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Stuff goes here
L1[04:17:50] <Forecaster> oh, Announce never had anything in it...
L2[04:18:06] <Forecaster> I was wondering why there was no actual command content... did I remove it?
L3[04:18:16] <Forecaster> but checking the history shows that there never was any xD
L4[09:25:40] <Katie> lol.. yeah, I started it... but never finished
L5[09:25:54] <Forecaster> :P
L6[09:26:03] <Katie> it was originally going to read from an XML file.. then I switched over to sqlite
L7[09:26:07] <Katie> and never did anything else
L8[09:26:28] <Forecaster> what were announcements going to do exactly?
L9[09:26:36] <Forecaster> just print randomly now and then?
L10[09:26:41] <Forecaster> :P
L11[09:26:45] <Katie> just stuff like timed messages, on joins, stuff like that
L12[09:26:51] <Forecaster> ah
L13[09:28:16] <Katie> Also, no the Dynamic Commands print messages, and can replace up to 2 params
L14[09:28:34] <Forecaster> oh
L15[09:28:42] <Forecaster> so {0} and {1}?
L16[09:28:45] <Katie> I wanted to do more, but didn't know how
L17[09:28:49] <Katie> i and 2, cause I'm a derp
L18[09:28:53] <Katie> 1 and 2*
L19[09:28:59] <Forecaster> oh :P
L20[09:29:09] <Forecaster> well, could probably do with a rewrite then
L21[09:29:45] <Katie> Oh... I might have made it do more
L22[09:29:49] <Katie> let's see
L23[09:30:14] <Katie> %addcommand merp Hello {0} how are {1} this is a long test {3} not sure what to do {4}
L24[09:30:14] <MichiBot> Katie: Command Added
L25[09:30:27] <Katie> %merp Test1 Test2 Test3 Test4
L26[09:30:27] <MichiBot> Hello Test1 how are Test2 this is a long test Test4 not sure what to do {4}
L27[09:30:34] <Katie> Ahh...
L28[09:30:45] <Forecaster> you didn't put a {2} in
L29[09:30:45] <Katie> I forgot the 2 inb the command lolol
L30[09:30:52] <Katie> %delcommand merp
L31[09:30:52] <MichiBot> Katie: Command deleted
L32[09:31:01] <Katie> %addcommand merp Hello {0} how are {1} this is a long test {2} not sure what to do {3}
L33[09:31:01] <MichiBot> Katie: Command Added
L34[09:31:03] <Katie> %merp Test1 Test2 Test3 Test4
L35[09:31:03] <MichiBot> Hello Test1 how are Test2 this is a long test Test3 not sure what to do Test4
L36[09:31:07] <Katie> so yeah...
L37[09:31:11] <Katie> I did make it work with more
L38[09:31:24] <Katie> String msg = MessageFormat.format(command1.getString(1), args);
L39[09:53:00] <Forecaster> the Command class is almost 300 lines now :P
L40[09:53:05] <Forecaster> it's grown quite a bit
L41[10:01:32] <Forecaster> the points thing is another special case that I'm going to continue to leave alone
L42[11:42:27] <Forecaster> I'm going to commit carpet-bomb with a bunch of migration commits now
L43[11:42:52] <Katie> OH GOD NOOOOOOOOOO
L44[11:42:52] <Katie> :p
L45[11:42:58] <Not-bd75> [LanteaBot] Forecaster pushed 18 commits to master [+1/-1/±19] https://github.com/PC-Logix/LanteaBot/compare/307d6a177e7f...4c8dcfd152cd</span>
L46[11:42:59] <Not-bd75> [LanteaBot] Forecaster b742e02 - Automatically register command help as set in command instance
L47[11:43:00] <PCL-Jenkins> Starting build #233 for job LanteaBot (previous build: SUCCESS)
L48[11:43:01] <Not-bd75> [LanteaBot] Forecaster 5c0cc4b - Migrate Announcements
L49[11:43:02] <Not-bd75> [LanteaBot] Forecaster 57e9e0f - Standardise sub-command listing for base command
L50[11:43:04] <Not-bd75> [LanteaBot] ... and 15 more commits.
L51[11:43:12] <Forecaster> oh, it does that, cool :P
L52[11:43:21] <Katie> notifico does.... jenkins does not
L53[11:43:26] <Forecaster> that's good, or I'd have been pinged 15 more times
L54[11:43:31] <PCL-Jenkins> Project LanteaBot build #233: SUCCESS in 33 sec: http://ci.pc-logix.com/job/LanteaBot/233/
L55[11:43:31] <PCL-Jenkins> * martinek90: Automatically register command help as set in command instance
L56[11:43:32] <PCL-Jenkins> * martinek90: Migrate Announcements
L57[11:43:32] <PCL-Jenkins> * martinek90: Standardise sub-command listing for base command
L58[11:43:33] <PCL-Jenkins> * martinek90: Migrate Announcements
L59[11:43:33] <Forecaster> jenkins doesn't ping me though
L60[11:43:33] <PCL-Jenkins> * martinek90: Migrate Calc
L61[11:43:34] <PCL-Jenkins> * martinek90: - Migrate Dice - Fix casing in class name
L62[11:43:34] <PCL-Jenkins> * martinek90: Migrate EightBall
L63[11:43:35] <PCL-Jenkins> * martinek90: Migrate Flip
L64[11:43:35] <PCL-Jenkins> * martinek90: Migrate Give
L65[11:43:36] <PCL-Jenkins> * martinek90: Migrate and improve IsUp
L66[11:43:36] <PCL-Jenkins> * martinek90: JIGGLE
L67[11:43:37] <PCL-Jenkins> * martinek90: Handle no arguments
L68[11:43:37] <PCL-Jenkins> * martinek90: Migrate Juggle
L69[11:43:38] <PCL-Jenkins> * martinek90: Migrate leet
L70[11:43:38] <PCL-Jenkins> * martinek90: Migrate LookUp
L71[11:43:39] <PCL-Jenkins> * martinek90: Mark command as sub-command automatically when passing to
L72[11:43:39] <PCL-Jenkins> * martinek90: Migrate MCInfo
L73[11:43:40] <PCL-Jenkins> * martinek90: Migrate Drama
L74[11:44:19] <Forecaster> with the exception of IsUp and MCInfo everything works the same as before
L75[11:44:36] <Forecaster> just uses the new command system and is slightly cleaned up
L76[11:46:03] <Forecaster> dunno why Migrate Announcements is there twice...
L77[11:46:32] <Katie> cause it's 2 commits :p
L78[11:46:33] <Katie> http://pc-logix.com/drama.php?plain
L79[11:46:34] <Katie> err
L80[11:46:38] <Katie> https://github.com/PC-Logix/LanteaBot/commit/5c0cc4bc0152842c31c7edadd8534941fc25818f
L81[11:46:43] <Katie> https://github.com/PC-Logix/LanteaBot/commit/06276134e69ba0f052e7ed4804fa58cc6ba9c3bd
L82[11:47:15] <Forecaster> yeah, seems I named the second one the same, even though it should have been different
L83[11:47:24] <Forecaster> oh well
L84[11:48:02] <Katie> I need to make announcements actually do something
L85[11:48:15] <Katie> I added the feature forever ago, for a channel that doesn't even exist anymore..
L86[11:48:22] <Katie> and never finished it
L87[11:48:27] <Katie> but it'd be handy to have
L88[11:50:50] <Forecaster> I might do it once I'm done with the migration
L89[11:50:58] <Forecaster> still got like half of it left though
L90[11:51:11] <Forecaster> I'm done for today I've decided
L91[11:51:37] <Forecaster> need to do something else now :P
L92[11:51:44] <Katie> heh
L93[11:51:48] <Katie> I don't blame ya :P
L94[11:52:06] <Forecaster> it's not that it's hard, but mostly tedious
L95[11:52:21] <Forecaster> though the old event commands take some fiddling to update
L96[16:00:53] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~lb@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L97[16:01:08] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~lb@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L98[16:01:08] Spock sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L99[19:57:01] <PCL-Jenkins> Starting build #234 for job LanteaBot (previous build: SUCCESS)
L100[19:57:01] <Not-bd75> [LanteaBot] Forecaster pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±3] https://github.com/PC-Logix/LanteaBot/compare/4c8dcfd152cd...2a7dec2a030f</span>
L101[19:57:03] <Not-bd75> [LanteaBot] Forecaster 2a7dec2 - Fix self-interaction check in Pet and Stab
L102[19:57:16] <Forecaster> don't re-deploy yet
L103[19:57:20] <Forecaster> another fix is coming
L104[19:57:24] <PCL-Jenkins> Project LanteaBot build #234: SUCCESS in 25 sec: http://ci.pc-logix.com/job/LanteaBot/234/
L105[19:57:25] <PCL-Jenkins> martinek90: Fix self-interaction check in Pet and Stab
L106[19:59:54] <Not-bd75> [LanteaBot] Forecaster pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://github.com/PC-Logix/LanteaBot/compare/2a7dec2a030f...fd958135fba8</span>
L107[19:59:54] <PCL-Jenkins> Starting build #235 for job LanteaBot (previous build: SUCCESS)
L108[19:59:55] <Not-bd75> [LanteaBot] Forecaster fd95813 - Make clear that quote arguments without a # is for user names
L109[20:00:00] <Forecaster> there we go
L110[20:00:14] <PCL-Jenkins> Project LanteaBot build #235: SUCCESS in 21 sec: http://ci.pc-logix.com/job/LanteaBot/235/
L111[20:00:15] <PCL-Jenkins> martinek90: Make clear that quote arguments without a # is for user names
L112[20:00:25] <Forecaster> now you can re-deploy at your leisure as usual :>
L113[20:08:18] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~lb@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L114[20:08:31] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~lb@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L115[20:08:31] Spock sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L116[20:24:20] <Not-bd75> [LanteaBot] CaitlynMainer pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://github.com/PC-Logix/LanteaBot/compare/fd958135fba8...37e40202c271</span>
L117[20:24:21] <PCL-Jenkins> Starting build #236 for job LanteaBot (previous build: SUCCESS)
L118[20:24:22] <Not-bd75> [LanteaBot] CaitlynMainer 37e4020 - != bad !.equals good
L119[20:24:36] <PCL-Jenkins> Project LanteaBot build #236: SUCCESS in 16 sec: http://ci.pc-logix.com/job/LanteaBot/236/
L120[20:24:37] <PCL-Jenkins> Michiyo.Ravencroft: != bad !.equals good
L121[20:24:45] <Not-bd75> [LanteaBot] Viomi forked the repository - https://github.com/Viomi</span>
L122[20:25:09] <PCL-Jenkins> Starting build #237 for job LanteaBot (previous build: SUCCESS)
L123[20:25:15] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~lb@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L124[20:25:24] <PCL-Jenkins> Project LanteaBot build #237: ABORTED in 15 sec: http://ci.pc-logix.com/job/LanteaBot/237/
L125[20:25:28] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~lb@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L126[20:25:28] Spock sets mode: +v on MichiBot
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