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L1[00:00:12] ⇦ Quits: covers1624 (~covers162@ppp121-45-25-252.lns20.adl2.internode.on.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L5[00:17:55] <Lordmau5> o/
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L18[01:14:58] <RANKSHANK> https://www.dropbox.com/s/1d454fa9xznl6s7/Screenshot%202016-02-19%2018.14.04.png?dl=0 I made a mistake :P
L19[01:15:33] <LexManos> DONT FUCKING WITH THE GL STATE u.u
L20[01:17:51] <TehNut> looks good. ship it
L21[01:17:58] <RANKSHANK> I like how you can see the little animated bits blinking. hard to see in the screen shot haha
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L24[01:23:59] <williewillus> is that...the atlas? 0.o
L25[01:24:44] <LexManos> Looks like the item one yes
L26[01:24:52] <LexManos> hes being a stupid person and rendering things manually
L27[01:29:56] <RANKSHANK> williewillus yup I've messed up all but the multipass and TESR models in the gui :P
L28[01:30:04] <Lordmau5> looks good, I like it!
L29[01:30:05] <williewillus> is this for your PR :P
L30[01:30:23] <Lordmau5> PR? What new stuff is gonna be added? :3
L31[01:32:03] <RANKSHANK> nah closed that today since it's not good for possible optimization haha this is just a workaround that's failing :P
L32[01:43:27] ⇦ Quits: mousieamie (~amyt@c-67-180-195-205.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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L35[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160219 mappings to Forge Maven.
L36[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160219-1.8.9.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160219" in build.gradle).
L37[02:00:16] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L62[02:50:42] <Cazzar> TIL, there's over, 0.087 attempts to scan my network, a second...
L63[02:51:21] <Cazzar> Currently, about, 300/h
L64[02:53:10] <Lordmau5> wat
L65[02:53:57] <Cazzar> Yep: http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1455872033
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L68[02:57:20] <Ratys> So. Lambdas work.
L69[02:59:01] <Cazzar> Bloody ShadowServer is network scanning...
L70[03:00:05] ⇦ Quits: SubconsciousEye (~Subconsci@cpe-65-28-43-97.wi.res.rr.com) (Quit: I am the forgotten eye.)
L71[03:00:26] <xaero> TIL ShadowServer exists
L72[03:00:47] <xaero> well I knew that the general class of thing must exist somewhere, just didn't know any instances of it
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L75[03:03:08] <xaero> they're whitehat AFAICT, but their logo is black/grey :P
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L77[03:03:38] <Cazzar> Yeah, I just don't like seeing mass connection attempts on my IP...
L78[03:04:26] <IoP> china?
L79[03:04:34] <xaero> who wouldn't be? lol
L80[03:04:38] <xaero> esp when unannounced
L81[03:04:46] <Cazzar> http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1455872685
L82[03:04:52] <Cazzar> Nope, US IP
L83[03:05:20] <xaero> how'd you find out a scan was in progress?
L84[03:05:20] <RANKSHANK> angsty kiddie with loic :P
L85[03:05:50] ⇦ Quits: MalkContent (MalkConten@p5B02D491.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
L86[03:05:55] <Cazzar> RANKSHANK: I point you to the above conversation, and https://www.shadowserver.org/
L87[03:05:55] <IoP> contact:Phone:+1-510-580-4100
L88[03:05:55] <IoP> contact:E-Mail:abuse@he.net
L89[03:05:57] <IoP> ;)
L90[03:06:14] <Cazzar> IoP: that usually does nothing :P
L91[03:06:29] <Cazzar> I could just walk into work and then annoy the NOC
L92[03:06:46] <IoP> in case of he.net or in a larger scale?
L93[03:09:47] <RANKSHANK> lol
L94[03:10:49] <Cazzar> Also, I do have one china based network scan :P
L95[03:11:41] <Cazzar> well, they got auto shutdown by a ACK DDOS "prevention" by my router
L96[03:15:08] <Cazzar> And an internap based IP
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L103[03:48:12] <Wuppy> lol.. I'm currently trying to order so many stickers that most websites don't allow it without calling them :P
L104[03:48:29] <Wuppy> apperantly I'm trying to order more than 100 square meter of stickers
L105[03:50:14] <auenf> you do realise you arent supposed to use stickers to cover cracks in load bearing walls
L106[03:50:43] <Wuppy> my plan with them is to paint the city and our school purple (our logo is purple)
L107[03:50:46] <auenf> even if you intend to use all the stickers you can get your hands on, it wont work ;)
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L112[04:06:38] <Wuppy> o/ Kaiyouka
L113[04:08:00] <UnasAquila> Does anyone know if there is a flag on blocks to see if the block had been placed by a player?
L114[04:08:38] *** Darkevilmac is now known as DarkevilAway
L115[04:08:41] <Purebe> You could set one, but I don't know if there is one
L116[04:08:44] <Lordmau5> ^
L117[04:08:57] <Lordmau5> Then again, you have to take fake-players into account (Buildcraft Builder is one, I think?)
L118[04:10:42] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L119[04:10:52] <UnasAquila> I alway thought Enderman could not pickup player placed blocks but cant see and flags in Block or EntityEnderman the closest I have seen is in the Leaf Block class so they don't decay when placed.
L120[04:13:31] <Purebe> I have no idea but maybe it checks if the block is one that was in the original chunk
L121[04:13:40] <Purebe> not sure how expensive that is
L122[04:14:00] <Purebe> not sure if Mojang cares how expensive anything is XD
L123[04:21:57] <McJty> UnasAquila, enderman don't care about if a player placed it down or not
L124[04:22:03] <McJty> They just pick up a set of known blocks
L125[04:22:08] <McJty> No matter how that block came there
L126[04:30:05] <K-4U> Is forge a java framework? :P
L127[04:30:34] <McJty> K-4U, no, forge is written in COBOL
L128[04:30:42] <K-4U> no, i meant
L129[04:30:54] <K-4U> is it something i would be able to write down on a resume, as being a java framework
L130[04:30:59] <K-4U> me having experience in it :P
L131[04:31:03] <McJty> Sure
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L133[04:36:48] <UnasAquila> is there a way to have 2 tile_enties share a block and gui?
L134[04:37:20] <McJty> I hate world.isRaining(). Always makes me have to type one more character to make intellij suggest world.isRemote :-)
L135[04:38:11] <UnasAquila> can't you make a macro
L136[04:38:30] <McJty> Probably
L137[04:39:13] <UnasAquila> /facepalm I was overthinking what you were saying.
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L139[04:41:14] <UnasAquila> I have a block(crafting_uint) which is part chest / crafting table which works I can craft the cheat holds its inventory but when I close the Gui and reopen anything in the crafting area is gone.
L140[04:41:45] <McJty> Are the crafting slots actual slots in your container?
L141[04:43:46] <UnasAquila> yes they are, but the do not use the tile_entity class
L142[04:44:05] <McJty> Well so they are not stored in the TE then?
L143[04:44:24] <McJty> Then of course the crafting grid goes empty. Where would it store the items?
L144[04:44:52] <UnasAquila> No, But when I try to make a TE for the crafting are and add it to the conatiner I crash
L145[04:45:04] <McJty> Stacktrace?
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L155[05:15:26] <Pennyw95> Hm...the FMLSecurityManager all of a sudden is making MC crash by throwing an ExitTrappedException...I have no idea why since I was just editing jsons..has this happened to you before?
L156[05:15:39] <Pennyw95> net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.FMLSecurityManager
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L158[05:17:25] <Wuppy> is it the 23rd already.....
L159[05:23:14] <Cazzar> Pennyw95: that is caused by something calling System.exit()
L160[05:23:44] <Wuppy> in just over a week I'll start painting the entire school purple \o/
L161[05:23:57] <Saturn812> and black
L162[05:24:24] <Pennyw95> Cazzar: but how can I get an idea of what the cause might be?
L163[05:24:36] <Cazzar> Maybe the stacktrace?
L164[05:24:36] <MalkContent> hmm.
L165[05:24:47] <MalkContent> can jei display item damage?
L166[05:24:54] <Wuppy> Saturn812, black?
L167[05:25:08] <Saturn812> pink and black :D
L168[05:25:14] <Wuppy> nah, completely purple
L169[05:25:18] <Wuppy> and green
L170[05:25:39] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L171[05:26:01] <Saturn812> shades of darkish purple is alright too. But not the green with it tho...
L172[05:26:49] <Wuppy> this looks cool right? https://insight.nhtv.nl/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/250x250Dionysus.jpg
L173[05:27:42] <MalkContent> wouldn't you rather put that name into a barrel than onto a shield?
L174[05:28:37] <MalkContent> that aside, I like it, but the font is off and the text spreads too far to the edge of the shield
L175[05:29:03] <Wuppy> heh, most people wont actually care about that, we joined for drinking beer :P
L176[05:29:14] <Wuppy> and paintballing/karting for free :)
L177[05:29:16] <MalkContent> shields aren't prime candidate to have single line writing on ^^
L178[05:29:25] <IoP> ffs https://paste.ee/p/zg3fT somebode hates devs with Windows™
L179[05:29:56] <Pennyw95> Cazzar: dddbug mode?
L180[05:30:03] <Pennyw95> Cazzar: debud mode?
L181[05:30:15] <Cazzar> maybe? Though I think the stacktrace should show it.
L182[05:30:49] <MalkContent> Wuppy: try a thicker font
L183[05:31:34] <Pennyw95> I don't know...my mod isn't mentioned in this stacktrace, and debug mode just brings me to net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.FMLSecurityManager
L184[05:31:44] <MalkContent> or do a parchment on the bottom of the logo and write on there instead of the shield
L185[05:32:05] <Pennyw95> http://pastebin.com/Ri3qTpZi
L186[05:32:08] <Wuppy> MalkContent, that stuff isn't my work, I just make sure there's beer and parties :P
L187[05:32:15] <Wuppy> also my photoshop skills are below 0
L188[05:33:18] <MalkContent> that can't be true, skill levels aren't signed :P
L189[05:33:25] <Pennyw95> it's happening on the client thread, too
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L194[05:51:54] <kimfy> Anyone know what folder to point MCP Mapping Viewer to in 1.8.9?
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L203[06:05:50] <Curle> o/
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L211[06:37:20] <diesieben07> bilde2910, i have to say... the code is a bit scary
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L213[06:39:06] <bilde2910> Yeah it is diesieben07
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L215[06:39:39] <bilde2910> Is there anything in particular that looks scary
L216[06:40:11] <diesieben07> the way you check for java verison is... ugh
L217[06:40:14] <diesieben07> please dont :D
L218[06:40:55] <bilde2910> O:‑)
L219[06:41:07] <bilde2910> Ugly hack workarounds :D
L220[06:41:28] <diesieben07> SystemUtils.isJavaVersionAtLeast
L221[06:41:38] ⇨ Joins: HewloThere (~HewloTher@
L222[06:41:50] <bilde2910> Oh.
L223[06:42:04] <bilde2910> Yeah I tried googling but I must have used the wrong terms I guess :P
L224[06:42:34] <bilde2910> No wait
L225[06:42:37] ⇦ Quits: fuj1n (~fuj1n@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L226[06:42:49] <bilde2910> That checks JRE version but the class files don't have version numbers like 1.8, or 1.7
L227[06:42:53] <bilde2910> It has 52.0, etc
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L229[06:43:55] <unascribed> so?
L230[06:44:00] <unascribed> those directly map to JRE versions
L231[06:44:12] <bilde2910> They do, but I'm future proofing
L232[06:44:36] <bilde2910> I could have an array like 1.8 == 52.0, 1.7 == 51.0 etc
L233[06:44:47] <bilde2910> But what about Java 9? Java 10? That was my primary concern
L234[06:45:03] <unascribed> why do you need to check classfile versions?
L235[06:45:06] <bilde2910> Unless there's a Java function that already does that
L236[06:45:15] ⇨ Joins: kimfy (~kimfy@
L237[06:45:18] <bilde2910> To know if Java is capable of loading class files of a given version
L238[06:45:28] <diesieben07> no i think you have to convert manually
L239[06:45:32] <unascribed> it will tell you it can't by throwing an error when you try to load it
L240[06:45:39] <bilde2910> That's the point
L241[06:45:41] <unascribed> probably the easiest and most foolproof way is to catch that error
L242[06:45:43] <diesieben07> actually no
L243[06:45:51] <diesieben07> SystemUtils.JAVA_CLASS_VERSION
L244[06:46:10] <diesieben07> check if that is bigger or equal to what you want to load
L245[06:46:20] <bilde2910> Interesting
L246[06:46:28] ⇨ Joins: Pennyw95 (~Dr.Benway@host242-50-dynamic.0-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it)
L247[06:46:54] <diesieben07> also... speaks of future proofing, hardcodes mc version without even so much as a constant :D
L248[06:47:18] <bilde2910> I made a constant, I just... forgot to reference it.
L249[06:47:22] <bilde2910> It's in Adequacy.java
L250[06:47:27] <unascribed> 11/10
L251[06:47:59] <diesieben07> :D
L252[06:48:15] <Pennyw95> Hm...the net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.FMLSecurityManager all of a sudden is making MC crash by throwing an ExitTrappedException...I have no idea why since I was just editing jsons..has this happened to you before?
L253[06:48:37] <Pennyw95> Also, the stacktrace doesn't point to my mod so I really have no idea... http://pastebin.com/Ri3qTpZi
L254[06:49:13] <diesieben07> looks like the player profile cache is corrupted
L255[06:49:29] <Pennyw95> oh
L256[06:49:42] <Pennyw95> why is it always me ahah
L257[06:50:10] <Pennyw95> I guess deleting it should fix it? where is it located?
L258[06:50:55] <diesieben07> somewhere in your game folder i forget the file name
L259[06:51:33] <Pennyw95> I didn't set the player name though...I still have the random ones generated on startup like Player156
L260[06:52:34] <kimfy> Is anyone here familiar with MCP Mapping Viewer for 1.8+, specifically what folder to point it to?
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L262[06:53:06] <diesieben07> it will still try to cache your profile :D
L263[06:54:57] <Pennyw95> that might be too easy...but is it in workspace/run/usernamecache.json and usercache.json?
L264[06:55:50] <diesieben07> the first one is forge's
L265[06:56:21] <Pennyw95> it's empty anyway
L266[06:56:36] *** zz_SnowShock35 is now known as SnowShock35
L267[06:57:10] <Pennyw95> so usernamecache.json is what I need to delete?
L268[06:58:09] <Pennyw95> hmm no it didn't work
L269[06:58:39] <diesieben07> usercache.json is what needs to go
L270[06:58:41] <diesieben07> usernamecache is forge
L271[06:59:32] <Pennyw95> hey, that fixed it! Thank you :D
L272[06:59:55] <Pennyw95> I though you meant the other one because usercache was literally empty
L273[07:03:51] ⇨ Joins: OrionOnline (~OrionOnli@ip-81-11-205-161.dsl.scarlet.be)
L274[07:05:35] <OrionOnline> Hey Guys, anybody already working with the new IItemHandlers in combination with a GUI?
L275[07:09:10] ⇨ Joins: Kaiyouka (~IdiotNono@c-75-71-231-133.hsd1.co.comcast.net)
L276[07:31:05] <McJty> Well I didn't get rid of my IInventory stuff
L277[07:31:08] <McJty> So I'm still using that for the gui
L278[07:33:04] <OrionOnline> Damn
L279[07:33:13] <OrionOnline> I tried to get it to work nicely with a wrapper
L280[07:33:30] <OrionOnline> But for some reason when i put a stack in the slot it just voids it
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L282[07:42:47] <OrionOnline> So i will just revert back untill this is implemented properly, their is no use for me to spend hours on something that is not complete?
L283[07:43:04] <McJty> Well I support ItemHandlers but I went the easy way
L284[07:43:07] <McJty> Hold on
L285[07:43:27] <McJty> https://bpaste.net/show/cbc4fb20d96e
L286[07:43:35] <McJty> That's the code I add to my TE's that have an inventory
L287[07:43:44] <OrionOnline> Can you show me the InvWrapper
L288[07:43:48] <McJty> I have none
L289[07:43:49] <OrionOnline> I have that too
L290[07:43:54] <McJty> My TE's are still usual IInventorie's
L291[07:44:00] <McJty> InvWrapper is in forge
L292[07:44:20] <OrionOnline> Lets use that route then
L293[07:44:25] <OrionOnline> Seems much better
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L310[08:48:50] <Xilef11> is it possible to use a curseforge link for a dependency in build.gradle?
L311[08:51:37] *** sham1|ZZzZ is now known as sham1
L312[08:51:46] <sham1> Well that was emberessing
L313[08:52:11] <kimfy> You can make your own task Xilef11
L314[08:52:44] <Xilef11> ?
L315[08:53:51] ⇦ Quits: Ratys (~Ratys@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L316[08:54:29] <sham1> XFiles
L317[08:54:41] ⇨ Joins: Ratys (~Ratys@
L318[08:55:30] <kimfy> Make a task called getLibs, put links in an array or it's own file, have the task download said files when called
L319[08:56:25] <Cypher121> https://gist.github.com/TehNut/f2714af39a72adfae6d3 ?
L320[08:57:15] <MalkContent> is forge eyeing 1.9 now the prerelease is out?
L321[08:57:18] <kimfy> Or that, hah
L322[08:58:04] ⇨ Joins: Cooler (~CoolerExt@
L323[08:58:22] <sham1> Also
L324[08:58:33] <sham1> "Now you can drag and drop files into repositories"
L325[08:58:51] <sham1> No god please no
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L328[08:59:25] <masa> yeah... github is becoming some freakin' upload site :S
L329[09:00:26] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> I don't see why that's a bad thing
L330[09:00:32] *** tterrag|ZZZzzz is now known as tterrag
L331[09:03:12] <Ordinastie> did you know even curseforge as a paste thing too ?
L332[09:04:35] <IoP> github was already upload site but it was well-hidden. You can upload any file into releases section;)
L333[09:05:40] <Ratys> Not to mention syncing files via git makes them downloadable
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L335[09:07:38] <Curle> haha
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L337[09:11:37] <sham1> Yeah, you could
L338[09:11:53] <sham1> But it never was the point
L339[09:12:38] <sham1> And there never was anything like that feature that syas "Drag&drop, because we Dropbox/onedrive now"
L340[09:13:04] <Cruel> just got a dev environment working on ubuntu
L341[09:13:09] <Cruel> never used it before :D
L342[09:13:35] <IoP> lucky you. I just broke most of the projects in my windows box
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L344[09:16:09] <Orion> fry you here?
L345[09:16:52] <sham1> lets find out
L346[09:17:57] <Wuppy> o/
L347[09:18:15] <sham1> Saluton
L348[09:18:33] <Wuppy> yes, quite
L349[09:18:54] <sham1> quite quite
L350[09:19:18] <RANKSHANK> indubitably
L351[09:20:17] <Wuppy> how is all of you
L352[09:20:28] <diesieben07> oh quite alright, indeed
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L355[09:20:44] <diesieben07> this reminds me of the posh english gag from family guy
L356[09:20:45] <Wuppy> delightfull :)
L357[09:21:03] <sham1> Okay, talking like stereotypical english people is fun and all...
L358[09:21:30] <diesieben07> "it seems like i have spontanuously combusted!"... "oh it's quite alright, i've grown tired of living."
L359[09:21:41] <Cypher121> oh, kotlin 1.0 is finally out!
L360[09:21:58] <diesieben07> whooo!
L361[09:22:25] <sham1> yay
L362[09:22:31] <Cypher121> lol, from their release page:
L363[09:22:41] <Cypher121> It works with all major tools and services such as .... GitHub, Slack and even Minecraft :)
L364[09:22:51] <sham1> I hope it has been worth the weight
L365[09:22:53] <Cypher121> senpai noticed us!
L366[09:22:58] <sham1> :P
L367[09:23:27] <Orion> For any onw in the chat: Did the behaviour of the LayeredItemModel change during one of the updates?
L368[09:23:54] <Orion> Before i used it to create a variable layered system but right now it takes only the Quads of the last one baked
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L383[09:44:47] <Wuppy> \o/ they finally published the djs coming to a festival I purchased tickets for - https://scontent-ams3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/12717757_938223082913476_5106651614261246184_n.jpg?oh=8504ba7e76f8c7b9c91804e4720cf2b6&oe=57618E78
L384[09:44:56] <Wuppy> that is one hell of a group
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L386[09:48:12] <Xilef11> is it possible to have a 'deobfCompile' type dependency in the libs folder instead of a repo?
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L390[09:49:45] <diesieben07> i dont think you need deobfCompile deps anymore, FML deobfs at runtime
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L394[09:59:53] <luacs1998> wat http://blogs.technet.com/b/mspfe/archive/2012/09/10/how-to-create-video-games-using-powershell.aspx
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L396[10:05:37] <mikebald> a.k.a how to use winforms from powershell
L397[10:06:16] <mikebald> looks like a fun little project
L398[10:06:19] <killjoy> photoshop's still not a game, right?
L399[10:06:48] <sham1> When hasn't it been
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L403[10:08:55] <daywalker> hi guys im stuck. how do i get the IBlockState from an ItemStack in my TileEntity?
L404[10:09:18] <sham1> Metadata
L405[10:09:27] <sham1> There pretty much is no other way
L406[10:09:41] <sham1> Unless you have saved the attributes in the ItemStack's NBT data
L407[10:10:08] ⇨ Joins: whitephoenix (~whitephoe@67-42-85-206.tukw.qwest.net)
L408[10:11:13] <kroeser> daywalker: https://github.com/CyclopsMC/CyclopsCore/blob/master-1.8/src/main/java/org/cyclops/cyclopscore/helper/BlockHelpers.java#L90
L409[10:12:55] <sham1> You should check that just in case
L410[10:13:21] ⇦ Quits: killjoy (~killjoy@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L411[10:13:35] <daywalker> hm eclipse tells me ther is not .getBlock() for itemStack.getItem()).getBlock()
L412[10:13:50] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L413[10:13:56] <daywalker> btw its for 1.8.9
L414[10:14:04] <diesieben07> yes because there is indeed no such ting
L415[10:14:07] <sham1> Cast...
L416[10:14:42] <diesieben07> wat, no
L417[10:14:57] <sham1> wat, yes
L418[10:15:02] <sham1> ItemBlock indeed has that method
L419[10:15:28] <diesieben07> uh yeah but
L420[10:15:31] <diesieben07> why would you even
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L422[10:15:48] <sham1> So you can get the block from the itemstack
L423[10:15:52] * diesieben07 points at getBlockFromitem
L424[10:15:53] <sham1> That was the original question
L425[10:15:59] <sham1> Hmrm
L426[10:16:08] <daywalker> Block.getBlockFromItem(this.getStackInSlot(i).getItem())
L427[10:16:10] <daywalker> this?
L428[10:16:10] <sham1> It probably just does that with additional checks anyway
L429[10:16:30] <diesieben07> (didnt see te orignial question apparently, mobile internet sucks)
L430[10:16:42] <daywalker> how do i get the IBlockState from an ItemStack in my TileEntity?
L431[10:16:57] ⇦ Quits: Mowmaster (~Mowmaster@2600:1014:b108:47dc:1cc9:fb0c:d6aa:f402) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L432[10:17:10] <diesieben07> i don't think you can easily do that.
L433[10:17:24] <diesieben07> and sham1, it does not afaik
L434[10:17:30] <diesieben07> anyways, gotta go
L435[10:17:31] <daywalker> ok i thought as much
L436[10:17:46] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L437[10:18:11] <sham1> It actually does just cast it
L438[10:18:19] <sham1> And it checks it at the same time
L439[10:18:30] <sham1> So you can put it into Optional<Block> to later use
L440[10:19:02] <Cypher121> Optional<Block>?
L441[10:19:10] <sham1> Yes
L442[10:19:17] <sham1> Or you could nullcheck
L443[10:19:25] <Cypher121> null check
L444[10:19:41] <Cypher121> optional of singletons, why would you ever do that?
L445[10:20:25] <sham1> Because
L446[10:20:45] *** kimfy is now known as kimfy|away
L447[10:20:47] <sham1> Optional.ifPresent(thing -> /* do stuff Ä*/ );
L448[10:21:13] <boni> but why'd you do stuff Ä, and not stuff Ö?
L449[10:21:23] <sham1> ...
L450[10:22:28] <sham1> What about stuff Å
L451[10:22:35] <sham1> The possibilities are endless
L452[10:23:54] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L453[10:27:59] <Javaschreiber> I'm currently trying to get my items rendered correctly in the inventory. I'm using this code: http://pastebin.com/Y7je86XB
L454[10:28:45] <Cypher121> stuff И
L455[10:28:49] <Javaschreiber> What am I doing wrong? It only displays the texture_missing thingy as if it were a block
L456[10:28:59] <sham1> Argh my ass is burning
L457[10:30:07] <sham1> Welp, after the great purge I did for my Vim installation to have my vimrc be more modular, I got eclim working again so I can use it with java again
L458[10:35:45] <sham1> Anyway, how has everyone's week been
L459[10:35:46] ⇦ Quits: Reika (~Reika@reika.kalseki.mods.abrarsyed.me) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L460[10:37:50] <sham1> http://i.imgur.com/WrmyOCd.png
L461[10:37:58] <sham1> If this aint pink then I don't know what is
L462[10:38:07] <sham1> My eyes are hurting
L463[10:38:14] <sham1> AND burning
L464[10:38:15] <heldplayer> Eclim? dear god
L465[10:38:28] <daywalker> dat contrast
L466[10:39:01] <sham1> Why not (V)(.;;;.)(V)
L467[10:39:38] <heldplayer> Kill it! It's a NOPE!
L468[10:39:54] <sham1> Works really well with YCM
L469[10:40:44] ⇦ Quits: Javaschreiber (~Thunderbi@p4FF8BFC6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Javaschreiber)
L470[10:41:30] <MalkContent> wow. that delicious 8 bit pink
L471[10:41:37] <sham1> Ye
L472[10:41:52] <MalkContent> i should play loom again
L473[10:41:59] <sham1> I should say something about it for the creator of Mojave
L474[10:42:15] <sham1> That "your omnifunc screen is nice and all but it is bright as thousand suns"
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L477[10:47:12] <whitephoenix> While debugging is it somehow possible to edit textures without restarting?
L478[10:47:21] <sham1> yes
L479[10:48:47] <whitephoenix> I tried it before and no changes showed up: do I have to remake something or is there a key to reload everything in game or what?
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L481[10:49:25] <infinitefoxes_> you have to build your project in IntelliJ
L482[10:49:34] <infinitefoxes_> then use F3+T
L483[10:49:39] <whitephoenix> Okay thanks
L484[10:50:18] <sham1> And if you don't use IDEA then...
L485[10:50:20] <sham1> I dunno
L486[10:50:40] <MalkContent> this universal bucket thing
L487[10:50:45] <infinitefoxes_> implying you should use anything else ;)
L488[10:51:02] <sham1> Vim
L489[10:51:12] <MalkContent> if i do that for fluids, would it automatically add dispenser support?
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L492[10:53:25] <whitephoenix> How many lucky block mods are they going to make?!
L493[10:53:42] <sham1> many
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L499[10:56:17] <MalkContent> lucky block?
L500[10:57:16] ⇨ Joins: Poppy (~Poppy@chello085216146055.chello.sk)
L501[11:01:31] <sham1> "Break me so you can get something random"
L502[11:03:02] <MalkContent> loot chests adside, i never encountered such a thing, i think
L503[11:04:38] <RANKSHANK> that sounds difficult to make though :P
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L505[11:05:52] <whitephoenix> it's easy just search "minecraft" on youtube and it's pretty much all you'll see
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L507[11:06:17] <MalkContent> can you give an example of one?
L508[11:07:01] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-203-206.access.telenet.be)
L509[11:08:05] <whitephoenix> 5th result: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xr5TLvfhZuU
L510[11:08:56] <sham1> Why do these "gaming" channels use dubstep as their intro music
L511[11:08:57] <sham1> Always
L512[11:09:34] <fry> because that's what kids these days listen to, right? Right?
L513[11:09:55] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L514[11:10:13] <sham1> meh
L515[11:10:26] <whitephoenix> It's always that "flight" song it seems like too
L516[11:10:31] <sham1> usually a sign of poor quality
L517[11:10:44] <MalkContent> holy crap 5 seconds in and i already want to burn the computer
L518[11:10:51] <whitephoenix> overused dubstep + template intro + style matching that of famous youtuber
L519[11:10:56] <MalkContent> this could be a southpark parody
L520[11:10:57] <RANKSHANK> Because it's perfectly suited for how consumeristic society has become. You get bored of a song so fast you need to continually replace it :P
L521[11:11:29] <Orion> Is their a way to copy a retextured Model?
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L523[11:12:36] <whitephoenix> Hmm my block isn't rendering in the inventory or when held but it does when it's placed
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L525[11:14:19] <whitephoenix> Does anyone know of a fairly simple mod with single texture blocks and multi texture blocks on github for reference?
L526[11:14:43] <Orion> whitephoenix, you are missing a inventory variant in the blockstate file
L527[11:14:52] <MalkContent> o fantastic
L528[11:15:03] <Orion> Oh master fry, you available?
L529[11:15:07] <MalkContent> it's actually random crap happening
L530[11:15:41] <whitephoenix> Hmm okay
L531[11:16:13] <MalkContent> i did not think there'd actually be a mod called "lucky blocks"
L532[11:16:59] <whitephoenix> There's isn't one called lucky blocks
L533[11:17:06] <whitephoenix> There's five hundred called lucky blocks
L534[11:17:39] <tterrag> and one called chance cubes :P
L535[11:17:44] <tterrag> and it's better >.>
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L539[11:25:24] <sham1> Same idea
L540[11:25:41] <sham1> They look like mods you would do in MCreator *shudder*
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L542[11:28:47] ⇨ Joins: AndersBillLind (~anders@217-211-66-29-no23.tbcn.telia.com)
L543[11:28:55] <AndersBillLind> Should not librarians pick up dropped sugar canes?
L544[11:30:22] <sham1> Grammar
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L546[11:34:11] <AndersBillLind> How is foreigners ability to speak english of relevance?
L547[11:34:52] <sham1> Being understood is important considering we are in an English chatroom talking about programming which lends itself to be discussed in English quite easily
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L549[11:35:02] <sham1> I also am a foreigner
L550[11:35:22] <sham1> Just what were you asking
L551[11:35:22] <Lumien> Yeah no clue what he meant by that sentence, utterly incomprehensible
L552[11:35:38] <sham1> To be fair, it was utterly incomprehensible
L553[11:35:47] <Lumien> Are you kidding me?
L554[11:35:51] <sham1> No
L555[11:35:56] <whitephoenix> Okay I'm really having trouble with models http://pastebin.com/JhxpKcK5, it worked with a single texture but when I added the top and bottom sections it stopped working
L556[11:35:57] <tterrag> sham1: it's not the same at all
L557[11:36:23] <sham1> How so
L558[11:36:31] <Lumien> And anders i don't think they do
L559[11:36:59] <Lumien> I believe all villagers pick up the same items and books aren't one of them
L560[11:37:11] <Lumien> *sugar canes
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L562[11:37:18] <AndersBillLind> "I also am a foreigner" lol
L563[11:38:10] <sham1> My grammatical mistake probably arised from the fact that I tried to put emphasis to the fact that I am also a foreigner
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L565[11:38:26] <sham1> And I apologize for that
L566[11:38:31] <AndersBillLind> sham1: You just pointed out the obvious
L567[11:38:39] <sham1> Indeed I did
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L569[11:38:55] <AndersBillLind> I would not comment on you changing the order of words without this context
L570[11:39:01] <tterrag> https://github.com/wyldmods/ChanceCubes/wiki
L571[11:39:18] ⇦ Quits: Orion (~OrionOnli@ip-80-236-215-44.dsl.scarlet.be) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L572[11:39:29] <sham1> But I am pleased you did
L573[11:39:38] <sham1> Because I want to get better
L574[11:40:35] <AndersBillLind> That does not make sense since we both know you were faking it
L575[11:41:18] <sham1> I actually wasn't :P
L576[11:41:19] <diesieben07> the heck does this have to do with "faking"?
L577[11:41:31] <sham1> I genuinly misplaced that
L578[11:41:58] <RANKSHANK> salty irc is salty
L579[11:42:13] <sham1> NaCl is good for you
L580[11:42:43] <RANKSHANK> in moderation ;)
L581[11:44:15] <AndersBillLind> Back to reality, can villagers make any use of dropped sugar canes?
L582[11:44:26] <sham1> AFAIK no
L583[11:44:59] <AndersBillLind> Hm, too bad... I considered creating a farm about their heads
L584[11:45:03] <AndersBillLind> above
L585[11:45:07] <AndersBillLind> lol
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L587[11:45:39] <sham1> :C
L588[11:45:44] <sham1> Would be cool
L589[11:45:47] <diesieben07> yep they don't care about it
L590[11:46:06] <diesieben07> from canVillagerPickupLoot: return itemIn == Items.bread || itemIn == Items.potato || itemIn == Items.carrot || itemIn == Items.wheat || itemIn == Items.wheat_seeds;
L591[11:47:00] <AndersBillLind> hehe
L592[11:47:02] <AndersBillLind> Thanks
L593[11:49:01] <masa> hmm, so I was testing MouseTweaks and Inventory Sorter, since they both seem to have he mouse-wheel-moves-items functionality
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L595[11:49:30] <masa> MouseTweaks actually work properly, although the scroll direction is "wrong" ie. the opposite from what I'm used to thanks to NEI
L596[11:49:46] <masa> Inventory Sorter's scroll support is just all kinds of wonky and messed up
L597[11:49:57] <MalkContent> is there a mod that allows you to see item damage in 1.8?
L598[11:50:07] <MalkContent> far as i can see jei doesn't do it
L599[11:50:21] <diesieben07> vanilla? :D
L600[11:50:24] <masa> so I don't know if there is any point in me releasing my mini mod for it...
L601[11:50:47] <masa> MalkContent: F3 + H
L602[11:50:55] <masa> in vanilla, like diesieben07 said...
L603[11:50:57] <diesieben07> yeah that
L604[11:51:02] <MalkContent> :x derp
L605[11:51:06] <diesieben07> couldn't remember the key
L606[11:51:11] <MalkContent> please tell me that's a new thing
L607[11:51:15] <masa> nope
L608[11:51:18] ⇨ Joins: mousieamie (~amyt@
L609[11:51:29] <masa> it has been there as long as I can remember
L610[11:51:42] <MalkContent> fantastic. i wanted to feel ashamed of myself this evening anyways ^^
L611[11:52:06] <sham1> don't we all
L612[11:52:19] <MalkContent> god dammit it even has string item ids and everything
L613[11:52:41] * MalkContent flips his miniature flipping table violently
L614[11:52:41] *** manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L615[11:52:56] <masa> :D
L616[11:52:57] <tterrag> afaik it doesn't show the string ID
L617[11:53:00] <tterrag> if it is, a mod is adding that
L618[11:53:07] <tterrag> (there's a lot that do)
L619[12:01:08] <Ruuubi> Hello. Can I somehow load a singleplayer world automatically when I'm running my mod with Eclipse ? I'm tired of loading it manually every time I start MC to test something :-(
L620[12:01:25] <sham1> Lets extend this question
L621[12:01:34] <sham1> Is there a way to automatically load into a world at all
L622[12:01:34] ⇨ Joins: poiuy_qwert (~poiuy_qwe@
L623[12:02:49] <masa> MalkContent: yeah no need to be ashamed, the F3 + H seems to only have been introduced in Minecraft 1.4
L624[12:03:03] <masa> ;)
L625[12:03:58] <MalkContent> quickly, someone attach a generator to my flipping table, we might have found a solution to provide the world with clean energy :P
L626[12:04:20] <masa> Ruuubi: well... most of the time you should be able to just keep the game running and hotswap the code...
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L628[12:04:50] <masa> and loading the first world from the list really doesn't take more than a second
L629[12:05:18] <masa> but maybe you could make a mod that loads the most recently played world from the list :p
L630[12:05:33] <sham1> And make it toggleable
L631[12:06:05] <Ruuubi> Good idea :>
L632[12:06:36] <sham1> Call it "first world solutions"
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L634[12:11:23] <Ruuubi> I would actually do that if I could tbh
L635[12:11:47] <sham1> What do you mean "if I could"
L636[12:11:51] <sham1> you can if you want
L637[12:13:13] <masa> tterrag: actually, seems that 1.8 added the string id to the advanced tooltip, ie. "minecraft:diamond_pickaxe" right below the Durability 123 / 1561
L638[12:13:22] <tterrag> oh maybe
L639[12:13:27] <tterrag> haven't actually looked in 1.8
L640[12:13:34] <masa> not maybe, I just tested it :p
L641[12:13:44] <masa> 1.7.10 doesn't have it, 1.8.9 vanilal does
L642[12:14:38] <masa> as does the initial 1.8 release
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L644[12:16:27] <Ruuubi> sham1: First I'll need some time learning java and then I can start thinking about that ;-)
L645[12:16:37] <sham1> Ah
L646[12:16:56] <sham1> Java luckily is easy
L647[12:23:10] <ghz|afk> masa: the string id is shown with F3-H
L648[12:23:21] *** ghz|afk is now known as gigaherz
L649[12:23:28] <gigaherz> so I'm back from watching Deadpool
L650[12:23:41] <masa> isn't that what we were just talking about anyway? :D
L651[12:23:42] <gigaherz> most fun I have had in a long time while watching a movie
L652[12:24:21] <gigaherz> I was saying you can show/hide the advanced info with F3+H, it won't show by default afaik
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L654[12:25:30] <Lumien> How do i prevent the Wither skulls fired by a Wither from destroying my (indestructible) blocks?
L655[12:25:33] <Lumien> It seems to be hardcoded
L656[12:25:59] <sham1> There is one, very clunky way
L657[12:26:03] <sham1> You can use an event
L658[12:26:05] <sham1> AFAIK
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L660[12:26:15] <gigaherz> wasn'tthe break block event cancellable?
L661[12:26:18] <Lumien> The explosion event i guess
L662[12:26:27] <Lumien> That has a list of affected blocks
L663[12:26:41] <sham1> cant you append to that list
L664[12:26:50] <sham1> Unless it is hardcoded
L665[12:26:52] <Lumien> I could just iterate through that list and remove my blocks i guess
L666[12:26:53] <sham1> In which case...
L667[12:26:54] <Lumien> yeah
L668[12:27:31] <sham1> Meh, trying to read through vortaro with a limited understanding of Esperanto is bloody hard
L669[12:29:18] <whitephoenix> http://i.imgur.com/6dInDtA.png http://pastebin.com/N2x3pfJ6 I still can't quite figure this out, my block renders fine when placed but it has a dev texture in the inventory/hand
L670[12:29:40] <sham1> when do you call register
L671[12:29:45] <gigaherz> so, I got this working yesterday: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/2016-02-19-0323-13.mp4
L672[12:30:04] <mikebald> It looks like enderIo overrides onBlockExploded and just has an empty method.
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L674[12:30:07] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/elementsofpower/xml/guidebook.xml
L675[12:30:10] <gigaherz> it's loaded from this file :D
L676[12:30:11] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L677[12:30:13] <sham1> A book
L678[12:30:19] <sham1> >XML
L679[12:30:21] <mikebald> for the Reinforced obsidian I mean
L680[12:30:22] <sham1> Yay
L681[12:30:34] <gigaherz> sham1: yes the book is defined in a markup language
L682[12:30:39] <gigaherz> so I used xml for it, since it works
L683[12:30:43] <sham1> Not even markdown
L684[12:30:45] <williewillus> sham1: you said this yesterday lol
L685[12:30:47] <whitephoenix> Just a sec making a pastebin
L686[12:30:51] <williewillus> meh
L687[12:30:55] <williewillus> xml fits in this case imo
L688[12:30:59] <whitephoenix> http://pastebin.com/49JnrB0X This is where I call it
L689[12:31:16] <whitephoenix> Also I know the getSide thing is terrible, that's next on the list after I fix my rendering
L690[12:31:25] <gigaherz> sham1: look
L691[12:31:35] <sham1> Look what
L692[12:31:35] <gigaherz> I'm not going to implement "page splitting" myself
L693[12:31:43] <gigaherz> so I wanted a format with clearly delimited pages
L694[12:31:50] <Lumien> You aren't registering the model for the blaziumLamp anywhere or am i missing something whitepohoenix?
L695[12:31:57] <williewillus> new mod started today
L696[12:32:05] <gigaherz> so I took some ideas from html, and made my own
L697[12:32:05] <gigaherz> ;p
L698[12:32:12] <williewillus> needs a name, the objective is to port PE/w10 exclusives to PC
L699[12:32:14] <whitephoenix> Oh... I didn't think about that
L700[12:32:15] <williewillus> ideas?
L701[12:32:15] <sham1> I can see the HTML influence
L702[12:32:19] <sham1> In the <p> tags
L703[12:32:26] <whitephoenix> I mean the block worked so I figured it wasn't neccessary for some reason
L704[12:32:28] <gigaherz> williewillus: PEJ
L705[12:32:43] <gigaherz> Portable Edition (things on) Java
L706[12:32:47] <williewillus> ew :P
L707[12:32:52] <masa> whitephoenix: you aren't registering the model for the item version of the block anywhere?
L708[12:33:16] <williewillus> I have "NoExclusion" right now but it sounds meh
L709[12:33:27] <whitephoenix> No...
L710[12:33:31] <Lumien> https://github.com/lumien231/Random-Things/blob/master/src/main/java/lumien/randomthings/client/models/ItemModels.java#L52
L711[12:33:37] <Lumien> Register the item model for the itemblock of the block
L712[12:34:02] <williewillus> btw, no more addVariantName necessary in newer forge builds
L713[12:34:08] <williewillus> in most cases
L714[12:34:29] <whitephoenix> I guess I need to make a new function that takes a block argument
L715[12:34:47] <Lumien> So for items that have different models depending on damage i don't need it anymore?
L716[12:34:59] <gigaherz> Lumien: setCustomMRL calls it for you
L717[12:35:05] <Lumien> neat
L718[12:35:07] <gigaherz> but setItemMeshDefinition does not
L719[12:35:21] <williewillus> which makes sense since thats dynamic
L720[12:35:25] <gigaherz> yeah
L721[12:35:32] <williewillus> addVariantName basically tells the game "load and bake these I'm gonna use them"
L722[12:35:38] <gigaherz> yeh
L723[12:35:51] <gigaherz> "Imma gonna need these."
L724[12:36:02] <gigaherz> .gonna*
L725[12:36:05] <gigaherz> -gonna**
L726[12:36:52] <whitephoenix> setCustomModelResourceLocation requires an item argument, so do I have to use something else to register my block?
L727[12:37:01] <Lumien> look at the link
L728[12:37:11] <Lumien> Item.getItemFromBlock
L729[12:37:28] <whitephoenix> Ahh thanks
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L733[12:44:48] <whitephoenix> I get "Model definition for location minecraft:pyromancyblaziumLamp#inventory not found" but looking through your json files, I don't see one there either
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L735[12:45:18] <whitephoenix> I mean in models/item, models/block, blockstates/ I see nothing about inventory
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L738[12:46:00] <williewillus> "minecraft:"
L739[12:46:14] <williewillus> it's looking in minecraft's assets folder for your mod stuff
L740[12:46:16] <whitephoenix> Wait where did that come from
L741[12:46:18] ⇨ Joins: MattDahEpic (~MattDahEp@184-96-202-46.hlrn.qwest.net)
L742[12:46:25] <williewillus> if you don't specify a modid/domain it adds minecraft
L743[12:46:36] <williewillus> has to be <yourmodid>:pyromancyblaziumLamp
L744[12:46:37] <whitephoenix> Oh
L745[12:46:52] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L746[12:48:03] <whitephoenix> ... new ModelResourceLocation(Info.MODID + ":" + itemName, "inventory")); It looks like I did specify it though
L747[12:48:07] <williewillus> are there any good nbt editors for windows?
L748[12:48:27] <williewillus> *linux
L749[12:48:30] <williewillus> no idea why I said windows
L750[12:48:36] <whitephoenix> The only place I see where I didn't specify a modid is in the json @ "parent": "block/cube_column"
L751[12:48:50] <thor12022_oops> https://github.com/JosuaKrause/NBTEditor is what I use on Linux
L752[12:48:58] <thor12022_oops> it's. . . ok
L753[12:49:28] <mikebald> I think NBTExplorer will run using mono
L754[12:49:29] <Wuppy> shit... I need to come up with a name for my game
L755[12:49:31] <Wuppy> I'm terrible at this :V
L756[12:49:40] <williewillus> nbtexplorer crashes for me for some reaosn
L757[12:49:42] <williewillus> through wine at least
L758[12:50:07] <MattDahEpic> is there a way to get a list of Enchantments from an ItemStack.getEnchantmentTagList()
L759[12:50:09] <whitephoenix> I don't know what I changed but it works now... so thanks guys
L760[12:50:13] <williewillus> ah it works with mono
L761[12:50:28] <williewillus> MattDahEpic: iterate through and lookup by id?
L762[12:50:29] <Wuppy> any suggestions for a game name where you are a human in a space ship defending earth from aliens by shooting their ships while avoiding asteroids?
L763[12:51:06] <mikebald> What kind of game? 3d, side-scroller... ?
L764[12:51:17] <Wuppy> 2d sidescroller for mobile, pc and console
L765[12:51:28] <whitephoenix> "Pew pew pew aliens"
L766[12:51:41] <gigaherz> I was gonna say "Spaceteroids", but it's taken
L767[12:52:18] <Wuppy> that would have been a cool name
L768[12:53:06] <mikebald> Earth Defender 9001
L769[12:53:24] <Wuppy> ^ I know that name, that must be taken
L770[12:53:27] <mikebald> of Alien Blast-o-Rama I guess
L771[12:53:29] <mikebald> *or
L772[12:53:47] <gigaherz> "Terrible Aliens from Outer Space"
L773[12:54:16] <Wuppy> tfw you come up with a game name which has been created in 1979 already :<
L774[12:54:22] <gigaherz> XD
L775[12:55:01] <whitephoenix> "Guardian of the Exosphere"
L776[12:55:07] <Wuppy> now that is a cool name
L777[12:55:20] <mikebald> that does have a neat ring to it...
L778[12:55:35] * Wuppy claims name before someone uses it
L779[12:56:05] <whitephoenix> It doesn't look like anyone else has taken it
L780[12:56:36] <Wuppy> now it is :)
L781[12:56:37] <mikebald> looks like someone just bought the domain; oh well.
L782[12:57:04] <whitephoenix> What language are you writing it in?
L783[12:57:13] <Wuppy> I have now claimed it in the microsoft store for pc, mobile & xbox :)
L784[12:57:16] <Wuppy> C# with Unity
L785[12:57:18] ⇨ Joins: poiuy_qwert (~poiuy_qwe@
L786[12:57:20] <whitephoenix> Ah
L787[12:57:59] <Wuppy> have to make a game in 2 weeks on windows universal platform
L788[12:58:17] <Wuppy> and the deadline is this tuesday so I'd better get started with the windows store submission part
L789[12:58:22] <williewillus> ooh cool :D
L790[12:58:33] <whitephoenix> Nice
L791[12:58:37] <williewillus> make sure to mark it available on mobile so I can play it ;p
L792[12:59:01] <Wuppy> I sure will :)
L793[12:59:35] <Wuppy> if this game is done well I'll also get the opportunity to get an internship at the creators of little big planet :)
L794[12:59:55] <mikebald> no pressure...
L795[13:00:34] <Wuppy> also, just 2 weeks and I have to work on it alone
L796[13:00:56] <whitephoenix> Stock up on caffeine early
L797[13:01:48] <Wuppy> just about 2 days left :<
L798[13:02:09] ⇦ Quits: smbarbour (~smbarbour@c-73-211-171-154.hsd1.il.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L799[13:02:40] <mikebald> o_O? so you had 2 weeks 12 days ago? hope you've started if that's the case =D
L800[13:03:14] <Wuppy> I have 1 level finished, a few more I can do quickly
L801[13:03:14] <Lunatrius> What is the proper place to send a channel registration packet to the server?
L802[13:03:33] <Lunatrius> The login event is a race condition
L803[13:03:43] <Wuppy> main menu is finished
L804[13:04:02] <Wuppy> got some sounds done, now I need particles and work on the release thing
L805[13:05:51] <williewillus> are you using Unity on UWP or is it plain UWP?
L806[13:06:25] <Wuppy> what?
L807[13:07:00] <Wuppy> with Unity you just install the UWP addon, set the editor to build on UWP and then make a build :P
L808[13:07:12] <williewillus> oh nice
L809[13:07:35] <Wuppy> and Unity then builds a Visual Studio project from which you can make all the builds
L810[13:09:54] *** Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
L811[13:12:28] <Pennyw95> is Academic Free Licence 3.0 equivalent to Open Source? Because curse doesn't have the latter option
L812[13:12:43] <williewillus> "Open source" isn't a license
L813[13:12:53] <williewillus> its a whole class of licenses
L814[13:13:10] <thor12022_oops> you can use Custom License and type it in yourself
L815[13:13:16] <unascribed> no
L816[13:13:17] <unascribed> do not do that
L817[13:13:25] <unascribed> especially if you don't know how copyright or licenses work
L818[13:13:30] <unascribed> which Pennyw95 quite obviously does not
L819[13:13:38] <Pennyw95> Thanks :) and yes I'm not experienced with those
L820[13:13:40] <thor12022_oops> (I was assuming you were typing in an preexisting one not listed)
L821[13:13:49] <unascribed> see: http://choosealicense.com/ http://tldrlegal.com/
L822[13:14:05] <williewillus> MIT is nice
L823[13:14:10] <sham1> I like how it advocates GPL there but no BSD
L824[13:14:17] <unascribed> MIT is good if you want people to do basically anything
L825[13:14:25] <unascribed> be careful with GPLing mods
L826[13:14:30] <unascribed> it has been known to cause issues in the past
L827[13:14:36] <unascribed> LGPL is fine
L828[13:15:06] <unascribed> also, avoid the MMPL (Minecraft Mod Public License) at all costs
L829[13:15:14] <sham1> :P
L830[13:15:16] <sham1> Why
L831[13:15:18] <Wuppy> I wonder if I have time to add IAPs to my app
L832[13:15:18] <williewillus> whta was wrong with MMPL? :P
L833[13:15:20] <Wuppy> probably not :(
L834[13:15:23] <williewillus> I heard it was bad
L835[13:15:25] <williewillus> but not why
L836[13:15:30] <unascribed> It's a crayon license and doesn't qualify as open source due to some of it's clauses
L837[13:16:08] <IoP> Also apache is worth of mentioning if you want to have clauses against mod repost sites
L838[13:16:17] <unascribed> as if they would listen
L839[13:16:23] <sham1> I personally like BSD license a lot when doing non-modding stuff
L840[13:16:34] <unascribed> they'll repost a Do Not Redistribute mod since they know they can get away with it
L841[13:16:35] <whitephoenix> http://www.wtfpl.net/
L842[13:16:40] <whitephoenix> That's a good license
L843[13:16:43] <unascribed> well
L844[13:16:50] <unascribed> it's like a super informal public domain dedication
L845[13:16:52] <williewillus> whitephoenix: if you're doing that might as well do it right
L846[13:16:56] <williewillus> and public domain it
L847[13:16:56] <williewillus> :P
L848[13:16:58] <unascribed> if you want to go that route you should really use the CC0
L849[13:17:06] <unascribed> WTFPL is also crayon to an extent
L850[13:17:16] <unascribed> but permissive licenses can be crayon without too many problems
L851[13:17:38] <PaleoCrafter> CC ain't for code though
L852[13:17:42] <unascribed> CC0 is fine for code
L853[13:17:46] <sham1> CC0
L854[13:17:48] <unascribed> it's just a public domain dedication
L855[13:17:52] <sham1> AKA public domain
L856[13:17:53] <unascribed> other CC licenses are not good for code
L857[13:18:01] <PaleoCrafter> Oh, right
L858[13:18:20] <unascribed> the reason is they don't actually provide some of the protections they try to
L859[13:18:26] <unascribed> but since CC0 is the lack of protection...
L860[13:18:50] <Wuppy> shit... my game is rather violent :<
L861[13:18:57] <Wuppy> shooting aliens is "violence" right
L862[13:19:01] <unascribed> all games are rather violent when it comes down to it
L863[13:19:02] <sham1> Yes
L864[13:19:03] <Wuppy> and humans being shot by aliens
L865[13:19:12] <whitephoenix> Make the blood blue and they'll leave you alone
L866[13:19:14] <Wuppy> and earth being invaded by aliens
L867[13:19:16] <whitephoenix> it worked for mythbusters
L868[13:19:19] <unascribed> lol
L869[13:19:29] <sham1> Shooting aliens capable to space travel can be seen as manslaughter
L870[13:19:33] <gigaherz> there's different levels of violence
L871[13:19:44] <whitephoenix> Make them look evil
L872[13:19:46] <unascribed> aw, I was enjoying how everyone had differently colored names
L873[13:19:53] <Wuppy> really sham1?
L874[13:20:04] <PaleoCrafter> Don't kill them, just put them to an eternal sleep ;)
L875[13:20:14] <sham1> And that's different because...
L876[13:20:24] <unascribed> it's a different term
L877[13:20:25] <unascribed> :P
L878[13:20:33] <gigaherz> nono, you put them in stasis pods, and launch them back to their home galaxy
L879[13:20:36] <gigaherz> ;p
L880[13:20:40] <Wuppy> hmmm.... does the game contain scary stuff.....
L881[13:20:51] <gigaherz> in a very large cannon
L882[13:20:54] <Wuppy> this is one of those questions which differs from person to person
L883[13:21:09] <whitephoenix> Help them transcend to a non-material state of being
L884[13:21:18] <Wuppy> ^ hehe
L885[13:21:22] <gigaherz> Wuppy: does the game contain jump-scares?
L886[13:21:27] <Wuppy> no
L887[13:21:29] <PaleoCrafter> I guess they mean deliberately scary stuff
L888[13:21:37] <gigaherz> does the game contain monsters designed to cause fear?
L889[13:21:45] <Wuppy> but humans being invaded by aliens is a pretty scary situation
L890[13:21:52] <gigaherz> that's not what it means
L891[13:21:53] <Wuppy> gigaherz, with my art skills? :P
L892[13:22:02] <sham1> If I see an alien land to my back yard and I went and killed it, would it be not seen as me being a bloody monster
L893[13:22:06] <gigaherz> it's not about scary situation
L894[13:22:10] <gigaherz> it's about scary content
L895[13:22:11] <sham1> Especially if it is a peaceful one
L896[13:22:15] <Wuppy> http://i.imgur.com/FxyMyce.png I did Nazi that coming
L897[13:23:05] <sham1> And that's just nazi symbols specifically
L898[13:23:10] <sham1> But religious symbols are A-okay
L899[13:23:10] <Wuppy> I know :P
L900[13:23:11] <PaleoCrafter> Do the alien ships resemble a swastika? xD
L901[13:23:19] <Wuppy> I should make one of those xD
L902[13:23:26] <whitephoenix> relevant: http://extrafabulouscomics.com/comic/217/ was trying to find that
L903[13:23:27] <sham1> Because those have never caused any suffering ever...
L904[13:23:29] <Wuppy> well this is going to be hard to fill in: http://www.grb.or.kr/Default.aspx
L905[13:23:30] <Wuppy> :P
L906[13:23:30] <PaleoCrafter> Or the SS insignia
L907[13:23:43] <sham1> What would it be
L908[13:23:50] <sham1> 2 S-letters just flying at you
L909[13:24:08] <Wuppy> to make the game available in south korea you have to fill in a second one of these questionaires
L910[13:24:11] <Wuppy> in korean.....
L911[13:24:33] <Wuppy> sorry for the south koreans then :P
L912[13:24:34] <PaleoCrafter> sham1, they're special 'S's
L913[13:24:34] <sham1> Time to learn hangul
L914[13:24:37] <sham1> I know
L915[13:24:42] <sham1> I cannot type them
L916[13:24:56] <sham1> Therefor I just say 'S'
L917[13:25:15] <unascribed> Wuppy, there's a teal "English" button in the top-right
L918[13:25:45] <Wuppy> I am not paying attention today...
L919[13:25:47] <whitephoenix> "Draw an S, now draw a more different S"
L920[13:25:47] <sham1> I don't know what is worse
L921[13:26:11] <sham1> The fact that the page is in korean or the fact that it is made in ASP
L922[13:26:49] <Wuppy> it's also slower than your average snail
L923[13:26:59] <sham1> Well, it IS in korea so...
L924[13:27:03] <williewillus> probably because ocean
L925[13:27:06] <williewillus> and windows server 2003 ;p
L926[13:27:07] <PaleoCrafter> They really don't look a lot like an S, more like lightning bolts xD
L927[13:27:09] <unascribed> yeah, you have to be at least a little fair about speed
L928[13:27:19] <sham1> Ue
L929[13:27:27] <Wuppy> yep... too bad for people in south korea
L930[13:27:31] <Wuppy> this is not worth my time
L931[13:27:37] <unascribed> but koreans are nice people
L932[13:27:54] <sham1> Which Koreans
L933[13:28:00] <unascribed> as someone who has an app out where a sizable portion of the userbase wound up being korean
L934[13:28:02] <williewillus> best korea
L935[13:28:21] <sham1> Imagine Kim Jong-un playing Wuppy's game :p
L936[13:28:31] <Wuppy> south korea, not best korea
L937[13:28:32] <unascribed> koreans leave good reviews, they offer to translate your app for you in email without you asking, they give you a chance with bugfixes instead of going "1 STAR WORST APP UNINSTALL."
L938[13:28:32] <unascribed> etc
L939[13:29:04] <sham1> The "1 STAR WORST APP UNINSTALL" mentality is more of a westen thing
L940[13:29:06] <sham1> Sadly
L941[13:29:08] ⇨ Joins: Elec332 (~Elec332@ip5456d4a5.speed.planet.nl)
L942[13:29:16] <Wuppy> considering this is a 1 person app without an artist I doubt this is going to be a very succesful game
L943[13:29:26] <whitephoenix> reminds me of those stupid steam blender reviews people write
L944[13:29:29] <unascribed> but koreans may help you with that success by being nice to you
L945[13:30:09] <Wuppy> whitephoenix, I'm making this game for a competition though, having a succesful game is not at all the goal
L946[13:30:25] <whitephoenix> Ah
L947[13:30:27] <unascribed> oh then who cares
L948[13:30:30] <sham1> Make a translation of your game into Esperanto, and then you get at least some extra attention
L949[13:30:35] <unascribed> why are you even bothering to have it rated and put on an app store
L950[13:30:39] <PaleoCrafter> Maybe the Korean user base is just so small that their opinions don't drown in all the negative comments :P
L951[13:30:44] <Wuppy> unascribed, that's one of the requirements
L952[13:31:01] <unascribed> ....k
L953[13:31:28] <sham1> It would actually be glorious
L954[13:31:52] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L955[13:31:52] <Wuppy> unascribed, what's so weird about that?
L956[13:32:22] <unascribed> generally competitions generate shovelware due to them being done in a short period
L957[13:32:25] <unascribed> or if not shovelware
L958[13:32:28] <unascribed> good games with bad art
L959[13:32:33] ⇦ Quits: Pennyw95 (~Dr.Benway@host242-50-dynamic.0-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L960[13:32:40] <sham1> Or bad games with glorious art
L961[13:32:54] <unascribed> things that generally aren't interesting on an app store and could be seen as a waste of a rating body's time (other than the competition's, of course)
L962[13:32:59] <PaleoCrafter> More like no game but great concept art xD
L963[13:33:29] <sham1> And after competition you can refine your game to be better
L964[13:33:41] <unascribed> and then you can release the refined version
L965[13:33:49] <Wuppy> unascribed, this doesnt look too terrible, does it? http://i.imgur.com/1bv1GY4.jpg
L966[13:33:52] <sham1> updates
L967[13:33:52] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L968[13:33:54] <unascribed> but releasing the unrefined competition version on an app store is like releasing your initial prototype
L969[13:34:08] <sham1> dat ship
L970[13:34:12] <unascribed> the UI is awful, but the ship works I guess
L971[13:34:12] <Wuppy> ikr :P
L972[13:34:14] <PaleoCrafter> Love that... Shading
L973[13:34:25] <sham1> "shading"
L974[13:34:29] <Wuppy> you don't like the UI? what's wrong with it?
L975[13:34:35] <unascribed> too garish
L976[13:34:48] <unascribed> sizes and spacing are inconsistent
L977[13:34:48] <whitephoenix> Defense has an S
L978[13:34:52] <Wuppy> hmm guess so
L979[13:34:57] <unascribed> whitephoenix, depends on where you are
L980[13:34:59] <sham1> defence of the ancients
L981[13:35:02] <PaleoCrafter> Looks like the border isn't constant width
L982[13:35:04] <whitephoenix> Ah
L983[13:35:09] <PaleoCrafter> It differs at the corners
L984[13:35:13] <whitephoenix> I didn't realize different places spelled it differently
L985[13:35:14] <unascribed> I'm also someone who has absorbed the entirety of the Material Design guidelines
L986[13:35:15] <Wuppy> whitephoenix, I still have to replace that with the new name
L987[13:35:17] <unascribed> so you can choose to ignore me
L988[13:35:34] <Wuppy> PaleoCrafter, on the Fire button or the message?
L989[13:35:51] <PaleoCrafter> The message
L990[13:36:04] <whitephoenix> Would it be possible to give the health bar red part rounded edges?
L991[13:36:14] <Wuppy> I actually measured that so it must be correct
L992[13:36:20] <unascribed> no, UV cropped textures aren't part of his budget :P
L993[13:36:35] <unascribed> it must be live-drawn rects
L994[13:36:42] <Wuppy> whitephoenix, not easily and with my limited time that's not something I'd like to focus on
L995[13:36:44] <sham1> What even is his budget
L996[13:36:46] *** AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L997[13:36:47] <sham1> Prolly not that much
L998[13:36:55] <unascribed> wait, is that difficult in Unity?
L999[13:37:00] <Wuppy> this is the game we got to start with :P http://i.imgur.com/HhIfgLV.png
L1000[13:37:02] <PaleoCrafter> -100$
L1001[13:37:13] <Wuppy> sham1, exactly 0
L1002[13:37:23] <Wuppy> welll, 17 euros to get a windows store publisher account
L1003[13:37:26] <sham1> hoh
L1004[13:37:35] <Wuppy> unascribed, I don't know of a way, do you?
L1005[13:37:40] <Wuppy> at least an easy way
L1006[13:37:46] <unascribed> well, I don't use Unity
L1007[13:37:55] <unascribed> but in any sane rendering engine that'd be some UV tricks
L1008[13:37:58] <sham1> One thing that kinda bugs me is that it takes 100€ to pay for Valve to be able to greenlight stuff
L1009[13:38:05] <unascribed> i.e. you pre-draw the healthbar into a texture
L1010[13:38:10] <unascribed> and then just draw a portion of it
L1011[13:38:27] <sham1> Luckily it is a single purache
L1012[13:38:30] <Wuppy> unascribed, it's certainly possible, but I'm blaming time
L1013[13:38:31] <whitephoenix> What if you put the red part behind the grey outline and made the inside of the grey outline part transparent, would tha twork?
L1014[13:38:33] <sham1> Or whatever the word is
L1015[13:38:33] ⇨ Joins: Pennyw95 (~androirc@host242-50-dynamic.0-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it)
L1016[13:38:44] <unascribed> yeah, you could also do that
L1017[13:38:45] <unascribed> use an outline
L1018[13:38:46] <Wuppy> whitephoenix, you are a genious :P
L1019[13:38:52] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L1020[13:39:09] <whitephoenix> Thanks haha
L1021[13:39:21] <unascribed> wait, are the glowing energy balls asteroids?
L1022[13:39:28] <Wuppy> those are stars
L1023[13:39:41] <unascribed> better
L1024[13:40:11] *** Mine|dreamland is now known as minecreatr
L1025[13:40:20] <sham1> Look like supernovi
L1026[13:40:25] <Wuppy> yep
L1027[13:42:03] <whitephoenix> Can you easily underline text? I think the two buttons might look a bit better
L1028[13:43:08] <whitephoenix> Also maybe underline the top part of the intro message with the title
L1029[13:43:17] <whitephoenix> and center, if possible
L1030[13:43:42] <Lordmau5> Urgh, I hate to ask this... Is there any example of some mod that adds a fluid that is placeable in-world?
L1031[13:44:40] ⇦ Quits: MalkContent (MalkConten@p5B02D491.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
L1032[13:45:25] <Wuppy> hmm editing the text in the window is going to be hard because of the way I'm loading it
L1033[13:45:36] <Wuppy> but underlining the button text sounds like a good idea
L1034[13:46:04] <sham1> Lordmau5, the forge git has such a branch for a testmode
L1035[13:46:06] <sham1> modä
L1036[13:46:09] <sham1> mod**
L1037[13:46:14] <Lordmau5> oh, ye, I remember
L1038[13:46:40] <Lordmau5> but where though
L1039[13:47:42] <sham1> https://github.com/RainWarrior/MinecraftForge/blob/model-fluid2/src/test/java/net/minecraftforge/debug/ModelFluidDebug.java
L1040[13:47:51] <Wuppy> also, thanks for the feedback everybody :)
L1041[13:47:59] <sham1> It actually was not in the main repo
L1042[13:48:03] <sham1> It was in fry's repo
L1043[13:48:27] <sham1> Downloading Android SDK
L1044[13:48:44] <sham1> And then I will add retrolambda bcause god damn it
L1045[13:50:10] ⇨ Joins: jimmyh (~James@2a02:c7d:af16:9f00:e046:da4f:fe54:7f1e)
L1046[13:50:16] <fry> ... https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/test/java/net/minecraftforge/debug/ModelFluidDebug.java
L1047[13:50:28] <sham1> Soz
L1048[13:50:41] <Wuppy> dangit normal underlined text does not look good, time to manually underline all of my buttons
L1049[13:50:44] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1050[13:50:54] <sham1> >:P
L1051[13:51:04] <sham1> Do you hardcode the strings in
L1052[13:51:17] *** amadornes[AFK] is now known as amadornes
L1053[13:51:45] <Wuppy> the button text is in the textures, yes
L1054[13:51:48] ⇨ Joins: MalkContent (MalkConten@p5B02D491.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1055[13:52:00] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L1056[13:52:30] <sham1> But I am very sad that Android has no java8 support yet
L1057[13:52:53] <Wuppy> do you guys think this looks better? http://i.imgur.com/m6AR8c7.jpg
L1058[13:52:56] <Wuppy> the button
L1059[13:53:04] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L1060[13:53:08] <sham1> ye
L1061[13:53:17] ⇨ Joins: gigaherz_q (gigaherz@58.Red-79-147-96.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net)
L1062[13:53:18] <whitephoenix> Yeah
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L1064[13:53:32] <Wuppy> I agree :)
L1065[13:53:36] <Wuppy> also, BRUTAL https://www.facebook.com/iamjamiemiller/videos/10207710723301276/
L1066[13:54:02] <sham1> Meh
L1067[13:54:07] <Lordmau5> yo fry, Do I need to do the "setCustomMeshDefinition" as well? Or will that be done by forge?
L1068[13:54:09] <sham1> It does not load the page
L1069[13:54:18] <whitephoenix> Could you make the body of the spaceship a bit lighter? it's just a bit hard to see
L1070[13:54:19] <Lordmau5> (same for the state mapper)
L1071[13:55:32] <fry> yes
L1072[13:56:18] <Lordmau5> You just answered with "yes" to a "A or B" question
L1073[13:56:26] <sham1> yes
L1074[13:56:27] <Lordmau5> But I assume you mean "yes, you have to add it yourself."
L1075[13:56:41] <fry> yes
L1076[13:56:52] <Lordmau5> yes
L1077[13:56:57] <unascribed> generally the joke when answering "yes" to a multiple choice is to mean "all of the above"
L1078[13:57:09] <Lordmau5> works too, haha
L1079[13:57:17] <Lordmau5> So that'd mean I have to do it myself AND forge is doing it.
L1080[13:57:24] <unascribed> sure
L1081[13:57:31] <fry> yes
L1082[13:57:43] <unascribed> I only just read the question in question
L1083[13:57:50] <unascribed> and a "yes" answer is vauge
L1084[13:57:50] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1085[13:57:58] <unascribed> it could be the "all of the above" joke, or it could mean A or B...
L1086[13:58:04] <unascribed> yay language.
L1087[13:59:30] <gigaherz_q> well it's like passing "true" to a functio ntaking an int -- type mismatch, try again
L1088[13:59:31] <gigaherz_q> XD
L1089[13:59:35] <sham1> It is all of above
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L1091[13:59:44] <sham1> Otherwice why have it there
L1092[13:59:59] <sham1> but #define true 1
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L1094[14:00:25] <gigaherz_q> sham1: I find the boolean-int equivalence rather annoying in C/C++
L1095[14:00:30] <gigaherz_q> it's handy sometimes, but meh
L1096[14:00:31] <unascribed> void thing(int i); thing(true); is probably valid in C
L1097[14:00:35] <gigaherz_q> it is
L1098[14:00:37] <sham1> Makes checking for stuff easy
L1099[14:00:38] <gigaherz_q> true is 1
L1100[14:00:41] <unascribed> yep
L1101[14:00:53] <unascribed> does C even have a bool type?
L1102[14:00:57] <gigaherz_q> nope
L1103[14:01:00] <gigaherz_q> C++ does, though
L1104[14:01:03] <gigaherz_q> in fact
L1105[14:01:10] <gigaherz_q> C doesn't have "true" or "false" as keywords
L1106[14:01:27] <sham1> in the C99 standard we got a header called stdbool.h
L1107[14:01:33] <gigaherz_q> an infinite loop in C
L1108[14:01:35] <gigaherz_q> is "while(1)"
L1109[14:01:35] <sham1> That adds boolean to C
L1110[14:02:36] <gigaherz_q> yeah but that's just
L1111[14:02:45] <gigaherz_q> enum bool { false, true };
L1112[14:02:58] <gigaherz_q> (C enums are ints starting at 0 )
L1113[14:03:28] <tterrag> It's really useful for bitwise logic
L1114[14:03:29] <tterrag> If (n & 1) { stuff }
L1115[14:03:31] <Wuppy> thanks whitephoenix, will do
L1116[14:03:37] <gigaherz_q> also null-checks
L1117[14:03:38] <tterrag> In java you need != 0
L1118[14:03:41] <sham1> Actually it is _Bool
L1119[14:03:44] <gigaherz_q> if(!object)
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L1121[14:04:43] <gigaherz_q> GAH WTF
L1122[14:04:51] <gigaherz_q> i'm tryingto fix my item duplication bug
L1123[14:04:59] <gigaherz_q> I have no idea why it's happening
L1124[14:05:09] <gigaherz_q> well
L1125[14:05:11] <gigaherz_q> I sorta do
L1126[14:05:16] <gigaherz_q> but I don't know WHY that is happening
L1127[14:05:17] <masa> where does it happen?
L1128[14:05:32] <gigaherz_q> I call extractItems (internal function) with simulate=true
L1129[14:05:38] <gigaherz_q> and it returns 64 items, which is as expected
L1130[14:05:53] <gigaherz_q> then I call extractItems again, like 2 lines after, but with simulate=false
L1131[14:06:02] <sham1> in C I can just if ((intVar = func())) instead of having to do if ((intVar = func()) != 0)
L1132[14:06:18] <gigaherz_q> and the second time it extracts some 30 items (number varies depending on how I put them in the chests)
L1133[14:06:50] <unascribed> is simulate somehow counting items twice?
L1134[14:06:54] <tterrag> Sounds like a broken impl
L1135[14:07:11] <gigaherz_q> well there ARE 64 items overall, in the chests
L1136[14:07:14] <masa> well where is the implementation of extractItems()
L1137[14:07:36] <gigaherz_q> in multiple places, I have different implementations depending on if it's my internal block, if the block supports IItemHandler
L1138[14:07:49] <gigaherz_q> if the block is ISidedInventory (slot indices array wrapper)
L1139[14:07:51] <unascribed> that's only slightly a recipe for disaster
L1140[14:07:57] <gigaherz_q> or if the block is just a plain IInventory
L1141[14:08:08] <gigaherz_q> oh and
L1142[14:08:18] <gigaherz_q> the inventory aggregator that shows all of the above combined into one single interface
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L1146[14:09:10] <tterrag> Just had a thought. since we have default methods now, wouldn't protected methods In interfaces be useful now?
L1147[14:09:40] <gigaherz_q> at that point, isn't it a class?
L1148[14:09:52] <gigaherz_q> may as well say interfaces are classes, and let java have multiple inheritance
L1149[14:09:53] <tterrag> no
L1150[14:10:14] <tterrag> No constructor
L1151[14:10:16] <tterrag> No fields
L1152[14:10:37] <tterrag> But default methods could use protected methods defined in the interface
L1153[14:10:39] <tterrag> Sounds simple enough to me
L1154[14:10:54] <SkySom> No nonfinal fields
L1155[14:11:54] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1156[14:11:58] <Wuppy> I also made the UI a bit less bright like someone here suggested :)
L1157[14:12:11] <Wuppy> looks quite a bit better now, thanks guys http://i.imgur.com/j1W398q.jpg
L1158[14:12:24] <Wuppy> still programmer art, but oh well
L1159[14:12:59] <Wuppy> now, particles :P
L1160[14:14:36] <Wuppy> but first, a break :P
L1161[14:17:37] <whitephoenix> Wuppy I have a question about your book. If you ever update it will my kindle get those updates automatically?
L1162[14:18:04] <Wuppy> you'd have to ask my publisher (Pearson), I don't know about that
L1163[14:18:15] <Wuppy> do you have the 1.7 or 1.8 version?
L1164[14:18:19] <whitephoenix> 1.7
L1165[14:18:40] <unascribed> >1.7
L1166[14:18:41] <unascribed> >updates
L1167[14:18:53] <Wuppy> ^ that
L1168[14:19:21] <Wuppy> I'm going to be writing an update to my 1.8 version once I have time for it though
L1169[14:20:06] <Pennyw95> Wuppy: you are the author of the Sams mc modding book?
L1170[14:20:33] <Wuppy> yep, that's me
L1171[14:20:39] <Pennyw95> Ha! I remember buying the 1.7.10 one a year ago
L1172[14:20:52] <Wuppy> cool :)
L1173[14:21:13] <Pennyw95> It was very nice :)
L1174[14:21:26] <unascribed> *in the most hipster voice imaginable* I read his tutorials BEFORE they were books! Before it was cool, you could say!!
L1175[14:21:33] <whitephoenix> On the website I was referred to for updates there is an update tab with only "Submit Errata"
L1176[14:21:56] <Wuppy> have you logged in whitephoenix?
L1177[14:22:01] <whitephoenix> Yeah and registered it
L1178[14:22:12] <Wuppy> hmm odd
L1179[14:22:17] <Wuppy> not sure if I wrote errata for it though
L1180[14:22:29] <Wuppy> there were a few small chagnes regarding spelling mistakes in later prints though
L1181[14:22:57] <Wuppy> yeah, I was writing an errata with an update guide to 1.8 but that got way too large
L1182[14:23:15] <unascribed> one does not simply update to 1.8
L1183[14:23:16] <Wuppy> 40 pages and not even done with blocks
L1184[14:23:25] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@ (Quit: Leaving.)
L1185[14:23:32] <Wuppy> then they asked me for a second edition which was perfect
L1186[14:23:57] <unascribed> it's usually easier to just rewrite your mod to update it to 1.8, and get a bunch of messy old code out of the way in the process :P
L1187[14:24:44] <Wuppy> I did update a few but then I ran out of time
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L1191[14:28:04] <whitephoenix0> Faulty powerline adapters :/
L1192[14:28:46] <unascribed> I think the "faulty" is implied with something as hacky as a powerline adapter
L1193[14:29:12] <whitephoenix0> It works fine but occasionally it just stops and you have to replug it
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L1196[14:31:55] <Pennyw95> Wow...I can't believe I'm about to release for real...after 3 months
L1197[14:32:07] <whitephoenix0> Link?
L1198[14:32:36] <Pennyw95> I'll release tomorrow though...I updated the pictures for now http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/wip-mods/2485826-thaumaturgical-knowledge-a-mod-focused-on
L1199[14:32:42] <PaleoCrafter> Reading a Haskell book at the moment, it's like "we could use this little more verbose syntax which is actually easy to understand, but here we have the weird ass symbol that will save us 2 characters, obviously it's the better solution"
L1200[14:32:47] <Pennyw95> The minecraft forums are so laggy for me also
L1201[14:33:14] <Pennyw95> PaleoCrafter sounds interesting
L1202[14:33:32] <Wuppy> question, if you could work with any of the current/future hardware products/prototypes, which would you pick?
L1203[14:33:37] <whitephoenix0> If the pictures are anything to go buy that's going in my private modpack :P
L1204[14:34:06] <Wuppy> anything ranging from the vive, to the oculus, manus and arduino
L1205[14:34:08] <Pennyw95> Why, thank you :)
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L1207[14:37:40] <whitephoenix0> It's a great mod idea, having to fly everywhere for everything is kind of tedious
L1208[14:37:43] <unascribed> nice known bugs
L1209[14:38:11] <Pennyw95> Lol
L1210[14:40:14] *** SnowShock35 is now known as zz_SnowShock35
L1211[14:42:11] <thor12022_oops> Wuppy: I've wanted to mess with Atmel's AT94KALs (though they're out of date by now)
L1212[14:42:48] <Wuppy> cool :)
L1213[14:42:56] <thor12022_oops> there used to be a dev board for them, basically an Arduino with integrated FPGA
L1214[14:42:58] <Wuppy> I'd rahter work with something like the Leap Motion though
L1215[14:43:55] <Wuppy> or the Philips Hue
L1216[14:44:09] <Wuppy> but I'm also planning to make my own remote control car with the arduino kit :P
L1217[14:45:16] <thor12022_oops> I have a few kits like the Arduino floating around, but I can never seem to think of reasonable/practical projects
L1218[14:46:09] <masa> I have several of the TI launchpads in my electronics cabinet, plus a few of the STM32 eval boards, and the arduino mega 2560 baord. Most of them have never been used either... :D
L1219[14:46:38] <Pennyw95> Do you have any idea about what is the time most people are online and likely to read a new post in a mod's thread? Perhaps around 21 american time or now ?
L1220[14:47:13] <whitephoenix0> When I'm more competent at modding I'd like to look into making a computercraft addon that adds python support
L1221[14:47:26] <masa> I have like 10 of the basic MSP430 launchpads, a couple of C2000 launchpads, a coupld of Stellaris launchpads using the old version of the Cortex-M4 they had, a coupld of MSP430 FRAM boards, some touch modules, wireless modules etc.
L1222[14:48:02] <masa> Pennyw95: why? is it a busy thread so the post will get buried?
L1223[14:48:58] <Pennyw95> Quite the opposite, it has few posts
L1224[14:49:36] <Pennyw95> I'm wondering when the highest number of people can read the last post before the thread falls down in the list
L1225[14:51:32] <masa> well wouldn't they have to be interested in the thread first?
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L1227[14:51:55] <masa> personally I pretty much never browse any forums just for the sake of it
L1228[14:52:03] <masa> I only visit threads I'm interested in
L1229[14:52:29] <masa> then again, my habits are usually quite different from the mainstream
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L1231[14:54:07] <Pennyw95> Ok...I'll settle for the american 6pm
L1232[14:54:26] <whitephoenix> Which timezone?
L1233[14:54:33] <unascribed> all of them
L1234[14:54:59] <thor12022_oops> 'MURICAN Standard Time
L1235[14:55:45] <whitephoenix> 12:55 PM freedom minutes :P
L1236[14:56:13] <Pennyw95> ahha
L1237[14:57:16] <Wuppy> is it just me or is music like the Macarena the best kind of programming music :P
L1238[14:57:35] <gigaherz_q> not for me
L1239[14:57:37] <gigaherz_q> I'm spanish
L1240[14:57:58] *** gigaherz_q is now known as gigaherz
L1241[14:58:00] <Wuppy> ah you actually know what they say?
L1242[14:58:04] <gigaherz> ofc
L1243[14:58:13] <Wuppy> and that's why you dont like it?
L1244[14:58:26] <gigaherz> among other reasons, yeah
L1245[14:58:27] <whitephoenix> wublbabla wublbabla ??? ayyy macarena
L1246[14:58:33] <gigaherz> jsut look up a translation of the lyrics online
L1247[14:58:34] <gigaherz> ;P
L1248[14:58:53] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1249[14:59:10] <whitephoenix> ... what
L1250[14:59:27] <whitephoenix> Wow I had no idea thats what the song meant
L1251[14:59:50] <Wuppy> lol that is some terrible lyrics xD
L1252[15:00:03] <Wuppy> I had an idea it had to dow ith sex but damn that's bad
L1253[15:00:20] ⇦ Quits: Greenphlem (uid22276@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:4:0:5704) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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L1255[15:02:28] <gigaherz> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Nzi1h2m7pE
L1256[15:02:30] <gigaherz> so much sarcasm
L1257[15:02:30] <gigaherz> XD
L1258[15:03:16] <Wuppy> yes... ymca :V
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L1265[15:13:23] <whitephoenix> ...wtf I was looking at a block I made and it had a texture, then it just turned into a dev texture
L1266[15:13:48] <whitephoenix> Ooh nevermind
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L1268[15:19:16] <gigaherz> Wuppy: oh yeah meant to say earlier, my fav kind of music for programming is chillstep
L1269[15:19:28] <gigaherz> although I don't really listen to music often
L1270[15:19:42] <gigaherz> only when I have to get something done but can't concentrate somehow
L1271[15:19:43] <diesieben07> can confirm, chillstep for programming is nice
L1272[15:19:47] <Wuppy> oh that's way too slow for me :P
L1273[15:20:34] <Wuppy> I will be listenign to this now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dc6jUeS2sw
L1274[15:20:58] <diesieben07> oh god
L1275[15:21:06] <gigaherz> couldn't posibly program with that in the bg
L1276[15:21:20] <gigaherz> it punches the data out of the neurons
L1277[15:21:26] <Wuppy> no good diesieben07?
L1278[15:21:41] <diesieben07> i mean, kinda fun maybe sometimes on rare occasion
L1279[15:21:46] <diesieben07> but, to each their own :P
L1280[15:21:56] <gigaherz> I did have a phase when I was like 17-21, when I listened to that stuff
L1281[15:22:09] <gigaherz> then I had another phase when I moved to heavy metal
L1282[15:22:24] <diesieben07> a bit to little... melody for me :D
L1283[15:22:32] <diesieben07> but then again i also listen to coldplay, so i should really shut up.
L1284[15:22:44] <Wuppy> I dont listen to hardcore often, but at times it's nice
L1285[15:23:31] <gigaherz> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPdVhjXHdfE
L1286[15:23:45] ⇦ Quits: mousieamie (~amyt@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1287[15:24:05] <gigaherz> ignore the "video", it's the music that matters ;P
L1288[15:24:46] <Wuppy> yep nobody should care about music videos
L1289[15:24:52] <gigaherz> i nthis case
L1290[15:24:59] <gigaherz> the "video" part is justa bunch of pics of flowers
L1291[15:25:04] <Wuppy> gigaherz, whatcha think of this music? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLASUu1Ekqg
L1292[15:26:29] <whitephoenix> setBlockBounds(0.1F, 0.0F, 0.1F, 0.9F, 1.0F, 0.9F);, How could I replicate what this did in 1.7 in the json file?
L1293[15:26:46] <whitephoenix> I assume I have to change the parent but I don't think any vanilla models have those dimensions
L1294[15:26:55] <gigaherz> ?
L1295[15:27:05] <gigaherz> you want to change the collision box?
L1296[15:27:09] <gigaherz> or the actual model?
L1297[15:27:11] <whitephoenix> The model
L1298[15:27:15] <whitephoenix> In 1.7 it did both
L1299[15:27:29] <gigaherz> aha
L1300[15:27:35] <gigaherz> you'll have to use a model without parent
L1301[15:27:38] ⇨ Joins: Naiten (Naiten@86-102-40-105.xdsl.primorye.ru)
L1302[15:27:46] <gigaherz> define your own "elements" part
L1303[15:28:35] <gigaherz> check any one of the fence_*.json files for how to reclate a "box" that doesn't go all the way
L1304[15:28:39] <gigaherz> declare*
L1305[15:28:49] <gigaherz> or the slab model, or the enchanting table model
L1306[15:29:07] <whitephoenix> Okay
L1307[15:30:19] <whitephoenix> Would the json I'm looking for be in a blockstates folder or model/block?
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L1309[15:30:52] <Cypher121> how probable it is that mojang made themselves some primitive modelling software to generate jsons?
L1310[15:31:25] <gigaherz> coudl be
L1311[15:31:37] <gigaherz> but theny they could have released it as a tool for resourcepack authors
L1312[15:31:40] <gigaherz> so my guess is they didn't
L1313[15:31:49] <Cypher121> huh
L1314[15:31:51] <SkySom> Yeah I'd put money on it being manually
L1315[15:32:37] <PaleoCrafter> They sure have some simple generator :P
L1316[15:32:42] <Cypher121> I would throw my keyboard at the screen 10% into making models for vanilla
L1317[15:33:13] <gigaherz> oh sure generator, yes
L1318[15:33:20] <gigaherz> some scripts that spit out json files that I'm certain
L1319[15:33:31] <gigaherz> but an actual visual modelling program, nah
L1320[15:34:15] <Cypher121> so models that actually define shapes are manual
L1321[15:34:16] <thor12022_oops> It's Mojang, they probably have a perl script to generate a python script to run a java application to generate the JSON
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L1323[15:34:43] <Cypher121> and then 10 bugs in each of these that are laid aside for several years
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L1330[15:41:38] <Wuppy> it took ages, but finally I got 1 particle in :V
L1331[15:42:01] <masa> actually, a while back I think it was jeb who tweeted something along the lines of "wow bdcraft cubik is pretty nice", so they might actually be using that for modeling
L1332[15:42:04] <sham1> show it plox
L1333[15:42:46] <sham1> Talking to wup wup
L1334[15:42:51] <masa> https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/575701769449304064
L1335[15:43:23] <Wuppy> sham1, http://i.imgur.com/bUKc4yt.jpg
L1336[15:44:13] <williewillus> wonder what they were modeling
L1337[15:44:27] <sham1> Prolly converting stuff
L1338[15:44:32] <sham1> Or such
L1339[15:45:05] <williewillus> not much to convert :P
L1340[15:47:50] <Wuppy> whatcha think of it sham1?
L1341[15:48:18] <sham1> Looks good
L1342[15:48:22] <Wuppy> \o/
L1343[15:48:27] <sham1> Better than what I can do at any rate
L1344[15:48:38] <Wuppy> this is an edited default particle from unity :P
L1345[15:50:35] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1346[15:53:44] <whitephoenix> Okay so I made a new block model in models/block, but I can't seem to use it in the "parent": "block/cube_all" part, I get a dev texture
L1347[15:54:02] <gigaherz> ?
L1348[15:54:03] <sham1> show your attempt
L1349[15:54:07] <gigaherz> show what you did
L1350[15:54:11] <gigaherz> and we'll tell you how you did it wrong
L1351[15:54:12] <gigaherz> XD
L1352[15:54:30] <sham1> Because my crystal ball is broken and at home
L1353[15:54:39] <sham1> So I cannot see what you may be doing wrong
L1354[15:54:47] <whitephoenix> I tried "block/cube_tall", "pyromancy:model/block/cube_tall", "pyromancy:block/cube_tall"
L1355[15:54:51] <whitephoenix> just a sec I was typing :P
L1356[15:55:09] <sham1> "cube_tall"
L1357[15:55:17] <whitephoenix> Yeah that's the one I defined
L1358[15:55:51] <whitephoenix> I copied the half_slab.json and changed the dimensions from 16, 8, 16 to 14, 16, 14
L1359[15:56:14] * gigaherz facepalms
L1360[15:56:22] <gigaherz> I know WHY I have item duplication issues
L1361[15:56:23] <gigaherz> ¬¬
L1362[15:56:25] <sham1> And you cannot use half_slab bevause...
L1363[15:56:36] <whitephoenix> It's not the shape I want
L1364[15:56:43] <whitephoenix> I just noticed "BlockModel requires either elements or parent, found both" in console
L1365[15:57:35] <whitephoenix> Oh I think I know what I did; I forgot to change the textures it uses
L1366[15:58:34] <gigaherz> and... yeah this code is broken.
L1367[15:58:36] <Cypher121> give us json
L1368[15:58:43] <gigaherz> completely :(
L1369[15:58:52] <Cypher121> gigaherz, what do you know about broken code and dupes
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L1371[15:59:13] <gigaherz> Cypher121: in my Ender-Rift mod
L1372[15:59:16] <Cypher121> behold the one and only
L1373[15:59:17] <Cypher121> https://embed.gyazo.com/a23971329cede67edbe985eb451bc2e0.gif
L1374[15:59:19] <gigaherz> I made an ivnentory browser
L1375[15:59:22] <Cypher121> THE DUPE
L1376[15:59:34] <gigaherz> and then I wanted to add an "inventory extension" block
L1377[15:59:39] <whitephoenix> Alright making a pastebin
L1378[15:59:57] <gigaherz> so I made an Aggregator class
L1379[16:00:01] <gigaherz> that holds multiple inventories
L1380[16:00:04] <gigaherz> problem 1:
L1381[16:00:28] <gigaherz> I have to rescan when neighbouring blocks change, which MAY happen during item enumeration
L1382[16:00:42] <gigaherz> problem 2: after rescanning, the inventories may not be in the same order anymore
L1383[16:00:56] <Cypher121> wait
L1384[16:01:10] <gigaherz> so the design I have now, is completely broken
L1385[16:01:17] <Cypher121> where does Aggregator get these inventories?
L1386[16:01:20] <whitephoenix> Here you go: http://pastebin.com/9Vgkr3qC
L1387[16:01:25] <Cypher121> from neighbor IInvs?
L1388[16:01:31] <gigaherz> sortof
L1389[16:01:37] <gigaherz> it's actually a number of wrappers
L1390[16:01:45] <gigaherz> but I was caching the results
L1391[16:01:47] <gigaherz> that's my primary issue
L1392[16:01:59] <whitephoenix> looks like I messed up the elements/faces dimensions
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L1394[16:02:43] <Cypher121> whitephoenix, cube_tall has elements and parent
L1395[16:02:49] <Cypher121> I think that's your problem
L1396[16:03:23] <whitephoenix> So I could just delete the parent settings and leave the rest?
L1397[16:03:31] <Cypher121> I dunno
L1398[16:03:40] * Cypher121 made exactly 0.5 jsons
L1399[16:03:49] <gigaherz> whitephoenix: yes, if you have elements, you don't want parent
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L1402[16:04:14] <Cypher121> gigaherz, so you were caching items stored in nearby inventories?
L1403[16:04:17] <FabiUnne> hi there
L1404[16:04:21] <whitephoenix> Alright I removed that line but I still get broken textures
L1405[16:04:35] <gigaherz> Cypher121: no, I was caching references to the inventories themselves
L1406[16:04:41] <gigaherz> but
L1407[16:05:00] <gigaherz> discarding those references and scanning from scratch in the middle of doing operations that may access more than one inventory
L1408[16:05:10] <whitephoenix> I'll try again later
L1409[16:05:14] <gigaherz> such as extracting a stack of items that are spread over many slots
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L1411[16:07:12] <Cypher121> that shouldn't be too bad
L1412[16:07:18] <gigaherz> it is
L1413[16:07:38] <Cypher121> wait
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L1415[16:07:50] <Cypher121> what do you mean by "in the middle"?
L1416[16:07:55] <Cypher121> like, multithreading?
L1417[16:07:59] <gigaherz> no
L1418[16:08:07] <gigaherz> while(extracted < wanted) { check another slot }
L1419[16:08:13] <gigaherz> (conceptual, not actual code)
L1420[16:09:15] <Cypher121> yeah, you did something weird it seems
L1421[16:09:19] <Cypher121> don't do that =\
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L1424[16:13:54] <gigaherz> Cypher121: yeah as I suspected, if I create a whole new wrapper every time the combined inventory is needed, the issue doesn't happen anymore
L1425[16:14:20] <gigaherz> I'll leave it this way and warn people that it MAY be laggy ;P
L1426[16:14:41] <gigaherz> (and hope they don't connect a 64x64 grid of doublechests to it ;P
L1427[16:14:47] <gigaherz> in fact
L1428[16:14:49] <gigaherz> I should do that
L1429[16:14:51] <gigaherz> as a test
L1430[16:14:52] <diesieben07> what does "every time" mean in this context? :D
L1431[16:14:57] <gigaherz> (64 is the max recusion depth)
L1432[16:14:58] <diesieben07> i didnt follow the discussion
L1433[16:15:12] <gigaherz> diesieben07: every time the tileentity's getAutomation() method is called
L1434[16:15:18] <diesieben07> ah
L1435[16:15:19] <diesieben07> hm
L1436[16:15:24] <gigaherz> which means
L1437[16:15:38] <gigaherz> whenever you insert or remove things using the inventory panel block I have
L1438[16:16:09] <diesieben07> so these are wrappers for adjacent invs?
L1439[16:16:12] <gigaherz> or, every time an insert/extract operation is performed through the interface panel
L1440[16:16:33] <gigaherz> this is a combination of an aggregator wrapper + wrappers for the different item accessing methods
L1441[16:16:43] <gigaherz> I support accessing classes which use my own interface (duh),
L1442[16:16:51] <gigaherz> wrapping IItemHandlers
L1443[16:17:00] <gigaherz> wrapping ISidedInventory slot arrays
L1444[16:17:07] <gigaherz> and wrapping IInventory
L1445[16:17:12] *** Kolatra[away] is now known as Kolatra
L1446[16:17:12] <diesieben07> yea
L1447[16:17:25] <diesieben07> that shouldnt be a problem :P
L1448[16:17:38] <diesieben07> you have no idea how good the vm is with making problems, so dont call it "laggy" :P
L1449[16:18:08] <diesieben07> anyways, time for etho
L1450[16:20:32] <unascribed> e t h o
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L1454[16:24:21] * gigaherz shrugs
L1455[16:25:06] <gigaherz> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/2016-02-19_23.24.20.png
L1456[16:25:14] <gigaherz> no appreciable lag
L1457[16:25:24] <gigaherz> the gui doesn't refresh correctly though
L1458[16:25:25] <gigaherz> XD
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L1460[16:27:55] <gigaherz> ah the opposite end of the "wall" is too far away
L1461[16:27:56] <gigaherz> XD
L1462[16:28:06] <gigaherz> I'll put eh interface in the middle instead
L1463[16:28:43] <gigaherz> hmm wtf did I use as the scanning depth limit...
L1464[16:29:33] <gigaherz> hmmm those blocks are NOT 32 away...?
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L1468[16:32:29] <gigaherz> ah shit
L1469[16:32:41] <gigaherz> that's because I do depth-first scanning
L1470[16:32:56] <gigaherz> I'll need to switch to breath-first instead
L1471[16:33:07] <gigaherz> which means using a queue and looping
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L1474[16:36:03] <masa> oh, time for etho, alrighty then...
L1475[16:37:32] <MattDahEpic> how would one make an enchanted book since the normal ItemStack.addEnchantment does work
L1476[16:37:38] <MattDahEpic> doesn't
L1477[16:37:49] <diesieben07> ItemEnchantedBook#addEnchantment
L1478[16:39:35] *** Jared|Away is now known as Jared
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L1480[16:40:35] <MattDahEpic> diesieben07, any idea why that wouldnt be static?
L1481[16:41:28] <diesieben07> because tree.
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L1483[16:43:05] <MattDahEpic> wat
L1484[16:43:32] <diesieben07> no idea man :D
L1485[16:46:21] <MattDahEpic> i assume making a pr that statics that wouldnt be wise cause it's vanilla code?
L1486[16:46:39] <diesieben07> why do you want it static?
L1487[16:46:47] <diesieben07> just do Items.enchanted_book.addEnchantment
L1488[16:47:01] <MattDahEpic> too many works
L1489[16:47:11] <diesieben07> o.O
L1490[16:47:58] <MattDahEpic> it gets all its required data from the arguments so it logically should be static
L1491[16:49:40] <diesieben07> again, idk
L1492[16:49:43] <diesieben07> ask mojang.
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L1494[16:53:03] <Fendirain> How can I make an entity only search blocks in front of it?
L1495[16:53:10] <Nepharius> Is it normal that armor, after reducing its durability to 0 by commands, just kinda "respawns" with full durability?
L1496[16:53:44] <diesieben07> Fendirain, what do you mean by "search"?
L1497[16:54:10] <Fendirain> Find logs in the direction its facing.
L1498[16:55:18] <diesieben07> check rotationYaw
L1499[16:55:55] <diesieben07> or rather, there is also getHorizontalFacing on entity now
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L1503[16:57:52] <MalkContent> i wanna make a bag item. but that would mean i'd have to learn stuff... and guis... (nooo) -.-
L1504[16:58:18] <Fendirain> So its only possible to have it look in north, east, south, and west then (Not Diagonally)?
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L1506[16:58:56] <diesieben07> you can also do that, but then you have to use rotationYaw manually and do it yourself
L1507[16:59:10] <diesieben07> you probably also want like an angle of viewing
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L1511[17:01:15] <Fendirain> I'm struggling to figure out how to do it is the issue. Might be too advanced for me currently.
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L1514[17:03:44] <diesieben07> it's just a bit of vecmath. you get the vector of the block you want to check (it's coordinates) and subtract the entity's position vector (entity.getPositionVector). this will give you the vector that points from the entity to the block. now get the entity's look vector (entity.getLookVec) and check their angle
L1515[17:03:55] <diesieben07> now you want a threshold for this angle
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L1518[17:04:05] <diesieben07> google will tell you how to calculate the angle between two vectors.
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L1521[17:07:11] <MalkContent> hm. anyone know an opensource mod with a simple bag item?
L1522[17:07:24] <MalkContent> i mean there's gotta be some of those
L1523[17:07:35] <diesieben07> bag items are actually MUCH easier now than we have capabilites on ItemStacks
L1524[17:07:48] <diesieben07> you really just need to attach an inventory capability to an itemStack and done.
L1525[17:07:53] <MattDahEpic> but nobody's used those substantially yet
L1526[17:08:00] <diesieben07> doesn't matter :P
L1527[17:09:16] <MalkContent> hmkay
L1528[17:09:46] <MalkContent> fine then i'll guess i'll learn about capabilities ^^
L1529[17:09:50] <diesieben07> the issue with this previously was simply that you could not attach arbitrary objects to ItemStacks
L1530[17:09:51] <MalkContent> -'ll
L1531[17:09:54] <diesieben07> now you can, so it is really easy.
L1532[17:10:21] <MalkContent> i bet it is
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L1534[17:11:07] <MalkContent> doesn't help if you don't know a thing though :D
L1535[17:11:55] <diesieben07> http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/datastorage/capabilities/
L1536[17:12:47] <Nepharius> does anybody has ideas about the "armor not breaking at 0 durability"- issue?
L1537[17:15:00] <MalkContent> ty
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L1550[17:47:08] <Cypher121> anyone here knows scala enough to explain me why the fuck generics are [T], not <T>? so far it seems that the answer is "because we are so much not java that even thought of having shared piece of syntax is below us"
L1551[17:47:52] <AbrarSyed> sounds about right
L1552[17:47:58] <AbrarSyed> full disclosuer, I kno wnothing about scala
L1553[17:48:52] <diesieben07> to be fair though, i think scala is not designed as a "better java" technically.
L1554[17:49:47] <gigaherz> it obviously isn't
L1555[17:49:58] <AbrarSyed> its supposed to be..
L1556[17:50:05] <gigaherz> there's nothing in what I have seen of scala that says "this is java, jsut better"
L1557[17:50:07] <gigaherz> it's way too different
L1558[17:50:46] <AbrarSyed> its advocated as a java replacemebnt,.. because it has FP features that java does not, and yet can do everything jaav does
L1559[17:50:48] <masa> MalkContent: I have some bags and other item storing items, without capabilities though...
L1560[17:50:56] <AbrarSyed> if you want a fancier java.. you want groovy.
L1561[17:51:00] <gigaherz> sure
L1562[17:51:07] <masa> it's just that... mine aren't exactly the simplest of examples
L1563[17:51:22] <gigaherz> but no one would say C is a "better asm"
L1564[17:51:35] <Cypher121> well, it is a better asm >_<
L1565[17:51:41] <AbrarSyed> kidding? thats EXACTYL what C is
L1566[17:51:43] <masa> since my bag stores memory cards, which then store the items, and you can change which memory card is currently selected
L1567[17:51:45] <gigaherz> no it isn't, there's nothing "asm-like" in C
L1568[17:51:52] <gigaherz> xcept the actual asm inlining
L1569[17:51:59] <Cypher121> asm { mov ax, something }
L1570[17:51:59] <diesieben07> its advocated as a java replacement because it runs on the JVM and has java interop
L1571[17:52:03] <Cypher121> rest is syntax sugar
L1572[17:52:04] <gigaherz> C# is not a "better visualbasic"
L1573[17:52:05] <diesieben07> it is still not a better java.
L1574[17:52:20] <diesieben07> X replacement != better X
L1575[17:52:34] <gigaherz> ruby on rails isn't a "better php"
L1576[17:52:37] <gigaherz> etc
L1577[17:52:42] <Cypher121> ok, everybody loves flamewars
L1578[17:52:43] <Cypher121> but
L1579[17:52:50] <Cypher121> why the fuck [T]????
L1580[17:52:50] <gigaherz> they may be replacements, but they aren't improved versions of something else
L1581[17:53:09] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L1582[17:53:11] * gigaherz shrugs
L1583[17:53:13] <AbrarSyed> Cypher121, better yet.. why have the type AFTER the argument name?
L1584[17:53:31] <AbrarSyed> like.. wth.. cant you just stay inline with all the other C family stuff?
L1585[17:54:02] <Cypher121> well, Kotlin does that too for some reason
L1586[17:54:17] <Cypher121> my guess is that it's easier to omit when type inference is available
L1587[17:54:43] <Cypher121> like var aaa : String = "123" => var aaa = "123"
L1588[17:55:07] <Cypher121> instead of String aaa = "123" => ?
L1589[17:55:19] <MalkContent> masa: those opensource?
L1590[17:55:22] <Cypher121> aaa = "123" doesn't go well with strange var/val notation
L1591[17:55:45] <MalkContent> wouldn't mind looking at those just to get me out of my "i don't wanna" rut and then try to make capability thingies
L1592[17:56:08] <MalkContent> I'll be gone in a second though, will ask again tomorrow :)
L1593[17:56:56] <Cypher121> as for groovy, I tried looking up what's better in it than j8, but the only thing I found was 40 minute talk from one of Groovy devs that was basically "well, lambdas are interfaces and closures are actually Closures"
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L1597[18:01:59] <Cypher121> I'm trying to prepare myself for a talk about different jvm langs and apparently I'll just compare scala to kotlin instead of java, because they're closer to each other
L1598[18:02:58] <R9000> hello, could anyone please help me with rendering a tileentity as an item using IItemRenderer? I'll post my code if anyone can.
L1599[18:03:07] <R9000> This is forge 1.7 btw
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L1602[18:07:20] <Elucent> anyone online know a way to make an item not go up and down when its NBT data changes
L1603[18:07:47] <diesieben07> override shouldCauseReequipAnimation in your Item class
L1604[18:08:04] <Elucent> thank you
L1605[18:08:23] <R9000> Oh wow, is that a new thing?
L1606[18:08:37] <R9000> I always thought you couldn't help the bouncing.
L1607[18:08:54] <diesieben07> yeah it's new in 1.8
L1608[18:09:11] <R9000> Nice.
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L1611[18:11:45] <R9000> Could you help me out, diesieben? I'm getting a nullPointer on line 42 here: http://pastebin.com/xUASAWDi
L1612[18:12:07] <Elucent> works like a charm :D
L1613[18:12:49] <diesieben07> (Entity) null
L1614[18:12:51] <diesieben07> I WONDER WHY!!
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L1616[18:13:01] <diesieben07> actually though that is not it :D
L1617[18:13:03] <R9000> Ah, now I'm not that dumb
L1618[18:13:10] <diesieben07> you never initialize the model field
L1619[18:13:16] <diesieben07> why are your fields not final? :D
L1620[18:13:21] <diesieben07> then you would get a warning about this.
L1621[18:13:28] <diesieben07> if you don't intend to change a field,make it final!
L1622[18:13:35] <R9000> Ah, thanks
L1623[18:13:40] <R9000> Completely missed that
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L1626[18:15:54] <R9000> Well that was it. Can't believe I was so stupid
L1627[18:16:03] <R9000> Thanks for your help, man.
L1628[18:16:55] <diesieben07> np, that's what I am here for :D
L1629[18:17:10] <R9000> I should really stop taking several-month unintentional breaks from Java. Means I struggle trying to pick up and hash together bits of old code
L1630[18:19:17] <whitephoenix> My bound box is off ever so slightly, I don't think it's noticeable though
L1631[18:20:39] <R9000> Like, for a block or an entity?
L1632[18:21:20] <whitephoenix> block
L1633[18:21:26] <whitephoenix> My fireberry bush
L1634[18:21:44] <Fendirain> Ok, So I got it finding the radian then (Hopefully I did it correctly).
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L1636[18:22:17] <gigaherz> "Scanned 102857 tiles, with up to 27459 queued at a time."
L1637[18:22:23] <gigaherz> hmmm yep. I have a bug in my scanning code.
L1638[18:23:54] <gigaherz> Scanned 809 tiles, with up to 116 queued at a time, and 168 skipped.
L1639[18:23:55] <gigaherz> more like it.
L1640[18:24:30] <diesieben07> yay, reflection code... http://i.imgur.com/6xPeWOZ.png
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L1642[18:29:23] <MattDahEpic> since there's a ItemStack.addEnchantment, is there a removeEnchantment anywhere?
L1643[18:29:58] <diesieben07> doesn't seem like it.
L1644[18:30:02] <MattDahEpic> dang
L1645[18:30:28] <diesieben07> should be easy though
L1646[18:31:24] <whitephoenix> http://i.imgur.com/tdvMAnt.png Will this bound box drive anyone insane or should I just leave as is for now?
L1647[18:32:22] <R9000> Is it slightly higher than it's meant to be?
L1648[18:32:39] <whitephoenix> Yeah
L1649[18:32:53] <R9000> I don't think I'd have noticed if you hadn't said so.
L1650[18:33:01] <whitephoenix> alright cool
L1651[18:33:24] <diesieben07> isn't every vanilly bb like that?
L1652[18:33:49] <R9000> But I guarantee you, someone, somewhere, will be driven insane
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L1654[18:34:40] <whitephoenix> lol actually vanilla slabs have a further off hitbox than mine does
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L1659[18:40:49] <infinitefoxes_> is there an easy way to check whether or not Forge is running an a deobfuscated environment?
L1660[18:41:30] <tterrag> Launch.blackboard.get ("fml.deobfuscatedEnvironment") iirc
L1661[18:41:43] <diesieben07> that's a Boolean
L1662[18:41:49] <tterrag> yes
L1663[18:41:53] <diesieben07> just clarifying ;)
L1664[18:42:00] <infinitefoxes_> awesome
L1665[18:42:31] <infinitefoxes_> I didn't want debug messages only devs care about printing on released builds
L1666[18:43:07] <gigaherz> \o/ seems to work now
L1667[18:43:21] <gigaherz> (my remote inventory browser)
L1668[18:43:27] <gigaherz> all it needs is a model for inventory xD
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L1670[18:47:26] <VikeStep> does anyone have a link to that new capabilities tutorial?
L1671[18:47:47] <diesieben07> http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/datastorage/capabilities/
L1672[18:47:52] <VikeStep> thanks
L1673[18:48:18] <gigaherz> it's not REALLY a tutorial, though, more like an explanation
L1674[18:49:30] <whitephoenix> "MOD HAS DIRECT REFERENCE System.exit() THIS IS NOT ALLOWED REROUTING TO FML!" Do all mods do this or did I screw something up?
L1675[18:49:52] <masa> whitephoenix: isn't the block selection box always offset by a tiny amount?
L1676[18:50:06] <whitephoenix> In vanilla yes...
L1677[18:50:11] <gigaherz> whitephoenix: that happens because of some lib(s)
L1678[18:50:21] <gigaherz> check who fml blames
L1679[18:50:22] <gigaherz> XD
L1680[18:50:23] <whitephoenix> Oh alright
L1681[18:50:39] <whitephoenix> "Offendor: com/sun/jna/Native.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V"
L1682[18:50:50] <diesieben07> right, that needs to be added to the whitelist
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L1684[18:53:54] <tterrag> com.sun.* should have been on the whitelist...
L1685[18:54:31] <diesieben07> it wasn't though because it was not in any libraries before jline was added
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L1687[18:56:54] <Fendirain> diesieben: How does this look? https://github.com/Fendirain/Fendirain/blob/727af72b85b473e93184aaa760b9b2f0afaf4d4d/src/main/java/fendirain/fendirain/common/entity/mob/EntityFenderium/AI/EntityAIChopTrees.java#L70
L1688[18:57:42] <VikeStep> "By default, the capability data does not persist on death." because if this, I think I may still use IEEP
L1689[18:57:59] <VikeStep> yes you can use the PlayerEvent.Clone I guess
L1690[18:58:24] <gigaherz> VikeStep: IEEPs have the same exact issue
L1691[18:58:42] <VikeStep> are you sure? I've only used them to store persistent data across deaths
L1692[18:58:56] <whitephoenix> I don't understand; I get an error when having a parent and elements in a json files but all the vanilla jsons have them both
L1693[18:58:58] <gigaherz> well I learned about this when working with IEEPs
L1694[18:59:00] <Cypher121> they are per entity
L1695[18:59:12] <gigaherz> and then tested it with Capabilities to see if it still happened
L1696[18:59:13] <gigaherz> and it did
L1697[18:59:24] <Cypher121> so player death = new entity = lost data, unless you manually fix it
L1698[18:59:31] <gigaherz> yep
L1699[18:59:35] <diesieben07> Fendirain, doesn't look too bad on a first glance
L1700[18:59:36] <VikeStep> ahh, you are right
L1701[18:59:37] <gigaherz> xcept for one case: respawn from the end
L1702[18:59:38] <VikeStep> I forgot about it
L1703[18:59:49] <gigaherz> that has special code to restore your items and such
L1704[18:59:53] <VikeStep> I assumed that they used to do it, but I guess not
L1705[18:59:57] <gigaherz> which also restores IEEPs and Capabilities
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L1708[19:00:59] <Fendirain> Cool, Thanks for the help. I most likely would have left it as is otherwise.
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L1713[19:07:07] <whitephoenix> Probably more dumb questions here, but I'm looking through the log to make sure I didn't screw anything up, but "WARN Unable to instantiate org.fusesource.jansi.WindowsAnsiOutputStream" isn't something I caused right? Also there might be a reason but having "[Client thread/WARN]: Author: Paul Lamb, www.paulscode.com" be a warning seems kinda weird
L1714[19:08:31] <unascribed> it's printed on stderr
L1715[19:08:39] <unascribed> so it gets assigned warn level when forwarded to the logger
L1716[19:08:45] <whitephoenix> Oh
L1717[19:08:57] <whitephoenix> Well everything works as it did before update \o/
L1718[19:08:59] <unascribed> and the WindowsAnsiOutputStream instanciation failure is (probably) normal if you're running from an IDE
L1719[19:09:07] <unascribed> I don't know for sure as I run Linux
L1720[19:09:19] <whitephoenix> I'm using idea so thats probably why
L1721[19:15:52] <whitephoenix> Was playSoundEffect changed somehow? My sound isn't playing
L1722[19:17:13] <diesieben07> the method only does something on the server
L1723[19:17:17] <diesieben07> i think thats how it always was though
L1724[19:18:11] <whitephoenix> It worked when I was on 1.7
L1725[19:18:36] <diesieben07> impossible, the thing does exactlyy the same :D
L1726[19:18:38] <diesieben07> i just checked.
L1727[19:18:54] <whitephoenix> I have no idea, let me check my 1.7 version again
L1728[19:20:25] <whitephoenix> It's definitely playing a sound
L1729[19:20:34] <diesieben07> show your code.
L1730[19:20:47] <whitephoenix> block class: http://pastebin.com/dPhGi2hj
L1731[19:21:39] <diesieben07> that code will not compile in 1.8.
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L1734[19:21:55] <diesieben07> so, stop lying :D
L1735[19:21:58] *** Jared is now known as Jared|Away
L1736[19:22:01] <whitephoenix> Why not? This was in 1.7.10
L1737[19:22:10] <diesieben07> i thought we were talking about 1.8...
L1738[19:22:16] <diesieben07> post your 1.8 cod.
L1739[19:22:20] <diesieben07> code
L1740[19:22:27] <diesieben07> stay away from me with any cod
L1741[19:22:40] <whitephoenix> I was wondering why it wouldn't work in 1.8 with my new version of my mod
L1742[19:22:49] <diesieben07> again, show 1.8 code.
L1743[19:23:17] <whitephoenix> http://pastebin.com/gCCmhi6u
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L1747[19:23:51] <diesieben07> and you thought playing the sound at the coordinates of the hit vector was a good idea because... ?
L1748[19:24:21] <whitephoenix> I don't know
L1749[19:24:38] <diesieben07> so, why are you doing this now in 1.8 but not in 1.7? :D
L1750[19:25:22] <whitephoenix> Because the xyz coords were turned into pos which playSoundEffect won't take
L1751[19:25:33] <whitephoenix> BlockPos* sorry
L1752[19:25:47] <diesieben07> so you just used some other random parameters because... thats surely how programming works
L1753[19:26:26] <whitephoenix> I don't know, I guess I missread a forum post
L1754[19:26:36] <diesieben07> aha.
L1755[19:26:47] <diesieben07> well, you passed the block coordinates in 1.7, do the same in 1.8
L1756[19:27:42] <whitephoenix> Alright, sorry for wasting your time
L1757[19:28:00] <diesieben07> you didn't ;)7
L1758[19:28:14] <diesieben07> even if i am snarky, i am trying to get a message across
L1759[19:28:25] <whitephoenix> Thank you
L1760[19:28:28] <diesieben07> if i think i was wasting my time, i wouldn't be here :P
L1761[19:30:33] <whitephoenix> Works great now
L1762[19:31:02] <diesieben07> nice :)
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L1766[19:45:21] <AndersBillLind> How is it an advantage to mine diamond in ore form?
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L1768[19:46:15] <gigaherz> AndersBillLind: it allows you to carry mor in your inventory
L1769[19:46:24] <gigaherz> when you have both silk touch picks and fortune picks
L1770[19:46:42] <gigaherz> you can gather stuffin ore form, and then fortune it later when you get back "home"
L1771[19:46:50] <AndersBillLind> I can carry 64 diamond ore or 64 diamonds, the same, isnt it?
L1772[19:46:54] <gigaherz> no
L1773[19:46:58] <gigaherz> fortune enchantment
L1774[19:47:01] <AndersBillLind> Ah
L1775[19:47:05] <gigaherz> meansyou can get like 5 diamonds from one ore
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L1777[19:47:19] <gigaherz> so if you mine silk youch, you can carry more than if you mine with Fortune III
L1778[19:47:21] <AndersBillLind> So I keep my pickaxe with such enchantment at home, not bringing it around?
L1779[19:47:26] <gigaherz> yes
L1780[19:47:36] <gigaherz> you carry Silk touch, and keep Fortune III at home
L1781[19:47:48] <AndersBillLind> Hm, I have no fortune III, not even fortune II, I think
L1782[19:47:53] <AndersBillLind> Ah, ok
L1783[19:47:56] <AndersBillLind> Thats cool
L1784[19:48:28] <AndersBillLind> fortune III is something a librarian might trade to you?
L1785[19:48:35] <gigaherz> I guess?
L1786[19:48:44] <gigaherz> but I normally get my enchantments using the enchanting table
L1787[19:48:44] <AndersBillLind> Oh, I am new to trading (almost)
L1788[19:48:52] <AndersBillLind> Sorry for not asking programming related questions in here :)
L1789[19:49:09] <AndersBillLind> I have soon done my first block model btw :)
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L1791[19:50:07] <gigaherz> :)
L1792[19:50:30] <AndersBillLind> So I will build my ore blocks and then mine them again with fortune pickaxe then?
L1793[19:51:09] <diesieben07> yes
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L1795[19:53:30] <gigaherz> yo ucan even do a guessing game
L1796[19:53:35] <gigaherz> try to guess how much you will get
L1797[19:53:39] <gigaherz> and see how close you were ;P
L1798[19:53:55] <gigaherz> works best while livestreaming though, since then you ask the viewers to guess ;P
L1799[19:54:55] <AndersBillLind> There is no meaning melting those ore blocks?
L1800[19:55:16] ⇨ Joins: agowa338 (~Thunderbi@p5491955C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1801[19:55:24] <diesieben07> god no, then you might as well mine them just nromally without enchantments
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L1803[20:04:18] <gigaherz> waste of coal ,P
L1804[20:05:02] <gigaherz> (ans waste of silk touch, too, since you could use just any random iron pick instead)
L1805[20:07:15] <gigaherz> it's up!
L1806[20:07:15] <gigaherz> http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/ender-rift/files/2282800
L1807[20:07:18] <Skuli> wow 1.9 release in less than a week?
L1808[20:07:23] <gigaherz> yep :)
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L1816[20:19:54] <gigaherz> :3
L1817[20:20:14] <gigaherz> mc formatting codes work in my book xml files
L1818[20:20:15] <gigaherz> XD
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L1820[20:24:23] <masa> meh, 1.9 is still unusably broken, at least for vanilla servers
L1821[20:24:57] <masa> you can't even pick on mobs with minecarts on level surface, you need to collide with then on downward slope
L1822[20:25:02] <masa> *up
L1823[20:25:40] <masa> on level surface the minecart just stops when it hits the mob
L1824[20:25:54] <killjoy> gigaherz, use chat components
L1825[20:25:59] <killjoy> color codes are gross
L1826[20:26:19] <killjoy> just convert css
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L1828[20:30:24] <gigaherz> killjoy: wah
L1829[20:30:26] <gigaherz> wat
L1830[20:30:50] <gigaherz> I'm not going to implement CSS for the books
L1831[20:30:51] <gigaherz> XD
L1832[20:31:01] <killjoy> <text color='red'>Some color</text>
L1833[20:31:03] <killjoy> like that
L1834[20:31:07] <gigaherz> yes that's a thing
L1835[20:31:17] <gigaherz> I meant for italics and such
L1836[20:31:31] <gigaherz> I just tried to add "§o" to one line, and it worked
L1837[20:31:35] <gigaherz> that's all I meant
L1838[20:31:35] <gigaherz> XD
L1839[20:31:44] <killjoy> well of course it works
L1840[20:31:46] <masa> gigaherz: heh, I spent probably some 200+ hours getting my villager trading stuff set up before and after 1.8 :p
L1841[20:31:47] <killjoy> doesn't mean it isn't gross
L1842[20:31:51] <gigaherz> <p color="#606060">This book is a work in progress.</p>
L1843[20:31:53] ⇨ Joins: Harry (~Harry@
L1844[20:31:54] <gigaherz> that's how I have it
L1845[20:31:54] <gigaherz> ;p
L1846[20:32:02] <masa> I think I have a librarian for every other enchanted book except Fortune III
L1847[20:32:08] <gigaherz> lol
L1848[20:32:45] <killjoy> could always use tags
L1849[20:32:45] <masa> and then I have a few of the old blacksmiths with all diamond gear trades unlocked
L1850[20:32:54] <killjoy> <em>Some itallics</em>
L1851[20:33:10] <masa> since they removed most of the diamond armor rtades and some of the tool trades in 1.8
L1852[20:33:50] <masa> it was rather painful grinding all the emeralds to unlock the pre 1.8 style completely random trades on countless villagers to try to get good ones
L1853[20:34:04] <masa> according to the stats I have crafted around 500 000 paper
L1854[20:34:15] <masa> which is quite a bit in vanilla...
L1855[20:35:01] <masa> and now in 1.8 I have automated 5-floor carrot and potato farms each, and a couple of the cheapest farmers to trade those to
L1856[20:36:18] <masa> so I don't have to worry about tools that much, trade some crops and buy ~30 diamond picks at a time and enchant them on an old cleric to Efficiency III + Unbreaking III + Fortune I
L1857[20:36:56] <masa> which are perfect on my wither skeleton farm project, since Eff III diamond insta mines netherrack
L1858[20:37:58] <masa> still... the farm project will take "a bit of time", I believe it was around 5-6 million blocks of netherrack that I need to dig for it, according to my debug mod's block stats count :p
L1859[20:38:46] <gigaherz> killjoy: yeah, but nesting stuff inside the <p> tags is something I may do in the future
L1860[20:38:55] <gigaherz> for now simple strings with optional chat formatting codes will do ;P
L1861[20:39:13] <VikeStep> are access transformers done the same way in 1.8 as 1.7?
L1862[20:39:38] <gigaherz> I think... mostly? but I never used them
L1863[20:39:54] <killjoy> VikeStep, yes
L1864[20:40:20] <VikeStep> alright, thanks
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L1868[20:51:07] *** Tiktalik is now known as potato
L1869[20:55:53] <Techfoxis> How does one tint a block, sort of like the Grass block?
L1870[20:56:19] <killjoy> I suggest looking at the grass class
L1871[21:01:47] <gigaherz> or the leaves ;P
L1872[21:02:51] <Techfoxis> I did, I can't find anything too useful, just some methods for getting the grass color, but I can't find out what happens after that. I read an article on the GreyMinecraftCoder about lighting and he/she said that it's interpreted by WorldRender.setColorOpaque, but I think you need to use a Tessellator to get an instance of the worldRender.
L1873[21:03:02] <Techfoxis> Leaves have a tint?
L1874[21:04:24] <whitephoenix0> Yep
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L1876[21:12:49] <gigaherz> Techfoxis: I believe the idea is that you can specify tint indices in json models, and then specify color multipliers for them
L1877[21:16:10] *** mort is now known as LOL
L1878[21:16:15] <Techfoxis> Yeah, I know about the tint index the JSON models, but I can't figure out how to implement them.
L1879[21:16:20] *** LOL is now known as mort
L1880[21:18:21] <VikeStep> is Minecraft.run() ran on the client every time they join a different world?
L1881[21:18:30] <VikeStep> or is it ran during mc loading?
L1882[21:19:35] <Techfoxis> The BlockRenderModelRender has a method that sets the tint for you, but I can't figure out anywhere it's called.
L1883[21:19:59] <Techfoxis> *BlockModelRenderer
L1884[21:20:39] <gigaherz> VikeStep: loading
L1885[21:20:41] <Techfoxis> I think I have to use a BakedModel or something 0.o
L1886[21:20:58] <gigaherz> so far as mc is concerned
L1887[21:21:13] <gigaherz> the main menu is just a GuiScreen with no World loaded
L1888[21:21:28] <VikeStep> maybe a better question, is the EffectRenderer re-instantiated for each world?
L1889[21:21:36] <VikeStep> It doesn't seem to be but I want to make sure
L1890[21:21:41] <gigaherz> I don't believe so
L1891[21:21:45] <gigaherz> but I haven't used that one specifically
L1892[21:22:04] <gigaherz> so far I have never encountered any rendering thing that's instantiated on world join
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L1894[21:25:52] <Techfoxis> Wait, every block has a BakedModel right?
L1895[21:27:16] ⇨ Joins: poiuy_qwert (~poiuy_qwe@198-84-224-94.cpe.teksavvy.com)
L1896[21:29:26] <gigaherz> yes, why?
L1897[21:29:32] <gigaherz> well
L1898[21:29:33] <gigaherz> to be exact
L1899[21:29:39] <gigaherz> every blockstate has a model
L1900[21:33:19] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1901[21:34:54] <williewillus> Techfoxis: what are you needing to implement?
L1902[21:35:01] <williewillus> and why the manual tinting?
L1903[21:35:34] <williewillus> if your json model specifies tintindex you can render it with color with one method call
L1904[21:35:52] <Techfoxis> *Faceplam*
L1905[21:36:07] <Techfoxis> What method is that?
L1906[21:36:18] ⇦ Quits: kmecpp (~kmecpp@pool-71-167-167-219.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L1907[21:36:43] <williewillus> https://github.com/williewillus/Botania/blob/MC18/src/main/java/vazkii/botania/client/render/tile/RenderTilePool.java#L82
L1908[21:36:53] <williewillus> where the pool json model specifies tintindex on al its faces
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L1912[21:39:41] <Techfoxis> That was beyond helpful.
L1913[21:39:54] <williewillus> :P I tried what you were probably thinking of doing
L1914[21:39:58] <williewillus> but then I found the method lol
L1915[21:43:33] <Techfoxis> Thanks, you saved my weekend(I say that but I'll be programming anyways 0.o)
L1916[21:43:40] ⇦ Quits: poiuy_qwert (~poiuy_qwe@198-84-224-94.cpe.teksavvy.com) (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
L1917[21:45:36] <williewillus> does it work?
L1918[21:46:25] ⇦ Quits: FabiUnne (FabiUnne@aftr-95-222-30-174.unity-media.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
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L1920[21:56:42] <Techfoxis> Haven't done it yet, just finishing up
L1921[22:04:47] ⇨ Joins: Sollux-Captor (~Sollux-Ca@2601:547:c400:bb5e:609a:9fa1:c501:5cf2)
L1922[22:04:59] <VikeStep> yiss, added a feature to my mod in 1.8 which disables certain particles without using coremods
L1923[22:05:10] <VikeStep> in 1.7 the only way was coremods but 1.8 did it differently
L1924[22:05:22] <Sollux-Captor> just a question (not really anything im working on) but is it possible to make a forge, bukkit cross compatibility mod?
L1925[22:05:39] <Sollux-Captor> as in where bukkit interacts with forge and vice versa
L1926[22:05:51] <killjoy> bukkit is dead
L1927[22:05:54] <VikeStep> ^
L1928[22:06:05] <Sollux-Captor> spigot or what ever the hell the new plugin stuff is
L1929[22:06:14] <williewillus> you're describing cauldron
L1930[22:06:14] <killjoy> but just make a packet
L1931[22:06:23] <killjoy> the new thing is sponge
L1932[22:06:31] <VikeStep> https://www.spongepowered.org/
L1933[22:06:33] <unascribed> and sponge can run as a forge mod
L1934[22:06:35] <williewillus> and it's a pain in the ass and sponge should hurry up so we have a sane new plugin api
L1935[22:06:37] <unascribed> so there isn't an issue
L1936[22:06:43] <williewillus> "it" being cauldron
L1937[22:09:53] <Sollux-Captor> never worked with server stuff soo.. idk much about it
L1938[22:10:14] <Sollux-Captor> good to know though
L1939[22:10:34] <killjoy> make a packet
L1940[22:10:48] <Sollux-Captor> mhm get it now
L1941[22:10:58] <Sollux-Captor> I*
L1942[22:11:05] <killjoy> packets are impl agnostic
L1943[22:15:41] <williewillus> anyone have an example of an item that binds to uuid and safely falls back to username?
L1944[22:17:42] <killjoy> want to automatically convert to uuid?
L1945[22:18:04] <williewillus> it also needs to sync to client :P
L1946[22:18:05] <williewillus> for tooltip
L1947[22:18:19] <killjoy> i would use a try/catch
L1948[22:18:32] <killjoy> or maybe some regex
L1949[22:19:02] <williewillus> did you guys see the vim port on r/feedthebeast lol
L1950[22:19:11] <killjoy> gosh
L1951[22:19:13] <williewillus> someone ported best text editor into Computercraft
L1952[22:19:17] <killjoy> Didn't open it
L1953[22:19:48] <Sylfid> I'm curious about something, when I setup forge it uses a blank params.csv, is it me doing something wrong or was that a choice on the forge team?
L1954[22:20:07] <whitephoenix0> http://i.imgur.com/e3M7x7N.png oops
L1955[22:20:34] <williewillus> probably legacy stuff left over
L1956[22:20:40] <williewillus> the emtpy csv that is
L1957[22:21:05] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549606E6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1958[22:22:07] <Sylfid> Tried to use the mcp version, which worked fine, except now NEI breaks, so gotta choose between useful parameter names and NEI ^^;
L1959[22:22:26] <killjoy> what version?
L1960[22:22:32] <killjoy> 1.8.9?
L1961[22:22:39] <williewillus> what is this even for :P
L1962[22:22:43] <LexMobile> Why are you using nei
L1963[22:22:46] <killjoy> ^
L1964[22:22:54] <williewillus> killjoy: nei so i presume 1.7
L1965[22:23:12] <LexMobile> Also mod dev can use whatever you want
L1966[22:23:30] <killjoy> unless 1.7?
L1967[22:24:04] <Sylfid> Nah I'm making a small mod for a server, so 1.7.10
L1968[22:24:14] <killjoy> do you really need nei?
L1969[22:24:21] <Sylfid> Define need XD
L1970[22:24:26] <Sylfid> But no, I could do without it
L1971[22:24:32] <williewillus> why does nei need params.csv? 0.o
L1972[22:24:34] <killjoy> do you have 300+ blocks?
L1973[22:24:37] <whitephoenix0> Protip: don't copy 1.9 json files that contain hand-specific positioning :P
L1974[22:24:42] <Sylfid> It just simplifies a few things, like testing cross mod
L1975[22:24:48] <williewillus> whitephoenix0: 1.9 json format changed from 1.8
L1976[22:24:53] <williewillus> all the transforms changed
L1977[22:24:59] <williewillus> which is greaaaat
L1978[22:25:02] <whitephoenix0> Oh ffs that explains so much
L1979[22:25:14] <williewillus> reference 1.8 jsons
L1980[22:25:19] <whitephoenix0> Here I was trying to use "west" and "up" instead of "side"
L1981[22:27:51] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p5496066C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1982[22:28:45] <Sylfid> I don't suppose you know if I can use custom .csv in the gradle build file?
L1983[22:29:04] <Sylfid> That way I could swap the parameters out but leave the methods to what works with NEI
L1984[22:29:16] <Sylfid> If not Ill have to look at decompiling the other mods I guess ^^
L1985[22:33:59] ⇨ Joins: Wastl2 (~Wastl2@f052239254.adsl.alicedsl.de)
L1986[22:34:41] <williewillus> why do you need a manual csv though?
L1987[22:35:08] * VikeStep had a crazy idea to see if he can make a mod in Jython
L1988[22:35:36] <VikeStep> I mean, it's all class files in the end...
L1989[22:37:42] ⇨ Joins: Drullkus (~Drullkus@c-67-180-188-243.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L1990[22:38:24] <VikeStep> I have a spare 6 hours, I'll let you guys know if I get it working... somehow
L1991[22:38:26] <Sylfid> With setupDecompWorkspace you get parameter names like p_1234_5_ instead of "player"
L1992[22:39:12] <MattDahEpic> there is a distinct lack of enchantment helper methods
L1993[22:39:15] <Sylfid> By using the latest csv for the parameter names you would have much more readable code when calling stuff, and Eclipse can even guess which parameters you want to send along
L1994[22:40:49] <Sylfid> I'm sure you could get it to work VikeStep, you can make mods in Scala after all (although there is a bit of support in Forge for that)
L1995[22:41:17] <acidjazz> is there any like
L1996[22:41:25] <acidjazz> tutorial or setup for learning how to write and test a minecraft mod
L1997[22:41:31] <acidjazz> like some kinda hello world setup
L1998[22:41:45] <VikeStep> if you download the forge sources
L1999[22:41:49] <VikeStep> it comes with an example mod
L2000[22:42:12] <VikeStep> but, there are hundreds of modding tutorials
L2001[22:42:47] <Sylfid> http://www.wuppy29.com/minecraft/modding-tutorials/forge-modding/
L2002[22:43:30] <Sylfid> If you don't like his style of writing a tutorial you can easily find more with google though.
L2003[22:45:38] <acidjazz> are all forge mods and sponge plugins java
L2004[22:45:44] <williewillus> yes
L2005[22:45:52] <acidjazz> man i wanna go to 1.8 so bad but so many mods wont do it
L2006[22:45:54] <killjoy> some are scala
L2007[22:45:57] <acidjazz> so many hodlling out for 1.9
L2008[22:45:58] <killjoy> but they're all jvm
L2009[22:45:58] <williewillus> JVM
L2010[22:46:08] <williewillus> acidjazz: which ones?
L2011[22:46:16] <acidjazz> i wonder if i can use http://nodyn.io/
L2012[22:46:19] <williewillus> time to update or get left behind to be honest :P
L2013[22:46:24] <acidjazz> williewillus: the tinker one for starters
L2014[22:46:31] <williewillus> uhh tinkers is on 1.8
L2015[22:46:33] <williewillus> and has been for months
L2016[22:46:38] <acidjazz> no its a preview branch
L2017[22:46:42] <acidjazz> and its missing everything
L2018[22:46:46] <acidjazz> like even the books to teach you are missing
L2019[22:46:50] <masa> ...
L2020[22:46:59] <acidjazz> very broken, read the git commits
L2021[22:47:03] <masa> how is that "hodlling out for 1.9" then?
L2022[22:47:06] <acidjazz> or github comments
L2023[22:47:12] <masa> it is under development
L2024[22:47:14] <williewillus> i know the state it's in I play it lol
L2025[22:47:17] <acidjazz> i just see mods reply to requests saying theyre waiting for 1.9
L2026[22:47:23] <williewillus> which mods
L2027[22:47:34] <acidjazz> ugh i cant specify off the top of my head
L2028[22:47:37] <acidjazz> uhmmm
L2029[22:47:38] <williewillus> lol exactly
L2030[22:47:42] <acidjazz> well im not lieing
L2031[22:47:54] <williewillus> I'm saying clinging to the past is not going to last long
L2032[22:47:57] <williewillus> we're moving forward
L2033[22:47:59] <williewillus> :P
L2034[22:48:00] <masa> mostly cofh are being lazy and stubborn
L2035[22:48:05] <acidjazz> yea cofh is one
L2036[22:49:05] <williewillus> well besides them it's moving along pretty rapidly
L2037[22:49:07] <Techfoxis> When working with Forge Blockstates does the variants object have to be defined?
L2038[22:49:13] <williewillus> what do you mean?
L2039[22:49:16] <williewillus> like in the json?
L2040[22:49:16] <williewillus> yes
L2041[22:49:21] <Techfoxis> Opps, if the default is.
L2042[22:49:25] <williewillus> yes
L2043[22:49:31] <williewillus> it doesn't make sense to not have variants
L2044[22:49:42] <williewillus> the defaults are not a variant in themselves, they just specify things that are copied into each variant
L2045[22:50:19] <Techfoxis> Hmm... It doesn't seem to be working for me, is there any else other than the marker that needs to be set to use Forge Blockstates?
L2046[22:50:44] <williewillus> paste your json
L2047[22:50:47] <williewillus> and define "not working"
L2048[22:51:47] <Techfoxis> No, I mean the "Tab", it's JSON so technicaly the variants "tab" is an object, I didn't mean a Java object if thats what you thought.
L2049[22:52:07] <williewillus> yeah i know
L2050[22:52:10] <Techfoxis> Not, using the defaults I set.
L2051[22:52:16] <williewillus> paste json
L2052[22:53:02] <VikeStep> hmm, I think that my look into Jython support may be stopped as soon as I started, since it doesn't support java annotations
L2053[22:53:03] ⇨ Joins: Elucent (~elucent__@
L2054[22:53:11] <VikeStep> unless I make my own classreader thing
L2055[22:53:52] <williewillus> like a jython bridge for modding?
L2056[22:53:59] <Techfoxis> https://gist.github.com/techfoxis/e06e9746b29b9a620ccd
L2057[22:54:00] <VikeStep> yeah, I like doing hacky stuff
L2058[22:54:04] <williewillus> cool
L2059[22:54:04] <VikeStep> just wanted to see if it was possibe
L2060[22:54:12] <williewillus> but jython as a project is moving really slowly
L2061[22:54:16] <williewillus> is it even still alive?
L2062[22:54:20] <VikeStep> yeah haha
L2063[22:54:23] <williewillus> last I heard they didn't evne have a python 3 out
L2064[22:54:30] <VikeStep> that is correct
L2065[22:54:38] <VikeStep> their last release was may 2015
L2066[22:54:49] <williewillus> Techfoxis: need brackets around normal. like this ` "normal": [{}]"
L2067[22:54:59] <williewillus> the way it is right now, it thinks "normal" is the name of a property
L2068[22:55:06] <williewillus> and is trying to find values inside it
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L2070[22:56:24] <VikeStep> what I could do, is look at a .class file for the simplest mod I can
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L2072[22:58:20] <Techfoxis> That didn't work, I didn't think it would because I had them before.
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L2074[23:00:49] ⇨ Joins: whitephoenix (~whitephoe@67-42-85-206.tukw.qwest.net)
L2075[23:00:56] <williewillus> define "didn't work"
L2076[23:01:01] <williewillus> errors in the log?
L2077[23:01:23] <williewillus> does this block have blockstate properties?
L2078[23:02:26] <Techfoxis> Yes, Integers 0...15
L2079[23:02:47] <Techfoxis> I updated it with the errors: https://gist.github.com/techfoxis/e06e9746b29b9a620ccd
L2080[23:03:28] ⇦ Quits: Mraof (~mraof@pool-74-110-222-32.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L2081[23:04:42] <whitephoenix> This is actually starting to come together, I might release an early version of this mod soon
L2082[23:08:32] ⇨ Joins: Zorn_Taov (~Greenfox@c-67-164-28-138.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L2083[23:08:36] <Zorn_Taov> has anyone figured out how to get the resource location of a block texture?
L2084[23:08:39] <Zorn_Taov> for 1.8.9
L2085[23:11:33] <williewillus> Techfoxis: then your variants need to reflect your blockstate properties...
L2086[23:11:44] <williewillus> also I hope you are not using blockstates the retarded way
L2087[23:11:50] <williewillus> I mean, the wrong way
L2088[23:11:54] <infinitefoxes_> "the retarded way"
L2089[23:11:56] <infinitefoxes_> elaborate?
L2090[23:12:06] <williewillus> simply replacing all metas with a propertyinteger from 0 to 15
L2091[23:12:08] <williewillus> is the retarded way
L2092[23:12:10] <williewillus> and wrong way
L2093[23:12:13] <infinitefoxes_> haha
L2094[23:12:15] <infinitefoxes_> alright then
L2095[23:12:17] <kyau> lol
L2096[23:12:20] <infinitefoxes_> was worried I was doing something wrong
L2097[23:12:20] ⇦ Quits: Sylfid (~Sylfid@78-69-246-253-no180.tbcn.telia.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2098[23:12:21] <whitephoenix> Anyone know where the sounds are stored? The list I found on minecraftforum didn't have a working name for the sound I want
L2099[23:12:30] <williewillus> the point of blockstates is to abstract out the numbers into meaningful data
L2100[23:12:34] <infinitefoxes_> I have a script for that, whitephoenix
L2101[23:12:36] <williewillus> not just wrap it in a property
L2102[23:12:48] <whitephoenix> Awesome, link?
L2103[23:12:51] <Cazzar> whitephoenix: http://wiki.vg/Game_Files
L2104[23:13:04] <Techfoxis> I'm using them as different "Power Levels"
L2105[23:13:18] <Cazzar> Specifically http://wiki.vg/Game_Files#Assets
L2106[23:13:29] <Techfoxis> plants will draw the "nutrients" from the soil
L2107[23:13:35] <infinitefoxes_> https://gist.github.com/472825932fb07c1685a0
L2108[23:13:44] <infinitefoxes_> this builds a index from Mojang's asset system
L2109[23:13:59] <Cazzar> As for with gradle, a copy can be found: ~\.gradle\caches\minecraft\assets
L2110[23:14:04] <infinitefoxes_> essentially .minecraft/assets/virtual/legacy/
L2111[23:14:12] <infinitefoxes_> requires Python 3+ to run
L2112[23:14:54] <whitephoenix> alright thanks
L2113[23:15:18] <williewillus> Techfoxis: your blockstate file needs to reflect those properties
L2114[23:15:26] <williewillus> your block has no normal variant
L2115[23:15:33] <Cazzar> Though do note, those assets are not always the entire thing
L2116[23:15:36] <williewillus> your block has 16 variants pertaining to your properties
L2117[23:15:43] <Cazzar> For example, the minecraft jar still contains some assets.
L2118[23:16:06] <williewillus> most of them, really
L2119[23:16:08] <VikeStep> huh, there are tabs and spaces used in ExampleMod.java
L2120[23:16:16] <williewillus> the external assets are just sounds iirc
L2121[23:16:18] <williewillus> and maybe langs
L2122[23:16:22] <VikeStep> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/mdk/src/main/java/com/example/examplemod/ExampleMod.java see the comment on line 17
L2123[23:16:24] <Cazzar> http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1455945381
L2124[23:16:42] ⇦ Quits: killjoy (~killjoy@ (Quit: Leaving)
L2125[23:16:47] <Cazzar> williewillus: every localisation except en_US and sounds.
L2126[23:17:12] <williewillus> rip backslash rendering :P
L2127[23:17:25] <Cazzar> Doesn't fuss me :P
L2128[23:17:32] <Cazzar> I am used to it
L2129[23:18:25] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L2130[23:18:34] <infinitefoxes_> whitephoenix: if you don't use the vanilla launcher, use the argument "-assetDir %USERPROFILE%\.gradle\caches\minecraft\assets"
L2131[23:18:46] <infinitefoxes_> double hypen the argument, my bad
L2132[23:19:04] <infinitefoxes_> I forget my own code lol
L2133[23:19:26] ⇦ Quits: Techfoxis (~Techfoxis@pool-74-110-119-59.nrflva.fios.verizon.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L2134[23:19:50] <Cazzar> This isn't creepy at all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caAGyHayvaY
L2135[23:20:01] <whitephoenix> I don't see a caches folder in .gradle
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L2137[23:23:24] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L2138[23:25:15] <infinitefoxes_> huh
L2139[23:25:17] <infinitefoxes_> it should exist
L2140[23:25:43] <infinitefoxes_> are you looking in the .gradle folder within your user directory or your mod's folder?
L2141[23:26:24] <whitephoenix> Oh I see
L2142[23:26:28] <whitephoenix> I was in my mods folder
L2143[23:27:09] <whitephoenix> For some reason I can't get the game to play my sound though, I'm trying to use random.glass
L2144[23:27:15] <whitephoenix> random.glass1*
L2145[23:27:20] <williewillus> is that a vanilla sound?
L2146[23:27:36] <whitephoenix> Yeah
L2147[23:27:49] <whitephoenix> Here's my code but I have various working sound things just like it: http://pastebin.com/AHnZhnJn
L2148[23:28:20] <williewillus> wait iirc
L2149[23:28:26] <whitephoenix> Yeah it's not my code, I just tried to play it through a known working item
L2150[23:28:29] <williewillus> you can only do random.glass and the game chooses between glass1/2/3
L2151[23:28:34] <williewillus> not sure
L2152[23:28:37] <williewillus> but i think that's how it works
L2153[23:28:39] <infinitefoxes_> yeah, that's the case
L2154[23:28:48] <infinitefoxes_> look in sounds.json within the Minecraft JAR
L2155[23:28:54] <whitephoenix> That's what I thought but that didn't work either
L2156[23:29:04] <williewillus> whats didn't work?
L2157[23:29:25] <whitephoenix> random.glass1, random.glass2, random.glass3, random.glass, blocks.glass
L2158[23:29:39] <infinitefoxes_> are you calling it on the server or client?
L2159[23:29:43] <williewillus> shouldn't matter
L2160[23:29:48] <williewillus> server sends sound packet to client
L2161[23:30:00] <whitephoenix> I'm not specifying a side and am using world.playSoundEffect
L2162[23:30:18] <williewillus> anyways, try looking at the vanilla sounds.json
L2163[23:30:48] <whitephoenix> "minecraft/sounds/random/glass3.ogg"
L2164[23:31:15] <williewillus> no the event name
L2165[23:31:43] <whitephoenix> There's a sound path, a size, and a hash listed in sounds.json
L2166[23:31:59] ⇦ Quits: sinkillerj (~sinkiller@nc-67-232-14-71.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) (Quit: またね)
L2167[23:32:07] <infinitefoxes_> that's not the right sound.json
L2168[23:32:12] <infinitefoxes_> that's the index
L2169[23:32:15] <whitephoenix> Hmm okay
L2170[23:32:22] <infinitefoxes_> which maps that weird file structure to actual names
L2171[23:32:47] <infinitefoxes_> if you ran that script I gave you, you should have something like output/1.8/minecraft/sounds.json
L2172[23:32:57] <whitephoenix> I got it
L2173[23:33:18] <whitephoenix> I mean I didn't solve the problem but I got the right file
L2174[23:33:30] <infinitefoxes_> just ctrl+f the sound file you want to play
L2175[23:33:45] <infinitefoxes_> the event name should be pretty clear I believe
L2176[23:33:54] <whitephoenix> Oh I forgot the versions...
L2177[23:35:23] <whitephoenix> problem solved, it was dig.glass, thanks
L2178[23:35:41] <infinitefoxes_> np
L2179[23:38:13] <VikeStep> huh, just found this: https://github.com/yoshiquest/forge-clj
L2180[23:38:18] <VikeStep> clojure support for forge
L2181[23:38:42] <VikeStep> fyi: clojure is a lisp langauge which compiles to JVM
L2182[23:40:50] <whitephoenix> If I have a bush similar to leaves transparency-wise should I use CUTOUT or CUTOUT_MIPPED?
L2183[23:41:58] ⇦ Quits: Mraof (~mraof@c-50-185-47-54.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L2185[23:45:22] <VikeStep> where is the classpath for all the libs I need?
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L2187[23:48:29] <infinitefoxes_> whitephoenix: CUTOUT doesn't have mipmapping, while CUTOUT_MIPPED does
L2188[23:49:03] <infinitefoxes_> it simply smoothes textures which are further away from players to get rid of the very fine details
L2189[23:49:10] <infinitefoxes_> you may or may not want it
L2190[23:49:15] <infinitefoxes_> use your best judgement
L2191[23:49:29] <tterrag> I find it ugly
L2192[23:49:30] ⇨ Joins: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@f054253019.adsl.alicedsl.de)
L2193[23:49:37] <tterrag> I see its purpose, but more often than not it ends up looking worse
L2194[23:49:48] <whitephoenix> Leaves use it, and my block is very similar to leaves so I think I'll use it
L2195[23:49:55] <tterrag> it works for very monotone textures, like stone
L2196[23:50:08] <tterrag> but anything with details it's better to just have some aliasing imo
L2197[23:50:18] <MattDahEpic> why am i getting Unknown recipe class! com.mattdahepic.exchangeorb.recipes.new_handler.DisenchantingRecipeHandler$DisenchantRecipe Modder please refer to net.minecraftforge.oredict.RecipeSorter when my recipe works and extends ShapelessRecipes?
L2198[23:50:38] ⇦ Quits: Drullkus (~Drullkus@c-67-180-188-243.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L2199[23:50:43] <tterrag> lol
L2200[23:50:44] <tterrag> read the error?
L2201[23:51:46] <McJty> MattDahEpic, the error says what you have to do
L2202[23:52:39] <infinitefoxes_> tterrag: I think it's much needed with blocks like bricks and what
L2203[23:52:43] <infinitefoxes_> though it can look awful on some things
L2204[23:53:03] <infinitefoxes_> it's better than having the horrible zig-zag effect imo, whatever it's called
L2205[23:53:03] <tterrag> yeah, I know it works sometimes, but more often than not I find it makes the problem worse
L2206[23:53:18] <tterrag> blurry is not better than aliased
L2207[23:53:28] <tterrag> the problem is that they are mipmapping 16x textures >.>
L2208[23:53:34] <tterrag> by 2 levels in it's 4x4
L2209[23:53:35] <tterrag> which is a blob
L2210[23:53:38] <infinitefoxes_> didn't Minecraft have an antistropic filtering option at one point?
L2211[23:54:13] <infinitefoxes_> may be thinking of something Optifine added
L2212[23:54:16] <infinitefoxes_> but it did help a bit
L2213[23:54:32] <williewillus> anisotropic got removed in 1.8
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L2216[23:56:19] <infinitefoxes_> don't see why they removed it
L2217[23:56:32] <McJty> Yes I don't get it either
L2218[23:56:38] <McJty> I used that a lot. Made things much nicer
L2219[23:56:52] <williewillus> i think it was to defer to the driver
L2220[23:56:56] <williewillus> or something like that
L2221[23:57:01] <williewillus> dont remember
L2222[23:57:51] <infinitefoxes_> unfortunately adding anisotropic filtering to a crap mipmap can only do so much
L2223[23:57:52] <infinitefoxes_> gr mojang
L2224[23:58:42] <williewillus> what makes the mipmap crap?
L2225[23:58:58] <whitephoenix> Is there much performance difference?
L2226[23:59:06] <williewillus> mipmapping is for aesthetics
L2227[23:59:06] <infinitefoxes_> there's no measurable performance difference afaik
L2228[23:59:11] <williewillus> its slightly more memory
L2229[23:59:16] <tterrag> it already uploads the mipped textures for the entire block sheet afaik
L2230[23:59:23] <tterrag> so not really
L2231[23:59:26] <whitephoenix> Alright
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