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L65[01:54:13] <FusionLord> what does the screenshots array in mcmod.info actuaully do?
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L67[01:57:11] <sham1> I wouldn't call it just cosmetic
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L69[01:58:41] <FusionLord> ?
L70[01:59:04] <sham1> Categories
L71[01:59:04] <sham1> : cosmetic
L72[01:59:10] <sham1> Umn, okay then
L73[01:59:18] <sham1> It went to multiple lines somehow
L74[01:59:34] <FusionLord> oh... where would you place it?
L75[01:59:46] <sham1> It can be placed to multiple ones
L76[02:00:02] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160224 mappings to Forge Maven.
L77[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160224-1.8.9.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160224" in build.gradle).
L78[02:00:16] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L79[02:00:25] <FusionLord> i know that but what would you place it as for the main category?
L80[02:00:47] <sham1> misc
L81[02:01:07] <sham1> There really are no good categories there
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L83[02:01:38] <sham1> You probably also want to make a small thread for it in the MCF for some more ublicity
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L89[02:07:44] <FusionLord> what do you think about my mcmod.info file? http://puu.sh/njtho/370a17a68f.png
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L91[02:12:44] <sham1> "404 meters"
L92[02:12:49] <sham1> I see what you did there
L93[02:13:11] <FusionLord> yup :P that didn't notice till after I took the screenshot
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L95[02:14:24] <FusionLord> suits it as it is still "beta"
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L99[02:22:51] <FusionLord> cannot get coloring working on the arrow, it seems to be stuck on white...
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L104[02:35:41] <FusionLord> so it is official renderModelBrightnessColor() the color params do nothing, and calling GlStatmanager.color does nothing in this instance :/
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L107[02:48:54] <FusionLord> ShadeKiller666's fault I cannot color the arrow -.- when an obj is loaded the tint property is always set to -1
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L145[05:04:07] <Andrey96> Failed to connect to server: there are 6 missing blocks and items
L146[05:04:07] <Andrey96> Missing list: [Forestry:waxCapsuleOil, Forestry:waxCapsuleFuel, Forestry:canFuel, Forestry:refractoryOil, Forestry:refractoryFuel, Forestry:canOil]
L147[05:04:07] <Andrey96> Any ideas? Mod list http://pastebin.com/UFyHD1Lp
L148[05:04:07] <Andrey96> Server and client configs and mods are same.
L149[05:04:42] <sham1> Are the forestry versions the same between clients and the server
L150[05:06:30] <sham1> Time to see what the FTB Unstable 1.8 has in store for its players
L151[05:08:34] <ghz|afk> constant changes and sadnesswhen those changes break worlds
L152[05:08:35] <ghz|afk> ;P
L153[05:08:47] <sham1> Other than that...
L154[05:09:54] <ghz|afk> Andrey96: I concur with sham1
L155[05:09:58] <ghz|afk> the only thing I can think of
L156[05:10:13] <ghz|afk> is that either the configs are different, or the files in mods/ are different
L157[05:10:13] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L158[05:10:22] <ghz|afk> and you said configs are the same
L159[05:10:24] <ghz|afk> so it must be mods/
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L166[05:31:57] <McJty> Hmm, it is a bit annoying that IItemHandler has no isItemValidForSlot() method...
L167[05:32:50] <McJty> Now I have to make a much less efficient implementation
L168[05:32:54] <ghz|afk> ?
L169[05:33:06] <ghz|afk> you insert the item, and if it's not valid, you get the item back in return
L170[05:33:15] <McJty> Yes but that's not exactly what I need
L171[05:33:24] <McJty> Problem is. Say I have an itemstack of 32 glass
L172[05:33:30] <McJty> I can simulate the insert
L173[05:33:39] <ghz|afk> isItemValidForSlot is basically insert with simulate set to true?
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L175[05:33:45] <McJty> Not entirely
L176[05:33:49] <McJty> The difference is the stack count
L177[05:34:08] <ghz|afk> ?
L178[05:34:12] <McJty> Hmm how to explain
L179[05:34:30] <McJty> Say you have an slot that already contains 60 glass so it can accept 4 more glass
L180[05:34:41] <ghz|afk> yes
L181[05:34:42] <McJty> If I have a stack of 32 glass then isItemValidForSlot() would return true
L182[05:34:49] <McJty> Because it doesn't look at stacksize for the slot
L183[05:34:57] <ghz|afk> yes
L184[05:35:01] <McJty> But the simulated insert will fail
L185[05:35:05] <ghz|afk> no
L186[05:35:06] <McJty> Or partially fail
L187[05:35:09] <ghz|afk> it will succeed
L188[05:35:20] <ghz|afk> and return a stack with stackSize < the input
L189[05:35:25] <ghz|afk> so isntead of "is true"
L190[05:35:32] <McJty> Ok, that's doable but it is less handy then checking for true
L191[05:35:37] <McJty> Because I have to check for null *and* a count
L192[05:35:41] <ghz|afk> you'd do "returned == null || returned.stackSize < input.stackSize"
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L194[05:36:01] <McJty> I'll make a convenience method for it
L195[05:36:07] <ghz|afk> there IS a difference, though
L196[05:36:19] <ghz|afk> some pipes or such
L197[05:36:38] <ghz|afk> would do isItemValidForSlot, and if it returned false, would remember that, and never try to insert that item again
L198[05:37:17] <ghz|afk> so it didn't work as a means to say "I'm out of power, but it will be possible later", which was the reason my ender-rift didn't work in the design I had in the 1.7.10 version
L199[05:37:21] <sham1> which is kinda stupid assuming the other inventory's state changes
L200[05:38:14] <sham1> But I would have liked if IItemHandler had something akin to IFluidHandler's canDrain and canFill
L201[05:38:22] <ghz|afk> yeah
L202[05:38:53] <ghz|afk> having a "isReadyToReceiveItem(X)" that returns a boolean may have been nice
L203[05:39:02] <sham1> canReceiveItem
L204[05:39:07] <sham1> canSendItem
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L206[05:40:16] <McJty> Hmm also
L207[05:40:22] <McJty> There is no IItemHandler.markDirty()
L208[05:40:24] <sham1> I don't know if I should be making my "can connect to this thing with my mod things" a capability considering that it only makes sense with TileEntities
L209[05:40:41] <McJty> Hmm, might have to pass the TileEntity too...
L210[05:41:02] <ghz|afk> markDirty shouldn't be needed
L211[05:41:02] <sham1> Because "Can my block connect to this item" just does not make sense
L212[05:41:11] <ghz|afk> the inventory can mark the underlying TE as dirty itself
L213[05:41:16] <ghz|afk> you shouldn't need to call it on others
L214[05:41:26] <McJty> ghz|afk, and do IItemHandler implementations actually do that properly?
L215[05:41:26] <ghz|afk> unless you have modified internal data from the outside
L216[05:41:33] <ghz|afk> assume they do
L217[05:41:38] <ghz|afk> if they do not, it's not your fault
L218[05:41:50] <sham1> They're being the idiots
L219[05:42:04] <sham1> Although, if it is in the same chunk, you can just call your own markDirty
L220[05:42:32] <ghz|afk> that won't call onNeighborChange on the neighbours ;P
L221[05:42:38] <sham1> meh
L222[05:42:43] <ghz|afk> it won't update comparators either
L223[05:42:50] <sham1> meh x2
L224[05:43:02] <ghz|afk> so yeah, people who implement inventory TEs need to vcall their own markDirty() and not rely on others to do so
L225[05:43:05] <ghz|afk> -v
L226[05:43:17] <sham1> well you could see it as a virtual call
L227[05:43:48] *** Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
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L229[05:43:54] <McJty> 'vcall' their own markDirty()? What do you mean?
L230[05:43:58] *** K_4U is now known as K-4U
L231[05:44:14] <sham1> I think I will just introduce my own Fluid capability to my mod until an official one gets into forge
L232[05:44:22] <ghz|afk> McJty: -v ;P
L233[05:44:38] <sham1> s/v/*space*/g
L234[05:44:39] <McJty> Ok. Well I'm using InvWrapper for implementing my IItemHandler's
L235[05:44:46] <McJty> And it seems to be handling that right
L236[05:44:47] <sham1> <.<
L237[05:45:03] <ghz|afk> yes InvWrapper will call markDirty on the IInventory
L238[05:45:17] * sham1 mumbles something about mods using InvWrapper
L239[05:45:19] <ghz|afk> if you use your own custom one, you can just call markDirty() on successful insert/extract
L240[05:45:33] <McJty> sham1, I will do so until we can get rid of IInventory completely
L241[05:45:43] <McJty> Which isn't now as far as I know since GUI's still need it
L242[05:45:46] <ghz|afk> forge's stance is apparently "fuck IInventory"
L243[05:45:54] <ghz|afk> and no, we established GUIs do not need it
L244[05:46:07] <McJty> ah?
L245[05:46:08] <ghz|afk> you can just use SlotItemHandler(inv, slot)
L246[05:46:08] <sham1> Well how will you use GUIs then
L247[05:46:10] <sham1> AH
L248[05:46:13] <sham1> That's a thing now
L249[05:46:15] <ghz|afk> instead of the old Slot
L250[05:46:19] <ghz|afk> it was always
L251[05:46:19] <sham1> All right then
L252[05:46:21] <ghz|afk> just no one noticed
L253[05:46:26] <ghz|afk> I went to implement such a thing
L254[05:46:32] <sham1> :D
L255[05:46:35] <ghz|afk> did create class ... SlotItemHandler -- name already exists
L256[05:46:58] <sham1> And no one noticed it from RWTema's PR?
L257[05:47:00] <sham1> Shit
L258[05:47:37] <ghz|afk> basically XD
L259[05:47:50] <ghz|afk> we were all too worried trying to figure out how capabilities work
L260[05:47:52] <ghz|afk> to notice ;P
L261[05:47:58] <sham1> :D
L262[05:48:02] <sham1> Makes snese
L263[05:48:04] <sham1> sense*
L264[05:49:25] <Cazzar> http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1456314564\
L265[05:49:32] <Cazzar> http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1456314564 * I'm a dick
L266[05:49:53] <sham1> He is correct though
L267[05:50:02] <McJty> Is there some convenience method in forge to merge an itemstack properly with an itemhandler?
L268[05:50:12] <McJty> I mean make sure the entire itemstack gets distributed in the best fitting spots
L269[05:50:14] <Cazzar> sham1: but my response :P
L270[05:50:25] <Cazzar> Note that's just from tweetdeck so rev chron
L271[05:51:01] <McJty> A bit like IItemHandler.insertItem() but without a slot parameter
L272[05:51:15] <sham1> probably not
L273[05:51:21] <McJty> Ah there is
L274[05:51:23] <ghz|afk> not that I have found
L275[05:51:24] <McJty> ItemHandlerHelper
L276[05:51:31] <McJty> It has an insertItem() that does exactly that
L277[05:51:32] <ghz|afk> oh?
L278[05:51:48] <McJty> Well almost
L279[05:51:58] ⇦ Quits: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-135-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L280[05:52:03] <McJty> Ah no it does
L281[05:52:05] <McJty> Nice
L282[05:52:23] ⇦ Quits: Hanii (~Hanii@ (Quit: Hanii)
L283[05:52:36] <ghz|afk> speaking about ItemHandlerHelper
L284[05:52:45] <ghz|afk> I found a giveItemToPlayer in there
L285[05:52:49] <ghz|afk> it's broken.
L286[05:53:15] <ghz|afk> if you use it with -1 (no preferred slot), it won't actually give the item at all
L287[05:53:23] <ghz|afk> since remaining will be null
L288[05:53:24] <ghz|afk> CF
L289[05:53:25] <ghz|afk> XD*
L290[05:53:31] <ghz|afk> I have to make an issue about that
L291[05:58:23] <sham1> I love how in both IItemHandler and in RWTema's proposal of IFluidHandler you would need a specific implementation of the capability to save and load to/from NBT
L292[05:59:01] <ghz|afk> separate NBT save/load is *required* by the capability system
L293[05:59:37] <ghz|afk> when you register the capability, you have to provide the class that represents the interface,
L294[05:59:55] <ghz|afk> an IStorage instance that manages saving/loading for the default implementation (and optionally other implementations)
L295[06:00:01] <ghz|afk> and a factory for default implementations
L296[06:00:20] <ghz|afk> but at the same time
L297[06:00:31] <sham1> yeah but for instance with IItemHandler NBT save/load your thing HAS to be an instance of ModifiableItemHandler instead of any arbitrary IItemHandler
L298[06:00:40] <ghz|afk> it's up to the user of the capability to use that
L299[06:00:47] <ghz|afk> uh
L300[06:00:50] <ghz|afk> yes of course
L301[06:00:58] <ghz|afk> IItemHandler does not have a setSlot method
L302[06:00:59] <ghz|afk> on purpose
L303[06:01:12] <ghz|afk> because you are meant to go through insert/extract methods
L304[06:01:14] <sham1> You can simulate one
L305[06:01:18] <ghz|afk> no
L306[06:01:21] <sham1> Although it is not too efficient
L307[06:01:21] <ghz|afk> not without breaking semantics
L308[06:01:28] <ghz|afk> suppose you have a block that uses energy when you insert
L309[06:01:41] <McJty> Well you can by clearing it first and then inserting the new stack
L310[06:01:43] <ghz|afk> you couldn't use insertItem()
L311[06:01:43] <sham1> I guess
L312[06:01:53] <Andrey96> Just copied all mods and configs from server to client and still missing forestry items :C
L313[06:02:00] <ghz|afk> so the storage provider only works for modifiables
L314[06:02:40] <sham1> Then why have the bare bones IItemHandler to begin with if you cannot use it with IStorage
L315[06:02:52] <ghz|afk> because using storage is up to you
L316[06:02:56] <McJty> What is IStorage?
L317[06:03:04] *** AEnterpriseAFK is now known as AEnterprise
L318[06:03:05] <ghz|afk> McJty: if you use the default implementation for a capability
L319[06:03:22] <sham1> You can use it to save and oload it to and from NBT
L320[06:03:27] <ghz|afk> this default implementation has no means to know how to save itself
L321[06:03:29] <sham1> -o
L322[06:03:39] <McJty> Ah. I'm using InvWrapper still so I guess for now I don't have to worry about that
L323[06:03:41] <ghz|afk> so there's a capability.getStorage()
L324[06:03:52] <sham1> I get it now
L325[06:03:54] <ghz|afk> with writeNBT and readNBT
L326[06:04:11] <sham1> It is there if you want to use the default implementation but it is not mandetory
L327[06:04:14] <ghz|afk> which accepts AT LEAST instances of the default implementation
L328[06:04:33] <ghz|afk> but can accept other instances (depending on the capability)
L329[06:05:06] <ghz|afk> like some energy capability
L330[06:05:12] <ghz|afk> could have a default implementation for an EnergyBuffer
L331[06:05:30] <ghz|afk> that exposes EnergyProvider and EnergyReceiver
L332[06:05:53] <ghz|afk> and then could have an IStorage that knows how to save and load EnergyBuffers
L333[06:06:14] <ghz|afk> but it may simply make no sense to support other blocks
L334[06:06:20] <sham1> Speaking of energy capabilities, was I the only one shocked to find that the 1.8.9 port of RF didn't use capabilities
L335[06:06:27] <ghz|afk> or maybe it only supports objects that implement IEnergyStorage
L336[06:06:38] <ghz|afk> which may have a saveEnergy and loadEnergy
L337[06:06:49] <ghz|afk> it did not surprise me
L338[06:07:05] <McJty> I support capabilities but I have yet to see the full advantage though
L339[06:07:06] <ghz|afk> I still don't really like the capabilities system
L340[06:07:12] <McJty> i.e. I haven't seen the big win yet
L341[06:07:25] <ghz|afk> I understand the advantages, but there's a lot of boilerplate code
L342[06:07:51] <sham1> But having a RF capability just makes too much sense
L343[06:08:06] <ghz|afk> I think capabilities are better understood as "attachable features"
L344[06:08:42] <ghz|afk> yeah I have been tempted to make an EnergyCapability mod that works exactly like RF, but with capabilities
L345[06:08:57] <ghz|afk> and now that the 1.8.9 api is out and doesn't use it
L346[06:09:00] <ghz|afk> I'm double-tempted
L347[06:09:21] <sham1> I would instantly use it because screw COFH
L348[06:09:44] <McJty> I would support it too but in *addition* to COFH
L349[06:09:48] <ghz|afk> there is however one thing I'm not sure about:
L350[06:09:56] <ghz|afk> with the RF api
L351[06:10:01] <ghz|afk> you can easily dump the api folder onto your mod
L352[06:10:08] ⇦ Quits: Upthorn (~ogmar@108-204-125-173.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L353[06:10:09] <ghz|afk> and do RF without ever worrying about a 3rdaprty dependency
L354[06:10:17] <McJty> yes
L355[06:10:18] <ghz|afk> but I don't know if that plays well with capabilities
L356[06:10:19] <sham1> True
L357[06:10:27] <ghz|afk> since *someone* has to call registerCapability
L358[06:10:40] <McJty> Couldn't you do that lazily?
L359[06:10:42] <sham1> But if the cap is not present you just dont use it
L360[06:10:45] <McJty> The first mod that needs it calls register
L361[06:10:51] <ghz|afk> I assumed it needs to be done during initialization?
L362[06:10:56] <sham1> preInit
L363[06:11:01] <ghz|afk> hmm
L364[06:11:04] <sham1> Like everything else ever
L365[06:11:08] <ghz|afk> ah I see
L366[06:11:14] <ghz|afk> if you have a HARD requirement on the capability
L367[06:11:16] <ghz|afk> you could have
L368[06:11:20] <ghz|afk> EnergyCapability.enable();
L369[06:11:26] <ghz|afk> in your pre-init
L370[06:11:30] <ghz|afk> if you just have a soft-dependency
L371[06:11:49] <ghz|afk> you could rely on a capability method using @CapabilityInject
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L373[06:11:55] <McJty> Hmm... I hate it that a missing texture for liquids doesn't produce any errors in the log
L374[06:11:56] <ghz|afk> so that it only gets called whe nthe API is present
L375[06:12:00] <McJty> Now I have to guess what's wrong...
L376[06:12:14] <sham1> yes
L377[06:12:23] <sham1> That's the idea behind the caps
L378[06:12:46] * ghz|afk creates CapabilityCore mod with capability-enabled version of the cofhlib APIs
L379[06:12:59] <ghz|afk> although Core may be confused with coremod
L380[06:13:01] <ghz|afk> which it wouldn't be...
L381[06:13:15] <sham1> Why do you still have your AFK nick still on
L382[06:13:20] *** ghz|afk is now known as gigaherz
L383[06:13:27] <gigaherz> my nickname is lazily evaluated
L384[06:13:34] <gigaherz> I forget it's afk until someone brings it to my attention
L385[06:13:48] <sham1> I just have my nick stay the same
L386[06:13:54] <sham1> Because I am too lazy to change
L387[06:14:02] <gigaherz> I set myself as afk when I go to sleep
L388[06:14:12] <gigaherz> unset it when someone complains
L389[06:14:25] <McJty> I use /away
L390[06:14:27] <McJty> Much handier
L391[06:14:38] <sham1> /away is the canonical solution
L392[06:15:01] <sham1> yay for escape sequence
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L396[06:21:44] <McJty> Anything wrong with this fluid description:
L397[06:21:44] <McJty> private static ResourceLocation rclFluid = new ResourceLocation(DeepResonance.MODID, "textures/blocks/rclfluid");
L398[06:21:45] <McJty> public static Fluid liquidCrystal = new Fluid("liquid_crystal", rclFluid, rclFluid);
L399[06:21:53] <McJty> The texture shows as checkerboard but I get no errors
L400[06:21:58] <McJty> I mean in the log
L401[06:22:28] <McJty> And in preInit I do call: FluidRegistry.registerFluid(liquidCrystal
L402[06:22:32] <alex_6611> rclfluid.png maybe?
L403[06:22:47] <McJty> ah
L404[06:22:52] <McJty> Why doesn't it complain in the log...
L405[06:23:42] ⇨ Joins: Nitrodev (~Nitrodev@dcx0f0yyt3tfd2m453bkt-3.rev.dnainternet.fi)
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L407[06:23:55] <McJty> Didn't help though. Still checkerboard
L408[06:24:01] <alex_6611> oh?
L409[06:24:24] <sham1> is it checkerboard in world?
L410[06:24:32] <McJty> No in my tank. The fluid cannot be placed in world
L411[06:24:38] <sham1> Ah
L412[06:24:45] <sham1> Have you committed it to your repo
L413[06:24:50] <sham1> I'd like to take a gander
L414[06:24:59] ⇨ Joins: auenf (David@DC-174-214.bpb.bigpond.com)
L415[06:25:00] <McJty> Ok hold on
L416[06:25:04] <McJty> Here is how it looks btw: http://i.imgur.com/iffHWjj.png
L417[06:25:08] <McJty> Tank on the right contains lava and works fine
L418[06:25:16] <sham1> Ye
L419[06:25:29] <sham1> I see you are not having connected textures
L420[06:25:49] <sham1> Or rather have not made any
L421[06:25:57] <sham1> For the tanks I mean
L422[06:26:05] <sham1> Also, how are you rendering the tank insides
L423[06:26:07] <McJty> Yes but every face of the tank can have three possible states
L424[06:26:10] <McJty> So it would make a lot of combinations
L425[06:26:16] <McJty> Tank inside is TESR
L426[06:26:25] <McJty> Here is the repo: https://github.com/McJty/DeepResonance
L427[06:26:28] <McJty> I just pushed it
L428[06:26:45] <McJty> Fluid stuff is here: https://github.com/McJty/DeepResonance/tree/master/src/main/java/mcjty/deepresonance/fluid
L429[06:26:59] <McJty> And tank here: https://github.com/McJty/DeepResonance/tree/master/src/main/java/mcjty/deepresonance/blocks/tank
L430[06:30:08] <McJty> Note that currently it renders more in the TESR then it should. This is ported code.
L431[06:30:17] <McJty> I plan to move more to the static model
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L434[06:32:22] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L435[06:33:10] <sham1> You know what? I'll clone that and see if I can do anything about it
L436[06:33:21] <McJty> Thanks :-)
L437[06:33:31] <sham1> Although it seems correct so I don't know what would be the cause
L438[06:33:44] <McJty> It is most likely something stupid :-)
L439[06:33:58] <McJty> I also did notice that the name is not localized properly when I watch the tank
L440[06:34:00] <sham1> Because you know me, I love me some fluid stuff
L441[06:34:15] <McJty> It shows as 'liquid_crystal' instead of what I put in the lang file
L442[06:34:19] <McJty> So that may be a symptom too
L443[06:34:37] ⇨ Joins: moog (~moog@24-176-156-144.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com)
L444[06:34:46] <McJty> BTW, getting that type of liquid in a tank is easiest to do with the creative liquid injector item
L445[06:34:52] <McJty> Otherwise you have to do a relatively complex setup :-)
L446[06:34:59] <McJty> For normal liquids you can just use buckets
L447[06:35:02] <sham1> Tnx
L448[06:35:20] ⇦ Quits: Gigabit101 (~Gigabit10@cpc76302-cosh16-2-0-cust475.6-1.cable.virginm.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L449[06:35:46] <gigaherz> what would you set as the default capacity for an energy buffer
L450[06:35:56] <sham1> Wait, did mobiusstrip fix WIALA rendering for 1.8
L451[06:35:57] <sham1> YES
L452[06:36:04] <sham1> I'd go with 10000
L453[06:36:25] <McJty> 10000 is good although most of my machines have higher capacity
L454[06:36:32] <sham1> Well yeah
L455[06:36:37] <sham1> It is just the default impl
L456[06:36:42] <gigaherz> yeah there will be a setCapacity() method ;P
L457[06:36:47] <gigaherz> internal
L458[06:36:49] *** Darkevilmac is now known as DarkevilAway
L459[06:36:57] <sham1> Or just let us custom implement the stuff so we may do whatever we may
L460[06:37:08] <McJty> Some of rftools machines wouldn't even be able to process a single tick with only 10000 RF :-)
L461[06:37:16] <sham1> Jeez
L462[06:37:26] <sham1> Stuff like the dim stuff
L463[06:37:30] <sham1> I presume
L464[06:37:40] <McJty> Actually that's pretty assume. Dimensions are not THAT expensive as many people think
L465[06:37:42] <McJty> Although they can be
L466[06:37:49] <McJty> But I have usable dimensions running at 10 RF/t :-)
L467[06:38:10] <McJty> But the builder with silk touch quarry card when it is trying to harvest a block with high hardness needs a lot of energy
L468[06:38:27] <McJty> 'pretty assume'...
L469[06:38:31] <McJty> Don't even know what I was trying to type there
L470[06:39:48] <McJty> brb
L471[06:40:59] <sham1> A multitank
L472[06:41:00] <sham1> :D
L473[06:41:08] <gigaherz> there we go, energy capability done ;P
L474[06:42:04] <McJty> b
L475[06:42:10] <McJty> gigaherz, what took you so long? :-)
L476[06:42:24] <McJty> I even had time to fetch a coffee
L477[06:42:33] <sham1> :P
L478[06:42:37] <gigaherz> I decide to look at theRF api to see exactly what features it had
L479[06:42:44] <gigaherz> turns out it doesn't actually have anything else
L480[06:42:49] <McJty> RF is basically just an integer
L481[06:42:58] <McJty> With some interfaces attached to it :-)
L482[06:43:01] <gigaherz> so I just ended up with two interfaces
L483[06:43:16] <gigaherz> IEnergyHandler, with getEnergy, getCapacity, extractEnergy, insertEnergy
L484[06:43:31] <McJty> That sounds familiar (IItemHandler)
L485[06:43:36] <gigaherz> exactly.
L486[06:43:45] <sham1> And IFluidHandler :P
L487[06:43:51] <gigaherz> it'smeant to play along with those
L488[06:44:03] <gigaherz> then I have IEnergyPersist, that adds setEnergy
L489[06:44:09] <gigaherz> which is only meant to be used for saving
L490[06:44:25] <gigaherz> IEnergyModifiable didn't sound right XD
L491[06:45:11] <McJty> It is a bit unfortunate that IEnergyHandler also exists in the COFH API
L492[06:45:16] <McJty> But other then that sounds good
L493[06:45:18] <gigaherz> yep :/
L494[06:45:25] <sham1> Where do you call DRFluidRegistry#initFluids
L495[06:45:40] <McJty> CommonProxy.preInit()
L496[06:46:08] <gigaherz> hmm is there some capability for wrenching?
L497[06:46:14] <gigaherz> (in some other mod)
L498[06:46:20] <sham1> not really
L499[06:46:29] <McJty> There are tons of wrench interfaces
L500[06:46:33] <McJty> At least in 1.7.10
L501[06:46:39] <gigaherz> yeah but something done FOR capabilities
L502[06:46:45] <McJty> Not that I know
L503[06:47:05] <gigaherz> I was thinking of adding an ITweakable, that provides things like, configure, rotate, dismantle
L504[06:47:38] *** big_Xplo|AFK is now known as big_Xplosion
L505[06:47:39] <sham1> yes please
L506[06:47:54] <McJty> also select. The RFTools smart wrench has a mode to select blocks and then do something based on that
L507[06:47:59] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L508[06:48:08] <gigaherz> hmm interesting
L509[06:48:20] <gigaherz> for things like "binding" and such?
L510[06:48:23] <gigaherz> select+apply?
L511[06:48:46] <McJty> Yes for example. I have a block protector (not ported to 1.8.9 yet). First you select the block protector then you select the blocks it has to protect
L512[06:49:15] <McJty> Or the quarry where you use the smart wrench to select the area it needs to quarry (after selecting the quarry block first)
L513[06:49:38] <McJty> The smart wrench has 'modes' to support this
L514[06:49:44] <McJty> Sneak right click in the air will toggle mode
L515[06:49:52] <McJty> But of course could be a hotkey too (which I have planned)
L516[06:50:40] <gigaherz> hmmm the selection would store itself on the wrench?
L517[06:50:50] <gigaherz> (so it would need an Itemstack arg?)
L518[06:51:05] <sham1> I dunn
L519[06:51:14] <McJty> The wrench remembers the parent block (i.e. the machine)
L520[06:51:19] <McJty> But it is up to the parent block to remember the rest
L521[06:51:22] <McJty> i.e. the actual selection
L522[06:51:36] ⇦ Quits: l4mRh4X0r (l4mRh4X0r@l4mrh4x0r.student.ipv6.utwente.nl) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L523[06:51:38] <gigaherz> aha so the apply() method would just tellt he target about the source?
L524[06:52:05] <gigaherz> it's complicated though
L525[06:52:16] <McJty> Well whenever the smart wrench has an active machine selected, every further selects are fed into that machine
L526[06:52:16] <gigaherz> maybe a separate selection handler would be more suited
L527[06:52:21] <McJty> probably yes
L528[06:52:26] <McJty> This is more advanced wrench usage :-)
L529[06:52:57] ⇦ Quits: Naiten (~Naiten@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L530[06:54:59] ⇨ Joins: Loetkolben (~Loetkolbe@ipbcc17c0a.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L531[07:02:58] *** TehNut is now known as TehNut|Sleep
L532[07:03:13] <gigaherz> hmmm the rotation method may be pointless
L533[07:03:17] <gigaherz> since there's Block.rotateBlock
L534[07:04:46] <sham1> But if someone wants custom rotation mechanic
L535[07:04:56] <gigaherz> they can override Block.rotateBlock?
L536[07:05:23] <sham1> If it is a rotate thing that does stuff in the TE sxplicitly
L537[07:05:36] <McJty> Still should be handled by Block.rotateBlock
L538[07:05:44] <sham1> Meh
L539[07:05:48] <McJty> Because that can be called from other places too
L540[07:06:26] <sham1> Are you gonna do a wrench capability and wrenchable capability
L541[07:06:49] ⇨ Joins: jagg2 (~jagg2@
L542[07:06:51] <gigaherz> what would the wrench capability offer?
L543[07:06:57] <gigaherz> my idea was just ITweakable
L544[07:07:07] <sham1> hmm
L545[07:07:10] <gigaherz> with (right now), configure() and dismantle()
L546[07:07:21] <gigaherz> configure wouldeither change mode, or show an UI
L547[07:07:30] <gigaherz> while dismantle would try to pop off the block as an item
L548[07:07:39] <gigaherz> or maybe undo a multiblock
L549[07:08:19] <gigaherz> I'll put the code up for review before releasing ;P
L550[07:10:30] ⇦ Quits: TheMike (~Mike@2607:5300:60:47bc:1ceb:da::) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L551[07:11:23] <gigaherz> any other capability I could add while I am at it?
L552[07:12:16] <McJty> Well not sure if it fits but OC/CC integration. Is that something that would fit this too?
L553[07:12:26] <gigaherz> hmmm
L554[07:12:28] <sham1> "OC"?
L555[07:12:28] <McJty> Or in general, some kind of integration with automation
L556[07:12:31] <McJty> Open Computers
L557[07:12:33] <sham1> Ah
L558[07:12:40] <gigaherz> depends on how those work
L559[07:12:42] <sham1> IS there a port of them in 1.8?!
L560[07:12:46] <McJty> yep
L561[07:12:49] <McJty> Both are ported to 1.8.9
L562[07:12:53] <sham1> my god
L563[07:13:05] <McJty> In fact Open Computers was in 1.8 for a long time already
L564[07:13:08] <sham1> Do either have a maven
L565[07:13:09] <McJty> Probably as long as Thaumcraft
L566[07:13:16] <gigaherz> I guess I could have some sort of ICommandTarget of sorts
L567[07:13:19] <gigaherz> that can receive "commands"
L568[07:13:30] <gigaherz> or IDataProvider that can return status
L569[07:13:33] <McJty> http://maven.cil.li/li/cil/oc/OpenComputers/
L570[07:13:37] <McJty> gigaherz, yes, something like that
L571[07:14:01] <sham1> But CC does not I assume
L572[07:14:11] <McJty> I would guess it has but can't immediatelly find it
L573[07:14:36] <gigaherz> ah, hmm IControllable -- performAction, queryData
L574[07:15:01] <gigaherz> I'd have to look at the OC api to see how they handle it?
L575[07:15:02] <sham1> Wasnt OpenComputers the more complex one
L576[07:15:15] <McJty> gigaherz, that might be good because I think it may be more complex then that
L577[07:15:28] <McJty> OC is a bit more realistic in that computers are made out of parts and need power
L578[07:15:33] <McJty> CC is easier to get into
L579[07:15:33] <sham1> Hmmm
L580[07:15:42] <sham1> Both use LUA, correct
L581[07:15:44] <Lordmau5> both rely on LUA though
L582[07:15:44] <McJty> yes
L583[07:15:48] <Lordmau5> \o
L584[07:16:03] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L585[07:18:45] <gigaherz> meh too complex, can't think of any simple and effective api to have general-purpose "control interface"
L586[07:19:08] <gigaherz> that doesn't involve exposing "ports", and having port information and capabilities for the ports and such
L587[07:19:09] <McJty> yes, I was expecting that. It might be possible but I guess this needs a lot more thinking
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L589[07:28:39] *** big_Xplosion is now known as big_Xplo|AFK
L590[07:30:13] <McJty> sham1, I don't suppose you have found anything about the fluid problem yet?
L591[07:30:19] <sham1> no
L592[07:30:24] <sham1> It totally stomped me
L593[07:31:09] <McJty> Thanks for looking anyway
L594[07:31:42] <McJty> fry, is it normal that my fluid shows as checkerboard but I still get no errors in the log about it?
L595[07:31:49] <McJty> In a custom tank that is
L596[07:31:50] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/CapabilityCore
L597[07:31:50] <gigaherz> there
L598[07:34:15] <McJty> gigaherz, you might want to add a 'sx,sy' parameter to configure
L599[07:34:28] <McJty> Sometimes it matters which part of the block you hit with the wrench
L600[07:34:45] <McJty> i.e. if a block has some kind of 'buttons' on it or so
L601[07:34:50] <gigaherz> AH
L602[07:35:09] <gigaherz> hmm but would those be relative to the face?
L603[07:35:28] <McJty> I could imagine a block where every face has very different controls
L604[07:35:29] <gigaherz> or like, hitX/hitY/hitZ as you get them on other methods?
L605[07:35:42] <McJty> But I guess the face is already implicit isn't it?
L606[07:35:46] <gigaherz> yeah I mean the semantics
L607[07:35:57] <McJty> ah
L608[07:36:03] <gigaherz> if you send offsetX/offsetY
L609[07:36:11] <gigaherz> you give the work to the wrench implementor
L610[07:36:24] <gigaherz> if you send hitX/Y/Z, you give the work to the TE implementor
L611[07:36:26] <McJty> yes I see
L612[07:37:02] <McJty> I think it would be better to put it in the wrench but not 100% decided on this
L613[07:37:11] <McJty> As the wrench would then do work which is probably not needed in 99% of the cases
L614[07:37:18] <McJty> So maybe in the TE would be better then...
L615[07:37:35] <Lordmau5> how would one go for doing takedown-requests on the shitty mod repost sites?
L616[07:37:48] ⇨ Joins: Spider (~NETVirtua@201-29-235-193.user.veloxzone.com.br)
L617[07:38:13] <gigaherz> check if they have a DMCA takedown link somewhere
L618[07:38:16] <gigaherz> but chances are they do not
L619[07:38:20] <gigaherz> cos they don't CARE about copyright
L620[07:40:59] <auenf> if they dont have one, find out where they are hosted?
L621[07:42:36] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L622[07:45:45] ⇦ Quits: jagg2 (~jagg2@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L623[07:46:30] <Lordmau5> I love Rocket League competitive.
L624[07:46:31] <Lordmau5> https://i.lordmau5.com/1456321451-690
L625[07:46:34] <Lordmau5> "6 luck goals"
L626[07:46:41] <Lordmau5> I had to correct him twice :>
L627[07:47:06] <Lordmau5> oh wait wtf
L628[07:47:21] <Lordmau5> 8minecraft.org is forwarding the download to curseforge?
L629[07:47:45] <McJty> That's actually not too bad then?
L630[07:47:52] <McJty> At least the downloads get counted that way
L631[07:47:54] <Lordmau5> well, they might have some adfly bullshit inbetween, but still...
L632[07:47:55] <Lordmau5> ye
L633[07:48:00] <Lordmau5> minecraftdata.com on the other hand...
L634[07:48:21] ⇦ Quits: Spider (~NETVirtua@201-29-235-193.user.veloxzone.com.br) (Quit: Leaving)
L635[07:48:35] <Lordmau5> http://www.minecraftdata.com/privacy-policy/
L636[07:48:44] <Lordmau5> their privacy policy states that the files are not hosted on their site
L637[07:48:46] <Lordmau5> but then again, they are.
L638[07:50:43] ⇦ Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L639[07:50:51] <auenf> rofl, minecraftdata is a wordpress site
L640[07:51:43] <Quetzi> it's also, huge surprise, complete bs, because my mod at least is being served from their servers
L641[07:52:17] <Lordmau5> so is mine
L642[07:52:24] <Lordmau5> that's why I am doing a quick DMCA takedown right now
L643[07:54:02] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
L644[07:54:08] <williewillus> what emc value should prismarine have
L645[07:54:11] ⇨ Joins: Naiten (~Naiten@
L646[07:54:19] <McJty> williewillus, I think pretty expensive. It is not that easy to get
L647[07:54:28] <gigaherz> until you have a farm
L648[07:54:38] <McJty> Well that goes for a lot of stuff :-)
L649[07:54:44] <gigaherz> but it's a few hours' worth of de-watering the chunks
L650[07:54:44] <McJty> Enderpearls are rare until you get an enderman farm
L651[07:55:11] <gigaherz> and if you don't have enough sponges, "a few", turns into a whole lot
L652[07:55:27] <auenf> Lordmau5, Quetzi, directory browsing enabled on files.minecraftdata.com
L653[07:55:41] <Lordmau5> Please Do'nt Hack Me !
L654[07:55:42] <Lordmau5> well
L655[07:55:42] <McJty> On FC1 there is a guardian dungeon which is VERY annoying because I can't find the elder guardian and it constantly gives me mining fatigue 3
L656[07:55:47] <Lordmau5> I doubt I can do some XSS on their site?
L657[07:55:50] <auenf> Lordmau5, http://files.minecraftdata.com/minecraft-mods/ffs-fancy-fluid-storage-mod/
L658[07:55:52] <McJty> Which made me dig for about 10 minutes to break my grave :-)
L659[07:56:03] <Lordmau5> uh nifty
L660[07:56:12] <gigaherz> I'd go for something like 1000-1500 for normal prismarine, around 2000 for dark prismarine, and 4000ish for the sea lanterns
L661[07:56:13] <Lordmau5> 10/10, professional website.
L662[07:56:33] <auenf> i assume /minecraft-mods/ is also a listing, cause its taking ages to load
L663[07:56:36] <auenf> yup, its a listing
L664[07:56:40] <auenf> http://files.minecraftdata.com/minecraft-mods/
L665[07:56:45] <gigaherz> although you'd have to compute those from the shards and ink sacks
L666[07:56:52] <gigaherz> so dunno
L667[07:57:08] <Lordmau5> wow.
L668[07:57:43] <williewillus> so like 256 for shards, sounds about right
L669[07:57:50] <williewillus> quartz is 256 as well
L670[07:58:01] <auenf> time to take guesses how many of those are hosted with permission?
L671[07:58:14] <McJty> Although quartz is a LOT easier to get then those shards
L672[07:58:15] <McJty> IMHO
L673[07:58:21] <Lordmau5> All of them, obviously
L674[07:58:24] <Lordmau5> :p
L675[07:58:30] <auenf> Lordmau5, files. and main site are hosted on the same ip
L676[07:58:39] <Lordmau5> figured
L677[07:59:06] <auenf> so being a different domain doesnt get around 'not hosted on our site'
L678[07:59:23] <Lordmau5> yup
L679[07:59:41] <Lordmau5> sent the DMCA takedown request
L680[08:00:13] <auenf> rofl @ terms of use
L681[08:00:22] <auenf> "You agree to the following, if not agreed with then leave our site NOW!
L682[08:00:22] <auenf> I am not visiting this site to steal material (including Information, Snapshots and Source-Codes) to use against the Webmaster, Site Operator or Host or any person in any conceivable manner."
L683[08:00:44] <Lordmau5> so what are *they* doing then?
L684[08:00:50] <Lordmau5> breaking their own ToS?
L685[08:01:11] <auenf> "All our softwares are free, but we will not be responsible for selling illegally purchase of our software online."
L686[08:01:39] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L687[08:02:00] <Quetzi> did you send the dmca to them or their host? :p
L688[08:02:01] <Lordmau5> Yo Quetzi o/ - http://files.minecraftdata.com/minecraft-mods/morpheus-mod/
L689[08:02:13] <Lordmau5> To them, first. If I don't get a response by Sunday, I'll send it to their host.
L690[08:02:28] <Quetzi> just went straight to their host
L691[08:02:58] <Lordmau5> namesilo
L692[08:03:16] <Quetzi> namesilo is just a registrar
L693[08:03:27] <Lordmau5> who's their host then :3
L694[08:03:28] ⇦ Quits: Wuppy (~wuppyZNC@abrarsyed.com) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L695[08:03:34] <Quetzi> or, well, i went to the top of the chain anyway
L696[08:03:55] <Quetzi> cyrus one
L697[08:04:04] <Lordmau5> how'd you figure that out?
L698[08:04:11] <Lordmau5> So I know where to search for
L699[08:04:21] <Quetzi> http://www.whoishostingthis.com/
L700[08:04:59] <williewillus> is 128 for sponge too much
L701[08:05:04] <Lordmau5> lmao that's where I got the DMCA Takedown "generator" from :D
L702[08:05:09] <Lordmau5> http://www.whoishostingthis.com/resources/dmca/#notice
L703[08:05:18] <Quetzi> another similar site says hostgator, which is likely the actual host
L704[08:05:29] <McJty> I don't even know how to get sponge except that I accidently once found one in my inventory
L705[08:05:32] <McJty> Not sure how it got there :-)
L706[08:05:43] <williewillus> guardians drop them and theres rooms in the monuments
L707[08:06:03] <williewillus> I'll stick with that for now since they're relatively rare and aren't craftable
L708[08:07:46] <Andrey96> omfgwtf. After 1 hour of deleting mods 1 by 1, I've discovered that NEIAddons caused Forestry to miss items on client while connecting to server. I'm really confused with this.
L709[08:08:08] <PaleoCrafter> you could have saved a lot of time with a binary search :P
L710[08:08:35] <auenf> cyrusone is likely the datacentre the server is physically in
L711[08:09:06] <McJty> Ok... the fluid thing is the only thing that prevents me from releasing the first ported beta of Deep Resonance
L712[08:09:15] <Lordmau5> I wonder if, when enough modders do a takedown on their mods on that site (as in, send the mail to CyrusOne), we could completely annihilate that website
L713[08:09:35] <Lordmau5> I mean, it's not *impossible*. Just a bit difficult, I assume
L714[08:10:00] <auenf> could also send dmca's to remove them from google
L715[08:10:21] <Lordmau5> yup
L716[08:10:23] <Quetzi> it's mostly a pointless exercise honestly
L717[08:10:31] <Lordmau5> the dude will make a new website, I know
L718[08:10:37] <Quetzi> like playing whack-a-mole
L719[08:11:15] <Lordmau5> If the person doing managing that website would live in Germany, I could contact my brother and ask him if there's a possibility to figure something out
L720[08:11:22] <Lordmau5> Since he's a judge :3
L721[08:11:45] ⇦ Quits: yopu (~yopu@184-89-171-53.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L722[08:13:46] *** big_Xplo|AFK is now known as big_Xplosion
L723[08:13:49] <Lordmau5> Google has a DMCA template?
L724[08:14:14] ⇨ Joins: blood|wrk (~owned@static228.iona.edu)
L725[08:14:57] <Lordmau5> well, let's just wait if I get a response off the guy on the website.
L726[08:15:22] <Lordmau5> if the person is a small 12yr old kid or something, I assume they'll be scared like shit if they read it
L727[08:15:22] ⇦ Quits: blood|wrk (~owned@static228.iona.edu) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L730[08:18:27] <auenf> Lordmau5, did you email, or fill out contact form?
L731[08:18:34] <Lordmau5> email
L732[08:18:39] <auenf> the gmail?
L733[08:19:04] <Lordmau5> yup
L734[08:19:22] <auenf> rofl, double click ads mentioned in privacy
L735[08:19:23] <Lordmau5> I repeat - no response on Sunday and I'll send a similar request to CyrusOne to potentially get a complete website takedown
L736[08:19:36] <auenf> so if hes under 18, would be signed up under parents account
L737[08:19:49] <Lordmau5> I have a strong feeling it might be
L738[08:19:53] ⇨ Joins: mikebald (~mikebald@99-3-169-16.lightspeed.rlghnc.sbcglobal.net)
L739[08:21:00] ⇦ Quits: Andrey96 (~Instantbi@95-30-205-116.broadband.corbina.ru) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L740[08:21:05] <auenf> data-ad-client="ca-pub-5287111747061203"
L741[08:22:38] <auenf> rofl, ads are giving mixed content warnings
L742[08:23:43] <auenf> want to report his ad account?
L743[08:23:43] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L744[08:24:12] <Lordmau5> oh boy, more to report \o/
L745[08:24:15] <williewillus> salt? https://twitter.com/Dinnerbone/status/702491847034347520
L746[08:24:27] <williewillus> ;p
L747[08:24:30] <Lordmau5> haha
L748[08:24:37] <auenf> click on 'ads by google' and at the bottom of the page is a form to fill in
L749[08:24:58] <Lordmau5> which page?
L750[08:24:58] <auenf> "This site is distributing someone else's copyrighted material, possibly without permission."
L751[08:25:42] <Lordmau5> "Friends - MinecraftForum"
L752[08:25:44] <Lordmau5> OF COURSE YOU ARE
L753[08:25:52] <auenf> that image isnt a link
L754[08:26:04] <Lordmau5> I know, but still funny :D
L755[08:26:14] <auenf> i'm not sure if a specific page is required for adsense reporting
L756[08:26:17] <Lordmau5> seen the part on the right?
L757[08:26:20] <Lordmau5> "Have Fun!
L758[08:26:20] <Lordmau5> We create games that we love.
L759[08:26:20] <Lordmau5> That way, we think you'll love them too.
L760[08:26:20] <Lordmau5> "
L761[08:26:28] <Lordmau5> > minecraft mods
L762[08:26:29] <Lordmau5> > games
L763[08:26:29] <Lordmau5> what
L764[08:26:30] <auenf> but on one of the ads the (i) pops out to 'ads by google'
L765[08:26:54] <gigaherz> lol https://twitter.com/Dinnerbone/status/702491847034347520
L766[08:26:55] <auenf> which takes you to a support.google.com page with a query string, and a feedback form at the bottom
L767[08:26:59] <Lordmau5> adchoices?
L768[08:27:04] <gigaherz> ah williewillus already pasted
L769[08:27:04] <gigaherz> XD
L770[08:27:08] ⇦ Quits: Upthorn (~ogmar@108-204-125-173.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L771[08:27:18] ⇦ Quits: EmptyM (uid115453@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:5:1:c2fd) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L772[08:27:38] <Lordmau5> I am actually filling that out
L773[08:29:14] <auenf> and they cant use the 'not hosted on my site' excuse with adsense either, cause sites providing links driving traffic to sites containing copyright material is against the adsense DMCA policy
L774[08:30:10] <Lordmau5> Thank you for contacting us. We will promptly review this website to ensure that it complies with our policies and, if necessary, take the appropriate action. While we cannot comment publicly on actions we may take against an individual website, please know that we take every report seriously, and we are committed to protecting the quality of the Google Display Network for users, advertisers and publishers.
L775[08:30:12] <Lordmau5> Thank you , google
L776[08:30:49] <auenf> fyi, if you are kicked out of adsense, you are barred from adsense for life
L777[08:30:59] <Lordmau5> even with a new account?
L778[08:31:03] <Lordmau5> oh well, yea, you have to be
L779[08:31:14] <Lordmau5> you can get unbanned by requesting a new ID from your government lmao
L780[08:31:28] <auenf> if you try to sign up another account, you'd get rejected due to duplicate account
L781[08:31:58] <Lordmau5> ah
L782[08:35:24] <auenf> and now is far past my bed time...
L783[08:35:40] <Lordmau5> you can go further
L784[08:35:56] <auenf> and still get up for a 1hr drive to work?
L785[08:36:31] <Lordmau5> ... perhaps
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L793[08:52:16] <McJty> sham1, btw. If I replace my liquid with : public static final Fluid liquidCrystal = new Fluid("liquid_crystal", new ResourceLocation("blocks/water_still"), new ResourceLocation("blocks/water_flow"));
L794[08:52:23] <McJty> then it works fine. But of course I see water then
L795[08:52:30] <sham1> Hmm
L796[08:52:32] <sham1> How odd
L797[08:52:40] <McJty> So my resource location seems to be wrong somehow
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L811[09:22:47] <PaleoCrafter> god, my chemistry teacher is so stupid ._.
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L813[09:22:57] <sham1> ?
L814[09:23:24] <PaleoCrafter> as a homework, we are supposed to look at a couple of 3d renderings of molecules and name them
L815[09:23:28] ⇨ Joins: xJon (~xJon@
L816[09:24:17] <PaleoCrafter> and for that, he gave us access to the folder where the software and the molecules are stored
L817[09:24:21] <PaleoCrafter> alongside the solutions xD
L818[09:24:25] <McJty> :-)
L819[09:26:02] <xJon> Hey, I'm having some trouble with making a custom chest. Is there an option to make one, extending the TileEntityChest class, without normal chests trying to make double chests with the custom one?
L820[09:26:22] <xJon> It's a bit confusing, heh. I have a thread in the forums: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,36926.0.html
L821[09:26:38] <xJon> I'd really appreciate if someone can tell me if it's impossible or not
L822[09:27:11] <sham1> why do you need to extend TileEntityChest
L823[09:27:43] <xJon> I figured it'd be the easiest way to make a new custom chest
L824[09:27:57] <McJty> It most likely isn't
L825[09:28:00] <xJon> And that I could just override some parameters
L826[09:28:03] <sham1> Not really
L827[09:28:13] <xJon> Well I have everything working, just that problem: http://i.imgur.com/4988lJ4.jpg
L828[09:28:49] <xJon> Is it possible to fix this when I'm extending the TileEntityChest class?
L829[09:29:01] <xJon> Or should I re-write everything and make a custom chest in a different way?
L830[09:29:18] <sham1> The latter is the best alternetive
L831[09:30:21] <gigaherz> xJon: too much shit involved in trying to use TileEntityChest
L832[09:30:37] <gigaherz> just create a class that extends TileEntity
L833[09:30:41] <gigaherz> add something like
L834[09:30:52] <gigaherz> final IInventory inventory = new InventoryBasic(slotCount);
L835[09:31:13] <gigaherz> and then forward any IInventory calls to it (if you are on anything pre-IItemHandler)
L836[09:31:22] <xJon> Does IronChests use the same way?
L837[09:31:26] <gigaherz> or use an ItemStackHandler(slotCount)
L838[09:31:37] <gigaherz> why does that matter?
L839[09:31:53] <xJon> Because it's open source, I'd be able to check its code if I have any trouble
L840[09:32:22] <gigaherz> https://github.com/cpw/ironchest/blob/master/src/main/java/cpw/mods/ironchest/TileEntityIronChest.java
L841[09:32:44] <gigaherz> no he used a plain ItemStack[]
L842[09:32:53] <sham1> yay for arrays
L843[09:38:29] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L844[09:42:05] <McJty> fry, are you here?
L845[09:42:34] <fry> yes
L846[09:42:58] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L847[09:43:36] <fry> I don't think the game will load the fluid texture automatically
L848[09:43:41] <fry> unless you use the fluid model
L849[09:43:51] ⇨ Joins: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@f054021139.adsl.alicedsl.de)
L850[09:44:01] <sham1> Which makes no sense BTW
L851[09:44:22] <McJty> Weird that I'm getting no errors though
L852[09:44:35] <McJty> And how do I use a fluid model?
L853[09:44:45] <fry> "model": "forge:fluid"
L854[09:44:48] <fry> in the json
L855[09:44:56] <McJty> I do that
L856[09:45:05] <McJty> https://bpaste.net/show/db210b94d08d
L857[09:45:40] <McJty> But I'm not sure that model is even loaded
L858[09:45:42] <fry> do you provide correct resourcelocations in your fluid constructor?
L859[09:45:48] <McJty> Note that my liquid does not have a block
L860[09:45:52] <McJty> https://github.com/McJty/DeepResonance/blob/master/src/main/java/mcjty/deepresonance/fluid/DRFluidRegistry.java
L861[09:45:55] <McJty> Here is the full code
L862[09:46:07] <fry> yes, the model is for the block
L863[09:46:24] <fry> it won't be loaded without one
L864[09:46:26] ⇨ Joins: Cooler (~CoolerExt@
L865[09:46:30] <fry> unless, again, you load it manually :P
L866[09:46:41] <sham1> For future reference, how
L867[09:46:43] <admiral0> hello. When i call getSource() on a ModContainer containing a CoreMod it returns minecraft.jar. Is this a bug?
L868[09:46:56] <McJty> And yes, how do I load that manually?
L869[09:47:05] <admiral0> the coremod is packaged separately in /mods
L870[09:47:18] <fry> where do you want to render the fluid?
L871[09:47:28] <sham1> he wants it in a TESR
L872[09:47:31] <McJty> In tanks (for example my own tank)
L873[09:47:38] <McJty> But not only mine of course
L874[09:47:43] <fry> then the block that has that TESR should load the model
L875[09:47:46] <McJty> Any tank that can contains liquids should be able to render it
L876[09:47:55] <McJty> fry, but I can't control TESR's from other mods
L877[09:48:03] <fry> you don't have to
L878[09:48:12] <fry> it's their responsibility then
L879[09:48:51] <McJty> ok, so how do I do that then?
L880[09:49:07] <sham1> So let me get this straight. You need to load the forge fluid model even if your fluid does not have an in-world representation just to get the textures!?
L881[09:49:08] <McJty> Currently I do: TextureAtlasSprite fluid = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureMapBlocks().getAtlasSprite(renderFluid.getStill().toString());
L882[09:49:35] <fry> nothing was loading fluid textures in 1.7
L883[09:49:46] <fry> and I didn't want to touch fluids more than I had to
L884[09:49:50] <fry> cause they're a mess
L885[09:50:17] <McJty> So... how does one load a texture given a resource location?
L886[09:51:02] <fry> usual way: return that resourcelocation in IModel.getTextures
L887[09:51:15] <fry> other way: catch TextureStitchEvent.Pre and load there
L888[09:51:21] <McJty> um
L889[09:51:28] <McJty> But how is another mod supposed to do that for my fluid then?
L890[09:51:32] * McJty is not getting this
L891[09:51:43] <McJty> Also this is in a TESR btw
L892[09:51:46] <PaleoCrafter> your mod stitches the texture
L893[09:51:47] <fry> everything should be using models
L894[09:51:54] <McJty> -> TESR
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L896[09:52:02] <fry> so, it's as easy as adding ResourceLocation to a list
L897[09:52:06] <fry> yes, even TESRs
L898[09:52:17] <fry> shocking, i know
L899[09:52:20] <McJty> To what list?
L900[09:53:04] <fry> Model.getTextures
L901[09:53:25] <McJty> ModelBase?
L902[09:53:33] <McJty> I don't see how I can get access to a model here
L903[09:53:40] <fry> IModel
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L905[09:53:54] <McJty> Ok, but where do I implement that?
L906[09:53:58] <fry> how are you rendering anything in the TESR?
L907[09:54:12] <McJty> tessellator
L908[09:54:24] <fry> what are you feeding it?
L909[09:54:41] <McJty> renderer.pos(...).tex(...).endVertex()
L910[09:54:48] <McJty> Based on current fluid level in the tank
L911[09:54:54] <McJty> And with uv from the atlast
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L913[09:55:21] <fry> so, you're creating the geometry manually in code
L914[09:55:24] <McJty> yes
L915[09:55:41] <fry> the alternative is to load that geometry using the usual system
L916[09:56:04] ⇨ Joins: xanderio (~xanderio@p5B21FEB5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L917[09:56:04] <fry> and only do the fluid level transformation in the TESR
L918[09:56:27] <McJty> How would that even work? If I scale the model verticle will the texture not get stretched?
L919[09:56:29] <McJty> vertically
L920[09:56:43] <fry> there are multiple ways to do it
L921[09:56:53] <fry> first of all, you can probably reuse the forge fluid model
L922[09:57:02] ⇨ Joins: Wuppy (~Wuppy@5072BE60.static.ziggozakelijk.nl)
L923[09:57:02] <McJty> But isn't it possible with the dynamic geometry like I'm doing now?
L924[09:57:13] <fry> yes, it's possible
L925[09:57:21] <fry> but you need to do everything manually
L926[09:57:26] <fry> including loading the texture
L927[09:57:34] <McJty> Well yes. That's what I'm trying to get at :-)
L928[09:57:49] <fry> and I'm trying to show you the better ways :P
L929[09:58:19] <sham1> I'm not sure about using the forge fluid model for a tank considering it is a tank
L930[09:58:29] <fry> why not?
L931[09:58:35] <sham1> I don't know
L932[09:58:41] <sham1> It just does not feel right to me
L933[09:58:46] <fry> "feel"?
L934[09:59:00] * McJty is going to just add a dummy block for the liquid to force the texture to get loaded
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L936[09:59:09] <fry> sigh
L937[09:59:25] <McJty> I don't want to rewrite this code right now. Maybe later
L938[09:59:42] <fry> add a dummy blockstate in your TESR block
L939[09:59:49] <fry> not a whole new dummy block
L940[10:00:18] <fry> and point it to that json you posted earlier
L941[10:00:33] <McJty> Well the tank already has a json. It has static geometry (outer stuff) already
L942[10:00:41] <fry> well there you go]
L943[10:00:46] ⇦ Quits: AbrarSyed (~AbrarSyed@ipv6.abrarsyed.com) (Quit: All things are trivial once you've mastered them.)
L944[10:00:55] <fry> all you need is 1 more state, to load the fluid model
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L946[10:01:18] <McJty> hmm.. How can I add such a state? What kind of property would that need?
L947[10:01:33] <fry> that's for you to decide
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L950[10:02:10] <McJty> Also how do I actually get to load that texture? I know the textures block but that assigns textures to what the model is using
L951[10:02:16] <McJty> The model itself shouldn't use that fluid texture
L952[10:02:47] <fry> "custom": { "fluid": "liquid_crystal" }
L953[10:03:10] ⇨ Joins: Wuppy (~Wuppy@5072BE60.static.ziggozakelijk.nl)
L954[10:03:13] <fry> the fluid model will load the textures for that fluid
L955[10:04:29] <McJty> ok, trying
L956[10:04:50] <McJty> I feel there should be easier ways to simply get a texture to load
L957[10:05:00] <fry> -_-
L958[10:05:09] <fry> there's that word again, "feel"
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L960[10:05:48] <McJty> I also don't like to be forced into following certain paths if they don't fit me very well
L961[10:05:57] <Lordmau5> feel
L962[10:05:59] <Lordmau5> feel²
L963[10:06:00] <Lordmau5> feel³
L964[10:06:05] <Lordmau5> :3
L965[10:06:29] <fry> things that "fit you" are things that you're used to doing
L966[10:06:35] <fry> expand your horizons :P
L967[10:06:53] <McJty> Ok in this case I could probably use a model like you say
L968[10:06:57] <McJty> But what if the geometry was much more complex
L969[10:07:04] <McJty> And I need much more involved dynamic poly generation
L970[10:07:13] <McJty> Then it is a bit bad that loading a texture is so annoying
L971[10:07:24] <McJty> I know this isn't that case
L972[10:07:28] <McJty> But hypothetically
L973[10:07:31] <Lordmau5> How would I go for making a TAS out of a .png file?
L974[10:07:45] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L975[10:07:54] <Lordmau5> as in, my .png file is animated and I assume I have to stich it into the TextureAtlas somehow
L976[10:08:16] <McJty> Lordmau5, csmeta file
L977[10:08:27] <McJty> mcmeta I mean
L978[10:08:30] <Lordmau5> What does Minecraft have to do with Counter Strike now?
L979[10:08:31] <Lordmau5> oh, I see :p
L980[10:08:36] <Lordmau5> ye, I got a mcmeta file as well
L981[10:08:45] <Ratys> *sigh* time to figure out why IntelliJ ignores my assets. Again.
L982[10:08:54] <Lordmau5> but loading it as a ResourceLocation in combination with glRepeat rendering is not working
L983[10:09:07] <Lordmau5> so I assume I have to draw it block(side)-by-block(side) with the TAS
L984[10:09:56] <McJty> fry, it is not working
L985[10:10:18] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L986[10:10:21] <McJty> https://bpaste.net/show/c1fd8e0c36a1
L987[10:10:24] <McJty> That's the blockstate
L988[10:10:28] <McJty> But I still get checkerboard
L989[10:10:43] <gigaherz> hmmm, what would be the "best" way to share energy among many sides?
L990[10:10:47] <gigaherz> I can think of two ways:
L991[10:10:49] <fry> show the log :P
L992[10:11:03] <McJty> https://bpaste.net/show/086f2181dbcf
L993[10:11:04] ⇦ Quits: yopu (~yopu@184-89-171-53.res.bhn.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L994[10:11:14] <gigaherz> 1. if I only have 80% of the energy wanted by the other TEs, then share 80% of what each TE wants
L995[10:11:57] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L996[10:12:18] <gigaherz> 2. Giveto each a proportional amount to the least value between the TEs and the available energy for transfer, and if something remains, then iterate again, without the TE that limited the transfer
L997[10:12:33] <Ratys> Can somebody help me? Running IntelliJ 15, everything builds correctly and resource files are copied to build\classes\main\assets (just like in the jar) via build.gradle command, but don't show up ingame when launched form the IDE. Built jar in a live instance works just fine
L998[10:12:46] <fry> McJty: you need to actually use "forge:fluid" model
L999[10:12:48] <gigaherz> (so like, if one machine wants 20, the rest want 80, give 20 to each first, and whatever remains, share among the 80s)
L1000[10:12:55] <fry> "custom" is just custom metadata
L1001[10:13:01] <fry> that gets ignored by most things
L1002[10:13:13] <McJty> Use it how?
L1003[10:13:21] <fry> like you would any other model
L1004[10:13:33] <McJty> But I don't want that texture to show up in my model
L1005[10:13:38] <McJty> So how can I use it without it showing up?
L1006[10:13:59] <fry> add "model": "forge:fluid" to the "1" value of "dummy_rc1"
L1007[10:14:28] <fry> and set that property to "0" everywhere you use it in code
L1008[10:14:37] <fry> (which is probably the case already)
L1009[10:14:42] <McJty> yes
L1010[10:15:33] <McJty> yuck, now it is trying to render an invisible fluid block isntead of my tank
L1011[10:15:39] <McJty> That totally messes up the rendering
L1012[10:15:45] <McJty> And in addition the fluid remains checkerboard
L1013[10:16:26] <fry> show the json now
L1014[10:16:27] <McJty> I think that trying to mix this with my tank block is probably not a good idea
L1015[10:16:41] <McJty> https://bpaste.net/show/5de281c06ab4
L1016[10:16:59] <fry> well of course it broke
L1017[10:17:11] <fry> you added the model for both values of "dummy_rcl"
L1018[10:17:15] <McJty> ah
L1019[10:17:27] <fry> why did you do that? :P
L1020[10:17:40] ⇦ Quits: Isi (~Isi@cpc73928-walt17-2-0-cust74.13-2.cable.virginm.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1021[10:17:43] <gigaherz> so
L1022[10:17:44] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/CapabilityCore
L1023[10:17:47] <McJty> Well since the value is always 0 I thought it would not get loaded if the value never becomes 1
L1024[10:17:56] <gigaherz> any more comments, or any other API I could capability-fy?
L1025[10:18:05] <McJty> fry, ok now it is less broken. But I still have checkerboard fluid
L1026[10:18:13] <fry> now show the log :P
L1027[10:18:23] <McJty> https://bpaste.net/show/ad18a14247aa
L1028[10:18:37] <gigaherz> Ratys: add: idea { module.inheritOutputDirs = true }
L1029[10:18:40] <McJty> ah, it is trying to load rclfluid.png.png
L1030[10:18:41] <gigaherz> to the end of your build.gradle
L1031[10:18:46] <williewillus> that sholdnt be needed i thought
L1032[10:18:51] <Ratys> gigaherz, it's there
L1033[10:18:54] <gigaherz> aha
L1034[10:19:06] <gigaherz> williewillus: dunno he has asset issues and mentions idea, so I suggest
L1035[10:19:06] <gigaherz> ;P
L1036[10:19:41] <gigaherz> Ratys: no idea then, try refreshing?
L1037[10:19:51] <gigaherz> (the refresh icon in the gradle panel)
L1038[10:20:42] <Ratys> I've tried a bunch of fixes google spat at me, no luck so far. Trying to add a build artifact right now, because I have a suspicion IJ ignores files gradle copies over
L1039[10:20:59] <McJty> fry, it finally works ;-)
L1040[10:21:05] <gigaherz> did you customize the build process somehow?
L1041[10:21:05] <McJty> Thanks
L1042[10:21:48] <gigaherz> my build.gradle looks like this, and I haven't had any issue: https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/build.gradle
L1043[10:21:50] <Ratys> No, except for those fixes that mention appending stuff to build.gradle
L1044[10:21:59] *** K-4U is now known as K-4U|Off
L1045[10:22:13] <gigaherz> did you import the idea project from the IDE, or did you use "gradlew idea"?
L1046[10:22:39] <gigaherz> because it's best to import using idea's "project from existing sources" option, rather than gradle's idea generation
L1047[10:24:57] <williewillus> afaik gradle idea is broken :P
L1048[10:25:01] <williewillus> andor removed
L1049[10:25:48] <Ratys> I don't remember actually. Re-made it a few times already, because it kept doing stupid shit like losing the libs because I tampered with the .iml
L1050[10:26:11] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L1051[10:26:33] <IoP> or just open build.gradle with idea and it will ask if user wants to import
L1052[10:26:48] <gigaherz> Ratys: then delete the .iml and .idea and such
L1053[10:26:55] <gigaherz> and re-import the build.gradle
L1054[10:27:00] <gigaherz> and once it's imported
L1055[10:27:02] <gigaherz> open the gradle panel
L1056[10:27:14] <gigaherz> (wait for thigns to show up, it can take a minute)
L1057[10:27:23] <gigaherz> and in the forgegradle tasks group
L1058[10:27:26] <gigaherz> there's genIntellijRuns
L1059[10:27:32] <gigaherz> you can run it right there in IDEA
L1060[10:27:54] <gigaherz> then you'll have "Minecraft Client" and "Minecraft Server" in the run targets dropdown
L1061[10:28:25] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L1062[10:28:39] <Ratys> Been there done that, which is how I'm able to do anything at all
L1063[10:29:21] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1064[10:29:35] <gigaherz> well I use IDEA 15, so if you did it that way
L1065[10:29:37] <gigaherz> it should work
L1066[10:29:40] <gigaherz> now.
L1067[10:29:49] <gigaherz> are you using the right folder names?
L1068[10:29:59] <gigaherz> assets\<modid in lowercase>\*
L1069[10:30:08] <gigaherz> *\models\block
L1070[10:30:10] <gigaherz> *\models\item
L1071[10:30:13] <gigaherz> *\blockstates
L1072[10:30:19] <gigaherz> *\textures\items
L1073[10:30:21] <gigaherz> *\textures\blocks
L1074[10:30:28] <gigaherz> *\lang\en_US.lang
L1075[10:30:30] <gigaherz> etc
L1076[10:30:55] <Ratys> Ofc
L1077[10:31:21] <Ratys> Well, it's either tyring something like that yet again, or setting up a separate instance and copy over a freshly-built jar on build
L1078[10:31:28] ⇦ Quits: jagg2 (~jagg2@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1079[10:31:34] <Ratys> Because that works just fine
L1080[10:32:11] <xJon> Hey, about the chest again, would it be okay if I extend the TileEntityLockable class like the vanilla TileEntityChest?
L1081[10:32:23] <xJon> And just make everything else like the vanilla one?
L1082[10:32:33] <xJon> What's the downsides of this easy way?
L1083[10:33:12] <gigaherz> the problem is, it's NOT the easy way
L1084[10:33:14] <gigaherz> it's the lazy way
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L1086[10:33:24] <gigaherz> that said
L1087[10:33:32] <gigaherz> I have never seen TileEntityLockable
L1088[10:34:00] <gigaherz> ah
L1089[10:34:01] <gigaherz> I see
L1090[10:34:04] <gigaherz> it's for adventure mode
L1091[10:34:14] <xJon> So what's the downsides of this lazy way? xD
L1092[10:34:26] <masa> do different worlds (= dimensions) have different seeds, or the same as the overworld? I guess in vanilla it is the same at least, but how about mod dimensions?
L1093[10:34:27] <gigaherz> lets adventure maps set a locking mechanism on chests and such
L1094[10:34:31] <gigaherz> so given that
L1095[10:34:33] ⇦ Quits: auenf (David@DC-174-214.bpb.bigpond.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1096[10:34:34] <gigaherz> it's up to you
L1097[10:34:40] <gigaherz> TileEntityLockable gives you no advantage whatsoever
L1098[10:34:52] <gigaherz> xcept the ability foryour chest to be lockedusing the adventure map tools
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L1100[10:35:08] <xJon> So.. no downsides in the lazy way?
L1101[10:35:18] <gigaherz> no upside either
L1102[10:35:34] <gigaherz> if you think there's ANY advantage in using TileEntityLockable, go ahead
L1103[10:35:38] <gigaherz> the lazy way doesn't refer to this
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L1105[10:35:50] <gigaherz> it refers to "making things like vanilla chest"
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L1107[10:36:16] <gigaherz> I did give you an alternative that would be quicker to implement, though
L1108[10:36:24] <gigaherz> using the new forge capabilities system
L1109[10:36:50] <xJon> Well I didn't want more than that, and in this way I can also change the name in the GUI and capacity easily
L1110[10:39:13] <xJon> In IronChests he also extends TileEntityLockable
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L1112[10:40:17] <Lordmau5> hmm, seems like my .png is not being registered in the TAS
L1113[10:40:20] <Lordmau5> or rather, TA*
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L1115[10:41:42] <gigaherz> Lordmau5: is it referenced by a model?
L1116[10:41:45] <Lordmau5> no
L1117[10:41:54] <gigaherz> if not, you have to handle the stitch event
L1118[10:42:00] <Lordmau5> I am using it for rendering a texture through the DrawBlockHighlightEvent
L1119[10:42:03] <gigaherz> and add the resourcelocation
L1120[10:42:04] <Lordmau5> I am handling the stitch event
L1121[10:42:30] <gigaherz> event.map.registerSprite(new ResourceLocation(ElementsOfPower.MODID + ":blocks/cone"));
L1122[10:42:33] <gigaherz> something like this?
L1123[10:42:37] <Lordmau5> Yessir
L1124[10:42:41] <gigaherz> the /blocks/ part is important
L1125[10:42:46] <Lordmau5> rather "ResourceLocation(modid, file);"
L1126[10:42:54] <Lordmau5> blocks/tankOverlay
L1127[10:42:54] <gigaherz> what is "file" in this case?
L1128[10:43:08] <gigaherz> no /textures/, I hope?
L1129[10:43:12] <Lordmau5> no
L1130[10:43:18] <Lordmau5> event.map.registerSprite(new ResourceLocation("ffs", "blocks/tankOverlay"));
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L1133[10:43:44] <gigaherz> and the file IS in textures\blocks\tankOverlay.png ?
L1134[10:43:48] <Lordmau5> yes
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L1136[10:44:03] <gigaherz> then I have no idea
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L1148[11:10:40] <Lordmau5> gigaherz, my bad
L1149[11:11:04] <Lordmau5> there is no UV positions on the TAS at the TextureStitchEvent.Pre, so obviously I can't fetch the values
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L1151[11:11:28] <Lordmau5> !pokes manmaed
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L1153[11:11:56] * manmaed pokes Loetkolben
L1154[11:11:56] <manmaed> Darn
L1155[11:12:00] <Lordmau5> lmfao
L1156[11:12:10] * manmaed pokes Lordmau5
L1157[11:12:11] <Lordmau5> that's what you get for tabbing too fast :D
L1158[11:12:16] <Lordmau5> how you doin'?
L1159[11:12:24] <Loetkolben> huh? wrong autocomplete?
L1160[11:12:28] <Lordmau5> ye xD
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L1162[11:12:46] <xJon> Hey, I need a bit more help S: What is responsible for saving the triggered achievements?
L1163[11:13:07] <xJon> My custom achievements keep getting reset everytime I exit the world
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L1166[11:15:49] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> xJon: achievements are just specialized statistics
L1167[11:15:57] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> if they are getting reset perhaps you aren't registering them?
L1168[11:15:59] *** tterrag|ZZZzzz is now known as tterrag
L1169[11:16:44] <xJon> Ah, I think my problem was that I used riggerAchievement instead of addStat, is that possible?
L1170[11:16:49] <xJon> *trigger
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L1172[11:17:11] <tterrag> dunno
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L1174[11:17:35] <xJon> I did regiser them, for sure
L1175[11:17:55] <tterrag> show code?
L1176[11:18:57] ⇦ Quits: Cobbleopolis (~Cobbleopo@2602:302:d104:c430::45) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1177[11:20:04] <xJon> https://github.com/xJon/Jons-Useless-Mod/blob/master/src/main/java/xjon/jum/init/UselessAchievements.java
L1178[11:21:02] <gigaherz> statistics are reset in dev
L1179[11:21:12] <tterrag> don't you need registerStat()
L1180[11:21:16] <tterrag> or something
L1181[11:21:23] <unascribed> yeah
L1182[11:21:27] <gigaherz> or more accurately, each username gets their own, as shown by thefactthat you open inventory every time
L1183[11:21:30] <unascribed> achievements have a method *on them* to register it
L1184[11:21:53] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/progression/DiscoveryHandler.java#L56
L1185[11:21:54] <gigaherz> like this
L1186[11:22:02] <unascribed> and you can fix the problem gigaherz is describing by adding "--username MyUsername"
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L1188[11:22:50] <tterrag> wow
L1189[11:22:57] <tterrag> so current CB mods don't even work with 1.8.9
L1190[11:23:01] <tterrag> I thought he had updated ages ago
L1191[11:23:16] <tterrag> java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: loadedCoremods
L1192[11:23:16] <tterrag> at codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader$DepLoadInst.searchCoreMod(DepLoader.java:552) ~[DepLoader$DepLoadInst.class:?]
L1193[11:23:21] <tterrag> worst thing is it's caused by deploader
L1194[11:23:25] <unascribed> no, use JEI
L1195[11:23:29] <xJon> Yeah
L1196[11:23:36] <unascribed> CB imploded and then immediately after exploded
L1197[11:23:36] <tterrag> unascribed: JEI doesn't have image dumps
L1198[11:23:37] <gigaherz> nah CB disappeared between 1.8 and 1.8.9
L1199[11:23:41] <tterrag> otherwise, I totally use JEI for everything :P
L1200[11:23:55] <unascribed> http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/blockrenderer
L1201[11:23:56] <unascribed> you mean like this?
L1202[11:24:08] <tterrag> work with 1.8.9?
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L1204[11:24:12] <unascribed> yes
L1205[11:24:13] <tterrag> it hasn't been updated since dec
L1206[11:24:18] <unascribed> there's no bulk render functionality yet
L1207[11:24:26] <unascribed> (this is my mod)
L1208[11:24:45] <tterrag> I'll giv eit a shot
L1209[11:24:46] <unascribed> I could build it for 1.8.9
L1210[11:24:47] <tterrag> oh
L1211[11:24:50] <unascribed> but so little changed
L1212[11:24:51] <tterrag> you're "Aesen"?
L1213[11:24:52] <tterrag> O.o
L1214[11:24:53] <unascribed> it should Just Work
L1215[11:25:06] <unascribed> yeah, I tried to change my Curse nick to unascribed
L1216[11:25:10] <unascribed> but you can't change your nick on Curse
L1217[11:25:27] <unascribed> so I wind up as having two names, as Aesen is also the name of my minceraft account
L1218[11:25:53] <tterrag> first suggestion
L1219[11:25:55] <tterrag> make it work with JEI :P
L1220[11:25:58] <tterrag> it says "there's no slot there"
L1221[11:26:06] <unascribed> yeah, it looks for GuiContainers
L1222[11:26:11] <tterrag> I get that
L1223[11:26:16] <unascribed> the main thing I'm probably going to do
L1224[11:26:21] <unascribed> as mentioned in the comments
L1225[11:26:27] <unascribed> is to add a render-by-modid function
L1226[11:26:46] <unascribed> though the first thing I need to do to that end is port it to my one-jar system
L1227[11:26:50] <unascribed> so I can stop maintaining 3 codebases
L1228[11:27:06] <unascribed> then I may actually want to work on it
L1229[11:34:04] <gigaherz> now that there's a few other people,
L1230[11:34:06] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/CapabilityCore
L1231[11:34:21] <gigaherz> any thoughts on the capability designs, and any ideas of other caps I could include?
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L1235[11:46:53] <xJon> I did need registerStat(), thanks xD
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L1239[11:58:40] <PaleoCrafter> gigaherz, some facilities to easily attach caps to entities (especially players)
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L1241[11:58:57] <PaleoCrafter> forgetting things like the cloning is way too easy :P
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L1246[12:23:02] <Flenix> Having trouble with TESR on 1.7.10. I'm using the tessellator - but when I look aruond, the textures change/vanish. If I just use flat 0/1 as my UVs it flickers between different vanilla textures, mostly mobs - but when I use my block icons' UVs as you normally would they just vanish when looking at certain angles. Anyone got any ideas?
L1247[12:23:37] <masa> are you binding the texture?
L1248[12:24:27] <Flenix> No, I want to use my block textures like I would for ISBRH's tessellation
L1249[12:24:50] <gigaherz> you still need to bind the block atlas
L1250[12:24:55] <masa> what is the idea in doing "this.rand.nextLong() / 2L * 2L + 1L;" ? why the divide and then multiply again?
L1251[12:25:09] <gigaherz> masa: it rounds down to a multiple of 2
L1252[12:25:12] <Flenix> Block atlas? I've never heard of that giga
L1253[12:25:20] <masa> oh right of course, derp..
L1254[12:25:20] <Flenix> How would I bind that?
L1255[12:25:26] <unascribed> TextureMap.locationBlocksTexture
L1256[12:25:30] <gigaherz> in 1.7.10, there's two texture atlas, one for blocks, and one for items
L1257[12:25:39] <gigaherz> all the block "icons" are stitched into one big texture
L1258[12:25:43] <gigaherz> you ahve to bind the corresponding one
L1259[12:26:25] <masa> but would that then be the same as doing "this.rand.nextLong() | 0x1;" ?
L1260[12:26:35] <masa> although.. does that work with negative values
L1261[12:27:06] <unascribed> does nextLong even generate negative values?
L1262[12:27:09] <Flenix> Ah there we go, it's working now - I'm just getting some weird lighting issues when I look instead
L1263[12:27:30] <Flenix> I'm sure I can figure that out though, I don't really touch brightness in my render code yet so it's probably something with that
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L1265[12:30:32] <unascribed> bleh, I'm just going to drop 1.8.0 and 1.7.10 support in this mod
L1266[12:30:43] <unascribed> if you want it, use an old version
L1267[12:33:34] <gigaherz> hmm how did I add a message to a player chat?
L1268[12:33:35] <gigaherz> XD
L1269[12:33:49] <gigaherz> (or well, send it from the server)
L1270[12:34:23] <gigaherz> I assume it's player.addChatMessage, but I have no idea how to works with IChatComponents
L1271[12:35:13] <gigaherz> ah found ChatComponentText
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L1406[12:51:07] <unascribed> https://unascribed.com/i/f4a8538c.png
L1407[12:51:08] <unascribed> hm
L1408[12:51:48] <unascribed> ah, just had to enable depth test
L1409[12:52:30] <unascribed> figured that'd be enabled by renderEffect
L1410[12:52:32] <unascribed> but apparently not
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L1414[12:58:43] <unascribed> notRenderingEffectsInGui appears to do a whole lot of nothing
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L1417[13:00:34] <modmuss50> Quick yes or no question: can obj baked models be animated? rotating for example. Doesnt need to be part of it.
L1418[13:02:55] <unascribed> if you mean rotating the entire thing
L1419[13:02:59] <unascribed> presumably the answer is yes
L1420[13:03:12] <unascribed> I have not personally tried rotating an obj baked model
L1421[13:03:18] <unascribed> but there's no reason for it not to work
L1422[13:03:35] <williewillus> there is not native support from the Forge animation API for objs yet
L1423[13:03:43] <williewillus> but you can animate anything if you have a TESR :P
L1424[13:03:54] <williewillus> botania pylons are three separately baked objs rendered by a tesr
L1425[13:03:56] <williewillus> that glrotates them
L1426[13:04:18] <williewillus> modmuss50: ^
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L1428[13:04:44] <unascribed> does anyone know of a way to disable effect rendering? what appears to be the way GuiAchievements tries to do it doesn't work at all
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L1430[13:04:45] <modmuss50> ah, ok that awnsers my question, thanks
L1431[13:04:58] <unascribed> it sets a boolean which isn't read by anythintg
L1432[13:05:00] <unascribed> anything*
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L1514[13:14:58] <Flenix> Quick question; ItemStack.isItemEqual - Does this check NBT data too? & I assume it ignores stacksize?
L1515[13:14:59] <sham1> hmm, this bouncer seems to be doing something weird
L1516[13:15:12] <sham1> Check the code
L1517[13:15:42] <gigaherz> Flenix: no
L1518[13:15:46] <gigaherz> it checks only item+meta
L1519[13:15:48] <McJty> Flenix, easy to see if you just go look in the source
L1520[13:15:50] <Wuppy> that moment when you thank a developer for releasing paid DLC :P
L1521[13:15:54] <gigaherz> you have ItemStack.areItemStackTagsEqual
L1522[13:15:59] <gigaherz> if you want to compare nbt
L1523[13:16:03] <McJty> Flenix, i.e. navigate to the implementation from within your NBT
L1524[13:16:03] <Wuppy> I just thanked someone for giving him money xD
L1525[13:16:07] <McJty> IDEA I mean
L1526[13:16:19] <McJty> (IDE actually in case you use Eclipse :-)
L1527[13:16:20] <gigaherz> Wuppy: so you thanked them twice
L1528[13:16:21] <Flenix> Awesome perfect :) McJty in 1.7.10 all the fields in those methods are unlocalized
L1529[13:16:29] <gigaherz> ocne with words, and once with money
L1530[13:16:38] <Wuppy> my favorite game ever just got a *massive* DLC
L1531[13:16:39] <Flenix> ie field_151002_e instead of somethingUseful
L1532[13:16:40] <McJty> Flenix, still not that hard to see what they do in general
L1533[13:16:41] <Wuppy> so I'm happy as hell
L1534[13:17:13] <sham1> Something about Eclim
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L1537[13:19:10] <williewillus> Flenix: also, you can look those up in the bot
L1538[13:19:14] <williewillus> (also, update ;p)
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L1541[13:19:31] <Flenix> I totally forgot that bot existed, that's a good point :P
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L1546[13:22:53] <williewillus> anyone seen something like this? http://www.curseforge.com/paste/5bf43d06
L1547[13:22:58] <williewillus> no idea in hell what's happening
L1548[13:23:04] <williewillus> but botania says UE so I'm guessing my fault
L1549[13:23:11] <williewillus> but thats a ridiculous error
L1550[13:23:22] <unascribed> cpw/mods/fml is the 1.7 FML package
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L1553[13:23:47] <Lumien> Yeah users using 1.7.10 versions in 1.8
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L1555[13:25:32] <FusionLord> is there a way to get a server's ip from World?
L1556[13:25:46] <gigaherz> I don't get it
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L1558[13:26:23] <gigaherz> I haven't found anywhere where the player CombatTracker is assigned, besides the constructor
L1559[13:26:51] <gigaherz> and the assignation clearly worked (it was assigned after ReflectionHelper.setPrivateValue)
L1560[13:27:12] <gigaherz> and yet, by the time it receives damage, it's assigned again with an original instance
L1561[13:27:47] * gigaherz tries using EntityJoinWorldEvent instead of EntityConstructing
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L1563[13:29:05] <gigaherz> aha it works tere
L1564[13:29:09] <gigaherz> maybe it was too early :/
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L1566[13:30:22] <williewillus> FusionLord: why do you need that?
L1567[13:30:26] <williewillus> also on which side
L1568[13:31:21] <FusionLord> client side, and to save a long per world
L1569[13:31:25] <gigaherz> \o/
L1570[13:32:04] <FusionLord> I want to save a BlockPos as a long, that is the location of a gps pointer
L1571[13:33:45] <gigaherz> [20:32:52] [Server thread/WARN]: Item broke (1xitem.helmetCloth@55) and the player got 2xitem.leather@0 in return!
L1572[13:34:02] <williewillus> lol what
L1573[13:34:21] <williewillus> journeymap is closed source?
L1574[13:34:59] <FusionLord> afaik
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L1601[13:35:49] <Lordmau5> net split partay
L1602[13:35:55] <FusionLord> dat split
L1603[13:35:58] <techbrew> for now, eventually I'll open it williewillus
L1604[13:36:06] <williewillus> ah
L1605[13:36:12] <tterrag> fusion why are you storing stuff in the client
L1606[13:36:15] <williewillus> I wanted to see how you grabbed the world IP
L1607[13:36:16] <tterrag> That's unreliable
L1608[13:36:25] <Lordmau5> woo \o/ got animated overlay textures to work through a normal .png with .mcmeta file
L1609[13:36:28] <williewillus> tterrag: it's for a clientside mod :P
L1610[13:36:29] <Lordmau5> hype
L1611[13:36:30] <FusionLord> tterrag, because it is a client only mod...
L1612[13:36:34] <tterrag> oh
L1613[13:36:39] <tterrag> What kind of mod?
L1614[13:36:47] <FusionLord> http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/tomtom
L1615[13:37:05] <FusionLord> its an arrow that points to a BlockPos
L1616[13:37:06] <Lordmau5> Getting-Sued-TM
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L1644[13:37:15] <tterrag> ahhh
L1645[13:37:19] <Lordmau5> welcome back, nerds
L1646[13:37:41] <tterrag> Yeah idk, I assume the ip is stored somewhere
L1647[13:37:47] <williewillus> lex: how good/extensible/powerful do the loot tables in 1.9 look?
L1648[13:37:49] <tterrag> Don't have code access atm
L1649[13:38:08] <FusionLord> techbrew, how do you save info per world/server?
L1650[13:38:26] <techbrew> williewillus, FusionLord : http://pastebin.com/qMCd1Gqj
L1651[13:38:35] <diesieben07> FusionLord, Minecraft#getCurrentServerData
L1652[13:38:58] <tterrag> yeah....using the socket seems ugly
L1653[13:39:10] <tterrag> What diesie said is better ;p
L1654[13:39:33] <techbrew> That's old code, I don't think that was available client-side when I wrote it 4 years ago :)
L1655[13:39:55] ⇦ Quits: Drullkus (~Drullkus@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1656[13:40:16] <techbrew> FusionLord: Take the server nickname used by the player, string munge it to something safe as a foldername, create .minecraft/journeymap/data/mp/<foldername>
L1657[13:40:25] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L1658[13:40:44] <FusionLord> Sounds good.
L1659[13:40:47] <FusionLord> thanks
L1660[13:40:58] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-203-206.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
L1661[13:41:07] <techbrew> Since ip load balancers / bungee etc. make the socket info inconsistent
L1662[13:41:27] <techbrew> or when people use ip proxies
L1663[13:41:51] <unascribed> the problem with that is the server nickname isn't neccessarily unique
L1664[13:42:04] <unascribed> for example I'm lazy and all my server nicknames are "Minecraft Server"
L1665[13:42:44] <unascribed> the MOTD usually contains the server name anyway
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L1682[13:45:35] <FusionLord> so is there a unique identifier for worlds?
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L1685[13:46:41] <gigaherz> IIRC journeymap generates an UUID on the server and keeps it in the config
L1686[13:47:06] <gigaherz> so when you connect to a server that has journeymap, it can request that uuid, and clearly differentiate between servers
L1687[13:47:21] <gigaherz> if the server does not have the server-side mod, then it can't really differentiate
L1688[13:48:06] <FusionLord> well it won't hurt to load on the server, maybe i should do something similar
L1689[13:48:37] <sham1> Jesus these netsplits
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L1691[13:49:52] <FusionLord> seed would be closer but not fool proof
L1692[13:50:06] <techbrew> FusionLord: gigaherz is correct if you enable it, but that's only really relevant for bukkit/sponge servers.
L1693[13:50:47] <techbrew> having a settable uuid is handy if you have a bungee server and have identical worlds on diff boxes for load balancing - like a hunger games map.
L1694[13:51:09] <techbrew> I tried to get Mojang to just add a world uuid, but got no love.
L1695[13:51:37] <techbrew> http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-discussion/suggestions/79149-world-uid-for-multi-world-servers
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L1698[13:57:12] <FusionLord> well I upvoted :P
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L1700[13:58:56] <FusionLord> what if the uuids were speciffic on the client, for ssp saved to the world itsself and for servers saved in the servers.dat file?
L1701[14:01:34] <FusionLord> techbrew, ^
L1702[14:03:35] <bspkrs> want a class renamed? now is the time to make your case
L1703[14:03:42] <bspkrs> !!issues
L1704[14:03:42] <MCPBot_Reborn> Submit bot and/or mapping issues here: https://github.com/ModCoderPack/MCPBot-Issues
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L1708[14:04:55] <techbrew> FusionLord, for ssp it's a non issue, you have access to the world name and folder name
L1709[14:13:52] <sham1> So
L1710[14:14:04] <sham1> Anyone have anything interesting going on
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L1712[14:14:56] <LexManos> !gc WeightedRandomMinecart
L1713[14:15:11] <Ordinastie> !gm func_110571_b
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L1716[14:23:26] <tterrag> BlockContainer needs a change
L1717[14:23:28] <tterrag> to what I'm not sure
L1718[14:23:29] <tterrag> any ideas?
L1719[14:23:48] <diesieben07> NeverUseMe
L1720[14:23:50] <sham1> :D
L1721[14:23:54] <tterrag> yeah
L1722[14:24:01] <diesieben07> ICanGoSuckA****
L1723[14:24:08] <sham1> "NeverUseMe" => I should totally use this
L1724[14:24:28] <tterrag> it needs a name that explains it without advocating its use
L1725[14:24:36] <tterrag> it
L1726[14:24:39] <unascribed> BlockVanillaTile
L1727[14:24:41] <tterrag> it's basically "BlockWithATE"
L1728[14:24:49] <sham1> VanillaTEBlock
L1729[14:24:53] <tterrag> has to start with block
L1730[14:24:55] <tterrag> conventions :P
L1731[14:25:03] <tterrag> I don't mind BlockVanillaTile
L1732[14:25:12] <tterrag> or BlockVanillaTE to be more explicit
L1733[14:25:16] <diesieben07> it also has some very weird stuff in it with cactus blocks
L1734[14:25:21] <diesieben07> no idea why it is THERE :D
L1735[14:25:36] <tterrag> !gm func_181086_a
L1736[14:25:41] <tterrag> the hell
L1737[14:25:43] <unascribed> add a javadoc to it as well mentioning it's not useful for mods
L1738[14:25:51] <unascribed> and modders should use createTileEntity/hasTileEntity/etc
L1739[14:26:14] <unascribed> is it possible to put a javadoc on a class?
L1740[14:26:33] <fry> put it on the constructor :P
L1741[14:26:37] <tterrag> with mcpbot?
L1742[14:26:39] <tterrag> dunno
L1743[14:26:40] <tterrag> bspkrs: ?
L1744[14:26:46] <unascribed> constructor would be an okay place I guess
L1745[14:27:25] <bspkrs> class javadocs are not currently a thing because the existing files have no place to put them
L1746[14:28:19] <tterrag> https://github.com/ModCoderPack/MCPBot-Issues/issues/83
L1747[14:28:29] <tterrag> WAIT
L1748[14:28:37] <tterrag> cactuses->cacti
L1749[14:28:38] <tterrag> :>
L1750[14:28:47] <tterrag> fixed
L1751[14:29:14] <diesieben07> cactupussy
L1752[14:29:45] <sham1> http://grammarist.com/usage/cacti-cactuses/
L1753[14:29:48] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@ (Quit: Leaving.)
L1754[14:29:53] <sham1> Cactuses and cacti are both correct
L1755[14:30:26] <unascribed> cactisuses
L1756[14:30:31] <tterrag> cacti is undeniably cooler though
L1757[14:30:36] <sham1> True
L1758[14:31:18] <unascribed> all of the methods in LoadingScreenRenderer have awful awful names
L1759[14:32:22] <diesieben07> the javadocs is even worse :D
L1760[14:34:48] <unascribed> wow, I haven't checked this class in a few versions
L1761[14:34:51] <unascribed> it has tons of weird behavior
L1762[14:35:00] * unascribed writes his own loading screen renderer instead
L1763[14:35:48] <tterrag> oh dang I forgot I reported this https://github.com/ModCoderPack/MCPBot-Issues/issues/69
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L1779[14:45:48] <AbrarSyed> .whois Wuppy
L1780[14:46:30] <Wuppy> me :D
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L1782[14:46:44] <Wuppy> lemme restart IRC real quick
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L1784[14:47:02] <AbrarSyed> hmmm
L1785[14:47:06] <AbrarSyed> it doeasn appear to be connected..
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L1791[14:54:48] <Wuppy> thanks Abrar :)
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L1803[15:10:43] <unascribed> tterrag, https://unascribed.com/i/d02c2d5b.png
L1804[15:10:48] <unascribed> I'm implementing the modid rendering
L1805[15:11:02] <tterrag> heh
L1806[15:11:03] <tterrag> neat
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L1809[15:13:24] <LatvianModder> smallest netsplit ever
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L1814[15:18:06] <tterrag> LatvianModder: pretty sure that was just a znc drop
L1815[15:18:11] <tterrag> weird my client says it was a netsplit too :P
L1816[15:19:10] <unascribed> it accepts a comma-separated list
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L1819[15:21:26] <Wuppy> wow... Runescape is still being maintained and actually looks relaly quite good now :o
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L1821[15:25:16] <FusionLord> i like the oldschool look the RS3 look is too cartoony to me
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L1823[15:25:58] <LexManos> !gm func_181086_a
L1824[15:26:48] <LexManos> !gm func_181087_e
L1825[15:28:37] <LexManos> !sm 181086 isInvalidNeighbor
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L1827[15:28:50] <LexManos> !sm 181087 hasInvalidNeighbor
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L1829[15:29:19] <techbrew> My neighbor is in a wheelchair
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L1831[15:29:34] <techbrew> techbrew.hasInvalidNeighbor()==true
L1832[15:29:45] <unascribed> :/
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L1835[15:30:04] * tterrag boos
L1836[15:30:14] <unascribed> https://unascribed.com/f/d1e03c70_Chest.png
L1837[15:30:18] <unascribed> 10/10 best chest ever rendered
L1838[15:30:51] <Lordmau5> wow wow wow wait what
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L1840[15:30:52] <Lordmau5> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cyanideandhappiness/joking-hazard?ref=category_popular
L1841[15:30:57] <Lordmau5> I need that game
L1842[15:31:12] <heldplayer> I like the lock made out of lava
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L1846[15:36:46] <unascribed> hm
L1847[15:36:53] <unascribed> the textures work fine if you join and then leave a world
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L1850[15:39:41] <unascribed> stuff like farmland renders as a block with no model
L1851[15:39:50] <unascribed> new plan
L1852[15:39:55] <unascribed> let's not try to render items and blocks when not in a world
L1853[15:40:33] ⇦ Quits: AbsentThirdEye (~Subconsci@cpe-65-28-43-97.wi.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L1860[15:45:09] <Arctic_Wolfy> Hello, is it possible to get help with a problem with a mod and forge for MC 1.7.10?
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L1862[15:47:03] <tterrag> you're in the right place
L1863[15:47:05] <tterrag> don't ask to ask
L1864[15:47:10] <unascribed> yes, but expect some people to suggest updating to 1.8.9 as a solution
L1865[15:47:35] <gigaherz> no we suggest 1.8.9 as a way for us to help better ;P
L1866[15:47:46] <Arctic_Wolfy> Okay. And I've heard 1.8 is a bit hard..
L1867[15:47:54] <gigaherz> at least for me, helping people with 1.8.9 issues means much higher chances that I have encountered the issue and know how to fix it
L1868[15:48:00] <unascribed> it's not "a bit hard", it's different
L1869[15:48:08] <unascribed> items and blocks are models now instead of raw rendering
L1870[15:48:20] <gigaherz> it's a tiny bit more involved
L1871[15:48:28] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L1872[15:48:29] <gigaherz> but the final flexibility and customizability are worth it
L1873[15:48:33] ⇦ Quits: EyeOfKoishi (~Subconsci@cpe-65-28-43-97.wi.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1874[15:48:58] <gigaherz> the key is to learn how forge blockstates are amazing
L1875[15:49:09] <tterrag> oh, my mind totally skipped over the "1.7.10" part of that
L1876[15:49:28] <tterrag> you can ask but be prepared to get 1.8-pressured
L1877[15:49:31] <tterrag> as you've noticed >.>
L1878[15:49:40] <gigaherz> ok now that we HAVE told you the wonders of 1.8
L1879[15:49:41] <unascribed> lol
L1880[15:49:43] <gigaherz> what's your issue, really?
L1881[15:49:44] <unascribed> anyway, what's your question
L1882[15:49:44] <gigaherz> ;P
L1883[15:49:46] <Arctic_Wolfy> I'm making a mod, and in my test env, it loads, but it won't when I compile it to use on minecraft.
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L1885[15:49:54] <gigaherz> do you use reflection?
L1886[15:50:05] <Arctic_Wolfy> Reflection?
L1887[15:50:09] <unascribed> send logs and/or crash report
L1888[15:50:09] <gigaherz> okay
L1889[15:50:12] <gigaherz> do you have crash logs?
L1890[15:50:27] <Arctic_Wolfy> Yes, I do have logs.
L1891[15:50:34] <gigaherz> pastebin
L1892[15:50:35] <gigaherz> or gist
L1893[15:50:36] <unascribed> https://gist.github.com/
L1894[15:50:52] <gigaherz> or whatever your favorite way to paste that doesn't involve dumping things directly onto IRC is
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L1896[15:52:05] <Arctic_Wolfy> http://pastebin.com/bXixdhZf
L1897[15:52:31] <unascribed> how're you building them od?
L1898[15:52:33] <unascribed> the mod*
L1899[15:52:35] <unascribed> `gradle build`?
L1900[15:52:57] <gigaherz> that looks like it's missing code XD
L1901[15:53:04] <Arctic_Wolfy> I entered "gradlew jar".
L1902[15:53:10] <tterrag> yeah
L1903[15:53:11] <tterrag> use build
L1904[15:53:11] <unascribed> that didn't run the reobf step
L1905[15:53:12] <gigaherz> that's not a full build
L1906[15:53:13] <tterrag> !next
L1907[15:53:14] <unascribed> you need to use 'build;'
L1908[15:53:16] <unascribed> 'build'*
L1909[15:53:20] <gigaherz> "gradlew build" is what you want
L1910[15:53:23] <Arctic_Wolfy> Okay.
L1911[15:53:30] <Arctic_Wolfy> Let me see then
L1912[15:53:36] <unascribed> random question, is there a mod to nuke Realms from orbit
L1913[15:53:43] <tterrag> not that I know of
L1914[15:53:45] <tterrag> but it'd be pretty easy
L1915[15:53:51] <unascribed> the blinking diamond on the title screen is making me want to go to Mojang HQ with a box of matches
L1916[15:53:54] <gigaherz> there's mods to customize the main menu
L1917[15:54:01] <gigaherz> ah the blinking diamond
L1918[15:54:05] <gigaherz> that goes away if you click on realms
L1919[15:54:09] <unascribed> I did
L1920[15:54:12] <unascribed> but it's still there
L1921[15:54:16] <unascribed> it wants me to start a trial
L1922[15:54:25] <gigaherz> hmm i think it went away for me
L1923[15:54:30] <gigaherz> maybe only in non-dev
L1924[15:54:43] <unascribed> yeah, I don't see it in dev since I don't have a valid session
L1925[15:54:52] <gigaherz> yeah but anyhow as I was about to say
L1926[15:55:01] <gigaherz> the realms thingy is not part of the butotn
L1927[15:55:04] <gigaherz> button*
L1928[15:55:09] <gigaherz> it's drawn afterward, hardcoded
L1929[15:55:23] *** AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L1930[15:55:34] <gigaherz> so you'd need a mod that actually REPLACES the main menu, it's not enough to replace the button controls
L1931[15:55:49] <gigaherz> yeah the realms thing doesn't show for me in dev either
L1932[15:55:51] * unascribed writes an ASM mod that just deletes realms
L1933[15:56:13] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L1934[15:56:21] <Arctic_Wolfy> Oh now it puts the items in order... >.<
L1935[15:58:23] ⇦ Quits: armctec (~Thunderbi@ (Quit: armctec)
L1936[15:58:51] <sham1> :D
L1937[15:59:00] <sham1> Cam't you change the main menu with an event
L1938[15:59:03] <gigaherz> forge remembers the internal IDs of the items, so if you added the m"out of order" during development
L1939[15:59:07] <gigaherz> sham1: the buttons, yes
L1940[15:59:19] <sham1> Mmm
L1941[15:59:20] <gigaherz> but you can't override the code that draws the blinking icon on top of the button
L1942[15:59:26] <sham1> Bah
L1943[15:59:28] <gigaherz> that's why forge moved the mods button to the left
L1944[15:59:35] <sham1> Damn it Realm
L1945[15:59:39] <gigaherz> because it was less work than moving the icon XD
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L1947[16:00:04] <Arctic_Wolfy> I'm pretty sure I added the items at the same time.
L1948[16:00:27] <thor12022_oops> couldn't replace the icon texture with something transparent?
L1949[16:00:43] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L1950[16:00:51] <gigaherz> thor12022_oops: forge does not want to remove the icon
L1951[16:00:58] <thor12022_oops> well, not in forge
L1952[16:01:04] <thor12022_oops> I meant in general
L1953[16:01:12] <gigaherz> I guess unascribed could replace it in a resourcepack
L1954[16:01:15] <gigaherz> with a transparent texture
L1955[16:01:15] <gigaherz> XD
L1956[16:02:04] <thor12022_oops> or the silliest 1-function mod ever
L1957[16:02:40] ⇦ Quits: Poppy (~Poppy@chello085216146055.chello.sk) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L1958[16:03:08] <gigaherz> speaking about silly mods ;P
L1959[16:03:17] <gigaherz> I did this earlier today
L1960[16:03:18] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/CapabilityCore
L1961[16:03:19] ⇦ Quits: mousieamie (~amyt@ (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L1962[16:03:45] <gigaherz> I'd like comments on the capability design, and maybe also ideas on other simple "standarizable" APIs I could include in it
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L1973[16:15:36] <unascribed> is there a simple way to disable the sources jar in FG2?
L1974[16:15:52] <unascribed> it's getting autodeployed by uploadArchives
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L1976[16:18:57] <gigaherz> yes
L1977[16:19:03] <gigaherz> check the default build.gradle
L1978[16:19:11] <gigaherz> it has a commented out line
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L1981[16:19:55] * unascribed downloads the MDK
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L1984[16:24:38] <Arctic_Wolfy> New problem... It seams a chat msg doesn't always get sent...
L1985[16:25:33] <unascribed> tterrag, http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/blockrenderer/files/2283690
L1986[16:25:41] <unascribed> should fix your "no bulk renderers for 1.8.9" problem :P
L1987[16:26:39] <Arctic_Wolfy> Why might a chat msg get skipped?
L1988[16:26:50] <williewillus> what do you mean skipped?
L1989[16:27:11] <williewillus> iirc a command caught client side doesnt get sent to the server, but not sure about that
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L1991[16:27:43] <Arctic_Wolfy> Like I should have a total of four msgs, But I only have three.
L1992[16:27:48] *** Chew is now known as ChewCraft
L1993[16:28:22] <williewillus> what are these messages/how are you sending them? (what class and method call and where)
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L1998[16:29:50] <killjoy> are you limiting how fast they get sent?
L1999[16:29:56] <killjoy> the server will reject spam
L2000[16:29:57] <Arctic_Wolfy> The msg is from Item.onArmorTick and lets the player know that his armor broke due to the enviroment.
L2001[16:30:14] <killjoy> oh, you're using printChatMessage
L2002[16:30:20] <Arctic_Wolfy> And IDK how fast.
L2003[16:30:21] <killjoy> or similar
L2004[16:30:23] <FusionLord> unascribed, that is awesome
L2005[16:30:30] <williewillus> can you show the code around where you send it?
L2006[16:30:33] <unascribed> thanks, it's not terribly complicated though
L2007[16:30:40] <killjoy> if you don't know how fast, it's probably a few milis
L2008[16:30:54] <williewillus> killjoy: well its only when the armor breaks
L2009[16:30:58] <williewillus> so :P
L2010[16:31:25] <Arctic_Wolfy> I'm using EntityPlayer.addChatComponentMessage
L2011[16:31:37] <williewillus> yeah but how are you building the message
L2012[16:31:45] <killjoy> I offer this. https://git.io/v2lNm
L2013[16:32:01] <williewillus> ew, what the hell???
L2014[16:32:03] <williewillus> don't do that
L2015[16:32:12] <Arctic_Wolfy> Hmm?
L2016[16:32:19] <williewillus> the thing killjoy linked
L2017[16:32:22] <williewillus> ignore that :P
L2018[16:32:28] <Arctic_Wolfy> Okay.
L2019[16:33:15] <unascribed> you're doing something to the effect of "Minecraft.getMinecraft().ingameGUI.getChatGUI().printChatMessage". correct?
L2020[16:33:32] <williewillus> just pastebin your raw code
L2021[16:33:34] <williewillus> from that method
L2022[16:33:34] <tterrag> why would you do that? O.o
L2023[16:33:38] <Arctic_Wolfy> I'm sending basicly ItemStack.[unnamed_func].appendText(text)
L2024[16:33:45] <unascribed> well, that's the one-line collapsed version of it
L2025[16:33:48] <williewillus> show code
L2026[16:33:50] <williewillus> :P
L2027[16:33:51] <tterrag> player.addChatMessage O.o
L2028[16:33:52] *** K-4U is now known as K-4U|Off
L2029[16:33:55] <williewillus> itll make it much easier
L2030[16:33:59] <unascribed> ...that's a thing?
L2031[16:34:06] <williewillus> yes? :P
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L2033[16:34:13] <unascribed> that's what I get for spending 90% of my time in GUI code >.>
L2034[16:34:18] <williewillus> how else you think the server sends messages to players lol
L2035[16:34:26] <gigaherz> http://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2016/02/24/microsoft-to-acquire-xamarin-and-empower-more-developers-to-build-apps-on-any-device/
L2036[16:34:27] <gigaherz> lol
L2037[16:34:52] <Arctic_Wolfy> What now? I'm not sure who is talking to me, or some one else... x.x
L2038[16:34:58] <unascribed> ignore everything I said
L2039[16:35:00] <williewillus> Arctic_Wolfy: pastebin your code
L2040[16:35:06] <tterrag> Arctic_Wolfy: why are you not using player.addChatMessage
L2041[16:35:07] <unascribed> I usually write client code and I'm a confused idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about
L2042[16:35:25] <williewillus> he is :P
L2043[16:35:40] <tterrag> oh
L2044[16:35:41] <williewillus> I think at least, just show code
L2045[16:35:44] <tterrag> then uh
L2046[16:35:46] <tterrag> yeah post code :D
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L2048[16:37:10] <Arctic_Wolfy> http://pastebin.com/w03hxJnW
L2049[16:37:45] <williewillus> remove the remote checks
L2050[16:38:28] <Arctic_Wolfy> Why? I get the msg twice before.
L2051[16:38:35] <williewillus> move it to the top level
L2052[16:38:45] <williewillus> if (!isRemote && player.isWet())
L2053[16:38:51] <williewillus> so it only happens on the server
L2054[16:38:55] <Arctic_Wolfy> Okay.
L2055[16:38:56] <tterrag> yeah, do it on the server, not client
L2056[16:39:20] <williewillus> also *seems ;p
L2057[16:40:10] <Arctic_Wolfy> Okay, will try now.
L2058[16:41:59] <Arctic_Wolfy> So far getting every msg.
L2059[16:43:04] ⇨ Joins: EyeOfKoishi (~Subconsci@cpe-65-28-43-97.wi.res.rr.com)
L2060[16:45:31] <killjoy> I'm trying to get tricked http://i.imgur.com/iyqOsea.png
L2061[16:45:36] <killjoy> (third option)
L2062[16:45:47] <williewillus> lol
L2063[16:45:49] ⇦ Quits: SubconsciousEye (~Subconsci@cpe-65-28-43-97.wi.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L2064[16:45:54] <williewillus> what is that
L2065[16:45:59] <killjoy> Time Machine is a mac thing
L2066[16:46:22] <diesieben07> (*) Other. ___Retrieve USB stick from secret underground bunker.___
L2067[16:46:34] <killjoy> That's manual backup
L2068[16:46:43] <unascribed> file history has never worked on any Windows computer I have ever used
L2069[16:46:46] <killjoy> and you can do all of these on a usb stick
L2070[16:47:04] <killjoy> It works for me on windows 10
L2071[16:48:33] <gigaherz> "previous versions" stuff is built on top of the volume shadow copy services, same thing that allows system restore to exist
L2072[16:48:35] <williewillus> rsync :P
L2073[16:48:58] <gigaherz> I find that it never seems to backup the files I did lose
L2074[16:48:59] <gigaherz> XD
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L2080[16:55:20] <killjoy> this game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ug2jr2b1ooM
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L2082[17:01:57] <killjoy> There was a launcher update. What was in it?
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L2086[17:02:40] <kashike> launcher uses cloudfront/new urls, and a different format now apparently
L2087[17:03:19] <williewillus> really excited for the 1.9 loot tables
L2088[17:03:50] <killjoy> Found this in 1.8.json https://gist.github.com/killjoy1221/e5ef205c251c27cc17eb
L2089[17:04:24] <tterrag> hm...what's the best way to sync something in an entity without using the datawatcher (can't use it)
L2090[17:04:33] <Arctic_Wolfy> So a regular armor set takes 24 materials to make... If I had paper armor whose damage reduction is that of iron, do you think having 216 material per paper armor set would balance it out?
L2091[17:04:44] <tterrag> no
L2092[17:04:52] <tterrag> paper is an exponentially farmable resource
L2093[17:04:53] <kashike> killjoy: https://gist.github.com/kashike/1dfeff5f5462b69e42ce#file-json-L199-L218
L2094[17:04:54] <tterrag> iron is not
L2095[17:04:58] <tterrag> no amount of paper makes it more balanced
L2096[17:05:12] <killjoy> Looks like the launcher is going to download server soon
L2097[17:05:23] <tterrag> anyone?
L2098[17:05:29] ⇨ Joins: Wolwrig (~Wolwrig@2602:ffe8:200::7f1e:61de)
L2099[17:05:34] <Arctic_Wolfy> It's for early game. And it has less duribility.
L2100[17:05:48] <kashike> tterrag: can't use datawatcher why?
L2101[17:05:50] <tterrag> sure, but same protection value is ludicrous
L2102[17:05:51] <williewillus> iron level protection from paper materials? :P
L2103[17:05:53] <tterrag> again, consider paper as virtually infinite
L2104[17:05:58] <williewillus> at leas tmake it leather
L2105[17:06:00] <williewillus> if not worse
L2106[17:06:12] <tterrag> kashike: actually, nevermind lol
L2107[17:06:18] <tterrag> this is an enum, I can easily serialize to an int
L2108[17:06:20] <Arctic_Wolfy> Why? I'm doing more realostic.
L2109[17:06:22] <tterrag> not thinking today
L2110[17:06:26] <williewillus> "realistic"
L2111[17:06:29] <williewillus> would be 0 armor value
L2112[17:06:34] <williewillus> because who the hell uses paper as armor :P
L2113[17:06:35] <Arctic_Wolfy> Nope.
L2114[17:06:42] <williewillus> any sword would slash through in one strike
L2115[17:06:43] <Arctic_Wolfy> Chinise did.
L2116[17:06:51] <williewillus> Chinese*
L2117[17:06:53] <Arctic_Wolfy> And no it would not.
L2118[17:07:02] <williewillus> then it's not "paper"
L2119[17:07:09] <Arctic_Wolfy> Is was.
L2120[17:07:34] <williewillus> not paper in the respect of the mc paper
L2121[17:07:37] <williewillus> that was treated resin
L2122[17:07:45] <Arctic_Wolfy> 1/2 inch thick, but it was paper.
L2123[17:07:49] <williewillus> super special process to make and treat
L2124[17:07:53] <williewillus> not minecraft paper :P
L2125[17:08:08] <williewillus> so change the recipe if you're going for realism
L2126[17:08:10] <Arctic_Wolfy> Nope, no special treatment.
L2127[17:08:48] <Arctic_Wolfy> I'm basing it off of what the Mythbusters found out.
L2128[17:09:13] <williewillus> whatever then, but paper isn't a very balenced resource like tterrag said
L2129[17:09:55] <Arctic_Wolfy> Paper is on par with steel iron when they tested it.
L2130[17:10:11] <Arctic_Wolfy> And it's going to require string too.
L2131[17:10:19] <williewillus> i dont care, I'm just going to abuse the hell out of it if I ever play it :D
L2132[17:10:20] <tterrag> see, that's an important detail
L2133[17:10:24] <tterrag> string isn't as easily farmable
L2134[17:10:25] <tterrag> still farmable
L2135[17:10:28] <tterrag> but not as easy
L2136[17:11:20] <Arctic_Wolfy> My calsulations are that paper is x9 and string is x4.
L2137[17:12:19] <Arctic_Wolfy> But might increase it.
L2138[17:12:37] <unascribed> it is so ridiculously easy to get tons of paper even without a reed farm
L2139[17:12:38] <Arctic_Wolfy> I dunno yet.
L2140[17:12:57] <tterrag> what the hell
L2141[17:13:00] <Arctic_Wolfy> How w/o a farm?
L2142[17:13:02] <tterrag> why is entityInit called IN THE CONSTRUCTOR
L2143[17:13:06] <tterrag> what's the point of that?!?
L2144[17:13:07] <unascribed> just exploring a little
L2145[17:13:21] <unascribed> tterrag, it's just to make you mad
L2146[17:13:26] <tterrag> I can't use my instance field
L2147[17:13:41] <diesieben07> then you dont wnat entityInit
L2148[17:13:45] <diesieben07> it is for stuff like data watcher setup
L2149[17:13:47] <tterrag> that's where youa dd datawatcher
L2150[17:13:50] <diesieben07> which needs to be done from the super constuctor
L2151[17:13:54] <tterrag> this.getDataWatcher().addObject(DATA_ID, task.ordinal());
L2152[17:13:56] <tterrag> what else do I do then
L2153[17:14:14] <diesieben07> you either have a field OR a data watcher
L2154[17:14:15] <diesieben07> not both
L2155[17:14:16] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L2156[17:14:29] <diesieben07> data duplication is bad
L2157[17:14:35] <diesieben07> then you have to keep it in sync, it sucks
L2158[17:14:53] <tterrag> don't justify calling instance methods in constructor >_>
L2159[17:14:53] ⇦ Quits: Drullkus (~Drullkus@ (Remote host closed the connection)
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L2161[17:15:03] <tterrag> I have fixed it though
L2162[17:15:03] <diesieben07> i am not
L2163[17:15:16] <diesieben07> what i said is not related to the entityInit
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L2169[17:22:15] <Arctic_Wolfy> How can I tell if the player is on fire?
L2170[17:22:52] ⇨ Joins: AbsentThirdEye (~Subconsci@cpe-65-28-43-97.wi.res.rr.com)
L2171[17:23:05] <williewillus> theres a method in entity
L2172[17:23:24] <diesieben07> isBurning i think
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L2174[17:23:59] <Arctic_Wolfy> ok
L2175[17:24:01] <Arctic_Wolfy> Thx
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L2181[17:31:13] <blood|wrk> \
L2182[17:32:33] <Arctic_Wolfy> Okay... isBurning is apparently false when your are still on fire but not in fire, or lava..
L2183[17:32:52] <williewillus> of course :P
L2184[17:32:57] <williewillus> you're burning
L2185[17:33:45] ⇦ Quits: GildedGames (~GildedGam@ec2-23-23-30-247.compute-1.amazonaws.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L2186[17:33:49] <Arctic_Wolfy> Then why is it false?
L2187[17:33:59] <tterrag> I did an oopsie (warning may be loud) http://puu.sh/nkhfY.mp4
L2188[17:34:35] <tterrag> can anyone guess what I did? :P
L2189[17:35:16] <unascribed> is the oopsie that it is eternally exploding?
L2190[17:35:24] <unascribed> because that seems like a feature
L2191[17:35:41] <tterrag> I'm thinking of making it one
L2192[17:35:43] <tterrag> maybe a little toned down
L2193[17:35:50] <tterrag> but no, it was not intentional :P
L2194[17:36:12] <williewillus> there might be another method call
L2195[17:37:00] <Arctic_Wolfy> williewillus, talking to me?
L2196[17:37:04] <williewillus> yeah
L2197[17:37:31] <diesieben07> isBurning should be fine looking at it
L2198[17:37:52] <Arctic_Wolfy> Any idea? B/c if you ask me... isBurning should be true is you are on fire...
L2199[17:38:05] <diesieben07> looking at the code, it is :D
L2200[17:38:10] <diesieben07> unless you are immune to fire.
L2201[17:38:34] <Arctic_Wolfy> My armor should be taking damage if isBurning is true..
L2202[17:38:57] ⇦ Quits: P3pp3rF1y2 (~P3pp3rF1y@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L2203[17:39:03] <diesieben07> show your code.
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L2206[17:40:46] <Arctic_Wolfy> http://pastebin.com/S4GjxD5i
L2207[17:41:52] <diesieben07> line85 seems really shady
L2208[17:41:57] <diesieben07> overall that code is kinda weid
L2209[17:42:23] <Arctic_Wolfy> Looks like I missed some thing..
L2210[17:43:16] ⇨ Joins: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com)
L2211[17:43:56] <williewillus> instance fields in item classes
L2212[17:44:00] <williewillus> ?
L2213[17:44:15] <Arctic_Wolfy> instance fields?
L2214[17:44:22] <Arctic_Wolfy> Also fixed.
L2215[17:44:23] <williewillus> oh those are constants
L2216[17:44:31] <Arctic_Wolfy> And ya.
L2217[17:44:35] <williewillus> you should make them look like constants lol
L2218[17:44:46] <Arctic_Wolfy> I should...
L2219[17:44:50] <williewillus> what was the issue?
L2220[17:44:50] <FusionLord> does anyone know off hand, how forge adds the Mod Options buttons, is that with the GuiScreenEvent?
L2221[17:45:00] <diesieben07> it just patches GuiMainMenu
L2222[17:45:13] <Arctic_Wolfy> I was writing to the wrong tag.
L2223[17:45:17] <diesieben07> or whichever GUI it is in
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L2225[17:45:48] <FusionLord> its on the mainmenu and on the pause screen
L2226[17:45:51] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L2227[17:45:55] <FusionLord> guessing patches in both
L2228[17:46:05] <diesieben07> yea
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L2230[17:46:29] <Arctic_Wolfy> But hey, good armor for the end.
L2231[17:46:34] <FusionLord> but in theory it could be done with GuiScreenEvents
L2232[17:46:39] <diesieben07> yes
L2233[17:47:22] *** Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
L2234[17:47:31] <FusionLord> shadekiller666, In ObjModels why do the BakedQuads only have tint of -1?
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L2236[17:48:00] <shadekiller666> ?
L2237[17:49:56] <FusionLord> well I am using BlockModelRenderer().renderModelBrightnessColor and the color params have no effect so I looked into it and the color is only applied when there is a tintIndex other than -1
L2238[17:50:40] <shadekiller666> uhhh
L2239[17:50:43] <shadekiller666> ok
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L2241[17:51:40] <FusionLord> I don't understand everything that is in the objmodel/loader but I was unable to find anything setting the tintIndex of the BakedQuads to something other than -1
L2242[17:51:53] ⇦ Quits: Arctic_Wolfy (~Arctic@71-8-85-40.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com) (Quit: I was standing in the park wondering why frisbees got bigger as they get closer. Then it hit me.)
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L2244[17:53:39] <shadekiller666> what vertex format are you using?
L2245[17:53:59] <FusionLord> DefaultVertexFormats.ITEM
L2246[17:54:17] <shadekiller666> thats likely the problem
L2247[17:54:33] <shadekiller666> try Attributes.DEFAULT_BAKED_FORMAT
L2248[17:54:55] <FusionLord> 1 sec I think I had another issue what that one
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L2252[17:58:51] <FusionLord> doesn't seem to have made a difference
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L2256[18:01:32] <FusionLord> yeah brightness is still the only working param
L2257[18:02:00] <shadekiller666> uhh ok
L2258[18:02:23] <shadekiller666> i have no idea if this is still a problem, there are OBJLoader updates sitting in a PR atm
L2259[18:03:52] <FusionLord> oh fun
L2260[18:03:54] <FusionLord> lol
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L2269[18:37:17] <tterrag> what could cause this? http://puu.sh/nkl8u.txt
L2270[18:37:34] <tterrag> wait
L2271[18:37:36] <tterrag> it's a horse??
L2272[18:37:46] <tterrag> I was messing around with my custom firework entity
L2273[18:37:47] <tterrag> and got that
L2274[18:37:48] <tterrag> O.o
L2275[18:39:22] ⇦ Quits: bilde2910 (bilde2910@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L2276[18:40:29] <LexManos> quick guys, i need a simple 1 jar mod that adds 1 or 2 blocks
L2277[18:40:35] <LexManos> that I can test in dev
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L2279[18:41:23] <tterrag> lex: for 1.8.9?
L2280[18:41:27] <LexManos> yes
L2281[18:41:30] <tterrag> umm
L2282[18:41:44] <LexManos> I am using IrconChests but I need a second one
L2283[18:41:55] *** bilde2910|away is now known as bilde2910
L2284[18:42:32] <tterrag> http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/simplelabels
L2285[18:42:40] <tterrag> that adds 1 block
L2286[18:42:40] <tterrag> it's got some fancy shmancy rendering though
L2287[18:42:40] <tterrag> still looking
L2288[18:43:32] <tterrag> actually scratch that one you can't place it without an inv to place it on
L2289[18:43:42] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L2290[18:44:46] <tterrag> http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/more-furnaces
L2291[18:44:50] <tterrag> bit of a noob mod but fits the bill
L2292[18:46:08] <tterrag> yeah idk, not too many of those it seems O.o
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L2294[18:53:57] *** DarkevilAway is now known as Darkevilmac
L2295[18:54:17] <tterrag> http://puu.sh/nkm5d.txt
L2296[18:54:19] <tterrag> wat
L2297[18:54:48] ⇦ Quits: Naiten (Naiten@86-102-10-233.xdsl.primorye.ru) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2298[18:55:05] <unascribed> ugh, moveEntity is a huge method
L2299[18:55:33] <tterrag> the line is
L2300[18:55:33] <tterrag> p_70091_3_ = ((AxisAlignedBB)list.get(i)).calculateYOffset(this.boundingBox, p_70091_3_);
L2301[18:55:40] <tterrag> which...whaaa?
L2302[18:57:35] <diesieben07> i think there was a youtube video onec that pretty muhc explained how moveEntity works
L2303[18:58:00] <fry> wat
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L2305[18:58:43] <diesieben07> well, nto really
L2306[18:58:53] <diesieben07> they were debugging a mojang bug and telling them how to fix it
L2307[18:59:00] <diesieben07> i'm trying to find it
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L2311[18:59:51] <tterrag> I just want to know why it's crashing O.o
L2312[19:00:10] <tterrag> here's the entity source that spawns the particle http://puu.sh/nkmqd.txt
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L2317[19:03:05] <diesieben07> this is what i am talking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aUqTmhn-50
L2318[19:03:21] *** Cojo is now known as Cojo|AFK
L2319[19:03:25] <Unh0ly_Tigg> tterrag, my guess is that either the list is null, or the list entry at that index is null.
L2320[19:03:32] <tterrag> well yeah
L2321[19:03:33] <tterrag> but why?
L2322[19:03:36] <tterrag> and how to fix?
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L2325[19:10:57] <tterrag> wait what
L2326[19:11:09] <tterrag> now I get an indexOutOfBoundsException
L2327[19:11:22] <tterrag> that's...not...possible...
L2328[19:11:26] <fry> are you doing any threading? :P
L2329[19:11:30] <tterrag> god no
L2330[19:11:31] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L2331[19:11:37] <fry> are you hotswapping classes? :p
L2332[19:12:02] <tterrag> I'm in debug mode
L2333[19:12:07] <tterrag> but I didn't swap anything no
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L2335[19:12:48] <tterrag> it's also happening on a horse
L2336[19:12:50] <tterrag> not my entity
L2337[19:12:52] <tterrag> what
L2338[19:13:19] <tterrag> what did I do to break it so bad
L2339[19:13:22] <tterrag> I hate entities so much
L2340[19:13:27] <tterrag> you can't touch them without breaking EVERYTHING
L2341[19:13:33] <fry> indeed
L2342[19:13:53] <fry> why do you think I do rendering? it's almost the sanest part of the codebase :P
L2343[19:14:21] <tterrag> good one
L2344[19:14:51] <fry> I remember looking at entities back in the day
L2345[19:14:57] <Unh0ly_Tigg> Personally, I think the sanest part of the codebase is net.minecraft.client.main.Main.
L2346[19:15:01] <Unh0ly_Tigg> /s
L2347[19:15:02] <fry> and finding shit like generic NBT methods in the Entity class
L2348[19:15:11] <tterrag> I'm gonna test this without other mods
L2349[19:15:18] <killjoy> well that's an actual Mojang name
L2350[19:15:25] <tterrag> I have a inkling it may be ASM crap from CoFH or otherwise
L2351[19:15:43] <fry> that's entirely possible
L2352[19:15:44] <killjoy> net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer is too
L2353[19:15:57] <killjoy> and net.minecraft.client.Minecraft
L2354[19:16:04] <fry> thought I don't believe CoFH and horses exist on the same version, do they? :p
L2355[19:16:15] <unascribed> horses were added in 1.6
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L2357[19:16:39] <fry> ah, that long ago?
L2358[19:16:44] <unascribed> yes :P
L2359[19:16:45] <Unh0ly_Tigg> you know, The Horse Update...
L2360[19:16:47] <unascribed> 1.7 was the biome update
L2361[19:16:48] <fry> hah
L2362[19:16:53] <unascribed> 1.8 was the VBO update
L2363[19:16:54] <tterrag> lol
L2364[19:16:59] <tterrag> this is 1.7
L2365[19:17:06] <tterrag> though it really doesn't matter, entities didn't change all that much
L2366[19:17:13] <fry> I must've been thinking about rabiits :P
L2367[19:17:18] <williewillus> they havent much at all really
L2368[19:17:22] <unascribed> except for threading the AI for no purpose whatsoever..
L2369[19:17:23] <tterrag> rabbits and horses are basically the same
L2370[19:17:24] <tterrag> so I understand
L2371[19:17:27] <williewillus> was datawatcher always a thing?
L2372[19:17:28] <fry> surprizingly, entities didn't change much in 1.9 either :P
L2373[19:17:30] <williewillus> unascribed: AI is not threaded
L2374[19:17:33] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I'm curious to what the nickname for the 1.9 release is going to be.
L2375[19:17:33] <killjoy> 1.9 is the nerf update
L2376[19:17:37] <williewillus> it has a "task system"
L2377[19:17:41] <unascribed> oh, was that just something they tried in the snapshots and reverted?
L2378[19:17:42] <williewillus> but it's definitely not threaded
L2379[19:17:59] <unascribed> I thought the super floaty gravity was due to the threading
L2380[19:18:05] <williewillus> nah thats a stupid change
L2381[19:18:10] <williewillus> knockback only applies serverside
L2382[19:18:13] <williewillus> :P
L2383[19:18:25] <tterrag> what the hell really?
L2384[19:18:28] <unascribed> is there a non-Meddle version of the floatiness fix patch?
L2385[19:18:36] <williewillus> yes that's all that meddle patch fixes
L2386[19:18:38] <tterrag> why...
L2387[19:18:39] <williewillus> is it removes the remote check
L2388[19:18:53] <unascribed> ....yes, and I asked if there's a non-Meddle version
L2389[19:18:54] <tterrag> EVERYWHERE else movement is applied clientside
L2390[19:18:57] <unascribed> so I can actually, y'know, use it
L2391[19:19:00] <tterrag> why change it?
L2392[19:19:04] <williewillus> no idea
L2393[19:19:26] <killjoy> This must be killer on his hands. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLWMSNbp-Z0
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L2395[19:21:08] <williewillus> but hey other people noticed the floaty, usually I'm the only one who ever notices giant glaring aesthetic bugs ;)
L2396[19:21:25] <williewillus> like the XP orbs just NOT SHOWING UP from 1.5 to 1.8.3 :P
L2397[19:22:01] <unascribed> I still need to make a "small tweaks" mod
L2398[19:22:17] <williewillus> or chat opacity being broken all of 1.7
L2399[19:22:28] <williewillus> or <insret a million other aesthetic bugs>
L2400[19:22:29] <unascribed> featuring: unfloaty knockback, attackedAtYaw syncing, stairs in the corners of villager houses, and more gamerules
L2401[19:22:37] <killjoy> I haven't noticed because I don't use vanilla chat
L2402[19:22:39] <williewillus> attackedAtYaw syncing yes PLEASE
L2403[19:22:46] <williewillus> I reported that on the mojang tracker :P
L2404[19:22:53] <williewillus> it bothers me like hell and no one remembers it from 1.2
L2405[19:22:56] <unascribed> most important bug of 2016
L2406[19:23:06] <Unh0ly_Tigg> killjoy, probably has preset frames for the mouth, and simple controls for the eye area. that could be mapped to a physical controller.
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L2408[19:23:11] <unascribed> my main problem I've been having though
L2409[19:23:15] <unascribed> is what do you call a mod like that
L2410[19:23:19] <tterrag> YEP
L2411[19:23:24] <tterrag> works fine with just EIO/EC
L2412[19:23:24] <williewillus> I did theose sort of things
L2413[19:23:24] <killjoy> Unh0ly_Tigg, I was making a simpsons reference
L2414[19:23:30] <williewillus> called it "BugfixMod"
L2415[19:23:30] <tterrag> I guarantee it's skyboy's nonsense
L2416[19:23:31] <williewillus> lol
L2417[19:23:37] <unascribed> but it's not just bugfixes
L2418[19:23:39] <unascribed> it's also tweaks
L2419[19:23:42] <unascribed> and more gamerules
L2420[19:23:49] <williewillus> ?shrugs
L2421[19:23:51] <Unh0ly_Tigg> Mo' Fixes /s
L2422[19:23:55] <unascribed> 79% more gamerule per gamerule
L2423[19:24:03] <unascribed> mainly doDownfall
L2424[19:24:13] <williewillus> how is that not a gamerule to be honest
L2425[19:24:17] <unascribed> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L2426[19:24:29] <williewillus> the left arm always shows up weird for me lol
L2427[19:24:34] <unascribed> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L2428[19:24:36] <williewillus> looks like a yen symbol
L2429[19:24:44] <unascribed> ¥
L2430[19:24:51] <williewillus> \
L2431[19:24:56] <unascribed> oh
L2432[19:24:58] <unascribed> you mean that bug
L2433[19:25:05] <unascribed> like your backslash is literally a yen sign
L2434[19:25:08] <williewillus> this https://i.gyazo.com/fd792c26cf3e416debfb66390390cb3a.png
L2435[19:25:15] <unascribed> yep
L2436[19:25:21] <unascribed> let me guess
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L2438[19:25:25] <williewillus> but my backslash worked?
L2439[19:25:27] <williewillus> hexchat
L2440[19:25:29] <williewillus> linux
L2441[19:25:33] <unascribed> wait
L2442[19:25:36] <unascribed> your backslash worked
L2443[19:25:37] <unascribed> ????
L2444[19:25:40] <unascribed> I have no idea
L2445[19:25:46] <Unh0ly_Tigg> encoding fail lol
L2446[19:26:00] <unascribed> I have a friend who has a problem where literally all of his backslashes are yen signs
L2447[19:26:07] <unascribed> because he installed Touhou once and it changed his encoding settings
L2448[19:26:20] <williewillus> you don't "install: touhou 0.o
L2449[19:26:23] <williewillus> *"
L2450[19:26:26] <unascribed> you get my point
L2451[19:26:32] <williewillus> and it doesn't change your encoding
L2452[19:26:35] <fry> in what world do you not have ascii compatible mapping?
L2453[19:26:35] <williewillus> 0.o
L2454[19:26:43] <unascribed> he changed it himself or something so he could see dialog boxes
L2455[19:26:47] <unascribed> and then it didn't change back
L2456[19:26:47] <unascribed> idk
L2457[19:26:49] <williewillus> oh lol
L2458[19:26:57] <unascribed> either way
L2459[19:27:03] <williewillus> over the course of playing the games Ive memorized which box means what lol
L2460[19:27:04] <unascribed> you're both on linux and didn't install a japanese game at one point
L2461[19:27:06] <unascribed> so I have no idea
L2462[19:27:14] <unascribed> well
L2463[19:27:22] <unascribed> the second clause isn't neccessarily true
L2464[19:27:36] <unascribed> but Linux doesn't tend to have weird encoding issues like that because everything is UTF-8
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L2466[19:28:23] <williewillus> idk :P
L2467[19:28:32] <williewillus> maybe I didn't generate all the locales I needed if that matters
L2468[19:28:33] <fry> everything is $LANG :P
L2469[19:28:38] <fry> yup yup
L2470[19:28:45] <unascribed> yes and $LANG is usually en_US.utf-8 or something like that
L2471[19:28:52] <fry> you only need utf8 locale though, yes :P
L2472[19:29:06] ⇨ Joins: Cojo (~Cojo@2606:a000:1126:8048:84d3:6236:3177:e2c4)
L2473[19:29:08] <williewillus> yeah my lang is utf8 enUS
L2474[19:29:13] <unascribed> also https://unascribed.com/i/ec1be6f7.png
L2475[19:29:19] <unascribed> wait what
L2476[19:29:21] <unascribed> why no upload
L2477[19:29:30] <unascribed> grr
L2478[19:29:31] <williewillus> shows up right in chromium
L2479[19:29:37] ⇦ Quits: Cojo|AFK (~Cojo@2606:a000:1126:8048:84d3:6236:3177:e2c4) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L2480[19:29:40] <williewillus> also shows in subl3
L2481[19:29:44] ⇦ Quits: Drullkus (~Drullkus@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L2482[19:30:33] <unascribed> https://unascribed.com/i/ec1be6f7.png?
L2483[19:30:35] <unascribed> there
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L2485[19:33:05] <unascribed> I blame GTK+
L2486[19:37:09] <williewillus> but sublime uses gtk afik
L2487[19:37:49] <williewillus> shows fine in evince (gtk)
L2488[19:37:54] <williewillus> might just be hexchat
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L2491[19:57:11] <FusionLord> hit the wrong button in settings.... wish i had a set of glasses... http://puu.sh/nkpAZ/c46ecbc36f.jpg
L2492[19:59:42] <VikeStep> using TFS for the first time. kinda neat
L2493[19:59:52] <VikeStep> shelving is cool
L2494[19:59:55] <FusionLord> what is tfs?
L2495[20:00:00] <VikeStep> team foundation server
L2496[20:00:04] <FusionLord> ahh
L2497[20:00:14] <VikeStep> microsoft's version control
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L2500[20:06:58] <killjoy> team four star
L2501[20:08:26] <FusionLord> ...am i crazy or does this pool look like the kool-aid man? http://puu.sh/nkqaJ/dd6aad6c79.jpg
L2502[20:10:37] <Delenas> I see a bear's head. o.o
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L2506[20:11:52] <Delenas> Also, the IItemHandler stuff- do you still have to call markDirty ?
L2507[20:12:46] <tterrag> if you want your TE to save
L2508[20:12:47] <tterrag> yes
L2509[20:13:30] <Delenas> Okay, didn't see it in the pull
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L2522[20:41:54] <infinitefoxes_> sigh
L2523[20:42:03] <infinitefoxes_> obnoxious that 1.9 is coming around the corner
L2524[20:42:11] <infinitefoxes_> and we haven't even gotten our 1.8 rewrite to a playable staet
L2525[20:42:13] <infinitefoxes_> state*
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L2528[20:45:15] <tterrag> meh
L2529[20:45:21] <tterrag> it's going to be not so bad hopefully
L2530[20:45:27] <tterrag> means you can be one of the first on 1.9 :P
L2531[20:45:53] <Drullkus> infinitefoxes_: Same thing happened to 1.8 :P
L2532[20:46:22] <fry|sleep> 1.9 really isn't that bad
L2533[20:46:34] <infinitefoxes_> does someone have a brief overview of what 1.9's changed?
L2534[20:46:38] <fry|sleep> barely anything changed much :P
L2535[20:47:29] <Drullkus> Compared to 1.8 yeah
L2536[20:47:35] ⇨ Joins: Cojosan (~Cojo@2606:a000:1126:8048:84d3:6236:3177:e2c4)
L2537[20:47:37] <Drullkus> except for more dynamic blockstate systems
L2538[20:48:12] <fry|sleep> which is not that different from what forge does in 1.8 anyway :P
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L2543[20:52:54] <shadekiller666> except 1.9's vanilla blockstates are more strict
L2544[20:53:22] <FusionLord> if a variable is change how can one write the new value to the configuration file, it has not been changed in the Config gui...
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L2546[20:56:35] <Delenas> IItemHandler's insert and extract methods- what side are those called on? Server?
L2547[21:00:20] <tterrag> FusionLord: call .save() ?
L2548[21:00:59] <FusionLord> but there isn't a set in the Configuration class
L2549[21:01:44] *** Cojosan is now known as Cojo
L2550[21:02:43] <tterrag> FusionLord: get the Property object then setValue
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L2553[21:07:40] <FusionLord> ahh thanks tterrag
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L2557[21:21:54] <killjoy> I have a faildozer cpu. Suggestions?
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L2562[21:27:16] <FusionLord> killjoy, is that a AMD Bulldozer CPU?
L2563[21:27:21] <killjoy> yes
L2564[21:27:24] <killjoy> fx-8100
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L2566[21:27:47] <killjoy> I'm thinking about an i7-6790
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L2569[21:30:01] <FusionLord> I have the 4790
L2570[21:30:34] <Arctic_Wolfy> Are there any events fired when armor breaks?
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L2572[21:30:41] <FusionLord> if an event is uncanelable, event.setResult(Event.Result.DENY); should work right?
L2573[21:31:07] <killjoy> Also this. http://i.imgur.com/EXwbHPl.png
L2574[21:31:49] <FusionLord> that Critical Review doe
L2575[21:32:04] <killjoy> ino
L2576[21:32:13] ⇦ Quits: SubconsciousEye (~Subconsci@cpe-65-28-43-97.wi.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L2577[21:34:09] <Arctic_Wolfy> Does any one know? Or does it simply break w/o an event fired?
L2578[21:37:49] <killjoy> Didn't someone pr that recently?
L2579[21:39:00] <Arctic_Wolfy> Hmm?
L2580[21:39:24] <Arctic_Wolfy> Talking about me?
L2581[21:39:32] <FusionLord> yes
L2582[21:39:51] <Arctic_Wolfy> Well, I just asked it.
L2583[21:40:30] <FusionLord> right killjoy was asking if someone requested for that event to be added
L2584[21:41:00] <Arctic_Wolfy> Oh? For armor break?
L2585[21:41:18] <FusionLord> .... yes
L2586[21:41:29] <Arctic_Wolfy> Okay, I just got on.
L2587[21:42:14] <VikeStep> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/2360
L2588[21:42:22] <VikeStep> that is what you are thinking of killjoy I think
L2589[21:42:31] <killjoy> yeah
L2590[21:42:59] <VikeStep> it never made it in
L2591[21:43:50] <Arctic_Wolfy> Well that sucks.
L2592[21:44:07] <VikeStep> you could check an event for when a player takes damage
L2593[21:44:16] <VikeStep> and calculate if it will break
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L2595[21:45:34] <Arctic_Wolfy> Hmm. Would be hard since I'm damaging the armor in onArmorTick if some enviromental conditions are met.
L2596[21:46:06] <VikeStep> why do you need to know if their armor broke? (there may be an alternative solution)
L2597[21:46:46] <killjoy> such as if you're in a biome?
L2598[21:46:55] <killjoy> rust if underwater?
L2599[21:47:02] <killjoy> stuff like that?
L2600[21:47:09] <VikeStep> you can always use a tick event
L2601[21:47:13] <VikeStep> if all else fails
L2602[21:47:14] <Arctic_Wolfy> I want there to be a small chance for some of the material to be gotten back.
L2603[21:47:56] <Arctic_Wolfy> The material cannot rust as it is not metal, but it does take damage from water.
L2604[21:47:57] <FusionLord> Arctic_Wolfy, suchs as unbreaking?
L2605[21:48:14] <FusionLord> or auto repair?
L2606[21:49:14] <Arctic_Wolfy> No, such as it takes 216 sheets of paper to make a full set, and have a few sheets "fly off" when it breaks.
L2607[21:50:16] <FusionLord> so when it breaks some of the paper is added to thhe players inventory?
L2608[21:50:23] <Arctic_Wolfy> Ya.
L2609[21:51:02] <FusionLord> only thing I could thing of is the PlayerTickEvent
L2610[21:51:14] <FusionLord> think*
L2611[21:51:18] <Arctic_Wolfy> Hmm...
L2612[21:51:50] <Arctic_Wolfy> Or... when does armor break? When duriblilty is 0?
L2613[21:52:07] <acidjazz> and its on
L2614[21:52:38] <Arctic_Wolfy> I think onArmorTick triggers when it's on.
L2615[21:52:39] <FusionLord> i don't know that it gets to 0, it may just be destroyed
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L2617[21:53:08] <Arctic_Wolfy> Hmm...
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L2621[22:06:43] <Arctic_Wolfy> Okay, items do not break AT 0, but past 0.
L2622[22:08:12] ⇨ Joins: Wastl2 (~Wastl2@f053044083.adsl.alicedsl.de)
L2623[22:09:38] <VikeStep> Arctic_Wolfy, how are you damaging the armor in onArmorTick?
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L2625[22:09:44] <VikeStep> aka, what method do you call to damage it
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L2627[22:10:39] <Arctic_Wolfy> attemptDamageItem, b/c it returns a boolean.
L2628[22:10:53] <VikeStep> and inside attemptDamageItem, are there any events?
L2629[22:11:05] <Arctic_Wolfy> I dunno.
L2630[22:11:20] <VikeStep> have a look (I'm don't have my dev env open)
L2631[22:12:13] <Arctic_Wolfy> Doesn't look like it, but it goes all over the place with a few other calls.
L2632[22:12:23] <VikeStep> yeah, just look deeper haha
L2633[22:12:43] <VikeStep> find the closest event you can to the armor taking damage, and maybe you can predict if it will be destroyed from it
L2634[22:12:55] <VikeStep> I'm assuming at some point, the same method is called when the player takes damage with armour on
L2635[22:13:06] <Arctic_Wolfy> Okay.
L2636[22:13:45] <Arctic_Wolfy> There is a call that goes through the Item class.
L2637[22:13:54] <VikeStep> btw, you may run into an issue with the fact that attemptDamageItem may be called for other situations
L2638[22:13:58] <VikeStep> not related to player armour
L2639[22:14:13] <killjoy> Should I switch from dvi to dp?
L2640[22:14:15] <killjoy> (displayport)
L2641[22:14:19] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54961D78.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L2642[22:14:47] <shadekiller666> killjoy, they do the same thing
L2643[22:14:52] <Arctic_Wolfy> But for my item, if it calls a method in the item class, I could hook into that.
L2644[22:15:07] <killjoy> I read that you can daisy-chain displayport
L2645[22:15:32] <Arctic_Wolfy> Any gotta go.
L2646[22:15:36] ⇦ Quits: Arctic_Wolfy (~Arctic@71-8-85-40.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com) (Quit: IceChat - It's what Cool People use)
L2647[22:15:40] <shadekiller666> why would you want to
L2648[22:15:56] <shadekiller666> and can't you do that with dvi?
L2649[22:16:12] <killjoy> idk. i'm researching
L2650[22:16:36] <killjoy> Isn't the max res for dvi 4k?
L2651[22:17:21] <shadekiller666> afaik, the only difference between dvi and dp is that dp sends data in packets, where dvi is a constant signal
L2652[22:17:48] <killjoy> I hear soon that dp will support 8k
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L2656[22:19:22] <shadekiller666> thats great, gl finding a graphics card that can render in 8k
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L2658[22:19:49] <killjoy> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnK_B9Im3yI
L2659[22:20:31] <killjoy> Anyway, i was considering it because all the gpus I've been looking at have 3xdisplayport
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L2662[22:22:13] <shadekiller666> mine has 1 hdmi, 2 mini dp, and 1 dvi
L2663[22:22:24] <shadekiller666> i'm using the hdmi and dvi
L2664[22:23:10] <shadekiller666> was using one of the dp and the dvi with a mini-dp->dvi converter (neither monitor has a dp port)
L2665[22:23:20] <killjoy> displayport port
L2666[22:23:29] <killjoy> I wonder if that term is intentional
L2667[22:24:24] <shadekiller666> one strange thing with that particular setup (the dp->dvi) was that my "main" monitor (the one using the converter) had to be set as display 2
L2668[22:24:30] <shadekiller666> don't know why
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L2688[23:05:44] <Matthew> Lex, the adfocus installer download is pointing to the installer-win.exe
L2689[23:05:50] <Matthew> direct link is fine
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L2694[23:11:58] <McJty> Hmm why is gradlew build suddenly failing to apply the forge plugin...
L2695[23:12:47] <McJty> java.io.IOException: Premature EOF
L2696[23:12:49] <McJty> What is that?
L2697[23:13:17] <Matthew> McJty, stacktrace?
L2698[23:13:43] <McJty> https://bpaste.net/show/21b928baa14d
L2699[23:13:45] <McJty> It did build though
L2700[23:14:09] <McJty> The first two times I tried I got another error
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L2702[23:15:52] <McJty> And now it appears ok
L2703[23:16:23] <Matthew> hmm thats http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/versions.json
L2704[23:16:29] <Matthew> looks fine to me though
L2705[23:16:36] <McJty> Probably a temporary issue
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L2707[23:17:22] <Matthew> google says its caused by a server error
L2708[23:17:24] * Matthew pokes bspkrs
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L2711[23:20:22] <Fendirain> Stupid BOP Sacred Trees breaking my stuff. >.>
L2712[23:21:10] <Fendirain> My code, as is, Can't handle the amount of blocks they have.
L2713[23:21:52] <Fendirain> (Getting StackOverflowError)
L2714[23:22:11] <killjoy> Why am I doing this? I found an entire build as a bundle so I added it to my cart.
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L2720[23:28:10] <Fendirain> Can anyone see anything I'm doing stupid / wrong / can do better? https://github.com/Fendirain/Fendirain/blob/27cfd90ba7ff9c0f6862e3a7417c9f93c5cbb71e/src/main/java/fendirain/fendirain/utility/tools/treeChopper.java#L134
L2721[23:30:01] <tterrag> what is a FullBlock?
L2722[23:30:31] <tterrag> you seem to unnecessarily using a wrapper when IBlockState will do fine
L2723[23:30:45] <Arctic_Wolfy> So who else was here when I was talking about the balance of my mod I'm creating?
L2724[23:30:49] <Fendirain> A class I made to have a Block, BlockPos, and Meta in the same object (Some other things)
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L2726[23:31:13] <tterrag> why not store the IBlockState
L2727[23:31:15] <tterrag> don't convert to meta
L2728[23:31:18] <tterrag> that's the point of blockstates
L2729[23:31:20] <Fendirain> I made it in 1.7.10, So I must of not noticed.
L2730[23:31:59] <McJty> There are few spots where you actually need the meta still
L2731[23:32:08] <McJty> You should *almost* always use properties
L2732[23:32:10] <tterrag> in that vein, why store the block at all?
L2733[23:32:16] <tterrag> BlockPos is probably sufficient, no?
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L2735[23:32:45] <Fendirain> Just didn't want to poll the world whenever I needed to check if it was the correct block.
L2736[23:33:15] <tterrag> polling the world is O(1). if you want to cache it use a map, but that's really no more efficient
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L2740[23:37:20] <Fendirain> I also store the Block as to compare in the future in case the block is changed / removed since the Set was populated, But I could use IBlockState for that. .
L2741[23:38:31] <tterrag> yes
L2742[23:38:32] <tterrag> and should
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L2745[23:44:26] <Arctic_Wolfy> Is there any way to change the item in an itemstack?
L2746[23:45:47] <killjoy> Arctic_Wolfy, remove the itemstack, create new itemstack
L2747[23:46:55] <Arctic_Wolfy> killjoy, whet if I don't have any easy way to access the inventory?
L2748[23:47:12] <killjoy> you're chaning the item on use?
L2749[23:47:16] <tterrag> you shouldn't be screwing with an inventory you can't access
L2750[23:47:44] <killjoy> buckets of things do that
L2751[23:47:48] <tterrag> IInventory expects you to use ITS methods to change things
L2752[23:47:52] <tterrag> don't modify stacks in place
L2753[23:47:57] <Arctic_Wolfy> I want to make it so that my armor breaks into paper.
L2754[23:48:05] <tterrag> killjoy: no not really. hoppers do and it's extremely annoying
L2755[23:48:35] <killjoy> TiC tool breaks
L2756[23:48:43] <killjoy> that uses different items, right?
L2757[23:49:00] <tterrag> uhh probably not
L2758[23:49:14] <tterrag> I'm not sure how you want it to work. the armor is in an armor slot, where paper can't go
L2759[23:49:23] <tterrag> or, shouldn't
L2760[23:49:56] *** cpw is now known as cpw|out
L2761[23:49:57] <Arctic_Wolfy> You can force any item into any slot, I knot that, even in vanilla.
L2762[23:50:03] <tterrag> yes, you can
L2763[23:50:06] <tterrag> but should you? no
L2764[23:50:12] <tterrag> those slots define isItemValidForSlot for a REASON
L2765[23:50:22] <tterrag> in this case it's fine, but in general it could have unintended consequences
L2766[23:51:22] <Arctic_Wolfy> I want to just give it to the player some how. Tried doing onArmorTick, but it interfers with other things.
L2767[23:56:13] <VikeStep> you could drop it
L2768[23:56:16] <VikeStep> on the ground
L2769[23:56:38] <Arctic_Wolfy> Ya... but... I'd need a location...
L2770[23:56:59] <VikeStep> don't you have a reference to a player?
L2771[23:57:41] <Arctic_Wolfy> In onArmorTick yes, but like I said, that interferrs with other things.
L2772[23:57:51] <VikeStep> what other things?
L2773[23:58:30] <Arctic_Wolfy> My enviromental damage, I want to drop be dependent on how it breaks.
L2774[23:59:00] <VikeStep> how does that prevent you from getting the location?
L2775[23:59:49] <Arctic_Wolfy> It prevents if from droping the other stuff.
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