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L1[00:03:11] <Zaggy1024> haha I can't believe that after all this time Mojang still hasn't made BlockOre's item drops less stupidly programmed :)
L2[00:05:58] <shadekiller666> that sentence includes the word Mojang...
L3[00:06:18] ⇨ Joins: Cypher121 (~Thunderbi@c-24-6-221-21.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L4[00:06:34] <Zaggy1024> yes it does
L5[00:06:56] <Zaggy1024> by any chance is your name Sherlock Holmes? :P
L6[00:07:07] <shadekiller666> no
L7[00:07:30] <shadekiller666> though my last name starts with S
L8[00:07:44] <shadekiller666> and my first name starts with G, which is 1 letter off of H...
L9[00:09:30] <xaero> are you saying your levenshtein distance is 1? :P
L10[00:09:52] <shadekiller666> who the hell is levenshtien
L11[00:09:59] <shadekiller666> who the hell is levenshtein*
L12[00:11:22] <xaero> a living russian computer scientist apparently hehe
L13[00:11:39] <xaero> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance
L14[00:12:18] ⇦ Quits: Cojo (~Cojo@2606:a000:1126:a066:388d:db47:258c:fe56) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L17[00:13:35] <shadekiller666> in other words, a very complicated way of doing those anagram puzzle things where you start with one word and turn it into another
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L21[00:14:24] <dangranos> uh..
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L28[00:20:32] *** Morphan1 is now known as MorphFK
L29[00:21:34] <Zaggy1024> yay, I just finished heavily modifying some code to make it change almost nothing! :D
L30[00:22:05] <tterrag> same :P
L31[00:23:18] <Ordinastie> beats looking for something in mojang code and not finding it :x
L32[00:24:21] <tterrag> https://github.com/SleepyTrousers/EnderIO/commit/9320c00618a8ce30ba91bac0cdf1757df2534ec5
L33[00:24:24] <tterrag> fixed one tiny bug :P
L34[00:25:32] ⇦ Quits: Cojo (~Cojo@2606:a000:1126:a066:388d:db47:258c:fe56) (Quit: If we wish to explore, if we wish to see what's over the next hill, wonders unfold before us; all we have to do is want it enough.)
L35[00:27:16] ⇨ Joins: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk)
L36[00:30:30] <Zaggy1024> wow that is a big commit
L37[00:30:53] <Zaggy1024> bigger than mine, I'd say, I mainly just revamped some util code that isn't used all that much
L38[00:31:05] <McJty> tterrag, impressive commit for such a seemingly minor bug :-)
L39[00:31:12] <Zaggy1024> didn't fix any bugs either :P
L40[00:31:22] *** Ashlee|off is now known as Ashlee
L41[00:32:13] <tterrag> well it started by turning a Map<ChannelType, List<Channel>> into a SetMultimap<ChannelType, Channel>
L42[00:32:20] <tterrag> which of course cascades into a million places :P
L43[00:33:08] <Ordinastie> once I had massive commit to fix a bug
L44[00:33:26] <Ordinastie> only to realise that all of it didn't in fact fix anything
L45[00:33:37] <Ordinastie> but instead I needed to change == into !=
L46[00:34:47] <tterrag> nice
L47[00:35:32] <tterrag> yeah crazypants had a woeful unknowing of guava :P
L48[00:35:52] <MMuse> for 1.7.10 development, do I want the latest or recommended version of Forge
L49[00:36:25] <tterrag> MMuse: either or, but if you compile against latest there's a chance you may use something that's only present in that version (and force your users to need that one)
L50[00:36:32] <tterrag> that's really the only consideration :P
L51[00:37:18] <MMuse> well I know that much :P I'm just wondering whether e.g. FTB and technic are using primarily the latest or whatever
L52[00:37:51] <MMuse> or if they're sticking with recommended so I should try to avoid the issue you mentioned
L53[00:37:55] <tterrag> probably rec
L54[00:38:13] <tterrag> I mean honestly you should use the minimum version you need
L55[00:38:22] <tterrag> (EnderIO compiles against 1291 and even that's newer than we need) :P
L56[00:39:07] <MMuse> b-b-but I'm a feature creeper <.<
L57[00:40:04] <tterrag> wat does that mean :P
L58[00:40:45] <MMuse> That'sss some nicsse backwardssss compatibility you have there...it would be a ssshame if sssomething were to happen to it
L59[00:41:09] <MMuse> but really I just like to have the latest fixes for everything
L60[00:41:45] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L61[00:42:40] <tterrag> you can compile against a different version than you run
L62[00:43:17] <PaleoCrafter> tbh, the latest 1.7 should be the recommended by now :D
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L66[01:01:44] <MMuse> nope, there are some fixes back-ported from the 1.8 branch
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L68[01:02:04] <MMuse> reco =; latest =
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L71[01:03:30] <MMuse> maybe I should discard all the fixes that other people submitted
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L74[01:08:08] <Zaggy2048> man hexchat's nickserv login thing is useless
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L76[01:08:24] <alex_6611_> mine works perfectly fine :D
L77[01:08:39] <Zaggy1024> it apparently doesn't let you specify your nickserv nick tho, I think
L78[01:08:55] <Cazzar> Just set your password to be "username password"
L79[01:09:16] <Cazzar> It might be dumb enough to actually just run the identify command normally?
L80[01:09:27] <Zaggy1024> think I tried taht
L81[01:09:35] <alex_6611_> well, idk, i just set my password and it authenticates me through SASL, nicely
L82[01:10:34] <Zaggy1024> SASL hmm, haven't tried that
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L84[01:11:37] <Zaggy1024> testing it
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L86[01:11:41] <alex_6611_> yea, login method: SASL (username + password)
L87[01:11:55] <Cazzar> SASL will do it too
L88[01:12:07] <Cazzar> I just have this ZNC instance to log in with a cert.
L89[01:12:09] ⇨ Joins: Zaggy1024 (~Zaggy1024@174-20-27-163.mpls.qwest.net)
L90[01:12:17] <Zaggy1024> whey, it worked
L91[01:12:20] <Zaggy1024> nice
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L105[02:04:33] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20150825 mappings to Forge Maven.
L106[02:04:37] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20150825-1.8.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20150825" in build.gradle).
L107[02:04:47] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L117[02:40:35] <unascribed> I should write a mod using only Java 1.1 syntax just to see what it would be like
L118[02:41:27] <unascribed> oh, that would be literally impossible
L119[02:41:32] <unascribed> annotations appear to be a 1.5 thing
L120[02:41:41] <unascribed> :(
L121[02:41:44] ⇨ Joins: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8D87285A.access.telenet.be)
L122[02:42:02] <unascribed> unless I reflected into reflection and added the annotation
L123[02:42:17] <tterrag> MC requires java 6
L124[02:42:23] <unascribed> 1.1 *syntax*
L125[02:42:23] <tterrag> you cannot really do anything less than 6
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L127[02:42:35] MineBot sets mode: +o on cpw|out
L128[02:42:36] <tterrag> right, but the source is java 6 syntax
L129[02:42:39] <tterrag> so some things would just not work :P
L130[02:42:41] <unascribed> i.e. set compile target to 1.6, source level to 1.1, and use the 1.6 runtime
L131[02:42:44] *** cpw|out is now known as cpw
L132[02:42:57] <tterrag> as you already found out you'd need to use at least 1.5
L133[02:44:12] <unascribed> internally, AnnotationData is a mutable LinkedHashMap
L134[02:44:21] <unascribed> I can reflect using 1.1 syntax (I think)
L135[02:44:46] <unascribed> getClass is just a method so even if .class isn't valid it should work
L136[02:45:26] <unascribed> of course, if Forge is looking for annotations with ASM instead of loading, that wouldn't work
L137[02:49:05] <tterrag> unascribed: it is
L138[02:49:06] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L139[02:49:09] <unascribed> aww
L140[02:49:33] <unascribed> :L
L141[02:49:39] <unascribed> plan foiled
L142[02:50:21] * unascribed goes back to writing Java 8 code
L143[02:51:10] <Ordinastie> I'll ask again, does anyone know where the models for items "biultin/generated" are actually created for 3d rendering ?
L144[02:51:29] * unascribed does an ack on the decompiled source for "builtin/generated"
L145[02:52:01] *** heldplayer|off is now known as heldplayer
L146[02:53:30] <unascribed> uh
L147[02:53:33] <unascribed> where *is* the sourcew
L148[02:53:37] <unascribed> I used to have a folder for it but it's gone
L149[02:55:47] ⇦ Quits: Greenphlem (uid22276@id-22276.tooting.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L150[02:56:10] <unascribed> net.minecraft.client.resources.model.ModelBakery
L151[02:56:12] <unascribed> line 227
L152[02:56:57] <tterrag> more specifically
L153[02:56:58] <tterrag> MODEL_GENERATED = ModelBlock.deserialize("{\"elements\":[{ \"from\": [0, 0, 0], \"to\": [16, 16, 16], \"faces\": { \"down\": {\"uv\": [0, 0, 16, 16], \"texture\":\"\"} }}]}");
L154[02:57:25] <Ordinastie> yeah, I already found that, but that's not what makes it look 3D in 3rd persone
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L161[03:10:39] <Cypher121> is there any upper limit on amount of blocks per vein (WorldGenMinable's 3rd parameter)?
L162[03:11:17] <tterrag> probably not, but there is likely consequences to using huge values
L163[03:11:33] <Cypher121> 4 veins x 300 blocks - huge?
L164[03:11:47] <tterrag> that's pretty big
L165[03:11:50] <tterrag> but, try it and see
L166[03:12:02] <Cypher121> I tried and got StackOverflow
L167[03:12:11] <tterrag> so...there's your answer :P
L168[03:12:23] <Cypher121> true :D
L169[03:15:28] <Cypher121> but I found the loop and I don't know what's going on: http://pastebin.com/r8aGHZJ6
L170[03:16:16] <Cypher121> why the hell it calls populateChunk() o_O
L171[03:17:06] <tterrag> because generation must happen after population?
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L173[03:17:46] <vedalken254> i so want to murder a few people at comcast right now
L174[03:19:38] <Cypher121> uhh, any open source I can reference to see how what I'm doing wrong?
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L186[04:09:19] <iceman11a> here's my report, It does state a rendering problem. Can some one give me an idea on what to do
L187[04:09:44] <iceman11a> http://pastebin.com/h1mkdDSE
L188[04:11:22] <alex_6611_> "item type: null" ?!?
L189[04:13:18] <iceman11a> Any idea what is null
L190[04:17:49] <iceman11a> I don't under stand these error logs, It states a null vale was rendered. It doesn't state what it was or what mod. So I'm so confused
L191[04:18:32] <PaleoCrafter> Looks like a creative tab returns null
L192[04:18:50] <alex_6611_> a creative tab contains a non-existing item
L193[04:18:55] <alex_6611_> yea
L194[04:19:13] ⇨ Joins: Noppes (~Noppes@82-168-212-152.ip.telfort.nl)
L195[04:19:19] <iceman11a> When this happens I click the > at the top of NEI. So could it be a problems with NEI
L196[04:22:41] <iceman11a> Any one have an idea on how to fix this
L197[04:23:28] <alex_6611_> that crash log does not give much info at all, it tells us what happened, but now what caused it
L198[04:23:38] <alex_6611_> not what caused it*
L199[04:24:03] <iceman11a> I just wish the coder could in this crap better.
L200[04:24:10] <iceman11a> Any ideas on what to do
L201[04:24:27] <alex_6611_> how many mods?
L202[04:24:28] ⇨ Joins: KGS (~KGS@nl107-188-189.student.uu.se)
L203[04:24:51] <iceman11a> could *could code
L204[04:24:58] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L205[04:25:04] <iceman11a> Like 50
L206[04:25:08] <alex_6611_> hmm
L207[04:25:44] <iceman11a> I been trying to find a mod conflict from one mod to railcraft
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L209[04:25:52] <alex_6611_> ofc a way of finding the source issue would be disabling mods 1 by 1, and seeing if it fixes that, but that's tedious
L210[04:25:52] <mjhutchinson> Hi, so I want to render a block overlay type thing in minecraft containing infomation, a bit like waila, but in world, similar to how thaumcraft shows the aspects on a block when you hove over it. Has anyone got any ideas as to how to go about that?
L211[04:27:20] <PaleoCrafter> Binary search, iceman11a
L212[04:27:37] <iceman11a> alex_6611_: Yes I know. I don't have a choice.
L213[04:27:52] <iceman11a> and do a binary serach for what
L214[04:28:06] <PaleoCrafter> mjhutchinson, depends on the exact way you want it to look
L215[04:28:18] <PaleoCrafter> binary search for the culprit?
L216[04:28:37] <iceman11a> what's a culprit
L217[04:28:50] <iceman11a> lol
L218[04:29:00] <PaleoCrafter> I'm not going to teach you English :P
L219[04:29:12] <iceman11a> LOL
L220[04:29:21] <mjhutchinson> ok, so for example a furnace, it would show hover just off the front face of the block an image of input and output, as well as a progress bar for the smelt
L221[04:29:27] <iceman11a> Just having some fun for a change
L222[04:30:48] <PaleoCrafter> mjhutchinson, let me a bit more clear, do you want it to be a fixed "panel" that floats in mid air or something like name tags that always face you?
L223[04:31:25] <mjhutchinson> PaleoCrafter sorry, yes a fixed panel
L224[04:31:41] <alex_6611_> like, fixed in world or in view?
L225[04:32:05] <alex_6611_> because thaumcraft aspect thing is fixed in view
L226[04:32:08] <mjhutchinson> PaleoCraft fixed in world veiw, like an overlay on the front face of the frunace
L227[04:32:21] <alex_6611_> ah ok
L228[04:32:24] <alex_6611_> :D
L229[04:32:36] *** Garophel is now known as Garophel|schl
L230[04:32:39] <mjhutchinson> knid of like an augmented reality thing
L231[04:32:43] <PaleoCrafter> That's what I classify as "like name tags", alex_6611_ :P
L232[04:33:01] <alex_6611_> you mean thaumcraft thing?
L233[04:33:01] <PaleoCrafter> RenderWorldLastEvent, mjhutchinson
L234[04:33:05] <PaleoCrafter> Yes
L235[04:33:21] <alex_6611_> well, thing is, it's more of a picture taped to the camera
L236[04:33:37] <iceman11a> It's the project Red mod. That's doing it. Do they have an IRC channel
L237[04:33:46] <alex_6611_> haha
L238[04:34:07] <alex_6611_> uhm
L239[04:34:17] <mjhutchinson> yeah, I'm hooked into that, but acually doing the rendering I'm finding a little difficult, like how do I get textures in?
L240[04:34:50] <alex_6611_> #ProjectRed, iceman11a
L241[04:35:34] <iceman11a> cool. Thanks
L242[04:37:31] <PaleoCrafter> It's called billboarding, and the name tags employ exactly the same thing, alex_6611_ :P
L243[04:37:49] <alex_6611_> yea, i was thinking of sth different, sorry
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L245[04:38:35] <PaleoCrafter> Thaumcraft might actually draw a GUI though
L246[04:38:56] <PaleoCrafter> As the aspect list would never be out of centre
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L249[04:40:08] MineBot sets mode: +o on LexManos
L250[04:40:36] <mjhutchinson> how would it be a gui? the aspects aren't part of the hud, the float above the block
L251[04:41:50] <PaleoCrafter> They're parallel to the camera though, last time I checked
L252[04:42:19] <mjhutchinson> yeah, but I want it to be parallel to the block face
L253[04:42:26] <PaleoCrafter> I know :P
L254[04:42:32] <mjhutchinson> ah ok
L255[04:42:49] <mjhutchinson> so how would you use a gui to do this?
L256[04:42:56] <PaleoCrafter> Just use the tessellator to draw your thing
L257[04:43:10] <PaleoCrafter> In the RenderWorldLastEvent
L258[04:43:44] <PaleoCrafter> You can bind a texture with Minecraft#renderEngine
L259[04:44:57] <mjhutchinson> ok, I have started to do that, I'm rendering a blue square and it appears, but it is not quite fixed in the world, it seems to move side to side a bit, and up and down
L260[04:45:58] <PaleoCrafter> Oh, right, you have to translate my negative camera position first
L261[04:46:15] <PaleoCrafter> *by
L262[04:46:42] <PaleoCrafter> I'd give you the code, but I'm on my phone right now :P
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L265[04:48:27] <mjhutchinson> ok thanks, I currently am translating by the negative camera coordinates though. This is the code that I have if you can see pastebin on a phone http://pastebin.com/DUs3ihSv
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L267[04:49:38] <PaleoCrafter> Where do those coordinates come from? :P
L268[04:49:53] <mjhutchinson> px etc being the cam coord, mx etc the world coord to render the square at
L269[04:50:11] <mjhutchinson> there are 8 vertecies to make it double sided
L270[04:50:31] <PaleoCrafter> I need the definition of px,y,z :P
L271[04:51:05] <mjhutchinson> ok, 1 min, I'll get it all into a pastebini
L272[04:52:14] <mjhutchinson> here it is, thanks for helping! http://pastebin.com/W02FhLmN
L273[04:53:48] <PaleoCrafter> I suppose your quad is stuttering around a bit right now?
L274[04:54:12] <mjhutchinson> yes it is :P
L275[04:54:27] <mjhutchinson> very confusing
L276[04:54:48] <PaleoCrafter> You need to take partial ticks into account ;)
L277[04:55:02] <mjhutchinson> ok, how do I do that?
L278[04:55:27] <PaleoCrafter> The event should hold the current partial ticks
L279[04:55:34] <mjhutchinson> yes
L280[04:55:43] <mjhutchinson> but what do I do with it?
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L282[04:56:26] <PaleoCrafter> And then you do pos + (pos - prevPos) * partialTicks to calculate the "real" camera position
L283[04:56:59] <mjhutchinson> ah, thanks, a bit of interpolation!
L284[04:57:11] <PaleoCrafter> You should also use mc.renderViewEntity rather than the player
L285[04:57:17] <PaleoCrafter> Yeah, exactly
L286[04:59:00] <mjhutchinson> thanks for the help!
L287[04:59:10] <mjhutchinson> I may be back.... :P
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L298[05:25:07] <Wuppy> someone please help me look up some specs for a facebook machine :P
L299[05:25:17] <Wuppy> does this one have DX9 support? http://www.toshiba.nl/laptops/satellite/satellite-c50-b/satellite-c50-b-14z/
L300[05:25:38] <Wuppy> integrated graphics only: http://ark.intel.com/nl/products/82103/Intel-Celeron-Processor-N2840-1M-Cache-up-to-2_58-GHz
L301[05:26:21] <McJty> I would avoid integrated graphics
L302[05:26:42] <McJty> nVidia or AMD are recommended for any good graphics.
L303[05:27:32] <dangranos> huh
L304[05:27:39] <Wuppy> McJty, I know, I've got a GTX 970 desktop and a GTX 765M laptop
L305[05:27:47] <Wuppy> but I need to know if this thing can run Unity :P
L306[05:27:50] <dangranos> next hop after my home router is in next city
L307[05:27:54] <dangranos> which is ~200 km away
L308[05:28:04] <dangranos> (did few traceroutes)
L309[05:29:06] <Wuppy> I can't seem to find anything about DX support for the card though :<
L310[05:29:55] <dangranos> huh
L311[05:30:07] <dangranos> "bar-bbar3.ncc.sibirtelecom.ru"
L312[05:30:12] <dangranos> it still uses old domain
L313[05:30:13] <Wuppy> can anyboyd else?
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L315[05:30:31] <Wuppy> I can't find any information about the integrated graphics I can find either
L316[05:30:35] <Wuppy> just "Intel HD"
L317[05:30:35] <PaleoCrafter> Dafuq is "windows 8 with bing" xD
L318[05:30:55] <alex_6611_> it's horrible that's what it is :P
L319[05:32:11] <alex_6611_> wuppy, it has DX11
L320[05:32:29] <Wuppy> link?
L321[05:32:49] <alex_6611_> well, it's german :P lemme try to find an english one
L322[05:32:58] <Wuppy> one of the programmers starting here coming monday doesn't have a laptop... dunce
L323[05:33:00] <Wuppy> german is fine :)
L324[05:33:03] <PaleoCrafter> Notebooktest? :P
L325[05:33:10] <alex_6611_> http://www.notebookcheck.com/Intel-Celeron-N2840-Notebook-Prozessor.117397.0.html
L326[05:33:13] <PaleoCrafter> Eh, check
L327[05:33:15] <PaleoCrafter> Haha
L328[05:33:15] <alex_6611_> haha
L329[05:34:00] <PaleoCrafter> I didn't have a laptop until last month, Wuppy :P
L330[05:34:23] <Wuppy> PaleoCrafter, did you get one from the company you worked at?
L331[05:34:42] <PaleoCrafter> I still go to school :P
L332[05:34:45] <Wuppy> and thanks alex_6611_ :)
L333[05:34:50] <Wuppy> damn, I thought you were older :P
L334[05:34:50] <alex_6611_> no problem :P
L335[05:35:35] <PaleoCrafter> Well, technically I could be working already
L336[05:36:37] <Wuppy> how old are you again then?
L337[05:36:42] <PaleoCrafter> 16
L338[05:37:13] <Wuppy> o____0
L339[05:37:15] <Wuppy> did not know that
L340[05:38:11] <PaleoCrafter> Somebody I skyped with once thought I was a 20+ year old woman ><
L341[05:38:20] <rfctksSparkle> LOL
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L345[05:52:26] <Cazzar> Lolwhat
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L350[06:07:28] <Wuppy> but yeah, I actually expected you to be about 22 PaleoCrafter
L351[06:08:00] <PaleoCrafter> How so? :P
L352[06:09:51] <Wuppy> I thought you told me once
L353[06:10:05] <Wuppy> and you also don't act like one of those 16 year old xbox cod children :P
L354[06:11:38] <Cazzar> omgsool33t
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L359[06:21:04] <Szernex> now lets see how hard it is to make an item that can be thrown like a snowball and spawns something that behaves like sand/gravel when it hits something and then emits light like glowstone
L360[06:21:29] <alex_6611_> so, throwable falling light?
L361[06:21:32] <Szernex> yea
L362[06:21:36] <Szernex> basically like glowsticks
L363[06:21:37] <alex_6611_> should be doable
L364[06:21:40] <Szernex> yeah I know it is
L365[06:21:46] <Szernex> just wondering how hard it will be for someone like me
L366[06:21:58] <Szernex> who's only mostly done utility stuff so far
L367[06:22:02] <alex_6611_> actually, if you don't care about light while it's falling, it should super easy
L368[06:22:08] <Szernex> yeah I don't
L369[06:22:18] <Szernex> it should just emit the light once it's settled on the ground
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L371[06:22:28] <alex_6611_> you create a block that emits light
L372[06:22:49] <alex_6611_> then once the projectile hits, you spawn a FallingSand entitiy there with the block's ID tied to it
L373[06:22:55] <ollieread> I always forget that PaleoCrafter is like 10
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L375[06:23:09] <Szernex> hmm okay
L376[06:23:14] <Szernex> but
L377[06:23:26] <Szernex> I also want that "block" to not be an actual block but just an entity of sorts
L378[06:23:32] <Szernex> something you can pass through basically
L379[06:23:40] <alex_6611_> it can be pass through
L380[06:23:46] <ollieread> That's simples
L381[06:23:55] <ollieread> It'd have to be a block pretending to be glass
L382[06:23:55] <Szernex> it should basically just be an orb that sits on the ground and emits light
L383[06:24:01] <alex_6611_> you just need a block to tie it to a FallingSand entity
L384[06:24:20] <ollieread> When I say glass, I mean Material.glass
L385[06:24:35] <alex_6611_> that block can have any property (well it shouldn't have a tile entity, but you don't need that here)
L386[06:24:39] <PaleoCrafter> Alzheimer's, grandpa ollieread? :P
L387[06:24:43] <ollieread> If you use air it's replaceable by everything, and you'll suffocate in anything else
L388[06:25:00] <Szernex> well
L389[06:25:04] <ollieread> PaleoCrafter, Sometimes I feel like a grandpa
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L391[06:25:06] <Szernex> it should also despawn after a certain time
L392[06:25:09] <ollieread> Remembering my youth fondly
L393[06:25:13] <alex_6611_> no ollieread, you can set stuff like isReplacable manually
L394[06:25:20] <ollieread> alex_6611_, Not for air
L395[06:25:25] <Szernex> so I guess it would still have to be a TE wouldn't it
L396[06:25:27] <alex_6611_> well, it doesn't have to be air
L397[06:25:31] <alex_6611_> no
L398[06:25:39] <ollieread> It has to be Material.air or Material.glass
L399[06:25:47] <Szernex> how else do I make it disappear after X time has passed
L400[06:25:57] <ollieread> It'd need to be a TE
L401[06:25:59] <alex_6611_> like, how does ars magica do it, with the mage lights? that is what we need
L402[06:26:19] <ollieread> They are blocks pretending to be glass with no collide box
L403[06:26:46] <alex_6611_> also TE might not work because of the falling sand part, but you can try
L404[06:26:51] <ollieread> Pretty sure that if you stand in a block, even without a collide box, and it's a material like stone, you'll suffocate
L405[06:27:12] <PaleoCrafter> Tall grass, anyone?
L406[06:27:39] <PaleoCrafter> Or torches, lol
L407[06:27:51] <ollieread> Torches!
L408[06:27:58] <ollieread> I switched from glass to torches lol
L409[06:28:13] <ollieread> either way, it needs to be a material that you can't suffocate in
L410[06:28:22] <alex_6611_> so, afaik you don't suffocate in any non-solid block
L411[06:28:37] <alex_6611_> glowstone, redstone block, ...
L412[06:28:51] <ollieread> So what you're saying, is that you don't suffocate in non-suffocatable blocks?
L413[06:28:52] <alex_6611_> you don't suffocate, it just blocks your vision
L414[06:29:02] <alex_6611_> yea
L415[06:29:16] <alex_6611_> idk if that's changed or sth, but that was definitely the rule
L416[06:29:25] <ollieread> Well glowstone is Material.glass
L417[06:29:25] <alex_6611_> non-solid blocks you can stand in
L418[06:29:48] <alex_6611_> i don't think it has anything to do with material, would have to check
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L425[06:34:54] <ollieread> It's to do with the materials translucency
L426[06:36:01] <ollieread> So air, glass, portal, cactus, snow, ice, tnt
L427[06:36:30] <ollieread> If it's not transparent, it falls back on whether or not it blocks movement
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L429[06:36:51] * ollieread drops the mic
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L438[06:58:34] <Wuppy> \o/ one of the interns who starts here coming monday seems to be a little bitch :<
L439[06:58:42] <Szernex> hmmm
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L441[07:00:51] <Szernex> so I got my ItemGlowingOrb and EntityGlowingOrb, the Item can be thrown like a snowball, now I just need to know how to make it so gets rendered while it's in the air...
L442[07:01:04] <Szernex> should I look at RenderSnowball for reference?
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L444[07:03:40] <Szernex> boo, why is Thermal Expansion not on github
L445[07:04:06] <boni> because it contains patented code.
L446[07:04:14] <Szernex> --
L447[07:04:16] <Szernex> -.-
L448[07:04:22] <ollieread> s/patented/private/
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L451[07:25:47] <sham1> patended as in? That is seriously a stupid reason by CoFH
L452[07:27:36] <gigaherz> patents have nothing to do with not being able to show code
L453[07:27:47] <sham1> ^
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L455[07:29:44] <gigaherz> the only reason any mod is not opensource, is because their authors are too selfish to share it
L456[07:32:50] <ollieread> It's not patented, and what people do with their own code is entirely up to them
L457[07:34:06] <gigaherz> [14:01] (Szernex): should I look at RenderSnowball for reference?
L458[07:34:11] <gigaherz> why not actually USE renderSnowball?
L459[07:34:22] <PaleoCrafter> Open source != visible source
L460[07:35:08] <sham1> they could at least make it visible
L461[07:35:17] <gigaherz> uh yes it is, if thesources are unavailable, then the license that allows you to use the sources is 100% useless
L462[07:35:18] <gigaherz> ;P
L463[07:35:22] <gigaherz> well
L464[07:35:44] <gigaherz> opensource implies visible sources, but not necessarily the other way around
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L466[07:38:08] <PaleoCrafter> When I want to see their code, I know how to, so :P
L467[07:43:27] <gigaherz> lol -- https://twitter.com/BkkGreg/status/636015077909360640
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L474[08:06:49] <Flashfire> Is anyone able to explain this error I get when I start a server with my mod? https://gist.github.com/Flashfyre/c1ba344670c1d6250c44
L475[08:07:28] <Mimiru> Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/client/particle/EntityFX That class doesn't exist on a server
L476[08:07:33] <Flashfire> I know about the fact that it's the particle class trying to be loaded on the server side but since the error happens with the vanilla chest tile entity I can't figure out what's causing it
L477[08:07:51] <MoxieGrrl> [09:00:13] [Server Watchdog/FATAL]: A single server tick took 60.25 seconds (should be max 0.05)
L478[08:08:05] <Flashfire> I didn't add a particle to the vanilla chest so I don't see why it's giving that error
L479[08:08:30] <Flashfire> I did add a particle to my own chest but it doesn't extend the vanilla chest
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L482[08:15:04] <Flashfire> I tried commenting out the particle spawn on my custom chest and it seems to be unrelated
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L484[08:18:32] <alex_6611_> custom chest being the custom tile entity?
L485[08:18:43] <Flashfire> Yes
L486[08:18:48] <Flashfire> It also has a block
L487[08:18:53] <wizjany> have you tried deleting your world
L488[08:19:02] <Flashfire> No I haven't
L489[08:19:34] <Flashfire> This world was created with the current version of my mod though so I don't see why I'd need to
L490[08:20:16] <Flashfire> But it's weird to me that the error happens on the vanilla chest tile entity because I didn't use that class in my custom chest
L491[08:20:52] <alex_6611_> you sure it doens't call the chest tile netity *anywhere*?
L492[08:21:01] *** TTFT|Away is now known as TTFTCUTS
L493[08:21:24] <Flashfire> I've used find on every related class and nothing
L494[08:21:34] <alex_6611_> hmm
L495[08:21:53] <Flashfire> I do use ordinary chests in my world gen structure but I never add a particle to them
L496[08:21:55] <alex_6611_> there clearly has to be a connection, but the challenge is to find it...
L497[08:22:15] <williewillus> if it shows as the vanilla chest TE it's probably some method you directly inherited from it
L498[08:22:17] <Flashfire> I also have a custom mob that uses the same custom particle my custom chest does
L499[08:24:36] <Flashfire> Could it have to do with my custom chest using the same inventory as a normal chest?
L500[08:24:48] <Flashfire> I never implement the tile entity directly
L501[08:24:52] <williewillus> unrelated question, i have a normal cuboid model in 1.8 but the transparent parts of the texture are rendering solid white, I already overrode isFullCube to false but it's still happening. Do I need to change the render layer or something?
L502[08:24:58] <Ordinastie> this has nothing to do with chests
L503[08:25:11] <Flashfire> You should have to change render layer yes
L504[08:25:14] <williewillus> well a chest TE shows up so it obviously does to some degree lol
L505[08:25:30] <Ordinastie> the chest did just make a chunk generate
L506[08:25:31] <Flashfire> Use Cutout_Mipped
L507[08:25:40] <Ordinastie> or load instead
L508[08:25:42] <williewillus> what's the difference between the three non-solid ones?
L509[08:25:54] <Ordinastie> but an entity inside the chunk cause the issue
L510[08:25:54] <Flashfire> There's a page that tells you
L511[08:26:31] <williewillus> you know where it is? xD
L512[08:26:50] <Flashfire> http://greyminecraftcoder.blogspot.ca/2014/12/transparent-blocks-18.html
L513[08:27:31] <Flashfire> An entity in the chunk causes the issue?
L514[08:27:50] <Flashfire> So an ordinary chest and my custom chest in the same chunk could cause this?
L515[08:28:01] <Ordinastie> at net.minecraft.entity.EntityList.createEntityFromNBT(EntityList.java:182) ~[EntityList.class:?]
L516[08:28:10] <williewillus> ah thanks
L517[08:28:15] <Flashfire> My custom chest uses the exact same method with its particle as the ender chest
L518[08:28:18] <Flashfire> np
L519[08:28:48] <Flashfire> It's like a mixture of the vanilla chest and ender chest
L520[08:29:14] <Ordinastie> read the stack trace
L521[08:29:25] <williewillus> except when the stack trace doesn't help lol
L522[08:29:28] <Ordinastie> there is nothing that indicates your chest is the issue
L523[08:29:35] <Ordinastie> it does help
L524[08:29:40] <Ordinastie> it says it all
L525[08:29:43] <williewillus> you could breakpoint that line for an exception
L526[08:29:43] <Flashfire> But the error is happening on the vanilla chest which is weird
L527[08:30:52] <Ordinastie> world.updateEntities() -> TileEntityChest.update() -> TileEntityChest.checkForAdjacentChests() -> World.getBlockState() -> ChunkProviderServer.provideChunk() -> AnvilChunkLoader.loadEntities() -> EntityList.createEntityFromNBT()
L528[08:31:00] <Flashfire> It seems almost like it's trying to use the vanilla chest tile entity with my custom chest block that spawns particles but I don't believe I did this anywhere
L529[08:31:11] <Ordinastie> ffs
L530[08:31:13] <williewillus> does your TE extend vanilla one?
L531[08:31:16] <Flashfire> No it doesn't
L532[08:31:23] <Ordinastie> IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CHESTS
L533[08:31:32] <Flashfire> What is it then?
L534[08:31:36] <williewillus> it says TileEntityChest right there
L535[08:31:39] <Ordinastie> -_-
L536[08:32:12] <Ordinastie> it says loadClass too, maybe the JVM is broken
L537[08:33:01] <Flashfire> Also this happens when running server from the IDE
L538[08:33:09] <Flashfire> I haven't tried it outside the IDE yet
L539[08:33:36] <Ordinastie> I might be your chest, maybe not, there is no indication of that in the stack trace
L540[08:33:47] <Flashfire> Yeah :/
L541[08:33:52] <Ordinastie> the only thing it tells, it's that a chest made a chunk load
L542[08:33:57] <Ordinastie> and that chunk load failed
L543[08:34:06] <Wuppy> what's the link with all the different code styles again?
L544[08:34:08] <Flashfire> It works fine in single player
L545[08:34:12] <Wuppy> I can't find the wikipedia page :<
L546[08:34:12] <williewillus> set a breakpoint
L547[08:34:19] <Ordinastie> it failed because it loaded an entity that referenced a client side class
L548[08:34:43] <Flashfire> So that entity isn't necessarily the chest?
L549[08:34:50] <Flashfire> Could be my custom enderman
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L551[08:34:57] <Ordinastie> yes
L552[08:35:02] <Ordinastie> could be anything
L553[08:35:11] <williewillus> set an exception breakpoint on the createEntityFromNBT
L554[08:35:17] <Ordinastie> so just put a breakpoint for the exceoption
L555[08:35:21] <williewillus> so you can at least see what it's trying to make
L556[08:35:29] <Ordinastie> and look the call stack
L557[08:36:15] <Flashfire> Ok I'll try that
L558[08:36:53] <Cazzar> That regex didn't take too long to write.
L559[08:37:38] <Ordinastie> Cazzar, regex usually work for as long as it took to write them up :p
L560[08:37:54] <Flashfire> Breakpoint didn't work
L561[08:38:07] <Flashfire> Not on the stack trace anyway
L562[08:38:13] <Cazzar> Ordinastie: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/FML/issues/637#issuecomment-134582776 I saw it in my emails :P
L563[08:38:44] <Ordinastie> Flashfire, wut?
L564[08:38:57] <Ordinastie> make a breakpoint on NoClassDefFoundError exception
L565[08:39:12] <williewillus> that's probably too late, do it earlier
L566[08:39:15] <Flashfire> Oh ok I was doing it on a different one
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L569[08:41:01] <Pennyw95> is it thermal foundation or tconstruct that adds all the fluid metals like lead, copper..?
L570[08:43:23] <Flashfire> I have to do it entity by entity >.>
L571[08:43:42] <Flashfire> I went passed it and didn't remember which one it was because I was expecting it to be another
L572[08:45:10] <williewillus> do it in a superflat with mob spawning off :p
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L574[08:45:58] <alex_6611_> Pennyw95, it's tinker's construct
L575[08:46:23] <Pennyw95> cool. and TC also adds most of TE's metals as well, right?
L576[08:46:46] <Flashfire> Then it won't happen at all because it seems to be one of my custom entities that needs a spawner
L577[08:46:46] <gigaherz> copper, tin, aluminum
L578[08:46:55] <gigaherz> on top of the existing iron, gold
L579[08:46:59] <alex_6611_> idk which one adds the alloys in newer versions
L580[08:47:04] <gigaherz> it has support for Steel, but it doesn't have crafting for it
L581[08:47:21] <gigaherz> tere's a dozen TiC addon mods
L582[08:47:23] <gigaherz> that add extra stuff
L583[08:47:25] <alex_6611_> yea
L584[08:47:32] <Pennyw95> perfect
L585[08:47:35] <gigaherz> and I believe current versions of TC support ExtraUtilities integration
L586[08:47:48] <gigaherz> by allowing bedrockium and unstable tools
L587[08:47:48] <gigaherz> XD
L588[08:47:51] <Pennyw95> what doesEU add?
L589[08:47:54] <Pennyw95> oh ok
L590[08:48:04] <Pennyw95> ideal situation :D
L591[08:48:10] <gigaherz> unless that's another od the addons
L592[08:48:13] <gigaherz> can never tell with modpacks
L593[08:48:14] <gigaherz> XD
L594[08:48:25] <gigaherz> be careful, though
L595[08:48:32] <Pennyw95> ?
L596[08:48:44] <gigaherz> iguana tweak's experience upgrades break bedrockium tools
L597[08:48:52] <Pennyw95> ah ok
L598[08:49:10] <Pennyw95> I don't plan using bedrockium though so nvm :P
L599[08:49:13] <gigaherz> trying to add diamond/emerald upgrades to a bedrockium tool will break it beyond repair
L600[08:49:18] <Flashfire> It happens on a custom wither skeleton entity that doesn't even use particles
L601[08:49:26] <Flashfire> I have no idea how
L602[08:49:35] <Pennyw95> and are unstable tools with no durability like EU ones?
L603[08:49:44] <gigaherz> yes
L604[08:49:46] <Flashfire> Wait no it's the one that executes after, it is in fact the enderman
L605[08:49:52] <gigaherz> that's the point of them ;P
L606[08:49:53] <Pennyw95> nice didn't know that
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L608[08:50:15] ⇨ Joins: Gliby (Gliby@
L609[08:50:19] <gigaherz> you have to melt stabilized unstable ingots in the smeltery
L610[08:50:24] <gigaherz> then put them in cast
L611[08:50:31] <gigaherz> but the item will only last 10s
L612[08:50:35] <gigaherz> then become useless
L613[08:50:46] <gigaherz> so you have to make use of it in a table very quickly
L614[08:51:00] <Pennyw95> nice
L615[08:51:31] <Pennyw95> btw are nei and minetweaker hard to integrate?
L616[08:51:44] <Pennyw95> cause extra work...
L617[08:51:45] *** Garophel|schl is now known as Garophel|afk
L618[08:52:47] <gigaherz> NEI works with any default recipes
L619[08:52:50] <Flashfire> Is it possible to use effectRenderer in onLivingUpdate in an entity class?
L620[08:52:56] <gigaherz> and it supports adding custom entries
L621[08:53:03] <Pennyw95> yeah I mean adding a custom machine recipe
L622[08:53:11] <Pennyw95> like the tcon smeltery
L623[08:53:11] <Flashfire> I used world.isRemote it still uses the server side somehow and errors
L624[08:53:19] <gigaherz> just use the API to provide the GUI for it
L625[08:53:21] <gigaherz> ;P
L626[08:53:35] <Pennyw95> off to learn guis...to infinity and beyond!
L627[08:53:44] <gigaherz> no idea how it really works, but that's the point ;P
L628[08:53:51] <Pennyw95> oki, thanks :D
L629[08:54:00] <williewillus> Flashfire: hsa renderer in the name soproabbly not
L630[08:54:34] <Gliby> I'm looking for an old method that was once in entity, it was named something like canEntityBeSeen(Entity entity). It was using raytracing to check whether the entity in the arguments is behind a blocks.
L631[08:55:02] <Flashfire> Willie: Then how do I spawn a custom particle from an entity?
L632[08:55:07] <masa> Flashfire: I believe the reference is stil lthere if you put the calls "directly" in the update method (or something... I don't really know how java compilation and the JVM work). So use a proxy for it?
L633[08:55:26] <masa> are there no better events for rendering though?
L634[08:55:41] <Flashfire> Is there a simpler way to spawn a custom particle?
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L636[08:55:55] <Flashfire> I mean this.worldObj.spawnParticle needs EnumParticleTypes
L637[08:56:11] <masa> I don't know about custom particles, sorry
L638[08:56:13] <gigaherz> Gliby: what class was that method on?
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L640[08:56:27] <gigaherz> and what version had it?
L641[08:56:32] <Gliby> @gigaherz I'm sure it was in Entity
L642[08:56:52] <masa> but if you need to call it from onLivingUpdate, at least put it behind a ClientProxy and you should be fine(?)
L643[08:57:21] <gigaherz> player.canEntityBeSeen()
L644[08:57:25] <gigaherz> that exists in 1.8 Gliby
L645[08:57:39] <gigaherz> you may need newer bindings ;P
L646[08:57:56] <gigaherz> eh mappings*
L647[08:58:00] <Gliby> Oh it's fine.
L648[08:58:06] <Flashfire> masa: Ok I'll try that
L649[08:58:11] <Gliby> I think it was just moved from Entity to EntityLivingBase
L650[08:58:16] <Szernex> <gigaherz> why not actually USE renderSnowball?
L651[08:58:24] <Szernex> I don't know, how would I tell it to render my item texture?
L652[08:58:32] <Szernex> I have literally 0 experience with rendering stuff
L653[08:58:40] <Flashfire> Actually I'm not even sure what I would put in the client proxy
L654[08:58:45] <gigaherz> the constructor of RenderSnowball takes an item
L655[08:58:46] <gigaherz> XD
L656[08:58:50] <Szernex> ah
L657[08:58:51] <Szernex> well
L658[08:59:00] <gigaherz> you simply register the renderer with new RenderSnowball(youritem)
L659[08:59:00] <gigaherz> XD
L660[08:59:03] <Szernex> that might make things easier I guess
L661[09:00:34] <Szernex> thought I'm not sure where I would call that then
L662[09:01:01] <Gliby> Rendering is really easy actually, but it's just as easy to mess up the games rendering.
L663[09:01:32] <Szernex> do I have to like register the Render for my item in RenderManager?
L664[09:01:56] <Gliby> no
L665[09:02:09] <Gliby> items do not use that stuff anymore
L666[09:02:17] <Gliby> it's all .json now.
L667[09:02:20] <Gliby> which is better for newbies\
L668[09:02:23] <Szernex> eh, in 1.7?
L669[09:02:28] <Gliby> ohh
L670[09:02:36] <Gliby> 1.7 should have the same thing
L671[09:02:42] <Gliby> as entities
L672[09:02:46] <Gliby> well not the same, but similiar
L673[09:02:49] <masa> RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityEnderPearlReusable.class, new RenderEntityProjectile(EnderUtilitiesItems.enderPearlReusable));
L674[09:03:14] * Szernex gets a headache
L675[09:03:15] <masa> where the RenderEntityProjectile() is basically the snowball rnederer
L676[09:05:03] <Szernex> so
L677[09:05:37] <masa> I just have a custom class for it so that I can use metadata
L678[09:05:49] <Szernex> in my case it would be something like RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityMySnowball.class, new SnowballRender(MyItems.mySnowball));?
L679[09:05:59] <masa> the vanilla snoball renderer doesn't support metadata on the items/entities
L680[09:06:08] <masa> yeah
L681[09:06:11] <gigaherz> ah yeah
L682[09:06:19] <Szernex> hm, guess I'll try it that way then...
L683[09:06:24] <gigaherz> in my WIP magic mod, I wrote a version that takes an ItemStack instead of an Item alone
L684[09:06:25] <gigaherz> ;P
L685[09:06:30] <Szernex> where do I have to call that? preInit?
L686[09:06:37] <gigaherz> and then wrote another one that asks the Entity itself for the item
L687[09:06:59] <gigaherz> by using an interface with a getter ;P
L688[09:07:07] <masa> Szernex: CLientProxy, preInit is where I have it
L689[09:08:33] <williewillus> someone write one that takes a textureatlassprite so you dont need dummy items :p
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L691[09:11:16] ⇨ Joins: MobMike (~MobMike@host86-167-219-187.range86-167.btcentralplus.com)
L692[09:12:33] <Flashfire> I still can't figure this out
L693[09:13:23] <Flashfire> I tried putting the effectRenderer code in a method with Sided.Client but didn't help
L694[09:13:34] <williewillus> that won't help
L695[09:13:48] <williewillus> it stil will try to find the sided method on the server side and since that gets stripped out
L696[09:13:51] <williewillus> it still crashes
L697[09:13:53] <williewillus> use a proxy
L698[09:14:06] <Flashfire> Do I just put the one line in a method in the client proxy?
L699[09:14:19] <williewillus> yes and have an empty method in the server proxy
L700[09:14:25] <Flashfire> Ok
L701[09:16:39] <Flashfire> So many parameters ._.
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L703[09:18:30] *** Firedingo is now known as Firedingo|Sleep
L704[09:19:27] <Pennyw95> do you think this is good stuff? http://lomeli12.net/tutorials/tutorial-how-to-make-a-simple-multiblock-structure/
L705[09:20:46] <PaleoCrafter> I'd definitely smoke it
L706[09:21:28] <sham1> heh
L707[09:21:45] <Cazzar> so, 1 of 2things then
L708[09:21:51] <Flashfire> Client proxy didn't work
L709[09:22:03] <PaleoCrafter> Then you're doing it wrong
L710[09:22:27] <PaleoCrafter> It mustn't be a static method
L711[09:22:47] <Flashfire> It isn't
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L713[09:23:27] <williewillus> what's "didn't work"
L714[09:23:38] <Flashfire> Does the same thing as before
L715[09:23:53] <Flashfire> It doesn't help that the error is extremely indirect
L716[09:24:15] <Pennyw95> If i want to have my multiblock form with also vanilla blocks, is the best way of doing: on forming having blocks replaced bu dummy blocks that spawn either a master or a slave TE? or is there a more obvious way
L717[09:24:43] <mjhutchinson> dummy blocks are probably best
L718[09:24:59] <Cazzar> it's safe, xor PaleoCrafter's insane
L719[09:25:09] <mjhutchinson> just rememer to put the origional ones back when the multiblock is broken
L720[09:25:16] <Pennyw95> sure
L721[09:25:29] <Pennyw95> I've done a 1x2x1 before but os was quite simple
L722[09:25:56] <Flashfire> in onLivingUpdate I call the method in my proxy to spawn the particle and it's empty in the server proxy but still causes a crash
L723[09:25:58] <PaleoCrafter> I didn't click the link, Cazzar, so that probably answers it
L724[09:25:58] <Pennyw95> I've stuff like multiblocks without a tesr but now that's too advanced for me
L725[09:27:15] <williewillus> can you paste the onlivingupdate?
L726[09:27:25] <Flashfire> Yeah
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L728[09:28:06] <Flashfire> https://gist.github.com/Flashfyre/d17bfe80dd94589cf649
L729[09:29:00] <williewillus> hm neither of those should be cauisng the crash
L730[09:29:03] <williewillus> its probably something else
L731[09:29:05] <Flashfire> Woooow even when I comment out the particle method call IT STILL CRASHES
L732[09:29:14] <williewillus> yeah
L733[09:29:14] <Flashfire> I have no idea what it could be then
L734[09:29:29] <Flashfire> That's the only particle related code in the entity's class
L735[09:30:31] <Flashfire> I still don't see what the vanilla chest tile entity has to do with this
L736[09:30:51] <alex_6611_> it's still the same crash log that you pasted a few hours ago?
L737[09:31:27] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@2a00:c1a0:c086:6000:21f:3bff:fe7e:b9eb) (Client Quit)
L738[09:31:33] <alex_6611_> the vanilla chest just loaded that chunk
L739[09:31:58] <Flashfire> Yes the same crash
L740[09:32:00] <alex_6611_> and then sth in that chunk happened and crashed
L741[09:32:34] <Flashfire> My custom chest block uses the same particle in randomDisplayTick so I'll try commenting that out
L742[09:33:14] <Flashfire> Same crash .___.
L743[09:33:21] <alex_6611_> it just shows what happened in order, simplified it's: chest loads chunk -> chunk load function calls all (tile)entities in that chunk -> error
L744[09:33:40] <alex_6611_> so the chest just happens to be the thing that loads the chunk
L745[09:33:55] <alex_6611_> it's nothing to do with the actual particles etc.
L746[09:34:35] <Flashfire> Idk I'm stumped, I can't find anything in my own code that could be causing this
L747[09:35:00] ⇨ Joins: NPException (~NPExcepti@cable-94-139-27-13.cust.telecolumbus.net)
L748[09:35:15] <alex_6611_> the top level exception is a "Ticking block entity", if that actually means anything here
L749[09:35:50] <Flashfire> Doesn't help since I tried commenting out the particle spawn code in my custom chest block
L750[09:35:54] *** MattOfflineMc is now known as Mata
L751[09:36:14] <alex_6611_> thing is though
L752[09:36:23] *** Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
L753[09:36:35] <alex_6611_> nothing *actually* directly points at your stuff :D
L754[09:36:44] <Flashfire> Yeah
L755[09:36:54] <alex_6611_> the class that's not found is EntityFX, which is vanilla minecraft
L756[09:37:02] <alex_6611_> so you must be calling that somewhere
L757[09:37:27] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L758[09:37:28] <Szernex> masa gigaherz, so I added RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityGlowingOrb.class, new RenderSnowball(ModItems.glowingOrb)); to my ClientProxy, but it's still not rendering the item when I throw it ;_;
L759[09:37:32] <Flashfire> I've only used that as the parent class of my custom particle
L760[09:37:44] <alex_6611_> yea
L761[09:37:47] <Flashfire> My custom particle is client side only
L762[09:37:59] <alex_6611_> hmm
L763[09:38:32] <alex_6611_> wouldn't hurt to see a bit more code lol
L764[09:38:59] <Flashfire> What code specifically? The particle effect?
L765[09:39:11] <alex_6611_> hmm that's the issue about debugging
L766[09:39:18] <alex_6611_> idk what code i need to see :D
L767[09:39:25] <Flashfire> https://gist.github.com/Flashfyre/0fca4a38e0efb57bfa0f
L768[09:39:43] <Flashfire> https://gist.github.com/Flashfyre/99dfa94fc54cf71d1107
L769[09:39:55] <masa> Szernex: andy ou entity itself has been registered properly too?
L770[09:39:59] <masa> *your
L771[09:40:07] <Szernex> probably not
L772[09:40:21] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L773[09:41:32] <alex_6611_> well, those 2 gists show code that's all reserved to client side... that cannot be the issue
L774[09:41:38] <Szernex> is that in EntityList.addMapping?
L775[09:42:19] <alex_6611_> have you searched for all calls of your particle everywhere?
L776[09:42:40] <alex_6611_> though wait
L777[09:42:59] <Flashfire> I am aware of the only 2 calls to my particle and I tried commenting both out at once with no results
L778[09:43:03] <alex_6611_> that actually.... if i understand correctly, it can't be an issue of calling your class
L779[09:43:19] <alex_6611_> because if it did that, it would first noit find YOUR class
L780[09:43:31] <masa> Szernex: no. EntityRegistry.registerModEntity()
L781[09:43:54] <masa> something like: https://github.com/maruohon/enderutilities/blob/master/src/main/java/fi/dy/masa/enderutilities/proxy/CommonProxy.java#L50
L782[09:44:00] <Flashfire> Yeah it's weird. Everything points to vanilla
L783[09:44:21] <Szernex> okay
L784[09:44:49] <alex_6611_> basically, if your server were to call your particle, it would not find that, and not even start searching for the EntityFX
L785[09:45:15] <Flashfire> Yeah I figured that's what you meant
L786[09:45:15] <alex_6611_> so it is definitely getting to EntityFX somewhere, somehow
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L788[09:45:32] <Flashfire> Well I don't use it anywhere else
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L790[09:45:34] <alex_6611_> some way that is not your particle
L791[09:45:39] <alex_6611_> hmm
L792[09:45:53] <Flashfire> I didn't always get this error though
L793[09:46:16] <Flashfire> I haven't tested my mod on a server in a long time so a lot has changed
L794[09:46:44] <Flashfire> It'd be nice if the errors were actually useful
L795[09:48:18] <Flashfire> I found a second usage of my custom particle in my custom entity's class so I'll try commenting that out
L796[09:48:41] <Flashfire> Looks like this is the cause, actually
L797[09:48:46] <Flashfire> There's no isRemote check
L798[09:48:58] <Flashfire> Let me just make sure
L799[09:49:27] <Flashfire> That was it :)
L800[09:49:36] <alex_6611_> haha
L801[09:49:43] <Szernex> yay, it works, thanks masa
L802[09:49:59] <alex_6611_> 2 people get things to work at the same time! woo! :D
L803[09:50:22] <boni> i'd prefer it if i got 2 things to work at the same time ;P
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L810[10:03:20] <masa> ooh, a new mod, where you can only use/have one of the items in that mod at any given time
L811[10:04:11] <masa> it would track when they are crafted and they would have to be given to a recycler block to gain back the ability to crat another item
L812[10:04:32] <masa> drop that one item into lava? tough luck, better start a new world
L813[10:05:45] <mjhutchinson> yeah that would be possible, just adding player data would do it
L814[10:05:52] <masa> then again, it would either have to be generalized to include all items, otherwise it would be pretty pointless
L815[10:06:15] <mjhutchinson> just a tag on the player which says if they can or cant craft an item
L816[10:06:16] <masa> "oh no you can't use but one of the useless items in this mod"
L817[10:06:29] <mjhutchinson> haha
L818[10:07:05] <mjhutchinson> the items themselves could check the inventory they are in for other, and destroy the more expensive ones
L819[10:07:19] <masa> I mean suppose that mod added a bag, a pickaxe etc. nobody would care if they can't use them if they have ender storage, TiC etc installed too
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L827[10:21:27] <mjhutchinson> ?
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L832[10:24:38] <mjhutchinson_> ?
L833[10:25:08] <PaleoCrafter> Wat
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L836[10:25:27] <williewillus> would it be fitting for the readthedocs if I just made a list of all the callbacks in Block and what they're iused for?
L837[10:25:30] <williewillus> or would that be too rigid
L838[10:25:42] <williewillus> some of them are really similar and it coudl confuse people
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L840[10:25:59] <williewillus> (isNormalCube, isFullCube, isOpaqueCube, isVisuallyOpaqueCube, etc)
L841[10:26:15] <PaleoCrafter> That's more suited for javadocs I think :P
L842[10:26:27] <williewillus> how do I set doc using the bot :p
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L845[10:27:01] <mjhutchinson> yes, but there are no javadocs....
L846[10:27:06] <PaleoCrafter> Ask it nicely and it may tell you :P
L847[10:28:07] <mjhutchinson> what for the javadocs?
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L850[10:28:50] <PaleoCrafter> Talking to willie
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L852[10:29:24] <PaleoCrafter> And you can generate the javadoc HTML yourself
L853[10:29:25] <williewillus> ah figured it out just !sm to the same name and add a comment
L854[10:29:35] <williewillus> I think there's mirrors of the docs online
L855[10:29:50] <PaleoCrafter> Probably
L856[10:30:11] <PaleoCrafter> The problem is that they're bound to mappings though
L857[10:30:28] <williewillus> like this one, but idk how updated it is http://www.tinkeracademy.com/forgedoc/overview-summary.html
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L860[10:32:25] <PaleoCrafter> Lex wants a JavaScript powered site that serves the javadocs with the ability to remap names
L861[10:32:33] <mjhutchinson> well this is from the link in the welcom to this room, mcforge.readthedocs.org
L862[10:32:36] <mjhutchinson> "It is intended to provide detailed documentation of Forge development. Javadocs will not be hosted here, however. They will be located at …"
L863[10:32:51] <PaleoCrafter> I've started working on it myself, but I'm a lazy bastard
L864[10:32:57] <mjhutchinson> so no official up to date ones atm
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L880[11:09:22] <Flashfire> Is there an easy way to create a copy of the surface dimension but with blocks replaced? I mean when you build something in the surface world it builds the same thing in the new dimension with the blocks replaced
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L882[11:11:19] <Ordinastie> no easy, but a problem
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L884[11:11:59] <Ordinastie> unless it's your own dimension ?
L885[11:12:04] <Flashfire> It would be
L886[11:12:20] <Ordinastie> nvm about the problem, I was think about the nether
L887[11:12:26] <Ordinastie> but still, no easy way
L888[11:12:44] <Flashfire> Do I need to store placed blocks in an array or something?
L889[11:13:09] <Flashfire> Err hashmap with blockpos I meant
L890[11:13:51] <gigaherz> Flashfire: can people be in the two dimensions at once?
L891[11:14:09] <Flashfire> I didn't know that was possible actually
L892[11:14:16] <gigaherz> uh I mean on a server
L893[11:14:20] <NPException> hey everyone o/
L894[11:14:24] <gigaherz> have one person in one dimension, and another person in the other
L895[11:14:34] <Flashfire> yes
L896[11:14:40] <Flashfire> That's necessary
L897[11:14:45] <gigaherz> that makes it more annoying, then
L898[11:14:48] <gigaherz> okay
L899[11:14:53] <NPException> Are any GL wizards around? I have a rendering question to ask.
L900[11:14:55] <gigaherz> here is the thing
L901[11:14:59] <gigaherz> when someone places a block
L902[11:15:10] <gigaherz> the server updates the grid
L903[11:15:14] <gigaherz> and marks the chunk as dirty
L904[11:15:22] <gigaherz> then mc sends the new data to the clients
L905[11:15:28] <gigaherz> basically you'd have to somehow hook that
L906[11:15:33] <Flashfire> Hmm ok
L907[11:15:35] <gigaherz> detect dirty chunks,
L908[11:15:42] <gigaherz> and on top of updating clients for the current dimension
L909[11:15:48] <gigaherz> also apply the changes to yours
L910[11:15:55] <Flashfire> I'm thinking about whether I should even bother doing this
L911[11:16:05] <gigaherz> if you couldn't be in the same place at the same time
L912[11:16:07] <gigaherz> it would be simpler
L913[11:16:31] <gigaherz> just discard the chunks that have been modified, and when generating them, copy from the overworld
L914[11:16:50] <Flashfire> Alright if I decide to go forward with this I'll try that
L915[11:17:06] <Flashfire> I'm thinking maybe I should start with a regular dimension since I've never made one before
L916[11:17:09] <gigaherz> it's not so much that it's hard to achieve, just very annoying
L917[11:17:17] <Flashfire> I know what you mean
L918[11:17:43] <gigaherz> so i'd suggest trying to find an alternative, if possible
L919[11:17:43] <gigaherz> XD
L920[11:17:56] <Flashfire> Alright maybe I'll just start with a regular custom dimension
L921[11:18:34] <Flashfire> I think it'd be cool for my mod's giant maze structure to have a portal to a custom dimension full of the new mobs and blocks I added
L922[11:18:59] <gigaherz> you could make something like witchery's dream dimension
L923[11:19:08] <gigaherz> which is in essence, a copy of the overworld
L924[11:19:10] <Flashfire> Got a link or screenshots?
L925[11:19:18] <gigaherz> same blocks, same everything
L926[11:19:19] <Flashfire> That sounds interesting
L927[11:19:25] <gigaherz> xcept mobs are generated differently
L928[11:19:34] <gigaherz> if it's a good dream, there's nice things
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L930[11:19:40] <Flashfire> That's a neat idea
L931[11:19:44] <gigaherz> if it's a nightmare there's mobs that follow you everywhere and such
L932[11:19:59] <gigaherz> good dreams have day sky, nightmares are always night
L933[11:20:04] <gigaherz> and if you die, you wake up
L934[11:20:17] <Flashfire> Huh. Sounds like it was a lot of work
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L950[11:48:56] <JuniorGenius> Hello
L951[11:49:08] ⇨ Joins: pixlepix (~localmaca@cpe-67-252-38-34.nycap.res.rr.com)
L952[11:51:33] <JuniorGenius> I’m having issues setting up Forge. Mostly I’m spammed with Project ‘Minecraft’ is missing required library: (x)
L953[11:52:03] <JuniorGenius> And “Project '.org.eclipse.jdt.core.external.folders' is missing required library: (x)”
L954[11:52:20] <JuniorGenius> (x) being a very long path
L955[11:52:59] <Pennyw95> what the folder path? the folder where you extracted forge
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L957[11:54:04] <JuniorGenius> I’ll paste an example
L958[11:54:20] <JuniorGenius> Project '.org.eclipse.jdt.core.external.folders' is missing required library: '/private/var/root/.gradle/caches/minecraft/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.8-'
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L960[11:55:23] <Pennyw95> can you tell me what did you do until now? have you done setupdecompworkspace?
L961[11:55:42] <Pennyw95> sorry for bad english I'm kinda sleepy
L962[11:55:49] <JuniorGenius> I have. I’ve tried a lot of different gradle commands
L963[11:56:03] <JuniorGenius> No problem, same here
L964[11:56:04] <Pennyw95> did you set the variable path?
L965[11:56:13] <JuniorGenius> I’m on Mac, so I assume that’s not needed
L966[11:56:21] <Pennyw95> oh crap
L967[11:56:23] <JuniorGenius> (Or possible)
L968[11:56:30] <Pennyw95> I'm not sure I can help you then
L969[11:56:36] <JuniorGenius> Oh.. okay.
L970[11:56:49] <Pennyw95> well let us try
L971[11:56:56] <JuniorGenius> I’ve done this before, but my Eclipse verson was older and I believe my Java version was too
L972[11:57:28] *** Garophel|afk is now known as Garophel
L973[11:57:45] <Pennyw95> but now everything is up to date, right?
L974[11:57:59] <Pennyw95> and you chose a quite recent build of forge, for 1.8, right?
L975[11:58:03] <JuniorGenius> Java 8, Eclipse Mars
L976[11:58:06] <JuniorGenius> Yep, the latest
L977[11:58:16] <Pennyw95> ok
L978[11:58:30] <Pennyw95> the latest sometimes is buggy though. Remember that :)
L979[11:58:46] <JuniorGenius> Actually I believe it was the reccomended one, sorry
L980[11:58:50] <JuniorGenius> Either way, 1.8
L981[11:58:51] <Pennyw95> if you open eclipse, my guess is you can NOT see the project Minecraft
L982[11:58:57] <Pennyw95> can you?
L983[11:59:07] <JuniorGenius> I can, but there’s a warning symbol
L984[11:59:13] <Pennyw95> that says?
L985[11:59:23] <JuniorGenius> Nothing, just an exclamation mark
L986[11:59:32] <JuniorGenius> On the folder icon
L987[11:59:53] <Pennyw95> try /gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies
L988[12:00:07] <JuniorGenius> Okay
L989[12:00:15] <JuniorGenius> And then restart Eclipse?
L990[12:00:19] <Pennyw95> yes
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L993[12:02:36] <JuniorGenius> Same errors
L994[12:02:46] <Pennyw95> \gradlew eclipse?
L995[12:03:33] <Pennyw95> also paste the content of the file build.gradle
L996[12:03:38] <Pennyw95> pastebin
L997[12:03:42] <JuniorGenius> Okay
L998[12:06:16] *** Ashlee is now known as Ashlee|off
L999[12:06:27] <JuniorGenius> http://pastebin.com/T0Db76TS
L1000[12:06:31] <Pennyw95> wait just in case...I assume you chose the forge folder as your workspace
L1001[12:06:37] <JuniorGenius> I did
L1002[12:06:43] <Pennyw95> ok
L1003[12:06:51] <JuniorGenius> And no luck with gradlew eclipse
L1004[12:08:25] <Pennyw95> uff
L1005[12:08:33] <Pennyw95> so, minecraft project lacks a library
L1006[12:08:39] <Pennyw95> can you see which one in eclipse?
L1007[12:08:45] <Pennyw95> maybe forgesrc?
L1008[12:09:09] <JuniorGenius> Oh uh.. how would I check?
L1009[12:09:32] <Pennyw95> can you expand the minecraft project
L1010[12:09:35] <JuniorGenius> Yes
L1011[12:09:49] <Pennyw95> around all those sub folders there must be one faulty
L1012[12:09:54] <Pennyw95> with an error icon
L1013[12:10:16] <JuniorGenius> Ah yes there are error icons next to common, jars, and lib
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L1016[12:19:09] <JuniorGenius> Do you have any other ideas?
L1017[12:19:59] <Pennyw95> If you hover the mouse over the big ! on minecraft; does it say something?
L1018[12:20:34] <Pennyw95> btw in my workspace, common and jars folder don't exist
L1019[12:20:48] <JuniorGenius> Nope, nothing
L1020[12:20:54] <JuniorGenius> Oh and that’s weird
L1021[12:20:56] <Pennyw95> and if this is your first time setting up eclipse, libs won't as well
L1022[12:20:59] <Pennyw95> it's normal
L1023[12:21:03] <JuniorGenius> Ah ok
L1024[12:21:04] <Pennyw95> is it a yellow ! ?
L1025[12:21:08] <JuniorGenius> No, red
L1026[12:21:14] <Pennyw95> wtf
L1027[12:21:20] <Pennyw95> what does it say?
L1028[12:21:28] <JuniorGenius> Nothing
L1029[12:21:50] <JuniorGenius> I can’t get a tool tip
L1030[12:22:32] <Pennyw95> I'm afraid I don't know what's wrong...apart from trying reinstalling forge I don't know what to say
L1031[12:22:44] <JuniorGenius> Hm, okay
L1032[12:22:50] <JuniorGenius> I just installed it today though
L1033[12:22:53] <Pennyw95> Try reinstalling. if it does not work, I think your best course of action would be asking here: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php#c1
L1034[12:22:55] <gigaherz> what version of forge are you trying to install?
L1035[12:23:11] <gigaherz> forge just recently switched to forgegradle2
L1036[12:23:15] <JuniorGenius> Uh..
L1037[12:23:19] <gigaherz> which is very new and may be broken
L1038[12:23:26] <gigaherz> try with build 1502
L1039[12:23:28] <gigaherz> see if that works
L1040[12:23:28] <Pennyw95> how much recently?
L1041[12:23:35] <williewillus> like last week recently
L1042[12:23:38] <gigaherz> 2 days ago?
L1043[12:23:38] <Pennyw95> oh
L1044[12:23:42] <JuniorGenius> I’ll check
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L1048[12:25:50] <JuniorGenius> Oh yeah, that’s the one I’m already using
L1049[12:26:08] <JuniorGenius> Wait no, I’m using 1450
L1050[12:26:14] <JuniorGenius> Should I still try 1502?
L1051[12:26:48] <gigaherz> hmm
L1052[12:26:53] <gigaherz> shouldn't matter
L1053[12:26:58] <gigaherz> recommended should have worked
L1054[12:27:25] <gigaherz> if it was 1503 or 04, then we could have blamed it on gradle, but as it is, I have no idea
L1055[12:27:37] <gigaherz> did you try asking in #forgegradle?
L1056[12:27:40] <JuniorGenius> If it helps I have Java 1.8
L1057[12:27:46] <JuniorGenius> No, I haven’t tried that yet
L1058[12:28:02] <JuniorGenius> And I just updated to Eclipse Mars
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L1062[16:33:25] <diesieben07> i spent the last half hour reading /r/TalesFromTechSupport
L1063[16:33:30] <diesieben07> I just felt like them. :P
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L1066[16:33:46] <Pennyw95> you're cruel
L1067[16:33:50] <Pennyw95> but quite right
L1068[16:34:12] <Pennyw95> I mean that was just embarassing xD
L1069[16:34:32] <diesieben07> nah, it wasn't too bad :P
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L1072[16:35:22] <Flashfire> Does optifine work with forge in the IDE?
L1073[16:35:33] <Flashfire> I've never been able to get it working
L1074[16:36:06] <diesieben07> don't use Optifine, please
L1075[16:36:12] <diesieben07> and no, it doesn't work in dev
L1076[16:36:28] <Flashfire> Why wouldn't I use it when it improves my fps so much?
L1077[16:36:48] <nxsupert> Can't you use codechickencore to get it to work?
L1078[16:37:14] <gigaherz> nxsupert: dont' suggest people ways to use that thing more thna people already do ;p
L1079[16:37:19] <gigaherz> (please ;P)
L1080[16:37:29] <diesieben07> and no
L1081[16:37:35] <diesieben07> CCC deobfs from SRG names i would assume
L1082[16:37:35] <Flashfire> What do you guys have against it, honestly?
L1083[16:37:50] <diesieben07> and Optifine is a deep coremod that has been hacked to work with Forge
L1084[16:37:54] <gigaherz> you odn't realize just how much crap it injects into mc
L1085[16:38:05] <diesieben07> most of optifine's optimizations don't work with forge
L1086[16:38:10] <Flashfire> Oh I see
L1087[16:38:21] <diesieben07> so whatever it does for you is most likely illusion ;)
L1088[16:38:33] <gigaherz> well, before I got the GTX970
L1089[16:38:38] <gigaherz> I was having ogl crashes
L1090[16:38:44] <gigaherz> in 1.8 I could solve them by enabling VBOs
L1091[16:38:45] <nxsupert> How about fastcraft?
L1092[16:38:49] <gigaherz> in 1.7 I had to install optifine
L1093[16:38:50] <Flashfire> Is there another way to use hd textures with forge? Or does it just work normally
L1094[16:38:57] <gigaherz> nxsupert: that's on the same category
L1095[16:39:01] <gigaherz> just different purpose
L1096[16:39:16] <gigaherz> fastcraft injects crap into mc, but it ALSO works in the server
L1097[16:39:17] <gigaherz> ;P
L1098[16:39:24] <gigaherz> and it doesn't touch so much rendering as optifine
L1099[16:39:35] <gigaherz> Flashfire: it has worked normally since 1.5 or 1.6
L1100[16:39:42] <gigaherz> mc just stitches any texture of any size
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L1102[16:39:46] <diesieben07> HD textures have worked fine in *vanilla* since forever
L1103[16:39:54] <nxsupert> Well fastcraft just makes minecraft use different trig functions and stuff like that as far as I know.
L1104[16:39:55] <gigaherz> and updates the TextureAtlasSprite accordingly
L1105[16:40:07] <Flashfire> Oh alright, good to know
L1106[16:40:07] <gigaherz> the only limitations are in entities and banners
L1107[16:40:23] <gigaherz> and only because all the images for banners must match
L1108[16:41:14] <gigaherz> but really, debugging with ANY mc optimizer means you don't know if it's your bug, or the optimizer's
L1109[16:41:46] <gigaherz> this applies to any software development
L1110[16:41:49] <diesieben07> also...
L1111[16:41:51] <diesieben07> "optimizer"
L1112[16:41:59] <diesieben07> cue: if's are slow.
L1113[16:42:30] <diesieben07> if you want to "optimize" java code, you need to know the VM. *well*.
L1114[16:42:50] <nxsupert> Optifine sometimes makes the game run better. But most of the time it just increases the fps.
L1115[16:43:07] <diesieben07> and fps is a shitty measurement for performance
L1116[16:43:15] <gigaherz> most people don't use optifine for the fps anyhow
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L1118[16:43:19] <gigaherz> at least that I know
L1119[16:43:20] <diesieben07> 120fps *most* of the time is worse tha 60 fps *all* the time
L1120[16:43:28] <gigaherz> people use it to be able to toggle details independently
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L1122[16:44:40] <nxsupert> Tbh. The biggest performance boost for me was to use a unix system , use Java 8 and to use mc 1.8.
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L1136[17:00:39] <Pennyw95> is it possible to have my TE recognize where it's touched by the player? I mean imagine I texture 2 buttons on the block, can I make it distinguish them?
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L1140[17:01:06] <Pennyw95> on the same side
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L1144[17:08:45] <Pennyw95> my TE's a full block
L1145[17:09:11] <ZaggyMobile> It lets you visualize the button's hit box like a normal block bounding box
L1146[17:09:21] <Pennyw95> oh I see
L1147[17:09:42] <Pennyw95> so with your method I'd see a separate hitbox for an hypothetical button;
L1148[17:09:47] <ZaggyMobile> Plus it'll be better for checking the hit I believe
L1149[17:09:56] <ZaggyMobile> Easier to tell if it works properly
L1150[17:09:56] <Pennyw95> with onBlockActivated vecs, it would work anyway but no hitbox?
L1151[17:10:01] <Pennyw95> oh ok
L1152[17:10:28] <Pennyw95> Here the situation: I don't separate hitboxed since they're going to be arrow textured on the block, so yeah no need for that
L1153[17:10:34] <ZaggyMobile> Yeah exactly about the onblockactivated
L1154[17:10:50] <ZaggyMobile> What do the arrows show?
L1155[17:10:51] <Pennyw95> but your method is more efficient for checking, you say?
L1156[17:11:05] <ZaggyMobile> Not more efficient, more effective
L1157[17:11:05] <Pennyw95> My plan is to have a GUIless machine, you'd use arrow to scroll recipes
L1158[17:11:16] <Pennyw95> arrow printed on the master TE
L1159[17:11:40] <ZaggyMobile> You can make it show full block bounds when looking at the button as well
L1160[17:12:22] <ZaggyMobile> But if you use on block activated you will have to do some stupid epsilon expanded bounds checks
L1161[17:12:22] <Pennyw95> so raytrace is a method that returns what you're looking at , correct?
L1162[17:12:29] <ZaggyMobile> Yeah
L1163[17:12:32] <Pennyw95> okay you convinced me xD
L1164[17:12:49] <Pennyw95> so I would use it inside onBlockActivated, right?
L1165[17:13:01] <Pennyw95> with a switch statement
L1166[17:13:40] <ZaggyMobile> Hm, i think onblockactivated doesn't get subhit tho
L1167[17:13:54] <ZaggyMobile> You may have to make a packet, not sure
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L1169[17:15:17] <Pennyw95> you're rigth, I didn't think of that
L1170[17:15:32] <ZaggyMobile> Would be cool if forge made a new onblockactivated method that took movingobjectposition
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L1172[17:18:14] <Zaggy1024> Penny, here's an example where I made a block with four pebbles in one block space, that can be broken individually
L1173[17:18:28] <Zaggy1024> it has the IMessage I use to tell the server which pebble to break
L1174[17:18:29] <Zaggy1024> https://github.com/GenProject/GenProject/blob/master/src/main/java/genesis/block/BlockGenesisPebble.java
L1175[17:19:00] <Zaggy1024> you can adapt that for use in onBlockActivated, if world.isRemote send a packet with player.rayTrace or whatever the method is
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L1180[17:20:43] <Zaggy1024> that's assuming you're on a version that uses Netty (does 1.7 use netty?)
L1181[17:20:52] <Pennyw95> i think so
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L1183[17:21:01] <Pennyw95> but there's a wrapper...simplenetwork something
L1184[17:21:08] <Pennyw95> thanks :D
L1185[17:21:11] ⇦ Parts: JuniorGenius_ (~JuniorGen@cpe-104-174-130-231.socal.res.rr.com) ())
L1186[17:22:02] <ZaggyMobile> Yup I have a SimpleNetworkWrapper on that repo
L1187[17:22:41] <Pennyw95> oh that's 1.8
L1188[17:22:47] <gigaherz> ?
L1189[17:22:56] <gigaherz> SNW exists in 1.7.10 too
L1190[17:23:12] <Pennyw95> yeah I mean the whole code is 1.8
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L1192[17:24:25] <ZaggyMobile> The mop code should work in 1.7
L1193[17:24:52] <Pennyw95> can you explain the properties in the beginning please?
L1194[17:25:07] <Pennyw95> and the propertybool
L1195[17:25:38] <ZaggyMobile> That's a wrapper for metadata
L1196[17:25:47] <Pennyw95> oh so I shouldn't care right?
L1197[17:25:57] <ZaggyMobile> Yeah
L1198[17:26:20] <Pennyw95> onBlockPlaced just makes it face you I guess
L1199[17:26:23] <ZaggyMobile> The bools are just for each quarter part of the block
L1200[17:26:50] <ZaggyMobile> It places it according to where you right click on the block
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L1202[17:28:02] <Pennyw95> ok
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L1204[17:29:07] <Pennyw95> ookay...I think I'm starting to get this
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L1206[17:31:09] <Pennyw95> Okay I think I got the concept...I just need to look at some more source codes. Thanks :D
L1207[17:32:06] <minecreatr> how do I get a block from its unique identifier
L1208[17:32:42] <gigaherz> uhhh
L1209[17:32:47] <gigaherz> where do you get the ID from?
L1210[17:32:54] <gigaherz> you shouldn't behaving to use IDs at all
L1211[17:33:10] <minecreatr> GameRegistry.getUniqueName
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L1213[17:33:36] <minecreatr> gigaherz, ^
L1214[17:34:18] <gigaherz> why are you using that at all?
L1215[17:34:45] <minecreatr> loading an ItemStack from a json file gigaherz
L1216[17:35:08] <gigaherz> uh, you shouldstore the items by modid:name
L1217[17:35:21] <minecreatr> that is the format gigaherz
L1218[17:35:32] <minecreatr> that is what the unique name is
L1219[17:35:40] <Zaggy1024> wat
L1220[17:35:42] <gigaherz> then it's GameRegistry.findblock(modid, name)
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L1222[17:35:47] <gigaherz> just use split(":")
L1223[17:35:48] <gigaherz> ;P
L1224[17:36:13] <minecreatr> I guess, was just wondering if there was a better way
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L1227[17:37:30] <ZaggyMobile> Why should there be, that way is fine :P
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L1233[17:41:57] <Pennyw95> has any of you done a version checker?
L1234[17:41:57] <minecreatr> I guess yeah
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L1245[17:52:03] <Pennyw95> what's the difference between eclipse and idea?
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L1247[17:52:44] <gigaherz> they are different
L1248[17:52:45] <gigaherz> XD
L1249[17:53:04] <gigaherz> let's just say that both are IDEs made in Java
L1250[17:53:14] <gigaherz> and that's where the similarities end.
L1251[17:53:15] <Pennyw95> that's kinda what I knew already xD
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L1253[17:53:51] <Black_Ace21> If I wanted to find out if a mob is being spawned by a mob spawner as oppose to a natural spawn event how would I locate that information?
L1254[17:54:17] <shadekiller666> putting gas in my dad's motorcycle is a pain in the ass
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L1256[17:56:57] <MoxieGrrl> Is it a potato?
L1257[18:01:55] <Mitchellbrine> mmmm, potatoes are delicious
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L1262[18:15:49] <vedalken254> MoxieGrrl: when is it not a potato?
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L1267[18:24:43] <shadekiller666> what does returning true from onBlockEventReceived do?
L1268[18:26:27] <ZaggyMobile> Find references and find out ;P
L1269[18:27:09] <Pennyw95> what do you think of MCAnimator? I mean I just downloaded it and it looks like tabula but better O_o
L1270[18:28:03] <gigaherz> nevrheard of it
L1271[18:29:54] <ZaggyMobile> Me neither
L1272[18:30:03] <ZaggyMobile> Interesting
L1273[18:31:31] <Pennyw95> looks very cool. they didn't tell but I assume it exports .obj models
L1274[18:32:56] <ZaggyMobile> It says it's discontinued though
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L1276[18:33:47] <Pennyw95> oh I didn't see thta
L1277[18:34:06] <gigaherz> :3
L1278[18:34:09] <gigaherz> getting there
L1279[18:34:18] <gigaherz> I'm playing ARK (single player)
L1280[18:34:23] <gigaherz> I have a rex lvl54 down
L1281[18:34:27] <gigaherz> 75% tamed
L1282[18:34:37] <gigaherz> predicted lvl79 or maybe 80 once I'm done
L1283[18:34:47] <gigaherz> this is going to be amazing :D
L1284[18:34:51] ⇦ Quits: Carlos (~chatzilla@ (Quit: So long, and thanks for all the fish.)
L1285[18:35:17] <gigaherz> it will be worth the 50 tranq arrows and 15 prime meat
L1286[18:35:17] <gigaherz> XD
L1287[18:37:10] ⇨ Joins: JuniorGenius (~JuniorGen@cpe-104-174-130-231.socal.res.rr.com)
L1288[18:37:12] <JuniorGenius> How would I achieve something similar to sheep/shorn sheep with a different entity?
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L1290[18:38:34] <Pennyw95> you mean getting the animal change appearance if reight clicked with a specific item?
L1291[18:38:38] <Pennyw95> and drop stuff
L1292[18:38:47] <JuniorGenius> Correct
L1293[18:38:55] <Pennyw95> btw have you solved your issue with eclipse?
L1294[18:38:59] <JuniorGenius> Yeah! ^^
L1295[18:39:04] <JuniorGenius> The guys at ForgeGradle helped a lot
L1296[18:39:08] <Pennyw95> wonderful! what was it?
L1297[18:39:16] <JuniorGenius> I, like an idiot, used sudo
L1298[18:39:34] <Pennyw95> lol
L1299[18:39:36] <Pennyw95> ok
L1300[18:39:45] <JuniorGenius> I knew it had to be something simple
L1301[18:40:05] <Pennyw95> don't worry shit happens...I made a guy facepalm hard today too xD
L1302[18:40:14] <Pennyw95> anyway, you should look into the entitysheep code
L1303[18:40:16] <JuniorGenius> haha
L1304[18:40:19] <JuniorGenius> Okay
L1305[18:44:46] <JuniorGenius> Can I just modify a minecraft class (EntitySheep for example) for a mod?
L1306[18:44:50] <JuniorGenius> Will that work?
L1307[18:45:20] <Cazzar> No, base class edits are unsupported.
L1308[18:45:26] <JuniorGenius> Ah, okay
L1309[18:45:32] <JuniorGenius> So I’d extend it?
L1310[18:45:47] <Pennyw95> well...it depends
L1311[18:45:56] <Pennyw95> if you exend it you get ALL it has inside
L1312[18:46:20] <Pennyw95> if just want only one trait, you'd be better copying that part in your own class
L1313[18:46:42] <Cazzar> If you want to change it on an item click, I would create my own entity, and on the item right click entity function, then actually grab the params of the entity, and spawn my own in place. removing the old.
L1314[18:46:49] <JuniorGenius> Well I want to modify an existing entity with properties from the sheep
L1315[18:46:54] <JuniorGenius> (entity)
L1316[18:46:55] <Pennyw95> for example, if you extend sheep I'm pretty sure your entity will be able to mate with sheeps
L1317[18:47:04] <JuniorGenius> Oh hm I see
L1318[18:47:14] <Pennyw95> so extending could be not the best option
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L1320[18:47:36] <JuniorGenius> How would I modify the Cow class to add shearing for example?
L1321[18:48:12] <Cazzar> Again, you can't modify Minecraft classes at all, namely for compatibility reasons
L1322[18:48:25] <Pennyw95> yeah...make your own cow instead
L1323[18:48:35] <JuniorGenius> Sorry, I should have phrased that better
L1324[18:48:38] <Pennyw95> it's better; you could also give it a clown nose
L1325[18:49:18] <Cazzar> Though, if you only want to add a property to the Entity, I would suggest looking into IExtendedEntityProperties, or IEEP for short.
L1326[18:49:28] <JuniorGenius> Huh, okay
L1327[18:49:41] <JuniorGenius> But if I’m making my own cow, I’d definitely extend the Cow class, right?
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L1329[18:50:11] <Pennyw95> It would work
L1330[18:50:25] <Pennyw95> it would make your entity a cow and whatever you add
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L1332[18:50:39] <Pennyw95> that means it will make milkm drop leather and beef, and fuck other cows
L1333[18:50:43] <JuniorGenius> lol
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L1335[18:50:51] <Pennyw95> vanilla cows I mean
L1336[18:51:03] <JuniorGenius> How would I make that be the cow class instead of the normal class?
L1337[18:51:09] <securitypedant> i've built a 1.8- forge server and i've been browsing for mods. Is it possible to run 1.7.10 mods on a 1.8 server?
L1338[18:51:28] <Pennyw95> no
L1339[18:51:30] <Cazzar> securitypedant: Generally, no
L1340[18:51:42] <Cazzar> There is the odd case where you can.
L1341[18:51:44] <Pennyw95> JuniorGenius wait I don't think I got what you want to say
L1342[18:51:46] <securitypedant> Cazzar: But not impossible
L1343[18:51:48] <securitypedant> ok
L1344[18:52:07] <securitypedant> trying to find a good map/waypoint mod (i.e. Rei's Minimap) but there doesn't seem to be a 1.8 one
L1345[18:52:08] <JuniorGenius> Sorry, if I make my own cow, how do I make that the default cow?
L1346[18:52:14] <Pennyw95> Oh
L1347[18:52:37] <Pennyw95> I suppose you could make the vanilla cows spawn rate 0, and then make your custom ones spawn
L1348[18:52:48] <JuniorGenius> Ah, okay
L1349[18:52:54] <Cazzar> securitypedant: I don't think a waypoint map would be one case of that.
L1350[18:52:56] <Pennyw95> but I'm not experienced with making mobs so maybe someone can advice you better
L1351[18:53:04] <Pennyw95> that's the procedure anyway
L1352[18:53:11] <JuniorGenius> Okay, thanks
L1353[18:53:14] <Pennyw95> np
L1354[18:53:51] <Cazzar> securitypedant: Apparently both VoxelMap and JournyMap exist for 1.8
L1355[18:54:01] <securitypedant> ah ha, Zan's Minimap looks like it's 1.8
L1356[18:54:06] <securitypedant> ok, thanks Calcium
L1357[18:54:09] <securitypedant> umm i mean Cazzar
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L1361[18:57:50] <ZaggyMobile> There's an entity spawn event where you can check what's spawning and spawn your mob instead
L1362[18:58:01] <JuniorGenius> Ah, good to know
L1363[18:59:08] <ZaggyMobile> Don't use instances, use getClass() == your class
L1364[18:59:18] <ZaggyMobile> Sorry instanceof
L1365[19:00:40] <Cazzar> Because, when you extend, you will still be an instanceof.
L1366[19:00:48] <JuniorGenius> Ah, ok
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L1369[19:03:19] <Zaggy1024> er, that should be "getClass() == EntityCow.class"
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L1377[19:16:09] <gigaherz> ARK's flying mechanics are stupid
L1378[19:16:18] <gigaherz> I'm carrying a lot of stuff, yes
L1379[19:16:32] <gigaherz> but that shouldn't prevent me from FLYING DOWN
L1380[19:16:41] <gigaherz> flying up, sure, that should be near impossible, but DOWN?!
L1381[19:16:45] <securitypedant> i've had a 1.8 server and found that it's just too unstable with the mods i want. is it possible to use a 1.8 world with 1.7.10? Apart from losing blocks that are new to 1.8, anything else? or is it not possible to go back?
L1382[19:16:59] <gigaherz> nope
L1383[19:17:12] <gigaherz> the real answer is more complex
L1384[19:17:17] <gigaherz> but for practical purposes, nope
L1385[19:17:21] <securitypedant> answer for me?
L1386[19:17:25] <gigaherz> yes
L1387[19:17:27] <securitypedant> ok
L1388[19:17:34] *** Cojo|noms is now known as Cojo
L1389[19:17:38] <securitypedant> I wonder if I use worldedit to copy and export a schematic
L1390[19:17:40] <gigaherz> yo ucould manage to import it, but you'd have to fixup things and shit
L1391[19:17:48] <securitypedant> I might be able to at least copy the areas i've developed
L1392[19:17:56] <gigaherz> if it was a vanilla world... maybe, but with mods :/
L1393[19:18:04] <securitypedant> it was a vanilla world
L1394[19:18:17] <gigaherz> it *was*, but you loaded it with mods in 1.8 already ;P
L1395[19:18:17] <securitypedant> sorry, it's a 1.8 vanilla world, wanting to move to 1.7.10 forge
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L1397[19:18:22] <gigaherz> Oh
L1398[19:18:28] <securitypedant> no, i've got backups at several stages
L1399[19:18:32] <gigaherz> yeah that is less "nope" and more "ugh"
L1400[19:18:36] <securitypedant> hmm ok
L1401[19:18:43] <securitypedant> well, i can go try on a test server
L1402[19:19:08] <securitypedant> and if that doesn't work, I can always try saving schematics from 1.8 and loading into 1.7.10
L1403[19:19:19] <gigaherz> well chisel2 has diorite and such
L1404[19:19:35] <gigaherz> gany's surface and something else add prismarine
L1405[19:20:05] <securitypedant> i dont' care that much for 1.8's new blocks. I just wanted to run on the latest version of the server, but really 1.7.10 is perfectly fine
L1406[19:20:10] <gigaherz> but for 1.7.10 to be able to "import" those, the mods would have to somehow register those blocks as if they were from vanilla, and not part of a mod
L1407[19:20:13] <securitypedant> so I might just revert
L1408[19:20:19] <securitypedant> ok
L1409[19:20:34] <securitypedant> i'll give it a try
L1410[19:20:36] <securitypedant> see what happens
L1411[19:20:41] <securitypedant> worse case is, it just don't work
L1412[19:20:42] <securitypedant> ;d
L1413[19:25:05] <securitypedant> how risky is building on as opposed to
L1414[19:25:39] <gigaherz> the only "risk" is that you may end up relying on bugs being fixed that 1448 may not have fixed yet
L1415[19:26:17] <gigaherz> but the only one I hit myself was about .obj models not supporting numbers without a "." in them, which was easy to fix
L1416[19:26:35] <securitypedant> ok
L1417[19:29:32] <Cazzar> "For an emotionless metal automaton, I suddenly find myself... terrified!"
L1418[19:29:33] <Cazzar> :3
L1419[19:30:16] <securitypedant> grr Windows 10 has made a total sh1t show of my laptop
L1420[19:30:20] <securitypedant> so annoying
L1421[19:30:46] <JuniorGenius> How do I get the entity type in the spawn event?
L1422[19:31:01] <JuniorGenius> (The one I should use I assume is LivingSpawnEvent)
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L1425[19:39:38] <JuniorGenius> I feel like this should be really simple
L1426[19:39:43] <JuniorGenius> But I can’t figure it out
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L1429[19:44:35] <JuniorGenius> I can’t find anything
L1430[19:46:42] <JuniorGenius> getEntityId maybe?
L1431[19:47:45] <JuniorGenius> Ah, event.entityLiving instanceof EntityCow
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L1443[20:26:01] <Zaggy1024> JuniorGenius, dude, I said don't do instanceof :P
L1444[20:26:14] <Zaggy1024> I said .getClass() == EntityCow.class
L1445[20:26:30] <Zaggy1024> because instanceof matches subclasses as well
L1446[20:26:44] <Zaggy1024> so if a mod extends EntityCow you'll replace their entities with yours
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L1449[20:34:40] <JuniorGenius> Oh oops
L1450[20:34:42] <JuniorGenius> I’m stupid
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L1475[21:19:53] <Cypher121> why does WorldGenMinable.generate() call new chunk creation?
L1476[21:21:12] <LexManos> because you screwed up your numbers and didnt keep it within the chunk
L1477[21:25:22] <Cypher121> shouldn't all numbers from (chunkX * 16) to (chunk * 16 + 15) be inside the chunk? same for chunkZ
L1478[21:26:12] <JuniorGenius> My build gets consistantly stuck at 93%. No idea why
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L1482[21:41:36] <Cypher121> can large vein size cause this?
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L1486[21:44:12] <gigaherz> Cypher121: I'd presume if you generate any structure (vein or otherwise) and this structure tries to generate outside the chunk, it wouldcause the neighbouring chunk to also generate
L1487[21:45:16] <Cypher121> yeah, but why does it try to generate outside of chunk? I don't have minecraft source at hand, so I don't know how it's generate method works
L1488[21:45:35] <gigaherz> I dn't have my IDE open atm
L1489[21:45:46] <Cypher121> and initial block is absolutely inside current chunk
L1490[21:46:15] <Cypher121> I guess I'll just reduce amount of blocks. 300 is too much anyway
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L1493[21:50:27] <gigaherz> weird, I'm playing ARK and I thought crop plots needed irrigation pipes and such to get water, so I was coincerned because a rogue spino attacked my camp and destroyed the pipes, but it seems to be full of water regardless
L1494[21:50:52] <JuniorGenius_> Does anyone know about my issue?
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L1497[21:52:19] <gigaherz> hmm funny now that I'm looking, the water IS dropping?
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L1506[22:15:43] <JuniorGenius> Building is still stuck at 93%
L1507[22:16:02] <shadekiller666> how long has it been at 93?
L1508[22:16:10] <JuniorGenius> An hour or so
L1509[22:16:13] <JuniorGenius> It is definitely stuck
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L1511[22:18:26] <JuniorGenius> I’ve tried multiple times
L1512[22:19:44] <shadekiller666> and theres nothing in the console about it?
L1513[22:20:11] <ZaggyMobile> Does build have a verbose output mode?
L1514[22:22:00] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1515[22:22:54] <ZaggyMobile> Should try turning that on and see what it says when it stops progressing
L1516[22:23:06] <JuniorGenius> I could try debug
L1517[22:25:32] ⇨ Joins: Peffern_ (webchat@c-24-62-126-134.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L1518[22:29:49] <JuniorGenius> Here’s a bit of the log
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L1521[22:30:01] <JuniorGenius> 20:23:49.005 [INFO] [org.gradle.process.internal.DefaultExecHandle] Successfully started process 'command '/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_60.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java''
L1522[22:30:01] <JuniorGenius> 20:23:49.016 [ERROR] [system.err] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Using incremental CMS is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release
L1523[22:30:02] <JuniorGenius> 20:23:49.138 [QUIET] [system.out] Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005
L1524[22:30:03] <JuniorGenius> > Building 93% > :debugClient
L1525[22:30:09] <JuniorGenius> Oh sorry that was longer than I thought
L1526[22:30:21] <unascribed> You need to connect a debugger to it
L1527[22:30:27] <unascribed> It's set to wait for a debug connection
L1528[22:30:32] <JuniorGenius> Oh
L1529[22:30:50] <JuniorGenius> Er.. how?
L1530[22:30:59] <JuniorGenius> Can I use Eclipse?
L1531[22:31:01] <unascribed> connect your IDE's debugger to localhost:5005
L1532[22:31:06] <shadekiller666> the incremental CMS part doesn't matter, that prints almost all the time
L1533[22:31:06] <JuniorGenius> Ah
L1534[22:31:22] <unascribed> for Eclipse, go to Debug Configurations and make a new Remote Java Application config
L1535[22:31:35] <unascribed> set Connection Type to Socket Attach and set the port to 5005
L1536[22:31:38] <unascribed> then run it
L1537[22:32:42] <unascribed> you could also run your mod from within Eclipse and avoid all of this
L1538[22:32:57] <JuniorGenius> Ah, okay
L1539[22:33:09] <unascribed> you'll need to make a special Run Configuration to do that
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L1541[22:34:31] <JuniorGenius> Similar to the debug configuration, right?
L1542[22:34:53] <shadekiller666> also, why doesn't eclipse already have this set for you?
L1543[22:34:53] <unascribed> not really
L1544[22:34:55] <unascribed> hold on
L1545[22:35:07] <shadekiller666> did you do something weird with your build script or something
L1546[22:35:12] <JuniorGenius> No
L1547[22:37:21] <Zaggy1024> wait, is this for just the build command, or are you doing some run command as well?
L1548[22:37:47] <Zaggy1024> I never had to do any debug crap
L1549[22:37:52] <JuniorGenius> Well the thing I ran was ./gradlew debug
L1550[22:37:54] <unascribed> he's running it from Gradle
L1551[22:38:04] <unascribed> I just found the docs on how to do it from eclipse, here:
L1552[22:38:06] <Zaggy1024> hm, why not just use Eclipse to run it?
L1553[22:38:06] <JuniorGenius> But I’d much rather be able to run it from Eclipse
L1554[22:38:12] <JuniorGenius> I don’t know how
L1555[22:38:24] <Zaggy1024> the buttons on the top bar
L1556[22:38:25] <unascribed> http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,14048.0.html#post_advanced_setup
L1557[22:38:34] <unascribed> skip the "import" step
L1558[22:38:43] <unascribed> since you already have the project
L1559[22:38:45] <unascribed> just add the run config
L1560[22:38:51] <JuniorGenius> There are no configs Zag
L1561[22:38:57] <JuniorGenius> Ok I’ll try that
L1562[22:39:03] <Zaggy1024> what the crap?
L1563[22:39:12] <Zaggy1024> you must have broken setup lol
L1564[22:39:22] <JuniorGenius> I guess
L1565[22:39:37] <unascribed> he probably added it to an existing workspace instead of using the eclipse folder as a workspace
L1566[22:39:43] <Zaggy1024> mmm
L1567[22:39:46] <unascribed> (which is fine and much better if you maintain a lot of mods)
L1568[22:39:59] <unascribed> switching workspaces is *slow*
L1569[22:40:08] <Zaggy1024> heh I prefer to open new IDE windows but I guess if you have more than three that's a pain
L1570[22:40:14] <JuniorGenius> No I addded it to the eclipse folder
L1571[22:42:08] ⇦ Quits: ElgarL|Asleep (~ElgarL@cpc6-hawk15-2-0-cust537.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L1577[22:54:22] <JuniorGenius> Finally did all that
L1578[22:54:22] <JuniorGenius> [20:54:01] [main/ERROR] [LaunchWrapper]: Unable to launch
L1579[22:54:23] <JuniorGenius> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
L1580[22:54:30] <JuniorGenius> On run
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L1584[22:59:23] <Fendirain> Anyone mind checking out my Minecraft Forum Thread (Mainly to check for Mistakes / Things I should change)?
L1585[23:00:08] <securitypedant> sure
L1586[23:00:11] <securitypedant> post the URL
L1587[23:00:28] <Fendirain> Figured I wouldn't post unless someone agreed. :) http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/wip-mods/2509902-fendirain-alpha-0-1-2
L1588[23:00:33] <Fendirain> Thanks.
L1589[23:00:42] *** Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
L1590[23:01:15] <securitypedant> gimme time to read, building a new server at the same time
L1591[23:01:40] <securitypedant> "and may be removing / changed at any time."
L1592[23:01:53] <securitypedant> you mean, "and may be removed / changed at any time."
L1593[23:02:14] ⇨ Joins: Drullkus (~Drullkus@2601:646:8301:c41e:7047:b27c:8831:582f)
L1594[23:02:33] <Fendirain> Sure, and already noticed I screwed up the IRC info. & Fixed.
L1595[23:03:00] <securitypedant> other than that, seems ok
L1596[23:03:06] <securitypedant> all links worked
L1597[23:03:34] <Fendirain> Cool, Thanks.
L1598[23:06:39] <JuniorGenius> [21:05:43] [main/ERROR] [LaunchWrapper]: Unable to launch
L1599[23:06:40] <JuniorGenius> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker when I follow the tutorial unascribed
L1600[23:07:02] <unascribed> replace cpw.mods.fml with net.minecraftforge.fml
L1601[23:07:08] <unascribed> since you're in 1.8
L1602[23:07:14] <JuniorGenius> Ahhh ok
L1603[23:08:08] <JuniorGenius> Success, thanks!
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L1605[23:10:19] *** Garophel|Zzz is now known as Garophel
L1606[23:11:24] <Zaggy1024> Fendirain, you spelled "Fendinain" in the first paragraph
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L1608[23:12:00] <JuniorGenius> I spoke too soon, the launcher opens but there’s no window
L1609[23:12:26] <JuniorGenius> Errors in the console:
L1610[23:12:26] <JuniorGenius> [21:09:58] [main/ERROR] [FML]: The binary patch set is missing. Either you are in a development environment, or things are not going to work!
L1611[23:12:27] <JuniorGenius> [21:10:01] [main/ERROR] [FML]: FML appears to be missing any signature data. This is not a good thing
L1612[23:13:15] ⇦ Quits: blade1981m (~blade1981@c-50-188-60-210.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1613[23:13:49] <Fendirain> Zaggy1024, Fendinain is the name of a mob which I was referring too. :)
L1614[23:14:01] <TehNut> JuniorGenius: Those aren't real errors
L1615[23:14:09] <JuniorGenius> I see
L1616[23:14:30] <TehNut> I mean, did you read the first one?
L1617[23:14:45] <JuniorGenius> Wow, I totally didn't
L1618[23:14:49] <JuniorGenius> I just read the second one
L1619[23:15:41] <TehNut> Is that all that shows in your console?
L1620[23:15:52] <JuniorGenius> No, but that’s all the errors
L1621[23:15:59] <TehNut> What's the last line
L1622[23:16:10] <JuniorGenius> [21:10:02] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Launching wrapped minecraft {net.minecraft.client.main.Main}
L1623[23:16:33] <JuniorGenius> It’s open, but there’s no window
L1624[23:20:27] <Zaggy1024> yeah, I was wondering if that name was intentional, but I wasn't sure, so I thought I would mention it :P
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L1626[23:21:45] <Fendirain> I mix them up myself sometimes, Prob shouldn't have named them so similer. But, I will live with it now.
L1627[23:24:26] ⇨ Joins: securitypedant (~securityp@c-76-103-49-113.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L1628[23:25:13] <securitypedant> I'm working on building a forge 1.7.10 server for my kids. I was doing some research and was looking at another server someone had built. It uses cauldron. What is that?
L1629[23:25:47] <JuniorGenius> TehNut: Ideas?
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L1632[23:30:36] *** TTFTCUTS is now known as TTFT|Away
L1633[23:33:10] <shadekiller666> cauldron is a server plugin api
L1634[23:37:08] ⇨ Joins: JuniorGenius_ (~JuniorGen@cpe-104-174-130-231.socal.res.rr.com)
L1635[23:37:23] <LexManos> Cauldron is a basterdization hodgepodge of bukkit, forge, and spigot
L1636[23:37:32] <LexManos> its not a api
L1637[23:37:43] <LexManos> It is also a dead project, dont use it
L1638[23:37:50] <JuniorGenius_> Oh wow
L1639[23:37:54] <JuniorGenius_> Hello god!
L1640[23:38:02] <Fendirain> Plus it's not like you really need it for a Home Server.
L1641[23:38:22] <LexManos> Just ehre to say that you're wrong, i need to go to bed soon
L1642[23:38:25] ⇦ Quits: JuniorGenius (~JuniorGen@cpe-104-174-130-231.socal.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1643[23:38:26] *** JuniorGenius_ is now known as JuniorGenius
L1644[23:39:37] <JuniorGenius> When I run debug client in Eclipse, the wrapper launches, but there’s no window
L1645[23:40:15] <Fendirain> Post the output into a pastebin.
L1646[23:40:53] <ollieread> I hope someone else here enjoys watching every punch from every Jason Statham film as much as I did https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6anGt4u2Aq0&feature=youtu.be
L1647[23:41:29] ⇦ Quits: PrinceCat (~PrinceCat@58-7-226-121.dyn.iinet.net.au) ()
L1648[23:43:29] <Matthew> Lex, https://xkcd.com/386/
L1649[23:43:49] <JuniorGenius> http://pastebin.com/1p4WdHYX
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L1652[23:49:05] *** tterrag|away is now known as tterrag
L1653[23:49:40] <Fendirain> Strange, It shouldn't be stopping there.
L1654[23:50:09] ⇦ Quits: DemoXin (~DemoXin@105.sub-70-210-4.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
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L1657[23:51:55] ⇦ Quits: ZaggyMobile (~Zaggy1024@174-20-27-163.mpls.qwest.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1660[23:52:03] <Fendirain> Are you sure you did everything the link he provided told you too?
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L1662[23:52:13] <JuniorGenius> Pretty sure
L1663[23:54:19] <Fendirain> I personally use Intellij Idea, So I'm not sure what may be missing for eclipse.
L1664[23:54:25] <JuniorGenius> Hm
L1665[23:54:58] <Fendirain> That thread he linked is pretty old, Let me see if I can find a newer one.
L1666[23:55:07] <JuniorGenius> Ah, thanks that would be good
L1667[23:57:51] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-8-89.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
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