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L7[00:09:48] <Manusoftar> i can pastebin my json files if you want
L8[00:10:22] <Cazzar> Sure
L9[00:10:43] <Manusoftar> i just realized something that may be what is causing the problem.
L10[00:11:09] <Manusoftar> on the src folder, the png file is under /resources/textures instead of /resources/assets/textures
L11[00:11:27] <Manusoftar> i mean /resources/assets/mortero/textures
L12[00:12:07] <Manusoftar> even though the error says that the location is mod mortero resources at C:\Users\Manusoftar\Forge Mods\Mortero\bin
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L14[00:12:22] <Cazzar> what IDE are you using?
L15[00:12:52] <Manusoftar> eclipse
L16[00:14:51] <Manusoftar> ok now i can see the texture when i place the block on the world but when i mine it or i have it on my inventory i still see the non texture thing (that chessboard like texture)
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L19[00:18:01] <Manusoftar> i have this error -> Model definition for location mortero:salitre_ore#inventory not found
L20[00:18:13] <Manusoftar> im not quite sure where should i define it
L21[00:18:30] <Manusoftar> should i do it on the blockstates json file
L22[00:18:32] <Manusoftar> ???
L23[00:20:27] <Cazzar> Can't recall
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L25[00:23:53] <Horfius> Quick question. When is a WorldTickEvent fired? It's not the 20 tps that the world updates on, is it?
L26[00:26:25] <tterrag> Horfius: that's exactly what it is
L27[00:26:30] <tterrag> what else would it be?
L28[00:27:01] <Horfius> Well, there is also Server and Client events so I was just making sure
L29[00:27:10] <Horfius> Might be the random update ticks or something
L30[00:27:39] <tterrag> WorldTickEvent has world context though
L31[00:27:41] <tterrag> that's the key
L32[00:28:08] <Horfius> Okay. Just wondering :P
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L34[00:29:12] <Vastatio> the way you update your forge workspace is using the command
L35[00:29:23] <Vastatio> gradlew setUpDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies
L36[00:29:24] <Vastatio> right?
L37[00:30:06] <Zaggy1024> Manusoftar, the model for an item in the inventory should be defined in a file under "resources/resource_domain/items/resource_name"
L38[00:30:59] <Zaggy1024> it can also be defined in a blockstates json but that's kind of pointless for you, I expect
L39[00:31:05] <Horfius> Hmmm, concurrent modification exception when looping through the entity list >.>
L40[00:31:11] <Vastatio> right no im on 1493
L41[00:31:14] <Vastatio> now*
L42[00:31:19] <Vastatio> how do I update to 1512
L43[00:31:32] <Horfius> You would update the version in your build.gradle
L44[00:31:36] <Vastatio> ah
L45[00:31:37] <Horfius> Then do setupDecompWorkspace
L46[00:32:22] <Zaggy1024> concurrent modification probably means you modified the entity list while iterating it
L47[00:32:48] <Horfius> I don't remove or add to the list
L48[00:32:52] <Zaggy1024> code
L49[00:32:57] <Zaggy1024> unles syou figured it out :P
L50[00:33:08] <Vastatio> ?
L51[00:33:19] <Vastatio> I am still getting that render error
L52[00:33:28] <Vastatio> when i try to render an entity with drawEntityOnScreen()
L53[00:33:29] <Horfius> 'Bout to paste it, but all I do is change the motion of the entities
L54[00:33:32] <Vastatio> still a nullpointer
L55[00:34:22] <Vastatio> wait
L56[00:34:34] <Vastatio> so do i just change my "version" variable in build.gradle
L57[00:34:49] <Vastatio> to the current version number?
L58[00:34:56] <Horfius> And making it run only server side did not fix. Ok
L59[00:35:33] <Horfius> http://pastebin.com/cJk10HvP
L60[00:36:24] <Vastatio> do i have to change something else?
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L62[00:36:50] <Horfius> Should be the version within the minecraft block
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L78[01:02:56] <Vastatio> how can i update my gradle wrapper
L79[01:03:16] <Vastatio> when i try to setupdeompworkspace
L80[01:03:18] <Vastatio> * What went wrong:
L81[01:03:18] <Vastatio> A problem occurred evaluating root project 'forge'.
L82[01:03:18] <Vastatio> > ForgeGradle 2.0 requires Gradle 2.3 or above.
L83[01:04:21] <Horfius> Oh.
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L85[01:04:40] <Horfius> Grab the latest forge version from the website and copy it over
L86[01:04:53] <Horfius> You're on an old version of gradle
L87[01:06:27] <Vastatio> do i just re-add all the files?
L88[01:06:37] <Vastatio> Horfius
L89[01:08:19] <npe|office> Horfius, why don't you just make a copy of that list? pretty much the only way to be sure that you are the only one dealing with that list
L90[01:08:54] <npe|office> List<Entity entityList = new ArrayList<>(event.world.getLoadedEntityList());
L91[01:09:01] <npe|office> expensive, but save.
L92[01:09:28] <Vastatio> i tried to download the mdk
L93[01:09:35] <Vastatio> and just copy-paste the build.gradle over
L94[01:09:42] <Vastatio> still have the same error
L95[01:09:49] <Vastatio> * What went wrong:
L96[01:09:49] <Vastatio> A problem occurred evaluating root project 'forge'.
L97[01:09:50] <Vastatio> > ForgeGradle 2.0 requires Gradle 2.3 or above.
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L99[01:11:40] <npe|office> or just go with a classic for(int i=0; i<entityList.size(); i++) loop. though you could miss some entities then, should another thread modify the list while you are looping trough.
L100[01:12:08] <npe|office> (as the concurrentmodification exception is suggesting)
L101[01:12:24] <shadekiller666> or Lists.newArrayList()
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L125[02:04:51] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20150915 mappings to Forge Maven.
L126[02:04:54] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20150915-1.8.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20150915" in build.gradle).
L127[02:05:05] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L130[02:07:38] <Cazzar> Why is it kinda an achievement that I managed to call printf("%d", 0xdeadbeef) in ASM...
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L184[05:05:49] <iceman11a> Is this irc channel just for forge, or can I ask another question about filtering and sorting ores. I wanted to ask if I could 1st before asking this question
L185[05:11:09] <iceman11a> well I guess I'll ask any way. Lets say I have a chest full of ore. The idea is that I have no way of knowing what ore gets cooked or what ore doesn't. Some times it just gets busted to give what it should. So that's my pain for the week. How do I filter what ores go for smelting and what ores don't, Any one have a clue
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L189[05:16:43] <PrinceCat> First of all iceman11a, what mod are you using?
L190[05:17:14] <iceman11a> Lots of mods, I'm using 92 mods.
L191[05:17:39] <iceman11a> If I don't have the mod I need I'll add it
L192[05:17:51] <PrinceCat> I'm sure one of those mods provides some kind of routing and/or sorting system that you can use to get your ores from the chest to the furnace.
L193[05:18:32] <PrinceCat> Examples of a few: Ender IO, BuildCraft, Thermal Expansion, Applied Energistics.
L194[05:18:34] <iceman11a> They do, It's for the ore it self, It doesn't filter out what goes for cooking and what doesn't
L195[05:19:49] <PrinceCat> You'll need to find a mod with oredict support then... I believe Thermal Dynamics will do what you want.
L196[05:19:49] <iceman11a> The idea is that I wanted to do what I needed to do before sending them to AE2. I wanted to way to send the ore that needs to be cooked to a pulverizer and so on.
L197[05:20:05] <PrinceCat> There are plenty others but that's the first that comes t omind
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L199[05:20:19] <PrinceCat> Use Thermal Dynamics.
L200[05:20:26] <PrinceCat> It should be able to do what you want.
L201[05:20:39] <iceman11a> Nope. I all ready played around with that all ready. As all the rest, They are based on just the ore. Not what I need to do with it.
L202[05:23:56] <iceman11a> when I send every thing i mined to a chest. Then what. I want or looking for an option wher I can send what needs to be cooked and the rest need to be busted up and so on and then send them to a network
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L208[05:45:40] <Rallias> How would I go about making an ItemFood item not eatable?
L209[05:46:12] <Rallias> Specifically, my ItemFood, not someone else's.
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L235[07:11:00] <Lumien> Ehhh, does the new mdk package somehow automatically connect to git in eclipse?
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L237[07:13:21] <Horfius> Thanks, npe|office and shadekiller
L238[07:14:50] <masa> Rallias: why is it ItemFood if it's not eatable anyway?
L239[07:17:41] <Cazzar> s/eatable/edible/g
L240[07:17:44] <masa> but anyway, onItemRightClick() is where the food items (and other "use-time" items) call setItemInUse()
L241[07:17:54] <masa> right..
L242[07:18:01] <Cazzar> >:D
L243[07:18:29] <masa> sorry fo messing up a word I'm probably using for the first time in my non-native language :p~
L244[07:18:56] <Cazzar> I'm not too serious, but yeah, the proper term for being able to eat something is edible.
L245[07:19:18] <gigaherz_l> not exactly
L246[07:19:29] <gigaherz_l> edible means you can use it as food, as in, you will be able to digest it and process it
L247[07:19:43] <gigaherz_l> while non-eatable would mean it's unfeasible to actually put it in your mouth and chew
L248[07:20:01] <gigaherz_l> like a brick is probably non-eatable
L249[07:20:12] <gigaherz_l> but a pencil is just not edible
L250[07:20:20] <Rallias> masa, One state is edible, one state is not.
L251[07:20:23] <masa> well in that case eatable seems like the better fir for the context :D
L252[07:20:51] <masa> Rallias: right, so just check in onItemRightClick() for the condition, and only setItemInUse() if the condition is met
L253[07:21:11] <Cazzar> still kinda seems a bit off, but i won't argue it
L254[07:21:15] <masa> see ItemFood ot ItemBow or something for an example
L255[07:22:11] <Horfius> When you have a position of an entity, is it the position at its feet or at its top or something else?
L256[07:22:25] <masa> feet
L257[07:22:30] <masa> most of the time anyway
L258[07:22:33] <Horfius> Okay
L259[07:22:43] <masa> well always I guess
L260[07:22:51] <masa> the rendering might be different though
L261[07:22:57] <Horfius> Trying to calculate the bounding box from its AABB and not sure which end to start with
L262[07:23:07] <Horfius> All I care about is the pos
L263[07:23:52] <masa> yeah the position is in the bottom center of an entity
L264[07:24:44] <masa> in 1.7.10 and before the positions stuff for players is weird, the client side posiiton is at the eyes
L265[07:25:14] <masa> if you enable the entity bounding box view with F3 + B you can see the player bounding box on top of yourself
L266[07:25:22] <masa> but that got fixed in 1.8
L267[07:25:47] <Horfius> Okay
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L269[07:32:02] <Horfius> Oh. These bounding boxes are weird. They calculate based upon blockCoords
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L275[07:46:08] <masa> ?
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L281[07:55:25] <Horfius> Like, the min coords are the furthest edge of the box, but it's going by block coordinates
L282[07:55:55] <Horfius> And likewise for the max
L283[07:56:22] <Horfius> So you still get the size of it through subtraction(and maybe absoluting) but it's just kind of interesting
L284[07:56:46] <masa> what do you mean by block coords? you mean it "snaps" to the block grid? did you cast the BB coords to int at some point?
L285[07:58:32] <masa> entity BB should be double values, that are calculated from the entity's position and it's width and height
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L288[08:01:18] <Lumien> Does somebody know how to get rid of Model definition not found errors for a block with a te renderer?
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L292[08:05:43] <Horfius> That's what I mean, masa
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L294[08:07:33] <masa> then you are rounding or casting the values somewhere to int probably
L295[08:09:25] <Horfius> No, I'm just trying to find the size of just the bounding box and calculate an area of blocks from that and the position
L296[08:10:05] <Horfius> I'm also saying that the AABB gives you block positions which you can calculate the size from, which I just find interesting
L297[08:12:03] <masa> well I think World already has several methods that do at least similar things, if not exactly what you are looking for
L298[08:15:04] <Horfius> Oh there is
L299[08:15:09] <Horfius> Thanks :D
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L319[09:37:37] <Rallias> Is there a way to make my IRecipe implementation not respect DoesContainerItemLeaveCraftingGrid?
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L347[11:34:16] <Rallias> In the .lang file, can I use \uXXXX syntax to define a unicode character?
L348[11:34:57] <Girafi> If I remember correctly, then no.
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L351[11:48:16] <gigaherz_l> the lang file should be utf8, so it should be ok to just type it?
L352[11:48:19] <gigaherz_l> I may be wrong though
L353[11:48:39] <gigaherz_l> easy to answer, either way: look at the included lang files from minecraft itself
L354[11:48:52] <alex_6611> stuff like russian, yea
L355[11:49:18] <gigaherz_l> yeah japanese lang file has japanese in it directly no escape sequences
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L364[12:26:14] <OrionOnline> Guys how would zou implement a Research Tree?
L365[12:27:24] <patrick96> You mean how to code it or just concept-wise?
L366[12:27:33] <OrionOnline> Concept-Wise
L367[12:27:47] <OrionOnline> Like a research exitst out of multiple steps
L368[12:28:10] <OrionOnline> that have to be chained in a certain way to get a usable Output
L369[12:29:16] <OrionOnline> I was thinking of a linked list style
L370[12:29:31] <OrionOnline> and when the correct input is given with the correct stack the output is produced
L371[12:29:32] <patrick96> I think that every research should give you something but maybe you could do something like combos, when you have a specific set of research you unlock something new
L372[12:29:43] <OrionOnline> Yet i have no idea how to sync that
L373[12:29:59] <OrionOnline> or if i should synd that and just have the code run both server and client side
L374[12:31:10] <patrick96> Ah you're talking about the mechanic of doing research not how different types of research are related ^^
L375[12:32:22] <OrionOnline> yeah the mechanic
L376[12:32:30] <OrionOnline> not the type
L377[12:32:35] <patrick96> Depending on how much data you need to send it's better to run the code on both ends but if possible server side only is probably prefered
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L406[13:13:42] <Manusoftar> im having some issues trying to register my own item, i get this error -> http://pastebin.com/iJxZYzY5 but its weird cause it says there's a texture error but then it doesn't show which error is it...
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L415[13:44:21] <Wuppy> has anyone here ever developed games for xbox/playstation/nintendo?
L416[13:45:14] <alex_6611> someone at your school probably has :P
L417[13:45:32] <Wuppy> I'll start in 8 weeks :D
L418[13:45:42] <Wuppy> because we have all the dev kits :P
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L420[13:54:12] <tmtu> Wuppy: get ready to not be able to talk about it at all :D
L421[13:54:18] * tmtu showers Wuppy with NDAs
L422[13:55:10] <Wuppy> oh well :P
L423[13:55:35] <Wuppy> I'd rather have NDAs on awesome stuff than nothing at all
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L427[13:57:27] <Manusoftar> please somebody HELP me!
L428[13:57:37] * Wuppy HELPS Manusoftar
L429[13:58:51] <Manusoftar> ...
L430[13:59:41] <Wuppy> :P
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L437[14:12:17] <Manusoftar> are diesieben or gigaherz online?? they are really helpful...
L438[14:12:39] <Wuppy> you know, it's really hard for people to actually help you, if you don't post your question
L439[14:12:52] <Wuppy> I mean I've maintained one of the biggest tutorial websites and wrote 2 books about Mc modding...
L440[14:13:06] <Wuppy> it's not like I can't help
L441[14:13:12] <Wuppy> or the many other awesome people in here
L442[14:13:34] <alex_6611> he posted his question 2 mins after you joined IRC
L443[14:13:40] <Wuppy> oh
L444[14:13:51] <alex_6611> :P
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L451[14:20:34] <Manusoftar> i think someone need to learn how to use irc... =P
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L453[14:27:39] <Manusoftar> anyway here it comes AGAIN, im trying to add a custom item, i have made the texture and i wrote the json files, im getting a weird error message on the log which says -> http://pastebin.com/iJxZYzY5
L454[14:28:55] <Manusoftar> It seems that somehow it isn't loading the texture properly although the png file is clearly where it should, i tryied renaming it and as i expected i got a normal error message stating that it couldn't find the texture png file, so its like it is finding the file but still it cannot attach the texture to my item...
L455[14:29:10] <Fendirain> and nothing was following that?
L456[14:29:32] <Manusoftar> i can pastebin the whole log but i think there is nothing usefull beyond that
L457[14:30:38] <Fendirain> Do you have a github with your project, or is it private?
L458[14:31:00] <Manusoftar> here i pasted the entire log -> http://pastebin.com/zhiKJ5yx
L459[14:31:09] <Manusoftar> i dont but i can upload it to a git, no prob
L460[14:31:21] <Manusoftar> just give me a few moments to sync it
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L476[15:07:42] <Keridos> hm, can someone give me a tip, if I want to make an air block that damages entities in it, what would be the best way to go?
L477[15:08:39] <Keridos> or should I try to make the tile entity that place those blocks do that? (i am trying to create a UV Light that shines and damages into a certain direction
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L480[15:14:55] <Mraof> Is there a way to change which version of LWJGL gradle runClient uses?
L481[15:15:48] <Mraof> Because the old version it uses by default changes my refresh rate to 60 unless I kill Minecraft instead of closing it
L482[15:18:42] <Manusoftar> Ferdirain: i finally got to upload my mod into github -> https://github.com/manusoftar/Mortero
L483[15:18:54] <Manusoftar> Fendirain*
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L485[15:20:10] <Fendirain> kk, I'll take a look.
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L491[15:24:29] <Manusoftar> thx
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L494[15:29:18] <Fendirain> Do any of them show correctly?
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L497[15:30:06] <Fendirain> either*
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L501[15:33:09] <Manusoftar> salitre_ore
L502[15:33:34] <Manusoftar> it is showing properly and even dropping the salt_crystal but this last one doesn't show its texture
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L505[15:33:59] <Manusoftar> although the model is right because it appears in 2d on the tab...
L506[15:34:39] <Fendirain> Humm, Are you sure your passing in the correct unlocalizedname? (It's the only thing I can't verify)
L507[15:34:44] <Fendirain> public SalitreItem(String unlocalizedname){
L508[15:35:04] <Fendirain> Otherwise it all looks good.
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L510[15:36:40] <Fendirain> Very strange, I must be missing what your missing then.
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L512[15:37:11] <Fendirain> Sorry for being no help.
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L516[15:38:52] <PitchBright> Keridos: what about making a block with no texture, no hardness and no resistance that has no texture and does damage like lava or something?
L517[15:39:13] <PitchBright> also… no bounding box, I'm guessing
L518[15:39:36] <PitchBright> actually hardness… you'd need i guess… so it can't be broken
L519[15:39:40] <Fendirain> Thats the only things I can see being an issue. The Model is being loaded in in the renderer which is why it is working, So verfy your passing in the correct unlocalizedname.
L520[15:40:21] <Fendirain> and named everything correct in the files.
L521[15:41:11] <Fendirain> I keep forgetting 1.8 changed that, One sec.
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L523[15:44:55] <masa> Manusoftar: btw set up your .gitignore file, you now have all your IDE temp crap in the git repo >_Z
L524[15:46:07] <Fendirain> Ya, Everything looks correct. :/
L525[15:46:17] <Manusoftar> thats the least of my problems, my local project got all screwed up, what was the gradlew command to rebuild the project base (i need the minecraft libraries for example)
L526[15:46:19] <Manusoftar> ???
L527[15:46:24] <Keridos> PitchBright: i made the block like an air block
L528[15:46:36] <Fendirain> Though I'v personally never done mutil-layered items.
L529[15:46:54] <Keridos> has a texture though, it should shine a bit violet, and the block is a TE and it updates twice per second and just damages all entities within the renderboundingbox
L530[15:46:56] <Fendirain> Not sure if you have to do anything diffrently.
L531[15:48:04] <Fendirain> Manusoftar - gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --rebuild-dependencies ?
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L533[15:49:14] <masa> Manusoftar: https://github.com/manusoftar/Mortero/blob/master/src/main/java/com/manusoftar/mortero/bloques/render/BlockRenderer.java#L13
L534[15:49:38] <masa> you have Inventory capitalized, not entirely sure but I think that will cause problems
L535[15:50:38] <Manusoftar> thanks Fendirain
L536[15:51:38] <masa> also you have a typo in the block constructor: this.setHarvestLevel("picaxe", 2);
L537[15:52:54] <masa> where is your main class? I didn't see it anywhere
L538[15:53:41] <Fendirain> He is missing quite a few I saw.
L539[15:53:59] <Fendirain> and has a ton we don't need. Quite weird. lol
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L557[16:29:52] <Manusoftar> things got completely screwed when i linked the project to github, now i think i finally reconstructed it as it was on the first place.
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L570[16:59:47] <Manusoftar> ok i fixed it and resynced it on a new branch -> the branch name is fixed -> https://github.com/manusoftar/Mortero/tree/Fixed
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L572[17:00:21] <Manusoftar> fixed the typo noted by masa and the capitalization of "inventory" noted by masa too, still no luck with the items texture
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L574[17:00:35] <Manusoftar> i wonder if there is any kind of limitation about the texture for the item...???
L575[17:00:43] <shadekiller666> what are you trying to do?>
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L578[17:03:38] <Manusoftar> im trying to add a custom item to the game, it is a little long but if you need the whole details i have no prob on telling you the whole story...
L579[17:04:12] <shadekiller666> is this just your standard item?
L580[17:04:27] <Manusoftar> ive already added a custom block that is a saltpetre ore, now im trying to add the item that ore should drop but im not being able to make it attach the texture at all.
L581[17:04:39] <Manusoftar> although the model is being properly loadad...
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L583[17:09:35] <shadekiller666> is it not your standard item model, where it just makes the model from a 2d image?
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L592[17:22:35] <Manusoftar> what do you mean
L593[17:22:37] <Manusoftar> ??
L594[17:22:39] <Manusoftar> shade
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L596[17:23:44] <Manusoftar> shouldn't it be enough if on the json file it has the texture files for the "layer0"
L597[17:23:46] <Manusoftar> ???
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L604[17:31:49] <shadekiller666> uhh should ya
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L613[17:42:58] <iio7> Is there a way to determine what mods are causing lags? Some way to display information about how many ticks or something each mod is taking.
L614[17:44:27] <MrKickkiller> Opis
L615[17:45:24] ⇨ Joins: Vastatio (~Vastatio@d75-155-173-226.bchsia.telus.net)
L616[17:45:53] <iio7> Opis is from inside the game right? Is there nothing "outside" from the java console?
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L619[17:47:03] <Vastatio> how do I update my gradle version?
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L621[17:47:31] <Vastatio> i get this when i run my decompWorkspace
L622[17:47:31] <Vastatio> * What went wrong:
L623[17:47:31] <Vastatio> A problem occurred evaluating root project 'forge'.
L624[17:47:31] <Vastatio> > ForgeGradle 2.0 requires Gradle 2.3 or above.
L625[17:47:38] <Vastatio> I'm trying to update to the latest of forge
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L627[17:49:56] <Manusoftar> does someone elsa have an idea of what may i be doing wrong that my item is not getting its texture, it appears like a checkersboard, i checked the json files and the png, i don't know what else to do...
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L630[17:52:26] <Vastatio> check how you register the item model
L631[17:52:28] <Vastatio> is it 3d?
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L633[17:52:46] <Vastatio> if it shows up as a checkerboard, it means that the itemmodel is not working
L634[17:52:56] <Vastatio> a cube checkerboard*
L635[17:53:00] <xaero> Vastatio: assuming you use gradlew, update the gradle-wrapper.properties, should be in the gradle/ folder
L636[17:53:09] <Vastatio> in the .gradle/?
L637[17:53:26] <xaero> no should be a non-hidden gradle/
L638[17:53:45] <Vastatio> i dont see a folder named gradle
L639[17:54:03] <xaero> all right, check the .gradle then :P
L640[17:54:04] <Vastatio> https://gyazo.com/549b728e18e8ee3663f00337f805151e
L641[17:54:22] <xaero> er.. yes there is
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L643[17:54:28] <xaero> check under crash reports
L644[17:54:33] <Vastatio> iim blind
L645[17:54:34] <Vastatio> ok
L646[17:54:54] <Vastatio> so i change '2.0' to '2.6'?
L647[17:55:22] <xaero> you can try, last I heard 2.6 had some issues, so maybe 2.5
L648[17:55:28] <Vastatio> i checked the gradle website
L649[17:55:31] <Vastatio> im gonna do 2.7
L650[17:55:34] <Vastatio> is that fine?
L651[17:55:54] <xaero> over 2.3 should work, but newer are untested
L652[17:56:03] <Vastatio> ok ,if this doesn't work i'll try 2.5
L653[17:56:07] <xaero> and 2.7 is already out?? :o
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L655[17:56:32] <Manusoftar> Vastatio: it looks like a flat checkersboard, so the model is working but the texture isn't... but i cant find out why??
L656[17:57:18] <Vastatio> maybe your registering your item texture wrong?
L657[17:57:26] <Manusoftar> just in case, here is the fixed github repository for the mod im trying to do -> https://github.com/manusoftar/Mortero/tree/Fixed
L658[17:57:31] <Vastatio> sure
L659[17:57:47] <Vastatio> you should gitignore every useless file there btw
L660[17:57:50] <Manusoftar> i just don't know what else to try
L661[17:58:06] <Manusoftar> i barelly got it working as it is, otherway i would have done that.
L662[17:58:15] <Manusoftar> just disregard the garbage
L663[17:58:28] <Vastatio> where are your proxies?
L664[17:59:00] <Vastatio> I remember I had the exact same problem as you when i started 1.8 modding
L665[17:59:07] <Vastatio> you need to make a common and client proxy
L666[17:59:26] <Vastatio> check out this:
L667[17:59:26] <Vastatio> https://github.com/SolarCactus/ARKCraft-Code/tree/master/src/main/java/com/arkcraft/mod/core/proxy
L668[17:59:45] <Vastatio> those 2 and the Main.class
L669[17:59:49] <Manusoftar> actually im handling all through the main class, i followed this tutorial (they dont use proxies) -> http://bedrockminer.jimdo.com/modding-tutorials/basic-modding-1-8/first-item/
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L671[18:00:00] <Vastatio> again,
L672[18:00:05] <Vastatio> had the same exact problem as you
L673[18:00:08] <Vastatio> did not have proxies
L674[18:00:10] <Vastatio> did not work
L675[18:00:29] <Vastatio> use proxies.
L676[18:00:34] <Manusoftar> well i dont understan why the block works and the item dont....
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L678[18:00:57] <Manusoftar> if that were the problem nothing should be working i guess
L679[18:01:05] <Vastatio> actually
L680[18:01:07] <Vastatio> funny thing
L681[18:01:12] <Vastatio> my blocks worked as well
L682[18:01:23] <Vastatio> I was stuck on that problem for 2 days
L683[18:01:27] <Vastatio> and i created proxies
L684[18:01:28] <Vastatio> worked
L685[18:01:30] <Vastatio> done
L686[18:01:31] <Vastatio> easy
L687[18:01:32] <Vastatio> finished
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L699[18:15:13] <Igrekun> Guys, this is certainly a dumb one, but how do I setup an existing mod (WorldEdit) to compile together with forge, so that it is one click build-debug in eclipse?
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L706[18:24:27] <Zaggy2048> okay, so how do I set up a contribution workspace now, with FG 2 or whatever changed?
L707[18:24:43] <Zaggy2048> when I try doing gradlew eclipse it says that task doesn't exist
L708[18:29:25] <Keridos> hm how can I make a block that acts like air but has a texture?
L709[18:29:52] <Keridos> I tried renderAsNormalBlock but my block now is opaque although it is not set to that and it has no texture apparently
L710[18:29:53] <shadekiller666> zaggy, gradlew setupForge
L711[18:30:06] <shadekiller666> unless that also changed...
L712[18:30:17] <Zaggy2048> I already did that
L713[18:30:23] <Keridos> gradlew setupDecomWorkspace
L714[18:30:33] <shadekiller666> he wants a contribution evn
L715[18:30:35] <Zaggy2048> I said contribution workspace, not modding workspace
L716[18:30:35] <shadekiller666> env*
L717[18:30:40] <Keridos> ah
L718[18:30:43] <Keridos> sorry
L719[18:30:57] <shadekiller666> does gradlew tasks not return any useful information?
L720[18:31:13] <Zaggy2048> didn't know about such a command
L721[18:31:33] <Zaggy2048> oh, "setup" maybe
L722[18:32:51] <Zaggy2048> oh, I see
L723[18:32:55] <Zaggy2048> it's under mdk/eclipse
L724[18:33:04] *** Cojo|AFK is now known as Cojo
L725[18:33:19] <Igrekun> is there really no way to make the mod compile alongside forge build?
L726[18:34:23] <Igrekun> it is such a pain to run it's packaged console build script, then copy all the files back and forth, fire up minecraft and see whether your edit eliminated the bug or not
L727[18:34:53] <Zaggy2048> wut
L728[18:35:02] <Zaggy2048> gradlew build?
L729[18:35:37] <Igrekun> Yep. WorldEdit has it's gradlew, but it doesn't generate valid workspace, since latest eclipse doesn't recognize it
L730[18:36:10] <Zaggy2048> I'm confused
L731[18:36:23] <Zaggy2048> does worldedit not depend on forge or something?
L732[18:36:32] <Zaggy2048> er
L733[18:36:34] <Zaggy2048> nvm
L734[18:36:51] <Zaggy2048> I would think you could just copy the worldedit source into a forge workspace
L735[18:37:03] <Igrekun> Yeah, there is forge subproject and one for bukkit
L736[18:37:17] <Zaggy2048> then what's the problem?
L737[18:37:28] <Zaggy2048> if it depends on forge, then it has to compile forge to be able to run
L738[18:37:50] <shadekiller666> igrekun are you talking about developing for world edit and forge in the same workspace, or a forge workspace, and you just have WE for compatibility testing?
L739[18:38:12] <Igrekun> yep. I want to fix a few bugs between carpenter and worldedit.
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L742[18:39:32] <Zaggy2048> does the version of worldedit you're running in eclipse use Forge?
L743[18:39:40] <Zaggy2048> or are you using bukkit?
L744[18:39:43] <Manusoftar> nice, i did the proxy thing and restructure to work with my mod an now it is working fine, the item has its texture and the block does drop the item properly. Tjamls Vastatio
L745[18:39:47] <Manusoftar> *Thanks
L746[18:39:54] <Zaggy2048> tjamls!
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L748[18:41:02] <Igrekun> I forked their repo and ran usual gradle routine, but couldn't find usable eclipse workspace. Then I directly imported it using eclipse plugin.
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L750[18:41:40] <Zaggy2048> do you actually need the worldedit source?
L751[18:41:52] <Zaggy2048> why not just use BON2 to deobfuscate worldedit and run it in a normal forge workspace?
L752[18:43:13] <Igrekun> It causes carpenter blocks to reset orientation, if you regen blocks underneath them
L753[18:43:13] *** Zaggy2048 is now known as Zaggy1024
L754[18:43:27] <Zaggy1024> hm
L755[18:43:47] <Zaggy1024> in that case I would think you could copy the worldedit forge source into your mod's workspace
L756[18:43:51] <Vastatio> 2ez
L757[18:44:27] <Igrekun> ok, will tell, how it goes. Do I need src/main/resources too?
L758[18:46:09] <Igrekun> i'm really sorry, my background is C\python\Shell, so all this stuff is completely new for me
L759[18:46:31] <Zaggy1024> if worldedit *has* resources, yeah, you should copy those too
L760[18:46:57] <Igrekun> so it doesn't mean, that normal way doesn't work, it is just i'm not aware of it (:
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L763[18:51:06] <Zaggy1024> what the heck?
L764[18:51:16] <Zaggy1024> just opened up mdk/eclipse and it's empty
L765[18:51:45] <Zaggy1024> where's the contribution workspace supposed to be?
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L767[18:53:55] <LexManos> ....
L768[18:55:12] <Zaggy1024> what?
L769[18:55:44] <LexManos> What contribution workspace?
L770[18:56:05] <Zaggy1024> what used to be /eclipse when doing gradlew setupForge eclipse
L771[18:56:13] <LexManos> there isnt one anymore
L772[18:56:52] <Zaggy1024> so you manually set up your eclipse project?
L773[18:56:58] <LexManos> no
L774[18:57:07] <LexManos> you setup your workspace where the fuck you want it
L775[18:57:18] <LexManos> and import the projects like normal eclipse/gradle projects
L776[18:57:41] <LexManos> Only reason we had the eclipse workspace was for run configs, which are no longer nessasary
L777[18:58:04] <Zaggy1024> hm, all right
L778[18:58:30] <Forer> so if I want to do my modcoding through vim and only vim what all do I miss out on
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L780[18:59:09] <Zaggy1024> everything :P
L781[19:00:20] <Zaggy1024> you're going to want to have some kind of IDE for modding
L782[19:00:42] <Keridos> how can i give an isAir = true block a texture and let it render normally but being non opaque?
L783[19:00:45] <Zaggy1024> you can probably find a vim style plugin for popular Java IDEs though
L784[19:01:15] <LexManos> Do not get into ide arguments.
L785[19:01:16] <Forer> 'cause I mean I coded just straight with vi when I was learning java and hot damn I always loved how good the compiler was
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L788[19:02:41] <Zaggy1024> I'm not arguing for any specific IDE
L789[19:02:58] <gigaherz_l> Forer: the only advantages of a full-blown IDE over a nice editor is the integration: you have editing with code completion, compiling, and debugging all in one single place
L790[19:03:05] <Forer> ok
L791[19:03:13] <gigaherz_l> ifyou are ok with developing with just vim+gradle, that's just fine
L792[19:03:13] <Igrekun> worldedit consists of two subprojects. core and forge which overrides classes in core, moreover, code is split between src/main and src/legacy folders, and seems like eclipse ignores legacy
L793[19:03:31] <gigaherz_l> code, save, run "gradlew runClient" or "gradlew debugClient"
L794[19:03:58] <gigaherz_l> (or the *Server)
L795[19:04:31] <gigaherz_l> and to generate the mod jar, run "gradlew build"
L796[19:04:54] <Forer> like, the only reason I wanna use vim is because I ssh from home on boring weekends where nothing goes on at work and do codin'
L797[19:05:01] <Igrekun> hard copying proj files doesn't work
L798[19:05:30] <Zaggy1024> hm
L799[19:05:43] <Zaggy1024> dunno then
L800[19:05:48] <gigaherz_l> other than making debugging a LOT more annoying,
L801[19:05:54] <gigaherz_l> I don't see any other disadvantage
L802[19:06:17] <gigaherz_l> I'd personally prefer to mount the folder over SFTP and use a local installation of Eclipse/IDEA
L803[19:06:26] <gigaherz_l> but that's just my preference.
L804[19:06:55] <Igrekun> the question is, how you debug OpenGL in terminal? or minecraft runs in shell too?
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L807[19:07:53] <gigaherz_l> Igrekun: well that's a whole different matter ;P
L808[19:08:35] <gigaherz_l> and that'd probably be why I'd rather use TeamViewer/VNC/Whateverelseisthere to get the actual screen ;P
L809[19:12:04] <Igrekun> been long, since i had such problems getting an app to compile
L810[19:13:28] <Igrekun> like, why would they split it between several projects? breaks gradle, causes conflicts merging src
L811[19:14:07] <gigaherz_l> you said worldedit right?
L812[19:14:11] <Igrekun> or am I doing it the wrong way? what experienced java coders say?
L813[19:14:18] <Igrekun> yep, worldedit
L814[19:14:21] <gigaherz_l> I guess the fact that it used to be a bukkit mod may have something to do with that
L815[19:14:24] <gigaherz_l> no idea why or how
L816[19:14:28] <gigaherz_l> but that's my guessregardless ;P
L817[19:15:18] <gigaherz_l> hmmm
L818[19:15:19] <Vastatio> Hey, so I'm still having problems with rendering my entity with drawEntityOnScreen()
L819[19:15:24] <gigaherz_l> did you try just doing line
L820[19:15:30] <Vastatio> Getting a nullpointer when i try rendering it
L821[19:15:31] <gigaherz_l> clone src
L822[19:15:47] <gigaherz_l> "gradlew setupDecompWorkspace"
L823[19:15:48] <Vastatio> not because of the input, because of a line in EntityAgeable
L824[19:15:50] <Vastatio> for some reason
L825[19:15:50] <gigaherz_l> "gradlew build"
L826[19:16:04] <gigaherz_l> without actually trying to load into eclipse, and see if that alone works at all?
L827[19:16:20] <gigaherz_l> because if their gradle isn't even working as-is, well...
L828[19:16:20] <gigaherz_l> XD
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L856[19:19:32] <Forer> Sorry about that, hornet got in my room
L857[19:19:33] <Forer> anyway
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L859[19:19:57] <Zaggy1024> a hornet made all those people get disconnected? :O
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L861[19:20:20] <Forer> made me get disconnected
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L876[19:21:22] <Igrekun> what was there with line copy src?
L877[19:21:38] <Forer> Hmm, I keep having the line "Unable to find a javac compiler" when I'm able to javac just fine
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L921[19:52:17] <GigaToni> Hey =)
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L924[19:56:56] <Manusoftar> hey guys, who do i make a custom block to drop itself when the player mines it? i saw it somewhere over the internet but i cannot find it anymore...
L925[20:00:13] <GigaToni> getItemDropped?
L926[20:00:40] <GigaToni> by default it should drop the item that the block represents..
L927[20:01:28] <GigaToni> So is there any way to change the particles and underwater texture from custom fluids?
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L933[20:05:53] <Forer> Yeah Manusoftar would this help if you haven't seen it yet http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Basic_Blocks
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L940[20:12:35] <securitypedant> hi. I am learning my first forge mod and want to run some code when the player first joins the server. i've gone through the basic tutorials on making items, blocks etc and also understand the client/server proxy implementation. Anyone got some pointers on where I might start looking for over riding the player login process?
L941[20:14:04] <securitypedant> actually i want to interact after the authentication, so before the player spawns. I want to evaluate my own code, and if requirements are passed, they continue to login. If not, they get disconnected with a message
L942[20:15:59] <Darva> I'd suggest you search the code for the section that implements the white list.
L943[20:16:10] <securitypedant> ahh thats a good idea
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L945[20:18:10] <securitypedant> i'm a little green to this, would that be in the decompiled Minecraft src or the forge code?
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L947[20:20:02] <Darva> I can only answer for 1.7.10, but in 1.7.10, the file that has the decompiled source is called forgeSrc-1.7.10-<version>
L948[20:20:11] <Darva> with version standing in for whatever minor version of forge ti is.
L949[20:20:59] <securitypedant> i am also running 1.7.10
L950[20:21:27] <securitypedant> i have the forgeSrc-1.7.10-
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L952[20:21:51] <securitypedant> looking through it, i'm not sure if i should be looking in the cpw.* area or net.minecraft.*
L953[20:21:58] <Darva> net.minecraft.*
L954[20:22:07] <GigaToni> So is there any way to change the particles and underwater texture from custom fluids?
L955[20:23:07] <securitypedant> doing a search for whitelist across the net.minecraft
L956[20:23:11] <Keridos> how can i give an isAir = true block a texture and let it render normally but being non opaque? I cannot get it to render the texture for some reason
L957[20:23:24] <Darva> net.minecraft.server.management, one of those will be where you wanna look.
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L959[20:23:54] <Darva> Keridos, I could be wrong, but i suspect there's special case code for the air blocks. I know there is for them ticking.
L960[20:24:00] <Darva> You want an opaque block you can walk thru?
L961[20:24:28] <Keridos> Darva: no a non opaque block
L962[20:24:46] <Keridos> it is setup properly so it has no collision box
L963[20:26:10] <Darva> Why return true to isAir?
L964[20:26:41] <Keridos> the original block is an invisible light
L965[20:26:50] <Keridos> everything should pass through it
L966[20:27:13] <Darva> Sure, But it's not air. It can still be able to be passed through without being air.
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L969[20:32:46] <Igrekun> Ok, so i managed to setup WorldEdit in eclipse. Is there any way to make it load additional mods during debug session, since i'm fixing a compatability bug and need both of the mods running at the same time?
L970[20:33:10] <GigaToni> put it in run/mods ?
L971[20:34:41] <Darva> You've got a deobfuscated version of the mod, right? Just drop it in the mods directory. Or the libs directory.
L972[20:34:45] <securitypedant> My Eclipse setup starts Minecraft as a client. I can't seem to find a tutorial or info on setting up eclipse to just start a server which I can then connect to with a client
L973[20:35:21] <securitypedant> Darva: You familiar with any tutorials that talk about setting up a server not client for debug in eclipse?
L974[20:36:35] <Igrekun> WorldEdit's gradle is pretty complicated and i barely got it to compile, since it is multi subproject
L975[20:36:58] <securitypedant> http://bedrockminer.jimdo.com/modding-tutorials/set-up-minecraft-forge/set-up-advanced-setup/
L976[20:37:07] <securitypedant> ah ha, that seems to have info on a server run config
L977[20:37:09] * securitypedant reads
L978[20:38:24] <Darva> just create a run configuration for gradle.runServer
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L980[20:38:36] <Igrekun> That is multi project setup, but Lex said in his video, that u need more to make them run simultaneous
L981[20:38:58] <Keridos> how do I properly remove a tile entity from a world via the world object?
L982[20:39:09] <Darva> ... Not so much, but ok. You can actually just start one, and start the second after it's started.
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L984[20:39:34] <GigaToni> @Keridos world.removeTileEntity(tileEntity.originX, tileEntity.originY, tileEntity.originZ);
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L986[20:40:13] <Darva> If that doesn't also remove the block, it could cause issues with some tile entities.
L987[20:40:27] <Keridos> Thanks GigaToni
L988[20:40:37] <GigaToni> I'm using:
L989[20:40:38] <GigaToni> world.func_147480_a(tileEntity.originX, tileEntity.originY, tileEntity.originZ, false);
L990[20:40:38] <GigaToni> world.removeTileEntity(tileEntity.originX, tileEntity.originY, tileEntity.originZ);
L991[20:40:52] <GigaToni> first is to "break" the block. 2nd removes the tileentity^^
L992[20:41:02] <securitypedant> seems I can only run either the client, or the server from eclipse
L993[20:41:13] <Keridos> GigaToni: does that set the block to air, too?
L994[20:41:13] <securitypedant> when I go to run client, it shuts down the server
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L996[20:41:37] <Darva> I just use world.setBlock, and set it to air, let minecraft handle getting rid of the tileentity.
L997[20:41:37] <GigaToni> @Keridos func_147480_a "breaks" the block. Last parameter is if a item should be dropped
L998[20:42:03] <Keridos> So Even if I am deleting a TIleEntity that should not drop anything, i should call that function?
L999[20:42:08] <GigaToni> @Darva then you don't have the drops ready^^
L1000[20:42:13] <securitypedant> ahh, i started the client first, then server.
L1001[20:42:30] <GigaToni> @Keridos You can with the last param to false. But you can also set the block to air
L1002[20:42:45] <GigaToni> @Keridos setBlockToAir -> No soundfx + no drop
L1003[20:42:49] <Darva> securitypedant: I'm checking on an alternate trick for you that might work easily.
L1004[20:43:02] <Igrekun> Carpenter provides sources as well, but if no mods/lib folders how do I make eclipse fire it up alongside the other forge mod?
L1005[20:43:08] <Keridos> GigaToni: if i use setBlockToAir, do I need to remove the TIle entity still?
L1006[20:43:11] <GigaToni> @Keridos func_147480_a -> soundfx and a option for drops
L1007[20:43:31] <Darva> Yup. Just open a command prompt, go to the directory with your mod, and type gradle runclient
L1008[20:43:40] <Darva> then run the server from your ide, so you can debug it.
L1009[20:43:41] <GigaToni> I don't actually know. But I always do that..
L1010[20:43:49] <Darva> Igrekun: Run it once, mod directory will appear.
L1011[20:43:51] <securitypedant> Darva: Thanks. I'm about to disconnect to go back to the hotel room. Will catch up there
L1012[20:43:51] <GigaToni> @Darva ?
L1013[20:43:57] <securitypedant> running out of power in the resturant
L1014[20:44:38] <Igrekun> ah. worledit hid it in a subdirectory. ok, fine
L1015[20:44:44] <GigaToni> Darva ? Will setBlockToAir remove the TileEntity? (I guess something like GC right?)
L1016[20:45:08] <Igrekun> the jar that runs in debug mode should have -dev suffix?
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L1018[20:45:20] <Darva> I've always assumed so. That's what breaking a block with a pickaxe does.
L1019[20:45:25] <Keridos> Ok thanks , checking now if that helps, having some really weird issue with 2 of my phantom blocks bugging when used in the same block
L1020[20:45:30] <Igrekun> that if i compile carpenter from source
L1021[20:45:50] <Darva> Igrekun: The suffix doesn't actually matter, it's just that it be unobfuscated.
L1022[20:45:50] <GigaToni> Darva: But block breaking with pickaxe doesn't set the block to air.. It calls func_147480_a
L1023[20:46:43] <Igrekun> How do i know, that eclipse doesn't obfuscate the mod, when i compile it from source?
L1024[20:46:59] <Igrekun> sry, my first time java. only C\python\lisp before
L1025[20:47:10] <GigaToni> Keridos -> I would suggest you remove the TileEntity. It doesn't hurt if you do.
L1026[20:47:20] <Keridos> yeah
L1027[20:47:30] <Darva> Agreed GigaToni.
L1028[20:47:36] <Keridos> ok now it starts to get interesting, I think I know what makes the buggy light
L1029[20:47:56] <Darva> Igrekun: It shouldn't, unless you run gradle install, or gradle reobf
L1030[20:47:56] <Keridos> Somehow my method of determining if the light has one or more sources is buggy
L1031[20:47:58] <GigaToni> The worst that can happen, is a crash. but I never had that.
L1032[20:48:06] <GigaToni> If you get a crash just check if there is still a TE
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L1034[20:48:39] <Darva> I'm tempted now to create a TE that just constantly spams the console with system.out, but if you right click on it, it sets itself to air, and see if the console spam stops.
L1035[20:48:58] <GigaToni> Uhm..
L1036[20:49:01] <Igrekun> Darva: Thanks!
L1037[20:49:25] <GigaToni> Darva where do you place the system.out?
L1038[20:49:40] <Darva> Ahh, it would anyway, since update would stop getting called. *laughs* didn't think of that while i was typing.
L1039[20:49:43] <GigaToni> In rendering? -> Bad idea. Lead to a crash. Did that already today ^.^
L1040[20:50:18] <Darva> You can do a system.out anywhere. I've literally never had a system.out cause a crash, unless i was trying to print a field of a null object.
L1041[20:50:51] <GigaToni> Hmm But my mod crashed today after I added System.out "still alive?"
L1042[20:51:20] <Darva> System.out.println("Still Alive?") ? There shouldn't be any way that could crash.
L1043[20:51:32] <Rallias> How would I go about making a bucket leave the crafting grid when used?
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L1045[20:51:46] <Darva> well... There is, but you'd have to have done something rather strange to System.out first...
L1046[20:52:00] <GigaToni> Rallias You mean consume the liquid but not the bucket?
L1047[20:52:06] <GigaToni> Darva guess so :D.
L1048[20:52:13] <Rallias> GigaToni, No, I mean consume the bucket with the liquid.
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L1050[20:52:31] * Darva works with a guy that actually wrote a unit test for System.out once. Shudders in horror.
L1051[20:52:52] <Rallias> I already know about DoesContainerItemLeaveCraftingGrid, I'm trying to make the bucket leave with the lava.
L1052[20:53:05] <Cazzar> Darva: technically, that's easy :P
L1053[20:53:21] <Cazzar> replace System.out with a different stream :P
L1054[20:53:30] <Darva> Cazzar: Easy yes. You just replace system.out with a mock. But very stupid and pedantic.
L1055[20:53:37] <Cazzar> Yeah
L1056[20:53:44] <Darva> If you're unit testing the basic java library, you're wasting time.
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L1058[20:54:39] <securitypedant> back
L1059[20:54:45] <GigaToni> Rallias look into http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=21837.0
L1060[20:54:56] <GigaToni> wb securitypedant
L1061[20:55:12] <securitypedant> cheers Giga
L1062[20:56:06] <Cazzar> Darva: http://c2.com/cgi-bin/wiki?BadCode (look for correct Universe) :P
L1063[20:56:28] <Darva> Cazzar: Ever run autoconf? It checks to make sure 2+2=4...
L1064[20:56:35] <securitypedant> Darva: you find a way to run both a server and a client in Eclipse at the same time?
L1065[20:56:57] <Cazzar> securitypedant: you just have 2 run tasks?
L1066[20:57:08] <Darva> securitypedant: I use intellij... Heh.
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L1068[20:57:17] <securitypedant> Cazzar: I can? i'm a bit new to this
L1069[20:57:33] <Rallias> GigaToni, Unfortunately, as was pointed out in that thread, the only solution proposed "will break any mods that use water buckets in their crafting recipes."
L1070[20:57:35] <Cazzar> In eclipse, you can have infinite (theoretically)
L1071[20:57:44] <Darva> Good luck trying to debug them both at the same time tho... I mean, you can do it, but good luck keeping track of what the hell is going on.
L1072[20:58:04] <Cazzar> Darva: I'll usually only ever run one in debug for that :P
L1073[20:58:10] <GigaToni> Rallias or use the naive approach ;)
L1074[20:58:12] <securitypedant> i have two run configs, one for client, one for server
L1075[20:58:21] <Darva> If you only need to debug one of them, use the trick i suggested earlier, gradle runclient from the directory of the mod.
L1076[20:58:30] <securitypedant> If I run client first then server, the client is stopped
L1077[20:58:43] <securitypedant> ahh sorry Darva, I was moving from resturant to hotel room
L1078[20:58:45] <securitypedant> missed that
L1079[20:58:59] <Cazzar> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4053265/eclipse-running-multiple-launch-configurations-at-once
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L1081[20:59:14] <GigaToni> securitypedant why do you wanna run both at the same time in debug? Just as Darva said run one with eclipse (that you want to debug) the over with gradle
L1082[20:59:26] <Darva> Heh, i always had trouble remembering to stop the old ones, and would look down at my start bar, and notice 8-12 copies of minecraft running.
L1083[20:59:37] <GigaToni> Darva lol
L1084[20:59:59] <GigaToni> Darva I use hot swap and if that doesn't work IDEA restart method :D
L1085[21:00:02] <Cazzar> GigaToni: Running both the client and server at once, helps test the compatibilty with the Dedicated server
L1086[21:00:19] <securitypedant> but what if I want to debug both the server and the client
L1087[21:00:30] <Darva> Can't you open two copies of eclipse at the same time?
L1088[21:00:35] <Cazzar> GigaToni: DCEVM <3
L1089[21:00:36] <securitypedant> umm I could
L1090[21:00:37] <GigaToni> Cazzar posted the answer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4053265/eclipse-running-multiple-launch-configurations-at-once
L1091[21:00:44] <securitypedant> both accessing the same workspace?
L1092[21:00:45] <Cazzar> Darva: You shouldn't need to open 2
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L1094[21:01:05] <Cazzar> And for those who don't know DCEVM: http://blog.jetbrains.com/idea/2013/07/get-true-hot-swap-in-java-with-dcevm-and-intellij-idea/
L1095[21:01:15] <Darva> Like i said, i gave up on eclipse the moment my work gave me a copy of intellij.
L1096[21:01:47] <GigaToni> Darva JetBrains = best products for good prices ;)
L1097[21:01:56] <securitypedant> for now all I need to do is hit a breakpoint in the server to watch how the whitelist works
L1098[21:02:00] <securitypedant> so that i don't need a client for
L1099[21:02:04] <Darva> Except that they're about to go to a subscription model.
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L1101[21:02:57] <Darva> Eww, Develop on a different JRE than i'm going to deploy to? That's a beautiful way to wind up with strange, unreproducable bugs.
L1102[21:03:41] <GigaToni> Strange.. Forge is giving me: [TEXTURE ERRORS]: The following texture errors were found.
L1103[21:03:45] <GigaToni> but nothing in there O_O
L1104[21:04:35] <Darva> http://cafuego.net/sites/cafuego.net/files/error-no-error.png
L1105[21:04:55] <GigaToni> pretty much ye xD
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L1114[21:20:29] <securitypedant> duh, reason server was stopping was eula! rookie mistake
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L1118[21:21:31] <GigaToni> securitypedant I hate this. It's so stupid.
L1119[21:21:44] <securitypedant> hate what? the eula?
L1120[21:21:47] <securitypedant> its a legal requirement
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L1122[21:22:01] <GigaToni> No, I hate that you have to do this every time you set up a server.
L1123[21:22:12] <securitypedant> it's a legal requirement
L1124[21:22:13] <GigaToni> Would be better to do this just by downloading the server.
L1125[21:22:18] <GigaToni> It's not.
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L1127[21:22:38] <GigaToni> It wasn't required -> 2 years.
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L1129[21:22:56] <securitypedant> it is, the act of you physically changing the value from false to true is your acceptance of the legal agreement
L1130[21:23:06] <securitypedant> same as in any software that has a license agreement
L1131[21:23:15] <Keridos> ok this is weird
L1132[21:23:29] <Keridos> i have two tileentities, one extends the other, both phantom blocks
L1133[21:23:34] <GigaToni> YES but you don't have to include it into the SERVER. it would be better by DOWNLOADING the server to ask for accepting the license.
L1134[21:24:00] <securitypedant> but thats the point, downloading isn't a point of acceptance in the eyes of the law
L1135[21:24:07] <Keridos> when I place one and then settheir block to air and place the other, then settoair the other tile entity somehow I am getting a ghost block of the first block that was set there apparently
L1136[21:24:33] <gigaherz_l> are EULAs really anything other than BS?
L1137[21:24:45] <Darva> GigaToni: The problem with that... Wget, curl, and other automated tools.
L1138[21:24:52] <securitypedant> they are legal BS ;)
L1139[21:24:58] <gigaherz_l> at least in europe, there is no obligation attached to an EULA
L1140[21:25:05] <gigaherz_l> since it's not a SIGNED contract
L1141[21:25:28] <GigaToni> They shouldn't have started that whole eula thing.
L1142[21:25:29] <gigaherz_l> the most you can do as a "provider"
L1143[21:25:34] <gigaherz_l> is cancel the service
L1144[21:25:34] <securitypedant> it's a pointless debate, the software they shipped has a end user agreement for whatever reason they want to protect the software
L1145[21:25:53] <securitypedant> and because they implmented it, it's a requirement to have someone accept it via a mechanism
L1146[21:26:01] <gigaherz_l> sure
L1147[21:26:01] <GigaToni> Not the software.. The kids that bought stuff on servers.
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L1149[21:26:13] <securitypedant> pointless getting all upset over changing one line in a file
L1150[21:26:14] <gigaherz_l> but even if an EULA says "if oyu use this program, you owe us your first child"
L1151[21:26:20] <gigaherz_l> it's not going to be legally binding
L1152[21:26:36] <securitypedant> giga, yeah, it's all kinda pointless. But it keeps lawyers in their mansions
L1153[21:26:51] <gigaherz_l> so at least to me
L1154[21:26:52] <Darva> A company, in england i think, included a line in the eula that stated that by installing their software you forfitted your imortal soul to the company.
L1155[21:26:57] <gigaherz_l> the EULA simply says
L1156[21:27:08] <securitypedant> when I run Minecraft in Eclipse, it runs as Player992... how do I get a proper authenticated session?
L1157[21:27:19] <securitypedant> lol @ Darva
L1158[21:27:33] <gigaherz_l> "we reserve the right to retract your license if we think you infringed it"
L1159[21:27:39] <luacs1998> add --username [username] and --password [password] to your launch args
L1160[21:27:53] <gigaherz_l> which is equivalent to a store reserving the right of admission
L1161[21:28:01] <Darva> Not really.
L1162[21:28:03] <securitypedant> http://www.geek.com/games/gamestation-eula-collects-7500-souls-from-unsuspecting-customers-1194091/
L1163[21:28:15] <securitypedant> thanks luacs1998
L1164[21:28:19] <Darva> It's equivilent to a store saying "we reserve the right to revoke your ability to sit on your couch if we suspect you're misusing it"
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L1167[21:29:08] <gigaherz_l> no Darva
L1168[21:29:09] <securitypedant> i misuse my couch a lot
L1169[21:29:15] <gigaherz_l> software ws never yours to begin with
L1170[21:29:23] <gigaherz_l> you had a temporary right to make use of it
L1171[21:29:31] <gigaherz_l> only for as long as the copyright owner allows it
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L1173[21:29:50] <Darva> I disagree with that opinion quite violently. So, probably not a productive argument.
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L1175[21:30:22] <gigaherz_l> the license does transfer rights to you in regards to the copy you received
L1176[21:30:34] <gigaherz_l> and the copyright holder can't revoke those rights
L1177[21:30:55] <gigaherz_l> which is what EULAs try to change
L1178[21:31:05] <gigaherz_l> they turn a transfer of rights
L1179[21:31:19] <gigaherz_l> into a temporary thing that can be retracted at their whims
L1180[21:31:45] <Darva> Like i said, not a subject i'm going to discuss.
L1181[21:33:10] <gigaherz_l> (and if that wasn't bad enough, there's now this new thing called "SaaS" -- Software as a Service", which goes one step further by making licenses tied to a subscription plan -- you stop paying, you lose the rights to use)
L1182[21:34:48] <Keridos> is there an event that gets called on setblocktoair?
L1183[21:35:19] <gigaherz_l> Keridos: well I'd assume the previous block gets a breakBlock call
L1184[21:35:36] <Keridos> ok thanks
L1185[21:35:48] <Darva> I'd be suprised, but it might. Its neighbors definatly get a neighbor changed call
L1186[21:36:34] <gigaherz_l> notw however, Keridos, that breaking a block doesn't necessarily change it to air
L1187[21:36:51] <gigaherz_l> if oyu use the /clone command, or /setblock
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L1189[21:37:08] <Keridos> my problem is something else atm. I have two tile entities that are phantom lights
L1190[21:37:08] <aaa801> you about lex?
L1191[21:37:24] <Keridos> when I place one and then setBlocktoair, add the other, remove that one
L1192[21:37:25] <aaa801> I saw forever ago that you was intrested in a way of moding mcpe without root on android, https://github.com/zhuowei/MCPELauncher
L1193[21:37:46] <Keridos> then somehow I get a bugged block that still gives off light which it should not do anymore.
L1194[21:38:59] <gigaherz_l> you shouldn't need to worry about lights
L1195[21:39:13] <gigaherz_l> if you still see lights
L1196[21:39:22] <gigaherz_l> chances are you aren't properly updating the block
L1197[21:39:31] <gigaherz_l> are you by any chance running the code from the client side?
L1198[21:40:10] <gigaherz_l> if that code runs when world.isRemote==true,
L1199[21:40:15] <Keridos> should not happen I am fairly sure
L1200[21:40:15] <gigaherz_l> then it's running on the wrong place
L1201[21:40:22] <Keridos> my tile entities only act server side
L1202[21:40:41] <gigaherz_l> you may want to place some debug logs around to verify ;p
L1203[21:41:15] <Keridos> got it workin now, apparently the breakBlock event does not get called when you use setBlockToAir
L1204[21:41:25] <Keridos> however the breakBlock function in the block does
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L1206[21:41:45] <gigaherz_l> why were you using the events?
L1207[21:41:58] <gigaherz_l> do you need to detect broken blocks that are not your own?
L1208[21:42:37] <Keridos> I need them because I have floodlights, they need to update when blocks are replaced
L1209[21:42:37] <gigaherz_l> breakBlock/onNeighborBlockChanged should be enough for most update tracking
L1210[21:42:46] <gigaherz_l> sure
L1211[21:42:54] <Keridos> so I ran breakBLock and then scan if any of the neighbours was a phantom light
L1212[21:43:00] <gigaherz_l> if a neighbour changes, you get the onNeighborBlockChanged function call
L1213[21:43:15] <gigaherz_l> if the block itself is replaced, you get breakBlock
L1214[21:43:23] <gigaherz_l> in both cases, you can notify the others?
L1215[21:43:23] <Keridos> and when it was, tell it to tell all the floodlights that light it to update
L1216[21:43:34] <Keridos> gigaherz_l: so I do not need the block at all?
L1217[21:43:45] <Keridos> eh
L1218[21:43:47] <Keridos> the event, sorry
L1219[21:43:56] <gigaherz_l> well you shouldn't need it
L1220[21:44:20] <gigaherz_l> the redstone system refreshes long chains of redstone at a time
L1221[21:44:26] <gigaherz_l> and it doesn't need any event ;p
L1222[21:44:52] <gigaherz_l> it's just recursive with max depth = 16 ;P
L1223[21:44:59] <gigaherz_l> (or something equivalent)
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L1225[21:47:18] <gigaherz_l> the way I picture it,
L1226[21:47:23] <GigaToni> My question is still open if anybody knows..
L1227[21:47:50] <GigaToni> Question -> So is there any way to change the particles and underwater texture from custom fluids?
L1228[21:48:03] <gigaherz_l> sorry never youched fluids yet ;P
L1229[21:48:11] <gigaherz_l> a ghost light can continue to exist if it has as neighbour either an active floodlight block, or another active ghost light
L1230[21:48:18] <gigaherz_l> so the way I see it,
L1231[21:48:39] <gigaherz_l> if either the floodlight is turned off, or one of the ghost lights detects that its "source" is missing
L1232[21:48:46] <gigaherz_l> it would initiate a cascading shutdown
L1233[21:49:55] <gigaherz_l> by scanning in the direction of the light, and notifying the neighbours in something like 16-block chains
L1234[21:50:26] <gigaherz_l> (doing chains too long would cause too many chunks to update at once, while doing it one by one would take a long time for the "off" to spread to the end of the chain)
L1235[21:51:00] <gigaherz_l> the bit I'm not sure how I'd handle is "crossing the beams"
L1236[21:51:24] <Darva> The block producing the phantom lights.. it's a te right? Store a list with references to the locations of the blocks you created, when you're destroyed, destroy them.
L1237[21:52:04] <securitypedant> i'm trying to put in a breakpoint to start walking through how Minecraft does the whitelist check
L1238[21:52:22] <securitypedant> but 'public class UserListWhitelistEntry extends UserListEntry' doesn't seem to be a good place
L1239[21:52:26] <securitypedant> any tips on a good place to start?
L1240[21:53:09] <Manusoftar> should i create a worldgenerator for each kind of block i want to add to the world?? if not, how would you do it all with only one world generator??
L1241[21:53:44] <gigaherz_l> Manusoftar: you mean like ores andsuch?
L1242[21:53:48] <aaa801> securitypedant, what exactly are you trying to find?
L1243[21:54:01] <securitypedant> also, 'public boolean func_152705_a(GameProfile p_152705_1_)' am I right in thinking that all the func_ and p_ stuff is gradle inserting it's own function and variable names when i decompiles the Java for Minecraft?
L1244[21:54:12] <aaa801> yeah those are mcp names
L1245[21:54:15] <gigaherz_l> securitypedant: that's the SRG names
L1246[21:54:17] <aaa801> remapped by the bot
L1247[21:54:23] <aaa801> isnt srg same as mcp
L1248[21:54:33] <gigaherz_l> mcp uses .srg files with the translation tables ,p
L1249[21:54:37] <aaa801> meh :P
L1250[21:54:41] <gigaherz_l> the "srg names"
L1251[21:54:45] <gigaherz_l> are the semi-auto-generated names
L1252[21:54:49] <aaa801> anyway i think hes looking for canJoin in DedicatedPlayerList>?
L1253[21:54:53] <gigaherz_l> that are kept in between versions
L1254[21:54:54] <gigaherz_l> so like
L1255[21:55:03] <gigaherz_l> aa -> func_12345_a
L1256[21:55:09] <securitypedant> aa801: I am writing my first Forge mod, and I am trying to insert my own validation code at time of login to the server. Someone suggested looking at how Minecraft implements the whitelist, so I want to stick in a breakpoint at the time of login when the whitelist is evaluated so I can learn how it works. Then i'll duplcate into my own mod
L1257[21:55:09] <gigaherz_l> even if the next version has
L1258[21:55:13] <gigaherz_l> ba instead of aa
L1259[21:55:19] <gigaherz_l> it will still be func_12345_a to us
L1260[21:55:51] <gigaherz_l> which is why mcp/forge modding is amazing
L1261[21:55:54] <securitypedant> aaa801: the mod I want to write will add a second factor of authentation for server ops joining a server. I.e. your phone with get an SMS with a one time code to enter before you can login
L1262[21:55:56] <gigaherz_l> ;P
L1263[21:56:22] <Manusoftar> gigaherz_l: yes, i create an ore and also a regular block, by now it is working on the regular block even though i created the gen using new WorldGenMinable but not for the ore
L1264[21:56:38] <aaa801> securitypedant, im pretty sure theres a event for that somewhere
L1265[21:56:59] <aaa801> is there anything stopping you from using just loginevent?
L1266[21:57:05] <securitypedant> aa801: cool, i'm trying to find that event. I'm learning the Minecraft modding environment as we go. First time i've done this
L1267[21:57:23] <gigaherz_l> Manusoftar: the first tutorial I found on google
L1268[21:57:36] <gigaherz_l> suggests that generating more than one ore is just... generating more than one ore
L1269[21:57:40] <gigaherz_l> using a single IWorldGenerator
L1270[21:57:42] <aaa801> forge is rarther lacking in documentation..
L1271[21:58:01] <securitypedant> aaa801: where is loginevent? is it a class I @Override?
L1272[21:58:10] <aaa801> no
L1273[21:58:14] <gigaherz_l> aaa801: they are trying to fix it
L1274[21:58:15] <aaa801> you need a @SubscribeEvent
L1275[21:58:17] <Darva> Where is this login event? It's not in the list of forge events...
L1276[21:58:24] <gigaherz_l> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/Documentation
L1277[21:58:32] <gigaherz_l> thisrepository contains the WIP documentation
L1278[21:58:38] <aaa801> PlayerEvent.PlayerLoggedInEvent
L1279[21:58:40] <gigaherz_l> anyone is free to add new docs and make a PR
L1280[21:58:42] <Manusoftar> mmm...
L1281[21:58:59] <gigaherz_l> the "compiled" docs are here: http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
L1282[21:59:05] <aaa801> is that a 'anyone' as in minecraftforge, or a anyone as in anyone?
L1283[21:59:09] <aaa801> :P
L1284[21:59:42] <gigaherz_l> aaa801: fork the repository, add/edit files, make a Pull Request
L1285[21:59:44] <gigaherz_l> anyone can do it
L1286[21:59:53] <gigaherz_l> but changes will only be accepted if they are good documentation
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L1288[22:00:00] <gigaherz_l> so don't waste their time.
L1289[22:00:08] <securitypedant> http://www.wuppy29.com/minecraft/modding-tutorials/wuppys-minecraft-forge-modding-tutorials-for-1-7-events/#sthash.AdWnU7Ok.dpbs
L1290[22:00:16] <gigaherz_l> (I'm not discouraging you from writing docs, jsut suggesting you do one thing well,
L1291[22:00:17] <securitypedant> ah ha, that has an example of using @SubscribeEvent
L1292[22:00:21] <gigaherz_l> rather than spamming thme with bad docs ;P)
L1293[22:00:31] <securitypedant> so I assume that it marks my mod wanting to get a handle to an event when a player logs in
L1294[22:00:57] <securitypedant> is that event server or client side?
L1295[22:01:06] <securitypedant> i.e. which proxy class does it go in?
L1296[22:01:19] <gigaherz_l> so, if you are proficent in an area of forge that isn't documented yet, and you think you can manage writing a Markdown file
L1297[22:01:25] <gigaherz_l> now you know how ;P
L1298[22:03:24] <Darva> Oh wow, heh, there are a lot of events that aren't on the list i was using.
L1299[22:03:45] <gigaherz_l> events get added on demand
L1300[22:03:53] <gigaherz_l> when people provide reasonable need for them
L1301[22:04:32] <gigaherz_l> (which implies there isn't a way to achieve the same purpose without that event, or the way isworse than adding a new hook)
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L1303[22:05:44] <Darva> Ahh, no. There's only two events that are in the cdoe that aren't on that list. Ok, not too bad.
L1304[22:06:21] <securitypedant> so where should I implement the @SubscribeEvent? in the server or client or common proxy class?
L1305[22:06:28] <aaa801> securitypedant, seperate class
L1306[22:06:40] <aaa801> and you need to register it with the event bus
L1307[22:06:54] <securitypedant> ok, I have a lot of reading to do here
L1308[22:07:02] <gigaherz_l> securitypedant: I like to put the event handlers in their own files
L1309[22:07:06] <securitypedant> is this a Forge thing or a Minecraft thing?
L1310[22:07:10] <gigaherz_l> the proxy would work
L1311[22:07:13] <gigaherz_l> but it's messier
L1312[22:07:17] <gigaherz_l> forge
L1313[22:07:30] <gigaherz_l> all event handling is done in either the FML buses, or the Forge buses
L1314[22:07:34] <gigaherz_l> Minecraft doesn't know about it
L1315[22:07:39] <securitypedant> gotcha
L1316[22:07:53] <securitypedant> i'll go read up on Forge event handling then
L1317[22:07:57] <securitypedant> save me a 100 questions here
L1318[22:08:00] <securitypedant> and it's late
L1319[22:08:00] <gigaherz_l> the events are a means by which FML/Forge allows mods to intercept Minecraft code flow
L1320[22:08:02] <securitypedant> need sleep
L1321[22:08:05] <gigaherz_l> me too
L1322[22:08:07] <gigaherz_l> it's 5am ;p
L1323[22:08:10] <securitypedant> lol
L1324[22:08:11] <gigaherz_l> in fact
L1325[22:08:16] *** gigaherz_l is now known as ghz|afk
L1326[22:08:18] <ghz|afk> night ;P
L1327[22:08:23] <securitypedant> bonsoir
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L1333[22:12:02] <securitypedant> under player events, I have two imports I can use
L1334[22:12:25] <securitypedant> cpw.mods.fml.common.gameevent.PlayerEvent or net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.PlayerEvent
L1335[22:12:29] <securitypedant> what's the difference?
L1336[22:12:30] <aaa801> err
L1337[22:12:36] <aaa801> your modding 1.7?
L1338[22:12:40] <securitypedant> yeah
L1339[22:12:41] <aaa801> ew
L1340[22:12:44] <securitypedant> 1.7.10
L1341[22:12:44] <aaa801> you want the cpw one
L1342[22:12:47] <securitypedant> ok
L1343[22:13:00] <securitypedant> i'd like to do 1.8, but my son runs a 1.7.10 server
L1344[22:13:48] <securitypedant> so that means I also use FMLCommonhandler.instance().bus().register(events)?
L1345[22:14:14] <Cazzar> Valve, you haven't made it clear enough: http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1442373241
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L1347[22:16:10] <aaa801> ye
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L1351[22:27:12] <securitypedant> OH YES
L1352[22:27:13] <securitypedant> [20:26:56] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.twiliocraft.secondFactor.EventHandlers:testSecondFactor:10]: Player displayname=securitypedant
L1353[22:27:20] <securitypedant> my first successful mod actually doing something
L1354[22:27:22] <securitypedant> thanks guys
L1355[22:27:47] <securitypedant> once I have that event for the player, do I have total control over that player entity?
L1356[22:27:59] <securitypedant> as in stop them from moving and display something on their screen for input?
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L1358[22:33:32] <aaa801> err kinda
L1359[22:34:13] <aaa801> tbh youd prob be better off with a plugin for this
L1360[22:34:27] <aaa801> forge is a bit lacking in events to do what your after
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L1362[22:35:07] <securitypedant> oh
L1363[22:35:08] <aaa801> and theres a lot of autome style plugins that you could adapt to use gauth
L1364[22:35:11] <aaa801> or something similar
L1365[22:35:20] <aaa801> authme*
L1366[22:35:37] <aaa801> https://github.com/Xephi/AuthMeReloaded
L1367[22:35:42] <securitypedant> you mean just build on top of another existing forge plugin?
L1368[22:35:44] <aaa801> if you adapted that itd save you a lot of time
L1369[22:35:52] <aaa801> thats a bukkit plugin, but you can run those on 1.7.10 with cauldron
L1370[22:35:55] <aaa801> in 1.8 theres sponge
L1371[22:36:51] <aaa801> because bukkit is basically dead 1.8+ (legally..)
L1372[22:36:56] <securitypedant> right, but actually I want to learn this from scratch
L1373[22:37:12] <securitypedant> it's my challenge to learn adn create a mod
L1374[22:37:32] <securitypedant> so I don't mind working through the Forge issues to figure out a way to implement
L1375[22:37:34] <aaa801> yeah im just saying it might be to much of a chalange giving the events that forge lacks, afaik theres no way to block a player from executing commands
L1376[22:37:39] <aaa801> in forge
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L1378[22:37:45] <securitypedant> ahh
L1379[22:37:46] <securitypedant> i see
L1380[22:38:08] <aaa801> think of forge as a low level system
L1381[22:38:16] <aaa801> its prob possible, but its going to be a pain :D
L1382[22:38:33] <aaa801> aha i lied
L1383[22:38:35] <aaa801> theres a commandevent
L1384[22:38:46] <securitypedant> the flow I want is. 1. Player attempts to connect. 2. Minecraft auth's player and they login. 3. I show a dialog on the client asking for a code that has been sent via SMS. 4. They type the code in, they continue to get access to server. 5. If code is wrong, or a timeout hit, player is disconnected.
L1385[22:39:00] <securitypedant> it doesn't need to be super complex
L1386[22:39:12] <aaa801> so your going to be needing commandevent
L1387[22:39:13] <securitypedant> just if they don't enter the code within say 15 seconds, they are disconnected
L1388[22:39:23] <aaa801> to cancel the commands they try and do (if they are not the right person)
L1389[22:39:23] <securitypedant> ok
L1390[22:39:29] <securitypedant> ok
L1391[22:39:31] <aaa801> and theres no way to cancel walk
L1392[22:39:39] <aaa801> but you can just keep tping them back to a point with a tickhandler
L1393[22:39:44] <securitypedant> ahh, so they will be free to move about
L1394[22:39:51] <aaa801> not if you tp em to spawn or something
L1395[22:39:55] <securitypedant> gotcha, and I just keep reseting their position to spawn
L1396[22:40:10] <securitypedant> ok, it sounds like I can implement something quite simple
L1397[22:40:13] <aaa801> yeah
L1398[22:40:16] <aaa801> why sms tho?
L1399[22:40:20] <aaa801> seems gauth would be much easier
L1400[22:40:26] <securitypedant> I work for Twilio
L1401[22:40:39] <securitypedant> I just started, and part of the employee onboarding is building an app on the service
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L1403[22:40:45] <aaa801> aha gotya
L1404[22:40:53] <securitypedant> so i figured i would implement a SMS based second factor of auth
L1405[22:41:12] <aaa801> come to think of it, i may make a gauth version for forge at some point
L1406[22:41:16] <securitypedant> all employees demo their apps back to the CEO every week
L1407[22:41:39] <securitypedant> my kids (4 and 7) love Minecraft, so i figure i'd have fun learning how to mod and also satisfy my work requirement
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L1412[22:48:25] <Keridos> woo thanks for all the help, now my mod is a lot less bug free
L1413[22:50:11] <Keridos> eh
L1414[22:50:13] <Keridos> more bug free
L1415[22:50:14] <Keridos> i derp
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L1426[23:13:28] <Cazzar> local:wallpaper
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L1431[23:20:28] <Igrekun> It's me once again. Is it possible to generate a temporary chunk by coords? Not issue a rebuild in place of existing chunk, but something like Chunk ch = generate(int x, int z)?
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L1438[23:36:06] <aaa801> So, got a intresting one, █ shows up perfectly fine if a player enters it in chat, however, if you add it to a chat component and send that to the player, it shows as a question mark
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L1441[23:37:35] <aaa801> aha, freking encoding.
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L1446[23:38:49] <TehNut> Try using \u2610 instead of the actual character
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L1456[23:52:18] <Manusoftar> i was checking on a tutorial how to add custom recipes (shaped recipes) and they claim that the regular way is mirrored vertically meaning that it would be partialy shaped... how can i avoid that??
L1457[23:52:38] <TehNut> wat?
L1458[23:52:48] <Manusoftar> this is the code -> GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ModBlocks.tutorialBlock), new Object[] {"##", "##", '#', ModItems.tutorialItem});
L1459[23:53:24] <Manusoftar> as i understand what the guy that wrote the tutorial means is that if you place the items like # ## ## it would work also
L1460[23:53:54] <Manusoftar> this is what he said -> Note that the recipes can be crafted in the way they were written in the code but also mirrored on the vertical axis. In a later tutorial I'll cover non-mirrored recipes.
L1461[23:54:11] <tterrag> the character is not part of the recipe shape
L1462[23:54:12] <Manusoftar> the thing is that there is no later tutorial...
L1463[23:54:44] <tterrag> also if the tutorial has `new Object[] { ... }` you can assume it's stupid
L1464[23:54:49] <TehNut> ^
L1465[23:54:55] <tterrag> because they clearly do not understand basic java -.-
L1466[23:55:18] <Manusoftar> they say this later on -> Actually we don't need to make the last argument an array of objects, we can just write the Strings, Chars, Items, Blocks and ItemStacks one after another without putting them into an array because this is automatically done.
L1467[23:55:36] <TehNut> then why would they even do the object array in the first place
L1468[23:55:51] <Manusoftar> because its a tutorial for newbies i guess
L1469[23:55:56] <Manusoftar> but thats not the case
L1470[23:56:18] <Manusoftar> what i want to avoid is the recipe to be mirrored on the vertical axis
L1471[23:56:25] <TehNut> Newbies should learn correctly >.>
L1472[23:56:54] <Manusoftar> also i want to set several layouts for crafting the same item, should i add a recipe for each layout??
L1473[23:58:26] <tterrag> yes
L1474[23:58:42] <tterrag> recipes are not automatically vertically mirrored that I know of
L1475[23:59:02] <Manusoftar> oh thats a pain in the *ss
L1476[23:59:33] <Manusoftar> i mean to have to make individual recipes for each posible layout
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