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L3[00:03:16] <williewillus> also ,is there a
way to, for a lack of better words, "translate" a baked
model? currently working on the floating flowers from botania. the
base I have in json form, the item is loaded from a custom registry
but can simply be acquired...and i'd like to mash these two
models tgether in a smartmodel. except not quite sure how to
position them the right way
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L11[00:19:21] <shadekiller666>
williewillus, "transform": {"translate":
[{"x": #}, {"y": #}, {"z": #}]}
L12[00:19:28] <williewillus> no, in code
L13[00:19:28] <shadekiller666> something
like that in the blockstate json
L14[00:19:30] <shadekiller666> oh
L15[00:19:33] <shadekiller666> well
L16[00:19:35] <williewillus> I'm
thinking wrapping it in a perspectiveaware model?
L17[00:19:43] <shadekiller666> kinda
L18[00:20:05] <williewillus> where the
matrix translates everything downward, but idk how to make a matrix
that does that :p
L19[00:20:05] <shadekiller666>
TRSRTransformation is the class that handles all model
L20[00:20:23] <shadekiller666> look at that
and its uses
L21[00:20:37] ⇨
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L24[00:23:26] <fry> williewillus: it's
always better to apply transformations to original IModels
L25[00:23:36] <shadekiller666> ya, your 4
model declarations in "normal"
L26[00:24:23] <shadekiller666> also, only
"normal" and "inventory should have [{}], all other
variants need to have {}
L27[00:24:47] <fry> full variants need
L28[00:24:56] <fry> per-property variants
need {}
L29[00:25:01] <williewillus> hmm might as
well stuff this stuff into the preexisting SpecialFlowerModel as
L30[00:25:06] <shadekiller666> whats the
L31[00:32:50] ⇦
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Sprache der Politik ist daf�r gemacht, dass L�gen wahr klingen und
das T�ten angemessen wirkt. (George Orwell))
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williewillus is now known as willieaway
L41[00:53:58] <masa> why can't I seem
to be able to hotswap code into my TESR?
L42[00:59:14] <masa> "Scheme change
not implemented"
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L48[01:17:26] <SkySom> Did you change a
L49[01:17:35] <SkySom> Like the method name
or added or removed that.
L50[01:17:51] ⇦
Quits: glasspelican (~quassel@stanley.glasspelican.ca) (Quit: No
Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
L51[01:18:00] <masa> no, just the contents
of methods, like adding a println or changing some values
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L53[01:36:50] <masa> welp, debugging the
TESR is a pain if I can't hotswap code ;_;
L54[01:37:03] <masa> ie. getting the models
and their rotation right
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kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
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L58[01:39:13] <masa> and in other news it
seems to be my cake day :|
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L71[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV]
Pushing snapshot_20151228 mappings to Forge Maven.
L72[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV]
Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20151228-1.8.8.zip
(mappings = "snapshot_20151228" in build.gradle).
L73[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live
(every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed)
MCPBot mapping exports can be found here:
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L86[02:32:53] <Rushmead> use
L87[02:33:09] <DrDisconsented> Which is
what the gist is for
L88[02:34:14] <Rushmead> no. you need a
folder called blockstates and inside is a json which is like - {
"variants": {
{"model": "modid:model" }
L89[02:35:04] <Zaggy1024> that's what
his first link is
L90[02:35:11] <Zaggy1024> disconsented, is
it not working?
L91[02:35:15] <DrDisconsented> Nope
L92[02:35:20] <Zaggy1024> then give us the
L94[02:37:05] <Zaggy1024> erm
L95[02:37:10] <Zaggy1024> right..
L96[02:37:29] <Zaggy1024> I think
you're using the "normal" variant as a
"defaults" variant
L97[02:37:37] <Zaggy1024> that's not
how forge blockstates works
L98[02:38:26] <Zaggy1024> your normal
variant will never be used if you have a state with
"type"=["riparius", "vinifera",
L99[02:38:53] <Zaggy1024> and your
"type" variants will have no models, therefore showing up
as missing in-game
L100[02:39:04] <DrDisconsented> Ah, that
makes sense adding in "model":
"cristallum:crystal.obj", just above uvlock will make the
default apear
L101[02:39:11] ⇦
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L102[02:39:20] <Zaggy1024> yeah
L103[02:39:36] <Zaggy1024> now I see
you're trying to give it random rotations
L104[02:39:51] <Zaggy1024> I'm not
sure there's a way to do that properly with forge blockstates
L105[02:40:01] <Zaggy1024> not with
permutated variants anyway
L106[02:40:08] <DrDisconsented> Before
when it was actually using normal it rotated
L107[02:40:17] <DrDisconsented> rather it
was randomly rotated
L108[02:40:33] <Zaggy1024> yes,
that's because "normal" is a fully specified
variant, on which multiple weighted random variants
L109[02:40:44] <DrDisconsented> So it
looks like I have to create another property and do the RNG
L110[02:40:50] <Zaggy1024> nah
L111[02:40:54] <DrDisconsented> no?
L112[02:40:56] <Zaggy1024> jas
L113[02:41:03] <DrDisconsented> jas?
L114[02:41:05] <shadekiller666> well
couldn't he have a rng in his getActualState block that
randomly selects between the preset rotations?
L115[02:42:18] <Zaggy1024> just a
L116[02:42:23] <DrDisconsented> Ah
L117[02:42:26] <Zaggy1024> yes he could
shade, but that shouldn't be necessary
L118[02:42:34] <Zaggy1024> unless he adds
more variants
L119[02:42:41] <Zaggy1024> *more
L121[02:43:31] <Zaggy1024> oh, you will
have multiple properties then...
L123[02:43:48] <Zaggy1024> this is what I
was going to suggest, but you still need all the facings for the
fully specified ones
L124[02:43:53] <Zaggy1024> same as
L125[02:44:00] <shadekiller666> in the
blockstate json you could have those rotations without specifying
the model every time
L126[02:44:07] <shadekiller666> hence the
L127[02:44:48] <Zaggy1024> wait, now
I'm really really confused discon
L128[02:44:58] <Zaggy1024> do you or do
you not have a facing property?
L129[02:45:10] <DrDisconsented> I do not
and would like to not have one
L130[02:45:12] <Zaggy1024> oh
L131[02:45:20] <Zaggy1024> then use the
paste I linked
L132[02:45:43] <Zaggy1024> it *should*
L133[02:45:50] <Zaggy1024> assuming I
didn't make some stupid syntax error
L134[02:46:36] <DrDisconsented> Awesome
thats got the rotation sorted :)
L135[02:49:15] <Zaggy1024> hm
L136[02:50:10] <Zaggy1024> eh nvm
L137[02:50:40] <Zaggy1024> just thinking
about how blockstates format will be in 1.9 and how Forge will work
with it
L138[02:50:55] <DrDisconsented> Ill cry on
that bridge when I get to it
L139[02:51:10] <Zaggy1024> nah, 1.9
blockstates are going to be much more like forge's
L140[02:51:16] <DrDisconsented> Oh
L141[02:51:16] <Zaggy1024> and much better
than it in fact
L142[02:51:30] <Zaggy1024> multimodels and
predicates and crap
L143[02:51:40] <Zaggy1024> although
I'm not sure how advanced the predicates are
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L145[02:53:51] <shadekiller666>
L146[02:55:34] <Zaggy1024> nah, I'm
pretty sure it'll be an improvement over the hackyness of
forge blockstates
L147[02:56:29] <Zaggy1024> it's
mainly only hacky because it had to be made to work around a bunch
of stuff in vanilla
L148[02:56:43] <DrDisconsented> I wonder
when the shift+click for crafting and smelting events is getting
fixed (stack size is always zero with shift click, otherwise its
the correct value)
L149[02:56:44] <Zaggy1024> especially the
fact that vanilla is completely not made for anything but fully
specified variants
L150[02:56:48] <shadekiller666> knowing
mojang's code i have a feeling that it won't be
completely finished and there will be some stupid thing that forge
has to hack around
L151[02:56:51] <Zaggy1024> so we had to
permutate the variants
L152[02:57:01] <Zaggy1024> well, I'm
sure it will have some of that
L153[02:57:09] <Zaggy1024> but it will
definitely be a big improvement
L154[02:57:28] <shadekiller666>
DrDisconsented, what? shift+clicking for items is wonky as
L155[02:57:37] <shadekiller666> its
handled by the container not the item
L156[02:57:54] <DrDisconsented>
shift+click an item out of a furnace and the even will give you a
stacksize of 0
L157[02:57:58] <Zaggy1024> I'm almost
absolutely sure they've made it so that the loader actually
knows what properties and values a block has, so it doesn't
have to have all the properties and values declared in the
blockstates json
L158[02:58:02] <DrDisconsented> made a
thread and lm said it was being looked at
L159[02:58:13] <Zaggy1024> (which is a
limitation on forge blockstates as well)
L160[02:58:23] <DrDisconsented> I _assume_
this will be soon(tm)
L161[02:58:27] <shadekiller666>
DrDisconsented, because one of the stacks gets set to 0...
L162[02:58:49] <shadekiller666> the
"stack" in the furnace output gets set to 0
L163[02:58:55] <shadekiller666> which
means its empty
L164[03:02:37] ⇦
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L166[03:05:03] <DrDisconsented>
state.withProperty doesn't override does it
L167[03:05:11] ***
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L169[03:05:45] <shadekiller666>
L170[03:06:15] <shadekiller666>
state.withProperty returns a new copy of the blockstate with the
specified property and value applied
L171[03:06:51] ***
kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L172[03:07:18] <DrDisconsented> Ah thats
got it
L173[03:07:37] <DrDisconsented> All the
variations are now being generated
L174[03:07:40] <DrDisconsented> thanks
L175[03:07:50] <shadekiller666> when
initialized all possible value combinations for the IProperties are
baked into a table of states
L176[03:08:08] <shadekiller666> when
withProperty() is called, it loads the appropriate state from the
⇨ Joins: madcrazydrumma
L178[03:13:14] <madcrazydrumma> I still
cant figure out why my counter won't update in the gui string
but it does in the console ;_; heres my code:
L179[03:16:25] <shadekiller666> what
method are we supposed to be looking at
L180[03:16:52] <madcrazydrumma>
RenderGameOverlayEvent or the client tick event
L181[03:19:25] <shadekiller666> when you
say it updates in the console, where exactly are you printing to
the console
L182[03:19:44] ***
PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
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(~SatanicSa@c-76-115-175-15.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Quit:
L184[03:20:11] <shadekiller666> also, what
is zCooldownTicks meant to do
L185[03:26:07] <shadekiller666> gtg,
L186[03:26:11] ⇦
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kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L200[04:06:14] <Rushmead> If i wanted
these (just one) as a single block, how should i do it?
upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/comm… Because minecraft only likes
1x2x1 blocks
L201[04:07:30] <PaleoCrafter> 1x2x1 blocks
are two blocks :P
L202[04:07:49] <Rushmead> oh ok
L203[04:08:01] <Rushmead> but like, i want
them to be able to place a single block and get that
L204[04:08:02] <Rushmead> :P
L205[04:08:42] <PaleoCrafter> your link is
borked, btw :P
L206[04:08:46] ⇦
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L207[04:08:54] <PaleoCrafter> but the
concept is the same as for the door/flowers
L209[04:09:14] <Rushmead> Sorry
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L215[04:33:43] <Rushmead> If i want the
block to rotate dependant on how its placed, eg a trapdoor, how
should i do it?
L216[04:34:13] <PaleoCrafter> look at the
trapdoor? :P
L217[04:34:27] ***
kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L218[04:35:11] <Cazzar> if x is like y,
look at y for example
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L222[04:35:49] <sham1> Makes sense
L223[04:36:03] <Rushmead> Yeah, but for
that they use States, do i have to use states?
L224[04:36:12] <sham1> yes
L225[04:36:15] <Rushmead> Ok.
L226[04:36:50] <sham1> it usually is
L227[04:37:20] <Rushmead> Hmmm
L228[04:37:21] <Rushmead> ok.
L229[04:40:52] <Rushmead> Where are the
jsons for the models for mc?
L230[04:41:29] <DrDisconsented>
L231[04:41:39] <sham1> no
L232[04:41:50] <sham1>
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L240[05:03:55] <Rushmead> Caused by:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot set property
PropertyDirection{name=facing, clazz=class
net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing, values=[north, south, west, east]}
to up on block stagecraft:flat, it is not an allowed value
L241[05:03:58] <Rushmead> What does that
L242[05:05:05] <fry> it means that it
Cannot set property PropertyDirection{name=facing, clazz=class
net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing, values=[north, south, west, east]}
to up on block stagecraft:flat
L243[05:05:15] <sham1> it means that show
your code
L245[05:05:27] <Rushmead> There
L246[05:05:38] <sham1> whole code...
L247[05:05:40] ***
zz_SnowShock35 is now known as SnowShock35
L249[05:06:48] <sham1> if that facing is
UP or DOWN, it does not work
L250[05:06:58] <Rushmead> oh
L251[05:07:05] <fry> "up" is not
in EnumFacing.Plane.HORIZONTAL
L253[05:08:40] <sham1> or get the facing
from the player...
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L255[05:13:05] <laci200270> who knows OGL
L256[05:13:20] <sham1> I dont but ask
L257[05:13:21] ***
DRedAway is now known as DRedhorse
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⇨ Joins: waterpicker
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L261[05:14:33] <waterpicker> How does one
use ISidedInventory for a tile entity
L262[05:14:38] ***
amadornes[OFF] is now known as amadornes
L263[05:15:06] <laci200270> I'm
rendering a half circle with this code:
http://pastebin.com/Q4JyfArA but I can't get to
rottate towards to the player
not works well
L264[05:15:06] <sham1> you override
L265[05:16:08] <PaleoCrafter> you
shouldn't use glVertex2f if you're in a 3D environment
L266[05:16:18] ***
Jared is now known as Jared|Away
L267[05:16:34] <waterpicker> Yea
L268[05:16:46] <waterpicker> A 2D object
still has 3D cordinates in 3D space.
L269[05:16:59] <PaleoCrafter> waterpicker,
look at implementations of ISidedInventory :P
L270[05:17:03] <sham1> waterpicker, do you
need anymore help with ISidedInventory
L271[05:17:11] <laci200270> PaleoCrafter,
what should I use?
L272[05:17:14] <waterpicker> A bit
L273[05:17:25] <waterpicker> I need an
explict example of input and out.
L274[05:17:30] <PaleoCrafter> well, you
*should* use the tessellator, lol
L275[05:17:46] <laci200270> oh
L276[05:17:48] <waterpicker> Atleast a
straight forward example I can disect
L277[05:19:21] <laci200270> the
tessellator looks much better
L278[05:25:51] <laci200270> what can cause
this? Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not
L279[05:27:11] <Wuppy> laci200270, just
L280[05:28:07] <ThePsionic> 3?
L281[05:28:08] <laci200270> it occurs when
I call Tessellator.getInstance().draw();
L282[05:28:24] <Wuppy> yes, ThePsionic,
L283[05:28:37] <PaleoCrafter> well, you
obviously didn't start drawing, laci200270 :P
L284[05:29:07] <laci200270>
isn't the right thing?
L285[05:29:55] <PaleoCrafter> it is
L286[05:30:07] <PaleoCrafter> would be
helpful if you provided all your code
L288[05:30:57] <PaleoCrafter> drop that
finishDrawing line
L289[05:31:16] <laci200270> ok
L290[05:31:21] <PaleoCrafter> and I doubt
you want quads
L291[05:31:55] <laci200270> what I need
for this?
L292[05:31:57] <PaleoCrafter> you're
drawing an n-gon
L293[05:32:07] <laci200270> so?
L294[05:32:30] <PaleoCrafter>
GL_TRIANGLE_FAN would be a good option
L295[05:32:38] <laci200270> ok
L297[05:35:34] <PaleoCrafter> you dun
L298[05:36:10] <laci200270>
L299[05:36:18] <laci200270> it wasn't
a good idea
L300[05:36:19] <Wuppy> I agree with Paleo,
that looks rather goofed
L301[05:36:51] <PaleoCrafter> laci200270,
use glTranslate3d(x, y, z)
L302[05:36:56] ⇦
Quits: Loetkolben
(~Loetkolbe@ipbcc2d086.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Over
and Out!)
L303[05:37:04] <laci200270> yeah
L304[05:37:16] <laci200270> I thought I
should use tesselator for everything
L305[05:37:31] <PaleoCrafter> you should
use it for the actual drawing
L306[05:38:49] <laci200270> use
glTranslate3d(x, y, z) in which class?
L307[05:39:23] <PaleoCrafter> GL11
L308[05:40:05] <laci200270> I only can
find glTranslated()
L309[05:40:18] <PaleoCrafter> oh, might be
L310[05:42:13] <laci200270> it draws
L311[05:42:24] <laci200270> without
translation it draws normally
L312[05:42:35] <PaleoCrafter> well, show
your code again :P
L314[05:43:21] <PaleoCrafter> oh,
don't put z as argument in the addVertex call
L315[05:43:34] <laci200270> what should I
L316[05:43:36] <PaleoCrafter> and
don't use te.getPos for the translation but the arguments
you're given
L317[05:43:37] <PaleoCrafter> 0
L318[05:44:25] <laci200270> when I use the
arguments it draws relative to the player
L319[05:44:39] <laci200270> when I move,
the circle also moves
L320[05:44:48] <PaleoCrafter> then
you're doing it wrong :P
L321[05:44:51] <laci200270> I want to
float above the block
L322[05:45:09] <laci200270> so I translate
it to relative the block's coordinates
L323[05:45:18] <PaleoCrafter> if you
don't use the arguments it should move with the camera
L324[05:45:25] <laci200270> yes
L325[05:45:48] <laci200270> If I use the
arguments that I get
L326[05:45:55] <laci200270> it moves with
the camera
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L328[05:47:18] <unascribed> is the circle
even rendering? I don't think that's how TRIANGLE_FAN
L329[05:48:26] <PaleoCrafter> works for
L330[05:48:29] <laci200270> its
L331[05:49:12] <laci200270> oh now its
L332[05:51:38] <laci200270> Whats the
purpuse of GL11.popMatrix?
L333[05:52:35] ⇦
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by peer)
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L339[06:00:37] <unascribed> popMatrix
reverts a pushMatrix
L340[06:00:42] <unascribed> well
L341[06:00:56] <unascribed> it reverts
everything that happened after pushMatrix but before
L342[06:00:59] <unascribed> with some
L343[06:01:24] <unascribed> ...the name
suddenly makes sense
L344[06:01:28] <unascribed> it stores the
transformation matrix
L345[06:01:29] <unascribed> wow I'm
L346[06:01:50] <unascribed> so, pushMatrix
stores the current translate/rotate/scale/etc
L347[06:01:56] <unascribed> popMatrix
restores that stored state
L348[06:02:48] <laci200270> oh
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Connection reset by peer)
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(NickServ (GHOST command used by Samario1)))
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L375[07:50:16] <K-4U> I have issues with
setting the NBT for a written book. My code works fine when i have
one entry with clickEvent and hoverEvent on the page. But as soon
as i add a second entry, the book displays all the raw
L376[07:50:36] <K-4U> When i spawn in a
book trough commandblock, it works fine
L378[07:51:13] <K-4U> The top one is my
book, the bottom one is the book generated by the
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L382[07:54:55] <K-4U> note that line 204
and 205 aren't used
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Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
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timeout: 195 seconds)
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L387[08:04:18] <Nitrodev> hi all
L388[08:04:27] <ThePsionic> Hey
L389[08:07:08] <Nitrodev> when making the
recipe with GameRegistry.addRecipe does it matter if i add an upper
or a lower case leeter
L390[08:07:12] <Nitrodev> to the
L391[08:07:18] ***
PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
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Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
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L395[08:36:16] <Lumien> Does somebody why
this code would occasionally crash with "Cannot get property
PropertyBool{name=active, clazz=class java.lang.Boolean,
values=[true, false]} as it does not exist in
BlockState{block=minecraft:air, properties=[]}"?
L398[08:37:46] <Lumien> Is there ever a
situation where a te ticks before the block is set?
L399[08:39:11] <diesieben07> it...
L400[08:41:16] <Lumien> That's...
L401[08:43:37] <fry> probably setting the
property before the block is set
L402[08:44:08] <Wuppy> \o/ my website is
L403[08:44:24] <Wuppy> yay for me learning
html javascript and css
L404[08:44:54] <Lumien> The only place i
set that property is in onBlockActivated
L405[08:48:15] ⇦
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192 seconds)
L432[09:32:14] <LexManos> Random messages
like that does not help without stacks
L433[09:32:21] ⇦
Quits: gigaherz (gigaherz@ (Remote host closed the
L434[09:32:24] <LexManos> so we can tell
where its calling and what blocks are being sent in
L435[09:32:40] <Nitrodev> Shouldn`t this.
static ItemStack blackwool = new ItemStack(Blocks.wool, 1,
L436[09:32:47] <Nitrodev> be black
L437[09:32:58] <Nitrodev> the part inside
L438[09:33:03] <Nitrodev> ()
L439[09:34:03] <PaleoCrafter> it should
be, yes
L440[09:35:25] <PaleoCrafter> because
it's a static field though, chances are good that Blocks.wool
is null
L441[09:35:33] <Nitrodev> well then i
don't know why the recipe isn't working
L442[09:35:59] <Nitrodev> oh
L443[09:36:17] <Nitrodev> but if i remove
the static i will get ALOT of errors
L444[09:36:23] <laci200270> whta is the
fix for idea assets problem?
L445[09:36:29] <laci200270> *what
L446[09:36:39] <Nitrodev> what
L447[09:36:43] <Nitrodev> problem*
L448[09:36:46] <laci200270> assets not get
L449[09:36:49] <laci200270> in idea
L450[09:36:57] <PaleoCrafter>
idea.module.inheritOutputDirs = true
L451[09:37:03] <laci200270> thanks
L453[09:37:33] <Nitrodev> that is the
entire recipes file
L454[09:37:33] <PaleoCrafter> you might
want to go to a newer version of forge (and ForgeGradle)
L455[09:37:50] <Nitrodev> oh eait
L456[09:37:56] <PaleoCrafter> you
shouldn't have any of these static ItemStacks
L457[09:37:58] <Nitrodev> i see the issue
i'm having
L458[09:38:52] <LexManos> <Nitrodev>
but if i remove the static i will get ALOT of errors
L459[09:39:04] <LexManos> You need to go
learn how static fields and variables work.
L460[09:39:18] <PaleoCrafter> didn't
even see that :D
L461[09:39:31] <PaleoCrafter> yeah, you
should spend some time learning Java more in-depth, Nitrodev
L462[09:39:55] <LexManos> First
L463[09:39:58] <LexManos> WHY are they
L464[09:40:16] <LexManos> Do you use them
anywhere else besides that init function?
L465[09:40:26] <LexManos> Why do they need
to exist for the ENTIRE LIFE of Minecraft?
L466[09:40:33] <Nitrodev> in a lot of
L467[09:41:12] <LexManos> Explain
L468[09:41:14] <Nitrodev> now that i
removed the statics from the recipes file i get an error calling
L469[09:41:45] <PaleoCrafter> you
shouldn't have these fields in the first place :P
L470[09:41:58] <Nitrodev> i used
L471[09:42:07] <Nitrodev> so that's
why they are there
L472[09:42:18] <LexManos> then you used
those tutorials wrong
L473[09:42:23] <Nitrodev> nope
L474[09:42:29] <Nitrodev> they had s tatic
in them
L475[09:42:30] <LexManos> you should
UNDERSTAND why you're doing shit
L476[09:42:41] <LexManos> instead of
'i just copy pasted and now im a 1337 modder whoo!'
L477[09:42:56] <LexManos> So yes, the
tutorials were wrong.
L478[09:42:56] <Nitrodev> no shit
L479[09:42:58] <Nitrodev> i know
L480[09:43:39] <asie> Nitrodev: do you
have Java experience?
L481[09:43:53] <Nitrodev> some
L482[09:43:57] <asie>
L483[09:44:00] <Nitrodev> yes
L484[09:44:02] <asie> how much?
L485[09:44:07] <LexManos> You obviously
dont because you cant articulate why you need static and just say
'compile errors' when you remove it. Learn the basics of
variable scopes. You need to move your shit inside the god damn
L487[09:44:28] <asie> I recommend you buy
yourself some Java book
L489[09:44:40] <LexManos> And when asked
top explain why you need static you have no clue, and you say you
need the shit 'elseware' and when asked for explain you
refuse/ignore it.
L490[09:44:42] <asie> and study it hard
OUTSIDE of Minecraft, because learning Java and Minecraft
simultaneously is a very common form of masochism and
L491[09:45:06] <asie> which may end in
tears, whining, becoming an egocentric asshat and/or nobody liking
you ever again
L492[09:45:17] <diesieben07> heh
L493[09:45:21] <Nitrodev> yeah i'm
gonna close this chat for a while
L494[09:45:33] <PaleoCrafter> ^
you're reading the expert on the topic ;)
L495[09:45:33] <diesieben07> ignorance is
L496[09:45:35] <diesieben07> or not.
L497[09:45:36] <asie> yeah,
#minecraftforge is not the friendliest of places
L498[09:45:45] <LexManos> Not sure if he
is trying to insult me or not...
L499[09:45:55] <LexManos> Pretty sure he
knows thats not where I learned java...
L500[09:45:57] <shadekiller666> no,
ignorance usually comes to bite you in the ass
L501[09:46:02] <asie> shadekiller666:
L502[09:46:04] <asie> ignorance is bliss,
for you
L503[09:46:07] <asie> just not for
everyone else
L504[09:46:10] <asie> and that's its
true problem
L505[09:46:22] <asie> anyhow, 1.8.8 gates!
with a custom model format no less.
L506[09:46:42] <LexManos> custom
L507[09:46:54] <asie> indeed
L508[09:46:59] <LexManos> speaking of
1.8.9 bspkrs did you ever upload the shit so Forge can
L509[09:47:01] <asie> i've still yet
to write a proper wire definition format
L510[09:47:09] <asie> also,
L511[09:49:53] <Nitrodev> yeah i
don't understand jackshit
L512[09:50:00] <asie> so get a book on
java and learn
L513[09:50:01] ⇦
Quits: cpw (~cpw@ (Ping timeout: 190
L514[09:50:10] <LexManos> Wolfram alpha is
also good IIRC.
L515[09:50:12] <asie> i don't know
which ones are good nowadays
L516[09:50:23] <asie> i used an ancient
java 1.3 book as that was the only one i could get my hands on in
L517[09:50:39] <Nitrodev> no i understand
the static
L518[09:50:47] <asie> but do you
understand Java?
L519[09:50:53] <LexManos> Okay articulate
what static does.
L520[09:51:01] <LexManos> And why
you're using it in this context
L521[09:51:10] <Nitrodev> i need to
L522[09:51:22] *
asie falls over
L523[09:51:22] <Nitrodev> AND this is not
becuase i don`t know the answer
L524[09:51:25] ***
Nitrodev was kicked by MineBot (Banned: Ya no quit lieing.
L525[09:51:34] <asie> that
L526[09:51:37] <asie> wasn't
L527[09:51:45] *
diesieben07 helps asie up
L528[09:52:00] <asie> that really
wasn't nice. you have a dev who could potentially learn if
guided in the right direction...
L529[09:52:18] <PaleoCrafter> and you took
away a source of entertainment D:
L530[09:52:25] <diesieben07> he was being
a moron all week
L531[09:53:02] <LexManos> Want to join
him? He doesnt want to learn, he spent all his time here bitching
that he copied a tutorial and it didnt work.
L532[09:53:02] <sham1> "How do I do
this, how do I do that"
L533[09:53:22] <diesieben07> "You do
X" - "but it errors"
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MineBot sets mode: +o on cpw
L536[09:53:48] <LexManos> I gave him 4
opertunities to show he was serious about learning, he screwed up
all of them.
L537[09:53:49] <sham1> ye
L538[09:54:09] <Wuppy> people actually
told him to learn java like 10 times already
L539[09:55:21] <sham1> and he took that as
a personal insult
L540[09:56:03] <asie> yup
L541[09:56:13] <asie> he now says he will
never code again because being banned from here means being banned
from all of modding forever
L542[09:56:16] <asie> heh.
L543[09:56:25] <asie> (i know at least one
person in here wishes that was true)
L544[09:56:54] <Wuppy> I hope he decides
to follow our advice
L545[09:56:57] <Wuppy> but I doubt it
L546[09:57:23] <asie> I tried to tell
L547[09:57:31] <asie> but he just switches
between "I understand" and "NO I WON'T CODE
L548[09:57:37] <asie> sounds twelve
L549[09:57:57] <LexManos> Probably
L550[09:57:59] <LexManos> and seriously
L551[09:58:09] <LexManos> quit triyng to
insult me -.-
L552[09:58:26] <asie> I'm not. Just
stating things...
L553[09:58:52] <asie> My legion of minions
might, but then I don't really have a legion of minions - I
firmly believe my followers are capable of independent
L554[09:59:13] <LexManos> Bullshit
you're just to chicken shit to state my name and its getting
L555[09:59:34] <LexManos> And you have no
understanding of how popularity works when influencing
L556[09:59:49] ***
asie was kicked by MineBot (Banned: Not in the mood for this shit
today. (7d)))
L557[10:00:11] <LexManos> Fucking
cockmunch -.-
L558[10:03:08] <Wuppy> this may be a bit
random, but if anybody is doubting wether or not to buy Crypt of
the Necrodancer, do it, it's great
L559[10:03:08] <amadornes> I am in here,
fry :P
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L564[10:06:52] <ThePsionic> Wuppy:
Apparently I already did
L565[10:06:58] <ThePsionic> I didn't
even remember buying it
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L567[10:07:47] <Wuppy> ThePsionic, play
it, it's one of the better rogue likes
L568[10:07:56] ⇦
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(~Overreact@2a02:1811:2d21:7000:8053:cb8c:24ba:5544) (Client
L569[10:08:08] <masa> so any ideas why I
can't hotswap code into my TESR class in eclipse? it says
"Scheme change not implemented"
L570[10:08:53] <diesieben07> did you add
fields or methods?
L571[10:09:22] <LexManos> hotswap only
supports method bodies.
L572[10:09:22] <masa> no, even adding
println inside a method or changing values in my model
L573[10:09:39] <masa> that is what is
puzzling me
L575[10:09:45] <diesieben07> can you
pastebin the class?
L576[10:10:01] <masa> hotswap works
let's say in the TE class, but not in that TESR or the model
that it uses
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L578[10:10:06] <LexManos> Interesting, I
just usually reset the JVM and ti works fine
L579[10:10:06] <masa> yeah one sec
L580[10:10:18] <Overreacted> t
L581[10:10:27] <Overreacted> Yes it
finally works
L582[10:10:40] <Overreacted> Hi!
L583[10:10:45] <fry> hi :P
L584[10:11:21] <Overreacted> I have a
small question
L585[10:11:22] <masa> hmm, JDK mismatch
you say?
L586[10:11:37] <Overreacted> Is it
possible to color a part of a layeredtexture?
L587[10:12:02] <Lumien> In 1.8?
L588[10:12:07] <Overreacted> yeah
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L590[10:12:21] <Lumien> Potions do
L591[10:12:39] <Overreacted> Oh sorry i
forgot to specify
L592[10:13:19] <Overreacted> on an Entity,
i created a layeredtexture which uses multiple resourcelocations
much like EntityHorse. Can I color one of these layers?
L593[10:14:22] <Lumien> You mean
dynamically? Like not just on load?
⇨ Joins: MindWorX
L595[10:14:28] <Overreacted> Yeah
L596[10:14:29] <Lumien> no
L597[10:14:34] <Overreacted> :L
L598[10:14:40] <Overreacted> How about
leather armor?
L599[10:14:42] <MindWorX> I've
noticed when you place glass next to water, the water gets the
moving texture on the side.
L600[10:15:00] <Lumien> That's an
item with a model :P
L601[10:15:11] <MindWorX> Would it be
possible to make something like "Tank Glass" or
something, which would be transparent and which would leave the
side of the waterblock transparent too?
L602[10:15:28] <Overreacted> Yes exactly,
I'm trying to get the principle of colorable armor for my
custom entity to work
L603[10:15:36] <MindWorX> I assume
it's logic in the water source block that decides what
faces/textures to show.
L604[10:15:38] ***
Jared is now known as Jared|Away
L605[10:16:16] <Lumien> Mind yes it is in
L607[10:16:49] <MindWorX> Thanks Lumien,
I'll have a glance
L608[10:16:58] <masa> even changing the
values in the model or adding/changing a println in the
updateANgles() method won't work
L609[10:17:36] <Lumien> Over can't
you just recreate the texture if the armor color changes?
L610[10:17:51] <fry> masa: are you on
L611[10:18:01] <masa> no that mod is in
L612[10:18:08] <Overreacted> Well it
colors the same as leather armor, so shouldn't that give me
too many textures to handle?
L613[10:18:08] <fry> nevermind then
L614[10:18:22] ⇦
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timeout: 195 seconds)
L615[10:18:24] <Lumien> You only have to
create / keep in memory the ones that are actually in use
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L617[10:19:07] <Overreacted> yeah so i
have one grayscale texture. Is it possible to just project that one
on a different render layer and trhen project that renderlayer on
the entity render?
L618[10:19:18] <Overreacted> as in how
LayerArmorbase does it or something
L619[10:20:09] ***
fry is now known as fry|sleep
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L621[10:21:17] <Lumien> Presumably,
L622[10:22:09] <Overreacted> But how does
the render layer create a link between itself and the main render?
Is that settled in LayerRenderer#doRenderLayer?
L623[10:22:38] <Lumien> I have no clue^^,
L624[10:22:45] <masa> hmm wait, so if
it's a JDK version mismatch, would that then mean that if any
of the mods I have in mods/ has been built using a different
version then it could bug out?
L625[10:22:54] <masa> but then why would
it work for some classes?
L626[10:23:09] <Overreacted> It's
okay, I'll find out myself, I just wanted to know if there was
an easier alternative using LayeredTexture
L627[10:23:37] ⇦
Quits: Lildirt (~Lildirt@lildirt.com) (Ping timeout: 195
L628[10:23:41] <masa> or does that mean
that some of those mods has been asming somewhere in the TESR
L629[10:24:05] <masa> welp I guess I could
try that
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L634[10:29:36] <masa> yeah that seems to
be the case
L635[10:29:55] <masa> when I remove all
the mods from mods/ then it works... so thatnks, someone :p
L637[10:32:56] ⇦
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L656[11:01:14] <laci200270> I can't
see cycle
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L658[11:01:34] <laci200270> without
rotation I can see it but not rotates :/
L659[11:06:26] ***
amadornes[AFK] is now known as amadornes[Streaming]
L660[11:09:37] <laci200270> fry|sleep, can
you help?
L661[11:10:06] <Overreacted> Fry might be
L662[11:10:11] <laci200270> yeah
L663[11:10:23] <laci200270> but maybe...
L664[11:10:31] <Overreacted> I like your
way of thinking XD
L665[11:11:39] <laci200270> also fry|sleep
always sleeps?
L666[11:11:53] <Overreacted> Idk i just
L667[11:13:20] <ThePsionic> I think you
L668[11:13:21] <ThePsionic> :3c
L669[11:13:27] <Overreacted> ?
L670[11:13:32] <Overreacted> ohhh
L671[11:13:36] <Overreacted> Oh,
L672[11:13:39] <ThePsionic> :3c
L673[11:13:55] <Overreacted> By the way
Lumien it worked, creating another render layer and then coloring
that one did the trick
L674[11:13:59] <Overreacted> I feel
delighted now
L675[11:14:25] <Overreacted> Ah, the feel
of success, my core motivation for modding
L676[11:14:27] <laci200270> who familiar
with OGL?
L677[11:16:24] <laci200270> nobody?
L678[11:16:30] <Overreacted> not me,
L679[11:16:41] <laci200270>
shadekiller666, are you there?
L680[11:17:47] <diesieben07> i dont even
get your problem
L681[11:17:55] <diesieben07> "i cant
see the cycle"... what?
L682[11:18:45] <laci200270> I'm
rendering a cycle
L683[11:18:52] <laci200270> from a
L684[11:18:56] <sham1> I think the term is
a circle
L685[11:19:00] <laci200270> oh
L686[11:19:03] <diesieben07> oh
L687[11:19:09] <laci200270> I'm still
bad at english
L688[11:19:10] <diesieben07> that would
explain the misunderstanding.
L689[11:19:25] *
laci200270 feels itself stupid
L690[11:21:08] <Overreacted> Oh small
L692[11:21:35] <Overreacted> Upon
relogging, the colored armor becomes white again until you out it
off and on again, how to solve this?
L693[11:21:50] <Overreacted> put*
L694[11:21:59] <sham1> you need to sync it
when you relog so it remembers the colour
L695[11:22:17] <Overreacted> I'm not
good with client-server syncing things :/
L696[11:22:36] <diesieben07> where do you
store the color?
L697[11:22:41] <Overreacted> I'll
have a look in the leather armor render code
L698[11:22:49] <Overreacted> I store it in
an item
L699[11:22:54] <Overreacted> The color of
the item stays fine
L700[11:23:00] <diesieben07> in an
ItemStack i hope.
L701[11:23:06] <Overreacted> but when I
put the armor on my entity and then relog, the armor becomes white
L702[11:23:12] <Overreacted> yes in an
L703[11:23:28] <sham1> I think you
slightly overreacted when you said that you are no good at client
syncing stuff
L704[11:23:41] <Overreacted> -_-
L705[11:23:42] <diesieben07> but the armor
itself is there?
L706[11:23:44] <Overreacted> Yes
L707[11:23:45] <diesieben07> that is very
L708[11:23:51] <diesieben07> you use the
NBT tag?
L709[11:23:55] <Overreacted> The item
stays colored and the armor stays in the inventory
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L711[11:24:01] <Overreacted> Yes i get it
from the NBT tag
L712[11:24:09] <diesieben07> if it is
colored how can it render white...
L713[11:24:17] <Overreacted> it doesnt,
not until I relog
L714[11:24:33] <diesieben07> that is...
L715[11:24:43] <Overreacted> That is
mildly unsettling
L716[11:25:00] <diesieben07> this is a
custom entity?
L717[11:25:06] <Overreacted> yes
L718[11:25:09] ⇦
Quits: Cojo (~Cojo@2606:a000:1126:8048:207f:2624:fbf7:7405) (Quit:
If we wish to explore, if we wish to see what's over the next
hill, wonders unfold before us; all we have to do is want it
L719[11:25:33] <diesieben07> so you put on
colored armor, it IS colored. then you relog and it goes white
until you relog *again*?
L720[11:25:45] <Overreacted> let me try
L721[11:26:03] <Overreacted> Hmm
L722[11:26:18] <Overreacted> It seems to
be white until I open the entity's GUI
L723[11:26:52] <gigaherz> finally!
L724[11:26:57] <Overreacted> well,
'white', rather uncolored
L725[11:26:57] <gigaherz> managedto fix my
L726[11:26:58] <gigaherz> XD
L728[11:27:10] <diesieben07> Overreacted,
how do you store the ItemStack in the entity?
L729[11:27:14] <Overreacted> Upon 2nd
relog it still stays uncolored
L730[11:27:43] <Overreacted> Via NBT
L731[11:27:49] <diesieben07> that makes no
L732[11:27:52] <diesieben07> just post
your entity class
L733[11:27:55] <Overreacted> exactly like
EntityHorse does it
L734[11:28:17] <diesieben07> do you extend
L735[11:28:28] <Overreacted> no, I used to
but that limited the addition of custom armor
L736[11:29:03] <Overreacted> So basically
it's exactly the same as EntityHorse except the armor gets
rendered on a different renderlayer
L737[11:29:22] ***
willieaway is now known as williewillus
L738[11:29:27] <Overreacted> and a custom
gui gets opened, because playerEntity.displayHorseGui() is only
applicable for EntityHorse
L739[11:30:11] <williewillus> hmm...
L740[11:30:23] <williewillus>
botania's custom shaders are all broken in 1.8...but 1.8 has a
primitive shader system
L741[11:30:28] <williewillus> can I
somehow hook into that?
L742[11:30:45] <diesieben07> Overreacted,
you will have to to synchronize the armor to the client in the
entity class.
L743[11:31:04] <Overreacted> I don't
get it. The armor should be synced.
L744[11:31:09] <Overreacted> It's
just the color
L745[11:31:25] <diesieben07> just pastebin
your class.
L747[11:31:45] <Overreacted> I busy doing
L748[11:31:48] <Overreacted> was*
L749[11:32:09] <diesieben07> oh jeez, yay
copy-pasta mess...
L750[11:32:26] <Overreacted> :/ is there a
way to format it better? i highlighted the syntax of Java
L751[11:32:38] <Overreacted> Or do you
just want the specific armor methods?
L752[11:32:52] <diesieben07> no, my
critique was that you just copy-pasted ENtityHorse...
L753[11:32:57] <Overreacted> Oh
L754[11:33:03] <diesieben07> anyways,
since you did that, the ItemStacks are NOT synced
L755[11:33:04] <Overreacted> :L Yeah
L756[11:33:10] <diesieben07> EntityHorse
only stores "this armor slot is full"
L757[11:33:11] <Overreacted> Okay...
L758[11:33:12] <diesieben07> not the
actual itemSack
L759[11:33:15] <diesieben07>
L760[11:33:40] <Overreacted> So how would
i go about syncing it then?
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L762[11:34:03] <Overreacted> Is there a
way for it already used in other Entity classes?
L763[11:34:11] <williewillus>
L764[11:34:16] <williewillus> or
L765[11:34:21] <diesieben07> you
can't really sync an array using dataWatcher
L766[11:34:48] <Overreacted> well the
datawatcher returns an int based on the set of armor that is in the
armor slot
L767[11:34:48] <diesieben07> however
EntityHorse extends EntityLivingBase eventually, and that has
synced slots for armor and held item
L768[11:34:51] <diesieben07> you should
use those
L769[11:35:54] <Overreacted> allright
I'll have a look
L770[11:37:44] ***
kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L771[11:38:08] <Overreacted> So do you
mean EntityLivingBase#getCurrentArmor()?
L772[11:38:43] <diesieben07> yes
L773[11:39:00] <diesieben07> and
L774[11:39:11] <Overreacted> Okay i think
i know what to do.
L775[11:40:21] <williewillus> god dammit
another questions I have to wait for fry to get ehre to ask
L776[11:41:14] ***
AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L777[11:41:25] <PaleoCrafter> what part of
the shaders is broken, williewillus? :P
L778[11:41:45] <williewillus> all of
L779[11:41:58] <williewillus> as in no
L780[11:42:11] <williewillus> the mana
pool looks quite ugly without its custom shader, lol
L781[11:42:30] <PaleoCrafter> but you
don't get any OGL errors?
L782[11:42:35] <williewillus> nope
L783[11:43:11] <williewillus> it might be
mc disabling it since the builtin shaders are off, not sure how gl
works there
L784[11:43:39] <williewillus> but the more
I think about the more plausible it sounds to steal mc's
shader system
L785[11:43:43] <williewillus> we'll
L786[11:44:11] <PaleoCrafter> I doubt
it'll be of great help :P
L787[11:44:57] <PaleoCrafter> my shaders
were working just fine after the update
L788[11:45:52] <williewillus> you should
take a look at the botania ones then bc I no clue how they work
L789[11:46:02] <PaleoCrafter> already at
it :P
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L792[11:47:39] <oitsjustjose> Alright, so
I'm working on a TileEntity, and my GUI has buttons that
activate / deactivate rain. Unfortunately, it seems like the
weather change is only happening client-side, but my isRemote
checks are all correct I believe. Can anyone offer advice?
L793[11:48:56] <diesieben07> oitsjustjose,
if you have to do stuff like change weather from a GUI you have to
send packets.
L794[11:49:20] <oitsjustjose> ah! Alright,
I'll look into that then!
L795[11:50:05] ***
DRedAway is now known as DRedhorse
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L797[11:56:26] <laci200270> somebody wh
knows OGL shit well can help to me?
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L799[11:57:44] <Overreacted> Hmmm,
getCurrentArmor(1) seems to return null in my custom Entityhorse
even though the Armor slot is labeled 1 in my custom
L800[11:57:45] <sham1> Time to program a
method to check if my multiblock tank is assembled in a sensable
L801[11:57:55] <Overreacted> I'm not
doign this right am I
L802[11:58:01] <sham1> this is gonna be
L803[11:58:10] <williewillus> Overreacted:
container slots and actual slots are different
L804[11:58:18] <Overreacted> I figured
that by now
L805[11:58:19] <williewillus> number
L806[11:58:26] <Overreacted> So what slot
is it then
L807[11:58:30] <Overreacted> Just 0?
L808[11:58:50] <williewillus> if you
extended entityhorse you can decide that
L809[11:58:56] <williewillus> or just look
at the horse class to see
L810[11:59:02] <PaleoCrafter>
williewillus, your stuff isn't even executable? oO
L811[11:59:30] <Wuppy> \o/ finally party
time again tomorrow :D
L812[11:59:33] <williewillus> what do you
L813[11:59:41] <williewillus> it's
directly forked from vaz :p
L814[12:00:05] <PaleoCrafter> it's
not supposed to run yet? :P
L815[12:00:15] <williewillus> ? the
botania port? it compiles and runs
L816[12:00:33] <PaleoCrafter> then I must
have gotten the wrong thing XD
L817[12:00:50] <williewillus>
github.com/williewillus/Botania/tree/MC18 :p
L818[12:00:58] <PaleoCrafter> that's
what I got...
L819[12:01:16] <williewillus> did it not
launch? lol
L820[12:01:35] <PaleoCrafter> I get a shit
ton of compiler errors :P
L821[12:02:03] <williewillus> of what
L822[12:02:21] <PaleoCrafter> stuff that
references old stuff like ISBRH
L823[12:02:33] <williewillus> oh, mark the
render/block package as excluded
L824[12:02:39] <williewillus> and
L825[12:02:40] <diesieben07> Overreacted,
use getEquipmentInSlot, the docs tell you exactly what is
L826[12:02:50] <williewillus> I
ahven't deleted those yet in case they have stuff I need
L827[12:02:55] <williewillus> though I
could just look upstream lol
L828[12:03:42] <PaleoCrafter> do I have to
do anything special to get baubles as a library? :P
L829[12:04:57] <williewillus> no just
download the 1.8.8 deobf version from azanors forum post :p
L830[12:05:02] <williewillus> no maven
L831[12:06:20] <PaleoCrafter> would be
cool if one could find that info somewhere :P
L832[12:06:37] ⇦
Quits: MattDahEpic (~MattDahEp@75-166-140-155.hlrn.qwest.net)
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L833[12:09:04] <Wuppy> how to make me as
uninterested in a gmae as possible: early access survival
multiplayer game...
L834[12:09:44] <Wuppy> am I really the
only one who's not interested in the 500000000 survival games
which are not finished yet?
L835[12:09:48] <sham1> That genre has
become a meme
L836[12:10:12] <Overreacted> But
diesieben07, getequipmentInSlot takes 4 slots for armor while horse
armor only takes up 1 slot, I understand that entities such as
zombies or other bipeds have 4 armor slots and thusfar explain the
method, but how do i know which slot the horse uses? Because both
slot 1 and 2 return null.
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L838[12:10:33] <diesieben07> just use one
of them, you choose
L839[12:10:45] <diesieben07> chestpiece
would make the most sense semantically.
L840[12:11:06] <sham1> Semantics of
L841[12:11:10] <diesieben07> meh
L842[12:11:13] <sham1> That's
L843[12:11:15] <Overreacted> Oh I get to
choose via set CurrentItemOrArmor?
L844[12:11:22] *
Overreacted feels dumb
L845[12:11:38] <diesieben07> yes...
L846[12:11:49] <Overreacted> Sorry for the
inconvenience if I caused any
L847[12:11:57] <Overreacted> I feel dumb
now :L
L848[12:12:04] <diesieben07> its
L849[12:12:06] <Wuppy> hmm the 3 steam
queus were particularly shitty today :c
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L851[12:15:08] <gudenau> Hello!
L852[12:15:22] <shadekiller666> hi
L853[12:15:30] <Wuppy> hai
L854[12:15:31] <gudenau> Is there an event
that gets fired when an EntityItem is burnt?
L855[12:15:40] <williewillus> entitydeath
event? :p
L856[12:15:56] <williewillus> no idea, or
maybe a damage evt
L857[12:15:58] <gudenau> EntityItem is not
a subclass of EntityLiving though.
L858[12:16:40] ***
kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L859[12:17:02] <williewillus> hm not sure
L860[12:18:03] <diesieben07> no there
L861[12:18:05] <PaleoCrafter>
williewillus, I think the shader works perfectly fine :P
L862[12:18:11] <diesieben07> unless its
about your own item
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L864[12:18:23] <gudenau> It is not.
L865[12:18:25] <PaleoCrafter> the icon is
goofed up
L866[12:18:30] <williewillus> what icon
L867[12:19:03] <williewillus> check the
other shaders then, because I'm pretty sure they don't
work :p
L868[12:19:05] <sham1> Gudenau, you have
two choises
L869[12:19:16] <sham1> Make a PR adding
that kind of event to force
L870[12:19:17] <gudenau> I am thinking a
L871[12:19:20] <sham1> Forge*
L872[12:19:20] <gudenau> For noe.
L873[12:19:22] <gudenau> now*
L874[12:19:27] <sham1> Or use tick
L875[12:19:35] <gudenau> I'll make a
real PR later.
L876[12:19:35] <sham1> Don't even
think of coremod
L877[12:19:44] <laci200270>
shadekiller666, are you there?
L878[12:19:54] <sham1> Don't even
think at doing a coremod
L879[12:19:56] <shadekiller666>
L880[12:20:03] <laci200270> can you help
L881[12:20:07] <laci200270> with
L882[12:20:15] <shadekiller666>
L883[12:20:39] <williewillus> while
we're on openGL quesitons I still can't find an
alternative to calling tessellator.setBrightness(240)
L884[12:20:43] <gudenau> I don't even
see an entity tick event.
L885[12:20:45] <williewillus> wtf does
that map to in 1.8.8
L887[12:21:11] <laci200270> i trying to
render a cycle
L888[12:21:11] <masa> bleh, I'm
getting huge diffs from changed imports since I upgraded eclipse
from I think Luna to Mars
L889[12:21:37] <williewillus> anything I
try in .lightmap(). ends up just disappearing whatever I was trying
to tesellate
L890[12:22:14] <sham1> It is circle for
fucks sake..
L891[12:22:24] <laci200270> yeah I
L892[12:22:31] <williewillus> cycle sounds
cooler though
L893[12:22:36] <sham1> Gudenau, you could
6se server tick event
L894[12:22:59] <diesieben07> meh. better
replace the EntityItem with your own class
L895[12:23:29] <sham1> Well yeah
L896[12:23:55] <sham1> But this is still
better than using a coremod
L897[12:23:55] <gudenau> *ding*
L898[12:24:09] <gudenau> I could do that
with some events...
L899[12:24:31] <gudenau> All I care about
is the player tossing the item into a fire.
L900[12:24:36] <gudenau> Or lava.
L901[12:24:51] <gudenau> Just need to make
the entity work like normal.
L903[12:25:08] <sham1> Excuse my
L904[12:25:17] <sham1> What are you
L905[12:25:24] <sham1> Because it sounds
L906[12:25:42] <gudenau> Making a mod that
refrences an old Etho video.
L907[12:26:36] <sham1> Well the reference
is lost on me so care to elaborate
L908[12:26:52] <sham1> And I cannot watch
a video right now so...
L910[12:28:55] <gudenau> So, I would need
to create an instance of my own EntityItem and spawn it in the
world with the same data, then kill the original one;
L911[12:29:05] <gudenau> I have not done
much with Entitys.
L912[12:30:13] <diesieben07> check
L913[12:30:18] <sham1> Nice mana pool
L914[12:30:19] <diesieben07> that's
where the hook for custom item entities is
L915[12:31:01] <gudenau> What is the
L916[12:31:30] <diesieben07> use your
IDE... Ctrl-Shift-T in eclipse, Ctrl-N in IDEA
L917[12:31:59] <gigaherz> or do it
thecrappy way like me and type the name then let the IDE suggest
the package for you
L918[12:31:59] <gigaherz> ;P
L919[12:32:12] <williewillus> yeah
L920[12:32:13] <sham1> Hey
L921[12:32:16] <sham1> I do that
L922[12:32:21] <diesieben07> guys...
L923[12:32:34] <sham1> It's not
crappy :(
L924[12:32:44] <diesieben07> yes it
L925[12:33:01] <williewillus> lol
L926[12:33:02] <gudenau> Yah, looks like I
will need to copy that implemnation.
L927[12:33:16] <sham1> The only thing that
happens for me at that point is that I get unused imports
L928[12:33:27] <sham1> Oh bah
L929[12:33:36] <williewillus>
PaleoCrafter: why does the icon flow so much slower in 1.8?
L930[12:33:46] <williewillus> and the
transparency/blend is off even though I didn't touch
L931[12:33:47] <PaleoCrafter> no clue
L932[12:33:54] <sham1> And why was it so
L933[12:34:07] ***
TehNut|Sleep is now known as TehNut
L934[12:34:15] <PaleoCrafter> oh, the
slowness might be due to it being a gif
L935[12:34:17] <sham1> Thanks a lot
L937[12:35:44] <sham1> It is
L938[12:35:54] <williewillus> what did you
change to get it to do that?
L939[12:36:09] <diesieben07> he used an
mp4 instead.. :D
L940[12:36:27] <laci200270>
shadekiller666, have you looked to it?
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L942[12:37:14] <shadekiller666> what
exactly are you trying to accomplish
L943[12:37:22] <PaleoCrafter>
IconHelper.forName was wrong
L944[12:37:30] <PaleoCrafter> it should be
new ResourceLocation(LibResources.PREFIX_MOD + name)
L945[12:37:36] <laci200270> i am trying to
rotate a circle towards to the player
L946[12:37:40] <williewillus> wow
L947[12:37:44] <PaleoCrafter> (or
alternatively making PREFIX_MOD just "botania" without
the colon)
L948[12:38:00] <williewillus> that breaks
a bunch of other textures I think :p
L949[12:38:01] <shadekiller666> uhh
L950[12:38:11] <shadekiller666> no idea
what that means
L951[12:38:15] <williewillus> laci200270:
look at how rendersnowball always roates the item model towards the
L952[12:38:16] <PaleoCrafter> and the call
has to be IconHelper.forName(evt.map, "blocks/manaWater")
in BlockPool
L953[12:38:30] <laci200270> yeah I
've looked that
L954[12:38:34] <PaleoCrafter> due to the
way the texture map got unified in 1.8 or something
L955[12:39:00] <shadekiller666> you want
the model to always face the player?
L956[12:39:05] <gudenau> So, how do I add
an entity? I have tried a few times, only to goof it up each
L957[12:39:07] <laci200270> no
L958[12:39:12] <laci200270> just the
L959[12:39:17] <williewillus> same
L960[12:39:20] <diesieben07> define
"add". register? spawn?
L961[12:39:26] <PaleoCrafter> the pylon
seems to be totally off
L962[12:39:28] <gudenau> register.
L963[12:39:31] <gudenau> Spawning is
L964[12:39:34] <williewillus> yeah the
pylon's fucked and I have no idea why
L965[12:39:37] <williewillus> the
animation is wrong
L966[12:39:39] <diesieben07>
L967[12:39:45] <PaleoCrafter> but that
isn't the shader's fault :D
L969[12:40:00] <williewillus> the natura
pylon should only show the crystal, and the rings should be locked
together on the other two
L970[12:40:12] <laci200270> it only
renders when I'm standing on the top of the block
L971[12:40:12] <williewillus> I think the
OBJ visibilities are messed up
L972[12:40:21] <williewillus> but minor
problem lol
L973[12:40:23] <gudenau> OBJ support is
L975[12:40:25] <williewillus> compared to
other things
L976[12:40:36] <williewillus> it's
been back for months .-.
L977[12:40:36] <gigaherz> gudenau:
shadekiller666 here wrote a whole new OBJ loader
L978[12:40:40] <laci200270>
shadekiller666, thanks
L979[12:40:44] <shadekiller666> willie,
they are, theres a bug with the way group visibilities are
L980[12:40:47] <gigaherz> that ties into
fry's model loading system
L981[12:40:50] <gudenau> Thanks a ton
L982[12:40:52] <laci200270> i take a look
for that
L983[12:40:55] <shadekiller666> np
L984[12:40:57] <williewillus>
shadekiller666: bug fix anytime soon? :DD
L985[12:41:04] <shadekiller666> wanted to
put the 1.7.10 loader to shame
L986[12:41:05] <gudenau> Been waiting for
OBJ stuff.
L987[12:41:16] <gigaherz> gudenau: I
didn't wait
L988[12:41:21] <gigaherz> I wrote my own
obj loader back in january ;P
L989[12:41:27] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666's is better though
L990[12:41:30] <gigaherz> ;P
L991[12:41:33] <gudenau> So, what should I
use for trackingRange, updateFrequency and
L992[12:41:35] <sham1> :p
L993[12:41:39] <PaleoCrafter>
williewillus, did you disable the enchanter or something?
L994[12:41:39] <gigaherz> mine's...
L995[12:41:43] <shadekiller666>
williewillus, hopefully, depends on if i can get my shit together
and figure out how i want to refactor things (OBJModel.java) is
getting a little large
L996[12:41:54] <shadekiller666> and idk
what to do about group configurations
L997[12:41:58] <gudenau> I did not write
one because I knew someone would make a better one than I
L998[12:42:15] <williewillus>
PaleoCrafter: the botania enchanter? you need to set it up properly
or it'll just revert to a lapis block
L999[12:42:22] <williewillus> and the
multiblock render in the lexicon is messed up :D
L1000[12:42:23] <shadekiller666>
gigaherz, yours gave me a good starting point though :P
L1001[12:42:32] <diesieben07> gudenau,
check vanilla's EntityTracker.trackEntity to see the values
for different types of entities. pick what is appropriate for
L1002[12:42:37] <PaleoCrafter> I have
never played with botania, I don't know shit
L1003[12:42:48] <gudenau> Go play with it
L1004[12:42:56] <gudenau> It is a great
L1005[12:43:02] <shadekiller666> even
though i used almost none of it, it helped me grasp the concept of
parsing a file and converting it into data that minecraft
L1006[12:43:08] <ThePsionic>
L1007[12:43:15] <gigaherz> yeah
L1008[12:43:25] <gigaherz> the model
loader system doesn't really match the original design
L1009[12:43:43] <shadekiller666>
williewillus, what exactly is it thats "broken" about the
obj visibility stuff btw? just so i know that i'm fixing the
proper thing
L1010[12:43:45] <gigaherz> I sortof
rewrote it myself when I adapted it for the model loading
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L1012[12:44:05] <shadekiller666> giga,
have you tried using yours for entities?
L1013[12:44:10] <gigaherz> yes
L1014[12:44:12] <gigaherz> it's
L1015[12:44:23] <shadekiller666> thats
really the one hard thing to use either of our loaders for
L1016[12:44:23] <gigaherz> I'd have
to redesign some parts of it
L1017[12:44:31] <gigaherz> yours did
L1018[12:44:36] <williewillus> not sure,
but the pylons are definitely not displaying the right thing. the
natura pylon is only supposed to render the crystal in the middle,
and no rings. instead it renders the rings and no crystal (and I
did check that I disabled the right things). The other two pylons.
it seems to render the outer rings twice and they rotate in
opposite directions
L1019[12:44:40] <gigaherz> but mine has
certain "expectations"
L1020[12:44:45] <gigaherz> it's
designed for items
L1021[12:44:55] <gigaherz> it will
attempt to load a .json file next to the model
L1022[12:44:58] <gudenau> Hrm, I get some
reflection exceptions...
L1023[12:45:01] <gudenau>
L1024[12:45:02] <gigaherz> to load stuff
like textures and transform matrices
L1025[12:45:13] <shadekiller666>
williewillus, ya sounds about right
L1026[12:45:22] <gigaherz> and I
can't just disable that, because other parts depend on
L1027[12:45:24] <gudenau> Why does it say
that it can not find a constructor?
L1028[12:45:30] <williewillus> what was
the bug?
L1029[12:45:35] <diesieben07> every
entity needs a World only constructor
L1030[12:45:36] <gigaherz> gudenau: which
L1031[12:45:46] <shadekiller666> the
current version in forge has 3 different places where it processes
the contents of the List<String> contained in OBJState
L1032[12:45:50] <gigaherz> ah
L1033[12:45:51] <gudenau> Oh, I need one
with just World.
L1034[12:45:54] <shadekiller666> and none
of them do it correctly
L1035[12:45:59] <gigaherz> gudenau: the
entity you create on the server
L1036[12:46:00] <williewillus> lol
L1037[12:46:07] <gigaherz> is only for
the server side
L1038[12:46:10] <gigaherz> the server
messages the client
L1039[12:46:13] <shadekiller666> and it
ends up being all wonky and shit
L1040[12:46:16] <gigaherz> which then
constructs a new entity instance
L1041[12:46:22] <gigaherz> using the
(World) constructor
L1042[12:46:59] <shadekiller666>
didn't notice it until after it was pulled in :P, the
development of it hasn't exactly been linear so things have
been written having forgotten other parts cuz i'm a derp
L1043[12:47:26] <Zelophed> Hello
everybody :)
L1044[12:47:34] <Temportalist> o/
L1045[12:47:55] <gudenau> Now my custom
EntityItem seems to work, just need to set the owner and pickup
delays and crap.
L1046[12:48:39] <gigaherz> gudenau: if
you want to replicate the original one, you can use writeToNBT on
the original entity, and then readFromNBT on your own
L1047[12:48:47] <gudenau> True.
L1048[12:48:51] <gudenau> Thanks for the
L1049[12:49:01] <gudenau> That is a
clever little hack.
L1050[12:49:15] <shadekiller666> wow the
minecraft launcher does not like windows 10 it seams... or
something else is borked
L1051[12:49:19] <gigaherz> ?
L1052[12:49:21] <gigaherz> works fine
L1053[12:49:26] <gudenau> The launcher
works fine for me.
L1054[12:49:34] <williewillus> multimc
L1055[12:49:35] <shadekiller666> the Edit
Profile page renders strangely
L1056[12:49:40] <diesieben07> not
L1057[12:49:45] <gigaherz> fine
L1058[12:49:50] <williewillus> I
haven't started the vanilla launcher in probably over a year
L1059[12:49:53] <shadekiller666> it
renders overtop of itself following the mouse, no idea why
L1060[12:50:00] <gigaherz> o_O
L1061[12:50:04] <gudenau> Video?
L1062[12:50:05] <gigaherz> either your
win10 or your java is broken
L1063[12:50:06] <gigaherz> XD
L1064[12:50:10] <gigaherz> try installing
a new java?
L1065[12:50:16] <gigaherz> although
L1066[12:50:23] <gigaherz> the launcher
has its own so...
L1067[12:50:26] <shadekiller666> ya
L1068[12:50:29] <gudenau> It does?
L1069[12:50:34] <shadekiller666>
L1070[12:50:35] <gudenau> I always use
the jar.
L1071[12:50:39] <gigaherz> unless you use
the ancient launcher, yes
L1072[12:50:50] <shadekiller666> and
minecraft itself will have its own java soon hopefully
L1073[12:50:52] <gigaherz> the .exe
version installs its own local package with java 8 x64
L1074[12:50:57] <shadekiller666> well,
its own java 8 soon
L1075[12:51:01] <diesieben07> doesnt it
already sahde?
L1076[12:51:07] <diesieben07> through the
L1077[12:51:10] <gigaherz> yup
L1078[12:51:12] <shadekiller666> iirc the
game itself doesn't?
L1079[12:51:21] <shadekiller666> or uses
java 6?
L1080[12:51:22] <diesieben07> sure
L1081[12:51:27] <gudenau>
L1082[12:51:28] <diesieben07> it uses the
java that comes with the launcher
L1083[12:51:30] <gigaherz> the game is
compiled into bytecode version 6
L1084[12:51:30] ***
Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L1085[12:51:37] <shadekiller666>
L1086[12:51:37] <gigaherz> but the
launcher runs its own java.exe
L1087[12:51:44] <gudenau> It seems that
my custom ItemEntity is not retaining motion.
L1088[12:51:46] <gigaherz> which is
1.8.0_25 or something like that
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L1090[12:52:03] <shadekiller666> it will
be a bit nicer once the game itself is compiled to java 8
L1091[12:52:10] <shadekiller666> lamdas!
L1092[12:52:12] <diesieben07> how
L1093[12:52:33] <gudenau> Then everyone
can use Java 8 in mods without woring about the idiots that do not
L1094[12:52:34] <diesieben07> we
don't the game to be compiled for java 8 to use java 8.
L1095[12:52:36] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: you do realize we won't "see" the
lambdas right? they get compiled into classes ;P
L1097[12:52:45] <diesieben07> that is not
true gigaherz
L1098[12:52:46] <shadekiller666> i
L1099[12:52:55] <gigaherz> diesieben07:
Lex considers it bad practice to require java8 in mods, when mc
itself requires only java6
L1100[12:52:55] <diesieben07> lambdas
become methods and an indy call
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(~ShadowChi@host81-151-59-190.range81-151.btcentralplus.com) (Ping
timeout: 190 seconds)
L1102[12:53:01] <gudenau> I want the
"unsigned" keyword so bad.
L1103[12:53:04] <diesieben07> i know that
L1104[12:53:08] <diesieben07> it
doesn't change the facts.
L1105[12:53:15] <shadekiller666>
laci200270, look at the tile entity, that block makes the model
always point towards the play
L1106[12:53:18] <shadekiller666>
L1107[12:53:20] <gigaherz> diesieben07:
methods only? hmm
L1108[12:53:26] <gigaherz> even when you
have a closure?
L1109[12:53:29] <diesieben07> yes
L1110[12:53:35] <gudenau> Look at
L1111[12:53:36] <diesieben07> the
captured vars become parameters
L1112[12:53:39] <gigaherz> ah
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L1114[12:53:46] <gudenau> [12:52:51]
[Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]:
Burn baby burn!
L1115[12:53:50] <diesieben07> and then an
API call that says "turn this method and these vars into an
object of type X"
L1116[12:54:02] <diesieben07> and that
API method can evolve for future perofrmance improvements
L1117[12:54:02] <gigaherz> that's
different from C# then, C# like to generate anonymous classes for
L1118[12:54:10] <gigaherz> although it
does so at runtime
L1119[12:54:14] <gigaherz> so
L1120[12:54:17] <diesieben07> right now
this API method meerely generates a runtime dynamic class
L1121[12:54:22] <diesieben07> but it must
not do that forever
L1122[12:54:22] <laci200270> I can't
use TRSR transformation for raw GL, right?
L1123[12:54:24] <gudenau> At least you
can not just ovewrite the VTable in Java.
L1124[12:54:26] <gudenau> :-{
L1125[12:54:28] <shadekiller666> oh
sweet, the 1.9 snapshots actually track the version of the game
that singleplayer worlds were made in
L1126[12:54:30] <gudenau> :-P*
L1127[12:54:40] <sham1> I'd rather
not retrolambda to cater to some idiots who don't want to
update into java8
L1128[12:54:50] <gudenau> sham1++
L1129[12:54:57] <gigaherz> laci200270:
TRSRtransforms are just a wrapper for the usual opengl
L1130[12:55:07] <shadekiller666>
L1131[12:55:09] <gigaherz> yo ucan just
do GlStateManager.rotate/.translate/.scale
L1132[12:55:14] <gudenau> I hope MC goes
to LWJGL 3 soon.
L1133[12:55:15] <laci200270> oh
L1134[12:55:23] <shadekiller666>
they're also a wrapper for the ItemCameraTransforms
L1135[12:55:37] <gigaherz> whcih are in
turn an abstraction of the opengl ones
L1136[12:55:37] <gigaherz> XD
L1137[12:56:21] <sham1> MC to LWJGL
L1138[12:56:32] <sham1> Aka pointers
L1139[12:56:44] <gudenau> And multiple
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L1141[12:56:53] <gudenau> The
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(~Firedingo@CPE-110-147-168-35.nhl8.cht.bigpond.net.au) (Ping
timeout: 192 seconds)
L1143[12:57:00] <PaleoCrafter> sham1,
*you* should be using Scala anyway :P
L1144[12:57:05] <gudenau> Imagine, a map
on your second monitor!
L1145[12:57:12] <gudenau> Without your
L1146[12:57:13] <sham1> I'm sorry
L1147[12:57:19] <gigaherz> gudenau: if
L1148[12:57:24] <diesieben07> does lwjgl3
even let you use the fixed pipeline still?
L1149[12:57:25] <gudenau> Scala is
L1150[12:57:27] <gigaherz> you know the
WiiU minecraft they released recently?
L1151[12:57:31] <gudenau> It does.
L1152[12:57:32] <diesieben07> as in
glBegin / glEnd
L1153[12:57:38] <diesieben07> hmm
L1154[12:57:39] <rockers3000> I know giga
L1155[12:57:41] <gigaherz> the obvious
L1156[12:57:47] <gigaherz> would have
been to show the inventory always in the gamepad
L1157[12:57:47] <gudenau> It supports
L1158[12:57:49] ***
rockers3000 is now known as Rockers
L1159[12:57:54] <shadekiller666> the wiiu
version just copies the screen to the gamepad
L1160[12:57:58] <gudenau> I know.
L1161[12:57:59] <gigaherz> unless you
used "gamepad only" game mode
L1162[12:58:03] <gudenau> :-/
L1163[12:58:03] <gigaherz> but they chose
not to do that.
L1164[12:58:03] <shadekiller666>
inventory on gamepad would be awesome :P
L1165[12:58:14] <gigaherz> whic his
L1166[12:58:16] <gudenau> *mubbles about
fixing that*
L1167[12:58:17] <gigaherz> but ¬¬
L1168[12:58:23] <diesieben07> it was just
another one of those pocket edition ports
L1169[12:58:28] <shadekiller666> its just
a port of the xbox360/ps3 version afaik
L1170[12:58:28] <gigaherz> yep
L1171[12:58:36] <gigaherz> so I have
sorta been wondering
L1172[12:58:37] <PaleoCrafter>
diesieben07, LWJGL 3 doesn't mean only new OGL :P
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the connection)
L1175[12:58:48] <diesieben07> i know that
know, i did not know it before :D
L1176[12:58:49] <gigaherz> just how much
would it would be
L1177[12:58:52] <gigaherz> to make a
client addon
L1178[12:58:59] <gigaherz> that shows the
inventory in your phone
L1179[12:59:06] <gigaherz> and
communicates with the pc version as a forge mod
L1180[12:59:10] <gudenau> I might be able
to do that.
L1181[12:59:15] <diesieben07>
shouldn't be too hard
L1182[12:59:20] <diesieben07> android is
java so...
L1183[12:59:23] <gudenau> My bigest issue
is the custom blocks and items and junk.
L1184[12:59:31] <diesieben07> just open a
connection and send stuff over
L1185[12:59:35] <gigaherz> the client
would have to provide icons
L1186[12:59:35] <Rockers> You should make
it dynamic so that it works with mods too...
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L1188[12:59:36] <gudenau> I would need to
render them on the client.
L1189[12:59:44] <gudenau> And if they
L1190[12:59:46] <gudenau> Eww.
L1191[13:00:01] <gigaherz> ah yeah, good
thing 1.8 removed item renderers then? ;P
L1192[13:00:23] <gudenau> The places I
would have to hook. *shivers*
L1193[13:00:35] <PaleoCrafter> there are
hacks to achieve certain things, you know, gigaherz :P
L1194[13:00:50] <gigaherz> of course
L1195[13:00:51] <gudenau> That is what I
am super woried about PaleoCrafter
L1196[13:01:02] <gudenau> If I do this, I
will do it correctly.
L1197[13:01:13] <gigaherz> then render
the gui to an off-screen texture
L1198[13:01:13] <Rockers> How is the
sounds.json file supposed to look. My internet's too slow to
google it at the moment....
L1199[13:01:18] <gigaherz> and send VIDEO
to the phone
L1200[13:01:21] <gigaherz> using
something like VNC protocol
L1201[13:01:25] <gigaherz> that only
sends changed areas
L1202[13:01:31] <sham1> There's a
hack for everything if you are dedicated enough
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timeout: 204 seconds)
L1204[13:01:46] <PaleoCrafter> look at
vanilla, Rockers
L1205[13:01:48] <gigaherz> then send back
input events ;P
L1206[13:01:51] <gudenau> I will probbly
do somthing like that gigaherz.
L1207[13:02:03] <Rockers> I can't
find the vanilla code for it.
L1208[13:02:08] <gigaherz> gudenau: make
an API for it
L1209[13:02:10] <gudenau> Still need to
learn Opengl ES.
L1210[13:02:12] <Rockers> I'll look
L1211[13:02:18] <gigaherz> so we can
register alternative "tabs"
L1212[13:02:20] <gigaherz> for like,
L1213[13:02:34] <gudenau> Darn, there is
stuff like tinkers and crap.
L1214[13:02:37] <gudenau> Grrr.
L1215[13:02:44] <gudenau> The
L1216[13:02:53] <gigaherz> or you
L1217[13:02:55] <gigaherz> it's
simpler hmmm
L1218[13:03:00] <gudenau> Can I change
the block in a BlockState?
L1219[13:03:11] <gigaherz> change?
L1220[13:03:12] <gigaherz> no
L1221[13:03:23] <gigaherz> each
IBlockState is immutable
L1222[13:03:24] <gudenau> Oh well.
L1223[13:03:26] <gigaherz> calculated at
load time
L1224[13:03:34] <gudenau> Oh.
L1225[13:03:35] <gigaherz> then when you
use .withProperty
L1226[13:03:37] <gudenau> Did not know
L1227[13:03:42] <gigaherz> it just looks
up a different blockstate from the internal table
L1228[13:03:48] ***
williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1229[13:03:48] <gigaherz> that's
why you have to know all the values beforehand
L1230[13:03:50] <gigaherz> even if you
don't use them
L1231[13:04:00] <Rockers> Or, you could
send the gui textures to the phone and have the phone stream item
textures... Just match the item textures to the item names.
L1232[13:04:01] <diesieben07> except for
unlisted properties
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L1234[13:04:07] <gudenau> I need to
figure out how to "change" a block then.
L1235[13:04:16] <gigaherz> diesieben07:
those are client-only, and only seen in the rendering code
L1236[13:04:26] <gigaherz> they never get
assigned to the world
L1237[13:04:31] <diesieben07> i
L1238[13:04:45] <sham1> And you cannot
even access them on server
L1239[13:04:47] <diesieben07> gudenau,
you get the IBlockState from the new Block (blockg.getDefaultState)
and place it into the world
L1240[13:04:50] <gigaherz> gudenau: what
do you need to "change"?
L1241[13:04:59] <gigaherz> replace a
block with another?
L1242[13:04:59] <gudenau> You will
L1243[13:05:12] <gudenau> gigaherz with
the same state, yah.
L1244[13:05:20] <diesieben07> that is
impossible :D
L1245[13:05:23] <gigaherz> so your
*other* block
L1246[13:05:27] <gigaherz> needs to have
the same states as the original
L1247[13:05:30] <diesieben07> yup
L1248[13:05:32] <gudenau> Yes.
L1249[13:05:33] <gigaherz> OR
L1250[13:05:38] <gigaherz> you'll
need to use a TESR
L1251[13:05:41] <gigaherz> that mimics
the original
L1252[13:05:41] <gudenau> And I can not
edit the first one.
L1253[13:05:46] <gigaherz> by storing the
L1254[13:05:56] <gigaherz> and then use
an IUnlistedProperty
L1255[13:05:56] <diesieben07> i dont see
why you would even need a tesr
L1256[13:06:08] <gigaherz> eh
L1257[13:06:09] <gigaherz> shit
L1258[13:06:10] <gigaherz> stupid
L1259[13:06:12] <gigaherz> you need a
L1260[13:06:16] <gigaherz> it just
autofulls SR
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L1262[13:06:38] <gigaherz> you need a
TileEntity to store the blockstate,
L1263[13:06:47] <gigaherz> then in
getExtendedState, you return an IUnlistedProperty
L1264[13:07:15] <gigaherz> and from a
custom state mapper, you can fetch the model for the block you are
pretending to be
L1265[13:07:45] <gudenau> Why not just
copy all the proprities over, not like they can change durring
L1266[13:07:57] <gigaherz> if you want to
be a very specific block
L1267[13:07:58] <gigaherz> thenyes
L1268[13:08:02] <gigaherz> you can use
the same properties
L1269[13:08:10] <gigaherz> in your block,
and then just get the corresponding values
L1270[13:08:12] <gudenau> Yes, it can
only ever be one block.
L1271[13:08:45] <gigaherz>
L1272[13:08:46] <gudenau> Man, I am good
at guessing how many times I need to paste stuff.
L1273[13:09:29] <diesieben07> you can
just iterate the properties instead of hardlisting them all
L1274[13:09:40] <gudenau> Mem, there are
only a couple.
L1275[13:09:44] <gudenau> Meh*
L1276[13:09:51] <shadowfacts> Hmm, what
would be a good recipe for an auto right clicking block?
L1277[13:10:08] <gudenau> A hand instead
of a bow in a dispenser?
L1278[13:10:47] <diesieben07> lol
L1279[13:10:58] <diesieben07> you need a
butcher knife then too to cut off your hand
L1280[13:11:05] ***
willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1281[13:11:10] <gigaherz> an
L1282[13:11:10] <gudenau> Nah, cut off a
L1283[13:11:12] <gigaherz> hmmm
L1284[13:11:31] <gigaherz> a button, a
stick, and a gear
L1285[13:11:37] <williewillus> huh I
L1286[13:11:43] <williewillus> were you
guys talking about camo blocks?
L1287[13:12:05] <gigaherz> yeah but that
wasn't what gudenau needed
L1288[13:12:10] <PaleoCrafter> deliver a
peripheral that cuts off a finger of the player
L1289[13:12:23] <shadowfacts> I'm
tempted to add a knife just so you can cut off your hand and use it
in a recipe
L1290[13:12:36] <gigaherz> uhm
L1291[13:12:40] <sham1> Gross
L1292[13:12:40] <gigaherz> there's
no "hands" in mc
L1293[13:12:41] <shadowfacts> But if I
did that, I would be tempted to add a custom item renderer that
used the player's skin for the hand
L1294[13:12:42] <gudenau> Would that
disable the offhand in 1.9?
L1295[13:12:48] <gigaherz> items stick
directly to the forearm
L1296[13:12:48] <gigaherz> ;P
L1297[13:12:48] <shadowfacts> wahtever,
L1298[13:13:00] <sham1> Umn gigaherz,
witch's hand
L1299[13:13:12] <gigaherz> sham1: that
item has always seemed out of place to me
L1300[13:13:12] <gigaherz> XD
L1301[13:13:32] <gudenau> Needs witchery
for automation. :-P
L1302[13:13:38] <gigaherz> the act of
"grabbing" in mc
L1303[13:13:43] <gigaherz> is just a
force like gravity
L1304[13:13:49] <gigaherz> that's
why iems just stick to you when you walk near them
L1305[13:14:10] <shadowfacts> lol
L1306[13:14:24] <gigaherz> it just
isn't accurate enough
L1307[13:14:30] <gigaherz> oitherwise
you'd look like a katamari
L1308[13:14:44] <gudenau> Wow, fire has
95 models...
L1309[13:15:20] <Zelophed> Hey, I'm
trying to get into modding and I heard you guys here could help me
a bit with that
L1310[13:15:43] <sham1> Okay
L1311[13:15:47] <gudenau> You know
L1312[13:15:49] <gigaherz> gudenau: that
sort of stuff is why both Forge and Mojang decided to add a
flexible blockstates format
L1313[13:15:49] <gigaherz> ;P
L1314[13:15:51] <gudenau> Thant
L1315[13:15:51] <sham1> What do you need
help wih
L1316[13:15:58] <williewillus> gudenau:
in 1.8 there are over 1000 states for fire :p
L1317[13:16:00] <gigaherz> Zelophed: just
ask your questions
L1318[13:16:05] <williewillus> several
hundred in 1.9
L1319[13:16:09] <gigaherz> but we prefer
if you already know java beforehand
L1320[13:16:13] <sham1> MULTIMODELS
L1321[13:16:15] <gigaherz> because
explaining the basics is boring ;P
L1322[13:16:17] <sham1> ITEMSTATES
L1323[13:16:29] <gudenau> CUSTOM CACHED
L1324[13:16:55] <sham1> Multimodel
blockstates cannot declare textures like Forge blockstates
L1325[13:16:57] <williewillus> i
don't like how the mojang itemstate formta is going
L1326[13:17:06] <williewillus> entirely
too verbose
L1327[13:17:09] <sham1> So bleh
L1328[13:17:10] <Zelophed> I dont really
know where to start, like should i just read through source codes
of other mods or are there tutorials for the current version of
L1329[13:17:15] <williewillus> and looks
like someone trying to turn json into a programming language
L1330[13:17:22] <gigaherz> how to start:
look for getting started tutorials
L1331[13:17:25] <sham1> Willie, we trust
that forge can add something for that
L1332[13:17:25] <gigaherz> it's the
best way, really
L1333[13:17:25] <gudenau> json is
L1334[13:17:31] <williewillus> no
it's not
L1335[13:17:36] <williewillus> it's
Object Notation
L1336[13:17:40] <williewillus> NOT a
programming language
L1337[13:17:43] <Rockers> Why does
minecraft not have audio files (or jsons) in the assets folder..
L1338[13:17:44] <gudenau> JavaScript
Object Notation
L1339[13:17:47] <gudenau> :-P
L1340[13:17:50] <sham1> It is JavaScript
Object Notation
L1342[13:18:03] <gudenau> Basicly
L1343[13:18:11] <williewillus> if you
look at their stupid predicate itemstate stuff it looks like
they're trying to introduce convoluted if statements into an
object notation language
L1344[13:18:11] <gudenau> Just no
"real" code.
L1345[13:18:17] <sham1> Except that you
cannot have code there
L1347[13:18:28] <sham1> Only data
L1348[13:18:39] <williewillus>
TheGreyGhost's Minecraft by Example is also good
L1349[13:18:49] <sham1> I am scared about
a thing
L1350[13:19:07] <sham1> What if mojang
adds official modding support and it is javascript files
L1351[13:19:12] <williewillus> it will be
L1352[13:19:18] <williewillus> based on
where we're heading
L1353[13:19:22] <Zelophed> ok, i'll
take a look at them. Thank you
L1354[13:19:24] <Rockers> Like
L1355[13:19:26] <williewillus> yay walled
L1356[13:19:32] <Rockers> (with
L1357[13:19:36] <PaleoCrafter> We'd
be glad if it was JS
L1358[13:19:40] <sham1> Like GMOD but
with JS instead of LUA
L1359[13:19:47] <gudenau> Hrm,
fire_n.json's texture is odd.
L1360[13:19:47] <Rockers> That would
L1361[13:19:50] <williewillus> I hate
L1362[13:20:02] <sham1> Paleo, why
L1363[13:20:04] <PaleoCrafter> It will be
a JSON abomination
L1364[13:20:12] <sham1> Qh
L1365[13:20:15] <williewillus> have you
seen the PE devs' post of an item definition in json?
L1366[13:20:24] <Rockers> Anyway, we
don't have to go about the JavaScripty-Objecty mess
L1367[13:20:26] <williewillus> {
"edible": true, "food_value": 5 .....}
L1368[13:20:35] <williewillus>
that's where it's going
L1369[13:20:39] <williewillus> and I
don't like it
L1370[13:20:46] <sham1> "You can now
declare your own items and blocks by adding this JSON file to your
resource pack"
L1371[13:21:03] <Overreacted>
diesieben07: I managed to get it to work. Only problem is now that
my horse suddenly has two Horse models with mirrored rotations. I
guess it has something to do with the extra armor render layer,
doesn't it?
L1372[13:21:03] <PaleoCrafter> Well, that
makes sense for simple items
L1373[13:21:09] <gudenau> It does.
L1374[13:21:13] <sham1> It does
L1375[13:21:17] <diesieben07>
L1376[13:21:30] <sham1> But there is some
things like modding that you should not simplify too much
L1377[13:21:36] <gudenau> Simple food,
weapons, armor, blocks, even inventorys to an extent.
L1378[13:21:37] <Rockers> What use do
"simple items" have anyway?
L1379[13:22:00] <gigaherz> thing is
L1380[13:22:03] <sham1> More simple
blocks than anything
L1381[13:22:04] <gudenau> I would say
anything that uses vanilla behavior could be done.
L1382[13:22:06] <gigaherz> you can define
an item in terms of json properties
L1383[13:22:09] <gigaherz> and then
L1384[13:22:18] ***
Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L1385[13:22:23] <sham1> You could
L1386[13:22:29] <gigaherz> say,
L1387[13:22:40] <gigaherz> yeah
L1388[13:22:48] <Rockers> :|
L1389[13:22:57] <gigaherz> we don't
know how it's going to be
L1390[13:22:59] <gigaherz> if it will
ever happen
L1391[13:23:10] <sham1> Rather not have
it happen
L1392[13:23:19] <gigaherz> but to me,
that seems the most sensible solution
L1393[13:23:22] <gudenau> So, hows does
the texture "#fire" get defined?
L1394[13:23:23] <sham1> Forge's more
superior for that anyway
L1395[13:23:27] <gigaherz> have
javascript/lua/whatever files and json files
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L1397[13:23:38] <gigaherz> gudenau:
inside the "elements" block
L1398[13:23:47] <PaleoCrafter> If they go
down the PE path (which they probably will), it really will be
nothing more than a bunch of JSONs
L1399[13:23:50] <sham1> But if it were to
happen, it better be actual java for code
L1400[13:24:17] <gigaherz> gudenau: an
element says "texture":"#fire"
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L1402[13:24:29] <gigaherz> then it looks
in the "textures" block for
L1403[13:24:34] <PaleoCrafter> Has
anybody of you seen their JSON GUI definition?
L1404[13:24:34] <gigaherz> if the
something starts with a #
L1405[13:24:37] <gigaherz> then it looks
L1406[13:24:40] <gigaherz> for the new
L1407[13:24:42] <gigaherz>
L1408[13:24:43] <sham1> Nope
L1409[13:24:46] <gigaherz> it looks for a
texture resource
L1410[13:25:05] <gudenau> So,
"fire": "blocks/fire_layer1" ?
L1411[13:25:05] <sham1> How do you define
a gui in json
L1413[13:25:25] <gudenau> Slot positions
and size, past that you would need code.
L1414[13:25:51] <PaleoCrafter> sham1,
take JavaFX's FXML :P
L1415[13:26:01] <PaleoCrafter> And turn
it into JSON
L1416[13:26:02] <gigaherz> .net's
L1417[13:26:11] <gigaherz> best use of
XML I have ever seen
L1418[13:26:34] <gigaherz> I didn't
believe ther was an use for xml namespaces until I learned
L1419[13:26:36] <PaleoCrafter> Only that
Mojang's crap is totally weird
L1420[13:26:48] <gudenau> Android defines
guis in XML.
L1421[13:27:08] <sham1> I like the idea
of seperating looks and functionality
L1422[13:27:12] <PaleoCrafter> gigaherz,
I wouldn't have thought that a markup language is best used
for markup :P
L1423[13:27:18] <sham1> But this is
L1424[13:27:30] <Rockers> I think if
Mojang went down the JSON/Lua/Scripting Language route (And if they
somehow stopped Forge or FML from working) then that would be game
over for Minecraft, especially if they don't add much
indepth-ness too it. People would only revert back to old
L1425[13:27:44] <gigaherz> PaleoCrafter:
not the markup
L1426[13:27:46] <gigaherz> I had uses for
L1427[13:27:54] <gigaherz> I just
didn't think there was a point for namespaces in tags
L1428[13:27:54] <gigaherz> ;P
L1429[13:28:14] <gudenau> I just wish
they would have added forge before all the diffrent versions came
L1430[13:28:28] <sham1> Modding being
behind a "learn java" wall repels a lot of idiots
L1431[13:28:28] <shadekiller666> laci, so
this is a "pizza"?
L1432[13:28:41] <laci200270> no
L1433[13:28:43] <Wuppy> shadekiller666,
is it pizza or french fries?
L1434[13:28:44] <gudenau> sham1 I like
that "feature"
L1435[13:28:53] <sham1> If they made it
simplified in their implementation...
L1436[13:28:57] <laci200270> thats the
example code what I 've found
L1437[13:29:15] <shadekiller666> i still
don't know exactly what it is you're trying to do
L1438[13:29:17] <sham1> And that sorta is
a reality
L1439[13:29:37] <laci200270> I 'm
trying to render a circle above a TE
L1440[13:29:44] <shadekiller666> ok
L1441[13:29:54] <laci200270> not the full
block would be rendered with TESR
L1442[13:30:03] <sham1> Because there are
tools for idiots to "mod" without knowing how to
L1443[13:30:10] <PaleoCrafter>
laci200270, in what way do you want it to face you?
L1444[13:30:17] <shadekiller666> a flat
circle? one pointing upwards? or facing
L1445[13:30:32] <Rockers> *cough* layman
mod maker *cough*
L1446[13:30:35] <sham1> Propably facing
at you (the player)
L1447[13:30:40] <laci200270> a flat
circle what would always looking to the player
L1448[13:30:45] <shadekiller666> ok
L1449[13:30:47] <Overreacted> When two
textures glitch because they are on the same height, is there a way
to make one of the two textures dominant?
L1450[13:30:51] <PaleoCrafter> On all
L1451[13:30:56] <laci200270> no
L1452[13:30:57] <Overreacted> On all
L1453[13:30:58] <shadekiller666>
L1454[13:31:00] <laci200270> only on
L1455[13:31:09] <Overreacted> how?
L1456[13:31:11] <shadekiller666> well
first thing you need to figure out is drawing the circle
L1457[13:31:32] <laci200270> i already
have the code
L1458[13:31:34] <Overreacted> I need to
make it dominant on the y-axis
L1459[13:31:48] <laci200270> the
"pizza" thing
L1460[13:32:02] <Overreacted> do i just
L1461[13:32:04] <shadekiller666> does
that actually draw a circle?
L1462[13:32:08] <gigaherz> Overreacted:
not without changing the opengl state
L1463[13:32:30] <gigaherz> if you CAN
change the opengl state, you can just translate(0,0.001,0) before
the second layer
L1464[13:32:33] <shadekiller666> laci,
does it draw a circle?
L1466[13:32:41] <PaleoCrafter> Look at
L1467[13:32:42] <gigaherz> OR
L1468[13:32:44] <Overreacted> And how do
you change the openGl state?
L1469[13:32:49] <gudenau> Derp, helps it
I set my new block state.
L1470[13:32:50] <gigaherz> change the z
testing parameters
L1471[13:33:32] <gigaherz> Overreacted:
depends on what you are drawing
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L1473[13:33:42] <gigaherz> is this a
normal baked model?
L1474[13:33:43] <gigaherz> a TESR?
L1475[13:33:45] <gigaherz> an
L1476[13:33:48] <Overreacted> an
L1477[13:33:54] <Overreacted> with two
L1478[13:33:56] <gudenau> Great, my
custom fire is broken.
L1479[13:34:01] <gigaherz> with your own
entity renderer/layer?
L1480[13:34:04] <Overreacted> yes
L1481[13:34:13] <gigaherz> then the
second layer
L1482[13:34:28] <gigaherz> call
GlStateManager.pushMatrix() at the beginning (if you are not
L1483[13:34:30] <laci200270>
shadekiller666, yes
L1485[13:34:38] <gigaherz> then do
L1486[13:34:48] <gigaherz> then at the
end if you don't have a GlStateManager.popMatrix(), add
L1487[13:34:54] <Overreacted> okay
L1488[13:35:02] <PaleoCrafter> Look at
that link I sent, laci200270
L1489[13:35:18] <laci200270> ok
L1490[13:36:15] <gudenau> Now I just need
to figure out why none of my blockstates seem to work...
L1491[13:37:11] <laci200270>
PaleoCrafter, thats scala..
L1492[13:37:18] <laci200270> I hata scala
L1493[13:37:19] <shadekiller666> ok so
you have it rendering, good
L1494[13:38:39] <gudenau> Ok, do I just
need to place a json with the name of my block in blockstates and
it should work?
L1495[13:38:41] <sham1> Why u hate
L1496[13:38:45] <shadekiller666> laci,
how many times have i told you to not just blindly copy things that
we link to?
L1497[13:39:12] <laci200270> ?
L1498[13:39:13] <Zaggy1024> gudenau,
L1499[13:39:22] <Zaggy1024> if it's
not working, link your json
L1500[13:39:27] <shadekiller666> you gain
a better understanding if you try and understand why a certain
block of code is written the way it is, not by simply copying it
L1501[13:39:35] <Zaggy1024> and the
L1502[13:39:56] <gudenau> Ok.
L1503[13:40:12] <laci200270> whta have I
done wrong?
L1504[13:40:31] <sham1> Sometimes you can
understand a code block if you copy it and then try to disect it
and see how it fits to your code
L1505[13:41:01] <shadekiller666>
laci200270, in ClientHelper, try rotating on the y axis, not the x
L1506[13:41:11] <laci200270> I've
tried it
L1507[13:41:15] <shadekiller666>
L1508[13:41:44] <laci200270> not
L1509[13:41:58] <shadekiller666> it just
does not rotate at all?
L1510[13:42:06] <laci200270> no
L1511[13:42:57] <shadekiller666> have you
tried making setRotation static so that you don't have to make
a new instance of ClientHelper every time?
L1512[13:43:06] <gudenau> Uhm, my log is
1209KB... Hrm.
L1513[13:43:36] <Wuppy> holy crap I have
waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much energy atm
L1514[13:44:28] <laci200270>
shadekiller666, I'm alos in a debug world that could be
L1515[13:44:28] <sham1> Wuppy's
L1516[13:44:47] *
Wuppy runs around in circles around sham1
L1518[13:45:16] <williewillus> oh
L1519[13:45:21] <williewillus> why no
forge blockstate vormat
L1520[13:45:25] <PaleoCrafter> Wuppy, you
said you've been working on a website?
L1521[13:45:40] <Wuppy> PaleoCrafter,
yep, I've been trying to learn html css and javascript
L1522[13:46:05] <gudenau> I want to make
a new fire with diffrent textures.
L1523[13:46:07] <PaleoCrafter> Show us
the result so you can spend your energy on improving it :P
L1524[13:46:09] <williewillus> gudenau:
you're missing the age property
L1525[13:46:12] <laci200270> Wuppy, you
should also look at php and mysql
L1526[13:46:18] <williewillus> yay
combinatorial explosion
L1527[13:46:22] <Wuppy> laci200270, yes,
but time
L1528[13:46:27] <gudenau> Hrm, that is
how MC does it.
L1529[13:46:30] <williewillus> I suggest
you redo your fire using submodels
L1530[13:46:34] <williewillus> and the
forge format
L1531[13:46:46] <Wuppy> PaleoCrafter,
didn't do much visual wise, but it works :D
L1532[13:46:48] <williewillus> that json
will be tiny if you do so :p
L1533[13:47:07] <gudenau> COuld I have
some help with that?
L1535[13:47:25] <sham1> Eww PHP
L1536[13:47:38] <gudenau> PHP can die in
a hole.
L1537[13:47:56] <PaleoCrafter> Needs more
flashy GIFs
L1539[13:48:09] <sham1> It's Jif
L1541[13:49:19] <Wuppy> lol PaleoCrafter
how bout now
L1542[13:49:28] <gudenau> Like the peanut
L1544[13:50:12] <williewillus> the
premise is that instead of defining a full string of properties and
giving it a model, you instead define changes to the base
L1545[13:50:21] <gudenau> So, just the
L1546[13:51:15] <Zaggy1024> you have to
use a state mapper to remove the age from what it searches for in
the blockstates json
L1547[13:51:39] <laci200270>
shadekiller666, any ideas why not rotates?
L1548[13:51:40] <gudenau> I need to find
where MC does some magic with that in it's code don't
L1549[13:51:42] <shadekiller666> laci,
actually it could be
L1550[13:51:43] ***
illy[AFK] is now known as illyohs
L1551[13:51:51] <shadekiller666> try it
in a normal world just in case
L1552[13:52:19] <sham1> I personally
pronounce GIF with hard G because in Finnish saying "jif"
sounds very weird
L1553[13:52:22] <Wuppy> HAHAHA I just saw
two of the most random pictures ever xD
L1554[13:52:25] <laci200270> not works on
normal world
L1555[13:52:35] <Wuppy> three dudes
standing outside in the dark with a bottle of beer in the air
L1556[13:52:55] <Wuppy> next picture, all
of them turned the beer to drink it, completely covering themselves
in beer
L1557[13:52:57] <Zaggy1024> gudenau, use
L1558[13:53:37] <gudenau> Where is it in
L1559[13:53:38] <Rockers> I think they
should change the crafting table icon back to a grass block.
L1560[13:53:49] <Zaggy1024> you
cna't search for it?
L1561[13:53:54] <gudenau> Pftt.
L1562[13:54:09] <williewillus>
ModelLoader.setCustomStateMapper(yourblock, (new
StateMap.Builder()).ignore(AGE PROP).build())
L1563[13:54:10] <Zaggy1024> use
L1564[13:54:19] <Zaggy1024> yeah that
L1565[13:54:27] <laci200270>
shadekiller666, its pretty weird
L1566[13:54:33] <laci200270> I've
tried everything
L1567[13:54:37] <laci200270> but still
not works
L1568[13:54:48] <Zaggy1024> what's
wrong, laci?
L1569[13:54:52] <Zaggy1024> soemthing to
do with models?
L1570[13:54:54] <gudenau> 185 in
BlockModelShapes it seems.
L1571[13:55:01] <shadowfacts> Has anybody
gotten DCEVM working with Forge in IDEA?
L1572[13:55:04] <laci200270> Zaggy1024,
with OGL
L1573[13:55:19] <PaleoCrafter> I have,
L1574[13:55:40] <PaleoCrafter>
laci200270, try some fixed rotation values
L1575[13:55:48] <shadowfacts> I
can't whenever I launch it exits with exit code 0 when
LaunchWrapper tries to launch MC
L1576[13:55:57] <laci200270>
PaleoCrafter, ok
L1577[13:56:15] <PaleoCrafter> What are
your VM arguments?
L1578[13:56:38] <PaleoCrafter> You need
to disable the incremental GC for it to work, I think
L1579[13:56:39] <gudenau> Thanks, it
works a charm now!
L1580[13:56:47] <shadowfacts>
PaleoCrafter, -Xmx1024M
L1581[13:57:08] <shadowfacts> I did, I
removed the -Xincgc, there was a different error with that
L1582[13:57:17] <PaleoCrafter> Hm, and it
doesn't throw any exception?
L1583[13:57:33] <shadowfacts> Nope
L1584[13:58:01] <laci200270>
PaleoCrafter, it rotates
L1585[13:58:19] <laci200270> with fixed
L1586[13:58:22] <PaleoCrafter> Are you
using the correct JDK version?
L1587[13:58:33] <PaleoCrafter> Well then
you know what the problem is, laci
L1589[13:58:59] <shadowfacts> I'm
using 1.8.0_66
L1590[13:59:04] <Overreacted> nice flames
L1591[13:59:36] <gudenau> Now I just need
to figure out why they do not burn and you can not punch them, I
get the feeling that the code is using == insteadof
L1592[13:59:53] <PaleoCrafter> Hm...
It's been ages since I used DCEVM
L1593[14:00:18] <gudenau> throw new
RuntimeException(); is so usefull for finding what calls stuff.
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L1595[14:00:39] <PaleoCrafter> You know
you can find usages with your IDE
L1596[14:00:42] <williewillus> lol
L1597[14:00:51] <williewillus> yeah...and
L1598[14:00:52] <shadowfacts> lol
L1599[14:00:54] <williewillus> or
L1600[14:00:54] <gudenau> Yes, but
sometimes this is better.
L1601[14:00:54] <PaleoCrafter> Or you
could use a breakpoint
L1602[14:01:07] <PaleoCrafter> It
virtually never is
L1603[14:01:10] <gudenau> Oh my god, I
use the debugger.
L1604[14:01:25] <gudenau> Sometimes it is
just easyer for me to throw a stupid exception.
L1605[14:01:26] <laci200270> ok I found
the problem
L1606[14:01:26] <shadowfacts> Hmm,
I'm gonna try building/installing DCEVM manually
L1607[14:01:32] <laci200270> I need to
multiply it
L1608[14:01:40] <PaleoCrafter> Wut
L1609[14:01:47] <williewillus> no that
sounds like an extremely dumb way of debugging :P
L1610[14:01:49] <williewillus> srry
L1611[14:01:53] <williewillus>
L1612[14:02:16] <williewillus> how do I
transform a baked model, to combine it with another, do I just wrap
it into another perspectiveaware model?
L1613[14:02:27] <shadowfacts> the plugin
hans't been updated since last spring, and I think it's
using the original verison, not the newer fork of DCEVM
L1614[14:02:27] <gudenau> It is.
L1615[14:02:30] <gudenau> But it
L1616[14:02:52] <diesieben07>
williewillus, yeah and return both model's quads
L1617[14:03:04] <diesieben07> not sure
why perspective aware though
L1618[14:03:17] <williewillus> I have the
floating island model from botania and i have a flower item
L1619[14:03:30] <williewillus> I need to
combine the two, but need to translate the item model up and to the
center of the block
L1620[14:03:31] <gudenau> For me it is
faster to read a callstack then step thogh with the debugger.
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L1622[14:03:49] <PaleoCrafter> You
don't need to step though
L1623[14:03:57] <PaleoCrafter>
L1624[14:04:09] <williewillus> so I was
thinking wrap the item model into a persp model that always
translates, then combine the quad list with hte floating
L1625[14:04:14] <gudenau> Interesting, it
seems like in 1.8.8 fire does not set living entities on
L1626[14:04:18] <williewillus> wat
L1627[14:04:28] <diesieben07> hmm yeah
that could work willie
L1628[14:04:28] <PaleoCrafter> Just set a
breakpoint and look at the stacktrace in your debugger
L1629[14:04:34] <diesieben07> actually
L1630[14:04:45] <diesieben07> persp model
doesn't modify the quads
L1631[14:04:50] <gudenau> Now they are
being set on fire.
L1632[14:04:53] <gudenau> wat
L1633[14:05:08] <diesieben07> it just
says "translate this". so you probably have to mod the
quads yourself
L1634[14:05:16] <williewillus>
diesieben07: it specifies a transformation matrix to apply though
L1635[14:05:24] <williewillus> so
can't I just return a translation matrix?
L1636[14:05:25] <diesieben07> yes
L1637[14:05:30] <diesieben07> but it
always appies to the whole model.
L1638[14:05:42] <gudenau> Interesting,
spawning in entities on top of fire does not light them on
L1639[14:05:47] <williewillus> how do I
apply the amtrix to a quad list then :p
L1640[14:06:21] <williewillus> gudenau:
the collision is only applied when they move
L1641[14:06:31] <gudenau> Oh.
L1642[14:08:12] <gudenau> Now I just need
to figure how to make the fire punchable.
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L1644[14:11:17] <diesieben07>
williewillus, actually, check out MultiModel
L1645[14:11:49] <Wuppy> anyone here got
some experience with javascript?
L1646[14:11:54] <gudenau> Yes.
L1647[14:11:56] <gudenau> I do.
L1648[14:12:04] <williewillus>
diesieben07: what portion of it?
L1649[14:12:17] <Wuppy> doing a bitwise
op on: 00010001 and then returning it to bits gives me 00-10010
L1650[14:12:19] <diesieben07> it in
general, it should be what you want, right?
L1651[14:12:28] <Wuppy> input numbers are
ranging from 0 to 255
L1652[14:12:30] <williewillus> i
can't use multimodel directly because half of what I want to
combine isn't known until runtime
L1653[14:12:32] <williewillus> the
L1654[14:12:37] <williewillus> are
lodaded using a special modelloader
L1655[14:12:38] <gudenau> try &
L1656[14:12:43] <diesieben07> aren't
numbers starting with 0 octal?
L1657[14:12:49] <gudenau> Yes.
L1658[14:12:57] <gudenau> 0b is bin, 0x
is hex.
L1659[14:13:18] <diesieben07>
williewillus, you can just use the Baked contained class then
L1660[14:13:19] <Wuppy> gudenau, where
should I do that?
L1661[14:13:22] <Wuppy> after the ~
L1663[14:13:31] <gudenau> (bitwise stuff)
& 0xFF
L1664[14:13:41] <williewillus> you mean
look at how MultiModelBaked applies transforms?
L1665[14:13:49] <diesieben07> yes, or
just use that entirely.
L1666[14:14:10] <gudenau> I need to get
World.extinguishFire to respect my fire... HRM
L1667[14:14:11] <Wuppy> thanks :)
L1668[14:14:18] <gudenau> It worked
L1669[14:14:21] <Wuppy> yip
L1670[14:14:34] <Overreacted> what? My
custom horse can't jump like a normal horse even though i
didn't edit any Jumpstrength attribute values.
L1671[14:14:45] <gudenau> Yah, JS does
not treat a "byte" diffrent from a "long"
L1672[14:14:50] <diesieben07> gudenau,
L1673[14:15:03] <Overreacted> It also
doesn't show any jump meter when i ride the custom horse
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L1675[14:15:18] <Overreacted> It's
like jumping is completely disabled lol
L1676[14:15:18] <gudenau> diesieben07 My
block does not have a bounding box, just like fire.
L1677[14:15:39] <diesieben07> right,
right. PlayerInteractEvent then
L1678[14:15:44] <diesieben07> with
L1679[14:16:35] <diesieben07> there is a
way to get from that to the pos of your fire, it depends on whether
you are on 1.8 or 1.7
L1680[14:16:43] <gudenau> 1.8.8
L1681[14:17:10] <gudenau> I take it just
copy how MC does it in the event.
L1683[14:17:22] <shadekiller666> laci,
you're only rotating like 90 degrees or so
L1684[14:17:31] <diesieben07>
event.pos.offset(event.face) gives you the pos of your fire
L1685[14:17:32] <Overreacted> On further
notice I also open my creative inventory while riding my custom
horse instead of the horse inventory.
L1686[14:17:41] <diesieben07> cehck if
tha tis your fire and if so extinguish and cancel the event
L1687[14:17:44] <gudenau> Because it is
L1688[14:17:52] <shadekiller666> and i
think it may or may not be rotating the opposite direction
L1689[14:18:07] <diesieben07> flat?
L1690[14:18:08] <laci200270> why that can
L1691[14:18:38] <gudenau> pos =
L1692[14:18:48] <Overreacted> Anyone have
any idea why the vanilla horse can jump qand mine can't?
L1693[14:18:49] <diesieben07> yea
L1694[14:18:51] <Zaggy1024> laci200270,
radians vs degrees?
L1695[14:18:59] <diesieben07> the event
fires for the block behind your fire
L1696[14:19:08] <laci200270> Zaggy1024,
L1697[14:19:23] <Zaggy1024> are you
perhaps providing the rotation in the wrong units?
L1698[14:19:39] <sham1> MC is weird in
that it uses degrees
L1699[14:19:45] <Wuppy> woohoo finally
fixed an extremely weird error where the correct input was
considered wrong...
L1700[14:19:47] <sham1> (well so does
OpenGL so meh)
L1701[14:20:08] <Wuppy> turns out my code
doesn't set all elements in the array always which can result
in invalid data
L1702[14:20:17] <Wuppy> shit like this is
so annoying
L1703[14:21:33] <gudenau> Interesting, my
fire sounds like stone being broken when put out.
L1704[14:22:00] <Zaggy1024>
L1705[14:22:01] <diesieben07> is it set
to Material.fire?
L1706[14:22:05] <Overreacted>
doesn't fire always sound like stone being broken
L1708[14:22:11] <diesieben07> right
L1709[14:22:26] <Overreacted> oh no wait
it doesnt
L1710[14:22:37] <Zaggy1024> also, yeah, I
think fire is hardcoded to get put out when you hit the block it is
L1711[14:22:39] <williewillus> fire
doesnt make a sound, if i recall correctly the hiss is played in
the punching
L1712[14:22:47] <gudenau> Yes.
L1713[14:22:48] <Zaggy1024>
L1714[14:23:06] <Zaggy1024> so you gotta
use an event if you want it to exactly match vanilla
L1715[14:23:30] <Zaggy1024> laci200270,
what the crap? why 100?
L1716[14:23:37] <gudenau> So I need to
cancel the breaking sounds?
L1717[14:23:45] <laci200270> I needed to
multiply it
L1718[14:23:51] <Zaggy1024> also
you're subtracting radians from your rotation
L1719[14:23:53] <Wuppy> question
L1720[14:24:00] <Zaggy1024> you're
getting everything wrong there
L1721[14:24:04] <Wuppy> is there a way to
pass data from one html class to the next?
L1722[14:24:14] <diesieben07> wat
L1723[14:24:15] <gudenau> With CSS?
L1724[14:24:19] <laci200270> what
muliplier should I use?
L1725[14:24:20] <Wuppy> or is there a
better way to do what I'm trying to do:
L1726[14:24:25] <Zaggy1024> you should
multiply by 180
L1727[14:24:30] <laci200270> ok
L1728[14:24:30] <Overreacted> That's
so weird, it still can't jump
L1729[14:24:32] <Zaggy1024> and subtract
L1730[14:24:37] <gudenau> 2 radin = 360
L1731[14:24:53] <Wuppy> I've got 1
page with 7 buttons, 3 of them do basically the same thing, but 1
DOM element needs to have different contents
L1732[14:24:56] <Zaggy1024> actually
subtract whatever it needs
L1733[14:25:04] <Wuppy> the other
difference is that 1 line in the JS code has to do something
L1734[14:25:08] <gudenau> Mind sharing
the HTML with me?
L1735[14:25:14] <Zaggy1024> wait, no,
don't subtract 180
L1736[14:25:15] <gudenau> And JS,
L1737[14:25:16] <Wuppy> coming up
L1738[14:25:18] <Zaggy1024> got
L1739[14:25:48] <Zaggy1024> you need to
properly convert it to degrees from radians
L1740[14:26:21] <gudenau> Math has
somthing for that.
L1741[14:26:26] <Zaggy1024> it
L1742[14:26:29] <gudenau> Yes.
L1743[14:26:37] <laci200270> yeah I found
L1744[14:26:37] <Zaggy1024> huh
L1746[14:26:58] <Zaggy1024> I never look
for that in a math class now because I've gotten used to
having to do it myself :P
L1747[14:27:03] <Wuppy> ^ gudenau
L1748[14:27:03] <Overreacted> It might
have to do with player controls, where can i find player controls
for horses (e.g. jump when space is pressed, open horse inv when e
is pressed)
L1749[14:27:33] <diesieben07> lol html5
tags in html 4.01 transitional
L1750[14:27:39] <laci200270> Zaggy1024,
thanks my probleam is solved now
L1751[14:27:41] <Wuppy> the only
difference between or & and is the body data and the content of
1 paragraph
L1752[14:27:58] <laci200270> thanks for
L1753[14:28:02] <Wuppy> I want to somehow
combine both html files in 1
L1754[14:28:19] <Wuppy> but then how do I
ensure javascript knows if it's the and or the or page
L1755[14:28:19] <Overreacted> are there
events to register when a button is pressed on the keyboard?
L1756[14:28:22] <laci200270> Wuppy, what
do you mean?
L1757[14:28:29] <diesieben07> you
probably need some kind of serverside language Wuppy
L1758[14:28:35] <laci200270> yeah
L1759[14:28:36] <Wuppy> :c really?
L1760[14:28:37] <gudenau> Just use CSS to
hode/show the correct divs, and put the ops inside there own
L1761[14:28:39] <PaleoCrafter> Nah
L1762[14:28:43] <laci200270> also
L1763[14:28:44] <diesieben07> or use js
all the way
L1764[14:28:47] <diesieben07> eww
L1765[14:28:53] <gudenau> iframes are
L1766[14:28:57] <Wuppy> diesieben07, how
would I implement this through javascript?
L1767[14:29:06] <laci200270> or
L1768[14:29:12] <diesieben07> ajax IS
L1769[14:29:14] <gudenau> Wuppy: Just use
CSS to hide/show the correct divs, and put the ops inside there own
L1770[14:29:32] <Wuppy> gudenau, then how
do I know which are the correct divs?
L1771[14:29:41] <williewillus> are
vanilla models perspectiveAware by defalut?
L1772[14:29:42] <gudenau> Based of of
there ID.
L1773[14:29:48] <PaleoCrafter> Have a
variable 'calculationMode'
L1774[14:29:54] <PaleoCrafter> In your
L1775[14:30:09] <PaleoCrafter> Or
'operation' or something
L1776[14:30:14] <Wuppy> PaleoCrafter,
I've got that
L1777[14:30:26] <Wuppy> and it's
currently set using the data in the body
L1778[14:30:34] <gudenau> Wuppy: You can
find divs based off of the value in there id.
L1779[14:30:55] <Wuppy> but if I combine
the and and or.html I can't get that data anymore, because the
files are identical
L1780[14:31:15] <diesieben07> URL
L1781[14:31:20] <PaleoCrafter> What data
in the body?
L1782[14:31:24] <diesieben07>
L1784[14:31:31] <Wuppy> PaleoCrafter,
<body data-bitOPType="or">
L1785[14:31:33] <gudenau> Do not see why
not, get the correct div and get the values from the fields based
on the parrent div.
L1786[14:31:37] <PaleoCrafter>
L1787[14:32:05] <Wuppy> diesieben07,
that's exactly what I'm looking for, but how do you pass
L1788[14:32:06] <PaleoCrafter> Yeah, you
could use an URL parameter
L1789[14:32:26] <PaleoCrafter> Or do it
completely in JS (i.e. no page reload)
L1790[14:32:35] <diesieben07> js has no
build in stuff
L1791[14:32:39] <diesieben07> jquery
probably does
L1792[14:32:40] <Wuppy> I'm not that
good PaleoCrafter
L1793[14:32:47] <PaleoCrafter> It's
not difficult
L1794[14:33:23] ***
Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L1795[14:33:58] <PaleoCrafter> It's
changing a variable on button press and changing the DOM based on
that variable
L1797[14:34:47] <diesieben07> uhhh
L1798[14:34:51] <diesieben07> i am not
the correct person to ask :D
L1799[14:34:56] <diesieben07> i barely
understand all this model stuff
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L1801[14:35:46] <williewillus> anyone
else? :D
L1802[14:36:16] <laci200270> ok another
question: how can I teture a circle?
L1803[14:36:27] <laci200270>
L1804[14:36:40] <gudenau> Math.
L1805[14:36:51] <gudenau> Just do the UV
stuff like normal.
L1806[14:37:42] <PaleoCrafter>
Considering you already have the vertex positions, there isn't
much math left
L1807[14:37:50] <gudenau> True.
L1808[14:38:05] <laci200270> OGL is
chinese for me..
L1809[14:38:09] <gudenau> All the fun
stuff is for the GPU to deal with.
L1810[14:38:10] <laci200270> what are
L1811[14:38:22] <gudenau> The texture
L1812[14:38:31] <laci200270> how can I
get them?
L1813[14:38:52] <gudenau> Look up how UV
mapping works.
L1814[14:43:02] <laci200270> ok
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L1817[14:43:27] <laci200270> how can I
get uv from a resourclelocation?
L1818[14:44:09] <williewillus> you
L1819[14:44:24] <williewillus> a
resourcelocation describes a texture, UV's are coordinates
*within* a texture
L1820[14:47:45] <laci200270> so 0,0 are
L1821[14:48:42] <PaleoCrafter> if you
want to reference the top left corner of the texture, yes
L1822[14:51:09] <Wuppy> \o/ thanks guys,
everything works now
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L1825[14:52:44] <Wuppy> 2 pages left
L1826[14:53:53] <Wuppy> but that's
for another time
L1827[14:54:05] <C0deMaver1ck> I
can't seem to find documentation other than `onItemRightClick`
on holding right click, or releasing right click to reimplement
something like sword blocking
L1828[14:54:23] <C0deMaver1ck> any
pointers would be appreciated
L1829[14:54:45] <diesieben07>
C0deMaver1ck, well, look at swords. :D
L1830[14:55:12] <C0deMaver1ck> don't
see any open source sword mods
L1831[14:55:27] <diesieben07>
L1832[14:57:33] <gigaherz> C0deMaver1ck:
you can look at the decompiled and deobfuscated vanilla code for
L1833[14:58:13] <C0deMaver1ck> yeah I
just wanted to make sure there wasn't something in the forge
api I was just missing
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(~sciguyrya@93-94-245-52.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L1835[15:01:16] <laci200270> how can I
draw a segment of a circle with a certain angle?
L1836[15:02:42] <gigaherz> on
L1837[15:02:46] <laci200270> yes
L1838[15:02:59] <gigaherz> you'd
haveto draw a whole bunch of triangles
L1839[15:03:02] <PaleoCrafter> does the
angle change uniformly?
L1840[15:03:04] <gigaherz> for thin
slices of the circle
L1841[15:03:48] <gigaherz> you could make
use ofa triangle fan
L1842[15:03:55] <laci200270> I want to
use the circle for dispalying progress
L1843[15:04:06] <gigaherz> is it a circle
L1844[15:04:11] <gigaherz> or you want an
actual polygonal "circle"
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L1846[15:04:29] <laci200270> for me it
doesn'T matters
L1847[15:04:41] <laci200270> now I'M
rendering it with vertexes
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L1849[15:05:05] <gigaherz> brb
L1850[15:05:55] <laci200270> ?
L1851[15:06:14] <PaleoCrafter>
laci200270, have a loop for(double theta = 0; theta <
maximumAngleInRadians; theta += <someSuitableStep>)
L1852[15:06:32] <PaleoCrafter> the rest
is basically the same as you have now
L1853[15:06:41] <laci200270> thanks
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L1856[15:09:38] <gigaherz> laci200270:
that's not useful
L1857[15:09:40] <PaleoCrafter> well,
there are a couple of problems here
L1858[15:09:48] <gigaherz> back
L1859[15:10:03] <laci200270>
PaleoCrafter, what problems?
L1860[15:10:06] <PaleoCrafter> radians
range from 0 to 2*pi
L1861[15:10:15] <PaleoCrafter> (in a
circle, that is)
L1862[15:10:48] <PaleoCrafter> so all you
need is Math.toRadians(180) (Math.PI) in your angle field
L1863[15:10:48] <laci200270>
math.toradians not good?
L1864[15:10:58] <PaleoCrafter> and the
field needs to be a double
L1865[15:11:14] <PaleoCrafter> and
obviously 2000 is a terrible step
L1866[15:11:17] <gigaherz> the biggest
problem is that you want a pie arc, so each "segment" of
the arc needs to go through the center
L1867[15:11:33] <laci200270> and what if
I want to render 1°?
L1868[15:11:42] <PaleoCrafter>
L1869[15:12:00] <gigaherz> you want
something like
L1870[15:12:14] <PaleoCrafter> so you
want a step like 0.017
L1871[15:12:21] <gigaherz>
L1872[15:12:37] <gigaherz> for each step:
vertex angle1, vertex angle2, vertex center
L1873[15:12:39] <gigaherz> end
L1874[15:12:46] <laci200270> I'm
using triangle_fan
L1875[15:12:52] <gigaherz> then you want
the center once
L1876[15:12:54] <gigaherz> at the
L1877[15:13:07] <laci200270> so what code
should I use?
L1878[15:13:11] <laci200270> I
L1879[15:13:48] <gigaherz> if you use
triangle fan, and you add the center before the loop
L1880[15:13:55] <gigaherz> then the
biggest issue is the step size
L1881[15:14:13] <laci200270> oh that
fixed it
L1882[15:14:26] <williewillus> lol i have
no idea what I just wrote
L1883[15:14:28] <williewillus> fry
L1884[15:16:47] <gigaherz> I'd ask
what your issue is but since you asked fry explicitly ... ;P
L1885[15:17:45] <laci200270> ok
L1886[15:17:55] <laci200270> now I should
texture it
L1887[15:18:25] <laci200270> can I
texture it from the code?
L1888[15:18:30] <laci200270> with a
L1889[15:18:48] <gigaherz> yes
L1890[15:18:53] <laci200270> hwo?
L1891[15:18:58] <laci200270> *how?
L1892[15:19:13] <gigaherz> glColor before
each vertex
L1893[15:19:14] <gigaherz> but
L1894[15:19:23] <gigaherz> you should be
using the tesellator for drawing that, instead of raw opengl
L1895[15:19:40] <laci200270> ok
L1896[15:19:44] <laci200270> but
L1897[15:19:44] <williewillus> gigaherz:
I want to make models for the floating flowers in botania, which
are composed of an arbitrary flower item model, and an island base.
Not sure how to do so. Right now redirecting everyting to a smart
item model that translates the item model to where it needs to be
and then mashes it with the island model
L1898[15:20:00] <gigaherz> tess =
L1899[15:20:04] <Zaggy1024> is
Math.func_181159_b an approximation of atan2?
L1900[15:20:12] <Zaggy1024>
L1901[15:20:14] <gigaherz> worldrender =
L1902[15:20:22] <laci200270>
williewillus, are you porting botania to 1.8?
L1903[15:20:55] <williewillus> yes
L1904[15:21:21] <gigaherz>
L1905[15:21:34] <laci200270>
williewillus, good luck
L1906[15:21:43] <laci200270> I've
tried that
L1907[15:21:47] <gigaherz>
L1908[15:21:56] <gigaherz>
L1909[15:21:57] <laci200270> I deleted
the entire project after 20 mins
L1910[15:22:16] <gigaherz> it's the
same code you have now, just using tessellator instead of raw
L1911[15:22:29] <laci200270> gigaherz,
but gradients?
L1912[15:22:30] <williewillus> heh mine
is I'd say 70% complete
L1913[15:22:32] <williewillus> it's
L1914[15:22:38] <gigaherz> laci200270:
that's the rgba
L1915[15:22:43] <williewillus> I hope to
alpha before new years
L1916[15:22:45] <gigaherz> if you want
red to green
L1917[15:22:47] <gigaherz> you'd
have like
L1918[15:22:53] <gigaherz> red =
L1919[15:22:56] <gigaherz> green = 1 -
L1920[15:23:02] <williewillus> anyways, I
just made a frankenstein solution for this model, it's not
gonna work but let's try
L1921[15:23:05] <gigaherz> where progress
is 0..1 of how far you are into the pie
L1922[15:23:19] <gigaherz> if you
L1923[15:23:20] <C0deMaver1ck> works now
with `setItemInUse` thanks diesieben07 and gigaherz
L1924[15:23:22] <gigaherz> red, then
blue, then progress
L1925[15:23:31] <gigaherz> you'd
want to have two sections of the gradient
L1926[15:23:42] <gigaherz> for 0..0.5,
you'd have r=p, b=1-p
L1927[15:23:50] <gigaherz> p*2 **
L1928[15:24:26] <gigaherz> then for
0.5..1 you'd have b=p*2-1, g=(1-p) * 2
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L1932[15:28:09] <Dekker3D> Hey all
L1933[15:29:07] <Dekker3D> I'm
trying to make a mod for Minecraft 1.8. Can't get the textures
to show up. I think there's a specific channel for this? But I
can't remember.
L1934[15:29:23] <gigaherz> this is the
L1935[15:29:40] <gigaherz> 1.8 changed
from just "textures" to a model system
L1936[15:29:44] <Dekker3D> Cool.
L1937[15:29:50] <gigaherz> each item and
block has a model file, in json format
L1938[15:29:54] <Dekker3D> I'm not
upgrading from 1.7. Went straight for 1.8
L1939[15:30:26] <gigaherz> this model
file defines the texture(s), along withthings such as tint channels
and transforms for like, how it's oriented in the hand, or in
the inventory
L1940[15:30:27] <Dekker3D> Created the
proper model files. Got errors about not finding the right model
files if I renamed or moved them, which vanish if I rename or move
them back to the right spots. So it's finding the model
L1941[15:30:38] <gigaherz> all items,
including the ones that appear flat, are actually 3D models
L1942[15:30:45] <gigaherz> okay so
L1943[15:30:50] <Dekker3D> It also
complains about not finding the actual texture files if I change
those, so I know that it's also finding the texture
L1944[15:30:54] <gigaherz> the way you
"link" a mod item with a model
L1945[15:31:01] <gigaherz> is through
your client proxy
L1946[15:31:18] <gigaherz> in the
pre-init stage, after you have registered your items
L1947[15:31:24] <gigaherz> you want to
call a method on your client proxy
L1948[15:31:36] <Dekker3D> To register
the model via the ItemModelMesher?
L1949[15:31:43] <gigaherz> so that this
code does not run when you liad the mod into a dedicated
L1950[15:31:45] <gigaherz> not
L1951[15:31:48] <gigaherz> the mesher
step was the old step
L1952[15:31:51] <gigaherz> it should
still work
L1953[15:31:54] <gigaherz> but it's
not recommended
L1954[15:31:58] <gigaherz> the new method
L1955[15:32:00] <Dekker3D> Oh.
L1956[15:32:05] <gigaherz>
L1957[15:32:08] <gigaherz> then
L1958[15:32:11] <williewillus> ugh I have
no idea hjow to do this
L1959[15:32:17] <gigaherz> for items, you
may want to also call
L1960[15:32:20] <williewillus> someone
ping me when fry gets here I'm just gona grind normal
L1961[15:32:21] <gigaherz>
L1963[15:32:50] <gigaherz> this is how I
call them in my mod
L1964[15:33:08] <gigaherz> I have seen
tutorials that teach to use getUnlocalizedName().substring
L1965[15:33:09] <Dekker3D> For now, will
it be okay if I put this code in the main mod class' init
function, with an event.getSide() check? That will save some effort
so I can get right to trying your advice.
L1966[15:33:13] <gigaherz> but I strongly
advise against that
L1967[15:33:35] <gigaherz> well
L1968[15:33:36] <gigaherz> you
L1969[15:33:38] <gigaherz> but
L1970[15:33:45] <gigaherz> it's best
if you set up your proxies as soon as possible
L1971[15:33:48] <Dekker3D> That's
what I have right now.
L1972[15:33:49] <gigaherz> and get that
out of the way
L1973[15:33:56] <Dekker3D> I have a
proxy, but the tutorial I used put it in the init function :P
L1974[15:34:01] <gigaherz> ah
L1975[15:34:07] <gigaherz> just create a
new method in the proxy
L1976[15:34:09] <gigaherz> and call that
one from pre
L1977[15:34:22] <Dekker3D> Ah.
L1978[15:34:33] <gigaherz> the new method
requires pre-init
L1979[15:34:42] <gigaherz> since it does
the modelregistration during Minecraft's own model
registration step
L1980[15:34:44] <Dekker3D> Okay. Trying
it now.
L1981[15:34:48] <gigaherz> the old method
"injected" the models afterward
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L1983[15:41:40] <Dekker3D> gigaherz,
still the same black and purple block instead of the icon I'd
L1984[15:41:48] <gigaherz> log
L1985[15:42:36] <Dekker3D> There's
one error about not finding the texture for my custom block, which
makes sense because I haven't actually created that one yet.
But the custom item I made does have a texture and should
L1986[15:42:54] <Wuppy> wow the jet in
Just Cause 3 is cool :D
L1987[15:43:06] <Dekker3D> I don't
see any specific messages about the item. Is there any specific log
file I should paste or something, gigaherz?
L1988[15:44:30] <gigaherz> hmf no idea
then, can you paste the code? or link to github if you have it in a
public repository
L1989[15:45:07] <Rockers> Can you add
mcmeta animations to Items?
L1990[15:45:14] <williewillus> yes
L1991[15:45:19] <williewillus> any
texture can be animated :p
L1992[15:45:24] <Rockers> Really?
L1993[15:45:30] <Rockers> What about
L1994[15:45:46] <gigaherz> not the
L1995[15:45:52] <gigaherz> those
don't get stitched using the atlas
L1996[15:46:03] <gigaherz> only item and
block textures
L1997[15:46:06] <Rockers> I suppose they
L1998[15:46:07] <Rockers> Ok
L1999[15:46:09] <gigaherz> (I
L2000[15:46:17] <williewillus> well any
icon you put in the atlas
L2001[15:46:18] <Rockers> Thanks
L2002[15:46:45] <Dekker3D> gigaherz, do
you prefer any specific pastebin type site?
L2003[15:47:14] <gigaherz> I like
L2004[15:47:19] <gigaherz> because it has
multiple files and such
L2005[15:47:39] <gigaherz> but
that's a personal preference, not the view of the project
L2006[15:47:52] <Dekker3D> gigaherz, and
the relevant files are the main mod, the clientproxy and maybe the
actual item code?
L2007[15:48:05] <gigaherz> yup
L2008[15:49:00] <Wuppy> wow... another
thing pretty much broke here :<
L2009[15:49:05] <Dekker3D> Accidently put
the registering code in commonproxy, not clientproxy. Trying with
that fixed.
L2010[15:49:06] <gigaherz> for reference,
this is a basic item json, using the vnilla format
L2011[15:49:12] <gigaherz> ah
L2012[15:49:13] <gigaherz> nice to
L2014[15:49:35] <Wuppy> almost everything
the housing coorporation owns here has broken :P
L2015[15:49:48] <gigaherz> o_O
L2016[15:49:59] <Wuppy> to be fair
though, that isn't a lot
L2017[15:50:10] <Dekker3D> gigaherz, it
seems that was the problem. I now have an icon for my item.
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L2019[15:50:17] <gigaherz> :)
L2020[15:50:26] <gigaherz> Dekker3D: as
another suggestion
L2021[15:50:32] <gigaherz> since you
rarely need "common" code
L2022[15:50:40] <gigaherz> (you can put
that elsewhere, if it's common)
L2023[15:50:47] <gigaherz> isto have an
interface for the proxy base
L2024[15:50:56] <gigaherz> and then
implement it in ClientProxy and ServerProxy
L2025[15:51:09] <gigaherz> also big note,
which took me years to understand:
L2026[15:51:38] <gigaherz> the
ClientProxy and ServerProxy are used to distinguish between the
minecraft.jar and the minecraftserver.jar
L2027[15:51:51] <Wuppy> but out of our 2
boilers, 1 is pretty much entirely broken and the other one had
some very loud problems which got fixed thankfully
L2028[15:51:55] <gigaherz> it's NOT
relatedtot he client/server threads that can be running at once in
the client jar
L2029[15:52:06] <Dekker3D> Okay.
L2030[15:52:10] <Wuppy> intercom was
borked, leaking faucet... good stuff :P
L2031[15:52:41] <Dekker3D> So,
ServerProxy stuff is only used on minecraftserver.jar, but not on
the singleplayer server in the client?
L2032[15:52:58] <gigaherz> exactly
L2034[15:52:59] <gigaherz> the purpose
L2035[15:53:08] <gigaherz> to avoid
referencing classes that are missing in the other jar
L2036[15:53:14] <gigaherz>
L2037[15:53:25] <gigaherz> if it has
@SideOnly(CLIENT) you shouldn't be calling it on the
L2038[15:53:38] <gigaherz> and if it has
@SideOnly(SERVER) you shouldn't be calling it in the client
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L2040[15:53:47] <gigaherz> so anything
that needs to interact with that
L2041[15:53:52] <gigaherz> most notably,
the rendering code,
L2042[15:54:04] <Dekker3D> But
L2043[15:54:07] <gigaherz> can't be
referenced from the server jar, and so needs to be in the
indirectly-referenced proxy
L2044[15:54:21] <Dekker3D> I can't
imagine anything that IS needed on the server jar, but not on the
singleplayer server?
L2045[15:54:33] <gigaherz> there
isn't much
L2046[15:54:38] <gigaherz> the server
proxy is almost always, empty
L2047[15:54:40] <gigaherz> but it needs
to be there
L2048[15:54:42] <Dekker3D> Ah.
L2049[15:54:51] <gigaherz> most notably,
the server GUI
L2050[15:54:59] <Dekker3D> Right.
L2051[15:55:00] <gigaherz> and the code
that handles commands introduced through thisGUI
L2052[15:55:04] ***
kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L2053[15:56:00] <Dekker3D> Well, thanks.
That's pretty useful to know.
L2055[15:58:20] <gigaherz> there's a
PR being written about the sides and threads and such
L2057[16:03:03] <williewillus> holy shit
I solved the entity collision problem
L2058[16:03:06] <williewillus> dumbest
bug ever
L2059[16:03:17] <Wuppy> ugh collision
problems :c
L2060[16:03:27] <williewillus> gigaherz:
wanna guess what it was :p
L2061[16:03:27] <Wuppy> I'm still
pissed about my collision code not working a few weeks ago
L2062[16:03:47] <gigaherz> what?
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L2064[16:04:05] <Wuppy> damn C++ only
creatnig, but not initializing header variables before calling the
parent constructor.... strangest error I've ever had
L2065[16:04:25] <williewillus> there are
two overloads of onEntityCollidedWithBlock now. the state sensitive
one is what I wanted but mods porting from 1.7 will naturally
reassign to the non state sensitive one
L2066[16:04:30] <williewillus> and that
one doesnt work for some reason
L2067[16:04:32] <Wuppy> a guy who worked
at Dice for 15 years looked at it for liek 10 minutes before he
could figure out what was going on :P
L2068[16:05:19] <Wuppy> to be fair
though, initialization order is about the last thing you think
about when collision code isn't working :<
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L2070[16:05:52] <williewillus> no idea
what the other overload is used for
L2071[16:06:03] <gigaherz> fortresscraft
is weird in the way it does lighting: unlike Minecraft, it darkens
"caves" even if they don't actually have a ceiling
L2072[16:06:17] <gigaherz> the sky
just... becomes black
L2073[16:06:36] <williewillus> that
happens in mc as well :p
L2074[16:06:48] <Wuppy> gigaherz,
wouldn't it be extremely easy to just raytrace up?
L2075[16:06:50] <gigaherz> yes but not in
the same way
L2076[16:06:54] <williewillus> if you go
into an overhang the sky just randomly darkens
L2077[16:06:56] <williewillus> I hate
L2078[16:07:10] <gigaherz> in here, ALL
the ambient lighting darkens
L2079[16:07:27] <gigaherz> blocks stop
being lit that were full bright just looking from 10 blocks
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L2081[16:08:26] <williewillus> lol
L2083[16:09:50] <gigaherz> this is from
L2084[16:09:53] <gigaherz> it's
relatively lit
L2086[16:10:17] <gigaherz> same tree in
the middle
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L2088[16:12:59] <Wuppy> oh great... one
of the 5000 minecraft ripoffs on steam :|
L2089[16:13:08] <gigaherz> it's not
a minecraft clone
L2090[16:13:17] <Wuppy> it isn;t?
L2091[16:13:19] <gigaherz> or well
L2092[16:13:31] <gigaherz> if this is a
minecraft clone, then fallout is a quake clone
L2093[16:13:52] <Wuppy> these 2 look
exactly the same though
L2094[16:13:59] <gigaherz> it's a
blocky-voxel survival game, yes, but that's as far as things
L2095[16:14:14] <gigaherz> this game is
closer to factorio than it is to minecraft, in many aspects
L2096[16:14:23] <gigaherz> the primary
goal is automating resource collection
L2097[16:14:23] <Wuppy> :O
L2098[16:14:29] <Wuppy> factorio is
L2099[16:14:32] <gigaherz> yeah
L2100[16:14:40] <gigaherz> now imagine
the bastard child of minecraft and factorio
L2101[16:14:42] <Wuppy> factorio is
great, even
L2102[16:14:51] ***
Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
L2103[16:14:55] <Wuppy> that actually
sounds good :
L2104[16:14:56] <Wuppy> :P
L2105[16:15:07] <gigaherz> 3D
explotarion/survival game, with lots of conveyor belts all over the
L2106[16:15:07] <gigaherz> ;P
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L2109[16:19:32] <gigaherz> lol
L2111[16:20:18] <gigaherz> so yeah, if
you are a registered voter in the US, chances are your personal
info is "out there"
L2112[16:20:27] <PaleoCrafter> Wuppy,
direwolf does a let's play of it if you want to see more
L2113[16:20:43] <Wuppy> direwolf... that
has been ages
L2114[16:20:44] <gigaherz> I found it
through TangoTek
L2115[16:20:53] <Wuppy> does he still
build 9x9s in that game as well? :P
L2116[16:21:07] <PaleoCrafter> I
don't follow it
L2117[16:21:09] <PaleoCrafter> likely
L2118[16:21:34] <Wuppy> fuck
L2119[16:21:42] <Wuppy> they literally
have 4 ads with sound running at once
L2120[16:21:50] <gigaherz> XD
L2121[16:21:59] <gigaherz> I have an
extension that disables ALL autoplays
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L2123[16:22:46] <Wuppy> that's
pretty bad though :O
L2124[16:23:00] <gigaherz> yup
L2125[16:23:04] <gigaherz> as someone
L2126[16:23:12] <gigaherz> "Feel
sorry for any journalist that already wrote a "Biggest privacy
breaches of 2015" story."
L2127[16:23:17] <Wuppy> now I could say
typical murica being stupid but I wont this time :P
L2128[16:23:28] <PaleoCrafter> any site
with autoplaying audio should be purged from the Internet
L2129[16:23:34] <Wuppy> ^ that
L2130[16:23:48] <Herpahermaderp> make a
L2131[16:24:05] <Wuppy> those almost
never work
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L2135[16:24:44] <Herpahermaderp> never
hurts to try
L2136[16:24:46] <PaleoCrafter> Petitions
failed at getting a Deathstar built, they're worthless
L2137[16:25:01] <Wuppy> except for the
fact that the netherlands arranged a referendum about new countries
joining europe :P
L2138[16:25:11] <WikiIsWrong> I'm
trying to track down a working Cauldron 1.7.10 copy, and a copy of
fastcraft 1.22 (any version compatible with ForgeEssentials and
stuff). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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timeout: 195 seconds)
L2140[16:27:17] <WikiIsWrong> Also, do
commands have an implicit permission node? For example the
"RandomTP" mod. In modinfo it says it's mod name is
"examplemod" which, obvious is unmodified from template.
I tried adding examplemod.rtp with *, .*, *.rtp.*, *rtp*, and none
of them worked.
L2141[16:28:18] ***
Ashley is now known as Ashleep
L2142[16:28:22] <gigaherz> I don't
believe so
L2143[16:32:10] <sham1> >1.7.10
L2144[16:32:13] <sham1> Obligatory
L2145[16:32:18] <WikiIsWrong> This is so
frustrating. I just want a SkyGrid server with permissions, random
start, towny, my content mods (AE2, ExtraUtilities, etc.), and
FastCraft (because SkyGrid is god awful without it). I tried random
versions of Cauldron I downloaded from some mirror and
couldn't find one that worked.
L2146[16:32:32] <WikiIsWrong> Because
SkyGrid mod is 1.7.10 only.
L2147[16:32:42] <sham1> What even is
L2148[16:32:46] <WikiIsWrong> Simple
L2149[16:33:00] <sham1> <sham1>
What even is it
L2151[16:34:11] <sham1> oh
L2152[16:34:23] <gigaherz> WikiIsWrong:
thing about mods, is that they interact directly with
L2153[16:34:28] <gigaherz> there's
no "security layer" in between
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gravityfox is now known as foxy
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foxy is now known as gravityfox
L2156[16:34:51] <gigaherz> they have to
actively choose to cooperate
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L2158[16:35:45] <WikiIsWrong> They
cooperate fine in single player. I know that there's a working
jar that allows Forge mods and Bukkit mods to coexist. But due to
DMCA takedowns, they're pain in the butt to find.
L2159[16:35:57] <gigaherz> i mean
cooperate with permissions stuff
L2160[16:36:03] <WikiIsWrong> Oh, yeah I
get that
L2161[16:36:13] <WikiIsWrong>
There's plenty of bukkit plugins that do what I want with
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timeout: 190 seconds)
L2163[16:36:27] <TehNut> Cauldron forces
permissions on all mods
L2164[16:36:56] <TehNut> With that said,
why do you need Cauldron
L2165[16:37:09] <WikiIsWrong> To run
bukkit plugins and forge mods together -.-
L2166[16:37:20] <smbarbour> Why do you
need bukkit plugins?
L2167[16:37:23] <TehNut> Why not just use
Forge mods
L2168[16:37:33] <TehNut> 99% of plugins
have been recreated as mods
L2169[16:37:41] <WikiIsWrong> Without
permission support.
L2170[16:37:44] <sham1> Wastnt there a
forge-compatible Bukkit implementation once
L2171[16:37:44] <TehNut> Or have a direct
Forge version
L2172[16:37:45] <smbarbour> And Bukkit is
a dead platform
L2174[16:38:12] <TehNut> Boom,
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L2176[16:40:19] <WikiIsWrong> Does this
play nice with FastCraft? I guess I'll find out soon.
ForgeEssentials would not.
L2178[16:40:31] <TehNut> ^ For
L2179[16:40:37] <diesieben07> why do you
care so much about fastcraft? it's a pain in the butt.
L2180[16:40:59] <WikiIsWrong> Because I
literally can't play with these mods without it.
L2181[16:41:14] <diesieben07> that is
quite unlikely.
L2182[16:41:23] <smbarbour> And how
exactly does it not "play nice"?
L2183[16:41:45] <WikiIsWrong> Ever play
skygrid? Every time I go to move, it generates a new chunk and
L2184[16:41:56] <WikiIsWrong> unpauses,
then I'm dead
L2185[16:42:26] <WikiIsWrong> or loads a
chunk, or does something that causes my game to not continue
rendering until it's done
L2186[16:43:16] <smbarbour> If you are
running a server, chunk generation should not really affect your
L2187[16:43:31] <smbarbour> If you
aren't... why do you care about permissions and bukkit
L2188[16:44:03] <WikiIsWrong> I am
running a server, and I'm telling you that in either scenario,
the game is unplayable without FastCraft
L2189[16:44:12] <WikiIsWrong> SSP or
L2190[16:44:48] <WikiIsWrong> Whatever
FastCraft is doing, it works. Without it, stutters constantly and
is unplayable, after is smooth as butter on even my crappiest
L2191[16:44:51] <masa> what kind of
hardware, are you sure there aren't other issues
L2192[16:45:01] <Zaggy1024> does optifine
not solve the problem?
L2193[16:45:13] <diesieben07> yes, on
crappy HW optifine and fastcraft may do stuff
L2194[16:45:22] <diesieben07> but....
stop having crappy HW if you want to play modded :D
L2195[16:45:24] <Zaggy1024> I mean
specifically his problem
L2196[16:45:51] <WikiIsWrong> Everything
from lenovo and 2012 MBP to desktop with hexacore i7 and a 980
L2197[16:46:06] <masa> diesieben07: that
is the best advice... I first updated from AMD to intel for that
very reason a few years back :D
L2198[16:46:18] <diesieben07> heh
L2199[16:46:23] <WikiIsWrong> I have
decent hw
L2200[16:46:25] *
diesieben07 still needs to build his "gaming grade"
L2201[16:46:38] <diesieben07> will sell
my PC tomorrow then start shopping...
L2203[16:46:45] <PaleoCrafter> I need to
get a new GPU
L2204[16:46:47] <WikiIsWrong> 1.7.10 just
has some fucked chunk providing/generating issues.
L2205[16:46:52] <sham1> gaming grade rigs
can be used to do other stuff as well efficiently
L2206[16:46:57] <WikiIsWrong> I think
it's more than just generation
L2207[16:47:00] <masa> even though my PC
at that time wasn't a complete potato, only half so ie. AMD
Phenom II 965BE
L2208[16:47:02] <diesieben07> hence the
L2209[16:47:03] <PaleoCrafter> my current
one won't cope very well with 3 monitors :D
L2210[16:47:16] <WikiIsWrong> I think it
has to do with how the chunks are passed to the client.
L2211[16:47:42] *
gigaherz has an i7-3770K with a GTX970, 16GB RAM, and and SSD for
the OS
L2212[16:48:06] <smbarbour> Or it could
be that SkyGrid is incredibly taxing on the client since every
single block has to be rendered.
L2213[16:48:38] <diesieben07> I'm
currently using a laptop as my main driver, i7 4510U, gtx840M
L2214[16:48:39] <masa> WikiIsWrong: yeah
1.7 is laggy shit even in vanilla, I had severe freezes on my
vanilla server after 1.7 came out and I was exploring new terrain.
Never saw that before, at least nowhere as bad.
L2215[16:48:40] <WikiIsWrong> So how does
permissions work with MyTown2 when switching to ServerTools
L2216[16:48:48] <sham1> i7-4790K, GTX
980, 8GB ram and 250 SSD for windows and 3TB for everything
L2217[16:48:54] <sham1> I love my current
L2218[16:49:06] <WikiIsWrong> > masa,
thank you. Somebody who shares my experience.
L2219[16:49:11] <diesieben07> yeah that
sounds pretty cool :d
L2220[16:49:11] <PaleoCrafter> why are we
suddenly talking about our hardware? :D
L2221[16:49:12] <sham1> and that 250 is
in GB
L2222[16:49:16] <diesieben07> although
8gb is a bit little
L2223[16:49:20] <WikiIsWrong> Do I still
need MyPermissions
L2224[16:49:29] <sham1> Meh
L2225[16:49:31] <sham1> Enough for
L2226[16:49:38] <PaleoCrafter> I
don't even know how I lived with anything less than 16GB
L2227[16:49:50] <smbarbour> But I still
haven't heard what you mean by FE and FastCraft don't
"play nice"
L2228[16:49:51] <sham1> I have a lot of
space to have my swaps to go into
L2229[16:49:52] <sham1> :P
L2230[16:49:59] <diesieben07> lol
L2231[16:50:47] <masa> I just upgraded my
gaming PC from i7-3770K with 8 GB to i7-6700K with 16 GB of DDR4
two weeks ago, so that I could bring the 3770K home to replace that
potato phenom ii for the holidays :p
L2232[16:51:24] <diesieben07> how did you
do that? lol
L2233[16:51:31] <diesieben07> those
surely have different sockets...
L2234[16:51:37] <PaleoCrafter> Am I the
only one with AMD stuff here? D:
L2235[16:51:41] <masa> well motherboard
also of course
L2236[16:51:48] <masa>
L2237[16:51:51] <diesieben07> yes, go
home. AMD is evil! :D
L2238[16:52:11] <gigaherz> forme the only
purpose of AMD is to lower intel's prices ;P
L2239[16:52:16] <diesieben07> heh
L2240[16:52:25] <sham1> The only good
thing AMD did was invent the x86_64 format used nowadays
L2241[16:52:35] <sham1> And cheaper
L2242[16:52:35] <masa> I used to have all
AMD, but I just can't anymore because they only have complete
shit hardware available for the gaming PC category...
L2243[16:52:55] <gigaherz> they just
can't keep up
L2244[16:53:16] <gigaherz> they are too
small to fight with either nvidia or intel, let alone both at
L2245[16:53:17] <PaleoCrafter> yeah,
I'm going to replace it with Intel stuff eventually
L2246[16:53:25] <PaleoCrafter> invested
the money into a nice laptop first though :D
L2247[16:53:26] <masa> I'm kind of
interested in the zen or whatever is supposed to come out next
year, hopefuly it doesn't suck so bad anymore
L2248[16:53:51] <masa> would be nice to
have real competition and options
L2249[16:54:04] <PaleoCrafter> first
I'm going to replace the GPU with an Nvidia one
L2250[16:54:29] <masa> intel CPU prizes
here have risen from ~300€ to ~400€ for the i7s since I bought that
3770K about 3 years ago I think
L2251[16:55:01] <masa> gone are the days
of 60-100€ AMD CPUs :p
L2252[16:55:25] <masa> well sure you can
still get those, but they aren't exactly the top of the line
or close to it anymore...
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L2257[17:04:09] <gigaherz> LOL the
SkyGrid mpa thing killed the jvm speed-wise, I'll have to give
this profile a few more GB
L2258[17:04:09] <gigaherz> XD
L2259[17:05:46] <WikiIsWrong> So in my
StartServer.bat, add it after java -jar blablabla?
L2260[17:06:11] <gigaherz> 16-chunk
distance needs a bit moret han 1gb to run, and that's with
just skyblock
L2261[17:06:53] <WikiIsWrong> Yeah, I set
my memory to 2gb min 4gb max.
L2262[17:07:08] <gigaherz> 2gb min is
pointless, you can leave the min at 128mb ;P
L2263[17:07:14] <WikiIsWrong> Fair
L2264[17:07:29] <diesieben07> not
*entirely* pointless, but yea
L2265[17:07:40] <WikiIsWrong> Where do I
add server args, add the end of java -jar <stuff>
L2266[17:08:11] <gigaherz> yeah (I
⇦ Parts: amadornes[Streaming]
(~amadornes@framez.is.wtfcool.com) ())
L2268[17:08:31] <gigaherz> so yeah my
gtx970 can't even manage 100fps with the skygrid
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L2270[17:09:04] <gigaherz> for
comparison, a flatworld does 700fps
L2271[17:09:10] <WikiIsWrong> I got
things working with Server Tools. Thank you. That did what I was
originally asking for (to set permissions on RTP)
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L2273[17:10:12] <WikiIsWrong> Going to
have to write my own start plugin so it'll pick a good (not
air below) spot to TP them to, but for now it'll do.
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Connection reset by peer)
L2275[17:11:31] <gigaherz> los tobuscus
on yogscast jingle jam
L2276[17:11:33] <gigaherz> lol*
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L2282[17:17:44] <masa> gigaherz: is that
(skygrid) in 1.7.10?
L2283[17:18:01] <gigaherz> no I loaded it
in 1.8.9
L2284[17:18:10] <gigaherz> it's just
a map, not a mod
L2285[17:18:40] <gigaherz> I presume
there was a version for 1.7.10 at some point?
L2286[17:18:42] <masa> yeah I know, I was
just wondering what kind of difference 1.7 vs. 1.8 does in
L2287[17:18:49] <masa> no idea
L2288[17:18:50] <gigaherz> ah right
L2289[17:18:56] <WikiIsWrong> I used
Simple SkyGrid to get it in 1.7.10, as it supports mods and
L2290[17:18:59] <gigaherz> I didn't
think of that XD
L2291[17:19:15] <WikiIsWrong> Adds natura
blocks etc.
L2292[17:20:12] <masa> I remember at some
point in the 1.8 snapshots when I was testing it when they had
tweeted stuff about optimizations...
L2293[17:20:42] <gigaherz> but yeah,
1/8th of the performance in 1.8.9, I can't imagine just how
bad it is in 1.7 XD
L2294[17:21:01] <masa> then I was flying
around and was like "oh wow 800fps... 900.. 1100 fps oh wow
they really did optimize it!" and then I ran into the edge of
the world... there was some chunk loading bug :D
L2295[17:21:13] <masa> no wonder I got
high fps with barely any chunks loaded :p
L2296[17:21:26] <gigaherz> heh
L2297[17:21:44] <WikiIsWrong> It's
worth it IMO. Completely changes how you accomplish things, much
like Skyblock.
L2298[17:22:09] <WikiIsWrong> Everything
is available out there. Somewhere.
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L2300[17:22:30] <masa> I've yet to
finish agrarian skies 1
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DRedhorse is now known as DRedAway
L2302[17:22:38] <masa> it has been over a
year since I logged on
L2303[17:22:49] <gigaherz> I never
"finish" those things
L2304[17:22:51] <masa> and now there is
L2305[17:23:21] <gigaherz> basicalyl as
soon as I have a stable food supply, I lose interest
L2306[17:23:25] <gigaherz> the rest is
just grinding
L2307[17:24:06] <masa> yeah well,
doesn't that apply to minecraft in general? :D
L2308[17:24:29] <masa> "you just
grind for a few thousand hours for resources and build
L2309[17:24:46] <gigaherz> no, in regular
minecraft my goal is usually progressing in a specific mod
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L2311[17:25:04] <masa> ie. grinding for
resources and building stuff
L2312[17:25:12] <gigaherz> yes, but with
a purpose
L2313[17:25:13] <masa> and crafting
L2314[17:25:21] <gigaherz> I lose the
sense of purpose without an end goal
L2315[17:25:31] <masa> true...
L2316[17:25:50] <gigaherz> in my FTB
Infinity playthrough, my end goal was first to get an AE2
L2317[17:26:00] <gigaherz> then to get
the draconic staff of power
L2318[17:26:12] <gigaherz> and then I was
so OP that I just stopped playing
L2319[17:26:18] <masa> I just lost the
interest in modded, or at least I stopped playing it a year ago.. I
can't find the motivation to do anything because everything is
"too easy" because mods add easier ways to do stuff
compared to vanilla
L2320[17:26:34] <gigaherz> there's
packs for that?
L2321[17:26:40] <gigaherz> FTB Infinity
Evolved has expert mode
L2322[17:26:44] <gigaherz> which changes
recipes and such
L2323[17:26:45] <masa> yeah bu then stuff
is too hard... :D
L2324[17:26:53] <gigaherz> so that things
can't just be done straight away
L2325[17:27:31] <masa> in any case, at
the moment I just play vanilla, although I haven't played that
either since about august, because terraria 1.3 happened
L2326[17:27:39] <gigaherz> heh
L2327[17:27:45] <gigaherz> Idon't
actively play mc atm
L2328[17:27:55] <gigaherz> I did a little
playthrough with thaumcraft 5
L2329[17:28:10] <gigaherz> and projectE
because yeah didn't feel like grinding
L2330[17:28:10] <masa> but after I'm
done with terraria, I'll continue my grind for the vanilla mob
L2331[17:28:10] <gigaherz> ;P
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L2333[17:28:37] <gigaherz> so now
I'm waiting
L2334[17:28:44] <masa> I have a few
million blocks of netherrack ans stone to dig away. And I mean dig,
not use TNT because that would destroy "valuable"
resources :p
L2335[17:28:48] <gigaherz> there's
quite a lot of 1.8 mods being ported/created
L2336[17:28:59] <gigaherz> so in a few
months it will be fun ;P
L2337[17:29:21] <gigaherz> Efficiency 5 +
Haste 2 beacons? ;P
L2338[17:29:22] <masa> yeah, I might put
together a new 1.8 pack
L2339[17:29:39] <gigaherz> actually
netherrack insta-mines with way less
L2340[17:29:43] <masa> maybe this time I
actually don't include any tech mods, so that stuff isn't
"too easy" and I could find myself playing it
L2341[17:30:07] <masa> yeah I'm
using Efficiency III diamond picks bought from villagers :p
L2342[17:30:11] <gigaherz> if you want
balance, avoid having overlapping mods
L2343[17:30:11] <masa> for
L2344[17:30:33] <gigaherz> like, if you
have two mods that do the same, one of them will inevitably have
the easier recipe
L2345[17:30:51] <gigaherz> so the more
alternatives you can pick from ,the easier the progression will
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L2347[17:31:19] <masa> I spent a few
hunder hours grinding away on my villager farm in vanilla :p I now
have librarians for every top tier enchanted book, except I
don't remember if I had Bane of Arthropods V or just IV atm,
oh noes!
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closed the connection)
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L2350[17:32:15] <masa> and also I did
some grinding for blacksmiths in 1.7.10 before I upgrarded the
server to 1.8, so that I now can by all the diamond gear from the
L2351[17:33:38] <masa> and I have a 5
floor carrot and a 5 floor potato farm using villagers, so I just
sell their slave labour crops for emeralds, buy an inventory full
of diamond picks, enchant them with a 1.7 cleric for efficiency III
+ unbreaking III + Fortune I and then hammer away on some
netherrack :p
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(~Loetkolbe@ipbcc2d086.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Over
and Out!)
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L2360[17:44:58] <xaero> (3c = chaos
communication congress)
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L2362[17:48:31] <xaero> (oops make that
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⇨ Joins: securitypedant
L2368[17:59:32] <securitypedant> I am
running server and want to upgrade to, is
it as simple as replacing the current 1492 universal.jar with the
1082 one?
L2369[18:00:12] <securitypedant> or do I
need to rerun java -jar
forge-1.7.10- --install?
L2370[18:00:30] <securitypedant> oops and
I mean i'm upgrading to, no 1082
L2371[18:00:34] <securitypedant> getting
versions mixed up
L2372[18:00:39] <diesieben07> in case the
libraries changed you should re-run the installer
L2373[18:00:51] <securitypedant>
L2374[18:00:59] <diesieben07> but usualy
as long as the mc versino stays the same, just replacing universal
is enough
L2375[18:01:04] <securitypedant> ok
L2376[18:01:21] <securitypedant> but to
be safe, rerun installer. I assume installer works fine when run in
existing server dir
L2377[18:01:39] <diesieben07> uhh
L2378[18:01:41] <diesieben07> never
tested thaat
L2379[18:01:43] <diesieben07> but it
L2380[18:01:52] <securitypedant> well,
lemme report back in umm 5 mins :D
L2381[18:02:30] <gigaherz> always keep
L2382[18:02:32] <gigaherz> ;P
L2383[18:02:40] <securitypedant>
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L2386[18:07:05] <williewillus> hm
L2387[18:07:18] <williewillus>
BlockRendererDispatcher is only rendering one of the multiple
blocks it should be rendering
L2388[18:07:22] <williewillus> but
it's getting called
L2389[18:07:29] <williewillus> I'm
using renderBlockBrightness
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(Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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(~sciguyrya@80-254-76-231.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L2392[18:09:45] <williewillus> any ideas
what might be up?
L2393[18:11:18] <securitypedant>
installer seemed to run fine
L2394[18:11:43] <williewillus> lol jk
forgot to translate
L2395[18:11:47] <williewillus> everything
rendering on top of each other
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(~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net) (Quit:
L2397[18:19:10] ***
PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L2398[18:22:16] <securitypedant> yip,
running installer in the same dir works fine
L2399[18:22:17] <securitypedant>
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(~securityp@c-76-103-49-113.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) ()
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error: Connection reset by peer)
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L2403[18:26:21] <SatanicSanta> So,
obviously I should not be editing an item's NBT during a
clientside tick event. Should I use packets to tell the server, yo,
change this NBT tag? I feel like there's a simpler way to do
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L2405[18:26:37] <diesieben07>
SatanicSanta, simpler way is to do shit on the server in the first
place :D
L2406[18:28:10] <SatanicSanta>
diesieben07: The thing in question that I'm doing is changing
the player's armor NBT based on whether they are jumping
during a ClientTickEvent. Is there a server-side way to do
L2407[18:28:29] <diesieben07> check
whether they are jumping during a ServerTickEvent? :D
L2408[18:28:46] <SatanicSanta> Ah.
L2409[18:29:13] <diesieben07>
PlayerTickEvent rather
L2410[18:31:14] <SatanicSanta>
⇦ Quits: AforAnonymous (bitch2k@dyn-042-143.vix1.mmc.at)
(Quit: Try not to think not.)
L2412[18:40:33] <SatanicSanta>
diesieben07: How am I supposed to check if the player is jumping on
the server? The only way I know of is to check if keyBindJump is
pressed, but GameSettings is clientside.
L2413[18:40:54] <diesieben07>
L2414[18:40:55] <diesieben07> duh
L2415[18:41:04] <SatanicSanta> THat field
is protected.
L2416[18:41:29] <diesieben07> it is a
L2417[18:41:50] <diesieben07> what
it's not
L2418[18:41:53] <diesieben07> huh
L2419[18:42:11] <diesieben07> why do you
need to know?
L2420[18:42:18] <diesieben07> you could
use LivingJumpEvent maybe
L2421[18:42:47] <SatanicSanta> For this
particular item, when the player is holding down the jump key, they
"stick" to the wall
L2422[18:42:58] <diesieben07> uhhh
L2423[18:43:03] <diesieben07> so like a
wall jump?
L2424[18:43:11] <SatanicSanta> not
L2425[18:43:18] <SatanicSanta> A wall
jump without the jumping part
L2426[18:43:29] <shadekiller666> so a
wall walk?
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(Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L2428[18:43:37] <SatanicSanta> Wall
L2429[18:43:47] <SatanicSanta> The other
item allows for double-jumping.
L2430[18:43:53] <shadekiller666> i
don't exactly understand the purpose of such a feature
L2431[18:44:16] <SatanicSanta> I
didn't make it. I'm just working with what was given to
L2432[18:44:34] <SatanicSanta> I
don't fully understand it. To my understanding its supposed to
be a grappling thing
L2433[18:44:44] <SatanicSanta> but it
doesn't look like there's any sort of grappling
L2434[18:45:08] <shadekiller666>
grappling like 3 blocks off the ground?
L2435[18:45:32] <SatanicSanta>
L2436[18:45:38] <SatanicSanta>
shadekiller666: Well it can also prevent fatal falls, I
L2437[18:46:05] <shadekiller666> assuming
you can hit the side of a block and not the top...
L2438[18:46:10] <SatanicSanta> mhm
L2439[18:46:35] <SatanicSanta> I'd
have to talk to the other people in the project about changing the
feature. Granted, they'd probably agree, that's not
exactly what this branch is for...
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(~Szernex@178-189-202-182.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L2441[18:48:18] <shadekiller666> now if
there was something that allowed you to reliably get up to a high
place and stick that would be great for building i guess
L2442[18:48:58] <SatanicSanta>
shadekiller666: I believe you can still use things when you're
up there. I guess you could combine it with the double jump or the
jetpack and achieve that.
L2443[18:49:16] <shadekiller666>
L2444[18:49:39] <SatanicSanta>
diesieben07: LivingJumpEvent wont work because you hold down the
jump key to stay in place. Also I am pretty sure jump() does not
get called when you are not on the ground.
L2445[18:49:47] <SatanicSanta> (the
latter comment is relating to the double jump)
L2446[18:50:22] <williewillus> uhhhh does
blockrenderdispatcher.renderModel not work with the OBJ
L2447[18:50:32] <williewillus> @
L2448[18:50:47] <shadekiller666> i
don't see why it wouldn't
L2449[18:50:54] <diesieben07> oh if you
want it to work with holding it down, you need to do it
L2450[18:51:00] <diesieben07> why do you
need the NBT data anyways?
L2451[18:51:03] <shadekiller666> unless
that doesn't like BakedQuads or something
L2452[18:51:07] <williewillus> hm strange
L2453[18:55:33] <diesieben07> it really
is a shame that people fail to keep their things compatible all the
L2454[18:55:42] <shadekiller666> ok that
was weird... you know that little preview thing that pops up when
you hover over a youtube video's timeline? this video i'm
watching got stuck in a weird state where that showed up all the
time, and was like, scrolling sideways with the video
L2455[18:55:45] <diesieben07> advice from
etho: "if you want to play a modpack, don't update things
because things break"
L2456[18:55:58] <diesieben07> why are so
many morons making mods :(
L2457[18:56:14] <SatanicSanta>
diesieben07: Well if the PlayerTickEvent happens on both the client
and server (looking on some minecraftforge threads that is the
case), I could just check the phase, then check isRemote and set a
boolean based on whether the key is pressed.
L2458[18:56:19] <SatanicSanta> Seems
logical to me.
L2459[18:56:30] <diesieben07> yes you
L2460[18:56:36] <diesieben07> still
don't get WHY you need the NBT?
L2461[18:56:56] <SatanicSanta> Lemme take
a look. I saw it used in a couple places, but I don't remember
L2462[18:57:00] <williewillus> ah
L2463[18:57:06] <williewillus>
renderBlockBrightness doesn't do TE's
L2464[18:57:18] <shadekiller666> ?
L2465[18:57:48] <williewillus> the pylons
are TESR rendered, renderBlockBrightness checks the render type,
and if it's 2 it calls the TEISR
L2466[18:58:04] <williewillus> which only
considered vanilla hardcoding :p
L2467[18:58:16] <shadekiller666> of
L2468[18:58:31] <shadekiller666> because
mojang never designs a system that works for everything they want
to do
L2469[19:00:24] <SatanicSanta>
diesieben07: Looks like it's basically for when an item has
functionality in both tick events and normal events.
L2470[19:00:54] <SatanicSanta>
diesieben07: So the tick event checks for certain things, and then
in the events, those things are checked to do certain...
L2471[19:01:11] <SatanicSanta> if that
makes any sense at all.
L2472[19:01:11] <diesieben07> kthe fuck?
L2473[19:01:16] <diesieben07> yeah i
guess but...
L2474[19:01:23] <diesieben07> there are
way better methods for that.
L2475[19:02:02] <SatanicSanta> such
L2476[19:02:38] <diesieben07> depends on
what the "certain thing" is...
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timeout: 195 seconds)
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L2480[19:04:19] <diesieben07> oh jesus
L2481[19:04:32] <diesieben07> IEEP would
be a better choice
L2482[19:04:42] <SatanicSanta> Yeah,
I've never even looked at this method tbh.
L2483[19:04:58] <SatanicSanta> Pretty
sure all of those lastX, lastY, lastZ things actually have IEEP
L2484[19:05:46] <SatanicSanta> Yeah,
there's a lastX and lastZ. Would be super trivial to add a
lastY too.
L2485[19:06:38] <SatanicSanta>
What's strange is those values are set in a
L2486[19:19:22] ***
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MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
⇨ Joins: FF_Fire (~TheBeast@
L2489[19:44:25] <FF_Fire> hello i need
help with my code
L2490[19:44:49] <FF_Fire> none of my
items/ blocks are registering in game
⇦ Quits: bilde2910|away (bilde2910@ (Ping
timeout: 186 seconds)
L2492[19:46:05] <williewillus> do you
call GameRegistry.registerBlock or registerItem in preinit?
L2493[19:46:24] <FF_Fire> yes
L2494[19:46:35] <FF_Fire> need a
L2495[19:46:57] <Rockers> How do you mean
that they "don't show up".
L2496[19:47:09] <Rockers> Like, have you
not registered their creative tab?
L2497[19:47:27] <FF_Fire> they are non
existant ingame. the creative tab is registered, but no items show
L2498[19:47:58] <FF_Fire> willie do u
mean in the main class file?
L2499[19:48:32] <FF_Fire> or the common
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L2503[19:49:54] <FF_Fire> my main
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L2509[19:52:19] <FF_Fire> see anything
L2510[19:54:13] <FF_Fire> hello?
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L2512[19:57:32] <FF_Fire> package
L2513[19:57:34] <FF_Fire>
L2514[19:57:36] <FF_Fire> <FF_Fire>
import com.bedrockminer.tutorial.block.ModBlocks;
L2515[19:57:38] <FF_Fire> <FF_Fire>
import com.bedrockminer.tutorial.items.ModItems;
L2516[19:57:40] <FF_Fire>
L2517[19:57:42] <FF_Fire> <FF_Fire>
import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent;
L2518[19:57:44] <FF_Fire> <FF_Fire>
import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPostInitializationEvent;
L2519[19:57:48] <FF_Fire> <FF_Fire>
import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent;
L2520[19:57:50] <FF_Fire>
L2521[19:57:51] <SatanicSanta> FF_Fire:
what theh hell are you doing
L2522[19:57:52] <FF_Fire> <FF_Fire>
public class CommonProxy {
L2523[19:57:54] <FF_Fire>
L2524[19:57:56] <FF_Fire> <FF_Fire>
public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent e) {
L2525[19:57:58] <FF_Fire> <FF_Fire>
L2526[19:58:00] <FF_Fire> <FF_Fire>
L2527[19:58:02] <FF_Fire> <FF_Fire>
L2528[19:58:04] <FF_Fire>
L2529[19:58:06] <FF_Fire> <FF_Fire>
public void init(FMLInitializationEvent e) {
L2530[19:58:08] <FF_Fire>
L2531[19:58:10] <FF_Fire> <FF_Fire>
L2532[19:58:12] <FF_Fire>
L2533[19:58:14] <FF_Fire> <FF_Fire>
public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent e) {
L2534[19:58:18] <FF_Fire>
L2535[19:58:20] <FF_Fire> <FF_Fire>
L2536[19:58:22] <FF_Fire> <FF_Fire>
L2537[19:58:24] <FF_Fire> srry pastebin
no work
L2538[19:58:26] <FF_Fire> srry pastebin
dont work
L2539[19:58:36] <SatanicSanta> I can see
it fine.
L2540[19:58:43] <illyohs> oh god
L2542[19:58:57] <SatanicSanta> FF_Fire:
there are many issues
L2543[19:59:07] <SatanicSanta> FF_Fire:
First of all, why are you doing the init events in a common
L2544[19:59:22] <gigaherz> I just fell in
love with C# all over again
L2545[19:59:30] <gigaherz> C# 6.0 -->
$"Unexpected token {current}. Expected one of:
{string.Join(", ", expected)}."
L2546[19:59:40] <gigaherz> interpolating
expressions into strings :3
L2547[19:59:57] <FF_Fire> satanicsanta
just my preference
L2548[20:01:11] <SatanicSanta> FF_Fire:
Secondly, you have no @Mod.EventHandler annotations for those
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L2550[20:01:21] <SatanicSanta> FF_Fire:
That's a stupid preference to be honest.
⇦ Parts: FF_Fire (~TheBeast@
L2552[20:01:45] <SatanicSanta>
⇦ Quits: Vazkii (~Vazkii@a79-169-163-74.cpe.netcabo.pt) (Read
error: Connection reset by peer)
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host closed the connection)
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L2558[20:10:29] <Rockers> When did c# 6
come out gigaherz?
⇦ Quits: keybounce
(~keybounce@45-25-230-67.lightspeed.bkfdca.sbcglobal.net) (Client
L2560[20:10:37] <gigaherz> some months
L2561[20:10:39] <gigaherz> with
L2562[20:10:52] <Rockers> I see. Sounds
L2563[20:11:08] <Rockers> Why is vb.net
still a thing?
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L2565[20:11:33] <gigaherz> because of
user preference and existing codebase
L2566[20:11:47] <gigaherz> same reason
why cobol and fortran are still a thing
L2567[20:12:30] <Rockers> Hows the
security on vb.net?
L2568[20:12:31] <gigaherz> it's
sortof like asking why java is still a thing with python and
L2569[20:12:34] <gigaherz> ;P
L2570[20:12:38] <Rockers> I
L2571[20:13:15] <Rockers> I thought that
.net security was a bit touch and go.
L2572[20:13:25] <gigaherz> security?
L2573[20:13:26] <Rockers> But then you
get Java xd
L2574[20:13:28] <gigaherz> it's a
high-level language
L2575[20:13:38] <gigaherz> all buffer
accesses are bounds-checked
L2576[20:13:59] <Rockers> That's
quite good.
L2577[20:14:01] <gigaherz> all code is
type-safe, etc
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(~Zaggy1024@174-20-13-82.mpls.qwest.net) (Read error: Connection
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L2580[20:14:09] <gigaherz> like
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L2582[20:14:15] <Rockers> I know
L2583[20:14:35] <Rockers> It's just
that Java (Namely Oracle) has had alot of bad press recently to do
with security.
L2584[20:15:19] <gigaherz> Oh
L2585[20:15:25] <gigaherz> well
L2586[20:15:30] <gigaherz> that's
not really the langauge
L2587[20:15:32] <gigaherz> that's
the platform
L2588[20:15:56] <Rockers> Yeah
L2589[20:15:59] <gigaherz> no one ever
used silverlight in browsers the way peopleembedded java
L2590[20:16:20] <Rockers> Was silverlight
used in anything not made by Microsoft?
L2591[20:16:21] <gigaherz> and also as a
L2592[20:16:26] <gigaherz> they never
called them ".NET applets"
L2593[20:16:27] <gigaherz> ;P
L2594[20:16:35] <williewillus> jvm
security isn't even all that bad, java's security rep
just got screwed by applets
L2595[20:16:38] <gigaherz> so even if
someone found issues with silvelight
L2596[20:16:44] <gigaherz> they
wouldn't attribute them to .net directly
L2597[20:16:48] <williewillus> also
siverlight kinda just never happened :p
L2598[20:16:50] <gigaherz> the way they
do with Java
L2599[20:17:08] <williewillus> the only
place silverlight is still used is WP apps and even now
they're phasing it out in favor of UWP
L2600[20:17:19] <gigaherz> yeah
L2601[20:17:19] <gigaherz> well
L2602[20:17:35] <gigaherz> there were a
couple large sites that used silverlight for like, DRM video
L2603[20:17:45] <gigaherz> anda bunch of
niche sites with like silverlight games
L2604[20:17:56] <gigaherz> but mostly it
was in a handful of Microsoft-owned websites
L2605[20:18:00] <gigaherz> but yeah
L2606[20:18:06] <gigaherz> Microsoft
stopped caring
L2607[20:18:09] <gigaherz> so people did
L2608[20:18:38] <gigaherz> the world went
"less plugins! html5+js all the things!" and MS shrugged
and followed
L2609[20:19:14] <williewillus> i'm
still not sold on the html5+js all the things
L2610[20:19:25] <gigaherz> me
L2611[20:19:31] <williewillus> chrome/ff
running a js heavy webapps still attempts to melt my computer
L2612[20:19:34] <gigaherz> but it will be
less bad in a few years
L2613[20:19:37] <williewillus> compared
to the native app that does the same
L2614[20:19:44] <gigaherz> assuming
people adopt the "binary" javascript
L2615[20:19:46] <Rockers> Silverlight was
such an abomination that they just went "Fuck it. You're
right." Also: I keep thinking Oracle and Adobe are connected.
No idea why.
L2616[20:20:12] <gigaherz> Rockers: nah
silverlight was nice enough as a platform
L2617[20:20:22] <Rockers> It wasn't
nice to use.
L2618[20:20:28] <Rockers> For the
L2619[20:20:34] <Rockers> Well, maybe in
my experience.
L2620[20:20:36] <gigaherz> for the
end-user it was no worse than Java applets
L2621[20:20:39] <williewillus> i never
used the silverlight plugin :p
L2622[20:20:41] <gigaherz> isntall
silverlight -> things work
L2623[20:20:46] <williewillus> only used
silverlight in WP :p
L2624[20:20:48] <gigaherz> I never had to
do anything else
L2625[20:20:52] <williewillus> and that
was pretty nice
L2626[20:21:00] <gigaherz> but
silverlight as a platform
L2627[20:21:09] <gigaherz> XAML for UI,
even if it was a subset of the full XAML as seen in WPF
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L2629[20:21:31] <gigaherz> .NET code in
the sandboxed environment
L2630[20:21:58] <williewillus> does
javafx have XAML like data binding?
L2631[20:22:02] <gigaherz>
Silverlight's UI stuff even had scoreboarding tools for
L2632[20:22:04] <williewillus> because
that shit is cool :p
L2633[20:22:07] <gigaherz> never used
L2634[20:22:14] <williewillus> oracle
doesnt seem to care about it much sadly
L2635[20:25:12] <Rockers> I didn't
know netflix used silverlight.
L2636[20:26:00] <Rockers> Anyway,
I'm going off just now..
L2637[20:26:02] <Rockers> See ya,
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L2641[20:30:03] <SatanicSanta>
diesieben07: So I don't think the PlayerTickEvent happens on
the server.
L2642[20:32:22] <SatanicSanta> Or maybe I
should not check the phase so it happens multiple times per tick? i
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L2644[20:36:06] <SatanicSanta> Oh, right,
isJumping is only ever set on the client. Duh.
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L2646[20:36:51] <FF_Fire> hello?
L2647[20:36:58] <SatanicSanta> FF_Fire:
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L2651[20:55:28] <FF_Fire> hello
L2652[20:55:43] <FF_Fire> how would i
make a block explode on rightclick?
L2653[20:56:21] <gigaherz> do you mean
light up like tnt, or outright explode?
L2654[20:56:38] <FF_Fire> lightup like
L2655[20:56:47] <SatanicSanta> FF_Fire:
look at the tnt code.
L2656[20:56:50] <FF_Fire> but explode
with more power
L2657[20:57:01] <FF_Fire> but on
L2658[20:57:09] <gigaherz> you'll
need your own entity I suppose
L2659[20:57:14] <gigaherz> which looks
like a block
L2660[20:58:02] <gigaherz> look at
EntityTNTPrimed for examples of how to write one
L2661[20:58:10] <gigaherz> on rightclick,
you set the block to air
L2662[20:58:18] <FF_Fire> k
L2663[20:58:20] <gigaherz> and spawn an
L2664[20:58:33] <gigaherz> look at the
TNT block for an exmaple
L2665[20:58:36] <gigaherz> example*
L2666[20:58:50] <FF_Fire> wheres that at?
cant find it
L2667[20:58:55] <SatanicSanta>
That's so much more work than needed
L2668[20:59:04] <SatanicSanta> on right
click worldObj.createExplosion
L2669[20:59:04] <gigaherz>
L2670[20:59:08] <FF_Fire> ya
L2671[20:59:15] <gigaherz> SatanicSanta:
that will explode without priming and a timer
L2672[20:59:26] <SatanicSanta> oh,
L2673[20:59:34] <gigaherz> that's
why I asked
L2674[20:59:46] <gigaherz> since he said
"light up like TNT, I ahd to give the long explanation
L2675[21:00:25] <FF_Fire> cant find the
file for BlockTnT
L2676[21:00:47] <SatanicSanta> FF_Fire:
L2677[21:00:49] <SatanicSanta> It's
L2678[21:00:59] <FF_Fire> k
L2679[21:01:01] <SatanicSanta> If you
can't find it, fix your dev environment.
L2680[21:05:28] <FF_Fire> ya thats too
complicated. i just want right click
L2681[21:05:56] <gigaherz> yep then
worldObj.createExplosion ;P
L2682[21:06:03] <FF_Fire> :)
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Connection reset by peer)
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L2685[21:09:53] <FF_Fire> k so i have
WorldEvent.createExplosion(this, posX, posY, posZ, 4F);
L2686[21:09:57] <FF_Fire> right>
L2687[21:11:47] <FF_Fire>
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L2689[21:14:30] <FF_Fire>
onBlockClicked(WorldEvent.createExplosion(this, posX, posY, posZ,
L2690[21:14:44] <FF_Fire> how would i set
coords tho?
L2691[21:18:26] <gigaherz> uhh
L2692[21:18:36] <gigaherz> you should be
calling that from a method in your block, right?
L2693[21:18:37] <gigaherz> so
L2694[21:18:41] <gigaherz> you have the
L2695[21:18:48] <gigaherz> as a param to
the method
L2696[21:18:57] <gigaherz> just get the
x,y,z from the blockpos
L2697[21:19:11] <FF_Fire> how would i get
the block pos tho
L2698[21:20:44] <gigaherz> what method
are you handling?
L2699[21:21:39] <FF_Fire> the block
L2701[21:24:18] <FF_Fire> gigaherz?
L2702[21:24:34] <gigaherz> well you
couldn't do it more wrong
L2703[21:24:40] <FF_Fire> ...
L2704[21:24:41] <FF_Fire> ok
L2705[21:24:43] <gigaherz> I suppose you
don't really know any Java do you?
L2706[21:24:58] <FF_Fire> not too much,
L2707[21:25:12] <shadekiller666> its good
to know that you can't fuck up a code base further than it
already is :P
L2708[21:25:38] <gigaherz> well then
you'll havea very painful journy through your modding attempts
L2709[21:25:58] <FF_Fire> ya just wanted
to see how far id get
L2710[21:26:09] <FF_Fire> how would i fix
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L2712[21:26:56] <H1N1theI> FF_Fire: It
needs to be rewritten from scratch, basically. :|
L2713[21:26:58] <gigaherz> to explain why
this is wrong, I'd have to explain what functions are and how
they work, what methods are and how they differ from functions,
what overriding means, and how langguages handle them
L2714[21:27:12] <gigaherz> so you may
want to take this chance to look up a book or tutorial on
L2715[21:27:17] <gigaherz> and learn
those concepts ;P
L2716[21:27:18] <FF_Fire> ...
L2717[21:27:18] <H1N1theI> FF_Fire: I
suggest you read up on Java and programming in general.
L2718[21:27:32] <H1N1theI> gigaherz:
L2719[21:27:43] <gigaherz> -g
L2720[21:28:12] <killjoy> !gc bah
L2721[21:28:15] <H1N1theI> gigaherz:
Javascript tells me that is NaN.
L2722[21:28:17] <killjoy> !gc bah
L2723[21:28:24] <killjoy> !gc bqh
L2724[21:28:24] <H1N1theI>
+1-'g' => NaN
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(~keybounce@45-25-230-67.lightspeed.bkfdca.sbcglobal.net) (Read
error: Connection reset by peer)
L2726[21:28:39] <gigaherz> H1N1theI: the
-g was to "langguages"
L2727[21:28:39] <gigaherz> ;P
L2728[21:28:57] <H1N1theI> gigaherz: I
completely missed that. XD
L2729[21:29:06] <gigaherz> me too, on the
first reread
L2730[21:29:07] <gigaherz> ;P
L2731[21:29:08] <H1N1theI> gigaherz:
Although, I couldn't help but make a Javascript joke.
L2732[21:29:13] <gigaherz> heh
L2733[21:29:16] <killjoy> !gc GuiNewChat
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L2735[21:29:51] <gigaherz> killjoy: !dcc
if you have enough of those planned ;P
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(~keybounce@45-25-230-67.lightspeed.bkfdca.sbcglobal.net) (Client
L2737[21:30:03] <killjoy> no.
L2738[21:30:08] <killjoy> that's
L2739[21:30:10] <FF_Fire> can someone
help me write the class then
L2740[21:30:12] <gigaherz> nm then
L2741[21:30:31] <killjoy> If I was
planning on a lot, I'd join #mcpbot
L2742[21:30:42] <H1N1theI> FF_Fire: I
mean, we all could, but most of us, TBH, don't really want to
spend our time helping you, as selfish as that sounds.
L2743[21:31:12] <FF_Fire> i get it. u
dont want to write 10 lines of code
L2744[21:31:23] <H1N1theI> FF_Fire:
Seriously, programming is not a trivial matter, you should really
just look at some JAva tutorials.
L2745[21:31:39] <FF_Fire> im doing that
L2746[21:31:45] <FF_Fire> im
L2747[21:31:45] <shadekiller666> FF_Fire,
this is the minecraft forge irc, not the "write code for
you" irc
L2748[21:32:15] <H1N1theI> FF_Fire: Yes,
because I don't want to write 10 lines of code that you could
learn to write. Sorry to sound cold, but that's how it works
with programming. You have to learn, we can help if you don't
understand something, but very few people will just do it for
⇦ Quits: FF_Fire (~TheBeast@ (Quit:
L2750[21:32:47] <shadekiller666>
we'll be happy to help you fix bugs in the code YOU wrote, but
we expect that YOU have a certain amount of prior knowledge that
would allow you to understand the solutions that we're
L2751[21:32:57] <H1N1theI>
shadekiller666: I mean, he kinda left already.
L2752[21:33:33] <gigaherz> oww and here I
was about to tell him I'm jobless atm so if he's REALLY
interested in someone writing the mod for him ;P
L2753[21:33:43] <shadekiller666>
L2754[21:33:56] <H1N1theI> gigaherz: Oh
man, sorry to hear about that.
L2755[21:34:24] <H1N1theI> Honestly,
what's with people thinking that mimicry is a valid form of
learning programming? :|
L2756[21:34:34] <H1N1theI> (Ok, maybe a
L2757[21:34:38] <gigaherz> well I did
learn by example
L2758[21:34:39] <gigaherz> but
L2759[21:34:44] <gigaherz> you learn FROM
the example
L2760[21:34:53] <gigaherz> not just
blindly coypaste stuff until it works
L2761[21:34:54] <gigaherz> XD
L2762[21:35:05] <gigaherz>
L2763[21:35:25] <williewillus> my first
actual working mod was an ASM coremod - anything's possible
L2764[21:35:35] <H1N1theI> williewillus:
Oh jesus christ, why?
L2765[21:35:46] <williewillus> fixing
vanilla bugs that Mojang was too lazy to fix
L2766[21:35:52] <H1N1theI> williewillus:
Ah, sounds about right. :P
L2767[21:36:27] <H1N1theI> gigaherz:
Although, there's a few languages you just can't learn
from example. :U
L2768[21:36:39] <williewillus>
L2769[21:36:39] <gigaherz> well
L2770[21:36:42] <gigaherz> I started with
L2771[21:36:53] <gigaherz> VB4,6
L2772[21:36:55] <H1N1theI> williewillus:
Nah, haskell. Same number of arcane operators though.
L2773[21:37:06] <H1N1theI> gigaherz:
Ewwww gotos. ;P
L2774[21:37:09] <gigaherz> I had some fun
with Pascal
L2775[21:37:19] <gigaherz> then
eventually decided to try C
L2776[21:37:25] <gigaherz> or more
L2777[21:37:29] <gigaherz> to make use of
C for somethign useful
L2778[21:37:37] <gigaherz> since my
previous attempts at C had been stumped by the lack of
L2779[21:37:39] <H1N1theI> How many month
did that take?
L2780[21:37:58] <gigaherz> between BASIC
and C? like 6 years?
L2781[21:38:00] <gigaherz> XD
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L2783[21:38:04] <illyohs> gigaherz:
L2784[21:38:16] <gigaherz> illyohs: I
meant "string" as a thing that you can work with
L2785[21:38:17] ***
fry|sleep is now known as fry
L2786[21:38:24] <H1N1theI> illyohs:
...That's, like, C++ STL, isn't it?
L2787[21:38:26] <gigaherz> C strings are
just buffers and arrays
L2788[21:38:33] <gigaherz> and yeah
L2789[21:38:39] <gigaherz> that would be
C++ ;P
L2790[21:38:44] <gigaherz> Ididn't
try C until some years later
L2791[21:38:56] <H1N1theI> You still had
str functions.
L2792[21:38:59] <gigaherz> yes
L2793[21:39:01] <gigaherz> that's
different from
L2794[21:39:13] <gigaherz> c =
"asdf" + "bsdf";
L2795[21:39:25] <gigaherz> whcih I was
used to from VB
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L2797[21:40:40] <williewillus> if I
needed to combine any two bakedmodels at run time, but needed to
translate one upward before doing so, what do I do? :p
L2798[21:40:45] <illyohs> H1N1theI: your
correct it was string.h
L2799[21:40:50] <williewillus> still
looking for a solution to the dumb floating flowers :p
L2800[21:40:54] <illyohs> :P
L2801[21:41:01] <H1N1theI> gigaherz: Er,
I know this one, it's char * c = malloc(9);
strcpy("asdf", c); strcpy("bsdf", c+4);
L2802[21:41:14] <H1N1theI> gigaherz: See,
it's not that bad of a language! :P
L2803[21:41:14] <gigaherz> XD
L2804[21:41:22] <gigaherz> yeah so
L2805[21:41:26] <gigaherz> my first
actual C experience
L2806[21:41:30] <gigaherz> was with the
PCSX2 project
L2807[21:41:37] <gigaherz> when I decided
to dive into it headfirst
L2808[21:41:39] <gigaherz> and write a
sound plugin
L2809[21:41:54] <gigaherz> fun times
L2810[21:42:05] <gigaherz> best of all: I
succeeded ;P
L2811[21:42:16] <H1N1theI> illyohs: But
that doesn't give a fully featured string type.
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(~Tarig@cpe-104-230-154-96.columbus.res.rr.com) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L2813[21:42:37] <gigaherz> and then one
L2814[21:42:41] <gigaherz> I discovered
L2815[21:42:47] <gigaherz> and I fell in
L2816[21:42:58] <H1N1theI> gigaherz: Ah,
different story for me.
L2817[21:43:09] <gigaherz> everything I
missed from VB, together with the syntax of C
L2818[21:43:20] <gigaherz> and a proper
object-oriented system
L2819[21:43:25] <gigaherz> anda great
standard library
L2820[21:43:29] <H1N1theI> I started with
JS and HTML as a kid, fucking around with no comprehension of how
to program, (like our former guest)
L2821[21:43:44] <H1N1theI> Then I fucked
around with C++ (also without comprehension of how to
L2822[21:43:51] <gigaherz> the
programming itself was never really an issue for me
L2823[21:44:01] <gigaherz> well that
woudlb e a lie
L2824[21:44:01] <shadekiller666> what
would you guys say is the most object-oriented language?
L2825[21:44:11] <H1N1theI> Then I learned
how to program one day, and then I decided I liked C++.
L2826[21:44:11] <gigaherz> of course I
didn't really "know" the way I do now
L2827[21:44:23] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: depends on the definition of object-oriented you
L2828[21:44:23] <H1N1theI> Then I tried
C# one day and couldn't deal with some of it's
L2829[21:44:30] <H1N1theI>
shadekiller666: Small Talk. :P
L2830[21:44:48] <gigaherz> the person who
coined the term "object-oriented"
L2831[21:44:48] <gigaherz> referred to
message-passing interfaces
L2832[21:45:00] <shadekiller666>
gigaherz, most strict about the object-oriented structure
L2833[21:45:00] <gigaherz> where na
object would receive messages and respond to them
L2834[21:45:09] <shadekiller666> java is
more oo than C#
L2835[21:45:16] <gigaherz> how so?
L2836[21:45:25] <gigaherz> Java and C#
are exactly on the same level
L2837[21:45:29] <H1N1theI>
shadekiller666: Oh fuck no, C# does OOP much better than Java
L2838[21:45:43] <gigaherz> both of them
use class-instance paradigm
L2839[21:45:44] <H1N1theI> Because
L2840[21:45:48] <H1N1theI> :P
L2841[21:45:49] <shadekiller666> c#
allows some ideas that come from procedural and functional
L2842[21:45:59] <gigaherz> both of them
have single-inheritance with interfaces
L2843[21:46:02] <gigaherz> both of them
have generics
L2844[21:46:21] <gigaherz> both of them
have reflection
L2845[21:46:29] <shadekiller666> well
L2846[21:46:32] <H1N1theI> gigaherz: But
I would say delegates make message passing and using objects much
easier than dealing with JAva's method.
L2847[21:46:37] <H1N1theI> Which is more
L2848[21:46:38] <shadekiller666> one was
made to copy the other essentially
L2849[21:46:43] <gigaherz> both of them
eventually got lambdas
L2850[21:47:01] <shadekiller666> does c#
have pointers?
L2851[21:47:12] <gigaherz>
L2852[21:47:14] <gigaherz> but
L2853[21:47:19] <gigaherz> only within
special blocks of code
L2854[21:47:24] <H1N1theI> gigaherz: Oh
yeah, over here in C++ land, we've had lambdas for YEARS
L2855[21:47:25] <shadekiller666> or
"address variables"
L2856[21:47:39] <gigaherz> nono it has
C-style pointer syntax
L2857[21:47:48] <shadekiller666> h1n1,
you've also had a plethera of crap that wasn't well
designed :P
L2858[21:47:54] <gigaherz> but you
can't use pointers to managed types
L2859[21:48:02] <shadekiller666> giga,
ok, C is a procedural language
L2860[21:48:05] <gigaherz> you can only
access arrays and structs that have been "locked"
L2861[21:48:11] <H1N1theI>
shadekiller666: Ok, so what if they were literal shit until C++11?
L2862[21:48:17] <gigaherz> it's a
special construct
L2863[21:48:30] <gigaherz> and is only
allowed if you compile with a special /unsafe compiler
L2864[21:48:33] <H1N1theI> gigaherz:
Isn't there a special marshalling thing C# had?
L2865[21:48:37] <gigaherz> yes
L2866[21:48:45] <gigaherz> but
that's not pointers ;P
L2867[21:48:49] <shadekiller666> so
within the context of the question Java would be more OO than C#
is, as it has less features from other paradigms
L2868[21:49:06] <H1N1theI> gigaherz: I
just remember yelling at it for a while.
L2869[21:49:07] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: I disagree on that
L2870[21:49:22] <shadekiller666> c++11 is
no better :P
L2871[21:49:26] <H1N1theI>
shadekiller666: I think C#'s design and implementation makes
the OOP more *effective* than Java's.
L2872[21:49:36] <H1N1theI>
shadekiller666: No, it's actually genuinely better.
L2873[21:49:50] <H1N1theI>
shadekiller666: We have templated lambdas instead of function
pointers now.
L2874[21:49:51] <shadekiller666> h1n1,
they do, because its less strict about the OO paradigm
L2875[21:49:53] <gigaherz> C++ is just a
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L2877[21:50:01] <gigaherz> worse of a
mess than Java
L2878[21:50:08] <shadekiller666> we say
that Mojang
L2879[21:50:11] <H1N1theI> gigaherz:
L2880[21:50:18] <H1N1theI> gigaherz:
Those are some shots fired there!
L2881[21:50:18] <waterpicker> Does
anyoone know how to get the relative sides of a block
L2882[21:50:24] <H1N1theI> I must defend
my language!
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L2884[21:50:34] <shadekiller666>
Mojang's code is terrible for work-arounds, don't even
start on C++ :P
L2885[21:50:47] <H1N1theI> waterpicker:
What do you mean?
L2886[21:50:52] <gigaherz> H1N1theI:
C++11 and C++14 added some nice stuff
L2887[21:50:59] <gigaherz> but the same
old crap still remains in the language ;P
L2888[21:51:08] <gigaherz> it's just
shinier ;P
L2889[21:51:10] <shadekiller666> but they
had to work around old shit to add that new stuff
L2890[21:51:12] <H1N1theI> waterpicker:
Are you attempting to get the side of the block that's being
interacted with, or texture a specific side, or what?
L2891[21:51:19] <waterpicker> Like
getting the Left side of a block relative to side that was
L2892[21:51:21] <H1N1theI> gigaherz: Some
of the shit got deprecated.
L2893[21:51:21] <gigaherz> neither Java
nor C++ dared to make breaking changes
L2894[21:51:29] <shadekiller666> so
theres like 3 things that every symbol does in the language bassed
on where you place it
L2895[21:51:34] <gigaherz> ;P
L2896[21:51:49] <waterpicker> I'm
trying to do activity on spefific sides of a block.
L2897[21:52:01] <H1N1theI> gigaherz:
int-default values are now fully deprecated and will trigger
warnings now! :P
L2898[21:52:07] <gigaherz> well yes
L2899[21:52:08] <H1N1theI> gigaherz:
We're moving forwards! :P
L2900[21:52:11] <waterpicker> but I also
want to be able to do realtively to what the front is facing.
L2901[21:52:14] <gigaherz> but
L2902[21:52:20] <gigaherz> just now
L2903[21:52:25] <shadekiller666>
waterpicker, BlockPos has direction offset methods, those might
L2904[21:52:27] <gigaherz> they are
starting to think of moving away from the #include system
L2905[21:52:35] <waterpicker>
L2906[21:52:36] <gigaherz> and it had to
be Microsoft pushing for that
L2907[21:52:37] <gigaherz> XD
L2908[21:52:48] <shadekiller666>
L2909[21:52:53] <gigaherz> VS2015 update
1 has a first draft implementation of a module system for C++
L2910[21:52:55] <H1N1theI> waterpicker:
Sorry, we're kinda yelling at eachother.
L2911[21:53:00] <shadekiller666>
isn't #include a C thing?
L2912[21:53:02] <H1N1theI> gigaherz: I
really like C++ though.
L2913[21:53:09] <H1N1theI>
shadekiller666: It's the SHITTIEST SHITTIEST C thing.
L2914[21:53:14] <gigaherz> H1N1theI: I
don't specifically dislike it
L2915[21:53:16] <gigaherz> I just think
it's a mess
L2916[21:53:18] <shadekiller666> C
isn't the problem
L2917[21:53:26] <gigaherz> a mashup of
features that weren't fully thought through at the time
L2918[21:53:28] <shadekiller666> C has
been fine for decades
L2919[21:53:30] <waterpicker> Do you
realize how annoying it is be a primarily java programmer but go to
a college taht primiarily teaches using C++
L2920[21:53:33] <shadekiller666> C++ is
the problem :P
L2921[21:53:39] <H1N1theI>
shadekiller666: No, it wasn't.
L2922[21:53:44] <williewillus> c++ has
feature creep :p
L2923[21:53:44] <H1N1theI>
shadekiller666: C was definitely not fine.
L2924[21:53:55] <gigaherz> waterpicker: I
was a VisualBasicp rogrammer and went to a uni that teached
L2925[21:53:56] <gigaherz> ;P
L2926[21:53:58] <H1N1theI> cstring
methods are shit, includes are and will always be shit, and
L2927[21:54:11] <H1N1theI> waterpicker: I
think it'll do you some good. ;)
L2928[21:54:13] <shadekiller666>
L2929[21:54:22] <shadekiller666>
they're no different than imports right?
L2930[21:54:25] <williewillus> Java
programmer, Java uni first and quick transition to C++ :p
L2931[21:54:27] <gigaherz> hah nope
L2932[21:54:31] <williewillus> lol
L2933[21:54:37] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: #includes are actually INSERTED into the file,
L2934[21:54:38] <waterpicker>
shadekiller666, It is 1.7 I"m doing.
L2935[21:54:40] <williewillus> imports in
java are no more than syntactic sugar
L2936[21:54:41] <H1N1theI>
shadekiller666: The default cstring implementations suffer MASSIVE
performance degration under most situations.
L2937[21:54:42] <shadekiller666> i
L2938[21:54:48] <shadekiller666> so are
imports in java
L2939[21:54:48] <gigaherz> imports are
L2940[21:54:49] <H1N1theI> Er, well, not
L2941[21:55:01] <gigaherz> javac
doesn't actually dump the TEXT contents of the other java
L2942[21:55:03] <williewillus> imports in
java certainly do not copy paste everything :p
L2943[21:55:05] <H1N1theI> They're
O(n^2) or something when they can be O(n)
L2944[21:55:17] <H1N1theI> Yeah,
that's the problem with includes.
L2945[21:55:19] <williewillus> imports in
java are literally syntactic sugar so you can avoid specifying the
fully qualified name
L2946[21:55:20] <gigaherz> if you do
#import <x> in C
L2947[21:55:23] <H1N1theI> Literal
copy-paste code. :P
L2948[21:55:31] <gigaherz> it will
literally take "x", read the contents
L2949[21:55:38] <gigaherz> and dump them
in the middle of the parsing stream
L2950[21:55:40] <H1N1theI> Hell, you can
use imports in metaprogram in C. Seriously, like, not even
L2951[21:55:44] <gigaherz> before it
continues with the original contents
L2952[21:55:52] <gigaherz> every single
time someone #includes a file
L2953[21:55:54] <gigaherz> it's read
L2954[21:55:57] <gigaherz> and dumped
again into the mess
L2955[21:56:00] <shadekiller666> does it
always copy the entirety of the thing in the <> or just what
is actually references
L2956[21:56:06] <gigaherz>
L2957[21:56:06] <shadekiller666>
L2958[21:56:08] <H1N1theI>
shadekiller666: NOPE, EVERYTHING.
L2959[21:56:09] <gigaherz> it
doesn't know in advance
L2960[21:56:12] <H1N1theI> That's
why I said it was shit.
L2961[21:56:13] <gigaherz> there's
no metadata in C/C++
L2962[21:56:29] <gigaherz> to compat
L2963[21:56:36] <gigaherz> compilers came
up with a concept called "precompiled headers"
L2964[21:56:43] <gigaherz> which
transform one specific header into metadata
L2965[21:56:50] <shadekiller666> thats
because the C/C++ compiler is stupid
L2966[21:57:00] <gigaherz> that's
because C/C++ were designed in the 60s or 70s
L2967[21:57:10] <gigaherz> when you
couldn't afford to have metadata all over the place
L2968[21:57:12] <H1N1theI> No, the C/C++
compilers and parsers are some of the most rediculously complex
pieces of machinery avaliable.
L2969[21:57:21] <gigaherz> so you'd
push the file descriptor into a little stack
L2970[21:57:24] <shadekiller666>
they're also the dumbest
L2971[21:57:25] <gigaherz> andcontinue
reading from the other file
L2972[21:57:34] <gigaherz> and when
you'd reach the end of the current file
L2973[21:57:38] <H1N1theI> There's
so many things WRONG with the C/C++ language that it's
actually a very, very, hard to parse language.
L2974[21:57:42] <gigaherz> if there were
other files in the stack
L2975[21:57:46] <gigaherz> you'd
resume reading them
L2976[21:57:53] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: lol no
L2977[21:58:00] <gigaherz> you are not
aware of the amount of logic the compiler needs
L2978[21:58:07] <shadekiller666> this is
why i'm a fan of Jonathan Blow's JAI language that
he's working on
L2979[21:58:08] <gigaherz> to work around
the stupidity of the language design XD
L2980[21:58:15] <gigaherz> and because
programmers try tobe clever
L2981[21:58:21] <H1N1theI> Isn't a
C++ compiler unable to be LL(1) or something?
L2983[21:58:31] <gigaherz> they need even
more logic to counteract the "cleverness" of the
programmers and still do effective optimizations
L2984[21:58:46] <gigaherz> H1N1theI: well
it's unable to be L*
L2985[21:58:52] <gigaherz> since C is not
a regular language
L2986[21:58:56] <gigaherz> it's
L2987[21:59:07] <shadekiller666> i'm
not saying that there isn't logic required to unfuck half the
C++ STL, i'm saying that there are things that could be
handled intelligently by the compiler that aren't because of
all the unfucking that has to occur
L2988[21:59:11] <H1N1theI> gigaherz: Ah
yes. That's why.
L2989[21:59:13] <gigaherz> so whichever
you use, you'll need to track context during parsing
L2990[21:59:31] <fry> williewillus: can
you get IModel for the flower?
L2991[21:59:35] <gigaherz> to be able to
disambiguate variable declarations from function calls and
L2992[21:59:42] <gigaherz> and yeah
L2993[21:59:49] <gigaherz> let's go
back to Forge modding
L2994[21:59:50] <gigaherz> ;P
L2995[22:00:12] <fry> also, C++ is still
infinitely better than all of the java nonsense
L2996[22:00:18] <H1N1theI> Exciting
dialog though.
L2997[22:00:29] <shadekiller666> if you
know how to exploit the fuck out of it :P
L2998[22:00:37] *
gigaherz goes back to drooling over C#6.0
L2999[22:00:41] <shadekiller666>
L3000[22:00:52] <H1N1theI> fry: As a C++
fanatic, I have to disagree, Java's syntax is much
L3001[22:00:53] <williewillus> fry: uhhh
I think so? It's loaded using the special loader I made a
couple days ago
L3002[22:01:22] <shadekiller666>
gigaherz, i'm wondering if there is a way to write a mod in
C#... :P
L3003[22:01:24] <fry> williewillus: if
you get IModel, then you can bake it with translation easily
L3004[22:01:30] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: public int Prop {get; set; } = 1;
L3005[22:01:50] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: yes, but only if you run minecraft using IKVM
L3006[22:02:03] <H1N1theI> gigaherz: Oh
god that lovely, lovely getter, setter declaration.
L3007[22:02:07] <shadekiller666>
aren't get and set already in C#?
L3008[22:02:12] <gigaherz> yes
L3009[22:02:14] <gigaherz> but the =1 is
L3010[22:02:15] <gigaherz> ;P
L3011[22:02:16] <fry> H1N1theI: as a
persong who used C++ for ~6 years, syntax is irrelevant to what you
actually can do with a languiage
L3012[22:02:24] <gigaherz> well
L3013[22:02:26] <shadekiller666> what
exactly does the = 1 mean?
L3014[22:02:27] <gigaherz> wasn't,
before C# 6.0
L3015[22:02:37] <gigaherz> means that the
internal field initializes to 1
L3016[22:02:40] <gigaherz> instead of
L3017[22:03:09] <H1N1theI> fry: As a
Haskell fanatic as well, I find that point meaningless as I can do
everything C++ can do in my Haskell cave, I just chose not to
because it's painful as hell. I feel the same for syntax.
L3018[22:03:21] <H1N1theI> gigaherz:
That's awesome.
L3019[22:03:42] <gigaherz> public int
Prop => privateProp;
L3020[22:03:53] <gigaherz> declares a
getter-only property that returns the value of the expression
L3021[22:04:17] <gigaherz> public int
Count => count_elements();
L3022[22:04:27] <H1N1theI> gigaherz:
...Oh, that's awesome.
L3023[22:04:34] <fry> H1N1theI:
painfulness has little do to with the syntax
L3024[22:04:43] <H1N1theI> fry: I would
L3025[22:04:45] <fry> and more with
actual language capabilities
L3027[22:05:21] <H1N1theI> fry: I'm
writing an Engine in C++, and I've had to deal with more
template errors and weird function pointer nonsense than I really
want to deal with.
L3028[22:05:31] <LexManos> fry
L3029[22:05:47] <shadekiller666> that is
the initial ideas video for his JAI language, which he's
started making (more vids in the playlist), and theres some
interesting ideas
L3030[22:06:09] <LexManos> figure out
what is needed for 1.8.9 update never heard back from bspkrs on if
he did it. If you can then push it there and I wanna get a RB out
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L3032[22:06:19] <fry> H1N1theI: templates
and function pointers aren't syntax, they're language
features :P
L3033[22:06:25] <shadekiller666> he has
been designing it specifically to be a language for making games,
though it could be used for almost any programming task
L3034[22:06:32] <fry> Lex: no idea how to
do it
L3035[22:06:40] <H1N1theI> fry: I would
argue that the parsing of those features are definitely syntax-ful.
L3036[22:07:00] <H1N1theI> fry: And
writing out those function pointers is pretty... Ehhhhhh.
L3037[22:07:04] <williewillus> if i have
a baked model there really isnt an easy way to get back the IMOdel
used to make it right? ..
L3038[22:07:08] <fry> H1N1theI: I doubt
your errors were syntactical
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L3041[22:07:21] <williewillus> the flower
models aren't actually baked by me, they're just deferred
and retrieved later when they have been baked
L3042[22:07:24] <fry> williewillus: in
general - nope
L3043[22:07:29] <FF_Fire> k how do i
define a recipe?
L3044[22:07:30] <shadekiller666> willie,
not unless it stores it
L3045[22:07:42] <H1N1theI> FF_Fire:
It's in GameRegistry.
L3046[22:07:53] <FF_Fire> k
L3047[22:07:54] <shadekiller666>
OBJBakedModels store the IModel that made them iirc
L3048[22:08:13] <williewillus> yeah still
have no clue how I want to do this xD
L3049[22:08:23] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: doens't that mean the IModel data remains
loaded in memory?
L3050[22:08:43] <H1N1theI> fry: Kinda. I
had made a mistake with how template replacements were done and
mismatched a single template. Not fun. Anyways. I love C++, but I
hate the syntax. :P
L3051[22:08:45] <gigaherz> I always
thought the purpose of the IBakedModel was to have the least
information possible so that the sustained memory usage was
L3052[22:09:14] <killjoy> void
L3053[22:09:21] <shadekiller666> ya, but
thats essential for OBJ models, given that all of the data is
stored in a class variable in OBJModel
L3054[22:09:37] <gigaherz> ah
L3055[22:09:46] <gigaherz> my loader just
duscards all that info on baking
L3056[22:09:46] <gigaherz> ;P
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L3058[22:09:50] <gigaherz>
L3059[22:10:03] <gigaherz> even if Iwas
to implement groups, I'd just store the BakeQuads per group,
and nothing else
L3060[22:10:03] <H1N1theI> killjoy: Ah,
good old void function that takes a void function of... Wait,
I'm pretty sure that won't compile without you declaring
f first. :P
L3061[22:10:04] <shadekiller666> i'm
sure the java gc handles it somewhere...
L3062[22:10:16] <shadekiller666> giga, i
L3063[22:10:16] <williewillus> i have an
item whose model depends on two components in NBT, the island base
and the flower, both determined from nbt. the flower can be
arbitrary as addons can register extra flowers and my custom model
loader simply defers to the ModelResourceLocation the addon maker
provides and gets it after its baked
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L3065[22:10:26] <williewillus> need to
combine the two somehow
L3066[22:10:27] <shadekiller666> i store
the faces in the Groups
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L3069[22:10:48] <shadekiller666>
L3070[22:11:14] <shadekiller666>
OBJBakedModel might just take the MaterialLibrary instance from
L3071[22:11:39] <shadekiller666> though
the OBJModel is kept around to access other classes inside of
L3072[22:11:49] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: regarding that video, I noticed so far the he
doesn't even acknowledge high-level langauges?
L3073[22:12:00] <gigaherz> I mean things
like Java or C#, don't exist in the talk
L3074[22:12:01] <gigaherz> XD
L3075[22:12:15] <gigaherz> oh he did just
mention them
L3076[22:12:20] <gigaherz> as
L3077[22:12:26] <shadekiller666> he
despizes GC languages
L3078[22:12:27] <gigaherz> which is
bullshit but wahtever, I'll keep listening
L3079[22:12:30] <fry> williewillus: I did
tell you about UnpackedbakedQuad.builder at some point, didn't
L3080[22:12:50] <williewillus> wat
L3081[22:12:53] <shadekiller666> as they
are often less optimizable than non GCed languages, which is
essential for making games
L3082[22:13:04] <williewillus>
(that's a no :p)
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L3084[22:14:10] <H1N1theI> gigaherz: GC
is great, but GC is complicated and non-deterministic and
unsuitable for certain high-performance game engines. :|
L3085[22:14:11] <williewillus> wait
mashing the quad lists together actually worked, now I just have to
translate it xD
L3086[22:14:19] <H1N1theI> gigaherz: I
mean, that's my take on it.
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(~vsg1990@cpe-67-241-148-119.buffalo.res.rr.com) (Quit:
L3088[22:14:23] <shadekiller666>
gigaherz, for context he's the developer of Braid (if
you've ever played that :P)
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L3090[22:14:31] <gigaherz> H1N1theI: I
understand the reasoning
L3091[22:14:35] <WikiIsWrong> Block
target = world.getBlock(x, y, z); Why does .isBlockSolid and
similar functions take world, coords, face as parameters? I already
have an instance of block. And there's no static version of
these functions either.
L3092[22:14:37] <gigaherz> I just
don't agree on it being GC's fault
L3093[22:14:45] <gigaherz> more like a
side-effect of general-purpose GCs
L3094[22:14:49] <williewillus>
WikiIsWrong: it's how the block system is designed
L3095[22:14:59] <williewillus> each block
coordinate in the world isn't another Block object,
there's only one of each type
L3096[22:15:03] <shadekiller666> gigaherz
L3097[22:15:04] <gigaherz> if you have
separate pools for large and small objects
L3099[22:15:07] <FF_Fire> i dont
understnad whats wrong!!!
L3100[22:15:07] <williewillus> thus each
method takes a world and coordinates
L3102[22:15:09] <H1N1theI> gigaherz:
Yeah, generic GCs and anything beyond reference counting for me is
kinda meeeehhh.
L3104[22:15:14] <gigaherz> for long-lived
and short-lived objects, etc
L3105[22:15:17] <gigaherz> things are not
THAT bad
L3106[22:15:24] <gigaherz> andthing
L3107[22:15:25] <WikiIsWrong> So I
provide the same x,y,z I used to get the block from the
L3108[22:15:33] <gigaherz> .NET's GC
does a lot of that
L3109[22:15:36] <williewillus> yup,
smartmodels VapourDrive
L3110[22:15:41] <williewillus>
WikiIsWrong: yes
L3111[22:15:49] <H1N1theI> gigaherz: A
toast to .NET GC, because that's amazing.
L3112[22:15:50] <shadekiller666>
gigaherz, but .NET's GC is a generic GC
L3113[22:15:54] <shadekiller666> just
like any other
L3114[22:16:01] <gigaherz> yes
L3115[22:16:03] <gigaherz> but it's
L3116[22:16:03] <H1N1theI>
shadekiller666: It's a great GC though.
L3117[22:16:05] <WikiIsWrong> Does face
value matter? been using 0
L3118[22:16:10] <gigaherz> way better
than Java's
L3119[22:16:24] <gigaherz> although JAva8
improved on that
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L3121[22:16:28] <shadekiller666> yes, but
it still doesn't allow as low-level control as non GC
L3122[22:16:36] <williewillus>
WikiIsWrong: isBlockSolid takes a face so you can test the
solidness of that side
L3124[22:16:41] <williewillus>
there's some blocks (microparts, etc.)
L3125[22:16:45] <williewillus> that
aren't solid on all sides
L3126[22:17:03] <WikiIsWrong> Which is
bottom and where are these constants stored if anywhere
L3127[22:17:14] <williewillus>
L3128[22:17:28] <williewillus> 0-5 ->
L3129[22:17:32] <WikiIsWrong> Thank
L3130[22:18:05] <H1N1theI> FF_Fire: I
mean, you're getting the idea, I guess. But you've forgot
to match your parens.
L3131[22:18:45] <H1N1theI> FF_Fire: Wait,
NVM, I forgot to match my parens. You're good.
L3132[22:18:50] <FF_Fire> lol
L3133[22:19:08] <H1N1theI> FF_Fire: But
you should reeeaaallly indent your code like standard
L3134[22:19:25] <FF_Fire> ... so
L3135[22:19:30] <H1N1theI> For
readability purposes and also so you don't get judged by judgy
people like gigaherz.
L3136[22:19:35] <H1N1theI> gigaherz:
L3137[22:19:55] <FF_Fire> so why doesnt
the recipe work?
L3138[22:20:04] <williewillus> build good
habits now.
L3139[22:20:07] <williewillus> :p
L3140[22:20:10] <H1N1theI> FF_Fire: You
need to define it as a 3*3 recipie, as ALL recipies are 3*3.
⇦ Quits: waterpicker
(~waterpick@68-114-103-30.dhcp.slid.la.charter.com) (Ping timeout:
192 seconds)
L3142[22:20:24] <FF_Fire> kk so use
L3143[22:20:31] <illyohs> H1N1theI: I
misread judgy as ugly for a sec
L3144[22:20:49] <williewillus> lol
L3145[22:20:54] <gigaherz> H1N1theI: no
there's plenty of 2x2 recipes, and some IRecipes even say that
they only use 2 slots ;P
L3146[22:20:55] <H1N1theI> illyohs: Why
would you do that? Do I sense some sort of unresolved tension here?
L3147[22:21:03] <H1N1theI> gigaherz:
L3148[22:21:11] <gigaherz> look at the
banner cloning IRecipe
L3149[22:21:11] <gigaherz> ;p
⇦ Quits: FF_Fire (~TheBeast@ (Quit:
L3151[22:21:18] <H1N1theI> NEVER MIND
L3152[22:21:22] <H1N1theI> Oh dear.
L3154[22:21:35] <gigaherz> done
L3155[22:21:53] <gigaherz> it's
trying to verify that I have adblock enabled
L3156[22:22:05] <H1N1theI> ...I'm on
linux. ;-;
L3157[22:22:12] <gigaherz> game
L3158[22:22:18] <LexManos> hehe
L3159[22:22:23] <H1N1theI> gigaherz:
Wait, I thought recipies had to be defined as 3*3s?
L3160[22:22:38] <LexManos> ya it s
astupid refer thing, and it locks the final achivement until i do
this one
L3161[22:23:09] <gigaherz> H1N1theI:
naah, when you register the recipe yo ucan use any dimensions
L3162[22:23:17] <AbrarSyed> windows
only..,. :(
L3163[22:23:18] <gigaherz> orwell at
least 2x2 and 3x3 ;P
L3164[22:23:31] <williewillus> fry: so I
put all of the transformed quads into genQuads and not into
L3165[22:23:33] <shadekiller666>
gigaherz, you still listening to JB?
L3166[22:23:43] <gigaherz> yes
L3167[22:23:49] <H1N1theI> gigaherz: My
bad then, I'm a bad source of info.
L3168[22:23:51] <shadekiller666>
L3169[22:23:51] <williewillus> if so,
why's that?
L3170[22:24:03] <Zaggy1024> Chrome only?
L3172[22:24:08] <Zaggy1024> who wrote
this 0.o
L3173[22:24:12] <gigaherz> Zaggy1024: no
it workso n Firefox
L3174[22:24:16] <fry> williewillus:
L3175[22:24:28] <Zaggy1024> in that case
it's still stupid for saying it only works in Chrome :P
L3176[22:24:46] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: so far so good
L3177[22:24:51] <Zaggy1024> surely a real
web dev would have all common browsers installed
L3178[22:24:54] <gigaherz> I don't
really agree with "GC=no go" statement
L3179[22:24:56] <gigaherz> but
L3180[22:25:10] <illyohs> H1N1theI: ya
you caught me gigaherz stole my sandwich that why it happend
L3181[22:25:26] <gigaherz> what?
L3182[22:25:32] <shadekiller666> theres a
reason C++ is the base language for 90% of video games :P
L3183[22:25:41] <LexManos> Protip: you
can have a 1x1 crafting recipe
L3184[22:25:53] <Zaggy1024> but
that's literally pointless when you can do the same with a
shapeless :P
L3185[22:25:56] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: yes: existing code and programmers experienced in
C++ ;P
L3186[22:26:26] <gigaherz> but that
doesn't mean you can't use C# or similar
L3188[22:26:26] <gigaherz> they
L3189[22:26:28] <gigaherz> ;P
L3190[22:26:37] <shadekiller666> true...
most AAA games don't actually give a shit about how low-level
they can get because they just want to rush it out...
L3191[22:26:41] <H1N1theI> illyohs: There
is only one honorable solution to this situation. You and gigaherz
must meet at midnight and fight to the death. With baggettes.
L3192[22:26:49] <shadekiller666> but
thats why most of them run at 30fps...
L3193[22:27:02] <Zaggy1024> most of them?
that's rather cynical
L3194[22:27:10] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: actually most of them run at 30fps because
L3195[22:27:14] <H1N1theI>
shadekiller666: Nah, it's because they want to assume that 1
frame = .03 sec
L3196[22:27:14] <Zaggy1024>
L3197[22:27:14] <gigaherz> given any
console hardware
L3198[22:27:15] <shadekiller666> because
they can't figure out memory management to increase framerate
L3199[22:27:15] <Zaggy1024> :P
L3200[22:27:24] <gigaherz> they will push
the graphics until 60fps is no longer an option
L3201[22:27:27] <gigaherz> because given
two games
L3202[22:27:30] <gigaherz> one running at
60fps smooth
L3203[22:27:35] <gigaherz> and one 30fps
with better graphics
L3204[22:27:39] <gigaherz> the latter
will generate more hype
L3205[22:27:41] <gigaherz> and sell
⇨ Joins: SatanicSanta
L3207[22:27:47] <gigaherz> simply because
the screenshots look better
L3208[22:27:49] <WikiIsWrong> I'm
writing my own plugin to randomly teleport a player to a solid
block with two air blocks above them in a given x/y/z range. Do I
need to make sure that a chunk is generated before attempting to
move them there?
L3209[22:27:53] <gigaherz> and the videos
look better
L3210[22:27:53] <WikiIsWrong> mod*
L3211[22:28:01] <gigaherz> so they all
target 30fps
L3212[22:28:06] <shadekiller666>
modern-gen consoles can run those "better looking" 30fps
games at 60fps no problem
L3213[22:28:15] <gigaherz> no they
L3214[22:28:15] <gigaherz> XD
L3215[22:28:17] <Zaggy1024> WikiIsWrong,
I don't believe so
L3216[22:28:21] <shadekiller666> assuming
the developers can figure out how to do so
L3217[22:28:22] <williewillus>
WikiIsWrong: I don't think so, the vanilla TP command just
moves you there and the chunks generate around you
L3218[22:28:39] <Zaggy1024> when you get
the blocks on the server it will generate the chunk
L3219[22:28:41] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: if they would have been able to optimize more,
they'd have put more graphics effects
L3220[22:28:42] <Zaggy1024> which can be
L3221[22:28:45] <gigaherz> yes
L3222[22:28:49] <shadekiller666> if you
remember, the first Xbox360 and Ps3 games looked like crap towards
the beginning of their lifecycles
L3223[22:28:51] <gigaherz> they could
optimize extra given more development time
L3224[22:28:51] <Zaggy1024> but if
you're teleporting there there's no choice
L3225[22:28:55] <gigaherz> but the point
is, they would still be 30fps
L3226[22:28:56] <gigaherz> ;p
L3227[22:29:06] <gigaherz> they'd
unlock extra shaders and fancier effects
L3228[22:29:15] <gigaherz> they'd
add more physics details
L3229[22:29:17] <shadekiller666> and
started to look nicer and nicer as the systems got older and devs
figured out how to leverage more power out of them
L3230[22:29:23] <gigaherz> they'd
have more "clutter" in the ground
L3231[22:29:31] <shadekiller666>
L3232[22:29:40] <gigaherz> games
don't become 60fps near the end of a console's life: they
get extra graphics
L3233[22:29:47] <shadekiller666> if VR is
going to be as big as Oculus and Valve want it to be
L3234[22:30:06] <shadekiller666> consoles
will need WAY better frame rates than 30 fps...
L3235[22:30:09] <gigaherz> VR as it is
now, will be a gimmick
L3236[22:30:15] <gigaherz> it will
probably happen
L3237[22:30:30] <shadekiller666> HDTV was
a gimmick
L3238[22:30:30] <gigaherz> it will
probably stick
L3239[22:30:37] <gigaherz> no HDTV was
L3240[22:30:42] <gigaherz> 3D was the
L3241[22:30:48] <gigaherz> and look at
it, no one cares about 3D glasses anymore
L3242[22:31:06] <shadekiller666> because
its fucking expensive and no one makes 3D programming
L3243[22:31:06] <gigaherz> kids watch a
couple movies in 3D, then forget
L3244[22:31:14] <H1N1theI> gigaherz:
That's because people thought it wasn't really
L3245[22:31:21] <shadekiller666> but
Unity and Unreal already have VR support
L3246[22:31:30] <H1N1theI> I think most
of everything is people think they want more immersion.
L3247[22:31:36] <gigaherz> H1N1theI: they
L3248[22:31:40] <H1N1theI> When all they
really need is better content.
L3249[22:31:42] <gigaherz> but in the
end, your nose will still itch
L3250[22:31:52] <gigaherz> your ass will
get sore from sitting
L3251[22:31:52] <shadekiller666> and 3D
tvs have issues that have yet to be solved
L3252[22:32:01] <gigaherz> and
you'll have to take a walk every so long, just the same
L3253[22:32:07] <gigaherz> xcept with the
VR gear
L3254[22:32:07] <shadekiller666> solved
in a nice way*
L3255[22:32:11] <gigaherz> it will htake
more effort
L3256[22:32:21] <gigaherz> eventually
people will either become clinically addicted
L3257[22:32:25] <gigaherz> or just be
"can't be arsed"
L3258[22:32:38] <shadekiller666>
L3259[22:32:59] <shadekiller666> oh, sony
also has Project Morpheus, Ps4's VR
L3260[22:33:06] <gigaherz> yeah everyone
has VR thesedays
L3261[22:33:15] <shadekiller666> which
requires AT LEAST 90fps
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(~Hassan@pool-173-79-220-242.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Ping
timeout: 190 seconds)
L3263[22:33:28] <gigaherz> sure
L3264[22:33:42] <gigaherz> just
don't expect Star Wars Battlefront at 90fps full-res ;P
L3265[22:33:47] <shadekiller666> more
like 120fps+ for no nausea
L3266[22:33:49] <gigaherz> it jsut
won't happen xD
L3267[22:33:55] <shadekiller666> fuck
L3268[22:34:10] <gigaherz> I'm
mentioning it as one of the best graphical achievements so
L3269[22:34:25] <shadekiller666> thats a
prime example of AAA caring more about $ than quality
L3270[22:34:36] <shadekiller666> its on
L3271[22:34:46] <shadekiller666>
Frostbite ALWAYS looks good
L3272[22:34:50] <shadekiller666> as an
L3273[22:35:18] <shadekiller666> Middle
Earth: Shadow of Mordor looked just as pretty, and ran higher than
L3274[22:35:35] <shadekiller666> oh the
lith engine
L3275[22:36:09] <gigaherz> all I meant is
that you can't have that level of detail
L3276[22:36:18] <gigaherz> using the
current engines, at 120fps
L3277[22:36:36] <gigaherz> let alone
L3278[22:36:40] <WikiIsWrong> What
IChatComponent implementation I should be using for addChatMessage
on bad command parameters?
L3279[22:36:40] <shadekiller666> tell
Oculus that
L3280[22:37:04] <shadekiller666>
they've spent more time on the software to make that happen
than they have on the actual hardware :P
L3281[22:37:12] <TehNut>
ChatComponentText or ChatComponentTranslation probably
L3282[22:37:16] <gigaherz> just the act
of rendering the side-by-side picture already takes extra
L3283[22:37:20] <gigaherz> thnethey have
to not just draw it
L3284[22:37:29] <gigaherz> but apply the
fisheye shader on the result
L3285[22:37:51] <gigaherz> the fact is
simple: the gpu can only do so much
L3286[22:38:01] <WikiIsWrong> Thank you
L3287[22:38:03] <gigaherz> in order to
get more frames, you have to reduce detail
L3288[22:38:11] <gigaherz> shorter viwing
L3289[22:38:14] <gigaherz> less ground
L3290[22:38:18] <gigaherz> simpler
lighting equations
L3291[22:38:20] <shadekiller666> theres
ways to cheat yes
L3292[22:38:25] <gigaherz>
lower-resolution shadow maps
L3293[22:38:35] <shadekiller666>
L3294[22:38:41] <gigaherz> simpler
screen-space effects
L3295[22:38:45] <gigaherz> you name
L3296[22:39:05] <shadekiller666> theres
ways to get graphical fidelity without complete compromise
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L3298[22:39:15] <shadekiller666>
mipmapping, etc
L3299[22:39:17] <gigaherz> you just
can't magically quadruple the framerate AND double the draw
calls (stereoscopic rendering) AND applyextra fullscreen
L3300[22:39:24] <shadekiller666> but in
reality, hardware is fast
L3301[22:39:32] <gigaherz> qithout in
turn "halving" the level of detail
L3302[22:39:50] <shadekiller666> oculus
drivers don't double the draw calls
L3303[22:40:01] <H1N1theI>
shadekiller666: Yes they do.
L3304[22:40:03] <gigaherz> yes they
L3305[22:40:10] <gigaherz> you haveto
draw from each camera
L3306[22:40:12] <gigaherz> you draw
L3307[22:40:20] <shadekiller666> it
L3308[22:40:38] <H1N1theI> Not
L3309[22:40:39] <shadekiller666> its one
output from the program, the drivers then warp
L3310[22:40:50] <gigaherz> screen-space
perspective shifting tends to have artifacts
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(~primetoxi@ip68-107-226-229.hr.hr.cox.net) (Remote host closed the
L3312[22:41:04] <shadekiller666> and
theres a bunch of tricks they have in the drivers to work around
that drawback as well
L3313[22:41:09] <gigaherz> and is
L3314[22:41:41] <gigaherz> hmmm
L3315[22:41:47] <gigaherz> although it
does seem like the favored method
L3316[22:41:55] <shadekiller666> yes
there is an fps hit, and yes it requires dropping fidelity, but
30fps is not justified :P
L3317[22:42:31] <gigaherz> (Screen Space
Reprojection Stereo)
L3318[22:42:35] <shadekiller666> the idea
with those artifacts is to push them to the edges of the visible
area, where they can't be seen
L3319[22:43:21] <shadekiller666> because
of the oculus' lenses (and i assume also the Vive's)
detail near the edges is harder to see
L3320[22:43:25] <gigaherz> oh but thep
roblem of reprojection is when you have a nearby object that's
in front of a far away background
L3321[22:43:29] <gigaherz> the parallax
gets quite worse ;P
L3322[22:44:46] <shadekiller666>
L3323[22:44:55] <shadekiller666> theres
way to fix that though :P
⇦ Quits: Soni (SoniEx2@ (Quit:
L3325[22:45:05] <shadekiller666> john
carmack knows what he's doing :P
L3326[22:45:20] <WikiIsWrong> Is
player.setPosition not the right way to move a player?
L3327[22:45:31] <gigaherz> I can't
imagine screen-space reprojection being used in practice without
rendering to multiple layers ;P
L3328[22:45:43] <gigaherz> whic I suppose
may work
L3329[22:46:52] <shadekiller666> oh, and
you also have nvidia and amd making new drivers for their cards
that allow near instantanious data transfer from input to screen
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L3332[22:49:54] <H1N1theI>
shadekiller666: ...What?!
L3333[22:50:42] <shadekiller666>
significantly reduced time taken by the GPU to transfer data from
its input to the screen
L3334[22:50:54] <fry> that's a gross
oversimplication :P
L3335[22:50:59] <shadekiller666> it
L3336[22:51:27] <gigaherz> they are
reducing overhead, not going magic ;P
L3337[22:51:31] <gigaherz> doing*
L3338[22:51:41] <shadekiller666>
L3339[22:52:01] <shadekiller666> any
significantly advanced technology is indiscernable from magic
L3340[22:52:17] <shadekiller666> or
whatever that saying is :P
L3341[22:52:29] <H1N1theI> I was about to
scream out "Witchcraft!"
L3342[22:54:11] <gigaherz> sufficiently
advanced technology
L3343[22:54:23] <gigaherz> which implies
technology that peoplecan't comprehend ;P
L3344[22:54:35] <fry>
"advanced" is subjective :P
L3345[22:55:12] <gigaherz> before people
knew what drugs were, certain plants must have seemed magic, since
they'd do stuff when you ate them
L3346[22:55:47] <gigaherz> so you
don't even need for it to be technology
L3347[22:55:48] <gigaherz> ;P
L3348[22:56:45] <fry> Any technology, no
matter how primitive, is magic to those who don't understand
L3349[22:57:10] <illyohs> or... fry could
just be a witch
L3351[22:58:38] <WikiIsWrong> How do I
make a mod server side only (not required by client)
L3352[22:59:28] <WikiIsWrong>
cceptableRemoteVersions = "*" nvm found my answer i
⇦ Quits: razerswift (webchat@68-145-42-72.gci.net) (Ping
timeout: 204 seconds)
L3354[23:01:50] <gigaherz> you forgot an
"a" at the beginning there
L3355[23:01:50] <gigaherz> XD
L3356[23:01:59] <WikiIsWrong> CopyPaste
L3357[23:02:41] <williewillus> you
can't hotswap the insides of anon classes? >.<
⇦ Quits: Delaxarnyazer (~Delaxarny@ip56572345.direct-adsl.nl)
(Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L3359[23:03:32] <WikiIsWrong> So, now
that I'm more or less done, does anybody have a tp to random
location mod that they default to?
⇨ Joins: McJty
L3361[23:04:10] <williewillus> vanilla?
L3362[23:04:11] <McJty> Hi, what was that
tag one had to put in the blockstate json to swap the v coordinate
of the texture?
L3363[23:04:18] <williewillus>
L3364[23:04:23] <McJty> The textures of
my blender exported models are upside down
L3365[23:04:26] <williewillus> under the
"custom" data section
L3366[23:04:35] <McJty> O dpm
L3367[23:04:38] <williewillus>
WikiIsWrong: vanilla's spreadplayers command
L3368[23:04:39] <McJty> I don't have
a custom data section
L3369[23:04:45] <McJty> williewillus, is
that inside textures then?
⇨ Joins: Delaxarnyazer
L3371[23:05:00] <williewillus> uh is this
L3372[23:05:02] <McJty> fry, good
morning. Any progress on the multi-layer rotation problem?
L3373[23:05:05] <McJty> williewillus,
L3374[23:05:23] <williewillus> in
"defaults", add a "custom" section and under
that have "flip-v": true
L3375[23:05:33] <McJty> ok
L3376[23:05:49] <fry> McJty: not
L3377[23:06:25] <gigaherz> so still
watching that video, and he just said that exceptions are silly and
shouldn't really be used, let's see what he proposed
L3378[23:07:14] <McJty> ok the flip-v
worked. Thanks
L3379[23:07:57] <williewillus> gigaherz:
what is this video :p
L3381[23:08:09] <gigaherz> shadekiller666
linked it earlier
L3382[23:10:53] <gigaherz> aha so he
considers the "good" way to be explicit error
L3383[23:11:01] <H1N1theI> gigaherz: I do
like multiple returns as a concept, although I don't think
that'll work in practice.
L3384[23:11:19] <gigaherz> oh it works
just fine
L3385[23:11:43] <gigaherz> you just need
a language that has integrated "tuples"
L3386[23:11:48] <fry> I think in general
it's called effect tracking
L3387[23:11:51] <gigaherz> including
L3388[23:12:01] <gigaherz> tuples^
L3389[23:12:03] <gigaherz> *
L3390[23:12:08] <fry> but I can't
find any good descriptions yet
L3391[23:12:15] <H1N1theI> gigaherz:
Except tuples are a bit conceptually different from multiple
L3392[23:12:22] <gigaherz> H1N1theI:
L3393[23:12:27] <gigaherz> what I mean
L3394[23:12:29] <gigaherz> something
L3395[23:12:29] <H1N1theI> gigaherz: And
that goes agaist his other arguments.
L3396[23:12:34] <gigaherz> (a,b,c) =
L3397[23:12:37] <williewillus> if I want
a TRSR to reference the center of a block instead of a corner I
just wrap the whole thing in blockCornerToCenter right?
L3398[23:12:45] <fry> williewillus:
L3399[23:12:58] <shadekiller666> did he
say Exceptions themselves are bad? a large emphasis he has is
clearer error logs
L3400[23:13:06] <gigaherz> yes
L3401[23:13:11] <shadekiller666> that say
exactly what is wrong and where
L3402[23:13:15] <gigaherz> he says that
they add too much complexity
L3403[23:13:18] <gigaherz> raise the cost
of programming
L3404[23:13:25] <gigaherz> and add a lot
of limitations to the flow of code
L3405[23:13:35] <williewillus>
"clearer error logs" like what? :p
L3406[23:13:41] <gigaherz> and make the
thinking harder for the programmer since they have to consider
external code
L3407[23:14:05] <shadekiller666> easy to
read verbose error logs
L3408[23:14:49] <shadekiller666> like
"u32 variable x in <file> assigned improperlly on line
y" or something like that
⇨ Joins: primetoxinz
L3410[23:15:24] <fry> there are at least
2 separate parts to the presentation so far
L3411[23:15:35] <fry> exception point is
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L3413[23:15:52] <fry> and there are good
solutions to that problem
L3414[23:15:57] <shadekiller666>
L3415[23:15:58] <fry> monads are
L3416[23:17:06] <SmashShock> Hi! Does
anyone know how I'd go about checking if a specific block is
one in a list without using getUnlocalizedName()? Some mods use one
unlocalizedname for more than one block
L3417[23:17:10] <fry> memory management
is another big point
L3418[23:17:21] <fry> and I'm not
done watching that part yet
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Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
L3420[23:17:33] <SmashShock> Like,
checking to see if a specific block is one from a mod, without
including that mods files
L3421[23:17:40] <williewillus> check the
registry name
L3422[23:17:45] <shadekiller666> hes not
saying that printing errors when something goes wrong is bad, but
the idea that an exception has to be thrown out of the currently
executing code block to some completely different scope or
superclass or whatever
L3423[23:17:57] <SmashShock> Is there a
method for that?
L3424[23:18:03] <shadekiller666> fry,
keep in mind that video is only the first half
L3425[23:18:03] <williewillus> in 1.8.8,
other resourcelocation>)
L3426[23:18:04] <shadekiller666> :P
L3427[23:18:09] <SmashShock>
L3429[23:18:23] <SmashShock> Wait, would
that be okay for 1.7.19?
L3430[23:18:25] <SmashShock> 10*
L3431[23:18:29] <LexManos> My roommate
cuz hes a twatface who doesnt have anyone he can spam these links
L3432[23:18:34] <SmashShock> I suppose I
can try
L3433[23:18:36] <williewillus> no, use
L3434[23:18:44] <SmashShock> Thanks
L3435[23:18:44] <williewillus> in
L3436[23:19:17] <williewillus> restarting
the game everysingle time to test this transformation is getting
annoying >.<
L3437[23:19:26] <williewillus> are there
ways to hotswap inside an anon class?
L3438[23:19:38] <fry> put the code in
some static method
L3439[23:19:44] <fry> and call it from
that class
L3441[23:21:13] <williewillus> the GUI
transformed inv model is ugly looking for some reason but
L3442[23:21:39] <SmashShock>
williewillus, findUniqueIdentifierFor returns a
GameRegistry.UniqueIdentifier object. Is there a string rep of that
L3443[23:21:49] <williewillus> there are
modid and name fields
L3444[23:21:56] <williewillus> that give
you the mod and name of the block respectively
L3445[23:22:15] <SmashShock> Okay, so the
name would be sufficiently unique, I think?
L3446[23:22:28] <williewillus> I'd
chekc both in case
L3447[23:22:38] <SmashShock> Okay, sounds
good. Thanks!
L3448[23:25:26] ***
cpw is now known as cpw|out
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L3450[23:30:36] <McJty> What is the
alternative to Fluid.getStillIcon()? i.e. how can I get the uv
coordinates of a fluid on the
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closed the connection)
L3452[23:31:19] <fry> McJty:
L3453[23:31:42] <McJty> And how do I get
the uv coordinates from that? That's a resource location
L3454[23:32:12] <fry> same way you do for
any other texture in the sheet
L3455[23:32:19] <fry> also, why do you
need that?
L3456[23:32:35] <McJty> A tesr for a tank
where I need to render a fluid polygon at a certain height
L3457[23:32:40] <McJty> Height depending
on how much fluid there is
L3458[23:32:50] <McJty> And how do I do
that for any other texture in the sheet?
L3459[23:32:55] <McJty> Find the uv
coordinate that is
L3460[23:33:25] <fry>
L3461[23:34:10] <McJty> thanks
L3462[23:36:00] <sdtr443w> I'm
running into a peculiar problem trying to change Adubbz'
Lockdown so that the Overworld can be regenerated according to what
the user specifies in terrain creation. It has to do with goofiness
with deleting the region directory and things like that.
L3463[23:36:28] <williewillus> wat
L3464[23:36:32] <sdtr443w> yeah
L3465[23:36:33] <sdtr443w> I know
L3466[23:36:41] <sdtr443w> Do you know
what Lockdown does?
L3467[23:37:29] <sdtr443w> The mod--when
used by normal people ;)--is good for hqm packs because creating a
new world will set up the pack's, say, skyblock or
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L3469[23:37:45] <sdtr443w> Instead of
having to start a game from a save like the bad old days.
L3470[23:38:11] <sdtr443w> I was trying
to use it though to start new players in a "lobby
dimension" but have the overworld generate according to what
ever the user wanted.
L3471[23:38:17] <sdtr443w> So they'd
go from the lobby to their own dynamic overworld.
L3472[23:38:48] <sdtr443w> It pretty much
just slaps the templated save into the new game's save before
the new game begins. It's very simple.
L3473[23:38:57] <sdtr443w> And that all
works for normal use.
L3474[23:39:05] <sdtr443w> Except when I
try to get fancy with this overworld regeneration.
L3475[23:39:37] <sdtr443w> If you just
delete the region folder, it will regenerate according to the
original save's settings, not the settings the user
L3476[23:40:17] <SmashShock>
williewillus, I tried that method, but it still doesn't return
unique names. For example, BC machines returns
BuildCraft:Builders:machineBlock instead of quarry or something
L3477[23:40:37] <SmashShock> I beleive
they're differentiated by metadata
L3478[23:40:44] <shadekiller666> ok
L3479[23:40:46] <sdtr443w> So I edited
the mod's code to save the settings given in the world
creation GUI to the level.dat files in the save before the game
starts up.
L3480[23:40:49] <williewillus> youve got
to check the meta then, "quarry" is only a localized
L3481[23:41:06] <SmashShock> Is the meta
L3482[23:41:09] <williewillus> yes
L3483[23:41:18] <SmashShock> Okay,
L3484[23:41:27] <sdtr443w> And that
little hack does indeed allow the user's defined overworld to
generate. However, I found for any player OTHER than the one that
created the original save that it will just dump that at the new
overworld spawn, instead of the lobby where the original palyer
saved it.
L3485[23:41:54] <sdtr443w> So somehow in
all this, something is getting broken when deleting and recreating
the region folder, or when the level.dat is overwritten.
L3486[23:42:00] <sdtr443w> And I
can't tell what it could be.
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L3488[23:43:37] <sdtr443w> Ahh I think I
see it now. After looking at the level.dat four times already, this
time I finally see all the settings in it that would cause this to
screw up.
L3489[23:43:55] <sdtr443w> Saving the new
level.dat must override the dimension, position, and inventory
settings, among others.
L3490[23:44:49] <sdtr443w> This is the
joys of putting it down for a day and then venting about it in
L3491[23:45:44] <williewillus> I'm
so confused
L3492[23:45:51] <williewillus> why is
this call failing: public static final PropertyEnum ISLAND_TYPE =
L3493[23:45:56] <williewillus> IslandType
is an enum class
L3494[23:46:18] <williewillus> public
static enum inside an interface but still an enum class
L3495[23:47:39] <McJty> Shouldn't
that be PropertyEnum<IFloatingFlower.isLandType>?
L3496[23:47:52] <williewillus> ohh
L3497[23:47:58] <williewillus> that enum
doesnt implemenet IStringSerializable
L3498[23:48:08] <McJty> ah that too
L3499[23:49:04] ***
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