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Stuff goes here
L1[00:20:52] ⇨ Joins: Wastl4 (~Wastl2@dynamic-077-013-189-179.77.13.pool.telefonica.de)
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L3[01:23:15] ⇦ Quits: Fluburtur (~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:b9e5:9b34:a422:12e) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L11[04:27:45] ChanServ sets mode: +o on Althego
L12[05:31:08] ⇦ Quits: purpletarget (~purpletar@d207-81-104-80.bchsia.telus.net) (Quit: Any fool can calculate)
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L24[11:37:03] <darsie> 1337
L25[11:37:27] <Althego> yes
L26[11:37:30] <Althego> i noticed it this time
L27[11:37:58] <darsie> 1337
L28[11:38:00] <darsie> hmm
L29[11:38:25] <darsie> I put it there, but when I hit enter, it didn't send it, so I sent it again. Couldn't reproduce the failure.
L30[12:00:59] ⇨ Joins: heinz9 (~trace@ip5b42976d.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L31[12:19:44] <Kalpa> Lö kokkemoo with you too
L32[12:37:47] <FLHerne> 1337
L33[12:40:44] <FLHerne> ;mission add LunchBot leaves out 30-50 feral hogs.
L34[12:40:44] <LunchBot> Added mission: LunchBot leaves out 30-50 feral hogs.
L35[12:49:09] <darsie> explain
L36[12:52:02] <FLHerne> raptop's fault
L37[13:27:06] ⇦ Quits: Althego (~Althego@ (Quit: Leaving)
L38[13:34:41] ⇦ Quits: Kalpa (~kalpa@87-92-221-202.rev.dnainternet.fi) (Quit: Lost terminal)
L39[13:38:46] ⇨ Joins: Kalpa (~kalpa@87-92-221-202.rev.dnainternet.fi)
L40[13:57:47] <packbart> !mission
L41[13:57:47] <LunchBot> You commission a combination memorial obelisk/space elevator. Your website is blacklisted from Google due to <h1> tag abuse.
L42[13:58:29] <packbart> <h1><blink>Who wants a moustache obelisk ride?</blink></h1>
L43[14:27:46] ⇨ Joins: Althego (~Althego@BC062E61.dsl.pool.telekom.hu)
L44[14:27:46] ChanServ sets mode: +o on Althego
L45[14:40:42] * UmbralRaptor >_>
L46[14:41:12] <Althego> 3d bird today
L47[14:46:22] ⇨ Joins: Ezriilc (~Ezriilc@
L48[15:18:18] ⇦ Quits: rubdos (~rubdos@2a02:578:859d:700:8b44:5716:382d:a7da) (Quit: WeeChat 3.4)
L49[15:23:09] ⇨ Joins: rubdos (~rubdos@
L50[15:24:10] ⇨ Joins: funkenstein (webchat@c-67-171-250-49.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
L51[15:25:12] <funkenstein> :outcome add The resulting substance is coarse, rough, and irritating, and gets everywhere.
L52[15:25:12] <LunchBot> Added outcome: The resulting substance is coarse, rough, and irritating, and gets everywhere.
L53[15:27:20] <funkenstein> ;mission add A long time ago- Actually, never, and also now, nothing is nowhere. When? Never. Makes sense, right? Like I said, it didn't happen. Nothing was never anywhere. That's why it's been everywhere. It's been so everywhere, you don't need a where. You don't even need a when. That's how "every" it gets.
L54[15:27:20] <LunchBot> Added mission: A long time ago- Actually, never, and also now, nothing is nowhere. When? Never. Makes sense, right? Like I said, it didn't happen. Nothing was never anywhere. That's why it's been everywhere. It's been so everywhere, you don't need a where. You don't even need a when. That's how "every" it gets.
L55[15:27:34] <funkenstein> ;mission
L56[15:27:34] <LunchBot> You try to play Orbiter. Your beard becomes so thick.
L57[15:28:45] <Althego> so mastering it took some time
L58[15:30:45] <funkenstein> or perhaps a frequency generated by your pc's fans while trying to do so stimulates hair growth
L59[15:31:32] <funkenstein> science: no comic-book-ish narrative tool; yes
L60[15:33:21] <funkenstein> ;outcome add You salvage your damaged return vehicle using a trick you learned from an episode of Duck Tales.
L61[15:33:22] <LunchBot> Added outcome: You salvage your damaged return vehicle using a trick you learned from an episode of Duck Tales.
L62[15:34:37] <funkenstein> ;mission add You try to make an emergency flare using one of the countless bicycle frames found on the Mun.
L63[15:34:37] <LunchBot> Added mission: You try to make an emergency flare using one of the countless bicycle frames found on the Mun.
L64[15:34:40] <funkenstein> ;mission
L65[15:34:40] <LunchBot> You slow down to speed up. Moist.
L66[15:34:47] <funkenstein> oh
L67[15:34:54] <funkenstein> ;mission
L68[15:34:54] <LunchBot> You get a gravity assist from Jool. You lose contact with mission control when peer resets your connection.
L69[15:35:04] <funkenstein> ;mission
L70[15:35:04] <LunchBot> Someone asks for your help on #kspofficial. You get your SI prefixes mixed up.
L71[15:35:11] <funkenstein> ;mission
L72[15:35:11] <LunchBot> You spike your fuel with red mercury. kmath stares at you.
L73[15:35:46] <Althego> ;mission add The alignment of the gyroscopes takes too long and you miss your launch window.
L74[15:35:46] <LunchBot> Added mission: The alignment of the gyroscopes takes too long and you miss your launch window.
L75[15:35:53] <Althego> oh no i wanted an outcome
L76[15:36:17] <Althego> ;mission del The alignment of the gyroscopes takes too long and you miss your launch window.
L77[15:36:17] <LunchBot> Deleted mission: "The alignment of the gyroscopes takes too long and you miss your launch window."
L78[15:36:28] <Althego> ;outcome add The alignment of the gyroscopes takes too long and you miss your launch window.
L79[15:36:28] <LunchBot> Added outcome: The alignment of the gyroscopes takes too long and you miss your launch window.
L80[15:42:50] <funkenstein> ;mission
L81[15:42:50] <LunchBot> You cook up a really nice batch of random. The remainder of the crew are internally referred to as "red shirts".
L82[15:43:04] <funkenstein> ;mission
L83[15:43:04] <LunchBot> Jeb has been cooking with gas - again... At least your crew capsules can be easily repurposed as spy satellites.
L84[15:43:27] <funkenstein> gassed the crews I guess
L85[15:56:01] <FLHerne> clearly I need to add a rate-limit
L86[15:56:21] <raptop> probably
L87[16:31:41] * darsie limited his rate of thinking.
L88[16:32:10] <Althego> thermodynamics already did
L89[16:36:32] * packbart stares blankly at the screen
L90[16:55:02] * raptop adjusts packbart's v-sync
L91[16:58:51] <Althego> hehe
L92[17:02:43] <Althego> bird
L93[17:05:47] <Althego> kikkerikii
L94[17:21:25] <Kalpa> I saw a pheasant mother with seven chicks today
L95[17:22:59] <packbart> "The Big Bang Never Happened--The Science of the Censored Papers" - is this the Flat Earth of Cosmology? ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlFpq49Ri8Y tl;dw )
L96[17:24:35] <sandbox> I wish... that show was awful
L97[17:26:31] <packbart> I just read the description and it was all about "Big Science is censoring this work!11"
L98[17:31:45] <Pinkbeast> grift, I guess - LPP crowdfunds fusion research, scientists say it won't work, crackpot theory that, by a happy coincidence, will also make their fusion device feasible. If, y'know, they can get a bit more money
L99[17:34:12] <Althego> ah the constant free energy people who just need a bit more money
L100[17:35:16] <SporkWitch> as the saying goes, fusion is just 10 years away, just like it was 10 years ago, and the 10 years before that...
L101[17:35:37] <sandbox> it's 30 years away
L102[17:36:01] <SporkWitch> technically speaking we cracked fusion 50 years ago. A hydrogen bomb uses fusion, and will provide you unlimited energy for the rest of your life ;)
L103[17:36:14] <Althego> hehehe
L104[17:36:37] <packbart> so, just build a Dyson sphere around a hydrogen bomb. Profit!
L105[17:39:19] <SporkWitch> i forget the consensus, would a dyson sphere be stable? I know a niven ring wouldn't be
L106[17:40:35] <SporkWitch> I want to say most of the serious discussion these days is a "dyson swarm"; instead of a solid shell, a dense constellation of satellites, so they're actually in stable orbits and you don't have to balance gravity
L107[17:53:42] ⇨ Joins: hnOsmium0001 (uid453710@id-453710.hampstead.irccloud.com)
L108[18:17:42] <FLHerne> Kalpa: I bet that won't last long, pheasants are pretty daft things
L109[18:18:00] <FLHerne> SporkWitch: no
L110[18:18:08] <FLHerne> it's pretty much a 3D version of the ring
L111[18:18:25] <FLHerne> not actively unstable, but it'll drift
L112[18:18:55] <SporkWitch> i couldn't remember if the thinking was that since it's completely enclosing it, as long as you balanced it right, it would be stable. But yeah, much easier to just do a swarm
L113[18:21:52] ⇨ Joins: Tank2333 (~Tank2333@p5ddaab0d.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L114[18:25:05] ⇦ Quits: Fire-Dragon-DoL (~Fire-Drag@d108-172-211-72.bchsia.telus.net) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L115[18:48:35] ⇨ Joins: XXCoder (~XXCoder@174-21-61-180.tukw.qwest.net)
L116[19:14:10] ⇨ Joins: Fire-Dragon-DoL (~Fire-Drag@d23-16-25-190.bchsia.telus.net)
L117[19:18:07] <raptop> "The second paper shows, with the latest data, how large-scale structures could not have formed in the time since the hypothesized Big Bang—and how they really formed from plasma filamentation."
L118[19:18:11] <raptop> Ahah
L119[19:18:53] <raptop> Along with the whole free-energy scam thing, they're pushing plasma cosmology stuff (like electric universe, but usually a bit less in crank-land)
L120[19:20:46] <SporkWitch> This is why you don't do drugs
L121[19:22:58] ⇦ Quits: Fire-Dragon-DoL (~Fire-Drag@d23-16-25-190.bchsia.telus.net) (Quit: Quit)
L122[19:27:58] * raptop eyes my coffee consumption uneasily
L123[19:31:58] ⇦ Quits: Fluburtur (~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:6d1f:ad8c:cebe:5988) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L124[19:48:58] ⇦ Quits: Althego (~Althego@BC062E61.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury)
L125[19:54:42] ⇦ Quits: Tank2333 (~Tank2333@p5ddaab0d.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L126[21:27:38] ⇨ Joins: immibis (~hexchat@
L127[21:41:02] <raptop> !mission
L128[21:41:03] <LunchBot> You attempt to reduce your trajectory calculations to a quadratic equation. The Kraken bakes and then devours Gilly.
L129[21:41:42] <raptop> !nextlunch add A Gilly-sized potato.
L130[21:41:42] <LunchBot> Added lunch: A Gilly-sized potato.
L131[22:15:41] ⇦ Quits: nate (NBishop@o.apocaleaps.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L132[22:15:46] ⇨ Joins: nate (NBishop@o.apocaleaps.com)
L133[22:24:34] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~izaya@ (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2+deb2+b1 - https://znc.in)
L134[22:27:42] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (~izaya@
L135[22:59:39] ⇦ Quits: sandbox (~sandbox@host-92-30-123-106.as13285.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L136[23:01:16] <packbart> !mission
L137[23:01:16] <LunchBot> You invite everyone in IRC to try your Sausage Rocket Boosters, cooked on your hand-made poodle engine style BBQ. The result cannot be renormalized.
L138[23:02:55] <packbart> of course. the heat denaturalizes the proteins in the Sausage Rockets
L139[23:02:59] <packbart> I would not *want* to even try to re-normalized a cooked Sausage Rocket Booster
L140[23:03:22] <raptop> :D
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