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L29[10:04:41] <sandbox> !mission
L30[10:04:41] <LunchBot> You come the raw prawn with Gene. You become depressed at finding that your google search yielded a positive result.
L31[10:31:57] ⇦ Quits: SporkWitch (~SporkWitc@syn-098-010-053-227.res.spectrum.com) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
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L36[11:04:41] <darsie> .outcome add You get lost in space illegally.
L37[11:04:42] <LunchBot> Added outcome: You get lost in space illegally.
L38[11:11:07] <Mat2ch> dang, illegal space travel
L39[11:16:56] <packbart> fined for loitering around a Lagrange point
L40[11:18:06] <Mat2ch> !outcome add You get fined for loitering around a Lagrange point.
L41[11:18:06] <LunchBot> Added outcome: You get fined for loitering around a Lagrange point.
L42[11:18:21] <Mat2ch> Had to be done. Sorry.
L43[11:26:27] <Althego> dont loiter around the docks
L44[11:26:31] <Althego> the polic shoots you
L45[11:27:09] <Althego> you can hear the announcer sya it in station: loitering is a crime punishable by death
L46[11:27:18] <Althego> (in elite dangerous)
L47[11:27:58] <darsie> Is elite dangerous similar to the Elite C64/Amiga game?
L48[11:28:16] <Althego> similar
L49[11:28:24] <Althego> spiritual successor, same universe
L50[11:28:27] <darsie> ok
L51[11:28:51] <darsie> I guess as similar as the old C64 Portal and the Steam Portal.
L52[11:29:36] <darsie> Almost nobody remembers the C64 Portal, though.
L53[11:30:05] <Althego> is that a backport?
L54[11:30:43] <darsie> I don't think we have time travel.
L55[11:30:49] <darsie> to the past
L56[11:31:38] <darsie> I 'bought' Portal on Steam because I knew I'd like it because I've played it on the C64. Was my first steam purchase.
L57[11:31:55] <Pinkbeast> It's _more_ like Elite 1984 (which was first on the BBC Micro) than Frontier Elite II / Frontier First Encounters
L58[11:33:27] <Pinkbeast> (because it's oriented around gameplay rather than Newtonian mechanics)
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L66[14:01:31] <sandbox> orange box
L67[15:02:11] <sandbox> !mission
L68[15:02:11] <LunchBot> You taunt the ops. Your craft bounces off the surface of a nearby rogue comet.
L69[15:06:56] ⇦ Quits: Fire-Dragon-DoL (~Fire-Drag@ (Quit: Quit)
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L81[19:25:49] <sandbox> !mission
L82[19:25:49] <LunchBot> Bob designs a decorative fountain, and fills it with ClF₃. For your careless use of funds you are exiled to Eeloo.
L83[19:26:11] <raptop> But it was Bob's fault, not mine!
L84[19:27:07] <raptop> !choose Cowboy that is unfortunately not Tory|German scientist (modern variant)|Generic military dude|Legally distinct Gwynne Shotwell
L85[19:27:07] <LunchBot> Legally distinct Gwynne Shotwell
L86[19:29:26] <xxcoder> ;mission
L87[19:29:26] <LunchBot> You mistake Wernher von Kerman's Curta for a hand grenade. A miscalculated leap for the hatch lands you squarely on your solar panels, snapping them off.
L88[19:29:43] <xxcoder> doh missed the bomb boost
L89[19:30:58] <raptop> I don't understand this speedrun
L90[19:31:15] <raptop> !mission add You attempt to damage boost off of the Kraken.
L91[19:31:15] <LunchBot> Added mission: You attempt to damage boost off of the Kraken.
L92[19:31:57] <xxcoder> ;mission add You attempt to gravity boost off of the Kraken.
L93[19:31:57] <LunchBot> Added mission: You attempt to gravity boost off of the Kraken.
L94[19:33:51] <darsie> .choose vhemt|war|evolution|false vacuum decay|red giant Sun|aliens|AI
L95[19:33:51] <LunchBot> AI
L96[19:33:54] <darsie> k
L97[19:34:20] <raptop> That seems like what a bot would choose
L98[19:49:32] <Mat2ch> hehe
L99[19:53:06] <sandbox> I still can't remember the thing
L100[19:56:23] <sandbox> maybe it was someone on youtube
L101[19:58:42] <sandbox> it's so annoying that I can't remember
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L104[20:09:57] <Mat2ch> the difference in ore to fuel conversion ratio between unexperienced and 4-star engineers is crazy
L105[20:10:19] <Mat2ch> I had to fly five times to do something that I now can do in two flights...
L106[20:15:21] <darsie> ore to fuel ratio is variable?
L107[20:15:55] <darsie> For me it's 1:1 by mass, IIRC, except monoprop.
L108[20:16:15] <darsie> Conversion speed changes.
L109[20:16:44] <darsie> Hmm
L110[20:21:08] <Mat2ch> "Conversion rate and electricity use are also very variable, being greatly effected by "thermal efficiency" (determined by the current core temperature) and by the presence and level of an engineer aboard the craft."
L111[20:21:33] <Mat2ch> https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Engineer
L112[20:22:13] <Mat2ch> I had a level 0 Engineer on board and somewhere inbetween a docked another craft, where I could level them up to 4
L113[20:22:27] <Mat2ch> from 25 % conversion multiplier to 105 %
L114[20:23:09] <Mat2ch> I forgot about this when I first launched my miner...
L115[20:41:20] <Pinkbeast> But that's speed, not efficiency.
L116[20:45:24] <darsie> or conversion rate
L117[20:45:38] <darsie> conversion ratio
L118[20:47:12] <darsie> There is a large difference between the two converter types in the base conversion rates and ore-to-fuel ratio, with a 1:2 for the 250 and a pitiful 10:2 for the 125[1], though the ratio per type is always the same.
L119[20:48:13] <Pinkbeast> (could be Mat2ch has a mod involved ofc)
L120[20:49:23] <darsie> 1:2 ore:fuel means 1 unit of ore = 10 kg --> 2 units of fuel = 10 kg.
L121[20:52:35] <darsie> 1 unit monoprop is 4 kg, I think.
L122[20:58:17] <raptop> That sounds right
L123[21:03:44] <darsie> Yeah, 1 unit monoprop is 4 kg.
L124[21:09:19] <darsie> 1 LF or Ox = 5 kg
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L128[21:35:03] <Mat2ch> Pinkbeast: The wiki talks about "efficiency" and I think this has to do with the conversion rate
L129[21:36:14] <Pinkbeast> https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Convert-O-Tron_250 "Having an experienced engineer onboard will speed up the process considerably, but does not improve efficiency in any way."
L130[21:36:38] <Pinkbeast> So er, trust the wiki, trust me, check mods... or try in sandbox mode?
L131[21:37:07] ⇦ Quits: nshire (~neal@ (Quit: Ping timeout: 31415926535 8979323846 2643383279 seconds)
L132[21:38:26] <Pinkbeast> https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Ore#Conversion_into_Other_Resources "There is no change in total mass when converting to liquid fuel and/or oxidizer" (which there would necessarily be if engineers affected the output ratio)
L133[21:38:37] <Mat2ch> https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Engineer "They also greatly affect the efficiency of Resource Harvesters and Converters on the craft they are aboard."
L134[21:38:49] <Pinkbeast> Yes, I've seen that. It is poorly written.
L135[21:39:24] <Mat2ch> Well, someone (not me) shoud test this ;)
L136[21:39:54] <Pinkbeast> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/165362-an-optimizing-guide-for-mining-bases/ (doesn't say it in so many words but gives figures with no ratio change for engineers)
L137[21:39:56] <Mat2ch> But I'm done for today and going to bed. Awaiting reports tomorrow at 10! Good night ;)
L138[21:41:48] <Pinkbeast> Someone who _is_ you should test it out because if someone else does (and has) and tells you (and I have), you don't believe them ;-)
L139[21:46:26] <Pinkbeast> https://ksp-visual-calculator.blaarkies.com/mining-station-planner (just add one Convert-O-Tron 250, change engineer level)
L140[21:47:03] ⇦ Quits: raptop (~Newpa_Has@ (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L141[22:26:21] <darsie> efficiency means conversion rate, but not conversion ratio.
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