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L1[05:00:09] ⇦ Quits: Neo (Neo!~Neo@eos.pc-logix.com) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L2[05:00:36] ⇨ Joins: Neo (Neo!~Neo@eos.pc-logix.com)
L3[05:08:05] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (MichiBot!~MichiBot@eos.pc-logix.com)
L4[05:08:05] Spock sets mode: +o on MichiBot
L5[11:51:51] <Ocawesome101> %lua function wEiRdCaSe(str) local out = "" for i=1, #str, 1 do local c = str:sub(i,i) if i % 2 == 0 then out = out .. c:lower() else out = out .. c:upper() end end print(out) end
L6[11:52:12] <Ocawesome101> %lua wEiRdCaSe("this is a test of weirdcase")
L7[11:52:12] <MichiBot> ThIs iS A TeSt oF WeIrDcAsE
L8[11:52:17] <Ocawesome101> ayy
L9[11:53:13] <Ocawesome101> %lua weird = wEiRdCaSe
L10[11:53:37] <Ocawesome101> %lua weirdcase, WEIRDCASE, WeIrDcAsE = weird, weird, weird
L11[11:53:41] <Ocawesome101> weird is a weird word
L12[11:53:54] <Ocawesome101> %lua weird("THIS STRING SHOULD BE WEIRDCASE")
L13[11:53:54] <MichiBot> ThIs sTrInG ShOuLd bE WeIrDcAsE
L14[11:54:13] <Michiyo> wouldn't it be a shame... if someone was to reset the sandbox?
L15[11:54:15] <Michiyo> :P
L16[11:54:23] <Ocawesome101> it would :P
L17[11:56:51] <Ocawesome101> %lua for k, v in pairs(io) do print(k, v) end
L18[11:57:09] <Ocawesome101> ...hm
L19[11:57:19] <Ocawesome101> %lua =io
L20[11:57:20] <MichiBot> main:1: unexpected symbol near '='
L21[11:57:28] <Ocawesome101> %lua print(io)
L22[11:57:29] <MichiBot> table: 0x7f6010866050
L23[11:57:40] <20kdc> ...is this sandbox shared? hmmmmm
L24[11:57:43] <20kdc> %lua string.bluePortal = 0x6D6F6F6E
L25[11:57:58] <Ocawesome101> between channels? yes
L26[11:58:16] <20kdc> %lua string.bluePortal = nil -- cleaning up
L27[11:58:54] <Forecaster> it's the same instance of the bot, it's not that the sandbox is shared
L28[11:59:14] <20kdc> no, I was wondering if the sandbox was shared between invocations
L29[11:59:27] <20kdc> I did the cross-channel thing because it looks hilarious
L30[12:01:55] <ThePiGuy24> %lua wonk = function(phrase) local out = "" for i=1,#phrase do if phrase:sub(i,i) == "a" then out = out .. "e" elseif phrase:sub(i,i) == "e" then out = out .. "i" elseif phrase:sub(i,i) == "i" then out = out .. "o" elseif phrase:sub(i,i) == "o" then out = out .. "u" elseif phrase:sub(i,i) == "u" then out = out .. "a" else out = out .. phrase:sub(i,i) end end return out end
L31[12:02:07] <ThePiGuy24> %lua wonk("this is a test")
L32[12:02:07] <MichiBot> thos os e tist
L33[12:02:32] <Ocawesome101> %lua weird(wonk("this is very.... wonky"))
L34[12:02:33] <MichiBot> ThOs oS ViRy.... wUnKy
L35[12:02:39] <Ocawesome101> :D
L36[12:03:09] <ThePiGuy24> i call it the australianaccentficator
L37[12:03:24] <Ocawesome101> lmao
L38[12:06:35] <Amanda> %lua if "" then print("True") else print ("False") end
L39[12:06:35] <MichiBot> True
L40[12:07:49] <ThePiGuy24> %lua true, false = false, true
L41[12:07:49] <MichiBot> main:1: unexpected symbol near 'true'
L42[12:07:54] <ThePiGuy24> awww
L43[18:41:13] <Saghetti> %lua require
L44[18:41:13] <MichiBot> nil
L45[18:41:23] <Saghetti> %lua require("socket.http")
L46[18:41:23] <MichiBot> main:1: attempt to call global 'require' (a nil value)
L47[18:41:50] <Saghetti> %source
L48[18:41:50] <MichiBot> Saghetti: https://github.com/PC-Logix/LanteaBot/
L49[18:41:52] <Saghetti> %github
L50[18:41:52] <MichiBot> Saghetti: GitHub Info is disabled in this channel
L51[18:41:54] <Saghetti> oh
L52[18:43:33] <Saghetti> %lua read("")
L53[18:43:33] <MichiBot> main:1: attempt to call global 'read' (a nil value)
L54[18:43:39] <Saghetti> %lua io
L55[18:43:39] <MichiBot> table: 0x7f6010866050
L56[18:44:13] <Saghetti> %lua for k,v in pairs(io) do print(k .. ": " .. v) end
L57[18:45:29] <Ocawesome101> %lua #io
L58[18:45:29] <MichiBot> 0
L59[18:45:39] <Saghetti> i've been fooled
L60[18:46:32] <Ocawesome101> %lua weird(wonk("you've been fooled! you'd better like it, because there's no going back!"))
L61[18:46:32] <MichiBot> YuA'Vi bIiN FuUlId! YuA'D BiTtIr lOkI Ot, BiCeAsI ThIrI'S Nu gUoNg bEcK!
L62[18:46:42] <Ocawesome101> oh god
L63[18:47:07] <Saghetti> %lua for k,v in pairs(_ENV) do print(k .. ": " .. v) end
L64[18:47:08] <MichiBot> main:1: attempt to concatenate local 'v' (a function value)
L65[18:48:49] <Saghetti> %lua for k,v in pairs(_ENV) do print(k .. ": " .. tostring(v)) end
L66[18:48:50] <MichiBot> weird: function: 0x7f5f8818ba00 | not enough memory
L67[18:49:06] <Saghetti> hmm
L68[18:49:32] <Saghetti> %lua for k,v in pairs(_ENV) do print(k .. ": " .. type(v)) end
L69[18:49:32] <MichiBot> Message too long to send to channel https://paste.pc-logix.com/cofoyiputi
L70[18:50:03] <Saghetti> %lua for k,v in pairs(_ENV) do print(k .. ": " .. type(v) .. "\n") end
L71[18:50:03] <MichiBot> Message too long to send to channel https://paste.pc-logix.com/odiqeqetem
L72[18:50:20] <Saghetti> %lua s
L73[18:51:46] <Ocawesome101> %lua weird(wonk"stop messing with my environment y'all")
L74[18:51:46] <MichiBot> StUp mIsSoNg wOtH My iNvOrUnMiNt y'eLl
L75[18:51:48] <Saghetti> %selene
L76[18:52:05] <Saghetti> of interest https://github.com/PC-Logix/LanteaBot/blob/master/src/main/java/pcl/lc/irc/hooks/JNLuaSandbox.java
L77[18:52:13] <Saghetti> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/xiranuzayo
L78[18:52:17] <Saghetti> %sel
L79[18:52:26] <Saghetti> %blame Vexatos
L80[18:52:26] * MichiBot blames Vexatos for that one thing. You know
L81[18:52:35] <Saghetti> %blame Vexatos
L82[18:52:36] * MichiBot blames Vexatos for E.T for Atari being terrible!
L83[18:53:08] <Saghetti> %help selene
L84[18:53:53] <Saghetti> %lua #os
L85[18:53:54] <MichiBot> 0
L86[18:53:58] <Saghetti> who
L87[18:54:01] <Saghetti> deleted all the libs
L88[18:56:35] <Amanda> MichiBot probably did, you know, so that random things aren't downloaded and run
L89[18:56:59] <Saghetti> im checking the source
L90[18:57:04] <Saghetti> and it loads all of those libraries in
L91[18:57:05] <Saghetti> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/ikunafafuf
L92[18:57:18] <Saghetti> (sorry for irc spam)
L93[18:57:42] <Ocawesome101> no `io`
L94[18:57:47] <Ocawesome101> not in that list anyway
L95[18:57:57] <Amanda> https://github.com/PC-Logix/LanteaBot/blob/master/src/main/resources/jnlua/luasb.lua#L1-L26
L96[18:58:40] ⇨ Joins: Saghetti (Saghetti!webchat@c-67-164-116-220.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L97[18:58:44] <Saghetti> so is this it?
L98[18:58:48] <Saghetti> yes
L99[18:58:52] <Saghetti> i found the irc channel
L100[19:00:41] <Amanda> The file I linked in particular sets up the sandbox that %lua is actually run in
L101[19:01:55] <Saghetti> but os shouldn't be empty
L102[19:01:59] <Saghetti> i almost want to reset env
L103[19:02:03] <Saghetti> but that's mean
L104[19:02:10] <Amanda> %lua return os.time
L105[19:02:10] <MichiBot> function: 0x7f5ff2052940
L106[19:02:14] <Amanda> IT's not empty
L107[19:02:22] <Saghetti> wHAT
L108[19:02:22] <Amanda> #table only countscontiguous entries
L109[19:02:49] <Saghetti> %lua selene
L110[19:02:49] <MichiBot> table: 0x7f60108c8a30
L111[19:03:01] <Amanda> %lua a,b = {1, 2, 3}, {one = 1, two = 2, three = 3}
L112[19:03:07] <Amanda> %lua #a, #b
L113[19:03:08] <MichiBot> 3, 0
L114[19:03:26] <Amanda> %lua a = {[6] = 6}
L115[19:03:30] <Amanda> %lua #a
L116[19:03:30] <MichiBot> 0
L117[19:03:51] <Ocawesome101> %lua for k, v in pairs(io) do print(k) end
L118[19:03:59] <Saghetti> no io
L119[19:04:12] <Amanda> @Ocawesome101 https://github.com/PC-Logix/LanteaBot/blob/master/src/main/resources/jnlua/luasb.lua#L19
L120[19:04:26] <Corded> * <Ocawesome101> sighs
L121[19:04:38] <Amanda> This is intentional.
L122[19:04:46] <Saghetti> %lua for k, v in pairs(coroutine) do print(k) end
L123[19:04:46] <MichiBot> wrap | yield | create | running | status | resume
L124[19:04:48] <Amanda> The biggest problem with running a bot is the users.
L125[19:04:52] <Saghetti> oooooooh
L126[19:05:03] <Saghetti> that looks intriuging
L127[19:05:26] <Ocawesome101> write a scheduler in MichiBot Lua :D
L128[19:05:35] <Saghetti> %lua function myCoro() print("hello") ; coroutine.yield() ; print("world") end
L129[19:05:57] <Saghetti> %lua testCoro = coroutine.create(myCoro)
L130[19:06:05] <Saghetti> %lua coroutine.resume(testCoro)
L131[19:06:05] <MichiBot> hello | true
L132[19:06:13] <Saghetti> %lua coroutine.resume(testCoro)
L133[19:06:13] <MichiBot> world | true
L134[19:06:16] <Saghetti> omg yess
L135[19:06:17] <Saghetti> %lua coroutine.resume(testCoro)
L136[19:06:17] <MichiBot> false, cannot resume dead coroutine
L137[19:06:22] <Saghetti> this is too cool
L138[19:19:03] <Saghetti> %inv add rock
L139[19:33:43] <Saghetti> time to make a utility that does michibot commands
L140[19:34:00] <Saghetti> so i can make a source tree and it will convert it into a %lua command
L141[19:34:02] <Saghetti> %bf
L142[19:37:33] <ThePiGuy24> making your own bot within another bot
L143[19:37:39] <Saghetti> yep
L144[19:37:55] <Saghetti> time to hijack michibot
L145[19:38:35] <Saghetti> %bf +[>+.]
L146[19:38:58] <Saghetti> michibot is gone
L147[19:39:08] <Saghetti> %bf +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.
L148[19:39:08] <MichiBot> #
L149[19:39:15] <Saghetti> oh nvm
L150[19:40:24] <ThePiGuy24> %bf +[.+]
L151[19:40:25] <MichiBot>
L152[19:40:35] <ThePiGuy24> exactly what i wanted
L153[19:41:06] <Saghetti> wait a minute
L154[19:41:11] <Saghetti> does michibot solve the halting problem?
L155[19:41:34] <ThePiGuy24> %bf ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[.+]
L156[19:41:35] <MichiBot> !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
L157[19:41:40] <ThePiGuy24> yay
L158[19:41:52] <Saghetti> yay
L159[19:44:48] <Ocawesome101> %bf
L160[19:44:48] <Ocawesome101> ++++++++[>+>++>+++>++++>+++++>++++++>+++++++>++++++++>+++++++++>++++++++++>+++++++++++>++++++++++++>+++++++++++++>++++++++++++++>+++++++++++++++>++++++++++++++++<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<-]>>>>>>>>>.<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>-.+<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>-.+<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>.<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>----.++++<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>-.+<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>---.+++<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+++.---<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>.<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>----.++++<<<<
L161[19:44:48] <Ocawesome101> <<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>.<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>+.-<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+++.---<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>.<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>---.+++<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>--.++<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>---.+++<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>--.++<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>.<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>-.+<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>-.+<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>++.--<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>+++.---<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>-.+<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>-.+<<<<<<<<.
L162[19:45:10] <Ocawesome101> wwwhat
L163[19:46:01] <Ocawesome101> %bf +[--->++<]>+.+++[->++++<]>.-------.--[--->+<]>-.[---->+<]>+++.+[->+++<]>+.+++++++++++.----------.[--->+<]>----.+[---->+<]>+++.---[->++++<]>.------------.+.++++++++++.+[---->+<]>+++.+[->+++<]>+.+++++++++++.+[--->++++<]>-..
L164[19:46:02] <MichiBot> What does this do??
L165[19:46:07] <Ocawesome101> there we go
L166[19:46:37] <Saghetti> %bf +[----->+++<]>++.+++++++++++.[---->+<]>+++.+[->+++<]>+.+++++++++++.----------.[--->+<]>----.+[---->+<]>+++.[->+++<]>++.[--->+<]>----.+++[->+++<]>++.++++++++.+++++.--------.-[--->+<]>--.+[->+++<]>+.++++++++.-[++>---<]>+.++[--->++<]>.+++.---.
L167[19:46:37] <MichiBot> it does brainfuck lol
L168[19:47:13] <Ocawesome101> please don't tell me you wrote that by hand
L169[19:47:17] <ThePiGuy24> lame autogenerated bf
L170[19:47:34] <Saghetti> how else would you sanely do it
L171[19:47:41] <Ocawesome101> fair
L172[19:50:24] <ThePiGuy24> %bf ++++++++>+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[<->.]
L173[19:50:30] <ThePiGuy24> hmmm
L174[19:50:52] <ThePiGuy24> ah i see
L175[19:52:01] <ThePiGuy24> %bf +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>++++++++[<.>-]
L176[19:52:01] <MichiBot> !!!!!!!!
L177[19:52:05] <ThePiGuy24> yay
L178[19:53:46] ⇦ Quits: Saghetti (Saghetti!webchat@c-67-164-116-220.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L179[19:54:59] <ThePiGuy24> %bf +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>++++++++[<.+>-]
L180[19:54:59] <MichiBot> !"#$%&'(
L181[20:00:01] ⇦ Quits: revocation (revocation!~gunfighte@ (Remote host closed the connection)
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