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L1[00:00:06] ⇦ Quits: AforAnonymous (bitch2k@dyn-042-190.vix1.mmc.at) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2[00:01:25] <osum4est> one last problem before i go to bed. when my watch renders on the arm, the text seems to render right on top of the background texture, therefore making it flash and dissapear. how can i fix that?
L3[00:02:20] <osum4est> do i need to do i gl11 call to move them up before i draw the text?
L4[00:03:32] ⇦ Quits: maxlowry123 (~IceChat9@pool-71-244-115-181.albyny.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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L6[00:06:12] <osum4est> yup that fixed it
L7[00:07:09] <osum4est> im happy ending my day on this http://imgur.com/33xzkjB thanks for all your help shadekiller666!
L8[00:07:48] <shadekiller666> np
L9[00:08:43] ⇦ Quits: osum4est (~osum4est@c-174-52-155-148.hsd1.ut.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L10[00:19:26] ⇦ Quits: MattDahEpic (~MattDahEp@174-16-14-83.hlrn.qwest.net) (Quit: Leaving)
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L19[00:37:11] <Elec0> It's annoying how damn interconnected all the code for everything is. Can't rip some bit of code out because it's dependant on like five different classes. Bah.
L20[00:46:49] ⇦ Quits: Zlepper (~Zlepper@2a03:b0c0:3:d0::1b:6001) (Quit: Goodbye)
L21[00:48:26] ⇦ Quits: Ashlee (~AshleeRee@2a02:2b88:2:1::2d2e:1) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L27[01:04:31] ⇦ Quits: lclc98 (~lclc98@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L28[01:05:37] <Elec0> Where does the onNeighborBlockChange method come from?
L29[01:06:04] ⇨ Joins: ElgarL (~ElgarL@cpc6-hawk15-2-0-cust537.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L30[01:09:33] <Elec0> Ah. It's from the Block class, or BlockTileEntity.
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L32[01:12:09] *** Gaz492|Away is now known as Gaz492
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L43[01:30:54] <Zaggy1024> Elec0, you need help with something?
L44[01:31:09] <Elec0> Nope, figured it out. Thanks, though.
L45[01:31:19] <Zaggy1024> kcool
L46[01:34:05] <shadekiller666> omg
L47[01:34:14] *** Gaz492 is now known as Gaz492|Away
L48[01:34:16] <shadekiller666> i fucking hate graphing trig functions...
L49[01:34:20] <shadekiller666> >:(
L50[01:35:07] ⇨ Joins: Loetkolben (~Loetkolbe@ipb2197df6.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L51[01:35:17] <Elec0> graphics stuff is hard
L52[01:35:51] <shadekiller666> anyone know a good online graphing calculator that will take the midline and miniumum and spit out g(x)=(a)sin(bx+c)+d?
L53[01:36:06] <shadekiller666> i've been trying these fucking things for 4 hours
L54[01:36:33] <Zaggy1024> well, I would always try wolfram alpha for that kind of thing
L55[01:38:44] <xaero> you can't get the period or shift (b and c) out of those two numbers I think..
L56[01:38:54] <xaero> a and d you can
L57[01:39:23] <shadekiller666> khanacademy fucking expects you to
L58[01:39:36] <shadekiller666> a and d are easy
L59[01:39:51] <shadekiller666> its fucking b and c that are making me rip my hair out...
L60[01:40:21] <shadekiller666> and wolfram alpha gave me everything but the actual g(x) with the numbers plugged in...
L61[01:40:42] <shadekiller666> period of a standard curve is 2pi i think
L62[01:40:56] <shadekiller666> it gives you the graph too
L63[01:41:36] <xaero> is it the standard period with no phase shift? b = 1, c = 0
L64[01:42:00] <xaero> otherwise, I'd be pulling my hair out too; not enough information....
L65[01:43:05] <shadekiller666> xaero: http://imgur.com/tAGSfuy
L66[01:44:02] <xaero> oh there's a graph :P
L67[01:45:39] <shadekiller666> not much fucking help though...
L68[01:46:36] <xaero> normally sin(0) = 0, but it's shifted over 3pi/4, th eperiod takes pi instead of 2pi to repeat itself
L69[01:46:50] <xaero> hrm..
L70[01:47:21] <shadekiller666> see what i mean?
L71[01:48:05] <xaero> no it's possible from here, I'm just very rusty
L72[01:48:19] <shadekiller666> i know its possible
L73[01:48:38] *** bilde2910|away is now known as bilde2910
L74[01:49:14] <shadekiller666> it seems like every other one of these i do the rule of b=2pi/abs(whatever the fuck) changes
L75[01:50:22] <xaero> check out the graphs of sin(2x) vs sin(x/2)
L76[01:51:19] <xaero> I'd worry about the rules a bit later, get an intuition first
L77[01:52:18] <shadekiller666> so spend 4 more hours trying answers, failing, opening the hints and copying the answer?
L78[01:52:40] <shadekiller666> which has seemingly no fucking relation to how the previous one was solved...
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L81[01:56:19] <xaero> well, you'll eventually get an idea that b affects the period, making it squished or elongated
L82[01:56:24] *** Ashlee is now known as Ash|Bike
L83[01:56:27] <xaero> did you figure out b at least?
L84[01:56:32] <shadekiller666> i know what it does
L85[01:56:50] <shadekiller666> i just need the fucking number to put in place of b
L86[01:57:11] <shadekiller666> a is the amplitude, b is period, c is x offset, d is midline
L87[02:00:12] <xaero> yea, now look at the graphs of sin(2x) vs sin(x/2)
L88[02:01:59] <xaero> (and how does making b > 1 or b < 1 affect the period)
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L90[02:02:24] <xaero> http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=sin%282x%29 http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=sin%28x%2F2%29
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L93[02:04:19] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20150808 mappings to Forge Maven.
L94[02:04:22] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20150808-1.8.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20150808" in build.gradle).
L95[02:04:27] <xaero> for c, I had to look up the standard expression http://www.regentsprep.org/regents/math/algtrig/att7/phaseshift.htm
L96[02:04:33] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L97[02:04:47] <xaero> a*sin(b(x-c))+d <-- note the parens
L98[02:05:05] <bob_twinkles> c isn't *exactly* the x offset, it's the phase shift
L99[02:05:40] <bob_twinkles> ^ is a much more useful formulation when actually doing things, since you can express c in the same units as x
L100[02:07:29] *** Gaz492|Away is now known as Gaz492
L101[02:12:42] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L102[02:15:10] <shadekiller666> of course khan accademy doesn't fucking mention the B(x-c)...
L103[02:19:21] ⇨ Joins: Elusivehawk (~Elusiveha@static-50-53-40-195.bvtn.or.frontiernet.net)
L104[02:19:26] <bob_twinkles> if you want to go really crazy with it, you can express things like f(x) = amplitude * sin((2pi / period) * (x + x_offset)) + y_offset
L105[02:19:38] <bob_twinkles> that lets you express, x, x_offset, and period all in the same units =D
L106[02:20:13] <shadekiller666> i just want the stupid numbers for a,b,c,d to plug into this stupid lesson so i can move on to something that isn't fucking graphing trig functions
L107[02:20:57] <bob_twinkles> well, the good thing is that's it's pretty easy to convert between all these representations
L108[02:21:22] <bob_twinkles> and it isn't hard to read the period and x_offset from the formulation I presented off of graphs
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L111[02:21:49] <bob_twinkles> then you just gotta do a bit of algebraic massaging to get it in to the form they want
L112[02:22:59] <shadekiller666> ok, so my max is (pi, 9), min (3pi/4, 1)
L113[02:23:12] <shadekiller666> a = 3.5, d = 5.5
L114[02:24:31] <shadekiller666> would it then be 3.5sin((2pi/pi/4) * (x + C)) + 5.5?
L115[02:25:03] <bob_twinkles> not quite: the period is going to be from max to max or min to min
L116[02:25:29] <shadekiller666> period is 2x max-min
L117[02:25:40] <shadekiller666> so 16?
L118[02:26:01] <shadekiller666> fuck
L119[02:26:19] <bob_twinkles> period = 2 * (max - min) = 2 * (pi - (3/4) pi) = 2 * (pi / 4)
L120[02:26:19] <shadekiller666> min x is 3pi/4, max x is pi
L121[02:26:45] <shadekiller666> now why are you subtracting from pi
L122[02:27:10] <bob_twinkles> 'cause it's 0300 localtime and I can't compare pi and 3pi / 4 >_>
L123[02:27:36] <bob_twinkles> wait no
L124[02:27:36] <shadekiller666> oh wait pi is max
L125[02:27:38] <bob_twinkles> I was right
L126[02:27:38] <shadekiller666> derp
L127[02:27:42] <bob_twinkles> stop confusing me pls XD
L128[02:27:47] <bob_twinkles> lol
L129[02:28:32] <shadekiller666> so b is pi/2?
L130[02:29:38] <bob_twinkles> not quite: b = (2pi / period)
L131[02:29:54] <shadekiller666> so b = 2pi/2pi/4
L132[02:29:58] <shadekiller666> so pi
L133[02:30:39] <bob_twinkles> parens better =P
L134[02:30:59] <shadekiller666> 2pi/(2pi/4)
L135[02:31:04] <shadekiller666> is pi
L136[02:31:14] <shadekiller666> now, what is C
L137[02:31:26] <bob_twinkles> (2pi / (2pi / 4) = (2pi * 4 / 2pi) = 4
L138[02:31:41] <shadekiller666> oh right
L139[02:31:42] <bob_twinkles> a good sanity check here is that if you have a pi in the key points, you probably won't have a pi in b
L140[02:32:05] <shadekiller666> ok
L141[02:32:28] <shadekiller666> so that explains why half of these fucking things have had pi in b and the others haven't...
L142[02:32:51] <bob_twinkles> sounds 'bout right for a problem set =D
L143[02:33:02] <shadekiller666> how do we find c
L144[02:33:50] <bob_twinkles> the way I think of it is lining up the functions
L145[02:34:24] *** Genji is now known as Genji|away
L146[02:34:28] <bob_twinkles> we can shift any function f(x) to the left by some amount x_offset by saying g(x) = f(x - x_offset)
L147[02:34:45] <bob_twinkles> and we know that sin(x) = 1 at x = 0
L148[02:34:50] <shadekiller666> x+x_offset
L149[02:34:55] <shadekiller666> its backwards
L150[02:35:09] <bob_twinkles> + is just a shift to the right
L151[02:35:29] <shadekiller666> not from what i've been seeing in these stupid problems
L152[02:35:34] <bob_twinkles> heh
L153[02:35:34] <shadekiller666> + has meant left
L154[02:35:42] <shadekiller666> and - has meant right
L155[02:35:49] <shadekiller666> because they're using bx+c
L156[02:36:22] <shadekiller666> so actually you're right i think, assuming your way of defining it is the proper way around
L157[02:37:01] <bob_twinkles> sin is a terrible function to demonstrate this on 'cause it has all kinds of periodicity
L158[02:37:44] <shadekiller666> without any offset, this curve looks like a cos
L159[02:38:04] <shadekiller666> would c be 4-pi/2 then?
L160[02:38:27] <shadekiller666> or 1/4-(pi/2)
L161[02:39:18] <bob_twinkles> not quite
L162[02:39:29] <shadekiller666> :/
L163[02:39:51] <bob_twinkles> you're usually not going to get weird stuff like that in intro problems for one thing =P
L164[02:40:00] <shadekiller666> ...
L165[02:40:06] <shadekiller666> tell that to khanacademy
L166[02:41:09] <bob_twinkles> in this case, it's going to be some whumpus * pi, because all your critical points are at nice multiples of pi
L167[02:42:52] <bob_twinkles> we want to move the first maximum, which occurs at x = 0 in an unmodified sin(), to the first maximum that you can read off of the graph, starting at x = 0
L168[02:43:05] <shadekiller666> ........
L169[02:43:11] <shadekiller666> >:(
L170[02:43:12] <bob_twinkles> since that's going to be a shift to the right, it's going to be negative
L171[02:43:26] <bob_twinkles> *staring at x = 0 and looking to the right
L172[02:43:37] <shadekiller666> its fucking 4cos(4x-4pi)+5
L173[02:43:41] <shadekiller666> fuck this shit
L174[02:43:45] <bob_twinkles> yis
L175[02:43:51] <bob_twinkles> I think?
L176[02:43:59] <shadekiller666> the rules keep fucking changing every fucking problem
L177[02:44:21] <bob_twinkles> they don't really. If it seems like they do, that just means they're good problems =D
L178[02:44:58] <shadekiller666> ...
L179[02:45:22] <bob_twinkles> the point is to force you to look at this crap from as many different angles as they can
L180[02:45:36] <shadekiller666> i've already seen every fucking angle
L181[02:45:46] <shadekiller666> haven't solved a single fucking one of them
L182[02:46:16] <shadekiller666> well, not without my dad helping me... and even then we couldn't fucking get 5 correct in a row
L183[02:46:23] <shadekiller666> fuck it
L184[02:46:42] <shadekiller666> i'll watch the lecture video again tomorrow
L185[02:46:50] <bob_twinkles> https://www.desmos.com/calculator is a pretty good online graphing calculator, going back to a much earlier question
L186[02:46:57] <Giraffestock> oh man
L187[02:47:01] <Giraffestock> i totally remember doing this
L188[02:47:23] <shadekiller666> bob, i saw that, it doesn't help when you have to fill in a,b,c,d...
L189[02:47:43] <shadekiller666> at least i couldn't figure out how...
L190[02:47:48] <bob_twinkles> well, it won't solve it for you. But you can play around with the functions and hopefully get some intuition for how they behave
L191[02:48:13] <Giraffestock> its center + amp(C(x+offset)) or something right?
L192[02:48:24] <Giraffestock> and the period is 2pi/c
L193[02:48:43] <bob_twinkles> that's the smart way to formulate it =P
L194[02:48:48] <shadekiller666> a sin(b(x - c))+d
L195[02:48:55] <Giraffestock> lol forgot the sin
L196[02:49:09] <Giraffestock> but remember there could be a multiplier before the sin
L197[02:49:19] <Giraffestock> which would scale it
L198[02:49:26] <shadekiller666> thats what the a is
L199[02:49:38] <shadekiller666> (a)sin(...)
L200[02:49:40] <Giraffestock> iirc A is the center
L201[02:49:44] <shadekiller666> no
L202[02:49:45] <Giraffestock> something + asin
L203[02:49:48] <Giraffestock> oh nvm then
L204[02:49:59] <shadekiller666> fuck it i'm going to be
L205[02:50:01] <shadekiller666> d
L206[02:50:15] <Giraffestock> wait whats the problem
L207[02:50:16] <Giraffestock> this is fu
L208[02:50:17] <Giraffestock> fun
L209[02:50:21] <shadekiller666> maybe the dumbass lecture guy will make sense tomorrow
L210[02:50:22] <shadekiller666> ha
L211[02:50:24] <shadekiller666> hahahaha
L212[02:50:30] <Giraffestock> no seriously, PM? d:
L213[02:50:36] <shadekiller666> ok
L214[02:52:38] <xaero> FWIW, I got a different answer than KA: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=4*sin%282*x-2*3pi%2F4%29%2B3
L215[02:53:27] ⇨ Joins: Upthorn (~ogmar@108-204-125-173.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net)
L216[02:58:08] <xaero> don't think KA is right on this one... http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=4*cos%284x-4pi%29%2B5
L217[02:58:25] <Cazzar> Well
L218[02:58:39] <Cazzar> it also can depend on order of operations
L219[02:59:02] <Cazzar> given that you do have 2 * 3 * (pi/4)
L220[02:59:49] *** Ash|Bike is now known as Ashlee
L221[03:00:30] ⇨ Joins: Wasweb (~Wasweb@2E6B3FFE.catv.pool.telekom.hu)
L222[03:03:15] <xaero> but that's a constant? OOP says to evalulate those left to right
L223[03:04:12] <xaero> (not object-oriented programming, context folks :P)
L224[03:04:49] <killjoy> I think I'm about to get in the development of Meddle.
L225[03:05:10] <killjoy> I have plans for dynamic mappings
L226[03:05:23] ⇨ Joins: Firedingo5 (~Firedingo@
L227[03:05:49] <xaero> that doesn't provide an API right? you still have to write your own ASM for every hook you want?
L228[03:05:56] <killjoy> Yes.
L229[03:06:19] <killjoy> I want to make it possible to use stubs in your mod.
L230[03:07:02] ⇦ Quits: Firedingo (~Firedingo@ (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L231[03:07:29] <xaero> what do you mean stubs? like wrappers for net.minecraft functions?
L232[03:07:30] <killjoy> You should see his DynamicMappings class. It's a bunch of methods named get<ClassName>
L233[03:07:35] <killjoy> Not wrappers
L234[03:07:44] <killjoy> stubs contain no code
L235[03:08:08] <killjoy> I'm thinking on launch, usages of these stubs will get rerouted to their actual classes.
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L238[03:10:03] <killjoy> so stubs.Minecraft.getMinecraft() will get changed to the something like bsu.z()
L239[03:13:13] * ollieread reads up
L240[03:15:38] <xaero> how are you approving valid stubs? I'm sure there's some 1.8 things that aren't in the snapshot, so you can't just include all the 1.8 things wholesale. Manually?
L241[03:15:54] <Giraffestock> http://i.imgur.com/1DPfwAh.png
L242[03:15:56] <Giraffestock> WOOPS
L243[03:16:03] <Giraffestock> @shadekiller666
L244[03:16:19] <Giraffestock> the weird wonky one is when pi/4, which is definitely not right
L245[03:16:32] <Giraffestock> for some silly reason khan academy decided to change the fractions into decimals and rounded
L246[03:17:38] *** Firedingo5 is now known as Firedingo
L247[03:18:45] <xaero> (and not to mention things in the snapshot not in 1.8 that have no MCP names yet)
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L250[03:23:59] <killjoy> xaero, stubs would need to be updated every so often.
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L252[03:26:08] <xaero> a manual one-man job that updates every release? or still manual, but a collaborative effort a la MCP bot that you can fetch new mappings?
L253[03:27:17] <killjoy> Things don't always change
L254[03:27:34] <xaero> someone's gotta bootstrap those mappings and there better be an automated way to get an initial set :P
L255[03:28:01] <killjoy> Who says we need 100%?
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L257[03:30:37] <xaero> I didn't, but I think some automation can get you a decent percent with less error/grind
L258[03:31:32] <killjoy> So far, I just know of doing it via string constants and known class/method structures
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L260[03:32:26] <killjoy> I'll fuss over the details tomorrow
L261[03:33:05] <xaero> np, it's an interesting idea to get snapshots moddable nevertheless
L262[03:33:21] <killjoy> Hey, mcpatcher did it
L263[03:33:38] <killjoy> This is just taking what that does and doing it at runtime
L264[03:34:22] <killjoy> mcpatcher never did get out of the 1.5 era
L265[03:35:34] <killjoy> Anyway, I'm signing off.
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L270[03:47:06] <Wuppy_> :( I finished The withcer 2
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L278[04:20:21] <ollieread> Holy shit these headphones are amazing
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L280[04:23:52] <capitalthree> ollieread: how much did they cost?
L281[04:24:06] <ollieread> Erm
L282[04:24:21] <ollieread> £69.99
L283[04:24:29] <ollieread> and the keyboard was £114.95 apparently
L284[04:24:37] <ollieread> I should have probably checked the prices before I brought them
L285[04:24:56] <unascribed> what keyboard?
L286[04:25:10] <ollieread> Blackwidow ultimate
L287[04:25:18] <unascribed> well, at least it's mechanical
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L289[04:25:41] <ollieread> Yeah
L290[04:25:54] <ollieread> I only really brought this one because it glows green
L291[04:26:08] <ollieread> I love the blackwidows and it was a replacement for a blackwidow, but the lower none glowing one
L292[04:26:24] <ollieread> I figured that I may aswell upgrade it
L293[04:26:28] <ollieread> It also feels a hell of a lot nicer
L294[04:26:34] <unascribed> well, I've heard Razer's build quality has been going way down lately, so beware
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L296[04:26:48] <ollieread> Well my old one was full of tobacco from my days of smoking
L297[04:26:58] <ollieread> So the i key stuck a lot, which made things really fucking annoying
L298[04:27:04] <ollieread> public voiiiiid
L299[04:27:20] <unascribed> public voiiiiiidiiiiiiiii*
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L301[04:28:23] <ItsANoBrainer> Does anyone know why my event.entity.getCommandSenderName() result refuses to equal a string thats the exact same?
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L303[04:28:42] <ollieread> Are you doing .equals() ?
L304[04:28:53] <ollieread> or using == ?
L305[04:30:05] <ItsANoBrainer> well then
L306[04:30:10] <ItsANoBrainer> That worked now
L307[04:30:17] <ItsANoBrainer> Why does it have to be like that?
L308[04:30:21] <ItsANoBrainer> (using .equals)
L309[04:30:46] <Ordinastie_> because the object references are different
L310[04:31:39] <ollieread> Yeah, when doing == you're comparing objects, therefore references, where as equals() for String checks the actual value
L311[04:32:18] <unascribed> FindBugs will produce a warning for that, so if you make that mistake often you could install it
L312[04:32:19] <Ordinastie_> but I aggre java should fix that, make a special case for string where "stuff" == "stuff" holds true :x
L313[04:32:53] <ItsANoBrainer> I've spent the past hour debugging in console wondering why the hell "Squid" didn't equal "Squid" lmao
L314[04:33:02] <unascribed> I think we need a Python 3-esque overhaul for Java
L315[04:33:17] <unascribed> one of which would be "==" means .equals and "===" means identity comparison
L316[04:33:19] <ollieread> Noaaahh
L317[04:33:28] <ollieread> nothing needs a python style to it
L318[04:33:31] <ollieread> Not even python
L319[04:33:33] <unascribed> I hate python
L320[04:33:36] <ItsANoBrainer> ^^^^
L321[04:33:39] <unascribed> I just mean the 2->3 transition
L322[04:33:42] <unascribed> not the language
L323[04:33:45] <ItsANoBrainer> lol
L324[04:33:52] <unascribed> where they scrapped 90% of it and went "Let's do this again."
L325[04:34:14] <unascribed> bleh
L326[04:34:18] ⇦ Quits: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L327[04:34:21] <unascribed> I've been meaning to make a minimal JVM language for a long time
L328[04:34:28] <unascribed> minimal as in very similar to Java with minor differences
L329[04:34:28] *** Wuppy_ is now known as Wuppy
L330[04:34:43] <unascribed> not an attempt to make it a scripting language (like Groovy) or an attempt to CHANGE ALL THE THINGS (like Scala)
L331[04:36:12] <unascribed> Xtend comes close, but the fact that Java code isn't valid Xtend means they took it too far
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L333[04:37:01] <Cazzar> Or
L334[04:37:23] <Cazzar> we have operator overloads, and == calls .equals and we have a new Object function, referenceEquals?
L335[04:37:42] <unascribed> eh, but identity comparison has always been a first-class language feature
L336[04:37:45] <unascribed> not that anyone uses it
L337[04:39:38] <unascribed> I would name it "Cappuccino" if it wasn't so hard to spell
L338[04:39:58] <unascribed> everything coffee-related seems to be hard to spell
L339[04:40:16] <Ordinastie_> except for 'coffee'
L340[04:41:00] <unascribed> no, the double-e in coffee also makes it qualify for "hard to spell"
L341[04:41:11] <unascribed> maybe more the double-f
L342[04:41:22] <unascribed> plus everyone already uses the word coffee.
L343[04:43:16] <unascribed> to my amazement, "Mocha" isn't in popular use
L344[04:43:50] <Szernex> hrm, DecoCraft really slows down the loading of the instance...
L345[04:44:17] <Szernex> it alone takes about as long to load as all other mods together in my pack right now -.-
L346[04:44:38] ⇨ Joins: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@94-225-204-72.access.telenet.be)
L347[04:44:43] <unascribed> HelloWorld.mcha
L348[04:49:32] ⇨ Joins: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net)
L349[04:51:49] <kashike> does MCPBot_Reborn not support "old" names? trying to find methods but they aren't found
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L352[04:52:40] <unascribed> kashike: add the version as the third param
L353[04:53:06] <kashike> does nothing unascribed
L354[04:53:19] <unascribed> !gm Entity.getHeldItem 1.7.10
L355[04:53:27] <unascribed> !gm EntityLiving.getHeldItem 1.7.10
L356[04:53:35] <unascribed> works here
L357[04:53:43] <kashike> ScorePlayerTeam.onSetNamePrefix, ScorePlayerTeam.shouldEcho
L358[04:53:45] <kashike> 1.8
L359[04:53:48] <unascribed> getHeldItem isn't old, but it's the first thing I thought of
L360[04:53:48] <kashike> nothing found
L361[04:53:59] <unascribed> !gf ScorePlayerTeam.onSetNamePrefix
L362[04:54:03] <unascribed> !gf ScorePlayerTeam.onSetNamePrefix 1.7.10
L363[04:54:18] <unascribed> !gm ScorePlayerTeam.onSetNamePrefix 1.7.10
L364[04:54:31] <unascribed> let me pull up my workspace so I can see this method/field/thing
L365[04:54:37] <capitalthree> 04:34:21 < unascribed> I've been meaning to make a minimal JVM language for a long time
L366[04:54:40] <capitalthree> 04:34:28 < unascribed> minimal as in very similar to Java with minor differences
L367[04:54:43] <capitalthree> unascribed: have you looked at kotlin?
L368[04:54:55] <kashike> that's the thing, there's no such methods in latest MCP unascribed
L369[04:54:57] <kashike> 1.8, remember
L370[04:55:09] <unascribed> oh, you want to lookup old *mappings*
L371[04:55:11] <unascribed> not old versions
L372[04:55:13] <unascribed> you can't do that
L373[04:55:18] <unascribed> you'll just have to guess what it's called now
L374[04:55:28] <unascribed> capitalthree: barely
L375[04:55:55] <capitalthree> unascribed: it's rather nice. I also have experience with scala, which is nice but has some bloat issues. kotlin keeps it simple and java-like while fixing the major rough spots.
L376[04:55:58] <kashike> onSetNamePrefix = sendTeamUpdate, but it is an empty method
L377[04:56:00] <unascribed> already repulsed by the first example.
L378[04:56:05] <unascribed> >fun
L379[04:56:10] <unascribed> >backwards types
L380[04:56:12] <capitalthree> huh?
L381[04:56:15] <unascribed> >optional semicolons
L382[04:56:25] <capitalthree> heh
L383[04:56:29] <unascribed> this is just about the *opposite* of minimal
L384[04:56:35] <Ordinastie_> !mh ScorePlayerTeam.shouldEcho
L385[04:56:44] <unascribed> mh?
L386[04:56:59] <capitalthree> unascribed: think about if you had to write a parser... if you want to make type ascriptions optional, it's a lot harder if they still have to come before the identifier
L387[04:57:11] <unascribed> capitalthree: I don't want to make type ascriptions optional :P
L388[04:57:15] <capitalthree> I agree about semicolons though :P
L389[04:57:21] <unascribed> kashike: apparently you can, !mh
L390[04:57:21] <capitalthree> oh. I see. well I'm afraid I find that quite silly
L391[04:57:31] <unascribed> well I find optional types quite silly
L392[04:57:32] <Ordinastie_> !mh Entity.getHeldItem 1.7.10
L393[04:57:39] <capitalthree> unascribed: it's not optional types
L394[04:57:42] <Ordinastie_> !mh getHeldItem
L395[04:57:43] <capitalthree> it's static typing with type inferrence
L396[04:58:08] <capitalthree> so if I do "val a = 5" a will be statically assigned as Int by default, but I could use an ascription to make it Long instead.
L397[04:58:14] <unascribed> oh god no
L398[04:58:18] <unascribed> no val
L399[04:58:20] <unascribed> opsfg;lkgudh
L400[04:58:21] <kashike> mh works, great
L401[04:58:25] * unascribed runs as fast as he can
L402[04:58:34] <capitalthree> unascribed: so in java, do you make things final when you can?
L403[04:58:51] <unascribed> no, microoptimizations like that are the compiler's business not mine
L404[04:59:07] <capitalthree> it's not about performance, it's about keeping yourself from shooting yourself in the foot
L405[04:59:19] <unascribed> if you mean fields, yes
L406[04:59:22] <unascribed> local variables, no
L407[04:59:24] <capitalthree> writing code with minimal side effects is doing a favor to your future self who has to reuse or refactor code
L408[04:59:42] <unascribed> writing in an indecipherable language that is 90% inferred is not a favor to my future self.
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L411[05:00:05] <capitalthree> except that if you use an IDE, you can always just mouse over stuff to see what was inferred :P
L412[05:00:25] <capitalthree> anyways it's not microoptimization. if you get the hang of it will become second nature... you always make a variable final, and then come back and remove it if you find you have to modify it
L413[05:00:37] <capitalthree> seriously, give it a shot, you'll be surprised
L414[05:01:12] <unascribed> I see our opinions in the world of programming languages seem to differ. This is an issue we cannot resolve through civil discourse without taking an exceptionally long time and I hereby politely suggest we terminate our discussion, as I do not think any amount of discussion will make me like Kotlin.
L415[05:01:35] <capitalthree> ok. though I was just trying to encourage you to use final more in java.
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L417[05:01:46] <capitalthree> making a new language is hard work... if you do undertake it, best of luck
L418[05:01:53] <unascribed> I already made a new language :P
L419[05:01:57] <unascribed> Xtext is awesome
L420[05:01:59] <capitalthree> oh?
L421[05:02:12] <unascribed> since I suggested earlier I would make a new language I already basically have
L422[05:02:18] <unascribed> and it has an IDE plugin
L423[05:02:20] <unascribed> all for free :P
L424[05:02:35] <unascribed> https://www.eclipse.org/Xtext/index.html
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L426[05:03:49] <capitalthree> I notice you don't have a problem with def :P
L427[05:03:56] <unascribed> I despise def.
L428[05:04:01] <unascribed> which is why I am not using Xtend
L429[05:04:06] <capitalthree> oh
L430[05:04:10] <unascribed> Xtext is a language *framework*
L431[05:04:11] <unascribed> not a language
L432[05:05:01] <capitalthree> then why do you use xtend for the main examples on your site?
L433[05:05:13] <unascribed> not my site
L434[05:05:13] <Ordinastie_> unascribed, the voice in the vid, is that you?
L435[05:05:17] <unascribed> no
L436[05:05:26] <unascribed> I was pointing out how I was making my language
L437[05:05:29] <unascribed> not that Xtext was my language
L438[05:05:36] <Ordinastie_> ah
L439[05:07:21] <unascribed> If you care what I sound like: https://unascribed.com/a/37583e98.ogg
L440[05:08:30] <Ordinastie_> it's because the voice in the vid is very deep
L441[05:08:42] <unascribed> I haven't watched the video :P
L442[05:08:47] <unascribed> I generally hate video-based documentation
L443[05:08:49] <unascribed> so I ignore videos
L444[05:09:08] <capitalthree> you must hate the minecraft community then xD
L445[05:09:16] <capitalthree> rambling disorganized video tutorials for everything!
L446[05:09:47] <Ordinastie_> hey, here is a video that tell you how to install mod X for minecraft
L447[05:10:02] <Ordinastie_> hey, here is the exact same video that thells you how to install mod Y for minecraft
L448[05:10:11] <unascribed> don't forget "Hello, YouTube" or "Hey everybody"
L449[05:10:19] <unascribed> as if YouTube is some amorphous entity
L450[05:11:58] <capitalthree> I like how on the Cracked podcast they open with "Hello The Internet"
L451[05:12:25] <unascribed> where is the access modifier in Xtext
L452[05:13:13] <unascribed> is everything public in Xtend1?
L453[05:13:15] <unascribed> !?*
L454[05:14:50] <unascribed> I may make Mocha a family of languages
L455[05:14:53] <unascribed> instead of just one
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L461[05:26:47] <Szernex> so how does CoFH do the ore gen manipulation? do you just put some .json files in config/cofh/world and it loads them all one after the other or do you have to specify somehow which one gets used?
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L481[06:32:53] <Szernex> anyone know which mod adds the command to remove all blocks of a certain time within a radius?
L482[06:33:15] <sham1|LOST> How do you have a block of a certain time
L483[06:33:34] *** sham1|LOST is now known as sham1
L484[06:33:36] <Szernex> why
L485[06:33:40] <Szernex> did I type time again
L486[06:33:41] <PaleoCrafter> vanilla is capable of that, Szernex :P
L487[06:33:42] <Szernex> type I mean
L488[06:33:43] <Szernex> god dammit
L489[06:33:47] <Szernex> is it?
L490[06:33:51] <Szernex> what's the command?
L491[06:33:57] <PaleoCrafter> replace iirc
L492[06:34:12] <PaleoCrafter> might have been introduced in 1.8 though :P
L493[06:34:16] <Szernex> ...
L494[06:34:16] <PaleoCrafter> also, WorldEdit
L495[06:34:23] <Szernex> it wasn't either of that
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L503[06:56:57] <Lumien> Could somebody point me to the interfaces / methods chunk loader use?
L504[07:00:50] <PaleoCrafter> ForgeChunkManager, Lumien
L505[07:00:59] <Lumien> thx
L506[07:10:46] <Szernex> I assume it wouldn't be too hard to modify the rate at which player health regenerates naturally, right?
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L526[08:30:51] <laci200270> I forgot... How can can I bind a texture to a GUI?
L527[08:31:25] <PaleoCrafter> Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager().bindTexture, laci200270
L528[08:31:37] <laci200270> thanks
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L530[08:34:36] <Wuppy> does anyone know a place where the withcer 3 is on discount?
L531[08:35:22] <PaleoCrafter> http://www.allkeyshop.com/blog/buy-the-witcher-3-wild-hunt-cd-key-compare-prices/ Wuppy :P
L532[08:35:35] <gigaherz> Wuppy: if it's anywhere, it will be on g2a.com ;P
L533[08:35:40] <gigaherz> formerly go2arena
L534[08:36:03] <gigaherz> Digital key 29,14 €
L535[08:36:05] <gigaherz> in g2a
L536[08:36:10] <gigaherz> and I bought just fine from them
L537[08:36:26] <gigaherz> ah, GOG.com key only, not Steam
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L539[08:45:34] <masa> Szernex: do you mean the /clearblocks command from cofhcore?
L540[08:45:42] <Szernex> that might be it
L541[08:45:49] <Szernex> lemme see
L542[08:46:20] <Szernex> unknown command
L543[08:46:25] <Szernex> and i do have cofhcore in the pack
L544[08:46:58] <masa> huh
L545[08:47:16] <masa> I doubt they would have removed it
L546[08:47:20] <Szernex> but I think that was it yeah
L547[08:47:43] <Szernex> it is still in the doc
L548[08:48:01] <Szernex> ah, derp
L549[08:48:03] <Szernex> nevermind
L550[08:48:15] <Szernex> yes, that was it, thanks
L551[08:48:24] <masa> kk
L552[08:48:34] <Szernex> forgot it needs the cofh prefix
L553[08:49:05] <masa> hmm, right, forgot that too
L554[08:49:23] <masa> haven't really done much with modded mc lately
L555[08:49:33] <masa> it got boring, whereas vanilla is fun for me atm
L556[08:49:59] <Szernex> exact opposite to me
L557[08:50:05] <Szernex> vanilla doesn't do anything for me anymore
L558[08:50:29] <masa> I have huge farm projects planned in vanilla, they'll keep me busy for a few months at least :p
L559[08:50:43] *** TTFT|Away is now known as TTFTCUTS
L560[08:51:48] <masa> whereas modded is kind of "what's the point?" you grind for resources, then you automate everything, and you never have the motivation to do big projects because everything can be automated and is "too easy", which comes back to the "what's the point?" when I don't get the satisfaction of epic sized projects done by hand
L561[08:52:50] <masa> sure automation is fun, but it only lasts for a couple of months at most, and that is even with me having a rally slow play style
L562[08:53:12] <gigaherz> depends on WHAT you mod
L563[08:53:31] <gigaherz> to me, gathering materials is boring
L564[08:53:38] <gigaherz> if I want to build a huge castle
L565[08:53:49] <gigaherz> then I think "I'll haveto spend 10 hours gathering stone"
L566[08:53:52] <gigaherz> and just lose interest
L567[08:54:17] <gigaherz> meanwhile, with a bit of automation
L568[08:55:03] <gigaherz> cobblestone generator -> solar-powered electric furnace -> ever-full barrel of stone
L569[08:55:18] <gigaherz> together with chisel and builders' wand = hugebuilds done quick
L570[08:55:29] <gigaherz> add carpenter's blocks
L571[08:55:39] <gigaherz> and you have stairs for everything!
L572[08:55:44] <gigaherz> and btw
L573[08:55:45] <gigaherz> IMO
L574[08:55:57] <Szernex> and microblocks
L575[08:56:29] <gigaherz> oh yeah microblocks too
L576[08:56:49] <gigaherz> the downside of carpenter's blocks is that they are laggy
L577[08:57:04] <Sephiroth> Same can be said about microblocks too.
L578[08:57:10] <gigaherz> yes
L579[08:57:19] <gigaherz> any decorative block that requires a TE
L580[08:57:53] <gigaherz> hence why I'll be very glad when mc gets rid of meta
L581[08:58:01] <gigaherz> and uses serialized properties in the storage
L582[08:58:25] <gigaherz> that should make it possible to support a generic "stairs" block
L583[08:58:30] <diesieben07> which will blow up the save files ;)
L584[08:58:39] <gigaherz> that has a property "base block" indicating what to draw as
L585[08:58:40] <gigaherz> ;P
L586[08:58:49] <gigaherz> without requiring a TE
L587[08:59:12] <diesieben07> why? :D
L588[08:59:19] <gigaherz> ?
L589[08:59:20] <diesieben07> you can make non-laggy TEs
L590[08:59:59] <gigaherz> well atm, if you make an entire castle's roof out of carpenter blocks, it lags.
L591[09:00:24] <diesieben07> well, that is the fault of the mod then.
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L593[09:02:33] <yueh> is there a way to actually compress packets transparently?
L594[09:02:58] <gigaherz> usea gzip stream or something like that?
L595[09:03:07] <gigaherz> why do yo uneed to compress, though?
L596[09:03:40] <yueh> because sending a couple of mbs is not ideal?
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L598[09:04:38] <gigaherz> yueh: wtf are you sending?!
L599[09:04:39] <gigaherz> XD
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L601[09:04:50] <yueh> AE network inventory
L602[09:05:04] <gigaherz> ALL OF IT in one packet?!
L603[09:05:20] <gigaherz> why not just send only the items currently visible on the interface?
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L605[09:05:37] <gigaherz> that's the only case the client needs anything
L606[09:05:42] <gigaherz> the rest can remain server-side only
L607[09:05:53] <laci200270> mcpbot is a bit annoying
L608[09:06:06] <laci200270> he doesn't find anything for func_94528_d
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L611[09:06:37] <yueh> not possible to be done serverside
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L613[09:06:56] <gigaherz> well the SNW packet system givesyou a ByteBuf
L614[09:07:07] <gigaherz> which you can use to write an array of bytes
L615[09:07:18] <gigaherz> so you could use a memory stream
L616[09:07:30] <yueh> not transparent
L617[09:07:42] <gigaherz> wait
L618[09:07:55] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> gigaherz: carpenter's blocks does not lag other than loading in
L619[09:08:01] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> yes sending all that data to your client takes some time
L620[09:08:06] <gigaherz> so if you do that on a generic "CompressedMessage" superclass
L621[09:08:06] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> but after that there is minimal impact
L622[09:08:17] <gigaherz> you could have your own abstract "readCompressedData" and "writeCompressedData"
L623[09:08:29] <gigaherz> which essentially makes it transparent for you
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L625[09:08:52] <yueh> compression could be handle at netty level
L626[09:08:59] <gigaherz> if there's anything already in place for packet compression, I'm not aware of it
L627[09:08:59] <yueh> via the channel pipeline
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L629[09:09:58] <gigaherz> hmm I guess you could write it into the SimpleNetworkWrapper, and make a PR to forge
L630[09:10:18] <yueh> not ideal
L631[09:10:28] <gigaherz> yeah
L632[09:10:36] <gigaherz> I'm trying to think of solutions, and that's all I can come up with
L633[09:10:49] <yueh> we also have enough other small packets and compression would not achieve any improvements
L634[09:10:51] <diesieben07> you can use the netty channel FML gives you directly.
L635[09:10:55] <laci200270> it is possible to mcpbot doesn't know anything from an SRG name?
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L638[09:12:28] <yueh> i tried to attach an new channelhandler to the channel pipeline, but even the logging one seems to refuse to work
L639[09:13:31] <bspkrs> laci200270, what srg name?
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L641[09:13:52] <laci200270> bspkrs, func_94528_d
L642[09:15:20] <PaleoCrafter> laci200270, 1.7.10?
L643[09:15:30] <laci200270> i think yes
L644[09:15:37] <PaleoCrafter> you must specify this for the bot :P
L645[09:15:42] <bspkrs> add 1.7.10 to the end
L646[09:15:42] <PaleoCrafter> gm func_94528_d 1.7.10
L647[09:16:17] <laci200270> oh
L648[09:16:39] <laci200270> thanks
L649[09:16:47] <Ordinastie_> bspkrs, since you're here : http://mcpold.ocean-labs.de/index.php/MCPBot_Reborn
L650[09:16:55] <bspkrs> yeah, yeah
L651[09:16:59] <bspkrs> I know
L652[09:17:09] <Ordinastie_> figure, you'd already know, but just in case :p
L653[09:17:21] <bspkrs> I need to just make a page for it on the mcpbot website
L654[09:17:57] <bspkrs> I wonder if I can get the text from the way back machine...
L655[09:18:16] <Ordinastie_> you changed your host ?
L656[09:18:46] <bspkrs> sear.ge changed his servers around and I don't think he ever set up the old site
L657[09:21:04] *** tterrag|ZZZzzz is now known as tterrag|away
L658[09:22:19] <bspkrs> http://web.archive.org/web/20141103125523/http://mcpold.ocean-labs.de/index.php/MCPBot_Reborn
L659[09:23:57] <gigaherz> make a markdown version and put it up on readthedocs? ;P
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L662[09:26:18] <Blubberbub> Hello, is there a startup event that happens after FMLServerStartingEvent? I have the problem that when I'm reading the CraftingManager-RecipeList it appears to be missing some recipes for some mods in FMLServerStarting
L663[09:26:52] <heldplayer> FMLServerStarted?
L664[09:26:53] <diesieben07> it is highly unlikely that mods register recipes after that.
L665[09:27:09] <Blubberbub> diesieben07, thats what i thought - but iChuns PortalGun is doing that.
L666[09:27:19] <diesieben07> -.- why would anyone do that
L667[09:27:34] <diesieben07> special case it then with after:PortalGun or whatever the modid is
L668[09:28:00] <pig> That recipe is config dependent and is set by the server. That's why.
L669[09:28:52] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L670[09:28:57] <diesieben07> still, meh
L671[09:30:34] <Blubberbub> i will try ServerStarted... but yea - meh
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L674[09:32:42] <Blubberbub> aren't all the other mods achieve the same thing by having the config the same on server&client?
L675[09:33:08] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L676[09:34:28] <pig> That's a fair point though, but I don't know why I still do my recipes my way
L677[09:34:48] <pig> Felt like it has something to do with idiot proofing
L678[09:34:52] <gigaherz> IMO, client side config should only affect singleplayer
L679[09:35:07] <gigaherz> all the recipes, IDs and such shoudl be server-exclusive
L680[09:35:21] <Ordinastie_> problem remains, you get that only after connect
L681[09:35:25] <gigaherz> yeah
L682[09:35:51] <diesieben07> make a class that extends ShapedRecipes then which checks an additional thing in matches()
L683[09:35:54] <gigaherz> it's just not currently designed that way
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L685[09:37:10] <Blubberbub> FMLServerStartedEvent is still to early :(
L686[09:37:38] <Blubberbub> its reasonable to only configure the recipes on the server, yes.
L687[09:37:53] <diesieben07> you need the after then
L688[09:38:01] <diesieben07> then your stuff will run after portalgun
L689[09:38:19] <Blubberbub> yea... i hoped i could avoid being that specific
L690[09:39:59] <diesieben07> actually ServerStarted fires after ServerStarting
L691[09:40:11] <diesieben07> so if it really happens in ServerStarting then SeverStarted would be fine
L692[09:40:28] <Blubberbub> yea... i was stupid and forgot @mod.subscribe... -.-
L693[09:40:30] <Blubberbub> trying again now :D
L694[09:40:49] <Blubberbub> well - eventhandler
L695[09:41:49] ⇦ Quits: sww1235 (~sww1235@c-67-174-179-97.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L696[09:41:59] <PaleoCrafter> remember that mod that automatically downloads mods from the server? that probably would be perfect to this :P
L697[09:42:37] ⇦ Quits: RichardG (richardg86@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L698[09:42:50] <PaleoCrafter> and in the meantime it gives you access to the whole server
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L701[09:45:04] MineBot sets mode: +v on RichardG
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L705[09:58:28] <Blubberbub> serverStarted also did not work for me.
L706[09:59:04] <Blubberbub> diesieben07, the custom IRecipe you suggested would make it worse, because then i would have to write more code to interpret the IRecipe and its ingredients
L707[10:01:37] <diesieben07> I said extend ShapedRecipes ;)
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L709[10:02:07] <Blubberbub> yea - but then it would only shift the problem: the ShapedRecipe is there, but does not know yet which items to represent - i think.
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L716[10:15:51] <williewillus> http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/transport-pipes/ lol
L717[10:15:52] <williewillus> rip fps
L718[10:16:37] <PaleoCrafter> "Don't change the config file of this plugin!"
L719[10:17:45] <gigaherz> are those pseudo-pipes done with glass panes and blaze rods?
L720[10:17:45] <simon816> lol wow
L721[10:18:22] <gigaherz> that's crazy XD
L722[10:18:23] <williewillus> armor stands
L723[10:18:28] <simon816> I was going to do something like that for http://www.sip-plugin.org/
L724[10:18:30] <williewillus> wearing class and blaze rods
L725[10:18:46] <williewillus> which means those are all entity renders, which means your fps gets destroyed
L726[10:18:52] <Mraof> Hello
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L730[10:25:54] <Flenix> Any easy way to compare two itemstacks but ignore the quantity?
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L733[10:28:40] <Flenix> Nvm, figured it out
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L749[11:21:10] <ItsANoBrainer> How would I go about adding a message to chat?
L750[11:21:30] <ItsANoBrainer> And what dictates whether only the player or the entire server sees it
L751[11:22:01] <Ordinastie_> !gf timer
L752[11:24:02] ⇨ Joins: shadekiller666 (~shadekill@adsl-108-80-76-240.dsl.lsan03.sbcglobal.net)
L753[11:24:48] <MageProtocol> ItsANoBrainer: use player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("Your Text Here"))
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L757[11:27:01] <MageProtocol> That will send it to the single player
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L759[11:35:04] <ItsANoBrainer> Thankyou, got it.
L760[11:35:15] <ItsANoBrainer> Is there anyway to customize the text, color, bold, ect.
L761[11:35:34] <TehNut> EnumChatFormatting
L762[11:48:11] <Ordinastie_> !gm renderByItem
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L769[12:01:39] <Vorquel> It's a bad day when the most robust solution to a problem is to replace dynamically generated classes with dynamically modified classes. I.e, I need to turn my main mod into a core mod. D:
L770[12:02:59] <shadekiller666> wtf are you doing?
L771[12:04:02] <ItsANoBrainer> Im probably doing something obvious wrong, but does anyone know why the levelsGained isnt being reset to zero after the method is done? http://pastebin.com/u2q7UUxS
L772[12:04:25] <Vorquel> I want to make nether and end generation depend on the world type. Mystcraft is crashing on my current solution.
L773[12:04:40] <Blubberbub> ItsANoBrainer, because you are modifying not a class-variable, but the local variable in the method
L774[12:04:59] <williewillus> Vorquel: just use a custom biome
L775[12:05:02] <williewillus> ?
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L777[12:05:08] <williewillus> none of that should ever need asm-ing
L778[12:05:34] <ItsANoBrainer> Correct
L779[12:06:48] <williewillus> also anyone else bothered by 1.8's creeper flashing? It flashes to opaque white, like they forgot to enable blend or something >.<
L780[12:07:36] <Vorquel> My original solution follows lex's mod YUNoMakeGoodMap. Messing with the providers rather than the biomes. I want total control of the dimension, not just add some content.
L781[12:07:51] <williewillus> providers didnt work?
L782[12:08:17] <ItsANoBrainer> Yeah Blubberbub I get that, but when I add to levelsGained, and the method ends, the static variable doesnt get reset when the method is called again, but setting it to zero doesnt work?
L783[12:08:21] <ItsANoBrainer> Im confused
L784[12:08:41] <Vorquel> I coded providers that replace the vanilla ones. Mystcraft doesn't like that.
L785[12:08:54] <shadekiller666> i would imagine not
L786[12:09:11] <Blubberbub> ItsANoBrainer, there is not static variable. you are only using the 'levelsGained' variable, which is local to the method
L787[12:09:11] <williewillus> ItsANoBrainer: you're assigning to a local variable, which has higher precedence
L788[12:09:14] <shadekiller666> mystcraft probably does the most world gen manipulation of any mod
L789[12:09:15] <williewillus> its going out of scope
L790[12:10:10] <williewillus> paste your whole class
L791[12:10:46] <ItsANoBrainer> So would I need to move the variable out of the method?
L792[12:10:51] <williewillus> yes
L793[12:10:58] <williewillus> if you want state you need a field :p
L794[12:11:12] <williewillus> right now you're assigning 0 to a variable and immediately after said variable is getting deleted
L795[12:11:14] <williewillus> bc the method ended
L796[12:11:26] <ItsANoBrainer> right
L797[12:11:59] <ItsANoBrainer> So if the variable is getting deleted, it should start on 0 when the method is called again right?
L798[12:12:09] <williewillus> yes
L799[12:12:13] <ItsANoBrainer> Yeah thats not happeneing
L800[12:12:22] <ItsANoBrainer> sec
L801[12:12:29] <williewillus> paste whole class
L802[12:12:54] <ItsANoBrainer> the rest of the class has nothing to do with that method, its another class that does that
L803[12:12:55] <ItsANoBrainer> sec
L804[12:13:22] <ItsANoBrainer> http://pastebin.com/CRkA9bqU
L805[12:13:56] <PaleoCrafter> ItsANoBrainer, just telling you, but your system won't work well with more than one player :P
L806[12:14:09] <williewillus> ooh ouch
L807[12:14:12] <williewillus> accessing client code
L808[12:14:17] <williewillus> that's not going to work on a server
L809[12:14:26] <ItsANoBrainer> Yeah I assumed not
L810[12:14:29] <williewillus> and comparing string with ==
L811[12:14:32] <ItsANoBrainer> but no way to test it currently
L812[12:15:05] <williewillus> anyways how does this relate to the other class
L813[12:15:21] <ItsANoBrainer> Well its what invokes the method we are talking about
L814[12:15:52] <williewillus> i don't see a call to checkForLevelUpSpecific :p
L815[12:16:36] <ItsANoBrainer> oh
L816[12:16:44] <Blubberbub> ItsANoBrainer, if you can't test it, how do you know that it does not start with 0 in that variable?
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L818[12:17:01] <williewillus> that var is always 0 because it's initialized with 0 haha
L819[12:17:11] <Blubberbub> yea.
L820[12:17:14] <ItsANoBrainer> Well I am testing it ingame, and its not resetting to zero
L821[12:17:18] <ItsANoBrainer> Ill show you one second
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L823[12:17:30] <williewillus> it's more likely that your client and server is out of sync since you're using client code
L824[12:17:37] <williewillus> that death event handler is completely broken
L825[12:17:44] <ItsANoBrainer> http://pastebin.com/c8tMeFZV
L826[12:17:56] <ItsANoBrainer> Most of the things im coding for this mod are probably broken
L827[12:18:05] <ItsANoBrainer> but theres no way for me to know that yet =p
L828[12:18:18] <Ordinastie_> I suggest you learn a bit more about programming before attempting to mod
L829[12:18:26] <Blubberbub> just rmeove line 2 from your very first pastebin
L830[12:18:30] <Blubberbub> and what Ordinastie_ said
L831[12:18:53] <williewillus> that's not a good way to go about modding
L832[12:18:59] <williewillus> "Most of what I'm doing is broken" don't do that
L833[12:18:59] <williewillus> test
L834[12:19:12] <williewillus> unless you want to rewrite your mod after youre done after finding out that all of it was wrong
L835[12:19:13] <ItsANoBrainer> well what I mean is
L836[12:20:12] <ItsANoBrainer> hm
L837[12:20:23] <ItsANoBrainer> I dont mean im intentionally making things broken lol
L838[12:20:34] <williewillus> but you shouldn't be like "i don't know yet"
L839[12:20:39] <Blubberbub> even more of an reason to test :)
L840[12:20:42] <williewillus> because you should be testing
L841[12:20:46] <ItsANoBrainer> I accept some things wont work and I will always work towards fixing it
L842[12:21:03] <ItsANoBrainer> I am testing lol
L843[12:21:15] <williewillus> i'm telling you your death event handler is completely broken
L844[12:21:34] <williewillus> 1. uses client code 2. compares string using == which is completely subject to the jvm's interning strategies
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L849[12:28:24] <Szernex> can someone point me in the direction of where I would have to look for manipulating player health regen?
L850[12:28:40] <ItsANoBrainer> So willie is my event handler the reason why im having my issue?
L851[12:29:50] <Blubberbub> the problem is, that you think you work with a static variable - but you don't...
L852[12:30:35] <ItsANoBrainer> I guess I didnt understand static methods correctly.
L853[12:30:55] <Blubberbub> and static variables...
L854[12:31:01] <Szernex> static = doesn't need an instance of that class to be accessed
L855[12:31:18] <williewillus> Szernex: natural health regen? that's in FoodStats
L856[12:31:24] <Szernex> okay, thanks
L857[12:31:47] <Szernex> it should be possible to manipulate the rate health regenerates naturally right?
L858[12:31:52] <Blubberbub> ItsANoBrainer, if you want a static variable its not enough to have a variable in a static method.
L859[12:32:06] <williewillus> Szernex: err, I don't think there's hooks for that. you could pr some in though
L860[12:32:10] <ItsANoBrainer> Well I dont want a static varibale
L861[12:32:12] <Blubberbub> you need to actually declare the variable outside of a method with 'static'
L862[12:32:16] <williewillus> or disable natural regen and do the time tracking yourself
L863[12:32:21] <Szernex> okay
L864[12:32:37] <ItsANoBrainer> I made the mistake of assuming the variable was static because the method was.
L865[12:32:45] <williewillus> its a local variable
L866[12:32:49] <ItsANoBrainer> I realize that now
L867[12:32:50] <williewillus> those only last for the life of the method
L868[12:32:52] <ItsANoBrainer> yes
L869[12:33:13] <williewillus> also, I don't know if it's the eventhandler causing the problem but i'm undoubtedly sure it will break stuff later on :p
L870[12:33:22] <ItsANoBrainer> I dont doubt it wont
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L872[12:33:30] <williewillus> because it's *wrong*
L873[12:33:31] <williewillus> :p
L874[12:33:33] <ItsANoBrainer> Probably!
L875[12:33:37] <williewillus> so fix it?
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L877[12:33:52] <ItsANoBrainer> If I knew the solutions to all the issues in my code, they wouldnt be issues
L878[12:34:00] <williewillus> i just told you what was wrong with it
L879[12:34:01] <williewillus> twice
L880[12:34:24] <ItsANoBrainer> I fixed the second point
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L884[12:40:27] <ItsANoBrainer> So in general, what should I do so my eventhandler works correctly with a server.
L885[12:41:21] <williewillus> not use the Minecraft class
L886[12:41:27] <williewillus> because it doesn't exist on the server
L887[12:41:43] <ItsANoBrainer> Ah I see that now
L888[12:41:53] <ItsANoBrainer> Well I knew that beforehand but didnt realize
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L890[13:13:50] <ItsANoBrainer> TFW you missplace parens and something crazy happends
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L893[13:35:15] <ntzrmtthihu777> yep
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L899[13:55:12] <Gliby> Is there a way of stopping blocks from being destroyed while holding my own item?
L900[13:56:11] <Gliby> I've looked into canHarvestBlock, and getDigSpeed. They work in survival mode, not creative though :/
L901[13:57:19] <diesieben07> onBlockStartBreak in your Item should do it
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L904[13:59:00] <shadekiller666> gliby, look at what swords do
L905[13:59:34] <diesieben07> they are an instance of ItemSword
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L907[13:59:40] <diesieben07> its hardcoded in typical mojang style
L908[14:00:56] <Gliby> Okay here are the results of onBlockStartBreak: blocks still break when in creative on the client, not on the server.
L909[14:02:49] <diesieben07> huh
L910[14:02:58] <diesieben07> if i read the code correctly it should be called on the client.
L911[14:04:35] <Gliby> it gets called from PlayerContollerMP, isn't that a server thing?
L912[14:04:37] <shadekiller666> you might be able to catch a block break event and cancel it
L913[14:04:46] <shadekiller666> MP is multiplayer
L914[14:04:54] <diesieben07> PlayerControllerMP is client only
L915[14:05:06] <diesieben07> its called MP because its a leftover from where SP and MP were different
L916[14:05:07] <Gliby> I'll go with shadekiller's solution.
L917[14:05:09] <Blubberbub> is it a wise idea to post 576 BlockBreakEvent to the forge event bus at once?
L918[14:05:11] <diesieben07> there was PlayerControlSP and MP
L919[14:05:29] <shadekiller666> probably not blubber, why?
L920[14:06:28] <diesieben07> Gliby, shadekiller666 break event sucks, you will see the block for a split second.
L921[14:06:46] <Gliby> Oh :(
L922[14:07:04] <Blubberbub> well - its probably better to declare that as an explosion and call onExplosionDetonate - but its not an explosion... and i hoped that somebody would say "hey, forge can handle this" ;)
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L924[14:07:22] <shadekiller666> diesie, not if you cancel on both sides i don't think
L925[14:07:24] <PaleoCrafter> I know for sure that onBlockStartBreak worked in 1.5 :P
L926[14:08:27] <diesieben07> shadekiller666, break event is purely serverside
L927[14:08:51] <Gliby> diesieben07 it worked.
L928[14:08:57] <diesieben07> what?
L929[14:09:05] <Gliby> the BreakEvent
L930[14:10:03] <diesieben07> dafuq why does onBlockStartBreak not work...
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L954[15:41:15] <shadekiller666> is there a way to check if minecraft is being launched from a dev env?
L955[15:41:51] <diesieben07> (Boolean) Launch.blackboard.get("fml.deobfuscatedEnvironment")
L956[15:41:59] <shadekiller666> i have blocks that aren't supposed to be placed by hand but it would make things easier to allow them to be when i'm working on it
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L958[15:42:53] <shadekiller666> thanks
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L960[15:43:45] <Zaggy1024> why would an entity on the server not have an equivalent entity on the client with the same entity ID?
L961[15:44:07] <diesieben07> not registered properly?
L962[15:44:12] <Zaggy1024> no it's registered
L963[15:44:43] <Zaggy1024> some of the entities are syncing properly, but when it receives some messages a warning I made to tell me when an entity didn't exist on the client prints out
L964[15:45:47] <diesieben07> are you on 1.8? and do you mean IMessage when you say "messages"?
L965[15:45:56] <Zaggy1024> yes
L966[15:46:06] <Zaggy1024> just making sure, is it correct to send entity.getEntityId() from server and then use world.getEntityByID on client?
L967[15:46:10] <diesieben07> yes.
L968[15:46:14] <diesieben07> http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/networking/simpleimpl/
L969[15:46:16] <diesieben07> read the warning
L970[15:46:44] <Zaggy1024> ah
L971[15:46:45] <Zaggy1024> okay
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L973[15:48:47] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L974[15:50:32] <Zaggy1024> does the return type of the Callable I pass matter?
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L976[15:51:56] <diesieben07> you should pass a Runnable
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L978[15:54:00] <Zaggy1024> hm, I don't think that fixed it
L979[15:54:05] <Zaggy1024> I'll try recreating the world though
L980[15:54:35] <diesieben07> if that didn't fix it, show your code.
L981[15:54:38] <Zaggy1024> ok
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L983[15:58:04] <Zaggy1024> yeah, it didn't work
L984[15:58:06] <Zaggy1024> diesieben07, http://pastebin.com/u3ckYpFM
L985[15:58:26] <Zaggy1024> the code that sends the message is at the bottom
L986[15:59:01] <Zaggy1024> the entity ID sent and received match
L987[15:59:28] <diesieben07> you are sending in an arbitrary radius of 256
L988[15:59:33] <diesieben07> only send to players that actually track the entity
L989[15:59:43] <diesieben07> worldServer.getEntityTracker().getTrackingPlayers(<entity>)
L990[16:00:04] <Zaggy1024> ah
L991[16:00:45] <Zaggy1024> thanks
L992[16:02:03] <Blubberbub> does somebody know how i can make my intellij to also search for usages in the minecraft/forge files?
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L994[16:02:45] <diesieben07> choose "Project and Libraries" as the scope.
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L997[16:06:33] <Blubberbub> hmm i'm sure that didn't work when i tried the last time
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L999[16:07:51] <Zaggy1024> whey it's working now :)
L1000[16:08:14] <PaleoCrafter> I've not experienced issues with finding usages in libraries, but text search weirdly enough isn't working there for me since some update
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L1003[16:16:51] <Blubberbub> weird... when i want to search for usages for net.minecraft.network.play.client.C0EPacketClickWindow it shows me usages for "Packet" -.-
L1004[16:17:52] <Blubberbub> now it says there are no usages...
L1005[16:21:31] <Blubberbub> the problem might be, that i don't have decompiled sources attached, so intellij keeps decompiling the sources itself...
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L1007[16:22:25] <Ordinastie_> you didn't setupDecompWorkspace ?
L1008[16:22:34] <Blubberbub> i did...
L1009[16:23:24] <diesieben07> then you will have sources attached ;)
L1010[16:23:34] <Blubberbub> well... i will just do that again...
L1011[16:23:56] <diesieben07> no need to
L1012[16:24:00] <diesieben07> do choose sources
L1013[16:24:08] <diesieben07> there should be a src folder pretty much exactly where it points you
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L1015[16:27:10] <shadekiller666> hmmm
L1016[16:27:59] <shadekiller666> so i'm working on modifying my obj loader to work in 1.7 and i'm trying to decide what to do to prevent the missing texture from being applied to blocks that don't override the getIcon methods and such
L1017[16:28:35] <shadekiller666> and because obj models can have different textures for different faces... i don't know what to return as "the" texture
L1018[16:29:39] <Blubberbub> yay. it worked... apparently i did not used setupDecompWorkspace, when i did setup this project...
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L1023[16:44:00] <Lunatrius> When was ctrl/shift clicking a block added (saves NBT)? 1.7.10 or 1.8?
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L1025[16:44:49] <shadekiller666> 1.7
L1026[16:45:45] <Lunatrius> Wonder if I can (ab)use that for the shit I need.
L1027[16:46:04] <shadekiller666> ?
L1028[16:47:30] <Lunatrius> Meh, doesn't appear to work
L1029[16:47:38] <Lunatrius> Can't ctrl click command blocks. Bummer.
L1030[16:47:47] <shadekiller666> yes you can?
L1031[16:48:12] <Lunatrius> Might be a Forge bug then
L1032[16:48:36] <Lunatrius> I do get the +NBT text, but the command is gone after placing down that block
L1033[16:49:17] <shadekiller666> have you tried placing whilst sneaking?
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L1035[16:50:33] <Lunatrius> Yeah, negative.
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L1038[16:52:31] <OrionOnline> Hi Guys
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L1040[16:54:46] <OrionOnline> I hvae a question about the loading of the *.lang files into minecraft
L1041[16:55:37] <OrionOnline> can i have multiple subdirectories inside resources/folder containing (1 per directory) lang files (to sort stuff basically)??
L1042[16:57:30] <Lunatrius> Interesting, the entire NBT is saved correctly, it's just not applied
L1043[16:58:28] <diesieben07> Lunatrius, you can't place signs and commandblocks with NBT anymore unless you are OP.
L1044[16:59:20] <Lunatrius> So it doesn't work in SP?
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L1046[17:00:07] <Lunatrius> Meh, can easily test that
L1047[17:00:11] <diesieben07> sure it does.
L1048[17:00:18] <diesieben07> cheats enabled = OP
L1049[17:00:40] <Lunatrius> In which case it doesn't work. I'll try a fresh forge/vanilla install later.
L1050[17:01:10] <Lunatrius> Also, I wouldn't be able to pick the block if I wasn't an OP <.<
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L1052[17:02:54] <PaleoCrafter> That's normal creative shit :P
L1053[17:03:58] <Lunatrius> Wait... what
L1054[17:04:07] <Lunatrius> How do you enable command blocks on a server?
L1055[17:04:14] <gigaherz> server.properties
L1056[17:04:19] <gigaherz> it's a boolean there
L1057[17:04:26] <Lunatrius> mmk
L1058[17:05:30] <Kobata> Hmm
L1059[17:05:38] <Kobata> I think the logic there might be broken?
L1060[17:05:40] <Lunatrius> Basically I have 2 way of doing this. The less intrusive way (+NBT on items) OR manually setting shit
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L1062[17:06:15] <Lunatrius> Works fine on the server
L1063[17:08:17] <Kobata> I might be reading this wrong but the check looks suspiciously like it's only denying it if you can send commands.
L1064[17:08:36] <Kobata> ItemBlock.setTileEntityNBT
L1065[17:08:39] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1066[17:10:31] <Lunatrius> Uhh...
L1067[17:11:02] <Lunatrius> I believe you are correct
L1068[17:11:58] <Lunatrius> Yeah... Forge blacklists those. Yet it still works in MP
L1069[17:12:05] <Blubberbub> is there a way to listen to/intercept vanilla Packets?
L1070[17:12:12] <diesieben07> yes, but it's ugly :D
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L1072[17:14:36] <Blubberbub> i have a GUI, that has some slots filtered by a searchbar. At the moment i send custom packets, so the server and client both can filter the slots based on that string. But the C0EPacketClickWindow that is send actually tells the server which item was clicked by the client - so i want to only filter the slots in the client
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L1074[17:15:32] <diesieben07> just move the non-visible slots out the way by setting their y coordinate to something like -999
L1075[17:16:08] <shadekiller666> in 1.7.10 where do ISBRHs get "registered"?
L1076[17:16:31] <Blubberbub> that would mean i have a variable number of slots in the gui. and ideally i want to use a itemfilter method from NEI, which is only present on the client
L1077[17:16:52] <PaleoCrafter> Always reminds me of text-indent: -9999px xD
L1078[17:17:27] <diesieben07> what? why woudl there be a variable number of slots?
L1079[17:17:30] <diesieben07> shadekiller666, RenderingRegistry
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L1081[17:18:24] <shadekiller666> thanks
L1082[17:18:36] <Blubberbub> hmm... now that i think about it - that might actually not as bad as i thought...
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L1085[17:23:58] <Zaggy1024> yay netcode
L1086[17:24:20] <shadekiller666> do i have to return a special number from getRenderType for the game to call my ISBRH?
L1087[17:24:29] <shadekiller666> it doesn't seem like its getting called
L1088[17:25:04] <diesieben07> yes you do
L1089[17:25:17] <shadekiller666> and that is?
L1090[17:25:21] <diesieben07> RenderingRegistry.getNextAvailableRenderId
L1091[17:25:29] <diesieben07> store that somewhere and register your ISBRH with it
L1092[17:25:37] <shadekiller666> ahh
L1093[17:25:51] <shadekiller666> and return it from the block's getRenderType?
L1094[17:26:03] <diesieben07> yes
L1095[17:27:53] <Blubberbub> diesieben07, do you think that 'a slot for every possible item'-aproach is also usable, when there are A LOT of possible items? Also: do you have a link for that ugly way to read vanilla packets?
L1096[17:28:28] <diesieben07> i dont know if that's usable :D
L1097[17:28:48] <diesieben07> the ugly way is: insert a ChannelHandler into the netty pipeline in the FMLNetworkEvents
L1098[17:28:55] <diesieben07> (e.g. ServerConnectionFromClientEvent)
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L1103[17:42:45] <Zaggy1024> hm, does the server stop sending as many location updates for entities if they don't move much?
L1104[17:43:03] <Zaggy1024> It would be nice to lower that limit for my mob because it would make it move more smoothly
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L1106[17:49:54] <Zaggy1024> yay my bug is working properly pretty much :)
L1107[17:57:28] <shadekiller666> whats the resource location that i need to pass to bindTexture() to make sure that the game doesn't continue to use the one that i'm binding to it for my custom rendering?
L1108[17:59:49] <diesieben07> ehwat
L1109[18:00:16] <Lunatrius> Gah, the note block note is not synced to the client :<
L1110[18:00:20] <shadekiller666> in my ISBRH i'm binding a different texture to the TextureManager
L1111[18:00:39] <shadekiller666> and for some reason its applying the missing texture to everything else...
L1112[18:00:56] <shadekiller666> whats the resourcelocation of the block texture map
L1113[18:01:15] <diesieben07> TextureMap.locationBlocksTexture
L1114[18:01:22] <Zaggy1024> whoops, I forgot I wasn't in debug mode
L1115[18:03:21] <Kolatra> Does FontRenderer.drawString look for hex color codes?
L1116[18:04:46] <diesieben07> yes
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L1122[18:13:19] <shadekiller666> ok wtf
L1123[18:14:34] <shadekiller666> if i call Tessellator.instance.startDrawingQuads() right before my call to the model to render it, then the game throws an error that its already tessallating, but if i don't then it calls an error saying that it isn't...
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L1128[18:28:16] <shadekiller666> anyone have any idea why, this always crashes either because Tessellator is already tessellating or because it isn't tessellating?
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L1130[18:29:34] <shadekiller666> im on 1.7.10 btw
L1131[18:29:42] <shadekiller666> idk wtf the issue is
L1132[18:31:38] <capitalthree> aw dang. someone recommended Ivorius' recurrent complex a couple days ago for world-independent copy and paste, but it crashes on my large structure.
L1133[18:31:57] <Ivorius> Lies
L1134[18:32:05] <capitalthree> want a stacktrace? :P
L1135[18:32:14] <Ivorius> That would be great
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L1137[18:32:22] <capitalthree> for some reason it ahs question marks for line numbers but I hope it helps
L1138[18:32:44] <Ivorius> lol
L1139[18:32:45] <capitalthree> Ivorius: http://pastebin.com/hQeV6s5j
L1140[18:33:15] <capitalthree> Ivorius: in your defense, my structure is absurdly enormous. also I think your mod's copypaste functionality is really neat... I was afraid it'd be kludgier than worldedit but it's actually nicer
L1141[18:33:17] <Ivorius> Not sure how big your structure is
L1142[18:33:23] <capitalthree> and the crash is right as I do #export before the ui comes up
L1143[18:33:33] <Ivorius> But the largest I ever tries was about 200x200x100 blocks
L1144[18:33:41] <Ivorius> And it froze for 5 minutes
L1145[18:33:43] <Ivorius> But it worked :P
L1146[18:33:50] <capitalthree> Ivorius: the .schematic file is 250K
L1147[18:34:13] <Ivorius> java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 5703753
L1148[18:34:15] <Ivorius> Ahahahahaha
L1149[18:34:15] <shadekiller666> anyone have any ideas?
L1150[18:34:16] <Ivorius> O
L1151[18:34:17] <Ivorius> m
L1152[18:34:17] <Ivorius> g
L1153[18:34:30] <Ivorius> You've literally run out of int
L1154[18:34:31] <Ivorius> wtf
L1155[18:34:39] <capitalthree> what are those ints used for?
L1156[18:34:59] <shadekiller666> you've maxed out the maximum number for int
L1157[18:35:04] <Ivorius> I can't make a fucking byte array big enough
L1158[18:35:06] <shadekiller666> you've gone past it
L1159[18:35:08] <Ivorius> For your structure
L1160[18:35:09] <Ivorius> Ahahaha
L1161[18:35:11] <capitalthree> ohh
L1162[18:35:30] <shadekiller666> maybe you should copy that in pieces
L1163[18:35:36] <capitalthree> that sounds painful
L1164[18:35:50] <Ivorius> It would take hours to load, man
L1165[18:36:01] <capitalthree> with worldedit it only hangs my server for about 15 minutes :P
L1166[18:36:09] <bob_twinkles> 5703753 is nowhere near INT_MAX
L1167[18:36:09] <Kobata> Eh, 5,703,753 is 'only' 5MB if it's a byte array
L1168[18:36:16] <Ivorius> It's 43 mb raw data
L1169[18:36:16] <shadekiller666> or Ivorius, could you add an autoatic partitioning thing that would divide things up into smaller bits?
L1170[18:36:24] <Ivorius> It's smaller when zipped obviously
L1171[18:36:58] <Ivorius> I'll have a look at the error tomorrow
L1172[18:37:03] <capitalthree> anyone know of any other mods that can do world-independent copy pasting?
L1173[18:37:03] <Ivorius> And see exactly where it overflows
L1174[18:37:06] <capitalthree> or should I go try mcedit
L1175[18:37:11] <Ivorius> But I'm pretty sure it's an int thing
L1176[18:37:17] <Kobata> INT_MAX is about 4 billion
L1177[18:37:25] <Ivorius> mcedit will be faster
L1178[18:37:26] <Kobata> (Ok, 2 because java and signed)
L1179[18:37:35] <capitalthree> Ivorius: ok. lemme know if you want my world. though probably any absurdly huge region will do
L1180[18:37:43] <Ivorius> Because it doesn't do ingame logic
L1181[18:38:09] <Ivorius> It might be the better choice for something that huge
L1182[18:38:17] <Ivorius> Even if it's buggier per block
L1183[18:38:41] <capitalthree> well I'll save recurrent complex files of the smaller structurs I need to copypaste at least
L1184[18:38:59] <capitalthree> Ivorius: thanks for making a really cool mod. also I have a question, does just adding the mod add anything to mapgen by default?
L1185[18:39:26] <Ivorius> Yes, a good bunch of structures
L1186[18:39:41] <Ivorius> http://minecraft-recurrent-complex.wikia.com/wiki/Using_Recurrent_Complex_as_a_Utility
L1187[18:39:44] <capitalthree> any of them that would upset balance or break anything on a heavily modded server?
L1188[18:39:46] <Ivorius> You can turn it off
L1189[18:39:56] <Ivorius> Nothing that should break stuff, no
L1190[18:40:00] <capitalthree> I actually am happy with extra structures as long as none of it's too breaking
L1191[18:40:03] <capitalthree> ok, cool
L1192[18:40:07] <capitalthree> the more variety on my world the better
L1193[18:40:08] <Ivorius> I try to make absolutely sure it's completely in balance with vanilla
L1194[18:40:26] <capitalthree> Ivorius: is there a listing on the wiki of the default generated stuff? I couldn't find any
L1195[18:40:41] <Ivorius> Theoretically, but no
L1196[18:40:46] <Ivorius> If you do /#gen tab
L1197[18:40:49] <Ivorius> You get a list
L1198[18:41:13] <capitalthree> it said no structure registered by the name of tab
L1199[18:41:18] <Ivorius> lol
L1200[18:41:22] <Ivorius> > Press tab
L1201[18:41:29] <shadekiller666> does anyone know why this keeps crashing?: https://gist.github.com/shadekiller666/10b56ed1d84d15dadebe
L1202[18:41:40] <capitalthree> oh! in the command box. ok.
L1203[18:42:04] <shadekiller666> log is at the bottom
L1204[18:42:14] ⇦ Parts: lclc98 (~lclc98@ (Leaving))
L1205[18:42:21] <capitalthree> whoah that preview when pasting, awesome
L1206[18:42:25] <capitalthree> is there a way to move it though?
L1207[18:42:32] <gigaherz> shadekiller666:
L1208[18:42:32] <gigaherz> [16:33:32] [Client thread/WARN]: Failed to load texture: minecraft:builtin/white
L1209[18:42:45] <gigaherz> that seems like a possible reason? ;P
L1210[18:42:52] <shadekiller666> that wouldn't cause a tessellation crash though?
L1211[18:43:00] <gigaherz> depends
L1212[18:43:08] <gigaherz> if it leaves the tessellator state broken
L1213[18:43:24] <gigaherz> it does crash within the tessellator
L1214[18:43:31] <shadekiller666> i'll try without the bind texture call for that
L1215[18:43:34] <gigaherz> it may leave the "boolean isTesellating" set to true, wrongly
L1216[18:43:53] <shadekiller666> why would bindTexture care about isTessellating?
L1217[18:44:43] <shadekiller666> nope still crashes with the same error minus the FileNotFoundException
L1218[18:45:12] <shadekiller666> no matter where i put startDrawingQuads() it always crashes
L1219[18:45:17] <Ivorius> capitalthree: Re-run the command from the right spot :P
L1220[18:45:27] <shadekiller666> and if i leave it out, then draw() crashes cuz it isn't tessellating
L1221[18:45:34] <Ivorius> You should know where it was before
L1222[18:45:38] <shadekiller666> and leaving both out doesn't do anything
L1223[18:46:45] <shadekiller666> any ideas?
L1224[18:46:52] <capitalthree> Ivorius: I guess it's not relative like worldedit?
L1225[18:47:09] <Ivorius> Relative?
L1226[18:47:28] <capitalthree> in worldedit, if I copy a structure while standing on top of it, and then paste it while standing on ground, it would bury it underground
L1227[18:47:56] <shadekiller666> world edit also has a mode that copy/pastes relative to your selection region, btw
L1228[18:48:02] <Ivorius> No, it's relative to the selection
L1229[18:48:08] <Ivorius> It makes no sense to be relative to the view
L1230[18:48:12] <Ivorius> That's just dumb imo
L1231[18:48:19] <gigaherz> capitalthree: command blocks have the "~" to refer to the current position
L1232[18:48:37] <Ivorius> Works for player positions as well ^
L1233[18:49:01] <gigaherz> either "~1" or "~+1" would point to 1 block on that direction
L1234[18:49:08] <gigaherz> and ~-1 on the other direction
L1235[18:49:12] <gigaherz> for eahc of x,y,z
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L1238[18:49:24] <osum4est> o/
L1239[18:49:32] <capitalthree> Ivorius: worldedit isn't relative to view, just position
L1240[18:49:42] <shadekiller666> and ~ refers to relative 0
L1241[18:49:52] <capitalthree> Ivorius: so I have to dig into the ground and then paste?
L1242[18:50:01] <Ivorius> For me, the camera is the view :P
L1243[18:50:16] <shadekiller666> giga, any ideas?
L1244[18:50:18] <capitalthree> what I mean is worldedit doesn't care which way you are looking, only where you are
L1245[18:50:20] <gigaherz> capitalthree:
L1246[18:50:20] <gigaherz> no
L1247[18:50:24] <gigaherz> just use ~-10
L1248[18:50:30] <gigaherz> to put it 10 blocks below you
L1249[18:50:35] <gigaherz> on the Y param
L1250[18:50:46] <capitalthree> gigaherz: "use" that where?
L1251[18:50:55] <Ivorius> /#paste takes position params
L1252[18:51:00] <Ivorius> /#paste Structure x y z
L1253[18:51:00] <shadekiller666> "/<command> ~ ~-10 ~ <other arguments>
L1254[18:51:01] <capitalthree> ahh ok
L1255[18:51:06] <capitalthree> I get it now
L1256[18:51:08] <capitalthree> cool, thanks
L1257[18:51:22] <shadekiller666> "
L1258[18:55:30] <voxelv> how are you using worldedit with forge?
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L1260[18:55:56] <shadekiller666> theres a forge version of WE
L1261[18:56:12] <shadekiller666> has been for a while now
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L1263[18:56:23] <capitalthree> voxelv: kcauldron
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L1265[18:57:58] <shadekiller666> does anyone have any idea why this keeps crashing?: https://gist.github.com/shadekiller666/10b56ed1d84d15dadebe
L1266[18:58:45] <shadekiller666> the only "solution" i've found is not calling startDrawingQuads() and draw()
L1267[18:58:59] <shadekiller666> but that doesn't actually render anything...
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L1269[19:01:36] <osum4est> i don't know a whole lot about this stuff, but what if you do the gl11 calls inside the tesselator start and end?
L1270[19:01:54] <Ivorius> It will be the same as if you called them before start
L1271[19:02:03] <Ivorius> Tessellator does nothing with OGL before draw()
L1272[19:02:49] <osum4est> yes, but maybe it would fix the problem? somehow...
L1273[19:02:50] <osum4est> idk
L1274[19:03:49] <Ivorius> No
L1275[19:03:58] <Ivorius> He's calling startDrawing inside startDrawing
L1276[19:04:35] <Ivorius> ISBRH is not supposed to call startDrawing and draw, shadekiller666
L1277[19:04:39] <Ivorius> It's a display list
L1278[19:04:43] <Ivorius> You just add vertices
L1279[19:04:49] <shadekiller666> ok
L1280[19:05:01] <Ivorius> Your GL calls are invalid too
L1281[19:05:05] <shadekiller666> but leaving out those two methods doesn't actually draw anything...
L1282[19:05:08] <Ivorius> You can't use OGL in ISBRH
L1283[19:05:12] <shadekiller666> ...
L1284[19:05:22] <shadekiller666> then wtf is the point of an ISBRH?
L1285[19:05:22] <Ivorius> As I said
L1286[19:05:26] <Ivorius> Display list
L1287[19:05:30] <Ivorius> You just add vertices
L1288[19:05:33] <Ivorius> To the tessellator
L1289[19:05:54] <shadekiller666> ok
L1290[19:05:55] <gigaherz> shadekiller666: imagine something like the bakequads, just different
L1291[19:06:13] <shadekiller666> but just adding vertices doesn't actually render these models...
L1292[19:08:05] <shadekiller666> giga, and incredibly stupid
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L1296[19:09:58] <shadekiller666> ok, i got rid of the GL calls and the startDrawing and draw calls
L1297[19:10:04] <shadekiller666> the models aren't rendered
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L1301[19:10:38] <shadekiller666> and i'd rather not use a TESR as this block is dynamically registered
L1302[19:10:57] <shadekiller666> so there will be quite a bit of them...
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L1304[19:15:00] <shadekiller666> any other ideas?
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L1309[19:19:53] <shadekiller666> ivorius, i got rid of the GL calls and the start and draw calls, nothing is being rendered...
L1310[19:22:06] <shadekiller666> does the fact that the block doesn't override registerBlockIcons and getIcon have something to do with it?
L1311[19:22:22] <osum4est> gl11 seems to be lighting my watch backwards. when its facing away from the sun, its bright, when its facing the sun, its dark. i tried to rotate it 180, but then it just dissapears...
L1312[19:22:45] <osum4est> ex: http://imgur.com/34bcaL8
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L1314[19:25:19] <shadekiller666> is anyone an expert on ISBRHs?
L1315[19:25:26] <shadekiller666> cuz this still isn't working...
L1316[19:25:27] <PaleoCrafter> shadekiller666, try manually drawing some quads
L1317[19:25:41] <shadekiller666> ok
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L1319[19:26:32] <LexManos> why are you using a isbrh?
L1320[19:28:29] <shadekiller666> because i want to use obj models for this block, and because the block is dynamically registered (ie. theres 1 class and the arguments passed to it determine its properties) and i'd rather avoid having to use a TESR because there could potentially be 100 or more of these...
L1321[19:28:41] <shadekiller666> and that is a lot of tile entities...
L1322[19:29:23] <LexManos> Models should work fine, not sure what you mean by dynamically registered... that seems like a bad idea.
L1323[19:29:40] <LexManos> and I thought you were working on the obj to modle loader.
L1324[19:30:47] <PaleoCrafter> He backported it to 1.7
L1325[19:31:44] <shadekiller666> i have a system that reads a json file at launch, it turns that data into a class, which then reads through a list of names that were in the file and registers 1 of these blocks per, and stores it in a map so it can be found later
L1326[19:32:03] <gigaherz> PaleoCrafter: I thought that was related to the rollercoaster mod
L1327[19:32:03] <shadekiller666> the OBJ loader is pretty much finished
L1328[19:32:07] <LexManos> thats a horrible idea
L1329[19:32:08] <shadekiller666> it is
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L1331[19:32:31] <shadekiller666> thats the point of this whole thing
L1332[19:32:40] <shadekiller666> i'm trying to get track models to load...
L1333[19:32:48] <Zaggy1024> osum4est, try creating your vertices in the opposite rotation direction
L1334[19:32:48] <shadekiller666> and i refuse to use the 1.7.10 loader
L1335[19:33:23] <PaleoCrafter> It is, gigaherz :P
L1336[19:34:31] <osum4est> Zaggy1024, i dont make any verticies, i just call drawTexturedModalRect
L1337[19:35:12] <Zaggy1024> well...
L1338[19:35:18] <Zaggy1024> make your own method then :P
L1339[19:35:34] <Zaggy1024> I think that method is only use din GUIs where there is no lighting
L1340[19:35:34] <osum4est> Zaggy1024, alright, fine :P
L1341[19:35:44] <osum4est> makes sense
L1342[19:36:08] <PaleoCrafter> You used that method to do in world drawing? Oo
L1343[19:36:20] <shadekiller666> lex, what should i be doing then? this block is for roller coaster tracks, of which there could be several hundred depending on the type of coaster and the piece that the block represents
L1344[19:36:21] <osum4est> well originally it was an actual gui
L1345[19:36:33] <osum4est> but i recently changed it to world drawing
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L1349[19:50:55] <osum4est> does closeInventory not do what you'd expect?
L1350[19:52:11] <HassanS6000> !gm closeInventory
L1351[19:52:27] <HassanS6000> uhhh sorry MCPBot_Reborn cannot help lol
L1352[19:52:35] <osum4est> lol
L1353[19:53:34] <shadekiller666> now i'm getting instantiation exceptions when i try to register a RenderWorldEvent handler...
L1354[19:53:36] <shadekiller666> wtf
L1355[19:55:17] <shadekiller666> well fuck it then
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L1357[19:55:46] <shadekiller666> guess i'm not going to fucking render these blocks...
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L1374[20:22:28] <osum4est> ugh these obfuscated var names makes it really hard to understand whats going on...
L1375[20:22:59] <killjoy> Use !g[mf]
L1376[20:23:13] <killjoy> Oh, vars
L1377[20:23:49] <osum4est> yeah. in specific, the method renderItemIn2D has a bunch of unkown floats
L1378[20:24:07] <osum4est> trying to figure out how mc makes 2d items 3d
L1379[20:24:08] <killjoy> probably things like position and rotation, scale, etc
L1380[20:24:11] <osum4est> yeah
L1381[20:24:24] <shadekiller666> i think its time Fox gives Fantastic 4 back to Marvel...
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L1391[20:51:56] <Morden> Question: I have a mod that has several optional dependencies, but at least one must be there. If none a4e found I halt loading on the client and display an error using a "CustomModLoadingErrorDisplayException". The docs say that this exception should not be used on a dedicated server. Is there an equivalent for dedicated server that will halt loading and display a mod specified error message to the log/server console?
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L1398[21:08:43] <LexManos> just either throw a normal exception or use FML's exit function
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L1408[21:21:27] <Morden> Thx!
L1409[21:23:40] <minecreatr> is it possible to render a techne model using an ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler?
L1410[21:24:08] <shadekiller666> if you can figure out how to use the stupid ISBRH, maybe
L1411[21:24:28] <Zaggy1024> lol
L1412[21:24:33] <Zaggy1024> sounds like you're in a bad mood
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L1414[21:25:11] <shadekiller666> just a little annoyed that everything that ive tried to get models to render hasn't worked
L1415[21:25:26] <shadekiller666> and i'd rather not use a TESR...
L1416[21:26:10] <minecreatr> are you doing it in 1.7, or 1.8 shadekiller666 ?
L1417[21:26:15] <shadekiller666> i tried an isbrh and that didn't render at all, then i tried a RenderWorldEvent, and fml kept throwing an IntantiationException for no apparent reason...
L1418[21:26:18] <shadekiller666> 1.7.10
L1419[21:26:38] <shadekiller666> though the more i try and tailor to the wishes of my codevs the more i regret it
L1420[21:26:53] <minecreatr> well ISRBRH is called only when the block updates
L1421[21:27:46] <minecreatr> does the tesselator store the vertex's?
L1422[21:28:00] <minecreatr> it seems thats the only way an ISBRH could work
L1423[21:28:13] <minecreatr> is if it stored the instructions and used them to render the chunk every render tick
L1424[21:28:18] <Morden> Lex, would that be FMLServerHandler.haltGame?
L1425[21:28:18] <shadekiller666> of course it is...
L1426[21:28:39] <Zaggy1024> Morden, just throw a runtime exception
L1427[21:29:09] <shadekiller666> again, the more i try and tailor to the wishes of my codevs and stick to 1.8 the more i regret it
L1428[21:29:13] <Morden> Wans kind of hoping to avoid a stacktrace.
L1429[21:29:28] <Zaggy1024> why, who cares about a stack trace? :P
L1430[21:29:44] <Zaggy1024> well I suppose you want the error to be visible..
L1431[21:29:45] <LexManos> you should keep the stacktrace
L1432[21:29:45] <Zaggy1024> hm
L1433[21:29:51] <LexManos> 1) it tells you who did it
L1434[21:29:57] <LexManos> 2) it catches the eye to your error
L1435[21:30:26] <Morden> Stupid users who can't read one... so won't know that the error means "hey idiot, your mossing a mod" LOL
L1436[21:30:45] <LexManos> then make your error explicitly state that
L1437[21:30:48] <Morden> Damn, can't type on my phone.
L1438[21:30:54] <LexManos> but people are dumb and wont read anyways
L1439[21:31:18] <Cazzar> I have had users asking me how to install one of my mods alongside another mod.
L1440[21:31:38] <Zaggy1024> nice
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L1442[21:31:55] <Cazzar> (They didn't try the obvious, because that is how) Just, expect people to complain when they stuff up
L1443[21:32:06] <Illyohs> I remember a guy asking me how to install thaumcraft without forge
L1444[21:32:30] <shadekiller666> wait, you can't do that?! :O
L1445[21:32:45] <Zaggy1024> yeah what the heck thaumcraft
L1446[21:32:50] <Zaggy1024> y u require a modding API?
L1447[21:33:22] <Morden> Lol. Step one, rewrite thaumcraft as a jar patch.
L1448[21:33:23] <Illyohs> well you can but you need forge2
L1449[21:33:29] <Morden> Step 2???
L1450[21:33:41] <Morden> Step 3: Profit!
L1451[21:34:12] <gigaherz> Morden: nonono
L1452[21:34:14] <gigaherz> it's easier than that
L1453[21:34:19] <gigaherz> you take all of forge
L1454[21:34:29] <gigaherz> and all of thaumcraft
L1455[21:34:34] <gigaherz> and compile them as one single thing
L1456[21:34:39] <Zaggy1024> with super glue
L1457[21:34:39] <capitalthree> what is there reason to not want to install forge
L1458[21:34:51] <bob_twinkles> you take a pretty huge perf hit =P
L1459[21:35:07] <bob_twinkles> all those damn events or something
L1460[21:35:10] <Cazzar> I've had better performance with forge than with vanilla
L1461[21:35:11] <shadekiller666> and isn't that also against the license or something?
L1462[21:35:12] <Morden> Its because of the superglue
L1463[21:35:14] <LexManos> no.. no you dont
L1464[21:35:20] <LexManos> bob you're dumb shutup
L1465[21:35:26] <bob_twinkles> ok =(
L1466[21:35:26] <capitalthree> then kcauldron is the answer
L1467[21:35:31] <Zaggy1024> ouch
L1468[21:35:34] <bob_twinkles> I needs more /s
L1469[21:35:38] <Cazzar> When 1.8 came out, Vanilla lagged on my PC, with Forge, it didn't
L1470[21:35:58] <Cazzar> This ain't a weak PC too
L1471[21:36:07] <shadekiller666> because forge has purposefully worked around the holes that mojang hasn't cared to
L1472[21:36:11] <LexManos> Anyone who claims forge is the cause of your performance issues is a fucking moron
L1473[21:36:36] <capitalthree> forge cause all my performance issues... by letting me install about 100 mods :D
L1474[21:36:41] <LexManos> I specifically take care to make fixes as needed and make everything as efficient as needed
L1475[21:36:42] <bob_twinkles> well when your only comparison is vanilla versus 150 mods...
L1476[21:36:45] <capitalthree> thanks forge. totes worth it. (not sarcasm)
L1477[21:36:46] <Morden> In most cases of lag I find its wither a bug, or something stupid I or someone else did building a "contraption".
L1478[21:36:50] <LexManos> well
L1479[21:36:51] <LexManos> no
L1480[21:36:56] <LexManos> thats not a valid comparison
L1481[21:36:59] <Morden> *either
L1482[21:37:00] <gigaherz> capitalthree: I'm fairly certain if you dumped all those same mods as in-jar mods somehow
L1483[21:37:03] <gigaherz> you'd have same or worse issues ;p
L1484[21:37:08] <bob_twinkles> that was the poorly expressed joke, yes
L1485[21:37:09] <LexManos> thats 150 fucking mods doing 1500x more then vanilla ever does
L1486[21:37:19] <capitalthree> gigaherz: well you can't have poor performance if it never runs!'
L1487[21:37:32] <shadekiller666> no
L1488[21:37:33] <gigaherz> Morden: sure, in vanilla,
L1489[21:37:40] <shadekiller666> thats the poorest of performance
L1490[21:37:41] <gigaherz> take a 48x48 grid of hoppers
L1491[21:37:53] <bob_twinkles> oh god
L1492[21:37:55] <gigaherz> and put the mright below the guardian chunks
L1493[21:37:58] <gigaherz> see how that lags
L1494[21:37:58] <gigaherz> ;p
L1495[21:38:10] <capitalthree> my point is forge raised the bar of how many mods I can install and have it all work
L1496[21:38:10] <gigaherz> and people do it.
L1497[21:38:22] <Zaggy1024> and that's a good thing :P
L1498[21:38:24] <shadekiller666> you mean from 0 capital?
L1499[21:38:25] <capitalthree> very
L1500[21:38:31] <Morden> Oh, no... try setting up an AE export bus into an interface on the same network with lots of speed upgrades sometime.
L1501[21:38:32] <capitalthree> I love my super modded minecraft
L1502[21:38:40] <capitalthree> shadekiller666: there were minecraft mods before forge
L1503[21:38:47] <Morden> Get near that chunk and enjoy your 5fps.
L1504[21:38:47] <shadekiller666> i know
L1505[21:38:53] <capitalthree> but installing multiple multiplayer mods was a recipe for disaster :P
L1506[21:39:00] <gigaherz> thing thing with mods,is you don't need a 48x48 grid of hoppers
L1507[21:39:07] <bob_twinkles> Morden: submit a PR to AE, that sounds like an easy fix =P
L1508[21:39:12] <capitalthree> but I love hoppers
L1509[21:39:14] <gigaherz> you simply have a similar number of TEs doing crazy things
L1510[21:39:18] <capitalthree> I got the hopperduct mod :D
L1511[21:39:49] <bob_twinkles> though they would be perfectly justified in rejecting that PR with "closed: don't be a dumbass"
L1512[21:40:24] <Morden> Yup, and they would be justified.. But I have had users do it.
L1513[21:40:41] <capitalthree> or they could take a page from ic2 and just make it all explode
L1514[21:41:00] <bob_twinkles> AFAIK they don't do that anymore
L1515[21:41:10] <capitalthree> ah, good
L1516[21:41:19] <gigaherz> export bus... same network... interface... yeah that should refuse to work by design XD
L1517[21:41:21] <bob_twinkles> I think it's an opt-in thing now or something
L1518[21:41:23] <Morden> They are supposed to, they just don't... yet
L1519[21:41:57] <Zaggy1024> hm, what's a word synonymous with static/immovable that's short?
L1520[21:42:14] <Morden> Fixed?
L1521[21:42:22] <Zaggy1024> hm, I guess that works
L1522[21:42:26] <Zaggy1024> thanks :)
L1523[21:45:43] <Morden> Ok, well thanks for the help. I'm off to bed... night all...
L1524[21:46:08] ⇦ Quits: Morden (~AndChat29@c-73-38-181-68.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Bye)
L1525[21:46:41] <gigaherz> Zaggy1024: yo ucan literally type "synonym static" in google
L1526[21:46:43] <gigaherz> and it tells you
L1527[21:46:43] <gigaherz> XD
L1528[21:46:50] <Zaggy1024> yeh
L1529[21:48:00] <gigaherz> immovable // 1. not able to be moved. // synonyms: fixed, secure, stable, moored, anchored, rooted, braced, set firm, set fast; More
L1530[21:48:35] <gigaherz> static // synonyms: unchanged, fixed, stable, steady, unchanging, changeless, unvarying, invariable, constant, consistent
L1531[21:48:44] <gigaherz> "fixed" is the first one in both so....
L1532[21:49:02] <gigaherz> (eh not the first one in both, but close XD)
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L1536[21:54:33] <Zaggy1024> it's the shortest one though :)
L1537[21:54:50] <Zaggy1024> and in common
L1538[21:55:15] <Zaggy1024> Humans are smarter than Google though :P
L1539[21:58:40] ⇦ Quits: Genuine (~GenuineSo@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1540[22:01:31] <Illyohs> you say that Zag but the day of our robot overlords is comming soon
L1541[22:04:05] <Zaggy1024> I am ready
L1542[22:04:14] <Zaggy1024> jk I'm so not
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L1544[22:06:03] <killjoy> But will it be Google or Bing?
L1545[22:07:28] <Illyohs> it will be ask jeeves :p
L1546[22:07:44] <Zaggy1024> what if it's both combined into one superintelligence? :O
L1547[22:07:55] <gigaherz> Skynet?
L1548[22:08:22] <Zaggy1024> well if you start working on it now
L1549[22:08:35] <Zaggy1024> maybe in 50 years you'll destroy the world
L1550[22:08:42] <Illyohs> no gig it will be ARPANET
L1551[22:08:53] <Illyohs> :P
L1552[22:09:27] <killjoy> didn't ask get bought out?
L1553[22:09:50] <gigaherz> DuckDuckGo!
L1554[22:10:03] <killjoy> duck duck go doesn't store any of your data
L1555[22:10:08] <killjoy> It can't take over the world
L1556[22:10:25] <gigaherz> of course it can
L1557[22:10:33] <gigaherz> what does it care about your data?
L1558[22:10:39] <killjoy> How can something take over the world if it doesn't know everything about everyone?
L1559[22:10:44] <gigaherz> all it needs, is your trust
L1560[22:11:03] <gigaherz> it doesn't need you to give it your data, it can just ask google for it
L1561[22:11:04] <gigaherz> ;P
L1562[22:11:07] <Zaggy1024> how do we know it's not tracking us though?
L1563[22:11:18] <Zaggy1024> perhaps it's an elaborate lie to learn everyone's worst secrets
L1564[22:13:07] <Illyohs> Well in order to gain our trust they need someone trustworthy like this guy http://i.imgur.com/1faEnTz.gif
L1565[22:13:33] <Zaggy1024> I suddenly feel the need to talk about skeletons and closets
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L1567[22:17:09] <killjoy> Are you cleaning out your closet, Zaggy1024?
L1568[22:17:24] <killjoy> Will you talk about it or rap about it?
L1569[22:17:42] <Zaggy1024> I feel like Captain America right now
L1570[22:17:53] <Zaggy1024> in other words, I don't know what that's a reference to :P
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L1572[22:20:50] <killjoy> Emimen
L1573[22:21:01] <killjoy> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQ9_TKayu9s
L1574[22:21:05] <Zaggy1024> that was my first guess
L1575[22:21:23] <shadekiller666> what are we talking about?
L1576[22:21:34] <Zaggy1024> skeletons and closets and stuff
L1577[22:21:38] <Zaggy1024> and skynet
L1578[22:21:46] <Zaggy1024> and eminem
L1579[22:22:29] <shadekiller666> lol
L1580[22:22:53] <shadekiller666> did you guys see the rating that Fantastic 4 got on rottentomatoes?
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L1583[22:27:03] <Zaggy1024> nope, but I did hear it has bad review
L1584[22:27:07] <Zaggy1024> *reviews
L1585[22:27:11] <Zaggy1024> I was hoping it would be good :(
L1586[22:28:11] <shadekiller666> it currently has a 9%
L1587[22:29:09] <shadekiller666> i think its about time that Fox give this franchise back to Marvel
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L1589[22:31:46] <Zaggy1024> yeh lol
L1590[22:32:25] <Zaggy1024> It's still weird to me that Fox owns Spider-Man and Fantastic 4 and then they have Gotham as well
L1591[22:32:34] <gigaherz> I have seen a "fixed" cover
L1592[22:32:41] ⇨ Joins: PrinceCat (~PrinceCat@124-148-42-124.dyn.iinet.net.au)
L1593[22:32:45] <killjoy> WB owns Batman
L1594[22:32:45] <gigaherz> "Fantastic 4...% in rottentomatoes"
L1595[22:32:58] <shadekiller666> they also have X-men
L1596[22:33:05] <gigaherz> Sony has spider-man
L1597[22:33:11] <Zaggy1024> er right
L1598[22:33:12] <killjoy> Also Disney
L1599[22:33:13] <Zaggy1024> lol
L1600[22:33:16] <shadekiller666> well
L1601[22:33:25] <Zaggy1024> but still, Fox has some Marvel stuff
L1602[22:33:29] <shadekiller666> they kind of half-have spiderman now
L1603[22:33:31] <gigaherz> Disney/Marvel now have some sort of contract
L1604[22:33:38] <shadekiller666> sony actually asked for help
L1605[22:33:42] <gigaherz> that will allow Spider-man to appear in certain Marvel films
L1606[22:33:49] <gigaherz> in exchange for stuff that we don't really know about
L1607[22:33:55] <killjoy> Like Avengers
L1608[22:34:02] <gigaherz> also
L1609[22:34:04] <gigaherz> Fantastic 4
L1610[22:34:09] <gigaherz> was done exclusively to keep the rights
L1611[22:34:10] <shadekiller666> well, they're bringing SM into the MCU
L1612[22:34:22] <gigaherz> they needto make a movie every certain number of years, or they lose the rights
L1613[22:34:24] <Zaggy1024> oh I didn't realize that Gotham was just aired by Fox and not actually properly owned by them
L1614[22:34:27] <Zaggy1024> interesting
L1615[22:34:36] <shadekiller666> sony also has to allow higher-ups at Marvel have a say in what they do with the franchise
L1616[22:34:42] <gigaherz> they had no intention of making a good movie
L1617[22:34:50] <gigaherz> just release something
L1618[22:34:55] <shadekiller666> actually they did
L1619[22:35:30] <shadekiller666> this was supposed to be the first in a series of a "combine X-men and Fantastic 4" universe
L1620[22:35:49] <shadekiller666> they got the x-men reboot right
L1621[22:36:00] <shadekiller666> they failed horendously with F4
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L1623[22:38:41] <gigaherz> I have seen it said
L1624[22:38:46] <gigaherz> that Fantastic 4 is not meant to happen
L1625[22:38:50] <gigaherz> they should just give up
L1626[22:39:00] <gigaherz> it's just not something that will ever translate well into movies
L1627[22:39:03] <Zaggy1024> I have also seen it said that cell phones give you cancer
L1628[22:39:05] <Zaggy1024> :)
L1629[22:39:18] <shadekiller666> nothing "gives" you cancer
L1630[22:39:22] <shadekiller666> thats not how cancer works
L1631[22:39:32] <gigaherz> well...
L1632[22:39:34] <Zaggy1024> gosh dude I'm just making a point
L1633[22:39:41] <shadekiller666> lol
L1634[22:39:46] <shadekiller666> i know that zaggy :P
L1635[22:39:56] <shadekiller666> didn't mean for that to come off as anger
L1636[22:40:04] <gigaherz> UV rays, and certain types of radiation, have the bad habit of destroying your DNA
L1637[22:40:17] <shadekiller666> well
L1638[22:40:20] <gigaherz> with the right kinds of destruction, sometimes the result IS cancer
L1639[22:40:29] <gigaherz> in which case it's perfectly fine to say that the sun gives you cancer
L1640[22:40:30] <gigaherz> ;P
L1641[22:40:32] <shadekiller666> they destroy the inhibitors that prevent the destruction of your DNA
L1642[22:40:33] <gigaherz> but
L1643[22:40:43] <gigaherz> it's the opposite of microwaves
L1644[22:41:10] <gigaherz> as far as anyone can tell, there's no reason to believe that microwaves can give you cancer
L1645[22:41:18] <gigaherz> at least not in the energy levels seen on a cellphone
L1646[22:41:25] <shadekiller666> they just cook you from the inside :p
L1647[22:41:38] <gigaherz> sure, given enough energy
L1648[22:41:41] <gigaherz> it's just that
L1649[22:41:43] <shadekiller666> mhmm
L1650[22:41:54] <gigaherz> a microwave oven has like 4-5 orders of magnitude more energy
L1651[22:41:59] <shadekiller666> microwaves are inherently low-power
L1652[22:42:01] <gigaherz> or maybe more
L1653[22:42:07] <gigaherz> and even then
L1654[22:42:11] <gigaherz> if you take a microwave oven
L1655[22:42:13] <gigaherz> and remove the case
L1656[22:42:14] <shadekiller666> microwaves are also terrible ways to cook things
L1657[22:42:15] <gigaherz> you'd be fine
L1658[22:42:21] <gigaherz> unless you put the hand near the focus point
L1659[22:42:29] <gigaherz> or some other body part
L1660[22:43:05] <gigaherz> IIRC, the general formula to figure out what amplitude the wave would have after a certain distance, has /d^2 on it
L1661[22:43:13] <gigaherz> so it gets small quite fast
L1662[22:43:14] <gigaherz> ;P
L1663[22:43:48] <gigaherz> and even then, it would cause the water in your body to heat up a little bit
L1664[22:44:35] <gigaherz> to heat up a chunk of meat the size of a hand in a microwave, takes more than a few seconds ;P
L1665[22:45:08] <shadekiller666> yes but its not an even heating
L1666[22:45:10] <gigaherz> so yeah, there's no reason to believe the microwaves emitted by a cellphone have any non-negligible effect on your body
L1667[22:45:16] <shadekiller666> thats the problem with microwave ovens
L1668[22:45:23] <gigaherz> yeah that's why they spin
L1669[22:45:24] <gigaherz> XD
L1670[22:45:35] <shadekiller666> even with the spinning
L1671[22:45:42] <shadekiller666> they end up heating things in rings
L1672[22:47:28] <shadekiller666> giga: http://www.evilmadscientist.com/2011/microwave-oven-diagnostics-with-indian-snack-food/
L1673[22:48:01] <Zaggy1024> http://i.imgur.com/89HmiYw.png
L1674[22:48:08] <Zaggy1024> what..?
L1675[22:48:29] <gigaherz> shadekiller666: I know, the microwave is basically a standing wave
L1676[22:48:42] <gigaherz> it has points of high energy followed by points of low energy
L1677[22:48:56] <gigaherz> a good microwave has more power
L1678[22:49:03] <gigaherz> but not to cook things faster
L1679[22:49:06] <gigaherz> but because that way
L1680[22:49:12] <gigaherz> it can heat a bit
L1681[22:49:16] <gigaherz> then stop and wait for the heat to spread
L1682[22:49:19] <gigaherz> then heat a bit more
L1683[22:49:23] <gigaherz> reducing that effect
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L1685[22:49:42] <shadekiller666> by allowing the heat to spread
L1686[22:50:04] <Zaggy1024> seriously though, what's up with that code? I gotta know
L1687[22:50:13] <shadekiller666> Mojang?
L1688[22:50:41] <Zaggy1024> I guess that's the only possible answer
L1689[22:50:57] <gigaherz> Zaggy1024: the code may have had sub-methods that may have been inlined?
L1690[22:51:08] <gigaherz> maybe the outer method did the scale up
L1691[22:51:12] <gigaherz> and then the inner one scaled down
L1692[22:51:13] <gigaherz> no idea
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L1694[22:51:32] <Zaggy1024> yeah I forget inlining is a thing sometimes
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L1696[22:51:45] <Zaggy1024> still doesn't make sense to me unless they completely forgot what their methods do :P
L1697[22:51:59] <shadekiller666> could be a bad patch
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L1700[22:55:42] <Zaggy1024> no patch for RenderBoat
L1701[22:55:55] <shadekiller666> ok nvm then
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L1705[23:06:51] <Zaggy1024> I'm making a lot of bugs 0.o
L1706[23:07:23] <Zaggy1024> oops I think I spawned some client side
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L1710[23:22:41] <Zaggy1024> http://i.imgur.com/0pLzqGO.png
L1711[23:23:32] <Zaggy1024> urgh why are they teleporting
L1712[23:24:44] ⇦ Quits: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1716[23:29:25] <Zaggy1024> anybody know what it is in EntityHanging or its subclasses that keeps it from moving around after it spawns client side?
L1717[23:30:24] <Zaggy1024> I suppose it might be moveEntity
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L1720[23:32:43] <Zaggy1024> frak, nope, it wasn't :(
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L1724[23:51:15] <Zaggy1024> ah there we go
L1725[23:51:33] ⇨ Joins: madcrazydrumma (~madcrazyd@
L1726[23:51:35] <Zaggy1024> apparently the code that receives tracking updates pushes entities up and out of blocks they're colliding with
L1727[23:51:37] <Zaggy1024> dumb
L1728[23:51:54] <shadekiller666> well ya...
L1729[23:52:11] <madcrazydrumma> I'm trying to create a cooldown for a skill i made for my mod. I want to show this cooldown using text in the ingame overlay event I have. Whats the best way to use keybinds and create the cooldown?
L1730[23:55:33] <Zaggy1024> well...I just feel that the tracking updates shouldn't need to be fixed like that on the client
L1731[23:55:46] <Zaggy1024> especially since it sometimes messes up and makes the entity not appear where it really is
L1732[23:56:25] <Zaggy1024> madcrazydrumma, there are tutorials on making key bindings
L1733[23:57:01] <Zaggy1024> and there's some code that allows you to store extra data on players if you need to
L1734[23:57:07] <madcrazydrumma> No i know how to make one Zaggy1024, just asking on how I may go about implementing a cooldown
L1735[23:57:18] <madcrazydrumma> I dont think I would need to store any extra data
L1736[23:57:24] <Zaggy1024> well...
L1737[23:57:29] <Zaggy1024> where are you going to store the cooldown?
L1738[23:58:04] <madcrazydrumma> Well i could create a client tick event and do checks in there?
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L1740[23:58:34] <madcrazydrumma> But how would I use keybinds and my renderOverlay event in sync? They use completely different event registers
L1741[23:58:41] <madcrazydrumma> So I can't handle them in the same class
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L1743[23:59:08] <shadekiller666> you can register the same class on two different event buses
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L1746[23:59:38] <madcrazydrumma> Really?
L1747[23:59:43] <shadekiller666> the event buses only care about the parameters of the function directly below the @SubscribeEvent flag
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