35] <Necr0> ok thanks!
L359[07:59:42] <amadornes> masa, I still encourage you not to do it, but whatever :P
L360[07:59:44] <amadornes> in fact
L361[07:59:49] <amadornes> you won't be able to do it
L362[07:59:53] <amadornes> not all the deps are out :D
L363[08:00:04] <masa> boo! :D
L364[08:00:09] <ghz|afk> "NOOOOoooOOoo!"
L365[08:02:10] <amadornes> you should really just wait :P
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L367[08:02:27] <masa> :sadface
L368[08:02:29] <masa> ;D
L369[08:02:30] <amadornes> you can't even alter the triggers atm
L370[08:02:31] <amadornes> http://ss.amadornes.com/ama-1463490135-17
L371[08:02:36] <amadornes> I'm still working on the GUI for that :P
L372[08:02:45] <ghz|afk> heh
L373[08:03:03] <masa> oh btw, it would be crucial for our project that all the stuff can be used also without a gui
L374[08:03:16] <amadornes> euhhh
L375[08:03:18] <masa> so that we can automatically "print" new structures
L376[08:03:34] <amadornes> print? structures? uh
L377[08:03:53] <masa> yes, as in the contraption will replicate itself/build new copies
L378[08:03:54] <amadornes> you can turn motors on and off without a GUI, if that's what you want...
L379[08:04:02] <amadornes> but you need the GUI to configure it
L380[08:04:20] <masa> what kinds of things will NEED to be configured?
L381[08:04:36] <amadornes> upgrades for power input and output, speed and triggers
L382[08:04:44] <amadornes> none of which can be altered without a GUI
L383[08:05:11] <masa> hmm
L384[08:05:30] <amadornes> s/input and output/input and other things
L385[08:05:37] <masa> well basically we need a simple frames mod that can do stuff like funky locomotion did
L386[08:05:55] <amadornes> if you don't want anything fancy, Framez 3 will do
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L388[08:06:21] <masa> so if it will be possible to automatically place frames, motors/pushers whatever in different orientations and they are able to move things on their default settings, then that should be good for us
L389[08:06:36] <amadornes> that's going to be really hard...
L390[08:06:41] <amadornes> you may need to make a mod for it
L391[08:06:50] <masa> oh, why is that then?
L392[08:07:13] <amadornes> motors don't work right after you place them
L393[08:07:19] <masa> :/
L394[08:07:22] <amadornes> you need to put in upgrades so that they can accept power
L395[08:07:43] <amadornes> you can do it by just rightclicking the upgrade, so maybe that works?
L396[08:07:51] <masa> yeah that should work
L397[08:08:19] <masa> unless we customize it by adding a new recipe for a motor that has the upgrades pre-applied or something
L398[08:08:27] <amadornes> I'll try to make them configurable using a computer
L399[08:08:32] <amadornes> but it's not going to be easy...
L400[08:08:46] <masa> we also won't be using computer mods :p
L401[08:08:58] <amadornes> then you'll need to make a mod for it
L402[08:09:10] <amadornes> I can't make a mod that suits everybody's needs if they are so specific :P
L403[08:09:13] <masa> alright, well...
L404[08:09:17] <masa> yeah sure
L405[08:09:25] <amadornes> I'd be writting addons for each person every day lol
L406[08:09:36] <amadornes> *writing
L407[08:09:40] <masa> how tricky is the moving-blocks code in general?
L408[08:09:43] <amadornes> wow, that word looks weird
L409[08:10:00] <amadornes> tricky enough?
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L411[08:10:20] <amadornes> I have a block movement API that's in charge of moving blocks from point A to point B (ish)
L412[08:10:28] <amadornes> and another one that handles the rendering
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L420[08:19:10] <masa> well, if only I knew the dependencies and could setup and build the mod, I could probbaly customize it for our needs myself :p
L421[08:20:05] <masa> but let's look at that when it's ready for public builds or something
L422[08:20:44] <ghz|afk> WOAH
L423[08:20:44] <ghz|afk> https://www.instagram.com/p/BFgnX2OpMKv/
L424[08:20:48] <ghz|afk> kojima visited mojang
L425[08:20:53] <ghz|afk> I wonder why...
L426[08:21:19] <ghz|afk> maybe he wants to incorporate endermen on his next project
L427[08:22:18] * ghz|afk facepalms
L428[08:22:28] <ghz|afk> I just looked at the replies tothat tweet
L429[08:22:44] <ghz|afk> hoping for speculation on what kojima would have been here for
L430[08:22:45] <ghz|afk> but nope
L431[08:22:48] <ghz|afk> ofc not
L432[08:22:55] <ghz|afk> like every other tweet from mojang people
L433[08:23:05] <ghz|afk> 90% of the replies are "mcpe 0.15 when"
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L435[08:28:50] <baegmon> wouldn't be surprised if most of that age group is like 10 year old lol
L436[08:29:04] <ghz|afk> ofc
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L459[09:41:28] <Necr0> the game is telling me that all of the textures are missing .. but they are where they are supposed to be assests/<modid>/textures/items
L460[09:43:10] <Necr0> i am sure i wrote my modid right because it is able to load the blockstates and models. also i set my modid as the domain for the textures
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L462[09:44:22] <tterrag|away> and your modid is?
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L464[09:45:51] <Necr0> nvm i mistyped it in the model files.. derp
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L482[10:09:24] <Wuppy> woohoo, I now have both an Oculus AND a Gear VR :D
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L485[10:17:08] <ghz|afk> Wuppy: now you need an HTC one
L486[10:17:16] <Wuppy> I dont have room for that
L487[10:17:27] <Wuppy> because you need a full room setup for the HTC vive pretty much
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L496[10:44:21] <aidancbrady> hey- I’m running into some weird issues with block jsons. Is there something I need to do to get the item model loader to recognize forge json files?
L497[10:44:30] <aidancbrady> this is my blockstate json: https://github.com/aidancbrady/Mekanism/blob/1.8.9/src/main/resources/assets/mekanismgenerators/blockstates/advanced_solar_generator.json
L498[10:44:51] <ghz|afk> hmmm no
L499[10:44:57] <aidancbrady> I’m still getting console errors though, like it’s not finding the facing variants: http://puu.sh/oVgiR/7c9dafc94f.png
L500[10:44:57] <ghz|afk> that looks like a valid blockstates json
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L502[10:46:21] <aidancbrady> here is where I’m registering the resource locations: https://github.com/aidancbrady/Mekanism/blob/1.8.9/src/main/java/mekanism/generators/client/GeneratorsClientProxy.java#L96
L503[10:46:51] <aidancbrady> I don’t understand why it’s even trying to load the facing variants. It should just be loading the inventory variants for item models
L504[10:47:19] <ghz|afk> those only matter for itemblocks
L505[10:47:28] <aidancbrady> well it is an ItemBlock
L506[10:47:30] <ghz|afk> the blockstates file takes the registry name of the block
L507[10:47:30] <aidancbrady> https://github.com/aidancbrady/Mekanism/blob/1.8.9/src/main/java/mekanism/generators/common/block/states/BlockStateGenerator.java#L213
L508[10:47:38] <aidancbrady> that’s my state mapper
L509[10:47:52] <aidancbrady> but I was under the assumption that state mappers are only for actual blocks, not item block models
L510[10:47:53] <ghz|afk> o_O
L511[10:48:02] <ghz|afk> yeah
L512[10:48:11] <ghz|afk> what I mean is, the "facing" and such, only matter to the block
L513[10:48:21] <aidancbrady> exactly
L514[10:48:25] <ghz|afk> the item version would only load the "inventory" which you specified on setCustomMRL
L515[10:48:30] <aidancbrady> so I don’t understand why it’s trying to load all the possible variants
L516[10:48:38] <ghz|afk> because it's doing so for the block
L517[10:49:09] <ghz|afk> why do you use such a custom state mapper, though?
L518[10:49:55] <aidancbrady> I use custom state mappers for all my other blocks because they’re necessary, I just copied the implementation for my generators and assumed it would work the same
L519[10:50:12] <aidancbrady> so ModelLoader also deals with block models, not just item models?
L520[10:50:14] <ghz|afk> bth can't imagine any situation in which it's necessary ;P
L521[10:50:35] <aidancbrady> I use the state mapper to match the block types to independent json files
L522[10:50:35] <ghz|afk> all the model loading goes through it, yes
L523[10:50:39] <ghz|afk> just by different paths
L524[10:50:54] <aidancbrady> I’m confused why it’s not finding the facing variants then
L525[10:51:11] <ghz|afk> the way it works, as I understand it is:
L526[10:51:14] <ghz|afk> on one side
L527[10:51:37] <ghz|afk> mc loads the model resource locations for blockstates and items
L528[10:51:42] <ghz|afk> on the other side
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L530[10:52:00] <ghz|afk> it loads the blockstates files and creates a string -> model map
L531[10:52:03] <ghz|afk> then afterward
L532[10:52:07] <ghz|afk> it matches up one table with the other
L533[10:52:11] <ghz|afk> into blockstate -> model
L534[10:52:16] <ghz|afk> and itemstack -> model
L535[10:52:40] <ghz|afk> (sortof)
L536[10:52:46] <aidancbrady> yeah that makes sense
L537[10:53:15] <aidancbrady> the weird thing is that I’m using what I thought was an exact copy of the system for machines as I am for generators, but the generator models are screwing up
L538[10:53:27] <aidancbrady> it’s only the facing variants that aren’t being recognized
L539[10:53:46] <ghz|afk> wait!
L540[10:53:48] <ghz|afk> Isee a problem
L541[10:54:04] <ghz|afk> you posted these two links
L542[10:54:05] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/aidancbrady/Mekanism/blob/1.8.9/src/main/resources/assets/mekanismgenerators/blockstates/advanced_solar_generator.json
L543[10:54:08] <ghz|afk> http://puu.sh/oVgiR/7c9dafc94f.png
L544[10:54:13] <ghz|afk> the table for the blockstates json
L545[10:54:15] <ghz|afk> contains strings like
L546[10:54:23] <ghz|afk> "active=true,facing=west"
L547[10:54:28] <ghz|afk> NOT "facing=west" alone
L548[10:54:39] <ghz|afk> which means your state mapper is generating the wrong strings
L549[10:55:02] <aidancbrady> how do you know that’s what the table contains?
L550[10:55:14] <ghz|afk> because the table contains ALL the properties in ALL permutations
L551[10:55:26] <ghz|afk> there's no partial variants
L552[10:55:46] <ghz|afk> since your json says there's "active" and "facing", the table WILL contain all possible values for BOTH active and facing
L553[10:55:52] <ghz|afk> but NOT just active or just facing
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L555[10:56:13] <ghz|afk> hence, "#facing=west" isn't a recognized variant string from the blockstates file
L556[10:56:24] <aidancbrady> oh!! so it loads the variants based on what is in the json
L557[10:56:28] <ghz|afk> yup
L558[10:56:42] <aidancbrady> that makes sense. thanks so much!
L559[10:56:44] <ghz|afk> it generates permutations from the json exclusively
L560[10:56:56] <ghz|afk> keep in mind
L561[10:57:00] <ghz|afk> forge does this by itself
L562[10:57:05] <ghz|afk> it doesn't have any extra information
L563[10:57:15] <ghz|afk> the vanilla way is to have the full strings always
L564[10:57:20] <ghz|afk> it doesn't "generate permutations" at all
L565[10:58:17] <aidancbrady> I just removed the active variants from the json file and it looks like things are working perfectly now
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L567[10:58:32] <ghz|afk> :)
L568[10:58:33] <aidancbrady> that’s super helpful. much appreciated
L569[10:58:37] <ghz|afk> np
L570[10:58:39] <ghz|afk> it's a bit confusing
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L572[10:58:48] <ghz|afk> but it makes sense when you understand the limitations of the system
L573[10:59:16] <ghz|afk> which are that mc loads the json files WITHOUT knowledge of the variants that will be required
L574[10:59:40] <ghz|afk> (kindof silly, IMO, they could just build a list of variant strings, and then tell the model loading "load all of these.")
L575[11:00:14] <aidancbrady> that’s how I assumed it worked, which is why I was so confused. I guess they wanted to put all the flexibility in the json files
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L578[11:22:26] <DovahOfKiin> Am I allowed to plug my MCForge thread here?
L579[11:22:37] <DovahOfKiin> regarding a problem I have
L580[11:22:38] <Ordinastie_> what for ?
L581[11:23:02] <DovahOfKiin> to get a faster reply, because I'm exposing the thread to a larger audience?
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L583[11:23:28] <Ordinastie_> yeah I misread
L584[11:23:46] <ghz|afk> DovahOfKiin: sure there's a few people who do that
L585[11:24:00] <luacs1998> DovahOfKiin, or you could just ask the question here
L586[11:24:14] <ghz|afk> I tend to rpefer asking here first
L587[11:24:19] <ghz|afk> the forum would be a last resort XD
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L589[11:26:34] <DovahOfKiin> haha
L590[11:26:42] <DovahOfKiin> http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,39016.0.html
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L617[12:28:27] <Temportalist> Hey, so I spawn my entity with some custom data, but it doesnt seem to transfer to the client, event though the class implements IEntityAdditionalSpawnData
L618[12:29:12] <tterrag> why would it?
L619[12:29:59] <Temportalist> not sure. What would be the route to take to make information from a server-side spawn transfer to the client (for rendering)
L620[12:30:14] <Tazz> Packets
L621[12:30:48] <Temportalist> Does MC does anything inherent on entity spawn?
L622[12:31:29] <Tazz> I'm not sure but when in doubt when you need to communicate between the server and client it's packets
L623[12:32:10] <Temportalist> I know that. I'd prefer to find an inherent way so that I don't need to create unnecessary packets
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L625[12:33:39] <tterrag> Temportalist: https://github.com/tterrag1098/PotionAPI/blob/master/src/main/java/tterrag/potionapi/api/effect/EffectUtil.java#L179-L215
L626[12:33:42] <Tazz> 10-1 mc is going to do the same thing inherently
L627[12:33:44] <tterrag> a now defunct mod, but that code is valid :P
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L629[12:34:34] <Temportalist> This isn't for a player or mc entity though. This is for a custom entity, so I should be able to avoid events
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L632[12:35:34] <tterrag> I don't really think entities get notified when they start being tarcked
L633[12:35:36] <tterrag> tracked
L634[12:35:58] <tterrag> oh, I misread
L635[12:35:59] <Lumien> Temportalist could you post your code?
L636[12:36:01] <tterrag> I thought you said IEEP
L637[12:36:08] <tterrag> in that case, just use datawatcher/datamanger
L638[12:37:59] <Temportalist> https://github.com/TheTemportalist/EsoTeriCraft/blob/1.9/src/main/scala/temportalist/esotericraft/galvanization/common/entity/EntityEmpty.scala
L639[12:39:09] <tterrag> Temportalist: use the data manager to sync things
L640[12:39:30] <Temportalist> tterrag: does data watcher have a function which is called when a value is changed?
L641[12:39:39] <tterrag> uh what?
L642[12:39:47] <tterrag> no you update it when it gets changed, not the other way around...
L643[12:40:17] <Lumien> Temp does readSpawnData get called on spawn?
L644[12:40:47] <Necr0> how can i make an item model independent of the items metadata?
L645[12:41:07] <Temportalist> Lumien: unsure, lemme check
L646[12:41:54] <Lumien> Necr0 ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation
L647[12:43:00] <Temportalist> Lumien: yes it is, on the client side
L648[12:43:02] <Temportalist> hmmmm
L649[12:43:07] <Temportalist> very strange
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L652[12:45:15] <DovahOfKiin> Posting my mcforge topic link again, there seems to be a little more activity on the channel now
L653[12:45:17] <DovahOfKiin> http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,39016.0.html
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L657[12:55:13] <Temportalist> Lumien: is writeSpawnData called inside one of the constructors?
L658[12:55:40] <Lumien> EntitySpawnMessage.toBytes
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L660[12:55:44] <Temportalist> If so, that would be why this doesnt work:
L661[12:55:46] <Temportalist> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/CVVorRdr/
L662[12:56:01] <Temportalist> Cause right now the entity name is null when the writeSpawnData is called
L663[12:56:13] <Temportalist> which causes this:
L664[12:56:15] <Temportalist> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/J1zwx83I/
L665[12:56:23] <Temportalist> Which causes the client to render a pig -_-
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L669[13:02:04] <Temportalist> Update: Lumien: So ByteBufUtils is reading an empty tag when I write a non-empty
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L671[13:02:52] <Necr0> Lumien but ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation uses meta/damage as it's second parameter. I meant to ask how can I set an item model that will be displayed no matter what damage value the item stack has.
L672[13:03:02] <Temportalist> Necr0: use metadata 0
L673[13:03:05] <Lumien> Oh sorry independent
L674[13:05:09] <Lumien> Temp it is getting called after the constructor though
L675[13:05:29] <Temportalist> I figured it out - almost
L676[13:05:33] <Temportalist> I had !hasNoTags
L677[13:05:39] <Temportalist> instead of hasNoTags
L678[13:05:46] <Temportalist> So it was only trying to load when there were no tags
L679[13:05:51] <tterrag> why the double negative
L680[13:05:58] <Temportalist> Cause I derped
L681[13:06:07] <tterrag> never understood storing booleans with negation :P
L682[13:06:10] <tterrag> just do hasTags
L683[13:06:20] <Temportalist> yeah
L684[13:06:23] <Temportalist> its weird
L685[13:06:38] <Temportalist> Im confusing myself...
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L687[13:08:07] <Temportalist> When simple typos trip EVERYTHING up!
L688[13:08:18] <Temportalist> I had "tag_tempalte" instead of "tag_template"
L689[13:08:37] <tterrag> aka "why string based APIs are bad" in a nutshell :P
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L691[13:09:57] <Temportalist> that ^
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L693[13:14:31] <idgarad> Question: With 1.9 out and forge's progression along with the mods, how "portable" would players inventories and respective data be now such that inter-server moves of players and inventories would be possible?
L694[13:14:43] <idgarad> due to uuids.
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L696[13:19:26] <Lumien> They were always "portable" weren't they?
L697[13:20:36] <Necr0> https://gist.github.com/Necr0/76e11d613808a808b28f9964b27aca22 can someone explain to me why the method registerModelLocation but only for damage value 1 but the other doesn't work for me. I tested it with the same item and model resource location
L698[13:21:38] <Lumien> Where are you calling these methods?
L699[13:22:39] <Necr0> init using my client proxy
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L701[13:23:38] <Necr0> by init i mean my mods initialization event
L702[13:25:37] <Lumien> Call ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation in preInit
L703[13:26:35] <Necr0> oh ok thanks
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L711[13:37:54] <PaleoCrafter> welp, accidentally cut off my PC's power xD
L712[13:42:15] <minecreatr> why does TileEntityLockable have stuff for the ITEM_HANDLER capability?
L713[13:42:47] <Girafi> To add support for the capabilities?
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L715[13:43:20] <minecreatr> yeah, but ITEM_HANDLER is specific to inventories?
L716[13:43:30] <minecreatr> couldn't you have a lockable non inventory tile?
L717[13:43:53] <Necr0> ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(item, 0, location) still only displays the model for damage value 0.. am i doing something wrong?
L718[13:44:08] <PaleoCrafter> hm, has Chrome got some new kerning support or did I just never come across a VA combination?
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L720[13:44:28] <PaleoCrafter> Necr0, what is the second parameter? :P
L721[13:45:51] <PaleoCrafter> if you want all values to display the same model, either iterate over them or use a custom mesh definition
L722[13:46:15] <Cypher121> !gc TileEntityLockable
L723[13:46:43] <Necr0> when i asked if there is a way to have it independent from the item's damage value Temportalist said to use meta=0, thats why i was asking
L724[13:46:57] <PaleoCrafter> Temportalist, y u do dis
L725[13:46:58] <Necr0> thanks for clearing that up
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L728[13:47:21] <Temportalist> Ah, multiple things haha didn't thing of that
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L731[13:48:56] <Cypher121> what even is TileEntityLockable
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L733[13:50:43] <idgarad> @Lumien no two different servers may have different block and itemids. With UUIDs if I recall forge can clean non-existent blocks and items at server start. I was curious if forge can handle cleansing player inventory such that a player could move from one server to another where mod packs may not perfectly align enabling progression servers (e,g. a stone age server with magic and after an achievement move to a steam age them
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L735[13:51:35] <PaleoCrafter> idgarad, blocks and items don't get UUIDs
L736[13:51:58] <PaleoCrafter> and item stacks will get serialised to NBT with their string ID
L737[13:52:43] <idgarad> ahh I must be mis-interpreting the uuid as the stringID
L738[13:52:50] <PaleoCrafter> probably
L739[13:53:04] <PaleoCrafter> only player's get actual UUIDs
L740[13:53:28] <idgarad> Can forge "clean" a player's inventory the same say as a world can be cleaned if a mod is removed during runtime?
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L743[13:55:22] <PaleoCrafter> MC sort of does that on its own, if an item doesn't exist, the stack will just have a non-existing item and should get removed as soon as the game notices it
L744[13:55:54] <idgarad> I was thinking a small mod that allowed two servers to exchange keys and allow migrating a player's info from one server to another but the scenario where one may not have a given mod versus another one if forge handles cleaning the invalid inventory items rather then then a random "whatever the id matched to" on the target server.
L745[13:56:33] <idgarad> I am still working out the perf issues of making MetricCraft by flagging various objects for exporting data to a sql backend (Think HLXStats for minecraft if you would).
L746[13:56:56] <PaleoCrafter> again, since the game stores string IDs, that scenario kind of is impossible :P
L747[13:57:02] <PaleoCrafter> the items just won't exist any more
L748[13:57:07] <idgarad> e.g. get the 5 minute interval counts of objects passing through a conduit, or chest, etc.
L749[13:57:33] <idgarad> Yeah without some backend magic cleaning the players moving between servers I'd wager that isn't going to be an option.
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L751[13:57:58] <idgarad> Back to the metricCraft theory crafting then. Thank you.
L752[13:57:59] <PaleoCrafter> I'm not sure if it's me or you who doesn't understand the other
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L754[13:58:14] <PaleoCrafter> but there shouldn't be a need for any "cleaning"
L755[13:58:25] * capitalthree waves to PaleoCrafter!
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L760[14:02:42] <idgarad> My thought on MetricCraft was to have a "metered" method on objects\tileentities that would report out in a configurable polling rate the activity (X objects in the last Y minutes). Was thinking CUMULATIVE, TOTAL, DELTA methods that developers could hook to make Buildcraft for example have a Metered Pipe, or AE2 have a Metered Card, etc so mods could easily add in the capabilities to export metrics to a database backend for w
L761[14:04:20] <idgarad> Making the web site backend is trivial but I through then later someone could make a mod to reverse the data flow and get, again as an example, an Advanced Display to show a line graph of total volume of items passing in and out of say and Enderchest or a particular AE2 import or export bus.
L762[14:04:51] <PaleoCrafter> and what exactly has that to do with player data now? :P
L763[14:05:15] <idgarad> The advantage is the sql db wouldn't need to be on the same server as the MC server itself but the perf impact is a sticking point. (Nothing about player data, this is a second part).
L764[14:05:28] *** mDiyo|zzz is now known as mDiyo
L765[14:05:37] <idgarad> Just thinking outloud so to speak.
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L777[14:44:23] <ghz|afk> so, I got this bug report earlier:
L778[14:44:24] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/issues/19
L779[14:44:28] <ghz|afk> I WTFd for a bit
L780[14:47:37] <PaleoCrafter> ghz|afk, maybe your mod *does* add worldgen, you just don't know
L781[14:48:01] <ghz|afk> how would that happen?
L782[14:48:01] <ghz|afk> ;P
L783[14:48:13] <PaleoCrafter> magic
L784[14:49:36] <PaleoCrafter> or did you ever had your IDE open with your mod source visible at work?
L785[14:50:05] <ghz|afk> i spent my first 4 weeks of work doing mc modding instead of the actaul work I was supposed to do
L786[14:50:12] <ghz|afk> because they ordered the wrong laptop model
L787[14:50:31] <PaleoCrafter> well then, maybe some MC-loving coworker smuggled in a bit of code :P
L788[14:51:10] <ghz|afk> heh
L789[14:51:22] <ghz|afk> but no, neither of them know any modding
L790[14:51:34] <ghz|afk> one of them just sortof knows how mc looks like
L791[14:51:40] <ghz|afk> the other has played modded, but never tried to write mods
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L793[14:52:36] <PaleoCrafter> they could have learned modding just for this xD
L794[14:53:08] <ghz|afk> sure, sure
L795[14:53:19] <ghz|afk> to create ore veins of the most OP block in my mod, yeg
L796[14:53:20] <PaleoCrafter> this is most definitely what happened
L797[14:53:21] <ghz|afk> yeh ;P
L798[14:53:48] <PaleoCrafter> anything else would be holly unrealistic :P
L799[14:54:40] <ghz|afk> I prefer to think someone removed mods, then added mine, and the id table got confused
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L804[15:03:35] <Cypher121> lolinternet!bitch2k@dyn-051-076.vix2.mmc.at
L805[15:03:37] <Cypher121> what a name
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L817[15:32:27] <Vazkii> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srOc1JXcCpc
L818[15:33:38] <PaleoCrafter> any particular reason, Vazkii? :P
L819[15:33:47] <Vazkii> :^)
L820[15:33:57] <ghz|afk> wat
L821[15:34:08] <Vazkii> Because I thought I posted this in the forgecraft channel for a bit :P
L822[15:34:23] <PaleoCrafter> funny nonetheless
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L832[15:53:14] <masa> welp, I went ahead and uploaded a very early pre-alpha version of my latest mod project to CurseForge...
L833[15:53:22] <masa> so I now have 9 released mods
L834[15:53:39] <masa> well, I don't know if you can say this on is "released" yet but...
L835[15:54:07] <ghz|afk> is it marked as "alpha"?
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L837[15:54:16] <LordFokas> what mods are those?
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L840[16:10:42] <masa> yes it's an alpha
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L842[16:11:07] <masa> and I have big red text on the overview page to indicate that the mod is in early development :p
L843[16:11:37] <ghz|afk> it's kindof annoying on curse
L844[16:11:37] <masa> http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/autoverse
L845[16:11:43] <ghz|afk> alphas simply don't show up unless you search for them
L846[16:11:55] <masa> LordFokas: you can see my other project via my profile and Projects
L847[16:12:21] <masa> well yes, but alphas really shouldn't be used by Curse users anyway :p
L848[16:12:39] <masa> and often not other users either
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L851[16:13:37] <ghz|afk> yeah, there's just no way to differentiate "highly unstable" from "highly stable just incomplete"
L852[16:14:10] <masa> yep
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L855[16:14:56] <masa> I actually added some images to that mod after someone requested them moments after I just created the project :p
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L857[16:15:27] <masa> I'll have to add some more images to my pther mods too, I never realized that they show up so nicely on the page
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L861[16:20:16] <ghz|afk> masa: when I read the mod's description, it reminded me of an idea I had ages ago, to make a block that could encode a whole redstone machine, and program it to map specific redstone lines to the sides of the machine ;P
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L864[16:26:57] <masa> heh
L865[16:27:36] <masa> yep that would be cool, and I think some mods have done similar things actually?
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L873[16:44:23] <Digitalsabre> I can't figure out how to learn to do this. Everything in me is saying "learn to Java," but I don't know if that's enough, either.
L874[16:45:06] <diesieben07> do what?
L875[16:45:25] <Digitalsabre> To write MC mods.
L876[16:45:36] <diesieben07> What is your programming experience?
L877[16:45:38] <diesieben07> outside of mods?
L878[16:45:38] <Digitalsabre> Oh, it's you again.
L879[16:45:52] <Digitalsabre> Light web coding.
L880[16:46:15] <Digitalsabre> Not HTML stuff. That's too light. Some VB stuff for ASP.
L881[16:46:25] <diesieben07> so no java at all?
L882[16:46:33] <Digitalsabre> No, not really.
L883[16:47:20] <diesieben07> Well, then i suggest you learn java. there are plenty of courses. once you can program a simple calculator application COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT (and completely means ocmpletely, just you and your IDE, from start to finish) you are ready.
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L885[16:48:34] <williewillus> does that include gui lol
L886[16:48:39] <Cypher121> diesieben07, how simple of a calculator do you mean?
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L888[16:48:52] <diesieben07> GUI is not necessary
L889[16:48:58] <williewillus> because every time I use swing i try my hardest to forget it exists after I'm done
L890[16:48:58] <diesieben07> swing sucks :D
L891[16:48:58] <Cypher121> because for most of them you need some basic syntax parsing
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L894[16:49:14] <Cypher121> which is kinda irrelevant to java or modding
L895[16:49:16] <williewillus> Cypher121: easy just make it prefix notation calculator :D
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L897[16:49:18] <diesieben07> you type in "12 + 3" it gives you 15.
L898[16:49:25] <diesieben07> tahts piss easy to do.
L899[16:49:26] <Cypher121> williewillus, booo
L900[16:49:58] <Digitalsabre> Will knowing how to do that help me understand where to get the requisite information about the MCF that I'll need to make calls to in order to make, for example, cows take longer to mature from baby cows?
L901[16:50:20] <williewillus> that's just reading vanilla source
L902[16:50:31] <Cypher121> I actually made one recently, just to practice my functional programming. forgot that negative numbers exist though -_-
L903[16:50:40] <williewillus> a prefix notation calculator?
L904[16:50:43] <Cypher121> infix
L905[16:50:50] <Digitalsabre> Reverse polish notation calculator.
L906[16:51:15] <Cypher121> so infix -> direct polish -> expression function
L907[16:51:28] <Cypher121> or actually no, reverse polish
L908[16:51:30] <williewillus> infixers just use taht one algorithm to move everything into prefix right
L909[16:51:32] <williewillus> yeah
L910[16:51:38] <williewillus> Polish is prefix
L911[16:51:40] <Digitalsabre> [ 12, 3, "+" ] -> [ 15 ]
L912[16:51:42] <williewillus> reverse polish is postfix
L913[16:52:01] <Cypher121> yeah, mine was postfix
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L915[16:53:57] <Digitalsabre> Hmm..
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L920[16:54:50] <Digitalsabre> And then I'll write MCForth for ComputerCraft. xD
L921[16:55:17] <Digitalsabre> In LUA.
L922[16:55:27] <Digitalsabre> ("Lua"?)
L923[16:55:47] <Digitalsabre> Ohey, it's not all caps.
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L930[16:59:34] <MaelstromPhx> hello
L931[17:01:19] <MaelstromPhx> can anyone help me with a forge worldsavedata issue im having?
L932[17:01:35] <williewillus> ask and whoevers around that knows will answer
L933[17:01:41] <williewillus> giga isnt here sadly :P
L934[17:02:01] <MaelstromPhx> ok
L935[17:02:48] <ghz|afk> hm?
L936[17:02:54] <ghz|afk> yes I am ;p
L937[17:02:55] <ghz|afk> sortof
L938[17:03:15] <williewillus> oh lol
L939[17:03:35] <ghz|afk> I got a cold/flu, so I'm bouncing between the chair and the bed at random intervals
L940[17:03:37] <MaelstromPhx> so i have a class that extends the world save data and im trying to get it to read and save nbt data. I have it create a new instance of the class whenever a player logs in and the init runs fine but it never runs the read or write nbt functions
L941[17:03:44] <ghz|afk> but right now i'm on peak effect from an aspirin
L942[17:03:50] <diesieben07> thats not when you create a new instance.
L943[17:03:57] <ghz|afk> WorldSavedData isn't "per player"
L944[17:04:06] <ghz|afk> that's your first issue there
L945[17:04:09] <MaelstromPhx> so how would i go about per player saving?
L946[17:04:14] <ghz|afk> use a Capability
L947[17:04:15] <diesieben07> Capabilities
L948[17:04:19] <ghz|afk> or IEEP before 1.8.9
L949[17:04:33] <MaelstromPhx> cool. ill go look into it
L950[17:04:45] <diesieben07> http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/datastorage/capabilities/
L951[17:05:13] <ghz|afk> and https://gist.github.com/williewillus/c8dc2a1e7963b57ef436c699f25a710d
L952[17:05:30] <MaelstromPhx> anything on ieep? im using 1.7.10
L953[17:05:40] <ghz|afk> yes look under IEEP on the RTD page
L954[17:05:48] <ghz|afk> IExtendedEntityProperties
L955[17:06:05] <ghz|afk> http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/datastorage/extendedentityproperties/
L956[17:06:10] <diesieben07> also update.
L957[17:06:53] <MaelstromPhx> 1.9 has the weird json blocks tho right?
L958[17:07:00] <ghz|afk> they aren't weird
L959[17:07:03] <diesieben07> it's not weird.
L960[17:07:04] <ghz|afk> they are awesome
L961[17:07:13] <Digitalsabre> diesieben07: PM?
L962[17:07:24] <diesieben07> what for? but... sure i guess
L963[17:07:26] <MaelstromPhx> welp time to relearn all the tuts i did today XD
L964[17:07:39] <ghz|afk> note:
L965[17:07:48] <ghz|afk> most tutorials on 1.8+ modding seem to be outdated
L966[17:07:52] <ghz|afk> using deprecated methods and practices
L967[17:08:04] <MaelstromPhx> would you recommend 1.8 or going straight to 1.9?
L968[17:08:06] <ghz|afk> if you see anything realted to "getUnlocalizedName().substring"
L969[17:08:10] <ghz|afk> or "ItemModelMesher"
L970[17:08:22] <ghz|afk> then look for a less crappy tutorial
L971[17:08:41] <LatvianModder> are capabilities suppsed to be synced between client and server in tile entities?
L972[17:08:46] <diesieben07> i have not seen one tutorial mention setCustomModelResourceLocation
L973[17:08:58] <ghz|afk> LatvianModder: nope, you do that yourself
L974[17:09:07] <LatvianModder> No, but I mean, should I?
L975[17:09:25] <ghz|afk> if you want the caps synced, you do it yourself
L976[17:09:27] <ghz|afk> using custom packets
L977[17:09:33] <LatvianModder> + capabilities is a private field
L978[17:09:38] <ghz|afk> wat?
L979[17:09:44] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L980[17:09:51] <ghz|afk> the "capabilities" field is for internal use
L981[17:09:51] <LatvianModder> private net.minecraftforge.common.capabilities.CapabilityDispatcher capabilities;
L982[17:09:58] <LatvianModder> I mean.. All of them :P
L983[17:10:06] <ghz|afk> to hold the attached capabilities injected through AttachCapabilitiesEvent
L984[17:10:15] <ghz|afk> it's not meant to be used
L985[17:10:19] <ghz|afk> the way you expose a capability
L986[17:10:27] <ghz|afk> is by overriding hasCapability/getCapability
L987[17:10:32] <ghz|afk> and doing
L988[17:10:41] <LatvianModder> right, so I should not care about syncing internal / event capabilities?
L989[17:10:42] <ghz|afk> if(cap == TheCapability) return true/theCapInstance;
L990[17:10:45] ⇨ Joins: Temportalist (uid37180@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:0:913c)
L991[17:10:51] <ghz|afk> no, it's the responsibility of their implementor
L992[17:10:55] <ghz|afk> you sync YOUR caps
L993[17:10:59] <ghz|afk> not the caps on your object
L994[17:11:02] <LatvianModder> alright, thats what I wanted to know :P
L995[17:12:05] <Digitalsabre> Please write for 1.9. That's where the big push is right now.
L996[17:12:18] ⇦ Quits: Necr0 (~Necr0@p200300700D0AA25CCCAC274FA504CB9F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
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L998[17:12:29] <ghz|afk> and yeah MaelstromPhx: writing directly for 1.9 will be the least painful
L999[17:12:33] <MaelstromPhx> ok
L1000[17:12:39] <ghz|afk> since it's where most of the nicer changes are
L1001[17:12:48] <ghz|afk> so you won't have to later reorganize your mod to adapt for the improvements
L1002[17:12:57] <ghz|afk> it will feel like you wasted time ;P
L1003[17:12:59] <MaelstromPhx> also the javadocs are the official documentation right?
L1004[17:13:03] <ghz|afk> yes
L1005[17:13:06] <ghz|afk> so is the readthedocs page
L1006[17:13:18] <MaelstromPhx> does that have everything on it?
L1007[17:13:22] <ghz|afk> no
L1008[17:13:24] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/Documentation/
L1009[17:13:30] <LatvianModder> Can I have a blockstates.json + block_model.json + change model's texture fields from tileentity?
L1010[17:13:35] <ghz|afk> it's created by the community
L1011[17:13:38] <LatvianModder> basically, a camofluage block
L1012[17:13:40] <ghz|afk> so if you find something that isn't described there
L1013[17:13:43] <ghz|afk> and you learn how it works
L1014[17:13:48] <ghz|afk> feel free to contribute your own pages :D
L1015[17:14:06] <ghz|afk> note that RTD is documentation, not "copy-paste tutorials"
L1016[17:14:47] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L1017[17:15:01] <ghz|afk> and if you want to look through examples of working mods that have been written for modern modding standards
L1018[17:15:02] <ghz|afk> just ask
L1019[17:15:12] <ghz|afk> I have multiple opensource repositories
L1020[17:15:17] <ghz|afk> and williewillus has a few more ;P
L1021[17:15:18] <MaelstromPhx> yeah thatd be nice
L1022[17:15:35] <MaelstromPhx> i was sifting through blood magic earlier to get some idea of what to do :P
L1023[17:15:40] <williewillus> LatvianModder: yes you can have camo blocks
L1024[17:15:44] <williewillus> but not the way you just described
L1025[17:15:44] <ghz|afk> quoting the title from my channel: Everything about Gigaherz's Minecraft mods -- https://github.com/gigaherz/Survivalist/ -- https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower -- https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/ -- https://github.com/gigaherz/PackingTape -- https://github.com/gigaherz/Enderthing
L1026[17:15:57] <ghz|afk> LatvianModder: for camo blocks, you'd want to use custom models
L1027[17:16:00] ⇦ Quits: Zyferus (Zyferus@172-3-154-217.lightspeed.mssnks.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1028[17:16:04] <LatvianModder> right, right
L1029[17:16:08] <williewillus> you want a smart model that just steals the target block's model
L1030[17:16:11] <williewillus> link coming
L1031[17:16:12] <LatvianModder> those cant be loaded from json?
L1032[17:16:17] <ghz|afk> well
L1033[17:16:18] <ghz|afk> they could
L1034[17:16:19] <ghz|afk> but
L1035[17:16:23] <ghz|afk> you can't just "steal the texture"
L1036[17:16:26] <ghz|afk> that just doesn't work
L1037[17:16:29] <ghz|afk> you have to steal the whole model
L1038[17:16:33] <LatvianModder> nope, I just want to change a texture of my model
L1039[17:16:35] <ghz|afk> which makes the json rather pointless
L1040[17:16:44] <ghz|afk> yeah that's now how 1.8+ works
L1041[17:16:46] <ghz|afk> not*
L1042[17:16:50] ⇦ Quits: Glassmaker (~Glassmake@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1043[17:16:51] <LatvianModder> darn
L1044[17:16:55] <ghz|afk> if you have a predefined number of targets
L1045[17:17:03] <ghz|afk> you can use blockstate properties to choose which target to use
L1046[17:17:06] <williewillus> just specify all of them
L1047[17:17:08] <williewillus> yeah
L1048[17:17:09] <ghz|afk> but you can't just say "I want this block's texture"
L1049[17:17:22] <LatvianModder> so... its impossible to create stairs with any texture?
L1050[17:17:24] <ghz|afk> because the concept of "this block's texture" is meaningless in 1.8+
L1051[17:17:25] <williewillus> i actually think you can there was that one guy that wanted to retexture pressure plates
L1052[17:17:29] <ghz|afk> no it's not impossible
L1053[17:17:32] <williewillus> but it involves a lot of manual mucking
L1054[17:17:38] <williewillus> LatvianModder: no?
L1055[17:17:39] <ghz|afk> you just can't really do it with json alone
L1056[17:17:41] <williewillus> stairs are easy :P
L1057[17:17:51] <williewillus> you just copy paste the json and change the texture
L1058[17:17:52] <ghz|afk> you need to reverse-engineer the texture sprite
L1059[17:18:01] <ghz|afk> and then retexture your stairs model
L1060[17:18:09] <LatvianModder> I mean stairs who's texture is picked from IBlockState saved in TileEntity
L1061[17:18:12] <ghz|afk> ask tterrag
L1062[17:18:20] <ghz|afk> he has been working on chisel stuff
L1063[17:18:43] <williewillus> i know it's possible
L1064[17:18:54] <williewillus> i just don't remember the guy that was wokring on exactly that >-<
L1065[17:18:54] <ghz|afk> LatvianModder: the process would be:
L1066[17:19:01] <ghz|afk> 1. you obtain the model from the blockstate
L1067[17:19:09] <LatvianModder> thats the easy part
L1068[17:19:11] <ghz|afk> 2. you query the textures used by this model
L1069[17:19:20] <ghz|afk> 2a. for each quad
L1070[17:19:33] <ghz|afk> 2b. you look up the atlas sprites and see which one contains the UV range
L1071[17:19:52] <ghz|afk> 3. if you only found one texture, rejoyce, you are in luck
L1072[17:20:03] <ghz|afk> 3b. if there's more than one, you have to cry while deciding which one to use
L1073[17:20:05] ⇨ Joins: MikrySoft (~MikrySoft@89-76-18-43.dynamic.chello.pl)
L1074[17:20:12] <williewillus> lol
L1075[17:20:21] <williewillus> then load the IModel call retexture on it and bake it
L1076[17:20:27] <LatvianModder> In my mod, you can only select 1x1x1, full blocks as paint, so yeah, probably one texture / 6 textures for each face
L1077[17:20:29] <ghz|afk> 4. based on your stairs IRetexturableModel,
L1078[17:20:40] <ghz|afk> call .retexture on it with the chosen texture sprite
L1079[17:20:52] <LatvianModder> saving these instructions in pastebin xD
L1080[17:20:58] <ghz|afk> XD
L1081[17:27:56] <MaelstromPhx> so what are the major changes from 1.7.10 to 1.9 in terms of forge?
L1082[17:28:40] <williewillus> its 2 major versions
L1083[17:28:42] <williewillus> so quite a bit
L1084[17:28:47] <williewillus> 80% of rendering is different
L1085[17:29:00] <ghz|afk> MaelstromPhx: well
L1086[17:29:04] <williewillus> x,y,z->BlockPos, lots of cleanups and method shifting as expected
L1087[17:29:08] <ghz|afk> 1.8.9 added Capabilities
L1088[17:29:15] <ghz|afk> and added a feature in Item and Block
L1089[17:29:18] <williewillus> yeah caps, sane registries
L1090[17:29:22] <ghz|afk> so that you can do .setRegistryName
L1091[17:29:23] <williewillus> loot tables
L1092[17:29:34] <ghz|afk> which allows you to avoid "getUnlocalizedName().substring" kinda hacks
L1093[17:29:46] <ghz|afk> 1.9 changed the registry system
L1094[17:29:50] <ghz|afk> to be more generic
L1095[17:29:55] <ghz|afk> allowing on top of items and blocks
L1096[17:29:58] <ghz|afk> registering potions
L1097[17:29:59] <ghz|afk> enchants
L1098[17:30:01] <ghz|afk> sounds
L1099[17:30:15] <ghz|afk> and made the item version of blocks opt-in instead of opt-out
L1100[17:30:25] <ghz|afk> since practically no one seems to have realized they have always been optional
L1101[17:30:29] ⇨ Joins: synthetica (~synthetic@cpe-98-27-161-235.neo.res.rr.com)
L1102[17:30:32] <MaelstromPhx> some of these sound really useful :D
L1103[17:30:38] ⇦ Quits: synthetica (~synthetic@cpe-98-27-161-235.neo.res.rr.com) (Client Quit)
L1104[17:31:09] <williewillus> that's just a specialization of the registry system
L1105[17:31:09] <williewillus> wait nvm
L1106[17:31:09] <williewillus> it was just that in 1/8
L1107[17:31:09] <williewillus> but in 1.9 lots of things dont use int ids anymore
L1108[17:31:09] <williewillus> actually i think practically nothing does
L1109[17:31:11] <williewillus> so yeah I'd leave it at 1. giant part of rendering changed 2. caps 3. new registries, 4. loot tables 5. the normal code reshufflings and renamings
L1110[17:31:17] <williewillus> whoah had some lag there
L1111[17:31:38] <williewillus> ghz|afk: well to be fair they were only optional in 1.8+
L1112[17:31:43] <williewillus> i thought
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L1114[17:33:00] <ghz|afk> hmm
L1115[17:33:12] ⇦ Quits: KnightMiner (~KnightMin@adsl-68-255-4-14.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1116[17:33:15] <ghz|afk> dunno I never modded pre-1.7.10 xcept for a short time that I regret
L1117[17:33:18] <ghz|afk> eh
L1118[17:33:21] <ghz|afk> pre-1.8
L1119[17:33:26] <ghz|afk> cept some 1.7.10 time that I regret
L1120[17:33:43] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1121[17:35:41] <MaelstromPhx> also is there a best practice for file layout or is it every author for him/herself
L1122[17:36:20] <ghz|afk> well
L1123[17:36:37] <ghz|afk> there's extremes for everything
L1124[17:36:44] <ghz|afk> you can be so unorganized no one can understand what's going on
L1125[17:36:51] <ghz|afk> or you can be so organized only you know where things are
L1126[17:36:55] <ghz|afk> anythign in between works
L1127[17:37:04] <ghz|afk> I'm not a fan of mods which have like
L1128[17:37:06] <ghz|afk> Modblocks
L1129[17:37:08] <ghz|afk> ModItems
L1130[17:37:11] <ghz|afk> and such
L1131[17:37:18] ⇨ Joins: Intektor (~Intektor4@p5B274C30.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1132[17:37:23] <ghz|afk> and try to shove everything, including rendering things, in there
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L1134[17:37:33] <MaelstromPhx> like the general trend i saw with the bigger mods is to split everything into common and client and then have a bunch of sub folders
L1135[17:37:34] <Intektor> What is the difference between BlockPos and mutableBlockpos?
L1136[17:37:40] <ghz|afk> my organization method is "per purpose"
L1137[17:37:50] <ghz|afk> so I have the main mod file
L1138[17:37:54] <ghz|afk> where ALL the registrtaions happen
L1139[17:38:16] <ghz|afk> then I have client/clientProxy where ALL the rendering registrations happen
L1140[17:38:25] <ghz|afk> along with any client-only message handlers
L1141[17:38:40] <ghz|afk> then everything is either in a package for the type of thing
L1142[17:38:41] <ghz|afk> .blocks
L1143[17:38:45] <ghz|afk> .gui
L1144[17:38:46] <ghz|afk> etc
L1145[17:38:51] <ghz|afk> or in a package for this specific feature
L1146[17:38:52] <ghz|afk> such as
L1147[17:39:03] <ghz|afk> .essentializer which contains all the classes involved in the Essentializer
L1148[17:39:18] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/tree/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower
L1149[17:39:35] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/tree/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderRift
L1150[17:39:49] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/gigaherz/Enderthing/tree/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderthing
L1151[17:40:05] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/gigaherz/Survivalist/tree/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/survivalist
L1152[17:40:08] <ghz|afk> you'll notice the trends ;P
L1153[17:40:27] <MaelstromPhx> ah i see
L1154[17:40:41] <ghz|afk> you don't HAVE to follow my style
L1155[17:40:44] <ghz|afk> just make up your own
L1156[17:40:48] <ghz|afk> whatever is clearest foryou
L1157[17:40:55] <MaelstromPhx> ok
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L1159[17:47:32] <unascribed> Intektor, MutableBlockPos is mutable
L1160[17:47:38] <unascribed> what that means is the x y and z can be changed
L1161[17:47:41] <masa> Intektor: you can change the values in a mutable pos, if you are for example iterating a large area, so that you don't have to keep creating new BlockPos object and spamming the GC
L1162[17:47:42] <unascribed> i.e. mutated
L1163[17:47:55] ⇦ Quits: Loetkolben (~Loetkolbe@ipbcc17c0a.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Over and Out!)
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L1165[17:49:32] <unascribed> is there a good way to use a TESR itemstack renderer to draw an underlying baked model as well?
L1166[17:49:41] <unascribed> I can't do it with models since it's dynamic animated content
L1167[17:49:59] <unascribed> I need to use a dynamic hook of some sort, and the TESR stack is the only way to do it without ridiculous hackery
L1168[17:50:12] <Wuppy> fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
L1169[17:50:14] <ghz|afk> hmmm
L1170[17:50:24] <ghz|afk> you may be able to do getModel for the item
L1171[17:50:26] <Wuppy> I'm now watching a live stream of a party which is about 5 minutes from my house
L1172[17:50:29] <ghz|afk> and draw that from the "tesr"
L1173[17:50:32] <Wuppy> with the #1 dj in the world
L1174[17:50:33] <unascribed> but the model for the item is just builtin/entity
L1175[17:50:42] <Wuppy> as well as pretty much the entire top 10 of djs world-wide
L1176[17:50:43] <ghz|afk> oh right
L1177[17:50:44] <Wuppy> and I'm not there :<
L1178[17:50:54] <ghz|afk> well
L1179[17:51:17] <ghz|afk> then you'll have to somehow cause that model to load
L1180[17:51:22] <ghz|afk> ModelBakeEvent or whatever
L1181[17:51:31] <ghz|afk> and then use ModelLoaderRegistry.getModel
L1182[17:51:36] <ghz|afk> wit hthe resourcelocation of the model
L1183[17:51:39] <unascribed> hm.. could I maybe register the "proper" model as meta 1 and then render that normally?
L1184[17:51:53] <ghz|afk> just use ModelBakeEvent
L1185[17:51:53] <ghz|afk> ,p
L1186[17:51:56] <ghz|afk> ;P*
L1187[17:52:00] <Wuppy> 10000 people are now wathing this :V
L1188[17:52:02] <ghz|afk> wait no
L1189[17:52:12] <ghz|afk> ModelBakeEvent was for adding your own loaded models
L1190[17:52:13] <ghz|afk> hmm
L1191[17:52:19] <ghz|afk> ModelBakery.addVariants?
L1192[17:53:00] <ghz|afk> yeah
L1193[17:53:02] <ghz|afk> ModelBakery.registerItemVariants(item, resLocs);
L1194[17:53:15] <ghz|afk> where reslocs is an array of model locations that you'll need in the future
L1195[17:53:44] <ghz|afk> it's designed for use together with ItemMeshDefinition
L1196[17:53:51] <ghz|afk> but it may work for your needs
L1197[17:54:48] <LatvianModder> can Capability factory be null?
L1198[17:54:55] <unascribed> okay, but how do I get the model in my renderer?
L1199[17:54:56] <ghz|afk> no
L1200[17:55:14] <ghz|afk> the "rule" is that you should always provide a real factory
L1201[17:55:22] <ghz|afk> but if that makes no sense in your context
L1202[17:55:27] <ghz|afk> you can just return nulls from it
L1203[17:55:40] <ghz|afk> with the understanding that no one will ever use .getDefaultInstance on your capability
L1204[17:56:02] <LatvianModder> this capability is pretty much for internal use only
L1205[17:56:06] <ghz|afk> unascribed: ModelLoaderRegistry.getModel(modelResourceLocation)
L1206[17:56:12] <ghz|afk> LatvianModder: yep that's waht I mean
L1207[17:56:24] <ghz|afk> ifyou are "reasonably certain" that no one will ever call getDefaultInstance on it
L1208[17:56:26] <LatvianModder> but yes, for all other caps I have defaults
L1209[17:56:28] <ghz|afk> go ahead and return nulls
L1210[17:56:29] <ghz|afk> ;P
L1211[17:56:42] <unascribed> er, why does that throw an IOException?
L1212[17:56:44] <ghz|afk> but it DOES break the design contract for capabilities
L1213[17:56:55] <ghz|afk> unascribed: because if it hasn't been loaded yet, it will be loaded...
L1214[17:57:02] <unascribed> apparently this is the actual model load method
L1215[17:57:03] <unascribed> okay
L1216[17:57:08] <unascribed> I thought this was to get it from the cache
L1217[17:57:17] <unascribed> though I suppose with a name like "ModelLoaderRegistry"...
L1218[17:57:20] <ghz|afk> actually yeah that's the unbaked method
L1219[17:57:21] <ghz|afk> XD
L1220[17:57:29] <ghz|afk> you'll have to bake it afterward
L1221[17:57:32] <unascribed> I kinda wanted a baked model
L1222[17:57:33] <unascribed> :/
L1223[17:57:42] <ghz|afk> which means there's no point in adding the variants
L1224[17:57:48] <ghz|afk> since the loader just loads it for you
L1225[17:57:53] <ghz|afk> then you can use something like waht I wrote
L1226[17:57:54] <unascribed> I'm just going to use the alternate meta...
L1227[17:58:05] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/renders/RenderingStuffs.java
L1228[17:58:57] <ghz|afk> wait that's the reworked method that uses "model handles" as proxy objects
L1229[17:59:05] <ghz|afk> ah whatever ;p
L1230[17:59:14] <MaelstromPhx> so how would i go about initializing data per player on server join?
L1231[17:59:25] <MaelstromPhx> you said create a capability right?
L1232[17:59:36] <ghz|afk> well it wouldn't be on join
L1233[17:59:40] <ghz|afk> sorta
L1234[17:59:49] <ghz|afk> the process would be
L1235[17:59:53] <ghz|afk> you have a Capability
L1236[18:00:05] <ghz|afk> which is an attachable feature
L1237[18:00:10] <ghz|afk> represented by an interface
L1238[18:00:15] <ghz|afk> one that you declare for the purpose
L1239[18:00:24] <ghz|afk> then, in your implementation class
L1240[18:00:30] <ghz|afk> you woudl probably want to store some boolean
L1241[18:00:35] <ghz|afk> to know if it has been initialized
L1242[18:00:40] <ghz|afk> along with the actual data that you want to track
L1243[18:00:55] <ghz|afk> then
L1244[18:01:04] <ghz|afk> you'd want a class to do the event handling
L1245[18:01:05] <MaelstromPhx> would haskey work for that?
L1246[18:01:22] <ghz|afk> a separate one so that there's just one common to all the capabilities
L1247[18:01:31] <ghz|afk> that canhandle the AttachCapabilitiesEvent.Entity
L1248[18:01:36] ⇦ Quits: AforAnonymous (bitch2k@dyn-050-176.vix2.mmc.at) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1249[18:01:41] <ghz|afk> where you'll attach your capability into any entity of type EntityPlayer
L1250[18:01:55] <ghz|afk> MaelstromPhx: hashkey of what?
L1251[18:02:19] <MaelstromPhx> haskey. for checking if the data has been initialized
L1252[18:02:20] ⇨ Joins: Kano (~Giratina5@2604:180:0:368::bcd8)
L1253[18:02:24] <ghz|afk> wat no
L1254[18:02:26] <ghz|afk> just use a boolean
L1255[18:02:30] <ghz|afk> that defaults to false
L1256[18:02:34] <ghz|afk> and you set to true after initailizing
L1257[18:02:35] <MaelstromPhx> true
L1258[18:02:38] <MaelstromPhx> lol
L1259[18:02:42] *** big_Xplosion is now known as big_Xplo|AFK
L1260[18:03:28] <ghz|afk> oaky then let me continue explaining:
L1261[18:03:37] <ghz|afk> the attach event happens while the entity is being created
L1262[18:03:48] <ghz|afk> before the entity is loaded into theworld
L1263[18:03:58] <ghz|afk> then if you handle the EntityJoinWorldEvent
L1264[18:04:04] <ghz|afk> you can check if the entity is a player
L1265[18:04:19] <ghz|afk> and ifi t's a player, youcan query the capability instance for your capability
L1266[18:04:24] ⇦ Quits: SanAndreasP (~SanAndrea@p54b60dcf.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L1267[18:04:28] <ghz|afk> and then from this instance, you can see if it has been initialized
L1268[18:04:34] <ghz|afk> and if not, perform the initialization
L1269[18:04:44] <ghz|afk> I will admit: there is a LOT of boilerplate code involved
L1270[18:04:53] <ghz|afk> may be overwhelming for a new modder ;P
L1271[18:05:07] <MaelstromPhx> yeah its quite a lot XD
L1272[18:05:31] <MaelstromPhx> I'll see what i can scrape together
L1273[18:06:19] <ghz|afk> hmmm
L1274[18:06:20] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/gigaherz/Enderthing/tree/v0.4.1-1.9/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderthing/storage
L1275[18:06:21] <ghz|afk> here
L1276[18:06:36] <ghz|afk> you may be able to get a sligthly better idea from this
L1277[18:06:45] <ghz|afk> check the PrivateInventoryManager
L1278[18:06:58] <ghz|afk> it's a capability ;P
L1279[18:07:09] <ghz|afk> I later reworked the system so it wasn't used like that anymore
L1280[18:07:24] <ghz|afk> but in the tag I linked, it was used ;P
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L1282[18:09:14] <MaelstromPhx> is the resourcelocation just a place to store the data?
L1283[18:09:39] <ghz|afk> no, it's an identifier of your capability
L1284[18:09:43] <raoulvdberge> !gm func_73660_a
L1285[18:09:46] <ghz|afk> to distinguish it for saving/loading purposes
L1286[18:09:57] <ghz|afk> and to avoid duplicates
L1287[18:11:13] <Intektor> How can I make a fire block dissapear quicker?
L1288[18:12:09] <unascribed> it's rendering, sort of...
L1289[18:12:09] <unascribed> https://unascribed.com/i/eac6a10e.png
L1290[18:12:12] <ghz|afk> generally? or next to your blocks?
L1291[18:12:15] <unascribed> the speck in the top left is the item
L1292[18:12:33] <Intektor> well, I ahve a fire grenade, but I don't want it to last sop long
L1293[18:12:37] <unascribed> found the reason, nevermind :P
L1294[18:13:38] <Intektor> so generally, yes
L1295[18:13:44] <ghz|afk> Intektor: wellll
L1296[18:13:49] <ghz|afk> aside of having your own fire block...
L1297[18:13:58] <ghz|afk> hmm
L1298[18:14:02] <ghz|afk> there's an AGE property
L1299[18:14:08] <Intektor> AGE?
L1300[18:14:14] <ghz|afk> maybe setting it to a higher numberm akes it last less?
L1301[18:14:16] <ghz|afk> yes on BlockFire
L1302[18:14:18] <ghz|afk> AGE
L1303[18:14:28] <Intektor> Never heard of age
L1304[18:14:37] <ghz|afk> neither did I
L1305[18:14:40] <ghz|afk> jsut looked at the 1.9 class
L1306[18:14:42] <ghz|afk> and it's there
L1307[18:15:07] <ghz|afk> I think the higher the number, the higher the chances it disappears
L1308[18:15:37] <unascribed> ugh, guess I'm going to have to drop this feature
L1309[18:15:42] <unascribed> TESR item stacks aren't perspective-aware
L1310[18:15:49] <unascribed> so making this work acceptably is impossible
L1311[18:16:25] <Intektor> hm, how do I access it?
L1312[18:16:31] <ghz|afk> uh
L1313[18:16:39] <ghz|afk> well your grenade must be doing setBlockState right?
L1314[18:16:47] <ghz|afk> Blocks.fire.getDefaultState()?
L1315[18:17:54] <ghz|afk> so you'd just do Blocks.fire.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockFire.AGE, 14) and see if it changes anything
L1316[18:18:17] <Intektor> ah ok thanks
L1317[18:19:14] <MaelstromPhx> what is the capability inject for?
L1318[18:19:31] <ghz|afk> there's two ways to expose caps publicly
L1319[18:19:45] <ghz|afk> 1. if it's your own object, you can override hasCapability and getCapability on the object itself
L1320[18:19:55] <ghz|afk> wait
L1321[18:19:56] <ghz|afk> nm
L1322[18:19:58] <ghz|afk> you said inject
L1323[18:20:09] <ghz|afk> @CapabilityInject is an annotation
L1324[18:20:22] <ghz|afk> when someone registers a capability
L1325[18:20:36] <ghz|afk> forge looks for all the objects that have @CapabilityInject in them
L1326[18:20:42] <ghz|afk> and assigns the fields
L1327[18:20:46] <ghz|afk> or calls the methods
L1328[18:20:53] <ghz|afk> this has two benefits:
L1329[18:21:16] <ghz|afk> 1. allows holding a capability instance without having to explicitly access the mod that implements it
L1330[18:21:29] <ghz|afk> 2. allows having a method called for you, when a capability exists
L1331[18:21:42] <ghz|afk> both advantages are designed to allow using capabilities as soft-dependencies
L1332[18:21:54] <ghz|afk> allowing to reference a capability without knowing any of the involved interfaces
L1333[18:22:03] <ghz|afk> hence avoiding loading errors
L1334[18:22:12] <ghz|afk> it doesn't matter in your case
L1335[18:22:18] <ghz|afk> xcept that it's the only way to get the capability instance
L1336[18:22:24] <ghz|afk> so when you create a new capabilityu
L1337[18:22:26] <ghz|afk> -u
L1338[18:22:34] <ghz|afk> you WANT to have at least one field to hold the capability object
L1339[18:22:48] <ghz|afk> since it's the object you have to use when attaching or querying the capability
L1340[18:23:24] <ghz|afk> welp, time for me to sleep
L1341[18:23:40] <MaelstromPhx> i think that makes some sense
L1342[18:23:43] <ghz|afk> I have already delayed it too much
L1343[18:23:47] <MaelstromPhx> and i should probably go to bed too
L1344[18:23:50] <ghz|afk> sorry to leaveyou hanging ;P
L1345[18:23:53] <MaelstromPhx> 1 am already :P
L1346[18:23:56] * ghz|afk leaves
L1347[18:24:00] <ghz|afk> yeh 1:23 ;P
L1348[18:24:07] <ghz|afk> 1:24 now ;P
L1349[18:24:07] <MaelstromPhx> woot EU
L1350[18:24:09] <MaelstromPhx> :D
L1351[18:24:12] <ghz|afk> spain o/
L1352[18:24:27] <MaelstromPhx> switzerland | + |
L1353[18:24:35] <ghz|afk> heh
L1354[18:24:40] <MaelstromPhx> anyway cya around
L1355[18:24:44] <ghz|afk> yeah
L1356[18:24:45] <ghz|afk> night
L1357[18:24:48] ⇦ Quits: MaelstromPhx (~maelstrom@ ()
L1358[18:24:49] * ghz|afk poofs
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L1364[18:36:38] <Intektor> ghz?
L1365[18:36:43] <Intektor> you still here?
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L1377[19:42:41] <TobyO> hey
L1378[19:43:12] <TobyO> Can anyone give me advice on the best way to render a dynamic texture?
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L1380[19:43:45] <thecodewarrior> Dynamic as in what? generated by code on the fly?
L1381[19:44:22] <TobyO> well, I'd like to have the model iterate through a number of textures / spritesheet over time on repeat
L1382[19:44:41] <TobyO> similar to a clock but based on time rather than rotation
L1383[19:44:49] <TobyO> *Compass
L1384[19:45:27] <thecodewarrior> I don't know. I know vanilla uses about a billion and a half models/textures for the clock and compass, but I don't know if there's a better way.
L1385[19:45:47] <TobyO> yeah, that's my issue really. Just wanted to know if there was a better way
L1386[19:46:03] <TobyO> Could I do just a whole bunch of variants?
L1387[19:47:52] <tterrag> a custom TextureAtlasSprite is probably still an option
L1388[19:47:56] <tterrag> that's how the compass used to be done
L1389[19:48:02] <tterrag> but they moved away from it to allow resource packs to do their thing
L1390[19:49:58] <TobyO> ah okay
L1391[19:50:36] <TobyO> Is there a concept of variants for items?
L1392[19:50:55] <TobyO> That sounds like what I'd want really
L1393[19:51:21] <TobyO> Then I can keep with using json but also iterate through the textures
L1394[19:56:39] <masa> yes, using forge blockstates
L1395[19:57:06] <masa> or in 1.9 you might be able to use the vanilla override system
L1396[20:00:33] <TobyO> will blockstates work for an item though?
L1397[20:01:46] <TobyO> What should I search for for the vanilla override also so I can do some googling?
L1398[20:01:52] *** potato is now known as Tiktalik
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L1400[20:19:14] <unascribed> what replaces markBlockForUpdate in 1.9?
L1401[20:19:16] ⇨ Joins: Lex|Oden (~LexManos@
L1402[20:19:16] MineBot sets mode: +o on Lex|Oden
L1403[20:19:23] <unascribed> I've seen this asked so many times but I can't remember the answer >.>
L1404[20:19:34] ⇨ Joins: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-108-184.buckeyecom.net)
L1405[20:19:41] <Nosirrom> setdirty?
L1406[20:19:45] <Nosirrom> markdirty?
L1407[20:20:07] <unascribed> markDirty flags it for NBT saving
L1408[20:20:14] <unascribed> markBlockForUpdate would re-sync
L1409[20:20:27] <unascribed> !mh markBlockForUpdate
L1410[20:20:39] ⇨ Joins: whatthedrunk (webchat@cpe-104-35-86-36.socal.res.rr.com)
L1411[20:20:53] <unascribed> !gm func_175689_h
L1412[20:20:57] <unascribed> !gm func_175689_h 1.8.9
L1413[20:21:02] <unascribed> so it was actually removed
L1414[20:21:10] <unascribed> not just remapped >.>
L1415[20:21:28] ⇦ Quits: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk) ()
L1416[20:21:44] <unascribed> notifyBlockUpdate apparently
L1417[20:21:49] <unascribed> but now it takes old and new state arguments
L1418[20:21:50] <unascribed> -.-
L1419[20:22:20] <unascribed> both of which are ignored??
L1420[20:22:39] <unascribed> flags is used on the client
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L1422[20:23:12] <unascribed> where having 8 set makes it re-render the chunk
L1423[20:23:33] <unascribed> oldState and newState are used for the pathfinding thing
L1424[20:23:37] <unascribed> okay
L1425[20:24:38] <unascribed> great, and MinecraftServer.getServer is now an instance method
L1426[20:24:58] ⇦ Quits: LexDesktop (~LexManos@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1427[20:25:19] <DebugsPeople> How can I disable movement for the player / the key binds for the core game?
L1428[20:27:53] <unascribed> ...what happened to getColorFromItemStack?
L1429[20:28:08] <unascribed> OH, right, there's some new color handler system
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L1433[20:33:59] <DebugsPeople> !gm func_85031_j
L1434[20:35:28] <DebugsPeople> !gm func_85031_j 1.4.7
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L1436[20:40:02] <alekso56> how do i subblock in 1.9?
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L1439[20:43:05] <synthetica> Hello!
L1440[20:48:43] <DebugsPeople> Hi
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L1451[21:20:18] <DebugsPeople> Oh hey williewillus :P
L1452[21:22:46] *** Vigaro is now known as V
L1453[21:24:16] <unascribed> how do you use the loot tables in 1.9?
L1454[21:24:24] *** V is now known as Vigaro
L1455[21:24:25] <unascribed> searching around I can only find stuff from before the hook got added
L1456[21:24:43] <williewillus> what do you want to use them for?
L1457[21:24:51] <unascribed> add an item to dungeon loot
L1458[21:25:47] <williewillus> did you see lex's gist?
L1459[21:25:59] <unascribed> no, as said I tried to search for stuff and didn't find anything
L1460[21:26:26] <unascribed> found it
L1461[21:26:31] <unascribed> did this get added? there's a patch here
L1462[21:26:40] <williewillus> in the commit where they were added he had a link https://gist.github.com/LexManos/77c983d67b9ad27010428478b66d50fd
L1463[21:26:52] <williewillus> also, as always, here's how botania does it: https://github.com/williewillus/Botania/commit/6a5e37b632d578b1fa483526fea879776eea9636
L1464[21:27:10] <unascribed> oh yeah, botania has dungeon loot
L1465[21:27:59] <williewillus> oh shit i left a debug line in there
L1466[21:28:02] <williewillus> that overwrites chest carts
L1467[21:28:05] <williewillus> big woops
L1468[21:28:07] <unascribed> yeah, I was about to ask about that
L1469[21:28:23] <unascribed> ...isn't that an infinite dupe?
L1470[21:28:35] <Lex|Oden> I really need to find a way to filter out gist links
L1471[21:28:47] <unascribed> the way I suggested was for people to shorten them :P
L1472[21:28:49] <unascribed> http://git.io
L1473[21:28:51] <williewillus> isnt what infinite dupe?
L1474[21:28:57] <unascribed> the chest cart
L1475[21:29:07] <unascribed> can't you just keep reopening it and get infinite blacksmith loot
L1476[21:29:09] <Lex|Oden> filter out list links from pinging me
L1477[21:29:14] <williewillus> what about it? the whole evthandler is a debug line
L1478[21:29:22] <williewillus> it clears the cart before respawning the loot
L1479[21:29:31] <williewillus> and phew that debug handler isnt active in a release
L1480[21:29:35] <unascribed> yeah, but you could pull the items out
L1481[21:29:37] <williewillus> since i took out the call to eventbus.register
L1482[21:29:46] <williewillus> i don't care :P
L1483[21:29:48] <williewillus> it's a debug handler
L1484[21:31:16] <unascribed> this is a bit of a ceremony to just add one item to dungeon loot
L1485[21:31:26] <williewillus> because I did it the extensible way
L1486[21:31:32] <williewillus> I outsourced the entry to another loot table
L1487[21:31:54] <williewillus> just do evt.getPool("main").addEntry(new LootEntryItem(...))
L1488[21:31:56] <williewillus> do it all in code
L1489[21:31:58] *** Vigaro is now known as V
L1490[21:32:04] <unascribed> that's an option?
L1491[21:32:10] <williewillus> of course :P
L1492[21:32:23] <williewillus> read lex's gist
L1493[21:32:23] <Lex|Oden> doing it all in code is bad
L1494[21:32:49] <unascribed> yes, but this is already a config option and makes the mod unusable if not present and the config option is off
L1495[21:32:51] <Lex|Oden> you should create your own table in json and then move the entries around in code
L1496[21:32:51] <williewillus> yeah i split it into another loot table so people can modify botania's dungeon loot if they wanted
L1497[21:33:03] <Lex|Oden> because I havent dediced on a scripting language for automating this yet
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L1499[21:38:02] <unascribed> er, how do I make it give an item with metadata?
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L1504[21:40:17] <unascribed> ah, set_damage function
L1505[21:40:20] <unascribed> that's kinda weird
L1506[21:40:27] <unascribed> well, set_data
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L1510[21:50:27] <williewillus> how so weird? :P
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L1514[22:06:45] <unascribed> for some reason my items are rendering like this: https://unascribed.com/i/7e4ca56c.png
L1515[22:06:53] <unascribed> (there's supposed to be a pole in the center and a top face for the baseplate)
L1516[22:06:56] <unascribed> it works fine in 1.8.9
L1517[22:11:46] <unascribed> any guesses?
L1518[22:12:03] <unascribed> they look fine when placed
L1519[22:12:53] <williewillus> is this special or just json
L1520[22:13:00] <unascribed> just json
L1521[22:13:04] <unascribed> well
L1522[22:13:07] <unascribed> if you mean "special"
L1523[22:13:16] <unascribed> as in a TESR stack
L1524[22:13:18] <unascribed> then yes it's a TESR stack
L1525[22:13:25] <unascribed> I misinterpreted special as an OBJ or similar
L1526[22:13:28] <DebugsPeople> Is it possible to render a texture template or smth for entities
L1527[22:13:46] <unascribed> oh, I think I just realized what's wrong
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L1529[22:14:40] <williewillus> if it's a tesr stack it's not json :P
L1530[22:14:55] <unascribed> well, the *underlying model* is json
L1531[22:14:56] <williewillus> DebugsPeople: what is a "texture template"
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L1533[22:16:42] <unascribed> aha
L1534[22:16:48] <unascribed> the "main" quads are now a null enumfacing param
L1535[22:16:54] <unascribed> I was only calling for actual faces
L1536[22:17:54] <DebugsPeople> Smth like a uvmap
L1537[22:18:02] <williewillus> yeah everything got merged into getQuads
L1538[22:18:09] <williewillus> DebugsPeople: you have full gl access in an entity renderer
L1539[22:18:12] <williewillus> you do whatever you want :P
L1540[22:18:18] <williewillus> without being dumb of course
L1541[22:18:23] <williewillus> what are oyu trying to render?
L1542[22:18:48] <DebugsPeople> Well, reverse rendering a texture
L1543[22:19:04] <williewillus> what does that even mean
L1544[22:19:20] <williewillus> like inverting the colors?
L1545[22:19:25] <minecreatr> are there any examples of fluid handling tiles that use the capability system?
L1546[22:19:30] <williewillus> not yet
L1547[22:19:32] <DebugsPeople> One sex
L1548[22:19:35] <DebugsPeople> *sec
L1549[22:19:40] <williewillus> there's no forge-provided fluid cap yet
L1550[22:19:58] <williewillus> because of some unsolved problems that no one's tackled yet
L1551[22:20:04] <minecreatr> what problems?
L1552[22:20:10] <williewillus> items, mainly
L1553[22:20:13] <DebugsPeople> https://goo.gl/photos/fkfkrVzYzP3A64jv6
L1554[22:20:31] <DebugsPeople> I have this texture glitch and no idea why
L1555[22:20:38] <williewillus> that's z fighting
L1556[22:20:46] <williewillus> your model boxes are intersecting with each other
L1557[22:20:51] <DebugsPeople> Saying that, I have no idea how the models are even made in the first place :P
L1558[22:21:00] <williewillus> welp :P
L1559[22:21:06] <williewillus> do oyu have the original model files? (tcn)
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L1561[22:21:23] <DebugsPeople> Well, yes it's supposed to be the same colour though
L1562[22:21:29] <DebugsPeople> No, I have Java files
L1563[22:21:34] <williewillus> minecreatr: see latest comments https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/2459
L1564[22:21:44] <williewillus> the main problem is if you have something e.g. empty/full buckets
L1565[22:21:50] <williewillus> draining it all the way changes the item in the stack
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L1567[22:22:29] <williewillus> DebugsPeople: good luck changing that :D
L1568[22:23:04] <minecreatr> oh, I see
L1569[22:23:12] <DebugsPeople> What's tcn
L1570[22:23:20] <williewillus> the original techne file
L1571[22:23:24] <minecreatr> someone needs to pester mojang to make buckets nbt based xD
L1572[22:23:33] <williewillus> they would never :P
L1573[22:23:46] <williewillus> they don't even have a real fluid system
L1574[22:23:52] <williewillus> because the vanilla game doesn't need one
L1575[22:23:55] <minecreatr> yeah
L1576[22:24:12] <minecreatr> what about making a custom handler or event for when the item should change?
L1577[22:24:18] <minecreatr> and just make vannila buckets use that
L1578[22:24:28] <williewillus> perhaps
L1579[22:24:35] <williewillus> I'm not well enough versed in fluids to looked at it
L1580[22:24:36] <minecreatr> like Something.registerFluidDrainHandler()
L1581[22:25:06] <DebugsPeople> Wonder if the author actuary used techne
L1582[22:25:12] <williewillus> probably
L1583[22:25:24] <DebugsPeople> Yeah, probably
L1584[22:25:27] <williewillus> there wasn't any other way to make those models back then
L1585[22:25:39] <williewillus> thank god we can use JSON/OBJ now :P
L1586[22:26:07] <DebugsPeople> Well, json as a model :/
L1587[22:26:55] <williewillus> better than java code.
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L1594[22:43:39] <DebugsPeople> I have literally no idea
L1595[22:43:55] <DebugsPeople> Trying to recreate a model in techne...
L1596[22:45:26] <williewillus> why not remake it in an actual format
L1597[22:45:28] <williewillus> like OBJ
L1598[22:45:29] <williewillus> :P
L1599[22:46:00] <DebugsPeople> I can't even get it to work with the current texture
L1600[22:46:13] <williewillus> you don't have to :P
L1601[22:46:14] <williewillus> just remake it
L1602[22:47:22] <DebugsPeople> Oh wait no, got it
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L1604[22:47:42] <williewillus> but even if it did work i advise remaking to use an actual format :P
L1605[22:48:18] <DebugsPeople> Json isn't much better than java
L1606[22:48:51] <williewillus> > like OBJ
L1607[22:48:57] <williewillus> -.-
L1608[22:49:04] <williewillus> and json is much better than java
L1609[22:49:08] <williewillus> it has its imperfections
L1610[22:49:20] <williewillus> but disregarding that OBJ is an actual format we can load :P
L1611[22:49:38] <DebugsPeople> Other thing is that he's hiding parts of the models
L1612[22:49:57] <williewillus> you still have gl access + obj group visibilities
L1613[22:49:59] <DebugsPeople> And I'd have no idea on how to do that with obj / json
L1614[22:50:05] <williewillus> group visibilities
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L1616[22:50:18] <DebugsPeople> Whatever that is xD
L1617[22:50:25] <DebugsPeople> Never worked with obj
L1618[22:50:33] <DebugsPeople> Well, I can guess what is is
L1619[22:50:45] <williewillus> yeah i still think you're better off making a spiritual remake
L1620[22:50:51] <williewillus> instead of a direct port/remake
L1621[22:50:53] <DebugsPeople> Yeah
L1622[22:51:37] <williewillus> bleh I wish the sky would make up its mind
L1623[22:51:43] <williewillus> it's just grumbling with thunder just rain
L1624[22:51:52] <DebugsPeople> Lol
L1625[22:53:03] <DebugsPeople> Gonna have to look into it I guess
L1626[22:53:11] <DebugsPeople> Have some experience with blender
L1627[22:53:36] <Nosirrom> I started using tabula and I will never use techne again
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L1629[22:53:46] <williewillus> also yeah use tabula
L1630[22:53:53] <williewillus> but it still hasn't been updated ><
L1631[22:54:05] <Nosirrom> lol right? I had to install 1.8 forge to use it
L1632[22:54:45] <Nosirrom> maybe one day I will be able to use obj files from blender, but tabula is still advanced for me
L1633[22:54:58] <williewillus> tabula is advanced? :P
L1634[22:55:08] <Nosirrom> I am but a tadpole
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L1636[22:55:26] <williewillus> tabula's difficulty level is "can click", blender's is "need a manual for the manual" ;p
L1637[22:56:29] <Nosirrom> I think my biggest problem was I had no idea what kind of units blender was using, and what kind of units minecraft needed.
L1638[22:56:35] <Nosirrom> so I didn't know how to scale anything, so I just stopped
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L1640[22:56:54] <williewillus> trial and error? :D
L1641[22:57:28] <Nosirrom> past me was a quitter.
L1642[22:57:36] <DebugsPeople> Lol
L1643[22:57:59] <DebugsPeople> But units would be my biggest concern
L1644[22:58:11] <williewillus> units is a tiny concern :P
L1645[22:58:16] <williewillus> if it's too big, just rescale it
L1646[22:58:23] <williewillus> + trial and error and it'll be fine
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L1648[22:58:44] <DebugsPeople> I could export an obj from tabula, but I guess that won't work
L1649[22:59:12] <Nosirrom> this was back when forge 1.7 just came out, i've learned a lot about perseverance since then
L1650[22:59:29] <williewillus> i didnt even mod when forge 1.7 came out lol
L1651[22:59:38] <williewillus> i started modding heavily mid-late 1.7 and into 1.8
L1652[22:59:46] <williewillus> probably explains why I like 1.8/9 so much more :D
L1653[23:01:18] <DebugsPeople> My days: get up at 4:30pm, unproductive stuff until 1am, semi productive minecraft modding until 6am, sleeping
L1654[23:02:56] <williewillus> night job?
L1655[23:03:38] <DebugsPeople> Still in school
L1656[23:03:44] <DebugsPeople> Well not really
L1657[23:03:51] <williewillus> then why the 4:30p :P
L1658[23:03:51] <DebugsPeople> But also yes
L1659[23:04:02] <DebugsPeople> Because vacation
L1660[23:04:09] <DebugsPeople> Or w/e this is
L1661[23:04:09] <williewillus> ah
L1662[23:04:13] <williewillus> college?
L1663[23:04:18] <DebugsPeople> Idk, finals
L1664[23:04:28] <DebugsPeople> Done this written stuff
L1665[23:04:42] <DebugsPeople> Then 3 weeks to oral exams
L1666[23:04:48] <DebugsPeople> This is the second week
L1667[23:05:07] <DebugsPeople> I should probably study :P
L1668[23:05:13] <williewillus> what are you studying?
L1669[23:05:56] <DebugsPeople> No, as in revise stuffs for the test
L1670[23:05:59] <Nosirrom> it's already the 2nd week of summer semester at my uni
L1671[23:06:09] <williewillus> i mean what field of study :P
L1672[23:07:25] <DebugsPeople> I mean I'm from Germany, I guess this is similar to college, my last two subjects I have a test in are geography and computer science
L1673[23:08:02] <williewillus> "whatever you do when you're 18" school ;p
L1674[23:08:05] <williewillus> cool
L1675[23:08:24] <Nosirrom> I still call my degree "computer degree"
L1676[23:08:38] <Nosirrom> even though we have 2 different computer degrees
L1677[23:08:43] <DebugsPeople> Nice xD
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L1679[23:08:55] <DebugsPeople> Well, time to go to bed
L1680[23:09:09] <DebugsPeople> Night everyone
L1681[23:09:12] <DebugsPeople> Or smth
L1682[23:09:17] <DebugsPeople> Idk
L1683[23:09:18] <DebugsPeople> Bye
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