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L1[00:01:56] ⇦ Quits: Revelator (~angryce@19.79-161-144.customer.lyse.net) (Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in)
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L5[00:02:41] ⇨ Joins: King_Arthur[Alter] (dalewyn@
L6[00:03:01] <Eddi|zuHause> so, i've 980 dv
L7[00:04:12] ⇨ Joins: Ekho (~Ekho@websrvr1.ekho.digital)
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L10[00:15:44] <packbart> Modding-Stream with linuxgurugamer. the most and the least you'll see about KSP :> (it's mostly just C# code on screen)
L11[00:15:52] <packbart> kay
L12[00:16:48] <Eddi|zuHause> 34km PE might be too low?
L13[00:17:15] <packbart> return to Kerbin from its moons? naah, it's fine
L14[00:17:55] <packbart> I even go for 23ish, so any surviving debris will be deleted
L15[00:19:13] <packbart> well, unless you've got Deadly Reentry, Real Heat or some other non-standard atmosphere in the way
L16[00:25:27] ⇦ Quits: A_D (A_D@doom-tower.awesome-dragon.science) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L17[00:26:34] <Eddi|zuHause> critical temperature peaked at 95%... so it was close... but seems to be dropping now
L18[00:27:37] <Eddi|zuHause> but it's making another round trip
L19[00:28:06] <Eddi|zuHause> and i'm already out of snacks
L20[00:31:58] ⇨ Joins: A_D (A_D@doom-tower.awesome-dragon.science)
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L22[00:49:01] <Azander> !mission
L23[00:49:02] <LunchBot> You install KSP on a pocket calculator. https://i.imgur.com/WdbYlya.png.
L24[00:49:08] <Eddi|zuHause> !outcome add The front fell off.
L25[00:49:08] <LunchBot> Added outcome: The front fell off.
L26[00:50:25] <Eddi|zuHause> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m5qxZm_JqM
L27[00:50:37] <raptop> Huh, that image still works
L28[00:51:04] <Eddi|zuHause> it's a landing
L29[00:51:36] <Eddi|zuHause> it's always fun how it's autosaving right AFTER a landing, because there was a long period of "you can't save here"
L30[00:53:16] <Eddi|zuHause> 1410.9 science in one mun mission
L31[01:15:12] <darsie> nice :)
L32[01:15:34] <darsie> 10,000 science in one Minmus mission ;)
L33[01:16:21] <Eddi|zuHause> hm, my ant satellite hasn't reached SoI edge yet during this mun mission
L34[01:24:15] ⇦ Quits: darsie (~darsie@84-113-55-200.cable.dynamic.surfer.at) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L35[02:23:32] ⇨ Joins: Tank2333 (~Tank2333@p5ddaa5ef.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L38[02:55:48] <Izzy> I usually deorbit by dipping pe to 55km
L39[02:55:57] <Izzy> but I build spacecraft without heatshields most of the time, so
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L59[07:51:09] <Mat2ch> packbart: I hope we will soon know more why that's the case ;)
L60[07:51:39] ⇨ Joins: Azander (~J@
L61[07:52:24] ⇦ Quits: Az (~J@ (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L62[07:52:50] <XXCoder> ;mission
L63[07:52:50] <LunchBot> You start wandows ngrmadly. Due to a translation error, your rocket spawns several km offset from the pad, and falls into the ocean.
L64[07:53:09] <XXCoder> hah had that mission recently
L65[07:53:31] <XXCoder> conclusion is new though. of course with wandows its running quite glitchy
L66[08:03:46] ⇨ Joins: sandbox (~sandbox@host-2-103-197-25.as13285.net)
L67[08:11:31] ⇨ Joins: Az (~J@
L68[08:11:35] ⇦ Quits: Azander (~J@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L69[08:16:54] <Izzy> urgh, one of my "part" mods doesn't work properly
L70[08:17:35] <Izzy> using modulemanager to copy several different RCS parts and change them to use LiquidFuel and Oxidiser, and it works fine for the stock parts but not the ReStockPlus ones
L71[08:17:53] <Izzy> so I copied the configs defining them after some messing around and it still doesn't work, even when I'm defining my own parts
L72[08:17:56] <Izzy> >.>
L73[08:52:28] ⇨ Joins: Azander (~J@
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L87[10:52:37] <sandbox> !mission
L88[10:52:37] <LunchBot> You flip the magic/more magic toggle. Good news, guys! They can't bite through the hardsuits!
L89[11:36:03] <Eddi|zuHause> !outcome add 8ball says FileNotFound.
L90[11:36:03] <LunchBot> Added outcome: 8ball says FileNotFound.
L91[11:36:17] <Eddi|zuHause> !mission
L92[11:36:17] <LunchBot> You take Padous Kerman skydiving from orbit. You accidentally call Eve "Steve" at the pre-mission press conference.
L93[11:36:43] ⇦ Quits: Cranium (~Cranium@72-46-56-152.lnk02-oa02.lnk.ne.allofiber.net) (Quit: Oh no, my bouncer died!)
L94[11:39:24] ⇨ Joins: Cranium (~Cranium@72-46-56-152.lnk02-oa02.lnk.ne.allofiber.net)
L95[11:39:51] <darsie> https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Jetpack_deorbit
L96[11:40:11] <Eddi|zuHause> i've done that a few times
L97[11:40:37] <Eddi|zuHause> it's a bit easier with chutes :p
L98[11:41:00] <darsie> :)
L99[11:41:29] <darsie> Have you deviated from 3.1 EVA fuel?
L100[11:41:44] <darsie> successfully?
L101[11:42:06] <Eddi|zuHause> ?
L102[11:43:21] <darsie> Go on EVA, activate your jetpack with R and go to a really low Kerbal orbit. 70.5ish km. Circular. Prograde. If it's retrograde (or heavily inclined), forget it. Burn 3.1 units EVA fuel retrograde.
L103[11:44:09] <Eddi|zuHause> dunno what you're asking...
L104[11:45:21] <darsie> My jetpack deorbit procedure uses a 3.1 unit EVA fuel deorbit burn. Have you successfully used different amounts?
L105[11:46:48] <Eddi|zuHause> i don't think i ever counted
L106[11:51:07] <Eddi|zuHause> i usually judge the potential of burning up by the PE in the atmosphere
L107[11:51:26] <Eddi|zuHause> not by how much fuel i burn
L108[11:51:48] <darsie> ok
L109[11:55:13] <Eddi|zuHause> i've got 2 tourists that want kerbin orbit and 5 tourists that want mun orbit... what are the chances i put the wrong ones on the ship?
L110[12:01:29] ⇨ Joins: sasamj (uid193032@id-193032.ilkley.irccloud.com)
L111[12:03:39] <darsie> Staging, electric, comm, crew, engineer
L112[12:12:17] <Eddi|zuHause> yes... but during crew assignment it doesn't say which tourist goes where
L113[12:12:57] <darsie> Oh, are you doing a mixed mission?
L114[12:13:07] <Eddi|zuHause> no, i got two missions
L115[12:13:19] <darsie> The tourists have names.
L116[12:13:23] <Eddi|zuHause> but i already accepted both of them
L117[12:13:42] <darsie> in both the rooster and the contracts
L118[12:14:02] <Eddi|zuHause> also your checklist is wrong
L119[12:14:10] <darsie> why?
L120[12:14:26] <Eddi|zuHause> becaue you need to check aerodynamic overlay, and crew assignment must be last
L121[12:15:01] <darsie> It's in no particular order.
L122[12:15:15] <darsie> But I do memorize it in a rough order.
L123[12:15:37] <darsie> I don't usually check teh aerodynamic overlay for rockets.
L124[12:16:08] <darsie> On asymmetric rockets I check the torque given by EER.
L125[12:18:04] <darsie> I ususally assign crew in the VAB, not the launch pad.
L126[12:21:50] ⇦ Quits: Pariah_Zero (Pariah_Zer@2601:681:4100:301:44dd:acff:fe85:9c8e) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L127[12:21:52] <darsie> In the VAB you can simultaneously see the names of available kerbals and the contract summaries with names. If you click on the launchpad in the KSC the contract summaries disappear.
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L130[12:36:46] <Eddi|zuHause> my rockets always flip over if i don't check
L131[12:40:44] <Eddi|zuHause> this ascend profile might have been too low...
L132[12:41:18] <Mat2ch> or you need more wings at the back
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L136[12:47:58] <Eddi|zuHause> i mean, if my ascend stage only gets me an AP of 20km, it's probably not going to orbit :p
L137[12:49:35] <darsie> 20 km Ap is a bit low for the first stage, but it depends on subsequent stages. Sometimes extremely low ascent profiles are more efficient than steeper ones despite the drag.
L138[12:49:56] <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, but then the next stage needs decent TWR
L139[12:50:19] <darsie> Manual correction can prevent flipover sometimes.
L140[13:00:35] <Eddi|zuHause> i usually put SAS on hold stable... but then any button press might trigger the flip
L141[13:21:11] <darsie> Recently I discovered that the body to collect with a rover arm is given in the objectives section and contract button summary. I've only read the Briefing before.
L142[13:22:56] <darsie> Recently I discovered that the body to collect data with a rover arm from is given in the objectives section and contract button summary. It's not in the Briefing.
L143[13:25:14] <Eddi|zuHause> i don't think i've had that kind of mission before
L144[13:27:17] <darsie> http://0x0.st/HciC.png
L145[13:27:44] <darsie> Might pop up when you develop rover arms.
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L148[13:46:27] <Eddi|zuHause> a propos rover, might be time to drive around KSC collecting the science
L149[13:48:37] <darsie> The ruggedized wheel is fastest.
L150[13:50:56] <Eddi|zuHause> the what?
L151[13:51:42] ⇦ Quits: NeckoGecko (~NeckoGeck@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L152[13:52:07] <Eddi|zuHause> now i've got 8 tourists wanting to orbit the mun, and 1 to land
L153[13:52:50] <Mat2ch> Luckily the orbit doesn't have to be very close or for very long.
L154[13:53:15] <darsie> Eddi|zuHause: http://0x0.st/Hc-N.png
L155[13:53:18] <Mat2ch> go to the Mun, burn retrograde until orbit, wait for contract to fullfil, turn around, burn home. :D
L156[13:54:33] <darsie> Make the capture burn low for maximum Oberth effect.
L157[13:54:48] <Eddi|zuHause> and i forgot again to look at the contract who's the one i SHOULDN'T take
L158[13:55:59] <darsie> So she gets a free ride.
L159[14:00:56] <Eddi|zuHause> 4800dv should be enough?
L160[14:01:12] <darsie> for?
L161[14:01:22] <Eddi|zuHause> mun orbit
L162[14:01:35] <darsie> Want me to check the map for you?
L163[14:01:40] <Eddi|zuHause> no
L164[14:01:43] <Eddi|zuHause> i can read the map :)
L165[14:01:44] <darsie> k
L166[14:02:39] <darsie> dv to LKO is variable. I've done it <3000 m/s (vacuum) in a special built rocket.
L167[14:03:08] <Eddi|zuHause> yeah
L168[14:04:03] <darsie> But once you're in orbit it's pretty predictable.
L169[14:04:56] <darsie> I think burning back to Kerbin right after capture is non ideal.
L170[14:06:41] <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, you need to be at a specific location around the orbit for the optimal return burn
L171[14:08:36] <Eddi|zuHause> also i have this contract to transfer crew between two vessels around the mun
L172[14:10:01] <darsie> It's nice doing various contracts rather than knowing how to complete the tech tree and upgrading all buildings the fastest way and doing just that.
L173[14:10:50] <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, but i need to learn to dismiss contracts
L174[14:12:04] <Eddi|zuHause> like "fly on the other side of the planet and take some temperature readings" which takes hours of non-timewarp flight. or "adjust this satellite orbit" which takes more dV than the satellite has left
L175[14:12:26] <darsie> :)
L176[14:12:51] <darsie> You can save after each completed contract and revert if necessary.
L177[14:13:43] <darsie> You can also cancel contracts for a price. Not sure of the impact of the reputation loss there.
L178[14:14:00] <Eddi|zuHause> i usually let them time out
L179[14:15:07] <Eddi|zuHause> hm... put on more hitchhikers or make multiple trips?
L180[14:17:37] <Mat2ch> Seats. On the outside.
L181[14:18:53] <Mat2ch> Eddi|zuHause: Back when I did those contracts I put the plane to do the measurement on a rocket and "flew" it to the other side...
L182[14:23:14] <darsie> Eddi|zuHause: http://0x0.st/Hc-j.png
L183[14:24:04] <darsie> This flew to Jool to give everyone 5*.
L184[14:26:59] <darsie> http://0x0.st/Hc-2.png
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L187[14:51:54] <Eddi|zuHause> TWR of 1.14 might be a tad low?
L188[14:52:18] <raptop> Yeah, that's a job for more boosters
L189[14:55:19] <Eddi|zuHause> i tried upgrading the skipper to a mainsail, but that gets too expensive
L190[14:55:39] <Eddi|zuHause> putting two SRBs on the side for launch
L191[15:17:22] *** immibis_ is now known as immibis
L192[15:28:44] <Eddi|zuHause> so i got orbit with 1900 dv
L193[15:36:14] <SporkWitch> sounds like modded parts didn't get calculated right, or you set the calculator to the wrong body. stock KSP requires ~3400 to reach prograde equatorial orbit from KSC
L194[15:36:39] <Eddi|zuHause> i had a bit more dV after adding the boosters
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L197[15:54:40] <darsie> SporkWitch: Isp to Kerbin orbit depends on the rocket and ascend profile.
L198[15:54:50] <darsie> s/Isp/dv
L199[15:55:03] <darsie> oh, ~
L200[15:55:04] <Eddi|zuHause> i think i had just over 5000dV
L201[15:55:35] <darsie> 3400 is plenty
L202[16:03:37] <Eddi|zuHause> 20km mun PE and 1000 dV left
L203[16:03:39] <SporkWitch> darsie: required ΔV to reach orbit is fixed; your ascent profile can make it take MORE, but 3400 is the standard estimate, assuming a decent gravity turn, but also still allowing for error. The SAME engine and tanks will provide DIFFERENT ΔV depending on payload, which might be what you meant / were thinking
L204[16:04:13] <SporkWitch> Eddi|zuHause: ah, you meant you reached orbit with 1900 REMAINING; i read it as you claiming to have reached orbit using only 1900
L205[16:04:30] <Eddi|zuHause> yes
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L209[16:14:31] <Eddi|zuHause> ... so, launch the second tourist vessel now?
L210[16:16:10] <Eddi|zuHause> might be a little tight on money
L211[16:54:50] ⇨ Joins: jazzkutya (~jazzkutya@catv-80-98-192-176.catv.fixed.vodafone.hu)
L212[17:11:07] <darsie> SporkWitch: I reached orbit with a rocket that had 2900 m/s vacuum dv.
L213[17:14:25] <packbart> at zero payload mass?
L214[17:15:14] <darsie> irrelevant.
L215[17:15:20] <darsie> but yes
L216[17:15:24] <darsie> I think so.
L217[17:16:57] <darsie> It was purpose built to have low dv to orbit.
L218[17:19:22] <darsie> I could make a video if you like.
L219[17:19:42] <FLHerne> high twr, low drag?
L220[17:20:41] <darsie> mhm
L221[17:20:43] <darsie> slender
L222[17:20:56] <darsie> not sure about twr
L223[17:22:59] <packbart> .oO( https://xkcd.com/2534/ )
L224[17:27:36] <darsie> SporkWitch: packbart, FLHerne: http://0x0.st/HcoB.png Actually there was a payload to adjust delta v.
L225[17:28:25] <darsie> 2759 m/s dv
L226[17:49:05] <darsie> I think I started with 2900 or so, then added ballast.
L227[17:50:28] <packbart> it does have some advantage by launching from a slant and not an upright position
L228[17:50:41] <packbart> although that probably complicates boarding
L229[17:50:43] <packbart> :)
L230[18:00:35] <Eddi|zuHause> if it werent for the atmosphere, launching horizontally would probably be optimal
L231[18:02:44] <darsie> no, you need some vertical thrust to counter gravity.
L232[18:03:38] <darsie> If you reach escape velocity instantly, direction doesn't matter.
L233[18:04:07] <darsie> or ... escape velocity doesn't depend on direction.
L234[18:18:50] <Eddi|zuHause> for some reason my second ship arrived before the first
L235[18:20:07] <Althego> made the kessel run in less than twelve parsecs
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L238[18:33:02] <darsie> I had to laugh when I heard this the first time.
L239[18:33:03] ⇨ Joins: Eddi|zuHause (~johekr@p54afd72f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L240[18:33:19] <darsie> cause pc is a distance unit.
L241[18:33:59] ⇦ Quits: Tank2333 (~Tank2333@p5ddaa5ef.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L242[18:34:03] *** Tank2333_ is now known as Tank2333
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L246[19:06:54] <Eddi|zuHause> i think i can do a maneuver to make the two ships meet up...
L247[19:25:28] <Eddi|zuHause> why is the twitch engine so looooooud?
L248[19:38:53] <packbart> what? I can't hear you over my small Juno :)
L249[19:39:04] <packbart> (actually, I patched the jet volume way down)
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L255[20:19:29] <raptop> meanwhile on the discord https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1039965578754007060/1116094201638162494/Evo_Tree.png
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L258[20:25:32] <Mat2ch> cute!
L259[20:30:21] <Eddi|zuHause> since i don't need to dock, a <2km encounter with cancelling relative speed will be fine, i guess?
L260[20:40:32] <darsie> Eddi|zuHause: Depends on the mission. For a rendezvous you must also reduce relative speed.
L261[20:41:21] <darsie> ahh, yeah. you said it.
L262[20:42:49] <Eddi|zuHause> i bonked into it on EVA at like 4m/s :p
L263[20:44:21] <darsie> You can kick a capsule by accelerating with the jetpack onto it, then reenter the capsule and recharge the jetpack.
L264[20:44:41] <darsie> infinite dv :)
L265[20:46:35] <Eddi|zuHause> "get out and push", yes.
L266[20:47:58] <Eddi|zuHause> "we have performed a crew transfer near the mun"
L267[20:49:10] <Eddi|zuHause> problem now is, if i make a return burn now, they will be on reentry simultaneously :p
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L273[21:54:04] <Eddi|zuHause> i knew it... i have too little battery on my survey sat... gets to 95%...
L274[21:54:30] <sandbox> !mission
L275[21:54:30] <LunchBot> KSC staff swear too much on the job. You accidentally wipe out all sea life except jellyfish, I hope you're happy with yourself.
L276[21:55:01] <Eddi|zuHause> !mission
L277[21:55:01] <LunchBot> Due to a merchandising agreement between Mel Brooks and George Lucas; your plan of a Spaceballs Space Program is denied. Bananas are now wildly out of scale.
L278[21:55:27] <Eddi|zuHause> probably disney's fault
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L282[22:12:27] <Eddi|zuHause> place a satellite in orbit of the mun... what are the chances i'm going backwards?
L283[22:25:14] <raptop> Possibly quite high, though I think the orbit lines show direction?
L284[22:52:17] <darsie> Yeah, the target orbit refreshes in the requested direction.
L285[22:52:34] <darsie> just look
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L288[23:20:01] <packbart> "the techtonic plates need that oil to make it easier to glide centimeter by centimeter year in and year out" - huh. I never knew that tectonic plates need organic grease. Man, this planet really could do with a manual.
L289[23:21:05] <raptop> uh
L290[23:21:11] <XXCoder> yep. manual would be wonderful
L291[23:21:17] <raptop> I mean, granted, I've seen stuff that suggests that water does that
L292[23:21:19] <XXCoder> so we all can rtfm
L293[23:21:58] <packbart> it was a rando comment on the internets related to a rater dramatic incident report in the category "Why is this not a movie?" :) https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.31822029061140&view=1up&seq=15
L294[23:22:18] <packbart> how to turn a shallow inland lake into a deep saltwater basin
L295[23:22:45] ⇦ Quits: tccki (~tccki@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L296[23:22:52] <packbart> if you guessed "first, build a canal to the ocean, then drill into the hollowed salt mine below" you were right
L297[23:27:34] <packbart> and I now see that above comment is about "tech-tonic" plates, anyway
L298[23:28:13] <raptop> The plates are not medicine; do not drink
L299[23:59:15] <darsie> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhWc8-Oyug8 hold
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