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L1[00:00:16] ⇦ Quits: ElgarL (~ElgarL@cpc6-hawk15-2-0-cust537.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L2[00:01:17] ⇨ Joins: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk)
L3[00:04:32] <osum4est> whats the difference between extending gui and guiscreen?
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L5[00:06:02] <Ri5ux> pig, Just wanted to let you know that I've been using tabula recently... and I'm completely fucking mind-blown. Nice job!
L6[00:06:18] <Ri5ux> Love the auto layout textures function.
L7[00:06:53] <killjoy> I think I just realized a bug in google inbox.
L8[00:07:10] <HassanS6000> okay..?
L9[00:07:25] <killjoy> getting new emails for a topic that is currently being read will be automatically marked as read.
L10[00:07:38] <killjoy> at least on the phone.
L11[00:07:59] <killjoy> just a heads up to any inbox users
L12[00:08:11] <pig> thanks Ri5ux
L13[00:08:19] <pig> someone PRed that auto layout textures function though heh
L14[00:08:26] <Ri5ux> Oh lol :P
L15[00:08:27] <pig> that one's not my doing
L16[00:08:33] <Ri5ux> Still amazing though
L17[00:09:08] <Ri5ux> One thing I cant seem to find though.... is there a way to adjust the dimensions of the texturemap?
L18[00:09:32] <pig> what do you mean?
L19[00:09:38] <tterrag> osum4est: I don't know any reasons to extend GUI
L20[00:09:58] <tterrag> GuiScreen has more utilities and nothing requires a Gui
L21[00:10:00] <Ri5ux> Like um.... My cubes don't fit on the texturemap for one model
L22[00:10:08] <Ri5ux> Too many, and they're too large.
L23[00:10:22] <pig> try edit project
L24[00:10:24] <pig> might be there
L25[00:10:42] <Ri5ux> Oh, yep, it's there. Thanks
L26[00:15:38] ⇦ Quits: HassanS6000 (~Hassan@pool-71-191-144-97.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L28[00:19:09] * Mitchellbrine got a diamond in .2s. Am I gud @ mindcraf now?
L29[00:19:12] <Mitchellbrine> :P
L30[00:19:22] <Mitchellbrine> haha
L31[00:19:51] <dangranos> now do that with nether star, stack of it
L32[00:19:59] <Mitchellbrine> um
L33[00:20:05] <Mitchellbrine> nope
L34[00:20:06] <Mitchellbrine> xD
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L38[00:26:48] <killjoy> Mitchellbrine, macros onjoin: /give @p diamond
L39[00:27:02] <Mitchellbrine> glitchless
L40[00:27:23] <killjoy> That's not a glitch, it's a macro/cheat
L41[00:31:18] <Mitchellbrine> 7. Bonus Chests and cheats are not allowed.
L42[00:31:35] ⇦ Quits: Vorquel (~Vorquel@ (Quit: bye for real)
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L45[00:45:36] <Manusoftar> im trying to handle a WorldEvent.Load but my listener doesn't seem to be reaching the event -> http://pastebin.com/uTm7bVf1
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L49[00:50:02] <Manusoftar> how should i do it??
L50[00:50:35] ⇦ Quits: Drullkus (~Drullkus@2601:646:8301:c41e:61e1:4352:235d:c737) (Quit: Good night)
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L53[00:51:56] <osum4est> how can i stop a gui from catching keyboard input?
L54[00:53:22] <osum4est> so i can move/utilize my keybindings while the gui is open?
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L57[00:57:34] <tterrag> osum4est: you'd have to manually pass your key input to your keybinds
L58[00:57:41] <tterrag> MC behavior is to block keybinds while a GUI is open
L59[00:57:45] <tterrag> probably best not to override that
L60[00:58:01] <tterrag> Manusoftar: how are you registering?
L61[00:58:18] <osum4est> alright. then is there a way to open a guiscreen as a hud, or something along the lines of that?
L62[01:01:07] <Manusoftar> Never mind, i was intending to catch it with @EventHandler on the main class, now i realized it has to be catched with @SubscribeEvent on the class registered on the MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS
L63[01:01:11] <Manusoftar> thanks anyway!
L64[01:03:22] <tterrag> osum4est: just render a hud with RenderOverlayEvent
L65[01:03:38] <tterrag> a HUD is a HUD, not a GUI
L66[01:06:30] <tterrag> osum4est: it's RenderGameOverlayEvent btw, sorry
L67[01:06:33] <tterrag> and there are a few variants
L68[01:06:37] <tterrag> you probably want .Post
L69[01:07:53] <osum4est> alright, thanks
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L74[01:20:09] <osum4est> using the rendergameoverlay event worked, but it binds my gui texture to the health/hunger bar and such. can i rebind the previous one? or should i draw in a different event?
L75[01:20:23] <tterrag> you need to rebind the previous
L76[01:20:29] <tterrag> just look at what vanilla binds and do that
L77[01:20:42] <osum4est> ok
L78[01:21:06] <tterrag> it's one of the flaws with the event, the vanilla code wasn't changed to assure its texture is bound
L79[01:21:33] <osum4est> ah, yes that would've been helpful
L80[01:22:14] <tterrag> actually it's even stranger because forge completely overrides the vanilla HUD
L81[01:23:21] <osum4est> well i rebound the texture to Gui.icons and i fixed it
L82[01:23:32] <tterrag> mhm
L83[01:28:28] *** tterrag is now known as tterrag|ZZZzzz
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L88[02:04:14] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20150802 mappings to Forge Maven.
L89[02:04:18] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20150802-1.8.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20150802" in build.gradle).
L90[02:04:28] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L98[02:39:01] <Elec0> 'evening.
L99[02:39:10] <Hubok> ´morning.
L100[02:39:24] <Elec0> Ah, timezones.
L101[02:39:46] <Hubok> There's no place like America/New_York
L102[02:39:56] ⇦ Quits: AstralSorcerer (~AstralSor@2601:981:c002:98c0::1) (Remote host closed the connection)
L103[02:40:02] <Elec0> Why are you up at 3:40 in the morning?
L104[02:40:13] <Hubok> Trying to get Discourse and Docker to work
L105[02:40:21] <Hubok> And deploying Windows 10 to office PC's
L106[02:40:54] <Elec0> Fair enough. Sounds..exciting.
L107[02:41:30] <Hubok> More like infuriating
L108[02:42:01] <Elec0> Glad I'm not the only one getting annoyed at setting up stuff..
L109[02:42:29] <Hubok> And what're you doing?
L110[02:43:00] <Elec0> Trying to figure out how to get the cofhLib to go into /src/api instead of /src/main and not yell at me about packages
L111[02:44:27] <Hubok> Hah, if only I programmed at a level where I could ever figure that out
L112[02:44:41] ⇦ Quits: portablejim (~portablej@2001:4830:1200:8083:c1ad:a57d:21c:6cc7) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L113[02:45:00] <Elec0> At this point it's mainly just me trying to figure out how to work eclipse correctly, lol.
L114[02:49:15] ⇦ Quits: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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L117[03:04:28] <sham1|LOST> good morning peoples
L118[03:04:32] *** sham1|LOST is now known as sham1
L119[03:04:50] <Elec0> Greetings
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L158[04:54:51] ⇨ Joins: Naiten (Naiten@
L159[04:55:47] <Naiten> Back to 1.8 topic... Even if I convert my .obj models to b3d, I'll have to use TESR, right? ISBRH is completely gone?...
L160[04:55:51] ⇨ Joins: ELChris414 (webchat@128-203-120.netrun.cytanet.com.cy)
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L162[05:00:06] <PaleoCrafter> Naiten, you don't unless you have animations
L163[05:00:28] <PaleoCrafter> the B3D loader is creating normal baked models (basically like JSON, just not JSON)
L164[05:04:21] <VikeStep> are there any classes from minecraft which have the same name but are in different packages? (renamed via MCP)
L165[05:06:38] <Rallias> Anyone have a guide on how to setup vim for MCF dev/
L166[05:07:18] ⇦ Quits: bhi (~bhi@207-47-198-193.regn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L167[05:08:16] <Ivorius> MineCraftForum dev?
L168[05:08:21] <Ivorius> Also > vim
L169[05:08:22] <Ivorius> lel
L170[05:08:27] <Rallias> Minecraft forge.
L171[05:08:45] <Rallias> Also yeah.
L172[05:08:46] <VikeStep> you can always use IdeaVim
L173[05:09:03] <VikeStep> It worked nicely for me when I was trying to learn bim
L174[05:09:03] <Rallias> I tried Idea and IdeaVim for a few months, I just can't like it.
L175[05:09:10] <VikeStep> vim*
L176[05:10:48] <PaleoCrafter> there's evim as well :P
L177[05:11:31] <PaleoCrafter> no, it wasn't evim
L178[05:11:48] <PaleoCrafter> ah, eclim
L179[05:12:40] <Rallias> I don't like idea, I don't like eclipse. I'd like to use vim, although I want the error detection shit to work.
L180[05:14:21] <Rallias> Oh. That's a vim plugin.
L181[05:16:04] <VikeStep> rallias, which error detection stuff? what about just gradle setupDecompWorkspace and run it using gradle runClient
L182[05:17:20] <Rallias> VikeStep: Using syntastic, it would try to tell me that Minecraft.whateveroranother() was not valid function.
L183[05:18:13] <VikeStep> does syntastic not support libraries? or is that what you don't know how to set up
L184[05:19:35] <Rallias> I suppose it does, but I can't find the libraries.
L185[05:21:01] <Ivorius> They're in the gradle caches
L186[05:21:04] <VikeStep> ^
L187[05:22:08] <dangranos> vim ftw
L188[05:22:20] <dangranos> though it's not IDE
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L192[05:25:19] <Naiten> Okay, thanks.
L193[05:25:37] <Rallias> dangranos: That's the beauty.
L194[05:26:11] <VikeStep> Rallias, you will find them in the modules-2/files-2.1 folder
L195[05:26:30] <VikeStep> however, it seems that the folder names aren't that consistent
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L200[05:36:12] <sham1> Emacs > vim *raises flameshield*
L201[05:36:30] * dangranos nukes sham1
L202[05:37:00] * Rallias sends oh-my-god particles at sham1
L203[05:37:15] <sham1> But it is better :(
L204[05:37:21] <Rallias> Lies.
L205[05:37:32] <Ivorius> Wow
L206[05:37:40] <Ivorius> Have I been transported to fucking 1995
L207[05:37:45] <Rallias> vim > *
L208[05:37:54] <dangranos> https://xkcd.com/378/
L209[05:38:01] <dangranos> Ivorius, worse
L210[05:38:03] <sham1> You're using IRC, so make it up yourself Ivorius
L211[05:38:21] <Ivorius> There is no system sufficiently prominent to replace IRC
L212[05:38:32] <Rallias> Yes there is.
L213[05:38:34] <Ivorius> So people still use it
L214[05:38:35] <Rallias> pornhub.com
L215[05:38:42] <Ivorius> u so funny
L216[05:39:36] <dangranos> heh
L217[05:39:45] <sham1> Oh dem butterflies
L218[05:39:50] <dangranos> in irc, it's always *insert year with massive flame wars*
L219[05:40:09] <dangranos> hmm
L220[05:40:15] <dangranos> $var or %var%?
L221[05:40:24] <sham1> $var
L222[05:40:37] <sham1> Because Windows' enviorment variables are not that good
L223[05:40:45] <Ivorius> $var never changes
L224[05:40:55] <sham1> Also they are no case sensitive
L225[05:41:44] <dangranos> Ivorius, glorious
L226[05:42:49] ⇨ Joins: Hea3veN (~Hea3veN@
L227[05:45:15] <sham1> Real programmers is kinda like being a real scotsman
L228[05:45:20] <Rallias> Ivorius: my $var >= $main::var
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L240[06:33:27] <sham1> I think that I found a way to make my warp pipes work
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L254[07:55:56] <sham1> THEY WORK
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L260[08:01:26] <Shuetox> Is there any rescale option for blockmodels?
L261[08:03:40] <sham1> Getting something to work is so satisfying
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L265[08:14:58] <sham1> Someone please help me so I do not listen to Günther :C
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L267[08:16:09] <Shuetox> Listen to "Kärlekens Alla färjor - detektivbyrån" instead, copy and paste into youtube if you dont have åäö
L268[08:16:28] <sham1> I do in fact have öäå
L269[08:16:48] <sham1> But I will still copy that becayse I am not gonna write that
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L272[08:17:19] <sham1> And this sounds like Sims OST
L273[08:17:37] <Shuetox> oh so that is where i recognize it from? O_o
L274[08:17:46] <Shuetox> me and a friend had a long discussion about where we recognized it from
L275[08:18:04] <sham1> At least it sounds like it could be in a Sims game
L276[08:18:10] <sham1> On the buy meny specifically
L277[08:19:01] <sham1> Anyway, my warp pipes now work
L278[08:19:11] <Shuetox> \o/
L279[08:19:15] <Shuetox> For which mod?
L280[08:19:22] <sham1> My own
L281[08:19:26] <sham1> FluidCraft will be the name
L282[08:19:31] <Shuetox> Ah okai
L283[08:19:34] <sham1> At least it is the working title
L284[08:19:35] <Ivorius> So original
L285[08:19:53] <Ivorius> You need a name :P
L286[08:19:54] <sham1> I am nåt a creative person
L287[08:20:25] <Shuetox> ^most of my ideas dies before i can figure out a name
L288[08:20:55] <Shuetox> i've have several ideas that could fit into diffrent mods but i dont have something i could build an entire mod on :(
L289[08:20:58] <diesieben07> <InserNoun>Craft
L290[08:20:59] <diesieben07> done :)
L291[08:21:20] <sham1> yeh
L292[08:21:24] <Shuetox> GenericCraft
L293[08:21:39] <sham1> VanillaCraft
L294[08:21:46] <Shuetox> Minecraft
L295[08:21:47] <Shuetox> Oh wait
L296[08:21:56] <sham1> That is a good point
L297[08:22:18] <sham1> With how many mods we have in our grips, it is hard to appreachiate vanilla anymore
L298[08:22:29] <Shuetox> vanilla is totally ruined for me
L299[08:22:40] <Ivorius> Yeah, let's just stop modding...??
L300[08:22:49] <Ivorius> Your point is weird
L301[08:23:06] <Shuetox> never said we should stop modding?
L302[08:23:17] <sham1> We need a vanilla appreachiation day™
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L305[08:26:02] <Ivorius> I was talking to sham
L306[08:26:12] *** TTFT|Away is now known as TTFTCUTS
L307[08:26:21] <sham1> And he replied to you
L308[08:30:44] <sham1> I think I could optimize my warp pipes even further, but meh...
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L311[08:32:51] <Unh0ly_Tigg> so far for my class finder program... https://gist.github.com/Unh0lyTigg/97c1fce4aa86a24d1612 so many classes to map...
L312[08:34:00] <Shuetox> what do you need a class finder for?
L313[08:35:13] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I can run it against future versions of minecraft, and get basic class maps like what mcp has
L314[08:37:28] <gigaherz> I still love vanilla
L315[08:37:33] <gigaherz> specially watching OTHERS play
L316[08:37:33] <gigaherz> XD
L317[08:37:54] <gigaherz> the crazy things they build without making use of quarries and creative mode flight in survival ;P
L318[08:38:15] <Unh0ly_Tigg> also, since I don't know if mojang changes obf mappings between snapshot versions, it comes in handy for seeing what changed.
L319[08:38:19] <gigaherz> the crazy automation they come up without machines and power generators
L320[08:39:12] <gigaherz> Unh0ly_Tigg: obf names change every time they compile mc
L321[08:39:26] <gigaherz> (I think)
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L323[08:39:50] <gigaherz> I mean not necessarily randomly selected
L324[08:40:06] <gigaherz> but even if it's just alphabetically a,b,c...,aa,ab,...
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L326[08:40:20] <gigaherz> adding one class, or one method, already shifts everything else
L327[08:40:28] <Unh0ly_Tigg> gigaherz, 1.8.7 and 1.8.8 have the same mapping for the Minecraft class, but 1.8 and 1.8.7 don't.
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L329[08:41:00] <gigaherz> 1.8.1 to 1.8.2 added inner class info, and generics iirc
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L331[08:41:08] <gigaherz> so that may have shuffled EVERYTHING
L332[08:41:25] <gigaherz> no idea, lex is the one doing all the hardwork for us
L333[08:41:54] <sham1> And that is much appreachiated
L334[08:42:03] <Unh0ly_Tigg> what I don't get though, is that I'm using asm 5.0.4 for this, and the compiled form doesn't seem to have the generics available for the various nodes, but the source and javadoc do...
L335[08:42:35] <sham1> Well that is because they are erased
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L337[08:43:18] <Unh0ly_Tigg> but other libraries don't have this issue, and I didn't use to have this issue with asm
L338[08:43:32] <gigaherz> never used asm so /shrug
L339[08:43:45] <diesieben07> generics are just additional code attributes, the bytecode is not affected at all
L340[08:43:56] <sham1> I've used ASM, but not this kind of ASM so *shrug*
L341[08:43:56] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I wonder if lex would be interesting in someone like me (who lives nearby), coming over and helping doing updates (like 1.8 -> 1.8.8) for forge/fml
L342[08:44:02] <diesieben07> which is why the code runs exactly the same if you remove the generics stuff
L343[08:44:54] <Unh0ly_Tigg> though I really dislike the fact that it's Map<K,V>.get(Object), and not Map<K,V>.get(K)...
L344[08:45:15] <gigaherz> yeh the bytecode doesn't care if the object was meant to be List<Integer>, it still just sees a plain old List.
L345[08:45:43] <sham1> Oh that backwards compatibility
L346[08:45:59] <Unh0ly_Tigg> or "public <K1 extends K> V get(K1 key)" even, for Map...
L347[08:46:26] <sham1> Also, I am hungry and there is bacon being made outside ;_;
L348[08:46:43] <diesieben07> unh0ly there is a reason for that
L349[08:46:54] <Unh0ly_Tigg> care to explain that reason?
L350[08:46:59] <diesieben07> say you have a Map<?>
L351[08:47:05] <diesieben07> with your signature you cannot ever call get on that
L352[08:47:56] <Unh0ly_Tigg> well, if it's just "?" and not "? extends ...", shouldn't it treat ? as Object?
L353[08:48:03] <diesieben07> nope
L354[08:48:08] <diesieben07> ? is not Object, ? can be ANYTHING
L355[08:48:13] <diesieben07> it could be String, it could be Integer
L356[08:48:16] <Kobata> I swear that point comes up ever 2 months here
L357[08:48:29] <Unh0ly_Tigg> but Object is the 'root' class
L358[08:48:32] <diesieben07> and since get in your case takes something that is a subclass of whatever that ? is...
L359[08:48:34] <sham1> But isnt everything non-interface a subclass of Object
L360[08:48:37] <Kobata> ? in return signatures can be treated as Object, but in params it means 'nothing'
L361[08:48:44] <diesieben07> and you don't know what ? is you dont know what is valid to pass in
L362[08:48:54] <diesieben07> hence you cannot call it
L363[08:49:01] <diesieben07> since you dont know what types are valid
L364[08:49:27] <diesieben07> Map<?> could be a Map<String>
L365[08:49:41] <diesieben07> and if you allow Object to be passed in the map expects a String still, crash and burn
L366[08:50:00] <Kobata> It's probably easier to think about in terms of adding things for a collection
L367[08:50:24] <diesieben07> not really, since there you DO have the signature add(V value)
L368[08:50:42] <Kobata> Map<K,V>.set(K key, V value) -> Map<?,?>.set(someObject, someOtherObject)
L369[08:51:02] <diesieben07> ahh, yeah
L370[08:51:05] <Kobata> Since you don't know what the ?'s really are, you're breaking type safety (granted, not hard with generics)
L371[08:52:05] <Kobata> But since Object can be assigned to by anything*, some '? List<?>.getFirst()' can be assigned to an Object and treated as that without breaking anything
L372[08:52:33] <diesieben07> and along come value types and break everything :D
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L374[08:52:52] <sham1> But there are no value types (yet)
L375[08:53:06] <diesieben07> they are coming and they are having this exact problem :D
L376[08:53:28] <Unh0ly_Tigg> value types?
L377[08:53:32] <sham1> Yes
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L379[08:53:43] <diesieben07> "Codes like a class, works like an int"
L380[08:53:52] <diesieben07> BlockPos for example
L381[08:54:07] <Unh0ly_Tigg> so along similar lines of how lamdas work for methods?
L382[08:54:09] <PaleoCrafter> think structs :P
L383[08:54:10] <diesieben07> it would work exactly like it does now, but the performance is the same as just passing 3 ints around
L384[08:54:23] <sham1> It acting like int does not make sense if you cannot overload stuffs
L385[08:54:35] <sham1> overloading operators I mean
L386[08:54:49] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I want to be able to overload operators...
L387[08:54:58] <diesieben07> use a non-java language then :P
L388[08:55:00] <sham1> Because in a perfect world you could do blockpos + otherPos
L389[08:55:03] <sham1> Like scala
L390[08:55:10] <sham1> ;)
L391[08:55:22] <Unh0ly_Tigg> so that "list += e" compiles to the same as "list.add(e)"
L392[08:55:24] <gigaherz> that could be done, though
L393[08:55:27] <PaleoCrafter> Scala doesn't have operator overloarding though :P
L394[08:55:32] <sham1> meh
L395[08:55:34] <gigaherz> wihtout using crazy syntax
L396[08:55:35] <Ivorius> ahaha
L397[08:55:43] <gigaherz> jsut implement som INumeric that has .add and such ;P
L398[08:55:44] <sham1> You have method names that look like operators
L399[08:55:50] <Unh0ly_Tigg> groovy has operator overloading, iirc.
L400[08:56:09] <gigaherz> the compiler could simply translate "+" to INumeric<T>.add
L401[08:56:15] <sham1> And because you dont always need those parenthesis
L402[08:56:35] <sham1> wait no
L403[08:56:38] <PaleoCrafter> gigaherz, INumeric is a shit name :P
L404[08:56:38] <sham1> Wrong word
L405[08:56:39] <gigaherz> and ILogic<T>.and/.or
L406[08:56:48] <sham1> Numeric may be better
L407[08:56:54] <Unh0ly_Tigg> IAddable?
L408[08:56:55] <PaleoCrafter> strings are numeric? :P
L409[08:57:04] <Unh0ly_Tigg> Appendable!
L410[08:57:09] <diesieben07> no interfaces for this stuff, pleaaase
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L412[08:57:18] <gigaherz> anyhow
L413[08:57:29] <diesieben07> http://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/operator-overloading.html
L414[08:57:30] <gigaherz> appendable sounds horrible for actual numbers
L415[08:57:30] <PaleoCrafter> yeah, encoding everything in a specific interface is shit as well :P
L416[08:57:31] <gigaherz> XD
L417[08:58:26] <gigaherz> okay option 2
L418[08:59:03] <Unh0ly_Tigg> @Operator(Operators.PLUS_EQUALS) (or Operators.APPENDING_ADD)
L419[08:59:15] <gigaherz> public BlockPos operator+(BlockPos other)
L420[08:59:18] <gigaherz> like C#? ;P
L421[08:59:21] <sham1> or just have the += be encoded like $plus$eq
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L423[08:59:32] <gigaherz> C# doens't allow overloading +=
L424[08:59:39] <sham1> Well
L425[08:59:39] <gigaherz> it simply encodes as a = a+b
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L427[08:59:45] <PaleoCrafter> gigaherz, why the operator keyword though? :P
L428[08:59:49] <PaleoCrafter> it's totally useless :P
L429[08:59:53] <gigaherz> PaleoCrafter: to disambiguate
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L431[09:00:03] <PaleoCrafter> just allow infix notation and be done with it :P
L432[09:00:06] <gigaherz> also because C++ did it like that first
L433[09:00:07] <gigaherz> XD
L434[09:00:10] <gigaherz> okay then ...
L435[09:00:19] <gigaherz> public infix BP +(BP other) ?
L436[09:00:28] <PaleoCrafter> get rid of the fucking keywords
L437[09:00:39] <gigaherz> so you'd allow ALL methods to be infix?
L438[09:00:42] <PaleoCrafter> sure
L439[09:00:45] <gigaherz> ewh
L440[09:00:51] <sham1> def +(other: BlockPos)
L441[09:00:53] <sham1> there
L442[09:00:56] <gigaherz> ewh!
L443[09:01:02] <PaleoCrafter> allows for nice DSLs :P
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L445[09:01:20] <gigaherz> sham1: sorry but I dislike the design choices of scala's syntax
L446[09:01:20] <gigaherz> ;P
L447[09:01:30] * diesieben07 points to kotlin again
L448[09:01:32] <gigaherz> not that they are bad, I just don't like them XD
L449[09:01:44] <PaleoCrafter> Kotlin doesn't go far enough, diesieben07 :P
L450[09:01:46] <sham1> Well "public BlockPos +(BlockPos other)"
L451[09:01:49] <sham1> there
L452[09:01:56] <diesieben07> yes it does.
L453[09:02:36] <diesieben07> shit like foo \/- bar should not exist anywhere but in your crazy scala/haskell/whateverthefuck :P
L454[09:02:39] <sham1> That is sorta java'd version of that scala syntax if we ignore the fact that a method called + in scala gets reduced into $plus in bytecode
L455[09:02:49] <diesieben07> for the general Java programmer (which is what kotlin is aimed at) this is way enough
L456[09:03:31] <PaleoCrafter> you at least should have the option to go hardcore though :P
L457[09:03:45] <sham1> eh
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L459[09:03:48] <diesieben07> No :)
L460[09:03:51] <sham1> That is not always a good thing
L461[09:04:04] <diesieben07> the point of a language is also to guide you to good code
L462[09:04:32] <diesieben07> and if you want to go hardcode neither kotlin nor java are the language for you.
L463[09:04:44] <sham1> Even though scala's coding style is very nice and can produce very good code if you are good at it
L464[09:04:58] <diesieben07> and the advantage of Kotlins approach is that you can do myList[3] = hello on a JAVA list.
L465[09:05:04] <sham1> Like Java also can have very good code if you do not mind the boilderplate
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L479[09:59:09] <Wuppy> lol, if you ask for a job, don't do it on facebook
L480[09:59:25] <Wuppy> and especially don't leave in spelling mistakes or forget capital letters
L481[10:00:38] <Ivorius> In other news, don't forget to wear pants in public
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L485[10:06:16] <Wuppy> Ivorius, I just read exactly that
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L490[10:27:32] <Unh0ly_Tigg> so, lets say you have a Collection<String> in java 8, and you want to find the max length of a string (for padding purposes), calling ".stream().map(String::length).distinct().reduce(0, Math::max)" on said collection, will give you the max length... which I think is really cool.
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L492[10:28:25] <Unh0ly_Tigg> it doesn't even create any temp local variables in the code you write...
L493[10:29:30] <williewillus> erm, how do I get a player's gamemode?
L494[10:29:36] <williewillus> 1.8
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L496[10:30:45] <williewillus> nvm, got it
L497[10:30:54] <williewillus> player.itemInWorldManager.getGameType
L498[10:30:55] <PaleoCrafter> Unh0ly_Tigg, can't you just do stream().map(String::length).max(Integer::max)
L499[10:31:11] <Unh0ly_Tigg> meh
L500[10:31:14] <PaleoCrafter> :P
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L502[10:32:14] <Unh0ly_Tigg> PaleoCrafter, you do know that Integer.max just calls Math.max...
L503[10:32:33] <Unh0ly_Tigg> also, max returns an optional, reduce doesn't
L504[10:32:55] <PaleoCrafter> I don't know the Streams API very well :P
L505[10:33:05] <PaleoCrafter> I'd do strings.maxBy(_.length).length :P
L506[10:35:01] <Ivorius> Also, IntStream
L507[10:35:09] <Ivorius> You don't really want a Stream of Integer, do you?
L508[10:35:23] <Unh0ly_Tigg> going from a collection of strings...
L509[10:35:52] <Unh0ly_Tigg> didn't feel like doing the conversion of Stream<Integer> to IntStream
L510[10:36:01] <Ivorius> toIntStream
L511[10:36:19] <Unh0ly_Tigg> meh
L512[10:36:46] <Ivorius> I just wish primitives could be generics
L513[10:36:53] <Ivorius> Soon-erino-ish
L514[10:36:56] <Unh0ly_Tigg> autoboxing...
L515[10:37:00] <Ivorius> Ew
L516[10:37:06] <Ivorius> And no, it's not the same
L517[10:37:12] <tterrag|away> That's why we have trove
L518[10:37:18] <Ivorius> Trove is a hack
L519[10:37:21] <Unh0ly_Tigg> to each they're own then...
L520[10:37:26] <Ivorius> A fix for a problem we shouldn't have
L521[10:37:37] <tterrag|away> regardless
L522[10:37:48] <tterrag|away> It works as an interim solution
L523[10:38:04] <Unh0ly_Tigg> you feel like primitives should be available for generics, tell that to the people who make/maintain the language...
L524[10:39:29] <PaleoCrafter> Project Valhalla is a thing :P
L525[10:40:34] <diesieben07> and they actualy just made a major step forwards
L526[10:40:38] <Unh0ly_Tigg> http://openjdk.java.net/projects/valhalla/
L527[10:40:45] <diesieben07> List<any> is now a thing
L528[10:41:12] <Unh0ly_Tigg> If I click on the Generic Specialization link near the top, I get a 404...
L529[10:41:17] <PaleoCrafter> will any also be accessible outside of generics? :P
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L531[10:43:02] <diesieben07> hopefully...
L532[10:43:22] <diesieben07> although that doesnt make any sense really
L533[10:44:12] <PaleoCrafter> well, you can't do anything with it
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L535[10:44:52] <PaleoCrafter> but otherwise you also can't really retrieve anything from a List<any>, can you?
L536[10:45:18] <tterrag|away> Maybe as a dynamic variable type
L537[10:45:25] <diesieben07> mhmm true
L538[10:45:29] <tterrag|away> like lombok's val
L539[10:45:41] <diesieben07> not sure what you would do with it though...
L540[10:45:48] <diesieben07> like... you could get something out, now you have an "any"
L541[10:45:55] <diesieben07> what do you do with that? you cant pass it to anybody...
L542[10:46:01] <williewillus> i'm not sure "any" was the right keyword
L543[10:46:08] <williewillus> but that's still up for change
L544[10:46:13] <PaleoCrafter> tterrag|away, val is just type inference
L545[10:46:40] <tterrag|away> also, what's the difference between List <any> and List <?>
L546[10:46:53] <diesieben07> List<?> is old syntax for List<ref>
L547[10:47:00] <Unh0ly_Tigg> PaleoCrafter, http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~briangoetz/valhalla/specialization.html#opt-in that has info on the any keyword.
L548[10:47:04] <tterrag|away> ...what?
L549[10:47:07] <diesieben07> List<ref> cannot be List<int>, List<any> can
L550[10:47:14] <tterrag|away> oh
L551[10:47:18] <tterrag|away> I see
L552[10:47:23] <diesieben07> its for backwards compat ...
L553[10:47:39] <diesieben07> (because old code assumes everything is Object)
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L562[11:00:57] <AtomicStryker> hi. is there a known issue with world.getEntityByID on 1.8 clientside or something? i get a null result despite using a correct ID with an entity that definitely is created at that point
L563[11:02:03] <Ivorius> Threading issue?
L564[11:02:32] <AtomicStryker> threading how
L565[11:02:52] <diesieben07> yeah, if using packets in 1.8 you need to take this into account: http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/networking/simpleimpl/
L566[11:02:58] <diesieben07> (see the warning section)
L567[11:03:29] <AtomicStryker> ok. what the hell. thanks
L568[11:05:35] ⇨ Joins: MattDahEpic (~MattDahEp@174-16-14-83.hlrn.qwest.net)
L569[11:06:16] <AtomicStryker> so wait i dont actually have to "get" a thread listener i just have to use Minecraft.getMinecraft
L570[11:06:56] <diesieben07> yes, on the client
L571[11:06:59] <diesieben07> or on the server the WorldServer
L572[11:07:16] <diesieben07> its like a poor mans ExecutorService
L573[11:07:38] <AtomicStryker> hmm odd my existing code was using a static reference to Minecraft.thePlayer
L574[11:07:50] <AtomicStryker> that *should* have worked
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L576[11:08:22] <Kobata> I've seen that threading thing work fine ignoring it for a while, then cause all sorts of random havoc
L577[11:12:14] <AtomicStryker> im still getting a null return on the getEntityByID call
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L579[11:12:22] <diesieben07> show more of your code then.
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L581[11:14:33] <AtomicStryker> http://pastebin.com/9rR0phBN
L582[11:14:44] <AtomicStryker> that print to console says its the netty thread all right
L583[11:15:13] <diesieben07> where do you call that method? directly from your packet handler?
L584[11:15:20] <diesieben07> because thats what it looks like.
L585[11:15:53] <AtomicStryker> aye. so how do i get it to run on the thread if just referencing Minecraft.getMinecraft isnt it
L586[11:16:14] <diesieben07> Minecraft.getMinecraft.addScheduledTask(<myRunnable>)
L587[11:16:19] <tterrag|away> Minecraft is the ITreadListener
L588[11:16:24] <tterrag|away> ^^
L589[11:16:28] <diesieben07> will execute the runnable on the main thread
L590[11:17:01] <AtomicStryker> sweet jesus and this affects all packets? i have made ZERO adjustments to minions mod
L591[11:17:05] <AtomicStryker> how is that even working
L592[11:17:23] <AtomicStryker> wait
L593[11:17:28] <AtomicStryker> would using a proxy fix this
L594[11:17:32] <tterrag|away> You probably have some lurking race conditions
L595[11:17:33] <AtomicStryker> because all that is run through a proxy
L596[11:17:39] <diesieben07> a proxy?
L597[11:17:48] <diesieben07> @SidedProxy? network proxy?
L598[11:17:52] <AtomicStryker> yeah
L599[11:17:55] <Kobata> If you look at MC's packets they made the wierdest way of 'fixing' all their code
L600[11:17:57] <diesieben07> neither of those matters
L601[11:18:06] <diesieben07> packet handler is called on netty thread, period.
L602[11:18:20] <Kobata> It calls a function that checks the thread, if it's not the right one, queue up calling the same function that called it then throw an exception
L603[11:18:31] <AtomicStryker> hm so do i want a runnable or callable
L604[11:18:42] <diesieben07> runnable, you just want to run something
L605[11:18:49] *** Zidane|Away is now known as Zidane
L606[11:18:50] <diesieben07> callabe you want if you need to return a value
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L610[11:23:50] <AtomicStryker> ok, it works now, thanks
L611[11:23:53] <AtomicStryker> this is quite horrifying
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L614[11:34:02] <sham1> why6 does it horrify you
L615[11:36:37] <AtomicStryker> the fact i updated all of my mods and didnt know this
L616[11:36:57] <AtomicStryker> some of which use quite a lot of packets
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L618[11:39:47] <Ivorius> I wish that would happen to me
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L621[11:40:52] <gigaherz> Ivorius: what? updating mods?
L622[11:41:16] <Ivorius> Waking up to realize my mods are already updated
L623[11:41:30] <gigaherz> o_O
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L625[11:41:47] <gigaherz> I don't think that's how that sentence was meant to be read XD
L626[11:42:25] <AtomicStryker> are there any useful vanilla render types to use or do i have to do all of them myself
L627[11:42:39] <PaleoCrafter> render types aren't what they used to be :P
L628[11:42:50] <PaleoCrafter> but vanilla has some useful JSONs you can use as parents :P
L629[11:42:53] <Ivorius> Still, that's how I read it :P
L630[11:43:56] <gigaherz> AtomicStryker: as for json model bases, minecraft:block/cube, block/cube_all (one texture for all faces), and builtin/generated -- the essentials ;P
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L633[11:46:44] <AtomicStryker> does anyone know the difference between tallgrass and tall_grass
L634[11:46:51] <williewillus> (also pls use a "standard_item" model for item models and not respecify all the transforms in every. single. item. model. like mojang did)
L635[11:47:01] <williewillus> no idea why they chose not to use their own system 0.o
L636[11:47:22] <gigaherz> one would assume builtin/generated, which is the basis for the items, to already include the basic transforms
L637[11:47:23] <gigaherz> XD
L638[11:47:31] <PaleoCrafter> you don't have to specify any transforms with Forge :P
L639[11:47:40] <MattDahEpic> AtomicStryker, one is 1block tall tallgrass and the other is 2 block tall tallgrass
L640[11:47:43] <PaleoCrafter> but yeah, it's weird that they didn't add a default
L641[11:47:58] <williewillus> bleh I wrote my jsons before i knew forge format existed :p
L642[11:48:17] <gigaherz> so I started a local game of ARK
L643[11:48:26] <gigaherz> with values adjusted to remove most of the grindy gameplay
L644[11:48:39] <gigaherz> and it's quite a lot more enjoyable than playing on a public server
L645[11:48:39] <gigaherz> XD
L646[11:48:41] <PaleoCrafter> default transforms were one of the first things introduced (unrelated to the Forge blockstates) :P
L647[11:49:31] <williewillus> oops :p
L648[11:49:51] <williewillus> so you just specify nothing and it uses the "default" vanilla ones?
L649[11:50:00] <PaleoCrafter> yep
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L651[11:55:35] <williewillus> an item in my mod places blocks for the player but I want to make it compatible with protection plugins what exactly should i do or check for?
L652[11:55:47] <williewillus> the mechanisms to fire place events don't seem that friendly
L653[11:57:19] <diesieben07> if you do it inside onItemUse the placement event already fires for you.
L654[11:57:22] <AtomicStryker> use the forge block break event and tell anyone complaining to suck eggs and use that
L655[11:57:53] <Wuppy> does anyone know a great mouse for around 25 euros?
L656[11:58:07] <Wuppy> I'm thinking about getting the Trust GXT 25 and I'm looking for some alternatives
L657[11:58:22] <gigaherz> meh
L658[11:58:28] <gigaherz> I'm a fan of the logitech G500
L659[11:58:32] <gigaherz> but sadly it's not made anymore
L660[11:58:34] <diesieben07> anything by logitech
L661[11:58:53] <diesieben07> i had this one: http://www.logitech.com/de-de/product/corded-mouse-m500?crid=7 its a bit more expensive tho
L662[11:59:14] <AtomicStryker> logitech has REALLY gotten worse
L663[11:59:27] <Wuppy> I'd rather get something a bit cheaper than that diesieben
L664[11:59:30] <AtomicStryker> i used to say "any logi" but then i had a couple that really disappointed
L665[11:59:53] <AtomicStryker> of course, then i tried a roccat something and that was just as bad
L666[12:00:04] <MattDahEpic> !gm km.a
L667[12:00:20] <gigaherz> this one seems nice Wuppy: http://www.pccomponentes.com/aerocool_templarius_gladiator_gaming_mouse.html
L668[12:00:21] <diesieben07> performance MX by logitech, best mouse evar :P
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L671[12:00:32] <AtomicStryker> anyone willing to write some of these forge format jsons for me *bats eyelashes*
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L673[12:00:37] <gigaherz> this one, fancy: http://www.pccomponentes.com/genesis_g66_gaming_2000_dpi.html
L674[12:00:54] <diesieben07> these "gaming mice" always feel horrible to me
L675[12:00:57] <Wuppy> what about the m6900?
L676[12:01:02] <Wuppy> gigabyte
L677[12:01:28] <gigaherz> hmm seems ok
L678[12:01:29] <gigaherz> http://www.pccomponentes.com/gigabyte_m6800_raton_gaming_usb_1600_dpi.html
L679[12:01:30] <MattDahEpic> awwwww yis scored a 3 letter username
L680[12:01:33] <gigaherz> not bad price
L681[12:01:39] <PaleoCrafter> http://www.amazon.com/Sharkoon-Shark-Force-Gaming-000SKSFB/dp/B00L6HCXRE/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1438534879&sr=1-1&keywords=shark+force this on'es pretty nice, imo
L682[12:01:50] <gigaherz> thign is, I really really love unlockable wheels
L683[12:01:53] <gigaherz> that can free-spin
L684[12:01:55] <gigaherz> and none of those have one ;P
L685[12:02:16] <diesieben07> paleo, that thing looks awful
L686[12:02:21] <Wuppy> that one sure does look... interesting PaleoCrafter
L687[12:02:30] <williewillus> diesieben07: even if it's for example a power item that does world.setBlockStates manually? Events are still done for me?
L688[12:02:31] <PaleoCrafter> meh, it does its job :P
L689[12:02:38] *** Genji|away is now known as Genji
L690[12:02:43] <PaleoCrafter> and it was cheap :P
L691[12:02:46] <gigaherz> looks uncomfortable XD
L692[12:02:51] <gigaherz> it probably isn't
L693[12:02:53] <gigaherz> but it looks so
L694[12:02:54] <diesieben07> afaik yes, willie. all they patch is onItemUse in ItemStack
L695[12:02:59] <PaleoCrafter> it really isn't :P
L696[12:03:35] <PaleoCrafter> and look, it even is available in pink :P
L697[12:03:40] <Wuppy> must have
L698[12:06:00] <Kobata> williewillus: There's patches in most of the low-level state set functions that capture changes on demand
L699[12:06:21] <MattDahEpic> why does my world have a backup subfolder?
L700[12:06:25] <Kobata> So when you're in a function that has the place-capture enabled it will know about everything you do
L701[12:06:42] <PaleoCrafter> MattDahEpic, did you open it with missing blocks?
L702[12:07:02] <MattDahEpic> PaleoCrafter, its a 1.8 world moved to 1.9snap
L703[12:07:16] <PaleoCrafter> oh, hm
L704[12:07:30] <PaleoCrafter> vanilla 1.8?
L705[12:07:52] <MattDahEpic> yup
L706[12:08:00] <PaleoCrafter> then I have no clue :D
L707[12:08:01] <williewillus> anything in it? :p
L708[12:08:16] <MattDahEpic> a copy of the world as it was before the switch
L709[12:08:18] <PaleoCrafter> I only know that forge creates a backup whenever you open a world with missing blocks
L710[12:09:39] <Wuppy> is Genesis an acceptable mouse company?
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L713[12:21:35] <StephJ2Fan> any help with this error log? http://pastebin.com/DnqZ4JD3
L714[12:21:45] <StephJ2Fan> I swear it's telling me OpenGL is broke
L715[12:23:08] <MattDahEpic> StephJ2Fan, i see no rendering in there... its packets
L716[12:23:53] <StephJ2Fan> okay so is it a mod doing it, MattDahEpic?
L717[12:25:12] <MattDahEpic> its not telling me anything besides java.lang.NullPointerException: Ticking memory connection
L718[12:25:13] <MattDahEpic> at cpw.mods.fml.common.network.internal.FMLProxyPacket.func_148833_a(FMLProxyPacket.java:101)
L719[12:25:50] <MattDahEpic> StephJ2Fan, mc version?
L720[12:26:11] <heldplayer> Minecraft Version: 1.7.10
L721[12:26:16] <MattDahEpic> !gm func_148833_a 1.7.10
L722[12:26:31] <MattDahEpic> its processPacket
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L724[12:29:02] <StephJ2Fan> okay thanks for the help.
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L759[14:16:08] <Manusoftar> im facing this initialization error -> http://pastebin.com/LTEwXL2t wtf does it mean the AbstractMethodError???
L760[14:16:52] <Manusoftar> Im developing my mod on Eclipse and when i press play on Eclipse it works fine, but when i try to actually run it on the game itself it crashes!
L761[14:17:13] <Manusoftar> !gm func_71560_a
L762[14:17:44] <williewillus> what's tico's oredict name for slimeballs?
L763[14:18:14] <gigaherz> if it's not ballSlime, I'll be disappoint
L764[14:18:39] <gigaherz> (by which I did mean to imply I have no idea)
L765[14:19:10] *** Dhs92 is now known as Dhs92|AFK
L766[14:19:21] <williewillus> vanilla registers it as just "slimeball"
L767[14:19:26] <williewillus> vanilla forge
L768[14:19:38] <Manusoftar> guys help!
L769[14:20:13] *** BB1028|Away is now known as Bugboy1028
L770[14:20:31] <diesieben07> Manusoftar, you MUST use gradlew build to build your mod.
L771[14:20:42] ⇨ Joins: ElgarL (~ElgarL@cpc6-hawk15-2-0-cust537.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L772[14:20:46] <Manusoftar> uh?
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L774[14:20:59] <Manusoftar> i did export to jar from Eclipse... is that wrong??
L775[14:21:18] <williewillus> yes, it doesnt get reobfuscated
L776[14:22:34] ⇦ Quits: Purebe (~Purebe@2601:300:8000:cc62:29a8:654d:c2a0:d063) (Client Quit)
L777[14:22:36] <Manusoftar> oh i see
L778[14:23:03] <Manusoftar> would it be enought to run a gradlew build or should i write any config files???
L779[14:23:40] <williewillus> it should be enough
L780[14:23:50] <williewillus> your jar will be in build/libs/
L781[14:24:08] <Manusoftar> ok im on it, thanks!
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L783[14:27:11] <Manusoftar> there should be a way to configure the gradlew build directly on Eclipse so you can build your mod withouth having to open a dos command and manually run the gradlew thing...
L784[14:28:01] <diesieben07> use a proper IDE and you can ;)
L785[14:28:13] <diesieben07> also cmd is NOT dos.
L786[14:30:47] <Lex_> you can with the gradle eclipse plugin {or any IDE with support for gradle}
L787[14:30:51] <Lex_> but either way
L788[14:30:53] <Lex_> this works
L789[14:33:16] <sham1> CMD is not DOS indeed, it just looks like the old dos' command prompt
L790[14:33:30] <gigaherz> well
L791[14:33:39] <gigaherz> really, command.com wasn't "dos" either
L792[14:33:49] <gigaherz> it was a dos program, yes, but it wasn't "dos" in the same sense bash isn't linux
L793[14:33:50] <gigaherz> XD
L794[14:33:59] <gigaherz> but calling it a "dos window"
L795[14:34:04] <gigaherz> or "dos commands" stuck
L796[14:34:24] <heldplayer> Nobody said command.com is dos either
L797[14:34:31] <gigaherz> yes, I did.
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L799[14:34:41] <gigaherz> eh
L800[14:34:42] <gigaherz> no wait
L801[14:34:43] <sham1> Well in case of BASH it is very widely used with Linux so the confusion can be easilly explained
L802[14:34:48] <PaleoCrafter> command.com is damage free hanging ;)
L803[14:34:48] <gigaherz> sorry brainfart
L804[14:35:18] <gigaherz> sham1: just like calling cmd.exe, which is designed to replicate the functionality of command.com, "dos"
L805[14:35:27] <gigaherz> that was my point
L806[14:35:39] <gigaherz> but yeah
L807[14:35:44] <gigaherz> cmd hasn't been dos, since win9x
L808[14:35:45] <gigaherz> ;P
L809[14:36:00] <gigaherz> and i can't remember it win9x had a cmd.exe or not
L810[14:36:17] * gigaherz boots the win98 VM
L811[14:36:37] <williewillus> you can force it back into immediate DOS mode on boot :p
L812[14:36:41] *** Bugboy1028 is now known as BB1028|Away
L813[14:37:30] *** BB1028|Away is now known as Bugboy1028
L814[14:37:33] <gigaherz> UGH win98 takes SO LONG to boot
L815[14:37:33] <gigaherz> XD
L816[14:37:54] <sham1> why do you have win98 VM for
L817[14:38:17] <gigaherz> yup win98 didn't have a console per se
L818[14:38:28] <gigaherz> it was command.com running in a MS-DOS window
L819[14:38:33] <gigaherz> sham1: fun :D
L820[14:38:36] <gigaherz> nostlagia
L821[14:39:09] <gigaherz> I also have some windows 1.01 in a folder somewhere
L822[14:39:10] <gigaherz> XD
L823[14:39:24] <gigaherz> although that one is fun alone
L824[14:39:33] <gigaherz> I never used windows 1 in an actual computer XD
L825[14:39:49] <gigaherz> (I mean running as the proper main "OS")
L826[14:40:03] <williewillus> did you ever watch that video where they upgraded a windows 1 install all the way to 7
L827[14:40:11] <gigaherz> (Windowsd 1 wasn't an OS, it was only a visual frontend to DOS, sorta)
L828[14:40:17] <gigaherz> williewillus: yes XD
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L830[14:45:34] <Sannholm> !dcc
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L832[14:47:17] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L833[14:47:58] <williewillus> is there a vnailla attribute for jumpboost?
L834[14:48:38] <diesieben07> nope, hardcoded to the potion
L835[14:48:53] <williewillus> boo, applying the potion it is
L836[14:48:58] <PaleoCrafter> Mojang ._.
L837[14:49:13] <PaleoCrafter> you could use LivingJumpEvent :P
L838[14:50:02] ⇨ Joins: osum4est (~osum4est@c-174-52-155-148.hsd1.ut.comcast.net)
L839[14:50:16] <osum4est> how do i get the system time and mc time?
L840[14:50:18] <williewillus> another thing that needs to become an attribute/have attribute modifiers
L841[14:50:21] <williewillus> step height
L842[14:50:40] <williewillus> rn mods are just reading and writing off the player.stepHeight field and that's gotta cause some conflicts between different items that modify it
L843[14:50:42] <diesieben07> osum4est, System.getCurrentTimeMillis() and world.getWorldTime
L844[14:50:50] <osum4est> thx
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L849[14:55:00] <Chompzki> Is there a way to solve overlaping between a gui object and NEI? having problems to come up with a good way to solve this...
L850[14:55:27] <Ivorius> Probably NEI API
L851[14:55:29] <PaleoCrafter> depends
L852[14:55:35] <PaleoCrafter> items in the NEI panel?
L853[14:56:11] <PaleoCrafter> (are those overlapping?)
L854[14:56:14] <Ivorius> I believe it also automatically wraps around your GUI by their width and height attributes
L855[14:56:32] <Chompzki> Not overlapping the items on the right side. Overlapping with the buttons on the left.
L856[14:56:45] <PaleoCrafter> I don't think you can do anything about that
L857[14:57:02] <PaleoCrafter> apart from lowering the general GUI scale temporarily, lol
L858[14:57:08] <Chompzki> That sucks
L859[14:57:15] <Chompzki> xD
L860[14:58:14] <Chompzki> At the moment the player has to hide NEI if they want to see my gui properly when looking in a inventory... but if you don't hold a certain item my gui won't show.
L861[14:58:52] <Chompzki> So if i can't adapt the two sides... is there a way to hide certain NEI parts?
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L865[15:01:30] <MattDahEpic> idiot crashed into fiber routing box at end of street, everyone came out and yelled at him almost simultaiously
L866[15:01:37] <williewillus> lol
L867[15:01:53] <williewillus> did that include you ;p
L868[15:02:09] <MattDahEpic> yup
L869[15:02:27] <MattDahEpic> i was the one who called the isp to get it repaired
L870[15:04:26] ⇨ Joins: psxlover (psxlover@
L871[15:07:51] <osum4est> the gui allows you to draw a horizontal or vertical line, but can it draw a line between any two points?
L872[15:08:07] <diesieben07> sure
L873[15:08:23] <diesieben07> a line is just a very thin rectangle, so draw 4 vertices and your good ;)
L874[15:08:36] <PaleoCrafter> or draw a line :P
L875[15:08:50] <MattDahEpic> 1.9snap is spamming my server console with [20:08:35] [Server thread/WARN]: Tried to add entity with duplicate UUID 7470e8ae-b98e-4919-87bf-43d569ffe9bd
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L878[15:10:29] <osum4est> but i can't draw a really thin tilted rectangle can i?
L879[15:10:34] <osum4est> it only allows two points
L880[15:10:59] <osum4est> unless i can then rotate it?
L881[15:11:02] <diesieben07> what does?
L882[15:11:13] <osum4est> drawTexturedModelRect
L883[15:11:44] <diesieben07> yeah you need to use the tesselator directly
L884[15:11:56] <osum4est> oh
L885[15:12:06] <osum4est> got it
L886[15:12:11] <PaleoCrafter> and just use the line drawing mode :P
L887[15:12:39] <PaleoCrafter> GL11.GL_LINES
L888[15:12:41] <MattDahEpic> yay slot.weapon.offhand exists!
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L892[15:24:22] <williewillus> and apparently it's slot number -106
L893[15:24:24] <williewillus> because mojang
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L896[15:29:20] <MattDahEpic> well i scored a 3 letter mc username
L897[15:30:01] ⇨ Joins: halvors (~halvors@cm-
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L899[15:31:04] <Devoenix> http://pastebin.com/7yswkCGH
L900[15:31:07] <Devoenix> crash report
L901[15:31:44] <diesieben07> itemphysic mod needs creativecore. Read the installation instructions for the mods you use.
L902[15:31:57] ⇦ Quits: halvors1 (~halvors@cm- (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L903[15:32:04] <williewillus> MattDahEpic: what'd you get?
L904[15:32:04] <MattDahEpic> shot down
L905[15:32:08] <Devoenix> .. could've sworn i dragged that in >.>
L906[15:32:25] <MattDahEpic> williewillus, i got qkm
L907[15:32:36] <Devoenix> guess i didn't
L908[15:32:37] <Devoenix> eh
L909[15:32:41] <MattDahEpic> !gm qkm.a
L910[15:32:45] <MattDahEpic> dang
L911[15:33:00] <williewillus> lel
L912[15:33:16] ⇨ Joins: Zirker (~Zirker@a109-51-135-62.cpe.netcabo.pt)
L913[15:34:22] <minecreatr> is onBlockPlaced called before or after the tile entity is created?
L914[15:35:17] <diesieben07> it is called before the Block is placed.
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L920[15:45:17] <osum4est> what is the int that fontRender.drawString returns?
L921[15:45:48] <tterrag|away> length perhaps? not sure
L922[15:45:56] <tterrag|away> !gm FontRenderer.drawString 1.7.10
L923[15:46:02] <killjoy> It returns an int?
L924[15:46:08] <PaleoCrafter> looks like the width it has taken
L925[15:46:15] <tterrag|away> nothing in the javadocs
L926[15:46:18] <tterrag|away> but I'd assume width yes
L927[15:46:18] <diesieben07> no ti doesnt
L928[15:46:24] <diesieben07> it returns x + width
L929[15:46:28] <PaleoCrafter> ah, yeah
L930[15:46:36] <PaleoCrafter> so the end of the string
L931[15:46:39] <diesieben07> yes
L932[15:46:44] <osum4est> alright, thanks
L933[15:46:51] <PaleoCrafter> darn mutability
L934[15:47:07] *** tterrag|away is now known as tterrag|laptop
L935[15:48:13] <tterrag|laptop> ?
L936[15:48:19] <osum4est> its annoying that theres no drawCenteredStringNoShadow
L937[15:48:46] <PaleoCrafter> tterrag|laptop, look at the font renderer :P
L938[15:48:53] <tterrag|laptop> can't atm
L939[15:48:54] <killjoy> Well it's not hard to work around
L940[15:49:00] <osum4est> yeah i know
L941[15:49:06] <osum4est> just kinda annoying
L942[15:49:23] <tterrag|laptop> mojang only implements what they use
L943[15:49:34] <killjoy> Anything not used gets stripped
L944[15:49:37] <PaleoCrafter> ^
L945[15:49:40] <tterrag|laptop> that too
L946[15:49:47] <osum4est> makes sense
L947[15:49:54] <PaleoCrafter> tterrag|laptop, let's just say that it has a lot of unnecessary state :P
L948[15:51:29] <osum4est> wait, can i get the width of what the text will be without actually drawing it?
L949[15:51:50] <PaleoCrafter> getStringWidth
L950[15:52:07] <osum4est> ah
L951[15:52:15] <tterrag|laptop> but that's the absolute width, of course
L952[15:54:04] <osum4est> meaning the width of the string not the x coord + width, right?
L953[15:54:18] <tterrag|laptop> right
L954[15:54:27] <osum4est> good
L955[16:02:39] ⇦ Parts: Devoenix (~Devoenix@cpe-70-119-108-122.tx.res.rr.com) (Leaving))
L956[16:04:25] <williewillus> how do I add a layerrenderer to a player?
L957[16:06:58] *** Xiretza is now known as Xiretza|Away
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L959[16:09:49] ⇨ Joins: Flashfire (~Flashfire@d24-36-192-173.home1.cgocable.net)
L960[16:10:31] <Flashfire> I have a custom skeleton entity and it seems that vanilla mobs are hardcoded to drop their equipment with a fixed chance
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L963[16:11:31] <Flashfire> So I want to know how I can prevent mob equipment from being dropped?
L964[16:11:59] <Flashfire> Specifically the weapon is what I want to prevent
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L969[16:12:59] <diesieben07> LivingDropsEvent
L970[16:13:23] <Laceh> lmfao my sunday afternoon project was creating a faster json deserializer :D
L971[16:13:30] <Flashfire> Thank you diesieben
L972[16:13:43] <PaleoCrafter> faster than what, Laceh? :P
L973[16:13:51] <Laceh> gson :D
L974[16:13:56] <Laceh> albeit json is slow
L975[16:14:02] <Laceh> the results will be in in asecond
L976[16:14:05] <Laceh> Im testing gson and boon
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L979[16:16:39] <Laceh> my lib takes approximately 30+ms
L980[16:16:48] <Laceh> gson takes approximagely 80+ms
L981[16:16:55] <Laceh> and boon takes approximately 80+ms
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L983[16:17:53] *** Xiretza|Away is now known as Xiretza
L984[16:18:45] <tterrag|laptop> Laceh, no one uses gson for speed
L985[16:18:50] <killjoy> I want to do a PR for the installer that adds better support for version independent tweaks.
L986[16:18:57] <Laceh> ofc not but you use boon for speed
L987[16:19:01] <Laceh> and it still is faster
L988[16:19:36] <tterrag|laptop> what the heck is boon
L989[16:20:31] <tterrag|laptop> can your lib handle generics? does it have type adapters? lenient parsing? etc?
L990[16:20:41] <tterrag|laptop> these are things that make gson more useful, albeit slower
L991[16:20:56] <Laceh> tterrag|laptop: boon is a super fast json parser
L992[16:21:02] <Laceh> and mine handles generics :D
L993[16:21:09] <Laceh> and it has type adapters :D
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L997[16:22:44] <tterrag|laptop> the other thing gson has going for it is that it comes with MC
L998[16:22:48] <tterrag|laptop> which is really all that I care about :p
L999[16:23:47] <Laceh> XD
L1000[16:25:23] ⇨ Joins: ELChris414 (~ELChris41@128-203-120.netrun.cytanet.com.cy)
L1001[16:25:42] <ELChris414> Hey yo!
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L1003[16:36:54] <williewillus> is there a way to have java 8 written code compile to 7 or 6 level bytecode / how do I set that up if so
L1004[16:37:14] <tterrag|laptop> yes
L1005[16:37:19] <tterrag|laptop> targetCompatability=1.6
L1006[16:37:21] <tterrag|laptop> in build.gradle
L1007[16:37:43] <williewillus> awesome thanks
L1008[16:38:00] <tterrag|laptop> https://github.com/diesieben07/SevenCommons/blob/master/build.gradle#L28-L29
L1009[16:38:01] <tterrag|laptop> like that
L1010[16:38:11] <killjoy> in my experience, only the sourceCompatability can be lower.
L1011[16:38:20] <tterrag|laptop> soureCompat means it'll throw compile errors if you use j8 code
L1012[16:38:26] <tterrag|laptop> targetcompat is bytecode level
L1013[16:38:53] <killjoy> It threw an error: target compat cannot be lower than source compat.
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L1016[16:41:07] <killjoy> javacTask: target release 1.6 conflicts with default source release 1.8
L1017[16:41:28] <shadekiller666> apparently the "facing" direction of comparators is towards the input...
L1018[16:41:54] *** MattMc is now known as MattOfflineMc
L1019[16:44:10] <williewillus> lol
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L1032[17:15:50] <PaleoCrafter> killjoy, you can use retrolambda, but that's about it :P
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L1034[17:18:22] <killjoy> I don't have an issue with using java 6
L1035[17:19:04] <PaleoCrafter> you should have though :P
L1036[17:19:12] <killjoy> If I really wanted to use lambdas, I'd use scala.
L1037[17:19:13] <PaleoCrafter> at least use 7
L1038[17:20:26] <killjoy> I'll program it, but I won't actually use it.
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L1042[17:26:16] <killjoy> I'll use 1.7 for non-mods
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L1044[17:26:51] <williewillus> is it okay to extend fontrenderer and use that extended instance in one gui?
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L1046[17:27:19] <killjoy> I've seen it before
L1047[17:27:32] <williewillus> okay just making sure there's not like hidden state in fontrenderer that would prevent that
L1048[17:27:44] <killjoy> But the person who used it is the one everyone hates
L1049[17:27:57] <williewillus> oh lol
L1050[17:29:48] <PaleoCrafter> williewillus, there's a lot of unnecessary state in the font renderer, but fortunately it's not static :P
L1051[17:35:51] <shadekiller666> what is the easiest way to tell if a player has entered a world for the first time?
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L1053[17:37:26] <williewillus> nbt tags on them?
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L1055[17:37:47] <shadekiller666> so set a tag on the player when they enter?
L1056[17:37:59] <williewillus> like a tag boolean hasJoined and when they join set it to true
L1057[17:38:01] <shadekiller666> then check it?
L1058[17:38:04] <PaleoCrafter> I've told you already, IEEP :P
L1059[17:38:05] <shadekiller666> ok
L1060[17:38:13] <williewillus> it will be false if the tag is not present which means they haven't joined before
L1061[17:38:25] <williewillus> so check it before setting it
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L1065[17:52:29] <shadekiller666> anyone have an example of using an IEEP?
L1066[17:54:31] <Zaggy1024> ugh, I'm trying to use the MC profiler to find out what effect my code is having on performance and it's causing a crash in some other code :|
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L1068[17:57:55] <Zaggy1024> hm
L1069[17:58:04] <Zaggy1024> perhaps it's some concurrency problem
L1070[17:58:56] <williewillus> wait are vanilla models limited to 22.5 and 45 degree rotations?
L1071[17:59:01] <williewillus> only?
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L1073[17:59:43] <shadekiller666> willie, 22.5 and multiples of
L1074[18:00:02] <williewillus> what if I need more precise rotations?
L1075[18:00:08] <MattDahEpic> shulkers have cute little spirals on the bottm squeeeee
L1076[18:00:10] <williewillus> do the forge ones allow for that?
L1077[18:00:10] <shadekiller666> 22.5, 45, 67.5, 90 etc
L1078[18:00:22] <shadekiller666> the forge blockstate ones?
L1079[18:00:28] <williewillus> yes
L1080[18:00:31] <shadekiller666> yep
L1081[18:00:37] <shadekiller666> they should
L1082[18:02:59] <williewillus> is there an example of the forge model format anywhere? (or do I just specify it in the forge blockstate?)
L1083[18:03:16] <shadekiller666> one sec
L1084[18:03:19] <PaleoCrafter> there's no 'forge model format', only the blockstates :P
L1085[18:03:39] <PaleoCrafter> https://gist.github.com/RainWarrior/0618131f51b8d37b80a6
L1086[18:03:41] <williewillus> but then how do I specify rotations more precise than what vanilla allows?
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L1088[18:04:36] <shadekiller666> willie, one sec
L1089[18:04:51] <PaleoCrafter> I just linked it, lol :P
L1090[18:05:13] <williewillus> is there an example of that in use .-.
L1091[18:05:47] <PaleoCrafter> it's as simple as "transform": { "rotation": { "axis": degrees } } in a variant :P
L1092[18:06:13] <shadekiller666> willie, look at the "normal" and "inventory" "transform" keys: https://gist.github.com/shadekiller666/7ed83c958474835b1a62
L1093[18:06:46] <shadekiller666> in the "inventory" block, in "transform", "rotation is an array of {}, and each number is in degrees unrestricted
L1094[18:07:10] <shadekiller666> or "rotation" can be just 1 axis, like it is in the "normal" block
L1095[18:07:30] <shadekiller666> for the array version, the rotations are applied in the order in which they are defined
L1096[18:07:47] <shadekiller666> so in that case the "y" would be applied first, then "x", etc
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L1098[18:08:32] <williewillus> ah i get it now
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L1100[18:09:10] <shadekiller666> you can also define "rotation" as a quaternion, but its easier to do it this way
L1101[18:09:11] <williewillus> can we use the forge:default-item/tool/block transforms for things that only have an item form?
L1102[18:09:22] <shadekiller666> mhmm
L1103[18:09:46] <shadekiller666> just use them in the "inventory" key, "normal" applies to the in-world model i think
L1104[18:10:21] <gigaherz> yup "inventory" is for the ItemBlock, while "normal" is for non-stateful blocks in the world
L1105[18:10:37] <gigaherz> by default, "inventory" maps to "normal"
L1106[18:10:51] <gigaherz> but if your block has states, you have to manually indicate which state corresponds to the item in hand
L1107[18:10:56] <gigaherz> or well, which model
L1108[18:11:14] <shadekiller666> for example, the "normal" in the json i linked rotates the block's model 45 degrees in the world
L1109[18:11:40] <williewillus> but i mean like for an item that doesnt even have a block form
L1110[18:12:06] <williewillus> still use this format?
L1111[18:12:21] <gigaherz> an item only exists in inventory form
L1112[18:12:26] <gigaherz> you don't have variants in it
L1113[18:13:00] <gigaherz> I never tried the default transform things though
L1114[18:13:05] <gigaherz> so no idea how they are even supposed to work
L1115[18:13:06] <gigaherz> XD
L1116[18:13:07] <shadekiller666> yes willie
L1117[18:13:12] <gigaherz> but I'd assume so?
L1118[18:13:21] <shadekiller666> item-only ones should work pretty much the same
L1119[18:13:45] <Vorquel> What's the easier way to deal wih angles, shadekiller666?
L1120[18:13:54] <shadekiller666> ?
L1121[18:13:58] <shadekiller666> in the jsons?
L1122[18:14:26] <Vorquel> I was just wondering what the question was that I came in halfway through
L1123[18:14:41] <shadekiller666> https://gist.github.com/shadekiller666/7ed83c958474835b1a62 look at the "rotation" keys
L1124[18:15:17] <Vorquel> What is that, Euler angles?
L1125[18:15:21] <shadekiller666> mhmm
L1126[18:15:40] <PaleoCrafter> don't worry, you can use quaternions too :P
L1127[18:15:41] <williewillus> can I rotate individual cubes in a model more precise than 22.5 or do I need to use submodels and rotate those
L1128[18:15:41] <shadekiller666> "rotation" can be defined in a quaternion, but its easier to use eulers
L1129[18:16:19] <shadekiller666> willie, if you want to rotate individual pieces they'd have to be separate submodels
L1130[18:16:33] <shadekiller666> or an obj but thats not pulled yet
L1131[18:16:44] <PaleoCrafter> uhm... b3d :P
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L1133[18:17:13] <shadekiller666> that too, if you bake the rotation in ahead of time
L1134[18:17:19] <shadekiller666> and iterate through the keyframes
L1135[18:17:33] <PaleoCrafter> well, if it's an item, you can't do anything else anyway :P
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L1137[18:22:10] <Zaggy1024> how does one make the chunk not re-render and update light when my block changes states?
L1138[18:22:35] <PaleoCrafter> don't use 3 as flag for setBlockState :P
L1139[18:22:46] <gigaherz> specify a flag, but not make it 3 ;PO
L1140[18:23:30] <Zaggy1024> urgh I'm stupid
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L1142[18:24:07] <Zaggy1024> so I think what was causing the ridiculous lag in my dimensions was that the leaves started out with CHECK_DECAY true and when they set it false it sends a packet to the client to update
L1143[18:24:14] <Zaggy1024> and that caused tons and tons of chunk updates
L1144[18:24:16] <Zaggy1024> >.<
L1145[18:29:00] <MattDahEpic> anyone knows the class name for the 1.9 end city/ship generation
L1146[18:29:05] <MattDahEpic> ?
L1147[18:29:43] <williewillus> okay I'm being really dumb right now. But I want to use the default transform for items without recopying the vanilla one over and over or having a dummy parent json...this is the item *model* json, I register the normal way, and it doesnt work >.>
L1148[18:29:44] <williewillus> http://pastebin.com/mxBkAMAa
L1149[18:29:56] <williewillus> the "forge:default-item" thing
L1150[18:30:29] <PaleoCrafter> that thing only works for blockstates :P
L1151[18:30:40] <PaleoCrafter> and afaik, you don't need to specify any transforms
L1152[18:30:54] <williewillus> i just asked if I could use it on something that only had an item form and was told yes lol
L1153[18:31:02] <williewillus> no, the no-transforms is angled wron
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L1156[18:31:49] <PaleoCrafter> impossibru
L1157[18:32:05] <williewillus> http://gyazo.com/c4f48dbdb88a0ac37554f26a37239373 vs http://gyazo.com/3b069212e8b7a1d833626382ca366d59
L1158[18:32:07] <williewillus> first is default
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L1160[18:32:17] <williewillus> second is whta vanilla respecifies in every json over and over again
L1161[18:32:30] <PaleoCrafter> hm, PR it then :P
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L1163[18:34:08] <shadekiller666> willie
L1164[18:34:28] <shadekiller666> for item-only ones, use a forge blockstate
L1165[18:34:59] <shadekiller666> the "forge:default-item" key only works in jsons marked with "forge_marker": 1
L1166[18:35:17] <shadekiller666> which denotes that forge should load it, instead of passing it to vanilla's parser
L1167[18:35:24] <williewillus> so like instead of registering a item model json to ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation I give it a forge blockstate json?
L1168[18:35:34] <shadekiller666> yep
L1169[18:35:49] <PaleoCrafter> may I tell you that that is fucking counter-intuitive? :P
L1170[18:36:02] <shadekiller666> just put the json in blockstate folder, and name it whatever string you pass to setCustomModelResourceLocation
L1171[18:36:07] <shadekiller666> ya well
L1172[18:36:13] <shadekiller666> i didn't write it
L1173[18:36:42] <Sannholm> !dcc
L1174[18:37:03] <shadekiller666> O.o
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L1176[18:37:18] <shadekiller666> so it seems like world.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock is broken?
L1177[18:37:56] <shadekiller666> in a flat world with the "water world" preset, it returns the pos of the water block directly above the sand layer
L1178[18:38:07] <shadekiller666> instead of the pos of the top most water block...
L1179[18:40:27] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
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L1182[18:45:20] <williewillus> probably just got misnamed?
L1183[18:46:06] <williewillus> okay more derping, i did this and crashed trying to find builtin/generated :p http://pastebin.com/W1uz8J41
L1184[18:46:46] <PaleoCrafter> yeah, it doesn't work that way
L1185[18:46:48] <shadekiller666> move "model" to the "defaults" block as shown in the gist i linked earlier
L1186[18:48:16] <shadekiller666> and also move the "textures" to "defaults" as well
L1187[18:48:25] <shadekiller666> and leave just the "transform" in "inventory"
L1188[18:48:49] <shadekiller666> also, you might need the "normal" key with just [{}], after it
L1189[18:49:10] <shadekiller666> so that the parser doesn't get angry that something is missing, but i'm not 100% sure about that
L1190[18:49:40] <williewillus> still crashes trying to find builtin/generated in minecraft:block/....not sure if this actually works for items or not lol
L1191[18:50:15] <PaleoCrafter> as I said :P
L1192[18:51:42] *** Lathanael|afk is now known as Lathanael|Away
L1193[18:51:59] <shadekiller666> i've done it with an item-only before
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L1195[18:55:17] <shadekiller666> aha!
L1196[18:55:28] <shadekiller666> willie: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/test/resources/assets/forgedebugitemlayermodel/blockstates/TestItem.json
L1197[18:55:58] <shadekiller666> thats the "blockstate" json for an item-only forge blockstate
L1198[18:56:05] <williewillus> forge:item-layer
L1199[18:56:12] <williewillus> completely undocumented yay :p
L1200[18:56:12] <shadekiller666> mhmm
L1201[18:56:15] <shadekiller666> lol
L1202[18:56:53] <shadekiller666> well you have to dig through the example mods on the forge github repo to find it
L1203[18:57:24] <shadekiller666> a good majority of what the forge blockstates can do is in those somewhere, you just have to find them :P
L1204[18:58:03] <williewillus> i hope someone documents it once it stabilizes 0.o
L1205[18:58:58] <shadekiller666> mhmm
L1206[18:59:23] <shadekiller666> thats one thing fry needs to do when he gets back, though he kind of documented the forge blockstates
L1207[18:59:47] <williewillus> wat
L1208[18:59:50] <williewillus> same crash
L1209[19:00:03] <shadekiller666> ?
L1210[19:00:14] <shadekiller666> can i see your json again?
L1211[19:00:15] <williewillus> I'll move it out of the defaults and see
L1212[19:00:36] <shadekiller666> make it look like the last one i linked
L1213[19:00:48] <shadekiller666> the one that referenced "forge:item-layer"
L1214[19:02:08] <williewillus> made it look exact same except for texture name and it crashes
L1215[19:02:11] <williewillus> maybe I'm registering wrong
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L1219[19:05:19] <shadekiller666> wtf, skype is now able to auto-play video advertisements?
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L1221[19:05:45] <shadekiller666> willie, this is the mod file for that TestItem json: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/test/java/net/minecraftforge/debug/ItemLayerModelDebug.java
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L1228[19:29:24] <williewillus> shadekiller666: yeah i do exactly that :/ this is weird
L1229[19:29:51] <shadekiller666> :/
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L1232[19:33:49] <williewillus> the Forge blockstate deserializer adds block/ in front of everything and I dont see special handling for item-layer so I'm confused as to how that test worked
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L1235[19:36:37] <shadekiller666> O.o
L1236[19:36:46] <shadekiller666> i know that item actually works... wtf
L1237[19:36:55] <shadekiller666> the one that that json is for i mean
L1238[19:37:03] <shadekiller666> it works in my obj loader dev env
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L1241[19:37:38] <williewillus> ah I did ModelLoader.addVariantName for it. That might be why
L1242[19:38:43] <shadekiller666> mhmm
L1243[19:39:41] <shadekiller666> and i found where the game checks for "forge:item-layer" if you look in "client/model/ItemLayerModel" its at the bottom of the class
L1244[19:39:46] <shadekiller666> well bottom of the file
L1245[19:39:53] <killjoy> Have all the 1.7 snapshots dissapeared from the launcher?
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L1247[19:40:24] <williewillus> why does addVariantName break it? becuase it's a item think?
L1248[19:40:51] <williewillus> okay so it loads now but texture is gone :p lemme recheck again
L1249[19:41:28] <gigaherz> addVariant is required for items though?
L1250[19:41:32] <williewillus> mode definition for ...#inventory not found
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L1252[19:42:51] <shadekiller666> O.o
L1253[19:42:56] <williewillus> so more like it took out the model instead of fixing it lol
L1254[19:43:16] <shadekiller666> you are just not having an easy time with this are you?
L1255[19:43:18] <gigaherz> yeah no addVariant == mc won't even try to load the item model
L1256[19:43:44] <williewillus> its not a big deal to not be able to use them for itme-only's but I'm just curious why it seemingly doesnt work for me
L1257[19:43:56] <williewillus> I'm gonna clone forge and see if that works
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L1259[19:44:01] <gigaherz> I really haven't figured out any way to get forge to load a custom item model aside of using my obj loader's registration process
L1260[19:44:13] <gigaherz> and injecting the model in the model bake event
L1261[19:46:27] <shadekiller666> willie, can i see your code and json again?
L1262[19:46:40] <Vorquel> I don't see any snapshots besides 1.9 ones, killjoy.
L1263[19:46:53] <killjoy> That's what I thought.
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L1266[19:48:01] <Vorquel> That must be recent. I remember seeing them just a couple days ago.
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L1268[19:48:49] <williewillus> they only keep snapshots like 5 weeks back on the launcher
L1269[19:49:00] <killjoy> This is why I ask. http://imgur.com/g3jrab1
L1270[19:49:18] <shadekiller666> !gm func_175757_a
L1271[19:49:37] <killjoy> I was testing things and was expecting more than 3 snapshots to show up.
L1272[19:50:15] <williewillus> shadekiller666: https://github.com/williewillus/AdventureBackpack3
L1273[19:50:27] <Vorquel> Well, it's not Lex's fault.
L1274[19:50:59] <shadekiller666> willie, which item are we talking about?
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L1276[19:51:35] <williewillus> CraftingComponent, specifically I only tried doing the forge json for meta 1 (which is backpack_tank)
L1277[19:53:57] <shadekiller666> so in-game is the backpack_tank just rendered as the missing texture?
L1278[19:54:17] <williewillus> if I removed ModelLoader.addVariant model is not found, if i have it, it crashes
L1279[19:54:28] <williewillus> saying "forge:block/item-layer not found"
L1280[19:54:41] <shadekiller666> O.o
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L1283[19:56:26] <Ri5ux> All the shit in my mod.... http://i.imgur.com/XTOaj0X.png
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L1285[19:57:04] <shadekiller666> in the console, when you run the game without ModelLoader.addVariant(), what does it say when it prints the error for the model not being found? ie. the part before the #inventory
L1286[19:57:23] <williewillus> model definition not found for adventurebackpack3:backpack_tank#inventory
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L1288[19:57:43] <Vorquel> Dats some cool stuff Ri5ux
L1289[19:57:48] <Ri5ux> Thanks
L1290[19:58:05] <Ri5ux> HassanS6000 helped with some of it.
L1291[19:59:34] <Vorquel> I feel like I just looked at hundreds of hours of work.
L1292[19:59:44] <Ri5ux> 3 years of work.
L1293[20:00:21] <Vorquel> dang
L1294[20:00:50] <Vorquel> keeping up with mc alone in that timeframe is daunting
L1295[20:01:01] <Ri5ux> :P
L1296[20:01:10] <williewillus> bleh, switch projects for now, I'll look at it later
L1297[20:01:49] <Vorquel> Makes me excited to get started on my next project
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L1299[20:03:20] <shadekiller666> willie, are all of the CraftingComponent.ComponentTypes supposed to be 1 item/model?
L1300[20:03:34] <shadekiller666> and the texture would change based on meta?
L1301[20:03:49] <shadekiller666> similar to vanilla dye?
L1302[20:03:54] <williewillus> yeah
L1303[20:04:46] <shadekiller666> hmm
L1304[20:04:52] <gigaherz> williewillus: at this point, I must offer a look at my obj model loader XD
L1305[20:05:00] <Ri5ux> Mine is better <3
L1306[20:05:21] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/models/ObjModelRegistrationHelper.java#L93
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L1309[20:06:05] <gigaherz> the way I do it is as follows: 1. in my clientproxy, I "register" with my loader the items/blocks that I want to have my own models instead of the normal json processing
L1310[20:06:18] <shadekiller666> hmm
L1311[20:06:20] <gigaherz> 2. on texture stitch, I add all texture references needed by them
L1312[20:06:28] <gigaherz> 3. on model bake, I generate BakedModels for them
L1313[20:07:38] <gigaherz> the ICustomModelLoader method is supported, but not used
L1314[20:07:44] <gigaherz> because I haven't been able to use it for items
L1315[20:08:01] <shadekiller666> let me test something
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L1318[20:11:24] <Ri5ux> Just for the record, "bake" is a terrible term. This isnt homec.
L1319[20:11:36] <gigaherz> it's still used in graphics
L1320[20:11:39] <Vorquel> makes me hungry
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L1322[20:11:59] <Ri5ux> There's gotta be a better synonym to "bake"
L1323[20:12:05] <gigaherz> "baked animations" refer to having a model file with one mesh for each animation frame
L1324[20:12:14] <gigaherz> "baked lighting" refers to precomputed light information
L1325[20:12:24] <Ri5ux> I know what it refers to...
L1326[20:12:26] ⇦ Quits: CovertJaguar (~you@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1327[20:12:28] <Ri5ux> But bake sounds retarded
L1328[20:12:42] <gigaherz> and well, they bake electronics too
L1329[20:12:42] <Vorquel> I didn't know that. TIL
L1330[20:12:42] <gigaherz> XD
L1331[20:12:50] <Cazzar> If you use any word enough it sounds retarded
L1332[20:13:07] <gigaherz> you bake a circuit board -- literally -- to melt the tin, and put things in place
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L1334[20:13:08] <gigaherz> XD
L1335[20:13:17] <Ri5ux> AKA reflowing
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L1338[20:13:35] <Ri5ux> Honestly reflowModel sounds better
L1339[20:13:39] <Ri5ux> Liek fuck
L1340[20:13:51] <gigaherz> only the first time
L1341[20:13:55] <gigaherz> repeat it 5-10 times in your head
L1342[20:13:56] <gigaherz> XD
L1343[20:14:16] <Ri5ux> At least reflow doesnt refer to the thing I do when i go in the kitchen
L1344[20:14:45] <Ri5ux> I'm just going to name a method washDishes and have it render a model.
L1345[20:14:50] <Ri5ux> Also putInMicrowave
L1346[20:14:54] <shadekiller666> willie, does the sleeping_bag have a model? or is that handled in a different way?
L1347[20:14:57] <Vorquel> eatCake
L1348[20:14:57] <Cazzar> reflow would assume that the model wasn't static to begin with
L1349[20:15:29] <williewillus> shadekiller666: they all have item model jsons, I was just trying the forge thing out with one particular meta value
L1350[20:16:09] <Ri5ux> Hell, flushToilet
L1351[20:16:28] <shadekiller666> hmm
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L1353[20:18:56] <Vorquel> I would use crystalize or unroll, but bake is sensible enough for me
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L1355[20:19:31] <gigaherz> IMO, of all the misuses of bake, it makes more sense than most
L1356[20:19:46] <gigaherz> you take the "ingredients", put them through a process, so that they are ready to consume
L1357[20:19:49] <gigaherz> isn't that baking? ;P
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L1359[20:20:45] <Vorquel> In any case, using an idustry standard term that's a little dumb is better than having to explain your naming convension every time IMO
L1360[20:21:22] <Ri5ux> updateModel isn't good enough?
L1361[20:21:31] <gigaherz> no, it's not updating it
L1362[20:21:38] <Ri5ux> In a way, it is.
L1363[20:21:47] <gigaherz> the bake process converts the model info into BakeQuads, which are then converted into the VBO/displaylist
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L1365[20:25:06] <Ri5ux> Uh, so then convertModel?
L1366[20:25:51] <gigaherz> but convert to? ;P
L1367[20:26:07] <gigaherz> "convert to rendering-ready format" is exatly what "baking" implies ;P
L1368[20:26:10] <Ri5ux> convertModelToQuads?
L1369[20:26:31] <Vorquel> convertModelToBaked or bakeModel for short :P
L1370[20:26:42] <Ri5ux> But then it has bake in it
L1371[20:26:51] <shadekiller666> willie, this is interesting
L1372[20:26:55] <Vorquel> joke
L1373[20:27:21] <shadekiller666> i opened my obj dev env, and added a sub item for the TestItem thats in the example
L1374[20:27:22] <williewillus> ?
L1375[20:27:30] <williewillus> it breaks
L1376[20:27:44] <shadekiller666> and i found a way to get it to load the model for both of them
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L1378[20:28:40] <shadekiller666> but, (and this may be because i'm pointing them to the same json) both meta data values use the same texture
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L1380[20:29:01] <shadekiller666> i might be doing the texture assignment wrong though
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L1383[20:39:12] <Cazzar> Ri5ux: Here's my answer to your issue, it is what it is, get over it :3
L1384[20:39:27] * Ri5ux just likes to complain
L1385[20:40:03] <Cazzar> Hence the last comment :P
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L1387[20:45:28] <shadekiller666> willie, what is the error message when you have ModelLoader.addVariantName?
L1388[20:47:20] <williewillus> simple model definition not found
L1389[20:47:39] <williewillus> Model definition for adventurebackpack3:backpack_tank#inventory not found
L1390[20:49:45] <shadekiller666> hmmm
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L1394[21:03:11] <Flashfire> Is there a way to add multiple color codes to an itemstack name without it messing up on build?
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L1396[21:06:32] <tterrag> Flashfire: use EnumChatFormatting
L1397[21:06:43] <tterrag> class files aren't UTF8
L1398[21:06:47] <tterrag> so the section char won't work right
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L1402[21:15:19] <Flashfire> It didn't let me use that more than once
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L1404[21:16:31] <Flashfire> Nvm I found a workaround, thanks
L1405[21:16:52] <williewillus> EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "Your text here: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + " more stuff here" ?
L1406[21:17:39] <Flashfire> I actually wanted both an effect and a color
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L1408[21:18:04] <Flashfire> So I just did chatformattingcolor + "" + chatformattingeffect
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L1426[21:54:21] <killjoy1> For some reason, eclipse didn't error when I used a non-final variable in an anonymous inner class
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L1428[21:54:48] <killjoy1> Does effectively final also count for anonymous classes now in java 8?
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L1430[21:56:45] <gigaherz> I guess they could havechanged the closure semantics for anonymous classes -- my experience with java8 is extremely limited
L1431[21:58:02] <gigaherz> " This was all true for Java 7, keep in mind that with Java 8, closures have been introduced and now it is indeed possible to access a non-final field of a class from its inner class. – Mathias Bader Oct 24 '14 at 14:41 "
L1432[21:58:14] <Laceh> welp rapidjson-java now officially is on par with gson feature wise, and better performance wise :D
L1433[21:58:15] <gigaherz> I had to get to a cached copy because the comment was gone from the live versions
L1434[21:58:35] <gigaherz> it does appear that it has changed, based on this comment
L1435[21:58:43] <gigaherz> butthe fact that the comment is gone COULD mean it was wrong?
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L1439[22:05:58] <killjoy1> Thoughts? https://github.com/MinecraftForge/Installer/compare/master...killjoy1221:master
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L1441[22:07:26] <Mraof> I was trying to get a block from a different mod in my init/load method
L1442[22:07:32] <Mraof> And it didn't exist yet at that point
L1443[22:07:49] <Mraof> So I looked at the decompiled source code and they register it in a static code block
L1444[22:07:59] <Mraof> Why would you do that
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L1446[22:08:34] <killjoy1> heh
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L1448[22:08:57] <killjoy1> Tell us who it was so we can laugh at them :D
L1449[22:09:10] <killjoy1> loljk
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L1451[22:09:21] <shadekiller666> so apparently world.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock() doesn't actually account for liquid...
L1452[22:09:32] <Mraof> Well it was a block from Nevermine
L1453[22:10:05] <Mraof> (I'm making a small mod to make some nevermine ores usable as materials for tinkers construct)
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L1456[22:11:14] <killjoy1> NeverTinkers'
L1457[22:11:17] <shadekiller666> if you make a superflat world with the Water World preset, then set a blockpos to world.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(world.getSpawnPoint()), that blockpos points to the bottom-most water block in the column of blocks
L1458[22:11:25] <Mraof> That might be a better name that what I have atm
L1459[22:11:33] <Mraof> Right now it's just NevermineTiC
L1460[22:12:02] <killjoy1> does aobd support tic?
L1461[22:12:13] <killjoy1> That's probably not the same thing, though
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L1463[22:13:16] <Mraof> aobd?
L1464[22:13:25] <killjoy1> another one bites the dust
L1465[22:13:36] <killjoy1> it adds dusts for all the ores
L1466[22:13:43] <killjoy1> all of them
L1467[22:14:00] <Mraof> Well it looks like it's actually a TIC addon
L1468[22:14:02] <killjoy1> greg would have a field day with that mod
L1469[22:14:05] <shadekiller666> so to get the top-most block, i am using a for loop with an empty body, with the arguments (blockpos.up(); world.getBlockState(blockpos.up()).getBlock().getMaterial().isLiquid(); blockpos = blockpos.up()), and i was wondering if there is another way to do that
L1470[22:14:11] <shadekiller666> like with a lambda or something
L1471[22:15:27] <killjoy1> uh..
L1472[22:15:40] <killjoy1> top most block of what?
L1473[22:15:42] <killjoy1> water?
L1474[22:15:52] <killjoy1> the water's surface?
L1475[22:16:22] <shadekiller666> well, the spawnpoint of a world is always at y 4, and i want to get the top-most block in the world, so the surface of the flat world, yes
L1476[22:16:55] <killjoy1> Ok, I see what you're trying to do.
L1477[22:17:09] <killjoy1> Shouldn't the surface be in the presets?
L1478[22:17:36] <shadekiller666> probably, but idk where to obtain those
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L1480[22:18:08] <killjoy1> Something generator
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