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L1[00:00:00] <shadekiller666> oh, right
L2[00:00:10] <caellian> it's not like mojang is currently generating guis using external files or anything of that sort
L3[00:00:12] <caellian> haha
L4[00:00:16] <tterrag> also, requiring each widget to handle its own action would result in a LOT of anon classes
L5[00:00:28] <shadekiller666> i wonder if a self-handling gui widget system would be doable in minecraft
L6[00:00:43] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-24-4-16-73.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L7[00:00:48] <caellian> shadekiller666, I'm trying to do that
L8[00:01:23] <caellian> trying to fix the gui system, but still somehow base it on the old one (as little as possible)
L9[00:01:37] <shadekiller666> anon classes? wouldn't you only need a single interface and to pass it gl objects and whatever else might be needed?
L10[00:02:04] <caellian> shadekiller666, you are so overcomplicating this
L11[00:02:12] <shadekiller666> no, not really
L12[00:02:17] <caellian> yes
L13[00:02:20] <shadekiller666> its actually fairly straightforward :P
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L16[00:02:40] <shadekiller666> oh wow, the youtube player did change...
L17[00:02:41] ⇦ Quits: maxlowry123 (~IceChat9@pool-71-244-115-181.albyny.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L18[00:03:04] <tterrag> shadekiller666: each widget handles its own click
L19[00:03:08] <tterrag> so how do you define that action?
L20[00:03:11] <tterrag> a method?
L21[00:03:16] <caellian> passing an interface (which can even be initialized in constructor for component)
L22[00:03:27] <tterrag> anon classes, then :P
L23[00:03:32] <shadekiller666> the widget does whatever the action is
L24[00:03:34] <caellian> yes and no
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L26[00:03:37] <tterrag> shadekiller666: -.-
L27[00:03:41] <shadekiller666> lol
L28[00:03:44] <tterrag> WHAT ACTION? does every widget just do the same thing?
L29[00:03:52] <tterrag> I have a button that changes the block's color
L30[00:03:54] <shadekiller666> not necessarily
L31[00:03:54] <caellian> yes
L32[00:03:56] <tterrag> how do I define that?
L33[00:04:04] <caellian> you have mouse clicked
L34[00:04:12] <caellian> and you call that from gui screen
L35[00:04:21] <tterrag> ok
L36[00:04:25] <tterrag> where do I do the changing of the color?
L37[00:04:44] <caellian> every mouse clicked triggeres a method from interface passed from constructor
L38[00:04:53] <Ordinastie_> someone already made GUI api
L39[00:05:02] <Ordinastie_> examples of usage : https://github.com/Ordinastie/MalisisDoors/tree/master/source/net/malisis/doors/gui
L40[00:05:02] <caellian> and colors are handled by another method that does the same thing
L41[00:05:26] <caellian> Ordinastie_, ShaRose was working on the last one I was able to find
L42[00:05:31] <caellian> but it's for 1.5.2
L43[00:05:37] <caellian> so I'm updating his
L44[00:05:44] <tterrag> "method from an interface"
L45[00:05:49] <Ordinastie_> by someone, I meant me ><
L46[00:05:49] <tterrag> so either tons of classes
L47[00:05:51] <tterrag> or anon classes
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L49[00:06:06] <caellian> tterrag, what are you talking about?
L50[00:06:18] <tterrag> what are YOU talking about?
L51[00:06:39] <caellian> new Button(new IDoStuff{mouseclicked(){Yaaay, mouse was clicked} })
L52[00:06:40] <shadekiller666> tterrag, mind you, this is only a problem when you're hooking into a code base that you don't have full control over
L53[00:06:41] <tterrag> I have 10 buttons in my GUI and each of them does a different thing
L54[00:06:42] <caellian> that's it
L55[00:06:48] <tterrag> caellian: that is an anon class -.-
L56[00:07:02] <caellian> yes
L57[00:07:03] <tterrag> would be nice if we had lambdas
L58[00:07:15] <caellian> why don't we?
L59[00:07:15] <shadekiller666> oh wait we do have lambda
L60[00:07:16] <shadekiller666> s
L61[00:07:22] <tterrag> j8 only?
L62[00:07:27] <caellian> so what?
L63[00:07:30] <shadekiller666> mhmm
L64[00:07:31] <tterrag> MC uses java 6
L65[00:07:34] <caellian> no
L66[00:07:39] <tterrag> lambdas don't compile to j6 bytecode
L67[00:07:42] <MattDahEpic> tterrag, noooooo
L68[00:07:42] <caellian> mc forces java 8
L69[00:07:48] <tterrag> lol...
L70[00:07:49] <shadekiller666> java 8 is forced with the new launcher
L71[00:07:52] <caellian> new launcher forces
L72[00:07:52] <MattDahEpic> tterrag, the launcher comes with j8
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L74[00:07:56] <tterrag> new lancher is still beta
L75[00:08:03] <tterrag> and not on mac or linux
L76[00:08:03] <caellian> no it isn't
L77[00:08:28] <caellian> you would hope mac and linux users are smart enough to use latest java
L78[00:08:41] <tterrag> if the launcher was out forge would be using J8
L79[00:08:52] <Ordinastie_> caellian, http://puu.sh/hCSN5.jpg
L80[00:08:53] <caellian> it is out
L81[00:08:55] <tterrag> OUT out, as in, all OSs, fully released
L82[00:09:02] <tterrag> not "eh kinda out on windows only"
L83[00:09:04] <shadekiller666> isn't forge already doing that
L84[00:09:05] <killjoy> mac users aren't smart enough to not use the .app
L85[00:09:12] <tterrag> >mac users
L86[00:09:14] <tterrag> >smart
L87[00:09:15] <tterrag> ;>
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L89[00:09:34] <shadekiller666> i could have swarn that i saw a couple lambdas somewhere outside of my own code today
L90[00:09:40] <caellian> tterrag, it is written in java, it supports all oss
L91[00:09:50] <killjoy> Except xp
L92[00:09:56] <killjoy> and osx 10.5
L93[00:10:05] <shadekiller666> who the hell is still on xp/
L94[00:10:11] <caellian> yeah
L95[00:10:13] <caellian> hahaha
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L97[00:10:39] <caellian> Ordinastie_, what is this?
L98[00:10:42] <MattDahEpic> my tile entity is missing a mapping and im not sure how to fix it
L99[00:10:49] <tterrag> I'm reading minecraft.net
L100[00:10:55] <tterrag> they only have the new launcher out under windows
L101[00:11:10] <Ordinastie_> MalisisCore GUI system </shamelessplug>
L102[00:11:33] <killjoy> I think I heard somewhere that the mac launcher is happening in september
L103[00:11:37] <Ordinastie_> another example : http://puu.sh/ii84k.jpg
L104[00:11:37] <caellian> tterrag, they only have java-downloading launcher under windows
L105[00:11:43] <MattDahEpic> tterrag, the "new" launcher is any with the bootstrapper that launches it
L106[00:11:44] <tterrag> right
L107[00:11:49] <tterrag> which is the entire point
L108[00:12:05] <tterrag> if the new launcher was actually well adopted on all OSs, then it would be used by forge, but it's not
L109[00:12:07] <killjoy> Someone make a package installer for linux
L110[00:12:09] <caellian> the point is that java 8 is almost (if not) a year old
L111[00:12:19] <tterrag> good for it
L112[00:12:22] <tterrag> MC supports 6
L113[00:12:33] <tterrag> the day MC stops supporting 6 is the day I do
L114[00:12:36] <caellian> even the most retarded people out there should be using the latest version of Java
L115[00:12:48] <tterrag> don't be an idealist
L116[00:12:54] <killjoy> I don't support 6 if it's not mod related
L117[00:13:02] <tterrag> killjoy: god no
L118[00:13:12] <tterrag> why would I do that :P
L119[00:13:14] <tterrag> my app my rules
L120[00:13:21] <Ordinastie_> what is the point of this argument anyway, even if MC is still using J6, nothing prevents you to use J8
L121[00:13:23] <killjoy> read: I use java 7 or higher if I'm not dealing with minecraft
L122[00:13:36] <Ordinastie_> except maybe dumb mac users...
L123[00:13:43] <tterrag> Ordinastie_: this isn't about JVM, rather code target compat
L124[00:13:58] <tterrag> I use java 8 in all my environments
L125[00:14:07] <killjoy> "or higher"
L126[00:14:12] <Ordinastie_> still, make you mod Java8 and tell your user to update their java
L127[00:14:20] <Ordinastie_> caellian, another example : http://puu.sh/iGLpH.jpg
L128[00:14:21] <caellian> tterrag, I don't care if someone using 2 major versions older version of software can't run my mods
L129[00:14:57] *** caellian was kicked by Lex_ (Yes but this is minecraft, we target J6 deal with it.))
L130[00:15:03] <tterrag> I compile my mods against a version of forge almost a year old. why? because I have no good reason not to. Why do somethign that COULD cause problems if it provides no benefit to me?
L131[00:15:08] <tterrag> aw man
L132[00:15:09] <tterrag> no fun
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L134[00:15:42] <MattDahEpic> gg
L135[00:15:50] <Ordinastie_> tterrag, reason is better code and better maintainability
L136[00:16:09] <tterrag> better code? many j7 and j8 features can be used while still compiling to j6 target
L137[00:16:14] <MattDahEpic> the only reason i use >j6 is multicatches
L138[00:16:19] <shadekiller666> and turning 6 lines of for loop into 1 line :p
L139[00:16:28] <tterrag> I have found no good reason to FORCE >6
L140[00:16:55] <shadekiller666> ok, tterrag, at what point does j8 not compile to 6/7
L141[00:17:05] <tterrag> depends on the feature
L142[00:17:10] <tterrag> I know lambdas do not, obviously
L143[00:17:12] <Ordinastie_> string switches
L144[00:17:20] <tterrag> string switches compile to j6
L145[00:17:25] <Ordinastie_> do they?
L146[00:17:28] <tterrag> it's just a convoluted switch on hashcode
L147[00:17:33] <tterrag> for the most part
L148[00:17:40] <Ordinastie_> anyway, I don't care
L149[00:17:41] <shadekiller666> j8 compiler doesn't know how to convert a lambda back into an inner class?
L150[00:17:41] <SkySom> String Switches were 7 though
L151[00:17:56] <Ordinastie_> I'm still making my 1.8 update to java 8
L152[00:18:10] *** Bugboy1028 is now known as BB1028|Away
L153[00:19:04] <caellian> You can't use Lambadas, type annotations, diamonds, ARM, multi-catch and some other things if you use java 6
L154[00:19:21] <tterrag> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22110707/how-is-string-in-switch-statement-more-efficient-than-corresponding-if-else-stat
L155[00:19:35] <tterrag> caellian: diamonds should compile to j6 just fine, it's just compiler inference
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L158[00:20:03] <caellian> tterrag, I just copied over what's new
L159[00:20:59] <caellian> but yeah, I literally can't live without things added by java 7 and 8
L160[00:21:08] <williewillus> like :p
L161[00:21:28] *** Lathanael|Away is now known as Lathanael
L162[00:21:44] <caellian> like literally totally can't
L163[00:21:45] <caellian> haha
L164[00:22:04] <caellian> also, java 7 and 8 run much faster than 6
L165[00:22:33] <Lex_> Well
L166[00:22:44] <caellian> I target everything I do to use latest software
L167[00:23:03] <caellian> so should people
L168[00:23:07] <tterrag> "run faster" is irrelevant, again
L169[00:23:08] ⇦ Quits: HassanS6000 (~Hassan@pool-71-191-144-97.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L170[00:23:12] *** MineBot sets mode: +b *!*@93-138-216-173.adsl.net.t-com.hr
L171[00:23:12] *** caellian was kicked by MineBot (Banned: If you can't live without J7/8 then don't. Minecraft is J6 that is how it is. (7d)))
L172[00:23:19] <Lex_> These arguments are stupid
L173[00:23:54] *** Lathanael is now known as Lathanael|Away
L174[00:24:43] <MattDahEpic> And that day caellian learned: don't fuck with lex
L175[00:24:54] <williewillus> nah
L176[00:24:59] <williewillus> just don't be silly
L177[00:25:16] <Lex_> Are java7/8 stuff nice? Yes
L178[00:25:23] ⇦ Quits: Davnit (~Davnit@71-47-89-196.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L179[00:25:34] <Lex_> Can you use EVERYTHING from j7/8 while still targeting j6 rte? YES
L180[00:26:02] <Lex_> Forcing something outside the target environment because you're lazy is dumb.
L181[00:26:53] <SkySom> "Users can update" I really think he was giving some users way too much credit
L182[00:27:39] <tterrag> lex, everything?
L183[00:30:04] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-24-4-16-73.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L184[00:30:23] <Lex_> ohh ohh he went on twitter!
L185[00:30:42] <Lex_> yes everything from j8 {from my understanding} can be back ported to j6
L186[00:30:50] <Lex_> hell probably even j5 if you chain things correctly
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L189[00:32:28] <tterrag> even lambdas?
L190[00:32:32] <tterrag> I thought they required new magic
L191[00:32:50] <shadekiller666> backported meaning the compiler figures out what to do to convert newer version code into something older vms understand?
L192[00:33:08] <Cazzar> Well, in that case, RetoLambda
L193[00:33:24] <Lex_> retrolambdas exists
L194[00:33:38] <Lex_> lambdas as simple, they are just callables
L195[00:33:47] <tterrag> is retrolambdas a runtime dep?
L196[00:33:51] <Cazzar> No
L197[00:33:52] <Lex_> Nope
L198[00:34:07] <Lex_> it converts the function into a synthetic class.
L199[00:34:19] <tterrag> ah, cool
L200[00:34:19] <MattDahEpic> my tileentity is throwing runtimeexception about missing a mapping and im not sure what to fix
L201[00:34:21] <tterrag> I was about to say
L202[00:34:25] <Lex_> changes the invoke function to a new+invoke and done.
L203[00:34:26] <tterrag> MattDahEpic: register it
L204[00:35:25] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-24-4-16-73.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L205[00:35:25] * Lex_ stabs fernflower
L206[00:35:27] <shadekiller666> oo and theres a gradle plugin for retrolambdas
L207[00:35:30] <Lex_> y u no be logical?
L208[00:35:43] <shadekiller666> fernflower?
L209[00:35:46] * Cazzar has known (and used) retrolambda for a while.
L210[00:37:17] <Lex_> if you're purely targeting and end user whos running things
L211[00:37:26] <Lex_> then you can dev in whatever the fuck you want
L212[00:37:47] <Lex_> but if you're targeting a end user who is dealing with the code.. like forge is... we have to hold to the specific requirements
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L216[00:43:39] <williewillus> shadekiller666: so it actually does look like the rotations is being moved from block center to one of the corners..but idk which one and how to fix it :p
L217[00:43:53] ⇦ Quits: Ordinastie_ (~Ordinasti@ip-91.net-89-3-182.rev.numericable.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
L218[00:44:38] <shadekiller666> the rotations that are parsed from "rotation" are parsed into a TRSRTransformation, which, by default, applies rotations at the corner
L219[00:45:07] <shadekiller666> only recently did fry add methods to transform the pivot from corner to center and back
L220[00:45:22] *** Ashlee|off is now known as Ashlee
L221[00:46:02] <williewillus> what would I put in rotations if I wanted a 20 degree CCW rotation about the x axis? I'm trying to visualize it and i don't get how it 'd be different if it was at the corner vs the center
L222[00:46:32] <shadekiller666> but that is something that has to be done inside the parser, look at the TRSRDeserializer
L223[00:46:43] <shadekiller666> uhhh
L224[00:46:49] <shadekiller666> oh jeeze
L225[00:46:51] <shadekiller666> erm
L226[00:47:16] <shadekiller666> not sure that you can...
L227[00:47:30] <williewillus> ?
L228[00:47:52] <williewillus> stranger thing is increments of 90 work
L229[00:47:53] <shadekiller666> well lets think it through
L230[00:47:59] <williewillus> exactly as intended
L231[00:48:06] <shadekiller666> because 90 is centered again
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L233[00:48:26] <shadekiller666> anything off of that ends up scaling at the same time
L234[00:48:39] <shadekiller666> hence why you were getting that strange stretching
L235[00:48:39] <williewillus> and that's why the texture looks all stretched
L236[00:49:03] <williewillus> so I have to feed it different rotation values to get what I want, but idk what
L237[00:49:23] <shadekiller666> you also have to feed it translation values too
L238[00:49:45] <shadekiller666> which is why i'm starting to think that its not possible
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L240[00:51:35] <williewillus> hm, i wonder why it was written like that then
L241[00:51:38] <MattDahEpic> night all
L242[00:51:42] <williewillus> translation taking corner, I mean
L243[00:51:46] ⇦ Quits: MattDahEpic (~MattDahEp@174-16-14-83.hlrn.qwest.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L244[00:51:49] <williewillus> *rotation{}
L245[00:53:01] <shadekiller666> there was something that applies rotation based on the block corner
L246[00:53:35] <shadekiller666> i wouldn't be surprised if thats why vanilla rotations are locked at 90
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L248[00:54:07] <williewillus> I might just go b3d then, if I can figure out how to use blender .-.
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L251[00:57:04] <williewillus> bleh, I'll figure it out eventually :p
L252[00:57:15] <shadekiller666> i'm taking a look at the parser
L253[00:57:25] <shadekiller666> sounds to me like something is being skipped
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L275[01:42:31] <McJty> Hi, if you get a message sent from the client side on the server you get a MessageContext in that message.
L276[01:42:43] <McJty> Is there some way to find out which mod sent that message?
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L278[01:44:50] <tterrag> google translating spanish mod translations is fun :P
L279[01:45:05] <tterrag> McJty: er...probably not
L280[01:45:10] <tterrag> how would that info be attained?
L281[01:45:22] <McJty> No idea. Which is exactly the problem that I'm having ;-)
L282[01:45:32] <tterrag> + Tile.blockEnderIo.tooltip.detailed.line1 = Allows remote access to nearby blocks. Used in conjunction with Anchor Rod Travel and Tourism.
L283[01:45:40] <tterrag> "Anchor Rod Travel and Tourism" perfect
L284[01:45:56] <tterrag> otherwise pretty close actually :P
L285[01:45:59] <tterrag> McJty: why would you need that
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L287[01:46:22] <McJty> tterrag, well I recently separated a part of my mod into a separate project. So there are many common classes there.
L288[01:46:29] <tterrag> I have heard :P
L289[01:46:33] <McJty> However, the classes there cannot access the global mod instance.
L290[01:46:50] <McJty> I solved most issues related to that except for one.
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L292[01:47:06] <tterrag> hmm?
L293[01:47:08] <tterrag> what does that mean?
L294[01:47:18] <McJty> Well I have one packet that is defined in the library
L295[01:47:23] <McJty> It needs a reference to the mod
L296[01:47:29] <McJty> To the current mod.
L297[01:47:31] <tterrag> it does?
L298[01:47:34] <McJty> where?
L299[01:47:47] <tterrag> where do you need to reference the mod?
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L301[01:47:58] <tterrag> the problem arises when you don't have initialization methods, so you can't register your packets :)
L302[01:48:16] <tterrag> for stuff like that it would be best if you made your lib a mod
L303[01:48:22] <McJty> https://bpaste.net/show/2cade3405ad5
L304[01:48:53] <tterrag> what is "modBase"
L305[01:49:21] <McJty> Well that was supposed to be a reference to my mod which was given to the message on the client side.
L306[01:49:41] <tterrag> I see, unfortunately the packet will probably have to contain a string to reference the mod on both sides
L307[01:49:48] <tterrag> there is no way that data could be transferred otherwise
L308[01:49:58] <McJty> ok, so I can do it that way then
L309[01:50:09] <tterrag> yes, Loader.instance().indexedModList or some such
L310[01:50:19] <McJty> Ok thanks
L311[01:50:38] <tterrag> but again you will run into the problem of your packets not being registered
L312[01:50:46] <tterrag> if you have no mod to initialize things
L313[01:50:59] <McJty> That's no problem. I solved that part already
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L315[01:51:23] <McJty> My library has a registerMessages() which the mod that uses that library has to call
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L319[01:58:02] <tterrag> McJty: so if two mods use your lib?
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L321[01:58:38] <McJty> They both have distinct packet handlers on which that message is registered.
L322[01:59:03] <tterrag> O.o
L323[01:59:12] <tterrag> weird, but ok
L324[01:59:43] <McJty> Well it is just helper code.
L325[01:59:50] <McJty> In the end two different mods are still two different mods
L326[01:59:54] <McJty> With there own packet handlers and stuff.
L327[02:00:38] <tterrag> duplicated packet channels is a bit odd
L328[02:00:43] <tterrag> you could just make sure the method is only called once :P
L329[02:00:49] <tterrag> with a static boolean or some such
L330[02:00:56] <McJty> What method?
L331[02:01:20] <McJty> And what duplicated packet channel? Not sure I get what you mean
L332[02:02:38] <tterrag> you said each using mod gets its own network
L333[02:02:47] <tterrag> with the exact same packets registered to it
L334[02:03:29] <McJty> Well I could also not have made that library
L335[02:03:42] <McJty> In which case my two mods would also have the same packet on their respective channel
L336[02:04:16] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20150804 mappings to Forge Maven.
L337[02:04:20] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20150804-1.8.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20150804" in build.gradle).
L338[02:04:30] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L339[02:07:17] <tterrag> that would be a problem for the lib to solve, no? :P
L340[02:07:39] <McJty> What problem is there to solve actually?
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L343[02:13:12] <shadekiller666> even though i don't know much about dirivatives and integrals or quantum mechanics, this guy is really interesting to listen to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYNOGk3ZjFM
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L379[03:58:46] <Lumien> If i have a tesr, how do i remove the model definition errors from the log? Create a dummy model?
L380[03:59:22] <shadekiller666> uhh
L381[03:59:34] <sham1> Cant you just set the block's render mode
L382[03:59:39] <shadekiller666> ^
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L533[09:00:26] <Lymia> Eeesh.
L534[09:00:32] <Lymia> Scala 2.12.x is going to be Java 8 only?
L535[09:00:33] <Lymia> DX
L536[09:00:49] <PaleoCrafter> be glad :P
L537[09:00:52] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
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L539[09:04:32] <Lymia> Is the Forge dev team still prejudiced against modern VMs?
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L545[09:09:03] <PaleoCrafter> wat, Lymia
L546[09:09:26] <PaleoCrafter> the Java 8 incompatibilities have been resolved ages ago :P
L547[09:10:36] <Lymia> Apparently there's still an expectation that mods support Java 6. You know, a Java version from a decade ago.
L548[09:10:39] <Lymia> :(
L549[09:10:55] <boni> Lymia: mc still supports it therefore forge supports it. simple
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L552[09:12:09] <auenfx4> if you dont have java8, the mc launcher displays a message to get the newer launcher, which downloads java 8
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L554[09:15:05] <auenfx4> http://i.stack.imgur.com/YJ9HK.jpg
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L556[09:17:12] <gigaherz> Lymia: no one prevents you from making a mod java8-only, just forge doesn't force you to.
L557[09:17:50] <Lymia> It does mean that there probably won't be Scala 2.11.x on Forge though.
L558[09:18:11] <PaleoCrafter> that's likely, yes
L559[09:18:12] <Lymia> Too bad. It looks like it actually got the optimizer working well.
L560[09:18:15] <gigaherz> oh no lex clearly said "fuck scala"
L561[09:18:16] <gigaherz> IIRC
L562[09:18:18] <PaleoCrafter> but the library won't see a lot of changes :P
L563[09:18:33] <PaleoCrafter> so you can compile for it just fine while using the 2.11 library
L564[09:19:08] <Lymia> I don't think Scala 2.12.x has an Java 6 bytecode emitter anymore.
L565[09:19:28] <Lymia> Hopefully someone backports the new optimizer code
L566[09:19:43] <diesieben07> 2.12 can't work without java 8
L567[09:19:47] <diesieben07> they need the lambda support
L568[09:20:14] <PaleoCrafter> my point is that you can use the 2.12 optimizer and compiler (obviously with Java 8 bytecode) and still use the 2.11 library :P
L569[09:20:24] <PaleoCrafter> and the optimizer is accessible from 2.11.7, afaik
L570[09:20:29] <Lymia> They're breaking binary compatibility. Probably won't work.
L571[09:20:50] <Lymia> You could use dependency shadowing for the 2.12 library though.
L572[09:21:13] <Lymia> Or.. well, whatever you're supposed to call it.
L573[09:21:30] <Lymia> Use an obfusicator to rename scala.* to whatever.whatevermod.lib.scala.*
L574[09:21:34] <diesieben07> the fact that forge ships scala is still a bad idea ...
L575[09:21:35] <Lymia> And strip out unused classes
L576[09:21:46] <PaleoCrafter> the fact that it ships the compiler is the bad idea, diesieben07 :P
L577[09:21:51] <Lymia> wait
L578[09:21:54] <Lymia> Forge ships with scala-compiler?
L579[09:21:58] <PaleoCrafter> yes
L580[09:22:00] <Lymia> wtf why
L581[09:22:06] <Lymia> why
L582[09:22:20] <PaleoCrafter> such that Lex can bitch about the enormous traffic :P
L583[09:22:31] <Lymia> The only use for that *maybe* is JIT. And it's easier to use ASM or something.
L584[09:23:52] <Lymia> I can understand shipping scala-library
L585[09:24:02] <Lymia> Maybe scala-reflect and parser combinators/xml too.
L586[09:24:05] <Lymia> But the compiler??
L587[09:24:18] <PaleoCrafter> Lex also thinks that we Scala people are trying to force the language on everyone
L588[09:24:27] <diesieben07> well, you are :P
L589[09:24:33] <PaleoCrafter> which might be true for *some* people, but by far not for all :P
L590[09:24:35] <pig> ^
L591[09:24:39] <pig> Damnit
L592[09:24:44] <PaleoCrafter> hah
L593[09:25:08] <PaleoCrafter> and *I* am only pointing out that people might have an easier time with Scala, diesieben07 :P
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L595[09:25:56] <Lymia> Learning a new language isn't generally an "easier time"
L596[09:25:58] <Lymia> :P
L597[09:26:53] <PaleoCrafter> well, obviously after learning it :P
L598[09:27:01] <PaleoCrafter> and it's never bad to know more than one language
L599[09:27:42] <gigaherz> specially if those languages have different paradigms
L600[09:28:06] <gigaherz> the only thing I have against scala is that it's designed "against my tastes" XD
L601[09:28:36] <sham1> But if you have too much of a java background, it makes everything you write a mess in scala
L602[09:29:05] <gigaherz> (the "def" keyword, "name: Type" syntax, whitespace-aware syntax)
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L604[09:30:18] <PaleoCrafter> sham1, the problem isn't having "too much" of a Java background, it's the unability to open your mind for new ways :P
L605[09:31:47] <gigaherz> that's one of the things I like about knowing some javascript: it's relatively C/Java-ish in syntax, but it's very different in terms of design
L606[09:32:07] <PaleoCrafter> gigaherz, what whitespace aware syntax?
L607[09:32:30] <gigaherz> PaleoCrafter: recognizing "enter" as a statement terminator, instead of using something like ;
L608[09:32:40] <PaleoCrafter> enter isn't the statement terminator...
L609[09:32:49] <gigaherz> ?
L610[09:33:03] <Lymia> Scala is whitespace aware.
L611[09:33:05] <PaleoCrafter> multi line statement are a thing in Scala :P
L612[09:33:11] <Lymia> It can infer ; when a new-line occurs.
L613[09:33:16] <Lymia> Instead of needing ; explicitly
L614[09:34:17] <PaleoCrafter> and as soon as you get used to semicolon inference you don't want to go back :P
L615[09:34:56] <Lymia> It inserts an ';' whenever A) there is a whitespace, and B) this is syntatically valid
L616[09:35:00] <Lymia> Or, er.
L617[09:35:01] <Lymia> newline*
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L624[09:51:57] <Flashfire> Is it possible for the same sub block of a block to be assigned to any one of many textures at random?
L625[09:52:49] <diesieben07> define "sub block"
L626[09:53:04] <Flashfire> Metadata subtype
L627[09:53:09] <diesieben07> no
L628[09:53:23] <diesieben07> you can do some "magic" and base it on the coordinates
L629[09:53:36] <diesieben07> but if you dont want that, you need to store which texture there was somewhere
L630[09:53:39] <Flashfire> That'd work great actually
L631[09:54:33] <Flashfire> What must be done to assign a block to a texture based on coordinates?
L632[09:54:58] <diesieben07> are you on 1.8?
L633[09:55:03] <Flashfire> Yes I am
L634[09:55:21] <diesieben07> how many textures are there?
L635[09:55:29] <Flashfire> I will probably have 16
L636[09:55:36] <diesieben07> why can't you use metadata then? :D
L637[09:55:47] <Flashfire> Is there a metadata limit?
L638[09:55:52] <diesieben07> 0-15
L639[09:56:10] <Flashfire> I have at least 10 metadata subblocks in one block and I want 16 different ones for each
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L641[09:56:17] <SanAndreasP> I did not PM to Forge in a loong time, so... how do I use the Forge repo in Intellij?
L642[09:56:25] <Flashfire> They're so similar that I want to keep them as one block
L643[09:56:27] <diesieben07> aha
L644[09:56:46] <diesieben07> you need a custom block model then (ISmartBlockModel
L645[09:56:56] <Flashfire> Alright
L646[09:57:13] <diesieben07> and store the texture in the block state
L647[09:57:19] <diesieben07> using getActualState
L648[09:57:37] <Flashfire> I see
L649[09:57:57] <SanAndreasP> I tried to import the build.gradle like I do with all my other mods, but it tells me I don't have a valid gradle directory
L650[09:58:06] <diesieben07> i dont think you can
L651[09:58:14] <SanAndreasP> :(
L652[09:58:36] <diesieben07> you can try importing the eclipse project
L653[09:58:38] <diesieben07> or wait for FG 2 :D
L654[09:58:59] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L655[09:59:14] <SanAndreasP> so, I just do Import t and point to the eclipse folder!?
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L657[09:59:37] <sham1> or you wait for FG2 ?!
L658[09:59:49] <SanAndreasP> but I wanna PR now :o
L659[09:59:59] <sham1> why not use eclipse
L660[10:00:10] <diesieben07> because eclipse is a joke
L661[10:00:20] <diesieben07> and yes, just import and select the eclipse project
L662[10:00:30] <PaleoCrafter> it won't be that easy, afaik :P
L663[10:00:34] <PaleoCrafter> because it uses linked folders
L664[10:01:16] <williewillus> are baubles/thaumcraft apis on a maven anywhere?
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L671[10:10:14] <smbarbour> As far as I can tell, those APIs are just on Azanor's github
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L673[10:14:42] <SanAndreasP> aren't there any run configs to test my changes?
L674[10:14:55] <diesieben07> sure, there should be
L675[10:15:33] <SanAndreasP> it's empty for me
L676[10:16:13] <diesieben07> you ran gradlew setupForge?
L677[10:16:29] <SanAndreasP> yup
L678[10:16:46] <diesieben07> then you should have them, at least I do
L679[10:16:55] <SanAndreasP> I'll try again and see if that works
L680[10:17:22] <diesieben07> you are using eclipse now, right?
L681[10:17:46] <SanAndreasP> no, I was trying with IntelliJ, but I'll use eclipse now <.<
L682[10:18:02] <diesieben07> :D
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L684[10:18:17] <williewillus> if I want to add LayerRenderers to the player when should I do that?
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L688[10:26:39] <williewillus> !gm doRenderLayer
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L690[10:34:34] <williewillus> bleh anyone know how to use the layerrenderer?
L691[10:36:24] <gigaherz> no idea what those are XD
L692[10:36:39] <MattDahEpic> !gm Block.breakBlock 1.7.10
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L694[10:37:21] <SanAndreasP> Is the "Clean" project for my test mod or?
L695[10:37:45] <williewillus> no clean is to generate the diffs
L696[10:37:49] <williewillus> don't touch or use clean
L697[10:37:58] <SanAndreasP> okay
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L699[10:38:26] <diesieben07> Clean = Just MC, Forge = well, forge
L700[10:41:19] <williewillus> does forge take requests to change access modifiers on certain members?
L701[10:41:31] <williewillus> RenderPlayer.addLayer is protected, which makes it pretty useless without an AT
L702[10:42:16] <diesieben07> reflection
L703[10:43:16] <Mysticdrew> Anyone know what version of Netty is minecraft using?
L704[10:43:38] <williewillus> oh, yeah reflecting would work, I thought i needed to call it every frame but its actually at ini
L705[10:43:40] <williewillus> t
L706[10:43:41] <williewillus> thanks
L707[10:43:46] <diesieben07> 4.0.15 in 1.8
L708[10:43:54] <Mysticdrew> Thanks diesieben07
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L711[10:47:11] <williewillus> !gf RenderManager.skinMap
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L713[10:48:01] <williewillus> why does the bot show that skinMap has an AT to public on it yet my dev workspace doesn't have it?
L714[10:48:16] <PaleoCrafter> the bot just tells you the line you would have to use in an AT
L715[10:48:20] <williewillus> oh :p
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L717[10:49:35] <SanAndreasP> uhhh... why do I get a ConcurrentModificationException now? <.<
L718[10:49:59] <diesieben07> context?
L719[10:50:12] <SanAndreasP> tried to debug, I get this exception
L720[10:50:32] <diesieben07> stacktrace?
L721[10:50:40] <gigaherz> do you use packets?
L722[10:50:44] <SanAndreasP> sure, one moment...
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L724[10:51:26] <SanAndreasP> http://pastebin.com/tnkQVY42
L725[10:51:36] <SanAndreasP> no, gigaherz
L726[10:51:52] <gigaherz> uhh can you paste your current code?
L727[10:51:58] <gigaherz> or push to github ;P
L728[10:52:15] <SanAndreasP> it's the Forge Repo, I'm trying to make a PR :P
L729[10:52:19] <gigaherz> Oh
L730[10:52:20] <diesieben07> wat
L731[10:52:22] <gigaherz> FORGE itself
L732[10:52:27] <gigaherz> wtf did you change?
L733[10:52:29] <gigaherz> XD
L734[10:52:39] <SanAndreasP> 4 lines
L735[10:52:48] <SanAndreasP> 1 in World, and a method addition in Entity
L736[10:52:50] <gigaherz> canyou generate a patch/diff?
L737[10:53:51] <SanAndreasP> How do I do this with gradle? :P I was not in the PR game for a long time, as I've said already xD
L738[10:54:05] <gigaherz> eh I can't remember the command name XD
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L740[10:54:37] <diesieben07> gradlew genPatches
L741[10:54:45] <diesieben07> but that shouldn't cause this
L742[10:54:55] <SanAndreasP> well, it wouldn't matter, I've reverted my changes and still crashes...
L743[10:55:02] <diesieben07> yeah this is very weird
L744[10:55:10] <gigaherz> yeah :/
L745[10:55:20] <SanAndreasP> does this have to do with Java8? I suppose not...
L746[10:55:24] <gigaherz> it's not even in mc code yet?
L747[10:55:30] <gigaherz> this is the launchwrapper, it's pre-launching
L748[10:55:39] <SanAndreasP> no, it tries to launch and just crashes
L749[10:56:09] <gigaherz> I mean it still hasn't really begun launching by then
L750[10:56:25] <gigaherz> as in, it's not something inside mc code that's failing, it's in FML territory
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L754[10:58:07] <SanAndreasP> ugh, I'll delete my local copy, then re-setup everything again... maybe IntelliJ screwed something up
L755[10:58:14] <gigaherz> maybe
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L760[11:15:08] <shadekiller666> giga, does your obj loader work for 1.7?
L761[11:15:28] <williewillus> i thought 1.7 already had its own obj loader
L762[11:15:43] <SanAndreasP> well, didn't work either :(
L763[11:15:44] <shadekiller666> its not really much of a loader
L764[11:15:47] <SanAndreasP> same crash
L765[11:16:03] <shadekiller666> and my 1.8 one is much more versitile and less prone to crashing...
L766[11:16:14] <shadekiller666> i'm contemplating backporting it...
L767[11:16:42] <gigaherz> shadekiller666: the actual loader code is mc-agnostic
L768[11:16:54] <shadekiller666> ok
L769[11:16:56] <gigaherz> but then it does the baking, which is 1.8-specific
L770[11:17:19] <shadekiller666> what do the objs get turned into to make them work in 1.7?
L771[11:17:34] <shadekiller666> i know for 1.8 its BakedQuads
L772[11:17:39] <gigaherz> no idea, never used models in 1.7
L773[11:17:49] <gigaherz> I think it was just raw ogl?0
L774[11:17:50] <gigaherz> as in
L775[11:17:52] <shadekiller666> looks like IModelCustom
L776[11:17:59] <williewillus> java models probably, or direct gl
L777[11:18:04] <gigaherz> hmm
L778[11:18:16] <gigaherz> no idea, really
L779[11:18:16] <gigaherz> XD
L780[11:18:26] <gigaherz> no point speculating, just check what 1.7 did
L781[11:18:27] <gigaherz> XD
L782[11:18:29] <shadekiller666> O.o
L783[11:18:41] <gigaherz> i recall some code using .addBox() and such
L784[11:18:43] <shadekiller666> the 1.7 loader uses patterns?
L785[11:18:45] <shadekiller666> why?
L786[11:18:52] <gigaherz> but 1.7 also had an actual obj loader
L787[11:18:53] <shadekiller666> string parsing is a lot nicer...
L788[11:19:10] <gigaherz> patterns?
L789[11:19:20] <gigaherz> but .obj is space-delimited text XD
L790[11:19:27] <shadekiller666> and?
L791[11:19:34] <gigaherz> it's designed to be parsed using split() ;P
L792[11:19:39] <shadekiller666> mhmm
L793[11:19:45] <shadekiller666> and thats how i do it
L794[11:19:49] <gigaherz> me too ;P
L795[11:19:53] <gigaherz> wtf are patterns?
L796[11:19:54] <gigaherz> xD
L797[11:20:01] <gigaherz> you mean regex?
L798[11:20:12] <gigaherz> or does java have something special for it?
L799[11:20:21] <shadekiller666> Pattern
L800[11:20:29] <diesieben07> he means regex.
L801[11:21:00] <shadekiller666> https://gist.github.com/shadekiller666/45007f10125c6eb2dd47
L802[11:21:07] <diesieben07> that is called regex.
L803[11:21:21] ⇨ Joins: Nucleria (~Nucleria@cpe-107-9-165-182.neo.res.rr.com)
L804[11:21:34] <Nucleria> Hi.
L805[11:21:35] <gigaherz> ah so java calls its regex handling "Pattern"... XD
L806[11:21:38] *** Drullkus is now known as Drull|Afk
L807[11:21:39] <williewillus> lol
L808[11:21:40] <shadekiller666> all those complicated strings, when all you need is some nested loops...
L809[11:21:57] <williewillus> who wrte the forge 1.7 obj?
L810[11:22:01] <shadekiller666> with lambdas it would probably be even nicer
L811[11:22:02] <shadekiller666> no idea
L812[11:22:39] <gigaherz> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/commits/1.7.10/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/client/model/obj
L813[11:23:06] <gigaherz> hard to say XD
L814[11:23:28] <gigaherz> the oldest commit is a refactoring
L815[11:23:39] <williewillus> "To be cleanuped and re-evaluated in 1.8" lol
L816[11:23:42] <gigaherz> there's no history before that
L817[11:24:05] <shadekiller666> hahaha
L818[11:24:13] <gigaherz> shadekiller666: my code was originally based on a C# parser that I had around
L819[11:24:18] <shadekiller666> more like completely ignored :P
L820[11:24:22] <shadekiller666> ahh
L821[11:24:23] <gigaherz> which was originally based on some code I found around on the internet
L822[11:24:38] <gigaherz> the C# version was built around a map of lambdas
L823[11:24:51] <shadekiller666> ok
L824[11:25:02] <gigaherz> I replaced that with a chain of if() while porting to java ;P
L825[11:25:14] <shadekiller666> to write mine i dug through yours to get a basic idea
L826[11:25:17] *** Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
L827[11:25:41] <williewillus> you couldve still used something like the Guava Function<>'s :p
L828[11:25:42] <gigaherz> now that I moved to java8
L829[11:25:48] <shadekiller666> then i looked up the spec that Wavefront used for their software support
L830[11:25:55] <gigaherz> I'm thinking to go back to the original idea
L831[11:25:57] <gigaherz> XD
L832[11:26:01] <shadekiller666> and then i went from there
L833[11:26:17] <williewillus> well you could still have the same "idea", guava functions are on j5/6 :p
L834[11:26:40] <gigaherz> williewillus: well I could use anonymous classes and such, but then the code would be worse than it is now XD
L835[11:26:46] <gigaherz> hmmm
L836[11:27:11] <shadekiller666> there is retrolambdas
L837[11:27:13] <williewillus> but yeah when we finally upgrade to j8 in about 3 years you can use them :p
L838[11:27:54] <gigaherz> williewillus: in C#, there's Func<> which has return value, and Action<>, which does not
L839[11:28:02] <gigaherz> is there a similar ditinction in java?
L840[11:28:16] <williewillus> in java 8 that's Function and Consumer
L841[11:28:19] <williewillus> idk what the guava names are
L842[11:29:05] <williewillus> ah yeah guava doesnt have a consumer
L843[11:29:11] <diesieben07> guava names are the same
L844[11:29:17] <diesieben07> java 8 also has BiFunction and BiConsumer which take two inputs
L845[11:29:28] <diesieben07> right, guava only has supplier for some reason
L846[11:30:00] <gigaherz> Map<String, Consumer<String>> map = new HashMap<>();
L847[11:30:00] <gigaherz> map.put("o", this::newObject);
L848[11:30:02] <gigaherz> :3
L849[11:30:21] <williewillus> doesn't scala have function definitions up to something crazy like 22-arity :p
L850[11:30:27] <diesieben07> it does
L851[11:30:30] <gigaherz> C#'s is up to 15
L852[11:30:37] <diesieben07> but it will go away in java 10 most likely
L853[11:30:48] <diesieben07> which is also when we will most likely get tuples and stuff in java
L854[11:31:12] <williewillus> how would that work? without reifing generics and that mess
L855[11:31:33] <diesieben07> dynamic class definitions
L856[11:31:37] <diesieben07> it would just generate the TupleN classes at runtime :D
L857[11:31:41] <diesieben07> instead of shipping them
L858[11:31:57] <diesieben07> and then add some syntax sugar and value types and bam
L859[11:32:19] <williewillus> yay we're where C# was :p
L860[11:32:29] <gigaherz> GAH
L861[11:32:33] <diesieben07> not really :D c# has reification, java doesn't.,
L862[11:32:33] <gigaherz> there's a flaw
L863[11:32:40] <gigaherz> the IOException can't pass through to the parent
L864[11:32:40] <gigaherz> XD
L865[11:32:55] <diesieben07> yeah, lambdas + exceptions = pain
L866[11:33:05] <diesieben07> at least in java because checked exceptions are stupid
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L868[11:33:26] <williewillus> I read an article once that said "java is moving at too fast a pace" and I was like nope, go look at the issue ticket for switch on string :p
L869[11:35:17] <gigaherz> java 1.x is moving too fast, what java would need is a java 2.0 that breaks backward compat ;P
L870[11:35:37] <Laceh> lol
L871[11:35:55] <Laceh> that doesnt have lambdas
L872[11:37:09] <williewillus> how about getting rid of type erasure
L873[11:38:39] <sham1> but muh backwards compatibility
L874[11:38:46] <Laceh> lol
L875[11:39:22] <Laceh> if java wants to be like scala so much then it should add a phaser
L876[11:39:39] <diesieben07> thats actually not as nice as you might think willie
L877[11:39:49] <williewillus> I know but still :p
L878[11:44:19] <williewillus> what reasons would it not be nice?
L879[11:44:35] <diesieben07> well, first of all List<String> and List<Object> are no longer the same class
L880[11:44:42] <diesieben07> this has all sorts of weird things that happen
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L882[11:44:51] <williewillus> but wouldnt the former extend the latter?
L883[11:45:01] <PaleoCrafter> only if you introduce variance :P
L884[11:45:06] <sham1> You'd really think so
L885[11:45:07] <PaleoCrafter> (definition-site, that is)
L886[11:45:38] <diesieben07> exactly, you'd think so, but it doesn't.
L887[11:45:51] <diesieben07> if you make List<String> extend List<Object> you have a problem
L888[11:46:15] <diesieben07> arrays have this problem: Object[] foo = new String[1]; foo[0] = Integer.valueOf(3); // crash at runtime
L889[11:48:27] <gigaherz> there
L890[11:48:28] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/commit/e908ead8c252fbfc1f10050156bdd7e4c472b3b6
L891[11:48:53] <sham1> You java 8'd your code
L892[11:49:07] <gigaherz> yup
L893[11:49:21] <gigaherz> I already required java8 because of another piece of code elsewhere so...
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L895[11:50:01] <diesieben07> ugh, stateful lambdas
L896[11:50:03] <sham1> As long as I can remember how to activate that experiemntal java8 backend for scala 2.11, I'll roll on the floor being happy
L897[11:50:04] <diesieben07> bad monkey :P
L898[11:50:08] <gigaherz> stateful?
L899[11:50:09] <PaleoCrafter> yeah, state everywhere D:
L900[11:50:11] <heldplayer> What piece of code would that've been then gigaherz?
L901[11:50:15] <diesieben07> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/commit/e908ead8c252fbfc1f10050156bdd7e4c472b3b6#diff-b63954deea66fc02f1d9e4b1b98c0578R449
L902[11:50:20] <gigaherz> oh the currentThing?
L903[11:50:35] <sham1> What abomination is that :C
L904[11:50:44] <gigaherz> lambdas :3
L905[11:50:53] <gigaherz> hmm
L906[11:50:58] <sham1> Lambdas are fine
L907[11:50:59] <gigaherz> I guess I could make them stateless
L908[11:51:05] <williewillus> what is with that for(; ; ;)
L909[11:51:22] <diesieben07> thats just fancy-people speech for while(true)
L910[11:51:23] <williewillus> while loops exist you know .-.
L911[11:51:23] <heldplayer> That's basically a while(true) loop
L912[11:51:50] <gigaherz> williewillus: I know, I spent many years learning to use for(;;) instead of while(true), I'm not changing back now
L913[11:51:51] <gigaherz> XD
L914[11:52:28] <sham1> why
L915[11:53:20] <gigaherz> dunno ask the people who told me to use for(;;) instead ;P
L916[11:53:22] <gigaherz> blame the C world
L917[11:53:23] <gigaherz> XD
L918[11:53:30] <williewillus> its a C thing I think
L919[11:53:47] <sham1> while(1)...
L920[11:53:50] <diesieben07> probaly some guy said it once and said "its faster"
L921[11:53:51] <williewillus> except that C had while loops too so people probably just wanted to feel clever
L922[11:54:17] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/commit/1244f5705b9880fb9bd8e4eeb1ed6b3c12534a89
L923[11:54:21] <diesieben07> i mean it has to evaluate "true" every time round, right? NO.
L924[11:54:26] <gigaherz> williewillus: chances are once upon a time
L925[11:54:30] <gigaherz> for(;;) generated a simple jmp
L926[11:54:38] <gigaherz> while while(true) actually generated a useless comparison
L927[11:54:38] <gigaherz> XD
L928[11:54:51] <gigaherz> but tha twould have bene like, in the 60s
L929[11:54:54] <gigaherz> been*
L930[11:54:55] <gigaherz> anyhow
L931[11:55:00] <diesieben07> and even if it did today...
L932[11:55:05] <gigaherz> I learned with for(;;), so I keep using it
L933[11:55:07] <diesieben07> jump prediction would optimize that away
L934[11:55:13] <gigaherz> I see no advantage to using while(true) which is longer to type
L935[11:55:18] <williewillus> lol
L936[11:55:57] <sham1> cleare
L937[11:56:48] <gigaherz> I even remember seeing for(;condition;) somewhere
L938[11:56:49] <gigaherz> XD
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L940[11:57:03] <gigaherz> best if mixed with a variable named _
L941[11:57:07] <gigaherz> then it'sfor(;_;)
L942[11:57:18] <williewillus> #define EVER ;;
L943[11:57:20] <williewillus> for (EVER) {}
L944[11:57:26] <gigaherz> and the ;_; is the soul of the while crying
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L946[11:57:49] <gigaherz> #define WHILE(x) ;x;
L947[11:57:52] <gigaherz> for(WHILE(x))
L948[11:58:05] <williewillus> that's redundant
L949[11:58:07] <Kobata> If you're doing that just go the whole way #define while(x) for(;x;)
L950[11:58:14] <gigaherz> true!
L951[11:58:15] <Kobata> And make everyone hate you
L952[11:58:19] <gigaherz> okay let's remove while from C
L953[11:58:56] <gigaherz> tbh
L954[11:59:03] <gigaherz> I believe the C-style for is named wrongly
L955[11:59:16] <gigaherz> the ;; should just be just optional parts of the while loop
L956[11:59:26] <gigaherz> the for should be dedicated to ranges, like in other languages ;P
L957[11:59:52] <gigaherz> for x from 1 to 3 {}
L958[12:00:05] <gigaherz> but hey, it has been like that for too long to really complain
L959[12:00:06] <gigaherz> XD
L960[12:00:11] ⇨ Joins: SanAndreasP (~SanAndrea@p54B62861.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L961[12:00:11] <diesieben07> so you don't want for (x : foobar)???
L962[12:00:16] <diesieben07> where foobar is a list
L963[12:00:22] <gigaherz> diesieben07: I like C#'s foreach keyword ;P
L964[12:00:34] <Kobata> That's normally written for(x in things)
L965[12:00:35] <diesieben07> thats just... too much too type :D
L966[12:00:39] <gigaherz> I'd #define in :
L967[12:00:44] <gigaherz> so I can at least do
L968[12:00:47] <gigaherz> for(x in y)
L969[12:00:55] <Kobata> C++ guys just don't like adding keywords these days so it got to be :
L970[12:01:06] <diesieben07> i was talking java but anyways
L971[12:01:10] <gigaherz> yeah same
L972[12:01:14] <gigaherz> C++'s range for
L973[12:01:17] <gigaherz> uses java syntax
L974[12:01:17] <diesieben07> or just list.forEach() :D
L975[12:01:35] <gigaherz> is that like C#'s linq? :3
L976[12:01:52] <diesieben07> i dont know that
L977[12:01:58] <diesieben07> thats that filter, map thing right
L978[12:02:12] <gigaherz> enumerable.where(condition).select(lambda that returns a different thing based on the item)
L979[12:02:29] <diesieben07> ah, thats streams in java 8
L980[12:02:41] <Kobata> list.stream().filter().map() pretty much
L981[12:02:47] <diesieben07> myCollection.stream().filter(condition).map(...)
L982[12:02:48] <diesieben07> yup
L983[12:03:01] <diesieben07> and then .collect(Collectors.toList()); at the end and you'll get a list back
L984[12:03:08] <gigaherz> does it have .any() .all()?
L985[12:03:24] <diesieben07> anyMathc, allMatch, yes
L986[12:03:33] <Kobata> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/stream/Stream.html
L987[12:03:36] <gigaherz> well my java code may start getting fancy ;P
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L989[12:04:18] <diesieben07> note though that the Stream stuff does have quite some overhead, so usingit for 10 element collections is likely a bit stupid :P
L990[12:04:34] <diesieben07> it gets useful when you have like 10000 elements and want to process them in parallel
L991[12:04:44] <gigaherz> yeah I guess
L992[12:05:09] <gigaherz> C#'s version of that is based around lazy evaluation, and IEnumerable
L993[12:05:15] <williewillus> what's the overhead from?
L994[12:05:33] <PaleoCrafter> streams are always lazily evaluated
L995[12:05:36] <gigaherz> so iterating through it ends up recursing through IEnumerables within IEnumerables
L996[12:05:38] <diesieben07> all the abstractions because the same api goes for parallel and non parallel
L997[12:05:59] <SanAndreasP> what the f**k? http://puu.sh/jpaZt/e9993a206f.png
L998[12:06:02] <gigaherz> unless the original class supports expression mapping
L999[12:06:17] <gigaherz> then it can implement them however it wants
L1000[12:06:32] <Kobata> Yeah, java streams are lazy, so you get to do thing like make infinite streams
L1001[12:06:40] <gigaherz> :3
L1002[12:06:45] <sham1> May I just say that I hate that interface naming thing where you stick I*something* to be the name of your interface
L1003[12:06:46] <Kobata> Stream.iterate(1, n -> pow(2, n))
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L1005[12:06:52] <gigaherz> ^_^
L1006[12:06:58] ⇨ Joins: KilRoYDK (~KilRoYDK@5F9A1C39.rev.sefiber.dk)
L1007[12:07:13] <Kobata> or maybe it'd be n -> 2*n
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L1009[12:07:28] * sham1 says this and has named all interface-like pure abstract traits in my mod with that system
L1010[12:07:52] <Tim020> Question: is there something similar to TileEntity.updateEntity() for GUIs?
L1011[12:07:59] <SanAndreasP> It also is not even proper naming, sham1, I don't see any java class which has this naming
L1012[12:08:06] <williewillus> C# uses it
L1013[12:08:12] <sham1> Yes
L1014[12:08:16] <diesieben07> Tim020, you mean something that is called every tick? updateScreen
L1015[12:08:21] <sham1> And for some reason FML and Forge also uses it
L1016[12:08:21] <SanAndreasP> well, C# is not Java ;)
L1017[12:08:26] <PaleoCrafter> sham1, you're terrible
L1018[12:08:28] <diesieben07> C# conventions are beyond retarded
L1019[12:08:38] <diesieben07> method and field names in uppercase? what in the fuck
L1020[12:08:38] <PaleoCrafter> and Searge probably started this trend with MCP :P
L1021[12:08:40] <Tim020> diesieben07, is that called every tick or every render cycle?
L1022[12:08:44] <diesieben07> tick.
L1023[12:08:49] ⇦ Quits: Vazkii (~Vazkii@co1-84-90-98-184.netvisao.pt) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1024[12:08:51] <diesieben07> drawScreen is for frames
L1025[12:08:56] <Tim020> Ah nice! Thanks dude :)
L1026[12:08:57] <williewillus> which language started the IFoo thing?
L1027[12:09:08] <PaleoCrafter> .NET :P
L1028[12:09:11] <PaleoCrafter> afaik
L1029[12:09:22] <gigaherz> diesieben07: method names in camelCase is the part I dislike the most about Java
L1030[12:09:22] <gigaherz> ;P
L1031[12:09:29] <sham1> PaleoCrafter, I want some way to detonate to my API user that my trait has no methods implemented in it
L1032[12:09:35] <gigaherz> right next to typing the { on the same line
L1033[12:09:41] <diesieben07> better doSomething than DoSomething seriously
L1034[12:09:47] <gigaherz> I disagree ;P
L1035[12:09:57] <diesieben07> i'd rather have do_something than DoSomething
L1036[12:10:00] <diesieben07> it just looks like a class
L1037[12:10:01] <sham1> camelCase FTW
L1038[12:10:09] <williewillus> I like underscores after camelcasing
L1039[12:10:09] <gigaherz> do_something is the one thing I dislike more than camelCase
L1040[12:10:10] <gigaherz> XD
L1041[12:10:16] <PaleoCrafter> `do something` :P
L1042[12:10:20] <Kobata> The oldest thing I can think of that uses the IFoo convention is COM, and .NET basically got it from there
L1043[12:10:20] <PaleoCrafter> SCALA FTW
L1044[12:10:23] <williewillus> I like same line braces gigaherz :<
L1045[12:10:29] <diesieben07> ^ that too
L1046[12:10:33] <gigaherz> yeah -- tastes.
L1047[12:10:35] <diesieben07> braces on newlines are stupid
L1048[12:10:43] <williewillus> next line is a waste of space
L1049[12:10:50] <sham1> I never got people who want to use GNU indent on java
L1050[12:10:51] <gigaherz> I grew up with Microsoft-style C
L1051[12:10:51] <PaleoCrafter> Kevlin Henney begs to differ
L1052[12:10:52] <gigaherz> ;P
L1053[12:10:55] <sham1> Like seriously
L1054[12:11:06] <MattDahEpic> diesieben07, you mean SQUIGGLY BRACKETS???
L1055[12:11:15] <gigaherz> and that means TitleCasing methods, and {} on their own lines
L1056[12:11:18] <diesieben07> wat?
L1057[12:11:34] <MattDahEpic> {}= squiggle bracket
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L1059[12:11:41] <MattDahEpic> its a good way to teach kids
L1060[12:11:45] <diesieben07> i have no idea what you english people call your brackets braces what ever the fuck
L1061[12:11:48] <gigaherz> MattDahEpic: "curly" braces ;P
L1062[12:11:57] <williewillus> so the original maker of ProjectE did nextline, and as a joke four months ago I submitted a PR that changed everything to same line, and the diff was something like -4500 lines
L1063[12:12:02] <gigaherz> diesieben07: it's not really standarized XD
L1064[12:12:08] <sham1> I dont get those silly English speakers either
L1065[12:12:09] <diesieben07> exactly thats what i mean :P
L1066[12:12:11] <SanAndreasP> I think we won't be friends, gigaherz, since I do both camelCase and { on the same line :V
L1067[12:12:15] <diesieben07> its not standardized and makes no sense.
L1068[12:12:29] <sham1> Here they are "aaltosulkeet" - literally translates to "wave brackets"
L1069[12:12:30] <diesieben07> in german: () - runde klammern, [] eckige klammern, {} geschweifte klammern. its all "klammern"
L1070[12:12:36] <gigaherz> SanAndreasP: oh I dislike that, but I can write it just fine
L1071[12:12:40] <diesieben07> in english its all over the place
L1072[12:12:44] <gigaherz> unlike underscase_with_underscores
L1073[12:12:49] <sham1> English is very weird language
L1074[12:12:50] <gigaherz> I prefer NOT touching that sort of code
L1075[12:12:51] <gigaherz> Xd
L1076[12:13:10] <gigaherz> diesieben07: the usual thing is brace{}, bracket[]
L1077[12:13:15] <Kobata> I can think of three names for # honestly, most of the fairly uncommon symbols end up with a bunch of names
L1078[12:13:15] <gigaherz> but some people use them interchangably
L1079[12:13:16] <PaleoCrafter> either in British or American English, there clearly are () - parentheses, [] - brackets and {} - braces :P
L1080[12:13:19] <PaleoCrafter> think it was American
L1081[12:13:32] <gigaherz> and just call them "square" to mean [], and "curly" or "squiggly" to mean {}
L1082[12:13:47] <gigaherz> independently to which work they write after
L1083[12:14:05] <gigaherz> for me, one is {}, the other is []
L1084[12:14:10] <gigaherz> I don't bother trying to spell the name
L1085[12:14:11] <gigaherz> XD
L1086[12:14:26] <sham1> () - sulkeet, [] - hakasulkeet, {} - alltosulkeet
L1087[12:14:48] <sham1> And I fucked up writing the last one... Even though I did it before
L1088[12:15:02] <gigaherz> for me its worse
L1089[12:15:09] <gigaherz> I can't remember what they were called in my own native languages
L1090[12:15:10] <gigaherz> XD
L1091[12:15:16] <SanAndreasP> () - parameter brackets, {} - statement brackets, [] - array brackets, <> - generics brackets :U
L1092[12:15:22] <diesieben07> lol
L1093[12:15:24] <gigaherz> XD
L1094[12:15:36] <sham1> As you can see, all the names have the "sulkeet-part in them
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L1096[12:15:55] <sham1> No need for any special fancy names that are completely different from each other
L1097[12:16:40] <Kobata> But then where would we get to keep making up names?
L1098[12:16:54] <sham1> from the shape
L1099[12:16:59] <MattDahEpic> squiggly
L1100[12:17:17] <sham1> Mmm
L1101[12:17:42] <MattDahEpic> at least we can all agree ()=parentheses
L1102[12:18:15] <sham1> no, they are soft brackets
L1103[12:18:19] <gigaherz> "parens", because I never remember what the rest is spelled
L1104[12:18:19] <gigaherz> XD
L1105[12:18:28] <williewillus> no, function application symbols
L1106[12:18:44] <gigaherz> () application
L1107[12:18:46] <Kobata> The function application symbol is $
L1108[12:18:50] <gigaherz> [] subindex
L1109[12:18:59] <gigaherz> {} scope
L1110[12:18:59] <sham1> We are so nerdy, this is amazing
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L1113[12:19:25] <gigaherz> bb in a bit, need some groceries
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L1120[12:37:46] <williewillus> anyone have any idea about: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,32708.0.html?
L1121[12:40:49] *** Tim020 is now known as Tim020|Dinner
L1122[12:44:03] <SanAndreasP> yay, I got the workspace working now \o/
L1123[12:50:20] <Zaggy2048> crap, I can't remember what causes that weird stretching when rotating models :|
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L1126[12:51:17] <williewillus> yeah :/ don't really get how rotating from the corner instead of the center would mess up the stretching though
L1127[12:51:18] <Zaggy1024> williewillus, just as a test, can you try rotating it about the y axis?
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L1129[12:51:22] <williewillus> ok
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L1131[12:54:34] <Zaggy1024> makes me wonder if fry actually tested the rotation
L1132[12:54:51] <williewillus> Zaggy1024: http://i.gyazo.com/afe6be9c76a5f59ddc277f83543009ac.png the item has the unrotated submodel, normal form has y: 20
L1133[12:55:14] <Zaggy1024> OH
L1134[12:55:17] <Zaggy1024> DURR
L1135[12:55:22] <Zaggy1024> Turn off ambient occlusion
L1136[12:55:31] <Zaggy1024> finally remembered what the problem was
L1137[12:55:59] <williewillus> lol
L1138[12:56:04] <williewillus> how does AO mess the rotation up?
L1139[12:56:04] <Zaggy1024> see vanilla has some stupid method that messes up the model to make it work with their goofy AO
L1140[12:56:08] <williewillus> oh
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L1143[12:58:28] <williewillus> where do i specify it? if I do it in the submodel's json same thing happens
L1144[13:01:59] <williewillus> yeah disabling ao isn't working...is it rescaling maybe?
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L1146[13:02:18] <Zaggy1024> hm
L1147[13:02:49] <Zaggy1024> I thought setting it to false in the submodel would do it
L1148[13:03:00] <Zaggy1024> oh wait
L1149[13:03:13] <Zaggy1024> I guess, now that I remember how this stuff works, you have to disable it for the base model
L1150[13:03:27] <Zaggy1024> because at this point MC doesn't know how to do AO for only some of the faces in a model
L1151[13:05:17] <williewillus> still no
L1152[13:05:34] <Laceh> wooo just made rapidjson 10x faster :D
L1153[13:07:44] *** Dhs92|AFK is now known as Dhs92
L1154[13:08:38] <williewillus> yeah disabling in defaults as well as the base model json didnt do anything
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L1160[13:16:58] <halvors> Is there a wat to check server side if the player is OP+
L1161[13:16:59] <halvors> ?
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L1163[13:18:43] <williewillus> ServerConfigurationManager.ops
L1164[13:18:54] *** Tim020|Dinner is now known as Tim020
L1165[13:19:12] <williewillus> or rather ServerConfigurationManager.getOppedPlayers()
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L1169[13:20:52] <killjoy> How long do you think it'll take for Sony to patch this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrpDIV5shcU
L1170[13:21:24] <williewillus> blegh this submodel is frustrating
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L1173[13:23:37] <williewillus> lol i had a feeling it was a joke
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L1175[13:28:40] <williewillus> lol so much rage in comments
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L1178[13:30:29] <williewillus> oh hey new trailer for Cobalt
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L1180[13:30:33] <williewillus> I wonder how long till MS kills that
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L1187[13:43:42] <killjoy> I'm looking at ArmorStandRenderer. All the other renderers are called Render<Entity>
L1188[13:43:58] <killjoy> What's with the name scheme change?
L1189[13:47:22] <gigaherz> maybe just got translated by someone else
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L1191[13:47:59] <gigaherz> or maybe the project is trying to slowly move away from smurph naming
L1192[13:48:13] <gigaherz> smurf*
L1193[13:48:30] <PaleoCrafter> whether it's RenderArmorStand or ArmorStandRenderer doesn't really matter, does it? :P
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L1195[13:49:18] <gigaherz> it does, RenderA doesn't show completion options
L1196[13:49:19] <gigaherz> XD
L1197[13:49:32] <gigaherz> I mean, for the armor stand XD
L1198[13:49:52] <diesieben07> why would you ever need to access that class? :D
L1199[13:49:59] <gigaherz> that I don't know
L1200[13:50:00] <gigaherz> ;P
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L1203[14:00:07] <sham1> to look for example
L1204[14:01:11] <killjoy> I was looking in to to find out how it scales the blocks.
L1205[14:01:22] <killjoy> Turns out it's not different from any other model's
L1206[14:03:20] <MattDahEpic> ima call win10 mc mc++
L1207[14:03:27] <MattDahEpic> because c++
L1208[14:04:06] <gigaherz> I'd just call it mcpe10
L1209[14:04:07] <gigaherz> ;P
L1210[14:05:11] <MattDahEpic> im wondering if i should be trolly and set my breakBlock item drops to have an insanely high velocity
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L1214[14:10:37] <sham1> I'd rather call mc for win 10 mc--
L1215[14:11:10] <diesieben07> i dont even know why they made that crap
L1216[14:11:17] <diesieben07> its not even an advertisement for .net or anything
L1217[14:11:41] <gigaherz> diesieben07: it just happens to integrate better in tablet mode
L1218[14:11:48] <gigaherz> and supports gamepads ;P
L1219[14:12:00] <diesieben07> merp who the heck uses windows on a tablet
L1220[14:12:01] <sham1> eww, gamepads
L1221[14:12:04] <gigaherz> so people with win10 on a tablet may prefer it
L1222[14:12:05] <diesieben07> who the heck uses a tablet anyways
L1223[14:12:05] <gigaherz> XD
L1224[14:12:09] <gigaherz> I do XD
L1225[14:12:15] <sham1> HERESY
L1226[14:12:22] <gigaherz> a tablet, not a windows one
L1227[14:12:23] <gigaherz> XD
L1228[14:12:35] <gigaherz> I do know people with windows tablets who have upgraded to win10
L1229[14:12:35] <gigaherz> XD
L1230[14:12:43] <gigaherz> one person, to be exact
L1231[14:13:36] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1232[14:14:42] <williewillus> people are all over it because it "performs so well"
L1233[14:14:48] <williewillus> but is missing 3/4 of the features
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L1235[14:15:27] <diesieben07> the reason why minecraft is running so badly on java is because java's default GC is horrible
L1236[14:15:32] <diesieben07> especially when you give it little memory
L1237[14:15:44] <sham1> Java as a whole is kinda eh
L1238[14:15:47] <Ordinastie_> and because it was coded like shit too
L1239[14:15:52] <sham1> Also that
L1240[14:16:05] <williewillus> and because we're stuck on gl 1 and 2
L1241[14:16:08] <sham1> Vanilla code is shite
L1242[14:16:21] <diesieben07> java as a whole is not that eh
L1243[14:16:25] <williewillus> yeah
L1244[14:16:53] <williewillus> w10 version actually runs the same as vanilla 1.8.8 for me without optifine
L1245[14:17:01] <williewillus> around 40-50fps ish
L1246[14:17:23] <sham1> what stuff is missing
L1247[14:17:30] <sham1> from that version
L1248[14:17:43] <MattDahEpic> sham1, its pocket edition
L1249[14:17:44] <diesieben07> the fact that stock java still has no completely pauseless GC is a bit embaressing
L1250[14:17:55] <sham1> MattDahEpic, I have no context
L1251[14:18:03] <diesieben07> and its the reason why mc often stutters :D
L1252[14:18:13] <MattDahEpic> sham1, theres no end
L1253[14:18:19] <williewillus> pauses are partially up to the programmer though
L1254[14:18:26] <diesieben07> partially, yes
L1255[14:18:27] <MattDahEpic> nether was recently introduced
L1256[14:18:33] <sham1> oh
L1257[14:18:39] <diesieben07> but you cant make a java program that will always run
L1258[14:18:43] <gigaherz> MCPE is 4-5 versions behind ;P
L1259[14:18:45] <diesieben07> at some point the GC will stop you
L1260[14:18:48] <diesieben07> no matter what you do
L1261[14:19:23] <gigaherz> sure you can, allocate ALL the memory at the beginning using a big arraylist of bytes
L1262[14:19:25] <williewillus> umm...off the top of my head, witches, pick block key, the interfaces suck, XP orbs are done incorrectly, command blocks, all redstone mechanics and components
L1263[14:19:34] <gigaherz> and then use manual memory allocation in there!
L1264[14:19:34] <williewillus> idk if enchanting was in
L1265[14:19:39] <gigaherz> although
L1266[14:19:39] <diesieben07> lawl
L1267[14:19:42] <diesieben07> thats cheating
L1268[14:19:43] <gigaherz> java doesn't have pointer access
L1269[14:19:44] <MattDahEpic> williewillus, they just got comparators recently
L1270[14:19:52] <diesieben07> sure it does
L1271[14:19:54] <williewillus> wat
L1272[14:19:54] <diesieben07> unsafe everywhere
L1273[14:19:58] <gigaherz> it does?
L1274[14:20:01] <williewillus> pe doesn't have redstone
L1275[14:20:10] <sham1> Oh man
L1276[14:20:12] <diesieben07> you can write into any memory location with that
L1277[14:20:16] <sham1> They really are behind
L1278[14:20:17] <gigaherz> oooh
L1279[14:20:29] <diesieben07> its what native buffers use
L1280[14:20:41] <gigaherz> I thought those woudl be, well, JNI
L1281[14:20:42] <gigaherz> Xd
L1282[14:20:51] <williewillus> the one thing it has over pc though
L1283[14:20:51] <diesieben07> they are
L1284[14:20:53] <williewillus> chunks load FAST
L1285[14:20:57] <diesieben07> but the JVM has intrinsics
L1286[14:21:05] <williewillus> going to the nether in creative takes less than a second
L1287[14:21:05] <gigaherz> ah
L1288[14:21:12] <diesieben07> if the code is jitted it will just be like native code
L1289[14:21:33] <gigaherz> williewillus: chunk = read(size)? ;P
L1290[14:21:34] <williewillus> what optimizations does vanilla need the most right now?
L1291[14:21:40] <gigaherz> one advantage of file I/O in native code
L1292[14:21:53] <gigaherz> is that you don't have to parse
L1293[14:22:00] <williewillus> and because w10 doesn't have integrated server
L1294[14:22:01] <gigaherz> you can just dump directly into a buffer
L1295[14:22:41] <MattDahEpic> williewillus, it need framerate optimizations
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L1298[14:22:52] <williewillus> that's very general
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L1300[14:23:51] <williewillus> i wonder if it uses the same model system as 1.8
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L1302[14:26:41] <williewillus> bleh windows admins can't access the metro app directory without being the superuser, whatever that's called in windows
L1303[14:27:33] <gigaherz> the main services run in the SYSTEM account
L1304[14:27:39] <gigaherz> the default admin user is Administrator
L1305[14:28:12] <gigaherz> the caps is part of the name, I didn't meant it as bold/yelling
L1306[14:29:43] <Kobata> The admin group has read-only access to the apps directory
L1307[14:30:07] <Kobata> Explorer runs at user level (even on an admin account) and doesn't like read-only anyway
L1308[14:30:34] <Kobata> But an elevated command prompt can copy things out and then you can look at them
L1309[14:31:09] <diesieben07> from what i am hearing i like this windows 10 thing less and less
L1310[14:31:21] <Kobata> Trying to edit files in there is a bad idea and likely to make it just refuse to start the app, so not being able to directly write isn't a bad thing anyway
L1311[14:31:49] <diesieben07> i was mostly referring to the spy stuff
L1312[14:32:21] <diesieben07> and i dont want apps on my pc anyways, my pc runs programs. apps are on my phone :D
L1313[14:33:01] <gigaherz> the "spy stuff" is mostly FUD
L1314[14:33:03] <williewillus> I just used the superuser Administrator and I could use explorer to get to the apps dir
L1315[14:33:11] <gigaherz> really
L1316[14:33:17] <gigaherz> when you upgrade or install
L1317[14:33:20] <williewillus> I poked around and I couldn't find model or blockstate jsons 0.o
L1318[14:33:20] <gigaherz> the setup gives you a screen
L1319[14:33:25] <gigaherz> "choose default settings"
L1320[14:33:27] <gigaherz> "customize"
L1321[14:33:38] <Kobata> There are a few things you can't turn off completely
L1322[14:33:49] <gigaherz> obviously everyone around herewould choose "custom"
L1323[14:34:01] <Kobata> e.g., the general metrics one only goes down to 'basic' unless you have W10 Enterprise
L1324[14:34:02] <gigaherz> thne you can disable most of the thing that would otherwise "call home"
L1325[14:34:04] <gigaherz> then
L1326[14:34:06] <diesieben07> i know you can turn it off
L1327[14:34:09] <diesieben07> thats not the point
L1328[14:34:13] <gigaherz> you can keep working without a connected account
L1329[14:34:15] <diesieben07> the point is that they TRY to spy
L1330[14:34:19] <gigaherz> which avoid sending your data and settings
L1331[14:34:28] <PaleoCrafter> williewillus, but you sure saw there amazing GUI jsons :P
L1332[14:34:30] <Kobata> (And if you have insider builds turned on a bunch of them are locked on)
L1333[14:34:34] <gigaherz> not more than google does in android, or apple does in mac/ios
L1334[14:34:36] <gigaherz> XD
L1335[14:34:36] <diesieben07> an OS should not spy on you not even by opt-in
L1336[14:34:50] <williewillus> there's sound jsons, found all the langs and textures, and a bunch of shaders
L1337[14:34:55] <williewillus> PaleoCrafter: no i didn't see those
L1338[14:34:58] <gigaherz> I even keep cortana disabled, including start menu web search
L1339[14:36:22] <PaleoCrafter> they're next to the shaders (i.e. data/ui or whatever) iirc
L1340[14:38:31] <williewillus> wat
L1341[14:38:39] <williewillus> manually defined jsons for every gui element
L1342[14:38:50] <williewillus> though I'm sure they have some tool to generate them but still
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L1345[14:46:22] <Drullkus> https://dl.dropbox.com/s/cojdxnbf5k61u13/Screen%20Shot%202015-08-04%20at%2012.32.34%20PM.png
L1346[14:46:27] <Drullkus> Having a bit of a trouble working with the progress bar...
L1347[14:46:35] <Drullkus> It's selecting a wrong part of the texture for some reason. :\
L1348[14:47:18] <MattDahEpic> !gm ISidedInventory.canInsertItem 1.7.10
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L1350[14:50:51] <MattDahEpic> !gm ISidedInventory.getAccessableSlotsFromSide 1.7.10
L1351[14:51:04] <MattDahEpic> !gm ISidedInventory.getAccessibleSlotsFromSide 1.7.10
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L1355[14:59:00] <Tim020> Drullkus, code?
L1356[14:59:06] <Drullkus> ...Sec.
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L1358[14:59:51] <Drullkus> https://github.com/Drullkus/ThermalSmeltery/blob/hilburnMachines/src/main/java/com/drullkus/thermalsmeltery/common/gui/client/GuiExtruder.java#L53-L58
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L1361[15:02:37] <Tim020> Only thing I can think of is the x, y pos are wrong... never worked with TE though so can't be sure
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L1363[15:05:39] <MattDahEpic> taking an item out of my tile entity's ui voids it and im not sure why
L1364[15:06:11] <Tim020> That's a fun... 'feature' ;)
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L1367[15:12:09] <SanAndreasP> woo, I got it \o/ https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/2064
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L1370[15:14:44] <Drullkus> Hey SanAndreasP
L1371[15:14:55] <SanAndreasP> Hey ther
L1372[15:14:59] <SanAndreasP> *there
L1373[15:15:14] <MattDahEpic> *thar
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L1382[15:30:53] <infinitefoxes_> What values should I calling EntityRegistry.registerModEntity with for trackingRange, updateFrequency, and sendVelocityUpdates?
L1383[15:31:03] <infinitefoxes_> I've read the javadoc many times before, but I'm not exactly sure what they do
L1384[15:31:34] <infinitefoxes_> (and I'm a bit confident that having trackingRange set to 80 on around 30 entities in my mod isn't great, either)
L1385[15:32:51] <diesieben07> check out EntityTracker.trackEntity to see the values vanilla uses
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L1388[15:38:22] <MattDahEpic> infinitefoxes_, what do the infinite foxes say?
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L1391[15:38:57] <infinitefoxes_> MattDahEpic: probably some sort of terrifying scream
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L1405[16:08:17] <halvors> Is there any way to simply get the minecraft version as string?
L1406[16:08:40] <halvors> Also i have a minecraft instance and want this wiithout the need to manually update it.
L1407[16:09:25] <diesieben07> on the client? or also server?
L1408[16:09:57] <diesieben07> Actually: MinecraftForge.MC_VERSION
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L1425[16:48:03] <MattDahEpic> how do i prevent players, but not automation, from interacting with a slot in my gui
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L1428[16:50:16] <diesieben07> canTakeStack in a Slot class
L1429[16:50:21] <shadekiller666> do the folders in resourcepacks override any folder in the mod that they are made for?
L1430[16:50:46] <gigaherz> the resourcepacks are all aggregated
L1431[16:51:08] <gigaherz> and any resource present in an upper resource pack, replaces any existing resources from the lower ones
L1432[16:51:30] <gigaherz> and yes, they include ANY other resource domain
L1433[16:51:37] <shadekiller666> ok
L1434[16:52:23] <shadekiller666> can the server access resource packs?
L1435[16:52:29] <diesieben07> nope
L1436[16:52:39] <shadekiller666> :/
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L1440[16:56:43] <shadekiller666> ordinastie, the DIYDecorativeBlocks thing
L1441[16:56:58] <shadekiller666> are the BlockPacks stored in a folder on the class path?
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L1443[16:58:10] <Andrey96> Is there any easy way to change wither skeleton's spawn logic to default one for nether? Because chunkloaders in nether (when there's netherbricks nearby) causes them to spawn in a very large amounts
L1444[16:58:21] <Ordinastie_> no, they're external packs, like resource packs, but server side too
L1445[16:58:49] <Andrey96> and huge amounts of mobs (opis shows 50000) causes server to lag
L1446[16:59:21] <Flashfire> How can I choose a texture for a block with a SmartBlockModel based on an UnlistedProperty?
L1447[16:59:43] <williewillus> Flashfire: have different baked models and return a different one based on the state you're given?
L1448[16:59:53] <williewillus> Andrey96: if you have enderIO disable its custom wither skeleton replacement
L1449[17:00:01] <Flashfire> Ok so I instantiate a baked model for each texture?
L1450[17:00:21] <williewillus> not sure exactly but I think you use something to bake them for you
L1451[17:00:29] <Flashfire> Hmm ok
L1452[17:00:41] <williewillus> maybe look at how the vanilla model parser works
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L1454[17:02:11] <Andrey96> williewillus: oh, maybe this is a problem. I really have enderIO enabled. But why experimental option is enabled by default o_O
L1455[17:02:32] <williewillus> idk
L1456[17:02:57] <Flashfire> Moreover, how do I set an unlisted property? Do I just cast it to IProperty and use withProperty in the constructor?
L1457[17:03:05] <williewillus> no, there's a special way to use them
L1458[17:03:09] <williewillus> look at the forge examples
L1459[17:04:01] <Flashfire> Which examples?
L1460[17:04:06] <shadekiller666> ordin, so where would they be stored?
L1461[17:04:39] <shadekiller666> in a folder in .minecraft (assuming thats the running directory)?
L1462[17:05:02] <Ordinastie_> in the minecraft folder, same place you have mods/ and resourcepacks/
L1463[17:05:13] <williewillus> the ones in the test directory on the github repo
L1464[17:05:33] <Flashfire> Never found that through searching before
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L1466[17:06:52] <shadekiller666> ok
L1467[17:07:48] <shadekiller666> flash no
L1468[17:08:03] <shadekiller666> to use IUnlistedProperties you must use ExtendedBlockStates
L1469[17:09:16] <shadekiller666> https://github.com/shadekiller666/MinecraftForge/blob/OBJ_Loader/src/test/java/net/minecraftforge/debug/ModelLoaderRegistryDebug.java#L114
L1470[17:09:20] <shadekiller666> flash ^
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L1473[17:11:17] <Flashfire> Already using extendedblockstate
L1474[17:11:30] <Flashfire> I started from the camouflage block in minecraftbyexample
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L1478[17:13:06] <osum4est> can i add just two verticies to the tessellator to draw a line or do i have to give it > 2?
L1479[17:13:43] <MMuse> you don't want to do that
L1480[17:14:03] <osum4est> (this is for a gui by the way)
L1481[17:14:20] <osum4est> so give it 4 and draw a thin rectangle?
L1482[17:14:25] <Flashfire> Do I need this B3D thing?
L1483[17:14:26] <MMuse> that is an option
L1484[17:14:27] <PaleoCrafter> if you have the correct drawing mode (GL_LINES), 2 vertices should suffice :P
L1485[17:14:50] <osum4est> thanks :)
L1486[17:15:23] <MMuse> yes, but last I looked at the tesselator (Which was admittedly a while ago) it was mainly focused on triangle and quad drawing modes and was finnicky about having to deal with both at once
L1487[17:15:47] <osum4est> also, where is the origin of the tesselator?
L1488[17:15:54] <osum4est> is it the center of the screen?
L1489[17:15:55] <MMuse> if you just make GL calls directly you can of course do it the easy way
L1490[17:16:10] <osum4est> yes i can
L1491[17:16:16] <osum4est> whats the easy way?
L1492[17:16:28] <MMuse> the easy and wrong way, I should specify
L1493[17:16:47] <osum4est> oh XD. i think ill get the tesselator to work
L1494[17:17:09] <MMuse> but as paleocrafter suggested, skip the tesselator entirely, set the drawing mode to GL_Lines, and draw two vertices
L1495[17:17:19] <PaleoCrafter> the tessellator can draw lines as well :P
L1496[17:17:26] <MMuse> can it? well there you go then
L1497[17:17:37] <PaleoCrafter> startDrawing(GL_LINES)
L1498[17:18:32] <osum4est> if i do it that way, how do i set it's width?
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L1500[17:19:01] <PaleoCrafter> GL11.glLineWidth or something along those lines
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L1502[17:19:41] <osum4est> ^ yup that's correct
L1503[17:20:09] <williewillus> okay so I have a lot of items with different modes that implement an Interface IMOdeChanger. These modes are saved in different ways depending on what the item needs (meta or NBT). Is there a way to somehow genericize ModeChanger over an enum or something so I dont't have to fling arbitrary numbers everywhere to compare mode?
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L1505[17:20:36] * MMuse grumbles something about what's the point of a class to abstract away GL calls if you have to make some directly anyway
L1506[17:21:30] <PaleoCrafter> you can "automate" *some* things, MMuse :P
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L1509[17:22:58] <MMuse> WillieWillus - if the modes are consistent, that is every modechanger has the exact same modes, then yes
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L1511[17:23:21] <williewillus> but if some items have more modes than others?
L1512[17:23:35] <MMuse> but if there's the possibility of adding a new item that has a new mode that is not shared by any of the previous items, then an enum isn't really the right tool
L1513[17:23:42] <williewillus> ah okay
L1514[17:24:00] <MMuse> you could go with an abstract class or something
L1515[17:24:05] <MMuse> scala has case classes for this sort of thing
L1516[17:24:28] <PaleoCrafter> scala high five \o
L1517[17:24:35] *** Magik6k|off is now known as Magik6k
L1518[17:24:49] <williewillus> yeah unfortunately java 7 level, and scala or j8 isnt' my decision to make ;-;
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L1520[17:25:25] <MMuse> scala is just a really advanced form of syntax sugar
L1521[17:25:38] <MMuse> it makes developing a lot easier, but the same structures are possible in java
L1522[17:26:54] <Drullkus> http://pastebin.com/VzzrjV7j How do I fix this gradle crash?
L1523[17:26:54] <MMuse> let's see if I can even remember how to declare a class in Java... abstract class ItemMode { private int modeID; private String modeName;} + getters + constructor
L1524[17:27:04] <MMuse> something like that anyway
L1525[17:27:47] <MMuse> and then you can have some text for your display stuff and an ID for internal use. maybe use a UUID system to generate the ID for each mode
L1526[17:28:57] <MMuse> good question Drullkus, I had the same issue and still haven't bothered to resolve it :P
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L1528[17:31:15] <PaleoCrafter> Drullkus, looks like you have some invalid character in the dependency string
L1529[17:31:36] <PaleoCrafter> to be specific, brackets
L1530[17:31:41] <Drullkus> It's worked for me before. :\
L1531[17:31:52] <Drullkus> https://github.com/Drullkus/ThermalSmeltery/blob/hilburnMachines/build.gradle#L22-L33
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L1534[17:37:27] <Lapiman> I would like to make nether wart placeable on a new block I've added
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L1536[17:38:08] <Lapiman> Unfortunately, the logic seems to be handled by protected boolean canPlaceBlockOn() in BlockNetherWart
L1537[17:38:16] <Lapiman> How could I approach this?
L1538[17:38:26] <tterrag> Lapiman: override canSustainPlant
L1539[17:38:30] <tterrag> in your block
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L1541[17:40:01] <Lapiman> tterag: Thanks
L1542[17:40:43] ⇨ Joins: Lepidus (~netsys@dhcp-055241.ics.uci.edu)
L1543[17:41:40] <Lepidus> Hi all.
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L1545[17:42:17] <Lepidus> I wrote this code to build circular walls in my structures. http://pastebin.com/3v04dKAT
L1546[17:42:30] <Lepidus> However the shape it produces...is not a circle :p
L1547[17:42:41] <Lepidus> can post screenshots if it's not immediately obvious why my code is wrong
L1548[17:43:28] <Flashfire> I'm having trouble figuring out where to put the resource locations for the alternate textures
L1549[17:43:52] *** tterrag is now known as tterrag|away
L1550[17:43:53] <Lapiman> Lepidus: what shape does it create?
L1551[17:44:02] <Lepidus> http://i.imgur.com/E0xE1g5.png
L1552[17:44:23] *** Gaz492 is now known as Gaz492|Away
L1553[17:44:25] <Lepidus> with the glowstone block being where the center should be
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L1555[17:44:50] <Lapiman> Hmmm, looks to me like it's just Math.floor doing its best
L1556[17:44:57] <Lapiman> If you up the radius, it should look more circular
L1557[17:45:09] <Lapiman> Or if it has to be small, just hardcode the positions is what I'd do
L1558[17:45:42] <Lepidus> yeah I guess it could be that
L1559[17:45:52] <Lepidus> I'll try with a bigger radius and if it fixes it then I'll just hardcore
L1560[17:45:53] <Lepidus> *hardcode
L1561[17:47:57] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L1562[17:48:39] <Lepidus> hmm...hardcoding sucks though because then I *can't* change the radius...
L1563[17:49:17] <Lapiman> How does it look with a larger radius?
L1564[17:49:34] <diesieben07> your two nicks are not very good for a conversatoin. :P
L1565[17:49:45] <Lepidus> :p
L1566[17:49:48] <Lapiman> :p
L1567[17:50:04] <Lepidus> plot twist: we're actually the same person
L1568[17:50:06] <Corosus> lol
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L1570[17:50:47] <Lepidus> Lapiman - http://i.imgur.com/9UBs2y4.png
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L1572[17:51:17] <Lapiman> Oooh, better
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L1574[17:51:22] <gigaherz> diesieben07: that's why I wrote a script that colors lines based on nicknames
L1575[17:51:27] <Lepidus> yeah, I think you're right about it just being rounding error
L1576[17:51:44] <Lepidus> or not "rounding error" per se but just
L1577[17:51:46] <Flashfire> Before you finish that mod you should add a texture to your GUI bgs
L1578[17:51:53] <Lepidus> an issue with trying to make circles on a square grid
L1579[17:52:04] <Lepidus> Flashfire, of course, they're just debug panels.
L1580[17:52:14] <Lepidus> the point of the screenshot isn't that, it's the structure.
L1581[17:52:18] <PaleoCrafter> Lepidus, maybe look at existing implementations of this? :P
L1582[17:52:34] <Flashfire> Yeah makes sense
L1583[17:52:56] <Flashfire> I usually end up doing graphics first because it ends up giving me more motivation
L1584[17:53:00] <Lepidus> PaleoCrafter, who's done it really well? Mojang never attempted circular structures.
L1585[17:53:11] <Lepidus> I dunno if WorldEdit has a good circle tool.
L1586[17:53:13] <Flashfire> That's just me though
L1587[17:53:32] <Lepidus> I don't really know of any mods with circular terrain generation in fact
L1588[17:53:33] <PaleoCrafter> there's a wikipedia article on the topic :P
L1589[17:53:51] <diesieben07> thanks gigaherz, but i'd rather not have disco disco party party in my irc
L1590[17:53:54] <Lapiman> Flashfire: I created the textures for my mod three years ago :P
L1591[17:53:59] <Lepidus> PaleoCrafter, ooh, interesting
L1592[17:54:00] <Lapiman> And the coding still isn't done
L1593[17:54:05] <Lapiman> (lol)
L1594[17:54:18] <Lepidus> Link?
L1595[17:54:29] <PaleoCrafter> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midpoint_circle_algorithm
L1596[17:54:49] <Flashfire> Wow that's quite a long time
L1597[17:54:58] <Flashfire> I just started modding less than 2 months ago
L1598[17:55:36] <Flashfire> (why I'm always here asking questions)
L1599[17:55:42] <Lepidus> Damn that makes a lot of sense.
L1600[17:56:30] <Lepidus> Should be the most efficient way of finding the points too, right? like no overlap
L1601[17:58:04] <Flashfire> For anyone who knows this, is setCustomStateMapper where I put the texture resource locations for a block that uses ISmartBlockModel to change texture based on an unlistedproperty?
L1602[17:58:41] *** big_Xplosion is now known as big_Xplo|AFK
L1603[17:58:47] <Flashfire> Or do I have to create custom models for each variant and put those there?
L1604[18:00:17] <Lapiman> How do I detect when a block is randomly ticked (like the ones for crop growth)?
L1605[18:00:23] <Lapiman> http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tick as in the second section here
L1606[18:00:28] <Lepidus> PaleoCrafter, I'm just gonna shamelessly copy the C++ code in the article because my math skills aren't good enough that I'm confident to write my own implementation :p
L1607[18:00:29] <Lapiman> It's not updateTick(), that fires 20 times a second
L1608[18:00:54] <Flashfire> You could make a counter and use that with updateTick if you don't find anything
L1609[18:00:56] <PaleoCrafter> that's what the examples are there for, Lepidus :P
L1610[18:01:06] <williewillus> set the tick rate of your block
L1611[18:01:12] <Flashfire> ^ or that
L1612[18:01:58] <gigaherz> diesieben07: lol I have a custom color scheme, none of the colors are "disco party" ;P
L1613[18:02:15] <diesieben07> then its not even fun...
L1614[18:03:00] <Lapiman> It's not setTickRandomly()...
L1615[18:03:21] <gigaherz> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/mirc-customized.png
L1616[18:04:00] <diesieben07> i like how the contrast between Lapi and Lepi is still barely there :D
L1617[18:04:11] <gigaherz> XD
L1618[18:04:14] <gigaherz> the fun of hash
L1619[18:04:20] <gigaherz> hashing*
L1620[18:04:24] <diesieben07> :D
L1621[18:05:04] <gigaherz> really all I did is basically the equivalent of colors[nickname.hashCode()]
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L1623[18:05:15] <diesieben07> with a mod :P
L1624[18:05:26] <gigaherz> with mirc scripting ;P
L1625[18:05:43] <Lepidus> PaleoCrafter, it works perfectly :o
L1626[18:05:48] <PaleoCrafter> modulo, gigaherz :P
L1627[18:05:53] <gigaherz> oh right
L1628[18:05:55] <gigaherz> yeah ofc
L1629[18:05:56] <gigaherz> XD
L1630[18:06:15] <gigaherz> my brain took "mod" as "minecraft mod"
L1631[18:06:16] <gigaherz> XD
L1632[18:06:24] <diesieben07> random array index out of bound exceptions are fun, too i bet
L1633[18:06:37] <PaleoCrafter> what did you expect, Lepidus? .P
L1634[18:07:26] <gigaherz> for fun: https://gist.github.com/gigaherz/2d07bb567b89bacae8fb
L1635[18:07:27] <Lepidus> PaleoCrafter, I expected that I would implement it wrong and everything would be a garbled mess :p
L1636[18:07:39] <Lepidus> but as it turns out, math is math is math
L1637[18:07:43] <Lepidus> always true, no matter the context <3
L1638[18:10:58] <gigaherz> unless you happen to use a crappy language that doesn't conform to the usual precedence rules, then math breaks XD
L1639[18:11:36] <Lapiman> How can I cancel the automatic tick that a block receives when it's updated?
L1640[18:12:07] <Corosus> iirc theres some tickRandomly method you can pass false boolean to
L1641[18:12:12] <Corosus> within scope of Block
L1642[18:12:18] <Corosus> doesTickRandomly maybe
L1643[18:12:36] <Corosus> er
L1644[18:12:38] <Corosus> i misread that
L1645[18:12:39] <Corosus> nm
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L1648[18:14:27] <Flashfire> Does anyone know where to find an example of a custom block that gets many possible textures from an ISmartBlockModel?
L1649[18:14:29] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1650[18:15:30] <Lepidus> now to figure out how to make a cone-shaped roof with stairs :/
L1651[18:15:39] <Lepidus> I can't even do that manually, how am I supposed to program it? :p
L1652[18:16:44] <Lapiman> Lepidus: not sure about stairs, but for just blocks, just go for smaller and smaller concentric circles
L1653[18:17:15] *** Gaz492|Away is now known as Gaz492
L1654[18:17:16] <Lepidus> Yeah, that should be fairly easy, the nightmare is rotating the stairs correctly and identifying if they should be corner stairs or normal stairs
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L1656[18:19:24] <osum4est> i've been trying to draw the line with the tessellator, but i can't seem to get it to draw anything. Here's my method: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/fc11c509f68b3f6f5d4a
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L1658[18:20:08] <Unh0ly_Tigg> the second point is off the screen, you're not translating.
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L1660[18:20:31] <osum4est> i thought the x, y, and z were in pixels?
L1661[18:20:37] <PaleoCrafter> they are
L1662[18:20:55] <PaleoCrafter> relative to the top left corner
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L1668[18:23:05] <osum4est> so then should'nt it draw i line coming from the top left corner, going down and to the right?
L1669[18:23:22] <gigaherz> no, that's be +100, +100?
L1670[18:23:23] *** Drullkus is now known as Drull|AFK
L1671[18:23:26] <gigaherz> that'd*
L1672[18:23:32] <osum4est> *facepalm*
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L1678[18:27:00] *** Gaz492|Away is now known as Gaz492
L1679[18:27:39] <Lepidus> By the way, is this channel purely for technical support/theoretical discussions or can we just chat about development and post our progress here?
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L1681[18:29:44] <Flashfire> I'm really close to just giving up on this smartblockmodel method and diving this block into 10 other blocks
L1682[18:29:48] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1683[18:34:38] <gigaherz> Flashfire: what's the issue?
L1684[18:34:47] <Vorquel> I've seen other people talk about development and post progress here, so I think you'd be fine, Lepidus.
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L1686[18:35:16] <gigaherz> Lepidus: if the channel is busy with people asking and answering
L1687[18:35:25] <gigaherz> then keep back the off-topic
L1688[18:35:43] <Flashfire> The issue is that I want a block to have a different texture that's chosen randomly
L1689[18:35:48] <gigaherz> but if it's reasonably idle, it should be ok
L1690[18:36:02] <Vorquel> Listen to the people that know more than me.
L1691[18:36:07] <gigaherz> the idea is to prioritize people asking about modding and forge development
L1692[18:36:50] <PaleoCrafter> or intentionally continue with off-topic stuff to scare off the newbs :P
L1693[18:37:00] <gigaherz> Flashfire: hmm
L1694[18:37:07] <gigaherz> so you'd need to load many bakedmodels
L1695[18:37:09] <Flashfire> Or a way to have a block with over 16 variants
L1696[18:37:11] <gigaherz> and return a random one
L1697[18:37:14] <gigaherz> hmf
L1698[18:37:23] <Flashfire> Yes but I don't know how to make a bakedmodel from a texture
L1699[18:37:39] <gigaherz> let me take a quick look
L1700[18:37:51] <tterrag|away> Flashfire: you realize mc does that o.O
L1701[18:37:54] <Flashfire> Thanks, I've been looking for hours and getting nowhere
L1702[18:38:08] <tterrag|away> randomized textures that is
L1703[18:38:35] <Flashfire> But is it metadata? I can't use that because my block already has 10 variants that I want to give 16 or 32 sub-variants
L1704[18:38:46] <tterrag|away> no
L1705[18:38:52] <tterrag|away> It's position based random
L1706[18:38:58] <tterrag|away> Look at grass or sand
L1707[18:39:01] <Flashfire> Hmm that's what I need
L1708[18:39:24] <gigaherz> Ah
L1709[18:39:38] <gigaherz> yeah that's the WeightedBakedModel, I believe?
L1710[18:39:52] <tterrag|away> It's done via pure json
L1711[18:39:57] <tterrag|away> No code needed
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L1713[18:40:02] <Flashfire> Really?
L1714[18:40:10] <Flashfire> I'll look at it
L1715[18:40:13] <tterrag|away> I believe so
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L1717[18:40:33] <Lepidus> Lapiman, okay, I tried the concentric circles approach but there's an issue http://i.imgur.com/HfR0ZW8.png
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L1719[18:40:46] <Lepidus> Basically, the circle algorithm "misses" some blocks as you decrease the radius 1 by 1
L1720[18:40:57] <Flashfire> The model JSON?
L1721[18:41:01] <Flashfire> Can't find it in there
L1722[18:41:03] <Lepidus> which makes sense because those blocks don't fit into nice, pretty circles
L1723[18:41:05] <gigaherz> Lepidus: yup, that's a known issue of the circle algorithm
L1724[18:41:06] <Lapiman> ahh
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L1726[18:41:14] <gigaherz> you have to use a "disc" algorithm
L1727[18:41:21] <gigaherz> and do like
L1728[18:41:33] <gigaherz> is inside disc X, but not inside Y
L1729[18:41:57] <williewillus> Flashfire: are you trying to do the random rotations like how vanilla does?
L1730[18:42:02] <Flashfire> Nope
L1731[18:42:13] <williewillus> different random variants for models?
L1732[18:42:28] <Flashfire> What I'm trying to do is have a block with about 10 metadata subtypes with each having one of 16 or 32 textures at random
L1733[18:42:33] <tterrag|away> iirc the rotation is irrelevant
L1734[18:42:41] <Lepidus> gigaherz, I could try getting a square region and checking the blocks individually to see if they're within a certain distance range, like whether they fit into a "disc" with the given radius
L1735[18:42:45] <tterrag|away> I've seen resource packs rhat add random textures
L1736[18:42:45] <Lepidus> but I might run into the issue I was having earlier
L1737[18:42:52] <Lepidus> where that just doesn't work for an integer, square grid with small sizes
L1738[18:42:52] <williewillus> yeah you just specify multiple models
L1739[18:43:00] <williewillus> and the renderer picks one
L1740[18:43:09] <Flashfire> For all of a block?
L1741[18:43:11] <Lepidus> I can at least try it though
L1742[18:43:11] <williewillus> are you using forge blockstate or vanilla blockstate?
L1743[18:43:16] <gigaherz> Lepidus: hmm
L1744[18:43:23] <Flashfire> I'm using a forge blockstate
L1745[18:43:35] <gigaherz> if you make the radius a bit larger, maybe around +0.4
L1746[18:43:43] <gigaherz> it will include more blocks around the edges
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L1748[18:44:15] <gigaherz> oh and if the diameter is going to be odd, remember to make the center +0.5, so that it has a center block ;P
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L1751[18:45:13] <williewillus> "variants": { "variant1": [{"model": "yourmodel1"}, {"model": "yourmodel2"}], "variant2": [{"model": "yourmodel3"}, {"model": "yourmodel4"}]}
L1752[18:45:15] <gigaherz> so you'd want like, assuming center = blockpos+0.5, for(int x= center.x-radius;x<=center.x+radius:x++)
L1753[18:45:25] <williewillus> https://gist.github.com/RainWarrior/0618131f51b8d37b80a6
L1754[18:45:27] <Flashfire> And it just picks one at random?
L1755[18:46:10] <williewillus> yes, from that array
L1756[18:46:19] <Flashfire> Wow, that's so much easier than I thought
L1757[18:46:26] <Flashfire> I just need a model for each subvariant?
L1758[18:46:31] <tterrag|away> yep
L1759[18:46:38] <Flashfire> Great, thanks for your help guys
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L1766[18:53:41] <shadekiller666> if i want to make blocks that aren't placeable by hand, how do i go about doing that?
L1767[18:53:54] <shadekiller666> i still want the items to exist
L1768[18:54:14] <diesieben07> make a custom ItemBlock
L1769[18:54:17] <Lepidus> gigaherz, nvm, the disc approach works :p
L1770[18:54:21] <gigaherz> :)
L1771[18:54:29] <Lepidus> at least for this size, I'll have to test it a bit with other sizes
L1772[18:54:43] <Lepidus> now to start on stair orientation
L1773[18:54:53] <Lepidus> anybody have a good reference for this other than just the minecraft wiki?
L1774[18:55:19] <diesieben07> actually shadekiller666 you can probably just override onBlockPlaced and make it return air
L1775[18:55:30] <Lepidus> it would probably be much easier if I was on 1.8 because blockstates but I'm still on 1.7
L1776[18:55:50] <PaleoCrafter> diesieben07, wouldn't that mess with replacable blocks? :D
L1777[18:56:08] <shadekiller666> and water
L1778[18:56:27] <shadekiller666> and actually, that would prevent them from being placed period
L1779[18:56:48] <diesieben07> yeah is that not what you want?
L1780[18:57:01] <diesieben07> and ... how would it do that paleo?
L1781[18:57:08] <diesieben07> oh
L1782[18:57:09] <diesieben07> oh.
L1783[18:57:11] <PaleoCrafter> :P
L1784[18:57:20] <diesieben07> yeah custom ItemBlock it is
L1785[18:57:49] <shadekiller666> these blocks are meant to be placed via a gui
L1786[18:58:24] <shadekiller666> so they have to be placeable, just not by hand
L1787[18:58:53] <diesieben07> onBlockPlaced is only used by ItemBlock
L1788[18:59:01] <diesieben07> but the other issues still apply
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L1790[18:59:20] <Lepidus> screw stairs I'm just gonna mke the structure roofs out of normal blocks :p
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L1798[19:06:51] <gigaherz> shadekiller666: can'tyou just not give them an item form?
L1799[19:08:18] <shadekiller666> well
L1800[19:08:25] <shadekiller666> how would one do that?
L1801[19:08:34] <shadekiller666> return null from getItem/
L1802[19:08:35] <shadekiller666> ?
L1803[19:09:24] <diesieben07> i dont think you can actually
L1804[19:10:19] <diesieben07> oh yes you can
L1805[19:10:27] <diesieben07> pass null for ItemBlock class in registerBlock
L1806[19:12:14] <shadekiller666> ahh ok
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L1808[19:12:47] <shadekiller666> then i guess i would just have items that render the respective models
L1809[19:13:05] <diesieben07> then you might as well use the ItemBlocks
L1810[19:13:09] <diesieben07> conserve some ID space :P
L1811[19:13:31] <shadekiller666> so extend ItemBlock and override things?
L1812[19:13:35] <diesieben07> yup
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L1817[19:22:22] <shadekiller666> hmmm
L1818[19:22:41] <shadekiller666> what would be a good block material for a water coaster?
L1819[19:22:52] <shadekiller666> like a log flume or something
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L1823[19:27:46] <Lepidus> I don't quite get how the metadata works for ladders, can somebody give me an example of, say, a ladder facing east?
L1824[19:28:30] <shadekiller666> what are the IProperties?
L1825[19:28:58] <diesieben07> Lepidus, http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Data_values#Ladders.2C_Furnaces.2C_Chests.2C_Trapped_Chests
L1826[19:29:04] <diesieben07> great page, bookmark it ;)
L1827[19:29:21] ⇦ Quits: Carlos (~chatzilla@ (Quit: So long, and thanks for all the fish.)
L1828[19:29:23] <Lepidus> diesieben07, I did say "I don't quite get how metadata works for ladders"
L1829[19:29:35] <Lepidus> Meaning I read that page, and am still unsure what values to use :p
L1830[19:29:46] <Ordinastie_> ><
L1831[19:29:54] <diesieben07> it literally says i there...
L1832[19:30:14] <Lepidus> well evidently I'm doing something wrong
L1833[19:30:14] <diesieben07> want the ladder facing east? use 5
L1834[19:30:59] <Lepidus> hmm, maybe I'm just being thick lol
L1835[19:31:24] <shadekiller666> is Material.circuit the "generic" material?
L1836[19:31:43] <Lepidus> yeah I think I was just passing the wrong value to my method...
L1837[19:31:44] <Lepidus> >.<
L1838[19:33:37] <Ordinastie_> Material.circuit is replaceable
L1839[19:37:30] <williewillus> wat some of my generics broke between java 7 and 8
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L1842[19:39:29] <tterrag|away> java versions are not necessarily backwards compatible for source
L1843[19:39:55] <diesieben07> uh sure they should be
L1844[19:40:12] <williewillus> http://pastebin.com/zrzGqden
L1845[19:40:57] <wizjany> there are different bytecode versions
L1846[19:41:04] <diesieben07> that should be ? extends T on the List i think
L1847[19:41:07] <wizjany> which don't necessarily match up 1:1 with java versions
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L1850[19:45:57] <williewillus> hm apparently they messed with type inference in java 8 and that might have broken some stuff
L1851[19:46:35] <diesieben07> yeah they needed to change that for lambdas to work properly
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L1855[19:54:52] <tterrag|away> exactly
L1856[19:55:00] <tterrag|away> bytecode is always backwards compat though
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L1858[19:58:34] <Laceh> I just realized I could make rapidjson faster if I did parsing and the reflection at the same time instead of one after the other....
L1859[19:59:04] <diesieben07> you know you could probably make it a lot lot faster if you didn't use reflection ;)
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L1861[19:59:38] <Laceh> diesieben07: I need to use reflection tbh
L1862[19:59:49] <Laceh> thats to at least serialize classes
L1863[19:59:53] <diesieben07> because?
L1864[20:00:06] <Laceh> otherwise it has a super fast json parser that is faster than gsons parser
L1865[20:00:17] <Laceh> that just reads json into a syntax tree
L1866[20:01:15] <diesieben07> you dont need reflection to serialize/unserialize classes
L1867[20:01:30] <Laceh> from json -> java instance yes you do
L1868[20:01:42] <diesieben07> nope :P
L1869[20:01:54] <Laceh> explain to me then
L1870[20:02:43] <diesieben07> well, if you *really* want the speed, generate specialized unserializer classes for each type
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L1872[20:04:00] <Laceh> I dont see how that would be as efficient
L1873[20:04:12] <diesieben07> you'd generate those classes *once*
L1874[20:04:23] <diesieben07> and then you'd have direct field accesses instead of reflection
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L1878[20:09:38] <Flashfire> If I have multiple models in a block's blockstate json, how do I make a block change to a different one?
L1879[20:10:03] <Flashfire> I have two models but it seemed that it only used the first one
L1880[20:11:02] <gigaherz> paste the json?
L1881[20:12:03] <Flashfire> https://gist.github.com/Flashfyre/40ec087c6f1e9bdfbffe
L1882[20:12:59] <Flashfire> I want to eventually have 32 different models where it always picks at random
L1883[20:13:18] <williewillus> hm it should randomly pick from the array
L1884[20:13:27] <Flashfire> It only seems to give me one
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L1886[20:13:42] <Flashfire> But I think I might know why but I would expect an error from the ide
L1887[20:14:11] <Flashfire> I generated the second texture using javascript and newlines wouldn't work so it might be different
L1888[20:14:39] <Flashfire> But if it had a mistake then I would get an error, right?
L1889[20:15:15] <Flashfire> model* I meant not texture
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L1891[20:15:42] <williewillus> newlines shouldn't make a difference I think
L1892[20:16:00] <williewillus> and idk what it would do if it had an array and couldn't read one of the models. It might be it just discards it, lemme check the parser
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L1895[20:18:11] <Flashfire> Oh I see what it does
L1896[20:18:16] <Flashfire> It changes it every so many ticks
L1897[20:18:25] <Flashfire> That doesn't work for what I want to do
L1898[20:18:50] <Flashfire> I'm generating a structure with these blocks and every so many blocks it would change but I had mixture in mind
L1899[20:19:05] <williewillus> ? its not based on ticks
L1900[20:19:08] <williewillus> it shouldn't be, anyhow
L1901[20:19:24] <williewillus> it just randomly chooses (based on some sort of hash on the coordinates, I believe)
L1902[20:19:35] <Flashfire> It seemed like it because I just placed like 10 - 15 and they were all the first then it switched and every block from then was the second
L1903[20:19:44] <williewillus> huh that's weird
L1904[20:20:05] <Flashfire> Oh now they're alternating
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L1906[20:20:29] <Flashfire> That couldn't have been a coincidence though because there was so many in a row
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L1915[20:29:42] <shadekiller666> :D the track loading system is working
L1916[20:30:28] <gigaherz> ?
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L1921[20:35:44] <shadekiller666> its a system that parses a series of jsons that describe properties of a "style" of block, and shoves that data into a single block class
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L1923[20:39:06] <Flashfire> I'm getting an error and I can't figure out why :/
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L1925[20:39:11] <Flashfire> Here is my code: https://gist.github.com/Flashfyre/e65582284e5657c4a4c8
L1926[20:39:25] <Flashfire> The error is: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 1
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L1928[20:41:07] <Flashfire> Maybe it's the tab characters?
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L1930[20:42:43] <Flashfire> It wasn't :/
L1931[20:43:34] <shadekiller666> remove the "variant=" from the keys in that block
L1932[20:43:34] ⇦ Quits: manmaed (~Ender@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1933[20:43:49] <shadekiller666> "normal"..."brick"..."unbreakable"
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L1935[20:44:19] <Ordinastie_> except, that's not what the error says
L1936[20:44:31] <PaleoCrafter> and you did notice that this is a vanilla JSON, right, shadekiller666
L1937[20:44:35] <Ordinastie_> where it finds "variants", it wants {
L1938[20:44:35] <shadekiller666> oh, and you need "forge_marker": 1,
L1939[20:44:40] <shadekiller666> ooh
L1940[20:44:42] <shadekiller666> ok
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L1943[20:45:07] <Flashfire> I used variant= for my entire mod and it's had no problem
L1944[20:45:23] <Flashfire> It's only when I added the bulk of the models that it started doing this
L1945[20:45:31] <Flashfire> Having 2 models in normal worked fine
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L1949[20:47:12] <Flashfire> Note: the one that worked was a different file than the current one because I generated the current one with javascript
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L1954[20:58:30] <bspkrs> I need a vote: 1) make MCPBot website with ability to browse and edit mappings, 2) redo MCPMappingViewer to use the MCPBot "API" to get any mapping version
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L1956[20:59:15] <Ordinastie_> 3) fix your FakeWorld so it has a ChunkProvider ? :p
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L1958[20:59:58] <PaleoCrafter> clearly 1, bspkrs
L1959[21:00:50] <bspkrs> Ordinastie_, I did one better... I just removed the code in 1.8
L1960[21:01:25] <bspkrs> and if I bother to fix it in 1.7.10, it'll be the same solution
L1961[21:01:34] <Ordinastie_> not yet on 1.8, I guess I'll have to null check then :)
L1962[21:01:54] <bspkrs> I HATE that code
L1963[21:01:57] <bspkrs> I really do
L1964[21:02:33] <Ordinastie_> I have a ProxyWorld too, and everyday I'm amazed I don't get crash reports about it :p
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L1967[21:17:40] <Flashfire> I can't figure out why it can't read my json, I used validators and they say it's fine
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L1975[21:44:01] <Flashfire> It seems the problem is an invisible character at the front of my json
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L1977[21:46:09] <shadekiller666> that would do it
L1978[21:46:35] <Flashfire> It says in the json reader "10"
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L1980[21:46:59] <Flashfire> So that's an LF character
L1981[21:47:11] <Flashfire> I can't seem to delete it with notepad++
L1982[21:47:29] <williewillus> hex editor time lol
L1983[21:48:08] <Flashfire> Never had to do that before. What do I use?
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L1985[21:48:59] <wizjany> xxd
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L1987[21:49:15] <williewillus> oh i was joking, are you sure it's an LF at the front thats crashing you?
L1988[21:49:36] <williewillus> ah nvm saw the messages
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L1990[21:49:58] <Flashfire> Regex in notepad++ won't detect it
L1991[21:50:27] <williewillus> retype the first few lines then paste the rest?
L1992[21:50:48] <Flashfire> Tried that
L1993[21:51:52] <williewillus> that's weird
L1994[21:52:18] <Flashfire> It is, I wonder if it's even looking at the right version of the file
L1995[21:52:30] <Flashfire> I mean, it should be, but I don't get why this wouldn't be working
L1996[21:53:01] <Flashfire> Oh, turns out retyping it again worked
L1997[21:53:07] <Flashfire> I guess I didn't retype enough before
L1998[21:54:12] <williewillus> its just weird that it errored on the very first character
L1999[21:54:42] <Flashfire> Yeah, even though I tried retyping it before
L2000[21:54:50] <Flashfire> I had to go across multiple lines it seems
L2001[21:54:59] <Flashfire> Might be because it's an LF character
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L2003[22:05:32] <shadekiller666> in a .gitignore, i know doing "run/*" forgets everything inside of run/, but is there a way to exclude something from that?
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L2005[22:06:23] <shadekiller666> or do you just have to manually ignore things?
L2006[22:06:47] <killjoy> I just got an email from microsoft. Says Visual Studio 2015 Community can make android and ios apps and can emulate Android.
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L2010[22:07:59] <Flashfire> Then people go to make an ios app and find out they have to pay a fee to get to make even private apps
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L2017[22:12:12] <williewillus> what do you mean private apps?
L2018[22:14:09] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L2019[22:15:22] <Flashfire> I mean an app you don't plan to upload to the app store but just test for your own phone
L2020[22:15:29] <Flashfire> You need to pay the same fee for either one
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L2023[22:23:49] <Flashfire> I was still having problems with that json then I converted from utf8 to utf8 without BOM and it fixed the problems
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L2029[22:35:52] <killjoy> Is there a way to make minecraft react to a file being dropped on it?
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L2031[22:37:17] <shadekiller666> what?
L2032[22:37:27] <shadekiller666> file being dropped on it?
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L2035[22:39:08] <Flashfire> He means like bat files often do
L2036[22:39:46] <Flashfire> Actually he might mean in-game
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L2038[22:41:47] <killjoy> In a gui
L2039[22:42:31] <Flashfire> That'd be cool
L2040[22:44:39] <killjoy> drag and drop is far superior to a JFileChooser
L2041[22:48:15] <killjoy> Looks like it's called xdnd
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L2050[23:05:00] <killjoy> This looks promising. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/awt/dnd/package-summary.html
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L2059[23:34:36] <tterrag|away> killjoy: let me know if you get it working
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L2061[23:34:57] <killjoy> I'll probably make a tutorial out of it
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L2063[23:35:21] <killjoy> So far, I think I'll need to create a JFrame to hold it.
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L2066[23:36:32] <tterrag|away> hmm that will be tricky
L2067[23:36:48] <tterrag|away> I've tried to screw with awt in mc
L2068[23:36:53] <tterrag|away> They don't agree :p
L2069[23:37:23] <shadekiller666> does using opengl mean that minecraft bypasses awt entirely?
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L2072[23:44:23] <wizjany> pretty sure they are unrelated
L2073[23:44:31] <wizjany> well, non-exclusive anyway
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