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L1[00:08:03] ⇦ Quits: purpletarget|ktns (~purpletar@d207-81-104-80.bchsia.telus.net) (Quit: Any fool can calculate)
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L5[02:09:02] ⇦ Quits: Tank2333 (~Tank2333@p5085368b.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L11[03:45:52] ChanServ sets mode: +o on Althego
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L24[09:08:46] ⇨ Joins: sandbox (~sandbox@host-78-147-177-116.as13285.net)
L25[09:30:31] <sandbox> !mission
L26[09:30:31] <LunchBot> You open your launch window to let in some fresh vacuum. After successfully putting the satellite in orbit and receiving your money you go to the tracking station and terminate the satellite.
L27[10:27:37] ⇦ Quits: darsie (~darsie@84-112-12-36.cable.dynamic.surfer.at) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L32[11:32:03] ⇦ Quits: SporkWitch (~SporkWitc@syn-098-010-053-227.res.spectrum.com) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L35[11:45:26] ⇦ Quits: darsie (~darsie@84-112-12-36.cable.dynamic.surfer.at) (Quit: Wash your hands. Don't touch your face. Avoid fossil fuels and animal products. Have no/fewer children. Protest, elect sane politicians. Invest ecologically.)
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L41[14:00:30] <sandbox> !mission
L42[14:00:31] <LunchBot> You attempt a Grand Tour of the restaurants in your area. Your kerbals wind up learning Semaphore.
L43[14:02:05] <packbart> to signal the waiter?
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L48[16:12:19] <raptop> presumably
L49[17:06:30] <Mat2ch> Whoops. I forgot some Kerbals on an orbit around Tylo...
L50[17:06:44] <Mat2ch> not the best thing to do, when you want to go to Moho :D
L51[17:26:27] <darsie> Other Kerbals can go to Moho.
L52[17:26:57] <darsie> You can hire or rescue them.
L53[17:51:33] <Mat2ch> On it rescuing them
L54[17:51:57] <Mat2ch> my huge transfer ship is still orbiting Jool, so I just have to transfer them over
L55[17:59:29] ⇦ Quits: xxcoder (~xxcoder@174-21-46-68.tukw.qwest.net) (Read error: No route to host)
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L60[19:19:01] ⇨ Joins: raptop (~Newpa_Has@
L61[19:19:01] ChanServ sets mode: +o on raptop
L62[19:26:26] * raptop pokes RP-1 with a booster
L63[19:26:48] <raptop> I mean, it's basically a project management simulator where you also build rockets and choose trajectories, right?
L64[19:44:14] <packbart> never tried it, tbh. it's all a bit retro
L65[20:11:15] <raptop> You could always just set up a fresh 1.12.3-5 instance and do an express install, though there are definitely some catches in even just lauching a sounding rocket
L66[20:23:46] <Mat2ch> My huge transfer ship is now orbiting Kerbin and needs refueling
L67[20:24:07] <Mat2ch> do the Kerbals get shore leave? Bwahaha. No. Directly to Moho with them.
L68[20:26:06] <Mat2ch> the tinyurl link for the rules is broken, because archive.org is down :(
L69[20:41:07] <raptop> al;sdkjgaerl;kl;adsfjdsklf
L70[20:41:18] <raptop> ...though I guess the rules barely matter these days
L71[20:54:36] <Pinkbeast> Oh good, I'd like to say ---- ------ with a -----covered rusty ----fork
L72[20:55:16] <xxcoder> ;mission
L73[20:55:16] <LunchBot> You decide to wait out Space Kraken floating around and munching on rocks before launching anything. A lone tumbleweed rolls through space.
L74[20:55:28] <xxcoder> of course. nobody is up there
L75[20:55:43] <xxcoder> except of the kraken of course
L76[20:56:23] <xxcoder> ;outcome add You repeat the mission, but with more acting out. For the cameras, you see.
L77[20:56:23] <LunchBot> Added outcome: You repeat the mission, but with more acting out. For the cameras, you see.
L78[20:57:52] <raptop> !mission more sarcasm
L79[20:57:52] <LunchBot> No mission found matching "more sarcasm".
L80[20:57:55] <raptop> hm
L81[21:06:37] <packbart> did you mean: greater sarcasm
L82[21:07:03] <packbart> "You try to recreate a previous failure as a learning exercise, but this time with greater sarcasm."
L83[21:09:58] <raptop> yeah
L84[21:10:04] <raptop> !mission sarcasm
L85[21:10:04] <LunchBot> You try to recreate a previous failure as a learning exercise, but this time with greater sarcasm.
L86[21:37:35] ⇦ Quits: Althego (~Althego@86FF43DF.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury)
L87[22:26:21] ⇦ Quits: sandbox (~sandbox@host-78-147-177-116.as13285.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L88[22:38:34] <raptop> !mission add Due to poor handwriting, you mix up citric acid with picric acid.
L89[22:38:35] <LunchBot> Added mission: Due to poor handwriting, you mix up citric acid with picric acid.
L90[22:45:56] <xxcoder> !mission add Due to poor handwriting, you mix up citric acid with critic acid.
L91[22:45:57] <LunchBot> Added mission: Due to poor handwriting, you mix up citric acid with critic acid.
L92[22:47:48] <raptop> Dissolving the critics of your program, may make things easier
L93[22:47:57] <xxcoder> yep
L94[22:48:21] <xxcoder> whats amazing is only need to move one r lol
L95[22:48:45] <xxcoder> ;mission
L96[22:48:45] <LunchBot> You tell the crew not to be alarmed by the vortex; it's just water being run off from the canal. Your computer melts into a pool of molten silicon, metal and ribbon cables.
L97[22:48:57] <xxcoder> the lies was too powerful
L98[22:49:03] <packbart> You too can be reaction mass! Enlist today!
L99[22:49:21] <xxcoder> 😂
L100[22:49:31] <raptop> !quote add <packbart> You too can be reaction mass! Enlist today!
L101[22:49:32] <LunchBot> Added quote: <packbart> You too can be reaction mass! Enlist today!
L102[22:51:36] <packbart> Zapp Brannigan got a medal for that idea when the ship ran out of fuel
L103[23:01:18] ⇦ Quits: raptop (~Newpa_Has@ (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L104[23:35:04] ⇦ Quits: lewildZesty (~Zesty@2408:823d:a811:e48:20c:29ff:fe94:4773) (Quit: cya)
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L106[23:52:00] ⇦ Quits: Juest (~Juest@rev190-105-167-002.pccp.net.ar) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
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