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L1[00:27:02] ⇦ Quits: _whitelogger (~whitelogg@uruz.whitequark.org) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L6[00:18:42] ⇨ Joins: funkenstein (uid599706@id-599706.uxbridge.irccloud.com)
L7[00:19:56] <funkenstein> ;outcome add You would like to take a moment to aAAA!
L8[00:19:56] <LunchBot> Added outcome: You would like to take a moment to aAAA!
L9[00:20:31] <funkenstein> ;mission add All our food keeps blowing up.
L10[00:20:32] <LunchBot> Added mission: All our food keeps blowing up.
L11[00:22:51] <XXCoder> ;outcome You made it back! Though it wasn't fun after you had to use water and snacks as fuel.
L12[00:22:51] <LunchBot> No outcome found matching "You made it back! Though it wasn't fun after you had to use water and snacks as fuel.".
L13[00:23:35] <XXCoder> ;outcome add You made it back! Though it wasn't fun after you had to use water and snacks as fuel.
L14[00:23:35] <LunchBot> Added outcome: You made it back! Though it wasn't fun after you had to use water and snacks as fuel.
L15[00:23:41] <XXCoder> ;mission
L16[00:23:41] <LunchBot> You attempt to refill your mystery goo cannisters with monopropellant. 8ball says FileNotFound.
L17[00:24:05] <XXCoder> wow not even randomfate knows what would happen to me
L18[00:26:31] <funkenstein> ;mission add Bob discovers the plan to recycle him for use as monopropellant for the return trip.
L19[00:26:31] <LunchBot> Added mission: Bob discovers the plan to recycle him for use as monopropellant for the return trip.
L20[00:26:58] <XXCoder> do we have bob vats?
L21[00:27:30] <funkenstein> ;outcome add Minus explodes into an ever-expanding cloud of minty goo.
L22[00:27:30] <LunchBot> Added outcome: Minus explodes into an ever-expanding cloud of minty goo.
L23[00:27:45] <funkenstein> we definitely have jeb vats
L24[00:27:50] <XXCoder> yup
L25[00:28:04] <XXCoder> maybe its why other 2 is always afraid. one life
L26[00:28:06] <funkenstein> that's where the new jobs come from, once you scrape the mystery goo off
L27[00:28:14] <funkenstein> jebs
L28[00:28:25] <funkenstein> jebedii
L29[00:31:25] <funkenstein> https://youtu.be/JcwQxS6j_E4
L30[00:31:46] <funkenstein> somehow this struck me as a rather kerbal-esque interaction
L31[00:33:49] <XXCoder> sadly no captions
L32[00:37:07] ⇨ Joins: darsie (~darsie@84-113-55-200.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)
L33[00:45:15] <packbart> .oO( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1Oo84eI8gY )
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L47[04:04:31] <packbart> hm. what happens the volume of space a departing Alcubierreframeshiftmagic ship occupied just before take-off?
L48[04:06:16] <XXCoder> space expasion in rear, contraction in front
L49[04:06:40] <XXCoder> from other places viewpoint of ship, the ship with tech would be moving away
L50[04:06:51] <packbart> one of the recurring themes on the Elite forum is "landing on (dense) atmospheric planets". I still don't see how that would work even mildly-believable unless it involves lots of changes and ships
L51[04:07:27] <XXCoder> interseallear ships isnt likely to be able to land eber
L52[04:07:32] <packbart> XXCoder: the question I had was: If I punch the button on my frameshifter just above the ground in an atmosphere, how loud would be the boom? :)
L53[04:07:50] <XXCoder> unless we have drive tech that doesnt get affected by amount of mass
L54[04:08:02] <XXCoder> lol yeah dunno on that
L55[04:08:17] <XXCoder> I bet it would create artifical wind though
L56[04:08:34] <XXCoder> contracting side would push air inwards, expason rear push air away
L57[04:08:40] <packbart> same for arrival, although the noise would probably be a lesser problem, with all that gamma flashes
L58[04:09:01] <XXCoder> yeah could wipe life that way too.
L59[04:09:06] <XXCoder> arrive and end civilizion
L60[04:11:48] <packbart> well, Elite already ignores those things. you can see the planets behind you while moving at 200c and such. it's more fun that way.
L61[04:12:11] <XXCoder> lol
L62[04:12:35] <packbart> I still wouldn't want to see a flying brick materialize in the atmosphere going 2500m/s and pretending as if it wouldn't just fly into a continous barrage of accelerated plasma fire
L63[04:13:30] <XXCoder> 200c ship would mostly go though planet without noticing. of course people would be dead and shop turned into plasma
L64[04:14:04] <XXCoder> thought sub death was fast? that'd make it extremely slow.
L65[04:15:40] <Althego> or if the simulation step is not small enough would just avoid collision altogether :)
L66[04:16:07] <XXCoder> lol yeah. or maybe patick time is the sim limition lol
L67[04:16:11] <XXCoder> cant spell that work
L68[04:16:13] <XXCoder> word
L69[04:16:33] <packbart> it, uhh, happens. botch the approach, see a "body exclusion zone" warning and suddenly hover over the other side of the planet
L70[04:16:59] <packbart> friendship drives are magic
L71[04:17:03] <XXCoder> if we ever find a way to brake without fuel it would be amazing too
L72[04:17:15] <XXCoder> remember that flyby of pluto
L73[04:17:21] <XXCoder> picture probe braking and orbiting
L74[04:18:04] <XXCoder> one scifi space series had that. it radates heat away by IR fins to get rid of speed
L75[04:18:13] <Althego> patick time?
L76[04:18:16] <XXCoder> how it slows down was never explained, like any good scifi
L77[04:19:25] <XXCoder> planck time
L78[04:19:52] <XXCoder> 10^−44
L79[04:21:22] <XXCoder> its length of travel for light, across planck length
L80[04:21:44] ⇦ Quits: FLHerne (flh@flherne.uk) (Quit: There's a real world out here!)
L81[04:21:52] <XXCoder> Planck length is size where physics break down
L82[04:24:01] <packbart> planck framerate
L83[04:24:36] <XXCoder> i remember that weird scifi book where they generate universes
L84[04:24:46] <XXCoder> turns out that child universe have larger Planck length
L85[04:26:00] ⇦ Quits: LunchBot (hacks@flherne.uk) (Remote host closed the connection)
L86[04:26:09] <XXCoder> one of worse and way too low energy made universe size way too small, it was copy each time, but this one was so small it included only 3 planets, earth venus and mars
L87[04:26:23] <XXCoder> and planck length was actually measurable
L88[04:26:56] <packbart> a grid-aligned world
L89[04:27:28] <XXCoder> its still much smaller than atom but riciously large compared to this universe
L90[04:36:03] ⇨ Joins: FLHerne (flh@flherne.uk)
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L95[07:28:30] <FLHerne> ;mission add You conduct a ground engine test, but your timeline is rapidly accelerated.
L96[07:28:31] <LunchBot> Added mission: You conduct a ground engine test, but your timeline is rapidly accelerated.
L97[08:04:15] ⇦ Quits: immibis (~quassel@2a01:4f9:4a:4caf::2) (Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
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L100[08:52:12] <Eddi|zuHause> is it better if the timeline is accelerated, or the engine is accelerated? :p
L101[09:06:16] <raptop> Just as long as you don't have timeline rich combustion
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L104[09:35:03] * Mat2ch reads his backlog
L105[09:35:07] <Mat2ch> Interesting.
L106[10:02:18] <Mat2ch> FLHerne: Will watch later :)
L107[10:49:08] <Eddi|zuHause> !mission add After you launch your interstellar spaceship, you notice you didn't include enough fuel for slowing down, so now you have a century to figure out how to safely decelerate using aerobraking at the destination star.
L108[10:49:08] <LunchBot> Added mission: After you launch your interstellar spaceship, you notice you didn't include enough fuel for slowing down, so now you have a century to figure out how to safely decelerate using aerobraking at the destination star.
L109[10:53:07] <Eddi|zuHause> !mission
L110[10:53:07] <LunchBot> You launch a mission to redirect and/or destroy asteroid B612. You require a moment to recontextualize the transitory nature of organic life.
L111[10:56:26] <raptop> I guess that works
L112[10:56:57] <XXCoder> planning in reality and concepts
L113[11:01:56] ⇦ Quits: KindOne (kindone@2604:a880:400:d0::1f56:d001) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L114[11:19:27] <XXCoder> ;mission
L115[11:19:27] <LunchBot> Your uranium is somewhat active. The quadratic formula explodes, emitting all kinds of deadly x squareds.
L116[11:19:45] <XXCoder> I blame the lazy but working uranium
L117[11:26:24] <Eddi|zuHause> well, if the uranium is too lazy, something else must take up the role :p
L118[11:27:28] <XXCoder> too many working radioactives have too short life to be trained
L119[11:37:00] <Mat2ch> FLHerne: So you didn't fall in, but you didn't get an interview either :D
L120[11:37:13] <Mat2ch> FLHerne: And what did Rivet 5000 do to have so many points?
L121[11:37:16] <FLHerne> right
L122[11:37:21] <FLHerne> be tiny :p
L123[11:37:32] <FLHerne> also very good planning
L124[11:38:05] <Mat2ch> Tiny boats get more points?
L125[11:38:06] <FLHerne> and the two of them being mad enough to spend 24 hours straight squeezed into the thing
L126[11:38:13] <Mat2ch> What place did you guys end up on?
L127[11:38:45] <FLHerne> no, they get slightly fewer, but they also don't get stuck on everything
L128[11:39:38] <Mat2ch> They can just step out and push :D
L129[11:40:14] <Mat2ch> I've been boating the last few days, too. But on (well, more in) a human powered single-seater.
L130[11:40:37] <FLHerne> not great, 15th out of 17 finishers
L131[11:40:47] <Mat2ch> With plenty of locks and a new place to sleep every night. Quiet an experience, but I'm also happy it's over. (And I got sunburn, even though I used lots of sunscreen :(
L132[11:40:50] <FLHerne> mostly due to Saturday, which was disastrously bad
L133[11:41:13] <Mat2ch> The video made it look much better.
L134[11:41:39] <FLHerne> the video is mostly of Sunday, which was much less bad
L135[11:42:16] <FLHerne> although as I mentioned in the comments there's a suspicious timeskip at 7.45
L136[11:43:33] <FLHerne> Saturday morning we suffered from total lack of crew understanding/teamwork - most people knew what they were doing individually but not together, because the pair haven't been out much since Covid
L137[11:44:05] <FLHerne> whereas by Sunday afternoon we had almost everything worked out
L138[11:44:33] <Mat2ch> Oh, that timeskip, where the towed boat rams into Atlas...
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L140[11:46:02] <FLHerne> well, first I rammed Atlas into the wall
L141[11:46:42] <FLHerne> Malus tends to ram into Atlas to some degree whenever we stop because it doesn't have any way of stopping on its own :p
L142[11:48:18] <FLHerne> "human-powered single-seater"
L143[11:48:41] <FLHerne> canoe/kayak sort of thing? or some mad contraption?
L144[11:49:05] <FLHerne> Which canal?
L145[11:50:44] <Mat2ch> Kayak on the Lahn
L146[11:51:53] <Mat2ch> We paddled 62 km in total. Pulling the kayak out every evening on some sketchy plattforms and unloading it wasn't that much fun
L147[11:52:18] <Mat2ch> ok, some where sketchy, because the water level was really low
L148[11:52:31] <Mat2ch> .oO( Has someone seen the rain? )
L149[11:52:45] <Mat2ch> *some were sketchy
L150[11:56:16] <FLHerne> oof
L151[11:59:59] <Mat2ch> I never had so much cuts, bruises and insect bites at the same time before.
L152[12:00:48] <Mat2ch> And shortly before we started I ripped one of my finger nails. Not dramatically, but enough to be annoying the whole time
L153[12:09:55] <FLHerne> Type 2 fun at best then
L154[12:10:04] <FLHerne> so long as it wasn't Type 3...
L155[12:13:22] <Mat2ch> "Type 2 fun is miserable while it’s happening"
L156[12:14:06] <Mat2ch> We had headwind almost all the time. Yesterday with gust up to 60 km/h. That was really hard work
L157[12:14:31] <Mat2ch> today we had not that much headwind and made the 16 km in one go without a break inbetween (except the locks)
L158[12:26:58] <Mat2ch> Yes, Type 2 fun. But could have turned into Type 3 fun if it had rained all the time, was cold and someone had fallen into the water being wet now all the time.
L159[12:28:10] <FLHerne> headwinds and kayaking really don't go well together, no :-/
L160[12:28:39] <FLHerne> I pretty much give up on trying to paddle my canoe if there's any significant headwind
L161[12:28:55] <FLHerne> although as a 2-man open canoe it's got a lot more windage than most kayaks
L162[12:31:40] <Mat2ch> I've paddled in fiber-glass cayaks with a deep hull. They keep their line pretty much straight ignoring the wind. Which was necessary, because we are paddling on the ocean.
L163[12:32:18] <Mat2ch> *we Were
L164[12:32:34] <Mat2ch> (my head is broken from all the physical workout ;)
L165[12:33:02] <Mat2ch> But here we had those regular plastic ones, where every gust pushes you around
L166[12:34:00] <FLHerne> yeah, unladen my canoe has a draught of maybe 4cm
L167[12:34:11] <FLHerne> any wind and I just go sideways
L168[12:35:07] <Mat2ch> That and being alone is harsh
L169[12:36:56] <Mat2ch> There are mounts for Torqeedo electric motors to put on the back of the kayak. Next time I'm using that. :D
L170[12:40:53] <FLHerne> hm, my canoe and a topical narrowboat are outside my window https://www.flherne.uk/files/IMG_20230706_181618.jpg
L171[12:41:16] <Althego> hehe is the name of the boat gilly?
L172[12:43:40] <Mat2ch> how much rocket fuel does your canoe hold? Asking for a green friend :D
L173[12:43:46] <FLHerne> Yes
L174[12:44:08] <FLHerne> maximum design displacement is 220kg
L175[12:45:11] <FLHerne> so around 100-250kg depending on the crew and how flat the canal is :p
L176[12:45:43] <FLHerne> .mission add You paddle to Gilly in a red canoe. It doesn't take very long.
L177[12:45:43] <LunchBot> Added mission: You paddle to Gilly in a red canoe. It doesn't take very long.
L178[12:46:21] <Mat2ch> Isn't that an outcome in the mission?
L179[12:46:56] <FLHerne> yes, I've split it by pm
L180[12:47:16] <FLHerne> sometimes attached pseudo-outcomes work well, but this one is too generic
L181[12:48:07] <FLHerne> e.g.
L182[12:48:12] <FLHerne> .mission verbatim
L183[12:48:12] <LunchBot> Granny Kerman asks you what an error message on her computer means. You read it to her verbatim and she understands immediately.
L184[12:48:30] <FLHerne> I think this one works well
L185[12:49:31] <Mat2ch> It does, yes
L186[13:02:52] ⇦ Quits: Althego (~Althego@86FF57B9.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury)
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L189[13:15:18] <Eddi|zuHause> !mission
L190[13:15:18] <LunchBot> You back up to an armed 'Klaw.' You are eaten by a mimic pretending to be a rocket.
L191[13:15:43] <Eddi|zuHause> ouch
L192[13:16:06] <Eddi|zuHause> !mission fixup s/.'/'./
L193[13:16:06] <LunchBot> New text is: You back up to an armed 'Klaw'.
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L207[14:47:19] <FLHerne> annoyingly, I think the first one was actually "correct"
L208[14:47:36] <FLHerne> I always use the second because as a programmer it would drive me insane not to
L209[14:52:02] <Eddi|zuHause> i always treat it like that: if the thing in the '' is a full sentence, the . belongs inside, otherwise outside
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L218[16:26:46] <Eddi|zuHause> doubling a . with a ? is even weirder special case. i'd probably leave out the .
L219[16:28:04] <Eddi|zuHause> likewise, if the "" gets followed by a ,
L220[16:28:39] ⇦ Quits: King_Arthur (dalewyn@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L226[19:17:13] <XXCoder> ;mission
L227[19:17:13] <LunchBot> You attempt to discover how far down the stack of turtles really goes. Comedy ensues.
L228[19:17:26] <XXCoder> probably caused stack to fall down
L229[19:17:38] <Eddi|zuHause> sounds like a discworld story
L230[19:18:00] <XXCoder> yeah thankfully discworld is infinitely simple. only 4 eleplants and sea turtle
L231[19:18:41] <XXCoder> I cant picture seeing turtle head moving up and its bigger than world, and much closer
L232[19:18:56] <XXCoder> it happened once, as it ate an asteroid
L233[19:21:31] ⇨ Joins: Tank2333 (~Tank2333@p5ddaa023.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L234[19:22:19] <XXCoder> anyway its funny how some sayings just happen to last long time
L235[19:22:41] <XXCoder> stack of turtles all way down was a quip answer and its still known now
L236[19:23:24] <XXCoder> "The expression originates from a story, which has been attributed to different sources over time, but is often linked to the philosopher and mathematician Bertrand Russell. In the story, a scientist gives a lecture about the Earth’s position in the universe. An elderly woman in the audience argues that the Earth is actually supported on the back of a giant turtle. When asked what the turtle is standing on, she replies that it?
L237[19:23:25] <XXCoder> ??s another turtle. When pressed further, she insists that it’s “turtles all the way down.”"
L238[19:23:37] <XXCoder> oops sorry somehow it grabbed formatting also
L239[19:25:07] <XXCoder> https://brandonmonk.medium.com/some-context-for-the-saying-its-turtles-all-the-way-down-19d8c5a21a77 source btw
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