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L1[00:01:17] ⇨ Joins: MiguelX413 (~MiguelX41@
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L6[00:24:53] <SporkWitch> T-16 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nVSFEMAjKA
L7[00:25:14] <SporkWitch> ISS resupply mission
L8[00:25:38] ⇦ Quits: nate (NBishop@o.apocaleaps.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L9[00:26:00] <SporkWitch> sorry, correct stream link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnowEqqMiFs
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L15[01:08:34] <raptop> !outcome bodies
L16[01:08:34] <LunchBot> You do not recognize the bodies in the water.
L17[01:09:05] <XXCoder> totally not from your mission
L18[01:09:09] <XXCoder> ;mission
L19[01:09:10] <LunchBot> You attempt to play marbles with asteroids. The resulting substance is coarse, rough, and irritating, and gets everywhere.
L20[01:09:23] <XXCoder> asteroid powder is mean
L21[01:09:48] <raptop> XXCoder: I mean, while that's a bad outcome it's considerably better than what happens if you *do* recognize the bodies in the water
L22[01:10:04] <XXCoder> ;mission add You plan a launch to Mun to snort powder found there.
L23[01:10:04] <LunchBot> Added mission: You plan a launch to Mun to snort powder found there.
L24[01:10:23] <XXCoder> rap true lol
L25[01:10:44] <raptop> cave johnson endorses this mission
L26[01:10:49] <XXCoder> yep
L27[01:11:06] * raptop wonders if there's a way to get more SCPs into more or less relevant missions/outcomes
L28[01:11:31] <SporkWitch> i support this goal; SCP is awesome
L29[01:11:39] <SporkWitch> why the game Control was so good haha
L30[01:12:33] <XXCoder> ;outcome add You succed on mission! unfortunately it was NEXT mission that was launched. Mission you was supposed to start is now late.
L31[01:12:34] <LunchBot> Added outcome: You succed on mission! unfortunately it was NEXT mission that was launched. Mission you was supposed to start is now late.
L32[01:13:35] <raptop> ;outcome fixup s/succed/succeed/
L33[01:13:35] <LunchBot> New text is: You succeed on mission! unfortunately it was NEXT mission that was launched. Mission you was supposed to start is now late.
L34[01:13:46] <XXCoder> thanks
L35[01:13:54] <funkenstein> ;outcome add The Mün dust makes you bleed, so you set off in search of Even Crazier Spacedust.
L36[01:13:54] <LunchBot> Added outcome: The Mün dust makes you bleed, so you set off in search of Even Crazier Spacedust.
L37[01:14:04] <XXCoder> lol
L38[01:16:16] <funkenstein> ;outcome add Succ a thicc booster, old man •̀ω•̀
L39[01:16:16] <LunchBot> Added outcome: Succ a thicc booster, old man •̀ω•̀
L40[01:16:27] <SporkWitch> ...
L41[01:16:46] <funkenstein> I'm blaming that thought process on xxcoder's fixup
L42[01:16:51] <raptop> uh
L43[01:17:13] <raptop> This feels like the sort of thing that forces ops to make judgement calls
L44[01:17:36] <SporkWitch> i vote remove it; it's arguably not kid-friendly, and it's not even funny, thus not in the spirit of the bot
L45[01:17:50] <XXCoder> agreed
L46[01:17:53] <funkenstein> ;outcome del Succ a thicc booster, old man •̀ω•̀
L47[01:17:53] <LunchBot> Deleted outcome: "Succ a thicc booster, old man •̀ω•̀"
L48[01:20:57] <funkenstein> ;mission add You give the applicant kerbals jobs painting the rockets a lovely scarlet
L49[01:20:57] <LunchBot> Added mission: You give the applicant kerbals jobs painting the rockets a lovely scarlet
L50[01:21:38] <funkenstein> ;mission fixup s/scarlet/scarlet./
L51[01:21:38] <LunchBot> New text is: You give the applicant kerbals jobs painting the rockets a lovely scarlet.
L52[01:26:18] <raptop> I mean, the red boosters *do* have more Δv...
L53[01:28:27] <SporkWitch> this aligns with the theory that kerbals are Warhammer 40k Orks. They BELIEVE the red makes it go faster, so it does
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L68[04:42:46] <funkenstein> ;outcome add You delete your mods, realising you were playing the wrong game the whole time.
L69[04:42:46] <LunchBot> Added outcome: You delete your mods, realising you were playing the wrong game the whole time.
L70[04:44:15] <funkenstein> ;mission add You invoke the wrath of Werhner von German.
L71[04:44:15] <LunchBot> Added mission: You invoke the wrath of Werhner von German.
L72[04:57:03] ⇦ Quits: Neal (~Neal@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L73[05:14:46] <Izaya> concept: combined docking port and airlock part
L74[05:15:13] <funkenstein> I wonderedwhy that isnm't a thing
L75[05:15:54] <SporkWitch> it's definitely a bit weird what lets you out and what doesn't. I wish there were a visual indicator if you've obstructed the port, too
L76[05:16:11] <Izaya> yeah port obstruction is extreme pain
L77[05:16:23] <funkenstein> also, LFO tanks properly sized to fit the juno/wheesley engines
L78[05:17:00] <funkenstein> perhaps a right click tab that tells you the port is obstructed
L79[05:17:10] <funkenstein> right next to autostrut
L80[05:17:30] <SporkWitch> why would you need LFO tanks for those? they're air-breathers...
L81[05:18:59] <funkenstein> I don't but I would assume an appropriately sized rocket engine would come with
L82[05:19:19] <funkenstein> furthermore, tiny rapiers!
L83[05:19:30] <Izaya> maybe I should poke at modifying some parts and seeing what breaks
L84[05:19:44] <SporkWitch> there's always tweakscale
L85[05:20:12] <Izaya> was looking at the Helios landers in For All Mankind and they're sort of uhhhh
L86[05:20:37] <funkenstein> yeah
L87[05:20:41] <Izaya> [) shaped, with a docking port on one end
L88[05:21:11] <Izaya> was thinking it'd be neat to copy them but building them with an offset CoM would be a pain >.>
L89[05:22:02] <funkenstein> they look like a star wars cargo crate mated with an at-st
L90[05:22:47] <funkenstein> ;mission
L91[05:22:47] <LunchBot> You murder a microwave for its magnetron and install it in your rocket. Your computer says "I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave", and you ditch the project to try to figure out who the hell is this "Dave" that messed up your computer.
L92[05:23:24] <funkenstein> ;mission
L93[05:23:24] <LunchBot> You fly out to Eeloo in search of Things What Make You Fight Good. You never stop screaming, ever.
L94[05:25:06] <Izaya> sidenote if you have tantares this makes a cute lander https://shadowkat.net/tmp/53dc.jpg
L95[05:27:43] <SporkWitch> the microwave mission reminds me of this: https://img.memecdn.com/amp-quot-decepticons-amp-quot-a-good-reason-to-carry-a-gun-at-all-times-cause-you-know-no-super-armor-or-anything_o_4728195.jpg
L96[05:27:54] <Izaya> airlock module and 3-seater soyuz style return module parts, 4-seater lander that can do Mun descent and ascent with a little extra tankage
L97[05:39:46] ⇦ Quits: Severian (~severian@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L100[05:56:16] ⇦ Quits: Severian (~severian@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L102[06:04:26] ⇨ Joins: heinz9 (~trace@ip5b42976d.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
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L132[11:37:41] <darsie> 1337
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L135[11:47:29] <XXCoder> ;mission
L136[11:47:29] <LunchBot> You build a lightning gun. Your space program is considered a hoax.
L137[11:47:45] <XXCoder> well I have handy weapon to go attack those people
L138[11:49:22] ⇨ Joins: Kevin (~kevin@rrcs-98-100-162-234.central.biz.rr.com)
L139[11:56:28] <Azander> ;mission
L140[11:56:28] <LunchBot> You try to capitalise your capacity of flux capacitors. The Trio gets banned for profanity.
L141[12:01:59] *** RoboFreak is now known as Althego
L142[13:01:42] ⇦ Quits: kubi (~kubi@2001:1ba8:1130:f200:21e:6ff:fe32:62f2) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L145[13:10:43] <Althego> guh
L146[13:10:51] <Mat2ch> Yes?
L147[13:18:16] <sandbox> hug
L148[13:46:45] *** join_subline is now known as \join_subline
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L152[14:38:47] <raptop> hugs are usually good
L153[14:39:21] <raptop> !outcome add Your save is corrupted, and now you have to be a fee of several thousand funds for each time you enter a building.
L154[14:39:21] <LunchBot> Added outcome: Your save is corrupted, and now you have to be a fee of several thousand funds for each time you enter a building.
L155[14:39:44] <sandbox> ?
L156[14:41:45] <raptop> corruption as in data damage vs corruption as in paying bribes
L157[14:41:56] <raptop> oh, my grammar is... wonky
L158[14:42:04] <sandbox> ^
L159[14:42:08] <raptop> I thought I typed "pay" not "be"
L160[14:42:29] <raptop> ;outcome fixup s/to be a fee/to pay a "fee"/
L161[14:42:29] <LunchBot> New text is: Your save is corrupted, and now you have to pay a "fee" of several thousand funds for each time you enter a building.
L162[14:42:48] <raptop> ;outcome fixup s/ for / /
L163[14:42:49] <LunchBot> New text is: Your save is corrupted, and now you have to pay a "fee" of several thousand funds each time you enter a building.
L164[14:43:20] <sandbox> I think "you must pay" would be better
L165[14:43:51] <raptop> probably
L166[14:43:52] <raptop> ;outcome fixup s/have to/must/
L167[14:43:53] <LunchBot> New text is: Your save is corrupted, and now you must pay a "fee" of several thousand funds each time you enter a building.
L168[15:19:40] <SporkWitch> raptop: if you go with "your save is corrupt" you get the double entendre you seem to be going for, as using that grammar, the meaning could be in the data sense or the moral sense
L169[15:55:06] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~izaya@ (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2+deb2+b1 - https://znc.in)
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L174[16:44:05] ChanServ sets mode: +o on Deddly
L175[16:50:22] * Deddly just discovered the existence of Pallas cats
L176[16:51:10] <Deddly> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzK6NFoBPXs
L177[16:51:20] <Deddly> THE BODY IS *ROUND*
L178[16:51:42] <Althego> or just fluffy
L179[16:53:08] <Deddly> It's actually round
L180[17:18:16] ⇦ Quits: Revelator (~angryce@251.84-49-203.nextgentel.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L181[17:34:54] <Deddly> Cool https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/208531-im-back-from-the-dead-and-thank-all-of-you/#comment-4143127
L182[17:37:33] <raptop> kitty!
L183[17:38:05] <Deddly> ^
L184[17:40:08] <raptop> (also cool about the aerospace engineering degree)
L185[18:15:04] ⇦ Quits: Deddly (~Deddly@ua-84-216-129-66.bbcust.telenor.se) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L197[21:33:01] <funkenstein> ;mission
L198[21:33:01] <LunchBot> You give your spaceplane a bad attitude. Read error: Connection timed out.
L199[21:34:29] <raptop> That feels extremely like a loss of contact as a robotic craft is destroyed on reentry
L200[21:34:44] <funkenstein> heh
L201[21:34:54] <funkenstein> ;mission
L202[21:34:54] <LunchBot> A question weirdly phrased you ask. You celebrate by crashing an asteroid into the Mun.
L203[21:35:53] <funkenstein> if only crashing an asteroid into the mun or any other body would result in a crater which could be explored for nw science
L204[21:35:59] <funkenstein> new*
L205[21:42:13] <raptop> Well, there's the whole seismic thing
L206[21:43:57] <funkenstein> yes, but I'm not clear with that...do I have to send a lander to the body just after starting an asteroid towards the surface? wouldn't physics range mean I can't crash the asteroid and test the seismic forces on the other side of the mun
L207[21:44:29] <funkenstein> or do I bring an asteroid with me and try to land before it does
L208[21:52:53] * raptop is unclear, I think you need to land first
L209[22:01:01] <funkenstein> ;mission
L210[22:01:01] <LunchBot> You decide to save weight on your fuel tanks by replacing them with plastic bags. You stumble upon a team of faux-scientists arguing dimensions.
L211[22:01:56] <funkenstein> ;outcome add 5000m up, your fuel bags rupture, showering everyone below.
L212[22:01:56] <LunchBot> Added outcome: 5000m up, your fuel bags rupture, showering everyone below.
L213[22:05:17] <Mat2ch> !mission
L214[22:05:17] <LunchBot> Wolfram confuses kilobytes with trilobytes. Your day just goes downhill from there. Literally nothing happens.
L215[22:10:35] <funkenstein> ;mission
L216[22:10:35] <LunchBot> You hire thousands of high-stupidity kerbonauts. yoha obliterates you.
L217[22:10:54] <funkenstein> I use the worst of them as inentional sacrifices
L218[22:43:34] ⇦ Quits: sandbox (~sandbox@host-92-30-123-106.as13285.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L219[22:52:52] <raptop> an acceptable use
L220[23:00:59] ⇦ Quits: darsie (~darsie@84-113-55-200.cable.dynamic.surfer.at) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L221[23:01:03] ⇦ Quits: jazzkutya (~jazzkutya@catv-80-98-192-176.catv.fixed.vodafone.hu) (Quit: Leaving)
L222[23:23:13] <funkenstein> goo for the goo god
L223[23:23:37] <raptop> science for the science tree^H^H^H^H^Hthrone
L224[23:24:00] <raptop> tech tree, whatever
L225[23:24:05] <funkenstein> ;outcome add goo for the goo god.
L226[23:24:06] <LunchBot> Added outcome: goo for the goo god.
L227[23:26:43] <Mat2ch> !mission
L228[23:26:44] <LunchBot> You sell your soul to The Kraken. The Kraken dines on your vessel.
L229[23:26:53] <funkenstein> wow
L230[23:26:53] <Mat2ch> Well, if that's all
L231[23:26:55] <Mat2ch> I take it.
L232[23:27:09] <Mat2ch> I hope he likes, uh, some frozen peas
L233[23:27:49] <funkenstein> was that in reference to the urine tank levels
L234[23:27:53] <funkenstein> lol
L235[23:45:07] <funkenstein> ;mission add You seek to deal with waste disposal in orbit by ordering a troop of space pigs.
L236[23:45:08] <LunchBot> Added mission: You seek to deal with waste disposal in orbit by ordering a troop of space pigs.
L237[23:47:07] <funkenstein> ;outcome add Porcine prelates pester you with pointless problems. Perfect.
L238[23:47:07] <LunchBot> Added outcome: Porcine prelates pester you with pointless problems. Perfect.
L239[23:55:45] ⇦ Quits: raptop (~Newpa_Has@ip98-169-16-17.dc.dc.cox.net) (Quit: leaving)
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