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L1[00:01:57] *** KuuOtava is now known as KuuOtava|Sleeping
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L19[01:48:29] <McJty> Hi
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L27[02:02:08] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20150211 mappings to Forge Maven.
L28[02:02:11] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20150211-1.8.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20150211" in build.gradle).
L29[02:02:22] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L42[03:01:07] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L43[03:01:47] <masa> how do I get the player's velocity on the server? Entity.MotioX/motionZ seem to always be 0.0, only motionY actually shows something meaningul
L44[03:02:09] <masa> and motionY is also -0.0784 when standing on the ground, which is kinda unfortunate
L45[03:02:36] <masa> and Entity.lastTickPosX seems to also be same as posX at least where I'm using it
L46[03:03:13] *** VikeStep|A is now known as VikeStep
L47[03:03:37] <Zaggy1024> masa, hmm, I remember having to deal with that
L48[03:03:43] <masa> same with prevPosX
L49[03:03:44] <Zaggy1024> hang on, I'll look
L50[03:03:48] <masa> ok, thanks
L51[03:06:26] <Zaggy1024> hmm, I'm not sure if there's a way to get the velocity on the server
L52[03:06:45] <Zaggy1024> And if you did find a value to get it, it probably wouldn't be very consistent :(
L53[03:06:50] <Zaggy1024> What do you need it for?
L54[03:07:49] <Zaggy1024> oh, and check what motionX/Y/Z is for non-player entities
L55[03:08:00] <Zaggy1024> Because I'm pretty sure the server has to keep track of their motion somehow
L56[03:09:29] <masa> yeah might be that I'm trying to use that for the player, and I believe it is handled differently because the client tells the server some things about how to move?
L57[03:09:44] <Zaggy1024> yeah
L58[03:09:46] <Zaggy1024> Probably
L59[03:09:59] <Zaggy1024> The server basically has no say in where the player is, I believe
L60[03:10:09] <Zaggy1024> Except if they're trying to move through a block or something
L61[03:10:14] <masa> I was just trying to add an option to add the player's current velocity to that of thrown ender pearls
L62[03:10:20] <Zaggy1024> ah
L63[03:10:21] <Zaggy1024> heh
L64[03:10:37] <Zaggy1024> What I would do is make the client send a packet to the server containing their velocity
L65[03:10:40] <masa> oh well, guess I'll just rip out that part
L66[03:10:44] <masa> hmm
L67[03:10:46] <masa> meh
L68[03:10:54] <masa> too much effort :p
L69[03:10:58] <Zaggy1024> yeah
L70[03:11:25] <Zaggy1024> kind of thought you might really want it to behave that way
L71[03:11:30] <Zaggy1024> but...whatever ya want
L72[03:12:20] <masa> well it hasn't behaved like that until now either, so..
L73[03:12:42] <masa> I was just interested to see how much it would change the behaviour
L74[03:12:48] <Zaggy1024> ah
L75[03:13:03] <Zaggy1024> yeah, pretty sure it's as complicated as adding a packet :P
L76[03:13:46] <masa> and I have the "elite" version of the pearl, which mounts the player, so if you could throw new pearls and the velocity would always be added, you would be travelling insanely fast after a couple of them :D
L77[03:14:08] <masa> the server would probably cry under the chunk load/unload stress :p
L78[03:14:11] <Zaggy1024> lol
L79[03:14:15] <Zaggy1024> yeah...
L80[03:14:22] <Zaggy1024> It doesn't take much to make the server cry :P
L81[03:14:26] <masa> yeah
L82[03:14:36] <masa> 1.8 is just crap, at least in vanilla
L83[03:14:40] <masa> and even 1.8.1
L84[03:15:04] <masa> my server is at like 120% CPU usage and crying about can't keep up, when there are just 2-3 players online
L85[03:15:14] <Zaggy1024> weird
L86[03:15:16] <masa> that's just ridiculous
L87[03:15:29] <Zaggy1024> any idea what makes it behave like that?
L88[03:15:42] <masa> granted, it's an AMD, but still, quad core 3.0 GHz CPU :p
L89[03:15:48] <masa> I wish I knew
L90[03:17:17] <masa> and all my other players are complaining about really crappy FPS at their bases, where in 1.7 it was fine. I haven't noticed that much of a difference, mainly because I have it capped at 100 FPS and I have a better CPU than my friends
L91[03:18:01] <Zaggy1024> I haven't noticed a real difference in framerate, but then again, I've only been testing mods
L92[03:18:03] <masa> byt one of them has a far newer (although still AMD) GPU than me, and he also said he gets a crappy FPS
L93[03:18:36] <masa> so not sure if it's then actually mainly limited by the CPU in this case
L94[03:18:59] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I've noticed an increase in fps in vanilla between 1.7 and 1.8, granted I have an i5 and a gtx 750 Ti...
L95[03:19:12] <masa> I do have an i7-3770K, when they have an old Phenom II and the other one has some APU I believe
L96[03:19:50] <masa> yeah it seems to vary a lot, but I do get better fps at least in some places/situations
L97[03:20:30] <masa> but some of our "cities"/villages do seem to suffer from worse FPS and what is worse, a lot of stutter
L98[03:21:11] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L99[03:22:45] ⇦ Parts: KuuOtava|Sleeping (~KuuOtava@cpe-67-242-115-42.stny.res.rr.com) ())
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L102[03:23:00] <KuuOtava> >.>
L103[03:23:18] <KuuOtava> Ahem... So... about that velocity question...
L104[03:23:29] <KuuOtava> You weren't also trying to find it's position were you? <.<
L105[03:23:46] <masa> what do you mean?
L106[03:24:02] <KuuOtava> Well.. I mean you can either know where something is, or how fast it's going.. Not both.
L107[03:24:04] <KuuOtava> *runs*
L108[03:24:19] <masa> basically I was trying to read entity.motionX/Y/Z, but X and Z were always 0.0
L109[03:24:25] <KuuOtava> ... It's a physics joke, nevermind. XD
L110[03:24:26] <masa> haha, right
L111[03:24:54] <KuuOtava> Never thought THAT information would come in handy, not even for a joke.
L112[03:25:29] <masa> well, it seems that the server knows exactly where the player is, but has no idea where it's going :p
L113[03:25:39] <masa> which makes sense
L114[03:25:40] <KuuOtava> *grins* See!
L115[03:26:02] ⇦ Quits: tattyseal (~tattyseal@ (Quit: Leaving)
L116[03:30:23] <KuuOtava> I like hanging out in here, while I'm trying to learn to code, I learn about the most interesting mods.
L117[03:36:37] <Ivorius> There is actually a quantum physics mod
L118[03:36:42] <Ivorius> Or at least there was
L119[03:37:13] <masa> qcraft or something else?
L120[03:37:43] <Ivorius> No idea, I just know that it existed :P
L121[03:41:07] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L122[03:42:39] *** Ordinastie is now known as Ordi|Away
L123[03:42:47] <Ivorius> I have seen its impacts
L124[03:42:58] <Ivorius> But I can't say without question that I have seen the mod itself
L125[03:44:11] <KuuOtava> I have not used it, but I've seen it, long ago.
L126[03:44:21] <masa> well afaik qcraft was somehow made in collaboration with... umm.. google? or some other big shot thing
L127[03:44:48] <masa> it has those quantom entagled blocks and quantum computers tha tteleport stuff
L128[03:44:56] <masa> s/tom/tum/
L129[03:46:31] <masa> why does my TODO list for the next release always grow at the same rate that I finish stuff from it...
L130[03:46:40] <masa> annoying
L131[03:49:30] *** Quetzi|off is now known as Quetzi
L132[03:50:15] <masa> bleh, NEI crashes on me almost every time I create a new SP world, something about server.cfg
L133[03:50:29] <masa> I wonder if it's because of the antivirus
L134[03:54:24] <KuuOtava> http://qcraft.org/about/
L135[03:56:02] <flappyy> qcraft is rather not-quantum at all far as i know
L136[03:56:16] <flappyy> the main actual use for it being interserver portals
L137[03:56:40] <flappyy> which i've seen a whole one server actually use
L138[03:57:36] <KuuOtava> ....
L139[03:57:41] <KuuOtava> Qcraft is an educational application of Minecraft.
L140[03:57:53] <KuuOtava> Used by MinecraftEdu
L141[03:58:04] <KuuOtava> To help introduce some of the foundational concepts of Quantum physics.
L142[03:58:19] <KuuOtava> Flappyy - Go to the wrong corner.
L143[03:58:49] <KuuOtava> But before you go... What server uses that?
L144[03:58:52] <flappyy> KuuOtava: the what
L145[03:59:13] <flappyy> also #kirara
L146[03:59:16] <KuuOtava> The Interserver portal thing.
L147[03:59:34] <flappyy> no, the question was about the wrong corner
L148[03:59:39] <KuuOtava> Or were you referring to the 'wrong corner'.. The place you get sent when you are wrong?
L149[03:59:43] <KuuOtava> XD
L150[03:59:48] <flappyy> ...
L151[03:59:49] <KuuOtava> Click the link, you were quite wrong.
L152[03:59:52] <flappyy> Nah
L153[04:00:06] <flappyy> The mod's quite old by now
L154[04:00:10] <KuuOtava> ... It's not that mod.
L155[04:00:15] <KuuOtava> At all.
L156[04:00:17] <KuuOtava> Not even close.
L157[04:00:45] <flappyy> Yes, it's still qcraft.
L158[04:00:58] <KuuOtava> O.o But it doesn't have anything to do with interserver travel.
L159[04:00:59] *** Kaiyouko is now known as Kaiyouka
L160[04:01:02] <flappyy> And it takes a bit too much of creative liberty.
L161[04:01:08] <flappyy> Oh, but it does.
L162[04:01:25] <KuuOtava> *pulls up a chair in the wrong corner* Please.. You teach me. *Best Blix Ever*
L163[04:01:35] <flappyy> That's actually one of the main things people got actually hyped about.
L164[04:02:21] <KuuOtava> *shakes his head* Why would you put those two things in the same mod. I mean, I can think of a couple reasons.. But really.
L165[04:02:22] <flappyy> https://sites.google.com/a/elinemedia.com/qcraft/wiki/qcraft/blocks-and-items#TOC-Quantum-Portals
L166[04:02:25] <KuuOtava> Sounds like it should be it's own thing.
L167[04:02:33] <flappyy> Such is life.
L168[04:03:02] <flappyy> It's modding after all, people stuff all kinds of things in with unrelated stuff.
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L170[04:03:54] <KuuOtava> Yeah, that's been something that vexes me about modders.
L171[04:04:10] <KuuOtava> "Oh! All this stuff is awesome!... Wait.. What the heck is THIS doing in here... And no cfg file to turn it off.. What?"
L172[04:07:53] ⇨ Joins: Szernex (~Szernex@193-154-237-105.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L173[04:08:33] <masa> well good thing I'm doing a random stuffs mo that has all kinds of crap... but at least I have configs! :p
L174[04:09:07] <KuuOtava> *nods* I'm sure one day I'll look back and say "Oh that? That was a pain in the arse so I didn't config for it"
L175[04:09:15] <KuuOtava> And be all Hypocratic and stuff. >.>
L176[04:13:30] <Zaggy1024> Are we supposed to instantiate a separate IModel for each different variant of our blocks?
L177[04:13:50] <Zaggy1024> (like "block#variant=thing1" and "block#variant=thing2")
L178[04:15:05] <Zaggy1024> or is there some way to get an IBlockState to bake the model for?
L179[04:18:17] ⇦ Quits: Kashike (kashike@im.tired.of.this.black.and.blue.kitteh.club) (Quit: meow)
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L181[04:25:48] <Zaggy1024> bleh, I need to sleep 0.o
L182[04:25:52] *** Zaggy1024 is now known as Zaggy|sleep
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L186[04:31:52] <Zaggy1024> heh, that's one dang annoying quit message :P
L187[04:32:22] *** Zaggy1024 is now known as Zaggy|sleep
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L190[04:35:06] <Kruptein> hi, does any of you know if I can export a model from blender to the new .json stuff
L191[04:35:22] *** fry|sleep is now known as fry
L192[04:35:32] <Zaggy|sleep> oh, hey, fry
L193[04:35:50] <Zaggy|sleep> good timing, I was planning to go to bed :P
L194[04:36:13] <Zaggy|sleep> how does one get an IBlockState for baking a model?
L195[04:36:28] <fry> ISmartBlockModel
L196[04:36:35] <Zaggy|sleep> ah
L197[04:36:43] * Zaggy|sleep tried to find something like that, but couldn't :|
L198[04:36:50] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L199[04:38:55] <Zaggy|sleep> all this custom block model stuff is very confusing to me
L200[04:38:59] ⇨ Joins: Meow-J (webchat@
L201[04:39:26] <fry> It'll pass with time :P
L202[04:39:42] <Zaggy|sleep> I hope so
L203[04:40:17] <Zaggy|sleep> sleep time, good morning :P
L204[04:41:17] <fry> :P
L205[04:42:49] <Ivorius> Good morning, potential author of changes involving y rotations and root mesh problems :D
L206[04:43:25] ⇨ Joins: pugi (~pugi@host-091-097-050-112.ewe-ip-backbone.de)
L207[04:45:36] * fry is still sick :P
L208[04:46:03] ⇨ Joins: pixlepix (~localmaca@cpe-72-228-15-137.nycap.res.rr.com)
L209[04:47:11] <Kruptein> a cold or somethin ?
L210[04:47:14] <Kruptein> g*
L211[04:47:24] <Ivorius> He has the Bieber Fever
L212[04:47:40] <Ivorius> ????????
L213[04:48:39] *** Ivorius was kicked by fry (Ivorius))
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L215[04:48:59] <Ivorius> :D
L216[04:49:00] <fry> Low blow man :P
L217[04:49:14] <Kruptein> :p
L218[04:49:16] <Ivorius> Am I the first person you kicked?
L219[04:49:20] <Ivorius> What an honor? :P
L220[04:49:35] <fry> I've got a fever
L221[04:49:40] <fry> And the only cure
L222[04:49:43] <fry> Is more cowbell!
L223[04:50:13] ⇨ Joins: Titan (~IceChat9@vc-nat-gp-n-41-13-74-15.umts.vodacom.co.za)
L224[04:50:20] <Ivorius> :D
L225[04:50:43] ⇦ Quits: Meow-J (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L227[04:51:02] <Titan> hey guys how do i spawn a liquid block from an api mod without directly referencing it?
L228[04:51:30] <fry> http://vimeo.com/91715361
L229[04:52:43] <Kruptein> anyone that used .obj files and was able to get it to jsons ?
L230[04:53:02] <fry> That sentense doesn't make sense
L231[04:53:14] <Kruptein> I guess
L232[04:53:19] <Kruptein> I have no clue what im doing anyway :D
L233[04:53:29] <Titan> i have a TE that contains a FluidTank from which i can get the Fluid and FluidType but i dnt know how to create the fluid block from it?
L234[04:54:39] <Ivorius> Titan: if (Loader.isModLoaded("ownermodid")) {world.setBlock(x, y, z, Block.getBlockByName("ownermodid:some_mod_block")); }
L235[04:55:01] <Ivorius> Oh, you have the fluid
L236[04:55:02] ⇦ Quits: Titan (~IceChat9@vc-nat-gp-n-41-13-74-15.umts.vodacom.co.za) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L237[04:55:09] <Ivorius> Then just call fluid.getBlock()...
L238[04:55:15] <Kruptein> fry I have this model of a solar panel that was created in blender and that has a .obj file for what I assume is the uv mapping or mesh shape of some sorts, and a texture file
L239[04:55:23] <Ivorius> Be aware that it's nullable though
L240[04:55:25] <Kruptein> Im trying to get it to work in 1.8
L241[04:55:29] <Ivorius> Not every fluid has a block representation
L242[04:55:42] ⇨ Joins: Titan (~IceChat9@vc-nat-gp-n-41-13-74-15.umts.vodacom.co.za)
L243[04:56:02] <fry> Kruptein: export to b3d using this script: https://github.com/RainWarrior/B3DExport
L244[04:56:20] <Kruptein> ok ill look at it thanks
L245[04:56:21] <Titan> fry any idea?
L246[04:56:32] <fry> B3D importer is in 1.8 forge :P
L247[04:56:47] <fry> Titan: I've never worked with custom liquids, but Ivorius has some ideas :P
L248[04:57:05] <Ivorius> No fry, you have to answer this
L249[04:57:10] <Titan> i dced from irc...did i miss his msg?
L250[04:57:11] <Titan> XD
L251[04:57:21] <Ivorius> Oh, didn't notice that, lol
L252[04:57:33] <Ivorius> <Ivorius> Then just call fluid.getBlock()...
L253[04:57:33] <Ivorius> <Ivorius> Be aware that it's nullable though
L254[04:57:33] <Ivorius> <Ivorius> Not every fluid has a block representation
L255[04:57:56] <Titan> Ivorius im sure all minechem's does?
L256[04:58:04] <Ivorius> Don't count on it
L257[04:58:28] <Titan> ok ill doe NPE checking
L258[04:58:29] <Titan> do*
L259[04:58:47] <npe|office> don't check me, I'm harmless
L260[04:58:58] <Unh0ly_Tigg> lol
L261[04:59:00] <Titan> Ivorius u sure fluid.getBlock() exists?
L262[04:59:12] <Ivorius> Yes, 100% sure
L263[04:59:19] <Ivorius> Are you calling fluid.getBlock or fluidStack.getBlock
L264[04:59:46] <Titan> nvm...found it...my externaltank has an alternate getFluid method
L265[04:59:47] <McJty> I can confirm that Fluid.getBlock() does indeed exist
L266[05:00:44] <Titan> thats the source block right??
L267[05:00:52] <Titan> is there one for the flowing block?
L268[05:01:25] <Ivorius> fry: Where was that from anyway
L269[05:01:41] <fry> the video?
L270[05:01:49] <Ivorius> The scene was sort of absurd, but also kind of funny
L271[05:01:55] <fry> SNL
L272[05:02:06] <Ivorius> Oh, comedy show
L273[05:02:12] <Ivorius> Well, that would explain that x)
L274[05:02:14] <fry> Absurd funny is my favorite kind of funny :P
L275[05:02:24] <fry> (Also, there's a laugh track :P)
L276[05:03:12] <Ivorius> But this is how I'll introduce myself from now on
L277[05:03:22] <Titan> Ivorius how can i get the flowing block?
L278[05:03:23] <Ivorius> Hello, my name is Ivorius - yes, the Ivorius -
L279[05:03:46] ⇦ Quits: GreyVulpine (~ident@c-68-51-183-51.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L280[05:05:05] <Ivorius> No clue actually, Titan :P
L281[05:05:32] <Ivorius> I'm guessing the fluid system does not force you to adapt the source + flowing block system
L282[05:05:46] <Ivorius> So technically you won't know if the individual fluid does
L283[05:06:49] <Titan> doesnt it work with meta??
L284[05:07:19] <Titan> otherwise people will be able to dupe...XD
L285[05:09:35] <Kruptein> ok nice I got a b3d file now
L286[05:10:30] <Titan> Ivorius does onBlockDestroyedByExplosion fire before or after TE removal?
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L288[05:11:03] <Ivorius> Before
L289[05:11:28] <Ivorius> Kruptein: Make sure your b3d file has only one root mesh
L290[05:11:28] <Titan> ok thnx Ivorius
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L292[05:12:02] <Ivorius> And that the mesh inside goes towards +x and +z - it imports the mesh without the surrounding object transforms
L293[05:12:19] <Kruptein> I used the b3d export script
L294[05:12:28] <Kruptein> ill see what it created =p
L295[05:12:35] <Ivorius> Yes, but this is something you have to look out for in your original model
L296[05:12:44] <Kruptein> oh ok
L297[05:13:02] <Kruptein> well the obj file used to work in 1.7
L298[05:16:11] <Kruptein> now that I have the b3d file Im a bit confused what I have to do with the models/block/solarPanel.json file
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L300[05:18:04] <fry> throw it away, place b3d file there instead :P
L301[05:19:15] <Ivorius> Look at frys example code
L302[05:19:34] <Ivorius> Kruptein: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/072aca43505001650e18169346590edc072af1d3/src/test/java/net/minecraftforge/debug/ModelLoaderRegistryDebug.java
L303[05:19:48] <Ivorius> Although it's not complete
L304[05:19:54] <Ivorius> Apparently fry didn't update it yet :P
L305[05:20:10] <fry> What's wrong?
L306[05:20:16] <Ivorius> The custom state mapper is missing
L307[05:20:48] <Kruptein> if I just replace the solarPanel.json with solarPanel.b3d it complains that there is no solarPanel.json file :p
L308[05:20:55] <fry> It's still using ItemRenderer, it's fine :P
L309[05:21:09] ⇦ Quits: Genuine (GenuineSou@71-92-110-206.dhcp.knwc.wa.charter.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L310[05:21:09] <fry> Kruptein: edit your blockstate and put b3d there :P
L311[05:21:51] ⇦ Quits: mezz_ (~quassel@2601:9:6b00:9e0:6d70:363e:dd8c:4de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L312[05:27:51] <Kruptein> im feeling so stupid, you mean replace the model path in blockstates/solarPanel.json from "modid:solarPanel" to "modid:solarPanel.b3d" right ?
L313[05:27:59] ⇦ Quits: Krenair (~Krenair@ZNC.MonsterProjects.org) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L314[05:28:42] <fry> Yup
L315[05:28:58] <Kruptein> then it complains it cant find solarPanel.b3d.json :D
L316[05:29:16] <fry> Check that your b3d is in a right place :P
L317[05:29:20] ⇦ Quits: Prophet (~Comstock@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L318[05:30:02] <Kruptein> its in models/block/solarPanel.b3d
L319[05:30:18] ⇨ Joins: Krenair (~Krenair@ZNC.MonsterProjects.org)
L320[05:30:27] <fry> Should work then
L321[05:31:26] <Kruptein> Exception loading model fulgora:models/block/solarPanel.b3d with vanilla loader, skipping
L322[05:31:26] <Kruptein> java.io.FileNotFoundException: fulgora:models/block/solarPanel.b3d.json
L323[05:31:47] <Kruptein> ok I cant read
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L325[05:32:00] <Kruptein> so the b3d just has something wrong
L326[05:32:03] <fry> B3DLoader.instance.addDomain(MODID.toLowerCase());
L327[05:32:07] <fry> did you do that? :P
L328[05:32:14] <Kruptein> I did not :)
L329[05:32:27] <Kruptein> in preInit ?
L330[05:32:33] <fry> Yup
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L336[05:43:07] <ollieread> You love that b3d loader don't you fry
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L338[05:43:53] <fry> Why shouldn't I? :P
L339[05:45:12] <ollieread> You should /nick B3DCoder
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L341[05:45:46] <fry> You love those snarky remarks of yours, don't you ollieread? :P
L342[05:46:15] <ollieread> Sarcasm and cockiness are kind of my thing
L343[05:46:58] <Kruptein> :p
L344[05:47:10] <ollieread> For the most part, people often understand that they aren't malicious, so that's good I guess
L345[05:47:19] <fry> :P
L346[05:47:39] <ollieread> You've also got to remember that I'm English
L347[05:48:00] <ollieread> Even if I weren't specifically sarcastic and cocky, I'd still be more sarcastic and cocky than most of the non-English people in here
L348[05:48:17] * fry is watching top gear right now :P
L349[05:48:35] <ollieread> That is quite good
L350[05:48:47] <ollieread> I don't care for cars, but I often find it pretty funny
L351[05:49:01] <ollieread> Problem is, people take the things that Jeremy Clarkson says, to heart
L352[05:49:46] <ollieread> What's everyone up to anyway?
L353[05:49:49] <fry> some time ago I knew nothing at all about cars. Now I have an idea of what was on the market in 2005 :P
L354[05:50:08] <Kruptein> well thats some progress I guess :p
L355[05:50:14] <fry> 16 more seasons to go :P
L356[05:50:24] <ollieread> Just focus on the specials
L357[05:50:34] <ollieread> Argentina, India and Southern America
L358[05:50:57] * fry is watching a race between a car and a boat from london to oslo
L359[05:51:05] <ollieread> Ahaha
L360[05:51:11] <fry> Wouldn't've wantted to miss that :P
L361[05:51:14] <ollieread> I'd be amazed iif the car won
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L363[05:52:08] <fry> S06E06 :P
L364[05:52:10] <ollieread> Oslo is almost a straight line from London, by sea
L365[05:52:24] <fry> Yup
L366[05:52:43] <fry> (They flew to the north of GB first though)
L367[05:53:07] <ollieread> For the boat?
L368[05:53:16] <fry> Yup
L369[05:53:35] <ollieread> By car, you've got to go through 5 countries before you even reach Norway
L370[05:53:48] <ollieread> One of which is likely Germany
L371[05:53:58] <ollieread> I wouldn't want to top gear guys driving through Germany
L372[05:54:02] <Kruptein> ok that fileexception seems to be gone
L373[05:54:12] <fry> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glY6r_MG_qk
L374[05:54:26] <Kruptein> but now I have a missing texture textures/solarPanel.png not found, the texture is in textures/blocks/solarPanel.png :/
L375[05:54:30] <ollieread> Erm
L376[05:54:30] <ollieread> "
L377[05:54:31] <ollieread> This video contains content from BBC Worldwide, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."
L378[05:54:42] <fry> LOL
L379[05:54:49] <ollieread> Is that a fucking joke?
L380[05:54:54] <Kruptein> :D
L381[05:55:09] <fry> Kruptein: move it up 1 folder then :P
L382[05:55:17] <ollieread> I can get to the BBC HQ in 25 minutes
L383[05:55:25] <ollieread> But I can't watch BBC footage online
L384[05:55:32] <Kruptein> I mean yeah that would hopefully work, but can I specify it to a different folder fry ?
L385[05:55:44] <fry> Change the texture path in blender
L386[05:56:26] <Kruptein> the source is set to blocks\solarPanel.png
L387[06:00:42] <Kruptein> well for now I just moved it up, no more exceptions
L388[06:00:55] <ollieread> fry: Interesting fact, TopGear can't be watched on YouTube if you're from the UK
L389[06:01:07] <Kruptein> thats bs lol
L390[06:01:19] <ollieread> Because it's owned by BBC Worldwide, who are a commercial company under the BBC
L391[06:01:41] <ollieread> Instead of watching the clip on YouTube, I have to go to the BBC iPlayer website and watch the entire season for free
L392[06:01:44] <ollieread> Logic++
L393[06:02:08] <Kruptein> but obviously Im still doing something wrong http://i.imgur.com/5Q90oUi.png :D
L394[06:02:53] <ollieread> Kruptein: Have you tried placing the block 20 or so blocks above that?
L395[06:03:02] <Kruptein> not yet ill try that
L396[06:03:06] <ollieread> and then flying away from it
L397[06:03:13] <fry> Yup, might be in the ground :P
L398[06:03:16] <Kruptein> windows also complains about huge memory usage which is weird
L399[06:03:23] <Kruptein> as the 1.7 mod with more blocks had no warnings
L400[06:03:34] <ollieread> Windows complains about all sorts
L401[06:03:38] <ollieread> It just wants your attention
L402[06:03:38] <Kruptein> true
L403[06:03:52] <Kruptein> but it gives the popup to close program :D
L404[06:03:57] <ollieread> "I’m looking for a Web developer who understands SEO and Laravel."
L405[06:04:09] ⇦ Quits: pixlepix (~localmaca@cpe-72-228-15-137.nycap.res.rr.com) (Quit: pixlepix)
L406[06:04:15] <ollieread> At least this guy is honest "Just so you’re aware I’m not web talented like yourself but have previously set and lightly managed a few projects."
L407[06:04:56] <ghz|afk> wtf is Laravel?
L408[06:04:59] *** ghz|afk is now known as gigaherz
L409[06:05:02] <ollieread> A PHP framework
L410[06:05:30] <Kruptein> ollie I stacked 20, all invisible and flying around doesnt help :p
L411[06:05:39] <ollieread> Hmm weird
L412[06:06:13] <fry> What's your coord range in blender?
L413[06:06:18] <fry> (should be 0-1)
L414[06:08:34] <Kruptein> the mapping/coordinates is set to generated atm which according to the docs ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 over the bounding box of the undeformed mesh
L415[06:09:20] <gigaherz> not mapping, the actual model size
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L417[06:09:32] <gigaherz> it should lie in a box between 0,0,0 and 1,1,1
L418[06:09:45] * fry should clarify that he was asking about the position coords, yes
L419[06:10:07] <gigaherz> texture coords in models are 0..16, but I guess fry already accounted for that in the loader ;P
L420[06:10:18] <fry> Yup :P
L421[06:10:30] <fry> (you should provide 0-1 too)
L422[06:11:47] <Kruptein> it seems to be centered at 0,0,0
L423[06:11:54] <Kruptein> ok ill try to move that
L424[06:12:26] <Ivorius> Hmm, what's a good name for a block that has weighted commands
L425[06:12:36] <fry> weighted commands?
L426[06:12:45] <Ivorius> And when it's being generated as part of a structure, it randomly selects and executes one
L427[06:12:55] <Ivorius> Yes, like command block commands
L428[06:12:56] <Ivorius> Just weighted
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L431[06:14:02] <Ivorius> 'Weighted Generating Command Block' sounds just silly
L432[06:14:14] <fry> WGCB
L433[06:14:18] ⇦ Quits: Strange (uid27214@id-27214.ealing.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L434[06:14:55] <Ivorius> Initialism? hmm
L435[06:15:36] <Kruptein> does this look right http://imgur.com/vWF762k ?
L436[06:15:44] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L437[06:15:59] <Ivorius> Wtf is with your workspace setu
L438[06:16:01] <Ivorius> *setup
L439[06:16:18] <fry> Is it under the 0 plane?
L440[06:16:35] <Kruptein> most of it is darn
L441[06:16:53] <Ivorius> The mesh is also in the center of the object
L442[06:16:53] <fry> (Also, don't use object transformations - do them in edit mode :P)
L443[06:17:02] <Ivorius> Like I said, towards +x and +z
L444[06:18:07] <ollieread> Blenderfu
L445[06:18:23] <ollieread> Is a custom model really required for that sort of shape?
L446[06:18:23] ⇨ Joins: Loetkolben (~Loetkolbe@ipbcc322a2.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L447[06:22:35] <gigaherz> not for a box no
L448[06:22:48] <gigaherz> axis-aligned boxes and planes are what the jsons do best
L449[06:22:49] <gigaherz> XD
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L451[06:23:31] <fry> No.
L452[06:23:43] <fry> Semi-adequately, but not best :P
L453[06:23:53] <Ivorius> Out of the things jsons do
L454[06:23:57] <Ivorius> Jsons to AABBs best
L455[06:24:00] <Ivorius> *do
L456[06:24:03] <gigaherz> well,yeah, what they do best is reference another json XD
L457[06:24:06] <Ivorius> So that statement was completely valid :P
L458[06:24:41] <gigaherz> the elements version is more awkward to just using parent = "blocks/cube_all" ;P
L459[06:24:47] <fry> It's the best they can do :P
L460[06:25:05] <gigaherz> but yeah I mean that it's the best thing they can do, not that it's better than anythingelse
L461[06:25:07] <gigaherz> ;P
L462[06:26:20] <Kruptein> so is this better ? http://imgur.com/bXWjMUc
L463[06:26:57] <Ivorius> I still don't see it going towards +x and +z
L464[06:26:59] <Kruptein> I didnt create this model, Im just trying to convert it to 1.8 thats why Im not using the elements stuff, the model already existed
L465[06:27:16] <Kruptein> wait in which direction is it going now
L466[06:27:17] <Ivorius> Or I guess it does, but not within the 0->1 bounds
L467[06:27:34] <fry> Ivorius: y is to the left in that screenshot
L468[06:27:41] <Ivorius> Oh x)
L469[06:27:47] <Ivorius> Well, then perhaps
L470[06:28:07] <fry> Kruptein: try seeing it in the game now :P
L471[06:28:11] <Kruptein> still invis :/
L472[06:28:28] <Ivorius> Are you on the latest Forge
L473[06:28:38] <Ivorius> fry fixed a related issue recently
L474[06:33:15] ⇦ Quits: Jugz (~Dalton@c-71-224-185-123.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L475[06:34:37] <Kruptein> im updating atm
L476[06:35:19] <masa> gah, I'm head desking again... I don't understand why me calling nbt.removeTag("name"); somehow causes some other NBT changes to not persist
L477[06:36:29] <masa> oh...
L478[06:36:32] <masa> wait a minute
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L481[06:45:46] <masa> nope, wtf
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L483[06:48:11] *** big_Xplo|Off is now known as big_Xplosion
L484[06:48:22] <Kruptein> I updated to 1309 still invis
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L489[06:53:31] <Ivorius> Kruptein: Any logged errors?
L490[06:53:51] <Kruptein> nope
L491[06:54:02] <Ivorius> Paste your setup code then
L492[06:54:32] <fry> And show your b3d file, if you can :P
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L494[06:59:41] <Kruptein> these are the core related files I think http://dpaste.com/0CJB3XB
L495[07:00:20] <Kruptein> https://www.dropbox.com/s/ip1agtc96k7wsx6/solarPanel.b3d?dl=0
L496[07:02:59] <Lumien> !gm World.updateLightByType
L497[07:03:19] <Lumien> does somebody know what's the (whether there is) a 1.8 equivalent of World.updateLightByType ?
L498[07:03:44] ⇦ Quits: VictiniX888 (~VictiniX8@ (Quit: >.<)
L499[07:03:54] <Kruptein> setLightFor or something ?
L500[07:04:41] <Lumien> hmm
L501[07:04:41] <Lumien> thx
L502[07:12:38] *** Cozza38 is now known as Cozza38|Away
L503[07:13:07] <fry> Kruptein: well, it certanly loads for me: http://i.imgur.com/e3tBUzg.png :P
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L506[07:14:34] <Kruptein> well
L507[07:15:23] <Kruptein> can you zip your code or something ?
L508[07:15:43] <fry> I didn't touch the code :P
L509[07:15:57] <Kruptein> D:
L510[07:16:05] <fry> Just replaced "untitled2.b3d" with "solarPanel.b3d" :P
L511[07:16:14] <Kruptein> oh I see
L512[07:16:39] <Kruptein> so I load the block wrong
L513[07:16:43] <fry> (Good way to test if the problem is the code or the model :P)
L514[07:17:32] <Kaiyouka> lol
L515[07:18:23] ⇦ Quits: Z6fans (~Z6fans@pool-71-162-180-192.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L516[07:19:22] <Kaiyouka> What the hell is a b3d file?
L517[07:20:03] <fry> model format with decnt specification, exporter from blender and animation support :P
L518[07:20:04] <Ivorius> Dost thou knoweth the Google?
L519[07:20:07] ⇨ Joins: featurive (~Thunderbi@2001:983:315f:1:4c64:45c5:20e1:b9ea)
L520[07:20:57] <Kaiyouka> Ivorius: It's 6:20 AM. Dost thou expecteth mine brain be function primly?
L521[07:21:32] <Ivorius> It is expected of it at all times
L522[07:22:56] <Kaiyouka> Well... ... Too bloody bad
L523[07:22:58] <Kaiyouka> :p
L524[07:23:01] <Kruptein> :p
L525[07:23:37] <Kaiyouka> I spent 3 hours drawing a wallpaper, burnt myself out, and now I'm too burnt out to even sleep.. however that works.
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L532[07:48:28] <Kruptein> aha I finally found the culprit
L533[07:48:33] <Kruptein> ok got them to render thanks fry !
L534[07:48:45] <fry> \o/
L535[07:48:50] <Kruptein> there where still two methods setRenderId and getRenderType hidden somewhere
L536[07:48:54] <Kruptein> removing those did it
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L538[07:49:40] <Kruptein> is renderAsNormalBlock now isFullCube ?
L539[07:50:27] <Kruptein> now In eed to fix the solarpanel to actually lay on the ground where you click instead of some weird offset location
L540[07:50:58] <Kaiyouka> oooh solar panels
L541[07:55:32] <Lumien> ok 1.8s World.setLightFor does not seem to do the same thing as the 1.7.10 World.updateLightByType
L542[07:56:18] <Kruptein> do tell me when you find a solution then!
L543[07:57:11] <Lumien> i think it might be World.checkLightFor
L544[07:59:58] <Kruptein> could be it
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L548[08:03:01] <Lumien> yes it is
L549[08:03:10] <Kruptein> nice ty
L550[08:03:48] <Lumien> if i wanna manipulate the skins of players, should i actually "edit" the skin texture on the fly or just render the player "again" with my changes in like an overlay
L551[08:04:30] <Kaiyouka> What sort of "edit" are you doing?
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L553[08:04:58] <Lumien> changing the colors of pixels
L554[08:05:00] <Ivorius> Lumien: The latter would not work for things like skull blocks
L555[08:05:07] <Ivorius> So it depends on what you want
L556[08:05:33] <Lumien> Why would that not work?
L557[08:05:38] <Lumien> If i let the player render normally
L558[08:05:50] <Lumien> then change the skin texture to mine and render it again
L559[08:05:59] <Lumien> actually
L560[08:06:07] <Ivorius> Then skulls with the player texture would not be affected
L561[08:06:15] <Lumien> oh they don't have to
L562[08:06:20] <Lumien> just for actually living players
L563[08:06:21] <Ivorius> Do you want them to
L564[08:06:28] <Ivorius> Ah
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L566[08:06:35] <Ivorius> Then I wouldn't do the former
L567[08:06:44] <Ivorius> Because that would affect skull blocks and the like
L568[08:09:34] <Lumien> hmm is there an event in 1.8 thats fired after the "player" has been rendered but before stuff like armor is?
L569[08:10:09] <Ivorius> Why would that matter
L570[08:10:25] <Ivorius> it doesn't really matter if you render before or after the armor :P
L571[08:11:12] <Ivorius> If you want to render player overlays, you might want to look at Kihira's last ModJam mod
L572[08:11:17] <Ivorius> She did something like that in there
L573[08:11:53] ⇦ Quits: Cojo (~Cojosan@ncsu-nat1-5.ncstate.net) (Quit: Beds explode goodnight)
L574[08:12:15] <Lumien> yeah she seems to edit the player skin itself
L575[08:12:18] <Lumien> i might just do that
L576[08:12:54] <Lumien> the problem is that i have to make changes to it quite frequently as in every tick
L577[08:13:22] <Ivorius> Then maybe you shouldn't edit the texture :P
L578[08:15:36] <Lumien> i mean i have to change the texture "overlay" every tick as well so i would assume it wouldn't be THAT bad
L579[08:22:02] <Ivorius> You should never make the CPU render a texture each tick :P
L580[08:23:25] <Lumien> well i mean it's a skin texture
L581[08:23:27] <Lumien> it's not huge
L582[08:23:42] <Lumien> and i believe i read something about a way to "quickly" transfer pixel data from the cpu to the gpu
L583[08:23:51] <TTFTCUTS> you could perhaps attempt to render a secondary layer of player model, each piece slightly upscaled on the player render
L584[08:24:06] <TTFTCUTS> but that would break down in the case of anything that changes the player mode;
L585[08:24:10] <TTFTCUTS> *model
L586[08:24:33] <Lumien> yeah exactly
L587[08:24:54] ⇦ Quits: _3lionz_ (~3z@host86-176-34-102.range86-176.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L588[08:25:10] <Lumien> i could also use a shader for that right?
L589[08:25:18] <Lumien> i mean for the texture manipulation
L590[08:25:35] <ollieread> Gotta love the sites where they list phone numbers and people comment with their experiences
L591[08:25:38] <ollieread> "I got caught once by phoneing back , it costs about 10p a second ."
L592[08:25:44] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L593[08:26:01] <ollieread> A local rate number at £6 per minute? What an idiot
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L612[09:06:35] <Lymia> Is the 1.8 forge only for 1.8? Not 1.8.1 or 1.8.2?
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L615[09:12:44] <gigaherz> Lymia: exactly
L616[09:13:14] <gigaherz> IIRC, in the release post lex said there would be a 1.8.2 version, but I suppose that means no 1.8.1
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L618[09:15:58] <fredtargaryen> Hello?
L619[09:16:20] <gigaherz> hello
L620[09:17:22] <fredtargaryen> Oh hi
L621[09:17:53] <gigaherz> this is IRC, we just lurk around unlesswe have something to say ;P
L622[09:18:23] ⇦ Quits: Achielleus (~Achielleu@2a02:2c40:200::5efe:a5c:56d0) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L623[09:18:29] <fredtargaryen> OK. I haven't used mIRC before; thought I was doing something wrong when I didn't see any messages
L624[09:18:43] <Ivorius> Get used to it :P
L625[09:18:56] <Ivorius> If all 280 people in here would be talking
L626[09:19:03] <Ivorius> Well, I guess we'd be a twitch chat
L627[09:19:08] <fredtargaryen> Hah true
L628[09:19:10] <Ivorius> Technically, Twitch chats are IRC too, lol
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L631[09:19:35] <fredtargaryen> Anyway, quick question
L632[09:20:14] <gigaherz> twitch uses IRC as a backend?
L633[09:20:17] <fredtargaryen> What's the best way to get an entity's speed in 1.7.10?
L634[09:20:26] <Ivorius> That's what I heard, gigaherz
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L636[09:20:44] <fry> Twitch uses IRC as a chat communication protocol
L637[09:21:00] <fredtargaryen> Minecraft forum didn't help much and r/feedthebeast said this was the best place to ask
L638[09:21:01] <Ivorius> Well, for what else
L639[09:21:07] <Ivorius> For the video stream, fry? :P
L640[09:21:41] <Ivorius> fredtargaryen: From the code? entity.motionX / Y and Z
L641[09:21:45] * fry specifically said "chat" to shut up pedantics who'd say "communication protocol? For video too?" :P)
L642[09:21:55] <Ivorius> That's the current 'speed'
L643[09:22:16] <fredtargaryen> I tried using this but just got 0.0
L644[09:22:36] <Ivorius> fry: I'm not a pedantic, I believe in intelligence :P
L645[09:22:48] <fredtargaryen> And nitpicking!
L646[09:22:54] <fry> ^ :P
L647[09:23:14] <Ivorius> Shit, I can't answer this
L648[09:23:17] ⇦ Quits: AbdoTGM50 (~AbdoTGM50@ (Quit: Leaving)
L649[09:23:27] <Ivorius> I mean, it wasn't nitpicking, but what I'm doing with this message is a bit :P
L650[09:23:53] <Ivorius> I am cornered. Now proceeding to exit the conversation
L651[09:24:19] <Unh0ly_Tigg> So, working on a voxel source file format (will get compiled into mesh data before use), and made this as an example: https://gist.github.com/Unh0lyTigg/be9f3cb84433134e118d can anyone guess the item?
L652[09:24:31] <fredtargaryen> apple
L653[09:24:43] <fredtargaryen> I didn't look
L654[09:24:47] <Unh0ly_Tigg> lol
L655[09:25:28] <gigaherz> hilt... blade...
L656[09:25:44] <fredtargaryen> That might be a red herring tho
L657[09:25:45] <Unh0ly_Tigg> This is based on a vanilla item texture, so...
L658[09:25:47] <gigaherz> well I can assume ;P
L659[09:25:58] <Unh0ly_Tigg> gigaherz is on the right track
L660[09:26:17] <gigaherz> I'm not going to try to imagine each pixel individually in my head
L661[09:26:17] <gigaherz> ;P
L662[09:26:49] <Unh0ly_Tigg> you can look at the AvailableColors list to determine what item it is
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L664[09:27:07] <Unh0ly_Tigg> and you might want to refresh the gist, I missed something when creating the Weapon object
L665[09:27:13] <fredtargaryen> And Ivorius, are you sure that motionX etc. is definitely the best way? My tile entity checks around itself every update but only prints 0.0 when I move near
L666[09:27:45] <Ivorius> It's literally the raw motion data
L667[09:28:06] <Ivorius> I heard someone say today that players on servers are a bit special
L668[09:28:23] <Ivorius> Although I'd be surprised if it were so, I never noticed anything much different
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L670[09:28:51] <fredtargaryen> OK then; thanks
L671[09:29:18] <Ivorius> You can also try the inertia interpolation
L672[09:29:35] <Ivorius> That one would give you back the logical movement rather than the expected motion
L673[09:29:58] <fredtargaryen> Is that... an easy thing to do? :/
L674[09:30:11] <fredtargaryen> And Tigg if it's not a sword then I've no idea
L675[09:30:13] <Ivorius> The good old tickMotionX = player.prevPosX + (player.posX - player.prevPosX) * (double) partialTicks;
L676[09:30:29] <Ivorius> Usually used for rendering
L677[09:31:10] <Ivorius> Eh
L678[09:31:23] <Ivorius> tickMotionX = (player.posX - player.prevPosX) * (double) partialTicks; // This, rather
L679[09:31:36] <fredtargaryen> Oh right. Before I was only using posX - prevPosX. But then I got negative y motion even when standing still
L680[09:31:42] <Unh0ly_Tigg> It's a diamond sword
L681[09:31:57] <fredtargaryen> half correct is good enough for me
L682[09:32:07] <Ivorius> For on-tick calculation, partialTicks would be 1
L683[09:32:18] <Ivorius> In other words, that calculation would be correct
L684[09:33:05] <fredtargaryen> Ah ok. Well I think I can only do the check whenever the tile entity updates, which is once a tick anyway
L685[09:33:28] <fredtargaryen> Seeing as that's giving me weird results I'll probably stick with motion
L686[09:34:01] <Ivorius> It shouldn't give negative results
L687[09:34:24] <Ivorius> But it may give you infinitesimally small negative values when standing
L688[09:34:35] <Ivorius> Plus, it will give you negative values when moving towards -x
L689[09:34:48] <Ivorius> If you want the literal speed, you need to calculate the length of the motion vector
L690[09:34:53] <fredtargaryen> That sounds like what I got. Do you know the reason behind that?
L691[09:35:02] <Ivorius> double values, nuff said
L692[09:35:08] <Ivorius> It happens
L693[09:35:10] <fredtargaryen> oh i see
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L695[09:37:13] <McJty> Time to go
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L697[09:37:56] <fredtargaryen> One more question: For some weird reason the minecraft wiki has written entity speeds in m/s. How can I convert these values to blocks per tick? Multiply by 20?
L698[09:38:19] <Ivorius> Divide by 20 :P
L699[09:38:37] <Ivorius> mc is running 20 ticks / second
L700[09:38:50] <fredtargaryen> Oops. Long day
L701[09:40:13] <fredtargaryen> Thank you very much
L702[09:41:02] <fredtargaryen> Tigg, what's the plan for the voxel file format? Or do you have a teaser site somewhere I can look at?
L703[09:42:18] <Unh0ly_Tigg> that gist is literally the first thing I made
L704[09:43:18] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I plan to make something that compiles that .jvox file into a format that is essentially pure mesh data.
L705[09:43:37] <Unh0ly_Tigg> this would be the difference between a .java file and a .class file
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L707[09:46:15] <Ivorius> Unh0ly_Tigg: That's what people call a 'binary json' :P
L708[09:46:26] <Ivorius> There's already a few types
L709[09:46:49] <Ivorius> Oh wait, you want literal mesh data? Then maybe you should use an existing model file type :P
L710[09:47:01] <fredtargaryen> I'll be a little slow to respond: I have one eye on Google looking these word up
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L712[09:47:53] <fredtargaryen> So that gist... was it for a flat diamond sword?
L713[09:48:40] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L714[09:48:44] <fredtargaryen> Or was it actually 3d?
L715[09:49:25] <Unh0ly_Tigg> Ivorius, I'm making my own formats, mainly for use in my own game.
L716[09:49:40] <Ivorius> Making your own formats is not always a good idea :P
L717[09:49:56] <fry> ^
L718[09:50:23] <Unh0ly_Tigg> Ivorius, the resource pack maker would technically have access to multiple formats for modeling, but the default resources will use this format.
L719[09:51:21] <fry> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Not_invented_here
L720[09:51:47] <fredtargaryen> As long as you can use it in more than one project, so that it doesn't become like NBT storage
L721[09:52:15] <Unh0ly_Tigg> it's technically 3D, but I'm only using 1 Z layer in that example file
L722[09:52:52] <Unh0ly_Tigg> and the reason for this new format is mainly so that if I need to change something to fit a new need, I have full control over the specification.
L723[09:53:30] <fry> Did you abandon your idea of obj-inspired format?
L724[09:53:39] <Unh0ly_Tigg> and the resource 'packs' will be able to use more than 1 model format for things (jvox, obj, minecraft json, etc)
L725[09:53:57] <fredtargaryen> Ah OK. I imagine adding in thickness would make that gist a lot bigger!
L726[09:54:26] <Unh0ly_Tigg> fry, no, this format is specifically for voxel stuff (like cubeworld things, etc)
L727[09:55:11] <Unh0ly_Tigg> though, I still need to work on what the compiled format would look like, it will have to be binary to keep it as small as possible
L728[09:56:01] <Unh0ly_Tigg> and if a resource 'pack' uses this jvox format for a model, it should probably be compiled into the mesh data before the 'pack' is zipped up for release
L729[09:56:38] <fredtargaryen> Why do you write 'pack' instead of pack?
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L731[09:56:55] <Mraof> "\"'pack'\""
L732[09:57:30] ⇦ Quits: Lymia (~moe@magical.girl.lyrical.lymia.moe) (Remote host closed the connection)
L733[09:57:44] <Unh0ly_Tigg> because I'm not sure I want to use the term "resource pack" but it's usage in minecraft makes sure that I get my point across as to what it is
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L735[09:57:58] <fry> ♥~<[Pack]>~♥
L736[09:58:22] <Unh0ly_Tigg> wow
L737[09:58:26] <Unh0ly_Tigg> no, not using that
L738[09:58:34] <fredtargaryen> Aw, come on
L739[09:58:36] <Ivorius> (>'-')> Pack
L740[09:59:40] <Unh0ly_Tigg> probably going to use "Asset Bundle"
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L743[10:02:26] <fredtargaryen> Not heard that before
L744[10:03:04] <Unh0ly_Tigg> ok, then that raises the likelihood of it being the final term
L745[10:03:31] <fredtargaryen> Is there anything in your game that you don't want to be completely original?
L746[10:03:31] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I like being unique for somethings.
L747[10:03:39] <Unh0ly_Tigg> umm
L748[10:04:09] <fredtargaryen> ok
L749[10:04:18] <Unh0ly_Tigg> considering that the game will start off as a 'clone' of minecraft in terms of how the game looks and feels
L750[10:05:22] *** nyuszika7h_ is now known as nyuszika7h
L751[10:05:45] <Unh0ly_Tigg> though, I do find it interesting with minecraft capes, that the image has to be in a 64x32 ratio, but only a small portion of that is actually used...
L752[10:06:29] <fredtargaryen> Either all capes should fit into one 64x32 image, or it's just bad design
L753[10:07:45] ⇦ Quits: featurive (~Thunderbi@2001:983:315f:1:4c64:45c5:20e1:b9ea) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L754[10:07:58] <Unh0ly_Tigg> what I mean is: the image is 64x32, but the space that is actually used is a 22x17 area
L755[10:09:49] <clienthax> pixelmon 1.8 error count: 3055
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L757[10:10:11] <fredtargaryen> Congratulations?
L758[10:10:15] <clienthax> lol
L759[10:10:37] <fry> That's more than the number of lines in my mod :P
L760[10:10:43] <fredtargaryen> heh
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L762[10:11:21] <fredtargaryen> Oh, so 32x16 is not quite enough space for a cape so they had no choice but to go one higher
L763[10:12:11] <Unh0ly_Tigg> but why not make the image a 22x17 ratio...
L764[10:12:20] <fredtargaryen> powers of 2 are the best
L765[10:12:27] <ThatGuyGaldo> Hello! So I've been using the 1.8 Forge and playing around with the new BlockStates, but I noticed how every time I update the BlockState, the StackSize of the Item in the slot of the block's tileEntity gets reset. I've tried saving it and then loading it again after changing the state etc. but I can't figure it out :(
L766[10:12:31] <fredtargaryen> I learnt that from Blender
L767[10:13:11] <ThatGuyGaldo> It's really weird though, it appears to only reset the slot and none of the other values, even though it actually is set to save the Slot to NBT. (It's resetting the entire slot actually, my bad)
L768[10:13:24] <clienthax> running a code line counter
L769[10:13:50] <Unh0ly_Tigg> clienthax, is that error count before or after import fixes?
L770[10:13:57] <fredtargaryen> ^
L771[10:13:57] ⇦ Quits: ThatGuyGaldo (~ThatGuyGa@pD9F7ADA0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Client Quit)
L772[10:14:03] * clienthax shrugs, boss guy wants to do the port all himself
L773[10:14:09] <Unh0ly_Tigg> ahh
L774[10:14:10] <fredtargaryen> haha
L775[10:14:12] <clienthax> tbh we don't have many imports to forge itself
L776[10:14:19] <clienthax> only in a few helper classes
L777[10:14:32] <clienthax> Language files blank comment code
L778[10:14:32] <clienthax> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
L779[10:14:32] <clienthax> Java 1807 23475 6720 190423
L780[10:14:36] <clienthax> welp, thats a few
L781[10:14:51] ⇨ Joins: Gregory_ (~Gregory@173-224-23-159.stanton.net)
L782[10:15:07] <clienthax> but yeah, current plan is to go 1.8
L783[10:15:09] <clienthax> then 1.8 sponge
L784[10:15:20] <clienthax> in a attempt to get plugin devs to hurry up and port over
L785[10:15:36] <Gregory_> Hello.
L786[10:15:39] * Katielyn bites clienthax
L787[10:15:41] <fredtargaryen> Yo
L788[10:15:42] <clienthax> ow
L789[10:15:43] *** Gregory_ is now known as Gregory
L790[10:16:03] <Unh0ly_Tigg> because when I started my Mo' Beds port to 1.8, after I fixed my fml imports, and removing things that were removed in 1.8 (IIcon for example), my biggest issue was the change from x, y, z to BlockPos...
L791[10:16:28] <fredtargaryen> 1.8 porting doesn't sound fun
L792[10:17:01] <Gregory> Um, yeah, I'm still going with 1.7.10, but recently have been thinking of trying 1.8; first I need to know what the major API changes might be, to look for...
L793[10:17:01] <clienthax> aparantly we only had to change 4 lines in our whole battle code
L794[10:17:03] <clienthax> so thats nice
L795[10:17:06] <Unh0ly_Tigg> eh, if you know how to translate things from 1.7 to 1.8, it's fairly straight forward, but tedious.
L796[10:17:40] <Unh0ly_Tigg> clienthax, what had to be changed for the battle code?
L797[10:18:19] <clienthax> nothings been pushed yet, prob just the entity references or something
L798[10:18:25] <Unh0ly_Tigg> ahh
L799[10:19:33] ⇨ Joins: ThatGuyGaldo (~ThatGuyGa@pD9F7ADA0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L801[10:19:46] <ThatGuyGaldo> Whoops, sorry. So does anyone have any help?
L802[10:21:20] <fredtargaryen> So, you have returned
L803[10:21:40] <ThatGuyGaldo> Me? Yea, internet didn't behave :(
L804[10:22:11] <fredtargaryen> Is each BlockState saved as a new Block?
L805[10:22:24] <fredtargaryen> Behind the scenes?
L806[10:22:46] <ThatGuyGaldo> Uhm... I'm using the PropertyInteger and then world.setBlockState, but it appears to just update metadata
L807[10:22:50] <fredtargaryen> I haven't even started porting to 1.8 so I should butt out really
L808[10:23:08] <ThatGuyGaldo> It also makes a BlockSnapshot (Which I guess is the block saved) and saves the TileEntity to NBT too
L809[10:23:13] <fry> Behind the scenes you shill have 12-bit blockid + 4-bit metadata
L810[10:23:26] <ThatGuyGaldo> So what does that mean?
L811[10:24:06] <fry> ThatGuyGaldo: look at TileEntity.shouldRefresh
L812[10:24:07] ⇨ Joins: featurive (~Thunderbi@
L813[10:24:09] <fredtargaryen> Do you have packets sorted out correctly?
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L816[10:24:39] <ThatGuyGaldo> Do I need packets in this situation though?
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L819[10:25:31] <ThatGuyGaldo> I have the usual getDescriptionPacket and onDataPacket, yea. But not like Packet Disbatching and all that stuff
L820[10:25:32] <fredtargaryen> For tile entities I would think so
L821[10:26:14] <Gregory> ThatGuyGaldo AFAIK you can include packet management classes that don't do anything even if not a multiplayer mod, and it wouldn't hurt anything...
L822[10:26:45] <fry> there's no such thing as a singleplayer
L823[10:26:52] <fry> as of MC1.3
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L825[10:27:03] <Ivorius> NSA plays with you always
L826[10:27:05] <ThatGuyGaldo> So... what should I do with shouldRefresh?
L827[10:27:25] <fry> Look if it works for you :P
L828[10:27:30] <Gregory> return true ... ?
L829[10:27:51] <ThatGuyGaldo> Oh, makes sense, yea. Derps
L830[10:28:42] <ThatGuyGaldo> If it does, I'm gonna feel soo stupid :D
L831[10:28:45] <fredtargaryen> glhf
L832[10:30:07] ⇨ Joins: MalkContent (MalkConten@p4FDCD663.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L833[10:31:38] <ThatGuyGaldo> Doesn't work though :/
L834[10:33:24] ⇦ Quits: Emris (~Miranda@ (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org)
L835[10:34:07] <fredtargaryen> Was that basically an ad bot?
L836[10:34:25] <ThatGuyGaldo> Apparently :D
L837[10:34:35] <fredtargaryen> Nowhere is safe :/
L838[10:35:03] <ThatGuyGaldo> Yea :/
L839[10:35:23] <Gregory> Eh, I didn't see any advert
L840[10:35:35] * fry neither
L841[10:35:47] <nekosune> neither did I
L842[10:35:59] <ThatGuyGaldo> Well anyway, so thing is: it only actually resets the slot if the blockstate actually gets changed, not if the changing method just gets called... so it has to be something with the actually changing
L843[10:36:07] <ThatGuyGaldo> The name of those joining and leaving people?
L844[10:36:32] ⇨ Joins: keybounce (~keybounce@97-71-69-66.res.bhn.net)
L845[10:37:32] <fry> Ah, really?
L846[10:37:38] *** Hea3veN is now known as Hea3veN|afk
L847[10:37:38] <fry> You can hide that
L848[10:37:46] <ThatGuyGaldo> Oh?
L849[10:38:16] <Gregory> depends on your chat client
L850[10:38:31] *** diesieben|away is now known as diesieben07
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L852[10:38:37] <fry> Well, yes, but normal ones let you do that :P
L853[10:38:41] <ThatGuyGaldo> I'm so confused by this weird BlockState thing :(
L854[10:38:57] ⇨ Joins: Vanhal (~Vanhal@
L855[10:39:02] <fry> Are you sure you're correctly handling client/server TE stuff?
L856[10:39:33] <ThatGuyGaldo> What could I be handling wrong there? :/ It's registered, saving to NBT correctly, all is handled on the server side...
L857[10:40:01] <ThatGuyGaldo> Maybe there's something new as of 1.8 that I'm not aware of or something...
L858[10:40:44] <fry> is your TE recreated on client, on server or on both sides?
L859[10:41:25] <ThatGuyGaldo> Recreated after the BlockState Change? Well if I understand correctly, at least it was like that in 1.7, if you replaced a block or changed a meta it wouldn't actually do anthing to the TileEntity
L860[10:42:16] <ThatGuyGaldo> But yea, I still tried saving and then recreating it on only server. Didn't work
L861[10:42:37] <diesieben07> if you change the metadata you need a method in the TE to make it not recreate
L862[10:42:47] <diesieben07> otherwise you get a new TE when the metadata changes
L863[10:42:47] <ThatGuyGaldo> Oh? What's that method?
L864[10:42:57] <diesieben07> shouldRefresh
L865[10:43:16] <diesieben07> has been so since like forever :D
L866[10:43:23] <ThatGuyGaldo> Really?
L867[10:43:24] <fry> (As I've said 20 minutes ago :P)
L868[10:44:22] <ThatGuyGaldo> Oh my god I'm so stupid °-°
L869[10:44:40] ⇨ Joins: SixD (uid64016@id-64016.ealing.irccloud.com)
L870[10:44:45] <ThatGuyGaldo> Yea... whoops... uhm... well... I kinda added it to the block instaed of the TileEntity acidentally
L871[10:44:47] ⇦ Quits: Vazkii (~Vazkii@a79-169-161-227.cpe.netcabo.pt) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L872[10:45:04] <diesieben07> @Override helps
L873[10:45:06] <fry> If you're not using @Override you really are stupid
L874[10:45:07] ⇦ Quits: tattyseal (~tattyseal@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L875[10:45:08] <diesieben07> and don't override manually
L876[10:45:11] <fry> ^
L877[10:45:16] <fredtargaryen> Got the mod working :D Tempted to post a download without even making textures
L878[10:45:18] <diesieben07> ctrl-o :D
L879[10:45:22] <diesieben07> at least if you're using a proper IDE :P
L880[10:46:00] <ThatGuyGaldo> Yea, well usually I kinda do. I usually don't use @Override but it tells you next to the line that it's using a method from an extend class right?
L881[10:46:13] <diesieben07> yes, but still
L882[10:46:15] <ThatGuyGaldo> But I seem to not know what I'm actually doing today
L883[10:46:15] <diesieben07> use @Override
L884[10:46:21] <ThatGuyGaldo> Yea, I really should
L885[10:46:32] <ThatGuyGaldo> But wow, that's really embarassing :/
L886[10:47:14] <ThatGuyGaldo> Oh my god, sorry to have been wasting all your time :( Thanks for your help
L887[10:47:21] ⇦ Quits: ElgarL (~ElgarL@cpc6-hawk15-2-0-cust537.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L888[10:47:31] <fry> Don't worry about it :P
L889[10:47:34] <fredtargaryen> It's not wasted if a great mod comes out of it
L890[10:47:49] <fry> Or if you learn something :P
L891[10:47:57] <ThatGuyGaldo> Haha, I hope it does at some point. Working on a compost type deal where you can throw food in and you get fertilizer that acts like bone meal :D
L892[10:48:10] <fredtargaryen> At least that's what I tell myself when I'm finished wasting people's time
L893[10:48:25] <ThatGuyGaldo> Haha :D
L894[10:49:33] <ThatGuyGaldo> Yea, sometimes people are just stupid. Or in my case, all the time :P
L895[10:50:02] <fredtargaryen> It'd be good if the fertiliser didn't act like bonemeal
L896[10:50:13] <diesieben07> dude, you are not stupid at all :D
L897[10:50:22] <diesieben07> the fact that you even understood what you did wrong makes me happy :D
L898[10:50:25] <ThatGuyGaldo> What do you mean? :O Fred?
L899[10:50:34] <fredtargaryen> if it grew plants "the other way" like those thaumcraft lamps
L900[10:50:45] <ThatGuyGaldo> Haha, thanks :D diesieben, are you german or whatever? Or is there another language where that literally means "theSeven"?
L901[10:51:01] <diesieben07> yes, I am german :D
L902[10:51:04] <ThatGuyGaldo> Uuuh right fred, that'd be pretty awesome too actually. But how would you do that? Just add a pile onto the plant?
L903[10:51:05] <fredtargaryen> So people wouldn't have to wait ages for slow crops to grow
L904[10:51:08] <diesieben07> and don't you dare insult my usename
L905[10:51:14] <ThatGuyGaldo> Well welcome to the club, seven guy :P
L906[10:51:23] <diesieben07> :P
L907[10:51:25] <fredtargaryen> shots fired
L908[10:51:35] <ThatGuyGaldo> Yea fred, I'm gonna consider that :D That's a good idea
L909[10:51:56] ⇦ Parts: Gregory (~Gregory@173-224-23-159.stanton.net) ())
L910[10:52:40] <ThatGuyGaldo> I'm still impressed so often at how amazing the Minecraft Community is, especially the modding one
L911[10:52:53] <fredtargaryen> In general they're a great bunch of people
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L916[10:55:20] <KatieKat> Mrow
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L922[11:04:59] <clienthax> ikr, i am a great person
L923[11:05:04] * clienthax bites Kaelten
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L932[11:21:41] *** Hippopotamus is now known as Gregory
L933[11:21:56] <Lymia> fry, http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se7/html/jvms-4.html#jvms-4.3.4
L934[11:21:58] <Lymia> Does, uh
L935[11:22:05] <Lymia> AsmStuff do anything about this little complication?
L936[11:22:06] <diphtherial> apologies if this is an often-asked question, but is there any reason that forge can't become the official modding api?
L937[11:22:25] <diesieben07> diphtherial: because.. forge is less than optimal.
L938[11:22:33] <diphtherial> i don't mean to imply any transfer of control
L939[11:22:35] <diphtherial> ah. hrm.
L940[11:22:43] <fry> Lymia: I do nothing with signatures, although I assume ASM's Remapper does something with them
L941[11:22:46] *** Hea3veN|afk is now known as Hea3veN
L942[11:23:01] <fry> Up until 1.8.2 they didn't matter :P
L943[11:23:09] <fredtargaryen> And mc itself is optimal?
L944[11:23:18] <diesieben07> no, by no means
L945[11:23:20] *** big_Xplosion is now known as big_Xplo|AFK
L946[11:23:27] <diesieben07> but they can do a much better job than forge
L947[11:23:31] <diesieben07> because tehy control the code
L948[11:23:41] <fredtargaryen> I guess so
L949[11:24:18] <Lymia> fry, they do if you want to link against the generated output code. :P
L950[11:24:18] <diphtherial> with the amount of effort that's been poured into exposing hook points in the code, i think having the source code would be a small gain at this point...
L951[11:24:21] <Gregory> Is "they" in this case Mojang, or Microsoft?
L952[11:24:25] <nekosune> isn't official api on the banned topics list?
L953[11:24:31] <diphtherial> oh, apologies. didn't realize.
L954[11:24:47] <diesieben07> Mojang, as they are still the people working on the game.#
L955[11:25:30] <Gregory> ... which I of course pronounce "Moo - Yang" lol LOL
L956[11:26:02] <fredtargaryen> Uh oh!
L957[11:26:30] <fredtargaryen> I'm wondering if Windows 10 will replace Solitaire with Minecraft
L958[11:26:31] <fry> Lymia: Remapper includes mapSignature method, so I guess it should work :P
L959[11:26:41] <Lymia> fry, ah. :P
L960[11:27:16] <Gregory> fred, Solitaire still exists???
L961[11:28:20] <Gregory> technically Win 10 wouldn't do that, because it would presuppose Microsoft would have to put Java on peoples' machines, by default...
L962[11:28:48] <tterrag> with the new launcher java is not necessary to have installed
L963[11:28:52] <tterrag> they could just bundle that :p
L964[11:29:02] <SkySom> Rumor confirm MC ported to .NET lol
L965[11:29:04] <diesieben07> depends on your definition of "installed" :D
L966[11:29:07] <tterrag> ^
L967[11:29:11] <tterrag> it will still download a jre
L968[11:29:19] <fredtargaryen> I reckon that's the ultimate plan SkySom
L969[11:29:26] <tterrag> lol no
L970[11:29:27] <diesieben07> doubtful
L971[11:29:35] <Caitlyn> I REAAAALY doubt they'll port mc to .net
L972[11:29:36] <Mraof> They won't port MC to another language
L973[11:29:47] <SkySom> They won't. fredtargaryen I was joking.
L974[11:30:02] <fredtargaryen> Yeah I know!
L975[11:30:30] *** Zaggy|sleep is now known as Zaggy1024
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L977[11:31:32] <fredtargaryen> I reckon that you could replicate every game ever provided by Windows using Minecraft, so I don't see much reason for them not to just include it
L978[11:31:58] <SkySom> Well because if you include it.
L979[11:32:06] <SkySom> They didn't buy it.
L980[11:32:29] ⇦ Quits: Ellpeck (~Ellpeck@pD9F7ADA0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L981[11:32:31] <Gregory> True. ^
L982[11:32:59] <Gregory> Because economics are SO easy to understand.
L983[11:34:03] <fredtargaryen> How do you use a vanilla texture for a custom block? registerIcon("minecraft:glass")?
L984[11:34:24] <diesieben07> yes
L985[11:34:27] ⇨ Joins: Emris (~Miranda@chello062178245147.2.12.vie.surfer.at)
L986[11:34:48] <fredtargaryen> nice.
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L988[11:38:11] <fredtargaryen> Not working for me though
L989[11:39:12] <fredtargaryen> figured it out nvm
L990[11:39:26] *** OndraSter|off is now known as OndraSter
L991[11:40:33] <Zaggy1024> Wait, so you register an ISmartBlockModel differently than IModel?
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L998[11:49:17] <Kruptein> hi again
L999[11:50:52] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L1000[11:56:18] <clienthax> is there a method that will escape special identifiers such as % in chat components?
L1001[11:56:28] <clienthax> someone nicknamed a pixelmon with a % sign and it broke everything
L1002[11:56:49] ⇨ Joins: Prophet (~Comstock@
L1003[11:56:50] <Kruptein> :p
L1004[11:56:50] <ChJees> lol
L1005[11:57:10] <fredtargaryen> See you; thanks for the help everyone :D
L1006[11:57:12] ⇦ Quits: fredtargaryen (~fred@cpc68127-seve20-2-0-cust301.13-3.cable.virginm.net) ()
L1007[11:57:20] <diesieben07> clienthax: I dont even know if MC allows escaping :P
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L1009[11:57:34] <clienthax> pretty sure it does
L1010[11:57:38] <clienthax> as ive used it in lang files
L1011[11:58:23] <clienthax> aha its double %%
L1012[11:58:31] ⇨ Joins: TheFjong (~TheFjong|@3e6b1460.rev.stofanet.dk)
L1013[11:59:05] <ChJees> Was formatting allowed in Pixelmon names?
L1014[11:59:12] <clienthax> aparantly
L1015[11:59:26] <clienthax> we didn't do much verification on the name
L1016[11:59:27] <clienthax> lol
L1017[11:59:34] <ChJees> That's quite a derp.
L1018[11:59:46] <clienthax> well eah., this is the first person to put a % in a name
L1019[11:59:48] <clienthax> why on earth..
L1020[12:00:21] <ChJees> I bet it was something in the vein of "20% cooler" or something.
L1021[12:00:38] <ChJees> Or B%bs
L1022[12:01:11] <Kruptein> anyone got a clue how I fix http://imgur.com/Got2xvh, the mouse is focused on the location where I placed the block
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L1024[12:01:24] *** heldplayer|off is now known as heldplayer
L1025[12:01:40] <Kruptein> rotating the model in blender has no effect on the in world presentation
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L1027[12:02:14] <Zaggy1024> fry, how will an ISmartBlockModel handle a child model?
L1028[12:02:18] <ChJees> It is sized correctly with max size of 16 units?
L1029[12:02:50] <fry> Zaggy1024: ISmart* models are baked models, meaning they're basically arrays of ints
L1030[12:03:05] <Zaggy1024> >.>
L1031[12:03:08] <fry> (And 1 layer of abstraction down from IModel)
L1032[12:03:30] <ChJees> Ready to be pumped into the GPU :P
L1033[12:03:36] <Kruptein> ChJees, the model or the texture ?
L1034[12:03:37] <ChJees> Without any processing.
L1035[12:03:41] <fry> So, what do you actually want, when you ask to "handle a child model"? :P
L1036[12:03:46] <ChJees> Kruptein: Model
L1037[12:03:47] <Zaggy1024> so...are they supposed to have an accompanying IModel?
L1038[12:04:03] <Zaggy1024> Uh, I want to make it so that a child model can override the texture, basicalluy
L1039[12:04:17] <Kruptein> ChJees, it fits a cube from (0,0,0) to (1,1,1)
L1040[12:04:56] <ChJees> Model offset is all wrong then, or a transformation was not performed correctly.
L1041[12:05:30] <fry> Zaggy1024: SimpleBakedModel.Builder(oldModel, texture)
L1042[12:05:38] <Kruptein> ChJees, http://i.imgur.com/KVWg3xj.png
L1043[12:07:17] <ChJees> Location: 0,5
L1044[12:07:19] <ChJees> Hmm..
L1045[12:07:29] <ChJees> Wonder if that will affect the exported model
L1046[12:08:24] <Kruptein> well it used to be 0,0,0
L1047[12:08:54] *** big_Xplo|AFK is now known as big_Xplosion
L1048[12:08:55] <Zaggy1024> fry, but does that allow me to handle an IBlockState?
L1049[12:09:19] <fry> No
L1050[12:09:21] *** helinus|off is now known as helinus
L1051[12:09:30] <fry> But you can compose one and the other :P
L1052[12:09:37] <Kruptein> setting it back to 0,0,0 did nothing
L1053[12:10:14] <fry> Use SimpleBakedModel to replace the texture, wrap the result in ISmart to react to block state
L1054[12:10:25] <fry> Or other way around, if it'll work better
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L1056[12:13:22] *** NotTomben is now known as Tombenpotter
L1057[12:15:02] <clienthax> how can i check what mods a user has on connect
L1058[12:15:47] <diesieben07> define "on connect". @NetworkCheckHandler?
L1059[12:16:11] <clienthax> before the login is processed
L1060[12:16:19] <clienthax> say to kick someone with a mod you don't want
L1061[12:16:40] <diesieben07> use @NetworkCheckHandler
L1062[12:17:26] <clienthax> what bus does that need to be registered under?
L1063[12:18:50] *** Ordi|Away is now known as Ordinastie
L1064[12:19:04] <diesieben07> its a method in your main mod class
L1065[12:19:06] <diesieben07> no registering
L1066[12:19:08] <clienthax> aha
L1067[12:19:26] <clienthax> no way to set the dc message?
L1068[12:19:27] <diesieben07> read the javadocs ;)
L1069[12:19:36] <diesieben07> not easily
L1070[12:21:22] ⇦ Quits: Wastl2 (~Wastl2@e177086236.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.)
L1071[12:21:56] <SkySom> Why would you want to kick someone with a mod you don't want?
L1072[12:23:06] <clienthax> cheats
L1073[12:23:07] <clienthax> basicalyl
L1074[12:23:19] <diesieben07> you can't defeat cheats
L1075[12:23:28] <clienthax> you can defeat the idiot level cheats
L1076[12:23:30] <diesieben07> they will just not list themselves as installed
L1077[12:24:03] <clienthax> aware of, just making a no dependencies version of something
L1078[12:25:15] <Lumien> client you mean, something like this? http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/223332-mod-control :P
L1079[12:27:20] *** RX14-chibi is now known as RX14-chibiwibi
L1080[12:28:13] <Lumien> oh wait, i think i misunderstood you
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L1087[12:43:52] <Creysys> Is someone here who would like to pixel some technic oriented items like wires or a motor? :)
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L1092[12:57:24] <Kruptein> can I translate a model using json ?
L1093[13:00:47] <Ivorius> Translate where
L1094[13:01:32] <Kruptein> my model appears as if its centered on the 0,0,0 corner of a block when placed (it was centered on 0,0,0 in blender as well)
L1095[13:01:43] *** Quetzi|off is now known as Quetzi
L1096[13:01:47] <Kruptein> so I changed its location in blender, which looks fine in blender
L1097[13:01:47] <Ivorius> Ehwhat
L1098[13:01:53] <Ivorius> If it's blender, you have b3d
L1099[13:01:54] <Kruptein> but still looks the same in mc
L1100[13:01:55] <Ivorius> Not json
L1101[13:01:56] <Kruptein> yes b3d
L1102[13:02:15] <Ivorius> I did mention this just about 200 times though
L1103[13:02:30] <Ivorius> From the object origin, your model must stay inside the 0->1 mesh bounds
L1104[13:02:35] <Ivorius> Towards +x and +z
L1105[13:02:49] <Ivorius> Object transformations are ignored using frys exporter
L1106[13:02:54] <Ivorius> Eh, importer, rather
L1107[13:03:35] <Ivorius> So just move your mesh 0.5 blocks towards +x while in object edit mode
L1108[13:03:42] <Ivorius> And z
L1109[13:04:27] <fry> (transform in edit mode, not object mode)
L1110[13:05:12] <Ivorius> Which is a problem that fry will hopefully fix in the future
L1111[13:05:15] * Ivorius runs away
L1112[13:05:30] <fry> That python is scary
L1113[13:05:34] <fry> And crazy
L1114[13:05:36] <Kruptein> <3 python
L1115[13:05:45] <fry> Go fix the script then :P
L1116[13:05:54] <Kruptein> :D I know almost nothing about 3d modelling though
L1117[13:05:58] <diphtherial> python the language is great, but some bindings are as frightening as C
L1118[13:06:04] <fry> ^
L1119[13:06:35] <diphtherial> (by that, i mean you have a whole bunch of poorly named functions that operate on poorly documented objects)
L1120[13:06:46] <diphtherial> (it's unfortunately quite easy to write a non-pythonic library)
L1121[13:07:00] <diphtherial> anyhow
L1122[13:07:02] <Ivorius> fry: I thought it was your importer
L1123[13:07:10] <Ivorius> I mean, your importer crashes with 'no root mesh found'
L1124[13:07:14] <Ivorius> Not the exporter
L1125[13:07:27] <fry> That's an entirely different issue
L1126[13:07:36] <Ivorius> I'm not so sure :P
L1127[13:07:42] <Ivorius> If you were to interpret objects properly
L1128[13:07:42] <fry> It's not like there's only 1 tiny problem :P
L1129[13:07:44] <Kruptein> and Ivorius I know you said it a lot and the model already is 0.5x 0.5z thats why im so frustrated, Im obviously doing something big wrong and Im just blind for it somehow
L1130[13:07:47] <Ivorius> Then it would solve both problems
L1131[13:07:57] ⇨ Joins: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk)
L1132[13:08:21] <Ivorius> Just move your mesh, jeez
L1133[13:08:27] <Ivorius> It's not critical
L1134[13:08:42] <Ivorius> Just go edit move, press g, shift z and enter 0.5
L1135[13:08:45] <Ivorius> Enter, done
L1136[13:10:01] <Kruptein> it already is at z 0.5
L1137[13:11:44] <Zaggy1024> Go into object mode and press alt-g
L1138[13:12:10] <Zaggy1024> That's the shortcut to clear translate, IIRC
L1139[13:12:32] <Zaggy1024> then do what Ivorius said
L1140[13:13:50] ⇨ Joins: Marlon (~marlon@c-2a3ae055.1070-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se)
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L1142[13:17:07] <Zaggy1024> fry, if I make a model that uses my custom model's resource location as a parent, is it supposed to use my custom model for that block?
L1143[13:17:21] <Zaggy1024> It doesn't appear to be working currently, but I may have just broken something
L1144[13:17:53] <fry> If you're making a custom baked model (in code), you'll havr to register it in ModelBakeEvent
L1145[13:18:14] <Zaggy1024> crap
L1146[13:18:34] * Zaggy1024 made IModel.bake return my custom baked model :|
L1147[13:18:41] <Zaggy1024> is that not correct?
L1148[13:19:04] <Kruptein> and yh zaggy that just gives the same result
L1149[13:19:41] <fry> Yeah, that should work too
L1150[13:19:57] <fry> (If you provide that IModel in a custom model loader)
L1151[13:20:06] <Zaggy1024> yeah, I do
L1152[13:20:11] <Zaggy1024> so setting the parent to that resource location should work then?
L1153[13:20:29] ⇦ Quits: Forecaster (~Forecaste@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L1155[13:20:53] <fry> What exactly are you doing?
L1156[13:21:07] <Zaggy1024> hang on
L1157[13:21:11] <Zaggy1024> I'll pastebin some crap
L1158[13:21:47] <Zaggy1024> IModel: http://pastebin.com/WfaQQ107
L1159[13:22:26] <Zaggy1024> Baked Model: http://pastebin.com/nGXXze6B
L1160[13:23:15] <Zaggy1024> model with parent: http://pastebin.com/kxXa7esj
L1161[13:24:16] <Zaggy1024> so... I want the block's model json use my parent model, which is the custom IModel
L1162[13:24:36] <fry> Ah, it should say something about only allowing vanilla parents for vanilla models
L1163[13:24:56] <Zaggy1024> huh?
L1164[13:25:58] <fry> Do you have your implementation of ICustomModelLoader?
L1165[13:26:31] <Zaggy1024> yeah
L1166[13:26:34] <Zaggy1024> You wanna see it?
L1167[13:27:11] <Zaggy1024> http://pastebin.com/c59QfN56
L1168[13:27:14] <fry> Does http://pastebin.com/kxXa7esj actually load in the game?
L1169[13:27:25] <fry> (Without errors?)
L1170[13:28:02] <Zaggy1024> It seems to
L1171[13:28:12] <Zaggy1024> I don't see any errors about it in the log
L1172[13:31:08] <fry> Also, your onModelBakeEvent is wrong - map is from ModelResourceLocation to IBakedModel
L1173[13:31:20] <fry> (And not from ResourceLocation)
L1174[13:31:54] <Zaggy1024> heh
L1175[13:32:01] <Zaggy1024> I'm not using that function right now though
L1176[13:32:04] <fry> How are you registering that json location?
L1177[13:32:14] <fry> (to be loaded by the game?)
L1178[13:32:35] <Zaggy1024> registering which json location?
L1179[13:32:38] ⇦ Quits: DasUmlaut (~IceChat78@host-2-98-72-23.as13285.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1180[13:32:44] <fry> http://pastebin.com/kxXa7esj
L1181[13:33:33] <Zaggy1024> http://pastebin.com/818Bp1qL
L1182[13:34:00] <Zaggy1024> so the name for http://pastebin.com/kxXa7esj is "archaeopteris_wattle_fence"
L1183[13:34:22] <Zaggy1024> I know it's finding the json, though, because I had it rendering just the fence post before
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L1186[13:36:08] <fry> Hmm
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L1192[13:39:07] <fry> Can you log all locations passed to loadModel for your custom loader?
L1193[13:40:06] <Zaggy1024> uh...
L1194[13:40:12] <Zaggy1024> never mind, it randomly started working
L1195[13:40:17] <fry> lol
L1196[13:40:33] <fry> It shouldn't've though
L1197[13:40:35] <Zaggy1024> http://i.imgur.com/lGrR8dO.png
L1198[13:40:36] <Zaggy1024> :)
L1199[13:40:45] <Zaggy1024> Thank, though
L1200[13:41:12] <Zaggy1024> *Thanks
L1201[13:41:33] <fry> json models referring to customly-loaded ones shouldn't've worked :P
L1202[13:41:48] * fry overuses "shouldn't've" now :P
L1203[13:42:01] <Zaggy1024> you mean "parent": "genesis:wattle_fence" shouldn't work?
L1204[13:42:14] <fry> (Unless "genesis:wattle_fence" is a json model too)
L1205[13:42:27] <Zaggy1024> I made the fence post be in that file :P
L1206[13:42:46] <Zaggy1024> I suspected it wouldn't like not having a json to go with the custom model
L1207[13:42:54] <Zaggy1024> despite the fact that it doesn't need one :P
L1208[13:43:55] ⇨ Joins: Z6fans (~Z6fans@pool-71-162-180-192.phlapa.fios.verizon.net)
L1209[13:43:58] <fry> Runtime representation of JSONs is a bit stupid, so making them work with a custom parents is non-trivial, and so I didn't do that yet :P
L1210[13:44:26] <Zaggy1024> ah
L1211[13:44:37] <Zaggy1024> Why am I not surprised? :P
L1212[13:45:00] ⇦ Quits: Upth (~ogmar@108-204-125-173.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1213[13:45:14] <Zaggy1024> (about custom parents not being trivial, I mean)
L1214[13:46:14] <fry> There's really no parent-child relationship in vanilla - it's only possible to use it to rename textures and maybe rotate a bit :P
L1215[13:46:29] <Zaggy1024> heh
L1216[13:46:49] <Zaggy1024> well, at least they allow you to have multiple blocks use the same model :P
L1217[13:48:23] ⇦ Quits: Z6fans (~Z6fans@pool-71-162-180-192.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1218[13:48:46] <Zaggy1024> still, it would sure be nice if they gave some functionality to tack elements onto existing models
L1219[13:50:19] <Zaggy1024> hmm, now, what's the best way to get the texture from the child model to use in the parent model?
L1220[13:51:14] <fry> at IModel level getTextures is the way to go
L1221[13:51:25] <fry> It depends on what do you want to do exactly :P
L1222[13:52:28] <Zaggy1024> well, get the resource path from http://pastebin.com/kxXa7esj
L1223[13:52:42] <Zaggy1024> unless there's no good way to do that
L1224[13:53:09] ⇦ Quits: Vanhal (~Vanhal@ (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-)
L1225[13:53:27] <fry> I don't think I understand
L1226[13:53:48] <fry> There can be multiple "child" models referring to the same "parent"
L1227[13:53:48] <Zaggy1024> "texture": "genesis:blocks/log_archaeopteris"
L1228[13:53:57] <Zaggy1024> yeah, I know
L1229[13:54:14] ⇦ Quits: Noppes (~Noppes@82-168-212-152.ip.telfort.nl) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1230[13:54:14] <Zaggy1024> well...yeah, I suppose I see the problem
L1231[13:54:26] <fry> Parent, in general, can't refer to all it's children
L1232[13:54:34] <fry> (And it shouldn't :P)
L1233[13:54:39] <Zaggy1024> is there a way to make reference to "#texture" instead?
L1234[13:54:55] <Zaggy1024> yeah, now that I think about it, it really shouldn't
L1235[13:55:32] <fry> What you need is an extended JSON loader, that can handle non-json parents
L1236[13:56:07] <fry> (that would add new textures to it's bakedTextureGetter passed to it, and pass the new one to the parent's bake method)
L1237[13:56:18] <fry> But it's not written yet :P
L1238[13:56:27] ⇨ Joins: SilentChaos512 (~SilentCha@
L1239[13:56:57] <Zaggy1024> so in other words there's no way to do what I want currently? :P
L1240[13:57:24] ⇨ Joins: Raziel (~Raziel@cpc16-broo8-2-0-cust158.14-2.cable.virginm.net)
L1241[13:57:39] <fry> What is your end goal? Making texture specifiable in json? Or is that only one possible solution to another problem? :P
L1242[13:57:55] <Zaggy1024> yeah, texture specifiable in json
L1243[13:58:04] <Zaggy1024> For the sake of resource pack artists :)
L1244[13:58:19] ⇨ Joins: RawringNymNym (~maria@bas1-brampton37-2925340128.dsl.bell.ca)
L1245[13:58:50] <Zaggy1024> what would be nice is if I could have "#texture" as the texture for the sub-models (post, north, etc) and then have "#texture" be defined in the child model
L1246[13:59:05] <Zaggy1024> but I don't suppose that's possible
L1247[13:59:35] <fry> For now, you can do it other way around - load json with "parent" : "builtin/entity" and your texture, and depend on it in the IModel
L1248[14:00:14] <fry> (That'd work great if you don't need multiple child models, and only need one to specify the texture)
L1249[14:00:36] <Zaggy1024> I don't understand
L1250[14:01:01] <Zaggy1024> load the child model json with "parent": "buildin/entity"?
L1251[14:01:14] <Lymia> fry, how does asmstuff find methods that need to also be renamed along with another method?
L1252[14:01:27] <Lymia> I can think of several algorithms, so.
L1253[14:03:14] <fry> Zaggy1024: A.json has no parent, and has "texture": "genesis:blocks/log_archaeopteris". B is IModel that depends on "A.json", and during baking calls getModel("A.json").getTextures().get(0) or smth like that to get the actual texture location it'll use
L1254[14:03:54] <Zaggy1024> ah
L1255[14:04:02] <fry> (B is what's resolved for "archaeopteris_wattle_fence")
L1256[14:04:11] <Zaggy1024> Sadly, I can't do that because I have multiple children
L1257[14:04:20] <Zaggy1024> (variants of wood)
L1258[14:04:57] ⇨ Joins: tattyseal (~tattyseal@
L1259[14:06:29] <fry> Zaggy1024: can still work, if you encode the wood type in the name - archaeopteris_wattle_fence loads archaeopteris_texture.json, maple_wattle_fence loads mapple_texture.json or whatever :P
L1260[14:06:43] ⇨ Joins: Captain_Shadows (~Thunderbi@
L1261[14:06:54] <Zaggy1024> ah, yeah...
L1262[14:07:07] <Zaggy1024> still, that's a lot of jsons :P
L1263[14:07:30] <fry> Lymia: a overrides b is an equivalence relation. Algorithm: for((a, b) in list of overrides) disjointSet.merge(a, b)
L1264[14:07:53] <fry> Zaggy1024: exactly as much as you have with having them other way around :P
L1265[14:08:28] <Zaggy1024> >.>
L1266[14:08:34] <fry> (only texture stuff is in jsons)
L1267[14:08:54] <Zaggy1024> I only have one wattle_fence json currently
L1268[14:09:02] <fry> Yup
L1269[14:09:08] <Lymia> fry, slightly lower level than that.
L1270[14:09:09] <Lymia> :P
L1271[14:09:14] <Lymia> A extends B, B extends C, C extends D
L1272[14:09:24] <Lymia> D defines a method f you wanna override. A overrides it, B doesn't touch it.
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L1274[14:09:50] *** MorphFK is now known as Morphan1
L1275[14:09:54] <Lymia> You don't really search the whole set of classes for it, do you?
L1276[14:10:09] <Zaggy1024> I guess at this point it's kind of useless to allow people to override one texture...
L1277[14:10:35] *** big_Xplosion is now known as big_Xplo|AFK
L1278[14:10:59] <fry> Lymia: are you familliar with http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disjoint-set_data_structure? :P
L1279[14:11:30] <Lymia> The concept, yeah.
L1280[14:11:31] ⇦ Quits: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk) ()
L1281[14:11:42] <Lymia> Not any specific implementations
L1282[14:12:55] <Lymia> But, yeah.
L1283[14:12:57] <fry> For each method we store every methods that are overriden by it and override it
L1284[14:13:03] ⇨ Joins: Forecaster (~Forecaste@
L1285[14:13:12] <fry> One step merges 2 those sets :P
L1286[14:13:16] <Lymia> Then merge it? :P
L1287[14:13:55] <fry> At the end, if A.f overrides B.f through some arbitrary inheritance chain, they would be in the same set
L1288[14:14:19] <fry> (And checking sameSet(A.f, B.f) is O(1))
L1289[14:14:32] <fry> (or something very close to that)
L1290[14:15:15] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L1291[14:15:41] ⇨ Joins: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk)
L1292[14:15:51] <Lymia> How do you check up or down for inheritence?
L1293[14:16:08] <Lymia> Isn't both Scala and the Java API full of huge branching chains of interfaces?
L1294[14:16:08] <fry> Ah, another part
L1295[14:16:47] <fry> Build supertype graph, and invert it
L1296[14:17:34] <fry> Build a set of sinks (vertices with no supertypes present), while it's not empty, take one, and push all methods from it to all it's childs
L1297[14:17:58] <fry> (Not actually push - call overrideMerge, but whatever :P)
L1298[14:18:41] <fry> https://github.com/RainWarrior/AsmStuff/blob/master/trees.scala#L49-L73
L1299[14:18:55] <fry> (I actually added comments to the code, look at that :P)
L1300[14:20:27] <Lymia> Mind, my code is a little more complicated, since I'm taking a class path argument.
L1301[14:20:39] <Lymia> I'd like to trace through the whole classpath for possible references to remapped classes.
L1302[14:20:51] <Lymia> I'd rather not load unnessecary parts of that. :P
L1303[14:20:53] <Lymia> But that shouldn't be hard.
L1304[14:23:14] ⇦ Quits: KilRoYDK (~KilRoYDK@ (Quit: (null))
L1305[14:23:21] <OndraSter> guys, can you sign your JAR and then either make Forge check it or check it yourself during launch?
L1306[14:23:41] <OndraSter> I've found some fake/hijacked versions of my mod on OpenEye :/
L1307[14:23:45] <diesieben07> yes, there was a way to do that
L1308[14:23:55] <fry> Well, classpath loading is lazy - no way to be sure you get to everything :P
L1309[14:24:05] <diesieben07> FMLFingerPrintViolationEvent
L1310[14:24:09] <OndraSter> thanks
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L1313[14:24:42] <diesieben07> and then certificateFingerprint in @Mod
L1314[14:24:50] <OndraSter> ooh found a thread about it even
L1315[14:24:50] <OndraSter> thanks
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L1317[14:26:25] <Lymia> fry, fullClasspath in Compile :P
L1318[14:27:32] * fry prefers to make the mod dependencies explicit
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L1320[14:27:45] <Lex__> !gf func_82243_bO
L1321[14:27:46] <Lymia> Explicit?
L1322[14:27:52] *** Lex__ is now known as LexManos
L1323[14:27:53] <LexManos> !gf func_82243_bO
L1324[14:27:59] <LexManos> !gm func_82243_bO
L1325[14:28:14] <fry> (Not traverse full classpath - just add stuff you need to a key :P)
L1326[14:28:32] <advtech> Hey, Does anyone know if IntellJ is supported with the newest version of Minecraft? Also, I am assuming I need Java 7 still, correct?
L1327[14:29:11] <diesieben07> advtech: yes, it is. and no, you can use java 8
L1328[14:29:19] <diesieben07> but don't compile for java 8
L1329[14:29:36] <advtech> Well, I might as well just use 7.
L1330[14:29:39] <diesieben07> also: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,21354.0.html
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L1338[14:40:53] <LexManos> !gm func_174825_a
L1339[14:41:41] <LexManos> !sm func_174825_a interactAt New version of interactWith that includes vector information on where precisely the player targeted.
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L1346[14:47:35] <Ivorius> Has anyone in here worked with using ctrl as a server-side input, or for that matter, the scroll wheel?
L1347[14:47:54] <fry> You mean in the server console?
L1348[14:48:10] <Ivorius> No, I mean, you hold an item, hold ctrl, scroll, and it does something special
L1349[14:48:20] <Ivorius> The input is sent to the server, so to say
L1350[14:48:31] <Ivorius> I mean, I know how to interpret them from lwjgl, but I never worked with Mojangs keybinds
L1351[14:48:39] <diesieben07> no need for keybinds
L1352[14:48:48] <diesieben07> MouseInputEvnt and KeyInputEvent are direclty fired from the lwjgl events
L1353[14:48:53] <Lymia> Can you hook the right click event on the client side, before anything is sent to the server?
L1354[14:49:01] <diesieben07> you check Keyboard.getEventKey, etc. in those events
L1355[14:49:02] <Lymia> That'd make it pretty easy
L1356[14:49:07] <Ivorius> Do I need to send them to the server manually?
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L1358[14:49:16] <diesieben07> yes
L1359[14:49:19] <Ivorius> yay
L1360[14:49:22] <Ivorius> x)
L1361[14:49:50] <Ivorius> I just love how fun synchronization is
L1362[14:49:53] <Ivorius> It's my favourite
L1363[14:50:18] <Ivorius> Also I wish I could overwrite left clicks
L1364[14:50:24] <fry> It is, if you build/use a right abstraction :P
L1365[14:50:32] <Ivorius> Because my tool really has no business hitting stuff
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L1367[14:51:10] <diesieben07> there is a method for that
L1368[14:51:10] <diesieben07> onEntitySwing or something
L1369[14:51:18] <Ivorius> Yes, but that's too late
L1370[14:51:23] <Ivorius> It's after the block was destroyed
L1371[14:51:27] <diesieben07> PlayerInteractEvent?
L1372[14:51:32] <Ivorius> That's right click :P
L1373[14:51:40] <Lymia> Doesn't some stuff override left click?
L1374[14:51:44] <Ivorius> Besides, that one is also fired if the entity swings from anything
L1375[14:51:46] <Ivorius> Not just left click
L1376[14:51:49] <Lymia> I can't remember for the life of me what things
L1377[14:51:52] <Ivorius> Nope Lymia
L1378[14:51:53] <diesieben07> no
L1379[14:51:53] <diesieben07> it has LEFT_CLICK_BLOCk
L1380[14:52:12] <Lymia> Ivorius, I mean in mods I've played.
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L1382[14:52:59] <Mraof> Yeah there's definitely one fired when an item is swung
L1383[14:53:31] <Mraof> I use that event so that weapons the player can't use don't even swing (or do damage, for that matter)
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L1386[14:54:05] <Ivorius> Let me try canceling the event
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L1389[14:55:10] <Mraof> Also I override onLeftClickEntity an return false if they can't use it
L1390[14:55:13] <Ivorius> wtf
L1391[14:55:18] <Ivorius> Why is it @Cancelable
L1392[14:55:21] <Ivorius> But uses Result
L1393[14:56:33] <Ivorius> Well, I want my item to cancel all left clicking basically
L1394[14:56:37] <Ivorius> Preferably server-side
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L1396[14:57:12] <diesieben07> you can cancel it
L1397[14:57:20] <Mraof> All left clicking with that item
L1398[14:57:22] <LexManos> AbrarSyed, you about?
L1399[14:57:22] <Mraof> Or in general?
L1400[14:57:24] <Ivorius> lolwat
L1401[14:57:26] <Ivorius> If I cancel it
L1402[14:57:28] <diesieben07> or you can specify a Result for item or block interaction
L1403[14:57:32] <Ivorius> It destroys the block client-side
L1404[14:57:34] <Ivorius> But not server-side
L1405[14:57:37] <AbrarSyed> hmm? yeah
L1406[14:57:43] <Ivorius> So the block is instantly restored
L1407[14:57:47] <Ivorius> That's pretty meh
L1408[14:57:57] <LexManos> i need a gradle script that'll zip up my sources/build.gradle and push them inside my jar
L1409[14:57:58] <Mraof> Yeah you'll have to cancel it client side too
L1410[14:58:00] <LexManos> when i do a build
L1411[14:58:18] <Ivorius> Mraof: @SubscribeEvent public void onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) { event.setCanceled(true); }
L1412[14:58:21] <Ivorius> Both sides
L1413[14:58:27] <Ivorius> Does the aforementioned
L1414[14:58:33] <AbrarSyed> lex: for a standard workspace? or forge workspace?
L1415[14:58:36] <Mraof> Hmm
L1416[14:58:37] <Ivorius> Also still swings the item
L1417[14:58:41] <LexManos> standard
L1418[14:58:48] <AbrarSyed> also.. packed into the release jar? or a seperate one?
L1419[14:58:54] <LexManos> release
L1420[14:59:05] <Mraof> But are you trying to do that with all items or just your own
L1421[14:59:18] <Ivorius> I would only do it with mine
L1422[14:59:21] <Ivorius> But I did this to test
L1423[14:59:29] <Ivorius> And it doesn't work the way I want it to
L1424[14:59:35] <Ivorius> So I'll probably do ctrl right click instead :P
L1425[14:59:47] <fry> Lex: also, apparently that innerclass fix changed absolutely nothing
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L1427[14:59:48] <Mraof> Well don't use the event then
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L1429[14:59:51] <AbrarSyed> Lex: last few questions.. need the resources? and before or after source token replacement?
L1430[14:59:52] <Mraof> Override the method
L1431[15:00:03] <AbrarSyed> actually resources will already eb ther.. nvm that part
L1432[15:00:19] <Ivorius> Mraof: I don't left click entities
L1433[15:00:20] <LexManos> before, yes
L1434[15:00:21] <Ivorius> I left click air
L1435[15:00:25] <Ivorius> Or blocks
L1436[15:00:26] <Mraof> https://github.com/mraof/Scapecraft/blob/master/src/scapecraft/item/ItemWeapon.java#L108-L118
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L1438[15:00:35] <Mraof> Well swinging is handled by onEntitySwing
L1439[15:00:54] <Ivorius> The block would still be destroyed client-side
L1440[15:01:02] <Ivorius> And make a sound and spawn particles
L1441[15:01:12] <AbrarSyed> jar { from sourceSets.main.java } << add that to the end of the build.gradle and you should be good.
L1442[15:01:14] <Mraof> Well the player is less likely to try if they don't see the item moving
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L1444[15:01:22] <AbrarSyed> unless your using scala.. which is unlikely
L1445[15:01:26] <Ivorius> It's not that I want to discourage them
L1446[15:01:32] <Ivorius> I want to do something else with it :P
L1447[15:01:36] <Ivorius> It's a selection item
L1448[15:01:39] <Mraof> Okay
L1449[15:01:50] <Mraof> Oh, I know what you probably want
L1450[15:01:51] <Ivorius> Right Click = Select, Hold Shift = Select 2nd corner
L1451[15:02:00] <Ivorius> Currently anyway
L1452[15:02:11] <Ivorius> My plans currently were replacing shift with ctrl
L1453[15:02:12] <Mraof> One second, I need to check what the event is called
L1454[15:02:35] <Ivorius> And another thing would be ctrl + scrollwheel to change the selection distance
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L1456[15:03:33] <Mraof> Oh, you could return true for onBlockStartBreak in the item class
L1457[15:04:08] <Ivorius> Meh, I can imagine some players getting confused if left click doesn't swing
L1458[15:04:17] <Ivorius> Might be handy to be able to still break blocks in creative with the tool in hand
L1459[15:04:23] <Mraof> I was thinking that you could just override getDigSpeed and set it to something unrealistic
L1460[15:04:24] <Ivorius> ctrl is probably the better design choice either way
L1461[15:04:34] <Ivorius> It's a creative tool, Mraof :P
L1462[15:04:35] <Mraof> Well don't override onEntitySwing, then
L1463[15:04:39] <Mraof> Okay
L1464[15:05:02] ⇦ Quits: Gregory_ (~Gregory@173-224-23-159.stanton.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1465[15:05:02] <Ivorius> I'm just looking for the most handy input method
L1466[15:05:16] <Ivorius> Shift is annoying because while flying, you'll float downwards
L1467[15:05:45] <Mraof> Oh, look how the sword does it
L1468[15:06:07] <diesieben07> that's hardcoded :P
L1469[15:06:11] <Ivorius> Does what?
L1470[15:06:37] <Ivorius> Oh, that it doesn't destroy blocks in creative
L1471[15:06:52] <Ivorius> I'll just do the ctrl thing, man x)
L1472[15:06:52] <Mraof> Yeah
L1473[15:07:10] <Mraof> Okay
L1474[15:07:40] <Mraof> BlockEvent.BreakEvent exists, if you wanted to use that, though
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L1477[15:08:28] <Zaggy1024> fry, how do I get the resource location for a block's model?
L1478[15:08:43] <Mraof> Actually, no, onBlockStartBreak works in creative too
L1479[15:08:44] * Zaggy1024 is making a workaround for my problem with child textures :)
L1480[15:09:03] <Mraof> I'd use that
L1481[15:09:32] <fry> Zaggy1024: which one? :P
L1482[15:09:59] <Zaggy1024> I'm just making it so that my MultiBakedModelWrapper resolves textures from "#texturename" using the child model
L1483[15:10:16] <Zaggy1024> so I need to find out the child's resource location
L1484[15:10:21] <LexManos> fry
L1485[15:10:27] <LexManos> did you ever finish up the blame?
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L1487[15:10:42] <fry> Not really
L1488[15:10:46] <fry> got sick
L1489[15:10:54] <LexManos> bah, better now?
L1490[15:10:59] <fry> Almost :P
L1491[15:11:05] <fry> 1st day the fever is gone :P
L1492[15:11:06] <LexManos> get'r'dun den!
L1493[15:11:21] <LexManos> Its close to being done atleast
L1494[15:11:31] <fry> Zaggy1024: did you understand what I was suggesting with reversing the stuff? :P
L1495[15:11:36] <LexManos> {I sent you the re-work of the wrapper generator}
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L1497[15:11:54] <fry> I know, I just need to merge everything :P
L1498[15:11:57] <Zaggy1024> fry, I don't like that plan :P
L1499[15:12:01] <fry> Why not?
L1500[15:12:36] <Zaggy1024> Unless I misunderstood, it would make wattle_fence become variant_wattle_fence * nVariants,
L1501[15:12:41] <Zaggy1024> so...that's a lot of jsons
L1502[15:12:56] <Zaggy1024> for little gain
L1503[15:13:28] <Zaggy1024> The way I'm trying to do this, I'll have a reusable method to resolve the texture from the child model
L1504[15:14:14] <fry> Well, is the set of woods fixed in code?
L1505[15:14:33] <EnderL> How do I create a custom world type? Is there a method for that?
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L1507[15:14:54] <Zaggy1024> fry, yes, it's an enum
L1508[15:14:58] <Zaggy1024> why?
L1509[15:15:51] <fry> Hmm, you can poll the texture json using that then :P
L1510[15:16:46] <EnderL> Anyone? :)
L1511[15:17:03] <Zaggy1024> fry, but that's too hard-coded :(
L1512[15:17:08] * Zaggy1024 is allergic to hard-coding things
L1513[15:17:53] <diesieben07> there is also soft-coding :P
L1514[15:17:55] <diesieben07> its also bad.
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L1516[15:18:25] <fry> Zaggy1024: having an enum is hardcoding anyway :P
L1517[15:18:34] <Zaggy1024> ...
L1518[15:18:36] <Zaggy1024> sigh
L1519[15:19:22] <Zaggy1024> I know, but I'm not really going to go and make a whole mod loader just to make *another* mod, am I? :P
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L1521[15:19:57] <fry> Strawman! :P
L1522[15:20:03] <Zaggy1024> well, perhaps mod loader is the wrong term, but...
L1523[15:20:24] <fry> I'm only suggesting that for every item in your enum you load "item_fence.json"
L1524[15:20:33] <fry> (Which you were doing anyway)
L1525[15:20:57] <Zaggy1024> um
L1526[15:21:01] <fry> Then, your model loader accepts any "item_fence_model" resource locations
L1527[15:21:20] <fry> and polls "item_fence.json" from the system to get the texture from it
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L1529[15:22:44] <Zaggy1024> that's essentially what I'm trying to do
L1530[15:22:53] <Zaggy1024> But perhaps a little simpler and less flexible :P
L1531[15:23:14] <LexManos> ..
L1532[15:23:16] <LexManos> the fuck is going on?
L1533[15:23:43] <Zaggy1024> I'm probably making a fool of myself :P
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L1536[15:26:21] <Zaggy1024> I just wish there was some way to resolve "#texture" to the resource location in the child like with vanilla models
L1537[15:26:41] <LexManos> there should be
L1538[15:26:58] <Zaggy1024> in custom block models
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L1541[15:27:34] <LexManos> i know there should be
L1542[15:27:38] <LexManos> it depends on the loader type
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L1544[15:28:53] <Zaggy1024> custom model loader type?
L1545[15:29:48] <LexManos> yes
L1546[15:30:09] <LexManos> jsons should support variables like vanilla does because all vanilla loading should go through the exact same code
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L1553[15:38:58] <Zaggy1024> My model code calls VanillaModelWrapper.bake() on several models to combine them into another baked model
L1554[15:39:31] <Zaggy1024> so I'm not sure how json variables work/would work in a custom block model
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L1588[16:33:58] <Lymia> fry, hrm.
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L1592[16:41:23] <Lymia> fry, if I have a quick way to ask if A is a superclass of B, the mapping thing shouldn't be hard at all.
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L1595[16:41:57] <Lymia> For simple mapping without dealing with conflated mappings.
L1596[16:43:19] <fry> simple mapping?
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L1598[16:44:05] <Lymia> Just map the target method and anything that directly extends it
L1599[16:44:43] <Lymia> For notch->srg and srg->mcp since AFAIK FG does fine just using Retroguard
L1600[16:45:14] <fry> FG doesn't use RG, afaik
L1601[16:45:53] <fry> (And, as I've said before, simple downward propagation breaks easily)
L1602[16:45:57] <Lymia> Does it use SpecialSource normally?
L1603[16:46:06] <fry> (it broke for me in, like, 1.5 :P)
L1604[16:46:13] <fry> I think so
L1605[16:46:33] ⇦ Parts: Gregory (~Gregory@173-224-23-159.stanton.net) ())
L1606[16:46:45] <Lymia> I see references to both in the code, so.
L1607[16:49:05] <matthewprenger> FG has an option to use retroguard instead of specialsource, it might still be broken though
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L1615[16:55:36] <Genuine> Is this a completely stupid way to check for equality? http://pastebin.com/PuzJ7CTw
L1616[16:55:53] <Genuine> I never know what the 'correct' way to do it is.
L1617[16:56:20] <Genuine> Should I just compound them into a huge return statement?
L1618[16:56:28] <Ordinastie> would be better
L1619[16:56:44] <Ordinastie> because it would jump out at the first 'false'
L1620[16:56:53] <Genuine> Right.
L1621[16:57:02] <Genuine> And that has a typo but forget about it.
L1622[16:57:16] <Genuine> Supposed to return !notEqual;
L1623[16:57:37] <Lymia> This is a pretty terrible way to check for equality.
L1624[16:57:54] <Lymia> It will check every field
L1625[16:58:01] <Lymia> Even if it knows it isn't equal, because one of the fields didn't match
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L1627[16:58:20] <Ivorius> Genuine: The 'correct' way is using your IDE to generate the equals and hashcode methods
L1628[16:58:36] <Ivorius> In IDEA, you can do ctrl+enter, I'm sure Eclipse has some equivalent
L1629[17:00:06] <Lymia> I let my compiler do it. :V
L1630[17:00:08] <Genuine> http://pastebin.com/bJiS4v5U
L1631[17:00:14] <Genuine> That's what it generated :P
L1632[17:00:31] <Ivorius> Sure
L1633[17:00:57] <Ivorius> Normally you don't test for float equality, since that will just return false anyway
L1634[17:01:02] <Genuine> I didn't realize Float.floatToIntBits(f) != Float.floatToIntBits(other.f) was the correct way to check for equality with floats.
L1635[17:01:04] <Genuine> :/
L1636[17:01:10] <diesieben07> it has to do with NaN
L1637[17:01:17] <diesieben07> NaN != NaN
L1638[17:01:21] <diesieben07> but the int bits are the same
L1639[17:01:28] <Genuine> Ahh.
L1640[17:01:38] <Lymia> \o/
L1641[17:01:43] <Lymia> Sacrifice speed for a corner case.
L1642[17:01:55] <diesieben07> floattointBits is an intrinsics
L1643[17:02:04] <diesieben07> it becomes one native intstruction
L1644[17:02:05] <Ivorius> Premature optimization is the root of all evil, Lymia
L1645[17:02:14] <diesieben07> and its not even applicable here
L1646[17:02:20] ⇦ Parts: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk) ())
L1647[17:02:23] <Ivorius> If you can prevent a bug by sacrificing infinitesimal performance, do it
L1648[17:02:47] <Genuine> This might be a dumb question but can a primitive float even be the NaN Float?
L1649[17:02:52] <diesieben07> sure
L1650[17:02:57] <diesieben07> float f = 1 / 0;
L1651[17:03:02] <diesieben07> f will be NaN
L1652[17:03:13] <Ivorius> public static final float NaN = 0.0f / 0.0f;
L1653[17:03:15] <Genuine> Thought that would be DivideByZeroException
L1654[17:03:19] <diesieben07> nope
L1655[17:03:26] <diesieben07> there is also different NaNs :D
L1656[17:03:38] <Genuine> -NaN?
L1657[17:04:02] *** OndraSter is now known as OndraSter|off
L1658[17:04:15] <diesieben07> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NaN
L1659[17:04:32] <Lymia> Ivorius, if I have an NaN
L1660[17:04:37] <Lymia> I think I have bigger problems than equals
L1661[17:04:47] <Ivorius> Not really
L1662[17:04:48] <Lymia> I'd call that "I'm already in an error condition"
L1663[17:04:49] <Ivorius> It happens.
L1664[17:04:54] <diesieben07> NaN is not necessarily an error
L1665[17:04:57] <Ivorius> Especially with vec math
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L1678[17:32:07] <Mraof> https://31.media.tumblr.com/714363757350e74ba949b8f1ff8f3a78/tumblr_nd3cijzalA1tlppcdo1_400.gif Possibly a good reference for anyone animating an insectoid model
L1679[17:34:18] <Ivorius> I like that sassy sway it has
L1680[17:35:38] <Lymia> Sassy ants?
L1681[17:37:47] <Ivorius> Just look at that ant, hm-hm!
L1682[17:37:48] <Ivorius> :P
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L1684[17:38:52] <Ivorius> Also I like how curse almost instantly accepts my new files these days
L1685[17:39:33] <Ivorius> Certainly a lot better than half a year ago, where I had to wait to post my release updates to the forums until the file was actually out
L1686[17:40:28] <Lymia> Can't just do an external link to your own web server
L1687[17:40:33] <Lymia> ?
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L1689[17:41:06] <Ivorius> Sure, I could
L1690[17:41:16] <Ivorius> But curse provides features I'm not willing to work on right now :P
L1691[17:41:35] <Ivorius> Also it lists the mod and effectively advertises it
L1692[17:41:42] <Ivorius> For people looking anyway
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L1730[18:53:27] <minecreatr> !gm func_176439_d
L1731[19:04:28] <clienthax> net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to convert pixelutilities:Tree[facing=north] back into data...
L1732[19:04:30] <clienthax> mhm
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L1771[20:37:50] <Zaggy1024> is there any limitation on the dimensions of block textures?
L1772[20:38:38] <KatieKat> !gm field_72310_e
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L1774[20:39:03] <dakamojo> Anyone got a guide on how to use a API mod like bdlib in a project?
L1775[20:39:44] <ntzrmtthihu777> dakamojo: drop a deobfd version in rundir/mods
L1776[20:40:34] <dakamojo> And if a download of the deobf is not available on the website do I need to contact the author for one?
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L1784[20:43:20] <archie> : ntzrmtthihu777: my net connection just reset so I missed your response (if there was one)
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L1786[20:43:59] <ntzrmtthihu777> archie: are you dakamojo ?
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L1789[20:44:15] <dakamojo> Seems my nick changed somehow
L1790[20:44:25] <dakamojo> and its back
L1791[20:44:42] <ntzrmtthihu777> but yes, that basically is the gist of it dakamojo
L1792[20:45:02] <dakamojo> OK, and in my project do I set an external reference to the jar file?
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L1794[20:45:51] <ntzrmtthihu777> probably. if they setup a maven repo you can just add it to build.gradle as a build-dep
L1795[20:46:12] <dakamojo> good idea. anyone else using bdlib?
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L1800[20:56:42] <clienthax> !gm func_178960_a(
L1801[20:56:45] <clienthax> !gm func_178960_a
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L1807[21:03:38] <clienthax> !gm setAvoidsWater 1.8
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L1809[21:09:18] <clienthax> porting dems mods
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L1815[21:29:05] <clienthax> lmfao
L1816[21:29:09] <clienthax> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/damcRU1f
L1817[21:29:12] <clienthax> hidden in a old file
L1818[21:29:40] <Drullkus> lmao
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L1829[21:40:50] <clienthax> !gm func_152596_g 1.7.10
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L1833[21:43:31] <Gregory_> So if I've set Minecraft to stream to my Twitch channel, I should be able to see myself if I go to my channel in the browser, correct?
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L1835[21:50:27] <killjoy> Is there an apache thing to deal with converting hex integers?
L1836[21:50:42] ⇦ Parts: Gregory (~Gregory@173-224-23-159.stanton.net) ())
L1837[21:50:58] <gigaherz> ...apache thing?
L1838[21:51:25] <killjoy> I remember there being an apache library that included hex conversion
L1839[21:51:52] <gigaherz> does java's standard library suck so much that you need to use an external library to be able to convert to/fdrom hex?!
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L1841[21:52:34] <killjoy> I've tried Integer.parseInt(hex, 16)
L1842[21:53:05] <Corosus> this should work "int val = 0xFFFFFF;"
L1843[21:53:18] <killjoy> It's coming from a string
L1844[21:53:26] <gigaherz> people around suggest something like Long.valueOf(hex, 16) or prefixing the hex with 0x
L1845[21:53:29] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
L1846[21:53:59] <killjoy> I saw some that used BigInteger
L1847[21:56:01] <Lymia> I went to class. Instead of listening to the lecture, I coded stuff.
L1848[21:56:05] <Lymia> This is completely normal, right
L1849[22:00:27] <wizjany> as normal as stabbing people
L1850[22:00:29] * wizjany hides
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L1852[22:04:03] <Mraof> Yeah that's normal
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L1854[22:06:19] <Lymia> wizjany, don't worry.
L1855[22:06:22] <Lymia> I left my knife in the car.
L1856[22:06:22] <Lymia> :o
L1857[22:06:38] <wizjany> oh good
L1858[22:06:40] * wizjany hugs Lymia
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L1860[22:07:19] * Lymia stabs wizjany
L1861[22:07:20] <Lymia> I lied.
L1862[22:07:24] <wizjany> :<
L1863[22:07:30] * wizjany bleeds
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L1866[22:14:52] <williewillus> what callback do I override if I want my block to pick up shift-clicks (because shift-clicks normally skip block interaction in vanilla)?
L1867[22:17:56] <Zaggy1024> Would be really nice if there was a better way to do children of custom models than just registering the custom model for each of the children :|
L1868[22:19:02] <Zaggy1024> williewillus, just check if the player is sneaking
L1869[22:19:17] <Zaggy1024> in onRightClick or whatever
L1870[22:19:31] <killjoy> I believe I've just about finished this color picker. Should I add anything else? http://i.imgur.com/II0BJlB.png
L1871[22:19:50] <killjoy> Aside from labels
L1872[22:20:01] <Zaggy1024> rainbows? :D
L1873[22:20:15] <Zaggy1024> jk :P
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L1875[22:24:03] <killjoy> I made a rainbow yesterday :(
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L1879[22:26:42] <Nathan2055> This is it. My friend tweeted the video that summed up the whole of Mojang: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2We5sLDVrw
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L1882[22:29:12] <Ordinastie> the idea is recycled from the NVIDIA one
L1883[22:29:42] <Nathan2055> I didn't see that, link please?
L1884[22:32:38] <Ordinastie> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spZJrsssPA0
L1885[22:33:06] <Nathan2055> thx
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L1887[22:36:15] <williewillus> Zaggy1024: onblockactivated is not even called if the player is sneaking
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L1893[22:53:49] <Zaggy1024> williewillus, oh, sorry, I misread your question
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L1895[22:54:06] <Zaggy1024> is there not another Block method you can override?
L1896[22:55:05] <minecreatr> !gf field_150921_b
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L1900[22:59:53] <clienthax> !gm getIsKeyPressed
L1901[23:00:30] <clienthax> !gm func_152349_b
L1902[23:04:19] <killjoy> So who prefixes boolean getters with getIs?
L1903[23:09:02] <williewillus> well in that case getKeyPressed might be expected to return the key number preseed etc etc.
L1904[23:09:09] <williewillus> Zaggy1024: I just used interaction events :p
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L1911[23:21:07] <minecreatr> can you do connected textures using the 1.8 jsons?
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L1926[23:44:27] <clienthax> !gm func_150118_d
L1927[23:44:40] <clienthax> !gm func_150118_d 1.7.10
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