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L1[00:00:47] *** Kolatra is now known as Kolatra[away]
L2[00:01:40] <GeoDoX> Is there a way to use that?
L3[00:01:44] <LatvianModder> Hovering?
L4[00:01:53] ⇦ Quits: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@x55b029ff.dyn.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L5[00:02:16] <GeoDoX> Yes, I'm trying to check hovering on a custom GUI element but I don't know when to call the check or where
L6[00:02:17] <LatvianModder> Like.. Current item your mouse is over in container or smth?
L7[00:02:21] <LatvianModder> Ah
L8[00:02:41] <GeoDoX> I have access to a container though
L9[00:02:55] <GeoDoX> If that helps
L10[00:02:57] <LatvianModder> That is stored in GuiScreen / GuiContainer
L11[00:03:09] <LatvianModder> But i think those are protected fields
L12[00:03:26] <GeoDoX> Yes, but I'm drawing over it, and I need to check the hover of that
L13[00:04:10] <GeoDoX> Like, I'm rendering into the corner of each Slot in the GuiContainerCreative
L14[00:04:21] ⇦ Quits: MattDahEpic (~MattDahEp@71-208-229-141.hlrn.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L15[00:04:32] <GeoDoX> and I need to check the hover of the corner of that slot where I'm rendering to
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L20[00:09:37] <Dagarath> Just doublechecking, to set an itemstacks metadata I just have to .setItemDamage ?
L21[00:09:49] <xaero> you're in a GuiScreen? IIRC there's a series of onMouse* methods you can override
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L24[00:11:06] <xaero> (which conveniently should give you x/z positions as well)
L25[00:12:55] <williewillus> Dagarath: yes
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L28[00:16:00] <GeoDoX> I'm not in GuiScreen
L29[00:16:17] <GeoDoX> Can I simply extend it to use the methods?
L30[00:16:30] <fry> "help me, I'm trapped in a GuiScreen"
L31[00:16:40] <GeoDoX> lol
L32[00:16:58] ⇦ Quits: SubconsciousEye (~Subconsci@cpe-65-28-43-97.wi.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L33[00:17:25] <sham1> Better than being trapped in Gui
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L35[00:21:22] ⇦ Quits: Mraof (~mraof@2601:642:4400:49a7::c294) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L36[00:21:33] <GeoDoX> So?
L37[00:22:08] ⇦ Quits: EyeOfKoishi (~Subconsci@cpe-65-28-43-97.wi.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L38[00:24:55] <sham1> So
L39[00:25:13] ⇨ Joins: Mraof (~mraof@2601:642:4400:49a7::c294)
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L44[00:28:32] <xaero> you made me check... are you ina Gui at least? Take a look at GuiButton#drawScreen
L45[00:29:13] <GeoDoX> I'm not
L46[00:29:24] <xaero> s/drawScreen/drawButton/
L47[00:29:27] <GeoDoX> Can I be? :P
L48[00:29:37] <GeoDoX> I can't use a GuiButton
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L53[00:30:21] <killjoy> sql: is there a better way to display this data? http://imgur.com/GDlUEFR
L54[00:30:24] <GeoDoX> I don't think?
L55[00:30:58] <killjoy> a player (name) can have multiple textures (type, url). a texture can have multiple meta (key, val)
L56[00:31:07] <GeoDoX> I mean, I guess I could, but I don't need to
L57[00:31:46] <sham1> combained query I see
L58[00:31:54] <killjoy> this is aview
L59[00:32:12] <sham1> Don't think there is anything else
L60[00:32:16] <xaero> no, it doesn't need to be a GuiButton, but the logic is in there (and the calling class)
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L62[00:32:32] <sham1> But how do you access the texture with player
L63[00:32:46] <sham1> Do you use the player name as the shared field?
L64[00:32:51] <killjoy> I was thinking of making it display as a tree.
L65[00:32:53] <killjoy> no, I use uuid
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L67[00:32:58] <sham1> Good
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L69[00:33:17] <GeoDoX> So if I simply extend it, and instantiate it when I need to, it will handle the hovering and everything for me?
L70[00:33:25] <killjoy> right now though, the uuid is part of the url
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L72[00:33:30] <killjoy> that will hopefully change
L73[00:33:37] <sham1> yeah
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L75[00:33:46] <sham1> Thatbetter become a field of its own
L76[00:33:53] <killjoy> current server has issues with writing to an existing file.
L77[00:34:14] <killjoy> cloudflare doesn't catch that it changed so skins can take up to 3 hours to update
L78[00:34:37] <killjoy> I'm redesigning a system I didn't write
L79[00:34:56] <sham1> good luck with that
L80[00:35:06] <GeoDoX> xaero, ?
L81[00:35:15] <killjoy> I've even decided to learn python to interact with the database and output some json
L82[00:35:23] <killjoy> got some trouble with cgi
L83[00:37:42] <xaero> GeoDoX: if it's a button, maybe, but no, the logic for hovering is all in the GuiButton class, which you'll have to replicate - what'd be informative is if you could find what calls GuiButton.drawButton, as that can lead to an "event" that you seek
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L86[00:40:26] <xaero> GeoDoX: but I'm wondering if you're not in a Gui, then what is the player supposed to be hovering over? something in the world?
L87[00:40:50] <GeoDoX> It seems like it would be in GuiScreen xaero
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L89[00:41:09] <GeoDoX> I'm rendering on top of the GuiContainerCreative
L90[00:41:51] <GeoDoX> I'm using a custome class to render a custom button that renders an ItemStack
L91[00:42:12] <xaero> so a GuiOpenEvent.Post or somesuch?
L92[00:42:39] <xaero> or a custom GuiContainerCreative of yours?
L93[00:43:12] <GeoDoX> I haven't linked it to anything yet, I'm just trying to do custom rendering using Open GL right now
L94[00:43:25] <GeoDoX> I wanna keep it client side only though
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L97[00:48:24] <xaero> but what's your rendering hook? :P A regular RenderEvent?
L98[00:48:40] <GeoDoX> I don't have one yet
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L100[00:49:02] <GeoDoX> I'm just trying to code the custom button class first
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L103[00:53:06] <GeoDoX> Is there any way you'd recommend doing it xaero?
L104[00:55:12] <xaero> nah, I've only dabbled in Guis, but somehow you want a hook that's "rendering now && your Gui context"
L105[00:56:07] <GeoDoX> yeah
L106[00:56:43] *** AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L107[00:56:56] <xaero> whether that be checking Minecraft.currentScreen or the GuiOpenEvent and replacing with your own GuiContainerCreative
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L113[01:05:45] <GeoDoX> Would it still be client only if I override GuiContainerCreative?
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L116[01:10:16] <GeoDoX> xaero, I know some people meantioned containers are handled server side...
L117[01:11:17] <xaero> oh yea haven't looked into them - I've only dealt with basic client-only Guis
L118[01:11:57] <GeoDoX> I know I'm checking when the GuiContainerCreative is being opened... so I am doing that
L119[01:12:22] <GeoDoX> Also, I'm using a custom tab. Would it help if I explained the purpose of the mod?
L120[01:12:29] <GeoDoX> Like what it does?
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L122[01:21:30] <xaero> perhaps someone might, but you've already reached the limits of my knowledge of Guis :P
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L124[01:23:35] <GeoDoX> Well, I appreciate you trying to help, and it has anyway :)
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L128[01:44:05] <Lordmau5> Hi-Ho o/
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L132[01:49:43] <Lordmau5> what the hell have I stumbled upon
L133[01:49:44] <Lordmau5> http://cuberite.org/
L134[01:49:45] <Lordmau5> O_o
L135[01:50:12] <Cazzar> Problem
L136[01:50:16] <Cazzar> Mod incompatibility.
L137[01:50:34] <Lordmau5> well, it's c++ so I expected Java mods to not work
L138[01:50:51] <Lordmau5> but going by the fact that it offers better performance than the vanilla java-server, this really seems interesting
L139[01:50:59] <Cazzar> That's the problem that I have with most custom servers.
L140[01:51:20] <McJty> Interesting project though
L141[01:51:29] <Lordmau5> Thing is, it'd be stupid to consider a "Forge-Port" for that, since then there would be code-changes on both ends
L142[01:51:42] <Lordmau5> as in "Oh, MinecraftForge on the java-end added new patches, I have to adjust them"
L143[01:51:58] <Lordmau5> also, a mod would have to be written in Java + C++, or some special interpreter on the C++ end
L144[01:52:13] <Lordmau5> it's all stupid thoughts in the end. But for vanilla players, I could imagine that that server is a better option
L145[01:52:26] <McJty> Integrating java with C++ is not hard but that's not enough to make it java mod compatible though
L146[01:52:37] <McJty> As java mods typically use the entire Mojang + Forage Java api
L147[01:52:46] <McJty> Or a big part of it at least
L148[01:52:55] <Lordmau5> yup
L149[01:53:20] <Lordmau5> This project goes as far as 2013, if not even further
L150[01:53:23] <Lordmau5> how come I've never heard of this?
L151[01:53:36] <xaero> it went by a different name, mcserver
L152[01:53:38] <McJty> I wonder if it is actually used a lot for vanilla servers
L153[01:53:50] <Lordmau5> 27th of July, 2013
L154[01:54:10] <Lordmau5> thing is, plugin support. It does support LUA as a coding language for plugins
L155[01:54:21] <Lordmau5> but not the Java way, as in, Bukkit plugins (for example) wouldn't be compatible
L156[01:54:32] <Lordmau5> then again, there's WorldEdit available for it since 2013, haha
L157[01:55:35] <Lordmau5> To be honest, I'm really looking forward to having an attempt at the C++ Minecraft modding
L158[01:55:40] <Lordmau5> I doubt that's impossible
L159[01:55:41] <Cazzar> Lordmau5: first github commit was a merge in 2011 https://github.com/cuberite/cuberite/commit/e0bae05ed4cea2095718b93e211eaae3d41e8dc4
L160[01:55:52] <Lordmau5> it's just going to be a pain to learn yet another language from scratch...
L161[01:56:02] <Lordmau5> aah
L162[01:56:06] <Lordmau5> so they went over from Googlecode
L163[01:56:08] <Cazzar> 274 pages of commits on github
L164[01:56:29] <Cazzar> https://code.google.com/archive/p/mc-server/ is the original
L165[01:56:36] <Cazzar> "The project was created on Oct 4, 2011."
L166[01:56:55] <Lordmau5> wow
L167[01:57:02] <Lordmau5> to be honest, I've never heard of Mc-server either
L168[01:58:08] <Lordmau5> wait wat
L169[01:58:09] <Lordmau5> https://github.com/SirCmpwn/TrueCraft
L170[01:58:10] <xaero> really? are you aware of the other java clones?
L171[01:58:17] <Lordmau5> MC 1.7.3 Beta in C#?
L172[01:58:30] <Cazzar> I remember starting to work on that with SirCmpwn :3
L173[01:58:41] <Cazzar> Well, not truecraft
L174[01:58:48] <Cazzar> https://github.com/SirCmpwn/Craft.Net this
L175[01:59:16] <Lordmau5> interesting
L176[01:59:47] <Lordmau5> there's also a server software for Minecraft PE https://github.com/PocketMine/PocketMine-MP
L177[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160204 mappings to Forge Maven.
L178[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160204-1.8.9.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160204" in build.gradle).
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L181[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L182[02:00:28] <Lordmau5> Botania and OpenComputers are featured on that "Hacking Minecraft" category :D
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L184[02:02:07] <Lordmau5> yay, Reddit's back up
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L203[03:01:17] <Wuppy> o/
L204[03:07:33] <Wuppy> dear lord....
L205[03:07:34] <Wuppy> https://scontent-ams3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/12654554_954579211257817_6658163139575459052_n.jpg?oh=5837bbd71aa9e2a21a974491c5317f18&oe=573AE3D2
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L209[03:13:18] <xaero> I'm admittedly a dreary/drab kind of guy, but I see nothing wrong with a splash of color now and then
L210[03:13:46] <xaero> but granted, that is a bit more than "now and then" ...
L211[03:14:20] <Wuppy> every single place in the city looks like that the coming week
L212[03:14:49] <Wuppy> and they build out into the streets to have more place for people to party: https://scontent-ams3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xat1/v/t1.0-9/12631539_954131287969276_7306631049166309560_n.jpg?oh=95de98e49d8646951aab0d6d617f9e9d&oe=572F1117
L213[03:16:53] <xaero> ok, let me echo your sentiments:
L214[03:16:56] <xaero> dear lord...
L215[03:17:16] <Wuppy> it will be awesome though \o/
L216[03:17:34] <xaero> what's the occasion?
L217[03:17:39] <Wuppy> carnaval
L218[03:18:14] <Wuppy> originally a christian party, but now turned into a reason to dress like a moron, drink like a crazy person and do whatever you want for a week :P
L219[03:18:51] <xaero> hmm either time really flies or didn't you have that a couple of months ago?
L220[03:19:13] <Wuppy> there is a 1 day pre-party in november, but not really
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L223[03:25:59] <xaero> ok, my memory's fuzzy but you did talk about carnaval here before once - still, looks like fun for those into that sorta thing
L224[03:27:12] <xaero> I live in an urban sprawl so such renovations are usually confined to a block (if that) and limited
L225[03:27:28] <Wuppy> this is also in a small area only
L226[03:27:29] ⇨ Joins: Szernex (~Szernex@
L227[03:27:41] <Wuppy> but there is going to be a parade which goes through the entire town
L228[03:28:21] <Wuppy> parades like this: http://www.bndestem.nl/polopoly_fs/1.4248976.1393935284!/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_800_600/image-4248976.jpg
L229[03:29:25] <xaero> floats, nice
L230[03:29:37] <Wuppy> floats?
L231[03:30:40] <xaero> they're those themed cars and/or balloons that are in parades
L232[03:30:41] ⇦ Quits: Ministry (~M1nistry@220-253-72-185.dyn.iinet.net.au) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L233[03:30:53] <xaero> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Float_(parade)
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L235[03:31:07] <Wuppy> yep
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L239[03:43:40] <Naiten> Omg, what the... I set rotation quaternion to (0, 1, 0, Math.toRadians(45.0)/2.0F)) and this happens http://i.imgur.com/vM4zgHU.png
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L241[03:44:14] <Naiten> also, these white pixels are so annoying D:
L242[03:44:26] <Nitrodev> Hi all
L243[03:44:33] <Naiten> hi
L244[03:44:57] <Wuppy> howdy
L245[03:45:15] <Nitrodev> What whity pixels are you talking about Naiten
L246[03:45:55] <Naiten> Nitrodev, >>I set rotation quaternion to (0, 1, 0, Math.toRadians(45.0)/2.0F)) and this happens http://i.imgur.com/vM4zgHU.png
L247[03:46:25] <Nitrodev> I see
L248[03:46:31] <Naiten> white pixels on the edges of obj models
L249[03:46:42] <Nitrodev> Yeah i see them
L250[03:47:22] <Nitrodev> Looks like you need to slightly adjust the rotation
L251[03:47:46] <Nitrodev> Since theright doesn't have the white pixels
L252[03:48:34] <Naiten> welp, the rotation and white pixels are separate issues
L253[03:48:42] <Nitrodev> Oh?
L254[03:49:10] <Nitrodev> Did you test what i said
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L256[03:52:20] <Naiten> what do you mean by ' theright doesn't have the white pixels'? all of my blocks have them
L257[03:52:54] <Nitrodev> Look at the model
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L259[03:53:26] <Nitrodev> The pixels dont go from right to left
L260[03:53:44] <Nitrodev> The start away from the right border
L261[03:53:57] <Nitrodev> Atleast in the pic
L262[03:57:26] <Naiten> well, that's just a matter of viewing point. those pixels are not static
L263[03:57:44] <UnasAquila> Good morning. Does anyone know what replaces IVillageTradeHandler in 1.8 please?
L264[03:57:46] <Nitrodev> Ah
L265[03:59:21] <Nitrodev> Then it might be either the position of the upper part or the textures
L266[04:00:28] <Ordinastie> I think I can't make it simpler than that... http://puu.sh/mVn2z.png
L267[04:01:46] <xaero> UnasAquila: seems it's not in Forge yet; see https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/1687 and https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/2337 .
L268[04:03:09] <Naiten> Nitrodev, i recall investigating this earlier and it's a matter of bad UV processing
L269[04:03:38] <Nitrodev> Uv?
L270[04:04:33] <Naiten> texture unwrap U-V coordinates
L271[04:04:38] <Nitrodev> Ah
L272[04:04:44] <UnasAquila> thanks xaero I will add the link to my track list. [guess ill just move it to the end of my update todo list]
L273[04:05:02] <Nitrodev> Well i got no experience with that so :P
L274[04:07:13] <Naiten> guess i have to summon fry
L275[04:07:56] <Nitrodev> Yeah that's probably your best bet
L276[04:07:58] <fry> that's not how quaternions work
L277[04:08:30] <Naiten> indeed they do
L278[04:09:04] <Naiten> i've watched this http://www.programcreek.com/java-api-examples/index.php?api=javax.vecmath.Quat4f
L279[04:09:41] <Naiten> welp
L280[04:09:43] <Naiten> wait
L281[04:10:18] <Naiten> m(
L282[04:12:08] <Naiten> somehow missed that cos thing m(
L283[04:13:50] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~McJty@bluecoat2.uzleuven.be)
L284[04:14:02] <Nitrodev> Did it fix it?
L285[04:14:10] <Nitrodev> And hi McJty
L286[04:14:25] <McJty> Hi
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L292[04:25:00] <Ordinastie> why is it that the signature for List.toArray() is Object[] toArray(); and not E[] toArray(); ?
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L294[04:25:35] <McJty> I think that has to do with type erasure but not 100% sure
L295[04:25:44] <McJty> i.e. generic type is not kept at runtime
L296[04:25:56] <sham1> Morning/g'day/evening to all you wonderful people
L297[04:26:15] <sham1> Yeah, type erasure
L298[04:26:18] <Ordinastie> McJty, well, either way at runtime it will be Object[]
L299[04:26:41] <sham1> You know what type the array should contain, so you can cast it
L300[04:27:12] <Ordinastie> if you know the type of the list, it wouldn't require a cast
L301[04:27:19] <Ordinastie> or using <T> T[] toArray(T[] a);
L302[04:27:46] <sham1> Well it wont know the type at runtime
L303[04:28:15] <sham1> So that's a thing
L304[04:28:49] <Ordinastie> yes but type erasure doesn't explain why they chose that interface definition
L305[04:29:05] <Ordinastie> backward compat might though
L306[04:29:51] <Naiten> Should i put my mod on Cruse? What's the profit of that?
L307[04:30:07] <sham1> Yeah, that might be the correct one
L308[04:30:18] <Ordinastie> Naiten, visibility, reward program
L309[04:30:27] <sham1> Naiten, you get curse premium for one
L310[04:30:46] <Naiten> Ordinastie, what's that?
L311[04:30:49] <Ordinastie> sham1, wut ?
L312[04:30:53] <sham1> Reward such as steam or even real money
L313[04:31:09] <sham1> I remember that you get curse premium
L314[04:31:12] <Naiten> visibility = more audience or what?
L315[04:31:14] <sham1> I'm not sure
L316[04:31:20] <Ordinastie> ah, I misunderstood
L317[04:31:27] <Ordinastie> Naiten, yes
L318[04:31:36] <sham1> Well that IS what visibility means in this context...
L319[04:32:01] <Ordinastie> not a smart audience, judging by the messages left on my mods, but still
L320[04:32:36] <sham1> We are talking about MC playerbase here
L321[04:32:51] <Ordinastie> true
L322[04:33:10] <Ordinastie> I should deactivate comments on curse/curseforge altogether
L323[04:34:03] <Naiten> Well, considering MC playerbase consists mostly of school-aged, no surprise
L324[04:34:37] <sham1> "school-aged" is a broad term
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L326[04:35:31] <Naiten> fry, is there any possibility to fix obj loader UVs?
L327[04:35:53] <Keridos> I hm when I need a full blockstate for a block, what do i specify for getstatefrommeta and getactualstate
L328[04:35:57] <Ordinastie> question : if you were placing a thin wall block in front of you, would you expect it to be close to you or on the other side of the block when placed ?
L329[04:37:08] <sham1> Close
L330[04:37:20] <sham1> Because that is how vanilla doors work
L331[04:38:15] <Ordinastie> hum, fair enough
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L333[04:39:11] <Ordinastie> ok, let's see if this works
L334[04:39:18] <Ordinastie> or rather, let's see what doesn't
L335[04:40:32] <Ordinastie> (note to self : actually instantiate and register the blocks I want to test ><)
L336[04:41:22] <sham1> that makes it usually easier
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L338[04:47:14] <Ordinastie> !gm func_72833_a 1.7.10
L339[04:49:49] <Naiten> What's going on??? http://i.imgur.com/eogJr81.png
L340[04:50:16] <Lordmau5> is that intended?!
L341[04:50:22] <Naiten> those white spots are not supposed to be
L342[04:50:33] <fry> mipmapping probably
L343[04:50:35] <Lordmau5> well, either way, it looks like you got it to work :o
L344[04:50:36] <Lordmau5> nice
L345[04:51:51] <Naiten> So what do i do about that?
L346[04:53:12] <fry> return CUTOUT from the Block.getRenderLayer
L347[04:53:30] <fry> or fill up the white stuff in your texture with appropriate color
L348[04:53:54] <fry> that'll help with the white up close too
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L351[04:59:09] <Naiten> welp, cutout also fixed close white up too, no need to retexture everything
L352[04:59:12] <Naiten> thanks
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L355[05:02:03] <Lordmau5> *thumbsup*
L356[05:02:10] <Wuppy> time to write an app for my student association :o
L357[05:02:40] <Corosus> is there any vanilla way to track how long a player has been playing on a server? or will i have to track this myself
L358[05:02:58] <Corosus> the player.dat doesnt show anything obvious D:
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L364[05:22:09] <Naiten> what shaders do you consider the best, guys? :o
L365[05:25:33] <Zaggy2048> I haven't ever really liked anything but SEUS
L366[05:25:47] <Zaggy2048> including the ones based on SEUS
L367[05:26:26] <Zaggy2048> but it's purely opinion, you should form your own :P
L368[05:27:00] <Zaggy2048> the shaders mod thread has a list of shaders, IIRC
L369[05:27:28] <Nitrodev> okay i'm home
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L377[05:49:25] <masa> okay so I miscounted my tool variants yesterday, it's actually 2304 variants... I was going to try to do it using blockstates after all, but now that I noticed that, fuck no :p
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L380[05:53:46] <Lordmau5> > tools
L381[05:53:50] <Lordmau5> > blockstates
L382[05:53:55] <Lordmau5> wat
L383[05:54:16] <masa> you can use the forge blockstates for items as well
L384[05:54:23] <Lordmau5> oh? interesting
L385[05:54:24] <Keridos> hm i have a weird issu in 1.7.10: have a debug item which changes a TESR to render something
L386[05:54:36] <Keridos> but in SMP it does not render it, only in singleplayer
L387[05:54:38] <ghz|afk> morning people
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L389[05:54:48] <RANKSHANK> Yeah I do it. The Model system has a bitch if you don't
L390[05:54:50] <Lordmau5> you need to send the information to the client
L391[05:54:56] <masa> Keridos: well do you sync the fields you change?
L392[05:55:00] <Lordmau5> ^
L393[05:55:03] <gigaherz> back to writing that page on Capabilities
L394[05:55:18] <Keridos> which fields?
L395[05:55:22] <Keridos> i sync the TE
L396[05:55:24] <Lordmau5> the ones you change
L397[05:55:27] <masa> well what do you change with your debug item?
L398[05:56:40] <masa> if you do that on the server, you need to then sync that value to the client as well. But if it's only a debug feature anyway, you could just chnage it on the client side
L399[05:57:31] <Keridos> i am quite derpy
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L401[05:57:41] <Keridos> i had the wrong check in the renderer I believe
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L403[05:58:01] <Keridos> lets check this again
L404[05:58:09] <Keridos> I sync my TEs to the client the whole time
L405[05:58:46] <masa> the whole time? meaning what?
L406[05:59:10] <masa> don't tell me you call markBlockForUpdate in your update() each tick for every TE
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L408[06:00:47] <Keridos> no I dont
L409[06:00:57] <Keridos> but I only need the fact that the TE is at a specific location
L410[06:01:11] <Keridos> no data from it, just its existence should trigger the rendering
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L413[06:06:37] <masa> and how is that different fro mthe way things usually work?
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L415[06:09:04] <Keridos> do I need to update the blocks not only when I place them but also when a player is nearby?
L416[06:11:10] <Keridos> meh it doesnt render at all anymore
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L418[06:13:37] <Lordmau5> http://i.imgur.com/1ogT3HZ.gifv xD
L419[06:13:52] <Lordmau5> uhm, depends how you want to do it
L420[06:14:12] <Lordmau5> going by the fact that I assume you want to render something different based on a specific value, going for NBT would be good
L421[06:14:25] <Lordmau5> whenever a change happens to the block (E.g. via your debug item), update it via. markForUpdate()
L422[06:14:36] <Lordmau5> the TESR then handles that Tile's NBT state
L423[06:14:41] <Lordmau5> or rather the specific value
L424[06:15:10] <Keridos> Lordmau5: nah its just to show invisible blocks
L425[06:15:14] <Keridos> no nbt data involved
L426[06:15:29] <Lordmau5> you said you want to change a value in the render?
L427[06:15:40] <Keridos> no
L428[06:15:45] <Lordmau5> okay, then I misunderstood it
L429[06:15:53] <Keridos> I just want to render a mesh around it when the player holds a specific item
L430[06:16:11] <Lordmau5> ah
L431[06:16:21] <Lordmau5> get the local player and check his itemstack?
L432[06:16:47] <Keridos> https://gist.github.com/Keridos/ffca16053d3170893644
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L435[06:17:38] <Lordmau5> ofc this won't render anything, lol https://gist.github.com/Keridos/ffca16053d3170893644#file-tileentityphantomlightrenderer-java-L64-L66
L436[06:17:41] ⇦ Quits: gigaherz (~gigaherz@37.Red-79-148-159.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L437[06:18:01] <Lordmau5> oh wait, my bad
L438[06:18:09] <Keridos> how eh, seems fine :D
L439[06:18:18] <Lordmau5> Didn't see the ! infront of the instanceof :p
L440[06:18:27] <Keridos> ah
L441[06:18:32] <Lordmau5> and what was the issue now again? it doesn't render at all, even with the debug tool equipped?
L442[06:18:34] <Keridos> the block has rendertype -1
L443[06:18:35] ⇨ Joins: gigaherz (gigaherz@37.Red-79-148-159.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net)
L444[06:18:38] <Keridos> it doesnt render at all
L445[06:18:55] <Ordinastie> if you remove the test, does it render ?
L446[06:18:58] <Keridos> it worked pretty unreliable a while ago
L447[06:20:37] <Keridos> ok weird it doesnt render at all
L448[06:21:14] <Ordinastie> is it even called ?
L449[06:21:33] <Lordmau5> are 5 vertices the way to do it?
L450[06:21:37] <Lordmau5> I remember only going for 4
L451[06:21:55] <Lordmau5> at the first part of LINE_STRIP - then again, I'm no god in rendering, so eh...
L452[06:23:49] <Keridos> i actually had that from another tutorial
L453[06:23:53] <Keridos> i am not good at the rendering too
L454[06:23:59] <Keridos> but some time ago it at least partially worked
L455[06:25:29] <Ordinastie> Keridos, can you check it's actually called ?
L456[06:26:21] <Lordmau5> towards the render-pros: This is how the 2nd part of his method would be rendered in terms of the vertex-order
L457[06:26:22] <Lordmau5> http://imgur.com/KYXdXQR
L458[06:26:29] <Lordmau5> https://gist.github.com/Keridos/ffca16053d3170893644#file-tileentityphantomlightrenderer-java-L46-L58 - part in question
L459[06:27:01] <Lordmau5> I am curious as to if that's right or not as well :D - if it's right, then I don't understand it though...
L460[06:28:23] <Keridos> seems to never be called ok
L461[06:28:26] <Keridos> that is weird
L462[06:28:34] <Ordinastie> if the order is as the image, it wouldn't render the cube he wants, but as it's line strips, something would still be visible
L463[06:28:47] <Keridos> rendertype is -1 and the renderer is registered in my clientproxy
L464[06:28:59] <Ordinastie> is your TE even there ?
L465[06:29:28] <gigaherz> what do you ppl think so far?
L466[06:29:29] <gigaherz> https://gist.github.com/gigaherz/97a9ca8930afbb4428cb#exposing-a-capability
L467[06:29:44] <gigaherz> eh oops
L468[06:29:53] <gigaherz> https://gist.github.com/gigaherz/97a9ca8930afbb4428cb
L469[06:29:56] <gigaherz> from the top
L470[06:29:58] <gigaherz> ;P
L471[06:31:04] <Keridos> i get the feeling like my idea is bugging again
L472[06:31:17] <Keridos> i once had an issue where compiling did not update the classes compiled
L473[06:31:27] <Keridos> so basically i was rerunning the same code the whole time
L474[06:33:09] <masa> so if I want to use a MultiModel and then in there get the IModels for my tool, do I need to somehow register some models or manually stitch the textures or somehting before I can use it?
L475[06:40:04] <Lordmau5> Keridos: https://dcevm.github.io/
L476[06:40:13] <Lordmau5> this is what I used back in the days when native hot-swapping wasn't a thing
L477[06:40:41] <Cazzar> I think DCEVM still does more.
L478[06:40:57] <Lordmau5> and also why I have a shortcut in IntelliJ to re-compile the current file :D
L479[06:41:02] <Lordmau5> Ctrl + Shift + S
L480[06:41:35] <Ordinastie> I was never able to make DCEVM work :(
L481[06:41:48] <Cazzar> It's easu
L482[06:41:52] <Cazzar> easy*
L483[06:43:24] <Ordinastie> it's easy when it works, if it doesn't...
L484[06:43:58] <Ordinastie> it worked for some random java project, but not for MC
L485[06:44:04] <Ordinastie> IIRC
L486[06:48:52] <Keridos> Lordmau5: oh that is nice
L487[06:49:52] ⇦ Quits: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L490[06:51:43] <Delenas> Boop.
L491[06:56:03] <Lordmau5> MC1.8 got support for that though
L492[06:56:17] ⇨ Joins: Naiten (~Naiten@
L493[06:56:20] <Lordmau5> as in, without DCEVM
L494[06:59:42] <Ordinastie> wut?
L495[06:59:58] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L496[06:59:59] <Lordmau5> ye
L497[07:00:03] <Ordinastie> hotswap has nothing to do with MC
L498[07:00:27] <Lordmau5> well, then please explain me why I can't use it in my 1.7.10 project, whilst I can use it in my 1.8.9 project fine
L499[07:00:35] <gigaherz> okay updated the gist, https://gist.github.com/gigaherz/97a9ca8930afbb4428cb
L500[07:00:38] <gigaherz> can someone give it a read?
L501[07:00:45] <gigaherz> explains Capabilities
L502[07:00:49] <Lordmau5> then again, it might be that it's a combination of Java 8 + the newest IntelliJ version that supports hot-swapping properly
L503[07:00:59] <Lordmau5> I can't remember if my 1.7.10 project had J8 or J7
L504[07:01:07] ⇨ Joins: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk)
L505[07:03:52] <diesieben07> ugh and again forge designs things around setting final fields -.-
L506[07:04:41] <LatvianModder> Which is good mostly
L507[07:04:51] <diesieben07> no, it is NOT good.
L508[07:04:55] <LatvianModder> So dumb modders can't screw things up
L509[07:05:14] <diesieben07> it is a gross hack, especially if the field is static
L510[07:05:18] <McJty> Never underestimate the capability of a dumb modder to screw things up
L511[07:05:32] <LatvianModder> Like in events, most of the fields are final, because they are not supposed to modify them
L512[07:05:48] <diesieben07> yes, that is the purpose of final
L513[07:06:05] <diesieben07> but with @CapabilityInject it is designed in a way that will SET a final field.
L514[07:07:01] <diesieben07> which is, especially with static fields, not guaranteed to work at all by any spec or documentation.
L515[07:08:34] <fry> there's no "final" that I see
L516[07:08:58] <diesieben07> example in the docs
L517[07:09:02] <diesieben07> talks about a static final fieeld.
L518[07:09:22] <gigaherz> I didn't add "final" to it?
L519[07:09:28] <diesieben07> no you did not.
L520[07:09:35] <diesieben07> but whoever made the capability system did.
L521[07:09:49] <fry> public static Capability<IExampleCapability> INSTANCE = null;
L522[07:09:50] <diesieben07> instead of just letting the user assign the field themselves, no idea why that is not fine...
L523[07:10:03] <diesieben07> that is not what it says in my docs
L524[07:10:07] <gigaherz> ah the javadocs
L525[07:10:19] <gigaherz> for @CapabilityInject
L526[07:10:58] <fry> yup, javadocs indeed say final
L527[07:11:08] <fry> and they probably shouldn't
L528[07:11:35] <diesieben07> well, the code that sets the field is designed for it to be final
L529[07:11:40] <diesieben07> instead of failing in that occasion
L530[07:11:57] <diesieben07> @ObjectHolder and @ItemStackHolder do the same thing
L531[07:12:12] ⇨ Joins: Raspen0 (~Raspen0@D97A01A5.cm-3-3a.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L532[07:12:16] <Cazzar> I don't think ObjectHolder requires final
L533[07:12:26] <diesieben07> no but it tells you in the docs to use it.
L534[07:12:37] <gigaherz> it's suggested that you do
L535[07:12:57] <gigaherz> which is the whole point of the complaint
L536[07:16:44] <fry> according to the memory model you can only modify static final fields in the class initializer
L537[07:17:04] <gigaherz> In C#, there's a clear difference between "const" and "static readonly" -- the const can be inlined, the static readonly can't
L538[07:17:17] <gigaherz> I think java treats them all as "const"
L539[07:17:19] <gigaherz> ?
L540[07:17:24] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L541[07:17:54] <diesieben07> yes, static finals can potentially all be inlined by the JVM compiler
L542[07:18:09] <diesieben07> as opposed to non-static finals
L543[07:18:16] <diesieben07> but that is only because people abuse setting those
L544[07:18:36] <diesieben07> so it already breaks JVM optimizations :D
L545[07:19:04] <gigaherz> ah at jvm level?
L546[07:19:21] <diesieben07> yes, the JVM has a flag to trust final non-static fields
L547[07:19:29] <gigaherz> C#'s const can be inlined at compile time, so it's suggested to avoid it for library fields that can change between versions
L548[07:19:34] <diesieben07> it breaks way too many libraries to be evver on by default
L549[07:19:45] <diesieben07> yes, java has that too for Strings and numbers
L550[07:19:50] <gigaherz> aha
L551[07:20:13] <gigaherz> well I should have known -- mc is missing all the opengl constants XD
L552[07:20:13] <diesieben07> but you can avoid it by splitting the assignment into a static { } block
L553[07:20:18] <diesieben07> yup :D
L554[07:21:22] <fry> apparently you couldn't change static final fields in java5: http://www.javaspecialists.eu/archive/Issue096.html
L555[07:22:23] <diesieben07> yeah, pre java 5 reflection was a mess
L556[07:24:36] <gigaherz> ah that page mentions that finals are allowed to be changed as part of the construction process
L557[07:24:40] <gigaherz> not the constructor
L558[07:24:44] <gigaherz> it includes deserialization and such
L559[07:24:57] <gigaherz> so @CapabilityInject and friends are "correct behaviour" even if ugly
L560[07:24:58] <diesieben07> deserialization is a special case
L561[07:25:02] <diesieben07> No they are not.
L562[07:25:08] <diesieben07> deserialization is about nonstatic finals.
L563[07:25:14] *** Darkevilmac is now known as DarkevilAway
L564[07:25:45] <diesieben07> and deserilalization jumps through some sun.misc.Unsafe hoops to ensure the memory model
L565[07:25:45] ⇦ Quits: ZaggyMobile2 (~Zaggy1024@174-20-167-106.mpls.qwest.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L566[07:25:53] <diesieben07> because constructor-end is kind of a memory fence
L567[07:25:55] ⇨ Joins: ZaggyMobile2 (~Zaggy1024@174-20-167-106.mpls.qwest.net)
L568[07:26:02] <diesieben07> and so it has to emulate that
L569[07:26:15] <diesieben07> and even if setting static finals was ok,forge doesnt do that.
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L572[07:34:34] <Cazzar> This'll be fun
L573[07:34:46] <Cazzar> Set up IntelliJ to give javadoc warnings.
L574[07:34:55] <Lordmau5> huh?
L575[07:35:20] <Cazzar> http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1454592919
L576[07:35:36] <diesieben07> haha
L577[07:35:38] <diesieben07> i did that once
L578[07:35:48] <Cazzar> diesieben07: guess what I have open in intelliJ right now :P
L579[07:36:08] <diesieben07> no idea
L580[07:36:15] <Cazzar> http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1454592974
L581[07:36:25] <diesieben07> hehe
L582[07:36:35] <Cazzar> This will be... fun
L583[07:36:54] <sham1> What does that do
L584[07:37:00] <sham1> the gralde install task
L585[07:37:15] <Cazzar> sham1: what?
L586[07:37:25] <sham1> I did not speak to you
L587[07:37:30] <sham1> Wait
L588[07:37:31] <sham1> No
L589[07:37:35] <sham1> vbah
L590[07:37:42] <sham1> What does the "setup" do
L591[07:37:54] <sham1> Wait
L592[07:38:06] <sham1> Did you just rename setupDecompWorkspace?
L593[07:38:06] ⇦ Quits: ZaggyMobile2 (~Zaggy1024@174-20-167-106.mpls.qwest.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L594[07:38:10] <diesieben07> sham you are confused.
L595[07:38:16] <sham1> No shit
L596[07:38:17] <Lordmau5> The things I do when I'm super bored, got Photoshop available, and got a meme infront of me: http://imgur.com/gallery/zLUTMzp/
L597[07:38:19] ⇨ Joins: ZaggyMobile2 (~Zaggy1024@174-20-167-106.mpls.qwest.net)
L598[07:38:24] <sham1> That's to be expected
L599[07:38:29] <Lordmau5> I can't actually remember *why* I did that again
L600[07:38:32] <Cazzar> sham1: I have the full MinecraftForge repo opened.
L601[07:38:38] <Cazzar> So it isn't userdev, but forge dev
L602[07:38:38] <sham1> Ah
L603[07:47:29] <Keridos> i get the feeling that my idea compiles the wrong branch for me here
L604[07:47:38] <Keridos> it compiles master where i did the changes on develop
L605[07:49:54] <Cazzar> It compiles what is the active branch
L606[07:49:58] <Cazzar> because, that's what it see
L607[07:50:00] <Cazzar> sees*
L608[07:50:33] <gigaherz> whatever you last checked out ;P
L609[07:50:40] <gigaherz> be it a branch a commit or otherwise
L610[07:50:45] ⇦ Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L611[07:50:53] <Keridos> oh i had the weirdest issues already
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L614[07:59:00] <Cazzar> This'll be fun: http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1454594332
L615[07:59:25] <Lordmau5> the background on your image host is neat
L616[07:59:41] <Cazzar> Friend did it
L617[07:59:56] <Lordmau5> anyone I might know? :p
L618[08:00:07] <Lordmau5> I mean, I have made a similar part on my end, let me fetch a screenie from somewhere
L619[08:00:11] <Cazzar> I would believe not.
L620[08:00:42] *** zz_SnowShock35 is now known as SnowShock35
L621[08:02:02] <Lordmau5> found a good one to show it off https://i.lordmau5.com/1453494653-588
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L624[08:02:40] <Lordmau5> shadow on the image and background is stretched with blur
L625[08:03:24] <Cazzar> Do you have twitter cards always working on your site when you use it?
L626[08:03:44] <Lordmau5> when I post the URLs on twitter, you mean?
L627[08:03:47] <Cazzar> yeah
L628[08:04:08] <Lordmau5> yes, but you need to check it on twitter.com, it doesn't work in any other service, afaik
L629[08:04:10] <Lordmau5> one sec...
L630[08:04:35] <Lordmau5> https://twitter.com/Lordmau5/status/690241889040257025
L631[08:04:46] <Lordmau5> in the timeline it's not showing them
L632[08:05:20] <Cazzar> Standard twitter looks weird
L633[08:05:36] <Lordmau5> I know xD
L634[08:05:39] <Lordmau5> Tweetdeck master race
L635[08:06:05] <Lordmau5> it's a shame they still don't have proper twitter-cards support
L636[08:06:09] <Lordmau5> then again, I doubt that's going to happen...
L637[08:06:19] <Cazzar> Lordmau5: https://twitter.com/Cazzar99/status/649612493925408768
L638[08:06:30] <Cazzar> http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1454594788
L639[08:06:53] <Lordmau5> ye, but you posted a video in that tweet
L640[08:06:57] <Cazzar> ohyeah
L641[08:07:03] <Lordmau5> That is handled different
L642[08:07:06] <Keridos> apparently the renderfunction for that TE is never called on the client although i registered it
L643[08:09:35] <Lordmau5> you barely tweet, Cazzar :3
L644[08:09:39] <Cazzar> On a completely different note: http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1454594970
L645[08:09:48] <Cazzar> Lordmau5: Don't always have something to say
L646[08:09:59] <Nitrodev> Lordmau5, you should look at my twiiter...
L647[08:10:06] <Lordmau5> I have more than 10-times the tweets you have xD
L648[08:10:08] <Lordmau5> one sec
L649[08:10:26] <Lordmau5> what's your twitter handle, Nitrodev?
L650[08:10:37] <Nitrodev> @Nitrodeveloper
L651[08:11:32] <Lordmau5> you joined twitter 4 years after Cazzar did
L652[08:11:42] <Lordmau5> the ratio doesn't add up xD
L653[08:11:54] <Nitrodev> yeah
L654[08:11:56] <Lordmau5> Cazzar, anime-fan?
L655[08:11:56] <Cazzar> I've had a lot of accounts for a while that I don't use.
L656[08:11:59] <Lordmau5> ah
L657[08:12:21] <Cazzar> Also, not really: http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1454595136
L658[08:14:04] <Nitrodev> yeah you're not a fan oof anime
L659[08:14:08] <Nitrodev> absolutely not
L660[08:14:41] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Documentation/blob/master/docs/datastorage/capabilities.md
L661[08:14:43] <gigaherz> any comments?
L662[08:15:03] <gigaherz> part of this -> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/Documentation/pull/34
L663[08:15:12] <Cazzar> Nitrodev: then you have: http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1454595311
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L665[08:15:40] <Nitrodev> ah nightcore
L666[08:15:56] <Nitrodev> or anime music i don't really know the difference
L667[08:17:06] <sham1> Is there?
L668[08:17:52] <Nitrodev> no clue
L669[08:19:32] <Nitrodev> Cazzar?
L670[08:19:49] <Cazzar> http://myanimelist.net/anime/2167/Clannad
L671[08:20:14] <Lordmau5> Clannad OST, nice
L672[08:21:08] <Lordmau5> I can't automatically conclude that you're playing Osu though, since you watch Anime, right? ;)
L673[08:21:29] <Lordmau5> On the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised if you were, though
L674[08:21:38] <Lordmau5> were / are / whatever
L675[08:23:04] <Cazzar> I used to
L676[08:23:18] <Lordmau5> lost interest in it?
L677[08:23:55] <gigaherz> I loved the original ouendan games but osu never really caught my attention
L678[08:24:24] <Lordmau5> You also gotta find a good mixture of song + beatmap
L679[08:24:26] <gigaherz> I guess itw as just simply that the game didn't come with some sort of default "campaign" to play through, and I don't really have enough interest in the music itself to find tracks
L680[08:24:44] <Lordmau5> It's a music rhythm game, why would there be a campaign?
L681[08:25:04] <Lordmau5> Guitar Hero's "campaigns" aren't really campaigns per-sé either
L682[08:25:08] <Lordmau5> just sets of tracks
L683[08:27:42] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~McJty@bluecoat2.uzleuven.be)
L684[08:28:22] <Lordmau5> aaah I might have something for Cazzar
L685[08:28:33] <Lordmau5> are you a fan of the music that's being released and sold at the Comiket events?
L686[08:28:42] ⇦ Quits: O16Nojr (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L687[08:28:48] <Cazzar> I wanted one release from C89
L688[08:28:52] ⇦ Quits: Kilobyte (kilobyte@cucumber.kilobyte22.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L689[08:29:36] <Lordmau5> there ya go
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L693[08:33:56] <Keridos> material.glass deactivates all rendering that was what happened
L694[08:34:09] <Lordmau5> nice
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L699[08:42:33] <DebugsPeople> Can someone help me with this Nullpointer? http://pastebin.com/6JaWykWL
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L703[08:44:33] <gigaherz> [15:25] (Lordmau5): just sets of tracks
L704[08:44:35] <gigaherz> exactly.
L705[08:44:53] <Lordmau5> what what what?
L706[08:44:59] <gigaherz> if I find a game that says "find your own shit"
L707[08:45:00] <gigaherz> I remove it
L708[08:45:01] <gigaherz> ;P
L709[08:45:17] <Lordmau5> still better than "do your own shit"
L710[08:45:31] <Lordmau5> as in, having to map the songs yourself
L711[08:45:34] <Keridos> mmh it works now partially
L712[08:45:47] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L713[08:45:56] <Keridos> although I have GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); my quads still change their color depending from where i look at them
L714[08:45:58] <McJty> DebugsPeople, perhaps show us some code
L715[08:46:14] <McJty> Keridos, make sure to use GLStateManager on 1.8.9
L716[08:46:19] <McJty> And avoid direct GL11 calls
L717[08:46:24] <Keridos> McJty: its 1.7.10
L718[08:46:28] <McJty> ok
L719[08:46:36] <Keridos> currently finishing the 1.7.10 build
L720[08:46:40] <Keridos> later the 1.8.9
L721[08:46:47] <Keridos> gonna try to maintain 2 versions
L722[08:47:21] * McJty is maintaining 2 versions of 4 mods right now
L723[08:47:36] ⇨ Joins: Curle (~head@host81-154-121-145.range81-154.btcentralplus.com)
L724[08:47:36] <McJty> Ah 5 mods
L725[08:47:38] <Lordmau5> I dropped 1.7.10 support for my mod.
L726[08:47:46] <Lordmau5> for theg ood
L727[08:47:48] <Curle> oi
L728[08:47:48] <Lordmau5> the good*
L729[08:47:51] <McJty> I don't do new things in my 1.7.10 versions but I still fix bugs
L730[08:47:58] <DebugsPeople> McJty, https://bitbucket.org/ArmyOfAnarchists/rcmodrevive/src/741ec880d32c2c6fc41c0e31e02cfd77503d0c46/src/main/java/com/icekat/thercmod/entities/EntityRCBase.java?at=default&fileviewer=file-view-default
L731[08:48:02] <McJty> Especially rftools which is used in a some very popular packs
L732[08:48:04] <Lordmau5> Pretty much that, yup
L733[08:48:13] <Keridos> i feel like porting the mods is way more work then maintaining them
L734[08:48:14] <Lordmau5> Don't add new features, but if major bugs occur, attempt to fix them
L735[08:48:28] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@2001:af0:8000:1c01:6af7:28ff:fe37:5d6a) (Quit: Leaving.)
L736[08:48:52] <diesieben07> DebugsPeople, you can't use setHealth in your constructor.
L737[08:48:56] <Keridos> can somebody peek her maybe and tell me why that is sometimes darkening the color of the quads? https://gist.github.com/Keridos/ffca16053d3170893644
L738[08:49:04] <diesieben07> wait
L739[08:49:07] <DebugsPeople> diesieben07, I'm not
L740[08:49:13] <diesieben07> yeah i am stupid
L741[08:49:14] <DebugsPeople> it's a minecraft class
L742[08:49:18] <diesieben07> you must call super.entityInit
L743[08:49:44] <DebugsPeople> stupid me
L744[08:49:48] <DebugsPeople> I'll check
L745[08:49:54] <DebugsPeople> (if it works)
L746[08:49:57] <diesieben07> another reason to not override manually.
L747[08:50:08] <DebugsPeople> how else?
L748[08:50:16] <diesieben07> use your ide
L749[08:50:31] <Curle> Keridos: It's a bug in the game. Try changing your Smooth lighting settings
L750[08:50:32] <diesieben07> in the class just type "entityInit<ctrl-space>"
L751[08:50:37] <diesieben07> and sleect override metod
L752[08:50:40] <DebugsPeople> oh, right
L753[08:50:55] <Keridos> Curle: can I fix it somehow in the renderer of my TE?
L754[08:51:13] <Curle> It's a rendering glitch in the game, only Mojang can fix it
L755[08:51:23] <Keridos> and Curle, it is not smooth lighting
L756[08:51:25] <DebugsPeople> hm, still doesn't spawn my entity
L757[08:51:27] <Keridos> even with it off it still occurs
L758[08:51:30] <Curle> It happens to me on all versions >1.5
L759[08:51:33] <McJty> Curle, that seems weird
L760[08:51:39] <McJty> Curle, I have never had that happen with my 1.7.10 TE's
L761[08:51:47] <McJty> They have the same lighting from all sides
L762[08:51:56] <Keridos> it seems to be when I look at the quads from below
L763[08:52:03] <Curle> I have it happen with all versions, especially vanilla
L764[08:52:03] <Keridos> they go to a darker color of yellow
L765[08:52:08] <Keridos> but all at the same time
L766[08:52:11] <Keridos> not one of them
L767[08:52:20] <Curle> ^ what I'm talking about
L768[08:52:20] <McJty> Keridos, can you show me your TE?
L769[08:52:31] <McJty> Well I have never seen that effect
L770[08:52:45] <Curle> Look at blocks a certain angle and everything goes black
L771[08:52:47] <Keridos> McJty: it just is a simple light
L772[08:52:58] <Keridos> just a TE because it needs the ability to manage data
L773[08:53:13] <McJty> Keridos, well yes, just show me anyway. I have written a few TE's so I can perhaps see what you forgot :-)
L774[08:53:22] <McJty> Curle, not for me
L775[08:53:29] <diesieben07> DebugsPeople, you mean spawn naturally?
L776[08:53:45] <DebugsPeople> no, I use the item as a sort of "spawnegg"
L777[08:53:53] <diesieben07> show the code
L778[08:53:56] <Keridos> https://github.com/Keridos/FloodLights/blob/develop/src/main/java/de/keridos/floodlights/tileentity/TileEntityPhantomLight.java
L779[08:53:56] <DebugsPeople> diesieben07, have copied the code I need
L780[08:54:15] <DebugsPeople> https://bitbucket.org/ArmyOfAnarchists/rcmodrevive/src/741ec880d32c2c6fc41c0e31e02cfd77503d0c46/src/main/java/com/icekat/thercmod/items/ItemRcCar.java?at=default&fileviewer=file-view-default
L781[08:54:22] <McJty> Keridos, I meant for the TESR
L782[08:54:30] <Keridos> it is the gist i sent
L783[08:54:32] ⇦ Quits: Meow-J (uid69628@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:1:1:ffc) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L784[08:54:35] <Keridos> a few messages ago
L785[08:54:57] <McJty> Hmm can't find that
L786[08:54:59] <McJty> Was I online then?
L787[08:55:13] <Keridos> can somebody peek her maybe and tell me why that is sometimes darkening the color of the quads? https://gist.github.com/Keridos/ffca16053d3170893644
L788[08:55:18] <McJty> ah found it
L789[08:55:25] <diesieben07> hrmm
L790[08:55:26] <diesieben07> strange
L791[08:55:52] <Ordinastie> Keridos, what do you mean by darkening ?
L792[08:56:01] *** amadornes[OFF] is now known as amadornes
L793[08:56:08] <Keridos> Ordinastie: they are yellow per default
L794[08:56:18] <McJty> Keridos, try adding GL11.glDisable(GL12.GL_RESCALE_NORMAL);
L795[08:56:22] <Keridos> at a certain viewing angle they go to a darker yellow
L796[08:56:34] <McJty> Keridos, at the moment you disable texture2d
L797[08:57:06] <Ordinastie> Keridos, that's the color of the first pixel of the fire texture (hence the changing)
L798[08:57:07] <Keridos> trying it now
L799[08:57:18] <Ordinastie> usually caused by having UVs set to 0
L800[08:57:42] <Keridos> Ordinastie: i have no texture, just vertex lines
L801[08:57:48] <Keridos> and a simple color
L802[08:57:50] <DebugsPeople> I'm stupid, I think
L803[08:58:01] <DebugsPeople> probably didn't register the entity
L804[08:58:07] <Ordinastie> Keridos, draw a full quad to check
L805[08:58:20] <Keridos> the quads are working
L806[08:58:32] <Keridos> just when seeing them from some angle the color changes on ALL the quadds
L807[08:59:04] <Keridos> McJty: that did not fix it
L808[08:59:09] <McJty> ok
L809[08:59:21] <Curle> How do you get the username of a player from EntityLivingBase?
L810[08:59:24] ⇨ Joins: Meow-J (uid69628@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:1:1:ffc)
L811[08:59:26] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L812[08:59:35] <McJty> Curle, cast to EntityPlayer
L813[08:59:54] <Keridos> it happens when I look upwards
L814[08:59:56] <McJty> Keridos, can you show two screenshots (bad and good)?
L815[09:00:00] <Keridos> ok
L816[09:00:08] <diesieben07> no need to cast
L817[09:00:10] <diesieben07> just call getName
L818[09:00:24] <McJty> diesieben07, EntityLivingBase has no getName
L819[09:00:43] <diesieben07> Entity does.
L820[09:00:53] <Curle> EntityLivingBase does not have getName
L821[09:00:58] ⇦ Quits: Damage (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L822[09:01:09] <Lordmau5> Entity has getName?
L823[09:01:12] <Lordmau5> that's a new one for me as well
L824[09:01:14] <McJty> Depends on version
L825[09:01:14] <Keridos> McJty: https://imgur.com/a/tcG8A top is bad, bottom is good
L826[09:01:17] <McJty> In 1.8.9 it has
L827[09:01:19] <McJty> But not in 1.7.10
L828[09:01:21] <McJty> Curle, what version?
L829[09:01:22] <diesieben07> in old versions it's getCommandSenderName
L830[09:01:41] <Lordmau5> yoo, it renders, nice
L831[09:02:00] <Keridos> yeah, setting the block to material.glass helped
L832[09:02:06] <Keridos> material.air disables all rendering
L833[09:02:38] <Curle> diesie was right, it's getCommandSenderName
L834[09:02:54] <Curle> 1.7.10, for shits and giggles (I can't use 1.8 for the life of me)
L835[09:03:02] <DebugsPeople> diesieben07, the super.entityInit() wasn't in because I extended Entity
L836[09:03:09] <diesieben07> wat
L837[09:03:41] <diesieben07> you dont extend Entit
L838[09:04:32] <Curle> wat-ermelon
L839[09:06:09] <DebugsPeople> diesieben07, I did before
L840[09:06:14] <DebugsPeople> and am now again
L841[09:06:15] ⇨ Joins: agowa338 (~Thunderbi@p54918C57.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L842[09:06:42] <Keridos> McJty: you saw the pictures?
L843[09:06:48] <Curle> I keep forgetting, = means left-side is put to the left-side, right?
L844[09:07:03] <Curle> right-side is put to the left-side
L845[09:07:10] <Curle> -.-
L846[09:07:22] <McJty> Keridos, yes but I can't say I know what's wrong
L847[09:07:26] <Curle> That's what you get for thinking
L848[09:07:28] <Keridos> ah
L849[09:07:35] <Keridos> the issue is not that bad but it is quite weird
L850[09:07:56] <McJty> Usually when I had that issue it was actually caused by another TESR not properly restoring GL state
L851[09:08:06] <McJty> Maybe check if something else isn't messing it up
L852[09:08:13] <McJty> i.e. something that is only visible when you look up
L853[09:08:57] <McJty> It can sometimes help to find the exact angle at which it occurs and see what block comes into view
L854[09:11:54] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L855[09:12:20] <Lordmau5> seems to me like the tile is rendering it twice
L856[09:13:27] <Keridos> McJty: there is pretty much no other tile entity there except vanilla ones
L857[09:13:53] <Lordmau5> does the order of "popMatrix" and "popAttrib" matter, btw?
L858[09:14:00] <Keridos> but why would it do that when the player looks upwards
L859[09:14:06] <Lordmau5> I remember doing pushMatrix, pushAttrib, ..., popAttrib, popMatrix
L860[09:17:58] <Keridos> Lordmau5: that did not change anything
L861[09:18:21] <Lordmau5> welp, then I'm out of ideas
L862[09:18:31] <Lordmau5> could you trace down at which point the rendering starts to become "weird"?
L863[09:18:44] <Delenas> Curle: Why not just learn 1.8.9? MC is sticking to their guns, so..
L864[09:19:12] <Curle> Delenas: I'm trying, but there aren't any useful tutorials or simple examples that I can find
L865[09:19:50] <Ordinastie> Keridos, I told you, use quads to check
L866[09:19:56] <Ordinastie> you're drawing lines currently
L867[09:20:33] <Curle> I have a 1.8.9 workspace set up
L868[09:20:41] <Curle> But nothing to work on/off
L869[09:20:51] <Lordmau5> what kinda stuff are you trying to port?
L870[09:20:59] <Curle> Me?
L871[09:21:13] <Curle> Lotsa stuff
L872[09:21:14] *** Ash|Work is now known as Ashlee
L873[09:21:33] <McJty> Curle, the initial porting step is somewhat hard and overwhelming but after that it goes pretty good
L874[09:22:25] <Curle> I'm not so much worried about porting, as how to do basic stuff
L875[09:22:40] <Curle> ;-;
L876[09:23:31] <McJty> Basic stuff like?
L877[09:23:48] <McJty> Besides rendering the changes in 1.8.9 are not *that* big
L878[09:24:07] <yopu> I'm making a custom compass object. Would it be easier to make my own ISmartItemModel, or use SimpleBakedModel in some way?
L879[09:24:22] <Keridos> Ordinastie: i just changed the bottom part to quads, looks funny now but has the same issue
L880[09:24:28] <Keridos> seems like it is rendering twice
L881[09:24:45] <Curle> McJty: Basic stuff like blocks and items.
L882[09:25:09] <McJty> Curle, http://modwiki.temporal-reality.com/mw/index.php/Main_Page
L883[09:25:13] <McJty> Curle, my tutorials cover that
L884[09:25:25] <Ordinastie> Keridos, screen ?
L885[09:25:26] <Curle> That is more like it!
L886[09:25:28] <Curle> Thanks dude
L887[09:27:48] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~McJty@bluecoat2.uzleuven.be) (Quit: Poof)
L888[09:28:10] <Curle> Right, to 1.8.9!]
L889[09:28:20] <Curle> With haste :P
L890[09:29:00] <JustRamon> Does someone know a java api for parsing atom? I wanna get updates from Mojang's feed.
L891[09:29:28] <gigaherz> isn't it just xml? ;P
L892[09:29:56] <gigaherz> ROME is a set of RSS and Atom Utilities for Java that is open source under the Apache 2.0 license.
L893[09:30:00] <gigaherz> http://rometools.github.io/rome/
L894[09:30:07] <Curle> Ah, the beauty of having 2 computers :P
L895[09:30:15] <JustRamon> hmm
L896[09:30:16] <JustRamon> cool
L897[09:30:23] <gigaherz> http://commons.apache.org/dormant/feedparser/
L898[09:30:33] <Keridos> Ordinastie: of the one with replaced quads?
L899[09:30:46] <Keridos> looks pretty much like the original screens i sent here
L900[09:31:00] <gigaherz> that's jsut the top 2 links from googling "java rss atom reader"
L901[09:31:04] <Keridos> https://imgur.com/a/tcG8A top is bad, bottom is good (the old one)
L902[09:31:31] <Keridos> the new one looks like 2 weird formed quads have been put together inside each other
L903[09:33:11] <Delenas> ...ITickable's update on a tile entity should be called every tick, yes?
L904[09:33:39] <gigaherz> yes
L905[09:33:46] ⇦ Quits: Hoshiko (~IdiotNono@c-75-71-231-133.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L906[09:33:59] <gigaherz> note however that the client and server tick independently
L907[09:35:37] <Delenas> So as long as I call worldObj.isRemote I'm fine?
L908[09:37:43] <gigaherz> yo udon't "call" it, you obtain the value and test if it's true or false
L909[09:37:44] <gigaherz> ;P
L910[09:38:09] <gigaherz> (calling is what you do to methods and functions)
L911[09:38:37] <Curle> Delenas, do a "if(!world#isRemote) check and yer good
L912[09:38:56] <Wuppy> hai Curle
L913[09:39:01] <Curle> :DD
L914[09:39:42] <Wuppy> what is up?
L915[09:39:48] <Wuppy> inb4 sky
L916[09:39:50] <Curle> Beginning the porting process
L917[09:39:50] ⇨ Joins: poiuy_qwert (~poiuy_qwe@
L918[09:39:54] <Delenas> Well.. yeah. Pardon me.
L919[09:40:14] <Curle> 1.7.10 to 1.8.9, starting....
L920[09:40:15] <Curle> Now :3
L921[09:40:27] ⇨ Joins: untamemadman (~untamemad@cpc87177-aztw31-2-0-cust196.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L922[09:40:31] <Wuppy> good luck
L923[09:40:33] ⇨ Joins: MattDahEpic (~MattDahEp@71-208-229-141.hlrn.qwest.net)
L924[09:40:38] <Delenas> So. I guess I found out a reason why Fluxed Redstone's cables and RFTools' generator aren't interacting with my swapper.
L925[09:40:39] <Wuppy> I'm beginning the carnaval process
L926[09:40:47] <Delenas> The tile entity isn't registered.
L927[09:40:50] <Curle> Carnivore*
L928[09:41:09] ⇦ Quits: PitchBright (~PitchBrig@cpe00fc8d8a3ce3-cm00fc8d8a3ce0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) (Quit: brb)
L929[09:41:17] <gigaherz> *deep resonating voice* Welcome to the 1.8 world *coughs* *normal voice* I mean, have fun
L930[09:41:29] ⇨ Joins: PitchBright (~PitchBrig@CPE00fc8d8a3ce3-CM00fc8d8a3ce0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
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L932[09:41:48] <Delenas> Honestly.. I think the people waiting for 1.9 are going to be ten times as confused.
L933[09:42:03] <Curle> I've been in the 1.8 world for ages, just haven't actually done anything yet, for reasons of un-knowledging
L934[09:42:08] <gigaherz> yeah as if 1.8 wasn't annoying enough to port
L935[09:42:14] <gigaherz> imagine adding on top of that, all the new mess added by 1.9
L936[09:42:15] <gigaherz> ;P
L937[09:42:19] <Delenas> Sure, there's going to be more out there by then, but it'll.. yeah.
L938[09:42:23] <gigaherz> better to go step by step
L939[09:42:37] <gigaherz> even if they chose not to release
L940[09:42:47] <gigaherz> doing the model work is already getting that stuff out of the way
L941[09:42:47] <gigaherz> XD
L942[09:42:56] <gigaherz> it's not like if the model system is going away
L943[09:42:59] <gigaherz> or the blockstate system
L944[09:43:21] <Delenas> Forge can adapt to the changes Mojang already said is going to be a thing during 1.9
L945[09:43:42] <Delenas> But underlying, it ain't disappearing.
L946[09:43:43] <Curle> Mojang is supporting Forge for 1.9 iir
L947[09:43:44] <Curle> iirc*
L948[09:44:11] <Delenas> They've been for a while now, haven't they?
L949[09:44:37] <Curle> Didn't a Mojang guy start MCP?
L950[09:44:39] <Curle> Searge?
L951[09:44:44] <Keridos> Ordinastie: I think i found it
L952[09:44:50] <Wuppy> Curle, other way around
L953[09:44:52] <Lordmau5> ^
L954[09:44:53] <gigaherz> more like the other way around
L955[09:44:54] <Keridos> i needed a lot more tessellator.draw() calls
L956[09:44:58] ⇦ Quits: candybar (~foo@adsl-074-181-053-011.sip.sav.bellsouth.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L957[09:44:59] <Lordmau5> A MCP guy didn't start Mojang either
L958[09:45:00] <Wuppy> Mojang hired the guys who started MCP
L959[09:45:01] <gigaherz> one of the guys who started mcp became a mojang dude
L960[09:45:01] <gigaherz> XD
L961[09:45:03] <Keridos> it draw the entire thing like 4 times
L962[09:45:09] <Curle> Oh, wow
L963[09:45:09] <Lordmau5> what giga said makes sense
L964[09:45:12] <Wuppy> yep, lets write the same thing 4 times :P
L965[09:45:27] <Delenas> Trying to blend stuff so Forge helps them in return. They -are- trying to build that api, after all. Surely the Mojang folk don't want to exclude modders. That'd be MC's death.
L966[09:45:37] <gigaherz> Curle: Mojang keeps hiring (or trying to hire) good modders ;P
L967[09:45:49] <Curle> :)
L968[09:45:52] <Lordmau5> Searge started a Mojang that hired a MCP
L969[09:45:54] <Lordmau5> now we got it ;)
L970[09:46:10] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L971[09:46:15] <Curle> gg
L972[09:46:15] <Keridos> for a full cube I need 2 line loops and 4 line strips
L973[09:46:16] <Curle> logic
L974[09:46:18] <Curle> out the window
L975[09:46:24] <Lordmau5> :D
L976[09:46:28] <Curle> into the shitter of the person next door
L977[09:46:37] <Curle> down the sewers, into the black sea
L978[09:46:40] <Curle> rip logic
L979[09:46:51] <Lordmau5> ya'rr
L980[09:47:01] <Delenas> Searge did the MCP thing, unofficially. Then they got hired by Mojang, and got official support so the Forge and MCP transitions weren't nightmares
L981[09:47:35] <williewillus> mojang has been discreetly helping modders for a much longer time before that
L982[09:47:41] <Quetzi> official is stretching it
L983[09:47:50] <Lordmau5> better support
L984[09:47:51] <Quetzi> it isn't 'official' even now
L985[09:47:57] <Curle> D'ya think Lex works for Mojang?
L986[09:48:00] <Lordmau5> it's just better cooperation, from what I gather
L987[09:48:00] <bspkrs> it's just "allowed"
L988[09:48:01] <williewillus> no lol
L989[09:48:18] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L990[09:48:22] <Curle> Willie, shush :P
L991[09:48:39] <Delenas> Lex would probably love that.
L992[09:48:57] <williewillus> it would basically be an official endorsement of forge
L993[09:48:58] <bspkrs> I don't think he wants to move to sweden
L994[09:49:01] <williewillus> which they would not be willing to do
L995[09:49:06] <Lordmau5> oh ye, Sweden
L996[09:49:18] <Lordmau5> I would be closer to ESA this year if I would do that... where do I sign up for Mojang?
L997[09:49:18] <Delenas> Not really.
L998[09:50:07] <williewillus> Delenas: Forge provides full core access to change whatever the hell you want in the game. Given the restrictive model system, and the json items that they're bringing to MCPE/W10, you really think they would let us have full code control?
L999[09:50:22] <williewillus> not a chance :P
L1000[09:50:35] *** fry is now known as fry|sleep
L1001[09:50:38] <gigaherz> nah
L1002[09:50:42] <Lordmau5> inb4 W10 Minecraft source leaks on Github
L1003[09:50:46] <Delenas> Not full access, I think.
L1004[09:50:50] <Delenas> Just enough.
L1005[09:50:59] <Curle> inb4 you can decompile w10
L1006[09:51:00] <Curle> wait, you can
L1007[09:51:10] <gigaherz> chances are mojang's version of an "api" would be json files to describe new blocks/items
L1008[09:51:11] <williewillus> they've made it very clear how they envision modding in the future
L1009[09:51:14] <williewillus> jsons everywhere
L1010[09:51:19] <gigaherz> and with any luck, some javascript/lua to program them
L1011[09:51:33] <Skuli> mojang api
L1012[09:51:34] <Skuli> lol
L1013[09:51:56] <Delenas> I recall at one point them stating that "once it was built, vanilla itself would be a plugin"
L1014[09:52:06] <williewillus> yeah that's still not there yet
L1015[09:52:29] <Delenas> So tell me.. how could they do commands? Logic? Inventory interaction? Game rules?
L1016[09:52:35] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L1017[09:52:39] <Skuli> Any api will be for windows 10 version
L1018[09:52:45] <Lordmau5> Oprah giving away JSONs - yep, that's a meme I have in my head right now
L1019[09:52:46] <Lordmau5> thank you
L1020[09:52:56] <williewillus> Delenas: jsons, hardcoding what you can and can't do
L1021[09:52:57] <Wuppy> has anyone here ever used of visual studio online?
L1022[09:52:58] <Skuli> I think the java guys are only around to keep the current userbase happy
L1023[09:53:00] <Delenas> You get some JSON! And YOU get some JSON!
L1024[09:53:05] <williewillus> they will NEVER EVER EVER give you code access
L1025[09:53:08] <williewillus> not directly
L1026[09:53:09] <Skuli> Windows 10 is where MS will be pushing any REAL changes
L1027[09:53:28] <williewillus> screw that
L1028[09:54:13] <williewillus> someone needs to make a mod adding all PE specific things to PC, in case that hasn't been done already
L1029[09:54:22] <Lordmau5> You get some Windows 10 Ads! And YOU get some Windows 10 Ads! YOU ALL get some Windows 10 Ads! \o/
L1030[09:54:29] <Delenas> I think this is bordering on ranting about the API now, and we should leave it >.>
L1031[09:55:20] <Lordmau5> Windows 10 Ads have nothing to do with the API?
L1032[09:55:28] <Delenas> Because it's just gonna turn into a crapstorm of ranting about Microsoft and how Win10 and yaddayadda.
L1033[09:55:32] <Lordmau5> oh ye, that
L1034[09:55:38] <Lordmau5> let's switch to... other... topics?
L1035[09:55:49] <Delenas> So how about those bunnies guys
L1036[09:55:56] <Lordmau5> horses, man
L1037[09:55:59] <Lordmau5> that's where it's at
L1038[09:56:05] <Delenas> Nope, buns. Cutest mob since pigs.
L1039[09:56:16] <Keridos> hm hm it still changes the color of my lines depending on my watching angle
L1040[09:56:16] <Lordmau5> Life-goal achieved: Frontpage on /r/techsupport
L1041[09:56:19] * Lordmau5 puts shades on
L1042[09:56:58] <Delenas> https://twitter.com/ohaiiChun/status/693508795167850496
L1043[09:57:01] <Delenas> Bunnies.
L1044[09:57:35] <Lordmau5> "How this modder managed to ride a oversized bunny will blow your mind!"
L1045[09:57:48] <Delenas> "A: It's iChun. He does as he pleases."
L1046[09:58:04] <Lordmau5> *woosh*
L1047[09:58:22] <LatvianModder> Its actually a tiny iChun
L1048[09:58:31] <LatvianModder> That would be way better
L1049[09:58:32] <LatvianModder> :/
L1050[09:58:42] <Lordmau5> in relation to his character size the bunny is oversized
L1051[09:58:53] <Lordmau5> also, Delenas, that was Clickbait, not something off of a Gameshow
L1052[09:58:58] <Lordmau5> :P
L1053[09:59:17] <Delenas> A wild LatvianModder has appeared! *throws pokeball*
L1054[09:59:49] <Lordmau5> only a Pokeball? God, you must be poor
L1055[09:59:53] <Lordmau5> Hyperball+
L1056[09:59:55] <Lordmau5> :D
L1057[10:00:05] <LatvianModder> *starts to glow* No No NO NOOOOOO
L1058[10:00:08] <Delenas> Please, we're modders.
L1059[10:00:14] <Lordmau5> Modball
L1060[10:00:16] <Delenas> Pokeballs are the best balls evar.
L1061[10:00:20] <Lordmau5> no
L1062[10:00:21] <Wuppy> what is even a hyperball?
L1063[10:00:22] <LatvianModder> Actually
L1064[10:00:26] <LatvianModder> Morty Manipulation Chip
L1065[10:00:28] <LatvianModder> :P
L1066[10:00:30] <Lordmau5> If we go by the actual logic
L1067[10:00:39] <Wuppy> wasn't masterball the highest rank?
L1068[10:00:41] <Lordmau5> Dirtballs will make your captured Pokemons shiny.
L1069[10:00:54] <Delenas> DirtBall 9000?
L1070[10:00:58] <Lordmau5> Na, just a Dirtball
L1071[10:01:03] <Lordmau5> like all those Dirt -> Diamond crafting mods
L1072[10:01:06] <LatvianModder> Stored only one limb of captured modder
L1073[10:01:14] <Nitrodev> hi williewillus
L1074[10:01:15] <Delenas> Next addition to ExtraUtilities 2 confirmed
L1075[10:01:20] <Lordmau5> lmao
L1076[10:01:21] <williewillus> hey
L1077[10:01:26] * Naiten says 'And I like trains!'
L1078[10:01:28] <Lordmau5> also yes, Wuppy, Masterball was the highest
L1079[10:01:31] <Lordmau5> with 100% capture chance
L1080[10:01:31] <Naiten> wild train passing by
L1081[10:01:33] ⇨ Joins: Aragur (~Aragur@HSI-KBW-149-172-25-8.hsi13.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L1082[10:01:36] <williewillus> !gm func_177971_a
L1083[10:01:45] <Wuppy> wait, that was 100%?
L1084[10:01:51] <Lordmau5> I have mistaken the "Hyperball" for the "Ultraball"
L1085[10:01:57] <Lordmau5> the German name is Hyperball :3
L1086[10:01:57] <Lordmau5> https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/img-2468401-1-all_poke_balls___labeled_by_seancantrell-d5wl17k.png
L1087[10:02:13] <Lordmau5> ofc, Masterball is the best one out there, which is why you only get one in every Pokemon game
L1088[10:02:16] <Lordmau5> it's for the legendaries
L1089[10:02:24] <Lordmau5> or rather... it's supposed to be used for them
L1090[10:04:17] <Curle> yea
L1091[10:04:32] <Curle> Everyone used it to catch a slowpoke to test it in my school
L1092[10:04:41] <Curle> Then couldn't get another one
L1093[10:04:51] <Curle> rip
L1094[10:05:19] <Wuppy> rip in pepperoni
L1095[10:05:25] <Curle> ripip
L1096[10:05:36] <Curle> riPIP boy
L1097[10:06:38] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-203-206.access.telenet.be)
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L1099[10:07:51] ⇦ Quits: kyau (kyau@dark.kyau.net) (Quit: meh)
L1100[10:08:12] <Delenas> Once, I caught a Kyogre with one. Thought I'd get the ball back if I released it. RIP.
L1101[10:08:20] <Wuppy> xD
L1102[10:08:24] <Wuppy> double rekt
L1103[10:08:30] <Delenas> I was not a very smart child.
L1104[10:09:07] <Delenas> To be fair, the game never told you what happened when you release a pokemon.
L1105[10:09:16] <Wuppy> true dat
L1106[10:09:29] <PaleoCrafter> I wasted one on a fucking Pelipper once
L1107[10:09:40] <Delenas> ...it'd actually be kinda cool if you could re-battle said poke.
L1108[10:09:40] <Wuppy> why would you even
L1109[10:10:00] <Delenas> Because nobody wants to train Wingull?
L1110[10:10:02] <PaleoCrafter> I can't remember
L1111[10:10:27] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L1112[10:10:56] ⇨ Joins: KanoCodex (~Giratina5@2604:180:0:368::bcd8)
L1113[10:11:14] <Lordmau5> logic wise, releasing Pokemon AND losing the balls is a waste
L1114[10:11:20] <Lordmau5> our poor environment...
L1115[10:11:24] <Curle> Guys
L1116[10:11:24] <Curle> https://beta.minecraft.net/en/
L1117[10:11:30] <Lordmau5> wat
L1118[10:11:41] <Lordmau5> oh neato
L1119[10:11:43] <Lordmau5> beta website?
L1120[10:11:54] <Curle> They're remaking it
L1121[10:11:56] <PaleoCrafter> I don't particularly like it
L1122[10:11:59] <IoP> hacker!
L1123[10:12:00] <Lordmau5> took them long enough to bring that thought up...
L1124[10:12:12] <gigaherz> looks mobile-y
L1125[10:12:17] <Lordmau5> Paleo, we can move it down to command-line design, if you are happier with that? :)
L1126[10:12:18] <PaleoCrafter> ^
L1127[10:12:24] <Curle> I was looking through my twitter, and mab
L1128[10:12:26] <Curle> bam*
L1129[10:12:30] <PaleoCrafter> What gigaherz said
L1130[10:12:30] <Lordmau5> looks bootstrapy*
L1131[10:12:34] <williewillus> me neither
L1132[10:12:39] <williewillus> looks like those crappy mod scam sites
L1133[10:12:57] <PaleoCrafter> On my phone right now, it looks kinda okay on that
L1134[10:13:06] <Lordmau5> to each their own, I like it
L1135[10:13:09] <Lordmau5> way better than the old one
L1136[10:13:38] <Wuppy> improving something bad does not mean it turns into something good though :)
L1137[10:13:51] <PaleoCrafter> Everything's an improvement compared to that old monstrosity
L1138[10:14:00] <gigaherz> Lordmau5: if youcan tell what framework it's madewith, then your soul is already lost
L1139[10:14:00] <gigaherz> XD
L1140[10:14:04] <Delenas> I disagree
L1141[10:14:06] <Delenas> Hold on
L1142[10:14:19] <Lordmau5> Bootstrap?
L1143[10:14:21] <PaleoCrafter> Is it actually bootstrap? :P
L1144[10:14:23] <Lordmau5> Dude, I like the simplicity of them
L1145[10:14:32] <Lordmau5> well, it definitely looks like it, let me give it another go in the inspector
L1146[10:14:35] <Lordmau5> (gadget, nananana)
L1147[10:15:00] <Lordmau5> Yes, it is.
L1148[10:15:04] <Lordmau5> container and row, that's all I need to see
L1149[10:15:10] <Lordmau5> container and row divs*
L1150[10:15:40] <PaleoCrafter> That's a common practice, you know? :P
L1151[10:15:57] <Lordmau5> hmm?
L1152[10:16:03] <Delenas> http://imgur.com/N5UBX7s
L1153[10:16:06] <Lordmau5> col-xs-2 col-sm-4 col-md-3
L1154[10:16:11] <Lordmau5> bootstrap
L1155[10:16:13] <Lordmau5> or some bootstrap fork
L1156[10:16:27] <Lordmau5> https://beta.minecraft.net/static/theme/bifrost/dist/js/bifrost.min.0ee8d3ca72c9.js?v=0.9.3 go here
L1157[10:16:29] <Lordmau5> search for bootstrap
L1158[10:16:32] <Lordmau5> thank me later
L1159[10:16:33] <Delenas> ^ Not an improvement
L1160[10:16:33] <Lordmau5> :p
L1161[10:16:56] <Delenas> It's.. literally right there
L1162[10:16:58] <Delenas> In the comment
L1163[10:16:59] <PaleoCrafter> Delenas, I'd say it is :P
L1164[10:17:01] <Curle> haqqr
L1165[10:17:41] <Delenas> Oh god
L1166[10:17:51] <Delenas> One of my 50 tabs started playing audio *flail*
L1167[10:17:56] <PaleoCrafter> Lordmau5, those particular cols are bootstrap yeah, but "container" and "row" can be found elsewhere as well :P
L1168[10:18:10] <Lordmau5> *sigh* It's the first sign of bootstrap though :D
L1169[10:18:11] <Curle> I get headaches with more than 4 tabs open :(
L1170[10:18:25] <Delenas> So
L1171[10:18:27] <Delenas> Anyway
L1172[10:18:48] <Delenas> Apparently my Tile entities wither aren't calling update(), ooooor they aren't being registered
L1173[10:19:00] <Corosus> youtube is weird, if i move a tab from one window to another, some of youtube tabs will suddenly start playing
L1174[10:19:14] <diesieben07> Delenas, did you implement ITickable (or IUpdatePlayerListBox)?
L1175[10:19:18] <Lordmau5> just wanted to say that
L1176[10:19:27] <Lordmau5> what's the difference between them btw?
L1177[10:19:37] <diesieben07> youtube is a piece of crab, it reloads the page when i unplug my headphones
L1178[10:19:41] <Lordmau5> When would I need to go for IUpdatePlayerListBox?
L1179[10:19:42] <PaleoCrafter> The latter is the old band
L1180[10:19:44] <Corosus> never heard of that second interface...
L1181[10:19:46] <PaleoCrafter> *name
L1182[10:19:54] <Corosus> weird @ headphones
L1183[10:19:58] <Lordmau5> old band
L1184[10:20:02] <Lordmau5> ... :D
L1185[10:20:03] <diesieben07> no it is not the headphones
L1186[10:20:09] ⇦ Parts: Curle (~head@host81-154-121-145.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) ())
L1187[10:20:09] <diesieben07> it's because the audio device changes
L1188[10:20:14] <Corosus> ahhhhh
L1189[10:20:22] <PaleoCrafter> Because it was used for the server GUI exclusively in earlier versions
L1190[10:20:25] <Lordmau5> aah
L1191[10:20:34] <diesieben07> lightbulbs all around
L1192[10:20:42] <Delenas> Implemented ITickable
L1193[10:20:47] <Delenas> Added a debug log statement
L1194[10:20:50] <Delenas> Nothing.
L1195[10:20:50] <IoP> interesting. If that's using css from bootstrap I see possible license problem in there
L1196[10:21:01] <diesieben07> did you choose the right tickable? there are two
L1197[10:21:16] <Delenas> Which package do I need? o.o;
L1198[10:21:18] <diesieben07> you want the one in util
L1199[10:21:24] <diesieben07> not client obviously
L1200[10:21:27] <IoP> won't going to diff minimized css-files :P
L1201[10:21:35] ⇨ Joins: Curle (~head@host81-154-121-145.range81-154.btcentralplus.com)
L1202[10:21:38] <Delenas> Oh. Yea
L1203[10:21:39] <Curle> rip
L1204[10:21:40] <Delenas> I did
L1205[10:21:53] <Curle> Closed it while trying to ask a question on #forgegradle :/
L1206[10:21:58] <PaleoCrafter> IoP, why? Bootstrap's licence is pretty liberal, I think :P
L1207[10:22:33] <IoP> PaleoCrafter: I just read their FAQ today:P http://getbootstrap.com/getting-started/#license-faqs
L1208[10:22:47] <PaleoCrafter> Ah, lol
L1209[10:22:58] <Curle> Okay, looks like I'm not doing any 1.8.9 today
L1210[10:23:15] <Curle> gradle errors out
L1211[10:23:31] <McJty> Curle, make sure you have gradle 2.1 and not 1.2
L1212[10:23:32] <PaleoCrafter> Give it more ram
L1213[10:23:33] <IoP> no copyright notice in /beta.minecraft.net css file. e.g. https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.1/css/bootstrap.min.css has copyright notice
L1214[10:23:48] <McJty> I was using old gradle for 1.7.10 and that didn't work for 1.8.9
L1215[10:23:57] <PaleoCrafter> Also that, yeah
L1216[10:24:13] <Curle> I removed the gradle and let the gradlew install the new one
L1217[10:24:15] <Delenas> If all else fails, dl the newest forge and copy the src over?
L1218[10:24:19] <Curle> Still errors, overhead limit exceeded
L1219[10:24:28] <Curle> Asked on #forgegradle, no answer
L1220[10:24:37] <PaleoCrafter> ForgeGradle, not gradle, actually
L1221[10:24:51] <Delenas> Did you run gradlew clean?
L1222[10:25:07] <Curle> Running it now
L1223[10:25:09] <diesieben07> Curle, you need to give it more ram.
L1224[10:25:22] <diesieben07> 1.8.9 requires at least 2 gigs to decompie
L1225[10:25:27] <Curle> I guess Xmx?
L1226[10:25:33] <PaleoCrafter> Look at the buildscript { dependencies { ... } } section
L1227[10:25:40] <diesieben07> https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/build_environment.html
L1228[10:25:43] <gigaherz> yeah -Xmx3G or similar in the gradle jvm options
L1229[10:26:16] <gigaherz> weirdly enough
L1230[10:26:20] <gigaherz> I don't actually need to do that
L1231[10:26:29] <williewillus> same here
L1232[10:26:33] <gigaherz> just running gradlew from a cmdwindow instead of an IDE, is enough
L1233[10:26:44] *** V is now known as Vigaro
L1234[10:26:48] <gigaherz> cmd window*
L1235[10:26:52] <Curle> CMD
L1236[10:26:52] <Curle> Yea
L1237[10:27:00] <Curle> I love the command prompt
L1238[10:27:01] <Curle> :/
L1239[10:27:13] <gigaherz> i don't actually do it from the command prompt, I have a "setup.cmd" script
L1240[10:27:19] <gigaherz> that adds java to path, then runs gradlew
L1241[10:27:19] <gigaherz> ;p
L1242[10:27:20] <PaleoCrafter> Did you get the new MDK maybe? Could've been that they added the params to the gradlew
L1243[10:27:40] ⇦ Quits: Aragur (~Aragur@HSI-KBW-149-172-25-8.hsi13.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1244[10:27:55] <gigaherz> my gradle wrapper is from december
L1245[10:27:58] * Delenas uses ConEmu
L1246[10:28:07] * Curle slaps Delenas
L1247[10:28:15] <Delenas> Ow.
L1248[10:28:30] <Delenas> Whyy
L1249[10:28:44] <Curle> You just went full retard.
L1250[10:28:48] <Curle> Never go full retard. :P
L1251[10:29:00] <Delenas> Can I go partial retard?
L1252[10:29:09] <Curle> I suppose
L1253[10:29:11] <diesieben07> everybody is partial retard.
L1254[10:29:22] <Curle> Just dont go chasing headlights
L1255[10:29:26] <Delenas> Excellent.
L1256[10:29:36] <Delenas> But they're so bright and pretty! D:
L1257[10:30:01] <Curle> Especially when the sun goes down
L1258[10:31:11] <Delenas> Siiiigh
L1259[10:31:54] ⇨ Joins: Mowmaster_Mobile (~Mowmaster@2600:1014:b11e:38e:b00a:9b0b:98e6:c80a)
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L1262[10:34:12] <Naiten> Yay, my mod was approved on Curse
L1263[10:34:34] <Curle> Same, it's a great feeling
L1264[10:35:38] ⇨ Joins: alex_6611 (~alex_6611@p5DE79F06.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L1266[10:36:23] <Delenas> Can someone please help me figure out why this tile entity is refusing to work. x.x
L1267[10:36:32] ⇨ Joins: Mowmaster (~Mowmaster@75-163-81-143.omah.qwest.net)
L1268[10:36:46] <diesieben07> show your code.
L1269[10:36:49] <Delenas> https://bitbucket.org/ostenvighx/centaur-additions/src/e048cf8a7336de982ae6319fe35010139852dc06/src/main/java/io/tedsenft/tauradditions/?at=master Question is on TIleSwapper and BlockSwapper
L1270[10:36:50] *** Vigaro is now known as V
L1271[10:36:58] ⇦ Quits: Mraof (~mraof@2601:642:4400:49a7::c294) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1272[10:37:31] <diesieben07> your hasTileEntity does not return true.
L1273[10:38:23] <Delenas> Ignore that, was testing a thing. Didn't do anything.
L1274[10:38:31] <diesieben07> what didn't do anything?
L1275[10:38:34] ⇦ Quits: Mowmaster_Mobile (~Mowmaster@2600:1014:b11e:38e:b00a:9b0b:98e6:c80a) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1276[10:38:45] <Delenas> hasTileEntity
L1277[10:39:00] <diesieben07> so you had it just as plain "return true"?
L1278[10:39:12] <Delenas> Besides.. overriding an implementation and calling super should just be the default implementation.. no?
L1279[10:39:20] <diesieben07> yes but the default implementation is false.
L1280[10:39:33] <diesieben07> meaning "no i do not have a TE"
L1281[10:40:16] <Delenas> ..none of the tutorials say I needed that method?
L1282[10:40:22] <diesieben07> then the tutorials are shit.
L1283[10:40:27] ⇨ Joins: Mraof (~mraof@2601:642:4400:49a7::c294)
L1284[10:41:45] ⇨ Joins: candybar (~foo@adsl-074-181-053-011.sip.sav.bellsouth.net)
L1285[10:41:49] <masa> lesson: don't read shitty tutorials
L1286[10:41:57] ⇦ Quits: Lothendal (~Lothendal@ip5b41e87a.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: leaving)
L1287[10:42:21] <Naiten> ...MOST of tutorials are shit...
L1288[10:42:49] <PaleoCrafter> Lesson: don't read any tutorials xD
L1289[10:43:10] <Curle> Lesson: Don't mod
L1290[10:43:11] <Delenas> So.. Minecraft is reading that method, then. Fantastic.
L1291[10:43:33] <Naiten> Lesson: Go and get a real life
L1292[10:43:46] <Delenas> But my Life has Cinnamon
L1293[10:43:48] <Curle> Lesson: slap Naiten
L1294[10:43:48] * Curle slpas
L1295[10:43:56] * Curle mispells everything
L1296[10:43:57] <Delenas> It's delicious.
L1297[10:43:59] * Naiten pokes Curle
L1298[10:44:01] <williewillus> most tutorials are 1. outdated 2. wrong 3. both
L1299[10:44:11] <Delenas> #blameWuppy
L1300[10:44:27] * Curle slaps Naiten around a bit with a large trout
L1301[10:44:51] <Curle> http://eelslap.com
L1302[10:45:26] <Naiten> that's gross
L1303[10:45:27] <Curle> Is that a static text?
L1304[10:45:38] <williewillus> anyone familiar with x86 assembly? :P
L1305[10:45:51] <Curle> It leaves goo on his face :(
L1306[10:45:55] * diesieben07 took 30 seconds to notice that it was tracking my mouse and not a slow loading gif
L1307[10:46:45] * Naiten needs a tutorial on earning money
L1308[10:47:33] <Curle> Step 1: ???
L1309[10:47:39] <Curle> Step 2: profit
L1310[10:47:52] <IoP> Naiten: send xxx dollars in my paypal account and I can tips which save money
L1311[10:48:19] <Curle> IoP: you are can do grammar very best :)
L1312[10:48:56] <IoP> who stole words?
L1313[10:49:02] * Delenas curses about fifteen different Greek gods.
L1314[10:49:18] * Curle curses about 219 Hindu gods
L1315[10:49:22] <masa> oh no someone on the internet spelled something wrong or used bad grammar
L1316[10:50:18] <Delenas> why the balls is hasTileEntity(~) not referenced ANYWHERE. Augh.
L1317[10:50:29] * Delenas has been fighting with this for like 2 days.
L1318[10:50:40] <diesieben07> becuase you are using the wrong version
L1319[10:50:42] <gigaherz> ?
L1320[10:50:47] <diesieben07> use the one with an IBlockState argument
L1321[10:50:55] <diesieben07> you know, the one thats... NOT DEPRECATED
L1322[10:51:21] <williewillus> only ones you should be using are Block.hasTileEntity(IBlockState) and Block.createTileEntity(IBlockState)
L1323[10:51:30] <williewillus> the rest are old and generally should not be used
L1324[10:51:56] <diesieben07> *createTileEntity(World, IBlockState)
L1325[10:54:09] <Curle> ;-;
L1326[10:54:20] <Delenas> welp.
L1327[10:54:28] <Corosus> yeah registering + createTileEntity + ITickable is all i need
L1328[10:54:39] <Curle> You have to be kidding me, I completely forgot you can have 2 different versions on the same Eclipse process
L1329[10:56:11] ⇦ Quits: Raspen0 (~Raspen0@D97A01A5.cm-3-3a.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
L1330[10:56:52] <Delenas> So, thanks diesieben07
L1331[10:56:57] <Delenas> That was it. x.x
L1332[10:57:08] <diesieben07> np :D
L1333[10:57:43] ⇦ Quits: Shukaro (~Shukaro@ ()
L1334[10:57:57] <Delenas> Now, to figure out guis. Oh joy.
L1335[10:58:34] ⇦ Quits: Mraof (~mraof@2601:642:4400:49a7::c294) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1336[10:58:37] <Corosus> when in doubt, rewrite entire mod
L1337[10:59:05] ⇦ Quits: Loetkolben (~Loetkolbe@ipbcc3c340.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Over and Out!)
L1338[10:59:17] <Delenas> Also.
L1339[10:59:35] <Delenas> http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/hardcore-darkness + http://gfycat.com/CaninePlainBadger
L1340[11:00:45] <Corosus> hah
L1341[11:00:50] <Corosus> my gfy!
L1342[11:00:59] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L1343[11:01:07] <Delenas> That was you?
L1344[11:01:12] <Corosus> ya ;D
L1345[11:01:19] <Delenas> You are evil. I like you.
L1346[11:01:23] <Corosus> nearing first release of it
L1347[11:01:24] <Corosus> :D
L1348[11:01:54] <Corosus> i specialize in ruining peoples hard work put into their bases
L1349[11:02:06] <Delenas> It's just.. *crack....crack... ZOMBIES BLARGH*
L1350[11:02:34] <Corosus> still cant help but laugh at how i reacted to that
L1351[11:02:38] <gigaherz> Corosus: I leave it said here, that I refuse to play any minecraft pack or server that contains that type of mod
L1352[11:02:38] <gigaherz> ;P
L1353[11:02:44] <Corosus> <3
L1354[11:03:19] <Delenas> Add that to the hardcore ender mod and force living in the end.
L1355[11:03:22] <masa> so what will that mod be called? Invasions?
L1356[11:03:40] <Corosus> im still undecided on it, maybe HostileWorlds_Invasions...... but its not the cleanest name
L1357[11:04:22] <masa> The Digging Dead
L1358[11:04:30] <Corosus> the feature is similar to what i did in my unupdated HostileWorlds mod which is why
L1359[11:04:31] <Corosus> hahah
L1360[11:04:34] <Corosus> decent!
L1361[11:04:34] <masa> probably would get sued for that :D
L1362[11:04:39] <Corosus> :P
L1363[11:05:06] <Delenas> Also
L1364[11:05:32] <Delenas> The person that made that hardcore darkness mod should def add this to their description: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjtkWZ1uCXo
L1365[11:05:50] <Corosus> hahah yeah
L1366[11:06:13] <Delenas> I keep my tally on "Spongebob is relevant to EVERYTHING."
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L1373[11:16:58] <Delenas> o/
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L1378[11:20:33] *** Kolatra[away] is now known as Kolatra
L1379[11:21:45] <Delenas> Anyone know why JEI is adding like 500 garbage items?
L1380[11:21:52] <williewillus> debug mode?
L1381[11:21:54] <williewillus> turn that off
L1382[11:24:13] <Delenas> Nope. I have the option to show unmodelled stuff on.. but that seems kinda odd that'd be adding that.
L1383[11:25:14] <masa> and what are those "garbage items" then?
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L1385[11:26:12] <williewillus> if you enable debug mode jei adds a bunch of fake entries
L1386[11:26:15] <williewillus> for his own testing
L1387[11:29:53] <Delenas> Not sure how that really helps him, but okay. They're gone now. :3
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L1389[11:31:29] <Curle> The only real code changes I can see are the item/block stuff
L1390[11:31:45] <Curle> Looks like this'll be relatively straight-forward :)
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L1392[11:31:59] <williewillus> are you porting?
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L1394[11:35:09] <Curle> yea
L1395[11:35:13] <williewillus> nice
L1396[11:35:21] <Curle> registerEntityRenderingHandler is dep
L1397[11:35:23] <Curle> Alternative?
L1398[11:35:37] <masa> woot progress, after 6 hours of fiddling around, I have pink and black planes
L1399[11:36:13] <diesieben07> Curle, registerEntityRenderingHandler(MyEntity.class, MyRenderer::new)
L1400[11:36:22] <diesieben07> where MyRenderer has a constructor that takes a RenderManager
L1401[11:36:33] <diesieben07> or if you dont want Java 8 use an inner class
L1402[11:36:36] <Curle> It says registerEntityRenderingHandler is deprecated
L1403[11:36:39] <Curle> It has a line through it
L1404[11:36:46] <gigaherz> there's an alternative
L1405[11:36:47] <diesieben07> there is a new version.
L1406[11:36:49] <gigaherz> which takes a factory
L1407[11:36:52] <williewillus> use the overload
L1408[11:37:03] <gigaherz> use the factory one, even if you jsut return the new instance as you did before
L1409[11:37:26] <Curle> Okay, what is the alternative and what is a factory? :P
L1410[11:37:38] <Curle> I'm new to this 1.8 shit
L1411[11:37:39] <diesieben07> registerEntityRenderingHandler(MyEntity.class, MyRenderer::new)
L1412[11:37:42] <diesieben07> like i already said.
L1413[11:37:51] <diesieben07> the 2nd arg is a constructor reference
L1414[11:37:55] <Curle> ah
L1415[11:38:24] <williewillus> the purpose is that the actual instantiation of the render class needs to be deferred until MC/Forge decides when to make it
L1416[11:38:28] <diesieben07> without java 8 you do new IRenderFactory() { createRenderFor(...) { return new MyRenderer(manager); }
L1417[11:38:41] <williewillus> and this is more type safe than just reflect-scanning for a constructor that takes rendermanager
L1418[11:39:09] <Curle> :/
L1419[11:39:18] <Curle> Okay, let me get my bearing, I'll report back
L1420[11:39:19] <Curle> :P
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L1423[11:40:25] <Curle> RenderManager?
L1424[11:40:36] <diesieben07> yes.
L1425[11:40:37] <williewillus> it's a vanilla class
L1426[11:40:44] <Curle> Aha
L1427[11:40:49] <williewillus> all Render objects take one in their constructor now
L1428[11:40:51] <williewillus> afaik
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L1430[11:41:09] <Curle> Oh, you have to be kidding me
L1431[11:41:15] <Curle> This isn't a straight-forward port then
L1432[11:41:25] <gigaherz> ?
L1433[11:41:27] <diesieben07> sure it is
L1434[11:41:29] <gigaherz> it'sthe same
L1435[11:41:31] <williewillus> this is the easy part man ;P
L1436[11:41:35] <gigaherz> just instead of passing the rendermanager yourself
L1437[11:41:41] <gigaherz> it gets passed to you by forge
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L1439[11:43:22] <gigaherz> lol, dinnerbone's (or mojang's) cat puked onto the top fan of his computer, his gtx980 died
L1440[11:43:43] <Corosus> how the fuck does a cat decide to puke there
L1441[11:45:14] ⇦ Quits: Mraof (~mraof@2601:642:4400:49a7::c294) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1442[11:45:49] <Curle> How would I use this RenderManager in this syntax, then?
L1443[11:46:04] <williewillus> have a constructor that takes RenderManager
L1444[11:46:11] <williewillus> then use the line that diesieben07 posted
L1445[11:46:14] <williewillus> thats it
L1446[11:46:17] <Curle> (like I said, I'm new to this and there aren't any tutorials for this shit)
L1447[11:46:33] <williewillus> I just told you how to do it :P
L1448[11:46:46] <diesieben07> in your Render class you have a constructor like public MyRender(RenderManager m) { super(m); }
L1449[11:46:59] <Curle> ^That's what I wanted
L1450[11:47:01] <Curle> Thanks
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L1452[11:47:11] <diesieben07> if that gives you troubel then you need to learn java.
L1453[11:47:24] <williewillus> idk how that wasn't the same as saying "have a constructor that takes RenderManager"
L1454[11:48:42] <masa> woot it's starting to work...
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L1456[11:50:20] <Curle> diesie, I know java, but my mind's blank
L1457[11:50:23] <Curle> New stuff
L1458[11:50:26] <Curle> Confusing
L1459[11:50:27] <Curle> :/
L1460[11:50:40] <diesieben07> how is "constructor" a new concept to you? :O
L1461[11:50:44] <Curle> It's nit
L1462[11:50:46] <Curle> not*
L1463[11:50:48] <Nitrodev> way put a commentary on 1.8 blood magic
L1464[11:51:05] <Curle> The other new stuff
L1465[11:51:20] <Curle> (everything I used to do for rendering has changed)
L1466[11:51:24] <williewillus> lol
L1467[11:51:25] <Curle> And that's just rendering
L1468[11:51:31] <williewillus> just the beginning :)
L1469[11:51:34] <williewillus> ports are fun
L1470[11:51:37] <Naiten> How do i learn all that cool programming stuff?
L1471[11:51:50] <Curle> Anyway, I have tae kwon-do in 10 minutes, I'll see ya later
L1472[11:52:05] <williewillus> I wonder how many people are with me on that statement
L1473[11:52:07] <williewillus> probably none
L1474[11:52:09] *** Curle is now known as Curle|TKD
L1475[11:52:21] <williewillus> Naiten: what stuff?
L1476[11:52:27] <Naiten> all stuff
L1477[11:52:32] <Corosus> updating mc mods drive me to alcoholism
L1478[11:52:33] <Naiten> cool programming stuff
L1479[11:52:45] <Curle|TKD> Naiten: I learn by immersion
L1480[11:52:53] <Curle|TKD> And small amounts of getting shouted at by diesie
L1481[11:52:54] <Curle|TKD> :3
L1482[11:52:56] <williewillus> I'm comfortable enough with 1.8 ports that they start to be fun
L1483[11:53:01] <williewillus> esp Botania
L1484[11:53:09] <Kolatra> I'm really enjoying 1.8 now.
L1485[11:53:17] <williewillus> porting that was really fun, not in the sarcastic way
L1486[11:53:19] <Corosus> 1.8.x itself is nice yeah
L1487[11:54:22] <Curle|TKD> I'm glad my colleague made a json generator for all block types :P
L1488[11:54:29] <Corosus> hahaha yeah that helps
L1489[11:55:06] <Corosus> i cant remember how much i enjoyed it at first, but after 6 years of doing it it gets tiring
L1490[11:55:22] <williewillus> I hope you are using the foreg json format
L1491[11:55:32] <williewillus> if you do it right you should have almost nothing inside models/block
L1492[11:56:27] <Corosus> curious, got an example of the differences?
L1493[11:56:35] <Corosus> i barely do block work but it might help
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L1495[11:57:24] <williewillus> forge json removes the requirement to have a separate file for every model. For example if I wanted a normal 6 sided same texture block in vanilla I would have to make a block json whose parent is cube_all, and give it a texture. With the forge format you do that in the blockstate json directly
L1496[11:57:39] <williewillus> you end up saving a lto of jsons, especially if you have a lot of block types
L1497[11:58:04] *** AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L1498[11:58:25] <Corosus> hmmmmm, sounds handy ya
L1499[11:58:59] <DebugsPeople> williewillus, do you have to register the standard item as a variant?
L1500[11:59:08] <williewillus> what do you mean standard item
L1501[11:59:19] <williewillus> like standard_item.json?
L1502[11:59:20] <williewillus> no
L1503[11:59:31] <DebugsPeople> the base item
L1504[11:59:41] <williewillus> yeah, no that's just so the transforms are inherited so we don't have to rewrite it every time
L1505[12:00:09] <DebugsPeople> as in : "remotecontrol4ch" and "remotecontrol4ch_on" both ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(i, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(loc, "inventory"));
L1506[12:00:24] <williewillus> yes
L1507[12:00:26] <DebugsPeople> do I have to register both
L1508[12:00:27] <DebugsPeople> ok
L1509[12:00:32] <williewillus> as far as the modelloader is concerned they're different models
L1510[12:00:49] <williewillus> heh just ran a find on the botania assets, 719 jsons including some animation stuff and sounds.json
L1511[12:00:56] <williewillus> would be a LOT more if we didn't use forge format
L1512[12:01:04] <williewillus> probably into the thousands
L1513[12:01:42] <masa> hmm, now to figure out how the hell to use the TRSR stuff for my item...
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L1515[12:01:53] <williewillus> what do you need to accomplish?
L1516[12:03:04] <masa> I want to make the modules a little bit thicker and then to position them on the base item so that it is centered ie. sticking out the same amount on both sides
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L1518[12:03:31] <masa> and also, I want to use the same module model for all the tools, but they are in different positions on different tool types
L1519[12:03:35] <williewillus> are these dynamic?
L1520[12:04:19] <masa> yeah I just managed to get the basis of my Model stuff working so that it generates them using an ISmartItemModel o nthe fly
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L1522[12:04:34] <masa> I used the forge DynBucket code as a basis
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L1524[12:05:46] <Lordmau5> modding is a pain ;_;
L1525[12:06:31] <masa> so I guess basically in the IModel#bake method when I generate the models, I would then also need to transform them appropriately
L1526[12:07:23] <masa> speaking of which, I need to change the way I generate the models since they are not currently based on a json so the base rtansformation is also completely wrong ie. the default one
L1527[12:08:30] <williewillus> use perspectiveawaremodels to transform the pieces around
L1528[12:08:37] *** Mraoffle is now known as Mraof
L1529[12:08:44] <williewillus> i think thatll work
L1530[12:08:48] <williewillus> ask fry when he comes back :P
L1531[12:10:15] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L1532[12:10:16] <masa> hmm so... where and how wil I feed it the transfromation I want..
L1533[12:11:21] <masa> so in the handlePerspective() method I would need to return the proper matrix with the model?
L1534[12:11:59] <masa> hmm but...
L1535[12:12:03] <williewillus> yes
L1536[12:12:09] <williewillus> you can get a matrix from trsr
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L1538[12:12:33] <masa> but doesn't that one get called each frame?
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L1540[12:12:35] <diesieben07> fuck yes i fixed it.
L1541[12:12:40] <williewillus> yes
L1542[12:12:57] <williewillus> item models are not multithreaded and lazy like block models are
L1543[12:13:03] <masa> well that seems redundant, I just need to transform the models when I first generate and cache it
L1544[12:13:07] <diesieben07> whoops, no i didn't.
L1545[12:13:09] <williewillus> then do that :P
L1546[12:13:13] <Ordinastie> where is the default empty list ?
L1547[12:13:22] <williewillus> ImmutableList.of() :P
L1548[12:13:22] <DebugsPeople> williewillus, is onItemRightClick being called twice when clicking on a block?
L1549[12:13:32] <williewillus> DebugsPeople: probably once on client and once on server
L1550[12:13:49] <DebugsPeople> strange, why only when clicking on a block
L1551[12:13:52] <Ordinastie> williewillus, thanks, I can never remember it
L1552[12:14:11] <williewillus> ?
L1553[12:14:20] <williewillus> a lot of things are called on both sides
L1554[12:15:11] <DebugsPeople> nope, also does it when using @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
L1555[12:15:23] <PaleoCrafter> Ordinastie, you obviously need more immutability in your code then >:D
L1556[12:15:24] <DebugsPeople> https://bitbucket.org/ArmyOfAnarchists/rcmodrevive/src/5db02a8e4bd8df42c30e674161cf277d51f62ca2/src/main/java/com/icekat/thercmod/items/ItemRemote4ch.java
L1557[12:15:51] <williewillus> do NOT use sideonly directly
L1558[12:15:56] ⇦ Quits: FusionLord (~FusionLor@ip70-190-176-197.ph.ph.cox.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L1559[12:15:59] <Ordinastie> DebugsPeople, @SideOnly doesn't do what you think AT ALL
L1560[12:16:02] <williewillus> ^
L1561[12:16:07] <williewillus> use remote checks
L1562[12:16:10] <DebugsPeople> ok
L1563[12:16:19] <williewillus> and read this https://github.com/williewillus/Documentation/blob/sides/docs/concepts/sides.md
L1564[12:16:26] <DebugsPeople> wait, I already have that
L1565[12:16:30] <mikebald> @SideOnly makes it so that code exists on that particular side, right?
L1566[12:16:37] <DebugsPeople> if(worldIn.isRemote)
L1567[12:16:39] <williewillus> only on that PHYSICAL side
L1568[12:16:46] <williewillus> isRemote checks LOGICAL side
L1569[12:16:54] <williewillus> the two are really, really different
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L1571[12:17:09] <DebugsPeople> can you take a look at the link?
L1572[12:17:22] <MattDahEpic> is there an easy way to give a survival player creative flight?
L1573[12:17:22] <Lordmau5> hey guys, got a quick question
L1574[12:17:40] <Lordmau5> any reason as to why the right structure is rendering darker? https://i.lordmau5.com/1454608584-621
L1575[12:17:43] <Lordmau5> (fake blocks)
L1576[12:17:46] <DebugsPeople> Lordmau5, don't ask to ask ;)
L1577[12:17:52] <Lordmau5> I didn't ask to ask
L1578[12:17:53] <williewillus> it looks fine to me
L1579[12:17:56] <Lordmau5> I just prepared you for the question
L1580[12:17:59] <williewillus> DebugsPeople: why are you doing it clientside?
L1581[12:18:00] <Lordmau5> check the glass, willie
L1582[12:18:08] <Lordmau5> or was that towards Debugs?
L1583[12:18:10] <LatvianModder> DebugsPeople: wow that is a bad code, sorry
L1584[12:18:19] <DebugsPeople> :(
L1585[12:18:20] <LatvianModder> step 1 - turn isRemote into !isRemote
L1586[12:18:28] <LatvianModder> step 2 - get rid of state
L1587[12:18:32] <williewillus> Lordmau5: i think you have to override one of the billion is<X>Cube methods. but I don't remember which one
L1588[12:18:35] <williewillus> ask fry later :P
L1589[12:18:41] <Lordmau5> Hmm alrighty
L1590[12:19:02] <Ordinastie> isOpaque
L1591[12:19:11] <DebugsPeople> LatvianModder, what should I replace it with? just the nbt tag?
L1592[12:19:19] <Lordmau5> gash
L1593[12:19:19] <LatvianModder> just the nbt
L1594[12:19:19] <Lordmau5> no
L1595[12:19:20] <williewillus> DebugsPeople: ooooh yeah fields in Item objects are always bad. That "state" variable will apply to ALL occurences of this item
L1596[12:19:21] <williewillus> ever
L1597[12:19:21] <Lordmau5> isFullCube was it
L1598[12:19:21] <LatvianModder> and ClientTickHandler.remoteActive8Ch = state
L1599[12:19:26] <LatvianModder> can you link me that?
L1600[12:19:41] <DebugsPeople> that will be cut out, does nothing
L1601[12:19:48] <LatvianModder> nvm found it
L1602[12:19:57] <LatvianModder> ah
L1603[12:20:04] <Lordmau5> numbers in a class name?
L1604[12:20:06] <williewillus> that state variable needs to go away
L1605[12:20:06] * Lordmau5 shivers
L1606[12:22:03] <DebugsPeople> williewillus, gone
L1607[12:22:27] <williewillus> if you have !isRemote and get rid of state it shuold work now
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L1623[12:39:03] <masa> yay now my tools render al lthe modules and their own head texture correctly based on the state of the tool \o/
L1624[12:39:18] <masa> only the transformation stuff left to do for the rendering part of them
L1625[12:41:32] <masa> hmm hmm, maybe I should set up a blockstates file for the head, the rod, and each module type, then I could do and allow resource pack makers to adjust the transformations via that
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L1631[12:59:49] <tterrag> gigaherz: lex commented on your stuff :P
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L1639[13:10:31] <Javaschreiber> Hi, is there a way to force minecraft to render a TileEntity, even though it's not within the field of view?
L1640[13:11:01] <LatvianModder> yes
L1641[13:11:11] <LatvianModder> check TileEntity.getRenderBoundingBox or smth
L1642[13:11:14] <LatvianModder> somewhere on bottom
L1643[13:11:29] <Javaschreiber> thx
L1644[13:11:44] <LatvianModder> a client side only method, you can return INFINITE_something box
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L1649[13:12:55] <Javaschreiber> Is this for 1.8? Because I'm still working on 1.7.10.
L1650[13:13:12] <LatvianModder> both, I think
L1651[13:13:17] <masa> no it's also in 1.7.10
L1652[13:13:18] <LatvianModder> its definetly in 1.7.10
L1653[13:13:40] <Javaschreiber> Found it, thanks.
L1654[13:14:14] <LatvianModder> you can return just INFINITE_EXTENT_AABB, if you dont want to do any fancy calculations
L1655[13:15:13] <PaleoCrafter> eh, just use the bounds of your actual model
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L1657[13:15:26] <PaleoCrafter> an infinite box is rather suboptimal :P
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L1668[13:44:10] <MattDahEpic> is there an easy way to give a survival player creative-like flight?
L1669[13:44:42] <williewillus> player.capabilities.canFly
L1670[13:44:45] <williewillus> or something like that
L1671[13:44:55] <williewillus> must be set on both sides
L1672[13:44:57] <diesieben07> player.capabilities.allowFlying
L1673[13:45:40] <diesieben07> and you can call sendPlayerAbilities on the server to update the client
L1674[13:46:02] <williewillus> til theres a method to do that :P
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L1679[13:51:56] <Mraof> I tend to overoptimize in places where it doesn't really matter
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L1681[13:52:19] <Mraof> For example, in drawScreen in a GuiScreen
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L1684[13:52:46] <masa> hmm, canI have a json model without a texture, or should I just use a dummy texture like the missing texture in it?
L1685[13:53:09] <masa> well actually nm
L1686[13:53:11] <williewillus> why do you want something without a texture, to retexture it later?
L1687[13:53:26] <masa> I was going to use the blockstate so I can have the actual textures
L1688[13:53:33] <williewillus> i think builtin/missing maps to the missing texture, but then again so does anything else
L1689[13:53:41] <masa> yeah basically for the transformations
L1690[13:54:46] <LatvianModder> 21:52:00 <Mraof> I tend to overoptimize in places where it doesn't really matter
L1691[13:54:46] <LatvianModder> You. I like you.
L1692[13:54:51] <masa> hmm now that I think about it, my IModel is messed up since it has hardcoded texture dependencies
L1693[13:55:11] <williewillus> masa: hows that messed up? :P
L1694[13:55:36] <LatvianModder> And optimizations Always matters
L1695[13:55:44] <LatvianModder> You might not see it instantly. but it does
L1696[13:56:38] <Mraof> Okay
L1697[13:57:19] * PaleoCrafter mutters something about premature optimisation
L1698[13:57:31] <LatvianModder> N..NO! Read this http://pastebin.com/sJyrQwsp
L1699[13:57:34] <LatvianModder> :D
L1700[13:58:06] <LatvianModder> How about we change that in 1.8.9?
L1701[13:58:23] <PaleoCrafter> I'll have the nice looking code, thanks :P
L1702[13:58:34] <LatvianModder> Shoo
L1703[13:58:50] <LatvianModder> I know modders are stubborn, but if won't all optimize our code, we will end up with another 1.7.10
L1704[13:59:05] <williewillus> 1.7.10 was rendering shit
L1705[13:59:06] <PaleoCrafter> and generally, unless you have numbers, there ain't no reason to optimise :P
L1706[13:59:08] <diesieben07> saying not to use lambdas if you care about performance is a blanket statement as as such wrong
L1707[13:59:08] <williewillus> that has been optimized
L1708[13:59:11] <williewillus> ^^^
L1709[13:59:15] <masa> williewillus: well I guess it isn't really...
L1710[13:59:25] <williewillus> in certain situations lambdas can be faster than anons
L1711[13:59:27] <diesieben07> there are places where lambdas are faster and there are places where they aren't
L1712[13:59:41] <williewillus> and the way they implemented it they should never be slower
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L1714[13:59:53] <williewillus> streams have overhead but lambdas should not do worse than anon classes
L1715[14:00:06] <PaleoCrafter> ^
L1716[14:00:15] <PaleoCrafter> it's the streams API that's slow
L1717[14:00:15] <diesieben07> its also about the problem you have
L1718[14:00:18] <LatvianModder> Except minecraft is built on Java 6
L1719[14:00:25] <williewillus> wat
L1720[14:00:32] <PaleoCrafter> it's not really feasible unless you have large amounts of data
L1721[14:00:36] <PaleoCrafter> wat²
L1722[14:00:39] <williewillus> that's irrelevant to our discussion
L1723[14:00:39] <diesieben07> if you want to process 10.000 entries, a parallel stream will probably be fser than just a for loop
L1724[14:00:46] <diesieben07> but if you haave just 10, its the opposite
L1725[14:00:54] <PaleoCrafter> ^
L1726[14:01:58] <williewillus> anyways, most of the time modded performance problems are due to a small pool of mods being incredibly dumb
L1727[14:01:58] <sham1> But if you want to use parallel streams, just remember that the stuff might and propably is out of ordere
L1728[14:02:09] <williewillus> of course
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L1730[14:02:24] <diesieben07> if you want to use parallel streams, do so with immutable data and pure functions
L1731[14:02:30] <diesieben07> otehrwise you are just shooting yourself in the foot.
L1732[14:02:44] <williewillus> ive never seen a modded server profiling that was a bunch of "small things piling up" its always been that one or two machines killing everything
L1733[14:02:46] <sham1> parallel stuff is always in the process of shooting yourself into foot
L1734[14:02:49] <sham1> Just like regex
L1735[14:02:54] <williewillus> not really, if you're smart about it
L1736[14:03:10] <tterrag> LatvianModder: I like how you cut out the rest of that conversation where skyboy agreed with me
L1737[14:03:11] * mikebald thought sham1's spelling of order was a subtle joke, like saying "out of odrer" but then I realized there's only an extra e.
L1738[14:03:13] <PaleoCrafter> sham1, streams actually retain order if the collection wishs to, I think :P
L1739[14:03:42] <LatvianModder> tterrag: I dont remember, I just took the piece that wasnt like 1000000 lines long
L1740[14:03:48] <sham1> But parallel streams execute the operations parallel so they can be executed out of order :P
L1741[14:03:56] <williewillus> depends
L1742[14:03:56] <sham1> And as an added bonus, they are lazy
L1743[14:04:09] <williewillus> when you call parallelStream() the streams API makes no guarantee it'll actually use threads
L1744[14:04:10] <PaleoCrafter> doesn't matter if the outcome is correct? :P
L1745[14:04:55] <LatvianModder> Java 8 is scary
L1746[14:05:09] <PaleoCrafter> if you have side effects it's a different problem altogether ;)
L1747[14:05:27] <LatvianModder> now, back to making a bloody model for every material item
L1748[14:05:48] <LatvianModder> why do they all have to be the same? can't there just be an basic_item and basic_3d_item or smth
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L1750[14:06:00] <PaleoCrafter> hm?
L1751[14:06:26] <LatvianModder> sec
L1752[14:06:49] <sham1> If you are doing side effects while using streams, then I just have to ask why
L1753[14:06:54] <LatvianModder> https://github.com/LatvianModder/XPTeleporters/blob/1.8/src/main/resources/assets/xpt/models/item/link_card.json
L1754[14:07:14] <LatvianModder> all item models look the same, yet they still have to have those extra inventory / rotation things
L1755[14:07:22] <LatvianModder> can't I just make a parent model that does this?
L1756[14:07:27] <williewillus> LatvianModder: yes?
L1757[14:07:32] <PaleoCrafter> so no problem with order either, sham1 :P
L1758[14:07:57] <williewillus> LatvianModder: that's why you use something like this.. https://github.com/williewillus/Botania/blob/MC18/src/main/resources/assets/botania/models/item/standard_item.json
L1759[14:08:01] <LatvianModder> williewillus: err.. was that a question.. or..
L1760[14:08:06] <williewillus> everything inherits from that
L1761[14:08:09] <williewillus> or standard_tool
L1762[14:08:22] <sham1> unless you are doing list.fold(null, (acc, current) -> current); in order to get the last element ;P
L1763[14:08:23] <LatvianModder> so, I do have to make my own
L1764[14:08:32] <LatvianModder> why minecraft / forge doesnt have defaults?
L1765[14:08:46] <williewillus> if you use the forge blockstates there is
L1766[14:08:50] <williewillus> but I don't want to use that for items
L1767[14:08:58] <williewillus> and mojang doesn't have their own defaults
L1768[14:09:03] <williewillus> (they just paste it into every file)
L1769[14:09:11] <LatvianModder> yeah, thats why I was confused
L1770[14:09:20] <PaleoCrafter> again, not really, as the order will ultimately be retained :P
L1771[14:09:41] <tterrag> http://puu.sh/mVRA3.txt
L1772[14:09:45] <LatvianModder> and why do they do that? is it because "Simply because Mojang." or there is a good reason for that
L1773[14:09:55] <williewillus> probably to faciliatate resource pack creation
L1774[14:10:02] <williewillus> you can edit the transforms right there
L1775[14:10:17] <LatvianModder> oh, tterrag how did you get history that far?
L1776[14:10:23] <tterrag> quassel
L1777[14:10:29] <LatvianModder> I'd have to scroll for years
L1778[14:10:37] <sham1> not for years
L1779[14:10:42] <sham1> Just a month
L1780[14:10:58] <tterrag> it wasn't that long ago either
L1781[14:11:06] <LatvianModder> I once tried to find me in tfox's twitter followers.. I just left mouse scrolling to bottom until PC crashed
L1782[14:11:07] <Mraof> Before I took over Scapecraft, it had 185378 lines of code (excluding models)
L1783[14:11:13] <PaleoCrafter> and you can search :P
L1784[14:11:18] <Mraof> Now it has 20745 lines (excluding models)
L1785[14:11:39] <Mraof> And more stuff than it had before
L1786[14:11:46] <tterrag> LatvianModder: http://bugs.quassel-irc.org/projects/quassel-irc/wiki/Quassel_Logging#quasselsuche
L1787[14:11:47] <PaleoCrafter> well, what version did you take it over from? :P
L1788[14:11:59] <sham1> Best way to search: /*your string here*
L1789[14:12:11] <Mraof> Hmm?
L1790[14:12:23] <Mraof> It was for 1.6.4 before, I took it over when updating to 1.7
L1791[14:12:52] <PaleoCrafter> ah, well, then that doesn't make a lot of a difference I think
L1792[14:12:57] <Mraof> Yeah
L1793[14:13:35] <Mraof> The reason I only ended up with a tenth of the code is because I threw out all the old code because it was terrible, besides the models
L1794[14:14:12] <Mraof> And there was a seperate class for every block and item
L1795[14:14:39] <Mraof> Every weapon extended ItemSword and had code obviously copied from ItemSword in it for some reason
L1796[14:14:56] <Mraof> And other bad stuff
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L1799[14:16:03] <Mraof> There are a lot of mobs so I didn't rewrite all those classes, but I made some major changes to all of them, vim regex and macros were really useful for that
L1800[14:18:53] <Mraof> Oh, sorry for complaining about the old code, it was just a pain to deal with
L1801[14:19:40] <williewillus> cleaning is always great
L1802[14:19:57] <williewillus> until you realize you accidentally rewrote everything and broke everything
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L1808[14:26:19] <LatvianModder> williewillus: ow. I did that like few days ago.. still hurts
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L1811[14:30:27] <MattDahEpic> is there a way to specify a container item-like second output to a IRecipe?
L1812[14:30:47] <tterrag> use container items?
L1813[14:31:27] <diesieben07> Irecipe has getRemainingItems
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L1820[14:40:46] <BastetFurry> Any way of getting the players chat line before it enters CommandHandler.executeCommand()? I need to check for commands before they get sorted out because they not being registered.
L1821[14:40:59] <BastetFurry> *are
L1822[14:40:59] <diesieben07> uhm, what?
L1823[14:41:07] <diesieben07> why would you not register commands?
L1824[14:41:21] <BastetFurry> diesieben07: Because of dynamic creation
L1825[14:41:28] <yopu> Can I do texture cropping in the json definition of an item model?
L1826[14:41:43] <Delenas> BastetFurry: CommandEvent?
L1827[14:41:44] <yopu> Or do I need separate files?
L1828[14:41:55] <diesieben07> you can register commands dynamically?
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L1830[14:42:16] <BastetFurry> diesieben07: I have a plugin in ye olde Canary that executes external scripts with dynamicaly loaded commands and i want to port it.
L1831[14:42:21] <Delenas> Explain exactly what you're up to.
L1832[14:42:26] <Delenas> Command syntax for one.
L1833[14:42:31] <diesieben07> uhhh
L1834[14:42:51] <diesieben07> again, you can register new command whenver you like
L1835[14:43:05] <diesieben07> you can also remove them, but that requires some reflection
L1836[14:43:20] <LatvianModder> actually
L1837[14:43:24] <LatvianModder> Well, yes it does
L1838[14:43:29] <Delenas> And you can't offer a prefix? Like /modid <everything else>
L1839[14:43:36] <LatvianModder> BUT, I did it in a cool way for my Permissions mod
L1840[14:44:08] <LatvianModder> Delenas: yeah, but how about player vs op commands?
L1841[14:44:14] <LatvianModder> one command would have to be both
L1842[14:44:32] <LatvianModder> its always better to have more commands, as long as their ID isnt too generic
L1843[14:45:09] <Delenas> At that point, wouldn't you have the same entrypoint anyway?
L1844[14:45:26] <Delenas> I mean, you're pre-parsing the command.
L1845[14:46:04] <Delenas> In any case- pretty sure you're after CommandEvent
L1846[14:46:22] <Delenas> That or ServerChatEvent. Maybe.
L1847[14:46:31] <diesieben07> that only fires for already registered commands
L1848[14:46:48] <BastetFurry> ServerChatEvent only fires for chat, /whatever gets sorted out
L1849[14:47:14] <LatvianModder> unregistring commands is a little.. hard
L1850[14:47:16] <LatvianModder> you see
L1851[14:47:40] <LatvianModder> in command handler, there is not only a Map<String, Command> but also List<Command>.. WHICH MAKES NO SENSE
L1852[14:48:07] <LatvianModder> It coudve been like.. LinkedHashSet or smth
L1853[14:48:20] <LatvianModder> so the entries dont repeat at least
L1854[14:48:25] <LatvianModder> But NO! #rant
L1855[14:48:28] <diesieben07> wat.
L1856[14:48:39] <diesieben07> LinkedHashSet is kinda like... THE worst collection :D
L1857[14:48:51] <diesieben07> also, it is a Set.
L1858[14:49:40] <LatvianModder> https://github.com/LatvianModder/EnkiTools/blob/master/src/main/java/latmod/enkitools/EnkiTools.java#L45-L80
L1859[14:49:59] <LatvianModder> this is what I do in EnkiTools and in FTBU now too
L1860[14:50:06] <LatvianModder> (since it adds Ranks and Permissions very soon)
L1861[14:50:19] <sham1> Linked sets!=
L1862[14:50:25] <sham1> Why
L1863[14:50:26] <Curle|TKD> oo
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L1866[14:51:05] <BastetFurry> Apropos Permissions, is it normal that the debug server crashes horrible if i place ForgeEssentials in the mods dir? :)
L1867[14:51:11] <LatvianModder> Ive never used a LinkedHashSet, only seen it in action in ForgeChunkManager
L1868[14:51:28] <LatvianModder> yes
L1869[14:51:31] <LatvianModder> :P
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L1873[14:57:41] <Curle> Have they changed all methods in Block?
L1874[14:57:45] <Curle> Nothing works!
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L1885[15:11:11] <DebugsPeople> what would be the best way to store an entity pointer in an item
L1886[15:11:19] <masa> UUID
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L1889[15:16:36] <Curle> ForgeDirection has been removed, is there anything similar?
L1890[15:17:42] <TehNut> EnumFacing
L1891[15:18:40] <Curle> Well, there goes my marbles
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L1894[15:20:07] <masa> ? :D
L1895[15:20:19] <DebugsPeople> masa, how do you get the entity by UUID?
L1896[15:23:00] <masa> depends how you want to get them
L1897[15:23:19] <masa> ie. from a box of certain size of the entire world
L1898[15:23:24] <masa> *or
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L1900[15:25:55] <masa> and obviously you can only get entities that are currently loaded
L1901[15:26:07] <Curle> How to get an item's texture?
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L1903[15:26:19] <Curle> IIcon is gone :/
L1904[15:26:30] <Curle> I'm going to be asking a lot of questions it seems
L1905[15:26:43] <masa> get from where/for what?
L1906[15:26:47] <masa> you use models in 1.8
L1907[15:27:09] <Curle> o.o
L1908[15:27:10] <masa> I recommend you read this: https://gist.github.com/williewillus/57d7093efa80163e96e0
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L1910[15:29:17] <thecodewarrior> It takes a lot of getting used to but it's not too bad.
L1911[15:30:52] <Curle> that is one giant mindfuck wall of text O_O
L1912[15:30:56] <Curle> Okay
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L1916[15:36:12] <Curle> Is it possible to get a BlockPos from X and Z?
L1917[15:37:46] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|away
L1918[15:38:57] <masa> new BlockPos(x, y, z) ?
L1919[15:39:06] <thecodewarrior> You mean the top block of the world at that point?
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L1921[15:41:24] <Curle> yep
L1922[15:41:32] <Curle> HighestY
L1923[15:41:42] <DebugsPeople> Curle, do you want to go up or down?
L1924[15:41:52] <DebugsPeople> I guess from the top is down
L1925[15:42:01] <Curle> Highest (up)
L1926[15:42:04] ⇨ Joins: Upth (~ogmar@108-85-88-44.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net)
L1927[15:42:16] <Curle> highest available y is what it's used for
L1928[15:42:38] <Curle> world.getChunkFromBlockCoords(x, z).getTopFilledSegment() + 16; is what i have
L1929[15:43:05] <DebugsPeople> you could iterate through the block pos' from the top and check if it'S not air
L1930[15:43:05] <Curle> that function needs a blockpos
L1931[15:43:39] <masa> World#getTopSOlidOrLiquidBlock() is also a thing
L1932[15:44:36] ⇨ Joins: AbsentThirdEye (~Subconsci@cpe-65-28-43-97.wi.res.rr.com)
L1933[15:44:45] <masa> well if you need to get a chunk, then the y is irrelevant
L1934[15:44:56] <Curle> That's my point
L1935[15:45:01] <masa> just give it a new BlockPos(x, 0, z)
L1936[15:46:13] <masa> there is also getChunkFromChunkCoords so you don't need the BlockPos fiddling in the middle
L1937[15:46:38] <masa> getChunkFromBlockPos(BlockPos pos) call that anyway
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L1939[15:46:48] <thecodewarrior> How do you (if you do) organize your block classes? mine generally end up just a pile of crap from me shoving in methods willy-nilly.
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L1943[15:47:21] <Curle> variables, constructors, methods
L1944[15:47:28] <Curle> in order of usefulness
L1945[15:47:58] <masa> well I have my base block class for my mod which all other extend, then I have one for blocks with tile entity and then further for blocks with an inventory
L1946[15:48:06] <Curle> Don't have any examples because all classes i have are shoving errors at me
L1947[15:48:37] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L1948[15:48:40] <Curle> the vicious cycle of 1.8 modding
L1949[15:48:53] <thecodewarrior> I wish you could just drag stuff around in the... oh my gosh YOU CAN!!!! you can drag methods around in eclipse's outline!!!
L1950[15:48:56] <Curle> code > error > error > error to infinity
L1951[15:49:47] <masa> oh wow, til
L1952[15:50:06] <Curle> take that, IDEA fanboys
L1953[15:51:00] <gigaherz> back
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L1955[15:53:44] * Delenas ponder. Reading through that doc.. how are block stuffs done for inventories now?
L1956[15:54:05] <masa> like what?
L1957[15:54:15] <masa> nothing really changed for inventories
L1958[15:54:22] <Delenas> Nono
L1959[15:54:32] <Delenas> For the icon for a block
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L1961[15:54:38] <masa> models
L1962[15:54:40] <Delenas> I got items.
L1963[15:55:07] <Delenas> So.. in blockstates, have an inventory variant?
L1964[15:55:13] <masa> you have blockstate which points to models
L1965[15:55:31] <masa> oh right block model for inventory variant
L1966[15:55:51] <thecodewarrior> For catwalks, should I have the different materials (steel, stone, wood, custom 1/2/3) be used to craft the catwalk or a decoration you craft and apply. Crafting will be harder, but the decoration means it'll require iron even for the wooden ones...
L1967[15:56:12] <masa> you register one variant of your block model using ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation()
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L1971[15:58:13] <Delenas> Hmm.
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L1974[15:59:31] <Delenas-> I have confusion
L1975[15:59:41] <Delenas-> Blocks can't be registered with ModelLoader..?
L1976[16:00:35] <TehNut> that's for inventory and held models
L1977[16:00:43] <Delenas-> wait. Derp. I may just have forgotten about my resourcepack.
L1978[16:01:20] * Delenas- trying to get a block to show something in the inventory
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L1982[16:03:45] <masa> ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation() with the item you get from the block
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L1985[16:09:55] <Delenas> item from the block? What.
L1986[16:09:59] <Delenas> It's just a block.
L1987[16:10:09] <MattDahEpic> Item.getItemForBlock
L1988[16:10:18] <MattDahEpic> or something of the type
L1989[16:10:23] <SSBlur> Item.getItemFromBlock(Block b)
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L1991[16:11:14] <MattDahEpic> is there any reason why my items wouldn't be showing up in my creative tab?
L1992[16:11:49] <SSBlur> Did you use setCreativeTab?
L1993[16:11:53] <diesieben07> overridden getSubItems to do nothing?
L1994[16:11:54] <diesieben07> or that.
L1995[16:12:12] <SSBlur> Also, if multiple items per variable ^
L1996[16:12:31] ⇦ Quits: Mraof (~mraof@pool-74-110-222-32.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1997[16:12:47] <MattDahEpic> i overrode getsubitems to return the list of items and used setCreativeTab
L1998[16:13:08] <Delenas> repo?
L1999[16:13:09] <diesieben07> show your getSubItems
L2000[16:13:27] <SSBlur> Okay, why are you returning a list form getSubItems?
L2001[16:13:42] <MattDahEpic> https://paste.ee/p/F3pbX
L2002[16:13:42] <SSBlur> You should be adding ItemStacks to the existing list.
L2003[16:13:52] <MattDahEpic> SSBlur, i am
L2004[16:13:58] <SSBlur> Ah, okay
L2005[16:14:14] <SSBlur> Suppose the phrasing threw me off
L2006[16:14:21] <masa> hm, how do I get the transforms from a json model and apply the to ItemLayerModel() that runs in my IModel bake()?
L2007[16:14:21] <diesieben07> that is not the signature for getSubItems....
L2008[16:14:25] <diesieben07> use @Override
L2009[16:14:52] <thecodewarrior> Any reason I might not be able to cast ItemBlockCatwalk.class (extends ItemBlock) to Class<? extends ItemBlock>?
L2010[16:15:19] <SSBlur> No, that seems to be the right function.
L2011[16:15:29] <SSBlur> How do you mean that is the wrong signature?
L2012[16:15:30] <Delenas> You don't cast?
L2013[16:15:42] <diesieben07> getSubItems takes 4 args.
L2014[16:15:55] <masa> no it doesn't...
L2015[16:16:06] <diesieben07> wait
L2016[16:16:11] <diesieben07> i was thinking of somethign else
L2017[16:16:39] <SSBlur> So, is the Enumeration set up properly?
L2018[16:16:53] <diesieben07> you shoudl still use @Override
L2019[16:17:05] <SSBlur> Yes, you should use @Override
L2020[16:17:13] <SSBlur> But that is not the problem here.
L2021[16:17:17] <diesieben07> also are you sure RingkyDinks.tab is not null at the time of the constructor
L2022[16:17:51] <SSBlur> That would throw an exception, setCreativeTab doesn't nullcheck, does it?
L2023[16:18:02] <diesieben07> it does not.
L2024[16:18:07] <diesieben07> null means no tab
L2025[16:18:15] <SSBlur> Oh, doy
L2026[16:18:23] <SSBlur> Forgot it was an assignment function.
L2027[16:18:32] <SSBlur> Potentially, then.
L2028[16:19:53] <thecodewarrior> Any reason my cast might not be working?
L2029[16:20:16] <MattDahEpic> diesieben07, the full code is at https://github.com/MattDahEpic/RingkyDinks/blob/1.8.9/src/main/java/com/mattdahepic/ringkydinks if you want to look
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L2032[16:20:47] <SFSorrow_> Hi.
L2033[16:21:09] <diesieben07> MattDahEpic, yep, you initialize the tab after the Items. hence when the Items are constructed the tab field is still null.
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L2036[16:24:14] <thecodewarrior> It's weird, ItemCloth.class works, and they both have identical inheritance.
L2037[16:24:39] <diesieben07> can you show the item class and your attempt?
L2038[16:24:51] <SSBlur> Anyone know if there is a trick to the returns in getModel? I am trying to return the models of other items, I am hoping I would not have to bind each and every model to this item to do it that way?
L2039[16:25:01] <SSBlur> Sorry if I phrased that odd.
L2040[16:25:13] <diesieben07> which getModel are you talking about?
L2041[16:25:46] <SSBlur> Item > ModelResourceLocation getModel(ItemStack s, EntityPlayer p, int u)
L2042[16:26:03] <thecodewarrior> http://pastebin.com/2LuPAXYQ
L2043[16:26:04] <MattDahEpic> is required-after:modid@*; a valid version spec for any version of mod modid?
L2044[16:26:07] <diesieben07> well, that's a *location* not an actual model
L2045[16:26:17] <diesieben07> so you can just give a vanilla model there
L2046[16:26:17] <SSBlur> I understand this
L2047[16:26:57] <SSBlur> However, it is not working as expected, I was inquiring about its nature before spending a while debugging
L2048[16:27:00] <diesieben07> MattDahEpic, just required-after:modid should be fine
L2049[16:27:34] <diesieben07> it should work fine, what have you tried to return there?
L2050[16:28:20] <diesieben07> thecodewarrior, weird, where exactly do you get the error?
L2051[16:29:21] <thecodewarrior> In BlockCatwalk. the constructer ... Class<ItemBlockCatwalk>) is undefined
L2052[16:30:07] <diesieben07> no idea man
L2053[16:30:13] <thecodewarrior> k. :(
L2054[16:31:35] ⇦ Quits: Pennyw95 (~Dr.Benway@ (Quit: Leaving)
L2055[16:31:54] <diesieben07> thecodewarrior, it works fine here: http://i.imgur.com/h30fBC2.png
L2056[16:32:37] <thecodewarrior> I just checked, and it works in BlockExtended, just not BlockCatwalk... weird.
L2057[16:33:03] <LatvianModder> diesieben07: but. where did clazz go in BlockBase?
L2058[16:33:24] <DebugsPeople> how do you put a local message in chat?
L2059[16:33:31] <diesieben07> nowhere?
L2060[16:33:33] <LatvianModder> define local
L2061[16:33:43] <LatvianModder> like, only for client player?
L2062[16:33:45] <DebugsPeople> only visible for the current player
L2063[16:33:47] <DebugsPeople> yeah
L2064[16:33:56] <LatvianModder> depends on side
L2065[16:34:05] <diesieben07> so you are on the client? then just Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.addChatMessage
L2066[16:34:07] <Delenas> Also, to the folks using Fluxed Redstone- it doesn't check sides. Only if the tile implements IEnergyConnection. Fair warning
L2067[16:34:16] <LatvianModder> if its server side, just send to player you are dealing with, otherwise what diesieben07 said
L2068[16:34:27] <DebugsPeople> ok, thx
L2069[16:34:33] <LatvianModder> if you really need it to be safe, you can use proxy too
L2070[16:34:50] <diesieben07> uh that wont really help you here
L2071[16:35:07] <LatvianModder> well, it wont crash
L2072[16:35:17] <LatvianModder> it wont send the message. but it wont crash on server side
L2073[16:35:33] <diesieben07> imho crashing on a bug is much better than silently ignoring
L2074[16:35:47] <LatvianModder> ok, true
L2075[16:36:01] <LatvianModder> sometimes
L2076[16:36:14] <LatvianModder> not in FTBU's Server Info, for example
L2077[16:36:26] <thecodewarrior> Well, I fixed it. Just make it Class<?> and cast at the last second. Unsafe I know, but screw it, I don't care.
L2078[16:36:39] <LatvianModder> Its not my fault some mod authors have a bad getCommandUsage() so I try {} it
L2079[16:36:52] <diesieben07> define "bad" :D
L2080[16:36:59] <LatvianModder> contains '%'
L2081[16:37:03] <Delenas> .. thecodewarrior, please tell me you at least check the type
L2082[16:37:10] <LatvianModder> that Will crash ChatComponentTranslated
L2083[16:37:28] <LatvianModder> I added a special check for that, but still
L2084[16:37:39] <diesieben07> oh
L2085[16:37:43] <thecodewarrior> Like instanceof, but with the Class object? I don't know how, so no.
L2086[16:37:44] <diesieben07> yeah, but... why is that your fault? :D
L2087[16:37:48] <diesieben07> it should crash vanilla as well
L2088[16:37:53] <LatvianModder> it can't
L2089[16:38:06] <LatvianModder> see, the getCommandUsage() should return lang key
L2090[16:38:13] <LatvianModder> not an actual text
L2091[16:38:15] <diesieben07> I know.
L2092[16:38:30] <diesieben07> so having a raw % in there is not right, but why does that not crash vanilla?
L2093[16:38:32] <LatvianModder> but most just put text there
L2094[16:38:45] <LatvianModder> because vanilla doesnt have it
L2095[16:39:02] <LatvianModder> oh, you mean, /help and stuff? guess again. Thats the reason it crashes in every modpack
L2096[16:39:07] <diesieben07> eh, vanilla also feeds it into ChatComponentTranslation
L2097[16:39:20] <diesieben07> so faulty mods will not just crash with your mod
L2098[16:39:27] <diesieben07> it's their fault, you shouldn't be babysitting them
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L2101[16:39:50] <LatvianModder> Just try it. try /help morpheus (Q already fixed this I think, but im not sure if it made into Infinity or smth)
L2102[16:39:59] <LatvianModder> Thats not how modding works
L2103[16:40:02] <diesieben07> i believe you
L2104[16:40:06] <diesieben07> but yes, that is how it works
L2105[16:40:28] <diesieben07> you should make it blow up with a huge message about "mod X is broken, yell at the author".
L2106[16:40:30] <diesieben07> not your fault.
L2107[16:40:46] <LatvianModder> I could go and hunt down every mod that uses %, OR I can just add try {} catch {} and people wont report ME for I have fixed it on my end
L2108[16:40:55] <diesieben07> you have fixed nothing
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L2110[16:41:17] <diesieben07> i say: try-catch it, in the catch print out huge message about which mod is broken, then rethrow.
L2111[16:41:25] <thecodewarrior> ^ this
L2112[16:41:39] <diesieben07> if people report it to you, direct them at the modders who broke it
L2113[16:41:44] <diesieben07> otehrwise it's never goign to get fixed.
L2114[16:41:51] <diesieben07> ignoring errors is never a good idea.
L2115[16:42:02] <LatvianModder> See.. in error log, it shows that it crashes at ftb.utils.api.guide.ServerGuideFile, what user thinks is "Oh, this is FTBU's fault! Must report to him them", and I dont blame them. But, as you know, its not my mod that is crashing
L2116[16:42:03] <thecodewarrior> Except in the case of IOException. :P
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L2118[16:42:16] <diesieben07> as i said, log it properly
L2119[16:42:24] <diesieben07> but don't just ignore it
L2120[16:42:28] <LatvianModder> I mark broken entries in Guide as red
L2121[16:42:37] <LatvianModder> Thats as passsive agressive as I go :P
L2122[16:42:43] <diesieben07> well, your choice
L2123[16:42:48] <diesieben07> i say it's bad
L2124[16:42:55] ⇦ Quits: JoJoModding (~androirc@p5DEB162C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L2125[16:43:04] <diesieben07> when things are broken it is better to crash than to try and continue
L2126[16:43:34] <LatvianModder> lemme check if I print the error or not
L2127[16:43:47] <LatvianModder> ah, I do not, because it was Really really spammy
L2128[16:44:02] <LatvianModder> Im gonna think of a better way to print this, in like a one like or smth
L2129[16:44:03] <diesieben07> hence: crash
L2130[16:44:05] ⇨ Joins: JoJoModding (~androirc@p5DEB162C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L2131[16:44:13] <KaseiFR> Given a mod jar file, does someone knows how to detect clientside only mods?
L2132[16:44:23] <diesieben07> if you start up a huge modpack there are tons and tons of errors in the console, i do not get it
L2133[16:44:27] <diesieben07> like, people make up your mnd
L2134[16:44:32] <diesieben07> either there is an error, then crash
L2135[16:44:34] <KaseiFR> I'm trying to disable them automatically when deploying a modpack ^^
L2136[16:44:38] <diesieben07> otehrwise don't spam the log
L2137[16:44:54] <diesieben07> KaseiFR, forge already ha sa mechanism to do so, modders just need to use it.
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L2139[16:45:34] <KaseiFR> That's what I heard, but some don't ><
L2140[16:45:50] <diesieben07> there is not really a way to detect them automatically
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L2142[16:47:02] <KaseiFR> I was hoping for something I missed in mcmod.info... Thanks anyway
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L2144[16:47:43] <diesieben07> well, that thing is what i was talking abotu
L2145[16:47:48] <diesieben07> mods jsut don't use it.
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L2147[16:48:33] <masa> use what?
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L2149[16:49:07] <diesieben07> clientSideOnly marker in @Mod
L2150[16:49:31] <masa> well didn't even know about it... :p
L2151[16:50:15] <masa> oh wait I have it on my todo list
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L2153[16:50:26] <masa> I guess it was mentioned recently
L2154[16:51:25] <masa> bleh frickin model system and transformations, so frickin complicated I can't make heads or tails out of it
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L2156[16:52:12] <masa> like, where exactly do the transformations defined in the json models actually get applied to the model?
L2157[16:52:50] <masa> and how can I steal those transformations from a json model and use them on other models I make with ItemLayerModel()?
L2158[16:54:06] <masa> or I guess alternatively how should I get an I[Flexible]BakedModel from said json model so that I can merge the quads to other models?
L2159[16:54:14] <masa> or what the hell am I supposed to do... :D
L2160[16:55:00] <masa> I have my tools with al lthe parts and modules rendering correctly based o nthe tool's data, but they all use the default identity(?) transformation
L2161[16:55:52] <diesieben07> ModelLoaderRegistry.getModel will give you an IModel for any model in the assets
L2162[16:55:58] <diesieben07> wether it's a vanilla json model or whatever
L2163[16:56:20] <diesieben07> this model will include the transformations if it's a wrapped vanilla model
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L2165[16:57:05] <masa> yes I tried using that, but it still resulted in the same default transformation, although I called getDefaultState() on it, so I guess that will get me the default?
L2166[16:57:35] <masa> but there isn't anything else in IModel to get the transformations?
L2167[16:58:12] <masa> there is just the bake() but that then needs the IModelState which would then actually include said transformations, right?
L2168[16:58:17] <masa> so where do I get that from?
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L2170[16:58:21] <diesieben07> no the vanilla transformations are not accessible afaik
L2171[16:58:40] <diesieben07> the vanilla transformations are separate from the IModelState
L2172[16:58:45] <masa> hmm
L2173[16:59:06] <masa> and "vanilal transformation" means anything in jsons, even forge blockstates json?
L2174[16:59:49] <diesieben07> No, it means the stuff in the MODEL json
L2175[16:59:59] <diesieben07> the blockstate json is something else again
L2176[17:00:04] <diesieben07> because that is not actually part of the model
L2177[17:00:08] <diesieben07> it is something *applied* to the model
L2178[17:00:15] <masa> humm
L2179[17:00:17] <masa> sooo
L2180[17:00:24] <diesieben07> the stuff in the model json is not supposed to be modfied
L2181[17:00:31] <diesieben07> its jsut part of the definition of how the model looks
L2182[17:00:49] <diesieben07> the stuff in the blockstate is then a definition of how this model should be rendered, eg rotated
L2183[17:01:13] <diesieben07> (this is all how I understand it :D)
L2184[17:02:22] <masa> well you can change the rotations etc. i nthe jsons so isn't that also how it will be rendered? :p
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L2186[17:02:33] <diesieben07> which jsons are you talking about now?
L2187[17:02:42] <masa> I HAVE NO IDEA
L2188[17:02:44] <masa> :D
L2189[17:02:53] <diesieben07> lol
L2190[17:03:24] <masa> well liek I have a couple of "parent models" that have separate transformations for tools and a couple of other items so that they look ok in first and third person
L2191[17:03:51] <masa> meaning that my forge blockstate then says "model": "item_tool" for example
L2192[17:04:02] <diesieben07> ok so the transformations are in your model
L2193[17:04:08] <masa> yes
L2194[17:04:29] <diesieben07> ok
L2195[17:04:32] <diesieben07> now what is your issue?
L2196[17:04:32] <masa> https://github.com/maruohon/enderutilities/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/enderutilities/models/block/item_tool.json
L2197[17:04:39] <masa> for example that one
L2198[17:05:09] <masa> now I would like to get tha tsame rtansformation applied to models I'm generating with ItemLayerModel() for my "ender tools"
L2199[17:05:58] <diesieben07> is that ItemLayerModel based on that item_tool.json model?
L2200[17:06:00] <masa> but I donät know how I can get that out of any model in my bake() method
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L2202[17:06:33] <masa> https://github.com/maruohon/enderutilities/blob/master/src/main/java/fi/dy/masa/enderutilities/client/renderer/model/ModelEnderTools.java#L221
L2203[17:06:38] <masa> basically that stuff in there
L2204[17:07:41] <diesieben07> uhm
L2205[17:08:05] <diesieben07> i don't even see where that rod model for example comes from
L2206[17:08:28] <masa> nowhere, it is geenrated fro mthe texture
L2207[17:08:46] <masa> http://masa.dy.fi/temp/minecraft/enderutilities/2016-02-04_20.34.41.png
L2208[17:08:52] <masa> so they all render like that atm
L2209[17:09:07] <masa> the default rtansformation is along the player's hand and inside it
L2210[17:09:20] <diesieben07> sooo ok
L2211[17:09:31] <diesieben07> the ItemLayerModel has nothing to do with that item_tool.json model, right?
L2212[17:09:42] <diesieben07> but you want it to be transformed like that json model.
L2213[17:09:44] <diesieben07> correct?
L2214[17:09:47] <masa> atm that is correct
L2215[17:10:01] <masa> so I want to be able to define the transformations in jsons, and then just piece together the different parts
L2216[17:10:39] <masa> but I have no idea how I should handle the transformation things that comes and goes bethween the bake() etc. calls
L2217[17:10:42] <diesieben07> that won't work
L2218[17:10:53] <diesieben07> because the transformations need to be on the final model, not the parts
L2219[17:10:58] <masa> what won't?
L2220[17:11:03] <masa> oh?
L2221[17:11:15] <diesieben07> you need to stitch them together first, then transform the reslt
L2222[17:11:26] <diesieben07> at least that's what my intuituin says
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L2224[17:11:59] <masa> hmm, but iwant to have slightly different scale on some of them, so I need to have that done before I merge them
L2225[17:12:15] <diesieben07> scale is ok i guess :D
L2226[17:12:23] <masa> for example the modules would be slightly thicker so they stick out a little
L2227[17:13:06] <diesieben07> anyways, you can apply a TRSR to the ItemLayerModel by just passing it to bake as the model state
L2228[17:13:38] <masa> right, but how would I get said TRSR based on an existing json model?
L2229[17:14:17] <diesieben07> sec
L2230[17:15:51] <diesieben07> well, so here is the thing
L2231[17:16:28] <diesieben07> forge has a wrapper (ModelLoader.VanillaModelWrapper) for vanilla models (called ModelBlock). this wrapper is the only non-hacky way you get access to vanilla models
L2232[17:16:39] <diesieben07> and it does not expose the transforms defined in the json
L2233[17:16:46] <diesieben07> so the answer is: using reflection or not at all.
L2234[17:17:02] <masa> O_o
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L2236[17:17:39] <diesieben07> just define it again as a TRSR
L2237[17:17:47] <diesieben07> vanilla Models don't use TRSR anyways
L2238[17:17:50] <diesieben07> so you'd have to convert
L2239[17:18:30] <masa> hmm so even if I had the models all done in json, if I piece them together myself, would they still have the default transformation? Or would the IFlexiblebakedModel version already have the json transformations applied?
L2240[17:19:23] <masa> emaning that I wouldn't use ItemLayerModel, but would fetch the existing baked models
L2241[17:19:25] <diesieben07> think of the transformations in the model (!) json as part of the model
L2242[17:19:46] <masa> so the baked model does have them?
L2243[17:19:50] <diesieben07> so if you have a vanilla model as part of an ItemLayerModel that part would have the translations applied
L2244[17:19:54] <diesieben07> i THINK.
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L2246[17:20:17] <masa> hmm, well I guess I'll have to keep fiddling around tomorrow...
L2247[17:20:23] <diesieben07> actually
L2248[17:20:31] <diesieben07> ItemLayerModel doesn't actualyl combine any models does it?
L2249[17:20:39] <diesieben07> all this time I thougth of MultiModel
L2250[17:21:02] <masa> way too tired now, it's 01:20 already and I have an excercise i nthe morning...
L2251[17:21:09] <diesieben07> ItemLayermodel doesn't give a crap about your models, it just wants your textures
L2252[17:21:14] <masa> yes
L2253[17:21:33] <diesieben07> yeha you need to define your transformations as a TRSR in code then.
L2254[17:21:54] <masa> so either I have to get the transformations from somewhere or I need to use already baked models and take the quads from them?
L2255[17:22:13] <diesieben07> it depends on what you wnat.
L2256[17:23:47] <thecodewarrior> Where's the best place to find bored texture artists?
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L2259[17:25:09] <Flashfire> How can I save negative integers as part of an NBT int array?
L2260[17:25:23] <diesieben07> just like any other integers.
L2261[17:25:26] <masa> ?
L2262[17:25:37] <masa> yeah, integer is signed in java
L2263[17:25:39] <Flashfire> I had -24 and it came up as 8388590
L2264[17:25:47] <Flashfire> And -18 came up as 8388560
L2265[17:25:49] <diesieben07> then you did something wrong
L2266[17:26:05] <Flashfire> Alright, good to know the NBT isn't the problem
L2267[17:26:19] <diesieben07> are you using the ICrafting syncing in a container?
L2268[17:26:22] <diesieben07> actualyl no
L2269[17:26:24] <diesieben07> thats not it
L2270[17:26:44] <Flashfire> This is worldsaveddata actually
L2271[17:26:46] <masa> my derpy debug mod might be useful when dealing with NBT
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L2273[17:26:54] <masa> oh well never mind then :D
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L2281[17:33:38] <thecodewarrior> Where might I find bored texture artists? I've got several catwalk textures that I am absolutely failing at making.
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L2283[17:35:09] <gigaherz> I can do industrial stuff a bit, but I'm not a real artist
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L2286[17:36:49] <thecodewarrior> Yeah, the industrial stuff is already done from the old version, though there will be a couple other things I need done. It's the wood and stone catwalks I'm having trouble with.
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L2290[17:43:25] <MattDahEpic> is there a method in Item for when the item enters or exits the inventory?
L2291[17:43:46] <diesieben07> No
L2292[17:44:20] <MattDahEpic> is there a way to call a method when that happens?
L2293[17:44:38] <diesieben07> the inventory meaning the players? or any?
L2294[17:44:40] <diesieben07> and why?
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L2298[17:48:36] <Delenas> o/
L2299[17:49:00] <MattDahEpic> diesieben07, i need to run a method that sets a player uuid into the item nbt and im not going to use a right click to do it
L2300[17:49:50] <diesieben07> you want the UUID of the player who created the item i assume??
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L2302[17:51:17] <MattDahEpic> i want the uuid of the player who's inventory the item is in
L2303[17:51:31] <MattDahEpic> like the baubles onEquipped and onUnequipped methods
L2304[17:51:42] <diesieben07> uhm
L2305[17:51:53] <diesieben07> not sure that is possible
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L2308[18:01:37] <smbarbour> There is certainly some event that occurs when a player picks something up off the ground, even if it isn't Forge-added (vanilla achievements work on this)
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L2310[18:07:41] <Delenas> MattDahEpic, you could check it on item update..
L2311[18:08:22] <MattDahEpic> is there a way to see if it's the first tick something is in an inventory?
L2312[18:09:02] <Delenas> There's PlayerDropsEvent
L2313[18:09:22] <Delenas> Also PlayerEvent.ItemPickupEvent
L2314[18:09:27] <Delenas> Try those?
L2315[18:09:43] <Zaggy2048> could just use onUpdate
L2316[18:09:49] <Zaggy2048> or whatever that method is called
L2317[18:09:56] <Zaggy2048> (I haven't used it in a long time :P)
L2318[18:10:33] <masa> yeah the pickup and drop event only work if the item comes/goes from EntityItem form
L2319[18:11:00] <masa> if you take it from an inventory then you have to use the onUpdate() I think...
L2320[18:13:30] <Delenas> Related- is there a method to use when a player first loads their inventory?
L2321[18:20:59] <SFSorrow_> Maybe something to do with the inventory achievement?
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L2323[18:24:03] <Delenas> Erm. How to better word it..
L2324[18:24:21] <Delenas> Kinda like the LoggedInEvent, but.. any time a player is created.
L2325[18:24:25] <SFSorrow_> Sorry, guess I didn't quite catch your drift?
L2326[18:24:33] <SFSorrow_> Oh.
L2327[18:26:36] <Delenas> I have an item that applies an effect once, but I reaaaaaaally don't want to resort to using onUpdate to check every single tick.
L2328[18:28:51] <Delenas> I mean.. I suppose I could hook to PlayerRespawn and PlayerLoggedIn events, but that might not catch everything..
L2329[18:31:42] <tterrag> Delenas: what do you mean "created"?
L2330[18:33:48] <Delenas> Ah. Change dimensions, logged in, respawned, etc etc. Any time their player.dat file is loaded.
L2331[18:35:45] <tterrag> and you want to...add an effect every time that happens?
L2332[18:35:48] <tterrag> why?
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L2334[18:42:04] <masa> does entity constructing event fire for players?
L2335[18:42:13] <masa> that should do it
L2336[18:42:22] <gigaherz> yes it does
L2337[18:42:28] <gigaherz> that's the main way to attach IEEPs
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L2339[18:43:07] <Delenas> tterrag, enchanted thing. Can potentially modify player capabilities
L2340[18:44:19] <tterrag> ok, well cloned players should keep their capabilities no?
L2341[18:45:13] <tterrag> so really all you need to worry about is when the item is put in/out of the inventory
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L2343[18:48:42] <Delenas> I'm finding no
L2344[18:49:01] <gigaherz> capabilities have the same issue as IEEPs, yo uneed to manually copy over on clone
L2345[18:49:03] <gigaherz> (I tested it)
L2346[18:49:09] <tterrag> what?
L2347[18:49:10] ⇨ Joins: Poppy (~Poppy@chello085216146055.chello.sk)
L2348[18:49:14] <tterrag> capabilities are written in writeEntityToNBT
L2349[18:49:18] <tterrag> so that makes no sense
L2350[18:49:29] <Delenas> On setting player.capabilities.allowFlying, world reload it's reset
L2351[18:49:31] <gigaherz> I made a capability that counts the number of times the player jumps
L2352[18:49:39] <gigaherz> before death -> 50, after death -> 0
L2353[18:49:53] <gigaherz> oh wait
L2354[18:49:56] <gigaherz> you mean THOSE capabilities
L2355[18:50:14] <Delenas> Yus.
L2356[18:50:24] <gigaherz> yeah nevermind then
L2357[18:50:26] <gigaherz> ;P
L2358[18:50:43] * gigaherz grumbles about having two things called capabilities, that can apply to the same thing
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L2360[18:51:21] <Delenas> You were talking about the block/tile capabilities?
L2361[18:51:36] <VikeStep> MattDahEpic, why do you need to store the player that has an item in their inventory? There might be another way to do it
L2362[18:52:10] <Delenas> Vike: I'd imagine something similar to BloodMagic tools
L2363[18:52:28] <VikeStep> yeah, I see there are reasons for it, but maybe there is an alternative approach
L2364[18:52:29] <MattDahEpic> VikeStep, im making a ring that sets a value when it enters a player inventory and needs to unset it when it leaves
L2365[18:52:30] <VikeStep> depending on what it is
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L2367[18:52:48] <Delenas> Can you be more specific?
L2368[18:52:58] <VikeStep> what value?
L2369[18:53:18] <VikeStep> maybe instead, when you want to check that value, you just check if the item is in the given players inventory
L2370[18:53:24] <VikeStep> rather than getting the player from the item
L2371[18:53:58] <FusionLord> am I missing something here my AT isn't working... http://puu.sh/mWaL4/76a61c060f.png and yes I ran setupdecompworkspace again
L2372[18:54:15] <VikeStep> what isn't working FusionLord?
L2373[18:54:25] <VikeStep> those underlines are because intellij thinks they are spelling mistakes
L2374[18:54:26] <FusionLord> my ATs
L2375[18:54:33] <VikeStep> is it not transforming
L2376[18:54:38] <FusionLord> no
L2377[18:55:20] <VikeStep> did you add the AT to your build.gradle
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L2379[18:56:06] <FusionLord> nope... I'll brb to let you know if it worked thanks :P
L2380[18:56:24] <MattDahEpic> VikeStep, lets assume player.capabilities.allowFlying
L2381[18:56:35] <VikeStep> ahhh, I see
L2382[18:57:20] <VikeStep> Well, with a lack of event the best you can do is run the check every tick for the player
L2383[18:57:38] <VikeStep> or make a PR to forge if you can make a good use case and reason for it
L2384[18:58:09] <VikeStep> depends on whether you are worried about the added overhead from the former
L2385[18:58:44] <FusionLord> add events for all of the things :P jk
L2386[18:59:36] <gigaherz> [01:51] (Delenas): You were talking about the block/tile capabilities?
L2387[18:59:49] <gigaherz> the new capability system added by forge can be applied to entities, tileentities, and itemstacks
L2388[19:00:26] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Documentation/blob/master/docs/datastorage/capabilities.md
L2389[19:00:36] <gigaherz> I wrote that for this PR: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/Documentation/pull/34
L2390[19:00:42] <FusionLord> is there somewhere I can read about capabilities... I know nothing about them
L2391[19:00:50] <gigaherz> FusionLord: check my link ;P
L2392[19:01:04] <VikeStep> FusionLord, they are the new IEEP
L2393[19:01:09] <gigaherz> note that "player.capabilities.allowFlying" is a different kind of capabilities
L2394[19:01:09] <gigaherz> ;P
L2395[19:01:33] <FusionLord> gigaherz, I was just reading it :P
L2396[19:01:59] <FusionLord> IExtendedEntityProperties?
L2397[19:02:12] <MattDahEpic> VikeStep, the only thing im worried about is since i can check if its the first update, how do i know if it's the last update?
L2398[19:02:13] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Documentation/blob/master/docs/datastorage/extendedentityproperties.md
L2399[19:02:18] <gigaherz> ;P
L2400[19:02:24] <FusionLord> haha I was right
L2401[19:02:25] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Documentation/blob/master/docs/datastorage/worldsaveddata.md
L2402[19:02:28] <VikeStep> MattDahEpic, check if its not in the inventory any more
L2403[19:02:34] <gigaherz> whiel I was at it ;P
L2404[19:02:36] <VikeStep> if it isn't then set flying to false
L2405[19:02:45] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
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L2407[19:05:20] <FusionLord> that momentt that your computer is going so fast you cannot scroll up in the log... #FastComputerProblems...
L2408[19:06:53] <VikeStep> pretty sure any computer from the last 10 years can write a program which can log that fast
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L2410[19:07:26] <VikeStep> although, depends on the log in your case
L2411[19:08:18] <FusionLord> !gf currentBlock
L2412[19:09:37] <FusionLord> does !gf work for all mappings?
L2413[19:09:43] <tterrag> all fields
L2414[19:10:09] <FusionLord> yeah I got that tterrag, but for all mcpMappings?
L2415[19:10:17] <FusionLord> versions
L2416[19:10:20] <tterrag> no
L2417[19:10:23] <tterrag> current version only
L2418[19:10:26] <tterrag> specify a version at the end
L2419[19:11:00] <FusionLord> so 2014+ ?
L2420[19:11:06] <Flashfire> Is there something wrong with ByteBufUtils.WriteVarShort?
L2421[19:11:26] <VikeStep> Flashfire, what isn't working?
L2422[19:11:32] <tterrag> FusionLord: what?
L2423[19:11:48] <Flashfire> -22 turns into 8388586
L2424[19:11:49] <VikeStep> FusionLord, add the mc version name after you call !gf
L2425[19:12:08] <VikeStep> you need a signed short
L2426[19:12:15] <VikeStep> that is an unsigned short
L2427[19:12:17] <FusionLord> ok so i will work for any 1.8.9 mappings
L2428[19:12:21] <Flashfire> Oh
L2429[19:12:41] <Flashfire> There isn't anything like that in the write functions
L2430[19:12:48] <Flashfire> Only int and short and both are signed
L2431[19:13:29] <FusionLord> http://puu.sh/mWbLV/e5515e9d02.png I tried and it is still private
L2432[19:13:41] <Flashfire> Do I have to use a string?
L2433[19:14:27] <VikeStep> Flashfire, when you read it, you can read it as signed
L2434[19:14:33] <FusionLord> derp IntelliJ kept the cached Class opened rather than the new pointer
L2435[19:14:35] <FusionLord> sorry
L2436[19:14:42] <VikeStep> writing it isn't the issue
L2437[19:15:04] <Flashfire> Oh, I see
L2438[19:15:07] <Flashfire> Thank you
L2439[19:15:38] <VikeStep> Flashfire, it may use Two's Complement notation, so double check that
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L2441[19:17:55] <Flashfire> Am I supposed to use ByteBufUtils or the ByteBuf object?
L2442[19:18:18] <VikeStep> ByteBufUtils adds some methods that may be useful
L2443[19:18:18] <Flashfire> I tried reading with ByteBuf what I wrote in ByteBufUtils and I got another weird number
L2444[19:19:02] <Flashfire> I tried writing and reading and my client froze but that may just be a fluke
L2445[19:19:17] <FusionLord> boni, any reason for not using PlayerControllerMP.func_181040_m() and usinig this https://github.com/SlimeKnights/TinkersConstruct/blob/master/resources/META-INF/TConstruct_at.cfg#L24 ?
L2446[19:20:40] <Flashfire> Yeah it still doesn't seem to give me the right number
L2447[19:21:00] <VikeStep> Flashfire, I just checked and can confirm that 8388586 in binary is the twos complement representation of -22
L2448[19:21:09] <VikeStep> so you can do a little math to convert it over
L2449[19:21:34] <VikeStep> there is probably a library somewhere for that
L2450[19:21:48] <Flashfire> I'll have to look it up, I forget how to do that stuff
L2451[19:22:36] <VikeStep> basically, convert to binary, flip all the bits, add 1, then back to decimal
L2452[19:22:45] <Flashfire> Ah
L2453[19:22:55] <Flashfire> Yeah it's coming back to me now
L2454[19:23:00] <VikeStep> you add 1 because negative numbers start at -1, not -0
L2455[19:25:23] <VikeStep> you can use ~ operator to flip all the bits
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L2458[19:27:54] <Flashfire> Short.reverseBytes seems like it should work but I get -5377 instead of -22
L2459[19:30:27] <VikeStep> wait... are you casting to short?
L2460[19:30:35] <VikeStep> or reading it and keeping it as int
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L2462[19:31:39] <Flashfire> I casted it to a short to do that
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L2465[19:36:12] <Flashfire> Ok I'm really not sure how to do this
L2466[19:36:21] <VikeStep> alright, so I just realised that the value you have doesn't make any sense
L2467[19:36:31] <VikeStep> because it is a 24 bit two's complement number
L2468[19:37:31] <Flashfire> :/
L2469[19:37:52] <VikeStep> and in that case, casting it to short makes perfect sense because it is a 32 bit value
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L2472[19:40:06] <Flashfire> With ~8388586 & 0xff I got 21
L2473[19:40:29] <Flashfire> Does that mean take that, multiply by -1 and subtract 1?
L2474[19:40:57] <VikeStep> that works I guess
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L2476[19:41:17] <VikeStep> why are you doing &0xFF?
L2477[19:41:35] <VikeStep> that means that you will not be able to read positive values
L2478[19:41:51] <VikeStep> oh yeah... positive values may not work with the whole overflow thing as well
L2479[19:41:59] <Flashfire> This issue only happens with negatives
L2480[19:42:10] <Flashfire> I can use a boolean to only do the calculation for negatives
L2481[19:42:31] <VikeStep> anyways, I was looking through ByteBufUtils and it seems that it only writes 24 bit values
L2482[19:42:35] <VikeStep> for writeVarShort
L2483[19:42:38] <VikeStep> this might be a bug
L2484[19:42:46] <Flashfire> Oh, I see
L2485[19:42:50] <VikeStep> acutally
L2486[19:42:53] <VikeStep> I know why
L2487[19:43:06] <VikeStep> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/FML/blob/master/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/fml/common/network/ByteBufUtils.java#L76-L89
L2488[19:43:11] <VikeStep> it writes it twice
L2489[19:43:41] <VikeStep> so you should use ByteBufUtils readVarShort
L2490[19:43:45] <VikeStep> since it handles that properly
L2491[19:44:21] <Flashfire> That's what I've been using
L2492[19:44:26] <Flashfire> It did not handle it properly
L2493[19:45:27] <VikeStep> I'm confusing myself right now, maybe someone else can figure out why it's not working
L2494[19:45:34] <VikeStep> also I need to get back to work
L2495[19:46:16] <Flashfire> Yeah, probably a good idea
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L2501[20:02:00] <FusionLord> was just gonna ask shde something :P
L2502[20:02:15] <FusionLord> guess that was 14minutes ago
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L2510[20:14:51] <FusionLord> could someone assist me with this, http://pastebin.com/3tFgjtjF , The blockstate.json is in the same paste below...
L2511[20:16:00] <FusionLord> I'm betting it has to do with isFoot, case sensitivity -.-
L2512[20:16:28] <TehNut> all fields in the json should be lowercased
L2513[20:16:43] <FusionLord> yeah it was just a typo :P
L2514[20:18:58] <FusionLord> Teh is there a way to rotate based on two state properties?
L2515[20:19:30] <tterrag> use the forge format
L2516[20:19:32] <tterrag> not vanilla
L2517[20:19:52] <FusionLord> i am I think.... I have
L2518[20:19:53] <FusionLord> "forge_marker": 1,
L2519[20:19:53] <TehNut> that is forge format
L2520[20:21:06] <tterrag> ok, then it's easy, just apply rotations in each state
L2521[20:21:38] <FusionLord> so "Y": 180 ... that doesn't seem to be working
L2522[20:21:56] <tterrag> lowercase y
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L2524[20:22:13] <FusionLord> right
L2525[20:22:15] <tterrag> what you have in the paste should work
L2526[20:22:18] <FusionLord> that wasn't cp
L2527[20:22:35] ⇨ Joins: EyeOfKoishi (~Subconsci@cpe-65-28-43-97.wi.res.rr.com)
L2528[20:22:35] <tterrag> but if it's facing south 180 rotation will add up to 0
L2529[20:22:42] <FusionLord> it does I was rotating by 90 not 180
L2530[20:22:43] <Delenas> Fusion: You're asking for if two states are equal, do a rotation?
L2531[20:22:51] <FusionLord> fail
L2532[20:23:18] <FusionLord> no Delenas it is working as intended just I wasn't rotating by the correct value
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L2534[20:24:44] <Delenas> Needless to say, models are fun. http://i.imgur.com/OfB5ZJz.png
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L2536[20:27:31] <FusionLord> i have something similar :P http://puu.sh/mWfR9/088d04b93a.jpg
L2537[20:27:46] <FusionLord> I need to translate in my blender
L2538[20:27:48] <Delenas> \o/
L2539[20:27:51] <FusionLord> lol
L2540[20:28:03] <Delenas> http://i.imgur.com/ofA8gGs.png (Got it working later)
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L2543[20:29:39] <Delenas> y'know. If Mojang could add a gamerule for weather, that'd be awesome.
L2544[20:29:43] <FusionLord> I had it working well at one point as 1 single obj, now i have seperated the obj into 2 because tthere was a bug in the breaking animation with models that extend past 1m^3 #BlameShadeKiller666
L2545[20:31:26] <FusionLord> Delenas, why don't you?
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L2548[20:33:42] <Delenas> Because vanilla should've had that crap ten versions ago. Eh.
L2549[20:34:10] <Delenas> I'm not into injecting into vanilla code to poke around weather. Nope.
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L2552[20:39:38] <tterrag> yeah it wouldn't really be easy
L2553[20:39:43] <tterrag> there's no events for weather or anything
L2554[20:40:09] <tterrag> easiest way I can see is to replace every world's WorldInfo with a wrapper
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L2557[20:41:18] * Delenas can barely manage rendering. God forbid overriding vanilla stuff with injections and whatnot.
L2558[20:41:30] <Delenas> I mean. I'm pretty decent at reflection, but still.
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L2560[20:43:28] <tterrag> you keep using that word "injections"
L2561[20:43:33] <tterrag> I don't think it means what you think it means
L2562[20:44:13] <tterrag> create class extending WorldInfo -> passthrough all methods except isRaining() -> reflect World.worldInfo
L2563[20:44:36] <Delenas> I am known to misuse words, yes.
L2564[20:45:26] <Delenas> Makes it a paint o read long documentation like the Capability stuff
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L2568[20:53:58] <Drullkus> Can I render both a TESR and a IBakedModel on the same block?
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L2572[21:21:05] <Dagarath> Curious if there is a way to get the unlocalized name from a localized name... I know how to do it the other way around
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L2574[21:23:11] <Flashfire> Do you not have access to the block or item to use getUnlocalizedName?
L2575[21:23:38] <tterrag> Dagarath: that's not how localizing works...also what would be the point of that
L2576[21:25:52] <Dagarath> ok well how about the unlocalized name from the game registry names? since many items differ entirely (like diamond_hoe vs item.hoeDiamond)
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L2578[21:26:12] <TehNut> registry name -> item/block -> getUnlocalizedName(ItemStack)
L2579[21:26:35] <Dagarath> pffff yea, glad I didnt think of that super simple method, lol Thanks TehNut
L2580[21:26:38] <tterrag> or just stack.getUnlocalizedName :P
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L2582[21:26:52] <Dagarath> get the item first, then the name from it...duh lol
L2583[21:27:07] <Dagarath> Sometimes I swear my
L2584[21:27:15] <Dagarath> my brain is in my butt
L2585[21:29:11] <TehNut> Why do you want the unlocalized name?
L2586[21:29:23] <FusionLord> is there a way to set a model to nothing but no have a cubeall with missing texture render
L2587[21:29:29] <FusionLord> in blockstate.json
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L2589[21:29:52] <tterrag> make a model that renders nothing
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L2592[21:34:18] <Dagarath> Well I dont exactly need the unlocalized name, was planning to print out display names for a list, now...well I can just do that directly lol
L2593[21:34:35] <Dagarath> I derped so hard lol
L2594[21:34:42] <FusionLord> tterrag, turns out the rotations are not stacking, the bottom one is taking over
L2595[21:34:52] <Dagarath> I've been using GameData to make itemstacks all day
L2596[21:38:56] <tterrag> FusionLord: they should stack
L2597[21:39:03] <tterrag> if they don't then what's the point of that
L2598[21:39:11] <FusionLord> welp they aren''t ;(
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L2602[21:51:44] <Flashfire> What json files do I need for a block that is handled by a custom state mapper?
L2603[21:52:39] <Flashfire> In my ide my blocks work but as a jar it looks for json models and can't find them and I get a missing texture
L2604[21:54:07] <tterrag> make sure you aren't using any uppercase names
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L2606[21:56:09] <FusionLord> tterrag, http://www.twitch.tv/fusionlord
L2607[21:58:11] <Flashfire> I'm not using any uppercase names :/
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L2609[22:00:51] <killjoy> has anyone used tablist plus?
L2610[22:02:20] <FusionLord> who wrote the forge blockstate variant?
L2611[22:02:30] <killjoy> fry I think
L2612[22:02:58] <FusionLord> think I might just make 4 moodels instead of recycling the two
L2613[22:03:08] <FusionLord> may make it easier
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L2620[22:14:26] <MattDahEpic> is there a better/less cycle costly way to do https://github.com/MattDahEpic/RingkyDinks/blob/1.8.9/src/main/java/com/mattdahepic/ringkydinks/RingkyDinks.java#L76
L2621[22:19:49] <killjoy> Does anyone know how to handle a multipart/form-data http request using python and cgi?
L2622[22:20:58] <VikeStep> MattDahEpic, you should profile it to see if it takes too long
L2623[22:21:01] <VikeStep> it might not take long at all
L2624[22:21:33] <MattDahEpic> it doesnt but with a large modpack i dont want to take too long
L2625[22:21:52] <VikeStep> you can make it so that it only calls every 20 ticks
L2626[22:22:09] <VikeStep> or 10 ticks if you want it that fast
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L2628[22:22:22] <VikeStep> you could also probably cache the playerEntityList
L2629[22:23:15] <killjoy> Is django worth it for a simple file upload?
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L2631[22:24:16] <VikeStep> killjoy, this seems to be the recommended http library http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/
L2632[22:24:40] <VikeStep> I was looking into it once but then realised I could just use urllib for what I want without bothering with installing the library
L2633[22:24:42] <killjoy> This is server-side. I'm receiving requests, not sending them.
L2634[22:24:46] <VikeStep> ah
L2635[22:25:10] <VikeStep> there is also Flask if you wanted it
L2636[22:25:15] <killjoy> Doesn't python have built-in support for multipart anyway?
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L2639[22:32:55] <killjoy> wow, there's a stackexchange for everything
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L2670[23:46:15] <VikeStep> just found this http://www.jsfuck.com/
L2671[23:51:11] ⇨ Joins: Ri5ux (~Ri5ux@ip68-106-209-194.om.om.cox.net)
L2672[23:52:07] <Ri5ux> !gm renderParticle 1.7.10
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L2674[23:52:27] <Ri5ux> !gm renderParticle
L2675[23:53:21] <xaero> is that, uh, a legal subset of javascript? wtf
L2676[23:54:22] ⇨ Joins: Matthew (~matthew@dedi.matthewprenger.com)
L2677[23:56:57] <xaero> that totally remembers me of the wat talk hehe
L2678[23:57:07] <xaero> reminds*
L2679[23:58:33] <xaero> https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/wat
L2680[23:58:41] ⇦ Quits: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@x55b03717.dyn.telefonica.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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