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L6[02:01:21] <X> My monthly: when is KSP2 coming out!? query.
L7[02:04:37] <raptop> X: Early Access will be available February 24th. Steam at a minimum, and I think on several other platforms (GOG?). It'll cost $49.99 (USD, but I know you're in the US)
L8[02:05:44] <X> Are there any advantages to buying it at a certain date or method?
L9[02:06:46] <raptop> The price will go up as it reaches formal release (to $70?), though there will also be sales. I don't know the exact plans
L10[02:07:21] <X> That's good. Preorder stuff can be tricky.
L11[02:07:53] <X> Although I better get it soon in case they decide to make it an epic exclusive or something.
L12[02:08:00] <raptop> hah
L13[02:10:21] <X> I spent 4 years in the dark ages with Anno 1800 on steam
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L25[06:31:08] <Ashstar> Althego, nevermind
L26[06:31:13] <Althego> hehe
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L31[08:30:51] <Althego> zombanwa
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L44[14:29:33] <Azander> !mission
L45[14:29:34] <LunchBot> Wernher informs Jeb that he is the Chosen One. The spirit of Ted Kerman comes to haunt you every night ever after.
L46[14:41:59] <packbart> :)
L47[14:42:05] <packbart> poor Ted
L48[14:56:30] <Althego> and the haunting ends with: thank you for listening to mu ted talk
L49[15:31:08] ⇦ Quits: Revelator (~angryce@19.79-161-144.customer.lyse.net) (Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in)
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L54[16:30:39] <Guest53338> Hey, I'm running the latest version on Linux using ALSA and I'm not getting any audio. Apulse just crashes the game on launch. Has anyone else run into this problem?
L55[16:35:05] <Azander> I did some time ago. You need to make sure ALSA is up to date or switch to pulse Audio
L56[16:42:26] <Guest53338> how long ago?
L57[16:42:38] <Azander> 2-3 years
L58[16:43:04] <Azander> Which Linux Distro are you using?
L59[16:43:09] <Guest53338> Debian Sid
L60[16:43:34] <Azander> Pulse Audio is easier to manage than ALSA
L61[16:43:45] * Azander uses Mint
L62[16:44:14] <Guest53338> Pretty much my entire system revolves around the .asoundrc
L63[16:44:30] <Azander> hmmmm
L64[16:44:43] <Azander> Any error message from Apulse ?
L65[16:44:50] <Guest53338> nope
L66[16:45:00] <Guest53338> no error messages from the logs either about sound
L67[16:45:22] <Guest53338> unless it crashes, in which case one of the breakpoints is related to the audio issue
L68[16:45:30] <Guest53338> or appears to be
L69[16:46:19] <Azander> did youcheck KSP logs?
L70[16:47:05] <Guest53338> yep
L71[16:48:31] <Azander> than I don't know
L72[16:49:15] <Guest53338> The Unity Player.log is more interesting, particularly when it crashes
L73[16:50:13] <Guest53338> Something in FMOD
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L76[17:34:09] <ALBERTF> HI, I somehow got a parachute (the one the kerbals wear) stuck so that it shows on any screen, including the start screen where you pick resume saved game, also show in the space center, maps and all other views. Any ideas?
L77[17:35:08] <ALBERTF> I cannot click on it or anything. It is just there.
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L87[20:15:33] <darsie> .0
L88[20:15:36] <darsie> -0
L89[20:24:46] <Mat2ch> Hm?
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L91[20:38:39] <raptop> no ., only 0
L92[20:53:50] <Mat2ch> !mission
L93[20:53:51] <LunchBot> You decide to solve your problems by using regular expressions. You succeed.
L94[20:54:12] <Mat2ch> I don't know what to say.
L95[20:59:04] <packbart> it probably involves lots of parentheses
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L97[21:28:36] <Mat2ch> !mission
L98[21:28:37] <LunchBot> You taunt the ops. The SuclearnubPoint suffers a crisis, and nobody wants them anymore.
L99[21:29:34] <packbart> I hope they weren't an op
L100[21:30:08] <packbart> https://github.com/flashcactus/kountdown/issues/3 - uh-huh
L101[21:31:15] <packbart> ancient rites, forgotten over the years
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L103[21:42:01] <Mat2ch> That is almost a decade old...
L104[21:42:04] <Mat2ch> now I'm feeling old
L105[21:47:53] <packbart> wth are grinks?
L106[22:02:06] <raptop> I fell like the nuclearnubpoints would be extremely hard to retrive, given the death of kountdown
L107[22:11:04] <FLHerne> I can add them to LunchBot if anyone can tell me what they are :p
L108[22:18:03] <raptop> heh
L109[22:18:24] <raptop> If only there were a way to use them to deliver lunches...
L110[22:24:35] <XXCoder> last commit 7 years agi
L111[22:24:48] <XXCoder> ;mission
L112[22:24:48] <LunchBot> You cook dinner using the Poodle's advertised BBQ mode. We will be consumed by their trajectorial instability!
L113[22:26:47] <XXCoder> oh boy poodle eatiung us all with insability
L114[22:32:35] <raptop> Look, the kraken just wanted to join in the BBQ...
L115[22:34:00] <raptop> !mission
L116[22:34:00] <LunchBot> You post a series of 2-4 hour long youtube videos about your unique physics discovery and how there is a shadowy conspiracy trying to stop you. You invent a smaller version of the fission rocket thingie.
L117[22:34:23] <raptop> Okay, *maybe* I'm not a crank this time
L118[22:37:07] <packbart> *THEY* will still stop you.
L119[22:37:43] <packbart> (by filing copyright claims against the YT videos)
L120[23:36:30] ⇦ Quits: sandbox (~sandbox@host-92-7-168-119.as13285.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L121[23:54:05] <FLHerne> ;outcome add The economy does better, because not everyone is dead.
L122[23:54:05] <LunchBot> Added outcome: The economy does better, because not everyone is dead.
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