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L106[01:34:00] <Unh0ly_Tigg> When the
console spits out "Model definition for location
{location}#normal not found" is it referring to a blockstate
json entry, a models/block json entry, or a models/item json
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L120[01:42:35] <masa> is anything
L121[01:43:30] <Unh0ly_Tigg> items render
fine in inventory and in hand, but are missingmodel in-world
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L126[01:46:57] <Unh0ly_Tigg> yeah, already
had that site loaded...
L127[01:47:34] <Unh0ly_Tigg> figured it
out, the mapping between IBlockState and ModelResourceLocation
isn't what I wanted it to be, implementing my own now.
⇨ Joins: Wuppy (~wuppyZNC@abrarsyed.com)
L130[01:55:16] <Unh0ly_Tigg> the 7 blocks
on the nearest row, on the left now render in-world properly
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Quits: bilde2910 (bilde2910@ (Ping timeout: 195
L133[01:57:11] <cookta2012> General mod
question would a simple mod that only adds a food item, no custom
renders, would it potentially be compatable with 1.8.9 when it was
written with 1.8.8
L134[01:58:07] <Unh0ly_Tigg> theoretically
yes, it should be checked though, just to be sure.
L135[01:58:49] <cookta2012> ok
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bilde2910|away is now known as bilde2910
L138[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV]
Pushing snapshot_20160111 mappings to Forge Maven.
L139[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV]
Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160111-1.8.9.zip
(mappings = "snapshot_20160111" in build.gradle).
L140[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live
(every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed)
MCPBot mapping exports can be found here:
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Quits: LatvianModder (uid50299@id-50299.charlton.irccloud.com)
(Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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Parts: cookta2012 (Elite15290@ipv6.3.rho.elitebnc.org)
L144[02:05:12] <Wuppy> it's always
interesting when there's a random person in your living room
L145[02:05:23] <Unh0ly_Tigg> ummm
L146[02:05:26] <Unh0ly_Tigg> wut
L147[02:05:35] <Wuppy> roommates
L148[02:10:41] ***
Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L149[02:20:30] <ThePsionic> Unh0ly_Tigg:
That's a whole lot of fire
⇨ Joins: Magik6k (~Magik6k_@magik6k.net)
L151[02:29:26] <McJty> What is the
difference between Block.isFullCube() and isFullBlock?
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reset by peer)
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L186[03:00:25] <killjoy> Looks like searge
is starting to work on web links (MC-30864) now.
L187[03:00:38] <killjoy> It only took them
a year
⇨ Joins: Noppes
L189[03:02:01] <kashike> I'm glad it
took them a year
L190[03:02:12] <kashike> chat links should
be less important than other fixes
L191[03:02:14] <kashike> :P
⇨ Joins: RedBullWasTaken
L193[03:10:51] <masa> and they still
haven't fixed the number one most annoying bug that I
constantly hit while playing normally, which has been in the game
since 1.7 ;_;
L194[03:11:06] <masa> ie. the sounds
restarting when exiting guiscreens
L195[03:11:26] <masa> everything else is
L196[03:11:41] <masa> hat bug is so
annoying when browsing chests etc
L197[03:12:23] <masa> if they would fix
that for 1.9 then I *might* consider updating to it, without fixing
it I'm fairly certain I won't
L198[03:12:49] <masa> then again, might as
well fix that in a mod and stay in 1.8 :p
L199[03:13:11] <masa> on my vanilla server
that is
L200[03:14:30] <TehNut> I never play with
sound on so I guess I've never noticed that
L201[03:14:38] ⇦
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L203[03:17:08] <masa> how can you play
without sounds? O_o
L204[03:17:51] <TehNut> I find them
extremely annoying
L205[03:18:04] <TehNut> BAAA BAA BAAA MOO
L206[03:18:19] <TehNut> Been playing muted
for 4 years
L207[03:18:29] <killjoy> kashike, and now
it's been closed. "Works as intended"
L208[03:18:54] <tterrag> masa: that is
particularly interesting
L209[03:19:03] <tterrag> interesting? I
shouldn't chat at 4am
L210[03:19:05] <tterrag> annoying*
L211[03:23:49] ***
fry|sleep is now known as fry
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(Quit: bed time!)
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Quits: Something12 (~Something@s010634bdfa9eca7b.vs.shawcable.net)
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L217[03:42:33] <killjoy> Somehow, dividing
by 0 resulted in Integer.MAX_VALUE
L218[03:44:42] <tterrag> 0? or 0f? or
L219[03:44:48] <tterrag> it was likely
L220[03:45:14] <killjoy> 0f
L221[03:45:25] <killjoy> that was probably
L222[03:45:26] <tterrag> bingo :P
L223[03:45:30] <tterrag> yaay floating
L224[03:45:34] <killjoy> :)
L225[03:45:35] <killjoy> :D
L226[03:46:02] ⇦
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Connection reset by peer)
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L233[04:08:07] <Nitrodev> Hi all
L234[04:08:42] <killjoy> Hello
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(Quit: I am the forgotten eye.)
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L246[04:59:06] <Nitrodev> Ah reading, how
ive missed you
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kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L250[05:07:28] ⇦
Quits: fuj1n (~fuj1n@ (Quit: Sleep)
L251[05:09:50] <Wuppy> god damn what a
terrible weather :C
⇨ Joins: Pennyw95
L253[05:10:39] ⇦
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L255[05:12:15] <Wuppy> oh of fucknig
L256[05:12:23] <Nitrodev> How so
L257[05:12:27] <Wuppy> the only time
it's going to rain today is the time I had to be outside
L258[05:13:43] <Nitrodev> Lol
L259[05:14:13] <Nitrodev> Well its -18°C
here alm the time so :P
L260[05:14:24] <Nitrodev> Atleast you
arent freezing
L261[05:14:51] <Wuppy> norway?
L262[05:15:28] <Nitrodev> More east
L263[05:15:57] <Wuppy> soviet
L264[05:16:13] <Nitrodev> Border to
L265[05:16:16] <Nitrodev> FIN
L266[05:24:03] <Pennyw95> what would be a
vanilla minecraft example of a quad made with worldRenderer in
L267[05:25:52] <Nitrodev> A quad?
L268[05:26:18] <Pennyw95> actually the
beacon renderer might be worth looking at
L269[05:26:21] <Pennyw95> yes, a
L270[05:28:11] <Nitrodev> Whats
L271[05:29:53] <McJty> Nitrodev, a polygon
made out of four vertices is a quad
L272[05:30:04] <Pennyw95> well it's
the geometrical polygon that has 4 vertexes...like a square, a
rectangle...you can draw these
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L274[05:30:24] <Nitrodev> Vertices?
L275[05:30:32] <covers1624_> ^^
L276[05:30:36] ***
covers1624_ is now known as covers1624
L277[05:30:41] <Nitrodev> Jesus this
english is advanced
L278[05:30:50] <McJty> Nitrodev, you
really need to get some graphics knowledge it seems.
L279[05:30:59] <McJty> Nitrodev, a vertex
is a corner of a polygon or triangle
L280[05:31:05] <McJty> A cube has eight of
L281[05:31:14] <Nitrodev> Ah
L282[05:31:45] <Nitrodev> And come on i
dont speak english as my native languahe
L283[05:31:48] <Nitrodev> So
L284[05:31:50] <covers1624> and a quad is
4 of them, hence the name quad
L285[05:31:59] <McJty> Nitrodev, neither
do I.
L286[05:32:25] <Nitrodev> But you are
twice as old as i am
L287[05:32:33] <McJty> Perhaps :-)
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L289[05:32:39] <Nitrodev> Well atleast
L290[05:32:53] <Nitrodev> Im a 99
L291[05:35:00] <Pennyw95> heh...I never
thought that now people use their birth year to tell their age in
every country
L292[05:35:30] <Nitrodev> I just didnt
feel like saying "im 16" again
L293[05:35:37] <Nitrodev> Ive said it
L294[05:35:37] ⇦
Quits: Something12 (~Something@S010634bdfa9eca7b.vs.shawcable.net)
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L295[05:35:56] <OrionOnline> fry you
L296[05:36:06] <Pennyw95> sure, it was
just something I didn't expect :)
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L298[05:36:55] <Pennyw95> have I got the
new worldrenderer right?
L299[05:37:01] <OrionOnline> Is there a
way to dynamically change the texture on a OBJ Model depending on
L300[05:37:32] <Pennyw95>
wr.startDrawingQuads -> wr.begin(7,
L301[05:38:12] <Pennyw95>
wr.addVertexWithUV(x,y,z,,u,v) ->
L302[05:38:20] <Pennyw95>
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L304[05:41:01] <Pennyw95> well that's
a rhetoric question, shit aint working
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L306[05:46:55] <Pennyw95> OrionOnline:
maybe you can have a variable changed by readFromNBT and let the
renderer match the texture with the var?
L307[05:47:07] ⇦
Quits: Nitrodev (~Nitrodev@37-219-57-218.nat.bb.dnainternet.fi)
(Quit: Bye)
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L309[05:51:34] <OrionOnline> I would like
to use a static model
L310[05:51:39] <OrionOnline> And retexture
one of them
L311[05:51:46] ⇦
Quits: Test (~CoolerExt@ (Ping timeout: 186
L312[05:51:54] <OrionOnline> But i donnot
know if it is possible to change the texture on the fly
L313[05:53:09] <Wuppy> wow, xcom 2 is
amazing :O
L314[05:53:11] <Wuppy> me wants
L315[05:53:54] <OrionOnline> :P
L316[05:54:49] <Pennyw95> me neither,
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kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L319[06:03:25] ⇦
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(~covers162@ppp118-210-27-238.lns20.adl2.internode.on.net) (Read
error: Connection reset by peer)
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L321[06:03:50] ⇦
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Connection reset by peer)
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L326[06:16:55] <Nitrodev> am back
L327[06:20:42] ***
kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L328[06:24:44] <Wuppy> how does one print
a message to the chat again?
L329[06:33:36] <Pennyw95> if think it was
something like entityplayer.addChatMessage
L330[06:34:14] <Wuppy> thanks :)
L331[06:35:00] <Pennyw95> np
L332[06:35:41] <gigaherz> that only sends
the message to one player, tere's another method in like
world, that sends to everyone
L333[06:35:41] <gigaherz> ;P
L334[06:35:46] <gigaherz>
L335[06:35:52] <gigaherz> can't
remember the exact place
L336[06:36:00] <gigaherz> something
server-related XD
L337[06:36:08] <Pennyw95> oh i don't
know then
L338[06:36:17] <Pennyw95> but gigaherz I
have a question
L339[06:36:38] <gigaherz> shoot?
L340[06:36:42] <Pennyw95>
wr.startDrawingQuads -> wr.begin(7,
L341[06:36:50] <gigaherz> not
L342[06:36:54] <gigaherz>
L343[06:37:06] <gigaherz> blame inlining
of constants ;P
L344[06:37:11] <Pennyw95>
wr.addVertexwithUV(x,y,z,u,v) -> wr.pos(x,y,z).tex(u,v)
L345[06:37:19] <gigaherz>
L346[06:37:23] <Pennyw95> oh, here it is!
I was copying the beacon's rendere
L347[06:37:24] <gigaherz> never forget
L348[06:37:26] <Pennyw95> right
L349[06:37:33] <Pennyw95> and then
L350[06:37:39] <gigaherz> yes
L351[06:37:57] <gigaherz> although you
could save the tesellator instance to a variable sinceyou probably
used it to get to worldrenderer
L352[06:38:12] <Pennyw95> sure
L353[06:38:12] <gigaherz> but yeah pretty
L354[06:38:17] <Pennyw95> thanks :)
L356[06:39:03] <gigaherz> this is what I
do to draw .obj models from my TESRs/entities
L357[06:40:25] ***
kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L358[06:40:48] <Wuppy> gigaherz, I've
looked at references for the chat and I think that the player one
is the only way to do it
L359[06:41:12] <Wuppy> well, also twitch
but that's not related to what I want
L360[06:41:29] <gigaherz> yeah
L361[06:41:30] <gigaherz> hmm
L362[06:41:32] <Pennyw95>
L363[06:41:32] <gigaherz> dunno then
L364[06:41:50] <gigaherz> I haven't
actually used chat messages myself
L365[06:41:59] <gigaherz> I just go from
what I have read here and recall
L366[06:42:59] ⇦
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timeout: 189 seconds)
L367[06:45:19] <Nitrodev> gigaherz, your
mod is SO useful in 1.8.9 when there is no rf gen mods
L368[06:45:29] <McJty> There are rf gen
L369[06:45:34] <McJty> RFTools +
L370[06:45:38] <McJty> Perhaps more
L371[06:45:41] <Nitrodev> oh yeah
L372[06:45:43] <Nitrodev> i forgot
L373[06:45:49] <gigaherz> McJty: rftools
is out on 1.8.9?
L374[06:45:56] <Nitrodev> it is
L375[06:45:57] <McJty> Early and
incomplete beta
L376[06:45:58] <gigaherz> buildcraft is
out on 1.8.9? :O
L377[06:46:02] <Nitrodev> it is
L378[06:46:03] <McJty> yep, beta too
L379[06:46:10] <gigaherz> nice
L380[06:46:11] <Nitrodev> but not on
L381[06:46:16] <Nitrodev> in the web
L382[06:46:19] <gigaherz> ah that explains
why I didn't find them
L383[06:46:19] <gigaherz> XD
L384[06:46:20] <McJty> 1.8.9 has Tinkers
Construct, Thaumcraft, BuildCraft, RFTools, BloodMagic, ...
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L386[06:46:33] <gigaherz> tinkers is also
out on 1.8.9?
L387[06:46:34] <Nitrodev> TiCon can only
be found in the jenkins
L388[06:46:34] <gigaherz> XD
L389[06:46:35] <McJty> And more that I
L390[06:46:36] <McJty> yep
L391[06:46:42] <Nitrodev>
L392[06:46:45] <gigaherz> I thought it was
sortof "closed beta" ;P
L393[06:46:54] <gigaherz> nice
L394[06:46:57] <Nitrodev> jenkins mods are
hard to find so kind of
L395[06:46:59] <McJty> Well I'm
playing it on FC1 so it could be
L396[06:46:59] <gigaherz> the ball is
rolling way bigger than I thought
L397[06:47:00] <gigaherz> XD
L398[06:47:12] <McJty> yes, there is no
going back now. 1.8.9 is happening
L399[06:47:16] <gigaherz> yup
L401[06:47:36] <gigaherz> 1.8.9 became a
L402[06:47:37] <gigaherz> ;P
L403[06:48:20] <gigaherz> Pennyw95: doesi
t not draw right?
L404[06:48:44] <Wuppy> jesus fuck... is it
just me or does tomorrowland become more and more expensive every
single year
L405[06:48:45] <Pennyw95> nothing is
drawn...adding println() works so the debug mode is working
L406[06:48:53] <gigaherz> the only thing I
see different than what I'd normally do is the order of the
L407[06:49:04] <gigaherz> but I'm way
too sleepy to know if the winding is correct
L408[06:49:08] <Nitrodev> welp since
extrautil isnt public yet i'll download NEW
L409[06:49:23] <Nitrodev> McJty should
know what that means *wink*
L410[06:49:45] <McJty> Pennyw95, perhaps
show code?
L411[06:49:52] <sham1>
L412[06:49:54] <McJty> Nitrodev, yep
L413[06:49:56] <sham1> What
L414[06:49:56] <gigaherz> Wuppy:
isn't that the name of a scifi movie?
L415[06:50:03] <gigaherz> sham1: the music
L416[06:50:08] <Wuppy> gigaherz, it's
the name of the biggest music festival in the world
L418[06:50:23] <gigaherz> it's also a
L419[06:50:24] <gigaherz> XD
L420[06:50:24] <Nitrodev> it's ALSO
the name of a scifi movie
L421[06:50:25] <Wuppy> it's called
tomorrowworld in america because of a disney movie
L422[06:50:33] <sham1> The biggest yet
nothing here is even advertising it
L423[06:50:37] <sham1> Meh
L424[06:50:45] <gigaherz> I
"heard" of it
L425[06:50:49] <gigaherz> but really
L426[06:50:55] <gigaherz> it's only
something big to people who like going to music festivals
L427[06:50:56] <gigaherz> XD
L428[06:51:02] <Wuppy> sham1, they
don't need advertising
L429[06:51:07] <Wuppy> they charge
hunderds for a ticket
L431[06:51:15] <Wuppy> and they sell out
in about 10 minutes
L432[06:51:19] <Wuppy> for 180.000
L433[06:51:25] <sham1> But they could
potentially get even more people
L434[06:51:30] <Wuppy> you can even only
join the ticket sale if you pre-register
L435[06:51:40] <gigaherz> ah
L436[06:51:43] <sham1> Where even is
L437[06:51:43] <Wuppy> sham1, they've
got 180.000 people and it's sold out within 10 minutes, why
would they want more people :O
L438[06:51:45] <gigaherz> you used
L439[06:51:49] <gigaherz> but there's
no COLOR in it!
L440[06:51:49] <Wuppy> sham1, Boom,
L441[06:51:59] <sham1> Hmm
L442[06:52:02] <gigaherz> you need to call
L443[06:52:05] <gigaherz> per vertex
L444[06:52:08] <gigaherz> after
L445[06:52:32] <sham1> Luckily (?) you can
drive there from basically anywhere in europe
L446[06:53:10] <Pennyw95> so I should that
with or instead of gl.color4f?
L447[06:53:12] <sham1> Why doesn't
nordic ever get anything interesting
L448[06:53:17] <sham1> Makes me sad
L449[06:53:22] <sham1> Yes you
L450[06:53:24] <Nitrodev> Pennyw95, what
is that?
L451[06:53:26] <McJty> Pennyw95,
don't do GL11 calls directly
L452[06:53:29] <McJty> Pennyw95, use the
L453[06:53:31] <Pennyw95> glstatemanager
L454[06:53:40] <Pennyw95> I'm using
L455[06:53:46] <gigaherz> and yes
L456[06:53:51] <Pennyw95> with?
L457[06:53:52] <gigaherz> specify the
color there per vertex
L458[06:54:00] <gigaherz> instead of using
L459[06:54:03] <Pennyw95> ok
L460[06:54:27] ⇦
Quits: DemoXin (~DemoXin@228.sub-70-210-56.myvzw.com) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L461[06:54:36] <Pennyw95> to keep the
color neutral, so that doesn't affect the texture?
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L463[06:54:44] <McJty>
L464[06:54:51] <Pennyw95> @Nitrodev:
it's the quad we were talking earlier
L465[06:54:59] <Nitrodev> ah
L466[06:55:30] <Nitrodev> i think
i'll countinue modding
L467[06:55:49] <sham1> Yay for daisy chain
L468[06:55:53] <Nitrodev> just so i could
somewhat understand the vanilla CraftingManager code
L469[06:56:00] <Nitrodev> for the
addRecipe metho
L470[06:56:01] <Nitrodev> d
L471[06:56:44] <Wuppy> am I crazy for
actually considering to pay 380 euros to get an entrance ticket to
that festival?
L472[06:56:53] <Wuppy> which would come to
a total of about 1000 euros for a single weekend
L473[06:56:54] <gigaherz> Pennyw95:
255,255,255,255 is neutral
L474[06:56:59] <gigaherz> anything else
will darken certain colors
L475[06:57:19] <Nitrodev> i've copy
typed the code to the point where the alst thing that is on the
method is the Map<>map; one
L476[06:57:26] <Pennyw95> and that's
white, right?
L477[06:57:30] <gigaherz> yes
L478[06:57:34] <gigaherz> color * white =
L479[06:57:46] <gigaherz> color = black =
L480[06:57:50] <gigaherz> color * black =
L481[06:58:29] <gigaherz> glcolor/vertex
color is just modulation
L482[06:58:32] <sham1> The colours get
multiplied together
L483[06:58:46] <gigaherz> the texture
color gets multiplied by thevertex color, then the glcolor
L484[06:58:54] <gigaherz> and the
resulting color is used to draw on screen
L485[06:59:26] <Wuppy> from modding this
one thing I really want to get back into MC again :P
L486[06:59:37] <Nitrodev> there is a ...
in the parameters and google isnt helping me D:
L487[06:59:54] <Pennyw95> like
L488[06:59:54] <Nitrodev> i remember
looking for it before
L489[07:00:10] <Nitrodev> well in this
case it's Object...
L490[07:00:12] <Pennyw95> It means an
undefinite number of String objects
L491[07:00:17] <Nitrodev> ah
L492[07:00:19] <Pennyw95> Or any objects,
if it's Object...
L493[07:00:21] <Nitrodev> okay
L494[07:00:26] <gigaherz> it build an
L495[07:00:32] <gigaherz> based on the
arguments passed to the method
L496[07:00:43] <gigaherz> so like
L497[07:00:46] <sham1> Varargs
L498[07:00:47] <gigaherz>
L499[07:00:49] <gigaherz> becomes
L500[07:00:52] <Nitrodev> well all the
parameters of the method are: ItemStack stack, Object...
L501[07:00:55] <gigaherz> method(new
L502[07:00:57] <gigaherz> at compile
L503[07:00:59] <Nitrodev> ah
L504[07:01:12] <Wuppy> uhm wtf
L505[07:01:13] <gigaherz> it's just
syntactic sugar ;P
L506[07:01:18] <Wuppy> when I take damage
my code now crashes
L507[07:01:33] <McJty> Wuppy, teaches
players to be careful :-)
L508[07:01:42] <Wuppy>
java.lang.NullPointerException: Colliding entity with block
L509[07:01:43] <sham1> Java really loves
it's syntax sugar
L510[07:01:45] <Wuppy> o____0
L511[07:02:14] <sham1> FUCKING PHONE, I
L512[07:02:15] <Nitrodev> yeah lol
L513[07:02:23] <sham1> Bloody hell
L514[07:02:34] <Nitrodev> wow
L515[07:02:53] <gigaherz> XD
L516[07:02:56] <Nitrodev> why do you keep
autocorrect on then
L517[07:03:04] <sham1> Because I make
L518[07:03:13] <Nitrodev> ah
L519[07:03:19] <Wuppy> so uhh
L520[07:03:20] <Nitrodev> i dont so i just
dont like it
L521[07:03:26] <Wuppy> why would this
code: if(player.inventory.mainInventory[i].getItem() ==
Items.mushroom_stew) crash with that error
L522[07:03:26] <sham1> Bug I know when I
want to write "it's" instead of
L523[07:03:38] <Wuppy>
net.minecraft.util.ReportedException: Colliding entity with
L524[07:03:56] <McJty> What do you have to
do again to be able to have a certain blockstate be ignored by the
json blockstate?
L525[07:04:06] <McJty> I believe there was
something you could do for that
L526[07:04:07] <sham1> Because the entry
from mainInventory may be null
L527[07:05:12] <Pennyw95> @gigaherz is
there a difference between
L528[07:05:23] <Pennyw95> and
this.bindTexture(TextureMap.locationBlocksTexture) ?
L529[07:05:36] <gigaherz> dunno I always
use this
L530[07:05:42] <Wuppy> okay what the
L531[07:05:44] <Pennyw95> ok
L532[07:05:46] <gigaherz> I think they
point to the same place
L533[07:05:53] <Wuppy> Item nextItem =
L534[07:06:00] <Wuppy> thsi code crahes
with java.lang.NullPointerException: Colliding entity with
L535[07:06:01] <Nitrodev> another Java
question (sorry), is '' donsidered a String aswell?
L536[07:06:04] <Wuppy>
L537[07:06:05] <Wuppy> halp?
L538[07:06:05] ⇦
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L539[07:06:11] <Nitrodev> and yes
it's a basic question dont judge me
L540[07:06:13] <Pennyw95> no, it's a
L541[07:06:19] <Nitrodev> okay thank
L542[07:06:24] <McJty> fry, you
L543[07:06:29] <gigaherz> Wuppy:
"colliding entity with block" just means the crash
happened in the collision process
L544[07:06:40] <gigaherz> the crash is
still a NPE
L545[07:06:50] <Wuppy> why would this give
me an NPE though?
L546[07:06:51] <fry> what?
L547[07:06:52] <gigaherz> it simply means
slot [i] is empty
L548[07:06:55] <McJty> What do you have to
do again to be able to have a certain blockstate be ignored by the
json blockstate?
L549[07:07:07] ***
kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L550[07:07:10] <gigaherz>
player.inventory.mainInventory[i] can be null
L551[07:07:21] <fry> register a custom
state mapper
L552[07:07:46] <McJty> ok
L553[07:07:58] <Wuppy> hmm very strange,
it worked on my laptop without the null check o__0
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L556[07:08:33] ***
kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L557[07:08:47] <Pennyw95> got it working!
.color must go after .tex
L558[07:10:34] ⇦
Quits: CoolerExtreme (~CoolerExt@ (Ping timeout: 186
L559[07:10:39] <McJty> So fry, in
getModelResourceLocation() I get a blockstate. So I have to build a
new blockstate that only adds the states I want to keep?
L560[07:10:54] <McJty> Because it seems
you cannot remove a property
L561[07:11:42] <fry> new
L562[07:12:39] <McJty> Oh that's
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L564[07:14:05] <gigaherz> [14:08]
(Pennyw95): got it working! .color must go after .tex
L565[07:14:19] <gigaherz> they go in the
same order as the elements in the vertex format
L566[07:14:23] <gigaherz> since it's
L567[07:14:38] <gigaherz> you have to do
L568[07:16:02] <Pennyw95> I see
L569[07:16:04] <Pennyw95> thanks
L571[07:17:15] <gigaherz> :)
L572[07:17:28] <gigaherz> what is it
L573[07:17:28] <gigaherz> xD
L574[07:17:45] <Pennyw95> should be a
fountain ahah
L575[07:18:11] <McJty> A lava fountain.
How lovely :-)
L576[07:22:04] <Pennyw95> any fluid
L577[07:22:34] ⇦
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L578[07:23:06] ⇦
Quits: maxlowry123
(~IceChat9@pool-71-244-115-181.albyny.fios.verizon.net) (Ping
timeout: 198 seconds)
L580[07:23:25] <McJty> Only the top
texture (which is parametrized) works
L581[07:23:30] <McJty> The others which
are hardcoded don't
L582[07:23:36] <McJty> But I don't
get any missing texture errors
L583[07:24:25] <Pennyw95> try with .png at
the end
L584[07:25:04] <McJty> That would be
L585[07:25:10] <McJty> Why png there and
not anywhere else?
L586[07:25:16] <McJty> Also the #up
texture is passed along like this:
L587[07:25:17] <McJty> "up":
L588[07:25:17] <Pennyw95> actually no, my
jsons don't have .pnh
L589[07:25:49] ***
Drull|zzz is now known as Drullkus
L590[07:26:08] <Pennyw95> try making them
L591[07:26:11] ***
kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L592[07:26:26] <McJty> Again. Why would
the up texture work then?
L593[07:26:36] <McJty> Not going to rename
those textures. That would be too much work
L594[07:27:17] <Pennyw95> I don't
know then....I suggested that because I noticed all my textures all
L595[07:27:43] <Nitrodev> after an if
statement i dont understand the next line...
L596[07:27:47] <Nitrodev> dear god
L597[07:28:30] <McJty> Going to try
L598[07:29:16] <McJty> Fixed it by also
passing the other textures as a parameter...
L599[07:29:24] <McJty> Very weird.
Apparently I can't inline textures there for some reason
L600[07:31:05] <Pennyw95> is there
minetweaker 1.8.9?
L601[07:31:35] <McJty> I believe it is now
L602[07:32:03] <Pennyw95> taking the
former's place? like jei?
L603[07:32:26] <McJty> no idea. Just saw
it mentioned somewhere
L604[07:32:33] <Pennyw95> ok, ty
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Quits: Pennyw95
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L608[07:47:52] ⇦
Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Remote
host closed the connection)
L609[07:50:12] <Nitrodev>
(String[])((String[])recipeComponents[i++]); that is a part of this
coe i ont understand
L610[07:50:56] <Nitrodev> code*
L611[07:51:45] <gigaherz> start from
L612[07:51:46] <gigaherz>
L613[07:52:03] <gigaherz> gets the
"i"th component (post-incrementing the number)
L614[07:52:10] <gigaherz> and casts it to
an array of strings
L615[07:52:22] <gigaherz> and then casts
it again
L616[07:52:48] <Nitrodev> okay
L617[07:53:15] ***
Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L618[07:53:16] <gigaherz> hmm
L619[07:53:27] <gigaherz> I'm now
unsure if it really means
L620[07:53:38] <gigaherz>
L621[07:54:19] ***
kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L622[07:54:52] <gigaherz> FINALLY fixed
using the wand while recharging it
L623[07:54:57] <gigaherz> to not reset the
use counter XD
L624[07:55:10] <gigaherz> or more
accurately, I un-reset it XD
L625[07:57:03] <Nitrodev> okay
L627[07:58:19] <Nitrodev> there is the
code located at
L628[07:58:32] <Nitrodev> i understand to
the line 31
L629[08:03:23] ⇦
Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be) (Ping
timeout: 189 seconds)
L630[08:04:27] ***
kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L631[08:08:49] <Lumien> If i want shift
clicking to do nothing i just return null in
Container.transferStackInSlot right?
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L633[08:11:35] <Ordinastie> is there an
artist willing to make some textures ?
L634[08:17:07] <LatvianModder> Lumien:
L635[08:17:50] <Lumien> Weird, shift
clicking seems to sometimes clear the inventory client side
L637[08:18:29] <LatvianModder> make sure
you only open Gui on server side
L638[08:19:14] <Lumien> I don't want
any shift clicking^^
L639[08:19:18] <Lumien> And i only open it
server side
L640[08:19:40] <LatvianModder> then null
it is
L641[08:20:21] <Lumien> It appearently
happens when i "double shiftclick" o_O
L642[08:21:28] <LatvianModder> hm. maybe
some weird InvTweaks or some other mod integration?
L643[08:21:53] <Lumien> I have JEI
installed, will try without it
⇨ Joins: adanaran (~adanaran@noctuidae.eu)
L645[08:22:12] <LatvianModder> I doubt its
JEI though
⇨ Joins: Kobata_
L647[08:25:00] ⇦
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L649[08:25:55] ***
kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L650[08:26:50] <Nitrodev> well for now ill
quit trying to understand vanilla code and go to my java
L651[08:26:56] ***
kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L652[08:28:32] ⇦
Quits: Zyferus
(Zyferus@172-3-154-217.lightspeed.mssnks.sbcglobal.net) (Read
error: Connection reset by peer)
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Vigaro is now known as V
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Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Remote host closed
the connection)
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(NickServ (GHOST command used by DemoXin-StartUp)))
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Quits: CoolerExtreme__ (~CoolerExt@ (Ping timeout:
186 seconds)
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L665[08:48:04] <sham1> Understanding
vanilla is hard
⇨ Joins: Sandra
L667[08:49:17] <sham1> And the reason
isbecause Vanilla has some curious design at times
L668[08:50:16] ⇦
Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@2001:af0:8000:1c01:6af7:28ff:fe37:5d6a)
(Quit: Leaving.)
L669[08:50:46] <Sandra> I apologize for my
noobishness, but I'm just learning blockstates for the first
time and I got this error.
L670[08:50:57] <McJty> fry, trying that
submodel solution you pasted me earlier. The submodel has to be in
the 'cutout' layer though so do I have to use a
multi-layer submodel with an empty/non specified base model?
L671[08:50:58] ⇦
Quits: Wolwrig (~Wolwrig@2602:ffe8:200::7f1e:61de) (Ping timeout:
186 seconds)
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L673[08:51:17] <sham1> do you have
getMetaFromState Sandra
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L675[08:51:27] <Sandra> sham1, no?
L676[08:51:38] <sham1> Well implement
L677[08:51:54] <Sandra> okie dokie.
L678[08:51:55] <sham1> Because it needs to
know how to make your blockstate into metadata
L679[08:52:00] <Sandra> right.
L680[08:52:12] <Sandra> so I basically
turn this state into a number?
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L682[08:52:30] <sham1> Yes
L683[08:52:31] <fry> McJty: you can use
the same model for base and Cutout; base won't actually render
L684[08:52:41] <fry> it's used for
particles/inventory and stuff
L685[08:53:00] <McJty> So it will render
twice in inventory then? Because I already have a base for the main
L686[08:53:02] <sham1> Everytime you have
state X, you always have to be able to serialize into and
deserialize out of 4 bits Y
L687[08:53:51] <fry> hmm, I'm not
sure if I render the base in the inventory
L688[08:54:18] <Sandra> sham1, so I am
still limited to the 4 bits?
L689[08:54:25] <sham1> Yes
L690[08:54:45] <sham1> Because at this
point IBlockState is merely a wrapper around block metadata
L691[08:55:44] <McJty> This will so not
work but I'm going to try it anyway :-)
L692[08:55:49] <Sandra> right.
L693[08:55:51] <McJty> 'Coding by
L694[08:56:08] <Sandra> I thought
IBlockState was able to handle more than the metadata.
L695[08:56:17] <Sandra> but I guess
that's a 1.9 thing, yeah?
L696[08:56:27] <McJty> Sandra, no you can
do it already but you have to be careful
L697[08:56:32] <McJty> There is
getExtendedState and getActualState
L698[08:56:44] <McJty> Both can be used to
have properties that are not translated to metadata
L699[08:56:57] <Sandra> getActualState?
what's that?
L700[08:57:02] <McJty> A method
L701[08:57:03] <Sandra> I heard about
extended state.
L702[08:57:05] <McJty> It is in
L703[08:57:16] <Sandra> nice dad
L704[08:57:24] <McJty> getActualState()
can be used to get more states that are not represented by metadata
but used in your model json
L705[08:58:04] <Sandra> what's the
difference between actual and extended state?
L706[08:58:17] <McJty> Not sure to be
L707[08:58:21] <McJty> I used extended
state for my ISBM
L708[08:58:30] <McJty> And actual state I
generally use for normal blockstate json's
L709[08:58:34] <McJty> But I don't
know if that's required or not
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L711[08:59:08] <Sandra> what's the
best way to convert 2 0-5 numbers to a 4 bit integer.... hmm.
L712[08:59:39] <_habnabit> shift and
L713[08:59:39] <McJty> You
L714[09:00:03] <McJty> At least not if you
want to represent all possible combinations
L715[09:00:10] <Sandra> ... darn it.
L716[09:00:35] <Sandra> hang on....
L717[09:00:43] <Sandra> I do actually do a
special thing here.
L718[09:00:44] <sham1> you can store
values on TEs or something ;)
⇨ Joins: DjSams
L720[09:01:06] <McJty> yes, with
getActualState() you can get additional properties from your TE.
Same with getExtendedState
L721[09:01:52] <Sandra> if I only have 0-5
and a 0-3 can I fit that?
L722[09:02:11] <McJty> 6*4 == 24 >
L723[09:02:14] <McJty> So no
L724[09:02:20] <Sandra> dammit.
L725[09:03:01] <Sandra> or hang on a
moment.... 0-2, 0-1.
L726[09:03:07] <Sandra> yeah... I can
definitely fit that.
L727[09:03:16] <Sandra> sik\\
L728[09:03:24] <Sandra> it's
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L730[09:04:40] ⇦
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L731[09:05:05] <Sandra> wow.
L732[09:05:30] <Sandra> now what on earth
math do I do to make that work.
L733[09:05:41] <_habnabit> shift and
L734[09:05:55] <sham1> or TEs
L735[09:06:09] <sham1> Wait
L736[09:06:27] <sham1> getActualState gets
called on client so that may not work always
L737[09:06:43] <McJty> fry, I can't
figure out how to represent a multi-layer model as a submodel
L738[09:07:05] <Sandra> I'd prefer
not to use a TE if I don't have to.
L739[09:07:32] ***
kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
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L742[09:08:07] <McJty>
"submodel" doesn't seem to understand the
'model' keyword
⇨ Joins: DRedhorse
L744[09:13:10] <Sandra> ok.... so I have a
EnumFacing, and another EnumFacing. and the 2nd EnumFacing is
always at a right angle to the first enumfacing.
L745[09:13:36] <Sandra> how do I convert
that to being a 0-3 number.
L746[09:14:14] <McJty> Can the first
EnumFacing be any or restricted to horizontal plane?
L747[09:14:48] <Sandra> any.
L748[09:15:04] <McJty> In that case you
need 3 bits (0-7) for that alone
L749[09:15:21] <Sandra> but if you reverse
both, it's still the same data.
L751[09:15:34] <Sandra> the opposite of
this, == this.
L752[09:15:41] <McJty> What do you
L753[09:15:56] <Sandra> so if you have
North and East, it is also South and West.
L754[09:16:23] <McJty> I don't think
I understand what you are trying to do
L755[09:16:25] <McJty> Actually
L756[09:16:31] <McJty> I'm pretty
sure I don't understand :-)
L757[09:16:44] <McJty> But in any case,
you need 3 bits to represent any direction
L758[09:16:48] <McJty> There is no way
around that
L759[09:17:15] ⇦
Quits: DjSams (~DjSams@5-13-209-45.residential.rdsnet.ro) (Read
error: Connection timed out)
L760[09:17:27] <Sandra> Up and East is the
exact same data as Down and West.
L761[09:17:50] <Sandra> if you invert both
directions, you have the same data.
⇨ Joins: DjSams
L763[09:18:00] <Sandra> but... hmm.
L764[09:18:13] <Sandra> I guess I'm
just gonna have to TE it huh.
L765[09:19:05] <Sandra> how do I do that
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L767[09:24:03] <gigaherz> Sandra: wait you
actually have only the actual axis, like a log?
L768[09:24:37] <Sandra> gigaherz, I do
have the proper directions, but they don't need to be stored
that way.
L769[09:24:45] <gigaherz> regardless
L770[09:25:00] <gigaherz> you said facing
north looks the same as facing south?
L771[09:25:56] <gigaherz> becausei f so,
you can get away with just 2 bits of storage sinceyour valueswould
be "X","Y", or "Z"
L772[09:26:08] <Sandra> yeah, that's
what I was thinking.
L773[09:26:12] <gigaherz> but
L774[09:26:22] <gigaherz> you
wouldn't know where to place the second direction
L775[09:26:33] <gigaherz> you
wouldn't be able to tell if the second one goes on one side or
the other
L776[09:26:44] <McJty> Can't one
additional bit do that?
L777[09:26:49] <gigaherz> yes
L778[09:26:54] <gigaherz> but then it goes
back to 3 bits
L779[09:26:54] <gigaherz> ;P
⇨ Joins: Jezza
L781[09:27:05] <McJty> Well yes, I guess
that's unavoidable
L782[09:27:16] <gigaherz> and that still
leaves the issue of up & down
L783[09:27:37] <gigaherz> there's 4
possible ways to place something facing up
L784[09:27:41] <Sandra> hangon I'll
draw a diagram to demonstrate what I have.
L785[09:27:59] ⇦
Quits: Firedingo (~Firedingo@ (Ping timeout: 198
L786[09:28:00] <McJty> If you want to
represent all possible ways that a given block can be oriented you
need a lot more then 4 bits :-)
⇨ Joins: PieGuy128 (~PieGuy128@
L788[09:28:23] <gigaherz> not a lot more,
you need 5.
L789[09:28:32] ⇦
Quits: Delaxarnyazer (~Delaxarny@ip56572345.direct-adsl.nl) (Ping
timeout: 189 seconds)
L790[09:28:44] <gigaherz> 3 bits to store
the primary orientation
L791[09:28:57] <gigaherz> and 2 bits to
store the "roll"
L792[09:29:04] <McJty> Ah yes indeed
L793[09:29:32] <gigaherz> but if oyu are
symmetrical, you can downsize to 4 bits ;P
L794[09:29:41] <gigaherz> 2 for axis, 2
for roll
L795[09:30:07] ***
gravityfox__ is now known as foxy
L796[09:30:08] <Ivorius> But what about
the political orientation
L797[09:30:15] ***
foxy is now known as gravityfox
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L799[09:30:18] <gigaherz> that requires a
⇨ Joins: TechStack
L801[09:30:41] ⇦
Quits: McJty (~McJty@bluecoat2.uzleuven.be) (Quit:
L802[09:30:53] <gigaherz> only entities
can vote in the minecraft world
L803[09:30:59] <TechStack> Hello
L804[09:31:10] <gigaherz> hello
L805[09:31:41] <TechStack> First time on
this channel :)
L806[09:31:44] <Sandra> my computer has
decided to die.
L807[09:31:51] <gigaherz> :/
⇨ Joins: bartman (~bartman@hastecase.com)
L809[09:32:10] <Sandra> I... really...
REALLY need a new computer.
L810[09:32:34] ⇦
Quits: DRedhorse (~dredhorse@p54A39982.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit:
Off to other endavours)
⇨ Joins: Ash|Work
L812[09:33:41] <TechStack> I have a
question to confirm my understanding of the Model loader sepcificly
for the OBJ files. I belive the .Bake method converts the UV cords
to positions within the texture atlas. Is this correct?
L813[09:33:58] <gigaherz> among other
L815[09:34:22] <gigaherz> the bake method
takes the high-level data in the IModel and generates ready-to-use
L816[09:34:50] ***
Ash|Work is now known as Ashley
L817[09:35:05] <masa> Sandra: that is so
beautiful :D
L818[09:35:18] <Sandra> damn right.
L819[09:35:19] <gigaherz> Sandra: Iahve no
idea what that is meant to represent XD
L820[09:35:20] ⇦
Quits: DjSams (~DjSams@5-13-209-45.residential.rdsnet.ro) (Read
error: Connection timed out)
L821[09:35:25] <Sandra> my paint.net
skills are on point.
L822[09:35:27] <masa> not quite sure what
it's trying to say though
L823[09:35:32] <gigaherz> but regardless,
I gotta go, be back in a bit
L824[09:35:52] <Sandra> I have a laser
reflecting mirror right.
⇨ Joins: DjSams
L826[09:36:09] <Sandra> what I need to
store is that right there.
L827[09:36:19] <TechStack> OK so when
trying to use a OBJModel to render an entity It would seem I cannot
use the normal bindtexture call to supply my own texture because
the cords are off given that they now are for the texture
L828[09:36:20] <Ivorius> masa: Honestly,
don't think about the art
L829[09:36:21] <Sandra> the axis, and the
adjacent axis.
L830[09:36:23] <Sandra> ...
L831[09:36:24] <Ivorius> Feel the
L832[09:36:33] <Sandra> maybe.
L833[09:37:20] <Sandra> there's only
3 axises yes.
L834[09:37:32] <Sandra> then....
L835[09:37:34] <Sandra> hmm.
L836[09:37:42] <Sandra> I feel like it
should fit in 4 bits.
L837[09:37:54] <masa> Sandra: what exactly
does the "adjacent axis" mean? is it always at the same
relative orientation to the main axis or front face or
L838[09:37:54] <Sandra> I really feel like
it should.
L839[09:38:51] <Sandra> masa, the colored
arrows represent every data position that that thing
L840[09:39:20] <Sandra> so the colored
arrow goes in in a certain position, and comes out in another
L841[09:39:34] <Sandra> that right there
is the only layout there is.
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L843[09:39:45] <Sandra> (rotated in
whatever way, of course.)
L844[09:40:33] <TechStack> Perhaps I
should extend ObjModel & override the .bake method to not
translate the texture UV cords to the texture atlas for use on
entities.. Or is there a better way to apply a texture to an entity
that is using a OBJ model?
L845[09:40:41] <masa> hm, I still
don't quite get it. COuld you explain what the block actually
is, maybe that would make it clear
L846[09:40:51] <Sandra> certainly.
L847[09:40:55] <Sandra> it's a mirror
for a laser.
L848[09:41:08] <Ivorius> And it mirrors at
a right angle
L849[09:41:11] <Ivorius> Either left or
L850[09:41:13] <Sandra> yes.
L851[09:41:21] <Ivorius> 2 bits
L852[09:41:23] <Ivorius> 1 bit flip
L853[09:41:24] <Sandra> or up or
L854[09:41:35] <Ivorius> Then 3 bits
orientation, 1 bit flip
L855[09:42:26] <Ivorius> Oh wait, you mean
it like that
L856[09:42:35] <Sandra> side1 -> side2,
side2 -> side1, side1.opp -> side2.opp, side2.opp ->
L857[09:42:37] <Ivorius> Then it can come
it from either side and go to one of 4 sides each
L858[09:42:46] <Sandra> and side1 is
always touching side2.
L859[09:43:00] <Sandra> in any
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L861[09:43:13] <Ivorius> That's 6*4 =
24 > 16 states
L862[09:43:15] <Ivorius> You need a
L863[09:43:18] <Sandra> mmm.
L864[09:43:24] <Sandra> ok.
L865[09:43:44] <Sandra> how do I use
extended block states or whatever they're called.
L866[09:43:56] <Ivorius> They're not
actual saved data
L867[09:44:38] <Ivorius> There is the
block state which is a wrapper for the 4 bits of metadata
L868[09:45:08] <Ivorius> And there is the
'extended' state which can also wrap situational data
which is not saved, like fence connections
L869[09:46:03] <Sandra> so if I want more
than 16 drawn states that are saved, my options are?
L870[09:46:10] <masa> what was the
difference between getActualState() and getExtendedStat()? was
extended for IUnlinstedProperty properties, or can actual state
also contain those?
L871[09:46:15] ***
kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
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L879[09:46:58] <Sandra> whoa.
L880[09:47:10] <gigaherz> masa: only
getExtendedState is meant to return extended states
L881[09:47:17] <masa> Sandra: you can save
values in a TE and return the IBlockState for rendering based on TE
(and also other) data from getActualState() and/or
L882[09:47:25] <gigaherz> getActualState
is to provide normal state data that is context-based
L883[09:47:31] <gigaherz> such as from TE
or neighbours
L884[09:47:54] <gigaherz> Sandra: you can
store the exact information on the TE, and then use getActualState
to return it
L885[09:48:06] <gigaherz> TechStack:
it's a known flaw of the obj loader
L886[09:48:10] <masa> gigaherz: ok so
getActualState() is for "regular properties" that simply
aren't saved? meaning that all of those models will be
L887[09:48:19] <Sandra> gigaherz,
L888[09:48:26] <gigaherz> there's no
way for it to leave the UVs untouched
L889[09:48:34] <gigaherz> yes masa
L891[09:48:45] <TechStack> Thanks Gigaherz
for confirming. I'll look into a workaround ;)
L892[09:48:52] <gigaherz> Sandra: note
that if you make the mirror double-sided
L893[09:48:54] <gigaherz> so that
L894[09:49:13] <Sandra> it is
L895[09:49:19] <Ivorius> Sandra, you can
also store your orientational data in a separate 3D grid mapped to
each chunk!
L896[09:49:22] <gigaherz> the same mirror
placed in NE-SW diagonal can mirror N<->E and
L897[09:49:31] <Ivorius> Or how about a
global Map<BlockCoord, MirrorData>?
L898[09:49:32] <gigaherz> you only need 6
different "direction" for the mirror to be in
L899[09:49:37] <Sandra> gigaherz, that is
what it is.
L900[09:49:47] <gigaherz> so you could
store those in metadata
L901[09:49:57] <Ivorius> My personal
favorite: Making a new file for every block I need to save data
L902[09:50:00] <gigaherz> and use the
TileEntity just to keep track of the input lasers
L903[09:50:02] <Sandra> that's
exactly what it is.
L904[09:50:05] <gigaherz> and draw the
outputs in the TESR
L905[09:50:19] <Sandra> the TE so far
doesn't exist at all.
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L907[09:50:41] <Sandra> the whole laser
API was originally TE based, now it's purely block
L908[09:51:09] <Sandra> and I have not yet
needed a TE for it.
L909[09:51:18] <gigaherz> so you plan on
having an actual "beam" block
L910[09:51:29] <gigaherz> that gets placed
around where the laser beam travels?
L911[09:51:29] <Sandra> well.... no.
L912[09:51:45] <Sandra> it's an
instantaneous beam, i.e. handled within a tick.
L913[09:51:55] <gigaherz> ah so
there's no actual visible beams?
L914[09:52:17] <Sandra> I mean, I'll
draw some sorta particles for it or something eventually.
L915[09:52:28] <gigaherz> wel lthat's
waht I meant you can do in a TE
L916[09:52:32] <Sandra> yeah.
L917[09:52:35] <Sandra> of course.
L918[09:52:37] <gigaherz> keep all the
logic state-based
L919[09:52:43] <Sandra> exactly.
L920[09:52:45] <gigaherz> and just use the
TE to keep track of the inputs
L921[09:52:49] <gigaherz> and draw the
appropriate outputs
L922[09:53:00] <Sandra> that's my
L923[09:53:11] <gigaherz> yeap then you
wouldn't even need extra states
L924[09:53:13] <gigaherz> you only have
L925[09:53:14] <Sandra> if I need a TE to
draw something, I can use a TE.
L926[09:53:26] <Sandra> but it'd be
preferable if I didn't.
L927[09:53:27] <gigaherz> you'd have
L928[09:53:30] <gigaherz> NE-SW
L929[09:53:35] <gigaherz> NW-SE
L930[09:53:40] <Sandra> oh yeah, so it
L931[09:53:45] <gigaherz> UW-DE
L932[09:53:48] <gigaherz> UE-DW
L933[09:53:53] <gigaherz> UN-DS
L934[09:53:57] <gigaherz> US-DN
L935[09:54:18] <Sandra> now how would I
map from 2 directions, that I have here, to diagonals?
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L938[09:54:31] <gigaherz> in fact I'd
recommend making an enum for it
L939[09:54:33] <gigaherz> with those
L940[09:54:41] <Sandra> oh yeah, good
L941[09:54:51] <gigaherz> EnumDiagonal {
NE_SW, NW_SE, ... }
L942[09:54:53] <gigaherz> and then
L943[09:54:55] ***
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L948[09:56:25] <Ivorius> Oh right, n ->
e = e -> n
L949[09:56:29] <Ivorius> That's 12
states in total then
L950[09:56:55] <gigaherz> you can reduce
it to 6 if you have double-sided mirrors
L951[09:57:06] <gigaherz> that reflect on
both sides
L952[09:57:18] <gigaherz> like the NW_SE
L953[09:57:33] <gigaherz> would do
N<->E and S<->W
L954[09:57:37] <Sandra> mmm hmm.
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L956[09:57:53] <gigaherz> or N<->W
and S<->E depends on how you represent the diagonals
L957[09:58:08] <Sandra> enum done:
L959[09:59:36] <gigaherz> you need to give
your enum members an internal name for the purpose of converting to
L960[09:59:42] <Sandra> m\
L961[09:59:46] <Sandra> ah yeah.
L963[10:00:00] <gigaherz> then you can
create the blockstate property like this
L964[10:01:00] <gigaherz> the "public
static Corner[] values = values();" bit is just a thing I use
to avoid calling .values() over and over ;P
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L966[10:01:24] <gigaherz> I still
havent' been able to figure out if values() is actually slower
or not
L967[10:01:25] <gigaherz> XD
L968[10:03:13] <gigaherz> (and it looks
better to say Corner.values[i] rather than
L969[10:03:41] ***
kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L970[10:03:51] <Sandra> mmm.
L971[10:04:11] <s_m_w> I'm having
troubles with launch configurations in Java, specificly when trying
to include multiple projects. Is there anything I have to do to get
mods from other projects to load other than adding the project to
the classpath? The projects compile just fine, but the mods
don't shop up in the client's list of active mods
L972[10:04:42] <gigaherz> no idea sorry
(maybe someone else can help)
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L975[10:10:16] <Sandra> gigaherz, oh
thanks for the idea btw.
L976[10:10:22] <Sandra> it seems like
it'll work.
L977[10:11:34] ⇦
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L983[10:23:01] <gigaherz> SandGrainOne:
L984[10:23:07] <Wuppy> welp... got the
perfect suit for carnaval :D
L985[10:23:16] <Wuppy> I'm going
dressed as a beer :P
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L991[10:32:32] <Lordmau5> hOI \o
L992[10:33:00] <Wuppy> hai
L993[10:34:01] <Lordmau5> okay, this is
really going to be tricky ;_;
L994[10:34:21] <Lordmau5> since I did some
type of "block-morphing" in 1.7.10, I doubt I can
reproduce that in 1.8.9
L995[10:34:43] <Lordmau5> as in, I got the
BlockID and Metadata of it at a certain point and saved that into
my new block's tile-entity
L996[10:34:56] <Lordmau5> at another point
I reverted the block back to it's original ID and
L997[10:35:06] ⇦
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L998[10:35:14] <Lordmau5> how would I go
for doing that in 1.8.9 then, considering that it has BlockStates
L999[10:35:24] <Lumien> Save the meta i
L1000[10:35:27] <Lumien> Or the
blockstate id
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L1002[10:35:34] <Lumien> Not sure whether
that is unique though
L1003[10:35:46] <Lordmau5>
getMetaFromState probably?
L1004[10:36:08] <Lumien> yeah
L1005[10:36:54] <Lordmau5> there's
really just one problem left
L1006[10:37:10] <Lordmau5> or is there..
one sec
L1007[10:37:47] <Lordmau5> nope
nevermind, getStateFromMeta apparently does the trick
L1008[10:37:54] <Lordmau5> I won't
know up until I get my rendering to work anyway, but eh
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the next hill, wonders unfold before us; all we have to do is want
it enough.)
L1010[10:45:07] ***
willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1011[10:45:11] <williewillus> um
L1012[10:45:17] <williewillus> so can you
not use lambdas with obdfuscatewd classes?
L1013[10:45:25] <williewillus>
L1016[10:47:01] <Lordmau5> aaaah how does
one BakedQuads wtf
L1017[10:47:02] <Lordmau5> xD
L1018[10:47:18] <williewillus>
diesieben07: so the fix is in latest fg? or not fixed yet
L1019[10:47:20] <Lordmau5> also, what was
the new "ISBRH" now again?
L1020[10:47:25] <williewillus> there
L1021[10:47:27] <diesieben07> not fixed
L1022[10:47:30] <williewillus> you redo
everything into models
L1023[10:47:48] <Lordmau5> I basically
render fluid with it in-world
L1024[10:47:51] <Lordmau5> how would I go
for that attempt?
L1025[10:47:56] <diesieben07> IBakedModel
or if you need more control one of it's
L1026[10:48:10] <williewillus> check the
forge samples
L1027[10:48:16] <williewillus>
there's a fluid example that uses the model system
L1028[10:48:42] <Lordmau5> where are the
L1029[10:48:44] <williewillus>
diesieben07: so if I expand it into a normal lambda it should work?
or am I forced to use anon classes :p
L1030[10:48:47] <williewillus> on the
forge github
L1031[10:48:49] <Lordmau5> inside the src
on the forge github?
L1032[10:48:51] <williewillus> under
L1033[10:48:53] <Lordmau5> aah
L1034[10:49:20] <sham1> it follows the
maven project tree thing
L1035[10:49:27] <Lordmau5>
ModelFluidDebug I assume
L1036[10:49:35] <sham1> Or rather how
Maven projects are laid out
L1038[10:50:56] <Temportalist> aside from
using a texture, is there any way to render a circular gui?
L1039[10:51:13] <sham1> not really any
other way
L1040[10:51:41] <sham1> That is java
L1041[10:51:42] <diesieben07> or of
course Foo.of(MyClass::method)
L1042[10:52:13] <Temportalist>
diesieben07: WHAT ARE THOSE
L1043[10:52:18] <diesieben07> lol
L1044[10:52:18] <williewillus> java
L1045[10:52:38] <Temportalist> NO BUT
L1046[10:52:42] <williewillus> a way to
get around a reobf bug right now :p
L1047[10:52:52] <williewillus>
"method references" which are really just lambda
L1048[10:52:56] <Temportalist> oh
L1049[10:53:04] <Lordmau5> oh this is
fancy... >_>
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L1051[10:53:12] <Lordmau5> I see a
"handleBlockState" inside
L1052[10:53:15] <diesieben07> actually
all lambdas are method references
L1053[10:53:20] <Lordmau5> I doubt I can
get the TileEntity out of that one, right?0
L1054[10:53:28] <williewillus> no
L1055[10:53:31] <Lordmau5> since I
don't have a BlockPos available
L1056[10:53:32] <sham1> At the JVM level
L1057[10:53:33] <Lordmau5> argh, damn
L1058[10:53:33] <williewillus>
that's not how it works
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AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L1061[10:53:38] <diesieben07> a lambda is
just syntax sugar for a static method + method reference
L1062[10:53:47] <diesieben07> no not at
the jvm level
L1063[10:53:48] <williewillus> you
don't "get" things from a smart model
L1064[10:53:51] <diesieben07> at the
javac level
L1065[10:53:55] <williewillus> you
*provide* information to the blockstate
L1066[10:53:57] <Lordmau5> but from the
IBlockState that it has
L1067[10:54:00] <sham1> So it gets
compiled into that
L1068[10:54:01] <williewillus> which then
is passed to you
L1069[10:54:06] <williewillus> what are
you trying to make?
L1070[10:54:06] <sham1> Makes sense as
they are seperate classes
L1071[10:54:06] <diesieben07> yes
L1072[10:54:13] <Lordmau5> camouflage
L1073[10:54:15] <diesieben07> whut
L1074[10:54:15] <Lordmau5> kinda
L1075[10:54:22] <williewillus> have you
read my doc?
L1077[10:54:23] <Lordmau5> I'm
looking at Vazkii's PlatformModel
L1078[10:54:24] <Lordmau5> yes, I
L1079[10:54:28] <williewillus> yes
L1080[10:54:34] <Lordmau5> literally
having it open right now :p
L1081[10:54:37] <williewillus> did you
read the rest of it?
L1082[10:54:38] <williewillus> :p
L1083[10:54:50] <williewillus> the part
that says "you don't use ISBM to get things, you put
things in it"
L1084[10:54:54] <williewillus> and it
gets passed to you
L1085[10:54:56] <diesieben07> all the
data you want to access in the model must come from the block
L1086[10:54:56] <sham1> Well if we get
really technical it is an anonymour inner class that implements
whatever method that functional interface has...
L1087[10:55:11] <diesieben07> that is
just the implementation RIGHT NOW.
L1088[10:55:16] <Lordmau5> okay, thanks
sieben, that's understandable
L1089[10:55:26] <williewillus> so you
have to use unlisted properties
L1090[10:55:30] <diesieben07> it is
because the model might be handled on a different thread
L1091[10:55:33] <Lordmau5> As in, I have
to put my "original" blockstate into the one of my
current block's BlockState?
L1092[10:55:34] <diesieben07> so you
cannot access the world
L1093[10:55:34] <williewillus> ^
L1094[10:55:37] <williewillus> yes
L1095[10:55:42] <Lordmau5> okaaaaaaay,
that makes sense :D
L1096[10:55:45] <williewillus> stuff the
IBlockState into an unlisted property using extended states
L1097[10:55:50] <williewillus> in
L1098[10:56:32] <sham1> if the model was
handles in the main thread you could mc.theWorld it but meh
L1099[10:56:40] <williewillus> except
it's not
L1100[10:56:46] <sham1> Also, I keep
writing typos for some reason
L1101[10:56:49] <sham1> Indeed it
L1102[10:56:55] <williewillus> not many
people seem to know the importance of "you don't get
things in ISBM, you put it in the blockstate", which is
worrying :p
L1103[10:56:59] <sham1> So no world
access outside of using properties
L1104[10:57:06] <williewillus> perhaps I
should make that part bigger in my doc
L1105[10:57:12] <sham1> Which makes me a
sad panda
L1106[10:57:41] <Lordmau5> williewillus,
may I snag the PropertyState you made for Botania and add it into
my mod?
L1107[10:57:48] <Lordmau5> I'll add
credit to the class
L1108[10:57:59] <williewillus> sure, i
think the botania license allows that
L1109[10:58:04] <Lordmau5> Sweet,
L1110[10:58:06] <williewillus> check the
website to make sure :p
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L1112[10:58:27] <sham1> my doc about
proxies is still hanging
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L1125[11:32:52] <williewillus>
diesieben07: wrapping it like you showed me still isn't
working :/
L1126[11:33:12] <diesieben07> really? :O
can you pastebin what you did please
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(~Lothendal@ip5b41e87a.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit:
L1129[11:35:30] <diesieben07> what's
it crashing with?
L1130[11:35:56] <williewillus> JEI is
calling the mesher and failing with AbstractMethodError
L1131[11:36:10] <williewillus> so same
thing :p
L1132[11:36:12] <diesieben07> what the
L1133[11:36:33] <diesieben07> maybe
default methods aren't obfuscated either? seems weird
L1134[11:37:00] <Lordmau5> back,
L1135[11:37:32] <Lordmau5> so I assume I
got a working camouflage model now
L1136[11:37:41] <diesieben07>
williewillus, try adding default MRL func_178113_a(ItemStack stack)
{ return getLocation(stack); } to the shim interface
L1137[11:37:45] <Lordmau5> how would I
link this to my block?
L1138[11:37:53] <williewillus> the
smartmodel is done?
L1139[11:38:00] <Lordmau5> I... think
L1140[11:38:02] <williewillus> listen to
ModelBakeEvent and insert it into the modle registry
L1141[11:38:03] <diesieben07>
L1142[11:38:07] <diesieben07> damn
L1143[11:38:12] <Lordmau5> where what
L1144[11:38:16] <Lordmau5>
L1145[11:38:23] <diesieben07> yes
L1146[11:38:27] <williewillus> yeah, read
the case study ;p
L1147[11:38:28] <diesieben07> the event
has a field modelRegistry
L1148[11:38:48] <gigaherz> gah that took
WAY more effort than it should have
L1149[11:38:59] <gigaherz> I converted
all my item models to forge blockstates
L1150[11:39:06] <gigaherz> but the
"transform": stuff
L1151[11:39:18] <gigaherz> doesn't
work with the same numbers as "display": stuff in the
model jsons
L1152[11:39:30] <williewillus> it
L1153[11:39:35] <williewillus> only
transform is diferent
L1154[11:39:43] <gigaherz> nope it's
completely different
L1155[11:39:54] <gigaherz> rotations
L1156[11:39:58] <gigaherz> and to make it
L1157[11:40:00] <williewillus> not for me
L1158[11:40:14] <gigaherz> the default
rotation for gui when using OBJ models
L1159[11:40:16] <gigaherz> is the block
L1160[11:40:22] <williewillus> only thing
I ran into was translations in TRSR/Forge being 1/16 of vanilla
L1161[11:40:22] <williewillus>
that's it
L1162[11:40:31] <gigaherz> which means I
had to undo the rotations by hand
L1163[11:40:39] <gigaherz> trying out
different values until I got close enough
L1164[11:41:19] <gigaherz> my OBJ loader
treated models as 2D in inventory
L1165[11:41:23] <gigaherz> so that
didn't happen
L1166[11:41:38] <gigaherz> but
shade's one says they are 3D, so they get the transform
L1167[11:41:57] <gigaherz> and the
rotations were just... different
L1168[11:42:07] <williewillus> how did
you specify them?
L1169[11:42:07] <gigaherz> even for
forst/third person
L1170[11:42:10] <gigaherz> I had to redo
L1171[11:42:14] <Lordmau5> <model
location> - yay, the confusion ALREADY starts...
L1172[11:42:22] <diesieben07>
williewillus, did that work? :D
L1173[11:42:28] <gigaherz>
L1174[11:42:34] <williewillus> [ {
"x": rotX }, { "y": rotY }, { "z":
rotZ } ] works for me
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L1177[11:42:49] <gigaherz> I tried like a
hundred combinations
L1178[11:42:56] <williewillus> idk then,
bug fry
L1179[11:43:06] <williewillus>
diesieben07: trying now :p
L1180[11:43:08] <gigaherz> too late, I
already did the effort
L1181[11:43:09] <gigaherz> XD
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L1183[11:43:41] <williewillus> Lordmau5:
what's confusing?
L1184[11:43:51] <Lordmau5> what do I have
to put in there?
L1185[11:43:53] <Lordmau5>
L1186[11:44:01] <Lordmau5> like, I took
the example pastebin
L1187[11:44:06] <Temportalist> whats the
formula/expression for getting a mouse's angle from a certain
XZ in a gui?
L1188[11:44:07] <Lordmau5> and that has
L1189[11:44:14] <Lordmau5> do I put
"ffs:blocks/blockFrame" in there now?
L1190[11:44:22] <williewillus> wait I
thought you're making a camo block :p
L1191[11:44:25] <Lordmau5> and it
automatically refers to the blockFrame.png in the textures/blocks/
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L1193[11:44:34] <Lordmau5> yes, but I
have to return a texture incase the blockstate is null
L1194[11:44:39] <Lordmau5> don't
L1195[11:44:48] <williewillus> and yeah,
that's how the texture paths are resolved
L1196[11:44:49] <gigaherz> Temportalist:
getting an agnle from a vector is
L1197[11:44:49] <Lordmau5> no wait,
that's texture, gah
L1198[11:44:52] ***
PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L1199[11:44:55] <gigaherz>
L1200[11:44:56] <Lordmau5> I meant,
L1201[11:45:04] <gigaherz> or
L1202[11:45:05] <Lordmau5> do I put
"ffs:blockFrame" in there now or what
L1203[11:45:08] <gigaherz>
L1204[11:45:17] <Temportalist> gigaherz:
mhmm. thats only giving me 190-220 range
L1205[11:45:20] <williewillus> all the
stuff in the platform blockstate json is just fallback for when
there is no camo
L1206[11:45:40] <williewillus> in our
case we just specify the default minecraft cube_all model (6 sided
cube, with same tex on all sides) and provide the approopriate
L1207[11:45:51] <gigaherz> Temportalist:
if you pass the X,Z coords directly, the center will be a corner of
the screen
L1208[11:45:53] <williewillus> you ccan
specify any model you want there
L1209[11:45:58] <gigaherz> you probably
want to do
L1210[11:45:58] <Temportalist> Im
L1211[11:46:06] <gigaherz>
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L1213[11:46:17] <Lordmau5> where was the
platform json again, willie?
L1214[11:46:31] <Lordmau5> also, is the
structure "models/<model>.json" or
L1215[11:46:32] <Temportalist> yea.
Wouldnt z0 and x0 be the mc.displayWidth or displayHeight divided
by 2?
L1216[11:46:38] <gigaherz> dunno
L1217[11:46:56] <gigaherz> you want it in
respect of the center of the screen?
L1218[11:47:03] <Temportalist> yes
L1219[11:47:07] <gigaherz> hmmm
L1220[11:47:08] <williewillus> Lordmau5:
from a blockstate json, you don't have to give any paths.
modid:model will always resolve to
L1222[11:47:17] <gigaherz> but that may
not apply the gui zooming?
L1223[11:47:29] <Temportalist> oh
L1224[11:47:37] <Temportalist> i have to
take into account scaled res, dont i?
L1225[11:47:58] <williewillus>
diesieben07: duplicate method exception when classloading :D
L1226[11:48:03] <Lordmau5> so I simply
don't put a texture in there? fair enough
L1227[11:48:11] <williewillus> ?
L1229[11:48:22] <williewillus> well you
need to give it textures
L1230[11:48:35] <williewillus> cube_all
doesn't specify texturees for you, you have to say what the
texture variable "all" is
L1231[11:48:36] <Lordmau5> that happens
through the ISmartBlockModel, no?
L1232[11:48:46] <williewillus> for
mimicked blocks
L1233[11:48:52] <Temportalist> gigaherz:
still only gives me 190-220 angle range
L1234[11:48:53] <gigaherz> Temportalist:
gui.width and gui.height woudl give you the pre-scaled sizes
L1235[11:48:54] <williewillus> for your
own, you need a model for when it doesnt have a mimic
L1236[11:49:01] <Lordmau5> it will pretty
much never have it's own texture, so eh
L1237[11:49:10] <williewillus> it'll
show nothing/missing model then :p
L1238[11:49:14] <williewillus> dpeneding
on how you do it
L1239[11:49:15] <Lordmau5> fine by me
L1240[11:49:18] <gigaherz> well
"this.width" if you do it from the gui
L1241[11:49:31] <williewillus> if
that's the case you don't even need the blockstate json,
assuming you take care of the inventory model somewhere else
L1242[11:49:32] <gigaherz> Temportalist:
if it still happens with that, then I have no idea what you do
L1243[11:49:34] <gigaherz> but it's
not the atan2 ;P
L1244[11:49:41] <Lordmau5> what inventory
L1245[11:49:50] <williewillus> your block
in item form?
L1246[11:49:53] <williewillus> does it
not have a model?
L1247[11:49:57] <Lordmau5> why do I need
a block in item form?
L1248[11:50:02] <williewillus> err
L1249[11:50:02] <Lordmau5> I will never
have the frame in my inventory?
L1250[11:50:05] <williewillus> ah
L1251[11:50:07] <Lordmau5> it's just
in-world :D
L1252[11:50:07] <williewillus> nvm
L1253[11:50:13] <Lordmau5> so no .json
file needed for that then?
L1254[11:50:20] <williewillus> then you
don't need a blockstate json
L1255[11:50:25] <gigaherz> no just
"inventory":[{}] in your blockstates
L1256[11:50:29] <williewillus> gigaherz:
L1257[11:50:31] <williewillus>
L1258[11:50:35] <gigaherz> ah
L1259[11:50:35] <Lordmau5> I need it for
the valve though, this will be interesting
L1260[11:50:36] <williewillus> no
blockstate json at all :p
L1261[11:50:56] <Temportalist>
L1263[11:51:04] <williewillus> anyways,
just return the empty model where I would've returned the
default model in my smartmodel
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colloquy quit: I probably won't see anything til I get
L1266[11:51:18] <gigaherz> Temportalist:
y goes with height
L1267[11:51:19] <gigaherz> not
L1268[11:51:21] <Lordmau5> just
"return this;" at that part?
L1269[11:51:29] <Lordmau5> instead of
trying to grab the ModelResourceLocation and such
L1270[11:51:59] <williewillus> yup that
and the line under
L1271[11:52:11] <williewillus> since
"this" refers to a baked model with no quads so nothing
L1273[11:52:22] <Lordmau5> oh, so I have
to "return null;" instead?
L1274[11:52:26] <Lordmau5> no
L1275[11:52:30] <williewillus> yes
that's correct
L1276[11:52:33] <Temportalist> gigaherz:
okay, looks like mouse angle is working (I had it similar
L1277[11:52:43] <Temportalist> now i just
need to tweak some other algorithms
L1278[11:52:49] <Lordmau5> so what...
keep it at "return this;" or set it to "return
null;" at the end-line?
L1279[11:53:06] <williewillus> return
L1280[11:53:08] <Lordmau5> alright
L1281[11:53:46] <williewillus> we mean
"return this" treating "this" as a baked model
instead of a smart one, and since we return an empty list for
getGenQuads and getFaceQuads, the model will not have anything to
L1282[11:53:52] <Lordmau5> ah
L1283[11:54:05] <Lordmau5> alright
there's a few things left
L1284[11:54:11] <Lordmau5> e.g. in my
block, what do I do with "getRenderType()"?
L1285[11:54:27] <williewillus> return
L1286[11:54:41] <Lordmau5> got it
L1287[11:55:03] <williewillus> render
types are just 3, 2, 1, and -1 now; 3 for normal with tesr allowed,
2 to force tesr only, 1 for fluid, -1 for skip all
L1288[11:55:11] <Lordmau5> ok
L1289[11:55:18] <Lordmau5> so this next
one is gonna be tricky as hell...
L1290[11:55:20] <Temportalist> gigaherz:
sham1: I have a circle rendering (although its laggy :P)
L1291[11:55:36] <Lordmau5> the
ValveRenderer, which renders it's own block plus (if it's
the "master valve"), the fluid inside the tank
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L1293[11:55:52] <williewillus> block as a
L1294[11:55:54] <williewillus> fluid in
tesr :p
L1295[11:56:22] <Lordmau5> alright, so
now I can work with blockstate variants to see which one is the
outside and inside, so I can render a different model based on
L1296[11:56:29] <williewillus>
diesieben07: any ideas? :D so the default getModelLocation *is*
getting reobfed
L1297[11:56:33] <williewillus> but
somehow still AME's
L1298[11:56:37] <williewillus> Lordmau5:
L1299[11:56:47] <Temportalist> downside
is that it currently starts at normal angle of 0 instead of 90 and
is counterclockwise
L1300[11:56:50] <Lordmau5> btw, this is
how I used to do it:
L1302[11:57:06] <Lordmau5> I had the
empty blockValve
L1303[11:57:24] <PaleoCrafter>
Temportalist, add 90, modulo 360?
L1304[11:57:28] <Lordmau5> then,
depending on where the outside and inside of the tank is, I
rendered the tankMaster / tankValve on it
L1305[11:57:31] <Lordmau5> the other
sides were unaffected
L1306[11:57:37] <williewillus> is this on
the same block as the camo?
L1307[11:57:40] <Lordmau5> nope
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L1309[11:57:41] <Lordmau5> different
L1310[11:57:47] <williewillus> okay that
would've been interesting ;p
L1312[11:58:23] <Lordmau5> that's
how it worked in 1.7.10
L1313[11:58:41] <Lordmau5>
renderWorldBlock is the one you might wanna have a look at
regarding this
L1314[11:58:48] <williewillus> heh
it's funny, I actually can't read ISBRH's, never
worked extensively with them
L1315[11:58:54] <Lordmau5> oh lol
L1316[11:58:54] <williewillus> 1.8
knowledge far outstrips my 1.7 :p
L1317[11:59:05] <Lordmau5> well, in the
end, the bottom part is Tesselator stuff
L1318[11:59:13] <Lordmau5> and
RenderBlocks, I'm sorry.
L1319[11:59:18] <Lordmau5> but you should
get the idea of it, right?
L1320[11:59:28] <williewillus> anyways,
I'd take a look at the submodel stuff in the forge tests
folder, that might be what you want
L1321[11:59:31] <Temportalist>
PaleoCrafter: i fixed the rendering angles (now they start at
normal theta=90), but the mouse still starts at theta=0
L1322[11:59:33] <williewillus> or maybe
the multilayer stuff
L1323[11:59:34] <williewillus> not
L1324[11:59:38] <Lordmau5> multilayer
sounds interesting
L1325[11:59:45] <Lordmau5> so e.g. layer
0 is the base texture on all sides
L1326[11:59:51] <Lordmau5> and layer 1 is
then the overlapping texture, so to say
L1327[11:59:59] <Lordmau5> if that's
what the multilayer is about ...?
L1328[12:00:02] <williewillus> yeah
they're both on the forge wiki, and I have a case study for
multilayer in the doc. i gtg for now but I'll be back
L1329[12:00:03] <williewillus> good
L1330[12:00:15] <Lordmau5> alright,
thanks so far already!
L1331[12:00:18] ***
williewillus is now known as willieaway
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L1333[12:04:39] <Temportalist>
PaleoCrafter: meh I figure it wont matter because you're not
gonna see the mouse cursor anyway XD
L1334[12:05:09] <PaleoCrafter> What
exactly are you doing? A Morph style radial menu?
L1335[12:05:46] <Temportalist> yeah, but
for floats
L1336[12:06:07] <Lordmau5> sooo
L1337[12:06:13] <Temportalist> so when
the player selects, their angle/360 will be the returned selected
float out of 1F
L1338[12:06:43] <PaleoCrafter> Ah,
L1340[12:07:08] <shadekiller666> so i
have a block that is half rendered via the standard blockstate
method, and half rendered by a TESR
L1341[12:07:32] <shadekiller666> how
would i render the TESR-half of the block for the item?
L1342[12:07:50] ***
SnowShock35 is now known as zz_SnowShock35
L1343[12:07:54] <Temportalist>
PaleoCrafter: and its all done out of a guiscreen class
L1344[12:08:22] <Temportalist> so that
normal ESC function works and I dont have to check if there is a
screen up
L1345[12:08:27] <PaleoCrafter>
Implemented something similar until I realised that my menu was
much easier to navigate TC foci style (i.e. you see the cursor and
don't activate things within an angle range, but on
L1346[12:09:28] <Temportalist> i have an
implementation of what you said
L1347[12:09:51] <Temportalist> but the
float radial menu has no selected indicies
L1348[12:09:57] <Temportalist> so i have
to go on angle
L1349[12:09:59] ***
willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1350[12:10:23] <PaleoCrafter> Yeah,
it's a lot more simple, both for me and the user, as I have
two rows of selectable items
L1351[12:10:31] <Temportalist> nice
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L1354[12:10:47] <Temportalist> I have s
second radial implementation for your example (with indicies)
L1355[12:10:52] <PaleoCrafter>
shadekiller666, you're encouraged to not do anything like that
with an item :P why can't you just have a static JSON?
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timeout: 195 seconds)
L1357[12:10:57] <Temportalist> and a
third for geometric radials (like minemenu)
L1358[12:11:40] <shadekiller666>
PaleoCrafter, its a digital clock, the back plate is rendered by
the game, and the numbers are rendered by TESR
L1359[12:11:57] <PaleoCrafter> are you
sure it's not achievable with ISmartItemModel?
L1360[12:12:02] ***
zz_SnowShock35 is now known as SnowShock35
L1361[12:12:10] <PaleoCrafter> Seems like
something you'd do with that
L1362[12:12:13] <shadekiller666>
they're two separate models, so the item form is just the
backplate with the : in the middle
L1363[12:12:38] <williewillus> can't
you just have the backplate as a model, the numbers as submodels,
and combine?
L1364[12:12:49] <williewillus> ask fry
for his fontrenderer model thingy
L1365[12:13:04] <shadekiller666>
L1366[12:13:09] <PaleoCrafter> Unlike you
have a millisecond display, it shouldn't be too much of a
burden on the client xD
L1367[12:13:14] <PaleoCrafter>
L1368[12:13:21] <shadekiller666> its
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L1370[12:13:51] <PaleoCrafter> And
you're using a TESR for that? Oo
L1371[12:14:03] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: ah hey I wanted to ask
L1372[12:14:18] <gigaherz> how come for
obj models, you have to use "#mat": "texture
L1373[12:14:27] ***
manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L1374[12:14:31] <gigaherz> while for
vanilla json models you just need "smth": "texture
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L1376[12:14:51] <gigaherz> that # had me
stuck for a long while until I remember someone here mentioning
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L1378[12:15:24] <shadekiller666> well,
originally it was "<material name>: "<texture
path>", then fry came in and made it require the # to
"make it more consistant with the other loaders"
L1379[12:15:39] <gigaherz> well now
it's inconsistent with vanilla ;P
L1380[12:15:40] <diesieben07>
williewillus, no idea man. this is reallllly strange.
L1381[12:15:45] <diesieben07> when does
this happen exactly?
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L1383[12:15:53] <fry> yeah, need to look
at that again
L1385[12:16:17] <gigaherz> vs
L1387[12:16:36] ***
Kobata_ is now known as Kobata
L1388[12:16:46] <shadekiller666> fry,
i'm currently in my dev env, i can change it
L1389[12:17:39] <shadekiller666>
gigaherz, the problem was that the # is required right? not that
the key is the name of a material?
L1390[12:17:45] <PaleoCrafter> Makes me
think of the change where no classes defined in @SidedProxy
defaulting to inner classes, who (excluding fry) does that?
L1391[12:18:09] <shadekiller666> and i
can make "all" change all materials if thats something
that would be useful
L1392[12:18:13] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: yes the annoyance is that it requires a # for the
name, instead of being just the name
L1393[12:18:27] <shadekiller666> k
L1394[12:18:28] <gigaherz> #something is
ok if you want to delegate the VALUE to another key
L1395[12:18:31] <gigaherz> but not the
key itself ;P
L1396[12:18:37] <gigaherz> like
L1397[12:18:42] <gigaherz>
"channel": "#anothertexture"
L1398[12:18:56] <gigaherz> that's
how vanilla json models do it
L1399[12:18:59] <shadekiller666>
"materialA": "#materialB"
L1400[12:19:02] <gigaherz> yup
L1401[12:19:14] <shadekiller666> would
set "materialA" to "materialB"s texture
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L1403[12:19:17] <gigaherz> yep
L1404[12:19:26] <gigaherz> and it can be
L1405[12:19:28] <gigaherz> like
L1406[12:19:33] <gigaherz>
L1407[12:19:40] <gigaherz> defines
L1408[12:19:41] <gigaherz> and then
L1409[12:19:44] <gigaherz>
minecraft:cube_all does
L1410[12:19:49] <gigaherz>
L1411[12:20:12] <williewillus> any good
modelers wanting a break from their normal grind should help me
make a new elucidator model for botania 1.8 :p
L1412[12:20:19] <williewillus> thing
could use a facelift
L1413[12:20:25] <gigaherz> how does the
elucidator look like?
L1415[12:20:51] <gigaherz> ah a
L1416[12:21:03] <gigaherz> well I could
make a 3D version of it, but pixel art meh
L1417[12:21:22] <PaleoCrafter> Hmm,
Sponge's logo kinda looks like reddit's Oo
L1418[12:21:44] <fry> why not use the old
model, willie? :D
L1419[12:25:36] <williewillus> the old
L1420[12:25:51] <fry> the one you linked
L1421[12:25:57] <williewillus> if you
mean 1.7 model, then that's "builtin/generated"
L1422[12:26:34] <gigaherz> yeah
what's wrong with it ;P
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L1425[12:27:56] <williewillus>
diesieben07: when JEI loads plugins it caches all of its
itemstacks, which means calling the mesher
L1426[12:27:58] <williewillus> which
L1427[12:28:13] <williewillus> either
with duplicate method error if I have the SRG name, or abstract
method error without
L1428[12:28:39] <williewillus> not loads
plugins, just when it loads in general
L1429[12:29:41] <Xilef11> I have trouble
picking up items on a single block with
world.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityItem.class, new
AxisAlignedBB(p,p)) (p is a BlockPos)
L1430[12:30:11] <williewillus> that aabb
is a point
L1431[12:30:22] <williewillus> you need
p, p.add(1, 1, 1) to capture the blockspace
L1432[12:30:34] <Xilef11> thanks
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L1435[12:31:54] <diesieben07> ok so, the
duplicate method error means taht you are getting obfuscated
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L1437[12:32:05] <diesieben07> But
whatever JEI version you have is using a different method
L1438[12:32:12] <diesieben07> so... make
sure you are actually compatible :D
L1439[12:32:25] <Penguin> Hi :)
L1440[12:32:40] <diesieben07> it's a
L1441[12:32:43] <williewillus> hm
L1442[12:32:49] <Penguin> Yep!
L1443[12:33:03] <williewillus> but it
shouldn't have any difficulty
L1444[12:33:08] <williewillus> I'm
depending on a 1.8.9 jei
L1445[12:33:14] <williewillus> and the
srg names are the same
L1446[12:34:27] <diesieben07> that's
impossible, if they were the crash wouldn't happen. D:
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L1449[12:37:12] <williewillus> okay wat
I'm so confused
L1450[12:37:14] <williewillus> I disabled
L1451[12:37:19] <williewillus> and I get
class MesherWrapper not found
L1452[12:37:33] <diesieben07> waht.
L1453[12:38:21] <williewillus> it's
a private (static) interface, I'll try moving it out of the
file, but that's not normal
L1454[12:38:40] <mezz> what's
calling it? are you missing an AT from some mod?
L1455[12:38:57] <williewillus> my model
registering method in preinit :p
L1456[12:39:07] <Penguin> I have a
question :D
L1457[12:39:22] <williewillus>
setCustomMeshDefinition, taking a item and a MesherWrapper wrapping
around a lambda
L1458[12:39:28] <diesieben07> Lies!
Penguins don't have questions, they just look cute.
L1459[12:39:51] <Penguin> Why not both?
L1460[12:40:02] <diesieben07> Just ask
L1462[12:40:31] <Penguin> But I
can't do itemStack.stackTagCompound
L1463[12:40:38] <diesieben07> yeah that
is outdated.
L1464[12:40:39] <Penguin> It does like it
doesn't exist
L1465[12:40:44] <Penguin> Oh :/
L1466[12:40:50] ***
Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L1467[12:40:59] <diesieben07> Use
stack.getSubCompound(ModID, true) and you will get an
NBTTagCompound that you can do whatever you want with
L1468[12:41:29] <Penguin> Then I should
instanciate on NBTTagCompound to edit it, right?
L1469[12:41:33] <Penguin> an *
L1470[12:41:48] <Lordmau5> hmm
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L1473[12:42:15] <diesieben07> what? no.
just store your data in the NBTTagCompound you get from that.
L1474[12:42:17] <williewillus> have those
as values in your blockstate and read them in variants
L1475[12:42:27] <williewillus> your
default can just be your base model alone
L1476[12:42:45] <Lordmau5> okay
L1477[12:42:49] <Lordmau5> Solid is
always going to be that
L1478[12:43:05] <Lordmau5> did you read
the part I had there at the Translucent, willie?
L1479[12:43:36] <Lordmau5> e.g. I set a
specific blockstate to a side (north, east, west, ...) and that one
should then have the overlap
L1480[12:43:50] <Penguin> like
stack.getSubCompound(ModID, true).whatIWannaDo; ?
L1481[12:43:51] <williewillus> yeah, but
you can't read values in defaults (that's not what
defaults is for)
L1482[12:44:03] <diesieben07> Penguin, i
suggest you use a local variable. but yes.
L1483[12:44:36] <Penguin> Thanks :)
L1484[12:44:47] <Lordmau5> could I go for
something like this, one sec
L1485[12:44:50] <williewillus> hmm might
not even need multilayermodels for this
L1486[12:44:53] <williewillus> submodels
might do
L1487[12:44:58] <Lordmau5> hmm okay
L1488[12:45:02] <Lordmau5> let me have a
look into that then
L1489[12:45:14] <Lordmau5> where is
something with a submodel?
L1490[12:45:19] <Lordmau5> like, an
L1491[12:45:34] <williewillus> when do
you need the overlays applied?
L1492[12:45:39] <williewillus> trying to
whip up a rough example
L1493[12:45:42] <Lordmau5> all the time,
L1494[12:45:45] <Lordmau5> well,
L1495[12:45:56] ***
MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L1496[12:46:07] <Lordmau5> if the valve
is invalid, all the sides should have the tankMaster_0 or
tankValve_0 overlapped
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L1498[12:46:14] <Lordmau5> *depending on*
if the valve is master or not
L1499[12:46:24] <Lordmau5> so that's
where the first blockstate check kicks in, I'd say
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L1501[12:47:29] <williewillus> so all
nonmasters should have the same model and overlay
L1502[12:47:38] <Lordmau5> and
L1503[12:47:41] <Lordmau5> those that are
L1504[12:47:50] <williewillus> all
invalids should have the same model and overlay
L1505[12:47:55] <williewillus> ?
L1506[12:47:56] <Lordmau5> all invalids
should have the same model
L1507[12:47:58] <williewillus> k
L1508[12:48:06] <Lordmau5> but depending
on whether or not they are a master, they should render a specific
L1509[12:48:29] <Lordmau5> a full
breakdown with how to apply the Blockstates, how to read them, ...
would be amazing right now
L1510[12:48:36] <Lordmau5> I know I have
to set defaultstates in the Block class
L1511[12:48:45] <williewillus> (the doc)
L1512[12:48:47] <Lordmau5> but can I
change those through my Tile later?
L1513[12:48:49] <Lordmau5> ye, I
L1514[12:48:58] <williewillus> you
don't change them, you use getActualState to read them
L1515[12:49:00] <williewillus> from your
L1516[12:49:13] <williewillus> anyways,
this borderlines on it might be better go with a smartmodel
L1517[12:49:16] <williewillus> I'm
not sure
L1518[12:49:25] <Lordmau5> I probably
need to go with a smart model anyway
L1519[12:49:25] <williewillus> gigaherz
has done tanks right ask him :p
L1520[12:49:35] <gigaherz> tanks?
L1521[12:49:38] <williewillus> have
L1522[12:49:40] <Lordmau5> gigaherz my
man! *leans in and puts arm over shoulder*
L1523[12:49:41] <williewillus> someone
here has done tanks
L1524[12:49:44] <Lordmau5> nvm
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L1526[12:49:46] <williewillus> multiblock
L1527[12:49:47] <gigaherz> I never did
anything with fluids
L1528[12:49:51] <williewillus> oh nvm
L1529[12:49:58] <gigaherz> you
arethinking of someone else ;P
L1531[12:50:43] <TechStack> texture in
that region is the same.
L1532[12:50:49] <williewillus> is that
json or obj?
L1533[12:50:59] <TechStack> custom loaded
L1534[12:51:09] <TechStack> Port of the
old advanced model loader for use with entities
L1535[12:51:18] <williewillus> 0.o
L1536[12:51:24] <williewillus> you can
use the new OBJLoader on entities
L1537[12:51:44] <TechStack> Yes i can get
them to load but the texture wont work correctly
L1538[12:51:50] <shadekiller666>
L1539[12:52:04] <shadekiller666> why are
you porting the AdvancedModelLoader anyway
L1540[12:52:35] <shadekiller666> the 1.8
obj loader works just fine for entity models
L1541[12:52:42] <TechStack> I got it to
load a texture at one point but it was only pulling 1 pixle from
the texture becuase the UV cords of the model were from the texture
L1542[12:52:57] <shadekiller666>
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L1544[12:53:00] <TechStack> so when i did
.bindtexture on the entity render to apply my texture it would only
pick up a small part of it.
L1545[12:53:18] <TechStack> I had ported
the AML from the early days in 1.8 before your OBJLoader :D
L1546[12:53:18] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: is there any way to prevent the obj loader from
requiring the textures tobe in the atlas and messing with the UVs?
L1547[12:53:33] <shadekiller666>
gigaherz, what?
L1548[12:53:47] <McJty> Sounds like my
L1549[12:53:48] <gigaherz> most entity
models use their own separate textures
L1550[12:53:49] <XDjackieXD> TechStack: I
had the same problem and then I made a json model... you could try
b3d format though
L1551[12:53:54] <McJty> To be able to
load obj files that don't use the atlas
L1552[12:53:59] <shadekiller666>
TechStack, thats great, but use the official obj loader
L1553[12:53:59] <gigaherz> with UVs in
the range 0..1 without a TAS
L1554[12:54:18] <shadekiller666> oh,
L1555[12:54:20] <gigaherz> so far as I
know, there's no way to load a model with your loader for use
with external extures
L1556[12:54:29] <gigaherz> because if you
don't specify a texture
L1557[12:54:33] <gigaherz> it uses the
white one without asking
L1558[12:54:34] <shadekiller666>
L1559[12:54:34] <TechStack> I'd love
to use the offical version but the textures are my hang up been
working on it for a week +
L1560[12:54:47] <Xilef11> I want to
detect when an item touches a block, but
Block#onEntityCollidedWithBlock dosen't seem to work
L1561[12:55:02] <shadekiller666> fry,
gigaherz has a good point that i don't think either loader has
accounted for
L1562[12:55:33] <TechStack> XdjackieXD
you made a json for an entity?
L1563[12:55:48] <shadekiller666> problem
is that the loader assumes its being used for blocks and expects to
have the textures when the game is launching to stitch them into
the block texture map
L1564[12:55:56] <XDjackieXD> TechStack:
no a tileentity but I had the same problem with my obj
L1565[12:56:11] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: the solution would be simple
L1566[12:56:14] <shadekiller666>
TechStack, the official loader reads .mtl files as well
L1567[12:56:23] <gigaherz> if the texture
thingy passed on bake() returns null
L1568[12:56:32] <gigaherz> use raw UVs
L1569[12:56:40] <shadekiller666> whenever
you export a .obj from your modeling program and include materials
it makes a .mtl automatically
L1570[12:56:45] <TechStack> gotcha Jackie
i'm tring for an actual entity
L1571[12:56:57] <williewillus> throwing a
vote in for support for non-atlas textures
L1572[12:57:09] <williewillus> converting
techne models and the atlas only supports square textures
L1573[12:57:23] <williewillus> so
I'm having to throw some texture sheets with huge gaps of
empty space into the atlas
L1574[12:57:27] <williewillus> which
makes me feel dirty and terrible
L1575[12:57:31] <shadekiller666> all you
need to do is open the .mtl and change the "map_Kx" where
x is either a, s, or d, to "<modid>:block/texture"
or "<modid>:item/texture"
L1576[12:57:35] <gigaherz> so yeah
that's my solution: either accept "null" in that
argument, or allow it to return null
L1577[12:57:35] <gigaherz> ;P
L1578[12:58:00] <XDjackieXD> TechStack:
b3d seems to be a good option. there is a export plugin for
L1579[12:58:00] <McJty> Also if you have
models that have really big detailed textures they will consume a
lot of space in the atlas
L1580[12:58:12] <williewillus> and I
don't have time (or won't, soon) to destitch everything
into tiny pieces :p
L1581[12:58:19] <Penguin> Is there some
kind of annotation needed for the onCreated method to get her
thrown each time I create a new Item?
L1582[12:58:26] <TechStack> Yes i've
included a .mtl and also editied the texture location etc but if i
dont call .bindentitytexture then i get the purple & black
default texture on the model
L1583[12:58:31] <williewillus> onCreated
is for when you craft it
L1584[12:58:32] <williewillus> I
L1585[12:58:40] <Lordmau5> oh wait, this
might be interesting
L1586[12:59:09] <Penguin> So if you give
it in creative mode, it isn't thrown?
L1587[12:59:13] <williewillus> no
L1588[12:59:24] <shadekiller666>
gigaherz, the problem with just accepting null when loading is that
the uvs that get baked into the getGeneralQuads() list are passed
through TAS.getInterpolatedU(uv.u * 16) and
TAS.getInterpolatedV(uv.v * 16)
L1589[12:59:31] <Lordmau5> variants ->
normal is always getting applied, right?
L1590[12:59:34] <TechStack> XEjackieXD
does B3d support different group objects? in other words can i
render parts of the model independantly
L1591[12:59:41] <XDjackieXD> idk...
L1592[12:59:48] <williewillus> Lordmau5:
no, only in the normal variant
L1593[12:59:53] <Lordmau5> grr
L1594[12:59:56] <williewillus> the only
thing that gets globally applied is default
L1595[12:59:59] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: if TAS is null, skip that step!
L1596[13:00:11] <gigaherz> that's
all I'd ask for ;P
L1597[13:00:21] <shadekiller666> what
would i bake into the UV part of the buffer then?
L1598[13:00:29] <TechStack>
shadekiller666 yes i'm using getgenralquads to pass the data
to the render and that is where i seen it converting to TAS
L1599[13:00:33] <gigaherz> the raw UVs as
they are loaded from the model
L1600[13:00:37] <TechStack> yep
L1601[13:00:38] <gigaherz> without
adjusting for TAS
L1602[13:01:04] <gigaherz> heck, you
wouldn't even need to error if they are outside 0..1 in that
case ;P
L1603[13:01:09] <shadekiller666> ok hold
L1604[13:01:16] <williewillus> fry: your
thoughts on that^ ?
L1605[13:01:19] ***
Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L1607[13:01:35] <shadekiller666> right
now the loaders assume they are being used for blocks
L1608[13:01:51] <williewillus> Lordmau5:
yeah that's valid
L1609[13:01:53] <Lordmau5> that would set
the texture on every side to that new one, right? not through
L1610[13:01:57] <TechStack> Yeah took me
awhile to sort that one out.
L1611[13:02:08] <Lordmau5> so this
won't render it "over" the default texture
L1612[13:02:16] <williewillus> yeah
L1613[13:02:22] <williewillus>
you're overriding the texture variable "all"
L1614[13:02:28] <shadekiller666> which
means they A. expect to have to stitch the textures into the
TextureMap, B. use the TAS offset to bake the UV data into the
BakedQuads in the list
L1615[13:02:34] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: yes, my request would be, "if the texture
mapper is null, assume it's for entities instead"
L1616[13:02:35] <Lordmau5> can I check
for another variant inside a variant btw?
L1617[13:02:44] <williewillus>
unfortunately not
L1618[13:02:47] <fry> gigaherz: no, no
nulls; implement a custom TextureAtlasSprite, if you want a
non-stitched texture
L1619[13:02:55] <gigaherz> fuck
L1620[13:02:58] <Lordmau5> damn
L1621[13:03:00] <williewillus> :p
L1622[13:03:12] <gigaherz> Iwant everoyne
to do LESS work, not have everyone do extra
L1623[13:03:13] <gigaherz> XD
L1624[13:03:14] <williewillus> Lordmau5:
the rationale is if you need that level of control it's
probably smartmodel time
L1626[13:03:40] <fry> fuck nulls
L1627[13:03:43] <shadekiller666> fry, how
would a custom TAS help with this if the loaders are asked to load
a model after the TextureMap has been stitched?
L1628[13:03:54] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: the TAS would be fake
L1629[13:04:00] <shadekiller666>
doesn't matter
L1630[13:04:10] <gigaherz> as in:
getInterpolatedU(x) {return u; }
L1631[13:04:21] <gigaherz> hmmm
L1632[13:04:21] <fry> textures are
stitches to the sheet ONLY is the models are tied to
L1633[13:04:21] <shadekiller666>
L1634[13:04:26] <gigaherz> so the output
L1635[13:04:28] <gigaherz> would match
the input
L1636[13:04:30] <gigaherz> removing the
L1637[13:04:34] <shadekiller666> it would
still be using the TextureMap for blocks
L1638[13:04:39] <gigaherz> no it
L1639[13:04:43] <gigaherz> that's up
to the rendering code
L1640[13:04:46] <gigaherz> you have to
manually do
L1641[13:04:55] <gigaherz>
L1642[13:05:01] <gigaherz> you can
instaed fo
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L1644[13:05:08] <gigaherz>
L1645[13:05:11] <Penguin> Thanks a lot,
guys :)
L1646[13:05:11] <gigaherz> all the TAS
L1647[13:05:17] <gigaherz> is its own
relative UV range
L1648[13:05:24] <gigaherz> min/max for U
and V
L1649[13:05:34] <gigaherz> so if you were
to create a dummy TAS, the issue would be removed
L1650[13:05:34] <Lordmau5> also, how does
"modelRegistry.putObject" work?
L1651[13:05:35] <shadekiller666> fry,
could we make an EntityTAS,
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timeout: 204 seconds)
L1653[13:05:42] <gigaherz> that would be
L1654[13:05:48] <Lordmau5> I know the 2nd
argument is, in my case, "new TankFrameModel()"
L1655[13:06:00] <gigaherz> or even
L1656[13:06:08] <gigaherz> a RL->TAS
L1657[13:06:08] <Lordmau5> the first one
is a "new ModelResourceLocation('?')",
what's the ? there
L1658[13:06:11] <gigaherz> something
L1659[13:06:13] <shadekiller666> in my
local repo i have a "useFullAtlas" key in the json that
bypasses the getInterpolatedU/V()
L1660[13:06:19] <williewillus> Lordmau5:
the variant you want to override with a smartmodel
L1661[13:06:29] <gigaherz>
model.bake(..., ModelLoader.DUMMY_TEXTURE_FOR_ENTITIES)
L1662[13:06:39] <Lordmau5> ...
L1663[13:06:42] <gigaherz> which always
returns the dummy TAS ignoring the resourcelocation
L1664[13:06:47] <williewillus> e.g.
passing "minecraft:furnace#facing=east" would make your
smartmodel override a furnace that is facing east and off
L1665[13:06:49] <gigaherz> Lordmau5:
I'm making a proposal
L1666[13:07:01] <williewillus> Lordmau5:
they're tlaking about something else :p
L1667[13:07:04] <gigaherz> oh weait you
were what-ing to williewillus
L1668[13:07:04] <Lordmau5> I know
L1669[13:07:04] <gigaherz> XD
L1670[13:07:06] <Lordmau5> yup xD
L1671[13:07:18] <Lordmau5> so what do I
have to put there?
L1672[13:07:22] <Lordmau5>
"ffs:blockValve" ?
L1673[13:07:29] <Lordmau5> uhm I
L1674[13:07:31] <williewillus> what
variant do you want to override, all of them?
L1675[13:07:31] <Lordmau5> ffs:blockFrame
L1676[13:07:34] <Lordmau5> ye
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L1678[13:07:38] <Lordmau5> it'S the
frame that acts as the camouflage one
L1679[13:07:42] <fry> if you're
OOM'ing with a sheet and not OOM'ing with individual
textures you're doing it wrong anyway
L1680[13:07:46] <williewillus> new
ModelResourceLocation(<name of block>,
L1681[13:08:06] <Lordmau5> ok
L1682[13:08:06] <williewillus> if your
block has blockstate properties, make sure to statemap all of them
L1683[13:08:17] <shadekiller666> what
L1684[13:09:11] <williewillus> the atlas
requires square textures, which makes converting techne models
difficult becuase you have to expand almost everything so the atlas
will take it
L1685[13:09:52] <shadekiller666>
williewillus, the chest texture takes up a large area for that
reason :P
L1686[13:09:53] <PaleoCrafter> and
you're probably wasting a lot of space on that atlas :D
L1687[13:09:54] <Lordmau5> so what am I
supposed to do with the Valve block now, which has the
"master" and "non-master" state, and
"valid" or "invalid"
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L1689[13:10:05] <Lordmau5> mostly
clueless about this tbh
L1690[13:10:14] <shadekiller666> fry,
L1691[13:10:19] <williewillus> are you
registering the smartmodel for the valve?
L1692[13:10:21] <fry> Out Of Memory
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(~Kobata@cpe-24-210-17-81.columbus.res.rr.com) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L1694[13:10:32] <fry> and that's
another reason techne models are stupid
L1695[13:10:33] <Lordmau5> I'd have
to create a smartmodel for the valve first, one sec
L1696[13:10:41] <shadekiller666> oh
L1697[13:10:42] <fry> you'll be
wasting the GPU memory anyway
L1698[13:10:49] <fry> with or without the
L1699[13:10:55] <Lordmau5> alright, same
deal with registering it, or what?
L1700[13:11:00] <williewillus> yeah
L1701[13:11:16] <Lordmau5> alright
L1702[13:11:17] <shadekiller666> anyway,
what do you think about the multiple Function<> instances for
different use cases for the loaders?
L1703[13:11:51] <shadekiller666> or some
other means of telling the loaders what the model they're
loading is supposed to be used for
L1704[13:12:42] <Lordmau5> so... what
L1705[13:13:43] <williewillus> register
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L1707[13:13:50] <Lordmau5> ye, I
L1708[13:13:53] <williewillus> and
statemap all your properties to point to that variant
L1709[13:13:53] <Lordmau5> through the
L1710[13:14:04] <williewillus> look at
the "statemapping" section of the doc
L1711[13:14:05] <Lordmau5> what...
L1712[13:14:08] <Lordmau5> ok one
L1713[13:14:51] <Lordmau5> I still
don't ge tit
L1714[13:14:53] <Lordmau5> get it*
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L1716[13:16:38] <shadekiller666>
L1717[13:17:08] <M4thG33k> greetings! I
was wondering if anyone knew of a way to "average" the
colors of a block's texture...I know how to get a block's
icon for rendering of course, but I can't find a way to find
an "average" color. Is this even possible? Is there a way
to access individual pixels of a texture and check their
L1718[13:17:39] <shadekiller666>
L1719[13:17:56] <shadekiller666> if you
make a BufferedImage you might be able to iterate over the
L1720[13:18:21] <Lordmau5> williewillus
L1721[13:18:23] <shadekiller666> at which
point you would add up the color vectors and divide by how many
there are
L1722[13:18:52] <Lordmau5> I've
gotta break it to you, but I really can't understand what the
next step is from the doc...
L1723[13:20:31] <TechStack> Sounds like I
may need to hold on porting to 1.8.9 and stick with my AML in 1.8
until it is sorted out how to handle textures for entities in 1.8.9
OBJModels which I'd prefer to use going forward.
L1724[13:22:16] <M4thG33k> I'm not
sure how to even create A BufferedImage using the texturemap/iicon
data from a block...
L1725[13:23:02] <shadekiller666>
L1726[13:26:40] <Penguin> Logging out
now, thanks again :)
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L1730[13:37:09] <Lordmau5> it DOES render
something, nifty
L1731[13:37:39] <M4thG33k> Is there any
way to export the minecraft block texture map into a directory of
your choice? It appears to be in a location called
"textures/atlas/blocks.png", but I can't find that
location anywhere on my PC
L1732[13:38:07] <diesieben07> it's
stitched at runtime
L1733[13:38:15] <diesieben07> so
it's not an actual file
L1734[13:38:26] <M4thG33k> Is there any
way to export it once stitched?
L1735[13:39:01] <diesieben07>
L1736[13:39:57] <williewillus> mc used to
have an option to dump the atlas but it vanished in 1.8 :p
⇦ Quits: Wolwrig (~Wolwrig@2602:ffe8:200::7f1e:61de) (Ping
timeout: 186 seconds)
L1738[13:40:16] <williewillus> anyways
I'm just gonna go back to anonymous classes for now until it
gets figured out diesieben07 :/
L1739[13:40:33] <diesieben07> it really
does work with anon classes?
L1740[13:40:44] <diesieben07> that is so
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L1742[13:42:38] <Lordmau5> so apparently
it doesn't want to render anything, willie...
L1743[13:42:48] <M4thG33k> I still
don't understand how to use glGetTexImage to export the map;
none of the methods with that name have any documentation and their
inputs don't seem to match the data I have access to
L1744[13:42:54] <Lordmau5> might be due
to me returning "this" in general, but eh
L1745[13:43:03] <Lordmau5> also, not
rendering in inventory - I might want to have a normal inventory
rendering though, tbh
L1746[13:43:31] <williewillus> M4thG33k:
look up the openGL documentation
L1747[13:43:43] <williewillus>
they're just LWJGL forwards to the C++ gl lib :p
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L1749[13:44:15] <Xilef11> I want to
detect when an item touches a block, but
Block#onEntityCollidedWithBlock dosen't seem to work
L1750[13:44:39] <SkySom> IIRC it only
works if your block is slightly smaller than a full block
L1751[13:44:46] <williewillus> Xilef11:
are you porting from 1.7 to 1.8?
L1752[13:44:50] <williewillus>
there's a gotcha in there
L1753[13:44:52] <williewillus> if you
L1754[13:45:05] <williewillus> make sure
you're using the state sensitive version
L1755[13:45:07] <Xilef11> from scratch in
L1756[13:45:11] <williewillus>
there's two onEntityCollidedWithBlock
L1757[13:45:15] <williewillus> one has an
IBLockState parameter
L1758[13:45:36] <williewillus> make sure
you use that one, and yeah your block bounds have to be slightly
smaller than a full block
L1759[13:46:39] <Xilef11> my block is
much smaller than a full block, but I was using the non blockstate
L1760[13:46:56] <williewillus> yeah,
somehow they got remapped to the same name
L1761[13:48:20] <Xilef11> an @Deprecated
could be useful there...
L1762[13:48:27] <williewillus> well
it's not deprecated
L1763[13:48:30] <williewillus> they just
got remapped to the same name
L1764[13:48:40] <williewillus> they
probably have very different names in the true vanilla
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L1766[13:48:48] <Xilef11> what is the
other one supposed to do?
L1767[13:48:59] <Lordmau5> I doubt MC is
finding my default blockstates json file...
⇦ Quits: Wolwrig (~Wolwrig@2602:ffe8:200::7f1e:61de) (Ping
timeout: 186 seconds)
L1769[13:49:46] <williewillus> not sure,
but they're called at very different points in time
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L1774[13:57:34] <GeoDoX>
FMLServerStartedEvent assumes all worlds are loaded, correct?
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L1776[13:58:29] <M4thG33k> how would one
find the width/height of the block texture map?
L1777[13:58:58] <gigaherz> M4thG33k: you
shouldn't need it
L1778[13:59:14] <williewillus> gigaherz:
he wants to dump the atlas
L1779[13:59:20] <williewillus> so idk if
that's needed
L1780[13:59:24] <gigaherz> Oh
L1781[13:59:31] <williewillus> though if
I were you I'd just go back to 1.7.10 where the method to dump
it existed
L1782[13:59:32] <williewillus> and copy
L1783[13:59:38] <gigaherz> then,
there's a method to get the texture dimensions, IIRC
L1784[13:59:39] <gigaherz> sec
L1785[14:00:10] <gigaherz> ah
L1786[14:00:19] <gigaherz> still, mc does
print the atlas size so...
L1788[14:00:41] <GeoDoX> Just says
"and server is ready to play" in the doc
L1789[14:01:19] <TechStack>
shadekiller666: how about another flag in the customData simular to
fip-v that causes putVertexData to simply pass the original UV
value (not mapped to TAS)?
L1790[14:02:10] <shadekiller666>
TechStack, i have a key for that in my local repo
L1791[14:02:36] <TechStack> OK :)
L1792[14:03:53] <Xilef11> !gf
L1793[14:07:16] <gigaherz> M4thG33k:
looked at it, mc does not appear to store the size of the texture
after allocating the atlas
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L1795[14:07:39] <M4thG33k> Well that
seems problematic...
L1796[14:07:49] <gigaherz> however
L1797[14:07:54] <gigaherz> you can get to
the opengl texture ID
L1798[14:07:56] <gigaherz> and then you
can do
L1799[14:07:57] <diesieben07> read the
link i posted.
L1800[14:08:16] <gigaherz>
glGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, miplevel, GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH,
L1801[14:08:17] <M4thG33k> I did read
that and am attempting to implement it to see if I can get it to
L1802[14:08:20] <gigaherz> to get the
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(Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1804[14:10:22] <gigaherz> so first alpha
of my mod is now public
L1806[14:10:30] <gigaherz> LOTS of stuff
to add yet
L1807[14:10:36] <gigaherz> open for
suggestions ;P
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MineBot sets mode: +o on LexLap2
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L1811[14:18:26] <gigaherz> oops it was a
matter of releasing
L1812[14:18:31] <gigaherz> and I already
found 2 bugs
L1813[14:18:32] <gigaherz> ¬¬
L1814[14:18:56] ***
Vaht is now known as Tahg
L1815[14:20:07] ***
V is now known as Vigaro
L1816[14:22:44] <williewillus>
diesieben07: your way actually works, I derped hardhardhardcore
L1817[14:22:45] <williewillus> for the
L1818[14:22:56] <diesieben07> haha what
did you do?
L1819[14:23:18] <williewillus> I forgot
to wrap two other meshers further down in the file
L1820[14:23:28] <williewillus>
L1821[14:24:07] <diesieben07> haha
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L1825[14:36:14] <M4thG33k> another
question concerning open GL and the blockTextureMap: how do I let
GL know that the map is what I want to export. I've figured
out how to store the map info into a buffer using the glGetTexImage
method and then use that to create an image file, but I don't
know how to bind the texture map to GL first...
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Connection reset by peer)
L1828[14:37:51] <diesieben07> M4thG33k,
L1829[14:39:29] <williewillus> M4thG33k:
when you finish the snippet to dump the atlas, could you throw it
my way too? have a few uses for it too
L1830[14:39:50] ***
AEnterprise is now known as AEnterpriseAFK
L1831[14:40:33] <M4thG33k> If I can, I
will...the issue seems to be taht the ByteBuffer I'm
attempting to write the atlas to (using glGetTexImage) seems to be
empty after the write...
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Connection closed for inactivity)
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closed the connection)
L1834[14:43:22] <Lordmau5> o/ once
⇨ Joins: OrionOnline (~OrionOnli@
L1836[14:45:20] <OrionOnline> Anyone know
a good webdesign guy / girl? I need one for a project and will pay
him decently
L1837[14:46:53] ***
williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1838[14:46:55] ***
Vigaro is now known as V
L1839[14:48:32] <Lordmau5> damn
willieaway ;_;
L1840[14:48:44] <Lordmau5> so apparently,
my blockValve.json looks fine, it get's loaded and all - which
is good
L1841[14:48:51] <Lordmau5> but it
doesn't apply the texture?
L1842[14:49:05] <OrionOnline> fry you
there? Have a question about the B3D loader
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L1844[14:57:19] ***
MorphFK is now known as Morphan1
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L1846[15:00:06] <Lordmau5> yup,
definitely not loading my texture
⇨ Joins: agowa339
L1848[15:01:06] <Lordmau5> I have a block
with a unlocalized name of "blockValve" - the blockstate
json is in
"<modid>\blockstates\block\blockValve.json" looking
like this:
https://i.lordmau5.com/1452546011-536 |
it displays the weird purple/black texture on all of the blocks
sides and also in the inventory
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L1850[15:01:12] ***
agowa339 is now known as agowa338
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(~Szernex@188-23-214-111.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L1853[15:07:51] *
LexManos smacks Lordmau5 bad!
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L1855[15:07:59] <Lordmau5> what why what
did I do now?!
L1857[15:08:52] <Lordmau5> so that's
in the Block class?
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L1859[15:09:29] ***
Kobata_ is now known as Kobata
L1860[15:09:55] <Lordmau5> tile.null.name
- thanks Lex :P
L1861[15:09:59] <Lordmau5> also, still no
L1862[15:10:14] <PaleoCrafter> it
ain't blockstates/block/whatever.json
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L1864[15:10:18] <PaleoCrafter> but
L1865[15:10:58] <Lordmau5> there is no
log in my console saying that it can't find the specific json
file, so I assumed /block/... was right, one sec
L1866[15:11:10] <Lordmau5> still no
texture \o/
L1867[15:13:57] <Lordmau5> so ye, changed
stuff a bit around, put setUnlocalizedName back in so the block
actually resolves it's name from the .lang file
L1868[15:14:11] <Lordmau5> but still not
having any texture... I'm out of ideas
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L1870[15:18:14] <LexManos> the
unlocalized name is for the localization of names
L1871[15:18:15] <LexManos> thats it
L1872[15:18:26] <LexManos> but yes there
should be an error telling you where its looking for the json
L1873[15:18:38] <LexManos> if not yell at
fry because I KNOW i had that working
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(Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Awaykoli)))
L1875[15:20:03] <Xilef11> so calling
EntityItem.setNoDespawn() "freezes" the stack... is there
another way to prevent despawning?
L1876[15:20:12] ***
Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L1877[15:20:44] <Lordmau5> oh oh oh
L1878[15:20:54] <Lordmau5> I get
"Model definition for location ffs:blockValve#normal not
L1879[15:20:57] <Lordmau5> same for
L1880[15:21:22] <Lordmau5> the file is in
my resources/assets/ffs/blockstates/ folder though
L1881[15:21:31] <Lordmau5> named
blockValve.json , like the unlocalized name + registry name
L1882[15:21:45] <PaleoCrafter> well, you
don't specify the stuff for the normal variant :P
L1883[15:21:56] <Lordmau5> doesn't
the default do that for me?
L1884[15:21:58] <Lordmau5>
⇦ Quits: Kobata
(~Kobata@cpe-24-210-17-81.columbus.res.rr.com) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L1886[15:22:21] <PaleoCrafter> you still
have to list the variant, but you can leave it empty
L1887[15:22:24] <Lordmau5> also, I got
the inventory variant defined - and it told me that that one is not
there either
L1888[15:22:35] <PaleoCrafter> do you
call setCustomModelResourceLocation?
L1889[15:22:47] <Lordmau5> do I *have* to
call that?
L1890[15:22:51] <PaleoCrafter> yes
L1891[15:23:17] <Lordmau5> oh look, I got
a crash now after I added '"normal": {},' to my
json file
L1892[15:23:54] <PaleoCrafter> has to be
L1893[15:23:56] <PaleoCrafter> iric
L1894[15:24:02] <Lordmau5> IT HAS A
L1895[15:24:03] <Lordmau5> :p
L1896[15:24:10] <Lordmau5> ye, [{}]
L1897[15:24:59] <Lordmau5> the inventory
part isn't being shown though, I set that to [{}] too
L1898[15:25:15] <Lordmau5> it renders
in-world now though
L1899[15:25:35] <PaleoCrafter> what does
your setCMRL call look like?
L1900[15:26:02] <Lordmau5> the one I
don't have :P?
L1901[15:26:18] <PaleoCrafter> ...
L1902[15:26:23] <Lordmau5> It's one
L1903[15:26:25] <Lordmau5> no
L1904[15:26:32] <Lordmau5> I've read
that the inventory part in the json is enough
L1905[15:26:37] <Lordmau5> apparently I
was misinformed then.
L1906[15:26:38] <PaleoCrafter> it is
L1907[15:26:42] <Lordmau5> alright, now I
know :P
L1908[15:27:04] <PaleoCrafter> if you
believed that other source immediately, why not do the same for me?
L1909[15:27:12] <Lordmau5> I do now
L1910[15:27:34] <Lordmau5> okay, so where
do I have to put the setCMRL and how should it look like?
L1911[15:27:52] <Lordmau5> *cough*
L1913[15:27:58] <PaleoCrafter> somewhere
in your client proxy such that it gets called from preInit
L1915[15:28:29] <Lordmau5> so I gotta
blame willieaway once he's back
L1916[15:28:54] <PaleoCrafter> it's
true for the JSON part of things :P
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timeout: 198 seconds)
L1918[15:29:35] <Lordmau5> ah
L1919[15:29:55] <PaleoCrafter>
0, new ModelResourceLocation("modid:blockstatesName",
L1920[15:29:58] <M4thG33k> So,
diesieben07, I have bound the texture the way you told me to and
have stored the width and height as variables, but they are both
set to be 16...
L1921[15:30:15] <diesieben07> that is not
L1922[15:30:30] <M4thG33k> no it is
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(~Szernex@188-23-214-111.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Killed (NickServ
(GHOST command used by Szernex_)))
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L1925[15:31:39] <Lordmau5> oh boi, thank
you PaleoCrafter <3
L1926[15:31:46] <PaleoCrafter> np
⇦ Quits: Loetkolben
(~Loetkolbe@ipbcc2d086.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Over
and Out!)
L1928[15:31:59] <Lordmau5> do you perhaps
also have insight on doing "overlay" rendering?
L1929[15:32:12] <PaleoCrafter>
⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@ (Quit:
L1931[15:32:13] <Lordmau5> as in, having
a base texture on my block, but rendering another semi-transparent
texture above it?
L1932[15:32:19] <PaleoCrafter> oh
L1933[15:32:21] <Lordmau5> on blocks, not
the general UI
L1934[15:32:21] <PaleoCrafter> one
L1935[15:32:21] <Lordmau5> :P
L1936[15:32:46] <Lordmau5> also, can I
change "inventory": [{}] to "inventory": {
textures: { ... } } now?
L1937[15:32:52] <PaleoCrafter> sure
L1938[15:33:08] <Lordmau5> neat
L1939[15:33:30] <PaleoCrafter> create a
file in modid/models/block/ and call it something like
L1940[15:33:30] ***
Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L1942[15:34:18] <PaleoCrafter> and then
just set the texture variables in your blockstates file
L1943[15:34:19] <Lordmau5> oh god, other
question regarding this though
L1944[15:34:23] <Lordmau5> I have to do a
2-way check
L1945[15:34:35] <Lordmau5> first, I have
to check if the valve is valid or invalid
L1946[15:34:45] <Lordmau5> and depending
on that, if it's master or not - then, get the desired
L1948[15:35:11] <PaleoCrafter> to have it
support tranparency/translucency override getBlockLayer in your
Block class and return the appropriate value
L1949[15:35:20] <Lordmau5> okay
L1950[15:35:27] <PaleoCrafter> well,
that's basic blockstates stuff
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L1952[15:35:38] <Lordmau5> ye, but I
can't do double-checks inside the json, can I?
L1954[15:35:57] <Lordmau5> it
doesn't show the inventory texture anymore :(
L1955[15:36:01] <PaleoCrafter> you can
use getActualState, I guess
L1956[15:36:03] ***
illyohs is now known as Illy
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L1958[15:36:49] <Lordmau5>
blockValve_Item.png exists in my textures\blocks folder
L1959[15:37:45] <PaleoCrafter> or do it
with models, like "validValve": { "true": {
"model": "that_other_model" },
"false": { "model": "normal_model" }
}, "master": { "true": { "textures":
{...} } ...}
L1960[15:37:59] <PaleoCrafter> where the
"normal_model" doesn't have the texture variables
defined in the master section
L1961[15:38:10] <Lordmau5> let me do a
quick mockup
L1962[15:38:27] <PaleoCrafter> hm, that
seems weird
L1963[15:38:30] *
PaleoCrafter pokes fry
L1965[15:39:24] <Lordmau5> I have asked
that before and someone told me that this is not going to
L1966[15:39:33] <PaleoCrafter> yeah, it
L1967[15:39:33] <GeoDoX> How to check if
the ICommandSender is the console
L1968[15:39:46] <Lordmau5> another idea
to go for would be to check if the valve is valid and then forward
it to some master.json model, no?
L1969[15:39:53] <PaleoCrafter> you
*could*, however, go with fully qualified variant strings
L1970[15:39:57] <PaleoCrafter> just like
vanilla does it
L1971[15:40:00] ***
TehNut is now known as TehNut|Gone
L1972[15:40:07] <Lordmau5> valid_master,
invalid_master, valid_valve and invalid_valve?
L1973[15:40:08] <PaleoCrafter> would
probably even result in less JSON
L1974[15:40:09] <Lordmau5> or...?
L1975[15:40:42] <gigaherz> Lordmau5:
there IS a trick you can use
L1976[15:40:51] <gigaherz> on
L1977[15:40:51] <Lordmau5> oh god,
hackery here we go
L1978[15:40:56] <PaleoCrafter> instead of
"valid": { "true"/"false" } you have
"valid=true,master=true": { }
"valid=true,master=false": { }
L1979[15:41:03] <M4thG33k> I would like
to call a method after Minecraft has completely started (meaning
postInitialization is finished too), what would be the best method
to go about doing this?
L1980[15:41:09] <Lordmau5> oh that works,
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L1982[15:41:20] <gigaherz>
L1983[15:41:22] <PaleoCrafter> M4thG33k,
what do you want to do in that method?
L1984[15:41:29] <gigaherz>
"textures": { "all": "#valve" }
L1985[15:41:32] <gigaherz>
"textures": { "all": "#master"
L1986[15:41:34] <gigaherz> ...
L1987[15:41:44] <gigaherz>
"valve": "valid valve"
L1988[15:41:47] <gigaherz>
"master": "valid valve"
L1989[15:41:52] <gigaherz> then
L1990[15:41:52] <Lordmau5> huh
L1991[15:41:57] <M4thG33k> It's a
one-time dump of some data from the collective mods installed
L1992[15:42:00] <gigaherz> let me put it
in json format
L1993[15:42:02] <gigaherz> XD
L1994[15:42:03] <Lordmau5> ok
L1995[15:42:13] <Lordmau5> also, I'd
have to do another check on them, depending on which side I want to
have the stuff on
L1996[15:42:14] <PaleoCrafter> what data,
L1997[15:42:19] <Lordmau5> since if
it's invalid, it should render on all 6 sides
L1998[15:42:24] <Lordmau5> but if
it's valid, only on the inside and outside
L1999[15:42:31] ***
Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L2000[15:42:40] <M4thG33k> at this point,
it's the blockTextureMap which (apparently) is only completely
stitched in post-init
L2001[15:43:01] <PaleoCrafter>
TextureStitchEvent.Post should be sufficient :P
L2002[15:43:35] <PaleoCrafter> it will
get called multiple times so you'll overwrite your file a few
times, but it should work nonetheless
L2003[15:44:03] <M4thG33k> would I create
an event handler for that in my main mod class, then? (This is
something I haven't really attempted to do before)
L2005[15:44:16] <gigaherz> this
L2006[15:44:24] <gigaherz> the way the
model system works
L2007[15:44:25] <Lordmau5> thanks let me
have a look
L2008[15:44:28] <gigaherz> you can define
textures that remain unused
L2009[15:44:29] <PaleoCrafter> you can do
it in the main mod class, but you don't annotate it with
@EventHandler but @SubscribeEvent
L2010[15:44:36] <gigaherz> and you can
link one texture "channel" to another
L2011[15:44:45] <M4thG33k> alright.
I'll see what I can do with that. Thanks!
L2012[15:44:45] <gigaherz> so that it
will recurse querying the value
L2013[15:45:27] <PaleoCrafter> you
register the event handler via
L2014[15:45:37] <gigaherz> so if the
state for "master" is true, it will use the master
texture, but ignore the valve one
L2015[15:45:39] <gigaherz> if it's
L2016[15:45:50] <gigaherz> it will use
the valve texture and ignore the master
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L2018[15:46:30] <gigaherz> (missed a
comma, fixed ;P)
L2019[15:47:18] <Lordmau5> alright, I
understood it now
L2020[15:47:33] ***
willieaway is now known as williewillus
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L2022[15:48:03] <gigaherz> if you want to
have that texture only one one face
L2023[15:48:04] <gigaherz> you can
L2024[15:48:14] <gigaherz>
"east": "#something"
L2025[15:48:31] <gigaherz> and it will
replace the default, which is "east":"#all"
inside cube_all
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L2027[15:48:40] <Lordmau5> that is the
next part though
L2028[15:48:56] <Lordmau5> I have to
fetch some value of the BlockState
L2029[15:48:57] <gigaherz> yeah
L2030[15:48:58] ***
kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L2031[15:49:02] <gigaherz> I'm just
L2032[15:49:03] <Lordmau5> e.g.
let's say the variable is called "inside"
L2033[15:49:04] <gigaherz> it can be
L2034[15:49:06] <Lordmau5> so the inside
is "East"
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L2036[15:49:15] <gigaherz> cube_all just
defaults to having all sides map to "#all"
L2037[15:49:16] <Lordmau5> then I want to
show the overlay texture on "East" and
L2039[15:49:27] <gigaherz> but you can
selectively set one of the sides to something else ;P
L2040[15:49:33] <Lordmau5> Ye, I
understood that already
L2041[15:49:37] <Lordmau5> did you read
what I meant though?
L2042[15:50:00] <Lordmau5> would I have
to go for "inside=east" then, perhaps?
L2043[15:50:12] <gigaherz> well you could
have something like
L2044[15:50:22] ***
PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L2045[15:50:43] <gigaherz>
"inside": {"east": { "textures":{
"east":"#special" } } ...
L2046[15:50:45] <gigaherz> and then
L2047[15:50:55] <Lordmau5> aah
L2048[15:50:56] <gigaherz> where you had
L2049[15:51:03] <gigaherz> you could have
L2050[15:51:30] ***
MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L2051[15:52:16] <Lordmau5> so I need
additional #master_valid and #valve_valid
L2052[15:52:25] <Lordmau5> going by the
"inside" basically
L2053[15:52:42] ***
V is now known as Vigaro
L2054[15:52:46] <Lordmau5> another
question though
L2055[15:53:01] <Lordmau5> could I check
"inside": {"east or west": ... ?
L2056[15:53:15] <gigaherz> nope
L2057[15:53:20] <gigaherz> you have to
repeat the same contents twice
L2058[15:53:22] <Lordmau5> urgh
L2059[15:53:36] <williewillus> why no
smartmodel? :p
L2060[15:53:39] <gigaherz> also keep in
mind, you MUST have ALL the possible values
L2061[15:53:50] <gigaherz> yeah if it
gets that complex
L2062[15:53:54] <Lordmau5> because you
left and didn't tell me about it
L2063[15:53:57] <gigaherz> it may be time
to switch to hardcoding it XD
L2064[15:54:02] <williewillus> I told you
to consider a smartmodel
L2065[15:54:03] <williewillus> :p
L2066[15:54:05] <Lordmau5> yes
L2067[15:54:10] <Lordmau5> and I never
modded 1.8.9 before, remember?
L2068[15:54:14] <Lordmau5> well, I
haven't said that before
L2069[15:54:15] <Lordmau5> but I did
L2070[15:54:24] <williewillus> yes, and
the guide has information and examples for you to try to figure
L2071[15:54:28] <Lordmau5> it does
L2072[15:54:37] <Lordmau5> or at least
it's lacking information
L2073[15:54:39] <williewillus>
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L2075[15:55:13] <williewillus> either way
have a smart model and choose which submodels to apply based on
that. Have submodels that just have the valve texture on a single
face, rotate and apply as needed
L2076[15:55:28] <Lordmau5> Having a smart
model is easy - kinda, at least
L2077[15:55:34] <Lordmau5> choosing
submodels - heck, how do I do that
L2078[15:55:43] <williewillus>
smartmodels are in java code
L2079[15:56:01] <williewillus> you
literally check your blockstates with ifs :p
L2080[15:56:03] <Lordmau5> submodel ==
L2081[15:56:06] <Lordmau5> ?
L2082[15:56:06] <gigaherz> no
L2083[15:56:08] <GeoDoX> Whats the best
way for notifying users that a required argument was not
L2084[15:56:09] <Lordmau5> see
L2085[15:56:11] <gigaherz> the idea of a
smart model
L2086[15:56:16] <gigaherz> is that it can
return different actual models
L2087[15:56:19] <gigaherz> based on the
L2088[15:56:25] <williewillus> ^using
java code
L2089[15:56:27] <gigaherz> (ItemStack or
IBlockState or perspective)
L2090[15:56:27] <williewillus>
that's the important part
L2091[15:56:51] <gigaherz> so you need to
have those models ready to return when needed
L2092[15:56:56] <gigaherz> hence the term
L2093[15:56:56] <Lordmau5> ok so
let's start it off easy . . .
L2094[15:57:03] <Lordmau5> I have a main
ISmartBlockModel for my TankValveModel
L2095[15:57:05] <GeoDoX> Yes
williewillus, I agree but is there a simple way? Or just throw an
L2096[15:57:07] <Lordmau5> or well,
that's the class
L2097[15:57:15] <shadekiller666> fry,
what do you think about ways to tell the loaders what the intended
purpose of the model being loaded will be
L2098[15:57:16] <Lordmau5> how do I get
it to return a base texture - just one, normal, texture
L2099[15:57:23] <Lordmau5> on *all*
L2100[15:57:25] <shadekiller666> for like
entity models and such
L2101[15:57:25] <gigaherz> you
L2102[15:57:32] <Lordmau5> . . .
L2103[15:57:36] <gigaherz> the baked
model doesn't "return textures"
L2104[15:57:37] <gigaherz> it has
L2105[15:57:42] <Lordmau5> 1.8.9 is way
more complicated than I expected it to be
L2106[15:57:47] <williewillus> not
really, it's different
L2107[15:57:48] <Lordmau5> so what, do I
return .json files now?!
L2108[15:57:54] <gigaherz> nope
L2109[15:57:57] <gigaherz> baked
L2110[15:58:04] <Lordmau5>
***complicated*** ;__;
L2111[15:58:05] <gigaherz> with vertices
and texcoords already pre-computed
L2112[15:58:07] <williewillus> I have a
whole way built out in my head how to do this, but idk how to
communicate it :p
L2113[15:58:08] <GeoDoX> Anyone?
L2114[15:58:25] <williewillus> and not
really clea rhow your valves are supposed to behave
L2115[15:58:30] <williewillus> do you
have a 1.7 binary anywere
L2116[15:58:34] <williewillus> I could
mess with?
L2117[15:58:38] <Lordmau5>
ffs.lordmau5.com enjoy
L2118[15:58:54] <Lordmau5> you want the
1.7.10 stable
L2119[15:59:03] <williewillus> GeoDoX: in
a command?
L2120[15:59:08] <GeoDoX> williewillus,
L2121[15:59:17] <williewillus> see how
the vanilla ones do it
L2122[16:00:07] <gigaherz> Lordmau5: will
your model actually have MORE than just facing, master/valve, and
L2123[16:00:11] <gigaherz>
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L2125[16:00:21] <Lordmau5> hmm, let me
think about it
L2126[16:00:37] <Lordmau5> not really,
L2127[16:00:49] <Lordmau5> so let's
quickly break it down:
L2128[16:00:57] <Lordmau5> if it's
invalid, it's rendering the texture on all 6 sides
L2129[16:01:04] <Lordmau5> the texture is
dependant on it being master or not.
L2130[16:01:13] <Lordmau5> if it's
valid, it only renders on 2 sides - inside of the tank and
L2131[16:01:19] <Lordmau5> the texture is
dependant on it being master or not, again
L2132[16:01:27] <Lordmau5> that's
literally all there is to it
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L2135[16:05:10] ***
TehNut|Gone is now known as TehNut
L2136[16:05:44] <gigaherz> Lordmau5: hmm
I see, your needs are "special" ;P
L2137[16:05:49] <Lordmau5> kinda...
L2138[16:05:55] <Lordmau5> was easier in
1.7.10! :p
L2140[16:07:09] <gigaherz> this may or
may not work
L2141[16:07:09] <gigaherz> XD
L2142[16:07:19] <gigaherz> it's all
a bit crazy
L2143[16:07:54] <williewillus> gigaherz:
not sure if it works like that lol
L2144[16:08:00] <gigaherz> williewillus:
it does XD
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L2146[16:08:04] <gigaherz> I think
L2147[16:08:04] <gigaherz> XD
L2148[16:08:10] <Lordmau5> if I would
have blockstates on my block available, I could try it
L2149[16:08:12] <Lordmau5> *runs*
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(~alex_6611@p549365E7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198
L2151[16:08:17] <gigaherz> basically all
the key:value paris are added to a Map
L2152[16:08:22] <Lordmau5> that's
like, the one thing that I didn't really look into yet
L2153[16:08:28] <gigaherz> replacing any
existing values
L2154[16:08:28] <williewillus>
blockstates are simple
L2155[16:08:29] <Lordmau5> I mean, I got
the variables in my TileEntity
L2156[16:08:37] <Lordmau5> which I would
have to write on the BlockState, no?
L2157[16:08:37] <williewillus>
there's a section in the doc about that too :p
L2158[16:08:40] <williewillus> yes
L2159[16:08:44] <gigaherz> and then the
model resolves the values as needed ;P
L2160[16:08:48] <williewillus> you would
fill that data in using getActualState
L2161[16:08:51] <gigaherz> if it starts
with #, then tries again
L2162[16:08:55] <gigaherz> until it gets
a final value ;P
L2163[16:09:03] <gigaherz> so it *MAY*
L2164[16:09:10] <gigaherz> but the logic
may also be broken XD
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L2166[16:09:26] <gigaherz> so that's
where an ISmartBlockModel may help
L2167[16:09:48] <williewillus> I'll
check out how it should be in 1.7 and refine my idea of how to make
it work :p
L2168[16:09:54] <williewillus>
giga's idea might not be too farfetched :p
L2169[16:09:54] <gigaherz> you could
generate those crazy texture mapping combinations in code
L2170[16:09:55] <Lordmau5> ok
L2171[16:10:14] <gigaherz> basically ask
MC to give you the "cube_all" IModel
L2172[16:10:16] <Lordmau5> I'll have
to see how to do "virtual fluid rendering" from the
master valve tile as well at some point
L2173[16:10:21] <gigaherz> and then call
L2174[16:10:27] <gigaherz> with your list
of "east":"x"
L2175[16:10:33] <gigaherz> all nicely
precalculated ;P
L2176[16:10:40] <gigaherz> and then
.bake() the final model
L2177[16:10:45] <gigaherz> but it's
a steeper curve to learn
L2178[16:10:50] <gigaherz> than using a
crazy json model
L2179[16:10:54] <williewillus> imo not
L2180[16:11:00] <williewillus>
you're doing the same thing effectively
L2181[16:11:04] <williewillus> just in
L2182[16:12:07] <gigaherz> yes but
there's multiple classes involved, and querying internal
values from mc and such ;P
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L2184[16:12:31] <Lordmau5> how would I go
for creating PropertyBool's?
L2185[16:12:40] <williewillus>
L2186[16:12:52] <gigaherz> public static
final PropertyBool THE_BOOLEAN =
L2187[16:13:02] <Lordmau5> thanks
L2188[16:13:04] <gigaherz> then you
override createBlockState
L2189[16:13:14] <gigaherz> and return new
BlockState(this, THE_BOOLEAN);
L2190[16:13:18] <gigaherz> and then in
the constructor
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(uid37180@id-37180.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed
for inactivity)
L2192[16:13:27] <williewillus> easy now
L2193[16:13:41] <gigaherz> you do
L2194[16:14:03] <williewillus> you always
take it to the end do you lol
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L2196[16:14:14] <Lordmau5>
createBlockState... ok
L2197[16:14:28] <gigaherz> williewillus:
yes, otherwise he'll try to run, then come back saying
"it did nothing"
L2198[16:14:29] <gigaherz> ;p
L2199[16:14:36] <Lordmau5> Kappa that guy
knows me
L2200[16:14:37] <williewillus> but
it's also information overload
L2201[16:14:42] <Lordmau5> that as
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L2203[16:15:16] <gigaherz> also I
didn't do EVERYTHING involved
L2204[16:15:18] <gigaherz> there's
more steps ;P
L2205[16:15:34] <williewillus> how do I
get tank frames? :p
L2206[16:15:39] <williewillus> i just see
a valve in nei
L2207[16:15:41] <Lordmau5> yup
L2208[16:15:46] <Lordmau5> remember
XyCraft tanks?
L2209[16:15:47] <Lordmau5> enjoy
L2210[16:16:17] <Lordmau5> do a empty
multiblock, e.g. of stone, 3x3x3 for example with the one in the
center being air
L2211[16:16:23] <Lordmau5> and replace
one of the wall blocks with the valve
L2212[16:16:25] <Lordmau5> then right
click the valve
L2213[16:16:39] <Lordmau5> might want to
extend it to 5x5x5 and replace the walls with glass, so you can see
how the texture should look like
L2214[16:17:00] <Lordmau5> remember: by
walls I mean the 3x3 inside the 5x5 sides
L2215[16:17:10] <Lordmau5> also
L2216[16:17:19] <Lordmau5> what if I have
multiple Properties to return in the createBlockState?
L2217[16:17:26] <williewillus> just pass
them all
L2218[16:17:26] <Lordmau5> bool, bool and
EnumFacing / Direction
L2219[16:17:29] <williewillus>
createBlockState is varargs
L2220[16:17:34] <gigaherz> return new
BlockState(this, P1, P2, P3, ...)
L2221[16:17:59] <Lordmau5> so like
L2222[16:17:59] <Lordmau5> return new
BlockState(this, FFSStateProps.VALVE_VALID,
L2223[16:18:04] <williewillus> yeah
L2224[16:18:13] <Lordmau5> same order
that I have it in the setDefaultState, I assume
L2226[16:18:21] <williewillus> order
doesnt matter I don't think
L2227[16:18:22] <gigaherz> simple block
with facing
L2229[16:18:34] <gigaherz> block with
crazy blockstate combinations
L2230[16:18:49] <williewillus> I'm
playing with the tanks and I don't see a difference between
the inside/outside texture
L2231[16:19:15] <Lordmau5> ye,
that's fine
L2232[16:19:19] <Lordmau5> but the side
texture of the valve
L2233[16:19:23] <Lordmau5> e.g. where it
touches the glass
L2234[16:19:25] <williewillus> so the
inside/outside textures are always the same?
L2235[16:19:27] <Lordmau5> yup
L2236[16:19:32] <williewillus> ah
L2237[16:19:35] <williewillus> I think
that simplifies things
L2238[16:19:35] <Lordmau5> get it now?
L2239[16:19:38] <williewillus> lemme whip
up something
L2240[16:19:45] <Lordmau5> it's
always good to have a visual of things in the end :D
L2241[16:19:53] <Lordmau5> A picture is
worth more than a thousand words.
⇦ Quits: Poppy (~Poppy@chello085216146055.chello.sk) (Ping
timeout: 186 seconds)
L2243[16:21:49] <gigaherz> * (only
applicable to certain pictures compared to certain combinations of
a thousand words)
L2244[16:21:56] <Lordmau5> well,
L2245[16:22:01] <williewillus> lol
L2246[16:22:23] <Lordmau5> how do I spice
up getActualState now?
L2247[16:22:47] <williewillus> take the
IBlockState that you get, query the TE, and add the value for the
L2248[16:23:42] <Lordmau5> so "state
= state.withProperty(FFSStateProps.VALID,
L2249[16:24:08] <williewillus> yup then
return state at the end
L2250[16:24:19] <Lordmau5> nifty
L2251[16:24:25] <williewillus> do you
save any of your properties to meta?
L2252[16:24:32] <Lordmau5> uh, not that
I'm aware of, why?
L2253[16:24:37] <Lordmau5> wait, I
L2254[16:24:40] <Lordmau5> on the
L2255[16:24:44] <Lordmau5> more or
L2256[16:24:56] <williewillus> just
L2257[16:25:09] <Lordmau5> I used to save
the block-id + metadata of the block that god "framed" in
the TileEntityTankFrame
L2258[16:25:40] <Lordmau5> now I kinda
have to go with the IBlockState on that
L2259[16:25:42] <williewillus> ah
that's in the TE thought
L2260[16:25:45] <williewillus>
L2261[16:25:53] <Lordmau5> *kinda*
L2262[16:25:57] <Lordmau5> let me see
real quick
L2263[16:26:13] <williewillus>
there's no way you could get a block ID to fit in 0-15
L2264[16:26:24] <Lordmau5> the
BlockTankFrame is overriding getExtendedState
L2265[16:26:27] <gigaherz> and it would
be redundant
L2266[16:26:28] <gigaherz> XD
L2267[16:26:28] <williewillus> for the
botania platforms meta just tells what kind of platform it is, the
rest is from the TE
L2268[16:26:37] <williewillus> and
extended/actual states
L2269[16:26:47] <Lordmau5> if
there's a frame-tile at that position, it's returning the
IExtendedBlockState with the property of the
L2270[16:27:48] <Lordmau5> so, the
blockstates should be fine
L2271[16:27:53] <Lordmau5> I doubt they
are going to work though, let's see
L2272[16:28:05] <Lordmau5> yooo crash
L2273[16:28:21] <Lordmau5> state
implementation cannot be cast to IExtendedBlockState, hello?
L2274[16:28:42] <williewillus> is this in
you valve or frame?
L2275[16:28:47] <gigaherz> uf do you
actually need extended states?
L2276[16:28:52] <Lordmau5> nvm
L2277[16:28:57] <gigaherz> uh*
L2278[16:28:59] <Lordmau5> on the tank
frames, ye
L2279[16:29:02] <williewillus> in your
frame, make sure you return new ExtendedBlockState in
L2280[16:29:05] <gigaherz> I mean
L2281[16:29:05] <Lordmau5> for the old
L2282[16:29:11] <Lordmau5> not in the
L2283[16:29:15] <gigaherz> do you need to
store IUnlistedPropertys?
L2284[16:29:21] <williewillus> gigaherz:
he has a camo block
L2285[16:29:22] <williewillus> so
L2286[16:29:25] <gigaherz> ah
L2287[16:29:27] <gigaherz> ok then
⇦ Quits: TehNut (~TehNut@ (Quit: Box is having
issues. Pls picnic.)
L2289[16:29:54] <gigaherz> williewillus:
well, the camo block can be done with an ISmartBlockModel.
generally speaking you never *need* extended properties ;p
L2290[16:30:04] <Lordmau5> Don't
know how to convert
back into data
L2291[16:30:06] <Lordmau5>
L2292[16:30:20] <williewillus> gigaherz:
how do you pass the state of the mimicked block then?
L2293[16:30:34] <williewillus> Lordmau5:
override getMetaFromState and getStateFromMeta
L2294[16:30:37] <williewillus> in the
former just return 0
L2295[16:30:37] <gigaherz> hmm wait
L2296[16:30:38] <gigaherz> right
L2297[16:30:42] <williewillus> in the
latter return getDefulatState
L2298[16:30:50] <gigaherz> I was thinking
that handleBlockState would have the world+pos for getting the
L2299[16:30:51] <williewillus> ^ and that
is operating on the assumption your valve doesn't store
anything in meta
L2300[16:30:58] <williewillus> no, that
would be bad :p
L2301[16:31:06] <williewillus>
ISBM's need to be able to multithread
L2302[16:31:21] <williewillus> you put
all the data you need into the state before you send it off
L2303[16:31:24] <gigaherz> right
L2304[16:32:09] <gigaherz> I sorta wanna
mess with that stuff justto be able to know wtf I am talking
L2305[16:32:16] <gigaherz> but then I
don't really want to, either
L2306[16:32:16] <gigaherz> XD
L2307[16:32:19] <williewillus> make a
camo block!
L2308[16:32:21] <williewillus> :p
L2309[16:32:32] <gigaherz> too many of
L2310[16:32:33] <gigaherz> XD
L2311[16:32:36] <williewillus> I threw a
really rough one together before I started botania and lo and
behold, botania has camo blocks
L2312[16:32:40] <Lordmau5> nice
L2314[16:32:41] <williewillus> easiest
complex model
L2315[16:32:55] <williewillus> hold I
have something for your valves coming up
L2316[16:33:03] <williewillus> I just
d=need to stop getting distracted replying
L2317[16:33:06] <gigaherz> Lordmau5: do
the names of the properties match the ones in your blockstate
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L2320[16:33:26] <Lordmau5> yes, I edited
L2321[16:33:37] <Lordmau5> so they
*should* work
L2322[16:33:40] <Lordmau5> oh wait
L2323[16:33:52] <Lordmau5> no, atom,
L2324[16:35:03] <gigaherz> hmmm I was
thinking of making a "bridge" spell
L2325[16:35:24] <gigaherz> you'd
point at a block, and it would draw a line toward your feet
L2326[16:35:29] <gigaherz> with special
temporary blocks
L2327[16:35:36] <Lordmau5> Atom kept on
thinking that the file was in blockstates\block\ but edited the
file clearly in the folder one above
L2328[16:35:41] <Lordmau5> aaaand still
not loading
L2329[16:35:41] <gigaherz> that would
despawn shortly afterward
L2330[16:35:54] <gigaherz> different
L2331[16:35:57] <Lordmau5> same
L2332[16:36:10] ***
SnowShock35 is now known as zz_SnowShock35
L2333[16:36:18] <gigaherz> and the file
is in the right place?
L2334[16:36:27] <Lordmau5>
L2335[16:36:39] <gigaherz>
src/main/resources/assets/<modid in
lowercase>/blockstates/<registartion name>.json ?
L2336[16:36:44] <Lordmau5> yes
L2337[16:36:52] <Lordmau5> it loaded fine
L2338[16:36:58] <gigaherz> hmmm
L2339[16:37:02] <gigaherz>
L2340[16:37:05] <gigaherz> at the top of
the json file
L2341[16:37:06] <Lordmau5> yes
L2342[16:37:19] <gigaherz> then I ahve no
idea what's wrong
L2343[16:37:28] <gigaherz> there's
no crash loading the json file or anything, I presume?
L2344[16:37:34] <Lordmau5> nope
L2345[16:37:42] <Lordmau5> let's
move the json file out of that folder for a moment
L2346[16:37:50] <Lordmau5> throws same
errors, good
L2347[16:38:21] <Lordmau5> removed the
folder, reopened the project in IntelliJ and put the file back
L2348[16:38:22] <Lordmau5> let's
L2349[16:38:27] <Lordmau5> same error
L2350[16:38:31] <gigaherz> do you have
the idea "fix" in your build.gradle?
L2351[16:38:37] <Lordmau5> which is
L2352[16:38:45] <gigaherz> idea {
module.inheritOutputDirs = true }
L2353[16:38:45] <Lordmau5> why would I
need it anyway
L2354[16:38:49] <Lordmau5> hmm, one
L2355[16:39:02] <gigaherz> or a variant
similar to that with different set of {} and . ;P
L2356[16:39:35] <Lordmau5> edited and
just reopen it now?
L2357[16:39:42] <Lordmau5> in IJ
L2358[16:39:45] <Lordmau5> or do I have
to do anything
L2359[16:39:48] <gigaherz> you'd
want to refresh the gradle project
L2360[16:39:56] <Lordmau5> true
L2361[16:39:56] <gigaherz> that means,
from the gradle panel, press the refresh button
L2362[16:40:04] <gigaherz> (not the
general one at the main toolbar)
L2363[16:41:32] <Lordmau5> takes ages,
yet again
L2364[16:42:25] <Lordmau5> still
resolving dependencies, urgh
L2365[16:42:27] <Lordmau5> god damn you
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L2369[16:45:52] <williewillus> check that
L2370[16:45:55] <williewillus> for your
L2371[16:46:43] <williewillus>
L2372[16:46:48] <Lordmau5> yup, read
L2373[16:46:56] <Lordmau5> my IJ is still
resolving dependencies though
L2374[16:48:31] <Lordmau5> Gradle:
L2375[16:48:36] <Lordmau5> *5 hours
L2376[16:50:23] <Lordmau5> aaaaand more
resolve dependencies
L2377[16:50:29] <Lordmau5> god damn it
why is this so slow
L2378[16:50:52] <williewillus> slow
L2379[16:51:02] <Lordmau5> not
L2380[16:51:26] <Lordmau5> 150down
L2381[16:51:39] <Lordmau5> but it does
seem to act up a bit right now, idk why
L2382[16:51:50] <M4thG33k> If I have a
method subscribed to the TextureStitchEvent.Post event, then when
my method is called, shouldn't the texture map be stitched
completely and exist?
L2383[16:51:52] <Lordmau5> nvm
speedtest.net shows me a stable 140mbit down lmao
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L2385[16:52:45] <Lordmau5> williewillus,
the pastebin you posted
L2386[16:52:56] <williewillus> M4thG33k:
L2387[16:52:59] <williewillus>
L2388[16:53:06] <Lordmau5> the textures I
have are transparent, so that would be transparent on the block as
well if I were to change the "end" texture for
L2389[16:53:21] <Lordmau5> in the end I
assume it's no big deal, since I can ditch the
"transparent" textures and make them normal ones
L2390[16:53:39] <Lordmau5> in-fact, let
me actually do that
L2391[16:53:40] <williewillus> ? i'm
assuming all of your textures are full textures
L2392[16:53:47] <M4thG33k> Then why do I
get this error: "java.io.FileNotFoundException:
minecraft:textures/atlas/blocks.png" when I call this line:
L2394[16:53:49] <williewillus> that
occupy the whole side, not overlays
L2395[16:53:54] <Lordmau5> yeye,
it's fine
L2396[16:53:56] <Lordmau5> I can make
that work
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L2399[16:54:15] <williewillus> mm yeah if
you have full textures then that json will definitely work
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L2403[16:55:17] <gigaherz> williewillus:
ah I keep forgettingabout the rotations XD
L2404[16:55:27] <Lordmau5> AXIS?
L2405[16:55:41] <Lordmau5> my
"facing", or rather, the inside, will be "UP",
"DOWN", ... or similar though
L2406[16:55:44] <Lordmau5> will it work
L2407[16:55:51] <gigaherz> i mean the
"y":90 stuff
L2408[16:55:57] <Lordmau5> yeye, I
L2409[16:56:06] <Lordmau5> but I see
PropertyEnum<EnumFacing.AXIS> and not PropertyDirection
L2410[16:56:14] <gigaherz> that's
for like, logs
L2411[16:56:21] <williewillus> yes
because you don't need facing
L2412[16:56:23] <gigaherz> that have only
3 actual placements
L2413[16:56:23] <williewillus> you need
the facing axis
L2414[16:56:27] <Lordmau5> oh, okay
L2415[16:56:30] <williewillus> that is,
facing norht and facing south are the same
L2416[16:56:36] <williewillus> so we use
L2417[16:56:39] <williewillus> which
allows you to represent that
L2418[16:56:51] <williewillus>
EnumFacing.Axis.X represents "eastwest"
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L2421[16:56:58] <williewillus> Y is
"updown", Z is "northsouth"
L2422[16:57:15] <Lordmau5> oh
L2423[16:57:18] <williewillus> I'm
basically implementing your valve like a wooden log yeah, and
swapping out the end texture
L2424[16:57:22] <williewillus> based on
L2425[16:57:25] <Lordmau5> I only see one
end point
L2426[16:57:28] <Lordmau5> or wait
L2427[16:57:34] <Lordmau5> one invalid*
L2428[16:57:43] <williewillus> ?
L2429[16:57:50] <Lordmau5> I need invalid
for both, master and slave
L2430[16:58:06] <Lordmau5> if valid is
falls, it sets the all texture just to normal invalid
L2431[16:58:09] <Lordmau5> but there are
2 different ones
L2432[16:58:20] <williewillus> 0.o i
didn't see two different ones, when does the other
L2433[16:58:27] <Lordmau5> when you put a
2nd valve on?
L2434[16:58:28] <Lordmau5> :P
L2435[16:58:44] <williewillus> no for
L2436[16:58:48] <Lordmau5> yes
L2437[16:58:52] <williewillus> the
invalid texture is just that one thing on all sides
L2438[16:58:53] <Lordmau5> when you have
2 valves on the tank
L2439[16:58:54] <Lordmau5> and break the
L2440[16:58:59] <Lordmau5> no it's
L2441[16:59:04] <Lordmau5> I know my mod
L2442[16:59:13] <williewillus> why
L2443[16:59:15] <williewillus> okay lemme
L2444[16:59:16] <williewillus>
L2445[16:59:34] <Lordmau5> I can ditch
the invalid master texture
L2446[16:59:44] <Lordmau5> to just have
the invalid "slave" texture instead
L2447[17:00:03] <Lordmau5> just did
L2448[17:00:23] <Lordmau5>
valve_end_slave => the valid slave texture, right?
L2449[17:00:37] <williewillus> I bet it
would work if you did the texture variable mess thing giga was
trying :p
L2450[17:00:38] <williewillus> yes
L2451[17:01:18] <Lordmau5> let's
hope this works
L2452[17:01:23] <williewillus> it
L2453[17:01:47] <williewillus> assuming
your block class is setup properly :p
L2454[17:04:53] <Lordmau5> okay,
let's see if this boots up now
L2455[17:05:04] <Lordmau5> and loads the
json file
L2456[17:05:25] <williewillus> take out
all the comments if you copied mine, the json parser doesn't
like //
L2457[17:06:10] <Lordmau5>
L2458[17:06:11] <Lordmau5> right?
L2459[17:06:38] <williewillus> yes
L2460[17:06:56] <williewillus> make sure
the jsons properties matches the names you give in your class
L2461[17:07:07] <Lordmau5> it has issues
converting the EnumFacing to an axis
L2462[17:07:12] <williewillus> ?
L2463[17:07:16] <Lordmau5> oh,
L2464[17:07:16] <Lordmau5> derp
L2465[17:07:24] <williewillus> yup
L2466[17:07:24] <Lordmau5> maybe
this'll work
L2467[17:08:11] <Lordmau5> you missed a
comma! :3
L2468[17:08:17] <Lordmau5> I fixed it
though, let's see if it loads it *now*
L2469[17:08:21] <Lordmau5> I'd like
to go to bed at some point haha
L2470[17:08:34] <Lordmau5> yow, no
massive spam in console this time
L2471[17:08:54] <Lordmau5> no inventory
rendering but it does render the faces!
L2472[17:09:27] <williewillus> try
testing around with forming a multilock
L2473[17:09:28] <williewillus>
L2474[17:10:23] <Lordmau5> rightclicking
the hell out of it, nothing happening, urgh, one sec
L2475[17:10:54] <williewillus> trigger f3
and hover over your block, does it show the right properties
L2476[17:10:57] <williewillus> but
doesn't change appearance?
L2477[17:11:19] <Lordmau5> since it
doesn't form the tank, no
L2478[17:11:50] <williewillus> if it
change properties in f3 but doesn't update appearance then you
have to trigger a render update
L2479[17:11:55] <williewillus> with
L2480[17:11:59] <williewillus> on
L2481[17:14:29] ***
mumfrey is now known as Mumfrey
L2482[17:16:07] <gigaherz> hmmm was there
a hook for handling block drops?
L2483[17:16:14] <williewillus> of course
there is haha
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closed the connection)
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L2486[17:16:47] <gigaherz> i know there
is one, I was trying to ask wtf the name was XD
L2487[17:17:28] <williewillus>
L2488[17:17:39] <gigaherz> not for MY
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L2490[17:18:16] <williewillus>
there's several different calls, its a bit confusing
L2491[17:18:18] <gigaherz> I want to
randomly drop a special item when the player breaks a
lapis/diamond/emerald ore
L2492[17:18:37] <williewillus> just use
an event?
L2493[17:18:42] <gigaherz> and my brain
is failing me XD
L2494[17:18:51] <gigaherz> hence the
L2495[17:18:58] <gigaherz> was there one
specifically for adding drops to something else?
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L2497[17:19:39] <williewillus> I
don't think so, no
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L2501[17:22:23] <gigaherz> hmf then
I'll do it differently
L2502[17:22:37] <Mraof> I'm trying
to figure out what the best way to have a dimension stored on a per
player basis or whatever
L2503[17:22:47] <gigaherz> I'm
trying to design a progression/discovery system for my mod
L2504[17:22:47] <Lordmau5> ech, enough
coding for today
L2505[17:22:59] <gigaherz> Mraof:
"per player" wouldn't make sense
L2506[17:23:10] <gigaherz> but
L2507[17:23:19] <gigaherz> you could have
the teleport item be player-bound
L2508[17:23:22] <Lordmau5> textures work
though \o/
L2509[17:23:42] <Mraof> What do you
L2510[17:23:42] <gigaherz> you'd
still need one actual dimension instance for each
L2511[17:23:46] <gigaherz> like
L2512[17:23:49] <Mraof> Hmm
L2513[17:23:49] <gigaherz> think
L2514[17:23:53] <williewillus> Lordmau5:
L2515[17:23:55] <gigaherz> eahc book is
one global dimension
L2516[17:23:57] <Mraof> Yeah that's
what I did in Minestuck
L2517[17:23:59] <gigaherz> but if each
player had one book
L2518[17:24:12] <gigaherz> using
player-bound data
L2519[17:24:16] <Mraof> But that seems
bad to me
L2520[17:24:17] <williewillus> Lordmau5:
not too bad? ;)
L2521[17:24:23] <Lordmau5> it works
L2522[17:24:26] <gigaherz> then even if
they shared the book item, they'd still only be able to access
their own
L2523[17:24:31] <Lordmau5> I just need to
figure out how to fix issues on tank building
L2524[17:24:57] <gigaherz> Mraof: ell if
you want the dimension to be exclusive for each player, that's
the only way
L2526[17:25:04] <gigaherz> at least so
far as I know
L2527[17:25:05] <Lordmau5> this part is
pretty much... derped
L2528[17:25:33] <gigaherz> the only
alternative I can think of would be to have one dimension for all,
but spawn each player like 1 million blocks away
L2529[17:25:34] <gigaherz> ;P
L2530[17:25:34] ***
Vigaro is now known as V
L2532[17:25:39] <Lordmau5> it
doesn't do it properly
L2533[17:25:49] ***
V is now known as Vigaro
L2534[17:25:57] <gigaherz> but you'd
still be able to travel there
L2535[17:25:58] <gigaherz> so meh
L2536[17:26:04] <Mraof> What I'm
wondering is if it'd be possible to create my own world
L2537[17:26:19] <Mraof> I'm trying
to figure that out right now
L2538[17:26:33] <gigaherz> uhh
that's WAY too crazy for me
L2539[17:26:38] <Mraof> Haha
L2540[17:26:39] <gigaherz> you'd
have to ask someone much much crazier than I am
L2541[17:26:41] <McRafty> can anyone
suggest a current tutorials on creating custom
inventory/containers? I've created one... but click events are
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L2543[17:28:19] <McRafty> for some
reason, a click in player inv. causes click events in the server
for the custom inventory. still tracing, but would love to see some
L2544[17:28:57] <gigaherz> well I can
show you examples
L2545[17:29:01] <gigaherz> but I
don't know any tutorial ;P
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L2550[17:30:47] <McRafty> awesome, thanks
gigaherz - will check it out - those three files are all
that's necessary?
L2551[17:31:06] <Lordmau5> off now - bye
L2552[17:31:09] <gigaherz> on top of the
TileEntity itself, yes
L2553[17:31:18] <gigaherz> it's not
the most basic gui
L2554[17:31:36] <McRafty> hoping
I'll be good with what you've pointed at
L2555[17:31:37] <gigaherz> but it's
simple enough
L2556[17:31:47] <williewillus> Lordmau5:
try abstracting some of those magic numbers in EnumFacing and
L2557[17:31:53] <McRafty> my ui is
simple, it's just the events being triggered by clicks that
are screwed
L2558[17:32:01] <williewillus> if I
understand it correctly length[] should be keyed by EnumFacing.Axis
L2559[17:32:23] <McRafty> click in player
ui, causes accurate event client side, but a click in custom
container on the server
L2560[17:32:24] <williewillus> actually
L2561[17:32:25] <McRafty> very
L2562[17:32:26] <williewillus>
L2563[17:32:27] <williewillus> idk
L2564[17:33:02] <gigaherz> McRafty:
L2565[17:33:10] <gigaherz> are you
creating the stuff right?
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Connection reset by peer)
L2567[17:33:21] <McRafty> obviously not
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L2569[17:33:26] <gigaherz> i mean
L2570[17:33:29] <gigaherz> the general
structure is
L2571[17:33:34] <McRafty> ...but
I've gone over it repeatedly... don't see the error
L2572[17:33:36] <gigaherz>
L2573[17:33:47] <gigaherz> on the server:
creates instance of ContainerWhatever
L2574[17:33:57] <McRafty> let me check
yours out and see if something stands out - I'll let you know
either way
L2575[17:34:04] <gigaherz> on the client:
creates instance of GuiWhatever which in turn creates an instance
of ContainerWhatever
L2576[17:34:17] <gigaherz> they must have
the same ID and use the same Container implementation
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closed the connection)
L2578[17:34:45] <McRafty> k.. you have me
worried about the ID... not sure if I did anything specific
L2579[17:34:52] <gigaherz> if you just
have one gui
L2580[17:34:55] <gigaherz> you don't
need to care much
L2581[17:35:03] <gigaherz> I ahve two
L2582[17:35:11] <gigaherz> so I haveto
create the right one depending on the number given
L2583[17:35:30] <McRafty> just the one,
nothing special
L2584[17:35:46] <McRafty> no logic in
creation, so the weird behavior confuses
L2585[17:36:14] <McRafty> I don't
know how the events are being pushed to the server, so not sure why
they're so off
L2586[17:36:29] <gigaherz> I never
experienced that, so dunno
L2587[17:36:40] <McRafty> prolly
mistaking playerInventory for `customInventory` somewhere...
L2588[17:43:58] <Ivorius> McRafty, have
you technologically downgraded or what
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L2592[17:49:19] <McRafty> Ivorius: I
suspect a mentall regression sometimes...
L2593[17:49:55] <Ivorius> I'm not
one to judge
L2594[17:50:06] <Ivorius> But last time I
saw you you were using a jet I'm pretty sure ;)
L2595[17:51:04] <McRafty> gigaherz: what
is the `id` field of getClient/ServerGuiElement? You're using
a constant but I'm tying my container to an entity (creature)
- I'm using world.getEntityByID(id); there to get my entities
object, but looking at yours, suspect that's wrong
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L2597[17:51:49] <gigaherz> McRafty: a
L2598[17:51:57] <gigaherz> it just lets
you know which number was passed to "openGui"
L2599[17:52:10] <McRafty> hmm
L2601[17:52:21] <gigaherz> it simply
pairs up with this
L2602[17:53:29] <gigaherz> if you want to
open a gui for an entity instead of a block
L2603[17:53:31] <gigaherz> that works
L2604[17:53:37] <gigaherz> I can't
help you with that, since I have never done it
L2605[17:53:37] <gigaherz> ;P
L2606[17:54:03] <McRafty> damn! was about
to say that looked promising, because I'd created my own
L2607[17:54:33] <McRafty> ... given that
none of the `displayGui` in EntityPlayer would open my UI, and I
didn't see how to do so
L2608[17:56:38] <Sandra> what method on
block do I call to see if a player can fit in a block?
L2609[17:57:55] <McRafty>
L2610[17:57:57] <McRafty> ;)
L2611[17:58:07] <Sandra> ...
⇦ Quits: LexLap2 (~LexManos@ (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
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(~Szernex@188-23-214-111.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
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MineBot sets mode: +o on LexLap2
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Connection reset by peer)
L2617[18:03:17] <Zaggy1024> Sandra, that
doesn't make any sense
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timeout: 186 seconds)
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L2620[18:03:49] <Sandra> well, I'm
currently using world.isAirBlock(pos)
L2621[18:04:34] <Zaggy1024> you need to
explain what you mean better
L2623[18:05:00] <Zaggy1024> there's
no way to check if the player's bounding box can fit in a
block's bounding boxes
L2624[18:05:16] <Zaggy1024> especially
since the player is two blocks tall
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L2626[18:06:39] <gigaherz> is there a way
to ask idea to write the type of the iterator variable in a foreach
loop for me?
L2627[18:06:41] <Sandra> what I mean is
that I want to teleport a player to a block and I want a quick
check to make sure they won't suffocate on destination.
L2628[18:06:44] <McRafty> Sandra: do you
mean determine if an entity can be placed at pos(x,y,z) without
suffocating due to a block at pos(x,y+1,z)?
L2629[18:06:53] <gigaherz> I really hate
having to type "Map.Entry<ItemStack,String>"
L2630[18:06:54] <Sandra> McRafty,
L2631[18:07:26] ***
K-4U is now known as K-4U|Off
L2632[18:07:44] <Zaggy1024> isn't
capabilities too easy to confuse with
L2633[18:07:44] <McRafty> all non-solid
blocks should allow breathing, right? so... not sure if
there's a method for solid vs. non-solid (I'm fairly new
L2634[18:08:04] <Zaggy1024> that was
addressed to lex
L2635[18:09:08] <Sandra> there's
isBlockSolid, I guess.
L2636[18:09:16] <LexManos> well no
considering that is something thats public and only on
L2637[18:09:19] <McRafty> Sandra: that
could be a weird experience though - stairs are non-solid, and I
wouldn't want to just appear in one. I think your check for
air is decent, though you might want to allow things like ladders,
torches, etc...
L2638[18:09:29] <LexManos> and the one it
shadows is private and accessed through ICapabilityProvider
L2639[18:10:20] <Sandra> hang on, wait,
does that mean capabilities are in now?
L2640[18:10:26] <Sandra> :O
L2641[18:11:07] <LexManos> Yes, and I
NEEEEEEEEEDDDD people to step up and design the vanilla/Forge
L2642[18:11:22] <LexManos> I WILL NOT
make IInventory a cap, a sane wrapper around it would be
L2643[18:11:34] <gigaherz> eh just so I
get the right idea, what'st he capability system meant to
L2644[18:11:50] <Sandra> gigaherz, make
TEs not require a billion interfaces on them.
L2645[18:11:53] <LexManos> replace:
L2646[18:12:27] <LexManos> public class
TileEntitySuper implements IInventory, IPipe, IFluidTake, IBoobies,
L2647[18:12:50] <LexManos> Also
potentially replace IExtendedEntityProperties
L2648[18:13:03] <gigaherz> so instead of
implementing those explicitly
L2649[18:13:23] <gigaherz> you'd
have some "getCapability("pipe")" that returns
an IPipe instance?
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L2652[18:13:50] <LexManos> Thats how one
SHOULD implement IInventory/ISidedInventory
L2653[18:13:55] <Zaggy1024> hm. should
hasCapability exist though? that may lead to people doing if
(thing.hasCapability(capability, facing)) data =
thing.getCapability(capability, facing);
L2654[18:14:02] <Zaggy1024> which is a
bit of a waste
L2655[18:14:23] <LexManos> As I said im
not gunna add that as a cap, because its shit.
L2656[18:14:38] <LexManos> And im on the
fence about has, has has the capability of being SUPER fast.
L2657[18:14:44] <LexManos> and allowing
get to be lazy loaded.
L2658[18:15:05] <LexManos> Its like the
who fucking 'simulate' flag people like sticking on
fucking interaces
L2659[18:15:34] <McRafty> Sandra: what
about looking for 'collision' regions in the two
positions in question? Ladders would prevent teleporting, but
torches not... lots of other cases you want to consider there
L2660[18:15:50] <gigaherz>
"simulate" on the RF api is useful for computing how you
distribute the energy, instead of "first takes all" or
"everyone takes evenly even if they don't need
L2661[18:16:10] <gigaherz> but it may as
well be a separate method
L2662[18:16:34] <gigaherz>
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L2664[18:16:36] <gigaherz> or
L2665[18:16:52] <Zaggy1024> Sandra:
is used to determine whether a block suffocates the player
L2666[18:17:04] <Flashfire> How can I
implement facing in an ISBM?
L2667[18:17:13] <Flashfire> I want to
make a button
L2668[18:17:22] <gigaherz> shows just how
bad "isVisuallyOpaque" is as a name ;P
L2669[18:19:44] <Flashfire> It seems to
only want a "normal" variant though so would I need to
make separate models for each rotation or is there an easier
L2670[18:20:03] <shadekiller666>
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L2672[18:20:36] <williewillus> Flashfire:
you *just* want to make a button?
L2673[18:20:51] <williewillus> if so,
then an ISBM is not needed :p
L2674[18:20:54] <Flashfire> Not just any
button, a button that blends in with the block it's connected
L2675[18:21:05] <gigaherz> Flashfire:
ISBM is unrelated
L2676[18:21:08] <gigaherz> if you want
L2677[18:21:09] <Flashfire> I made a
pressure plate that does that but it only has 2 states
L2678[18:21:10] <gigaherz> you need
L2679[18:21:20] <gigaherz> if it wants
L2680[18:21:20] <williewillus> ah I
L2681[18:21:23] <shadekiller666>
wondering if i should give the obj loader its own json file parser
for the purpose of defining group configurations in situations when
a model is not loaded via the standard blockstate method...
L2682[18:21:25] <williewillus> you can
just rotate the model
L2683[18:21:29] <gigaherz> you
didn't assign any blockstate to it
L2684[18:21:29] <williewillus> based on a
lbockstate property
L2685[18:21:53] <Flashfire> How can I
make it look for the right variants instead of normal?
L2686[18:22:01] <williewillus> what do
you mean?
L2687[18:22:04] <williewillus> look for
the right variants
L2688[18:22:12] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: that seems unnecessary ;P
L2689[18:22:13] <gigaherz> but then
L2690[18:22:23] <gigaherz> the whole
"group configurations" idea seems unnecessary to me
L2691[18:22:30] <williewillus> you have
to make your block have blockstate properties
L2692[18:22:37] <Flashfire> It does
L2693[18:22:42] <Flashfire> It has the
same as a normal button
L2694[18:22:47] <Flashfire> facing and
L2695[18:22:48] <gigaherz> did you assign
them in createBlockState?
L2696[18:22:50] <williewillus> so then it
should automatically statemap the right variants for you
L2697[18:22:53] <Flashfire> Yes I
L2698[18:23:04] <gigaherz> then it
shouldn't ask for "normal" ever
L2699[18:23:08] <Flashfire> But when I
make it a ISBM it asks for normal
L2700[18:23:18] <gigaherz> how do you
"make" it an ISBM?
L2701[18:23:21] <williewillus> ^
⇦ Quits: Wolwrig (~Wolwrig@2602:ffe8:200::7f1e:61de) (Ping
timeout: 186 seconds)
L2703[18:23:27] <williewillus>
that's really ambiguous :p
L2704[18:23:28] <Flashfire> I mean I add
the custom state map
L2705[18:23:32] <williewillus> well of
L2706[18:23:40] <williewillus>
"asking for variants" is what is called
L2707[18:23:43] <williewillus> you
overrode that process
L2708[18:23:49] <Flashfire> Yes
L2709[18:24:03] <williewillus> to
redirect everything to the normal variant, then you insert the ISBM
into the normal variant
L2710[18:24:04] <Flashfire> But I want it
to handle the blockstate
L2711[18:24:10] <williewillus> what does
that even mean
L2712[18:24:17] <williewillus> you get a
blockstate in ISBM
L2713[18:24:30] <williewillus> it has the
properties inside it
L2714[18:24:34] <Zaggy1024> I hate
Slot.xDisplayPosition -_-
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L2716[18:24:46] <Zaggy1024> who gave it
such a long name?!
L2717[18:24:48] <Flashfire> It seems to
only have normal so I guess I did something wrong
L2718[18:24:54] <williewillus> no it only
has normal
L2719[18:24:57] <williewillus> because
you told it to do so
L2720[18:24:59] <williewillus> wiht your
L2721[18:25:07] <Flashfire> Oh, I
L2722[18:25:25] <williewillus> just get
the facing property from the blokcstate inside your smartmodel and
rotate it
L2723[18:25:53] <Flashfire> Oh I have to
override getPropertyString?
L2724[18:25:59] <williewillus> wat
L2725[18:26:10] <williewillus> what class
is that from?
L2726[18:27:38] <Flashfire>
L2727[18:27:56] <williewillus> no you
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(Quit: Leaving)
L2729[18:28:48] <williewillus> the only
one you have to override is
L2730[18:29:10] <Flashfire> How do I
rotate the model based on the state?
L2731[18:29:18] <Zaggy1024> what are the
EnumFacing parameters for the capabilities?
L2732[18:29:32] <williewillus>
Perspective aware model
L2733[18:29:37] <williewillus> wrap it in
a ^
L2734[18:29:45] <Zaggy1024> well, better
question, what are they for in an entity?
L2735[18:29:48] <williewillus>
(that's the way I'd do it, if there's a better way
someone tell me)
L2736[18:29:56] <Zaggy1024> for a TE it
makes some sens
L2737[18:30:08] <Flashfire> Can I use
IRetexturableModel with that?
L2738[18:30:18] <LexManos> for te it
makes perfect sense
L2739[18:30:34] <LexManos> for entities
it makes sense if you rememebr that entities are indeed in a 3d
L2740[18:30:59] <LexManos> itemstacks as
well, but they are more in a 2d space {but i dont expect ItemStacks
to do to much with direction}
L2741[18:34:47] <Zaggy1024> yeah
L2742[18:34:58] <Zaggy1024> and for
properties you don't care about directionality for, do you use
L2743[18:36:13] <gigaherz> Flashfire:
IRetexturableModel is for an IModel, not an IBakedModel
L2744[18:36:52] <LexManos> You should
always care about directionality but yes null can be used for
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L2746[18:38:06] <Flashfire> Oh I thought
the perspective aware model was also for IModel and I was trying to
find it
L2747[18:40:42] ***
mr208 is now known as mallrat208
L2748[18:42:04] <shadekiller666>
williewillus, for the botania pylon, do the crystal, ring, and gems
ever render at the same time? or are they exclusive?
L2749[18:43:02] <williewillus>
considering item models: gaia and mana pylons render all groups.
natura pylons only render the center (group "Crystal").
In the tesr, they're all rendered trough separate calls to
⇨ Joins: gr8pefish (~gr8pefish@
L2751[18:43:37] <williewillus> ModelPylon
has all the group visibilities for TESR, PylonItemModel for the
L2752[18:44:04] ***
Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L2753[18:44:08] <shadekiller666> so
in-world the crystal, ring, and gems can all be on/off at any time
independent of each other?
L2754[18:46:08] <williewillus> no, the
groups never change, they're just rendered in separate calls
from the TESR so they can animate separately and have shaders
applied separately, etc.
L2755[18:47:12] <williewillus> the
general flow is "if (not natura) render ring and gems and ring
panels. then render center crystal. then render crystal again with
a glow shader"
L2756[18:50:06] <gr8pefish> Anyone know
why my 1.8 mod is getting this crash? (my mod goes all the way
through post-init before this): java.lang.NoSuchFieldError:
L2757[18:50:07] <gr8pefish> at
I can post the whole log if needed.
L2758[18:50:56] <TehNut> mojang really
wants you to use your realms trial
L2759[18:51:33] <gr8pefish> Any idea how
can I (fix?) that?
L2760[18:52:35] <LexManos> why are you
modifying the realms notification screen?
L2761[18:52:35] <williewillus> what a
strange error
L2762[18:53:34] <gr8pefish> Nope, doing
nothing to it. I can't even get to the main screen, it crashes
I'm guessing right before.
L2763[18:54:05] <shadekiller666>
williewillus, does "natura" just render the crystal twice
(once for the actual model and once for the glow shader)?
L2764[18:54:17] <williewillus> yes
L2765[18:54:21] <shadekiller666> ok
L2766[18:55:40] <LexManos> why are you
modifying the realms notification screen?
L2767[18:56:22] <gr8pefish> LexManos,
I'm not, at least not intentionally
L2768[18:56:36] <gr8pefish> And I
don't even know how I would do such a thing accidentally
L2769[18:57:00] <LexManos> you're
doing something the is fucking up that TRIAL_AVALIBLE field, where
it is.
L2770[18:57:03] <LexManos>
L2771[18:57:19] <unascribed> is your mod
source code available?
L2772[18:58:01] ***
Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_afk
L2774[18:58:15] ***
tterrag is now known as tterrag|away
L2775[18:58:41] <unascribed> at a glance,
your mod has no ASM
L2776[18:58:47] <unascribed> so you
can't be "fucking up the TRIAL_AVAILABLE
L2777[18:58:56] <gr8pefish> Yup, that was
my thought
L2778[18:59:02] <unascribed> try doing a
clean and setupDecompWorkspace
L2779[18:59:08] <gr8pefish> will do
L2780[19:01:15] <LexManos> !gf
L2781[19:01:58] <williewillus> goddammit
why is there no Arrays.forEach :p
L2782[19:02:46] <LexManos> tasks =
Arrays.asList(new Task[]{Task.PENDING_INVITE,
L2784[19:03:41] <LexManos> No clue how
you'd do it but you do.
L2785[19:03:53] <gr8pefish> I just did a
clean and setupDecompWorkspace again, maybe that will have fixed
⇦ Quits: Vazkii (~Vazkii@a79-169-163-74.cpe.netcabo.pt)
(Quit: Nii-san is watching you.)
L2787[19:04:41] <gr8pefish> damn, no such
L2788[19:05:16] <LexManos> nuke your
gradle folder and redownload
L2789[19:05:25] <gr8pefish> okay will do
L2790[19:06:34] <gr8pefish> Sorry maybe
dumb question incoming, for clarification the gradle folder not
.gradle, right?
L2791[19:07:09] <LexManos>
L2792[19:07:54] <unascribed> on Linux,
it's ~/.gradle
L2793[19:08:00] <unascribed> isn't
there a cleanCaches task to do this, though?
L2794[19:08:21] <LexManos> that doesnt
nuke the maven deps
L2795[19:08:28] <unascribed> good
L2796[19:08:29] <unascribed> point*
⇨ Joins: Doty1154
L2798[19:16:34] <williewillus> it's
okay if I call BlockModelRenderer.renderModelAmbientOcclusion from
a TESR right?
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timeout: 186 seconds)
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L2801[19:24:02] <Flashfire> Does
IExtendedBlockState always have metadata 0?
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L2804[19:30:16] <williewillus> no
⇨ Joins: SubconsciousEye
L2806[19:30:24] <williewillus> extended
blockstates have nothing to do with meta
L2807[19:31:25] <Flashfire> My button
copies the texture correctly but it's always down (metadata
L2808[19:31:42] <Flashfire> The actual
block boudns are correct though
L2809[19:32:49] <williewillus> how do you
rotate it?
L2810[19:32:54] <williewillus> i doubt
it's from meta
L2811[19:32:59] <Flashfire> I was just
going to ask the same question
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L2814[19:34:00] <williewillus> well then
it's obvious. if you don't rotate it, it's gonna be
where the json originally says it was
L2815[19:34:02] <williewillus> which is
like that
L2816[19:34:07] <Flashfire> The
iblockstate passed into my ISmartBlockModel is an
IExtendedBlockState so it's always
L2817[19:34:15] <williewillus> wat
L2818[19:34:24] <williewillus> the fact
that it's extendedblockstate means nothing
L2819[19:34:31] <williewillus> all of my
extendedblockstates have the correct meta
L2820[19:34:52] <Flashfire> The state
parameter in the getExtendedState method in my block is also always
like that
L2821[19:35:08] <williewillus> then
something's wrong with your state-meta conversion
L2822[19:35:26] <williewillus> pastebin
your block class
L2824[19:37:03] <williewillus> you
didn't set your default state
L2825[19:37:26] <shadekiller666>
williewillus, i haven't done much with botania, are the Pylons
like the corners of a portal?
L2826[19:37:56] <williewillus> eh not
really, they're just decoration alone and used in a couple of
L2827[19:38:10] <williewillus> alf
portal, mana enchanter, and the gaia guardian arena
L2828[19:38:19] <Flashfire> Where do I
set the default state?
L2829[19:38:23] <Flashfire>
L2830[19:38:37] <shadekiller666> ok so
its safe to ignore those in TilePylon right?
L2831[19:38:50] <williewillus> Flashfire:
yes, and set default values for your unlisted prop as well
L2832[19:39:10] <williewillus> in the
vertex buffers for the pipeline, is a color element rgba or
L2833[19:39:25] <shadekiller666>
L2834[19:39:51] <shadekiller666> i know
for LightUtil.renderQuadColor() the color argument is
L2835[19:40:10] <shadekiller666>
don't know why its completely backwards, but it is
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L2837[19:42:27] <williewillus> hm
I'm trying to get from a java color object to inserting things
using vertextransformer and idk why it's not working
L2838[19:42:46] <williewillus> oh
L2839[19:42:52] <williewillus> mixed up
the ordering
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L2842[19:43:49] <Flashfire> Do I need to
even set the default state since it has the same properties as the
block it extends?
L2843[19:44:24] <williewillus> yes
L2844[19:44:28] <Flashfire> It
didn't change anything though
L2845[19:44:29] <williewillus> you need
to set defaults for your unlnisted prop
L2846[19:44:36] <gr8pefish> using
cleanCache fixed my issue by the way
L2847[19:44:41] <Flashfire> Oh the
unlisted property already works
L2848[19:44:53] <Flashfire> It's the
listed property facing that doesn't
L2849[19:45:00] <williewillus> I'm
saying you need to setDefaultState with your unlisted prop
L2850[19:45:02] <williewillus> it matters
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L2852[19:45:18] <Flashfire> Do I need to
set it to the extended state?
L2853[19:45:34] <Flashfire> I tried
setting it normally and it didn't let me
L2854[19:45:52] <williewillus> cast
blockState.getBaseState() to IExtendedBlockState
L2855[19:45:58] <williewillus> set your
unlisted first
L2856[19:46:01] <williewillus> then set
the rest
L2857[19:46:17] <Flashfire> Ok
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(~Subconcio@cpe-65-28-43-97.wi.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 198
L2859[19:49:53] <Flashfire> The only
difference is now the particle texture is missing
L2860[19:50:53] <williewillus> lol
L2861[19:50:57] <williewillus> how did
you amange to break that
L2862[19:51:07] <Flashfire> Probably the
unused property
L2863[19:51:18] <williewillus>
L2864[19:51:22] <williewillus> you use
all your properties
L2865[19:51:25] <williewillus> i
L2866[19:51:33] <Flashfire> I did
L2867[19:52:27] ***
williewillus is now known as willieaway
L2868[19:52:48] ***
willieaway is now known as williewillus
L2869[19:54:26] <tterrag|away>
williewillus: Arrays.stream(foo).forEach
L2870[19:54:28] <tterrag|away> :D
L2871[19:54:36] <williewillus> extra
method call ;p
⇨ Joins: smbarbour
L2873[19:55:01] <williewillus> fry: is
there any way I can use LightUtil.renderQuadColor to color-render a
quad, but also have AO applied? working on the mana pools, and they
look really ugly without AO :p
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timeout: 186 seconds)
L2875[19:55:26] <fry> why do you use
LightUtil.renderQuadColor at all?
L2876[19:55:45] <williewillus> it needs
to be dynamically colored, the fabulous pool fades through colors
based on worldtime/partial ticks
L2877[19:56:03] <williewillus> rendering
a baked model in a tesr, for context
L2878[19:57:18] <unascribed>
williewillus, public class MoreArrays { private MoreArrays() {}
public static void forEach(T[] arr, Consumer<T> consumer) {
for (T t : arr) consumer.accept(t); } }
L2879[19:57:43] <williewillus> okay fine
I'll take the extra stream() call ;p
L2880[19:57:53] <unascribed> wat
L2881[19:58:11] <unascribed> copy, paste,
L2882[19:58:29] <unascribed> oh, I forgot
a type param on the method
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L2885[19:58:44] <unascribed> that's
what I get for writing it in the IRC client
L2886[19:58:59] <williewillus> just doing
that before I render the baked model?
L2887[19:59:07] <fry> yup
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L2890[20:02:01] <williewillus> which call
would I use to render the baked model,
L2891[20:02:13] <gr8pefish> Okay I'm
lost. I still get that super off realms TRIAL_AVAILABLE error if I
launch through GradleStart, but if I do runClient with gradle then
it works. Any ideas?
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timeout: 186 seconds)
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L2899[20:08:29] <williewillus> the part
in the else block doesn't matter rn, just trying to get the
fab pools to work
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L2904[20:18:04] <Flashfire> Not sure what
I'm doing wrong that it always renders with facing=down
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L2907[20:19:09] <williewillus> it always
*renders* with facing=down or you always *get* facing=down?
L2908[20:19:13] <williewillus> println
the IBlockState
L2909[20:19:24] ***
TehNut is now known as TehNut|Gone
L2910[20:19:26] <williewillus> the latter
is probably a bigger issue
L2911[20:19:28] <williewillus> than the
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timeout: 186 seconds)
L2913[20:21:06] <Flashfire> Well the
block itself is in the proper facing
L2914[20:21:18] <Flashfire> The
ISmartBlockModel stays as down though
L2915[20:21:47] <Sandra>
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L2918[20:23:35] <williewillus> what do
you mean the smartmodel stays as down
L2919[20:23:45] <williewillus> when you
receive a blockstate in handleBlockSate does it have the right
property set
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timeout: 198 seconds)
L2921[20:24:15] <williewillus> if so, you
need to rotate the model yourself before returning it. if not, your
block class is messed up somewhere
L2922[20:24:50] <Flashfire>
L2923[20:25:01] <williewillus> for
L2924[20:25:02] <williewillus> ?
L2925[20:25:05] <Flashfire> That is
always the one passed into handleBlockState
L2926[20:25:12] <williewillus> your block
class is messed up somewhere then
L2927[20:25:33] <Flashfire> Sorry, not
L2928[20:25:42] <williewillus> and
L2929[20:25:43] <williewillus> line
L2930[20:25:52] <williewillus> why do you
get the state from the world again? that's a nono
L2931[20:25:58] <williewillus> only use
the state you get passed
L2932[20:26:02] <Flashfire> Oh I did that
for testing
L2933[20:26:09] <Flashfire> Because it
wasn't working the other way
L2934[20:26:13] <Flashfire> Forgot to
change it back
L2935[20:26:33] <williewillus> same for
L2936[20:26:48] <williewillus> that
doesn't need to be there, but if you want it to do nothing,
return the state that its given
L2937[20:26:49] <williewillus> don't
re-get it
L2938[20:26:55] <Flashfire> Ok so I think
there were just a lot of down buttons and there's actually no
problem with the facing
L2939[20:26:59] <williewillus> lol
L2940[20:27:16] <Flashfire> It's
just the ISmartBlockModel
L2941[20:28:14] <Flashfire> Should I send
that class too?
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198 seconds)
L2944[20:29:34] <Flashfire> Here it is
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timeout: 186 seconds)
L2948[20:35:31] <williewillus> yeah after
alls said and done you don't rotate the model
L2949[20:35:39] <williewillus> so it
always is just the default
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L2952[20:37:38] <Flashfire> Yeah, I
don't know how to do that and can't find it from
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L2954[20:40:18] <Flashfire> Do I use
L2955[20:42:47] <killjoy> anyone have
experience with dragging scrollbars?
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L2960[20:58:11] <McRafty> Trying to
display custom container gui - it flashes on screen, but disappears
imediately. Stepping w/ debugger, the GuiContainer methods are
invoked, but the gui never even flickers in debug mode. Anyone ever
seen that, or know what might cause it?
L2961[20:58:41] <McRafty> gigaherz: btw,
thanks for the assist earlier. your example was helpful
L2962[20:59:13] <Flashfire> Did how open
using player.openGui and use a guiHandler?
L2963[20:59:20] <Flashfire> Did
L2964[20:59:43] <McRafty> yes,
that's what gigaherz helped with
L2965[21:00:14] <Flashfire> I will send
you mine if that helps
L2966[21:00:31] <McRafty> pointers to
more examples always useful :)
L2967[21:00:32] <gigaherz> np, still no
idea how to work with GUIs without a backing TileEntity though
L2971[21:01:08] <McRafty> the entity is
pretty simple - I just passed <thing>.getEntityId() as the ID
field (I don't have multiple guis) and the x,y,z is
L2972[21:01:10] ***
fry is now known as fry|sleep
L2973[21:01:42] <McRafty> if I had to use
a discriminator, I'm sure passing the entityID in x,y,or z
would be fine
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L3004[22:30:11] <Zorn_Taov> for 1.7.10,
is thre something like getSubItems that I can use on the server
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L3006[22:30:29] <Zorn_Taov> I need a way
of getting all the blocks a single blockID can give
L3007[22:35:03] <gigaherz> I don't
believe so
L3008[22:35:14] <gigaherz> it
doesn't exist on 1.8 either, btw ;P
L3009[22:36:36] <gigaherz> (getSubItems
is a client-only method which is only used by the creative mode
L3010[22:36:53] <gigaherz> night
L3011[22:36:55] ***
gigaherz is now known as ghz|afk
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Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L3013[22:42:16] <Zorn_Taov> x.x
L3014[22:42:19] <Zorn_Taov> blaaarg
L3015[22:42:32] <williewillus> you okay
there? ;p
L3016[22:43:38] <tterrag|away>
correction, it's a method that only happens to be used on the
L3017[22:43:40] <tterrag|away> it
probably wasn't designed that way, but that's what we
L3018[22:43:47] ***
tterrag|away is now known as tterrag
L3019[22:45:47] <Zorn_Taov> but I need a
way to get every type of block possible for blocks added to the
L3020[22:46:11] <tterrag> too bad
L3021[22:46:15] <tterrag> there
isn't one
L3022[22:46:25] <Zorn_Taov> so like oak
planks aren't the only listing, they're also grouped up
with the rest of the vanilla planks with the same block id
seperated by metadata
L3023[22:46:29] <tterrag> right
L3024[22:46:35] <tterrag> so just accept
any metadata
L3025[22:46:41] <tterrag> why do you have
to know what metas are valid
L3026[22:47:17] <Zorn_Taov> so I can use
them when crafting beds whose frames can be any possible plank
blocks that are listed in the oredict
L3027[22:47:45] <williewillus> why not
query the OD?
L3028[22:47:51] <williewillus>
L3029[22:48:36] <Zorn_Taov> if the planks
are added with the wildcard, I have to figure out how to seperate
them still
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L3031[22:49:00] <tterrag> you aren't
making sense
L3032[22:49:08] <tterrag> why do you need
to predetermine the possible metas
L3033[22:49:50] <Zorn_Taov> client side
I'm caching the average color of each plank so I don't
have to calculate that every render tick
L3034[22:50:10] <Zorn_Taov> but I need to
get that same list of planks sans the color on the server side as
L3035[22:50:47] <tterrag> what
L3036[22:50:53] <tterrag> so cache the
planks that were used?
L3037[22:51:02] <tterrag> why does the
oredict matter at all after it's crafted?
L3038[22:51:15] <Zorn_Taov> cache every
plank during program load
L3039[22:51:21] <tterrag> not
L3040[22:51:23] <tterrag> so give it
L3041[22:51:26] <Zorn_Taov> ...
L3042[22:51:29] <tterrag> figure out
another way
L3043[22:51:37] <Zorn_Taov> why are you
being so negative
L3044[22:51:38] <tterrag> dunno what you
want me to tell you
L3045[22:51:43] <williewillus> not
negative :p
L3046[22:51:46] <williewillus> just the
way it is
L3047[22:51:47] <tterrag> there is no
method to get all "valid" variations of a block or
L3048[22:52:17] <tterrag> it's a
shortcoming in the API you have, you have to deal with it, so you
need a different solution
L3049[22:52:21] <tterrag> it's not
negative, it's realistic
L3050[22:52:34] <Zorn_Taov> [20:51]
<tterrag> not possible
L3051[22:52:35] <Zorn_Taov> [20:51]
<tterrag> so give it up
L3052[22:52:43] <Zorn_Taov> that's
freaking being negative about it right there
L3053[22:52:52] <williewillus> lol
L3054[22:53:01] <tterrag> no it's
not? you need to give up the idea of caching all the different
kinds of planks
L3055[22:53:03] <tterrag> becaus eyou
L3056[22:53:10] <Gaelan> Idea for a
hopefully-not-that-controversial way to manage (from a non-modder
programmer): require each one to have a method returning something
along the lines of “I understand that creating coremods is
generally unnecessary, and sending a PR to Forge is a better
L3057[22:53:11] <Zorn_Taov> I HAVE
L3058[22:53:19] <Zorn_Taov> I have
already done this
L3059[22:53:31] <williewillus> Gaelan:
that would barely make a difference
L3060[22:53:32] <Zorn_Taov> but it only
works client side because of that one single method
L3061[22:53:40] <williewillus>
there's no way to do it serverside
L3062[22:53:41] <williewillus> is the
L3063[22:53:47] <williewillus>
"there is no way"
L3064[22:54:03] <Zorn_Taov> so I need
some way of doing it that works on both sides
L3065[22:54:34] <Zorn_Taov> which is why
I came here
L3066[22:54:47] <Zorn_Taov> to ask if
someone has figured out a way to do so
L3067[22:54:49] <williewillus> but we
already told you, there isnt a way
L3068[22:55:06] <Zorn_Taov> the only
reason why getSubItems is client side only is because it deals with
the creative gui
L3069[22:55:27] <tterrag> yeah, you still
refuse to believe me
L3070[22:55:30] <tterrag> that's why
I'm being "negative"
L3071[22:55:32] <williewillus> what are
you suggesting we do?
L3072[22:55:37] <williewillus>
"Remove SideOnly"?
L3073[22:55:50] <Zorn_Taov> which by the
way, that portion of that method is not used by vanilla, only by
some mod SOMEWHERE
L3074[22:57:20] <Zorn_Taov> if anything,
I want you guys to stop saying "give up" or "there
is no possible way of doing this"
L3075[22:57:29] <williewillus> what do
you want us to say?
L3076[22:57:33] <williewillus> that
there's a way when there isn't?
L3077[22:57:51] <tterrag> am I saying
there's no way to implement what you want? no
L3078[22:57:57] <tterrag> am I saying you
can't do it THIS SPECIFIC WAY? yes
L3079[22:58:44] <Zorn_Taov> "I
ddon't know of a way to do this without that method, maybe
someone else has figured it out" or "won't work that
way as you've already said, but maybe you could try
L3080[22:58:51] <Zorn_Taov> instead of
fucking "give up"
L3081[22:59:36] <tterrag> <tterrag>
so cache the planks that were used?
L3082[23:01:04] <Zorn_Taov> I have to do
this before making the recipe
L3083[23:01:17] <Zorn_Taov> as I add the
planks unloc name to the itemstack's NBT
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190 seconds)
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williewillus is now known as willieaway
L3086[23:04:19] <tterrag> Zorn_Taov: why
do you have to do it before making the recipe
L3087[23:04:28] <tterrag> also,
don't use unloc names, they are not unique or consistent
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L3089[23:05:52] <Zorn_Taov> I am making
two recipes for each type of wood plank currently added to the
oredict. what TYPE of wood used dictates what color frame is used
for the bed and determines the texture used on the underside of the
L3090[23:06:23] ***
TehNut|Gone is now known as TehNut
L3091[23:06:32] <Zorn_Taov> my problem
right now is that the list is only populated on theclient side and
not server side because of that one method, therefore the RECIPE is
only made client side
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L3093[23:07:02] <tterrag> why not just
use a custom recipe class
L3094[23:08:44] <Zorn_Taov> I'd
still need to know all plank types
L3095[23:09:15] <Zorn_Taov> oh, and
it's not the unloc name I'm adding to nbt, it's the
entire plank
L3096[23:09:23] <Zorn_Taov> as an
L3097[23:09:24] <tterrag> no you
L3098[23:09:29] <tterrag> just test if it
has the "plankWood" named
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L3101[23:13:32] <Zorn_Taov> you got an
example of this? some source code to a custom recipe hanler I could
look at then?
L3102[23:13:49] <codahq> question about
rendering. if i were trying to render the witch hat on a player
when an item was equipped... it looks like the easiest way to do
that is to have the item return a ModelBiped from
L3103[23:14:03] <codahq> and then i can
have a class that does what the ModelWitch does
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L3105[23:14:21] <codahq> how does the
modelrenderer know what texture to use for the ModelWitch?
L3106[23:14:33] <tterrag> Zorn_Taov:
implement IRecipe
L3107[23:14:35] <tterrag> let me dig up
an example
L3108[23:14:41] <Zorn_Taov> thank
L3110[23:15:08] <tterrag> not really
similar to what you want to do
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L3115[23:20:58] <codahq> anybody have a
simple example in 1.8 of armor that uses existing models to do
L3116[23:21:06] <codahq> like what i
mentioned above?
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the next hill, wonders unfold before us; all we have to do is want
it enough.)
L3124[23:35:52] <Zorn_Taov> tterrag, if
that's supposed to add nbt to the block to clear its config,
I'm not seeing where that nbt is handled elsewhere
L3125[23:36:03] <tterrag> it removes the
L3126[23:36:09] <tterrag> but doing it
the other way is pretty trivial...
L3127[23:36:35] <Zorn_Taov>
L3128[23:36:48] <Zorn_Taov> then why add
the clearedConfig bool?
L3129[23:37:44] ***
Illy[AFK] is now known as Illy
L3130[23:38:08] <tterrag> can't
remember tbh
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L3132[23:39:14] <Zorn_Taov> oh, and we
had this problem on the server I'm on, just middleclicking on
capbanks in creative breaks the block and makes them not work when
put back down
L3133[23:39:39] <Zorn_Taov> or something
like that, my friend was a bit vague on what was going on but he
was preetty mad about it
L3134[23:40:01] <tterrag> middleclick bug
is known
L3135[23:40:40] <Zorn_Taov> yeah, from
what I can tell it's because just middleclicking doesn't
add the NBT data, only ctrl MClick does that
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Ashley is now known as Ash|Work
L3138[23:51:32] <shadekiller666> why the
fuck am i getting a whopping 16 Kbps down...
L3139[23:51:48] <killjoy> well that
L3140[23:52:02] <killjoy> last time that
happened, it was because I was using a 801.11b wifi adapter
L3141[23:52:10] <xaero> check your modem
signal sevels
L3142[23:52:12] <shadekiller666> i'm
supposed to average about 2.0 Kbps
L3143[23:52:15] <xaero> levels#
L3144[23:52:22] <shadekiller666> 2.0
L3145[23:52:31] <killjoy> it's your
L3146[23:52:34] <killjoy> using
L3147[23:52:37] <shadekiller666> ya
L3148[23:52:51] <killjoy> how old is your
L3149[23:53:38] <shadekiller666> probably
coming up on 6 months
L3150[23:53:54] <killjoy> so it is a/b?
g? ac?
L3151[23:53:56] <killjoy> n?
L3152[23:54:03] <shadekiller666> n
L3153[23:54:37] <killjoy> that's
both adapter and router?
L3154[23:54:41] <shadekiller666> now
i'm averaging 850 Kbps...
L3155[23:55:02] <shadekiller666> windows
10 taskmanager says its connected with 802.11n
L3156[23:55:06] <killjoy> well good luck
with that
L3157[23:55:23] <killjoy> open the
connection details and see what the connection speed is
L3158[23:55:44] <killjoy> II can get to
it in 3 clicks
L3159[23:57:42] <shadekiller666> whats
strange is that its jumping intervals of powers of 2
L3160[23:58:06] <shadekiller666> 8 Kbps,
16... 32... 24.. 192...
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