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L15[00:32:49] <Keridos> hm in 1.7.10 is it better to use a packet to update a TE or a message?
L16[00:33:03] <Keridos> I get some weird issues when using a packet here (clientside) desyncs
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L18[00:36:07] <killjoy> are you creating callables?
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L20[00:37:51] <Keridos> its on 1.7.10
L21[00:37:57] <Keridos> not threaded as in 1.8
L22[00:39:39] <killjoy> doing anything on the client that should happen on the server?
L23[00:40:08] <Keridos> it happens when updating the invnetory clientside
L24[00:40:26] <Keridos> i get ghost items on the client there that vanish when reopening the GUI for the TE
L25[00:40:53] <Keridos> but this netcode was not written by me, I usually use messages to sync my TE data
L26[00:41:30] <Keridos> this one uses onDataPacket and then readFromNBT(packet.getNBTCompound()) or how its exactly called
L27[00:42:15] <killjoy> checking for world.isRemote correctly?
L28[00:43:54] <Keridos> hm i think i found the issue, without the onDataPacket the client syncs the inventory correct, but none of the other values
L29[00:44:14] <Keridos> when using the data packet the packet interferes with the already synced inventory I guess
L30[00:47:19] <tterrag> Keridos: all container/gui stuff is synced for you
L31[00:47:22] <tterrag> it's handled in Container
L32[00:47:31] <Keridos> ok
L33[00:47:38] <Keridos> so i just need a packet to sync the other stuff?
L34[00:47:44] <tterrag> "other stuff"
L35[00:47:45] <tterrag> ?
L36[00:47:56] <Keridos> tterrag, like rf storage etc.
L37[00:48:00] <tterrag> oh
L38[00:48:00] <tterrag> yes
L39[00:48:25] <Keridos> is it better to do an own message or "hack" the ondatapacket?
L40[00:48:34] <tterrag> onDataPacket is for description packets
L41[00:48:43] <tterrag> this is what is sent when your TE loads in to "describe" it to the client
L42[00:48:48] <tterrag> it is not meant to be used for intermediary updates
L43[00:49:10] <tterrag> there is really no reason to use vanilla packets
L44[00:49:18] <tterrag> http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/networking/simpleimpl/
L45[00:50:01] <Keridos> tterrag: ok thanks
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L55[01:29:17] <masa> ok so what the hell is this IRenderFactory nonsense... do I now need to create an IRenderFactory instance for each renderer I'm using?
L56[01:29:55] <masa> just so I can create a new instance of the renderer...
L57[01:40:59] <RANKSHANK> masa: Yeah you need an IRenderFactory per renderer instance. Many people have taken to using lambda for this
L58[01:44:41] <masa> I have no idea how they work and I'm not using java 8 for my mod...
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L60[01:46:25] <masa> well great success, now my entities are white cubes
L61[01:46:36] <masa> this is exactly what I wanted and needed
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L64[01:52:45] <Keridos> quick question, TurretBase here is an abstract class, and i want to check if tileEntity is an instance of a subclass of that abstract class, but tileEntity.getClass().isAssignableFrom(TurretBase.class) is not working for me
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L66[01:55:34] <masa> wouldn't that be the other way around?
L67[01:56:48] *** blood_ is now known as blood|sleep
L68[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160206 mappings to Forge Maven.
L69[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160206-1.8.9.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160206" in build.gradle).
L70[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L75[02:07:44] <LexDesktop> Keridos, tileEntity instanceof TurrentBase .....
L76[02:07:52] <Keridos> hm
L77[02:08:06] <Keridos> getting some weird issue here, apparently my onMessage from the handler is never called
L78[02:08:18] <Keridos> i registered it and everything
L79[02:08:38] <masa> my IRenderFactory createRenderFor method don't get called...
L80[02:08:56] <masa> I'm still so frickin lost with this generics crap
L81[02:10:23] <LexDesktop> ... generics are simple...
L82[02:10:45] <Keridos> derp i really should read what ai wrote in my TE code
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L86[02:15:38] MineBot sets mode: +v on CovertJaguar
L87[02:20:49] <masa> phew now it works, had to mone the registration from init to preInit
L88[02:20:53] <masa> *move
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L90[02:22:18] <c64cosmin> can you make Minecraft draw a custom entity with custom shader bindings?
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L92[02:24:28] ⇦ Quits: CovertJaguar (~you@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L93[02:24:28] <sham1> What kind of shader
L94[02:24:37] <sham1> If GLSL, propably not
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L97[02:25:34] MineBot sets mode: +v on CovertJaguar
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L101[02:36:54] <c64cosmin> yes GLSL
L102[02:37:27] <c64cosmin> anyhow I'm still able to draw some triangles
L103[02:37:36] <c64cosmin> and bind a texture using openGL calls right?
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L128[03:47:41] <Cypher121> what's the simplest irc client for windows?
L129[03:47:47] <sham1> HexChat
L130[03:48:31] <Cypher121> I had trouble configuring it to work with znc
L131[03:48:47] <sham1> you just connect into the ZNC
L132[03:49:04] <Cypher121> yeah, but I couldn't send the password
L133[03:49:21] <sham1> show your channel settings
L134[03:49:25] <sham1> Take a screenshot
L135[03:49:39] <sham1> the password should be censored
L136[03:50:31] <GeoDoX> How do you scale an image using drawScaledCustomSizeModalRect?
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L138[03:51:20] <xaero> my znc passwrod is "user/network:" if that helps
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L140[03:51:36] <sham1> user/network:password
L141[03:51:43] <sham1> That's the form
L142[03:51:57] <sham1> you can put that into your username afaik
L143[03:52:00] <sham1> let me check mine
L144[03:52:24] <sham1> I have mine in the password field
L145[03:52:25] <sham1> Actually
L146[03:52:52] <sham1> so in your password field you write in this form: "{user}/{network_name}:{password}"
L147[03:53:16] <Cypher121> is it in /PASS mode or some other?
L148[03:53:49] <sham1> I have it as "default"
L149[04:01:01] <Cypher121> I dunno, I get "Connection reset by peer" immediately
L150[04:02:12] <killjoy> that's the complete opposite of what windows does.
L151[04:02:16] <killjoy> domain/user
L152[04:02:32] <sham1> Is your port correct and is your nouncer behind tsl?
L153[04:03:03] <Cypher121> everything was correct, except that I had to check "Use SSL for all servers on this network"
L154[04:03:22] <sham1> So it was a problem with TSL :P
L155[04:03:47] <GeoDoX> !gf GuiContainer.guiLeft 1.8.8
L156[04:03:51] <sham1> tls*
L157[04:04:19] <Cypher121> yeah
L158[04:05:20] <Wuppy> o/
L159[04:06:35] ⇨ Joins: Naiten (Naiten@
L160[04:07:18] <GeoDoX> Does Forge still decompile MC assets? If so, where?
L161[04:07:34] <killjoy> assets?
L162[04:07:40] <killjoy> you don't decompile the assets
L163[04:07:45] <killjoy> only classes
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L165[04:07:51] <GeoDoX> I mean... Like extract the assets..
L166[04:07:57] <killjoy> it's in the jar
L167[04:08:10] <GeoDoX> Wheres the jar?
L168[04:08:10] <killjoy> you don't need forge to get thek
L169[04:08:12] <killjoy> them
L170[04:08:15] ⇨ Joins: Javaschreiber (~Thunderbi@p5dd8dfad.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L171[04:08:37] <killjoy> open .minecraft/versions/1.8.9/1.8.9.jar with 7zip
L172[04:08:49] <sham1> unless you don't have vanilla client downloaded...
L173[04:08:57] ⇦ Quits: Mowmaster_Mobile (~Mowmaster@67-3-165-201.omah.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L174[04:09:05] <killjoy> the forge profile uses inherited versions
L175[04:09:07] <GeoDoX> I don't lol
L176[04:09:20] <killjoy> multimc should still use a vanilla jar
L177[04:09:35] <killjoy> it's similar to the vanilla launcher
L178[04:09:47] <killjoy> and why are we calling the launcher vanilla?
L179[04:09:59] <Wuppy> holy hell it was busy yesterday
L180[04:10:07] <Wuppy> there were so many people in the city center that you could hardly stand
L181[04:10:08] <killjoy> Comparing it to multimc is like comparing cake to pie.
L182[04:10:26] <killjoy> and one only has 1 flavor
L183[04:12:19] <killjoy> ever had a vanilla pie?
L184[04:12:32] <killjoy> No? That's because it doesn't exist
L185[04:12:32] <GeoDoX> !gf GuiContainer.guiTop 1.8.8
L186[04:13:01] <masa> why 1.8.8?
L187[04:13:16] <killjoy> the mappings are the same
L188[04:13:31] <masa> still
L189[04:14:31] <GeoDoX> I'm ensuring I get the right version I need
L190[04:15:12] <masa> you don't want 1.8.9?
L191[04:15:33] <GeoDoX> Not atm
L192[04:15:42] <masa> O_o
L193[04:16:13] <Wuppy> why go for 1.8.8 instead of 1.8.9?
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L195[04:17:12] <sham1> Binary compatible
L196[04:17:42] <GeoDoX> Because I'm coding the foundation in 1.8.8, the version I started writing it in, and then updating after I get the foundation done...
L197[04:18:10] <sham1> Well 1.8.8 and 1.8.9 are binary compatible so it does not matter
L198[04:18:16] <sham1> Or I'm sorry
L199[04:18:21] <sham1> Almost binary compatible
L200[04:18:26] ⇨ Joins: Szernex (~Szernex@194-166-120-67.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L201[04:18:35] <sham1> There is like one thing delta between them
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L206[04:50:02] <Wuppy> heheh I've got 7 parties events I'm going to today according to facebook :P
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L236[06:18:25] <Wuppy> 1PM, sounds like good time for some beer
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L241[06:33:55] <Corosus> \o/
L242[06:34:42] <Corosus> what FTB modpacks have good questy goals that are hostile in nature, like going places and conquering entities etc?
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L255[07:00:34] ⇨ Joins: SwordKorn20 (~swordkorn@host-78-148-122-23.as13285.net)
L256[07:01:12] <SwordKorn20> Good afternoon everyone
L257[07:02:47] <SwordKorn20> I'm having a bit of an issue with my Manyullyn ingots and Tinker's Construct for 1.8.9
L258[07:03:16] <SwordKorn20> Anyone have any experience in making TC override my ingots if it's installed?
L259[07:05:11] <SwordKorn20> Or make it so if TC exists, my ingots register as valid tool repair materials?
L260[07:07:28] <SwordKorn20> I only ask as there seems to be an issue with the TC smeltery returning my ingots if casted instead of theirs
L261[07:07:42] <SwordKorn20> And they don't count as tool repair materials
L262[07:07:55] <SwordKorn20> Despite being ore dictionaried
L263[07:19:09] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L264[07:28:46] <ghz|afk> SwordKorn20: do you properly register your ignots in the ore dictionary?
L265[07:29:00] <ghz|afk> wait nevermind
L266[07:29:03] *** ghz|afk is now known as gigaherz
L267[07:29:07] <gigaherz> just read the last line
L268[07:29:07] <gigaherz> XD
L269[07:29:29] <gigaherz> I have no idea about tcon, let alone the 1.8.9 version
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L271[07:31:49] <SwordKorn20> Yeah well the Smeltery can smelt my ingots down to fluids so the ore dictionary is working in that regard
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L273[07:32:53] <SwordKorn20> But they don't count as valid tool repair materials in their ingot form and the problem is with my mod installed, the Smeltery casts my ingots and not theirs
L274[07:33:43] <SwordKorn20> So I either need a way to make my ingots subordinate to theirs
L275[07:33:52] <SwordKorn20> Giving theirs preference
L276[07:34:11] <SwordKorn20> Or make it so they inherit those properties if TC is present
L277[07:35:03] <SwordKorn20> I mean worst case scenario I'll remove my Manyullyn ingots from my mod entirely
L278[07:35:17] <SwordKorn20> But leave the recipes in so if TC is present, the ingots can be made
L279[07:35:45] <gigaherz> it may be a good idea do to
L280[07:36:05] <gigaherz> "if(!Loader.isModLoaded("<modid>") register ores"
L281[07:36:26] <SwordKorn20> Yeah
L282[07:36:45] <gigaherz> but I have no idea how tcon handles repairing
L283[07:36:57] <gigaherz> did you consider asking in their issue tracker or if they have their own irc channel?
L284[07:37:00] <SwordKorn20> Well I took a look at the base code on Github
L285[07:37:14] <SwordKorn20> It seems every ingot is doubly registered
L286[07:37:18] <SwordKorn20> Once as the itme
L287[07:37:24] <SwordKorn20> item*
L288[07:37:31] <SwordKorn20> And again as a tool material;
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L291[07:37:55] <SwordKorn20> So I either need to inherit their API methods
L292[07:38:10] <SwordKorn20> Or just find a work around to stop the TC Smeltery returning my ingots
L293[07:38:44] <gigaherz> if they aren't using oredict names fro the tcon recipes, you may want to ask them to do so
L294[07:38:59] <gigaherz> I mean, if the ingot<->tool material isn't based on the oredict name
L295[07:39:11] <SwordKorn20> They are using ore dict names as both my Manyullyn and theirs has the same ore dict name under JEI
L296[07:39:27] <SwordKorn20> So I don't think it's Ore Dict issue
L297[07:40:07] <SwordKorn20> But their repair methods may give it properties unique to their mod that I'm not
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L300[07:41:10] <SwordKorn20> If I can make it so my ingots can stay in without TC that would be ideal
L301[07:41:31] <gigaherz> what I meant is
L302[07:41:37] <gigaherz> that deciding the tool material from the ingot
L303[07:41:43] <gigaherz> should be something done through oredict names
L304[07:41:48] <SwordKorn20> Maybe write a method to stop them registering if TC is present?
L305[07:41:49] <gigaherz> they shouldn't require anything else
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L307[07:42:47] <SwordKorn20> I didn't foresee the issue when I registered my ingots to the ore dict
L308[07:43:11] <SwordKorn20> I'll double check how they're handling the registry
L309[07:43:31] <gigaherz> I'd still suggest speakingwith them
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L311[07:46:58] <Pennyw95> is tcon out for 1.8.9?
L312[07:47:05] <gigaherz> test builds are
L313[07:47:08] <gigaherz> very alpha
L314[07:47:13] <Pennyw95> I see
L315[07:47:20] <Pennyw95> ty
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L317[07:51:01] <Pennyw95> gigaherz: I assume it is possible to take a texturemap like this one http://imgur.com/Gs23YZy and select one single rune via UVs? http://imgur.com/Gs23YZy
L318[07:51:18] <Pennyw95> and then use the worldrenderer to draw it in the air
L319[07:52:11] <Pennyw95> i mean, this way I would not needed a model at all, right?
L320[07:53:00] <Pennyw95> I would only have to do Minecraft.getMinecraft.getTextureMapBlocks.getAtlasSprite("path") and then get the UVs?
L321[07:53:11] <gigaherz> yes ofc (to being possible)
L322[07:53:35] <gigaherz> uhm
L323[07:53:38] <gigaherz> is it for blocks?
L324[07:53:41] <Pennyw95> great :) I feared I would have to select the runes manually
L325[07:53:42] <gigaherz> I mean
L326[07:53:50] <Pennyw95> no, for a TESR..i'll animate them
L327[07:53:56] <gigaherz> I would not recommend adding such big textures to the atlas
L328[07:54:04] <gigaherz> you probably want to load it separate
L329[07:54:07] <SwordKorn20> You would have to make them Block Variants for rendering
L330[07:54:09] <gigaherz> then bind it
L331[07:54:11] <Pennyw95> It's not mine, it's from thaumcraft
L332[07:54:13] <SwordKorn20> I imagine
L333[07:54:19] <gigaherz> SwordKorn20: nah, TESR can draw them independently
L334[07:54:22] <Pennyw95> so it would be more efficient to use it than make my own
L335[07:54:40] <SwordKorn20> I meant on the block side of things giga but yeah
L336[07:54:54] <gigaherz> it's still best if you bind the texture separately
L337[07:55:06] <Pennyw95> separately?
L338[07:55:17] <gigaherz> in your TESR, you can do: bindTexture("thaumcraft:texture/path")
L339[07:55:19] <SwordKorn20> To each individual instance of the Tile Entity
L340[07:55:22] <gigaherz> well, it takes a resorucelocation
L341[07:55:48] <gigaherz> SwordKorn20: no that's not how TESRs work
L342[07:56:14] <Pennyw95> gigaherz: well I'm binding the atlas no? this.bindTexture(TextureMap.locationBlocksTexture)
L343[07:56:23] <gigaherz> IF the texture is in the atlas, yes
L344[07:56:29] <gigaherz> but I'm suggesting that you use it WITHOUT the atlas
L345[07:56:56] <Pennyw95> this.bindTexture("path")
L346[07:57:05] <gigaherz> does thaumcraft even include the texture in the atlas? because if it does, they are doing it wrong, too XD
L347[07:57:14] <SwordKorn20> What I mean is if the textures are going to be defined per TE and bound to a block variant in blockstates, the TESR would simply call the relevant resource for that variant's bound TE
L348[07:57:15] <Pennyw95> ahah yes it does
L349[07:57:26] <Pennyw95> btw how is a texture bound to the atlas?
L350[07:57:29] <gigaherz> SwordKorn20: that'd be bad practice
L351[07:57:42] <gigaherz> since the TE shouldn't really know anything related with models or textures
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L353[07:57:55] <Pennyw95> SwordKorn20: block textures are unrelated to TEs
L354[07:57:56] <gigaherz> it should only contain the information needed for the TESR to choose
L355[07:58:22] <SwordKorn20> Fair enough. I'm just thinking of ideas based on what I know so far
L356[07:58:41] <gigaherz> Pennyw95: either it's referenced by a block/item model,
L357[07:58:53] <gigaherz> or you have to use the stitch event
L358[07:58:58] <Pennyw95> gigaherz: I have a tetxuremap in my src/assets/... for a TESR model, is it bound to the atlas too?
L359[07:59:06] <gigaherz> to inject the texture yourself
L360[07:59:09] <Pennyw95> Oh...then no, since no json files call it
L361[07:59:26] <gigaherz> yeah then it's separate
L362[07:59:29] <Pennyw95> I think Thaumcraft binds it, since in the particle class I didn't see any texture path
L363[07:59:38] <SwordKorn20> Could you not call it in the block variants?
L364[07:59:47] <gigaherz> SwordKorn20: block variants are for static models
L365[07:59:54] <gigaherz> we are talking about TESR rendering, which is different
L366[08:00:13] <SwordKorn20> I mean to initialise them in the json
L367[08:00:16] *** Vigaro is now known as V
L368[08:00:19] <Pennyw95> gigaherz: so the best procedure would be: this.bindTexture("thaumcraft:path")
L369[08:00:32] <Pennyw95> and then make a new ResourceLocation and get the UVs?
L370[08:00:47] <gigaherz> no you don't "make a new resourcelocation"
L371[08:00:53] *** V is now known as Vigaro
L372[08:00:54] <gigaherz> you just store your own UVs somewhere
L373[08:01:11] <gigaherz> the resourcelocation is because bindTexture takes a RL
L374[08:01:13] <gigaherz> so you'd have to do
L375[08:01:18] <Pennyw95> RL?
L376[08:01:21] <gigaherz> this.bindTexture(new ResourceLocation("thaumcraft:path"))
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L378[08:01:23] <Pennyw95> ah sure
L379[08:01:33] <SwordKorn20> I haven't used TESR much in 1.8.9 so I only really know the old 1.7.10 methods at this point
L380[08:01:40] <Lordmau5> \o
L381[08:01:42] <gigaherz> it worked like that in 1.7, too
L382[08:01:48] <gigaherz> static models were ISBRH
L383[08:02:00] <gigaherz> only purely dynamic stuff went into the TESRs
L384[08:02:10] <gigaherz> that hasn't changed
L385[08:02:14] <Lordmau5> Small question: I've heard there's a 1.8 port of RF?
L386[08:02:16] <Pennyw95> can I make a RL texture = new RL("path"); bindTexture(texture); and get the UVs from that var?
L387[08:02:23] <gigaherz> only the hardcoded ISBRHs became blocstates variants
L388[08:02:35] <SwordKorn20> I haven't seen an official port yet Lordmau5
L389[08:02:37] <gigaherz> Pennyw95: no, you can't get UVs
L390[08:02:41] <gigaherz> because since thetexture is separate
L391[08:02:47] <Lordmau5> I've heard of BC having made one, but I'm unsure about it
L392[08:02:49] <gigaherz> the UVs are always the full thing
L393[08:02:51] <gigaherz> 0..1
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L395[08:03:13] <SwordKorn20> BC took the old RF API and updated the methods manually
L396[08:03:29] <Pennyw95> then would do I do? punch random floatbetween 0 and 1 until I get the one I want??
L397[08:03:31] <gigaherz> Lordmau5: most of us use the port made by Progressive automation
L398[08:03:36] <Lordmau5> oh, alright
L399[08:03:44] <Lordmau5> where can I find that one then :p?
L400[08:03:52] <gigaherz> in any 1.8.x mod that uses rf
L401[08:03:53] <SwordKorn20> I did however write the RF API methods into SKEnergy
L402[08:03:54] <gigaherz> including mine
L403[08:04:12] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/tree/master/src/main/java/cofh/api
L404[08:04:16] <gigaherz> it's a straight copy from PA
L405[08:04:38] <Lordmau5> so I basically just copy that over into my mod?
L406[08:04:47] <gigaherz> yeap
L407[08:04:51] <Lordmau5> alrighty, thanks! :)
L408[08:04:55] <SwordKorn20> https://github.com/SwordKorn20/SKEnergy/tree/master/src/main/java/com/SKEnergy/api
L409[08:05:08] <SwordKorn20> Don't know if that'll help in anyway
L410[08:05:18] <gigaherz> SwordKorn20: no because it's not the RF api
L411[08:05:24] <gigaherz> so it won't get used by any mod using RF
L412[08:05:35] <SwordKorn20> It uses the same interfaces
L413[08:05:40] <gigaherz> in a different package
L414[08:05:45] <Lordmau5> ^
L415[08:05:52] <gigaherz> when people look for cofh.api.energy.IEnergyReceiver
L416[08:05:55] <gigaherz> it won't see yours
L417[08:06:10] <SwordKorn20> I wrote it more as a repository of the methods so anyone could make an energy system without waiting for CoFH
L418[08:06:22] <gigaherz> well we didn't wait for cofh ;P
L419[08:06:27] <gigaherz> we just straight up used their code in 1.8+
L420[08:06:48] <gigaherz> all it does is replace int x,y,z with blockPos
L421[08:06:52] <gigaherz> and forgedirection with enumfacing
L422[08:07:11] <SwordKorn20> Yeah that's what I've got going on there too
L423[08:07:21] <gigaherz> yeah but you chose to changethe package name
L424[08:07:41] <SwordKorn20> I was going to make my own power type
L425[08:07:41] <gigaherz> so for all intents and purposes, you made a different API, thathappens to be identical in the interface and method names
L426[08:07:48] <SwordKorn20> Hence why I changed the package
L427[08:07:54] <Lordmau5> Your own power type, "with blackjack and hookers" ~ Bender
L428[08:07:58] <gigaherz> lol
L429[08:08:03] <Lordmau5> yes, but no one will use it probably
L430[08:08:04] <gigaherz> note that I'm not saying it's bad
L431[08:08:16] <gigaherz> just not helpful for someone trying to make their mod compatible with the existing RF stuff
L432[08:08:20] <Lordmau5> as giga mentioned, no mod will fetch the classes in there, since they rely on the cofh.api.[...] stuff
L433[08:08:47] <SwordKorn20> My only issue with PA's port is a lot of the methods were missing
L434[08:08:55] <Lordmau5> for example?
L435[08:08:57] <SwordKorn20> So I wrote them all out for myself
L436[08:09:00] <gigaherz> missing?
L437[08:09:07] <gigaherz> I compared the 1.7 api wiht the 1.8
L438[08:09:14] <SwordKorn20> From the full 1.7 API
L439[08:09:23] <gigaherz> it only has the RF bits
L440[08:09:30] <gigaherz> it ignores the other packages
L441[08:09:35] <SwordKorn20> PA didn't use evry Interface
L442[08:09:41] <SwordKorn20> That's why I rewrote it
L443[08:09:46] <gigaherz> uh
L444[08:10:12] <Pennyw95> Holy shit....I just found out I had pushMatrix instead of PopMatrix at the end of the renderer...I bet that was dropping the FPS!
L445[08:10:26] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/tree/master/src/main/java/cofh/api/energy
L446[08:10:30] <gigaherz> https://github.com/CoFH/RedstoneFlux-API/tree/master/src/main/java/cofh/api/energy
L447[08:10:37] <gigaherz> looks complete to me
L448[08:10:45] <SwordKorn20> Well he doesn't use cables for PA so he didn't have those
L449[08:10:49] <SwordKorn20> That's all
L450[08:10:59] <SwordKorn20> And I wanted the example classes in for reference
L451[08:10:59] <gigaherz> cables are NOT part of the RF api, they are separate packages
L452[08:11:32] <Pennyw95> is there a difference betwen Minecraft.getMinecraft.renderEngine.bindTexture and this.bindTetxure?
L453[08:11:51] <SwordKorn20> this will refer to the object in question I believe
L454[08:12:08] <Zaggy2048> indeed, it's just a convenience method
L455[08:12:16] <Lordmau5> An API should not ship blocks or similar, lol
L456[08:12:32] <SwordKorn20> You still need the long hand method for render registry
L457[08:12:38] <SwordKorn20> There's no blocks in it
L458[08:12:57] <Lordmau5> > cables are NOT part of the RF api | what giga said
L459[08:13:01] <Lordmau5> which makes sense
L460[08:13:28] <SwordKorn20> I just took every single Interface from it and brough them up to date
L461[08:13:29] <Lordmau5> I still can't follow as to why there were "missing methods" and similar
L462[08:13:52] <SwordKorn20> There's no actual blocks in the API
L463[08:13:53] *** zz_SnowShock35 is now known as SnowShock35
L464[08:14:01] <Lordmau5> I *know*
L465[08:14:18] <SwordKorn20> Call me picky or fickle
L466[08:14:23] <SwordKorn20> I just wanted the whole lot
L467[08:14:27] <SwordKorn20> lol
L468[08:14:30] <Lordmau5> it's fine
L469[08:14:54] <Lordmau5> but I'm having the feeling that it seems like your mod (-api) will not be compatible with the one everyone else seems to use
L470[08:15:33] <SwordKorn20> Well if I ever utilise it myself, I'll probably use my updated write for the in house machines
L471[08:15:45] <SwordKorn20> And add CoFH updated methods for integration
L472[08:16:47] <SwordKorn20> I just liked the idea of having my own energy system that didn't have to be RF
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L474[08:18:17] <SwordKorn20> And if my package api is available, anyone who wants to make it compatible directly with my energy system can do so
L475[08:18:23] <Lordmau5> yay, more energy systems \o/ ...
L476[08:18:24] <SwordKorn20> That was my thought process
L477[08:18:44] <Lordmau5> whilst we're at it, we might as well make a Spreadsheet that people can sign up on for making their own systems
L478[08:18:48] <Lordmau5> let's see how many we can get together
L479[08:18:51] <SwordKorn20> lol
L480[08:19:26] <Pennyw95> gigaherz: shouldn't something like this render the whole texture map? in every wr.pos => .tex(0.0F, 1.0F).color(255, 255, 255, 255).endVertex()
L481[08:20:18] <SwordKorn20> Seems sound to me
L482[08:20:36] <SwordKorn20> But I haven't messed much with those methods yet
L483[08:21:00] <Pennyw95> I have already, that's the embarassing part
L484[08:21:22] <SwordKorn20> That's not embarassing! That shows dedication and commitment!
L485[08:21:36] <SwordKorn20> :)
L486[08:22:04] <SwordKorn20> I haven't touched on them yet as I've not done much TE work in 1.8.9 yet
L487[08:22:20] <unascribed> Pennyw95, that only defines one vertex
L488[08:22:26] <unascribed> you need to define the four corners
L489[08:22:34] <Pennyw95> I know, I have that in all 4
L490[08:22:42] <unascribed> with the same value?
L491[08:22:48] <unascribed> because that's not how UVs work
L492[08:22:51] <Pennyw95> the pos values are different
L493[08:22:55] <unascribed> but not tex
L494[08:23:00] <unascribed> that's your problem
L495[08:23:10] <unascribed> you're rendering the bottom-left pixel over the entire square
L496[08:23:23] <Pennyw95> which is probably empty...crap
L497[08:23:37] <unascribed> I forget if Minecraft is clockwise or counter-clockwise
L498[08:23:46] <unascribed> but the top-left of the square needs to be 0,0
L499[08:23:49] <unascribed> top-right 1,0
L500[08:23:49] <Pennyw95> SwordKorn20: why thank you, i just find it amusing how quickly I forget rendering
L501[08:23:50] <unascribed> etc
L502[08:23:53] <Pennyw95> counter-clockwise
L503[08:23:54] <gigaherz> Pennyw95: (0,0) -- (0,1) -- (1,1) -- (1,0)
L504[08:23:56] <SwordKorn20> How can you tell unascribed?
L505[08:24:09] <gigaherz> or the other way around, I never remember
L506[08:24:10] <gigaherz> XD
L507[08:24:10] <SwordKorn20> Just our of curiousity
L508[08:24:15] <unascribed> well
L509[08:24:18] <Ordinastie> it's CCW
L510[08:24:19] <unascribed> if your models render horribly wrong
L511[08:24:22] <Pennyw95> Well my other renders are counter-clockwise and they work
L512[08:24:23] <unascribed> then you know it's the wrong direction
L513[08:24:42] <SwordKorn20> I meant just by reading the methods
L514[08:24:44] <unascribed> there's some glGet argument for it too
L515[08:24:49] <unascribed> you don't
L516[08:24:52] <unascribed> it's a GL mode
L517[08:25:00] <unascribed> you'd have to go read some render code to see which direction it's in
L518[08:25:11] <SwordKorn20> Couldn't you tesselate it?
L519[08:25:17] <unascribed> huh?
L520[08:25:30] <SwordKorn20> It was what I used in 1.7
L521[08:25:35] <unascribed> I'm talking about how to tell if you're in CW or CCW mode
L522[08:25:37] <unascribed> what are you asking
L523[08:25:56] <SwordKorn20> Just defining the coordinates of the block space to render in
L524[08:26:07] <unascribed> depends
L525[08:26:20] <unascribed> TESRs and entities pass in an x,y,z triplet you pass to glTranslate
L526[08:26:30] <unascribed> and then the coordinate you need is effectively 0,0,0
L527[08:27:08] <SwordKorn20> I used tesselation to render inside a block space by moving into the block and selecting a certain pixel
L528[08:27:16] <SwordKorn20> But that was a while back
L529[08:27:22] <SwordKorn20> I forgot how I did it
L530[08:27:23] <SwordKorn20> lol
L531[08:27:24] <unascribed> I don't really understand what you're asking/stating
L532[08:27:27] <Pennyw95> got it!
L533[08:27:51] <Ordinastie> unascribed, don't worry, I don't either ><
L534[08:28:14] <SwordKorn20> I rendered the sides of the texture in the middle of the block space
L535[08:28:26] <SwordKorn20> By tesselating
L536[08:28:59] <Pennyw95> isn't it a beauty? http://imgur.com/q3XoWca
L537[08:29:06] <unascribed> ._.
L538[08:29:15] <SwordKorn20> That looks awesome Penny!
L539[08:29:29] <Pennyw95> ty :)
L540[08:29:38] <unascribed> if rendering the atlas looks "awesome" then I should just replace all of the renderers in my mods with atlases
L541[08:29:47] <Pennyw95> I might as well leave the whole map ahah
L542[08:30:06] <SwordKorn20> You wanting to put those maps on that circle?
L543[08:30:16] <SwordKorn20> Disc
L544[08:30:19] <Pennyw95> no, I'll just seelct the runes and put them on the white cup
L545[08:30:31] <Ordinastie> I have a command that displays the atlas dragable/zoomable : http://puu.sh/mXX6q.jpg :)
L546[08:30:47] <Pennyw95> hey that's cool
L547[08:30:48] <unascribed> that looks surprisingly useful
L548[08:31:12] <gigaherz> wtf are those GIANT slabs?
L549[08:31:13] <gigaherz> XD
L550[08:31:18] <unascribed> it's funny just how huge the Sphax textures are next to the vanilla textures
L551[08:31:18] <SwordKorn20> I don't get it
L552[08:31:23] <Pennyw95> never thought about it but the texturepacks with higher res must make the atlas really giant..
L553[08:31:28] <unascribed> yes.
L554[08:31:28] <gigaherz> they do
L555[08:31:41] <gigaherz> up to 8192x8192 for most GPUs
L556[08:31:43] <unascribed> a 512x texture atlas is 32 times bigger
L557[08:31:43] <gigaherz> ;P
L558[08:32:14] <SwordKorn20> What resolution of Sphax is that?
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L561[08:32:34] <Ordinastie> looks like 256
L562[08:32:42] <SwordKorn20> I thought it was 512
L563[08:32:54] <Ordinastie> ah yes it is
L564[08:32:54] <gigaherz> anything > 128 is just pointless
L565[08:33:24] <Ordinastie> gigaherz, I don't actually use it, I just "stole" the textures for my exmaple/test block pack
L566[08:33:30] <gigaherz> heh
L567[08:33:33] <SwordKorn20> I find higher resolution textures just make Minecraft look funny
L568[08:33:45] <SwordKorn20> Although I like Faithful 32x32
L569[08:33:47] <Pennyw95> gigaherz: so, now that I have that textueMap, I just have to choose the UVs to isolate the symbol I want?
L570[08:33:59] <gigaherz> yes
L571[08:34:21] <Ordinastie> the UVs are stored in the TextureAtlasSprite, don't you have it ?
L572[08:34:36] <gigaherz> it's a separate texture
L573[08:34:37] <Ordinastie> (no I didn't read full backlog ><)
L574[08:34:40] <gigaherz> a prebaked atlas
L575[08:34:49] <gigaherz> with symbols and sprites
L576[08:35:05] <unascribed> I used to always play with Faithful
L577[08:35:06] <Ordinastie> that still should translate into a TAS
L578[08:35:10] <Pennyw95> so it's trial and error
L579[08:35:13] <unascribed> but I just stopped one day, I forget why
L580[08:35:13] <gigaherz> only if you embed it into the atlas
L581[08:35:16] <SwordKorn20> Do you still animate them in the same way as in 1.7?
L582[08:35:18] <unascribed> now I insist on having 16x textures >.>
L583[08:35:24] <gigaherz> but we are talking about choosing a sub-elements within the map
L584[08:35:38] <gigaherz> Pennyw95: no
L585[08:35:49] <gigaherz> U/V values are the pixel coords divided by the size
L586[08:35:54] <gigaherz> so if the texture was 256x256
L587[08:36:02] <gigaherz> and the pixel is at 65,37
L588[08:36:04] <gigaherz> you'd have
L589[08:36:04] <Ordinastie> gigaherz, yes, that's what TAS are
L590[08:36:10] <gigaherz> 65/255.0
L591[08:36:27] <gigaherz> Ordinastie: it's ONE texture that would get added into a single slot in the TAS
L592[08:36:32] <Pennyw95> oh, cleve
L593[08:36:49] <gigaherz> it doesn't have a whole bunch of TAS objects for each subelement
L594[08:36:53] <SwordKorn20> Ah so you map the pixel locations on the atlas to draw that region
L595[08:36:57] <SwordKorn20> Cool
L596[08:37:34] <Pennyw95> so, since it is a 256x256, to select to runes I must count the pixels??
L597[08:37:56] <Pennyw95> I hope paint.net shows them
L598[08:38:25] <SwordKorn20> Well if you find the pixel in the top right or left (depending on CW or CCW)
L599[08:38:33] <SwordKorn20> And then the diagonal opposite
L600[08:38:38] <SwordKorn20> It should draw that region
L601[08:38:52] <SwordKorn20> I think
L602[08:39:02] <Pennyw95> yes, and to get a single square inside the map (that is, one specific symbol) I need to count the numbers
L603[08:39:11] <gigaherz> yep
L604[08:39:12] <Pennyw95> I'll try some programs
L605[08:39:14] <gigaherz> select the area in paint.net
L606[08:39:17] <gigaherz> it will show on the bottom-left
L607[08:39:23] <gigaherz> the offset and size ofthe selection
L608[08:39:49] <gigaherz> either that or steal the numbers from thaumcraft
L609[08:39:52] <Pennyw95> btw have you ever heard of Krita? a drawing software like gimp
L610[08:39:59] <gigaherz> although wihtout it being opensource, dunno how you'd do that
L611[08:40:00] <gigaherz> XD
L612[08:40:08] <SwordKorn20> Yeah lol
L613[08:40:09] <Pennyw95> for modders it is opensource :P
L614[08:40:17] <SwordKorn20> You'd probably have to manually decompile
L615[08:40:18] <Pennyw95> he himself said that
L616[08:40:26] <gigaherz> but there isn't a source download ;P
L617[08:40:28] <Pennyw95> he gives a deobf version so it's ok
L618[08:40:34] <SwordKorn20> Oh really?
L619[08:40:37] <unascribed> deobf != open source
L620[08:40:41] <SwordKorn20> I've never found it
L621[08:40:52] <Pennyw95> decompile deobf => profit
L622[08:41:07] <unascribed> deobf jars are nothing special
L623[08:41:12] <unascribed> you can get one from a normal mod with BON2
L624[08:41:21] <Lordmau5> why do you need the deobf version?
L625[08:41:25] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
L626[08:41:28] <Lordmau5> for looking at the code?
L627[08:41:33] <SwordKorn20> To read the methods I think
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L629[08:41:34] <Lordmau5> ah k
L630[08:41:49] <Lordmau5> Thought for having it in the runtime of a dev-environment :p
L631[08:41:53] <gigaherz> also before 1.8.9, you needed it to run in devel
L632[08:41:58] <gigaherz> in order to make addons to thaumcraft
L633[08:42:00] <SwordKorn20> Azanor only puts the localisation files on GitHub
L634[08:42:03] <Lordmau5> ye, 1.8.9 brought runtime deobfuscation
L635[08:42:07] <gigaherz> in 1.8.9, you can use non-deobf jars
L636[08:42:09] <Pennyw95> correct
L637[08:42:14] <SwordKorn20> So it's hard to research his methods
L638[08:42:17] <Lordmau5> which is a godsend :D
L639[08:42:23] <gigaherz> yup
L640[08:42:25] <Pennyw95> SwordKorn20: no
L641[08:42:55] <SwordKorn20> I wanted to reference his work to help with mine
L642[08:42:57] <Pennyw95> if you put the deobf version in a decompiler you can read method names
L643[08:43:10] <SwordKorn20> Huh
L644[08:43:14] <SwordKorn20> I'll have to try that
L645[08:43:26] <Lordmau5> jd-gui is the easiest for that
L646[08:43:38] <Pennyw95> ^
L647[08:44:01] <SwordKorn20> Cool! Would be really helpful to refer to his methods from time to time
L648[08:44:04] ⇦ Quits: Corosus (~Corosus@135-23-126-120.cpe.pppoe.ca) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L649[08:44:12] <SwordKorn20> Just as a helping hand
L650[08:44:24] <Pennyw95> so you working on an addon too?
L651[08:44:45] <SwordKorn20> Not currently but I wanted to integrate some of my mod features eventually
L652[08:45:05] <LatvianModder> 16:40:07 <Pennyw95> for modders it is opensource :P
L653[08:45:05] <LatvianModder> "closed source" doesn't exist for programmers. Anything for them is open source, if they want :P
L654[08:45:15] <gigaherz> that's not true
L655[08:45:29] <gigaherz> Mojang allows people to do copyright infringements
L656[08:45:32] <LatvianModder> ok, Minecraft is an exception
L657[08:45:37] <LatvianModder> Its obfuscated
L658[08:45:40] <gigaherz> that doesn't apply to other things
L659[08:45:48] <gigaherz> that doesn't matter
L660[08:45:53] <gigaherz> if Mojang wanted
L661[08:45:57] <gigaherz> they could enforce their copyright
L662[08:46:01] <SwordKorn20> Well it's not really copyright infringement
L663[08:46:06] <gigaherz> and that would make any mod that has copied vanilla code illegal
L664[08:46:09] <SwordKorn20> It's just a different kind of copyright
L665[08:46:12] <gigaherz> nope
L666[08:46:22] <gigaherz> if you copied vanilla code, even a single word of it, it's copyright infringement
L667[08:46:32] <LatvianModder> No gigz right. if they wanted, there would be no mods at all
L668[08:46:34] <SwordKorn20> So why is Forge allowed to exist?
L669[08:46:40] <gigaherz> because Mojang allows it
L670[08:46:56] <LatvianModder> Forge still has some limits, I think
L671[08:46:57] <gigaherz> well
L672[08:47:01] <gigaherz> in the past
L673[08:47:05] <SwordKorn20> I was gonna say as Forge effectively uses a good majority of base code
L674[08:47:10] <gigaherz> forge was more direct in modification
L675[08:47:11] <gigaherz> now
L676[08:47:14] ⇨ Joins: Curle (~head@host81-154-121-145.range81-154.btcentralplus.com)
L677[08:47:17] <Curle> bach
L678[08:47:17] <gigaherz> forge stores only patchest o decompiled code
L679[08:47:22] <gigaherz> doesn't host any decompiled code at all
L680[08:47:28] <gigaherz> patches to*
L681[08:47:42] <LatvianModder> and many modifications are made runtime with AccessTransformers, ASM etc
L682[08:47:48] <gigaherz> yeah
L683[08:47:55] <Curle> ASM?
L684[08:47:55] <gigaherz> if Mojang was pedantic about copyright
L685[08:47:55] <LatvianModder> If modders wants to use some field, they can't edit Minecraft's code
L686[08:48:04] <LatvianModder> Assemmbly iirc
L687[08:48:07] <Curle> oh
L688[08:48:09] <Curle> ta
L689[08:48:09] <gigaherz> then ALL of modding would have to be like that
L690[08:48:11] <LatvianModder> Or Asembler or smth
L691[08:48:13] <gigaherz> ASM is a java library
L692[08:48:18] <gigaherz> that lets you work with bytecode
L693[08:48:24] <SwordKorn20> Not directly but they can use the methods to enable similar functionality through Forge
L694[08:48:25] <gigaherz> it's unrelated with real assembly langauges
L695[08:48:54] <LatvianModder> AND, Thats not the only nice thing mojang has done
L696[08:48:59] <SwordKorn20> Sorry I was referring to Latvian in terms of editing code :)
L697[08:49:15] <LatvianModder> In past, YouTube offered Mojang to put restrictions on any minecraft youtube video, but Mojand declined
L698[08:49:15] <Pennyw95> ouch..paint.net only shows multiples of 10 in the pixel grid...is there a way to make it more precise?
L699[08:49:30] <gigaherz> I think it's configurable?
L700[08:49:46] <LatvianModder> They basically allowed tousands and millions of people upload minecraft videos for free, when they could have restricted that
L701[08:49:57] <SwordKorn20> How can you put restrictions on Gameplay footage?
L702[08:50:02] <Pennyw95> Nintendo?
L703[08:50:04] <LatvianModder> YouTube can do anything
L704[08:50:10] <Curle> Twitch
L705[08:50:14] <Curle> has done it iirc
L706[08:50:17] <LatvianModder> Most of the uploaded videos are reviewd by people
L707[08:50:28] <Curle> have to have a license to upload a certain few games
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L709[08:50:38] <LatvianModder> Aye
L710[08:50:39] <Curle> other wise you get IP banned
L711[08:51:06] <SwordKorn20> Must fall under Fair Usage
L712[08:51:16] <Curle> Twitch, dude.
L713[08:51:22] <SwordKorn20> I meant in general
L714[08:51:26] <SwordKorn20> Copyright wise
L715[08:52:32] <SwordKorn20> Nintendo are pains for claiming audio copyright infringement
L716[08:52:47] <SwordKorn20> But I've seen plenty of their games being played on the Tube
L717[08:53:19] <Curle> quick anecdote: I uploaded a video on Youtube, with 0.2 seconds of a techno song playing from the game, and they decided they could take all revenue from it :/
L718[08:53:27] <SwordKorn20> Yeah that
L719[08:53:27] <Pennyw95> gigaherz: counting the pixels with top left (0,0) and bottom right(255,255)?
L720[08:53:44] <SwordKorn20> I had that with Saria's song on a OOT video
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L722[08:54:04] <Curle> o/ del
L723[08:54:10] <LatvianModder> If I have made 80 cents during all my youtube career, do I count as a youtuber? :D
L724[08:54:15] <Delenas> \o
L725[08:54:19] <SwordKorn20> lol totally Lat
L726[08:54:24] <LatvianModder> Im also a YouTube Partner, but I have disabled all monetization :D
L727[08:54:35] <Curle> if you have a youtube account, you're a youtuber
L728[08:54:42] <SwordKorn20> Are you updating your mods to 1.8.9 Lat?
L729[08:54:45] <LatvianModder> you can be a lurker too, Curle
L730[08:54:53] <Curle> Lurker?
L731[08:54:53] <LatvianModder> SwordKorn20: which ones? most are in-dev
L732[08:55:07] <SwordKorn20> Well I liked LatBlocks
L733[08:55:08] <LatvianModder> http://imgur.com/VlQ8rGT
L734[08:55:19] <SwordKorn20> And your redstone one which the name escapes me now
L735[08:55:34] <LatvianModder> LatBlocks.. not sure. Silicio 2 sure is getting updated, but LatBlocks would be such a pain. But im sure I will find a way someday
L736[08:55:52] <Curle> Hmm
L737[08:55:59] <SwordKorn20> Awesome! Can't wait for channel Redstone to be back in 1.8.9
L738[08:56:07] <Curle> If I can find my old mod, I'll get you how we did it
L739[08:56:10] <LatvianModder> That one aint mine! :D
L740[08:56:38] <SwordKorn20> You used channel redstone for Silicio though right?
L741[08:56:45] <Curle> I was gonna say Expanded Redstone but that's Reika's :P
L742[08:57:00] <SwordKorn20> I like Reika's mods
L743[08:57:07] <Curle> Yea, me too
L744[08:57:08] <SwordKorn20> But Servers die at their usage
L745[08:57:16] <LatvianModder> SwordKorn20: Silicio was something like Applied energistics + redpower
L746[08:57:18] <Curle> Not mine :O
L747[08:57:26] <SwordKorn20> Curle: Nice!
L748[08:57:56] <LatvianModder> Curle: Imagine this with json block models xP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDnZ5vqn0P8
L749[08:58:05] <SwordKorn20> Oh so you called the api from like... project red or MFR to get the channel capabilities?
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L751[08:58:59] <SwordKorn20> Yeah that could be difficult
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L753[08:59:54] <SwordKorn20> I'm surprised glass didn't seem to work
L754[09:00:15] <SwordKorn20> Or was that because of the rendering type?
L755[09:00:49] ⇨ Joins: JC52 (~JC52@host81-154-121-145.range81-154.btcentralplus.com)
L756[09:00:57] <JC52> Guess who!
L757[09:01:01] <LatvianModder> Silicio had its own system, but it was similar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ovr608PqhpU
L758[09:01:04] <Curle> My stalker?
L759[09:01:06] <JC52> :P
L760[09:02:32] <SwordKorn20> I look forward to Silicio 2!
L761[09:02:46] <LatvianModder> \o/
L762[09:02:52] <SwordKorn20> Gonna stick a OpenComputers computer at it and see what I can break
L763[09:02:56] <SwordKorn20> lol
L764[09:02:58] <Curle> I look forward to knowing what the shit that is! @{
L765[09:03:01] <Curle> :P*
L766[09:03:53] <SwordKorn20> Check out Silicio for 1.7.10
L767[09:03:58] <SwordKorn20> It's really good
L768[09:04:02] <LatvianModder> better dont
L769[09:04:06] <Curle> Silicio? Bless you. :L
L770[09:04:12] <LatvianModder> its absolourly broken :P
L771[09:04:20] <Curle> As is your grammar :P
L772[09:04:25] <LatvianModder> aye
L773[09:04:28] <SwordKorn20> Why?
L774[09:04:46] <LatvianModder> because i was too lazy to fix it :P
L775[09:04:52] <SwordKorn20> lol
L776[09:05:07] <SwordKorn20> It was good fun in Daybreaker though
L777[09:06:28] <SwordKorn20> Well I have about 45 minutes until I need to get ready for work
L778[09:06:31] <Curle> OOh
L779[09:06:42] <Curle> I have Daybreaker, I'll check it out now
L780[09:06:56] <SwordKorn20> Think I'm gonna lay down the IDE for now. Happy modding all!
L781[09:07:00] <Curle> o/
L782[09:07:16] ⇦ Parts: SwordKorn20 (~swordkorn@host-78-148-122-23.as13285.net) (Leaving))
L783[09:08:15] *** fry|afk is now known as fry
L784[09:08:26] <Curle> Oh, wow
L785[09:08:44] <Curle> I never realised how much I use IIcon until I upgrade
L786[09:09:56] <Pennyw95> Is there any way, given a normal block rendered via json, to render interal faces as well as external?
L787[09:10:29] <Pennyw95> I mean, if I were to make one face of the block transparent, I'd see through the opposite one. Can I prevent that and make the block have an internal face as well?
L788[09:10:36] <Curle> make a new block model, hollow cube?
L789[09:10:51] <Pennyw95> but that would require a TESR, wouldn't it^
L790[09:11:10] <Curle> Hmm
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L793[09:11:41] <Pennyw95> well I could make a json model with 6 parallelepipeds
L794[09:11:46] <JC52> Yes, but use a static list, to speed it up
L795[09:11:47] ⇦ Quits: auenf (David@DC-174-214.bpb.bigpond.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L796[09:12:03] <Curle> When did you learn to mod? :P
L797[09:12:06] <LatvianModder> Pennyw95: one sec
L798[09:12:10] <JC52> Ehh, yesterday?
L799[09:12:44] ⇨ Joins: auenf (David@DC-174-214.bpb.bigpond.com)
L800[09:12:49] <Pennyw95> Okay that's a probably it...a json file with 6 elements that enclose on cube
L801[09:13:04] <Pennyw95> (is enclose even a word?)
L802[09:13:09] <LatvianModder> Pennyw95: https://github.com/LatvianModder/XPTeleporters/blob/1.8.9/src/main/resources/assets/xpt/models/block/teleporter_base.json#L29
L803[09:13:35] <Pennyw95> does cullface draw the opposite face?
L804[09:13:52] ⇨ Joins: sejsel (~sejsel@10.174.broadband5.iol.cz)
L805[09:14:01] ⇨ Joins: Seppon (~Noppes@82-168-99-26.ip.telfort.nl)
L806[09:14:31] <LatvianModder> hmm. seems like you can only set one of 6
L807[09:14:42] <covers1624_> so quick question, why am i not seeing the fml log file in dev env? is there a flag i have to enable with a launch arg or something?
L808[09:14:52] ⇨ Joins: DebugsPeople (~DebugsPeo@2a02:810d:95c0:880:7c70:b08:c77d:4b26)
L809[09:14:53] <Curle> it should be default on
L810[09:14:55] <Curle> ehm
L811[09:14:57] <Pennyw95> I don't get you mean
L812[09:15:02] <Pennyw95> what is cullface?
L813[09:15:19] ⇨ Joins: ZaggyMobile2 (~Zaggy1024@174-20-167-106.mpls.qwest.net)
L814[09:16:01] <masa> bleh I was going to add some other mods to my dev env to test stuff with, but they have several errors on launch so it makes it harder to find possible errors of my own... so I guess I'll leave that for later
L815[09:16:01] <Curle> Got anything, Jen?
L816[09:16:13] <LatvianModder> basically, makes a face render only from one side
L817[09:16:16] <JC52> I'm blank, mon
L818[09:16:25] <LatvianModder> like, top side will only be visible from top
L819[09:16:25] *** JC52 is now known as Jenny
L820[09:16:26] <masa> why do people release broken stuff... ;_;
L821[09:16:30] ⇦ Quits: Noppes (~Noppes@82-168-99-26.ip.telfort.nl) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L822[09:16:42] <Curle> masa, rip
L823[09:16:50] <covers1624_> ^
L824[09:16:57] <Pennyw95> LatvianModder: and is the reason efficiency?
L825[09:17:04] *** covers1624_ is now known as covers1624
L826[09:17:05] <LatvianModder> renders faster
L827[09:17:10] <LatvianModder> because you only render one face, not 2
L828[09:17:31] <LatvianModder> if I understnad correctly, you want a block to render both inside and outside the same?
L829[09:17:36] <Pennyw95> 2? does "down" have 2 faces? sorry if it sounds stupid
L830[09:17:49] <covers1624> inside and outside
L831[09:18:11] <masa> Pennyw95: ie. the face doesn't render from both sides
L832[09:18:19] <Curle> My favourite music lyrics: Ask for money, get advice. Ask for advice, get money twice. :P
L833[09:18:23] <Pennyw95> Oh, so if I make face "east" have a transparent texture, without "cullface:west" i'd see the internal "west" face?
L834[09:18:33] <masa> face being just a simple quad, ie. a plane with no thickness
L835[09:18:35] <gigaherz> transparency is unrelated
L836[09:18:59] <Pennyw95> if I make face "east" transparent I'll see through it, no?
L837[09:19:05] <Jenny> Curle: Pitbull? :P
L838[09:19:11] <Pennyw95> I mean, give it a texture with a hole, for instance
L839[09:19:13] <Curle> aye
L840[09:19:16] <gigaherz> yes
L841[09:19:19] <gigaherz> imagine glass
L842[09:19:26] <gigaherz> you know how you don't see the opposite side of the glass?
L843[09:19:33] <covers1624> or leaves
L844[09:19:33] <gigaherz> that's culling.
L845[09:19:37] <gigaherz> now
L846[09:19:38] <Pennyw95> perfect :D
L847[09:19:41] <gigaherz> the gpu does its own culling
L848[09:19:50] <gigaherz> for polygons that are facing away from the player
L849[09:19:59] <gigaherz> but minecraft also support culling faces that are in contact with other blocks
L850[09:20:03] <Curle> covers: I can see the other side of leaves at a certain angle
L851[09:20:29] <gigaherz> soyou need to know which faces should be culled when the block has a solid block to the east
L852[09:20:39] <gigaherz> which faces are not needed when there's a solid block to the north, etc
L853[09:20:43] <gigaherz> tht's "cullface" IIRC
L854[09:20:52] <gigaherz> it's independent from the gpu culling
L855[09:20:56] <covers1624> true, its been a while since i actualy had time to play the game and notice leaves...
L856[09:20:56] <unascribed> there's special logic in glass to skip faces that are touching other glass blocks
L857[09:20:58] <gigaherz> and exists to make the vertex lists smaller
L858[09:21:03] <gigaherz> yeah
L859[09:21:07] <Pennyw95> got it...thank you :)
L860[09:21:14] <gigaherz> for "similarly transparent blocks", that's yet another feature
L861[09:21:16] <gigaherz> in the block class
L862[09:21:20] <LatvianModder> You know how you can do the "see trough world" trick with glowstone and piston? thats face cull + minecraft's block hiding thing
L863[09:21:30] <LatvianModder> It doesnt render anything player isnt supposed to see
L864[09:21:39] <Curle> iirc glowstone is counted as transparent
L865[09:21:45] <Curle> extends glass
L866[09:22:08] <Pennyw95> makes sense
L867[09:22:10] <Curle> or is a glass material
L868[09:22:11] <covers1624> its material is glass
L869[09:22:18] <Curle> ninja
L870[09:22:19] <Curle> :P
L871[09:22:36] <covers1624> double shift in intellij is boss
L872[09:22:53] <Curle> covers: Does it stall the engine? :P
L873[09:23:42] <Jenny> minced
L874[09:24:01] <covers1624> i do not get this reference
L875[09:24:46] ⇦ Quits: sejsel (~sejsel@10.174.broadband5.iol.cz) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L876[09:24:55] <Curle> shifting twice in 2 seconds can stall some car engines
L877[09:25:05] <Curle> and IDEs have engines that allow them to work
L878[09:25:13] <covers1624> i see
L879[09:25:17] <covers1624> i may be a bit tired
L880[09:26:21] <covers1624> been working on a 1.8.9 port for about 20 ish hours straight
L881[09:26:56] <LatvianModder> Step1: GL11 > GlStateManager
L882[09:27:01] <LatvianModder> Step 2: Give up
L883[09:27:11] <LatvianModder> Step 3: Try again
L884[09:27:17] <gigaherz> lol
L885[09:27:22] <gigaherz> that's theEASY part
L886[09:27:26] <LatvianModder> Aye
L887[09:27:35] <LatvianModder> Then comes figuring out how block models work
L888[09:27:50] <gigaherz> step 1: change all cpw.fml references to the new packages
L889[09:27:53] <covers1624> the "Tessellator" changes actualy look sane for once
L890[09:27:56] <gigaherz> step 2: change all x,y,z to BlockPos
L891[09:27:56] <LatvianModder> And after you have made your first block model, and dont unsterstandy why it WORKS, thats the fun part
L892[09:28:02] <gigaherz> and int meta to IBlockState
L893[09:28:17] <gigaherz> step 3: continue changing stuff until it compiles
L894[09:28:27] <gigaherz> step 4: lots of purple-and-black in debug |o/
L895[09:28:35] <gigaherz> step 5: learn 1.8 models
L896[09:28:42] <Curle> step 6: die
L897[09:28:51] <LatvianModder> Sane?! https://github.com/LatvianModder/FTBLib/blob/1.8.9/src/main/java/ftb/lib/api/gui/GuiLM.java#L202-L209
L898[09:28:52] ⇨ Joins: thor12022 (~thor12022@slbg-64-188.dsl.netins.net)
L899[09:28:57] <LatvianModder> This is drawing a quad
L900[09:29:11] <covers1624> at this point i am trying to figure out how / why i cant register a seperate item model for each variant of a block state, i.e ores
L901[09:29:24] <LatvianModder> Ah, I just fired that out
L902[09:29:25] <unascribed> you could just use drawTexturedModalRect
L903[09:29:30] <gigaherz> covers1624: you can use the blockstates file
L904[09:29:34] <gigaherz> and register a separate variant
L905[09:29:48] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/ClientProxy.java#L109
L906[09:29:49] <Curle> No wonder my tesselator wouldn't work
L907[09:29:58] <UnasAquila> where can I find the deobfuscated function names?
L908[09:30:10] <Curle> iirc, code
L909[09:30:12] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/elementsofpower/blockstates/magicOrb.json
L910[09:30:26] <gigaherz> UnasAquila: which function?
L911[09:30:31] <Curle> Referenced libraries > ForgeSrc-1.8.9-etc
L912[09:30:31] <gigaherz> you can ask the mcpbot
L913[09:30:41] <LatvianModder> my multiblock model: https://github.com/LatvianModder/Silicio/blob/1.8.9/src/main/resources/assets/silicio/blockstates/blocks.json
L914[09:30:42] <gigaherz> using !gm <function> <mc version>
L915[09:31:03] <UnasAquila> !gm func_149724_b 1.7.10
L916[09:31:09] <covers1624> or !gf <field> <mcversion>
L917[09:31:09] <Curle> :O
L918[09:31:13] <Curle> TRAITOR
L919[09:31:13] <UnasAquila> ah thanks
L920[09:31:48] <LatvianModder> gigaherz: "transform": "forge:default-item" wot.
L921[09:31:57] <LatvianModder> Thats a block
L922[09:32:38] <Curle> that's a pernus
L923[09:32:51] <UnasAquila> !gf field_70181_x 1.7.10
L924[09:33:50] <covers1624> OHHHH
L925[09:34:09] <Jenny> minced?
L926[09:34:20] <covers1624> The entire model system makes sense now
L927[09:34:23] <UnasAquila> !gf field_70159_w 1.7.10
L928[09:34:34] <Curle> the penny dropped
L929[09:34:49] <gigaherz> LatvianModder: nope, those are items
L930[09:34:50] <gigaherz> XD
L931[09:34:50] <covers1624> i think
L932[09:34:58] <gigaherz> forge lets you use blocstate files for items
L933[09:34:58] <covers1624> one sec
L934[09:35:12] <Curle> itemstate!
L935[09:35:20] <gigaherz> no, blockstate files, for items
L936[09:35:22] <gigaherz> it's not the same
L937[09:35:23] <gigaherz> XD
L938[09:35:26] <UnasAquila> !gf field_70177_z 1.7.10
L939[09:35:31] ⇨ Joins: iamamitten (~nmagod@c-76-121-111-178.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
L940[09:35:33] <gigaherz> you have to link the metadata with states manually, one by one
L941[09:35:47] <gigaherz> maybe in the future
L942[09:35:57] <iamamitten> quick question
L943[09:36:03] <covers1624> fire
L944[09:36:09] <gigaherz> we'll have ItemStack expose an ItemState , which can optionally be a PropertyDurability
L945[09:36:10] <Curle> ask already
L946[09:36:16] <UnasAquila> !gf field_70125_A 1.7.10
L947[09:36:18] <gigaherz> iamamitten: quick answer.
L948[09:36:29] <iamamitten> so, I updated my forge for Forestry, and it's hanging at the [sound library loader] notices, why is this happening?
L949[09:36:30] <Curle> iamakitten: meow
L950[09:36:34] <iamamitten> I'm uploading this log to pastebin now
L951[09:36:53] <covers1624> #forestry-dev ???
L952[09:37:09] <gigaherz> by the way people
L953[09:37:16] <iamamitten> stable version of forestry, actually
L954[09:37:17] <gigaherz> does guava have something like C#'s Action<>
L955[09:37:27] <gigaherz> which is like a Function<> but with void-return
L956[09:37:50] <iamamitten> http://pastebin.com/Ah4yuArP
L957[09:37:55] ⇨ Joins: sejsel (~sejsel@10.174.broadband5.iol.cz)
L958[09:37:56] <covers1624> no idea giga
L959[09:38:52] <unascribed> gigaherz, Consumer
L960[09:38:55] <UnasAquila> !gf field_70143_R 1.7.10
L961[09:39:07] <gigaherz> that's java8, not guava
L962[09:39:13] <unascribed> I thought Guava had it?
L963[09:39:18] <gigaherz> not that I can see
L964[09:39:24] ⇨ Joins: JoJoModding (~androirc@p5DEB162C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L965[09:39:27] <unascribed> apparently not
L966[09:39:27] <unascribed> huh.
L967[09:39:31] <gigaherz> in fact, this stackoverflow answer says it doesn't
L968[09:39:38] <UnasAquila> !gm func_76126_a 1.7.10
L969[09:39:44] <unascribed> public interface Consumer<T> { void accept(T t); }
L970[09:39:45] <unascribed> there you gp
L971[09:39:47] <gigaherz> meh I'll declare my own IRecipeInfoConsumer
L972[09:39:47] <unascribed> go*
L973[09:39:48] <gigaherz> XD
L974[09:39:53] <covers1624> iamamitten, can you give me the timestamp for this log entry? i see nothing wrong
L975[09:40:12] <iamamitten> [07:29:20] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Sound engine started
L976[09:40:16] <iamamitten> that was ten minutes ago
L977[09:40:31] <covers1624> Sound engine started
L978[09:40:37] <iamamitten> yes, that's where it stops.
L979[09:40:42] <UnasAquila> !gm func_76134_b 1.7.10
L980[09:40:55] <covers1624> started, not errored
L981[09:40:57] <covers1624> its fine
L982[09:41:02] <covers1624> it always does that
L983[09:41:38] <iamamitten> even running gregtech, on this computer I have never had a ten minute wait once the sound engine starts
L984[09:42:02] <Curle> Oh, i completely forgo
L985[09:42:10] <Curle> I have a dimension to update
L986[09:42:14] <Curle> oh god
L987[09:42:37] <iamamitten> oh, you know what, I think I know what's doing this.
L988[09:42:43] <covers1624> isnt that the seconds section of the timestamp??
L989[09:42:57] <iamamitten> I just hit "kill minecraft" and got [Exception in thread "AE2 VersionChecker"
L990[09:42:57] <iamamitten> Process was killed by user.]
L991[09:43:11] <unascribed> let me guess, the AE2 site is down.
L992[09:43:15] <Jenny> !gp p_i45636_5_ 1.8.9
L993[09:43:18] <unascribed> why do people do version checks on the main thread
L994[09:43:23] <iamamitten> that was 7:29, my clock says it is 7:42
L995[09:43:28] <unascribed> anyone doing a version check on the main thread should be banished from ever modding again
L996[09:43:43] <Jenny> rip
L997[09:43:47] *** amadornes[OFF] is now known as amadornes
L998[09:44:05] <covers1624> you will be happy to know i use a seperate thread
L999[09:44:20] <Jenny> You will be happy to know I do not give a shit :P
L1000[09:44:24] <Pennyw95> is making a version checker complex?
L1001[09:44:30] <unascribed> somewhat
L1002[09:44:32] <covers1624> not really
L1003[09:44:35] ⇨ Joins: ChJees (~ChJees@h211n5-sv-a13.ias.bredband.telia.com)
L1004[09:44:37] <unascribed> moving a version checker to it's own thread is easy as hell though
L1005[09:44:41] <covers1624> grab a file read a line compare a float
L1006[09:44:53] <unascribed> >parsing versions as floats
L1007[09:44:56] <Jenny> open a HTTP line to a site, if the VERSION matches the text contained, then you're good
L1008[09:44:58] <iamamitten> check network, if network then check url, if no network then end function
L1009[09:45:09] <iamamitten> it doesn't seem difficult
L1010[09:45:17] <Pennyw95> ah, ok
L1011[09:45:29] <Pennyw95> I assume one could upload the version float to github
L1012[09:45:38] <unascribed> versions are not floats >.<
L1013[09:45:48] <masa> frickin creepers :D I'm here standing still and testing my refactors to the module stuff I just made, then a creepers sneaks behind me and blows me up :D
L1014[09:45:49] <Curle> !gf func_177864_b 1.8.9
L1015[09:45:57] <Curle> Ooh
L1016[09:46:01] <Curle> No results
L1017[09:46:07] <Curle> wait
L1018[09:46:11] <Curle> shit
L1019[09:46:13] <unascribed> >gf
L1020[09:46:14] <unascribed> >func
L1021[09:46:17] <Curle> !gm func_177864_b 1.8.9
L1022[09:46:20] ⇨ Joins: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@f050163034.adsl.alicedsl.de)
L1023[09:46:36] <iamamitten> don't be rude, my girlfriend has many functions, including, but no limited to, hugs and kisses.
L1024[09:46:48] ⇨ Joins: thecodewarrior (~thecodewa@75-128-36-18.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com)
L1025[09:46:50] <Curle> shh
L1026[09:46:59] <UnasAquila> !gm func_149746_a 1.7.10
L1027[09:47:25] <Curle> my gf is here
L1028[09:47:30] <Curle> I just realized
L1029[09:47:42] <Jenny> minced?
L1030[09:47:56] <covers1624> wtf Jenny..
L1031[09:48:06] <Curle> wot
L1032[09:48:19] <Curle> Busted! :P
L1033[09:49:15] <gigaherz> [16:44] (Pennyw95): is making a version checker complex?
L1034[09:49:15] <Jenny> Quick, run!
L1035[09:49:18] <gigaherz> forge has its own system for it
L1036[09:49:23] ⇦ Parts: Jenny (~JC52@host81-154-121-145.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) (Leaving))
L1037[09:49:31] ⇨ Joins: Nitrodev (~Nitrodev@dcx0f0ybfgdmvylkbljwy-3.rev.dnainternet.fi)
L1038[09:49:34] <gigaherz> you jsut provide a specially formatted json file in your server
L1039[09:49:43] ⇨ Joins: JC52 (~JC52@host81-154-121-145.range81-154.btcentralplus.com)
L1040[09:49:45] <gigaherz> and it will show a green (update found) icon in the modlist
L1041[09:49:51] <unascribed> it'd be nice if FG could generate those
L1042[09:50:01] <unascribed> and then scp them up
L1043[09:50:09] ⇦ Quits: thecodewarrior (~thecodewa@75-128-36-18.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1044[09:50:19] <gigaherz> they are maven-related are they not?
L1045[09:51:07] <Curle> 3 packages erro-free :D
L1046[09:51:09] <JC52> noic34
L1047[09:51:23] <JC52> rip fingers
L1048[09:51:46] <unascribed> I think the reason people don't use the Forge update system is it's not obnoxious enough
L1049[09:51:55] <unascribed> it shows a U in the modlist, but people rarely look at the modlist
L1050[09:51:59] <unascribed> people want to spam up the chat
L1051[09:52:14] <gigaherz> if no one spammed the chat
L1052[09:52:15] <unascribed> or put an obnoxious dialog in the top left that you close by holding a key and is super glitchy >.>
L1053[09:52:18] <gigaherz> people would have a reason to check the modlist
L1054[09:52:28] <gigaherz> XD
L1055[09:52:52] <gigaherz> if I were to show update notifications
L1056[09:52:56] <gigaherz> I'd do so in the main menu
L1057[09:52:56] <unascribed> maybe there should be a mod that forwards Forge version checks into the chat
L1058[09:53:04] <gigaherz> not ingame
L1059[09:53:13] <unascribed> yeah, the mainmenu is the best place for it
L1060[09:53:16] <gigaherz> by the time I have joined a game, I don't want to be bothered
L1061[09:53:34] <unascribed> better yet
L1062[09:53:42] <unascribed> display the updates before you wait 10 minutes for the game to start
L1063[09:53:49] <gigaherz> yeah
L1064[09:53:53] <gigaherz> but we can't know from the launcher
L1065[09:53:53] <gigaherz> XD
L1066[09:54:00] <unascribed> put up a screen that says "BananaWidgetCraft has an update! Changes: blah blah blah"
L1067[09:54:09] <gigaherz> hmmm
L1068[09:54:11] <unascribed> then buttons saying "Exit" and "Continue"
L1069[09:54:13] <gigaherz> forge would have to provide that, though
L1070[09:54:20] <unascribed> and time-out and chose Continue automatically after 5 seconds or so
L1071[09:54:26] <unascribed> no, just inhibit the loading screen and render yourself
L1072[09:54:29] <gigaherz> do version checks at FML level, and show a dialog before initializing the game
L1073[09:54:32] <unascribed> I did something similar in one of my older mods
L1074[09:54:38] <gigaherz> ah
L1075[09:54:41] <gigaherz> meh
L1076[09:54:42] <Nitrodev> hi
L1077[09:54:45] <iamamitten> suggestion: whatever you do, avoid using MultiMC's update methods.
L1078[09:54:47] <gigaherz> Iguess if it was an optional mod
L1079[09:54:48] <unascribed> if you wanted to get real fancy you could use a tweaker
L1080[09:55:13] <iamamitten> I've had nothing but problems with their update thing, sometimes it would just stay at "downloading this file" for over a day
L1081[09:55:22] <unascribed> a Constructing-phase mod with before:* could pr obably do that pretty well
L1082[09:55:39] <unascribed> and it could simultaneously encourage people to use the Forge update checker by only supporting that
L1083[09:55:43] <unascribed> I'm going to go try writing this now
L1084[09:55:54] <unascribed> name suggestions?
L1085[09:55:59] ⇨ Joins: Vazkii (~Vazkii@a79-169-163-74.cpe.netcabo.pt)
L1086[09:56:20] <unascribed> FreshCraft sounds awful
L1087[09:56:27] <unascribed> but if I went with that the logo would obviously be a squid
L1088[09:56:36] <iamamitten> "Thresh Prince" is such a good pun
L1089[09:57:21] <masa> iamamitten: the multimc self-update feature?
L1090[09:57:21] <unascribed> the most annoying part is probably going to be dealing with rendering while there's nothing set up yet
L1091[09:57:26] <masa> I'be had no problems with it
L1092[09:57:36] <Curle> RecentKeeper?
L1093[09:57:38] <iamamitten> I've had NOTHING but problems with it
L1094[09:57:44] <masa> strange
L1095[09:57:54] <iamamitten> last month I had to delete almost 3GB worth of PARTIALLY downloaded update files from my MMC directory
L1096[09:58:00] <unascribed> 11/10
L1097[09:58:03] <Curle> 5/7
L1098[09:58:05] <masa> wtf
L1099[09:58:22] <masa> do you have a potatu internet or ISP or something? or shitty antivirus
L1100[09:58:29] <unascribed> probably all of the above
L1101[09:58:40] <iamamitten> it's not my internet or antivirus
L1102[09:58:48] <Curle> Are you using a Welsh Tor node? :P
L1103[09:58:52] <unascribed> I just had another awful idea
L1104[09:58:56] <iamamitten> MMC just stops responding during updates
L1105[09:59:01] <unascribed> a mod that scans other mods using ASM to find "suspicious" code
L1106[09:59:05] <unascribed> like invoking external processes
L1107[09:59:10] <unascribed> or deleting files outside of the .minecraft directory
L1108[10:00:29] <iamamitten> shouldn't even be LOOKING outside of the .minecraft/ directory
L1109[10:00:37] <unascribed> probably not
L1110[10:00:46] <masa> iamamitten: well SOMETHING in your setup is hinky, since I've had no problems with it, as I'm assuming most users don't, otherwise they would get reports and fix it :D
L1111[10:00:59] <Curle> Imagine an antivirus mod :O
L1112[10:01:11] <Curle> It literally removes viruses and stuff
L1113[10:01:24] <JC52> You mean CurleCraft?
L1114[10:01:29] <unascribed> the mod is now called Neoteric
L1115[10:01:37] <iamamitten> JUST NAME IT CRAFTCRAFT ALREADY
L1116[10:01:54] <unascribed> because mods whose names are a single obscure word are the best
L1117[10:01:56] <masa> unascribed: which .minecraft directory though? you'd need to get the active instance's actual working directory
L1118[10:02:07] <unascribed> Minecraft.getMinecraft().getGameDirectory()
L1119[10:02:09] <unascribed> or something like that
L1120[10:02:14] <masa> since different launchers have different locations obviously
L1121[10:02:16] <unascribed> I know it's available
L1122[10:02:19] <unascribed> it's also the working directory
L1123[10:02:24] <unascribed> so, yeah
L1124[10:02:55] <masa> there are also stupid mods that hard code stuff to the appdata/roaming/.minecraft directory...
L1125[10:03:03] <iamamitten> I hate those mods
L1126[10:03:05] <iamamitten> so much
L1127[10:03:09] <masa> yep
L1128[10:03:11] <unascribed> >.>
L1129[10:03:24] <unascribed> logo suggestions? because obviously a logo is super important
L1130[10:03:28] <masa> I think voxelmap at least used to be one such mod
L1131[10:03:37] <Curle> A download icon?
L1132[10:03:46] <Curle> Arrow pointing down to a rectangle
L1133[10:04:02] <Curle> But the rectangle is the top section of a grass block
L1134[10:04:09] <unascribed> how about a randomly colored vibrant cube that rotates slowly
L1135[10:04:16] <unascribed> with an arrow above it pointing down
L1136[10:04:19] <Curle> How about no?
L1137[10:04:21] <JC52> minced
L1138[10:04:31] <Curle> jk, that sounds epic
L1139[10:04:37] <iamamitten> well, shit, even reverting my mods AND forge leave me at the sound loader dead end
L1140[10:04:55] <iamamitten> I was literally playing this morning and realized that I couldn't actually get creosote oil into my carpenter
L1141[10:06:08] ⇦ Quits: Pennyw95 (~Dr.Benway@host84-156-dynamic.16-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) (Quit: Leaving)
L1142[10:06:29] <masa> mmkay it seems that none of my blocks atm drop their inventory when broken... no big deal right? :D
L1143[10:06:31] <JC52> Gotta agree with B, that sounds epic
L1144[10:06:48] <Curle> B?
L1145[10:06:53] <JC52> sh
L1146[10:08:07] <unascribed> https://unascribed.com/i/6eebb787.png
L1147[10:08:10] <unascribed> something like this
L1148[10:08:23] <unascribed> that's a throwaway mockup, but still
L1149[10:09:05] <Curle> Trying to teach my auntie how to play minecraft
L1150[10:09:17] <Curle> "username/email: thespark10@.com"
L1151[10:09:23] <Curle> rip
L1152[10:09:29] <Curle> ;(
L1153[10:10:29] <Curle> Anyway, B?
L1154[10:10:36] <JC52> shh
L1155[10:10:39] <unascribed> I need to turn my one-jar multiversion system in Laminate into a library mod
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L1157[10:13:06] <unascribed> meh, I'll just make it a feature of Laminate
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L1161[10:19:55] *** Mine|dreamland is now known as minecreatr
L1162[10:22:41] <unascribed> https://unascribed.com/i/6b2d8950.png
L1163[10:22:45] <unascribed> I fully expect this to explode in my face
L1164[10:22:49] <unascribed> but let's try it anyway
L1165[10:24:20] ⇨ Joins: Techfoxis (~Techfoxis@pool-74-110-119-59.nrflva.fios.verizon.net)
L1166[10:32:08] <Techfoxis> Hey, do you have to register a blocks render and model?
L1167[10:32:28] <PaleoCrafter> you sort of have to for the item version
L1168[10:33:20] <Techfoxis> So, only items have to have registered renders?
L1169[10:33:37] <PaleoCrafter> but for in-world block, you only *need* the blockstates files
L1170[10:33:53] <Techfoxis> Okay, thanks!
L1171[10:33:56] <PaleoCrafter> well, if you want to use a TESR, you have to register that as well
L1172[10:34:09] <iamamitten> what do the elder scrolls have to do with minecraft?
L1173[10:34:17] <Curle> unascribed, why are you using both Mods?
L1174[10:34:28] <unascribed> to have the same jar work on 1.7 and 1.8
L1175[10:34:33] ⇨ Joins: leagris (~lea@meumeu.noiraude.net)
L1176[10:34:33] <unascribed> this mod doesn't access blocks or items
L1177[10:34:37] <PaleoCrafter> could make that a macro with scala :3
L1178[10:34:39] <unascribed> so it will work (I've done it before)
L1179[10:34:41] <Curle> Oh, fair enough
L1180[10:35:42] <JC52> this guy
L1181[10:35:47] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
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L1187[10:41:18] <unascribed> the reason I'm expecting this to work is annotations disappear at runtime if their class isn't found
L1188[10:43:21] <unascribed> works on 1.8
L1189[10:43:23] <unascribed> now to try 1.7
L1190[10:44:14] <unascribed> works, like magic.
L1191[10:45:55] <unascribed> I should be able to get away with not abstracting GL if I pushAttrib before starting the GUI, and popAttrib afterward
L1192[10:48:59] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54960EC7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L1197[11:03:32] <unascribed> oh, nice
L1198[11:03:36] <unascribed> there's API to inhibit the loading screen
L1199[11:03:43] <unascribed> that makes this so much easier
L1200[11:04:09] <iamamitten> is there API to inhibit mods that deliberately eat more processor than they need?
L1201[11:04:21] <unascribed> I wish
L1202[11:04:33] ⇨ Joins: Javaschreiber (~Thunderbi@p5dd8dfad.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1203[11:04:55] <iamamitten> because I cannot believe that traincraft actually needs to use that much processor when there are only its ore blocks in the world
L1204[11:05:05] <iamamitten> unless each ore block is a ticking tile entity
L1205[11:05:07] <unascribed> I bet the ores are tile entities
L1206[11:05:26] <unascribed> also, actually
L1207[11:05:26] <Javaschreiber> Apparently Draconic Ore from Draconic Evolution is a TileEntity
L1208[11:05:27] <unascribed> there is
L1209[11:05:28] <unascribed> it's called rm
L1210[11:05:37] <unascribed> rm ~/.minecraft/mods/1.7.10/traincraft.jar
L1211[11:05:45] <unascribed> rm ~/.minecraft/mods/1.7.10/draconic-evolution.jar
L1212[11:05:49] <unascribed> rm ~/.minecraft/mods/1.7.10/reika*
L1213[11:05:50] <iamamitten> lol
L1214[11:07:17] *** tterrag|away is now known as tterrag
L1215[11:08:33] <Curle> rm ~/.minecraft/versions/1.7.0
L1216[11:08:36] <Curle> 1.7.10*
L1217[11:08:42] <Curle> :3
L1218[11:08:43] <JC52> minced
L1219[11:09:41] <Curle> Do you just have a monitor with HexChat open, waiting until I say something to say "minced"?
L1220[11:09:46] <JC52> mebbe
L1221[11:10:15] <unascribed> is "minced" like "rekt" but different
L1222[11:10:43] <gigaherz> porobably posh for "rekt"
L1223[11:10:46] <gigaherz> probably*
L1224[11:11:00] ⇦ Quits: iamamitten (~nmagod@c-76-121-111-178.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) ()
L1225[11:11:03] <unascribed> https://unascribed.com/i/91ebdd5a.png
L1226[11:11:05] <unascribed> :L
L1227[11:11:15] <unascribed> I should probably import static Gl11
L1228[11:11:17] <unascribed> GL11*
L1229[11:11:18] <unascribed> but meh
L1230[11:11:25] <gigaherz> "push ALL the attributes!"
L1231[11:11:29] <unascribed> yes
L1232[11:11:39] <gigaherz> glPushAttrib(0xFFFFFFFF)?
L1233[11:11:40] <gigaherz> ;P
L1234[11:11:43] <PaleoCrafter> ^
L1235[11:11:45] <unascribed> I want the GL state to be back how it was when I started rendering
L1236[11:11:51] <unascribed> I think that'll include bits that don't exist
L1237[11:11:57] <unascribed> which is probably an error
L1238[11:11:58] <gigaherz> yeah but future-proofing ;P
L1239[11:12:01] <JC52> shh
L1240[11:12:01] <PaleoCrafter> just let your IDE evaluate taht expression :P
L1241[11:12:06] <JC52> they don't need to know
L1242[11:12:19] <JC52> I'm making a mod to surprise B
L1243[11:12:22] <unascribed> https://unascribed.com/i/1a159189.png
L1244[11:12:25] <Curle> WHAT IS B?
L1245[11:12:26] <unascribed> pretty close to FFFFFFFF
L1246[11:12:31] <JC52> shh
L1247[11:12:39] <unascribed> and by "pretty close" I mean "not close at all"
L1248[11:12:47] <unascribed> it's missing a whole byte and then some
L1249[11:12:48] <gigaherz> wellll... if missing a few digits is "close"...
L1250[11:12:49] <gigaherz> Xd
L1251[11:12:56] <PaleoCrafter> volume wise, that's incredibly thin
L1252[11:13:01] <gigaherz> it's just 3 orders of magnitude off
L1253[11:13:01] <gigaherz> ;p
L1254[11:13:06] <PaleoCrafter> now, who gets that? :P
L1255[11:13:17] <gigaherz> not me :/
L1256[11:13:44] <Javaschreiber> me
L1257[11:14:04] <Curle> me :3
L1258[11:14:08] <JC52> us*
L1259[11:15:28] <DebugsPeople> what's the difference between entity unique ID and persistent ID
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L1261[11:18:48] <gigaherz> DebugsPeople: unique ID is the id used for managing entities at runtime
L1262[11:19:00] <gigaherz> the persistent Id is the internal id used for saving and loading, I believe
L1263[11:19:12] <DebugsPeople> ahh, ok thx
L1264[11:19:16] <Curle> Trying to do a portal block
L1265[11:19:18] <gigaherz> not fully certain, though
L1266[11:19:23] <Curle> Rustling my jimmies
L1267[11:19:23] <DebugsPeople> how do you get an entity by UUID?
L1268[11:19:38] <gigaherz> there's a player manager or somesuch
L1269[11:19:43] <gigaherz> Ican't remember XD
L1270[11:19:57] <DebugsPeople> hm
L1271[11:20:42] <PaleoCrafter> gigaherz, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JOAoiX1LHA
L1272[11:21:15] <gigaherz> ah
L1273[11:21:19] <gigaherz> I started watching after 2013
L1274[11:21:19] <gigaherz> ;P
L1275[11:22:38] <unascribed> https://unascribed.com/i/781a46ff.png
L1276[11:22:39] <unascribed> it works!
L1277[11:22:51] <PaleoCrafter> you broke MC \o/
L1278[11:22:52] <Curle> 2231 errors from removing 1 line of code
L1279[11:22:54] <Curle> holy shit
L1280[11:23:09] <JC52> i'm the one cleaning up after you, B, so be careful :(
L1281[11:23:18] <Curle> WHY B?
L1282[11:23:20] <JC52> shh
L1283[11:23:25] <JC52> calm nao
L1284[11:23:31] <Curle> :(
L1285[11:23:48] *** fry is now known as fry|sleep
L1286[11:26:34] *** blood|sleep is now known as blood_
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L1288[11:30:48] <Curle> Making a portal in 1.8.9 has to be the funnest thing ever
L1289[11:30:56] <Curle> </s>
L1290[11:31:34] <JC52> amen
L1291[11:31:38] <Curle> So be it?
L1292[11:31:43] <Curle> ;-(
L1293[11:32:25] ⇦ Quits: Cojo (~Cojosan@cpe-75-177-183-224.nc.res.rr.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1295[11:33:24] <unascribed> https://unascribed.com/v/620ffbec.mp4
L1296[11:33:30] <unascribed> this is such a blatant abuse of blending
L1297[11:33:31] <unascribed> I love it
L1298[11:33:33] <PaleoCrafter> it should actually be a little easier, considering vanilla's BlockPattern thing :P
L1299[11:34:11] <PaleoCrafter> how so, unascribed
L1300[11:34:22] <unascribed> I'm not clearing before every frame
L1301[11:34:26] <unascribed> I'm just drawing a big translucent quad
L1302[11:34:47] *** blood_ is now known as blood|away
L1303[11:35:35] <unascribed> whoa what
L1304[11:35:40] <unascribed> my square is drawing on top of the gallium HUD
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L1306[11:35:50] <unascribed> https://unascribed.com/i/30308ad9.png
L1307[11:35:51] <unascribed> madness
L1308[11:37:21] <JoJoModding> Why would you need it during startup?
L1309[11:37:45] <Curle> An update notifier
L1310[11:37:57] <unascribed> yeah, it runs at the earliest possible time
L1311[11:38:07] <Curle> Based on the idea that once you get into the game, you don't want to be disturbed by mod updates
L1312[11:38:08] <unascribed> I have a before:* dependency spec and I run this hook on construction
L1313[11:38:19] <unascribed> the other thing I'm going to do is a session verifier
L1314[11:38:23] <unascribed> It'll warn you if your session is invalid
L1315[11:38:38] <Curle> So you don't get kicked from servers
L1316[11:38:40] <Curle> Good idea
L1317[11:38:42] ⇦ Quits: thecodewarrior (~thecodewa@75-128-36-18.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1318[11:38:43] <Nitrodev> what a spike unascribed
L1319[11:38:53] <unascribed> that's going from "game not running" to "game running"
L1320[11:38:55] <unascribed> so :P
L1321[11:38:56] <gigaherz> yo uare actually doing the load-time updater?
L1322[11:38:57] <gigaherz> XD
L1323[11:39:07] <unascribed> I said I was, didn't I?
L1324[11:39:19] <gigaherz> dunno I often have ideas on irc
L1325[11:39:27] <gigaherz> but that doesn't mean I actually go and code them
L1326[11:39:28] <gigaherz> XD
L1327[11:39:31] <JoJoModding> Someone should make a api for displaying a "outdated apps" counter like this: http://i.stack.imgur.com/XKwhR.jpg
L1328[11:40:14] <unascribed> even though I have a 60Hz monitor
L1329[11:40:19] <unascribed> the trail is so much smoother at 144FPS
L1330[11:40:27] <Curle> :(
L1331[11:40:34] <Curle> 15hz peasant race
L1332[11:40:38] <unascribed> shorter, but smoother
L1333[11:40:52] <unascribed> I'll probably leave it at 30 or 60
L1334[11:41:02] <unascribed> or maybe vsync
L1335[11:41:04] <Curle> yea
L1336[11:41:30] <Curle> While it's checking, you can make the square circle around an arrow
L1337[11:41:30] <Curle> :3
L1338[11:41:55] <Lumien> Is there something in java where i can schedule tasks (Like a Timer) which doesn't prevent garbage collection when there are ALWAYS tasks scheduled ?
L1339[11:42:32] <fuj1n> Is there a way to get a list of all the fuel items?
L1340[11:42:40] <Unh0ly_Tigg> So, I can apparently get a .xyz domain for $1 a year right now... I'm really considering taking it...
L1341[11:43:05] <Curle> .org for $35
L1342[11:43:06] <Curle> :3
L1343[11:43:11] <unascribed> are you sure it's 1$ a year and not only for the first year?
L1344[11:44:10] <gigaherz> or first <n> years
L1345[11:44:35] <Curle> £25 for renewal :3
L1346[11:45:19] <JC52> I'm paying for that shit b
L1347[11:46:05] <Unh0ly_Tigg> it's via namecheap, "$1.00/year" though when I change the cart to do 2 years off the bat, it goes up to ~$16-17 a year. so...
L1348[11:46:48] ⇦ Quits: JoJoModding (~androirc@p5DEB162C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1349[11:47:39] <Curle> It's like those $1 smart watches
L1350[11:47:44] <Unh0ly_Tigg> though, for 10 years, it would only cost me $00.60, and I won't have to pay each year...
L1351[11:47:46] <Curle> change the color and they're $150
L1352[11:47:54] <Unh0ly_Tigg> $100.60*
L1353[11:48:19] <JC52> not true Cruel
L1354[11:48:21] <JC52> i haz one
L1355[11:48:31] <Curle> What, a u8 watch?
L1356[11:48:32] <JC52> yup
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L1361[11:53:08] *** cpw|out is now known as cpw
L1362[11:53:53] <JC52> "COC Kompressor just incase I don't impress her"
L1363[11:53:55] ⇨ Joins: Delaxarnyazer (~Delaxarny@2a02:a44e:91ce:0:3df5:891a:44af:a42a)
L1364[11:54:08] <JC52> Official lyrics for Pass out
L1365[11:54:17] <JC52> Subliminal messaging ftw
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L1369[12:01:05] <Curle> GOTCHA
L1370[12:01:15] ⇦ Quits: ThomasRules (~ThomasRul@host109-157-84-39.range109-157.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L1371[12:01:21] <Curle> https://github.com/343Modding/Spark/tree/latest is my 1.8.9 port so far
L1372[12:01:27] <JC52> got ee'm
L1373[12:01:32] <JC52> wait, that's my account
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L1377[12:03:11] <Curle> minced?
L1378[12:04:08] *** Lordmau5|Live is now known as Lordmau5
L1379[12:04:53] <Curle> !gf field_150862_g
L1380[12:05:08] <Curle> No name
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L1383[12:07:33] ⇨ Joins: Cojosan (~Cojosan@cpe-75-177-183-224.nc.res.rr.com)
L1384[12:08:15] <Curle> Is there a way to hide errors from a certain project?
L1385[12:08:32] <Curle> I'm getting duplicate errors from my dev and my github repo :(
L1386[12:08:46] <gigaherz> wat
L1387[12:09:33] <williewillus> wat :P
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L1390[12:10:36] <sham1> wat
L1391[12:10:48] <Curle> in eclipse
L1392[12:11:14] <unascribed> I think their point is your dev and repo shouldn't be separate
L1393[12:11:19] <Curle> I have 3 projects, 2 github repos for my mod on 1.7.10 and 1.8.9 and a dev environment that i run code from
L1394[12:11:33] <Curle> I can't run code from a repo, and i have 2, so eh
L1395[12:11:38] <unascribed> wat
L1396[12:11:42] <Curle> i cba making it work
L1397[12:11:50] <Curle> how do i hide errors from a project?
L1398[12:11:56] <unascribed> you can't
L1399[12:11:59] <Curle> oh, great
L1400[12:12:01] <Curle> :(
L1401[12:12:02] <unascribed> you can hide warnings from a source folder
L1402[12:12:03] <unascribed> but not errors
L1403[12:12:37] <JC52> Better idea, B. get off your computer and eat your dinner :(
L1404[12:12:43] <Curle> ^ brb
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L1407[12:12:48] <unascribed> lol
L1408[12:14:27] <tterrag> Curle: the errors of one project shouldn't affect any others unless you are launching them all on the same run config
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L1413[12:18:49] <McJty> tterrag, are you involved in chisel dev on 1.8.9?
L1414[12:19:03] <tterrag> yes
L1415[12:19:14] <McJty> My son just mad a modpack on curse and used latest chisel
L1416[12:19:27] <McJty> And he got an error about missing CarvingUtils class
L1417[12:19:33] <McJty> Did he forget some dependency?
L1418[12:20:02] <tterrag> for 1.9?
L1419[12:20:07] <tterrag> full log?
L1420[12:20:16] <McJty> Let me try to get that (is on another computer)
L1421[12:20:51] <tterrag> there's no dependencies
L1422[12:21:49] <McJty> Hold on. The log is pretty big
L1423[12:22:09] <McJty> https://bpaste.net/show/614aacd614d3
L1424[12:23:26] <McJty> Hmm seems to be related to ProjectE
L1425[12:23:52] ⇨ Joins: SubconsciousEye (~Subconsci@cpe-65-28-43-97.wi.res.rr.com)
L1426[12:23:59] <tterrag> yes, that was reported to them ages ago
L1427[12:24:01] <tterrag> and they fixed it, I thought
L1428[12:24:16] *** Kolatra[away] is now known as Kolatra
L1429[12:24:18] <McJty> Apparently the version on curse doesn't have it fixed
L1430[12:24:24] <tterrag> *sigh*
L1431[12:25:47] <tterrag> https://github.com/sinkillerj/ProjectE/issues/1150
L1432[12:25:50] <tterrag> still open apparently
L1433[12:25:56] <tterrag> I don't get why
L1434[12:26:16] <tterrag> they released their chisel compat before chisel even existed
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L1440[12:42:07] <LexDesktop> LatvianModder, When you get time PM me so we can talk.
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L1444[12:50:40] <Curle> tterrag: It just makes it harder to find actual errors in the "Problems" list
L1445[12:53:14] <JC52> ^ seconded.
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L1448[12:58:42] <tterrag> Curle: you can configure the problems window contents
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L1450[12:59:25] <williewillus> how long do things usually take to get approved on curse? never used it before :P
L1451[12:59:42] <tterrag> depends
L1452[12:59:45] <tterrag> it's typically pretty fast though
L1453[12:59:56] <McJty> I have the feeling it also depends on how known your mod is
L1454[13:00:04] <McJty> With my sons mods it can take a while
L1455[13:00:16] <McJty> RFTools is usually approved about exactly at the time I post it :-)
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L1457[13:01:34] <williewillus> okay, I made a temp project for the Botania port since some people requested it, just wondering :P
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L1459[13:02:55] <Curle> My mod got approved like 3 seconds after i posted it
L1460[13:04:00] *** K-4U|Off is now known as K-4U
L1461[13:04:11] <Curle> I just got a hatemail saying something along the lines of "lol noob ur so bad at modding i bet u used minecreator you noob lol"
L1462[13:04:34] <Curle> Each to their own, eh?
L1463[13:04:38] <JC52> woo
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L1465[13:07:06] <JC52> like a mon
L1466[13:07:09] <JC52> mon
L1467[13:07:12] <Curle> ehh
L1468[13:07:16] <Keridos> mh, does Loader.isModLoaded fire when an API is present?
L1469[13:07:18] <Curle> false, I'll go false
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L1471[13:08:14] <Keridos> i have the issue that one of my mods crashes in a modpack without CC, because for some reason it thinks the mod is loaded although it isnt
L1472[13:10:45] <Unh0ly_Tigg> if you want to see if an api is present, use ModAPIManager.hasAPI(String modid)
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L1474[13:11:43] <Unh0ly_Tigg> Loader.isModLoaded only checks mods, it doesn't check APIs. ModAPIManager.hasAPI checks for APIs.
L1475[13:11:58] <Keridos> Unholy_Tigg, seems as if my problem is only happening when it is compiled via openjdk
L1476[13:13:05] <Unh0ly_Tigg> versus what other jdk?
L1477[13:13:21] <Unh0ly_Tigg> considering that openjdk is the reference jdk...
L1478[13:13:26] <Keridos> oravle
L1479[13:13:36] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L1480[13:13:39] <Keridos> it is my jenkins that brings out buggy builds for some reason
L1481[13:14:00] <Keridos> i checked the filesize, oracles is bigger, but the class that does the compat is the same size in bytes
L1482[13:14:05] <Unh0ly_Tigg> oracle jdk usually is openjdk with some extra features thrown in.
L1483[13:14:26] <Curle> Such as not crashing?
L1484[13:14:27] <JC52> minced
L1485[13:14:28] <tterrag> what's a good class to represent an aribtrary rectangle?
L1486[13:14:35] <tterrag> i.e. not axis-aligned (awt won't work here)
L1487[13:14:43] <Keridos> nvm, it is 2 bytes smaller
L1488[13:14:46] <Keridos> that is weird
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L1491[13:15:34] <Keridos> but it is java 8 vs 7
L1492[13:15:38] <Curle> Oh, huzzah
L1493[13:15:45] <Curle> 1.8.9 can destroy a block and drop it
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L1495[13:15:48] <Unh0ly_Tigg> Keridos, yeah, that will make a difference.
L1496[13:16:09] <Unh0ly_Tigg> mainly with the class version.
L1497[13:16:18] <Keridos> but why on earth does the java 7 thing from my gradle have the bug that it apparently thinks CC is loaded
L1498[13:16:20] <Keridos> but it is not
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L1500[13:17:23] <Unh0ly_Tigg> it may be a sorting issue? dunno, I would recommend that you use java 8 everywhere, since java 7 reached it's final public update a little while ago.
L1501[13:17:55] <LordSaad> some hosts still run java 7 like hosthoarde, they are INCREDIBLY annoying. so...
L1502[13:17:56] ⇦ Quits: SubconsciousEye (~Subconsci@cpe-65-28-43-97.wi.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1503[13:19:19] <Keridos> this is weird
L1504[13:19:28] <Keridos> the builds from another job are not the same size
L1505[13:19:36] <Keridos> wtf is gradle build doing there
L1506[13:19:46] <Curle> Argh
L1507[13:20:20] <Curle> I keep getting "static reference to non-static method/variable" when nothing is static in the class :/
L1508[13:20:29] <Curle> inb4 learn basic java
L1509[13:21:01] <Ivorius> You are doing Class.stuff
L1510[13:21:02] <JC52> to anyone that decides to say that: learn basic logic :(
L1511[13:21:06] <Ivorius> When you need to do object.stuff
L1512[13:21:08] <Ivorius> learn basic java
L1513[13:21:49] <Ivorius> learn basic, not java
L1514[13:22:00] <Curle> learn basic no
L1515[13:22:01] <Curle> :3
L1516[13:22:05] ⇦ Quits: DiaLight (~DiaLight@host-39-157-66-217.spbmts.ru) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L1517[13:22:18] <JC52> missingno
L1518[13:22:29] <Curle> are eye pee
L1519[13:22:44] <Curle> fixed it
L1520[13:22:47] <Curle> ta, ivor
L1521[13:22:54] <Curle> One of those brain moments
L1522[13:23:02] <LordSaad> it happens
L1523[13:23:09] <LordSaad> they're called brainfarts
L1524[13:23:30] <Curle> ^
L1525[13:23:33] <JC52> ^ this shit
L1526[13:25:44] <Curle> shush
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L1530[13:31:13] <Curle> Fluids...
L1531[13:31:19] <Curle> why...
L1532[13:31:43] <Curle> Most of this shit is broken utility classes and IIcon
L1533[13:31:45] <sham1> because
L1534[13:32:32] <Curle> Has anyone successfully done fluids in 1.8.9 on a repo?
L1535[13:32:37] <Curle> I cba doing all this manually
L1536[13:32:39] <gigaherz> sure
L1537[13:32:51] <gigaherz> forge has a fluid example in the debug/test files
L1538[13:33:00] <Curle> ...
L1539[13:33:02] <gigaherz> and tinker's construct must have done liquid metals
L1540[13:33:04] <Curle> Where are they? :P
L1541[13:33:40] <gigaherz> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/test/java/net/minecraftforge/debug/ModelFluidDebug.java
L1542[13:33:44] <gigaherz> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/test/java/net/minecraftforge/debug/DynBucketTest.java
L1543[13:34:19] <gigaherz> and I know there's multiple mods with fluids aside of that
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L1545[13:35:30] <masa> oh fudge O_o am I actually using the wrong method EVERYWHERE in my code for ItemStack "damage"? X_x
L1546[13:35:57] <masa> was ItemStack#getMetadata() a thing in 1.7.10 too?
L1547[13:36:15] <gigaherz> no...?
L1548[13:36:16] <gigaherz> I think
L1549[13:36:18] <gigaherz> XD
L1550[13:36:24] <gigaherz> it was renamed somewhere in 1.8
L1551[13:36:32] <gigaherz> !mh ItemStack.getMetadata
L1552[13:36:43] <masa> I rmemeber somethin gwas called getItemDamageForDisplay() or something
L1553[13:36:52] <Curle> mh?
L1554[13:37:11] <JC52> smh
L1555[13:37:17] <gigaherz> [20:36] -MCPBot_Reborn- [1.7.2 ItemStack.func_77960_j, Committed 2014-04-02 19:39:37-04:00] Lex<anti-pìng>: getItemDamage => getMetadata
L1556[13:37:20] <gigaherz> method history
L1557[13:37:30] <gigaherz> tells you when things were renamed, and from/to what
L1558[13:37:49] <gigaherz> welp...
L1559[13:37:52] <gigaherz> seems it was 1.7.2?
L1560[13:37:52] <gigaherz> XD
L1561[13:38:11] ⇦ Quits: AbsentThirdEye (~Subconsci@cpe-65-28-43-97.wi.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1562[13:38:20] <gigaherz> !gm ItemStack.getMetadata 1.8.9
L1563[13:38:36] <gigaherz> !gm ItemStack.getItemDamage 1.7.10
L1564[13:38:50] <gigaherz> !gm ItemStack.getMetadata 1.7.10
L1565[13:38:56] <gigaherz> yeah it looks like it was already named that
L1566[13:39:02] * gigaherz shrugs
L1567[13:39:28] <gigaherz> getMetadata returns the actual number
L1568[13:39:31] <gigaherz> for the metadata
L1569[13:39:32] <Curle> oh, great
L1570[13:39:56] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-203-206.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
L1571[13:39:59] <Curle> I was looking for a list of what methods were renamed in 1.8.9 from 1.7.10 and it was a command on the mcpbot!?
L1572[13:40:11] <Curle> I feel like a doof
L1573[13:40:11] <gigaherz> doesn't work that way
L1574[13:40:18] <gigaherz> you can't just "list" the renamed methods
L1575[13:40:21] <gigaherz> you have to check one by one
L1576[13:40:24] <JC52> What do you call a fruit that comes back?
L1577[13:40:24] <gigaherz> but yes
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L1579[13:40:34] <gigaherz> if you have a method that doesn't work in 1.8.9, you can query the bot
L1580[13:40:48] <JC52> guys
L1581[13:40:48] <JC52> :3
L1582[13:40:52] <bspkrs> a returnip?
L1583[13:40:55] <gigaherz> JC52: sounds like the start of a bad joke, so I'll abstain
L1584[13:41:04] <JC52> A lemon murang
L1585[13:41:20] <gigaherz> nope no laugh
L1586[13:41:24] <JC52> Boomerang? murang?
L1587[13:41:25] <gigaherz> not even a smirk
L1588[13:41:27] <JC52> a cake thing?
L1589[13:41:29] <JC52> c'mon!
L1590[13:41:30] ⇦ Parts: Krrast (uid144655@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:4:2:350f) ())
L1591[13:41:41] <gigaherz> that'd be a dessert that returns?
L1592[13:41:43] <gigaherz> not a fruit?
L1593[13:41:48] <Curle> le4mon
L1594[13:41:49] <masa> bleh, getItemDamage() and getMetadata() are used interchangably in a few places
L1595[13:41:49] <Curle> lemon*
L1596[13:42:20] <masa> I'm using the wroong one ie getItemDamage() everywhere to get the stack.itemDamage value :D
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L1598[13:42:37] <gigaherz> switch them all to getMetadata, then ;P
L1599[13:42:37] <Curle> what do you call a texan freedom fighter's miniature jet propulsion system?
L1600[13:42:45] <Krrast_> howdy folks
L1601[13:42:50] <masa> I wonder how many things will blow up if I change it in every place...
L1602[13:42:55] <gigaherz> hello, Krrast_
L1603[13:43:01] <Curle> o/
L1604[13:43:02] <Krrast_> yay people see me today! lol
L1605[13:43:17] <Curle> krrast, you can ghost your other account
L1606[13:43:21] <gigaherz> masa: depends on how many places actually expect the "damage value"
L1607[13:43:21] <gigaherz> ;P
L1608[13:43:39] <masa> yeah..
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L1610[13:43:56] <Curle> anyone?
L1611[13:43:57] <masa> well I'm changing my tools at to have the damage in NBT and the tool type in the meta
L1612[13:44:15] <gigaherz> does that work well?
L1613[13:44:18] ⇨ Joins: Cojo (~Cojosan@
L1614[13:44:30] <masa> but InventoryPlayer uses getItemDamage() on a couple of places to get items ;_;
L1615[13:44:47] <Krrast_> ok time to prove im a moron, how the heck did i get a second account in here?
L1616[13:44:54] <masa> so if I change my Item#getDamage() then it will blow up
L1617[13:45:21] <Nitrodev> literally?
L1618[13:45:21] <masa> but if I don't change it, then the durability in the tooltip is always at the max value
L1619[13:45:51] <JC52> Curle, is it Davy Crockett's Pocket Rocket?
L1620[13:45:54] <thecodewarrior> Theres a place where you can specify the % for the damage bar. that should work
L1621[13:46:22] <masa> yes I have that already, but it is only for the bar
L1622[13:46:38] <masa> the "Durability 123 / 123" i nthe tooltip will then still be wrong
L1623[13:47:25] <Nitrodev> Any idea how to add information/tooltips on blocks
L1624[13:47:48] <Curle> add it to the item
L1625[13:47:55] <Nitrodev> i know items have the addInformation method
L1626[13:48:09] <Curle> add it to the BlockItem (or smh like that)
L1627[13:48:19] <Nitrodev> so i make an item with the same exact thing?
L1628[13:48:20] <gigaherz> Nitrodev: extend ItemBlock
L1629[13:48:24] <williewillus> yeah you need a custom ItemBlock
L1630[13:48:25] <Nitrodev> Oh
L1631[13:48:25] <gigaherz> override addInformation
L1632[13:48:34] <gigaherz> and on the constructor of the block, specify YourBlockItem.class
L1633[13:48:35] <williewillus> and when you register your block pass that itemblokc class
L1634[13:48:37] <Nitrodev> i didn't realize ItemBlock was a thing
L1635[13:48:49] <williewillus> gigaherz: constructor? 0.o
L1636[13:48:51] <williewillus> you mean registration
L1637[13:48:54] <gigaherz> eh
L1638[13:48:57] <gigaherz> registration call
L1639[13:48:59] <gigaherz> yeah
L1640[13:49:00] <gigaherz> brainfart
L1641[13:49:01] <gigaherz> XD
L1642[13:49:14] <williewillus> Nitrodev: every block not physically *in* the world is an item :P
L1643[13:49:23] <Nitrodev> true
L1644[13:49:30] <Curle> items are in the world :(
L1645[13:49:39] <gigaherz> itemsi n the world are EntityItem
L1646[13:49:40] <gigaherz> ;p
L1647[13:49:46] <Nitrodev> yeah techincally items are in thw orld
L1648[13:49:51] <gigaherz> which contain an Item (such as ItemBlock)
L1649[13:49:53] <Curle> in the inventory are in the world
L1650[13:49:57] <Nitrodev> snice the player is, thus the inv is
L1651[13:49:58] <gigaherz> hence the *in* emphasis
L1652[13:50:00] <williewillus> I meant placed in block form
L1653[13:50:05] <gigaherz> blocks that aren't placed into the world grid
L1654[13:50:05] <Curle> ItemStack
L1655[13:50:17] <gigaherz> are an ItemStack
L1656[13:50:19] <Curle> You can place blocks outside of the grid
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L1658[13:50:21] <Nitrodev> so ItemBlock essentially is a combination of the two?
L1659[13:50:23] <thecodewarrior> masa: Make Item.isDamaged return false and add your own bar.
L1660[13:50:37] <gigaherz> Nitrodev: an ItemBlock is an Item that references a Block
L1661[13:50:39] <gigaherz> nothing else
L1662[13:50:41] <thecodewarrior> *add your own tooltip
L1663[13:50:43] <Curle> i's an item that places a block
L1664[13:50:47] <gigaherz> it has some tools for managing the block
L1665[13:50:52] <masa> ywah, I was just looking at that actually :p
L1666[13:50:54] <Curle> It's like a tool that onRightClick places the block
L1667[13:50:55] <gigaherz> but otherwise, it's simply an Item that represents a Block
L1668[13:51:07] <Curle> a tool with a 3d model
L1669[13:51:20] <Curle> wait, that *is* what an ItemBlock is, I just realized
L1670[13:51:24] <Nitrodev> okay
L1671[13:51:31] <Keridos> this is weird, still crashes here
L1672[13:51:37] <Keridos> https://github.com/OpenModularTurretsTeam/OpenModularTurrets/blob/master/src/main/java/openmodularturrets/compatability/ModCompatibility.java
L1673[13:51:53] <Curle> Is there a LiquidLava class any more?
L1674[13:52:12] <Curle> Oh, it's all in the FluidRegistry class, no stealing :(
L1675[13:53:08] <thecodewarrior> masa, make sure to set the stack size and override Item.showDurabilityBar.
L1676[13:54:21] <Curle> I'm gonna take a break for now
L1677[13:54:30] <Curle> Been updating for ~14 hours straight
L1678[13:54:35] <Curle> adios, fellas
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L1681[13:55:09] <Nitrodev> When making an item that stores an inv does the container class need to be different?
L1682[13:55:54] <Nitrodev> or can i just copy one of my blocks container class and modify so it works with the item
L1683[13:56:13] <Keridos> can someone tell me why in earth does it crash in line 42 of this, although I only check if mods are present in there, the performModCompat does the things, and only if CC is loaded and the API is present, it even registers the class that has the interface that is missing and is optionaled completely:
L1684[13:56:14] <Keridos> https://github.com/OpenModularTurretsTeam/OpenModularTurrets/blob/master/src/main/java/openmodularturrets/ModularTurrets.java
L1685[13:56:23] <Keridos> it tells me it crashes in line 42
L1686[13:56:46] <gigaherz> what's the crash?
L1687[13:57:06] <gigaherz> without the actual crash, I have no idea
L1688[13:58:12] <Keridos> gigaherz: https://paste.ee/p/OQjnz
L1689[13:58:36] <gigaherz> aha
L1690[13:58:39] <gigaherz> you reference the classes
L1691[13:58:42] <gigaherz> that's enough to cause it
L1692[13:58:50] <gigaherz> when you call the static
L1693[13:58:54] <gigaherz> it causes the class to load
L1694[13:59:01] <gigaherz> which causes the referenced classes to get looked up
L1695[13:59:05] <gigaherz> even if they aren't actually called
L1696[13:59:15] <gigaherz> it's not enough to put things inside "if(is mode loaded)"
L1697[13:59:24] <Keridos> hm but shouldnt the optional in the actual class fix that
L1698[13:59:30] <gigaherz> you also need @Optional.Interface and such
L1699[13:59:36] <gigaherz> no you need it on YOUR side
L1700[13:59:52] <Keridos> https://github.com/OpenModularTurretsTeam/OpenModularTurrets/blob/master/src/main/java/openmodularturrets/compatability/CCPeripheralProvider.java
L1701[14:00:14] <masa> Nitrodev: there is nothing special in item-based containers
L1702[14:00:19] <thecodewarrior> ComputerCraftAPI.registerPeripheralProvider(CCPeripheralProvider.getInstance()); <<< If I understand correctly, that is not good. put it in a seperate class so it doesn't get loaded unless needed.
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L1704[14:00:43] <Keridos> thecodewarrior: that doesnt even crash for me
L1705[14:00:56] <gigaherz> hmmm, my knowledge of @Optional doens't extend that far
L1706[14:00:58] <thecodewarrior> It crashes when it loads the class and looks for ComputerCraftAPI
L1707[14:01:18] <Keridos> nah it crashes with IPeripheralProvider
L1708[14:01:20] <thecodewarrior> disclaimer: I have about 3/4 of an idea what I'm talking about
L1709[14:01:36] <Keridos> would making the class non static solve it?
L1710[14:02:47] <Nitrodev> masa, okay good
L1711[14:02:59] <Nitrodev> copyiong it is
L1712[14:03:15] <thecodewarrior> Maybe because it's trying to load IPeripheralProvider to pass to the method? IDK.
L1713[14:03:35] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L1714[14:06:28] <Keridos> ah, i think i know why
L1715[14:07:57] *** TehNut|Sleep is now known as TehNut
L1716[14:08:26] <Nitrodev> Okay now my item container class is basically a copy of my blocks class
L1717[14:08:43] <Nitrodev> except with lesser amount of slots
L1718[14:09:19] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1719[14:11:35] <Keridos> i had a similar issue once
L1720[14:11:45] <Keridos> you need to put the method call into an own function
L1721[14:11:53] <Keridos> then optional.method that one
L1722[14:12:05] <Keridos> and just call that function from the main function
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L1724[14:12:59] <Keridos> yup, that worked
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L1727[14:14:08] <Nitrodev> i need to override the method onItemRIghtCLick when making an item that holds an inv right?
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L1730[14:15:23] <infinitefoxes_> Can I prevent someone from adding, say, Silk Touch to my custom tool?
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L1740[14:30:11] <Lordmau5> infinitefoxes_, no idea
L1741[14:30:24] <Lordmau5> but you could check if there's some method to override which returns a list of valid enchantments, perhaps?
L1742[14:30:35] <infinitefoxes_> it seems like all that stuff is hardcoded in the Enchantment class
L1743[14:30:44] <infinitefoxes_> because, why wouldn't it be?
L1744[14:30:51] <Lordmau5> MinecraftForge methods?=
L1745[14:31:02] <infinitefoxes_> none that I saw
L1746[14:33:16] ⇨ Joins: Something12 (~Something@s010634bdfa9eca7b.vs.shawcable.net)
L1747[14:33:18] <thecodewarrior> Closest thing I can find is Item.isBookEnchantable
L1748[14:34:04] <Nitrodev> me too
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L1751[14:36:19] <Lordmau5> Allow or forbid the specific book/item combination as an anvil enchant
L1752[14:36:22] <PaleoCrafter> the enchantment decides what it can go on
L1753[14:36:23] <Lordmau5> makes sense to me
L1754[14:36:45] <Lordmau5> as in, isBookEnchantable - wouldn't overriding that and returning "false" disallow every enchantment on the item?
L1755[14:36:51] <PaleoCrafter> no
L1756[14:36:57] <PaleoCrafter> that's for enchanting it with a book
L1757[14:37:04] <PaleoCrafter> not in the actual table
L1758[14:37:14] <Lordmau5> what about getItemEnchantability?
L1759[14:37:31] <thecodewarrior> That only effects how good enchants you get. e.g. stone vs gold
L1760[14:37:32] <thecodewarrior> I would be nice if the enchantement decided, but the
L1761[14:37:39] <Lordmau5> this sounds interesting though
L1762[14:37:40] <thecodewarrior> * item could deny enchants
L1763[14:37:43] <Lordmau5> check Item#ToolMaterial
L1764[14:37:52] <Lordmau5> there's the tool enchantability on there
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L1766[14:38:43] <thecodewarrior> ItemTool.getItemEnchantability just passes on to the material
L1767[14:38:55] <Lordmau5> ye, but if one were to override that and return 0?
L1768[14:39:02] <PaleoCrafter> just look at ContainerEnchantment.enchantItem, there's no check whatsoever
L1769[14:39:33] <thecodewarrior> You probably wouldn't be able to enchant at all, or you would just get crap enchantments. It wouldn't make it normal except not silk touch
L1770[14:40:33] <Lordmau5> Paleo
L1771[14:40:39] <Lordmau5> check EnchantmentHelper#buildEnchantmentList
L1772[14:40:48] <Lordmau5> if the getItemEnchantability is <= 0, then it returns an empty list
L1773[14:40:49] <Lordmau5> which is, one sec...
L1774[14:40:59] <Lordmau5> ContainerEnchantment#func_178148_a
L1775[14:41:07] <PaleoCrafter> but you don't get control over what enchantments are applicable ._..
L1776[14:41:24] <Lordmau5> ye
L1777[14:41:28] <Lordmau5> that's the downside..
L1778[14:41:38] <Lordmau5> but in theory you can at least toggle enchantable and not-enchantable
L1779[14:41:56] <PaleoCrafter> that's obvious...
L1780[14:42:54] <gigaherz> if you need fine-grained control over the enchantments you can receive, maybe you could PR a forge hook for it
L1781[14:43:29] <Lordmau5> shoudl be done by someone. Customizability is a great factor in modding, imo
L1782[14:43:48] <PaleoCrafter> there was a PR for an EnchantmentEvent, it wasn't accepted for some reason
L1783[14:45:55] <Nitrodev> i need to override the method onItemRIghtCLick when making an item that holds an inv right?
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L1786[14:49:21] <Nitrodev> to open the inv that is
L1787[14:50:45] MineBot sets mode: +v on LatvianModder
L1788[14:50:52] <PaleoCrafter> you can use whatever you want :P
L1789[14:50:52] MineBot sets mode: +v on amadornes
L1790[14:51:05] MineBot sets mode: +v on mezz
L1791[14:51:25] <Nitrodev> oh
L1792[14:53:49] <amadornes> yay! +v :D
L1793[14:54:23] <sham1> What happened to Latvia
L1794[14:57:06] <thecodewarrior> Is there any reason I shouldn't use a Set if I only want unique values?
L1795[14:58:31] <gigaherz> no, t he purpose of a Set is to have fast lookups
L1796[14:58:40] <gigaherz> so if you want to ensure uniqueness, a Set is for you
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L1798[15:01:18] <PaleoCrafter> sham1, https://github.com/orgs/MinecraftForge/people
L1799[15:01:28] <thecodewarrior> Just wondering for a project I'm working on, on a scale from 1-10, how much do you hate lang files.
L1800[15:01:35] <sham1> <sham1> What happened to Latvia
L1801[15:01:41] <sham1> Didn't answer my question
L1802[15:02:14] ⇨ Joins: Delaxarnyazer (~Delaxarny@ip56572345.direct-adsl.nl)
L1803[15:02:27] <masa> I have pretty much everything in my mod localized... lang files ftw
L1804[15:02:34] <thecodewarrior> I mean the format
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L1806[15:02:53] <masa> hm, I don't see anything wrong with it
L1807[15:02:59] <thecodewarrior> The fact that everything is in one file, each entry is so verbose, only one line per, etc.
L1808[15:03:07] <sham1> Like what did Latvia do to get into the forge peoples
L1809[15:03:08] <thecodewarrior> I'm trying to fix that.
L1810[15:03:42] <masa> well, I have a custom line splitting sequence I'm using...
L1811[15:03:56] <PaleoCrafter> they wrote FTBUtilities, sham1 :P
L1812[15:04:01] <masa> which means that the lang file looks like complete shit when tehre are stupidly long lines :D
L1813[15:04:02] <thecodewarrior> But everything is on one line though. you have a 10 mile wide file
L1814[15:04:15] <sham1> Oh that
L1815[15:04:16] <masa> yep..
L1816[15:04:38] <thecodewarrior> How's this: http://pastebin.com/21Ydgq7D
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L1818[15:04:58] <PaleoCrafter> ugly :P
L1819[15:05:14] <thecodewarrior> Uglier than existing lang files?
L1820[15:05:15] <PaleoCrafter> why's there a dot before the braces? D:
L1821[15:05:31] <thecodewarrior> I can take that out. Just lazyness on my part.
L1822[15:05:48] <thecodewarrior> The import is what I'm working on now.
L1823[15:05:57] <PaleoCrafter> well, the syntax looks intimidating :P
L1824[15:06:26] <masa> too much syntax for a lang file in my taste
L1825[15:06:40] <thecodewarrior> How so? you can still have plain lines for simple stuff.
L1826[15:06:45] <PaleoCrafter> it kinda looks like you're trying to write a new HOCON ;)
L1827[15:06:47] <masa> hmm
L1828[15:06:51] <thecodewarrior> Most of the syntax is my guide system.
L1829[15:07:07] <thecodewarrior> It's pretty simple, I just have to write docs for it.
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L1831[15:07:33] <Lumien> Hmm if i want to use a library in my mod, how do i get gradlew to "export" it to the jar file?
L1832[15:07:46] <diesieben07> note that non-coders should be able to write lang files
L1833[15:07:48] <LatvianModder> Wow sham1. You make me sad.
L1834[15:07:50] <LatvianModder> :P
L1835[15:07:57] ⇨ Joins: CelticChristoph (~Celtic@
L1836[15:07:58] <sham1> Soz
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L1838[15:08:02] <sham1> I just wanted to know
L1839[15:08:04] <diesieben07> Lumien, http://forgegradle.readthedocs.org/en/latest/user-guide/shading/
L1840[15:08:17] ⇦ Quits: Celtic (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L1841[15:08:19] <LatvianModder> Just workin on Forge projects now, thats why
L1842[15:08:44] <PaleoCrafter> that shading guide might actually be somewhat outdated xD
L1843[15:09:39] <sham1> Well with how much gradle is just pure magic
L1844[15:09:43] <sham1> I am sure it will just work
L1845[15:09:45] <TehNut> No, the shading doc was updated.
L1846[15:10:19] <Nitrodev> there was a difference in opening an item as opposed to a block right?
L1847[15:10:31] <Nitrodev> in terms of what to put inside the onItemUse method
L1848[15:10:58] <sham1> What do you mean "opening"
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L1851[15:11:45] <Nitrodev> right click/opening an inv the item contains
L1852[15:12:15] <sham1> you open the gui
L1853[15:12:25] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1854[15:12:30] <Nitrodev> So not much different?
L1855[15:13:44] <sham1> why not experiment yourself and see if it works
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L1858[15:16:13] <sham1> Speaking of stuff that fails, I have a trivial problem I have tried to solve these past days
L1859[15:16:24] ⇨ Joins: Celtic (~Celtic@
L1860[15:16:48] <Celtic> Test~
L1861[15:17:12] <Celtic> Ah, it was my name length. Sorry about that.
L1862[15:17:14] <Lordmau5> ~tesT
L1863[15:17:57] <Celtic> This IRC isn't just for development of mods that use Forge, correct?
L1864[15:18:08] <sham1> Umn, it is but lets hear it anyway
L1865[15:18:42] <williewillus> sham1: whats your trivial problem :P
L1866[15:19:08] <sham1> https://github.com/sham1/Industrial-Crops/blob/master/src/main/java/sham1/industrialcrops/register/ICSeedRegistry.java#L33
L1867[15:19:19] <sham1> This should return true for sugar canes
L1868[15:19:20] <Celtic> Hahaha, well, I won't say no to offered help I suppose. It's a fairly simple issue, I should think.
L1869[15:19:26] <sham1> But it doesn't
L1870[15:19:44] <sham1> Eg the slot in my inventory that uses that method does not accept it
L1871[15:20:20] <Celtic> Just curious about Forge versioning. The Forge website has a download listed for 1.7.10 as well as 1.7.10pre4. Within my Minecraft Launcher, I don't see 1.7.10pre4 listed as a version choice, so I'm leaning towards the first. Just thought I'd check real fast. Thanks!
L1872[15:20:35] <Lordmau5> first one should be the proper one, ye
L1873[15:21:02] <williewillus> 1.7.10pre4 was a release candidate for 1.7.10 itself
L1874[15:21:06] <diesieben07> sham1, sugar cane uses ItemReed, not ItemBlock
L1875[15:21:17] <Celtic> Is there a more appropriate IRC for questions like this in the future? As of now, I've been unable to find one.
L1876[15:21:18] <sham1> But you also have BlockReed
L1877[15:21:25] <sham1> That implements IPlantable
L1878[15:21:26] <williewillus> blockreed is the block form
L1879[15:21:32] <sham1> It should check that
L1880[15:21:34] <williewillus> the item form is ItemReed which doesn't inheirt from ItemBlock
L1881[15:21:46] <sham1> Oh
L1882[15:21:49] <LatvianModder> Its weird
L1883[15:21:49] <sham1> OH
L1884[15:21:51] <williewillus> ItemReed really is a bad name
L1885[15:22:05] <LatvianModder> They coudve done with reed the same what with saplinga
L1886[15:22:14] <LatvianModder> Saplings* but they didnt
L1887[15:22:15] <williewillus> it's used for saplings, cakes, cauldrons, etc
L1888[15:22:22] <LatvianModder> #BecauseNotch
L1889[15:22:25] <williewillus> things whose technical block differs completely from the item
L1890[15:22:30] <sham1> And ItemReed does not even implement anything
L1891[15:22:36] <sham1> Well this shite is annoying
L1892[15:23:01] <williewillus> just add another two cases for ItemReed :P
L1893[15:23:14] <williewillus> actually you can't get the block bc its private lol
L1894[15:23:19] <sham1> Or just one case
L1895[15:23:31] <sham1> Don't need the block anymore
L1896[15:23:31] ⇦ Quits: shadowfacts (~shadowfac@is.aww.moe) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1897[15:23:37] <sham1> And even if I did, I could reflect to it
L1898[15:24:25] <williewillus> is there any way to apply a resource pack at startup, independently of the resource menu?
L1899[15:24:38] <williewillus> (think of how servers can send clients resource packs and they don't appear in the list)
L1900[15:24:43] <LatvianModder> Aye. options.txt
L1901[15:24:56] <Nitrodev> now i have no idea what to put on the GUIHandler for my item...
L1902[15:24:56] <williewillus> modifying options.txt still shows up on the menu
L1903[15:24:59] <Nitrodev> FUCK
L1904[15:25:02] <williewillus> and not what I want to do
L1905[15:25:12] <LatvianModder> Hmm
L1906[15:25:27] <sham1> Nitrodev, depends on what you want it to do
L1907[15:25:29] <LatvianModder> Best way to fing out - Find
L1908[15:25:34] <Nitrodev> wait a min
L1909[15:25:51] <LatvianModder> *waits until 23:26:34*
L1910[15:25:53] <sham1> Also, why does ItemReed not implement IPlantable
L1911[15:26:15] <LatvianModder> Ok, im done waiting
L1912[15:26:25] <Celtic> One last thing, when I "pre-run" the base 1.7.10 version, can I run it in the base .minecraft folder, or do I need to pre-run it with the mod-folder selected?
L1913[15:26:29] <LatvianModder> Because only plant block has to
L1914[15:26:49] <LatvianModder> Think of it like Redstone wire block vs redstone dust
L1915[15:27:02] <LatvianModder> You use the dust to place wire. But just that
L1916[15:27:10] <sham1> ItemSeeds however do
L1917[15:27:41] <LatvianModder> Hmm
L1918[15:27:52] <LatvianModder> !shrug
L1919[15:28:01] <sham1> meh
L1920[15:28:38] <Nitrodev> sham1, simply i want an item that has an inventory
L1921[15:29:04] <sham1> DO it like you do block with an inventory
L1922[15:29:38] <sham1> But you must seperate the IInventory from the Item
L1923[15:29:38] <Nitrodev> in the guihandler?
L1924[15:30:04] ⇦ Quits: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-106-31.buckeyecom.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1925[15:30:12] <sham1> yes
L1926[15:30:18] ⇨ Joins: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-106-31.buckeyecom.net)
L1927[15:30:36] <Nitrodev> then i need to somehow let the game know the itemstack
L1928[15:30:52] <Nitrodev> well the guihandler needs an init for the variable stack
L1929[15:31:06] <Nitrodev> on my block i used world.getTE
L1930[15:31:24] <Nitrodev> to init the tileentity variable
L1931[15:31:33] <sham1> Umn, why do you have to let the game know the itemstack
L1932[15:31:45] <sham1> You use the ItemStack's NBT to store the inv
L1933[15:31:58] <williewillus> what are you guys talking about 0.o hold the inventory in the container and pass that container the itemstack to access NBT
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L1935[15:32:31] <Nitrodev> whut
L1936[15:32:47] <sham1> or rather the itemstack to the container ;P
L1937[15:34:19] <Nitrodev> i still got nothing
L1938[15:34:39] <LexDesktop> !gm uz.l
L1939[15:35:19] <sham1> what didn't you get
L1940[15:35:28] <Nitrodev> anything
L1941[15:35:31] <Nitrodev> you just said
L1942[15:35:45] <sham1> You want an example I presume
L1943[15:36:03] <Nitrodev> yeah :P
L1944[15:36:13] <williewillus> hmm, idk how this is done
L1945[15:36:38] ⇦ Quits: Cojo (~Cojosan@ (Quit: Beds explode goodnight)
L1946[15:37:39] <williewillus> the resourcepackrepository operates using File objects
L1947[15:37:55] <williewillus> and you can only get an InputStream from existing resource paths
L1948[15:38:29] <infinitefoxes_> seems like when the player is respawned my IExtendedEntityProperties is reset
L1949[15:39:05] ⇦ Quits: jkenyonc (webchat@fltr2.byu.edu) (Quit: Web client closed)
L1950[15:39:09] <williewillus> infinitefoxes_: yes, you have to copy it https://github.com/sinkillerj/ProjectE/blob/MC18/src/main/java/moze_intel/projecte/events/PlayerEvents.java#L36-L55
L1951[15:39:09] <infinitefoxes_> which makes sense, though wouldn't clone() in EntityPlayer copy it over to the new player?
L1952[15:39:20] <infinitefoxes_> ah
L1953[15:40:31] <sham1> I must say that I love the bag o' holdings in EE2/ProjectE
L1954[15:40:33] <williewillus> anyways, anyone know if what I want to do is possible? - apply a resource pack on startup that doesn't show up in the list when a config option is selected
L1955[15:40:44] <sham1> They are probably in EE3 as well but meh
L1956[15:40:52] <williewillus> basically botania 1.7 had the option of switching out some textures with a config option
L1957[15:41:09] <williewillus> and my last resort is to just split it out into a resource pack but i want to try making the existing option work
L1958[15:41:14] <infinitefoxes_> willie, I use the obf reflection helper to modify mcDefaultResourcePacks
L1959[15:41:21] <infinitefoxes_> I can upload a gist real quick
L1960[15:42:05] <Nitrodev> https://github.com/Nitrodev/ConstructIO/tree/master/src/main/java/com/nitrodev/constructio
L1961[15:42:12] <Nitrodev> there are the classes sham1
L1962[15:42:31] <Nitrodev> i used masas implementation of items iwth invs
L1963[15:43:07] <infinitefoxes_> https://gist.github.com/Collin1971/63f00378c1e67d910f75#file-gist-java-L48-L56
L1964[15:43:25] <infinitefoxes_> I registered a IResourceManagerReloadListener that does all that
L1965[15:43:34] <infinitefoxes_> relevant section is highlighted
L1966[15:43:40] <infinitefoxes_> you can just add an IResourcePack to it
L1967[15:44:01] <infinitefoxes_> refreshLocalizations() handles a reload
L1968[15:46:08] ⇦ Quits: Maxetime (~Thunderbi@modemcable086.219-70-69.static.videotron.ca) (Quit: Maxetime)
L1969[15:47:22] ⇨ Joins: DemoXin (~DemoXin@243.sub-70-210-32.myvzw.com)
L1970[15:48:18] <masa> Nitrodev: so what is the problem?
L1971[15:48:41] <Nitrodev> not knowing what to put inside the guyihandler
L1972[15:49:03] <masa> https://github.com/maruohon/enderutilities/blob/master/src/main/java/fi/dy/masa/enderutilities/gui/EnderUtilitiesGUIHandler.java#L55
L1973[15:49:13] <masa> well that is how I'm using them atm
L1974[15:49:24] <Nitrodev> i nmoticed
L1975[15:49:40] <Nitrodev> but i ain't got a InventoryItyemModular class
L1976[15:49:44] <williewillus> make one
L1977[15:49:53] <masa> uh no
L1978[15:50:05] <masa> that is my modular inventory stuff :p
L1979[15:50:20] <Nitrodev> yeah i guessed
L1980[15:50:40] <masa> but the constructor will show you what you need to pass it
L1981[15:51:20] <Nitrodev> yeah i see it
L1982[15:51:26] <masa> https://github.com/maruohon/enderutilities/blob/master/src/main/java/fi/dy/masa/enderutilities/inventory/InventoryItem.java#L42
L1983[15:52:18] <Nitrodev> but i need to pass a value to every param right?
L1984[15:52:32] <Nitrodev> or is it fine if i just pass null to some of them like the invsize
L1985[15:53:50] <masa> well you can't pass nyull to an int argument
L1986[15:53:57] <masa> and invSize is needed anyway
L1987[15:54:05] <masa> it is the number of slots the inventory will have
L1988[15:54:17] <masa> there should be no problem just passing everything
L1989[15:54:19] <masa> https://github.com/maruohon/enderutilities/blob/master/src/main/java/fi/dy/masa/enderutilities/inventory/ContainerToolWorkstation.java#L23-L25
L1990[15:54:22] <sham1> How would passing a null to an integer even w0rk
L1991[15:54:33] <sham1> The closest you can get is 0
L1992[15:54:39] <Nitrodev> well true
L1993[15:54:42] <masa> that is probably the only place where I actually use that non-modular version directly
L1994[15:55:05] <Nitrodev> if isremote would be true that would mean that it's on server right?
L1995[15:55:23] <masa> so in your GuiHandler, first check that the player is currently holding your bag
L1996[15:55:35] <masa> isRemote is false on the server
L1997[15:55:39] <bspkrs> Nitrodev, ^
L1998[15:55:45] <Nitrodev> okay
L1999[15:55:46] <sham1> isRemote is true on logical client side
L2000[15:56:21] <Nitrodev> well this is what i return on the server side return new ContainerBag(player.inventory, new InventoryBag(stack, 18, false, player));
L2001[15:56:28] ⇦ Quits: themandalton (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L2002[15:57:07] <masa> right
L2003[15:57:22] <Nitrodev> does that look good?
L2004[15:57:28] <masa> yep
L2005[15:57:44] <Nitrodev> okay
L2006[15:58:06] <infinitefoxes_> very odd
L2007[15:58:21] <infinitefoxes_> my event handler for PlayerEvent.Clone doesn't seem to work at all
L2008[15:58:27] <infinitefoxes_> a check with IntelliJ says it has no usages anywhere in Forge
L2009[15:59:15] <masa> events are invoked through reflection I believe
L2010[15:59:19] <masa> or something like that
L2011[15:59:24] <diesieben07> no
L2012[15:59:40] <infinitefoxes_> IntelliJ would still show it I think
L2013[15:59:46] <infinitefoxes_> since it searches strings or whatever
L2014[15:59:48] <diesieben07> ForgeEventFactory.onPlayerClone exists.
L2015[15:59:57] <diesieben07> and yeah it is firned.
L2016[15:59:59] <diesieben07> *fired
L2017[16:00:23] <williewillus> it works for me ?shrug
L2018[16:00:45] <williewillus> make sure you used the correct player objects
L2019[16:00:49] <williewillus> and that you registered the handler
L2020[16:01:04] ⇨ Joins: turmfalke_ (~turmfalke@p54a69efa.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L2021[16:01:10] <infinitefoxes_> already checked both of those
L2022[16:01:19] ⇦ Quits: alex_6611 (~alex_6611@p54936754.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L2023[16:01:21] <infinitefoxes_> my other events in the handler work fine
L2024[16:01:55] <infinitefoxes_> going to try rebuilding
L2025[16:02:58] ⇦ Quits: turmfalke (~turmfalke@p54A6909A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L2026[16:04:16] *** Vigaro is now known as V
L2027[16:04:41] *** V is now known as Vigaro
L2028[16:04:56] <Nitrodev> java.lang.ClassCastException: com.nitrodev.constructio.gui.ContainerBag cannot be cast to net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen
L2029[16:04:58] <Nitrodev> ...
L2030[16:05:09] <Nitrodev> well i kind of guessed that it wouldn't work
L2031[16:06:28] <williewillus> show code
L2032[16:06:29] <masa> did you not create a gui for the client side on the guihandler?
L2033[16:06:45] <Nitrodev> i did
L2034[16:06:56] <masa> the client side doesn't return a container, but a guicontainer that takes the container
L2035[16:07:11] <Nitrodev> https://github.com/Nitrodev/ConstructIO/blob/master/src/main/java/com/nitrodev/constructio/gui/GuiHandler.java
L2036[16:07:16] <Nitrodev> that's the handler
L2037[16:07:27] <masa> like I said above ^
L2038[16:07:44] <Nitrodev> yeah i noticed
L2039[16:07:51] <masa> you need to wrap the container in a GuiContainer on the client side
L2040[16:08:38] <Nitrodev> okay works
L2041[16:08:48] <Nitrodev> but ONLY when i right click a block
L2042[16:08:57] <Nitrodev> when rightclicking air it wont open the gui
L2043[16:09:03] *** SnowShock35 is now known as zz_SnowShock35
L2044[16:09:53] <williewillus> you override he wrong method in item
L2045[16:10:09] ⇦ Quits: DemoXin (~DemoXin@243.sub-70-210-32.myvzw.com) ()
L2046[16:10:13] <williewillus> anyways, anyone know how I can wrap a smartmodel into a perspective aware one
L2047[16:10:14] <williewillus> ?
L2048[16:10:32] <williewillus> I have a perspective aware "dispatcher", that can either return a smartmodel, or a normal json model
L2049[16:10:42] <williewillus> but the smartmodle is rendering nothing (handleItemState not called)
L2050[16:11:37] <sham1> You should ask fry
L2051[16:11:38] <diesieben07> williewillus, you have to call the smart stuff yourself, by being smart yourself (hue hue)
L2052[16:11:44] <Nitrodev> then i have a problem on what to return
L2053[16:11:48] <williewillus> >.<
L2054[16:11:51] <williewillus> how would I do that?
L2055[16:11:55] <williewillus> I have no access to the stack
L2056[16:12:00] <sham1> Also that was a cheap pun diesieb
L2057[16:12:05] <diesieben07> shuu
L2058[16:12:08] <diesieben07> as i said, be smart
L2059[16:12:14] <diesieben07> meaning, implement ISmartItemModel
L2060[16:12:28] <williewillus> i already do
L2061[16:12:30] <sham1> Pls, being smart is overrated
L2062[16:12:35] <williewillus> from the perspective model, I return a smart one
L2063[16:12:40] <williewillus> but the smart one is never called
L2064[16:12:43] <diesieben07> then that returns the perspective version which already has the item state in it so it can call handleItemState on the new smart ones
L2065[16:13:12] <williewillus> 2?
L2066[16:13:29] <diesieben07> 613.5
L2067[16:13:34] <williewillus> i'm just unclear when perspective models are called relative to smart ones
L2068[16:13:38] <williewillus> and if they;re recursively called
L2069[16:13:43] <williewillus> and if not in what order
L2070[16:13:43] ⇨ Joins: kruug (~kruug@71-82-145-148.dhcp.eucl.wi.charter.com)
L2071[16:13:45] <diesieben07> smart first, then perspective
L2072[16:13:50] <diesieben07> and they are not recursively called
L2073[16:14:04] <diesieben07> smart is called as part of the "find the right model for this itemstack" process
L2074[16:14:13] <diesieben07> then perspective is checked once on th result of htat process
L2075[16:14:14] <kruug> Hello, wondering if this is the proper place for crash assistance. Here's my crash report: http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/b0a55e15
L2076[16:14:18] <diesieben07> and the result of that is rendered
L2077[16:14:25] <kruug> FML
L2078[16:14:41] <kruug> EMCC version 1.12.0
L2079[16:14:53] ⇨ Joins: Ri5ux (~Ri5ux@ip68-106-209-194.om.om.cox.net)
L2080[16:15:13] <IoP> LatvianModder: always your mods :P
L2081[16:15:17] <williewillus> ugh I have no idea what I need to do on mine then
L2082[16:15:41] <infinitefoxes_> oh, huh
L2083[16:15:41] <diesieben07> in ISmart capture the ItemStack and return a new perspective aware that knows the ItemStack
L2084[16:15:42] <Ri5ux> Is there a way to check if the server thread is behind in ticks? I'd like to be able to automatically pause my world generation if it's too intensive for the user's computer.
L2085[16:15:55] <diesieben07> then in the perspective aware you can call handleItemStack on the wrapped models
L2086[16:16:00] <infinitefoxes_> killing myself calls the clone but not teleporting grr
L2087[16:16:19] <williewillus> teleporting will not call that event
L2088[16:16:25] <williewillus> only returning from end->overworld will
L2089[16:16:30] <williewillus> because that is a special case
L2090[16:16:36] <LatvianModder> EMCC?! Thats still a thing?
L2091[16:16:43] <kruug> LatvianModder: I tried reinstalling the mod, I tried with and without EE3, neither works.
L2092[16:16:57] <LatvianModder> I havent updated it for a while
L2093[16:17:00] <kruug> LatvianModder: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/emc-condenser
L2094[16:17:13] <kruug> Oh, is there another updated mod that has the condenser?
L2095[16:17:16] <Nitrodev> i dont know what to return onItemRightClick to open the gui
L2096[16:17:37] <kruug> LatvianModder: "Haven't updated it for a while" Last update: 2016-01-12
L2097[16:17:45] <kruug> Less than a month ago
L2098[16:17:50] <IoP> LatvianModder: I wonder who is that LatvianModder in that curseforge page:P
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L2101[16:18:10] <LatvianModder> Ah yeah, That update
L2102[16:18:11] <IoP> evil clone?
L2103[16:18:25] <gudenau> Quick question, with 1.8 OBJ models how do I do the transformations to make the stuff render in the correct places?
L2104[16:18:34] <LatvianModder> Yeah, I should mention that it only works with FTBU 1.0.15.. Which itself is broken xD
L2105[16:18:44] <kruug> -_-
L2106[16:18:51] <infinitefoxes_> williewillus: so then how do I transfer my IExtendedEntityProperties across teleports?
L2107[16:18:52] <LatvianModder> gudenau: you mean UVs?
L2108[16:19:00] <williewillus> infinitefoxes_: like nether portals? it's done for you
L2109[16:19:02] <gudenau> No, I mean where it renders.
L2110[16:19:07] <LatvianModder> Sorry! I will update it tomorrow
L2111[16:19:12] <infinitefoxes_> doesn't appear to be working then
L2112[16:19:22] <kruug> Using the Curse client, is there a way to downgrade/install a certain version of a mod?
L2113[16:19:23] <LatvianModder> I just thought noone is using it anynore
L2114[16:19:33] <gudenau> Yes.
L2115[16:19:42] <gudenau> Delete it and grab a diffrent version.
L2116[16:19:44] <LatvianModder> You know, there are so many condenser mods and mine is nowhere featured
L2117[16:19:51] <kruug> The version worked perfectly...just haven't been on in a while and installed the update
L2118[16:20:09] <gudenau> Look at slot 6, how do I move the model? https://i.imgur.com/D9hBeAv.png
L2119[16:20:11] <kruug> LatvianModder: did you work with EnkiGaming when creating this?
L2120[16:20:27] <kruug> LatvianModder: I used to play on their server, and that's where I found this one.
L2121[16:20:57] <LatvianModder> I owned EnkiGaming
L2122[16:21:05] <LatvianModder> Oh.. Kruuug!
L2123[16:21:06] <kruug> Ah, that would be it then :)
L2124[16:21:14] <LatvianModder> And i thought where ive heard this nick
L2125[16:21:44] <diesieben07> gudenau, what kind of model is it? JSON? OBJ?
L2126[16:21:50] <LatvianModder> Yeah, David stopped paying, because it was dead. We both agreed to close EnkiGaming
L2127[16:21:51] <gudenau> OBJ
L2128[16:22:01] <gudenau> Like I said.
L2129[16:22:09] <diesieben07> i missed that then
L2130[16:22:43] <diesieben07> you can pass an OBJState to the model which has a "parent" parameter in its constructor. that parameter can take a TRSRTransformation instance which can define your transformation
L2131[16:22:57] <diesieben07> i need to figure out how to pass the state to the model for items, one sec.
L2132[16:23:31] <MrKickkiller> Anyone got an idea on how to get the exact face a player is looking at, when the block is out of reach. Basically finding the exact face that intersects first with the LookVector?
L2133[16:23:48] <diesieben07> do you do anythin special already to bind the model to your item?
L2134[16:23:49] <gudenau> Just do the raytrace with greater range.
L2135[16:24:04] <gudenau> Nope, just the normal OBJLoader stuff.
L2136[16:24:11] <gudenau> ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation
L2137[16:24:18] <gudenau> With the JSON files.
L2138[16:24:28] <diesieben07> and then OBJLoader.addDomain
L2139[16:24:33] <gudenau> Yep.
L2140[16:24:42] <gudenau> It is rendering the model after all.
L2141[16:25:59] <diesieben07> hmm yeha i think yu will have to get a little more fancy here. since you need to pass an OBJState into OBJModel.bake
L2142[16:26:10] <diesieben07> so you kinda have to bake it yourself, possibly using ModelBakeEvent
L2143[16:26:16] <gudenau> I can't do that in the JSON files?
L2144[16:26:19] <tterrag> MrKickkiller: raytrace
L2145[16:26:29] ⇨ Joins: Dummyc0m (~Dummyc0m@
L2146[16:26:31] <diesieben07> not that i know of, no
L2147[16:26:34] <kruug> LatvianModder: sweet. Downgrading still works. :D
L2148[16:26:36] <gudenau> That sucks.
L2149[16:26:47] <kruug> ttfn!
L2150[16:26:49] <MrKickkiller> Yea, just figured out that a MOP contains the exact face that's hit. Sorry :P
L2151[16:26:52] ⇦ Quits: kruug (~kruug@71-82-145-148.dhcp.eucl.wi.charter.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L2152[16:27:06] <diesieben07> there is a system for custom data to models
L2153[16:27:08] <Dummyc0m> Hello? Does anyone here have any experience with B3DLoader or OBJLoader?
L2154[16:27:11] <gudenau> Normal evenbuss?
L2155[16:27:13] <tterrag> MrKickkiller: what MOP? there is no MOP if the player isn't highlighting a block/entity
L2156[16:27:15] <tterrag> https://github.com/SleepyTrousers/EnderIO/blob/master/src/main/java/crazypants/enderio/teleport/telepad/ItemCoordSelector.java#L137-L179
L2157[16:27:15] <diesieben07> but OBJ does not support it for arbitrary transformations
L2158[16:27:24] <Dummyc0m> http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,36550.0.html
L2159[16:27:30] <diesieben07> yes normal event bus
L2160[16:27:36] <Ri5ux> Is there any way to check if the server thread is behind?
L2161[16:27:51] <MrKickkiller> tterrag, you can get an MOP with Minecraft.getMinecraft.getRenderViewEntity.rayTrace
L2162[16:27:59] <tterrag> yes
L2163[16:28:07] <tterrag> or world.rayTraceBlocks :P
L2164[16:28:13] <gudenau> So, where do I grab my model to mess with?
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L2167[16:28:24] <diesieben07> MOdelLoaderRegistry.getModel will give you the IModel
L2168[16:28:26] <Dummyc0m> hello?
L2169[16:28:36] <diesieben07> then you call bake and put it into the registry you get from the event
L2170[16:28:50] <Dummyc0m> took a look at ModelLoaderRegistryDebug in the forge repo and made my own model with some of the guidance the aforementioned classes provided. I did the blockstate file and everything.
L2171[16:29:01] <Dummyc0m> The item ended up rendering just fine, just a bit off in terms of the rotation in hand. The block, upon placement, simply would not render and just show a border outline without anything.
L2172[16:29:32] <Dummyc0m> I even tried copypasting code from ModelLoaderRegistryDebug, same problem
L2173[16:30:10] <gudenau> Got the line handy where the OBJ stuff does this, as an example.
L2174[16:30:10] <Dummyc0m> The Forge Debug I'm taking about:https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/test/java/net/minecraftforge/debug/ModelLoaderRegistryDebug.java
L2175[16:30:30] <diesieben07> it's not special for OBJs
L2176[16:30:47] <diesieben07> check ModelLoadersetupModelRegistry
L2177[16:30:50] <gudenau> Ok, where is the noraml call?
L2178[16:30:51] <diesieben07> *ModelLoader.setupModelRegistry
L2179[16:31:10] <diesieben07> you just need the part where it bakes the model
L2180[16:32:36] <gudenau> The key is the ModelResourceLocation?
L2181[16:32:39] <diesieben07> yep
L2182[16:32:57] ⇨ Joins: Slikrick (~slikrick9@2601:19c:4701:ff54::fa0e)
L2183[16:33:00] <williewillus> also make sure getRenderType is correct
L2184[16:33:14] <diesieben07> wat
L2185[16:33:20] <Dummyc0m> getRenderType?
L2186[16:33:23] <gudenau> Hrm, need to find where to stick this.
L2187[16:33:27] <Nitrodev> woo my bag works
L2188[16:33:31] <williewillus> he mentioned the block just rendering nothing in world
L2189[16:33:41] <williewillus> a wrong getRenderType could be the cause
L2190[16:33:47] <Nitrodev> i just need to find out if the storing of items works
L2191[16:33:50] <diesieben07> ohh him
L2192[16:33:51] <diesieben07> maybe :)
L2193[16:34:11] <Nitrodev> NOOO
L2194[16:34:14] <williewillus> especially if you use the awful blockcontainer
L2195[16:34:18] <williewillus> which changes it to -1 by default
L2196[16:34:23] <Dummyc0m> Using the block container
L2197[16:34:26] <Dummyc0m> is that why??
L2198[16:34:26] <Nitrodev> yeah guess what
L2199[16:34:31] <gudenau> I must be blind, have an example? :-/
L2200[16:34:32] ⇦ Parts: Slikrick (~slikrick9@2601:19c:4701:ff54::fa0e) (Leaving))
L2201[16:34:41] <Dummyc0m> Thank you! Thank you, I'll try that
L2202[16:34:48] <Nitrodev> every item i put inside my item gets destroyed right after i close the inv...
L2203[16:34:50] <Nitrodev> fml
L2204[16:34:56] <Dummyc0m> what should I set it to?
L2205[16:34:56] <williewillus> also don't use blockcontainer
L2206[16:35:06] <gudenau> Make sure to save your stuff Nitrodev
L2207[16:35:07] <williewillus> it's unneeded legacy vanilla crapcode :P
L2208[16:35:15] <Dummyc0m> Gotcha, thanks
L2209[16:35:16] <diesieben07> gudenau, subscribe to ModelBakeEvent. in there: event.modelRegistry.put(modelLocation, ModelLoaderRegistry.getModel(loc).bake(...))
L2210[16:35:18] <Nitrodev> save what stuff?
L2211[16:35:22] <diesieben07> thats all
L2212[16:35:52] ⇦ Parts: Krrast_ (~Krrast@pool-96-238-93-6.nrflva.fios.verizon.net) (Leaving))
L2213[16:35:58] <Nitrodev> i save things to nbt
L2214[16:36:10] <gudenau> Thanks.
L2215[16:36:23] <Dummyc0m> so blockcontainer is bad?
L2216[16:36:33] <diesieben07> yes
L2217[16:36:43] <diesieben07> if you want a tileentity, override hasTileEntity & createTileEntity, thats all
L2218[16:36:47] <Dummyc0m> ok
L2219[16:37:02] <Dummyc0m> isn't hastileentity deprecated?
L2220[16:37:16] <diesieben07> one of them is.
L2221[16:37:17] <diesieben07> there are 2
L2222[16:37:22] <gudenau> What do I do for the bakedTextureGetter?
L2223[16:37:48] <Dummyc0m> Thank you, thank you so much!
L2224[16:37:50] <gudenau> Need the one with meta.
L2225[16:38:07] <diesieben07> loc -> Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureMapBlocks().getAtlasSprite(loc.toString());
L2226[16:38:27] <diesieben07> (in lambda form, if you need java < 8 compat you need an anon class)
L2227[16:38:31] *** DarkevilAway is now known as Darkevilmac
L2228[16:38:39] <gabizou|laptop> diesieben07 wuaa
L2229[16:38:50] <Nitrodev> Okay i'll countinue tomorrow
L2230[16:39:08] <gudenau> diesieben07 I will just use normal stuff for that.
L2231[16:39:10] * diesieben07 joins wookie sounds
L2232[16:39:15] <Dummyc0m> wiliewillus... thank you...
L2233[16:39:17] <Nitrodev> G' night all!
L2234[16:39:46] <gudenau> So, now to make the state
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L2236[16:40:54] <williewillus> getit worked?
L2237[16:40:58] <williewillus> *it worked?
L2238[16:41:03] <diesieben07> gudenau, new OBJState(Lists.newArrayList(OBJModel.Group.ALL), true, <mytrsr>)
L2239[16:41:05] <williewillus> also someone ping me when fry gets here >.<
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L2243[16:43:31] <Dummyc0m> yes
L2244[16:43:37] <Dummyc0m> long story short, it worked
L2245[16:44:10] <gudenau> What: The method bake(IModelState, VertexFormat, Function<ResourceLocation,TextureAtlasSprite>) in the type IModel is not applicable for the arguments (OBJModel.OBJState, VertexFormat, TextureAtlasSprite)
L2246[16:44:36] <diesieben07> what i pasted above was a lambda
L2247[16:44:40] <diesieben07> copy it exactly like that
L2248[16:44:49] <diesieben07> or use an anonymous class if you need java < 8
L2249[16:45:02] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Quit: Leaving)
L2250[16:45:03] <gudenau> I do not know lambdas yet. :-P
L2251[16:45:30] <diesieben07> new Function<...>() { TAS apply(RL loc) { return Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureMapBlocks().getAtlasSprite(loc.toString()); } }
L2252[16:47:05] <sham1> Eww
L2253[16:48:30] <gudenau> Ok, whatever... Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureMapBlocks().getAtlasSprite(monadoLocation.toString())
L2254[16:48:34] <gudenau> Oops.
L2255[16:48:43] <gudenau> Access restriction: The type 'VertexFormat' is not API (restriction on required library 'C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_71\lib\ext\jfxrt.jar')
L2256[16:48:59] <diesieben07> uhhh whut
L2257[16:49:13] <diesieben07> sounds like you have a wrong import
L2258[16:49:35] <gudenau> This is great.
L2259[16:49:43] <gudenau> I feel like an idiot.
L2260[16:50:06] <gudenau> Now to find the vertexformat stuff I need. -.-
L2261[16:50:30] <williewillus> well there's only on in minecraft
L2262[16:50:52] <gudenau> And for some reason Eclipse magicly imported something that is not even on the classpath.
L2263[16:50:57] <gudenau> WHATEVER
L2264[16:51:33] *** K-4U is now known as K-4U|Off
L2265[16:52:10] * diesieben07 mumbles something about eclipse
L2266[16:53:13] <Dummyc0m> mumbles something about eclipse
L2267[16:53:27] <Dummyc0m> How did you do that?
L2268[16:53:31] <gudenau> /me
L2269[16:53:36] * gudenau waves
L2270[16:53:48] <gudenau> So, it is rendering again. YAY
L2271[16:54:03] <LatvianModder> \o/
L2272[16:54:12] * Dummyc0m 's model renders as well
L2273[16:54:19] <gudenau> Now, what did I need to do to move it again? 0x5
L2274[16:55:15] <diesieben07> the last parameter to the OBJState constructor is a TRSRTransformation
L2275[16:55:59] <diesieben07> that can take various things, starting from just a transformatino matrix to quaternions and whatnot
L2276[16:56:54] <gudenau> Can I reload the assets to update the transformations?
L2277[16:57:21] <diesieben07> ehm...what?
L2278[16:57:38] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L2279[16:57:42] <gudenau> You know, f3+t
L2280[16:58:02] <diesieben07> oh
L2281[16:58:05] <diesieben07> uhm... maybe? idk
L2282[16:58:14] <diesieben07> probably
L2283[16:58:27] <williewillus> eek fry where are you idk how this animation thing works lol
L2284[16:59:01] <LatvianModder> gudenau: models reload, textures dont. Dont ask me why
L2285[16:59:03] <LatvianModder> :P
L2286[16:59:14] <gudenau> Do they rebake?
L2287[16:59:31] <masa> yes
L2288[16:59:37] <gudenau> Cool.
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L2291[17:03:05] <Ri5ux> Your mom rebakes her cakes in the oven.
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L2293[17:03:27] <Dummyc0m> Umm... the block i exported from blender using B3D exporter keep appearing below the actual block
L2294[17:03:29] <Dummyc0m> wth
L2295[17:04:20] <gigaherz> the block should occupy the space between (0,0,0) and (1,1,1)
L2296[17:04:29] <gigaherz> if you make it centered around 0, it will be off
L2297[17:04:42] <Dummyc0m> It is actually around 000 and 111
L2298[17:05:21] <LatvianModder> Maybe the scale is off?
L2299[17:05:38] <Dummyc0m> I don't really know... all new to this stuff
L2300[17:05:39] <LatvianModder> Minecraft's scale is smth like -1, -1, 1
L2301[17:05:49] <Dummyc0m> oh gigaherz... I solved the problem. getRenderType was -1
L2302[17:05:59] <Dummyc0m> hahaha
L2303[17:06:01] <LatvianModder> \o/
L2304[17:06:08] <LatvianModder> 3 works?
L2305[17:06:34] <LatvianModder> I might try to make an .obj model one day
L2306[17:06:34] <Dummyc0m> yea...
L2307[17:07:44] ⇦ Quits: Loetkolben (~Loetkolbe@ipbcc17c0a.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Over and Out!)
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L2309[17:11:49] <Dummyc0m> still keep appearing below the block...
L2310[17:15:07] *** manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L2311[17:15:10] <LatvianModder> Put the block 1m higher #ProblemSolved
L2312[17:15:37] <LatvianModder> No really, see if yoi can apply some offset or smth from blockstates.json
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L2314[17:21:28] <williewillus> can I turn off IDEA's grouping of resource paths into "<x>.<y>"
L2315[17:21:29] <williewillus> ?
L2316[17:21:31] <williewillus> it's annoying
L2317[17:25:04] <diesieben07> williewillus, http://i.imgur.com/NPz41rW.png
L2318[17:25:22] <williewillus> thanks
L2319[17:25:32] ⇦ Quits: Cojo (~Cojosan@2606:a000:1126:8048:601c:f607:7709:e350) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L2323[17:28:53] <Dummyc0m> there's gotta be something wrong with my blender or exporter...
L2324[17:30:11] <williewillus> textures messed up?
L2325[17:30:13] <williewillus> did you flip-v?
L2326[17:31:23] <LatvianModder> williewillus: i had the same folder bug, and tried to fix this for 2 days.
L2327[17:31:34] <williewillus> lol
L2328[17:31:43] <williewillus> it's just annoying when youre creating multiple subfolders
L2329[17:31:49] <LatvianModder> Until I accidently found it out. I was .. Disappointed. :D
L2330[17:31:50] <williewillus> and you can't select the parent since it gets compressed
L2331[17:36:14] <Dummyc0m> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4mQRVfovQYoOE15WFJQTHptdWc/preview
L2332[17:36:27] <Dummyc0m> looks like this... the chest on the right is a perfectly fine b3d model
L2333[17:36:35] <Dummyc0m> I
L2334[17:37:08] <williewillus> even with getrendertype set?
L2335[17:37:16] <Dummyc0m> it renders
L2336[17:37:31] <Dummyc0m> it renders, don't get me wrong. It just offsets/..
L2337[17:37:47] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L2338[17:37:53] <Dummyc0m> you see the magenta and gray object? yea that offset
L2339[17:38:19] <Dummyc0m> but in blender it's 000 to 111, no problem
L2340[17:43:52] <TehNut> you can use translations in your blockstate to move it into place
L2341[17:43:56] <Darkevilmac> Quick question, what's a good message to use in network code to get the current side.
L2342[17:44:02] <Darkevilmac> IE Side.CLIENT/SERVER
L2343[17:44:18] <TehNut> https://github.com/WayofTime/BloodMagic/blob/1.8-Rewrite/src/main/resources/assets/bloodmagic/blockstates/BlockAltar.json#L8
L2344[17:44:21] <TehNut> Like that ^
L2345[17:46:50] <LatvianModder> Dummyc0m: what TehNut said ^^
L2346[17:46:55] <williewillus> Darkevilmac: what kind of side
L2347[17:46:56] <LatvianModder> :P
L2348[17:46:58] <williewillus> logical or physical
L2349[17:47:56] <Darkevilmac> I need to call Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer if it's client side so physical I guess.
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L2352[17:48:49] <williewillus> and this is when you're receiving packets?
L2353[17:48:57] <Darkevilmac> Ya.
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L2355[17:49:10] <williewillus> messagecontext.side :P
L2356[17:49:30] <diesieben07> you should know already which side a packet is receiived on
L2357[17:49:34] <diesieben07> packets usually only go one way
L2358[17:50:13] <Dummyc0m> put it in the proxy?
L2359[17:50:35] <diesieben07> that, too but putting something in the proxy is usually not a way to check the side
L2360[17:50:52] <diesieben07> you usually need to check side first, then call the proxy OR you know the side already and then call the proxy
L2361[17:51:43] <williewillus> idk how this animation thing is gonna work for items xP
L2362[17:52:48] <Dummyc0m> TehNut, I searched a bit, you can do rotation in blockstate, but how do you translate?
L2363[17:52:56] <williewillus> same way you rotate
L2364[17:52:57] <TehNut> check link
L2365[17:53:03] <williewillus> "translate": [ x, y, z ]
L2366[17:53:15] <Dummyc0m> opps, missed it
L2367[17:53:17] <TehNut> translation*
L2368[17:53:26] <williewillus> note that the forge blockstate translations are 1/16 of what the vanilla model format's translation scales are
L2369[17:55:49] <tterrag> hm...how could I interpolate some UVs based on the full icon's UVs (0-1) ?
L2370[17:56:34] <Dummyc0m> ahh nop...
L2371[17:57:11] <Dummyc0m> forge does not like my b3d model
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L2384[18:11:54] <Dummyc0m> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4mQRVfovQYoOE15WFJQTHptdWc/preview
L2385[18:11:58] <Dummyc0m> still looks like this...
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L2393[18:23:49] <gigaherz> [00:55] (tterrag): hm...how could I interpolate some UVs based on the full icon's UVs (0-1) ?
L2394[18:24:22] <gigaherz> the general inteprolation function is just... "lerp(a,b,p) = a + p * (b-a)"
L2395[18:25:11] <gigaherz> so if you have minV and maxV, you can do lerp(minV,maxV,v)
L2396[18:25:28] <gigaherz> that's basically waht the TAS does when you call getInterpolatedU/V
L2397[18:25:46] <gigaherz> xcept it divides the input by 16
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L2399[18:26:28] <Dummyc0m> ...
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L2402[18:27:26] <Dummyc0m> umm, how would you export b3d from blender
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L2405[18:29:26] <gigaherz> Dummyc0m: you use the b3dexport plugin
L2406[18:29:32] <gigaherz> https://github.com/RainWarrior/B3DExport
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L2408[18:31:18] <Dummyc0m> pretty sure that is the one i used... and it ended up with an offset
L2409[18:33:32] <thecodewarrior> I'm not sure, but for .obj models you have to fiddle with which axis is up/forward. blender and minecraft don't agree.
L2410[18:42:06] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L2411[18:42:44] <tterrag> gigaherz: hm...if I'm representing the UVs of a quad with a Rectangle object, how could I apply the same to the width/height?
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L2413[18:50:11] <gigaherz> tterrag: right=left+width, and interpolate that
L2414[18:50:34] <tterrag> I know that
L2415[18:50:35] <gigaherz> thne you can calculate the final width based on right_interpolated-left_interpolated
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L2417[18:50:41] <tterrag> ok
L2418[18:50:47] <tterrag> I guess I'll just convert then convert back
L2419[18:51:18] <gigaherz> alternatively you could do rect_width * UV_width / image_width
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L2421[18:52:22] <gigaherz> (if the UVspace is 0..1, then you can just omit that term and just to width/image_width)
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L2423[18:53:13] <tterrag> don't have the image width handy
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L2426[18:56:34] <tterrag> gigaherz: http://puu.sh/mYyGj.txt
L2427[18:56:43] <tterrag> idk why I can't math tonight...that look sensible?
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L2429[19:01:12] <gigaherz> I think so?
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L2432[19:01:47] <gigaherz> although if it doesn't work, it could be that the texture is upside-down vs the Rectangle
L2433[19:01:53] <gigaherz> (opengl y=0 is at the bottom)
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L2438[19:08:28] <tterrag> gigaherz: I don't think that lerp math is what i need for this
L2439[19:08:45] <tterrag> http://puu.sh/mYzo3.png
L2440[19:08:53] <tterrag> those numbers aren't going to give anything meaningful with taht math
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L2442[19:09:48] <gigaherz> tterrag: depends on the sixze of the atlas
L2443[19:09:50] <tterrag> ah wait...something is wrong... a and b should be on either side of f
L2444[19:10:05] <gigaherz> wait /facepalm
L2445[19:10:06] <gigaherz> no
L2446[19:10:09] <tterrag> yes
L2447[19:10:14] <gigaherz> "f" is 0..1
L2448[19:10:14] <tterrag> I forgot to change the sprite variable
L2449[19:10:25] <gigaherz> the paste earlier asn't really right
L2450[19:11:00] <gigaherz> you were supposed to normalize the values to 0..1 range first, so what you needed wasn't lerp at all
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L2452[19:11:52] <tterrag> yeah...I want a normalized Rectangle based on 0..1 being the bounds of the sprite
L2453[19:12:00] <gigaherz> normalize(x, xMin, xMax) = (x-xMin)/(xMax-xMin)
L2454[19:12:02] <tterrag> instead of 0..1 being the map
L2455[19:12:15] <gigaherz> yeah
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L2457[19:12:19] <gigaherz> so the complete operation
L2458[19:12:20] <gigaherz> would be
L2459[19:12:40] <gigaherz> lerp(uMin, uMax, normalize(x, xMin, xMax))
L2460[19:12:55] <tterrag> um
L2461[19:12:56] <tterrag> why the lerp?
L2462[19:13:14] <gigaherz> do you want the uv in 0..1 range
L2463[19:13:18] <tterrag> yes
L2464[19:13:19] <gigaherz> or adjusted to the bounds of the TAS?
L2465[19:13:26] <gigaherz> ah
L2466[19:13:29] <gigaherz> then no lerp
L2467[19:13:30] <gigaherz> Xd
L2468[19:13:31] <tterrag> that's all I care about
L2469[19:13:32] <tterrag> :P
L2470[19:13:46] <tterrag> so my call was right, I just need the function to normalize, not lerp :P
L2471[19:13:52] <gigaherz> yeah
L2472[19:14:02] <gigaherz> something like normalize(x, 0, image_width)
L2473[19:14:50] <gigaherz> which would result in a formula like x/image_width ;P
L2474[19:15:07] <gigaherz> sorry I misunderstood at first ;P
L2475[19:15:59] <gigaherz> it would simply be { rect.x/=image_width; rect.y/=image_height; rect.width/=image_width; rect.height /=image_height; }
L2476[19:18:25] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L2477[19:20:27] <tterrag> gigaherz: that math is correct only for the width/height
L2478[19:20:40] <gigaherz> ?
L2479[19:20:41] <gigaherz> nope
L2480[19:20:51] <gigaherz> if you are at pixel 15 of an image of width 100
L2481[19:20:59] <gigaherz> you are at 15% oft he image, so 0.15 woudl be the resulting value
L2482[19:21:11] <tterrag> but my x/y aren't based at 0
L2483[19:21:18] <gigaherz> uh?
L2484[19:21:23] <tterrag> so it would be rect.x - sprite.x / width;
L2485[19:21:28] <tterrag> missing some parens there
L2486[19:21:30] <tterrag> but you get it
L2487[19:21:38] <gigaherz> uh if it's not 0-based
L2488[19:21:39] <gigaherz> normalize(x, xMin, xMax) = (x-xMin)/(xMax-xMin)
L2489[19:21:42] <gigaherz> you need that formula
L2490[19:21:44] <tterrag> yes ^ I know :P
L2491[19:21:55] <gigaherz> but now I'm confused to what your rectangle represents
L2492[19:21:55] <gigaherz> XD
L2493[19:22:27] <tterrag> UVs of a TAS
L2494[19:22:30] <tterrag> I thought we covered that
L2495[19:22:33] <gigaherz> ah
L2496[19:22:37] <gigaherz> so then I got it 100% backwards
L2497[19:22:57] <gigaherz> nah I was thinking you wre trying to convert pixel coordinates of a non-TAS image
L2498[19:22:59] <gigaherz> to use for TAS
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L2500[19:30:20] <unascribed> I keep thinking you mean tool-assisted speedrun
L2501[19:30:23] <unascribed> and it's confusing me
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L2505[19:35:28] <gigaherz> unascribed: XD
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L2513[19:54:38] <Dummyc0m> finally, I give up on b3d, switching to wavefront made things a lot easier..
L2514[19:57:09] <williewillus> :P
L2515[19:57:24] <williewillus> I feel like no one uses b3d besides Fry :P
L2516[19:57:41] <masa> oh FUCK
L2517[19:58:05] <masa> the rotateAround() in ENumFacing doesn't work the same as getRotation() in ForgeDirection did...
L2518[19:58:44] <masa> rotating around UP or DOWN but rotate clockwise around the positive Y etc.
L2519[19:59:05] <masa> s/but/both/
L2520[19:59:34] <masa> and how many places in my code does that now exist and is thus broken...
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L2522[20:00:03] <masa> I estimate four and a half billion places
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L2525[20:01:35] <unascribed> 4,500,000,001
L2526[20:02:31] <masa> and I don't see a method that would rotate using a left (or right) hand rule
L2527[20:02:37] <masa> ffs, what is this bullshit ;_;
L2528[20:03:12] <unascribed> welcome to mojangtopia
L2529[20:03:15] <unascribed> where nothing makes sense
L2530[20:03:57] <masa> so I have to add my own util methods to do basic rotations... fun
L2531[20:04:21] <masa> I'm now way too tired and salty and it's 4 AM already, so time for bed
L2532[20:04:28] <unascribed> PJSalt
L2533[20:05:32] <masa> quick search says I have 316 calls to rotateAround in this mod
L2534[20:05:38] <masa> yay
L2535[20:05:43] <unascribed> Refactor -> Introduce Indirection...
L2536[20:05:58] <masa> now I get to go through all of them and try to not fuck it up
L2537[20:06:02] <unascribed> Refactor -> Introduce Indirection...
L2538[20:06:14] <masa> what's that?
L2539[20:06:23] <unascribed> Eclipse refactor tool
L2540[20:06:23] ⇦ Quits: sejsel (~sejsel@10.174.broadband5.iol.cz) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L2541[20:06:28] <unascribed> creates a method that calls the method
L2542[20:06:32] <unascribed> and redirects all uses of that method to the new method
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L2544[20:06:38] <unascribed> which you can then modify to do your custom rotation
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L2546[20:06:58] <masa> oh, cool
L2547[20:07:09] <unascribed> it's so extremely useful for this exact reason
L2548[20:07:36] <masa> I can see that..
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L2551[20:08:23] <masa> it's a good thing that eclipse developers knew that such a feature will be needed because mojang produces wtf code
L2552[20:09:20] <gigaherz> I'd be tempted to think they added that feature becuase of their own code, somehow
L2553[20:09:21] <gigaherz> ;p
L2554[20:09:43] <unascribed> https://unascribed.com/v/1ab4d879.mp4
L2555[20:09:46] <unascribed> halp I accidentally a rave
L2556[20:10:27] <masa> oh fuck actually I don't think the indirection will do it..
L2557[20:10:34] <masa> unless it is more flexible
L2558[20:10:44] <unascribed> it redirects all calls to a certain method
L2559[20:11:24] <masa> because the rotateAround() takes the getAxis() value from the facing, but I also need the getAxisDirection()
L2560[20:11:43] <unascribed> since it's an instance method
L2561[20:11:50] <unascribed> it'll probably generate a static method that takes the EnumFacing in question
L2562[20:11:53] <unascribed> which should be enough
L2563[20:12:02] <unascribed> then you can use a Change Method Signature refactor to remove the redundant parameters
L2564[20:12:13] <masa> hmm, mmkay
L2565[20:14:30] <williewillus> modmuss50: how come TR doesn't have any jsons? :P
L2566[20:15:28] <tterrag> gigaherz: so, do you want me to explain my larger task here?
L2567[20:15:31] <tterrag> because I'm still kinda stuck :p
L2568[20:16:59] <gigaherz> hm?
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L2570[20:17:09] <gigaherz> sure go ahead
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L2572[20:20:02] <tterrag> gigaherz: well, I need to split any quad in a model into sub-quads (if that's a word) to apply connected textures to them
L2573[20:20:45] <tterrag> since to apply connected textures we use 4 subtextures assembled from a map
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L2575[20:21:55] <gigaherz> ah, I see
L2576[20:22:22] <gigaherz> and you do this at baked level?
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L2578[20:24:24] <tterrag> I'm doing this in handleBlockState based on a template model
L2579[20:24:31] <tterrag> so yes
L2580[20:24:35] <gigaherz> aha
L2581[20:24:40] <tterrag> I've already got the baked quad unpacking working
L2582[20:25:01] <tterrag> I've unpaked into some Vector3fs and Vector2fs (position and uv)
L2583[20:25:10] <unascribed> https://unascribed.com/i/04d61a38.png
L2584[20:25:12] <unascribed> \o/
L2585[20:25:35] <gigaherz> (ideally the model system would be extendedto add some IConnectedBakedModel or such)
L2586[20:25:55] <williewillus> unascribed: what am i looking at? :P
L2587[20:25:55] <gigaherz> yeah
L2588[20:26:08] <unascribed> williewillus, a mod that runs in pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre init to tell you things
L2589[20:26:16] <unascribed> like "BOTANIA HAS AN UPDATE" or "your session is invalid"
L2590[20:26:31] <unascribed> because once you've initialized your modpack 10 minutes later, you don't care about updates
L2591[20:26:40] <unascribed> and you get super annoyed that your session is invalid
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L2593[20:27:03] <gigaherz> XD
L2594[20:27:34] <unascribed> "I have to wait 10 minutes AGAIN!?"
L2595[20:27:44] <unascribed> it happens to me constantly, so it's a true story
L2596[20:28:17] <unascribed> now
L2597[20:28:18] <unascribed> uh
L2598[20:28:20] <unascribed> how do I render text
L2599[20:28:21] <unascribed> :L
L2600[20:28:35] <unascribed> I could make a rudimentary monospace font and use that
L2601[20:28:45] <unascribed> the splash screen won't always be present so I can't use it's renderer
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L2604[20:29:58] <tterrag> gigaherz: well the idea is to allow people to specify models and have CTM automatically applied to that
L2605[20:30:09] <tterrag> (and to potentially replace vanilla models with CTM models...but that's down the line)
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L2607[20:32:14] <gigaherz> yeah
L2608[20:32:20] <gigaherz> well
L2609[20:32:22] <gigaherz> that aside
L2610[20:32:44] <gigaherz> (I was preparing a release -- https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/releases/tag/v0.4.0-alpha )
L2611[20:33:04] <tterrag> ...ok? :P
L2612[20:33:07] <masa> well would you look at that... now that I have fixed the most basic thing that mojang managed to fuck up, stuff suddenly works like it did before
L2613[20:33:16] <gigaherz> so you need to effectively, reverse the quad UVs into a TAS
L2614[20:33:36] <gigaherz> then split the polygon based on the midlines of the U/V of the TAS
L2615[20:34:00] <tterrag> I already know the TAS
L2616[20:34:03] <tterrag> it's the missing texture :p
L2617[20:34:13] <tterrag> and yes, that's what I'm trying to do
L2618[20:34:25] <tterrag> this is my code atm http://puu.sh/mYE7N.txt
L2619[20:34:28] <gigaherz> yeah by reverse I meant
L2620[20:34:32] <tterrag> bit all over the place, but the current place I'm working on is
L2621[20:34:36] <gigaherz> go from atlas coords to TAS coords
L2622[20:34:39] <tterrag> subdivide
L2623[20:35:23] <gigaherz> and if you didn't know the TAS, it would be a matter of checking each one of them until you find one where the UVs are all >= minU/V and <= maxUV
L2624[20:35:42] <gigaherz> (that operation would be best with a prebuilt k-d tree)
L2625[20:35:42] <tterrag> that would be awful
L2626[20:35:44] <tterrag> thank god I don't :P
L2627[20:36:03] <gigaherz> butyeah
L2628[20:36:09] <gigaherz> going from global to local
L2629[20:36:29] <gigaherz> u_local = (u_global - minU)/(maxU-minU)
L2630[20:36:39] <tterrag> already done :P
L2631[20:36:41] <gigaherz> then, the splitting is where the fun is
L2632[20:36:58] <tterrag> I'm aware
L2633[20:37:01] <tterrag> that's where I'm stuck lol
L2634[20:37:08] <tterrag> because I need to somehow keep the UVs tied to the verts
L2635[20:37:11] <tterrag> during splitting
L2636[20:37:30] <gigaherz> let's split the issue into two separate cuts
L2637[20:37:36] <tterrag> (done)
L2638[20:37:39] <tterrag> read the code :P
L2639[20:37:57] <tterrag> specifically this bit http://puu.sh/mYEiS.txt
L2640[20:38:21] <gigaherz> effectively, you have two points that intersect two of the edges
L2641[20:38:46] <gigaherz> they can be either opposite edges, or adjacent edges (only if you have a non-axis-aligned quad)
L2642[20:39:20] <gigaherz> the case where the two intersections are in opposite edges is the nice one, since you split one quad into two quads
L2643[20:39:28] <gigaherz> the other splits into a pentagon + a triangle
L2644[20:40:00] <gigaherz> deciding which caseyou are in would simply be counting how many vertices are on the left and right
L2645[20:40:22] <gigaherz> 0/4, 1/3, 2/2, 3/1, 4/0
L2646[20:40:24] <SomeGuyInATree> Any ideas which class from Botania does the world gen?
L2647[20:40:32] <gigaherz> 0/4 cases are best, return as-is
L2648[20:40:39] <gigaherz> 2/2 is the nice cut
L2649[20:40:58] <tterrag> gigaherz: I'm dealing with json models here
L2650[20:41:03] <tterrag> so the quads are always rectangles
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L2652[20:41:09] <gigaherz> nice then you can't have 3/1 cases
L2653[20:41:13] <tterrag> as they are defined by 2 vecs
L2654[20:41:14] <tterrag> exactly
L2655[20:41:25] <gigaherz> SomeGuyInATree: ping williewillus
L2656[20:41:30] <gigaherz> (I just did ;P)
L2657[20:41:36] <gigaherz> ...
L2658[20:41:42] <gigaherz> so the 2/2 case
L2659[20:42:11] <gigaherz> are the vertices of the quad clockwise starting with top-left?
L2660[20:42:25] <gigaherz> well the maths is the same just with a semantic rotation XD
L2661[20:42:38] <SomeGuyInATree> Trying to retrogen flowers with cpws mod. Nothing extends IWorldGenerator though xD
L2662[20:42:44] <williewillus> SomeGuyInATree: botania.common.core.handler.BiomeDecorationHandler
L2663[20:42:45] <tterrag> I don't know that BakedQuad guarantees an order
L2664[20:42:53] <tterrag> but I believe always CCW yes
L2665[20:43:08] <gigaherz> it's generated algorithmically so the ordering would always be the same
L2666[20:43:12] <gigaherz> either always CW, or always CCW
L2667[20:43:25] <gigaherz> and it would always start on the same corner
L2668[20:43:27] <gigaherz> anyhow
L2669[20:43:43] <gigaherz> thinking about the vertical cut
L2670[20:43:50] <gigaherz> you first decide which are the two "top vertices"
L2671[20:44:08] <gigaherz> then you'd cut at the point where x=0.5
L2672[20:44:29] <gigaherz> which means you'd have to normalize the 0.5 into "quad space"
L2673[20:45:36] <gigaherz> supposing you have an edge that goes from (u0,v0)-(u1,v1), your "umiddle" would be (0.5-u0)/(u1-u0)
L2674[20:45:46] <gigaherz> this owuld give you a "t" that you can use to lerp the v0..v1
L2675[20:46:14] <gigaherz> but since you know your edges are axis-aligned, v0==v1==vmiddle
L2676[20:46:15] <SomeGuyInATree> williewilus: Thanks mate.
L2677[20:46:55] <tterrag> gigaherz: I already have the division of the uv rectangle down
L2678[20:47:04] <tterrag> the problem is then interpolating the positions of the vertices
L2679[20:47:09] <tterrag> based on the split up rectangle
L2680[20:47:33] <gigaherz> your resulting coords are all 0..1 are they not?
L2681[20:47:46] <gigaherz> wiat
L2682[20:47:47] <tterrag> yeah
L2683[20:47:49] <gigaherz> right
L2684[20:47:52] <gigaherz> you have to adjust the positions
L2685[20:47:53] <gigaherz> ah
L2686[20:48:01] <gigaherz> the nwe go back to that
L2687[20:48:05] <gigaherz> your "umiddle" would be (0.5-u0)/(u1-u0)
L2688[20:48:13] <gigaherz> assuming u==x
L2689[20:48:18] <gigaherz> that means
L2690[20:48:21] <gigaherz> your "xmiddle"
L2691[20:48:44] <gigaherz> is lerp(x0,x1,t), where t=(0.5-u0)/(u1-u0)
L2692[20:49:09] <gigaherz> same for y0/y1, and z0/z1
L2693[20:49:19] <tterrag> yeah
L2694[20:49:37] <gigaherz> the key here, is avoiding the coord that does not change
L2695[20:49:39] <tterrag> but currently I have (up to) 4 rectangles, and I don't know which vert they are for
L2696[20:49:49] <gigaherz> wat
L2697[20:49:53] <tterrag> are you reading my pastes or not :P
L2698[20:50:05] <gigaherz> I'm rather bad at reading other people's pastes
L2699[20:50:06] <gigaherz> XD
L2700[20:50:44] <gigaherz> I see code, I know it's code, I know the code looks right (grammar-wise), but I have no idea what it attempts to do XD
L2701[20:51:36] <gigaherz> but hm
L2702[20:51:37] <tterrag> gets uvs -> converts them into a Rectangle object -> divides that rectangle into up to 4 separate rectangles split along the 0.5, 0.5 axes
L2703[20:51:45] <tterrag> so now I have 4 rectangles of UVs
L2704[20:51:49] <tterrag> woo
L2705[20:51:52] <gigaherz> yeah
L2706[20:52:27] <gigaherz> you should be able to figure out which "connectivity plane" they are on, based on the coord that doesn't change
L2707[20:52:47] <Darkevilmac> I had asked earlier but didn't really get much of a useful response, is there a method in forge I can use to get the current side of the game (CLIENT/SERVER). I mean the actual side of the game being run because it's not much use when the game says it's on the client but doesn't have Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.
L2708[20:52:58] <gigaherz> like, you may see that all Z values are thesame, and they all are z=1
L2709[20:53:02] <Darkevilmac> I tried FMLCommonHandler's method but that didn't seem to work.
L2710[20:53:07] <gigaherz> that means it's the north(?) plane
L2711[20:54:07] <gigaherz> I assume you only have connectivity planes on the "half units"?
L2712[20:54:39] <tterrag> gigaherz: I already have the EnumFacing lol
L2713[20:54:47] <tterrag> all bakedquads have a facing
L2714[20:54:55] <tterrag> however, that's not necessarily accurate
L2715[20:54:57] <gigaherz> not the facing
L2716[20:54:59] <gigaherz> the location
L2717[20:55:09] <tterrag> the quad could be tilted, and change on all 3 axes, no?
L2718[20:56:02] <gigaherz> I have no idea how you'd handle diagonal connectivity
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L2720[20:56:35] <gigaherz> vanilla models only ever have 90-degree rotations
L2721[20:56:46] <gigaherz> and the vertices are rotates during the baking process, I believe
L2722[20:56:51] <gigaherz> rotated*
L2723[20:57:09] <gigaherz> if not... well no idea
L2724[20:57:09] <tterrag> uh...not true
L2725[20:57:10] <gigaherz> XD
L2726[20:57:14] <tterrag> they allow 22.5 degree intervals
L2727[20:57:33] <gigaherz> I thought everything that wasn't 90-degree rotations were TESR
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L2729[20:57:58] <tterrag> nope...pretty sure that's not the case
L2730[20:58:03] <gigaherz> then ugh
L2731[20:59:07] <tterrag> gigaherz: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Model#Block_models
L2732[20:59:10] <gigaherz> the whole thing makes sense only if you can properly "link" faces to connectivity planes accurately
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L2735[20:59:27] <tterrag> each edge of the quad is axis aligned
L2736[20:59:36] <tterrag> well...actually maybe not
L2737[20:59:41] <williewillus> gigaherz: you're thinking the blockstate global rotations, those are 90-deg increments
L2738[20:59:50] <williewillus> cubes themselves are 22.5-deg
L2739[20:59:56] <gigaherz> williewillus: wait what
L2740[21:00:00] <gigaherz> cubes can rotate?!
L2741[21:00:38] <williewillus> I meant members of the "elements" array in a model json
L2742[21:00:42] <gigaherz> uh I have spent pretty much the past year telling people that was NOT possible
L2743[21:00:48] <gigaherz> and no one ever disagreed with me
L2744[21:01:10] <williewillus> have you read the vanilla spec? ;P
L2745[21:01:14] <gigaherz> ofc not
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L2747[21:01:19] <gigaherz> I didn't even know there was a spec
L2748[21:02:03] <gigaherz> every single time anyone (me included) asked abotu the json model format
L2749[21:02:05] <williewillus> the vanilla wiki is surprisingly thorough in its spec of everything
L2750[21:02:09] <gigaherz> the answer was "look at the vanilla models"
L2751[21:02:19] <gigaherz> no one ever even suggested looking at the wiki XD
L2752[21:02:22] <williewillus> blockstate json, model json, pack.mcmeta, sounds.json, *.mcmeta, etc.
L2753[21:02:25] <williewillus> full defs for everything
L2754[21:02:32] <gigaherz> at least not that I remember
L2755[21:03:18] <gigaherz> heck, I was convinced the models for things like saplings, flowers and such were hardcoded
L2756[21:04:09] <gigaherz> tterrag: my approach given the new mindblowing information,
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L2758[21:04:22] <williewillus> they were hardcoded in 1.7 ;)
L2759[21:04:57] <gigaherz> would be to try to decide which plane fits best, and if none fit, ignore theblock and not even try to do connected textures for anything that's not rotated in an axis-aligned way
L2760[21:04:58] <gigaherz> XD
L2761[21:05:46] <gigaherz> I was pondering about connected textures a while ago
L2762[21:05:58] <gigaherz> the design I had in my mind
L2763[21:06:04] <gigaherz> would have had a series of connectivity planes
L2764[21:06:16] <gigaherz> one every half-unit of the world grid
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L2766[21:06:32] <gigaherz> well two, one facing on each direction of that plane
L2767[21:06:48] <tterrag> I don't understand why that's so important, I can just treat the quad like it has an AA normal just like vanilla does
L2768[21:06:53] <gigaherz> so like, an XY plane, would have the Z+ side, and the Z- side
L2769[21:07:28] <gigaherz> then each connection-aware model would "apply" for one of these planes, and from that I'd build neighbour-matching information
L2770[21:08:12] <gigaherz> I have no idea if that even resembles the way connected textures has been implemented into MC
L2771[21:08:24] <gigaherz> (or into the mods that add it to mc)
L2772[21:09:03] <williewillus> mc has nothing close to connected texture ;p
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L2774[21:09:21] <gigaherz> dealing with diagonals.... was never part of that design
L2775[21:09:21] <gigaherz> XD
L2776[21:09:34] <williewillus> corner stairs are like the most complex that getActualState gets in vanilla
L2777[21:11:33] <williewillus> lol weird bug in chromium, when I drag something around, a white box appears around it and keeps growing as i drag it
L2778[21:11:44] <gigaherz> yeah vanilla and vanilla-like models are mostly on half-unit increments
L2779[21:11:55] <gigaherz> with the corner stairs being the most complex case
L2780[21:12:13] <gigaherz> that's what the design in my head was meant to consider
L2781[21:13:12] <williewillus> what order do TRSR's compose in? I'm assuming they aren't commutative since matrix mul isn't. is TRSR_A.compose(TRSR_B) first applying a then b, or b then a?
L2782[21:13:30] <gigaherz> the name says it
L2783[21:13:38] <gigaherz> Transform-Rotate(1)-Scale-Rotate(2)
L2784[21:13:41] <gigaherz> eh
L2785[21:13:47] <gigaherz> Translate-Rotate(1)-Scale-Rotate(2)
L2786[21:14:06] <gigaherz> wait compose
L2787[21:14:20] <gigaherz> no idea. XD
L2788[21:14:25] <gigaherz> I probably need to sleep
L2789[21:15:12] <gigaherz> tterrag: I don't think I'm mentally fit to continue helping you right now. what I had left from being tired, has been lost now due to that mind-blowing revelation XD
L2790[21:15:53] <unascribed> https://unascribed.com/v/d793ae9f.mp4
L2791[21:15:54] <unascribed> woo
L2792[21:16:08] <SomeGuyInATree> Hello unascribed, how goes it?
L2793[21:16:12] <unascribed> good
L2794[21:16:15] <tterrag> unascribed: pls tell me you are using the forge system for mod update notifications
L2795[21:16:19] <unascribed> yes
L2796[21:16:28] <unascribed> that will be the only supported method
L2797[21:16:28] <tterrag> thank god
L2798[21:16:39] <tterrag> we don't need another crappy system
L2799[21:16:53] <unascribed> maybe by some miracle this crappy mod will encourage people to use the official Forge system
L2800[21:17:14] <tterrag> only issue I have with that GUI is the badly aliased font :P
L2801[21:17:22] <gigaherz> unascribed: does it "pause" loading until it is done checking for updates? or is that going to happen at the same time as the normal loading process?
L2802[21:17:34] <unascribed> it pauses loading
L2803[21:17:41] <unascribed> probably will try to make it concurrent
L2804[21:17:47] <unascribed> I mainly want to pause for the session validity check
L2805[21:17:48] <SomeGuyInATree> oo, what you working on now?
L2806[21:17:48] <gigaherz> yeah that woudl be best
L2807[21:17:51] <tterrag> woo async :D
L2808[21:17:59] <gigaherz> we keep complaining about people doing updates in the main thread
L2809[21:18:06] <unascribed> but this isn't in the main thread
L2810[21:18:16] <unascribed> and it'd check for updates to multiple mods at once probably
L2811[21:18:27] <unascribed> with a reasonable timeout
L2812[21:18:36] <gigaherz> still if a bad dns causes a request to take 3 minutes to time out
L2813[21:18:38] <unascribed> if your server takes more than a couple seconds to respond, screw you
L2814[21:18:42] <gigaherz> that'd be annoying
L2815[21:18:43] <gigaherz> ;P
L2816[21:19:27] <gigaherz> yeah but the user shouldn't be punished for having a bad internet connection
L2817[21:19:44] <gigaherz> that's one of the (many) reasons people dislike reika's mods
L2818[21:22:31] <tterrag> gigaherz: this is the vertex order it seems http://puu.sh/mYGJH.txt
L2819[21:22:34] <tterrag> so it starts at bottom left
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L2833[22:22:41] <Ri5ux> I got bored and figured out how to interface with one of my router's operating system using the USB to UART Serial interface of an arduino.
L2834[22:23:54] <Ri5ux> Also, pumpkin cake is delicious.
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L2836[22:25:50] <DebugsPeople> nice I guess xD
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L2843[22:57:05] <williewillus> lol why is the witchc held item renderer so screwed up
L2844[22:57:25] <williewillus> it should literally just be the player held item renderer translated down, instead it's a smorgasbord of hardcoding
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L2851[23:04:03] <gigaherz> williewillus: because Minecraft is designed quite stupidly when it comes to entities
L2852[23:04:22] <gigaherz> rather than having a skeleton and being able to attach the item's position to a bone in the skeleton
L2853[23:04:27] <gigaherz> it does all of it through hardcoding
L2854[23:05:04] <williewillus> I was browsing the Item code and saw the old shouldRenderIn3D and a shouldFlip180Degrees (or something like that), and thought it was weird since tose kinds of things should be done in json
L2855[23:05:09] <williewillus> but turns out only witches use it
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L2857[23:05:58] <gigaherz> I'll be going to sleep
L2858[23:05:59] <gigaherz> night
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L2866[23:32:23] <SomeGuyInATree> So I just wiped my dynmap map and the first thing it rendered are the villages.. Now I've got 1.5k villagers actively loaded on opis.. any ideas why?
L2867[23:37:07] <SomeGuyInATree> Anyone aware of any reason as to why villages stay loaded even across resets?
L2868[23:37:27] <gabizou|laptop> across resets?
L2869[23:37:41] <SomeGuyInATree> Like, server restarts
L2870[23:38:11] <gabizou|laptop> well, villagers do stick around, but it sounds like something else would keep the village chunks loaded constantly
L2871[23:38:24] <killjoy> someone have a chunk loader enabled?
L2872[23:38:27] <gabizou|laptop> villages themselves natively don't stay chunk loaded.
L2873[23:38:28] <williewillus> entities don't chunkload by themselves
L2874[23:38:36] <williewillus> (and even when they do its buggy)
L2875[23:39:14] <SomeGuyInATree> I'm talking every single village, so it's not chunkloaders all over a 16km^2 map..
L2876[23:39:37] <SomeGuyInATree> http://map.alkaluscraft.top
L2877[23:40:23] <gabizou|laptop> again, natively, nothing in vanilla minecraft keeps chunks loaded except for connected players and the original spawn chunks (iirc)
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L2879[23:41:03] <williewillus> yes
L2880[23:41:23] <williewillus> there's strange hax with hoppers or nether portals in vanilla to force chunks to stay loaded but those are unreliable
L2881[23:41:42] <williewillus> any mod that adds village worldgen maybe?
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L2883[23:42:52] <gabizou|laptop> SomeGuyInATree it doesn't seem like it's the entire village either
L2884[23:43:25] <SomeGuyInATree> Witchery probably adds the most..
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L2886[23:43:56] <williewillus> does opis show how a chunk is being kept loaded?
L2887[23:44:44] <SomeGuyInATree> They're not forced loaded
L2888[23:46:51] <SomeGuyInATree> RfTools Houses.
L2889[23:47:05] <SomeGuyInATree> Only thing common between each 'mapped' area I tp'd to.
L2890[23:47:16] <williewillus> McJty: ^?
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L2893[23:57:27] <McJty> What?
L2894[23:57:31] <McJty> Haven't been following
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